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For use at 1:30 PM EST
February 5, 1996

Remarks by
Alan Greenspan
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
National Governors' Association
Washington, DC
February 5, 1996

The United States is currently confronting a set of
forces pulling us in divergent directions.

The rapid

acceleration of computer and telecommunication technologies, can
reasonably be expected to appreciably raise our productivity and
standards of living in the twenty-first century certainly, and
quite possibly in some of the remaining years of this century.
In the short run, however, the fallout from rapidly
changing technology has created a marked degree of uncertainty
and insecurity among a significant segment of our work force.
It should not be surprising to find that when the stock
of plant and equipment with which most Americans have to interact
in their day-by-day job routines is turning over rapidly, human
skills are subject to obsolescence at a rate perhaps
unprecedented in American history.
Almost six years ago I stressed to this Association the
dramatic trends toward an ever increasing conceptualization of
our Gross Domestic Product, the substitution, in effect, of ideas
for physical matter in the creation of economic value.
This afternoon I should like to update and extend the
implications of these extraordinary forces which are driving the
American economy.

The roots of increasing conceptualization of

output lie deep in human history, but the pace of such
substitution probably picked up in the early stages of the
industrial revolution, when science and machines created new
leverage for human energy.

Nonetheless, even as recently as the

middle of this century, the symbols of American economic strength

-2were our output of such products as steel, motor vehicles, and
heavy machinery—items for which sizable proportions of
production costs reflected the value of raw materials and the
sheer manual labor required to manipulate them.

Since then,

trends towards conceptualization have focused today's views of
economic leadership increasingly on downsized, smaller, less
palpable evidence of output, requiring more technologically
sophisticated labor input.
Our radios used to be activated by large vacuum tubes;
today we have elegantly designed pocket-sized transistors to
perform the same function—but with the higher quality of sound
and greater reliability that consumers now expect.

Thin fiber

optic cable has replaced huge tonnages of copper wire.


in architecture and engineering, as well as the development of
lighter but stronger materials, now give us the same working
space but in buildings with significantly less concrete, glass,
and steel tonnage than was required in an earlier era.
The process of conceptualization in output, seems to
have accelerated in recent decades with the advent of the
semiconductor, the microprocessor, the computer, and the

These technologies have become especially significant

since my visit in 1989.

Under the circumstances, it has puzzled

many of us that the growth of output as customarily measured has
not evidenced a corresponding pickup.
be measured correctly.

Of course, output may not

Indeed, the financial markets are

suggesting that we increasingly expense items which should be

-3capitalized and hence underestimate the growth of our GDP and

But it also is possible that some of the frenetic

pace of change is wheel spinning—changing production inputs
without increasing output—rather than real advances in
A number of commentators, particularly Professor David
of Stanford University, have suggested that much of the wheel
spinning, if that is what it is, reflects the extended time it
typically has taken to translate a major new technology into
increased productivity and higher standards of living.

It may be

that the big increases in productivity growing out of the
introduction of computers and communications equipment still lie

Past innovations, such as the advent of electricity or

the invention of the gasoline-powered motor required considerable
infrastructure before their full potential could be realized.
Electricity, when it substituted for steam power late
last century, was applied to production processes suited to

Gravity was used to move goods vertically in the steam

environment and that could not initially change with the advent
of electric power.

It was only when horizontal factories, newly

designed for optimal use of electric power, began to dominate our
industrial system many years after electricity's initial
introduction, that productivity clearly accelerated.
Similarly, it was only when modern highways and
gasoline service stations became extensive that the lower cost of
motor vehicle transportation became evident.

-4It is possible that the computer-telecommunications
revolution is too new to as yet fundamentally improve standards
of living overall.
Moreover, to be fully effective, innovations also
require a considerable amount of human investment on the part of
workers who have to deal with these devices on a day-to-day

On this score, I sense that we still may not have

progressed very far, relative to potential.

Compared to the

facility with which the average citizen handles another complex
device—the automobile—most workers and consumers still appear
to possess only rudimentary skills when it comes to making
computers do what is wanted of them.

Mass acceptance and full

exploitation of computer technologies—the analogue of what was
accomplished in making cars that were affordable, standardized,
and easily operated—probably still lie ahead.
In the meantime, we have a situation in which there are
some serious mismatches between the skills of workers and
technologies that have changed considerably and still are
advancing rapidly, and these mismatches are affecting pay
differentials between the skilled and the unskilled.


conceptualization of output has moved apace, the relative
economic value of intellectual skill has clearly increased.
During the past fifteen years, for example, the earnings of
college graduates have increased relative to those who are high
school graduates, and, in turn, high school graduates have
continued to open up their advantage over those who are high

-5school dropouts.

In fact, a significant minority of our labor

force has experienced real wage decreases, and this development
surely is one factor in the unease that is all too prevalent, as
well as in the apparent stretching of the distribution of incomes
in recent years.
Exaggerating this income dispersing trend is the
growing evidence of what is being called a "winner take all
society" in which the best in any activity tends to take an
increasingly larger share of a market.
The best actors, the best basketball players, the best
business innovators, earn far more than average.

The reason is

that the major advances in telecommunications technologies have
allowed any skill

a far wider market than a generation ago.

New visual communications allows talent to offer their services
throughout the world.

Who wants second best when the best is

available at nearly the same price?

Who buys the records of the

fourth or fifth best tenors in the world singing an aria from Don

The few top performers take most of the market.


century ago, such performers could not readily compete outside
their localized area.
Fortunately, the rapidly changing technologies have
engendered an increased degree of competitive intensity which may
very well cap, and perhaps reverse, the trend toward winner-takeall and other forces increasing income dispersion.
Once proud hi-tech firms are being upended by new
technologies developed by upstarts.

But even the latter are

-6lately looking over their shoulders at other upstarts with still
newer technologies.

The outsized rewards to high skills induce

others to emulate them, and hence staying at the top has become
ever more precarious.

More generally entrenched economic

advantage is being increasingly challenged by a global
competition which shows no signs of abating.
In addition, we must be alert in coming years to the
need to improve the skills and earning power of those who appear
to be falling behind.

In the long run, better child-rearing and

better schools are essential.

But in the shorter run, on-the-job

training is a critical necessity—to overcome the educational
deficiencies of all too many of our young people, and to renew
the skills of workers who have fallen behind the rapidly rising
curve of technological change.

It has become quite apparent that

many firms have concluded that it makes more sense to invest in
such training than to bid up wage scales in a zero-sum
competition for the existing limited pool of well-qualified

As a bottom line, though, workers in many kinds of

pursuits probably had better look forward to a lot of hard work
acquiring and maintaining the skills needed to cope with a
rapidly evolving economy.

The notion that early education could

be crafted to support the needs of one's lifework, is rapidly

Education is increasingly becoming a lifetime


Over time, as workers acquire new skills and as

computer applications continue to become evermore user friendly,
the present income mismatches should diminish.

-7To be sure, the most visible force of recent change,
the continuous downsizing of microprocessors, and hence computer
and telecommunications equipment,
physical limits.

may increasingly encounter

But almost as surely, new technologies, not now

visible, will emerge.
We can anticipate change to be pervasive and, if
competitive forces are allowed free rein, and our fiscal problems
resolved, we can expect ever higher living standards for all
Will Americans adjust to a frenetic pace of change and
allow it to happen?

While we have in the past, and almost surely

will in the future, it is important that we recognize that
adjustment is not automatic.

We have episodes in recent human

history where, for example, pressures of change were not easily
absorbed and people chose what appeared to be a greater degree of
security rather than competitive challenge.

Competitive forces,

especially those driven by technological change, create
uncertainty and dislodgment, but they also bring with them an
enhanced quality of living and the increased economic abundance
so necessary to confront the problems that exist in societies
throughout the world.