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For release on delivery
10:00 a.m. P.S.T. (1:00 p.m. E.S.T.)
November 7, 1993

Remarks by

Alan Greenspan

Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
at the
Annual Convention
of the
American Bankers Association

San Diego, California

November 7, 1993

It is always a pleasure to address this convention.


sense that while the banking industry still faces many
challenges, it is doing so from a firmer footing today.


contrast is certainly striking against the circumstances that
prevailed when I spoke to you in 1989 and 1990.

The industry's

risk-based capital ratio is nearly 13 percent now; its problem
assets are down; the number of bank failures has fallen sharply;
and the market is assessing your performance much more favorably
than it did when we last met.
Consequently, I will not expound on the importance of
adequate capital or sound loan underwriting standards, topics I
have discussed in the past.

I would hope, however, that we have

learned from our experience of the previous decade and recognize
that these concepts are important.
Rather, today, I would like to address the topic of
risk management and what the growth of trading and derivative
activities may foreshadow for the banking system and the
supervisory process.

Many observers, both inside and outside

Washington, are questioning whether the increased volume of
trading activities and the rapid growth of new and complex
derivative products are healthy for commercial banks and for the
U.S. financial system.

They ask whether these activities have

introduced risks that may be difficult to understand, manage, and
supervise and whether trading and derivatives profits can be
As the nation's central bank and as a bank regulator,
the Federal Reserve has a vital role to play in ensuring that

- 2 trading and derivative activities are carried out properly and in
ways that do not endanger the health of individual banks or the
banking system.

We need to ensure that banks have proper

safeguards in place and that they not expose themselves to undue

However, it is also important that, in our efforts to

contain risk-taking, we not unduly stifle innovation or
unnecessarily reduce the competitiveness of U.S. banks.
The rate of growth of derivative products during the
1980s has been nothing short of dramatic.

From 1985 through

1989, the notional value of interest rate contracts and
commitments to purchase foreign exchange more than quadrupled.
It has more than doubled again since 1989.

During the first six

months of this year, alone, the rate of increase was more than 20
The growth of derivatives clearly has improved bank
revenues, although it is not possible to measure this effect with
great precision.

When employed by end-users, many of these

contracts hedge balance sheet positions and help to stabilize
cash flows; their positive or negative effects are often buried
in net interest income.

Published and aggregate data do not

allow us to make definitive statements about the profitability of
these activities.

Anecdotally, and through examinations, of

course, we see evidence that these activities have given many
institutions substantial returns.
Owing to the difficult accounting problems associated
with the whole new spate of derivatives, however, it should be no

- 3 surprise that many investors and bank analysts, and some
lawmakers, are questioning the relative value of these activities
and are unwilling to accord banks much benefit of any doubt.
They want to know more about the full effect of these activities
and request useful risk measures and standards for disclosure.
Bankers and bank supervisors will have to work together to
develop appropriate standards that address these issues.
In many respects, the increase in trading associated
with financial innovations is a natural response of banks to
opportunities and pressures that have been building for years.
In the face of the continuing expansion of capital markets,
commercial banks have experienced a steady decline in demand from
corporate customers for traditional banking services, as many
corporations have increasingly relied on capital markets and
internal sources for financing.
The same pressures from technology, financial
innovation, and market deregulation that caused problems for many
banks also gave them new opportunities and access to important
new customers.

While international trade has continued to grow,

pension funds, mutual funds, and other institutional investors
have caused international capital flows to surge, as they
extended their horizons worldwide.

Shaken by the interest rate

volatility of the early 1980s, increased numbers of businesses
and financial institutions also became more aware of the need to
reduce their own market risks.

All these events have created

- 4 demand for new kinds of products to manage financial risks and
have added greatly to trading volume.
These developments have all contributed to sharply
higher reported trading profits.

Heavily concentrated among the

largest institutions, industry trading revenues have risen
steadily from $1.6 billion in 1984 to more than $6 billion last

During the first half of 1993, trading revenues came in at

an $8 billion annual pace.

Although these figures do not deduct

operating costs, they must represent large profits.
Certainly, recent conditions have been exceptionally
favorable to traders, with declining U.S. and European interest
rates, both this year and last.

But the history of bank trading

results shows very few quarterly losses.
How have these profits and volumes grown so rapidly in
what may appear to be a zero-sum game?

Do otherwise fallible

human beings become geniuses when they walk into a trading room
and proceed to generate large speculative trading profits year
after year?

Clearly, these persistent so-called trading profits

do not solely reflect the results of position-taking but also
include customer service fees, often collected as spreads.


the persistence of trading profits, such customer accommodation
activities undoubtedly have contributed heavily to these positive
When asked, banks themselves sometimes have difficulty
identifying precisely which earnings relate to fee-type income
for financial engineering and market-making services and which to

- 5 position-taking.

The answer may well depend on the structure of

the bank's trading activities, its strategies, and on its
accounting techniques.
While derivatives are relatively new, their risks are

They reflect essentially the same basic risks that banks

have always faced:

credit risk, settlement risk, operating risk,

market risk, and so forth.
important new products.

They will surely also help us create

Work in this area could have profound

effects on the future of banking markets.
While derivatives assist in risk reduction, they still
raise concerns, often because of their complexity, volume, and
ability to affect many markets.

Mistakes will be made with

derivatives, just as they have been made with loans.

The key is

to provide a framework for limiting the damage they cause.
For supervisors, the most important guestion is what
could go wrong and engender systemic risk.

Individual derivative

contracts, by their nature, allow risk to be distributed
throughout the financial system.

Profit maximization, in turn,

dictates that risk be distributed to those most willing to take
it on, with the likelihood that that class of holders is
presumably, by self selection, better able to absorb the
particular risk than investors at large.

Hence, an individual

derivative contract is not inherently risky.

Indeed, typically,

derivatives are used to reduce risk.
But a wider question is whether systemic risk rises
with volume, in the same sense that stock portfolio insurance

- 6 appeared to be sound risk avoidance from an individual investor's
point of view, but failed to perform as expected in the crash of
1987 when collective selling pressures exceeded available market
In short, does the mere existence of, for example, an
excessively large volume of counterparty risk raise the sum of
risk to systemic levels?

Apparently not so long as the

underlying markets do not fail, as some were on the verge of
doing in 1987.

The successful management of derivative

portfolios clearly rests on the liquidity of the cash markets for
equities, bonds, foreign exchange and commodities, as well as the
liquidity of markets for standardized derivatives traded on
futures and securities exchanges.
Much progress, incidently, has been made in reducing
risks in these institutions since that fateful October day in
1987 and, in that sense, the capacity of our financial system to
accommodate large increases in derivative instruments is
But is there a level that strains even the newly
enhanced market capabilities?

Obviously, the growth of

derivative markets will inevitably slow down as the plethora of
new products reduces the profit opportunities of unexploited risk

But that horizon is nowhere near.

Hence, special

vigilance will be required in maintaining adequate financial
capacity and liquidity in both the broader underlying markets,
and especially for the over-the-counter derivatives markets.

- 7 While derivatives may not in themselves be posing increased
systemic risk, by tying the underlying markets together they risk
having instability in one market spill over into another.

We saw

such interaction, for example, in 1987 between the Chicago
Merchantile Exchange's stock index futures and the New York Stock
Thus, while derivatives themselves appear unlikely to
be the source of systemic disturbances, they could exacerbate a
problem arising elsewhere in the financial system.

If the

problem created financial difficulties for a major derivatives
user, the problem could spread quite quickly to other
institutions and markets.

It must be recognized, however, that

concern about the resulting tighter linkages among institutions
and markets has led to significant endeavors to limit potential
spillover effects.

In particular, the widespread use of legally

enforceable bilateral netting arrangements for derivatives and
the judicious use of collateral have significantly mitigated
concerns that counterparty defaults could spread disturbances.
Derivatives are currently used by two groups of banks:
dealers and end-users.

Within the United States, end-users

consist of a couple of hundred institutions that use derivatives
principally to hedge their own cash positions, but also to take
positions off-balance sheet, rather than in the cash market.
The second group of roughly a dozen banks consists of
market makers, or dealers, who serve principally to provide
market liquidity and give other institutions—corporations,

- 8 institutional investors, and other banks—the opportunity to

Institutions in this second group are the principal

suppliers of liquidity to the OTC market.

As such, the

possibilities of systemic problems emerging indirectly from these
institutions are more evident than from the group of end-users.
The sophisticated mathematical models, which are
employed to control portfolios of complex derivative instruments
by these dealers, of necessity require certain assumptions about
the range of market change and its volatility in order to
incorporate the appropriate risk profiles in the decision making
Who makes those key decisions and how they are made is
clearly crucial to the capability of any system in minimizing
risk for a specific institution.

While one must presume that the

key assumptions that are embodied in these models are made, not
by the model builders but by the market operators, one cannot
always be sure because every mathematical model has some very
sophisticated implicit assumptions in it, which may not be easily
communicated to those with inadequate technical knowledge.


it is especially important that senior managers of the system
continuously acquaint themselves with the intricacies of the
underlying assumptions that these models require in order to make
certain that the decisions, where crucial, are not implicitly
being made by skillful, but market inexperienced, mathematicians.
The success with which banks conduct derivative
activities will substantially affect supervision.


- 9 -

will, in the future, monitor derivative and trading activities in
a more systematic way.

Different examination techniques surely

will evolve, such as requiring banks to make greater use of
simulations and stress testing to evaluate their risks.


emphasis will, of necessity, become increasingly directed toward
examining the processes of risk management in a bank.


will still, however, need to evaluate asset quality in order to
assess the bank's own review procedures and its overall capital
adequacy and to ensure that unrecognized losses are not
These changes in industry practice will create the need
for examiners who are as comfortable using option-adjusted spread
models as earlier examiners were in evaluating the credit risk in

In some cases, we may make greater use of specialized

teams that have significant expertise in complex derivatives

The Federal Reserve and the other agencies are well

along in this process, having expanded our training programs and
enhanced our exam procedures.
Finally, but importantly, efforts must also be made to
conform legal and supervisory standards worldwide, so that
institutions have a level playing field, systemic risks are
reduced, and problems that do arise are resolved in the least
disruptive way.

One immediate goal that can reduce systemic risk

is to ensure that netting agreements are enforceable in all major

Without such international efforts on both the

- 10 supervisory and legislative fronts, any progress made by those of
us in the United States may have limited results.
In summary, the central supervisory and prudential
question about trading and derivatives activities is how they
affect risks, both for individual institutions and for the system
as a whole.

It is clear that their potential benefits are

considerable, but their complexity is also great, and they do
involve risk.

Derivatives must be carefully managed and

We should be especially careful, however, not to

discourage innovations or be close minded about change.
is not intended to be a risk-free activity.


Risk-taking is a

necessary condition of economic progress and rising standards of
More generally, we may be in an exceptional period of
transformation in which technology is radically affecting and
will continue to affect many of the practices of banks and bank

Whether we like it or not, we seem well on the way

toward truly global financial markets.

As this new system

evolves, we need to work together to ensure that both public and
private interests are served.
and cooperation.

It will require our full attention