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Supervision of bank risk-taking
At the The Brookings Institution National Issues Forum, Washington, D.C.
December 19, 1996
I discovered when I joined the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System about six
months ago that most of my friends--including my sophisticated public policy oriented
friends--had only a hazy notion what their central bank did. Many of them said,
enthusiastically, "Congratulations!" Then they asked with a bit of embarrassment, "Is it a
full-time job?" or "What will you find to do between meetings?" The meetings they were
aware of, of course, were those of the Federal Open Market Committee. They knew that the
FOMC meets every six weeks or so to "set interest rates." That sounds like real power, so
the FOMC gets a lot of press attention even when, as happened again this week, we meet
and decide to do absolutely nothing at all.
The group gathered here today, however, realizes that monetary policy, while important, is
not actually very time-consuming. If you cared enough to come to this conference, you also
have a strong conviction that the health and vigor of the American economy depends not
only on good macro-economic policy, although that certainly helps, but also on the safety,
soundness and efficiency of the banking system. We need a banking system that works well
and one in which citizens and businesses, foreign and domestic, have high and well placed
So I want to talk today, as seems appropriate on the fifth anniversary of FDICIA, about the
subject that occupies much of our attention at the Federal Reserve: the prudential regulation
of banks and how to improve it. Indeed, I want to focus today, not so much on what
Congress needs to do to ensure the safety and soundness of the bank system in this rapidly
changing world--there are others on the program to take on that task--but more narrowly on
how bank regulators should go about their jobs of supervising bank risk-taking.
The evolving search for policies that would guarantee a safe, sound and efficient banking
system has featured learning from experience. In the 1930s, Americans learned, expensively,
about the hazards of not having a safety net in a crisis that almost wiped out the banking
system. In the 1980s, they learned a lot about the hazards of having a safety net, especially
about the moral hazard associated with deposit insurance.
Deposit insurance, which had seemed so benign and so successful in building confidence and
preventing runs on banks, suddenly revealed its downside for all to see. Some insured
institutions, mostly thrifts, but also savings banks, and not a few commercial banks, were
taking on risks with a "heads I win, tails you lose" attitude--sometimes collecting on high
stakes bets but often leaving deposit insurance funds to pick up the pieces. At the same time,
some regulators, especially the old FSLIC, which was notably strapped for funds, were
compounding the problem--and greatly increasing the ultimate cost of its resolution--by
engaging in regulatory "forbearance" when faced with technically insolvent institutions.

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The lessons were costly, but Americans do learn from their mistakes. The advocates of
banking reform, many of them participants in this conference, saw the problems posed by
moral hazard in the context of ineffectual supervision and set out to design a better system.
Essentially, the reform agenda had two main components:
First, expanded powers for depository institutions that would permit them to diversify
in ways that might reduce risks and improve operating efficiency;
Second, improving the effectiveness of regulation and supervision by instructing
regulators, in effect, to act more like the market itself when conducting prudential
FDICIA was a first step toward meeting the second challenge--how to make regulators act
more like the market. It called for a reduction in the potential for regulatory "forbearance"
by laying down the conditions under which conservatorship and receivership should be
initiated. It called for supervisory sanctions based on measurable performance (in particular,
the Prompt Corrective Action provisions that based supervisory action on a bank's
risk-based capital ratio). The Act required the FDIC and RTC to resolve failed institutions on
a least-cost basis. In other words, the Act required the depository receivers to act as if the
insurance funds were private insurers, rather than continue the past policy of protecting
uninsured depositors and other bank creditors. Finally, FDICIA placed limitations on the
doctrine of "Too Big To Fail," by requiring agency consensus and administration
concurrence in order to prop up any large, failing bank. In a few places, however, FDICIA
went too far. The provisions of the Act that dealt with micro management by regulators were
immediately seen to be "over the top," and were later repealed. The Act provided a
framework for regulators to invoke market-like discipline. It left room for them to move
their own regulatory techniques in this direction--a subject to which I will return in a minute.
The other objective of reform--diversification of bank activities through an expansion of
bank powers--has not yet resulted in legislation and is still very much an on-going debate. In
part, this failure to take legislative action reflected the long-running ability of the nonbank
competition to use its political muscle to forestall increased powers for banks. But the
inaction on expanded powers also reflected a Congressional concern that additional powers
might be used to take on additional risk, which, on the heels of the banking collapse of the
late 1980s, represented poor timing, to say the least. There was also some Congressional
disposition to punish "greedy bankers," who were seen as the reason for the collapse and the
diversion of taxpayer funds to pay for thrift insolvencies. Whatever the reasons, not only did
the 102nd Congress fail to enact expanded bank powers, but so did the next two Congresses.
We are hopeful that the 105th Congress will succeed where its predecessors have failed.
Meanwhile, the regulatory agencies have acted to expand bank powers within the limits of
existing law.
The Federal Reserve has proposed both liberalization of Section 20 activities and expedited
procedures for processing applications under Regulation Y. The OCC has acted to liberalize
banks' insurance agency powers and, most recently, to liberalize procedures for operating
subsidiaries of national banks. Of course, I would have to turn in my Federal Reserve badge
and give up my parking pass if I did not mention that we at the Fed believe that some
activities are best carried out in a subsidiary of the holding company rather than a subsidiary
of the bank. We believe that the more distance between the bank and its new, nonbank

operations, the more likely that we can separate one from the other and avoid the spreading
of the subsidy associated with the safety net.
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While the regulators can move in the right direction, it is still imperative that Congress act.
Artificial barriers between and among various forms of financial activity are harmful to the
best interests of the consumers of financial services, to the providers of those services, and
to the general stability and well-being of our financial system, most broadly defined.
Congress should consider this issue and take the next steps.
Let me turn now to what I consider to be one of the most critical issues facing regulators,
especially in a future in which financial markets likely will dictate significant further
increases in the scope and complexity of banking activities. I am referring to the issue of
how to conduct optimal supervision of banks. Fortunately, there appears actually to be an
evolving consensus at least on the general principle. Regulators, including the Federal
Reserve, strongly support the basic approach embodied in FDICIA; namely that regulators
should place limits on depository institutions in such a way as to replicate, as closely as
possible, the discipline that would be imposed by a marketplace consisting of informed
participants and devoid of the moral hazard associated with the safety net.
Unfortunately, as always, the devil is in the details. The difficult question is how should a
regulator use "market-based" or "performance-based" measures in determining which, if
any, supervisory sanctions or limits to place on a bank. FDICIA's approach was
straightforward. Supervisory sanctions under Prompt Corrective Action were to be based on
the bank's risk performance as measured by its levels of regulatory capital, in particular its
leverage ratio and total risk-based capital ratio under the Basle capital standards. These
standards now seem well-intended but rather outdated. Certainly, the Basle capital standards
did the job for which they were designed, namely stopping the secular decline in bank
capital levels that, by the late 1980s, threatened general safety and soundness. But the scope
and complexity of banking activities has proceeded apace during the last two decades or so,
and standard capital measures, at least for our very largest and most complex organizations,
are no longer adequate measures on which to base supervisory action for several reasons:
The regulatory capital standards apportion capital only for credit risk and, most
recently, for market risk of trading activities. Interest rate risk is dealt with
subjectively, and other forms of risk, including operating risk, are not treated within
the standards.
Also, the capital standards are, despite the appellation "risk-based," very much a
"one-size-fits-all" rule. For example, all non-mortgage loans to corporations and
households receive the same arbitrary 8 percent capital requirement. A secured loan
to a triple-A rated company receives the same treatment as an unsecured loan to a
junk-rated company. In other words, the capital standards don't measure credit risk
although they represent a crude proxy for such risk within broad categories of banking
Finally, the capital standards give insufficient consideration to hedging or mitigating
risk through the use of credit derivatives or effective portfolio diversification.
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These shortcomings of the regulatory capital standards were beginning to be understood
even as they were being implemented, but no consistent, consensus technology existed at
that time for invoking a more sophisticated standard than the Basle norms. To be sure, more
sophisticated standards were being used by bank supervisors, during the examination
process, to determine the adequacy of capital at any individual institution. These
supervisory determinations of capital adequacy on a bank-by-bank basis, reflected in the
CAMEL ratings given to banks and the BOPEC ratings given to bank holding companies,
are much more inclusive than the Basle standards. Research shows that CAMEL ratings are
much better predictors of bank insolvency than "risk-based" capital ratios. But, a
bank-by-bank supervision, of course, is not the same thing as the writing of regulations that
apply to all banks.
It is now evident that the simple regulatory capital standards that apply to all banks can be
quite misleading. Nominally high regulatory capital ratios--even risk-based capital ratios that
are 50 or 100 percent higher than the minimums--are no longer indicators of bank
Meanwhile, however, some of our largest and most sophisticated banks have been getting
ahead of the regulators and doing the two things one must do in order to properly manage
risk and determine capital adequacy. First, they are statistically quantifying risk by
estimating the shape of loss probability distributions associated with their risk positions.
These quantitative measures of risk are calculated by asset type, by product line, and, in
some cases, even down to the individual customer level. Second, the more sophisticated
banks are calculating economic capital, or "risk capital," to be allocated to each asset, each
line of business, and even to each customer, in order to determine risk-adjusted profitability
of each type of bank activity. In making these risk capital allocations, banks are defining and
meeting internal corporate standards for safety and soundness. For example, a banker might
desire to achieve at least a single-A rating on his own corporate debt. He sees that, over
history, single-A debt has a default probability of less than one-tenth of one percent over a
one year time horizon. So the banker sets an internal corporate goal to allocate enough
capital so that the probability of losses exceeding capital is less than 0.1 percent. In the
language of statistics, this means that allocated capital must "cover" 99.9 percent of the
estimated loss probability distribution.
Once the banker estimates risk and allocates capital to that risk, the internal capital
allocations can be used in a variety of ways -- for example, in so-called RAROC or
risk-adjusted return on capital models that measure the relative profitability of bank
activities. If a particular bank product generates a return to allocated capital that is too low,
the bank can seek to cut expenses, reprice the product, or focus its efforts on other, more
profitable ventures. These profitability analyses, moreover, are conducted on an "applesto-apples" basis, since the profitability of each business line is adjusted to reflect the
riskiness of the business line.
What these bankers have actually done themselves, in calculating these internal capital
requirements, is something regulators have never done--defined a bank soundness target.
What regulator, for example, has said that he wants capital to be high enough to reduce to
0.1 percent the probability of insolvency? Regulators have said only that capital ratios
should be no lower than some number (8 percent in the case of the Basle standards). But as
we should all be aware, a high capital ratio, if it is accompanied by a highly risky portfolio
composition, can result in a bank with a high probability of insolvency. The question should
not be how high is the bank's capital ratio, but how low is its failure probability.

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In sharp contrast to our 8 percent one-size-fits-all capital standard, the internal risk-capital
calculations of banks result in a very wide range of capital allocations, even within a
particular category of credit instrument. For example, for an unsecured commercial credit
line, typical internal capital allocations might range from less than 1 percent for a triple-A or
double-A rated obligor, to well over 20 percent for an obligor in one of the lowest rating
categories. The range of internal capital allocations widens even more when we look at
capital calculations for complex risk positions such as various forms of credit derivatives.
This great diversity in economic capital allocations as compared to regulatory capital
allocations, creates at least two types of problem.
When the regulatory capital requirement is higher than the economic capital
allocation, the bank must either engage in costly regulatory arbitrage to evade the
regulatory requirement or change its portfolio, possibly leading to suboptimal resource
When the regulatory requirement is lower than the economic capital requirement, the
bank may choose to hold capital above the regulatory requirement but below the
economic requirement; in this case, the bank's nominally high capital ratio may mask
the true nature of its risk position.

Measuring bank soundness and overall bank performance is becoming more critical as the
risk activities of banks become more complex. This condition is especially evident in the
various nontraditional activities of banks. In fact, "nontraditional" is no longer a very good
adjective to describe much of what goes on at our larger institutions. Take asset
securitization, for example. No longer do our largest banks simply take in deposit funds and
lend out the money to borrowers. Currently, well over $200 billion in assets that, in times
past, have resided on the books of banks, now are owned by remote securitization conduits
sponsored by banks. Sponsorship of securitization, which is now almost solely a large bank
phenomenon, holds the potential for completely transforming the traditional paradigm of
"banking." Now, loans are made directly by the conduits, or are made by the banks and then
immediately sold to the conduits. To finance the origination or purchase of the loans, a
conduit issues several classes of asset-backed securities collateralized by the loans. Most of
the conduit's debt is issued to investors who require that the senior securities be highly rated,
generally double-A and triple-A. In order to achieve these ratings, the conduit obtains credit
enhancements insulating the senior security holders from defaults on the underlying loans.
Generally, it is the bank sponsor that provides these credit enhancements, which can be in
the form of standby letters of credit to the conduit, or via the purchase of the most
junior/subordinated securities issued by the conduit. In return for providing the credit
protection, as well as the loan origination and servicing functions, the bank lays claim to all
residual spreads between the yields on the loans and the interest and non-interest cost of the
conduit's securities, net of any loan losses. In other words, securitization results in banks
taking on almost identically the same risks as if the loans were kept on the books of the bank
the old-fashioned way.
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But while the credit risk of a securitized loan pool may be the same as the credit risk of
holding that loan pool on the books, our capital standards do not always recognize this fact.
For example, by supplying a standby letter of credit covering so-called "first-dollar" losses

for the conduit, a bank might be able to reduce its regulatory capital requirement, for some
of its activities, by 90 percent or more compared with what would be required if the bank
held the loans directly on its own books. The question, of course, is whether the bank's
internal capital allocation systems recognize the similarity in risk between, on the one hand,
owning the whole loans and, on the other hand, providing a credit enhancement to a
securitization conduit.
If the risk measurement and management systems of the bank are faulty, then holding a
nominally high capital ratio--say, 10 percent--is little consolation. In fact, nominally high
capital ratios can be deceiving to market participants. If, for example, the bank's balance
sheet is less than transparent, potential investors or creditors, seeing the nominally high 10
percent capital, but not recognizing that the economic risk capital allocation should, in
percentage terms, be much higher, could direct an inappropriately high level of scarce
resources toward the bank.
Credit derivatives are another example of the evolution. The bottom line is that, as we move
into the 21st century, traditional notions of "capital adequacy" will become less useful in
determining the safety and soundness of our largest, most sophisticated, banking
organizations. This growing discrepancy is important because "performance-based" solutions
likely will continue to be touted as the basis for expanded bank powers or reductions in
burdensome regulation. For example, the Federal Reserve's recent proposed liberalization of
procedures for Regulation Y activities applies to banking companies that are "wellcapitalized" and "well-managed." Similarly, the OCC's recent proposed liberalization of rules
for bank operating subsidiaries applies to "well-capitalized" institutions. Also, industry
participants continue to call for expanded powers and/or reduced regulatory burden based
on "market tests" of good management and adequate capital.
It will not be easy reaching consensus on how to measure bank soundness and overall bank
performance. It cannot simply be done by observing market indicators. For example, we
cannot easily use the public ratings of holding company debt. The ratings, after all, are
achieved given the existence of the safety net. The ratings are biased, therefore, from the
perspective of achieving our stated goal--to impose prudential limits on banks as if there were
no net. In addition, I am sure that there would be disagreement between market participants
and regulators over what should be acceptable debt ratings.
The solution may be for the regulators to use the analytical tools developed by the market
participants themselves for risk and performance assessment. Regulators already have begun
to move in this direction. For example, beginning in January 1998, qualifying large
multinational banks will be able to use their internal Value-at-Risk models to help set capital
requirements for the market risk inherent in their trading activities. The Federal Reserve is
also conducting a pilot test of the pre-commitment approach to capital for market risk. In
this approach, banks can choose their own capital allocations, but would be sanctioned
heavily if cumulative trading losses during a quarter were to exceed their chosen capital
allocations. These new and innovative methods for treating the age-old problem of capital
adequacy are likely to be followed by an unending, evolutionary flow of improvements in
the prudential supervisory process. As the industry makes technological advances in risk
measurement, these advances will become imbedded in the supervisory process. For
example, the banking agencies have announced programs to place an increased emphasis on
banks' internal risk measurement and management processes within the assessment of
overall management quality--that is, how well a bank employs modern technology to manage
risk will be reflected in the "M" portion of the bank's CAMEL rating. In a similar vein, now

that VaR models are being used to assess regulatory capital for market risk, it is easy to
envision that, down the road, banks' internal credit risk models and associated internal
capital allocations will also be used to help set regulatory capital requirements.
Regulation and supervision, like industry practices themselves, are continually evolving
processes. As supervisors, our goal must be to stay abreast of best practices, incorporate
these practices into our own procedures where appropriate, and do so in a way that allows
banks to remain sufficiently flexible and competitive. In conducting prudential regulation we
should always remember that the optimal number of bank failures is not zero. Indeed,
"market-based" performance means that some institutions, either through poor management
choices, or just because of plain old bad luck, will fail. As regulators, we must carefully
balance these market-like results with concerns over systemic risk. And, as regulators of
banks, we must always remember that we do not operate in a vacuum--the activities of
nonbank financial institutions are also important to the general well-being of our financial
system and the macro economy.
Regulators, of course, can only work with the framework laid down by Congress. Let me
conclude with the hope that this Congress will build on the experience of the last few years,
including the experience with FDICIA, and take the next steps toward creating a structural
and regulatory framework appropriate to the 21st century.
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1996 Speeches
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