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For release on delivery
10 00 a m , E D T
May 22, 1997

Statement of
Alan Greenspan
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Committee on Banking and Financial Services
U S House of Representatives
May 22, 1997

I am pleased to be here today to present the views of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on the financial modernization legislation introduced by Chairman
Leach, H R 10, the Financial Services Competitiveness Act of 1997 This bill would reform
the Glass-Steagall prohibitions to permit the affiliation of banks and securities firms


would also permit bank and insurance company affiliations and provide the flexibility for
banking organizations to engage in other "financial" or "incidental" activities The
Competitiveness Act would facilitate the ownership of banks by other financial firms by
creating a category of uninsured wholesale banks that may have some commercial affiliations
H R. 10 would produce identical rules for banks and federally chartered thrifts and rationalize
their regulation and supervision
The Board strongly supports the approach to financial modernization embodied in
H R 10. We believe it would improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the financial
services industry and result in more choices and better service for consumers However, as
the Committee knows, the Board opposes one aspect of the bill, the authorization for socalled operating subsidiaries of banks to engage in some financial activities not permitted to
their parent bank Our concern is the transference of the safety net subsidy directly to those
activities that the bill would authorize for subsidiaries of banks.
Better Services to the Public
The Board believes that the Congress should widen the permissible range of
affiliations for banking organizations in order to expand the choices for consumers and
increase the efficiency of financial markets Financial modernization should remove outdated
restrictions that serve no useful purpose, that decrease economic efficiency, and that, as a

-2result, limit choices and options for the consumer of financial services Such statutory
prohibitions result in higher costs and lower quality services for the public Their removal
would permit banking organizations to compete more effectively in their natural markets
The result would be a more efficient financial system providing better services to the public
Indeed, the Board urges that, as you consider the reforms before you, the focus not be
on which set of financial institutions should be permitted to take on a new activity, or which
would, as a result, get a new competitor All are doing similar things now and are currently
in competition with each other, offering similar products

Securities firms have for some time

offered checking-like accounts linked to mutual funds, their affiliates routinely extend
significant credit directly to businesses , and they are becoming increasingly important in the
syndicated loan market Banking organizations are already conducting a securities business
While indicative of the need for reform, which institution has hurdled some earlier restraint is
not the issue The Board believes that the focus should be do H R 10 and the other
proposed bills promote a financial system that makes the maximum contribution to the growth
and stability of the U S economy? Is the removal of existing restraints in these bills
consistent with a safe and sound banking system and containment of the federal safety net?
Do the proposals increase the compatibility of our laws and regulations with the changing
technological and global market realities in order to ensure that these goals are achieved?
Are they consistent with increased alternatives and convenience for the public at a
manageable risk to both the bank insurance fund and financial market stability? With the
previously noted caveat, Mr. Chairman, the Board believes that these questions can be
answered in the affirmative for your bill

-3Banking organizations are in a particularly good position to provide securities
underwriting, insurance, and other financial services to investors They are knowledgeable
about the institutional structure of the market, skilled at evaluating risk, knowledgeable about
the financial needs of their customers, and operate from locations that are convenient for the
public Moreover, for centuries, the special expertise of banking organizations has been to
accumulate borrower-specific information that they can use to make credit and related
judgments that less well-informed savers and depositors cannot make Using such
information asymmetries has been the value added of banking on the credit side
It would appear that many companies and individuals want to deal with a full-service
provider that can handle then- entire range of financing needs This preference for "one-stop
shopping" is easy to understand

Starting a new financial relationship is costly for companies

and individuals and, by extension, for the economy as a whole It takes considerable time
and effort for a customer to convey to an outsider a deep understanding of its financial

This process, however, can be short-circuited by allowing the customer to rely on a

single organization for deposit services, loans, strategic advice, the underwriting of debt and
equity securities, and other financial services As evidence that there are economies from this
sharing of information, most of the Section 20 underwriting has been for companies that had
a prior relationship with the banking organization
The economic benefits of "one-stop shopping" can readily be seen for small and
medium-sized firms

These firms, as a rule, do not attract the interest of major investment

banks, and regional brokerage houses do not provide the full range of financial services these
companies require Rather, their primary financial relationship is with the commercial

-4banking organizations where they borrow and obtain their services From the borrower's
perspective, it makes sense to leverage this relationship when the time comes to access the
capital markets for financing

It is thus reasonable to anticipate that if secunties activities are

authorized for bank affiliates, banking organizations, especially regional and smaller banking
organizations, would use their information base to facilitate securities offerings for smaller,
regional firms The same efficiencies are likely to benefit local municipal revenue bond
The Board's recent action to raise the Section 20 limits on ineligible revenues to
25 percent of the total will increase the number of banking organizations that can engage in
secunties underwriting

However, there are still a large number of banks that do not have the

necessary volume of government, agency, and municipal bonds transactions to meet the other
75 percent of the total that would permit them to engage in an economically viable volume of
corporate and/or municipal revenue bond underwriting, and hence to service their smaller
customers Investment banking services are now available for some of these smaller issuers,
but at a relatively high cost Moreover, the Board's recent decision does not address other
important aspects of secunties activities that are dealt with by H R 10, such as authorizing
merchant banking and mutual fund sponsorship
The convenience and cost savings for companies issuing securities will also accrue to
individuals seeking other financial services There are real potential benefits to consumers of
"one-stop shopping" for loans, deposits, money market accounts, securities, and insurance It
is only artificial and outdated restrictions that stand in the way of lower cost and convenient
delivery systems for our citizens

-5The Need for Congress to Shape Developments
Three major forces are rapidly changing our financial system and rendering old
structures obsolete These forces offer Congress the opportunity to restructure the financial
services industry in a way that will serve the public interest by assuring minimum cost,
maximum service, and prudent risk management
The most profound force is, of course, technology

the rapid growth of computers and

Their spread has lowered the cost and broadened the scope of financial

services, making possible new product development that would have been inconceivable a
short time ago, and, in the process, challenging the institutional and market boundaries that in
an earlier day seemed so well defined
Technological innovation has accelerated the second major trend, financial
globalization, that has been in process for at least three decades Both developments have
expanded cross-border asset holdings, trading, and credit flows and, in response, both
securities firms and U S and foreign banks have increased their cross-border locations
Under a congressional mandate, foreign offices of U S banking organizations have for some
time been permitted, within limits, to meet the competitive pressures of the local markets in
which they operate by conducting activities not permitted to them in the United States In the
evolving international environment, these off-shore activities have included global secunties
underwriting and dealing, through subsidiaries, an activity in which U S banking
organizations have been among the world leaders, despite limitations on their authority to
distribute securities in the United States

-6Such a response to competition abroad is an example of the third major trend
reshaping financial markets—market innovation—which has been as much a reaction to
technological change and globalization as an independent factor

These developments make it

virtually impossible to maintain some of the rules and regulations established for a different
economic environment As a result, the kinds of activities our banking organizations are
conducting no longer fit the traditional paradigms of deposit taking and loan making
Technological change, globalization, and regulatory erosion will eventually make it
impossible to sustain outdated restrictions That is what we are here today to discuss—the
need to remove outdated restrictions and to rationalize our system for delivering financial
Risks in Modernization
To be sure, with the benefits of financial modernization come some risks, but the
Board believes the evidence indicates that the risks in securities underwriting and dealing are

Underwriting primarily is a deals oriented, purchase and rapid resale, mark-to-

market business in which losses, if any, are quickly cut as the firm moves to the next deal
Since the enactment of the Securities Acts—with their focus on investor protection—the
broker/dealer regulator, the SEC, is quick to liquidate a firm with insufficient capital relative
to the market value of its assets, constraining the size of any disturbance to the market or

The SEC now applies such supervision to Section 20 affiliates, and it would do so

to securities affiliates under H R 10 and similar bills introduced in this Congress

Section 20

affiliates have operated during a period in which sharp swings have occurred in world
financial markets, but they still were able to manage their risk exposures well with no

-7measurable risks to their parent or affiliated banks Indeed, in order to limit the exposure of
the safety net, the supervisors have insisted that securities affiliates have risk management and
control systems that assure that risk can be managed and contained

As would be the case for

securities affiliates with the Competitiveness Act, the Federal Reserve has required that such
an infrastructure exist before individual Section 20 affiliates are authorized and that
organizations engaging in these activities through nonbank affiliates have bank subsidiaries
with strong capital positions
The bill proposed by Chairman Leach attempts to accommodate the merchant banking
business currently conducted by independent securities firms

Both bank holding companies

with Section 20 subsidiaries and independent securities firms engage in securities
underwriting and dealing activities However, independent securities firms also directly
provide equity capital to a wide variety of companies without any intention to manage or
operate them The Leach bill would permit securities firms that acquire commercial banks, as
well as securities firms acquired or established by bank holding companies, to engage in all
of these activities—underwriting and dealing in securities, as well as merchant and investment
banking through equity investment in any business without becoming involved in the day-today operations of that business These powers are crucial to permit securities firms to remain
competitive domestically and internationally

Under the bill, the Board could establish rules

to ensure that these activities do not pose significant risks to banks affiliated with securities
firms, serve as a "back door" to the commingling of banking and commerce, or unduly spread
the subsidy impact in the safety net

-8As for insurance, the evidence is clear that, where risk is diversifiable and, hence,
predictable, such as life and certain property insurance lines, the resultant business risks are
manageable The evidence is less clear for catastrophe-related property insurance


risks come from the same sorts of credit and interest rate risks about which banks are already

Life, automobile, and other insurance sales are virtually riskless and

authorizing insurance brokerage sales by banks is likely to add additional convenience and
service, as well as lower prices, for the public.
H R 10 would continue the holding company framework for nonbank activities, which
the Board believes is important in order to limit the direct risk of new financial activities to
banks and the safety net The Board is of the view that the risks from securities and
insurance underwriting are manageable using the holding company framework proposed in the
Competitiveness Act But there is another risk the risk of transference to nonbank affiliates
of the subsidy implicit in the federal safety net—deposit insurance, the discount window, and
access to the payments system—with the attendant moral hazard

As the Committee knows,

the Board believes that the subsidy is more readily transferred to a subsidiary of an insured
depository institution than to its affiliates, and that the holding company structure creates the
best framework for limiting this leakage We have concluded accordingly that the further the
separation from the bank, the better the insulation We are concerned that conducting
securities and similar activities as principal in subsidiaries of U S banks does not create
sufficient distance from the bank
Let me be clear that bank holding companies and their subsidiaries also benefit from
the subsidy implicit in the safety net Their capital costs are lower since a portion—currently

-9a large part of—the consolidated assets of the organization are in subsidiary depository
institutions that have direct access to the safety net This transfer, of course, is significantly
smaller than the direct transfer to a bank subsidiary But it is large enough to suggest that we
should be cautious about extending permissible activities of bank or financial services holding
companies to include nonfinancial commercial enterprises Generally, public policy should
give wide range to free market competition, including business decisions on affiliations
However, when such affiliations may imply subsidy transfers at best—and taxpayer support at
worst—we should be very careful
The world is changing rapidly and it may well become increasingly difficult to
distinguish between banking and aspects of commerce However, the free and open legal
association of banking and commerce would be a profound and surely irreversible structural
change in the American economy We should, as a result, be careful to assure ourselves that
whatever changes are made in our financial system do not distort our continued evolution to
the most efficient financial system In earlier testimony, I suggested that we would have to
review carefully the kinds of combinations that could occur with a permissible basket for
nonfinancial firms

As we have done so, the problems exposed have led us to a more

cautious position More generally, the subsidy transfer concerns and our uncertainty about the
ultimate impact of free affiliation between banking and commerce on our financial system
suggest to the Board that at least any wider authonzation of banking and commerce should be
postponed while we focus on financial modernization

Concerns about ensuring a two-way

street should be addressed without attempting to make final decisions now about any future
wider combinations of banking and commerce

-10The legislation proposed by Chairman Leach also provides for oversight of the
consolidated activities of a financial services holding company

The Board believes such

oversight is essential to a sound financial system in which the public can have confidence
Some, however, have expressed concerns that such oversight is incompatible with an
institution that owns a number of otherwise unregulated subsidiaries That view is
presumably directed at an expected level of significant supervisory intrusion and possibly
from fear of new regulatory constraints by those acquiring a bank for the first time
The Board also has concerns about excessive oversight, although for somewhat
different reasons In an environment of greater deregulation and financial reform, market
discipline becomes ever more critical

Such discipline requires that market participants

correctly perceive that nonbanking entities are not covered by the federal safety net
Providing bank-like supervision to nonbank affiliates of banks in the context of financial
reform would send the wrong signal, creating difficult moral hazard issues For these
reasons, the agency charged with consolidated oversight should have a clearly defined
role—one that permits it to protect affiliated banks and the safety net from abuse and
excessive risk, while permitting operational synergies and imposing minimal interference with
the growth or activities of the bank's affiliates
Consolidated Oversight
The Board believes that combination of the holding company vehicle and Federal
Reserve supervision and regulation under the Bank Holding Company Act has limited the
transfer of the safety net from the banks to the holding company parent and its nonbank
subsidiaries The historical experience in supervising bank holding companies also has shown

-11that knowledge of the financial strength and risks inherent in a consolidated holding company
can be critical to protecting an insured subsidiary bank and resolving problems once they
arise Examples are easy to recall

BCCI, Continental Illinois, Barings PLC, thrifts, and

Texas banks all exhibited problems that spread quickly among their affiliates, or required a
consolidated approach to resolve the problems at least cost and disruption to the financial
system By approaching matters from the perspective of a consolidated organization, the
Federal Reserve, the agency historically charged with conducting consolidated oversight, has
also helped to prevent banking problems by addressing operational or capital deficiencies
within a subsidiary bank, or elsewhere in the organization.
Moreover, continued gains in technology and in innovative risk management
techniques permit organizations of all kinds to manage and control their activities on an
increasingly centralized basis, with less attention paid to the individual legal entities that
make up the organization

In that environment, it seems to the Board that oversight on a

consolidated basis of an organization's broad-based activities becomes more crucial, not less
Bank supervisors throughout the world recognize this point, and have adopted consolidated
oversight as a fundamental principle The Congress also recognized the necessity of
consolidated oversight for the U S banking system, by requiring, as a condition for a foreign
bank's entry into this country, that the bank be subject to consolidated home country

What is necessary for foreign banks entering the United States is surely just as

necessary for U S banks and the U S banking system
While important, consolidated oversight need not become unduly intrusive to financial
services holding companies The necessity to understand and review centralized risk

-12management and control mechanisms, and similarly to review intra-organizational fund
transfers involving the insured depositories, does not require bank-like supervision of nonbank

H R 10 recognizes this It would require the banking agencies to rely to the

fullest extend possible on examination reports and other information collected by supervisors
of other regulated entities It would also provide for quite limited consolidated oversight for
those organizations in which the bank subsidiaries represent a modest part of the overall
organization and do not exceed a maximum size In addition, the bill would require the
banking agencies to defer to the SEC in interpretations and enforcement of the federal
securities laws It further eliminates the current legal requirements for applications for
nonbanking activities by holding companies that own relatively small banks, an approach we
believe could also be extended quite usefully to bank acquisition proposals These are
extremely important provisions both for existing bank holding companies and for securities
firms and insurance companies that wish to affiliate with banks. Such provisions would
greatly enhance the "two-way street" by eliminating unnecessary burden and red tape
The Board not only supports these changes, but also recognizes that its own traditional
approach to supervising and regulating bank holding companies must change as technology
changes Indeed, such changes are already well underway They include a much streamlined
application process, a more risk-focused/less transaction-testing approach to inspections, fewer
firewalls between banking and securities affiliates of bank holding companies to accommodate
operating synergies, and greater reliance on internal and external auditors In anticipation of
financial modernization legislation, the Board is considering alternative approaches to
evaluating the capital adequacy of heterogeneous financial conglomerates, when banking is

-13not the dominant activity

Such flexibility would be required to ensure that bank-like

standards are not indirectly imposed on insurance or securities firms and that the standards of
their primary regulator prevail and allow them to compete effectively
As the affiliates of banks increasingly conduct a nonbanking business, the desirability
of avoiding the extension of bank-like regulation will require that the agency with oversight
responsibility rely heavily on published financial reports, agency reviews of existing
management information, examinations by other supervisors, and evaluations by market
analysts when assessing the overall strength and potential riskiness of a bank's parent and

Such information can alert the oversight agency to look more closely at the

organization and, if necessary, take steps to protect an affiliated bank Indeed, that agency
should be empowered and expected to prevent or curtail abusive practices and undue risks in
an organization when they threaten affiliated banks and the safety net Similarly, it should be
just as responsible to assure that the transfer of the subsidy of the safety net from the bank to
its affiliate, through intra-organizational funds transfers and othe means, is kept to a
I believe the United States currently has a strong and effective supervisory process,
and one that has also permitted its banking and financial system to fuel economic growth to a
degree unmatched in the world today While we have had our problems, most notably with
thrifts, we must not forget our experience as we work toward a still-better approach


domestic banking system is also widely recognized as the most innovative and best
capitalized system in the world, and its profits have reached new record levels in recent years
As I have pointed out previously, advancing technology will inevitably require increasing

-14reliance on pnvate counterparty surveillance to contain credit and market risks Nonetheless,
we should recall that just six or seven years ago, events created pressures to expand and
increase government banking supervision at all levels In the present environment of
prosperity and financial stability, it is easy to forget that experience and to believe that little
or no oversight is now needed for consolidated entities
We must move forward, but with proper balance, Mr Chairman—with a balance that I
believe your bill maintains, with the exception noted

The agency conducting consolidated

oversight must be permitted to monitor both the financial condition of the organization and
the potential transfer of risks to its insured depository affiliates

Moreover, we reiterate our

concern that, regardless of how restructuring is addressed, the Congress not impair the ability
of the Federal Reserve to monitor large banking organizations and respond effectively to
systemic crises
"Mr Chairman, members of the Committee, the question is not whether we will have
changes in financial markets Technology, globalization, and market innovations are bringing
rapid changes that cannot be reversed

The open questions are how banking organizations

will participate, and will they do so in ways that appropriately balance the tradeoffs among
risk, minimal use of the sovereign credit, and maximum competition, public benefit and
convenience7 If Congress does not act, the balancing will be done by market forces and,
where possible, regulators forced to take positions by events The Board believes that the
Congress needs to act and that the Leach proposal—excluding authorization for new activities
in bank subsidiaries—accomplishes a balancing of the risks and benefits of banks'

-15participation in financial modernization The Board also urges that the Congress resist efforts
to so limit consolidated oversight of banking organizations as to raise questions about our
ability to limit risk exposures of insured depositones, to limit the transference of the safety
net subsidy, or to prevent and manage financial market crises
