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A Perspective on the Current Economy:
Some Thoughts on Monetary Policy and Inflation

Charles L. Evans
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

BB&T Speaker Series on Capitalism
Darla Moore School of Business
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
March 28, 2011

The views expressed today are my own and not necessarily
Those of the Federal Reserve System or the FOMC.

Some Thoughts on Monetary Policy and Inflation
Charles L. Evans
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
It is my pleasure to return to South Carolina to speak to you about my views on the
progress of the recovery, inflation and the course of monetary policy. I would like to
thank Dean Teegen for that kind introduction.
Before offering my perspective on the U.S. economy and monetary policy, let me
emphasize that the views that I am presenting today are my own and not necessarily
those of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) or my other colleagues in the
Federal Reserve System.
The Fed has a dual mandate from Congress to encourage conditions that foster both
maximum employment and price stability, and monetary policy decisions are made by
the FOMC with these objectives in mind. In normal times, the FOMC operates by
appropriately setting the federal funds rate, which is the interest rate on overnight loans
between banks. Other actions may be taken during unusual times, such as those we
have faced over the past several years. The voting members of the FOMC are
members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington and
a rotating group of the 12 regional Fed presidents. Chairman Bernanke presides over
the Committee, and I am currently a voting member.
So, where do we stand today relative to our dual mandate of maximum employment and
price stability?
Following a deep and lengthy recession, the U.S. economy is now in its second year of
recovery. The recent data have been encouraging. But when we look at the past two
years as a whole, the improvements have been disappointing. Too many people remain
unemployed — some for extended periods — and too many businesses have not yet
returned to full operations. Over the course of the recession, the economy lost more
output, shed more jobs and experienced more wealth destruction than at any other time
since the Great Depression. U.S. real gross domestic product (GDP) declined by more
than 4 percent. Over 8.5 million jobs were lost; the unemployment rate doubled to 10
percent; and the household sector lost more than $13 trillion in wealth.
Recent data indicate that growth has picked up and suggest a more sustainable, though
still moderate, economic expansion. There are many reasons to be optimistic.
Improvements in labor markets and reductions in debt burdens are supporting
household spending. Businesses’ balance sheets have improved — indeed, many have
ample cash reserves to finance spending. Those looking for external funding can obtain
low-cost financing from capital markets, and the availability and terms of bank lending
have improved notably from crisis levels. Monetary policy remains accommodative. And


the recently enacted federal payroll tax reductions and investment expensing provisions
help prop up spending.
Of course, there are still weak spots. Both residential construction and commercial
construction remain at very depressed levels of activity. Some borrowers who are
dependent on bank lending might still be constrained in their access to credit. Budgetary
concerns weigh on state and local governments’ capacity to spend. And higher energy
prices represent a reduction in domestic purchasing power, though at current prices this
effect is still a modest one.
More recently, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan have taken a tremendous human
toll. It is too early to assess the ultimate economic cost of these events to the Japanese
and U.S. economies. However, certain segments of the U.S. economy that rely on
goods imported from Japan — such as the auto and electronics sectors — will see
interruptions in their supply chains, at least in the short run.
So, given these upside and downside risks to economic activity, what is my outlook for
growth and inflation?
At our FOMC meetings, my colleagues and I discuss recent developments and provide
our forecasts for key measures of economic activity. These forecasts are reported four
times a year in the minutes of the FOMC meetings. The most recent forecasts were
published in January. Most of the projections for real GDP growth in 2011 were in the
range of 3.4 to 3.9 percent this year. Growth is expected to move higher still in 2012,
and most forecasts for 2013 fall between 3.7 and 4.6 percent. Incoming information
suggests slightly lower growth this year than what had been predicted in January, but
not a marked difference in the outlook. This is a welcome improvement over the roughly
2-1/2 percent annual growth since the recession trough in the middle of 2009.
Despite clear signs of progress, I am not yet satisfied with the pace of improvement.
After all, my projection of about 4 percent growth is only moderately higher than the
growth rate of potential output. It thus implies only a moderate improvement relative to
the levels of activity that we would expect to see if the recession had not occurred.
This shows through in the outlook for the unemployment rate. To be sure, the
unemployment rate has fallen almost 1 percentage point in just the past three months.
Even so, at its current level of 8.9 percent, the unemployment rate is well above the 5
percent at which it stood shortly before the economy slipped into recession. Historical
experience tells us that 4 percent GDP growth would chip away something on the order
of three-quarters of a percentage point a year from the unemployment rate — meaning
it could be quite a while before we near the pre-recession rate.1

This calculation uses Okun’s Law, which is a simple summary of the historical relationship between
GDP growth and the change in the unemployment rate. Even in normal times this relationship is a rough
approximation, and in the current situation, it is also compounded by the presence of emergency
unemployment insurance programs and other structural factors that may be affecting the functioning of
labor markets.

Furthermore, most of the recent reduction in the unemployment rate is due to fewer
people losing jobs. This is a good thing, but not as good as if we were also seeing more
unemployed people moving back onto payrolls. Indeed, employment growth has been
disappointing throughout the recovery. Employment still stands about 7.5 million jobs
below its peak at the onset of recession. And over the past three months, payrolls have
risen at a rate of only 125,000 per month. In my view, unemployment will remain
uncomfortably high for too long relative to our employment objective. So
accommodative monetary policy continues to be warranted to address this part of our
dual mandate.
Let me now discuss the price stability element of our mandate. As the FOMC statement
after the March meeting noted, “measures of underlying inflation continue to be
somewhat low relative to the levels that the Committee judges to be consistent, over the
long run, with its dual mandate.” Put more simply, the Committee considers the current
level of underlying inflation to be too low.
Given the recent sharp increases in food and energy prices, the statement that inflation
is too low might make some of you wonder if the Committee members ever eat or fill up
their own gas tanks. Let me assure you that we do. Indeed, my daughter takes special
pleasure in giving me daily updates on how much it costs to fill up her car. Stepping
back from my own family’s experiences, I do recognize that in the past three months,
energy prices rose at an annual rate of 29 percent. And food prices are up nearly 14
percent. Such increases clearly put a dent in consumers’ purchasing power, and some
households have had to make some difficult adjustments.
What accounts for the recent run-up in these prices? Rising demand plays an important
role. Economic development continues to reach more and more people throughout the
world, pushing up their demand for food and industrial commodities. On the supply side
of the ledger, we’ve experienced some unique conditions over the past year that
temporarily constrained output. The list of events is extraordinary: The flooding in
Australia and drought in Russia all put upward pressure on food prices, and uncertainty
over petroleum supplies due to the turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa have
boosted oil prices.
In such cases, there is not a direct role for monetary policy. Monetary policy cannot
affect the scarcity of resources. Indeed, think about what happens when the price of a
commodity rises but other prices do not change. We call this a change in the relative
price of the commodity. Changes in relative prices provide an important signal to market
participants, encouraging consumers to find ways to economize and giving suppliers an
incentive to increase production. Changes in relative prices are not inflation. Inflation, by
definition, is a continuing increase in the general level of prices of all goods and
services in the economy.


So relative price changes become inflationary only if they somehow spur price
increases for a broader range of other goods and services. And if this were to happen,
monetary policy would have a critical role to play. I will return to this point in a moment.
The Committee considers a wide variety of inflation measures when it evaluates the
appropriate stance of policy. For our long-run policy goal, we concentrate on the Price
Index for Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), which measures prices for a
broad basket of the goods and services that households purchase. In the shorter term,
however, we tend to focus on what we call core PCE inflation, which removes the
volatile food and energy components from the total index. This does not mean that we
think these prices are irrelevant. But food and energy prices are very volatile — both up
and down. Being free of this volatility makes the core measure a better indicator of
underlying broad inflation trends — and therefore a better guide of where inflation is
heading. Of course, as I just alluded to, we monitor food and energy prices carefully
with a particular eye out for whether they are influencing the broader pricing decisions
that affect all goods and services.
Most of us on the FOMC have said that a PCE inflation rate of about 2 percent is
consistent with our price stability mandate. Yet, core inflation — as measured by the
change in the index over the past year — has been running well below this 2 percent
rate for about two years. It has been under 1 percent for the past several months, and
even total inflation has just reached 1.5 percent.
A whole host of measures that attempt to exclude the volatile and transient components
of price changes to focus on the persistent underlying trends in inflation — trimmed
mean PCE, trimmed mean Consumer Price Index (CPI), adjusted trimmed mean CPI,
median CPI, just to name a few — tell the same story.2 (These indexes do not exclude
food and energy per se, but instead use various other methodologies to try to eliminate
irrelevant statistical noise and get at the underlying trends in the data.) In the January
FOMC forecasts, most participants predicted that both core and overall inflation would
be in the range of 0.9 to 1.6 percent at the end of 2013 — still below the 2 percent mark.
Of course, that was in January. Because we’ve seen further increases in food and
gasoline prices since January, some of the recent readings on core measures have
been a bit higher. The new information has caused me to bump up my personal
forecast for core inflation, but only by a couple of tenths. And while I think food and
energy prices will push the total PCE index up faster this year — maybe at about a 2
percent rate — I do not see total inflation running very far from core for very long.
How do I come to this forecast? Forecasts of inflation depend on a number of factors. I
will focus on three of them: commodity costs, resource gaps and inflation expectations.
Let me start with something that appears to be on everyone’s mind as a risk to the


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inflation outlook — commodity prices. How do the recent sharp increases in oil and
other commodity prices influence my forecast for inflation?
Commodity price increases do not necessarily portend future broad inflation. In fact,
despite the views aired by pundits, the historical evidence is that today’s commodity
price increases will likely have little discernible effect on future core inflation. Although
they are quite important for some products, commodities only contribute a minor portion
to the total cost of bringing most items to market. And for commodity cost increases to
influence consumer prices, firms must be able to pass cost increases on to customers.
In today’s economy with many sectors still experiencing lax demand, many firms may
not be able to pass on these cost increases. Instead, rising input costs will put a
squeeze on their profit margins.
This brings me to the second factor I mentioned: resource gaps. Prices tend to rise
when increases in demand push up resource utilization and put broad-based pressure
on firms’ costs of production. However, in today’s economy, resource gaps are large.
Importantly, as I mentioned before, there is still substantial slack in labor markets — the
high unemployment rate and other indicators, such as the low labor force participation
rate and the high number of people working part time for economic reasons — all point
to weak overall labor demand. This is translating into very small increases in wages and
salaries; as measured by the Employment Cost Index, they rose just 1-1/2 percent for
the past year — the lowest recorded increase since the series began in 1983.
Consequently, we are not seeing any upward pressure on prices coming from labor
costs. And for the economy as a whole, labor represents by far the largest component
of production costs. Additionally, in order for price increases to be sustained, demand
must keep pace. This means wages must grow. The logic is simple: If consumers
cannot afford to pay higher prices, demand falls, putting downward pressure on prices.
Under the forecasts for output and unemployment I just discussed, I expect significant
resource slack to remain in the economy for some time to come, and I also am
expecting that slack to exert an important downward influence on inflationary pressures.
To get me to reassess this view, I would have to see real GDP growing much stronger
than my 4 percent forecast, strong improvements in the labor market, and evidence that
wage pressures on labor costs were starting to build. Today, there is no evidence of
such pressures.
This leads me to the third — and final — point about forecasting inflation. Future
inflation is determined in part by expectations of future inflation. Let me explain.
Expectations of future inflation are an important element in businesses’ and consumers’
planning for the future. Right now, professional forecasters’ expectations of long-run
inflation are at about 2 percent. Such expectations are factored into current spending
and investment decisions. But if some surprise event were to lead to higher expected
inflation, businesses and consumers would internalize this new belief and take actions
consistent with it. These actions would, in turn, put actual inflation on a higher path.


This brings me back to our earlier discussion of commodity prices. One thing we look for
when we monitor the reactions to unexpected movements in commodity and oil prices is
their impact on inflation expectations. If unforeseen price increases alter inflation
expectations and these expectations for higher prices boost longer-run underlying
inflation, then it may become appropriate to adjust policy.
That said, our historical experience over the past 25 years suggests that such adverse
developments are unlikely. While they have had short-lived direct effects on the prices
of energy and commodity-intensive products, commodity price increases generally have
not had a long-lasting effect on overall inflation. Now, as a central banker, I’m paid to
be cautious. The experience of the past 25 years might not accurately reflect what will
occur today. And while the participants in futures markets for commodities currently do
not expect a further run-up in prices (indeed, many expect price declines), they may be
wrong. Unexpected supply disruptions or surges in demand could push up prices
further. Recognizing these possibilities, the most recent FOMC statement noted that:
“The recent increases in the prices of energy and other commodities are currently
putting upward pressure on inflation. The Committee expects these effects to be
transitory, but it will pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and inflation
To recap, current measures of underlying inflation are subdued and are running lower
than what the FOMC judges to be consistent with long-run price stability. To be sure, we
see some increase in headline inflation due to higher food and energy prices, but we do
not expect these to materially boost underlying inflationary trends. Moreover, existing
resource gaps are still exerting countervailing downward pressure on inflation.
Nonetheless, we will continue to pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and
inflation expectations, and we will adjust policy if developments move our forecast to
rates incompatible with our inflation mandate.
With regard to policy today, slow progress in closing resource gaps and underlying
inflation trends that are too low lead me to conclude that substantial policy
accommodation continues to be appropriate. This accommodative policy will foster a
return of economic conditions consistent with our dual mandate. We are providing this
accommodation in two ways. The first is our commitment to keep short-term nominal
policy rates low for an extended period. The FOMC’s policy statements have been very
clear on this and have included this characterization for the federal funds rate since
March 2009. The second is our large-scale asset purchase program (LSAP) through
which, by June, we most likely will have purchased all told $2.35 trillion of long-term
Treasury and GSE issues. These purchases are aimed at directly influencing longermaturity interest rates. They also play an important and useful communications role—
they signal our commitment to keep short-term rates low for an extended period of time.
In closing, monetary policy evolves as economic circumstances change. It is vital to
evaluate the impact of new information on our forecasts and to reassess the stance of
monetary policy as circumstances warrant. Contemplating such adjustments in advance
will help prepare us for the eventual time when a change in the stance of monetary

policy will be necessary. Despite recent improvements to the outlook, we are not yet at
that point.