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For release on delivery
10:00 a.m. EST
November 13, 2002

Testimony by
Alan Greenspan
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Joint Economic Committee
United States Congress
November 13, 2002

The past year has been both a difficult and a remarkable one for the United States
economy. A year ago, we were struggling to understand the potential economic consequences of
the events of September 11. At that time, it was unclear how households and businesses would
react to this unprecedented shock as well as to the declines in equity markets and cutbacks in
investment spending that had already been under way. Economic forecasts were lowered sharply,
and analysts feared that even these downward-revised projections might be undone by a
significant retrenchment in aggregate demand. The United States economy, however, proved to
be remarkably resilient: In the event, real GDP over the past four quarters grew 3 percent—a very
respectable pace given the blows that the economy endured.
Although economic growth was relatively well maintained over the past year, several
forces have continued to weigh on the economy, the lengthy adjustment of capital spending, the
fallout from the revelations of corporate malfeasance, the further decline in equity values, and
heightened geopolitical risks. Over the last few months, these forces have taken their toll on
activity, and evidence has accumulated that the economy has hit a soft patch. Households have
become more cautious in their purchases, while business spending has yet to show any
substantial vigor. In financial markets, risk spreads on both investment-grade and
non-investment-grade securities have widened. It was in this context that the Federal Open
Market Committee further reduced our target federal funds rate last week.
The consumer until recently has been the driving force of this expansion. Faced with
falling equity prices, uncertainty about future employment prospects, and the emergence of the
terrorist threat, consumer spending has slowed over the course of the past year but has not
slumped as some had earlier feared it might. Tax cuts and extended unemployment insurance

-2provided a timely boost to disposable income. And the deep discounts offered by many
businesses on their products were most supportive.
In particular, automotive manufacturers responded to the events of September 11 with
cut-rate financing and generous rebates. These incentives were an enormous success in
supporting —inde increasing—


demand for new cars and trucks. Sales surged each time the

incentive packages were sweetened and, of course, fell back a bit when they expired. Some
decline in sales was to be expected in recent months after the extraordinary run-up recorded in
the summer. However, it will bear watching to see whether this most recent softening is a
payback for borrowed earlier strength in sales or whether it represents some weakening in the
underlying pace of demand.
Stimulated by mortgage interest rates that are at lows not seen in decades, home sales and
housing starts have remained strong. Moreover, the underlying demand for new housing units
has received support from an expanding population, in part resulting from high levels of
Besides sustaining the demand for new construction, mortgage markets have also been a
powerful stabilizing force over the past two years of economic distress by facilitating the
extraction of some of the equity that homeowners had built up over the years. This effect occurs
through three channels: the turnover of the housing stock, home equity loans, and cash-outs
associated with the refinancing of existing mortgages. Sales of existing homes have been the
major source of extraction of equity. Because the buyer of an existing home almost invariably
takes out a mortgage that exceeds the loan canceled by the seller, the net debt on that home rises
by the amount of the difference. And, not surprisingly, the increase in net debt tends to

-3approximate the sellers' realized capital gain on the sale. That realized capital gain is financed
essentially by the mortgage extension to the homebuyer, and the proceeds, in turn, are used to
finance some combination of a down payment on a newly purchased home, a reduction of other
household debt, or purchases of goods and services or other assets.
Home equity loans and funds from cash-outs are generally extractions of unrealized
capital gains. Cash-outs, as you know, reflect the additional debt incurred when refinancings in
excess of the remaining balance on the original loan are taken in cash.
According to survey data, roughly half of equity extractions are allocated to the
combination of personal consumption expenditures and outlays on home modernization. These
data and some preliminary econometric results suggest that a dollar of equity extracted from
housing has a more powerful effect on consumer spending than does a dollar change in the value
of common stocks. Of course, the net decline in the market value of stocks has greatly exceeded
the additions to capital gains on homes over the past two years. So despite the greater apparent
sensitivity of consumption to capital gains on homes, the net effect of all changes in household
wealth on consumer spending since early 2000 has been negative. Indeed, the recent softness in
consumption suggests that this net wealth erosion has continued to weigh on household spending.
That said, it is important to recognize that the extraction of equity from homes has been a
significant support to consumption during a period when other asset prices were declining
sharply. Were it not for this phenomenon, economic activity would have been notably weaker in
the wake of the decline in the value of household financial assets.
In the business sector, there have been few signs of any appreciable vigor. Uncertainty
about the economic outlook and heightened geopolitical risks have made companies reluctant to

.4expand their operations, hire workers, or buy new equipment. Executives consistently report that
in today's intensely competitive global marketplace it is no longer feasible to raise prices in order
to improve profitability.
There are many alternatives for most products, and with technology driving down the cost
of acquiring information, buyers today can (and do) easily shift to the low-price seller. In such a
setting, firms must focus on the cost side of their operations if they are to generate greater returns
for their shareholders. Negotiations with their suppliers are aimed at reducing the costs of
materials and services. Some companies have also eschewed the traditional annual pay
increment in favor of compensation packages for their rank-and-file workers that are linked to
individual performance goals. And, most important, businesses have revamped their operations
to achieve substantial reductions in costs.
On a consolidated basis for the corporate sector as a whole, lowered costs are generally
associated with increased output per hour. Much of the recent reported improvements in cost
control doubtless have reflected the paring of so-called "fat" in corporate operations—fat that
accumulated during the long expansion of the 1990s, when management focused attention
primarily on the perceived profitability of expansion and less on the increments to profitability
that derive from cost savings. Managers, now refocused, are pressing hard to identify and
eliminate those redundant or nonessential activities that accumulated in the boom years.
With margins under pressure, businesses have also been reallocating their capital so as to
use it more productively. Moreover, for equipment with active secondary markets, such as
computers and networking gear, productivity may also have been boosted by a reallocation to

-5firms that could use the equipment more efficiently. For example, healthy firms reportedly have
been buying equipment from failed dot-coms.
Businesses may also have managed to eke out increases in output per hour by employing
their existing workforce more intensively. Unlike cutting fat, which permanently elevates the
levels of productivity, these gains in output per hour are often temporary, as more demanding
workloads eventually begin to tax workers and impede efficiency.
But the impressive performance of productivity also appears to support the view that the
step-up in the pace of structural productivity growth that occurred in the latter part of the 1990s
has not, as yet, faltered. Indeed, the high growth of productivity during the past year merely
extends recent experience. Over the past seven years, output per hour has been growing at an
annual rate of more than 2-1/2 percent, on average, compared with a rate of roughly 1-1/2 percent
during the preceding two decades. Although we cannot know with certainty until the books are
closed, the growth of productivity since 1995 appears to be among the largest in decades.
Arguably, the pickup in productivity growth since 1995 reflects largely the ongoing
incorporation of innovations in computing and communications technologies into the capital
stock and business practices. Indeed, the transition to the higher permanent level of productivity
associated with these innovations is likely not yet completed. Once the current level of risk
recedes, businesses will no doubt move to exploit the profitable investment opportunities made
possible by the ongoing advances in technology.
However, history does raise some warning flags concerning the length of time that
productivity growth remains elevated. Gains in productivity remained quite rapid for years after
the innovations that followed the surge in inventions a century ago. But in other episodes, the


period of elevated growth of productivity was shorter. Regrettably, examples are too few to
generalize. Hence, policymakers have no substitute for continued close surveillance of the
evolution of productivity during this current period of significant innovation.
In summary, as we noted last week, "The [Federal Open Market] Committee continues to
believe that an accommodative stance of monetary policy, coupled with still-robust underlying
growth in productivity, is providing important ongoing support to economic activity. However,
incoming economic data have tended to confirm that greater uncertainty, in part attributable to
heightened geopolitical risks, is currently inhibiting spending, production, and employment.
Inflation and inflation expectations remain well contained." In these circumstances, the
Committee believed that the actions taken last week to ease monetary policy should prove helpful
as the economy works its way through this current soft spot.