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For release on delivery
10:00 a.m. EST (9:00 a.m. CST)
February 21,2003


Remarks by
Ben S. Bernanke
Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Before the
41 st Annual Winter Institute
Center for Economic Education
St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud, Minnesota
February 21,2003

Economic growth and prosperity are created primarily by what economists call
"real" factors--the productivity of the workforce, the quantity and quality of the capital
stock, the availability of land and natural resources, the state of technical knowledge, and
the creativity and skills of entrepreneurs and managers. But extensive practical
experience as well as much formal research has highlighted the crucial supporting role
that financial factors play in the economy. An entrepreneur with a great new idea for
building a better mousetrap or curing the common cold needs access to financial capital-provided, for example, by a bank or a venture capitalist--to transform that idea into a
profitable commercial enterprise. To expand and modernize their plants and increase
their staffs, most firms must turn to bond markets, stock markets, or banks to obtain the
necessary financial resources. And without a well-functioning mortgage market, most
families would not be able to buy homes, undercutting one of our most vital industries.
In short, healthy financial conditions help a country to realize its full economic potential.
For this reason, one of the first priorities of developing nations is often to establish a
modern, well-functioning financial system.
Just as a strong financial system promotes growth, adverse financial conditions-for example, a weak banking system grappling with nonperforming loans and insufficient
capital, or firms and households whose creditworthiness has eroded because of high
leverage, poor income prospects, and assets of declining value--may prevent an economy
from realizing its potential. A striking contemporary case is that of Japan, where the
financial problems of banks and corporations have contributed substantially to a decade
of subpar growth. Likewise, the severity of the Great Depression of the 1930s was


greatly increased by the near-collapse of banking and financial systems in a number of
major countries, including the United States.
Changes in financial conditions may also playa prominent role in the contraction
and recovery phases of business cycles, although the specific aspects of the financial
system most affected vary from cycle to cycle. 1 For example, recovery from the 1990-91
recession was delayed by the "financial headwinds" arising from regional shortages of
bank capital (Bernanke and Lown, 1991). From a financial perspective, the most striking
developments of the most recent recession have been sharp declines in equity values
(particularly in the high-tech sector) and a series of large, high-profile corporate
bankruptcies. Other financial developments have been the subject of comment, however,
including the rise in various indicators of financial stress among both consumer and
corporate borrowers.
Like many others, we at the Federal Reserve are trying to peer into the future and
divine the shape of the U.S. economic recovery in 2003 and beyond. In doing so, we
have necessarily had to ask: Will financial conditions--as reflected in, for example, the
balance sheets and income statements of households, firms, and financial intermediaries-support a strong recovery? Or will financial problems in one or more sectors restrain
spending and economic growth? These are the questions I will address today. To
anticipate, I will conclude that--although areas of financial weakness are certainly present
in the economy, as in every recession--the financial problems that currently exist do not
seem sufficient to prevent an increasingly robust economic recovery during this year and

1 Bernanke, Gertler, and Gilchrist (2000) provide a formal quantitative model in which endogenous
variation in balance sheet quality--the so-called financial accelerator--enhances the amplitude of business


next. In particular, households and the banking system seem to be in good financial
condition for this stage of the business cycle. The story for firms is more mixed, with
some companies and sectors under significant financial pressure. However, as I will
discuss, many firms have taken advantage of low interest rates to restructure their balance
sheets and most seem financially capable of undertaking new capital investment and of
ramping up hiring.
I will talk briefly about each of these vital sectors: households, firms, and banks.
Before continuing, however, I should remind you that the views I express today are mine
alone and do not necessarily represent the opinions of my colleagues at the Federal
Reserve System or on the Federal Open Market Committee.
The financial health of households
Let's start our financial checkup of the economy with the critical household, or
consumer, sector. Consumer spending accounts for more than two-thirds of gross
domestic product (GDP), and residential investment--the construction of new homes-makes up another 4 percent or so of GDP. In 2002, with firms extremely reluctant to
make new capital investments or build inventories, strong consumer spending was
instrumental in supporting the early stages of the recovery. However, concerns have
been raised about the ability of households to continue "shouldering the load," so to
speak. Are consumers overburdened, financially speaking? Or do they have the capacity
to continue to keep spending at a reasonable pace?

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According to virtually all studies of household expenditure, two principal factors
affect the consumer's ability and willingness to spend. The first factor is real (that is,
inflation-adjusted) after-tax income, also called real disposable income, and the second is
real wealth. Taken together, disposable income (both current and expected) and wealth
summarize the household's lifetime command over resources and thus are major
determinants of willingness to spend.
A principal reason for the consumer's resilience during the past two years has
been continued healthy growth in real disposable income. Real disposable income
typically declines at some point during a recession, and indeed the National Bureau of
Economic Research's business cycle dating committee treats a period of decline in real
income as a primary indicator that a recession has begun. In this latest downturn,
however, unlike most recessions, real income never did stop growing; instead it rose by
1.8 percent in 2001 and by a surprisingly strong 4.5 percent in 2002. These increases in
real income were made possible to a significant extent by tax cuts and increased transfer
payments, although increases in real wages played a role as well. Expectations for future
increases in real disposable income also appear to be relatively optimistic, perhaps
reflecting the recent strong performance of labor productivity. For example, the most
recent Blue Chip consensus forecast is for real disposable income to grow 3.1 percent in
2003 and 3.5 percent in 2004 and to average growth of 3.2 percent per year over the
2004-13 period. For comparison, the average growth in real disposable income between
1993 and 2000 was 3.4 percent. In short, there is a reasonable chance that, in terms of
real income growth, the next decade should be as good for households as the nineties


Although income and income prospects are positive factors for household
spending, the behavior of wealth--that is, household assets minus household liabilities-has been more of a mixed bag. Between 1980 and 1994, the ratio of household wealth to
household disposable income remained roughly stable, hovering between about 4.3 and
5.0. Then, beginning in 1994, the ratio of household wealth to income surged, peaking at
more than 6.0 in 2000. In the past three years or so, however, the ratio of wealth to
income has fallen back to about the 1994 level, at just under 5.0. As you might guess,
almost all of this large swing is attributable to the recent boom and bust in the stock
market. The aggregate value of U.S. equities, which approximately equaled household
disposable income at the end of 1994, reached 2.5 times disposable income at the
beginning of 2000, but then it fell back to 1.3 times disposable income by the end of
2002. Most of us have heard the wry joke that our 401 (k)s are now 201(k)s! Although in
dollar terms, stockholdings remain concentrated in the upper income brackets, the pain of
falling stock prices during the past three years has been widely shared: More than half of
all U.S. households now own at least some equities, either directly or indirectly through
such vehicles as mutual funds, pension plans, variable annuities, and personal trusts
(Aizcorbe, Kennickell, and Moore, 2003).
For some households at least, losses in stock portfolios have been mitigated by
significant increases in the value of residential real estate. These rises in house prices
have led some to worry about the possibility of a "bubble" in housing prices and the
associated risks of further losses in household wealth, should this putative bubble pop.
Let me digress for a moment to address this issue. Although bubbles in any asset are
notoriously hard to spot in advance (if they were obvious to the naked eye, they would


not arise in the first place), in my judgment there is today little evidence of serious or
systematic overvaluation in the U.S. residential housing market. In particular, for the
nation as a whole, the rise in house prices appears to have closely tracked economic
fundamentals--including rising household incomes, high rates of household formation,
and historically low mortgage interest rates. Also, the U.S. housing market is not a single
market but many markets that are highly dispersed geographically across dozens of
disparate standard metropolitan statistical areas, or SMSAs. Experience suggests that
house prices across SMSAs are rather imperfectly correlated and that price reversals,
when they occur, are typically localized. Moreover, the ratio of the value of mortgage
loans outstanding to home values in the aggregate has been roughly constant over the past
few years, and most homeowners have substantial equity in their homes; thus even if
moderate declines in house prices were to occur, they would not impose financial
hardship on the great majority of households.
Returning to the main thread of the discussion, I now address two related
questions: First, how has the overall decline in wealth associated with the fall in stock
prices affected consumer spending thus far, and second, how is it likely to affect spending
in the next year or so? Statistical analyses by economists have found that a one-dollar
change in wealth leads to a permanent change in consumption spending, in the same
direction, of about three to five cents--the so-called "wealth effect." The full effect of a
major shift in wealth on consumption spending appears to take place over a period of one
to three years. Fed staff estimates are that wealth effects held back the growth in
consumption spending by about 1-1/2 percentage points last year, relative to what it
would have been otherwise. Assuming no further major declines in the ratio of wealth to


income, this drag should diminish a bit, to about 1 percent this year and Yz percent next
year. In short, the largest part of the negative wealth effect created by the fall in stock
prices is probably behind us.
One might wish to dig deeper, of course. For example, dis aggregating wealth into
asset and liability components is sometimes useful. Breaking out household liabilities
reveals that aggregate household debt and the debt service burden--that is, interest on
debt measured relative to disposable income--rose to fairly high levels in recent years.
For example, the ratio of debt service to disposable income peaked at 14.4 percent in the
fourth quarter of 2001, although it fell somewhat in 2002 as disposable income rose and
interest rates declined. A few other indicators of financial pressures have also risen. For
example, personal bankruptcies rose 5 percent between 2001 and 2002 to hit a new high,
and have continued to be elevated. Do these indicators imply that the consumer is
financially overextended? Broadly, I think the answer is "no." In this regard, two items
are worth stressing: first, the composition of the recent surge in consumer debt and,
second, the role of the recent growth of the subprime credit market.
Regarding the composition of debt, a key fact is that most of the recent expansion
in consumer debt has been in the form of mortgage debt. Indeed, in 2002 new mortgage
debt accounted for close to 90 percent of the overall growth in household debt. This
recent growth in mortgage debt continues a marked trend. Between 1992 and 2002,
mortgage debt of households rose from 59 percent of aggregate disposable income to 74
percent of disposable income.


Why has mortgage debt risen by so much in the past decade? One very positive
factor is the secular increase in U.S. homeownership rates? Because of rising incomes,
increased rates of family formation, and the expansion of so-called subprime mortgage
lending, more people have chosen to buy homes rather than to rent, increasing the value
of mortgages outstanding. A second factor is favorable tax treatment: The 1986 tax
reform act, which retained the tax-deductible status of mortgage interest but eliminated it
for other types of loans, spurred a substitution of mortgage debt for consumer credit (for
example, through the popularization of home equity lines of credit). Finally, most
recently, mortgage debt has been powerfully boosted by the low mortgage interest rates
available in the past couple of years. These low rates have stimulated record amounts of
new home construction, which has not only permitted a growing number of Americans
the opportunity for homeownership but has played a vital role in maintaining aggregate
demand throughout the recession and recovery--not only in the construction industry but
in ancillary industries such as home furnishings.
As you may know, low mortgage rates have not only stimulated home
construction but have also induced an enormous wave of refinancing of existing
mortgages. According to a recent article in the Federal Reserve Bulletin (Canner, Dynan,
and Passmore, 2002), 10 percent of U.S. households surveyed in the first half of 2002
reported having refinanced a home mortgage since the beginning of 2001. Refinancing
has allowed homeowners both to take advantage of lower rates to reduce their monthly
payments and, in many cases, to "extract" some of the built-up equity in their homes.
According to the Fed study, the average amount of home equity extracted in cash-out


transactions in 2001 and early 2002 was $27,000. Refinancing activity surged further in
the second half of 2002: According to one set of Federal Reserve staff estimates,
mortgage refinancings totaled $400 billion in the third quarter of 2002 and more than
$550 billion in the fourth quarter of 2002, after averaging $325 billion (quarterly rate)
over the preceding six quarters.
From a macroeconomic point of view the refinancing phenomenon has very likely
been a supportive factor. The precise effect is difficult to identify, since we cannot know
for sure how much of the spending financed by equity cash-outs might have taken place
anyway. Fairly generous assumptions about the propensity of households to devote
equity cash-outs to new spending suggest that refinancings may have boosted annualized
real consumption growth between 1,4 and Yz percentage point in the second half of 2002,
the period of maximum impact. A fairly substantial gap still remains between the current
level of mortgage interest rates and the average level of interest on the outstanding stock
of mortgages, suggesting that refinancings should continue at a brisk pace in the early
part of this year. As refinancings slow later this year, however, they will create a slight
drag on consumption growth relative to 2002.
An important aspect of the surge in mortgage refinancings is that, on the whole,
they have probably improved rather than worsened the average financial condition of the
household sector. Notably, a substantial portion of equity extraction, probably about 25
percent, has been used to pay down more expensive, nondeductible consumer credit (such
as credit card debt or auto loans), with additional funds used to make purchases (such as
cars or tuition) that would otherwise have been financed by more expensive and less tax-


According to the Bureau of the Census, the share of U.S. households that owned homes rose from 64.0

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favored credit. In short, the consumer has taken advantage of an unusual opportunity to
do some balance sheet restructuring. This restructuring has not come at the cost of a
dangerous increase in leverage. As already noted, loan-to-value ratios for home
mortgages have barely changed in recent years. Moreover, analysis by members of the
Federal Reserve staff suggests that the great bulk of cashed-out equity has been taken out
by older, long-tenure homeowners who have gone into the transaction with high levels of
home equity (often 100 percent equity) and have retained substantial equity after the
transaction. In summary, a deeper analysis shows that much of the apparent recent
increase in the household sector's debt burden reflects a combination of increased home
ownership, partial liquidation of the home equity of long-tenure households, and balancesheet restructuring by households toward a more tax-efficient and collateralized form of
debt, that is, mortgage debt. For many families this restructuring has resulted in lower
leverage and payments, rather than the reverse. I conclude, therefore, that the rise in
consumer debt for the most part does not presage financial problems in the household
What then about the rise in bankruptcy rates and similar indicators? Bankruptcy
rates are hard to forecast, as they vary over time with changes in law and financial
practice; moreover, they themselves do not tend to forecast broad economic conditions
very well. One partial explanation for their recent increase, as I intimated earlier, may be
the expansion earlier in the decade of the so-called subprime lending market, in which
lenders sought to make loans to households whose credit histories excluded them from
the mainstream market. Although some legitimate concerns have been raised about

percent in 1990 to 67.9 percent in 2002, even as the population grew substantially.

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lending abuses in this market, overall the expansion of the subprime market is a positive
development, opening up as it does new opportunities for borrowers previously excluded
from credit markets. Not unexpectedly, however, lenders, borrowers, and regulators have
faced a significant learning curve as this market has developed, and perhaps we should
not be surprised that some of the loans made in this market in a period of strong
economic growth have become distressed in a period of recession and rising
unemployment. Moreover, default rates tend to increase with loan age, so that even
absent a macroeconomic downturn it would not be entirely unexpected to see a rise in
defaults as the subprime loans made in the nineties begin to age. We hope that, as the
market evolves and becomes more sophisticated, its sensitivity to cyclical fluctuations
will decline, which--among other things--should reduce the cost of credit to subprime
Broadly speaking, the bottom line is that the consumer seems in pretty good shape
for this stage of the cycle. As I indicated, I expect that household spending will continue
into 2003 and 2004 at a pace consistent with a strengthening recovery. Probably the main
risk to this forecast is not the state of household balance sheets but the state of the labor
market, as a significant increase in unemployment might lead consumers to retrench. At
this point, however, the labor market, while not nearly as robust as we would wish,
appears at least to be stable.
The financial health of firms
If consumers have done their part and more for the economic recovery, so far the
dog that hasn't barked is the business sector. True, firms have distinguished themselves
in at least one way: The increases in productivity we have seen in the nonfarm business

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sector over the past two years have been truly remarkable, particularly in light of the fact
that productivity growth is typically weak during cyclical declines. Clearly, managers
have dedicated themselves to producing more with less and to raising profits by cutting
In another, critical sense, however, the business sector has not yet played its

normal role in the recovery. Atypically for the post-World War II period, the current
recession began as a slowdown in the business sector, particularly in capital investment,
rather than as a retrenchment in household spending. Now, two years after the recession
began, firms continue to be highly reluctant to expand operations--either by investing in
new capital equipment or by adding to their workforces. What's going on?
Let's start by discussing the fundamentals underlying firms' investment and
hiring, and then ask whether financial conditions can support the fundamentals. As I
speak, the enormous uncertainty regarding the situation in Iraq and other foreign hot
spots still continues to cast a heavy pall on firms' planning for the future. That
uncertainty will have to be significantly reduced, I think, before we can get a real sense of
the strength of the underlying economic forces driving the nascent recovery. However, a
number of factors suggest that investment and hiring should pick up in the months ahead.
For some time now, the business sector has been meeting a growing final demand
without adding capital or employees. Presumably, businesses cannot indefinitely squeeze
increasing productivity out of fixed resources and eventually will need to invest and add
workers to meet the demand for their output. Moreover, much of the investment done
during the 1990s boom was in relatively short-lived equipment, which may soon need

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replacement. Inventories are also currently lean and will likely need replenishment if
final demand grows as forecast.
Other fundamental factors support the idea that investment will gradually increase
this year. The cost of capital remains low for most firms, reflecting the attractive longterm interest rates for borrowers with good prospects and the tax benefits to investing in
equipment created by the partial expensing provision. Cash flows are improving.
Ongoing technological changes imply that adding the newest generation of equipment
should make possible still greater gains in productivity. Indeed, aggregate investment is
currently well below what standard econometric models would predict, an effect that I
attribute primarily to an unusually high level of uncertainty about geopolitical events and,
to a lesser extent, about the likely near-term evolution of the economy. If that
interpretation is correct, then, as uncertainty diminishes, investment should increase.
One argument against this relatively upbeat assessment is the view that a "capital
overhang" remains from the high investment rates of the late 1990s. I will leave a fuller
discussion of the putative overhang problem to another time, saying here only that I
believe that whatever significant overhang remains is localized in a few industries-possible examples being telecommunications, commercial aircraft, and commercial
structures--and is probably not a major negative factor for investment in the broader
economy at this juncture.
Accepting provisionally that (pending some reduction in uncertainty) economic
fundamentals support a near-term expansion of capital investment and hiring, we now
ask: Do firms have the financial capacity to undertake substantial expansion? From a
financial perspective, the nonfinancial corporate sector presents a mixed picture, one

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distinctly weaker than that of the household sector. We have already mentioned the poor
performance of the stock market. Corporate profitability has recently shown some signs
of recovery; however, at about 8 percent of GDP last quarter, nonfinancial corporate
profits are still quite low relative to output, considerably below their 1997 peak of about
13 percent of GDP. 3 The general weakness in the economy has, of course, played a role
in holding down profits, but, ironically, the stock market's decline itself has also been a
factor. By some estimates, because of asset-price declines, the defined-benefit pension
plans of U.S. firms swung from being about $250 billion overfunded to being $200
billion to $250 billion underfunded between 2000 and 2002, necessitating large
contributions to these plans that must be charged against operating profits. 4 As these
losses on pension fund assets are by convention amortized over time, firms' pension
contributions will depress reported profits at least for the next couple of years (and,
incidentally, raise reported compensation to workers). I think one should note, however,
that from a purely economic point of view, losses associated with pension fund
commitments should be treated as bygones and thus in principle should not affect the
willingness of firms to undertake new capital investments, except to the extent that they
affect firms' ability to finance those investments.
Besides weak profits and the large decline in stock prices, the other obvious
negative for the corporate sector is the evident deterioration in aggregate credit quality.

Measured on a National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) basis. The NIP A series provides the most
comprehensive measure of profits for U.S. corporations. It is also defined to be consistent with GDP as a
measure of output.


Additionally, many firms will be required to change accounting assumptions about expected rates of
return in their pension plans, which may raise future contributions further.


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The average spreads between yields on risky corporate bonds, such as BBB-rated bonds
or high-yield corporate debt, and the yields on safe debt of comparable maturities are
currently at elevated levels, equal to or above those seen in the 1990-91 recession. Many

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companies have had their debt downgraded by ratings agencies, and corporate bond
defaults during 2002 amounted to 3.2 percent of the value of bonds outstanding, a rate
above the 1991 peak in default rates.
Although these statistics are certainly worrisome, a closer examination reveals
several mitigating factors. First, though average spreads of risky corporate debt remain
high on an absolute basis, they have recently improved substantially. Spreads on BBBrated corporate debt have come down nearly one-third since their October 2002 peak, and
high-yield spreads are down about one-fifth. Risk as measured by credit default swaps
has also come down substantially over the same period. At least some of the recent
marked improvement in perceived default risk and market liquidity must arise from
increasing confidence among investors that we have seen the last of the major accounting
scandals that rocked the markets during the summer. If more time passes without new
revelations of corporate wrongdoing and if the generally high level of risk aversion in
markets continues to moderate (perhaps with decreasing geopolitical risks), we should
see further declines in corporate yield spreads over this year.
A second mitigating factor is that much of the measured deterioration in aggregate
credit quality is actually concentrated in a few seriously distressed sectors, such as
telecommunications, airlines, and energy trading firms, with a few high-profile cases
making significant contributions. In particular, yield spreads in the telecom, cable, and
media industries reached dizzying heights in mid-2002, though recently these spreads
have fallen quite markedly. Remarkably, for the entire year 2002, telecom firms
accounted for 55 percent of corporate bond defaults, by value. A similar story, though
not quite so extreme, applies to energy and utility firms. When these most troubled

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sectors are excluded, the recent behavior of financial indicators for the corporate sector
looks far less unusual.
Though less evident than the headline statistics about earnings and stock prices,
there is also a positive financial story to tell about corporate America over the past couple
of years. Specifically, as in the case of households, the recent low-interest-rate
environment has allowed firm managers to restructure their balance sheets in ways that
have made them financially better prepared to expand their businesses when they judge
that the time is right. First, by borrowing at lower rates and refinancing old loans, firms
have been able to significantly reduce their current interest charges. The ratio of interest
expenses to outstanding debt for nonfinancial firms indicates that the average interest rate
has fallen about 1-1/4 percentage points from its recent high at year-end 2000, to under 6
percent on average. With lower interest rates and higher profits, the average ratio of
firms' interest expense to cash flow improved considerably in 2002, to about 18 percent
(compared with a peak of 27 percent in 1991). Second, firms have also restructured by
substituting long-term debt for short-term obligations, resulting in a sharp decline in the
average ratio of current debt to assets. Average liquidity also improved markedly in 2002,
reflecting declines in short-term liabilities, higher cash flows, and reduced payouts to
shareholders. Finally, on net, firms took on little new debt last year. The bottom line
from this restructuring activity is healthier balance sheets for many firms.
So, are firms financially able to fund new investment and new hiring, if and when
they decide that expansion is justified by the fundamentals? I think that, for the most
part, the answer is "yes." Most firms have ample cash and liquid assets to fund
investment internally, and they have access to the capital markets as needed to fund

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investment externally. Though risk premiums remain elevated and lenders are selective,
both the corporate bond markets and bank lending windows are "open" to reasonably
sound borrowers. Indeed, over the past year gross issuance--even of speculative-grade
bonds--continued at a moderate pace. The possible exceptions to the presumption that
funds are available are the weakest firms in the most troubled sectors. These firms are
generally also the ones with the poorest earnings prospects and the most severe problems
of excess capacity, and hence they are likely the firms with the least promising
opportunities for investment.
The financial strength of the banking sector
Finally, a brief word about banks.
The availability of funds to households and firms depends, of course, on the
financial stability of lenders as well as that of borrowers. Historically, there have been
numerous occasions in which financial problems in the banking system have slowed
economic growth, such as in the already-mentioned case of Japan. How has the U.S.
commercial banking sector held up in the latest recession?
Despite some high-profile lawsuits and regulatory settlements arising from the
accounting and stock analyst scandals of last summer, the answer in this case is "quite
well." Following the setbacks of the early 1990s, over the past decade U.S. commercial
banks have maintained consistently high profits and returns on assets through their efforts
to contain costs, to increase their sources of non-interest income (such as fee income),
and to maintain high standards of credit quality. Loan loss performance has improved
steadily, not only because of better credit evaluation techniques but also because banks

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have learned how manage credit risks better, by making much greater use of secondary
loan markets, derivative instruments such as credit default swaps, and other tools.
To a remarkable degree, the profitability and liquidity of the 1990s has been maintained
through the past two years of economic weakness. 5 Some of the factors supporting
profitability in the banking sector since 2000 include large inflows of cheap core deposits
(as households have retreated from riskier investments), booming business in mortgage
originations and refinancings, strong demand for credit cards, and capital gains on
securities holdings.
Capital adequacy in the banking sector remains good; it has been boosted both by
increased retained earnings and by banks' shifts into assets with relatively low risk
weights, such as government securities and residential mortgages. Loan-loss experience
in the past two years has worsened slightly; credit quality has been a particular concern in
the corporate sector, with a number of high-profile bankruptcies affecting a number of
large banks. In contrast, however, delinquency and charge-off rates on commercial real
estate loans declined in 2002 from already low levels, despite negative trends in market
rents and vacancy rates. The solid performance of commercial real estate loans contrasts
sharply with the difficulties experienced in the late 1980s and early 1990s and may
reflect, in part, tighter lending standards by banks, which were reported in the Federal
Reserve's Senior Loan Officer Survey as early as 1998. Similarly, delinquency rates on
residential mortgages held by banks declined in 2002, and charge-off rates on these loans
remained near zero. Delinquency rates on credit card loans were flat in 2002, but remain


Bassett and Carlson (2002) discuss bank performance in 2001.

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fairly elevated, partly because of the expansion of subprime lending discussed earlier.
Overall, the ratio of banks' bad-loan reserves to delinquent loans remains high, reflecting
strong earnings that have allowed banks to step up their rate of provisioning for future
defaults. Moreover, banks' ample capital provides a further important cushion against
possible losses.
Flush with deposits and with high levels of capital, most banks seem willing and
able to lend, a situation much different from the period following the 1990-91 recession.
The Fed's Senior Loan Officer Survey has found very little tendency toward tightening of
loan standards for consumers, either in regard to residential mortgages or other types of
consumer loans; and, as I have already discussed, the demand for mortgage loans and
home equity loans has been exceptionally strong. Business lending, by contrast, has been
weak. In part, reduced business lending may reflect some tightening of lending
standards, particularly by larger banks and for riskier borrowers. 6 Probably the more
important factor depressing commercial and industrial lending, however, is the weak
demand for business credit. As I have stressed, firms have displayed unusual reluctance
to invest or to hire additional workers, and many of those who do wish to expand
operations have been able to do so out of internal funds rather than go to banks or capital
markets. Other firms have taken advantage of low long-term interest rates to substitute
long-term financing for bank loans and other short-term liabilities. Reduced merger and
acquisition activity has also reduced business demand for bank loans.

That tightening has been most prevalent at the largest banks is suggested by analysis of the Senior Loan
Officer Survey. In notable contrast to some of the results of this survey, respondents to the National
Federation of Independent Businesses survey of small business--who deal primarily with smaller, regional
banks--have not reported consistent tightening of loan terms for business.

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As for the rest of this year and next year, the banking system seems well
positioned to continue to support household spending and to accommodate increased
credit demands by financially sound business borrowers.
My objective today was to assess whether there exist financial constraints that
might impede the developing recovery in the U.S. economy. My sense is that the
household and banking sectors are in good financial shape for this stage in the business
cycle; and that, though financial problems exist, they should not in themselves restrain
the building economic recovery.
The corporate sector presents a more mixed picture. Equity prices have fallen
significantly in the past three years, profits have made only a hesitant recovery, and
aggregate indicators of financial stress remain at elevated levels. Still, closer
examination of the corporate sector yields some grounds for optimism. Two points in
particular deserve re-stating: First, many of the financial problems of the corporate sector
are concentrated in just a few industries; excluding these industries, corporate financial
conditions are not especially weak for this stage of the cycle. Second, and less widely
recognized, many firms have used the past two years to significantly restructure their
balance sheets, reduce their interest burdens, and increase liquidity. At such time that
they feel they are ready to begin hiring and investing again, these firms should be
financially capable of doing so.
Thank you for your attention.

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