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Georgia, Tennessee Lead Regional Payroll Growth in November
In November, 45 states had unemployment rate decreases, and the other five had no change, according to the monthly regional and state employment
and unemployment summary from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). All the states in the Atlanta Fed’s district were among those 45 states that
saw declines in their unemployment rates, with the unemployment rates in both Georgia and Tennessee falling 0.4 percentage points (to 7.7 percent and
8.1 percent, respectively). The Sixth District aggregate unemployment rate fell 0.3 percentage points to reach 7.0 percent, mirroring the trend and level of
the national unemployment rate in November.
Georgia and Tennessee saw the largest growth in payrolls in the Sixth District in November as well, according to the same report. Georgia added 14,500
payrolls in November (see the table), with roughly a third of those new payrolls being in the construction industry (up 4,400 payrolls). Roughly another
third of Georgia’s job gains were in transportation and warehousing industries (up 4,100 payrolls), and the other third of Georgia’s payroll growth in
November was split between leisure and hospitality (up 2,900 payrolls) and financial activities (up 1,700 payrolls). Employment growth in real estate was
notable last month (up 1,200 payrolls). Tennessee added 9,400 payrolls in November, with about 2,500 of those payrolls in the leisure and hospitality
sector and another 1,900 in durable goods–manufacturing industries.

Three Sixth District states have unemployment rates higher than the national level of unemployment (Georgia, Tennessee, and Mississippi), and three sit
below (Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana; see the chart).

The BLS will release metropolitan area employment and unemployment data for November, which will provide an even more granular view of regional
labor markets, on Tuesday, January 7, 2014, at 10 a.m.
By Mark Carter, a senior economic analyst in the Atlanta Fed’s research department

December 31, 2013 in Employment, Georgia, Labor Markets, Southeast, Tennessee, Unemployment | Permalink

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An accurate and labor perspective on the economic growth and stability of the south of the U.S. Excellent document.
Posted by: Jean Pier Dorta | 01/02/2014 at 10:37 PM

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