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For release on delivery
10:00 a.m. E.S.T.
March 4, 1998

Statement by
Alan Greenspan
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Committee on the Budget
U.S. House of Representatives
March 4, 1998

Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, just last week I presented the
Federal Reserve's semiannual report on economic conditions and the conduct of
monetary policy. This morning, I will briefly review some aspects of that outlook
before I turn to a more detailed discussion of coming budgetary challenges.
The exemplary performance of the U.S. economy in 1997 will be hard to
match. Last year's combination of robust expansion of activity, healthy creation of
new jobs, and a decline in inflation generated widespread benefits for our citizens.
Many of those benefits have the promise to be long-lived: Our nation has been
experiencing a higher growth rate of productivity-output per hour worked-in recent
years, which is the ultimate source of rising standards of living.
There can be no doubt that domestic demand retained some of its
considerable momentum going into this year. Production and employment have
been on a strong uptrend in recent months. Confident households, enjoying gains in
income and wealth and benefitting from the reductions in intermediate- and longerterm interest rates to date, should continue to increase their spending. Firms should
find financing available on relatively attractive terms to fund profitable opportunities
to enhance efficiency by investing in new capital equipment. By itself, this strength
in spending would seem to presage intensifying pressures in labor markets and on
prices. Yet, the outlook for total spending on goods and services produced in the
United States is less assured of late because of storm clouds massing over the
Western Pacific and heading our way.
With the crisis curtailing the financing available in foreign currencies, many
Asian economies have had no choice but to cut back their imports sharply from the

United States and elsewhere, a situation made worse by disruptions to their financial
systems and economies more generally. American exports should be held down
further by the appreciation of the dollar, which will make the prices of competing
goods produced abroad more attractive, just as foreign-produced goods will be
relatively more attractive to buyers here at home. As a result, we can expect a
worsening net export position to exert a discernible drag on total output in the
United States and the dollar prices of our non-oil imports to extend their recent
declines. These lower import prices are apparently already making domestic
producers hesitant to raise their own prices for fear of losing market share, further
contributing to the restraint on overall prices.
The key question going forward is whether the restraint building from the
turmoil in Asia will be sufficient to check inflationary tendencies that might
otherwise result from continued strength of domestic spending and tightening labor
markets. The depth of the adjustment abroad will depend on the extent of weakness
in the financial sectors of Asian economies and the speed with which structural
inefficiencies in the financial and nonfinancial sectors of those economies are
corrected. If, as we suspect, the restraint coming from Asia is sufficient to bring the
demand for American labor back into line with the growth of the working-age
population desirous of working, labor markets will remain unusually tight, but any
intensification of inflation should be delayed, very gradual, and readily reversible.
However, we cannot rule out two other, more worrisome possibilities. On the one
hand, should the momentum to domestic spending not be offset significantly by

Asian or other developments, the U.S. economy would be on a track along which
spending could press too strongly against available resources to be consistent with
contained inflation. On the other, we also need to be alert to the possibility that the
forces from Asia might damp activity and prices by more than is desirable by
exerting a particularly forceful drag on the volume of net exports and the prices of
The robust economy has facilitated the efforts of the Congress and the
Administration to restore balance in the unified federal budget. The deficit dropped
to its lowest level in more than two decades in fiscal 1997, and both the
Administration and the Congressional Budget Office now expect the budget to
remain essentially in balance over the next few years before moving to moderate
surpluses by the middle of the next decade. I should caution, though, that while
receipt growth remained robust through January, the prospects for fiscal 1998 as a
whole remain uncertain until we have a tally of the final payments that will be
included in the April's tax returns.
As I have indicated to the Congress on numerous occasions, putting the
unified budget into significant surplus would be the surest and most direct way of
increasing national saving. In turn, higher national saving, by promoting lower real
long-term interest rates, helps spur spending to outfit American firms and their
workers with the modern equipment they need to compete successfully on world
markets. We have seen a partial down payment of the benefits of better budget
balance already: It seems reasonable to assume that the decline in longer-term

Treasury yields last year owed, in part, to reduced competition—current and
prospective—from the federal government for scarce private saving.
But much hard work remains to be done to ensure that these projected
surpluses actually materialize and that the appropriate budgetary strategy is in place
to deal with the effects on federal entitlement spending of the looming shift in the
nation's retirement demographics. The baseline projections from OMB and CBO
provide a good starting point for assessing the budget outlook over the medium
term: They are based on sensible economic and technical assumptions and thus
offer a reasonable indication of how the budget is likely to evolve if economic
conditions remain favorable and current budgetary policies remain in place.
However, the experience of the past few years amply demonstrates that such
forecasts are subject to considerable error. For evidence on that score, we need only
look back to last winter. Even with fiscal 1997 already well under way, both CBO
and OMB were overestimating that years deficit by about $100 billion.
In retrospect, much of the error in last winter's deficit estimates fell on the
inflow side, largely reflecting a surge in tax receipts that far exceeded estimates. This
"tax surprise", which helped lift the receipts share of GDP to an historical high, was
not a new phenomenon. In the early 1990s, growth of receipts consistently fell
short of expectations based on the trends in aggregate income and the tax laws then
in place. Even after the fact, our knowledge about the sources of such surprises has
not always been definitive. As a result, we must remain cautious about extrapolating
recent favorable tax inflows into the future. We cannot rule out the possibility that

the next few years will see a more rapid dissipation of the strength in receipts than
either OMB and CBO have assumed, implying renewed deficits. Indeed, all else
equal, had the 1997 surprise fallen on the other side-downward instead of
upward~we would be confronted by non-trivial budget deficits at least through the
beginning of the coming decade.
Moreover, the baseline projections assume that discretionary spending will be
held to the statutory caps, which allow almost no growth in nominal outlays through
fiscal 2002. Given the declining support for further reductions in defense spending,
keeping overall discretionary spending within the caps is likely to require sizable, as
yet unspecified, real declines in nondefense programs from current levels. Not
surprisingly, many observers are skeptical that the caps will hold, and battles over
appropriations in coming years may well expose deep divisions that could make the
realization of the budget projections less likely. In addition, although last year's
legislation cut medicare spending substantially, experience has highlighted the
difficulty of controlling this program, raising the possibility that the savings will not
be so great as anticipated-especially if resistance develops among beneficiaries or
These uncertainties underscore the need for caution as you move ahead on
your work on the 1999 budget. There is no guarantee that projected surpluses over
the next few years will actually materialize. However, we can be more certain that,
absent action, the budgetary position will erode after the next decade as the baby
boom generation moves into retirement, putting massive strains on the social

security and medicare programs. Without question, the task of stemming that
erosion will become increasingly difficult the longer it is postponed. Indeed,
especially in light of these inexorable demographic trends, I have always emphasized
that we should be aiming for budgetary surpluses and using the proceeds to retire
outstanding federal debt. In that regard, one measure of how much progress has
been made in dealing with the nation's fiscal affairs is that serious discussion of such
paydowns has begun to surface. Working down the stock of the federal debt would
put further downward pressure on long-term interest rates, which would enhance
private capital investment, labor productivity, and economic growth, preparing us
better to confront the looming changes in retirement demographics.
Over the decades, our budgetary processes have been biased toward deficit
spending. Indeed, those processes are strewn with initiatives that were viewed as
having only a small projected budgetary cost at inception, but which produced a
sizable drain on the Treasury's coffers over time. As you are well aware, programs
can be easy to initiate or expand, but extraordinarily difficult to trim or shut down
once a constituency develops that has a stake in maintaining them. Thus far, the
President and the Congress have been quite successful, contrary to expectations, in
placing, and especially holding, caps on discretionary spending. More recently, they
have started to confront the budget implications of the surge in retirements that will
occur early in the next century. But the good news of late on the budget has
unleashed an outpouring of proposals that, if adopted, do not bode well for the
maintenance of fiscal discipline. Although many of the individual budget proposals

may have merit, they must be considered only in the context of a responsible budget
strategy for the longer run.
In closing, I want to commend Chairman Kasich and the members of the
committee for your insistence on fiscal responsibility and persistent efforts to bring
the budget under control. The shrinking budget deficit and the prospect of surplus
stand as testimony to your endeavors. But we must remember that projections of
surpluses are based on an extrapolation of steady economic growth and subdued
inflation in coming years. Achieving such a performance in these uncertain times,
with the U.S. economy now subject to a fine balance of powerful forces of expansion
and restraint, will provide policymakers with a considerable challenge. And, on your
part, not succumbing to the temptation to commit prematurely future surpluses that
exist only on paper, while, in addition, addressing the adverse effects of ongoing
demographic changes to the budget over the longer run, will not be easy. However,
if we meet these challenges, the increase in national saving and investment will
almost surely pay off handsomely in the form of a more rapidly expanding standard
of living for all Americans.