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S. HRG. 116–443




JUNE 16, 2020

Printed for the use of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

Available at: https: // /
44–517 PDF




MIKE CRAPO, Idaho, Chairman
PATRICK J. TOOMEY, Pennsylvania
JACK REED, Rhode Island
TIM SCOTT, South Carolina
BEN SASSE, Nebraska
TOM COTTON, Arkansas
MARK R. WARNER, Virginia
MIKE ROUNDS, South Dakota
THOM TILLIS, North Carolina
TINA SMITH, Minnesota
KEVIN CRAMER, North Dakota
GREGG RICHARD, Staff Director
LAURA SWANSON, Democratic Staff Director
BRANDON BEALL, Professional Staff Member
ELISHA TUKU, Chief Counsel
COREY FRAYER, Democratic Professional Staff Member
CHARLES J. MOFFAT, Hearing Clerk

C O N T E N T S
TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020

Opening statement of Chairman Crapo .................................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Opening statements, comments, or prepared statements of:
Senator Brown ..................................................................................................
Prepared statement ...................................................................................


Jerome H. Powell, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System ...................................................................................................................
Prepared statement ..........................................................................................
Responses to written questions of:
Senator Brown ...........................................................................................
Senator Toomey .........................................................................................
Senator Scott .............................................................................................
Senator Rounds .........................................................................................
Senator Tillis .............................................................................................
Senator Reed ..............................................................................................
Senator Menendez .....................................................................................
Senator Warren .........................................................................................
Senator Schatz ...........................................................................................
Senator Cortez Masto ................................................................................
Senator Jones ............................................................................................
Senator Smith ............................................................................................
Senator Sinema .........................................................................................




Monetary Policy Report to the Congress dated June 12, 2020 ............................
Statement of the Credit Union National Association ...........................................



TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020

Washington, DC.
The Committee met at 10 a.m., remotely via WebEx, Hon. Mike
Crapo, Chairman of the Committee, presiding.





Chairman CRAPO. This hearing will come to order. This hearing
is another remote hearing by video.
A few videoconferencing reminders, you are probably all used to
these. Once you start speaking, there will be a slight delay before
you are displayed on screen. To minimize the background noise,
please click the mute button until it is your turn to speak or ask
If there is a technology issue, we will move to the next Senator
until that is resolved, and again, I remind all Senators that there
is a 5-minute clock that still applies, and it should be on your
At 30 seconds remaining, I will gently tap the gavel. I sometimes
forget to do that, but I am going to try to do that better today and
try to remind you that your time is almost expired.
To simplify the speaking order process, Senator Brown and I
have again agreed to go by seniority for this hearing.
Today Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell will update the
Committee on monetary policy developments and the state of the
U.S. economy.
It has only been 4 months since the last Humphrey-Hawkins
hearing, but we are seeing a significantly different economy today,
one that has been racked by the physical and economic impact of
the COVID–19 pandemic and ensuing shutdowns.
Chairman Powell, you have stated that the Federal Reserve is
‘‘strongly committed to using our tools to do whatever we can and
for as long as it takes to provide some relief and stability to ensure
the recovery is as strong as possible.’’
Additionally, the Fed has purchased more than $2 trillion in
Treasury and mortgage securities since the pandemic sparked a
massive flight for safe, cash-like assets in mid-March. Because of
this, the Fed’s balance sheet has expanded to more than $7 trillion.
Congress, the Administration, and regulatory agencies have
taken extreme actions to protect and stabilize the infrastructure of
our economic system.

The CARES Act has been central to that effort, and recent statistics indicate our efforts are working. In fact, the Bureau of Labor
Statistics announced on June 5, encouraging signs for jobs and the
economy, that nonfarm payroll employment rose by 2.5 million in
May, and the unemployment rate declined to 13.3 percent.
According to the report, these improvements in the labor market
reflected a limited resumption of economic activity that had been
curtailed in March and April due to the coronavirus pandemic and
efforts to contain it.
Title IV of the Act provided a $500 billion infusion into the Exchange Stabilization Fund, up to $454 billion of which can be used
to support the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending facilities, such
as the Main Street Lending facilities and the Municipal Lending
The Fed has set up facilities funded both under and outside of
the CARES Act, and there is evidence that the mere announcement
of some of those facilities has had a positive and stabilizing effect
on markets, even before they have become fully operational.
Although any positive effect of these facilities is welcome, getting
them fully operational ensures that they achieve their full effect.
The Federal Reserve announced positive changes to the term
sheets of the Main Street facilities that will allow additional smaller and medium-sized businesses to access the facilities and announce that the facility is open for lender registration and have encouraged lenders to start lending as soon as possible. These are important first steps in the facilities becoming fully operational.
In addition to emergency lending facilities, the Fed can continue
to right-size regulations to increase lending and access to credit in
the economy.
In response to a letter that I sent to the Federal banking regulators on April 8, Vice Chairman Quarles noted that ‘‘Congress
should consider modifying section 171 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the
Collins Amendment, to allow regulators to provide flexibility under
Tier 1 leverage requirements as banks respond to increased credit
There are also several proposed rules that the agencies have
been working on since before COVID–19, and I encourage the agencies to finalize these rules as soon as possible, such as the Volcker
covered funds rule and the inter-affiliate margin rule.
During this hearing, I look forward to hearing more on the state
of the economy, including its response to the CARES Act; an update on the status of the 13(3) emergency lending facilities; how
the facilities have provided or stand to provide necessary credit to
households, businesses, States and local governments; and additional regulatory and legislative changes that can increase credit
and liquidity in the marketplace and further support the economy.
Chairman Powell, again, I thank you for joining us today.
Senator Brown.

Senator BROWN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding this virtual hearing. Thanks to Chair Powell, for participating in this
hearing remotely to practice social distancing and to prevent the
potential spread of coronavirus. We know the virus is still spread-

ing. It is still taking the lives of hundreds of Americans every single day.
Across the country, in big cities and small towns alike, Americans are calling for their Government to respond to the health and
the economic impact of the pandemic. They are outraged over the
killings of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery,
Rayshard Brooks, and so many other Black Americans. They are
demanding justice and an end to the systemic racism that pervades
every aspect of American society, including our economy.
Your job and our job on this Committee is to oversee our economic system, to be good stewards of our economy. That requires
seeing our economy as it actually is. You are not overseeing some
theoretical academic model of a perfect market.
The evils of racism have been woven into the fabric of our Nation’s history since its very beginning. Look at housing. We see how
it works, from Jim Crow to redlining to today’s OCC dismantling
an important civil rights law. We cannot rely on the market to sort
itself out. It never has and it never will.
We know Black workers earn less than their White peers who do
the same jobs and have the same education levels. We know Black
families are far less likely to own their homes than White families.
We know Black students borrow more and pay more for college. We
know Black retirees have less money for retirement and less
wealth to pass on to their children.
Many, Mr. Chairman, including some members of the House and
Senate, suggest, both in their statements and in their policies, that
Black Americans are uneducated, do not work hard, do not want
to start businesses or buy homes or save or invest. That is a false,
racist narrative.
The real reason behind the disparities is that we have centuries
of systematic oppression that denies Black Americans the opportunity to fully participate in our economy, and whenever we try to
fix it, the people who created or perpetuated that system, people
who have no problem intervening in the market to save corporations and the White men who run them say, ‘‘Oh no, we cannot
have Government meddling in the economy.’’
Let us be clear. Government has always intervened in the economy. It has only been a question of who it is intervening on behalf
of. Corporations, the wealthy, the privileged, or the people who
make this country work? That contrast has probably never been
clearer than it is today.
Workers are the people who make this economy run. It is not the
CEOs and other to executives, but the people who stock our
shelves, deliver our packages, operate our subways and buses, and
care for our health. We have finally started calling these workers,
mostly women, disproportionately Black and brown workers. We
have finally started calling these workers what they are: ‘‘essential.’’
But our companies and our Government have not started treating them that way. Even before the pandemic, this economy was
not working for working Americans. Our essential workers faced
barriers to housing and health care. Wages were stagnant, and
wealth inequality continued to rise. Corporations making record
profits rewarded their executives with huge bonuses and increased

dividends and stock holdings, juiced by buybacks. They were not
using those record profits to pay their essential workers what they
are actually worth.
Now these same companies that have been lining the pockets of
their investors and executives, at the expense of their workers, now
want the Government to cushion the landing during this crisis.
And Congress asked the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to serve
as a life raft, to lend trillions of dollars to support our economy
during this unprecedented time.
But while Treasury and the Fed help financial markets and corporations, you are not holding up the other end of the deal. We
asked you to make sure that working Americans remained employed and safe. Big corporations are staying afloat. Just look at
the stock market, but the number of Americans out of a job number
into the tens of millions.
We saw how this played out in the 2008 financial crisis. Government intervened to help banks and corporations. They were all too
happy to take the bailouts. No complaints of Government handouts
there. In fact, it was considered patriotic.
But millions of Americans were left behind, losing their jobs,
their homes, getting paid less. Many of us fought for more help,
more stimulus for the people who make the economy work, and
Wall Street and its allies in Washington called that a bailout, Government meddling, market interference. History repeats itself.
As COVID–19 spread across the country earlier this year, many
workers, mostly Black and brown, found themselves thrown from
one crisis into the next.
As it currently stands, with no steps taken to actually ensure the
money they are lending goes to workers, Treasury and the Fed are
only reinforcing the inequities between workers and Wall Street
and between Black and brown Americans and White Americans.
Chair Powell, you said that Congress needs to do more to help
our State and local governments put money directly in people’s
pockets, and I agree. Democrats have a plan to get more help directly to working Americans, but Mitch McConnell is in no rush to
help people. He said he sees ‘‘no urgency,’’ his words, ‘‘no urgency.’’
Leader McConnell and the Administration want to pretend like
we are not in the middle of a pandemic and an economic recession.
They want to force people back to work without real safety protections at the same low wages, while they shield their Wall Street
friends from liability if any of their workers get sick on the job.
We want people to go back to work too, of course, but they want
us to return to business as usual. We know what business as usual
means: Government intervention to put its thumb on the scale for
corporations and their wealthy shareholders and the free market
for everyone else. We cannot return to that business as usual.
The economy and justice are not separate issues. The Americans
who protest across the country are demanding more from their
Government. They want an end to police violence that take Black
lives with impunity. They want to know their voices are heard and
their votes will not be suppressed. They want economic security.
They want a safe place to live. They want a President who acts in
his citizens’ interest, not his own. They want to again have faith
in their Government.

Congress and the Fed can help restore some of that trust. It is
clear the White House is not going to. Both of us, Congress and the
Fed alike, must take action now to support the workers who make
this economy run. That means providing help for immediate needs.
It means addressing systemic racism and economic injustice.
If we fail to act, it will hurt many people and will make inequality worse. The Fed can make sure companies that get bailed out
keep paying their workers, that companies stop stock buybacks and
dividends on Wall Street, and actually adopt policies that combat
inequality rather than supercharge it.
The Fed cannot lend to big businesses and leave workers behind
like we saw during the last crisis. We need to be better stewards
of the economy.
Chair Powell, I thank you for your service and your leadership.
I would urge you to redouble your efforts to make sure that you
and the thousands of talented men and women who work with you
are dedicated to taking steps to ensure that this economy works for
all Americans.
Thank you.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you, Senator Brown.
Chairman Powell, we will now move to you. Your full testimony
is a part of the record, and you may begin.

Mr. POWELL. Thank you.
Chairman Crapo, Ranking Member Brown, and other Members
of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to present the
Federal Reserve’s semiannual Monetary Policy Report.
Our country continues to face a difficult and challenging time, as
the pandemic is causing tremendous hardship here in the United
States and around the world. The coronavirus outbreak is, first and
foremost, a public health crisis. The most important response has
come from our health care workers, and on behalf of the Federal
Reserve, I want to express our sincere gratitude to these dedicated
individuals who put themselves at risk, day after day, in service to
others and to our Nation.
Beginning in mid-March, economic activity fell at an unprecedented speed in response to the outbreak of the virus and the
measures taken to control its spread. Even after the unexpectedly
positive May employment report, nearly 20 million jobs have been
lost on net since February, and the reported unemployment rate
has risen about 10 percentage points, to 13.3 percent. The decline
in real GDP this quarter is likely to be the most severe on record.
The burden of the downturn has not fallen equally on all Americans. Instead, those least able to withstand the downturn have
been affected most. As discussed in the June Monetary Policy Report, low-income households have experienced by far the sharpest
drop in employment, while job losses of African Americans, Hispanics, and women have been greater than that of other groups. If
not contained and reversed, the downturn could further widen gaps
in economic well-being that the long expansion had made some
progress in closing.

Recently, some indicators have pointed to a stabilization and in
some areas a modest rebound in economic activity. With an easing
of restrictions on mobility and commerce and the extension of Federal loans and grants, some businesses are opening up, while stimulus checks and unemployment benefits are supporting household
incomes and spending. As a result, employment moved higher in
May. That said, the levels of output and employment remain far
below their prepandemic levels, and significant uncertainty remains about the timing and strength of the recovery. Much of that
economic uncertainty comes from uncertainty about the path of the
disease and the effects of measures to contain it. Until the public
is confident that the disease is contained, a full recovery is unlikely.
Moreover, the longer the downturn lasts, the greater the potential for longer-term damage from permanent job loss and business
closures. Long periods of unemployment can erode workers’ skills
and hurt their future job prospects. Persistent unemployment can
also negate the gains made by many disadvantaged Americans during the long expansion and as described to us at our Fed Listens
events. The pandemic is presenting acute risks to small businesses,
as discussed in the Monetary Policy Report at page 24. If a smallor medium-sized business becomes insolvent because the economy
recovers too slowly, we lose more than just that business. These
businesses are the heart of our economy and often embody the
work of generations.
With weak demand and large price declines for some goods and
services such as apparel, gasoline, air travel, and hotels, consumer
price inflation has dropped noticeably in recent months, but indicators of longer-term inflation expectations have been fairly steady.
As output stabilizes and the recovery moves ahead, inflation should
stabilize and then gradually move back up over time closer to our
symmetric 2 percent objective. Inflation is nonetheless likely to remain below our objective for some time.
The Fed’s response to this extraordinary period is guided by our
mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for
the American people, along with our responsibilities to promote the
stability of the financial system. We are committed to using our full
range of tools to support the economy in this challenging time.
In March, we quickly lowered the policy interest rate to near
zero, reflecting the effects of COVID–19 on economic activity, employment, and inflation, and the heightened risks to the outlook.
We expect to maintain interest rates at this level until we are confident that the economy has weathered recent events and is on
track to achieve our maximum employment and price-stability
We have also been taking broad and forceful actions to support
the flow of credit in the economy. Since March, we have been purchasing sizable quantities of Treasury securities and agency mortgage-backed securities in order to support the smooth functioning
of these markets, which are vital to the flow of credit in the economy. As described in the Monetary Policy Report, these purchases
have helped restore orderly market conditions and have fostered
more accommodative financial conditions. As market functioning
has improved since the strains experienced in March, we have

gradually reduced the pace of these purchases. To sustain smooth
market functioning and thereby foster the effective transmission of
monetary policy to broader financial conditions, we will increase
our holdings of Treasury securities and agency MBS coming
months at least at the current pace. We will closely monitor developments and are prepared to adjust our plans as appropriate to
support our goals.
To provide stability to the financial system and support the flow
of credit to households, businesses, and State and local governments, the Fed, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury,
established 11 credit and liquidity facilities under section 13(3) of
the Federal Reserve Act.
The report provides details on these facilities, which fall into two
broad categories: stabilizing short-term funding markets and providing more direct support for credit across the economy.
To help stabilize short-term funding markets, the Fed set up the
Commercial Paper Funding Facility and the Money Market Liquidity Facility to stem outflows from prime money market funds.
The Fed also established the Primary Dealer Credit Facility,
which provides loans against good collateral to primary dealers
that are critical intermediaries in short-term funding markets.
To more directly support the flow of credit to households, businesses, and State and local governments, we established a number
of facilities. To support the small business sector, we established
the Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility in order to bolster the effectiveness of the CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program.
Our Main Street Lending Program, which has launched this
week, supports lending to both small- and mid-sized businesses.
The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF, supports lending to both businesses and consumers.
To support the employment and spending of investment-grade
businesses, we established two corporate credit facilities, and to
help U.S. State and local governments manage cash-flow pressures
and serve their communities, we set up the Municipal Liquidity Facility.
The tools that we are using under Section 13(3) authority are appropriately reserved for times of emergency. When this crisis is behind us, we will put them away. In the June Monetary Policy Report, we review the implications of these tools for the Fed’s balance
Many of these facilities have been supported by funding from the
CARES Act, and we will be disclosing on a monthly basis, names
and details of participants in each such facility; amounts borrowed
and interest rate charged; and overall costs, revenues, and fees for
each facility. We embrace our responsibility to the American people
to be as transparent as possible, and we appreciate that the need
for transparency is heightened when we are called upon to use our
emergency powers.
We recognize that our actions are only part of a broader publicsector response. Congress’ passage of the CARES Act was critical
in enabling the Fed and the Treasury Department to establish
many of the lending programs. The CARES Act and other legislation provide direct help to people, businesses, and communities.

This direct support can make a critical difference not just in helping families and businesses in a time of need but also in limiting
long-lasting damage to our economy.
I want to end by acknowledging the tragic events that have
again put a spotlight on the pain of racial injustice in this country.
The Fed serves the entire Nation. We operate in and are part of
many of the communities across the country where Americans are
grappling with and expressing themselves on issues of racial equality. I speak for my colleagues throughout the Federal Reserve System when I say there is no place at the Fed for racism and there
should be no place for it in our society. Everyone deserves the opportunity to participate fully in our society and in our economy.
We understand that our work touches communities, families, and
businesses across the Nation, and everything we do is in service to
our public mission. We are committed to using our full range of
tools to support the economy and to help assure that the recovery
from this difficult period will be as robust as possible. Thank you.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you, Chairman Powell.
Last week, the Fed announced positive changes to increase access of the Municipal Facility and the Main Street Facilities, and
yesterday the Federal Reserve announced that the Main Street
Lending Program opened for lender registration and requested
feedback on loan terms for nonprofit organizations.
Can you provide me a timeline for when the Main Street Facilities, the Municipal Facility, and the nonprofit loans will be fully
Mr. POWELL. Sure. The Municipal Liquidity Facility is up and
operating. It is available to be approached by the eligible municipal
entitles, and so far, we have done one financing and we are open
to others. So that facility is fully open.
As you mentioned, Mr. Chairman, the Main Street Lending Program opened for lender registration yesterday. We expect that process to take a couple of days, and we encourage lenders who have
completed that process to begin immediately making loans to eligible borrowers. And we expect and hope that will happen.
Then I would say in a week or so, the Main Street Lending Program itself will be available to purchase 95 percent interest in
those loans. So that is effectively up and running now.
In terms of nonprofits, what we did, as you saw yesterday, was
to put out a proposal to include nonprofits in the Main Street Facility, and we have asked for comment on it. There are two facilities
in the nonprofit part of Main Street that have essentially the same
terms as the for-profit part of Main Street, but the requirements
to be an eligible borrower are different and are more tailored to the
financial characteristics of nonprofits, the ratio of liquid assets to
debt, the amount of liquidity on hand, the operating statistics of
the nonprofit.
So this is something we are very much looking forward to getting
feedback from the public on, and when we turn that around, it will
take some time to get it right, but I expect we will move pretty expeditiously on it over the next month or so.
Chairman CRAPO. All right. Thank you. I appreciate your attention to these. Obviously, these are very critical, and I hope to see
them moving aggressively as quickly as possible.

I would like to turn to the economy itself right now. You have
made some comments in recent days. On June 10th, the Fed released economic projections of the Federal Reserve Board members
and the Federal Reserve Bank presidents under their individual
assessments of the projected monetary policy.
Most of the Fed’s economic projections forecast the unemployment rate falling to around 9 or 10 percent later this year from a
high of 14.7 percent in April. Could you just elaborate a bit on your
projections for what the economic outlook is right now, and could
you take into consideration whether there is a differential between
the short-term outlook versus the longer-term outlook and how you
approach this?
Mr. POWELL. Yeah. So I think it is—to me, anyway, it is helpful
to think of it in sort of three stages. The first stage was the shutdown, and we have seen what that would produce, which is very
sharp declines in economic activity and very large increases in unemployment. And that was Q2, and we may be reaching a bottom
on that now.
After that, it is reasonable to expect—and this does assume, by
the way—all of this assumes that the virus remains reasonably
well under control and does not experience an event where the
virus rises widely across the Nation. Let us just assume that does
not happen. OK. So the first part is the shutdown.
The second part will be the bounce back, and you should see during that period, the economy opening, stores opening, all kinds of
different economic entities opening, and people going back to work.
We are seeing apparently the beginning of that with the employment report, and we would expect to see large numbers of people
during this period coming back to work during this second period
of—call it the ‘‘bounce back’’ or the beginning of the recovery.
Then we think and I think most, if not all, forecasters think that
will leave us well short of where we were in February, full employment with the economy really working broadly across all of its
areas, and the reason for that is just that there are parts of the
economy that will struggle to return to their old ways of activity
because they involve getting people together closely in large
groups. So it is going to take some time to rebuild confidence and
that kind of thing. So those are the three stages I would see.
Right now, we seem to be in the beginning. We may be in the
beginning of that second stage, and I would say this morning’s retail sales number is more evidence that, first of all, the legislation
that you passed, both the PPP and the unemployment insurance
and the checks that were sent out, all of that is supporting demand
and reopening and economic activity, including retail sales. We had
quite a positive report this morning on retail sales.
But I would say the path—the last thing I will say it is all quite
uncertain, but we appear to be entering that second phase of the
economy reopening and businesses reopening and spending increasing.
Chairman CRAPO. All right. Thank you. My time has expired.
Senator Brown.
Senator BROWN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chair Powell, thank you for your comments at the end of your
remarks about racism. I appreciate that. I think we all do.

A prominent Black economist and professor of economics at Howard, William Spriggs, recently wrote a letter criticizing how most
economists treat race in their models and assumptions. We provided that letter for you yesterday. Have you had a chance to read
it yet?
Mr. POWELL. I did, yes.
Senator BROWN.Good. Thank you.
Do you think in this letter, for those watching, he makes the
point that many economic outcomes are the direct result of racism?
Yet we hear from so many other economists and policymakers that
racial disparities and economic outcomes are explained by other
factors, education, for example, but we know that Black Americans
even with the same levels or better levels of education as their
White peers still make less money at the same jobs.
Do you think Dr. Spriggs is correct that the U.S. has failed to
grapple with the fact that much of the economic inequality is a direct result of institutional racism?
Mr. POWELL. Let me say that Professor Spriggs, Bill Spriggs, is
a well-known scholar who has really built his career around issues
of economic justice. He is somebody who is very well known and
widely liked and admired here at the Federal Reserve. we actually
have a relationship that we highly value with Howard University,
their Economic Department.
So I will just say a couple things. First, the economics discipline,
like every other aspect of our society, does have a troubled history
when it comes to issues of race inequality, and his letter, as I read
it, really calls on the profession to examine whether systemic racism is reflected in the empirical work of economists. And it is particularly in an area called ‘‘stratification economics,’’ which he refers to, which is a relatively new subfield in economics which focuses on the failure of conventional economics to recognize and explain persistent racial inequality. So that is really what the letter
is about.
I think it is thought-provoking, and I would just agree that there
is a lot of work left to do, both in the economics profession on these
issues and I hope recent events are pushing all of us to try to do
Senator BROWN. Thanks for that thoughtful response.
As Chair of the Federal Reserve, you lead the most influential
economic institution in the United States, of course. Would you
commit to us to a thoughtful and open-minded study of how the
Fed’s policies, whether with regard to monetary policy or the Fed’s
failure to regulate subprime lending on the various assumptions
underlying our systems contribute to systematic racism in our
country? Would you commit to a thoughtful and open-ended and
open-minded study of doing that with us?
Mr. POWELL. You know, I will take that away and think about
it and talk to my colleagues about it and come back to you. Before
we commit to a big study, I want to carefully think about it.
As you know, as an institution, we are very focused on diversity
and inclusion, and we try to make that a very, very high principle
for us here at the Fed. And we do consider racial disparities and
things like that as a routine matter in our work now.
Let me talk to my colleagues and come back to you on that.

Senator BROWN. Well, one of the reasons I voted for your confirmation for chair was that when you were—before you were chair,
but you were a Governor of the Fed, that you helped to lead the
way on dealing with issues of race. The Fed has a long way to go.
We all have a long way to go, but thank you for that.
Let me talk about somebody else at the Fed, the president of the
Atlanta Fed, Raphael Bostic. As you know, the first and amazingly
still the only ever African American Federal Reserve Bank president in the Fed’s history of 10 decades. He recently stated that
many Americans endure the burden of unjust, exploitative, and
abusive treatment by institutions in this country. He is calling for
the Fed to help reduce social inequities and bring about a more inclusive economy.
Would you say, Mr. Chairman, is the Fed one of the institutions
responsible for the unequal outcomes Black and brown workers
face in this country?
Mr. POWELL. First, let me say I do recommend President Bostic’s
message that he put up on the Atlanta Fed’s website. It is really
excellent and very well said.
Are we responsible? I would sort of answer the question this way.
There is no doubt more that all of us can do to address these
issues, and this feels like a time when people are going to be looking for ways to do more. And we certainly are going to be doing
Senator BROWN. So have you talked to Dr. Bostic about whether
he was suggesting the Fed now or is at some time unjust, exploitative, or abusive to institutions? Have you had these conversations
personally with him?
Mr. POWELL. I have not spoken to him since he published that
message. I did send him an email thanking him for it.
Senator BROWN. Implicit in its comments and your response is
the Fed can do better, so thank you.
What are you doing to make sure the Fed’s response does not
make the existing inequality in this country even worse?
Mr. POWELL. What we learned during the last long expansion is
that a tight job market is probably the best single thing that the
Fed can do to support gains by all low- and moderate-income communities and particularly for minority communities who are heavily represented in these groups.
We saw in the last couple of years, before the coronavirus arrived, that wage increases were the largest for people at the low
end of the income spectrum, and we also met with many, many
groups and people in low- and moderate-income communities as
part of our Fed Listens events, as part of our long-standing meetings we have with people. What we heard over and over again was
‘‘This is the best labor market we have seen in our lifetime. Please
do not change what you are doing. This is really working.’’
So we are all highly motivated to get back to that. Everything
we are doing is to try to get the labor market back to where it was
in February of 2020. We want to get back to a tight labor market.
We learned that inflation did not move up really noticeably at all
with almost 2 years of unemployment between 3.5 to 4 percent, and
we learned that there were tremendous benefits to those communities but also to the country, because we were pulling people into

the labor force. The labor force participation rate was going up.
That is what we can contribute as well as all the other things we
We try to model diversity and inclusion. We try to model those
values, but we are very focused on maximum employment and getting back there as fast as we can.
Senator BROWN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Shelby.
Senator SHELBY. Thank you, Chairman Crapo.
Chairman Powell? Chairman Powell?
Is he on?
Mr. POWELL. Yes, I am on, Senator?
Senator SHELBY. OK. I would like to pick up on what Senator
Crapo was into earlier, and that is the economy and how it is
going. I think you are spot on as far as a lot of it is predicated on
how we contain or the coronavirus is contained, where it goes and
so forth, because that is what is on people’s minds.
But a lot of people now are wanting to go back to work. I see a
little more activity. We saw the jobs report we all referred to. Do
you see in your models or your forecast, the next month’s jobs report being up or a little down or about the same, or is it going to
be progress all along, including the third quarter? Have you got
models on that?
Mr. POWELL. Yes. I would start by saying that there is a tremendous amount of volatility in the labor market reports month to
month. So they will move around even if the economy is not really
moving around. They will move around just because it is a survey,
and I think it is particularly difficult to conduct a survey when you
cannot really do it in person.
Senator SHELBY. Absolutely.
Mr. POWELL. But with that caveat, the answer to your question
really is that, yes, I think our expectation generally and the expectation of other forecasters is that we will now see unemployment
decline and employment increase, and that is just a function of lifting the social distancing measures, the shutdown, and moving back
in large parts of the economy to reopened businesses and resumption of normal business activities.
That should result in a significant amount of job gains and an
increase in activity from where we were at the beginning, but it
will leave us well short of where we were.
Senator SHELBY. But it is all predicated on us containing the
coronavirus, it not coming back or at least that strong, is it not?
Mr. POWELL. Yes. I think the public wants to have confidence——
Senator SHELBY. Absolutely.
Mr. POWELL.——to be able to return to these kinds of activities.
In fact, I think the return to investments that create that confidence will be extremely high from an economic standpoint.
Senator SHELBY. I would like to now shift to the balance sheet
of the Fed. You have been on the Fed a number of years, and you
have been an investor in past life and so forth. Does it bother you
as the Fed Chairman to see that the balance sheet has grown so

I know these extraordinary times. We have got to have extraordinary measures, but to de-leverage the balance sheet as it is growing and probably continue to grow, it is going to be a thing for the
future. But it is going to be a real challenge for somebody, is it not?
Mr. POWELL. Well, so, first, I do not think that the balance sheet
at anything like its current size presents any real threat to either
inflation or to financial stability.
Senator SHELBY. Currently.
Mr. POWELL. Currently.
Our principle is we do not want the balance sheet to be any bigger than it needs to be for us to do our job, to achieve maximum
employment and price stability. So I am not concerned about the
balance sheet and the plans I see for it going forward at this point.
Over time, I think what we did learn—and I was here for the
whole last cycle of the balance sheet—first, the last QE and then
the decline in the balance sheet. I think it is just something that
has to be taken very carefully and very slowly. And it is not something we are thinking about now. We are not at all thinking
about—what we are thinking about now is providing the accommodation that this economy needs for as long as it needs it. That is
all we are thinking about.
When the time comes—what we did from 2014, as you will recall,
2014 to 2017, we just froze the size of the balance sheet, and as
the economy grows, the balance sheet shrinks as a percent of the
economy. So that is a very passive way that—and that did not
cause any reaction in the market. I think there have been market
reactions when we try to actually shrink the size of the balance
Senator SHELBY. Thank you.
Mr. POWELL. Thank you, Senator.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Reed.
Senator REED. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and thank
you, Chairman Powell, not only for your testimony, but for your innovative and, I think, very thoughtful leadership and also for your
personal integrity and decency. So thank you very much for that.
If State and local governments are not able to provide essential
services, what impact will this have on the economy, and without
additional resources from the Federal Government, how will they
be able to provide these adequate services?
Mr. POWELL. So State and local governments do provide a lot of
the critical services that people rely on day to day, police, fire, public safety, all of the things that they deal with day to day that the
Government does tend to provide for the most part by State and
local governments, and essentially, all the States have a balanced
budget requirement. So what you see when revenues turn down
and expenses turn up, as they have, is you see layoffs.
State and local governments amount to something like 13 percent of the labor force. They are one of the largest employers. So
it can really weigh on the economy.
If the States are in tight financial straights, very tight, what
happens is, first of all, they will cut essential services. Second, they
will lay people off, and all of that will weigh on the economy.

Senator REED. So, essentially, that could be the biggest drag on
the economy going forward, the States being forced by their constitutions to contract, literally. That is a view that is a fair view?
Mr. POWELL. It can be a drag, and in fact, it was after the global
financial crisis and during the Great Recession for a number of
years. It is pretty well documented now that it was a drag on
Senator REED. Now, one of the other issues—and Senator Brown
has just echoed this—is that, looking at statistics, 14 percent of
State and local employees are African American. That is compared
to 11.7 percent in the private workforce.
So, once again, we will see a situation institutionally, maybe not
intentionally, institutionally that probably the bulk or a significant
portion of this distress will be laid on the shoulders of African
American workers because they are the State workers that will be
laid off. Is that adequate or accurate, I should say?
Mr. POWELL. I do not know the exact number, but it is certainly
right. And, of course, we know that people who have lost their jobs
so far in the private sector come from parts of the service industry
that are directly affected by the coronavirus, and they are heavily
lower-income people. Minorities are overrepresented. Women are
Senator REED. Let me turn to the May jobs report. I mean, it
was encouraging, but did it represent a turning of the corner, that
the labor market is fine, that we are going to go forward?
I think your previous comments suggested that is encouraging
news, but going forward, still significant unemployment figures will
be confronting us for years, perhaps. Is that accurate?
Mr. POWELL. Yes. Look, it was definitely, definitely good news
and maybe the biggest data surprise that anybody can remember.
People thought it would be. They were looking at the claims data
and other things.
But the larger context, though, as you point out, is something
like close to 25 million people have been displaced in the workforce,
either partially or through unemployment, and so we have a long
road ahead of us to get those people back to work.
It is really a good thing that we are starting. We are starting
earlier than we thought. That is nothing but a positive thing, but
we just have to just acknowledge that it is a lot of people.
As I mentioned earlier, there is a broad expectation that we will
see big numbers of people coming back this summer. We certainly
hope that turns out to be right, but also that those people who
work in those service industries that are going to take longer to recover, there will be a lot of them. And they will find it hard to get
back to work as quickly as the others.
Senator REED. One of my concerns in having served through the
Great Recession of 2008, ’09, and ’10, is that unemployment rates
will stay high and our unemployment extended benefits will expire,
and in fact, what happens, as you know, in different areas of the
country, they will lag. And so you could have States that have very
high unemployment rates.
The point of my comments are we do need, in your view, to have
extended unemployment benefits, much greater than the present
law allows, and also, would it make sense to index those benefits

to a certain unemployment rate so that we do not find certain
States or certain areas who are well behind and they lose their
Mr. POWELL. So I think there is going to be a large number of
people who will not be able to immediately go back to work at their
old job or even in their old industry. There will be a significant
group that is left over even after we get the employment bounce,
and the details of this are entirely a matter of fiscal policy.
There are a lot of really interesting ideas bouncing around about
how to do that, but I do think they will be hard pressed to find
work. And they are going to need support. They will have regular
State unemployment insurance for a period. I would be looking at
what kind of support will they need. And also, really, some of them
are going to need to find new paths through the economy. Are
there ways we can help them do that?
Senator REED. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Chairman Crapo.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Toomey.
Senator TOOMEY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Good morning, Chairman Powell. Thanks for joining us.
I do want to stress how encouraging the recent economic data
has been actually for a little while now. We had a tremendous increase in personal income in the month of April, which is not terribly surprising, but the May employment number was very surprising and very encouraging. Retail sales today was really good
So I am not for a minute suggesting that we are out of the
woods, but the anecdotal evidence has been very, very encouraging.
And I would just remind my colleagues, there is no such thing as
a free lunch, and we have authorized several trillion dollars of Government spending in a variety of ways. And much of it has not yet
even been spent. So I think we should be very, very careful in evaluating what is necessary before we go forward.
Mr. Chairman, I want to talk about corporate bond buying because when we put together the CARES Act, the concept of funding
SPVs so that they could go out and buy corporate bonds, whether
through ETFs or whether through a new Fed-created index or directly, there were always two reasons for having this capacity. One
was to ensure the smooth functioning of the markets, and for that,
the mere existence of these programs has been remarkably successful. We have seen record volumes of corporate debt issuance. Clearly, the corporate bond market is functioning and functioning very,
very well.
The second possibility was to provide liquidity to a company that
is fundamentally solvent but facing a serious liquidity problem because of the nature of the moment.
It seems to me that continuing broad-based corporate buying of
bonds now and including setting up yet a new index for doing so
does not serve either of those purposes. Those needs are being met,
and I worry that it starts to look at lot like fiscal policy or it starts
to look a lot like the goal is to lower spreads, despite the fact that
nominal rates are incredibly low.

And it certainly seems to me that this kind of activity at a time
when the markets are already functioning smoothly and we are not
addressing individual borrower needs but rather making these
broad-based purchases, we run the risk that we diminish price signals that we get from the corporate bond market, which can be extremely important in enabling us to detect problems.
So I am wondering why we need to be continuing a broad-based
corporate bond buying program now, and what is the exit strategy
on this?
Mr. POWELL. So I certainly hope it does not have those negative
effects you mentioned.
So this is something we said we would do at the beginning, and
you pointed out that markets reacted very strongly to the announcement. That is because they believe that we will do what we
say we are going to do.
So one reason—I would not say it is the main reason. One reason
is, though, we feel that we need to follow through and do what we
said we were going to do so that——
Senator TOOMEY. Can I just—on that, my impression had always
been that it was a contingent thing, that this would be there as
needed and would be used as needed, but if it is not needed, it is
not clear to me that you have to use it anyway to show that you
are willing to use it. I do not think anybody doubts your willingness to use it.
Mr. POWELL. We are not actually increasing the dollar volume of
things we are buying. We are just shifting away from ETFs toward
this other form of index, and as we have said—and if you look at
the FAQs, frequently asked questions, we published associated
with this change, it is really going to depend on the level of market
function. If market function continues to improve, then we are
happy to slow or even stop the purchases. If it goes the other way,
we will increase the purchases.
Senator TOOMEY. Is there a problem with market functioning
now in the corporate bond market?
Mr. POWELL. Market function has improved really substantially,
and that is why you see very little demand; in fact, so far, no demand at the primary market facility. We originally thought that
was where the demand would show up.
So it was out of an excess of caution to preserve these gains for
market functioning by following through, and I do not see us as
wanting to run through the bond market like an elephant doing
things and snuffing out price signals and things like that. We want
to be there—if things turn bad in the economy or if things go in
a negative direction, we want to make sure that we are there.
Also, with the ETFs, remember it is a very small part of the market. The actual bonds give us a better purchase, should we need
it. We clearly do not need it now.
Senator TOOMEY. That is my real point. I get the argument for
creating a broader index than a given ETF, but it is not clear to
me that that needs to be intervening actively in the corporate bond
market right now.
But let me move on to another issue. Last week, my understanding is you suggested that the Fed might be considering
whether to adopt yield targets, which really means—let us face it.

That means yield caps. I wanted to discuss that a little bit. I am
very concerned about that.
First of all, the idea of manipulating Treasury yields to keep
them lower than they otherwise would be involves lots of potential
problems. It is clearly picking borrowers over lenders. It creates
problems for insurance funds and pension funds, distorts price signaling, and I do not know how you would get out of that.
So do you have any more thoughts on the idea of establishing
yield targets on the Treasury curve?
Mr. POWELL. Sure. So this is something that we have never
done—actually, that is not true. We did it during—after World War
II and into the—during World War II and into the early ’50s. We
have not done it in the modern era. A couple of central banks—
Bank of Japan, the Reserve Bank of Australia—have done it. So it
is a tool other central banks have chosen to use now.
And what we did at the last meeting was just brief people up on
the history of it and really how it works so that people understand
the technology and that sort of thing.
We have made absolutely no decision to go forward on it, as you
have seen some of my colleagues have given speeches lately, raising questions about it. So it is not a decision that we have made.
The sense of it is that if the market—if rates were to move up
a lot for whatever reason and we wanted to keep them low to keep
monetary policy accommodative, you might think about using it,
not on the whole curve, but on some part of the curve. And it is
not a decision that we have made. It is sort of an early stage thing
we are evaluating.
Senator TOOMEY. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Menendez.
Senator MENENDEZ. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
The tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and
Rayshard Brooks have galvanized millions across the Nation to
stand up and peacefully march in protest against systemic racism,
inequality, and injustice that has plagued our country since its
founding. Minority communities have suffered systemic racial, social, and economic indignity, also being disproportionately impacted
by the other crisis gripping our Nation, which is the COVID–19
Chair Powell, will there be a long-term negative economic impact
if 40 percent of Black-owned small businesses permanently shut
their doors as a result of the coronavirus pandemic?
Mr. POWELL. Well, small businesses are under a lot of pressure,
and the answer to your question would be yes. Certainly, those are
important businesses in our communities.
Senator MENENDEZ. Will there be a long-term negative economic
impact if 44 percent of Black households and 41 percent of Latino
households are unable to make their next rent payment and are
Mr. POWELL. Evictions and foreclosures and things like that can
be very bad, not just for the individuals involved, but they can—
they are very bad for the individuals involved, but also they can
certainly weigh on economic activity as well.

Senator MENENDEZ. Will there be a long-term negative economic
impact if African American and Hispanic families’ wealth, which is
currently eight to 10 times smaller than the medium net worth of
White families, is further depleted?
Mr. POWELL. I would say there would.
Senator MENENDEZ. Considering the long-term economic impacts
of the racial disparities exacerbated by COVID–19 pandemic, what
are the consequences of Congress failing to account for these pernicious racial disparities in the next COVID–19 relief bill? Would
the economy be better off if Congress took action to mitigate these
inequalities in COVID relief legislation?
Mr. POWELL. Senator, I just would say fiscal policy is really for
you, and I do think what you have done so far has been by far the
largest of any fiscal response. And I think it is really—you are
starting to see that in some of the economic numbers we are seeing.
Senator MENENDEZ. Well, I appreciate that.
My point that I am driving at here is that we cannot ignore the
reality that when one segment of our society, African Americans
and Hispanics, disproportionately affected by COVID, disproportionately affected in their income, disproportionately affected in
their business potential closures—you cannot have that whole segment of the economy ultimately doing so worse than everybody else
and believe that the economy is going to do well when you look at
the population that they have.
So it certainly cries out for all of us—for the Fed, the Congress—
to be dealing with these realities, not just in terms of justice, but
in terms of the national interest as well.
Let me turn to another question. As our country navigates this
economic crisis that flows from the pandemic, I hope we remember
the lessons we have learned from past downturns. One of the most
obvious lessons we learned during the Great Recession is that cuts
to the State and local sector make recessions deeper, delay economic recovery, and are completely preventable if Congress provides relief.
Chair Powell, is it not true that according to the Federal Reserve
inflation adjusted data, State and local investments continue to fall
for a full 5 years after the recession officially ended in June of
Mr. POWELL. I do not know that number, but I would not doubt
it, Senator.
Senator MENENDEZ. I can commend it to you because I looked it
Is it not also true that Fed researchers found that State and local
austerity adopted after the Great Recession was a drag on economic growth for 23 out of 26 quarters between 2008 and mid2014, and that without that austerity, GDP would have been
roughly 3.5 percent larger by the end of 2015?
Mr. POWELL. I know the finding. I cannot swear to those numbers. I will take your word for it.
Senator MENENDEZ. OK. Well, I commend them to you, and if
you could send me back an answer in writing, I would appreciate

Did not State and local governments cut more than 750,000 jobs
after the Great Recession?
Mr. POWELL. Yes. And they did not hire. The other thing is they
did not do much hiring for quite a long time.
Senator MENENDEZ. So that is exactly where we are at right now.
And given that current budget projections are far worse than even
during the Great Recession, is it not fair to say that unless Congress provides Federal assistance to State and local governments to
stem the shortfalls that it will be significantly worse than they
were during the Great Recession?
Mr. POWELL. I think there are already a million and a half layoffs, most of which are at State and local governments.
Senator MENENDEZ. Well, the Bureau of Labor Statistics solicited
nearly a million layoffs so far. Moody’s Analytics says that you
need the $500 billion that Senator Cassidy and I and along with
other colleagues have recommended for State and local governments. The absence of that, of any of that type of assistance, it
means 6 to 8 million more public service jobs.
And it would be the irony of the pandemic that those who we
need the most—police, firefighters, paramedics, health care professionals—during the course of the pandemic and maybe a rebound
would be the ones who would lose their jobs. So I hope that the
Congress does respond.
Thank you very much.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Cotton.
Senator COTTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Chairman Powell, for joining us today.
We spoke a couple of times last month about giving more companies access to the Fed’s primary market corporate credit facility by
allowing the Fed to purchase debt rated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, or NAIC.
It is very expensive for a company to get rated as an issuer by
one of the public ratings firms like S&P and Moody’s, but at the
moment, only companies that can afford that expensive and sometimes cumbersome process can access the primary market facility
or indirectly access the secondary market facility. But there are
many companies that issue investment-grade debt that has been
rated by NAIC, and the Fed could purchase debt rated 1 or 2 by
NAIC without sacrificing in credit quality.
Chairman Powell, in May when we spoke about this issue, you
had said that ‘‘We,’’ meaning you and Secretary Mnuchin, ‘‘were
working on the problem.’’ Can you give us an update on where that
work is and whether the Fed is going to allow NAIC-issued debt
to be bought using these credit facilities?
Mr. POWELL. Sure. So we did open up the ratings to three additional firms that had significant business in particular sectors. So
it is not just the three majors. It is three others who were also considered majors for some purposes. But we understand that does
leave some companies that do not have a rating. As we open these
facilities that are just in the process of opening, we are looking for
an answer there.
NAIC, of course, is not an NRSRO, and it has not traditionally
been used in this way. So we are looking at some options for what

to do there. I wish I could tell you we had an answer yet, but we
are working on it.
Senator COTTON. So you have not opened it yet, but you have not
foreclosed the possibility of trying to find some solution for this
Mr. POWELL. No. We are still looking for a solution. Yes.
Senator COTTON. Any kind of timeframe that you can put on
Mr. POWELL. Well, we actually talked about it yesterday. So we
are working on it. I think soon, let us say.
Senator COTTON. I just want to stress again that there are dozens of companies that had very strong balance sheets and employ
tens of thousands of people across all of our States who for one reason or another choose not to go to a public rating agency but are
in many ways in the same position as a publicly traded company
who would use these facilities, and I really hope that the Federal
Reserve and the Treasury can find a way to treat everyone in an
equitable fashion and protect as many of those jobs as possible as
we try to open up our economy and get back to something more like
Mr. Chairman, I think I will yield back the balance of my time
now because I know we have a lot of people in the queue for questions.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you, Senator Cotton.
Senator Tester.
Senator TESTER. Well, thank you, Chairman Crapo and Ranking
Member Brown.
I want to thank you, Chairman Powell, for your good work. I
very much appreciate your steady hand at the wheel.
I want to step back a little bit. The unemployment rate right now
is 13.3 percent. I believe that is correct. Just nod your head if it
Yes, that is good.
And refresh my memory. At the peak of the Great Recession
when folks were bouncing off the walls around here because of the
total worldwide financial meltdown, potentially, we were at 10.6
percent, right?
Mr. POWELL. Something like that, yeah. It was in the 10.
Senator TESTER. If you consider the fact that has been pointed
out several times during this hearing that the low-wage workers
are the ones that are really severely impacted—and I think you
pointed it out in your testimony. And since we have got a lot of
poverty in rural America, can you just give me a quick assessment
if the program that the Fed is doing is working in the areas that
it is really needed? And look, it is needed across the country, of
course, for the 13.3 percent, and that may be a very conservative
figure, by the way. And you know that. But with unemployment
where it is at, it is needed everywhere, but are we getting it to
rural America?
Mr. POWELL. I like to think that we are, first, through our support of the Paycheck Protection Program. Through the Paycheck
Protection Program Liquidity Facility, we have made that easier
for small banks to use because they can then transfer their ownership interest in the loan fully to our facility, and it is off their bal-

ance sheet. That gives them balance sheet capacity, and it is gone.
And they still get to keep the economics. So that should help, and
it should also help borrowers because of that.
Also Main Street, Main Street is for larger companies, and some
of those will be in rural areas.
Senator TESTER. So what about—in particular, the ones that
really got trashed in my State are restaurants, bars, workout facilities, motels. Are we able to focus this money at any way to, say,
the hospitality industry, because that is what they are, to really
make sure that the money is going there? Because those folks are
really, really, really in tough shape. I mean, tougher shape than—
I mean, in agriculture, I can claim I have had impacts by COVID,
but it has been nothing compared to the folks that are in the hospitality business.
Mr. POWELL. And that is true across the country.
So if they have fewer than 500 employees, they would have been
eligible for the PPP program, and there is still money left in that
program, as I am sure you know.
In terms of what we do, any company that is eligible can borrow.
We set terms of broad eligibility, and we are looking back to your
financials the way they were prepandemic. So we are looking at
2019 financials.
Senator TESTER. Is there any way to do any oversight to make
a determination whether the people that actually have been impacted are getting the money? I mean, I have been told by several
businesses, ‘‘Hey, look, the money is there. I have not really been
impacted by COVID, but the money is there. And it is literally free.
I am going to go get it.’’
Mr. POWELL. So it is interesting. So we have not made any Main
Street loans. We are just starting to do that, but we will certainly
be looking carefully at what the population of loans is.
Senator TESTER. OK.
Mr. POWELL. And we have not made any of the investment-grade
loans either because the market opened up wide open, and lots and
lots of companies borrowed, including the ones who had become socalled ‘‘fallen angels’’ and dropped below investment grade.
Senator TESTER. So let me approach something else that—and I
know you do not concern yourself with debt as much in times of
economic slowdowns, as we are in today, especially as one significant as this.
But when Obama left office, the debt was $19.9 trillion. Three
and a half years later into the Trump administration, we are over
$26 trillion. Can you tell me—and you have got to be able to forecast this out a bit. Can you tell me what that debt’s impact is going
to be on inflation and unemployment moving forward?
Mr. POWELL. It is hard to say very specifically what it would be,
but the United States Federal budget has been on an
unsustainable path for years now. That just means that the debt
is growing faster than the economy. So debt to GDP is rising. That
is, by definition, unsustainable.
And what really happens is, over time, future generations—our
kids and our grandkids—their tax dollars will be going to servicing
the debt that we incurred to buy the stuff we wanted when we
were in charge or when we were adults in America. And every

generation is entitled to spend what it wants to spend on the
things it thinks it needs, but it really ought to pay for them in
some sense, rather than passing the bills on to the kids, just in
very simple terms. The longer-run issue is one of generational equity.
The United States has a lot of fiscal and borrowing power. We
are the world’s reserve currency. We have the world’s best economy, the most vibrant economy, the best institutions. So we can
borrow a lot, but I think we need to get back on a sustainable path.
I will close up by saying, though, that the time to work on that
hard is when the economy is strong, unemployment is low, there
is growth. That is when you want to work on that. Those concerns
are always going to be there, but I would not prioritize them at a
time like this when the spending is—what it is doing is it is giving
us a better economy going forward, which will really help service
the debt.
Senator TESTER. I agree with you, and just a statement, we
should have been prioritizing that before the economy collapsed
like 2017, ’18, and ’19 when we were borrowing a trillion dollars.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Rounds.
Senator ROUNDS. Hey, good morning Mr. Chairman.
I want to go back a little bit. Earlier in the pandemic, I joined
in a letter with Senator Warner to the Treasury regarding mortgage forbearance and liquidity that were concerns for mortgage
Thankfully, the uptake on the forbearance programs has been
modest, though there is still some concern about an increase in
mortgage forbearances and a need for the Fed to establish a liquidity facility for mortgage servicers if economic growth stagnates in
the coming months.
My question is, Do you foresee the need for a service or liquidity
facility in the near term, and what kind of warning signs would
you be looking out for to indicate that need, if you have an interest?
Mr. POWELL. So the housing regulators and the Treasury really
have the lead on that.
I would say we were more worried a couple of months ago about
stresses building up, just as you described, than we are now. The
stresses have moved down a little bit. Of course, we will be monitoring that carefully, but as of right now, it does not look like there
is a need for such a facility.
Senator ROUNDS. Thank you.
The Fed has said that results of both the CCAR review and the
DFAST stress tests will be released on the 25th of June. Considering the importance of understanding how the Fed views the responses of banks to the COVID–19 pandemic, this is highly anticipated. This is one that we are looking forward to, and I think there
is some anticipation with the release of that information.
I have also been closely tracking the Fed’s integration of stress
test results with nonstress capital requirements in the stress capital buffer.

My question is, Can you tell us more about what the Fed will be
releasing on the 25th and whether or not that will include a disclosure of the Fed’s COVID analysis and stress capital buffer requirements?
Mr. POWELL. Yes, I believe it will, and of course, we are just in
the process. That is 9 days away. So we are working on that now.
Senator ROUNDS. OK. And after the release of the CCAR and the
DFAST results on the 25th, what comes next? Will banks have to
resubmit their capital plans or conduct additional stress tests? Is
that the anticipated response that you are looking at, or have you
gotten that far yet?
Mr. POWELL. Again, we are making that announcement on the
25th, and it is something we are actively, of course with it being
9 days before that, we are actively engaged in considering those
issues right now.
Senator ROUNDS. OK. Let me run along just a little bit different
route here, Mr. Chairman.
Given the length of time that we will be in a low interest rate
environment, I think it is worth it for the Federal Government to
consider issuing some long-duration bonds with maturities that are
beyond the 10 or 30 years that is typical for today.
In the past few years, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Italy
have sold 50-year bonds, and Austria, Belgium, and even Ireland
have sold some sovereign bonds with 100-year maturities. Is this
something the United States should consider, and would the Fed
consider buying ultra-long Treasuries?
Mr. POWELL. That is an issue that is squarely in the province of
the Treasury Secretary and his colleagues at Treasury Department,
and as you know, Secretary Mnuchin looked very carefully at
longer and longer maturities earlier in this Administration. So,
again, it is not something that the Fed really plays a role in deciding.
Senator ROUNDS. Very good.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I will yield back.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Warner.
Senator WARNER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
And it is good to see you, Chair Powell.
I do not know if you saw, but former Chairman of the Fed Ben
Bernanke and 130 other economists wrote the congressional leadership today, released a letter pointing out one additional need for
stimulus, pointing out that we have got a $16 trillion toll in our
economy that needs to be dealt with.
Mr. Bernanke’s letter also pointed out how enormously damaging
the COVID–19 crisis has been to communities of color. I think we
saw that as well. We all applauded the May unemployment numbers, but as you well know them, unemployment numbers for Black
Americans actually still went up in May.
And if there is—again, I think a common point of evidence is
that the Great Recession indicated that a prolonged economic
downturn will seriously damage economic opportunities and wealth
accumulation for all Americans but, again, particularly for families
of color.

A subject that you and I have talked about, Chairman Powell, a
number of times is the important resource for these communities
that CDFIs and minority depository institutions provide in that
they provide patient, long-term investments in these LMI, low- and
moderate-income, disadvantaged neighborhoods.
But as we look at MDIs and CDFIs, many of these institutions
are held back from boosting investment because of lack of capital
or limited access to liquidity and certain other operational limitations. Would you agree, Mr. Chairman, that building capacity at
these institutions could provide a significant response to the downturn by boosting access to credit for so many of the small minorityowned businesses that otherwise, I think, by third or fourth quarter, were going to be in really tough shape?
Mr. POWELL. So, as you suggest, I think the CDFIs and the MDIs
are very important in their communities, and we have strong relationships with those institutions. And we do what we can to foster
their successful conduct of their business, and we are heavily engaged with CDFIs and MDIs.
Senator WARNER. Well, I think if we could really lean in and be
creative at this moment in time and if we could provide these institutions with the proper resources, they could not only be an important component of fighting the economic inequality—but, again, I
appreciate you making your comments about racism at the end of
your opening comments—but also about seeing the kind of economic renewal that we so desperately need in this part of America.
Now, I have been working on a proposal with Senator Booker
and a number of other of my colleagues that would provide direct
private and public money in the CDFIs and MDIs as part of a
longer-term strategy to rebuild the LMI communities and foster
economic growth.
And while the direct equity infusions we are talking about would
be more a Treasury-directed investment, we are also looking at a
TALF-like facility that would have a Fed role, not to have loans
forgiven, but a TALF-like facility where there would still be investment from Treasury. There would still be retention of some of the
obligations from these institutions, but by helping to clean up the
balance sheet of some of these entities, that would dramatically increase liquidity, which, again, if we could do equity and then also
clean up some of the balance sheets, I think there would be enormous value here. And I think this is completely consistent with the
Fed’s mission to achieve maximum stable employment.
And that maximum stable employment is obviously a mandate
that extends to all communities, and as so many of my colleagues
and you have acknowledged, the persistent economic disparities
that we have in our country, this has to be dealt with.
The protests on the street are about criminal justice, but they
are about long-term chronic economic disparity.
So I would just ask you, Mr. Chairman, as we roll out this plan,
that you and the Fed within the bounds of your authority would
really lean in. Let us stretch, expand the envelope a little bit, because I think we really have an opportunity and obligation to make
sure that these institutions are better able to be part of a recovery.
If you would make a quick comment on that, I would appreciate

Mr. POWELL. I would be happy to take a look at that.
As you know and as we have discussed on other occasions, 13(3)
facilities are supposed to be programs of broad eligibility. We do
not tend to target particular beneficiaries but rather broad institutions, and anyone who meets the sort of requirements can take
part in the facility.
But subject to that, I am very happy to take a look at this idea.
Senator WARNER. And I just again—I know my time is up, but
I just point out when we have got 40 percent of Americans who are
making less than $40,000 a year, out of work disproportionately in
LMI communities, I think that is a broad-based problem that the
country has to address.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Perdue.
[No response.]
Chairman CRAPO. Is Senator Perdue with us?
We will move on, until he gets back, then to Senator Tillis.
Senator TILLIS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Can you hear me?
Chairman CRAPO. Yes.
Senator TILLIS. And thank you, Chairman Powell, for being here.
I just heard an echo. I think I have corrected it.
I am kind of curious. I know that Vice Chair Quarles, while back,
talked about adding additional elements to CCAR stress testing,
and some of that, I am sure is just a natural evolution of what you
are learning about, what works and what does not work within
But I have heard more recently that they are going to add on another layer that is specifically focused on the circumstances we
found ourselves with, with COVID–19.
And one of the concerns that I have with that is, number one,
I think that the banking institutions with about twice as much capital as they had after the financial crisis, that we could arrive at
a point with the results of these stress test to where we are actually going to increase their capital requirements, and that seems to
me to be at odds with us relying on the banks, to get out there help
families and businesses, provide capital and support financial
So a part of what I am asking is if we are going down this path,
are we working with the banks to really think through the cost
benefit of this particular additional regimen added to the stress
testing, and are we potentially at risk of increasing capital requirements at the worst possible time?
Mr. POWELL. Senator, as I mentioned, we are just in the middle
of making those decisions and carefully reviewing all the materials.
So I am just going to have to say I hear your comment loud and
clear, and this is probably a discussion for us to have after we
make the announcement we are going to make on the 25th.
As we mentioned publicly, we are doing sensitivity analyses,
which seems like the right thing to do.
And you are also right that we are not looking to have our capital requirements be procyclical, but in terms of the actual results
of the test and things like that and what we are doing, I think I
should just leave it at that.

Senator TILLIS. OK. Thank you.
And by the way, on looking forward to future announcements,
like Chairman Crapo, I am looking forward to a future announcement on Inter-Affiliate Margin. I understand that the regulators
are on board. Do we have any idea of when we would expect action
on that? I have been expecting it. I understand that it is imminent.
Do you have any read on when we are going to see that?
Mr. POWELL. Soon. That is all I know is that it is soon. I wish
I could be more specific, but that is what I have been told is soon.
Senator TILLIS. Well, to be fair, I know that that cuts across several lanes, but it has been soon since about September of last year.
So I hope it is getting to be sooner.
Mr. POWELL. Yes, Senator. I do too.
Senator TILLIS. I have another question, and thank you. I know
you agree.
I think it was last week, Mr. Chairman, that you said the FOMC
is not even thinking about raising rates. I think you went on to say
that they are likely to stay at zero between now and through 2022.
That feels like forward guidance, that that policy is anchored in a
calendar rather than FOMC goals.
So I am curious—and I think it was in that setting that you did
not make any mention of yield curve control, and I was curious.
Was that just not right for that particular discussion, or do you believe there is not a place for yield curve control in this dialogue?
Mr. POWELL. So I did say that we are not only not thinking about
raising rates; we are not thinking about thinking about raising
rates. That is what I said.
I did not mention the end of ’22. What that came out of, Senator,
was the Summary of Economic Projections showed that, overwhelmingly, Federal Open Market Committee members did not see
the likelihood under the current expected path of raising rates, at
least through the end of ’22.
And I did not mention yield curve. I talked about yield curve control in the press conference, but I would just echo what I said earlier to Senator Toomey, which was this was a briefing on the historical use of yield curve control by the United States actually during World War II and then after, which led to the Fed-Treasury Accord, and also on some current usage by the Bank of Japan and
the Reserve Bank of Australia. It really was just to acquaint the
Committee with what it is and why some other central banks have
used it.
We have not made any decision to go forward on that. It just was
a—it is a tool. The same way we have looked at negative rates,
repeatedly, we look at negative rates. In the case of negative rates,
we have pretty much decided that it is not something we think is
attractive for us here in the United States.
And yield curve control was more just let us educate everyone on
what it is and then decide whether we think it might, under some
circumstances, be useful.
Senator TILLIS. Thank you.
Mr. Chair, the only thing, I am going to submit maybe a question
for the record about what financial policy we should be pursuing
for what I consider to be the donut hole. Travel, leisure, hotels that
were first into the crisis, they are going to be the last out. I do not

believe the Treasury has the authority that it needs to come up
with a facility for them, but I think it is critically important.
Thank you, Chairman Powell.
Thank you, Chair Crapo.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Warren.
Senator WARREN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you,
Chairman Powell, for being here with us today.
We are facing an economic crisis that has devastated millions of
families and small businesses across this country.
Two weeks ago, many people celebrated the latest job numbers,
which showed a dip in the overall unemployment rate, but we are
not going to be able to build a successful recovery if we do not understand the scope of the problem.
So I wanted to dig into the numbers just a little bit today. Chairman Powell, are jobs coming back at the same rate for both Black
and White Americans?
Mr. POWELL. Are they coming back at the same rate? No. Actually, I think the answer to that is no. I would want to check that,
but I believe that the Black unemployment rate did not come down
as much as the White unemployment rate.
Senator WARREN. In fact, Chairman Powell, you might want to
look at the numbers.
Mr. POWELL. It ticked up, actually.
Senator WARREN. I was going to say, as I understand it, White
unemployment fell to 12.4 percent, while Black unemployment actually rose——
Mr. POWELL. It ticked up——
Senator WARREN.——16.8 percent. Is that right, Mr. Chairman?
Mr. POWELL. You know, the tenths numbers, I would have
known that the day after the report, but yes. In principle, that is
Senator WARREN. But we are right on the direction; that is, it
came down——
Mr. POWELL. Absolutely.
Senator WARREN.——for White Americans and it went up slightly for Black Americans.
Mr. POWELL. That is correct in the May report.
Senator WARREN. Yeah.
So back in March, Congress passed a temporary expansion of the
unemployment insurance program. Now we are only a few weeks
out from that help just running out. Some people in Congress want
to let that help expire. They are saying mission accomplished.
So, Mr. Chairman, you noted that the unemployment rate is
higher for Black Americans, and now we have just said it is actually increasing. If Congress lets unemployment insurance benefits
expire, which families are going to find it hardest to pay their bills,
to make rent, or to afford groceries?
Mr. POWELL. Well, the unemployed, which consists of people who
have lost their jobs lately here are—minorities are well overrepresented in that group, as are women.
Senator WARREN. So let me just ask, Mr. Chairman. This crisis
has been hard on millions and millions of Americans, and I know
you have been thinking a lot about this issue. So I just want to ask

you directly. Is it accurate to say that our economy is healthy when
there are serious racial gaps in how Americans are doing?
Mr. POWELL. I think that is a longer-run weakness in our economy. Even when our economy is healthy, we have longer-run
issues, and that is one that has been with us for a very long time.
Senator WARREN. So I take it that you would describe this as not
a healthy economy?
Mr. POWELL. That is not a healthy feature of our economy, now
or ever.
Senator WARREN. Oh. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate
your focusing on this issue.
This crisis has hit communities of color the hardest. They have
faced the biggest decline in employment, and they have faced the
largest proportion of deaths from COVID–19.
The minute jobs start recovering for White Americans, we cannot
just say that the problem is fixed and start cutting off help for people who are out of work.
Senate Republicans are eager to let this help expire, when we
still have more than 20 million people out of work, and the unemployment rate is going up for Black Americans.
Inequality is not something that happens on its own. It is the result of policy choices, who we decide to help and whose pain matters. Congress can help those who need it most by reauthorizing
expanded unemployment and by doing it now.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate your being
here today.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator McSally.
Senator MCSALLY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thanks, Chairman Powell, for your testimony today.
I would like to talk about real estate. Back in Arizona, we are
seeing the economy is starting to recover somewhat, but there is
concern for businesses in every sector, with revenues down, rents
not being paid, then mortgages not being paid, and this really
crosses many sectors.
And in the 2008 crisis, Arizona really was hurt deeply in this
area, and I am very concerned and monitoring what is happening
in this sector.
So since real estate pretty much goes across many industries,
you mentioned you were monitoring this, but you are not as concerned as before. Could you elaborate on that? And is there any
discussion or consideration about a real estate-focused facility in
order to be able to help out in this area?
Mr. POWELL. So I would say that like other companies, real estate-related companies are eligible to take part in our facilities.
I would also point to the fact that commercial mortgage-backed
securities are eligible assets for the Term Asset Loan Facility.
So we open up these facilities to companies, and any company
from any industry that meets the financial requirements of the facility and is otherwise eligible can take part. We do not target facilities toward individual industries so much.
Senator MCSALLY. OK. But you mentioned earlier, I think, in response to Senator Rounds that you were kind of monitoring this
element of the economy, and you had some concerns a few months

ago but less concerns now. Could you elaborate a little bit more on
Mr. POWELL. Yeah. I was talking about residential mortgages
Senator MCSALLY. OK.
Mr. POWELL. When forbearance happened in the CARES Act and
the mortgage servicers were looking at very large liquidity requirements, the question was are they going to be able to address that
problem—and so steps were taken by the housing regulators, and
then there was a heavy wave of refinancing with lower mortgage
rates. So those concerns that we had a couple of months ago have
sort of been alleviated a little bit, I would say.
We are still monitoring the situation carefully. That is very much
about residential mortgage-backed securities, residential lending.
Senator MCSALLY. Thanks for that clarification.
To follow up on what Senator Tillis touched on at the very end,
in Arizona, the travel, the lodging, tourism, all that has been really
hit hard from this. I am really concerned about their slow recovery.
So what are you seeing in this sector in unemployment and consumer spending, and is there anything within your agency’s authority to help this, or are you going to go back to just the overall
facilities or anything? This is a very specific sector that has been
hit hard with lack of tourism and travel.
Mr. POWELL. Yeah, very, very hard. It is airlines, any kind of
travel. It is hotels. Obviously, really, it is any business that depends on getting people together in tight groups and either feeding
them or flying them around or putting them in rooms and things
like that. All of those companies—bars, restaurants to retail, they
are all really feeling this.
Senator MCSALLY. Yes.
Mr. POWELL. And there is no question about it, and by the way,
that is where a lot of the layoffs are, in those service industry companies.
And so what we have done is we have created these facilities,
and they look back to the financial performance of the potential
borrower before the pandemic. So if you were in reasonable financial shape before the pandemic, then in principle, you can be an eligible borrower. We are not going to look at what happened to you
because of the pandemic, and that is really the way we have approached that.
Senator MCSALLY. Great. Thanks.
OK. On a different note, on page 6 of the Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy Report, there is a graph that shows unemployment
rates among several demographics. So it includes African American, Hispanic, White, and Asian.
We have 22 Native American Tribes in Arizona that have been,
in many cases, very hard hit by the pandemic. It is about 300,000
individuals. It is a pretty significant percent of Arizona.
Is your agency tracking any data specifically on Native Americans, and if so, what are you finding? And if not, will you commit
to helping with this important community that needs help right
now as well?
Mr. POWELL. So we do keep very good track of all that, and particularly, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has a real

specialty in that area. And we will be happy to work with you on
that. It is something—I do not have the numbers on the tip of my
tongue, but it is very much a focus for us.
Senator MCSALLY. OK, great. Thank you.
And just to wrap up, Chairman Powell, what is your level of optimism? Arizonans are struggling. They are getting back to work
safely. We are still having to manage this pandemic. What is your
level of optimism of the recovery going forward?
Mr. POWELL. I would just say long run, do not sell the U.S. economy short. Long run, I am confident that we will have a full recovery. I am confident of that.
The fact is we have had the largest economic shock in living
memory, and the economy is going to recover from that. But we
just have to be a little patient with it. You will see people moving
back. I think over the coming months, a lot of people will come
back to work, but there will be a number of people who—a significant number of people who do not go back to work because they
are in those industries that we talked about, and that is where
there will be less employment.
So those people are going to need help going forward to get back
to work, but over time, we will get back. And I just think it is—
as most forecasters believe, it is going to take some time to get all
the way back to where we were. Will we get there? Absolutely.
Senator MCSALLY. Great. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you.
Senator Schatz.
Senator SCHATZ. Thank you, Chairman Crapo, and thank you,
Chairman Powell, for all the work you are doing.
I want to go back to the letter that Senator Warner referred to
from Chairman Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen and many other
economists that say, quote, that the fiscal stimulus from Congress,
the next stimulus, quote, must be large commensurate with the
nearly $16 trillion nominal output gap our economy faces over the
next decade, according to the CBO estimates.
Without asking you to commit to a specific dollar amount, let me
frame the question this way: Is there a bigger risk for our economy
that we provide too little support or that we do too much?
Mr. POWELL. First, I saw the headline. I have not seen the letter.
I do not know what is in the letter that the former Chairs
Bernanke and Yellen wrote.
So I would say this. The shock that we received, the economy received, is the largest in living memory, and the fiscal response was
the largest. And the Fed response was the largest.
So 14 percent of GDP, $3 trillion in these programs, it is a great
deal, and the question we all will have to answer over time is, Is
it enough? And I would say there is a reasonable probability that
more will be needed, both from you and from the Fed.
And I would also say, though, that the things that you have already passed are really having a very positive effect now, and we
should see a lot more of that going forward.
Senator SCHATZ. In light of that, are you starting to reconsider?
Is the Fed starting to reconsider its understanding of the relationship between deficits, inflation, and growth?

Mr. POWELL. Are we reconsidering it? I do not think this has
really changed thinking on that. The thing about inflation is that
there has been sort of downward pressure on inflation around the
world for a couple of decades, so with big deficits the models would
have called for higher inflation, and they would have called for
higher interest rates. We do not see either of those things. So I
think we are not working on the hypothesis that higher inflation
is a likely outcome.
Of course, we know what to do if there is higher inflation, but
really, at least in the near term and as far as we can see, what
we see is a short run on inflation.
Senator SCHATZ. Thank you.
In your modeling, what assumptions are you making about
COVID rates over the next several months?
Mr. POWELL. We look at different scenarios. We look at a wide
range of different scenarios. So we model a scenario where there
is a second wave, and we model a scenario where—kind of a baseline scenario, which is that essentially COVID rates come down
over time. And there may be regional outbreaks and that kind of
thing, but we do not have a sort of second wave at the national
level. We look at different scenarios.
Senator SCHATZ. Can we drill down on that? We can take this
offline, and I will issue a question for the record. But it seems to
me that the data changes day by day, and one of the things that
you said in earlier testimony was that a lot depends on COVID
I mean, we can tweak fiscal and monetary policy, but a lot of this
does depend on what is happening with the virus. And I would like
to understand what are your inputs——
Mr. POWELL. Sure.
Senator SCHATZ.——just as we consider our fiscal policy.
And, finally, I wrote you a letter asking you to suspend dividends, and you said you are conducting sensitivity analysis of current conditions to decide whether to suspend dividends. And I am
wondering why you are conducting an analysis only of current conditions and not testing whether banks can handle a serious adverse
scenario going forward since that is quite likely.
Mr. POWELL. That is exactly what we are doing. That question
is one that is at the heart of our stress testing, which is about
future highly stressful scenarios, and so that is precisely what we
are in the middle of doing.
Senator SCHATZ. And what is your timeframe for a decision on
the suspension or not of dividends?
Mr. POWELL. So we will be announcing the results of the stress
tests on the 25th of June.
Senator SCHATZ. Thank you.
Mr. POWELL. Thank you.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Is Senator Kennedy back with us?
[No response.]
Chairman CRAPO. Senator Moran? Are you with us, Senator
[No response.]
Chairman CRAPO. Senator Cramer.

Senator CRAMER. Hi, Mr. Chairman. Thank you. I am happy to
step in. And Chairman Powell, thank you for being with us today.
You and I in the past have talked a couple of times about my
concerns about BlackRock having such a central role in facilitating
the financial support of businesses that are approved as part of the
CARES Act, and specifically, the concerns I had raised, of course,
were relevant to the potential of investment in the energy industry,
particularly the oil and gas industry, of my State of North Dakota
and what seems to me to be an excessive standard that they have
applied in terms of climate and whatnot. And that is just one factor, and you and I have had a good discussion. You have, of course,
assured me of their limited role in all of that.
However, in recent days or weeks, I have become even more concerned about that standard, their standard of climate investment,
with a different standard for foreign investment, particularly Chinese companies and companies that do not meet the same enforcement demands, that do not have the same accountability and
transparency, particularly with the PCAOB for the public companies.
And it is an issue that caused Senator McSally and I to send a
letter yesterday to the CEO, Larry Fink, to get a better understanding of their strategy as a company in light of what appears
to be what I think, again, is a double standard in the way they
treat investment of Chinese companies versus Americans.
And so in light of the deference that BlackRock appears to provide the Chinese Communist Party as well as the radical environmentalist active investors, should I be concerned about their role
in the CARES Act? And can you give me some assurances that this
part of BlackRock will not impact the public’s funds and the
public’s interest in keeping our—particularly oil and gas industry
vibrant and the important national security that they provide?
Mr. POWELL. Senator, I would say there is no reason for you to
be concerned. They play an administrative role. We set all the policy decisions, and our facilities lend only to U.S. companies. So they
are just our agent in this, and they bring particular skills that we
do not have and that they do have. And so that is really what this
is about.
Senator CRAMER. Well, I appreciate that assurance. I am sure
they are listening as well, and I hope that the regulators are paying attention.
We have obviously a lot of work to do as well on our side to make
sure that we create a standard that protects America’s investment
in those same companies. So I appreciate, again, your assurances.
With that, I will yield the rest of my time, Mr. Chairman.
Senator KENNEDY. Mr. Chairman, this is John Kennedy. I am on
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you, John. We are going to go to Senator Van Hollen next, and then you will be next after that.
Senator KENNEDY. Thank you, sir.
Chairman CRAPO. Senator Van Hollen.
[No response.]
Chairman CRAPO. If he is not on, then we will go to Senator Cortez Masto and then to you, Senator Kennedy.
Senator KENNEDY. Yes, sir.

Senator CORTEZ MASTO. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Powell, it is great to see you again. Thank you for all
of your good work, and I really appreciate your quick and thoughtful actions by the Fed Reserve to respond to the COVID–19 pandemic that has, as we have seen, infected more than a million
Americans and taken the lives of more than 90,000 people.
I also agree with you that Congress and the President must continue to act. Our work is not done. We have to continue to invest
in our families and businesses and our local governments.
So let me talk to you. I am from Nevada, and I think we have
had this conversation before. But let me give you the statistics that
I know you are aware of because you deal with it all the time.
The travel industry, which includes hospitality, restaurants, entertainment, attractions, conventions, and more has been one of the
hardest hit. You said that already today, and I know we have had
this conversation.
Travel is our Nation’s seventh largest industry in terms of employment for this crisis. Nearly 4 in 10 of all job losses caused by
this crisis have been in the travel industry, and more than 8 million workers are unemployed. The travel industry’s unemployment
rate is 51 percent, which is twice the national unemployment rate
during the Great Depression. In sum, this is nine times worse than
the economic impacts following 9/11.
In Nevada, 25 percent of our workforce is employed in the hospitality and entertainment industry. We have had more than 400,000
people file for unemployment. We are at 28 percent unemployment.
Nevada has the highest percentage of unemployment in the country, and the ability of people to go back to work is limited. Travel
spending is forecast to decline by half a trillion dollars in 2020.
So I have heard you address this issue, but let me ask you. Is
there more that the Federal Reserve can do within its existing authority to help the travel, tourism, and hospitality sectors? What
else can be done? What else should we be thinking about? Because
we are the last, going to be the last to come out and spring back
in this economy.
Mr. POWELL. Yes. So, obviously, Nevada is ground zero for this
really with its entertainment, its travel. It is all the things that
are—restaurants, bars—it is all the things that are most directly
hit, many of them anyway.
So what we can do, other than to support the economy in a general manner, our 13(3) three facilities, that is the tool that we
have. So any Nevada company that meets the eligibility requirements for our facilities is welcome to borrow, and that is really the
tool that we have.
As I like to say, we do lending, not spending. We can lend to solvent borrowers who can service a loan, and the servicing requirements are not terribly strict.
We look back to last year’s pre-pandemic financials to see if you
are qualified. We do not look at the—we are not going to disqualify
companies because they have been affected by the pandemic. So
that is really what we have to offer.
Senator CORTEZ MASTO. And I have heard this before, and I am
just curious because this is something I am hearing also in my

State. Could the Federal Reserve take a stake in a company to
mitigate potential solvency problems?
Mr. POWELL. No, we cannot do that.
Senator CORTEZ MASTO. OK. Thank you. That helps clarify.
Let me ask you this. We also know that Government job loss has
totaled about 1.5 million in the past 2 months, and there are more
on the way. The National Governors Association requested $500
billion in aid to State and local government. They sent it to Congress requesting that aid, and without aid to State, what levels of
unemployment would the Fed predict?
Mr. POWELL. I do not have a specific projection, but States, effectively all States, have a balanced budget requirement. So what
they do when they see revenues drop and costs rise, which is what
we are seeing now—what they do is they lay people off. They cut
essential services, and both of those things can weigh on economic
activity in addition to the human cost of those things.
And we do not play a role in advising Congress on specific fiscal
policy, but I do think that State and local governments are major
employers and they provide essential services. And that is certainly
an area that is worthy of your interest.
Senator CORTEZ MASTO. I know my time is running out. Let me
ask you this one final question, and the rest I will submit for the
record. But would the Fed consider making changes to the Municipal Liquidity Facility that make it more like a grant and provide,
that would be able then to provide more assistance to local governments?
Mr. POWELL. You went out for a second there, but on the Municipal Liquidity Facility, we have repeatedly made adjustments.
If you have a specific adjustment in mind, I missed it.
Senator CORTEZ MASTO. Yeah. Turn it into a grant. Can you turn
it more——
Mr. POWELL. We cannot do that. No, we cannot make grants.
Senator CORTEZ MASTO. You cannot.
Mr. POWELL. That is one thing we cannot do. We can only lend.
The law is extremely clear on that.
It is you who can make the grants. It is Congress that can do
that, as you did with the PPP program.
Senator CORTEZ MASTO. And if Congress were to go down that
route, would you have concerns about that?
Mr. POWELL. If Congress wants to make grants, that is entirely
Congress’ business.
Senator CORTEZ MASTO. OK. Thank you very much.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Kennedy? You need to unmute, Senator Kennedy.
Senator KENNEDY. OK.
Chairman CRAPO. There you go. We have got you.
Senator KENNEDY. You got me? OK.
Mr. Chairman—both Mr. Chairmen, I apologize for being late,
but I was in another hearing. And if these questions have been
asked and answered, if you could just give me short answers, I
would appreciate it, because I do not want to belabor this.
When will the Main Street Lending Program be ready, Mr.

Mr. POWELL. It is open now for lenders to register, and once they
are registered, they can start making loans. And we encourage
them to do so.
Senator KENNEDY. OK.
Mr. POWELL. And then the facility within a week or so will be
open to receive those loans.
Senator KENNEDY. In terms of demonstrating credit worthiness,
have you made a decision about using rating agencies other than
the big three or four?
Mr. POWELL. Yes, we have, Senator. We have looked carefully at
all of the rating agencies, the NRSROs. We have admitted three
additional ones. The criterion really was that they have a record
of significant experience and usage in the private sector so that investors rely on them, and the answer is there were three in different areas who had that, so we added them.
Senator KENNEDY. Have you made a decision about the minimum
amount of the loan?
Mr. POWELL. We have. We have lowered—in Main Street, we
lowered it to $250,000. Yes. And we are carrying that over into the
nonprofit part of Main Street.
Senator KENNEDY. OK. I think that is a positive development.
How big is the Federal Reserve balance sheet right now, Mr.
Mr. POWELL. Just a touch over $7 trillion, I believe.
Senator KENNEDY. How big was it at the end of December?
Mr. POWELL. Low 4’s, low 4 trillions.
Senator KENNEDY. OK. How long do you think it will take to reduce the size of that balance sheet to something, some amount that
is not other worldly?
Mr. POWELL. That is an interesting standard.
I think when the time comes and the crisis is over and we are
not purchasing assets at this kind of pace, what we will do probably—and that will be some time out, but what we will do is we
will—what we did in 2014 to ’17 that really worked is we just
stopped. We just froze the size of the balance sheet, and as the
economy grows, the balance sheet shrinks as a percentage of the
economy. And that was a very peaceful period during which people
were not worried about the size of the balance sheet, but it declined from 25 percent to 17 percent or something like that.
Senator KENNEDY. OK.
Mr. POWELL. That is some years away, but this is probably the
way we would start.
Senator KENNEDY. Chairman Crapo, I cannot see the clock. How
much time do I have left?
Chairman CRAPO. You have 2 minutes.
Senator KENNEDY. OK.
Mr. Chairman, none of us can predict the future, of course, and
our economy is estimated to take a real hit this year, as you well
know. The intelligence unit of The Economist says that we are
going to have a GDP drop this year of about 4 percent, but they
are projecting Europe is going to be even worse. They are projecting about 9 percent for Great Britain, 9 percent for France, I
think 6 percent for Germany. Can we recover if the European

Union, one of our biggest trading partners, takes much longer for
themselves to recover?
Mr. POWELL. So a weak global economy, a weak European economy will certainly weigh on U.S. activity. They are a great area for
exports and trade of all kinds, and also Europeans come here and
spend a lot of money on tourism. Being here in Washington, we see
that all the time. So, yes, weakness around the globe actually does
hurt the U.S. economy.
Senator KENNEDY. OK. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to
yield back my time since I went way over at the last hearing.
Chairman CRAPO. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Senator Van Hollen, are you here?
[No response.]
Chairman CRAPO. How about Senator Jones?
Senator JONES. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you very
And, Chairman Powell, thank you again for being with us, and
thank you for all that you—your service and all that you and the
Fed have done over the last few months. It has been really extraordinary.
And I want to echo my appreciation for your comments about the
systemic racism that we see in America.
Today on the floor, by the way, you may have some interest. Five
of my colleagues, three Republicans and three Democrats, at three
o’clock today will be reading Dr. King’s letter from a Birmingham
jail in its entirety, and I believe his message of 1963 is as important today as it was then.
And I know we focused a lot on the data and how it has affected
minorities in this country, particularly our Black population. Latest
data showing the Black unemployment rate at just under 17 percent, Hispanic unemployment rate at almost 19 percent, while the
White unemployment rate hovering around 14. Bloomberg has reported that the African American-owned businesses declined by 41
percent from February to April, representing 440,000 businesses, a
stark contrast to the 17 percent drop we have seen for White owners.
CNBC declared that we have a housing apocalypse coming before
us. Alabama Legal Services, who does so much for the poor and
needy in Alabama, particularly within housing, has said that the
avalanche of evictions is here and foreclosures are not far behind.
So I want to focus my questions really on our minority communities and underserved communities instead of the overall economy. What downside risk do minority communities see if unemployment benefits are not extended?
Mr. POWELL. So minorities are substantially overrepresented in
the unemployed, particularly the unemployed since something like
25 million people have had their employment disrupted as a consequence of the pandemic. And in that group, minorities are very
much overrepresented. So all measures that help that group, help
them. And all measures that do not help them make life tougher
for them.
Senator JONES. So measures that we can keep people on the payroll, make sure that they have—and I know this has been a concern from folks that there is no incentive to stay off the payroll,

but some transition to where we can provide incentives to get back
on payrolls, to get back to work, you would favor that, I assume?
Mr. POWELL. We do not take position on particular aspects of fiscal policy, but I would say this. There is going to be a lot of people
going back to work in the coming months, but there are going to
be a lot of people who cannot because if they work in Nevada, for
example, as we were just discussing, in the travel and entertainment industry, those are not going to be jobs—so it is going to be
a while.
I think some form of support for those people going forward, in
my view, is likely to be appropriate. During the Great Recession,
I think employment—unemployment assistance was reauthorized
on a number of occasions, and it just is not only can they not go
back to their old job, but there are no jobs in that industry. And
it is just really tough for them, at least for a period of time, to give
them support, and balance that with incentives to get back to work.
Senator JONES. Thank you.
Similar question with regard to the minority communities, with
regard to businesses. Minority business owners face enormous risk
as it is even before this pandemic started.
So the same question, what are the downside risks for our minority businesses if overall business aid is not extended by Congress?
Mr. POWELL. I think we—as I mentioned during my opening remarks, the small businesses of America, that is where the jobs are
created on net, and we do not want to—business people going in
and out of business all the time, but what you do not want is a
wave of avoidable insolvencies, which really will weigh on the economy for years. And that is all the more so true of minority businesses because of the important role they play in our economy and
in their communities.
Senator JONES. All right. And, finally, again, focusing on minority communities, if renters and homeowners are not helped with
extended eviction moratoriums, what effect will that have on our
minority communities in America?
Mr. POWELL. So evictions and foreclosures and things like that
have well-documented negative impacts on people’s lives. I think
during a pandemic, which is still ongoing, it is particularly important because you wind up sleeping in somebody else’s basement or
in a shelter or something when that happens. So it is not a good
time for people to be—there are ways to avoid that, keep people in
their homes while the economy recovers and while the pandemic is
dealt with. I think those are things well worth looking at.
Senator JONES. Great. Thank you, Chairman Powell, and thank
you, Chairman Crapo.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Perdue.
Senator PERDUE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
And, Chairman Powell, thank you for being here again. Seems
like you were just here. Oh, you were. And thank you for your leadership. I think what the Fed has done to provide liquidity has been
absolutely historic and has helped us avoid a major meltdown.
I have got a question, just simply to follow up on a question I
asked you the last time you were here about the balance sheet.
Treasury debt has increased about $2.9 trillion, and a lot of that

is just in the last few months, mostly due to the CARES Act. And
I am concerned about who is buying it and how we are financing
For example, in the month of April, the Treasury issued $1.4 trillion of new debt. $430 billion was absorbed by the domestic market
only, and the foreign markets held pretty steady. But the balance
of that was taken up by the Fed, as I understand it.
And so I do not know how long we can do that, and the question
is, are we not effectively—hate to use the term, but I do not know
a better one—monetizing the debt? I mean, at this current pace,
will demand ever catch up, or are we going to have to think about
a rebalancing at this point?
Mr. POWELL. That is certainly not our intention. The very high
level of both Treasury and MBS purchases that we effected in
March and April was really because the markets had stopped working, and the Treasury market is the most important financial market in the world. And the primary dealers and the banks’ balance
sheets were full, and everybody wanted—they wanted very shortterm cash or Treasury obligations. So they did not want Treasury
bonds. There were no buyers, and it was just—it was a very difficult situation, and so we went in and we bought a lot.
It was not in any way about meeting Treasury’s supply, and it
continues not to be. We really do not think about that.
Also, U.S. Treasuries debt is an attractive asset around the
world. There is a lot of demand for our paper.
But, really, it was about market function. It does actually have
a positive effect on financial conditions too because you are taking
long-duration assets out of people’s hands and they buy other
things. So it has positive effects at this time, and those are good
Senator PERDUE. If demand for that paper from the Treasury
does not come back, though, in coming months, what is the longerterm implication for interest rates? I know you are reticent to give
any forecasts on interest rates, which I understand, but just give
us a tone about the impact or correlation there.
Mr. POWELL. Yeah. I mean, there seems to be plenty of demand
for our paper.
I would not want to speculate about what interest rates might
do, but we are the world’s reserve currency. And particularly in
times of stress, people want to own U.S. Treasury obligations, and
so that has been the way that is for a long time now.
Even if some of the problems—as in the last crisis, a lot of the
problems originated here. Notwithstanding that, people wanted the
U.S. Treasury, and that is because we have the strongest economy
and the best institutions, most liquid markets.
Senator PERDUE. I have one last question. I will yield my time
back. You have been very gracious with your candor and your time
I have heard a conversation here in this hearing about labor, and
I hear all over my State right now. Our State was one of the first
ones to reopen, and one of the inhibitors to supplying the demand
that I think is out there—and I think we are proving that—is getting people to come back into the workforce.

And so we know that the premium on the unemployment structure is creating a disincentive, and I want to make sure that we
protect the people that need to be protected. But how do we incent,
in your opinion, the people that need to come back to the jobs that
are sitting there? I mean, we have a number of—in Georgia anyway, a number of job openings that just are going unfilled because
people are not coming back yet.
Mr. POWELL. I know that is something you are going to be considering as the Enhanced Unemployment Insurance Program runs
out at the end of July. I would not presume to tell you what the
Fed thinks you should do, because it is really not our role.
I do think you will want to continue support for workers in some
form. I think there are going to be an awful lot of unemployed people for some time, even though, again, we have 25 million newly
unemployed or partially unemployed people. And even if we start
putting people back to work really fast, which may happen here,
there is still going to be plenty of people who just—who do not have
jobs, and they may not have them for a while because there are no
jobs in travel, and accommodation, at various places.
I know there are a lot of interesting ideas being thrown around
out there, but I think something will likely wind up being appropriate there.
Senator PERDUE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Chairman Crapo.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Smith.
Senator SMITH. Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you, Chair
Powell, for being with us today. It is nice to see you again.
So we are more than 3 months into the economic crisis that was
caused by coronavirus and more than 2 months through the
passage of the CARES Act which provides urgent and emergency
support for families and for businesses and for health care systems.
And I think we all know as—and you have acknowledged yourself in your opening statement that COVID is not the great equalizer. In fact, it hits hardest those who are already struggling because they do not have a safe, affordable place to live; because of
lack of access to health care; because of low wages and chronic poverty; and especially, I think, the generational impacts on Black and
brown and indigenous people for the systemic racism that limits
their freedom and their opportunities and even their lives.
So I think that in this moment, it is essential that Congress
takes up this challenge and fulfills the promise of America for
equal—for racial and economic justice, and I want to just have a
chance to talk with you a little bit about this because I think there
is a rising narrative. We hear from some, including the President,
that things are improving, we need to reopen the economy, and before we know it, we can all get back to normal.
But what I am so worried about is that we are burying our heads
in the sand when it comes to, one, the virus’ continuing spread, but
also that we are looking away from the disparate impacts that
COVID is having and that, in fact, if we are not careful, if we do
not change the way we are doing things, we will not get back to
normal. We will get back to a worse normal, a normal that exacerbates these inequities.

So let me just focus, if I can, on the question of housing and rental housing, in particular, because this is something that I see bad
trends on in Minnesota.
The Star Tribune, my hometown newspaper, recently published
an article analyzing what is happening with rent collections in the
Twin Cities, and it found that 95 percent of Class A apartment
buildings—so the expensive ones where the people who have a lot
of money can live—95 percent of those renters are making their
rent payments. But only about 88 percent of renters in the affordable apartment buildings, the older ones, are able to make their
rent payments.
So I think we can see that—of course, it always helps if you have
more money. We are seeing the impact of this on low-income people, and also, I think we are probably seeing the impact of Extended Unemployment Insurance and other help that we have provided to make that 88 percent number not be even higher.
So let me ask you, Chair Powell, about this. I know you do not
want to comment on specific proposals, but what would be the impact on the housing market, especially the rental market, if Congress does not provide some sort of long-term rental assistance to
people? What would be the impact of that, do you think?
Mr. POWELL. Well, I think if people, for example, get evicted or
foreclosed upon and things like that, even their ability to get back
in the labor market becomes very challenged.
And just from a human—there is a sort of a moral issue and also
a economic issue at this particular time because of the likelihood
that we will have a fairly large population of people who are not
able to go back to their old jobs or even to find a new job in their
old industry.
So I just think those are things worth considering as you think
about what support to provide.
Senator SMITH. Yes.
And, Chair Powell, would you expect that if that were to happen,
that would also put incredible pressure on the landlords, sometimes public-private partnerships that own these affordable housing units, because they then lose their revenue stream in order to
keep those buildings up and running? Would you agree with that?
Mr. POWELL. Yes. You could see pressure on the ownership as
Senator SMITH. And would you see also that given—like this is,
I think, sort of a stunning statistic for my home State. Only 25 percent of Black families in Minnesota own their own home. The number is 76 percent of White families.
So would you agree that if we did see a surge of evictions, if eviction forbearance, for example, expires—we do not take additional
action—that this would end up exacerbating the racial inequities
that we see in our economy right now?
Mr. POWELL. Yes, it would, and I think this pandemic, the way
it hits our economy, the way it hits the service economy particularly, has been a real inequality increaser for the reasons we discussed earlier.
Those are the people—people losing their jobs are, to a large extent, service economy employees with relatively low wages and relatively high percentages of minorities and also women.

Senator SMITH. Yes.
Mr. POWELL. That is who is bearing the brunt of this.
Senator SMITH. Right.
Well, I think this makes the case for why it is important that we
continue to really send rental eviction forbearance, but also, it
makes the case, I think, for why the bill that Senator Brown and
many others of us are working on to provide $100 billion in emergency rental assistance so that these families do not have to lose
their housing, therefore, making it so much more difficult for us to
recover and also exacerbating these fundamental and systemic inequities that we see in our economy overall.
Thank you, Chair Powell.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Moran.
Senator MORAN. Mr. Chairman, thank you. Mr. Chairman, thank
you. I appreciate that you are putting your intellect and expertise
so diligently to work to repair our economy. I very much appreciate
what you are doing, Mr. Powell.
Let me tell you that I am concerned. We think PPP—I think PPP
worked pretty well for our smallest employers. It has been my hope
that Main Street Lending Program will be a similar kind of solution for larger companies in Kansas.
It does not really matter if you have lost your job, whether you
work for a company that employs 9,000 people or employs 900. You
are still out of a job, and we have a lot of work to do in that regard.
But, Chairman, I am really concerned, genuinely concerned that
we may see Main Street Lending Program not have a material impact in helping small- and medium-sized businesses in Kansas and
across the country, and the end result of that is certainly a failure
to recover quickly, continuing unemployment, but perhaps a result
in which larger companies that have been able to raise cash in recent weeks will consolidate their market share at the expense of
those smaller businesses that were unable to do so in the commercial market.
So I have a lot of hope for the Main Street program, and I need
to be assured that it is going to accomplish what it needs to accomplish.
But I think the Main Street program is essentially saying that
it will stand by a syndicate partner for a fairly narrow class of
credit agreements. But as far as I can tell, banks do not need help
in syndicating profitable loans, and neither do they want any part
of even 5 percent of unprofitable loans.
So to me, it appears there is little in the program that actually
incentivize banks to originate these loans for new customers. So I
am nervous, especially because if we have to make changes to it,
the changes come so late, months from now. It will be too late for
many of my constituent businesses who employ lots of people in
Can you give me your thoughts concerning my concerns and try
to reassure me that my concerns are unfounded?
Mr. POWELL. Sure.
So you do put your finger on some the challenges with approaching the very broad, diverse Main Street space, which has different
appetites for credit. It is a heavily bank-dominated financing

sector of the economy or a series of sectors of the economy, and
that means bank credit agreements, which are all individually negotiated. It is not like the bond market where there is quite a lot
of standardization.
So it is a challenge, and we really had no choice but to go
through the banking system to meet those borrowers. Where they
borrow is through banks, and also, we cannot do due diligence on
literally millions of companies. We are not set up to do that; whereas, the banking system is exactly set up to do that.
So that is what we are doing, and the banks do have incentives.
They get to serve their customers a little better. They also get a
generous origination fee. So we feel there is substantial interest on
the part of bankers for this.
It is also the case, though, as it was with other facilities that the
amount of financial stress overall in the aggregate—I know there
are companies that do not fit this, but is lower than it was in
March and April. So we realized there are still plenty of companies
out there.
So the Main Street Facility is now open to lenders. The lenders
are registering. They can make loans right away, and within a
week or two, those loans will be bought by the facility itself—or 95
percent interest in them will be bought. The banks will be left with
5 percent. They get to keep their origination fee, and we will know
a lot more about the level of demand.
It is not just joining an existing syndicate. We do have a new
loan facility, and so we are open. We have three different facilities,
and we are opening one soon for nonprofits.
And as we have been since the very beginning, we are very open
to learning and adapting. We have made repeated changes to these
facilities to try to make them better, better structured to achieve
their goals, and we will continue to do that.
Senator MORAN. Chairman Powell, I appreciate your optimism,
and I am reluctant to be the pessimist. And I hope that you are
correct. Is there a Plan B, or that is something would just work out
as we react to the markets, the demand?
Mr. POWELL. So I think for all these facilities, we will be watching, and if we are hearing about companies for whom a loan is the
right answer, who do not for some reason qualify for the Main
Street Loan Facilities and should, then we will be adapting to that.
We will certainly be adapting.
Senator MORAN. Let me raise one other topic. I cannot see,
Chairman Crapo, the clock. So the next time, we need a bigger
square for me to at least read.
Chairman CRAPO. The clock has expired, so be quick.
Senator MORAN. Yes, sir.
EBIDTA, earnings before interest taxes, depreciation, and amortization. That is a component of the Main Street program. I am
worried that there will be industries and businesses in which that
is a detriment and perhaps disqualifying for them.
I particularly raise this in the hotel industry where it would be
more advantageous to them to be able to rely on their 2019 net
earnings. I am interested in your thoughts in that regard.
And then I am also worried about—the indication by Treasury
and Fed is that we will operate under the CARES philosophy, of

the spirit and purpose of CARES—I did not say that right—that
we will operate in the Main Street program under the spirit of
CARES, which is, I guess, a pretty uncertain term. And I am looking—I think our businesses are looking for more certainty as to the
nature of how this program is going to work.
Can you help alleviate businesses’ concerns, the uncertainty that
surrounds, and any thoughts about EBIDTA?
Mr. POWELL. Sure.
Chairman CRAPO. And if you could be brief on this answer,
please, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. POWELL. I will. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
In terms of EBITDA, we are looking at last year’s EBIDTA. We
do appreciate that for some industries, there may be a better way
to approach that, and we are looking at that particularly, for example, an asset-based approach. So that is something that we are
looking at.
Our big focus has been on getting the facility open, frankly. That
has been the main focus for now, and we are looking at past prepandemic earnings, in any case. We are not taking into account the
effects of the pandemic for that purpose.
Senator MORAN. Thank you, Chairman Powell.
Mr. POWELL. Thank you.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
Senator Van Hollen.
Senator VAN HOLLEN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Ranking
Member Brown, and welcome, Chairman Powell.
I am a little late to the hearing. I was just on the floor of the
Senate calling for us to take up the Justice in Policing Act and address, in an urgent way, issues of systemic racism. I am glad you
made the statement you did in your opening remarks.
I want to ask you about a statement made by Raphael Bostic, the
president of the Atlanta Fed, where he wrote on Friday, quote, Systemic racism is a yoke that drags on the American economy, and
that a commitment to an inclusive society also means a commitment to an inclusive economy. Do you agree with that statement?
Mr. POWELL. I do, absolutely.
Senator VAN HOLLEN. And it is urgent that we use all the tools
at our disposal to address that issue.
I saw President Trump celebrating the other day that the unemployment rate in May ended up around 15 percent. It is nothing
really to celebrate, but in that same unemployment report and
data, we actually saw Black Americans’ unemployment rate go up
compared to the previous month, did we not?
Mr. POWELL. We did, and over the longer term, we see African
American unemployment running at approximately two times
White unemployment. And that is a feature of all different parts
of the business cycle.
Senator VAN HOLLEN. And also these ingrained issues in all aspects of our society from schools to financial systems.
Let me ask you this. I saw that Wall Street has responded favorably to some of the most recent actions that the Fed just took.
When it comes to helping those people who are most hurt economically by this downturn—and you have spoken about them, the fact

that 40 percent of individuals with incomes under $40,000 found
themselves out of a job.
When it comes to those individuals who are hardest hit, would
you agree that a fiscal policy is probably a more effective tool in
addressing those issues than the instruments that the Fed has at
its disposal?
Mr. POWELL. In the short and medium term, yes, fiscal policy. In
the long term, maximum employment is a great thing.
What we had the last couple of years, a 50-year low in unemployment was really making a difference in those communities, and we
were very pleased to see that we were hearing that from people in
those communities. But for now, fiscal policy is critical.
Senator VAN HOLLEN. Right. But in the short term—and, of
course, a lot of those gains were erased in a very short time, and
our goal has to be, does it not, to try to get back to where we were
as soon as possible and then start improving again? Would you
agree that that should be the goal?
Mr. POWELL. Very much so. Absolutely. It certainly is for us.
Senator VAN HOLLEN. And do you agree with the letter? I am not
sure what your testimony is as to whether or not you saw a letter,
but we have a letter we received this morning from Ben Bernanke,
Janet Yellen, and over 120 other very respected economists about
the urgent need to take more fiscal action.
Given what you just said about the short term and fiscal policy
as a tool, do you agree with their statements that we need to do
Mr. POWELL. So I saw the headline, saw the first two sentences
of the story. I have not had a chance to read the—it went across
the tape just before I walked in here. So I will look at it.
In fiscal policy, what I would say is we are not in a position of
giving you advice, and you have reacted. Congress has done the
most it has ever done—14 percent of GDP, $3 trillion. We have
done the most we have ever done.
As this plays out, it is likely that there will be a group that
struggles to regain employment. Because they were working in
those industries that are so strongly affected, it is likely that they
will need help, and they may need help from the Fed, and they
may need help from you too.
Senator VAN HOLLEN. Well, I take it from your previous response
that especially when it comes to short-term downturns that fiscal
policy is the most effective instrument to deal with the short-term
We have lost 1.5 million jobs, State and local government levels,
over the last 2 months. That is a drag on the economy, is it not?
Mr. POWELL. Yes, it is. It is one of the largest employers. State
and local governments are one of the largest employers. I think 13
million people.
Senator VAN HOLLEN. So should not all of us, using the tools at
our disposal, try to stop the continued loss of jobs at the State and
local level?
Mr. POWELL. So we did discuss this earlier, and I would say it
is certainly an area where I would be looking if I were you.
State and local governments provide those critical services, and
they have balanced budget requirements. So the layoffs come very

quickly when unemployment—sorry—when revenues go down and
expenses go up, and that is going to weigh on the economy. So——
Senator VAN HOLLEN. And are you aware of the fact that in
many cases, State and local governments are making their fiscal
decisions as of July 1st as to whether or not to cut back on their
budgets and lay people off?
Mr. POWELL. Yes, and more.
Senator VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Chairman, just in closing, it would
seem to me, given all those facts, that Congress would be negligent
in leaving town before the 4th of July for the 4th of July break
without providing this additional relief to State and local government employees but to others, also.
So thank you. Thank you to both Chairman and to Ranking
Member Brown.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you.
And do we have Senator Sinema on now?
Senator SINEMA. Yes, Mr. Chairman. I am here.
Chairman CRAPO. Go ahead.
Senator SINEMA. Well, thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you
to Chairman Powell for joining us again today. We appreciate it.
Chairman Powell, immediate economic stabilization, as we saw
with the PPP program and other coronavirus relief funds, will continue to be necessary as we shield the economy from the worst effects of this pandemic and work to save lives.
Disease experts and other health officials warn of a harsher second wave of the virus in the fall.
I recently urged the Administration to implement a national testing and infection tracking strategy to help stop the spread of
coronavirus and protect Arizonans from future waves.
Would you agree that a robust infection tracking regime that enables U.S. businesses to reopen and operate safely would have a
positive effect on economic growth?
Mr. POWELL. I absolutely would.
I think anything that enhances the public’s confidence and ability to become ever more confident that it is safe to go out and take
part in the economy will have very high returns for the economy.
Senator SINEMA. Well, thank you.
The Federal Reserve projects the U.S. economic output will decrease by 6.5 percent at the end of this year, compared to 2019.
Does this projection assume a potential second wave of coronavirus
and the accompanying economic impacts?
Mr. POWELL. That number is actually just—I should say that is
just the median of the 17 projections by the 17 participants in the
FOMC. So it is not an official projection of the Fed or anything like
And it will be based on different assumptions made by different
people. Each of the 17 will have probably made a somewhat different assumption.
I would think the answer to your question, though, largely will
be no. Largely, that is not a number in our—my colleagues will not
principally have assumed that there will be a substantial second
Senator SINEMA. Oh, that is concerning.

Congress will need to find the best path forward as we navigate
an unprecedented and evolving pandemic. Arizonans and Americans count on our leaders to follow the science and the facts to protect public health and rebuild our economy. Businesses and families will need immediate economic relief if case counts worsen and
further restrictions are warranted.
Would you agree, given the possibility of several future waves of
the virus, that identifying nimble, flexible economic stabilizers to
quickly make impacted businesses and families stable would be
beneficial for our economic growth?
Mr. POWELL. So I think the question of automatic stabilizers is
a classic fiscal policy question and one that you and your colleagues
will have to sort out.
I do think that—I think that the response that Congress has
made so far, particularly in the PPP program, the checks and the
enhanced unemployment insurance, has made a big difference in
where the economy is now.
Senator SINEMA. Thanks.
And, finally, I want to briefly discuss relief to State and local
governments. I appreciate your efforts to provide our State and
local governments greater access to the Municipal Liquidity Facility, and I would encourage you to take further action to allow
smaller Arizona cities, towns, and counties to access this financing.
Economic studies show that the 2008 recession was significantly
prolonged due to shortfalls in State and local government funding.
Do you agree with that analysis, and would you agree that addressing State and local funding shortfalls would have a meaningful effect on the overall economic outlook?
Mr. POWELL. So we do know—or the research does show that in
the aftermath of the global financial crisis during what we call the
‘‘Great Recession’’ that State and local governments did weigh on
economic activity. There were a lot of layoffs and not much hiring,
and I think State and local governments had an even higher percentage of the labor force back then.
In terms of what Congress should do, I do think that that is an
area that is worth some attention because of what we discussed.
Senator SINEMA. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you to
Ranking Member Brown. I look forward to working together on a
path to recovery, and, Mr. Chairman, I yield back.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you, Senator Sinema.
Senator Brown has asked for one more question, and then we
will conclude our questioning.
Senator Brown.
Senator BROWN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, always for your indulgence. One question and then a brief comment.
Thank you, Chair Powell. I know your fiscal policy is not within
your province, as you say many times, but I have been impressed
by your thoughtful answers, particularly on State and local government assistance and on preventing evictions on rental assistance.
And those are such important issues.
My question is pretty simple: Will Congress make inequality
worse if we are not as thoughtful as you have been in our fiscal
Mr. POWELL. That is a hard form of the question.

I think this whole episode with the pandemic is very tough on
low- and moderate-income communities, and again, I think Congress has done a lot compared to other downturns here. And it is
having a real effect, and I think there may well be a need to do
more and for us as well.
Senator BROWN. Thank you. And I have heard your public statements. I appreciate that.
I would just add Mr. Chairman, I am going to join—Senator
Jones mentioned reading one of the most extraordinary pieces of
writing in American history. I am joining him with, I believe, four
other Senators. There will be three in each party, maybe four in
each party, and to read from Dr. King’s letter from the Birmingham jail. He reminds us that we always make excuses to wait
to address racism. I know there is a lot going on, but what we do
now matters.
I want you to take that seriously. I think you do. I appreciate,
as I said, your thoughtful comments. We cannot ignore how our institutions and our policies—and the Fed is central to that—have
contributed to inequality in this country.
And my question about your working with us on this is a serious
one. I appreciated your saying you talked to other Fed Governors
about that. I hope you will lead the Fed, as I hope Congress will
step up as well, to address this most basic of American problems.
So, Mr. Chairman, Chairman Crapo, thank you, and, Chair Powell, Thank you.
Mr. POWELL. Thank you.
Chairman CRAPO. Thank you, Senator Brown.
And that does conclude today’s testimony, the testimony and the
Chairman Powell, I would like to join with those who have commended you on the service that you and our Federal Reserve has
given to the country in dealing with this pandemic and appreciate
you being here with us today as well.
We look forward to continuing to work with you as you implement the various 13(3) facilities and the other responses that fall
within your purview to this crisis, and once again, thank you for
taking of your time to give us your wisdom today in the hearing.
For Senators who wish to submit questions for the record, those
questions are due on Tuesday, June 23rd.
I ask that, Chairman Powell, you respond to those questions as
quickly as you can.
This hearing is adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 12:29 p.m., the hearing was adjourned.]
[Prepared statements, responses to written questions, and additional material supplied for the record follow:]

Today, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell will update the Committee on
monetary policy developments and the state of the U.S. economy.
It has only been 4 months since the last Humphrey-Hawkins hearing, but we are
seeing a significantly different economy today; one that has been racked by the
physical and economic impact of the COVID–19 pandemic and ensuing shutdowns.
Chairman Powell, you have stated that the Federal Reserve is ‘‘ . . . strongly
committed to using our tools to do whatever we can and for as long as it takes to
provide some relief and stability, to ensure the recovery is as strong as possible.’
Additionally, the Fed has purchased more than $2 trillion in Treasury and mortgage securities since the pandemic sparked a massive flight for safe, cash-like assets
in mid-March.
Because of this, the Fed’s balance sheet has expanded to more than 7 trillion dollars.
Congress, the Administration and regulatory agencies have taken extreme actions
to protect and stabilize the infrastructure of our economic system.
The CARES Act has been central to that effort, and recent statistics indicate our
efforts are working.
In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced on June 5 encouraging signs
for jobs and the economy, that nonfarm payroll employment rose by 2.5 million in
May, and the unemployment rate declined to 13.3 percent.
According to the report, these ‘‘improvements in the labor market reflected a limited resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed in March and April due
to the coronavirus (COVID–19) pandemic and efforts to contain it.’’
Title IV of the Act provided a $500 billion infusion in the Exchange Stabilization
Fund, up to $454 billion of which can be used to support the Federal Reserve’s
emergency lending facilities, such as the Main Street Lending facilities and the Municipal Lending Facility.
The Fed has set up facilities funded both under and outside of the CARES Act,
and there is evidence that the mere announcement of some of those facilities have
had a positive and stabilizing effect on markets, even before becoming operational.
Although any positive effect of these facilities is welcome, getting them fully operational ensures that they achieve their full effect.
On June 8, 2020, the Federal Reserve announced positive changes to the term
sheet to the Main Street Facilities that will allow additional smaller and mediumsized businesses to access the facilities.
As I have urged in previous hearings, it is now time to get the Main Street and
other outstanding facilities up and running.
In addition to emergency lending facilities, the Fed can continue to right-size regulations to increase lending and access to credit in the economy.
In response to a letter that I sent to the Federal banking regulators on April 8,
Vice Chairman Quarles noted that ‘‘Congress should consider modifying section 171
of the Dodd-Frank Act (‘The Collins Amendment’) to allow regulators to provide
flexibility under Tier 1 leverage requirements as banks respond to increased credit
There are also several proposed rules that the agencies were working on before
COVID–19, and I encourage the agencies to finalize these rules as soon as possible,
such as the Volcker covered funds rule and the inter-affiliate margin rule.
During this hearing, I look forward to hearing more on the state of the economy,
including its response to the CARES Act; an update on the status of the 13(3) emergency lending facilities; how the facilities have provided or stand to provide necessary credit to households, businesses, States and local governments; and additional regulatory and legislative changes that can increase credit and liquidity in
the marketplace and further support the economy.
Chairman Powell, thank you for joining us today.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding this virtual hearing, and thank you, Chair
Powell, for participating in this hearing remotely to practice social distancing and
to prevent the potential spread of coronavirus, which is not dropping dramatically,
but still spreading, and is still taking the lives of hundreds more Americans every
Across the country, in big cities and small towns alike, Americans are calling for
their Government to respond to the health and economic impact of the pandemic.
They are outraged over the killings of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud
Arbery, Rayshard Brooks, and so many other Black Americans. They are demanding

justice and an end to the systemic racism that pervades every aspect of American
society, including our economy.
Your job, and our job on this Committee, is to oversee our economic system—to
be good stewards of our economy.
That requires seeing our economy as it actually is. You’re not overseeing some
theoretical academic model of a perfect market. The evils of racism have been woven
into the fabric of our nation’s history since the beginning. Look at housing—we see
how it works, from Jim Crow to redlining to today’s OCC dismantling an important
civil rights law.
We can’t rely on the market to sort itself out—it never has and it never will.
We know Black workers earn less than their White peers who do the same jobs
and have the same education levels. We know Black families are far less likely to
own their homes than White families. We know Black students borrow more and
pay more for college. We know Black retirees have less money for retirement, and
less wealth to pass on to their children.
Many—including some members of the House and Senate—suggest, both in their
statements and in their policies, that Black Americans are uneducated, don’t work
hard, don’t want to start businesses or buy homes or save or invest. That’s a false,
racist narrative.
The real reason behind the disparities is that we have centuries of systematic oppression that denies Black Americans the opportunity to fully participate in our
And whenever we try to fix it, the people who created or perpetuated that system—people who have no problem intervening in the market to save corporations
and the White men who run them—say oh no, we can’t have Government meddling
in the economy.
Let’s be clear: Government has always intervened in the economy. It’s only been
a question of who it’s intervening on behalf of—corporations, the wealthy, the privileged? Or the people who make this country work? That contrast has probably never
been clearer than it is today.
Workers are the people who make this economy run. It’s not the CEOs and other
executives, but the people who stock our shelves, deliver our packages, operate our
subways and buses, and care for our health. We have finally started calling these
workers—mostly women, disproportionately Black and brown workers—we have finally started calling these workers what they are: ‘‘essential.’’
But our companies and our Government have not started treating them that way.
Even before the pandemic, this economy wasn’t working for working Americans.
Our essential workers faced barriers to housing and healthcare. Wages were stagnant and wealth inequality continued to rise. Corporations making record profits rewarded their executives with huge bonuses, and increased dividends and stock holdings, juiced by buybacks. They weren’t using their record profits to pay their essential workers what they are worth.
Now these same companies that have been lining the pockets of their investors
and executives, at the expense of their workers, now want the Government to cushion the landing during this crisis.
And Congress asked the Treasury and Federal Reserve to serve as a life raft—
to lend trillions of dollars to support our economy during this unprecedented time.
But while the Treasury and Fed are helping financial markets and corporations,
you are not holding up the other end of the deal—we also asked you to make sure
that working Americans remained employed and safe.
Big corporations are staying afloat—just look at the stock market—but the number of Americans out of a job is now over 20 million.
We saw how this played out in the 2008 financial crisis. Government intervened
to help banks and corporations—and they were all too happy to take the bailouts.
No complaints of ‘‘Government handouts’’ there-in fact it was considered ‘‘patriotic.’’
But millions of Americans were left behind—losing their jobs, their homes, getting
paid less. Many of us fought for more help, more stimulus, for the people who make
the economy work—and Wall Street and its allies in Washington called that a handout, Government meddling, market interference.
History is repeating itself.
As COVID–19 spread across the country earlier this year, many workers—mostly
Black and brown—found themselves thrown from one crisis into the next.
As it currently stands, and with no steps taken to actually ensure the money they
are lending goes to workers, Treasury and the Fed are only reinforcing the inequities between workers and Wall Street, and between Black and brown Americans and
White Americans.
Chair Powell—you have said that Congress needs to do more to help our State
and local governments and put money directly in people’s pockets, and I agree.

Democrats have a plan to get more help directly to working Americans. But Mitch
McConnell isn’t in any rush to help people, he says he sees ‘‘no urgency’’—his words,
‘‘no urgency.’’
Leader McConnell and this Administration want to pretend like we are not in the
middle of a pandemic and an economic recession. They want to force people back
to work without real safety protections at the same low wages, while they shield
their Wall Street friends from liability if any of their workers get sick on the job.
We want people to go back to work, too—but they want us to return to ‘‘business
as usual.’’
We know what ‘‘business as usual’’ means: Government intervention to put its
thumb on the scale for corporations and their wealthy shareholders, and ‘‘the free
market’’ for everyone else.
We can’t return to that ‘‘business as usual.’’
The economy and justice are not separate issues.
The Americans who are protesting across this country are demanding more from
their Government. They want an end to police violence that take Black lives with
impunity. They want to know their voices are heard and their votes won’t be suppressed. They want economic security. They want a safe place to live, and they want
a President who acts in his citizens’ interest—not his own.
They want to have faith in their Government.
Congress and the Fed can help restore some of that trust. It’s clear the White
House isn’t going to do it.
Both of us—Congress and the Fed alike—must take action now to support the
workers who make this economy run. That means providing help for immediate
needs and also addressing systemic racism and economic injustice. If we fail to act,
it will hurt many people and make inequality worse. The Fed can make sure companies that get bailed out keep paying their workers; that companies stop stock
buybacks and dividends on Wall Street, and adopt policies that combat inequality
rather than supercharge it.
The Fed cannot lend to big businesses and leave workers behind like we saw during the last crisis. It’s time for all of us to be better stewards of the economy.
Chair Powell, I thank you for your service and your leadership. And I would urge
you to redouble your efforts to make sure that you and the thousands of talented
men and women who work with you are dedicated to taking steps to ensure that
this economy works for all Americans.
JUNE 16, 2020
Chairman Crapo, Ranking Member Brown, and other Members of the Committee,
thank you for the opportunity to present the Federal Reserve’s semiannual Monetary Policy Report.
Our country continues to face a difficult and challenging time, as the pandemic
is causing tremendous hardship here in the United States and around the world.
The coronavirus outbreak is, first and foremost, a public health crisis. The most important response has come from our healthcare workers. On behalf of the Federal
Reserve, I want to express our sincere gratitude to these dedicated individuals who
put themselves at risk, day after day, in service to others and to our Nation.
Current Economic Situation and Outlook
Beginning in mid-March, economic activity fell at an unprecedented speed in response to the outbreak of the virus and the measures taken to control its spread.
Even after the unexpectedly positive May employment report, nearly 20 million jobs
have been lost on net since February, and the reported unemployment rate has
risen about 10 percentage points, to 13.3 percent. The decline in real gross domestic
product (GDP) this quarter is likely to be the most severe on record. The burden
of the downturn has not fallen equally on all Americans. Instead, those least able
to withstand the downturn have been affected most. As discussed in the June Monetary Policy Report, low-income households have experienced, by far, the sharpest
drop in employment, while job losses of African Americans, Hispanics, and women
have been greater than that of other groups. If not contained and reversed, the
downturn could further widen gaps in economic well-being that the long expansion
had made some progress in closing.
Recently, some indicators have pointed to a stabilization, and in some areas a
modest rebound, in economic activity. With an easing of restrictions on mobility and
commerce and the extension of federal loans and grants, some businesses are open-

ing up, while stimulus checks and unemployment benefits are supporting household
incomes and spending. As a result, employment moved higher in May. That said,
the levels of output and employment remain far below their pre-pandemic levels,
and significant uncertainty remains about the timing and strength of the recovery.
Much of that economic uncertainty comes from uncertainty about the path of the
disease and the effects of measures to contain it. Until the public is confident that
the disease is contained, a full recovery is unlikely.
Moreover, the longer the downturn lasts, the greater the potential for longer-term
damage from permanent job loss and business closures. Long periods of unemployment can erode workers’ skills and hurt their future job prospects. Persistent unemployment can also negate the gains made by many disadvantaged Americans during
the long expansion and described to us at our Fed Listens events. The pandemic
is presenting acute risks to small businesses, as discussed in the Monetary Policy
Report. If a small- or medium-sized business becomes insolvent because the economy recovers too slowly, we lose more than just that business. These businesses are
the heart of our economy and often embody the work of generations.
With weak demand and large price declines for some goods and services—such as
apparel, gasoline, air travel, and hotels—consumer price inflation has dropped noticeably in recent months. But indicators of longer-term inflation expectations have
been fairly steady. As output stabilizes and the recovery moves ahead, inflation
should stabilize and then gradually move back up over time closer to our symmetric
2 percent objective. Inflation is nonetheless likely to remain below our objective for
some time.
Monetary Policy and Federal Reserve Actions To Support the Flow of
The Federal Reserve’s response to this extraordinary period is guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people,
along with our responsibilities to promote the stability of the financial system. We
are committed to using our full range of tools to support the economy in this challenging time.
In March, we quickly lowered our policy interest rate to near zero, reflecting the
effects of COVID–19 on economic activity, employment, and inflation, and the
heightened risks to the outlook. We expect to maintain interest rates at this level
until we are confident that the economy has weathered recent events and is on
track to achieve our maximum-employment and price-stability goals.
We have also been taking broad and forceful actions to support the flow of credit
in the economy. Since March, we have been purchasing sizable quantities of Treasury securities and agency mortgage-backed securities in order to support the smooth
functioning of these markets, which are vital to the flow of credit in the economy.
As described in the June Monetary Policy Report, these purchases have helped restore orderly market conditions and have fostered more accommodative financial
conditions. As market functioning has improved since the strains experienced in
March, we have gradually reduced the pace of these purchases. To sustain smooth
market functioning and thereby foster the effective transmission of monetary policy
to broader financial conditions, we will increase our holdings of Treasury securities
and agency mortgage-backed securities over coming months at least at the current
pace. We will closely monitor developments and are prepared to adjust our plans
as appropriate to support our goals.
To provide stability to the financial system and support the flow of credit to
households, businesses, and State and local governments, the Federal Reserve, with
the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, established 11 credit and liquidity
facilities under section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. The June Monetary Policy
Report provides details on these facilities, which fall into two categories: stabilizing
short-term funding markets and providing more-direct support for credit across the
To help stabilize short-term funding markets, the Federal Reserve set up the
Commercial Paper Funding Facility and the Money Market Liquidity Facility to
stem rapid outflows from prime money market funds. The Fed also established the
Primary Dealer Credit Facility, which provides loans against good collateral to primary dealers that are critical intermediaries in short-term funding markets.
To more directly support the flow of credit to households, businesses, and State
and local governments, the Federal Reserve established a number of facilities. To
support the small business sector, we established the Paycheck Protection Program
Liquidity Facility to bolster the effectiveness of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security Act’s (CARES Act) Paycheck Protection Program. Our Main
Street Lending Program, which we are in the process of launching, supports lending
to both small and midsized businesses. The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan

Facility supports lending to both businesses and consumers. To support the employment and spending of investment-grade businesses, we established two corporate
credit facilities. And to help U.S. State and local governments manage cash flow
pressures and serve their communities, we set up the Municipal Liquidity Facility.
The tools that the Federal Reserve is using under its 13(3) authority are appropriately reserved for times of emergency. When this crisis is behind us, we will put
them away. The June Monetary Policy Report reviews the implications of these tools
for the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet.
Many of these facilities have been supported by funding from the CARES Act. We
will be disclosing, on a monthly basis, names and details of participants in each
such facility; amounts borrowed and interest rate charged; and overall costs, revenues, and fees for each facility. We embrace our responsibility to the American people to be as transparent as possible, and we appreciate that the need for transparency is heightened when we are called upon to use our emergency powers.
We recognize that our actions are only part of a broader public-sector response.
Congress’s passage of the CARES Act was critical in enabling the Federal Reserve
and the Treasury Department to establish many of the lending programs. The
CARES Act and other legislation provide direct help to people, businesses, and communities. This direct support can make a critical difference not just in helping families and businesses in a time of need, but also in limiting long-lasting damage to
our economy.
I want to end by acknowledging the tragic events that have again put a spotlight
on the pain of racial injustice in this country. The Federal Reserve serves the entire
Nation. We operate in, and are part of, many of the communities across the country
where Americans are grappling with and expressing themselves on issues of racial
equality. I speak for my colleagues throughout the Federal Reserve System when
I say, there is no place at the Federal Reserve for racism and there should be no
place for it in our society. Everyone deserves the opportunity to participate fully in
our society and in our economy.
We understand that the work of the Federal Reserve touches communities, families, and businesses across the country. Everything we do is in service to our public
mission. We are committed to using our full range of tools to support the economy
and to help assure that the recovery from this difficult period will be as robust as
Thank you. I am happy to take your questions.


Q.1. The Federal Reserve’s Main Street Lending Facilities do not
require borrowing companies to retain workers. Over 20 million
people are currently unemployed, and the Black unemployment
rate is higher at 16.7 percent, compared to the White unemployment rate of 14.2 percent. Black workers have suffered record job
losses and disproportionately comprise the group of essential workers continuing to go to their workplaces without adequate protection and at lower wages. How will the lack of worker protection
and retention requirements in the Main Street Lending Facilities
exacerbate racial disparities in wealth, income, and employment?
Did the Federal Reserve consider these disparities when creating
the facilities? If the Federal Reserve makes further changes to the
facilities, will it consider these factors?
A.1. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.2. We saw how the rollout of the Paycheck Protection Program
made it difficult for underserved communities, community-based
lenders, and minority-owned businesses to access funding. Minority
Depository Institutions and Community Development Financial Institutions are more likely to be lending to minority-owned businesses. How will the Federal Reserve ensure that these lenders
and the minority-owned businesses that they support will have fair
and equal access to the Main Street Lending Facilities? Will the
Federal Reserve report the loan amounts that minority-owned businesses receive through the facility, and the total amount of Main
Street loans that MDIs and CDFIs originate through the facility?
Is the Fed considering or consulting with CDFI or small business
stakeholders about any other support for CDFI small business
lending, particularly for underserved minority-owned small businesses?
A.2. The Federal Reserve has taken a number of actions to facilitate broad coverage by the Main Street Lending Program (Main
Street). Recognizing that the circumstances, structure, and needs of
small and medium-sized for-profit and nonprofit organizations vary
considerably, the Federal Reserve sought feedback from a wide
range of potential borrowers, lenders, and the public on the proposed terms of the facilities to help make Main Street as efficient
and effective as possible. Based on this feedback, the Federal Reserve has modified the terms of Main Street to provide greater access to credit for small and medium-sized for-profit and nonprofit
organizations that were in sound financial condition prior to
To provide potential lenders with information about Main Street
and to address their questions in real time, the Federal Reserve
has recorded 14 webinars and conducted a number of other events
(including three in collaboration with the Small Business Administration (SBA)) explaining aspects of Main Street and engaging in
question and answer sessions. On June 24, the Federal Reserve
hosted a webinar on Main Street targeted toward minority- and
women-owned businesses, and on August 4, the Federal Reserve
hosted a webinar targeted toward tribal businesses. The Federal
Reserve is exploring additional outreach to raise awareness of the

program among women- and minority-owned businesses and in
low- and middle-income communities.
To encourage their involvement in Main Street, the Federal Reserve has also conducted outreach to minority depository institutions (MDI) and community development financial institutions
(CDFI) to provide opportunities to learn about the program. On
July 1, as part of the Federal Reserve’s Partnership for Progress
program, staff of the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve
Bank of Boston (FRBB), together with the National Bankers Association, held a briefing on Main Street for MDIs. On August 4, Federal Reserve Board and FRBB staff attended a National Business
Inclusion Consortium event to present the details of Main Street.
On August 12, staff participated in an event sponsored by the U.S.
Department of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency
and provided a Main Street overview.
Most recently on October 30, the Federal Reserve Board adjusted
the terms of Main Street to better target support to smaller businesses that employ millions of workers and are facing continued
revenue shortfalls due to the pandemic. In particular, the minimum loan size for three Main Street facilities available to for-profit and nonprofit borrowers has been reduced from $250,000 to
The Federal Reserve will continue to assess the efficacy of Main
Street, including its effects on low-income or minority communities.
The Federal Reserve will collect and disclose information regarding
Main Street during the operation of the facilities, including information regarding names of lenders and borrowers, amounts borrowed and interest rates charged, and overall costs, revenues, and
other fees. We will also continue to conduct outreach sessions to
underserved communities to promote Main Street awareness. In
addition, we will continue to monitor broader credit conditions
across different communities and geographies and weigh adjustments needed to reach eligible borrowers.
Q.3. Under what authority did the Federal Reserve rely in modifying the SMCCF to create an index of corporate bonds to purchase? To what extent will this allow issuers to avoid meeting all
Eligible Issuer requirements that the Federal Reserve originally established for participation in the SMCCF? Please provide all analyses of the Fed’s authority to invest in all corporate bonds regardless of eligibility requirements.
A.3. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.4. State and local governments are facing severe financial strain
in dealing with the pandemic. The Federal Reserve established the
Municipal Liquidity Facility (MLF) to help State and local governments better manage cash flow pressures in order to serve their
communities. Yet, the terms of the facility, including limits on maturity length and pricing, make it difficult for most States and localities to benefit from the program. These terms are much more
restrictive than the terms for the Corporate Credit Facilities, including the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility, which the
Federal Reserve recently expanded even further. Please explain the
Federal Reserve’s process and analysis for determining the terms
of the MLF. Why did the Federal Reserve choose to lend to

corporate borrowers on less restrictive terms than States and municipalities?
A.4. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.5. State and local governments also employ a higher proportion
of Black workers than other industries. Will the restrictive terms
of the MLF exacerbate racial inequality?
A.5. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.6. The Federal Reserve’s June 12, 2020, Monetary Policy Report
noted that financial-sector vulnerabilities are expected to be significant in the near term, and the strains on households and businesses from the economic and financial shocks since March will
likely create persistent fragilities. Please describe the specific
vulnerabilities facing our financial system. To what extent is the
Federal Reserve coordinating with other Federal banking agencies
and through the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) to
address these risks? What is the Federal Reserve and FSOC doing
to address these risks?
A.6. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.7. The June Monetary Policy Report highlighted risks associated
with liquidity and maturity transformation in the nonbank financial sector. Please elaborate on these vulnerabilities in the nonbank
financial sector. What is the Federal Reserve doing to address
these risks? What is the Federal Reserve’s analysis of how its monetary policy actions, including its corporate bond purchases and
lending to leveraged companies, could exacerbate these vulnerabilities?
A.7. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.8. The latest ‘‘FedListens’’ Report 1 notes that many of the newly
unemployed are facing a cliff when supplementary unemployment
insurance runs out: ‘‘many who have been laid off are benefiting
now from the one-time stimulus checks and temporary increase in
unemployment insurance (UI) benefits enacted in the CARES Act.
The supplementary UI will end this summer. At that point, it will
be difficult for many families to meet their financial commitments—rent, food, utilities, and other payments—if the economic
downturn continues and the benefits are not renewed.’’
The suspension of interest, payments, and involuntary collections
on Federal student loans enacted in the CARES Act expires September 30th. The foreclosure moratorium expired on May 17th, although the Federal agencies have extended that moratorium
through August 31st. The moratorium on evictions for renters in
federally backed properties or who are receiving Federal assistance
expires on July 24th. Don’t student loan borrowers, homeowners,
and renters face the same fiscal cliff that those whose UI benefits
will run out face if these protections are not extended? The Federal
Reserve is making monetary policy predictions based on assumptions about fiscal policy—what happens after the CARES Act Federal student loan suspension and moratoria on foreclosures and
evictions ends? How will this exacerbate inequalities for Black and
Latinx borrowers and households?

A.8. Response not received in time for publication.

Q.1. Outside of the PPP program, how have small- and mediumsized businesses accessed credit during the COVID–19 crisis, given
that most cannot access bond markets and the Main Street facilities have not been running yet?
A.1. Banking organizations entered this crisis in strong financial
condition and have been able to continue to lend, including to
small- and medium-sized businesses. As you know, the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
has approved over $500 billion in loans to provide funds for payroll
costs, mortgage and rent payments, and utilities. The Federal Reserve’s PPP Liquidity Facility (PPPLF) supports the PPP by supplying liquidity to participating financial institutions through the
extension of credit to eligible financial institutions that originate
PPP loans by taking the loans as collateral. As of August 31, 2020,
the PPPLF had advanced over $68 billion to financial institution
lenders, providing liquidity to the institutions for additional lending.
Businesses in certain sectors that have been particularly challenged by COVID–19 have reported continued difficulty in accessing credit; however, the most recent monthly survey from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) released in August indicates that small businesses have been able to meet their
funding needs in recent months largely due to the PPP.1
Small- and medium-sized businesses and nonprofit organizations
were eligible for the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL).
The purpose of the program was to provide economic relief to businesses experiencing a temporary loss of revenue. Proceeds could be
used for a variety of business-related expenses. As of August 24,
2020, the SBA reports that over $188 billion in EIDL loans were
All of the Main Street Lending Program (Main Street) facilities
are now operational.2 Main Street was established to support lending to small- and medium-sized businesses that were in sound
financial condition prior to the onset of COVID–19. As of October
15, 2020, the Main Street facilities had purchased participations in
318 loans, totaling just over $3 billion. More than 602 lenders have
registered to participate in the program, representing more than
half of the U.S. banking assets. Additionally, on October 30, the
Federal Reserve Board (Board) adjusted the terms of Main Street
to better target support to smaller businesses that employ millions
of workers and are facing continued revenue shortfalls due to the
pandemic. In particular, the minimum loan size for three Main
Street facilities available to for-profit and nonprofit borrowers has
been reduced from $250,000 to $100,000. We are monitoring this
1 William C. Dunkelberg and Holly Wade (2020), NFIB Small Business Economic Trends
(Washington: National Federation of Independent Business, June),
2 The Main Street facilities that are currently operational include the Main Street New Loan
Facility, Main Street Expanded Loan Facility, and Main Street Priority Loan Facility.

program and will make adjustments as needed to encourage participation by financial institutions.
Q.2. What metrics are the Fed using to get a real-time measure of
credit needs for small- and medium-sized businesses?
A.2. The Federal Reserve conducts the Small Business Lending
Survey (SBLS) quarterly, collecting quantitative and qualitative information that is used to understand credit market conditions for
bank lending to small businesses. The SBLS captures detailed,
comprehensive information that is not otherwise available about
small business lending and how it changes from quarter to quarter.
Specifically, quantitative information is collected on commercial
and industrial loan amounts, interest rates, maturities, and lending terms for term loans and lines of credit with fixed and variable
interest rates, and applications received and approved. In addition,
qualitative information is collected on changes in credit standards
and terms and loan demand, as well as reasons for those changes.
Special questions may be included in the SBLS to capture information about topics of interest or emerging risks. For the quarter ending March 31, 2020, the special question was, ‘‘How has COVID–
19 impacted your bank’s small business customers and what steps
has your bank taken to mitigate these impacts?’’ The June SBLS
included questions about current lending standards in comparison
to standards over the past 15 years to assess the availability of
credit to creditworthy borrowers, including small- and mediumsized businesses. The third quarter SBLS included questions about
Main Street, specifically about why registered banks were not approving Main Street loans and why banks did not register for the
program. Responses to the SBLS questions will be considered in assessing the efficacy of Main Street.
The Federal Reserve dedicates substantial resources to provide
oversight of lending in supervised institutions. We closely supervise
institutions with larger exposures to small business loans through
processes such as the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review,
the Horizontal Capital Review, and dedicated supervisory teams.
Data is collected on Schedule RC–C Part II—Loans to Small Businesses and Small Farms regarding the number and current amount
outstanding. Additionally, we review industry information, such as
the NFIB’s Small Business Economic Trends.
Q.3. The balance sheet currently stands above $7 trillion. Does the
Fed have a plan to unwind it as the economy becomes in less need
of accommodative support? If not, when will the Fed start making
a plan to unwind it?
A.3. The growth of our balance sheet this year initially reflected
our actions to stabilize the financial system and thereby support
the flow of credit to households and businesses amid the pandemic.
Our ongoing actions continue to sustain smooth market functioning
and help foster accommodative financial conditions. These actions
include purchases of the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) securities and agency mortgage-backed securities to support
smooth market functioning, and deployment of the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending powers to establish lending and liquidity
facilities to support the flow of credit to households, businesses,
employers of all sizes, and communities across the country. Expan-

sion of short-term liquidity provision through the discount window,
repo operations, and liquidity swap arrangements have addressed
pressures in short-term funding markets that would otherwise
have adversely affected policy implementation and the flow of credit to U.S. households and businesses.
We announced after the September Federal Open Market Committee meeting that we will continue to increase our securities
holdings at least at the current pace over coming months to sustain
smooth market functioning and help foster accommodative financial conditions, thereby supporting the flow of credit to households
and businesses. In addition, if financial conditions were to deteriorate in the future, the credit and liquidity programs we have put
in place over recent months could expand to address market
strains and support the flow of credit to households and businesses.
As we continue to closely monitor economic and financial conditions, we will continually assess how to best use our tools to promote our maximum employment and price stability goals. In light
of the incoming data on economic and financial conditions, we are
prepared to adjust our plans as appropriate.
Since mid-June, the size of our balance sheet was little changed
reflecting improved market conditions. The increases in securities
holdings was offset by declines in repo operations and draws on
central bank swap lines. Securities held outright increased by
about $550 billion, while our repo operations have dropped from
about $180 billion to zero and liquidity provided by swap line has
dropped by about $440 billion. Similarly, liquidity provided through
programs such as the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility, Commercial Paper Funding
Facility, and discount window continued to move down with further
stabilization in funding conditions over the last couple of months.
When the time comes to shrink our balance sheet, securities we
have purchased will naturally roll off the balance sheet over time.
In general, we would not actively sell securities to avoid the potential disruptions in market functioning. Over the longer run, the
Federal Reserve intends to return its balance sheet to a size that
is no larger than needed for the efficient and effective implementation of monetary policy.
Q.4. Baghot’s dictum, a commonly cited prescription for using central bank emergency lending to combat a credit crunch, or a liquidity crisis, can be summarized as, ‘‘lend freely, at a high rate of interest, on good collateral.’’ To a good extent, various Federal Reserve liquidity facilities have followed this maxim. Given the economic impact of coronavirus, does Baghot’s dictum still apply or
does it need adjustment? What have we learned about setting the
proper interest rate for liquidity facilities within this context?
A.4. Under section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act and the
Board’s Regulation A, pricing for the emergency facilities must be
at a premium to the market rate in normal circumstances, afford
liquidity in unusual and exigent circumstances, and encourage repayment and discourage use of the facility as the unusual and exigent circumstances that motivated the program recede and economic conditions normalize. In addition, section 13(3) and Regulation A require the lending Reserve Bank to be secured or indorsed

to its satisfaction. The pricing and eligibility terms in the facilities
are consistent with these requirements, prevent risk of loss to the
Federal Reserve and taxpayer, and support smooth market functioning and the flow of credit to households and businesses.
Q.5. As I’ve mentioned before, I’d like to see nonbank lenders eligible for the Main Street facilities. Does the Fed have a status update on the Fed and Treasury’s efforts here?
A.5. At this time, nonbank financial institutions that are unaffiliated with depository institutions are not considered eligible lenders
for the purposes of Main Street. Currently, eligible lenders include
U.S. federally insured depository institutions (including banks, savings associations and credit unions), U.S. branches or agencies of
foreign banks, U.S. bank holding companies, U.S. savings and loan
holding companies, U.S. intermediate holding companies of foreign
banking organizations, and U.S. subsidiaries of the foregoing. The
Main Street underwriting criteria (including the use requirement of
a ‘‘pass’’ rating) and operational processes are currently set up to
facilitate loans by such institutions within the regulatory perimeter. The Federal Reserve continues to consider options to expand
the list of eligible lenders in the future. Any changes to the list of
eligible lenders will be announced on the Main Street website.
Q.6. Capital requirements should be countercyclical to the extent
possible. To that end, last month I asked Vice Chair Quarles about
his suggestion that Congress modify Dodd-Frank’s Collins amendment, which allows certain capital requirements to be at least as
high as they were in July 2010. Vice Chair Quarles argued that
Congress should consider temporarily modifying the leverage ratio’s denominator to exclude U.S. Treasury securities and reserves
held at the Federal Reserve. Does the Fed still believe such a legislative change could be useful to help financial institutions extend
credit to needier borrowers?
A.6. During the financial market distress of last spring, the limitations imposed by section 171 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act complicated the Federal bank regulators’ ability to address rapidly changing circumstances. As you
know, section 171 establishes a floor on both risk-based capital and
Tier 1 leverage capital requirements, anchoring the U.S. capital regime to the rules in place in 2010. In the spring, there was a serious risk that the provisions of section 171 would require a number
of large banks to turn away customer deposits and artificially restrict credit extension at a time when many customers needed expanded support in order to survive the shock of economic restrictions imposed by many Governments in response to the COVID–19
outbreak. This is because these firms were reaching their Tier 1 leverage ratio limits as a result of the rapid expansion of the denominator of that ratio as banks provided needed credit support to the
economy. The Federal Reserve Board temporarily excluded central
bank reserves and U.S. Treasuries from the denominator of the
supplementary leverage ratio, which partially addressed this issue,
but the ambiguous text of section 171 makes it difficult to assess
the extent of flexibility under the provision for the Federal bank
regulators to provide temporary exemptions in emergency cir-

cumstances from the Tier 1 leverage ratio to allow banks to respond to customer needs.
Fortunately, the pressures on the banking system have abated,
and there is not today an immediate risk of banks being required
to restrict credit or limit deposit taking because of their Tier 1 leverage ratio limits. Thus, the unclarity of section 171 on this issue
is not creating an urgent problem. The COVID event is not over,
however, and if the situation were to evolve adversely over the next
several months, we could see renewed pressures of the sort we saw
last spring.
Q.7. The Treasury Department and the Fed have obligated $195
billion of the $454 billion appropriated under the CARES Act to
backstop the Fed facilities. What is the Fed doing to determine
when—if at all—to allocate the remaining $259 billion of this backstop, and if so, how?
A.7. The Federal Reserve, in conjunction with the Treasury, has
used funds appropriated under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security Act to operationalize the Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility, the Secondary Market Credit Facility, the
Municipal Liquidity Facility, the Main Street Program (comprised
of the Main Street New Loan Facility, the Main Street Priority
Loan Facility, the Main Street Expanded Loan Facility, the Nonprofit Organization New Loan Facility, and the Nonprofit Organization Expanded Loan Facility), and the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility. These facilities support households, businesses,
and State and local governments. Together with the Treasury, we
are monitoring the implementation, use, and effectiveness of our facilities. If needed, we will adapt or expand these programs. We will
continue to use our full range of tools to support the economy,
maintain the flow of credit to households and businesses, and promote our maximum employment and price stability goals.

Q.1. Financial wellness and access to opportunity are critical to
lifting up our underserved communities. Recently released reports
by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that ‘‘the
number of African American business owners plummeted from 1.1
million in February 2020 to 640,000 in April.’’ Chair Powell, what
actions has the Fed taken to address the is proportionate impact
this pandemic has had on our Black-owned and minority-owned
A.1. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.2. The Federal Reserve noted in the May 2020 Financial Stability Report that the life insurance industry will be adversely affected by a number of factors caused by the COVID–19 economic
situation, including near-zero long-term interest rates. The
COVID–19 crisis has reaffirmed the importance of financial security products offered by life insurers. In addition to other challenges; such as rating downgrades of bond holdings, near-zero interest rates limit this vitally important marketplace at a time
when consumers face tremendous economic uncertainty and seek

financial protection and security. Low interest rates also negatively
affect Americans in or nearing retirement. What can be done to
help Americans who want to do all the right things to make sure
their families have financial safety for uncertain times like this?
A.2. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.3. Are you seeing any systemically critical fractures in the commercial real estate market? And if so, do you think that the Main
Street will be able to help alleviate that situation, especially when
thinking of the hard downward spike in our consumer spending
and the impact on commercial locations like shopping malls? What
steps are you taking to provide assistance to CMBS borrowers during this economic crisis? Would you consider a new, separate lending facility to address the CMBS crisis?
A.3. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.4. The Federal Reserve has restricted access to ratings from the
three incumbent credit-rating agencies. This action could block access to relief to the most vulnerable, including companies that coincidentally only have a credit-rating from one or more nonincumbent
credit-rating agencies. This potentially undermines the regulation
of credit-rating agencies by the SEC and could lead to restricted
competition in a market where competition is sorely needed. What
analysis are you conducting, specifically, regarding inclusion of
credit-rating agencies? Will you make your analysis public? Are you
also analyzing all credit-rating agencies, including credit-rating
agencies that are already included in the facilities?
A.4. Response not received in time for publication.

Q.1. Chair Powell, you’ve extensively discussed the economic toll
that the COVID–19 pandemic has taken on businesses and communities across the United States. I agree with you that these are
challenging times that require thinking outside of the box, but I’m
troubled by proposals I’ve seen that would force insurers to pay for
business insurance claims in situations in which a policyholder
does not have pandemic coverage or in which pandemics are excluded from a business interruption policy.
Without a doubt there is a clear role for the Federal Government
to play in helping businesses to recover from the pandemic. However, would you agree with me that forcing insurers to pay business interruption claims outside the scope of an insurance contract
would risk the stability of our insurance system and undermine the
nature of contract law?
A.1. Insurance relies on two key elements: diversification of risks
and only a small portion of policyholders being impacted by a given
event. But, by their very nature, pandemics can affect a large percentage of policyholders, which would preclude diversification of
risks in this area. Therefore, as a general matter, most insurers
consider pandemics to be uninsurable and thus exclude coverage
for related losses.

Because insurance is regulated State by State, not at the Federal
level, these matters will need to be resolved by State insurance
commissioners to determine what, if any, insurance may apply.

Q.1. I understand the Main Street Program is a historic undertaking by the Fed and that your role as a central bank limits your
ability to participate in loans to entities with more challenging risk
profiles. With several hundred billion in unallocated dollars from
Title IV of the CARES Act still residing at Treasury, at what point
does Congress need to consider using fiscal policy tools to help significantly distressed industries and businesses? These include hotels, theatre owners, leisure industries, etc.?
A.1. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.2. What is the FOMC doing to make sure rates do not increase
too quickly? Will the Fed wait until core PCE is 2.5 percent or
above? Will the time that core PCE is below 2 percent be subtracted from the time it is above 2 percent?
A.2. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.3. Many finance companies have been identified by CISA as essential businesses. Why would the Fed leave such a vital sector out
of the Main Street Lending Program at a time that so many Americans need assistance from financial companies to get them through
the pandemic?
A.3. Response not received in time for publication.

Q.1. Can there be a robust economic recovery if childcare centers
and schools cannot reopen safely?
A.1. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.2. If there were to be a large increase in evictions and foreclosures, how would that affect the broader economy? As part of
your answer, I would appreciate your also discussing the economic
impact on not just renters and homeowners, but also on landlords.
A.2. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.3. Are there any material threats or risks to the financial system
or the economy that we should be aware of? If so, what should we
be doing now to address these threats?
A.3. Response not received in time for publication.

Q.1. The Federal Reserve’s Municipal Liquidity Facility currently
only offers loans that must be paid back within 3 years. So it seems
that by offering such a short term of credit the Federal Reserve
could be in a position of having to collect from States and localities
before they fully recover. All of the private market business lending

facilities offer at least 4-year lending, and the Fed extended the
terms of the Main Street Lending Facility to 5 years.
Can you please explain the rationale for limiting State and local
governments to shorter loan terms than that what the Fed is offering private corporations?
A.1. The purpose of the Municipal Liquidity Facility (MLF) is to
enhance the liquidity of the municipal securities market by increasing the availability of funding to eligible issuers through purchases
of their short-term notes. The 36-month maturity limit reflects the
purpose of the MLF to provide near-term financing to eligible
issuers facing severe liquidity constraints resulting from the increase in State and local government expenditures related to
COVID–19 and the decrease and delay of certain tax revenue,
while allowing eligible issuers access to funding over more than one
budget cycle. By addressing the cash management needs of eligible
issuers, the MLF was also intended to encourage private investors
to reengage in the municipal securities market, including across
longer maturities.
Strong evidence suggests that the announcement and implementation of the MLF has led to significant improvement in municipal
bond market conditions. For example, interest rates for a wide
range of bond issuer types and credits, which rose significantly in
mid-March, have steadily decreased, reflecting greater investor demand for these securities. Furthermore, after experiencing sharp
outflows from municipal bond funds, the fund has experienced
more than 20 consecutive weeks of inflows since April. Moreover,
after depressed primary-issuance activity in March and April,
issuance activity has been robust in recent months. Conditions in
the secondary market also have improved, with transaction costs
and bid-wanted amounts returning to more normal levels.
We will continue to closely monitor conditions in the markets for
municipal securities and will evaluate whether additional measures
are needed to support the flow of credit and liquidity to State and
local governments.
Q.2. Similarly, the interest rates offered to investment-grade municipalities isn’t far below the rates the Federal Reserve is offering
to private companies, even though municipal bonds historically
have had much lower rates of default. And recently the Federal Reserve announced that it would go a step further and proactively
buy certain corporate bonds without requiring those companies
even have to ask for Fed assistance.
Why is the Fed offering different interest rates to State and local
borrowers than to private companies that present a similar credit
A.2. Under the Federal Reserve Board’s (Board) Regulation A,
which implements Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act, the interest rate on the eligible notes must be at a premium to the market rate in normal circumstances, afford liquidity in unusual and
exigent circumstances, and encourage repayment of the eligible
notes and discourage use of the facility as the unusual and exigent
circumstances that motivated the program recede and economic
conditions normalize. Under the MLF, the pricing methodology is
based on the overnight indexed swap (OIS) rate for a comparable

maturity plus a fixed spread that corresponds with the ratings of
the eligible notes and their relevant tax status. Our pricing methodology adjusts the interest rate based on credit rating, maturity,
and tax status because these factors affect the pricing of similar
municipal debt in markets during normal times. The fixed spread
over OIS that applies for each credit-rating category under the
MLF was chosen because it meets the legal requirements.
Q.3. As with any crisis, the COVID–19 pandemic has laid bare the
racial inequalities in our economy. In the last unemployment report, the Black unemployment rate was 16.8 percent and the
Latino unemployment rate was 17.6, more than four points higher
than White unemployment. Between 1972 and 2019, other than
during the aftermaths of recessions, the Black unemployment rate
has stayed at or above twice the White unemployment rate.
Since the Black and Latino unemployment rate is consistently
higher than White unemployment rate, wouldn’t using the Black
and Latino unemployment rate be a more accurate metric for evaluating the health of our economy and of ensuring maximum employment, and thereby a better reference point for tracking the
Federal Reserve’s dual mandate? If not, why not?
When we see the tremendous lengths the Federal Reserve and
Treasury are going to for businesses—large, medium, and small—
what can the Federal Reserve do for Black and brown communities?
A.3. Congress has tasked the Federal Reserve with fostering two
broad macroeconomic objectives: stable prices and maximum sustainable employment. With respect to stable prices we have set an
objective of a 2 percent inflation rate, but the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) does not have a numerical goal for maximum
employment. We believe that the sustainable level of employment
changes over time and is determined mainly by nonmonetary factors that are outside the Federal Reserve’s control, such as evolving
labor market practices, demographics, social change, and fiscal policies. Nevertheless, FOMC participants provide their estimates of
the longer-run normal level of the unemployment rate in the Summary of Economic Projections, mostly recently published in September.1
The total unemployment rate is the most widely cited statistic for
gauging progress toward maximum employment, and it is a useful
summary statistic of the state of the labor market. However, it provides a very incomplete picture. When assessing the health of the
labor market, FOMC members use a wide variety of information,
including the unemployment rates and participation rates of different sub-groups of the working-age population, as well as data on
wages, job availability, and surveys of households and firms. Some
of that information is described in the June Monetary Policy Report, which highlighted the particularly dramatic reductions in employment of low-wage workers, Hispanics, and Blacks from February through May.2 Examining the unemployment rates of
1 Summary of Economic Projections, September 2020:
2 Monetary Policy Report, June 2020:

different demographic groups gives us valuable insight into the
functioning of the labor market, and examining broader groups and
a wider range of indicators gives a better understanding of overall
labor market conditions.
The tools at the disposal of the Federal Reserve are effective at
influencing the broad economy, affecting aggregate demand and
jobs. Creating a strong economic recovery will improve the prospects for all households, and in particular those households that
have suffered the most from this recession. But we do not have the
tools to directly target particular communities. In response to the
current crisis, the Federal Reserve and the FOMC have lowered interest rates and created a number of credit facilities to ensure that
credit continues to flow to small and large businesses and to State
and local governments. These programs are designed to ensure that
firms have the capability to hire and invest as the economy recovers. The goal of these programs is to support a stronger recovery
that will provide jobs for all households, including Black and Hispanic communities.
Q.4. Through the CARES Act, Congress created programs to help
American businesses. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to
help small businesses, the Main Street Lending for small- to medium-sized businesses, and Title IV for larger businesses. However,
I have heard from many businesses that they do not qualify for any
of these programs.
Does the Federal Reserve have a plan to help businesses that are
too large to qualify for the PPP but do not fit the requirements of
the Main Street Lending program?
A.4. The employee size and revenue eligibility metrics under the
Main Street Lending Program (Main Street) were adopted to enable the program to support small- and medium-sized businesses
that are unable to receive sufficient assistance through other programs, such as the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program, or that may not have reached the scale needed to
issue the kinds of capital market instruments that would be purchased under the Federal Reserve’s Primary Market Corporate
Credit Facility. Main Street is designed to be broad-based in order
to serve a wide-range of industries, geographies, and business profiles. However, we understand that not all businesses will be eligible for Main Street due to eligibility and underwriting criteria. On
October 30, the Board adjusted the terms of Main Street to better
target support to smaller businesses that employ millions of workers and are facing continued revenue shortfalls due to the pandemic. In particular, the minimum loan size for three Main Street
facilities available to for-profit and nonprofit borrowers has been
reduced from $250,000 to $100,000. We will continue to monitor
lending conditions broadly and consider adjustments to Main
Street terms and conditions, as appropriate.

Q.1. Racial Inequality—Does the Federal Reserve currently consider the impact of its monetary policy decisions on racial inequality?

A.1. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.2. Does the Federal Reserve consider whether the actions it
takes with respect to payments, bank regulation, and the use of its
emergency authorities under section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve
Act affect different racial groups in different ways?
A.2. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.3. Following the Great Recession, White Americans recovered
from the economic damage in a faster and more robust manner
than Black and Hispanic households.1 Do you expect the same
trends to occur with the recovery from the current recession?
• What policy decisions can the Fed make to ensure that this
does not happen?
• What policy decisions can Congress make to ensure that this
does not happen?
A.3. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.4. Safety and Soundness of Financial System—Can you commit
that all regulatory rollbacks made in response to the COVID–19
pandemic will be temporary?
A.4. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.5. Describe how the Federal Reserve considers the uncertainty of
the economic trajectory in the coming months when making regulatory policy decisions. Specifically, how does the Federal Reserve
reconcile the fact that ‘‘significant uncertainty remains about the
timing and strength of the recovery,’’2 when relaxing capital requirements and refusing to suspend bank dividend payouts?
A.5. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.6. I submitted the following questions for the record on leveraged
lending in February for the last Humphrey-Hawkins hearing. I understand that you are still preparing responses. When you do so,
please include any relevant developments regarding your views of
the risks in the leveraged loan market associated with COVID–19
and the economic downturn.
The most recent report from Shared National Credit (SNC) Review program conducted jointly by the Fed, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), stated that ‘‘credit risk associated with leveraged
lending remains elevated’’ and ‘‘lenders have fewer protections and
risks have increased in leveraged loan terms through the current
long period of economic expansion since the last recession.’’3
Please explain how the Fed monitors and evaluates the creditrisk management practices of a financial institution to ensure that
1 The Hill, ‘‘Wealth Gap Grows After Recession as Minorities Struggle To Recover,’’ Reid Wilson, November 2, 2017,
2 Statement by Jerome H. Powell, Chair, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, June 16, 2020,
3 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, ‘‘Shared National Credit Program: 1st and 3rd Quarter 2019 Reviews,’’

these procedures, some of which are untested, will be sufficient
during an economic downturn.
• Do you believe that the Interagency Guidance on Leveraged
Lending 4 issued in 2013 is sufficient to address the risks associated with leveraged lending, particularly with respect to the
growth of nonbank lenders?
• Describe how the Fed monitors compliance with that guidance
and what actions are taken when a bank is found to have inadequate credit risk protections.
• Increasingly, the riskiest leveraged lending is occurring outside
the banking system.
• Do those loans currently pose a risk to financial stability? If
not, please explain why and under what circumstances the Fed
would begin to judge them a threat to financial stability.
• Many of these nonbank lenders fall into a regulatory gap.
What tools does the Federal Government have to mitigate the
risks from the growth of leveraged lending and the deterioration of the terms of those loans?
• Private equity firms often finance acquisitions through highly
leveraged loans. According to the private equity industry, firms
acquired in these acquisitions now employ more than 8 million
workers.5 In an economic downturn, what would you expect to
happen to employment in these firms?
A.6. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.7. Fiscal Policy—Does uncertainty regarding the fiscal policy decisions Congress will make have an impact on the effectiveness of
Federal Reserve’s decision making, both with respect to monetary
policy and the recent 13(3) actions?
A.7. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.8. Do you agree with your predecessors, Chairs Ben Bernanke
and Janet Yellen,6 that policies that would guarantee relief to
Americans during economic downturns by automatically taking effect based on a trigger, such as the unemployment rate, would provide more financial security for households?
A.8. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.9. Would the use of automatic stabilizers for programs like unemployment insurance, the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage
(FMAP), and State and local aid reduce economic uncertainty both
at the household level and for the economy as a whole?
If so, describe how that certainty would impact the effectiveness
of Federal Reserve policy?
4 Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency, ‘‘Interagency Guidance on Leveraged Lending,’’ March 21, 2013,
5 Office of Senator Elizabeth Warren, ‘‘Letter from Senator Elizabeth Warren et al., to Carmine Di Sibio, Global Chairman and Chief Executive Office of Ernst and Young AG, November
18, 2019,
6 New Democrat Coalition, ‘‘New Democrat Coalition Chair Statement on Rep. Beyer’s Proposal To Implement Automatic Stabilizers or Unemployment Benefits,’’ May 5, 2020, https://

Would these types of policies provide relief to low-income families
that the Federal Reserve’s current tools are not well-suited to deliver?
A.9. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.10. The latest ‘‘FedListens’’ report notes that many of the newly
unemployed are facing a cliff when supplementary UI runs out:
‘‘Many who have been laid off are benefiting now from the one-time
stimulus checks and temporary increase in unemployment insurance (UI) benefits enacted in the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act). The supplementary UI will end
this summer. At that point, it will be difficult for many families to
meet their financial commitments—rent, food, utilities, and other
payments—if the economic downturn continues and the benefits
are not renewed.’’7
Describe how these difficulties would impact the trajectory of our
economic recovery.
• Would the same type of difficulties apply for student loan borrowers if the suspension on loan payments is allowed to expire?
• Would the same type of difficulties apply for individuals in
housing if mortgage forbearance and the eviction moratorium
are not extended?
A.10. Response not received in time for publication.

Q.1. A letter released by former Fed Chairs Ben Bernanke and
Janet Yellen, along with other esteemed economists called for additional fiscal stimulus from Congress—they say it ‘‘must be large,
commensurate with the nearly $16 trillion nominal output gap our
economy faces over the next decade, according to CBO estimates.’’
• Do you agree with this statement?
• What is the bigger risk to the economy right now—that we provide too little support for the economy or too much?
• Right now, are we in any danger of high inflation?
• Have we seen any evidence in the last decade that deficit
spending sparks inflation or curbs economic growth?
A.1. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.2. In response to a letter I sent you about suspending capital distributions, such as the payment of dividends, you stated the following: ‘‘Dividends, which are part of the livelihood of many older
citizens on a fixed income, have been limited to their existing rate.’’
• What data is the Federal Reserve using to make this assertion?
• Exactly how many working families and middle-class retirees
depend on big bank dividends to make ends meet?
7 Federal Reserve System, ‘‘FedListens Perspectives from the Public,’’ June 2020, https://

• Is this point a consideration in the Federal Reserve’s decision
on whether to suspend payment of bank dividends?
• If yes, how is that appropriate?
• The purpose of equity is to be able to absorb potential losses.
If certain shareholders are so reliant on dividends that these
payouts cannot be suspended, is common equity still functioning the way equity should? Should the Federal Reserve instead treat equity that is paid out in dividends like debt?
A.2. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.3. Do you see any risks to the economic recovery from the pandemic because of the damage that will be done to millions of people’s credit reports and scores?
A.3. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.4. In a recent response to questions I asked you about the Fed’s
activities on climate financial risk, you said ‘‘we expect to continue
a number of longer-term supervisory and financial stability projects
in the year ahead, including on climate-related risks.’’
Could you elaborate on what work you plan to do in the year
ahead in terms of incorporating climate-related risks into the Fed’s
supervision and financial stability work? Please provide as much
detail, including estimated timelines, as possible.
A.4. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.5. If banks were engaging in an activity that increased the risk
of instability in the financial system and the risk of economywide
disruption, does the Federal Reserve have the authority to discourage that activity?
• For example, could the Fed require banks to improve their risk
management and governance practices or issue guidance to
discourage the risky activity? Could the Fed increase the riskweighting of related assets?
• Data from the U.S. Government and international sources are
clear that climate change will severely damage our economy.
Regulated financial institutions are amplifying this risk by financing activities that accelerate climate change. Is there any
discussion at the Fed of taking steps to discourage activities
that accelerate climate change on the grounds that they increase risk to the financial system and will disrupt the functioning of the economy in the future? If no, why not?
A.5. Response not received in time for publication.

Q.1. How will the Federal Reserve ensure that firms participating
in the Main Street Lending Program and other CARES programs
maintain payroll?
A.1. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.2. We know that job loss, unemployment and eviction are more
likely to impact Black, Latino, and young workers who are more
likely to be low-income and work in hard-hit sectors like hospitality, restaurants, and retail. How will the Federal Reserve

consider the impacts on these communities when making policy
A.2. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.3. Local government layoffs are expected to have a disproportionate impact on Black workers and Black communities, including
an analysis by the Center for Economic and Policy Research which
found that ‘‘the workers who lose their jobs as a result of layoffs
in the public sector are 20 percent more likely to be Black than
workers who lose their jobs in the private sector’’.1
• Given this fact, how will the Federal Reserve ensure that its
efforts to stabilize and strengthen the economy in the crisis are
especially effective at addressing high unemployment rates for
African Americans employed in Government?
• The Municipal Liquidity Facility (MLF) is the Federal Reserve’s program that is most targeted to address layoffs of the
local government employees that are most likely to be Black,
but the lending capacity of the MLF only represents one-third
of the total lending capacity authorized in the CARES Act. Are
there any other Federal Reserve Programs that will specifically
provide financing to employ Black local government workers
during the economic collapse due to the pandemic?
A.3. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.4. A recent analysis by the Center for Popular Democracy reports
that, of the 255 States, cities, and counties that have been named
by the Federal Reserve as size-eligible for the Municipal Liquidity
Facility (MLF), 97 percent are functionally excluded because their
credit rating would be likely to make the cost of the MLF exceed
the cost of the municipal bond market.2 This includes the three cities and one county in my State of Nevada, as well as the State
itself, none of which stand to benefit from the MLF because of our
quality credit rating, even though the fiscal situation facing our
State and local governments is severe and our needs are not being
fully met by the private bond market. Would the Federal Reserve
consider making the following changes to the Municipal Liquidity
Facility? Please respond with why or why not.
• Eliminate penalty-pricing model of the MLF?
• Lower the interest rate to below-market pricing equal to the
Federal Funds rate?
• Extend maturities to 5 years or longer?
• Eliminating the requirement that States and cities prove they
cannot get private financing before they go to the MLF?
• Use its Section 14(2) authority to establish unlimited credit
lines for State and local governments?
• Reduce the population threshold for eligible cities and counties?
A.4. Response not received in time for publication.

Q.5. Please explain the Federal Reserve’s rationale for establishing
terms for the Municipal Liquidity Facility that are designed to
make the MLF a lender of last resort, while other Federal Reserve
lending programs, such as the recently revised terms for the Main
Street lending Program and the Secondary Corporate Credit Facility, are designed to proactively encourage borrowing from those
A.5. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.6. The Federal Reserve has said that it is developing a lending
facility for nonprofits, many of which are ineligible for CARES Act
programs like PPP or the Main Street Lending Program.
• How did the Federal Reserve determine what types of nonprofits are eligible for the Main Street Lending Program?
• Will the Federal Reserve consider loans to nonprofits with
larger staffs or who are not 501(c)(3)s? Why or why not?
• When do you think the lending facility for nonprofits will be
operational and can you share what the terms might look like?
• Will you ensure that the public knows the name of the borrower and the loan specifics for the nonprofit lending facility
as well as other lending facilities?
A.6. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.7. Will the Federal Reserve release all the comments they received about the MSLP in an easily searchable format?
A.7. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.8. Why is the Federal Reserve purchasing investment-grade
bonds when bond rates are low—below 4 percent and the bond
market liquid? What metrics will the Federal Reserve consider to
slow or stop purchasing corporate bonds?
A.8. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.9. Why does the Federal Reserve refuse to provide firm-specific
results of the most recent stress tests?
A.9. Response not received in time for publication.

Q.1. Congress tried to anticipate the coronavirus’ financial shock to
workers with stimulus payments and expanded unemployment benefits. The majority of Americans used their stimulus checks and
unemployment benefits to pay for necessities like groceries and
Congress also put in place a moratorium on evicting renters from
federally financed properties, but it expires at the end of July. Yet,
CNBC declared ‘‘A housing ‘apocalypse’ is coming.’’ And Alabama
Legal Services said, ‘‘the avalanche of evictions is here, and foreclosures aren’t far behind.’’ Making things worse, the country faces
a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.
Is the Federal Reserve prepared for the economic implications of
a second wave along with evictions?

A.1. COVID–19 has taken a tragic human toll measured in terms
of lives lost and suffering inflicted. It has also inflicted a heavy toll
on the levels of activity and employment in the U.S. economy as
a direct result of the necessary public health policies put in place
to mitigate and control the spread of the virus. In response to these
economic events, the Federal Reserve and Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) have deployed their entire toolkit to provide
critical support to the economy during this challenging time. That
said, the prospects for the economy will largely depend on the
course of COVID–19 and the public health policies put in place to
mitigate and contain it. If a second wave of COVID–19 unfolds this
fall or winter, the principal response will be from other Government agencies, particularly public health authorities. The Federal
Reserve and FOMC will also employ their tools to minimize the
damage to the economy.
The Federal Reserve has been closely monitoring the financial
hardships faced by households and recognizes the concerns that
you have outlined in your question. Households that have been
evicted or that have experienced a foreclosure face substantial
costs, both financial and nonfinancial. For example, such households have persistently lower credit access and are more likely to
experience adverse health outcomes. The foreclosure and eviction
moratoria enacted by the Federal Housing Finance Agency have recently been extended through the end of 2020, and the Administration also recently announced an eviction moratorium through the
end of 2020. We will continue to closely monitor the economic conditions faced by households as we implement our policies. By supporting the economy’s return to full strength, we will facilitate job
creation and improve the economic prospects for all households, including renters.
Q.2. Would it benefit the economy if Congress extends assistance
to workers and small businesses to keep employees paid and in a
A.2. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
(CARES Act), along with other enacted legislation, is providing direct help to families, businesses, and communities. This support
can make a critical difference in helping both families and businesses in a time of need, as well as in limiting long-lasting damage
to our economy. For instance, the Paycheck Protection Program
(PPP) has been helpful in meeting the immediate credit needs of
many small businesses and in supporting the retention of their employees. In order to bolster the effectiveness of this program, the
Federal Reserve launched the Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility (PPPLF), which supplies liquidity to lenders backed by
their PPP loans to small businesses. In addition, the CARES Act
helped keep many people in their homes by providing up to a year
of forbearance for Government-backed mortgages and by expanding
unemployment insurance, allowing many households to continuing
making rent or mortgage payments. Looking ahead, however, it is
the responsibility of the Congress and the Administration to decide
on the appropriate size and composition of any additional fiscal policy actions.

Q.3. Black Businesses Impacted by Coronavirus—Chairman Powell,
you have been vocal regarding the stark difference the pandemic is
having on minority workers. The latest data shows that the Black
unemployment rate is 16.7 percent and Hispanic unemployment at
18.9 percent, while the White unemployment rate is 14.2 percent.
Last week, Bloomberg reported that African American owned businesses declined by 41 percent from February to April, representing
440,000 businesses. This is a stark contrast to 17 percent drop of
White owners.
I’ve heard from folks in Alabama’s Black Belt that they’re concerned about the pandemic impacts, but they’d like to make sure
businesses in their communities are supported. Congress passed
the CARES Act to help small businesses weather the pandemic—
yet these numbers for minorities are still distressingly high.
What are the long-term implications of losing a business during
a pandemic? Can it discourage entrepreneurs in the future? What
is the Fed doing to preserve Black-owned businesses?
A.3. COVID–19-related business closures can exact a considerable
long-run toll on the economy, partly by idling productive capital,
partly by discouraging innovative entrepreneurs, and partly by
leaving dedicated employees out of work. The direct and indirect
impact of the virus on individuals and their families cannot be
overstated. Recognizing these implications, the Federal Reserve has
initiated a number of responses within its statutory and regulatory
authorities. To specify just a few examples, the Federal Reserve
has done the following:
• Quickly and aggressively adopted a highly accommodative
stance of monetary policy, including near-zero short-term interest rates and a balance sheet expansion to sustain smooth
market functioning and help foster accommodative financial
conditions, thereby supporting the flow of credit to households
and businesses.
• Established the PPPLF to bolster the effectiveness of the Small
Business Administration’s PPP by supplying liquidity to participating financial institutions through term financing backed
by PPP loans to small businesses.
• Established the Main Street Lending Program (Main Street) to
support access to credit for small- and medium-sized businesses located all across the country that employ millions of
dedicated people. (Importantly, Main Street loans to small- and
medium-sized businesses have principal payments deferred for
2 years and interest payments deferred for 1 year, providing
businesses relief during the acute phase of COVID–19 and over
the expected path to economic recovery.)
• Encouraged the banks we supervise to work effectively with
their borrowers to postpone loan payments and make other
credit adjustments to help borrowers navigate these difficult
economic circumstances in a prudent and empathetic manner.
Q.4. Municipal Liquidity Facility/State and Local Funding—Rural
communities in Alabama have been hit hard by the coronavirus.
Providing resources to rural areas and their Governments is one
way to help communities of color fight back against this deadly

virus. The Municipal Liquidity Facility provides capital to Governments. Yet, only one county in my State, Jefferson County, qualifies. And none of the cities in Alabama have a population in of
250,000. This Fed facility can only work for rural communities if
smaller governments are eligible.
Would you support a funding stream for micropolitan areas and
small towns with populations below 50,000?
A.4. Under the current Municipal Liquidity Facility (MLF) term
sheet, in addition to Jefferson County, the Governor of Alabama
can designate the most populous city or second-most populous
county in Alabama to participate in the MLF and can designate up
to two revenue bond issuers located in Alabama to participate in
the MLF.1 In addition, the terms of the MLF allow the State of
Alabama to borrow directly from the MLF and downstream such
funds to any of its political subdivisions and other governmental
entities. We will continue to closely monitor conditions in the markets for municipal securities and will evaluate whether additional
measures are needed to support the flow of credit and liquidity to
State and local governments.
Q.5. Small-Dollar Lending and Payday Lenders—My colleagues on
this Committee and I have repeatedly criticized payday lenders and
the CFPB’s recent actions to repeal the rule. The Fed’s own data
reports that 40 percent of Americans don’t have $400 in the bank
for emergency expenses. When workers are in a bind—like the current pandemic—they need access to quick capital not debt traps.
Last month, the Federal Reserve published a joint statement
with the CFPB, FDIC, NCUA, and the OCC to encourage the respective entities to implement responsible small-dollar lending.
Have you received feedback from financial institutions on these
lending principles?
A.5. On March 26, 2020, the Federal Reserve, with the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), and
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), issued a statement encouraging banks, savings associations, and credit unions to
offer responsible small-dollar loans to consumers and small businesses affected by COVID–19.2 As discussed in the statement, responsibly offered small-dollar loans can help consumers meet their
credit needs due to temporary cash-flow imbalances, unexpected expenses, or income shortfalls during periods of economic stress or
disaster recoveries.
In May 2020, the Federal Reserve, FDIC, NCUA, and OCC published a more in depth document, the Interagency Lending Principles for Offering Responsible Small-Dollar Loans (Principles).3
Both statements were limited in scope to banks, savings associations, and credit unions.
The Federal Reserve staff have heard from representatives of the
industry that financial institutions have generally appreciated
1 The
MLF term sheet, effective June 3, 2020:

more clarity regarding the agencies’ views on responsible small-dollar lending programs.4
Q.6. What is the Federal Reserve’s goal for consumers when encouraging more small-dollar lending?
A.6. The Federal Reserve has long encouraged banks to respond to
customers’ small-dollar credit needs in a responsible manner. These
loans can play an important role in helping customers meet unexpected expenses or shortfalls during periods of economic stress. As
noted in the previous response, the Principles were issued in May.5
The Principles are designed to encourage banks to develop responsible small-dollar lending programs that promote successful repayment outcomes and minimize cycles of debt.
The Principles address product design (structure and pricing),
underwriting, marketing, and servicing. In addition, the Principles
note that all loan products must comply with applicable statutes
and regulations, including consumer protection laws.
Q.7. Main Street Lending Facility—I was pleased to learn that the
Federal Reserve’s Main Street Lending Program will support lending to small- and medium-sized businesses that were in sound financial condition before the onset of the COVID–19 pandemic.
On June 15, 2020, the Fed announced that financial institutions
could start registering to participate in the program. Businesses
will soon get the opportunity to apply for a loan through a bank
as long as they have fewer than 15,000 workers or $5 billion in annual revenues in 2019 or less. Banks can then sell 95 percent of
the loan to the Fed, transferring most of the risk to the central
Yet, there are industries, like the motor vehicle parts sector that
employs 41,000 in Alabama, facing a severe liquidity crisis after
being closed and still need financing. It is critical that these jobs
are not lost to the coronavirus. Has the Federal Reserve considered
setting aside capital from the Main Street Lending Program to create a fund that provides short-term lending assistance to mediumsized companies like the motor vehicle parts sector?
A.7. Consistent with Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act, Main
Street has broad-based eligibility requirements and does not target
lending to any particular sector of the economy. The overall objective of Main Street is to promote lending to businesses that were
in sound financial condition prior to COVID–19 and to meet the
needs of a broad range of eligible businesses across every sector of
the economy. Specific eligibility requirements and terms for each
the Main Street facilities can be found on the facility term sheets.6
The Federal Reserve and the U.S. Department of the Treasury
have assessed the size of the program to be appropriate in light of
the current financial strains facing eligible borrowers, and believe
that there is sufficient capacity to support lending to eligible
4 For example, see
6 For
the Main Street New Loan Facility, see
pressreleases/files/monetary20200728a3.pdf. For the Main Street Priority Loan Facility, see For the Main
Street Expanded Loan Facility, see

borrowers. On October 30, the Federal Reserve Board adjusted the
terms of Main Street to better target support to smaller businesses
that employ millions of workers and are facing continued revenue
shortfalls due to the pandemic. In particular, the minimum loan
size for three Main Street facilities available to for-profit and nonprofit borrowers has been reduced from $250,000 to $100,000. For
more information on Main Street, please see www.federal
The Federal Reserve’s Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility
(PMCCF) extends credit to CARES Act-eligible businesses without
imposing restrictions related to revenues or number of employees
and may be available to the motor vehicles parts companies noted
in your question. As with Main Street, borrowers under the
PMCCF must meet facility-specific eligibility criteria. As of June
29, 2020, the PMCCF has been operational and available for use.
For more information on the PMCCF, please see www.newyork

Q.1. It is my goal to expand opportunities in agriculture for everyone, and to ensure that all farming communities in Minnesota can
access USDA resources. In the Farm Bill, I pushed for the inclusion of a provision that would request a GAO study to evaluate access to credit and outreach to traditionally underserved farming
communities, like the Hmong, Latino, and Native communities in
my State. The study came out in July 2019. If you have not read
the study, you should. The study found that traditionally underserved farming communities face significant barriers to receiving
private agricultural credit.
What can the Federal Reserve do to ensure that these communities are aware of all their credit options when trying to operate
their farms.
Have you visited with Native farmers, Hmong farmers, and
Latino farmers in Minnesota to hear about their experiences firsthand?
A.1. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.2. During the 1980s farm crisis, we lost a generation of young
farmers and farmers of color. It was a perfect storm of a down
economy and high levels of farm debt. Due to the combined impacts
of the COVID–19 pandemic, natural disasters, and haphazard
trade policy, farm debt is increasing rapidly. In real 2020 dollars,
1981 farm debt peaked at $440 billion. Today, total farm debt hovers around $425 billion. Chair Powell, what remedies would you
suggest to keep young farmers and farmers of color on their farms,
driving rural economic activity, in the face of high levels of debt?
A.2. Response not received in time for publication.

Q.1. Does the Federal Reserve plan to expand its Main Street
Lending Program (MSLP) to allow regulated vehicle finance compa-

nies and consumer finance business as eligible businesses? Please
elaborate on the Federal Reserve’s current thinking on this matter.
A.1. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.2. Is the Federal Reserve seeing similar data regarding unemployment and declines in consumer spending in the travel and hospitality sectors? Is there more that the Federal Reserve can do
within its existing authority to help these sectors?
A.2. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.3. The Federal Reserve has said that it’s developing a lending facility for nonprofits, many of which are ineligible for CARES Act
programs like the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). When do
you think this lending facility will be operational? Can you share
what the terms might look like?
A.3. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.4. Does the Federal Reserve have a plan to help businesses that
are too large to qualify for the PPP but do not fit the requirements
of the MSLP?
A.4. Response not received in time for publication.
Q.5. At the June 16 Senate Banking Hearing, Senator John Kennedy asked if the Federal Reserve was expanding the credit ratings
it was willing to accept from issuers beyond the big three ratings
agencies. You replied that the Federal Reserve had ‘‘admitted three
additional ones.’’ You were subsequently asked a similar question
by Congressman Brad Sherman on June 17 during your appearance before the House Financial Services Committee, where you
clarified that the Federal Reserve was only accepting ratings from
the three additional agencies if an issuer also had a rating from
one of the incumbent ratings agencies. This led Rep. Sherman to
state, ‘‘So you haven’t really given real equality to the six [rating
agencies] that you have decided.’’ How is the Federal Reserve’s decision to include the ratings from three additional rating agencies
an expansion of the acceptable credit ratings when the Federal Reserve still requires an issuer to have an additional rating from one
of the top three agencies? Please provide a specific rationale for
this bifurcated process that requires issuers who want to use a
credit rating from DBRS, Kroll, and AM Best to also have a crediting rating from one of the top three agencies.
A.5. Response not received in time for publication.

































































