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For release on delivery (Video Conference)
2:30 p.m. EDT
October 11, 2001

Remarks by
Alan Greenspan
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
at the
Economic Policy Conference
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
St. Louis, Missouri
October 11, 2001

It is my pleasure to address this distinguished group that President Poole and his
colleagues have assembled to consider the timely issue of transparency in monetary
policy. We at the Federal Reserve are given two mandates that are not often spelled out
explicitly. First, to implement an effective monetary policy to meet our legislated
objectives. But, second, to do so in a most open and transparent manner in recognition
that we, as unelected officials, are accountable both to the Congress from which we
derive our monetary policy mission and, beyond, to the American people.
These twin goals do not always work in concert. In the extreme, we could
achieve full transparency if our deliberations and actions occurred only in public fora. In
principle, there is no reason this could not be done. And I do not doubt that there exists a
select group of professionals who could deliberate in such open fora as effectively as
behind doors. Milton Friedman-whose effect on monetary policy, especially here at the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, is legendary-is one with such sharply refined skills. I
might be able to name a few more, but I doubt that I would get much beyond counting the
fingers on one hand.
Human nature being what it is, the vast majority of us are disinclined to offer halfthought-through, but potentially useful, policy notions only to have them embarrassingly
dissected in front of a national television audience. When undertaken in such a medium,
deliberations tend toward the less provocative and less useful. I do not say that such a
system cannot function, but I do say that in my three decades in and out of government, I
have never seen it function well. The undeniable, though regrettable, fact is that the most
effective policymaking is done outside the immediate glare of the press. But that notion
and others have been used too often in the past to justify a level of secrecy that turned out

to be an unnecessary constraint on our obligation to be transparent in conducting the
public's business.
We need to remember that in decades past it was believed that monetary policy
was most effective when it was least transparent. The argument back in the 1950s, as I
remember it, was that market uncertainty created significant differences of opinion in the
direction of the prices of short-term debt instruments. The result was a "thick market" of
bids and asks that increased the degree of liquidity. More recently, in the 1980s,
policymakers, myself included, were concerned that being too explicit about short-run
targets would make such targets more difficult to change, impeding necessary
adjustments to evolving market and economic conditions. Not too many years ago, the
world learned of decisions of the Federal Open Market Committee through minor
variations in the minutia of daily open market operations-that is, effectively through faint
signals that only informed market professionals knew how to read with accuracy. True,
over time, those signals became increasingly clear, so that in the end, market participants
never missed a policy decision or read into our open market operations a policy action
when there was none.
As markets, experience, and the magnitude of outstanding financial instruments
changed, the dead-weight loss created by such uncertainty-read: "risk"-became
increasingly evident, as did the value of transparency. Simply put, financial markets
work more efficiently when their participants do not have to waste effort inferring the
stance of monetary policy from diffuse signals generated in the day-to-day
implementation of policy. And being clear about that stance has not constrained our
ability to adjust the stance of monetary policy in either direction.

Our current disclosure policy, one hopes, obviates such complexities. In recent
years, we have achieved a far better balance, in my judgment, between transparency and
effective monetary policy implementation than we thought appropriate in the past.
Accordingly, as you know, we moved to the immediate disclosure of our policy actions
and, over time, to explaining our decision and our sense of future risks directly after each
meeting. In addition, we now publish full transcripts of our meetings after five years.
Through these disclosures, together with congressional testimony, speeches by Board
Governors and Reserve Bank Presidents, and the publication of the System's sizable
research output, we endeavor to keep the public well informed. We have gotten to our
present degree of transparency through an incremental process, and our disclosure policy
will continue to evolve. At each step, we need to review whether in our judgment this
new degree of openness optimizes the Federal Reserve's ability to implement effective
monetary policy in the context of maximum feasible disclosure.
It is inherent in the complex and changeable nature of our economy that no one
can forecast near-term outcomes with precision. However, it is also inherent in our
economy that in the long run, the central bank has influence over only nominal
magnitudes. As a result, the Federal Reserve can be quite explicit about its ultimate
objectives-price stability and the maximum sustainable growth in output that is fostered
when prices are stable. By price stability, however, I do not refer to a single number as
measured by a particular price index. In fact, it has become increasingly difficult to pin
down the notion of what constitutes a stable general price level.
When industrial product was the centerpiece of the economy during the first
two-thirds of the twentieth century, our overall price indexes served us well. Pricing a

pound of electrolytic copper presented few definitional problems. The price of a ton of
cold rolled steel sheet, or a linear yard of cotton broad-woven fabrics, could be
reasonably compared over a period of years. But in our new century, the simple notion of
price has turned decidedly ambiguous. What is the price of a unit of software or a legal
opinion? How does one evaluate change in the price of a cataract operation over a
ten-year period when the nature of the procedure and its impact on the patient has
changed so radically? Indeed, how will we measure inflation, and the associated
financial and real implications, in the twenty-first century when our data-using current
techniques-could become increasingly less adequate for tracing price trends over time?
So long as individuals make contractual arrangements for future payments valued
in dollars however, there must be a presumption on the part of those involved in the
transaction about the future purchasing power of money. No matter how complex
individual products become, there will always be some general sense of the purchasing
power of money both across time and across goods and services. Hence, we must assume
that embodied in all products is some unit of output, and hence of price, that is
recognizable to producers and consumers and upon which they will base their decisions.
Doubtless, we will develop new techniques of price measurement to unearth those units
as the years go on. It is crucial that we do, for inflation can destabilize an economy even
if faulty price indexes fail to reveal it.
For all these conceptual uncertainties and measurement problems, a specific
numerical inflation target would represent an unhelpful and false precision. Rather, price
stability is best thought of as an environment in which inflation is so low and stable over
time that it does not materially enter into the decisions of households and firms.

Nonetheless, I cannot help but conclude that the progress that the Federal Reserve has
achieved over the years in moving toward this old definition of price stability has
contributed to the improvement in our nation's longer-term growth prospects that became
evident in the latter part of the 1990s. So, for the time being, our conventional measures
of the overall price level will remain useful.
President Poole has picked an appropriate topic for this group to consider. The
historical record indicates that the increased transparency of the Federal Reserve has
helped improve the functioning of markets and enhanced our credibility. But, to repeat,
openness is more than just useful in shaping better economic performance. Openness is
an obligation of a central bank in a free and democratic society. U.S. elected leaders
chose to vest the responsibility for setting monetary policy in an independent entity, the
Federal Reserve. Transparency of our activities is the means by which we make
ourselves accountable to our fellow citizens to aid them in judging whether we are
worthy of that task.