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Remarks by

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

before the

U.S. Embassy
London, England

September 30, 1975

Monetary Policy in Uncharted Waters
A good deal of attention has focused on monetary policy this past

The state of the economy has pleased no one, with unemployment holding

above eight percent and inflation only gradually receding from double-digit

In these circumstances, it's understandable that Congress and the

general public should scrutinize the policies of the Federal Reserve in
hopes of finding an easier, faster, or more assured path to recovery.
At the same time, one hopes that critics of the Fed recognize
the policy dilemma posed by “stagf lation11 — that unhappy state in which
we find ourselves trapped by stagnation plus inflation.

Keynesian expan­

sionist policies (whether budgetary or monetary) designed to stimulate
aggregate demand may put people back to work in the short run, but only
at the risk of worsening cost-push inflation.
Partly because of this dilemma in determining an appropriate
policy for aggregate demand (i.e., how much stimulus to give the economy
as a whole), one would also hope that those sincerely interested in
achieving better economic conditions would be as zealous in attacking the
structural problems that have made our economy inflation-prone as they are
in calling for “more money."

Unfortunately, it‘
s much easier politically

to castigate the central bank than to ferret out (and do something about)
anti-competitive practices in labor, business, and government.
Nevertheless, out of the frustrations of stagflation has come
a process of dialog between the Congress and the Federal Reserve that can
be very helpful in fostering a wider understanding of the monetary process.
This year, for the first time, the Fed is laying before the public,
through quarterly testimony at banking committee hearings, its intended path

for money supply growth over the succeeding year.

This procedure, developed

in response to Congressional request (House concurrent resolution #133),
provides a framework for discussing the considerations that underlie monetary
policy decisions.

In the past, despite efforts by the Fed to explain what

it was about, there persisted a feeling that decisions were being taken in
secret, perhaps without adequate regard for the policy preferences of elected
As background for interpreting these quarterly statements of money
growth ranges, it may be useful to describe something of the policy process,
the debates that are going on within the Fed about that process, and the
continuing uncertain ties that surround monetary policy formulation.


have provided considerable detail about the actual step-by-step procedure
followed by the Federal Open Market Committee — the top policy-making body
within the Federal Reserve — in arriving at a judgment on policy stance
!give citationl.

What follows, in contrast, is an idealized conceptualization

of that process, designed not so much to describe the Committee's actual
procedures, as to highlight some of the difficulties and uncertainties with
which the Committee has to contend in arriving at a policy judgment.
The basic concern of the Federal Reserve in deciding on a appro­
priate stance for monetary policy is to do what it can to assure financial
conditions conducive to high employment and low inflation in the months and
years ahead.

At this level of generalization, it's clear that the ultimate

concern of policy is with people and their sustained employment.

In differ­

ent terms, the poncern is with the outlook for the economy in the future.
Among the important tools used by those who try to peer into the
economic future, whether within the Fed or elsewhere, are econometric models

that try to capture in systems of equations the interrelationships of economic
magnitudes in the real world.

Such models come in all shapes and sizes, and

when fed updated information and assumptions, will regurgitate sets of num­
bers that purport to describe such factors as income growth, inflation rates,
unemployment rates, and so on, over the quarters ahead.*
If these models reflect economic relationships with fair accuracy
— a point to be discussed in a moment — then one can feed them alternative
policy assumptions (e.g., different rates of money growth, budget deficits,
etc.) and compare alternative outcomes for real world magnitudes in the

Theoretically, at least, the next step would be for the policy­

makers to choose their preferred outcome in terms, ;:or example, of sets
of tradeoff between unemployment and inflation among feasible alternatives,
set the policy dial at the appropriate mark, go home and relax until it was
time to repeat the process the following month (when new information would
be ava i1able).
In this highly stylized description of the policy-making process,
there are several points to keep in mind:

it assumes that alternative forecasts from econometric
models are more or less reliable indicators of real
world values;


it assumes that there is an exploitable tradeoff between
unemployment and inflation over future quarters;

-For a non-technica1 discussion of the uses and abuses of econometric
models in economic forecasting, see ________________ .


it assumes that there is a stable relationship between
the policy variable (nonborrowed reserves, money supply,
interest rates) and ultimate targets such as income,
employment and inflation.

Unfortunately each of these assumptions is becoming subject to increasing
Reliability of Model Forecasts
The stability and reliability of econometric models is being
questioned on several grounds, some having to do with the state of the
economy at the moment, others raising more foundamental issues about the
models themselves.

As to the first category, it is generally recognized

that the reliability of model forecasts is likely to be greatest when real
world economic conditions approximate those of the period from which the
equations of the model were estimated*

Yet today we find ourselves in a

world of unprecedentedly high unemployment and close to double-digit
inflation, conditions that did not prevail during the post-war years from
which today's models were derived.

In effect, we are asking the models

to give us answers "outside the range of their experience."
At the same time, the nature of the questions to which we need
answers has changed — at least in the recent past.

It's not as though

we simply want to know how much more output/employment/inflation we can
expect from, say, a one percent faster rate of growth in money.


we need to know what the consequences are for the economy of shocks to
the system from currency devaluations/revaluations, synchronized world
booms or recessions, or most obviously, four-fold increases in world

petroleum prices.

These vital issues are ones with which the standard

models are simply ill-equipped to deal.
But apart from the limited predictive reliability of present
macro-economic models in interpreting extreme values and structural
shocks, the usefulness even within their supposed range of competence
is being questioned on empirical and theoretical grounds.

Anyone who

has worked closely with such models, as we do in the Federal Reserve,
knows that prediction errors are frequent and often sizeable.

For this

reason, the “pure11 model results are often doctored by applying judgmental
adjustments to make the outcome nmore reasonable."

Once judgment is used

to alter predicted values, however, it becomes impossible subsequently to
retrace history and measure the accuracy of actual versus predicted out­

Thus, models continue to be used, but in many cases they escape

the tests that ought to be applied to their results.
A different sort of criticism is being leveled at macro-economic
models on theoretical grounds.

The argument contends that the models are

built on systems of equations that individually may have statistical
reliability, but which are not stable in a general equilibrium sense.


is alleged, for example, that equations explaining consumption are based
on one story about how the economy works, those explaining investment on
another story, those explaining money demand on a third, and so on.


there is no underlying theory applying to all the economic actors in the
game, one should not be surprised, the argument goes, if the structural
relationships of the model shift when faced with questions about values
outside the time period when the model was estimated.

Yet if we are to


test alternative outcomes to alternative policy prescriptions, we have to
assume that the structure of the model doesn't change each time we vary
the policy assumption (e.g., different paths of money growth)!
Finally, on the issue of uneasiness about model reliability, an
irony should be pointed out that grows out of the way in which policy impli­
cations are drawn from the model’
s output.

Host models indicate that output

and employment respond relatively rapidly to budgetary or monetary stimulus
if the economy is operating below capacity, whereas the impact of that
stimulus on prices and wages is delayed.

Thus, in a slack economy, there

is always an incentive to administer that extra stimulus, because one pays
an apparently small price in added inflation for the increase in output/
employment generated over the time horizon of the forecast.

But that!s the

Because people know something of the uncertainties inherent in model

results, and because they not unreasonably assume that the further into
the future those results are projected, the less the reliability of the
numbers, there is a tendency to throw out or disregard values beyond four
to six quarters into the future.

Yet it's only in these more distant quarters

that the piper gets paid, i.e., that the price/wage effect of the policy
stimulus shows up.
The Tradeoff Between Employment and Inflation
Most discussions of policy alternatives — including that above —
assume that there is an exploitable tradeoff between employment and inflation,
i.e., that policy-makers can choose faster growth in employment (lower unem­
ployment) at the cost of somewhat faster inflation, and vice versa.

Yet this

statistical relationship, portrayed in the so-called Phillips Curve of the

late 1950's, has come under increasing attack in the years since.

As a

result, there is a growing suspicion that policy alternatives — at least
within reasonable ranges — determine rates of inflation, but not real out­
put or-employment, except perhaps in the short run.
There are a couple of different kinds of explanations as to why
the tradeoff has disappeared or attenuated (assuming it once existed).
The first points to the change in the composition of the work force, with
the higher proportions of women and teenagers, and argues that their greater
frequency/duration of unemployment (compared, say, with male heads of
households) “explains" why the tradeoff appears to have worsened, i.e., that
a given rate of inflation is associated with higher levels of unemployment
than was the case twenty years ago.

According to this explanation, there

is still a tradeoff, but the choices are worse than before.
A second kind of explanation argues, in effect, that the public
has wised up.

It points out that for discretionary policy to influence

the tradeoff, there always had to be people whose expectations about the
future (e.g., about inflation rates, jobs, etc.) turned out, after the
fact, to be wrong because of the policy choice*

But repeated experience

over the post-war period has taught more and more people (rightly or wrongly)
to associate stimulative policies with higher rates of inflation sooner or

Moreover, double-digit inflation probably represented a threshold

that greatly hastened and expanded the education process.

As a result,

employers and employees are probably reacting (in wage demands and price
markups) more rapidly to signs of policy stimulation even when the economy

*ln contrast, "restrictive" policies seldom if ever bring prices down,
though they may slow their rate of growth.


is slack.

If, in other words, stimulative policies affect mainly prices and

wages rather than output/employment in the long run, and that long run is
becoming increasingly telescoped into the short run, then the scope for
increasing output even in the short run through such policies is eroding.
In effect, the exploitable tradeoff between employment and inflation is
disappearing because stimulative policies lead increasingly rapidly to
price/wage adjustments.
Stability of Policy Variable and Real Economy
Even if we had reliable economic forecasts and exploitable trade­
offs between employment and inflation, we would still need a policy variable
— reserves, money, interest rates — that bore some stable relationship
with the ultimate policy objectives — employment, income, inflation — at
future dates in order to carry out discretionary policy with confidence.
But there are some new difficulties here as well.
For a variety of reasons, the Federal Reserve has focused increas­
ingly on the so-called monetary aggregates -- different distributions of
reserves and money -- as its index of policy.

One of those reasons was the

statistical stability between, say, M^ or M^ and real economic variables a
year hence.
There was always a looseness in the fit over short periods, and
indeed an inability to control the M's in the shortest run.

But these

difficulties were thought to be of limited importance if the controlabi1ity
and stability were present over, say, six-month to twelve-month periods,
as they generally seemed to be.

At the moment, however, there is a new complication.


narrowly defined money supply consisting of currency in circulation, plus
demand deposits at commercial banks, is being supplemented as the ultimate
means of payment by other types of accounts.

Thrift institutions are

increasingly providing payments instruments that serve the public in the
same fashion as bank demand deposits.

Point of sale terminals are being

installed in retail outlets that permit purchases by debit to savings
accounts and so on.
Rising interest rates and technological change have been encour­
aging and facilitating the economizing of money balances throughout much
of the post-war period.

This secular trend toward reduced ratios of

1'money11 to transactions (i.e., increasing income velocity of money) has
been gradual enough not to disturb the basic stability of the relationship
Mow, however, there is a question as to whether lower than predicted rates
of growth in the M's may not reflect a structural shift toward use of othe
types of balances for payments.

To the extent this is the case, efforts

to insure desired rates of growth in "money11 as traditionally defined will
provide more stimulus to the economy than intended.
One should note in this regard that this problem does not disap­
pear simply by selecting a different M.

While there are any number of

definitions of money that can be constructed, the issue is the stability
of whatever definition in relation to subsequent values of GNP.

The dif­

ficulty lies in the changing institutional arrangements that determine at
any given moment what people use as money, by any definition.

The new

uncertainty, in other words, derives from the faster pace of institutional

change, and hence the questionable reliability of the linkage between
MmoneyM (or some other policy handle) and real economic magnitudes.
Implications of Uncertainty for the Monetary Policy Process
In light of these Increased uncertainties about l) the reliability of econometric model forecasts; 2) the existence of an exploitable
tradeoff between employment and inflation; and 3) the stability of the
relationship between money and real output, what should monetary policy
makers do?

For years, Milton Friedman has been advising us to set the

dials on a steady course, pack up our bags, and go home.

Now, along come

new proponents of the “natural rate of unemployment" (i.e., the belief
that employment depends on labor force characteristics, the rate of tech­
nological change, capital output ratios, and wage flexibility, but not
discretionary monetary policy), "rational expectations" (i.e., you can't
fool people any longer), and "optimal control theory" who sing the same
words with new music.

In effect, the message is:

the greater the uncer­

tainty about economic relationships, the greater the likelihood that a
simple (non-feedback) rule prescribing steady growth in the monetary aggre­
gates will turn out to be optimal.
And in fact, the Federal Reserve has moved some distance in this
direction with the adoption and public announcement of long-run (four
quarter) target ranges for the monetary aggregates, beginning last March.
At the same time, we are still some distance from a slavish pursuit of a
particular number that supposedly represents "ideal growth."

I think it's

important to try to understand what has changed, and what hasn't, in this
latest refinement of monetary formulation and discussion.

Perhaps the most obvious thine that has changed is the nature of
the public discussion about the Fed's current policy stance.

There is now

a particular set of numbers that publicly characterize the Fed's intentions
with respect to that policy.

The 5 to 7-1/2 percent range for growth in

(and related ranges for other definitions of money) that was announced last
March, and reaffirmed for successive year-ahead periods since, sets the
framework for the debate between the Fed and Congress, by the interested
public, and indeed within the Fed itself as to the appropriateness of this
poli cy.
There are several advantages, in my view, to this publicly an­
nounced aggregates target.

Foremost among these is the fact that debate is

focused on money growth, not on interest rates.

While either of these

"handles11 could theoretically be used to guide or indicate policy, there's
little doubt that the debate can be more rational and less emotionally or
politically charged if it takes place in terms of money growth rather than
interest rates.

People, and hence politicians, are simply more passionate

about interest rates, notably high or rising interest rates, than about a
particular money growth path!
For much the same reason, if people can be convinced of the rea­
sonableness of a particular money path, given the anticipated economic out­
look, then there should be less political resistance to adhering to that
path (assuming the outlook doesn't change) even if such adherence implies,
say, rising interest rates in an expanding economy.

And although this

thought is put in terms of political resistance, the term "political11
should be understood in a broad context, specifically including the policy
bodies of the Federal Reserve itself.

For there's no denying that discus­

sions within the Fed are influenced by concerns about public reaction to


rising interest rates -- witness particuiarly the fear that Congress might
impose controls on interest rates along with the renewal of authority for
price and wage controls in the spring of 1973.
Another possible advantage of a publicly announced target, which,
however, has yet to be demonstrated, is that the public — both employers
and employees — might come to believe that price increases and wage demands
greater than the announced target will be self-defeating, in the sense that
they won’
t be validated by money growth, and will therefore only lead to
lost sales and unemployment.

While a tight relationship of this sort would

obviously be a considerable over-simplification -- given growth in produc­
tivity, variations among industries, etc. — it might nevertheless repre­
sent a useful way of gaining acceptance by the public of limits to price
and wage demands.

In an admittedly different institutional setting — in

Germany and Switzerland — publicly announced targets for money growth seem
to have been intended in part to serve this purpose.
It1s also important, I believe, to understand what the newly
anounced targets are not. And the first thing they are not, in a conven­
tional sense at least, is "targets11!

Earlier, it was pointed out that any

set of money growth targets was predicated on a view of the economic out­
look at a given point in time.

It follows that if the Fed’
s view of that

outlook changes - - a s it well might, given the uncertainty of forecasts —
then it would be folly to stick with unchanged money growth targets simply
for the sake of apparent consistency.

And indeed, the House Concurrent

Resolution requesting the Fed to set forth such targets specifically con­
templated that the Fed would alter its desired growth path if economic
conditions changed.


it would perhaps be more accurate to describe the stated growth
path as an intention rather than a target.

The word "target" implies some­

thing not only to be aimed for, but hit, with the implication that bystanders,
after the fact, will be able to assess whether a bu11seye was achieved, or
the target missed entirely.

In practice, the new regime implies at best a

moving target, restated each quarter for four quarters ahead, with the option
of choosing a new path each time, or indeed in between public restatements.
In these circumstances, it will be difficult if not impossible to give the
Fed a score on its accuracy — unless, of course, we are so far off as to
leave no doubt.

In any case, one should not be taken in by an impression

of great precision in the new process.

For one thing, the numbers repre­

senting the money supply are unfortunately subject to fairly substantial
revisions at times, so that a growth rate extrapolated from a given base
period can result in quite a different money stock number at the end of
four quarters if the base is revised in the meantime.

Moreover, by stating

the target as a range — as seems reasonable given the imprecision of the
money supply numbers, and the less than perfect fit between money supply
growth and real economic variables — there is room for the Fed to alter
intended growth paths within the range as a response to changed conditions
without a change in the announced range.
All of which implies that although the uncertainties discussed
earlier seem to push the Fed toward greater reliance on money supply as its
index of policy — and the Fed has indeed moved further in that direction —
there is still an understandable, and I believe justifiable, skepticism that
we have yet found the handle that will produce desired results in the real
economy if only it were set at the proper number.

Indeed, even if one had


full faith in the optimality of a fixed uioney growth rate, judgments would
still need to be made concerning the abruptness with which one sought to get
back on path once a deviation had occurred (as they inevitably do in the
short rtin).

And this judgment in turn would have to be mode in part on an

assessment of the resiliance of financial markets in the face of interest
rate change.

That resiliance would depend on the direction of change and

the general condition of financial institutions.

And so on.

Thus, while there are increased uncertainties and doubts about
the validity of the money policy process, as it has been implemented by
the Fed in the past (quite apart from alleged mistakes in judgment), there
is by no means certainty that we have yet found the best way of carrying
out our responsibilities, despite the recent changes.

Nevertheless, for

both theoretical and practical reasons, I believe a publicly announced
“target11 for money supply growth represents an advance whose value we shall
have to continue to reassess, as we gain experience — economic and
poli tical — with it.