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For release on delivery
10 00 a m , E S T
March 25. 1993

Testimony by

Alan Greenspan

Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

before the

Committee on Small Business
U S House of Representatives

March 25


I am pleased to appear before this Committee to
discuss the availability of bank credit to small businesses
It is clear that any assessment of the outlook for the
economy as a whole--especially employment--has to focus on
the health of our small business sector--including its
ability to obtain finance

Indeed, the importance of bank

credit flows to small business was highlighted by the
President's recent announcement of joint actions by all the
banking agencies to facilitate such lending
Given the importance of small businesses to the
economy and the clear dependence of such firms on banks, the
decline in overall business loans in the 1990s underlines
the importance of understanding the difficulties of bank
credit availability

Even more importantly, it emphasizes

the need to continue to do whatever is possible to remove
those sources of restriction that do not imperil the safety
and soundness of the banking system
Assessing the true nature of small business bank
credit availability is especially complicated, in part
because it seems clear that a substantial share of the
decline in the 1990s of total business loans at banks
reflects significant balance sheet restructuring by large

Many larger businesses have taken advantage of the

decline in interest rates and the increase in stock prices
to refinance their bank loans

-2The declines in business loans associated with
balance sheet restructuring by the larger firms were
superimposed on a secular downtrend in business credit flows
by banks to large firms that have been increasingly relying
on nonbank finance

And overlaying the interest rate and

stock market induced repayment of bank loans by large firms,
and their secular shift to nonbank credit, has been a normal
cyclical decline in the demand for credit during the
recession and modest recovery
However, I do not believe that cycles, trends, and
refinancing are the sole explanations for the decline in
business loans

There has been a substantial tightening of

lending terms and standards and it has affected small

This tightening of terms and standards has been

clear in our periodic surveys of senior loan officers at
large banks since the start of the decade, although this
aspect of loan pricing seems to have stabilized in 1992
Evidence from the National Federation of Independent
Business is also suggestive

For example, owners of the

larger small businesses report greater difficulty obtaining
credit than three years ago

The period of credit

stringency appears to have lasted longer than in other
recent downturns

And, small business credit problems have

been very intense in some regions of the United States
Clearly, New England has borne a disproportionately large

-3The sources of tighter credit availability are not
hard to find

A significant part of our current problems

reflects a too expansive credit policy throughout most of
the 1980s.

Large numbers of lenders mistakenly perceived

that financing real estate was very profitable, and
virtually risk-free because of the near certainty of
continued real estate inflation

But inflation in real

estate not only ended, it was in many cases reversed,
exposing the lax underwriting standards that had evolved
The resulting acceleration of nonperforming loans,
and associated reserving and write-offs, not only cut sharply
into capital-- causing many banks to fail and others to be
greatly weakened--it also shook the confidence of lending
officers and management

Indeed, despite the low rate of

depository institution failures so far in 1993 we should not
forget that the past several years have seen many more
depository institution failures than all the other years
since World War II combined

The almost inevitable result

of these traumatic experiences has been that bank lending
policies have gone through a period of exaggeratedly high
underwriting standards--the same error as in the 1980s, but
in the opposite direction

While there appears to have been

no further tightening in recent months, the effect on banks
of excess optimism in real estate in the 1980s is not, I am
afraid, as yet behind us

-4Commercial real estate prices have not stabilized
enough to allow most banks to feel confident that they know
what collateral is really worth

Thus, a kind of

traditional bank liquidity--a sense that real estate
collateral could be liquidated expeditiously within a known
price range--has not yet returned to bank balance sheets
While improving significantly from the dark period of
1989-91, we do not yet have the turnover and transactions
required to instill adequate confidence in most bankers
about either their existing or new loans secured by
commercial property,
The real estate market plays an important role in
small business credit, since a significant portion of loans
to small businesses involves some real estate collateral
And, even though banks often do not look to that real estate
as the intended source of repayment. I am still concerned
that a real estate market that has not found its feet is
retarding the availability of small business credit


impact is both direct--in evaluating both the bank's own
capital, as well as particular loans--and indirect--by
coloring bankers' sense of general confidence
As significant as the real estate contraction has
been on bankers' attitudes, it is clearly not the sole
source of trauma

The lax underwriting standards adopted by

many banks in the 1980s contributed to large losses and
write-offs--write-offs of almost $125 billion since 1988

-5Surviving banks have not only covered such losses by
earnings and capital issues, but have increased their own
minimum capital standards

This increase in internal

standards has resulted in part from their own review of
"policy." but in many cases it is the direct result of
market demands

Both capital-issuing banks and those

without ready access to capital markets also improved
capital ratios by growing less rapidly or even shrinking
All of this, I suggest, is not an unexpected reaction to
difficult problems

Indeed, I would argue that it is not

surprising that underwriting standards have been reviewed
and tightened
Banks' own desire to rebuild a strong capital base
has played an important role in constraining the supply of
bank loans

Research at the Fed appears to have begun to

pick up the importance of internal capital targets


saying this, I do not mean to imply that either Basle or the
prompt corrective action capital rules are unimportant
They reinforced the importance of capital at both banks and
in the market

But, Basle and other capital standards

imposed on a less traumatized banking system would have been
viewed by few observers as a major constraint on banks'
ability to make loans
Indeed, the Federal Reserve Board supports both the
Basle standards and the prompt corrective action zones of

The behavior of the 1980s--and the associated

-6losses--would surely not have occurred to the same extent
without a deposit insurance system that permitted banks and
thrifts to take major risks on a slender capital base with
only minimal market response

Political concerns apparently

made it impossible to lower directly the per account level
of deposit insurance

Hence, making the moral hazard of

deposit insurance moot through higher capital standards was
the most attractive option available

With larger amounts

of stockholders' capital at risk, banks will be encouraged
to adopt more careful and efficient loan policies
Moreover, simulating market responses, as is intended in the
progressively restrictive prompt corrective action zones, is

In the absence of deposit insurance, markets would

impose reduced dividends, a lower pace of expansion, and
other increasingly severe actions on firms becoming
financially distressed
Parenthetically, so far as we can tell, the risk
weights in the Basle standards have not played a significant
role in disrupting credit flows generally, or to small
businesses in particular

To be sure, the intention of the

risk weights was to make the capital charge reflect
differences in credit risk, and to induce banks at the
margin to hold more liquidity in their portfolios

Thus, if

the weighting system had not caused banks to lean somewhat
more toward securities, it would have had to be counted as a

Nonetheless, the weights were not designed to

-7cause a large shift from loans to securities

And there is

simply no real evidence that the weights have been a
significant factor causing the observed substantial shift in
bank credit from loans to government or mortgage-backed

In addition, the banks that have accounted for

most of the increased holdings of Treasury securities are
those with the highest capital ratios, where the zero weight
could not have been particularly relevant to their decision
Indeed, financial institutions not subject to risk-based
capital or FDICIA, such as credit unions, have also shifted
strongly away from loans and toward securities in the 1990s
In short, other factors --lower credit demands, balance sheet
restructuring, and tightened loan standards --are better
explanations of portfolio shifts than the Basle risk
But Basle and prompt corrective action were not the
only external forces supplementing banks and the markets'
responses to the residue of the 1980s

Examiners have

been widely and severely criticized for permitting banks to
have made such bad credit decisions

That many examiners

would respond by becoming unusually sensitive to credit
granting procedures and--as professionals--reluctant to
respond to pleas for more flexibility cannot come as a

At last reading, the laws of human nature have

not been repealed

This tendency to respond in an overly

cautious way is doubly unfortunate, because if there were

-8ever a time that bankers would be careful without examiner
oversight it has been the early 1990s
The other critical external force contributing to
reduced credit availability at small businesses is recent
banking legislation--FIRREA and FDICIA

In understandable

reaction to the huge taxpayer costs of the failure of S&Ls
and the need to establish a taxpayer's backup to the FDIC--a
backup, I note, which has not been used--the Congress felt
it necessary to place severe restrictions on insured
depository institutions

As I indicated a moment ago, the

Board supports the capital and prompt corrective action
provisions of FDICIA

But, the scale and sheer detail of

other portions of recent legislation have. I believe, played
an important role in constraining small business credit
The scale has resulted in a drum beat of mandated
regulatory announcements and--perhaps worse --anticipated

All have diverted management resources, increased

burdens and costs, and created uncertainties that could
only make bankers more reluctant to take risks

As I have

indicated over the past year, I have been particularly
concerned about provisions that require regulations to
specify operational, managerial, asset, and earnings
standards and minimums, as well as detailed auditing
requirements --especially management reports and
certification by auditors

In addition to cost and burden,

-9such micromanagement has a chilling effect on bank lending
attitudes, imparting a high degree of management uncertainty
while the implementing rules are developed, debated, and

It is not unreasonable that banks expect the worst

in rule changes before they are promulgated
Aside from the general impacts on bankers'
attitudes and risk-taking, two regulatory factors have
particularly constrained small business credit availability
at banks

The first, I am sure, was unintended

the real

estate appraisal requirements of FIRREA were designed mainly
to eliminate excesses in development and commercial real
estate loans

However, most small business loans involve

some real estate collateral, even if the purpose of the loan
is not to purchase or refinance real estate, and the bank
does not look to the real estate as the source of the

Nonetheless, FIRREA requires banks either to

increase their risk by foregoing real estate collateral on
such loans, or to impose significant costs and delays on the
credit granting process by requiring certified appraisals on
the real estate collateral

Either way the willingness and

ability of banks to make such loans is reduced, and in some
cases may have been eliminated
The second regulatory development that has affected
small business credit availability at banks is the huge
increase in the amount of paperwork resulting from
heightened risk aversion by examiners and the attitudes

-10induced by the banking legislation

Our research, and the

conventional wisdom in banking, support the view that the
least risky small business loans of the 1980s often had no
collateral at all

Despite this evidence to the contrary,

many bankers now perceive that full documentation and
collateral on such loans are necessary in order to minimize
the possibility that examiners will classify them

As a

result, the cost of lower risk loans to small business has
risen by the imposition of documentation and collateral
requirements or--if the necessary documentation and
collateral are not available--such loans are not being made
In either event, the economy suffers
Nonetheless, as I review the current banking
situation, I find reasons for optimism, but not complacency
While not yet totally stabilized, some degree of firmness is
occurring in some commercial real estate markets


surveys and other information indicate that banks' attitudes
toward loans and risk-taking are improving


the almost $125 billion of loans that have been charged off
over the last five years, loan loss reserves are $5 billion

Earnings were at record levels in 1992, and banks

have been extremely successful in raising new equity
Indeed, equity capital in the industry has risen by almost
$80 billion over the last five years, the resulting bank
capital ratios are at their highest levels in a quarter of a

On balance, while a segment of the industry still

-11ls under stress, the banking industry as a whole has made
remarkable progress in working through severe portfolio
problems during a difficult economic cycle

With an

improving economy. I am hopeful that the signs of some
business loan growth this winter will become more evident
this spring

Banks are patently in a strong position to

meet such demand
But the issues are too important to leave to

There are steps we can and should take

As the

President announced on March 10, the banking agencies are
working on ways--within the parameters of FDICIA and FIRREA-to modify their policies and regulations in order to
encourage more small business credit availability


anticipate that the agencies will shortly promulgate policies
that will significantly ease documentation requirements for a
portion of loans to small- and medium-sized businesses and
farmers by stronger banks and thrifts

While research

suggests that loans that likely will be made under this
policy will be low risk, the banks that will be permitted to
extend such credits are those most able to absorb some
additional risk without threat to their safety and soundness
and, by the record, are adept at credit underwriting


with limited documentation--often called "character" loans-require the special expertise that is the hallmark of the
bank lending process and, I believe, is one of the special
ingredients that fuels small business --and hence economic-expansion

-12Consideration is also being given to easing formal
real estate appraisals for transactions that do not present
unusual risk to banks, and for increasing the current
$100,000 exemption level for all loans

In addition, the

agencies have a long list of technical modifications in
process, including revisions to other real estate owned, in
substance foreclosures, and partially charged-off accounting
and reporting rules, as well as efforts to attempt to reduce
examination duplication by function and agency


each agency will attempt--where necessary-- to streamline its
examiner appeal and complaint process
These regulatory actions will be. I hope, quite
helpful, but legislative action is still required


Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council will be
making legislative proposals this spring, and I urge the
Congress to consider them seriously

But perhaps most

important is to learn from the experience of the 1990s


key lesson surely is that each new, proposed piece of
detailed banking legislation has to be evaluated in advance
to determine what the impacts are likely to be on the health,
vigor, and competitiveness of the banking system

It is even

more important to consider the potential implications for the
vitality and growth of the economy, especially those sectors
that create so much of our employment and innovation


sectors often have few credit alternatives beyond their local