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For release on delivery
2 00 p ID E S T
February 20, 1996

Statement by
Alan Greenspan
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy
Committee on Banking and Financial Services

House of Representatives

February 20, 1996

I appreciate the opportunity to appear before this Committee
to present the Federal Reserve's semiannual report on monetary policy
The United States economy performed reasonably well in 1995
One-and-three-quarter million new jobs were added to payrolls over the
year, and the unemployment rate was at the lowest sustained level in
five years

Despite the relatively high level of resource

utilization, inflation remained well contained, with the consumer
price index rising less than 3 percent--the fifth year running at 3
percent or below

A reduction in inflation expectations, together

with anticipation of significant progress toward eliminating federal
budget deficits, was reflected in financial markets, where long-term
interest rates dropped sharply and stock prices rose dramatically over
the year
This outcome was influenced in part by monetary policy
actions taken by the Federal Reserve in recent years

Responding to

evidence that inflationary pressures were building, we progressively
raised short-term interest rates over 1994 and early 1995

Rates had

been purposely held at quite low, stimulative levels in 1993


moved in 1994 to levels more consistent with sustainable growth


intent was to be preemptive--to head off an incipient increase in
inflationary pressures and to forestall the emergence of imbalances
that so often in the past have undermined economic expansions
As we entered the spring of 1995, it became increasingly
evident that our policy was likely to succeed

Although various price

indexes were rising a bit more rapidly, there were indications that
pressures would not continue to intensify, and might even reverse to a

Moderating overall demand growth left businesses with excess


In response, firms initiated production cutbacks to

prevent serious inventory imbalances, and the growth of economic


activity slowed substantially

With inflation pressures apparently

receding, the previous degree of restraint in monetary policy was no
longer deemed necessary, and the Federal Open Market Committee
consequently implemented a small reduction in reserve market pressures
last July
During the summer and early fall, aggregate demand growth

As a result, business stocks of raw materials and

finished goods appeared somewhat better aligned with sales

In sum,

the economy, as hoped, appeared to have moved onto a trajectory that
could be maintained-- one less steep than in 1994, when the rate of
growth was clearly unsustainable, but one that nevertheless would
imply continued significant growth in employment and incomes
Importantly, the performance of the economy seemed to be
consistent with maintaining low inflation

Despite the step-up in

growth and the relatively high levels of resource utilization,
measured inflation abated a little, and many of the signs that had
been pointing toward greater price pressures gradually disappeared
Expectations of both near- and longer-term inflation fell
substantially over the second half of the year, as gauged by survey
results as well as by the downward movements in longer-term interest

The fall in bond rates was also encouraged by improving

prospects for significant progress in reducing the federal budget

The declines in actual and expected inflation meant that

maintaining the existing nominal federal funds rate would raise real
short-term interest rates, implying a slight effective firming in the
stance of monetary policy

Such a shift would have been particularly

inappropriate because economic growth near the end of the year seemed
to be slowing, and some FOMC members were concerned about the risks of


prolonged sluggishness

Consequently, the Committee decided in

December that a further reduction in the funds rate was warranted
Information becoming available in late December and January
raised additional questions about the prospective pace of expansion
The situation was difficult to judge, partly because economic
statistics were more sparse than usual, owing mainly to the government

In addition, harsh weather in January disrupted both data

flows and patterns of economic activity

But several indicators--

including initial claims for unemployment insurance, purchasing
managers' surveys, and consumer confidence measures --appeared to
signal some softening in the economy

Consonant with this pattern,

some Reserve Bank Presidents reported that they seemed to be detecting
anecdotal indications of weakness in the expansion within their
districts with somewhat greater frequency than previously


growth in several of our major trading partners seemed to be lagging,
which could tend to moderate demand for exports
A number of factors have prompted the recent tendency toward
renewed weakness

Some are clearly quite transitory-- related, for

example, to bad weather or the Federal government shutdown
may be somewhat more significant, but still temporary


The constraint

on government spending while permanent budget authorizations are being
negotiated is one

Another may be a temporary reduction in output in

some industries as businesses have further adjusted inventories to
disappointing sales

As I noted last July, the change in the pace of

inventory investment when the economy shifts gears can be substantial
Inventory investment surged in 1994 and into the early months of 1995,
but proceeded to fall markedly throughout the rest of the year


has placed significant downward pressure on output, which should lift


as inventory adjustments subside

But for the moment, the pressures

remain, in the motor vehicle industry and elsewhere
Ultimately, of course, it is the path of final demand after
the temporary influences work themselves out that determines the
trajectory of the economy

There are some factors, such as high

consumer debt levels, that may be working to restrain spending


as I shall be detailing shortly, a number of fundamentals point to an
economy basically on track for sustained growth, so any weakness is
likely to be temporary

Nonetheless, the Committee decided in late

January that the evidence suggested sufficient risk of subpar
performance going forward to warrant another slight easing of the
stance of monetary policy

Given the subdued trends in costs and

wages, the odds that such a move would boost inflation pressures
seemed low
In assessing the likely course of the economy and the
appropriate stance of policy, one question is the significance, if
any, of the age of the business expansion

Some analysts, viewing

recent weakness, have observed that the expansion is approaching the
start of its sixth year and is now one of the longer peacetime spans
of growth in the past half century
not necessarily die of old age

Economic expansions, however, do

Although the factors governing each

individual business cycle are not always clear, expansions usually end
because serious imbalances eventually develop
When aggregate demand exceeds the economy's potential, for
example, inflationary pressures pick up

The inevitable increase in

market interest rates, as inflation expectations rise and price
pressures intensify, depresses final demand

Lagging demand in turn

sets off an inventory correction that frequently triggers a downturn

in the economy As I noted, we acted in 1994 to forestall such a



Monetary policy began to tighten in advance of the buildup

of inflationary pressures and, at least to date, these pressures
appear to have been held in check
Capital expenditures by households and firms can also
contribute significantly to the development of cycle-ending

The level of stocks of such real assets have effects on

output very similar to those of business inventories

In typical

cycles, capital expenditures tend to grow rapidly in the early stages
of recovery

Pent-up demands coming out of a recession by consumers

and businesses are satisfied by rapid growth of spending on capital

There is a limit, however, on, say, how many cars people

choose to own, or how many square feet of floor space retailers need
to service customers

Spending on such assets generally tends to grow

more slowly after the pent-up demand is met

As with business

inventories, the downshifting of spending on consumer durable goods or
business plant and equipment may not occur smoothly

The dynamics of

expanding output and rising profit expectations often create a degree
of exuberance which, as in much of human nature, tends on occasion to
excess--in this case, in the form of a temporary over-accumulation of

The ensuing correction in demand for such assets triggers

production adjustments that can significantly mute growth for a time
or even cause a downturn if the imbalances are large enough
The current extent of any asset overhang is difficult to

The growth of demand for durables and some categories of

capital goods evidently has slowed, but the available evidence does
not suggest a degree of saturation in capital assets that would tip
the economy into a downturn
Moreover, financial conditions are likely to be generally
supportive of spending

The low level of long-term interest rates


should have an especially favorable effect

Low rates increase the

affordability of housing for consumers and foster investment in
productive plant and equipment by businesses

The decline in interest

rates also has contributed to a pronounced rise in stock prices


spread of mutual fund investments has meant that the gain in wealth as
financial asset prices have risen has been shared by an ever-wider
segment of households

These developments should tend to counter, in

part, the depressing effects on spending of rising debt burdens


addition, with the condition of most financial institutions strong,
lenders are likely to remain willing to extend credit to firms and
households on favorable terms

We have seen some move by lenders

toward tighter standards, but these actions are a modest correction
after a marked swing toward ease and should not constrain the
availability of funds to creditworthy borrowers
Against this backdrop, Federal Reserve policymakers expect
the most likely outcome for 1996 as a whole is further moderate

On the new chain-weighted basis, the central tendency of the

forecasts of Board members and Reserve Bank Presidents is for real
gross domestic product to expand 2 to 2-1/4 percent on a fourthquarter to fourth-quarter basis, similar to the Administration's

With output expanding roughly in line with standard

estimates of the increase in the productive capacity of the economy,
the unemployment rate is expected to remain around recent levels, as
is also forecast by the Administration
The Federal Open Market Committee expects a continuation of
reasonably good inflation performance in 1996

The success during

1995 in keeping the increase in the consumer price index below 3
percent in the fifth year of an expansion illustrates that an extended
period of growth with low inflation is possible

And most on the


Committee anticipate consumer price inflation at or somewhat below 3
percent in 1996

Although well-known biases in the CPI, as well as

the more favorable price performance of business equipment, which is
not included in that index, indicate that the true rate of inflation
for the whole economy would be significantly lower than 3 percent, the
Committee recognized that its expectations for inflation do not imply
that price stability has as yet been reached

Nonetheless, keeping

inflation from rising significantly during economic expansions will
permit a gradual ratcheting down of inflation over the course of
successive business cycles that will eventually result in the
achievement of price stability
To emphasize its continued commitment to price stability, the
Committee chose to reaffirm the relatively low ranges for money growth
in 1996 that it had selected on a provisional basis last July


ranges are identical to those employed in 1995--1 to 5 percent for M2
and 2 to 6 percent for M3
percent range for debt

The Committee also reaffirmed the 3 to 7
Patterns of money growth and velocity have

been erratic in recent years, but should the monetary aggregates at
some point re-establish their previous trend relationships with
nominal income, average growth near the center of these ranges should
be consistent with the eventual achievement of price stability
Determining whether further changes to the stance of monetary
policy will be necessary in the months ahead to foster progress toward
our goals will be a continuing challenge

In formulating monetary

policy, while we have in mind a forecast of the most likely outcome,
we must also evaluate the consequences of other possible developments
Thus, it is sometimes the case that we take out monetary policy
"insurance" when we perceive an imbalance in the net costs or benefits
of coming out on one side or the other of the most probable scenario

For example, in our most recent actions, we saw a decline in the
federal funds rate as not increasing inflationary risks unacceptably.
while addressing the downside risks to the most likely forecast


assessing the costs and benefits of adjustments to the stance of
policy, members of the Committee recognize that policy affects the
economy and inflation with a lag and thus needs to be formulated with
a focus on the future

Over the past year, we have kept firmly in

mind our goals of containing inflation in the near term and moving
over time toward price stability, and they will continue to guide us
in the period ahead
Structural forces may be assisting us in this regard
Increases in producers' costs and in output prices proved to be a
little lower last year than many had anticipated

While it is too

soon to draw any definitive conclusions, this experience provides some
tentative evidence that basic, ongoing changes In the structure of the
economy may be helping to hold down price pressures

These changes

stem from the introduction of new technologies Into a wide variety of
production processes throughout the economy

Successive generations

of these new technologies are being quickly embodied in the nation's
capital stock and older technologies are, at a somewhat slower pace,
being phased out

As a consequence, the nation's capital stock Is

turning over at an increasingly rapid pace, not primarily because of
physical deterioration but reflecting technological and economic
The more rapid advance of Information and communications
technology and the associated acceleration in the turnover of the
capital stock are being mirrored in a brisk restructuring of firms
In line with their adoption of new organizational structures and
technologies, many enterprises are finding that their needs for


various forms of labor are evolving just as quickly

In some cases,

the job skills that were adequate only five years ago are no longer as

Partly for that reason, most corporate restructurings have

involved a significant number of permanent dismissals
The phenomenon of restructuring can be especially unfortunate
for those workers directly caught up in the process

Many dedicated,

long-term workers In all types of American businesses--including longestablished, stable, and profitable firms--have been let go
An important consequence of the layoffs and dismissals
associated with restructuring activity Is a significant and widely
reported Increase in the sense of job insecurity

Concern about

employment has been manifested in unusually low levels of indicators
of labor unrest
low last year

Work stoppages, for example, were at a fifty-year
And contract negotiators for labor unions have sought

to obtain greater job security for their members through very longterm labor contracts, including some with virtually unprecedented
lengths of five or six years
Of particular relevance to the inflation outlook, the sense
of job insecurity is having a pronounced effect in damping labor

For example, the increase in the employment cost index for

compensation in the private sector, which includes both wage and
salary payments and benefit costs, slowed further in 1995, to 2-3/4
percent, despite labor market conditions that, by historical standards, were fairly tight

With productivity also expanding, the

increase in unit labor costs was even lower

In manufacturing, such

costs have actually been falling in recent years

While the link

between labor costs, which account for two-thirds of consolidated
business sector costs, and prices is not rigid, these very limited


increases in labor expenses nonetheless constitute a significant
restraint on inflation
In addition to its effect on labor costs, the more rapid pace
of technological change is reducing business costs through other

Initially most important, the downsizing of products

resulting from semiconductor technologies, together with the
Increasing proportion of national output accounted for by high-tech
products, has reduced costs of transporting the average unit of GDP
Quite simply, small products can be moved more quickly and at lower
More recently, dramatic advances in telecommunications
technologies have lowered the costs of production for a variety of
products by slashing further the information component of those costs
Increasingly, the physical distance between communications endpomts
is becoming less relevant in determining the difficulty and cost of
transporting information

Once fiber-optic and satellite technologies

are in place, the added resource cost of another 200 or 2,000 miles is
often quite trivial

As a consequence, the movement of inputs and

outputs across geographic distance is progressively becoming a smaller
component of overall business expenses, particularly as intellectual-and therefore immaterial--products become proportionately more
important in the economy

This enables an average business firm to

broaden markets and sales far beyond its original domicile
Accordingly, fixed costs are spread more widely

For the world market

as a whole, the specialization of labor is enhanced to the benefit of
standards of living of all market participants
To be sure, advancing technology, with its profound
implications for the nature of the economy, is nothing new, and the
pace of improvement has never been even

But it is possible that we


may be in the midst of a quickening of the process

It is possible

that the rate at which earlier computer technologies are being applied
to new production processes is still increasing

This would explain

the recent decline in the growth of unit costs

Nonetheless, we have

to be careful in projecting a further acceleration in the application
of technology indefinitely into the future, as would be required for
technological change to depress the rate of increase in unit business
costs even more

Similarly, suppressed wage cost growth as a

consequence of job insecurity can be carried only so far

At some

point in the future, the tradeoff of subdued wage growth for job
security has to come to an end

While it is difficult to judge the

time frame on such adjustments, the risks to cost and price inflation
going forward are not entirely skewed to the downside, especially with
the economy so recently operating at high levels of resource
In light of the quickened pace of technological change, the
question arises whether the U S

economy can expand more rapidly on an

ongoing basis than the 2 to 2-1/4 percent range for measured GDP
forecasted for 1996 by government agencies and most private
forecasters without adding to inflationary pressures, which in turn
would undermine growth

The Federal Reserve would certainly welcome

faster growth-- provided that it is sustainable
The particular rate of maximum sustainable growth in an
economy as complex and ever-changing as ours is difficult to pin down
Fortunately, the Federal Reserve does not need to have a firm judgment
on such an estimate, for persistent deviations of actual growth from
that of capacity potential will soon send signals that a policy
adjustment is needed

Should the nation's true growth potential

exceed actual growth, for example, the disparity and lessened strain


would be signaled in shorter lead times on the delivery of materials,
declining overtime, and ebbing inflationary pressures


actual growth in excess of the economy's true potential would soon
result in tightened markets and other distortions which, as history
amply demonstrates, would propel the economy into recession
Consequently, we must be cautious in reaching conclusions that growth

in productivity and hence of potential output has as yet risen


match the evident step-up in technological advance
The hypothesis that advancing technology has enhanced
productivity growth would be more persuasive if national data on
productivity increases showed a distinct improvement

To a degree,

the lack of any marked pickup may be a shortcoming of the statistics
rather than a refutation of the hypothesis

Faulty data could be

arising in part because business purchases are increasingly
concentrated in items that are expensed but which market prices
suggest should be capitalized

Growing disparities between book

capital and its valuation in equity markets may in part reflect
widening effects of this misclassification

If this problem is indeed

growing, we may be underestimating the growth of our GDP and
This classification problem compounds other difficulties with
measuring output in the increasingly important service sector


output of services --and the productivity of labor in that sector--is
particularly hard to measure

In part, the statisticians have simply

thrown up their hands, gauging output in some service industries just
in terms of labor input

By construction, such a procedure will miss

improvements in productivity caused by other inputs


manufacturing, where output is more tangible and therefore easier to


assess, measured productivity has been rising briskly, suggesting that
technological advances are indeed having some effect
Nonetheless, there is still a nagging inconsistency


evidence of significant restructurings and improvements in technology
and real costs within business establishments does not seem to be
fully reflected in our national productivity measurements

It is

possible that some of the frenetic pace of business restructuring is
mere wheel spinning-- changing production inputs without increasing
output-- rather than real increases in productivity

One cause of the

wheel spinning, if that is what it is, may be that it takes some time
for firms to adapt in such a way that major new technology is
translated into increased output
In an intriguing parallel, electric motors in the late
nineteenth century were well-known as a technology, but were initially
integrated into production systems that were designed for steam-driven
power plants

It wasn't until the gradual conversion of previously

vertical factories into horizontal facilities, mainly in the 1920s,
that firms were able to take full advantage of the synergies implicit

in the electric dynamo, thus achieving dramatic


Analogously, existing production systems today to some

degree cannot be integrated easily with new information and
communication technologies

Some existing equipment is not capable of

control by computer, for example

Thus, it may be that the full

advantage of even the current generation of information and
communication equipment will be exploited over a span of quite a few
years and only after a considerably updated stock of physical capital
has been put in place
While the Federal Reserve does not need to establish


targets- - and definitely not limits--for long-term growth, it is
helpful in coming to shorter-run policy insights to have some
judgments about the growth in potential GDP in the past and what it is
likely to be in the future
are based on experience

Judgments of potential, quite naturally,
Through the four quarters of 1994, for

example, real GDP, pressed by strong demand, rose 3-1/2 percent


that were the true rate of increase in the economy's long-run
potential, then we would have expected no change in rates of resource

Instead, industrial capacity utilization rose nearly 3

percentage points and the unemployment rate dropped a percentage

Moreover, we began to see signs of strains on facilities,

deliveries of materials slowed appreciably and factory overtime rose

These signs of developing pressures on capacity suggest that

the growth rate in economic potential in 1994 was below 3-1/2 percent
In general, as we get close to presumed potential, we are required to
step up our surveillance for inflationary pressures
Estimates of potential growth necessarily recognize that
expansion in the economy over time comes essentially from three
factors--growth in population, increases in labor force participation,
and gains in average labor productivity

Of these factors, the first

two are determined basically by demographic and social factors and
seem unlikely to change dramatically over the next few years


the source of any significant pickup of output growth would need to be
a more rapid pace of productivity growth

Here, the uncertainty of

the pace of conversion of rapid technological advance into
productivity gains is crucial to the determination
To be fully effective in achieving potential productivity
improvements, technological innovations also require a considerable
amount of human investment on the part of workers who have to deal


with these devices on a day-to-day basis
not have progressed very far

On this score, we still may

Many workers still possess only

rudimentary skills in manipulating advanced information technology
In these circumstances, firms and employees alike need to recognize
that obtaining the potential rewards of the new technologies in the
years ahead will require a renewed commitment to effective education
and training, especially on-the-job training

This is especially the

case if we are to prevent the disruptions to lives and the nation's
capacity to produce that arise from mismatches between jobs and

We need to improve the preparation for the job market our

schools do, but even better schools are unlikely to be able to provide
adequate skills to support a lifetime of work

Indeed, the need to

ensure that our labor force has the ongoing education and training
necessary to compete in an increasingly sophisticated world economy is
a critical task for the years ahead
Our nation faces many important and difficult challenges in
economic policy

Nonetheless, we have made significant and

fundamental gains in macroeconomic performance in recent years that
enhance the prospects for maximum sustainable economic growth
Inflation, as measured by the consumer price index, has been gradually
reduced from a peak of more than 13 percent in 1979 to 2-1/2 percent
last year

Lower rates of inflation have brought a variety of

benefits to the economy, including lower long-term interest rates, a
sense of greater economic stability, an improved environment for
household and business planning, and more robust investment in capital

The years ahead should see further progress against

inflation and the eventual achievement of price stability
We have also made considerable progress on the fiscal front
Over the past ten years and especially since 1993, our elected


political leaders, through sometimes prolonged and even painful
negotiations, have been successful in reaching several agreements that
have significantly narrowed the budget deficit
be done

But more remains to

As I have emphasized many times, lower budget deficits are

the surest and most direct way to increase national saving


national saving would help to reduce real interest rates further,
promoting more rapid accumulation of productive capital embodying
recent technological advances

Agreement is widely shared that

attaining a higher national saving rate quite soon is crucial,
particularly in view of the anticipated shift in the nation's
demographics m

the first few decades of the next century

Lower inflation and reduced budget deficits will by no means
solve all of the economic problems we face

But the achievement of

price stability and federal budget balance or surplus will provide the
best possible macroeconomic climate in which the nation can address
other economic challenges