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A Promising Outlook and an Opportunity for
Community Colleges

Charles L. Evans
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Prairie State College Foundation
Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast
April 7, 2021


The views expressed today are my own and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve System or the FOMC.

A Promising Outlook and an Opportunity for
Community Colleges
Charles L. Evans
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. Community colleges have an
important mission, serving many educational needs of our diverse community and
helping our future workforce develop critical skills. It’s a great pleasure today to share
some of my thoughts with you on the course of the economy and some roles community
colleges might play in the outlook. But before I begin, I should note that these views are
my own and do not necessarily represent those of my colleagues on the Federal Open
Market Committee (FOMC) or others in the Federal Reserve System.
Needless to say, it has been a very challenging year in so many respects. With regard
to the Fed, we, as the monetary policy authority, still have some ways to go before we
reach our dual mandate goals of maximum and inclusive employment and inflation that
averages 2 percent. We also face many uncertainties and risks on the road ahead. But I
am very optimistic about our economy’s growth prospects, and am hopeful that our
employment goal will be in sight before too long. Achieving our inflation goal, however,
may prove more difficult. As we seek an equitable recovery, two-year colleges—with
their proven track record for positive returns to their diverse graduates—can play a
critical role.


The large and uneven impact of the pandemic
The pandemic has had a devastating impact on our nation. It has taken a horrible
number of lives and caused immeasurable hardship in so many different ways. It is
difficult to overstate the human costs of this tragedy. Economic developments over the
past year also have been largely dictated by the pandemic and our efforts to contain it.
After huge declines in output with the onset of the pandemic, the economy rebounded
sharply in the second half of last year, and it is moving forward with a good deal of
momentum today. Indeed, I—like most forecasters—have been surprised by
its resiliency.
A key reason for this resiliency has been the ability of so many households, businesses,
and nonprofit organizations to successfully adapt and operate safely in the midst of the
pandemic. Consequently, activity in many sectors of the economy, such as
manufacturing, has returned near—or even surpassed—its pre-pandemic level. The
efforts have been truly impressive. Part of this resiliency also is due to the support
provided by fiscal and monetary policies.1 Throughout the crisis and recovery, federal
funds flowing to the private sector and state and local governments, along with low
borrowing rates, have helped support the economy.2


The $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on March 27,
2020, and an additional $900 billion in relief was provided as part of a government spending bill called the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, which was enacted on December 27, 2020. More recently, the $1.9 trillion
American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) was signed into law on March 11, 2021. These bills have provided loans to
businesses, direct payments and other benefits to individuals, and funding for health care providers and to state
and local governments, as well as other means of support to various segments of the economy.
For instance, personal income in February 2021 from wages and salaries plus pandemic relief provided by the
government was nearly 8 percent above its year-ago level. In addition, the interest rate on 30-year mortgages
declined 1 percentage point from 3.9 percent in March of last year to 2.9 percent in January of this year before
rising to 3.3 percent in recent weeks.


One not-surprising feature of the recovery is that sectors of the economy where inperson contact is not necessary are doing much better than those for which social
distancing is more difficult. For example, consumer spending on housing, autos, and
other goods has increased at a solid pace.3 In contrast, the leisure and hospitality sector
is still suffering immensely. Indeed, before the pandemic, employment in leisure and
hospitality accounted for only about a tenth of total payrolls in the economy. Yet the job
losses in this sector account for nearly 40 percent of the 8.5 million current shortfall in
total employment from its pre-pandemic level.4 The impact of the pandemic has been
uneven across a number of other dimensions as well. For example, because a
disproportionate number of women, minorities, and lower-wage workers are employed
in leisure and hospitality or other vulnerable sectors, these demographic groups have
been particularly hard hit. I will return to this topic later in my talk.
All told, even though the economy is recovering, we still have a long way to go before
economic activity returns to its pre-pandemic vibrancy. Even after the very strong March
employment report, at 6.0 percent, the unemployment rate is well above the 3.5 percent
we saw on the eve of the pandemic. And many other workers have stopped looking for
a job and exited the labor force.


Even with the impact of severe winter weather, single-family permits in February 2021 were more than
15 percent above their year-ago level. Real consumer spending on goods in February 2021 was nearly 9 percent
above a year ago, and auto sales in the first quarter of 2021 were at nearly pre-pandemic levels.
Between February 2020 and March 2021, total nonfarm employment decreased 5.5 percent, according to data
from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Over the same period, employment in leisure and hospitality declined
nearly 19 percent. Some of the other industries seeing large employment declines over this span include
air, water, rail, and ground passenger transportation (–22.8 percent), education services (–8.2 percent),
mining and logging (–11.6 percent), and motion picture production (–40.3 percent).


Optimistic outlook for growth
Despite these numerous hardships, I am optimistic that the economy is poised for
strong growth later this year, which will bring with it further significant improvements in
the labor market. One important reason for my optimism is that we have made good
progress on the health front. Though we’ve seen an uptick in new cases over the past
couple of weeks, the numbers are much lower than they were at the turn of the year.
Moreover, each day more and more people are getting vaccinated, and hopefully,
before too long, much of the population will be able and willing to resume activities such
as traveling, attending events, and dining out.5
Fiscal policy will also provide a big boost to the economy. Over the past four months,
we have seen two large stimulus packages enacted: the $900 billion in relief from the
Consolidated Appropriations Act in late December and the $1.9 trillion American
Rescue Plan Act, or ARP, in early March. This legislation provides further direct
stimulus payments to individuals; extends unemployment insurance and lending to
small businesses; provides substantial funding to state and local governments; and
spends on programs such as those for vaccines and testing, childcare, housing
assistance, and education.6 Roughly $40 billion is going to colleges and universities.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of April 1, 2021, over 38 percent of the
U.S. population aged 18 and over had received at least one Covid-19 vaccine dose and nearly 22 percent were fully
vaccinated. CDC updates on the state of Covid-19 vaccinations across the United States are available online,
The extension of unemployment benefits applies to the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC),
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)
programs created by the CARES Act.


My staff found a calculation on the American Council on Education’s website
that estimates Prairie State could be allocated about $10 million.7 Don’t hold me
to that number.
With these developments, my outlook for growth and unemployment is much more
positive today than it was just a few months ago. Since my forecast is similar to those
made by my colleagues on the FOMC, let me discuss mine in the context of theirs. Four
times a year each FOMC participant provides projections of key economic variables.
These are released in our Summary of Economic Projections, or SEP—the most recent
of which came out last month.8 In March, the median forecast for gross domestic
product (GDP) growth in 2021 was 6.5 percent. This quite strong figure reflects the
return to more normal operations in sectors still impacted by the virus today, as well as
the big boost from fiscal policy. As these factors run their course, growth is then
expected to moderate to 3.3 percent next year and 2.2 percent in 2023.9 The median
FOMC participant sees the unemployment rate declining steadily from 6.0 percent today
to 4.5 percent by the end of this year and then to 3.5 percent by the end of 2023—back
to where it was prior to the pandemic.
Of course, there are always uncertainties underlying such projections. A very
important one today surrounds the path for the virus. My base case is that the virus
will become much less of a public health concern by the second half of this year.


The American Council on Education’s simulated distribution of ARP emergency relief funds to institutions of
higher education (including Prairie State College) is available online,
Federal Open Market Committee (2021a).
While economic growth is projected to moderate in the next two years, it is expected to remain above the
economy’s long-run growth rate—which is estimated to be 1.8 percent by the median FOMC participant.


But that is not assured; and there are downside risks if people become less vigilant or
vaccine-resistant variants of the virus take hold. The size and timing of the impact from
fiscal policy also are uncertain. For example, with regard to the stimulus payments,
those whose livelihoods have been most severely harmed by the pandemic will
spend them quickly, but others will save theirs and spend them gradually.10
Similar uncertainties surround other elements of the recent fiscal packages.
And then there is the possibility that further spending and tax changes will be
coming soon. So, we could see more—or less—impact from fiscal policy than
I’ve built into my projections.
Inflation is likely to increase this year
Let me turn now to the price stability element of our dual mandate. This is a far more
nuanced story. To set the stage, the FOMC has an inflation target of 2 percent.11 Since
the Great Financial Crisis, inflation has persistently run under our target, only fleetingly
touching 2 percent a couple of times prior to the pandemic. The pandemic further
depressed inflation as demand plummeted for many goods and services, with outright
price declines in sectors hardest hit by the pandemic, such as air travel and hotel
accommodations. To be sure, prices rose for other items that were in higher demand—
such as hand sanitizers, autos, and household appliances. But if you look at the overall
basket of goods and services purchased by households—as measured by the Personal
Consumption Expenditures Price Index excluding food and energy (or core PCE for


See, for example, Karger and Rajan (2020).
The Committee’s inflation goal is measured by the annual change in the Personal Consumption Expenditures
(PCE) Price Index.


short)—inflation has declined from 1.9 percent just before the pandemic to 1.4 percent
this February.12
I expect inflation to increase in the coming months. Part of the increase will be purely
mechanical as the low inflation readings from March and April of last year fall out of the
12-month calculation.13 In addition, as the virus subsides and people resume normal
activities, demand should pick up for those goods and services that are most affected
by the pandemic, pulling their prices up to more typical levels. Finally, we could also see
supply chain bottlenecks develop as activity picks up rapidly in some sectors, which
would contribute to temporary price pressures in some selected industries.
But what happens once prices renormalize and supply chains adjust? Will inflation just
settle back down to 1-1/2 percent, or will we see a more persistent increase in
underlying inflation? To generate persistently higher inflation, we need higher inflation
expectations—that is, we need to see households and businesses begin to incorporate
a higher underlying rate of inflation into their decisions today and their plans for the
future. Given the low inflation experienced over the past 15 years, it is highly likely that
inflation expectations have drifted noticeably below 2 percent. If they stay there, then we
will only see a temporary boost to inflation this year. If they move up, then we could
make some real progress toward reaching our inflation target. So, we will be watching
measures of inflation expectations very carefully.


Core PCE inflation is a better gauge of underlying inflation trends than total PCE inflation.
For instance, if we assume that the monthly change in core PCE inflation in March and April of this year will be
0.1 percent (the average reading over the past six months), then 12-month core PCE inflation would rise from
1.4 percent in February to 1.6 percent in March and 2.2 percent in April solely based on these base effects.


What are forecasters looking for? Well, according to the March SEP, the median FOMC
participant sees core inflation rising to 2.2 percent by the end of this year and then
slowing to 2.0 next year before moving up slightly to 2.1 percent in 2023. That’s a lot
better than the 1.4 percent we have today. But does it mean we’ve reached our
inflation goal?
Policy to remain accommodative for some time
Before I answer this question, let me say a few words about our policy goals. Congress
gave the Federal Reserve a dual mandate to achieve maximum employment and price
stability. Last August, after a lengthy review, the FOMC revised our long-run strategy
statement that operationalizes this mandate.14 First, we stated that our employment goal
is broad-based and inclusive and that our aim is to eliminate shortfalls of employment
from our assessment of its maximum level.15 The term “shortfalls” is significant—in the
past we characterized our employment mandate in terms of eliminating deviations from
some long-run normal level of employment. Under the new framework, the FOMC will
not be concerned about high employment—or low unemployment—unless it is also
associated with undesirable inflationary pressures.
With regard to our price stability objective, we indicated we want to achieve inflation that
averages 2 percent over time. This averaging is important in order to center longer-term
inflation expectations at 2 percent and thus achieve our target on a persistent basis.
Therefore, if inflation has been running persistently below 2 percent, we need to have


Federal Open Market Committee (2020).
We consider a wide range of indicators in making that assessment; see Federal Open Market Committee
(2021c)—which is the very latest version of the long-run strategy statement (reaffirming the 2020 version).


inflation overshoot our goal moderately for some time to bring the average back to
2 percent.
As you know, even before we adopted this new framework, monetary policymakers
responded to the pandemic swiftly and strongly. In order to support the overall
economy, we brought the federal funds rate down to nearly zero, introduced a host of
liquidity and credit facilities, and purchased U.S. government securities on a large scale.
While the emergency actions are behind us, today the fed funds rate remains near zero
and we continue to purchase securities at a pace of $120 billion per month.
I expect monetary policy will have to remain accommodative for some time to ensure
that we meet the policy goals laid out in our new framework. With regard to our
employment mandate, an important gauge is the unemployment rate. The median
FOMC participant estimates that the longer-run unemployment rate is 4.0 percent. In
other words, after the effects of various shocks to the economy dissipate, the
unemployment rate should naturally settle at 4.0 percent. The median FOMC forecast
sees the unemployment rate falling below this level by the end of 2022. So, our
employment mandate is within sight. Now, the median inflation forecast I just mentioned
is at or somewhat above 2 percent. But after years of underrunning our target, in my
view those increases and, down the road, some even higher rates of inflation are
needed to get inflation to average 2 percent and to solidify inflation expectations about
that number. So, I see the need for continued accommodative monetary policy to reach
our goals.
What does this mean in terms of our policy tools? The FOMC statements, released after
each meeting, provide some guidance. The one we just issued in March reaffirmed that

it will be appropriate to maintain the current target range for the federal funds rate until
labor market conditions have reached levels consistent with the Committee’s
assessments of maximum employment and inflation has risen to 2 percent and is on
track to moderately exceed 2 percent for some time. In addition, the Federal Reserve
will continue to purchase assets until substantial further progress has been made
toward the Committee’s maximum employment and price stability goals.16 Judging from
the most recent SEP, those conditions will not be met for a while. The median FOMC
participant expects the federal funds rate to stay in its current low range of 0 to
1/4 percent through at least the end of 2023. So, policy is likely on hold for some time.
The potential role of two-year colleges in the recovery
Let me now return to a topic I mentioned briefly earlier—the uneven economic impact of
the pandemic across segments of society. As I noted earlier, because women,
minorities, and lower-wage workers are disproportionately employed in leisure and
hospitality or other vulnerable sectors, these demographic groups have been
particularly hard hit. Furthermore, disruptions to education and childcare have placed an
additional burden on families as they struggle to balance household demands and
employment responsibilities. The toll has been enormous. We are seeing unequal
impacts on health and economic outcomes across income, racial, and ethnic groups
and between small and large firms. Worryingly, these shifts are magnifying the
longstanding inequalities among these segments of our society. And depending on the
path of the recovery, some of the recent changes may leave unfortunate longer lasting


Federal Open Market Committee (2021b).


marks as well. Our economy cannot fully recover if a substantial portion of the
population is left behind.
The path ahead depends on many factors. And, while the Federal Reserve’s pursuit of
its inclusive maximum employment goal is very important, other institutions have key
roles to play. One of those institutions is two-year colleges. They have a proven track
record in broadening access to higher education and, through this, contributing to
greater and more equitable economic resiliency among workers.
For example, research has shown that workers who have lost their jobs, as well as
those who enroll while still employed, can achieve large economic returns by attending
two-year colleges.17 Certification programs, retraining for new occupations, and
associate’s degrees all boost wages immediately upon completion, and the gains grow
over time.18 Indeed, a well-known study has shown that the returns to credits earned at
two-year colleges appear similar to those earned at four-year colleges. In fact, students
who initially enrolled at a two-year college and transferred to complete a bachelor’s
degree at a four-year college had the same average earnings as those that completed
all their credits at a four-year college.19 But the transfer students achieved these
earnings while facing substantially lower tuition, making the cost–benefit proposition of
two-year colleges quite impressive.
Given these facts, two-year colleges could play an important role in bolstering the
economic prospects for many in the recovery ahead. Indeed, in the current economy,


Jacobson, LaLonde, and Sullivan (2005).
Minaya and Scott-Clayton (2020)
Kane and Rouse (1995).


the returns of two-year colleges should seem highly alluring. However, enrollment in
two-year colleges actually declined by about 10 percent in the 2020–21 academic
year.20 Usually in recessions, two-year college enrollment goes up as more people take
the time to acquire new job skills.
There are a number of possible reasons for this drop. The timing and uncertain duration
of the pandemic might have discouraged potential students from committing to months
of additional education, particularly when they were continually being told the economy
might “open up” soon and they could then go back to their old jobs. Many who lost their
jobs during the pandemic had worked in industries such as leisure and hospitality. This
industry typically has a lot of labor turnover, and so workers from that sector may not be
accustomed to retraining. Furthermore, there is a good chance that their old or similar
jobs are coming back when the economy reopens. So these workers may not be aware
of the potential returns to building skills or seeking retraining at a two-year college. And
some students might have chosen to defer enrollment until the prospect of in-person
education is less daunting or until their families’ economic situations improve so that
tuition payments and student loans would be less of a hardship. Finally, many of the
vocational programs at community colleges require hands-on work that can be difficult
to impossible to do online. Regardless of the exact reasons, the decline in two-year
college enrollment is disappointing.
Still, there is little doubt that two-year colleges have a substantial role to play in
supporting a more equitable recovery from this recession. Clearly, the benefits to


National Student Clearinghouse Research Center (2020).


“traditional” two-year college students are as essential as ever. And there are new
opportunities as well. Research has shown that relatively few workers displaced from
jobs outside of the manufacturing sector turn to two-year colleges for new certifications
or degrees.21 What can two-year colleges do to reach these individuals who have been
so disproportionately impacted in this recession? Additionally, the economic hardships
imposed by the pandemic are likely to prevent many students from starting a four-year
college program. Two-year colleges can play a crucial role in allowing these students to
continue their education plans without interruption. Lastly, it might be valuable for twoyear colleges to develop and offer new virtual classes at scale to expand their reach
and benefit a broader range of students.
But these opportunities also come with challenges. Can two-year colleges continue to
be a high-value, high-return proposition while adjusting to a potentially different
composition of students? What about the competition with four-year colleges that may
be adapting their admissions policies in the wake of their own declining enrollments?22
Can virtual options be developed that are effective substitutes for in-person learning?
And, finally, will two-year colleges have the capacity and funding needed to make these
adaptations? The answers to each of these questions are important elements of the
conversation about equitable access to higher education, as well as the economic
resiliency it provides, for years to come.


Minaya, Moore, and Scott-Clayton (2020).
See Lovenheim and Reynolds (2011) for a discussion of some of the trends and evidence of this phenomenon
before the pandemic.


To sum up, I am quite optimistic about the growth prospects for our economy.
Nonetheless, we have a long way to go before we return to the pre-pandemic levels of
economic activity and achieve our average 2 percent inflation goal. Two-year colleges
can play a critical role by increasing the skills and resiliency of our diverse workforce in
the current recovery and beyond.
Thank you.


Federal Open Market Committee, 2021a, Summary of Economic Projections,
Washington, DC, March 17, available online,
Federal Open Market Committee, 2021b, “Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement,”
press release, Washington, DC, March 17, available online,
Federal Open Market Committee, 2021c, “Statement on longer-run goals and monetary
policy strategy,” Washington, DC, as reaffirmed effective January 26, available online,
Federal Open Market Committee, 2020, “2020 statement on longer-run goals and
monetary policy strategy,” Washington, DC, as amended effective August 27, available
Jacobson, Louis, Robert LaLonde, and Daniel G. Sullivan, 2005, “Estimating the returns
to community college schooling for displaced workers,” Journal of Econometrics,
Vol. 125, Nos. 1–2, March–April, pp. 271–304. Crossref,
Kane, Thomas J., and Cecilia Elena Rouse, 1995, “Labor market returns to two- and
four-year college,” American Economic Review, Vol. 85, No. 3, June, pp. 600–614,
available online,
Karger, Ezra, and Aastha Rajan, 2020, “Heterogeneity in the marginal propensity to
consume: Evidence from Covid-19 stimulus payments,” Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, working paper, No. 2020-15, revised October 2020. Crossref,
Lovenheim, Michael F., and C. Lockwood Reynolds, 2011, “Changes in postsecondary
choices by ability and income: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys of
Youth,”Journal of Human Capital, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring, pp. 70–109. Crossref,
Minaya, Veronica, Brendan Moore, and Judith Scott-Clayton, 2020, “The effect of job
displacement on college enrollment: Evidence from Ohio,” National Bureau of Economic
Research, working paper, No. 27694, revised September 2020 (originally issued August
2020). Crossref,
Minaya, Veronica, and Judith Scott-Clayton, 2020, “Labor market trajectories for
community college graduates: How returns to certificates and associate’s degrees
evolve over time,” Education Finance and Policy, accepted manuscript. Crossref,


National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, 2020, Current Term Enrollment
Estimates, report series, December 17, available online,