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For release on delivery
9 a.m. CDT (10 a.m. EDT)
May 10, 2002

Cyclicality and Banking Regulation

Remarks by
Alan Greenspan
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Conference on Bank Structure and Competition
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
May 10, 2002

My congratulations to Mike Moskow and his colleagues for once again designing
and implementing an excellent and topical program, with some very interesting papers.
The theme of the conference—Financial Market Behavior and Appropriate Regulation
Over the Business Cycle-could not be more relevant for a group of central and
commercial bankers, not to mention our academic friends.
To be sure, there are those that believe that a regulation should be considered
totally independently of either current business conditions or the regulation's implications
for financial markets. This position is predicated on the view that the reason for the
regulation—in the case of financial markets, usually prudential behavior, consumer
protection, or community reinvestment—is an end in itself and should require that macro
policymakers adjust to the regulation. Indeed, some of what we do is that. But our
emphasis today is the need to be sensitive to the market and cyclical implications of the
regulations we adopt. The conference theme does not imply cyclical effects or market
responses should dominate the decision about applying a rule that may be needed for
other purposes. Rather, our assignment at this conference is to consider, as part of the
policymaking and evaluation process, the joint implications of ourregulatory—



should add, our supervisory—policies both for their intended purposes and for financial
markets and cyclical stability.
Cyclicality in Financial Markets and Intermediation
Financial markets and intermediaries are part of the macroeconomic cyclical
process, and thus new rules involving these markets and institutions need to be evaluated
in that context. This is an important reason, in my judgment, why central banks in


general, and the Federal Reserve in particular, should remain in the bank regulatory
It is evident that regulatory rules can add to ongoing macroeconomic and assetquality cyclicality. Rules are constraints or limits that require responses as those limits
are approached. Sometimes those limits—say capital constraints—may induce tighter
lending standards or shrinking balance sheets for a number of institutions at the same
time, engendering significant real business-cycle effects. We must, therefore, be aware
of the implications beyond the original intent of a rule and consider its associated
Government programs, too, often have unintended business-cycle effects. The
safety net—particularly deposit insurance and access to the discount window—clearly has
an impact beyond the stability it brings by containing the deposit runs that once led to
financial implosion. It induces intermediaries to take on more risk with less capital,
creating what is arguably the largest problem facing modern bank supervisors-wide
swings in credit quality.
Even without government rules, however, cyclicality still would exist in financial
markets, the real economy, and in the actions of financial intermediaries. Cyclical
financial volatility, for example, was significant from the Civil War to World War I, a
period that—abstracting from some of the perverse currency rules that came from the
Banking Act of 1863-was not characterized by substantial regulation and rulemaking.
Moreover, behavioral factors, even if there were no rules or regulations, would
still be a formidable force in inducing cyclical changes in both the quantity and the
quality of assets acquired and issued in the financial sector. The most basic is human


response to risk. The often-repeated pattern in financial markets has been the periodic
shift in risk attitudes, initiated by the state of the economy, among lenders and other asset
holders. History instructs us that, during recoveries and booms, risk discounts erode as
the level of optimism lowers the barriers to prudence. Even those lenders less inclined to
reach for more risk-laden proposals are driven to maintain their share of the rising credit
flow, if not to increase it.
The only way bankers can adhere to lending policies significantly more stringent
than those of their competitors is to effectively exit significant areas of banking, pending,
in their judgment, the return of sanity to banking practices. Such an approach, however,
is not consistent with a viable long-term banking franchise. To the majority of banks, the
environment of contagious optimism makes more and more proposals seem bankable.
Ever less attention is paid to potential problems as the cautious voices appear curiously
quaint and have little quantitative support because all the recent news and facts are
favorable. Even the supervisors and policymakers tend to be caught up by the process.
Their voices of caution are rarely raised because they, too, find it difficult to make a case
for restraint because the quantitative indicators do not support caution until too late in the
lending expansion.
As cyclical imbalances inevitably develop, the typical pattern has been an
evaporation of optimism among lenders and asset holders and a herdlike propensity to
seek an increase in risk premiums. As the economy deteriorates, fewer projects seem
attractive as more of the previously extended credits become nonperforming. Cautious
voices, including those of the supervisors, become prominent, now supported by the
increasing evidence of deterioration. In such a situation, the supervisors call for more


chargeoffs and higher capital. Credit becomes less available, and risk spreads widen,
adding to the pressures for a further business contraction.
The persistence of this self-reinforcing cycle is evidence that, despite the obvious
advances in risk management over the years, our abilities to peer into the future,
regrettably, have not improved all that much. Hindsight clearly underscores the value of
countercyclical lending standards that would smooth out fluctuations in net interest
earnings and thereby maximize the capitalized value of the bank. A broader recognition
by the banking community of how important enhancing risk management is to the longterm value of the bank would effectively align the incentives of lending officers with
regulators' desire for reduced cyclicality.
At the largest banks especially, the swings in lending policies seem to have
become more pronounced over, say, the last twenty years or so as the average quality of
their credit portfolios has declined with the increased reliance of high-quality borrowers
on money and capital markets rather than banks. Notwithstanding well-diversified
portfolios at these larger banks, the loss of their highest-quality borrowers has elevated
the aggregate risks in their portfolios. To be sure, borrowers are affected by the business
cycle. But though the earnings of high-quality borrowers may fluctuate, even widely
fluctuate, with the business cycle, the range of default probabilities tends to be more
muted than that for other borrowers. The solvency of borrowers with lower credit ratings
is more vulnerable to the business cycle than is that of borrowers with Aaa ratings, whose
concern is more with profit erosion during business retrenchments than with solvency.
Hence a credit portfolio increasingly composed of lesser-quality credits is bound to have
a greater cyclicality in nonperforming loans.


The loss of high-quality borrowers thus introduces not only systematic
vulnerabilities but also portfolios that are less idiosyncratic and more sensitive to the
business cycle. Idiosyncratic risks have always loomed larger in small bank portfolios
because their borrowers' well-being reflects such a wide range of factors, especially local
and regional developments. In an integrated economy like ours, small bank lenders are
affected by national business conditions, just less so than lenders to large firms.
Formal Risk Management in Banking
The large institutions, with their declining overall asset quality, understandably
have pioneered more-formal risk-management techniques designed to capture
quantitatively the changing riskiness of exposures and presumably induce more rapid
responses to such measures. This is the latest development in a changing balance of
power between lending officers and risk-control officers. The lending officers, in a
competitive economy, may tend to be more interested in getting business than in
evaluating risk. Before the most recent period, risk officers often have not been heard
clearly enough and early enough, perhaps because they have not had the quantitative
justification for rejecting weak credits until it is too late. The revolution in credit-risk
management, a revolution that is still in process I might add, is the growing ability to
measure risk.
Better ability to quantify risk has begun to give the risk manager new authority in
the credit-granting process. It has also given the credit risk manager the ability to make
the case for absolute and relative riskiness even during periods of expansion and
optimism. Making such a case may not necessarily reduce credit availability at banks for
riskier borrowers; it does mean that banks can more knowingly choose their risk profiles

-6and price that risk accordingly. Supervisors using such techniques—leveraging off the
banks' measures of risk-can also better evaluate the risk taken by banks relative to the
banks' control systems and capital positions, and respond accordingly. And evident
increasing transparency will let uninsured creditors, especially subordinated debenture
holders, also leverage off the banks' improved risk measures, bringing to bear additional
market discipline and hence enhanced risk oversight by counterparty.
Perhaps more critically, better risk management and the associated quantification
have the real potential for reducing the wide attitudinal swings that are associated with
the historical cyclical pattern in bank credit availability to which I referred earlier.
Formal procedures for quantifying credit risk as an integral part of the operational loan
process imply—and in the long run, virtually ensure—a process for recognizing, pricing,
and managing risk. Risk quantification should lead to tighter controls and assigned
responsibilities. The risk effects of lending officers' decisions can be recognized in a
more timely fashion, thus reducing the cyclical attitudinal swings in banking.
I would like to emphasize, however, that all risk-management strategies rest on
uncertain forecasts and that the models underlying the frontier approaches depend on key
assumptions that rest on fragmentary or indirect evidence. Covariance matrices, for
example, are backward looking and their use presumes that historical relationships among
risk drivers will continue into the future. Similarly, the distributions of credit default and
loss probability are notoriously difficult to estimate and validate, especially given
relatively short data histories, and so tend to be guided as much by judgmental
assumptions as by empirical analysis. Nonetheless, with all their limitations, formal riskmanagement models are essential in providing a consistent analytic framework for


collecting, organizing, and summarizing information about individual risk exposures so
that bankman gers—


bank examiners-can assess the institution's overall risk profile

in a rational and comprehensive manner. To be sure, even the most sophisticated risk
models will never be a complete substitute for experienced judgment since there are too
many idiosyncratic lending anomalies that pervade all asset portfolios. But risk models
are an effective, perhaps an essential, means to organize and enhance judgment.
Supervisors are endeavoring to make this analytic framework the basis of a new
more risk-sensitive Basel Capital Accord. The important goal may be less the resultant
improvement in capital requirements than the predicate necessity for the formal riskmanagement techniques that Basel II would impose on a relatively small number of
increasingly large, increasingly complex, and increasingly opaque banking organizations.
The sad fact is that the adoption of best-practice risk-management techniques has been
slower than desired. The slowness is understandable because change is expensive and
disruptive. Time will be needed to develop and implement the new techniques. Some
institutions have started; some have a longer way to go. What is needed is a way to
incorporate advances in quantitatively based risk management more generally into the
operations of our large complex banking organizations.
These banks need to be induced to create and use internal risk classifications in
their banking book for establishing their minimum capital requirements. To ensure that
minimum standards are used, the supervisor should be required to validate the conceptual
and empirical basis of each bank's risk-classification and risk-management system. One
of those tests could be the use of the system by the bank in making internal management
decisions—pricing, reserving, and controls, for example. We should not try to establish

-8separate regulatory and management systems, but one unified system in which
supervisors and the managers are looking at the same thing. A weak or misused
classification system would destroy any such process.
As critics correctly have noted, such an approach has the potential to create
procyclical swings in the minimum required capital of banks as the risk classifications of
credits migrate up and down in conjunction with the state of the economy. I think this is
an example of what I referred to at the outset: Regulations in banking will have their
own cyclical responses as events move banks toward and away from minimums. But that
also would be the case for self-imposed management guidelines in an unregulated world.
Let me emphasize that the basic cause of procyclical bank lending is less the
result of rules—regulatory or self imposed—and more our difficulty in predicting the
future. No lender starts out to make loans that default. Risk management does not enable
us to perceive unfolding events with any greater clarity. But it creates an analytical
structure and enforces reference to past events and, in so doing, eliminates consideration
of or suggests higher pricing for loans with a low probability of repayment. Enhanced
risk management, by increasing our ability to focus better on probabilities, will tend to
flatten cyclical lending patterns.
Indeed, though we are not going to eliminate cyclically correlated changes in
attitudes of human beings, I am impressed by the effect that facts, historical relationships,
and quantification can have on reducing such swings. First, relative to what we have
today, Basel II is endeavoring to reduce cyclical reserving and write-offs that
traditionally have come with the late recognition of excess risk taken earlier. Second, the
supervisory leg of Basel II is being structured to supplement market pressures in urging

-9banks to build capital considerably over minimum levels in expansions as a buffer that
can be drawn down in adversity and still maintain adequate capital. Finally, negotiators
in Basel continue to fine-tune the proposed Accord in ways that promise to damp cyclical
swings in capital requirements relative to what was implied by last year's proposal
To sum up, I think it is worth saying again that, as high-quality borrowers
deserted banks for the commercial paper and direct debt markets, banks have tended to
move in ways that, at a minimum, reinforce the business cycle. But technology,
innovations, and increasingly efficient capital markets have reduced that contribution to
the overall macroeconomic cycle. New developments in risk management hold the
promise of further reductions, and they may already have delivered a downpayment on
that hope. Basel II reinforces the expectation of less procyclical contribution from
banking by trying to accelerate the adoption of more-formal, quantitative riskmanagement techniques.
Another important benefit that will accompany any success in reducing the
cyclicality in credit quality in banking is the reduction in the degree of volatility in bank
earnings that will increase the long-term capitalized value of banks. This is just another
way of saying that better risk management in banking is in the long-term interest of
everyone: bank management, bank regulators, the public, and the stockholders of banks.