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For release on delivery
9:30 a.m. EDT
April 9, 2008

The Importance of Financial Education and the National Jump$tart Coalition Survey

Ben S. Bernanke
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
at the
Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy and
Federal Reserve Board joint news conference
Washington, D.C.
April 9, 2008

Good morning. It is my pleasure to welcome you to today’s briefing on the
results of the JumpStart Coalition’s biennial financial literacy survey of America’s high
school seniors.
The financial preparedness of our nation’s youth is essential to their well-being
and of vital importance to our economic future. With the issues consumers are facing in
the subprime mortgage market, we are reminded of how critically important it is for
individuals to become financially literate at an early age so that they are better prepared
to make decisions and navigate an increasingly complex financial marketplace. Choosing
a credit card, saving for retirement or for a child’s education, or buying a home now
requires more financial savvy than ever before. Financial literacy and consumer
education—coupled with robust consumer protection—makes the financial marketplace
effective and efficient, and better equips consumers to make tough yet smart financial
decisions. Today, only eight states across the U.S. require personal finance before
middle or high school graduation. I believe more states should consider making personal
finance a requirement for all students who seek a high school diploma. I am personally
convinced that improving education is vital to the future of our economy and all its
citizens, and I strongly believe that promoting financial literacy, in particular, must be a
high priority. I know that those of you here today join me in this conviction.
The Jump$tart Coalition is a leader among organizations seeking to improve the
personal financial literacy of students from kindergarten to the university level. In
particular, through its biennial survey of high school seniors—the results of which you
will hear about shortly—Jump$tart has brought increased attention to the need for greater

-2financial literacy among the youth of our nation. During the Jump$tart survey’s 12-year
history, the data gathered have served as the basis for useful measures of what young
adults do and don’t understand about finances. Undoubtedly, we will soon learn that
there is plenty of work to be done and that our students have much to learn.
The Federal Reserve is strongly committed to Jump$tart’s mission to better
educate America’s youth about personal finance. On the regional level, many Federal
Reserve Banks work closely with the state coalitions to help achieve this worthy mission.
In fact, there is at least one economic education specialist at each of the Reserve Banks
and their branches. Many of these specialists offer training seminars to help educators
teach vital economic and personal finance topics in their classrooms. The Federal
Reserve also continues to support a variety of programs and initiatives to increase
financial literacy. These include:

Money Smart Week, an annual week-long program coordinated by the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago, which educates consumers about money management
and promotes financial education awareness in 20 cities across the 7th District;


Building Wealth, a resource developed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to
help consumers develop a personal plan for building wealth;


“Life Smarts,” a national quiz-based competition for high school students
sponsored by the National Consumer League and promoted by many Reserve


Educational web sites, such as the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s
“FedVille,” where students actively learn more about financial concepts such as
spending, saving, and earning interest; and


FederalReserveEducation.Org, our system-wide education web portal offering
easy access to a host of beneficial resources geared toward students, parents, and

In addition to these and many other Federal Reserve resources, we will continue to work
to expand the resources and programs devoted to the important public policy challenge of
improving financial literacy.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the Jump$tart Coalition and their partners
for their continued support and commitment to furthering the financial education of our
youth. Now, it is with great pleasure that I introduce Laura Levine, executive director of
Jump$tart and appointed member of President Bush’s recently formed Council on
Financial Literacy, who will give a report on the status of financial education of youth in
this country.