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Food or Commodity Price Shocks and
Inflation: A Central Banker's Perspective
Food and Water — Basic Challenges to International Stability
2009 Global Conference Series (Part 4)
Presented by the Global Interdependence Center (GIC) in partnership with
the University of Chicago Booth School of Business
November 19, 2009

Charles I. Plosser
President and CEO
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

The views expressed today are my own and not necessarily
those of the Federal Reserve System or the FOMC.

Food or Commodity Price Shocks and Inflation:
A Central Banker's Perspective
Charles I. Plosser, President and CEO
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
November 19, 2009

F ood and W ater — B asic C hallenges to I nter national Stability
2009 Global Conference Series (Part 4)
Presented by the Global Interdependence Center (GIC) in partnership with
the University of Chicago Booth School of Business
I am pleased to be here at the Asia Campus of the University of Chicago Booth School of
Business as we continue this important series on food, water, and international stability.
I helped open the first conference in this Global Interdependence Center series 10 months
ago at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, and I have been pleased to see the
interest in the series’ programs as they have continued around the world.
Today I will offer you a central banker’s perspective on the challenges that large swings
in food prices or other relative prices pose for monetary policy.
Keep in mind that before the global economic recession and financial crisis began to
dominate our attention, much of the world faced substantial increases in food and energy
prices in 2007 and early 2008. These price shocks caused volatility and posed risks to
stability in a number of countries. The general decline in economic activity and global
trade as the financial crisis spread around the world led to plunging prices for oil and
other commodities in the second half of 2008 before rebounding somewhat during 2009.
The volatility of food and energy prices has posed — and will continue to pose —
challenges for central bankers, whether they are in large industrialized economies or in
small emerging economies. I will discuss three approaches central bankers can take to
protect their credibility to control inflation in the face of these price shocks. I want to
preface my remarks, however, by commenting on several important trends among central
banks, including the efforts to conduct monetary policy in a more systematic and
transparent manner.
Some Trends in Central Banking
During the last three decades, many central banks around the world have adapted to
advances in the science of monetary policy. We have learned much from the experiences
of those central banks that were early adopters of these advances. One theme that has
emerged from this mix of academic research and experience is the important role played
by the public’s and market participants’ expectations regarding policy actions.

Uncertainty regarding policymakers’ goals and the actions they will take to achieve them
can make it more difficult to achieve those goals. Moreover, this uncertainty introduces
unnecessary volatility into economic outcomes.
In recognition of the importance of expectations, one trend has been the more or less
continuous movement of central banks toward more transparency. That has certainly
been true for the U.S., where the Federal Reserve now provides much more information
about its policy actions and its reasoning. For example, the Fed did not begin announcing
its interest rate decisions until 1994, and the statement released with the announcement
has gradually become more informative about the Federal Open Market Committee’s
views. Many other developed economies and emerging economies have also moved
toward greater transparency.
In conjunction with the movement toward more transparency and the desire to align the
public’s expectations with monetary policy, there is a trend toward central banks publicly
announcing their long-term objectives. Many central banks, including a number in East
Asia, have adopted a stated goal to keep inflation low and stable. How central banks seek
to accomplish that goal, though, does vary. 1 Some countries — including the United
States and Singapore — have adopted general goals about seeking price stability without
adopting explicit inflation targets. Other countries, starting with New Zealand 20 years
ago, have adopted explicit inflation targeting as a mechanism to demonstrate their
commitment to low and stable inflation. Today, more than 20 countries around the world
have an explicit inflation target, including four in Asia: South Korea, Thailand,
Indonesia, and the Philippines. 2 So far, no country that adopted inflation targeting has
chosen to abandon it.
Inflation targeting serves as a public commitment by the central bank to a clear and
explicit monetary goal. It does not necessarily describe how the central bank will achieve
its goal. My view — and the view of many other economists — is that central banks and
the economies they serve would benefit from the adoption of simple rules or guidelines
that describe how policy would react to events. 3 One broad class of rules is called Taylor
rules because they follow the work of John Taylor. 4 Because rule-like behavior by
policymakers reduces uncertainty about their actions, it can foster a more stable
economic environment. The failure of a central bank to maintain its credibility or
reputation to achieve low and stable inflation can contribute to increased economic
volatility and instability.
Another emerging trend has been the greater use of a short-term interest rate as the
primary instrument of monetary policy and a decline in the number of countries pegging
their exchange rate to another country’s currency bilaterally. Currency crises in countries
all around the world have highlighted some of the challenges of such bilateral pegs and
the conflicts that arise when domestic policies are pursued that are inconsistent with such

See, for example, McCauley (2001).
See Dotsey (2006); and Walsh (2009).
For more on the benefits of systematic policy, see Plosser (2008).
See Taylor (1993).


regimes. As a consequence, many countries now have floating exchange rates, or they
peg their exchange rates to a basket of currencies rather a single currency.
Another trend that I want to emphasize has been the movement toward greater
independence of central banks. Independence has contributed to the ability of central
banks to promote greater economic stability and lower inflation rates. It has done so
because it has enabled monetary policy to take an intermediate- to long-term view
without the fear or interference of short-term political concerns. Indeed, some may be
surprised to learn that the Bank of England, founded in 1694 and nationalized in 1946,
did not regain its monetary policy independence from the treasury until 1997. In general,
those countries whose central banks become agents for a nation’s fiscal policy risk much
higher rates of inflation and more pronounced economic instability.
A theme of this conference is the challenges to domestic and international stability of
large movements in the relative prices of food, water, and other important commodities.
I want to touch on one piece of this complex challenge: the role of a central bank and
what it can contribute. In my remarks today, I want to stress that by focusing on price
stability and their credibility to maintain it, central banks can make an important and
unique contribution to ensuring financial stability and sustainable economic growth.
Food Price Shocks, Credibility, and Expectations
Large swings in food or other commodity prices can have important ramifications for
central bankers and their ability to maintain a credible commitment to achieve price
Sharp changes in food or other commodity prices typically reflect a change in the relative
price of food or commodities and not a change in the general level of prices, which is the
focus of economists’ definition of inflation (or deflation). Nevertheless, these relative
price changes can substantially affect a country’s consumer price index — either when
the basic commodities, such as food or energy, are included in the index or when
persistent changes influence the prices of other goods and services. Consequently,
central bankers find it difficult to ignore the impact of changes in food or commodity
prices because they can affect measured inflation.
One reason this is so difficult to ignore is simply credibility. When central banks
publicly state their goal to keep inflation low and stable, and then the public sees large
changes in consumer price indexes, the lack of consistency can harm the credibility of the
central bank. A large relative price shock has the potential to undermine public
confidence in the central bank’s ability to keep inflation low and controlled, which in turn
could lead people to alter their expectations of future inflation.
We saw during 2007 and early 2008 that while rising energy and food price shocks hit
most countries, these price shocks were particularly severe for small, open economies


that were net importers of food and energy, and for emerging market countries in
general. 5
Food price shocks pose greater challenges to central banks in emerging market
economies, because food typically makes up a larger share of consumer spending than it
does in industrialized economies. For example, in many emerging market countries in
Asia, food accounts for 30 to nearly 50 percent of the consumption basket. In contrast,
food accounts for about 14 percent of South Korea’s consumer price index, which is
similar to the U.S., the U.K., and the Euro area. In Singapore, food’s weight is about 25
Food Prices and Measures of Inflation
How have countries responded to the impact of food prices on their consumer price
indexes? One approach that some countries have taken is to reduce the price volatility of
certain key food items by using subsidies or price controls. These approaches have been
used to some extent even in countries that set explicit inflation targets, such as Thailand,
the Philippines, and Indonesia. These price controls and subsidies are generally the
province of fiscal policy, and their use may at times distort assessments of how well the
central bank is achieving its monetary policy goal of low and stable inflation. Moreover,
such policies distort markets and, over time, could prove detrimental to the health and
stability of the economy.
Another approach has been to focus on various measures of core inflation that may
exclude food and energy, rather than total, or headline, inflation. For instance, Indonesia
and the Philippines target headline measures of inflation, while Thailand sets an inflation
target using a core measure of inflation. 6 South Korea has switched between targeting
core and headline inflation since it began inflation targeting in 1998, but now uses
headline inflation.
While a core inflation measure allows a central bank to de-emphasize the effects of large
temporary swings in the relative price of food, the risk for policymakers is that such
swings could persist and result in second-round effects on other prices or could increase
inflation expectations. Ignoring these pressures may lead the central bank to fail to make
the adjustment necessary to prevent overall inflation.
In my view, it is more important that central banks focus on some measure of inflation in
conducting monetary policy and less important whether that measure is headline inflation
or core inflation. Over time, the trends in headline inflation and core inflation in most
countries tend to move together. Also, an average inflation rate over a two- or three-year
period will be less subject to food price volatility than an average over a one-year period.
Consequently, policymakers could choose either inflation measure in setting a mediumterm policy goal. For me, the key issue is that central banks seek to achieve a relatively
stable price level, rather than the measure they choose.

See Habermeier, et al. (2009).
See McCauley (2007).


Three Approaches to Protect Credibility
Since large relative price shocks have the potential to undermine public confidence in the
central bank’s commitment to the goal of price stability, how can central bankers deal
with this risk to their credibility? There are three approaches central banks have taken to
protect their credibility in the face of food price or other commodity price shocks: build a
reputation, commit to a stated goal, or establish rule-like policymaking. These are, of
course, closely tied to my introductory remarks about the trends in central banking.
Some central banks gain reputations for keeping inflation low and stable. This takes time
and perseverance and usually occurs after painful bouts of high inflation. That was the
case for the Federal Reserve in the U.S. after the so-called “Great Inflation” of the 1970s
and early 1980s. Double-digit inflation led the Federal Reserve to engage in a long-term
process of disinflation. By the early 1990s, the Fed had earned a reputation for
maintaining a low and stable rate of inflation. Even so, the Fed also had to act promptly
and preemptively against the emergence of several inflationary “scares” in the late 1980s
and early 1990s in order to secure and preserve its reputation and credibility for keeping
inflation low. 7
Other countries have similarly earned reputations for being committed to keeping
inflation low. Such reputations can help avoid shifts in the public’s expectations of
inflation when food price shocks temporarily increase consumer prices.
Committing to a stated goal to keep inflation low and stable can also help a central bank
protect its credibility when food price shocks occur. This is true whether the central bank
has set a general goal of price stability or an explicit inflation target. Indeed, there is
some evidence that countries that have adopted inflation targeting have better anchored
inflation expectations than countries that have not adopted such targeting. 8 In emerging
markets, inflation targeting is found to reduce the level and volatility of inflation
expectations, while simultaneously lowering the overall rate of inflation. 9
More importantly in light of the current financial crisis and the concerns expressed in
some countries, including the U.S., about deflation, establishing an inflation target would
help prevent expectations of deflation from materializing. Thus, a credible inflation target
has the benefit of minimizing the volatility stemming from unanchored inflation
expectations to either the upside or the downside.
One advantage of an inflation target is that it usually requires the central banks to explain
deviations from the target and a time path for returning inflation to the target.
Sometimes, acceptable reasons for the departures are spelled out in advance. New
Zealand’s Policy Targeting Agreement, for instance, specified a number of situations in


For a discussion of such episodes in the U.S., see Goodfriend (1993).
See Batini, et al. (2005), p. 171; Gürkaynak, et al. (2006); Dotsey, (2006), p. 18; and Walsh (2009), pp.
See Batini, et al. (2005), p. 171-72 and Table 4.6.


which temporary deviations from price stability might be warranted, including several
factors that would affect food prices. 10
Other countries have also stated reasons as to why the actual inflation rate might deviate
from the central bank’s inflation target. For example, the British government’s
instructions to the Bank of England recognized that shocks and disturbances could lead to
short-term departures from the target. Among those countries in Asia that have chosen to
target inflation explicitly, the Philippines has a list of acceptable circumstances for failing
to achieve the inflation target, including the volatility of agricultural products. 11
These examples make clear that inflation-targeting central banks can at times use specific
allowances to explain why actual inflation may temporarily deviate from the desired
inflation target. But central bankers must be careful not to create so many exceptions as
to undermine the whole purpose of inflation targeting, which is to reinforce the credibility
of the central bank’s commitment to achieving its monetary policy goals.
Systematic M onetar y Policy and R ule-L ike Policymaking
We have already discussed the first two means by which central banks can protect its
credibility when food price shocks occur: building a reputation for maintaining a low and
stable rate of inflation, and establishing an explicit goal such as adopting an inflation
target. A third related approach is to establish systematic, rule-like policymaking.
By systematic, I mean a policy that is consistent, transparent, and predictable. This
approach allows households and businesses to more accurately form expectations and
therefore make better decisions. Systematic, rule-like policy leads to a more stable,
predictable, and efficient economy. Systematic approaches can also help a central bank
deal with temporary food price shocks.
John Taylor described the most well-known form of systematic monetary policy when he
explored how the Federal Reserve should set its federal funds rate target. 12 While U.S.
monetary policy was the initial focus of his work, there are many variations of Taylor’s
rules, which all share the vital characteristic that they systematically describe the
behavior of policy. In particular, these rules typically indicate that policy should respond
aggressively to deviations of inflation from its target and respond to some measure of
resource utilization in a more muted manner. These simple Taylor-like rules have the
advantage of making it easier for the public and financial markets to form expectations
about policy and can therefore contribute to a more stable and efficiently functioning
Some analysts have described the monetary policy of the Monetary Authority of
Singapore as using a Taylor-like rule, with the exchange rate as the policy instrument,


See Walsh (2009), p. 20.
See Central Bank of the Philippines, 2008, p. iv.
See Taylor (1993).


instead of a short-term interest rate. 13 Although this Singapore variation differs from the
usual Taylor rule, it nonetheless has some similarities to a rule-like, systematic approach
to monetary policy.
E xper ience with I nflation T ar geting
As I noted earlier, price shocks from food and other commodities pose a risk to the
credibility of the central bank’s commitment to low and stable inflation and can therefore
alter the public’s expectations of future inflation. Anchoring these expectations is very
important for ensuring price stability in all economies, both emerging and industrialized
ones. However, because relative price shocks generally have larger effects on measured
inflation in emerging market economies, those countries may have more to gain from
adopting policy approaches — such as inflation targeting — that better anchor inflation
The broad conclusion from a number of studies is that inflation targeting in emerging
market countries has resulted in lower inflation, lower volatility of inflation, less
persistence of inflation, and a better anchoring of inflation expectations. Just as
importantly, and despite claims to the contrary, inflation-targeting countries have not
experienced adverse consequences for real output or employment. 14
Evidence from industrialized countries also indicates that inflation expectations are better
anchored in those countries that have adopted inflation targeting. 15 Consequently, all
countries that adopt inflation targeting have greater protection from the adverse effects of
large relative price shocks to food, energy, or other commodities. What’s more, this
anchoring of inflation expectations helps maintain the credibility of the central bank’s
commitment to inflation targeting.
It is also important to acknowledge that for emerging economies, large swings in relative
prices, particularly food and energy, can have detrimental effects on an economy and its
citizens. It is generally a mistake, however, to view monetary policy as a tool to mitigate
those effects directly. Movements in relative prices drive resource allocations, and one
cannot and should not think of monetary policy as a tool to prevent those sometimes
painful adjustments.
In conclusion, let me stress that pursuing sound monetary policy is fundamentally
important to ensuring international financial stability. In the midst of the current
financial crisis, we must remember that instability in the general level of prices —
whether inflation or deflation — is itself a significant source of financial instability.

See McCauley (2001), pp. 14-15; and Parrado (2004).
For a recent overview of evidence on inflation targeting, see Walsh (2009). Also see Lin and Ye (2009);
Gonçalvas and Salles (2008); Batini, et al. (2005); Varella Mollick, et al. (2008); and Vega and Winkelried
See Walsh (2009), p. 17; and Gürkaynak, et al. (2006).


Consequently, central banks around the world should ensure that they fulfill their unique
responsibility to ensure price stability. Failure to ensure price stability, in my view,
would certainly pose a major risk to international stability.
Large relative price shocks to food and energy pose problems for central banks because
they can alter expectations of inflation and undermine the credibility of central banks’
commitment to price stability.
To promote price stability, ensure credibility, and anchor expectations, central bankers
should pursue systematic monetary policies. Such systematic policies should be
consistent, transparent, and largely predictable. Central banks should communicate
clearly about their policy goals, about the reasons for near-term deviations from those
goals — such as the impact of food price shocks on measured inflation — and about the
policy actions they are taking over a medium-term horizon to keep inflation low.
I have found it encouraging that, despite large swings in food and energy prices in recent
years, inflation expectations in most countries have remained quite well anchored. I
believe that the stability of inflation expectations in the face of wide swings in measured
inflation reflects the benefits of a more systematic and transparent approach to monetary
policy that many central banks have adopted. Such policies, as well as the adoption of
explicit inflation targeting in more than 20 countries, have bolstered the credibility of
central banks’ commitment to price stability. I believe that credible monetary policy also
better positions a central bank to contain the risk that food or energy price shocks will
alter inflation expectations or inflation itself.


Batini, Nicoletta, Kenneth Kuttner, and Douglas Laxton. “Does Inflation Targeting Work
in Emerging Markets?” International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook, Chapter
IV (September 2005), p.171.
Central Bank of the Philippines. Inflation Report. Central Bank of the Philippines (Fourth
Quarter 2008), p. iv.
Dotsey, Michael. “A Review of Inflation Targeting in Developed Countries,” Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Business Review (Third Quarter 2006), pp. 10-20.
Gonçalvas, C.E.S., and J. M. Salles. “Inflation Targeting in Emerging Economies: What
Do the Data Say?” Journal of Development Economics, 85:1 (2008), pp. 312-18.
Goodfriend, Marvin. “Interest Rate Policy and the Inflation Scare Problem: 1979-1992,”
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly (Winter 1993), pp. 1-23.
Gürkaynak, Refet S., Andrew T. Levin, and Eric T. Swanson. “Does Inflation Targeting
Anchor Long-Run Inflation Expectations? Evidence from Long-Term Bond Yields in the
U.S., U.K., and Sweden,” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Working Paper 200609 (2006).
Habermeier, Karl, İnci Ötker-Robe, Luis Jacome, Alessandro Giustiniani, Kotaro Ishi,
David Vávra, Turgut Kışınbay, and Francisco Vazquez. “Inflation Pressures and
Monetary Policy Options in Emerging and Developing Countries: A Cross Regional
Perspective” International Monetary Fund Working Paper 09/1 (January 2009).
Lin, Shu, and Haichun Ye. “Does Inflation Targeting Make a Difference in Developing
Countries?” Journal of Development Economics, 89:1 (May 2009), pp. 118-23.
McCauley, Robert Neil. “Core Versus Headline Inflation Targeting in Thailand,” paper
prepared for “Challenges to Inflation Targeting in Emerging Countries,” Bank of
Thailand, Bangkok, November 13-14, 2006 (March 2007).
McCauley, Robert Neil. “Setting Monetary Policy in East Asia: Goals, Developments and
Institutions,” in Future Directions for Monetary Policies in East Asia. Sydney: Reserve
Bank of Australia, 2001, pp. 7-55.
Parrado, Eric. “Singapore’s Unique Monetary Policy: How Does It Work?” Staff Paper
No. 31, Monetary Authority of Singapore (June 2004).
Plosser, Charles. “The Benefits of Systematic Monetary Policy,” speech given to the
National Association for Business Economics, Washington Economic Policy Conference,
Washington, D.C. (March 3, 2008).


Taylor, John B. “Discretion Versus Policy Rules in Practice,” Carnegie-Rochester
Conference Series on Public Policy 39 (1993), pp. 195-214.
Varella Mollick, Andre, Rene Cabral Torres, and Francisco G. Carneiro. “Does Inflation
Targeting Matter for Output Growth? Evidence from Industrial and Emerging
Economies,” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4791 (December 2008), p. 15.
Vega, Marco, and Diego Winkelried. “Inflation Targeting and Inflation Behavior: A
Successful Story,” International Journal of Central Banking, 1:3 (December 2005), pp.
Walsh, Carl E. “Inflation Targeting: What Have We Learned?” The John Kuszczak
Memorial Lecture, prepared for “International Experience with the Conduct of Monetary
Policy under Inflation Targeting,” Bank of Canada, July 22-23, 2008 (January 2009).