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For release on delivery
3:30 p.m. EDT
April 22, 2004

Remarks on the Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy

Ben S. Bernanke
Board of Governors ofthe Federal Reserve System
at the

Annual Meeting of the Bond Market Association
New York, New York
April 22, 2004

I am pleased to have the opportunity to address the members of the Bond Market
Association. I know that you have a keen interest in the likely future course of the
economy and of monetary policy, so I will use my time today to comment on both topics.
I will begin with the economic outlook, discussing prospects for economic growth, the
labor market, and inflation, and conclude by drawing some implications for monetary
policy. As always, my views are my responsibility alone and are not to be ascribed to my
colleagues in the Federal Reserve System. l
The Prospects for Economic Growth

Broadly, the economy has shown substantially increased vitality since the middle
oflast year, and with the passage oftime the economic recovery has shown increasing
signs of becoming self-sustaining. Judging from the most recent data, growth in
domestic spending appears consistent with growth in real gross domestic product (GDP)
in the range of 4-1/2 to 5 percent for the first quarter and at a rate of 4 percent or higher
for 2004 as a whole. One reason for increased confidence that the recovery is becoming
self-sustaining is that the expansion of aggregate demand has become more broad-based,
with households, firms, and government all making contributions to spending growth.
Household spending, which has not slackened significantly at any point in the
past three years, has continued its advance, supported by positive wealth effects and tax
cuts. Except for a modest decline in auto sales (relative to the strong pace of the previous
quarter), consumer expenditures on most major categories of goods and services were
well sustained in the first quarter, as recent data on retail sales testify. Household

I thank Charles Struckmeyer, Jeremy Rudd, Jonathan Pingle, and other members ofthe
Board staff for assistance.

- 2-

spending is likely to continue to grow at a solid pace for the remainder of this year,
especially ifthe job market improves as expected.
A question that many have asked is whether household spending, including
spending on new homes, will remain strong if interest rates rise. I think that consumers
are not badly positioned for a normal cyclical increase in interest rates. The balance
sheets of most households are in good shape: Perhaps most important, the ratio of
household net worth to income is relatively high, not far below its pre-recession level.
Also, households took advantage of low long-term rates during the last cycle to reduce
their exposure to short-term and high-interest debt. Although household debt burdens
have risen, most household debt today is in the form of mortgage debt, of which some 85
to 90 percent is at fixed rates and thus insulated from interest-rate increases.
The decision to purchase a home is probably the most interest-sensitive decision
made by households. Private housing starts rebounded in March from a possibly
weather-related dip in February, and sales of new and existing homes during the first
quarter remained close to record levels. I expect residential investment to continue strong
this year. Mortgage rates have risen in the past month but remain low relative to
historical experience, while new household formation, improved job prospects, and
income growth should ensure a continued healthy demand for housing. However,
residential investment is unlikely to rise much further from current high levels and thus
its contribution to GDP growth over the next year or two can be expected to decline.
Energy price increases have reduced households' real disposable personal income
by about $30 billion since December. This development will probably shave a tenth or


two from the growth in personal consumption expenditures in 2004 but thus far, at least,
the rise in energy prices does not materially affect the outlook.
A key factor in the economic turnaround in the third quarter of 2003 was the
resurgence in business fixed investment, particularly in equipment and software. That
component of spending seems set to continue to expand as output grows, profits improve,
and firms become more confident in the durability of the recovery. Double-digit growth
in real spending on equipment and software seems quite possible this year, in part
because the expiration of partial expensing allowances at the end of 2004 will lead some
firms to move forward investment they otherwise would have made in 2005. Given the
very low inventory stocks currently held by businesses, inventory investment should also
support growth. In contrast, nonresidential investment remains weak, reflecting low
capacity utilization rates in factories and high vacancy rates in office buildings, and the
improvement in that sector seems likely to be gradual.
The Federal government's budget deficit is expected to peak this year at
something between $450 billion and $500 billion. Both increased government
expenditures and reduced taxes will support growth in aggregate demand in 2004, though
fiscal policy will provide somewhat less impetus and may even be slightly restrictive in
2005. U.S. exports are likely to continue their recent rise, because of a weaker dollar and
economic recovery among our trading partners. However, rising U.S. incomes will spur
imports as well. On net, the external sector will probably continue to be a slight drag on
U.S. growth, and little if any progress is likely to be made in closing the current account
deficit this year.

-4The State of the Labor Market

As you know, the recovery in labor markets has not kept pace with the recovery in
output, an issue that has been central in recent debates about economic policy. As has
been widely noted, the leading explanation for the slow recovery in the labor market has
been the remarkable ability of employers and workers to increase labor productivity.
Over the four quarters of 2003, output per hour in the nonfarm business sector is
estimated to have risen 5.4 percent, up from an already robust 4.3 percent gain the
previous year. Output per hour probably grew at a rate exceeding 4 percent in the first
quarter of this year, accounting for the lion's share of growth during the quarter.
Although these productivity increases are unalloyed good news for the u.s. economy in
the longer term, in the short run they have allowed firms to expand production rapidly
while adding fewer workers than would be normal in a cyclical expansion. I and many
others have argued that this situation cannot persist: As managers exhaust the possibilities
for outsized productivity gains and become convinced ofthe durability of the expansion,
they should become increasingly more willing to add employees (Bemanke, 2003b).
Unfortunately, the pace of productivity gains and hence of employment growth has
proved difficult to forecast.
]fwe look past the erratic month-to-month changes in payrolls, the labor market
does appear to be gradually improving. On average, private nonfarm payrolls grew by
161,000 per month in the first quarter, up from 58,000 per month in the fourth quarter of
2003. Recent employment gains have not been confined to a few industries. For
example, in March the one-month employment diffusion index, which measures the
proportion of industries with expanding employment relative to the share of industries

-5with contracting employment, reached its highest value since July 2000. Initial claims
for unemployment insurance have also been falling and are now at pre-recession levels.
The decline in initial claims is consistent with other data that suggest that the pace of
layoffs has slackened considerably. The rate of new hiring has been exceptionally
sluggish for the past several years, however, and the available evidence suggests modest
improvement at best in hiring rates so far this year.
Although the labor market appears to be sitting up and taking fluids, it has not
hopped out of bed and begun a round of jumping jacks. Despite the strong payroll gains
in March, nonfarm payrolls remain 343,000 below their level of November 2001, the
official trough of the recession, and private nonfarm payrolls are more than half a million
below the trough level. The average workweek of production and nonsupervisory
workers declined slightly in March; at 33.7 hours, the workweek is low on an absolute
basis and barely above the 33.6 hours average attained during the third quarter oflast
year, the lowest quarterly figure in 2003.
The data I have cited thus far come from reports provided by employers, through
what is known as the payroll survey. Much has been made of the differences between the
results of the payroll survey and those from the household survey, which is based on the
responses from a random sample ofhouseholds. 2 When its coverage is adjusted to be
comparable to that of the payroll survey, the household survey shows a net gain of about
1.7 million jobs since the November 2001 trough, compared with the already noted loss
of more than 300,000 jobs reported by the payroll survey. Since June oflast year, when

Formally, the payroll survey is known as the Current Employment Statistics survey and
the household survey as the Current Population Survey. The Bureau of Labor Statistics
produces both surveys.

-6the pace of output growth picked up significantly, employment as measured by the
household survey (on a comparable payroll basis) has risen by 1.42 million jobs, more
than double the increase of 689,000 jobs reported by the payroll survey. Recent revisions
of both surveys--in the case of the household survey, to take into account the likelihood
that immigration to the United States since 2003 has been below earlier estimates--have
only modestly reduced the gap in estimated job creation. 3
Although resolving the differences between the two surveys is important, my own
assessment of the labor market does not change markedly even if substantial credence is
given to the data drawn from the household survey. For example, although the
unemployment rate (measured by the household survey) has fallen to 5.7 percent from its
peak of 6.3 percent last June, that rate remains high relative to recent experience and in
comparison to most plausible recent estimates of the sustainable rate of unemployment.
The evidence suggests, moreover, that the official unemployment rate of 5.7 percent
understates to some extent the true amount of slack in the labor market. Notably, to a
greater degree than in past cycles, discouraged job seekers have been withdrawing from
the labor market rather than reporting themselves as unemployed. According to the
household survey, the labor force participation rate has actually declined significantly
since the official trough of the cycle, from 66.7 percent of the working-age population in

Although recent additions to payrolls are much greater according to the household
survey, as of March 2004 the payroll survey reports a higher level of employment, by
about 600,000 jobs, than the household survey (on a comparable payroll basis). At face
value, this fact seems to be a bit of evidence against the view that the payroll survey
systematically undercounts some jobs that are being captured by the household survey.
Bemanke (2003c) provides more discussion of the two surveys.

-7November 2001 to 65.9 percent in March 2004. 4 From its peak last June, the
unemployment rate has fallen by 0.6 percentage point, from 6.3 percent to 5.7 percent.
However, during the same period, the labor force participation rate also fell by 0.6
percentage point, from 66.5 percent to its current value of 65.9 percent. The net result is
that the employment-to-population ratio has barely changed since the middle of last year.
Thus even the household survey, its relatively more encouraging job-creation numbers
notwithstanding, paints a picture of ongoing softness in the labor market. So long as the
labor market is weak, the economic recovery will be incomplete. Indeed, by reducing
confidence and spending, a failure of the labor market to improve could conceivably
threaten the sustainability of the expansion.
One way to see the extent of the slack in the labor market, as measured even by
the household survey, is to ask how much job creation would be needed to bring the
unemployment rate down further. Underlying the household survey's employment
calculations is an estimate that the adult non-institutional popUlation grew in March by
193,000 people. If the population grows by the same absolute amount in April and the
labor force participation rate remains unchanged at 65.9 percent, the labor force will
grow by about 127,000 during the month. To keep the unemployment rate at 5.7 percent
in April, then, household employment (as opposed to payroll employment) would have to
grow by 120,000 jobs. To reduce the unemployment rate under these assumptions, of
course, more than 120,000 net new jobs would be needed.

Conceivably, part of the decline in the participation rate could reflect factors other than
simple discouragement. However, I will proceed under the plausible assumption that
most of the decline is a response to labor market conditions.

-8The standard calculation I just presented was based on the assumption that the
rate of labor force participation does not change, an assumption that may not be valid
during a cyclical recovery in the labor market. If people perceive a significant
improvement in the job market, new job seekers may enter or re-enter the labor force as
employment grows. To illustrate the possible implications, let us suppose that improving
job prospects lead the participation rate to rise 0.1 percentage point in April, from 65.9
percent to 66.0 percent. (Remember, the rate was 66.5 percent as recently as last June.)
This increase in the participation rate would imply a total increase in the labor force
(including the portion attributed to the rise in population) of some 350,000 people and
hence a need for more than 330,000 net new jobs to keep the unemployment rate from
rising. The implication is that, with the labor market still in a relatively early stage of its
cyclical recovery, an unusually high rate of job creation may be required for a time to
bring the labor market back into balance.
In short, the unusual rate of productivity growth has driven a wedge between the
recovery in output and the recovery in the labor market, leaving considerable cyclical
slack in the labor market despite ongoing growth in output. The economic recovery will
not be fully realized, in my view, until the labor market has established a more normal
cyclical pattern of expansion. 5

5 My presumption that the current slack in the labor market is primarily cyclical, rather
than structural, is based on several observations. First, the recent high rates of
productivity growth are clearly above secular trends and suggest that firms have been
working employees more intensely, deferring maintenance, and taking other temporary
measures to raise output, behavior that is characteristic ofthe early stages of an
employment expansion. Second, I see little evidence (for example, in the job flows data)
to suggest that the pace of structural change today is greater than it was after the 1990-91
recession or in the expansion of the mid- to late-1990s. Third, factors affecting labor
supply and the efficiency of job matching, including demographic changes, greater
worker experience and education, increases in incarceration rates, increases in disability

-9The Outlook for Inflation

Forecasts of inflation, particularly core inflation (which excludes the more
volatile energy and food price components), are of course another key input to monetary
policy decisions. The core inflation data for the past couple of months have been slightly
above market expectations. More time will be needed to assess the significance of these
recent numbers; possibly, they may reflect the unwinding of some downward surprises to
core inflation late last year. Based on the information currently available, my own best
guess is that core inflation has stopped falling and appears to be stabilizing in the vicinity
of 1-112 percent, comfortably within my own preferred range of 1 to 2 percent.
The dominant fundamental factors influencing the inflation outlook are the
ongoing resource slack and the remarkable rate of productivity growth. Together, these
factors imply that unit labor costs will either continue to fall or at least remain quiescent.
Moreover, price-cost margins are at high levels (as can be seen in the strong growth of
profits), providing an additional cushion for absorbing any inflation pressures that may
emerge on the cost side. These forces should largely offset the effects on core consumer
price inflation of the rising costs of raw materials--the byproduct of the gathering global
recovery and continuing rapid growth in East Asia--and last year's decline in the foreign
exchange value of the dollar. As I discussed in some detail in a speech earlier this year
(Bernanke, 2004a), the direct effects of commodity price increases and a depreciating
dollar on inflation at the consumer level are generally small. This modest direct impact

rolls, increased use of temporary help firms, and increased job search through the
Internet, suggest strongly that the sustainable rate of unemployment has steadily declined
since the mid-1980s, to a level below the current rate. The relatively sharp disinflation of
recent years is consistent with that view. Finally, an increasing tendency oflow-skilled
workers to leave the labor force rather than remain formally unemployed has also likely
lowered the sustainable rate of unemployment (Juhn, Murphy, and Topel, 2002).

- 10-

reflects the small share of total costs accounted for by raw materials and imported inputs
as well as the fact that a portion of cost increases tends to be absorbed in producers'
In thinking about the implications of higher commodity prices for inflation, one
should also make the distinction between a one-time rise in commodity prices and an
ongoing process of commodity price inflation. Commodity prices can only contribute to
inflation at the consumer level when they are rapidly rising. Commodity prices may well
remain high in an absolute sense over the next few years because of the high global
demand for raw materials. Yet if the rate of increase in commodity prices slows
significantly, as is implied for example by futures prices, the effect of commodity prices
on the rate of inflation will eventually become negligible. Similarly, dollar depreciation
contributes to inflation only to the extent that it is ongoing; we cannot predict whether
last year's decline in the dollar will continue, of course, but so far this year it has not.
In describing what I consider to be the most likely scenario for inflation, I do not
wish to convey an unwarranted degree of certainty. Like employment, inflation is
difficult to forecast. One factor that may be of great importance in inflation
determination but can be particularly hard to gauge is the state of the public's inflation
expectations (Poole, 2004). For example, wages and prices that are set for some period in
the future will of necessity embody the inflation expectations of the parties to the
negotiation; increases in expected inflation will thus tend to promote greater actual
inflation. More subtly, my conclusion that the effects on inflation oftransitory changes
in commodity prices or in the value of the dollar tend to dissipate in the longer run
depends on the assumption that the public's inflation expectations are well anchored. If

- 11 -

expectations are not well tied down, inflationary impulses that are in themselves
transitory may become embedded in expectations and hence affect inflation in the longer
term. Therefore, an essential prerequisite for controlling inflation is controlling inflation
Assessing the current state of inflation expectations in the United States is not
entirely straightforward. Survey measures of near-term inflation expectations, including
those based on interviews of professional forecasters, individual consumers, and firm
managers, have in some cases ticked up slightly in recent months, though long-term
inflation expectations appear stable. The spread between the yields on Treasury debt and
inflation-indexed Treasury securities of similar maturity, known as the breakeven
inflation rate and conventionally treated as an indicator of expected inflation, has also
From a policy perspective, a difficulty with all these measures is that they reflect
expectations of headline inflation rather than the core inflation measures usually
emphasized in the monetary policy context. Headline inflation has of course been
significantly affected by the recent surge in energy prices. The breakeven inflation rate
derived from indexed Treasury securities has additional problems as a measure of
expected inflation. As I discussed in a recent speech (Bernanke, 2004b), breakeven
inflation may differ substantially from the market's true expectation of inflation because
of possibly time-varying risk and liquidity premiums. I will discuss inflation
expectations further in the context of monetary policy, to which I turn next.

- 12 -

Monetary Policy
The federal funds rate stands at a historically low level of 1 percent, and the
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has declared its intention to be "patient in
removing policy accommodation." As a number of my FOMC colleagues have noted in
various public venues, inevitably the funds rate will have to return to a more normal
level. What considerations should the Committee keep in mind as it plans this
normalization process?
Before addressing this question, I would like to point out that, in an appropriately
broad sense, monetary conditions in the United States are already in the process of
normalizing. I base this statement on my view that the stance of monetary policy should
be judged not only by the current setting of the federal funds rate but also by the level of
rates that are tied directly or indirectly to expectations about the future path of monetary
policy, of which the yields on Treasury securities are the leading examples. In part
because of the FOMC's communication strategy, which has linked the future stance of
policy to the level of inflation and the extent of slack in resource utilization, market
interest rates have generally responded continuously and in a stabilizing manner to
economic developments.
The March employment report, which cited an unexpectedly high rate of job
creation, provides a recent example. Treasury yields rose sharply on its release as market
participants traced out the report's presumed implications for monetary policy. Mortgage
rates, corporate bond rates, and other yields and asset prices moved in sympathy, with
important effects on the cost of borrowing and hence, presumably, on aggregate demand.
For practical purposes, therefore, monetary conditions tightened significantly the day of

- 13 -

the March employment report, notwithstanding the fact that the federal funds rate itself
was unchanged. This episode illustrates both the power and the importance of clear
communication by monetary policymakers about their objectives and their evaluation of
economic conditions.
With respect to future decisions about the policy rate, for me two considerations
are most relevant: first, the degree of confidence one can place in the sustainability of the
economic expansion and, second, the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations.
As I have indicated, the economic expansion is showing increasing signs of being
both strong and self-sustaining. However, to my mind, some uncertainty about that
sustainability remains, arising primarily from the slow recovery of the labor market.
Indeed, if one takes into account the long delay between the official recession trough and
the trough in employment, the labor market today remains at what effectively is an early
stage of its normal cyclical expansion. Although the recent improvement in employment
is encouraging, from the data in hand it is not yet clear that employers have overcome
their reluctance to hire at a normal pace. Additional confirmation that the recovery in the
job market is both sustainable and quickening would be most welcome.
Regarding inflation, as I noted earlier, the economic fundamentals appear
consistent with core inflation's remaining under control, in the general range of 1 to 2
percent. In particular, I see no indication that the U.S. economy is in imminent danger of
overheating, productivity growth is keeping the lid on labor costs, and the effects on
inflation of the increases in commodity prices and the decline in the dollar to date, which
are likely to be small in any event, may well have dissipated a year from now. As I have
acknowledged, however, there are risks to my relatively sanguine inflation forecast. In

- 14particular, a rise in the public's expectations of inflation, whether "justified" by
underlying forces or not, may put upward pressure on the actual rate of inflation.
Moreover, expectations of inflation can themselves be destabilizing, as when an
"inflation scare" in the bond market inappropriately raises long-term yields, with adverse
effects for the real economy. To avoid instability in expected inflation, and the volatility
in actual inflation, output, and employment that might result, I believe that the Federal
Reserve should maintain at all costs its hard-won credibility for keeping the inflation rate
low and stable. That involves, at a minimum, formulating policy with a close eye to
indicators of inflation and inflation expectations. More generally, as I have suggested in
earlier talks, I believe that the FOMC's credibility and clarity would be enhanced ifit
announced the inflation range with which it would be comfortable in the medium term
(Bemanke, 2003a, 2003b). In particular, policy would be both more coherent and more
predictable if FOMC members shared an explicit common objective for inflation at the
medium-term horizon.
To conclude, monetary policy is now in a transition phase. That short-term
interest rates must eventually be normalized is a given. However, the remaining
uncertainty about the likely paths of both employment and inflation of necessity implies
that the timing of policy changes at this point also remains uncertain. Like my colleagues
on the FOMC, I will continue to watch the relevant data very closely. The challenge that
lies before the Committee is to manage policy in a way that permits the economy to
realize its productive potential while simultaneously maintaining firm control of inflation
and inflation expectations.

- 15 -


Bernanke, Ben (2003a). "A Perspective on Inflation Targeting," Speech given at the
Annual Washington Policy Conference ofthe National Association of Business
Economists, Washington, D.C., March 25.

Bernanke, Ben (2003b). "Panel Discussion," At the 28 th Annual Policy Conference:
Inflation Targeting: Prospects and Problems, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St.
Louis, Missouri, October 17.
bJm://w'Y..\V. federal reserve. gOY lboat:skIJ)f.§b'p~Q!<hQ.~L2 00~alJ.Q}LQ"! 7/gefau!.tDlill
Bernanke, Ben (2003c). "The Jobless Recovery," Speech given at the Global Economic
and Investment Outlook Conference, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, November 6.

Bernanke, Ben (2004a). "Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook: 2004," Speech
given at the Meetings of the American Economic Association, San Diego California,
January 4.

Bernanke, Ben (2004b). "What Policymakers Can Learn from Asset Prices," Remarks
made to the Investment Analyst Society of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, April 15.

Juhn, Chinhui, Kevin M. Murphy, and Robert Topel (2002). "Current Unemployment,
Historically Contemplated," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, pp. 79-116.
Poole, William (2004). "Inflation Signals and Inflation Noise," Remarks made at the
University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, Arkansas, April 6,
