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For release on delivery
6:30 p.m. BST (1:30 p.m. EDT)
September 25, 2002

"Regulation, Innovation, and Wealth Creation"
Remarks by
Alan Greenspan
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Society of Business Economists
London, England
September 25, 2002

Regulation, Innovation, and Wealth Creation
Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution here in Britain, virtually every generation in
the industrialized world has witnessed advances in living standards. A never-ending stream of
innovation has led inexorably to expanded trade and improved productivity in many nations
throughout the world.
Today, we can see on the horizon vast new means of communicating and computing,
practical applications of advances in biotechnology, and doubtless many other innovations. But a
half-century from now, the goods and services that we produce and consume will, to a significant
extent, reflect applications of insights not yet formed or even imagined. Could the residents of
sophisticated eighteenth-century London, prior to Sir William Herschel's demonstration of
invisible radiation, even contemplate the existence of radio waves that would reach around the
world? I still have trouble grasping how the shortwave transmissions of the BBC travel
thousands of miles to find their way to my bedroom at night to be picked up by my transistor
shortwave radio.
Our modern electronic devices work according to the laws of quantum mechanics,
which were laid out in the 1920s by Erwin Schrodinger, Werner Heisenberg, and Paul Dirac; they
postulated that at the subatomic level the world did not obey the centuries-old Newtonian views
of how the forces of the universe function. The major revolutions of Albert Einstein had
occurred a few years earlier and nuclear power was a generation or so beyond.
I raise such examples only to emphasize that we cannot realistically project future
innovations and the potential for those innovations to create economic value. Novel insights, by
definition, have not previously entered anyone's consciousness. However, that unanticipated

-2discoveries of how to create wealth will emerge in the decades ahead no longer seems as
conjectural as it may have, for example, before the industrial revolution.
Full realization of the benefits of past innovations, and of those our grandchildren will
experience, will depend on the forces of globalization already in play to develop the commercial
potential of new technologies and to transmit the application of these technologies across our
economies. By spreading expertise and expanding the division of labor and specialization to ever
broader markets, those forces led to enhanced trade in the past half-century, which in turn has
dramatically elevated the standards of living of nations that have chosen that path forward.
But an ever burgeoning global financial system also inevitably raises the potential of
increasing systemic risk. At Lancaster House later this evening, I will be discussing some of the
new tools of risk management and the principles that should guide the containment of systemic
risk and its allocation between the private and public sectors. Here I would like to focus on a
narrower, but nonetheless increasingly important, issue: the nexus of risk-taking, regulation,
innovation, and wealth creation.
Owing to persistent advances in information and computing technologies, the structure of
our financial institutions is continuously changing, I trust for the better. But that evolution in
financial structure has also meant that supervision and regulation must be continually changing in
order to respond adequately to these developments. In today's markets, for example, there is an
increased reliance on private counterparty surveillance as the primary means of financial control.
Governments supplement private surveillance when they judge that market imperfections could
lead to sub-optimal economic performance.

-3But let us consider now another aspect of market regulation efforts: transparency. There
should not be much dispute that markets function best when the participants are fully informed.
Yet, paradoxically, the full disclosure of what some participants know can undermine incentives
to take risk, a precondition to economic growth.
No one can deny that fully informed market participants will generate the most efficient
pricing of resources and the most efficient allocation of capital. Moreover, it could be argued
that, if all information held by individual buyers or sellers became available to all participants,
the pricing structure would more closely reflect the underlying balance of supply and demand.
Thus full information would appear to be the unambiguous objective. But should it be?
Take, for example, the real estate developer who conceives of an innovative project that
will significantly raise the value of the land on which it will be situated-provided that the site
possesses suitable characteristics. Suppose further that it is costly for the developer to determine
whether a given site is suitable. If he or she discovers a suitable site and is able to quietly
purchase the land from its current owners without revealing the value of the project, the
developer makes a substantial profit, and the community overall presumably benefits from
improved land use.
But what if, before the purchase of the land, the developer was required to disclose his or
her purchase intentions and, in particular, the value enhancement created by the project? The
sellers then seeing the bigger picture would elevate their offers sufficiently high to extract the full
value of the innovation from the developer. Under these circumstances, would any projects go
forward? Clearly not, because developers would be unwilling to bear the cost of evaluating
potential sites knowing that they would reap none of the benefit of discovering suitable ones. A

-4requirement for fuller disclosure of the potential, heretofore undiscovered value of the land
would engender neither more disclosure nor improved land use.
An example more immediate to current regulatory concerns is the issue of regulation and
disclosure in the over-the-counter derivatives market. By design, this market, presumed to
involve dealings among sophisticated professionals, has been largely exempt from government
regulation. In part, this exemption reflects the view that professionals do not require the investor
protections commonly afforded to markets in which retail investors participate. But regulation is
not only unnecessary in these markets, it is potentially damaging, because regulation presupposes
disclosure and forced disclosure of proprietary information can undercut innovations in financial
markets just as it would in real estate markets.
All participants in competitive markets seek innovations that yield above-normal returns.
In generally efficient markets, few find such profits. But those that do exploit such discoveries
earn an abnormal return for doing so. In the process, they improve market efficiency by
providing services not previously available.
Most financial innovations in over-the-counter derivatives involve new ways to disperse
risk. Moreover, our constantly changing financial environment supplies a steady stream of new
opportunities for innovation to address market imperfections. Innovative products temporarily
earn a quasi-monopoly rent. But eventually arbitrage removes the market imperfection that
yielded the above-normal return. In the end, the innovative product becomes a "commodity"
made available to all at a modest, fully competitive profit.
To require disclosure of the structure of the innovative product either before or after its
introduction would immediately eliminate the quasi-monopoly return and discourage future

-5endeavors to innovate in that area. The result is that market imperfections would remain
unaddressed and the allocation of capital to its most-productive uses would be thwarted. Even
requiring disclosure on a confidential basis solely to regulatory authorities may well inhibit such
risk-taking. Innovators can never be fully confident, justly or otherwise, of the security of the
Regulators may not always be able to differentiate easily between secrecy to protect
intellectual property and secrecy to deceive or to commit outright fraud. Yet a supervisory
system must make that distinction as best it can. There is nothing unusual about making difficult
tradeoffs in regulation. In fact, it is the rule rather than the exception for most regulatory
regimes—whether in the financial or nonfinancial sectors of our economies. Indeed, such
tradeoffs, in a wider sense, determine the differing regulatory regimes we see around the world.
Those differences in regimes reflect largely attitudes toward competition.
Competition is the facilitator of innovation. And creative destruction, the process by
which less-productive capital is displaced with innovative cutting-edge technologies, is the
driving force of wealth creation. Thus, from the perspective of aggregate wealth creation, the
more competition the better.
But unfettered competitive capitalism is by no means fully accepted as the optimal
economic paradigm, at least as yet. Some of those involved in public policy often see
competition as too frenetic. This different perspective is captured most clearly for me in a
soliloquy attributed to a prominent European leader several years ago. He asked, "What is the
market? It is the law of the jungle, the law of nature. And what is civilization? It is the struggle
against nature." A major determinant of regulatory regimes is how a rule of law is applied to

-6strike a balance between the perceived benefits of wholly unfettered markets and the perceived
societal costs of overly fierce competition.
There remains an uneasy balance in most countries between unleashing the forces of
competition and reining them in when they are perceived to threaten the social order. With
markets continuously in evolution and the political perceptions of the proper extent of regulation
also changeable, it is no wonder that our regulations always seem to be in flux.
Such flux must be kept to a minimum to avoid fostering uncertainty among innovators.
Moreover, shifting regulatory schemes unavoidably leave obsolescent regulations in their wake.
Business people in the United States complain, perhaps with some exaggeration, that so many
regulations are on the books that they are probably at all times unknowingly in violation of some
of them. We at the Federal Reserve endeavor every five years to review all our existing
regulations in order to revise or rescind those that are out-of-date. This schedule of review has
worked well for us, and it is probably a good practice to apply to regulatory systems generally.
The extent of government intervention in markets to control risk-taking is, at the end of
the day, a tradeoff between economic growth with its associated potential instability and a more
civil but less stressful way of life with a lower standard of living.
Those of us who support market capitalism in its more-competitive forms might argue
that unfettered markets create a degree of wealth that fosters a more civilized existence. I have
always found that insight compelling. But the resistance by many to such arguments suggests a
more deep-seated aversion to the distress that often accompanies the process of creative

-7The choices that we make in our societies on these critical issues will importantly shape
the opportunities for the unforeseen, but inevitable, innovation that I noted at the outset to
advance the economic well-being of our citizens.