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Division of Research Work Projects Administration · Research Monographs I. Six Rural Problem Areas, Relief-Resources-Rehabilitation II. Ill. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXL XXII. XXIII. Comparative Study of Rural Relief and Non-Relief Households The Transient Unemployed Urban Workers on Relief Landlord and Tenant on the Cotton Plantation Chronology of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May 12, 1933, to December 31, 1935 . The Migratory-Casual Worker '' Farmers on Relief and Rehabilitation Part-Time Farming in the Southeast Trends in Relief Expenditures, 1910-1935 Rural Youth on Relief . . Intercity Differences in Costs of Living ii, March· 1935, 59 Cities Effects of the Works Program on Rural Relief Changing Aspects of Rural Relief Rural Youth: Their Situation and Prospects Farming Hazards in the Drought Area Rural Families on Relief Migrant Families ,, Rural Migration in the United Sta.tes State Public Welfare Legislation Youth in Agricultural Villages The Plantation South, 1934-1937 Seven Stranded Coal Towns . '} FRO M YO~ C. W. CON GRE SSM A - I Digil ized by INTERNET ARCHIVE r, ·•RuNT" B1s HoP Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-( HA"1PAIGN .,,,.ity .-tdmini8tratirnt ( Hoth .., teiu ) . "Th ere's nothing h er e but just coal." A :IIirw r· ,; Back Ya rd in Carrie r :11 ills, JJI. Digitized by )rigina1 from INTERNET ARCHIVE UN 1VERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT L -1BANA-CHAMPAIGN FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY John M . Carmody, Administrator WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner Corrington Gill, Assistant Commissioner DIVISION OF RESEARCH Howard B. Myers, Director SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS A Study of an American Depressed Area By Malcolm Brown and John N. Webb • RESEARCH MONOGRAPH XXIII 1941 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON · [ I( 'IL by '1/TER'I/E T ARt ~ V' J11ginat m u111 v 1sr v o l, 1BANA-C ILL 'l!Ols f"' 'Al('; A Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Jll Letter of Transmittal WOR1' PHOJECTS ADMINIS'J'RA'J'lON, Washington. D. r'., .Tanvary 9, 1941. Sm: T he problem of" derelict," economically wrecked areas in the United States has long been of particular concern to the Work Projects Administration. More than any other agency of the Government, the WPA bears responsibility for relieving their extra.ordinary unemployment burdell, and, indeed, for preventing utter collapse in these communities which private industry has abandoned. This is no light respo11sibility. Before the initiation of the national defense program, one could identify some fifty-odd separate, chronically depr('ssed arens scattered across tbP countrr. Within them W('l'C concentrated about one-tenth of the total 1,ited States population, about one-si,-..::th of all the unemployed, abont one-fifth of all the r., recipients of public assistance . Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Cow1ties, 111., a part of the southern Illinois coal field, constitute 011(' sucli ns('a. These three comities, and especially seven selected coal to,n1s within the ('OllnLies, °" 1 arc the subj('ct of the pre e11t, report. :a The southern Illinois problem, as the report shows, is threefold. In Lhe first place, tlll'ee out of every fom jobs which formerly existed in :Ii Fra.nklin , Saline, and Williamson coal mines- the area's solf' industry- today disappeared, swept away by either min(' abandonment or mechanization. Receiit years of Nation-wide recovery have not l1 alted this trend; at the begin11ing of 1941 the southern Illinois coal mines employed fewer men than at any time during the preceding quarter of a centmy. Secondly, no new industries have appenred to fill this gap in the area's economy. For two generations coal-town businessmen have campaigned ardently for "outside industry" to supplant the declining coal in dustry. By 1941, however, these campn.igns had still to win their fu-st industry and to create their first lasting job in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties. Meanwhile-and this is the third essential of the problem-the size of the area's population bas suffered only a slight decline over a period of 20 years. Thus, intense local unemployment ha!' become almost a normal r-state of th ings. Thousands of good workers lrnve bad no jobs for many years. T housands of youth, blocked from entering industry, have reached their most productive years without ever having held n. j Ill Die 11 Z' by NTERNET ARCHIVE Original f11Jm UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN IV • LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL early half the peo ple are dependent on public aid year after job. , year, and intense po,erty is common. The conditions necessary for the dissolution of the depressed areas ar c of course implicit in the circumstances of theu: origin. Either the clecw1ing industry mu L be rejuvenated, or it mu t be supplanted, or the people must mo,e away- obviously there are no other solutions. The ational defense program will e,rn tu ally bring temporary relief of one kind or another to many of the depressed arras. In outhern lliinoi , for example, the immed iate prosprct is not totally black, in spite of the continued stagnation of the local coal industry. ince this report was written, coal-field unemployment has already been slightly reduced by the emigration of young workers to defense areas. Two year from now the coal field e:Kpects to have 6,000 new defen. c jobs of its own at the War Department's proposed ordnance plant on Crab Orchard Lake near Herrin. Such developments do not justify a complacent outlook upon tlw problems of the depressed areas. The decline of deprcssecl-aren unemployment, waiting as it must upon the solution of N ation-wicle unemployment, is likely to be much slower than might be hoped for. And whatever improvement the depressed areas may enjoy will in most cases disappear with the passing of the national emergency. Aggravated crisis within the depresseJ areas \\ill be among America's foremost postdefense problems. The present study was made m the Division of Reseorch w1der the direction of Howard B. Myers, Director of the Di.ision. The report was prepared by Malcolm Brown and John . Webb, of the Social Research Section. Special acknowledgment is made to M. Starr Northrop, who snpervised the census of population and lmemployment; to Elizabeth J. Greenwood, who supervised the survey of buying patterns among the long unemployed; to William G. Nowell and D. C. Smith, who conducted research into the history and other pecial aspects of the community; to Rebecca Pfefferman, who supervised the preparat,ion of tabular and graphic materials and assisted in the analysis; to Albert Westefcld, who assisted in the analysis of chapter Vll; to Frances McDonald, who prepared the manuscript for publication; and to Roy E. Stryker, of the Historical ection, Division of Information, Farm Security Administration, for the photographs used. Warm thanks are extended also to the scores of residents of southern Illinois- particularly to union officials, working miners, and the unemployed- who patiently assisted the re earch worker in their inquiries. Re pec:tfully submitLed. CORRINGTON GILL, Assistant Commissioner. 0. H uNTER , Commissioner o.f Work Projects. HoN. HowARD D1g1tized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Contents Page xv Introduction Summary XXIII 1 Chapter I. The origins of a vu lnerable community The coal boom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 Discovery and consolidation _ Labor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 5 The product of the new field _ Prosp erity _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 6 7 ThP structure of loca l enterprise 10 R eal estate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 Real-estate speculation 13 Th e building and loan us ociations Banking ___ _ 16 17 The tax structure _ 18 The changing tax base _ _ 18 The rise of tax income _ _ 20 23 Chapter II. A depressed area _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ Unemployment and underemployment _ The labor force _ _ 25 _ _ _ _ 25 The unemployed 26 Underemployment 28 Disadvantaged workers 29 Employment policy in the mines _ _ 29 Unemployment among coal miners 31 Age and unemployment _ 33 Youth in the depressed area 34 Family unemployment __ ____ _ 34 V )14 zed by' 1r--iTrn~ .T A,k HIVE 0m 111 I 'ron, JNIVERSITY 0• IL INO•S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN VI • CONTENTS Page Chapter Ill. Long un employment in the depressed a rea _ 37 Duration of urwmployme 11L 38 Displaced miners _ _ _ 39 The r est of the long un employed 39 Inexpcrienc ed workers _ _ 40 Y ouLli _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41 Th e rest of the inexperi eneecl ___ _ __ _ 41 Work-progr am employmen t ____ _ 43 _ _ _ _ Long-unem ployed fami lies _ _ _ The living standards of the long unemployed _ Income _ _ _ _ _ _ 44 45 45 Expenditun • pattern s 46 Food _ _ _ 47 Clothing _ 48 Housing _ 49 Medical care _ 49 Other need s 50 Hnnd-to-rno utl 1 living _ 51 Chapter IV. The decline of the southern Ill ino is coal industry _ 53 coa l depression _ _ _ 53 Over expan sion of mine capncity Loss of markets _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53 54 Liquidation of s urplu s capitc ity _ 55 Recovery- but the problem s remain 55 Th e po twar position of south1·rn lllinois coal 56 Th e J ation-wide Co rnp eti tion 56 57 ThC' redu ced slrnn' of , outh!'rn [llinoi mark et _ _ _ _ _ m th!' coal Abandonml 'nt of mirws 58 59 R easons for M>andonme nt New mines ______ _ _ 61 Total effect of mi11<• abn,ndo11mc nt __ 62 61 Digitized by Orr!:,1nal from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN CONTENTS • VII Page Mechanization of loading ____ _ 64 Machine loading _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65 Total effect of mechanization_ 66 A depressed area _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 66 Chapter V . Commun ity bankruptcy 71 ___ _ The collapse of the real-estate boom 71 The end of real-estate promotion 72 Real-estate values in the 1920's 74 Building-and-loan activity ____ _ 75 The r easons for th e building-and-loan boom 75 The end of the building-and-loan boom 77 House wrecking 79 The bank crash 80 The condition of the banks in the 1920's_ 80 The collaps e _ _ 82 Postal avings 83 Bankrupt governments 84 Tax income in the earlr 1920' 85 Unpaid taxes. ___ _ 85 Chapter YI. Attempts at a so lutio n 89 Attempts to check mine unemployment _ 89 Att<'mpts to eliminat!' th e machin es _ 90 Attempts to r eopen abandoned mines 91 Sharing th!' work at tht· min!'s 92 Th<' "gopher holes " __ _ 93 Attempts to bring in industry ____ _ What the coa,l field had to offer 95 _ _ _ _ _ "Land a factory " __ 96 97 "Sink or swim "_ _ 100 Back to the farm __ 102 Farming in the thre<' counti!'s before 1930 _ 103 The d epression _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1Q4 The possibilitirs for a return to farming 105 Di( 11 Z' by 'ffER"JET ARl ~ vr= 01 igina1 f1 l)m UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN VIII • CONTENTS P age 107 Chapter VII. Migration Local forces affecting emigra tion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Occupational exper ience _ _ _ 108 108 The people 109 The settlement of tbc coal towns _ Money for moving _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ll0 ______ _ ll3 A stranded population ll2 The record of depress ion mobility __ ll4 Population changes between 1920 and 1930 ll5 Population changes s in ce 1930 ll6 Age differentials in mi gration ll8 _ _ _ _ ll9 Birth-rate changes 120 Prospects for fu t ure migration Chapter VIII. Relief _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 123 Traditions in loca l relief _ _ _ _ _ 123 P auper-relief sta ndard s 125 Pred epression relief expenditures 126 The dark clays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 128 Public assistan ce after 1933 132 Extent of dependency _ Typ es of dependency :111d 134 assistanC(' in the coal fi eld _ 137 139 Work relief Chapter IX. Conclusions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 143 Reccn t public policy 143 American policy 143 Th e work programs _ _ 144 British policy 146 Transference _ 146 Inducements for investors _ 147 _ _ _ _ 148 The depressed areas in the nationn I d efense program_ _ 149 The two special plans: What th ey involve _ _ _ 149 The h eart of th e problem Digitize~ by Cn~1nal froM INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN CONTENTS • IX Page Long-time problems _ 151 Public assistance _ 151 Local improvements. 15] Regional conservation. and deYelopment _ _ 152 Spontaneous migration 152 Appendix A. Tables _ _ _ 157 Appendix 8. List of tables _ 177 Index _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 179 ILLUSTRATIONS Figures Figure 1. Men employed at shipping coal mines in Franklin., Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1900- 1921 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 2. Capacity and production. of shipping coal mines in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1900- 1921 _ _ _ _ _ 9 3. Indices of local business activity in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1900- 1921 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12 4. An appeal to real-estat e speculators from Th e Franklin County I ndependent, October 1906 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 5. Unemploym ent and underemployment in 7 southern Illinois coal to"'-ns and in Birmingham , cw B edford . Toledo, and San Francisco _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27 6. Industry of usual occupation of unemployed workers , by sex, in 7 southern Illinoi coal towns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :32 7. Percent of labor force unemployed in 7 southern Illinois coal towns and in Birmingham, ew Bedford, Toledo , and San Francisco, by age groups _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33 8. Unemployment among families in 7 southern Illinois coal towns and in Birmingham, ew B edford, Toledo , and San Francisco _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35 9. Average duration of unemployment since last full-time job of workers in 7 southern Illinois coal towns and in Birmingham, New B edford, Toledo , and San Francisco _ _ 38 10. Industry of last full -time job of workers unemployed more than 1 yea r and more than 3 years in 7 sou them Illinois coal towns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40 T Di( 11 Z' by '1/TER".JET ARn vr= Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN X • CONTENTS Page Figure 1 J. \r orkers under 25 years of age who never held a full-time job 7 southern Illinois coal towns, Birmingham , ew Bedford, Toledo , and San Francisco _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 12. Percent of unemployed workNs on work program u1 7 onthrrn Illinois coal towns and in Birmingham , ew B edford , Toledo, and San Franci co _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44 hipping mines operating at the close of 1925 and 1939 in Franklin. Saline, and Williamson Counties _ _ _ _ _ _ 63 14. Nfrn employed a,t shipping coal min es in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1921- 1940 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 67 13. 15. Capacity t1,nd production of shipping coal mines in Franklin , aline, and Williamson Counties, 1921- 1940 _ _ _ 16. Indices of local business activity in Franklin, Saline. aIJd Williamson Counties, 1921- 1938_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 73 17. Popula.tion of school age, and men employed at shipping coal mines in Franklin, Saline, and v\"illiamson Counties, 1918- 1938 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 114 18. Gain or loss in popu lation of 7 southern lllinoi coal towns. 1930- 1939 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 117 19. Gain or lo s in population aUributable to migration , by age group, 5 outhern Illinois coal towns, 1930- 1939 118 20. Persons d ependent on public assistance• in Franklin, Saline. and \Yilliamson Counties, April 1933- June 1939_ _ _ _ 133 21. Percent of population depend ent on public assista11cp in Franklin , Saline, and Williamson Counties and in Illiuois, April 1933- June 1939 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 135 22. Estimatrd annual coal-mrne pay roll and am1ual expenditures for public assistance in Franklin. Saline. and Williamson Counties, 1925- 1938 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 136 Photographs A miner's back yard in Carrier Mills, IlL _ _ __ Frontispiece One of the big Franklin County mines __ _ _ Facing 10 Unemployed southern Illinois miner A young southern Illinoi worker __ _ __ Facing 30 _ Facing 40 The home of an unemployed miner in Franklin County, IlL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Facing Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 4 CONTENTS • XI Page Abandoned . . . Bush 1finc. Franklin County , IlL _ Facing 58 Abandoned stores in Zeigler, IlL _ _ Facing 78 A gopher hole near Marion , IlL _ 94 Strip mine near Carterville , IIL _ Facing _ _ Facing 104 Main Street, Cambria, IIL __ _ Facing 138 l1q1t ,ed by 0n 1rii"ll 'rorr, 1r--nR~ _T AR,"HIV~ JNIVERSITY O> IL 1r-,io,s AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Seven Stranded Coal Towns XIII DI( 11 Z' by '1/TER'I/E"T ARn vr= 01 igina1 from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INTRODUCTION CERTAIN AMERICAN communities have borne far more than ome were their share of Wlemployment and relief since 1929. at the rates Wlemployment middepression typical already reporting crash. stock-market the after months 6 Census, 1930 time of the AdministraRelief Emergency Federal the of operation During the tion (1933-1935) some were accustomed to carrying a much as half or more of their entire population on the relief roll . The 1936 recovery passed them by. And in the trough of the 1937 recession they reported 3 time , 10 time , some even 50 time higher W1employment rates than their more fortunate neighbors at the other end of the scale. These communitie , comparable to the industrially decadent "black districts" of Great Britain, are America' depressed areas. The problem of depre ed area i con iderably more serious than i generally realized. Late in the decade of the l 930's (before the national defen e program wa initiated) one could identify some fifty-odd distinct depressed area in the nited tates. 1 The e areas contained an aggregate population of 13 million, about one-tenth of the total population of the United tates. In January 1935 more 1 The use of counties a the geographical unit for identifying depres ed areas conditions the results obtained. County data conceal pockets of unemployment which more detailed data would reveal. :Xew York City, for example, doubtless contains a number of "depressed area ," but they cannot be isolated by the use of existing data. The areas were identified on the basis of their relief load in January 1935 and the percent of gainful workers reporting unemployment in November 1937. The lower limits of the identifying mea ures were arbitrarily set to include specified areas which had been shown by case studies to be, beyond reasonable doubt, chronically depressed areas. Se\·eral well-known "problem areas" were not "depressed areas" according to the measures used. In particular, the greater part of the Cotton Belt was excluded, since it reported relatively low relief and unemployment throughout the 1930's. No attempt was made to include plane of living as a criterion. These figures will, of course, bear substantial revision when the data on earnings and duration of unemployment in the 1940 Census are available. xv I ;: d by Ong1 ,al from TER'IIET AF<.rHIVE UN VF'\SITV OF ILL JOIS AT U'\tlANA-c HAM AIGN ) XVI • INTRODUCTION than 3}f million persons in these areas received general relief, and they accounted for nearly one-fifth of the total relief population of the United States. In November 1937 the depressed areas contained more than l ½ million totally unemployed workers, and their excess of unemployment over their average share was equal to the total unemployment of Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, and Cleveland combined. THE ORIGIN OF DEPRESSED AREAS Depressed areas come forcefully to public attention only during a period of general unemployment. Superficially, they then appear as merely another manifestation of the depression itself, as the depression's special victims, where unemployment has struck hardest and persisted most stubbornly. It would be a mistake to suppose that the distinction between the depressed areas and their neighbors ends with this observation. Beyond the general problems of the depression, depressed areas are a special problem in themselves. In one sense a depressed area is nothing new on the American scene. Essentially it is a modern instance of a community whose basic function has been rendered unprofitable by noncyclical trends in the pattern of economic interrelations. During the past 100 years there have been scores of such communities. In the past, however, two opposing forces have usually come into play, preventing the full development of a depressed area. In the first place, the workers not needed in a given community might move away and find work elsewhere. Thus, with the depletion of the western gold fields in the 1880's the population simply decamped, sometimes to the last man. Even as late as the 1920's half the population of numerous central Georgia counties were still able to pick up and move out after the boll-weevil invasion. More often, however, wholesale emigration was unnecessary; ordinarily the community itself could r ebuild its wrecked economic base by shifting to an expanding industry. New Bedford, for example, shifted from whaling to textiles; South Bend turned its wagon industry to manufacturing automobiles; Key West became a shipping center when its cigar industry collapsed. Baltimore, Louisville, St. Louis, and numerous other American cities have passed through such metamorphoses since the Civil War. After 1929 both of these self-healing remedies failed. The general disappearance of job opportunities not only checked the exodus of surplus workers from the declining communities but often turned the stream backward. As a result, "redundant" workers found themselves for th e first time stranded in large numbers within areas where opportunity had disappeared. The possibility of developing substitu tr industries to absorb the unemployed locally also vanished; Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INTRODUCTION • XVII investors who shunned the depressed areas in prosperous times found even less reason for favoring them afterwards. On top of all, the general depression intensified the decline within these communities, and hastened the economic degeneration already latent. Overnight the long-developing difficulties reached maturity. Unemployed workers piled up by the thousands, the relief load soared, and poverty became the lot of a great part of the people. At this point the problems of the depressed areas achieved sudden recognition. The Vulnerable Communities Not all areas are equally vulnerable to this type of disintegration; in the aggregate, depressed areas have their own peculiar characteristics. Although several diversified areas have been identified as depressed, highly specialized areas-whether engaged in extractive or manufacturing industries-are predominant. The vulnerability of such communities is clearly related to the narrowness of their economic base.2 D epletion, as in the stranded oil fields and lumbering districts; or the loss of markets, as in depressed cotton-growing areas and bituminous coal fields; or technological obsolescence, as in several steel-processing centers; or the emigration of industry, as in stranded cigar and textile centers- these forces paralyze the sole foundation of economic life in the specialized communities. Without buffer industries, whole areas are disrupted. Isolation of one sort or another is a second characteristic of the depressed areas id entified. Several areas, especially those devoted to extractive industries, are set off at a great distance from the nearest labor market, so that the emigration of workers is extremely difficult. Specialized skills tend to immobiliz stranded workers in some of the depressed areas, particularly in the coal fields and steel centers where technological changes hav e played special havoc. In other areas, the problem is complicated still furth er by ethnic isolation, involving not only egroes, but also important Spanish-language groups in Florida and T exas. Finally, such depressed areas as the Appalachian and Ozark Highlands are isolated by a singular culture pattern. In each instance, the dispersion of "redundant population," difficult enough in any case, is made even more difficult. 0 The Effects Internally, the pathology of a depressed area also follows its own specia.l logic. The extraordinary impact of unemployment, often 1 It does not follow that all specialized communities are vulnerable; indeed, quite the contrary is true. Many of the least depressed communities are also specialized-the Iowa food-industry cities, the Piedmont textile districte, and the Connecticut metalworks cities, for example. lt 11,TER~ ed by T A~,HIVE Cr 11 I 'rorr, JN.VE~SITY O IL INO SAT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN XVIII • INTRODUCTION involving half or more of an entire labor force, leads to qualitative differences of the utmost gravity. The youth problem, for example, take on a new aspect, for a large proportion of the younger workers grow into their most productive years without ever knowing the experience of a job in private industry. The long unemployed-those experienced workers who have not worked in private industry for a year, 2 years, even 5 years-form a substantial part of the entire labor force, and thousands of workers in middle age give up all hope of ever working again. Some of the workers, particularly the youth, leave the community to seek work elsewhere, and a few get jobs. But the great majority, pauperized by bank failures, foreclosures , and years of unemployment, lack the resources as well as the contacts necessary for migration, and they never get away. Many who leave eventually come home again . pontaneous migration does not proceed rapidly enough to diminish appreciably the size of the population. Such migration as does occur drains away the ablest workers, leaving a people h eavily weighted with the aged, and laying the basis for even more serious problems in years to come. The people of the depressed area are h elpless in the face of the disaster. Enthusiastic campaigns to rebuild the economic base-:-" to land outside industry"-fritter away without producing substantial results. Th e attempt to save the tottering industrial structure by a return to more primitive techniques creates as many problems as it solves. Subsistence farming for the unemployed finds many willing recruits, but in practice it has usually been ineffectual. The bankrupt local governments are powerless to carry on their normal activities, let alone to give r elief to the unemploy ed. Large-scale grants from the Federal and State Governments are required to save the community from utter collapse. THE SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL FIELD Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, in southern I llinois, are such an area. These three counties have long been of special interest to the Work Project Administration b ecause they have required, year after year, WP A employment quotas three or four times greater than average American communiti es of the same size. In order to get full information on the characteristics and problems of depressed area-and in turn, to throw light on the problems of depressed areas generally-the WPA Division of R esearch conducted a detailed survey of the community in 1939 . The r esults of this survey are the subject of the present report. The principal Illinois coal field consists of 13 counties extending nearly 200 miles southward from the center of the State in the shape D1g1tized by Ongi1al from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INTRODUCTION • XIX of the letter" C." The top of the field is at Springfield, the center at East St. Louis, the bottom at Harrisburg, Ill. , 50 miles north of Paducah, Ky. In the northern part of this area coal mining is only one of several diverse activities (except in two specialized coal counties); and in several counties it holds a distinctly minor position in the total economy. South of East St. Louis, howe,er, the size and frequency of the mines encountered gradually increases, while the farms become poorer and other industries gradually disapp ear. At the very bottom of the field are Franl<lin Saline, and Williamson Counties, almost entirely dependent upon a group of gigantic coal mines. Thi? Thrl? I? Countil?S Of the three counties Franklin is by far the most important coal producer, mining nearly 9 million tons in 1939. In spite of its reverses dming recent yeru·s, Franl<lin is still one of the half-dozen leading coal-mining counties in the nited States and the top producer west of the Appalachians. Franklin County coal is all "deep-vein," lying 300 to 600 feet below the surface of the prairie. It can thus be recovered only by shaft mining. 3 Ample sources of capital, together with several peculiar advantages in the seam/ have led to large-scale operation; one of the Franklin County mines is the largest on eru·th , and three others have a daily output of more than 5,000 tons. Franl{lin County operators have also been able to take advantage of most of Lhc recent revolutionary advance in coal-recovery techniques, so that in 1941 the Franklin County mines were among the most mbdern and efficient shaft mines in the United States. Saline County, with a 1939 outpu t of over 3½ million tons, ranks fourth among the Illinois coal-producing counties. In the northern part of the county the coal is recovered by deep-vein shaft mines similar to those in Franklin County, though somewhat smaller. Towards the south, however, the seam rises gradually to the surface of the prairie, so that shaft mining is no longer necessary. Along the southern edge of the seam a considerable ru·ea of coal lies under an overburden of only about 100 feet. In this area several highly efficient slope mines 6 have recently been developed. Further south 3 A shaft mine is one in which loaded pi t cars are hoisted from the underground workings to the surface by means of a system of tandem elevators, or "cages," operating in a vertical shaft. • The No. 6 seam in Franklin County lies almost level, and is relatively free from faults. T he underground transportation system can accordingly radiate great distances off the central shaft without encountering difficulties. 6 In slope mines coal is brought to the surface either by means of an inclined track on which the pit cars run, or on an inclined belt conveyor. In either case, the elaborate system of cages and hoists used in shaft mines is eliminated. 1 11;: d by Ong1 ,al from '-lTER'-lU AF<.C HIVE UN V~lSI..-Y OF ILL '"-IOIS AT U'\l:tANA-C HAM t\lGN XX • INTRODUCTION still there is an area with an overburden of 60 feet or less. Here the coal is recovered by strip m.ining,6 the most efficient of all mining methods. Williamson County, once the leading coal county in Illinois, ranked only eighth in 1939 with an output of 2½ million tons. Like Saline, Williamson County mines both deep-vein and shallow-vein coal; hence it uses the thrne recovery techniques-shaft mining, slope mining, and stripping. In addition, there are in Williamson some one-hundred-and-fifty-odd small, makeshift workings called "gopher holes," 7 where farmers and displaced workers from the great mines near by dig shallow-vein coal for the local trade. These mines, which work the leavings of the coal lands und er the most primitive technical conditions, represent a return to handicraft methods of production under the stress of the depression. The one other primary industry is agriculture. There are scattered, small communities of prosperous farmers within the three counties, particularly in Saline County, which has, indeed, b een partially stabilized by its farm economy. By and large, however, the land within the area is poor ; erosion has taken a h eavy toll in some sections; and many of the farms are too small for profitable operation. For generations farmers throughout "Egypt" 8 have counted themselves lucky when they raised half the corn crop regularly grown on the richer lands 100 miles to the north. As a m atter of fa.ct, several of the purely agricultural southern Illinois counties adjoining the coal field are more depressed than the coal counties themselves. There are 140,000 people living within the area of the 3 counties, more than half of them living in some twenty-odd coal towns ranging in size from 500 to 13,000 population. The majority of these people are descended from settlers who came into Illinois between 1870 and 1910 from the W est Kentucky hills; thus, in speech and numerous folkways, the area is at bottom culturally homogeneous with th e western Appalachians and distinctly unlilrn the Illinois Corn Belt communities. In addition to the Kentuckians, several large foreign-born groups-principally Italians, Hungarians, Croatians, and Ukrainians-settled in southern Illinois b etween 1900 and 1920 for work in the mines. Finally, Williamson County contains a separate egro settlement of about 3,000 persons. 8 In strip mines huge power shovels first remove the overburden from the seam, then simply load out the coal in the open air. 7 "Gopher holes" are officially known as "local" mines, because they produce coal for the trucking trade and are distinguished from the "shipping" mines, which produce for railway shipment. Most of them employ from 5 to 10 workers for a short season at substandard wages. 8 "Egypt" is the local name for the southernmost one-fourth of Illinois, lyi ng south of a line drawn between Vincennes, Ind., and St. Louis, Mo. The three coal counties are in the heart of this district. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INTRODUCTION • XXI The Study of the Depressed A rea The present study is based mainly upon three primary sources of information. T he first source is a census of unemployment and population, conducted between December 1938 and March 1939 in seven coal towns selected to present a fair cross section of the nonagricultw-al population. The towns chosen were: County and town Population (1939) Franklin County: West Frankfort ______________________ __ _______ ___ 12, 733 Zeigler_ ______ ______ ______________ ________ __ ____ _ 3, 017 Saline County: Carri er Mills__ ___ _ __ _ __ _ ____ ___ ___ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ ___ _ 2, 234 Eldorado ____________ ___________ _________________ 4,620 Williamson County: Bush____________ _______ ___ _________ _____________ Herrin__ _________ ______________ ______ __ _______ _ Johnston City_______ ____ ______ ___________________ 643 9,608 5,353 T his list includes the larger towns as well as the small mine villages. towns where mine mechanization was complete as well as the towns dependent (at the time) on hand loading, and it include the most prosperous towns remaining in the area as well as the most utterly depressed. This survey was supplemented with a detailed study of the buying patterns of long-unemployed families in fow- of the seven towns. The second step in the research was a thorough examination of all pertinent local records on the development of the community. Special emphasis was given to courthouse record dealing with coal-land ownership, real-estate transfers, real-estate values, the distribution of the tax load, and tax delinquency. The minutes kept by the county commissioners and county supervisors were traced for information on the history of poor relief, and for the record of all county and township expenditw-es. Local newspaper files covering 40 years in the life of the coal field were read in detail to reconstruct the history of th e community. F inally, field research workers informally discussed the problems of th e coal field with hundreds of local residents. All sections of the community were covered in this work, and each of the dozens of conflicting points of view exl)ressed was carefully considered. Ministers, merchants, editors, coal operators, bankers, public officials, r elief case workers, and teachers were interviewed, together with scores of workers of all types-miners at the face, union officials, shopkeep ers, clerks, farmers, and the unemployed. The organization of the report may be briefly outlined. Chapter I traces th e economic history of th e three counties through two decades lt ed by INTE R'-J-T A , HIVE Cri 1r I 'rorri JN.VE~SITY O IL INO SAT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN XXII • INTRODUCTION of the great southern Illinois coal boom. The condition of the coal field in 1939 is described in chapters II and III, with special reference to the peculiarities of a depressed labor market. The decline of the Franklin, Saline, and Williamson coal industry is discussed in chapter IV, and the parallel collapse of local enterprise is traced in chapter V. Chapter VI deals with the various local attempts, all more or less futile, to solve the communities' problems. Chapter VII discusses the emigration of workers from southern Illinois since the dark days first set in. The extraordinary record of relief in the three counties is presented in chapter VIII. Finally, chapter IX discusses the general problem of depressed areas, with an analysis of the possible solutions that might be attempted. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN SUMMA RY FEW COMMUNITIES in America are more specialized than Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, three contiguous counties in the southern lliinois coal field . Outside of agriculture, which has never prospered on the relatively sterile lands of southern lliinois, the three counties have only one industry-coal. Between 1900 and the middle of the 1920's coal mines served the community well. For a quarter of a century the southern illinois coal industry enjoyed a dramatic growth, employing an ever-increasing number of miners to produce coal for an ever-expanding market. More than 100 mines hoisted coal each day in the 3 counties. Sesser had 3 mines, Benton had 4, Johnston City had 8, Pittsburg had 3, and 16 mines operated in and around H errin. About 15 years ago, however, the southern Illinois field began to lose markets rapidly to rival coal fields and to competing fuels . Prosperity suddenly ended. The few mines which survived were saved only by the continual introduction of new laborsaving techniques, with the result that increased efficiency displaced thousands of workers. Si.."ty of the hunched mines were abandoned and more thousands of miners were thrown out of work. At last there were no mines left in Sesser, in Benton, in Johnston City, in Pittsburg; and of Herrin's 16 mines, only I-equipped with the most modern and effi.cien t machinery-remained. In th e wake of mounting unemployment came great waves of bankruptcies and foreclosures. A total of 34 coal-town banks collapsed within 2 years, and 7 million dollars in savings were swept away. The building and loan associations, to whom a large part of the population was debtor, found themselves unable to collect high interest on property that had suddenly become almost worthless. There followed score upon score of repossessions, and huncheds of building-and-loan houses were razed for secondhand lumber. Little busin essmen by th e dozens closed th eir doors. The tax structure collapsed. XXIII [ I( 11 Z by '1/TER'I/E T ARt ~ vr= )1igina1 f11.Jm UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN XXIV O SUMMARY UNEMPLOYMENT The disintegration of the local coal industry has left the three counties economically prostrate. At no time during the past 4 years has less than one-third of the population been dependent on public assistance and the proportion rose to half for short periods during both 1938 and 1939. In the seven towns surveyed, more than twofifths of all available workers were unemployed at the peak of the 1939 mining season; in Johnston City 60 percent were unemployed; in the little mine village of Bush unemployment claimed four out of every five workers. The distress of the coal towns had apparently become still more grave by the early autumn of 1940, when 4 of the larger mines operating at the time of the 1939 survey had been abandoned and their 1,200 employees dismissed. The great majority of the unemployed in the coal towns fall into two groups. The largest of these consists of the long unemployed. As the local labor market tightened year after year, there came a time when a man who lost his job was not likely to find another. His qualifications, his experience, his union, even his friends, could do him little service, for job opportunities had all but vanished. Unemployed workers thus became in the course of time long-unemployed workers. By 1939 half the coal-town unemployed consisted of experienced workers who had held no private job for at least 1 year. Among the long-unemployed workers coal miners are of course most numerous. The displaced miners, as a group, reported continuous unemployment for an average of more than 5 years at the time of the study. The group was, moreover, heavily weighted with older workers whose industrial experience had been confined principally to loading coal by hand, an occupation now largely obsolete in southern Illinois. The rest of the long unemployed had been discharged from a score of industries devoted either to servicing the community or to servicing the coal industry itself. Since the coal field contains virtually no manufacturing industries, very few operatives were included among the unemployed. The second major unemployed group was composed of youth who had reached working age and who had found no job after months and even years in the labor market. By 1939 one unemployed worker in every three was a new worker who had never h eld a _job in private industry. Four-fifths of all the unemployed were thus either longunemployed or inexperienced workers. Dig1t1zed ~Y Urn;, 1a1 from INTERNET ARCHIVE UN VERSITY OF ILLl~OIS AT IJl{BANA-CHA~ 'AIGN SUMMARY • XXV PROSPECTS FOR NEW EMPLOYMENT At the Mines It is obviously impossible to predict the extent of the market for southern Illinois coal during the next few years. The University of Illinois is now developing a technique for briquetting southern Illinois coals and making them smokeless; if perfected, the technique would, of course, increase the demand for southern Illinois coal. On the other hand, the field suffers increasing competition from a great oil and gas pool recently brought into production at Salem and Centralia, Ill., only 75 miles from Herrin. The effects of the national defense program on the southern Illinois coal industry cannot be clearly foreseen. If one supposed that the community could again market as much coal as it produced in 1917-a somewhat dubious assumption-the prospects for reem. ployment at the mines would still be extremely meager. The efficiency of the average southern Illinois miner has exactly doubled since 1917. The tonnage mined in 1917 required 25,000 miners; the same tonnage could be mined in 1941 with only 12,500 miners, fewer than were actually employed at the bottom of the depression in 1933. New Industries For 30 years the coal towns have campaigned ardently to secure new industries to supplant the declining coal industry. They have offered subsidies to outside manufacturers ; they have donated land and buildings; they have offered guarantees against unionization; for many years they have advertised the industrial advantages of the community. But the few investors who have accepted such offers have long since failed; and three decades of attempting to broaden the area's economic base must be accounted an utter failure . EMIGRATION There has been a slight population decrease in southern Illinois since the decline of the coal industry first began. In 1920 the 3 counties contained 157,000 persons; in 1930, population had fallen to 150,000 persons; and by 1940 it had declined to 140,000 p ersons. Over a period of two decad es, the area thus lost 10 p ercent of its population. Population decrease, however, has lagged far behind the decline in economic opportunity. During the period when population was declining 10 percent, the number of men employed at the coal mines fell from 29,000 to 10,000, a drop of 66 percent. [ I( 11 Z by '1/TER'JET ARt ~ vr= )11gina1 f1 ~ m Ul\i 1VLRSITY OF ILLNOIS A, LqBANA-G AMPAIC,N XXVI • SUMMARY The migrants who have left southern Illinois dming the past decade have consisted principally of youth of both sexes. In the older age groups emigration has been insignificant; among the very old, indeed, there has recently been a net increase from migration. These tendencies have resulted in a rapid "aging" of the general population, thus storing up more serious problems for the future of the community . Emigration of coal-town youth in response to defense activity will doubtless be accelerated in the immediate future. Among the older workers, however, emigration will still be hindered by the fact that years of unemployment and relief have left large sections of the population without the resources necessary for migration in search of work. Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Ong, 1al from UNIVERSITY OF ILLl'-1O15 AT Ut{BAf-.JA-CHAMPAIGN Chapter I THE ORIGINS OF A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY LESS THAN two decades ago the southern lliinois coal field was riding the crest of a prolonged and spectacular boom. At that time the coal industry of Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties h ad behind it a record of more than 20 years of uninterrupted advance, and it was still expanding. The territory between the towns of West Frankfort and Benton was being surveyed for the site of the New Orient, the largest coal mine ever developed. Workers were in demand . Nearly every school boy was going into the mines as soon as he finished the eighth grade. Herrin residents remember those years as the time when "you could stand on the roof of the city hall and see smoke from 16 mines every day ." Coal-town service enterprises-th e banks, the stores, the real-estate agencies, the building and loan associations- reflected the activity at the mines and fl.omished more dramatically than the coal industry itself. The prosperity of the area appeared in those times to be as solid as one could hope for. The three counties were built on coal, and coal was basic to the American economy. The southern lliinois coal reserves , then as now, were never spoken of except in terms of being "almost inexhaustible." Above all, the great natmal advantages of the coal field- the level-lying coal deposit, the 8-foot seam in the No. 6 coal, the high B . t. u. and low sulphm content, the flat top land, and the short run to Chicago ("largest coal market in the worlJ")seemed to assure the favorable competitive position of southern Illinois coal for y ears to come. Two decades ago a person would have supposed that the three counties wer e to have a vastly different future from the one which actually lay in store. Today the southern Illinois coal field presents a picture, almost unrelieved, of utter economic devastation. The years since 1923 have 1 DI< 11 Z' 01 igina1 f1 l)m by '1/TER'I/ET ARt ~ V~ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 2 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS een the community lose three out of every four of its mines. They have seen a half-dozen once lively coal centers gradually sink to ghost towns. They have seen the building-and-loan bubble burst in every coal town and every bank throughout the greater part of the coal field driven into bankruptcy. They have seen employment shrink until two out of every five workers were "surplus" at the busiest season of the year, while the public-assistance load climbed until it included more than half the entire population of the three counties. They have seen the coal boom subside and give way to hopeless poverty. 1 How did so radical and unexpected a decline in the fortunes of Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties come about? One may hear many pat answers to this question. The "Jacksonville Scale," which set up a higher wage for Illinois miners than was paid in competing nonunion fields, is usually isolated as the one villain in the piece. But one may justifiably wonder what connection the Jacksonville Scale, abandoned in 1928, could have had with the failure of coal-field banks in 1932, with the foreclosure of miners' homes in 1935, or with tax delinquency in 1940. Another common explanation is that the miners "couldn't stand prosperity" when they earned high daily wages during the middle 1920's, 2 that they "squandered their money on silk shirts" and automobiles, that they failed to save for a less prosperous time, and that their current plight is somehow a just recompense for earlier folly. But careful examination shows that the legend of the "silkshirt era," as retold today, is built as much on fancy as on fact. In any case, the accumulation of savings in banks that were eventually to crash could hardly have altered the history of the coal field. One will also be told that the present condition of the three counties was brought on by loading machines, or by the Herrin riots in 1922, or by the movement off the farms between 1900 and 1930. Actually, the story of distress in the southern Illinois cottl field cannot. be reduced to a simple, single cause. The complex forces at work upon the fortunes of the three counties can, however, be separated into two main threads. One of these is the coal industry itself, whose rise and fall of course played a dominant, though not a lone, role in the history of the coal field. The other thread, less often 1 This was written late in 1939, before the national defense program got under way. In September 1940 a field research worker revisited the community and found its condition in no way improved. Three mines which were operating when this study was conducted had been abandoned by September 1940, displacing 1,250 men. 2 Such, for example, is the judgment of a writer who discussed another declining American coal field in Harpers Magazine, March 1940, p. 412 (Rice, Millard Milburn, "Footnote on Arthurdale"). This general attitude is also popular among coal-town businessmen. Dig1t1znr' by Cn__.1nal frorri INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-rnAMPAIGN A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY • 3 recognized, lies in the structure of local finance and enterprise which was created in response to the activity of the mines, but which often ran a strange independent course of its own. To understand each of these threads in the history of the coal field, it will be profitable to begin with their origins 40 years ago, when southern Illinois first became one of America's important coal fields . THE COAL BOOM Discovery and Consolidation At the turn of the twentieth century the great coal deposits of Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties were for the most part still undiscovered. H ere and there a few small mines had started commercial operation, some as early as the 1880's, but for many years development proceeded slowly. According to the legend, prospectors had believed that the district's coal occurred only in pockets, so that if drillers found coal in one place their discovery was taken as proof that coal could not be found elsewhere in the neighborhood. Several decades of hit-and-miss exploration had turned up only a few isolated "pockets," one at Carterville, one at Johnston City, and one at Marion-all in Williamson County-and one at Ledford in Saline County. Not long before 1900 came the first realization that southern Illinois might have a coal deposit of Nation-wide importance. A group of small landowners near the present town ofJierrin had become skeptical of the accepted notions about coal o~rence in southern Illinois and had started drilling on a plot of poor farmland midway between the Carterville and Johnston City mines. At 150 feet below the surface they struck a rich 9-foot seam of high quality coal. Soon afterward n ew drill holes were put down and coal was found to run all the way across H errin's Prairie from Carterville to Johnston City. The new Herrin field, some thirty-odd square miles of coal, was the small investor's opportunity. Only three large blocks of coal were consolidated, two of them coming under the control of directors of the Missouri Pacific Railroad. The rest of the new field was parceled out to numerous small promoters, each taking up blocks varying from 200 to 1,000 acres. Williamson County coal all lay so close to the surface that exploitation usually required only a small accumulation of capital, and the n ew operators set to the work of development immediately. By 1900 three new mines in western Williamson County were already hoisting coal, and more than a score of others were being planned. There were certain investors who took very careful note of the Herrin discovery. Among these were the more powerful Chicago mineowners and retail coaldealers, who observed that the northern DI! 11 Z' by '1/TER'I/ET ARl ~ vr= )11gina1 f10m UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAM 'AIC'N 4 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Illinois fields were rapidly playing out and that a newly discovered high-grade coal, mined close at hand, might soon command the midwestern fuel market. By 1903 this group was fortified with earnings made during the Chicago coal famin es (which followed the great anthracite strikes) and were ready to move on to larger enterprises. Several wildcat coal promoters, fresh from the job of opening n ew coal properties at New River, or the Hocking Valley, or Kansas, or Indiana, were looking for newer fi elds to exploit. Steel manufacturers were anxious to find a coking coal somewhere near their Chicago mills. Most interested of all were the railroads, not only because of their operating n eeds, but also because they were deep in a plan to organize the soft-coal industry as a subsidiary of the carriers, just as P ennsylvania anthTacite had al.ready been organized. The Herrin discovery had brought into question all the old notions about coal occurrence in southern Illinois and suggested the existence of large undiscovered deposits. The four group of investors responded quickly to the suggestion. Throughout 1900 drill crews prospected quietly across eastern Williamson County. Land dealers followed, buying up the land. Within a short time about 15 sections of coal land east of Johnston City had been consolidated and purchased by the Illinois Central, and another block of 4,000 acres was taken Iorth of Herrin , a wildcatter up by the Illinois Steel Company. financed by John W. (Bet-a-million) Gates took title to another large block of Williamson coal. A leading Chicago coaldealer bought two operating mines at Marion and drove a railroad from Williamson into the heart of Saline County, buying up the mineral rights along the way. The most startling discovery was still to come. About 1900 a wealthy young Chicago promoter named Joseph Leiter bought out the patent rights on a special coking process, and started a search for a coking coal. Eventually he e>.-perimented with Carterville coal and thought it satisfactory (mistakenly, as it later developed). After an unsuccessful attempt to buy the Carterville mine, Leiter hired a geologist to discover whether similar coal might be found near by. The geologist concluded that the Carterville seam ran northward into Franklin County; and when test drill holes were sunk, the cores showed that there existed beneath 400 feet of overburden a new field more extensive and valuable than any yet discovered in southern Illinois. In 1903 Leiter bought a solid square block of 7,000 acres, started sinking a shaft, and built the company town of Zeigler. By 1904 the findings of Leiter's geologist had brought America's largest corporations scrambling for land in southern Illinois, and especially in Franklin County. The Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy Railroad bought some 10,000 acres of coal land at Valier, and started extension of its tracks to the coal field. The United States Steel Digitized JY INTERNET ARCHIVE Ori, ,al from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT lJl{BANA-CHAM >AIGN A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY • 5 Corporation took up the greater part of two townships east of Benton. The Missouri Paci.fie consolidated an extensive block of coal at Bush; the Illinois Central took over twenty-thousand-odd acres north of Carterville, together with an operating mine; and the Frisco Lines got control of a block between Benton and West Frankfort. A wildcatter and a northern Illinois operator bought a couple of townships of mineral rights in Franklin and Williamson. In Saline a coal operator controlled by the New York Central Railroad bought up thousands of acres from Eldorado to Carrier Mills. The pattern of coal ownership which has since dominated the southern Illinois field was firmly established by 1907, when the last stray mineral rights were brought under control. In the gaps between the great coal blocks of Franklin and Saline Counties a few small investors-some local, some absentee- had gained a foothold; and in western Williamson County, where the boom first started, the small holders were numerous. But the great majority of the coal had come into the hands of about a dozen companies, holding from 10 to 50 sections each. Four of these holdings were" captive" to the railroads, that is, held with a view to supplying the railroads' own coal needs. 3 Two others were captive to steel manufacturers. The other half-dozen great blocks were held by companies connected more or less directly with Chicago and St. Louis coaldealers. The fortunes of the southern Illinois coal field were dependent from the start upon these few absentee operators and their successors, and the decisions of these Chicago, New York, and Boston investors were in the course of time to make their share of history in the three counties. Labor The Illinois miners' union and the southern Illinois coal field were born at the same time and grew up together. In 1898, just at the opening of the first mine on Herrin's Prairie, the United Mine Workers of America (Illinois District) won their first considerable victory in the State and successfully negotiated contracts with most of the Illinois operators. Nearly all of the few small mines that had already started operation in Williamson and Saline Counties signed contracts in 1898, and the transition to collective bargaining at each new mine developed after 1898 came for the most part without great strain or friction. There were, however, two significant exceptions, which had a profound influence on the history of the southern Illinois union. In 1899 a Carterville operator had decided to import Negro miners to 3 The original railroad plan for controlling all the output of the field was wrecked by the Hepburn Act of 1906, which prevented railroads from engaging in the coal business except to supply their own operating needs. J1 ,; IN ER'-1 .ed by A,-ICHIVE Cm 11 =ii from UN V:..t{SIT" C IL .INC S AT URBANA-CHAM~AIGN 6 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TO WNS break a strike at his tipple. Inevitably, violence followed and numerous persons were killed. This tactic isolated the operator and led most of the community to support the strike. The operator was eventually driven to bankruptcy, and finally, after 7 years of nonunion operation, he gave way to an operator who immediately signed a contract with the union. A similar incident occurred in Franklin County, where another isolated operator tactlessly housed his strikebreakers in a stockade protected with Gatling guns. Again there was violence, again the community supported the strikers, again the union won after years of bitterness. In 1910, when this last nonunion 'mine started operating under union contract, collective bargaining had become a part of the natural order of things in the southern Illinois coal field. The Product of th e New Field Even before the great landholdings were consolidated, the rush to develop the field had begun. From 1900 through 1904 Williamson and Saline Counties saw 29 new mines opened and during the next 3 years another 21 mines started hoisting coal. In Franklin County the Zeigler shaft was rushed to completion and began hoisting late in 1904. The next year two other Franklin County mines opened, followed in 1907 by five more (appendix table 1). By 1907 southern Illinois coal had become a competitor to be reckoned with in every midwestein coal market from Bismarck to Chicago. The new coal had many substantial advantages. In competition with the dwindling supply of coal from northern Illinois, southern Illinois coal had to meet a somewhat higher freight rate, but mining costs were so favorable that they offset the freight differential. In competition with Indiana coal, southern Illi110is also had a slight disadvantage in freight rates to Chicago (though not to St. Louis), but most Indiana coals were of poorer quality. The chief fuel on the Chicago market of better quality than southern Illinois coal was a soft coal from the Hocking Valley of Ohio and Pennsylvania anthracite, both of which had to bear a far higher freight rate than southern Illinois coal. The investors who opened the field provided a different kind of advantage. Joseph Leiter was able to spend a considerable sum of money advertising Zeigler, and thereby helped to build a reputation for all the Franklin County coal. The new Williamson mines cashed in similarly on the advertising of a Carterville operator who had made "Carterville prepared lump" well known on the Chicago market before the boom started. Several of the mines had enough capital to provide washers and other cleaning equipment, a new departure for the time. The railroad mines were helped along with ready-made contracts and sometimes special rates, while freight rebates came to Di91• zt... by Or g1r I trorr, INTERNET ARCHIVE JNIVERSITY OF llc!NOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY • 7 the aid of several favored independent operators. Finally, many of the new mines were closely tied to the larger Chicago coaldealers , who naturally pushed the sale of coal from thf'ir own tipples. Thus, throughout the early period the West Virginia and Kentucky coal jobbers, who were later to affect so decisively the fortunes of southern Illinois, were still begging orders from office to office in Chicago, and offering their coal on consignment to overcome the reluctance of midwestern buyers. Prosperity Under all these favorabl e influences, the new field pushed rapidly into the midwestern coal market. Y ear after year the sale of southern Illinois coal increased. Coal output and mine capacity expanded with an amazing regularity. Each year saw more men digging coal in the thr ee counties than the year before. At times the growth was rapid, as in the early discovery years and the World War boom. At other times-in the d epression of 1907 and the prewar slump-the growth was slower. But every single year for a quarter of a century, from the discovery of coal on H errin's Prairie in 1896 until the postwar depression in 1921 , there was always some advance and never a backward step (figs. 1 and 2). Th e magnitude of growth during the long period of steady advance was particularly impressive: the average net increase in employment each year between 1900 and 1923 was 1,400 men. The average growth of coal output during the same period was 1 million tons, roughly equal to the total output of the field during the year 1900. From 1900 to 1923 an average of two mines was abandoned per year, but an average of six new mines started hoisting coal (see appendix table 1). At the beginning of the coal boom southern Illinois coal supplied only an insignificant part, of the demand on the Chicago and St. Louis markets; at the end, the three counties were by far the greatest coal-producing region west of the Appalachians an<l one of the two or three leading coal regions in the United States. Th ere was only one catch to this remarkable record of advance: the growth of production wa constantly being outrun by t.he growth of mine capacity. For, while output was advancing at the rate of a 1-million-ton increase annually, the field's capacity to produce coal was being increased at the average rate of 2 million tons annually. Thrnughout the long coal boom, this tendency had caused periodic difficulties. The field was only a few years old when the cry of "cutthToat" competition was first heard, and the complaint that rivals sold their coal "below the cost of production" was reiterated year after year. As early as 1905 attempts were made to form combines in southern Illinois which would control supply, and despite repeated fai lun', the attempts were repeated every few :vears until as late a 1921:i. C'1g1t1ze1 o, gm ... , v NT ".{NE r ARC 'v- JP L NIVfRS,TY OF LLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIC N 8 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Fig. I - MEN EMPLOYED AT SHIPPING COAL MINES IN FRANKLIN, SALINE, AND WILLIAMSON COUNTIES, 1900- 1921 Thousand men Thousond men 40 40 / 30 __,/ V ~ 20 t0 V I / V I 30 20 10 ~ 0 1900 . --- I 1903 I 1906 1909 1912 I I 1915 I 1918 0 192 1 ,,Source : Append ix table 2. WPA 363!> The symptom of overexpanded mine capacity was a tendency for th e work year to contract as time p assed . In th e discovery period a work year of 220 days was not uncommon (appendix table 3). Such a work year indicated a brisk demand for coal. Capital responded readily to th e demand and fl.owed into the field faster than was needed. Capacity thus increased rapidly and soon far ou tran production (fig. 2) . By 1911 the work year had fallen to only 165 days. At this point n ew investment slackened, production began to catch up again with cap acity and t h e work year length ened. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY • 9 Fig.2-CAPACITY AND PRODUCTION OF SHIPPING COAL MINES IN FRANKLIN, SALINE, AND WILLIAMSON COUNTIES, 1900-1921 Million tons Million tons 50 50 -~ ,,, 40 I 40 I I ,,I ,. ~/ ,/ 30 "/ 30 ~ ''J~:/ . 20 ,,,,"' / / I ,,/ Cction / // 10 20 V / 10 /1/ .. ~ 0 ~ 1900 I 1906 1903 1909 I 1912 _o I 1915 1918 Source: Appendix table 3. 1921 WPA 3636 The extraordinary wartime demand for coal started a new cycle. In 1918 production soared, the work year lengthened to 254 days, capacity in excess of output nearly disappeared. But again, and on a bigger scale than ever before, capital fl.owed into the field, and capacity soared again as huge new, developed to meet the wartime demand, started hoisting coal. In 1919 peace and the postwar coal strike halted the expansion of output. By 1920 the work year had fallen back to 183 days. The time had come for further growth of the market for southern Illinois coal. Unless [ i( 11 z• ~ by 'ffER'IIET ARn vr= )rigina1 f11Jm UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT LRBANA-CHAMPAIGf\J 10 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS it continued to expand- as it had for a quarter of a century--calamity was certain. At the peak of the boom in the early 1920's coal had become not only th e leading industry in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties but virtually the only industry. Coal bad made the once poor farming community rich and prosperous, and had made it an important cog in American industry. But coal bad also made the thTee counties vulnerable. Then· welfare had come to depend solely upon the great impersonal coal market and upon the accidents which determined theiJ- position in competing for the market. An increase in the demand for steel, a mild winter in the Dakotas, a change in the price of crude oil, the installation of domestic stokers in Minneapolis, a wage cut in the Harlan County coal mines, a, new freight rate from West Virginia to Lake Eri c--all such remote occmrences had come to mean the difference bcLween prosperity and poverty in southern Illinois. THE STRUCTURE OF LOCAL ENTERPRISE Local bankers and businessmen in the southern Illinois coal field have had very little direct connection with coal mining itself. When the rapid development of the southern Illinois coal field began in 1900, the three counties were a poor and isolated farming community. Local capital, which e)\.isted mainly in the form of poor farm land and deposits in small rural banks, was altogether inadequate for the opportunity at hand. 4 Only a few local entr epreneurs were able to gather enough capital for speculating in coal-land options, let alone for extensiYe development of producing mines. From the first the absentee im-estors controlled the greater part of the output of the southern Illinois mines, and not many years passed before they had almost complete ownership. No combination of local capital was ever strong enough to gain a lasting or iJnportant foothold in the mining industry. The coal operators, on the other hand , were not able to set up any extensiYe system of company-town paternalism in southern I llinois. Unlike the mountain districts of West Yirginia and Kentucky , the Illinois prairies provided the coal companies with no monopoly on townsites. Moreover, the Illinois miner , many of whom were drawn from farms and rural villages near the mine tipples, were organized early enough to prevent the operators from r eq uiring residence on company property as a condition for a job. While seYera.l company towns and company stores were built early in the cleYelopment of the southern IlliJ10is field, they were soon forced to compete with inde• In 1900 bank deposits in the three counties totaled $523,403, carcely enough t o de velop a single good-sized coal property. Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE . Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN "Orient Numb er On e Blows lVork." One of the Big F r anklin County l\Iines. )11:1 INTER', Led by .T Ai'\CHIVE Cn r :ti from UN Vlt{SIT" C IL INC S AT U:l.BA~A-C HAM?AIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY • 11 pendent towns near by. Under such circumstances, company towns had no particular purpose.• By 1910 the job of housing and servicing the rapidly growing population of the coal field had passed in large part to local entrepreneurs in real estate and banking. Real Estate With local entrepreneurs excluded from direct participation in the coal industry, real-estate values came to be the foundation of the financial structure of the coal towns and the basic form of wealth available to the community itself. The banks, the building and loan associations, and the local governments themselves were in large part built upon the security represented in real-estate values. An important key to an understanding of the development of the southern Illinois coal communities thus lies in the history of its real-estate activity. The sudden transformation of Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties from a poor farming area into one of America's leading coal fields naturally created a boom in town real estate. The sudden influx of new workers soon led to a housing shortage, and new building became a very real need. Actual need , in turn, soon brought less tangible factors into play. Undue optimism was inevitable. An enthusiastic local newspaper computed (somewhat incorrectly) that southern Illinois coal would not be exhausted until A. D. 927!)_ The flow of capital into the field during the discovery years appeared to make the outlook still brighter; if th e great financiers of America "had faith in southern Illinois, " its future was indubitably assured. Moreover, the early stages of the real-estate boom brought the rise of the real-estate promoters, local businessmen who were in most instances connected with the banks, the building-supply houses, the larger stores, or the building and loan associations. These entrepreneurs busied themselves with buying up farm land on the periphery of the growing towns , subdividing it into town lots, and offering it to the public at the end of an intensive advertising campaign. Making a frank appeal to speculators and promising that investment in real estate would "return a handsome profit," the promoters carried on a thriving business. Their activity is reflected in figure 3-A, which shows the nwnber of deeds for town lots recorded in the three counties from 1900 to 1921. 5 The town of Zeigler, for example, continued to be a company town through a period of nonunion operation at the Zeigler mine from 1904 to 1910. In 1910 the Zeigler mine signed a contract with the miners' union . The lands around the tipple were then opened up for real-estate promotion. Di( lliZt by NTERNET ARCHIVe d1 igina1 f1 um UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 1 2 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Fig. 3 - INDICES OF LOCAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN FRANKLIN, SALINE, AND WILLIAMSON COUNTIES, 1900-1921 B. ASSETS AND NEW LOANS OF BUILDING AND LOA-N ASSOCIATIONS A. NUMBER AND AVERAGE VALUE OF DEEDS FOR TOWN LOTS Thousand dollors Thousand deeds --,------.--- ,----- --.-n 1.6 arr--- 20 New loons Million dollars 5 16 4 12 3 Assets Million dollars 4 . I I 2 -r~ 8 2- - -.,,~+ - - - -...._~- - - + - -- - +-+1 0 .4 I 4 / ' - Number of deeds recorded I I o~~~~.._.__. ._._~~~~~~~ o 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 ~' 0 1900 1905 ! Assets 1910 1915 0 1920 *Williamson County only. D. TAXES EXTENDED AND COLLECTED C. BANK DEPOSITS Million dollars Mill ion Million dollars dollars 40~- - - - - - - -~ - - - - . ~ 4 0 dollars 30 H-- --+--- - - + - -- -+-- ---+-H 30 3 1+------+- Million 20 20 4 4 - - f -- --+----_,_~ 3 2 2 ,... 10 10 Bonk deposits-----......_ 0 1905 191 0 1915 1920 0 1900 0 1905 1910 1915 1920 WPA 3637 Source : Appendix tables 21, 22, 23,ond 24 . Digitize,.. by Or gmal tror, INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSl1Y OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY • 1 3 Real-Estate Speculation Although the development of the southern Illinois coal industry was constant year after year for two decades, the real-estate boom did not progress evenly. Periodically the turnover in town lots showed strong speculative tendencies, and for a short time the activity of th e real-estate promoters would run far ahead of the activity justified by the actual condition of the industry. · The periods of inflation would then pass into periods of relative depression. The local entrepreneurs, seeing the foundation of their local financial structure weakened, immediately would become apprehensive and start to plan ways and means "to halt the decline of property values." Bu t as long as the coal industry continued to expand, these fears would oon be allayed. B efore many years had passed, the activity of the mines would catch up once more; increased real-estate activity would again increase and another period of land-value inflation would set in. The real-estate boom thu ro e in waves of alternating inflation and depression. The first of the waves began with the di covery of coal in Franklin County in 1902. Within a short time drilling crews were set up in all part of the field, and month by month the full significance of the discoYery became clearer. The most important deposit of coal we t of the Appalachians had been found, and everyone though t he h ad a chance to get in on the ground floor in the community,6 if not in the industry. The real -estate promoters went to work (fig. 4). By 1906 uch typical advertisements as this were appearing weekly: Just 18 months ago the first car of coal wa shipped from the _ ___ field, since which time ____ has doubled her population and is now the home of 4,000 people . .. the most con ervative predict that \\ithin 3 to 5 years, _ _ _ will be a city of 15,000 people . . . . We belie,·e these lots \\ill be worth at least 50 percent more by thi time next year. As an in ,·c tment, whether for holding or disposing of quickly, or for improvemen t and occupation . . . an investor cannot lose but on the contrary is bound to make a handsome profit. . . . An increase in value of 50 percent in a year i quite conscrvath·c. 6 The account of the early acth·ity in the coal fie ld read like descriptions of an oil boom. In 1904 a coal-fie ld visitor wrote: "We had heard much about the magic city of - -- -, to which people were flocking from everywhere.... We found it was one of the busiest and most thriving towns we had e\"er seen . . .. On almost every t reet new homes were going up. The song of the saw and hammer wa everywhere in the air. P eople walked fast. They were all busy and they were happy." Another visitor reported in 1903, "Yillages have sprung up where but yesterday the land "·as rielding a bounteous "·heat crop. Cities ha,·e greatly enla rged thei r area and population and the whole section is ali,·e to the pos ibilities of the future. " l1q1t12ed by 0n 1rial frorri INTFRJ\JET ARCHIV~ JNIVERSITY 0• IL INO,S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 14 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Fig. 4- AN APPEAL TO REAL-ESTATE SPECULATORS FROM THE FRANKLIN COUNTY INDEPENDENT October 1906 This odvert,sement, one of the scores thot appeared, ran as a half - page spread · · · · -. .· · -. .· · -. . . . ♦-♦. . . . - . . . .- ... . . . ._ Wait! Watch and Be R.eady! Monday, October 15th, 1906. The greatest lot sale in the entire history of Franklin County will positively take place on the above date at the new and Thriving Town of Sesser Every Lot in the Original Plat H .as btcn sold, and every purchase r has ban offcrtd a handsome profit on thdr Ulvcstmcnt, which is a sufficient guu• .antcc that you w ill makic money on any lots you purchase in this new addition, which lays up to the S01Jthcrn boundry of, and directly bttwcm the original tow n and the Keller Coal Shaft, which is in the choice st:Ction of the entire coal fidd of Franklin County. The shah has been completed to the coal, and the work of installinK the machinery will be pushed to completion. Remember the date ,md be with us. Y ou will makt m oney. Watch Next Week's Paper for the Full Particulars - - _ E. FITZGERRELL, Trustee . - .... .... ....- ..... .....--......._....... .. WPA 3638 After a few years of such hysteria , th e first boom in real estate had gon e far beyond all r easonabl e bounds. The promised increment of 50 p ercent a year fail ed to materializ e, and sales of r eal estate slacken ed sharply . Soon afterward came the depression of 1907, which for several years slowed the rate of growth of the local coal industry. The r ea l-estate business becam e progressively more sluggish , and proper ty values waver ed. As this slump continued it caused considerable anxiety among local bu sinessmen and r eal-estate dealers, who wer e fearfu l above all of their wavering property values; this was the first local intimation of the vu ln erability of the one-industry community. It led to the first sch em es for bringing in outside industry, which- significantly- wer e co upled with r eal-e tate promotion drives.7 I See pp. 97, 98. One of the main arguments advanced to raise local money for factories in 1912 was t hat new factories "would make a veritable boom in realestate values." One town naively computed t hat for e very 100 ne w factory jobs created, an increment of $420,000 would be add ed automat ically to the total value of the town's real estate. 7 Digitize~ by Vn1:,1nal from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY • 1 5 By 1912 the inflated land prices resulting from the first wave of speculation had been absorbed in large part by the constant increase in the number of employees working in the mines. During the same year the real-estate dealers launched their second sales campaign, based on the prospect of establishing factories in the coal field. 8 Once more the invitations to get sudden profits from real-estate speculation was freely extended: Lots in the addition, as soon as the stove factory and foundry are built, should be worth more than is now asked. Lots in Factory H eights will change hands at an increase in value. The dust had not settled on the roads before Mr ___ _ _ ,,·as offered an advance of $25 upon his lot p~rchase. Likewise Mr__ _ __ _ was offered $12.50, as well as man y others. Once more the turnover in town lo ts began to climb (fig. 3- A), and a second r eal-estate boom got und er way. "The past sale of lots," said one newspaper, "is only the beginning of a greater sale of lots." The second real-estate boom lasted 3 years. Those who had invested their money in the various "Factory H eights" additions to the coal towns in 1913 and 1914 were to be sadly disappointed soon afterward when the factories that had been promised failed to arrive. At the same time the rate of growth of employment in southern Illinois coal mines was again slowed down by the short depression which accompanied the first years of the World War. As soon as the factory promotion schemes were clearly discredited in 1914, there followed a second slump in r eal-estate activity. This slump was short-lived, however. B efore 2 years had passed , the activity of the mines had again caught up with r eal-estate expansion and a third wave of inflation had started . The World War and the years immediately following brought the real-estate boom to its final climax. The unprecedented demand for southern Illinois coal, beginning in 1916, attracted thousands of new workers to the coal field and created a critical housing shortage. Dozens of jerry-built "shotgun houses," assembled in 24 hours, were erected in every town. R ents and r eal-estate valu es soared. As figure 3-A shows, the activity of the real-estate promoters once more 8 The schemes advanced in 1912- 1915 proposed to raise funds for s ubsidizing new industries out of t h e profit from the sale of lots near the projected factory site. See pp. 97- 98. The economics of these schemes was explained as follows: "The amount necessary to secure [these] factories will be less than $100,000, and if this money be raised by the sale of lots, the increase in [real-estate] values will make the lots an exceptional investment, especia lly when we consider the certain [added] population of 5,000 to 6,000 people who will be compelled to use these same lots for residences." [ i( 11 Z' by 'HERN ET ARn •vr= 01 igina1 from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 16 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS began to increase, reaching a new record in 1917 and continuing to climb rapidly through the period of the war. 9 The strike of 1919 and the postwar depression failed to deflate the real-estate boom. The housing shortage persisted, and even the coal companies which had long since abandoned the company-town system were forced to build houses in order to hold their workers. The productive capacity of the field continued to increase as new mines, started during the war, began actual operation. Th e financiers of New York, Boston, and Chicago also continued to demonstrate their optimism about the future of the field by their policy of absorbing the smaller producers throughout the three counties. In 1920 the miners started a relatively long period of steady work at wages well above the wartime scale. With this last period of prosperity, the wave of real-estate speculation reached its third and final peak, far above the highest wartime levels. The Building and Loan Associations During the period of the development of the southern Illinois coal field local entrepreneurs had organized-in very leisurely fashion-a number of mutual building and loan associations in the larger coal towns. Some of these associations were headed by the buildingsupply dealers, who had discovered that the home-loan system encouraged building and at the same time provided ample returns on the money invested. Also included among the dirnctors of the associations were most of the real-estate promoters whose activities were traced in the preceding section, the leading bankers and professional people, and occasionally one or two of the more important coal-town merchants. By 1918 there were 20 such associations operating in the 3 counties. Their activities, however, bad played no important part as yet in the life of th e communities. even though the communities were already nearly full-grown. The total assets of the associations in 1918 were only about 2% million dollars, and the number of new loans issued had not yet passed the 1-million-dollar mark (fig. 3- B ). By this time the towns in the 3 counties had already been built from sleepy rmal villages containing, all told, less than 15,000 persons at the turn of the century to active towns with 11, total population of more than 80,000. The coal towns had grown to maturity quite without the assistance of building-and-loan financing. 9 The boom was apparently not altogether spontaneous. Th~ usual fanfare in connection with the sale of lots in a ne'II· subdivision continued during the war boom, with free transportation, free picnic lunch, and brass bands provided for the customers. One promoter gave each purchaser of a lot a chance on a twostory house, which was later deeded to the person holding the lucky number after the lots were sold. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY • 1 7 In the midst of the 1920 housing famin e many families who were 1mable to find places to rent were forced to buy lots and build their own houses. In order to build in the emergency, however, a considerable sum of mon ey was needed quickly; and for the first time in the history of th e coal field, the miners began to turn to the building and loan associations for loans. Within the space of 4 years the amount of new loans issued by the associations quadrupled. By 1921, when new loans passed the 2½-million-dollar mark for the first time, the associations were doing 10 times the business they had enjoyed when the war began. The beginning of intense activity among the home-loan associations thus coincided with the period in which the real-estate activity in the coal towns reached the final and r ecord peak discussed in the preceding section (fig. 3-B). The sudden spurt in the home-loan business during the housing boom in 1920 and 1921 had built up a sizable backlog of capital for the associations. The interest rate was high-interest and "premiums" netted more than half a million dollars in 1921 on total loans of over 5}~ million dollars- hence, local capital flowed freely into the growing loan enterprises (appendix table 23 ). Installment payments on association stock sold in connection with the original loans provided other capital; by 1921 the associations had accumulated 2½ million dollars for loans from this omce alone. On this basis the associations prepared themselves for a long and profitable busin ess. Banking Southern Illinois banking has always been the private domain of local businessmen rn thrr than of absentee coal operators. Th e banks in the coal field have accordingly not dealt directly in any large degree with the coal-mining industry, and the job of providing banking facilities and credits to the min es has fallen to Chicago and St. Louis banks. Local banks have perforce confined their activities to servicing the miners, farmers, and m erchants within the community-to r eceiving the savings of the min ers, carrying the deposits of local merchants, and providing credit for the community itself. Until the time of the World War these functions did not assume great importance. Mine wages were not high, and the community's share from the coal industry went principally into physical expansion of housing and inventories, rather than into cash smplus. Another difficulty faced by local bankers before the war was that the foreign born, who comprised a large part of the working population, were traditionally suspicious of "the banking institutions of this country." Instead of depositing their money in the local banks, they preferred to send it to Europe for deposit in government-controlled savings banks. 10 ° 1 For this reason the local businessmen welcomed the Postal Savings System. Seep. 83. Di( lliZPd by )riginal from NTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 1 8 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Bank deposits thus accumulated slowly during the period which aw th e greate t development of the coal fi Id. DLU"ing the first real-estate boom (1900-1906) they in creased from H million dollars to nearly 4 million dollars. Som e of this increase, however, was subsequ ently lost during th e depression of 1907. Th e period of the econd r eal-estate boom (1911- 1913) brought deposits to more than 7 ·million dollars; but again a recession whi ch accompanied the first years of the war wip ed out a part of the gains. Not until the beginning of wartime activity in the coal field did the local banking business come into its own. (See appen dix ta ble 24.) The World War imultaneo usly incr eased th e pay roll in the coal fi eld- through a length ened work year , higher " 'ages, and the creation of thousands of n ew jobs- and cut off the flow of savings to Europ e. Under these circumstances, bank deposits shot upward at an amazing rate. Whil e it required 16 year for the three counties to accumulate their firs t 7 million dollars in bank deposits, the second 7 million dollars was deposited in less than 2 years during 1917 and 1918. After the war a furth er rise in wage and employment continued to increase deposits; from 15}~ million dollars in 1918, deposits climbed to almost 26 % million dollars in 1921. For each dollar deposited in coal-field banks in 1916 there were nearly $4 on deposit in 1921 (fig. 3- C). The sudden skyrocketing of bank deposits was interpreted in the coal fi eld to b e a refl ection not only of the prosperity of th e community- whi ch no one could deny- but of its "soundness" as well. A local n ew pap er boasted: All the banks are in a mo t healthy and prosperous condition and re flect our prosperity in a most emphatic manner. We are e njoy ing the greatest measure of sound, substantial prosperity and growth in our history. Even the foreign born cast off their suspicions and began to deposit their money in the local banks. THE TAX STRUCTURE The Changing Tax Base B efore the rapid developmen t of southern Illinois coal r eserves got und er way in 1900, th e land , improvem ents, and personalty of farms r epresented the chief form of wealth in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties; and what little tax income was required to keep up the limited tasks of local governmen t was paid almost altogeth er by farmers. As the coal mines wer e develop ed, three other forms of taxable wealth were cr eated: coal in the ground, assessed sometimes with top land and ometimes separately as mineral rights; coal-land improvements in the form of tipple , hoisting, and screening equipm ent, etc. ; and r esidence and business property in the growing coal Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY • 19 towns. The tax base was accordingly shifted from farm property to the community's new property. The manner of the shift, determined as it was by the informal and empirical approach of local tax assessors, was to have far-reaching effects upon the later life of the coal field. The contribution of farm property to the total assessed valuation of the three counties continued to be important in spite of th e growth of the coal industry. The State of Illinois had long follow ed a tradition of "encouraging" the coal industry through favorabl e taxation. At one time coal mines wer e even declared to be exempt from State (but not local) levies; and although the courts late~· d ecided otherwise, the forces which made for the original exemption continued to operate through other channels. Si.nee their earliest contacts with the great absentee coal operators, local tax assessors in the three counties appear to have been leni ent in appraising mine property. And when the assessors did not take this approach the operators' lawyers were not slow to appear before th e local equalization boards demanding adjustments. In any case, it appears that the burden of taxes outside the coal towns was not shared equitably between farmers and coal operators. By 1913 the gross value of products from the mining industry was roughly four times that of products from the farms in the three counties. 11 Yet the assessed valuation of all real property connected with the coal industry was only half that of farm property. During the war period this disproportion was heightened, as wartime prices for coal pushed the value of mining products up to about eight times the value of farm products. After the war there was a general adjus tment of rural assessments; but the coal industry, which was still producing about four times as much gross value as the farms, even then carried no more assessed valuation than the aggregate farm land of the community (appendix table 20). The attitude of the local assessors toward the coal industry may be illustrated by the valuation of a typical mine property: In 1924 the company's real property was assessed on the basis of half its full-and-true value at 2 million dollars, and was accordingly judged to have a full value of 4 million dollars. 11 For value of farm products in the three counties during the p eriod 1910- 1925 see Bureau of the Census, Thirteenth Census of the Uni ted States: 1910, Agri culture Vol. VI, 1913, pp. 442- 445 ; Fourteenth Cenws of the Uni ted States : 1920, Agriculture Vol. VI, Part 1, 1922, pp. 365- 409 ; and United States Cen sus of A griculture: 1925, Part 1, 1927, pp. 520- 547, U. S. D epartment of Commerce, Washington, D. C. For the value of mine products during the same period see M in eral Res ources of the United States, issued annually by the U. S. Geological Survey, Washington , D . C., for the years 1910 through 1923 and by the Bureau of Mines, U. S. D ep artment of the Interior, Washington, D. C., for th e y ears 1924 ff. [ u II Z' by 'ffER'JET ARl ~ vr= )11gina1 f1 m ur--.i v~ -1Sr y OF ILLNOIS A L -1BANA-G AM 'AIC,'; 20 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS During the same year an impartial and reputable mmrng engineer appraised the value of the same property at 27 million dollars. While the coal operators tended to benefit at the expense of the farmers in the apportionment of rural taxes, they also benefited at the expense of the townspeople in the division of the total tax load of the three counties. County-wide expenditures-for maintaining the county offices, county road , poor farms , etc.- were from the start borne more heavily by town property than by coal property. 12 No matter how fast coal-property valuations might increase during the coal boom, they were always accompanied by greater increases in the valuation of town lots (appendix table 20) . In terms of actual tax collections, the disproportionate division of the tax burden between coal towns and coal operators was far greater. It naturally fell to the towns to maintain their own strictly local services, such as the police force and the fire department. But the burden of providing revenues for the schools also fell principally upon the towns. The mines, located in almost every instance beyond the city limits of the towns , paid taxes in rural school districts where few people lived, while thousands of the miners' children went to school in the towns, where the mine operators contributed nothing. Even the high schools, whose district boundaries frequently included an entire township, were often financed largely by the coal towns because the miners' homes were not located in the same townships as the mines. The most important source of tax revenue in the three counties thus came to be coal-town real property. The local governments rested on the same foundation as the banks and the building and loan associations. The Rise of Tax Income Until the time of the World War taxation in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties presented no special problems. The services of the local government were restricted to paying the county judges, juries, and sheriffs, patching up the road now and then, and maintaining a somewhat primitive school system . The coal industry had grown up in the midst of a backward agricultural community, and as far as the function of local government was concerned, the rural shell was not cracked until the industry reached maturity. Not until the beginning of wartime activity in the coal industry did the community undertake to do the work it had long neglected. One pressing job was to build roads. As late as 1917 a drayman starting from Herrin in the early morning to deliver a load of Railroad property valuation also increased progressively, but it played a small part in the total property valuation, and is therefore not included above. Personal property is also omitted from this discussion because its assessment appears to have been distributed much like real property. 12 Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A VULNERABLE COMMUNITY • 21 merchandise in Marion, 10 miles away, would not return home until dark. The scope of the independent towns was particularly restricted by inadequate roads. Miners depended on railroad transportation to get to their work in out-of-the-way mines, and where railroad co~nections were poor, the independent towns lost population and trade. From Benton, for example, it was possible to ride 7 miles by train to work in the Buckner mine; but there was no transportation to R end City, which was only 6 miles away. Rend City, accordingly, became a company town, with consequent inconvenience to the miners and losses to the businessmen of B enton. Th e school system was also clearly inadequate for the needs of the community. In 1912, when the total population of the 3 counties was about 110,000 persons, the expenditure for public high schools was only $64,000, scarcely enough to maintain even a semblance of a highschool system. Elementary schools were similarly hampered by an amazing expenditure per student of $10 per year. 13 Many of the school buildings were so old a.nd unsanitary that they bad been condemned wholesale by th e State. For many years the schools had not kept pace with the growth and added wealth of the comm unity, and one of the first jobs needed at the time of the World War was to expand and overhaul the education system. In 1919 the State of Illinois changed the assessment rate of all taxable property from one-third to one-half of full-and-tru e value. The three counties took advantage of the broadened base, a nd not only readjusted valuations according to the n ew State regulation , but reconsidered assessments generally and raised them still furth er. In this way the tax base was increa ed in 1 year from about 22 million dollars to over 40 million clollars. At the same time the total levy of tbe three coanties jumped from l}~ million dollars to almost 2¼ million (fig. 3-D). Th e long-awaited local improvements could get under way at last. In the early 1920's the community thus began to a surne some of the more important responsibiliti es it had neglected. The coal towns set about to provide themselves with sidewalks, gravel streets, sewage disposal, and city water. The school system was expanded. The problem of caring for widows and for the blind began to enterhowever dimly- into the consciousness of the county officials. The local government officials recognized that increased population had brought new needs, and they made provision for new expenditures for policing, fire protection, and all the regular services of the towns and counties-including the cloud no bigger than a man's hand , pauper relief. 13 The cost per pupil in schools throughout the country during the same period was $36. R eport of the Commissioner of Education for the Year Ended June 30, 1913. Vol. II, U. S. Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C., 1914, p. 34. l1q t,zed by Vri 1rial frorr, li'JTFRN~T ARCHIV~ JNIVERSITY 0• IL li'JO•S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Chapter II A DEPRESSED AREA Joss IN THE southern Illinois coal industry were still plentiful in 1926. Franklin, Saline, and Williamson coal production for the year set a new postwar mark and, indeed, almost equaled · the wartime record itself. Southern Illinois coal went upon the world market for the first time in 1926, when European buyers onlercd several trainloads of Franklin County coal for export through N cw Orleans. The world's r ecord for coal tonnage hoisted in an 8-hour shift at a single mine-h eld for years by one or another southern Illinois operatorwas broken many times during the year as the New Orient in Franklin County proceeded every month or so to surpass its own previous record. Th e working miners enjoyed a satisfying degree of economic independence. If a miner di liked his boss. or if he objected to lax safety practices, or if h e found hi earnings falling because of poor coal, h e could always quit his job, knowing that in a week or so he could find another one. You tlt, too, had an agreeable choice to make in 1926: They could, if th ey wished, take advantage of the excellent new high schools recently built throughout the coal field; or they could go to work at the min es as soon as they were grown. 1 The Franklin , Saline, and Williamson mine pay roll in 1926 amounted to about 40 million dollars, enough to provide a comfortable livelihood for th e entire working population and enough to initiate a boom in th e trade and servi ce industries. Miners were averaging between $50 and $60 for each 2-weeks' work in 1926, and sometimes "a pay" would run as high as $100. The automobile dealers, the 1 "As quickly as boys became of any size, their fathers took them to the mine. Boys could not sed the necessity fo r going to school when the a lmi ghty dollar could be earned so easily." Garstcns, Arthur and Whit<', Ina, A Semi-Stranded Area, unpublished ms., Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Washington, D. C., 1935, p. 18. 23 )1rn1 Led by Cm 11-=il from INTERN T A,< HIVE UNIVLKSIT" C IL~INO S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 24 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS grocers, the clothing merchants, the furniture and music stores all flourished, and the newspapers carried advertisements for grand pianos, Earl Carroll's Vanities, and men's $10 shoes as well as for necessities. When someone discovered a destitute family living on a garbage dump near Sesser, the entire community was shocked . Bank deposits in the three counties increased 3 million dollars in 1926, bringing the aggregate to 32 million dollars and breaking still another prosperity record. "The thing for our people to do," said a local newspaper that year, "is to settle down to a life of enjoyment and contentment." But there was little time left for either enjoyment or contentment, for the collapse came quickly. Within less than a decade the whole structure of prosperity lay in utter ruin. Where great noisy tipples had stood, one found a few years later only weed-covered railroad sidings, crumbling mine buildings, and scrub oaks growing in the silent mine yards. Sesser once had three mines and Benton had four; all were abandoned. Johnston City had eight mines, and they were all abandoned too. Out of the 16 mines which could once be seen from the Herrin city hall, 15 were gone forever. Throughout the 3 counties, 109 mines were abandoned from 1923 through 1938, leaving the countryside dotted with industrial tombstones- burnt-out slack piles, rotting tipples, here and there a smokestack standing alone in the middle of a pastme- to mark the- graveyard of almost 20,000 jobs. (See appendix: table ] .) Of course not all the mines had been abandoned; most of the largest mines, indeed, were still operating. But they too had undergone great changes. The old atomistic system of coal recovery, based upon pairs of independent, versatile hand loaders, had almost disappeared from Franklin, Saline, and "W illiamson Counties. The center of underground activity was now the great, n ew, automatic coal loaders, which could put as much coal into pit cars within a minute as hand loaders could load in an hour. Men were now organized into gangs; their jobs were simplified and specialized; the tempo of their work was heightened. At Herrin and Carrier :Mills, operators had reorganized the haulage system too; the standard system of hoisting coal in cages rnnning in a vertical shaft was replaced by a simple endless belt, fed underground by rubber-tired trucks. All in all, mine efficiency had nearly doubled. The coal towns had been transformed . Whole crowded sections of • the larger coal towns had fallen into decay. The paint had wom off the houses, windows long broken were patched with cardboard and adhesive tape, foundations had rotted away, leaving the roofs sagging and the walls askew. Other sections of town, where the miners' homes had been repossessed and razed for secondhand lumber, had vanished altogether. Block after block of vacant store space lined Digitized by Cn1:,inal from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A DEPRESSED AREA • 25 the business streets, testifying to the ruin of cores of businessmen. In some of the towns one found families living in tents, in banties built on the garbage dumps, in chicken houses. A half dozen once active mine villages had degenerated into dilapidated, crowded, poverty-ridden rural slums. In a few short years the coal towns had seen many strange thing happen. Out of every four coal diggers who had once worked in the mines, only one-who counted himself exceedingly lucky-still held his job; and even so his yearly income had shrunk from $1,350 to $700. Sometimes singly, sometimes in batches, a total of 34 coal-town banks had collapsed, and some 7 million dollars in savings had been swept away. The high schools had suddenly filled to overflowing; but the teachers went unpaid , and members of the graduating classes regularly took their places in the ranks of the unemployed. The coal town had seen families reduced to living on a dole as low as 78 cents a week, had seen outside charities set up soup kitchens for their undernourished children, and h ad een thousand of their people at hunger's door. What had happened? T o begin with, the community had lost half its coal market, three-fourths of its coal-mine jobs, and four-fifths of its mine pay rolls , the community's basic income. No new industries whatever appeared to fill these gaps in the coal towns' economy. And meanwhile, the size of the population in the three counties suffered only an insignilicant decline. In brief, the comm.unity no longer offered support for a large section of its population. UNEMPLOYMENT AND UNDEREMPLOYMENT Just how serious the economic plight of the southern illinois coal field had become may be judged, first of all, on the basis of the extent of unemployment among its workers and families. Statistics on unemployment ar e provided in a special survey of unemployment conducted in seven southern Illinois coal towns between D ecember 1938 and farch 1939. 2 The Labor Force At the time of the special census roughly two-fifths of the entire population of the coal towns were workers: that is, they came within 2 The census determined the employment status of workers as of a "census week" just prior to en umeration. The census week was changed from town to town as the enumeration progressed, but was never changed within a town. Enumeration began in Bush on D ecember 19, 1938, with reference to the census week December 11-17, 1938. The latest census week used was March 12- 18, 1939, applied in Herrin. Throughout chapters II and III, all mention of employment, unemployment, and !Abor-market status refers to the workers' activities during the census week. Di~ lliZt!d by Original from NTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 26 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS one of three categories--employed persons, unemployed persons actively seeking work, or persons normally employed but temporarily neither working nor seeking work (appendix table 10). Compared with the labor force in four American cities, 3 this proportion appears to have been somewhat small. Among males the difference was not great, though the seven coal towns did have a smaller proportion of males in the labor force. The difference was principally the result of a much smaller proportion of female workers in southern lliinois, where only 18 percent of all females were workers, as compared with 24 to 36 percent in the four cities . The fact that coal mining offers no job opportunities for women obviously accounts for this difference. The important point is that numerous persons who might have sought work under other circumstances were not seeking work in southern Illinois. Such persons are not, of course, counted among the community's workers, and hence are likewise excluded in the count of the unemployed. The Unemployed The census of unemployment in the seven coal towns was timed to coincide with the peak of the year's mining activity, 4 and it accordingly shows employment in the best possible light. Th e census caught E ldorado, for example, just after one mine had resmned work after a period of bankruptcy and reorganization, and just before a second mine shut down for the springtime slmnp. At Herrin the enumeration found another mine crew briefly enjoying the only stretch of employment it had had since 1937. Many other workers reporting private employment during the census period had only 3 The same survey of unemployment was also conducted in Birmingham, Ala.; New Bedford, Mass.; Toledo, Ohio; and San Franci co, Calif., at about the same time as the southern Illinois census. In the seven coal towns 41 percent of the population were workers; in Birmingham, 47 percent; in New Bedford, 51 percent; in Toledo, 45 percent; in San Francisco, 52 percent. For data on Birmingham, Toledo, and San Francisco see Webb, John N. and Bevis, Joseph C., Facts About umber 4, Division of Research, Unemployment, WP A Social Problem Series Work Projects Administration, Federal Work Agency, Washington, D. C., 1940. The data on Ne"· Bedford are derived from The Decline of a Cotton Textile City: A Study of New B edford, a manuscript in preparation by Seymour L. Wolfbein, Division of Research, Work P rojects Administration. 4 An index of seasonal variation in coal tonnage in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties for the period 1922- 1937 shows that the peak of activity occu rs between October and March, and the low point between April and August. Peak activity is regularly more than double the activ ity at the slack period. This remarkably wide seasonal fluctuation results in part from the timing of uniou stoppages, which ordinarily begin on April first of an "agreement year," i. e., a year in which a ne"· union contract must be negotiated. But in other outhern Illinois, unlike the years, the seasonal fluctuation i still very wide. Appalachian fields, get little busines from the summertime Great Lakes coal traffic. DigitlZ"'r' by Cn~1nal froM INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A DEPRESSED AREA • 27 recently resumed work or were soon to be laid off to face months of summertime unemployment. The mine work week was also longer than average during the census period, so that underemployment was at its minimum, too, for the year. But even under peak-season activity, the community's workers suffered a staggering loss through unemployment (fig. 5). Fig 5- UNEMPLOYMENT AND UNDEREMPLOYMENT IN 7 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL TOWNS AND IN BIRMINGHAM, NEW BEDFORD, TOLEDO, AND SAN FRANCISCO Percent of lobor force 100 Percent of lobor force 100 Pe, cen1 ol 80 Percen 1 ol ':!i1H:J: 40 60 20 80 40 :;- · 20 > 0 7 0 l'!C."1" . l . l . l j .,.~l°",l . . l 0 40 i ,_,o::, l <S" .• 60 I 40 /" "j ~ Employed, but working _ 20 less than 30 hours per week ~ Unemployed ~ § ;;; ~c::- -§' ,.__., _..._-", $ G qJ -~ .::- ;: ·S t :t & .._o <! t.,__'-0 ~ . o; ,;; 'Ii 2 o if ~o t:,o 0 ~ (j .¼"' Source , Appendi x table 10. WPA 3639 A good, simple rule of thumb for evaluating the gravity of unemployment might be about as follows: When 10 percent of a community's labor force is unable to find a job, the community has begun to suffer appreciably. When unemployment climbs to 20 percent, a depression of serious consequences exists. And when unemployment reaches 30 percent-a figure rarely reached by most American communities and still more rarely maintained over any period of time--the community must be judged to be in extremely desperate circumstances. According to this scale, the predicament of southern Illinois will be clear; throughout the seven towns 41 percent of all available workers had no jobs at the time of the census. In Johnston City, the hardest )14 ed by II, TE Rt-.J-T A,, HIVE Cr II I 'rem JN:VE ~c,rrv O IL INO C, AT URBANA< HAMPAIGN 28 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS hit of the larger coal towns, unemployment had climbed to 60 percent; and in the little mine village of Bush, un employment claimed four out of every five workers. In Zeigler and West Frankfort, two of the most active coal towns in Illinois, more than one-third of the workers were without jobs. Eldorado, which had (at the time) suffered far less than most of its neighbors from either mine mechanization or abandonment, was the most favored of the seven towns. Yet even there, more than one-third of all the available workers were found to be Lrnemployed. 5 (See appendix table 14.) Underemployment Tradition provides that southern Illinois mrnes shall work with the entire mine crew or else not work at all. If there are orders for coal, every man works; but if there are none, nobody works. Slack business at the operating min es accordingly means fewer days worked rather than fewer men working, underemployment rat.lier than unemployment. Dming the past few years 1 or 2 workdays a week have been the standard summertime schedule in southern Illinois, and even in the winter most of the mines run only 3 or 4 days unless the weather is severely cold. A second scheme for spreading work also reduces the length of the work week. According to agreement between the operators and the union , men displaced by machinery at a given mine have the right to "divided time" at the remaining jobs, and the reduced work is rotated so that all the men on divided time will work less in order that no one may lose his job altogether. The practice of spreading work in the seven towns has doubtless help ed to prevent unemployment from b ecoming even greater than it is. Yet underemployment can b e nearly as disastrous to a worker's welfare as complete lack of work. A worker who is allowed only 1 or 2 days of employment a week cannot meet his normal living expenses, and he is sometimes considered ineligible for public assistance 6 as long as he bolds a job bringing in any income at all. The extent of underemployment is another important index to the plight of the southern Illinois coal towns (fig. 5). 5 By comparison, the survey of Birmingham showed 26 percent unempioyed; New Bedford, 30 percent; Toledo, 30 percent; and San Francisco, 20 percent. The actual difference between sou them Illin ois and the four cities was probably even greater, for the wintertime s urvey would have found the four cities at their worst and the coal field at its best. 6 Shortly after the survey was completed, Illinois workers became eligible to receive compensation for either total or part-time unemployment. Coal miners are now permitted to draw compensation for underemployment, but only for a part of each year. Miners underemployed at the peak season would get little help from the compensation system, since most of their benefits would be used up in the summertime slump. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A DEPRESSED AREA • 29 In Bush and Johnston City, where few were working at all during the special census, obviously there could be little underemployment either; and the full effect of division of work is best seen in the more active towns-Eldorado, West Frankfort, and Zeigler-where underemployment had become little less widespread than unemployment itself. Throughout the seven towns a shortened work week added substantially to the general distress of the workers. ot only were two available workers out of every five without jobs altogether, but one out of five wa.s working less than 30 hours per week. 7 DISADVANTAGED WORKERS The shadow of the general industrial decline in southern Illinois falls in one way or another upon most of the workers in the coal to,rns. No age group and no class of worker bas escaped considerable damage from the disrupted labor market. Some sections of the working population, however, have borne more than the average burden of unemployment, and have been disadvantaged in relation to other sections of the depressed community. Throughout American industry young and old workers bear the heaviest brunt of unemployment, and the same general tendency governs the depressed labor market in the southern Illinois coal field. Th e tendency operates, however, with several qualifications and exceptions which grow out of the special rules for employment at the coal mines. Instead of being left to "natural forces," the labor market for miners is controlled within limits by the terms of the union contract. Employment Policy in the Mines Although the union contract reserves to the coal operator" the right to hire and fire," the right is substantially abridged in actual practice. An operator may after due warning discharge a miner for violation of afety rules, for unwarranted absence from work, for gross inefficiency and irresponsibility, for "vile and abusive language," or for physical incapacity to perform bis duties. Short of these reasons, the union 7 In Birmingham 10 percent of the available workers were employed less than 30 hours a week; in New Bedford, 7 percent; in Toledo, 8 percent; and in San Francisco, 11 percent. Incidentally, the prevalence of underemployment in southern Illinois does not mean that excessively long working hours were eliminated. Where trade and service workers were organized, it is true, the work week tended to be short. But in the unorganized industries, a 70-hour work week was by no means uncommon. One family was discovered in which the father, a coal miner, had been working 7 hours a week in the mines, while his son worked 72 hours a week in a gasoline station. In the 7 coal towns, 11 percent of all employed workers worked 60 hours or more, as against 9 percent in I e"· Bedford, 7 percent in San Francisco, 10 percent in Toledo, and 14 percent in Birmingham. Digitiz"d by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 30 • SEV EN STRANDED COAL TOWNS protects the min er in his job . The practice of replacing older workers with more active young ters is not permitted, for example. Nor can the operator indulge in periodic bolt-from-the-blue dismissals" to keep up morale," nor discharge surplus workers after the installation of coal-loading machines, nor pare down the min e crew for a p eriod of slack operation. Th ese restrictions on fu-ing of course restrict hirin g as well, and virtually eliminate labor tmnover at the operating mines. A second important tradition fixes the miners' job rights to a particular shaft, whose fortunes become their own. As long as a shaft continues to hoist coal, the entire mine crew is reasonably certain of some kind of a job (though by no means certain of a living wage the year round , particularly when divided time is widespread). When a shaft reopens after a period of suspension, all available members of the original mine crew must be rehired, for suspension does not cancel a miner's job rights. But if a shaft is abandoned, the job rights of its entire crew automatically disappear; and its miners are cast adrift to take their own chances of finding other jobs. The selection of those who shall be thrown out of work is thus governed more by the fate of each individual mine than by the characteristics of the miners themselves.8 From time to time a few new jobs for coal miner are created, either by the opening of new mines or the extension of the underground workings at operating mines. The operators may fill these jobs with whomever they please, and as a result hirings- unlike dismissals-are hi!?;hly selective. 9 Neither older displaced miners nor inexperienced youth have much chance at the new jobs. Most of them go to a special group of workers, usually young and active, and usually chosen from the abandoned mines of the company which is hiring. New jobs 8 There has been one significant departure from this tradition. In 1932 the local unions at most of the larger Franklin County mines split. Several thousand miners withdrew from the Un ited Mine Workers of America, established a new union, the Progressive Miners of America, and struck again t a new agreement. The strike f:>iled and the miners lost their jobs. It happened that at the tim e most of the struck mines were already mechanized, and their crews were heavily weighted with displaced hand loaders getting on in years and working on divided time. The dismissal of the strikers enabled the operators both to abolish the surplus jobs and to remove the older hand loaders from the mine rolls. It also enabled them to rebuild the mine crews according to such standards as they chose. The new employees at the struck mines automatically acquired the same job rights that govern every union mine, and the labor market was frozen again. 9 Job rights are not company-wide. If an operator abandons one mine and opens another at the same time, he may choose whom he pleases from the crew at the abandoned mine, and reject whom he pleases, in building a crew for the new mine. In this process the older workers are eliminated. Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Ong, 1al from UNIVERSITY OF ILLl~OIS AT URBANA-CHAM 'AIGN "When I think ab out th e futur e 1 get th e blu es so bad I can't sta nd it." l:n e mployetl Sou th e rn Jlli no is )fine !'. )I 11 zr u '-lTER"JET Af-lCHIVE from UN VERsrry OF ILL ''IIOIS AT URBANA-CHAM-AIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSl1Y OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A DEPRESSED AREA • 31 have been so rare in recent years, however, th:1,t even the preferred workers have benefited from them but little. All these policies add up essentially to this: Youth coming of working age are virtually barred from the mines, for all the available jobs are taken. Able-bodied older workers who have put in a lifetime of service to the mines are reasonably certain of work unle s their mines are abandoned; but if they ever do lose their jobs, they stand practically no chance to work underground again. The middle group of active experienced miners is likewise protected except against mine abandonment; and when they lose their jobs, they hold the best odds- such as they are-to return to work if new jobs are created. Hiring policies in the coal towns' retail and service industries offset these tendencies in part. A few of the older workers displaced from the mines have been able to pick up unskilled jobs here and there, and a few others have opened up little stores, beer parlors, hamburger stands, and the like in the coal towns. Jobs in the coal-town stores, garages, filling stations, utilities, and offices are open to anyone who can qualify for them; youth are not only acceptable but usually favored as applicants. But the service industries are little less depressed than the mining industry itself; job tmnover is small, and few jobs are available. Whatever job opportunities they offer do not neutralize the hasic employment patterns determined by policy at the nunes. Unemployment Among Coal Miners The shrinkage in the number of coal miners employed in southern Illinois has been brought about in two different ways. First of all, there have of course been thousands of dismissals, resulting either from the abandonment of mines or from the unsuccessful Progressive Miners of America strike in 1932. But other miners have left the industry for a variety of reasons not connected with dismissals. Death and permanent disability resultin g from mine accidents alone retire about 1 percent of the total mine crew in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties each year; and the expected mortality from natural causes runs to another 1 or 2 percent. In the course of a year a number of additional miners leave the labor market because of illness, age, and removal to another job or another community. The sum of all these causes reduced the total labor force at the mines by perhaps as much as one-fourth between 1929 and the time of the special survey of the seven towns. With the normal flow of inexperienced new workers into the coal industry checked, the loss of workers through death and withdrawal from the labor market produced a substantial net decrease in the size l1q1t12ed by 0n 111;:i.[ 'rorri INTFRNET ARCHIV~ JNIVERSITY 0• IL INO•S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 32 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS of the labor force attached to coal mining, 10 and further, a decrease in the inci dence of mrnmployment among miners who continued to be available for work. In 1939, paradoxically, unemployment among coal miners- that is, among those who reported coal mining as their usual occupation- was less severe than among the coal-town working population as a whole (appendix table 11). Unemployment claimed every third coal miner, but two-fifths of the transportation workers, two-fifths of the manufacturing and mechanical workers, and fourfifths of those without a usual occupation. Only the trade and professional workers fared better than the miners. Outsiders sometimes think of the unemployment problem in the coal towns as being almost exclusively one involving coal miners. Actually, as figure 6 shows, coal miners constituted only about one-fourth of the unemployed. Considerably more numerous among the Fiq 6 - INDUSTRY OF USUAL OCCUPATION OF UNEMPLOYED WORKERS, BY SEX, 7 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL TOWNS Percent 0 10 20 40 30 50 ' Agriculture and forestry Public and professional service Trade communication mm Domest ic and personal service I\:) I Transportation and Manufacturing and mechanical Mol e ("(5 percent) Female ( 25 percent ) (Total • 100 percent) Cool mining No usual occupation Source: Appendix table 12. WPA 3640 10 The decrease in the size of the labor force when neither replacements nor dismissals are made to an y extent is apparent in the process by which divided time " works itself out" and di sappears over a period of a few :vears . Zeigler mine No. 2, for example, installed new machines in 1936 a nd cut the number of available jo bs from 900 to 650. The " surplu s" workers, numbering 250, then bega n to share work with the "necessary" workers. In 1936 t he surplus shrank t o 200 miners, in 1937 to 100 miners, in 1938 t o 70 min ers, a nd in 1939 the surplust ogether with divided time--disappeared altogether . Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A DEPRESSED AREA • 33 unemployed were the workers without a usual occupation, a group composed mainly of youth who had been blocked from normal entry into the labor market. 11 Experienced workers from all industries other than coal miniJ1g also formed a larger proportion of the unemployed than the displaced coal miners. Age and Unemployment Like most American co mmuni ties, the coal towns showed least unemployment in the middle age groups, a higher incidence among the older workers, and the highest incidence of all among youth (fig. 7). 12 But because of the peculiar labor-market tendencies in southern Illinois, the variation among the three age groups was not exactly what might be expected in the operation of a more "normal" labor market. While older workers were disadvantaged by comparison with the middle group, their r elative disadvantage was not as great as Fig. 7- PERCENT OF LABOR FORCE UNEMPLOYED IN 7 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL TOWNS AND IN BIRMINGHAM, NEW BEDFORD, TOLEDO, AND SAN FRANCISCO, BY AGE GROUP Percent Percent 60 ~ - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -~ ~ _ []]Il] 50 60 Under 25 years of age 25 - 54 ye ars of age - j 50 ~ 55 yea rs of age and over - 40 - - 1 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 Southern Illinois Birmingham New Bedford Son Francisco Toledo WPA 3641 Source : Appendix table 14 . Seep.41. The percent of wo rk er unemployed in each age group in four Ameri can cities at about the time of the outhern Illinois survey were as follows: 11 12 Under 25 ywrs City 36 Birmingham, Ala ____ - - - - - --- 38 New Bedford, Mas,, _ _ --- --- --25 San Francisco, Calif __ _ _ _ - ___ - - - - - - - - Toledo, Ohio ___ ________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 25- 54 55 years 22 26 18 26 35 years and over 30 l1q1t12ed by 0n 1ri;:i.lfrorri INTE'RNET ARCHIV~ UNIVERSITY 0• IL IN01S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 27 35 34 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS commonly prevails. On the other hand , the relative disadvantage of youth was intensified beyond normal expectation.13 Youth in the Devressed Area Even beyond the general unemployment problem in southern Illinois, coal-field youth are a special problem in themselves, a disadvantaged group within a depressed area. Since they have little opportunity to enter the coal mines, they make up an insignificant part of the mine force. Out of 3,789 coal miners at work in the 7 coal towns, only 227 were under 25 years of age (appendix table 13) . Cut off in such fashion from the basic employment of the community, coal-field youth suffer an exceedingly high proportion of unemployment. Among all the workers under 25 years of age in the 7 towns, nearly three-fifths (58 percent) were unemployed at the time of the census (appendi,~ table 14 and fig. 7). In the most active of the 7 towns, nearly half the youth were jobless; in the most severely depressed town the proportion rose to almost 9 out of every 10. In contrast, the incidence of unemployment among youth in four American cities ranged from a low of 25 percent in one city to a high of 48 percent in another. Coal-field youth clearly bear an extra burden of unemployment, both by comparison with the other workers within the depressed area itself and also by comparison with the youth in other areas. FAMILY UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment among a community's workers does not tell exactly the predicament of a community's families. The loss of a job in a family with more than one worker employed is not quite as serious as the loss of a job in a family with a single breadwinner. An unemployed worker does not necessarily mean a famil_y out of work. On the other hand, some families in every community have no workers 13 The varying disadvantage of young and old workers, computed as the ratio of the percent of unemployment among the young and old workers in each city to the percent of unemployment among the middle age group in each city, appears as follows: Under 25 25-54 55 years City years years and over 7 southern Illinois coal towns____________ 170 100 126 Birmingham, Ala __ ___ _____ _____________ 164 100 136 New Bedford, Mass____ _________________ 146 100 135 San Francisco, Calif____________________ 139 100 150 Toledo, Ohio___________________________ 158 100 135 The incidence of unemployment among the older coal-field workers was only 26 percent higher than among the middle group, but in four American cities it ran from 35 percent to as high as 50 percent above the incidence in the middle group. The incidence of unemployment among coal-field youth was 70 percent above that of the coal-town middle group; in three American cities, however, the differential against youth was 39 percent to 64 percent. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN A DEPRESSED AREA • 35 at all, and would be without means of support even though all the community's gainful workers were employed. Th e family is an economic as well as a social unit. Its economic resources, as far as employment is concerned , depend upon the number of workers it contains. The more workers a family has, the better its chances of having at least one member employed. In the seven coal towns the distribution of families by the number of available workers per family was not out of the ordinary. About one-tenth of the families had no workers at all, more than two-thirds had only one worker, and one-fourth had two workers or more; apparently, thesf' proportions are about what would be expected in most nonagricultural American communities. 14 With no more than a normal distribution of workers in coal-town families , the heavy incidence of worker unemployment naturally took a heavy toll in family unemployment (fig. 8).15 Fig . 8 - UNEMPLOYMENT AMONG FAMILIES IN 7 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL TOWNS AND IN BIRMINGHAM, NEW BEDFORD, TOLEDO, AND SAN FRANCISCO JOO;___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Percent Percent ~ 100 Perc:e: nl ,oo Percent 100 80 80 60 60 80 40 60 60 20 o 40 Some workersnone employed No workers 20 ~ § ~ -s:c: -f ,__., (3:::... Q)~ $ .,:-.t- c.;cl- ;:, ~c:: ,t, < ,. ~ -? ~ ,t- .o; <i, 'v 20 ~ ,? ~ ,;; ~.,~ Source: Appendix table 15 . WPA 3642 " Approximately the same proportions were found in Toledo and San Francisco. In Birmingham and Ke\\· Bedford, howm·er, the number of families with two workers or more was considerably higher, because of the employment of females in the textile and domestic-sen·ice industries. 15 Families in the seven coal towns, like those elsewhere in the country, suffered less from unemployment when they contained more than one worker. Among families with one available worker, 40 percent had no employment. But among families with two available workers or more, 25 percent had no member employed . [ i< 11 Z by 'l!TER'\IET ARn vr= 011gina1 frLm UNIVERSITY OF ILLNOIS A, URB.ANA-G AMPAIC N 36 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Tlll'oughout the scYcn towns twu families out of every five held no job in industry, either because they contained no worker or because their worker members were unable to find jobs. Even in the most active coal towns, every third family still held no job in private industry. In JohnsLon Cit:, the familie with no member employed made up nearly two out of enry three families , a.n d in the village of Bush they made up nearly four out of every fiYe. (See appendix table 15.) In contrast, four American cities reported only about one-fourth of their families without jobs. 16 Some of these, the families without workers, \\·ere not necessarily a depression problem, of course. Families in which the bead is a ,rnman with dependent children, or in which tbc head is incapacitated by injury or disease, or is aged and too feeble to work would presumn bly exist in about the saine proportion i11 good limes as well as bad, though their problem naturally becomes more acute whrn the depression cuts off whatever support they may have hnd in better times from relatives. But the great majority of the familiPs without jobs were not of this type; more than three-fou rth of them c-onlaincd one or more available workers, none of ,vhom was ab]r, lo find a job. 11oreovcr, the families which did hold priYatc jobs ,,·ere not necessarily as fortunate as this clas ification implies. , onw of them had earnmgs so lo,Y that they still required public assi sta nce (appendix table 15). Others contained jobless workers who doubtless felt the distress of uncmploymenL no less acutely than if the entire family had been out of work. Whether the sta,te of the south ern Illinois Jnbor rnarkc•l is measured in terms of famiJies or workers, the conc-h1sion i. tlw, ame. Between one-third and two-thirds of the people- cleJ)('nding on the circumstances of the individual towns- were" surplus" at the busiest season of 1939; and a considerable part of the remainder " ·pre none too secure, as the figures on underemployment reYcal. The seven coal town have undergone a depression so sen.- re that today they take their place, not, as before, among the most prosperous American commtmities, but among the most prostrate. In the l 920's superlatives were applicable to the prosperity of the coal field. Today, superlatives arc again applicable, but they are the old ones reversed. 16 In Birmingham 7 percent of the families had no work ers and an additional 16 percent had worker without job : in Ke\\· Bedford and an Francisco the proportions were, respecti vely, 11 percent and 15 percent: and in Toledo, 9 percent and 22 percent. Note that the proportion of families without workers in tne four citie was roughly th e same a in the seven coal town . Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Chapter Ill LONG UNEMPLOYME N T I N THE DEPRESSED AREA THE WORKERS employecl in most "normal" American industrial commuuities are consta.ntly shifting and changing. A part of the labor force will always be losing its jobs; another part will be returning to work; a third part will be entering industry for the first time. The constant labor turnover means that at any given time a considerable part of the unemployed will have been out of work only a short time, and will have a reasonable chance of shortly returning to work. This situation reflects itself in a relatively short duration of unemployment among a cross section of all the jobless workers. In the southern Illinois coal field there was also once a time when an w1cmployed worker could find another job without much trouble. But as more and more mines shut do,vn, as more and more stores, garages, banks, and other local businesses disappeared, jobs became increasi ngly difficult to find. Men at work held to their jobs tenaciously; mobility from job to job was stopped; the labor market was frozen. At last there came a time when a man who had lost his job was very un likely Lo find another. His qualifications, his experience, his union, even his friends might do him little service, for job opportunities h ad all but vanished. Such was the prevailing condition of the coal-town labor market at the time of the special unemployment survey in 1939. T he constantly narrowing chance for reemployment in the coal field reflects itself in the long period of unemployment reported by the coal-town jobless workers. Long unemployment, in turn, implies a whole train of consequences for a people who were prosperous only a short time ago . It means drastically reduced income and dependence upo11 pu blic aid. It means the sacrifice of the normal accumulations against want and old age, and the destruction of former living standards. It also means immeasurable an..xiety, hopelessness, and despair. 37 Di( 1tizt!d by Original from NTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 38 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS DURATION OF UNEMPLOYMENT The average duration of unemploy ment among all the unemploy ed workers in the seven coal towns is shown in appendix table 16 and figure 9. Fig. 9 - AVERAGE* DURATION OF UNEMPLOYMENT SINCE LAST FULL-TIME JOB OF WORKERS IN 7 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL TOWNS AND IN BIRMINGHAM, NEW BEDFORD, TOLEDO, AND SAN FRANCISCO Months 36 48 60 72 Bush Johnston City Corrier Mills Herr in West Fronkforl Zeigler Eldorado * Median . Source : Append ix table 16 . WPA 3643 These figures, it must be rem embered, do not indicate th e time lost through unemploy ment during the past fc\\· years, but only the time elapsed sin ce the last 2-wceks' job of at least 30 hours' work each week. ·w orkers who had picked up occasional odd jobs would shorten the average duration anrl put the best face on the matter. E ven so, the 1 .figures are almost incredible. The r ecord of experienc ed and ableyears is an 6 to 2 from of bodied workers out of a job for an average ed in an unemploy the all extraordin ary showing for a cross section of of measure a as means area. What wrnmploy ment of snch duration comby clear be will towns the general economic collapse of the coal parison with fou r American cities, where th e average duration of un employment during the same period was roughly 1 year. Coaltown workers in southern Illinois had not only suffered half again as much unemploy ment as might have been expected in an "average" communi ty during 1939, but their unemploy ment h ad lasted three times as long. Duration of un employmen t could not, of course, be computed for the num erous new workers in the seven towns who had never had a full-tim e job in private industry. This group is discussed later; see pp. 40-43. 1 Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN j LONG UNEMPLOYMENT • 39 Displaced Miners Although coal miners enjoy a measme of secmity as long as the mine employing them continues to work, those who have lost their jobs face a particularly difficult problem. Once a miner is out of the mines, his chances of returning are small, especially if h e happ ens to be an older worker. Unemployed coal miners accordingly reported the highest average dmation of unemployment of all the major industrial groups within the coal towns. Half of all the unemployed coal miners had been out of work for 68 months or more-over 5½ years. (See appendi.,-x table 17.) Unemployed coal miners' time out of work increased with their age. Among those over 55 years, for example, the average duration of unemployment was 6½ years. Unemployed miners under 45 years, on the other hand, had been out of work about half as long. This differ ence reflects a somewhat more favorable labor market for the younger displaced miners. Avenues closed to older displaced miners are not altogether closed to the younger men. Some of them have been rehired in other mines, some have moved away, a few-probably very few-hav e shifted to other industries. In spite of these advantages, however, even the most favored among the unemployed miners had still been out of work for an average of more than 3}~ years. The displaced coal miners in southern Illinois are obviously a disadvantaged group of workers. Out of work for more than 5 years on the average, skilled workers in a declining industry, replaced by machines, lacking the resomces and the qualifications to seek work in another labor market, likely in many cases, indeed, to spend the rest of their days outside of private industry, these workers suffer long unemployment at its worst. The Rest of the Long Unemployed If we arbitrarily set up 1 year of unemployment as a convenient dividing line between "short-term" and "long-term" unemployment, ,.,,.e may identify that part of the labor force which has suffered most tlu-ough loss of work. In the 7 coal towns there were 3,117 such long-unemployed workers (appendL'< table 17). They constituted nearly one-fourth of all the exp erienced 2 workers in the coal towns and almost three-fourths of all the experienced unemployed workers. We may make a further distinction and identify the workers unemployed more than 3 years as the "very long" unemployed. There were 2,223 such workers in the coal towns. They made up about one-seventh of all workers and roughly half of all the unemployed. Who were these workers? 2 The term "experienced" applies to workers who have had a full-time private job. )i4 t 1ed by 1r--iTrn~ _TA~, HIVE Cri 1r I 'rem JNIVE ~',ITV O IL INO S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 40 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Coal miners made up by far the largest single group of these long and very long unemployed. The remainder were distributed among scores of other industries, with no significant concentration in any one industry. When combined, however, these other industries contributed one long-unemployed worker for each one contributed by the coal mines. The bmdcn of unemployment in a one-industry community falls not alone on workers in the main industry. Fig. 10- INDUSTRY OF LAST FULL-TIME JOB OF WORKERS UNEMPLOYED MORE THAN I YEAR AND MORE THAN 3 YEARS IN 7 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL TOWNS Percent Percent 60 40 20 20 0 0 40 60 Agriculture ond forestry Public ond professional service .... , . Workers unemployed j:::; Tronsportotion ond communication j IT~l~I t=h~~cj :e~~~nt) ~ Domestic ond personal service Workers unemployed more thon 3 yeors (Toto!= 100 percent) Monufocturing ond mechonicol Cool mining Source: Appendix toble 17. WPA 3644 Inexperienced Workers Inexperienced jobless workers- if they eA'ist in unduly large numbers-have the same significance as long-unemployed workers. The problem of the long unemployed is their difficulty in recovering a place they once held in industry. The gravity of their problem is implied in the lapse of time since they last worked. The problem of the inexperienced workers is their difficulty in finding their first jobs in industry. Since lapse of time is difficult to measure in this situation, the unemployment problem among new workers may be shown in terms of the number of inexperienced workers in the labor· market. ' Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN wors e." "Tim es are sure bad for everyb ody. But th e young ones-t hey got it A Youn g South e rn I llinois W or ker. r, g1t1Zed y INTJ:'\NET ARCHIVf 01 g1na1 Jl'l uNl%R'i,TY OF LLINOIS AT UR"lANA-CHAMPA,CN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSl1Y OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN LONG UNEMPLOYMENT • 41 Youth As we have seen, coal-town youth suffer an extremely high incidence of unemployment; nearly three workers out of every five under 25 years of age were jobless at the time of the special survey. This figure tells only a part of their predicament. Ordinarily, the economic problems of youth consist more in the kinds of jobs they get-the wages they receive, the hours they work, the insecurity of their jobsthan in their failure to get jobs of any sort. A recent study of urban youth in the labor market has shown that however many problems young workers faced, most of them have at least held a job at one time or another. 3 In the southern Illinois coal field , however, quite another situation prevails. A substantial part of the coal-town youth are not only unemployed, but have still to find their first job. Nearly two-fifths of the new generation of workers in the coal towns have come to their best productive years without ever having held a full-time job in private industry. In the more severely stricken towns the proportion rose to half of all young workers; and even in the most active of the towns surveyed more than one-fourth of the youth had never been employed. Among all the coal-town youth who were jobless at the time of the special survey, nearly two-thirds had never held a full-time job at any time in the past. (See appendi,'{ table 18.) In most American industrial communities the case for youth-bad as it is-has one reli eving feature: unemployed youth are at least future workers. At any given time, it is true, a section of youth are in the position of awaiting their turn in industry. But in the course of time most of them will presumably be drawn into private jobs. Youth generally do not fall into the category of the long unemployed. In the southern Illinoi coal field, however, even such qualified optimism is not pos ible. Looking at the problem of coal-town youth as one of waiting for work, one will conclude that for many the wait must be very long indeed. The general predicament of youth in the depressed area suggests an analogy with sections of youth in postwar Engla,nd and Germany, the "lost generation" which has grown to middle age without every knowing the experience of a private job. The Rest of the Inexperienced Although most of the inexperienced coal-town workers were youth, a few were older workers. Among the workers under 25 years nearly two-fifths were inexperienced; among the workers over 25 years, only about 1 in each 20 wa.s in experienced (appendix table 18). 3 Payne, Stanley L., Disadvanta ged Youth on the Labor Market, Series I, No. 25, Division of Research, Work Projects Administration , Federal Works Agency, Washington, D. C ., 1940. )1 4 t ~ed by INTFR~ :TAR~ HIVE 0n 1riail 'ron, UNIVERSITY 01' IL INO S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 42 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Fig . 11 - WORKERS UNDER 25 YEARS OF AGE WHO NEVER HELD A FULL-TIME JOB, 7 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL TOWNS, BIRMINGHAM, NEW BEDFORD, TOLEDO, AND SAN FRANCISCO Percent A. AS A PER CENT OF ALL WORKERS UNDER ~5 Percent 100 , -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - ---, 100 Percent PtrCll'II 100 , - - -- -- - 80 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - 60 f-- -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - 100 - BO 60 1 - - - - -- -- 60 80 1--- - - -- 80 - 60 20 0 40 20 0 0 ........ ;f <$ .._<S ~ . .} c-·S ~ .:- ~ -;~ Percent 100 ~ <, ~ -? * ,,_-§ .,.,-- $ (j -§ .._o .} . o; ~ bo 0 .¾ AS A PERCENT OF ALL UNEMPLOYED WORKERS UNDER 25 B. Percent 100 80 801--- - -- ----1 8 0 60 - - - - - - < 60 60 40 - - - - - -- - -- - - -~ 20 a~ ;f <$ ;; .,f ..,,o ~ ~ ... ,§ ._o;:- ·S ...... ~., c-·!!' <.,o ~ ,/' .} i,; of 'v 20 -§ .._o bo 0 .7-~ Source : Appendix table 18. WPA 3645 Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN LONG UNEMPLOYMENT • 43 Many of these, naturally enough, were in the age group 25-29 years, and r epresent persons who have been unsuccessfully seeking work over a period of some years. Others, of course, represent new entrants to th e_labor market, and in particular, inexperienced women forced by circumstances to seek work for the first time at near middle age or beyond. It may be noted, however, that these older in ;,.-perienced workers formed a smaller part of the total coal-town labor force than would be expected in most communities. Work-Progra m Employment Obviously, a workingman cannot maintain himself and hi s family for 1 or 2 years- let alone 5 years- without work. The first shock of long unemployment may perhaps be taken up by accumulated reserves, by savings accounts, life-insurance policies, and home ownership. In southern Illinois, however, the early years of the depression wiped out a great part of the community's reserves through bank failure, lapsed payments, and the collapse of real-estate values. Once these resources had vanishrd, and once the debts with landlord, grocer, and butcher had reached the limits allowed, some form of public assistance became essential. At the time of the special survey employm ent on the work programs 4 was the principal form of assistance available to the ablebodied unemployed ; and Lhe proportion of the tmcmployed holding work-program jobs was, again, unusually high (fig. 12). Ordinarily , the proportion of unemployed workers on the work programs remains low. For the country as a whole an estimated 20 to 25 percent of the unemployed had work-program jobs at about the time of the coal-town survey. Depressed areas are an exception to this general rule. The rate of labor turnover is low, the long unemployed form an unduly large group of workers, and the normal activity of seeking a job has little chance of success. In southern Illinois the work programs have necessarily become indispensable props to the economic life of the community. The work programs for youth were of special importance to the coal towns. Nearly half the unemployed coal-town youth, and well over one-quarter of all the youth in the labor market, held jobs on either the NYA, the CCC, or the WPA. In contrast, four American cities reported an average of about 20 percent of the unemployed youth, and 7 percent of the youth in the labor market, holding work4 As used here this term includes the Works Progress Administration, the National Youth Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and other emergency work programs of the Federal Government. Of these, the WP A is by far the largest. DI( 11 Z by NTERN~T ARC!-' vr= Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 44 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS program jobs.6 On the basis of a given number of unemployed youth, the coal towns thus had more than double the work-program employment of a cross section of urban youth. And on the basis of a given number of youth in the labor market , the extent of work-program employment in the seven coal towns was four times greater. Fig. 12 - PERCENT OF UNEMPLOY ED WORKERS ON WORK PROGRAMS« IN 7 SOUTHER N ILLINOIS COAL TOWNS AND IN BI RMIN GHAM, NEW BED FORD, TOLEDO, AN D SAN FRANC ISCO Percent Percent - ,oo 100 .:--- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- -- -- Perc e nt , o o ~ -- 80 1--- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - Percen t -- 80 >--- - -- 60 >--- ,oo - 80 - 80 - - - - 60 • o >-- r,;,, - -- - - < • o 60 20 20 --j 60 0 40 40 20 - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - , 20 emergency programs . Source : Appendix table 10. WP A 36 46 Long-Unemployed Fam ilies Long unemployment is a family disaster. A substantial number of coal-town families , it will be recalled, had none of their workers employed in private industry at the of the southern Illinois unemployment survey. 6 These families had frequently been wi thou t private employment for a period of some years. Long-unemployed In the seven coal towns, 48 percent of the unemployed youth and 28 percent of all youthful workers were on the work programs. In Birmingham the proportions were, respectively, 30 percent and 7 percent; in e" · Bedford, 20 percent and 6 percent; in Toledo, 18 percent and 10 percent ; in San Francisco, 17 per cent and 5 percent. The ratio of WP A to NYA to CCC among youth var ies considerably . In the seven coal to"·n, it " "a s 2-2-1. In Birmingham the ratio 1Ya8 5- 5-1; in New Bedford, 1- 1- 2; in San Francisco, 1- 3- 1; in Toledo, 5-3- 1. G Sec pp. 34-36. 5 Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN LONG UNEMPLOYMENT • 45 famili es were common not only among the coal-town families with only a single worker, but among the multiworker families as well. Among coal-town families whose worker members were unemployed, one group had had no job in private industry for more than a year at the time of the survey. Two-thirds of all the unemployed families fell within this group.7 Another group of families contained only workers who had never held a full-time job in private industry. A great many of these families were of course young couples who had ma1Tied b efore the head could find a job. Others were mature families in which the breadwinner's responsibility had fallen to a youth or to an older inexperienced female head. Every ninth unemployed family in the coal towns surveyed was such a family. All told, Ii.early four-fifths of the unemployed families contained only inexperienced or long-unemployed workers. (See appendix table 19.) These are the families who have borne the heaviest burden of the coal fi eld 's decline. A few years ago they were as necessary in the community as any other coal-town families; today they are "surplus" population, and a great gap separates them from the normal economic life of the coal towns. Their common experience is less income, greater dep endence on relief, and more of all the stark compulsion of poverty than prevail among their neighbors in the depressed area. THE LIVING STANDARDS OF THE LONG UNEMPLOYED The various indexes of economic disturbance, marshaled in this and the preceding chapter, show the southern Illinois coal field to b e a critically depressed community. In human terms, what does this fact m ean? What does it mean to say, for example, that twofifths of the coal-town labor force is jobless, or that four out of every five un employed families in the coal towns have had no work for a year or lon ger? As an approach to these questions, the principal findings of a special survey of buying patterns among 149 longunemployed coal- town families conducted in the spring and summer of 1939 are presented. 8 Income The income of th e long unemployed is derived almost entirely from various forms of public assistance. WPA employment alone accounted for 81 percent of all the families' income during an average month; direct relief, old-age assistance, CCC, and NYA together provided another 12 percent of all income. The small remainderWe leave out of account here the families which contained no workers at all. The survey included on ly families which contained one worker or more. Dependency growing out of the absence of workers in the family unit is not r epresented in the 149 families surveyed. 7 8 Di( 11 Z' by NTER'lffT ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 46 • SEVEN STRANDED COA L TOW NS 7 percent of all income-came from earnings on odd jobs picked up here and there in the coal towns, from gifts, and from th e sale of various possessions. 9 The average income of the families from all th ese sources was $39.30 per month-$471.60 per yea r . Th e average size of family dependent upon this income was 3.5 persons. Expenditure Patterns An aYerage monthly income of about $40-plus some supplementation by surplus commodities for large familie - must thus providr all of a long-uI1employcd family's needs. Th e resulting problem in household fina.n ce is difficult indeed . Each family must try to stretch this income to satisfy the butcher, the baker, the grocer, the landlord, the dry-goods merchant, the moving-picturn manager, the pastor, th e utility company, and the doctor. When the money does not go around the alternatives arc clear. The family may possibly run into debt, although the chances of finding a creditor arc not good. Other,,;rise the family mu t simply do without and not only put up with discomfort but even get along without necessities. The resulting predicament of the families is shown in the level of buying choices they must make. Early in the winter, for example, one housewife was faced with the mgent need for both a n ew heater and a .winter coat, but she had money enough for only one. After long thought she decided that a heater was more needed, and sh e bought one on the installment plan. Three month s later, however, she wished she had bought the coat because " it would have cost less and we wouldn't have to owe for it." In another family an unemployed miner 's wife wa ill , but had no doctor. "We doctor ourselves," she sa id; "every time you get the doctor it takes that much off what you have to eat." Another coupl e bad 30 cents saved to celebrate their wedding anniversary. The problem then was bow to spend it, wh eth er to buy a dish or go to the movies. Th ey decided at last to go to the movies and do without the dish. Another family chose to ba,e the kitchen stove r epaired in preference to replacing worn-out shoes, another traded food for pillow slips, and so on. The sum of all these choices between competirtg needs creates a pattern imposed by the "must" items in subsistence living Each family spends its money in its own way, but as the following table indicates, there is less choice involved than one might thinl-:. 9 Barter is not included as a part of income. Nevertheless, some of the barter transactions among the long unemployed take on considerable importance, not to say complexity. One family, for example, set out to buv a house which had been ruined by the Ohio River floods . This deal, involv i,;g $30, ,ms achieYed through these steps: (J) trading a hog to pay for part of the hou se, (2) mortgaging a cow to pay the rest. and (3) selling the cow to pay for new s hingles and the electr ic light deposit. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN LONG UNEMPLOYMEN T • 4 7 Percent Distribution of Expenditures of Long- Un em ployed Families in 3 Southern Ill inois Coal Towns ICarrier Mills Tots! Item TotaL _____ ________________ . ___ ____ _____ __ __ _ 100 100 West Fran kfort Zeigler 100 100 l - - -- r- - - -1 - - - - ~ - - - - Food . . ________ . __________________ . ________ ___ _____ _ Clothing.·- - --- --------------------------- ----- ---Personal care___ ________________________ _________ ___ Housing ____ ____________ _____ __ ____________ ________ Household operation ____ __ ____________ · - · · -- --·-Furniture, furnishings, and household equ ipment_ _ Medical care . . __ ____ __________ . __ . · · --- --· ·T ransportation __ __ ________ ______ __ ___ . __ ________ Recreation __ ____ __________ ____ ____ __ ____ ___ __ __ All other_________ ______ __ _________ __ ____ _____ __ _ __ 51 50 9 7 1 II 5 6 3 1 JI 6 5 3 6 I 7 5 2 JO 49 51 16 I 9 7 8 1 12 6 4 4 5 3 4 8 4 l 6 1 fi'oorl When incomes fall, the relative importance of food increases, not only because food is the most urgent of a family's needs, but also because ha bits of diet are p0werful and tend to be maintained after other li ving habits have disintegrated. Ordinarily, even in families li ving on short income, the cost of food occupies no more than onethird of a family 's total budget; a.n d as income increases, the cost of food falls considerably below a third. Among the long-unemployed fam ilies in the coal towns , however, food purchases accounted for exnc tly half of all cash expenditures. Out of the $40 which the flverage family was a.ble to spend each month, $20 went for food. In spite of the important position of food expenditmes in the b11dgets of the coal-tow11 long unemployed , a generally satisfactory diet was by no means provided. According to the accepted standards for measurin g adequacy of diets, 10 cents per person is considered to be the minimum cost per meal in a budget to be used over any long period of time; and beb1·cen 7 .5 and 8 cents is the absolute bottom for an "emergency" hudgct designed to tide a family over a short period of poor luck. But th e nverage sum available to the lon g-unemployed famili es in southern Illinois was 6.3 cents a meal. Moreover, this allowance was not a temporary expedient, but had become more or less permanently established over a period lasting for many families as · lon g as 7 or 8 years. In the process of stretch ing their cost pei· meal further than it should hnve to go, the families have become accustomed to several serious deficiencies in their diets. Flour, corn meal, beans, potatoes, and hacon are necessarily the basic foods consumed. Fresh milk is almost excluded from the average menu, even when there are small children in the family , and canned milk is substituted . Oleomargarine takes the place of butter. Fresh vegetables are likewise absent through out th e ,1·inter and sprin g, and in the summertime as well unless a family has a garden of its own. Unsalted meat is usually ) 11 zrd by '-lTER'-lU AKCHIVE Ong1 ,al from UN VERSITV OF lll''-IOIS AT U'\tlANA-l HAM t\lGN 48 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS foregone except for the biweekly pay-day celebration, the husband' lunch on WPA workdays, and an occasional upper of hamburger, wieners, shank bone, or some other cheap meat. Families wanting: more fresh meat- the central European immigrants in particularmust trim their budget el ewhere to make up the difference. As the number of mouths Lo be fed increase , the burden of providing enough food of the right kind naturally become more difficult. In the very large familie , however, the difficulty is partly relieved by surplus commodities. "[f it weren't for surplu commodities," said one housewife, "we couldn't navigate at all." Many families also rai e a pnrt of their own food. Though by no means universal, garden , chickens, and even pigs and cows were common, and they doubtle s helped to improve the quality of many a long-unemployed family's diet. They did not, however, solve the families' food problems- as outsiders so often suppose. Nor were they always a net financial gain; feed for cows and chickens, canning supplies, seeds, and the like were items of considerable importance in the family budgets. Clothing Very little of the long-unemployed families' income goes for clothing. Out of the aYernge income of $40 a month, 9 percent, or about $3.60, was spent on clothes. Over the couTse of a full year, clothes would cost the average long-unemployed family about $43, which would be less than one-third the amount provided in synthetic "maintenance" budgets, and less than half the amount provided in minimum-standard "emergency" budget . As the wife of a long-unemployed miner commented, "You can promise your back, but you can't promise yom tomach." The job of keeping a family lothed is accomplished through a variety of ingenious make hift in ordrr that money which would otherwise be spent on clothing may be diYertcd to apply on more pressing needs. Flour sacks, sugar ack , and feed acks are made over for a wide variety of need , ranging from underwear and sheeting to washrags and curtains. The life of every garment is streLched to the limit; clothes are always made over, patched, and handed down from person to person until "when they 're finished, they're about gone." For necessary replacemt'n ts many families depend on econdhand clothing, or on cas toff clothes donated by more prosperou relatives. Surplus commodity clothing- much of it made in the WPA sewing roomshelps the larger families. Often replacement is not po iblc from any source. Some familic had no shoes for winter weather and some had none at all; some were forced to send their children to school in rotation; on washday it was not unusual for family members to be confined to the house until their clothes were my. OigltlZ"'r' by C.n 111 I frorri NTERNET ARCH VE UN VERSITY O~ IL INO 5 AT UREIANA-CHAM?AIGN ec111·i,ty A<l1ninistration (Hoth , t ein). "Ten years ago you wouldn't of /mow ed it was th e same house." The Home of an Unemployed :\liner in Franklin County, Ill. )io,t;,ed by on..,inal frofll INTERI\JET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN LONG UNEMPLOYMENT • 49 The families' clothes are usually 3 or 4 years old. Few have good dresses or suits; and a clean housedress or overalls-sarcastically called "blue serge"-serve for special occasions as well as everyday use. Inadequate clothing often results in changed social habits. Many families have not attended church since they wore out their last Sunday clothes, and visiting beyond the neighborhood is similarly handicapped. An unemployed miner complained, "See my pants, a patch h ere, a patch there, and I have to go to town like this. I have to buy for the kids first, they go to school. But I have to go among people too, once in a while." Housing Housing, like clothing, was subject to considerable skimping. The cash cost of housing in the budgets of the coal-town long unemployed absorbed 11 percent of the total cash outlay, and averaged about $50 per family over the period of a year. About half the families still held title to their house and paid somewhat less than the average, while the families who rented paid somewhat more. In both situations, however, unpaid housing obligations tended to accumulate, either as d elinquent taxes among owners or as past-due rent among the tenants. Both owned and rented houses had often passed into the advanced stages of disrepair. Roofs leaked ("like all outdoors"); windowpanes were cracked and sometimes mis ing al together; floors sagged and doors were pulled askew from the rotting of underpinning; the paint on most of the houses had long since worn away. "But if you'd come to my hou e 10 years ago," said a miner's wife, "you wouldn't of kn.owed it was the same house." In spite of all these hardships the houses were almost invariably kept clean and neat, and decorated with the b est that had come to hand- with crocheted work, bright lithographed calendars, and religious mottoes. City water, and often electricity as well, had been sacrificed. Out of all the long-unemployed families interviewed, 80 percent had no running water and 95 percent used outside toilets. Bathtubs had become an equally rare luxury. Every third family had had the electricity twned off and had reverted to kerosene lamps. Gas for cooking was available to most of the communities, but only 3 percent of the long-unemployed families could afford to use it. ln spite of the intense summertime beat in southern Illinois, half the long-unemployed families used no ice. Medical Care Southern Illinois long-unemployed families bear their full share of illness. D eficient diets extended over any p eriod of time will leave their mark; and the insecurity and worry of long unemployment can [ i( 11 Z by NTERI\JET ARn v~ Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 50 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS ontribute to a variety of di orders. 1loreoYer, when illne s does come to the familie of long-unemployed workers it is likely not to b e properly treated. Many of their small disordl'rs gro"· into chronic undiagno ed ailment sim ply becau e the famili es cannot afford proper medical care. All these difficulties produced a rather unu ual rl'corcl of di ability among the long unemplo~, ed in the coal t°'vns. During th year ending June 30, 1939, the member of the families intervicwl'd were disabled for an average of 25 clays each. 10 The ca h outlay for medical care absorbed about 5 percent of total ca h expenditures of the lon g-unemployed families, and in a full year it co t an average of about $23 per family. This outlay, however, took care of only a mall part of the total charges made against the families for medical care. Accumulated debt for past medical care amounted to an average of ·34 per family at the encl of the period covered . In mo t cases th e families accepted this debt as a r eal obligation against their future income. But there i a limi t to cr edit for even such neces arie as medical care. Many of the serYi ces that the families needed they did without. Hospitalization, for example, was quite out of th e que ti.on for longunemployed familic . One unemployed worker "nearly went crazy with the toothache all summer," but could not afford to get treatment. A schoolboy had to drop out of school for a whole year because the family could not buy glasses for hin1. In one family a diabetic had nl'iiher proper diet nor insulin. :.Iany persons bad not been able to buy fal e teeth after their own werl' ('xtracted. And there were in tancl's in almost every family of home treatment for illness which would ordinarily call for medical care. Other .\'eeds Several other types of wants baYe a necessary claim on the longunemployed families' income. Trnnsportation, which in most families involves nothing more than rid es from home to th e WPA proj ect and back, is a substantial and inescapable item. The co t of household operation is omewhat reduced by the cheap fu el available in all the coal towns- where "gopher-hole·, coal sells for as little as 1.50 a ton; but even so, the cost of fud and lights still absorbed 6 percent of the family income. The families had also cut their exp endi10 It hould be borne in mind that th e familie:-: ~tudied wer e not "tm ernployable," but that each contained one available worker or more. Th e National Health urvey discovered that dmi11g 1935 and 1936 the aYerage annual di -ability per per on in the population at large was 9.8 days, and that arnonp; rcli f recipient generall~- the av erage was 16.3 days. See Division of Public Health Method , Th e National Health Suri•ey : 1985-1936, Preliminary R eport , Bulletin No. 2, Sickness and Medical Care Series, National Institute of Health, U.S. Public H ealth Service, Wahingto n, D. C., 1938, p. 4. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN LONG UNEMPLOYMENT • 51 tures for furniture and household eq uipment to the absolute minimum, but they could not eliminate this cost. Replacement of worn-out equipment, particularly worn-out stoves, took up 5 percent of all the expenditures of the long-unemployed families, and the biweekly installment payment to the furniture store was one of their more common obligations. All of these supposedly minor and supposedly nonessential items, together with a meager expenditure for recreation (1 percent) and for "other" expenses, took one-fourth of all the cash outlay of the long-unemployed families. Hand-to-Mouth Living The long-un employed families do not make allowance for all the miscellaneous needs that must in the course of time absorb a considerable part of their incomes. Certain needs arc constant-food, for example, and electric lights, rent, transportation, and recreation. These items are, in practical terms, the families' necessities, and they absorb most of every pay check. But there are occasional needs that can no more be avoided than the grocery bill itself. The doctor's bill is one of these items, and prescriptions, clothing, replacement of household equipment, and repairs to roofs, floors, windows, and the lilrn are others. With most of the monthly income already spoken for , these unexpected needs will in most cases thrnw the families into debt. And no sooner is one debt paid than otlwrs must be assumed, so that the families live perpetually in tlw midst of a struggle to pay off their small obligations. There is another difficulty. E:.·(penditures among the long unemployed are naturally gauged to their full monthly income. But sometimes there are misfortunes. A WP A worker may lose time through bad weather, or illness, or failme to be transfened to a new proj ect, or h e may be laid off altogether. From time to time every long-unemployed family must draw less than the expected full pay. In this situation, the budget is invariably thrown out of gear. Again the family must go into debt, a.nd frequently nothing but the comer grocer's credit will stand between it and hunger. Any approach to the broader questions of the southern Illinois depressed area must take into account the current economic predicament of the long unemployed. The families are without reserves of any sort. N early all are in debt for their cmrent needs, 11 and they live 11 There are two types of debts among the long unemployed. There are the "old debts," running to as high as $1,000 in a single family, accumu lated in most cases during the years when there was no r elief for the unemployed. The extent of old debts is amazing; a small corner grocer~• in one coal town, for example, had bad debts amounting to $40,000. There is no chance whatever that the old debts ca11 be repaid. The other type, the "current debt," which is kept di tinct from the old debt, is far smaller, and is recognized as a real obligation. [i"" bo oF 'ffER"JET ARn vr= tL... LIi:). 011gina1 frl m UNIVERSITY OF ILLNOIS A, URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 52 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS from day-to-day. Self-initiate d r emedies for the predicamen t of the long unemployed have thus long since become impossible. The backto-thc-fa1m movement, for example, would require capital which the families do not have and could not get. Spontaneou s migration of family units must likewise be ruled out as a possible solution, for migration also requires reserves which the families simply do not possess. Digitized by Orr~1nal from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Chapter IV THE DECLINE OF THE SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL INDUSTRY WHEN UNEMPLOYED southern Illinois coal miners explain the causes of the predicament in which they now find themsel,e , they invariably begin with the statement: "There is nothing here but just coal." The statement is almost literally true. There is, of course, some agriculture. Farm land in the three counties is generally poor, however; average farm income is exceedingly low; and a considerable part of the coal field bas nenr been put under cultivation. Compared with coal, agriculture is a minor contributor to the economic life of the community. There are also a few primary manufacturing establishments-a flour mill, a packing house, a brick plant-but their total pay roll has carcely exceeded 200 workers at any time within the past 15 years. The rest of the working population is dependent upon either the mines, the industries which are subsidiary to mining, or the area's trade and local service industries. The fortunes of the coal industry and the fortunes of Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties are inseparable. 1 THE NATION-WIDE COAL DEPRESSION Overexpansion of Mine Capacity The underlying causes of the long depression in southern Illinois are the difficulties which beset the bituminous coal industry throughout 1 The recent discovery of oil near Benton, in Franklin County, does not alter this fact. I ronically enough, the first effects of the discovery were more detrimental than helpful. Few of the local unemployed found work on the drilling crews which suddenly went to work all over the coal field, for these crews were manned almost altogether with skilled workers originally brought from Texas and Oklahoma. The influx of these migrants intensified the already critical shortage of housing in the coal towns. The community will apparently not even benefit greatly from royalties, since the great bulk of the mineral rights are of course owned by the absentee coal operators. 53 [ 1< 1tiz1 by NTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 54 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS the United States. Since the turn of the een tw-y bituminous coal mining has been "unstabilized." Dw-ing the period of a rapidly expanding coal market (1900- 1918) the productive capacity of the coal industry was developed faster than coal consumption. Anticipating futme profits through occasional coal famines and through a constantly expanding market, optimistic investors not only continued to pour unneeded capital into the industry but also failed to abandon inefficient operations. Overexpansion of capacity led in twn to bitter and prolonged price wars. In order to keep the mines working and thus protect their investment against heavy shutdo,vn losses, operators were forced in slack times to dump coal on the market for whatever it would bring. The many prewar attempts to control competition among the operators, whet.her by merger or trade agreement, were unsuccessful; and the industry was already in serious difficulty as it entered the wartime boom. High coal prices dming the World War intensified the top-heavy condition of the soft-coal industry. 'When the wartime peak of 579 million tons in production was reached in 1918, America's coa.1-mine capacity (i. e., the output possible under 280 days operation) had risen to 650 million tons. After the wr.r was over and output began to decline, capacity continued to grow. The postwar shift in production from the union fields to the nonunion fields in Kentucky and West Virginia resulted in the development of hundreds of new mines not justified by the demand for coal. By 1923 mine capacity had risen to 885 million tons, while production stood at 565 million tons. 2 Loss of Markets Just when overexpansion reached its height in the years after the war, the coal industry suddenly began to lose markets. Petroleum, natural gas, and hydroelectric power became serious competitors with coal for both the industrial and the domestic fuel trade. In 1918 these three sources of power had supplied only 18 percent of t h e total energy consumed in the United States. But by 1922 they supplied 32 percent, and in 1927 their share further increased to 36 percent. Bituminous coal fought a losing battle; between 1918 and 1927 its share in the total energy consum ed dropped from 70 percent to 55 percent. 3 Simultaneously, American industry began to make substantial improvements in fu el-burning efficiency. Railroads, which consume more bituminous coal than any other industry, bad bw-ned 174 pounds of coal per 1,000 ton-miles in 1920. By 1927 the consumption 2 Bureau of Mines, l'vfinerals Yearbook, U. S. D epartment of the Interior, Washington, D. C., L936, p. 562. 3 Ibid ., 1937, p. 810. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DECLI N E OF TH E COA L INDUSTRY • 55 of coal for the same amount of hauling was only 131 pounds, a decrea e of one-fourth. Central electric power station , another large consumer of coal, burned 3.04 pounds of coal per kilowatt-hour in 1920, but burned only 1.84 pounds in 1927, a decrease of 39 percent. Increased efficiency in fuel burning was also r ecorded for the manufacture of cement and pig iron. 4 liqu idation of Surplus Capacity In the face of this situation liquidation of surplus coal capacity was inevitable. The postwar record for coal production in the United States was set in 1926, when total output reached 573 million tons. Three years before this record was made, howev-er, the indu try began a rapid deflation in terms of both mines and men. Between 1923 and 1926, 138 million ton of mine capacity were abandoned, and 100,000 miI1r·rs were displaced from their job . During the last 3 years of "pro perity" in the 1920's nearly 100,000 more miners were displaced. Fmther wide pread abandonment of coal mines brought capacity in 1929 down to a point only 27 percent above actual output, and for a short time the industry was more nearly stabilized than at any other time since before the World "TI""ar. 5 The depres ion intensified all the basic difficulties of the bituminous coal industry. B etween 1929 and 1932 a third group of 100,000 miners lo t their job , cutting the total number of miners employ ed to the lowest point since 1902. Actual tonnage fell to 310 million, the lowest since 1904 . Total producti,-e capacity , however, declined only slightly during this period, so that by 1932 capacity wa again almost double actual output. 6 The result was rampant cutthroat competition, and in turn a rapid lowering of wages and working standards. Recovery-but the Problems Remain With the adoption of the coal code under the National Industrial Recov-ery Act, the coal industry began a period of steady r ecovery , though at a slower pace than the recovery of industry in general because of competition with rival fuel . In 1936, when the volume of all industrial production had recovered to 1927 levels, America's output of bituminous coal had risen only to the level first reached in 1912. The 7-hour workday established by the Kational R ecover5 'Yaworski, Nichola ; Spencer, Vivian; Saeger, Geoffrey A.; and Kies ling, 0. E., Fuel Efficiency in Cement ,1Ianufacture, 1909-1985, Report ·o. E- 5, Xational Research Project, Work Progres Admini tration, Philadelphia, Pa., April 1938, pp . 1-15. 6 Bureau of Mines, op. cit., 1936, pp . 562- 563. 5 I bid., pp. 562- .563 . Digitiz"d by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 56 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Administration coal code raised the total number of workers employed from 406,000 in 1933 to 458,000 a year later. In 1936 total men employed tood at 477 ,000, and in 1937 at 492,000, an incr ease of 86,000 over the bottom year of the dcprc ion. 7 But these increa es reabsorbed less than half of the work er displaced between 1926 and 1932. To tal The year 1938 wip ed out th e greater part of these gain . oft-coal output dropped to 349 million tons for the year , th e lenl of production preYailing in 1908. The number f men employed was cut from 492,000 to 441,000, and the greater part of the employment gains made after 1932 was canceled. In 1939 oft-coal output showed a ubstantial r ecovery, increasing 13 per ent over 1938. Y et preliminary estimate put the total numb er of workers employed at 437,000, or 4,000 Jes than had been employed in 1938. 8 THE POSTWAR POSITION OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL The general po twar decline in the American coal industry found the once favored competitiYe po ition of outhern Illinois coals vastly changed. Of cour c, the fayorable freight haul to Chicago and St. Louis r emained. A Lon of mine-run coal from H errin continued to enter the Chicago market with an initial fn,ighL-rate advantage; in 1939 this differential amounted to 35 cent over we tem Kentucky, . 1.14 over northern "\Yest Virginia and wesLcm P ennsylvania, and $1.34 over southern "\Vest Virginia. Indiana and central Illinois coals, however, were still favored by lower rates than southern Illinois, which bore 30 cents more than Sullivan, Ind., and 40 cents more than Taylorville, Ill. Competition The quality of southern Illinois coal till compared favorably with any other coal mined we t of the Appalach ians 9 Hocking Valley Ohio, coals- originally the chief high-gra ck . oft-coal competitor of southern Illinoi -had virtually disappl'are<l from th e midwestern market. 7 Ibid ., 1937, p. 799; 1938, p . 694. Ibid., 1940, pp. 779, 780. 0 Southern Illinois No. 6 seam coal is superior in B. t. u. to all other midwe tern coal except that mined from o. 6 and No. 11 seam in Hopkins County, Ky. In a h content it averages better than all leading coals from the midwe tern fields with the exception of those from No. -1 cam Vigo County, Ind., and No . 6 seam in Sullh·an County, Ind ., and Hopkins County, Ky. In ,·olatile matter, outhern IUinois coal averages upcrior to all leading mid". tern coals except coal mined in No. 5 _seam Sullivan County, Ind ., and No. 6 seam of Vermillion County, Ill. In su lphur content its low-sulphur coal are uperior to leading midwestern coals with the exception of No. 4 seam coal from Vigo County, Ind. 8 Digitize~ by 0n 11"al from INTERNET ARCH VE UNIVERSITY O~ IL INO 5 AT URBANA-CHAM?AIGN DECLINE OF THE COAL INDUSTRY • 57 Shortly before the World War, however, a new high-grade Appalachian coal appeared on th e Chicago market, and as time passed its inroads iuto the southern Illinois trade became iucreasingly severe. This was Pocahontas (low-volatile) coal, which outranked southern Illinois in all the standard quality criteria. Pocahontas coal had an additional advantage in that it burned with less smoke than any other soft coal. As the agitation for control of the urban smoke nuisance grew, the competitive position of Pocahontas coal was greatly strengthened . In spite of a high freight rn.te, smokeless coal became increasingly popular in St. Louis and Chicago. The southern Illinois coal field also lost heavily in competition with petroleum and natural gas. Midwestern cities, particularly Chicago and St. Louis, were logical terminals for the pipe lines from the new southwestern oil fields, so that natural gas and petroleum could be delivered at particularly low prices throughout the territory covered by outhern Illinois coals. After the war oil and gas became se ·ious competitors for the coal industry generally, but especially for Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties. Woge Scoles An equally important reason for the decline of the southern Illinois field lay in the lower wages paid by competing fields. The most intensive period of mine development in southern Illinois occurred immediately after the World War, when total capacity was increased by one-half within the space of 6 years. This eA--pansion was motivated, first, by the belief that the general demand for coal would continue to increase geometrically, just as it had been increasing since the 1870's. And there was a second fateful assumption that the early postwar pattern of union wages, and hence mining costs, in the competrug coal fields would not be disrupted. Immediately after the war the United Mine Workers of America began to lose agreements in one Appalachian coal field after another. At one time or another in the early 1920's, western Kentucky (the nearest competitor to Illinois), eastern Kentucky, Tennessee, 1tfaryland, and nearly all fields in West Virgi11ia began operating on a nonunion basis; after 1926 operators in Ohio and Pennsylvania followed suit . There came a time at last when Illinois was the only leading coal-producing State with a strong miner's organization left intact. In 10 years membership in the U.M.W. of A. had dropped from 386,000 to 80,000, of whom half were in Illinois. As union influence outside of Illinois waned, the 1919 wage structure in the industry fell to pieces. By 1924 average hourly earnings for hand loaders in Illinois had risen 12 percent above 1919 levels, while wages in West Vfrginia and Kentucky had decreased between 2 percent and 6 percent (appendix table 4). On this new basis, which Di( itized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 58 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS remained ub tantially con tant through a period of generally falling wage until 1929 , \Ye t irgi:nia and Kentucky were able to double their tonnage output within years. In th depre sion a second gap appeared. Between 1929 and 1931 the Illinoi wage rate stood practically unchanged, while the West Virginia rate fell by one-fifth and the K en tucky rate by about one-tenth. Comparable cuts took effect in Ohio and Penn ylvania. In the next 2 yea1 the Illinoi scale was cut 30 percent, but in competing field the cut wa even greater. Before the NRA wa e tablished in 1933 , Kentucky , West Virginia , Ohio and Penn ylvania were paying only lightly more than half the Illinois scale. ( ee appendix table 4. ) These unequal wage rate thoroughly demoralized the coal market. 1926 and 1933 the quoted price of mine-run coal from southet\Yeen B never fell below $1.95 a ton. But mine-run coal from Illinoi ern western Kentucky averaged about $1.20 a ton through the whole period, and in 1933 it old for a little a 70 cents. During the same period We t Virginia coal dropped to a low of 1.25, and for a short tinrn smokeless coal wa delivered on the Chicago market at a price only 65 cent higher than the deli,ered price from outhern Illinoi . This state of affo.irs was ended in 1934 when the nited :-.line ·\ forkers once more organized all the principal coal fields. On the ba is of union agreement covering almost the en tire bituminous coal indu try, wage diffrrential among the competin g fields were again brought back to approximn.tely the 1919 patLrrn. This new stabilization, which wa generally welcomed by operators and miners alike, solved one of the mo t grave and persistent problems of the southern Illinois coal industry. But meanwhile, 10 yc'ars of unstabilizc'd minr wages left their mark upon Franklin , , alin c, and William on ountie . The Reduced Sha re of Southern Illinois in the Coal Market The outhern Illinoi coal industry lost its tonnage after 1923 even more rapidly than the coal industry as a whole. Immediately after th e World War Franklin , Saline, and William on Counties mined 5.6 percent of th e total United States oft-coal output, and a bout the same share wa maintained through 1926. After the 1927 stril,e thi Lare beO'all to diminish rapidly. In 1928 the three cow1tie mined 4.6 percent of the Nation' output; in 1930 they mined 4.2 percent; in 1933 tbrir hnrc had fallen to 3.3 percent. Once lost, the bare wa not ea ily recowred. In 193 the thT e counties still min ed only 3.7 percent of the United , tate total. ( ee appendi.x tables 3 and 5.) The falling pri e f conl in the 1920's and during the depression required each coal field to nu1kr it own particular aclju tment, depending D1g1t12Ar' by NTERNET ARCH vr= 0r I frorr, UN VEA.SITY or= IL lf\JO 5 AT UREW,A-~ HAM?AfGf\J nkli n Cou nty, Ill. A ban clon ed ... Bus h ll!in e, Fra 1 11 z d by '-lTER'-lU ARCHIVE Cn 11 I from UN VERSIT< OF,s AT UREIANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DECLINE OF THE COAL INDUSTRY • 59 upon its position in competition with ri,al fields. The nonunion fields of Kentucky and West Virginia were able to keep both tonnage and mine investment intact, but only by cutting wages drastically, eventually to less than half the 1924 level. In Pennsylvania, which bore the heaviest brunt of the general decline, deflation meant "idespread abandonment of mines, and, after 1927, the degmdation of wages and working conditions as well. In Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties two adjustments in the basic structure of the industry were made: (1) Th e field abandoned roughly half of its min e capacity, somewhat more than its average share in the Nation-wide deflation. (2) The sunriving operators cut their costs by installing coal-loading machinery, which nearly doubled the efficiency of op erations and eliminated thousands ol workers from the mines. ABANDONMENT OF MINES The first effect of the developing coal depression in southern Illinois was a rapid liquidation of mine capacity. The collapse began with the 1922 strike, the longest and most bitterly fought in the history of the field. The strike had several important results. It led to the bloody clash between strikers and strikebreakers which has come to be known as the "Herrin Massacre," and in turn to a boycott against Williamson County coal in northern Illinois. lt raised mine wages to a basic scale of $7.50 a day, the rate which became the "Jacksonville Scale" when it was renewed at a Jacksonville, Fla., conference in 1924. Most important of all, the failure of the 1922 strike in west K entucky and in several Appalachian fields gave one section of the soft-coal industry an opportunity to cut the miners' wages and to destroy the 1919 wage structure. As soon as the strilrn was over and the new agreement was signed , mine abandonment started suddenly and in earnest. 10 Thirte en shipping mines were abandoned in 1923, displacing 2,500 miners. Next year 17 more mines were abandoned and 3,800 more miners were displaced. Deflation continued in 1925 with 11 mines closed and 3,000 more miners displaced. (See appendix table 1.) During these years the growing trend went almost unnoticed. The miners drew high wages under the new contract, and the "silk-shirt era" had begun. Jobs were still plentiful, and most of the displaced 10 Williamson County took the first and the heaviest blows of the deflation. Its position was somewhat injured by the boycott on Williamson coal and by the lurid publicity given to the so-called "Herrin Massacre." It suffered even more, however, from the fact that its principal mines were the first so uthern Illinois mines to be developed. Williamson mines by 1922 tended to be both small and old, and either had been worked out during the war or had become too inefficient to survive the new competition . Seep. 3. Di( 11 Z' by 'ffERNET ARn vr= Original f1 um UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 60 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS miners were soon rehired. Older coal miner , in particular , wer e fortunate; for as long as coal was loaded by band, the operators considered the older workers to be their steadiest and best b ands. The New Orient mine at West Frankfort, " largest mine in the world" and the last big mine developed in southern Illinois, was opened in t bi period and made new jobs for 1,900 coal miners. Among the 9,300 miners who lost their jobs between 1923 and 1925, about 3,000 fo und their way back into the mines. Most of the rest either went back to school, moved away, or retirnd to live on their savings or their children's earnings. Only a small number of unemployed bad begun to pile up in the three counties . Southern IlJinois miners look back on 1927 as the year that ushered in the hard times . Before the 1927 strike, a miner could still move about from mine to mine with little difficulty. After 1927 all such mobility stopped. Miners were suddenly frozen in whatever jobs they held, or if their mine had shut clown, they looked forward to an indefinite period of seeking work. The loading mac.hums had already been installed in several mines, and bad begun to take over the hand loaders' work. Older miners were no longer preferred, for alert young workers were wanted to run the new machines. On top of a11, a second wave of mine abandonment followed the 1927 strike (appendix table 1). In the period 1927- 1929 a total of 29 mines closed permanently in the 3 counties, and 5,000 miners, nearly one-fourth of the total mine crew, were thrown out of work. By the time of the 1930 Census (only 6 months after the stock-market crash) southern Illin ois was alrnady deep u1 the trough of the depression; Franldin County had a higher unemployment rate than any other county in the United States, and the tl1Tee counties together bad nearly four times the average mcidence for the country as a whole. 11 Dmu1g the first years of the depression mine abandonment contu1ued, though at a slower rnte. In the years 1930- 1932, 10 mums were n.bandoned and 2,100 more miners joined the unemployed, who now constituted a sizable part of the entu·e working population. By 193 1 poverty and distress had become commonplace throughout the coal field, and local pauper funds were no longer adequate to provide even food for the unemployed. 12 Jobs in mines which had survived became more and more difficult to find; and although several thousand displaced miners, members of the U.M.W. of A., found jobs in Franklin County after the strike of the Progressive Miners of America in 1932, one Progressive miner was dismissed for each unemployed miner reemployed. 11 Bureau of the Census, Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930, Unemployment, Vol. I, U. S. Department of Commerce, vVashington, D. C., 1931, pp. 317, 318. In Franklin County, 27 percent of a ll gainfu l workers were unemployed, in the t hree counties, 21 percent. 12 See pp. 128-129. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DECLINE OF THE COAL INDUSTRY • 61 With the beginning of o-eneral recovery in 1933, the market for outhern Illinois coal broadened and the tonnage produced in the field i11creased rapidly. Wi th the increasing efficiency aL the larger mine , however abandonment of muller mine continued a before. From 1933 through 1938, 28 more mine were permanently abandoned and their combined mine cre,vs, con isting of 3,200 worker were di missed. In 1939 and 1940 the proces continued; <luring the e 2 years five more mines were abandoned and everal hundred more men were thrown out of work. Reasons for Abandonment Wrnle the particu lar rea on for abandonment varied from mine to mine, the most important caus of the general liquidation wa direct economic pressure. The Old B en Coal Co ., the Con olidated Coal Co., the Sahara Coal Co., the P eabody Coal Co., and the C. W. and F. Coal o. each closed from two to four good mines because they could not operate them profitably. Another group of mine wa clo ed because underground condition would not permit the in tallation of loading machines or becau e the operator could not a"fford to buy machine . E conomic pre sure in still another fo1m clo ed mo t of the captive mine in the three counties. The -United tate teel Corporation mine at B enton wa abandoned when chano-ing wage differentials made a hift in operation to the Appalachian field more profilable. A number of captive railroad mines were dismantled and abandoned in order to appea e independent operator who were unwilling to ship coal over railroads that bought no coal. I eanwhile, a number of :urine were being clo ed for other rea ons; in many the coal territorie had been mined out, and in others the underground workings had been flooded. The coal depres ion, of cour e, had little to do with the abandonment of the e mine , although operators might ha,e reopened at lea t one of the flooded mine if the d emand for coal h ad warranted. The important fact is not o much that the e min es were abandoned a that they were u ually not replaced . Operators who were being forced to abandon good producing mines each year were not eager to develop new mines, and any excess capacity which could be canceled by abandoning worked-out and flooded mines was imply con idered o much to the goo<l. New Mines In pite of the trend toward re tricted operation, a few new mine were opened after 1923. The new mines, howe,er, were far more efficient than the old er mines, and they did not provide a great deal of employment. The general tendency of new inve tment wa away from shaft mining; only one of the more important new mine opened since 1923 (the ew Ori ent) is a shaft mine. lop e mining ha Dg tze NTtl{NE r ARC.H Vt. ll g n t,NIVE.R'i1TY OF LINOIS AT uRtlANA C. AMPA,r "J 62 • SEVEN STRA NDED COAL TOWNS expanded considerably since 1923, partly because it requires less investment than shaft mining, and hence is a more flexible oper ation ; and partly because it perm.its the added efficiency of semiau tom atic conveyor haulage, instead of the elabor atesystcm of pit cars, lo como tives, and cages r equired in shaft mines. B etween 1923 nnd 1938 some 17 lope mines were developed in Williamson and Saline Counties. 13 Four of these still survived in 1940, giving employment to about 400 men. A fifth supermechanized slope was opened early in 1940. In terms of recent new tonnage, the strip mines have con tribu ted most to the field . After 1923 a total of 14 strip mines began op er ation in aline and Williamson Counties. F ive of these mines were still working in 1940, adding 2 million tons to the total annual capacity of the two counties. These mines are so extremely efficient, however , that their employment has been almost negligible. The maximum employment of all 5 mines is about 400 men, while an equivalent output in a shaft mine would require appro:>,.'11llately 3 times th at number. Total Effect of Mine Aban donment Of the two great changes in the southern Illinois coal industry since the early 1920's, mine abandonment has b een far more disastrous to employment than m echanization. In 1923 the 3 counties had 103 shipping mines with an aggregate yearly capacity to produce 47 million tons of coal. Thereafter productive capacity decreased almost uninterruptedly until 1935. In 1939 there wer e 35 mines left, and capacity had fallen to 27 million tons, a little more than h alf of th e p eak . (See appendix tables 1 and 3.) At th e p eak southern Illinois' 103 shipping mines provided jobs for 36,200 miners. After 1923, 85 of these 1nine fell by the wayside, and with their di appearance a total of 21,100 job also disappeared . Meanwhile, mines opened after 1923 (which had survived until 1938) had added 2,100 new jobs. Liquidation of productive mine capacity in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Countic would have eliminated about 19,000 jobs, n early half of all those existing in 1923. 14 13 Slope mining is not pos ible in Franklin County because of the depth of the coal below the surface. Slope mines operate in "shallow-vein" coal lying 50 to 150 feet deep. 14 Mine abandonment ha not been uniform throughout the field. Franklin County, the lea t seriously affected, lost about one-quarter of its 1923 capacity, and, as a result, about 9,600 of its peak of 16,200 jobs. Saline County lost somewhat Jes than one-third of its 1924 capacity, but nearly half of its jobs. Williamson was by far the worst h it of the three counties. Since 1923 it has lost 78 percent of it capacity, even with the recent cleYclopment of three strip mine:; and one slope mine. Abanclonm.:mt of Williamson mines displaced abou t 11 ,200 of its 12,900 miner employed in 1923. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DECLINE OF THE COAL INDUSTRY • 63 Fig. 13- SHIPPING MINES OPERATING AT THE CLOSE OF 1925 AND 1939 IN FRANKLIN, SALINE, AND WILLIAMSON COUNTIES oO Oo 0 0 0 0 oO oi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ANNUAL CAPACITY Q 500,000 tons or more 0 100,000 to 500,000 tons o Less then 100,000 tons WPA 3647 li 11 ,zed by Original from INTER";ET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAM 'AIGN 64 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS MECH A NIZATION OF LOADI NG the last r~ ort The deci ion to abandon an unprofitable mine Illinoi southern in mine larger the of Each of coal operators. dollars million 7 to dollar million 1 from of tment repre ent an inve as the long As . land coal and cost in equipment, development coninvestment original this s, lo a at even run. mine continue to profit. future of ibility po the upon ed ba value tinue to have some But if the mine are dismantled. the operator can alvage only a very small fraction of the capital inve ted. They must write off a a total lo the co t of inking the haft and driving the haulage entries. 1Iuch of the equipment, which cannot be used in any other industry, can at be t be sold for scrap iron at a few cents on the dollar, or mu t be left to ru t at the mine ite. The value of the coal property it elf i also frequently lost; the coal tenitories once opened are u ually not recoverable after abandonment, even though the coal it elf ha not been worked out. Rather than liquidate their in,e tment on any such basis, or continue trying to protect the investment with mounting deficits, operato1 wi11 naturally explore even the most difficult possibilities of reducing mining cost. In Kentucky, Ohio, P ennsylvania, and We t Virgini a a partial "solution" to this problem was found in wa(Te cut . Thi olution, which frequently had to be enforced by re ort to the yellow-dog contract. espionage, the maintenance of a private indu trial police ystem, and like tactics, was difficult in any ca e. In Illinois, ,vherP the influence of the union continued to be powerful, a parallel reduction of wage co ts wa not pos ible . Southern Illinoi operators turned in tead to laborsaving techniques as a olution to the problem of cutting the cost of mining coal. 15 This tendency ha involved, first, the increasing empha is on strip and lope mining. B ecau e of the prevailing depth of the coal earn, however, both lop e hoisting and tripping are impossible except for a mall district near the outcrop in Saline and Williamson Counties, and neither technique can be used in Franklin County. The introduction of stripping and conveyor-h aulage slope mines not only failed to benefit the majority of the haft-mine operators establi b ed in the field but actually gave them new competition from within their own district . The one way to lower cost for haft-mine operators wa through m echanization of underground loading. 16 ,s outhern Illinoi operator al o met this ituation by buying up coal property in Kentucky and We t Virginia. IG For an exhaustive account of coal-mine mechanization, see H otchkiss, "'illard E. and Other , lllechanization, Employment, and Output Per lllan in Bituminous-Coal Afining, Report Xo. E--9, Kational Re earch Project. Work Project Administration, in cooperation with the . S. Department of In terior, Bu reau of Mines, Philadelphia, Pa., August 1939. Digitized by Original from IN_TERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DECLINE OF THE COAL INDUSTRY • 65 M a chine: Loading The installation of underground coal-loading machines can be und ertaken only wher e a peculiar combination of circumstances exists. Because of poor underground working condition , un teacly markets, insufficient coal reserves, or lack of capital to purchase additional expensive equipment, the great majority of the shaft mines in southern Illin ois ,,ere not able to mechanize. By January 1941 all such mines in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Countie had been abandoned, and every single mine which survived the period of liquidation was mechanized. From the operator's point of view, this solution has been adequate. In 1924 the average output of coal per man-clay throughout the United States was 4.6 tons. Southern Illinois underground mines, which had not yet begun to install loading machines, were somewhat more efficient, producing 5.3 tons per man-day during the same year. Within the next 5 years, a total of 32 southern Illiiiois mines installed loaders of one kind or another under the pressure of competition from strip mines and the nonunion coal fields. By 1929 more than onethird of all underground-mine tonnage was loaded mechanically (appendix table 6) . During these first years of machine loading, the man-clay output in the tlu·ee counties rose steadily._ By 1929 it had increased to 6.0 tons per man-day, while the average efficiency throughout the United State had risen to 4.9 tons (appendix table 8). The first loadii1g machines installed in southern Illinois were principally pit-car loaders, simple conveyors which hoist coal from the floor of the miner's room and clump it into a pit car, but which still require manual workers to shovel coal into. the bottom of the conveyor. These machines speed up loading somewhat, but do not dispense with a large number of workers. In 1929 most of the coal loaded mechanically in the three countie was loaded by these machines (appendix table 6). The depression forced Illinoi operators to hasten their program of mechanization. Between 1929 and 1932 the proportion of coal lo aded mechanically underground nearly doubled. During the same period, however, only a few pit-car loaders were installed; instead, operators turned to the more efficient mobile loading machines, which dispense with all manual loading of coal at the face. Efficiency rose quickly under these conditions. In 1932 southern Illinois underground mines were producing 7.3 tons per man-day, as compared with 5.2 tons throughout the United States. After 1932 shaft-mine efficiency increased still further. New installations of mobile loaders continued. Many of the mines which h ad originally installed pit-car loaders eventually replaced them with mobile loaders. The proportion of total tonnage loaded by hand l1q1t12ed by 0n 1rial frorr, INTFRNET ARCHIV~ JNIVERSITY 0• IL INO•S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 66 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS dropped steadily from 31 percent in 1932 to 5 percent in 1939. At t.he beginning of 1941, every ton of coal mined in Franklin County was loaded mechanically, and in Williamson and Saline Counties shaft mines were nearly 100 percent mechanized. Meanwhile, the average output per man-day in southern IlliJ.10is underground mines had increased from 7.3 tons in 1932 to 8.9 tons in 1939. In Franklin County, where all hand loading has been eliminated, the 1939 man-day output was 9.4 tons, almost double the output in the county 15 years earlier. Total Effect of Mechanization The effect of mechanization may be traced in the record of the 21 southern Illinois shaft mines which had by 1938 installed machines for loading all or part of their coal output. All of these mines were in existence before loading machines were introduced. In 1926, under maximum employment on a hand-loading basis, the annual capacity of the 21 mines was 22 million tons . In 1938 capacity on a machineloading basis was practically unchanged. In 1926 the mines employed 15,300 men to maintain that year's capacity. In 1938, however, they employed only 9,700 men, of whom about 400 were on divided time and were not necessary for maintaining the capacity (appendix table 7). Without appreciably changing capacity the machines have thus eliminated at least 6,000 miners from the industry in southern Illinois and abolished the jobs of every sixth miner emplo~Ted in 1926. 17 A DEPRESSED AREA The significance of the changes undergone by the southern Illinois coal industry since the early 1920's is shown in figures 14 and 15. Since the Jeflation of southern Illinois mining first began, n early three out of every four miners (actually 72 percent) h ave been squeezed out of the industry. In part, however, employment ho s declined with tonnage; and it might be supposed- indeed, it is actually believed in many quarters-that a restoration of former tonnage levels would increase mine employment and solve the coal field's unemployment problem. There is grave doubt that tonnage can be appreciably increased. A great new oil field recently developed only 75 miles from the center of the coal field has brought petroleun1 competition closer home than 17 Because of division of work, the first direct effect of the machines is to cause underemployment, rather than to throw men out of work. See p. 28. The decrease of 6,000 men employed at the 21 mines came about in several ways: (1 ) dismissal of men on divided time after the Progressive Miners' strike in 1932; (2) deaths, accidents, etc.; (3) the restriction on new hiring, except at the end of the 1932 strike. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DECLINE OF THE COAL INDUSTRY • 67 Fig. 14-MEN EMPLOYED AT SHIPPING COAL MINES IN FRANKLIN, SALINE, AND WILLIAMSON COUNTIES, 1921-1940 * Thousand men 40 30 T housand men 40 / \ - - 30 I I 20 I\ 20 I'---- 10 I I 0 19 24 10 I I 1927 ~ I I 1921 ~ 1930 1933 I I 1936 I I 0 I 1939 * 1940 figure is preliminar y . Source , Appendix table 2. WPA 3648 ever before; an d recently invigorated antismoke campaigns in the Midwest seem likely to intensify still fmther the competition with W est Virginia smokeless coals. On the other hand, it is tru e, progress is repor ted in developing a new technique for briquetting southern Illinois slack coals and making them smokeless. But all in all, the outlook is noi promising, even as the national defense program gains momentum. W e may estimate wi th somewh at mor e assm ance the amom1t of tonnage incr ease which would be r eq uired to restore full employment in the coal community . P arallel with the shrinkage of the southern Digitiz"d by Original from NTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 68 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Fig. 15- CAPACITY AND PRODUCTION OF SHIPPING COAL MINES IN FRANKLIN, SALINE, AND WI LLIAMSON COUNTIES, 1921-1940 Million tons Million tons s o - - - - - - - ~ - - - ~ - -- - - - - -- -..-----~ so / / \\ / .\ / I \ I / \ ,..--- Copoc,ty I \/ \ I I I 4 0 '--1-----.+--- 30 - - - - 20 I_ - 40 - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - ' - l 30 --------l ' - - - - - + - - - 4 - - - + -- - - - 'Y 20 10 ' - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - 1 - - - - o'---'---~--__j_--_J___[__ 1921 1924 1927 1930 - - - - - - -- _ _ j _ _ c __ _ __ 1933 --'- 10 --1_.J.__-'---'----'o 1936 1939 WPA 3649 Source . Appendix table 3 . Illinois coa.l market h as run a highly significant trend in the man-clay output of coal. The extension of strip mining and the introductio11 of mobile loaders in underground mines have increased the efficiency of mining in the three counties by 80 percent since the early 1920's. As a result, the tonnage output of the fi eld can be increased to the highest level ever reached with the restoration of only a small proportion of the jobs that h ave been eliminated in the decline. The postwar record tonnage for the three counties . c t ablished in 1926, was about 29 million tons of coal. At present efficiency, about 3¼ million Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DECLI N E OF THE COAL IN DUSTRY • 69 man-days of labor would be needed to recover this tonnage, or a total mine crew of 16,300 men working 200 days a year. Peak tonnage would thus require the creation of 6,000 more jobs than existed in 1939. Between 1926 and 1939, however, a total of 20,000 jobs disappeared, thus a return to 1926 production levels ,rnuld require 14,000 fewer workers than were needed in that year. If one assumed a work year of 150 days, 18 there would till be 8,000 fewer jobs. (See appendix tables 2 and 3.) The predicament of the coal field may be illustrated in another way. The average southern Illinois miner in 1940 loaded 9.4 tons per day, or nearly 1,900 tons per year (200 days). In order for 1926 employment levels to be resto red at such efficiency, lhe three counties would have to market 58 million tons of coal, twice their all-time production record and more than four times the output marketed in 1939. Or, if the 1926 crew were working at present efficiency for only 150 days a year, the output would still be 42 million ton , far more than the highest tonnage ever reached and three times the 1939 output. 1s The 200-day-work-year estimate is actually more realistic than the 150-day e ti.mate, even though the ayerage worked in the past 15 year has seldom run over 150 days. When demand increases, the work year tend to increa e too. Any uch extraordinary demand as is implied in these estimate \\·ould doubtle increase the work year first and the size of the mine crew later. Die 11 z u by Urigina1 from '.JTER'-JET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAM 'AIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Chapter V COMMUNITY BANKRUP TC Y LocAL COAL-TOWN entrepreneurs enjoyed a spectacular prosperity through t he long coal boom in southern Illinois. Cut off, as we h ave seen, from direct participation in the coal industry, they had earl y turned all their energies to the job of servicing the growing community . Un der their guidance u eries of reul-e t ate boom developed in all par ts of the coal field. Building and loan associations sprang up in every village to "help the miner own their own homes." Faced with almost no competition from the coal-company stores, local merchan ts thrived in the retail trade. The local bankers expanded th eir acti,ities year after year as the coal industry continued on it long era of expansion. But the local enterprise , as everyone was later to discover, were even mor e seriously inflated than the coal industry itself. A the coal in du try in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties reached its final peak and turned downward, the structure of local business activity was gr adually left with le s and less real foundation. For many years the structure was kept intact underin creasingstrain. Thensuddenly, and at the worst possible time, th e whole structure crashed , adding n ew an d unforeseen difficulties to the growing crisis of unemployment among the coal miners. Overnight the people found their homes being repossessed, their savings wiped out, their local-government treasuries emp ty. The communities were suddenly bankrupt . THE COLLAPSE OF THE REAL-EST A TE BOOM Real-estate promotion was th e fast of the boom activities to pas from the scen e. Through th e long period of prosperity in southern Illinois, coal-town r eal-estate promotion tended to run ah ead of itself.1 There had been a speculati,e real-estate boom in 1905, another followed in 1912, an d the most hectic of all developed in the wartime 1 See pp. 13 ff. 71 DI( 11 Z by 'ffER'I/E'T ARn vr= 011gina1 frum UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS A, URBANA-CHAM 'AIGN 72 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS years and immediately aftenrnrd. Inflation in the coal industry had meant inflation mult,iplied in real estate. Reale tate was not a very olid basis for the local financial structure of the coal community; yet the banks, the building and loan associat,ions, and even the local governments them. elves were built upon it. The sudden end of the reale tnte boom was tbus to have considerable significance in the ommunity. The End of Real - Estate Promoti on The )Tear 1921 " Tas the last year of the grnat activity in coal -town real estate and the culmination of the long-range tendency toward inflation. (See figs. 3-A, p. 12, and 16-A.) The time had come again, as in 1907 and 1913, for a readjustment. The condition to be corrected, however, was far more serious this time than ever before . On top of that, the southern lliinois coal industry had unexpectedly come to the end of its era of growth, and in 1922, for the first time in nearly a quarter of a century, the community looked into an uncertain future. The time had passed when the periodic adjustment in realestate activity could be left to the faithful growth of the coal industry. The collapse began with the 1922 strike. Even with a very slight increase in the number of miners employed during 1922, real-estate activity fell off precipitously. In 1923 mine employment rose rapidly, and the year established an all-time record for the number of men at work in the mines in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties. But the upturn in employment dming the year scarcely slowed the pace of the downward trend of real-estate activity. When the widespread abandonment of southern Illinois mines really got under way in the middle of the 1920's, real-estate business dropped sharply. By 1926, in spite of the r ecoYery of coal tonnage to wartime levels, real-estate activity had fallen to the low·est point since the depression of 1907 (fig. 16- A). Ten years were to pa s before the full effects of this slump were finally recognized in the community. M eanwhile, there were straws in the wind, of course. The promotion schemes of the local entrepren eurs, many of whom \\·ere caught unawares "~ith new subdivisions on their hands when the decline began in 1922,2 were brought to a close. The first portentous lists of unpaid taxes, appearing in coaltown newspapers in 1923, showed that the chief delinquents were the 2 The end of the boom wa quite unexpected. Late in 1921 a coal-town newspap r reported : "The great building boom which started here early in the year continue unabated, and today there are probably more houses in course of construction in thi city than at any prcviou time in it hi tory . . . there appears to be no letup in the building activitie . .. the people have faith in the [town's] future ." Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Ongmal from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BANKRUPTCY • 73 Fig. 16 - INDICES OF LOCAL BUSINESS ACT IVITY IN FRANKLIN, SALINE, AND WILLIAMSON COUNT IES, 1921-1938 A. NUMBER AND AVERAGE VALU E OF DEEDS FOR TOWN LOTS B. ASSETS AND NEW LOANS OF BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Thousand dollars 1.6 Thousand deeds 8 Assets Million dollars 20 New loon s Million doll ars 5 _...-Ave rag e value I of deeds* 4 16 1.2 6 I \ ....-N umber , of deeds \ recorded \ 4 r 12 \ i \ \ 8 ' 2 ' ,, ' ,__ 1' -' -- _ 4 ..... '' 1921 1925 1935 1930 - 0 0 0 2 I '' ' ' 3 1921 1925 ' 0 1930 1935 * Williamson County only. C. BANK DEPOSITS AND POSTAL SAVINGS 40 Million dollars 4 30 3 Million dollars Million dollars 40 30 D. TAXES E X TE NDED AND COLLECTED Million dollars 4 '} Toxes collected ! I 20 20 10 10 Postal savings .,._,,, - - - 3 ' ' 2 ' ' \.-"'' ,, 2 _L_-- I 0 0 1921 1925 1930 1935 0 1921 Source : Appendix t ob les 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 . [ i( lliZt by NTERN~T ARCHIVE 0 1925 1930 1955 WPA 3 650 Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 7 4 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS real-estate promoters who had suddenly decided that their outlying town additions were not worth the taxes levied on them by the county. 3 Entreprenems who had been engaged in real-estate promotion eith er took th eir talents to other communities or, more frequently, turned their attention to their other business interests within the coal field. But the so-call ed "silk-shirt era" was just getting under way when the era of r eal-estate expansion closed; the miners still look back on the period b etween 1922 and 1927 as the time of the crest of the great coal boom. During this period the miners enjoyed the highest daily wage in the history of the coal field (the $7.50 p er day Jacksonvillr Scale) . Jobs and money were still plentiful. In spite of the signs of the gathering storm, the great changes that were taking place in the financial structure of the coal-mining community went unnoted except by a few. 4 Real-Estate Values in the 1920's Real-estate values, for example, did not decline, although realestate transactions fell sharply after 1922. Indeed, real-estate valu es continued to rise above the wartime peak, d espite the rapid disappearance of their foundation after 1922 (fig. 16- A). During the first period of mine abandonment, from 1923 to 1926, the market value of r eal estate reached a n ew record. After 1927, the year in which the actual condition of the coal field first became generally known to the community, values rose again. Not until 1929, nearly a decade after the first clear indication that a deflation was inevitable, did the p eople of the coal field r ecognize that the values were being sustained on thin air. With that realization disaster came quickly; during 1929 coal-town r eal-estate values fell to half the level reached in 1928. In the b elated crash the finan cial structure of the coal field was swept away and the community was reduced to utter bankruptcy. 3 Between 1922 and 1925 the financial condition of several coal towns was disrupte d by this unexpected development. In one town , for example, firemen and policemen went without pay periodically for several years, and failure to collect special assessments halted a program of municipal improvements. 4 The comm unity was somewhat diverted during this period by the vest-pocket civil war between the Ku K lux Klan and the "Knights of the Flaming Circle," which took a score or more lives all told and brought the National Guard hurrying to the coal field ever y month or so to restore order among the feudists. This wa a lso the period of the fantastic reign of Charlie Birger, gambler and gangster ex traordinary, reputed to have committed a dozen-odd homicides in the coal field between 1924 and 1926. Although the southern Illinois coal field is perhaps most noted throughout the Midwest for these in cidents, they appear to have had only an accidental connection with the community itself. They shed no light on the basic development of the coal towns, exce pt that they perhaps reflect the flamboyant recklessness of the last years of the boom. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BANKRUPTCY • 7 5 BUILDING-AND-LOAN ACTIVITY In 1922 the business of promoting new subdivisions in the coal towns was disrupted; whole blocks of newly platted lots were abandoned to the tax collectors; and the housing boom began to subside. Families were moving out of the coal towns faster than newcomers could take their places. In towns where it had been impossible to rent a house, houses were suddenly plentiful. In Herrin, for example, every fiftieth house was vacant as early as 1923, and with another Herrin mine being abandoned every month or so, vacancies were increasing rapidly. The physical shortage of housing soon disappeared. One might have expected that the building and loan associations, which had come to the fore during the wartime housing boom, should at this point have begun to slacken their activity. Instead, the close of the era of real-estate promotion actually doubled the building and loan association business. In 1922 new loans issued by the associations climbed to a new record, nearly 1 million dollars above 1921, and this record was repeated in 1923. In 1924 new loans increased again by nearly 1 million dollars and the year set a final record4¼ million dollars-for new loans issued in any given year. During the 3-year period (1922-1924) which marked the beginning of the decline of the southern Illinois coal industry, the building and loan associations issued more loans than had been made through two decades of the development of the field (appendix table 23 ::i.ncl fig. 16- B). The Reasons for the Building-and-Loan Boom The belated flurry in building-and-loan activity appears to haYe resulted from several special conditions. In the first place, the n ew "prosperity" had carried forward new residential building, though not at the frenzied wartime pace; and it had brought hundreds oi coal-town workers into the market for homes. Their desire for property and security was strong, and their foresight into the future was not altogether clear. After the Jacksonville Scale was established, a large number of coal-town families had enough income ($1,000 to $1,500 a year) to provide a comfortable living, but not enough to make large cash investments. For such families the associations had a persuasive argument: "Why pay rent when you can buy or build a home on easy terms?" But the increased purchasing power of the coal-town workers does not provide the full explanation for the activity of the associations. There is evidence to show that those who chose to rent vacant houses were not always able to do so. According to the testimony of numerous C' g1t1ze1 v NT ~.{NU ARC •,\t o, gm... JP L NIVfRS,TY OF 1.LINOIS AT URBANA-Cl-<AMPAIGN 76 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS miners, it was difficult to find a house to rent anywhere in the coal field during this period, even though many house were vacant. Instead, purchase through the building and loan associations was urged upon the coal-town residents whether they wished it or not. Over the course of th e two decades after 1900 several local entrepreneurs 5 had slowly accumulated a considerable number of coaltown houses. ~eantime, the growth of the coal industry had greatly increased the original value of the property and built up a large paper profit. The wisdom of continuing to bold this property became more and more questionable after 1922. Of course, real-estate values were still high. But taxes on town property had become a sizable item after the war; and in addition, the values built up during the war showed signs of wavering. There were many coal-town property owners who were in no way reluctant to begin closing out their surplus holdings. Moreover. the building-and-loan transaction had become extremely profitable for persons with real estate for sale. Illinois laws provided that interest on loans from the associations could not be deemed usurious. Through a complicated system of interest, " premiums," and fines , loans made by the associations yielded at times a fantastic return , running as high as 15 percent or more per annum. Persons owning vacant houses were naturally aILxious to reap such lucrative returns from their property, and they were not inclined to bargain with prospective renters as long as sales through the building and loan associations were possible. In any case, the associations flourished in their brief clay. In 1921 , after 20 years of growth, the coal towns owed the associations more than 5½ million dollars in loans outstanding (appendix table 23). In 1924, just 3 years later , outstanding loans had jumped to more than J3 million dollars. Meanwhile, the community had obligated itself to pay into the associations a total of nearly 1}6 million dollars annually in interest and premiums. It had also assumed the obligation to retire through years to come a principal which was inflated far beyond the r easonable value of the property. Ther e were special penalties added to the debt of those who could not make their paym ents on time. On top of all, many of the borrowers had agreedwithout realizing it clearly- to assum e the obligations of other borrowers who had bought in the same block of property, in case their payments stopped. 5 A number of miners had also invested their savings in houses which they rented to other miners. Although som e eventually accumulated as many as three or four houses, their investments were usually on a small scale. Late in the l 920's most of these little investor began to lose first one house and then another, and during the depression they " ·ere reduced to the common level. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BANKRUPTCY • 77 The End of the Building-and-Loan Boom The flurry of building-and-loan activity ended in 1924, 3 yea1 behind the close of the era of real-estate promotion (fig. 16-B). In 1925 the new loans issued by the associations dropped off by nearly one-half. The decline continued through 1926, the last year of the coal field's fading prosperity; and with the beginning of hard times in 1927, new loans fell below 1 million dollars. As far as new business was concerned, the associations had returned to the unimportant position which they had occupied before the war. The community was no longer in the market for the building-and-loan plan. Through these same years the great majority of the borrowers apparently made their payments faithfully, for the associations continued to prosper in spite of the decline of new loans . From 1925 through 1927 the community was able to pay about 4 million dollars to the associations in interest and premiums and to retire about 7 million dollars in old obligations, reducing the total amount of loans outstanding to 11¼ million dollars (appendix table 23). For a short time, it appeared that the home-loan business had been stabilized, and that eventually the debt would be liquidated, the associations would disappear, and a community of homeowners would result. The period of stability, however, was brief. B etween 1925 and 1927 borrowers were finding it increasingly difficult to meet the payments they had contracted for. As the summertime slump at the mines grew more protracted year by year, the miners began to fall behind in their payment . Sometimes they required most of the following winter to pay off their fines and accumulated interest. Many borrowers, indeed, were unable to catch up during the work season, and each fall found themselves a little further in debt than they were the year before. There came a time when some workers could not meet their payments at all. As early as 192.5 and 1926 mortgage foreclosures on coal-town real estate became common, and the ominous legal notices, "Notice of Publication: In Chancery . " began to appear throughout the coal field ; common complainants in these notices were the building and loan associations. The real difficulties, however, did not start until after 1927, the year when hard times first set in. At the end of that year borrowers still owed more than 11 million dollars to the building and loan associations. Apparently, however, a number of loans were almost r etired, for between 1927 and 1930 borrowers had succeeded in retiring an aggregate debt of nearly 4 million dollars and clearing their title to so much property. After the retirement of these loans the 1930 debt stood at almost , million dollars, with an annual interest charge of $785,000. Thi was a burden which the community could no lon ger bear. [ i( 11 Z by "JTERNET ARn vr= Original f10m UNIVERSITY OF ILLNOIS A URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 78 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Wbat happened to the workers who owed for these loans may be illu trated with a few random cases: 1. When Mr. A. first came to the coal field in 1922, he discovered that there was little possibility of renting a house, although numerous houses were available for purchase through the Building and Loan Association. Mr. A. accordingly signed a contract to purchase one of these houses and agreed to pay $1,700 for house and lot. When he took over the house, he understood that five other new occupants were to be tied together with him in a block of six; each of the six was to assist the others in a neighborly way to make payments on their houses. Each member of the block paid monthly "dues" of $22.50. From 1922 through 1926 Mr. A. kept up his installments and paid in $1,100 on his loan. Shortly before the 1927 strike, recalling that his original debt was $1,700, he took $600 in ca h to the a sociation intending to finish paying off the debt. He was told, however, that he still had $1, 100 to pay. Undaunted by this thought, he kept up his monthly payments until 1930. Some time before 1930, one after another of the other five borrowers in his block was laid off at the mines and began to mis payments. Finally, three of the borrowers quit paying altogether. The manager of the association then told Mr. A. that there was no point in continuing to make his payments. Thus he lost every cent he had paid on "his" house, and the house as well. The other five miners in his block suffered the same fate. 2. A certain house in one of the coal towns was valued at $1,500 when it was built before the war. In 1924 it was sold for $1,500 to Mr. B., who kept up his payments until he had paid in $1,500, about half of which went for interest. In 1929 Mr. B. lost the house, and the debt was taken over by Mr. C. Mr. C. kept the house until 1934, when he, in turn, lost the house after paying in $1,000. In 1935 the house was purchased by Mr. D. for $250, to be paid off at 10 per month. Said Mr. D. in 1938, " row the property is clear except for $900 in back taxes." 3. Mr. E. bought a home titl e clear soon after the war. In 1927 he contracted a large debt, and in order to pay it off, he obtained a loan of $700 on his home from the local Building and Loan Association. In return, he agreed to pay $12.50 on the premium each month, plus interest on the balance due at 2),'z percent monthly. During the next 2 or 3 years, the mine whe re Mr. E. worked shut down several times, and during the winter it fr equently hoisted only 2 days a week. Mr. E. made his first five payments successfully, but defaulted for the next 5 months. When he resumed his payments, the first six installments went for fines and interest; then for several months he was able to retire the premium at the rate of about $6 a month . In 1929 he was laid off again, and this process was repeated. The outcome was that in 1931, after paying in about $700, his debt to the as ociation was still slightly more than $700. "Then I just moved out--didn't even wait for them to evict me." 4. Mr. F. moved into one of the coal towns in 1925, and took over a $1,500 house previously occupied by another miner wno had moved away. The hou e had two debts, one to the company which o,Yned the lot, the other to the Building and Loan A sociation. The previous purchaser had already paid in $ 1,000 on the first and $480 on the second debt. Through the checkoff, Mr. F. soon retired the first debt at the rate of $40 a month. He then concentrated on monthly payments of $13. 75 to the association. Between 1925 and 1932 he paid in about $1,100 on the house. In 1932 he lost his job, but continued his payments until his money was exhausted in 1933. Then he defaulted but "hung on" to the house. His tenacity wa rewarded, for in a few months, "when everything was going bust," the buileing and loan failed. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT UHBANA-CHAMPAIGN rm Security Ac/ininiotrntion (Rothst ein). " H' e used to have one of th e lives t lillle Lawns yoLL eve r saw." Abandoned Store in Zeigler, Ill. )1g i..zed by 11\ITE.RNET ARCHIVE en 11 :ti from UN VEt{SITY C IL~INC S AT URBANA-CHAM~AIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BANKRUPTCY • 79 For 4 years he heard nothing of his obligation. But in 1937 he received a letter from a "loan agency" stating that it had bought the a sets of the association, and that a debt of $967.63 on the house "must be terminated very soon." Mr. F. estimates that the house is now worth about $200. House Wrecking It may be gathered from these incidents that the building and loan associations suddenly found themselves in po ses ion of a large number of repossessed coal-town houses. For a hort time, they were able to dispose of these houses to new borrowers. Between 1927 and 1931, however, so many unemployed miners either migrated from the coal field, or doubled up to save on rent and electric light , that the real-estate market "'a soon loaded down with hundreds of vacancies. Houses could be neither rented nor sold outright. Least of all could they be closed out under the building-and-loan plan; the miner had become embittered over their losses and were resolved not to enter such an agreement again. But while property depreciated, taxes went on as before. The building and loan associat,ions were faced with the nece sity of selling the repossessed property before tax collectors had taken what little ,alue remained. Many of the vacant houses were berng damaged by small boys, or were being taken away board by board to repair the miners' houses. l\,Ioreover, the existence of so many vacant houses reduced the value of property that was still occupied, a consideration to which coal-field entrepreneurs have always been highly sensitive. About 1930 the associations began selling the repossessed property for secondhand lumber. Houses akeady vacant were closed out in short order to out-of-town buyers who wrecked them and carted the lumber away. When a new vacancy occurred, the ,VTecking-crew was on hand. Houses in which the dispossessed miner had in,ested $1,000 to $2,000 were sold for as little as 25 to $50; and town lots that had cost the miners as much as $400 were forfeited to the State by the hundreds. In this way, some of the coal towns lo t as much as one-third of their total number of houses. Local n ewspapers looked with unconcealed favor on this process. " The sooner that these vacant houses are taken away," said one, "the better it will be for the property that is left. Every time one is pulled down, its value proves to enhance the value of other property." They pointed to the fact that when the repossessed houses were unoccupied, they constituted a "fire hazard"; and on the otht>r hand, when they were occupied by "squatters," they tended to "breed disease and sickness." However that might be, the fact was that the number of hou es in the coal towns diminished more rapidly than the population. If one of the main purposes of house wrecking was to eliminate the surplus Digitized by NTERNET ARCHIVE Original FJIT' UNIVERSITY OF LLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPA,C 'J 80 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS of housing, this end wa achieved. i\ithin a few year , house wreckers had demolish d not only the urplus of housing, but a substantial number of the hou es actually needed for the population. Familie of the unemployed took to crowding together more than ever, to living in tents, in shantie bwlt on the garbage dump, in chicken house in vacant store . At the encl of the era of building-and-loan financing, the problem of in ufficient housing had become one of the more pressing difficultie of the southern Illinoi coal field. 6 The dispo al of repossessed building-and-loan property to the hou e wreckPI'S did not save the associations from bankruptcy. As oon as the flow of money into the associations started to waver, the stockholders naturally asked to withdraw their investment. The a sociations were thu forced to meet obligations for which they had no resources, other than paper profits and depreciated real property. B eginning in 1931 the associations started to fail throughout the coal field. Out of the 35 associations which had been operating at the peak of the home-loan business, only 6 continued in operation in 1936, and the activity of those was confined almost altogether to cleaning up the few loans still outstanding. THE BANK CRASH The phenomenal rise of funds deposited in the coal-town banks during and after tb e World War was succeeded by a period of "stabilization." The establishment of the Jacksonville Scale at the mines dicl not bring any further increase in bank deposits, but it di.d allow tl,e banks to hold their wartime gains. In 1923 deposits reached 2 million dollars, then leveled off (appendix table 24 and fig. 16-C) . The Condition of the Banl.s in the 1920's There is some evidence that many of the coal-field b anks actually bad more money than they were able to inve t wisely. In any case, a loan policy of unusual leniency appears to have been widely adopted . ..,ome ections of the community found that unsecured "friendship" loans were easy to obtain, and a considerable amount of money went for such purposes.7 A present-day banker in the coal fielrl reports 6 The 1940 Census co unt of vacant housing unit in Franklin, Saline, and William on Counties (preliminar~· figures) showed that 1.3 percent of the units were not occupied. In Harri burg (Saline County) unoccupied dwellings were 0.9 percent of the total; in West Frankfort, 0.7 percent. These figures indicate crowding in the extreme; one mu t search far in the entire country to find evidence of o extraordinary a housing hortage. 7 An extreme example of thi type of loan came to light in the liquidation proceedinit of a bank in J ohn ton City (Williamson County). The bank had loaned , 5,000 without ecurity to Charlie Birger, the notorious coal-field gang ter. Birger's note became worthless when he was hanged for his misdeeds in 1927. Car tens, Arthur and White, Ina, A Se-mi-Stranded Area, unpublished ms., Federal Em rgenc~· Relief Ach11i11i.-tratio11, Wa hington, D. C., pp. 42 ff. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BANKRUPTCY • 81 that some ba.nkers ·dming- the early 1920's had frequently made loans on real estate up to 150 percent of the value of the property. Even where no such fantastic policy was followed, the appraisal of the value of security offered for loans often tended to be optimistic. For a time this practice of the less cautious bankers appears to have worked successfully enough. As long as the miners kept their money on deposit and the borrowers met their obligations, the interest income of the banks was incrPased and prosperity r eigned. The banks tmder more conservative leadership necessarily operated under similar, if less extreme, circumstances. Within the community itself the principal loa.ns were secured either by town and farm real estate or by the notes of loca.l merchants. Although farm mortgage were reasonably safe, loans on town real estate, even if held to only 50 percent of appraised value, were dangerous risks in view of the boom values which prevailed during the 1920' . When mine pay rolls were high, the local merchants enjoyed a sµectacular prosperity and their credit was safe. But the merchants depended on credit extended to miners, and cr edit could easily become bad debts. Oth er funds not loan ed locally were generally diverted to h eavy investments in" conservative" bonds; these, too, were vulnerable. Even the conservative banks (except those with their funds in farm mortgages) 8 were in no position to m eet a rainy day. It was not until 1927, however , that the fissur es in the coal-town banking structure were first observed. An Licipating a major strike in 1927, the miners had started nearly a year in advance to build up their savings; and when the strilrn occurred on April 1, 1927, they began on schedule to withdraw their money. Two coal-town bank officifl,ls who soon saw that they could not pay the strike withdrawals legitimately, forged some bogus securities for the emergency. Along in the summer of 1927 both bankers were caugh t and convicted. The community was sca11clalized, and took careful note of this incident. Three other banks closed during the strike year, but all the r est wer e able to m eet the situation adequately . As soon as the strike was settled, h eavy withdrawn ls stopped (fig. 16- C). But as time passed, ug-ly rumors began to circulate. For example, miners at work underground in a mine at Johnston City beard one day in the summer of 1928 that a W est Frankfort bank was about to close its doors. Inunediately all the min ers dropped their tools and rushed into town to get then· money. The bank pairl off in cash all afternoon. When the president offered a reward for the arrest of the person who 8 Saline County banks turned out to be the only so und banks in the coal fi eld; and while Franklin and Williamson together lost 26 banks, Saline lost only 4. One main reason for the survival of the Saline banks was that the territory they served depended as much on farming as on mining, and hence absorbed the hock of the declining coal industry more easily than Frauklin and Williamso n. Die 11 Z by 'JTER 11.JE"T ARl H,VF )1 igina1 f1 um ur-.i v~ ~s1· v OF ILL >Joie; AT U:\BANA-CHAt-1. AIGN 82 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS started the rumor, the run stopped and the bank was saved for the time. A few months later two Franklin County banks decided to try consolidating their position by a merger. Again suspicion was aroused. Put on the defensive, the new company issued this somewhat incoherent explanation to depositors: Service is always a paramount goal of every well-balanced financial corporation. There is a definite and pronounced trend toward an era of consolida tions and mergers among financial institutions. Banks, insurance companies, investment companies, and other organizations dealing in money and credit are proceeding on the theory of the old adage-"in union there is strength"and the credit fabric of the State and ation is given greater expansive power and elasticity by means of these combinations. With these facts in mind . . . the consolidation . . . has today been perfected and ratified. Four other mergers and reorganizations were hurriedly put through in th e three counties during 1929. It was too late for patching up the structure. The pinch had come, and the miners were withdrawing the savings they had put away for hard times. To meet these new demands, the banks found their portfolios filled with all too many defaulted notes, real-estate mortgages that could never be repaid, and depreciated bonds. The Collapse The Herrin State Savings Bank, after doing business for more than a quarter of a century, finished the year 1928 with nearly half a million dollars on deposit. In 1929 unemployed miners drew h eavily on their savings and reduced t heir accounts to $380,000. Withdrawals continued through the first months of 1930 until finally deposits stood at $275,000. One Wednesday morning early in April 1930 residents of Herrin saw that a typewritten notice had been stuck on the front door, announcing that the bank was undergoing "examination and readjustment." In Johnston City, 6 miles away, the same notice had been posted that morning at the larger of the town's two banks. B efore the day was over runs had started on every bank in Williamson County. Several days later one of the Williamson County newspapers, speaking for the threatened coal-town entrepreneurs, did its bit to stop the withdrawals: Professional and business men point out that where money is taken from a bank and hidden in the home, there is danger of total loss by fire, burglary, or robbery, and that at the worst one never suffers total loss if the money is left safely in the bank. 9 The same issue reported that "confidence in the bank situation was 9 Nearly a year later the newspaper was still pointing up news stories of burglaries with the moral, "Keep your money in the banks." Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BANKRUPTCY • 83 being restored," but announced that four other ,Yilliarn on ounty bank had just closed, bringing the week' total casu11.ltil'S to i..x. By the end of 1930 the 3 counties had lost 10 more of the 36 banks which operated at the fit· t of the year. Active deposits fell from about 26 million dollars to 12 million dollars, partly because of thr fund tied up in the 16 defunct bank and partly because' of the continued drain on the stronger banks that managed to urvivc the year. Thrnughout 1931 the liquidation proceeded. Williamson County lost another bank and half of it total deposits. Franklin County lost three of its last seven banks, together with almost four-fifth of thl• deposits with which it started the year. (See appencli..x table' 2-!.) The last of the largt• banks in Franklin County- the First K ational Bank of Zeigler-was sand only by the intervention of the' Bell & Zoller Coal & Mining Company, which bought control and hurried funds to Zeigler in time to stop a run on the bank. At the end of 1932 Franklin and Williamson Counties together had on deposit only 7 cenLs for each dollar held in 1928. All that rPmained in Franklin County wa the one important bank at Zc•igh'r and three mall banks outsidP the coal towns. ·Williamson County had two small banks, neither of which had ufficient re ources to handle more than a fraction of the county's banking business. Total deposits in the tlll'ce counties had been reduced from 29 million dollar~ to 6 million dollars, of which three-fourths was held in the Saline County banks that had weathered the storm. The bank holiday of March 1933 came as something of an anticlimax in southern Illinois. By 1933 defunct bank in the three counties h eld 14 million dollars in frozen deposits. ot nntil 1934 were any substantial paynwnl made on the e claims again t the banlrn, and even then the payment were equal to only about one-fourth of the total amount inYolved. Payments continued, howenr, through 1935 and 1936 until roughly half of the deposits were repaid. During 1937 most of the receiYerships were dissolved,1° and a final deficit to depositors amounting to approximately 7 million dollar was written off the books. Posta l Sa vi ngs When the United State Po tal Savings System was first established in coal-town post offices about 1910, local businessmen in the three counties hoped that as long as the foreign born refu eel to deposit their avings in local banks anyhow, they would at lea t be willing to trust their money to "the GoYernment's keeping." "It i expected," they said," that not nearly so much money will be sent out of the country hereafter." Actually, however, the Postal Savings System was 10 In the summer of 1940 a defun ct bank in Johnston City, still in the courts, was about to make its first payment to d epositors since April 8, 1930. [' git e~ NTtl{NE r ARC. , V tlr q n ... ~IVE.R'i,TY OF LINOIS AT ..,RtlANA C A~PA,r 'J 84 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS not popular with the miners. After 2 years of operation, there were only 131 postal depo itors in the 3 countie . Even when the World War upset the flow of savings to Emope, postal savings gained little; the miners turned to the local banks instead. All during the 1920's the very existence of the postal system remained largely unrecognized. It was not until after the bank crash that the miners began to make use of the Postal Savings System; by that time it was too late to salvage very much of their money. During the first year of the crash, bank deposits declined 14 million dollars, but po tal deposits increased only 1 million dollars. In 1931 deposits in banks dropped another 5 million dollars, while postal savings increased only about l½ million dollars. Postal savings did not reach their peak (4½ million dollars) until 1933, a year after the banking structure of Franklin and Williamon Counties had been virtually wiped out. (See appendi.."'{ tables 24 and 25 and fig. 16-C.) For whatever reason, the community had placed full confidence in the stewardship of its local entrepreneurs. The one avilable institution which could have h elped to cushion the shock was forgotten , and it actually helped very little. The chief function of postal savings was to proYide a place of safekeeping for what little money could be scraped together from the ruins of the banks. BANKRUPT GOVERNMENTS The increase in thr coal-field tax income after 1918 had permitted the expansion of chools, roads, "charities," local improvemrnts, and all the services so urgently needed by the newly grown-up community. These expanded functions required, in turn, still further increases in tax revenue. A new school building, for example, meant that the school district must new and better teachers, as well as pay off the interest on the school bonds. In order to hold what gains had been won, the community had obligated it elf for further increases in its future tax reYenues. In the early 1920's the job of providing the community with adequate social equipment bad still scarcely bC'gun. One improvement suggested another. When a new high-school building had been completed, there was less ju tification for neglecting the city hall, or the county poor farm, whose condition was a chronic scandal. Road construction was a job for two decades. In the middle 1920's many of the coal to,vns still had unpaved streets, no central water supply, no adequatP sewage system. Counties and town hips were required by the tate to et up still other function , uch as increased aid to the blind. Digitize~ by Ori~1nal from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BANKRUPTCY • 85 Tax Income in the Early 1920's It was altogether natural, then, that the coal-field tax levy should have risen steadily after thr war. In 1919 the tax income for the thrne countie passed 2 million dollars for the first time; in 1922 it passed the 3-million-dollar mark; and in 1925 it reached nearly 4 million dollars (appendL"s: table 22 and fig. 16-D). But in spite of the increased tax income, local government official were finding it more and more difficult to make ends meet. In Franklin County, for example, the collap e of real-estate promotion schemes in 1922 had di rupted the finances of several town , leaving firemen, policemen, and street maintenance workrrs unpaid. William on County had similar difficulties. The extraordinary expenses of the sheriff' and coroner's offices during the Ku Klux Klan civil war threw the county into considerable debt and revealed how precarious its fiscal base actually was. Experts who examined the county records cautioned the officials as early as 1925 that "strictest economy" would be necessary and recommended the budgeting of accounts, but the problem was too large to be solved in this imple way. A short "economy" drive was launched, how ever, in 1926, and the tax levy was reduced to encourage thi effort. But ,vhen the time came actually to cut expenses the local officials could think of no methods more far-reaching than moving the sheriff's office to the jail to save rent, cutting the "purchase of food supplie for the county farm," and "extreme caution" in "helping paupers, so-called." After 1 year of such economy the levy was raised again. Unpaid Taxes If local government official could not keep their hou e in order during the last years of the coal boom, they were to face an utterly impos ible task when the boom ended. In 1927 all the other di.fficult,ie of the local tax bodies were reduced to insignificance by a new and unexpected de,elopment: property holders began neglecting to pay their taxes. Collections lipped a little further behind in 1928, and warrants drawn on the local tax funds decreased in value. The need of outside help for the hard-pressed local governments had r eached the point of "urgency," according tp a private auditor of the counties' affairs. T ax forfeitures became far more serious in 1929. Warrants i sued against the Williamson County general fund were di counted 20 percent. More trouble deYeloped as the unemployed made increasing demands on the meager pauper-relief funds. The tone of the auditor' annual report now carried a note of hopeles ness and panic. But this was only the beginning. The schools were hard hit for the first time hy the disappointing 1930 school-tax collections, which reduced their revenue by nearly one-fourth. The closing of the banks in r git Ll e NTtl{NEf ARC V C IVER'>,TYOF LINOl~AT , RdANA C A~PA c "J 86 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Franklin and Williamson Counties during 1930 tied up a large part of the public money, stopping salaries of teachers and county officials and payment to paupers. In Saline County, where the banks stayed open, the extraordinary expenses for relief drained the local treasuries. Still forfeitures increased. By 1931, even after some of the frozen bank deposits had been released, Franklin and Williamson Counties were unable to borrow in advance on anticipated taxes. In the judgm ent of the few local banks that still operated, the credit of the local tax bodies had become totally worthless. After 1931 the whole tax system stalled. The coal companies, of course, continued for the most part to pay their taxes, but they had won sharp reductions in both assessed valuations and levies and had thus cut their tax bill by more than one-third. Large numbers of farmers, particularly those whose land was superior, also kept their taxes clear. But in the towns, where the majority of the taxes were levied, and on the poorer farm land, property owners by the thousands simply stopped paying taxes altogether. Such a large proportion of the population was involved in tax delinquency that the sheriffs were not able to take any action to force collection. Although each newly elected sheriff pledged himself to collect the back taxes of the "well-to-do" delinquents, the job of separating the well-to-do from those truly unable to pay turned out to be impossible, and the various drives for bringing in collections were all dropped after a month or two of threatening publicity. The spread of tax delinquency led to a general breakdown of most of the functions of the local governments. Pauper-relief resources diminished rapidly, while need increased. The local governments eventually tlwew up their hands and called on outside help to save the unemployed from starvation. The schools remained open, but teachers were dismissed by the score; buildings fell into disrepair, and the teachers who were retained had to work as long as a full year witlwut pay. School and county warrants were cashed regularly for 50 cents on the dollar and frequently for less. The sheriff of Williamson County refused to serve papgrs unless his fees were paid in ndvance: And by fee I don't mean county orders; I mean cash. I have 8 thousand dollars in county orders now that I can't get money for, and it takes money for us to buy gasoline to drive a ll over the county serving papers. The town of Benton turned off the city lights, cut the police force to 1 underpaid employee (for 8,000 people), stopped work on the streets , and reduced the fire department to the minimum required by the insurance companies . Towns throughout the coal field followed suit. "The town," said a local paper, "has no mone_v with which to pay for the expensive tastes the people cultivated when <k>llars were literallv growing on trees." · Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BANKRUPTCY • 87 The declin e of tax revenues was not simply a temporary phase; local officials soon recognized that there was no hope, granted the existing tax base, of collecting revenues adequate for the needs of the community. A gr eat deal of the property valuation in th 0 towns had been d estroyed by th e building-and-loan house-wrecking policy, anJ the depression had brough t a general reduction in val ual ion and levies on the r em aining properties. !any of the townspc.·ople who had forfeited their taxes over a period of years were eventually able to resume payments on a curren t basis. But by law any tax payments were credited to back taxe , which in many instances were so great that they exceeded by far the value of the property itself. Rather th an attempt to clear their property of all back taxes, property hold rs who might h ave k ept up current taxes paid nothing at all. At one time the local governments attempted to h ave all back taxes written off the books in order that cw-r en t taxes could be collected; th e Attornry G cn er~11 of th e State, however, ruled that th e procedure was not legal. According to the latest figures available, th e tax structure of the coal field is Lill hopelessly shatt ered. Williamson County Commis ioners di covered in 1936 that the clerical cost of carrying back taxes on the records was one-fourth of th e total income from the county lev)'. Taxes wer e not paid in "\"Yilli amson County in 1936 on 31 percent of all land , on 49 perce n t of personal property, and on 67 percent of th e town lots. Coal towns in Franklin and Williamson Com ities showed tax forfeitur es in 1937 as follows: Percent of all lots with taxes unpaid 'l'own Herrin_ _ _ ___________________ ____- - - - - ___ 71 Johnston City ____ _____ __ __ ---------- --- - - ---- 77 West Frankfort _____ __ ________________ ____ __ ______ 71 Zeigler_ ___________ _ ___ _________ - - - _____ _- - - - 70 Even in aliu e County, which remained comparatively solvent through the d epression , tax delinquency is serious in terms of ordinary standards. Eldorado taxpayers, for C.'xamplc, \,·er e in arrear on 21 percent of the town lots in 1937, an d in Carrier Mills the rate of forfci ture was 28 percent. In order for the community to carry on its fun ctions at all, State and Federal Governments ha Ye been called upon to supply an ever increasing part of the nece ary money. Local responsibili ty for unemployment relief broke down b efore the coal depression was well under way. The three counties were able to contribut e only 10 percent toward their direct relief cost during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939. Old-age assistance, which now costs about 1 million dollars a y ear , is born e prin cipa ll y by reven ues derived outside the three counties. The Federal Government pays the wage of the thousands employed on the work programs. In or<ler to maintain D gt e1 NTtl{NE r ARC.H VL Ll g LNIVE.R'i1TY OF LINOIS AT ..,RtlANA C. AMPA,r 'J 88 • SEVEN STRANDED COA L TOWN S to provid e accept able school tandar ds, the State has been forced , the State a larger and larger share of the school costs; in 1937, indeed schools. the run to d equire r money the of half paid somewh at over the welfar e Long- postpo ned local impro vemen ts, which are vital to not conof the comm unity but which the comm unity itself co uld rd witho ut ceiva bly fina.nce, could not have been carried forwa the WPA. Digil zed by INTERNET ARCHIVE Orgm ... 1 rJfTI UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Chapter V I ATTEMPTS AT A SOLUTION BETWEEN 1923 and 1933 the southern Illinois coal field evolved by low stages from an nctin' , booming mining community to one beset at every turn with dl'cp-seated economic difficulties. Since the general causes of thi sta Le of affairs involn• the whole bituminous ·oal industry and are Iation-widc in scope, the community itself ha been h elpless to halt the decli1w. Recognizing that th(• coal depresion was beyond local control, the community was forced to turn in upon itself to seek a solution for,it growing difficultie . While some of thesr attempts havr ml't with modest success, they have not contributrd greatly to the olution of the basic economic problems of the community. 1 ATTEMPTS TO CHECK MINE UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment of miners in southern Illinois re ulted l'ither from the displacement of labor, following the installation of loading mad 1inc•s, or from the abandonment of mine . Coal miners facing w1employm nt accordingly had two distinct problems, depending upon the pro pccLs of their individual mines. If a mine stood a good chance to continue working, the miners' problem was to keep out the mach ines. For those mines on the verge of bankruptcy, on the other hand, the problem was Lo work out arrangements for carrying on operations. 1 We leave out of account here such activities as bootlegging, which residents of up-State Illinois erroneou ly belie\'ed to be one of the principal occupations of unemployed miners. There wa of course some illegal liquor traffic in the coal field, but it appears to have been a poor business in the dark days of the depression, for-among other reasons- few could afford to buy. We also omit the various activities based on the principle that the unemployed might solve their problems by selling magazine subscription , collecting coat hanger , cleaning tomb tones, making flowerpots out of tin cans, and other " ingenious" attempts to create sen·ices \\'bich no one wanted. 89 Dg1tzc- . . v NTtl{NE r ARC.H Vt llr g n LNIVER'i1TY OF LINOIS AT uRtlANA c., AMPA,r "J 90 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Attempts to Eliminate the Machines When southern Illinois coal operators first began to install mechanical loading equipment in 1925 and 1926, no wage scale for the new occupation of operating the machines had been agreed upon. Th e miners, sensing from the start that the machines would eventually "revolutionize" the southern Illinois coal industry and create widespread technological unemployment, first took their stand against the machines on the question of the wage scale for machine operators. Miners who lo ad coal by hand work on a tonnage rather than an hourly basis, and th(' first thought of the miners was that the new loading machines should also be operated und er a tonnage wage scale. At the negotiations to fix loading-machine wages in 192!:i, this position was advanced by the scale committee of the Illin ois union. Although the union conceded that the machine rate might be somewhat lower Lhan the prevailing hand-loading scale, the practical effects of its demands would have been the prevention of mechanization in the field. As it developed, however, the operators were pressing for a wage reduction. The eventual outcome was a compromise in which the miners won a renewal of the prevailing wage and the operators won an hourly wage scale (considerably higher than average) for the loading machines. From this time on , the international and the Illinois union offered no resistance to mechanization as such, but took the position instead that the benefits of the machines should be passed on to the miners through a shorter workday. Th e miners at the face, however, frequently had a different view of th e matter. Th ey knew from experience that after an operator installed machines, reduced earnings and increased unemployment would inevitably follow. It appeared to them that the way to avoid the effects was to attack what appeared to be the causes. Accordingly, there developed a general antagonism against the machines themselves, leading on several occasions to unauthorized strikes in an attempt to prevent their installation. In October 1928 some 1,800 miners at New Orient went out on strike to prevent mechanical loading devices from comin g into the mine. The miners demanded that if the conveyors were set up, "all employees should be given steady work." The strike, which was not supported by the subdistrict union , was short-lived; within a few days the miners • returned to work. A few months later 400 of the 1,800 miners were displaced. Two years later the Committee for the Elimination of Mining Machinery was form ed in southern Illinois to urge that all miners "cease work on loading machines and conveyors. " The committee set a strike day and sent speakers to every mine local in Franklin and Williamson Counties to build support. But again the subdistrict wuon did not sanction the action and the strike was a total failure. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ATTEMPTS AT A SOLUTION • 91 All local action again t the machines eventually failed with one exception. Following the 1932 strike two of the larger a.line County operators agreed that no machine would be worke I or installed at their mines. Later on, however, this agreement was also lo t (though two of the mines covered in the contract were never mechanized becau e of engineering difficultie ). ince 1933 the machines have been accepted a inevitable. Except for poradic "slowdown" strike and occa ionally a refu al to reopen bankrupt mine on a machine ba i , the miners have not ince oppo ed machine loading in southern Illinois. Attempts To Reopen Abandoned Mines Mine abandonment, as we have een, was a far more serious cause of unemployment than the introduction of machine loading. Usually mine abandonment was pre ented to the miners as inevitable. Many of the larger operator decided to close certain of their mines because of lack of a market, about which the miners themselves could of course do nothing. At other mine the coal territorie had been either flooded or completely worked out. There were several small bankrupt mines in outhern Illinois, however, which the miners did attempt to keep ope ting. A mine crew's wage claim play an important part in the reorganization of defunct mine . Wages are paid in Oll them Illinois on the ba i of 2 weeks' work, but the actual money i not forthcoming until another 2 weeks have pas ed. When an operator goes into bankruptcy, the miners ordinarily get no notice until "a pay is mi sed," that i , until their pay for the period ending 2 week earlier is defaulted . Meanwhile, the miner have put in :20 ,000 to S60 ,000 worth of work. After bankruptcy , claim for the amount defaulted are placed against the receiver, who cannot reopen the mine until he has settled thi claim to the satisfaction of the men. In spite of the miners ' wage claims, the receiver ordinarily has the advantage when negotiating for reopening the mine. The miners by thi time have usually been unemployed for 6 month to a year and a half,2 and are an,xious to go back to work. Of course they are also very much in need of the month's mi sed pay. In this situation, the miner have often been willing to make large concession to get their mine operating again. In reopening bankrupt marginal mines, one of two plans was ordinarily adopted. Sometime the miners would draw their missed pay in ca h, and then go back to wo;k at what amounted to lower wages. The other plan was to go back to work without wage conce ions, z Operators planning to "miss a pay" usually do so in F ebruary or March, at the beginning of the annual slump. Ordinarily attem pts to reopen a defunct mi ne begin in the fall at the start of the coal season. l_) C'g t e NTtl{NEf ARC. V L'JIVER'>,TY OF L NOi~ AT , RJANA C AMPA,r "J 92 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS either di guised or otherwi e, but to make concessions on the missed pay, taking partial payment for full settlement, or agreeing that the debt be paid off a little at a time. In 1.1ach case it was usually agr eed that the mine crew would put in 1 or 2 months' work without pay. cleaning up the mine before reopening. It i obvious that, under each of these plans the miners were really subsidizing marginal operations. Well aware of this fact, they assumed that after ,1 time these mines would be able to stand without help. Actually, hO"wever , such a time never came at most of the reopen ed banla-upt mine , and the miners were eventually faced with th e choice of either granting more and more concessions, or of halting their subsidy and closing the mines. As a result, most of the attempts to open banla·upt mines failed. A mine crew at ·w est Frankfort, which tried to keep its mine operating at all costs, missed a pay each spring for 6 years in succession, then closed down. l\fost of th e crews at banlu·upt mines, however, refused to work indefinitely under such conditions. At a marginal mine in Benton, for example, the miners worked for a full year at wages equal to 70 percent of the union scale, then demanded the full scale and closed the mine down rather than continue their subsidy. A ther mine crew at Johnston City voted to remain unemployed rather than make an agreement to spend their pay from the reopened mine at the company store. Another mine canying a debt on two missed pays was closed because the mine crew was unwilling to make further co ncessions to the operator until 10-year-old wage claims ,vere paid. In addition to granting concessions to marginal operators, the miners on various occasions attempted to take over bankrupt mines and to operate them cooperatively. Failure greeted each of these ventures. The equipment available for cooperative mining was usually inadequate; the miner encountered other difficulties when they attempted to market their output; and at times the plan was disrupted by quanels among the cooperators. When royalties and jobbers' fees had been paid, the miners frequently found that they had been working for less than half of full union wages. After struggling along for a season or so, the miners let their leases pas to private operators. Shari ng the Work at the Mines The miners' attempts either to eliminate coal-loading machinery or to reopen bankrupt mines failed to check in any real measure the growth of unemployment in the outhern Illinois coal field. The local problem wa thu oon reduced to one of ameliorating the hardships of unemployment. Except for some meager unemployment bendit , the miner ' efforts in this direction consisted mainly of the u.<loption of the policy of sharing work at the mines when a reduction of Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ATTEMPTS AT A SOLUTION • 93 crew became neces ary. Displacement of labor by loading machine has been cushioned at en•ry mechanized mine in outhern Illinois by the use of" divided time." The policy mi accepted by thP miners to b e the lesser of two evils, and it ha long been written into the union contract. In spite of obvious advantages, the policy did not, increa e actual employment and h ence dic.l not h elp to solve the general problem of unemployment in the coal field. Frequently, divided time ha entailed considerable hardship for the miners. When the mines on divided time were not working regularly, the policy reduced th(• earnings of the greater part of the " ·orking crew to a level below ubsistence standards, and on occa ion it actually increased the total relief load. Such a situation occurring in thr summer of 1938 helped to rai e the WP A and relief rolls to a record peak for the three counties. (See fig. 20 , p. 133.) Divided time , moreover, took car e of only a very small proportion of the displaced miners. It did not, for example, help miners laid off after a mine was abandoned. Although some of the younger workers from an abandoned mine belonging to a company with other mine working were sometime rehired, company-wide shar e-the-work plans werf never an esta blished practice; and workers not actually needed at other mines were not reemployed. Divided time is no"· largely a thing of the past. At one time the mechanized mines in southern Illinois had hundreds of surplus men dividing time with the rest of the crew. :\!any of them were eliminated after the 1932 strike. Divided time was subsequently extended as new machine were in tailed, but by 1941 it had almo t "worked itself out" through death and resignations. In June 1940 the urplus men dividing time in the 3 counties had been reduced to only 66 workers.3 The "Gopher Holes " Nearly all of the coal mined in southern Illinois is produced at shipping mines,4 large-scale operations which load coal for railway shipment to Chicago , t. Louis, and tlu·oughout the Midwest. Alongside the larger operations there ha alway existed a small makeshift coal-mining industry catering to the truck and wagon trade of near-by farmers and townspeople. "11en the larger coal industry began to fail , one of the paradoxical results was a rapid expansion of the mailer submarginal industry. 3 See footnote 10, p. 32. • In 1926 the shipping mines produced 9 percent of the coal output of the three counties; and in 1938, after the expansion of local mining, the hipping mines still p roduced 97 percent of the total output. l1" _ed by INTER~ _T Aik"HIVE 0n 111 I 'roni JNIVE~SITY O IL INO 5 AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 94 • SEVEN STRAN DED COAL TOWNS The gopher holes, which make up this smaller industry, are extremely poor producers. The coal seam they work consists mainly of leavings which were too thin and poor to attract the operators who first started large-scale mining in southern Illinois two generations ago. The seam averages only 3 to 5 feet in thickness where the gopher holes operate, so that mining and underground haulage is difficult. Because of the meager capital of the operators, none can afford to sink a slope more than 50 or 75 feet deep; hence the mines are all located in the poor-grade coal near the outcrop. 5 The primitive equipment of the mines usually consists of a couple of discarded pit cars from a larger mine, a few hundred feet of cable, a salvaged automobile motor for hoisting the coal , and a tipple made of scrap lumber. Most of the gopher holes have no undercutting machines, and practically all loading is done by hand. Many do not even have storage space at the tipple and cannot load or hoist unless someone is waiting at the tipple to buy a load of coal. Before 1929 the function of the gopher holes was merely to fill small local orders which the shipping mines did not care to handle; during this period gopher holes employed in their best years only 120 to 180 miners as against a peak of 36,200 in the shipping mines. After 1928, however, the development of hard roads in southern Illinois expanded the possible market of the local mines to include a radius of 100 miles, and they began in a small way to compete with the shipping mines. 6 Handling a low-grade coal, the small mines had to deliver coal in their new market at a price far below that of the larger mines. Although a part of this difference was made up through cheap trucking costs, coal from the local mines sold for half the price of deep-vein coal at the tipple, and sometimes less. This difference had to be absorbed through lower and lower wages at t h e local mines. The difficulties of the local mines were further increased by bitter competition among themselves. In spite of these condition s the number of gopher holes began to increase after 1929. As unemployment grew more and more critical, the wages and working conditions in the gopher holes became less unattractive to the miners. Makeshift tipples began to appear in every hollow along the outcrop. Unemployed mil1ers and their sons The entire gopher-hole industry is strung out ea st and west along the southern fringe of the N o. 5 seam, which outcrops in th e center of Williamson County and the south of Sa line County. There are no gopher boles in Franklin County, where the overburde n run s from 300 to 600 feet. 6 The local mines in Williamson and Sa line Counties now sell most of the coal used in southern Illinois as far a s the Ohio River and in southeastern Missouri in the vicinity of Cape Girardeau. They seldom truck as far a s St. Louis, however, because they cannot compete with the local mines in St. Clair County, Ill., just across the Mississippi from St. Louis. 6 D1g1tized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN "A n old engin e, a. piece of cable, and a slick of wood or two- that's all you n eed." .\ Goph e r Jl ole .\"ea r :\farion, Ill. l1c1I zed by l'-lffR"JET ARCHIVE Ongmal from UN v~qsrrv OF ILLl'-1015 AT URBANA•CHA~1PAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSl1Y OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ATTEMPTS AT A SOLUTION • 95 would come out from town, lease a few acres of coal, and begin digging the slope themselves. In a few weeks they would start hoisting 5 or 10 tons of coal a day, which they would sell to the trucks for whatever it would bring. Sometimes a farmer in need of ready cash would start digging on his own land, and eventually hire a half dozen neighbors and relatives to help load out the coal. A few local enterprisers went into busine s on a more elaborate scale with undercutting machines, Diesel hoists, screening equipment, and a mining crew of as many as 40 men. In 1929 there were only 25 local mines, employing 151 men , in Saline and Williamson Counties. By 1932 the number of mine had increased to 75, and employment jumped to 444 miners, who loaded out 154,000 tons of coal for the year. In 1939 there were 106 local mines in the 2 counties, employing a total of 741 men. Tonnage in 1939 had increased to 547,000 tons, about equal to the output of one moderate- ized shipping mine in the coal field (appendix table 9). In a few in tances the rapid increase in the number of local mines clearly benefited the unemployed miners in southern Illinois. Several of the larger mines employ 25 to 40 men each, and maintain a ,rnge scale onsiderably above relief standards, though somewhat below the union cale a,t the shipping mine . A few farmers have also raised thefr a,nnual income by inking mall mines on their own land, thus supplementing summertime work on the farms with wintertime work in the mines. By and large, however, the gopher holes have not had any appreciable effect, upon the unemployment problem of the coal field. For every new job created at the gopher holes, 20 jobs were being eliminated from the hipping mine . Moreover, a large number of gopherhole miner carcely make a living at their new occupation. Because the mine. sell only to the dome tic trade within a region where winter weather i mild, the work season includes no more than 5 fall and winter month each year, and Lhe average time worked a year is about 120 day . D aily wages in some of the more primitive mines run as low as $1 a day or less, and seldom go higher than $4 a day. Many of the miners are not self- upporting during the work season, let alone during the 7 idle months of the year. ATTEMPTS TO BRING IN INDUSTRY Residents of the southern Illinois coal field have long been aware of the precariousness of the area's economic base. ot very long after the first mines were sunk, local businessmen came to realize that the coal industry had its shortcomings. The panic of 1907 fell hard in southern Illinois, and even in the good years when the industry was growing steadily long periods of summertime unemployment were D gt ze1 INTtl{NE.f ARC.H Ve. 0 l,'.JIVE.R'>1TY OF LINOIS AT uRtlANA C. AMPA r 'II 96 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS common. While local newspaper editors were computing in 1910 that the coal industry in the three counties would last another 7,369 years, they had already realized that coal alone would never make a stable community. Typical newspaper comments were: The min es are not the stable, every-day employers of iabor which a town must have in orde r to grow. Diversified industries a re sadly needed as the community at present is very much in the position of having all its eggs in one basket. It was agreed that new industries would have to be attracted; if they would not come of their o-wn accord the community would have to offer inducements. After some years of fruitless waiting, the second of the alternatives appeared lo be the only hope. What the Coal Field Had To Offer Investors looking for a place to build a factory had no compelling reason for choos ing t li e so uthern Illinois coal field. True ~nough, the district did have certain advantages. As one local newspaper put it: Much has been said relative to [this communi ty's] excellent railroad or shipping facilities, its geograph ical location, its abundance of suitable factory land, its wonderful fu<'l advantages, and its water and el<'ctric possibilities. But these advantages were not unique. Good railroad connections, for example, could be found almost anyv,,.here east of the Mississippi and north of the Oh io Rivers, and abundant" factory land" is in itself hardly an attraction fo r manufactmers . Cheap fuel was obviously a talking point, but was a real advantage only if everything else were equal.; Local publicity also made much of the central geographical location of the coal field. Actually, however, a glance at the map will show that its lo cation i not par ticularly favored. Herrin is closer to Memphis than to Chicago, and close r to Atlanta than to Des Moines. lt is at the edge and not in th e cen tor of the great mid western market. A manufacturer looking for central location would h ave no reason to select south ern Illinois in preference to St. Lo ui s, Indianapolis, or any one of a dozen other establish ed industrial centers lying north of the coal field. As for water "po si bilities," the statement quoted made a virtue of a handicap. One of the difficulties in attracting industries to the coal field has been the lack of a dependable water supply. Periodically, severe droughts trike southern Illinois, closing the mines and even hindering the operation of the railroads. The "possibilities" of 1 Fuel expenditures form a very small part of manufacturing cost, amounting to on ly "2.8 percent of the gross value of products manufactured." Bureau of the Census, F~fteenth Censiis of the United Stales, l\lla.nufa.ctures: 1929, Vol. I, (J. S. D epartment of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1933, p. 158. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ATTEMPTS AT A SOLUTION • 97 storing water for the dry eason were present, although it wa not until 1939 that they were realized. The United tates Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the WPA has recently completed the first of a series of storage reservoirs in southern Illinoi which will now assure an abundan t year-round water supply. Cheap wages are a familiar claim of areas which advertise to bring in outside industry. "Docile" and "contented" labor-a th e euphemi m of th e copywriters put i i a substantial attraction for prospective investors, and the regions which lay claim to an open-shop tradition have not been modest about saying so. outhem lliinois promoters could never make such a claim persuasively; they have always had great difficulty convincing investors that low wages might be expected anywhere within the coal field. Even though investors were frequently assured that no attempt would b e made to organize any new industry, the possibility of future collective bargaining till e:\.-isted as long as the miner ' union continued to set the examplr. Almost anywhere outside of the closedshop coal field the chances of eventually having to come to terms with mployees were les . ~ 1o t investors thus preferred to go elsewher . The substantial industries which have been e tabli hed in outh ern Illinois are all located in such towns as Che ter, Metropolis, ntralia, and Mount Vernon, at a discreet di tan ·e from the coal town. It was believed in the coal field that the advantages and disadvantages could be brought into closer balance if local ubsidies to new industry were thrown into the scale. Subsidies, however, were difficult to raise. Early epi odes involving gifts to unreliable manufactw· r had burned many fingers; and few people were atn.::iou to rep at the experience, particularly when the mines were booming and pro perity seemed a sured. When the long coal depression had begun, the idea of ubsidie was re,·ivC'd, but although there was plenty of desperate enthusia m at that time the scheme never seemed to work. "Land a Factory" The campaign to bring new industries to the coal fi eld was crystallized in two extended <lrives, each involving mobilization of public support to raise money for ubsiclies. The first of the e drive , beginning in 1912 and lasting until the beginning of the wartime coal boom, wa precipitated by a lull in the local real-estate busines following a prewar lump in the coal industry .8 The "plan" involved in thi 8 A real- estate•promotion firm with "important offices" in Birmingham, Ala., and H untington, W. Va., played an important part in the e prewar cheme-, conducting sales in Benton, Chri topher, West Frankfort, Harri burg, and El• dorado. This firm was described in local newspapers as "a large operator in the location of factories and the sale of real estate in connection therein." Dgtze1 v INTtl{NET ARC. ,V~ Ll g n LNIVER51TY OF LINOIS AT ...,RtlANA C. AMPA,c "J 98 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS drive, which wa engineered by local real-estate promoters, aimed to rai e a subsidy fund painlessly through the sale of lots in new subdivisions. One town made contacts with a St. Loui stove manufacturer who wished to move to southern Illinois "on account of the cheap fuel facilities." In order to provide other inducements, a local real-estate dealer subdivided 150 lots in a section of town called "Factory Heights" and advertised that all money from the sale of lots above the actual cost of the land would be used to build a factory and railroad switche for the stove works. The purchase of the lots thus became a civic duty. It wa also made clear that the lots would soon be worth "more than i now asked ." At first these venture went off successfully. Within a few days 270 lots were sold at $200 each . The town had raised enough money for the stove factory and for an automobile factory as well. "There is scarcely a man or woman," said a local newspaper, "who is not proud to have these skillful manipulators of mother earth among us to attract the commercial industries this way." In due time both the stove and automobile factories were installed and operating with a crew of about 100 men. But difficulties began to develop almost immediately. A pump factory which had signed an agreement to move to the coal town suddenly refused to carry out its agreement. The stove works ran for 2 years, then shut down. After changing bands many times the machinery was removed and the building wa eventually given over to swallows and bats. The automobile factory closed down after turning out one automobile, and the factory building was given in quick succession to a watch factory and a skating rink, and then burnt down. High hopes turned to disillusionment. When the town was offered a shoe factory in 1918 for a $100,000 bonus, it declined, saying, "This town is not handing out any hundred-thou and-dollar packages." In another town, three real-estate dealers forme l a "development company" and set out in 1913 to raise $100,000 for bonus money to bring in a glove, a piano, and a farm implement factory. Through the sale of city lots a total of $57,000 was pledged in a few months. R esults were not soon apparent, however, and the drive began to lag. When the glove factory was eventually landed, the development company was unable to pay the bonus promised. Local citizens took over the development company and through straight contributions they were able to pay off the debt to the glove factory and erect a building for the piano factory as well. At this point the piano manufacturer reneged, leaving the town with a vacant building on its hands. Eventually the glove factory closed down also. .After this experience, the local n ewspaper remarked bitterly: D1g1t12Ar' by NTERNET ARCH vr= Ur 111 I frorr, UN.VERSITY or= IL lf\JO 5 AT UREIANA-CHAM?AIGf\J ATTEMPTS AT A SOLUTION • 99 The episodes of [a promoter], of factory fame . . . have sen·ed to knock [this town' l so unding board out of tune. . . . Enthusiasm and the cold stern reality of raising s~vernl thousand dollars are con idered to be two entirely different thing;,. For more than a decade the idea of subsidizing local factories was dropped. The failure of the prewar drives for new industry had been discouraging to those who had paid out money for ubsidies without getting any result. ).Ieanwhile, the wartime coal boom had an-ived and prosperity based on coal alone eemed assured. Along about 1925,, the fast effects of the decline of the coal industry began to be felt, and the coal towns once more realized that n ew industries would be needed to absorb the workers who were rapidly being displaced from the mines. It was a sign of the times that women's literary societies b egan to presen t programs like tms: Creosoting Plant, by Mrs.- - - -- Brick Plant , by Mrs. _ Ice Cream Plant, by Mrs. Music In vain the State Chamber of Commerce ,,·arned that" a concern that asks a bonus to locate :1 plant iu your city is not worthy of corning." After 10 yen,r"- of quiet the lo~an, "Land a Factory," was in desperation again rai ed tlu·oughout the coal field. In 1926 one of the coa l t0'-''11>' began to negotiate for a factory with a manufactmer of pillowcases and sheets. The company's expansion plan , which inYolved the sale of $25,000 in stock to local people, was im-estigated by the town's booster club and pronounced sound. The company set, up local offices and issued publicity emphasizing the fact that 30 O'irls would be employed and that money contributed wouJd "be an im·estment rather than a snbsidy." Trustees to protect the community's interest were appointed. But the sale of stock turned out to be difficult, and soon the campaign was forgotten. A neighboring coal town was more successful. Through the cooperation of all cine organizations, the town was able to erect a $35,000 brick building to house its "new textile industry." Miners and busine s people alike contributed time and money for the building. The ma.nufactmer who agreed to occupy the building was also given gentlemanly guarantees by local unions that his workers would not be organized. "We knew that times were hard and if we tried to organize, he wouldn 't have come at all ." Late in December 1926 the plant was installed with 56 machines "busily sewmg and cutting various sizes of underwear." )./{eanwhile, the towns around the edge of the coal field began to land factories at an impressive rate. In 1928 an open-shop town just outside the coal field paid $50,000 for a glove factory. A town to the north of the coal field had raised $125,000 for a shoe factory; to the Di( lliZt!d by Original from NTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 100 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS south it was reported that a rayon factory had been landed. Locitl newspapers informed the people in the coal towns that 35 factories had located in southern Illinois between November 1927 and April 1929. Speaking before a coal-town audience, a field representative of the State Chamber of Commerce predicted that "southern Illinois would become the center of the manufacturing world within the space of a few years ." He urged the enthusiastic local Chamber of Commerce to "pull for new industries" on the basis of its "excellent transportation" and its "super power system." The growiug pressure of unemployment and the success of the campaigns tor factories in n ear-by towns brought the coal field's second drive for outside industry to a climax in 1929. " The industrial fever," said a n ewspaper, a drives were launched throughout the coal fi eld, "has taken hold of the people in this section of the State." The record of the campaign waged by one of the towns shows how desperately n ew industry was pursued. "Sin k o r Swim" The town began to bargain in February 1929 with an Ohio overall manufacturer who promised employment for 150 to 200 people, provided the town raised $85,000 for the plant. After a railroad offered a free site for the factory, a local improvement association set out in :M arch to raise the money required. The drive started off well enough. Carpenters offered to donate labor on the building, and other workers pledged a substantial part of a year's wages. The project was endorsed by 13 unions, 3 lodges, and 3 banks. The newspaper carried a full list of contributors, together with frequent warnings and exhortations: This overall factory drive is a fight for our Yery existence. Some years ago the people of [this town] set about to build up a live city and succeeded as long as the coal mining indu try was thriving. W ork in the mines is not so good now. What of the future? What of the day when this country's last mine has hoisted its last ton of coal, far distant as that day may be? As the drive progressed, it was rumored that a near-by town had made the overall manufactlll'er a better offer. The association responded by urging local citizens to hurry with their pledges. Shall this be another "Tale of Two Cities," one checked by a disloyal few and sliding back into obscurity, the other welcoming opportunities and building to greater heights? Shall [we] fail? It's now or never, sink or swim. All through the summer the drive continued. When the manufacturer telegraphed, "Must have contract completed June 15," the association redoubled its efforts. There wa s open criticism of a Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ATTEMPTS AT A SOLUTION • 101 "disloyal few, including a few businessmen or concerns" who did not support the drive wholeheartedly. June 15 passed, and the manufacturer impatiently granted more Early in the fall of 1929 it was announced that money was still coming in. Optimism continued as architects began to prepare the blueprints for the factory building. The same type of campaign was pursued throughout the coal field. Late in 1929 a local newspaper summarized the status of drives going on simultaneously in five coal towns: [One town] is making a bid for a factory and held a meeting thi week to consider a proposition tendered them. . . . The proposition is a pants factory, which will employ 150 persons. [Another town] is about to close up their overall factory propo ition. . . . [A third town] is open-minded and willing to "talk turkey" on most any sort of an industry the community could handle. [A fourth town] is dickering with a stove factory [to occupy the vacant building erected in the 1913 drive]. The citizens of la fifth town] have taken kindly to the overall factory and the general committee is working hard to sell the required amount of stock to ecure the factory . . . . The e industries are a much needed thing in order to take care of the rapid accumulation of surplu labor. This ummary appeared on October 23, 1929, the week of the stockmarket crash. It was the last optimistic note; within a few weeks all hope of bringing factories to the coal towns was gone. The drive in the one town to raise 5,000 for an overall factory reached the halfway mark late in 1929. On ovember 15 it was reported that bids for the factory building would be asked "in a few days." But the bids were never opened and the campaign quickly died. In the town which ought to raise 40,000 for another overall manufacturer, the quota was eventually reported filled. On ovember 20, however, it was di covered that another $2,000 was needed for moving expenses. The la t $2,000 could not be raised, and this campaign was also soon forgotten. The less advanced drives were simply dropped. As the depression came on, re idents of the coal towns learned that industrie were as hard to keep as they were to get. The most substantial result of the second campaign for industry was the underwear factory which opened in the coal field in 1926. This plant continued to operate until the first years of the depression. Then one morning in 1931 people passing the factory noticed that the machines were all gone. The manufacturer, remembering that the residents of the town had put $35,000 into the factory building, had departed quietly during the night. Another coal town lost a grocery chain's large central warehouse, which mo,ed unexpectedly to a town beyond the coal field in order to take ad,antage of the offer of a free new building and "escape the influence of the trade unions." 11 11 zed by Ong1 ,al from ''-lTERNET ARCHIVE UN VERSITY OF lll''-IOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 1 0 2 • SEVEN STRAN DED COAL TOWNS After t h e fiasco of the 1929 land-a-factory adventures coal-town people reconsiqered the wisdom of schemes to entice reluctant manufacturers by means of either subsidies or acq uiescence in substandard wages. 9 For a p eriod of 10 years, they also lost all their enthusiasm for campaigning; and it wa!s not until late in 1939 that efforts to land outside industry could be form ally organized again. The n ew organization, called "Southern Illinois, Inc., " approaches the problems of the community soberly. It offers no subsidies; it seeks to bring only "sound industries that belong in southern Illinois" ; it cautions the people to expect no miracles, for "to assume that success is assured is foolish," and r esults will only come " if Southern I llinois, Inc., is permitted to carry on a p ermanent, dogged , p ersistent, and determined campaign." The following list of the industries, aside from coal mining, agriculture, and the services, which existed in the three counties in 1935 illustrates how completely the campaig11s for industry hav e failed .10 Meat packing, wholesale ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ _____ _ Nonalcoholic beverages_____ ______________ ___________ _ Flour a nd grain mill products _________ ____ _____ __ _____ Coke-oven products __ __ _ __ _____________ ___ ___ __ ___ __ Saddlery, harness , and whips __ ___ ___________ _________ Co ncrete products __ ______ _______ ___ ____ ___ __ ________ Clay products ___ _____ ___________ __________ __ ________ Wood preserving _ ___________ ___ ___________ __ ________ Explosives __ ________ ___ ___ __ ______________ __ ____ ___ _ 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 plants plants plant p lant plant plant p lant p lant plant The average employment of all these plants, plus a number of bakeries, printing plants, ice and ice-cream factories, was 396 p er sons. Not one of the factories once camp aigned for so ardently appears within the list. BACK TO THE FARM 11 South ern Illinois is one of the few areas in the United States in which important coal deposits occur below a prairie-land smface. g In 1936 a significant d evelopment was reported in a coal town outside th e three counties which were in cluded in th is s urv ey. This town had landed a garme nt facto ry employing a large number of wom en. But "trouble star ted wh e n a woman organi zer is said to hav e been led to th e outskirts of the town and t old not to return ." Whereupon, "unrest at the plant . . . ensued to the point that manufacturers fi na lly told . . . bus inessmen that the situation would have to be handled or t he company would establish elsewhere." A near-by Missouri town promised th e garment manufactu rer a new building if he would move all of his plants t here. 10 Bureau of the Census , Industrial Market Data Handbook of the United States, Domestic Comm erce Series No. 107, U.S. D epartment of Commerce, Washington, D . C ., 1939. 11 Data for this ection were obtained from the Ce ns us of Agriculture for 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, and 1935, Bureau of the Cens us, U.S. D epartment of Comm erce, Washingto n, D. C. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ATTEMPTS AT A SOLUTION • 103 Unlike the declining coal fields in t,he cramped Appalachian valleys, southern Illinois thu appeared to offer the possibility of resettling displaced coal miners on the land. But this "solution" also encountered serious difficulties. Although a return to subsist,ence farming helped to cushion the shock of wholesale mine unemployment, the land offered no real solution to the problems of the coal field. Fa rming in the Th ree Counties Before 1930 In 1900 Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties were dependent almo t solely upon farming. nder their early agriculturnl economy the three countie had not prospered. Much of the soil of the southern Illinois prairies wa extremely poor. In 1900 the production of corn per acre in Franklin , Saline, and Williamson Counties was less than half that of Com Belt counties 150 miles to the north. Tax a sessors in the three counties put the average value of farm land plus improvements at $3 per acre. Coal promoters who began aITiving in sout,b rn Illinois around 1902 were impressed with the poor quality of the farm land, and before the existence of coal became generally known, they were able to buy up top and bottom for as little as$10 an acre. 12 Further, the land had been divided into relatively small plots. Instead of the 160-acre units which prevailed in the rich farm district to th(' north, the farm in the three counties were principally divided into plot,s of 80 acres or less. With agriculture in the three counties ba ed upon such small units of poor soil, the size of the farm population in 1900 was close to the maximum which could be supported on the land. Before the large-scale development of coal began, the district wa well on it way to becoming what would be called today a "rw·al problem area." In 1900 the popul ation of the 3 counties was 69,156 per ons, most of whom were directly or indirectly dependent upon 9,130 farm enterpri cs. With the udd en increa e of mine employment during the next decade, population rose rapidly and reached 101 ,245 in 1910. During this period the mines not only attracted workers from the di tricts beyond the coal field , but from the unprofitable farms near by a w II; local farmer welcomed this chance to escape from poor land. Some of the farm land wa absorbed by the growing coal towns, and the con olidation of the great blocks of coal land had further encouraged the movement off the farms. By 1910 the number of farm operated in the 3 counties had decreased by 1,179, the number of hogs had decrea ed from 95,917 to 52,01 , and 34,529 a n· of farm land bad been taken out of culti,ation. 12 There is a legend that one of the promoters secured title to a block of farm land-together with the coal- from a widow in exchange for a silk dress. D git ze1 NTtl{NEf ARC.H Vt. Or qri LNIVE.R'i1TY OF LLINOIS AT ..,RtlANA C. AMPA,r•'II 104 • SEVEN STRANDED COA L TOW NS The wartime coal boom beginning in 1915 accelerated these tendencies. By 1920 the population of the 3 counties had risen to 156,738. D espite high wartime food prices and a tremendous increase in the value of farm products in the three counties, the high mine wages continued to make inroads into farm activity. D uring the decade ending in 1920 another 873 farms disappeared and another 37,255 acres of farm land were taken out of cultivation. The beginning of the coal depression in the 1920's failed to stop the farm-to-mine trend. Even as employment in the mines began to fall, the land became no more attractive. By 1930 the number of farms had decreased to 6,746 and during the decade of the 1920's a total of 57,333 acres of farm land in the 3 counties were turned back to scrub-oak forest. The Depression After 1930, however, the movement off the land was summarily halted. For the first time in 30 years the miners of Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties turned back to the land to take their last stand against privation. The size of farm population increased rapidly. In 1930 the farm population of the 3 counties had been 31,136; by 1935 it bad increased to 34,949. The 1935 Census of Agriculture reported, in addition, that 3,834 persons who had not been on farms in 1930 were living on farms in the 3 counties in 1935. These newcomers to farms formed 11.0 p ercent of the 1935 population in the three cotmties, as against 6.0 p ercent for Illinois and 6.3 percent for the United States. Said a local n ewspaper in 1932: Many who were on farm s before the fat years of th;) last decade are willing to retu rn to a su rer but perhaps not such a fancy living. . . . We think this is the wise thing to do. Every man and his family, barring sickness, can get by on the farm. But common sense was not altogether on the side of the back-tothe-land movem ent. The newspaper which thought that the unemployed would have a "surer living" on the land also made this discovery: There are ten pro pective renters to one farm in [this] vicinity . . . and there are no farms for rent. Actually, land was by no m eans plentiful Some of the farm land had be,m ruined by mineral alts in the water pumped from the mines. Some had been ruin ed by the strip mines, which leave behind a wasteland where not even weeds will grow. The good farm land which occurs in several parts of the three counties was of course already occupied. It was not available to the unemployed, who had no money to buy it ; and it could have absorbed additional workers only if the existing small farms were further subdivided. Dig1t12Ar' by C,n 1rial from INTERNET ARCH VE UN VER.SITY 0~ IL 11\JO 5 AT UR~AJ\JA-~ HAM?AIGJ\J , Secu rity Aclmi11isl r olio11 \1/oth" l ein). " Th em sh ovels sure m ess this co untry up." 8trip :\line :'\ear Carter,ille, 111. Digil zed by Original from l~TERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAtJ. 'AIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ATTEMPTS AT A SOLUTION • 105 The idle land presented other difficulties. Much of it was obviously worthless. Many blocks of idle farm land owned by the coal companies were mortgaged to bondholders and could not be sold without involving legal difficulties more costly than the value of the land itself. Coal-company land was nearly always available to renters, but it was peculiarly unadaptable to a tenancy system. Most of the land was so badly run down that it could not be farmed until soil-building crops had been plowed in for several years. Renters who had no assurance that they could hold a plot after it had been improved were naturally reluctant to go to such trouble and expense. Whenever coal-company land was rented, it was usually planted to corn year after year, and the poor land rapidly became more and mare sterile. Those who were able to secure plots of land after 1930 achieved a dubious advantage. Between 1930 and 1935 the number of farm enterprises in the 3 counties increased by 1,518. Of these, 517, or more than one-third, were farms of only 3 to 9 acres; an additional 351 n ew farms contained 10 to 19 acres; and 430 of them consisted of 20 to 49 acres. Only 220 of the new enterprises contained 50 acres or more. According to local county agents, a farmer in the three counties requires at least 80 acres of land before he can become a self-sufficient producer; less than 80 acres provides only for different levels of subsistence farming. In terms of this standard, approximately nine-tenths of the new depression farms were enterprises on which an independent living was not possible. While many of these subsistence farms raised the living standards of families with income from other sources, they provided no real substitute for declining industrial activity. The Possibilities for a Return to Farming Many local businessmen in the coal field insist that the salvation of the community li es in the development of agriculture. In a limited sense there is some truth in this contention. Working miners ~ho have not already begun subsistence farming could frequently improve the family diet and at the same time save on their grocery bills by raising garden products, pigs, cows, and a few chickens. It is also true that if the surface land held by the coal companies could be released, a numb er of self-sufficient farm enterprises could be created, adding slightly to the productive wealth of the three counties. But n either of these developments would solve the problems of the workers now dependent upon public assistance. Unemployed families without gardens could improve their condition by raising a part of their own food. But a garden does not provide a living, and the need for relief would still persist. On the other hand , farming on any more n.rnbitious sc~le- evcn subsistence farming-requires some capital in Di( 11iz1 d by Original from INTE.RNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 106 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS the form of buildings, equipment, and stock. Judging from the present hand-to-mouth existen ce of the unemployed famili es, there is li ttle possibility that they could take advantage of n ew land should it be made available. Those local r esidents who continue to hope that farming in itself will solve all the problems of the coal fi eld have not studied carefully the predicam ent of their community. In 1930 the average annual farm income per farm inhabitant in the thrne counties was $192, far below the average for the United States as a whole, and equal to only one-fourth of the farm income of the more fertil e counties in the Corn B elt north of the coal field. Although the productivity of the soil in th e three counties can and should be incr eased by careful managem ent,13 it do es not appear likely that the land can absorb large numbers of additional workers without furth er impoverishment of the entire rural population. 13 Southern Illin ois, Inc., advocates the improvem ent of local agriculture a long these lines: 1. R eduction of waste land. 2. Encouragement of dairy and livestock farming . 3. Revitalization of fr uit farming by better marketing . 4. Encouragement of part-time farming for coal min ers. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Chapter VII MIGRAT ION ScHEMES FOR turning back the clock of technological change, for creating new jobs in the crannie of the declining coal industry, or for bringing in altogether new indu tries, would appear to be a roundabout approach to the unemployment problem in outhern Illinois. Supposedly, an easier approach- or at least the one that the facts about the coal fi eld always bring first to mind- might be the migr ation of unemployed workers away from southern Illinois. Theoretically, an unsupported population, left behind in a community wher-e the dominant industry has appreciably declined, should under "normal" conditions make its own automatic adjustment. What could be more natural than that workers no longer needed in one place should move to another place where--tbeoret ically, again-they would be needed? Unfortunately , so nice an adjustment seldom results from the play of automatic forces even under the most favorable circumstances, let alone in the midst of universal unemployment . Shifting industry orclinarily leaves behind a number of stragglers . Lumbering in the cu tover district of the lower Michigan peninsula, for example, began declining as early as 1895. With the automobile industry rising only 200 miles away, with three decades of general prosperity prevailing outside the cutover district, and with all the displacing effects of the World War, the district did indeed lose a substantial part of its population. D espite its losses, however, the district bas to this day continued to hold more population than it can support. In a drclining community there are those disadvantaged residents who will choose a lower economic status where they are settled in preference to th e uncertainties of migration. In the southern Illinois coal field this disadvantaged and immobile group included most of the population remaining in the community in 1939. It must be remembered that the effects of the Illinois coal depression were first felt in 1923 and have been critical since 1927. If migration were destined to make an automatic adjustmrnt of the 107 )lgluLed by IN ERNET ARCHIVE Or II I fror, ..,NIVERSllY 01 ILLINQ1< AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 108 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS coal field's unemployed population, it should have shown tangible results within nearly two decades There bas been, of course, some population movement from the coal field since the decline first began, and among certain age groups the movement has been heavy. But one need only glance at the figures showing present unemployment in the southern Illinois coal towns to judge how inadequate a solution migration has actually provided. LOCAL FORCES AFFECTING EMIGRATION It is well known that a people's tendency to migrate depends not only on the pressure of economic adversity, but al o upon its chances for betterment elsewhere. In the midst of a gmcral depression, opportunities for finding work outside one' home community are, of co urse, restricted in the extreme. As general unemployment increases and as the labor demand grows more and more selective, a family's chances of successful migration turn more and more directly upon its characteristics and resources. In Franklin , Saline, and Williamson Com1ties, the characteristics and circumstances of the people make migration more than ordinarily difficult. Occupational Experience The chief occupational problem connected with migration from southern Illinois i that of di placed band loader from the mines. Other problems exist, of course. Coal-field youth, for example, in seeking to esta~lish themselves where job opportunities arc greater, have doubtless been handicapped by lack of training for any favored occupation. In spite of the advantage of their youth, many of their attempts at emigration have ended in failm-e and have eventually brought the youth back home again to the depre sod area Toe disadvantage faced by untrained youth is not peculiar to southern Illinois, however, and need not concern us at thi point. The problem of southern Illinois sc.rvice workers-half of the experienced labor force in the three coun tic - who fail to find work elsewhere is likewise a general one. As for the coal miners, their past r ecord of adaptability is often overlooked. There was a tim e when coal miners were welcome mough in other industries. Before the World War, indeed, miners moved so easily into the Gary, Ind. , steel mills that the coal operators had to consider pecial steps to hold their working force in southern Illinois. Miners point out that the shift from hand loading to machine loading in southern Illinois mines in the late l 920's brought such drastic changes in technical operation that they seemed to have been working in two different industries. Yet, wherever age and physical strength permitted, hand loaders took up their strange Digitize~ by 0n trial frorr, INTERNET ARCH VE UN.VERSl1Y 0~ IL 11\JO 5 AT UR~ANA-CHAM?AIGN MIGRATION • 109 new tasks without great difficulty. It i true that mine1 often find outdoor work distasteful and even unhealthful, ince work underground at a constant year-round temperature make them highly sensitive to the extremes of summer and winter temperatures on top; they accordingly take up farm occupations with some reluctance. But miners would not, a miners, be at any special disadYantage in competing for a variety of job for which no long apprenticeship is required. At the same time, there is no doubt that old-time hand loaders di placed from the mine would face difficult odds if they attempted to find work out ide the coal field. Age and isolation both weigh heavily again~t them. Th(' pecial skills of hand loader - drilling, timbering, laying track, the ability to judge a dangerous roof, and other skills so necessary in mining- are generally usele outside the mines and offer no advanta<Te in eeking work elsewhere. And when million of workers ar out of job , failure to offer special qualifications become a critical factor. The People Thr e main population ources upplied practically all the workers for the growing outb rn Illinois coal industry. First in importance wer th near-by countryfolk, u ually farmers and their ons who left ubmarginal f~rms for day wage in the coal mines or job in the growing al town . Among all the family heads re iding in the coal town in 1939, 62 percent Wl'rc born within the State of Illinois. 1 The great majority of the native Illinois workers were born either in Franklin aline, or William on Counties or in the other 20 southern Illinois countic which ompri (' "Egypt." Text in importance were the foreign born- Italian , Pole , Croatian , Ukrainians, Czechs, Lithuanian , Hungarian , ctc.- who came in great number until the b giruung of the "World War. Foreign-born workers till comprise 15 percent of the family hrad in the southern Illinois coal town , and iu 1930 evrry fifth per on in the three countie was either foreignborn or of foreign-born or mixed parrntage. The third great source of labor was the hill country lying south of the "little Egypt" area: T enncs cc, Alabama, and particularly western Krntucky, where the migrants had frequently worked in coal mines. atives of this region made up 13 percent of the family heads living in the coal towns in 1939 (appendix table 26). 1 Thi di tribution is of cour e affected by the age of the family head , ince the migrant ' children who are family head would in many ca,e have been born in Illinois. Among the older generation , howeyer, Illinoil' natiYe, still predominated. Of all family heads 40 year of age or o,·er in 1939. lllinois wa the ource of 50 percent, foreign countries 20 percert, the western Appalachians 20 percent, and other sources 10 percent. Dgtzed V 'NTtl{NET ARC.H 1Vt o gn LNIVER'i1TY OF LLINOIS AT JRBANA C. AMPA,C:'11 110 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS The nature of these population sources is significant to the general problem of mobility in southern Illinois. Two of the principal groups, ·the natives of the area itself and the migrants from Kentucky and the western Appalachians, are not a cosmopolitan population, in the first generation at least. In education, dialect, family traits, religion, and numerous folkways, southern Illinois is a clearly defined r egion, a region homogeneous with the western Appalachians and altogether unlike central and northern lliinois. In spite of the broadening influence of large-scale industry, the miners' union, and the recent popularity of education, the past culture of the region still persists. As far as social patterns are concerned, Chicago and even St. Louis (only 100 miles away) are in another world. The native and the Kentuckian coal miner have social ties in southern Illinois that are powerful ind eed. The suggestion that job opportunities might be more plentiful up-State will often bring forth such comments as these: "Well-this country's always been my home"; or "Why my kinfolks are all round about here." In short, most of the older native-born resid ents of the coal field like their own community best. Opportunity elsewhere must be real opportunity to outweigh their natural desire to stay at home. The foreign born and their families have no such deep social roots in the community itself. On the contrary, their integration has been traditionally hampered by local prejudice, which is only now disappearing thanks to years of common schooling among the second generations. The foreign group tends to be tied to the coal field by other circumstances, however. Many among the older generation migrated directly from Europe to southern Illinois, and they are as unfamiliar with the country beyond the coal field as the natives themselves. Lacking helpful outside contacts, even with their own nationals in Chicago, their mobility is made extremely difficult by the universal provincial prejudice which makes the "alien" unwelcome in every community where he is not known. Of course these immobilizing forces fall with considerably less burden on the children of the foreign born . The Settlement of the Coal Towns Although southern Illinois was first settled nearly 100 years ago, the coal towns themselves are new. Nome and Juneau, Alaska, were grown-up towns when cows still pastured in what are now the business districts of the coal towns. Earlier chapters have pointed out that when the rapid development of Franklin, Saline, and Williamson coal began in 1902, the three counties were poor and isolated farm communities supporting only a fraction of their present population. Herrin and Eldorado had about 1,500 residents each in 1900, and Carrier Mills bad nearly 500. Johnston City was a sleepy villlage of D1g1tized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN MIGRATION • 111 about 800. Zeigler and Bush did not exist. West Frankfort, now the largest coal town in southern Illinois, was only a cro sroads store. The total population of the 7 selected coal towns was 4,200. After making allowance for changing city limits and adjusting the census figures 2 accordingly, the approximate population increase appears as follows: 1900 __ ___ __________________________ ___ __ _________ __ 4, 200 1910 __ -- - - - - - ----- - - ----- _ ---------------------1920 __ ------ - -------- ___ --------------- __ - · 19,000 41 , 000 The coal boom between 1900 and 1910 thus brought a fourfold increase in coal-town population, and the World War decade more than doubled the 1910 population. Further increases in the coal-town population continued until 1923, the peak year for employment at the mines. 3 And even after 1923 migrants still moved into the coal towns, though the movement no longer balanced the losses of the population leaving. A special survey of out-of-State family heads livi11g in West Frankfort and Herrin in 1939 showed these proportion entering the coal field during the different periods of its development: Date of entering Franklin, Percent of all Saline, and Williamson family heads born Counties outside Illinois Before 1904____ _ _ _______________ __ __ ________ 12 1904-1913 _____________ -- - ---------- _ 1914-1918 _________ -- ------------1919- 1923 ___ --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----------------1924- 1928 _________ --------- _ -------- -----------1929- 1939 ___________ _ _ _ -------·--------- _ 29 22 18 8 11 These figures are substantially influenced by mortality among the groups migrating earliest. If these migrants had moved at about the ame age and at the same rate during each period, the later groups would show greater representation than the earlier. Migration was thus at its peak between 1904 and 1919; and the movement into the coal field after 1919, while it did exist, dwindled to little significance. Other things being equal , the population of new communities often tends to b e highly mobile in response to economic pressure; and as these figures show, the coal towns are obviously newly settled. One 2 See Bureau of the Census, Fourteenth Census of the United State~: 1920, Population Vol. I, U. S. D epartment of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1921. The censu actually reported population as follows: 4.,218; 17,709; and 37,248. Adjustment must be made for Zeigler, which existed in 1910 but was not incorporated. In estimating the 1920 figure, John ton City and West Frankfort population must be increased by about 4,000 persons to allow for persons in outlying sections which were incorporated into the 2 towns shortly after 1920. 3 See fig. 17, p. 114. Children of school age in the three counties increased 20 percent hetween 1920 and 1923. O gn Dg1tT NTtl{NE r ARC. 1 VL .... 'JIVER'i1TY OF LINOIS AT uRtlANA C. AMPA,c "J 11 2 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS striking feature of timing in the settlement of the coal field should, however, be noted. The settlers came principally in two waves, the first wave responding to the original coal boom- 1904 to 1913-and the second arriving during the World War years. The last wave had b een settled about 10 years when the n eed for emigration first presented itself in th e late 1920's. Presumably, the later group, more than the earlier arrivals, would have found emigration a solution to their problems as the min es closed down, and apparently a considerable number of them did indeed move elsewh er e in the late 1920's and early 1930's. But a large group of migrants had arrived before 1910, and had b een settled for a full generation when the decline started. Within that time most of this earliest group would have grown old and put down social and economic roots making migration extremely difficult. Mo ney fo r M ovin g As time passed , all these forces retarding emigration were overshadowed by another force even more compelling. During the early stages of the coal depression in th e middle of the 1920's, miners thrown out of work were usually able to finance a move and to support themselves in a new communi ty if they found no work immediately. As the depression gr ew more severe, however, the reserves which might have been used earlier for migration were slowly exhausted . At one time an unemployed miner had numerous ways of scraping together enough money to get out of the coal field: h e could mortgage his house or sell the equity he had earned, h e could draw his savings out of the bank, h e could sell his building-and-loan shares. A few years later most of these nest eggs had vanish ed. His home was repossessed, his savings either spent for groceri es or tied up in defunct banks, his building-and-loan sh ar es worth only so much secondhand lumber. By 1934 a considerable part of the entire coal field population was no longer able to stay off relief, let alone to travel about the country in search of noneA...istent job opportunities. Even the Oklahoma refugee h as his secondhand automobile, som e mon ey for gas, and the prospect of a job- such as it is-a few hundred miles down the road. But hundreds of southern Illinois famili es, and the very ones which would presumably gain most from migration, have for years had literally no reserves left for moving. 4 Residence requirements for relief h ave r einforced this disadvantage. This factor, again, immobilized families and older workers more directly than youth. Even after 1934 underprivileged coal-field youth without family responsibility could still travel to the North in search of work. Some of the youth found jobs, particularly in t h e • See pp . 51 - 52. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN MIGRATION • 11 3 automobil e factories at Flint and D etroit and in the Chicago service industries. But many others hastily returned home to the coal towns when th eir jobs ended or their mon ey ran out. Youth's only advantage has been greater freedom to search the distant labor markets for work. Obviously, when jobs cannot be found, youth are stranded in the coal towns just as older ~orkers are. A STRANDED POPULATION The coal field's unemployed workers have been isolated from more favored labor markets, have had no special occupational advantages when they did seek work elsewhere, have had p eculiar social ties to th eir community, and have long ago exhausted the reserves which might have financed migration. In the face of such difficulties, automatic migration could scarcely hav e mad e any great contribution toward solving the coal fi eld 's unemployment problem. Th e result of th ese frictions is a stranded people. Their story is briefly told in figure 17, which relates the yearly trend in population-as reflected in the Franklin, Saline, and Williamson school census 5- to the trend in coal-mine employment in the three counties. B etween 1918 and 1923, years which brought to a close the long era of expansion in the southern Illinois coal industry, population change was strikingly r esponsive to economic change. ew jobs in the mines were being created each year, and population flowed into the coal fi eld, k eeping pace with th e growth of employment. But after 1923 the situation changed rapidly (fig. 17). Even during the years when there was still a chance to find jobs beyond the coal field, Franklin , Saline, B.nd Williamson Counties were alTeady showing the chief characteristic of a stranded area: a decline in employment without a corresponding drop in population. With the general depression and th e drying up of job opportunities outside of southern Illinois, the population of the coal fi eld became increasingly " r edundant" in r elation to available work . In spite of mass unemploymen t, th e disastrous strike of 1932, and several years of inadequate relief, no great exodus occurred. B etween 1929 and 1933 min e employment fell 36 percent, but school-age population in 1933 was only 14 percent less than it had been in 1929. Even with the beginning of ation-wide recovery after 1933 the maladjustmen t in south ern Illinois was furth er increased, though at a somewhat slower pace. The numb er of miners employed in the three counties in 1938 was 18 p ercent below the number employed in 1933; the school-age population declined only 6 percent during the 5 Although the annual school census (population aged 6 to 21 years) i not a perfect measure of total population changes, its 1920-1940 trend for the three counties did not differ widely from the total population trend shown in the decennial census itself. ui< 11 z•,d by '.JTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 114 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Fig 17 - POPULATION OF SCHOOL AGE AND MEN EMPLOYED AT SHIPPING COAL MINES IN FRANKLIN, SALINE, AND WILLIAMSON COUNTIES , 1918-1938 Thousand persons I00 Thousand persons 100 I 90 I 80 I 60 .,,,,-.-. 50 - - ~i..-- 70 - ---·- 60 i--. I"'-,.._ ~ 50 ... -- 'i-.... ,,, --- -- ,,..L 90 80 ~ School-age population I 40 30 T ! 70 I I -- ~ ~ --. ' '' I -- I',' ,' 40 30 Men employed ' , ''' 20 -- ' ' 20 ' ', ,,~--... __ -- -- ...._ 10 10 1918 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Source Appendix !ables 2 and 27. 38 WPA 3851 same period. Thu it was that southern lllinois in 1939, after 16 year of this trend, pre enLed the record of long-time unemployment and chronic poverLy de cribed earlier in thi report. The Record of Depression Mobility The school-age populaLion trend show11 in figure 17 gives only a general year-by-year picture of population losses in the sou them Illinois coal field during th e past two decades. Data for a morr deLailcd analysis of significant population changt'S arc provided in the d ecennial nitcd tates Crnsus figures for 1920 and 1930, and in the pecial 1939 Cl'nsu of population conducted in seven southern Illinois coal towns by the DiYi ion of R esearch, iYPA. Ther e wer e apprnximately 41 ,000 persons living in the 7 coal town at, the time of the 1920 Census. This population, which was still being rapidly increased by migration to th e coal field, showed the expected trait of a fronti er people. For example, males greatly outnumbered females; there were 111.4 males for every 100 femal es Digit1z~r' by 0r 1r,al frorr, INTERNET ARCH VE UN VER.SITY 0~ IL 11\JO 5 AT UREW,A-~ HAM?AIGIIJ MIGRATION • 11 5 in the 4 towns for which census data on sex are available,6 and in individual towns the ratio ran as high as 116.9. An equally remarkable characteristic of the population was its youth. In Herrin (the only town for which age was reported in sufficient detail for computation) the average age of the 1920 population was 22.6 years, as compared with an average of 27.3 years for the State of Illinois as a whole. Populati on Changes Between 1920 and 1930 As was noted in the preceding section, the coal-field population continued to increase between 1920 and 1923 and thereafter it began to decline. By 1930, 7 years after the turning point in the fortunes of the southern Illinois mines and 3 years after the critical period set in, the population of the 7 coal towns was still 41,000 persons. Under tho most favorable conditions for emigration, tho size of the population had thus merely returned to approximately the 1920 level. 7 The ebb and flow of migration dming the decade had brought marked changes in the composition, if not the size, of the population. The sex ratio fell from 111.4 males per 100 females in 1920 to 105.6 in l930. In part, of course, this change resulted from the natural tendency for bj.rths to cl.raw the sex ratio toward 100 over a period of time. But in even greater part, the smaller proportion of males in 1930 appears to have res11lted from the emigration of many unattached m en, ordinarily the most mobile ~Toup in any community, who departed for greener fields as the pressme of unemployment grew more intense. The relative ag •s of the people changed substantially, too. The average age for Herrin (the one place where comparison is possible) increased from 22.6 years to 26.5 years the decade. The sudden slowing dow,i of immigration after 1923 had helped to raise the average age, since it checked the influx of younger workers with their children. Moreover, the persons who began to leave the coal towns subsequently were not a cross section of the entire population, but tended to be concentrated in the younger age groups. 8 The four towns were Eldorado, Herrin, Johnston City, and West Frankfort. Total emigration during the decade was of course somewhat more than was required to cancel immigration, since the natural population increase wa likewise canceled. In the 7 towns there were approximately 4,800 births in excess of deaths during the decade. 8 Migration from Herrin between 1920 and 1930 was greatest for those who were· 10 to 14 years old in 1920 (20 to 24 in 1930). Altogether, 37 percent of this group left Herrin during the decade. Migration was least among those 45 years and over in 1920 (55 and over in 1930); this group lost only 17 percent during the decade. These figures are based upon a comparison of expected survivors from the 1920 population with actual residents in 1930. 6 1 liq t zed by 0n 111 t'rorri 1r--iTrnJ1J ,T Ail., HIVt JNIVERSITY 0• IL INO C, AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 11 6 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TO WNS Po pu lation Changes Since 1930 The theoretical desirability of migration from the coal towns was scarcely a debatable quC'stion after 1930, when large sections of the people came to realize that the community could no longer support its population. At the same time, the obstacles to migration had become many times more formidable than ever before. If the miners and their sons had good reason for hesitating to try tlwi.r fortunes outside the mine district before 1930, they had much better reason afterward, even though the local situation had itself become rapidly worse. The choice of the unemployed between migration and staying put after 1930 was accordingly made under excessive pressure from both directions. Under such circumstances, bow would a population react? The most striking fact about the behavior of the coal-town population under these conflicting forces was the small size of its population decrease. The population of the 7 selected coal towns in 1930 had been 41 ,373 persons. During the next 9 years there were presumably 2,606 births in excess of deaths in the 7 towns. 9 Without any emigration, the expected population of the towns should have been 43,980 persons in J939. Actually, howe,-er, the 1939 population was 38,208 persons. The n et emigration from the coal towns was therefore 5,772 persons. Nine years of depression migration thus removed no more than one-eighth of the people from the community. Moreover, because of natural population increase, the actual population loss was considerably less, amounting to only 3,165 persons, about onethirteenth of th e 1930 population. 10 Spontaneous migration from the coal towns sincf' 1930 has not run an altogether one-sided race against natural population increase (fig. 18). 9 This estimate is based on the assumption that the birth and death rates in the seven towns were the same as in the three counties as a whole. The county data a re derived from reports of the Illinois Department of Public Health. 10 This Joss (7.6 percent) was unevenly distributed among the seven coal towns. Zeigler and West Frankfort lost heavi est (20.9 and 13.3 percent, respectively), doubtless because of the dismissal of members of the Progressive Miners of America, who were strongest in these two towns, after the 1932 strike. Johnston City, the hardest hit of the larger towns, lost all of its mines after 1930, but only 10.1 percent of its population. Herrin, kept active by its large retai l trade, lost 1.0 percent. Eldorado, Carrier Mills, and Bush each actually gained population during the 9 years (3.2, 4.4, and 9.2 percent, respectively). These gains resulted from natural popula tion increa se and a small influx of near-by farmers and unemployed and in no way indicate the existence of favored havens within the depressed area . Bush, for example, gained proportionately more population than any other of the seven towns. Yet 80 percent of Bush's gainful workers were unemployed in 1939! Between 1930 and 1940, the three counties lost 6.6 percent of their population; Franklin County lo, ses were 13.3 percent and Williamson lost 4.2 percent. Saline County a ctuall y gained 0.9 percent during the decade. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN MIGRATION • 11 7 Fig. 18 - GAIN OR LOSS IN POPULATION OF 7 SOUTHERN ILUNOIS COAL TOWNS, 1930 -19 39 Percent gorn or lo ss Percent gain or loss +10 +10 +5 1 - - - - - - - - - -- 1 - - - - - - - - - - -~+5 - Effect of no1urol oncreose -5 - 2 0 1 - - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - -----l-20 WPA 3652 Changes in age composition of the population during the 9-year period were especially striking. In 1930 persons 45 years of age and over constituted 20 percent of the total population in the coal towns studied. In 1939, however, the proportion had risen to 28 percent. The average age of the population increased similarly, from 26.9 years in 1930 to 29.2 years in 1939, substantially above the 1930 average for both Illinois and the United States as a whole. In the space of less than one full generation, the coal-town population had passed from a relatively youthful composition to a; relatively aged one.11 So rapid an evolution in age composition between 1930 and 1939 resulted from three forces. One of these was natural aging. In 1920 the coal towns, still newly settled communities, were heavily weighted with young couples who had recently migrated to the booming coal field. As the boom subsided, the influx of young people was halted. In the course of 20 years these persons have of course grown old, filling the once thin ranks of the older age groups. The second influence was a drop in the number of births, following from a decrease in the number of women of childbearing age and from a decrease in the reproduction rate itself. Finally, depression migration reduced the number of young, mobile persons faster than the number of older persons in the population. 11 In H errin , the one town for which 1920 figures are available, the proportion of persons 45 and over was as follows: 1920, 13 percent; 1930, 21 percent; 1939, 29 percent. J111zdby Ong1 ,al from '-lTER'-lU AKCHIVE UN VF''\SITY OF ILL '-IOIS AT Ll'\!:lAIIIA-l HAM AIGN 118 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Age Differentials in Migration The influence of these three forces may be partially disentangled when the effect of migration on the different age groups is isolated ; that is, after calculating the number of 1930 residents expected to survive to 1939 and comparing the result with the actual 1939 population. 12 The results of this method, as presented in figure 19, show a wide variation in mobility according to age. Fig_. 19- GAIN OR LOSS IN POPULATION ATTRIBUTABLE TO MIGRATION, BY AGE GROUP, 5*SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL TOWNS, 1930-1939 Percent ga i n or loss +10 Percent garn or loss +10 +5 1------- - - -- - -- - ---,-- - - - - - - - +S 0 0 -5 - - - - - - - 1 -5 -10 - - - -- - ----j -10 -15 - - -- - - - - - ----! -15 -20 15-24 25-34 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -~-20 35-44 Age in 1939 45-64 65 and over * 1930 data for Bush and Carrier Mills ore not available . WPA 3653 12 To ascertain the proportion of the 1930 coal-town population groups which would survive to the 1939 censu , it is necessary to apply survival rates to the 1930 population. From United States life tables it is possible to obtain the proportion of persons at any one age who are expected to be alive at any specified later age. Thus, out of 1,000 white males born, 905 are alive at age 10-14, and 885 at age 19-24, according to 1930 mortality experience in the United States. The ratio of these numbers is .98. This is the "survival ratio" of white males aged 10- 14 over a period of 9 years. Similar ratios were calculated for the other age-sex groups. These ratios then permit an estimate of the number of persons surviving to 1939 from the 1930 population . The estimated survivors, in turn, may be compared with the number of persons enumerated in the WPA survey of the labor market in four cities (see footnote 2, p. 26) to determine the influence of mobility, Thus, if 3,000 persons aged 20-24 were expected to urvive, and only 2,400 persons were actually enumerated, the population loss through migration fo r the age group would be estimated at 20 percent. Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN MIGRATION • 119 After 1930 migration clearly offered special possibilities to coalfield youth. On the one hand, their economic status in the coal field was less favored than that of any other age group of ablebodied workers. Most of the young workers reached maturity after the expansion of mine employment had stopped, and they had no prospect of finding jobs in the mines until the great surplus of experienced jobless miners had been eliminated. 13 At the same time, they were in a better position to risk the hazards of migration; they had in many cases no family responsibilities, and they could be more easily trained to fit the job requirements of distant employers. In addition, the youth alone had access to the Army, the Navy, and the CCC, each of which stimulates migration. The older workers, on the other hand, held whatever mining jobs were available, and hence were as a group less severely stricken by unemployment. Those older workers who were unemployed stood little chance of successful migration because of their age and their training in a semiobsolete occupation. Accordingly, youth migrated most readily. Every fifth person between the ages of 6 and 25 years in 1930 (15 to 34 in 1939) had left the coal towns without being replaced by incoming population in the same age group .14 The persons who were 26 to 35 years old in 1930 migrated somewhat less readily, and iI1 the next older group, migration took 1 ss of a toll still. The number of those who were 56 and over in 1930 (65 and over in 1939) actually increased as a result of m igration during the 9-year period (fig. 19). Birth-Rate Changes It is impossible to derive migration estimates for children whose ranks were fil led by births after the 1930 Census. It is known, however, that the absolute number of persons under 15 years of age declined 29 percent during the 9-year period. There is little doubt that a considerable part of this decrease resu lted from emigration. But emigration was not the only cause. T hrough aging and emigration, the number of women of childbearmg age (20 to 44 years) declined somewhat after 1930, 15 reducmg 13 See pp. 34, 41. The emigration of the younger persons during the 9-year period was particularly heavy in Johnston City, West Frankfort, and Zeigler. Zeigler lost through migration 51 percent of its male population aged 20-24 in 1939, and 41 percent of its females in the same age group. In the group aged 25-29 years in 1939, Johnston City lost 50 percent of its males and 38 percent of its fema les. West Frankfort lost t hrough emigration 32 percent of both males and fema les aged 20- 29 in 1939. 15 There were 7,473 females aged 20-44 in the 5 larger coal town in 1930. By 1939 the number had declined to 6,766, a drop of 9 percent. 14 D11 11 z u by '.JTER'JET ARCHIVE )11gina1 f1 um Ur-.t v:..~SITY OF ILL '-1015 AT U:\BANA-CHAl'I. AIGN 120 • SEVEN STRA NDED COA L TOWNS the number of persons born within the coal toW11s. More important, the reproduction rate among the women who remained fell off noticeably between 1930 and 1939. In 1930 the ratio of children under 5 years of age to each 1,000 women aged 20- 44 in the 5 larger coal towns was 443, exactly that required to hold the population size stationary if local death rates were equal to the average United States rates. By 1939, however, the reproduction ratio had fallen to 385 children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women of childbearing age . Sh ould reproduction persist at the decreased rate, the first full generation maturing after the decline began would suffer a natural decrease of 13 percent. 16 PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE MIGRATION The various local frictions which hinder migration from southern I llinois would ordinarily tend to become stronger, rather than more relaxed, as time passes. Emigration in the late 1920's was probably made easier by the fact that one considerable part of the coal-town population was made up of newcomers who had been settled only a few years when unemployment first became serious in 1927. By 1939, however, even this last wave of settlers had lived for at least 20 years in the coal field, and the earlier wave had been settled for upwards of 30 years. Now that the coal towns are no longer new towns, mobility is not so easy. The aging of the unemployed workers also decreases the chances of migration; if displaced hand loaders were occupationally handicapped 10 years ago, their handicap h as been multiplied now that they are 10 years older. Likewise, year after year of continued depression would have reduced whatever reserve resources the unemployed might-by some miracle of good management-have kept intact. Above all, it is probable that those unemployed wh o had the greatest likelihood of successful migration would have been the first to leave the coal field, in a static depressed situation migration would naturally be expected to decline over a period of time. If relatives in Chicago, or a friend in Detroit, or a former employer in Moline were interested in h elping a family leave southern Illinois, they would probably have done so within the past 12 years, or not at all. Similarly, surplus workers whose skills would be in demand elsewhere would be expected to migrate shortly after their predicament became clear, or not at all. Only two groups would appear to be an exception to this tendency: those who may in the future be thrown out of work for the first time, and unemployed youth coming of working age. As fo r the rest of the distressed population, an unemployed coal miner's comment well 16 See Population Statistics, 1. National Data, National R esou rces Committee, Washington, D. C., 1937, p. 50, for data on rep roduction ratios calculated to maintain a stationary population without migration. Digitized by On1:,inal from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN MIGRATION • 1 21 describes their plight: "Everybody that wa able to get out left a long time ago." Putting together two facts-first, that emigration throughout more than a decade of intense distress has not appreciably reduced the total population of the coal towns, even though the early year of this period coincided with the last years of ation-wide "prosperity"; and second, that emigration hereafter is likely to be more difficult than in the past-we may infer that expected migration ,vill hardly solve the problems of the south ern Illinois coal field, in the near futUl'e at least. This judgment mu t of course be qualified to allow for a possible employment boom beyond the coal field. A ation-wide labor shortage would assuredly draw off many of the youth and the surplus middleaged workers, and might indeed end unemployment in southern Illinois.1' But pending such a development, the coal field's surplus workers are in large part likely to stay where they are. Over a long stretch of time, the readjustment of coal-field population to economic opportunity is somewhat more probable. It is true that at present births outnumber deaths in Franklin, Saline, and Williamon Counties and this relationship may be expected to continue for some time to come. Since 1930, however, the birth rate ha fallen sharply, and in several generations the resulting population decline will have becom e appreciable. The continued emigration of youth will make substantial inroads in population size over a period of time, and will at the same time further reduce the number of births. In the long run the problem might largely solve itself. But as J. M . Keynes has said, "In the long run we shall all be dead." 17 Since this was written, there has been an increase in the emigratio n of young southern Illinois workers to defense center . Meantime, however, the War D epartment has announced plans to construct a huge ordnance plant near Herrin. It is said that the plant will employ 6,000 workers by 1943. If the British experience mean anything, the opening of the e jobs will bring a large number of former residents back to the coal field, where they "ill run con iderable risk of being stranded again when the emergency has passed. Digitiz"d by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Chapter VI 11 RELIEF DEPRESSED AREAS represent a tremendous los to the national economy. I n terms of wasted man power, of clepres ed living standards, of bleak and hopele s liYes, the incalculable costs mount year after year. There are al o not in ignificant cost in term of public e:Kpencliture . The depre sion of the southern Illinoi coal field ha lPd to an extraordinary expenditure for public a. i tance. For the past 4 year an aYerage of well over one-third of the entire population in Franklin,, aline, and William on Countie ha been on the rolls of the Yariou public-welfare programs, and twice the proportion rose to one-half. Between 1933 and the middle of 1939 the cost of relief had run to a sum equal to more than half the as essed valuation of the property in the coal field- mines. railroads, farms, and toWJ1 real estate combin ed . At the beginning of the depre sion the local coal-field communitie attempted to meet their relief need on a purely local basi . But before very many months had pa eel, relief cost had exhau ted all the available re ource , both public and private, within the communitie ; and still the people were hungry. Some time later the tate of Illinoi took over partial rcspon, ibility for meeting the coal' field' relief needs; but it too wa prepared to carry no more than a small part of the full burden, at least not without slighting the needy in other section s of the State. An adequate recognition of the urgency and extent of the relief problem in the coal countie came only with the beginning of Federal aid . Today, with the Federal Government still furni hing the greater part of the funds for relief in the stranded area, the problem is of concern not only to the resident of the coal field it elf, bu t to the country at large. TRADITIONS IN LOCAL RELIEF Franklin , Saline, and -William on Counties have been familiar with both chronic and recurrent poverty from the earliest development of 123 Dg1t1z(',j 'NTER.NET ARC.H Vt. Llr q t,'JIVE.R'>1TY OF LINOIS AT uRtlANA C A"1PA r "J 124 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS the coal mines. In a commtlnity dominated so completely by a single fluctuating and hazardous industry, the position of the working population was never secure. Strikes and suspensions at the mines have been recunent, and the shadow of destitution during the long Rlumps in the coal market·were an inescapable part of every miner's experience. Mine accidents took a heavy toll in dead and injured each year, leaving widows and crippled workers without means of support. Even in the best days of the coal boom, the regular quotas of the aged, wido\\" . and the blind without families to support them wa a continuingproblem. For nearly 30 year the responsibility for giving h elp to the unfortunate was distributed in the community according to a long-standing tradition. The local unions, for example, took the m isfortunes of the working m iners as their particular province. When a miner was killed, other miners gave money to help his family, lrnowing well that their own family might be the next to be strick en . Or if a miner was sick or injmed, the union locals help ed him until he recovered . For many years the heavy cost of mine accidents fell entirely upon the locals, and even after the union forced an accident comp ensation law through the Illinois Legislature, the miners were still called upon from time to time to help other unfortunate miners. The job cf providing relief during strikes was largely a responsibility of the locals, sometimes borne in part by contributions from the district and international union. The locals were al o expected to contribute heavily to the sentimental charities organized on occasion by the local booster clubs; and they were the mainstay of the clriYes to raise money for such special em ergencie as relief of ,·ictims of the tornado which swept across the coal field in 1925. The great absentee coal operators na turally took little interest in these special difficulties of th e coal towns . Their attitude toward tlw unemployment of miners had been clearly tated in 1914 when an operator, in answer to a request from the Governor of Illinois that he do something to "relieve the suffering" of the unemployed, announced : "We are selling no coal and therefore to opera tc the mines would be a dead loss. We can do nothing 1mtil . . . people begin to buy coal. " In later year a few of the lo cal operators made somr effort to help a dozen or so workers who were out of jobs, and a few would sometin1es donate coal to the needy. But for all practical purposes, the operators conLributed nothing excep t theis taxes . The small businessmen in the community played an important but freq uently forgotLen role in r elieving the strains of the predepression era. Connected closely with the miners through family and personal tirs and at the sam e time dependent upon the min ers' good will for thc,ir trade, the little merchants were obligated to carry the miners through recurrent shutdowns and stril~cs. When the mines reopened Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN RELIE F • 1 25 these debts were repaid-unless the miner in debt lost their job , in which case the merchants, of course, lost heavily. Other bu inc men confin ed their charity to passing out Christmas basket to" deserving" fa milies, to donating coal, and to assisting in other tandard civic-club activities. Pauper-Relief Standards T heor etically, townships and counties carried the responsibility for the r est of th e community's relief need . The basic temporary relief throughou t Illinois was township pauper relief, administered by an elected official in each township. The philosophy behind tow11 hip relief was that only the "worthy" deserved charity, and that even o, help should never be given until a family wa utterly de titutc. As elsewh er e in the United States, the able-bodied unemployed were considered to be outside its scope. Township relief wa admini tercel in such a way as to attach the maximum of shame and degradation to th e recipients,1 so that families hesitated to "go on the town" until they had sunk below the point of caring about local attitudes. E xpenditures for town relief thus stayed at. a bare minimum. The county governments carried on several relief activitie . A county pauper fund, administered according to th(' same low standard that governed town hip relief, was used to supplement the funds a...-ailable to the township supervisors. About the time of the World War the three counties et up what appears to have been, all things conidered, a remarkably advanced system of aid to the blind, providing $30 a month to recipients. A mothers' "pension" system, introduced at about the same time, was upposed to take care of widows with children, but the funds provided were so limited and the standards so low that the system was not of great benefit. Some idea of how the system operated may be gathered from the following 1927 report of the W illiamson probation officer: There has been a big demand for help from the [Mothers' Pension] Fund. The larger number of these requestR haYe been from mothers who are absolutely up against it. . . . During the past quarter there have been 20 appli cants for the pension; of this number it has been necessary to add 6 to the list. . . . Of the number refused, 5 have been grandmothers . . . The law states that the pension is for the natural mother. Three haYe been rC'fused because of their characters. . . . The additional 6 were refused help a they had ufficient income . Conditions as a whole show the pen ioners are trying to overcome whateYcr handicap they have been placed under. While the attitude of a few is not the best, as a group they are appreciative. The probation officer regrets that there have been a many addition neces ary as have been made. In spite of its high-sounding name, the mothers' pension \\·a only another form of pauper relief. 1 The law required that the nameo of all recipients should be published every 3 months. C'1g1t1ze1 v INT ~.{NET ARCH IV[ Or gma1 Jn UNIVERSITY OF LLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 126 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Finally. the rountie were respon ibie for maintaining the poor farms. These primiti,e inc.titution "-ere designed ma.inly for the care of the aged and disabled without families although it i5 on rerord that at one time the aline County poor farm had inmates as ,oung as 14, while in 1Yilliamson Count, all applicant for pauper ~elief "-ere once sent to the poor farm. I\Uether under the care of contractor.~ or of county employees. poor farm were an admitted disgrace to the commllliit y-but a disgrace tha no one seemed particularly anx:iou to remo,-e. Indeed. whene,·er county officials became alarmed o,er increasing deficits their first thought was to cut down on the food allo"-ed the inmates at the poor farm. The county upervi ors' records abound with such reports as these: We ,·i ited aid poor farm July 1 and found the building in very bad shape, doors broke, pla tering falling off, stair way po t broken out, brick mi ,-ing in wall . Patients were in Yery good shape except one very old gentleman . . . whose bed wa not as it should be--he being paralyzed, the flies tormenting him almo t to death. In 1 county the supen--isors disco,ered on an annual visit that 13 inmates were leeping in 1 room; whereupon i was recommend ed that 'inmate that are sick and broken out with sores be removed o real and eparated from the other whose condition i better." supervisors the later Years e,er. ho" impro,emen ts were ma<le again became alarmed, declaring that" the condition of the buildings on the County Farm . . . i ~uch that proper care cannot be given . .. and is a di credit to the ritizens of thi County." B ut as late as 1930 a State inspector reported finding: . . . a good jail and a home for the dependent aged that is a disgrace to the county. There i no plumbing in the building and no bathing facilities. Heating and water gystem are both inadequate . . . no fire extinguisher . . . bedding and mattre e- worn out . . . . In mate are given barely enough food to exist on. In add ition, the food is of poor quality and poorly prepared . . . . When one of the aged resident die he is buried on the farm with n o marker for his grave. This might be e:qiected in an institution ~-here so little re pect is shown for the living. Predepressio n standards of poor relief in the coal field were not particularly high. Predepressi on Re li ef Expend itures It i not pos. ible to di co,er how much money was actually spent for relief by the local unions in the predepre ion years, al hough it is clear that the total must ban been con iderable. Dilling the 1927 strike alone the local pent at lea t '50 ,000 for "bean orders," and apparently their regular relief expenclitures over a period of time were sizable. It i likewise difficult to learn much in detail about the extent of pri,ate charity. It appear howP,er, to have been insignificant except for the charity represented by bad debts on grocers' D1g1tizec by Crt!:,lnal from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN RELIEF • 127 ledgers. Pauper relief, aid to the blind, and mothe1 -' pen ions in the town hips and countie , on the other hand. have left ufficient record to permit rea onably reliable e timate- of their extent and signifoance in the la t year of the 1920' (appendix tabh• 2 ). Aid to the blind, which wa_ tered according to relatively high tandards 2 in the coal field makes a u eful ba. i3 tor judging the full program of public a· i. tance provided by the three counties. Ordinarily, aid to the blind hould be one of the lea t co·tly part of a well-rounded program of public a istance, for the imple rea on that the incidence of blindne- i low compared with the incidence of economic difficultie . Between 1925 and 1929, h0\1·evcr, aid to the blind made up an obviou ly di proportionate part of the total a. si tance expenditure of the outLern Dlinoi town hip and counties; over the entire 5-year period payments to blind pen-ioners amounted to 36 percent of all public-assistance co t . The blind receiYed roughly double the relief granted to mother during the period, and about three-fourth of the total co t of both the poor farms and utdoor pauper relief. Of com e the fu t part of thi period o.erlapped the la t years of the coal boom, when the need for pauper relief wa- not ex raordinary. But in the la t part of the 5-year period unemployment had become increasingly severe in the coal field. During the e year the disproportion between aid to the blind and the other form of relief a tually increased. In 1929, when the great coal depre ion in -outhern Illinoi had reached an advanced tage, exactly half of the publica i tance expenditure went for aid to the blind, while the other half was diYided among mother · aid, outdoor pauper relief. ,rn<l the poor farm . The unemployed, in hort, were not provided for in the phi.lo ophy that governed pauper relief; and a their number increa ed, they were e:\--pected to look el where for a i tance. Actually, the town hip and county official were clearly unable to proYide unemployment relief, a ide from all con ideration of their attitude toward as i tance. Even to carry on under the traditional system became a more and more difficult ta k after 1927. By 1930 the com1tie were petitioning the tate to relieYe them of mothers' pen ion and aid to the blind; when their reque t wa rejected, they beO'an to pay recipient on the e program in more or le worthle county warrant . In the face of the deepening er· i at the coal mine , the local goYernment were utterly helple . During the entire 5-year period, 1925-1929, the township and countie had been hard pre ed to rai e 229.000 for pauper relief. Had they been required to carry the co t of relief during the depres ion, they would 2 The word "relatively" bear empha i . The Williamson upervisor in 1929 referred to the payment to blind pen ioner -$1 a day---as a "paltry sum"; and one could scarcely quarrel with this judgment. D g tze NTtl{NET ARC.H Vt. 1 l-NIVE.R'i,TY OF LINOIS AT ..,RtlANA C. AMPA,r 'J 128 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS have had to raise more than 100 times this sum for the period 1933- 1937. The total amount spent for pauper aid from 1925 through 1929 would have lasted exactly 8 days at the peak of the relief load in the coal field during the summer of 1938. THE DARK DAYS The history of relief in the coal field after 1929 follows, on an intensified cale, the well-known pattern that prevailed in nearly every community in the United States, except that every difficulty was multiplied many fold. For a period of about 4 years at the beginning of the depression (1929 to 1933) , the unemployed in southern Illinois had practically no real assistance from any quarter. The townships and counties were paralyzed financially, and could extend only the most meager assistance or none at all . In 193 1 the township tax levies for the poor were either used up immediately (as in most of the Saline townships where tax anticipation warrants were still salable) or else yielded no return worth mentioning. The State of Illinois was not prepared-on the basis of either philosophy or funds-to take upon itself responsibilities that had been the special province of the smaller governing units for nearly 100 years. The union locals at the abandoned mines had exhausted their treasuries within a few months after the layoff, and were unable to give further aid to their members. Still the p eople were being reduced to dire want, and something had to be done. Early in the crisis the coal towns attempted to m eet the needs of t he unemployed with community chest drives. One town in Saline County started a drive to r aise $8,000 late in 1930, announcing that the greater part of the money collected would be used for direct relief to the "deserving" needy. The money for this purpose was to be raised by contribution of 1 day's pay from businessmen and the active mine locals. Another Saline coal town had a more ingenious plan: [We] will raise a community fund by donations and by public events, such as a charity basketball game between high school and alumni players, and by· finding employment for all that can be placed in various industries. In another town a community fund was started with money donated by the union locals. In still another, the drive wa led by the Church Benevolent Association, which collected money, clothes, and coal for di tribution and started a woodyard in which relief workers were o-iven the value of all wood sold. The Associated Charities in another town opened a commissary in a vacant store for distributing clothes and groceries to the unemployed. The c organizations were hopelessly snowed under in a very short time. The drive to collect 1 day's pay brought in about one-third Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN RELI EF • 129 of the quota in both 1930 and 1931, netting about $2,500 each year for the care of 300 to 400 destitute families. The Associated Charities in a second town had almost no mon ey at all; late in 1930 it had $26 to spread among 42 families, and it was eventually rPduced to paying 20 cents a week to families in extr aordinary need. After the failure of its 1931 drive another town announced hopelessly: The funds cannot be stretched to the necessary point. . . . After clo e calculation the board decided the minimum it would take to provide for the needy. . . . To date the board has one-fourth that amount . . . . The board is at a loss to know what to do. Early in 1931 the State of Illinois stepped into the relief picture in an unusual way. The Governor of Illinois bad conceived the idea of collecting unemployment-relief money by soliciting a day's pay each month from all the employees on the State pay roll. In the course of a year a total of $183,000 was raised in this manner for distribution throughout the entire State of Illinois. Out of this sum Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties were allotted $25,000 to be distributed to the needy th.rough the various community funds in the coal towns, and through the American L egion , the Knigh ts of Columbus, the Elks, and other organizations specified by th e State employees. But these reinforcements from outside the coal fielrl were scarcely sufficient to allow the community funds to hold their own; for as the depression deepen ed, contributions from the mine locals and other groups within the coal towns dwindled rapidly. The relief given out by the community funds usually stopped at the city limits of the larger coal towns. In the smaller mine camps and company towns a periodic dole of R ed Cross flom was practically the only r elief available, and these communitie quickly found themselves in extremely desperate circumstances. The American Society of Friends, after making a survey of these districts in 1931, agreed to set up kitch ens at the semisural schools in order to provide undernourished miners' children with a least one good meal a day. Twelve Quaker school kitchens were opened in the outlying mine towns in Williamson County and in a few months the program was extended to Franklin and Saline Counties. Theoretically, the rest of the n eeds in the semirural mining communities was supposed to be carried by township pauper r elief, although everyone knew that there was no pauper-r eli ef money. In the early spring of 1932 relief committees tleseribed their predicament in these terms: Franklin CountyPractically all local public and pri vate resources are exhausted .. .. The contributions of State employees are nearly at an end . The inve tigation indicates that help must be provided from outside the County in order to provide a minimum of subsistence. . . . Di( llized by Original from NTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 1 30 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS alinc CountyThere are 13 townships in this County and distress is reported from each one of them. Local resources in each township are practically exhausted. . . . Local agencies are bankrupt. Williamson CountyThere is the possibility in three [out of 12] townships of raising a little further money from township taxes. Voluntary funds in the County are completely exhausted. . . . The American Friends Service Committee is very anxious to withdraw . . . . The American Red Cross states that it cannot continue supplying funds . . . . 3 The Illinois General Assembly eventually recognized that the $200,000 a year provided by the Governor's semiofficial unemployment fund was not adequate for the problem at hand. On February 6, 1932, the General Assembly set up the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission and appropriated 20 million dollars for relief. 4 Of the 10 million dollars made available to the IERC at once, 96 percent was allocated to Cook County . Six weeks later, after frantic telegrams from the southern Illinois coal field, the IERC allocated funds for 2 months' needs to Franklin, Saline, and ,villiamson Countiesto the amount of $31,800. With this grant the IERC continued to insist "strongly" that the counties and township should realize the "necessity" for using local funds "both public and private" instead of coming to the State for money. But the time had come when this advice no longer had much meaning to the coal field. By the end of 1932 th e townships were able to carry only 10 percent of the reliPf cost, while private charity paid for 13 percent; the IERC carried the rest. 5 During the following year the local contribution declined to almost zero. 3 First Interim Report, Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, Chicago, April 15, 1932, pp. 14--15, 29-30, 33. ' See Glick, Frank Z., The Illinois Emergency Relief Con, mission, University of · Chicago Press, Chicago, 1940. Glick gives an excellent account (p. 26) of the stormy sessions of the Assembly during the weeks when the bill to create the IERC was under debate. At one point in the House the bill failed to receh·e the two-th irds majorit,y necessary to make the measure immed iate]~· effecti,·e. Where upon the Speaker of the House "broke his own policy of not speaking to a measure," and said: "There is grave danger now. The Federal GoYernment has a lready issued the orders necessary to curb disorder if it arises. . . . The armories are under guard now." Later in the day the two-thirds majority was 11111 tered. Several do\Ynstate members changed their \'Otes, with such statements as: "There isn't going to be any blood on my hands tonight. I'm going to vote for thi bill and sleep with a clear conscience. This i war. This is hell." "If I am facing political death, let me d ie doing the right thing." 5 First Annual Report, Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, Chicago, 1933, p. 128. In other downstate counties local contribution carried 61 percent of the cost of unemployment relief in this period. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN RELIEF • 1 31 Even with State help-and with Federal R econstruction Finance Corporation help shortly afterward-the local authorities were hardpressed to keep the relief system intact. After the first IERC grant in April 1932, the Franklin County committees were still able to pay families only $2 a week (in commodities), and in the town of Benton relief families got $1.38. Standards in Williamson County were apparently no better. In Saline, the county committee Kas able to give the largest families $1.48 a week, and in May 1932 the expenditure was cut to 76 cents. In D ecember 1932 the three counties were paying families on r elief as follows: Franklin County, $1.57 a week; Saline County, $1.73 a week; and Williamson County, $1.67 a week. 6 By December 1933 the average weekly relief for families had risen to only $2.74 . Not until the summer of 1934, with the beginning of the Emergency Work R elief Program under the FERA, did the weekly relief income of families rise as high as $5 p er week in the coal field. How the unemployed sUl'vived the dark clays between the layoff and the beginning of adequate relief in 1934 is something of a mystery. The hardships of every American community dlll'ing this period are a familiar story; in the coal field-where the depression started earlier and ran a more virulent co urse- th ese hardships were multiplied manyfo ld .7 The Red Cross flour distribution and the Quakers' school-lunch program, meager as they were, came to have tremendous importance as a last bulwark against hunger. At a parochial school in 1 town, undernourishment was so extreme that when a kitchen was opened to provide 1 solid m eal a day, 150 children gained an average of nearly 2 pounds each within 1 month. The IERC warned in 1933 that the inadequate r elief prevailing throughout most of little Egypt "is bringing on an increase in respiratory diseases and nervous conditions." The Commission testified further that the eventual cost of medical care for the undernolll'ished "will no doubt be many , many times greater than the cost of sufficient food. " 8 In a survey of relief needs in Saline County in l 933 it was discovered that at least 50 homeless men had been sleeping in the open fields for months. In Franklin County deaths from exposure and starvation were r eported. 9 6 Ibid., p. 55. This was the period of the famous 1932 coal strike. The strikers' relief needs placed a particularly heavy strain upon the inadequately financed relief system in the coal field. 7 Frankl in County rep orted a higher rate of un employment in the 1930 Census than any other county in the United States. Williamson and Saline Counties were not far behind. s First Annual Report, Illinois Emergency Relief Commission. p. 62. • Walke r, Wilma, "Distress in a Southern Illinoi County," Th e Social Service R eview, Vol. 5, No. 4, D ecember 1931, pp. 558-581. The author of this article concluded: "One shudders . . . at the thought of [the coming] winter and no food in a community where their own resou rces are ab olutely drained." Yet, 2 more years were to pass before adequate outside aid was provided. Di( 11 Z' by '-JTERNET ARn 'VE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS A URBANA-CHAMPAIC '; 1 3 2 • SEVEN STRA NDED COAL TOW NS In the face of this predicament families adopted a variety of desp erate measures either to keep off relief (the stigma attached to "paupers" wns still strong as late as 1934) or to supplement the relief they receind. The coal-Lown newspapers for the period reveal the community's constant preoccupation with the job of securing food" not delicacies," it was explained, "but hardy food such as flo ur and beans." Defunct-mine locals busied them elves with setting up commissaries and soup kitchens. stocked by small contributions from the actiYe locals or with partly spoiled food collected about town. Gardening, which had been somewhat neglected during the coal boom, became one of the most important pursuits in the communities where idle land wa available; and indeed, home-grown vegetables kept many a family from going hungry . Several communities, reduced eventually to fornging for food, sent ex:pPditions to the farm districts north of the coal field to beg something to eat. These years of inadequate relief resulted not only in immediate suffering, but also in the destruction of the last reserves of a large part of the working population. l\finers who still had credit at the neigh borhood stores continued to run up bills as long as possible-with the result that scores of little businessmen were wrecked by accumulated bad debts, and credit ceased to exist. Even after the collapse of the banks and building and loan associations, most of the families h ad a few possessions which could be sacrificed in the emergency. Some had houses to sell, money in the postal savings, automobiles, radios, or a few odd pieces of furniture . Piece by piece this property disappeared. When their possessions were gone, the families started tigh tening their belts and foregoing the things they had always thought of as necessities. "Doubling up" began, on houses, on parts of houses, on electric lights, on water. Or the lights were disconnected and the old kerosene lamps brought out, water wa shut off and leaky wells put back into service. More often than not this retreat led at last to the relief rolls, but only after the families had been pauperized. The communities' relief needs after 1933 accordingly increased ou t of proportion to the further increases in unemployment. Meanwhile, the coal field gradually settled down to the realization that th e siege of unemployment would not be lifted for years to come. With this realization, the old emergency-relief payments, designed to fill a family's stomachs with beans and bread for a month or so, could no longer be justified. The time had come for changes which both the local community and the State itself were helpless to initiate. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE AFTER 1933 The story of relief in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties after 1933, traced in figmes 20, 21, and 22, is in brief a story of progressively increasing need and increasing case load. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Fig . 20- PERSONS DEPENDENT ON PUBLIC ASSISTANCE IN FRANKLIN, SALINE, AND WILLIAMSON COUNTIES April 1933 - June 1939 ;;:j ;c Thousand persons Thou sa nd persons ? Cl 100 100 z.- ,., C --1' ►t ;c= (°)< -i: ( Pe rsons dependent on CCC, rural rehobili- 80 > - - - - toti on, ond FSA grants ore excluded.) <TI - - - - + - -- - - - - - l -- - -- - - -+ - -- --- -- -1-- - -- -- -_J80 . Old-oge 1/.assistance I 60 ~ 401 /B ffW5%9 '~%0 I 60 4'0 ,f$ C: Duplicot1on, 0'generol relief lj, and WPA 120 .!' c< ;cm co ;c ~~c 20 ~ =r-:!"' (") 0 0 I-n ~ )> a· :,:: .... 1 ~~ G) - ..? l/1 'i 0 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 0 ;o ITI r i'ii Chicago; Source , Monthly Bulletin on Relief Stolistics, Ill inois Emergency Relief Commission, Moy 1933- June 1939 ; Division of Statistics, I tlinois Work Pro jects Administration, Chicago; Division, Filth Illinois District, Notional Youth Administration, Herrin; Old Age Assistance Illinois Deportment of Publ ic Welfare, Springfield. "Tl • ..... WPA 3654 w w 1 34 • SEVEN STRANDED COA L TOWNS Extent of Dependency The close of the era of the dole late in 1933 found about 25,000 persons dependent upon direct relief in the 3 counties (fig. 20). With the initiation of the Civil Works Administration late in the year, d ependent p ersons increased rapidly to 44,000. The CWA absorbed about as many n eedy workers from outside the directr elief rolls as from the rolls themselves; and wh en the CWA was liquidated, a large numb er of newly assign ed CWA workers applied for direct and work rclid on the FERA program. With Federal aid upporting thc coal field 's relief system, the number of needy persons under care in the 3 cotmties stood at the 40,000 mark in June 1934, and the distress described in the preceding section was considerably relieved. The June 1934 relief loarl included more than onc-fomth of all th e r esid ents of th e three eounties, 10 indicating a r elief problem of crisis proportions. As time passed, dependency on relief in the coal field rose steo,dily above Lhis mark. By Lhc end of 1935 every third resid ent of the coal field was d ependent on publi as istance ; and late in 1936 the proportion rose again, to 36 perccll t. In the summer of 1937 , with J ation-widc industrial production at thc high est point since 1929, relief intensity in the coal field l'O$e to still another record . A year later (July 1938), when the coal firld ' o sistance load reached its greotest peak, 54 pc rccnt of the people in thc three counties were dependent on eith er d ir ect relief, WPA, or old-age assistance for their living (fig. 21). Not only the r elief-load peaks, but the wintertime troughs 11 as well, were rising throughout thi · p eriod. Th e lowest relief intensity in the winter of 1933-34 was 18 pcrcent of the total population of the three cou11ties, but the followin g winter the relief load did not fall below 24 percent. During thc next 3 years th e winter load rose steadily, so that more than 30 percent of the population was still dependent on public assistance at thc lowest point during the winter of 1937-38. In the winter of 1938- 39 the proportion of Lhc total population dependent on public assistanc(• did not fall below 44 percent during any month. Those who st ill requ ired aid at th e year's peak of mine activity ha<l expanded over a period of 6 years to include a substantial part of the entire popu lation of the coal fi eld. The growth of the relief load in the tlu·ee counties after 1933 did not r eflect immediate change in mine employment (although the number 10 In computing the population base, actual population change between 1930 and 1940 was distributed evenly throughout the decade. 11 The most active em ployment season in Franklin, Saline, and ViT illiamson Counties comes between Octo be r and March, when the demand for coal is greatest. Mids ummer is the d ullest season . D1g1t12Ar' by NTERNET ARCH vr: 0n tl".illfrom UN'VER.SfTY or: IL INO 5 AT UREW,A-CHAM?AIGN E, ON PUBLIC ASSIS TANCE * IN FRANK LIN, SALIN Fig . 21 - PERCENT OF POPUL ATION DEPEN DENT IS ILLINO AND WILLIA MSON COUNT IES AND IN April 193 3 - June 1939 Percent ::..rn "' 70 Percent . 70 ~I -l " ►• :,0 CT Q'< < : " so j'\- \(' ·l ...,...../.-·--·\ ;l • A. _ ___ Wdl1amson - - ·-ill 30 ~~ 20 I <.~ ;,: • m -· c:,., :,:, ► <i.r h O I-,, c -- j ·, · z► u,) 10 // . . / L ~• Vl '> 01 I .~ v/ ·1.-.·· -.. . \/ \_ .. _ .. _ .. _ . ...........Y ~ I: 40 1- ~ \ - - - - - - - 130 ,... If I I . -.. . _ Frankli n_ .. -._ /'\._ .. _ / \ ,, I \ , .. __.,_.. , . _ '/ '°' Seline -t . - . . . . .. Stole of 11 lino,s ··, .. _ .. __ .. ··--.. - .. J Jso z ·.._."-,r ·-· 3 Counties / .. .. \, 20 ' ··-... .. - .. - ·· 10 ••• •T• ..-...-...-...""' -- ► . ,· :s:..,_ ~~ - '-. .,,,! _ ! '\::·::<~:~~:/ . . . . . . . .~.~_., ,•;;~:;;,/. :•";7:\/·. 1 C 60 .~. - 1 - - - - - --+- - - - - 1- - - - - - - - t- -- - - - 501--- - - ----+- ~ /. l I I I 1 I 1933 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1934 I I It l I I I 1935 I I I I 1936 . * Persons dependent on CCC, rural rehobilitotion, ond FSA grants ore excluded d. Note: Population changes 1930-19 40 hove been distribute Source: See fig . 20 . 1 I I I I I I I I 1937 I I I I It I I 1938 I I I I t I I t I I I I I 10 :;,:;, IT1 C 1939 IT1 'T1 • WPA 365B w V1 1 36 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS of working miners did decrease during this period) so much as the ~umulative effects of the slow exhaustion of the community's last reserves. Between 1926 and 1932 the annual pay roll of the coal mines fell 80 percent. Yet it was not until after 1933 that the relief load began to shown an appreciable increase. Years of trying to live on insufficient income h ad brought a large part of the population to the threshold of relief, and th e least economic adversity-or even the continued delay of "recovery"- brought a new quota of exhausted and needy families to the relief rolls. Thus it was that 1933 and 1938 were both 8-million-dollar pay-roll years at the coftl mines; yet the number of persons dependent on relief in 1938 was nearly triple the number in 1933. The dark days of inadequate relief had sown a harvest which subsequent assistance programs were to reap in full measure. (See appendix table 29 and fig. 22.) Fig. 22-ESTIMATED ANNUAL COAL-MINE PAY ROLL AND ANNUAL EXPENDITURES FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE IN FRANKLIN~ SALINE, AND WILLIAMSON COUNTIES, 1925-1938 MIiiian Million dollors dollars 45 45 40 - 35 - - 40 D ~ Annual expend ilures for public assistance - 30 - - 25 - - - 10 - 5 - - 25 20 15 ~ ~ Sou rce 71 - ~ - - - 0 35 30 - 20 15 Estim ated coal-mine pay roll ~ ~ ~ ~ Appendix lable 2 9 - 10 - 5 0 WPA 3656 The money put into circulation by the public-assistance agencies came to play an increasingly important role in holding the economic life of the coal community together. As late as 1933 dwindling mine pay rolls were still virtually the only primary source of wealth within the coal field. By 1938, however , the public-assistance programs had not only taken under care far more workers than were employed at the mines, but were also paying into the community a sum nearly equal to the annual mine pay roll itself. During 7 separate months in the Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN RELI EF • 1 37 summers of 1937 and 1938, public-assistance payments actuall:,exceeded mine pay rolls. The coal field had indeed become, by 1938, a community with two industries instead of one; but the second industry was relief. Types o f Dependency and Assistance in the Coal Fields T he relief population in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson CounLies h as been made up of three principal types of dependents_ To begin with, there are the so-called "nondepression" relief recipients_ The growth of the southern Illinois relief rolls after the close of the GWA led to the discovery of widespread chronic dependency for which no public assistance had ever before been provided. During the early months of 1934 Williamson County reported 659 cases (exclusive of widows and the blind) on relief for reasons not directly related to the depression-that is, for uch reasons a old age, chronic illness, mental or physical handicaps. In the 3 counties combined there were 1,471 such cases. 12 Although these nondepression needs, once recognized, were great enough to have swamped the old pauper-relief s_vstem, 13 they of course accounted for only a small number of Lhe person receiving relief. In Franklin County 13 percent of the 1934 relief load (exclusive of widows and the blind) was dependent for "reasons other than unemployment"; and the Saline and Williamson rolls showed that 10 percent were n ondepres ion cases. When old-age assistance under the Federal Social Secur ity Act 14 was initiated in I llinois in 1936, it took under care the majority of all persons 65 and over-one of the principal nondepression dependent groups living in the coal field. In terms of th e total public-assistance program, however, old-age assistance still occupied a clistinct,ly minor place in Franklin, Saline, and William on Counties. (See fig. 20, p. 133 .) T wo different types of jobless relief dependents are indicated in figure 20. Each summer, when the coal mines ordinarily slow dmvn op eration for the seasonal slump, the number of persons receiving 12 ·Monthly Bulletin on Relief Statistics, Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, Chicago, Vol. 1, Nos. 6 and 9, June and September, 1934. In Williamson County, where the IERC conducted special research on the relief rolls at this period, only 1 case out of about each 25 opened was "known to a relie f agency" before 1930. But in two up-State counties "ith the same proportion of "nondepression" cases in the total load, every eleventh case had been "known to a relief agency" before 1930. These figures are further evidence of t h e backwardness of public assistance in the coal field before 1930. 1a The pauper funds provided by the townships and counties between 1925 and 1929 could have carried no more than one-sixth of the "nondepression" needy who turned up after adequate relief became available in the coal field. H Aid to the blind and aid to dependent children (mothers' pensions) in the three counties are not administered under the Federal Social Security Act, but a re still carried by the counties (1939). C'1g1t1ze1 v 'NTa.{NErARC •v1 Or Qll"ICU Jn UNIVfRS,TY OF ~LINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAll N 1 38 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS public assistance tends to rise sharply until the beginning of winter activity reduces the rolls once more. In the summer of 1934, for example, about 7,000 persons were added to the rolls between June and August but had left the rolls by November. Although partly obscured by the beginning of new assistance programs, the same tendency was noticeable in 1935 and 1936. It became particularly in 1937 and 1938, when 11,000 to 14,000 newly dependent persons remained on the rolls only for the duration of the summer slump. R ecently the responsibility for meeting these strictly seasonal needs was shifted in part from the regular direct- and work-relief systems to th e Illinois unemployment-compensation program. Miners who put in reasonably full time during the fall, winter, and spring, but who were unemployed in the summer, became eligible for benefit payments under this program on July 1, 1939, and were therefore ineligible for work relief. About 1,500 workers in the 3 counties, practically all of them miners, were transferred from the WP A rolls to unemployment compensation during the first month of the n ew program, 15 and the number of persons dependent on WPA was accordingly reduced by about 5,000. In future summers unemploym ent compensation will substantially flatten the seasonal peak in the coal fi eld's r elief load. But r elief n eeds arising out of seasonal unemploym ent at the mines were never a very large part of the total welfare problem , as figure 20 shows. In March 1937, the busiest month in the southern Illinois coal industry for n early a decade, 47 ,000 persons were still dependent upon public assistance in the 3 counties. The peak of mine activity during the 1939 season left 66,000 persons dep endent on the welfare programs. Except for a minority of p ersons in families without an employable member, this stubbornly persistent r elief load is made up of the able-bodied long unemployed, from both mine and service industries, and their dependents. The fundamental public-assistance problem in the three counties is thus not so much to provide for emergency, temporary unemployment nor for the long-time welfare needs of the helpless, as to create a substitute industry to employ workers cast off by a rapidly changing industry. The basic and by far the most important type of public assistance in the stranded area is accordingly work relief. 15 Seasonal unemployment was particularly serious in the summer of 1939. Out of 9,500 men who had worked in the coal mines during the winter months, about 9,000 filed claims for unemployment benefits in the first month of the new program, according to the estimates of local unemployment compensation officials. During the first benefit-year of Illinois unemployment compensation, workers registered at the Harrisburg, Herrin, and West Frankfort offices were compensated for 67,705 weeks of un employment, and apparently their payments would have amounted to between $500,000 and $750,000. See Illinois State Department of Labor, Division of Placement and Unemployment Com]Jensation, Illinois Employment S ecurity Review, Springfield, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jul y 1940. Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Ong, 1al from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAM >AIGN ,1 Sec11rity ddmi11ist.ratio11 (l!oth s t ein). "Just ,vPA going on now." )Iain Street, Cambria, Ill. liqil zed by Original from l~TfR"JET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHArJ.PAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSl"TY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN RELIEF • 139 Work Relief The inadequacy of the dole was not a theoretical question in southern Illinois. Three years of grocery-order relief, of 3oup kitchens and hand-me-down clothing at the beginning of the depression had reduced a large part of the unemployed to such poverty that active purchasing power among the relief population had virtually disappeared. As a result, scores of merchants became superfluous during the era of relief in kind and were driven to the wall. Extended idleness among active workers on the dole had taken its toll in demoralization as well as in poverty. In the meantime, the program of public improvement in the community had been halted and the existing social equipment had fallen into disrepair for lack of necessary workers. The only immediate solution for these critical problems was a broad drive to substitute public jobs for idleness, a wage income for grocery orders. The first broad program of work relief 16 came with the initiation of the Federal-sponsored Civil Works Administration in November 1933. Within a few weeks the CWA had put more than 6,500 unemployed persons to work on public projects in the 3 counties, and CWA pay checks-averaging about $15 a week in the coal field-gave many of the un employed the first real money they had seen in years. When the CWA was liquidated in April 1934, the job of providing work relief was turned back to the State relief commission, operating under the F ederal Emergency Work Relief Program. By the middle of the summer of 1934 about one-third of the coal-field relief families with employable members were assigned to work relief, and by winter the proportion had risen to two-thirds. Unlike the CWA, the new workr elief program based its monthly wage on a relief budget, with certain adjustments to allow for the purchase of food on the open market, for transportation, etc. On this basis, the State program continued to operate until stabilized work-relief machinery was established by the WPA in October 1935. The greater share of the coal field's employable needy were assigned to the WPA by January 1936, and the program rapidly became one of the principal sources of income and employment within the stranded community. During the first 4 years of operation WPA provided jobs for 7,000 to 15,000 unemployed workers and supported a total population of 23,000 to 55,000 persons. The WPA pay roll has varied from 4 million dollars to 6 million dollars a year. Operating on such a scale, the program solved-in part at least-the graver relief problems inherited from the early years of the depression. The poverty and 16 The able-bodied unemployed had long been required to "work out" their township orders on the public roads but this system could scarcely be called work relief. "There is the question," said a coal-town newspaper in 1932, "of how much work a man could be expected to do for 76 cents worth of groceries a week." Di( lliZt by NTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 1_40 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS distress among the relief population was appreciably relieved. With free buying power restored to the unemployed, local business revived; and the store space left vacant during the era of the dole gradually began to fill up. Idleness in good part disappeared. Finally, the community was enabled to construct and to repair needed public facilities. The list of the WP A's physical accomplishments in the three counties is an impressive record in itself. It shows, for example, that WP A workers had improved 1,311 miles of rural roads and 459 miles of coal-town streets up to June 1939 (not counting projects begun but not yet completed). For thousands of rural inhabitants of the community, the road program meant accessibility to town and school over all-weather roads for the first time since the countryside was settled a hundred years ago; for town residents it opened up scores of miles of needed streets which had never before been usable in winter weather. In Williamson County WPA workers helped to build three huge storage dams, enabling the community to develop its first public recreation site and to make its first real attack upon the perennial problem of disastrous summertime water shortages. The list of completed projects includes among other items such work as the construction of 3 playgrounds, a swimming pool, 2 community buildings, 5 parks, 2 athletic fields, and 5 schools ; the improvement of 2 libraries, 2 gymnasiums, 4 pal'ks, and 46 school buildings; the complete renovation of 2 courthouses; the construction and repair of 112 miles of ditches for draining malarial marshes, 6 miles of sewers, and 15 miles of water mains. As a first step toward combating the high incidence of typhoid fever in the coal field, the WP A launch ed an extensive program of sanitary engineering. The professional and service activities of the WPA have also been of great value to the stranded community. The women on the sewing and canning projects, for example, have produced a large quantity of clothing and food for distribution to relief families. Th e WPA schoollunch proj ects have more than ordinary importance in helping undei'nourished children, and the existence of the home-nursing program to aid the sick and disabled has meant the prevention of needless suffering among hundreds of unfortunate families. White-collar WPA workers have carried through a complete accounting of delinquent taxes in the three counties and t hus collected the first facts about one of the coal field's most serious problems. The WP A recreation centers established in nearly all the coal towns have provided the only available diversion for thousands of persons from both employed and unemployed families. All these projects, plus those conducted by the National Youth Administration, have utilized otherwise idle labor to bring solid benefits to the people of the community. Some, like the sewing projects Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN RELIEF • 141 and the home-nursing program, have helped to alleviate immediate distress. Proj ects like Crab Orchard Dam and the JYA student-aid program have provided a basis for future attempts to eliminate chronic unemployment in the stranded area. But most of all, the WPA ha improved the community-through roads, schools, parks, recreation, drainage systems, sewage systems, water systems-and made the southern Illinois coal field a more modern, healthful, and pleasant place to live in. Digitiz"d by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Chapter IX CONCLUSIONS FRANKLIN, SALINE, and Williamson Counties are a small part of the total problem of depressed areas in the United States. The introduction of the report pointed out that the southern lliinois coal fi eld is only 1 among a large number of separate depressed areas existing before the national defense program was initiated; and that while the 3 southern lliinois counties contain 140,000 people, all the depressed areas combined have a population of about 13 million. However important the story of southern Illinois may be, it is less significant in itself than as an instance of the larger problem. RECENT PUBLIC POLICY The experience of the southern lliinois coal field suggests that attempts to solve the problems of all the depressed areas on a purely local basis are foredoomed. The interplay of ation-wide forces cr eated the depressed areas, and neither subsistence farming, handicraft industry, locally initiated "land-a-factory" drives, nor ingenious " make-your-own-job" schemes can basically alter their situation. One can scarcely avoid the conclusion that a national approach offers the only hop e for a solution. In Great Britain this conclusion is accepted, but in the United States it is not. American Policy T h e United States has never attempted a broad and deliberate approach to the highly specialized problems of the depres ed areas. In the distressed agricultural areas, it is true, a great deal of valuable reconstruction work has been done through the encouragement of scientific farm practices, through the soil-conservation and ruralelectrification programs; in the T ennessee Valley the e programs blanket a large and important region. At times an effort has even been made to r emove farm families from hopelessly poor soil; the 143 liq1t12ed by IJ\JTFRJIJFT AR,"HIVE C,ri 111;:i.l 'ron, JNIVE~SITY 0• IL IJIJ01S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 144 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Farm Security Administration, for example, has recently moved several hundred tranded families from submarginal land in the Cookson Hills of eastern Oklahoma. These programs are only the beginnings of an approach to the total problem of distressed farm communities. As for the nonagricultural depressed areas, their very eA'istence as a special problem has received very little official recognition. With a few isolated exceptions,1 they have been covered by tlie same measures-both emergency and long-term-devised to deal with the altogether different unemployment problems of less disrupted areas . Officially, no great distinction is made between the unemployed coal miner in Herrin and the unemployed automobile worker in Detroit. The Work Programs In terms of immediate problems, it is true, no distinction is called for. The work programs, by far the most important of the over-all relief measures, have properly placed first emphasis upon the relief of distress and the performance of socially useful work; upon the prevention of suffering, and at the same time, the preservation of the morale and skills of the unemployed. This emphasis obviously applies no less reasonably to depressed areas than to the rest of the Nation. The first two jobs of the work programs in depressed areas have necessarily been to feed and cloth e millions of destitute people and to prevent deterioration of work habits. This fact must always be kept foremost in mind. Beyond these two immediate purposes, the work programs have on record other substantial benefits to the depressed areas. Through the creation of purchasing power, they have rescued the communities' trade and service industries. They have made possible long-needed local improvements which many a bankrupt depressed area would otherwise never have enjoyed. They have also completed a numb er of projects designed to aid in rebuilding a community's economic base. The program to salvage Key West by turning it into a winter resort is perhaps the most famo us of these, and there have been scores of projects designed to provide a depressed community with power, better transportation, and the like, in th e expectation that new supporting industries would then be attracted. The Crab 1 The principal exception was a small-scale experiment in "government communities" admin istered under the FERA, the Division of Subsistence Homesteads of the Department of the Interior, and the Resettlement Administration. In 1935 there were about 7,000 persons living in 41 of the communities. Originally the experiment aimed at enticement of factories into nonagricultural derelict areas, but eventually it narrowed down to a program emphasizing adequate housing and part-time farming for industrial workers. Incidentally, it was planned to build one of these communities at West Frankfort. Ill., but the plans never materialized. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN CONCLUSIONS • 145 Orchard Lake project in the south ern Illinois coal field was planned with a like purpose. But with all these accomplishments, there are still serious difficulties involved in the application of the general administrative rules of the work programs to th e peculiar problems of the depressed areas. The work programs operate, for example, within the concept of modified local responsibility. A community in need of a Federal work project is presumed to be solvent, at least to the extent of contributing, as sponsor, a fair share toward the total project cost . In a depressed community this theory breaks down. By 1940 score upon score of depressed and bankrupt American communities were finding increasing difficulty in making the required sponsors' contributions for urgently needed work-program projects. The pTinciple of "legal residence" grows out of the same concept. The work programs delegate to each local community the selection of persons eligible for employment. Almost universally, the local community r equires a person to prove that he is a "resident" of the community before h e is cer tified for employment. This procedure tends to freeze "surplus" workers within the depressed areas. 2 Unemployed workers who might readily b e absorbed into a more active labor market have no way of r eaching it, since their right to work-program employment and all other public assistance stops automatically if they leave home. And those who do take the chance are promptly sent home again, "where they belong," if their migration is not successful. The work programs also operate within the limitations of a shorttime, emergency perspective-necessarily so, in view of their shortterm appropriations. 3 This perspective makes it difficult for the work programs to pursue a broadly planned approach to the problems of the depressed areas. Careful consideration cannot always be given to such significant long-time needs as retraining the unemployed from obsolete trades or assisting migration from communities which can n ever be revived. Projects are confined largely to building roads, schools, and other social equipment which, though needed, can never in themselves relieve the basic economic plight of the distressed communities. Even when there are more basic projects2 It is sometimes said that public assistance itself freezes a "surplus" population. This is a somewhat loose way of expressing two entirely different ideas : (1) that legal residence req uirem ents, associated with public as istance but not necessarily essential to it, tend to prevent mobility; and (2) that if public as istance is stopped, needy famil ies will often be driven in desperation to set out upon the road in search of food and shelter. 3 One manifestation of this emergency point of view is the so-called "IS-months r ule," which requires that WPA workers be terminated (with certain exceptions) after 18 months of continuous employment on the program. Whatever effects this ruling may have generally, it obviously works the greatest hardsh ip upon the unemployed in depressed areas. Digitiz"d by Original from NTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 146 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS such as those of the Key West reconstruction program-the approach is sometimes piecemeal and indirect, leaving the desired r esults to be hoped for rather than assured. British Policy 4 More than a decade ago the government of Great Britain first recognized the special nature of the problem of the depressed areas; and between 1928 and the beginning of the war in 1939 it administered special measures for their relief. Although the analogy between 5 British and American depressed areas must not be pressed too far, the history of the British programs does provide certain experience applicable to America. Their failures are particularly revealing. Transference The British measures have provided for two separate attacks on unemployment in the depressed areas. 6 In 1928 the government initiated the first of these, called "industrial transference," a program for encouraging and assisting migration from the depressed areas to the places where unemployment was less severe. This approach was based on the belief that concentrated unemployment is a "worse evil" than the same amount of unemployment distributed evenly through out the country. 7 In addition, it was believed that an "unsatisfied 4 See Dennison, S. R., The Location of Industry and the Depressed Areas, London: Oxford University Press, 1939; Goodrich, Carter and Others, l'vligration and Economic Opportunity, Philadelphia, 1936, pp. 565 ff; Greene, Lee S., "State Policy in the British Depressed Areas," Social Forces, Vol. 18, o. 3, March 1940, pp. 558-581; annual reports of the Commissioner for the Special Area in England and Wales, London, 1935-1938; annual reports of the Commissioner for the Special Areas in Scotland, Edinburgh, 1935-1938; l\Jinutes of Evidence Taken Before the Royal Commission on the Geographical Distribution of the Industrial Population, London, 1938, pp. 237 ff. 5 There is no close British analogy for either the extremely isolated American depressed areas or for our depressed agricultural areas. But the British experience in depressed coal-mining regions, for example, is obviously pertinent. 6 We leave out of account the interesting checkered career of public works in the British depressed areas. From 1925 to 1928 the British Government made grants to the stricken communities for the purpose of public works within the areas. Some question was raised, however, about the propriety of building up the social amenities of communities whose future was uncertain. In 1929 emphasis was accordingly shifted to schemes for employing depressed-area workers to build public works in prosperou areas. In 1931 the public works program was largely abandoned. With the pa sage of the Special Areas Act in 1934, public works schemes were again initiated in the depressed areas, with particular s(,ress laid upon housing and those public works related to sanitation and public health. See Greene, op. cit., p. 342. 7 Sir William Beveridge expressed this point of view as follows: "From a national point of view a condition of 40 percent of unemployment in one district and 4 percent in another calls for redress rather than argument." Quoted in Goodrich, op. cit., p. 590. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN CONCLUSIONS • 1 4 7 demand" for labor actually exi ted in the more active area , and that adequate labor mobility would not occur automaticallv. 8 Even in relatively good times the transference progra~ encountered great difficulties. Immobilizing forces were not easy to overcome, even with pa_yment of moving e::\.l)enses and the offer of job in the new location. Parents were reluctant to see their children go away. P er ons with property refu ed to leave it. Homesickne wa a major ob tacle to succe ful tran ference. As for the job proYided in the tran ference cheme, one can carcely conclude that thc-r were o-enerally atisfactory when nearly half the youth, and mor; than one-third of all the tran ferred workers, eventually came home again to the depressed areas. After 1931 , as general unemployment pread through the more prospcrou ections of England, there was a new problem: the "receiving area " raised such strenuous objection to tran fercnce that the tempo of the program was lowed down (though by no means halted ) for several years. 9 But over the cour e of a ome decade ome headway was made. B etween 1927 and 193 one hundred thousand worker were permanently tran ferred to localitie outside the depre eel areas, so that the program did produce a minor reshuffling of th population. Inducements for Investors The sc ond method of attack on depressed-area unemployment was encouragement of private indu trial e::\.l)ansion within the areas themselve . In 1934 Parliament approved the Special Arca Denlopment and Improvement Act, empowering two pecial Areas Commi ion er to initiate tep for reviving elected depre eel communitie in South Wales (coal), the Tyneside (coal), Durham (coal), Cumberland (coal and hipbuilding), and outhwe t cotland ( hipbuilding and heavy indu try). 10 Th e Commi ionerswere to publicize the industrial In 192 thi argument ran as follow : "The existence of local unemployment doe not make it unnece ary or uneconomic to bring in labour from other areas. It is quite normal to find imultaneou ly in the same area unemployment and an unsatisfied demand for labour . . . In districts where the level of unemployment i low, tho e who remain unemployed may be of less than the average employment value . . . " Report, Indu trial Transference Board, 192 , p. 19. Quoted by D enni on, op. cit., p. 171. 9 "There are cases where the local authorities and everybody else regard it [transference] as a menace. For example, when Luton had it great infllL".: of labour it began to put up danger notice and to advertise that it did not want people coming in at that pace becau e it did not know what was going to happen. There are prosperou areas, selfi h area , which have set their face against the introduction of labour even though they could very well have upported additional labour. It is not always an ea y thing to bring them in." Jlinules of Evidence Taken B efore the Royal Commi·ssion on the Geographi cal Distribution of the Industrial Population, p. 262. 10 Numerous derelict areas were omitted out of consideration for administrative difficulties. Jg Led by l~TE.RNET ARCHIVE Cr r I from UN Vl:t{Srrv C IL INC S AT U::\BANA-CHAM?AIC,N 148 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS opportunitie of the areas and to interc t prospective investors by means of "appeal and persuasion." They were to set up "trading estates," i. e., groups of factory buildings for lease to manufacturers, and to improve the industrial facilities of the areas by making light, heat, and power available for industry. In 1936 provision ~as made for supplying capital loans to investors; and in 1937 the act was amended to permit the Commissioners to offer also small subsidies in the form of tax exemptions, rent payments, and the like. Almost total failure greeted the Commissioners' initial attempts to caITJ out the purposes of the act through "appeal and persuasion." Shortly after the 1934 act was approved, one of the Commissioners circularized 5,829 firms asking whether they were prepared to consider establishing plants in the special areas. Three-fourths did not reply; 1,313 gave "an unqualified negative answer," and only 12 stated that they were prepared "to consider" the question. The Commissioners soon concluded that "there is little prospect of the special areas being assisted by the spontaneous action of industrialists now located outside," and they urged the provision of such real inducements as were made available in 1936 and 1937 .11 A new set of problems arose when the Commissioners were finally empowered to offer concrete inducements to new industry. Not that inducements failed to bring forth many willing investors; indeed, "the demand" for them, it was observed, "far exceeds the supply." One difficulty was that the sum of money ma1e available for inducements was small, 12 and the number of new jobs th us created could not diminish unemployment appreciably. But small-scale as the program was, it nevertheless aroused immediate opposition from competing unsubsidized manufacturers in both the prosperous and the depressed areas. This opposition forced the Special Areas Commissioners to restrict the offer of inducements to "noncompeting" industries only, and in turn prevented the expansion of the program beyond laboratoryexperiment proportions. The Commissioners were struggling with this dilemma when the war began in September 1939. TH E HEART OF THE PROBLEM Whatever small benefits the two British depres ed-area measures may have achieved, they had hardly scratched the surface of the total problem by the beginning of the war. Both the transference and inducement programs, it must be remembered, operated mainly in a period of general depression. It is easy to imagine that subsidized Dennison, op. cit., p. 165. Between 1937 and 1939 total commitments for tax exemptions, rent payments, and the like amounted to about $750,000. Capital Rum. loaned amounted to 7¾ million dollars in the Government venture, plus 10 million dollars through the private Nuffield Trust. 11 12 Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN CONCLUSIONS • 149 new industry could revive the dcpre ed areas, or that their unemployment could be dis olYed by finding job for the tranded workers in another area. But when industry is contracting everywhere, and when every community, even the most prosperous, ha a labor surplus, these schemes are little more than an elaborate sy tern for robbing Peter to pay Paul. The general problem of the deprc cd areas is finally insoluble in the midst of a ation-wide depre ion. In better times the eriou ne s of the depre sed-area problem will, of coUI e, diminish, but there i little chance that it will automatically dis olve. Characteristically, the depressed areas were no more able to attract new industry dw-inO' the years before the depre ion set in than afterward. A new era of industrial expan ion will likewise pass many of them by. 13 Spontaneous migration has also tmned out to be an unreliable solvent for pockets of smplus labor, even in good times. The southern Illinois coal field was accumulating a "redundant population" all through the la t half of the 1920's, a period when the conditions for spontaneous emigration were presumably ideal. In the futme, stranded workers will probably experience increa ing difficulty in finding job opportunitie cl ewhcre; for a decade of inten e depression has put new handicap in the way of succe fol emigration from th e depre ed area . The Depressed Areas in the National Defense Program When more active ti.mes arrive, therefore, careful con ideration is due the special plans devised to aid the depressed area's victims, eith er through encomagement of industrial expansion in the depre sed area or by "guided migration" of smplus worker toward the active area . The conditions nece ary for the operation of both plan will probably come into existence in the evolution of the national defense program; and it is to be expected that each plan will then have it own enthu iastic advocate . It should be recognized, however, that neither plan can be put into action without involving hidden dangers. The Two Special Plans: What They Involve Theoretically, the more desirable plan would be encomagement of industrial e:\.'J)ansion in ide the depressed area . If the propo ed industrie were to be permanent, or if they should offer a rea onable chance of post-emergency conver ion into permanent indu trie on a sound economic basi , thi ort of program could indeed be recommended without reservation. It i not likely, however, that any great 13 ome of the depressed are ha,·e traditionally been di advantaged by competition with low-wage, nonunion areas. In any future period of indu trial expansion, thi disadvantage will have been dimini hed by the operation of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the National Labor Relations Act. [' g tze NTtl{NE r ARC.H Vt g L IVE.R'>,TY OF LINOIS AT uRtlANA C AMPA r 'J 1 50 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS part of the new defense industries will be either permanent or convertible. If not, the policy of locating them inside the depressed areas, despite obvious immediate advantages, would eventually bring new difficulties. Such a policy would bring "home" again a large number of workers who had already left the areas. It would also hold within the areas workers who might otherwise have willingly moved to jobs elsewhere. The temporary boom would thus end with the problems of the depressed areas multiplied. Guided migration, the alternative plan, also appears to offer limited possibilities for betterment of the depressed areas-or rather, of the people now living in the depressed areas-particu larly those living in areas where industrial expansion is clearly out of the question. The predicament of the southern Illinois labor force suggests that such a plan would involve a minimum of four steps: a training program for both inexperienced youth and "obsolete" older workers; a system for allocating jobs in the prosperous areas to applicants from the depressed areas; provision of travel money to enable entire families to move to the new jobs; and a waiver of legal-settleme nt r egulations to prevent the forced return of families to the depressed areas if they should need relief at their new residence. There are two main objections to this type of program. One of them, originating within the depressed areas themselves, stresses the aftereffects of large-scale migration from a community: the younger workers are drained away; social patterns are disturbed; established property values decline; local businessmen lose trade; the taxing power of the community deteriorates; excess labor supplies, held in reserve for seasonal work, are lost. It seems obvious, however, that such objections would be of little weight if set against the successful resettlement of othe1wise surplus workers. The second and more serious objection is that a guided-migrati on program endangers labor standards in the receiving areas. It is pointed out, for example, that the scheme for "guiding" form workers from the depressed areas of eastern Oklahoma into the Southwest contributed a substantial part toward the difficulties that developed among California and Arizona migratory workers in the late 1930's.14 Unless carefully administered, such a scheme could always be abused by employers who would be tempted to recruit workers indiscriminately as a source of ch eap labor. The only answer to this objection is that a guided migration must presuppose the existence of actual, bona fide shortages, and that the plan must be held in abeyance when no labor shortages exist. 14 See Brown, Malcolm and Cassmore, Orin, Migratory Cotton Pickers in Arizona, Dh·i ion of Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1939, pp. 68- 75. Dig1tizi C by Or g1r.1I trorr, INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSl1Y OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN CONCLUSIONS • 151 Long-Time Prob lems Whatever temporary effects the national defense program might h ave upon the depressed areas-with or without the administration of the two special plans-defense activity will not likely result in the permanent solution of the depressed-area problem. Moreover, the depressed areas will likely b e the last to benefit from defense activity. 16 T hus, questions relating to public assistance, local improvement of depressed areas, and migration are certain to recur. Public Assistance Until the depressed areas are permanently dissolved-that is, presumably for a long time yet to come-their population will continue to require extraordinary amounts of public assistance. One may judge from the predicament of the unemployed in southern Illinois what consequences would follow if this need were neglected. Since the problem is basically one of a great and long-accumulating surplus of highly employable workers, the responsibility for meeting their need falls principally upon the Work Projects Administration. But the areas place extra responsibilities upon all the other public-assistance programs as well. A double-edged assistance problem is rapidly coming to maturity in the depressed areas. On the one hand, exceptional need persists, or is at best only temporarily relieved . But the ability of the depressed communities to keep up their end of relief costs is progressively weakened. If a general deterioration of depressed-area assistance i to be avoided, those States which have not already done so should make provision for assuming an increasing share of publicassistance costs which cannot be met by bankrupt local communities. And where the State itself is unable to assist the people of its depressed areas, increased Federal respon ibility should be anticipated. Local Imp rovements T here is a common feeling that the construction of roads, schools, recreational and social facilities, and similar local improvements in the depressed areas is somehow wasteful. "Why build up a doomed community?" it is asked. "The improvements will be worthless when 15 Among the defense contracts signed by the Government between June 1940 and January 1941 only 1½ percent directly involved the depre ed areas. Their ''average share," in terms of population, would have been seven times greater. Moreover, the contracts they had received were concentrated in a very fe"· counties. Three counties held 46 percent of all the depre sed-area defense contracts; 15 other countie. held an additional 41 percent; and 40 other counties h eld the rest. About 450 of the dep ressed counties had no primary defense contracts whatever. l141t zed by 1r--iTrn~~T AR, HIVE C.ri 111 I 'roni JNIVE~SITY 0• IL INO C, AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 1 52 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS the people move away." And true enough, there are within the depressed areas many hopelessly derelict communities where extensive local improvement would simply be time and money wasted. By and large, however, this point of view dangerously oversimplifies the predicament of the depressed areas. It is quite incorrect to assume that a large emigration from the depressed areas is necessarily in prospect; slow population losses and depopulation are two entirely different things. The southern Illinois coal field and many another American depressed area are going to be well populated for generations to come. It thus appears to be somewhat unreasonable to expect that the depressed-area population should forego the use of needed local improvements for an indefinitely long time. Regional Conservation and Development In some American depressed areas economic development has been held in check by past failure to develop some potential advantages. In some-notably in the agricultural and lumbering areas-economic collapse has inevitably followed in the wake of wasteful exploitation of resources. It goes without saying that where such conditions exist, public policy should aid in recovering and developing the missing factors. The reforestation and soil-conservation programs, the projects for converting depressed areas into recreation centers, and the great power developments like the T ennessee Valley Authority have had such a purpose. Their proved achievement shows the possibilities of this type of approach to the problems of similar areas. There is merit, for example, in the suggestion that a "little TVA" be developed in southern Illinois, based upon low-cost power derived from coal. Obviously, however , such schemes should not be expected to produce substantial, permanent results overnight. Spontaneous lvfigration "Unguided" migration is continually draining a small part of the population away from the depressed areas. It is, of course, true, as this report has pointed out at some length, that during the 1930's people were not leaving the depressed areas fast enough to keep pace with local economic disintegration , nor even to cancel the local excess of births over deaths in most of the areas. But except for a few areas, people did move cut in sufficient numbers at least to offset the influx of newcomers. And in Great Britain at the height of the transference program, spontaneous migration was quietly removing two workers from the depressed areas for every worker removed by the elaborate transference machinery. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN CONCLUSIONS • 153 Without this small spontaneous movement, the depressed-area problem in America at the end of the 1930's would have been somewhat more grave than it actually was. In the southern Illinois coal field, for example, one would have expected to find half the workers unemployed in 1939, supposing no emigration between 1930 and 1939, instead of the 41 percent actually reported. There eems to be little doubt, further, that this spontaneous movement is ucces fully terminated in the great majority of cases; indeed, spontaneous migration usually will not go forward (except in special situations) without good chances for succes ful termination-hence it low pace. It follows that barriers and friction which unnecessarily retard the slow, free migration of workers from the depressed areas are likely to operate against the public interest. Such immobilizing force are many and diverse, and they range from border blockades and the more harsh legal-settlement laws to the failure of bankrupt lo cal communities to provide their youth with an average level of training. To eliminate the existing barriers wherever possible and, more important still, to prevent the establishment of new ones would appear to be about as fruitful an attack on the depressed-area problems a the most alert and complex "guided-migration" scheme. This does not mean that spontaneous migration from the depre sed areas is always good in itself. The greatest mischief is done when people are forced to migrate "spontaneously" without good chances for successful resettlement, even though their home communities may be utterly derelict. Migrations growing out of inadequate public assistance, in·esponsible labor recruiting, and the like are a serious national problem. The mass hardships of one such recent migration have already fired the public's indignation. Similar incidents are always latent in neglected depressed-area situations . Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Originc.l Jll' UNIVERSllY OF lLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPA,r 'J Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Appendixes 155 C'1g1t1ze1 v 'NT ".{NET ARC • 'v- Or g1r.... JP L NIVfR<;,-ry OF I L'NOIS AT URiJANA·C'"'AMPA,t "J Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSl1Y OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Appendix A TABLES Table 1.-Number of Shipping Coal Mine s Opened, Abandon ed , and in Operation in Fran klin, Sal in e, and Williamson Counties, 1900--1939 Year Mines open ed Mines abandoned Mines in Mines opened Year operation 1900 ..... .... .. . 1901.. ......... . 1902 .......... . . 1903........... . 1904 . .. .. . ..... . 2 5 5 7 10 2 2 1 4 1905 .......... . . 1906.......... . . 1907 ... . .... . . . . 1908...... . ... . . 1909 .. . ....... . . 5 11 12 10 4 2 2 2 2 2 1910 ........ .. . 1911. ........ .. . 1912. .......... . 1913. .......... . 1914 .......... . . 2 5 3 5 3 2 3 4 2 5 66 69 69 70 1915 .......... . . 1916. . ........ . . 1917 ... , .. ... . . . 1918 ····· ···· ·· 1919 . .... . .... . . I 3 6 16 4 2 3 4 3 14 17 Mines aba nd oned Mines in operation 1920..... . ...... 1921.. ..... . .... 1922 ............ 1923. ...... . .... 1924 ..... . ...... 9 IO 5 5 5 4 3 3 13 17 93 99 101 103 95 1925. . . . .. . ... .. 1926. .... . . . . . .. 1927 .. . ......... 1928 .. ..... . . . . . 1929 . .. .. . ...... 2 2 2 2 1 11 I 14 6 9 80 7J 2 2 1 2 4 2 5 3 5 5 48 71 1930 ····· · · ··• · 1931.. .. . . ...... 1932 ... .. . ...... 1933 .... -- ----1934 -- - . - - - - - 67 70 74 87 87 1935. 1936. ... . ....... 1937-. . . .. .... . . 1938. .... . ...... 1939. . . .. . ...... 5 6 5 42 5 5 3 4 43 38 36 35 20 26 32 37 46 5G 64 66 ~ 3 2 72 60 55 48 44 43 42 Source: Illinois D epartme nt of Mines a nd Minerals, Coal Report of nlinois, a nnu a l, Sp r ingfield , 1900-1939. Table 2.-Men Employed at Shipping Coal M ines in Frankl in, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1900--1940 1 M en employe d Y ear Total 1900 ..... ............. .. ..................... . 1901 ...........•...................... ... ..... 1002........ . ....... . ... • .........•... ........ 1903 ....... . .......................... ....... . 1904. ....... . ...... ... ........ ...... .. ....... . I, 548 2,206 2,635 3,292 3,789 1905 .. .. .... ·•····· ....•.. · .. . .. · · · .. · · · · · · · .. 1906 . . .............. . .•••....... . ........... .. 1907 ............................ . ............ . 1908 .......... . ...................... ........ . 1009 ..................... . .. . .. . .. . ... ... . . .. . 6,685 8, 968 II, 621 13, 428 5, 119 F rank lin 413 696 I, 342 I, 918 2,732 W illiamson Saline 182 203 249 424 321 1,366 2,003 2, 386 2,868 3,468 396 984 2,069 3, 427 4,066 4,310 5,005 5,557 6,276 6, 630 See footnote at end of table. 157 Di( lliZt!d by Original from NTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA·CHAMPAIGN 158 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Table 2.-Men Employed at Shipping Coal Mines in Franklin , Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1900-1940 -Continued l\Ien employed Year Total Franklin aline W illiamson 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 14,391 16,136 17,592 19,875 20,441 2,630 3,736 4,472 5,314 6, 452 4,081 3,868 4,659 5, 40 4, 832 7,680 ,532 , 461 9,153 9,157 1915 1916 1917 1918 19l9 20,470 21,876 24, 497 27,990 28,240 7, 798 8,606 10,511 ll , 618 ll, 855 4,129 4,768 4, 745 6,468 6, 253 8,543 8,502 9,241 9,904 10,132 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 28,878 31, 781 33,126 36, 199 34, 641 12, 261 14,264 14,840 16,231 15,816 5,876 6,049 5,861 7, 114 6,816 10,741 11 ,468 12,425 12,854 12,009 ··············•·• ...... . 1925 ··········•········ 1926 ················· 1927 . ···························· ·········· 1928 ····---·····-··----· ······----······-1929 ......................................... . 29,957 29,500 30,178 26,405 22, 724 15,007 14 ,543 15. 234 14,259 12,287 5,373 5,802 6,148 4,869 4,594 9,577 9, 155 8,796 7, 277 5,843 .... ·-- --· · · · ···--·-- .... ··-• ·-·-··-··--······-··-·········-········ -·····•···-·····-·············· ····· . ···-·· . -· ······ ··-· . ··············· ···•-··· -·-·--·-···- ··- ····-··- ·······--·· 19,661 19,044 16,205 14, 459 14, 365 10, 670 10, 064 9, 441 7, 900 8. 407 4,246 4,392 3,947 3, 54 3, 733 4,745 4,588 2,817 2, 705 2,225 13,092 13, 309 12. 465 11,843 11, 057 IO. 200 6,907 7, 697 6,795 6, 611 6. 504 6. 700 3,870 3,915 3,985 3,577 3. 195 2, 450 2,31 5 I, 697 1,685 1,655 1,358 1, 0.S() 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 193 1939 1940 I 1 Figures for 1940 are preliminary . ource: lllinois Department of Mines and Minerals, Coal Report of Illinois, annual. Springfield, 1900-1939. Digit1z.-.r1 by Crn!',1nal from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA·CHAMPAIGN TABLES • 159 Table 3.-Production, Capacity,1 and Average Number of Days Worked at Shipping Coal Mines in Fran kli n, Saline, and Williamson Count ies, 1900-1940 Production! Capacity (thousand (thousand tons) tons) Year Days worked Year I Production Capacity (thousand (thousand tons) tons) Days worked - --- 1900 ________ __ 1901__ ___ _____ 1902_____ _____ 1903 ___ ___ ____ 1904 ___ 1,460 2, 166 2,938 3,779 4,213 242 225 211 ------ 1,262 1, 740 2,219 3,047 3,326 1905 ____ __ ____ 1906 _____ ____ _ 1907 __ _______ _ 1908 ____ __ ____ 1909 __ ___ ___ __ 4,264 4,886 7, 807 9,459 11 , 110 5,200 7,034 9,557 12,170 15, 404 230 194 229 1910 ___ _____ __ 1911__ __ ______ 1912 __ ___ __ ___ 1913 ____ -----1914 ____ ___ ___ 10,985 10,757 15,161 17,4 16 18,126 1915 ______ ___ _ 1916 ______ __ __ 1917 ____ -- -- -1918 __ __ ______ 1919 __________ 192Q __ ______ __ 18,337 21,428 25,448 29,266 25,930 25,389 192!__ __ --- - -1922 --- -----1923 -- ----1924 1925 _ ------- 27, 754 22, 673 27,276 26,093 20,315 40,276 45, 620 47,334 48,981 44,259 193 139 161 153 166 218 202 1926 ________ __ 1927 _______ ___ 1928 ______ __ __ 1929 ________ __ 1930 _____ _____ 28,625 18,518 22, 859 24,163 19,687 41,560 44,160 38,457 35, 674 32,535 193 ll7 166 190 169 16, 896 18,269 20, 26 22,793 24, 289 182 165 204 214 209 1931__ __ ______ 1932 ____ ____ __ 1933 __ _____ ___ 1934 ___ ______ _ 1935 _______ ___ 14,579 11,273 IJ,076 ll, 840 13,140 31,726 29, 165 27,348 25, 704 26,219 129 108 113 129 140 27,54 1 28,876 29,842 32,288 34, ll2 38,757 186 208 239 1936 ___ _______ 1937 ___ _ -----1938 ___ ____ ___ 1939 __ __ -- ---1940 _ _-- -- - - 15, 744 15,951 12,774 14,210 14,833 25,308 25,815 25,829 26,968 (') 174 173 138 226 221 254 213 183 148 (') 1 Capacity is computed as the a,-erage daily output of all mines operating during a given year multiplied by 280. The hypothetical full worki nl!' year is considered to hP. 280 days. • Not available. Source: Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals, Coal Report of lllinois , annual, Springfield, 1900- 1939. Table 4.-Averag e Hourly Earnings of Hand Loaders in Bituminous Coal Mining in Principal Producing States, Selected Years, 1919-1933 A vera~e hourly earnings of hand loaders Year Illinois 19 19 _________________________ __ 1922 ___________________ _______ _ 1924 _____ _________ ____________ _ 1926 ___ ____ _______ ____________ _ - -------------- - ---_ -- -tg?Q ___ ____________ _ _____ ___- ___ 1931 1933 __ __- ---------- - - --- - ----- - $0. 889 I. 127 l. 003 . 976 . 791 .800 . 558 Indiana $0. 875 I. 094 I. 034 1.040 . 865 . 869 .677 Kentucky $0. 68G . 704 . 646 . 579 . 547 . 489 . 317 Pennsylvania Ohio $0. 7Gl . 893 . 79 1 . 752 . 545 . 440 . 293 West Virginia $0. 753 . 672 . 682 . 651 . 542 . 485 . 296 $0. 77b . 841 . 764 .710 . 591 . 486 . 326 Source : Bureau of Labor Statistics: Hours and Earnings in Anthracite and Rituminous Coal 1\1ining, /9.19-19f0, Bulletin No. 279, 1921 ; !Iours and Earnings in Bituminous Coal Mining, 19t f, 19!J, and J9!'J, Builetin :-.l'o. 454, 1927, H ours and Earnings in Bituminous Coal Mining in 19£9, Bulletin No. 5Jfi, 1930; and Wages and !Iours of Labor in Bituminous Coallvfininu, Bulletin No. 601. 1934, U . S. Department of Lahor. Washington, D . C. J1g1l .ed by INTERN T AK( HIVE Crn UN 11 =ii v:_"srrv C from IL INC c, AT URBANA< HAM~AIGN 160 • SEVEN STRAN DED COAL TOWNS Ta ble 5.-Bitum in ous Coa l Production in the United States by Princi pal Producing States, 1910-1939 I [Amounts in millions of tons] Bituminous coal production Year United States Illinois Indiana Ohio Pennsylvania West Virginia Kentucky All other States --417 406 450 478 423 46 54 62 58 18 14 15 17 17 34 31 35 36 19 151 145 162 174 148 62 60 67 71 72 15 14 16 20 20 91 00 443 503 552 579 466 59 66 86 89 61 17 20 27 31 21 22 35 41 46 36 158 170 172 Ii9 151 77 i6 86 90 79 21 25 28 32 30 89 101 112 112 88 1921 -- ------ --- - -- - -------1922 ___ ___ __---_________ 1923 -----1924 __ ________ _______ 569 416 422 565 484 89 70 58 79 68 29 20 19 26 21 46 32 27 41 30 171 116 113 172 131 90 73 80 108 102 36 32 42 45 45 108 73 83 94 87 1925 . ----- - ----- --- -1926. ----- - ----- - ---1927 _ - --- ---- - --- - -- ------_. --- -__- -1928 ___ _ _____ 1929 .______ 520 573 518 501 535 67 69 47 56 61 21 23 18 16 18 28 28 16 16 24 137 153 133 131 144 122 144 145 133 139 55 63 69 62 60 90 93 90 87 89 1930 _______ __ ________ 1934. _ ------- ----- -- - 468 382 310 334 359 54 44 33 37 41 16 14 13 14 15 23 20 14 20 21 124 98 75 79 90 121 IOI 86 94 98 51 40 35 36 39 79 65 35 54 55 --------_ ------__________ 1935 ._______ 1936 372 I 439 1937 .. ----- ------ - --1938 .. ------- ---- - --193 9 ' ---- -- -- - ---- - -- 349 1 446 393 45 51 52 42 46 16 18 18 15 17 21 24 25 19 20 91 110 Ill 78 92 99 ll8 119 93 108 41 48 47 3~ 43 59 70 74 64 67 ---_ -- - -- - - ----1910_____ 1911_ -__________ -- - ----1912 __ -__- -_____ ____- -____ 1913 __ 1914-- ------ --- -----1915 _____ _____ __ ____ _ 1916 ________ _____ __ __ - - -- ---_____ ----- ---____ 1917 1918 _________ 19 19 ________ _____ __ __ 1920 ________ ___ ____ __ 1931. -- ------ - -- - ----------- ---1932 __ __ ___----1933 __________ 88 95 98 89 Figures for 1939 are preliminary. Source: Bureau of Mines, Mineral& Yearbook, annual. U. B. Department of the Interior, Washington, 1 D . C . , 1937-1940. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN TABLES• 161 Table 6.-Production at Shipping Cool Mines by Method of Loading, Franklin , Saline , and Williamson Counties, 1927-1939 [Amounts in thousands or ton.s] Production at shipping coal mines Underground mines Year Strip mines Total Loaded by hand 1927 ·-------------------------------------_ 1m ______________________________________ 1929---------------- ---- -----------------1930 _____________________________ _________ _ 1931_ _________________________________ ____ _ 1932 _--- -------- ------------- ---_________ ----------_ 1933 -_____________________________ 1934- --------------- ------ -------- ------ - - 1935 __ ------ ----------------------------- -1936 __ --- --------- -----------------------1937 ______ _____ _____ _____________________ __ 1938 _- ----- ------------------ - ----------- - 1939 __ ----------------------------- ----- - - _ I , 518 22,859 24, 163 19,687 14,579 11,273 11,076 II, 840 13, 140 15,744 15,951 12,774 17,556 19,444 15,058 9,871 5,165 3,455 3,591 4,529 3,903 4,161 2,832 14,210 747 I, 655 Pit-ear loader Mobile loader 117 1,662 6,0 2 6,348 5,779 4,215 2,832 3,458 4,302 4,492 4,224 2,755 365 240 605 652 I, IOI 2,273 3,035 3,417 3,308 4,301 3,466 4,139 6,040 7,614 7,068 11,678 750 433 218 295 352 387 796 1,051 1,281 1,296 1,420 Percent distribution 1927 - ---___ - - --- - - --- _________________ -- -- --- --- - --- - ----- --_ 1928 -____ _________ _____ 100 100 1929_ - ---------- ------ --------------------1930 __ ----------------------------- -------1931 _____________________________ __ ------------------------------------_ 1932 _________ 1933 ______________________________________ _ 1934 _________________ __ ___________________ _ 1935 _____ __ _______________________________ _ 1936 ______________________________________ _ 100 1937 _ ----------------------------- --------- 1938 __ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - 1939 _-------- - - - - - --- - --- -- -- - - -- ---- - - -- -- 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 JOO 95 85 63 51 35 31 32 39 30 26 I 18 13 5 1 7 25 32 40 37 26 29 33 29 26 22 3 1 3 5 3 3 9 15 2 2 3 3 23 29 39 29 31 38 48 55 82 3 6 7 8 10 10 Source: Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals, Coal &port of lllinois, annual, Springfield, 1927-1939. ,, Die 11 z u by '-JTER'JE"T ARCHIVE )11gina1 f1 um ur-.i v~~s1TY OF ILL '-lots AT U:\BANA-CHAM AIGN 162 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Ta ble 7.-Men Empl oye d , Capaci ty, Outp ut per Man -Day, and Pe rce nt of Output Loaded by M achinery a t the 21 M echanize d Sh ipp ing Coal Mines 1 in Fran kli n, Saline, an d Will ia mso n Cou nties, 19 26-1 938 Percent of total output loaded byYear Capacity (thousand tons) 15,334 15, 799 15,339 13,937 12,744 21 , 610 23,437 22,657 22, 014 21, 522 5. 6 5. 7 5. 7 6.1 6.4 2 10 40 59 5 29 40 12,803 11,860 10,179 9,861 9, 554 21, 146 19,884 18,014 17,050 18, 215 6.3 7. 6 7. 3 7.0 7. 7 75 77 82 70 75 46 40 35 33 36 37 47 37 39 9,905 9,830 9,691 19,403 20, 772 21, 117 7. 9 8. 5 83 88 91 36 32 26 47 56 65 1926 ....... ..... . . ...... .... ... 1927 ---------------- ------ -1928 -· -- ------- ------------ --- -- ------------- ------- ----- -- -------- ---- -- -- ---- ---- ------ ---- ------ -------------- -------·------------------- --- ----- --------- --- ------- ---- -------------------------- -- ----- ----------- ----- ---- -------- 192() 1930 1931 1932 1933 1034 1935 1936 1937 1938 Output per man·day (tons) Men em• ployed All ma· chines 8. 5 Pit-car loaders Mobile loaders 2 5 11 19 29 • Less tha n 0.5 percent. following mines which installed m echa nical loading equipment after 1926 and which o perated during 1938 are included : Franklin County- Bell and Zoller Coal and Mining Co. No. 1; Bell and Zoller Coal and Mining Co. No. 2; Chicago, Wilmington, and Franklin Coal Co. No. 1; Chicago. Wilmington, and Frank• lin Coal Co. New Orient; Franklin County Coal Corp. No. 5; Franklin County Coal Corp. No. 7; Old Ben Coal Cor p. No. 8; Old Ben Coal Corp. No. 11; Old Ben Coal Corp. No. 14; Old Ben Coal Corp. No . 15; Peabody Coal Co. No . 18; and Valier Coal Co. No. 1; Saline County- Peabody Coal Co. No. 43, Peabody Coal Co. No . 47, Rex Coal Co. No. 2, Wasson Coal Co. A, and Wasson Coal Co. No. 1; W ill iamson CountyConsolidated Coal Co. New Monarch, F ranco Mining Co., F reemen Coal Mining Co., and Seymour Coal Mining Co. Source : Illinois Department of Mines an d Minerals, Coal Report of Illinois, annu al, Springfield, 1926-1938. 1 The Table 8 .-Bitum ino us Coal Produced per Man-Day in the United States and in Underground and Strip Min es in Franklin , Sal ine, and Williamson Counties, 1900-1 939 [Tons] Bituminous coal produced per man•day F ranklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties Year United States Underground Str ip m ines mines All mines 1900.. . .. . ... ...... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . ...... .... . . 3.0 2.9 3. l 3. 0 3. 2 3. 5 3. 7 4. 3 4. 2 4. 0 :1. 5 3. i 4. 3 4. 2 4. 0 1905 ...... .. ...... . . ... .... ·· ·· ·· ·············· 1906. ·· · · ··· · ········· · · ···· · ··· · ····· · · ·• · •· ·· 1907 ........ .. . .•... ···· · · · ·· · ·········· · · ··· · · · 1908 .. .. .. ............... . ... . ............... . . . 1909 ...... ... . ..... . ... . . .. .. . ............. . . . . . 3. 2 3. 4 3.3 3.3 3. 7 3. g 3. 7 3. 9 4. 1 4. 0 4. 2 !901. .. . ......... .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . .... ... . . . 1902.. .. .. ············ · ······ ·· ······· · ·· ·· ··· · · 1903 .. ... . ····· •· . ......• • . • . . .. ··· • · .. ······ .. . 1904_ .. .. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ......... . (') 4.1 4. 0 4. 2 4. 4 4. 3 4. 5 4. 3 4. 5 4. 4 1913... · · · ····· · · ··· · · ·· ·· ·· ·· ··· ····· · · • •· • · · 1914 ....... . . ....... . . . •• •· · ·· ····· · ··· · ···· ··· 3. 5 3. 5 3. 7 3. 6 3. 7 1915....... .. . ····· ··· · ••· • · · · · · ·············· 3. 9 5. 0 4. 9 .,. 0 4. 9 4. 7 4. 4 4. 5 4. 6 4. 4 4. 5 1910 ... ...... .. • . · ···· · · · ··· ·· ····· ··· · ···· ·· ·· 1911. ... . . ...... . .... ... . . . . ... . ...... . .. . ... . . . 1912 • • .• ••• • • ··•··· · • • · •• • •• ••••••••·• • •••· • • 191 6••.••• . . . · ··· ··· ··•· •·•· · ··· · ··· · · ••• • • •·· 1917. ·· ···· ····· · · .. . . 191 8. ···· · ··· · ······· · 1919 ···· ·· ·· · ·· ·· ·· · · . ··· ··• · ·· ···· ··· · · 3. g 3. 8 3. 8 3. 8 4. 3 4. 5 4. 3 4. 5 See footnote at end of table. DigltlZ"'r' by Cn1:,1nal from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA·CHAMPAIGN 7. 5 10. 5 15. 0 13.5 15. 7 11. 6 TABLES• 163 Table 8.-Bituminous Coal Produced per Man-Day in the United States and in Underground and Strip Mines in Franklin , Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1900-1939-Con. [Tons] Bituminous coal produced per man-day Year Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties United States All mines Underground Strip mines mmes I 4. 0 4. 2 4.3 4. 5 4. 6 5. 0 4. 7 5. 1 4.9 5. 3 5.0 5. 0 4.9 5. 3 14. 8 4. 9 9. 6 12. 4 4. 7 1925 192fl. 1927._ 1928 1929 4. 5 4. 5 4. 6 4. 7 4.9 5. 4 5. 3 5. 5 5. 6 6. 0 5.3 5.3 5. 4 5. 4 5. 9 12. 3 10. 4 19. 2 24. 3 24. 7 1930. 1931. 1932_ 1933 _ 1034 5. 1 5.3 5. 2 4.8 4. 4 6. 2 6. 2 7. 3 6.9 6. 2 6.1 6. 2 7. 3 6. 8 6.1 27. 9 11. 8 11. 1 14. 6 15. 1935 ------------- ---------- -------1936 . -- ---------------------------- -1937 __ -- --- . -- -------- --------- ------- ----- - --193 . . -------------------------------------1939 -- -- -- -- ------------------ - ---- 4. 5 4. 6 4. 7 4. 9 6.9 7. 8 8. 5 8. 8 9. 4 6.6 7. 5 8.3 8. 2 s, 9 17. l 23. 2 12. 3 23. l !92(L. . . - ---------------- -----------··· .. 1921. .... _--1922. 1923... 1924 ---------------------------···. • •. ····-···-······-·------------- - ------------------------------------- /1) 4. i 22. i 1 Not available. Source: Bureau of Mines, J.Iinerals Yearbook, 1936, 1939, and 1940, U. S. Department of the Interior , Washington, D . C.; and Dlinois Department of Mines and Minerals, Coal Report of Dlinois, annual, Springfield, 1901-1939. Table 9.-Production and Men Employed at Local Coal Mines in Saline and Williamson Counties,1 1900-1939 Product ion (thousand t ons) Year 1000. _. _-------------1901. ___________ _____ _ 1902 __ . -------------1903 ________ __ _ ---- ---------1904 _________ _ 1905 __ .. -------------1906 .. ---------------1907 .. ------·---·----1908 __ ---- --- --- - --- -1909 .. -------- --- ----1910 ___ _______ _______ _ 114 67 61 70 93 16 30 34 69 33 102 76 139 44 40 46 56 67 50 67 67 87 1917_ --------- _______ - - --- - --_ 1918 __________ 1919 ___ ______ .. ---- -- Production (thousand tons) Year 19 14 19 19 16 57 1911 .. - ----- --- ----- 1912. _ ------------ ---1913 . -- ---------- ---1914 ----------- -----1915 ___________ ______ _ 19)6 ____________ _____ _ Men employed 49 1920 _________________ _ 192\.________ . - ---- - ------1922 ___ _____--__ 1923 . _ -- -------------1924 __ -------- ---- ---- Men employed 81 185 160 139 107 124 71 73 53 75 1925 _ ---------- --- --1926 __ __ _______ ---- --------- - -_ 1927 ________ 1928 ________ ________ __ 1929 _ ------ ----- - --- - 48 56 57 73 109 · 1930_. ----- -____ - ---1931_ ______ ___--___- _115 1932 ____________ ___ __ _ 79 1933 ___ _____ _________ _ 630 697 785 729 733 741 IOI 63 1!0 1934 __ ----- ------- ---- 89 92 154 167 225 151 134 12.5 148 138 1935_ . -- ---- - --------1936 __ - ----- -------- -1937 __ -------- -------1938_ _ ---------- -1939 _ 269 392 474 412 547 84 109 137 165 177 !51 236 307 444 506 I • Franklin Coun ty has no local mines. Source: Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals, Coal &port of ntinois, annual, Springfield, 1900-1939, )141t zed by 1r--iTrnN-T A,k HIVt Cri 1r l'ron, JN!Vt~SITY O> IL INO C, AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN • 164 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOW NS Table 10.-Populati on, Labor Force, Employed Workers, Unemployed Workers, and Worke rs on Work Programs, by Sex, 7 Southern Illinois Coal Towns Item Total Bush Johnston City West Carrier Herr in FrankZeigler Mills fort Eldarado ------ --- -----------All persons ____________________ 38, 193 643 5. 351 2, 2'31 9,608 Male _____ _- ------ -- ---------- -- -- --- 19,294 Female ----- --------------- ---- ---- - 18,899 325 318 2,743 2,608 1,143 1,088 4, 759 4,849 Labor force'·---- --------- ----· 15, 707 218 2,127 867 4,0 . ________ --- ___________ _______ 12,246 Male Female, 3,461 1 7 31 1,682 445 675 192 3,133 955 43 41 12, 72/i 3,017 4,618 6,483 6,242 1. 555 1,462 2,286 2,332 .5, 226 1, 22i 1,954 4,095 1, 131 1,004 223 1.470 484 41 42 ·--- --- --- - -- - - - - - - · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Percent of population in labor force __ . _______ __ - -____ -- -- -- .------Male ___ _____________ --- --- __ --_____ --------------------Female. Employed worke rs ___ _________ 30 hours' work in census than Less . _____________________________ week 30 hours' work or more in census week ... Hours not ascertainable _________ . __ . 41 34 40 39 63 18 58 10 17 59 18 20 18 15 21 9,209 44 857 477 2,522 3,257 775 1,277 3,465 21 266 174 1,016 1, 173 366 449 5,700 44 23 578 13 298 1,505 1 2,070 14 408 1 818 - - - - - - - -61- - - - - -66- - -63- - -65- - - 64 --- --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - Percent of labor force employed less than 30 hours in 5 -- - -- 10 census week __ . _____ _________ 22 10 13 20 25 22 30 23 Unemployed workers'--- ---·Male _________ _____________ ____ Female ________ ____________ ___ 6,498 174 1,270 390 1,566 1, 969 452 677 4,857 I, 641 148 1,012 258 284 1,140 426 1,506 26 463 330 122 437 240 41 80 60 45 3 38 37 35 10 47 79 R4 60 36 30 45 37 41 33 58 42 55 55 50 3,360 119 850 229 928 661 243 339 2,679 690 109 10 706 144 180 49 711 217 529 132 199 44 245 94 52 68 67 59 59 34 54 liO 42 38 56 46 .51 29 36 39 force unem Percent _____ ___________ ____labor ployed of Male . ___________ _________ ________ __ F6male. _________ _________________ ___ workers on work Unemployed programs __ __________________ _ . _______ ___ ____ ________ ___ ___ Male Female Percent of unemployed workers on work programs'·- ---Male Female __. --------------··--------____________ __________ ____ ------ --- --- --- --- -----106 --- - ---- --- --- --- - -- --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I = = = = = = = = 56 60 35 62 63 70 74 55 1 Persons employed in private industry, persons on work programs, persons seeking work and persons only tem()oranly out of the labor market during the "census week," a specified week immediately before eou.merat10n. 2 Workers 3 Includes who had no jobs in private industry during the census week. WP A, NY A, CCC, and other Federal emergency programs. Dig1t12-=-r' by Ur ·rial frorr1 NTERNET ARC!-' VE UN:VER.SITY O~ IL INO 5 AT UREW,A-.'.'HAM?AIGN TABLES• 165 Table 11.- Usual Occupation of Employed and Unemployed Workers in 7 Southern Illinois Coal Towns Usual occupation Total ___ - - ----- ---- ----- --- -- ------ ------ -------. Without usual occupation ___________ ___ __ _________ ____ _ With work experience•- -·· _____ __________________ _ Without work experience• ______ ____ ________ __ ___ With usual occupation _ _____ . _________________ ____ _ Farmers and farm workers. _____________________ __ _ Forestry workers _________________________________ _ Coal mine workers. ____ ·------------------------ -Operators, managers, and officials ___________ ___ _ Foremen and inspectors .. ___________________ __ Surface workers ___ __________________________ __ Face workers --- ---- --------- ---- ------ -------Hand ____ --------------------·_ Other loaders face workers ______ _______ ______ --_____ Hoisting and haulage workers ________________ __ Manufacturing and mechanical workers _________ __ Brickmasons, carpenters, electricians, painters, and plasterers ______ __ _________________ _ Operatives (except in building trades) ________ _ Other manufacturing and mechanical workers ___ Transportation and communiration workers._. ____ _ Cbaufleurs and truck and tractor dri vers _____ _ Railroad _______ -------------------- --Road andworkers street laborers _____________________ _ Other transportation and communication workers_____ ----------------------------- ----Tradesworker . _ ------------------------------ -Bankers, brokers, money lenders, and insurance agents ____ . ________________ -------- -- --- Retail dealers .... ___ . _________ ____ ____________ _ aJespersons _____ __ ____ ------- ----- --------- -Other tradesworkers ____ . __________________ ---Public and professional service workers _. ____ ______ _ Domestic and personal ser.,.ice workers _____________ _ Restaurant workers ________ . __________________ _ Servants _.. _ -- - -- --- --- - . -- . ------ -----------Otber domestic and personal service workers ___ _ Clerical workers __________ ------------- __ _ Total labor Employed workers force I l Unemployed workers -umber I Percent of labor force 15, 705 9,209 6,49(1 41 3,401 2,730 671 657 657 2,744 2,073 671 76 100 12,304 175 19 4,920 64 256 473 2,912 1,290 1,622 1,215 I, 716 , 552 51 7 3,228 57 212 398 1,601 451 I, 150 3,752 124 12 1,692 7 44 595 79 3 16 102 621 563 230 176 9 389 215 58 70 89 194 1,763 148 1, 51.5 46 24S 24 14 76 572 792 323 1,027 1,041 72 529 647 267 876 726 185 180 361 547 43 5 8 145 56 151 315 73 169 73 144 18 17 15 30 28 48 17 21 960 1, 039 266 855 952 445 234 258 349 434 691 i5 I. 311 839 472 255 677 279 164 234 4 Excludes 2 workers whose usual occupations were not ascertainable. • Includes both pri\•ate and emergency-work-program employment. 1 Die 11 z u by 'JTER'JET ARCHIVE )11gina1 f1 om ur-.i v:..~SITY OF ILL '-1015 A~ U:\BANA-CHAl'I. AIGN 81 30 71 63 34 11 17 16 45 65 29 21 39 47 62 27 41 48 25 166 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Table 12.-lndustry of Usual Occupation of Un employed Workers, by Sex, 7 Southern Illinois Coal To wns Unemployed workers N um ber Industry of usual occupation Male Total Percent distribution Total Female Male Female ---------------- - --- -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - ---- - - - TotaL ______ ___ _________ •.•.....•••. ... - _ 75 6,486 100 I, 638 25 4,848 ----- - - - ----- - -I Without usual occupation . ... . . . ....... . .. ----• With work experience'-- -· · ·· ·· ···· · · ··- -·· Without work experience'·-····· ····· · ····· 2,744 2,0i3 671 J, 693 With usual occupation . . _... -.. · · -· · ·· · · · - ···-·· Agriculture and forestry . . . . -··· ·· · · ··· ·· Coal m ining.·-· · ······ -·--·· .... .. . .... . Manufacturing and mecbanicaL --····- ·· · · 3,742 162 1, 780 612 356 300 233 299 3,155 160 Transportation and communication Trade.---- -----·-· · ··· -·-· Public and professional service ... Domestic and personal 8Crvicc 1,326 367 1,051 747 304 42 32 JO 26 21 5 16 587 2 1 122 8 82 130 242 58 2 28 10 5 4 4 5 49 2 28 8 5 3 9 I, 779 490 348 218 103 57 11 5 . 2 2 I • Less than 0.5 percent. Excludes 12 workers whose industries of usual occupation were not ascertainable. • Includes both pri,ate and emergency-work-program employment. 1 Table 13.-lndustry of Usual Occupation of Employed and Unemployed Workers, by Age Group, 7 Southern Illinois Coal Towns Industry of usual occupation Total U ncmploycd workers Employed worker'- Labor fore.~ Un- 25-54 y:1rs Un- 25-54 yt;rs Un- 25-54 y;;rs years of age Total t<;;a;t years of age Total t~a;t years of age of age 01 age and of age or age and of age of age and ~';;0 ;t - over over over I. 382 6. 483 2. 242 3, 182 I, 059 - ---------1--- - - - - - - - - ----- - -- - - - - - Total_ ____ ___ ___ __ 1 15,682 3, 84 Without usual occupation ------·· · ·- --- -- ·-· With work experi· encc 2 ------- - - - - -Without work ex- perience, ___ _____ _ 9,393 2,441 9,199 I, 606 6,211 3, 400 2. 063 I , 097 240 657 393 234 30 2, 743 I, 670 863 210 2, 72() I. 509 I, 004 216 657 393 234 30 2,072 I, 116 770 186 93 24 554 93 24 572 2,319 849 74 33 1, 153 40 592 671 554 With usual occupation __ 12,282 I. 785 R, 296 2,201 8,542 I, 213 5. 977 I, :152 3. 740 Agriculture and for63 58 estry Ill 56 225 162 18 37 8 Coal mining ______ __ 5, 567 ,.5 1 I, 778 227 2, 81 I 260 3, 964 I , 343 3. 789 M anufacturing and mechanical _____ _ 'rransportation and communication. _ Trade Public and profes- sional service __ __ Domestic and per- sona l srrv icil . __ __ 1 743 124 48 I, 355 251 5:14 85 612 127 386 99 895 2,010 612 170 459 1,308 539 113 243 1, 710 392 73 376 1, 11 7 74 217 356 300 97 83 220 191 39 2G I, 254 316 801 137 1,021 217 682 122 233 99 119 15 976 273 580 123 677 188 404 8.', 176 38 920 184 Excludes 25 workers whoso ages or industries of usual occupation wen• not ascPrt ainable . 'Includes both private and emorgency-work-program employment. D1g1t1z"'r' by NTERNET ARCH yr= Vr I I frorr, UN VERSITY or= IL INO 5 AT UREW,A-.'.'HAM?AIGN TABLES• 167 Table 14.-Labor Force and Unemployed Workers in 7 Southe rn Ill inoi s Coal Towns, by Age Group Age group Total Labor force __________________ I I Eld~ ~ rado 2181~~1 4,0 ~1_5,223 1,226 , 1,953 3. 57 9,396 2,443 66 130 22 568 1,214 342 245 513 109 966 2,464 655 1,290 3, 128 805 253 783 190 469 1, 164 320 6,494 174 1,267 390 l.!;66 1,968 452 1 6TT Under 25 years_________________ ___ 25-54 years_______________________ _ 2,249 3,184 58 97 424 625 13 196 576 785 688 921 133 219 232 341 55 yea;e::n:::~~~~;~~~~-:~~~-1 1,061 19 218 56 205 359 100 104 41 80 60 45 38 38 37 35 58 34 43 88 75 51 64 56 38 51 60 32 31 53 29 45 53 28 53 49 29 :l.1 1 15,696 _ I I I Johns- Carr,·er West ton . Ilerrin Frank- Zeigler City ~I,lls fort Bush Under 25 years__________________ __ 25-54 years _- - --------------------55 years and over____ ____ ____ ______ Unem ployedworkers________ ployed __ ____ _______________ Under 25 years ____________________ 25-54 years________ _______ ___ ______ 55 years and over______ ____________ 2 ! 75 86 Excludes 11 workers whose ages were not ascertainable. ' Excludes 4 unemployed workers whose ages were not ascertainable. 1 Table 15.-Employment Status of Families in 7 Southern Illinois Coal Towns E mployment status of families Total All families ______ ___ ________ ~ , Bush Johnston City Wet 1.-1Ui;r Herrin Frank- Zeil!ler fort 181 I, 652 714 3. 231 4,125 982 17 164 14 1,504 93 621 2bl 2,950 357 3, 768 4 934 158 1,434 ~1~!; ! 1,592 Without workers___________ ______ Witbworkers _____________________ 1, )(;2 11 ,375 7, 373 43 687 384 I I, 983 2,603 640 I. 033 No workers on work programs_ ______________ __ _ 6,910 32 607 343 1,862 2,480 616 970 463 11 80 41 121 123 24 63 4,002 121 817 237 967 1,165 294 401 ~--~~~em ployment__ _______________ Some workers on work programs __ ____ __ _____ N o workers with private employment__ _______ __________ No workers on work pro- grams __________________ Some workers on work programs ____ ___ ________ __ __ 1,368 23 157 63 236 657 92 140 2,634 98 660 174 731 508 202 261 100 100 100 90 P ercent d1su1but1on All fam ilies ___________ __ 100 100 100 100 100 Witho ut workers __________________ W ith workers __________ ___ ________ Some workers with private employment_ ________________ 9 91 9 91 9 91 13 87 9 91 91 95 42 54 61 63 65 65 37 48 57 60 63 61 59 No workers on work pro- grams _______ ________ ____ 55 Some workers on work programs ___ --- -- -- --- --No workers with private employment_ ___________________ No workers on work pro- grams _______________ ____ Some workers on work pro- grams __ ------ ----- ------ 24 18 - --9 - - -5 - - -10 6 5 6 4 3 2 32 67 49 33 30 28 30 11 13 9 9 7 16 9 9 21 54 40 24 23 12 21 16 Digiliz"d by Original from NTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 25 168 • SEVEN STRAN DED COAL TOWNS Tab le 16.-Du ration o f Unemployment Since La st Full-Time Job of Workers in 7 Southern Ill ino is Coal Towns Workers unemployed Months since last full-tim ejob Total Bush Johnston City West Carrier Herrin F rank- Zeigler MiJls fort E ldorado - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 'l'otal _________ ______ _------· 12 months or less ____ _____ __------13-24 months ______ ________ _ 25-36 months ______ ________ _------- 37-4 months ______ ___ ___ __ _------4\HiO months _______ _______ _------- 61-120 months ___ __________ _------------121 months or over ________ _------- Total.. ______ _---- ---- ------12 months or less __ ________ _------13-24 months ______ ___ _____ _ ~5-36 months ______ ___ _____ _------37-48 months ____ __________ _------49----00 months ______ ________ _------61-120 months _______ ______ _------- ------- 121 months or over ________ _------ - Average ' months sin ce last full-time job ---- I 4,386 132 I, 268 605 289 308 198 l, 275 443 21 12 6 9 9 53 22 JOO 29 16 9 14 252 979 1,401 337 466 260 73 45 16 255 163 57 62 51 272 119 426 181 91 88 48 431 rn6 67 30 9 11 9 188 23 166 73 44 23 25 82 IOI 66 86 36 208 62 -- JOO 819 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 41 28 .,;a Percent Distribution - - 100 JOO JOO 100 100 JOO 32 12 8 29 18 6 12 8 16 30 13 7 6 3 31 10 20 9 3 3 3 55 ;- 36 16 II 26 17 6 6 5 28 12 31 39 37 74 24 ------------------ 7 7 4 29 10 7 7 40 17 4 25 8 :l 71 33 4 29 11 9 5 5 18 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - 1 This figure excludes 1,981 unemployed "orkers "ho bad m•,er had a full-time Job , I "hose employ• ment status was unknown , and 130 whose duration of unemployment was not ascertaina ble . ! Medino.. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN TABLES• 169 Tobie 17.-Duration of Unemployment of Workers in 7 Southern Illinois Coal Towns , by Industry of Last Full-Time Job Workers unemployed Average, months since 12 121 last 13--24 25-36 37-48 4!Hl0 IH-120 moronletsshs months months months months months mon!bs fullor ovrr time job Industry or last fuU -time job Total - - - - - -- ----1------ - - - ---- - -- - -Tota]. ______ _____ ___ Agriculture ______________ _ Forestry ______ _______ ---Coal mining ___ ___ ____ ___ _ Manufacturing and m echanical ___ ___ ______ ____ Transportation and communication __________ _ Trade _____ . _ --- _ ---Public ser vice _________ _ Professional service . ____ _ Domestic and personal service __ _ ____ ____ __ '4,384 I, 26i 605 289 307 198 I, 275 443 38 184 17 1,850 52 2 336 31 6 l53 13 2 112 28 I 140 19 I 79 38 4 818 3 I 212 68 728 25l l59 49 33 28 147 fjl 21 361 112 55 27 20 84 80 10 35 32 3 8 6 36 28 3 3 21 31 20 14 29 34 27 29 57 76 17 - -- - - -- - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 479 l85 56 155 27 91 7 59 15 554 243 88 I - - -- - ' - - - - - - - 39 3 - - - 14 2 II 33 t - -- -- Pneent distribution Total.. -----------Agricultu re ___ _________ ___ JOO 100 100 100 100 100 100 4. 4 fi 4 ~ 10 3 - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - ----1----1--- 100 - - - - -- Forestry _ ________ _____ ___ " • Coal mining ______ ___ ___ __ Manufacturing and mechanical. ____ Transportation and communication _ Trade _ __ Public service _ _ _ __ P rofessional service _______ 42 26 I 25 39 46 40 64 47 17 20 26 17 II 14 II 14 8 11 l 9 9 9 l3 6 9 3 10 7 I 3 7 6 1 3 o1 14 5 17 29 10 n~iif~!c a~-~ --~~~~~~!- 4 15 2 5 15 1 3 13 19 15 1 1 4 12 11 10 1 1 • 1 5 P('rrent dist rihut ion TotaJ. __ ------- - ---Agriculture _________ _____ _ Forestry _____________ ----Coal mining _____________ _ Manufacturing a nd mechanica l. _____ ____ _ 'l'ransportation and communication . ____ _ Trade ___________ __ ---- ---Public servi ce _________ -- -Professional service . ____ __ Domestic and peraonal sen- ice __ ______ __ _______ _ 100 29 14 ------------- ------------21 2 15 10 7 17 28 100 t t t t t 20 8 8 20 8 5 6 10 7 5 5 23 23 14 6 5 5 10 14 6 8 100 34 22 7 5 l5 l9 13 10 100 44 16 t 12 G 3 4 4 8 31 38 48 38 t 44 18 lOO 100 100 100 t 4 JOO 7 8 5 17 • Less than 0.5 percent. t Too sma ll for calculation . • Median. 'This figure excludes l 981 unemployed workers who bad never bad a full-time job, 1 whose employment status was unknown, 2 for whom the industry of last full-time job was not sprcificd, and 130 whose unemployment duration was not ascertainahlP. 01g1t1ze,1 V INTERNET ARCHIVE Or g1na1 Jn UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 170 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Table 18.-Unemployed Workers Who Had Never H e ld a Full -Time Job , 7 Southern Illinois Coal Towns, by Age Group Age group Unemployed workers who never bad a ful l-time job ___ Under 25 years ______________ _____ 25-54 years __ _____ ________ ___ _____ 55 years a nd over _____________ . _ Unemployed workers who never had a full-time job as a percent of the labor force 2. Under 25 years _________ __ ___ __ _____ 25-54 years __ _____ _______ ____ ______ 55 years and over ____ _________ __ ___ Unemployed workers who never had a ful l-time job as a percent of the unemployed'- --------- --- ---Under 25 years ______ ___ ________ ___ 25-54 years ___ _________ _________ __ 55 years and over_ ___________ __ ____ I West John- Carrier E ldoHerrin Frank- Zeigler s ton rado Mills fort City - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bush Total 1,980 42 378 127 578 546 109 200 1,457 438 85 34 8 286 82 82 36 9 409 143 26 434 96 16 82 23 4 130 50 20 14 JO 9 ---- --- --- --- --- --- - -- = 13 38 5 3 - JO 10 19 18 15 52 6 50 7 ~ 33 7 8 6 4 3 2 32 3 2 24 30 33 37 28 24 30 18 13 63 10 4 11 56 J5 19 - - - - - - - - - -42- - -34- = - 30 . - -- 28 4 6 - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -71 62 65 14 8 59 8 - 59 18 16 67 13 5 4 1 Excludes J unemployed worker whose age \Vas not ascertainable. • See appendix table 14 for data on labor force a nd number of workers unemployed. Table 19.-Status of Families Without Private Employment in 7 Southern Illinois Coal Towns N u mber Status or families without private employment Percent Total.. __ __ __ _______ ____ _____________ _____ __________ ____________________ ___ 5,104 100 Without workers __________ ______________ ______________ __ _____ ____ ___ _. _____ ___ _ - - ----With workers __________ _____ _____ -------- --- - --------- - ----- - ----------- ______ _ Some workers employed within 1 year ___ ____ ___ _____ ____ ___ __________ All workers unemployed 1 year or more ______ ____________ _____ _____ _________ _ - ------ _ All workers inexperienced•- - - -· - -----·- ------ - - -- -- - ------------_________ _ ____________ _ Status of workers not ascertainable ___ I, 102 4, 002 868 2,607 457 70 22 78 17 51 9 1 t Workers who never held a lul l-time private job. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN TABLES • 171 Table 20.-Assessed Valuat ion of Real Property 1 in Frankl in, Saline, and Williamson Counties, Se lected Years , 191 3-1932 [Amounts in thousan ds] Assessed valuation or rea l prop rty Type of real property 1913 191 1922 1927 1932 ----------- ------ - --1-------- ---- ,--- -r---11 real property' ---- --·- -· -·----- -·- ---· --Land and m ineral rigbts _____ __ ·· -·-·--- ···· · -· • •·- ·Coal lands and m ineral rigbts_· · · · · -·····- · ·- --Other lands ___ _--··----·-· ········· ······-··- · -· Lots . .. - __ --· ····· · · ····· · ···· · ·-····· · · ····· · · · ··- · · $14, 114 $15, 694 $31, 520 $55,534 $35, 415 9,799 3, 341 6, 458 4, 315 10, 070 3,302 6, 768 5, 624 19, 628 31,228 16, 49, 14,733 24,306 19, 76 JO, 109 9, 767 15,539 ' 20 10,808 11 , 92 Percent dist ribution All real property ' -···· · · ··-············· · --·· Land a nd m ineral rights ____ · -· ---··· ·· ····•···· ·· -- Coal lands a nd m ineral rights _· ·-·-···- -·-··· ·-Other la nds ·---···--·-·-•·· -------- ····· -Lots · · - _ ··--·- · -·--·-····-•-1 100 100 JOO 100 100 70 24 46 30 64 21 43 36 62 28 34 56 56 30 26 28 28 44 - - - -,- - - -1· - - - - - - - -- - 38 44 Railroad real property is excluded. Source: Original tax records in the county courthouses at Benton, Harrisburg, and l\farion, Ill.; the annual reports of the Illinois State Tax Commission, 1920-1934; and the annual reports of t he Illinois State Board or Equalization, 1900-1918. NOTE.- Relation of assessed to lu ll value: 1909- 1918, 33¼ percent ; 1919-1926, 50 percent; and 1927 to date, 100 percent . Table 21.-Number of Deeds for Town Real Property Recorded in Franklin, Sal ine , and W illi amson Counties and the Average Value of Deeds in Williamson County/ 1900-1 938 Average N um ber or value of deeds deeds recorded (Williamson Coun ty t) Year Average Number of val ue or deeds deeds recorded (Williamson County') Year 409 1920. · · - ·-- ·- ··· -·- ··-· ··1921. .•.• _._. __ . . _• . • _. _• . 1922- · -- ··· -·· --·-·-·-· · -· 1023 - - -····- · · · ·· · ·-··-·-· 1924 • . _··· · · · · -·· ·-·· · · · · · 5,960 7, 860 5, 235 4,506 3. 603 $1,356 I, 122 I, 203 I, 274 I, 295 53 1 680 660 638 706 1925·- -· · -· ·· - · - -·- · · · · ··· 1926 •• • ·-· ·- ··-···-·· · · -·1927._. __·-· - ·- · ·-·-·-· · ·· 1928·- · ·· · · -·· ·· ·- · · · ··· · · 1929 .. .. ·- · -·- · ·· · ···· · · ·· 2,720 2, 082 2, 553 1, 685 I, 617 1, 422 1,500 766 2,0 15 1,808 2,255 3, 885 4, 127 750 760 699 789 751 1930- -- - · - -- ·-···-······-· 193L -- ·· · ··· - · ···-·-- ·· · · 1932 ___ -- ·· · · - · ·· · -· ·- · · · · 1933. _· - - · · · ··-·--· - · ••••• 1934 .•• • ·- - · - · · · · -·- ·· ··· I, 4 17 I, 482 I , 308 3,052 3, 256 4,348 6, 015 6. 099 735 743 832 1935 -·· ·-··· · · ·- - -· · ·· ·--· 1936- · · ·-·-· -· -···-···· -·l937 • • . .. •• _._ ._ • • _. __._ • • 1938. •····--- · · · ··••·· .. 1900 .. ··-·- -··- · - · -· . __\ 1901. • • • ·--•-· -··- · · ··-·-' 1902_ · - ·-· ·- - - ·-· -···--1903 . • • - -.- ·· ·-·-·- ·- · · · · 1904 .. .• ··• · ·· -·-·- · · · · 261 339 1, 092 I, 815 2, 106 $534 280 314 400 1905 • • • • • . - ·- · --- - ·· ·· ·--· 1906 •• • •• _• • • • - · • · -····- · · 1907 .••• ·--· ·· ··- · -·-···-· 1908-· - ·· · -···-···-·-··- · l909 . ·-··- ····· · ··· · · ·· · · · 2,941 2,893 2. 568 2,102 2, 455 1910_· ·· · · ·- ·· · · · · -·-···· · 1911. · · - · -··· - - · ····-·· ··· 1912 .. . •.• • •• ·-······ ·- ·· · 1913_ ·--···· - ···· · ··-·-· · 1914 •. -· ·- · · - ······· ··· · ·· 1915 • •• • •• - ••• • ••• .• ••.• . • 1916 • • •• -·•··· ··· · - ·-·- · -· 1917 • • •• ··· · - ··· · · · ·-··--· 1918 ••• • .• • - ··- · · ·-· -·- ·- · 1919 .• •. • -· · · · · ·-· · ·-·-·-- 968 1, 147 I , 191 I, 456 I, 713 556 I, 774 628 484 387 I, 328 859 580 (' ) t Value of d eeds in Franklin and Sali ne Cou nties is not a vailable. • Not a rnila ble. Source: Original de.ed records in t be countv courthouses at Benton. Harrisburl?. a nd Marion, ill liq1ttzed by Vri 1rial frorri 1/\JTFR/\JET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY 0• IL 1/\J0tS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 447 447 543 508 172 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Table 22.-Toxes Collected and Current Taxes Extended in Franklin, Saline,and Williamson Counties, 1908-1937 [Amounts in thousands] Taxes collected Year Total F rank- Saline Jin Taxes extended Williamson - -- - - - - -JOOS _____________________________ $490 585 594 668 744 $79 138 142 169 172 1913 __ ------- -------------I 914 _____ -- -- ----- - - -·- · - -- -1915 __---- - ---- -- -----------1916 ___ -- --- --------------1917 ___ -- ---------- -- ----- . 1, 028 1,029 I, 070 I, 327 I, 393 260 255 269 386 401 1918 __ __ -- ------------------------------ ----1919 ____ -_____________ __ -_____ 1920 __ 1921 ___ ____ __ ___ ______________ 1922 ___ ________ ____________ I, 494 2,244 2,450 2, 898 3,242 1923 __ ------ ---------------1924 __ ---- ------------------1925 ___ ---- ---------------1926 _------ ----------------1927- _--- ------------ ---1928 ___ 1929 __ -- --- ------ ----- ------ _ - ----------------- ---1930 ____________________ 1931________ 1932 ---- -- ------------- 1900 ___-- -- - - --- -- _- --- - - -- -- _- -- -------------------________ ----- -___ 1910 • ______ •• __ l 91L________ 1912 __ ------------------- 1933 1934 _ 1935 _ 1936 _ 1937 _ ------ --- ---------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------- I Total - -- - -- - - - - -- $135 I 156 I 157 182 202 $276 291 295 317 370 $611 654 649 734 868 274 316 332 385 1 391 494 458 469 556 601 I, 123 1, 131 I. 152 I, 384 1, 434 1 I I Frank- Saline WilliamJin son $183 205 17J 208 277 $281 296 298 321 371 329 433 430 317 369 348 3 6 396 506 463 475 565 608 438 859 939 1,170 I, 144 432 437 545 661 616 638 968 1, 093 I, 252 I, 439 1,322 1, 693 1, 577 I, 570 469 738 22 746 864 I, 379 I, 532 1,523 1, 421 1,3 $147 153 180 205 220 I I 300 299 I 432 846 926 205 I, 268 I 432 505 569 567 69J 630 893 955 I, 126 I, 283 I, 508 2,202 2,452 2, 924 3, 012 3, 480 3, 632 3,792 3,577 3, 545 I, 379 1,214 1, 455 1,381 I, 311 il8 18 1764 I 768 822 I, 383 1,600 I, 573 I, 428 I, 412 3, 592 4, 038 3, 744 3,822 3, 487 3,145 2,809 2,295 2,041 1,280 I, 164 1,037 58 700 806 794 749 621 564 1,401 I, 187 1, 023 816 777 3,771 3, 00 3,481 3,091 2,720 1, 479 1,522 1,336 1,238 1,001 853 861 03 728 671 1,439 1,417 1,342 I, 125 1,048 I, 759 I, 763 1,856 I, 994 2, 036 704 634 680 705 737 525 573 580 638 672 530 556 596 651 627 2, 352 2,259 2,383 (') 968 889 958 (') 580 568 579 (') 804 802 846 I I I I ], I I 3, 2 7 I (') I (2) (2) 906 (') (') Estimated. ' Not available. Source: Original tax records in the county courth ouses at Benton, Harrisburg, and ~larion, Ill.; and unpublished data from the Illinois Oo,-ernment Finance Study. WPA Project No . 3121. sponsored by tbe Illinois Tax Commission. 1 Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN TABLES • 173 Table 23.-Activity of Building and Loan Associat ions in Franklin , Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1900-1936 Number of associations Year Assets New loa n s Inter t, premade dur ing miu.m, and year frnes charged Loans outstanding 1900 . ··-··························· 1901. ••..•• ····•• ••···•··••·•·••••• 1902 ·······•···················· ·· 1903. •• •.• • • . .....•..• • . •••...• •••• 1904 .. .. .. . . .. . . .•• .......•..•.•.•• 4 4 4 4 5 $169,824 135,164 225,587 258,619 368,527 $123,800 154,500 210,850 243,540 352,000 $58, 700 n.021 100,450 79,450 128,250 $20, 79 25,979 35,112 31,733 1905 •..•.•••. •••·•·•••·····•··· .. .. 1906 ......... ······················ 1907. ...................... .. ...... 1908. ....................... . ...... 1909 .......................... ····· 6 6 7 8 8 468,477 503,745 596,227 663,983 703,832 445,203 470,350 569,000 619,000 656,350 153, 205 127,650 314,450 151,800 139, 750 53,993 51,408 70, 70!\ 62,653 66,055 1910 •·••·•·•···•·······••••······· 1911 •• ··················•-········· 1912 •• •-•················· ········· 1913 ··•••···••••·····•• •••· ••••••· 1914 _ ••••·•••. •·······•·•·•·····• 9 13 13 13 13 730,570 819,408 889, 739 991,287 1,286,822 663, 700 741,050 795,200 897,100 1, 187,300 170,400 216,900 211, 750 292,500 480,550 74, 7fi 81,926 90,254 109,013 124,286 1915 •••.••••••.. •·•·•··· ........ .•• 1916 ...••...••. ·•··•••··· ........•• 1917............................... 1918 ....•••.••.. •·•·•••····•· .•..•• 1919 ··•••·•·•••·•·•·••········•·••· 14 15 16 20 21 I, 642,541 I, 954,276 2,276,450 2,741,878 ~- 503. 74 1 1,528, 550 1,781,800 2, 113, 100 2,570, 4i0 3. 288. 900 558, 700 486,200 604,873 920,270 1,290,650 137,528 155, 715 197,561 245, 1 32.'i, 623 1920 ••.••.• ···············-· ······ 1921. ..••.••. ••···••········•·•···· 1922 .•••••.•• ·••••••··•···· ·· ··••·· 1923 ••.•••.••.•. •·•••·······•·••· .. 1924 . ··••• ••.•• -• .• •.......... •.... 23 28 31 32 35 4, 417,856 5,984.232 8,662,156 11,180, 872 14,079.573 4,100,370 5,643,950 8,174,850 10,216, 190 13,183,600 1,616,850 2, 50 , 103 3,408, 108 3,409.840 4,272, 435 406,406 555, 729 769,503 978,339 I, 323,922 1925 •.• •·•··•····••••••••······• 1926............................... 1927. •• ·••••··••·•••········•···•• 1928.. . .•••• ··••·· .. ······--·· · ..• 1929 •• ··•· ··· ····················· 34 34 34 34 34 15,208, 247 15,373,868 14,764, 484 14,296,866 13,514,911 13,620, 130 12, 7.50. 591 11,260, 760 9, 894, 750 2, 34 , 180 I. 624, 750 806,510 584,050 433, 278 I, 386, ObO 1,413, 747 I, 225,212 l , 004, 912 898,074 1930. ········· ·•·················· 1931. •..•• •••.• ..... ····-···· ·· ···1932•. --••·· ··· ···················· 1933 •••••••• • ••··· .•. ••······••··•• 1934 .. ·······-······ ······ ·· ······ 35 34 27 26 24 12,546, 294 11,328, 167 7, 759,963 6,777,285 6, 117,357 6,778,973 5,211,562 1935 .•. 1936 14 4,461,672 I. 390,072 7 8,425, 435 (!} (!) (!) (!) (!} 394,430 110,890 (ll(! 38,899 784,931 553,405 (1) (! ) (!) (1) (1) (1) (! (ll 'ot available. ource: Illinois Auditor of Public .\ccounts, Annuol Report of .\lutual Building , Loan and Homc,tcad Atsociat ions, Spr ingfield, 1901- 1937. 1 ) Digitized by Original ram INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF LLINOIS AT URBANA·CHAMPAIGN 174 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Table 24.-Number of Banks and Amount on Deposit in State and National Banks, Frankl in, Sa line, and Williamson Counties, 1900-1938 Franklin County Total Year Num• ber of banks Amount on deposit Number of banks Saline County Number of banks Amount on deposit 784,360 733,064 626,554 553, 617 724, 852 4 8 8 7 7 852,656 1,005,303 797,541 670,239 800, 558 8 9 11 11 11 I, 793, 866 1,983,509 2,055,524 I, 674,5 18 2, 169,460 7 7 9 10 10 I, 005, 420 I, 129,651 1,486, 817 1,690, 776 I. 602,870 7 7 7 7 7 960,374 I, 217,929 1,430, 282 1, 544,364 1,504, 136 12 12 12 12 11 2,433,464 2,845,381 3, 431, 762 3,950,264 3,521,087 6,686, 742 7, 135,992 10,648,946 15,560,408 17, 152, 128 10 10 10 13 17 I, 655, 387 I, 795,738 2,901,236 4,770,378 5,671,076 7 7 7 7 7 1, 364,409 1, 509,140 1,956, 729 3,028,466 3, 180,994 11 II 11 11 12 3,666,946 3, 83 1, 114 5,790,98 1 7, 761,564 8,300.058 45 45 45 45 45 23,49 1, 709 26,433, 193 24,665,624 28,488,893 27,758,907 17 17 17 17 16 7, 511, 887 8,528,422 7,637, 453 9,394,344 9,109,4 11 14 14 13 13 13 5,390,073 5,953,001 5,831, 475 6,756,431 6, 401, 354 14 14 15 15 16 10,589, 749 11 ,951, 770 11 , 196,696 12, 338, 118 12, 248, 142 47 46 41 41 36 29,079, 134 32, 156,935 27,791,280 28,651 ,570 25, 693.027 19 19 17 17 13 10,840,617 12,474,673 9,883,083 10,586,529 8,498,835 14 13 IO 10 10 6, 539,679 6,891,815 6,394, 534 6,451, 247 6,385,516 14 14 14 14 13 11,698,838 12,790,447 11,513,663 11 ,613, 794 10, 808,676 20 16 14 11 11 12, 124, 418 7, 101,226 5,814, 395 5,754,030 6,177,623 7 4 4 3 3 3,373,803 774,4 19 1,011,500 899,098 I, 389,813 9 9 8 6 6 5,252,650 4. 709, 718 4,258,030 4,402,015 4. 140. 871 4 3 2 2 2 3. 497,965 I, 617,089 544,865 452. 917 646,939 11 11 14 13 7,245,231 8,528, 430 10,256,615 10. 027. 902 3 3 4 1, 634,579 2,013,925 2,079.548 2,254.588 6 6 6 5 4. 964. 009 5, 58i . 894 6, 634. 370 5,694 , 257 2 2 4 4 646, 643 926. 611 1,542,697 2,079,057 10 1,720,827 2 $113,432 144,28 1 201, 659 (') 333,697 1905 _--------- -------1906 _____ ___ ------ -------_ 1907 _____ _______ 1908 _________ _________ 1909 _________ _________ 16 23 26 25 24 3,430,882 3,72 1,876 3, 479, 619 2, 898,374 3, 694, 870 4 6 7 7 6 1910 --- ----------- ____________ 1911________ 1912 __ --- ------------1913_ ----------- -----1914 __ -------- - --- -- - - 26 26 28 29 28 4, 399, 258 5,192,961 6,348,861 7, 185, 404 6,628,093 1915 __ ---- --- - -------1916 __ -- -------------1917 __ ---- --------- - -1918 ________ _________ _ 1919 _____ ____ ___ ______ 28 28 28 31 36 1920_ - ---1921_ ----______------___________ 1922 __ ________________ 1923 ___ ------ ------ --]9?4 _ - ---------------1925_ - ----------- ---- 1926 ____ _---_______ --------- ---1927 ________ 1928 ______ _______ ___ ___ 1929 _ - ----------- - ---1930 ___ ---- ----------1931_ __ -- ---- _- ---- --1932 ______ _------ - ---1933 ______ ___ ____ _____ 1934 __ ---- ------ -----1935 _____ ________ ___ ___ 1936 ___ ____ -------- --1937 ___ ---------- ----1938 ________ _____ _____ 1 Amount on deposit 2 $523,403 694,848 1,063,427 /') Number of banks $214,438 289,285 299, 185 (') 328, 729 5 5 7 1900 _______ --------------190L ____ ________ 1902 __ ---- ---- -------1903 __ ------- ------ - -1904 - --- -------- ----- Amoun t on deposit Williamson County (!) 1 1 2 (') 4 2 2 2 (') (!) 2 2 3 $195,533 261, 282 562,583 6 1,058,401 (!) Not available. Source: Illinois Auditor of Public Accoun ts, Statemrnt of Condition of 5Yate Banks in Illinois, annual, Springfield , 1900-1938; and U.S. Comptroller of t he Currency, Indil'idual Statements of Condition of National Banks at the Close of Business. December SI. 1900[-1988) . supplements to the annual reports of t he Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D . C. Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN TABLES• 175 Tab le 25. -Number of Depositors and Amount on Deposit in United States Postal Sa vings Offices in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1914-1938 Total Franklin County Saline County Williamson County Year Depositors Depos. itors Amount 1914 ••••• ••••.• • ••. .••• . 1915 ••..•••••• ••.•.• ••• • 1916 ••••.• ••••••. . •••·• · 1917 • ••.• .•••.• •••..• . •. 1918 ••••·••·• • • • •··· ·• • rn1 500 738 820 (1) $4 , 738 1919....• •.•••••.•••••• • 1920.... ...•..•...•.• • .• 1921...•....•••• •.•.••• • 1922. ...•••.. •••..••••• • 1923 .. .•••.•••••.• ..•• •• 844 550 516 38C 309 401 1 335 415 615 754 1924 ••... ..••••••• • ••.. . 1925 .•••. ..•••••••••• •.. 1926 .• .••.•••.•••• •• ••. . 1927 . ...• .•..•••••••••. . 1928 . ......•.• •• •••••.. . Amount 166 273 489 515 (1) $3 1, 584 58,018 121,423 196, I (1) 430,962 275,242 293,875 249,553 196,093 554 365 369 251, 510 309,216 336,976 519,491 672. 551 94, 95 169,367 283,047 (1) Depos• Amount Depos. itors itors Amount 24 52 71 63 $3,451 6, 11, 64 16,636 (1) IOI 175 178 242 (') 13,703 30,052 36,296 69,530 (1) 217 300,682 197,129 220,529 183,981 147, 60 63 41 30 24 15 30,59 20,357 19,997 II, 091 5, 9i6 227 144 117 97 77 99,682 57, 756 53,349 54, 4 I 42,509 242 294 313 478 573 186, 743 235,659 272,249 422,353 ,'32, 283 II 8 9 37 42 5,880 6,410 6,089 23,685 31,255 82 99 93 5 . 7 67. 14, JOO 139 73, 453 109,013 41 515 141 492 1,580 2,586 2,935 1, 59 . 603 2, 939 3,095 3,283 3,277 3,035 1, 6?5, 571 1,642,306 I , 701, 948 I, 647,955 1, 64~. 606 259 (1) 1929 . .••• .••••• ..•••••• . 1930 .•••• •••••• • • • • •..•• 1931 . ..•.• ••••••• • ••••• • 1932 .. .•• ••••• ..•• ••• ••. 1933 .. ....••• •••••••••• • 84 2,028 4,936 7, 150 7,760 793, 3 I 1,771, 566 3,484,198 4,344,848 4,640,474 666 1, 412 2,841 3,682 3, 736 636,943 1,265,425 2,089,292 2,336,541 2,364,638 2 1,089 31,140 92,224 373,316 550, • 3 677,233 1934 •. .• ••••• • •. •• • ·•··· 1935 ••••••••• • •••••.••. • 1936 ..••• •• •••••..••• .•. 1937 ••••.••••••••••...•• 1938 •. ...• •. ••...••••.•• 7,467 7,636 7,947 7,985 7,400 4,392,844 4,274, 727 4,308,850 4, 191,191 4, 116, 216 3,604 3,688 3,881 3,943 3,564 2,168, 762 2,066,670 2, C54, 456 2,022,660 I, 929. 715 924 53 783 765 801 598,511 565, 751 552,446 520,576 542, 95 124 .638 125, 29 413,917 I, 021, -190 1, 45i, i24 1 Not a ,ailable. ource: Letter From tM P ostmaster General Trammitting the Report of Operations of the Postal Saving, Svstem, for the Fiscal Y ear Ended Ju11e SO, 1914(-1938], annual report to the Bouse of Representatives, Wash• ington. D. C. Table 26.-State o f Birth of Family Heads Residing in Carrier Mills, Johnston City, Herrin , and Eldorado 1----~---,I ~ ,----311 Family beads State of birth - - -- - -- -- - - ·I-N_um _ __b_e_r T ot al.. ........ .. . .. ... Alabama ............... ..... Illinois ............... .. · · · ·· \ Indiana .... . ....... .. ... ...... I , 951 5,580 173 I Family beads State of birth Percent ·'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _N_um __b_er Percent 1 100 Kentucky ....... . ..•. . . . . .... 750 8 62 2 I ; Ie~~~e_-_-_-::::::: : : :::::::: Otbe_rStates ... _...... .... .. . . Foreign countnes ........ . . . 231 215 409 1,370 Digitiz"d by Original from NTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA·CHAMPAIGN 3 2 5 15 1 76 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Table 27.-Popu lat ion of School Ag e in Franklin , Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1918-1938 Population of school age (6-21 years) Year Population of school age (6-21 years) Year - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -1-- - - - 191 ··· ··••···················· ······ 1919..•.. ..•••••••••••.•••• •• ••• ••••• 1920 ····• ·•••••·····••••••••·•• ••• •• 1921 ··• •··················· ········ 1922 ···· •·· ·· ··········· ·· ·········· 46,842 47,233 48,314 52, 276 54,404 1929 .. •..••....•.•••.••••• • .••••••••. 1930•.•.•• • .•.••.••••.•••• ••••••• .••• 1931 ... •••. ••.•• •••.•••.•. • • •.• ••.••. 1932. .•. ··• •··•••••••· •·•••••• ••• •••• 1933 .•••••••.•..••••••• ••••• ••• •• •••• 51,168 49,813 45,112 45, 144 43,855 1923. ····· ···· ··•············· ······ 1924. · ···· ············ ·············• 1925 .. .••••.•..•.•.••••• •.••••• •••••. 1926 .. •••.•.••.•.••••••.••..•••.••• •. 1927 ....... .••••••••.•••••••••..••••. ·· ·························· 1928.. 57,959 57,347 55,908 55,666 52,934 53, 184 1934•• • ·•· ······················· .••• 1935... · ··•••·•·•••·•·•••·••••••••••• 1936•••.•• ....•••••••••••• • • • ••.••••• 1937 ..•.•.......•.. •· •••·••••••••·•• 1938 . . ..................... ......... . 45,696 42,096 39,632 41, 728 41,098 Source: State of Illinois Su perintendent of Public Instruction, Statistical Report, annue.l, Springfield, 1918-1938. Table 28.-Expe nditures for Public Assistance by Type of Aid , Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1925-1929 [Amounts in tho usands] Expenditures for public assistance Y ear Aid to the blind Total $27 27 26 39 62 $95 87 87 109 125 ·· ·········-··················· ······ 1925.. 1926 . . ···· ·•···•·•·•••••• •· ••••··•·•·····•·•·· 1927 ...• ···••••• .•.••••••• ········•·····•· .••• 1928 .. · ····························· ·········· ]929 ...•.• .•.....•.•.•••.•.•...•..•..•.. ...••••• Mothers' pension Pauper relief $16 15 15 23 23 $52 45 46 47 40 Source: Original pauper records in the country courthouses at Benton, Harrisburg, and Marion, Ill. 1 Annual Coal.Mine Pay Roll and Public.Assistance Expenditures in Franklin , Saline, and Williamson Count ies, 1925-1938 Table 29.-Estimated [Amounts in thousands] Year 1925. • ••••••··• •• ••••••••• 1926 . · ······· ········ · ···· 1927 • •. ···· ···· ••······ ·· 1928 .. ................... . 1929 .• •••••. • •.•.•.••••••• 1930. _·········· ········ ·· 1931. .• • •· •• ••• ·•··••••••• Public• Estimated 1 assistance coal-mine expendi• pay roll tures $36,992 40, 221 25,034 29,433 24,540 19,366 15,367 $95 87 87 109 125 121 9 Estimated 1 coal•mine pay roll Year 1932. •..•.•..•• •.•••• ••••• 1933 .••••••••• •••••• •••••. 1934 •• ·• • ••••• ••••• ••·•·•· 1935 ••••• • ••• •• • • ••. ••••.• 1936• •• •.••••• •.•• ••••• •. • 1937 ••••.•••.•• • .••.••. ••• 1938 •••..•• ·•···•··•·•·•• $8,384 8, 667 9,482 9,871 11 ,020 II , 535 8,692 ~~~~~ expendi• tu rns $447 1,181 3,509 3,842 5, 184 5,454 8, 174 1 E stimated on the basis of man•days worked each year mu ltiplied by tbe United Mine Workers or America wage scale each year. Source: Original pauper record s in tbe county courthouses at Benton, Harrisburg, and Marion, Ill .; }.fonthlv Bulletin on R elief Statistics, Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, Chicago; Division of Statistics, Illinois Work Projects Administration, Chicago; Fifth Illinois District, National Youth Administration, Herrin ; Old Age Assistance Di\"ision . Tllinois Department of Public Welfare. Springfield . Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA·CHAMPAIGN Appendix B LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. umber of shipping coal mines opened, abandoned, and in operation in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Countie, 1900;-1939 _________ 157 2. Men employed at shipping coal mines in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1900-1940_____ ____ ____ __ ________ _ __ ______ 157 3. Production, capacity, and average number of days worked at shipping coal mines in Franklin, Saline, and William on Counties, 1900-1940_ 159 4. Average hourly earnings of hand loader in bituminou coal mining in principal producing States, elected years, 1919-1933 ___ _ 159 5. Bituminous coal production in the United States by principal producing States, 1910-1939 ____ _____ ___ ·----- ---- ---------160 6. Production at shipping coal mines by method of loading, Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1927-1939____ __________ __ 161 7. Men employed, capacity, output per man-day, and percent of output loaded by machinery at the 21 mechanized shipping coal mine in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1926--1938___ _ __ __ 162 8. Bituminous coal produced per man-day in the United State and in underground and strip mines in Franklin, Saline, and "Williamson Counties, 1900-1939 _______ _________ ________ ·- - - ----------- __ 162 9. Production and men employed at local coal mines in Saline and Williamson Counties, 1900-1939 ____ ___________ ___________ - -163 10. Population, labor force, employed workers, and unemployed worker , and workers on work programs, by sex, 7 southern Illinois coal towns_______ _________________________________ ___ _ __ ______ 164 11. Usual occupation of employed and unemployed workers in 7 outhern Illinois coal towns __________ _________________ ------- - ---- -165 12. Industry of usual occupation of unemployed workers, by sex, 7 outhern Illinois coal towns___ ____________ ____ - ____ - - - __ - - - _ - - 166 13. Industry of usual occupation of employed and unemployed worker , by age group, 7 southern Illinois coal towns_ - __ 166 14. L abor force and unemployed workers in 7 outhern Illinoi coal town , by age group ___ ___________________ ________ 167 15. Employment status of families in 7 southern lllinoi coal town __ - _ I 67 16. Duration of unemployment since last full-time job of worker in 7 southern Illinois coal towns___ _____ 168 17. Duration of unemployment of worker in 7 outhern Illinois coal towns, by industry of last full-tim e job __________ -- - ---169 177 Die 11 z u by '.JTERI\JET ARCHIVE 011gina1 f1 um UNIV:..~SITY OF ILL 'JOIS A~ U::\BANA-CHAl'I. AIGN 178 • SEVEN STRANDED COAL TOWNS Page Table 18. Unemployed workers who had never held a full-time job, 7 southern 170 Illinois coal towns, by age group_ _____________________________ _ 19. Status of families without private employment in 7 southern Illinois 170 coal towns_________ _______ ___ _____________________________ __ 20. Assessed valuation of r eal property in Franklin, Saline, and William171 son Counties, selected years , 1913-1932______ __ ___ ____ ____ ______ 21. Number of deeds for town real property recorded in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties and the average value of deeds in William171 son County, 1900-1938___________ __________ _________ __ _______ 22. Taxes collected and current taxes extended in Franklin, Saline, and 172 Williamson Counties, 1908-1937___ _______ __________ ______ _____ 23. Activity of building and loan associations in Franklin, Saline, and 173 Williamson Counties, 1900-1936___ ________________________ ____ 24. Number of banks and amount on deposit in State and national banks, 174 Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1900-1938_ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ 25. Number of depositors and amount on deposit in United States Postal Savings offices in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 1914175 1938_____ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ City, 26. State of birth of family heads residing in Carrier Mills, Johnston 175 Herrin, and Eldorado_ _________ ___ ____ ______________ ___ ___ ____ 27. Population of school age in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Counties, 176 1918- 1938___ _________ __ _________ _____________ ____ ___ __ ____ __ 28. Expenditures for public a istance by t ype of aid, Franklin, Saline, 176 and Wi!Jiamson Counties, 1925-1929_ ___ __ _______ ________ ______ 29. Estimated annual coal-mine pay roll and public-a sis tance expendi176 tures in Franklin, Saline, and Williamson Countie , 1925- 1938 _ __ DigitlZ"'r' by Cn~1nal from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Index 179 Diqitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INDEX (Excludes appendix tables, which are listed in appendix B .I Page Abandoned m ines (see also Mechanization of loading) 24, 59-62 Attempts to reopen: C ooperatives _ _ _ 92 Vi' age concessions _ _ 91-92 Effects of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 62, 64 Ag ri culture. See Back-to-th e-farm movement; Fam1ing. Aid to the blind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _____ 125, 127, 137n Aid to dep end ent children . See Moth ers' pensions. American Legion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 129 Am erican Society of Friend;, 129 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Areas su rv eyed (see also Franklin County; aline County ; Southern Illinois coal field; \\'illiam . on County) _ _ _ _ _ xxi Associated Charities_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 128, 129 Back-to-the-farm movement (see al.~o Farming) _ _ 101--106 Ban king _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11-1 . 0- a Collap e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2- :3 85- (i Effect on local governm ents _____ lOn , 12, 18, 2-L 7 , 3:3 Deposits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Barter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46n 83 Bf'll & Zoller Coal & Mining C ompany_ l-!611 Beveridge, Sir \\"illiam __ 2611 Bevis, Josep h C ___ _ _ _ 7411 , On Birger , Charlie ____ _ 11 9- 120 Birth rate, 1930-1939 __ _ Bli11d, aid to. See Aid to the blind. Bootleggin g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 89n British d epres ed areas. See Depressed areas. 15011 Brown, Mal colm _ _ _ 1 17 Buildin g and loan association s __ _ 77- 80 D eclin e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 79- 80 And housing shortage _ _ _ 75-76 And vacant houses _ _ 12, 73, 75, 76, 77 Volume of b usiness ___ _ __ _ Bureau of Labor Statistics. See 1 . S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Min es. See U . S. D epartment of the Interior. 61 C. W. and F. Coal Co __ _ Captive min e _ _ _ _ _ Carsten , Arthur __ _ Carterville prepared lum p Cassmore, Orin _ _ _ _ _ 5 _ _ 23n, 6 150n 181 DI II Z by TFR'-JET ARCHIVE On ),1gina1 f1um ui. v:..~s1· v OF ILL ors AT U::\BANA CHA~1 AIC,N 182 • INDEX _ 19n, 60n, 96n, 102n, 11 ln Census, Bureau of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy Railroad __ _ 4 - - - - - - - - Chicago, 'Wilmington, and Franklin Coal Co. S ee C. W. and F. Coal Co. 128 _ _ _ _ _ _ Church Benevolent Association _ _ _ 133, 134, 137, 139 Civil Works Administration __ _____ _ _ _ 43, 44n, 45, 119 Civilian Conservation Corps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Clothing. See U nemplo_v cd, living standards. Coal industry, United State (see also Southern Illinois coal industry): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54 Competition from other fuels _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53- 54 Overexpan s ion _ _ _ _ _ _ 57-58 Unionization ________ _ 136 Coal-mine pay roll, 1925-1938 __ _ 146n Commissioner for the Special Areas in England and Wales _ 146n Commiss ioner for the Special Areas in Scotland _ _ _ _ 90 Committee for the Elimination of Mining Machinery _ 128 Community Chests _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10-11 Company town s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61 Con olidated Coal Co. (of St. Louis) ______ _ Cooperative mines. See Abandon ed mines, attempts to reopen. Counties surv eyed. See Areas surveyed. _ 141, 144 Crab Orchard Lake project _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dennison, S. R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 146n, 14 7n, 148n Depressed areas (see also Back-to-the-farm movement; Indu tri es, attempts to attract; Migration; Southern IIJinois coal field): xv- xvii American _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 143- 145 Approach to problems oL 146-148 British policies _____ _ _ xvi D efinition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Diet. See Unemployed, living standards. 45, 133 Direc t relief (see also Relief) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 55 Displaced miners _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32n, 92-93 Divided time (see also Underemployment) ____ _ xxn 129 131, 139 "Egypt," location (see also "Little Egypt")_ Elks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Emergency Work Relief Program_ _ ___ _ Emigration. See Migration. Employment: Coal mines _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Other industries __ Policies _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R elative to population_ Experienced worker, definition _ _ _ 7, 8, 66, 67 102 _ _ _ _ _ _ 29-31 113- 114 39n Factory promotion schemes. S ee Industries, attempts to attract. 149n Fair Labor Standards Act _ Family un employment. S ee Unemployment. 143 Farm Security Administration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Farming (see also Back-to-the-farm movement; Mine products, value compared with farm products) __________ _____ xx, 103- 104, 105 Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INDEX • 183 Page Federal Emergency Relief Administration _________ xv, 131 , 134, 144n Franklin County, Ill . (see also Slope mining; Southern Illinois coal field): Bank failures __________ _________ _ ____ 81n, 83 Coal production _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ xix Mine abandonment _ _ _ _ _ _ 62n Population _ _ _ _ xxi Public assistance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 135 Shipping mines, number _ 63 Frisco Lines _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 Fuel -burning efficiency _ _ _ _ _ _ 54-55 Fuel expenditure, percent of manufacturing cost _ _ _ _ _ 96n Gates, John W __ Glick, Frank Z _ _ Goodrich, Carter Gopher holes _ Definition __ Green, Lee S _ _ _ Guided migration. See Depressed areas, British policies; Migration. Hepburn Act of 1906 _ _ _ _ _ Hocking Valley, Ohio, coal _ Hopkins County, K y., coal Hotchkiss, Willard E _ _ _ _ Housing. See Building and loan associations; Unemployed, living standards. 4 130n 146n 93- 95 xxn 146n 5n 56 56n 64n Illinois Auditor of Public Accounts __ _____________ 173n, 174n Illinois Central Railroad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4, 5 Illinois Department of Mines and Minerals ___ _ 157n, 158n, 161n, 162n, 163n Illinois Department of Public H ealt h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 116n Illinois Department of Public Welfare ______________ 133n, 176n Illinois Emergency R elief Comm ission _______ 130, 131 , 133n, 137n, 176n Illinois State Board of Education 17 ln Illinois State Department of Labor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 138n Illinois State Tax Commission _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 171n, 172n Illinois Steel Company _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 Illinois Works Progress Administration. S ee Works Progress Administration. Immigration. See Population, so urces. Income, miners' annual (see also Coal-mine pay roll, 1925-1938; Unemployed, income; Wages) ____________ _ __ - __ - - 25 Industrial transference. See Depressed areas, Bri tish policies. Industrial Transference Board ______ _ ___ _ ___ _ - - - - 147n Industries, attempts to attract ___ _ ____ ___ __ - - _ 15n, 95- 102 Inexperienced workers. See Unemployment, and youth. 2, 59, 74, 75, 80 Jacksonville Scale _ Kiessling, 0. E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 55n Knights of Columbus _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - 129 "Knights of the Flaming Circle" _ - - _ 74n Ku Klux Klan _____ ___ _______ - - _ - - _ - - - - - 74n, 5 C'1g1t1ze1 v 'NT ,.{NET ARC •Iv- Or gm .... 1 Jr L NIVfRS,TY OF 'L•NOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPA,l '-.J 184 • INDEX Labor force: Decrease _ Definition Proportion of females _ _ _ _ _ Proportion of population _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Southern Jllinois and selected urban areas compared Labor organization. See Unionization. Leiter, Joseph _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Little Egypt" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Living standards. See Unemployed. L ocal government finances (see also Taxes, structu re) ________ Local improvements: Financing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Needed in depressed areas __ _ _ ___ _ _ Local mine, definition (see also Gopher holes) _ _ Page 32 _ 25- 26 26 25 26 4,6 109, 13] _ 10-18 20-21 151- 152 xxn Machine loading. See M echan ization of loading. M echanization of loading _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24, 64-66 Effect on employment _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 66 Compared with mine abandonment 62 Efficiency _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ 65- 66 Opposition to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 90- 91 Medical care. See Unemployed, living standards. Migration (see also Population, trends): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 115, 118- 119 Distribution by age _ _ _ _ _ _ Factors retarding ______ __ _ _ 108-109, llO, 112- 11 3, 120-121 Guided, efficacy of 150 M ethod of estimating _ 118n Mine abandonment. See Abandoned mines. Mi ne efficiency __________________________ 68-69 Mine pay roll, 1926 ________ _ _ _ 23 Mine products, value compared with farm products _ 19 Miners, displaced. See Displaced miners. Miners, income. See Income, miners' annual. Mining methods. See Shaft mining; Slope mining; Strip mining. Missouri Pacific Railroad _____ _ 3, 5 Mobile loaders _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65 Mothers' pensions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 125, 137n National defense program _ _ _ _ _ National Industrial R ecovery Act_ _ National Institute of H ealth. See U. National Labor Relations Act National Recovery Administration National Resources Committee __ ational Youth Administration __ _ New Orient mine _____ _ New York Central Railroad Oil, discover y of Old-age a. sistance _ Old Ben Coal Co __ _ _ _______ xv, 2n, 143, 149- 151 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 55-56 S. Public Health Service. 1-l9n _ 55-56 120n _ _ _ _ _ 43, 44n , 45, 133n, 140-141, 176n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23, 60, 61, 90 ---- - 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53n 45, 133, 134, 137 _ _ _ _ _ _ 61 Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INDEX • 185 Part-time work. See Divided time; Underemployment. Pauper relief. See Relief, predepression policies. Payne, Stanley L _ _ Peabody Coal Co_ _ _ Pit-car loaders _ _ Pocahontas coaL __ Poor farm s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Population (see also Birth-rate, 1930- 1939; Migration): Depressed areas, United States _______ _ Southern Illinois: Composition _ School age _ Sources Trends_ ~ _ Postal Savings _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Progressive Miners of America Strike of 1932 __ _ _ _ Property values _ Public assistance. See Relief. Page 41n 61 65 57 126 xv xx, 114-115, 117 llln, 113- 114 ____ 109- 110 110-112, 114-117 17n, 73, 83- 84 60, 116n 66n 12 Quaker school kitchens (see also American Society of Friends) _ _ ___ 129, 131 Real estate: Boom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13- 16, 71 - 72 Col lapse _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 72- 74 Effect on local financial structure _ 85 Deeds recorded _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 73 Values_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 73, 74 Reconstruction Finance Corporation _ 131 Red Cross flour _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 129, 131 Relief (see also Aid to the blind; American Society of Friends; Associated Charities; Church Benevolent Association; Civilian Conservation Corps; Community Chests; Direct relief; Emergency Work Relief Program; Federal Emergency Relief Administration; Illinois Emergency Relief Commission; Mothers' pensions ; National Youth Administration; Oldage assistance; Poor farms; Quaker school kitchens; Social Security Act; Unemployment compensation; Work programs; Work relief; Works Progress Administration): l31 Allowances, 1932- 1933 _ 124 Coal operators, attitude _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Early depression _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 128- 132 Expenditures _________ __ _ 136 136- 137 Effect on local economy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 134- 137 Load _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Composition _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ 137- 138 xv Depressed areas, United States _ 124-125 Local businessmen, contribution of 123- 128 Predepression policies _ - - - - 151 Prospects of future need _ _ _ 131- 132 Results of inadequacy 129 State aid _ _ _ _ _ I 26, L28, 132 Union participation __ [.,j( lliZt!d by 'JTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 186 • INDEX Page 14411 Re ettlement Administration 14411 Resettlement attempts _ _ _ 2n Rice , Millard Milburn __ _ Royal Commission on the Geographical Distribution of the Industrial Population _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ 146n, 147n 55n Saeger, Geoffrey A 61 Sahara Coal Co_ _ Saline County, Ill . (see also Southern Illinois coal field ) : Bank failures __ ___ ________ _ __ ________ 81n, 83 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ xix-xx Coal production 62n Mine abandonment _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ xxi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Population _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 135 Public assistance _ 63 _ _ _ _ _ Shipping mines, number _ Schools: Inadequacy of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 State aid to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 88 Seasonal unemployment. See nemployment compensation. Seven towns. See Areas surveyed. Shaft mining _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61 , 64 xixn Definition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sharing the work. See Divided time. Shipping mines: xxn, 93 Definition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 63 _ _ _ _ _ _ umber of _ _ Slope mining _ __ _ _ __ _______________ _ _ _ 61- 62, 64 62n Impossible in Franklin County _ Definition ________ _ xixn 137 Social Security Act _ _ _ _ _ _ Southern Illinois coal: __ _ _ _ _ 6, 56-57 Competiton from other coals 56 Freight-rate advantage 10 Importance in American industry 6- 7 Marketing advantages _ Quality _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 56n Southern Illinois coal field (s ee also Franklin; Saline; and Williamson Co un ties, Ill.): 3- 5 Consolidation of owne rship _ 2- 3 Decline, causes _ 6 Development _ 3-4 Discovery 102 Industries _ _ _ _ _ _ xviii-xix Location _ _ _ 7, 9,68 Mine capacity _ _ _ _ _ _ Product ion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7, 9, 58, 68 66- 69 Prospects Southern Illinois coal industr y: 57 Competition with oil and gas _ _ 19-20 Value of property __ Southern Illinois, Inc _ _ _ ____ _ 102, 106n Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE vng ,al from UNIVERSITY OF ILLl'-1015 AT UKBANA-CHAMPAIGN INDEX • 187 Page Special Areas Development and Improvement Act _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 146n, 147- 148 Spencer, Vivian _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 55n Spontaneous migration_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 152- 153 State of Illinois Superintendent of Public Instruction _____ _ 176n Strike of 1922, effects 59 Strip mining _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 62, 64 Definition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ xxn Subsidization of industry. See Industrie , attempts to attract. Subsistence Homesteads, Division of. See U. S. Department of the Interior. Sullivan County, Ind., coal ___ ____ _ ______ __ _ 56n Taxes: Assessments Collections _ _ Delinquencies ____ _ Effect on local government functions Extensions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Structure __________ _ Towns surveyed. See Areas surveyed . Transference. See Depre ed areas, British policies. Transportation, inadequacy of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18- 21 12, 73 _ _ ___ 85- 88 _ 86-87 12, 73 18-21,85-88 21 Underemployment (see also Divided time) ___ __ _____ 27, 28- 29, 66n Urban areas compared _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27, 29 Unemployed: _ _ 51- 52 Debts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45- 46 Income ___ _ 46-51 Living standards Unemployment (see also Abandoned mines ; Mechanization of loading ; Relief) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26- 28, 31- 36 And age _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33- 34 Depressed areas, United States xvi Duration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38-43 Family _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34-36, 44-45 Occupations compared _ _ _ _ _ 32- 33, 40 Urban areas compared ________________ 27, 33, 34, 35, 38 And youth _ __ ____ ___ _ • _ ___________ 34,41 , 42 Unemployment compensation ________ - _______ - - _ 138 Unemployment relief. See Relief. / Unionization (see also Employment policies; Progressive Miner of America; Strike of 1922, effects; United Mine Workers of America) _ _ 5-6, 57- 58 United Mine Workers of America __________ - - - - - 5, 57, 58, 60 U. S. Bureau of Education _ _ _ _ _ _ 21n U.S. Comptroller of the Currency 174n U. S. Department of Agriculture _ _ - - - 97 U. S. Department of the Interior : Bureau of Mines _____________ 19n, 54n, 55n , 56n , 16011, 163n Subsistence Homesteads, Division of ____ - _ 144n . S. Geological Survey _ _ _ _ _ ____ - _ - _ - _ 190 U. S. D epartment of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 159n U.S. Geological Survey. See U.S. Department of the Interior . • D ,I: by TER''-JFT ARCH VE ,1gina1 f1um ui. v:..~s1 v oF ILL '1101s AT U,BANA CHA~1 AIC,N 188 • INDEX Page 50n U.S. Public Health Service, National Institute of Health _ _ _ _ _ _ _ United States Steel Corporation ______ _ - - - - _ _ _ 4-5, 61 Urban areas compared with southern Illinois. See l:nderemployment; Unemployment; Workers per family. 56n 56n Vermillion County, Ill., coal Vigo County, Ind., coal __ _ Wages (see also Abandoned mines, attempts to reopen; Coal-mine pay roll, 23, 57- 58, 9.5 1925-1938; Income, mi~ers' annual; J acksonville Scale) 131n " Talker, Wilma - _ - - Water supply_ _ ___ __ _ - _ 96--97 26n Webb, John N _ _ 23n, 8011 White, Ina _ _ _ Williamson County, Ill. (see also Southern Illinois coal field): Bank failures _ _ _ _ 81n, 83 Coal production, 1939 _ xx Mine abandonment _ 62n Population _ _ _ _ _ xxi Public assistance _ _ 135 Shipping mines, number _ 63 vVolfbein, Seymour L _ _ _ _ 26n Work programs (see also Relief; Unemployed, income; Works Progress Administration): _ _ _ _ _ _ 144-145 Benefit to depressed areas _ _ _ _ _ _ Definition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43n Employment, urban areas compared _ _ ____ 43-44 ·work Projects Administration. See Works Progress Administration. Work relief (see also Civil Work:;: Administration; Emergency Work Relief Program; National Yonth Administration; vVork programs; \\' orks Progress Administration) _ _ _ _ _ _ 1:39- 141 Work week_ _ _ _ _ 29 vVork year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8, 9, 69n Workers per family _ _ _ _ _ 35 Urban areas compared _ _ __ 35, 36 Works P rogress Admini stration (see also \York program s ; \ York relief) 43, 44n, 45, 88, 93, 97, 133,134, 139- 141, 15 1, 176 _ _ _ _ _ 140 Accomplishments __ _ Effect 011 local economy 140 Number employed __ 139 Pay roll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 139 World War: Effect on coal industry _ _ 54 Effect on real-estate boom 15 Yaworski, Nicholas __ _____ __ _ Youth. See Unemployment, and youth. 55n 0 Digitized by Original from INTERNET ARCHIVE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN FR OM YO UR CO NG RE SS MA N \V.. . RU NT " BI SH OP C. Digitized by INTERNET ARCHIVE Original from UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN