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Remarks by
Alan Greenspan
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
at a
Community Leaders Breakfast Meeting
San Francisco, California
April 7, 1994

I am delighted to be here although I must say that when I
arrived in the state yesterday morning, I landed at Los Angeles
International Airport and was soon confronted with one of those
rumbles that go on there periodically and I was wondering whether
there was any message that was being directed to me.
Considering the fact that, in recent weeks, we have been
through a period of fairly extensive economic news, both
financial and for the economy as a whole, I thought I'd like to
use this morning to step back and take a look at some of the
longer term characteristics of the American economy and
Americans' attitudes toward it because you can't really get a
useful judgment as to where the short term is coming from or
where it is going, unless you have a broader context in which to
set the events that we tend to observe hour by hour and day by
One of the more interesting characteristics which has come
up in recent weeks is that despite what is obviously solid
evidence of economic strength —

and I outlined much of this in

testimony before various Congressional committees so far this
year —

there seemingly inexplicably remains an extraordinarily

deep rooted foreboding of the outlook amongst a not insignificant
part of our population.

For example, recently the Los Angeles

Times had a poll which indicated that half those polled expected
that the next generation will face lower living standards than
currently prevail.

And a recent NBC Wall Street Journal poll

picked up something which I find surprising —

that two-thirds,

more than two-thirds, are not confident that the lives of their
children would not be better than theirs.

The question is how do

we explain this extraordinary set of affairs.
As a practical matter the implication of standards of living
actually falling presuppose that productivity actually goes down,
and that in turn would mean we would have to dismantle a
significant part of our capital stock and lower our efficiencies
to literally lower the level of activity.

So it's fairly

apparent that what we are observing is something significantly
different from a real decline in standards of living.
the reason that explains this type of response —

I think

and we have

been picking it up now in polls for quite a long while —


essentially the fact that after a period of several decades,
income distributions in the United States have begun to disperse.
During most of the post World War II period, the rate of
increase of income in the below-average income levels was
actually somewhat higher than the above-average which meant that
we were beginning to get a convergence of income distributions in
the society.

Then starting maybe twenty years ago you began to

see a dispersion occurring and a fairly significant shift amongst
a certain group of wage earners who are not a small part of the
population and, in fact, in real terms the wages of the
production workers as the Bureau of Labor Statistics likes to
call them, actually went down for a good part of the period.
Clearly what this implied was that since the average was going up
you were getting a spreading out and indeed where we do have

evidence of income distribution spreads, that is very clearly
This is not a problem which is indigenous to the United
States alone.

Very similar data are showing up in Canada,

Germany, Sweden and Australia, implying that what we are dealing
with is not something which is strictly related to the United
States but a more global force that is at work.

If you begin to

look into the causes of this process, the first thing that
strikes you when you begin to get under the data is that the
effect of education is becoming increasingly important to one's
level of income.

Thirty, forty years ago for example, the

average level of income of say a high school drop-out would be
here, a high school graduate here, and a college graduate there.
Currently, the numbers look something like here, here, and

It has been spreading out and what were beginning to see

is a very significant skill differential income relationship.
And the question here is:

what is doing it?

When you look

beneath that level of causation, what begins to strike you is
that it is fundamentally technology, but it's a different type of
effect if you look at the economics of it.
The best way of viewing what is happening is that an ever
increasing, indeed perhaps an accelerating proportion, of our
real gross domestic product is conceptual as distinct from

If, for example, we were to take the data that we

produce on what it is we turn out in this country in terms of
volume, in terms of tons and specific gravity and we added up all

of the iron ore, the lumber, the copper ore, the sand and gravel
and the oil —

all of the raw materials that go into the

production process —

we would find that the growth in that

volume in tons would be very marginal, if at all.
the gross domestic product —
price change —


that is, the value adjusted for

is going up quite substantially and hence it

means that the ratio of real production versus the physical
volume is inexorably rising, and one of the things that we know
about ideas is that they are irreversible.
Short of the dark ages there has never been a time in human
history where we have lost the knowledge that we have gained and
accumulated over time.

The important thing to realize about the

changing structure of our economy —

and I am certain that the

data amongst our trading partners on a lot of this is very much
the same as ours —

is that what is happening is that the basic

purpose of our economy is fundamentally unchanged.

It is to

serve human needs because it is human values and value judgments
which through the marketplace will determine what is produced and
how it is produced and that never changes.

So that what we are

looking at basically is not that there is any really dramatic
change in the nature of our economic society but there is a very
fundamental change in the nature of how and what it is we
One needn't look very far to see examples of the issue of
comparable utility or value being produced with less physical

For example, fifty years ago we would have these large

radios with vacuum tubes and what we find we have today are
pocket transistors with precisely the same function, indeed far
superior, yet the physical volume of what is involved for the
comparable economic value is demonstrably less.

We have

displaced and are displacing huge tonnages of copper wire and
cable with fiber optics.

We even find, for example, that the

architecture and engineering professions advances, which are
ideas, have made a very substantial change in the way we build

If you try to tear down a building built, say one

hundred years ago, it is very difficult.

It is full of stuff.

Yet the type of buildings we put up today —

thanks to far better

engineering understanding, the improvement in the qualities of
various different types of steels, the whole notion of
architectural design —

means that for comparable space there is

very substantially less stuff than in the past.
We even see that with the conceptual advent of central
heating and air conditioning, the clothes we wear are much
lighter, the fabrics are no longer that heavy woolen materials
that used to be the main output of our textile mills.

We even

have a fairly substantial shift in the types of products which we
consider of value which have very little in the way of physical

For example, medical care is a crucial one in the sense

that as the technology has increased in a substantial manner, the
demand has really absorbed a huge amount of resources because
that is what the society wants.

It is ephemeral and conceptual

but it is just as important an economic good as a cold finished
bar coming out of the nearest rolling mill.
We even fundamentally changed the way we produce goods and

It's true, for example, that we have a fairly dramatic

change in the way we create our manufacturing processes.

But it

Really is startling when you don't look at it from a day-by-day
or week-by-week basis, but you go back and look, say over a
fifty-year period.
just mentioned.

Take the issue of the cold finished bar I

Fifty years ago, these bars would be run through

a steel rolling mill and you would have a lot of people, who in
today's environment would probably be the tackles and guards of
our professional football teams, lifting this stuff up and moving
it and that was an economic value but it was physical.


you have somebody merely putting a few instructions into a
keyboard and we get a whole new crane system which will pick up
the bars and move them to a different location.

And the issue of

location is itself an economic value which we all learn in our

At the turn of the century, for example, we would

take Mesabi iron ore and Western Pennsylvania coal, and move it
into the Pittsburgh district and produce steel.

Both the coal

and ore had far greater value in the Pittsburgh district as
indeed a century earlier coals in New Castle had less value than
coals in London.
In the Twenty First Century, what we are very likely to see
is the conceptual value units which are so critical —


would be data, information, all of the things which people now

hold of significant value -- that a goodly part of economic value
creation will be the locational changes that occur through
telecommunications and all of the extraordinary transmissions
that we have that exist in today's markets.
I said before that we are seeing very much the same thing in
other countries.

And the reason we know that is fairly simple

because if we are downsizing our output, as indeed we are in a
very dramatic and continuous sense, one would expect that because
goods are easier to move, they are easier to move across national
boarders and one would expect and indeed one finds a very
dramatic increase in the proportion of the world's consolidated
output which is involved in international trade.
If we look, for example, at U.S. exports for which we have
data on the value, on the price by various different types of
products, and the pounds which are shipped out, what we find is a
fairly significant and progressive rise of several percent per
year in the price-adjusted value per pound of what we export.


other words, there is an ever-increasing downsizing of what it is
that we produce.

And when we look at the products which are

coming from all of our trading partners, we see precisely the
same numbers —

that the world at large is downsizing which has

extraordinary implications, incidentally, on the whole question
of the environment and the use of resources on the physical
amounts of stuff which creates pollution, waste and various
different types of disposal difficulties as the population

The one important issue about ideas is that they have none
of those problems but they really matter.

If one looks into the

Twenty-First century and beyond and wonders how with an
increasing population are we going to deal with the required
outputs that one would normally associate with an industrial
society, the answer is very obvious that this trend that we are
looking at and have been looking at for quite a while is
fundamentally irreversible and that more and more of value is
going to be of that nature.

This obviously raises a very

interesting, and I must say disturbing, question which is:
in fact —


and I think the evidence is very strongly in this

direction —

that the basic thrust of the dispersion of incomes

that we are looking at and the difficulties of numbers of
elements within our society keeping up the levels of skills that
are required, are we doomed into a much more dispersed income
with all of the difficulties that one would consider that would

I think the answer is probably not.

And the reason

really rests with the question of technology.
When I was much younger I was so proud we had this new big
IBM computer and I had learned Fortran and all the computer
software languages and I would write this stuff out and we'd
punch up the cards and we would stick it in —

the thing would

chug away and paper would come popping out and boy, this was a
lot better than the abacus or slide rules.

Today, all of that

effort which I might have put in for two weeks, some lowly clerk
typing into a very sophisticated software program will turn out

all of the economic value -- at least arguably the economic value
I was producing —

in a fraction of the time, much higher

quality, very little in a way of resources.

And this raises

something terribly interesting with respect to the whole process.
While we have had a major improvement in the hardware in the
system, the really important changes are in software.
means is —

What this

if you take a look at basically what it is we can do,

you recognize something which we are learning ever increasingly
to be the case, namely that there is no displacement of human
intelligence, no matter what the level, by a machine.
There are certain types of things that every human being can
do by the very nature of being human and making valued choices
which my suspicion is we will never be able to fully replicate in
a software system.

One need only look at some of the problems

that used to exist when people were trying to construct robots
and they tried to construct how a hand moves —
various different movements —

you know the

and they were going berserk.


complexity of what one does when you move your hand is beyond
comprehension, or at least beyond comprehension to those who try
to replicate it in a simple software program.
means is —

And what this

and we are already beginning to see it —

that there

are certain types of jobs which one doesn't need even to have to
know how to read to actually create a significant amount of value
If, for example, you had somebody who was unable to know
what a certain type of product was in a retail store, but there

is a picture and if the person just punches the picture as an
item is sold, a sophisticated software program will go fetch the
good, deliver it, do the bookkeeping, do the accounting, and the
whole thing will come out.

Now, the interesting issue is that

the person who pushed the button may not know how to read, but
that person will know when to push it and when not, and that
decision is very complex because you have to be able to
communicate with another human being and it is really quite
remarkable when we realize that the differential in human skill
levels are really quite narrow.
The vast majority of things which human beings can do,
everyone can do, and the difference between those basic skills
and the highest human skills relative to what the base is, is
really very small and not replicable in a computer system.


means that the economic value of those who are capable of making
human judgments, if as we move toward an increasingly conceptual
environment, the economic value of that is bound to rise because
it is not machinerally reproducible.

And while I don't know for

sure, I do say that this process means that it is certainly
possible for this issue of dispersion of incomes to stop and it
is intriguing to conceive of the possibility that it may even
well reverse.

So I don't look at this whole question of income

dispersion and technology as leading us into the types of
problems which, I must say, several years ago worried me a great
deal because it is terribly important in this country that to
have a viable economy that everyone participate.

You cannot have

a society which functions effectively for all unless all
participate and contribute.
What this means essentially is that this whole computer
technology structure —

as it evolves and as the software becomes

ever increasingly important —

is going to create, as indeed it

already has, a major increase in the market value of software

It's interesting the shift that has occurred over the

years between hardware producers and software and the higher that
the markets value the software the more the need for human
actions —

human skills or semi-skills, the types of things that

in order to make the software valuable you need people to do
things and that means that what you do is you pull up the
economic value, the marginal productivity of everyone in the
User friendly is a notion which is going to become not only
sort of a cliche in the software business but something which is
going to be crucial to the economic future of this country.
Because all of this is to a very substantial extent
international, it is not a surprise that we are seeing a very
significant transfer of resources across borders and we are going
to see in the United States, as far as I can judge, a world-wide
competitive struggle which we have been involved with for quite a
while, but it's pretty obvious to those of us who are looking at
the data that the notions that the United States somehow can't
cut it are clearly wrong.

One of the reasons basically is that

imbued in our culture is a very extraordinary sense of incentives

for risk-taking.

It goes back to the beginnings of our society

and economy.
One of the things that economists knew fairly early on is
that risk-taking is a pre-condition, an essential, necessary
condition for the creation of wealth.

When you have a dynamic

society in which risk-taking is a crucial element as ours is, it
moves and churns in extraordinary ways —

the way, for example,

Professor Joseph Schumpeter said a couple of generations ago what
he called creative destruction.

We are continuously renewing our

system and in so doing what we do not realize is how dynamic
everything is.

For example, job loss in this country is

something on the order of 300,000 a week.

Since jobs are

growing, obviously the job creation is even greater than that,
and when you begin to look at this churning of new firms coming
in and those who can't cut it falling by the wayside, you see
this fairly dramatic change that is continuously going on.


when you got a cut across the technologies of the country, you
see that in the high tech areas one of the most unusual things is
that it is very difficult to stay up.
You may remember it is only relatively a few years ago when
Japanese companies were about to take over permanently big chunks
of the consumer electronics and related areas in this country.
And it was true that back in 1987 and 1988 the trends were going
very demonstrably against American companies.

But what you have

to remember is that many products that were at technology's
leading edge, say five years ago, are virtually unsalable in

today's market.

What you are dealing with is a new model every

year and the whole system is up for grabs every year, which is
the reason why the risk-taking propensity of America has been so
crucial to the fact we just put our shoulders to the —

that is

the wrong analogy that goes back to the nineteenth century —


put our minds to work and we really made a really quite
significant difference and now we are preeminent as all of you
know in a very substantial part of the structure of what it is we
In closing, let me say that many of the challenges that we
face today have evolved from the rapid changes in the economy of
recent years —

intensified international competition, spreading

deregulation, technological advances and financial innovations.
Also changes in the structure of the economy naturally create
frictions and human stress, at least temporarily.

All those

frictions dissipate, however, but as they dissipate I have no
doubt that our economy will emerge healthier and be perceived of
in the longer run as healthier.

And if we are able to boost our

investments in people, ideas, processes, and machines, the
economy can generate a significant amount of progress and operate
far more effectively than we perceive it or at least that our
concerns about the future which confront so many of us as we
adapt to this irreversible change.

Such an outlook would create

a much greater, broader payoff in standards of living —
mean that for all Americans.

and I

I trust that as such trends become

increasingly evident the current fears of the future among the

significant segment of our population will fade and the optimism
that is characterized Americans through the generations will
again become predominant.

Thank you very much ladies and

I am glad to be here.