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Making Sense of Monetary Policy

Charles L. Evans
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

AFP Global Corporate Treasurers Forum
Four Seasons Hotel
Chicago, IL
May 19, 2011

The views expressed today are my own and not necessarily
Those of the Federal Reserve System or the FOMC.

Making Sense of Monetary Policy
Charles L. Evans
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Thank you, Greg, for that kind introduction. It is a pleasure to be here.
Before offering my perspective on the U.S. economy and monetary policy, let me
emphasize that the views that I am presenting today are my own and not necessarily
those of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) or my other colleagues in the
Federal Reserve System.
Dual Mandate
As you know, the Fed has a dual mandate from Congress to encourage conditions that
foster both maximum employment and price stability. The FOMC conducts monetary
policy with these objectives in mind. In normal times, the FOMC operates by
appropriately setting the federal funds rate, which is the interest rate on overnight loans
between banks. Other actions may be taken during unusual times, such as those we
faced in the past several years.
Regardless of the economic environment in which we operate, it is vital that the Fed
communicate its strategies as clearly as possible. This issue of transparency in
conducting monetary policy is not new. To paraphrase John Adams, “All the
perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise … from the downright ignorance of
the nature of coin, credit and circulation.” For an institution that is so closely scrutinized,
the Fed still strives to find ways to better communicate its views. Chairman Bernanke’s
recent press conference is an example of this.
As we navigate the coming quarters and contemplate altering the stance of monetary
policy someday, clear communication will play an even more important role. I am
reminded of a story. In 1981 James Tobin won the Nobel Prize in economics for his
contributions to portfolio selection theory. At a news conference, when asked to explain
the sophisticated models underlying his analysis of risk and return in layman’s terms,
the Nobel Laureate succinctly stated, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” He
managed to condense a large body of complex work into language that most people
could understand.
I hope I can be as clear today in offering my viewpoints on the economy and monetary
So, where do we stand relative to our dual mandate of maximum employment and price


Recent Developments in Economic Activity
Let me start with a discussion of output growth and employment. Following a deep and
lengthy recession, the U.S. economy is now on firmer footing. There are many reasons
to be optimistic. Over the past three months, job growth has averaged 233,000 per
month, up from an anemic 104,000 over the previous three months. The unemployment
rate has fallen from 9.8 percent last November to 9 percent in April. The improving jobs
picture supports household income and with it household spending. Furthermore, low
interest rates and higher saving have helped shore up household balance sheets,
although net worth is still far below where it was prior to the recession. Businesses’
balance sheets have improved as well—indeed, the improvements here have been
more dramatic, and many firms now hold ample cash reserves. In addition, those
looking for external funding can obtain low-cost financing from capital markets, and the
availability and terms of bank lending have improved notably from crisis levels.
Business investment in equipment and software has been robust, and the hesitancy
businesses have shown in hiring is slowly giving way to plans for moderate employment
growth. Manufacturing is particularly strong, reflecting in part the solid demand for
capital goods from both here and abroad. On the policy front, monetary policy remains
accommodative and, on the fiscal side, payroll tax reductions and tax incentives for
investment expensing help support business spending.
Nonetheless, areas of weakness remain. Both residential construction and commercial
construction remain at very depressed levels of activity. Although improving, access to
credit remains limited and may still constrain some borrowers. State and local
governments are making deep cuts in spending as they struggle to balance their
budgets. Higher energy prices represent a reduction in domestic purchasing power for
both households and businesses—I will speak more about the impact of rising energy
and commodities prices later. And the recent natural disaster in Japan may negatively
affect certain segments of the U.S. economy that rely on Japanese imports. Indeed, in
April we saw parts shortages arising from the earthquake triggering a drop in motor
vehicle production in the U.S.
So, given these upside and downside risks to economic activity, what is my outlook for
Forecasts for Output and Unemployment
At our FOMC meetings, my colleagues and I discuss recent developments and provide
forecasts for key measures of economic activity. These forecasts are reported four
times a year; the most recent ones were released just after our April meeting. Most of
the projections for real gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2011 were in the range
of 3.1 to 3.3 percent. This is down about half a percentage point since our January
projections were made. But the revision is largely due to a weak first-quarter GDP
number, which in turn appears to have been substantially influenced by transitory
factors such as the timing of weak defense spending. Growth is expected to pick up as
we move forward, with most forecasts for 2013 falling between 3.5 and 4.3 percent.


Despite these clear signs of progress, the roughly 3.75 percent growth we anticipate for
the next couple years is too low to generate swift relief in the labor market. Simple
calculations that relate real GDP growth to changes in the unemployment rate suggest
this growth would reduce the unemployment rate by roughly three-quarters of a
percentage point a year. Of course this calculation is based on historical averages and
may not be a good approximation in the current economic environment for a number of
reasons. 1 Nevertheless, with the current unemployment rate standing at 9 percent,
these calculations suggest that it could take quite some time for the unemployment rate
to return to the 5.25 to 5.5 percent range that most FOMC participants see as being
consistent with our dual mandate in the long run. Indeed, my colleagues project the
unemployment rate will still be relatively high—in the range of 6.8 to 7.2 percent—at the
end of 2013.
Such a forecast for moderate real GDP growth and its implications for slow
improvement in the labor market lead me to believe that accommodative monetary
policy continues to be warranted to address this part of our dual mandate.
Now let me turn to the inflation component of our dual mandate. Before discussing the
outlook, let me start with some basics that should help clarify my reasoning.
At the risk of sounding like an economics professor (which I was), inflation is defined as
a continuing increase in the general level of prices of all goods and services in the
There are two important elements to this definition. First, inflation is broad-based. It is a
tendency for the prices of most goods and services to rise more or less in concert. And
second, inflation is a continuing increase in the price level over time: A one-off increase
in the price level is not inflation. Price increases have to be sustained.
As corporate treasurers, you examine the yield curve to get an idea of how the market
foresees developments in short-term rates continuing into the future. For example,
events may reduce the slope of the yield curve by moving short-term rates up much
more than longer-term rates. This would mean markets are not expecting the higher
level of short-term rates to be sustained—they are not building in a change in the level
of the yield curve. We policymakers face a similar puzzle in weighing the impact of
inflationary developments today: We must evaluate the near-term influence and
consider whether the entire path of future inflation also has been altered. Are we just
seeing a change in the slope, or are we seeing a change in the level of inflation?
Keep these ideas in mind as I turn to a discussion of the recent run-up in gasoline and
commodities prices.


Structural factors, such as extended unemployment insurance benefits, may keep the unemployment
rate elevated for quite some time.

Global Commodities Markets
The surge in prices paid at the pump and the headlines of rising food prices are striking.
Such increases put a dent in consumers’ purchasing power, and many households have
had to make difficult adjustments.
What accounts for these sharp price increases? The markets for oil and commodities
are global. Changes in demand and supply originating in far-off places have an
immediate impact on prices everywhere. There is swelling demand from developing
countries for food to feed an increasingly middle-class population, as well as increasing
demand for industrial commodities to build infrastructure. At the same time, demand
from rebounding economies is picking up. On the supply side, unique events have
temporarily constrained output for many products. Drought in Russia and flooding in
Australia have decreased global food supplies. And fear that turmoil in oil-producing
countries may restrict the flow of petroleum has helped push up the price of crude oil.
Relative Price Changes
These price increases have resulted in painful budget decisions for many households.
But it is a mistake to point to an extraordinary rise in the price of any particular good—
such as gasoline—and extrapolate that price increase as having broader inflationary
Figure 1


Although gasoline and food prices dominate the headlines, the chart shows that almost
80 percent of the goods and services consumers purchase have had price increases of
less than two percent over the past year. This is the highest percentage of expenditures
with under 2 percent inflation since the mid-1960s, when total consumer inflation was a
mere 1.5 percent. Furthermore, in periods of high inflation, one observes a large fraction
of prices increasing more than two percent. That does not appear to describe the
current situation.
The increase in the price of a single item makes it more expensive relative to all other
goods and services—what economists call a change in a relative price. This is far
different from the concept of inflation as a continuing increase in average prices.
Indeed, changes in relative prices provide important signals to market participants,
encouraging consumers to find ways to economize and giving suppliers an incentive to
increase production. Moreover, in such cases, there is not a direct role for monetary
policy: Monetary policy cannot affect the scarcity of resources that relative prices reflect.
Limited Role for Relative Price Changes to Generate Inflation
To be sure, such relative price movements could evolve into sustained price increases
for a broader base of goods and services—that is, they could possibly generate
inflation. Historical evidence suggests that rising commodity prices will generate inflation
only if certain conditions prevail: price increases have to be sustained; commodities
have to account for a large share of costs of production or wages have to increase in
tandem with commodity prices; and consumer demand has to be firm enough that firms
are able to pass through higher production costs to consumers. Given the historical
evidence and the current state of the economy, I don’t think those conditions exist
today. Therefore, I believe the impact of rising commodities prices on inflation will be
Let me briefly elaborate on each of these points.


Figure 2

This chart shows the change in petroleum prices in a given year on the horizontal axis
and the change in core inflation as measured by Personal Consumption Expenditures
(PCE) Price Index the following year on the vertical axis. Core PCE inflation is a general
measure of inflation that the FOMC tends to focus on. It has the benefit of stripping out
the volatile food and energy components, leaving broad underlying trends. Each point
on the graph represents a single year between 1981 and 2010.
Most people seem to think that higher petroleum prices in one year are followed by
higher prices for many goods and services the following year. And this certainly was the
case in 1987, when petroleum prices rose about 30 percent. This rapid increase was
followed by an increase in core PCE inflation of 0.6 percentage point in 1988. But this
relationship between petroleum prices and subsequent inflation does not hold true at
other times. In fact, there is very little evidence of petroleum price increases foretelling


Figure 3

Consider 2009—a year in which we again had rapid oil price increases of about 30
percent. In the following year, rather than rising, core inflation actually declined 0.9
percentage point in 2010. History offers no clear patterns: Oil price increases are just as
likely to be followed by lower core inflation in the coming year as they are to be followed
by higher inflation.


Figure 4

In the chart this is shown by the solid regression line that describes the average
relationship between the data. Rather than being positively sloped—indicating
increasing oil prices are on average associated with increasing core inflation in the
following year, the regression line is almost flat—indicating there is little systematic
relationship between these data.
In addition, petroleum prices are quite volatile. For example, by the end of 2007 the
price of West Texas Intermediate crude was just over 51 percent higher than it had
been a year earlier. But the following year, all of that price increase was reversed. And
think about the past few weeks: Oil prices fell about $15 per barrel in a matter of days
early in May and have stayed down since then.


Wage–Price Dynamics
What about commodities in general? Although they are quite important for some
products, commodities only contribute a minor portion to the total cost of bringing most
items to market. And for commodity cost increases to influence consumer prices, firms
must be able to pass cost increases on to customers. In today’s economy with many
sectors still experiencing lax demand, many firms may not be able to pass on these cost
increases. Instead, rising input costs will put a squeeze on their profit margins.
Indeed, when talking about costs of production, the most important by far is the
compensation paid to labor. In 2009, U.S. businesses spent about $480 billion on
energy inputs, $250 billion on primary metals, and about $7.8 trillion on labor.
That same year a Wall Street Journal blog stated that in 2008, the purchasing power of
the dollar had decreased by more than 95 percent since 1913. 2 In isolation the fact that
the price level is about 20 times higher now than it was just before World War I is quite
disturbing. But it is important to remember that wages have more than kept pace so that
the standard of living far exceeds 1913 levels. In fact, personal income is now 20 times
higher since just 1967, at the height of the Vietnam War. The point is that over long
periods of time wages and prices both tend to trend up.
On this point, an economist I know talks about having received a nickel as a weekly
allowance. (This is obviously a long time ago. My kids would have scoffed at the idea of
a nickel.) Each week this future economist would take her nickel and head to the local
candy store to purchase a particular candy bar that cost exactly 5 cents. One week she
was stunned to find the same candy bar—which only a week earlier had cost a nickel—
now cost a dime. Realizing that she would need to consume less or earn more, she
asked her parents to double her allowance. Fortunately for her, her parents agreed. Had
they not, she would have cut her consumption in half.
Indeed, when we have seen large and sustained bouts of inflation in the U.S., they have
been accompanied by large and sustained increases in Iabor costs. It’s what we used to
refer to as a “wage–price spiral” during periods of high inflation in the 1970s and 1980s.
But the interactions between wages, prices, and inflation are complicated. A wage–price
spiral—or the lack of one—reflects interactions from both the cost and demand sides.
With regard to demand, suppose prices rise but consumers’ incomes do not. In order to
maintain their consumption, they must lower saving (which may include spending out of
assets). There is a limit to how much they would be willing to do so. To use an analogy,
fires require oxygen to burn. Without it, the fire dies out and the damage is limited. So
without rising wages and incomes, price increases may be difficult to sustain—and
sustainability is an important aspect of inflation. But if wage growth keeps up with price
increases, there is no such offsetting influence on demand. Furthermore, unless
accompanied by gains in productivity, there is a corresponding increase in firms’ costs
of production.


David Wessell, 2009, “Wessel answers questions on potential bubbles, Paulson’s conflicts, more,” Real
Time Economics: Economic insights and analysis from The Wall Street Journal, blog, August 10,
available at

So what are the prospects for wages and labor costs? As I have already outlined, I
believe there is substantial slack in labor markets. High unemployment, low labor force
participation, and the large number of people working part time for economic reasons
suggest weak overall labor demand. This is translating into very small increases in
wages and salaries; as measured by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment
Cost Index, they rose just 1-1/2 percent for the past year and are nearly the lowest
recorded increase since the series began in 1983. At the same time, though slowing
some recently, productivity growth generally has been fairly well maintained.
Consequently, we are not seeing upward pressure on prices coming from labor costs,
and modest wage growth may also be a dampening influence on demand and
consumer prices.
Inflation Outlook
Under the forecasts for output and unemployment I just discussed, I expect significant
resource slack to remain in the economy for some time to come, and I also am
expecting that slack to exert an important downward influence on inflationary pressures.
Most of us on the FOMC have said that a PCE inflation rate of about 2 percent is
consistent with our price stability mandate. Yet, core inflation—as measured by the
change in the index over the past year—has been running well below this 2 percent rate
for about two years. It has been under 1 percent for the past several months, and even
total inflation for the past 12 months has just reached 1.8 percent.
Some of the recent readings on core measures have been somewhat higher than they
were just a few months ago. The new information has caused me to bump up my
personal forecast for core inflation in the near term. And while I think food and energy
prices will push the total PCE index up faster this year—maybe to about a 2 to 2-1/2
percent rate—I do not see total inflation running very far from core for very long. In our
most recent forecasts, FOMC participants’ projections were for total PCE inflation to fall
in the 2 to 2-3/4 percent range in 2011 and the 1-1/2 to 2 percent range in 2013. My
own forecasts are closer to the bottom of these ranges.
Risks to Inflation Outlook
I am constantly assessing my inflation forecast against the incoming data.
Developments that would cause me to change my view would be much stronger growth
in real GDP than predicted in current forecasts, strong improvements in the labor
market, and evidence that wage pressures on labor costs were starting to build. And as
I just noted, today, there is no evidence of such pressures.
Another thing that would make me reassess my inflation outlook would be if mediumterm inflationary expectations were to rise. Future inflation is determined in part by
expectations of future inflation. Expectations of future inflation are an important element
in businesses’ and households’ planning for the future. Right now, professional
forecasters’ expectations of long-run inflation are in the neighborhood of 2 percent.
Such expectations are factored into current spending and investment decisions and the
wage setting process. But if some surprise event were to lead to higher expected
inflation, businesses and households would internalize this new belief and take actions

consistent with it. These actions would, in turn, put actual inflation on a higher path. If
inflation expectations were to start to creep up because of rising commodity prices or
any other factor, the FOMC would consider this important development and act
accordingly to keep inflation expectations well grounded.
To recap, current measures of underlying inflation are subdued and are running lower
than what the FOMC judges to be consistent with long-run price stability. To be sure, we
see some increase in headline inflation due to higher food and energy prices, but we do
not expect these to materially boost underlying inflationary trends. Moreover, existing
resource gaps are still exerting countervailing downward pressure on inflation
We will continue to pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and inflation
expectations, and we will adjust policy if developments move our forecast to rates
incompatible with our inflation mandate.
Monetary Policy
Slow progress in closing resource gaps and a medium-term outlook for inflation that is
too low lead me to conclude that substantial policy accommodation continues to be
appropriate. This accommodative policy will foster a return of economic conditions
consistent with our dual mandate. We are providing this accommodation in two ways.
The first is our commitment to keep short-term nominal policy rates low for an extended
period. The FOMC’s policy statements have been very clear on this and have included
this characterization for the federal funds rate since March 2009. The second is our
large-scale asset purchase programs (LSAP) through which, by June, we most likely will
have purchased all told $2.35 trillion of long-term Treasury and government-sponsored
enterprise (GSE) issues. These purchases are aimed at directly influencing longermaturity interest rates. They also play an important and useful communications role—
they signal our commitment to keep short-term rates low for an extended period of time.
In closing, monetary policy evolves as economic circumstances change. It is vital that
we evaluate the impact of new information on our forecasts and reassess the stance of
monetary policy as circumstances warrant. Contemplating such adjustments in advance
will help prepare us for the eventual time when a change in the stance of monetary
policy will be necessary. Despite recent improvements to the outlook, we are not yet at
that point. At that time, communication and transparency will be even more essential.