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For release on delivery
1:00 p.m. EDT
October 15, 2002

Asset-Price "Bubbles" and Monetary Policy

Remarks by

Ben S. Bemanke

Member, Board ofGovemors of the Federal Reserve System

before the

New York Chapter of the National Association for Business Economics

New York, New York

October 15, 2002

I am very pleased to have this opportunity to address the National Association for
Business Economics. Thank you for inviting me.
My talk today will address a contentious issue, summarized by the following pair
of questions: Can the Federal Reserve (or any central bank) reliably identify "bubbles" in
the prices of some classes of assets, such as equities and real estate? And, if it can, what
if anything should it do about them?
By way of background, I note that monetary policy in the United States has
achieved quite a good record over the past two decades. Since the Fed's conquest of
inflation in the 1980s, the American economy has moved steadily toward price stability
and--except for two recessions that appear to have been relatively mild by historical
standards--has enjoyed solid economic growth and high employment as well. Quarter-toquarter volatility in both output growth and inflation has dropped markedly in the past
twenty years, in comparison with the turbulent 1960s and 1970s.
New eras bring new challenges, however, and with inflation quiescent for the
moment, public attention has shifted to a different source of potential instability in the
economy: specifically, large swings in the prices of assets, both financial and real. As
everyone here knows, the second half of the 1990s saw a major bull market in equities in
the United States, followed by a bear market that began in the spring of 2000. The
decline in stock values since March 2000 has not only vaporized trillions of dollars in
wealth, but also likely played a role in worsening the recession that, according to the
National Bureau of Economic Research, began in the United States in March 2001. This
experience has led a number of observers--inc1uding academics, journalists, and
businesspeople--to assert that the Federal Reserve should have acted earlier to contain the

-2 sharp run-up in stock prices. If the Fed had had the foresight to "prick the bubble" at an
early stage, the argument goes, the economy might have been spared needless trauma.
My goal today is to look more closely at this argument and its implications.

Dealing with Asset-Market Instability: Use the Right Tool for the Job
As a preliminary to assessing the critics' argument, and to get my own views on
the table right away, let me 1i>riefly sketch a policy framework that I believe is useful for
thinking about these issues. Before I do so, I will state the usual proviso, that the
opinions expressed here are mine alone and not necessarily those of my colleagues at the
Federal Reserve. In particular, I emphasize that my comments today should not be
interpreted in any way as representing an official policy position of the Board of
Governors or the Federal Open Market Committee.
My suggested framework for Fed policy regarding asset-market instability can be
summarized by the adage, Use the right tool for thejob.
As you know, the Fed has two broad sets of responsibilities. First, the Fed has a
mandate from the Congress to promote a healthy economy--specifically, maximum
sustainable employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates. Second,
since its founding the Fed h3$ been entrusted with the responsibility of helping to ensure
the stability of the financial


The Fed likewise has two broad sets of policy tools:

It makes monetary policy, which today we think of primarily in terms of the setting of the
overnight interest rate, the federal funds rate. And, second, the Fed has a range of powers
with respect to financial institutions, including rule-making powers, supervisory
oversight, and a lender-of-Iast resort function made operational by the Fed's ability to
lend through its discount window. By using the right tool for the job, I mean that, as a

-3 general rule, the Fed will do best by focusing its monetary policy instruments on
achieving its macro goals--price stability and maximum sustainable employment--while
using its regulatory, supervisory, and lender-of-Iast resort powers to help ensure financial
Let me discuss the two parts of this recommendation in a bit more detail. The
first part of the prescription implies that the Fed should use monetary policy to target the
economy, not the asset markets. As I will argue today, I think for the Fed to be an
"arbiter of security speculation or values" is neither desirable nor feasible. 1 Of course, to
do its job the Fed must monitor financial markets intensively and continuously. The
financial markets are vital components of the economic machinery. Moreover, asset
prices contain an enormous amount of useful and timely information about developments
in the broader economy, information that should certainly be taken into account in the
setting of monetary policy. For example, to the extent that a stock-market boom causes,
or simply forecasts, sharply higher spending on consumer goods and new capital, it may
indicate incipient inflationary pressures. Policy tightening might therefore be called for-but to contain the incipient inflation not to arrest the stock-market boom per se. 2
The second part of my prescription is for the Fed to use its regulatory,
supervisory, and lender-of-Iast-resort powers to protect and defend the financial system.

In particular, alone and in concert with other agencies, the Fed should ensure that
financial institutions and markets are well prepared for the contingency of a large shock
to asset prices. The Fed and other regulators should insist that banks be well capitalized

1 The

phrase is due to Friedman and Schwartz (1963, p. 290).
See Bernanke and Gertler (1999,2001) and Gramlich (2001) for further discussion. Because equity
valuations may pose asynnnetric risks to the economic forecast, the implied optimal responses of policy to
changes in asset prices may be nonlinear. In this respect I agree with Bordo and Jeanne (2002).


and well diversified and that they stress-test their portfolios against a wide range of
scenarios. The Fed can also ~ontribute to reducing the probability of boom-and-bust
cycles occurring in the first p~ace, by supporting such objectives as more-transparent
accounting and disclosure pr~ctices and working to improve the financial literacy and
competence of investors. 3 Filially, if a sudden correction in asset prices does occur, the
Fed's first responsibility is toido its part to ensure the integrity of the financial
infrastructure--in particular, the payments system and the systems for settling trades of
securities and other financial Jnstruments. Ifnecessary, the Fed should provide ample
liquidity until the immediate ¢risis has passed. The Fed's response to the 1987 stock
market break is a good example of what I have in mind. 4
I have expressed thes~ two principles in rather simple terms; they could be
elaborated much further.


together, they provide a strategy for policy that has a

number of advantages: It keeps monetary policy focused on the appropriate goal
variables, economic activity ahd inflation. It is transparent and easy to communicate to
the pUblic. It does not requir~ that central bankers be systematically better than the
market at valuing financial aS$ets nor substitute policymakers' judgments of
company prospects for those Qf investors. Finally, and crucially, it is a robust


3 In this regard, some have
greater use of the Fed's ability to set margin requirements. Most
evidence suggests that changes in ~gins have little direct effect on asset prices. Possibly, it has been
argued, changing margin requireme1\lts would have a "psychological" effect on the market. I don't think
that an attempt to manage the psycht>logy of investors or consumers is a particularly useful or even
appropriate policy strategy for the c,ntral bank, however. A better strategy is for the Fed to be transparent
and direct in stating its assessment of the economy and of policy options.
4 Mishkin and White (2002) emphas~e the importance of focusing on financial stability following a stock
market crash. To clarify this point, ~upport of the financial system in a crisis does not by any means imply
Any support that is given should be done under conditions that
a generalized bailout of threatened,
minimize potential moral hazards. !



strategy, in that--although it certainly does not eliminate all economic and financial
instability--it protects the economy against truly disastrous outcomes, which history has
shown are possible when monetary policy goes severely off the track. s

The Opposing View: Preemptive Strikes against Bubbles
As I noted at the beginning, however, the framework just articulated is not
universally accepted, particularly the aspect that precludes attempts to guide the course of
asset prices. Instead, a number of critics have argued that monetary policy should be
more proactive in trying to correct incipient "imbalances" in asset markets. What can be
said about these assertions?
This debate is clarified considerably, in my view, by recognition that, in practice,
the advocates of a more vigorous monetary policy response to asset prices fall into two
broad camps, differing primarily in how aggressive they think the Fed oUght to be in
attacking putative bubbles. The first group, who favor what I will call the lean-against-

the-bubble strategy, agree that the Fed should take account of and respond to the
implications of asset-price changes for its macro goal variables. But also, according to
this view, the Fed should try to gently steer asset prices away from a presumed bubble
path. For example, seeing a rapid appreciation of stock prices, not only should the Fed
tighten enough to offset the likely effects of the boom on inflation and

5 Bemanke and Gertler (1999,2001) present simulations that suggest that simple policy rules focused on
stabilizing macroeconomic goal variables deliver good economic performance in the face of large moves in
asset prices. The 1987 stock market crash is a real-world example of how monetary policy aimed at macro
stability coupled with other types of policy emphasizing financial stability can minimize the economic
fallout of a sharp decline in asset prices. Later in the talk I discuss the 1929 episode as an example of what
can happen when the Federal Reserve strays from this framework.

-6output, but also it should add another 25 to 50 basis points for good measure, in the hope
of discouraging increases in stock prices it judges to be excessive.
My sense is that this more moderate camp comprises the great majority of serious
researchers who have advocated a monetary-policy response to bubbles. 6 And, in my .
opinion, the theoretical argwtlents that have been made for the lean-against-the-bubble
strategy are not entirely with¢ut merit. At the risk of oversimplifying a large body of
literature, I think one can usefully boil down many of these arguments to the idea that it
may be worthwhile for the Fed to take out a little "insurance," so to speak, against the
fonnation of an asset-price bubble and its potentially adverse effects. Like all fonns of
insurance, bubble insurance carries a premium, which includes (among other costs) the
losses incurred if the Fed misjudges the state of the asset market or the cost of a possible
reduction in the transparency of Fed policies. But, as a matter of theory, it is rarely the
case in economics that the optimal amount of insurance in any situation is zero. On that
principle, proponents of leaning against the bubble have argued that completely ignoring
incipient potential bubbles, ifin fact they can be identified, can't possibly be the best
policy. I will discuss below Why I believe that, nevertheless, "leaning against the bubble"
is unlikely to be productive in practice.
The second group of critics is those preferring a more activist approach, which I
will call here aggressive bubble popping. Aggressive bubble-poppers would like to see
the Fed raise interest rates vigorously and proactively to eliminate potential bubbles in
asset prices. To be frank, this recommendation concerns me greatly, and I hope to

A sampling of recent work advocating more-proactive responses to bubbles includes Bordo and Jeanne
(2002); Borio and Lowe (2002); Ce4chetti, Genberg, Lipsky, and Wadhwani (2000); Cecchetti, Genberg,
and Wadhwani (2002; Dupor (2002); and International Monetary Fund (2000). Though these papers are in
the same camp, they differ considerably in their specific arguments and approaches.

-7persuade you that it is antithetical to time-tested principles and sound practices of central

Problems with the Proactive Approach to Bubbles
Ifwe could accurately and painlessly rid asset markets of bubbles, of course we
would want to do so. But as a practical matter, this is easier said than done, particularly
if we intend to use monetary policy as the instrument, for two main reasons. First, the
Fed cannot reliably identify bubbles in asset prices. Second, even if it could identify
bubbles, monetary policy is far too blunt a tool for effective use against them.

The Identification Problem
Let's first discuss the identification problem. Aspiring bubble poppers cannot get
around the fact that their strategy requires identifying bubbles as they occur, preferably
quite early on. Identifying a bubble in progress is intrinsically difficult. Though the
price of (say) a share of stock is readily observable, the corresponding fundamentals-such as the dividends that investors expect to receive and the risk premium that they
require to hold the stock--are generally not observable, even after the fact.
Of course, one can always try to estimate a fundamental value for stocks and
other assets--I will discuss some possible indicators of fundamental value and
overvaluation in a moment. But there is the additional difficulty that the prices of
equities and other assets are set in competitive financial markets, which for all their
undeniable foibles are generally highly sophisticated and efficient. Thus, to declare that a
bubble exists, the Fed must not only be able to accurately estimate the unobservable
fundamentals underlying equity valuations, it must have confidence that it can do so
better than the financial professionals whose collective information is reflected in asset-

-8 market prices. 7 I do not think this expectation is realistic, even for the Federal Reserve.
Moreover, I worry about the effects on the long-run stability and efficiency of our
financial system if the Fed attempts to substitute its judgments for those of the market.
Such a regime would only increase the unhealthy tendency of investors to pay more
attention to rumors about policymakers' attitudes than to the economic fundamentals that
by rights should determine the allocation of capital.
If we nevertheless peltSist in trying to measure bubbles, what indicators might be
useful? Several have been suggested, including the rate of appreciation of asset prices,
various ratios that attempt to measure the return on stocks, and growth in bank credit.
None of these provides a reliable indicator of a developing bubble.
First, many people appear to consider sustained increases in the prices of assets as

prima facie evidence of a bubble, on the principle that what goes up must come down.
This view is simplistic at best. In fact, although no bull market goes on forever,
historically it has by no means been the case that strong bull markets are inevitably
followed by raging bears. 8 Further, the fact that a particular rise in asset prices happens

Some may believe that stock prices are set largely by uninfonned and unsophisticated traders and thus
have little connection to fundament~ls. I find that beliefhard to reconcile with the general level of
American prosperity, in which I belleve the efficient allocation of capital by financial markets has played a
central role. Moreover, even ifbub1i>les arise from the behavior of uninformed traders, they should have no
substantial effect on capital allocati~n unless those who make capital expenditures believe the market's
8 For example, in an interesting recent paper, Bordo and Jeanne (2002) used mechanical rules to identify
booms in stock and residential property prices since 1970 in 15 industrial countries. They defmed a
"boom" to be a situation in which asset-price growth over a three-year period lies significantly above its
long-run average and a "bust" to be a situation in which the three-year asset-price growth is
correspondingly lower than normal. Out of 24 boom episodes that they identified for stock prices, only 3
were followed by busts.

-9 to be followed by a price decline does not prove that the initial increase was irrational or
unjustified--sometimes strategies that are perfectly reasonable ex ante just don't pan out,
as every bridge player knows. Because risk-taking is essential for economic dynamism,
we do not want an economy in which investors and businesspeople are not free to take
bets that might tum out badly.
Various price-return ratios, such as price-earnings or dividend-price ratios, may
seem to have more potential as indicators of bubbles than do simple rates of price
appreciation. But even these are far from reliable--for a host of reasons, including
changes in institutions, tax and accounting procedures, inflation, and underlying growth
rates. The most difficult problem in using such ratios to assess fundamental values is that
one cannot avoid taking a stand on the appropriate value of the equity premium, the extra
return that investors require to hold equities rather than bonds. Economists have an
extraordinarily poor understanding of the determinants of the equity premium, yet
relatively small changes in this variable can have major effects on assessments of
fundamental values.
I will give one illustration of the potential pitfalls of relying too heavily on ratio
indicators, even in the hands of the most sophisticated practitioners. In December 1996,
before my time at the Board, John Campbell of Harvard and Robert Shiller of Yale made
a presentation at the Fed, in which they used dividend-price ratios and related measures

Bordo and Jeanne found more evidence for boom-bust cycles in residential property: Busts
followed ten of nineteen property booms. However, none of these instances was in the United States.
Bordo and Jeanne note that property boom-bust cycles tend to be local phenomena associated perhaps with
only one city. This tendency may explain why they found most boom-bust cycles in property in small
countries, in which a significant portion of the real estate value (or the data collection) is associated with
one or two major cities.

-10to argue that the stock market was overvalued. (A version of their presentation was later
published in the Journal of1?0rtfolio Management, which is the source for all my
comments here.) Campbell ~d Shiller, whom I know well and respect greatly as
preeminent financial econo~sts, rightly deserve credit for calling the possibility of a
bubble to people's attention,!. at a time when (lest we forget) there was significant
diversity of opinion about w1;lich way the market would go. Shiller, of course, has gone
on to write a best-selling bodk about stock market manias.
Though Campbell ana Shiller were among those warning of a bubble in stock
prices, and deserve credit fo~ doing so, we should not lose sight of a simple quantitative
point: According to their pub,lished article, their analysis of dividend-price ratios implied
that, as of the beginning of 1997, the broad stock market was priced at three times its
fundamental value (CampbelJ and Shiller, 1998, p. l3). At that time the Standard &
Poor's 500 index was about 150, compared with a close of 842 on October 1 of this year.
I do not know, of course, wh,re the stock market will go tomorrow, much less in the
longer run (that's really my whole point). But I suspect that Campbell and Shiller's
implicit estimate of the long-tun value of the market was too pessimistic and that, in any
case, an attempt to use this


to make monetary policy in early 1997

(presumably, a severe tight~ng would have been called for) might have done much
more harm than good. 9

Various ratio measures continue tq give divergent readings on stock fundamentals even today. See, for
example, Jesse Eisinger's article onlthe divergent predictions of two leading analysts, Wall Street Journal
(September 30, 2002), p. Cl.


- 11 -

Part of the reason that the standard ratios were too pessimistic in 1997 was that at
least some ofthe run-up in stock prices in the latter 1990s was apparently justified by
fundamentals, as evidenced by the remarkable growth in output and productivity in recent
years, the recent recession notwithstanding. Pure bubbles--increases in asset prices that
are 100 percent air--are, I suspect, rare. So the problem of a bubble-popping Fed is much
tougher than just deciding whether or not a bubble exists; to follow this strategy, the Fed
must also assess the portion of the increase in asset prices that is justified by
fundamentals and the part that is not. In my view, somehow preventing the boom in
stock prices between 1995 and 2000, if it could have been done, would have throttled a
great deal of technological progress and sustainable growth in productivity and output.
Another possible indicator of bubbles cited by some authors is the rapid growth of
credit, particularly bank credit (Borio and Lowe, 2002). Some of the observed
correlation may reflect simply the tendency of both credit and asset prices to rise during
economic booms. However, to the extent that credit expansion is indicative of bubbles, I
think that empirical linkage points to a better policy approach than attempts at bubblepopping by the central banIe During recent decades, unsustainable increases in asset
prices have been associated on a number of occasions with botched financial
liberalization, in both emerging-market and industrialized countries. The typical pattern
is that lending institutions are given substantially expanded powers that are not matched
by a commensurate increase in regulatory supervision (think of the savings and loans in
the United States in the 1980s). A situation develops in which institutions can directly or
indirectly take speculative positions using funds protected by the deposit insurance safety
net--the classic "heads I win, tails you lose" situation.

- 12 When this moral hazard is present, credit flows rapidly into inelastically supplied
assets, such as real estate. Rapid appreciation is the result, until the inevitable albeit
belated regulatory crackdown stops the flow of credit and leads to an asset-price crash.
Bubbles of this type may be identifiable to some extent after they have begun, but the
right policy is to do the financial deregulation correctly--that is, in a way that does not
allow speCUlative misuse of the safety net--in the first place. Or failing that, to intervene
and fix the problem when it is recognized. 10

The Difficulty of "Safe Popping"
As a matter of logic, tJte fact that bubbles are difficult to identify with precision
does not necessarily justify ignoring potential ones (although it does suggest that the
optimal response to them shOUld be highly attenuated). For example, an advocate of the
lean-against-the-bubble philosophy could appeal to the "insurance" argument I noted
earlier: Even if we can measwe bubbles only imprecisely, is the optimal response of
monetary policy to a perceived bubble literally zero? Shouldn't there be at least a bit of
response, for "insurance" purposes?
To evaluate this argument, we must keep in mind an underlying premise of the
lean-against-the-bubble strategists, which is that the response of incipient bubbles to
monetary policy is more or less proportional to the policy action. In other words, for the
insurance argument to apply, a small increase in the federal funds rate must lead to some
correspondingly modest decline in the likelihood or size of a bubble. But such a smooth
response is not well supported by either theoretical or empirical research on asset price


Supervisors of financial institutions can help here by insisting on tough underwriting standards.

- 13 dynamics. I I If a bubble--a speculative mania, in the more colorful language of the past-is actually in progress, then investors are presumably expecting outsized returns: 10, 15,
20 percent or more annually. Is it plausible that an increase of Y:z percentage point in
short-tenn interest rates, unaccompanied by any significant slowdown in the broader
economy, will induce speculators to think twice about their equity investments? All we
can conclude with much confidence is that the rate hike will tend to weaken the
macroeconomic fundamentals through the usual channels, while the asset bubble, ifthere
is one, may well proceed unchecked.
Although neither I nor anyone else knows for sure, my suspicion is that bubbles
can nonnally be arrested only by an increase in interest rates sharp enough to materially
slow the whole economy. In short, we cannot practice "safe popping," at least not with
the blunt tool of monetary policy. The situation is further complicated if, as is usually the
case, the suspected bubble affects only a specific class of assets, such as high-tech stocks.
Certainly there is no way to direct the effects of monetary policy at a single class of
assets while leaving other financial markets and the broader economy untouched. One
might as well try to perform brain surgery with a sledgehammer.
The problem of safe popping applies with double force to the aggressive bubblepopping strategy. A truly vigorous attempt by a central bank to rein in a supposed
speculative bubble may well succeed but only at the risk of throttling a legitimate
economic boom or, worse, throwing the whole economy into depression. Rather than
discuss this point further in the abstract, let me give a concrete historical example: the
role of Federal Reserve policy at the onset of the Great Depression in the United States.

11 Alan Blinder has likened bubble-popping strategies to sticking a needle in a balloon; one cannot count on
letting out the air slowly or in a fmely calibrated amount.

- 14An Historical Example: Federal Reserve Policy in the 1920s
The U.S. experience pfthe 1920s illustrates many of the points 1 have been
making. As you know, the '~Roaring Twenties" was a prosperous decade, characterized
by extensive innovation in t¢chnology and in business practices, rapid growth, American
economic dominance, and g~neral high spirits. Stock prices rose accordingly. As early
as the mid-l 920s, however, various policymakers and commentators expressed concern
about the rapidly rising stocl¢ market and sought so-called corrective action by the
Federal Reserve. 12
The corrective actionlwas not forthcoming, however. According to some authors,
this was in large part becaus~ ofthe influence of Benjamin Strong, long-time Governor of
the Federal Reserve Bank oflNew York and America's pre-eminent central banker of that
era. Strong resisted attempts I to aim monetary policy at the stock market, arguing that
raising interest rates sufficieq.tly to slow the market would have highly adverse effects on
the rest of the economy.13 "$ome of our critics damn us vigorously and constantly for
not tackling stock speculatio1)s," Strong wrote about the debate. "I am wondering what
will be the consequences of *ch a policy if it is undertaken and who will assume
responsibility for it."

12 Much of the concern of contemp,rary observers in the twenties centered on the ability of world gold
stocks to "support" the much higher postwar price levels. Readers of historical documents from this
period should take care to understab.d that references to "inflation," "excessive credit creation," and
"speculation" were often related to this issue rather than to the issues we associate those terms with today.
The 19208 were in fact far from an ~nflationary decade in the modern sense; the Consumer Price Index in
1929 was essentially identical to its! value in 1923, and prices fell from 1926 to 1929.
13 Strong's biographer quotes him ~ follows (Chandler, 1958, p. 427): "I think the conclusion is
inescapable that any policy directe4 solely to forcing liquidation in the stock loan account and concurrently
in the price of securities will be foupd to have a widespread and somewhat similar effect in other directions,
mostly to the detriment of the healt\ly prosperity of this country." The subsequent quote in the text is from
the same source. Bierman (1991)\ reproduces this quote and gives additional useful discussion of Fed
policies during the run-up to the cr~sh.

- 15 However, Strong died from tuberculosis early in 1928, and the Fed passed into the
control of a coterie of aggressive bubble-poppers, of whom the most determined was
probably Board Governor Adolph Miller. Miller was supported in his objective by
another fervent enemy of "speculation"--and Miller's neighbor and close friend--Herbert
Hoover, soon to be President. Under Miller's influence the debate within the Federal
Reserve System shifted from whether to try to stop stock-market speculation to how best
to do it. The Board in Washington favored "direct pressure," which in practice meant
threatening New York City banks that made loans to brokers with being cut off from the
discount window. Strong's successor at the New York Fed, George Harrison, argued
correctly that the availability of alternative sources of credit made this approach
ineffectual and pushed for higher interest rates instead. Ultimately, frustrated by the
ineffectiveness of direct pressure, the Board in Washington came around to Harrison's
Hence, in 1928, in a situation in which the inflation rate was actually slightly
negative and the economy was only barely emerging from a mild recession, the Fed
began to raise interest rates. 14 The New York Fed's discount rate, at 3.5 percent in
January 1928, reached 6 percent by August 1929, its highest value since 1921. 15 Rates
on term stock-exchange loans peaked in that month at almost 9 percent, and the rate on
call loans exceeded 10 percent in early August. For short periods the rates on these loans
sometimes spiked above 20 percent.

The National Bureau of Economic Research has designated November 1927 as a recession trough.
These and subsequent data are from Board of Governors (1943). Monetary tightening was also
motivated by concerns about outflows of gold to France, which had recently stabilized its currency; see for
example Hamilton (I987).

- 16As is well known, U.s. common stock prices peaked in September 1929 and fell
sharply in panicky selling in October. The popular view is that the market crash was the
harbinger of the Great Depression. In fact, the weight of historical research has shown
that this interpretation gets the causality largely backward. The economy was already
slowing by the fall of 1929 (the NBER peak, marking the beginning of the Depression
cycle, was in August 1929), largely as a result of monetary tightness. Economic
indicators, which had been uniformly strong, were becoming more mixed: The Federal
Reserve's industrial production index began to decline in July, construction contracts fell
sharply in August and September, and automobile sales dipped suddenly at the beginning
of October. Conditions abroad were weakening, and both foreign and U.S. interest rates
were rising. The famous warning by Roger Babson that led to the "Babson break" in
stock prices in September 1929 was based on mounting evidence that an economic
slowdown was already in progress, implying that continued strong earnings growth could
not be counted on. Thus the stock market decline was more the result of developing
economic weakness (and tight money) than the cause ofthe slowdown--though,
obviously, falling stock prices did not help the broader economic situation in late 1929
and 1930.
Some additional evid¢nce that the stock market was as much a victim as a cause
of the Depression is that, to a,degree not fully appreciated today, the stock market boom
of the 1920s was surprisingly hard to kill. Indeed, stock prices did not collapse in 1929
but only began to plummet when the depth of the general economic decline became
apparent. For example, stock prices in April 1930 were still about the same level as in
January 1929; and someone who bought stock in early 1928 and sold in October 1930

- 17 -

would have almost broken even. Only as the bad economic news kept rolling in, in the
fall of 1930, did stock prices finally fall below 1928 levels.
The correct interpretation of the 1920s, then, is not the popular one--that the stock
market got overvalued, crashed, and caused a Great Depression. The true story is that
monetary policy tried overzealously to stop the rise in stock prices. But the main effect
of the tight monetary policy, as Benjamin Strong had predicted, was to slow the
economy--both domestically and, through the workings of the gold standard, abroad. The
slowing economy, together with rising interest rates, was in turn a major factor in
precipitating the stock market crash. This interpretation of the events of the late 1920s is
shared by the most knowledgeable students ofthe period, including Keynes, Friedman
and Schwartz, and other leading scholars of both the Depression era and today. 16

16 John Maynard Keynes (1930, p. 196), writing at the time, was quite explicit: "Nevertheless the high
market-rate of interest which, prior to the collapse, the Federal Reserve System, in their effort to control the
enthusiasm of the speculative crowd, caused to be enforced in the United States--and, as a result of the
sympathetic self-protective action, in the rest of the world--played an essential role in bringing about the
rapid collapse .. , Thus I attribute the slump of 1930 primarily to the deterrent effects on investment of the
long period of dear money which preceded the stock-market collapse, and only secondarily to the collapse
itself." The early monetarist Lauchlin Currie (1934) expressed similar views.
More recently, Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz, in their monumental study of monetary
policy in the United States, (1963, p. 290) wrote: ''Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the desire to curb
the stock market boom was the major if not dominating factor in [Federal] Reserve actions during 1928 and
1929 ... In the event [the Fed] followed a policy which was too easy to break the speculative boom, yet too
tight to promote healthy economic growth. In our view, the Board should not have made itself an arbiter of
security speculation or values and should have paid no direct attention to the stock market boom, any more
than it did to the earlier Florida land boom."
In his classic study of the stock market crash of 1929, economic historian Eugene White came to
similar conclusions. He wrote (1990, p. 179), "Fearful offmancial and economic dislocations, the Federal
Reserve tried to restrain speculation ftrst by direct pressure [that is, on the banks] and then by raising
interest rates. These efforts had no discernible effect on the boom It did however produce a general rise in
interest rates that slowed the American economy and induced foreign central banks [who were constrained
by gold standard rules to match American tightening] to raise their rates. Tighter credit then contributed to
the beginning of a recession that was picked up in the mixed economic indicators of early August and
September. These dispelled hopes that earnings would continue to grow at a rapid rate. As the economy
faltered, wiser investors began leaving the market. When selling picked up speed, margin caUs and delayed
information from the ticker ensured a dramatic panic." White goes on to call the Fed's policies during this
period "inappropriate." He wrote, "Instead of allowing the stock market bubble to run its course, the
Federal Reserve's tighter monetary policy pushed the economy further into recession, rendering it more
vulnerable to the shock that came when the bubble ftnally burst."

- 18 New York Fed Governor Harrison and other participants argued after the fact that
the problem with their policy was not that they tried to burst the stock-market bubble but
that their efforts were too little and too late. This attempt to defend the Fed's policies of
the latter 1920s does not hol<J up. There is little credible evidence of a bubble in the U.S.
stock market before March 1928 (Galbraith, 1954; White, 1990); yet, in part because of
the workings of the gold standard, U.S. monetary policy had already turned exceptionally
tight by late 1927 (Hamilton,i 1987). Tighter policy earlier would have brought the
Depression on all the more qUickly and sharply (see Eichengreen, 1992, p. 214, for
further discussion).
The Federal Reserve went on to make a number of serious additional mistakes
that deepened and extended the Great Depression of the 1930s. Besides trying to pop the
stock market bubble, the Fed made little or no effort to protect the banking system from
depositor runs and panics. Most seriously, it pennitted a severe deflation in the price
level, which drove real interest rates sky-high and greatly increased the pressure on

A fmal, recent quotation i~ from Cecchetti (1998, p. 178): "There are two important lessons to be
taken away from this experience ...• First, I believe that if central bankers allow the fluctuations in asset
market prices to affect their decisio\ls, it may distract them from concentrating on some combination of
output growth and inflation. The fdcus of the Federal Reserve on the level of equity prices in 1929 clearly
led to a disastrously contractionary path for policy... [The second lesson is the importance oflender-of-last
resort actions during a crisis.]"
More recent research has shown that attempted bubble popping by monetary policymakers played
an even greater role in the onset of1ihe Great Depression than we had thought. An insightful article by
Hans-Joachim Voth (forthcoming) has shown how the German central bank, under the famous central
banker Hjalmar Schacht, contributeii mightily to the demise of the Weimar Republic by aggressively
attempting to bring down stock pricrs in 1927. Schacht's policy was successful, in the sense that the stock
market crashed. But investment plUpuneted as well, and the German economic boom of 1924-1928
degenerated into depression and pla~ed a role in the global slowdown. Ironically enough, Voth argues
persuasively that in fact there was no bubble in German stock prices, so that Schacht's actions were purely

- 19 debtors. A small compensation for the enormous tragedy of the Great Depression is that
we learned some valuable lessons about central banking. It would be a shame if those
lessons were to be forgotten.

Understandably, as a society, we would like to find ways to mitigate the potential
instabilities associated with asset-price booms and busts. Monetary policy is not a useful
tool for achieving this objective, however. Even putting aside the great difficulty of
identifying bubbles in asset prices, monetary policy cannot be directed finely enough to
guide asset prices without risking severe collateral damage to the economy.
A far better approach, I believe, is to use micro-level policies to reduce the
incidence of bubbles and to protect the financial system against their effects. I have
already mentioned a variety of possible measures, including supervisory action to ensure
capital adequacy in the banking system, stress-testing of portfolios, increased
transparency in accounting and disclosure practices, improved financialliteracy, greater
care in the process of financial liberalization, and a willingness to play the role of lender
oflast resort when needed. Although eliminating volatility from the economy and the
financial markets will never be possible, we should be able to moderate it without
sacrificing the enormous strengths of our free-market system.


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