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of the

Women’s Bureau,

No. 192-6


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D. C.




Letter of transmittal...........................................................................................
The need for guidance now............................ •...................................................
Recent and unprecedented employment of women....................................
Many adjustments required in an expanding industry............................
Lack of preparation for women’s employment............................................
Scope of the survey................................................... -....................................
Guides to employing women successfully in shipyards................................
1. Secure the cooperation of men supervisorsand workers....................
2. Select and place women carefully............................................................
Job analysis.............................................................................................
The application blank.................... ........................................................
The preplacement physical examination............................................
Tests .........................................................................................................
The interview.............................................
Existing selection and placement techniques....................................
Selected references................................. ;...............................................
3. Employ women only in jobs found to be suitable................................
The jobs women do well.......................................................................
Work on the platens and on the hulls and ships..............................
Occupations only partially suitable for women................................
Occupations of questionable suitability for women..........................
Selected references............................................. ....................................
4. Pay women and upgrade them on the samebasis as men....................
Entrance rates...........................................................................................
Upgrading ................................................................................................
5. Schedule an 8-hour day, and a 48-hour 6-day week; allow a lunch
period of at least 30 minutes, and rest periods of 10 to 15 minutes
in each work spell of 4 hours. Rotate shifts no more frequently
than every two months..............................................................................
Lunch period.......................................................
Night work.................................................................................................
Rotation of shifts.....................................................................................
Rest periods................................................................................................
Selected references...................................................................................
6. Set up an effective woman employee counselor system......................
The head of women’s personnel............................................................
Her functions.........................................................................................
Her qualifications.................................................................................
The personnel assistants........................................................................
Their functions.....................................................................................
Their qualifications...............................................................................
Selected references...................................................................................
7. Give new women workers preliminary induction intothe work and
environment of the shipyard before putting them on the job..........
Organization of the induction program..............................................
Content ...................
Administration ........................................................................................
8. Provide personal-service, food, and medical facilitiesthat meet ap­
proved standards of adequacy and quality
Washing, toilet, locker, and rest-room facilities..............................
Location ..............................................................................
Provisions .............................................................................................
Food service and facilities....................................................................
The case for good feeding...........................................................
Recommendations for food service..................................................
Selected references...................................................................................
9. Study and expand the safety program to adapt it to women work­
ers, and instruct women thoroughly in safe practice..........................
Safety instruction.....................................................................................
Safety on the job and inspection........................................................



Seating .....................................................................................................
Safe clothing.............................................................................................
Women welders and welder helpers....................................................
Cooperation v. regimentation................................................................
Selected references...................................................................................



Women’s occupations in 35 shipyards, distributed by place of work,
shop, or department....................................................................................... vi-x
Distribution of women wage earners by department in 17 commercial
and 7 navy yards, 1943............................................................................... 21
Women’s occupations in 35 shipyards..........................................................
Women’s occupations on the ships and hulls in 19 shipyards................



United States Department of Labor,
Women’s Bureau,
Washington, April 27, 19UUMadam: I am submitting herewith a report setting forth the
conditions that should govern the employment of women in ship­
building, the field that presents more difficulties than any other
in which considerable numbers of women have been taken on.
Based on the Women’s Bureau standards of many years and
the findings of its field investigators in visits to 41 yards in 1943,
35 of which were employing women on production, the report
covers the most vital of the employment problems, from a thorough
job analysis and plant changes in preparation for the advent of
women, through their selection and placement, their induction,
indoctrination, and training, their counseling and oversight, meas­
ures for their safety and comfort, to efforts to prevent separations
and so lessen turn-over in the case of the unadjusted.
The report was written by Dorothy K. Newman of the Editorial
Division. Jennie Mohr, of the Research Division, wrote the recom­
mendations on safety.
Respectfully submitted.
Maky Anderson,


Hon. Frances Perkins,

Secretary of Labor.


Women’s Occupations in 35 Shipyards, Distributed by Place of Work, Shop, or Department
Shop or department


. <D


'V =3

O o

03 "O

Acetylene-burner operator and helper (hand burner)
Arbor-press operator...................................................
Asbestos filler and sewer.............................................
Asbestos layer-out and cutter....................................
Assembly worker, bench and other............................
Band-saw-machine operator.......................................
Battery filler and tester..............................................
Battery reader.............................................................
Bead-machine operator...............................................
Bench-lathe operator...................................................
Bench worker..............................................................
ABending-roll operator (cold press and mangle roll). .
Blacksmith helper.......................................................
Blade straightener.......................................................
Boatbuilder helper.......................................................
X Boiler builder...............................................................
Boilermaker helper......................................................
Bolt-cutting-and-threading-machine operator...........
Bolt-threading-machine operator...............................
Bracket-tipping-machine operator.............................
Braiding-machine operator.........................................
ABrake-machine operator.............................................
Brazer........................................................................ .
X A DBucker-up (sheet metal and steel)..............................
Cable finisher...............................................................
Cable stripper, hand and machine.............................
X □ Calker (on wooden boats), trainee.............................
Canvas worker............................................................
Carpenter or shipwright helper..................................
Castings cleaner (with grinding wheel)......................
Chain-ladder maker....................................................
Chromium plater.........................................................
Circular-saw-machine operator...................................
X AD Cleaner (ship, shop, tank, yard).................................
Clerical worker, shop..................................................
Coppersmith helper.....................................................

c a i'­

r° a


Core cleaner................................................................................
ACoremaker and helper.................................................................
Crane operator, electric overhead and electric portable..........
Crane safety watcher.................................................................
Cushion man...............................................................................
Cut-off-saw-machine operator (metal bar stock, boits, cable).
Cut-off-saw-machine operator (wood)......................................
Cutter, hand (sheetmetal).........................................................
Cutting-machine operator (cloth).............................................
Cutting-machine operator (metal)............................................
X Deckhand.
Die-sinking-machine operator................................................................
Do-all-saw-machine operator..................................................................
Drill-press operator, single and multiple spindle...................................
Driller, hand............................................................................................
□ Driver (automobile, bus, jitney, truck; panel, mail, or station wagon).
Drop-hammer operator...........................................................................
Elbow maker...........................................................................................
X Electrician, journeyman and helper........................................................
Elevator operator....................................................................................
Embossing-machine operator.................................................................
Engine-lathe operator.............................................................................
Engraver, flatware...................................................................................
Engraving-machine operator..................................................................
Fire watch.....................................................................................................
Flag maker; beading preparation and sewing.............................................
AFlanging-press operator and helper.............................................................
Folding-and-perforating-machine operator.................................................
X Forelady........................................................................................................
Forming-press operator................................................................................
X AFurnace tender........................................................................................ '' ’
Garage service attendant........................................ .....................................
Gasket cutter...................................................................................
Gear-cutting-machine operator....................................................................
Generator operator................................................................................, ] [ [
Glasscutter and grinder................................................................................
Grinding-machine operator (dry and wet; cylindrical, internal or surface
with magnetic chuck).................................................................................
Grinding-machine operator (portable).......................................................’ .
Hydraulic-press operator (automatic)...........................................................
X Jointer-machine operator...............................................................................
Kick-press operator.........................................................................................
Labeler, hand.................................................................................
For footnotes see end of chart.













































Ship fitting5



Sheet metal



Service and

Joiner, carpen ­
ter, shipwright



Sail and flag

and pattern


Pipe and



and forge



Shop or department

On board shi
or on hulls


Women’s Occupations in 35 Shipyards, Distributed by Place of Work, Shop, or Department (continued)




X DPneumatic-drill operator and helper
Powerhouse engineer helper.............
APower-shear operator.........................................................................................................
Punch-press operator........................................................ ...................................................... *.............................*
Putty chaser.......................................................................................’
X Quarterman................................................................................
Radial-drill operator. . .
Rest-room attendant. . .
X ARigger helper................
Rivet catcher................
Rivet heater and passer
X □ Riveter and helper....
Rod straightener..........
Rope worker.................
Rope-machine tender. .
Salvage man.....................................................................................
X □ Sandblaster............................................................................. ' ” ' '
Sander, hand...............................................................................
Sander, machine....................................................................... ’
Scaler, hand..............................................................................
□ Scaler, machine...................................................................
Scraper, hand.................................................................. ^ ’
Screw-machine operator, automatic............................................. .
Sewer, hand......................................................................................
Sewing-machine operator................................................................
Shaper operator...............................................................................
Shearing-, punching-, and cutting-press operator (combination). .
Sheet-metal worker and helper........................................................
Shipfitter and helper (none are journeymen)................................
Slitting-machine operator...................................................
Slotting-machine operator....................................................^ '
X Snapper (working supervisor)................................................... ’ ’
Splicer, rope or cable.......................................................................
Stapler............................................................................. .
Steel checker........................................................................... ’’’
Steel-^torage-shed attendant................................................... ’ ’ ’ ’
Stockroom attendant.......................................................................
Tapper, hand...................................................................................
XTem-plate maker and helper and learner (hull, pipe, and electrical)
Tester and helper.............................................................................
Threading-machine operator...........................................................
Toolroom attendant............................................................... * ’ ’ ’ ’
Tool grinder.................................................................... .
Trimmer, rubber.....................................................................’ ’ ’ ’ ’
Tufting-machine operator...............................................................


For footnotes see end of chart.









Ship fitting5

Sheet metal


Service and
maintenance 4


Sail and flag


Pipe and





Joiner, carpen­
ter, shipwright


and pattern


Shop or department

and forge


On board ship
or on hulls

Women’s Occupations in 35 Shipyards, Distributed by Place of Work, Shop, or Department (continued)








Total number of occupations 189.......................................................




















Note.—Occupations in italic are those to which symbols refer.
X Some unusual occupations for women.
, , . . ,
□ Occupations of questionable suitability except for women specially selected and specially qualified to meet the physical, emotional, and maturity demands of the job.
A Occupations partially suitable. Only parts of the job, usually those requiring less strength, are recommended for women.
1 Includes instrument, optical, and plating shops.
2 Includes boiler shop.
3 Includes laborers and erectors.
* Includes garage and transportation, power, public works, and plant protection shops or departments.
5 Includes mold loft, fabricating, welding and burning, and riveting shops.
6 Includes supply department.


Employing Women in Shipyards
Recent and unprecedented employment of women.
Just a little over 2 years ago the subject and purpose of this
bulletin would have been considered as fanciful as a tale from the
Arabian Nights. That American women should take active part
m the man’s job of building and repairing ships was almost in­
conceivable. As recently as July 1941 an outstanding periodical
made sport of the extreme anti-feminine attitude of what is now
one of the most publicized woman-employing ship building and
repair corporations in the country. At that time, nearly 2 years
after war began in Europe and but 5 months before Pearl Harbor,
women were not accepted by the firm even as office secretaries,
and the lone women telephone operators were, as it was face­
tiously reported, “kept under lock and key.”
Times have changed with lightning speed. By late 1948, thou­
sands of women along both coasts and on the Gulf, Great Lakes,
and inland waterways were actively engaged in almost every
phase of ship building and repair work, and it is anticipated that
it will be necessary to recruit thousands more before the war is
over. 1 hough the introduction of women into the shipyards did
not begin in earnest until the fall of 1942, by January 1943 as
many as 4 percent of all the production wage earners in the in­
dustry were women. The proportion had risen to a little over 5
percent by March, and by September to 9.5 percent. In January
1944 it was 10 percent. These figures include the 8 navy yards
.engaged in ship construction and repair, in which women have
made extensive gains and comprised in September nearly onefourth of the women wage earners in the industry.
Many adjustments required in an expanding industry.
The unprecedented influx of women into the shipyards has been
the inevitable accompaniment of this country’s tremendous war
shipbuilding program, for which it has been necessary to recruit
hundreds of thousands of additional workers since Pearl Harbor.
The first 17 months of wartime production witnessed an increase
of 189 percent in shipyard personnel. Old-established yards em­
ploying from 3,000 to 10,000 workers in 1939 and 1940 had 5 to
nearly 8 times that many late in 1943, and there are some ship­
yards for which ground had not even been broken in 1940 that
employed 20,000 to 40,000 workers in the spring of 1943 when the
peak had not yet been reached. Expansion on so gigantic a scale
in competition with other war industries and Selective Service




brought shipbuilders face to face with the necessity of employing
women to help to produce the enormous tonnage so urgently needed.
Such rapid development alone carries with it innumerable
problems of administration and plant adjustment, but coupled with
the necessity for drawing on a labor element never before tried m
the industry, the problems became extremely numerous and com­
plex. Organized training programs had to be set up within the
shipyards to provide instruction for the thousands of workers,
men as well as women, who had never held, tools before, much less
seen a ship under construction. Special training was necessary tor
the supervisors who had never had so many workers under them,
many having themselves only recently been promoted from the
ranks. Rapid upgrading of men into the skilled and leadership
jobs became a practical necessity for the most economical utiliza­
tion of labor. As the nucleus of skilled and experienced workers
has become dispersed and proportionately smaller, the training
structure has grown in size and importance. In many yards now
the training director helps to control the rate of accession and
allocation of the labor force.
Personnel, medical, and safety programs have had to be en­
larged and modified to accommodate the mass hiring, placement,
and protection of inexperienced workers. Effective selection of
thousands of employees in short periods of time has required care­
ful study of procedures and change in methods and policies.
Alarming turn-over and labor scarcity have resulted, in the intro­
duction in many places of transfer bureaus and exit interviewing.
If the administrative offices have been affected by the magnitude
of the war shipbuilding program, those planning and supervising
the actual work have had to make even more fundamental and
drastic adjustments. Under normal circumstances, ship construc­
tion is custom work; each vessel, whether a “sister ship 01 one oi
a kind, differs from every other in detail if not design and requires
a complete set of templates of its own. Now, however, hundreds
of ships of the same kind, particularly cargo vessels, are being
made with standardized materials according to a single pattern.
Consequently, mass-production techniques involving assembly-line
and prefabrication methods have been sought and developed. Even
in the case of the many ships that still are built to individual plan
the work has been broken down to meet the dearth of all-round
craftsmen, thus allowing introduction and training of specialists
to perform one part of a process, operate one machine or concern
themselves with but one section of the ship. Making all this moi e
possible, the speedier and easier assembly technique of welding
has almost replaced riveting wherever feasible and hand welding
and burning are giving way to machine methods in some yards
and on larger jobs. Automatic assembly fasteners are being used
here and there instead of tack welding.
Such examples of the effect on the industry of the tremendously
accelerated shipbuilding program could be multiplied. In their
broader aspects most of the changes are similar to those made m



other industries under like pressure. Many have eased the way
for the employment of women, especially those changes developed
to meet the need for training and employing inexperienced men
in great numbers and for building many ships of the same design.
Others, however, have been required only because women were
Lack of preparation for women’s employment.
But the need to draw from the woman labor force often was not
realized and accepted till the very last moment, leaving little time
for study and planning. In many cases the management plunged
headlong even before essential and obvious provision had been
made to accommodate the newcomers. This was not surprising in
view of acute manpower shortages in shipbuilding areas, yet it
was nothing less than daring in an industry so bound in the tra­
dition of dirt, sweat, and rough and tumble, so thoroughly male
that any woman who ventured into a yard was greeted with hoot­
ing and whistling. The physical and administrative adaptations
that should be introduced to insure women’s efficient performance
and necessary comfort on the job frequently are as nothing com­
pared with the mental hurdles that must be overcome. Problems
that are brought to the attention of those interested in women’s
success often stem as much from attitudes toward women workers
in the man’s world of shipbuilding as from the actual situation.
Yet women frequently were taken on before the human or psycho­
logical adaptations necessary to avoid confusion, discontent, and
waste, much less the physical and sometimes administrative
changes necessary, had been attempted.
When field representatives of the Women’s Bureau made visits
to 41 shipyards between the beginning and the early fall of 1943,
few yards had employed women for as long as a year; many had
begun hiring women to do production work only a few months
before; 6 had not yet hired any women for production work.
Though the yards with women workers still were feeling their way,
over half already were employing hundreds of women, some of
them thousands, and in many cases expecting to hire hundreds or
thousands more. While building more ships than ever before and
servicing the Fleet, not a few were functioning under inadequate
arrangements, hoping gradually to arrive at a satisfactory solu­
tion of their personnel problems with women. To be sure, some
had already made excellent progress. Most had forged ahead in
at least some phases, such as securing good safety observance,
satisfactory rest- and wash-room facilities, and productively effi­
cient distribution of the women on jobs; others were struggling
with these aspects of the situation but had mastered other aspects.
Many, aware of inadequacies, sought advice. Women’s Bureau field
representatives were asked in several of the yards visited to sub­
mit formal recommendations based on analysis and study of indi­
vidual yard conditions and problems.



It is clear, then, that the shipyards are charting new seas in the
utilization of the woman labor force, and the mistakes or successes
that result may have a profound effect not only on the production
and repair of ships, but on the cost and efficiency of such produc­
tion and the health, work, and life histories of thousands of women.
It is important to take stock now. Misconceptions should be dis­
pelled, well-founded facts pooled, and the fund of information
available from industries with longer histories in the employment
of women disseminated. It is with these objects in view that the
present report is submitted. It is the aim of the Women’s Bureau
through the recommendations and suggestions made here to pro­
mote conditions for the woman shipyard worker conducive to her
most efficient and productive employment and her well-being as a
member of society and the labor force.
Scope of the survey.
The material included here is based in large part on information
secured from a comprehensive study of women’s employment in
American shipyards representing almost every kind of situation
and located throughout the country’s major shipbuilding areas.
Drawn upon extensively also are the standards for women’s em­
ployment recommended by the Women’s Bureau and derived over
its quarter-century of fact finding and reporting in the field of
women in industry. An Act of Congress creating the permanent
Bureau in 1920 outlined its duties as follows: “It shall be the duty
of said bureau to formulate standards and policies which shall
promote the welfare of wage-earning women, improve their work­
ing conditions, increase their efficiency, and advance their oppor­
tunities for profitable employment. The said bureau shall have
authority to investigate and report to the said [Labor] depart­
ment upon all matters pertaining to the welfare of women in
industry.” In performing these duties the Women’s Bureau has
collected and disseminated a wealth of factual material that has
both general and specific application to the employment of women
in shipyards. Selected additional sources of information and guid­
ance are listed after each general topic discussed.
Among the questions it is hoped this report may help to answer
are the following: What work in shipyards can women do safely
and successfully? What plans should be made before more women
are taken on? How should women be selected and placed on jobs?
How should they be supervised under various yard conditions?
Many of the suggestions offered in reply to these questions may
be irrelevant in well-managed yards that have been hiring num­
bers of inexperienced men, for many of the problems issuing from
the employment of women in shipyards are no different from those
that arise from hiring any inexperienced workers. Recommenda­
tions are made also that emphasize good administrative technique
and personnel policy that are effective with all workers but es­
pecially important in the employment of new workers or women.
In addition, of course, are the various innovations and adjustments
that affect only women.



Of the 41 shipyards visited by agents of the Women’s Bureau,
35 had women on production work, these women comprising an
estimated two-fifths of all women so employed in March 1943.
Most of the yards (32) were on the North and South Atlantic
coasts, 4 on the Pacific coast, 3 on the Gulf coast, and 1 each in
the Great Lakes and Inland regions. Seven of the eight navy yards
engaged in new construction and repair of ships were covered in
the survey; each employed women on production. This was true
also of all but 6 of the 34 commercial yards visited. Though shiprepair work is one of the least standardized, least predictable enter­
prises in wartime, women were employed in laboring, helper, and
mechanic classifications in the 4 companies engaged wholly in
repair work and in 11 of the 12 yards repairing and converting
ships as well as building them.

Planning can prevent many problems from arising or at least
can prepare for meeting those that are inevitable. It is best to
make and to develop plans for assimilating and efficiently utilizing
the woman labor force before any women are hired, but if some ar­
rangements were not made, or by reason of haste could not be
made, beforehand, steps should be taken to prepare for them and
introduce them as soon afterward as possible. This is most im­
portant in the following procedures that will be discussed m
detail below.
1. Secure the cooperation of men supervisors and workers.



Select and place women carefully.
Employ women only in jobs found to be suitable.
Pay women and upgrade them on the same basis as men.
Schedule an 8-hour day and a 48-hour 6-day week; allow
a lunch period of at least 30 minutes, and rest periods of
10 to 15 minutes in each work spell of as much as 4
hours. Rotate shifts no more frequently than every two
Set up an effective woman employee counselor system.
Give new women workers preliminary induction into the
work and environment of the shipyard before putting
them on the job.
Provide personal-service, food, and medical facilities that
meet approved standards of adequacy and quality.
Study and expand the safety program to adapt it to women
workers, and instruct women thoroughly in safe work

Secure the cooperation of men supervisors and workers.

Permeating all planning for the introduction of women into the
work force and continuing for as long as necessary through the
period of their employment, management should work to develop
and preserve a friendly, businesslike, and cooperative attitude
toward the new women workers on the part of the entire male
The men must be assured of their own job security; they must
also understand the seriousness of the labor shortage and how
profoundly their successful cooperation with the new women




workers will affect the Nation’s ship production. The attitude of
the men is particularly important since so many women are as­
signed to men journeymen for orientation and initial training and,
in yards having no formal training program, the entire burden of
instruction lies with experienced and skilled workmen. Under these
circumstances a resentful and uncooperative male force can sabo­
tage the women’s program in many ways.
In large part, however, the first fears over women’s adaptability
to the unfeminine industry of ship building and repair have dis­
sipated. Men workers and supervisors who were opposed to the
employment of women in shipyards are finding women adaptable
and capable. The opinion is now widely found among men super­
visors that women should be allowed to do any work that men do,
as soon as they are capable and providing the work is not beyond
their physical strength.
To foster this attitude and secure the help of experienced work­
ers, supervisors should be represented on and consulted by any
committee, body, or group studying the work program for women,
making job analyses, or gathering information on assignment of
women to jobs.
Many yards, finding that their success with women lay largely
in the hands of the lower level of supervision, have inaugurated
definite planned training programs for supervisors. The most
successful have been those with emphasis not on women as women
but on women as employees. One training officer said very aptly,
in reference to his methods of training supervisors to handle
women, “Women must be supervised as men should be.” Many of
the successful supervisors’ courses are predicated on the idea that
women are simply new employees and that special consideration
should be given new employees with no previous background or
Women workers in shipbuilding are analogous to a new tool. A
measure of the success of a worker or a supervisor lies in his
ability to use new or unaccustomed tools.

Select and place women carefully.

A good deal of complaint is being made these days of wasted
labor in the shipyards. With proper selection and placement much
well-deserved criticism could be avoided. The need for haste and
the lack of a trained labor supply from which to pick and choose
have led to haphazard hiring policies that result in human and
material waste. The very lack of choice makes it imperative to
consider each person’s ability more carefully and to assign him to
the task he can learn to perform.
The fundamental principles of good selection and placement are
the same for all workers, men and women; the criteria by which
women are selected and placed in some jobs and men in others
depend on the principles that look toward hiring only those who
can do a good job and placing each worker in the occupation for
which he or she is best fitted. It is recognized that individuals



differ in their capacities and aptitudes and that there are in addi­
tion fundamental differences between men and women that affect
the capacity of each to do certain types of work with maximum
efficiency over a period of time. However, even in shipbuilding, a
heavy industry and one ordinarily manned entirely by male
workers, this leaves a broad occupational field in which women
may be placed very satisfactorily, one in fact that has as yet been
only partially explored in most yards. This makes it not only un­
necessary, but grossly inefficient and economically wasteful, to
place any woman in a job for which she is not suited. Further­
more, to place a woman, or a man for that matter, in a job beyond
such person’s normal physical ability is a social extravagance for
which this and future generations will pay dearly.
Whereas the next section of this report considers in detail the
shipyard occupations in which women as a group can be and are
safely and successfully employed, this section deals with techniques
of selection and placement of individual women to assure employ­
ment of each woman worker in one of the jobs, among those avail­
able and suitable, in which she can give her most efficient service.
There are several effective means and procedures available to
those responsible for selection and placement. When used together
by individuals having suitable experience in their operation and
knowledge of their functions and interpretation, they will not only
prevent serious error but in a positive way will affect immeasur­
ably the economical and productive utilization of the labor force.
They are worth both the time and the money they cost, especially
in a period of labor shortage when the quality of applicants is
lowest. They are worth the cost even when hundreds, perhaps
thousands, of workers must be employed on short notice in a period
of great expansion. To put these great numbers to work in hap­
hazard fashion is to court serious future dislocation, absenteeism,
and high turn-over, all costly ills. It is far better to foot the pre­
ventive cost of good selection and placement.
The means just referred to include, first, complete job analysis,
then a good application blank, preplacement physical examination,
properly standardized and administered tests, and an objective
and comprehensive interview.
Job analysis.
Job analysis in this connection is not to be confused with the
type of analysis that is made specifically for rate setting and em­
ployee evaluation. The job analysis in question here is a thorough­
going job description to aid in selection and placement of the work
force and in transfer and upgrading. It outlines exactly what the
work entails as regards procedure, duties, and responsibility; the
specific conditions under which it is performed (that is, workplace,
hours, wages, hazards, exposures) ; the education, experience, train­
ing, tools, degree of skill, and physical effort needed to perform
it; the opportunities and specific line of advancement and job
progression involved; and the relation to other jobs, specially as
regards transfer.



Such a job description or analysis has many uses in selection and
placement of women workers. It breaks down the job into its
component parts, thus making it possible to see whether or not
the work is such that the average woman can or should perform
it, and where dilution, reengineering, or rearrangement of the job
will make it a more acceptable one for women. In other words,
it can be used in the original allocation of jobs for women and in
the procedure of getting jobs ready that originally may not have
been suitable. Often this makes possible more efficient perform­
ance by both men and women.
The following are examples of modifications made in some of
the shipyards visited by representatives of the Women’s Bureau:
In order to eliminate stretching to get at the work in the very large
Covell Hanchet surface grinders, small platforms were built for women
Acetylene tanks weigh 450 pounds. After women burners were hired,
gas was piped to all work locations to eliminate handling of the heavy
The wooden tool boxes in which welders lock their equipment weigh
40 to 50 pounds. They are sent to women’s workplaces. Their lines are
hoisted onto hulls, eliminating carrying from docks.
Steps have been built along the walls and a runway around the walls,
so that women crane operators do not have to climb ladders to the over­
head and bridge cranes.
Wherever tools or parts to be machined must be fastened into chucks
or tool heads, installation of pneumatic or hydraulic equipment has been
made to eliminate the need for strong wrists, which many women lack.

A number of jobs would be more efficiently performed if good
seating were provided, ventilation and lighting improved, and
manual weight lifting eliminated.
All these modifications and many others may be suggested by
the job analysis.
The analysis is also an invaluable guide to the interviewer,
tester, and physician, in determining job fitness. It shows them at
a glance what the requirements are, and consequently aids them
in making their recommendations for placement. The examining
physician should secure from the job specifications the physical
exertion, finger dexterity, and special skills required; exposure to
moving machinery or point-of-operation hazards involved; whether
the job requires constant sitting or standing; if exposure to toxic
dusts, fumes, gases, vapors, or mists is involved; the required
vision; and whether the job must be performed in close coopera­
tion with others. With this information and that gained from the
physical examination, the physician can make invaluable recom­
mendations for advantageous placement from the standpoint of
health, safety, and production.
At least 4 of the yards visited, one a navy yard, prepared and
used job analyses to aid in the selection and placement of women.
The practice should be extended.



The application blank.
A carefully drawn application blank helps to simplify the selec- ■
tion procedure. It is of great assistance to the interviewer in con­
junction with the job-analysis sheets, test results, and physical
examination data. The blank should, above all, be easily filled out
and, in addition to requiring the usual information such as name,
address, age, education, training, work history, and the like, should
save the interviewer’s time by providing for addition of such data
as marital status, number and ages of children, other dependents
at home, permanent residence if from out of town, name and
occupational status of husband, and expected mode of transpor­
tation to work. If no tests are given, it is desirable also to inquire
about interests, hobbies, and special skills.
The extent of women’s home responsibilities and the arrange­
ments made to meet them should be ascertained, to judge whether
or not they will be able to swing a job in industry in addition to
their homemaking. It must be decided too whether their trans­
portation problem can be met satisfactorily, and whether special
arrangements must be made to place them on a particular shift to
meet home or health needs. Inmigrants present still other prob­
lems. Since the application blank provides a permanent record,
it is well to have these matters on paper, not only to help in selec­
tion and placement but to aid the personnel officers in assisting
new women workers with their preliminary and permanent
adj ustments.
The preplacement physical examination.
Absolutely essential for adequate selection and placement of
women in shipbuilding production is the preplacement physical
examination. Many of the occupations now performed by women
in the shipyards are physically demanding. It is important for
this and the next generation that the ability of individual women
employed to do such work has been properly assessed. The pre­
placement physical examination makes this possible. Not only
does it prevent the employment of the few unable to meet shipyard
demands at all or prevent placing someone on a job for which she
is not physically suited, but in a positive way it makes possible
placement of a worker on the job or kind of job that she can per­
form with greatest efficiency.
In addition, the preplacement examination reveals such com­
municable diseases as tuberculosis and syphilis. People with active
pulmonary tuberculosis and with syphilis in its infectious stages
are a hazard to others. It is important that the employment of
such people be delayed until they have undergone treatment and
a recheck shows that they will not infect their fellow workers. In
three of the shipyards visited, applicants showing a positive Wassermann or active tuberculosis are sent immediately to the city
clinic or to their own doctor for treatment; on evidence of con­
tinued doctor’s care and control of the disease, they are placed.
This is a socially and economically constructive procedure. One of



the shipyards visited, on the other hand, did not even give pre­
placement examinations though located in an area with an es­
pecially high death rate from tuberculosis and with high incidence
ot venereal disease. The health of many workers was endangered
in this yard, not only because of contagion but by improper place­
ment of those not in robust health; further, it was reported that,
though needed, many women were loath to apply here for work
under such conditions.
There are many other advantages of the preplacement examina­
tion. Though discussion regarding the special placement of a
worker is based on the applicant’s limitations and not on the basis
for such limitations, the applicant herself should be advised of the
presence both of remediable and of irremediable defects or im­
pairments. In the first of these, impairments such as infected
tonsils and bad teeth may soon disappear with prompt attention.
Follow-up through the medical office to aid in rehabilitation is
recommended. Such a policy promotes the health of employees,
thus insuring continued working capacity and cutting down on
absenteeism. In the case of irremediable defects, such as a cardiac
condition, the applicant can be wisely placed and here also will be
informed of the limitations of effort her defects impose. Thus
she will be protected from injury and her fellow workers from
possible accident; at the same time, she is employed where she
may contribute most. Further, the great supply of marginal labor,
comprising not only the physically handicapped but older persons
as well, can thus be assimilated by the labor force and in work
within their capabilities.
The preplacement physical examination makes possible complete
utilization of labor. Recent surveys show that there are very few
rejections, illustrating that the modern emphasis in the use of the
examination is intelligent placement rather than escape from undue
liability under the compensation laws. Thorough preplacement
examination for all workers is strongly recommended by the
United States Public Health Service, the Council on Industrial
Health of the American Medical Association, in various of the
States by the labor department or industrial commission, by the
National Industrial Conference Board, the National Safety Coun­
cil, and the United States Navy Department and Maritime Com­
mission.1 Any of these responsible groups may be consulted for
advice and aid in organizing a suitable examination program for
women in shipbuilding.
Such a program cannot be carried out without close cooperation
among the workers, the unions, and management. This has already
been achieved in thousands of industrial establishments, and es­
pecially in those employing 500 workers or more. It has been ac­
complished also in many of the shipyards. Of the 35 yards visited
by representatives of the Women’s Bureau that had women on
production, 28 gave a preplacement physical examination to women
1 See Minimum Requirements for Safety and Industrial Health in Contract Shinyards. Approved 1943 by the U. S. Navy Department and U. S. Maritime Commis­
sion, 35 pp.



workers. Almost all these gave the examination to men also, the
approved practice. Sixteen had collective bargaining agreements,
6 with the AFL and 10 with the CIO.
It is earnestly recommended that the unions now preventing the
introduction of the preplacement physical examination in certain
shipyards reconsider their stand in the light of the facts and in
accordance with their social responsibility. Let them consult with
their affiliated organizations elsewhere that have cooperated in
an examining program and discover the basis on which satis­
factory agreements have been reached. In this connection it is
important that the UAW-CIO has announced a 9-point program
of health and safety clauses to be demanded in all its contracts.
Among the main points are the following:
1. Free physical examinations must be given to all new employees before
hiring and annually to each regular employee. The employee shall be
given a copy of the physician’s report.
2. No applicant shall be refused employment because of alleged ill health
or disability if capable of performing an available job.

These raise the issue of the fundamental need for making certain
that the physical examination will not be used as a method of
exclusion rather than primarily as a means of good placement. One
yard, for example, reported that it “will not employ anyone with
any tendency to lung trouble.” This is unnecessary and arbitrary
policy. It should be clear also that the physical examination will
not be used as a means of prejudicial selection, to refuse people
active in the union, for example; that the manner in which tlie
examination is given and the information is used will meet the
highest professional standards; and that the applicant will be
informed concerning causes for rejection, about physical defects
that should be corrected and treated, and about irremediable de­
fects and the limits they place on physical effort. The active co­
operation of labor should be invited in setting up the program to
aid in its proper organization, smooth operation, and most effective
A large proportion of the women entering the shipyards lack
industrial experience and even more have had no mechanical back­
ground of any kind. It is extremely difficult to evaluate the ability
of these women to do the job, or to do one job better than another,
merely from the data on their application blanks and reports of
physical fitness from the physician. It is for this reason, as a
matter of fact, that companies long employing large numbers of
women have been pioneers in the development of aptitude and
performance tests. Such tests have proved the only way of pre­
dicting with any accuracy whether a person without related work
experience could do a particular job. Tests are given also with
marked success to measure intelligence and to secure some objec­
tive indication of personality or individual characteristics that will
affect adjustment to the job.



One of the shipyards visited reported high correlation between
test results and successful placement. The company was using
several mechanical aptitude tests, a tool-recognition test, a voca­
tional test for industrial-training classification, and a quick-scoring
mental-ability test. The management bases the fact that women
have been successful and well accepted in the yard on the excellent
selection made possible by means of tests.
It should be emphasized, however, that the use of tests is not
without serious consequence if the proper precautions are not ob­
served. Most important, the testing program must be set up and
directed by someone trained and experienced in industrial testingtechniques. Such a person knows how to choose the tests that will
meet the needs of the particular company, can direct and control
the experimental process through which tests must pass before
their results can be accepted, and is acquainted with the dangers
to which tests are liable and the misinterpretations that may be
made of their results. This officer knows that tests, though not the
sole basis for selection and placement, do provide important ob­
jective material to assist and illuminate the interviewer’s appraisal
of the applicant. Tests do not and cannot take the place of all other
selective procedures, nor do they replace the personnel officer.
Rather do they increase her effectiveness. It should be thoroughly
understood, finally, that the selection or placement tests used and
found satisfactory in one organization may not be equally or per­
haps at all satisfactory in another. The properly selected officer
for introducing the testing program will, of course, be well aware
of these facts and also of how important are the conditions under
which tests are given.
When properly standardized for validity and reliability in the
particular firm and for the specific jobs to be filled, however, test­
ing lends much greater accuracy to the total work of placement
than can be secured by the other, more usually employed, methods
alone. No matter how mature the judgment and shrewd the in­
sight of the final interviewer, the results of a well-standardized
and scientifically prepared and administered battery of tests add
considerably to the reliability of her selection and placement ac­
tivities. They are a check on educational background and on
reported occupational experience. They aid the interviewer in
comparing the candidate with the workers already on the job and,
if the applicant is above or below the level of the group, help to
indicate her capacities for more suitable placement. They show
particular abilities or comprehension that are an aid to placement
and can offer a clue as to temperament and personality charac­
teristics that may be checked in the interview. This information
is very helpful in placing women in manual labor or work that
is dirty and disagreeable.
In view of the results, testing is an economical adjunct to the
usual techniques of selection and placement. Tests are inexpensive
to administer and score. Their cost is significant only in the first
year of their introduction when the validity of each test is being



Both technical and general information concerning how to in­
troduce and use testing procedures may be secured from the
selected references listed at the end of this section.
The interview.
The interview is usually the final and decisive stage in the hir­
ing process. In most shipyards it is the only technique used. It
should not be hasty. To the interview should be brought all pos­
sible background data for making careful selection and recom­
mendation for permanent placement.
It is preferable in the shipyards especially, where so many in­
experienced women are securing employment in an entirely alien
field, that the interviewer be a woman. A woman is more suc­
cessful in securing personal data that are essential to successful
placement, and a woman is better able to present the work of the
yard and the requirements of the job to another woman. She is
more understanding of the interpretation and emphasis that are
required in making women understand what will be expected of
them and in putting them at ease with the new terminology and
occupational alinement of shipbuilding.
The interviewer should be equipped with good knowledge of
yard procedure and policies, detailed familiarity with the jobs
to be filled, and ability to evaluate and interpret test scores. She
should have a cordial manner, ability to establish and inspire
confidence in the applicant, adaptability, and mature judgment.
She must be capable of making the important selection and place­
ment decisions with objectivity and in a relatively short time,
basing such decisions on information secured from the applica­
tion blank, the physician, and the testing program as well as on
special information acquired during the interview.
It should be her duty to tell applicants about the available
openings they can best fill, describing all phases of the work with
some emphasis on the more difficult, less glamorous aspects. It is
fully as important for the worker to take the job with complete
realization of its drawbacks as for her to be fitted technically
for it.
The interview should be held in privacy and the applicant
should be given ample opportunity to talk freely and ask ques­
tions. It is during the interview that information should be se­
cured and referral made to insure the care of young children and
other dependents during the woman worker’s employed hours. It
is of course best not to employ women with children under 14
years of age when no permanent and acceptable plan for the
care of the children has been made.
Selection and placement based only on the impressions of the
applicant formed during the interview, with only the application
blank as a guide, is somewhat of a risk. The findings of a thorough
physical examination and the job analysis are the minimum ac­
companiments to the successful interview. Test scores are exceed­



ingly helpful. But, in addition, it is recommended that data
secured in the interview itself be evaluated and recorded on a
graduated rating scale of some kind that has been carefullydevised.2 This will lend a measure of objectivity to this most sub­
jective yet practically universal selection technique.
Existing selection and placement techniques.
Though one of the most important phases of the woman-utiliza­
tion program, few of the yards visited were doing a thorough and
completely effective job in the selection and placement of women
workers. Most of them employed no objective ratings, such as
tests; the job analysis was a customary placement tool in very few
of the yards; and even in those places where a physical examina­
tion was given, the results were not always used effectively, some­
times not at all, to aid in distribution of the woman work force.
In many yards even the interview was cursory. A few of the
yards, however, reported a thorough interview by a woman who
attempted careful rating of the applicant. The same yards used
job analyses in addition. When the physical examination was
given, its results were employed in placement. These yards had
made strides in labor utilization and were reaping the benefits.
In contrast, some yards were using the worst possible hiring
methods. The results of such a policy as that described in the
following report are poor efficiency, low production, depressed
morale, and high turn-over:
. . . the people were treated like a bunch of cattle at the hiring
hall. . . . There was a battery of typists who stood at a counter and
typed out a personnel card for each person, after the applicant had
cleared with the union. No inquiry was made into the applicants’ back­
ground, and they were merely hired by the wholesale for the particular
craft in which there was a demand for workers on that particular day.
As a result of this procedure, the women’s personnel supervisor had
encountered many women doing sweeping and other laboring work who
had had factory experience qualifying them for much more skilled work.

The following is a report of equally poor technique:
. . . the facilities at the employment office were very meager. There
was a small porch with a roof over it. A number of windows opened
onto this porch from the employment office and these were heavily
screened. Persons being interviewed for jobs stood on this porch and
talked to the interviewers through the screened windows. ... If the
women being interviewed and selected for work were interviewed in this
same way it appears likely that results were not always the best.

Some of the obstacles to setting up sound selection and place­
ment programs arise from insufficient coordination and cooper­
ation of the shipyards and labor unions to that end. A number
of problems need to be ironed out. These are suggestions for deal­
ing with a few of them. For example, when the unions recruit
workers for the yard, they should have a voice in setting up good
standards of selection, but then should allow the final placement
2 Help in doing this may be secured from the Psychological Corporation listed
among the selected references for this section.



to be done by the yard personnel office on the basis of those stand­
ards. The unions, in the interests of good labor relations and
efficient labor utilization, should participate in and encourage bet­
ter selection and placement techniques.
Where seniority is a factor in the allocation of jobs, the least
agreeable and heaviest jobs ordinarily being apportioned to begin­
ners, the lighter, cleaner, more skilled jobs to those with most
seniority, a satisfactory policy should be devised by management
and unions together so that women beginners unable to perform
the heaviest work may skip a rung on the seniority ladder. Women
could then be placed in jobs more suitable to their capacities with­
out disrupting labor-management relations and with full under­
standing by all of the safeguards that have been set up.
It is important in yards with AFL agreements to facilitate
transfer from one craft to another so that necessary reassign­
ments can be made without penalty to the worker in the way of
having to submit to a rehiring process and an additional initiation
fee. When it is found that a woman is unsuitably assigned, trans­
fer should be a simple procedure without cost or red tape. This
is especially important, to cite the most obvious situations, in
cases of industrial poisoning, pregnancy, or other physical handi­
cap. In one of the west coast shipyards visited that had a closedshop agreement with the AFL, some of the crafts already allow
the transfer from one craft to another and either transfer their
initiation fees or make some allowance on them.
Though Negroes comprise a significant proportion of the labor
force in some of the large shipbuilding regions, comparatively few
Negro women are employed in the shipyards except as laborers,
sweepers, and cleaners. Of the 32 shipyards employing women
operatives visited by representatives of the Women’s Bureau and
reporting on the race of employees, only 14 employed Negro
women as production workers; these included 7 United States
Navy Yards, 2 of which were in the South. Negro women
should be selected and employed according to the same criteria as
white women and should be given the same opportunity for train­
ing and upgrading. It is up to management with the aid of the
unions to introduce the Negro workers in a manner that will over­
come resistance and encourage maximum cooperation and produc­
tion among white and Negro workers. It is notable that several
of the shipyards visited were working Negro and white men and
women together, side by side, with no apparent difficulty. Num­
bers of Negro women were welders or machine operators with
helper and mechanic ratings.
Job Analysis.
Benge, Eugene J., Burk, Samuel L. H., and Edward N. Hay. Manual of Job
Evaluation: Procedures of job analysis and appraisal. New York, Harpers,
1941. 198 pp.
Froman, Lewis A., and Scott B. Mason. Industrial Supervision. Ch. XVIII,
“Job Analysis, Evaluation and Specifications,” pp. 287-299. Chicago, Foun­
dation Press, Inc., 1942,



Gray, Robert D. “Job Analysis as a Technique of Supervision,” Personnel,
vol. 18, March 1942, pp. 296-303.
American Management Association. Personnel Series 43, Values of Psychol­
ogy in Industrial Management. “Inaugurating a Test Program,” by
Edward N. Hay, pp. 26-33. New York, 1940.
--------- Production Series 127. Selection and Development of Foremen and
Workers. “The Right Man for the Right Job,” by George H. Prudden, pp.
25-31. New York, 1940.
Kirkpatrick, Forrest H. “Common Sense About Tests,” Personnel Journal,
vol. 21, February 1943, pp. 277-281.
Laird, Donald A. The Psychology of Selecting Employees. New York,
McGraw-Hill, 1937. 316 pp.
National Industrial Conference Board, Inc. Studies in Personnel Policy 32.
Experience with Employment Tests. New York, 1941. 72 pp.
Ohio State University, Bureau of Business Research. Proceedings of Man­
agement Week. “Scientific Hiring and Placement,” by Walter Van Dyke
Bingham, Part 2, pp. 64-75. Columbus, Ohio, 1926.

The following specialized journals may be consulted:
Journal of Applied Psychology, published at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
Occupations, published by National Vocational Guidance Association, Inc., 525
W. One Hundred and Twentieth St., New York, N. Y.
Personnel Journal, published by Personnel Research Federation, 60 E. Fortysecond St., New York, N. Y.

Special conferences on employment psychology are held from
time to time by the American Management Association (New
York) and the Society of Industrial Engineers (Chicago).
Assistance in technical problems can be obtained also from pri­
vate organizations such as The Psychological Corporation, 522
Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y., from the department of psychology
of any nearby university, and from the United States Employment
Preplacement physical examination.
Greenburg, Leonard, Smith, Adelaide Ross, and May R. Mayers. Essentials
of Health Maintenance in Industrial Plants. New York State Department
of Labor, Special Bull. 213, 1942, pp. 25-29.
Hygeia. “Women at Work: Abridged report of committee on the health of
women in industry,” vol. 21, April 1943, pp. 262, 310-313.
Wisconsin Industrial Commission. Wisconsin Physical Examination Program.
Madison, 1939. 22 pp.
Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety, Division of Health and Social
Services. Manual on Industrial Health for War Workers. Boston, January
1943. 39 pp.
National Association of Manufacturers. Industrial Health Practices: A report
of a survey of 2,06It industrial establishments. New York, 1941. 76 pp.
National Industrial Conference Board, Inc. Medical Supervision and Service
in Industry. New York, 1931. 125 pp.
National Safety Council. Health Practices Pamphlet 2. Physical Examina­
tions in Industry. Chicago, 1929, 8 pp.
Newquist, M. N. Medical Service in Industry and Workmen’s Compensation
Laws. Chicago, American College of Surgeons, 1938. 70 pp.



U. S. National Institute of Health. Division of Industrial Hygiene. Manual
of Industrial Hygiene and Medical Service in War Industries. Ch. 4, “Medi­
cal Services,” by O. P. Hedley, pp. 43-49. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders
Co., 1943.
------------------- Outline of an Industrial Hygiene Program. Washington, 1943.
13 pp.
U. S. Navy Department and U. S. Maritime Commission. Minimum Require­
ments for Safety and Industrial Health in Contract Shipyards. Washing­
ton, 1943. 35 pp.
Application blank, interview, and selection and placement procedures.
Adams, C. R., and C. H. Smeltzer. “The Personal Interview in Objective
Employment,” Personnel, vol. 14, November 1937, pp. 61-65.
Bingham, Walter Van Dyke, and Bruce Victor Moore. How To Interview.
Third revised ed. New York, Harpers, 1941. 263 pp.
National Industrial Conference Board, Inc. Studies in Personnel Policy 38.
Employment Procedures and Personnel Records. New York, 1941. 84 pp.
---------Studies in Personnel Policy 37. Selecting, Training, and Upgrading
Supervisors, Instructors, Production Workers. New York, 1941. 72 pp.
---------Studies in Personnel Policy 41. Women in Factory Work. New York,
1942, pp. 17-22.
U. S. Department of Labor. Women’s Bureau. Special Bull. 12. Choosing
Women for War Industry Jobs. Washington, 1943. 10 pp.
University of Michigan, Bureau of Industrial Relations. Bull. 13. Addresses
on Industrial Relations, 1941. “Recruiting and Selecting Employees in
Rapidly Expanding Industries,” by R. Randall Irwin, pp. 21-34. Ann
Arbor, Mich., 1941.

Consult also the United States Employment Service in your
locality and the Bureau of Placement of the War Manpower Com­
mission, Washington, D. C.


Employ women only in jobs found to be suitable.

The jobs women do well.
Practically the only shipyard jobs women held before the war
were hand and machine sewing in the sail and flag lofts of 2 navy
yards. In a third navy yard with a sail and flag loft even the
sewing was done by men before August 1942. By July 1943
women held nearly 200 different jobs in the 7 navy yards and 28
commercial shipyards visited in which women were employed as
wage earners.
Many women have already achieved full journeyman’s status,
some in a period of as little as a year. The majority of course
are either in unskilled work or in helper classifications, but many
of the latter are nevertheless doing skilled work independently.
To mention but a few examples,3 they are setting up and operating
a variety of machine tools to close tolerance on short lots of work;
cleaning, repairing, reassembling, and calibrating technical instru­
ments ; making from the templates without assistance such sheetmetal items as water tanks and ventilators.
3 See the Appendix for brief description of other jobs women hold in the ship­



Numbers of women are already first-class arc welders and
acetylene-burner operators whose work may take them anywhere
in the yard or on the hulls and ships. A few are doing the entire
job of making full-size wooden templates in the mold loft. Some
women have achieved the rating of snapper, leadingman, and jour­
neyman machinist. In fact, the plan of job progression in many
shops calls for relieving the skilled workmen of more and more of
the intricate work.


Official U. S. Navy photograph

Women at Work in Mold Loft of a Navy Yard. While One Girl at Right
Reads Plan, Other Five Work on Bulkhead Templates.

The most common practical problem involved in employing
women or new workers is the number of skills necessary to do a
complete job. In yards engaged solely in new construction most
jobs can be broken down into component parts and inexperienced
men or women can be trained to do one or more of these parts in
a comparatively short time. As they learn more operations they
increase in skill until they can do many of the complete jobs inde­
This is not so easily accomplished in repair yards. The custom
nature of the work demands a more general knowledge of craft
fundamentals. However, many women are successfully employed
in repair yards. In-service training courses are widely offered and
some yards utilize the training programs given by outside organi­



zations. Women are taught to read blueprints, as the nature of
much of the work makes this ability practically a necessity.
To aid in determining the jobs women do well, the table on
pages vi-x at the beginning of this report is presented, show­
ing the complement of women’s production jobs in 35 shipyards
employing women on production that were visited by the Women’s
Bureau in the period from January to August 1943. The jobs are
distributed according to the shop or department in which they
were performed or, in a few cases, according to the shop to which
the women were assigned.4 The jobs in which women were en­
gaged on board ship or on hulls are given special attention. Occu­
pations differentiated in the following ways are marked with the
appropriate symbols: Those found infrequently X, those not
recommended by the Women’s Bureau as suitable except perhaps
for women specially selected and specially qualified to meet un­
usual demands □, and those jobs only parts of which are recom­
mended as being suitable for the average woman worker A •

Official U. S. Navy photograph

By Use of a Hydraulic Press, Four Women Electricians in a Navy Yard
Bend a Conduit to Conform to the Curve of the Trench
in Which It Is To Be Inserted.

Among the most common occupations for women in the ship­
yards at the present time are arc welding, gas burning (acetyleneburner operator), helping shipfitters, painting, tending toolcribs,
4 In a very few instances workers hired for one shop—for example, crane opera­
tors assigned to the electrical shop—did their work in various other shops or depart­
ments, but these could not be differentiated.



operating machine tools, sheet-metal fabrication and assembly,
and bench and assembly work, especially on electrical equipment.
The following tabulation shows the departmental distribution of
women wage earners in 24 shipyards that reported numbers of
women by department. Of special importance is the large propor­
tion of women recorded as welding, burning, riveting, fabricating,
drafting, and working in the mold loft as participants in shipfit­
ting operations.
Distribution of Women Wage Earners by Department in 17
Commercial and 7 Navy Yards, 1943
(Women's Bureau survey)

Women wage earners


Total ..............................................................



Blacksmith and forge...............................................
Foundry and pattern...............................................
Joiner, carpenter, shipwright................................
Paint3 ........................................................................
Pipe and copper........................................................
Print ..........................................................................
Rigger1 ......................................................................
Sail and flag..............................................................
Service and maintenance.........................................
Sheet metal ..............................................................



1 Includes
a Includes
3 Includes
4 Includes
6 Includes

electrical manufacturing.
paint manufacturing.
laborers and erectors.
welders, burners, riveters, mold loft, fabricating, drafting.

The Women’s Bureau survey has revealed that employment of
women in the shipyards went ahead most quickly in the fields
where workers were most urgently needed, without due regard for
meeting the requirements of the job with the properly qualified
person. Furthermore, where masters in the navy yards or fore­
men in other yards were opposed to the employment of women,
though their shops or departments may have been a logical
entrance point, women were hired first to do other work not so
suitable, to which, under good planning and labor relations, wellqualified men should have been transferred.
There is no longer any excuse for this, now that enough time
has elapsed to prove women’s effectiveness and to profit from
hard-won experience. It should be clear from this experience in
the shipyards and from comparison on the part of shipyard man-



agement with the long practice in other industries, what ship con­
struction and repair work women can do best. It should be equally
clear that it is wasteful of labor to hire women to fill jobs for
which there is sufficiently objective reason to doubt their suit­






Official U. S. Navy photograph

Electrical Workers Wiring Large Switchboard Panels for Ships.

More women should be hired to do electrical manufacture, assem­
bly, and installation work, to operate machine tools and carry on
bench and assembly work, and to carry through sheet-metal oper­
ations. Women can make the lighter cores in the foundry, can
paint, and can work with cloth, canvas, and rope in the riggers’



shop and the sail and flag loft. They can clean shop and yard and
help with the servicing and maintenance of yard and shop equip­
ment. They give excellent service in the toolroom and can keep
tools in proper condition. Their ability at lay-out in the fabrica­
tion department has been proved, and, given time, there is no limit
to their capacity to succeed in the mold loft either as template
makers or as loftsman helpers.
In fact, the extent to which women may be employed effectively
in the inside shops is limited for the most part only by the time
required to gain skill. Few of the jobs require heavy work for
which movemen or handling and lifting devices have not already
been provided, not especially for the women but for all the work­
ers, to increase their efficiency and productivity. Women’s em­
ployment should be extended inside the shops wherever possible
and any men that are thereby displaced should be properly selected
for other jobs in fields where the average woman is not so easily
To be sure, because of variations in types of work and in equip­
ment and plant facilities, all shop work is by no means suitable
for women any more than all work in the yard or on the hulls and
ships. Some shop work is very heavy, as for example a few of
the jobs on pipe and copper, some foundry and blacksmith work,
and some fabricating jobs. On the other hand, to give but a few
illustrations, certain types of electrical installation work on board
ship, and welding and burning on flat platforms in the yard just
a foot or so above the ground, are jobs women find easy to do.
In some yards, shops are open on one or more sides to the
weather, to allow convenient hoisting of material in and out. In
others, especially navy yards, a good deal of subassembly work is
done completely under cover. In most yards, however, subassem­
bly is performed on slabs or platens out of doors, exposed to wind,
rain, heat, and cold. Consequently, there are instances in which
work on the top decks of hulls is a good deal less demanding phys­
ically than work on major subassemblies in the yard.
It is clear, then, that necessary generalizations made here con­
cerning work on the platens or slabs and on the hulls and ships
may not fit every case. The discussion and suggestions made,
however, are appropriate in the large majority of cases.
Work on the platens and on the hulls and ships.
The differences between women and men as they affect capacity
for doing various kinds of work must be taken into account real­
istically in evaluating the ability of the average woman to per­
form effectively certain jobs in a shipyard.
For example, it is important to the placement staff looking for
workers to be employed on board ship that the frame of a woman
is such that it is more difficult for her than for a man to main­
tain her balance; that a woman’s blood has a higher water con­
tent than a man’s and contains up to 20 percent fewer red cor­
puscles; that her heart beats about 8 times more a minute; and



her muscles, proportionately longer and thinner, allow her a
squeeze only about three-fifths, and muscular strength only about
one-half, that of the average man. Physiology shows, therefore,
that a woman is not only less strong muscularly, but, because of
the blood and heart difference, she tends to tire more quickly than
a man. Besides these considerations, persons responsible for
placement will want to take into account that women’s average
height is 5 inches less than that of men; their reach is less; their



Official U. S. Navy photograph

Members of an All-Woman Crew Aiding Men at Work on a New Destroyer



fingers and hands are smaller; and because they are more likely
to get varicose veins and tire more quickly, constant standing is
more difficult and harmful for them.
Much of the work in the yard on slabs or platens to some ex­
tent, but especially on the hulls and on board ship, requires con­
stant standing and climbing and walking about where footing is
precarious. It requires carrying loads while climbing; holding
tools and equipment while working on scaffolding; climbing down
through hatches and using ladders between decks; bending,
crouching, and kneeling in confined places. Such activity is not
only hazardous for the average woman, but it is fatiguing, and
is accompanied frequently by circumstances that in themselves
add to the strain of the work; for example, the confusion of hose,
cable, and other equipment lying about, workmen swarming
everywhere, the din from chipping, scaling, and riveting, and
exposure to extremes in the weather.
For the most part, the work that women are doing under
these conditions is in itself suitable. Women make good welders,
burners, and helpers for shipfitters, sheet-metal workers, and
electricians. This is the work that most women employed on the
platens, the hulls, and on board ship are doing. The question
here is not the work, but the conditions under which it is per­
formed. These conditions require steady nerves, good health,
strength, endurance, and unusual ability to move quickly, nimbly,
and easily under fairly heavy burdens and in awkward places.
The average woman cannot meet these conditions with the same
degree of efficiency as the average man.
It is essential, therefore, that when women must be employed
for work on the platens under conditions described above, or on
the hulls or ships, certain precautions be taken:
1. The women should be selected carefully on the basis of
a thorough physical examination and complete employ­
ment interview, so that those unable to withstand or
adjust to the physical and emotional strains imposed by
the conditions of work may be employed on other work.
2. Special orientation for work on board s*hip should be
provided in addition to the usual shipyard induction
One yard was already making plans to install such a
program at the time of the Women’s Bureau visit. In
Oakland, Calif., furthermore, a vocational school co­
operating with a large woman-employing drydock is pro­
viding such preplacement introduction to the work
environment as conditioning exercises and training in
how to climb ladders and work on scaffolding. Women
are given short periods of training in several jobs under
simulated working conditions. In this way each woman’s
aptitude and her reaction to operational factors is de­
termined as a basis for placement. The woman herself
is allowed to choose the craft that seems most to her



B. Supervision of women should be much closer under the
more severe and unusual environmental conditions of
work on board ship or on the hulls. It should include
special attention to safety and fatigue factors.
Employing women to work on the hulls or on board ship in­
volves still another problem, besides that of the limitation in
strength and stamina of the average woman to meet the unusual
circumstances. That is the problem of maintaining good work
conduct under the special conditions imposed. Among these con­
ditions is the large amount of independent activity of the workers
on the ships and hulls whereby one or two people may be required
to attend to a welding, shipfitting, or installation job in an iso­
lated place. Often groups must wait around for a part of an
operation to be finished before they can get to work on their
section of it, thereby giving them time and opportunity for social
To be sure, by no means all the yards visited employing women
on the ships feared or mentioned a so-called “moral problem.”
In some yards the question appeared never to have come up; in
others it was a matter of much concern, though no more grounds
for this were evident than exist in any office or industrial estab­
lishment where men and women have been working together with­
out serious incident for years. There need be no problem in the
shipyards if certain conditions are met:
1. The women selected to work on board ship or on the hulls
and docks and even in the yard on the platens should be
mature individuals with a conscientious attitude toward
work. They should be specially selected for these attri­
butes as well as for strength, agility, and physical well­
2. Whenever possible, women should be assigned to work
in groups.
3. The more careful supervision of women already men­
tioned in connection with work on the platens and on
the ships and hulls should guarantee also good allocation
of work so that there is as little waiting as possible.
4. A woman counselor should be available on each ship or
in the various sections of a ship where a significant num­
ber of women are working. In this way problems
peculiar to work on the ships may be attended to immedi­
ately on their arising and ways of preventing them in
the future can be ascertained and put into effect. The
women counselors so assigned should be free to cross
craft lines in the interests of economy and efficiency.5
5 See discussion of the duties of women counselors, pp. 40 to 48.



Occupations only partially suitable for women.
By reason of the strength required to do parts of certain occu­
pations, the average woman is capable of performing efficiently
on only one segment of some jobs or on the whole job while using
the lighter materials. Usually in such cases, physical strength is
the only criterion outside of the factors mentioned in connection
with some work on platens, and on ships or hulls, for determin­
ing how much of the work a woman can do. Thus, women nibbler,
bending-roll, brake-machine, flanging-press, and power-shear
operators for the most part operate the levers or automatic stops
on the machines and ordinarily, if they have anything at all to
do with feeding the metal into the machines, they act only as
helpers. When they feed the machines as well as operate them,
their activities in this regard are limited by the weight of the
pieces or by the ease with which available mechanical handling
equipment can be used. Furnace tending is in about the same
The amount of helpers’ work that women can do, especially on
the hulls, is limited also by the weight and size of materials to be
handled. This is true more of shipfitter and sheet-metal-worker
helpers than of electrician helpers. The job of helping crane rig­
gers too is only partially suitable for women because of the exten­
sive climbing necessary, the weight lifting involved, and the
degree of strength needed to fasten snorters and slings to mate­
rials. Women can help and are helping, however, where only
moderate lifting, and not undue exertion, is necessary. It is rec­
ommended 6 that special attention be paid to teaching women how
to lift weights and that all jobs for women in which the question
of weight lifting is involved be specifically investigated to deter­
mine the maximum weight, height, and frequency of lift that shall
be allowed the women employed for the job, and the provision that
should be made for rest pauses.
Coremaking has been a woman’s job for many years, but women
have been making only the lighter cores. The large cores require
considerable strength to lift and handle. Women cannot work on
these successfully unless good provision has been made for easy
handling and this is not often done.
Some ship and tank cleaning, especially the work that involves
hauling heavy buckets of material and using a wire brush or scal­
ing gun, is too heavy for the average woman, though most shop
and yard cleaning ordinarily is suitable for women.
Very little ship riveting and bucking-up can be recommended
as a good job for women. Most of the rivets are large and the
steel plates are thick and heavy. Riveting under such conditions
requires considerable strength and endurance besides the stamina
for. withstanding the deafening noise and penetrating vibration.
It is even questionable whether for sustained production women
are the best, choice for the lightest riveting on steel, though the
type of riveting and bucking-up done on sheet metal appears suit­
See p. 53.



Occupations of questionable suitability for women.
For any job, no matter what its nature, the best criterion for
good placement is not one of sex but of the individual’s ability
to do the work successfully and without injury under the condi­
tions imposed. There are, for example, many men less capable of
performing arduous or hazardous work than many women.
However, when consideration is given to the differences between
men and women that affect the average individual’s ability to do
a job well and adjust to its conditions, it becomes obvious that
there are certain occupations in shipbuilding for which only the
exceptional woman and even the above-average man can qualify.
And there are some others for which it is questionable, whether
any woman should be employed because the risk of injury is
greater for a woman than for a man.
Jobs in the category first named that should be mentioned here
are steel bucking-up, calking, heavy bus and truck driving, and
heavy and dirty ship and tank cleaning. In the last of these the
problem in finding a woman worker derives not only from the
heavy nature of the work but from the exceptionally unpleasant
conditions under which it is performed. It necessitates crawling
down into the holds of ships and going inside the large tanks.
Water and refuse are everywhere, and, in addition, a tangle of
hose and other equipment. It was said in one report of ship clean­
ing that “it is so unpleasant that workers are kept inside only two
hours at a time and after two days are changed to another job.
Some workers get panicky.” The psychological or emotional fac­
tors involved cannot be overlooked. Though many women in
industry have for years been doing heavy and disagreeable work
without serious effects, women, by and large, are spared the heavy
and dirty work in industry as a matter of American custom. Many
women, because of tradition, look askance at such work and find
it even more difficult to adjust to its conditions than to meet its
physical demands.
The occupations in shipbuilding for which it is questionable
whether any woman should be employed are those requiring the
use on steel of sandblasting equipment or other pneumatic tools
such as the riveting gun, power brush, scaling and chipping ham­
mer, and the pneumatic drill. Operation of these tools in the ship­
yards, and especially the use of the larger and heavier models,
involves risk to any worker, man or woman. Among the patho­
logical conditions that may and do result are vascular disturbances
and injuries to the joints. In the first of these a local anemia of
the hand supporting the tool occurs, making the hand stiff and
awkward and unfit for work. This condition, which may affect
only the fingers or finger tips, is known as “dead fingers” and is
attributed to the shock and vibration of the pneumatic tool acting
on the blood vessels and nerve trunks. At the end of an attack
the fingers suffer from a burning sensation. “Dead fingers” is
of frequent occurrence and is especially prevalent in cold weather.
It is most likely to affect workers who, like the women only lately



introduced into the shipyards, have not yet acquired skill in
manipulating tools. Injuries to the joints are much less common,
but when they do occur they tend to be more serious and are fre­
quently permanent in character. They include such conditions as
necrosis, chondromatosis, arthritis, osteochondritis, and bone cysts.
The elbow and especially the arm holding the tool are most fre­
quently affected. When the pneumatic tool is held in an unnatural
position, other locations of injury, such as the hip, are found.
To be mentioned also among known possible effects from using
pneumatic equipment are hardness of hearing and deafness
brought on by the excessive noise that accompanies the operation,
and silicosis, pneumonia, or other dust-produced illness that may
occur when inadequate precautions are taken against the dust that
commonly attends the work. The effects of noise and vibration
on the nervous system are less well known but may be equally
Few data of a reliable sort are available at present showing con­
clusively that women’s reactions to work with pneumatic equip­
ment are different or more serious or pronounced than men’s.
This is because women have not used such tools in the past to any
extent and those who are operating them now have been doing
so for only a relatively short time. Little objective evidence exists
also because inadequate attention has been paid to watching
women’s progress and performance in the work and studying and
reporting on their medical history. However, from knowledge of
the operations and of women’s physiology and pathology, a group
of medical authorities consulted by the Women’s Bureau 7 agree
that no women with menstrual difficulty or with a history or clin­
ical diagnosis of pelvic disorder, especially pelvic congestion,
should use vibratory equipment even of the rotary type. They
recommend also that pneumatic tools should not be used by preg­
nant women, by women who have had repeated pregnancies or
abdominal operations, or by women with unusually large breasts.
Furthermore, it is advised that even women without any of the
complications mentioned be kept from operating the heavier pneu­
matic tools.
When any pneumatic tools at all are used by women, certain
conditions should prevail. First, the women chosen should be
above average in stature and muscular development and of the
phlegmatic, hypothyroid type. Second, though a sitting posture
is preferable to upright posture, if standing is necessary it is
advantageous if rest periods are taken in the prone or knee-chest
position. Third, women should not brace their tool against the
chest, since such practice may aggravate the tendency among
women to develop cancer in the breast.
For all pneumatic-tool operators it is essential that a preplace­
7 Dr. Philip Drinker, Chief Health Consultant, U. S. Maritime Commission; Dr.
Leonard Greenburg, Executive Director, Now York Division of Industrial Hygiene ;
Dr. Alice Hamilton, Medical Consultant for the U. S. Department of Labor; Dr. M,
H. Kronenberg, Chief, Illinois Division of Industrial Hygiene.



ment physical examination be given to bar from the work anyone
with symptoms of constitutional arthritis and anyone unable to
withstand the rigors of the job—the torque, vibration, noise,
heights, and so forth. Periodic examination is necessary and
should include X-ray, particularly of the elbow, to detect changes
in bony structure. Those showing vasomoter disturbances, nerv­
ous or arthritic changes, or signs of respiratory disturbance
should be transferred to other work. Rest periods are important,
as well as a reduction in the hours at which the operator continues
to use the tool, perhaps by means of a change in job from time
to time. The escape of air should be from the front, not the side,
of the tools and the air pressure should be as low as possible.
Counterbalance, suspension, or propping of the tool should be
introduced whenever possible to relieve the operator of the weight
and vibration. In all cases the worker should be taught the best
method of holding and maintaining the tool in position. Wherever
dust is a factor, as in sandblasting, wirebrushing, scaling, and
chipping operations, every precaution should be taken in the way
of good ventilation and exhaust equipment to prevent the contrac­
tion of respiratory disease.
Where women have been employed to operate pneumatic tools in
shipyards, indications are that adequate attention has not always
been given to protecting the operators and making the operations
as safe as possible. Even the general precautions recommended
above to be taken for all pneumatic-tool operators are not being
observed, much less those that apply specifically to women. For
example, in one yard women were using wire brushes varying in
size from 2 to 15 pounds. They were wire-brushing in the holds
of the ships and yet no blowers were supplied to draw off the dust
and metal particles. In addition, not all the women workers were
wearing respirators and goggles, equipment that is absolutely
necessary for safety in this work.
Though in another yard a woman using a 15-pound chipping
gun had lost 20 pounds in weight since being put on this work,
and was developing tenosynovitis (an inflammation of the ten­
dons), she would have remained at the job had not a woman coun­
selor happened on the case by chance. Only then were the three
other women operating chipping guns in this yard examined.
They were judged husky enough to stand the work, but it is hoped
that examinations will be given them periodically so that they
may be transferred should any ill effects develop.
Another instance should be cited, that of women operating large
portable pneumatic drills. The drills were so large and the torque
so great during the operation of drilling holes in the bands on the
outside of torpedo tubes, that three women were engaged in this
work instead of the two men previously employed. The drills
could not be held low, in line with the pelvis, as they should have
been, but because of their size had to be held breast high, braced
against the chest. Furthermore, small and slight women instead
of women who could more easily stand it were chosen for the job
because the same women had to crawl into the tubes to counter­



sink the holes from the inside. This is a clear case of serious
error in placement.
If women must be employed in occupations about which there
is such grave question of suitability, it is inexcusable to employ
them under conditions of haphazard selection and placement and
inadequate precaution for their protection on the job. The safety
and health divisions, with the cooperation of the work supervisors
and women counselors, should give the women workers in such
occupations their most careful and continued attention and should
make those jobs as well as any others that involve hazard as free
from hazard as is possible under the circumstances.8

U. S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, Washington, f>. C.
War Manpower Commission, Bureau of Manpower Utilization, Division
of Occupational Analysis and Manning Tables, Washington, D. C.
International Labor Office, Supplement to Occupation and Health, Pneumatic
Tools. Geneva, September 1938. 12 pp.
U. S. War Manpower Commission. Bureau of Manpower Utilization. Division
of Occupational Analysis and Manning Tables. Utilization of Womanpower; Employment of Women in the Shipbuilding Industry. Washington,
November 1943. 19 pp.
-------------- ;---------------Utilization of Womanpower. Reported Placements in
Occupations Often Considered Unsuitable for Women. Washington, June
1943. 16 pp.
U. S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, Washington. Bulletins—'
189-3. Employment of Women in the Manufacture of Artillery Ammu­
nition. 1942. 17 pp.
189-4. Employment of and Demand for Women Workers in the Manu­
facture of Instruments—Aircraft, Optical and Fire-Control, and
Surgical and Dental. 1942. 20 pp.
192-1. Women’s Employment in Aircraft Assembly Plants in 1912. 1942
23 pp.
192-2. Women’s Employment in Artillery Ammunition Plants, 191,2.
1942. 23 pp.
192-3. Employment of Women in the Manufacture of Cannon and Small
Arms m 191,2. 1943. 36 pp.
192-4. Employment of Women in the Machine-Tool Industry, 191,2. 1943.



Pay women and upgrade them on the same basis as men.

Entrance rates.
The principle of “equal pay” for women has been gaining in
strength9. In this wartime period many thousands of women are
, s See especially Minimum Requirements for Safety ana Industrial Health in Con­
tract Shipyards, issued t>y the U. S. Navy Department and U. S. Maritime Commis­
sion in iJHo, 35 pp<
• See "Equal Pay” for Women in War Industries. Bulletin 196 of the Women's
Bureau, Washington, D. C. 1943. 26 pp.



in the type of jobs men formerly held and are receiving the same
rate. This is the policy recommended by the Women’s Bureau,
and it is followed, by and large, in the shipbuilding industry as
far as the entrance rate is concerned.
It is significant, however, that this has not been true in each
of the navy yards. The Assistant Secretary of the Navy, in a cir­
cular letter dated August 28, 1942, when few women were yet
employed, emphasized the principle of “equal compensation for
equal work irrespective of sex.” This principle has in general
been followed, but inequity has crept into some of the yards by
way of the hiring rates, probably because of the unequal supply
of men and women in the area and the desire to draw as many
men as possible.
Thus, in one yard at the time of survey, all women, regardless
of previous experience, were hired as “mechanic learners” at
58 cents an hour, whereas men with no experience were taken on
as “classified laborers” at 74 cents. A woman who had worked
for 6 months as a drill-press operator in a war plant was hired
to do drill-press work at 58 cents, whereas a man with similar
background was given the third-class helper’s rate of 77 cents. To
be sure, the woman was eligible for speedy upgrading into the
helper’s classification, but by the time she reached that class the
man would be one or more steps ahead. She had to prove her­
self; a man offering similar qualifications did not.
In another navy yard all women were taken on as “mechanic
learners” or “classified laborers,” the former to learn a trade and
advance, the latter (with few exceptions) to remain in laboring
work. Men, on the other hand, were engaged from the start on
the same or similar work as helpers and all had the opportunity
to receive training in a trade. Therefore, though the women
“mechanic learners” were upgraded with fair speed, men hired
at the same time for the same work remained several steps ahead,
though they may originally have submitted no additional qualifi­
It is urgently recommended to the navy yards that the en­
trance rate for workers who have neither previous work experi­
ence nor training be the same for men and women, and that any
variation in such rate be based on the job. If women are hired as
“mechanic learners,” men with the same qualifications also should
be so hired. When men or boys cannot be secured at the rate for
“mechanic learners,” women beginners should be taken on at
the higher rate offered men beginners.
It is recognized, of course, that many if not most of the women
now employed in the shipyards will not remain after the war.
This is true also of a large, but not equally large, proportion of
the men. Certainty of such a future situation does not preclude
equitable wage-setting now. Every effort to avoid break-down
and inconsistency in present wage standards makes fewer the
wage problems that will arise and require adjustment in the
future. It should be borne in mind that if one group is paid arbi­
trarily a lower rate than another group for the same work, the



group first named is free to underbid the one better paid and
thereby to depress wages in a period of an expanding labor
The Women’s Bureau survey of 85 shipyards employing nearly
61,000 women indicates that discrimination is common when it
comes to upgrading women or to giving an upgraded woman the
rate for the job. Except for the trade of electric arc welding, case
after case could be cited either of women working as group lead­
ers or skilled craftsmen with only helper’s ratings, or of resistance
on the part of foremen, management, or the unions to allowing
women equal opportunity with men for supplementary training,
upgrading, and supervisory work.
This situation arises in large part from a very real problem,
that of alarm over the break-down under war conditions of the
apprenticeship system. Before the war, mechanics in the ship­
yard trades usually reached full journeyman’s status only after
passing through 8, 4 or even 5 years of training in class and on
the job. During this apprenticeship period they were to have
mastered their trade in thorough all-round fashion and become
eligible for maximum pay as first-class skilled mechanics.
The needs of the war emergency, however, have made it neces­
sary to introduce literally thousands of inexperienced men and
women into the waterfront and shop trades without ceremony and
with speed. Many of the experienced mechanics have been rap­
idly upgraded to assume supervisory duties, while the new work­
ers have been pushed through relatively short training courses
and after a year or a year and a half, with regular upgrading,
are at top grades and rates. Consequently, they are getting the
same pay as the skilled journeymen who have taken special long­
term training and ordinarily can do a much greater variety of
work. If there has been resentment on the part of the seasoned
workers, foremen, and the unions about the men who, though
“upstarts,” may at least have had industrial experience of some
kind, the feeling has been even stronger toward the women who
in most cases are completely new to industry. The “90-day won­
ders” of the shipyard trades are viewed with alarm as a serious
threat to status and job security.
Yet the new workers, men and women, have been building ships
and doing a good job. The amazing tonnage produced since Pearl
Harbor could not have been turned out without them; much more
will have to be built before the war is won. The question is, what
constitutes fair promotion policy and equitable rate setting in
their case?
Most of the new men, women, and boys who have only lately
been introduced to the shipyard trades cannot achieve, under the
specialized training many' are given and the necessary dilution
practiced, the all-round proficiency of the old-time mechanic. In
the inside machine shop of some of the navy yards one solution



has been the utilization of an intermediate grade called machine
operator. This classification covers jobs requiring an employee
more skilled than a helper but not so skilled as a mechanic. It is
especially appropriate for much of the work men and women new­
comers are learning to do. For example, the turret-lathe depart­
ment of the inside machine shop in one of the navy yards has
lately been employing over 300 women as lathe operators. These
women are doing a fairly skilled job, but obviously they are not
full mechanics. They are given the rating of machine operator as
they qualify. If given further training these workers should
eventually achieve mechanic’s status.
Supplementary training for upgrading into the journeyman
classification for workers other than welders and burners is given
in the navy yards and some women are enrolled. To make maxi­
mum use of the woman labor force, it is essential that every
woman capable of doing a skilled job be encouraged to enter such
training in any of the fields open to men that appeal to her.
Classifications such as “machine operator” then would apply only
to those who are upgraded into and remain in diluted or special­
ized jobs and who do not want to or have not the ability to acquire
further, more rounded experience and instruction.
The difficult problem of upgrading in the private yards is
complicated by the many classification systems used and vari­
ations in union agreements where they exist. Progress is now
being made, as a result of recent Coast agreements, toward estab­
lishing wage brackets for the first 3 classes of helper and for
laborer as well as for journeyman. This will help to make possible
more uniform policies of upgrading women workers, most of whom
are in the laborer and helper status.
There has been little resistance to accepting women into full
journeyman status in the electric-arc-welding trade. The secret
of this situation lies, first, in the fact that welders predominate
among the kinds of skilled workers of whom there now is serious
shortage in the shipyards; and, second, that for ship welding
there is an objective and standard performance test, preparation
for which does not ordinarily require more than a few months of
training and experience on the job. The test is given under the
supervision of a representative of the Navy, and the size of the
testing specimen and procedure for obtaining it are prescribed by
the Navy. Many yards give full first-class journeyman’s wage
and status immediately or shortly thereafter to those who pass
the Navy test. Thus, acquiring the journeyman’s classification in
the case of welding does not depend on the qualitative judgment
of a work supervisor nor does it require the diversity of informa­
tion and skill needed for some other trades that can be learned
only after many months on the job. But actually women have also
proved their mettle in welding. In a significant number of yards
women welders comprise as much as a fourth or more of all the
women on production.
This is not to say that women are attaining journeyman’s rates
only in the welding trade, but that the acceptance of women as

journeymen in that trade is more general and their progress in
it is speedier. As a matter of fact, some women have already
achieved skilled burner, craneman, painter, pipe covering, and shipfitter ratings. There will be others.
In some places and especially on the west coast, the exigencies
of a very tight labor market have made it necessary to upgrade
inexperienced men and women much more quickly than elsewhere
to get the work done, to prevent turn-over, and to compete with
other industries for workers. In such cases, those receiving the
skilled rating after less than the usual time are accepted by one
of the. unions only as specialists and not as mechanics. In one
yard, inexperienced workers are called ’’special apprentices,” to
distinguish them from the regular apprentices, but both groups
may achieve journeyman’s pay. One union was not giving people
cards as journeymen till they had had 5 years of experience,
though they now may reach the journeyman’s rate long before
These are safeguards set up to protect the apprenticeship sys­
tem and more or less to regularize trade standards that doubtless
will come back into their own after the war. Good trade standards
can and should be preserved, but it is recommended strongly that
there be no discrimination in so doing. Every effort should be
made to avoid the situation frequently found, that of women act­
ing as snapper, as group leader, crane operator, spray painter, and
the like, without recognition in either wage rate or title. Such a
situation is not only unjust; it is damaging to morale and there­
fore to optimum performance.
5. Schedule an 8-hour day and a 48-hour 6-day week; allow a lunch
period of at least 30 minutes, and rest periods of 10 to 15 min­
utes in each work spell of 4 hours. Rotate shifts no more fre­
quently than every two months.

Years of study and experiment indicate that if certain standards
regarding hours, work shifts, and rest and lunch periods are
observed, women workers are more likely to give their best per­
formance. These standards, recommended for sustained efficiency
in wartime shipbuilding, follow.
Hours not in excess of 8 a day and 48 a week are recommended;
also not less than 1 day of rest in 7.
Though both the Navy Department and the Maritime Commis­
sion are among the eight United States Government agencies that
strongly recommend an 8-hour day, a 48-hour and 6-day week, for
maximum and sustained production, a good many of the shipyards
are not complying. About a third (11) of the 35 shipyards visited
that employed women had a regular weekly schedule averaging
longer than 48 hours. In one the workweek was 60 hours for



women. Five yards had a 9- or 10-hour day. Three provided no
day of rest and in three others there were extended periods when
this was true, women being obliged to work week in and week
out with no break. In addition, at least 11 yards with scheduled
hours of 48 or less required overtime above the schedule from time
to time, in some cases frequently and for long periods.
The data available indicate that the efficiency of the shipyard
workers cannot be maintained under long work schedules; that
such schedules do not solve the problem of production, and yet
they are costly because of the time-and-a-half and double-time
overtime pay.
Results of studies relating to hours of work, fatigue, and out­
put in other industries also are not without significance in ship­
building. Several of such studies are among the references at the
end of this section or are described there. They show in general
that under most conditions women’s optimum schedule is below
men’s, and that in production not controlled by the speed of a
machine, hourly output rises with reduction in hours of work to
approximately 8 a day. All available sources indicate that at least
1 day of rest in 7 is essential to productive efficiency.
There are several reasons why long hourly schedules and over­
time are in practice in the shipyards in the face of evidence
against their efficiency. Two are especially important.
First, in some cases a sufficient number of skilled workers can­
not be secured to man a third shift effectively, and a compromise
of two long shifts is made. It is significant in this connection that
in one of the yards visited by Women’s Bureau field representa­
tives where the scheduled hours had recently been changed from
10 to 8, the management stated that the efficiency of all the work­
ers had materially increased since the adoption of a shorter work­
Second, longer hours and overtime are, of course, a concealed
means of increasing employees’ pay and thus competing with
other shipyards or war industries for labor. This situation is dif-,
ficult to meet except by firm insistence of the Navy and Maritime
Commission and agreement on the part of all yards that the
48-hour week be maintained without overtime except in bona fide
emergencies. The Maritime Commission issued orders early in
1948 and again in December that official hours be cut from 10 to
8 a day, yet it was found in the yards of one area of the South
Atlantic that permission was asked frequently by management
and granted by the Maritime Commission for thousands to work
on Sunday. On the Sunday preceding the field representative’s
visit, overtime had been granted for several thousand workers in
one yard alone. A neighboring yard under Navy contract attrib­
uted its 10-hour day and 60-hour week to the need for holding
its workers in competition with the Maritime Commission yards,
supposedly on an 8-hour day and 48-hour week.
There is danger that by setting the pace too high now,. the
available human energies will peter out before the home stretch.
Women especially are handicapped under the pressure of long



hours, since they not only suffer fatigue from the work itself, but
the fatigue may become chronic, and anxiety result as well from
having to plan meals, shop, clean house, pay bills, arrange for the
care of children and so on in the all-too-few hours left them after
work. Under heavy work schedules, homemakers will be absentees
much more frequently than when employed within the recom­
mended workday and workweek. More and more married women
are entering the shipyards. These women are needed to take the
place of men who leave for the armed services, so the question
of hours becomes increasingly acute. It is by far the better policy
to place and keep women initially on a schedule that is good for
the long stretch, thereby promoting their efficiency as workers,
insuring their regular attendance, and making certain of their
sustained energy for building ships through the war period and
remaining healthy citizens afterward.
Lunch period.
A lunch period of at least 30 minutes in the middle of each shift
should be allowed.
If 30 minutes is too short a time in which to leave the work­
place, wash, and secure and eat a hot and well-balanced meal, the
lunch period should be lengthened or the food service and facilities
should be extended. A few shipyards have been using mobile can­
teens very successfully as a supplement to central cafeterias to
send and dispense food to remote parts of the yard. In this way,
employees on the hulls and ships may secure proper nourishment
in the minimum of time.
More than two-fifths of the women on production work in the
shipyards visited had 30 minutes for lunch. A few had as much
as 45 minutes or an hour. At least a third, however, had but 15,
20, or 25 minutes, though few of the yards with short lunch
periods had facilities that would provide adequate service and hot
food in the limited time assigned. Many did not maintain facili­
ties that were adequate even for a 30-minute period.10 11
Night work.
Night work should be required of women only as an emergency
measure; and when it is necessary, all possible steps should be
taken to protect the night workers’ health and foster their
efficiency and morale.
Night work should be assigned only after careful investigation
to make sure that the woman worker’s health will not be endan­
gered thereby and that her transportation situation and home
responsibilities are such that work on such shifts will not bring
about undue hardship.11
It is advisable that employees having a history of anemia,
10 See pp. 59 to 66 for discussion of food service and facilities.
11 See p. 16 for statement regarding seniority arrangements.



respiratory disease, digestive disease, or nervous disorder be not
assigned to a night shift. Results of the physical preplacement
examination will be of service, therefore, in making assignments
to shifts. Since loss of regular sleep is more serious for young
workers who have not attained full growth, girls under 20 should
not be placed on a night shift. Convenient transportation should
be available at the time of shift change. The yard may have to
provide transportation if the public utilities cannot maintain ser­
vice to the extent or at the times required.
The personnel counselor or interviewer should ascertain early,
before assignment to shift has been made, that problems of home
management will not interfere with the woman’s ability to main­
tain efficiency on the night shifts or that work on the night shifts
will not interfere with her essential home responsibilities. Actu­
ally women with heavy duties at home should be discouraged from
night work, since performance of these duties during the day
makes women tired before their shift so much as starts. Con­
tinuous employment at night under such circumstances leads inevi­
tably to chronic fatigue.
Facilities provided for the night shifts should equal if not sur­
pass those available during the day because night work is more
demanding on the individual. It should be possible to secure a
hot and nutritious meal in the middle of the shift; the hours and
day-of-rest standards should be preserved; medical, safety, and
work supervision should be completely adequate; lighting should
be well planned and distributed. These conditions are important,
yet in many of the shipyards facilities were less adequate at night
than during the day. In certain yards this was especially true of
food facilities.
Rotation of shifts.
Shift rotation is recommended to distribute the burden of night
work and to avoid the chronic fatigue that sets in after a long
period of employment on night shifts.
Night workers seldom get sufficient sleep during the day, and
consequently their health is undermined if they are placed perma­
nently on night schedules. Yet most of the shipyards visited did
not provide for rotation of shifts. In two of the yards with per­
manent shift schedules as many as 15 percent and 17 percent of
the women employees were on the graveyard shift.
Shift rotation should not be so frequent as every 2 or 3 weeks,
thus making it difficult to adjust eating and sleeping habits, nor
at intervals so long as to develop chronic fatigue. A period of
from 2 to 3 months on either of the night shifts is within the
limits most frequently recommended by health authorities and
found most satisfactory in the experience of women workers.
Rotation on such a schedule was being practiced with satisfactory
results in 3 of the shipyards visited by Women’s Bureau repre­

Rest periods.
A period of 10 or 15 minutes in each work spell of 4 hours
should be set aside for pause and relaxation.
Women tire more quickly than men, but their energy is renewed
more rapidly. Wherever women are employed, therefore, the
regular rest pause is particularly effective for maintaining the
speed and quality of production. The pick-up after a few minutes
of rest away from the workplace preserves and even heightens
the rate of production, prevents accidents and spoilage, and pro­
motes the health and efficiency of the worker. Objective studies
have proved the efficiency of the official rest period even when the
work is intermittent, necessitating pauses in routine.
Women’s work in the machine, sheet-metal, electrical, pipe and
copper, and other inside shops in the shipyards is similar to the
work women are doing and have done for years in other industries
where rest periods already have proved their value to manage­
ment and the worker. Welding, burning, the various jobs under
the general heading of shipfitter’s helper, and some others per­
formed on the platens, hulls and ships are, on the other hand, new
fm- women, so there is no consistent evidence for or against the
efficacy of rest pauses for women in this work. However, because
these are jobs whose continuity of performance depends largely
on the rate at which co-workers in related jobs may proceed, and
thus work is intermittent, it is generally assumed by management
that regular official rest periods are unnecessary. It should never­
theless be emphasized here that even though the nature of the
process and the jobs do not require continuous activity, the work­
ers engaged in them must be constantly on the alert for their
assignments, and must in many cases remain in uncomfortable
workplaces where seats are not available, and in an environment
of noise and confusion. If they are in the yard, on the slabs or
platens, or on the hulls, many are exposed throughout their wait­
ing as well as their working time to extremes of weather—to
dampness, cold, and heat. The official rest period allows them to
take as their right some minutes of respite from their work and
work environment.
It is not necessary that all the women leave work at once for
the rest pauses may be staggered. Nor is it necessary that any
one group stop at exactly the same time each day. Such matters
can be arranged to accommodate the work situation. The impor­
tant thing is that over and above necessary personal time out, a
period of time be provided each woman worker exclusively for
rest and relaxation. In many factories rest periods are ^ranted
to all employees, men as well as women.
If in this pause the women rest, smoke, take a snack to eat, go
where they may warm themselves in the winter and cool off in the
summer, they will return to their jobs refreshed. When regular
and official rest pauses are provided to those whose work is neither
continuous nor routine, as well as to those whose work is continu­
ous and routine, there are indications that not only is less personal



time taken, but the benefit derived is greater than that experi­
enced from informal rests of short duration now and then, either
surreptitiously or openly as needed.
Brown, J. Douglas, and Helen Baker. Optimum Hours of Work in War Pro­
duction. Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Industrial Relations Sec­
tion, March 1942. 22 pp. and bibliog.
Collier, Howard E. Outlines -of Industrial Medical Practice. Baltimore, Wil­
liams & Wilkins Co., 1941. Chs. XVI and XVII.
Florence, P. Sargant. “A Scientific Labor Policy for Industrial Plants,’
International Labor Review, March, 1941, pp. 260-298.
Great Britain. Industrial Fatigue Research Board. Two Studies on Rest
Pauses in Industry. London, 1924. 34 pp.
Kossoris, Max D. “Hours and Efficiency in British Industry,” Monthly Labor
Review, June 1941, pp. 1337-1346.
New York State Department of Labor, Division of Women in Industry and
Minimum Wage. Hours of Work in Relation to Health and Efficiency.
New York, August 1941. 90 pp. and bibliog.
Sayers, R. R. “Findings from Major Studies of Fatigue,” Industrial
Hygiene Foundation of America. Sixth annual meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
1941, pp. 66-99. See especially pp. 80-87.
U. S. Department of Labor. Division of Labor Standards. Arranging Shifts
for Maximum Production. Washington, 1942. 8 pp.
------------------- Special Bull. 13. Wartime Working Conditions: Minimum
Standards for Maximum Production. Washington, 1943. 25 pp.
--------- Women’s Bureau. Special Bull. 1. Effective Industrial Use of Women
in the Defense Program. Washington, 1940. 22 pp.
------------------- Special Bull. 6. Night Work for Women and Shift Rotation
in War Plants. Washington, June 1942. 8 pp.
------------------- Special Bull. 5. Women’s Effective War Work Requires Time
for Meals and Rest. Washington, May 1942. 4 pp.
U. S. Office of War Information. Recommendation on Hours of Work for
Maximum Production. Washington, 1942. 4 pp. and supplement.
Vernon, H. M. Hours of Work and Their Influence on Health and Efficiency.
London, British Association for Labor Legislation, 1943. 38 pp.
--------- Industrial Fatigue and Efficiency. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co.,
1921. 264 pp.
--------- The Health and Efficiency of Munition Workers. London, Oxford
University Press, 1940. 138 pp.
--------- “Work Spells, Rest Pauses and Shifts in Munition Work,” Industrial
Welfare and Personnel Management, vol. 22, January 1940, pp. 21-24.


Set up an effective woman employee counselor system.

Employment of large numbers of women with no previous shop
experience at a time when foremen are overwhelmed with pro­
duction problems necessitates the development of a group of
women personnel workers who can initiate women unaccustomed
to industrial work into the complexities of the shipyard and assist
shop supervisors with the problems that arise through their
Of the 35 yards employing women on production and visited
by Women’s Bureau representatives, all but 9 had women per­



sonnel workers in some capacity. Five of the 9, unfortunately,
employed each between 700 and 2,200 women wage earners and
were sorely in need of more adequate attention to women’s prob­
lems tor the sake of raising morale and increasing production.
One was conspicuous for the poor spirit of its workers and for
deplorable working conditions, features usually found together.
1 he yard s reputation caused reluctance on the part of the women
town to heed the call for workers. Consequently, many
ot the women taken on came from out of town, complicating com­
munity and management problems immeasurably and leading to
the employment of women who ordinarily would be unacceptable.
j many
the shipyard’s difficulties might not have arisen
had adequate selection of women been made at the outset and
their adjustment and supervision been placed under the direction
ot a capable head of women’s personnel. A belated effort was
being made at time of visit (February 1943) to find a woman to
accept the post. Since that time a woman interviewer and a counseior have come to the yard and already have been able to do a
gieat deal to benefit the selection and adj’ustment of women work­
ers. But their job has been extremely difficult because of the
poor beginning.
The women’s personnel divisions in active operation in other
yards varied considerably from yard to yard, differing chiefly in
the freedom from rein and the well defined authority given the
women counselors and the approach to the personnel function,
whether administrative and positive or disciplinary and negative.
Oidy a few effective plans were in force at the time of visit by
Womens Bureau representatives. Two were in United States
Wavy Yards. One of these was organized late in 1942, but another
was set up in response to a circular letter issued in May 1943 by
the Assistant Secretary of the Navy establishing the positions of
personnel assistants” for women shop employees in Naval Shore
Establishments. The positions were set up in 4 grades, beginning
with Junior Personnel Assistant at a $2,000 annual salary and
allowing at the top for a Principal Personnel Assistant at $3,200
Actually the size and lay-out of the yards and the extent of
women s employment influenced the plan of the counseling system
and the functions of women personnel officers. Whatever the
set-up and functions, the counselors’ status should be well defined.
u SjP,e.rv?s?rs and union representatives should be consulted
when delimiting and outlining their functions, and all the workers,
men and women, should understand them thoroughly.
Because of their full-time attention to the special needs of
women workers, the women personnel counselors can be of par­
ticular assistance not only to job supervisors but to shop stewards.
It is important that both work closely with the counselors and use
the service they can render the better to increase their own
effectiveness and to give the women workers greater opportunity
for good adjustment.
Experience has indicated that an effective employee-counseling
system requires a head of women’s personnel who works within



the main personnel or industrial relations office. In a yard em­
ploying as many as 500 or more women, the head of women’s
personnel should have under her women assistants who work
directly with the women and production supervisors or masters in
the shops. These assistants should have desks in the shops to
which they are appointed. In most yards it is best that at least
one woman assistant be assigned to every shop where women are
employed to a significant extent. In some yards there may be
shops requiring several such assistants. When numbers of women
are working on the hulls, on board ship, or out of doors on slabs,
forms, or platens, personnel assistants should be available on
specific ships or in specific sections of the yard who may cut across
shop lines, thus affording more direct counsel and assistance for
women from different departments cooperating on a piece of work
in a limited area. The women’s personnel organization should
include women employment and exit interviewers when the head
of women’s personnel or the women assistants do not assume these
In yards with relatively few women, the head of women’s per­
sonnel may be able to handle all matters herself with perhaps the
aid of a woman interviewer and one or more roving field repre­
sentatives or assistants who keep in close contact with the women
workers and with the women’s production supervisors.
The functions and qualifications of the head of women’s per­
sonnel and of her assistants that experience has proved effective
are described in the pages that follow.
The head of women’s personnel.
Her functions.

Certain duties are fundamental to the position of head of
women’s personnel if the individual in the post is to have sufficient
responsibility for effective action. She should be called upon to
assist and advise the chief officer in charge of personnel in the
over-all planning and coordination of employee relations work
affecting women production workers. In this way she will help
to formulate the general policies that will prevail in the selection,
placement, induction, and supervision of women as well as in their
counseling and personal adjustment to the job. Uniform policy
with respect to the general steps to be taken when problems arise
from the employment of women should be established in the cen­
tral personnel office and maintained through the office of the head
of women’s personnel.
It should be the duty of the head of women’s personnel to foster
and maintain the correlation and cooperation of the various ship­
yard departments with the women’s program. This should involve
discussion, interchange of ideas, and development of policies
regarding such matters as women’s medical examination and care,
their safety, training, and occupational dispersion and work prog­
ress. In this way each department of the yard is apprised of the



aid it can give in furnishing valuable information to the women’s
division and at the same time can learn of ways to extend and
improve their programs with respect to the women workers.
It is recognized that in occasional instances proper and effective
placement of women on certain shifts or types of jobs will invade
established seniority rights and privileges. Procedure in such
cases should be made clear and should be decided in consultation
with labor and management. The women’s personnel head should
also have considerable direct responsibility in planning and super­
vising the setting up of toilet, washroom, rest-room and any other
facilities, such as the cafeteria or other lunching arrangements,
that women must use.
If the head of women’s personnel does not do the interviewing
herself, she should help to select, guide, and train, and should
work closely with, the intake and exit interviewer of women, both
to seek ways of improving women’s selection and placement and
determine, and if possible eliminate, causes of their separation
Where women personnel assistants are employed, the head of
the women’s program should choose the candidates in consulta­
tion with the shop masters or supervisors with whom they will
work and subject to the approval of the chief personnel officer.
She should, however, have sole responsibility for the assistants’
ti ainmg and direction and be available at all times to answer their
questions and help them with their problems. When there are
a number of assistants it is helpful to hold regular meetings with
the group for interchange of ideas, threshing out of problems, and
i eview of policy. From these meetings the head of women’s per­
sonnel may select pressing matters that require quick adminis­
trative action, or situations of larger scope requiring study and
careful approach with the cooperation of the entire administrative
stan, perhaps even outside agencies.
The women s personnel head should supervise the setting up
and maintenance of an efficient, complete, and up-to-date record
system covering every woman employee. Background facts such
e?Perience> education, age, marital status, number and ages of
children and the like should be secured at the time of the intake
interviews. Each woman personnel assistant, under the head of
women s personnel, should help to keep the records current and
be piovided with a duplicate of the complete record of each of
the women in her charge. Data the personnel assistants can sup­
ply relate to the job and its performance, wage status, absences,
transfers, grievances and their settlement, and so forth. There
should be periodical transfer to the master file of medical, acci­
dent, and training data. The material on each record and correla­
tion of the data can be tremendously illuminating in all phases
of the work with women, including, for example, job placement,
transfer, promotion, and investigation into absence and turn-over.
The shipyard is not located in a vacuum, nor do the affairs of
its workers begin and end with the 8-hour shift. There are many
ways in which outside influences aid the worker on the job or lead
to discontent, absenteeism, turn-over, and other production sabo­



teurs. The lack of adequate housing, transportation, recreation,
and child care is among outside influences that affect women work­
ers the most. It should be the responsibility of the women’s per­
sonnel officer to work with the community agencies that have
jurisdiction over such matters in the effort to promote introduc­
tion of community facilities that may be lacking, or reorganiza­
tion, perhaps extension, of those not serving adequately if at all
the important needs of significant numbers of women workers.
Careful survey of the women shipyard employees may reveal,
for example, the need for more nursery schools in some areas,
while there are too many in others; for their earlier opening and
later closing; or for an after-school-care program. The chief of
women’s personnel can be influential in making the facts known
and securing action. In conference with the USO, YWCA, direc­
tors of Federal Government housing projects, and others, she can
lend her assistance in the expanding of existing recreation facili­
ties to include activities and programs suitable for women and
adjusted to their hour schedules. By the enlistment of civic sup­
port, the merchants of the town may be persuaded to sacrifice a
morning and keep their doors open one evening a week to accom­
modate the busy day shift. These are examples of some of the
community affairs with which a women’s personnel officer can
profitably concern herself to help secure better adjustment of her
women workers to their jobs and consequently more nearly maxi­
mum production. She may also learn from the outside agencies
with which she maintains contact ways in which the yard itself
can make accommodations and introduce facilities that will tem­
porarily relieve community limitations or serve effectively to
supplement them. Rationing bureaus and room registries are
examples of such services.
Her qualifications.

To perform these duties ideally, the women’s personnel execu­
tive should have had experience in industrial work and labor
relations affording her some practical knowledge of personnel
management and labor and factory economics. In yards with
union agreements it would be well if she were acquainted also with
the organization, functions, and activities of unions in general and
particularly with those prevailing in the yard where she is to
accept an official post. Actually few women have such experience,
so good fundamental education and personality and leadership
qualities may have to be the basis of choice. Special education
and a thorough knowledge of work operations in the yard and the
conditions under which they are performed are important but may
have to be gained after employment.
The most important personal qualifications to be sought are
such rare and precious traits as good common sense and judgment,
leadership, and organizing ability, initiative, imagination coupled
with practicality, equable temperament, humor, ability to work
well with others, and the faculty of persuading management to
make changes that employee conferences indicate are needed.



The personnel assistants.
Their functions.

In an organization as widespread as a shipyard decentralization
of the personnel staff is essential to make possible good attention
to the needs of the women and to the difficulties of foremen with
women workers. While in the shops, the personnel assistants
work in close conjunction with the work supervisors, taking off
their shoulders matters that do not pertain to the performance
of the work itself. Their function is advisory to the job supervis­
ors but authoritative as regards the women.
Whether they conduct the intake interview themselves or
receive applicants selected by the central personnel office, it should
be the function of the personnel assistants to aid the work su­
pervisors in determining the suitability of women applicants for
specific jobs. They should help also in completing the hiring and
placement process, arranging for the workers’ starting date, and
similar details.
The induction and orientation of new women employees is an
especially important aspect of the personnel assistants’ job. A
more complete detailed description of what induction should entail
for new women shipyard workers will be given in a later section.
When the training division is not organized to accept the induc­
tion program, part of the work of the woman personnel assistant
should require, briefly, acquainting the women with yard and shop
geography and with shipbuilding processes and terminology, intro­
ducing them to their fellow workers and their work supervisors;
making them cognizant of shop rules, safety regulations, and
proper work clothing; informing them about wages, hours, and
policies that cover training, promotions, transfers, and dismissals;
telling them about means of securing transportation to the yard;
and many other matters. Even if there is a manual covering
these points, each item bears reviewing, and sufficient time should
be given to the answering of new employees’ questions.
Even when formal induction has taken place, the work of the
women personnel assistants should by no means be considered
over with respect to orienting the women to their new job experi­
ence. This should be a continuing process. It involves careful
follow-up of the new workers to help them make a satisfactory
adjustment, develop good work habits, a constructive work spirit,
and an attitude and sense of belonging in a cooperative enterprise.
The personnel workers can be most effective also in helping super­
visors to educate the women early in safe habits of work, includ­
ing especially the conscientious wearing of proper work clothing.
By being in the shop they are also in a position to encourage
women on the job, follow up transferred employees on a new job,
and watch closely employees whose work or conduct is or has been
Assistance in arranging department and interdepartment trans­
fers of women workers should be given by the women personnel
assistants. They should also cooperate with the job supervisors



in the reassignment of employees in cases in which such factors
as physical disability, vocational maladjustment, lack of suitable
work and the like may be involved. They are to lend aid to fore­
men and others in selecting women for promotion, upgrading, and
retraining for new work. When employees are available for trans­
fer who cannot be placed within the shop under their jurisdiction,
the personnel assistants should refer them to the central personnel
office and advise the office concerning the type of work for which
they have shown aptitude. Their knowledge of work processes
and women’s capabilities makes the women personnel assistants
especially helpful in finding ways of extending women’s employ­
ment through the shop and advising the supervisors and personnel
office accordingly. They are particularly well equipped to check
on new jobs proposed for women by others and to assist in deter­
mining their suitability. In this general connection, the women’s
counselor should be on the alert for ways in which the jobs women
already hold could be planned, rearranged, or reengineered to
reduce fatigue and contribute to more efficient performance.
The women workers should be encouraged to take to the women
personnel assistants any problems they may have that affect their
relation to the job, whether the matters involve yard, personal,
or family situations. To perform their function in this regard,
the personnel assistants should be available for consultation at all
times during normal working hours. If the professional attention
of physician or social worker is required, the counselors should
refer the women to qualified persons or agencies in the community
for help. They should not themselves attempt to deal with deepseated problems requiring personal and professional attention.
Their function is that of detecting such problems and knowing
where and how the individuals concerned can secure help.
When valid complaints or grievances about the work, shop, or
yard are voiced, the personnel assistants should interpret the
needs and viewpoint of the women workers and act generally as
liaison between the women and their foremen or other supervisors,
or help the union stewards in this. The personnel assistants
should, in fact, be equipped to make recommendations and in other
ways assist in arriving at a satisfactory adjustment of women’s
requests or grievances.
The personnel assistants should concern themselves also with
giving constructive aid to the women workers in situations that,
though much less directly related to the yard, nevertheless are
very important to morale and work performance. This aspect
of the duties may involve, among other things, helping to secure
day care for children when regular arrangements have failed, aid­
ing in the search for living accommodations, setting up car pools,
or finding a nursing home for an ill relative. Assistance of this
kind makes it immeasurably easier for the women workers to
assume and carry out the dual role of worker and housewife and
to adjust to the strange environment and work of the shipyard.
Where the personnel assistant is equipped to do an intelligent job
of this kind, knowing when and of what agencies to ask assist­



ance, she can bring to the women under her a sense of security,
relieving them of strains and anxieties that frequently affect very
seriously their production, interfere with their attendance, and
cause them to leave their jobs.
Though maintenance of the women’s facilities should be the
function of the division of public works or a similar department,
occasional suggestions to and from the women’s personnel office
are of course in order. But the personnel assistants should not
be charged with a policing function nor should they have to clean
or tend in any way the wash or rest rooms. Both capacities would
detract from their status in the eyes of the women in their charge.
Policing the wash and rest rooms is wholly unnecessary under a
wise personnel program beginning with good selection12 and
involving careful induction15 and orientation of women, attention
to their special needs, and effective counseling.
Finally, the women’s personnel assistants should be free to offer
suggestions to the chief of women’s personnel and refer to her any
cases on which advice is needed or on which action should be taken
from the main office.
Their qualifications.

It is obvious that, to do their job well, women personnel assist­
ants should be thoroughly acquainted with the work in a shipyard
and especially with the jobs in the shop or division to which they
are assigned. This knowledge may be acquired as a worker in
the ranks, if only for a few weeks. In any case, acceptance of
the personnel job should involve also sufficient preliminary train­
ing in production work to provide first-hand understanding of
processes, personnel problems, and production details.
Very early, if the personnel assistant has not already acquired
the knowledge from employment in the yard in another capacity,
she should become thoroughly acquainted with yard organization
and policies. Here again it is important that she bring to the
shipyard practical experience in either industry or business,
preferably in work involving supervision. In this way she will
have acquired some facility with the problems of personnel and
the techniques of supervision. General academic theoretic under­
standing of the work also is desirable.
The personality traits that have proved desirable in a personnel
assistant have a wide range. They include emotional stability, the
quality of leadership without officiousness, tact, resourcefulness,
versatility, adaptability, good judgment, patience, a genuine inter­
est in and understanding of people, good insight, a sense of humor,
and a knowledge of when and how to compromise.
Baker, Helen. Employee Counseling: A Survey of a New Development in
Personnel Relations. Princeton, N. J., Industrial Relations Section, Depart­
ment of Economics and Social Institution, Princeton University, 1944. 64 pp.
32 See pp. 7 to 18.
33 See pp. 48 to 55.



Harwood, Sumner. How To Work With People. Cambridge, Mass., Cam­
bridge Analytical Services, 1940. 197 pp.
Heyel, Carl, editor. The Foreman’s Handbook. New York, McGraw-Hill,
1943. 410 pp.
National Foremen’s Institute, Inc. Supervising the Woman War Worker.
Deep River, Conn., 1942. 34 pp.
National Industrial Conference Board, Inc. Women in Factory Work. New
York, 1942. 52 pp.
Personnel. Published quarterly by American Management Association, 330
W. Forty-second St., New York, N. Y.
Personnel Journal. Published monthly (except July and August) by Per­
sonnel Research Federation, 60 E. Forty-second St., New York, N. Y.
Roethlisberger, F. J., and William J. Dickson. Management and the Worker.
Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1939. 615 pp.
Schultz, Richard Samuel. Wartime Supervision of Workers: The human fac­
tors in production, for executives and foremen. New York, Harpers, 1943.
206 pp.
Spriegel, William R., and Edward Schulz. Elements of Supervision. New
York, John Wiley & Sons, 1942. 273 pp.
Tead, Ordway. “Employee Counseling: A New Personnel Assignment—Its
Status and Its Standards,” Advanced Management, vol. VIII, July-September 1943, pp. 97-103.
U. S. Navy Department. Employment and Supervision of Women in War
Industries. Washington, June 28, 1943. Mimeo. To be used in connection
with training programs for supervisors.
Von Miklos, Josephine. I Took a War Job. New York, Simon & Schuster,
1943. 223 pp.
Yoder, Dale. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations. New York,
Prentice-Hall, 1942. 848 pp.

See also the following publications of the U. S. Department of
Labor that will be helpful to counselors wanting information on
standards relating to working conditions.
Division of Labor Standards.
tions. 1943. 25 pp.

Special Bull. 13.

Wartime Working Condi­

Women’s Bureau. Special Bulletins:
2. Lifting Heavy Weights in Defense Industries. 1941. 11 pp.
3. Safety Clothing for Women in Industry. 1941. 11 pp.
4. Washing and Toilet Facilities for Women in Industry. 1942. 11 pp.
5. Women’s Effective War Work Requires Time for Meals and Rest.
1942. 4 pp.
6. Night Work for Women and Shift Rotation in War Plants. 1942.
8 pp.
9. Safety Caps for Women in War Factories. 1942. 4 pp.
10. Women’s Effective War Work Requires Good Posture. 1943. 6 pp.
14. When You Hire Women. 1944. 16 pp.
16. The Woman Counselor in War Industries: An Effective System.
1944. 13 pp.

7. Give new women w'orkers preliminary induction into the work
and environment of the shipyard before putting them on the job.

All new and inexperienced workers, men or women, benefit from
some more formal introduction to a strange job and work environ­



ment than the brief hiring process itself affords. Women who are
entering the shipyards for the first time with little if any experi­
ence even in lighter industries are especially in need of orienta­
tion. The noise and confusion of the typical yard is frightening
to one new to industry; the myriad activities and specialized ter­
minology are strange. It is no wonder that labor turn-over is
highest in the first 2 to 4 weeks of employment. Anything that
can be done to ease the woman employee’s adjustment to her new
job and work environment in this period will reduce this turn-over
considerably and at the same time increase the level of efficiency
and productivity in the yard.
Induction and orientation of the new woman worker actually
begins with her first interview as an applicant and continues With
all her contacts in the hiring process. It is important that these
contacts help her to feel at ease and begin to give her some infor­
mation about the shipyard and its work as they assess her ability
and qualifications for employment. A woman counselor can do
much to establish friendly contacts for her.
Organization of the induction program.
The organization of the formal induction process varies consid­
erably from place to place. Most of the yards visited that had an
orientation program were giving only a few hours or at most a
day to it, and both content and administration seldom were satis­
factory. There were a few yards, however, effectively organized
for the indoctrination of new women workers; their programs
gave excellent results. In most cases the training department was
actively engaged in it. It was said of one of these yards that the
induction procedure there had much to do with the success with,
which women had been quickly adapted to many unusual types of
work. Women were employed here on repair work as well as new
The plan in shipyards particularly successful with their indoc­
trination program consisted usually of a preliminary group of lec­
tures and discussion lasting from 1 to 3 days and covering such
matters as safety education, the wage system, opportunities for
industrial education and upgrading in the yard, shipbuilding terms
and naval nomenclature. The new workers were then assigned
to their various departments. In one of the yards, formal place­
ment in a job did not take place until the preliminary indoctrina­
tion course was completed. Their plan included also extension of
the orientation program into the various shops or departments
where the women were assigned. Consequently, after general
indoctrination the new recruits received in addition from several
hours to days of instruction in the shops, covering such things as
shop rules, rest periods, vacation or sick leave, punching of time
cards, and the like, and in some instances formal classroom intro­
duction to the elements of the department’s work, including the
use of tools, safe ways of handling them, and simple operations.
One yard was making plans at time of visit for providing a spe­



cial induction program for women who will work on board ship.
This is an excellent idea, since many of the problems of climbing,
weight lifting, and accommodation to unusual conditions occur
more frequently on the hulls and ships. A summary of the pre­
liminary indoctrination course already held in this yard follows.
It is among the best encountered in the war industries by the
Women’s Bureau field representative reporting it. Each of the
shops where numbers of women are employed conducts in addition
a short indoctrination program of its own, instruction being given
by the women personnel assistants or the master, quartermen, or
foremen, depending on shop set-up.

Summary of Indoctrination Program

First day:
Experience record—instruction for filling in (1 hour).
Introduction—“Womanpower in Industry” (1 hour).
School rules and regulations—hours, time cards, smoking, conduct, safety
and health, lunchroom and lockers, property passes.
Information handbook—
Purpose of handbook.
Tardiness and absence.
Leave (annual and sick).
Safety rules and regulations—
Attention to the job.
Common sense.
Type of clothes worn.
Fire hazards and smoking.
Personal health.
Responsibilities—tools, materials, and workmanship.
Consulting officials—organizational procedure.
Housing and transportation—
Explanation of facilities.
How and where to apply.
Industrial education—
Apprentice school.
Trainee school.
(Test on above.)
Second day:
Aptitude test (2 hours).
Safety lecture (1 hour).
Definition of ship terms (1% hours).
Nomenclature of naval vessels (1 hour).
(Mathematics test—1 hour.)
Third day:
Simple arithmetic (1% hours) —
Value of mathematics.
Rules involved.
Whole numbers.
(Test in arithmetic.)
Moving pictures (1 hour).
(Nomenclature test—1 hour.)
Fire-chief talk (1 hour).
(Information Handbook test—45 minutes.)
(Assignment to shops for most women.)



Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth days:
(For a selected group.)
Tool equipment and supplies (explanation of use of tools and identification
of tools and equipment).
Electricians’ tools and equipment.
Shipfitters’ common hand tools.
Sheet-metal-workers’ tools—hand tools, machine tools for sheet metal,
including: squaring shear, power circular shear, lever-slitting shear,
nibbler, high-speed shear (large), bar folder, brakes, forming ma­
chines or rolls, grooving machines, bench machines.
Burring machines.
Beading and crimping machines.
Machinists’ bench-work equipment: use of vises, chisels, wrenches, hand
reamers, hack saws, shears, pliers, nippers, hand taps, files, hand
dies (thread cutting), babbiting (lining bearings), scarfing (push­
ing off metal to give finished surface, using Venetian red or prussian
blue to mark high spots), portable and pneumatic hand tools (air
drills, chipping hammers, air grinders).
Machinists’ lay-out tools: center punch, prick punch, lay-out table or
bench plate, scriber, dividers, machinist’s scale, calipers, square, bevel
protractor, parallels, angle plate, surface gages, etc.
Machmist’s tools: scales, calipers, squares, protractors, micrometers,
neignt gages, surface gages, thickness gages, center gages, screw
pitch gages, ring gages, etc.
Pattern-shop tools: band saw, circular saw, cut-off saw, jointer (hand
planer) surface planer, woodworking lathe, sanding machine, “Oli­
ver oilstone grinder, type-embossing machine, chisels, gouges, etc.

This program includes most of the topics needed to give new
women workers effective introduction to the shipyard. It is well
to discuss some of these and to mention some not included that
have been found especially helpful.
One of the first needs is to acquaint the new employees with a
brief but graphic description of the shipbuilding process so that
they may see the relation of their work to the whole. They want
to know how their job fits into the picture. Presentation of this
information offers also an opportunity to give the new workers a
sense of pride in their war job. There has been too little morale
building m many places.
Very early, the women require an informal introduction to
enough shipbuilding terminology and naval nomenclature to enable
them to feel at home in the new environment, understand direc­
tions, and find their way about. “The new employee who is told to
report to port tank 4 or poop deck starboard will be glad she
learned the difference.” 14
A preliminary tour of the yard is recommended, so that the new
employees will learn the important landmarks. At the same time
they can be shown the sorts of ships they will help to build and
repair. Not only must they know their own workplace and how
to find it, but where their rest room and lockers are, where to
secure and eat their lunch, where to go for first aid, how to find
ment, by A,Su"

JLCl™. mT* p™ 7***°




the industrial relations office, and so on. Posted maps of the yard
are helpful; they may be used as explanatory charts during one
of the induction lectures, thus preventing their being left to ex­
plain themselves.
This is an example of what can happen when the new woman
worker is given no preliminary guidance in yard geography:
The ways are so large and cover so much ground that one is conscious
only of confusion at first. I could not find checking station No. 1 and no
one seemed to know its location. After wasting perhaps 15 minutes,
I found it, received a badge, and was turned over to a new welder who
knew the yard from her days as a laborer. We went in quick succession
to a shop under one of the ways for rod boxes, to a lunch room to leave
our lunch boxes, to a tool crib for stinger and brush, to a rod shop for
rods and glass, and to the welders office to be assigned a day off. My
guide, perhaps by way of being perverse, took me through the skids to
get from one way to another. I could get no sense of direction out of
it, with the result that at night I returned my equipment to welders
lunch room 14 but got the wrong way and found it was the men’s lunch
room. I traced down the women’s but was 5 minutes late getting there,
so could not get my lunch box. ... By then I had delayed too long
and the last bus had left.11

Within the first few days the new women workers should be
made acquainted with the various rules and regulations of the
yard. Many of the shipyards issue a handbook that provides this
information. Some of the handbooks cover, in addition, such
important matters as the location of community services available
for securing care of children, medical care, recreation, transporta­
tion, food, and so forth. Most of those seen by Women’s Bureau
agents have been written simply and arranged well. They make
further discussion of the points covered more easily and effectively
accomplished, and if presented to the worker when she is hired
they provide a handy reference. The handbook cannot be relied
on entirely, however, to put the information across. The most
important items, such as safety regulations, proper work clothing,
rest and lunch periods, time-clock and clock-card regulations, the
wage system, social-insurance plans, passes, opportunities for
training and upgrading, and the like, need careful reviewing, and
it pays to give ample opportunity for questions.
Especially should complete and emphatic safety instruction have
a prominent place in the orientation program. It is essential that
the specific dangers and hazards that the women will encounter
in the yard be clearly presented. Careful instruction should be
given also concerning how prevention of accident and illness from
these sources is handled in the shipyard by management and what
must be done as a necessary part of the program by the individual
worker. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that preliminary
instruction of this kind should be well planned and organized and
.effectively presented. Women new to industry know little if any­
thing about industrial conditions and hazards. They must be
given information if accidents are to be prevented, work time
saved, and production schedules met.15
15 Ibid., p. 4.



_ Part of the safety section of the induction program or part of
job-training time could be devoted profitably to active demonstra­
tion of how to lift weights and how to climb, especially on the
platens and on the hulls where temporary staging makes footing
none too steady. Many of the hazards to inexperienced women
involve danger from improper weight lifting and climbing in pre­
carious places. It is best to give clear instructions beforehand
concerning the various situations that will arise and ways of meet­
ing them. Visual aids and demonstration are especially helpful
in making such information part of the employee’s knowledge.
It has been recommended also by a shipyard physician that
women welders receive instruction in their training course, if not
in the preliminary induction period, in methods of coiling their
lines, carrying them, and climbing with them. The lines alone
weigh about 35 pounds and women have been found to suffer ill
effects from pulling, lifting, and climbing with them, especially
when several other heavy lines may be stacked on theirs. Instruc­
tion in weight lifting is of course basic here.
Physicians recommend in addition that for a period beginning
with their first day and continuing through the first few weeks
of their, employment the women workers who will hold such jobs
as welding, burning, and shipfitting, especially on the hulls and
ships, be given a period each day of physical conditioning. Few
women have back or stomach muscles adequately developed for
work in the heavy industries. Wherever necessary, however, they
can be conditioned gradually by means of systematic muscular
reeducation. Those receiving such training will then be able to
meet safely the unusual stresses that occur frequently in the ship­
yards, where women may be required to enter almost inaccessible
places to weld from a variety of difficult positions, and to climb
handicapped by heavy garments and equipment that throw them
off balance. It is of course to be preferred that women be given
shop work first, even when they are to be placed later on in the
yard, on the hulls, or on ships, to accustom them more gradually
to the noise and strangeness. Physical education could be carried
on in this period.
Careful attention to getting the women workers off to the right
start with safe and sensible work clothes will prevent confusion,
expense, and needless risk. It is distinctly advantageous, there­
fore, for the induction program to include description of each
article of clothing and of protective equipment recommended.
Every safety feature requires explaining. The new women
recruits, unused as they are to industrial work, usually have many
questions about clothing, proving the need for an adequate period
in which the regulations may be discussed so that they are thor­
oughly understood. Helpful also is a display of sample work gar­
ments, properly labeled, wherever women applicants, trainees, and
inductees congregate.
These are some of the queries one welder had to answer by her­
self when she bought her initial equipment: Should overalls fit
snugly or be loose? Should one purchase the kind with straps



for tools? Should one buy short or long socks, cotton or wool?
She writes further: “We were given no advice on clothing and
many of us had flash burns and slag burns on our necks. Our
slacks were perforated with small burns and some caught fire and
burned sizeable holes. Those who wore low shoes frequently had
ankle bums. My glasses were well pitted by slag before the
matron in the rest room told me to ask for goggles in the office.
We still had many questions unanswered and would have wel­
comed a chance for class discussion.” 16
Good health is fundamental to the steady and efficient worker.
A part of the women’s induction program could profitably be given
over to the medical department for instruction in personal health
and hygiene and in nutrition. Those women who have heard the
myth that infertility may result from exposure to welding rays
should have their fears dispelled. All women would benefit from
instruction in proper pacing of their work to avoid overfatigue in
the first weeks of employment. Those subject to regular monthly
dysmenorrhea should be encouraged to seek help from the medical
department and information concerning corrective exercises. All
the women should be informed of first-aid and rest facilities and
of regulations regarding rest for temporary discomfort. The
pregnancy policy of the yard also could be discussed.
It is recommended that in yards with a closed-shop agreement
facts about the union be presented by a union representative as
part of the women’s induction program. Most women workers
come to their war jobs with no practical knowledge of labor
organization but with considerable misinformation. A great deal
could be done for smooth functioning of labor-management rela­
tions and for the early adjustment of the women workers if the
status of the union in the yard and its objectives and activities
were made known in the first few days of the women’s employ­
The methods by which the induction program is carried on will
depend largely on the organization and facilities of the yard. It
is to be expected, however, that those responsible for the program
will be well posted on women’s needs and problems and know some­
thing of effective teaching methods. In some yards the training
department alone conducts the induction, in others the personnel
assistants. In some, various departments in the yard—personnel,
safety, medical training, and production—cooperate in the pro­
cedure, lending capable representatives to participate.
Visual aids such as films, slides, models, and the like are espe­
cially effective in a short orientation program. Films that have
been made for plant use by Government and private agencies are
listed in the following bulletins with instructions for borrowing
or purchasing selections:
10 Ibid., pp. 2 and 3.



National Industrial Conference Board, Inc. Visual Aids in Industrial Train­
ing. New York, 1943. 60 pp. This includes also discussion of current use
and evaluation of visual aids in training.
U. S. Office of Education. A Partial List of References. Vocational Training
for War Production Workers. Visual Aids. Washington, October 1943.
109 pp.
U. S. Office of War Information. A List of U. S. War Information Films.
Washington, April 1943. 28 pp.

Close follow-up of the new women workers after formal induc­
tion is especially necessary during the first few weeks of employ­
ment. The more women workers a yard can pull through this
orientation period successfully, the lower its turn-over and the less
costly its training program. The speed and efficiency of the pro­
duction schedule itself may depend to a significant degree on the
quality of the introduction process.
The following agencies may be consulted on the matter of an
induction program:
National Industrial Conference Board, Inc. 247 Park Avenue, New York,
N. Y.
U. S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, Washington, D. C.
U. S. Office of Education, War Production Training Division. Washington,
D. C.
U. S. War Manpower Commission, Bureau of Training, Training-WithinIndustry Division. Washington, D. C.


Provide personal-service, food, and medical facilities that meet
approved standards of adequacy and quality.

Washing, toilet, locker, and rest-room facilities.
When women are employed in any industrial establishment for
the first time, almost the first consideration is the provision of
separate facilities for their personal needs. This is something
that practically every employer recognizes as essential. In every
yard visited where women were employed, facilities for them
existed, but in many cases such facilities had become inadequate
by the time of the Women’s Bureau survey.
It was obvious that in not a few instances facilities were over­
taxed because very early the accession of women workers far
exceeded expectations and reached the saturation point of the
facilities before priorities, materials, and cost affirmations or fund
approvals from Navy Department and Maritime Commission could
be secured. Some of the trouble was ineffectual planning, and
planning that did not take place far enough ahead of the time
women were to be hired; in a few cases it was sheer negligence.
Practically all the shipyards now employ women if they intend
ever to do so, and now that new hires of women workers to replace
men are made according to an established schedule submitted to
the War Manpower Commission, there is no longer any excuse for
failing to anticipate women’s needs in the way of such service
facilities as washrooms, toilets, lockers, and rest rooms.



It is advisable for all shipyard managements employing women
to make an over-all review as soon as possible of their facilities
situation, and in the light of accepted and authoritative standards
make such necessary additions and adjustments as are indicated.
This would, incidentally, help to effect more uniform standards
and provisions in the navy yards where the autonomy of the shop
masters has prevented it. In one navy yard some shop masters
had secured or allowed provision of soap and towels in the
women’s washrooms, while others were unable to secure or did
not allow these essentials, requiring the women to furnish their
own and keep them in their lockers.
In another navy yard, at one juncture the master of the shop
employing the largest number of women workers had the toilet
doors removed in the women’s washrooms because of suspected
lingering. When the women protested, doors only 3 feet high
were put on, allowing only semiprivacy. This is below the State
legal requirements for that yard and far below the standards rec­
ommended by the Women’s Bureau, which stipulate that the top
of partitions on each toilet unit be at least 6 feet from the floor
and the bottom not more than 1 foot from the floor. Such matters
are not properly within the jurisdiction of shop masters, but
belong in the hands of the sanitary engineer or public works or
service department and under general surveillance of the women
counselors and head of women’s personnel. Good supervision of
women workers and a knowledge of minimum standards in the
matter of personal-service conveniences should not be expected of
the shop master himself. His work is in the production field.
In the interest of the over-all review and adaptation of facilities
recommended, it is necessary that the Navy Department and Mari­
time Commission cooperate by systematizing and speeding up the
machinery for passing on, and authorizing funds for, women’s
personal-service conveniences when such authorization is sought.
Industrial establishments of course do not have to seek authoriza­
tion except when the matter of reimbursement involves a recon­
sideration of the contract. Many manufacturers consult the cost
accountants of their contracting agency before making most
expenditures for facilities, for assurance that these expenditures
will be reimbursed under their contract. Those on a fixed-price
contract must pay for new facilities out of their profits.
No matter what type of contract the shipyard has, good toilet,
washroom, locker, and rest-room facilities for women are an excel­
lent investment because of the saving in time they afford and the
direct effect they have on women’s morale and adjustment to the
Minimum standards that should govern the location, number,
size, type, ventilation, lighting, sanitation, and) materials to be
used for workers’ washrooms, toilets, and dressing rooms have
been formulated by authorities and presented clearly and concisely
in bulletins by the Women’s Bureau and the Division of Labor
Standards of the Department of Labor, and by the National



Safety Council and the American Standards Association.17 These
should be complied with in the shipyards.
Various States have enacted legislation to cover one or more of
the features mentioned. Wherever legislation is in effect, the
shipyards are for the most part complying, but the regulations are
incomplete and inadequate in many of the States where yards are
The general standards recommended by Government and other
authorities will not be repeated here. It is important, however,
to relate those standards to the special needs in a shipyard.


The matter of convenience of location of personal-service facili­
ties is paramount in the shipyards, where acres of ground may
be covered and shops and ways may be far apart. When women
are working on the hulls and ships, convenience of location is espe­
cially to be considered, for not only is distance a factor, but the
amount of time and effort necessary to climb up or down from the
workplace and make one’s way over and around obstacles in order
to reach the facilities.
For this reason, in large yards with little room for additional
building, temporary facilities that meet accepted standards should
be placed near the ways where women are working. These facili­
ties may be in the form of trailers or demountable houses and need
not contain more than the necessary number of toilets and wash­
basins with soap and towels and other usual accommodations.
Locker, shower, and rest-room needs can be more centralized, and
with adequate toilet and washing facilities can serve the women
in nearby workplaces throughout the shift and serve the women
in outlying areas and on the ships and hulls at entering and clos­
ing time and during rest periods.

Because much of the work the women are doing in the ship­
yards is heavy and dirty, it is recommended that 2 or 3 showers
with accompanying dressing booths be provided in each large
washroom, especially when women are employed out of doors or
on the ships and hulls or are working with bitumastic, paint,
solvents, or preservatives. Women appreciate such a convenience,
especially those who must travel a long distance after putting in
a day of hard and dirty labor.
Important to women is the provision in each toilet room of a
vending machine for sanitary supplies, well filled and in order, and
a covered receptacle. Sanitary and disposable toilet-seat covers
also are desirable equipment.
Women in shipyards, especially those who work out in the yards
and on the ships and hulls, have a good deal of gear, such as
leathers, gloves, safety shoes, and so forth, as well as slacks and
17 See references at end of this section.



caps. Many would prefer changing to their work clothing aftei
arriving at the yard rather than wearing it from home in crowded
buses and on the streets. It is recommended that each woman
worker be given a locker of good size to hold her street clothes
during working hours and her work clothes and equipment at
other times. For sanitary reasons metal lockers are preferred,
but wood is acceptable under present conditions. Provision for
ventilation is important.
According to the American Standards Association,18 rest rooms
separate from workrooms should be provided in all workplaces
where 10 or more women are employed. The recommendation
reads that “The number of such beds or couches required shall be
as follows: 10 to 100 women, one bed; 100 to 250 women, 2 beds;
and one additional bed for each additional 250 women employed.”
A fairly generous standard for the average industrial establish­
ment probably is the minimvm necessary in a shipyard where
much of the work is physically demanding and is unfamiliar ' A
women. Often a few minutes of relaxation in the prone positio^
will allow a woman to function adequately for the remaining hours1
of her shift, whereas otherwise she would be inefficient on the
job or have to go home, thus sacrificing wages and adding to the
man-hours lost through illness. A brief period of rest on a couch
is all that many women need to help them over a period of dyH
menorrhea. Lacking this, some must take longer time and others
prefer to stay at home a day when they know they are going to
be uncomfortable.
Attention should be paid to the location of rest facilities in the
shipyards. If women who merely need a few minutes of rest must
walk for 10 or 15 minutes to get it or must report ill and go to
the central first-aid room some distance away, they will be
deterred from seeking it. Therefore, cots for women should be
conveniently located in rest rooms close to the ships and hulls, as
well as in the yard or shops.
Of 24 yards that reported on the matter of rest rooms, 17 pro­
vided rooms for that purpose though B of these had no cots. In
4 yards the only place to lie down was in the toilet rooms, and 3
yards had no rest-room provision of any sort. A few excellent
facilities were seen. For example, one yard with only 140 women
on production had a well-equipped rest room with leatherette
couch and easy chairs with footstools. It was separate from the
toilet, wash, and locker room. The leatherette used in the rest
room is particularly effective, for it can be washed easily and does
not show slight soiling as do so many fabrics. These are impor­
tant advantages in view of the dirt and grease that accumulate
on the women’s work clothes.
It is necessary that the rest rooms be heated to afford women
working out of doors in the winter a place near their work where
they may go to get warm. This convenience is especially to be
18 American Standards Association, Safety Code for Industrial Sanitation in Manu­
facturing Establishments. New York, 1935. pp. 16-17.



wZSfnd^Lthe Caf6 of
in the North Atlantic area, where
women often work outside in below-zero weather.
Food service and facilities.
The case for good feeding.

The tin lunchbox is still part of most shipyard workers’ gear
because adequate and convenient food service and facilities are not
available m the vast majority of yards. Even the new yards, built
and organized for war production, are seldom equipped with satis­
factory facilities for providing good and sufficient food to produc­
tion workers.
Yet the production army, fully as much as the military army,
travels on its stomach. The food of the production army has a
t. tiffing effect on output, efficiency, health, attendance, and freedom
..from accident. Objective study in Great Britain has shown that
improvement in workers’ diets-That were not up to standard for
■ «00d1 health is followed by increased effort and by reduction in the
numbei of accidents. Nutrition workers have known for many
years that vitamin-deficient diets result in greater fatigue, lassi< tude, and loss of interest in work, in depressed mental states, sore­
ness or muscles, backache; while even more important, because
general and less evident, is the lowered resistance to illness and
ecreased efficiency that result.. It has been said that nutritional
deficiency, hidden hunger” as it is called, constitutes “our great­
est medical problem, not from the point of view of deaths, but
from the point of view of disability and economic loss.”
Lack of facilities and opportunity to buy nourishing food in the
shipyards is serious, but it would not be quite so serious if the
majority of workers were known to secure an adequate and wellbalanced diet through meals bought at other places or prepared
at home. This is not the case, however. In fact, a comprehensive
survey made by the Bureau of Home Economics of the United
States Department of Agriculture in 1936 showed that fewer than
a fifth of America s families had diets that met the National
Research Council s recommendations for each of the seven nutri­
ents considered (protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, ribo­
flavin, and ascorbic acid). Furthermore, practically all dietarv
surveys of industrial workers agree that the diets of women emp oyees are not even so good as those of men, though women tire
more easily than men and require food more frequently.
Thousands of the women in shipyards are breadwinners and
homemakers too They should eat well to play their dual role suc­
cessfully. Yet their work schedule and transportation to and from
the yard frequently absorbing as much as half of each 24 hours
leave little time to prepare an ample and well-balanced dinner even
when good nutrition is understood and practiced. Breakfast more
often than not is missed entirely or consists of such nutritionally
deficient foods as doughnuts or pastry and coffee. The food sudply in the stores, limited at best under wartime scarcity and
rationing, is lowest after working hours, when most of the ship­



yard workers must shop; the point system adds to the time
required for shopping and to the complexity of the food-prepara­
tion problem.
Single women living away from home, of whom there are great
numbers in the shipyards, must overcome still other difficulties.^
In the areas where large shipyards are located eating facilities
have not kept pace with the extraordinary population increase.
In some of them only the most inferior accommodations are avail­
able for workers who must get their meals out.
Night workers are particularly at a disadvantage, since even in
normal times facilities for proper eating are limited at their hours
of need. But most serious of all is the actual lack of food m some
shipbuilding areas due to breakdown in distribution to these places
that require now so much more in the way of outside fresh proauce than in normal times.
Added to the situation just described, making adequate nour­
ishment difficult for shipyard workers and especially for home­
makers, is the fact that rules of nutrition are not generally known,
much less practiced. Even where food is plentiful, not too expen­
sive, and of sufficient variety, and there is ample time to buy,
prepare, and eat it, many workers do not select a balanced diet
and few pack a lunch box that meets nutritional requirements.
To sum up, the food situation is one that cries for constructive
and immediate action. It has come to the attention of the Mari­
time Commission and that organization is now working to develop
feeding plans in the approximately 70 yards with which it has
contracts.19 These plans will be made in each case with the active
participation of the plant engineer, the director of the yard s
medical department, and the industrial relations adviser or Ins
representative in the region. Labor is to have a, voice in the
operation of any feeding accommodations proposed and set up.
The Commission has assured management and labor of its readi­
ness to provide all needed facilities for the type of feeding found
most suitable for each yard’s individual needs. Because of par­
ticularly pressing need in the San Francisco Bay area, action there
will be taken first. This interest and attention of the Maritime
Commission to the food situation in shipyards is an important
step forward. It is to be hoped that the Navy Department, with
contracts in about two-thirds of the private commercial yards
constructing new vessels, will follow suit.
Shipyards without good food service are as a matter of fact
missing an excellent opportunity to make an investment guaran­
teed to pay high dividends in increased efficiency, greater resist­
ance to disease, fewer accidents, better attendance, and higher
morale Numerous firms in other industries have for some time
been reaping the benefits of good eating facilities and sound nutri« See memorandum Report and Recommendations on Shipyard Feeding issued by
Horace D Wmis, Chief Feeding Consultant, to Daniel. S. Ring Director of Division
t nhor Relations TJ S Maritime Commission, dated Sept. 27. 1943.
also Memorandum to all Regional Directors of Construction about Wcint Feedinp
Pnlbnlfrom Daniel S. Ring dated Nov. 26, 1943, and a memorandum dated Oct. 2,1,
1943, to the U. S. Maritime Commission from Daniel S, Ring on the same subject.





gramJo instaIlin° food facilities and inXvelopInfnutSjprS
Recommendations for food service.

private, State, andFederalazenciSaway Jom th^ yard,
mend iSdHSSs^,,SiS0^I^Sl?IS5£e2dPI^^^,^

S£nS wo?k wtr S5„d^Tn¥


=ra3 SESS£“r

room furnished vvith^teblJand'chafJand^eroted^entirelj^ toTt^
use of employees who carry their lunch or hnv fnr,a ftire y to tbe
canteens. A comfortable place under shehe?^
sary m inclement weather or when it is excessiVeS hS
Food services owned and operated by the planter?to L° d*
ferred to food concessions because of the more d?recT control £fV
can be exercised over food selection, preparation and co5 t
Cd°’nCessioner offers
When this is true, it is recommended®that the'Pr°'1),emtrained dietitian or secure the advice of flip o+Qf^y rd, emPl°y a
mittee on nutrition, and not only control Sie nHceJtJJ T
charged the workers but take responsibilityforfh that^f.n be
Jtejnaey of the mea.s and other foo§ provided by the
See selected references at end of this section.



A wide choice of a la carte dishes is to be avoided m favor of
one or two complete meal combinations, each containing: ft icast
one-third of the worker’s nutritive requirements for the day. in
this way, cost is kept at a minimum and the women workers will
select and come to know and enjoy a proper diet.
For women who continue to carry their lunch even when the
time and facilities for eating a hot lunch m the1
hot foods should be provided in easily accessible places to allow
supplementing the box lunch at low cost.

Such protective foods as milk should be as cheap °r c^aper
ttinn rival beverages of less nutritional value. In fact, it is recom
mendrf by SpeSsIhat candy, soft drinks and tughly-miffednom
pnriched cereal products be replaced by foods and beverages ox
greater nutritional value. Serving soft drinks _ only m vending
machines in the plant and not in the cafeteria has helped to
increase the sale of milk by almost 25 percent m a prominent air­
craft plant. It is unsound to run a cafeteria or other eating facihwith the purpose of “giving the workers what they wa,nt.
Presenting the^n^ith a gofd choice and variety of foods such as
ttly need to Sntnin heflth and efficiency has met with enthusn
oof in resDonse in 3-11 cases wh.GrG it has bGGn tried.
. .’
even wfthout any additional effort good feeding promotes nutri­
tional education that reaches beyond the gates of the yard and

into the homes of the workers. .^X^tTom ^improved
not only from good feeding m the plant but from the impiovea
feeding in the home.
Supplementary feeding between meals m the middle of each
work spell before and after lunch is an effective production aid.
Mobile snack wagons are used successfully for this purpose in
shipyards 8for They may be wheeled in a minimum of time to all
--JL of the vard and docks and may be hoisted by crane onto a
ship. Between-meal feeding is especially recommended for women^
who tire more rapidly and require food more frequently than men.
The rise in efficiency and in production that results from mid-shift
feeding6is*especially notable when the foods supplied are such as
to make a definite contribution to the day’s nutritive require­
ments Frait juices, raw fruit, tomato juice, milk, and sandwiches
?of whole wheat and enriched bread) have a more prolonged effect
than pure carbohydrates such as soft drinks and candy bars- .
Thp three breaks for refreshment, two of them in an official
rest paSe hav? been shown to send employees off duty with less
f f, than
the casG when they havG a noon meal only. This
is important to the many women who must travel long distances
to and from work and then must shop and prepare a meal.
As a matter of fact, in some shipyard locations where the com­
munity eating facilities are inadequate to meet the needs of ship1^1 wmkers on all shifts or where housing qnd transportation
nresent special problems, it is advisable that breakfast, lunch, and
Ee7beP offered at the yard, thus making cafeteria or canteen
Sv£e available on a 24-hour basis. This is not a visionary recom-



mendation. At the time of survey, one shipyard, a navy yard,
far removed from outside food facilities, provided 24-hour service
in 2 of its 3 stationary cafeterias and in 1 of its 3 portable can­
teens. A coffee shop operated just outside the yard gate by a con­
cessioner was open from 6.30 a. m. to 12 midnight. These facili­
ties together met some if not all of the demand for breakfast and
dinner service on each shift by the many thousands who com­
muted long distances or had neither time nor place to prepare food
or to eat it. Some employers are now preparing food in central
kitchens to be taken home and reheated by women workers for
family consumption.
Not one of the private shipyards in the Women’s Bureau survey
reported cafeteria service on a 24-hour basis, but one was plan­
ning such service. Actually, though several of the largest yards
obviously needed some kind of day and night food service that
would provide workers with breakfast and dinner as well as lunch,
these yards were at that time not even equipped to serve lunch
to more than a fraction of the day shift. Occasionally in such
cases, arrangements can be made with commercial eating places,
provided they meet accepted standards, to feed shipyard workers
before and after shift change. Such arrangements require coop­
eration and good planning and supervision.
An employee-elected committee of workers to cooperate with
management in solving problems that concern food service and
facilities has proved an effective way of assuring the success of
the feeding venture in other industries. Such a committee, when
kept in touch with questions of finance, labor, and administration,
constitutes a nucleus of well-informed employees to handle com­
plaints and confer with the company on matters of policy.
An excellent opportunity is provided each shipyard for effective
nutrition education along with its food service. Attractive post­
ers in the yard and shops and on the cafeteria walls, articles in
the employee or yard newspaper, leaflets, and short talks over the
public address system are simple and effective ways of teaching
the principles of good eating for good health. Emphasis on any
particular food, unnecessary in recommending a balanced diet,
should be avoided because of national and regional food folkways.
Cooperation between the personnel, production, and medical offices
in carrying on the nutrition education program will assure its
effectiveness and help to bring about that favorable situation in
which the workers will not only want to eat nutritionally adequate
meals but will demand them in the plant and at home. It will be
found of considerable benefit if the trained dietitian, preferably
employed in the medical department and under supervision of the
yard physician, besides controlling the menus and directing nutri­
tional education is available to the employees for advice on diet.
For women who continue to carry their lunch even when the
time and facilities for eating a hot lunch in the yard are available,
hot foods should be provided in easily accessible places to allow
supplementing the box lunch at low cost.



No shipyard need hesitate to plan good feeding for its workers
because of lack of professional advice and direction. The Nation­
wide National Nutritional Program, and recently organized Inter­
Agency Committee on Food for Workers, through the War Food
Administration reach into every State and locality and can pro­
vide each yard, large or small, with expert assistance. Shipyards
seeking aid should get in touch with their local nutrition commit­
tee or with their State representative of the Nutrition in Industry
Division of the Food Distribution Administration. Many areas
of assistance are available besides advice and help on setting up
and securing service and facilities. These include such educa­
tional aids as posters, pamphlets, films, and nutrition news service.
Some examples are given in the Selected References that follow.
A more complete list of sources can be secured from the section
“Sources of Information and Material” presented in the Manual
of Industrial Nutrition issued in 1943 by the Food Distribution
Administration, Nutrition and Food Conservation Branch, Wash­
ington, D. C.
Washing, Toilet, Locker, and Rest-room Facilities

American Standards Association, 29 W. Thirty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y.
National Safety Council, 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111.
U. S. Department of Labor, Division of Labor Standards, Washington, D. C.
U. S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, Washington, D. C.
American Standards Association. Safety Code for Industrial Sanitation in
Manufacturing Establishments. New York, 1935. 17 pp.
National Safety Council. Drinking Water, Wash and Locker Rooms, and
Toilet Facilities. Chicago, 1941. 11 pp.
U. S. Department of Labor, Division of Labor Standards. Special Bull. 13.
Wartime Working Conditions: Minimum Standards for Maximum Produc­
tion. 1943. 25 pp.
--------- Women’s Bureau. Special Bull. 4. Washing and Toilet Facilities for
Women in Industry. 1942. 11 pp.
Food Service and Facilities

I. Agencies that offer guidance to companies in developing nutritional pro­
American Medical Association, Council on Foods and Nutrition, New York.
N. Y.
Food Distribution Administration of the War Food Administration, Nutrition
and Food Conservation Branch, Washington, D. C. Also regional offices.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Policyholders’ Service Bureau, New
York, N. Y.
National Association of Manufacturers, 14 W. Forty-ninth St., New York,
N. Y.
National Research Council, Committee on Nutrition in Industry, 2101 Consti­
tution Ave., Washington, D. C,



Nutrition Committees, Defense Councils.
State Extension Services.
State Health Departments.
U- S- Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Home Economics, Washington,


U. S. Public Health Service, Industrial Hygiene Division, Bethesda, Md.
II. Other organizations supplying materials such as films, pamphlets, and

American Dietetic Association, 185 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111.
American National Red Cross, Washington, D. C.
Armour & Co., Chicago, III.
Bridgeport Gas Light Co., Bridgeport, Conn.
Evaporated Milk Association, 307 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111.
Florida Citrus Commission, Lakeland, Fla.
General Electric Co., Bridgeport, Conn.
General Mills, Chamber of Commerce Building, Minneapolis, Minn.
H. J. Heinz Co., Research Department, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Institute of Life Insurance, 60 E. Forty-second St., New York, N. Y.
Lily-Tulip Cup Corp., 122 E. Forty-second St., New York, N. Y.
National Association of Food Chains, 726 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C.
National Dairy Council, 111 N. Canal St., Chicago, 111.
National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., 247 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.
National Livestock and Meat Board, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111!
Prudential Insurance Co. of America, Newark, N. J.
Servel, Inc., Evansville, Ind.
Standard Brands, 595 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.
Swift and Co., Department A, Chicago, 111.
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Mansfield, Ohio.
III. Publications containing helpful information on background, practice, and
problems of industrial nutrition.
American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Food Makes a Difference. New
York, 1943. 94 pp. A course in nutrition for women.
Borsook, Henry. “Industrial Nutrition and the National Emergency,’’ Ameri­
can Journal of Public Health, vol. 32, May 1942, pp. 523-528.
Dodge, Quindara 0. “Food for Production,” Industrial Medicine, vol 12, Mav
1943, pp. 297-301.
Factory Management and Maintenance. “Promoting Nutrition to Em­
ployees,” vol. 101, January 1943, pp. 90-92.
Federal Security Agency, Office of Director of Defense, Health and Welfare
Services, National Nutrition Conference for Defense. Pvoceedinas 1941
pp. 116-129. Washington, 1942.
Great Britain. Ministry of Labor and National Service. Additional Meals
at Factory Canteens: Breaks During Long Spells of Work. London, Janu­
ary 1941. 2 pp.
Haggard, Howard H., and Leon A. Greenberg. “The Selection of Foods for
Between-Meal Feeding in Industry,” Journal of American Dietetic Associ­
ation, vol. 17, October 1941, pp. 753-758.
Mayers, May R. “Kinds of Food for Proper Nutrition of War Workers Pre­
scribed, Industrial Bulletin (New York), vol. 21, September 1942, pp.



Mayers, May R. “Problem of Adequate Nutrition for War Industrial Work­
ers,” Industrial Bulletin (New York), vol. 21, June 1942, p. 232.
Milbank Memorial Fund. Proceedings of Twentieth Annual Conference, “Nu­
trition in Industry,” pp. 9-43. New York, May 7, 1942.
National Research Council, Committee on Nutrition in Industry. The Food
and Nutrition of Industrial Workers in Wartime. Washington, 1942. 17 pp.
Phipard, Esther F. “How Good Is Our National Diet?” Annals of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 225, January 1943,
pp. 66-71.
Stiebeling, Hazel K. Are We Well Fed? A Report on the Diets of Families
in the United States. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Home
Economics. Misc. Publ. 430. Washington, 1941. 28 pp.
U. S. Food Distribution Administration, Nutrition and Food Conservation
Branch. Manual of Industrial Nutrition. Washington, 1943. 25 pp.
--------- Planning Meals for Industrial Workers. Washington, 1943. 28 pp.
Urquhart, Lewis K. “Right Food for War Workers,” Factory Management
and Maintenance, vol. 100, October 1942, pp. 87-89.

9. Study and expand the safety program to adapt it to women work­
ers, and instruct women thoroughly in safe work practice. 21

The safety of women workers in shipyards depends on full
protection of all the workers. It rests, therefore, on good yard
maintenance and safety engineering; on thorough and periodic
investigation into physical, chemical, dust, and other hazards and
as early and complete control of these as possible; on concentrated
and continuing education and careful supervision of every worker
in regard to safe practice; on complete provision of the basic
facilities for safety, such as impact and antiflash goggles, hard
hats, respirators, portable ventilation equipment, easily accessible
hot and cold water and soap and towels, and sterilization service
for personal protective equipment passed from worker to worker.
A bulletin, Minimum Requirements for Safety and Industrial
Health in Contract Shipyards, published early in 1943 under the
authority of the United States Navy Department and Maritime
Commission, covers the field thoroughly. If the simple, direct,
and authoritative recommendations made in this bulletin were car­
ried out in each of this country’s shipyards, accidents and illnesses
arising from shipbuilding employment probably would fall to an
irreducible minimum.
A large share of the difficulty, of course, has been the need for
putting good practices into effect under the weight of introducing
great numbers of inexperienced workers to be guided by inexperi­
enced supervisors in a fast expanding organization pressed for
high production. The result has been ignorance of safety rules,
methods, and procedures as well as sheer negligence and lack of
observance of safety fundamentals all too well understood.
In order to control and work toward the remedy of this situ­
ation, it is strongly recommended that the services of the con­
sultants on safety and health of the Navy and Maritime Commisa This section of the report was prepared by Jennie Mohr.



sion under Philip Drinker and John M. Roche be utilized fully
as well as the resources and special offerings of the National Com­
mittee for the Conservation of Manpower in War Industries. To
be stressed particularly among these special offerings is the
standard basic course on the fundamental principles and tech­
niques of industrial safety and health sponsored by 116 colleges
of engineering throughout the country through funds provided
under the Engineering, Science, Management War Training Pro­
gram of the United States Office of Education. The Division of
Labor Standards of the United States Department of Labor pre­
pares special text material for the classes and compiles other
reference sources to be purchased by students or for them by man­
agement. National Committee agents and representatives of the
sponsoring colleges enroll the students, on the recommendation of
plant management. The standard basic course offered in evening
classes for 96 hours over a period of 16 weeks is designed pri­
marily for work supervisors and counselors but has proved verv
valuable also to line workers.22 It is of course particularly impor­
tant that men and women supervisors attend, for, as one safetv en­
gineer sagely remarked, “The greatest hazard in the industry is the
lack of trained supervisors.” But as many employees as possible
men and women also should be encouraged to enroll in the nearest
class thereby affording those in the ranks as well as supervisors
a good concept of fundamental principles on which safe practice
principles1” aC f l^lon
ru'es and precepts derived from such
Safety instruction.
lhe "nfva™1Jlanty of the women in shipyards with industry and
with shipbuilding m particular makes it imperative that thev be
given as complete introduction as possible to the specific hazards
of their unaccustomed employment and to the approved methods
by which to meet such hazards.
The need for safety training during the induction period has
^rfr^^nmt+ed °Ut (fe page 52^ Thls twining- should be designed
primarily to serve two purposes: to acquaint the women with the
conditions they will meet, and to give them some preparation for
meeting them One successful experiment is the trainino- course
set up m Oakland, Calif., by the Vocational Training Division of
the United States Office of Education, a job introduction course
f.°/A women shipyard workers. (See page 25.) This 5-day
(40-hour) course is carried on in an environment that duplicates
certain of the conditions of a ship. Women learn here how to
climb staging, how to lift and carry weights, and how to handle
KrT and
, The n(>ise and the apparent confusion are
like those they will later encounter on the job. By the end of the
training period, they have some practical knowledge of what workmg m a yard may be like. By such means, the first sharp edge


iTty Leadera-u- s-



of fear is removed. The women see the practical implications of
safe and unsafe practices. They are in some degree ready to take
their place on production.
Though such a comprehensive preliminary course may not be
possible in all cases, the induction program still can be effective
in preparing the women for the job. Visual aids such as safety
films and posters help to make instruction more vivid and per­
suasive. Sources of such visual aids have been listed on page 55.
In addition, the National Safety Council has a series of posters,
sound films, and slide films that are extremely useful in safety
education. Certain of this material pertains specifically to train­
ing women workers.
Safety instruction in the induction period, however, is only a
beginning. It must be carried on constantly by those directly
responsible for the supervision of the women. There is little dis­
pute, among those familiar with the field and having a knowledge
of shipyard needs and conditions, about the specific standards or
techniques that should be stressed in safety training. But there
are very great differences in the degree of success with which
these standards and techniques are maintained in the ordinary
course of work.
The basic training courses referred to previously are the firstline attack on the problem of creating a safety-trained supervisory
force. Such preparation should, however, be followed up by fur­
ther training programs and by continuing conferences between the
yard safety engineer and the instructors and work leaders respon­
sible for teaching safe work practices.
The need for supervisors trained in safety relates, of course, to
all workers, men and women alike. But there is the additional
question of the specific ways in which women’s special needs are
involved. The differences in strength and physical structure
between men and women must always be remembered as possibly
giving rise to differences in the extent to which a particular job
is a hazard to the worker. Such variations should be called to the
attention of the supervisors. The women counselors can be of
assistance in this respect by pointing out problems as they arise,
and helping in their solution.
Safety on the job and inspection.
There is much to be said for the adage that the best way to
learn is by doing. Safety awareness should be part of every man’s
and woman’s job, whatever that job is. To attain that universal
safety awareness in the yard, all the workers should actively par­
ticipate in the safety program. Listening to safety instructions
and looking at safety posters are not enough. Women workers
should take an active part in safety committees. They should
concern themselves both with the general conditions that affect
all the workers alike and with their own special safety needs. By
taking on responsibility for the setting up of safety standards and
for enforcing them among themselves, the women will develop



both understanding and experience in handling safety problems.
In an industry such as shipbuilding*, in which hazards are great
a large proportion of workers are new to the work, and turn-over
is high, it is not easy to obtain such self-discipline in matters of
safety practices. It is not always possible to keep safety training
of the supervisors and workers up to the necessary standards
m either number trained or quality of skill achieved. It may
therefore be necessary, as an emergency measure, to enlarge the
safety department by increasing the number of inspectors. These
inspectors should be adequately trained, according to standards
laid down by authorities in the field of safety training. They
should be competent to recognize hazards, whether they are tech­
nical questions of plant and machine structure, inherent in the
lay-out of the plant or work, condition of equipment, or growing
out of the practices of individual workers; they should be able to
indicate what corrections are needed, and to evaluate the changes
made in order to be sure that the hazards are removed.
Women have proved their capacity for safety inspection if prop­
erly trained. They are acknowledged not only to be safetyminded, but to give considerable attention to detail. They should
be trained as men are trained to take up the work of safety inspec­
tion Like the men, they should be in the regular safety depart­
ment, and they should be responsible for the same type of inspec­
tion as are the men.
It is not advisable to create a separate group of “women safety
inspectors,” as has been done in some of the yards, who are con­
cerned with safety problems in the yard only as they relate to
women. Such a practice makes a false distinction, in separating
inspectors by function, by status, or by sex. It fails to integrate
the women into the total safety program of the yard, and such
integration is essential if the program is to succeed. Further­
more, it has been found in some yards that these special women
inspectors take on some of the duties of women counselors, if the
function of the latter is not clearly defined or they do not cover
the yard. This, too, is inadvisable. While the closest coopera­
tion must exist between safety inspectors and counselors, their
functions should not be confused.
In shipyard work, even more than in many other industries, the
problem of constant standing confronts the woman worker. Many
of the yard jobs also involve climbing, walking, and carrying. The
general physical lay-out of the yard and the large amount of out­
door work seem to preclude the possibility of making shipyard
work anything but a stand-up job.
It is recognized generally that constant standing is bad for
women. Besides the fact that their feet and legs tire quickly
(with brief periods of rest recovery also is quick), permanent and
even serious effects may result. For this reason it is desirable
that wherever possible seats should be provided for women.



There are several ways in which some measure of suitable seat­
ing can be achieved. A number of jobs that are frequently per­
formed standing can be done seated just as well. Operation of
drill presses, punch presses, and similar machines in the machine
shop can be carried on either sitting or standing. Cleaning small
parts for painting, coil winding, bench assembly work, grinding
and finishing operations also can be done in either position. For all
such jobs it is recommended that seats be made available, and that
women be allowed to alternate sitting and standing. . Such alter­
nation is more desirable, and less fatiguing, than working m either
position constantly.
Women on jobs that require standing or walking and cannot be
done while seated should have a chance to sit down occasionally.
When they are at machines that require standing, seats should
be provided for occasional pauses. When they are working outof-doors, on ships or hulls, they should be able to go in their rest
periods to some place that has comfortable seats.
In a number of the yards visited there were seats for some ot
the women. For the most part, however, these seats filled none
of the requirements for good posture chairs. Few yards even had
stools—and fewer still had chairs with backs. For the most part
women were sitting, if at all, on boxes, up-ended crates, barrels
anything around the place that could be used. Such seats were
in some cases more tiring than no seats at all, especially it the
job was done sitting all the time.
It is possible, of course, to sit correctly on anything. But this
requires instruction in good posture, which is almost always lackmo- It also requires considerable muscular effort, m itsell
fati’o-uing. The instruction should certainly be given, preferably
as part of the induction program. But workers should also be
o-iven seats that enable them to sit correctly without unnecessary
effort. Jobs should be studied to see whether it is possible tor
them to be done in a sitting position. Work materials should be
arranged when possible to produce the most efficient techniques
of handling, and avoid superfluous motions, such as reaching,
strctch-in0, bending.
The need for good seats and good posture is discussed in the
Women’s Bureau bulletin, “Women’s Effective War Work Requires
Good Posture.” Many of the suggestions made there can be car­
ried out even in a shipyard. And a constructive effort to give
women opportunities for good seating will contribute noticeably
to their efficiency and health.
Safe clothing.
The question of the right clothing—that is to say, the safe
clothing—for women to wear in the shipyard is probably one of
the major aspects of their safety needs. Nine percent of the
injuries in 11 shipyards reported in 1941 to the Bureau of Labor
Statistics occurred as a direct consequence of failure to use safe
attire When women were first employed to work in shipyards






Official U. S. Navy photograph

Women Burner Is Shown Burning Through a Steel Bar as She Helps to
Build and Repair Ships for the Navy.

there was little in the way of precedent to follow in suggesting
to them the safe clothing for the job. Extensive variation in their
work, moreover, made uniform clothing regulations unfeasible.
Clothing needs of welders are different from those of burners, and
both differ from the needs of shipfitter helpers on the platens or
the sheet-metal workers in the shop.
During the induction period women should be told what are the
fundamental principles by which safe clothing may be selected.



A brief description of yard regulations and references to the hand­
book, where one is issued, is not enough. Instead, each safety
feature of recommended types of work garments should be pointed
out and related to work conditions. Samples of good selections
should be shown and safety aspects especially pertinent to certain
jobs described. With this information, women will be in a posi­
tion to choose correctly, from a selection of garments, apparel that
suits their individual taste and pocketbook and at the same time
meets the safety needs of their jobs. They will learn also when
and on what jobs to wear gloves and what kind, in what places
and occupations steel-toe safety shoes are obligatory and where
comfortable but substantial oxfords without safety construction
may be worn. Such knowledge makes unnecessary more than a
minimum of supervision and makes possible the maximum of con­
formity to basic safety standards.
Various models of suitable clothing have been developed for
different types of work. Some of them have resulted from manu­
facturers’ response to the general need; others have been pro­
duced by professional designers engaged by individual firms. The
American Standards Association has recently established stand­
ards for a variety of women’s work clothing, including shirts,
jackets, shoes, slacks, dungarees, overalls, and coveralls.®3 Stand­
ards for welding clothes, for both men and women, are in process
of development.23 Clothing that is recommended to the women
should be that made by manufacturers who follow American
Standards Association specifications.
Both oxfords and high safety shoes that meet accepted stand­
ards are now made by a number of manufacturers. The high
shoes are particularly necessary to welders to protect their ankles
against burns.
Shipyard work raises some clothing problems that women
encounter in relatively few industries. For one thing,.much of the
work is out-of-doors, and workers are exposed to the extremes of
weather, ranging from the heat of a New Orleans summer to the
intense cold of a Maine winter. Also, there is a good deal of climb­
ing to be done on many of the jobs, and almost all the women
encounter the confusing array of supplies and parts throughout
the yard that offer innumerable bars, corners, pipes, and other
hazards on which loose clothing can get caught. One of the dif­
ficulties in many yards visited by Women’s Bureau agents was
that of finding outdoor apparel that would be warm enough for
protection but tight-fitting enough not to be a hazard in climbing
staging or ladders, or working around piled materials in the yard.
Another, still largely unsolved, is finding welders’ and burners’
apparel that while fully protective is cool enough for comfortable
wear in hot weather.
In the induction period or as soon after as possible, it is neces­
sary to teach the new women workers about the occasions and
occupations for which special protective equipment is needed, and
23 Consult the American Standards Association, 29 W. Thirty-ninth Street, New
York, for further information.



why and how such equipment must be used. By the time they
are ready to take an active part in production, therefore, the
women should know when and where to wear goggles and where
goggles are issued, where a hard hat is necessary gear, and, if
necessary, when to use and how to secure and adjust a respirator.
Those entering welders’ or burners’ training should receive,
with their instruction in techniques, early and continuous indoc­
trination in the safe way to do their work—the precautions they
must take to prevent injury to themselves and others, and the
protective equipment they must wear.
Women welders and welder helpers.
A large number of women shipyard workers are welders. The
tabulation on page 21 indicates that 36 percent of the women in
24 yards were in shipfitting. Most of these were welders or
burners, or helpers in these skills. Thus the safety requirements
in the field of welding are especially significant for women workers.
On the whole, the hazards to women in welding are not different
from those to men. Numerous thorough analyses of these haz­
ards have been made, and standards have been set up for con­
trolling them. These standards, issued by such authorities as the
Maritime Commission, the Navy, the National Bureau of Stand­
ards, the American Standards Association, and the Division of
Labor Standards of the Department of Labor, cover welding
equipment, conditions of work, protective clothing and apparatus,
and working methods. They stress, for example, the need for
suitable eye protection, helmets, and respirators to be furnished
the worker, and the equal need for the worker to use them prop­
erly and consistently.
There are a few elements in the welding job that should be
recognized as a particular concern of women. One of these is the
weight of welding leads and other equipment carried around by
women welders or welder helpers. The leads, which may weigh
as much as 35 pounds, must be carried up and down ladders,
through crowded areas, and into compartments often difficult of
access. It is important, therefore, that the helper to whom this
task is assigned should be chosen for her physical ability to do a
strenuous job. She should be taught the most economical way in
which to coil, lift, and carry the leads. (See page 53.) She should
be a person with enough agility to get around in crowded places.
A difficulty sometimes reported by women welders with small
hands is that of manipulating welding tongs. Some manufactur­
ers of welding equipment have experimented with slenderizing
tongs, so that the grip will be easier for a small hand. Such tongs,
however, require increased pressure in order to open the jaws and
release the rod, as must be done frequently in welding. Further
experiments are being made in lengthening the tongs in order to
increase the leverage and decrease the amount of pressure needed.
These slender tongs are said to be too light for some welding jobs,
though probably they could be used on many of the lighter jobs
to which women are predominantly assigned.



The question has been raised whether or not women are more
susceptible than men to the fumes, gases, and vapors of welding.
No conclusive evidence on this point exists. However, a study
now being made by the United States Public Health Service for
the Maritime Commission will furnish data on many problems by
sex of welder. If there is a difference in reaction between men
and women, it may be expected that this survey will reveal it.
The rumor is rife in some shipyards that arc welding produces
sterility in women, and in some instances women refuse to enter
or remain in this occupation for that reason. Available medical
opinion indicates that there is no foundation in fact for this
rumor. An analysis of the subject published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association in 1939 (Volume 113, No. 7,
page 616) points out that neither the nitrogen compounds created
in the welding process nor the ultraviolet rays of the arc—two
factors that have been most responsible for the rumor—are capa­
ble of producing sterility. Industrial physicians who have been
closely concerned with the health of welders, as well as physicians
outside of industry, agree on this point.
Cooperation v. regimentation.
Every good safety program rests on the acceptance and under­
standing of the workers to whom it applies. Certain requirements,
such as safe machinery, adequate guards, rails around cat-walks,
and other plant equipment, can be built into the operating pro­
cedures. But many other requirements depend for their satisfac­
tion on the workers themselves. Safety shoes, hard hats, and
goggles must be supplied; but it does no good to supply them if
they are not worn consistently where and when they are needed.
For many women new to industry, achieving a conviction about
the need for safe practices and safe apparel is not simple. As far
as clothes are concerned, they have inherited a long and firmly
established tradition, which uses various criteria, among which
safety is not numbered, in setting clothes fashions. The idea of
safety as such a criterion must be accepted before adequate cloth­
ing standards will be adhered to. It can be instilled by means of
a good educational program, but it cannot be forced upon them.
Clothing regulations can be most easily carried out if they deal
with only those features having to do with safety and suitability
on the job. It is not necessary to insist that all women be dressed
exactly alike, in the same style and color, and many women resent
the imposition of such regimentation on them while the men with
whom they work are free of it. Rules such as one requiring
the wearing of a hard hat, safety shoes,_ or goggles are applicable
to every worker, regardless of sex, and if they can be made clear
and unequivocal during the induction period, they will be taken
for granted and followed.
Women are willing to cooperate when such regulations obvi­
ously are reasonable and necessary. But even a reasonable rule
will appear arbitrary and will be resisted if its reason is not



explained. Moreover, when rules are imposed beyond the limita­
tions of their need, as when women entirely removed from any
machinery must take off their wedding rings, or when the entire
force of women is required to wear a given color, they lose their
value for building good safety awareness and the cooperation with­
out which no safety program can succeed.
National Safety Council. Safe Practices Pamphlet 105. Electric Welding.
Chicago, 1941. 12 pp.
---------Safe Practices Pamphlet 107, Women in Industry. Chicago, 1942.
8 pp.
Schaefer, Vernon G. Safety Supervision. New York, McGraw-Hill. 1941.
352 pp.
U. S. Department of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards, Handbook
H24. American Standard Safety Code for the Protection of Heads, Eyes
cmd Respiratory Organs. Washington, 1938. 95 pp.
U. S. Navy Department and U. S. Maritime Commission. Minimum Require­
ments for Safety and Industrial Health in Contract Shipyards. Washing­
ton, 1943. 35 pp.
--------- Recommenced Standards for Clothing and Personal Protective Equip­
ment for Women Shipyard Workers. Washington, 1943. Mimeo.' 4 pp.
U. S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bull. 722, Shipyard
Injuries and Their Causes, 194-1. Washington, 1943. 34 pp.
--------- Division of Labor Standards. Special Bull. 5, Control of Welding
Hazards in Defense Industries. Washington, 1941. 15 pp.
--------------------Special Bull. 10. Safety Speeds Production. Washington,
1943. 21 pp.
------------------- Standards for the Protection of Workers in Gas and Electric
Welding as issued by the Bureau of Hygiene and Sanitation of the State of
New Jersey Department of Labor. Washington, 1943. 21 pp.
------------------- Training Safety Leaders. Washington, 1943. (Multilithed.)
19 pp.
--------------------Special Bull. 13, Wartime Working Conditions—Minimum
Standards for Maximum Production. Washington, 1943. 25 pp.
------------------- Special Bull. 11, A Guide to the Prevention of Weight-Lifting
Injuries. Washington, 1943. 20 pp.
-------- - Women’s Bureau. Special Bull. 2, Lifting Heavy Weights in Defense
Industries. Washington, 1941. 11 pp.
--------------------Special Bull. 3, Safety Clothing for Women in Industry. Wash­
ington, 1941. 11 pp.
------------------- Special Bull. 10, Women’s Effective War Work Requires Good
Posture. Washington, 1943. 6 pp.




Women’s Occupations in 35 Shipyards
(Women’s Bureau survey)
Acetylene-ourner operator and helper (hand burner)
Arbor-press operator
Asbestos filler and sewer
Asbestos layer-out and cutter
Assembly worker, bench and other
Assemble valves, couplings, waterpumps, Diesel engines, manifolds,
metal furniture, locks, water tanks, ammunition boxes, lockers, rifle cabi­
nets, switchboards, stanchion parts, ammunition-hoist parts, stiffeners,
parts for watertight doors and hatches.
Assemble also straps, hangers, fittings for electric-wiring systems, con­
duit pipe, brackets, lamps, drop lights, small switches, and telephones.
In one yard women assemblers file surfaces to true, fit gears to shafts,
and make subassemblies. Some are so proficient as to make the assembly
for an entire unit, such as the mechanism controlling the training of a
Band-saw-machine operator
Battery filler and tester
Battery reader
Bead-machine operator
Bench-lathe operator
Bench worker
Perform such operations as filing, burring, hammering, brazing, solder­
ing, hand tapping, dimpling, hand forming of metal into various shapes,
heating metal with gas torch, and rolling metal into cylindrical shapes.
Other work consists of making hangers for putting up wires and cables,
engraving of dials, name plates, tags, etc., and removing parts from
electrical connection boxes.
Women also calibrate instruments, hand-lap parts, and punch, stamp,
bend, drill, grind, file, and polish parts in the sheet-metal shop.
Bending-roll operator (coid press and mangle roll)
Blacksmith helper
Hold and fetch tools; operate lever of a pneumatic press.
Blade straightener
Boatbuilder helper
Hold and fetch tools; hammer and saw.
Boiler builder
Boilermaker helper
Bolt-cutting-and-threading-machine operator
Bolt-threading-machine operator
Bracket-tipping-machine operator
Braiding-machine operator
Brake-machine operator
Bucker-up (sheet metal and steel)
Cable finisher
Cable stripper, hand and machine
Calker (on wooden boats), trainee
Canvas worker
Carpenter or shipwright helper
Castings cleaner (with grinding wheel)
Chain-ladder maker
Chromium plater
Circular-saw-machine operator
Cleaner (ship, shop, tank, yard)
Clerical work, shop



Time clerks, dispatchers, expediters, material checkers, blueprint clerks,
mail girls, messengers, materials-control clerks, storekeepers, shipping
Coppersmith helper
Core cleaner
Coremaker and helper
Women were making only the smaller and lighter-weight cores, but
helping on the large ones.
Crane operator, electric overhead and electric portable
On cranes with capacity of from 3 up to and including 100 tons.
Crane safety watcher
Cushion man
Cut-off-saw-machine operator (metal bar stock, bolts, cable)
Cut-off-saw-machine operator (wood)
Cutter, hand (sheet metal)
Cutting-machine operator (cloth)
Cutting-machine operator (metal)
On 50-foot boat plying between yard and nearby repair base.
Die-sinking-machine operator
Do-all-saw-machine operator
Drill-press operator, single and multiple spindle
Driller, hand
Driver (automobile, bus, jitney, truck; panel, mail, or station wagon)
A few women were driving electric trucks inside the shops. Most were
operating gasoline vehicles outside.
Drop-hammer operator
Operate controls and hold dies in place. Do not lift metal stock.
Elbow maker
Electrician, journeyman and helper
Elevator operator
Embossing-machine operator
Engine-lathe operator
Engraver, flatware
Engraving-machine operator
Fire watch
Flag maker; beading preparation and sewing
Flanging-press operator and helper
Folding-and-perforating-machine operator
Forelady (print shop)
Forming-press operator
Furnace tender
Garage service attendant
Gasket cutter
Gear-cutting-machine operator
Generator operator
Glasscutter and grinder
Grinding-machine operator (dry and wet; cylindrical, internal or surface with
magnetic chuck)
Grinding-machine operator (portable)
Look over credentials at the gate; patrol yard and shops. Some are
sworn in as Coast Guard auxiliaries and carry weapons.
Hydraulic-press operator (automatic)
Inspector (machine shop)
Jointer-machine operator
Kick-press operator
Labeler, hand



Laboratory assistant
Chemical analysis; materials testing; sand control m the foundry
Laborer, miscellaneous process
Laborer, service and maintenance
Maintenance and repair on buildings and grounds, i. e., repair and
maintain extension lights ; change street-light globes ; clean out manholes *
put in telephone and light wires; oil electric heaters and fans in ali
buildings; clean, help install, repair, test switchboards and telephone
instruments; cover pipes; make towel boxes; fill in ditches; fire watch in
buildings; salvage and bale paper; clean smudge pots after air-raid
alarms; wash heavy rubber cables and help roll them up; etc.
Laundry service attendant
Layer-out and helper
Lead liner
Lead-press operator
Loftsman helper
Machinist, journeyman and helper
Milling-machine operator
Milling-machine operator (portable)
Net maker
Nibbler operator
Nipple-machine operator
Oxyacetylene-cutting-machine operator (machine burner)
Paint grinder
Paint maker
Paint-shop attendant
Painter, brush and helper
Painter, radium dial
Painter, sign and poster
Painter, spray and helper
Pantograph operator
Pattern maker helper
Pickling operator
Pipe bender, machine and hand, and helper
Pipe coverer and helper
Pipefitter and helper
Pipe tapper
Pipe-threading-machine operatoi
Planer operator, metal
Planer operator, wood
Plumber helper
Pneumatic-drill operator and helper
Some women were operating pneumatic drills of large size
Powerhouse engineer helper
Power-shear operator
Punch-press operator
Putty chaser
Quarterman (flag and sail loft)
Radial-drill operator
Repair and assemble telephones; disassemble, clean, repair, reassemble
and calibrate such instruments and meters as tachometer motors thermo­
static contact makers, hydrogen detectors for submarines, shaft revolu­
tion indicators, heat and pressure gages, and compasses.
Repair lanterns, tools, motors, breathing apparatus for fire fighting,
valves, chains, pulleys; disassemble, clean, repair, reassemble, and aline
optical parts of telescopes, gun sights, binoculars, navigation instruments,



range finders; repair patterns after use in foundry; repair old life
jackets. One woman repairs sewing machines.
Rest-room attendant
Rigger helper
Rivet catcher
Rivet heater and passer
Riveter and helper
Rod straightener
Rope worker
Rope-machine tender
Salvage man
Sander, hand
Sander, machine
Scaler, hand
Scaler, machine
Scraper, hand
Screw-machine operator, automatic
Sewer, hand
Sewing-machine operator
Shaper operator
Shearing-, punching-, and cutting-press operator (combination)
Sheet-metal worker and helper
Shipfitter and helper (none are journeymen)
Slitting-machine operator
Slotting-machine operator
Snapper (working supervisor)
Splicer, rope or cable
Steel checker
Steel-storage-shed attendant
Stockroom attendant
Tapper, hand
,, .
Template maker and helper and learner (hull, pipe, and electrical)
Tester and helper
On valves, electrical equipment, buckets.
Threading-machine operator
Toolroom attendant
Tool grinder
Trimmer, rubber
Tufting-machine operator
Turning-lathe operator (wood working)
Turret-lathe operator
Turret-punch-press operator
Unscrewing-machine operator
Shipkeepers, going rounds of ships.
Weld checker
Weld chipper
. , . .
, ,
With light pneumatic chipping tool.
Welder, acetylene
Welder, arc (production, tack, helper and trainee)
Welder, spot
Welding-machine operator (union melt and other)
Winder, coil and armature



Wire brushman
Wire-stripping-machine operator
Wood finisher
Wood-plug-making-machine operator

Women’s Occupations on the Ships and Hulls in 19 Shipyards
(Women’s Bureau survey)
Acetylene-burner operator and helper (hand burner)
In connection with cold riveting and sealing steel partitions in one yard
On small rivets in another.
In one yard women clean off tops of boilers on board ship, sometimes
at a temperature of 140 degrees.
Ship cleaning may involve picking up or sweeping up bolts, screws, etc
putting them in pails and lowering them over the sides of the hull­
sweeping, mopping, and washing the ship interior, preparatory to paint­
ing and after all fitting has been done; or cleaning up in holds, under
engines, in bilges, tanks and the like. It requires a good deal of climb­
ing, crawling m narrow places, working in pipe alley, shaft alley, gal­
leries, bomb storage, etc. The cleaners may have to haul full buckets
of scrap up and down several decks with ropes. Tank cleaners must
climb mto the holds of ships and submarines and use scaling guns and
wire brushes, as well as cleaning solvents and water.
Clerical worker, ship
Take care of plans in ship offices. Run errands. Keep records of
wiring systems being installed.
Electrician helper
. Help electricians to install switches, lights,' telephones, switchboards,
instruments, fuse boxes. One woman is able to make entire telephone
installation alone except for assistance of another woman who acts as her
helper. It had taken her two to three months to learn this.
Follow up lay-out men, making sketches of how installations are to be
Cut wires for lights and switchboxes, skin armor off cables; put lugs
on end of wires; run through cables and strap them up.
Stencil and put identification tags on cables.
Test wires, motors, thermometers of ventilating sets.
Help pack tubes.
Take battery readings on submarines.
Get material and supplies for electricians.
Fire watch
For welders and burners and on ships under repair, as well as con­
The fire hazard to welders and burners is great on submarine and ship
repair work because of the grease, oil, and old paint that are present.
The fire watch is assigned, therefore, to an individual welder or burner
to put out any fires that may flare up, watch that something does not
burn on the other side of a, plate being welded, pick up any inflammable
material lying around, and carry equipment and material for her
The fire watch on new construction goes all over the ship checking for
fire hazards, or she may be assigned to check the ways, scaffolding, and
grounds. She does not work with any one welder or burner.
Grinding-machine operator (electric hand grinder)
One woman was grinding down surface of deck with this machine,
preparatory to putting on armor plate. The tool used was heavy, requir­
ing lying or sitting on deck.
Laborer, service and miscellaneous process
Shovel sand and residual material in bottom of drydock.
Sort temporary bolts, nuts, clips in bottom of drydock.



Measure lengths of cable and cut them by machine.
Take masking off doors and other fixtures in cabins.
File off edges of pipes installed as hand rails.
Machinist helper
. ,
, ___.
Tighten small bolts; scrape flanges; clean parts; pass tools and equip­
Assist machinists in installation work.
Perform small jobs with saws, files, drill presses.
Cover furniture, lights, etc., with masking tape preparatory to spray
or brush painting.
Milling-machine operator (portable)
Operate portable milling machine to prepare bases for installation ot
Painter, brush and helper
, , ,
, ,. ,
Brush paint on interior of ship after fitting is completed and ship has
been cleaned.
Helpers mark parts for painting and clean surfaces preparatory to
painting. Some pass “hot stuff” (bitumastic) to painters.
Painter, spray
In one yard women do some spray painting on the ships.
PiiDG coverer pipes with a spun glass tape that keeps asbestos covering tight.
Plumber helper
Rigger helper
, , .
Assist in putting up rope life lines and help m other ways such as
fetching and carrying.
Rivet catcher
Rivet heater and passer
Use electric heater; pass the smaller rivets.
Riveter and helper
In one yard women riveted on steel partitions.
In another yard women helped riveters by carrying rivet guns.
Women in one yard are sandblasting on the outsides of ships in drydock. They fill the sandblasting machines, operate the controls and hold
the hose for the actual sandblasting operation. They wear oilskin suits,
face shields, and respirators, all of which are provided by the yard.
Scaler, hand and machine
The scaling guns used in machine scaling require considerable physical
strength to operate and produce various amounts of noise and vibration
depending on the size of the tool. Scaling on ships and submarines when
done below deck involves working in narrow quarters where the noise is
accentuated. In one yard women were doing a great deal of scaling on
. .
Hand scaling is done with a hand chipping tool. This is easier and
more suitable work for women.
Sheet-metal worker helper
Assist men in the installation of ventilating systems, lockers, metal
furniture, etc. They get material and supplies for the sheet-metal work­
ers, drill holes, put in screws and bolts, buck small rivets, and hold parts
in place that are being bolted up by men.
Check to be sure that the proper pieces of sheet metal are available
at the right place on the boat and indicate to the sheet-metal workers
where each piece is to be installed.
shipfitters; carry tools, equipment, and materials;
bolt up plates; hold plates in place for welders; drive wedges to hold
plates in place; mark parts to be taken off ship, indicating where they
go (on repair jobs).



A woman welder in one yard was bossing a group of 12 women doing
overhead welding in a ship conversion job.
Toolroom attendant
Check air pressure for drillers and riveters and act as tool attendant
for them.
Check motors in and out.
Pick up orders for ventilation in compartments and carry them to those
who provide the ventilation.
Go the rounds of ships, punching clocks. Some on both day and night
Welder, arc, and helper (production and tack)
Women are known to be on all decks of ships on the hulls and at out­
fitting docks and deep in the holds as well. Women in one yard volunteer
to weld from scaffolding on the sides of the hulls. Women hired as
welder helpers roll up and sometimes carry around leads for welders.
Wire brushman
Brushes used vary in size from 2 to 15 pounds.
The work involves considerable vibration and torque and the necessity
for working in awkward positions that sometimes require holding the
tool at shoulder height.

-ft 587243—44