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The Second Year A Study of Women's .Participation in War Activities of the Federal Govern1nent Die ze~ by Google lllil~~~lif1111mi1l~i!11'1llimi 3 1_293 2014 9 4451 Digitized by L Google The Second Year *** A Study of Women's Participation in War Activities of the Federal Government By LUCILLE FOSTER McMILLIN United States Civil Service Commissioner f ; U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1943 Digitized by Google UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Form 3788-January 1943 II Digitized by Google Foreword AN ARMY of over half a million women-soon, perhaps, to ~ reach one million-is now employed in the Federal service. This civilian army comprises women in all grades and types of positions, from charwoman and laborer to the most highly trained professional, scientific, and administrative workers. Certain components of this army have entered occupations hitherto thought impossible for women; all are making contributions to the furtherance of the war effort. It is the purpose of this study to record the story of women Federal workers during the 12 months ended June 30, 1942. This pamphlet is therefore a sequel to The First Year: A Study of Women's Participation in Federal Defense Activities, which contains the story of the achievements of women Government workers during the preceding 12 months. While it is not possible to record the entire story of the contribution of women to war work in the Federal Government, the record of their participation thus far is one of which the women of America may well be proud. To the Directors of the 13 United States Civil Service Regions, and to officials of many of the agencies of the Government, grateful acknowledgment is made for an abundance of facts regarding the employment of women in Federal establishments in all parts of the country. oE_;~ ~ ~.eL<;., III Digitized by Google • Digitized by Google Contents p ... Foreword . . . . . War Becomes the Business of Women . . . . • What Supervisors Think About Women Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • • How Women Came Into Government War Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Women Mechanics in Government War Work: War Department: Ordnance Department at Large . Chemical Warfare Service . . . Engineer Department at Large . Navy Department . . . . . . . Flying Fields and Air Stations . . Military Camps and Forts . . . . War Jobs for College-Trained Women. The Search for the Stenographer-Typist . A Million Women in the Federal Servke-1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V Digitized by Google III 1 12 15 22 33 35 36 44 53 56 64 70 Digitized by Google War Becomes tbe Business of Women Pearl Harbor, a woman mechanic helper in the assembly section of the Springfield, Mass., Armory re-. ceived a certificate of merit for "outstanding performance, ability, and cooperation in line of duty which has resulted in expediting production of the Ml rifle." In shop 104 of the same armory, a woman inspector of ordnance, the mother of 18 children, had become a real war worker with a perfect "on-the-job" attendance record. Before going on the job, she had obtained her training in a trade school during the day, and at night she worked in a carpet factory to help support her family. In the sheet-metal shop of the Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash., a former beauty parlor operator was employed as a sheet-metal helper. In the same yard, high above the shipfi.tter shop, a former waitress was perched in the cab of a crane, operating the huge machine in a masterly manner. A former woman high rigger in logging operations was painting the buildings about the yard. A mother and daughter worked side by side as radial drill operators. At Cincinnati, Ohio, women lamp lighters employed by the United States Coast Guard were attending electric batteryoperated lights and oil-burning lights on the rivers which S HORTLY .AFTBR converge there. A young woman who had specialized at college in biology and chemistry was doing a man's job as inspector of powder and explosives in the Iowa Ordnance Plant at Burlington, Iowa. 1 Digitized by Google A woman, said to be the first woman engineer in the United States Army Signal Corps, was on the job as a radio-telephone operator at Fort Monmouth, N. J. These are only some instances of the unique and picturesque work performed in 1942 by thousands of women civil-service employees in the Government's navy yards, arsenals, ordnance plants, and other military establishments. By June 1942, the demands, first of the defense program and, after Pearl Harbor, of the war effort, necessitated the employment of 558,279 women in the Federal civil service, as compared with 266,407 in June 1941. This army of over half a million women represents an increase of 110 percent in 12 months in the number of Federal positions held by women, as compared with an increase of 49 percent in the number held by men and of 61 percent in the total number of Federal employees. The much larger proportionate increase in the number of women shows their employment was releasing men for military duty in substantial numbers. In the First World War, civilian employment in the executive branch of the Government had reached a total of 917,760 employees at the signing of the Armistice on November 11, 1918. Just how many were women has never been fully determined, but it has been established that in the 2 years of the war period women received nearly 75 percent of the appointments to Washington. In the field branches of the Federal service, the proportion was about 1 woman to 2 men. After the First World War, the ranks of Government workers were gradually reduced, and the number of women employees decreased accordingly (82,180 women employees on June 30, 1925). Only a gradual increase occurred during the next few years (88,856 in June 1930), followed in the next 5-year period by a vast emergency expansion in Government functions and a further increase in the number of women employees (120,777 in June 1935). 2 Digitized by Google Then came the rearmament program (1940). Government and industry applied this principle: Employ more women in jobs which, because of the withdrawal of men to the armed forces, cannot be filled by qualified men. In June 1940 there were 186,210 women in the Federal executive civil service. In 6 months, their number had grown to 227,377, and by June 1941 there were 266,407 women workers-an increase in 12 months of more than 80,000. A very conservative estimate placed the number of women employees in the Federal service at more than 300,000 on December 31, 1941. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, production became the grand strategy of America. Production, now, was not a matter of preparedness, or of defense. Production, now, was vital-vital in the literal meaning of the word, for production must be ever greater, ever faster, to save America's life, to sav; the lives of America's men, who were fighting to save that life. As the men left in steadily growing numbers for the fighting services, women took their places at the machines, whether those machines were in Government or private war factories. As new machines were installed in Government and private war plant expansion, women came to fill the new jobs. As peacetime industry was converted to war production, yet more women took their stations on the production line. In the Federal service, the total number of women employees increased at the average rate of 43,000 a month. As already noted, there were 558,279 women in the service on June 30, 1942. They were occupying 25 percent of all Government jobs-the highest percentage in the history of the country. More and more, war came to be the daily business of women. The largest number of women Federal employees were working in the War and Navy Departments. Between June 1940 and June 1941, those departments had increased the number of their women employees by 51,320 and 8,652, 3 Digitized by Google respectively, bringing the total to more than 84,000 on June 30, 1941; by June 1942, this number had more than trebled, totaling 331,517. Of this number, 277,249 or 84 percent were in jobs outside the District of Columbia, such as those in the Ordnance Department at Large (arsenals, proving grounds, districts, and depots), in the Engineer Department at Large, in the Chemical Warfare Service, in navy yards, in flying fields and air stations, in army camps and forts, in naval torpedo stations, and elsewhere. They were manufacturing gas masks, working as machinetool operators, mending flags, making uniforms, and performing research work in the field of chemical warfare gases. They were inspecting woven and knitted articles; cleaning and grinding lenses; making heavy fleece-lined suits for pilots. They served as draftsmen and as inspectors of engineering materials. They were being hired as leather and canvas goods workers, ·and to perform the unique duty of drop-testing and repairing parachutes. Their nimble fingers gave them skill in the manufacture, inspection, testing, and subassembly of delicate parts ·of time fuzes used in artillery shells. In addition to the War and Navy Departments, many other agencies were employing women in large numbers. In the Selective Service System more than 16,000 women in the local boards and city and State headquarter offices were enrolling and checking the questionnaires of men who were being called · to war. In the Office for Emergency Management 24,000 women were at work in activities related to som,e of the most important aspects of the war program. In the Treasury Department more than 23,000 women were employed; thousands of them-not in Washington alone, but all over the country-were speeding the sale of war stamps and bonds. And in the Department of Agriculture more than 25,000 women employees were at work, hundreds of them in professional jobs in food laboratories. 4 Digitized by Google Comparative statements on the extent to which men and women were employed in all the departments and independent establishments of the Government (in the District of Columbia and outside the District of Columbia) for the fiscal years • ending June 1941 and June 1942 are shown by the table on pages 6 and 7. 5 Digitized by Google c1vn EMPLOYMENT IN THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, BY SEX J11ne 1941 and June 1942 Outside the Washington, D. C., Metropolitan Arca In the Washington, D. C., Metropolitan Arca Total Employees June 1942 (EstiJune 1941 mated) 1,173 98 3,691 . ......... °' . ········· . ......... 0 (0. 16,593 "' 1,792 99 46,385 9,008 1,859 1,560 26,114 June 1941 491 1S 1,608 ········· ········· ......... 102 June 1942 (Estlmated) 789 75 June 1942 (Estimated) June 1941 408 23 1,849 10,334 350 ......... 862 ·•······· 422 ... ······ 287 247 Women Men Women Men Department or Independent Establishment 6~ 24 June 1941 180 June 1942 (Estimated) 236 June 1942 June 1941 (Estimated) 94 144 93 11,900 4,459 10 361 16,533 ········· .......... ..... .... ......... 141 12,503 281 ......... 968 ......... 459 ......... 5,699 452 11,648 3,918 19 318 8,882 ......... ......... ········· 10,505 N. (1) 0 0 ~,....... r:. 1,056 12,396 40,050 3,173 980 14,218 1,675 6,665 7,490 637 l,072 11,740 11,340 2,414 941 5,043 1,697 6,542 6,841 1,486 102 143 S4 76 17 s 3 2 712 8,950 11,836 3,681 3,782 20,484 2,804 6,667 4,579 6,904 67,997 824,698 28,129 300,078 449,042 47,355 92,867 · 24,234 4,945 930 156 219 9S 7 7,009 65,573 320,291 21,401 301,215 222,862 47,980 91,146 23,896 C. cl In, 6,ns 1,378 12,038 14,400 4,092 4,574 30,794 3,726 4,481 4,669 1,605 3,973 33,589 239,118 12,800 272,471 187,487 36,866 59,392 9,411 1,405 3,237 32,072 535,298 17,570 269,980 361,731 35,427 62,829 9,869 1,884 1,252 11,294 57,997 2,506 24,021 9,848 6,613 18,545 869 758 1,233 11,491 234,950 3,294 24,544 42,299 6,527 18,892 2,206 819 ......... .......... ········· ········· 72 ·········· 3 ········· Bituminous Coal Consumen' Counsel • Board of Govcrnon, Federal Reserve ....... 0 <ij" N. "" (D Q. ~ CJ 0 ~........ (v System . . . . • • . . . . • . . . Board of Investigation and Research • Board of Tax Appeals . . . . . . • . Civil Service Commission . . . • . . Electric Home and Farm Authority . . Employees Comif:Htion Commission ~rt-Import ank . . . . . . . . eral Communications Commission . Federal I>cposit Insurance Corporation Federal Power Commission. . • . . . Federal Securit.oAgency . . . . . . . Federal Trade mmission . • . . • . Federal Works Agcn6ffi • . . . • . . General Accounting cc . . . • • . Government Printing Office . • • • . lnreratate Commerce Commission . . . Maritime Commission . . . . . • . . Nation_al Advisory Committee for Aeronauaa National Archives . . .. . . . . National. ~pita! Park and Planning Comtniwon . . . . . . . . . . . National Houain£Agency . . . • . . National Labor lations Board . . . National Mediation Board . . . . . . Panama Canal • . . . . . . . . . . l\ailroad Retirement Board . . . . . Reconstruction Finance Corporation • Securities and Exchange Commission . Smithsonian Institution . . . . . . . Tariff Commission . . . . . . . . . Tennessee Valley Authority . . . . . Veterans' .Administration . . . . . . Other • . • . . . . . . . • . . • • ............. . TOTAL • • • • . • • • • • • • • • 1 IP~luc!~, Qflic~ of Price Adminittradon, 51 45 470 31 1,414 2,357 814 31,872 685 36,945 5,461 7,119 2,799 2,157 461 136 131 7,832 112 529 46 2,041 2,644 870 33,271 639 36,053 7,401 7,717 2,644 5,314 1,245 422 30 15,500 882 73 36,425 2,213 5,010 1,678 869 292 .......... 135 6,709 187 526 23,006 42,948 67 30 26 245 242 71 62 1,485 25 215 17 400 253 390 4,978 371 8,014 3,439 5,712 1,350 774 (i() 499 277 391 4,980 351 11,050 4,6(,() 6,192 1,195 1,081 2,603 525 48 255 318 24 13,970 25 2,387 243 997 77 32,986 1,806 5,664 1,439 845 320 40,867 43,984 .......... 1,358,150 2,187,285 ......... ········· 164 805 1,132 841 671 169 4 2,602 11 106,133 1,210 11 15 25 44 19 1,858 232 28 231 10 1,971 9 653 186 4 2,707 21 19 ................... 203 199 73 2,807 37 243 14 376 261 171 4,796 71 3,276 19 16 21 543 293 183 5,326 ......... 65 ......... ......... ········· ......... 22 20 863 81 27 1,531 52 228 1,554 44 41 1,815 30 270 1,133 208 13,990 1,278 248 14,820 796 48 8,145 25 11,158 .......... ......... ......... ········· .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... ······· .. ········· 895 566 104 72 222 207 65 3,537 2,022 1,407 653 487 4,035 2,741 1,525 617 1,223 13,362 9,810 710 45 8,108 27 12,032 605 813 652 2,828 191 83 180 182 42 155 88 193 1,024 8 2,197 9 131 274 4 5 5 1,964 177 ········· 20 789 940 ......... 463 198 114 6 3,815 16 134,622 77,774 ......... ·········· ......... ......... ......... ·········· ......... ......... 5 ......... 2,203 6,446 200 250 ......... 18 8 1,062 10 192 125 6 3,957 ········· 133,142 38 33,591 437 1,765 265 .......... ......... ......... 6,104 325 12 30,337 1,004 1,304 939 4,703 212 35 2,650 182 1,173 109 3,805 8 38,509 1 1,318 10,807 1 2,348 11,020 240 37 2,400 784 1,327 481 ......... .......... ......... ......... 8 21,678 25,724 37 .......... 985,610 1,494,384 1 ~~Jud? 19 68, temparary substitutes, 1 . S6 26,300 3 ......... 188,633 425,137 The number of women employed by Federal agencies in the various Civil Service Regions is shown on page 9. A comparison of the figures for June 1942 with those for June 1941 . shows that the .number of women Federal employees has more than doubled in every Civil Service Region of the United States. In the First World War the work of women in i~dustry, particularly in the Government's industrial establishments (arsenals, navy yards, etc.), was concerned primarily with jobs which could easily be divided into simple, repetitive operations, requiring only those techniques which were adaptable to their quick, nimble fingers. Highly skilled jobs, under this system, were so divided that they could be performed entirely by unskilled labor. While the same system of simple, repetitive operations is used in the employment of women in this war, women have, during the past 2 years, found many opportunities for new kinds of endeavor, particularly in the crafts of the airplane industry. Women were being called to fill jobs in plants where "men only'' had been used before-jobs in the skilled trades which were being vacated by skilled manpower on its way into the military services-jobs which had to be filled and the work continued in order to build the implements of war. To build up the qualifications required in the performance of these jobs, many systems of training were established and utilized. Women enrolled in training courses sponsored by the U. S. Office of Education. These courses were conducted in vocational schools and colleges throughout the country. 8 Digitized by Google GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF WOMEN IN THB , CIVIL SERVICE ,,,>, ,,.· June1941andJune1942 June 1941 U. S. Civil Service Region June 1942 1 Inacasc --- --- --FIRST-Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island . . • . • • . . . . . . • . SECOND-New York, New Jersey . . . . . . • • . . . . . THIRD-Pennsylvania, Delaware . . . • . . . . . . . . . . FOURTH-M~land, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, District of Columbia (ficld-setvice positions) . . . FIFI'H-Tcnnessce, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Geor,;ia. Florida, Puccto Rico . . . . • . . . . . SIXTH-Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky . . . . . . . . • . . . . . SEVENTH-Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois . . . . . . . . . . m!,HTH-North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa NINTH-Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas • TENTH-Texas, Louisiana ELEVENTH-Washington, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska TWELFrH-caJifornia, Nevada, .Arizona, Hawaii. . . . . • THIRTEENTH-Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico . . Dc~rtmental sccvice ' . . , • • • • • . • . • • • . ., • . On duty in foreign countries • • . . . • • . . . . • . . . . ............... . ................ TOTAL 9,359 21,590 17,796 19,656 45,372 37,401 10,297 23,732 19,605 17,778 67,566 49,788 21,900 13,869 15,577 46,028 29,156 32,705 24,128 15,287 17,128 18,018 25,409 31,777 17,780 30,521 11,466 n,114 133,142 6,354 12,282 9,434 13,292 16,659 9,309 15,983 6,008 55,368 5,928 266,283 558,279 291,996 8,584 12,117 15,118 8,471 14,538 5,458 Estimated. Positions in the headquarters offices of agencies of the Federal Govccnment, in Washington. D. C., and elsewhere. I 1 In-service training courses were given by war-production plants and by Government arsenals, ordnance depots, navy yards, and air stations. In these courses, women with some previous experience or women who had received preliminary training in a vocational school-or, indeed, women with no experience or·training at · all-learned by working at the side of skilled mechanics, with supplementary instruction and study under training officers. In this way, they were advanced to more difficult and responsible work, many becoming highly skilled workwomen. War-production plants, whether Governmental or private, underwent readjustment. It was necessary to expand plant sanitation for the accommodation of women. New health and safety devices and regulations were worked out. Equip9 Digitized by Google . GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Of IOMEN WORKERS IN THE FEDERAL SERVICE BY UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE REGIONS AS Of JUNE 30,1942 ....0 0 cg N (D a. !l C; 0 ~ rS"' --LEGEND-Cl UNDER 15,000 IIIIlB 15,000 TO 25 .000 C1J 25 ,000 TO 35,000 lffll 35,000 TO 50,000 - OVER 50,000 4TH REGION INCLUDES THE DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE IN WASHINGTON *REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS @CENTRAL OFFICE ment was redesigned so that it could be more easily operated. It was felt that women should not stand while working; if it was necessary for them to stand, they stood on wooden platforms built for their comfort. Shatterproof glass windows were installed through which women might watch their machines and thus avoid flying bits of metal. Extra precautions were necessary to guard against their clothing being caught in the machines. It was forecast in The First Year that the most diversified types of positions held by women in the Federal service during the emergency would be those on the production lines of the Government's armament industries. It was believed that the largest number of women war workers would be found in the arsenals, the ordnance depots, the proving grounds, and the navy yards, and on army and navy airfields. At the same time, it was predicted that the number of women then engaged in national-defense activities would seem small, indeed, in comparison to the number who would be employed in similar work in the event of a declaration of war by this country. These predictions have come true. The number of women employees in Government war plants has grown twofold, threefold, fourfold, even in some cases tenfold, and the duties which were then unusual have now become hard, routine jobs. What are the women doing who are now at work for the Government in these activities? Where are they doing it? How did they get their jobs? It is with this particular group of women in the country's vast mobilization of womanpower that this study is primarily concerned. 1133098-48-2 11 Digitized by Google What Supervisors Think About Women Mechanics ALMOST WITHOUT exception, officials in Government agen- .Il. cies speak in laudatory terms of the work performed by women in the various mechanical trades. At first, however, some appointing officers "did not think much of the idea of hiring women for manual occupations.'' They were by no means enthusiastic about employing women in jobs usually held by men. They felt that friction might be caused in the shops by the replacement of men by women; that time might be lost when women first came to work because of the novelty of having them in the shops dressed in slacks. Some felt that it might be desirable to start the women at a slightly lower rate of pay than that which the men received in order to avoid dissatisfaction among the men if the women were at first assigned to lighter work at the same pay; some felt that a few "good" workers might be produced; some felt it was "experimental"; a few did not appear to think that any considerable replacement of men by women would be necessary "this year." There were those, nevertheless, who believed that the immediate future would see a great change in the number of women employed; that there would be no limit to the part which women would take in the war program; that the question was no longer which sex was superior on the job, but which was available. They appeared willing to accept the fact that it would be necessary and even desirable to employ women wherever it was at all possible. They believed that every effort should be· made to recruit and train women workers in order that they might be available to fill "critical jobs" in their plants, if these jobs were vacated by men called to military service. 12 Digitized by Google In the reports received from the field on the increased use of women in skilled trades positions, especially in a "learner" or .. trainee" capacity, there is every indication that (11) many positions formerly filled by nien can be handled efficiently by women; (h) Government agencies are willing to employ women in any position; (c) women receiving the same pay as men for the same work try harder and put out more work; (J) objection to the use of women in positions for which they are physically and temperamentally fitted cannot be justified; (e) the trend to employ women as replacements where men were formerly preferred is noticeably stronger as it becomes necessary to release men in even larger numbers for service in the armed forces; CJ) the spirit and morale of men is lifted by the infiltration of women workers; and Ci) once the novelty of having women in the shops wears off, things get back to normal. It is also reported that appointing officers have discovered that women are (11) above the average in patriotism, in interest manifested on the job, and in zeal displayed in performing their assigned tasks; (h) more stable, dependable, accurate; (c) more attentive to detail; (J) equal to men in many positions; and (e) even more proficient than men in some lines. Most shop· foremen found that women are (a) unusually adept at machine operations of all kinds; (h) proficient in precise delicate work on small parts, where manual dexterity is involved, and in repetitive operations (in one case a woman on a small assembly job turned out work at 10 times the speed of her male predecessor); (c) more eager to learn; (J) consistent in their application to the job at hand; and (e) more "durable'" (they tire out less easily when engaged continually on one operation). On the other•hand, some shop foremen also found that women are (a) inferior at bench work; (h) slower at using a hammer and chisel, at least skillfully; (c) unable to fill positions requiring the physical strength of a man; (J) unwilling to accept appointment in.some instances because of the lack 13 Digitized by Google or the inadequacy of sanitary facilities; and (e) not so competent as men in analyzing situations, such as the procedures necessary in determining the repairs needed on a damaged instrument in an airplane, and the method pursued in making such repairs. 14 Digitized by Google How Women Came Into Government War Plants for the manufactories, a'irfields, camps, navy yards, and other establishments of the War and Navy Departments are recruited by the field service of the United States Civil Service Commission, through its 13 United States Civil Service Regions. The huge expansion of the Federal armament plants, together with the accelerated withdrawal of their men employees into military service, resulted in a rapid succession of calls for large numbers of new women employees. To satisfy these calls as rapidly as possible, the 13 Civil Service Regions used all available lists of eligibles-not only those of persons who had qualified in examinations specifically for war-plant positions, but also those of persons who had passed examinations of quite different types, such as those for stenographer, typist, messenger, and hospital and mess attendant. In the meanwhile, more examinations for war-plant positions were announced and women applied for these in large numbers. These examinations were for such positions as: C IVILIAN EMPLOYEES Laborer. General helper. Aircraft fabric worker. Examiner, knitted and woven artides. Leather and canvas worker. Repairman, mattress and pillows. Seamstress. Sewer (machine and hand). Tent repairman. Trainee repairman, Signal Corps equipment. Labor and materials checker. Property and supply clerk. Shop checker. Machine operator: Automatic screw, broacher, driller, grinder, miller, profiler, punch press, shaver, tool grinder. Mechanic learner (also called shop girl). Parachute mechanic. Gas-mask inspector. Optical worker. Trainee engineering aid. Laboratory helper. 15 Digitized by Google u. s. cmL SBRVICB COIIIIISSIOR No. 10-l.2ll (Assembled) IAAl~@lfu&1mJ@"'"'~~~~~ to till the positions ot: IIBCHARIC LEARNER, NAVY DEP.AR'111ENT $4. 00 per day. See .Blocle No. l below. (For all work in excess or 40 hours par week, employees will be paid the rate ot time and a halt.) IIECHANIC LEARNER! SIGNAL CORPS BQUIPIIKNT $1020 per annum. See Block No. 2 (SIGNAL CORPS IIECIIANIC LEARNER (AIR CORPS) 900 per annum. See Block Ro, 3 IIINOR ENGINEERING AID (TRAINKE-INSPECTOR) 1020 per annum. See Block Ro. 4 t overtime below, below. below. @IPm:OO V@ mJ®'ifrnl ~ffi:00 ~M@~lml (Appointments will be made at salaries mentioned above subject to a deduction tor retirement purposes: ~ to July 1, 1942, and ~ thereafter.) NATURE OF APPOINTUENT: Appointments will be known as War Service Appointments. Such appointments generally will be tor the duration or the war and in no cue will extend more than six months beyond the end ot tne war. lll!nm: VINOR ENGINEERING AID ITRAINEE--INSPECTORI : To inspect and teat in learner capacity, at contractor plants, Taried raw metallic materials, mechanical parts, outings, assemblies, and components tor ordnance materials, to determine compliance with and acceptability under specitications; to prepare inspection reports and to pertorm related duties as required, IIECHARIC LEARNER. SIGNAL CORPS BQUIPIIENT: As employees of the Signal Corps to receive instruction 8 hours a day in the fundamentals of overhaul, maintenance, repair and inspection or miscellaneous signal corps equipment, including radio, telephone, telegraph, power and light equipment, Thia training will include disassembly, overhaul, re-assembly, and teat of Signal Corps instruments, sasemblies, and sub-assemblies and related tasks as assigned, These classes may be held in the evening, :Employees will not be permitted to bold any other position during thi ■ training period. MECHANIC LEARNER: To assist (in learner capacity) skilled mechanics or higher grade in the trade or occupatioA to which appointee is assigned for training. BXAIIINAl'ION REQUIRED: l. WRITTEN TEST: Competitors will be rated on the basis or a written mechanical teat, on a scale of 100, Thia teat will consist of problems in spatial relations, arithmetic, and simple mechanics. About ·3r hours will be requireci tor this examination. 2. PLACE OF EXAMINATION: Louisiana: Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Latayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans and Shreveport !!a!_: Abilene, Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Big Spring, Brownsville, Brownwood, Cameron, Childress, Cisco, Clarendon, Corpus Christi, Corsicana, Dalhart, Dallas, Del Rio, El Paso, Fort Worth, Galveston, Greenville, Houston, Laredo, Longyiew, Lubbock, Lufkin, Marfa, Palestine, Pampa, Pecos, Perryton, San Angelo, San Antonio, Shamrock, Texarkana, Tyler, Waco and Wichita Falls. 3. SI: The department or office requesting list of eligibles has the legal right to specify the sax desired. 4, AGE AND CITIZENSHIP: On the date of filing application, applicants: a. Must have reached their 16th birthday, and Must not have passed their ~ birthday. 112!!.: Maximum age limit will be waived tor persona who turrrish proof ot honorable discharge trom the armed forces. Rote: In tilling vacancies as a result or thil examination apecitic age - - limits applicable to the department requiring employees will be observed, b. llust be citizens ot or owe allegiance to the United States. 5. PHYSICAL RECUIREIIENTS: Applicants must be physically capable ot performing the duties ot the position and be free trom such defects or diseases as would constitute employment hazards to themselves or danger to their tallow employees. Proac of mechanic: learner announcement for recruiting male andlfemale trainees 16 Digitized by Google ~~@~@if a@~ l, 2. :5. 4. (p@§dOIDa [blllfll~O MECHANIC LEARNER. NAVY DEPARTMENT Selection will be made from the register resulting from thie examination to fill the position of Mechanic Learner at $4,00 per day at the U, S, Naval Air Station, Corpua Christi, Texas. Persona appointed to this position, upon the successful completion of training, will be eligible for promotion without further competi• tive examination at increased pay to Helper Positions such as Halper, Aircraft llachanic, General; Helper, Metalsm1th; and Helper, Aircraft Instrument Maker, depending upon the trade in which they have been trained. If the services of a Helper are satisfactory, further advancement, on merit, to positions such as Aircraft Mechanic General, Aircraft Mechanic Motors, and Aviation Metalsmith, at the regular scheduled rate of pay for such journeyman positions, is possible without further competitive e%8lllination. Yl!:CHANIC LEARNER, SIGNAL CORPS EQUIPUENT The register resulting from this e%8lllination will be used to fill the position of Mechanic Learner, Signal Corps Equipment, $1020 per annum, for employment by the War Department, Signal Corps, San Antonio General Depot and Fort Sam Hoqston, San Antonio, Texas, and wherever needed in the States of Louisiana and Texas, Persons appointed to this position at $1020 per annum, will upon successful completion of the preliminary training courae of approximately six months duration be promoted to the advanced training claSB at a salary of $1440 a year, Upon auccesaful completion of the advanced training period, trainsea will be &ligible for Signal Corps positions at $1620 a year, the type of position depending upon the specialized field of study followed in the advanced training class. Yl!:CHANIC LEARNER, A.IR CORPS Selection from the register resulting from this e%8lllination will be made for filling the position of Mechanic Learner at the San Antonio Air Depot and subdepots of the San Antonio Air Depot located at: Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, New Orleans and Shreveport, Louisiana; Abilene, Beaumont, Genoa, Harlingen, Lubbock, llidland, Mission, San Angelo, Sherman, Stamford, Victoria, Wacoand Wichita Falla, Texas, Persons appointed as Mechanic Learner at the San Antonio Air Depot or its aub-depots will be given an intensive training courae ina school operated at the place of employment under thejuriadiotion of the Air Corps. Persona successfully completing the training program as Mechanic Learner will be eligible for promotion to the following positions without further competitive e%8lllination: General Mechanic Helper, $1:500 per annum, Junior Mechanic (Aircraft trades), $1860 per annum and .Tourneymap Mechanic (Aircraft trades) i2200 per annum. IIINOR ENGINEERING AID ITRAINEE-Ig!PECTOR) Selection will be made from the register resulting from this e%8lllination for filling the position or Minor Engineering Aid (Trainee-Inspector), at $1020 per annum, for appointment in the States of Louisiana and Texas by the Ordnance Department of the War Department. Persona appointed to this position may be promoted to the position of Minor Inspector, Ordnance Material, $1260 per annum, upon satisfactory completion of a training period, (See "Statement of Duties" below. HOW TO APPLY: File the following form witb the Manager, Tenth U. s. Civil Service District, Customhouse, New Orleans, Louisiana: a. Application Cerd Form 4000 ~C. 2. Necessary forms may be secured: a. From the Uanager, Tenth U. S. Civil Service District, Customhouse, New 1. Or1eans, Louisiana. b. Any ftrst- or second-class post office in which this notice is posted. :5. Purniahing information on applications: a. Application forms must be fully and completely executed in accordance with instructions thereon. Failure to so execute application forms may lead to their cancellation. Manager, Tenth U, S. Civil Service District, Customhouse, New Orleans, Louisiana. IBBued: March lll, 1942. Back of mechanic learner announcement 17 Digitized by Google In addition to these examinations, others were held for War Department positions more traditionally occupied by women, such as forelady of laundry department, laundry assistant and operative, cook, dental surgeon's assistant, telephone operator, tabulating machine operator, and alphabetic card-punch operator. A comparatively small number of women were able to meet the experience requirements of the examinations in the skilledand semiskilled-trades group. Others were able to qualify by taking Government-sponsored training courses in trade and vocational· schools. But the great majority of women on the Government's production lines have obtained their positions through the female trainee examinations conducted by the United States Civil Service Commission in the vicinity of the large Government industrial establishments. As an example of the requirements for the trainee examinations, and the duties and rates of pay of these positions, an announcement of a mechanic learner examination is reproduced on pages 16 and 17; this examination was announced to secure both male and female trainees to fill vacancies in the positions of mechanic learner (for appointment in the Navy Department, in the Signal Corps, and in the Air Corps) and minor engineering aid (trainee-inspector) (for appointment in the Ordnance Department of the War Department). Sim1lar examinations were held throughout the country. Women who attain eligibility in such examinations are appointed as trainees, and, after receiving "on-the-job" tratning, they are promoted to better paying positions as semiskilled and skilled workers. Some idea of the extent to which 12 of these examinations attracted women to the Federal service may be found in the following table-compiled from data submitted by the 13 United States Civil Service Regions. The examinations were announced during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1942. (The tabulation is not complete, for complete reports were not available from all regions.) 18 Digitized by Google SAMPLE DATA-WOMEN IN SUBPROFESSIONAL, SKILLED TRADES, AND LABORER EXAMINATIONS Fiscal year mdeJJ1me 30, 1942 Women applied Examination Attendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Sth, 10th Civil Service Regions) Examiner (Knitted and Woven Articles) . . • . . . . . (3d, 5th, 10th Civil Service Regiona) Female Trainee (Manual Occupationa) . . . . . . . . . . (2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th Civil Service Regions) Fem&le Trainee (Mechanic Leamer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (lat, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 10th, 12th Civil Service Regions) HclP?" (General) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3d, 6th, 12th Civil Service Regions) Laborer (Oassilicd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2d, 3d, Sth, 6th, 10th Civil Service Regions) ~~~ Lactr. Civil ~ice· Regio~s) . Machine ()pc:rator. • . . . . • • . • . . . . . (3d Civil Service Res_ion) Power Sewing-Machine upcrator . • • . • . . . (2d, 3d, 5th, 10th Civil Service Regions) Sewer Operative (hand cmbroidercss-scamstrcss) . (1st, 3d, 10th Civil Service Regions) Shop Checker. . . • . . . • . • • • (3d Civil Service Region) Tor.AL. • , . Women qualified 5,982 5,559 2,808 m 45,568 17,381 22,339 10,-404 2,474 1,428 14,967 6,668 13,217 10,lSl 3,122 1,985 9,682 6,013 4,177 1,8S6 2,019 1,4S9 126,355 63,961 Statistics on the number of appointments made from the lists of those who became eligible for positions through participation in these examinations have not been compiled. However, the following sample data show the number of appointments made from some of the lists in certain establishments and in certain areas; they are indicative of the total appointment figures during the fiscal year 1942. It should also be kept in mind that appointments have been made continuously from these and similar lists since that time. 19 Digitized by Goog Ie SAMPLE DATA-WOMEN APPOINTED PROM SUBPROFESSIONAL, SKILLED TRADES, AND LABORER EXAMINATIONS Fiscal year md«J Jtme 30, 1942 Women applied Establishment or Region Pkatinny Arsenal (Dover, N. J.): Power Sewing-Machine Operator Laborer (Classified) . . . . . Frankford Arsenal (Philadelphia): Machine ~-\sator . . . . . Fifth U.S. Civ1 Service Region: Laundry Operative . . . . . . . . Attendant . . . . . . . . . . . . Army Air Forces, California and Nevada: Mechanic Learner . . . . . . • • . Naval Air Station, Alameda, Calif.: Female Trainee, Manual Occupations . . Quartermaster Depot, Philadelphia, Pa.: .Examiner, Knitted and Woven Articles • . Women qualiJied Women appointed 163 1,437 13,198 693 5,103 3,864 3,122 1,985 1,765 8,601 3,553 7,094 2,983 2,229 6,218 3,079 563 876 500 200 2,214 628 m 250 EXAMINATIONS WHICH ATTRACTED LARGE NUMBERS Oll' WOMEN APPLICANTS DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1941 Women applied Ezamination A~ticc, Arsenal Attendant . . . . . G_.Mask Assembler . Hospital Attendant • . Laborer (Qassified) • . • . Laundry Assistant • • • . . Laundry Operative . . . . . . Machine Operator • . . . . . Manual Oci:~tions, Trainee . Mechanical uze Operator . . Mess Attendant . . . . . . . 9Perator's Hel~ (Oothing Fact~iy). Power.Sewing- chine Operator . . . Tar.AL •• .. . Women WolllCII qualified appointed' 3,593 5,028 1,752 5,995 7,933 3,520 8,352 3,741 2,278 1,458 4,122 5,189 19,056 3,304 3,565 1,131 4,225 7,492 2,109 6,964 2,565 1,708 554 2,732 3,614 13,470 72,107 53,433 173 131 738 415 2,641 509 1,424 9S6 .......... 199 329 492 3,755 11,761 1 Thousands of additional appointments were made from these lim after the close of the fiscal year Qune 30, 1941). It appears from a comparison of these tables that women are more interested in munitions jobs than in the more familiar jobs connected with feeding, clothing, and equipping the a:rmy. In all probability, the higher wages paid munitions 20 Digitized by Google workers influence the interest trend to a great extent. But it also m~y be believed that patriotism, the ·glamor of being "closer to the war," and the opportunity to break away from "women's work" contribute more to the desire to handle bullets than does the thought of financial advantage. 21 Digitized by Google Women Mechanics in Government War Worlc WAR DEPARTMENT ORDNANCE DBP.ARTMBNT AT LARGE T HE ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT AT LARGE designs, makes, or has made, stores, and distributes to the armed forces the guns; ammunition, and ordnance materials necessary to wage war. The work of the department is carried on in the Govemment' s manufacturing arsenals (where munitions are designed and manufactured), at its "proving grounds" (where all such material must meet a standard test for durability and accuracy), and in its supply depots ( where the materials are stored pending distribution). In time of war, these facilities become taxed, and must be greatly extended by the enlargement of ordnance plants. In addition, contracts are let through the 14 ordnance procurement districts of the department to private plants for the manufacture of guns, powder, shells, bombs, and tanks. On June 30, 1942, there were approximately 50,000 women workers on jobs in the Ordnance Department at Large, War Department, outside of the District of Columbia. Notwithstanding women's limitation in strength and technical training, ordnance officials are constantly seeking, through training programs, to bring more and more female employees into the department's arms-production work. On June 30, 1940, around 3,000 women civilian employees were at work in ordnance field establishments. On June 30, 1941, the number was 10,000. During the next 12 months, an increase of 40,000 took place. The great majority of these women were secured through trainee examinations held by the United States Civil Service Commission to secure eligibles for these positions: 22 Digitized by Google Tr11in11 Positions Minor engineering aid . Munitions handler . . Trainee draftsman. . . Operative, mechanical fw:e. Inspector trainee, ordnance material. Mechanic learner . . . . . • . . . . . Subinspector (ammunition). Arsenal apprentice. . . . . Operator, machine, general. Mechanic's helper. . . . . Inspector, powder and explosives . Precision optical worker . . . . . Machine operator, graduating and engraving . . . . . . . . $1,020 a year. $3.92 a day. $1,020 a year. $3.60 a day. $1,440 a year. $0.50 an hour, or $900 to $1,080 a year. $3.92 to $4.88 a day. $3.12 a day. $4 to $4.96 a day. $4.72 to $5.76 a day. $1,620 to $2,600 a year• $4.24 to $5.20 a day. $4.24 to $5.20 a day. . . . . $3,52 a day. $3.60 to $3.84 a day. $4.32 a day. $2,000 a year. Nontr11ine1 Positions Oassified laborer . . . . Power sewing-machine operator Shop checker . . . . . . . . . Storekeeper. . . . . . . . . . The rates of pay for many of these positions differ in various localities, depending upon the wage rates prevailing in the localities. Arsenals About 20,000 women, or two-fifths of the S0,000 women employed by the Ordnance Department at Large, were at work in manufacturing arsenals on June 30, 1942, whereas only 6,000 women were at work in the arsenals on June 30, 1941. The following resumes of reports by officials of the individual armories, arsenals, and proving grounds reveal more vividly than any general statements can the work, progress, and abilities of the women in these plants. At the Springfield (Mass.) Armory, out of a total of approximately 2,000 women workers on June 30, 1942 (25S on June 30, 1941), more than 1,500 women were at work in the armory shops. Among them were: 23 Digitized by Google (t1) Assemblers, engaged in repetitive work on the assembly of minor units involving a small number of parts or standardized methods. (b) Benchwomen, engaged in repetitive work involving miscellaneous filing and burring of outside surfaces, and other surfaces not requiring close tolerances. (c) Mechanical helpers, assisting assemblers in the assembly of'minor·units requiring no fitting or adjusting. (a) Storekeepers, filling storage bins with a variety of smallarms components from standard packages, and drawing specified quantities of components from storage for delivery to packers. (,) Laboratory aids, testing and calibrating various gages and delicate measuring instruments, making calculations, and submitting reports. (J) Material keepers, engaged in storing; arranging, and issuing various components and the raw materials used in connection with their manufacture; and keeping accurate records in the accounting of stores. Ci) Mechanic learners, assisting, in a learner capacity, mechanics of higher grades in the performance of miscellaneous manufacturing and repair work. (h) Machine operators: Drillers, operating hand or power-feed drill presses using simple jigs. (Tooling, speeds, and feeds are prescribed. However, these drillers may change and adjust cutting tools for simpler jobs. Highly repetitive work is required to medium tolerances.) Millers, operating the simplest automatic or hand milling machine operations on light to medium weight components to medium and coarse tolerances. (Fixtures, tooling, speeds, and feeds arc prescribed and set-ups and tool changes are made by others. Highly repetitive.) Punch-press operators, on small to medium-sized work,. including forming, blanking, and piercing. (Set-ups and adjustments are made by others. May include use of 24 Digitized by Google automatic-roll and dial-feed mechanisms, as required. Highly repetitive.) Tool grinders, grinding simple surfaces encountered in ordinary cutting tools. (Repetitive work is done undei; some supervision on tools such as plain milling cutters or simple shank cutters.) (i) Packers, counting and packing all types of small parts and assemblies in cartons or cases. (A knowledge of part names is required for accuracy in counting and record keeping.) (j) Shop checkers, keeping records o{ all components, forgings and stock entering the woman worker'.s particular manufacturing section, and counting material issued to and received from each machine operator. (k) Shop inspectors, making highly repetitive dimensional inspection of small arms components by ineans of plug, ring, snap, and other fixed gages. Most unusual as women's jobs, in the view of armory officials, are those of laboratory aid and toolgrinding-machine operator. One woman is a machine woodworker. At the Watertown (Mass.) Arsenal 102 women have been appointed as female trainees in the mechanical trades. However, a total of 480 women were employed at the arsenal on May 30, 1942 (251 a year before). All, with the exception of the female trainees, are on jobs commonly filled by women, such as clerk, stenographer, typist, metallurgical laboratory worker, storekeeper, elevator operator, and charwoman. On May 30, 1942, the Watervliet (N. Y.) Arsenal had 536 women employees on jobs in the "shop" classification (benchwork, assembly, and inspection) which ~ere formerly handled exclusively by men (185 women a year before). The great majority were mechanic learners, tool keepers, and laboratory aids. On March 14, 1942, a group of 12 girls were appointed as laboratory aids to be trained in the duties of gage checkers. These girls rapidly developed to the point where they were able to check rather complicated gages. Twelve female apprentice draftsmen were in training to become full-fledged 25 Digitized by Google shop draftsmen. Women arc being trained to run most of the machines operated by men. The Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, N. J., is employing women to fill whatever positions they may be qualified for, from laborers to engineers. A female classified laborer examination was announced in which 216 ~omen qualified. The majority of these women will be placed on labor~r jobs. At the Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N. J., out of a total of 14,635 women who filed applications for the power sewingmachine operator and classified laborer examinations, 5,796 passed, and 4,127 were appointed to positions in the arsenal. The total number of women at work in this establishment on June 30, 1941, was 2,349. When employment expansion began at Picatinny Arsenal, less than half of the classified laborer positions were filled by women. Now, however, women are constantly being worked into many other jobs formerly believed to be "for men only." As a result, there is now a ratio of four women to three men, and, eventually, it will become three women to one man. Five hundred women are in training as mechanic learners, preparing to become machine operators. Laboratory aids are being appointed and trained as draftsmen and engineering aids. At the Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa., women arc far more numerous than they were in the first year of defense, and the positions to which they have been appointed aremore varied. On April 30, 1942, more than 6,000 women were employed, compared to approximately half that number a year earlier. Before the war, women were found on the production line as mechanical time fuze operators; as inspectors and testers; as machine-tool operators and precision optical workers. Now, in addition, they are physicists and chemists, physical science aids, engineering aids, and inspectors of ordnance materials; they check shells and assist in the operation of turret lathes; they pack gages for shipment. Women explosives operators handle and prepare explosive components used in the manufacture of small-arms ammunition by blend- 26 Digitized by Google ~ OFFICIAL PHOTO, U. S. ARMY AIR FORCES FOR VI CTO RY HAN D DRILLI NG A COMPO NENT FOR CANNO N OFFICIAL PHOTO. U. S. ARMY SIG NAL CORPS OFF ICIAL 0. W. I. P HOTO PARACHUTES BACK FROM TEST FLIGHTS ARE INSPECTED BY WO MEN WOR KERS Digitized by Google OFFICIAL PHOTO. U. S. ARMY SIGNAL CORPS PUNCH PRESS OPERA TOR WAR BECOMES WOMEN'S OFFICIAL 0. W. I. PHOTO MACHINE OPERATOR DAILY BUSINESS WOMEN INSPECTORS CHECK PRIMER HOLES IN AIRCRAFT CARTRIDGE CASES OFFICIAL 0. W. I. PHOTO > OFFICIAL PHOTO. U. S. ARMY SIGNAL CORPS > PRECISION WORKERS ON FIRE CONTROL EQUIPMENT LOADING MACHINE GUN AMMUNITION IN BELTS FOR SHIPMENT TO THE FRONT OFFICIAL PHOTO. U.S. ARMY SIGNAL CORPS ing, m1xmg, and processing the ingredients of such components. As munition handlers they load (for transportation) and transport from one point to another within the plant, projectiles, grenades, and other forms of ammunition and explosives. Women subinspectors examine bullets, cartridge cases, primers, and finished cartridges. Hundreds of women are employed as clerks and stenographers, and as messengers laborers, matrons, and janitors. Authority has been granted officials of the arsenal to employ women as machine adjusters. This authority will be used to provide promotions for women who are found to be especially adapted for such work. Officials of the arsenal are showing an increasing interest in hiring qualified women to fill junior and assistant engineer positions. In the Edgewood (Md.) Arsenal, where the bombs were made which fell on Tokyo, more than 2,600 women are at work running drill and punch presses, painting munitions and gas-mask containers with spray-guns, weighing powder, and filling shells. Only 181 women were at work in this . establishment before the national emergency. Women are in training as operators of chemical plant equipment. They test the reaction of poison gases on goats and rabbits in order to develop antidotes for the fumes. Women are inspecting gas masks and chemical warfare material. They are messengers and storekeepers, artists and illustrators. They work in the duplicating plant, operating mimeograph, multilith, multigraph, addressograph, and graphotype machines; and they are faithfully at work as typists, stenographers, accountants, comptometer operators, bookkeeping machine operators, card punch operators, coders, and collators. Women operators of IBM machines keep soldiers' records, and other women make up the local pay rolls. The Aberdeen (Md.) Proving Ground has also set a notable example in the utilization of women workers. Women 1188098-48--3 27 Digitized by Goog Ie chauffeurs run trucks, busses, and cars; women set up velocity screens and run gage tests in the testing and proving of Garand rifles, machine guns, and other guns. Men supervisors say,. in hitting the targets, women have a deadlier shooting eye than men. There are women draftsmen and women mathematical workers who know calculus and can plot the proof-firing results as well as any man. Women automotive mechanics test cars, peeps, jeeps, and trucks, and "road test" tanks by driving them over a half-mile track all day long. Women tear down and rebuild motors and operate tractors and 15-ton electric cranes. It has been found that they can be taught to do all these things in about half the time it takes to teach men! At the San Antonio (Tex.) Arsenal 14 women instrument makers are employed in the optical shop as trainees to replace men engaged in the repair, maintenance, and overhaul of firecontrol instruments. Women are also in training to of draft age now engaged in issuing, receiving, and storing ordnance materials. The Benicia (Calif.) Arsenal employs 334 women (70 a year ago) as munition handlers and storekeepers in its link loading plant. These women open boxes of loose shells and assemble the shells in clips. They repack and solder the boxes for transportation. It is estimated that 1,500 women will soon be engaged in this work. Ordnance Procurement Districts Typical of the increasing percentage of women employees in the Ordnance Department at Large is the increase which was charted in the Springfield (Mass.) Ordnance District (comprising the State of Connecticut and the Counties of Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire in the State of Massachusetts): 28 Digitized by Google ALL POSmONS Women Men Date . February 1941 December 1941 ¥,ay 1942. Number Percentage Number Percentage 326 989 1,291 78.0 63.4 45.9 92 570 1,524 22.0 36.6 S4.l INSPECTORS_ OF ORDNANCE Women Men Date Number Percentage Number Percentage ~aryl941 . mber 1941 May 1942. . 283 829 976 . 91.3 78.9 27 221 21.1 55.2 792 44.8 8.7 Employing officers are endeavoring to bring more women workers into employment in the district as inspectors of ordnance. They also recently started a gage school for women for the purpose of training them as gagers. The outstanding position held by a woman in the district is that of chief of the traffic division. She has approximately 50 employees under her supervision. Boston Ordnance District: Five hundred and forty-eight women were at work in the district on May 31, 1942, compared to 31 on May 31, 1941. Seventy-nine were minor inspectors of ordnance materials; 51 were minor and assistant engineering aids; 1 was a junior engineer; 3 were assistant laboratory aids; 6 were junior attorneys; 1 was an assistant attorney; 321 were clerks, stenographers and typists. The remainder were telephone and teletype operators, messengers, and office-machine operators. Philadelphia Ordnance District: On May 30, 1942, it was estimated that from 2,000 to 3,000 women were employed by the Philadelphia district office of the Ordnance Department at 29 Digitized by Google Large. The women were used to a large extent in clerical positions. However, through a number of female trainee examinations announced to secure minor engineering aids and mechanic learners (17,140 women applied for the examinations and 5,529 qualified), minor engineering aids were appointed in the district at a salary of $1,020 a year. Following their appointment, the women were trained for the position of minor inspectors of ordnance materials at $1,260 a year. Their duties consist of inspecting and gaging metallic parts. Women were also recruited for the position of junior inspector of ordnance materials (trainee). After training, appointees may be promoted to positions paying $1,620 a year. Women .also operate duplicating and calculating machines in the district office. Birmingham(Ala.)Ordnance District: On May 30, 1942, 14 women were employed as minor engineering aids. These women were trained in the use of gages and simple measuring devices to become inspectors of ordnance in private contract ordnance plants. Cleveland (Ohio) Ordnance District: Approximately 400 girls are employed in the district as minor engineering aids. Upon appointment they were assigned to various plants where they were trained; many of them have progressed to the point where they are now working as minor inspectors of ordnance materials. One woman, a laboratory aid in the gage laboratory, is pedorming unusual technical work which is experimental in character and requires a broad educational background. Cincinnati (Ohio) Ordnance District: More than 4,000 women were at work in the district on May 30, 1942. Slightly fewer than 500 women were at work in the same district on June 30, 1941. Of the total, 787 are engineering aids, laboratory technicians, inspectors, purchasing agents, and scientific aids; over 3,000 are clerks, stenographers, and typists, and operators of office machines. Chicago Ordnance District: On June 1, 1942, approximately 700 women were at work on jobs in the various ord30 Digitized by Google nance plants in the district. (A year before there had been none.) Five,hundred were working as engineering aids and inspectors of ordnance, 100 as laborers, and 100 as explosives operators. In line with the policy of the district to use more and more women to fill critical positions, qualified women are wanted at the rate of 100 a month to fill vacancies in the positions of junior inspector (trainee), minor inspector (trainee), and minor engineering aid. Twin Cities (St. Paul and Minneapolis) Ordnance District: In the Twin Cities, women are engaged in routine inspection work in plants, privately owned and operated, which make various parts going into the manufacture of ordnance. Women inspectors are under the supervision of a resident inspector. They must work to tolerances measured in two-thousandths of an inch. San Francisco and Los Angeles Ordnance Districts: On June 30, 1942, 15 junior inspectors of ordnance materials-all women-were at work in these two districts. They were engaged in inspecting the manufacturing processes and the completed articles made by private concerns under contract with the Ordnance Department at Large. Future vacancies in the districts will be filled for the most part by women. Milan (Tenn.) Ordnance Depot: On May 30, 1942, 62 women were employed in skilled occupations, 60 in clerical work, and 3 as graduate nurses. Redstone Ordnance Works, Huntsville, Ala.: The Redstone plant loads shells for shipment to storage depots. One hundred and forty-two women mechanic learners were working on the loading lines on May 30, 1942. These women (usually with a grammar-school education) were recruited to a large extent from textile and hosiery mills, where they had been operating small knitting machines, looms, and hosiery machines. The women use "go" and "no-go" gages on the loading lines. H the shell fits in a prepared hole, it "goes." Otherwise, it is "no-go." Many of the women will advance to become operators of automatic screw machines, or under and minor inspectors of ammunition. 31 Digitized by Google Des Moines (Iowa) Ordnance Plant: A :female trainee examination was announced to secure minor engineering aids for the Des Moines plant. Six hundred and seventy-seven women applied, 581 qualified in the examination, and by June 15, 1942, 124 had been appointed. The plant manu~ factures small ammunition, and women inspect small parts which require visual and general gage inspection. Iowa Ordnance Plant, Burlington, Iowa: At this plant, a. woman who graduated with the Bachelor of Science degree in January 1942 has been .appointed as an under inspector of powder and explosives. She was chosen for the position by reason of her knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, and physics, The duties of her job, as set forth in the official job description, are: As under inspector, powder and explosives, • •· • to inspect the assembly of primers at this plant-check £lash hole for fit; gage heads and percussion clements for size; inspect firing plugs for height and diameter, battery cups for shape and length, black-powder charges for weight, staking of bodies to heads; and completed primer for general conformance to specifications; to prepare daily inspection rcpons for submission to the chief inspector; and perform related duties as assigned. Women obtained from female trainee examfnations are being used on the plant's components line. Their duties are similar to those outlined in the description above. Officials of the plant feel that it will be difficult to find many women with the high qualifications of the graduate first employed. However, they are attempting to fill vacancies with women who have had factory experience. Denver (Colo.) Ordnance Plant: Eighty-three women have been appointed to positions requiring light manual labor. These women were obtained from a register of eligibles obtained through a female trainee, manual occupations examination. Pueblo (Colo.) Ordnance Depot: Approximately 600 women pack ammunition into cases. This plant began operations July 1, 1942. , . . 32 Digitized by Google Umatilla Ordnance Depot, Hermiston, Oreg.: A new plant, not yet in operation a full year. On June 1, 1942, there were more than 1,800 employees, of whom only 59 were women. Most of the women employees serve as clerks. One girl is a storekeeper; one works in the paint shop; one makes blue prints for the subdepot assembly and repair shops. From 600 to 700 women will soon be employed in the depot's new linking and belting plant. They will be used as floor ladies, machine operators, and packers. They will be used on the supply and shipping lines, and in the paint shop. Here is an excellent example of a type of Federal defense plant which can be staffed almost entirely with women. It is proposed to limit the number of men employed to one or two hundred. Ogden (Utah) Ordnance Depot: On June 30, 1942, there were 1,416 women at work in the depot ( 48 on June 30, 1941). Women were at work in the shell loading plants, the fuze loading plants, and in the black powder pelleting plant. They performed such duties as stamping shells, loading link-belts, and measuring powder. CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE The employment of women in the making of bombs and bullets filled with deadly gas vapors is gaining in the Chemical Warfare Service. Again we find a type of work for which women are recruited by means of the trainee examination. Through this examination women may become eligible to fill these positions: Inspector, chemical warfare materials, $4.80 a day; under and minor inspector of materials, 42 to 54 cents an hour; process inspector in the manufacture and assembly of gas masks, 60 cents an hour; chemical plant operator, $6.24 to $7.20 a day; and chemical plant workwoman, $5.28 to $6.24 a day. Boston Chemical Warfare Procurement District: Four hundred women were on jobs in the district on May 31, 1942approximately 175 more women than were employed a year before. Twenty percent are occupying office jobs; the re33 Digitized by Google mainder were employed in the inspection of gas-mask components, including rubber, metals, and textiles. Women inspect gas-mask assembly operations on the assembly lines. Recently, 25 women with college training (in such subjects as chemistry, mathematics, and physics), or with equivalent experience along technical lines, were appointed as trainees for the purpose of training them as inspectors of chemical warfare materials. After completing the necessary training ( 4 to 6 weeks), some were assigned to supervise lower-grade inspectors in the scattered plants of the district. Others were on travel assignment, making inspections at plants where the production rate did not require the presence of full-time inspectors. Huntsville (Ala.) Arsenal (Chemical Warfare Service): Women are employed as chemical plant workers to assist in the operation of stills, reactors, dryers, centrifuges, and similar equipment used in the manufacture of chemicals. They make minor repairs and adjustments to the equipment. They even supervise chemical plant workmen and laborers who transport and pack chemical munitions. Women fill all types of munitions with chemical agents, and perform labor incident to the movement of supplies. They conduct simple chemical analyses, operate and maintain automatic temperature and flow-control devices, and keep log sets and other plant records relating to the manufacture of commercial quantities of chemical products. Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Denver, Colo. (Chemical Warfare Service): Hundreds of women are employed as laborers and inspectors. Chemical Warfare Service, Los Angeles, Calif.: Two hundred and twenty-three women are engaged in inspecting and passing on chemical warfare materials procured by the service. Nine assistant laboratory mechanics are doing laboratory work, a woman draftsman is engaged on various engineering problems, and there is a woman attorney. 34 Digitized by Google ENGINEER DEPARTMENT AT LARGE Administrative help is the greatest contribution of women workers in the Engineer Department at Large, War Department. However, some women in the organization are engineering draftsmen, engineering aids, gage readers, attorneys, computers, and minor laboratory helpers. In the skilled and semiskilled trades, women have secured jobs in the department by qualifying in such civil-service examinations as the one for female trainee, manual occupations, announced to secure eligibles for the positions of trainee draftsman, at $1,020 a year, and engineering aid, various grades, from $1,440 to $2,600 a year. Previous training is required in some of the occupations, such as engineer and architect; but in many cases, in the absence of previous experience, passing a mechanical aptitude test, meeting the physical requirements, and on-the-job training have placed women in good positions. The various types of positions in the several districts are described below. Philadelphia (Pa.) Engineer District: Approximately 180 women are now employed in the district, as compared to 11 on June 30, 1941. These women are, for the most part, occupying clerical, stenographic, and typist positions, but recent appointments have been made to positions in the subprofessional group, such as draftsman and engineering aid. Pittsburgh (Pa.) Engineer District: A total of 221 women are employed in the Pittsburgh district (88 on April 30, 1941). Besides holding clerical positions, women are waitresses, cooks, and charwomen. Gage readers inspect and maintain record tide gages; they read, record, and repair water meters and filter gages; they measure filters and regulate filters. One woman is an attorney for the district. 4 Norfolk (Va.) Engineer District: Except in the usual clerical positions, women are not widely employed in this district. Only three women are reported as occupying unusual jobs- 35 Digitized by Google one is a boat designer, one is a camouflage draftswoman, and one is a junior architect. New Orleans (La.) Engineer District: Airport construction> new army camps, and extended district office activities have tripled the number of women employees in the district. A few women are working as draftsmen, and one is an assistant engineer. It is the general policy of appointing officers in the New Orleans district to appoint women to clerical positions vacated by men going into the military service. Galveston (Tex.) Engineer District: On May 25, 1942, 180 women were at work in the Galveston district, as compared to 103 on August 1, 1941. Women hold clerical positions in all grades up to heads of sections. A few women are in draftsman positions, and two are employed as junior photographers. New positions and replacements in vacated positions in the clerical grades are being filled by women whenever feasible. Denison (Tex.) Engineer District: Fifteen and one-half percent of the employees in the Denison district are women. A year ago, .5 percent were women. The positions held are, to a great extent, stenographic and clerical. The personnel of all mail and files sections and of all suboffices is almost entirely made up of women. A few women are engaged in minor drafting duties, in auditing minor financial reports and cost reports, and as messengers and PBX operators. San Francisco, Sacramento, and Los Angeles (Calif.) Engineer Districts: Twenty women are employed in draftsman positions (various grades) in these districts. NAVY DEPARTMENT In order to alleviate labor shortages resulting from the loss of manpower within its civilian employee ranks, the Navy Department has put aside its almost traditional preference for men as civilian employees in navy yards, and is now placing women in almost any job for which they are fitted. Women are recruited for navy yard jobs through the helpertrainee examinations. They are employed as mechanical 36 Digitized by Google helpers at the rate of $4.72 to $5.68 a day; general helpers at 69 to 81 cents an hour; and primer workers and ordnance workers at $3.92 to $4.88 a day. Women are recruited through the sewer examinations as operators of single- or doubleneedle power-driven sewing machines at 64 to 76 cents an hour. Women inspectors of engineering materials and naval ordnance materials are secured through the trainee examinations for the positions of minor inspector (engineering materials), $1,620 a year, and minor inspector (naval ordnance material), $1,440 a year. Positions as junior inspector (engineering materials)-in these optional branches: Steel .lrulls, mechanical, electrical, and radio-are available for women at $1,620 a year. Here, again, it should be kept in mind that the rate of pay for these positions differs in various localities, depending upon the prevailing wage rates. Washington (D. C.) Navy Yard: A detailed description of the types of positions, working conditions, and training programs for women workers in this navy yard will serve as an example of the similar work in the other navy yards of the country, brief summaries of which follow this section. Qualified women employees, secured from lists of eligibles set up through the trainee examinations, are assigned to various shops in the Washington Navy Yard for training and subsequent promotion to good jobs in activities vital to war production. On June 30, 1942, approximately 2,000 women were at work in the yard. In all the shops they are first instructed in the safety regulations which must be observed in operating the machines which they are later to use. They learn the names of loose materials, parts, and hand tools. They are taught how to file, store, and issue materials and tools, and how to handle high explosives in accordance with prescribed safety regulations. Women who accept jobs in the yard must observe certain safety rules in the matter of dress. Jewelry is not allowed. Low-heeled shoes (no open toes), and slack suits or coveralls 37 Digitized by Google if possible (except in the optical shop), are prescribed. Loose and flowing clothing is never worn, and a cap, bandana, or other suitable covering over the hair must be worn in order to lessen the hazard of hair being caught in running machinery. Long finger nails are not permitted. All precautions are taken to avoid dermatitis, which is a hazard in these shops because of cutting oils and chemicals. Women assigned to duty in the magazine must not wear underclothing made of rayon, nylon, silk, or wool, as such fabrics collect high static. To prevent this, only cotton fabrics are allowed in work clothing. Rubber overshoes must not be worn in the buildings. All workers are warned that cold, dry days are the most dangerous for static accumulation. In the sight shop women are placed under competent instructors for training in the reading of drawings and measuring instruments; they are shown how to receive and ship materials out of the shop; they are taught how to care for jigs and fixtures. They learn to operate engraving machines, drill presses, and thread millers, and they are shifted from one machine to another in order to round out this training. In the assembly and fuze shop they are taught to burr and inspect materials; they wind coils; and they are trained in the, use of indicators and gages as called for on the operation sheets on ordnance parts, such as fuzes, torpedo parts, fixtures, and other materials. In the optical shop women are trained in 14 of the 22 basic operations CC'nnected with the manufacture, assembly, subassembly, and inspection of precision ordnance equipment, including optical equipment. In the optical glass section they are trained in the following operations: (a) Hand polishing, assembling coincidence prisms, polishing plano surfaces and lenses; (b) Edge-grinding lenses, glass milling and drilling, inspection; (c) Fine-grinding lenses, fine-correcting plano surfaces, fine-grinding plano surfaces, and glass plate blocking; 38 Digitized by Google (I) Plaster blocking, silver-ruling prisms, centering and cementing lenses; (e) Bevel and groove (either prisms or lenses) lens blocking, cleaning and waxing; and (J) Rough-grinding prisms, rough-grinding lenses, and ground surface inspection. Other women workers in the mechanical assembly section are instructed in ruling and etching; prism scraping and fitting; cleaning and inspection; machine engraving; and bench milling and bench lathing. In the quiet, professional atmosphere of the optical shop, women in white inspect precision instruments by sighting them against peaceful northern skies. The silvery etched lines on a lens are carefully scrutinized by their keen eycs1 for it is on the exactness of these lines that the gunner in some future battle must depend for a true aim as he "frames" his target and opens fire on the enemy. At the magazine, women are placed under competent instructors for training in a specific fuze-loading operation. Women who master this operation progress to others until they are competent to perform any loading operation in the assembling of fuzes. In the assembling of fuzes they are taught the danger points to watch out for, such as maladjustments and misfits. In the ordnance electrical shop, women are taught to prepare micro-insulators for the assembly of repaired commutators, and they are trained to operate coil-taping machines. Women prepare wires of predetermined lengths to form cables used on firing and lighting circuits. They are taught to assist armature winders in taping coils for armatures and field coils for motors; to assist in the assembly of details for switches on component parts for gunfiring circuits; and to assist in the final inspection of circuits, and in the preparation of the shipment of the circuits by taping leads together. New York Navy Yard: The yard is steadily employing large numbers of women as power sewing-machine operators, female 39 Digitized by Goog Ie classified laborers, and coat finishers. Women, of course, are filling the great majority of the clerical positions in the yard. Surveys are under way in the machine shop and material laboratories in an attempt to determine just what jobs women are capable of filling. Upon completion of the survey, the trainee examination will be used to secure qualified women to replace men in various positions, both in the machine shop and in the material laboratories. Philadelphia Navy Yard: On May 15, 1942, more than 1,100 women were employed in the yard in nonclerical jobs (206 on May 15, 1941); they were employed in laborer positions, in the skilled-trades positions (such as mechanic helper, sewer, aircraft fabric worker, and mechanic learner), and in mechanic supervisory positions. An additional 1,200 women were at work in other occupations in the yard, such as clerk, office-machine operator, messenger, draftsman, blueprint operator, and physical science aid. Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Va.: The artisan shops of the yard increased their number of women employees to approximately 1,000 by the end of 1942. The women at present employed are trainees who work as '·on-the-job'' helpers in the electrical shops for armature and coil winding; in the tool rooms; in the instrument shops as optical workers; in the paint shops; in the machine shops, where they operate lathes, drill presses, planers, and shapers; in the sheet-metal shops, where they make metal furniture; and in the welding shops. A few women are in training as plumbers. Crews of women are used to operate electric overhead cranes in the shops. They do this with surprising success, thus releasing for duty the men who are urgently needed for work on the outside. It is estimated that approximately 1,200 women are employed in the yard in mechanic positions. Charleston (S. C.) Navy Yard: More than 800 women are employed at this yard-most of them in clerical and administrative positions. 40 Digitized by Google Through the trainee examinations, women have been recruited as draftsmen, and as helpers for coppersmiths, electricians, machinists, pipefitters, riggers, sheet-metal workers, shipfitters, joiners, and shipwrights ($4.72 to $5.68 per day). It was estimated that more than 600 women would be filling these jobs by the end of 1942. Puget Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash.: The employment of women in the Puget Sound yard has gone far beyond the experimental stage. Women workers have proved that they can be employed advantageously in a great many positions. On June 1, 1942, there were 1,675 women at work in the yard (460 on June 1, 1941). Approximately 6 percent of the total employees are women-73 percent in clerical positions .and 27 percent in laborer positions. Women who were formerly beauty parlor operators are now radial drill operators and sheet-metal helpers. Others operate huge cranes; others thread bolts in the shipfitter shop; and ,still others do precision work with machine tools. Every .effort is being made to use women wherever possible. Mare Island Navy Yard, Vallejo, Calif.: Women are employed as general helpers and as trainees, as follows: (a) Fifty-eight are employed in the shipfitter and welding shop. They weld, operate small cranes, lay out ship plates from blueprints, operate drill presses, and do toolroom work. (h) Six are employed in the sheet-metal shop. They weld, -operate engraving machines, buck rivets, do bench work, and run bucket-machine presses. (c) One hundred and twenty-five women are employed in the machine shops. They operate turret lathes, automatic :Screw machines, drill presses, milling machines, engraving machines, shapers, and small cranes. (a) Fifty-one are employed in the electrical shop. They -operate drill presses, punch presses, and small precision lathes; they wind small coils, clean parts, wire, solder, do lens work, assist instrument makers, and test under-water sound -equipment. 41 Digitized by Google (e) Five are employed in the pipditter shop as storekeepers in the tool crib, and as gasket trimmers in the rubber laboratory. (J) Four are employed in the boat shop. They operate mortise machines, band saws, and boring machines. (i) Eight are employed in the paint shop and paint-manufacturing plant. They refinish furniture, grind glass, and assist in laboratory and storekeeper duties. (h) Nineteen are employed in the foundry, receiving and storing patterns, shipping small castings, and working with small cores. (i) Twenty-five are employed in the pattern shop, sandpapering, gluing, shellacking patterns, installing fillets, operating small machines and hand tools, and keeping stores. Naval Torpedo Station, Newport, R. I.: Approximately 1,000 women were at work at the station on June 1, 1942an increase of more than 700 in a year. While the great majority of these women were in clerical and stenographic positions, a considerable number were employed as mechanic learners, as classified laborers, and as ordnance workers and primer workers. Employees in the two latter groups were appointed from civil-service examinations announced to secure ordnance workers and primer workers for positions paying from $3.92 to $4.88 a day. Ordnance workers perform various operations involved in the manufacture, subassembly, assembly, and inspection of ordnance material. Primer workers inspect and assemble components of fuzes, primers, tracers, detonators, igniters, and similar ordnance material which may contain explosives or pyrotechnic materials. Twelve hundred women applied for the examination for ordnance workers, and 530 were found eligible for the job; 632 women applied for the mechanic learner examination, and 363 qualified. A number of women inspectors of engineering materials ($1,620 a year) perform minor inspection work on precisionmachined component parts of ordnance materials, involving 42 Digitized by Google OFFICIAL PHOTO . U. 5 . ARMY AIR FORCES INSPECTING AIRPLANE PARTS OFFICIAL 0 . W. I. PHOTO C PUTTI NG DRILL NUTS IN TO THE MONACOCK OF AN A IRP LA NE REMOVING BLISTERS IN A BUILDING FORM FOR BULLET-SEALED TANKS OFFICIAL 0. W. I. PHOTO , OFFICIAL 0 . W. I. PHOTO ALUMINUM WORKER INSPECTING A SAND CASTING FOR DEFECTS Digitized by Google OFFI CIAL 0 . W. I. PHOTO PRECISION DR ILLER O N STEEL TA NK PARTS OFFICI AL PHOTO. U. 5 . NAVY'/ CHECK ING AN THE H A RD W ORK OF WO M E N I AIRPLANE MOTOR WA R WO MEN WO RKERS EN G A GED IN REBUILDIN G AND RE -EQUIPPING TANKS AND TRUCKS - --------- - OFFICIAL PHOTO. U. S. ARMY SIGNAL CORP~• TOOL GRINDER AT WO RK IN A GO VERNMENT ARSENAL IOFFICIAL PHOTO, U. S. ARMY AIR CORPS WELDING PA RT FOR A COCKPI T the use of "go" and "no-go" gages and dial gages. The women are trained to take over higher-grade inspector positions through the use of precision measuring instruments, such as micrometers, verniers, depth gages, shadowgraphs, and various tensile-strength measuring machines. Women ordnance workers earning 61 cents an hour during a prescribed training course are in line for promotion to the position of machine-shop precision operative at 73 cents an hour. In this position they perform various operations in the manufacture, subassembly, assembly, and inspection of ordnance equipment,[including details for mechanical and dectrical equipment, and for ammunition. From this position they may be promoted to the next higher grade at 94 cents an hour; in the latter grade they perform precision operations requiring a high degree of skill in the manufacture, subassembly, and inspection of precision ordnance equipment. Naval Torpedo Plant, Alexandria, Va.: This is a comparatively new plant and has been using women workers since the first part of 1942 only. Women work 8 hours a day at $1,260 a year, with time and a half for overtime, on thread checking, depth gaging, burring, and engraving numbers on parts. Parts for several different types of torpedoes are assembled in the plant. It is necessary to have a series of numbers for each type of torpedo. The women must memorize each series and be absolutely accurate in placing the correct number on a part in order to make sure that it goes into the right torpedo. Naval Ammunition Depot, St. Juliens Creek, Va.: Women mechanic learners, secured through the female trainee, manual occupations examination ($4 a day), are trained in the operations incident to the manufacture of ammunition. After completing a prescribed training period, they are promoted to the position of general helper (minimum pay 69 cents an hour). Their principal duties include cutting out and sewing raw silk in the manufacture of powder bags to hold black cannon powder; loading small caliber projectiles; placing the explosive charge in the projectile, and fuzing it; the assembly of medium and minor caliber cartridges; fuze work; and 1133008-43----4 43 Digitized by G oog Ie operating drill presses, lathes, and boring machines in the machine shop. · Naval Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Va.: Women trainees assist ordnancemen and mechanical workers. Naval Mine Depot, Yorktown, Va.: More than 200 women are employed at the depot as mechanic learners, doing light manual jobs of a mechanical nature in ordnance work. Naval Experiment Station, Annapolis, Md.: Women are employed as engineering aids and as laboratory assistants, performing simple and routine work in the fields of electricity, metallurgy, chemistry, and mechanics. FLYING FIELDS AND AIR STATIONS Women mechanic helpers appointed at $1,500 a year are making good in the flying fields and air stations for the Army and Navy. With compacts and lipsticks in their pockets, they are making records in the operation of turret lathes and gear-cutting machines. They are putting planes in the air with a skill equal to that of many men. Officials of a naval aircraft factory said that the 300 women mechanic helpers they had on the job were "Grade A," and they would take another thousand immediately if they could find them. "With calm indifference and high efficiency," they said, "these women slam down 10-, 20-, and 100-ton pressure punch presses of which even men are 'leery'.'' Women secure jobs in the flying fields and air stations by meeting the physical requirements of a trainee examination and by passing a simple mechanical aptitude test. The examination is announced for the purpose of finding women qualified to fill the position of mechanic learner at various rates of pay ($900 to $1,080 a year). In one such examination, more than 900 women applied for the examination; approximately 500 qualified. Other examinations announced to secure women workers for flying fields and air stations are listed below, together with the duties of the positions: Packer, ll,320 a year. Duties: To pack miscellaneous articles. 44 Digitized by Google .Aircr"ft Fabric Worker, $4.40 to $5.36 "Jay. Duties: To cut, sew, fit, and repair fabric coverings of airplane wings, fuselages, control surfaces, and other parts. Le11ther 11ml C11nfl11.r Worker, $1,320 to $2,040 ".7e4r. Duties: To perform tasks • • • involved in the fabrication, maintenance, overhaul, alteration, and repair of articles used by the Air Corps which arc made of leather or canvas, • • • including parachutes • • •. · Shee111Ut4l Worker, $8.08 tr, $9.04 "day. Duties: Cutting, filing, and drill• ing. Welder, Ga.r, $8.08 to $9.04 11 IL,y. Duties: To perform acetylene welding on miscellaneous jobs • • •. · Storekeeper, $1,260 to $1,440 11 .7e11r. Duties: Requisitioning, storing, and packing miscellaneous supplies. Aircrlljt Procurement Inspector, $1,620 to $2,900 11.7e11r. Duties: To conduct inspections in the procurement of aircraft materials, with optional branches in aircraft engines, instruments, parachutes, propellers, tools and gages, radio, textiles, fur-lined clothing, optical and magnetic materials. Upholsterer, $8.08 to $9.04 per tlt,y. Duties: To upholster all classes of furniture, automobiles, boats, and airplanes. Tr4inee, Junior Aircraft Communicator, $1,440 "year. Duties: To provide airmen and other persons concerned with information vital to the safe operation of aircraft by means of radiotelephone, radiotelegraph, teletype, and interphone. · Aircraft Fahric Seam.rtre.r.r, $900 to $1,200 11 year. Duties: Under supervision, to cut, repair, and fit aircraft fabrics to wings, control surfaces, and other aircraft parts. The Civil Aeronautics Administration encourages women to file applications for the trainee, traffic controller (airway and airport) examination, which is announced to secure eligibles for traffic controller positions paying $1,800 a year. The duties of these positions are directly related to the safety of human life, and are exacting and responsible. Women who are appointed to these positions receive training in the fundamentals of airway and airport traffic control by performing routine assignments at an airway control center, or an airport traffic control tower. The work of the women who build and repair airplanes and aeronautical equipment in Federal aircraft plants and flying fields is described in the following section, which summarizes the reports of officials of the individual plants and fields. 45 Digitized by Goog Ie U. S. Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, R. I.: Approximately 200 women are employed at the Quonset Point stationas clerks, laborers, mechanic learners, sewers, aircraft fabric workers, and parachute mechanics. In the assembly and repair department, women are doing an excellent job in overhauling, reconditioning, testing, and inspecting aircraft spark plugs. Women of one group are overhauling, repairing, and reconditioning wings, ailerons, rudders, and elevators. Much practice and skill are required to do this type of work. A woman parachute mechanic is doing first-rate work in the parachute repair shop. It is reported that, in some respects, she is a better mechanic than some of her fellow male workers. One woman doing aircraft fabric work has been promoted to the position of instructor, and is teaching other women the duties of the aircraft fabric worker position. Houlton (Maine) Air Base: As the ranks of men employees are depleted by induction into the armed forces, the engineering department of the base anticipates the use of women in mechanic positions. They will be selected from lists of eligibles resulting from the mechanic learner or mechanic helper examination. Middletown Air Depot, Olmstead Field, Middletown, Pa. : It is believed that this air depot is the largest employer of women in the entire air service. On May 30, 1942, there were 1,610 women at work in the depot, compared to a total of 149 on May 30, 1941. Again, the majority of women are in clerical positions, but women are continuously entering the skilled trades by means of the mechanic learner and the mechanic helper examinations. During the past year, women have been appointed to the following positions, which they are filling to the entire satisfaction of the officials of the depot: Assistant engineering draftsman, general mechanic's helper, junior blueprint operator, leather and canvas worker's helper, packer, storekeeper, property and supply clerk, and mechanic learner. 46 Digitized by Goog Ie Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Va.: Women workers secured -through the mechanic learner examination are successfully at work in the fabric shop of the station, where they cut and sew materials for airplane wings (the first woman to be appointed "leading man" of sewersin the station's history is at work in this shop); in tae parachute shop, where they inspect para•chutes; and in the instrument shop, where they repair, overhaul, and maintain clocks, watches, and other aeronautical instruments, in all cases working with small delicate parts. In the dope shop, they apply acetate to wing fabric. In the machine shop, they weld, run drill presses, lathes, and cutting machines. In the sewing shop, they "baseball stitch" by hand on metal ribs of wings. Most of the women are learners in these positions. How-ever, many who have had preliminary training or experience have been appointed as third-class helpers in the various trades . .Some women are stationed at the side of skilled male me•chanics, where they receive training on engine overhaul, assembly, and disassembly. Langley Field, Va. : The Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, under the jurisdiction of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and the subdepot of the Middletown (Pa.) Air Depot, are located at this field. Approximately 75 women are employed by the two establishments. They are occupying positions of scientific aid, mechanic trainee, mechanic, truck driver, junior aircraft mechanic, junior sheetmetal worker, instrument repairer, and parachute folder and tester. Women aircraft mechanics and sheet-metal workers shirk no phase of their jobs, no matter how dirty or greasy or heavy. Wearing slacks, coveralls, and overalls, they repair airplane motors and wings with sheet metal. The work includes making and installing the parts, and using the machines and tools required in cutting, fitting, welding, and riveting various metals. These women mechanics disassemble, assemble, maintain, and repair airplanes and airplane engines. 47 Digitized by Google Women instrument workers··repair, replace, and test all instruments essential to the proper operation of the airplane by the pilot, the navigator, and the bombardier. Women parachute mechanics test, inspect, repair, fold, and pack parachutes. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, N. C. : The Cherry Point station is a comparatively new post. Women are employed as telephone and teletype operators, messengers, and matrons. Many of the key clerical positions are being filled with women. Army Air Fields and Naval Air Stations of the Fifth United States Civil Service Region (South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands): Most of the women workers are in clerical positions, but some are serving as_physical therapy aids, dental hygienists, nurses, medical technicians, dietitians, laboratory helpers, and librarians. Large numbers of women are employed as laundry workers, seamstresses, attendants, cooks, laborers, and maids. In the skilled trades, women are employed as helpers in the fabrication, maintenance, overhaul, alteration, and repair of feather and canvas articles used by the Air Corps. 1 These irticles include parachutes, packs, harness, fabric-covered airplane tail surfaces, and leading-edges of wings, airplane seats, cushions, covers, awnings, tow targets, tents, belts, straps, shoes, boots, gloves, and other items of clothing. Others are radium dial painters. Women are also called upon to pack parachutes, and to drop-test and inspect parachutes and parachute harness to assure their proper functioning. A number of women mechanic learners are being trained for various helper positions and for aircraft spark plug and aircraft fabric work. Bowman Field, Louisville, Ky.: Women are being placed in virtually all positions in the aircraft repair shops. These positions include inspector, sheet..metal worker, leather and canvas worker, aircraft mechanic,-welder,, .machinist, aircraft electrician, and aircraft painter. 48 Digitized by Google Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio: Vacancies are being filled with women storekeepers and property and supply clerks. A number of mechanic helpers are on the job. Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Tex.: More than 700 women are employed at the station (71 a year ago) as clerks, stenographers, typists, telephone operators, office machine operators, purchasing clerks, librarians, messengers, mechanic learners, sewers, and classified laborers. San Antonio Air Depot, Duncan Field, San Antonio, Tex.: Approximately 2,800 women were employed at the depot on June 1, 1942 (99 on June 1, 1941), as storekeepers, janitors, seamstresses, leather and canvas goods workers, and messengers. Many women are already occupying, or are in training for, these positions: Aircraft mechanic, aircraft electrician, aircraft engine mechanic, leather and canvas worker, sheet-metal worker, aircraft inspector, engineering draftsman, aircraft instrument mechanic, and propeller mechanic. Army Air Base Subdepot, Portland, Oreg.: There is a definite tendency in the depot to employ women wherever possible. A number of women are working in the position of sheet-metal worker's helper in the process of fabricating airplane parts, such as tanks, oil coolers, sheet-metal boxes for radios and electrical installations, and cowlings. On the basis of drawings, sketches, and verbal instructions, women perform work necessary for the upkeep of shops and laboratory equipment-work which involves the operation of various types of machine tools. Other women inspect and repack parachutes, flying helmets, radio phones, and oxygen masks. They repair all types of flying clothing, make leather covers for miscellaneous gadgets, and sew name plates, identification tags, and insignia on flying clothes. General mechanic helpers make minor adjustments and repairs to airplane engines, checking ignition timing, spark plugs, carburetors, gas and water lines; and they connect hose clamps, service and replace tires, service airplanes with oil and gas, and wash, oil, grease, and clean parts. They operate 49 Digitized by Google motorized machinery and equipment, such as tractors, mowers, and graders, used in maintaining the flying field, roads, and lawns at the post. Naval Air Station, Seattle, Wash.: More than 200 women were employed at the station on June 1, 1942. About 12 percent were working as mechanic learners, in the assembly and repair department, on aircraft mechanic work. Other women are working as sewers on aircraft fabrics. Sacramento Air Depot, McClellan Field, Calif. : Approximately 2,500 women were employed at the Sacramento depot- 1,900 in the clerical and 600 in the mechanic positions. Only 50 women were employed by the depot on July 1, 1941. In the skilled trades, women are at work in the following classifications: (a) Mechanic learners (563). These learners are given 3 months' training to fill positions as helpers in the aircraft mechanical trades for assignment to duty at the depot and its subdepots. (b) General mechanic·s helpers (27). Their duties involve minor adjustments and repairs to aircraft engines and parts and assisting journeymen aircraft mechanics. (c) Stock tracer's helpers (6). They dispatch, dismantle, disassemble, assemble, and repair aircraft parts, fittings, and accessories, procure stocks from stock rooms, and deliver raw materials, aircraft parts, fittings, accessories, and equipment to mechanics who are engaged in overhaul, maintenance, and repair of aircraft engines. (a) Mechanics ( 4), engaged in leather and canvas work. March Field Subdepot, March Field, Cali,£.: Approximately 25 women are employed in the stock and tool room receiving and issuing tools, and sorting, tagging, and storing aircraft supplies. Naval Air Station, San Diego, Calif.: More than 600 women are employed at the station in the following kinds of work: (a) Metal shop: Cutting, filing, drilling, sawing, grinding, 50 Digitized by Google and hand-forming metal parts. Women will be used in the shop as welders, first working with aluminum, and then with other metals. (h) Tube shop: Bending and forming tubing; identifying tubing; capping ends of tubes; cleaning and painting tubings. (c) Machine shop: Subassembly work, filing, riveting, drilling, removing burrs, operating engraving machines, issuing tools and supplies. The shop expects to use women in the operation of metal saws and turret lathes. (J) Hull and float shop: Women assist in the overhaul of main and wing tip floats, and hulls. (e) Overhaul control shop: Reconditioning hose clamps, sorting nuts, bolts, and screws; salvaging aircraft electrical cables; identifying parts and boxing them. (J) Fabric shop: Sewing, installing, doping and taping fabric on wings and control surfaces; making seat cushions. (i) Wing shop: Issuing rivets and tools; delivering rivets; receiving and unloading trucks and trailers; riveting wings. (h) Cable shop: Checking cable and parts; splicing cable. (i) Tank shop: Bench filing; assembling tanks; welding and brazing. (j) Parachute shop: Repairing and reconditioning parachutes. (k) Engine shop: Reconditioning spark plugs; working in the storeroom; sorting small parts; learning carburetor overhaul; inspection of engine parts. The shop expects to use women in the overhauling and checking of cylinder parts> ignition harness, magnetos, and other engine parts. (1) Assembly shop: Subassembly of small engine parts and engine accessories; keeping shop records; issuing small parts; subassembly and installation of cowlings; subassembly on wings; subassembly and installation of fuel systems; subassembly and assistance in the installation of fixed equipment, such as seats, doors, small cowlings, and hydraulic equipment; and assisting in the installation of surface controls; in rigging and installation of tail surfaces; and in the installation of instruments. 51 Digitized by Google (m) Graphic arts shop: Radium refinishing on dials and indicators. Women assist in the photographic laboratory in such tasks as ·art layout, multilith work, screen processing, optical silvering, and plastic molding. (n) Radio shop: Repairing minor radio parts, including cable assembly, microphones, antenna reel counters, telegraph keys; cleaning parts. (o) Electrical shop: Subassembly of aircraft wiring. (p) Accessory shop: Overhauling control pulley bearings. (q) Paint shop: Making miscellaneous parts and painting with spray guns. (r) Plating shop: Preparing parts for plating and assisting in plating operations. (s) Propeller shop: Cleaning and buffing propellers. (t) Windshield shop: Assisting in bending and forming of plexi-glass; subassembly on windshields. (u) Fuselage shop: Riveting and cutting metal. (v) Photographic catalog shop: Compiling photographic catalog of airplane parts. Naval Air Station, Alameda, Calif.: One year ago, no women were empoyed at the Alameda station. Now there are 275-50 employed as sewers, rib stitchers, and aircraft fabric workers; 25 as helpers and storekeepers in the various aircraft shops; and 200 as mechanic learners on light metal work such as riveting, drilling, metal forming with hand tools, making metal subassemblies, spark-plug cleaning, and aircraft electrical work. A few mechanic learners are employed in the instrument shop, where they are being taught the overhaul, repair, and calibration of aircraft instruments. A mechanic instructs them in disassembly of instruments, and in diagnosing trouble. With 9 months' training, women are expected to be able to overhaul at least three or four different kinds of aircraft instruments. Ogden (Utah) Air Depot: More than 1,000 women were on the pay roll of the depot in June 1942. Only 14 were on the pay roll in June 1941. Women were employed at the depot 52 Digitized by Google as mechanic learners in all types of aircraft mechanic positions. Three women were engineering draftsmen. To fill vacancies at the depot~ officials have decided to employ women to the extent (in terms of percentages) indicated in the following schedule: TrllM Plftffltlll' ,, - 25 25 25 Aircraft engine mechanic. General aircraft mechanic Aircraft propeller mechanic Aircraft hydraulic me(:hanic Aircraft welder ·. . . . . Aircraft electrical worker . Aircraft radib mechanic • . Aircraft leather and canvas worker . 25 50 50 50 75 MILITARY CAMPS AND FORTS Since July 1941, thousands of enlisted men in office and -skilled trades jobs in recruiting stations, army posts and camps, and marine posts, have been replaced by women civil-service ,employees and have thus been released for duty with the combat forces. Indicative of the rapid trend in this replacement policy is the fact that by the first part of January 1942, 20,000 men had been so replaced. Replacements have been made in all branches of the armed services, but chiefly in the Quartermaster Corps, the Medical Corps, the Signal Corps, and in the administrative offices of the Army. Women replaced enlisted men as typists, stenographers, office-machine operators, clerks, telephone switchboard operators, messengers, cooks, and kitchen workers. They also replaced men in such jobs as plumber, machinist, welder, sheet-metal worker, truck driver, janitor, and laborer. The ranks of women workers in the military posts have been. increased to the greatest extent by qualified women secured from lists of eligibles set up through such civil-service examinations as those for laundry operative, laundry assistant, forelady of laundry department, telephone operator, storekeeper, .and dental surgeon's assistant. The mechanic learner and learner-trainee examinations have also provided a number of 53 Digitized by Google women employees in the skilled and semiskilled trades .. The following section gives some idea of the diversified occupations at which women work in the military posts of the Nation. Marine Barracks, Quantico, Va.: Fifty women, employed as helper-trainees, assist aircraft mechanics in the aircraft engine overhaul shops. One interesting duty among many others is that of painting insignia on aircraft. Camp Davis, Wilmington, N. C.: More than 800 women are employed at Camp Davis, most of them in clerical and stenographic positions. Two hundred and ninety-six are employed in the quartermaster laundry, and 399 in the Office of the Quartermaster. Fort Meade, Md.: Women are employed as mess attendants. Holabird Quartermaster Depot, Baltimore, Md. : A number of women artists are engaged in free-hand drawing of illustrations for use in textbooks in the field of automobile mechanics. These books are used in all army mechanic schools throughout the country. Women in the engineering division draw charts and make blueprints which are used by mechanics. and engineers on duty in the depot. Post Commissary, Fort Knox, Ky:: Women are employed as meat cutters. Army Camps and Forts, Alexandria, La.: More than 1,200 women, including some draftsmen, are employed in camps and forts in the vicinity of Alexandria. Army Camps and Forts, San Antonio, Tex., and vicinity: Approximately 2,000 women are employed in camp activities as compared to 700 a year ago. Included in this number are 284 laundry workers, 834 typists, 448 stenographers, 78 clerks,. 14 dietitians, 33 laboratory technicians, 22 seamstresses, and 15 dental and laboratory helpers. Fort Lewis, Wash.: The post ordnance office employs. women as clerks, and as junior storekeepers in the ordnance warehouses. Women have proved themselves capable of handling and storing heavy,' greasreqmpment-doing the work 54 Digitized by Google formerly done by soldiers. The post signal radio repair office also employs women as storekeepers and messengers. Other women are employed as mechanic learners, dismantling field glasses, cleaning the lenses, reassembling the parts, and making the necessary adjustments. Others drive trucks and busses. The quartermaster laundry at the post employs 635 persons, of whom 85 percent are women. Many of the women are doing heavy work formerly assigned to men-for example, those employed as extractors and washers. The station hospital employs women as cooks, bakers, dishwashers, and janitors, and as classified laborers. for the distribution of linens. At the McChord Field subdepot, women ride motor scooters to deliver mail and messages; other women unload freight cars and army trucks, work in storerooms as storekeepers, and do janitor work. 55 Digitized by Google War Jobs for College-trained Women women are being sought in ever-increasing numbers to fill war-service. jobs in the Government. In The First Year it was found that women who had pursued professional and scien~ific courses in colleges were making superb contributions to the Federal defense program. In the Government agencies they were filling-important positions in the professional and scientific fields. They were serving as dietitians, social workers, dental hygienists, nurses, lawyers, doctors, economists, personnel officers, and chiefs of publicinformation and press relations. Highly trained women were ground-crew instructors and pilots. They were designing work outfits for women. testing textiles to determine resistance to mildew in order to improve cloth for military clothing and equipment, and inspecting lease-lend supplies which were being sent to England. Now, women are found in the shops and laboratories of the Government, working as engineering draftsmen, conducting experiments relating to the dehydration of fresh vegetables, studying ways to preserve and increase the nutritive value of foods, and producing vaccine for use in the prevention of animal diseases. Due to the heavy recruiting and examining workload of the Civil Service Commission, the assembling of statistical data on Federal employment has been greatly curtailed for the duration of the war. For that reason, it is difficult to estimate the number of college-trained women who are contributing to the Government's war program. It is also difficult to ascertain in what professions they are working in the largest numbers, and under what conditions they are working. Certain it is that C OLLEGE-TRAINED 56 Digitized by Google WOMEN AT WORK IN THE SHOPS AND LABORATORIES O F THE GOVER ~~~Nl Google Digitized by Google they are doing all, and more, of the work they were doing in the first year of the emergency, and in much larger numbers. Some of the professional and technical positions· in the Federal service in which women are making notable contributions to the war program are: Bacteriologist. Biochemist. Business specialist. Club organization specialist. Commercial specialist. Commodity specialist. Community organization analyst. Cryptanalyst. Economic analyst. Economic planning consultant. Economic warfare analyst. Economist: Business. Home. Home (extension). Medical. Education specialist: Elementary. Exceptional children. Home economics. Parent. Employee relations consultant. Employment analyst. Employment specialist. Home marketing specialist. Industrial analyst. Industrial specialist. Information specialist. Laboratory technician. Leasing and occupancy analyst. Library material specialist. Medical officer. Meteorologist. Microscopist. Nutrition specialist. Nutritionist. Personnel research technician. Physical analyst. Price analyst. Program specialist. Public heal th nursing consultant. Public welfare consultant. School program specialist. Social science analyst. Social scientist. Social welfare officer. Statistical analyst. Statistical research consultant. Statistician: Health and disability studies. Venereal diseases. Student personnel administration specialist. Surgeon. Technical aid. Technical analyst. Translator. Zoologist. The war program of the Federal service has accentuated tenfold the need for professional and technical workers. Critical labor shortages have developed in engineering (all branches) and in the physical sciences (physicists, chemists, metallurgists, geologists, meteorologists); in management and administration (administrative analysts, industrial consult- 57 Digitized by Google ants, personnel managers, housing managers); in the social sciences (technical experts, statisticians, transportation economists, marketing analysts); in the field of accounting (cost auditors and purchasing officers); and in medicine and related fields (nurses, medical officers, physiotherapy aids, occupational therapists, dental hygienists). As the central personnel agency of the Government, the Civil Service Commission has found it increasingly difficult to recruit an adequate number of trained personnel in many occupations requiring college training. Critical shortages exist in such fields as engineering, drafting, meteorology, physics, and chemistry. It is more and more imperative that professionally and technically trained women take war jobs in which they can fully utilize their highest skills and talents, lest the war program be seriously crippled. It is estimated that there are approximately 3,500,000 women in America who have either received college degrees or certificates, or have had 1, 2, or 3 years of college training. The Civil Service Commission has recognized the importance of this vast reservoir of trained womanpower. As the recruiting agency of the Government, it seeks to draw from it women who are qualified through training to fill critical warservice positions in Federal war agencies. The Commission has sought to do this through wholesale shortcuts in its recruiting methods and through numerous procedural innovations designed to facilitate the task of supplying emergency personnel. Age, physical, and even educational requirements have been liberalized in many of the professional civil-service examinations announced by the Commission to secure professional and scientific workers. Such examinations are continuously open to applicants, and the great majority of them are "unassembled' '-that is to say, applicants are rated on their sworn statements as to their education and experience, and on corroborative evidence gathered by the Commission; they are not required to assemble for a written test. 58 Digitized by Google Under the Engineering, Science, and Management War Training Program, sponsored by the U. S. Office of Education, training courses are available to women who need "refresher'" training, or more specific training, in order to qualify for war jobs. Records of persons qualified for Government jobs in the professional and subprofessional fields are maintained in the Commission's examining units. The persons who submitted their records-in the form of applications for employmentdid so as an indication of their willingness to fill war-service jobs. By reference to these records, the Commission has supplied hundreds of qualified women to fill critical positions in Federal agencies. But the response to the Commission's efforts to induce professionally trained women to submit statements of their qualifications has been below expectations. A number of conditions contribute to this situation. First, many women have responded to the call of the volunteer services (Red Cross, U. S. 0., WAAC, WAVES, etc.); second, more money is finding its way into households because of the increased earning power of men, so that there is less inducement for women to seek employment; third, and quite likely the most important of all, is the simple fact that comparatively few women have received training in the professional fields in which critical war jobs exist. During the past several years, the Federal Government has looked .with increasing interest upon the annual "crop" of students graduating from the colleges and universities. These students, in the view of Federal appointing officers, were the best prospects that could be found for appointment to juniorgrade professional positions. The Civil Service Commission has reached out for these students, announcing, at least once each year, a "junior professional assistant" examination. The first "JPA" examination was announced in February 1939, and six others had been announced by July 1942. In sampling the data compiled on the junior professional assistant examinations held during 1941 and the early part of 1133008-43-5 59 Digitized by Google 1942 (for the purpose of giving some idea as to what "optional ~bjects" both women and men undergraduate and graduat~ students were choosing), the following information was revealed: OPTIONAL SUBJECTS CHOSEN BY APPLICANTS FOR THE JUNIOR PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT EXAMINATIONS HELD DURING 1941 AND THE EARLY PART OF 1942 EXAMINATION ANNOUNCED JAN. 6, 1941 Applied Passed Optional Subject Men Junior administrative technician . Junior aS!onomist . . . • . • • unior in animal nutrition • • • • Junior biologist (wildlife) Junior business analyst . • junior chemist • . • • unior economist • . . Junior engineer . • . . Junior forester . • .• n!or feologist . . . . . unior ome economist . unior ·horticulturist . . Junior legal assistant • . unior meteorologist . . nnior physicist . . . • Junior range conservationist. . . Junior soil scientist. . . . . . . . Junior writing and editin! assistant Junior zoologist (parasito ogy) • . Women 2,815 634 234 1,314 2,488 3,341 2,792 3,894 983 1,071 . • . • . • • • • • • • • • . r 6 282 3,560 1,133 743 447 466 2,372 200 3 . • • • • • . . • • . . • Men Women 913 546 1 85 168 33 255 825 908 976 3,754 326 456 1,821 2 26 38 1,077 428 280 ········ 419 313 454 725 6 ........ 304 135 57 3 3 2,536 46 111 ........ 15 57 38 192 3 . ....... 23 285 ········ 57 9 19 164 . ........ 193 760 28 478 2 3 EXAMINATION ANNOUNCED OCT. 20, 1941 Applied Passed Optional Subject Men f Junior administrative technician. . • • • ~or business_ analyst . . . . • • . • • ,umor econollllst. • • • • • • • • • • . .. . 2,968 2,406 2,280 Women 1,105 456 686 60 Digitized by Google Men 2,071 1,891 1,653 Women 742 309 491 EXAMINATION ANNOUNCED JAN. 12, 1942 PUied .Applie4 ·• ~ Optional Subjc:ct Men Junior agricultural economist • . Junior agronomist . • . • • Junior aquatic biologist. • . • • Junior archivist • . . • • • • • junior bacteriolotsc . . • . • . un!or biolo11ist wildlile) • • . un1or chem1St. . . . • • • . • fm!or entomologist . untor forester. . . • Junior 11eologist . . . • . . • Junior m household equipment • Junior plericulturist . . • . • . J,mior pomologist . . . . . • • jun~or public welfare 2:5si~tant .• uruor range conservat1001st. • • Junior soil scientist. . , . . • . iun!or Stat~ J?t:partment assistant U010r stat1St1oan • . • . . • . .. . 126 257 184 561 344 2,163 268 21 433 383 20 54 89 500 199 . • • • • . . 6 2 106 459 267 184 416 408 • Women 248 1,206 991 Men Women 2 47 85 95 249 124 117 1,968 129 1 34 113 73 15 373 ~ 96 258 11 57 92 4 2 1,160 2 4 472 814 8 23 250 67 96 613 873 18 . .35 603 l ' 170 626 Data are not available on the number of appointments whicli ha'\Te been made from the lists of those persons who qual_ified in the various options under each examination announced'. Following a survey by the American Council on Education to determine the approximate number of undergraduate women students with training in the fields listed below who graduated from the colleges, universities, professional and technologic~l schools and teachers colleges between February (or March) 1942 and December 1942 (or January 1943), the following estimates were made: w_,. t,rt1atlillil FuM Management and administration. Agriculture and biology . . . . Medicine and related fields . . • 2,974 3,000 5,558 Engineering and physical sciences 2,545 Social sciences . . . Arts and languages . . 24,139 9,036 ToTAL • • • • • • • • 47,252 In addition, it was estimated that 8,000 women graduate student.s would become available for full-time employment during the same period. 61 Digitized by Google There is every indication in these data that (11) women in large numbers are not specializing in those professions in which the more critical shortages of workers are found and (h) those who have specialized in such professions have not applied for examination under the options in the junior professional assistant examinations which relate to the jobs in which workers are needed in the greatest numbers. Perhaps the most valuable single step which has been taken to inform college and university students of war jobs in the Federal service is the publication of "Civilian War Service Opportunities for College and University Students.'' Prepared by the United States Civil Service Commission and distributed by the American Council on Education, it lists those examinations requiring college education, and the remarks which have been made on the need for women in some of the professions covered by the examinations are not only of current but of historic importance. Notable ones follow: Chemist(Junior), $2,000. Women have special opportunities as a result of the war demand for technically trained persons in chemistry in navy yards, arsenals, and other Government laboratories. More women should be encouraged to enter the various fields of chemistry. Economist (any specialized branch), $2,600 to $6,500. Womm to a much greater extent may well be encouraged to enter all fields of economics. Engineer(Junior), all branches, $2,000. Womm.-More women should be induced to enter the engineering fields. This is a big opportunity for women interested in engineering. Engineering Aid (photogrammetric, geodetic, hydrographic, topographic), $1,440 to $2,600. Womm to a much greater extent should be encouraged to go into this field. Women are now being appointed in considerable numbers. Engineering Draftsman (20 options), $1,440 to $2,600 a year. Womm can well fill positions in all these options. Women are now readily accepted for all drafting positions. Inspector, Engineering Materials (steel hulls, mechanical, electrical, radio), $1,800 to $2,600. Wom,n can qualify. War demands are increasing opportunities for the appointment of women. 62 Digitized by Google Inspector, Ordnance Material, $1,620 to $2,600. Womm are being appointed to the lower positions in increasing nwnbers. Greater use of women in inspection work depends on the scarcity of manpower. Medical Officer, $3,200 to $4,600. Women who definitely desire a career in medicine can well be advised to consider opportunities in the Federal civil service. Metallurgist, $2,000 to $5,600. Women are eligible. War demands are increasing their opportunities in metallurgy. Meteorologist, $2,000 to $5,600. Women should be encouraged to enter this field. Naval Architect, $2,600 to $5,600. Womm may well be encouraged to enter this field of engineering. Qualified women are readily accepted now. Physicist Qunior), $2,000. Women to a much greater extent should be encouraged to enter the field of physics. Special opportunities are now open to women in the lower grades. Physiotherapy Aid, $1,620 to $1,800. Women can be used more extensively than ever in this position. Men are still being accepted but in limited number because of the need for men in the armed forces. Radio Mechanic-Technician, $1,440 to $2,600 a year. Women may be accepted. War demands are increasing opportunities for women appointees. Radio Monitoring Officer, $2,600 to $3,200. Women may be accepted. Shipyard Inspector (hull, outfitting, machinery, electrical, joiner), $2,300 to $3,500. Women may be accepted. Technical and Scientific Aid, $1~620 to $2,600. Women are urgently needed who have completed 2 years of college work with courses in mathematics, at least through trigonometry. Technologist, $2,000 to $5,600, W omm to a much greater extent should be encouraged to enter the vari• ous technological fields. Women are readily accepted for appoint'ment. Training Specialist, $2,600 to $5,600. Women are eligible. Certain phases of Government work offer exceptional opportunities. Veterinarian, $2,000 to $2,600. Women to a greater extent can well be advised to consider this field of medical science. 63 Digitized by Google The Search lor The Stenographer-Typist T work of total war has created a. n unprecedented demand in Government establishments everywhere for the services of the typist and the stenographer. One of the most spectacular and stirring phases of the behind-the-lines activity of the second year of the emergency is the Civil Service Commission's recruitment of these workers. By the t~ns of thousands, they have been recruited, examined, and placed in Federal war agencies. · In December 1938, only 53,000 stenographers, typists,· and secretaries were on the Federal rolls; 45,000 were women; By August 1941, the m~mber had increased to an estimated total of 85,000. More than 150,000 stenographers, typists, and secretaries were at work in the executive branch of the Federal Government in June 1942; about 130,000 were women. · · The upward trend in the number of appointments made from the Federal civil-service registers (lists of eligibles) for stenog.. raphers and typists during the past 3 years clearly indicates the phenomenal growth in the demand for such workers. From June 1939 to June 1940, more than 2,800 appointments were made from the stenographer registers, and more than 5,500 from the typist registers. During the next 12 months, approximately 15,000 stenographers and 25,000 typists were appointed. Figures on the number of appointments made during the 12-month period ending June 30, 1942, are not available; however, by subtracting the estimate of total stenographer-typist employment in August 1941 from that made for June 1942, it may be seen that the number of appointments to new positions alone was 65,000, without counting appointments necessitated by the turnover inevitable to so large a number as 150,000 positions. Even before the emerHE PAPER 64 Digitized by Google gency, women were receiving the vast majority of appointments to stenographer-typist positions and, of course, war conditions have greatly augmented the percentage of women: ~ppointed. The tremendous increase in the number of stenographers and typists employed by Federal agencies was the most sen.sational part of a general expansion of personnel which was required to take care of the vast projects of the defense and :war programs. The recruiting facilities of the Civil Service Commission were taxed to the extreme in the effort to meet the demand. Every conceivable avenue through which potential stenographers and typists might be quickly reached • was explored. Examinations were held daily. Examining procedures were simplified and requirements were lowered. In preceding years, persons who applied for stenographer and typist examinations were required to file their applications by a specified date. Often applicants waited many months before they were examined, and, if eligible, they sometimes waited several more months before they were finally certified for appointment and placed on the job. These delays were caused by the staggering number of applications filed and the resulting examination workload. Early in May 1941, however, because of the enormous increase in the demand for qualified stenographer-typist eligibles~ the announcement of the stenographer and typist examination for appointment· to the ·departmental service at Washington, b. C., was amended to provide for (a) the continuous acceptance of applications, (b) the examination of persons whose applications were received prior to May 28, 1941, within 2 weeks from that date, (c) the examination of groups of applicants at periodic intervals thereafter (the intervals depending upon the number of applications received), and (J) the acceptance of a subsequent application card from a person who had previously failed in the examination, after a lapse of only 3 months from the date of filing of the previous application. On December 15, 1941, the passing grade in the typing part of the junior typist examination was lowered from 70 to 60. 65 • Digitized by Google In the amendment· effecting this change, it was also provided that a subsequ.ent application card would'be accepted from a person who had previously been rated ineligible after a lapse of only 30 days from the date of filing of the previous application. On January 26, 1942, the required rate of dictation for the junior stenographer examination was lowered from 96 to 80 words per minute. The restriction that a person who had been rated ineligible as a junior stenographer must wait 30 days before a second application would be accepted was removed. Subsequent amendments of the examination requirements followed. On April 13, 1942, the rate of dictation was reestablished at 96 words a minute. A rating of70 was reestablished as a minimum in each test in either of the examinations. The general test ( designed to test mental alertness and understanding of the . fundamentals of English) was now includod for qualifying purposes only-that is, contrary to long practice, it was no longer an element which affected the final numerical rating of the competitor; the competitor either passed it (and won the right to be rated in the other tests making up the examination) or failed it (and lost the right to be rated in the other tests). May 4, 1942: Applications from persons who had reached their sixteenth birthday were accepted in the case of applicants residing in Washington, D. C., or within a 50-mile radius. June 15, 1942: Applications from all persons who had not reached their eighteenth birthday, but would reach that birthday by October 1, 1942, were accepted. With the declaration of war, the demand for qualified stenographers and typists became acute. In one instance, 670 stenographers were needed in Washington immediately. The Civil Service Commission was given 8 days in which to bring them to Washington and put them on the job. A press release issued by the Commission on December 27, 1941, tells the story of the speed attained in filling the positions: By the closing hour on the date set, the 670 stenographers were on the job and 48 more were ready for duty. The majority were recruited by the Commission's regional staffs and the others were obtained from the lists of 66 Digitized by Google eligibles maintained in the Commission's central office. When they arrived at the Nation's capital, they went direct to the Civil Service Commission, where they were fingerprinted and then sent at once to the jobs waiting for them. More stenographers continue to arrive in Washington by every train and bus to meet the continuing need. A thousand stenographers were placed on war jobs in Washington during the week ending January 28, 1942. It became apparent, however, that further "comer cutting" would be necessary if recruiting was to keep pace with the continually increasing demand for this class of war worker. There was a growing uneasiness on the part of the press (an uneasiness which was reflected in pubHc opinion) as the number of Government employees continued to mount. Were so many stenographers and typists really necessary to carry on the war? Was it possible that the war could be lost because of inability to recruit them? There were reports of complaints that stenographers and typists were hurried to Washington and assigned to "useless" stenographic pools; that there were thousands upon thousands of stenographers and typists already in the Government who were at work on jobs not requiring stenographic skill; and that new stenographers and typists were being assigned to clerical positions. In November 1941, the Civil Service Commission requested the heads of the departments and independent establishments of the Government immediately to examine their personnel with a view to reassigning to stenographic positions any persons serving in a clerical capacity who might be competent stenographers and whose ability in the stenographic field was not being utilized. However, new appointees to stenographic positions continued to complain that they were being assigned to duties not requiring stenographic skill, and early in 1942 the Commission made another effort to adjust the matter, asking the heads of the agencies to submit the names of all persons appointed as stenographers on or after July 1, 1941, who were at the time devoting 50 percent or more of their time to clerical duties. In taking this action, it was not the intention of the Commission to disparage· the work being done by women in clerical 67 Digitized by Google (as distinguished. from typing and stenographic) po£>itipns~ The girls grading civil-service examination papers, the tele,, phone operators, the fingerprinters, the :file clerks, are as important to the war program as the stenographers ·and; typists. But stenographers and typists were needed in large numbers, and one way of increasing the supply was to see to it ~hat persons qualified to perform typing and stenographic work were not placed in jobs for which recruits were more easily obtainable. · The'Civil Service Commission relied heavily on the Directors of the 13 United States Civil Service Regions in the recruiting of potential stenographers and typists for appointment to war jobs in Washington. .Quotas were assigned to each region according to the needs of the service. The following quotas, assigned to the 1l regions for the month of June 1942, are typical: · QUOTAS ASSIGNED TO EACH OF THE 13 CIVIL SERVICE REGIONS IN RECRUITING STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1942 Week ending June 6, 1942 Week ending June 13, 1942 Week ending June 20, 1942 Week ending June 27, 1942, , Region Stenographer 1. .............. 2 •.•....•.....•. ? ................ 85 105 80 60 80 80 100 Typist Typist Stcnog- rapher 40 86 60 86 60 64 70 70 64 70 70 55 55 10 .......•....... 11. .............. 12 •.••••......••• 45 15 25 13 ............... 5 TarAL ..... 790 1,150 T~ - -- - - - --. - - 60 45 8 ............... 6 ............... Stenographer 155 9 ..........••... .s ............... Typist 120 105 70 115 115 150 105 110 60 15 20 10 3 ............... 4 ............... Stenographer 60 65 45 75 40 25 25 5 10 - 500 -5 78 140 74 70 94 32 76 56 95 85 65 90 50 30 78 140 74 70 94 32 76 12 17 8 30 15 30 10 56 807 700 807 12 17 8 95 85 65 90 50 30 30 15 30 40 60 45 60 65 45 .75 40 25 25 5 10 10 .5 700 500 In sampling the data received from the various regional offices on the number of persons examined in the stenographer and typist examinations, and the number who passed, the 68 Digitized by Google WOM EN WAR WORKERS IN THE CLERICAL FORCES OF THE GOVERNMENT Digitized by Google Digitized by Google following was considered noteworthy and typical of the successful manner in which the various regions met their quotas: Fifth United St11tes Civil Service Region (Tennessee, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida): ' · iix,,,,,;,,,J Ptni,J Junior Typist. . . • . 22,284 12,539 Junior Stenographer. . 10,350 5,467 . 32,634 ToTAL • • • • . • 18,006 Sixth United St11tes Civil Service Region (Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky): Ex,,,,,ineJ Pt1S.t1l Stenographer-Typist . . . • . • . • • . . . . . . 35,000 10,000 (Approximate) Tmth United St11tes Civil Service Region (Texas, Louisiana): Stenographer . Typist . . . . TOTAL • • • • • • • • • • Ex11111ined p_.,.,,tl. . 10,648 . 18,861 3,062 8,445 . 29,509 11,507 Special representatives of the Commission "beat·the bushes" of the countryside. "Itinerant" examiners went into schools, factories, and homes in their search for available stenographers and typists. Appeals were made through the press and over the radio. Business colleges trained students day and night. Patriotic posters set forth a vibrant appeal to girls-VICTORY WAITS ON YOUR FINGERS: KEEP 'EM FLYING, MISS U.S. A. The result of this concerted action brought thousands of war workers to the National Capital. The great majority were girls and women-in fact, the number of girls was so large that national attention became focused on the ''Government girl." Magazines and newspapers featured her. The movies discovered her. Her work, her life in Washington, her ambitions, became public property. The "Government girl" continues to arrive in the National Capital. Many more stories-feature and fiction-will be told about her. Yet there is one unglamorous fact about her that is in danger of being obscured: Her contribution to the job of winning the war is of genuine importance. 69 Digitized by Google A Million Women in The Federal Service-1943 end of the period covered in this study, that is to say, June 30, 1942, about 14,000,000 women workers were on jobs in the United States. Out of this vast resource of womanpower (representing more than one-fourth of the country's total employment), 2,000,000 women were at work in agriculture; 3,000,000 in manufacturing; 400,000 in transportation and public utilities; 800,000 in Government service (Federal, State, and local); 7,000,000 in the retail and wholesale trades, and in the personal, professional, and related services; and 700,000 in miscellaneous employment (mining, construction, business services, amusement, finance, and insurance). Within these various classifications there were 2,500,000 women engaged in actual war work. 1 Millions of additional women will yet find their way into war work-women who, heretofore, have not found it necessary to work . . . married women with and without children . . . women who have retired because they thought themselves too old to work, but now feel that they must return to work in order to do their bit for their country. It was estimated in 1942 that the number of women employed in war industries (Government and private) would reach 3,500,000 by the end of that year, and that another 2,500,000 would be added in 1943, bringing the total number of women in war production up to 6,000,000 by the end of 1943. In the Federal service the total number of women employees is increasing at the rate of 8,000 a week. At the end of 1942 the number of women on Government jobs reached the 600,000 AT THE £1.. • Estimatc:s based on figures compiled by the Women's Bureau, United Statc:s Department of Labor, from other Government sources. 70 Digitized by Google mark. June 30, 1943, the end ·of another Government fiscal year, may find 1,000,000 women working for Uncle Sam. There is little to wonder about in the fact that women have risen in such large numbers to work, march, and even fight, if necessary, with men against the common enemy; for this is a new kind of war-a war so savagely waged on land, by sea, and in the air that its uncertain geographical fronts leave no peaceful hinterland, but expose all the people-men, women and children-constant!y to the danger of sudden attack and possible extermination. In no other war has women's contribution to the freeing 0£ men for military duty, and their participation in the manufacture of munitions, in the planning of strategy, and in the actual defense of our shores, been so widespread and so profound as it has been since the attack on Pearl Harbor. 71 Digitized by Google Digitized by Google Digitized by Google Digitized by Google Digitized by Google og , by(.,oogle