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For release on delivery
9:00 a.m. EDT
October 1, 2009

Ben S. Bernanke
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Committee on Financial Services
U.S. House of Representatives

October 1, 2009

Chairman Frank, Ranking Member Bachus, and other members of the Committee, I
appreciate the opportunity to discuss ways of improving the financial regulatory framework to
better protect against systemic risks.
In my view, a broad-based agenda for reform should include at least five key elements.
First, legislative change is needed to ensure that systemically important financial firms are
subject to effective consolidated supervision, whether or not the firm owns a bank.
Second, an oversight council made up of the agencies involved in financial supervision
and regulation should be established, with a mandate to monitor and identify emerging risks to
financial stability across the entire financial system, to identify regulatory gaps, and to
coordinate the agencies’ responses to potential systemic risks. To further encourage a more
comprehensive and holistic approach to financial oversight, all federal financial supervisors and
regulators--not just the Federal Reserve--should be directed and empowered to take account of
risks to the broader financial system as part of their normal oversight responsibilities.
Third, a new special resolution process should be created that would allow the
government to wind down a failing systemically important financial institution whose disorderly
collapse would pose substantial risks to the financial system and the broader economy.
Importantly, this regime should allow the government to impose losses on shareholders and
creditors of the firm.
Fourth, all systemically important payment, clearing, and settlement arrangements should
be subject to consistent and robust oversight and prudential standards.
And fifth, policymakers should ensure that consumers are protected from unfair and
deceptive practices in their financial dealings.

-2Taken together, these changes should significantly improve both the regulatory system’s
ability to constrain the buildup of systemic risks as well as the financial system’s resiliency when
serious adverse shocks occur.
Consolidated Supervision of Systemically Important Financial Institutions
The current financial crisis has clearly demonstrated that risks to the financial system can
arise not only in the banking sector, but also from the activities of other financial firms--such as
investment banks or insurance companies--that traditionally have not been subject to the type of
regulation and consolidated supervision applicable to bank holding companies. To close this
important gap in our regulatory structure, legislative action is needed that would subject all
systemically important financial institutions to the same framework for consolidated prudential
supervision that currently applies to bank holding companies. Such action would prevent
financial firms that do not own a bank, but that nonetheless pose risks to the overall financial
system because of the size, risks, or interconnectedness of their financial activities, from
avoiding comprehensive supervisory oversight.
Besides being supervised on a consolidated basis, systemically important financial
institutions should also be subject to enhanced regulation and supervision, including capital,
liquidity, and risk-management requirements that reflect those institutions’ important roles in the
financial sector. Enhanced requirements are needed not only to protect the stability of individual
institutions and the financial system as a whole, but also to reduce the incentives for financial
firms to become very large in order to be perceived as too big to fail. This perception materially
weakens the incentive of creditors of the firm to restrain the firm’s risk-taking, and it creates a
playing field that is tilted against smaller firms not perceived as having the same degree of
government support. Creation of a mechanism for the orderly resolution of systemically

-3important nonbank financial firms, which I will discuss later, is an important additional tool for
addressing the too-big-to-fail problem.
The Federal Reserve is already the consolidated supervisor of some of the largest and
most complex institutions in the world. I believe that the expertise we have developed in
supervising large, diversified, and interconnected banking organizations, together with our broad
knowledge of the financial markets in which these organizations operate, makes the Federal
Reserve well suited to serve as the consolidated supervisor for those systemically important
financial institutions that may not already be subject to the Bank Holding Company Act. In
addition, our involvement in supervision is critical for ensuring that we have the necessary
expertise, information, and authorities to carry out our essential functions as a central bank of
promoting financial stability and making effective monetary policy.
The Federal Reserve has already taken a number of important steps to improve its
regulation and supervision of large financial groups, building on lessons from the current crisis.
On the regulatory side, we played a key role in developing the recently announced,
internationally-agreed improvements to the capital requirements for trading activities and
securitization exposures, and we continue to work with other regulators to strengthen the capital
requirements for other types of on- and off-balance-sheet exposures.1 In addition, we are
working with our fellow regulatory agencies toward the development of capital standards and
other supervisory tools that would be calibrated to the systemic importance of the firm. Options
under consideration in this area include requiring systemically important institutions to hold
aggregate levels of capital above current regulatory norms or to maintain a greater share of


See Bank for International Settlements (2009), “Basel II Capital Framework Enhancements Announced by the
Basel Committee,” press release, July 13,; and Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision (2009), Enhancements to the Basel II Framework (Basel: Basel Committee, July), available at

-4capital in the form of common equity or instruments with similar loss-absorbing attributes, such
as “contingent” capital that converts to common equity when necessary to mitigate systemic risk.
The financial crisis also highlighted weaknesses in liquidity risk management at major
financial institutions, including an overreliance on short-term funding. To address these issues,
the Federal Reserve helped lead the development of revised international principles for sound
liquidity risk management, which have been incorporated into new interagency guidance now
out for public comment.2
In the supervisory arena, the recently completed Supervisory Capital Assessment
Program (SCAP), popularly known as the stress test, was quite instructive for our efforts to
strengthen our prudential oversight of the largest banking organizations.3 This unprecedented
interagency process, which was led by the Federal Reserve, incorporated forward-looking, crossfirm, aggregate analyses of 19 of the largest bank holding companies, which together control a
majority of the assets and loans within the U.S. banking system. Drawing on the SCAP
experience, we have increased our emphasis on horizontal examinations, which focus on
particular risks or activities across a group of banking organizations, and we have broadened the
scope of the resources we bring to bear on these reviews. We also are in the process of creating
an enhanced quantitative surveillance program for large, complex organizations that will use
supervisory information, firm-specific data analysis, and market-based indicators to identify
emerging risks to specific firms as well as to the industry as a whole. This work will be


See Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2008), Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and
Supervision (Basel: Basel Committee, September), Information about the proposed
guidance is available at Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Office of Thrift Supervision, and National Credit Union
Administration (2009), “Agencies Seek Comment on Proposed Interagency Guidance on Funding and Liquidity
Risk Management,” joint press release, June 30,
For more information about the SCAP, see Ben S. Bernanke (2009), “The Supervisory Capital Assessment
Program,” speech delivered at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 2009 Financial Markets Conference, held in
Jekyll Island, Ga., May 11,

-5performed by a multidisciplinary group composed of our economic and market researchers,
supervisors, market operations specialists, and other experts within the Federal Reserve System.
Periodic scenario analysis will be used to enhance our understanding of the consequences of
changes in the economic environment for both individual firms and for the broader system.
Finally, to support and complement these initiatives, we are working with the other federal
banking agencies to develop more comprehensive information-reporting requirements for the
largest firms.
Systemic Risk Oversight
For purposes of both effectiveness and accountability, the consolidated supervision of an
individual firm, whether or not it is systemically important, is best vested with a single agency.
However, the broader task of monitoring and addressing systemic risks that might arise from the
interaction of different types of financial institutions and markets--both regulated and
unregulated--may exceed the capacity of any individual supervisor. Instead, we should seek to
marshal the collective expertise and information of all financial supervisors to identify and
respond to developments that threaten the stability of the system as a whole. This objective can
be accomplished by modifying the regulatory architecture in two important ways.
First, an oversight council--composed of representatives of the agencies and departments
involved in the oversight of the financial sector--should be established to monitor and identify
emerging systemic risks across the full range of financial institutions and markets. Examples of
such potential risks include rising and correlated risk exposures across firms and markets;
significant increases in leverage that could result in systemic fragility; and gaps in regulatory
coverage that arise in the course of financial change and innovation, including the development
of new practices, products, and institutions. A council could also play useful roles in

-6coordinating responses by member agencies to mitigate emerging systemic risks, in
recommending actions to reduce procyclicality in regulatory and supervisory practices, and in
identifying financial firms that may deserve designation as systemically important. To fulfill its
responsibilities, a council would need access to a broad range of information from its member
agencies regarding the institutions and markets they supervise and, when the necessary
information is not available through that source, the authority to collect such information directly
from financial institutions and markets.
Second, the Congress should support a reorientation of individual agency mandates to
include not only the responsibility to oversee the individual firms or markets within each
agency’s scope of authority, but also the responsibility to try to identify and respond to the risks
those entities may pose, either individually or through their interactions with other firms or
markets, to the financial system more broadly. These actions could be taken by financial
supervisors on their own initiative or based on a request or recommendation of the oversight
council. Importantly, each supervisor’s participation in the oversight council would greatly
strengthen that supervisor’s ability to see and understand emerging risks to financial stability. At
the same time, this type of approach would vest the agency that has responsibility and
accountability for the relevant firms or markets with the authority for developing and
implementing effective and tailored responses to systemic threats arising within their purview.
To maximize effectiveness, the oversight council could help coordinate responses when risks
cross regulatory boundaries, which often will be the case.
The Federal Reserve already has begun to incorporate a systemically focused approach
into our supervision of large, interconnected firms. Doing so requires that we go beyond
considering each institution in isolation and pay careful attention to interlinkages and

-7interdependencies among firms and markets that could threaten the financial system in a crisis.
For example, the failure of one firm may lead to runs by wholesale funders of other firms that are
seen by investors as similarly situated or that have exposures to the failing firm. These efforts
are reflected, for example, in the expansion of horizontal reviews and the quantitative
surveillance program I discussed earlier.
Improved Resolution Process
Another critical element of the systemic risk agenda is the creation of a new regime that
would allow the orderly resolution of failing, systemically important financial firms. In most
cases, the federal bankruptcy laws provide an appropriate framework for the resolution of
nonbank financial institutions. However, the bankruptcy code does not sufficiently protect the
public’s strong interest in ensuring the orderly resolution of a nonbank financial firm whose
failure would pose substantial risks to the financial system and to the economy. Indeed, after the
Lehman Brothers and AIG experiences, there is little doubt that we need a third option between
the choices of bankruptcy and bailout for such firms.
A new resolution regime for nonbanks, analogous to the regime currently used by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for banks, would provide the government the tools to
restructure or wind down a failing systemically important firm in a way that mitigates the risks to
financial stability and the economy and thus protects the public interest. It also would provide
the government a mechanism for imposing losses on the shareholders and creditors of the firm.
Establishing credible processes for imposing such losses is essential to restoring a meaningful
degree of market discipline and addressing the too-big-to-fail problem. The availability of a
workable resolution regime also would replace the need for the Federal Reserve to use its

-8emergency lending authority under section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act to prevent the
failure of specific institutions.
Payment, Clearing, and Settlement Arrangements
Payment, clearing, and settlement arrangements are the foundation of the nation's
financial infrastructure. These arrangements include centralized market utilities for clearing and
settling payments, securities, and derivatives transactions, as well as the decentralized activities
through which financial institutions clear and settle such transactions bilaterally. While these
arrangements can create significant efficiencies and promote transparency in the financial
markets, they also may concentrate substantial credit, liquidity, and operational risks, and, absent
strong risk controls, may themselves be a source of contagion in times of stress.
Unfortunately, the current regulatory and supervisory framework for systemically
important payment, clearing, and settlement arrangements is fragmented, creating the potential
for inconsistent standards to be adopted or applied. Under the current system, no single regulator
is able to develop a comprehensive understanding of the interdependencies, risks, and riskmanagement approaches across the full range of arrangements serving the financial markets
today. In light of the increasing integration of global financial markets, it is important that
systemically critical payment, clearing, and settlement arrangements be viewed from a
systemwide perspective and that they be subject to strong and consistent prudential standards and
supervisory oversight. We believe that additional authorities are needed to achieve these goals.
Consumer Protection
As the Congress considers financial reform, it is vitally important that consumers be
protected from unfair and deceptive practices in their financial dealings. Strong consumer
protection helps preserve households’ savings, promotes confidence in financial institutions and

-9markets, and adds materially to the strength of the financial system. We have seen in this crisis
that flawed or inappropriate financial instruments can lead to bad results for families and for the
stability of the financial sector. In addition, the playing field is uneven regarding examination
and enforcement of consumer protection laws among banks and nonbank affiliates of bank
holding companies on the one hand, and firms not affiliated with banks on the other hand.
Addressing this discrepancy is critical both for protecting consumers and for ensuring fair
competition in the market for consumer financial products.
Thank you again for the opportunity to testify on these important matters. The Federal
Reserve looks forward to working with the Congress and the Administration to enact meaningful
regulatory reform that will strengthen the financial system and reduce both the probability and
severity of future crises.