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u z . y . SEASONALITY AND MANPOWER IN CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN 1642 U.S.DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS 1970 Dayton & Montgomery Oo. Public Library SEP 9 1970 SEASONALITY AND MANPOWER IN CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN 1642 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR George P Shultz. Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Geoffrey H. Moore. Commissioner For sale b y the S u p e rin te n d e n t o f D ocu m en ts, U.S. G o v e rn m e n t Printing O ffic e , W a s h in g to n , D .C. 20402 - Price $1.25 PREFACE The Bureau of Labor Statistics has prepared this bulletin on construction manpower problems based on a study of available data, both published and unpublished. Available data concerning employment and unemploy ment, wages, and annual earnings, and mobility of workers in construction are seldom collected, analyzed, and reported in a single study. The purpose of this bulletin is to increase understanding about the problems confronting the industry, to present a basis for developing new policies and programs, and to encourage additional research in the field. Statistical data were drawn from a variety of sources for this report. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estab lishment and household surveys provided the data on employment and unemployment— some of which have not been presented before. To get a more intimate look at the manpower problems confronting the construction in dustry, data covering various construction occupations were obtained from the records of private health, welfare, and pension funds and from the records of the Social Security Administration. To study the relation between weather conditions and fluctuations in employment, data were obtained from the records of the U. S. Weather Bureau. These data are presented for one city in this report to illustrate what type of information can be devel oped from these records. To better understand seasonality in construction studying the weather data for a greater number of cities may prove advantageous, since construction is local in nature. Additional data from the records of the Social Security Administration were not received in time to be in cluded in this report, but will be released later. These data will provide additional information about the pattern of geographic and industrial mobility of construction workers. Seasonality and Manpower in Construction was prepared in cooperation with the Construction Industry Joint Conference (CIJC). Professor John T. Dunlop, of Harvard University, former Impartial Chairman of the CIJC, as sisted the Bureau in acquiring data from private health, welfare and pension funds for this study. The study was prepared in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Office of Manpower and Employment Statistics by Joe L. Russell with assistance from Professor Daniel Quinn Mills of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Michael J. Pilot and David P. Lafayette of the Bureau’s Division of Manpower and Occupational Outlook. CONTENTS Page Chapter: I. II. III. Introduction and summary............................................................................................................... General characteristics of the construction industry....................................................................... Construction employment................................................................................................................. Total employment in construction............................................................................................ Employment by class of worker................................................................................................. Employment by major occupation group.................................................................................... Employment by selected craft occupation.................................................................................. Employment by type of contractor............................................................................................ Contract construction employment by type of worker............................................................... Employment by age....................................................................................................................... Employment of w om en............................................................................................................... Employment by size of contractor............................................................................................... Location of employment............................................................................................................... IV. Seasonal employment............................................................... Seasonality of employment in construction.................................................................................. Seasonal employment by type of contractor............................................................................... Seasonal employment by type and class of worker..................................................................... Seasonal employment by size and location of construction firm................................................ Seasonality and the attachment of workers to contract construction........................................ Factors that influence seasonality............................................................................................... Additional cost of winter work.................................................................................................... V. Unemployment in construction.......................................................................................................... Duration of unemployment by spell of unemployment............................................................. Incidences of unemployment and full extent of time lost.......................................................... Unemployment by age groups.................................................................................................... Unemployment by race.................................................................................................................. Unemployment in construction and the Nation’s labor force..................................................... Unemployment by skill.................................................................................................................. Seasonal unemployment in construction..................................................................................... Seasonal unemployment by skill........................................................................................ Seasonal unemployment by race........................................................................................ Seasonal unemployment by age.......................................................................................... Frictional unemployment............................................................................................................... Part-time employment.................................................................................................................. VI. Earnings............................................................................................................................................... Wage comparisons.......................................................................................................................... Annual income............................................................................................................................... Hourly rates and annual earnings by a re a .................................................................................. VII. Attachment of workers to the contract construction industry and interindustry m obility........... v 1 7 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 24 24 26 27 27 28 28 29 38 38 39 39 40 41 42 43 43 43 44 44 45 54 54 55 56 62 CONTENTS— Continued Page Chapter— Continued VIII. Work experience of individual construction workers over a 12-month period........................... Hours of work............................................................................................................................... Age and hours reported............................................................................................................... 68 69 70 Tables: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Gross national product (GNP) and new construction put in place as a percent of GNP, by type of ownership, 1947—68.......................................................................................................... Private and public construction as a percent of total new construction, 1947—6 8 ........................ Residential and nonresidential buildings construction as a percent of total private expenditures on new construction, 1947—68 ..................................................................................................... Percent distribution of new public construction put in place, by type of ownership, 1947—68. . Percent of total, direct, and indirect output of selected industries attributable to new construction and maintenance and repair construction, 1958 ..................................................... Impact of decline in private nonfarm residential new housing units and commercial construction expenditures on selected industry output, first to third quarter, 1966................... Distribution of man-hours per $1,000 of contract cost, by major types of construction, industry, and occupation, 1959—62............................................................................................... Percent distribution of employment in construction, by class of workers, 1950—68..................... Percent distribution of employed persons, by major occupation group in construction, 1958-68.......................................................................................................................................... Employment by selected craft occupation in construction, 1950 and 1960 .................................. Employment by type of contractor as a percent of total contract construction employment, 1945-68......................................................................................................................................... Wage and salary employment in the operative builders industry, 1958—68 ................................... Wage and salary employment in contract construction by type of contractor and worker, 1968 ............................................................................................................................................... Construction workers as a percent of total employment, by type of contractor, 1947—68........... Employment of wage and salary workers in contract construction, by type of worker and percent change, 1947—6 8 ................................................................................................................. Percent distribution of age and median age of all employed males and males employed in construction, 1950 and 1960 ....................................................................................................... Percent distribution of median age and proportion of employed males, 45 years of age and over, selected building trades, 1950 and 1960 ............................................................................. Average number of employees per reporting unit, selected years.................................................. Percent distribution of firms by number of employees in contract construction, selected years. . Percent distribution of employment in contract construction and manufacturing, by region and State, selected years............................................................................................................... Measures of seasonality in contract construction, 1947—68 .......................................................... Cyclical and seasonal employment change in contract construction, all employees and construction workers, 1947—68 ..................................................................................................... Contract construction employment in February and August as a percent of the annual average, by region, selected years.................................................................................................. Seasonal adjustment factors for wage and salary workers, February and August, and percent change, by type of contractor, 1968 ............................................................................................... VI 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 23 31 31 31 32 CONTENTS— Continued Page Tables— Continued 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Employment in contract construction as a percent of the annual average employment, February and August, selected years.......................................................................................... Index of seasonal variation in monthly employment in construction and for carpenters, construction craftsmen (except carpenters), and construction laborers, 1960 and 1968 ........... Seasonal adjustment factors for wage and salary workers, by class of workers in contract construction, February and August, 1948—68 ............................................................................. Employment in construction by class of worker, percent change from first quarter (January, February, March) to third quarter (July, August, September), 1962—68 ................................... Employment in construction by selected occupational group, percent change from first quarter (January, February, March) to third quarter (July, August, September), 1962—66 .................. Seasonal adjustment factors for contract construction employment by type and size of contractor and region, February and August, 1968 ..................................................................... Seasonal adjustment factors for employment in the contract construction industry, by State, February and August, selected years............................................................................................ Percent distribution of employees by estimated quarters of work for selected industries, 1964 . . Percent distribution of employees of general building contractors by quarters of work, by region, 1964 ................................................................................................................................. Percent distribuiton of employees of general building contractors, by estimated quarters of work, by age, 1964 ....................................................................................................................... Percent distribution of employees of general building contractors, by estimated quarters of work, by race, 1964 .................................................................................................................... Unemployment rates of private wage and salary workers, nonagricultural industries as a whole and construction, February and August, 1964—68 and annual average, 1948—68 ........... Employment and unemployment of male job changers, by industry of longest job, 1961........... Incidence, recurrent spells, and extent of unemployment of nonagricultural wage and salary workers as a percent of total wage and salary workers having work experience, by industry of longest job, 1968 ....................................................................................................... Average duration of each spell of unemployment for male wage and salary workers by weeks, selected industries, 1960—68 ......................................................................................................... Percent distribution of unemployed male wage and salary workers in construction by duration of unemployment, by month, 1968 ............................................................................................ Work experience and extent of unemployment of nonagricultural wage and salary workers 16 years and older, by industry of longest job, 1968 ............................................................... Percent distribution of employed and experienced unemployed male wage and salary workers in construction, by age, annual averages, 1963—68 ..................................................................... Male teenagers as a percent of employed and experienced unemployed wage and salary workers, all industries and construction, by selected time periods, 1963—68 ............................. Unemployment rates of male wage and salary workers all industries and construction, by selected time periods, 1963—68 .................................................................................................... Unemployment rates of males by race and selected occupations, annual averages, 1963—6 8 . . . . Distribuiton of employed and experienced unemployed males, by race and selected occupation, 1968 ............................................................................................................................................... Number of carpenters and construction craftsmen (except carpenters) employed in construction and in all other industries, annual averages, 1963—66 ............................................................... Percent distribution of Negro males as a proportion of total males in construction and selected occupation, by employment status, 1963—68 ............................................................................. vi I 32 33 33 34 34 34 35 36 36 37 37 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 49 CONTENTS— Continued Page Tables— Continued 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. Unemployment rates for selected occupations, February and August, 1964—68, and annual averages, 1957—68 50 Work experience and extent of unemployment of persons 16 years of age and over, by selected occupation of longest job, 1968 ..................................................................................... 50 Incidence, recurrent spells, and extent of unemployment of persons 16 years of age and over as a percent of total with experience by selected occupation of longest job, 1968 . . . . 51 Percent distribution of weeks worked by male wage and salary workers in the experienced civilian labor force, by selected occupation, 1959 ........................................................................ 51 Experienced unemployed private wage and salary workers in construction, monthly and annual averages, 1948—68 ............................................................................................................. 52 Seasonal adjustment factors for experienced unemployed private wage and salary workers in construction, by month, 1948—68 ........................................................................................... 52 Unemployment construction laborers as a percent of all unemployed wage and salary workers in construction, 1958—68 ............................................................................................................. 52 Percent distribution of males by reason for leaving jobs, by industry group, 1955 and 1961 . . . 53 Percent distribuiton of nonagricultural wage and salary workers, by full- or part-time status, by industry, 1968 .......................................................................................................................... 53 Percent distribution of male wage and salary workers, by race, full- or part-time status, 1968 . . 53 Average weekly earnings and wage relatives of construction and production workers in contract construction and selected industries, 1947—68 ............................................................................. 57 Average hourly earnings and wage relatives of construction and production workers in contract construction and selected industries, 1947—68 ............................................................................. 57 Gross earnings and hours of production workers, by selected industry, 1968................................ 58 Wage relatives for selected building crafts in contract construction and basic steel (basic union hourly wage rates), July 1 of each year, 1947—68 ..................................................................... 58 Straight-time average hourly earnings in maintenance work and union scales in building construction, 3 trades in 50 areas, 1965—66 ............................................................................... 59 Differences between union construction scales and straight-time average hourly earnings of maintenance workers, 3 trades in selected metropolitan areas, 1955 and 1966........................... 60 Cumulative percent distributions of total reported earnings of employees reporting most of their income in 1964 from selected construction industries, by selected earnings intervals. . . . 60 Estimated total average (mean) annual earnings of workers with any earnings reported and of those workers with most of their earnings reported from selected construction industries, by region, 1964............................................................................................................ 61 Average number of 2-digit industry groups in which male wage and salary workers were employed in specific industry division, 1962 ............................................................................... 64 Percent of male wage and salary workers who had a different industry of major job in 1960 than in 1957, by industry, of major job in 1957 ....................................................................... 64 Percent distribution of male wage and salary workers in contract construction in 1960 who were employed in other industries in 1957, by industry of major job in 1957 ................ 64 Percent of male wage and salary workers who worked for more than 1 employer in 1962, by industry of major jo b ............................................................................... ............................... 64 Percent distribution of male wage and salary workers with major job in a different industry in 1960 and 1957, by industry.................................................................................................... 65 Percent of male wage and salary workers who were employed in the same industry in 1957 and 1960, by age in 1960, race, and industry of major jo b ........................................................ 65 viii CONTENTS— Continued Page Tables— Continued 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. Percent of male wage and salary workers employed in contract construction in 1960, by industry of major job in 1957, age in 1960, and ra ce ............................................................... Proportion of multiemployer male wage and salary workers who were multi-industry workers, by industry of major job in 1962.................................................................................................. Percent distribution of all and 4-quarter workers, by number of employers, selected industries, 1964............................................................................................................................... Proportion of all workers reporting earnings in selected industries who reported the major share of their earnings in the selected industries, 1957............................................................... Average number of hours worked in 12-month period for workers whoworked in January and for those who did not work in January, by selected constructionoccupation in 3 cities . . . . Average number of hours worked in a 12-month period for all workers and those with 700 hours or more of work, by selected construction occupations in 4 areas.................................. Percent of employees reporting fewer than 400 and more than 1,800 hours in a 12-month period by selected construction occupation in 4 areas............................................................... Percentage of construction workers with hours of work reported for a 12-month period, by selected construction occupation and hours intervals in 4 areas................................................... Percent of employees reporting more than 1,000, 1,400, and 1,800 hours of work in a 12-month period in southern California, and Detroit, by selected occupation and age intervals.................................................................................................................................... 66 66 67 67 71 71 71 72 72 Charts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Construction seasonality and unemployment rate, 1957—68 .......................................................... 25 Chill factor for selected wind speeds.................................................................................................. 108 Wind chill - diurnal variation..................................................................................................................108 Annual March of wind chill selected cities.......................................................................................... 108 Appendixes: A. B. C. D. Special survey of manpower utilization............................................................................................. 73 The measurement of seasonal unemployment in 1968........................................................................197 Measuring the effect of weather on employment in contract construction........................................ 102 The effect of weather on construction operations............................................................................. 107 E. Weather records.................................................................................................................................... 119 F. Description of social security data and method of estimating wages................................................ 127 G..................................................................................................................................................................... 132 CHAPTER I. IN T R O D U C T IO N A N D S U M M A R Y Construction manpower problems have perplexed national policy makers for years. Unemployment rates for construction workers are relatively high. From 1960 to 1968, for example, the unemployment rate for private wage and salary workers in construction averaged 11.1 percent, compared with a rate of 5.2 percent for all private wage and salary workers. Even at its seasonal low the unemployment rate for the industry usually is much higher than the rate for other industries. Paradoxically, each summer brings complaints of labor shortages from contrac tors, and the volume of complaints increases as the pace of aggregate economic activity quickens. A surplus of contruction manpower often exists in one locality, while a shortage is apparent in another. Unlike a manufactur ing concern that can locate in an area with available manpower, a contractor must either bring his workers to the building site or find new workers in the area. Shortages of construction labor often are found in an area where there have been relatively few opportunities for these workers in the recent past. When construction activity de creases in a locality, construction workers move to other localities or take jobs in other local industries. Collective agreements in construction are said to be pacesetters for wage settlements throughout the country. Arguments for an hourly wage differential for construction workers are based on the fact that construction workers generally experience higher rates of unemployment than workers in most other industries. These high rates of un employment are due to the seasonal nature of the work and other characteristics of the industry. The regional mobility required of construction workers presents an additional hardship to the industry’s labor force. The argu ment is that the wage differential is necessary to insure that a construction labor force will be available with the right skills at the right time and in the right place. Construction plays a vital role in the American economy: — Construction activity, including maintenance and repair activity, made up nearly 14 percent of gross na tional product in 1968. — Construction represents at least two-thirds of the market for five industries and at least one-sixth of the market for 12 additional industries. — In the post-World War II period, construction as a portion of GNP has declined slowly. — Public construction activity has grown faster than private construction activity. The following information points out the size and changing composition of construction employment. Annual average employment in construction was 4.6 million in 1968, more than 25 percent above the level of 3.6 million in 1950. After rising rapidly in the early 1950’s, employment has remained on a narrow plateau between 1964 and 1968 (4.5 and 4.6 million). — Private wage and salary workers have remained at about 70 percent of total employment in construction since 1950. — Government workers as a proportion of total construction employment increased between 1950 and 1968 from 10 to 13 percent, while the proportion of self-employed and unpaid family workers fell from 20 to 15 percent. 1 — Woman, primarily office workers, make up a very small but stable proportion of employment in construction— about 5 percent. — Blue-collar workers (craftsmen, operatives, and laborers) account for about four-fifths of construction employment. Operatives as a proportion of total employment have increased slightly, and laborers have declined. — The median age of male employees in construction was approximately the same as for all employed male workers in 1960— 40.8 and 40.6, respectively. Seven of eleven building trades for which compar able data were available experienced an increase in median age between 1950 and 1960, while the median age for all workers remained virtually unchanged. — Of all workers employed in contract construction, almost one-half are employed by special trades contrac tors, about one-third by building construction general contractors, and the remainder by heavy construction general contractors. — The proportion of employment in contract construction accounted for by heavy and special trades contractors grew between 1947 and 1968 from almost 62 to nearly 70 percent, while the proportion employed by general building trades contractors fell from about 38 to 30 percent. — The proportion of employment in contract construction in the Northeastern and North Central States has declined steadily, while the proportion has grown in the Southern and far Western States. In 1939, about 57 percent of employment (measured by annual average) was located in States north of the Mason-Dixon line and east of the Mountain States; by 1968, the proportion had dropped to 49 percent. During the same period, employment in the South Atlantic States (notably Florida) increased from 15.3 percent of the national total to 17.8 percent. Employment in the Mountain and Pacific States rose from 12.5 to 15.9 percent. These shifts are similar to those of the population shifts during the same period. — The majority of construction firms are small. About 55 percent of the firms in contract construction have three or fewer employees, only about 3 percent have 50 employees or more. The unemployment rate for the construction work force is normally the highest of any major industry division: — Although the unemployment rate for construction dropped in the 1960’s, it averaged 6.9 percent in 1968, nearly twice the rate for all nonagricultural industries. — In 1968,24 percent of the workers in construction experienced some unemployment, in comparison with 13 percent of the workers in manufacturing and 12 percent in nonagricultural industries as a whole. — Construction workers are more likely to experience repeated spells of unemployment than workers in other industries. A 3-time higher proportion of construction workers had two spells or more of unemployment in 1968 than nonagricultural workers in general. — The rate of work losses lasting 15 weeks or more was about 2Vi times as great in construction as in manufac turing in 1968. — The male teenage (16-19 year-olds) unemployment rate is higher in construction than in all industries as a group. In the summer of 1968, the unemployment rate for male teenagers in construction was 10.6 per cent, compared with 8.5 percent for such workers in all other industries. — However, the contribution of teenagers to the construction unemployment rate is often less than in other in dustries, even during the summer months. In the summer of 1968,4.6 percent of the male construction work force was unemployed; excluding teenagers, the rate was 3.9 percent. For the same period, the unemploy ment rate for all other industries as a group was 2.7 percent; 2.2 percent without teenagers. 2 — Workers other than white (primarily Negroes) experience significantly higher unemployment rates in con struction. This is mainly because Negroes that experience a high unemployment rate are concentrated in the lowskill jobs. — Laborers face the most serious unemployment problem in construction, as in other industries, and they make up a higher proportion of employment in construction than in any other major industry. In 1968, for example, the unemployment rate for construction laborers was 11.4 percent, compared with 5.6 percent for all males in construction. The unemployment problem in construction is aggravated by continuing shifts in the composition and the geo graphic location of construction activity. — When residential construction activity declines, for example, workers in certain occupations are released in large numbers but many of them have difficulty obtaining work in nonresidential construction. On the other hand, for some occupations, enough workers may not be released to meet growing requirements in nonresi dential construction, largely because of the different occupational patterns in residential compared with non residential construction activity. This difference contributes, along with changing levels of construction activity, to the coexistence of geographic pockets of unemployment and labor shortages. An estimated one-third or more of total unemployment in construction during a year can be considered seasonal unemployment. — Unemployment in construction will not be eliminated by eliminating seasonal unemployment mainly because of the work time lost by workers as one job ends and another begins. Seasonal fluctuations of both unemployment and employment in construction are large. — Employment increases about 30 percent from winter lows to summer highs, while unemployment typically de clines 50 percent or more. In 1965, a year of rising construction activity, wage and salary employment rose by 1 million (from 3.3 to 4.3 million) between February and August, while unemployment dropped from about 650,000 to 250,000. Seasonal fluctuations are a major characteristic of contract construction employment. — In the 1960’s, employment of workers in contract construction (private wage and salary workers only) has averaged about 30 percent higher in August (the month of highest employment) than in February (the month of lowest employment). — Annual average employment in contract construction has varied relatively little compared with seasonal em ployment fluctuations. The year-to-year change in contract construction employment has not exceeded 5 percent since 1960. — Seasonal employment fluctuations vary considerably by type of contractor. It is greatest for highway and street contractors, least for special trades contractors. — The extent of seasonal fluctuations in employment tend to be less in large construction firms than in small firms. It also varies by type of construction and geographic location. This pattern has shown little or no change since 1960. — Construction laborers experience a greater degree of seasonal unemployment than craftsmen. Unemployment rates for construction laborers are much higher than for craftsmen in winter and decline at a slower rate through the spring and summer. To a very large degree, construction unemployment in the peak building period is a problem of the unskilled. 3 — The unemployment rate for Negroes generally has exhibited a lesser seasonal swing than that for whites, because they are concentrated mainly in occupations such as laborers, that have high unemployment rates thorughout the year. — The amplitude of the seasonal swing in employment is generally less in the South and West, presumably because of less severe weather conditions. However, construction workers in the South and West appear to have a weaker attachment to the industry in the course of a year— a greater tendency to work in construction less than four quarters— than those located in other areas of the country. — A substantial reduction in seasonal employment took place prior to World War II. In 1929, the range in con tract construction employment between February and August as a percent of annual average employment in the industry was about 55 percentage points. By 1939 and 1940, this range had declined to about 34 percentage points. Since 1947, the spread has fluctuated between 18 and 33 percentage points. The absence of any observable significant change in seasonality of construction employment since 1947 is particularly surprising because a number of factors have been working to reduce seasonality such as the following: — Shift in regional distribution of employment in favor of regions with less severe seasonal fluctuations. — Shift in the composition of construction activity in favor of less seasonal components (e.g., increasing pro portion of electrical and mechanical work). — Trend towards a higher proportion of workers in contract construction, including professional and clerical workers, who are not directly engaged in building and construction operations. — Continuing flow of technological developments that facilitate winter building. — Increased capacity for planning as firms have grown larger (in terms of the value of work undertaken). — Diminishing importance of social and institutional practices that encourage seasonal fluctuations in employment. For example, the greater geographic mobility of the population, which takes place year round, has reduced the importance of the renting season. Also, the use of special permits to overcome code restrictions that limit work in cold weather has increased. Factors, however, that tend to increase seasonality are: — The use of planning techniques to complete more work during favorable weather periods, rather than as a tool to neutralize the effects of harsh weather. — Increasing seasonal fluctuations in the value of contracts let. — Changes in institutional practices that may inhibit winter work; e.g., penalty pay provisions covering em ployees who fail to receive a minimum number of hours of work each week may tend to induce con tractors to suspend work for a longer period than otherwise. A special analysis of weather and construction activity in Chicago between 1958 and 1964 indicates that the in dustry’s expectation of normal seasonal weather conditions has more influence on activity and employment than the actual weather conditions for a particular period of time. — The industry appears to anticipate bad weather and schedules less work. Yet, when unusually severe weather appears, the construction activity curtailed is less than would be expected. Hourly wage rates for construction workers are high in comparison with workers in other industries. However, while some workers in contract construction earn high annual incomes, average annual earnings in contract construction are below those of workers in many of the high-wage manufacturing industries. 4 Average hourly wage differentials between construction and production workers in some high-wage industries have been increasing in recent years. However, little change has occurred in the wage differentials between some craft occupations in contract construction and the same crafts in some other high-wage industries. — Average hourly earnings of construction workers in contract construction were 8 percent higher than those of production workers in basic steel in 1948 and 17 percent higher in 1968. Most of this increased differential has occurred since 1964. — On the other hand, comparisons of union basic hourly rates in contract construction and basic steel (national averages) for each of seven crafts 1948-68, indicate little change in the size of the differentials in hourly rates. Although some construction workers earn high annual incomes, the average annual earnings in contract construction are below those of workers in many of the high-wage manufacturing industries. — In 1964, the estimated average annual earnings (total earnings of workers employed in all four quarters of the year, by industry of major source of income) of wage and salary workers employed in contract construction were $6,945, compared with $7,814 for wage and salary workers employed in the motor vehicles and equip ment industry and $8,447 for wage and salary workers employed in petroleum refining and related industries. — High earnings tend to be associated with year-round work. Of all workers who earned most of their income from general contractors in 1964,45 percent earned less than $3,000, and 9 percent earned $9,000 or more. For those workers who earned most of their income in construction and were employed in all four quarters during the year, only 19 percent earned less than $3,000 and 15 percent earned $9,000 or more. — Construction operations, in which seasonality plays an important role, tend to have a lower proportion of workers with high earnings. Eight percent of the workers who received most of their income from masonry contractors in 1964 earned $9,000 or more, compared with 19 percent of those employed by plumbing, heating and air-conditioning contractors. (The average hourly union wage scale for bricklayers and plumbers on July 1, 1964, were $4.72 and $4.70, respectively.) 1 Crafts workers in construction generally have higher average hourly earnings than the same craft workers in main tenance activities. Hovever, wage differentials vary greatly by area. — The average hourly union scales of carpenters in construction were 73 percent higher than average hourly earn ings of maintenance carpenters in New York City, and only 11 percent higher in Richmond, Va., in 1965-66. The basic wage differential in favor of construction workers appears to reflect in part the less favorable working con ditions in the industry and their effects on the supply and demand of workers. Working conditions in construction include: — Large amounts of seasonal and intermittent employment. — More hazardous working conditions. — Greater mobility requirements. — Lower fringe benefits, especially of a noncompensation nature (for example, job security provisions). The seasonal nature of the construction industry, together with the inherently intermittent nature of con struction activity, has helped produce a labor force of which a large portion shifts frequently. 1 Union Wages and Hours: Building Trades, July 1, 1964, and Trend 1907-64, BLS Bulletin 1432, February 1965, p. 9. 5 Construction workers have higher industry and employer mobility than most other workers. Construction workers are: — Twice as likely to work in more than one major industry in the course of a year than workers in manu facturing as a whole. — About one-quarter more likely to have changed industries over a 3-year period than workers in all other nonagricultural industries (according to data for 1957-60). — Most of the workers who entered contract construction from other industries over the 3-year period 1957-60 came from manufacturing. Similarly, most of the workers who left contract construction over the same period moved into manufacturing employment. — Almost twice as likely to work for more than one employer in the course of the year. Construction draws substantial numbers of workers from outside the labor force when construction activity increases, and many construction workers move to other industries when construction jobs decline. — As construction employment rises on average by 700,000 to 850,000 from winter to summer, unemployment typically declines about by 200,000 to 300,000. The 400,000 to 650,000 net increase in the construction labor force is made up of workers from other industries, youth who work during school vacations, and other persons from outside the labor force. Seasonality and intermittency have been important factors limiting the annual hours of work of construction workers. A special analysis of data obtained from private health, welfare, and pension funds covering workers in 13 con struction occupations in Omaha, Milwaukee, Detroit, and southern California provides the following information on the work patterns of construction workers. The data reflect experience in areas of both severe and mild winter weather. However, this is not a description of the total work experience of these construction crafts men since these data refer only to work done under the jurisdiction of collective bargaining agreements. The average annual number of hours of work reported was low for all construction occupations in all areas. — The majority of workers in all the individual construction occupations had fewer than 1,300 hours or work reported during the 12-month period. — The majority of workers in most of the construction occupations worked fewer than 1,200 hours in the 12month period reported; operating engineers were an exception in both California and Detroit. Laborers in Milwaukee, on the average, had the fewest hours reported (590), while operating engineers in southern Cali fornia had the most hours (1,284). However, in none of the four areas did more than 15 percent of all the laborers or 36 percent of all the operating engineers work more than 1,800 hours in the 12-month period reported. — “ Short-hours” workers made up at least 25 percent of all the workers in each of the occupations in the four areas for which data were obtained, and the proportion was as high as 68 percent for some occupations in two areas. (For discussion purposes only, short-hour workers in this analysis arbitrarily were considered to be those who worked fewer than 700 hours in the 12-month period reported.) — Short-hours workers were a major factor in the low average number of hours of work reported. The median number of hours of work reported for all workers in all occupations was 998. By excluding short-hours workers (those working fewer than 700 hours) the median number of hours reported rose to 1,535, which was still below that of a full work year of 2,000 hours. — Workers between the ages of 30 and 44 generally have a greater likelihood for a full year’s work than younger or older workers. In Detroit, for example, 27 percent of the bricklayers between the ages of 30 and 44 reported more than 1,800 hours of work during the 12-month period. Only 11 percent of the bricklayers less than 30 years old and 18 percent of those 45 years old or older reported 1,800 hours of work. 6 CHAPTER II. G E N ER A L C H A R A C TE R ISTIC S OF TH E CO NSTRUCTIO N IN D U S TR Y While construction is one of the most important industries in the country, it exhibits characteristics that are not typically associated with large industry. The role of the contractor in designing his product to meet-market needs is unlike that of most enterpreneurs in other industries, in that it is the buyer who comes to the contractor and specifies what he wants produced. The industry is fragmented; a large number of firms operate in local markets. Only a few large firms, primarily in highway and heavy construction, are found operating over large geographic areas. The labor market is also local in nature, with a variety of distinct crafts supplying workers. Small scale production units and a locally-oriented labor force are significant elements of the manpower situation in construction. Construction supports a wide variety of raw materials, manufacturing, transportation, and distribution indus tries. The industry utilizes great amounts of earthmoving machinery and equipment in road and other types of heavy construction. Lumber and other wood products are utilized extensively, particularly in residential construc tion. A wide range of metal products is used in all types of construction, as well as great quantities of a variety of natural products; such as stone, sand, and gravel. The location of construction work is constantly changing. Because the location changes, the project has a limited life, and employment is temporary. The relationship between employer and employee is often casual and a general understanding exists that employment can be terminated by either party at any time. A worker’s job security is usually competence in a recognized trade, not seniority or other preferential status. Finding a job in construction is a relatively simple matter when construction activity is high. Some projects usually are starting as others are finishing, and some contractors are hiring as others are laying off. Time off for the worker between jobs may be long or short depending upon the amount of construction in the area. Seasonal un employment, however, is ever present in certain trades, even in years of high construction activity. As the rate of activity declines between November and March, workers are being hired for new projects at a slower rate than other workers are being laid off from projects approaching completion. From late fall until early spring, lost time between layoffs and new jobs may be considerable even when activity in an area is high. Workers ordinarily are hired by a foreman who selects applicants either at the job site or by contacting the office of union locals who represent the needed crafts. The worker is subject to being laid off at any time either perma nently (as the work for which he was hired approaches completion) or temporarily, with instructions to return at a stated time. The workman, of course, is also free to quit his job at any time for any reason— for example, to take a job closer to home, a job likely to continue for several months, a job expected to provide more weekly hours of work, greater overtime, or better protection from weather. For many construction workers all work is done outdoors. For almost all trades, much work is in unfinished buildings or other structures. Workers may be exposed to all kinds of weather, including freezing temperatures, snow, hail, and sleet. Workers usually are paid on an hourly basis, with no pay for time off because of sickness or personal business. Lost time because of bad weather or other reasons beyond the workers’ control also means loss of pay. A construction worker may migrate to an area with better long-term employment prospects. For a union member, such a move involves transfer of membership. Like other unions, building trades unions are organized 7 through chapters known as locals, each having jurisdiction over a designated geographical area. A member moving elsewhere usually can exchange his membership card for a card in a local at his new location. Thereafter, he is a member in the new local; should he return to his previous place of work, he must obtain another transfer. A construction worker usually leaves an area as a matter of choice, although there are exceptions. When a construction project is undertaken in a distant community or an isolated locality, comparatively few of the needed workers may live within reasonable commuting distance. When general construction activity is high, employers have difficulty in manning isolated construction projects. When general construction activity is fair or poor, men with family responsibilities must choose between the prospect of intermittent unemployment at home or perhaps a steady job in a distant or isolated community. Thus, the work environment of a construction worker is unique in many ways. It is an environment of change. Construction work is accepted as temporary. A worker’s security is based on his personal competence and the amount of construction activity in the area. For the most part he must work in harsh weather and at sites that continually change. He is subject to sudden layoff on a temporary or permanent basis, with all the attendant effects of loss of income. He may face the prospects of having to dissolve community relationships and leave an area to seek oppor tunity elsewhere. The construction industry is an important American industry. A measure of the industry’s contribution to the Nation’s economic well-being can be illustrated in several different ways: Its proportion of gross national product; its relation to a host of secondary industries; and the effect that shifts in the composition of construction have on man power requirements. New construction put in place accounts for a considerable share of the market value of the goods and services produced in this country eacy year. In 1968, it amounted to nearly $85 billion2 or 9.8 percent of the gross national product (GNP). (See table 1 and appendix table G-l.) The ratio of construction expenditures to GNP has shown some tendency to fluctuate in the post-war period, with a high of 11.7 percent in 1955. Since 1955, however, the proportion of the GNP devoted to construction 3 has declined slowly. The decline has taken place in the private construction sector, which at 6.4 percent of GNP in cur rent dollars in 1967 was at its lowest level in the post-war era. Public construction generally maintained its share of the Nation’s total output of goods and services. (See table 1.) In 1947, private construction accounted for 83 percent of total new construction activity (t»bh 2). By 1967, the relative share of private construction had fallen to 66 percent all new construction activity. Changes in the composition of construction also have taken place within the private construction sector. Res idential construction expanded through the early post-World War II period to a peak in 1955, but declined sharply through 1957; another short period of expansion peaked in 1959, and a third, in 1963. Residential construction as a proportion of all private construction dropped from a high of 68 percent in 1950 to less than 50 percent in 1966 and 1967, but rebounded in 1968. These movements in residential construction reflect the housing booms of the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, and the subsequent slowdown in housing construction. Private nonresidential and public construction expenditures have more than offset declines in private residential activity, thus providing the underlying stability of the industry in the post-war economy. (See table 3 and appendix table G -l.) Examination of the public sector’s share of new construction put in place also shows the shifting relative im portance of expenditures by the different government sectors— Federal, State, and local. Direct Federal govern ment outlays as a percent of new public construction increased from 25 percent in 1947 to almost 40 percent in 2 However, the value of total construction activity— new work and maintenance and repair— is estimated at $110 billion for 1968. Expenditures for maintenance and repair have increased from $10.4 billion in 1947 to $20.5 billion in 1963 and are estimated for 1968 at about $25 billion. 3 The decline has been greater when measured in constant dollar terms, indicating a somewhat more rapid escalation of prices in construction than in other sectors of the economy. 8 1952. (See table 4.) This rapid rise can be attributed to a tremendous surge in the construction of federally owned industrial buildings and related facilities during the Korean War, and to a suddent increase in expenditures for new military facilities after 1950 4 Since 1952, however, the portion of the total value of new construction put in place that is federally owned ebbed to a low of about 13 percent in 1968. State and local governments, on the other hand, accounted for more than 87 percent of new public construction in 1967— up from 75 percent in 1947 and 61 percent in 1952 (table 4). New educational buildings and highway construction have been the major factors in the State and local governments’ growth in construction expenditures. (See appendix table G -l.) The changing composition of construction activity over the post-World War II period has been accompanied by important shifts in the geographic location and craft requirements of construction. When residential construction activity declines, for example, workers in certain occupations are released in large numbers, and many of these work ers have difficulty obtaining work in nonresidential construction. However, enough workers may not be released in some occupations to meet the requirements in nonresidential construction if this activity is growing, largely because of the different occupational patterns in residential compared with nonresidential construction activity.5 The changing pattern of construction demand also has produced geographic pockets of unemployment and corresponding areas with manpower shortages. Since neither contractors nor workers are perfectly mobile6 and since neither skills nor equipment are perfectly transferable from one activity to another, adjustment difficulties have been persistent. When construction activity has declined, workers have experienced more frequent and longer periods of unemployment. Under these circumstances, training authorities often are reluctant to expand apprenticeship op portunities, and pension and welfare funds have been plagued with financial difficulties. Conversely, rapid expan sions in building activity have left contractors unable to fill job crews. Furthermore, the continual shifts from boom to bust has burdened management with the costs of repeatedly establishing and dismantling organizations. Construction activity influences the output of many other industries because of its need for a wide variety of products and services. In 1958, new construction and maintenance and repair construction expenditures combined accounted for between two-thirds and four-fifths of the total output of the following industries: Stone and clay mining and quarrying (73.4); lumber and wood products, except containers (66.0); paints and allied products (66.0); stone and clay products (75.2); and heating, plumbing and structural metal products (79.0). Between one-sixth and one-half of the output of 12 additional industries could be attributed to construction activity in 1958. (See table 5.) The kinds and relative amounts of materials and services used vary widely by type of construction. For example, in 1958, the primary iron and steel manufacturing industry— a major supplier to construction— supplied 53 cents worth of materials for every dollar of new gas and petroleum pipe lines construction, and 7 cents worth of materials for every dollar of construction of one- to four-family dwellings. The requirements for lumber and wood products were 19 cents per dollar spent for one- to four-family dwellings; 9 cents for heating, plumbing, and structural metal products; 15 cents for wholesale and retail trade; and 11 cents for stone and clay products.7 The slump in housing and commercial building in 1966 illustrates well the impact of construction activity on other industries. From the first to the third quarter of 1966, the seasonally adjusted annual rate of expenditures for private nonfarm residential construction declined 17 percent (in constant dollar terms); similarly, the annual rate for 4 In 1950, direct Federal outlays, in current dollar terms, for new industrial construction amounted to $225 million. Such expenditures averaged almost $1.5 billion over the 1951-54 period, but dropped to $720 million in 1955 and to about $400 million in 1967. Federal expenditures for new construction of military facilities jumped from more than $175 million in 1950 to nearly $1.4 billion in 1952, remaining above $1 billion in current dollar terms until 1964. In 1967, such expenditures totaled about $720 million. 5 Hournstine, E. Jay, Compensatory Public Works Programmes and Full E m ploym ent, Geneva: International Labour Office, 1956, pp. 4-8. 6 The mobility of construction craftsmen involves not only a geographic dimension, but also craft, contractor (and branch of the industry), intracraft and union— nonunion dimensions as well. Geographic mobility includes movement within a metropolitan area, as well as larger geographic areas. Increasing home ownership, among other things, may have caused the interarea mobility of construction workers to decline in recent years. The increased number of automobilies and super-highways have, on the other hand, increased intraarea mobility. 7 The data for discussion in this paragraph and the following paragraph are taken from an article by Norman Frumkin, “Con struction Activity in the 1958 Input-Output Study,” Survey o f Current Business, May 1965, pp. 13-24. 9 commercial building dropped 20 percent. Commercial building activity accounted for slightly more than 40 percent of total construction activity. Over the same period, the output of the lumber and wood products industry dropped about 5 percent. Six other industries whose output declined by more than 1 percent were stone, clay, and glass products (3.5), fabricated metal products (2.2), stone and earth minerals (1.9), iron and steel (1.4), metal mining (1.4), and nonferrous metal products (1.2.) (See table 6.) The manpower generating effects of construction activity also are substantial and differ by type of construction. About 115 workers were employed for 1 year for every $1 million of expenditures for new construction activity in 1962. 8 The construction industry itself accounted for slightly less than half the jobs; the remainder were generated in other industries such as manufacturing, mining, and transportation. In 1962, the value of total new construction put in place was nearly 60 billion in current dollars, accounting for about 7 million jobs (onsite and offsite), or onetenth of total employment in the economy. Labor requirements by type of construction activity ranged from a high of 236 man-hours of employment for each $1000 of public housing construction to a low of 204 man-hours of em ployment for each $1000 of private one-family housing construction? (See table 7.) 8 Claiborne M. Ball, “Employment Effects of Construction Expenditures,” M onthly Labor Review, February 1965. To pro vide data on the employment-generating effects of construction expenditures, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has a continuing study program of labor and material requirements for various types of construction. Mr. Ball’s article compares the labor requirements for the various types of construction activity studied. 9 The lower man-hour requirements for private one-family housing are for the most part attributed to the large portion of total costs for overhead and profits. Also, because private housing data refers to construction price (which includes selling and other spec ulative costs) rather than construction contract cost, it may not be entirely comparable with the $1,000 of construction contract cost used for measuring the cost of other types of construction. The slight variations that exist between the various types of construction man-hour requirements are attributable mainly to architectural or engineering design, materials and equipment used; onsite distribu tion of skills; price and wage levels; and the amount of overhead and profits. Average hourly earnings of construction workers in creased by 13 percent from 1959, when the earliest surveys used in table 7 were made, to 1962, when the latest was made. 10 T ab le 1. G ro ss n a tio n a l p ro d u c t (G N P) and new c o n s tru c tio n p u t in p la c e as a p e rc e n t of G N P, b y type of o w n e rsh ip , 1947—68 New c o n s tru c tio n p u t in p la c e a s p e rc e n t of G N P GNP P u b lic Y ear (in Owne r s hip b illio n s ] T o ta l P riv a te T o ta l and F e d e ra l S tate lo c a l 1Q47 $231. 3 1948____________________ 257. 6 1040 256. 5 1050 284. 8 1951------------------------------ 328. 4 1952------------------------------ 345. 5 1053 364. 6 1 054 __ . .... . 364. 8 1955____________________ 398. 0 1956____________________ 419. 2 1957____________________ 441. 1 1958 447. 3 1959 _ _ .... _ 483. 7 1 9 6 0 ____________________ 503. 7 1 9 6 1 ____________________ 520. 1 1 9 6 2 ____________________ 560. 3 1963____________________ 590. 5 1964____________________ 632. 4 1965____________________ 684. 9 1966____________________ 747. 6 1967____________________ 789. 7 1 9 6 8 _________________ 1 __ 860. 7 to ta ls . .7 .1 10. 4 11. 8 10. 8 10. 7 10. 7 1 1. 3 11. 7 1 l. 4 1 1. 1 11. 2 1 1. 4 10. 7 10. 7 10. 6 10. 7 10. 5 10. 6 10. 0 9 .6 9. 8 8 10 7. 2 .3 . 9. 4 8. 0 7. 5 7. 7 8. 1 8. 7 8. 3 8. 0 7. 8 8. 1 7. 6 7. 4 7. 5 7. 5 7. 2 7. 3 6. 8 6. 4 8 8 0 1 6.6 0. 4 .5 .6 .6 .9 1.2 1. 1 .9 •. 7 .7 .7 .8 .8 .7 .7 .7 .7 .6 .6 .5 .4 .4 1. 4 . 2. 4 2. 4 2. 8 3. 1 3. 1 3. 2 2. 9 3. 0 3. 2 3. 5 3. 3 3. 2 3. 3 3. 2 3. 3 3. 2 3. 2 3. 2 3. 3 3. 2 1 8 1. 1 1. 4 1. 9 1. 8 1. 9 1. 9 1.9 2. 3 2. 2 2 .4 2. 5 2. 7 2. 6 2 .4 2. 6 2. 5 2. 6 2. 6 2. 6 2. 7 2. 8 2. 8 N O T E : B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t eq u al SO U R C E: U. S. D e p a rtm e n t of C o m m e rc e . T a b le 3. R e s id e n tia l and n o n re s id e n tia l b u ild in g s c o n s tr u c tio n a s a p e rc e n t of to ta l p riv a te e x p e n d itu re s on new c o n s tru c tio n , 1947—68 Year 1Q47 1949---------------------------------------------1050 1Q5 1 ’ 057 , , 1055 1954............................................................. 1955______________________________ 1Q56 1958______________________________ 1Q5Q 1961............................................................. 1962______________________________ 1963________ ____________________ 1964______________________________ 1065 . _ 1966______________________________ 1967______________________________ 1068 . . _ Non R esidential residential 58. 9 61. 4 60. 8 67. 9 60. 7 60. 7 59. 5 61.3 62. 9 57. 9 54. 2 57. 0 61.8 57. 0 56. 6 58. 1 59. 4 57. 3 52. 3 46. 9 46. 9 50. 6 S O U R C E : U. S. D e p a rtm e n t of C o m m e rc e . 19. 4 17. 6 16. 5 14. 6 20. 2 19. 2 20. 4 21. 1 21. 9 25. 3 27. 2 25. 0 22. 6 26. 7 28. 0 27. 8 26. 4 28. 3 33. 0 36. 4 35. 8 33. 0 T a b le 2. P riv a te and p u b lic c o n s tru c tio n as a p e rc e n t of to ta l new c o n s tru c tio n , 1947—68 Y ear 1947— .................................... 1Q48_ 10 5 0 _ . ____ 105 1 _____ 1953____________________ 1Q54 1055. . 1957____________________ 1958____________________ 1050 _ 1 060 ... 1962___________________ 1963____________________ 1964____________________ 1 96 5____________________ 1 9 6 6 ____________________ 1967____________________ 1 9 6 8 ____________________ P riv a te P u b lic 8 3 .4 82. 0 76. 5 79. 6 73. 9 70. 7 71. 3 7 1 .7 74. 8 73. 3 7 1 .4 69. 2 70. 9 7 0. 6 69. 1 70. 0 69. 5 69. 2 69. 5 68. 1 66. 4 67. 3 16 .6 18. 0 23. 5 20. 4 26. 1 29. 3 28. 7 28. 3 25. 2 26. 7 28. 6 30. 8 29. 1 29. 4 30. 9 30. 0 30. 5 30. 8 30. 5 31. 9 33. 6 32. 7 SO U R C E : U .S . D e p a rtm e n t of C o m m e rc e . T ab le 4. P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of new p u b lic c o n s tru c tio n pu t in p la c e , by type of o w n e rsh ip , 1947—68 Year 1047............... .............. . . 1948______________________________ 1949______________________________ 1050 __ _ __ 1051 1052 ________ _ ......... . _ _ 105 3 ____ ....... 1955—........................................................... 1056.. ..................... 1958______________________________ 1050 _ 1960______________________________ 196 1______________________________ 196 2___________ __——_____________ 1963______________________________ 1964_______________ _____________ 106 5 ._ ___ __ . 1967.......................................................... 1068 F ederal State and local 25. 3 25. 0 23. 7 23. 7 32. 2 38. 8 36. 8 29. 3 23. 6 21.4 21. 2 21.9 23. 2 22. 8 22. 6 21.9 20. 7 19. 2 18. 2 16. 5 13. 7 12. 5 74. 7 75. 0 76. 3 76. 3 67. 8 61.2 63. 2 70. 7 76. 4 78. 6 78. 8 78. 1 76. 8 77. 2 77.4 78. 1 79. 3 80. 8 81.8 83. 5 86. 3 87. 5 SO U R C E : U. S. D e p a rtm e n t of C o m m e rc e . 11 T ab le 5. P e r c e n t of to ta l, d ir e c t, and in d ire c t o u tp u t of s e le c te d in d u s trie s a ttrib u ta b le to new c o n s tru c tio n and m a in te n a n c e and r e p a ir c o n s tru c tio n , 1958 N um ber 1 3 5 6 9 20 23 30 36 37 38 40 42 46 53 55 67 73 In d u stry F o r e s tr y and fis h e ry p r o d u c ts ---------------Iro n and fe rro a llo y o re s m in in g _________ N o n fe rro u s m e ta l o re s m in in g ___________ Stone and c la y m in in g and q u a rry in g ----L u m b e r and w ood p ro d u c ts , e x c e p t c o n ta in e rs ----------------------------------------------O th e r fu rn itu re and fix tu re s ------------------P a in ts and a llie d p ro d u c ts ----------------------Stone and c la y p r o d u c ts ---------------------------P r im a r y iro n and s te e l m a n u fa c tu rin g — P r im a r y n o n fe rro u s m e ta l m a n u fa c tu rin g _________________ _______ _ H e a tin g , p lu m b in g , and s tr u c tu r a l m e ta l p ro d u c ts __________________________ O th e r fa b ric a te d m e ta l p r o d u c t s -----------M a te ria ls h a n d lin g m a c h in e ry and e q u ip m e n t-----------------------------------------------E le c tric in d u s try e q u ip m e n t and a p p a ra tu s ------------------------------------------------E le c tric lig h tin g and w irin g e q u ip m e n t — R ad io an d te le v is io n b ro a d c a s tin g ----------B u sin e ss s e rv ic e s ----------------------------------- New c o n s tru c tio n and m a in te n a n ce and r e p a ir c o n s tru c tio n D ire c t T o ta l In d ire c t 36. 7 3 2 .9 26. 3 7 3 .4 66. 0 16.6 66. 0 75. 2 34. 4 31. 8 0 0 0 46. 6 43. 9 14. 8 57. 4 60. 9 12. 9 1 1 .4 75. 4 14. 1 79. 0 26. 5 28. 8 23. 6 9 .7 40. 0 0 10. 7 17. 3 47. 1 16. 9 17. 2 36. 7 32. 9 26. 3 26. 8 22. 1 1. 8 8. 6 14. 3 21. 5 20. 4 3. 6 1 2 .4 5. 2 7. 6 7. 1 16.9 6. 5 New c o n s tru c tio n T o ta l 3 2 .4 28. 5 21. 2 61. 8 58. 4 15. 3 17. 7 66. 0 30. 0 25. 6 67. 6 24. 0 27. 4 14. 7 40. 7 15. 6 15 .9 M ain te n a n c e and r e p a ir c o n s tru c tio n T o ta l D ire c t In d ire c t D ire c t In d ire c t 0 0 0 38. 5 38. 9 13. 7 10. 5 53. 7 11. 5 8. 6 64. 5 13. 3 22. 8 8. 2 3 4 .6 0 10. 5 32. 4 28. 5 2 1 .2 23. 3 4. 3 4. 4 5. 1 11. 6 19. 5 1.6 7. 2 12. 3 18. 5 17. 0 3. 1 10. 7 4. 6 6. 5 6. 1 15. 6 5 .4 7. 6 1. 3 48. 3 9 .2 4 .4 6. 2 1 1 .4 2. 5 1 .4 2. 6 6. 4 1. 3 1. 3 0 0 0 8. 1 5. 0 1. 1 46. 9 7. 2 1. 4 2. 8 4. 3 4 .4 5. 1 3. 5 2. 6 .2 1 .4 2. 0 3. 0 3. 4 10. 9 .8 .8 1. 5 5 .4 0 .2 .5 1. 7 .6 1. 1 1. 0 1. 3 1. 1 1 In p u t-o u tp u t code n u m b e r. SO U R C E : N o rm a n F ru m k in , C o n s tru c tio n A c tiv ity in the 1958 In p u t O utput Study, S u rv ey of C u rr e n t B u s in e s s , M ay 1965, pp. 1 3 -2 4. T a b le 6. Im p a c t of d e c lin e in p riv a te n o n farm re s id e n tia l new h o u sin g u n its an d c o m m e rc ia l c o n s tru c tio n e x p e n d itu re s on s e le c te d in d u s try o u tp u t, f ir s t to th ir d q u a r te r , 1966 In d u stry N um ber 1 20, 21 22, 23 35, 36 37 38 39-42 4 3 -5 2 5 3 -5 8 2 4 -2 5 26 2 7 -3 0 31 32 5 ,6 7 8 9, 10 D u ra b le m a n u fa c tu rin g ----- ----------------------------------------------L u m b e r and w ood p ro d u c ts ------------------------------------------F u rn itu re an d f i x t u r e s ----------------- ----------------------------S t o n e , c la y , and g la s s p ro d u c ts — -------------------------------Iro n and s te e l— __ -_________________________________ N o n fe rro u s m e ta ls and p ro d u c ts ---------------------------------F a b r ic a te d m e ta l p r o d u c ts _____________ ___ ________ N o n e le c tric a l m a c h in e r y -------- ----- ------- ------- -----E l e c tr ic a l m a c h in e ry __________________________ ______ N o n d u ra b le m a n u f a c tu r in g -----------------------------------------------P a p e r and a llie d p r o d u c ts ----------------------- --------------- P rin tin g an d p u b lis h in g -----------------------------------------------C h e m ic a ls and p ro d u c ts -----------------------------------------------P e tro le u m re fin in g and re la te d p r o d u c ts ------------------R u b b e r and m is c e lla n o u s p la s tic s p ro d u c ts ------------M in in g ___________________________________________________________ M e ta l__ ____________ __________________________________ — Co 3,1—--C ru d e o il and n a tu ra l g a s --------------- --------------------------------Stone an d e a r th m in e r a l s ------------------------- ----- ------- — 1 In p u t-o u tp u t code n u m b e r. e c lin e in in P e r c e n t of 1 st q u a rte r P e rc e n to du tp u t a tt r ib in d u s try o u tp u t a tt r ib d uu statry b le to 1st to 3d u ta b le to 1st q u a rte r q u a rte r d e c lin e in e x p e n d itu re s e x p e n d itu re s 3 .6 5. 5 26. 3 3. 6 19. 0 7. 5 6. 2 11. 8 2. 2 2 .9 1. 5 3. 8 2 .9 2. 1 3 .4 2. 9 5. 1 7. 2 4. 3 3 .6 9.9 -0 . 6 -1 . 0 -4 . 8 -. 7 -3 . 5' - 1 .4 -1 . 2 -2 . 2 -.4 - .6 -. 3 -. 7 -. 6 -. 5 - .6 - .6 -1 . 0 - 1 .4 -. 8 -. 7 - 1 .9 See S u rv ey of C u rr e n t B u s in e s s , S e p te m b e r 1965, fo r d e fin itio n s. N O T E : C a lc u la tio n s a re b a s e d on s e a s o n a lly a d ju ste d d a ta . SO U R CE: In d u s tria l Im p a c t of th e 1966 H ou sin g and C o m m e rc ia l B u ild in g D e c lin e , S u rv ey of C u rr e n t B u s i n e s s . N o v e m b e r 1966, p p. 1 1-12. 12 T ab le 7. D istrib u tio n of m a n -h o u rs p e r $ 1 ,0 0 0 of c o n tra c t c o s t, by m a jo r ty p e s of c o n s tru c tio n , in d u s try , and o c c u p a tio n , 1959—62 1962 In d u stry T o t a l ----------------------------------------------------------C o n stru c tio n i n d u s tr y ----------------------------------------O n s ite __________________________________________ A d m in istra tiv e and s u p e r v is o r y -------------C o n stru c tio n t r a d e s ---------------------------------B r ic k la y e rs ____________________________ C a rp e n te rs _____________________________ E l e c tr ic i a n s -----------------------------------------I r o n w o r k e r s -----------------------------------------O p e ra tin g e n g in e e r s ----------------------------P a i n t e r s ________________________________ P l a s t e r e r s --------------------------------------------P lu m b e rs ---------------------------------------------U n sk ille d and o th e rs ------------------------------O ffsite __________________________________________ O th e r in d u s trie s -------------------------------------------------M a n u fa c tu rin g _________________________________ T ra d e and tra n s p o rta tio n and s e r v ic e s -----M ining and a ll o th e r s ------------------------------------- I960 1961 P riv a te 1-fa m ily h o usin g C o lleg e h o usin g H ighw ays 1959 C iv il w o rk s L and o p e ra tio n s D red g in g 204. 0 227. 0 224. 0 208. 0 224. 0 84. 0 72. 0 2. 1 52. 9 3. 9 24. 9 2. 0 105. 0 94. 0 3. 2 59. 8 9 .4 15. 8 6. 2 3. 6 1. 6 3. 3 3. 2 9. 0 30. 6 11. 0 122. 0 73. 0 32. 0 17. 0 96. 0 9 1 .0 9. 3 54. 5 n (!) n (M (!) ( l ) (M n 27. 2 5. 0 89. 0 85. 0 9. 3 42. 9 5. 4 .1 2 .6 20. 4 .1 .1 32. 5 4. 0 144. 0 134. 0 8. 6 62. 7 1. 5 - 1. 0 6 .9 1. 7 3. 8 17. 1 12. 0 120. 58. 49. 13. 0 0 0 0 128. 66. 44. 2 18. 0 0 0 0 119. 53. 47. 2 19. 0 0 0 0 - 62; 6 10. 0 80. 0 47. 0 24. 0 9. 0 S cho o ls 223. 0 96. 0 86. 0 3. 3 55. 1 7. 8 15. 7 6. 0 2. 3 1.6 2. 8 2. 3 7. 9 25. 6 10. 0 127. 0 75. 0 41. 0 1 1. 0 F e d e ra l o ffice I H o sp ita ls b u ild in g s 227. 0 223. 0 107. 0 97. 0 5. 8 58. 7 5. 0 12. 2 8. 8 4. 1 2. 3 2. 0 3. 8 8. 5 32. 6 10. 0 120. 0 73. 0 37. 0 10. 0 100. 0 89. 0 3. 5 6 0. 7 4. 8 11. 7 7. 8 3. 1 1. 4 2. 5 5. 6 12. 7 24. 6 11. 0 123. 0 75. 0 38. 0 10. 0 P u b lic housin g 236. 0 126. 0 114. 0 4. 5 72. 5 8. 6 2 1 .8 4. 7 2. 3 3. 1 5. 0 7. 7 8. 9 36. 7 12. 0 110. 0 64. 0 36. 0 10. 0 _____________1 1 D ata n o t a v a ila b le . 2 M a n -h o u rs fo r m in in g a v a ila b le s e p a ra te ly fo r hig h w ay s (10), la n d o p e ra tio n s (13), and d re d g in g (6) o nly. SO U R C E : C la ib o rn e M . B a ll, E m p lo y m en t E ffe c ts of C o n stru c tio n E x p e n d itu re s , M o n th ly L a b o r R e v ie w , F e b r u a ry , 1965, pp. 1 5 4-158. d a ta a re fro m s p e c ia l su rv e y s m a d e in the y e a rs c ite d in the ta b le . T h e se 13 CHAPTER III. CO NSTR U C TIO N EM PLO YM EN T Total employment in construction Employment in construction 10 rose from 3.6 million workers in 1950 to 4.6 million in 1968, an in crease of 29 percent. (See table 8.) Most of this gain occurred between 1950 and 1952 when employment reached 4.2 million persons. However, employment fell to 3.8 million in 1954, dropping below 4.0 million for the last time. By 1965, employment had reached a high of 4.6 million persons and in early 1966 all indications were that employment would go even higher. However, in mid-1966, residential construction ac tivity had a serious decline and employment did not rise above the 1965 level. This depressed residential sector resulted in a level of employment in 1967 that was lower than that of 1966 and only equal to the 1964 level. The rebound of residential construction in 1968 pushed employment to an all-time high of more than 4.6 million. Employment by class of worker Between 1950 and 1968 the proportion of private wage and salary workers to total employment in con struction remained at about 70 percent. (See footnote 10 and table 8.) The proportion of self-employed and unpaid family workers in construction has declined. ^ Two different conceptual definitions of construction employment are used in this report. These differences result from the nature of systems for collecting employment information. The schema presented below illustrates the relationship between the measures of employment in construction. All components of construction listed under a major conceptual defi nition (italic) are included within the major category. Construction: Contract construction: Wage and salary workers Private wage and salary workers Private General building contractors Government Heavy construction contractors Self-employed workers Special trade contractors Unpaid family workers Construction, as defined in the household survey (Current Population Survey) (CPS) conducted for the Bureau of Labor Sta tistics by the Bureau of the Census, includes wage and salary workers in private establishments and in government agencies engaged in construction activities such as highway maintenance and land reclamation. It also includes self-employed and unpaid family workers performing primarily construction work. Contract construction (SIC 15-17), on the other hand, is the concept used in the establishment payroll survey conducted by BLS and cooperative State agencies and includes only wage and salary workers in private establishments performing construction activities, including both new construction and maintenance and repair, done on a contract basis. Employment in establishments classified as operative builders (SIC 656) are not included in either of these definitions of construction, and neither is employment in force account construction. Operative builders are engaged primarily in construction for sale on their own account rather than as contractors. These include mainly residential construction builders, including condominium and cooperative apartment developers. Force account construction is construction work performed by an establishment primarily engaged in some business other than construction, for its own account and use, and by its own employees. A chemical plant, for example, may maintain a construction work force for its own account and use. Although force account employees are not included in the construction employment data on an industry basis they are included in those estimates of employment by occupation available from Census and Current Popula tion Survey data, which refer to all workers in an occupation. CPS data are useful as a measure of the total number of persons engaged in construction activity; and provides data on employment by age, sex, and color, on occupations, and on unemployment. Payroll data are useful in providing sector detail on the types of contract construction firms, and geographic detail by States and metropolitan areas. 14 Em ploym ent by major occupation group In 1968, blue-collar workers— craftsmen, operatives, and laborers— accounted for about four-fifths of construction employment. (See table 9.) Construction craftsmen maintained a relatively consistent 50-percent share of employment between 1958 and 1968. ^ During this same period of time operatives have increased slightly as a proportion of total construction employment, and laborers have declined somewhat. In the whitecollar group, a proportional increase in professional and technical workers and clerical workers almost offset a proportional decline in managers, officials, and proprietors during the 1958-68 period. Em ploym ent by selected craft occupation The changing mix of construction activity and new construction materials and techniques has been re flected in changes in the relative importance of craft occupations. (See table 10.) Between 1950 and 1960, employment of carpenters in construction declined significantly— by nearly 90,000. Employment of paperhangers and plasterers also dropped. On the other hand, employment of excavating, grading, and road ma chinery operators was more than twice as high in 1960 as in 1950. Other significant employment increases were experienced by cement and concrete finishers, electricians, and structural metalworkers. These trends have, for the most part, continued into the 1960’s. Em ploym ent by type of contractor In 1968, almost one-half of the workers in the contract construction industry were employed by special trades contractors, about 30 percent were employed by general building construction contractors, and the re mainder worked for heavy construction contractors. Since 1947, the relative importance of employment by the different types of contractors has shifted’. The proportion of average annual employment accounted for by general building contractors has declined rel ative to heavy and special trades contractors. Between 1947 and 1968 employment by general building con tractors as a percentage of total contract construction fell from 38.4 percent to 30.2 percent. Concurrently, employment by heavy contractors rose from 18.3 percent to 20.8 percent, and by special trades contractors, from 43.2 percent to 49.0 percent. (See table 11.) The rising share of employment held by special trades contractors reflects the increasing amount of electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, and other work performed by these contractors. Highway construction increased over 400 percent (in constant dollar terms) between 1947 and 1968, and together with increases in construc tion of sewer and water systems, airports, bridges, dams, and similar projects accounted for the rising propor tion of employment by heavy construction contractors. 12 Employment by operative builders has fluctuated between 38,000 and 47,000 workers since 1958, mainly in response to shifts in the volume of residential construction. 13 Contract construction em ploym ent by type of worker The proportion of “white-collar” workers in the contract construction industry has increased in recent years. This development is shown by the monthly reports to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which provide separate data on “ construction workers” and other workers in the industry. 11 The 1950 and 1960 Censuses of Population indicate that the proportion of craftsmen in construction declined some what between these years. However, these census data are not directly comparable with the CPS data because the Census of Population data are for March or April only, seasonally low months for construction. The census data are also not com parable with data based on establishment surveys. 12 For a discussion of how employment in contract construction is determined by type of contractor see footnote 1, table 13. 13 Employment in the operative builders industry should not be interpreted as a measure of employment in homebuilding. Much residential construction work is done on a contract basis by firms classified as special trades contractors in the contract construction industry. Also, firms building homes on contract may be classified as general building contractors. 15 The employment of “ construction workers” 14 accounted for 84.3 percent of total employment in 1968, and the proportion of these workers by type of contractor ranged from a low of 79.9 percent for electrical work to a high of 90.3 for masonry, stonework, and plastering. (See table 13.) “ Construction workers” as a proportion of total wage and salary employment in contract construction have declined slowly since 1947, from nearly 89 percent to 84 percent. The decline in the relative position of “ construction workers” has taken place in nearly all segments of the industry. The exception to this general trend was in electrical work, where the proportion of “ construction workers” actually increased, and in plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning work and masonry, stonework, and plastering where the propor tion remained virtually unchanged between 1958 and 1968. (See table 14.) Employment of “ other workers” 15 in contract construction has increased more than twice as fast as “ construction workers” over the past two decades. (See table 15.) Even during periods when employment of “ construction workers” has declined, employment of “ other workers” has not decreased. The rapid in crease in employment of other workers reflects the general shifts toward larger professional and clerical staffs in the industry. However, the increase since 1947 in the relative position of other workers in contract con struction is not as great as the increase in the proportion of nonproducation workers in manufacturing over the same period, in large part because of the high onsite labor requirements in contract construction. Em ploym ent by age In 1960, the median age of male employees in construction (40.8 years) was approximately the same as for all employed male workers in the United States. (See table 16.) The only major difference was a relatively lower proportion of construction workers employed in the very young group— 14-19 years of age, which is prob ably due to State laws prohibiting employment of very young workers in many construction occupations. Data are not available on the age distribution of building trades workers in construction; however, they are available for total employment in selected building trades. (Approximately 70 percent of all building trades workers, on the average, are employed in construction.) Table 17 presents the proportion of workers in each occupation 45 years of age and over. Seven of the eleven selected building trades for which comparable data are available experienced an in crease in median age between 1950 and 1960, while the median age for all employed males in construction remained virtually unchanged. Only two— brickmasons and operating engineers— had a change of 2 years or more. The data in table 17 do not necessarily imply a long-range trend toward an older work force. The difference between the 2 years may be largely the result of the slightly more depressed construction market of 1960. In general, the median age of employed males in construction was highest in occupations growing slowest or declining because of the relatively slight influx of young workers. The three occupations with the highest median age in both 1950 and 1960— paperhangers, painters, carpenters— recorded employ ment declines during the 10-year period. Em ploym ent o f women Women make up a very small but stable proportion of employment in the contract construction in dustry. In 1968, approximately 5 percent of the industry’s employment— 156,000 persons— were women, most of whom worked in clerical occupations. 16 14 In contract construction employment establishment statistics, “construction workers” include the following em ployees of contractors: Working foremen, journeymen, mechanics, apprentices, laborers, etc., whether working at the site of construction or in shops or yards at jobs (such as precutting and preassembling) ordinarily performed by members of the construction trades. Other workers include all other persons on payrolls who receive pay for any part of the pay period, such as office, professional workers, and salesmen. 15 See footnote 14 for definition. 16 According to the 1960 Census of Population, three-quarters of all women employed in construction were in clerical occupations. 16 Em ploym ent by size of contractor The contract construction division consisted of more than 300,000 reporting units in 1967. 17 The great majority were small in terms of number of workers; for example, 54.4 percent of the firms had three employees or less. Only about 3 percent of the firms had 50 employees or more. Between 1951 and 1962, the average number of employees per reporting firm declined from 9.5 to 8.2. By 1967, the average had risen to slightly higher than the level of 1951, indicating that over the long run there has been little or no change in the average size of construction firm in terms of employment. However, the size of firms differs substantially by number of employees within the contract construc tion division. General contractors, other than building, had about twice as many employees on the average as general building contractors in 1967. (See tables 18 and 19.) Location of em ploym ent Growth in contract construction has been accompanied by a change in the geographic distribution of employment. (See table 20.) The proportion of total employment in contract construction located in the Northeastern and North Central States has declined steadily, while the proportion has risen in the Southern and Far Western States. In 1939, 57 percent of contract construction employment (measured by annual average) was located in the States north of the Mason-Dixon line and east of the Mountain States. By 1968, that percentage had declined to 49 percent. During that period employment in the South Atlantic States (notably Florida) increased from 15.3 percent of the national total to 17.8 percent. Employment in the Mountain and Pacific States rose from 12.5 percent to 15.9 percent. These shifts are similar to the popula tion shifts during the same period. I7 The statistics in County Business Patterns are tabulated in terms of “reporting units.” However, the reporting unit as used for manufacturing industries differs from that for nonmanufacturing industries. Each manufacturing location of a company is counted as a separate reporting unit. In manufacturing industries, reporting units, therefore, are conceptually the same as “establishments” in Census Bureau terminology. In nonmanufacturing industries, employers (i.e., separate legal en tities) are counted once in each county for each industry in which they operate, regardless of the number of establishments operated. This results in the number of nonmanufacturing reporting unit s being fewer than the number of nonmanufacturing establishments and larger in size, but does not affect the employment and taxable payroll figures. 17 T ab le 8 . P e r c e n t d istrib u tion of em p loym en t in c o n stru ctio n , by c la s s of w o r k e r s, 1950—68 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 Wage and salary w orkers Total Number P ercent (in thousands) Year ..................... .................. ....................... ................................................................ ______ __________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _____ ___________________________ ________ _________ ______________ _______ _________________________ ____ ____ ___________ ____________ ________ _______________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _____ ___________________________ P rivate 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 3, 582 3, 910 4, 192 4 ,0 1 3 3,843 4, 045 4, 079 4, 116 4, 186 4, 321 4, 263 4, 198 4, 285 4, 312 4,470 4, 598 4,607 4, 524 4, 620 Self-em ployed and unpaid fam ily Government w orkers 70.7 72.7 72. 7 73.4 69. 1 68.9 70.0 69. 6 69.6 70. 0 69.7 69. 8 69.8 69. 1 69.4 70. 7 71. 3 71. 6 72. 2 9 .7 9. 3 10.6 9 .9 12. 2 12. 7 11.9 12. 1 12. 0 11. 6 12. 0 12. 3 12. 5 12.9 12. 8 12.7 13.0 13. 7 12. 7 19.7 18. 0 16. 7 16.6 18. 7 18.4 18. 1 18. 3 18.4 18.4 18. 3 17.9 17. 7 18. 0 17.8 16.6 15.8 14.8 15. 0 NOTE: B eca u se of rounding, su m s of in d ivid u al ite m s m ay not equal to ta ls. SOURCE: C urrent Pop u lation S u rvey conducted for the BLS by the B ureau of the C en su s. T able 9. P e r c e n t d istrib u tion of em p lo y ed p e r s o n s , by m ajor occup ation group in co n stru ctio n , 1958—68 O ccupation group A ll occup ation s: N um ber in m il lio n s _____________________________________ Percent .................... W ork ers, ex cep t b lu e -c o lla r P r o fe ssio n a l and te c h n ic a l ____________________________ M a n a g ers, o ffic ia ls , and p r o p r ie to r s ________________ C le r ic a l w o r k e r s _______________________________________ S a le s w o r k e r s ____________________________________________ S e r v ic e w o rk ers ________________________________________ B lu e -c o lla r w o r k e r s _______________________________________ C ra ftsm en and fo rem en ________________________________ O p erativ es ______________________________________________ L a b o rers ________________________________________________ 1966 1965 1964 4. 5 4. 6 100. 0 4. 6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 22. 3 5. 2 11. 0 5 .4 .2 .5 21.6 22. 2 2 3 .0 4. 5 1 2 .9 4 .9 .2 .5 23. 6 4 .4 13. 2 5. 3 .2 .5 22. 5 4 .9 12. 3 4 .7 .2 .4 22. 3 4. 7 12. 2 4 .6 .3 .5 21.6 .5 22. 5 4. 5 1 2 .4 4 .9 .2 .5 21. 7 4. 5 12. 1 4. 3 .3 .5 7 7 .8 5 0 .4 9. 9 17. 5 7 7 .5 50. 0 9 .9 17. 6 7 7 .0 50. 8 9. 3 1 6 .9 76. 3 4 9. 7 9. 2 1 7 .4 7 7 .4 5 1 .0 8. 5 1 7 .9 77. 8 5 0 .4 8. 7 18. 7 1968 1967 4. 6 100.0 100.0 22. 7 4 .8 11. 7 5. 5 .2 .5 77. 3 51. 5 9. 7 16. 1 7 7 .8 51. 7 9. 9 16. 2 5. 1 5. 3 4 .8 10. 7 5. 4 .2 .5 78. 3 52. 1 10. 5 15. 7 11. 1 .2 4. 5 1963 4. 3 1962 4. 3 1961 4 .2 1960 NOTE: B ec a u se of rounding, su m s of in d ivid u al ite m s m ay not equal to ta ls. SOURCE: C urrent Population S u rvey conducted for the BLS by the B ureau of the C en su s. T able 10. E m p loym en t by se le c te d cr a ft occup ation in co n stru ctio n , 1950 and I960 (In th ousan d s) O ccupation 1950 I9 6 0 T otal se le c te d o ccu p ation s _____________________ B r ic k la y e r s, sto n e m a so n s, and m a rb le and tile s e t t e r s _____________________________________________ C a r p e n te r s______________________________________________ C em ent and c o n crete fin ish e r s 1 ______________________ E le c tr ic ia n s _________________ __________________________ E xca v a tin g , g rading, and road m a ch in ery o p era to rs ______________________________________________ P a in ter s ____________ _________ __________ ______ _________ P a p erh an g ers _________ ____________ ____________________ P la s te r e r s ______________________________________________ P lu m b ers and p ip e fitter s ______________________________ R o o fers and s la te r s ____________________________________ S tr u ctu r a l-m e ta l w o rk ers _____________________________ 1 ,6 9 8 1 ,7 2 3 145 737 27 98 74 298 19 57 173 41 29 162 648 40 131 151 269 9 43 191 45 34 1 In clu d es te r r a z z o w o r k e rs. SOURCE: B ureau of the C en su s, 1950 and I960 C en su s of Pop u lation . 18 ---------I T O -------P e r c e n t change 1. 5 11. 7 - 12. 1 48. 1 3 3 .7 104. 1 - 9 .7 -5 2 . 6 -2 4 . 6 1 0 .4 9 .8 17. 2 4. 3 1959 4. 3 4 .4 1 1 .9 4. 5 .4 .4 78. 4 50. 3 8. 7 19. 4 1958 4. 2 78. 1 49 . 8 8. 9 1 9 .4 T ab le 11. E m p loym en t by type of co n tra cto r a s a p ercen t of to ta l co n tra ct co n stru ction em p lo y m en t, 1945—68 Contract construction 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Year 1945 ___ 1946 ___ 1947 ___ 1948 ___ 1949 ____ 1 9 5 0 ___ 1 9 5 1 ___ 1952 1953 ___ 1954 ___ 1955 1956 ____ 1957 ___ 1958 ___ 1959 — I960 1 9 6 1 ___ 1962 ___ 1963 1964 1 9 6 5 ___ 1966 1967 ___ 1968 ___ G eneral building 35. 1 39.9 38.4 38. 6 37.4 37. 5 38. 1 37. 3 37. 0 35.9 35. 6 35.8 33. 8 32. 2 32.4 31. 5 31. 1 30.4 30. 9 31. 1 31. 2 31. 5 30. 7 30. 2 Heavy construction 19.7 17. 1 18. 3 17.9 18. 5 18. 0 17. 7 18. 3 18. 3 18. 0 17. 3 18. 6 19. 7 20. 3 19. 8 20. 3 20. 7 20.4 20. 2 20. 1 20.4 20. 6 20. 7 20.8 T able 12. W age and sa la ry em p loym en t in the o p era tive b u ild ers in d u stry , 1958—68 Special trad es 45. 3 43.0 43. 2 43. 5 44. 1 44. 5 44. 2 4 4 .4 44. 8 46. 1 47. 1 45. 6 46. 5 47. 5 47. 8 48. 2 48. 2 49. 2 48. 9 48. 8 4 8.4 48. 0 48. 6 49. 0 Year 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 (In thousands) Employm ent 38.4 44. 7 40. 7 42. 8 46. 1 47. 2 46. 2 4 5 .8 41. 5 39.6 43. 2 _______ ______________ ........................................... _ . ... .... _____ ___________ _____ ____ ........................................... _____________________ . . .... ..... __ .......................................... _____________________ SOURCE: BLS, current em ploym ent sta tistic s based on establishm ent reports. NOTE: B eca u se of rounding, su m s of in d ivid u al ite m s m ay not equal to ta ls. SOURCE: BL S, cu rren t em p loym en t s ta tis tic s b a sed on e sta b lish m en t r e p o r ts. T ab le 13. W age and sa la ry em p loym en t in co n tra ct co n stru ction by type of con tra cto r and w ork er. 1968 ^In^thousandis^ Industry T otal em p loym en t 2 C on stru ction w o r k e rs 3 Num ber P ercent Num ber Percent C ontract co n stru ction d iv is io n .......... .......... 3 ,2 6 7 .0 100. 0 2 ,7 5 4 .0 100. 0 513. 0 G en eral b uilding c o n tra cto rs __________________ H eavy co n stru ction H ighw ay and str e e t co n stru ction O ther h eavy co n stru ction S p ec ia l trad e c o n tra cto rs P lu m bing, h eatin g, and a ir co n d itio n in g ___ P a in tin g, paperhanging, and d ecora tin g ___ E le c tr ic a l w ork M ason ry, ston ew ork, and p la s te r in g ______ R oofing and sh e e t-m e ta l w ork 9 8 6 .4 680. 2 315. 9 364. 3 1 ,6 0 0 . 6 387. 9 131. 0 2 6 5 .8 227. 3 111. 5 30. 2 836. 7 5 8 4 .4 279. 7 304. 7 1 ,3 3 3 . 3 313. 0 115. 1 212. 5 205. 2 90. 9 3 0 .4 21. 2 10. 2 11. 1 4 8 .4 1 1 .4 4. 2 7. 7 7. 5 3. 3 149. 7 95. 8 36. 2 5 9 .6 267. 3 74. 9 15 .9 53. 3 22. 1 20. 6 20.8 9 .7 11.2 49. 0 11 .9 4. 0 8. 1 7. 0 3 .4 P e r c e n t d istrib u tion of em p loym en t by typ e of w ork er C on Other P er c e n t T otal stru ctio n O ther w o r k e r s 4 N um ber 100.0 2 9 .2 18. 7 7. 1 11. 6 52. 1 14. 6 3. 1 1 0 .4 4. 3 4. 0 100.0 84. 3 1 5 .7 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 8 4 .8 85. 9 88. 5 83. 6 83. 3 80. 7 8 7 .9 7 9 .9 90. 3 81. 5 1 5 .2 14. 1 11. 5 1 6 .4 1 6 .7 19. 3 12. 1 20. 1 9 .7 18. 5 1 E sta b lish m en ts a re c la ssifie d into in d u str ie s on the b a sis of th eir p rin cip al a ctiv ity d eterm in ed from in fo rm a tio n on annual s a le s v o lu m e. T h is in form ation is c o lle c te d each y e a r . F o r an e sta b lish m en t engaging in m o re than 1 a c tiv ity , the e n tire em p loym en t of the e sta b lish m en t is in clu d ed under the in d u stry in d icated by the m o st im p ortant a c tiv ity . The in d u str ie s a re c la ssifie d in a ccord a n ce w ith the Standard In d u strial C la ssific a tio n M anual, Bureau of the B u d get, 1957, a s am ended by the 1963 Su pp lem en t. 2 T otal em p loym en t data r e fe r to a ll p e r so n s on e sta b lish m en t p a y ro lls who r e c e iv e pay fo r any part of the pay p erio d w hich in clu d es the 12th of the m onth. The data exclu de p r o p r ie to r s, the se lf-e m p lo y e d , unpaid v o lu n te e r s, or fa m ily w o r k e rs. S a la ried o ffic e r s of co rp o ra tio n s a re in clu d ed. P e r so n s on e sta b lish m en t p a y ro lls who a re on paid sic k lea v e or on paid va catio n (when pay is r e c e iv e d d ir e c tly from the firm ) a re counted a s em p lo y ed . H o w ever, m any e m p lo y ee s in the co n stru ction in d u stry do not r e c e iv e paid sick lea v e or paid v a catio n s d ir e c tly from a fir m but from a fund to w hich a ll the fir m s have m ad e co n trib u tio n s. P aym en ts from th e se funds a re b a sed on the num ber of h ou rs w orked or am ount of the w o rk ers' e a rn in g s. 3 C on stru ction w o rk ers include the fo llow in g em p lo y ee s in the co n tra ct co n stru ction d iv ision : W orking fo rem en , jo u rn ey m en , m e c h a n ic s, a p p r e n tic e s , la b o r e r s, e tc . , w hether w orking at the site of co n stru ction or in shops or y a r d s, at jo b s (su ch a s p recu ttin g and p rea ssem b lin g ) ord in arily p erform ed by m e m b er s of the co n stru ction tr a d es. 4 T otal em p loym en t m in u s co n stru ction w ork er em p loym en t. NOTE: B eca u se of rounding, su m s of in d ivid u al ite m s m ay not equal to ta ls. SOURCE: BL S, cu rren t em p loym en t s ta tis tic s b a sed on e sta b lish m en t r e p o r ts. 19 T a b le 14. C o n stru c tio n w o rk e rs a s a p e rc e n t of to ta l e m p lo y m e n t, by ty p e of c o n tra c to r, 1947—68 Y ear T o ta l c o n tra c t c o n s tr u c tio n 1 9 4 7 ................ 1948 ............................ 1949 ___________________ 1950 ___________________ 1951 1952 ___________________ 1953 ___________________ 1954 1955 ___________________ 1956 ___________________ 1957 ________ ______ ____ 1958 ___________ ______ 1959 __________ _________ 1960 1961 1962 ............ 1963 1964 ___________________ 1965 1966 _______ _ _____ 1967 ___________________ 1968 ___________________ 88. 7 88. 7 88. 6 88. 7 88. 7 88. 2 87. 9 87. 3 87. 1 87. 1 8 6 .8 85. 8 85. 7 85. 2 84. 9 84. 8 85. 2 85. 1 85. 1 85. 0 84. 4 84. 3 G e n e ra l b u ild in g 9 0 .4 90. 3 9 0 .4 9 0 .4 90. 4 89. 7 89. 1 88. 8 88. 3 8 8 .4 8 7 .8 86. 8 87. 0 86. 5 86. 0 85. 7 86. 1 86. 1 85. 8 86. 1 8 5 .4 84. 8 H eav y c o n s tru c tio n c o n tra c to rs H ighw ay O th er T o ta l an d h eav y heavy s tr e e t 8 8 .4 88. 2 88. 3 88. 3 88. 2 88. 0 88. 9 88. 9 88. 8 88. 6 89. 0 88. 2 88. 1 87. 3 86. 7 86. 8 87. 2 86. 3 8 6 .4 88. 7 85. 9 85. 9 I I i 1 i _ _ 89. 6 90. 1 89. 5 89. 6 89. 8 89. 8 89. 1 89. 1 88. 7 88. 3 88. 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 86. 8 85. 9 85. 2 83. 8 83. 7 8 4 .4 83. 3 83. 6 83. 8 83. 8 83. 6 S p e c ia l tr a d e s c o n tra c to rs b in g , P a in tin g , M a so n ry , R oofing T o ta l 1 Phlue ma tin p a p e r - E le c tr ic a l sto n e w o rk , and s p e c ia l j and a irg h an ging , w o rk and s h e e t-m e ta l tr a d e s c o n d itio n in g d e c o ra tin g p la s te rin g w o rk i 8 7 .4 i _ _ _ _ 8 7 .4 _ _ _ _ _ 87. 3 ! _ _ _ _ 8 7 .4 !; _ _ _ _ 8 7 .4 | _ _ _ _ _ 87. 1 _ _ _ _ 86. 5 'I _ _ _ _ 85. 6 i _ _ _ _ 85. 6 I _ _ _ _ 85. 5 _ _ _ _ _ 85. 1 80. 7 80. 7 90. 9 82. 6 9 0 .9 78. 5 83. 9 80. 6 78. 0 81. 8 91. 1 91. 3 83. 6 8 0 .4 78. 1 81. 1 91. 4 91. 0 83. 3 80. 5 77. 5 90. 6 81. 3 91. 2 83. 5 8 0 .4 90. 6 78. 1 81. 5 9 0 .9 83. 8 80. 7 90. 3 7 8 .4 90. 8 81. 3 84. 1 80. 8 90. 1 80. 9 79. 6 91. 3 84. 0 81. 4 80. 3 81. 3 89. 7 91. 1 83. 7 81. 1 80. 3 80. 9 89. 0 9 0 .9 83. 2 80. 7 88. 8 80. 1 81. 0 8 9 .9 83. 3 80. 7 87. 9 90. 3 81. 5 7 9 .9 SO U R C E : BL.S, c u r r e n t em p lo y m e n t s ta tis tic s b a se d on e s ta b lis h m e n t r e p o r ts . T a b le 15. E m p lo y m en t of w age and s a la ry w o rk e rs in c o n tra c t c o n s tru c tio n , by ty p e of w o rk e r an d p e rc e n t c h an g e, 1947—68 Y ear (in th o u sa n d s! C o n stru c tio n O th e r w o rk e rs w o rk e rs 1947 _ 1948 ____ _____ ______________ 1949 _________________________________ 1950 _ 1 9 5 1 _________________________________ 1952 _________________________________ 1953 _________________________________ 1954 _________________________________ 1955 _________________________________ 1956 _________________________________ 1957 _________________________________ 1958 _________________________________ 1959 _________________________________ 1960 1 9 6 1 _________________________________ 1962 _________________________________ 1963 _________________________________ 1964 _________________________________ 1965 _________________________________ 1966 _________________________________ 1967 _________________________________ 1968 _________________________________ P e rc e n t ch ang e 1947—68 ______ 1 ,7 5 9 1 ,9 2 4 1 ,9 1 9 2 ,0 6 9 2, 308 2, 324 2, 305 2, 281 2 ,4 4 0 2 ,6 1 3 2, 537 2, 384 2 ,5 3 8 2 ,4 5 9 2, 390 2 ,4 6 2 2, 523 2, 597 2, 710 2, 784 2, 708 2, 754 56. 6 223 245 246 264 295 310 318 331 362 386 386 394 422 426 426 440 440 453 476 491 500 513 130. 0 SO U R CE: BLiS, c u rre n t e m p lo y m e n t s ta tis tic s b a se d on e s ta b lis h m e n t re p o r ts . 20 T a b le 16. P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of ag e an d m e d ia n a g e of a ll e m p lo y e d m a le s an d m a le s em p lo y e d in c o n s tru c tio n , 1950 an d I960 I960 1950 E m p lo y e d in c o n s tru c tio n A ll em p lo y e d m a le s A ge A ll em p lo y e d m a le s E m p lo y ed in c o n stru c tio n T o t a l ------------------------------------- 100. 0 1 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 100. 0 to 19 ................... _ ................._ to 24 _______ _____________________ to 29 _____________________________ to 34 to 44 ______ __________ ____________ to 54 ______ ______________________ to 64 _____________________________ and o v e r _ . 5. 7 8 .4 1 0 .4 12. 0 24. 2 20. 7 13. 8 4. 8 4 .9 9 .7 12. 2 12. 2 23. 5 18. 8 13. 0 5. 6 M ed ian ag e ( y e a r s ) _________________ 40. 6 3. 2 8 .4 10. 5 1 2 .7 26. 2 21. 7 13. 4 3. 9 40. 8 2 .9 9. 3 12. 3 12. 2 24. 6 20. 1 13. 5 5. 1 4 0 .4 14 20 25 30 35 45 55 65 39. 7 SO U R C E : B u re a u of th e C e n su s, 1950 an d I960 C e n su s of P o p u la tio n . T a b le 17. P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n of m e d ia n ag e an d p ro p o rtio n of e m p lo y e d m a le s , 45 y e a r s of ag e and o v e r, s e le c te d b u ild in g tr a d e s , 1950 and I960 M ed ian age O c cu p atio n B ric k m a s o n s , sto n e m a so n s, and title s e tte r s _____________________________________ C a rp e n te rs .... . ......... . C e m e n t and c o n c re te f i n i s h e r s _________________ E le c tric ia n s ______________________________________ E x c a v a tin g , g ra d in g , an d ro a d m a c h in e ry o p e r a t o r s __________________________ P a in te r s ................... ........ ... . P a p e rh a n g e rs ____________________________________ P la s te r e r s _______________________________________ P lu m b e rs an d p ip e fitte rs _______________________ R o o fe rs an d s la te r s S tr u c tu r a l- m e ta l w o rk e rs 1950 1960 4 0 .4 4 3 .4 41. 7 3 9 .2 37. 7 43. 3 40. 0 40. 8 3 7 .8 43. 6 49. 2 41. 0 40. 9 36. 3 39. 2 39. 8 4 5 .4 50. 9 40. 1 42. 2 37. 0 41. 0 C hange in P ro p o r tio n 45 y e a rs m e d ia n ag e of ag e an d o v e r 1950-60 1950 I960 -2 . 7 -. 1 -1 . 7 + 1. 6 + 2. 0 + 1. 8 + 1. 7 - .9 + 1. 3 +. 7 + 1. 8 25. 6 4 6 .4 57. 6 41. 1 38. 6 28. 3 33. 9 30. 4 45. 5 34. 9 37. 9 34. 3 50. 9 6 5 .6 36. 5 41. 9 30. 2 37. 1 1959 1956 1953 1951 8. 3 8. 7 21. 1 19. 3 22. 9 6. 5 6. 6 4. 2 8. 0 7. 2 4. 4 7. 3 8. 2 3. 5 8 .4 25. 5 8. 6 9. 6 23. 5 (2 ) (2 ) 6. 4 6. 6 4. 3 7 .9 7. 0 4. 3 7. 0 8. 2 (2) (2) (2 ) 9. 0 10. 3 26. 0 (2) (2) 6. 5 6. 6 4 .4 8 .4 6. 8 4. 2 6. 8 7. 6 (2 ) (2) (2 ) 9. 5 1 1 .9 26. 0 (2 ) (2) 6. 6 39. 8 46. 2 41. 6 34. 2 SO U R C E: B u re a u of th e C e n su s, 1950 an d I960 C e n su s of P o p u la tio n . T a b le 18. A v e ra g e n u m b e r of e m p lo y e e s 1 p e r re p o rtin g u n it, se le c te d y e a rs In d u stry C o n tra c t c o n s tr u c tio n ___________________________ G e n e ra l c o n tr a c to r s , b u ild in g _ _. G e n e ra l c o n tr a c to r s , e x c e p t b u ild in g s _____ H ighw ay an d s tr e e t c o n stru c tio n H eavy c o n s tru c tio n , n . e . c _______________ S p e c ia l tra d e c o n t r a c t o r s __________ _ _____ P lu m b in g , h e a tin g , and a i r c o n d itio n in g . .. . _ . .......... P a in tin g , p a p e r h a n g in g __________________ E le c tr ic a l w o rk . . M a so n ry , sto n e w o rk , and p la s te r i n g ___ C a rp e n te rin g and w ood f lo o r i n g _________ R oofing and s h e e t-m e ta l w o rk C o n c re te w o rk ____________________________ W a te r w e ll d rillin g M isc e lla n e o u s s p e c ia l tra d e c o n tra c to rs . . A d m in is tra tiv e and a u x ilia ry __________________ 1967 9 .7 10. 3 1 9 .4 17. 6 20. 6 7. 8 8. 3 4. 8 10. 4 7. 4 4. 5 8. 7 8. 1 3. 8 11. 2 45. 3 1966 1965 1964 1962 9. 5 10. 1 18. 9 17. 3 19. 9 7. 7 8. 0 4. 7 9 .8 7. 6 4. 7 8. 5 8. 3 3. 7 11. 2 49. 4 8. 8 9. 1 18. 1 17. 7 18. 4 7. 3 7. 6 4. 5 9. 3 7. 4 4. 5 8. 0 8. 0 3. 6 10. 6 52. 6 8 .4 8. 6 17 .7 17. 8 17. 7 7. 0 7. 2 4. 3 8. 5 7. 3 4. 5 7. 5 8. 2 3. 5 10. 1 45. 2 8. 2 8 .4 1 9 .4 17. 9 20. 4 6. 6 6. 7 4. 2 8. 4 6. 8 4. 2 7. 3 8. 8 3 .4 8. 7 33. 1 1 1 1 T he n u m b e r of e m p lo y e e s fo r th e m id -M a rc h pay p e rio d d iv id e d by th e to ta l n u m b e r of re p o rtin g u n its d u rin g th e f ir s t q u a r te r . 2 N ot a v a ila b le . SO U R C E : B u re a u of th e C e n su s, C ounty B u sin e ss P a tte r n s . P (2) (2) (2 ) (2) (2) (2) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) 21 Table 19. P ercent distribution of firm s by number of em ployees in contract construction, selected years Y ear 1 9 5 1 ______________________________ 1953 ...................................................... _________ _______________ 1956 1959 ................ .......................................1962 ............................................ ............... 1964 ________ _____________________ 1965 ______________________________ 1966 ______________________________ 1967 ______________________________ 1 -3 1 e m p lo y e e s 53. 1 55. 6 56. 2 5 7 .0 5 7 .9 56. 6 5 5 .9 54. 0 5 4 .4 4 -7 8 -1 9 20 -4 9 e m p lo y e e s e m p lo y e e s e m p lo y e e s C o n tra c t c o n s tru c tio n 23. 6 2 2 .4 20. 9 20. 3 20. 0 20. 2 20. 3 2 0 .8 2 0 .4 1 4 .6 1 3 .6 14. 6 14. 6 14. 0 14. 6 14. 9 15. 6 15. 5 T o ta l le s s 50 e m p lo y e e s 5. 8 5. 5 5. 7 5. 6 5. 6 5 .9 6. 0 6 .4 6 .4 97. 1 97. 1 9 7 .4 97. 5 97. 5 97. 3 97. 1 9 6 .9 9 6 .7 6. 7 6 .0 6. 2 5. 6 5 .5 5. 7 5. 7 6. 2 6. 1 9 5 .9 9 6 .6 9 6 .8 97. 1 9 7 .4 97. 3 9 6 .9 96. 5 96. 3 G e n e ra l c o n tr a c to r s , build in g 1951 1953 1956 1959 1962 1964 1965 1966 1967 ............................................................ ______________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ________ _____________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 46 . 6 5 1 .7 52. 8 55. 2 5 6 .9 56. 2 55. 6 53. 3 54. 2 2 5 .8 2 4 .4 2 2 .4 2 1 .4 21. 1 21. 0 2 1 .0 2 1 .7 21. 1 1 6 .8 14. 5 1 5 .4 14. 9 1 3 .9 14. 4 14. 6 15. 2 15. 0 G e n e ra l c o n tr a c to r s , e x c e p t b u ild in g 1951 1953 1956 1959 1962 1964 1965 1966 1967 ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ____________ _______________ _____________ ________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 34. 1 3 6 .4 36. 5 38. 6 4 2. 6 43. 0 42. 4 42. 0 41. 7 2 0 .4 19. 0 18. 0 1 8 .4 18. 3 1 8 .4 18. 3 18. 3 18. 5 1 9 5 1 ............................................................ 1953 ______________________________ 1956 ______________________________ 1959 - .............- ....................................... 1962 ______________________________ 1964 ______________________________ 1965 ______________________________ 1966 ______________________________ 1967 ______________________________ 58. 1 5 9 .7 60. 0 50. 1 60. 5 5 8 .8 58. 1 56. 2 5 6 .6 22. 8 2 1 .9 20. 5 20. 0 19. 8 20. 2 20. 2 2 0 .8 20. 3 20. 3 19. 8 20. 7 20. 6 19. 1 19. 0 1 9 .4 1 9 .6 19. 7 1 3 .4 1 3 .8 14. 2 13. 2 11. 5 1 1 .7 1 1 .4 11. 8 11. 5 88. 2 89. 0 8 9 .4 9 0 .8 9 1 .5 92. 1 91. 5 91. 7 9 1 .5 4. 5 4. 3 4. 5 4. 7 4 .8 5. 2 5. 3 5 .7 5 .8 9 8 .4 9 8 .4 98. 5 98. 5 9 8 .4 98. 3 98. 0 9 7 .9 97. 8 S p ec ia l tr a d e s c o n tra c to rs 13. 0 12. 5 13.5 13. 7 13. 3 14. 1 1 4 .4 15. 2 15. 1 1 In c lu d e s re p o rtin g u n its h av in g p a y ro ll d u rin g th e f i r s t q u a r te r b u t no e m p lo y e e s d u rin g the m id -M a rc h pay p e rio d . SO U R C E : B u re a u of th e C e n su s, C ounty B u s in e s s P a tte r n s . 22 Table 20. P ercent distribution of em ploym ent in contract construction and m anufacturing, by region and State, selected years R eg io n an d S ta te C o n tra c t c o n s tru c tio n M a n u fac tu rin g 1968 I960 1950 1939 1968 1960 1950 1939 T o t a l _______________________________________ 100. 0 10 0.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1 0 0.0 100. 0 N ew E n g la n d _____________________________________ M a in e ................................................................................ N ew H a m p sh ire . . . V e rm o n t . _ . _ ....... M a s s a c h u s e tts _______________________________ R hode Isla n d C o n n e c tic u t 1 __________________________________ M id d le A tla n tic _____ _____________________________ N ew Y o rk _ . . N ew J e r s e y ___________________________________ P e n n sy lv a n ia _ _ ............. . ... . 5 .9 .4 .4 .3 2. 7 .5 1. 6 17. 2 8. 0 3 .4 5. 8 5. 8 .5 .3 .2 2. 8 .4 1. 6 18. 2 '9 . 2 3. 5 5. 5 6. 1 .4 .3 .2 3. 1 .5 1. 6 20. 1 9 .8 3. 5 6 .8 6 .9 .6 .5 .3 2 .9 .7 1 .9 22. 8 1 2 .4 3. 6 6 .8 7 .9 .6 .5 .2 3 .6 .6 2 .4 8 .7 .6 .5 .2 4. 2 .7 2 .4 24. 6 11. 2 4. 8 8. 6 9 .6 .7 .5 .2 4. 7 1. 0 2. 5 27. 2 12. 5 5. 0 9 .7 11. 5 .9 .7 .3 5. 6 1. 2 2 .8 29. 3 13. 2 5. 7 1 0 .4 E a s t N o rth C e n tra l ___________ __________________ O h io ____________________________________________ I n d ia n a ________________________________________ I ll in o is __________________________________________ M ic h ig a n _______________________________________ _ ... _ W isc o n sin _ ......... . 18. 5 5. 1 2. 6 5. 7 3. 1 2. 0 19. 3 5 .4 2. 3 5 .8 3. 7 2. 1 W est N o rth C e n t r a l _______________________________ M in n e so ta _ ... _ Iow a _____________________________ _________ _____ M is s o u ri __ . _ .... ___ . N o rth D ak o ta _ . . . S outh D akota __________________________________ N e b ra sk a ______________________________ ______ K a n sa s 7. 5 1 .9 1. 2 2. 2 .2 .2 .7 1. 1 18. 6 5. 1 2. 3 5. 3 3. 8 2. 1 8. 8 2. 2 1 .8 2 .4 .3 .3 .8 1. 0 2 6 .8 7. 5 3. 5 7. 2 5 .8 2. 7 6. 0 1 .4 1. 1 2. 3 (2 ) .1 .4 .7 2 9 .5 8. 0 3. 8 7 .9 7. 0 2. 8 5 .7 1. 3 1. 0 2. 3 (2 ) .1 .4 .6 2 7 .4 7. 5 3. 4 7 .9 6. 1 2. 5 5. 2 1. 1 .9 2. 3 (2) .1 .3 .5 S outh A tla n tic __________________ __________________ D e la w are _____________ ______ __________________ M a ry la n d ______________________________________ D is tr ic t of C o lu m b ia ._ _ __ V i r g in ia __________________________ _____________ _ . W est V irg in ia .. ___ N o rth C a r o l in a _________________________ ______ S outh C a ro lin a ________________________________ G e o rg ia __________________________ _____________ F lo rid a . . . _ _ _ ...... _ _ 17. 8 .4 2 .4 .6 2. 7 .8 2. 7 1. 5 2 .4 4. 3 18. 6 5. 1 2. 3 5 .9 3 .4 2. 0 8 .4 2. 0 1. 3 2. 3 .3 .4 .9 1. 2 16. 0 .4 2. 2 .7 2 .4 .6 2. 3 1. 2 1 .9 4. 3 E a s t S outh C e n tra l ____ _________________________ K en tu ck y ____ . ... __ T e n n e s s e e __________________ __________________ A la b a m a ________________________________________ M is s is s ip p i ....................................................... ............... 5. 2 1. 3 1. 6 1. 5 .8 5. 9 1. 2 2. 3 1. 5 .9 W est South C e n tr a l ______________________________ A rk a n s a s ______________________________________ L o u is ia n a . _ _ ... O k la h o m a _________ _______ _____________________ T e x a s _ . _____ . . . . . . _____ . _ 6. 0 1. 5 2. 0 1. 6 .9 11. 2 .9 2. 8 1 .0 6. 5 12. 2 .4 1. 5 . 1 1. 6 .7 3. 0 1. 5 2. 0 1. 2 5. 0 1. 0 1 .9 1 .4 .7 11. 0 .3 1. 5 . 1 1. 5 .9 2. 7 1 .4 1 .9 .7 4. 5 .9 1 .6 1 .4 .6 4. 3 .5 1. 0 .4 2 .4 11. 8 .3 1 .7 .2 1. 7 .9 3. 1 1 .4 1. 8 .7 4 .4 .8 1. 6 1 .4 .6 3. 7 .5 1. 0 .4 1 .8 M o u ntain M o n ta n a ....................................................................... ........ I d a h o _______________________________ ______ _____ W y o m in g _______________________________________ C o lo r a d o _______________________________________ N ew M ex ico . _ ____ _ A riz o n a _______ ________ _____________________ U t a h ___________________ ______________________ N ev ad a ______________________________________ 3 .9 .4 .3 .2 1. 0 .5 . 8 . 4 . 3 4 .9 .4 .3 .4 1. 2 .7 1. 1 . 5 . 3 P a c ific ----------------------------------------------------------------------------W ashin gto n O reg o n _________________________ _____________ C a lifo rn ia ___________________________________ A la s k a H a w a ii ________________ ____ _____________ _____ 12. 0 1. 8 . 9 9. 5 . 2 . 6 1 3 .4 1. 6 •9 10. 1 . 2 . 6 1. 1 . 1 . 1 (2 ) .4 . 1 . 2 . 2 (2) 7. 1 1. 2 . 9 5. 0 1. 0 . 1 .2 (2 ) .4 (2) . 1 . 2 (2 ) 5. 7 1. 2 . 8 3. 7 9. 5 .7 1 .9 1. 2 5 .7 8 .4 1 .9 1 .4 2. 3 .3 .4 .8 1. 3 1 4 .4 .5 2 .4 .9 2. 2 .8 2. 0 1. 0 1. 7 2 .9 5. 1 1. 2 2. 0 1. 2 .7 10. 0 .8 2. 0 1. 3 5 .9 4. 0 .4 .4 .3 1. 0 .7 . 5 . 5 . 2 1 2 .6 1. 8 1. 1 9. 7 _ 2 1 .9 9. 5 4. 5 7 .9 2 6 .4 7. 3 3. 6 7. 1 5. 8 2. 6 6. 3 1. 6 1. 1 2 .4 (2 ) .1 .4 .7 15. 3 .4 2. 0 1 .6 2 .4 1 .0 2. 1 1. 2 2. 3 2. 3 5. 7 1. 6 1 .4 1. 5 1. 2 9 .4 .8 1 .7 1. 1 5 .8 13. 3 .4 1 .4 . 1 1 .8 .7 3 .4 1 .6 2. 3 1. 6 5 .9 .8 .9 .6 3 .6 4 .9 .6 .8 .5 2 .9 3. 5 .5 .3 .3 1. 1 .3 .4 .4 . 2 9 .0 1. 8 . 7 6. 6 1 .7 . 1 .2 (2 ) .6 . 1 .4 . 3 (2 ) 1 0 .7 1. 4 . 9 8. 3 (2 ) . 1 1. 6 . 1 .2 . 1 .5 . 1 . 3 . 3 (2 ) 10. 2 1. 3 .9 7. 9 (2 ) . 2 _ ~ _ _ - 1 Mining combined with construction. 2 L ess than 0. 05 percent. SOURCE: BLS, current em ploym ent sta tistics based on establishm ent reports. 23 CHAPTER IV . SEASONAL EM PLO YM EN T Seasonality of employment in construction Seasonal fluctuations are an outstanding feature of employment in construction. Wage and salary workers in contract construction experience greater seasonal variations in employment than such workers in any other nonagricultural industry division. (See appendix table G-6.) From its low to its peak, contract construc tion has added more than three-quarters of a million workers each year, on the average, over the past decade. Seasonal employment fluctuations far exceed the variation in annual average employment that have occurred. (See table 22.) In addition, the seasonal pattern in employment is more pronounced for construc tion workers than for other workers in the industry. (See table 26.) Seasonality of employment in contract construction has not changed markedly since World War II as measured by the extent to which employment in February and August varies from average annual employment. (See table 21.) There has been a decline during the last 5 years as well as during the early 1950’s— both periods of low unemployment. Seasonality in construction employment 18 is clearly related to economic conditions, as measured by the overall unemployment rate. (See chart 1.) As unemployment rises, seasonality increases, and conversely. For the month of February, for example, for every percentage point change in the overall unemployment rate, there is a corresponding 1 percentage point change in seasonal amplitude, on the average. For months of the year other than February (the low point), the relationship of economic conditions to seasonality may be quantita tively different, but limited evidence indicates that the direction of the relationship is the same as in February. Use of a related measure, the trend in BLS seasonal adjustment factors 19 also shows no observable sig nificant change in seasonality occurring since 1947. (See table 21 and appendix table G-7.) A reduction in the amplitude of seasonal fluctuations in construction employment took place before World War II. In 1929 and 1935, the range in contract construction employment between February and August as a percent of the annual average was about 55 percentage points. 20 By 1939 and 1940, just prior *8 Measured by the ratio of the actual level of employment to the corresponding trend-cycle level of employment for the same month. This factor must be taken into account in a review of trends in seasonality during the postwar years. That portion of the seasonality associated with economic conditions must be removed in some way in order to determine whether the remaining seasonality contains any observable trend related to other influences present in the construction industry. *9 Seasonal adjustment is a statistical process for removing the effects of seasonal influences from the data for the individual months of the year. Seasonal factors express the ratio between the original level of activity for a month and the seasonally adjusted level for the same month. A factor of 110 means that the level in that month is typically 10 percent higher than it would have been in the absence of seasonal influences. A factor of 90 means that the level in that month is typically 10 percent less because of seasonality. When the actual level for a given month is divided by the factor for that month, the resulting number is called the seasonally adjusted level. After a time series has been seasonally adjusted, the figure for any month may be compared directly with that for any other month. Month-to-month change in a seasonally adjusted series should then reflect nonseasonal factors such as changing eco nomic conditions or short term factors such as floods, storms, or strikes. It does not reflect normal seasonal variations since it is precisely these which are removed in the adjustment process. In this report, the seasonal factors will be used as a measure of seasonal influences whenever possible. However, in some instances, the simple method of taking the month as a percentage of the annual average will be utilized. In addition, the ratio of the seasonal low to the seasonal high month, usually February to August, also will be used. 2® BLS employment data on a monthly basis is not available for years prior to 1939. See table 24 for sources and note concerning 1929 and 1935 data. 24 to World War II, this range had declined to about 34 percentage points. (See table 25.) Since 1947, the spread has fluctuated between 18 and 33 percent. (See tables 21 and 25.) The same pattern as above per sisted for the various geographic areas of the Nation. (See table 23.) The fact that no marked change in the seasonality of employment has occurred in contract construction over the postwar period is particularly surprising because a number of factors seem to be working to reduce seasonality. First, the regional distribution of employment in the industry has shifted toward the South Atlan tic and Pacific States— areas of generally less seasonal fluctuation. Second, a shift of employment has occurred within the industry in favor of special trades contractors and more mechanical work such as electrical, plumb ing, etc. Employment in the special trades is considerably less seasonal than work by general contractors. Third, the proportion of total employment in the industry that construction workers constitute has decreased. Since construction workers are subject to considerably greater seasonality of employment than office workers in the industry, this circumstance would tend to mitigate seasonal employment fluctuations. Fourth, techno logical developments that increase the ease of winter building have continued to appear. Suppliers to the in dustry continue to provide innovations directed at year-round construction work. Plastic shelters for closing in a job against unfavorable weather and improved space heaters have been marketed. Fifth, the size of contrac tors in terms of the value of work undertaken has continued to increase (although, in terms of employees there has not been any increase in size). With greater size, the planning necessary to successfully undertake off season work is possible. The fact that seasonality in construction has shown little long-run alteration in face of these changes in dicates that other factors are at work to increase seasonality that are able to balance the factors that reduce seasonality. The increasingly seasonal pattern of contracts let may have a positive effect upon the seasonality of em ployment. In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, monthly series of the value of contract awards had a rather random pattern. If anything, the value peaked late in the year and troughs were random. By 1954, however, the value of contracts let began to take on a more seasonal pattern. A peak is now reached in April, May, or June— leading employment by about 3 months— and a trough occurs in December or January— leading the employment trough by about 1 month.21 Construction jobs often require a large amount of advance planning and development. When the day arrives to start a job, the contractor must have assembled men, materials, and machines. If construction is let on a seasonal basis all other aspects of work planning, organization, and com mencement also follow a more seasonal movement. Another factor that may emphasize the seasonality of employment in construction is the increased amount of formal planning by contractors. The general belief is that contractors are planning in an attempt to perform more winter work. In anticipation of poor winter weather, however, contractors may use formal planning to accomplish more work during spring, summer, and fall months, thereby heightening the seasonal employment peak. Analysis of weather and employment information for Chicago has indicated a certain amount of an ticipatory reaction by contractors that has an effect on the amount of work performed in winter months, regardless of the actual weather conditions in these months. (See appendix C for a discussion of this topic.) Seasonal employment by type of contractor Seasonal variations in employment are more pronounced in some types of construction activities than in others. Employment by special trades contractors in 1968, for example, rose about 18 percent from sea sonal low to high, while employment in heavy construction rose by 56 percent. (See table 24.) In addition, seasonal variations in employment within certain segments of heavy and special trades contractors also are considerable. Thus, employment in heavy construction, except highways, increased by more than one-quarter from seasonal low to high, and employment by highway contractors nearly doubled. Among the special trades Robert E. Lipsey and Doris Preston, Source B ook Bureau of Economic Research, 1966, p. 57. 26 o f Statistics Relating to Construction, New York: National contractors, the mechanical trades, such as plumbing, heating and air conditioning, and electrical work, are the least seasonal. The seasonal rise in employment from low to high months for these mechanical trades con tractors was less than 10 percent, compared with 21 percent for masonry contractors, 23 percent for roofing contractors, and 42 percent for painting contractors. The sectors of contract construction have experienced varied changes in seasonal employment patterns since 1929. The seasonal amplitude of the swing in employment in highway construction has shown the most significant improvement, although it continues to be the sector of the industry with the widest seasonal fluc tuations in employment. (See table 25.) Seasonal employment by type and class of worker Just as substantial variations in the seasonal patterns of employment take place by type of construction activity, available data indicate that considerable variation occurs by construction occupation and by class of construction worker. The number of laborers employed in the peak month of August 1968 was 24 percent greater than the annual average; for carpenters it was only 10 percent higher than the annual average in the peak month of September. Conversely, the employment of construction laborers in January was about onefourth less than the annual average compared with 15 percent less for carpenters. (See table 26.) In 1968, the seasonal fluctuation in employment of “ construction workers” in contract construction was about one-third between February and August, in contrast to a fluctuation of about 3 percent for other work ers (white-collar, etc.), (See table 27.) There are substantial variations in the seasonal employment patterns of construction workers by class of worker. In 1968, employment of private wage and salary workers in construction increased by about 25 per cent between the first and third quarters, compared with a 7-percent rise for government wage and salary workers engaged in construction activities. 22 The number of self-employed and unpaid family workers com bined in construction increased 12 percent during this period. (See table 28.) Construction workers employed in construction experience greater seasonal employment swings than building trades workers employed in other industries. (See table 29.) Seasonal employment by size and location of construction firm Seasonal employment patterns of large construction firms have less amplitude than those of smaller firms. Large firms may be better able to take advantage of cold weather materials and equipment and, there fore, tend to maintain their work forces during off-season periods. Data available for several sectors of contract construction in four areas in 1968 indicate that seasonal employment swings for large firms were consistently less than for small firms, 23 but varied by type of con tractor and area. (See table 30.) Generally, the variation was greatest for large and small firms engaged in highway and street construction and those classified in several “ outdoor” special trades contractor industries, such as roofing and sheet-metal work and masonry, stonework, and plastering. Painting, paperhanging, and decorating is the only indoor work that had substantial seasonal swings, because winter months appear to be unpopular for such work. Within the industries shown in table 30, the seasonal fluctuations of employment are greater in the warmer regions of the country. 22 The employees of public agencies engaged in construction and related activities, such as highway maintenance and land reclamation. 23 The classification of firms into size categories was based on type of construction activity and location of establish ments. Generally, establishments in General Building Construction and Highway and Street Construction were classified as “large” if they employed 100 employees or more. Those in the Special Trades were classified as “large” if they employed 20 employees or more. 27 Historical data indicate that little or no change in seasonal employment fluctuations results from type, size, and location of construction firms since 1960. The employment of small general building contractors in the South Atlantic and East South Central States is becoming less seasonal, and employment in both large and small masonry, stonework, and plastering firms in the South Central and South Atlantic States is becoming more seasonal. (See appendix table G-19.) Significant variations occur in seasonal fluctuations by State. Nationally, the seasonal adjustment factor for employment in contract construction in February 1968 was 87 and the August factor was 110. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii, February factors range from 66 for North Dakota to 98 for Florida and those for August range from 103 to 133, for these two States. (See table 31.) Seasonality and the attachment of workers to contract construction 24 Workers in construction have fewer quarters of work during the year than workers in most other indus tries. In each of the three major construction industry groups, for example, employees with work in only one calendar quarter made up at least 30 percent of all workers who had some earnings in the industry, compared with less than 20 percent of the workers with some earnings in manufacturing, mining, and utilities. (See table 32.) Similarly, when employees are reported in the industry from which they received the major portion of their earnings, fewer quarters of work are evidenced for construction workers than most other workers. Construction workers in the South and West (where seasonal patterns are less severe) appear to have a weaker attachment to the industry than those in the rest of the country. Only about 28 percent of the work ers who reported some earnings from general building construction in the South and West were employed in the industry at least part of four quarters in 1964, compared with about 35 percent in the northern regions. (See table 33.) Moreover, a considerably larger proportion of the workers in the South and West were em ployed only one quarter in 1964. This weaker attachment in a section of the country in which construction employment is less seasonal may reflect a shifting from farm to construction work and back. Construction workers under 25 years of age appear to have less year-round work in the industry in the course of a year than those in the older age groups. In 1964, more than one-half of the construction workers in the 25 to 65 age group who had most of their earnings reported from contractors in the general building sector had four quarters of work. This proportion contrasts markedly with the 8 percent for those under 20 years of age (many of whom are in school and seek employment during their vacations) and the 31 per cent for those between 20 and 24 years of age. For those workers over 65, the proportion receiving four quarters of work was substantially less than for the prime working age groups. (See table 34.) White workers appear to receive more quarters of work than Negro workers. (See table 35.) This may in large part be a result of Negroes’ concentration in the trades more susceptible to seasonal layoffs. Factors that influence seasonality Seasonal employment movements in construction are the result of inclement weather and traditional man agement practices and custom. The actual amount of work that could be performed in winter with precautions against bad weather is unknown, but indications are that it is more than is currently performed. In 1924, the Hoover Committee reported, “ For most types of construction is now possible to build the year-round in all parts of the United States.” 25 This statement remains true. Materials and techniques for performing con struction work during harsh weather have been available for some time, and have steadily improved. Careful scheduling and protection of materials and workers can permit work to proceed even in periods of bad 24 Source: OASDI 1-percent continuous work history sample. Special tabulations made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Office of Wages and Industrial Relations. (See appendix F.) 25 The President’s Conference on Unemployment, Seasonal Operation in The Construction Industries: The Facts and Remedies, (New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1924). 28 weather. The Canadians, for instance, have poured concrete at 40 degrees below zero, and some of this Nation s large contractors have accomplished similar feats. Highway building has been carried directly through winter months in Washington, D.C., and in cities farther north. An analysis of the weather and construction activity in Chicago between 1958 and 1964 indicates that construction activity is sensitive to temperature, but much less so to precipitation, wind, and other factors, (See appendix C.) The industry appears to anticipate normal seasonal weather in winter months and sched ules less work. Thus, a situation appears to exist in which the industry’s expectation of normal seasonal weather has more direct influence on construction activity and employment than actual weather conditions for a particular period of time. The Hoover Report on seasonal operations in the building industry laid heavy stress on the roles of rent ing seasons, building codes, and owner’s preferences for summer work, in contributing to the seasonality of employment. “ Bad weather,” wrote the Hoover Commission in 1924, is not the principal cause of seasonal idleness. Customs which become fixed when builders had not yet learned how to cope with adverse weather conditions have not yet been changed to meet improvements in building materials, the development of new equipment, and innovations in management methods.” Institutional influences have not disappeared, but their importance has been diminished. Renting seasons are much less important today because of the increased mobility of workers in the economy. Many of the larger corporations move their workers about the country at all times of the year. Military personnel are transferred at all times of the year and they make up a larger proportion of the Nation’s population than in 1924. Code restrictions against undertaking certain types of work, such as pouring concrete, are often overcome through special permits. Reduced prices in the off-season for installing air-conditioning systems in homes is another example of the attack on institutional factors that tend to emphasize the seasonality of construction work. Also, the diffusion of information on technological advances has improved as the number of trade journals and other sources of information for contractors has increased. Contractual agreements also have attacked institutional practices. An example of such a provision is a cents-per-hour penalty clause guaranteeing an employee a minimum number of hours of work during a week. The purpose of this contract provision is to induce the contractor to provide a full week’s work, schedule his work, and prepare the site that rain or snow will not halt work. The effect, as often as not, is to cause the contractor to suspend operations when weather conditions appear unfavorable. A showup time provision in contracts may have the same effect. Showup provisions require an employer to pay each worker for at least so many hours’ work if he has men report to his job. Again, if the contractor is in doubt about weather conditions, and under no particular pressure to complete the job, he is apt to be cautious and not work that day. The amount of time lost through cancellation of work due to early morning weather conditions can be remarkably large. A review of a number of contracts indicates that some contractual arrangements facilitate work during periods of inclement weather— suspension of call-in pay in event of inclem ent weather. However, the relative incidence of these different types of provisions is presently unknown. Additional cost of winter work As yet only fragmentary information has been gathered about the extra costs that might be associated with winter work, using presently known techniques of working under cover. The costs obviously will vary with circumstances and types of construction. One study of these costs in the construction of a large motel and department store in a northern city puts the differential at no more than 1 percent. 26 Other judgments obtained from cautious but knowledgeable officials put these costs in the case of building structures at not more than 5 percent. DC 1967COW Weather Construction Techniques, a report prepared by the Structural day Products Institute, Washington, 29 Additional costs in residential construction are illustrated by the following experience: A brick home in Canton, Ohio, was started the first week of February 1966, and workers encountered all kinds of weather such as snow, sleet, rain and subzero temperatures. 27 The price of this house was not given in the report but was reported to be in the $35,000 range. The additional cost incurred for winterizing this job was $276.65, which can be broken down as follows: Polyethylene................ $33.65 Framing lumber............ 20.00 Labor............................ 198.00 Electricity 1 ................ 25.00 Total......................$276.65 * Infrared lamps were borrowed at no cost. The home was a pilot program and no credit was given for errors. The people responsible for the project believe that a cost of about $200 would be more than adequate on future projects. Canadian experience suggests that very little additional costs should be added to a job for winter build ing. 28 Some support for this estimate has been provided by their Winter House Building Incentive Program. The purchaser of a house substantially completed in winter received a cash payment of $500 from the Do minion. The number of dwelling units approved under this bonus scheme averaged about 28,500 during the winters of 1963, 1964, and 1965. The program had a very significant effect on the starting dates with a marked shift from the spring to the fall, which was the effect that was desired. It can be inferred that this bonus covered the additional cost for winter building. A long standing dispute exists among persons knowledgeable about the industry concerning the net addition to project costs of winter building. Allowing for the additional costs required by job protection and materials treatment, some agree that offsetting savings occur in materials and labor in the winter season. Better labor at possible lower cost per hour (due to the absence of summer scarcity bonuses), prompt deliv ery of materials from supplier, less frequency of strikes, and greater use of equipment, may generate offseason savings to the contractor. 29 In addition, the earlier completion date of buildings on which construction con tinued through winter would result in savings to the contractor and additional earnings to the owner if it is income producing property.30 27 Cold Weather Construction with Brick, a report prepared by Region 4—Structural Clay Products Institute, Canton, Ohio, 1967. 28 C. R. Crocker and D. C. Tibbetts, Winter Construction (Better Building Bulletin 6), Division of Building Research of the National Research Council, Canada (December 1960). Also, C. R. Crocker, “Advances in Winter Construction Methods Extend Building Season,” The Constructor , January 1966. 29 For winter savings position, see especially the Hoover Committee Report, chap. VIII; William Haber, Industrial R e lations in the Building Industry, pp. 113-124; and more recently, William Roark, “Winterizing of Construction Jobs Will Confer Big Benefits,” The Bricklayer, Mason, and Plasterer, November 1963, pp. 250,-251. Otto L. Nelson statement. United States House of Representatives, Committee on Education and Labor, Select Committee on Labor: Hearings: Seasonal Unem ploym ent in the Construction Industry. Washington, D.C., Government Print ing Office, 1968. 30 Table 21. M easures of season ality in contract construction, 1947—68 February and August em ploy Seasonal adjustm ent factors m ent as a percent of annual for F ebruary and August Year avera ee em ploy ment iffer- February August D iffer February August Dence ence 1947 -------------------1948 -------------------1Q4Q 1950 -------------------1951 -------------------1952 -------------------1953 -------------------1954 -------------------1955 -------------------1956 -------------------1 Q^7 1958 -------------------1959 -------------------I 9 6 0 -------------------1 961 -------------------1962 -------------------1963 -------------------1 QA4 ... ______ _ 1 QAH .... _ ._ 1 9 6 6 -------------------1967 -------------------1 96 8 -------------------- 84. 8 82. 7 89. 2 80. 2 86. 2 89.7 90. 0 87. 9 83. 7 84. 3 8 8.4 82. 6 83. 0 87. 3 83. 1 83. 3 82. 3 84. 7 84. 5 86. 2 88. 0 89. 0 110. 7 110. 1 108.6 113. 5 109. 6 109. 6 107. 9 109. 2 111. 2 112. 1 109.4 110. 2 112. 3 111.8 112. 1 113. 2 113. 2 112. 1 111.3 110. 8 109. 9 109. 9 88. 9 88. 3 25.9 27. 4 19. 4 33. 3 23.4 19.9 17. 9 21. 3 27. 5 27. 8 21. 0 27. 6 29. 3 24. 5 29. 0 29. 9 30. 9 27. 4 26. 8 24. 6 21. 9 19. 9 87. 9 87. 5 87. 2 87. 1 87. 0 86. 8 86. 7 8 6.4 86. 2 85. 5 85. 1 84. 6 84. 5 84. 7 84. 8 85. 1 85. 6 86. 2 86. 7 87. 1 109. 2 109. 3 109.4 109. 5 109. 5 109. 6 109. 8 109. 8 109.9 110. 2 110. 5 110. 8 111. 2 111.4 111. 6 111.7 111. 5 111.3 111.0 no. 7 no. 5 no. 3 Table 22. C yclical and season al em ploym ent change in contract construction, all em ployees and construction w orkers, 1947—68 Construction em ployees w orkers P ercent P ercent P ercent P ercent change change, change change, Y ear in annual Feb annual February ruary inaverage average to to em ploy August em ploy August ment 1 m ent 1 1947 -------------------30. 5 33. 1 19. 3 (2) 9 .4 9 .4 33. 2 1948 -------------------36. 2 21. 8 -. 2 24. 3 -. 3 1949 -------------------41. 6 1950 -------------------44. 4 7. 8 7. 8 1951 -------------------11. 6 11. 6 27. 1 29. 7 1952 -------------------1. 2 22. 2 24. 1 .7 -. 4 1953 --------------------. 8 22. 3 19. 8 1 0^4 _ 24. 2 -. 4 - 1.0 26. 3 1955 -------------------7. 3 32. 8 7. 0 37. 3 1956 -------------------7. 0 32. 9 7. 1 37. 1 -2. 5 23. 8 26. 8 1957 --------------------2 .9 1958 --------------------5 . 0 33.4 -6. 0 38. 9 1959 -------------------35. 3 6. 6 6. 5 41. 5 -2. 5 I960 -------------------28. 0 -3 . 1 33. 3 1961 -------------------4 1 .4 -2. 4 35. 0 -2. 8 1 QAp, 3. 1 35. 8 3. 0 42. 3 1 Qf\ t 37. 6 2. 1 2. 5 45. 2 1964 -------------------32. 3 2. 9 37. 9 2 .9 1965 -------------------4. 5 31. 8 4 .4 37. 1 1 QAA _ _ ..... 2. 8 28. 6 2. 7 33. 6 - 2. 0 1967 -------------------24. 9 -2. 7 29. 3 22. 3 196 8 -------------------1. 8 1. 7 26. 5 20. 3 21.5 22. 0 22. 3 22. 5 22. 8 23. 0 23. 2 23. 8 24. 3 25. 3 26. 1 29. 8 27. 1 27. 0 26. 7 26. 2 25. 4 24. 5 23. 8 23. 2 21. 0 SOURCE: BLS, current em ploym ent sta tistics based on establishm ent reports. R efers to the change from the previous year. Not available. SOURCE: BLS, current em ploym ent sta tistics based on establishm ent reports. 1 2 Table 23. Contract constru ction 1 em ploym ent in February and August as a percent of the annual average, by region, selected years Region T o ta l----------------------------------New E ngland-------------------------------Middle A tlan tic----------------------------E ast North C entral---------------------W est North C en tra l--------------------South A tlantic----------------------------— E ast South C en tra l---------------------W est South C entral----------------------M ountain-------------------------------------P a c ific ------------------------------------------ 1967 Feb. Aug. 86. 5 110.6 79.4 82. 8 83. 0 78. 3 92. 3 86. 7 94. 5 81. 7 90. 9 115. 2 111.2 114. 0 117. 0 106. 2 109. 9 105. 3 114. 9 109. 1 196 6 Feb. Aug. 85. 2 80. 0 81. 9 81. 9 76. 6 8 9.8 80. 8 8 8 .4 84. 0 94. 2 no. 9 112. 8 111. 2 114. 0 117.7 107. 3 113. 0 108. 6 113. 5 107. 1 1965 Feb. Aug. 83. 5 75. 6 80.4 78. 9 73. 2 8 7.6 82. 8 88. 5 81. 6 91.8 111.4 115. 0 111. 7 113. 9 119. 6 108. 3 111. 5 108. 1 111. 7 109. 2 1964 Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. 1955 Feb. Aug. 84. 0 75. 5 81. 8 78. 3 75. 3 8 6.4 80. 7 90. 2 84. 5 94. 3 85. 2 78. 7 84. 2 80. 9 74. 0 92. 4 81. 6 91. 3 85. 5 90. 1 83. 0 75. 3 80. 5 80. 4 74. 0 85. 9 87. 5 89. 9 79. 6 9 0.4 112. 0 116. 1 112. 6 115. 9 118. 7 109. 1 112. 8 108. 6 114. 0 107.4 1960 112. 5 115.7 111. 4 117. 0 123. 8 107. 7 114. 3 108. 8 112. 6 108. 0 111. 3 112. 9 110.0 113. 0 118. 6 107. 8 112. 7 107. 6 114. 0 110.4 1939 Feb. Aug. 1935 Feb. Aug. 76. 3 6 9.9 77. 9 86. 1 57. 3 81. 2 79. 9 93. 7 62.6 90. 8 68. 1 116. 6 118. 5 112. 6 125. 8 128. 2 121. 9 121.4 109. 5 130. 9 107. 1 61. 0 70. 9 60. 1 57. 0 76. 9 70. 1 7 2 .4 62. 7 8 1.4 121. 9 119. 6 117. 9 128. 7 134. 6 113. 3 120. 6 125. 6 127. 9 1929 Feb. Aug. 70. 0 66. 3 72. 3 67. 4 54. 2 72. 7 75. 3 80. 0 53. 9 1 1 1 . 6 80. 5 124. 5 126. 7 120. 6 127. 0 138. 3 124. 8 122. 2 117. 1 141. 0 116. 5 1 Data for 1935 includes operative bu ild ers. NOTE: The noncom parability of data for 1929 and 1935 with data since 1939 should not significantly affect the accuracy of the an alysis since the data pertain to the relative fluctuations in em ploym ent season ally, rather than absolute le v els of em ploym ent. SOURCE: U. S. Departm ent of C om m erce, Bureau of the C ensus. 1929— Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930. Construction Industry. Summ ary for the United States. 1935— Census of B usin ess: 1935 Construction Industry. U. S. Departm ent of Labor, Bureau of Em ploym ent Security. 1939- 67 Em ploym ent and W ages of W orkers Covered by State Unem ployment Insur ance Laws and Unem ploym ent Com pensation for F ederal E m ployees. 31 Table 24. Seasonal adjustm ent factors for wage and salary w orkers, February and August, and percent change, by type of contractor, 196 8 Seasonal adjustm ent factors F ebruary August Industry Total contract constru ction-------------------G eneral building con tra ctors--------------------------Heavy constru ction------------------------------------------Highway and street con stru ctio n ---------------Other heavy constru ction----------------------------Special trade c o n tra cto r s-------------------------------Plum bing, heating, and airconditioning — Painting, paperhanging, and d eco ra tin g ------------------------------------------------E lectrical w o r k ------------------------------------------M asonry, plasterin g, stone, and tile w o r k ---------------------------------------------------Roofing and sh eet-m etal w o r k -------------------Operative builders ------------------------------------------- 87. 0 88. 2 76. 2 64. 5 86. 8 90.9 95. 8 82. 3 96. 0 89. 7 87. 5 93. 1 P ercen t by which high season al factors exceeded low season al factors 110. 3 109.4 118. 8 128. 0 110. 5 107. 2 103. 9 116.6 105. 1 108. 8 107.4 106.. 6 26. 8 24. 0 5 5.9 98.4 27. 3 17. 9 8. 5 41. 7 9. 5 21. 3 22. 7 14. 5 SOURCE: BLS, current em ploym ent sta tistics based on establishm ent reports. Table 25. Em ploym ent in contract construction as a percent of the annual average em ploym ent, February and August, selected years Year 1929 1935 1940 1945 1947 1948 1950 1955 I960 1965 1966 1967 1968 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 9 3 9 _______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- - Contract construction G eneral building 1 February August F ebruary August 70. 0 68. 1 79.7 71. 9 84. 7 84. 8 82. 6 80. 2 83. 7 87. 3 84. 5 86. 2 88. 0 89. 0 124. 5 121. 9 114. 1 106. 0 108. 8 110. 6 110. 1 113. 5 111.2 111.8 111.3 110. 8 109. 9 108. 9 72. 3 62. 8 (2 ) (2 ) 84. 9 87. 5 83. 4 79.7 83. 7 88. 5 85. 7 88. 2 90. 5 92.4 121.4 126. 8 (2) (2) 107. 3 109. 1 109.6 113. 8 111.8 111.3 110. 7 109.4 108.4 107. 5 Heavy construction February August 67. 8 72. 3 (2) (2 ) 8 3 .4 72. 7 71. 0 69. 2 73. 2 74. 3 70. 2 72. 2 78. 6 75.5 123. 2 114. 2 (2) (2 ) 114. 3 121. 8 118. 5 123. 2 118. 3 121. 8 121. 6 119. 0 118. 1 117. 6 Highway construction February August 45. 7 4 8 .4 (2 ) <»>) (2 (2 ) (*) (2) (2) 63.9 60. 1 62. 3 66.7 64. 3 151. 7 140. 5 (2 ) (2) (2) (2 ) (2) (2 ) (2 ) 130. 4 129. 7 126. 7 128. 2 127. 1 Special trades February August 83. 2 78. 5 (2 ) (2 ) 85. 0 87. 5 86. 8 85. 0 87.5 91. 9 89. 6 90. 8 90.4 92. 7 111.9 112. 0 (2) (2) 107. 4 107.4 107. 1 109. 3 108. 1 107. 8 107.4 108. 1 107.4 106. 0 Data for 1935 includes operative bu ilders. Not available. NOTE: The noncom parability of data for 1929 and 1935 with data since 1939 should not significantly affect the accuracy of the an alysis since the data pertain to the relative fluctuations in em ploym ent sea son ally, rather than absolute le v els of em ploym ent. SOURCE: U .S. Departm ent of C om m erce, Bureau of the Census. 1929— Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930. Construction Industry. Summ ary for the United States. 1935— Census of B u sin ess: 1935 Construction Industry. 1939—68 - BLS, current em ploym ent statistics based on establishm ent reports. 1 2 32 Table 26. Index of season al variation in monthly em ploym ent in construction and for carpenters, construction craftsm en (except carpenters), and construction lab orers, I 9 6 0 and 196 8 Construction craftsm en, Carpenters Construction Construction laborers (except carpenters) Month I960 1 968 1960 1 968 1960 1960 196 8 1968 January-----------------------------------------F eb ruary--------------------------------------M arch-------------------------------------------A p r il--------------------------------------------M ay-----------------------------------------------J u n e ----------------------------------------------Ju ly-----------------------------------------------A u g u st------------------------------------------S ep tem b er------------------------------------O ctober-----------------------------------------N ovem ber-------------------------------------D ecem b er-------------------------------------- 87. 9 90. 3 91. 1 96. 6 99. 7 105. 1 107. 6 110. 4 104. 9 102. 9 120. 0 101. 3 90. 1 87. 1 85. 8 94. 7 102. 1 108. 1 111.6 110. 2 104. 3 107. 1 102. 4 96. 5 85. 2 89. 6 88. 4 94. 5 101. 2 102. 4 105. 5 107. 8 110. 2 107. 8 105. 1 102. 2 96. 4 92. 1 93. 4 100. 0 102. 2 107. 1 104. 7 105. 4 103. 0 103. 5 98. 4 93. 4 94. 6 96. 6 95. 1 93. 1 98. 9 100. 8 106. 9 108. 8 103. 8 103. 1 99. 1 99. 1 92. 9 86. 9 87. 1 97. 0 101.2 106. 8 112. 0 114. 3 106. 4 102. 8 101. 3 91. 2 73. 9 79. 5 80. 1 99. 6 106. 2 118. 5 123. 2 124. 1 100. 5 95. 4 98. 2 100. 7 83. 8 78. 3 72. 3 90. 8 110. 0 120. 8 129. 6 121.6 99. 5 104. 4 96. 4 93. 0 SOURCE: Current population survey conducted for the BLS by the Bureau of the Census. Table 27. Seasonal adjustm ent factors for wage and salary w orkers, by class of w orkers in contract construction, February and August, 1948—68 Year 1948 ----------------------------------------------1949 ----------------------------------------------1950 ----------------------------------------------19 5 1 ----------------------------------------------1952 ----------------------------------------------1953 ----------------------------------------------1954 ----------------------------------- --------1955 ----------------------------------------------1956 ----------------------------------------------1957 ----------------------------------------------1958 ----------------------------------------------1959 ----------------------------------------------I960 ----------------------------------------------1961 ----------------------------------------------1962 ----------------------------------------------1963 ----------------------------------------------1964 ----------------------------------------------1965 ----------------------------------------------1966 ----------------------------------------------1967 ----------------------------------------------1968 ----------------------------------------------- Construction w orkers August F ebruary 85. 9 85. 9 85. 9 85. 9 85. 7 85. 6 85. 4 85. 3 85. 0 84. 6 83. 6 83. 1 82. 4 82. 1 82. 3 82. 4 82. 8 8 3.4 84. 2 84. 8 85. 3 110. 5 no. 5 no. 5 no. 5 no. 5 no. 8 no. 8 111.0 111.4 111.8 112. 3 112. 7 113. 1 113.4 113. 4 113. 2 113. 0 112. 7 112.4 112. 1 111.9 Other w orkers February August 96.4 96. 4 96.6 96.7 96. 8 97. 1 97. 2 97. 5 97. 8 97. 9 98. 1 98. 2 98. 3 9 8.4 98. 4 98. 5 98. 5 98. 5 98. 6 98. 6 98. 6 103.4 103. 2 103. 2 103. 1 103. 0 102. 8 102. 5 102. 3 102. 2 102. 0 101.8 101. 8 101.8 101.7 101.7 101. 6 101.5 101.4 101. 3 101. 2 101. 2 SOURCE: BLS, current em ploym ent sta tistics based on establishm ent reports. 33 Table 28. Em ploym ent in construction by class of w orker, percent change from first quarter (January, F ebruary, M arch) to third quarter (July, August, Septem ber), 1962—68 SelfWage and salary w orkers em ployed and Total Year overn famunpaid P rivate G ment ily Total w orkers 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 9 6 8 --------------------------- 23. 6 27. 2 24. 6 22.9 16. 5 19. 4 19. 8 27. 7 30. 1 27. 3 25. 6 18. 7 20. 1 21. 3 34. 2 36. 9 32. 6 30. 1 21. 2 23. 7 24. 2 - 1.6 .2 2. 6 4. 3 6. 3 4. 1 6. 5 Table 29. Em ploym ent in construction by selected occupational group, percent change from first quarter (January, February, M arch) to third quarter (July, August, Septem ber), 1962—66 Construct ion craftCarpenters men (ex:cluding carpel iter s) Y ear In In In In construc other constru c other tion industries tion industries industry industry 6. 6 15. 4 13. 2 9. 8 5. 6 L4. 7 12. 0 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. 3 32. 0 35. 6 40. 6 4. 6 -5. 4 6. 3 -7 . 5 - 1. 1 3. 1 33. 5 34. 6 33. 5 19. 9 27. 2 12.4 8.4 9. 5 15. 6 11. 0 1 L ast year for which data is available. SOURCE: Current population survey conducted for the BLS by the Bureau of the C ensus. SOURCE: Current population survey conducted for the BLS by the Bureau of the Census. Table 30. Seasonal adjustm ent factors for contract construction em ploym ent by type and siz e of contractor and region, February and August, 1968 Sm all contractor Type of contractor and region G eneral building: S o u th ------------------------------------------------------------Highway and street: North C entral-----------------------------------------------W est--------------------------------------------------------------Plum bing, heating, and air-conditioning: N o r th e a st-----------------------------------------------------North C entral-----------------------------------------------W est--------------------------------------------------------------P rinting, paperha.nging, and decorating: N orth ea st-----------------------------------------------------North C entral-----------------------------------------------S outh------------------------------------------------------------W est--------------------------------------------------------------E lectrical work: N o r th e a st-----------------------------------------------------North C entral-----------------------------------------------S o u th ------------------------------------------------------------W est--------------------------------------------------------------M asonry, stonework, and plastering: N o r th e a st------------------------------------------'----------North C entral-----------------------------------------------Sou th ------------------------------------------------------------W est--------------------------------------------------------------Roofing and sh eet-m etal work: N o rth ea st-----------------------------------------------------North C entral-----------------------------------------------Sou th ------------------------------------------------------------W est--------------------------------------------------------------Special trad es, other: N o rth ea st------------------------------------------------------ F ebruary 90. 6 34. 8 71. 1 96. 9 94. 2 93. 6 70. 3 79. 7 87. 5 86.6 95. 3 95.4 96.7 94. 0 84. 9 83. 7 91. 1 94. 6 76. 1 83. 6 93. 3 91. 5 82. 1 August August as a percent of February 107. 9 157. 1 124. 4 103. 0 105. 7 106. 1 120. 0 117. 6 114. 8 117. 9 103.4 105. 9 106. 7 105. 3 109. 7 111.2 107. 7 107. 8 112. 6 114. 5 104. 7 107. 5 111.4 119. 1 451.4 175. 0 106. 3 112. 2 113. 4 170. 7 147. 6 131.2 136. 1 108. 5 111.0 110. 3 112. 0 129. 2 132. 9 118. 2 114. 0 148. 0 137. 0 112. 2 117. 5 135. 7 SOURCE: BLS, current em ploym ent sta tistics based on establishm ent reports. 34 Large contractor February 9 3.9 47. 5 8 1.4 95. 3 95. 5 95.4 81. 9 84. 0 87. 4 89. 1 96. 3 97. 0 97. 2 96. 7 87. 2 91. 7 91. 3 95. 0 87. 3 90. 3 93. 3 99. 5 90. 9 August August as a percent of F ebruarv 104. 2 143. 0 115. 9 103. 3 103. 7 103. 7 116. 2 116. 9 110. 9 112. 0 102. 6 102. 3 103. 8 102. 9 103. 1 110. 6 109. 7 105. 8 105. 7 106. 6 104.4 100. 0 104. 6 110. 0 301. 1 142. 4 108. 5 108. 6 108. 7 141. 9 139. 2 126. 9 125. 7 106. 5 105. 5 106. 8 106.4 118. 2 120. 6 120. 2 111.4 121. 1 118. 1 111.9 100. 5 115. 1 T a b l e 31. S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors for e m p l o y m e n t in the contract construction industry, b y State, F e b r u a r y a n d A ugust, 1962 1968 F ebruary August February 1952 1958 August F ebruary August February selected y e a r s 1934 1948 August February August F ebruary August 87. 1 110. 3 84. 7 111.7 85. 5 110. 8 87. 1 109. 6 88. 3 109. 3 92.4 i1 109. 8 A l a b a m a --------------------A r i z o n a ---------------------A l a s k a ----------------------A r k a n s a s -------------------C alifornia------------------- 88. 93. 52. 85. 93. 3 7 8 5 0 108. 104. 150. 113. 105. 1 2 8 9 8 88. 95. 46. 84. 92. 8 6 0 9 0 109. 103. 162. 113. 106. 2 6 6 8 0 89. 6 96. 7 109. 2 102. 2 90. 4 99.4 111.0 99. 9 90. 4 97. 8 111.7 102. 3 93.2 92. 0 ! * ! 106. 2 104. 5 84. 8 92. 3 113. 8 105. 8 84. 9 94.4 114. 2 105. 0 86. 6 95. 0 114. 7 104. 2 95. 8 96. 0 ! 103. 1 103. 8 C o l o r a d o -------------------C o n n e c t i c u t -----------------D e l a w a r e --------------------District of C o l u m b i a -------F l o r i d a ---------------------- 86. 9 81.4 81 . 3 89. 7 97. 7 113. 112. 111. 107. 102. 0 0 3 0 9 87. 80. 80. 89. 96. 0 2 3 6 8 111. 112. 110. 108. 103. 5 9 7 1 2 86. 5 81.7 82. 9 91. 3 97. 0 111. 4 111. 6 109.2 107. 1 103. 1 84. 85. 86. 93. 97. 8 3 1 4 1 112. 6 109. 5 109. 9 104.3 102.5 82. 2 85. 0 83. 5 116. 6 109. 2 110. 0 80. 3 82. 4 83. 5 95. 4 103. 6 98. 3 108. 5 G e o r g i a ---------------------H a w a i i ----------------------I d a h o -----------------------Illinois----------------------Indiana ---------------------- 91. 98. 75. 83. 84. 5 3 8 0 9 107. 0 102. 3 120. 2 112. 5 111.6 90 . 9 98. 5 72. 7 82. 2 82. 7 107. 102. 121. 112. 113. 8 9 7 7 1 92. 98. 70. 83. 82. 2 3 1 5 7 107.4 103. 5 122. 6 111.7 112. 6 93. 2 108. 5 92. 3 110. 0 97. 7 101. 5 70. 7 85. 3 85. 4 121. 5 110. 5 112. 9 74. 0 85. 7 85. 6 no. i 111.4 59. 6 86. 7 78. 7 130. 8 109. 7 118. 1 I o w a ------------------------K a n s a s ----------------------K e n t u c k y -------------------L o u i s i a n a ------------------M a i n e ------------------------ 78. 6 85. 1 81. 8 92. 7 77. 8 117. 1 111.2 112. 0 105. 0 119. 4 76. 83. 78. 92. 75. 4 6 4 0 3 119. 113. 116. 106. 121. 5 0 5 7 0 74. 80. 79. 91. 74. 1 6 6 5 2 121. 113. 116. 106. 120. 5 3 3 7 5 74. 82. 82. 92. 74. 119. 114. 111. 107. 119. 78. 86. 82. 94. 74. 6 2 2 0 4 116. 112. 112. 108. 119. 1 2 6 3 0 78. 9 95. 2 88. 8 93. 6 76. 3 116. 112. 119. 103. 116. M a r y l a n d -------------------M a s s a c h u s e t t s -------------M i c h i g a n -------------------M i n n e s o t a ------------------M i s s i s s i p p i ------------------ 82. 79. 82. 75. 82. 8 8 9 2 6 110. 112. 113. 120. 113. 6 4 8 7 0 82. 77. 78. 73. 83. 3 7 9 2 1 110. 113. 116. 121. 115. 3 8 7 6 5 85. 5 78. 6 79.5 72.4 83. 7 109. 112. 114. 123. 114. 1 5 8 0 8 87. 4 81. 4 84. 2 73. 6 84. 6 108. 2 110. 8 111.4 120. 5 114. 3 87. 2 83. 4 84. 2 78. 6 84. 2 107. 109. 110. 116. 115. 7 8 3 3 7 91. 9 90. 1 87. 9 76. 5 83. 4 99. 9 108. 1 108. 7 113. 0 128.4 M i s s o u r i -------------------M o n t a n a --------------------N e b r a s k a --- ---------------N e v a d a --------------- -------N e w H a m p s h i r e ------------- 85. 1 66 . 4 81. 2 89.4 78 . 4 110. 127. 113. 104. 115. 9 7 0 4 5 83. 66. 78. 89. 74. 1 0 4 1 6 112. 2 127.9 114. 9 106. 8 117.4 84. 4 63.4 77. 5 86. 7 74. 6 111. 129. 115. 109. 118. 6 8 7 6 0 87. 3 64.6 75. 3 89. 9 76. 9 110. 126. 118. 110. 114. 1 1 4 1 2 87. 69. 74. 86. 77. 8 2 5 1 5 108. 122. 118. 110. 113. 7 4 8 9 0 91. 69. 65. 85. 80. 1 9 6 2 5 102.7 124. 9 125. 4 113. 0 118. 0 N e w J e r s e y -----------------N e w M e x i c o ----------------N e w Y o r k ------------------N o r t h C a r o l i n a -------------N o r t h D a k o t a ---------------- 83. 5 85. 4 83. 2 92. 3 65. 5 109. 111. 111. 105. 133. 2 6 0 4 4 83. 1 88. 7 82 . 5 90. 7 59. 7 109. 108. 110. 107. 136. 6 2 8 3 3 84. 7 91.8 83. 1 90. 5 53. 9 108. 106. 110. 107. 139. 8 6 3 1 1 87. 90. 84. 93. 53. 107. 107. 109. 106. 139. 1 6 3 1 7 87. 5 89. 2 85. 5 93.6 61. 2 105. 112. 109. 106. 135. 8 7 0 3 5 91. 7 85. 8 85. 6 95. 8 61. 5 103. 7 125. 1 108. 7 102. 5 149.4 O h i o ------------------------O k l a h o m a ------------------O r e g o n ----------------------P e n n s y l v a n i a ---------------R h o d e I s l a n d ---------------- 81.8 92.2 85.9 79. 3 78. 9 112.4 108. 0 114. 2 112. 9 112. 7 78. 2 90 . 9 82. 8 78. 5 75. 5 116. 108. 117. 114. 113. 0 0 2 9 7 79. 0 90. 6 80. 3 80. 3 76.9 115.4 108. 8 119. 0 113. 5 113. 2 81. 6 92. 4 80. 7 84. 7 79. 0 113.4 107. 7 120. 8 110. 8 110. 6 82. 3 92. 6 85. 0 85. 5 80.8 111.6 108. 3 117. 1 110. 0 110. 9 82 . 4 95. 6 88. 1 87. 3 91. 5 112. 1 110. 5 115. 5 109.4 116. 6 S o uth C a r o l i n a -------------S o uth D a k o t a ---------------T e n n e s s e e ------------------T e x a s -----------------------U t a h ------------------------- 94. 71. 86. 95. 74. 8 8 1 1 6 104. 123. 109. 104. 119. 6 5 8 7 4 92. 68. 84. 94. 76. 9 0 7 6 2 106. 1 124. 8 111.9 105. 7 117. 5 92. 64. 86. 94. 76. 4 9 1 9 5 106. 1 127. 9 111. 1 104. 9 118.4 93. 64. 88. 95. 75. 0 8 8 3 1 108. 127. 110. 105. 118. 7 2 3 3 9 92.2 68. 5 87.4 94. 5 75.7 111.6 126. 5 109.4 105. 2 116. 0 90. 62. 94. 95. 87. 5 2 3 1 0 114. 134. 106. 108. 110. V e r m o n t --------------------Virginia --------------------W a s h i n g t o n -----------------W e s t V i r g i n i a --------------W i s c o n s i n ------------------W y o m i n g -------------------- 73. 2 87. 1 87. 2 76.9 83. 1 70. 7 119. 109. 112. 113. 114. 128. 7 3 4 9 5 1 68. 86. 85. 77. 81. 73. 1 2 1 7 8 1 125. 110. 113. 115. 114. 125. 68. 87. 82. 81. 83. 69. 4 8 5 7 0 4 123. 9 109. 2 114. 1 114. 2 114.4 127. 8 72. 90. 83. 83. 84. 67. 9 1 6 7 2 7 120. 108. 112. 113. 112. 127. 4 6 1 1 9 6 73. 89. 86. 83. 86. 66. 119. 4 108. 7 111.5 111.5 110. 8 126. 6 69. 94. 81. 84. 84. 64. 2 3 5 2 9 8 123. 9 104.4 111.2 112. 8 110. 1 126. 7 Unit e d S t a t e s --------- • SOURCE: BLS, c urrent e m p l o y m e n t statistics b a s e d 0 1 2 1 8 3 o n e s tablishment 8 9 3 3 2 0 0 6 8 9 3 8 5 7 1 6 4 8 7 1 6 117. 5 126. 4 110. 9 112. 4 2 0 3 6 2 4 6 7 0 0 reports. 35 T a b l e 32. P e r c e n t distribution of e m p l o y e e s b y e s t i m a t e d qu arters of w o r k 1 for selected industries, E m p l o y e e s with s o m e earnings f r o m the industry, 2 classified b y the e s t i m a t e d n u m b e r of quarters they w o r k e d in the industry Any 1 quarter 2 quarters 3 quarters 4 quarters quarter Industry 1964 E m p l o y e e s with m a j o r proporti o n of earnings f r o m the industry, 3 classified b y thie e s t i m a t e d n u m b e r of quarters they w o r k e d iin the industry Any 1 quarter 2 quarters 3 quarters 4 quarte r s q uarter C o n t r a c t construction: G e n e r a l building contractors — H e a v y c o n s t r u c t i o n ------------Special trad e s c o n t r a c t o r s ---- 100 100 100 34 34 30 23 23 20 14 16 13 30 27 37 100 100 100 14 13 12 19 20 15 19 23 16 48 45 57 Min i n g : B i t u m i n o u s c o a l ---------------- 100 12 10 9 69 100 6 8 9 78 Manufacturing: Textile mill p r o d u c t s ---------Printing a n d p u b l i s h i n g -------P e t r o l e u m refining------------P r i m a r y m e t a l s ---------------T r a n s p o r t a t i o n e q u i p m e n t ----- 100 100 100 100 100 15 18 12 12 12 12 13 9 9 10 9 9 7 7 7 64 60 73 73 71 100 100 100 100 100 7 8 4 4 4 9 10 6 7 7 10 9 7 7 7 74 72 83 82 81 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d public utilities: W a t e r t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ---------Utilities, electric a n d g a s ---- 100 100 22 9 14 8 12 5 52 77 100 100 8 3 10 6 14 5 68 85 W h o l e s a l e a n d retail trade: G e n e r a l m e r c h a n d i s e stores — 100 35 17 10 38 100 23 15 12 51 1 Workers 2 Workers 3 Workers their earnings. NOTE: Because SOURCE: T a b l e 33. w e r e classified b y the n u m b e r of calendar quarters in w h i c h they w e r e est i m a t e d to h a v e h a d earnings f r o m the e m p l o y e d in m o r e than 1 industry during the y e a r w e r e counted in e a c h industry in w h i c h they w e r e e m p l o y e d . e m p l o y e d in m o r e than 1 industry during the y e a r w e r e reported in the industry f r o m w h i c h they rece i v e d the m a j o r of rounding, sums of individual i t e m s Social Security Administration's may 1 - p e rcent continuous w o r k history s a m p l e . E m p l o y e e s with s o m e earnings f r o m the industry 2 Any q u a rter All regions -----------------N o r t h e a s t -------------------------M i d d l e Atl a n t i c -------------------B o r d e r S t a t e s ---------------------Sout h e a s t -------------------------G r e a t L a k e s -----------------------M i d d l e W e s t -----------------------S o u t h w e s t -------------------------M o u n t a i n --------------------------P a c i f i c ------------------------------ 1 Workers 2 Workers 3 Workers their earnings. NOTE: 2 q u arters 3 quarters 4 q uarters 1964 E m p l o y e e s with : m a j o r p r o p o rtion of earnings f roir x the indust r y 3_____________ _____ Any 1 quarter 2 q uarters 3 quarters 4 quarte r s quarter 100. 0 33.8 22. 5 14. 3 29. 5 100. 0 14. 0 19. 3 18. 7 48. 1 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 26. 1 28. 6 34. 0 39. 0 29. 6 33. 1 40. Q 40. 8 31.9 20. 9 20. 9 25. 0 23. 7 21.9 25. 4 23. 0 20. 1 20. 8 15.9 16. 3 13. 2 13.4 14. 0 15. 0 12. 8 12.6 14. 8 37. 1 34. 2 27. 7 23. 8 34.4 26. 5 24. 2 26. 5 32. 5 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 9.5 10. 9 14. 1 18. 8 10.6 14. 1 16.9 18. 5 12. 8 16. 5 16.9 21. 1 21. 0 18. 5 23. 7 20. 6 17. 9 17. 2 19. 7 19.7 17.9 18.4 18. 0 20. 4 17. 7 16. 8 18. 2 54. 52. 46. 41. 52. 41. 44. 46. 51. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w e r e classified b y the n u m b e r of c a l endar quarters in w h i c h they p e r f o r m e d s o m e w o r k . e m p l o y e d in m o r e than 1 industry during the y e a r w e r e counted in e a c h industry in w h i c h they w e r e e m p l o y e d . e m p l o y e d in m o r e than 1 industry during the y e a r w e r e reported in the industry f r o m w h i c h they rece i v e d the m a j o r Because SOURCE: 1 quarter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of rounding, sums of individual i t e m s Social Security Administration's 36 of not equal totals. P e r c e n t distribution of e m p l o y e e s of g e n eral building contractors b y q u a r t e r s 1 of w o r k , b y region, Region industry. portion may not equal totals. 1 - percent continuous w o r k history s a m p l e . 3 5 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 portion of T a b l e 34. P e r c e n t distribution of e m p l o y e e s of general building contractors, b y e s t i m a t e d q u a r t e r s 1 of w o r k , b y age, 1964 Age All ages Quarters U n d e r 20 20-24 3 0 -34 25-29 40-44 3 5 -39 50-54 45-49 6 0 -65 55-59 O v e r 65 E m p l o y e e s with s o m e earnings f r o m the industry 2 a n d e s t i m a t e d quarters w o r k e d in the industry T o t a l -----------------1 2 3 4 q u a r t e r ____________________ q u a r t e r s -----------------q u a r t e r s -----------------quar t e r s ------------------ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 34. 24. 20. 20. 51. 32. 10. 4. 46. 26. 12. 14. 36. 22. 14. 26. 32. 21. 14. 31. 32. 19. 13. 34. 27. 19. 15. 37. 26. 21. 14. 37. 0 9 9 0 9 9 2 7 1 9 3 5 9 0 8 2 8 0 1 9 6 5 1 7 5 9 4 0 100. 0 1 3 7 8 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 24. 20. 16. 38. 23. 21. 15. 39. 28. 24. 15. 31. 26. 6 18. 3 16.9 38. 0 9 0 7 2 3 5 8 2 6 3 6 2 E m p l o y e e s with m a j o r p roportion of earnings f r o m the i n d u s t r y 3 a n d e s t i m a t e d quarte rs w o r k e d in the industry Total -----------------1 2 3 4 q u a r t e r -------------------quar t e r s -----------------q u a r t e r s -----------------qua r t e r s ------------------ 1 Workers 2 Workers 3 Workers their earnings. NOTE: 13.9 19. 2 18. 6 48. 1 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 36. 40. 15. 7. 17.7 29. 5 21. 7 30. 8 11. 16. 21. 49. 11. 16. 18. 53. 10. 15. 16. 57. 10. 14. 18. 57. 9. 16. 17. 56. 11. 13. 19. 55. 10. 14. 19. 55. 11. 5 17. 5 17. 5 53.4 22. 4 23. 2 16. 8 37. 3 6 2 1 9 9 7 9 3 1 6 4 6 6 5 2 5 3 2 3 0 7 1 3 7 3 5 8 2 2 4 8 4 w e r e classified b y the n u m b e r of calendar quarters in w h i c h they w e r e e s t i m a t e d to h a v e h a d earnings f r o m the e m p l o y e d in m o r e than 1 industry during the y e a r w e r e counted in e a c h industry in w h i c h they w e r e e m p l o y e d . e m p l o y e d in m o r e than 1 industry during the y e a r w e r e reported in the industry f r o m w h i c h they received the m a j o r Because SOURCE: 100. 0 of rounding, sums of individual i t e m s Social Security Administration's 1-percent may industry. portion of not equal totals. continuous w o r k history sam p l e . T a b l e 35. P e r c e n t distribution of e m p l o y e e s of general building contractors, b y e s t i m a t e d quarters of w o r k , 1 by race, 1964 E m p l o y e e s with s o m e earnings f r o m the industry, 2 classified b y e sti m a t e d n u m b e r of quarters they w o r k e d in the industry Quarters All workers 1 2 3 4 T o t a l ------------------------ 100. 0 q u a r t e r --------------------------quarters ------------------------q u a r t e r s ------------------------q u a r t e r s ------------------------- 33.7 22. 4 14. 2 29. 4 Race E m p l o y e e s with m a j o r proportion of earning ;s f r o m the industry, 3 classify id b y the est i m a t e d n u m b e r of quarters w o r k e d in the industry All workers Negro Other 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 40. 23. 14. 21. 32. 22. 14. 30. 13. 19. 18. 48. 7 2 5 4 4 3 2 9 9 2 6 1 Race Negro Other 100. 0 100. 0 17. 6 21.4 20. 9 39. 9 13.4 18. 8 18. 3 49. 3 1 W o r k e r s w e r e classified b y the n u m b e r of calendar quarters in w h i c h they w e r e e s t i mated to h a v e h a d earnings f r o m the industry. 2 W o r k e r s e m p l o y e d in m o r e than 1 industry during the y e a r w e r e counted in e a c h industry in w h i c h they w e r e e m p l o y e d . 3 W o r k e r s e m p l o y e d in m o r e than 1 industry during the y e a r w e r e reported in the industry f r o m w h i c h they received the m a j o r portion of their earnings. NOTE: Because SOURCE: of rounding, sums of individual i t e m s Social Security Administration's may not equal totals. 1-percent continuous w o r k history s a m p l e . 37 CHAPTER V . U N E M PLO YM EN T IN C O NSTR UCTIO N The unemployment rate31 for construction is normally the highest of any major industry division. Even at its seasonal low, the rate is significantly higher for construction than for other industries. The average un employment rate between 1948 and 1968 was about 11 percent for construction and about 5 percent for workers in nonagricultural industries as a whole. (See table 36.) In 1968, the average construction unemploy ment rate of 6.9 percent was nearly double the rate for total nonagricultural industries, 3.6 percent. During the Korean War, 1951 through 1953, the average construction unemployment rate was 6.2 percent due to high levels of construction activity and the tight labor situation during this period, especially the relative absence of young workers. Between 1958 and 1962, the unemployment rate for construction workers was par ticularly high; it reached a peak of over 15 percent in 1961. Since 1961, the rate has more than halved, but remains significantly higher than for all other major industries. A substantial factor in this reduction has been not only the relatively high levels of construction employment, but also the availability of jobs in other industries A higher proportion of construction workers experience unemployment than workers in any other major nonagricultural industry group. In 1968, 24 percent of all construction workers were unemployed at some time during the year (computed on the basis of industry of longest job); this ratio reflects a decline from 43.9 percent in 1961. (See table 37 and appendix table G-22.) In comparison, only 13 percent of workers in man ufacturing, and 12 percent of all the workers in nonagricultural industries as a whole, experienced unemploy ment during 1968. There are several factors that contribute to the high unemployment rate for construction workers. Con struction is a seasonal industry, especially in areas where temperature, precipitation, and other factors usually result in the curtailing of construction. In 1968, for example, the seasonal adjustment factors for unemployed private wage and salary workers in construction ranged from 157 in February to 66 in August. (See table 54.) Construction workers must change employers or move from project to project more frequently than workers in other industries because each construction project has a limited life (table 37); the completion of the project or the changing occupational requirements on a particular job may create unemployment for construction work ers. Finally, construction activity is more cyclical than many other types of employment, and even without general construction cycles, changes in the level and composition of building activity in particular localties create periods of unemployment for construction workers. In Southern California in 1966 and 1967, a dramatic drop occurred in residential construction, which resulted in a decline of more than one-quarter in the hours of work for carpenters. 32 Duration o f unem ploym ent by spell of unem ploym ent Unemployment in construction is likely to be of relatively short duration, at least for any given spell.33 Between 1960 and 1968, the average duration of each incident of unemployment for workers in construction 3^ The unemployment rates cited here refer to private wage and salary workers only. Construction unemployment mostly affects private wage and salary workers— they account for about 70 percent of employment, but about 90 percent of the industry’s unemployment. Unemployment data in this report for 1967 and 1968 refer to persons 16 years of age and over; data for prior years include persons 14 and 15 years old. The comparability of the rates should not be affected since 14 and 15 year olds represented only 0.4 percent of the industry’s total employment. 32 From data supplied to the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the Administrators of Private Health, Welfare, and Pen sion Funds covering construction workers in Southern California. 33 In the monthly Current Population Survey, duration of unemployment represents the length of time (through the current survey week) during which persons classified as unemployed had been continuously looking for work. 38 was slightly shorter than for unemployed workers in manufacturing and (with the exception of 1967) in nonagricultural industries as a whole. (See table 39.) Since 1961, not only has the unemployment rate dropped throughout the country, but also the average duration of spells of unemployment. Unemployed workers in nonagricultural industries as a whole, manufac turing, and construction experienced a steady reduction in the average duration of each spell of unemployment for each person employed. The proportion of unemployment in construction of less than 5 weeks’ duration and 5 to 14 weeks’ dur ation varies greatly over the course of the year. The percent of unemployment of short-term duration (less than 5 weeks) is higher during the peak construction activity months of June through September, reflecting the high rate of frictional unemployment associated with construction. The high rate of short-term joblessness con tinues into November and December as construction activity declines. By January, the inability of many con struction workers to find other jobs in the industry, because of the seasonal decline in activity, results in an increase in unemployment of 5 to 14 weeks’ duration. Unemployment of 15 to 26 weeks duration, due to the accumulation of winter layoffs, reaches a high point in spring— generally constituting one-third of total reported unemployment by April. It remains high until construction activity picks up again in early summer. (See table 40 and appendix table G-21.) Incidences of unem ploym ent and full extent of tim e lost Construction workers are more likely than those in any other industry group, except agriculture, to ex perience repeated spells of unemployment. Nearly half of the 1.1 million workers in construction who expe rienced unemployment during 1968 had two spells or more of unemployment. (See table 41.) This number amounted to 11.8 percent of the total wage and salary workers whose longest job during the year was in the construction industry.34 (See table 38.) In contrast, only about 30 percent of the jobless workers in manu facturing and in all nonagricultural industries experienced more than one incident of unemployment during the year— only 3.5 percent and 3.6 percent, respectively, of the total number reporting work experience. (See tables 38 and 41.) Similarly, the proportion of construction workers having three or more spells of unemploy ment (6.5 percent) is more than three and one-half times greater than workers in both manufacturing (1.7 per cent) or nonagricultural industries as a whole (1.8 percent). These recurrent spells of joblessness add up to extended unemployment for construction workers. 35 Counting all periods of unemployment during 1968, the rate of work losses in construction totaling 15 weeks or more was 6.6 percent or about two and one-half times as great as in manufacturing and in nonagricultural industries as a whole. (See table 38.) Unem ploym ent by age groups As in other industries, teenagers in construction have a higher unemployment rate than older workers. (See table 42.) In 1968, persons between the ages of 16 and 19 made up 12.7 percent of unemployed work ers in construction, but only 5.7 percent of employed workers in construction. The age group in construction which experienced a proportionately lower share of unemployment than employment from 1963 through 1968 were workers between 25 and 44 years of age. 34 Unlike the monthly surveys that classify workers according to industry of last employment, the annual surveys of work experience classify workers by industry of longest job. 35 By reflecting all spells of unemployment and the cumulative time lost over the course of an entire year, the work experience data shows a much smaller proportion with unemployment of less than 5 weeks and a much larger proportion with 15 weeks or more. Data for a single month (or an average of monthly data) discussed in the section on Duration of Unemployment by Spell of Unemployment do not reflect the full extent of the unemployment problem in construction, because the current duration of unemployment, as measured in the monthly Current Population Survey, is not necessarily the final duration for any given spell of unemployment. Current duration and final duration are the same only for those work ers who actually find employment or withdraw from the labor force immediately after the survey week. A further limita tion is that the data represent only the most recent continuous or unbroken spell of unemployment. 39 Teenagers make up a smaller portion of the unemployed in construction than in the economy as a whole. (See table 43.) In 1968, they made up about 13 percent of construction unemployment compared with about 22 percent of the unemployment in all industries combined. Even in summer months when teenagers flow heavily into construction, their proportion of the unemployed has been consistently lower than in all industries combined. The suggestion often has been made that teenagers, especially during summer months, may be the cause of the high unemployment rate in construction. The exclusion of teenagers, however, has only a small impact on the overall unemployment rate; for example, 6.3 percent of the construction workforce was unemployed in 1968; excluding teenagers, the rate was 5.9 percent. (See table 44.) The removal of teenagers from the computa tion for the summer months (June, July, and August), however, does reduce the ratio somewhat. In the sum mer of 1968, for example, the overall unemployment rate for construction was 4.6 percent including teenagers, and 3.9 percent excluding teenagers. For the same period, the unemployment rate for all other industries as a group was 2.7 percent, 2.2 percent without teenagers. The influx of teenagers into construction in the summer months appears to be an important source of workers. In 1968, the average number of teenagers employed in construction in the summer months (June, July, and August) averaged 370,000 compared with only 120,000 in the winter months (January, February, and March) of the same year. The total number of unemployed male wage and salary workers in construction averaged 195,000 workers in the summer months, indicating that if teenagers were not available the pressure on the con struction labor force would have been more severe. Unemployment by race 36 The unemployment rate for Negro workers in construction was significantly higher than for white workers between 1963 and 1968, (See table 45.) However, the Negro unemployment rate dropped considerably faster over this period than the rate for white workers. The following tabulation demonstrates the substantial drop in the ratio of the Negro to the white unemployment rate in construction from 1963 through 1968, with the con trasting stability in the rates for all white and males of all other races in the economy. Total Males in males construction Year 1963 ........................ ................ 2.26 2.08 1964 ........................ ................ 2.17 1.96 2.11 1965 ........................ ................ 1.96 2.28 1.74 1966 ........................ ................ 2.22 1967 ........................ ................ 1.46 1968 ............. .. ................ 2.15 1.65 SOURCE: Current Population Survey conducted for the BLS by the Bureau of the Census. The differentials in unemployment rates between Negro and white carpenters and laborers have narrowed also over the 1963—68 period. In fact, the unemployment rates for Negro carpenters and construction laborers were lower than those of whites in 1968. The improved work experience of the Negro worker in construction may be attributed to sustained national economic growth as well as to greater employment opportunities in the construction industry. While high de mand for construction manpower has benefited Negro workers in the industry, rapid expansion throughout the economy has siphoned off a portion of the Negro construction labor force that otherwise would be unemployed. 36 statistics for workers other than whites are used here to measure the unemployment of Negro workers. Negroes constitute about 92 percent of all such workers in the United States. 40 The plight of the Negro in construction, as elsewhere, derives from his low position on the occupational ladder. (See tables 46 and 48.) In 1968, for example, 4.4 percent of all males other than whites were em ployed as construction laborers compared with only 1.2 percent of white males. In addition, the following tab ulation shows that while the ratio of white craftsmen to laborers is about 4 to 1, the ratio of Negro skilled workers to unskilled workers is about 1 to 1. Number of construction craftsmen per construction laborer Year White All other races 4.16 .72 1963 1964 3.95 .79 3.99 .76 1965 4.73 .95 1966 1967 4.43 .99 4.42 .95 1968 SOURCE: Current Population Survey conducted for the BLS by the Bureau of Census Unemployment in construction and the Nation's labor force The unemployment rate in construction is highly sensitive to changes in job opportunities elsewhere in the country, particularly in winter months. When employment conditions in other industries are improving, the num ber of unemployed workers in construction falls. Similarly, when the level of activity in construction rises rap idly, either seasonally or secularly, the construction work force often can be augmented substantially in a very short period. The absolute changes in employment and unemployment of male wage and salary workers in con struction are presented in the following tabulation. The data, shown in thousands, indicate that a large portion of the potential construction workers is employed in other industries or is outside the labor force at any given time during a year. Year 1964 ..............................., . . . 1965 ............................... . . . . 1966 ............................... , . . . 1967 ............................... , . . . 1968 .................'............ . . . . Average: 1964-68 ...................... . . . Increase in employment between Decline in unemployment between January and June January and June February and July March and August 865 829 724 703 846 -334 -299 -299 -175 -215 (In thousands) -355 -339 -252 -237 -242 -220 -312 -203 -179 -223 792 -250 -285 -227 851 775 674 560 701 712 February and July (In thousands) 956 991 791 822 722 856 March and August As employment rises on average by 700,000 to 850,000 from winter to summer, the number of unem ployed declines by about 200,000 to 300,000. The 400,000 to 650,000 net increase in the construction labor force from winter to summer results from the entrance of workers from outside construction— youths who work during their school vacation and men who are in other industries or not in the labor force during the winter months. The ability of workers employed in other industries to enter construction is faciliated by the fact that many members of skilled construction crafts are employed in maintenance, repair, and force account con- 41 struction in other industries. Of the 854,000 carpenters employed, on the average in 1966, 202,000, or about one-fourth, worked in nonconstruction sectors. (See table 47.) Also, of the 1,980,000 construction craftsmen (other than carpenters) employed in 1966, 661,000 or about one-third, were employed outside construction. Many construction workers also work at other occupations during periods of low construction activity. These workers provide a reservior of potential construction labor. In 1961, about three of every ten job shifts by carpenters were to nonconstruction occupations. 37 Similarity, about one of every four job shifts by other construction craftsmen was to nonconstruction occupations. With regard to workers shifting into con struction occupations, one of every four workers moving into the carpenter occupation was previously working at a nonconstruction occupation. A similar situation existed for construction craft occupations, except carpenters. The high elasticity of the construction labor force has several manpower implications: First, some workers are willing to leave nonconstruction industries at particular times of the year or phases of the business cycle to accept generally higher paying but less secure jobs in construction. Second, because of the movement of work ers from nonconstruction industries, worker shortages in particular localities at peak construction times may be considerably less than they would otherwise be. Third, their earnings in construction are not the sole criterion upon which the economic welfare of these workers should be judged. Unemployment by skill The unemployment rate for all construction workers has declined steadily in recent years. For carpenters, the rate of decline has been the most dramatic, from an average of 12.3 percent in the recession year of 1961, to a low of 4.7 percent in 1968. Almost comparable rates of decline have been experienced by other con struction craftsmen (10.7 percent to 4.4 percent), and construction laborers (21.7 percent to 11.4 percent). Even with this rapid decline, however, the unemployment rate for construction craftsmen was still about twice as high as for all craftsmen in 1968. (See table 49.) The unskilled worker in construction faces the most serious unemployment problem. Unemployment rates for construction laborers are generally about twice as high as for construction craftsmen. (See table 49.) The annual average unemployment rate for construction laborers in 1968 was 11.4 percent; for carpenters, 4.7 per cent; and for other construction craftsmen, 4.4 percent. Construction laborers experience fewer spells of unemployment each year than workers in other occupa tions associated with construction, but these spells usually last for longer periods. (See table 50.) In 1968, 52 percent of the unemployed construction laborers had two or more spells of unemployment, compared with 56 percent of the carpenters, and 48 percent of the construction craftsmen, except carpenters. However, a somewhat higher proportion of the unemployed laborers was out of work 15 weeks or longer (30 percent), compared with carpenters (28 percent) and construction craftsmen, except carpenters (25 percent). A still higher proportion of unemployed construction laborers experienced periods of unemployment lasting 27 weeks or more (10.3 percent), compared with unemployed carpenters (4.8 percent), and other construction craftsmen (5.6 percent). The more favorable occupational and industry mobility of construction craftsmen makes them better able to take advantage of opportunities for employment in other industries when construction activity declines. The unemployment experience of construction craftsmen varies considerably by craft. Workers in crafts whose operations are more susceptible to weather conditions experience considerably more unemployment than journeymen in other crafts. In 1959, 38 only a third or less of all brickmasons, cement and concrete finishers, plasterers, and roofers; and about two-fifths of all carpenters, painters, and structural metal workers, reported 50 weeks or more of employment. (See table 52.) On the other hand, for trades that are primarily performed indoors, about 7 of every 10 electricians and glaziers and 6 of every 10 plumbers and pipefitters, reported at least 50 weeks of employment. 37 Getrude Bancraft and Stuart Garfinkle, “Job Mobility in 1961,” M onthly Labor Review , August 1963. The most recent year for which data are available. 42 Seasonal unemployment in construction Although the seasonal movements of both employment and unemployment in construction are particularly great, the seasonal pattern of unemployment is more pronounced; while employment varies about 30 percent from winter lows to summer highs, unemployment typically varies over 100 percent. In 1964, when average un employment in construction was 391,000 persons, unemployment ranged from a peak of 643,000 in the winter to a low of 262,000 in the late summer and early fall. (See table 53.) Unemployment hit its lowest levels in 15 years in 1968, ranging from 443,000 in January to 127,000 in September. The monthly seasonal pattern of unemployment in construction has shifted since 1948. 39 (See table 54.) Declines in seasonal adjustment factors of unemployment have been experienced in March, April, and November and a corresponding increase in December. Several reasons could account for these shifts. Contractors may be performing relatively more work in the early spring and fall, and less in the winter. Alternative job op portunities for construction workers in nonconstruction industries may be increasing also and reducing the potential construction labor force. Some combination of these effects is likely. In addition, the shift in the seasonality of unemployment is perhaps somewhat related to the changing mix and geographic location of con struction activity. Better planning by contractors to finish projects before the onslaught of winter also may contribute to this phenomena. An estimated one-third of total unemployment in construction during the year can be considered seasonal unemployment. (See appendix B for a discussion of the methods used in preparing this estimate.) Further estimates are that private wage and salary workers in construction made up 15.5 percent of the Nation’s total seasonal employment in 1968.40 Seasonal unemployment by skill Carpenters and other construction craftsmen experience considerably wider swings in seasonal unemploy ment than construction laborers.41 Unemployment rates for construction laborers are much higher in winter and decline at a slower rate through the spring and summer. In other words, the construction laborers have less favorable work experience throughout the year than craftsmen. Laborers rise as a percentage of total un employment from winter lows to a peak in mid-summer. (See table 55.) As the seasonal decline in employ ment for craftsmen begins in the fall, laborers decline as a percentage of all unemployment. To a large degree, construction unemployment in the peak building season is a problem of the unskilled. Seasonal unemployment by race White workers generally have experienced considerably sharper seasonal swings in unemployment than Ne gro workers because Negroes are employed mainly in occupations, such as laborers that have high unemploy ment rates throughout the year. As shown in the following tabulation, unemployment of white workers in construction dropped an average of about 60 percent from first quarter to third quarter each year between 1962 and 1968. Since 1964, there has been a great percentage decline in unemployment of Negro workers. This decline, as shown below, reflects the high demand for construction manpower. Also, as mentioned ear lier, the rapid expansion of the economy has enabled other industries to absorb a portion of the Negro work force that otherwise would be unemployed. 39 This is based on seasonal adjustment factors, derived in a manner which effectively limits the impact of year to year changes in aggregate conditions of demand in construction and other sectors. 40 In 1968, these workers constituted 8.8 percent of the country’s total unemployment and only 4.4 percent of total employment. 4* The following usually occurs in the unemployment levels between February and August: Carpenters and construc tion craftsmen, except carpenters, decline by two-thirds or more and construction laborers decline by less than one-half. 43 First to third quarter of— Whites All other races 1962 .................................................. 64.9 34.7 1963 .................................................. 62.1 55.1 1964 .................................................. 56.1 43.5 1965 .................................................. 59.1 45.6 1966 .................................................. 56.2 47.1 1967 .................................................. 61.0 55.8 1968 .................................................. 62.2 62.3 Seasonal unemployment by age Unemployment among teenagers rises in summer months, when many enter the labor force, and declines during the fall and winter months, when many return to school. Between 1963 and 1968, teenagers in con struction made up about 5 to 6 percent of employment and between 7 and 13 percent of unemployment on the annual average. (See table 43.) In the peak summer months of June, July, and August, however, they made up between 8 and 10 percent of employment and 9 to 23 percent of unemployment. Frictional unemployment The rate of frictional unemployment in construction is probably high compared to other industries. 42 The frequency of job shifts contributes greatly to the high level of frictional unemployment in construction. Many construction workers are skilled craftsmen whose attachment is more commonly to crafts than to par ticular employers. They follow the source of work, are employed by several firms during the year, and ex perience unemployment while shifting jobs. The seasonal nature of work in construction also contributes to frictional unemployment. Many construction workers laid off for seasonal reasons experience unemployment while searching for alternative construction employment before accepting jobs in nonconstruction industries. Workers also are unemployed for brief periods while waiting for jobs of acceptable duration. Other circumstances also contribute to the high rate of frictional unemployment in construction. Most workers prefer to work near their homes. Shifting employment opportunities, however, may demand a high degree of geographic mobility. Workers with strong family and community ties may accept unemployment for a short duration in hope of finding work close to home. Worker mobility also may be somewhat retarded by the fact that most health, welfare, and pension funds are not vested. About two-thirds of the men who left their construction jobs in 1961 did so because of loss of job, com pared with about 40 percent in manufacturing and nonagricultural industries as a whole. (See table 56.) Pro portionally few construction workers left their job for any other reason in that year, compared with the other two industry groups. These data suggest that frictional unemployment, since it is strongly associated with job termination, may not be particularly reduced in size by a high level of aggregate demand. A higher level of building activity should be expected to increase terminations, perhaps proportionately and should not greatly affect frictional unemployment, although some reduction would probably occur because of the increased availability of alterna tive construction jobs. Programs with the greatest payoff for reducing frictional unemployment should focus on improving the system of disseminating information on current and anticipated job vacancies both in construction and in in dustries that provide alternative job opportunities. The job placement and referral functions of union hiring halls and the public employment service might be improved. Advance notice of job termination and job va42 D. Quinn MiUs, Factors Determining Patterns o f Em ploym ent and Unem ployment in the Construction Industry has estimated that from about 15 to 24 percent of the annual unemployment in construction between 1960 and 1966 was frictional (Harvard University, unpublished thesis, 1967). the United States , 44 of cancies, including information about work conditions in upcoming vacancies, may quicken the worker-job-matching process and greatly reduce frictional unemployment. Information on individual contractors’ planning could be made available through a central computer hookup, and provide advanced job termination and vacancy information. This information could be updated daily or weekly as a byproduct of the updating of the management networks. Part-time employment Construction workers are represented as disproportionately among part-time workers 43 as among the unemployed. In 1968, an average of 4.3 percent of the wage and salary workers in construction worked part time for economic reasons, in comparison with only 2.2 percent in manufacturing. (See table 57.) More than two-thirds of the construction workers on part-time for economic reasons at the time of the survey usually worked full time, but for reasons of seasonal slack and the start or termination of jobs were working less than 35 hours a week. The remainder worked part-time mainly because full-time work was not available. Negro workers experience considerably more part-time employment than white workers. An average of nearly 9 percent of all male Negro wage and salary workers in construction reported involuntary part-time work in 1968, more than twice the rate for white workers, 3.8 percent. (See table 58.) The high propor tion of Negro workers working involuntary part-time largely reflected their concentration in the ranks of the unskilled. 4^ Workers employed part-time for economic reasons, such as slack work, material shortages, repairs to plant or equipment, start or termination of job during the week, and inability to find full-time work. 45 T a b l e 36. U n e m p l o y m e n t rates of private w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s , nonagricultural industries as a w h o l e a n d construction, F e b r u a r y a n d A u g u s t , 1964— 68 a n d a n n u a l aver a g e , 1948— 68 M o n t h and year Nonagri cultural industries Construc tion T a b l e 37. E m p l o y m e n t a n d u n e m p l o y m e n t of m a l e job chan g e r s , b y industry of longest job, 1961 E m p l o y m e n t a nd u n e m p l o y m e nt Ratio Nonagric u l t u r a l w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s Construc tion Total F e b r u a r y 1 9 6 8 ___________________ F e b r u a r y 1 9 6 7 -------------------F e b r u a r y 1 9 6 6 -------------------F e b r u a r y 1 965 ------------------F e b r u a r y 1964 __ ----------------A u g u s t 1968 _________________ ____ A u g u s t 1967 ----------------------A u g u s t 1966 _______________________ A u g u s t 1965 _______________________ A u g u s t 1964 _______________________ 4. 4. 4. 6. 8. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 6 5 6 2 9 3 6 5 0 7 12. 13. 13. 19. 19. 4. 4. 4. 6. 7. 5 0 1 2 1 2 3 9 0 4 2. 72 2. 89 2. 85 3. 10 2. 15 1. 27 1. 19 1.40 1. 50 1. 57 A n n u a l a v e rage: 1968 ____________________________ 1967 ____________________________ 1966 _____ ______________________ 1965 ______ _____________________ 1964 _____ ____________________ 1963 ____________________________ 1962 ____________________________ 1 9 6 1 ... ......................... 1960 ____________________________ 1959 ---------------------------1958 _______________ __________ 1957 ____________________________ 1 956 ____________________________ 1 1954 ____________________________ 1953 ____________________________ 1952 ____________________________ 1Q <=i1 1950 ____________________________ 1949 ---------------------------1948 ____________________________ 3. 6 3. 9 3. 8 4. 6 5.4 6. 1 6. 1 7. 5 6. 2 6. 2 8. 0 4. 9 4. 7 5. 1 6. 7 2. 8 3. 0 3.4 5. 8 6. 7 3. 9 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 13. 13. 15. 13. 13. 15. 10. 10. 10. 12. 6. 6. 6. 11. 12. 7. 9 3 1 1 2 3 5 7 5 4 2 9 0 9 9 2 0 5 5 9 8 1. 92 1. 87 2. 13 2. 20 2. 07 2. 18 2. 21 2. 09 2. 18 2. 16 1. 90 2. 22 2. 13 2. 14 1. 93 2. 21 2. 00 1. 91 1. 98 1. 93 2. 00 S O U R C E : C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y c o n d u c t e d for the the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . BLS W o r k e d (in thousands) ___________ J o b changers: N u m b e r ( t h o u sands)____________ P e r c e n t of p e r s o n s w h o w o r k e d ________________________ Total job c h a n g e r s ( p e r c e n t ) ----- 38, 821 3, 893 13, 209 4, 778 972 1, 280 12. 3 25. 0 9. 7 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 W o r k e d for only 2 e m ployers _______ __ ___________ Lost no time between jobs _____________________ Lost s o m e time between jobs _____________ __ ____ D i d not look for w o r k ____ L o o k e d for w o r k _________ 1 to 4 w e e k s __________ 5 w e e k s or m o r e _____ W o r k e d for m o r e than 2 e m p l o y e r s ____________________ Lost no time between ____ ____ job s _________ Lost s o m e time b etween jobs ------------ ------- — D i d not look for w o r k ____ L o o k e d for w o r k ______ 1 to 4 w e e k s __________ 5 w e e k s or m o r e _____ M a n y employers, s a m e o c c u p a t i o n --- ------------------ by NOTE: equal totals. Because SOURCE: BLS, of rounding, Special L a b o r Manufac turing 63. 5 45. 3 71. 3 31.4 19. 3 36. 7 32. 5. 26. 14. 12. 25. 2. 23. 13. 9. 34. 3. 31. 17. 13. 1 6 6 1 5 9 8 1 3 8 6 5 1 3 8 36. 5 54. 7 8. 2 12. 2 6. 2 2 6 7 9 8 28. 8 1. 0 27. 8 11.9 15.9 22. 0 1. 3 20. 6 8.4 12. 3 4. 0 13. 7 .5 24. 1. 22. 9. 12. sums 28. 7 of individual i t e m s Force Report 35, may not J o b Mobility in 1961. T a b l e 38. Incidence, r e c u r r e n t spells, a n d extent of u n e m p l o y m e n t of nonagricultural w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s as a p er c e n t of total w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s ha v i n g w o r k experience, b y industry of longest job, 1968 T a b l e 39. A v e r a g e duration of e a c h spell of u n e m p l o y m e n t for m a l e w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s b y w e e k s , selected industries, 1960— 68 Year Nonagri cultural industries Status W i t h u n e m p l o y m e n t ----- -------W i t h m o r e t han 1 spell of u n e m p l o y m e n t ------ ----------W i t h 3 or m o r e spells of u n e m p l o y m e n t ____________________ Jobless 15 w e e k s or m o r e during y e a r ______________________ SOURCE: BLS, Construc tion Manufac turing 12. 0 24. 2 13. 1 3. 6 11. 8 3. 5 1. 8 6. 5 1. 7 2. 5 6. 6 2. 7 W o r k E x p e r i e n c e of the Population in 1968. 46 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 ________________________________ ............ ................... _____ ________________ ________ ______________ ________________ ......... .... ................ _______________________________ -------------------------- ---____________________ ______ ___ Nonagri cultural industries 14. 17. 17. 16. 15. 13. 12. 9. 9. 3 8 0 1 1 3 1 9 6 Construc tion 12. 3 14. 0 12. 8 12. 6 11. 4 10. 8 9. 7 10. 1 9. 1 Manufac turing 14. 9 19. 3 19. 1 17.4 12. 1 13. 8 12. 4 10. 2 9. 9 SOURCE: C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y c o n d u c t e d for the B L S b y the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . T a b l e 40. P e r c e n t distribution of u n e m p l o y e d m a l e w a g e an d salary w o r k e r s in c onstruction b y duration of u n e m p l o y m e n t , by m o n t h , 1968 T a b l e 4 1. W o r k exp e r i e n c e a n d extent of u n e m p l o y m e n t of nonagricultural w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s 16 y e a r s a n d older, b y industry of longest job, 1968 Total Month Number (in thousands) J a n u a r y __________ F e b r u a r y --------M a r c h ____________ A p r i l ----------May ------------J u n e -------------J u l y -------------A u g u s t ----------S e p t e m b e r ------O c t o b e r __________ N o v e m b e r -------D e c e m b e r -------- 445 433 387 222 184 230 191 164 138 167 224 242 SOURCE: Current B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . L e s s than 5 weeks Percent 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Population 46. 36. 37. 36. 48. 63. 57. 64. 74. 67. 73. 54. 4 5 6 2 1 5 8 0 1 3 7 1 5- 14 weeks 15-26 w e eks 42. 8 50. 1 37. 8 32. 1 24. 9 21. 6 27. 2 20. 1 17. 3 21. 7 17.4 37. 6 7. 4 10. 9 19. 7 23. 1 21. 6 6. 9 5. 2 4. 3 3. 6 3. 6 3. 6 2. 1 Survey conducted for O v e r 26 weeks P e r s o n s with w o r k experience: N u m b e r (in t h o u s a n d s ) _______ P e r c e n t ----------------------- 3.4 2. 5 4. 9 8. 6 5.4 8. 1 9. 8 11. 6 5. 0 7.4 5.4 6. 2 the B L S Nonagri Construc M a nufac cultural tion turing industries Status W o r k e d at full-time jobs: 50 to 52 w e e k s _________ 27 to 50 w e e k s _________ 1 to 26 w e e k s _________ W o r k e d at p a r t -time j o b s ---------------------P e r s o n s with u n e m p l o y m e n t : N u m b e r ( t h o u sands)_________ P e r c e n t ------- -------------- b y the 1 to 2 w e e k s ( y e a r - r o u n d w o r k e r s ) _________________ Part-year workers: 1 to 4 w e e k s ___________ 5 to 10 w e e k s _________ 11 to 14 w e e k s _________ 15 to 26 w e e k s 27 w e e k s or m o r e _____ P e r c e n t of u n e m p l o y e d with: 2 spells of u n e m p l o y m e n t ____ 3 spells or m o r e _____________ SOURCE: BLS, 78, 737 100. 0 4, 675 100. 0 22, 819 100. 0 58. 7 12. 8 11. 5 55. 2 23. 9 12. 4 69. 5 15. 1 11. 0 17. 1 8. 5 4. 4 9 , 437 100. 0 1, 133 100. 0 2, 998 100. 0 12. 4 10. 7 16. 0 36. 19. 10. 13. 7. 25. 22. 14. 19. 7. 33. 21. 9. 13. 6. 7 9 2 8 1 14. 5 15. 4 0 4 8 9 2 22. 0 26. 7 2 2 2 7 7 13.4 13. 0 W o r k E x p e r i e n c e of the Population in 1968. T able 42. P e r c e n t distribution of e m p l o y e d a n d e x p e r i e n c e d u n e m p l o y e d m a l e w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in construction, b y age, 1 annual a v e r a g e s , 1963— 68 Number (in thousands) Period 1963: E m p l o y e d ________ ______________________ U n e m p l o y e d _______ ____________________ 1964: E m p l o y e d -------------------------------U n e m p l o y e d ----------------------------1965: E m p l o y e d -------------------------------U n e m p l o y e d -----------------------------1966: Employed _____________________________ U n e m p l o y e d _____________________________ 1967: E m p l o y e d ________________________________ U n e m p l o y e d ________ ____________________ 1968: E m p l o y e d -------------------------------U n e m p l o y e d _____________________________ 1 Persons NOTE: 14 y e a r s a n d o v e r for B e c a u s e of rounding, SOURCE: Ag e Total 16- 19 2 0-24 2 5 -44 4 5 and over 3, 381 466 100. 0 100. 0 5. 1 7. 7 11. 2 12. 9 48. 2 41. 6 35. 6 37. 8 3, 5 08 394 100. 0 100. 0 5. 3 7. 1 11. 5 15. 7 48. 9 36. 8 34. 3 40. 1 3, 655 366 100. 0 100. 0 5. 3 8. 7 11. 6 12. 8 47. 6 39. 6 35. 5 39. 1 3, 697 289 100. 0 100. 0 6. 2 10. 4 10. 6 8. 7 46. 0 41.2 37. 1 39. 4 3, 672 264 100. 0 100. 0 5. 3 12. 9 10. 2 11. 0 46. 7 36. 7 37. 9 39. 8 3, 736 252 100. 0 100. 0 5. 7 12. 7 11. 5 13. 5 46. 6 37. 3 36. 2 36. 9 1963— 66, 16 ye a r s a n d o v e r for 1967— 68. s u m s of individual i t e m s m a y not equal totals. C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y c o n d u c t e d for the B L S by the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . 47 T a b l e 43. M a l e t e e n a g e r s 1 as a p e r c e n t of e m p l o y e d a n d e x p e r i e n c e d u n e m p l o y e d w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s , all industries 2 a n d construction, b y selected t i m e periods, 1963— 68 Employed Period 1963: Annual average June, July, a n d 1964: Annual average June, July, a n d 1965: Annual average June, July, a n d 1966: Annual average June, July, a n d 1967: Annual average June, July, a n d 1968: Annual average J une, July, a n d 1 2 All industries Experienced unemployed All industries Construction Construction ------August 6.9 8.9 5. 1 7. 6 13. 8 18. 4 7. 7 14. 6 ------August 7. 2 9.4 5. 3 8. 2 15. 2 18. 7 7. 1 8.9 ------August 7.9 10. 3 5. 3 8.9 17. 1 22. 1 8. 7 12. 8 ------August 8. 7 11.5 6. 2 10. 3 20. 9 26.0 10 . 4 19.5 ------August 6.9 8. 6 5. 3 8.9 22. 2 25.7 12.9 19.7 ------August 6.8 8. 5 5.7 9. 1 22. 3 27.9 12.7 22. 6 P e r s o n s 14— 19 y e a r s old for 1 9 6 3 — 66, 16— 19 y e a r s old for 1 9 6 7 — 68. E x c l u d i n g agriculture a n d private h o u s e h o l d s ervices for 1967— 68. SOURCE: C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y c o n d u c t e d for the B L S b y the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . T a b l e 44. U n e m p l o y m e n t rates of m a l e w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s 1 all industries 2 a n d construction, b y selected t i m e periods, 1963— 68 E x c l u d i n g t e enagers Total Period 1963: Annual average J u ne, July, a n d 1964: Annual average J u ne, July, a n d 1965: Annual average J u ne, July, a n d 1966: Annual average June, July, a n d 1967: Annual average June, July, a n d 1968: Annual average June, July, a n d 1 2 All industries Construction All industries C o n struction -------------A u g u s t ----- 5. 3 4. 7 12. 1 8. 2 4.9 4. 3 11.8 7. 6 10. 1 9. 3 17. 4 14.6 ---------- A u g u s t ---- 4. 6 4. 2 10. 1 7.0 4. 3 3. 8 9.9 7.0 9. 2 8. 1 13. 1 7. 6 ------------A u g u s t ---- 3.9 3. 5 9. 1 6. 5 3. 5 3. 1 8.8 6. 2 8.0 7. 3 14. 1 9. 1 ------------A u g u s t ---- 3. 1 3.0 7. 3 4.6 2. 7 2. 5 7.0 4. 1 7. 2 6. 5 13.0 8. 3 ------------A u g u s t ---- 3.0 2.9 6. 7 4. 7 2. 5 2. 4 6. 2 4. 2 9.0 8. 1 14.8 10.0 ------------A u g u s t ---- 2. 7 2. 7 6. 3 4.6 2. 3 2. 2 5.9 3.9 8. 5 8. 5 13. 1 10. 6 C u r r e n t P opulation S u r v e y co n d u c t e d for the B L S b y the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . U n e m p l o y m e n t rates of m a l e s b y Total males Year ra c e a n d selected occupations, annual a v e r a g e s , Con struction Males crafts Con in Car men, struction con p enters except laborers struction car penters Total males SOURCE: 19 6 3 — 68 Con struction Males crafts Con Car in Total men, struction con penters males except laborers struction car penters White Total 1 9 6 3 _______________ 1.964 --------------1 9 65 --------------1 9 6 6 --------------1 9 6 7 --------------1 9 6 8 --------------P e r c e n t decline— 1 9 6 3 - 6 8 ---------- Teenagers C o n struction P e r s o n s 14 y e a r s a n d o v e r for 196 3 — 66, 16 y e a r s a n d o v e r for 196 7 — 68. E x c l u d i n g agriculture a n d private h o u s e h o l d services for 19 6 7 — 68. ■SOURCE: T a b l e 45. All industries 5. 3 4. 7 4.0 3. 3 3. 1 2.9 10. 7 9.0 8. 2 6.6 6.0 5. 6 9.6 8 .4 7.4 6 .4 5. 1 4. 7 8. 7 7.0 6.6 5. 2 4. 6 4.4 20.5 16. 5 14. 5 11.9 11.7 11. 4 4.7 4. 2 3. 6 2.9 2. 7 2. 6 45. 3 47. 7 51. 1 49.4 44.4 44. 7 Con struction crafts Con men, struction e x cept labor e r s car p enters All other r a c e s 6 1 5 1 7 2 9.2 8. 3 7. 1 6. 2 5. 1 4.8 8.5 6. 5 6. 3 5. 2 4.5 4. 2 18 . 4 15.8 13 . 4 11.3 11.7 11 . 4 10. 6 9. 1 7. 6 6.6 6.0 5. 6 20.0 15.9 14.7 10. 6 8. 3 8. 6 16. 1 10. 2 12. 5 9. 3 5.5 4 .0 11.3 12. 6 10. 3 5.8 5.4 6. 5 25. 5 18. 1 17.0 13. 5 11. 7 11. 2 45. 8 47.8 50. 6 37.5 47. 2 57.0 75. 2 42.5 56. 1 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 5. C u r r e n t P o p ulation S u r v e y co n d u c t e d for the B L S b y the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . 48 Males in Car con p enters struction T a b l e 47. N u m b e r of c a r p enters a n d construction c r a f t s m e n (except carpenters) e m p l o y e d in construction a nd in all other industries , annual a v e r a g e s , 19 6 3 — 66 T a b l e 46. Distribution of e m p l o y e d a n d e x p e r i e n c e d u n e m p l o y e d m a l e s , b y r a c e a n d selected occupation, 1968 Unemployed Employed Occupation White All other races White (In thousands) All other r a ces Year Construction All other industries Carpenters Total: N u m b e r (in t h o u s a n d s ) --------P e r c e n t ------- ---------------C r a f t s m e n , f o r e m e n , a nd k i n d r e d w o r k e r s ----------------C a r p e n t e r s -----------------------C o n s t r u c t i o n c r a f t s m e n , except c a r p e n t e r s -----------------------C o n s t r u c t i o n l a b o r e r s ------------- 43, 411 100. 0 4,702 100. 0 20. 9 1.9 13. 4 1.0 4. 0 1.2 3. 3 4. 4 . 1 , 016 100. 0 243 100. 0 20. 7 4. 0 8. 6 .8 7. 4 6. 8 4. 5 10. 7 SOURCE: C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y con d u c t e d for the B L S r e a u of the C e n s u s . 1 9 63 1 9 64 1965 1 9 66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 637 640 675 652 177 180 175 20 2 Construction craftsmen, except carpenters 19 6 3 1 9 64 1 9 65 1 9 66 b y the B u ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,169 1,218 1,220 1,319 623 578 619 661 SOURCE: C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y c ond u c t e d for the B L S b y the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . T a b l e 48. P e r c e n t distribution of N e g r o m a l e s as a proportion of total m a l e s in construction a n d selected occupation, b y e m p l o y m e n t status, 1963— 68 Year Construction Employed: 1 9 63 ----------------------------1 9 64 ----------------------------1965 ----------------------------196 6 ----------------------------1 9 67 ----------------------------1968 ----------------------------Unemployed: 1 9 63 ----------------------------19 6 4 ----------------------------19 65 ----------------------------1 9 66 ----------------------------19 67 ----------------------------1 9 68 ----------------------------L a b o r force: 1 9 63 ----------------------------19 64 ----------------------------19 65 ----------------------------1 9 66 ----------------------------1967 ----------------------------- Carpenters C o n struction c r a f t s m e n , except c a r penters Construction laborers 9. 8 10. 7 9 .8 10. 2 10. 1 10. 1 5. 8 6. 5 4.9 5. 7 6. 2 5. 5 7.0 8. 1 7. 6 8. 2 8. 1 8.4 20. 4 20 . 4 18. 9 17. 2 14. 4 16. 2 10. 5 8.0 8. 8 8. 6 6. 7 4. 7 9. 3 15. 6 12. 2 9. 2 9 .8 12. 5 37. 33. 33. 32. 26. 27. 2 3 8 7 8 4 10. 9 11.6 10. 5 10. 7 10. 4 10. 5 6. 2 6. 6 5. 2 5.9 6. 2 5. 5 7. 2 8. 7 7.9 8. 2 8. 2 8. 6 30. 30. 28. 28. 26. 27. 0 4 7 7 9 7 28. 1 29.9 27. 8 28. 2 26. 9 27. 8 1968 SOURCE: C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y cond u c t e d for the B L S b y the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . 49 T a b l e 49. U n e m p l o y m e n t rates for selected occupations, F e b r u a r y an d A u g ust, All c r a f t s m e n and f o r e m e n M o n t h an d y e a r F e b r u a r y 1 9 68 ---------------------------F e b r u a r y 1 9 67 ---------------------------F e b r u a r y 1 9 6 6 ---------------------------F e b r u a r y 1 9 65 ---------------------------F e b r u a r y 1 9 6 4 ---------------------------A u g u s t 1 9 6 8 -----------------------------A u g u s t 196 7 ------------A u g u s t 1 9 6 6 -----------------------------A u g u s t 1 9 6 5 -----— — ----- A u g u s t 1 9 6 4 -----------------------------A n n u a l a verage: 1 9 6 8 -----------------------------------1 9 6 7 -----------------------------------1 9 6 6 -----------------------------------1 9 6 5 -----------------------------------1 9 6 4 -----------------------------------1 9 6 3 -----------------------------------1 9 6 2 ----------------------------------- 1961 ------------------------------------------------------I 9 5 9 ------------------------------------------------------- i 9 6 0 -----------------------------------1 9 5 8 ------------------------------------ I 9 5 7 ------------------------------------------------------SOURCE: T a b l e 50. Carpenters 1 9 6 4 — 68, a n d annual av e r a g e s , C o n struction craftsmen,except carpe n t e r s All n o n f a r m laborers 19 5 7 — 68 C o n s t ruction laborers 3. 7 3. 6 4.6 5.8 6.5 1.9 1.8 2.0 2. 6 3. 1 10. 1 9.5 11. 1 13. 2 15. 5 4. 2 1. 7 3.0 4.0 4. 3 7. 8. 10. 12. 13. 2. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5 2 2 1 7 2 7 1 3 4 10. 1 9 .5 10. 2 14. 2 15.9 5. 7 5.9 5. 8 5. 2 8.4 18.9 20. 3 17. 6 25. 7 25. 5 6.9 7. 6 8. 0 8. 2 11.5 2.4 2. 5 2. 8* 3. 6 4. 2 4. 8 5. 1 6. 3 5. 3 5. 3 6. 8 3.8 4. 7 5. 1 6. 4 7. 4 8. 4 9.6 9.4 12. 3 10. 1 9.4 11.7 8. 1 4.4 4.6 5. 2 6. 6 7.0 8. 7 8.8 10. 7 8.9 8.9 9 .7 6.4 7. 2 7. 6 7. 3 8.4 10.6 12. 1 12.4 14. 5 12.5 12.4 14. 9 9.4 11.4 11.7 11.9 14. 5 16. 5 20. 5 20. 4 21. 7 19. 3 19.0 21. 3 12. 6 C u r r e n t P opulation S u r v e y c o n d u c t e d for the B L S b y the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . W o r k e x p e r i e n c e a n d extent of u n e m p l o y m e n t of p e r s o n s 16 y e a r s of ag e a n d over, b y selected occupation of longest job, 1968 Status P e r s o n s with w o r k experience: N u m b e r (in t h o u s a n d s ) -------------------P e r c e n t ------------------------------------- Craftsmen, f o r e m e n , kin d r e d workers Carpenters C o n s truction Laborers, except c r a f t s m e n , except f a r m or m i n e ca r p e n t e r s 1 0,911 100.0 989 100.0 2, 1 3 5 100.0 4,520 1 0 0.0 W o r k e d at full-time jobs: 50 to 52 w e e k s ----------------------27 to 50 w e e k s ----------------------1 to 26 w e e k s -----------------------W o r k e d at p a r t - t i m e j o b s --------------- 73. 8 15. 1 5.9 5. 2 51. 8 28. 8 9 .6 9 .8 62. 1 23.0 7. 5 7.4 39. 1 16. 4 18. 5 26. 0 P e r s o n s with u n e m p l o y m e n t : N u m b e r (in t h o u s a n d s ) --------------------P e r c e n t ------------------------------------- 1, 342 100.0 230 100.0 429 100.0 1, 0 2 8 100.0 1 to 2 w e e k s (ye a r-round) w o r k e r s ---Part-year workers: 1 to 4 w e e k s ------------------------5 to 10 w e e k s ------------------------11 to 14 w e e k s ----------------------15 to 26 w e e k s ----------------------27 w e e k s or m o r e ------------------P e r c e n t of u n e m p l o y e d with: 2 spells of u n e m p l o y m e n t -----------------3 spells o r m o r e --------------------------- SOURCE: BLS, 50 C o nstruction laborers Manufacturing laborers 1,056 100.0 1 , 227 100. 0 34. 25. 24. 16. 2 2 4 2 50. 2 21. 5 19. 8 8. 5 349 1 00.0 285 100. 0 18 . 4 7. 4 14. 7 9. 5 9. 7 11.9 25. 5 22. 4 11.9 17. 2 4. 6 27. 0 23.0 14.8 23. 0 4. 8 21.4 24. 9 14.0 19. 3 5. 6 30. 4 20.0 12. 8 18. 4 8. 8 25. 5 22. 6 12.0 19. 8 10. 3 31. 2 18. 9 11.9 18. 9 7. 0 15.9 20. 3 20. 9 35. 2 19. 1 28. 7 17. 3 25. 5 22. 3 30. 1 13.0 19. 6 W o r k E x p e r i e n c e of the Population in 1968. T a b l e 51. Incidence, r e c u r r e n t spells, a n d extent of u n e m p l o y m e n t of p e r s o n s 16 y e a r s of a g e a n d o v e r as a p e r cent of total with e x p e r i e n c e b y selected occupation of longest job, 1968 Craftsmen, Construction foremen, c r a f tsmen, Carpenters kin d r e d excluding workers carpenters Status W i t h u n e m p l o y m e n t --------Jobless 15 w e e k s or m o r e during y e a r -------------W i t h 3 spells or m o r e of u n e m p l o y m e n t --------- SOURCE: BLS, Work Laborers, excluding f a r m or mine Construction M a n u f a c t u r i n g laborers laborers 12. 3 23. 3 20. 2 23. 8 33.4 2. 7 6. 5 5. 0 6. 5 10. 1 6. 5 2. 5 8. 2 5. 8 6. 1 10. 1 4. 9 E x p e r i e n c e of the Population in 25. 2 1968. T a b l e 52. P e r c e n t distribution of w e e k s w o r k e d b y m a l e w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in the e x p e r i e n c e d civilian labor force, b y selected occupation, 1959 W eeks O c c u p ations Total Skilled construction: B o i l e r m a k e r s ________________________________ Bri c k m a s o n s , stonemasons, and tile setters --------------------------------C a r p e n t e r s — -------------------------------C e m e n t a n d c o n c r ete finishers ------------C r a n e , d e r r i c k m e n , a n d h o i s t m e n --------E l e c t r i c i a n s __________________________________ E x cavating, grading, a n d ro a d m a c h i n e r y op e r a tors ---------------------F o r e m e n , c o n s t r u c t i o n --------------------G l a z i e r s -------------------------------------M e c h a n i c s a n d r e p a i r m e n c o n s t r u c t i o n ____ Painters, construction an d m a i n t e n a n c e ___ P l a s t e r e r s ___________________________________ P l u m b e r s a n d pipefitters___________________ R o o f e r s a n d s l a t e r s _________________________ Stone cutters a n d stone c a r v e r s -----------Structural m e t a l w o r k e r s ------------------Skilled nonconstruction: F o r e m e n , m a n u f a c t u r i n g ------------------M a c h i n i s t s ___________________________________ M e c h a n i c s and repairmen: A u t o m o b i l e _______________________________ M a n u f a c t u r i n g ---------------------------P a t t e r n a n d m o d e l m a k e r s , except p a p e r --------------------------------------Stationary e n g i n e e r s -----------------------T o o l m a k e r s , d i e m a k e r s , a n d setters-----Unskilled: Laborers: C o n s t r u c t i o n _____________________________ M a n u f a c t u r i n g ____________________________ NOTE: B e c a u s e of rounding, SOURCE: port P C ( 2 ) - 7 A . Bureau A t least 40 50 - 5 2 40-49 27-39 14-26 1-13 None 100. 0 70. 5 51. 9 18. 6 17. 7 7. 2 3. 1 1. 6 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 0 0 0 0 0 68. 72. 66. 72. 87. 1 3 4 6 9 29. 40. 27. 52. 69. 8 4 8 6 6 38. 31. 38. 20. 18. 3 9 6 0 3 20. 15. 20. 21. 7. 5 0 9 6 4 6. 9 7. 6 8.4 3. 9 2. 8 3. 0 3. 9 3. 3 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. 2 1. 2 .7 .6 100. 100. 100. 100. .100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78. 89. 89. 83. 67. 71. 83. 65. 84. 74. 4 1 5 2 9 8 1 2 9 8 53. 70. 71. 65. 41. 32. 61. 33. 58. 45. 2 5 9 8 1 3 1 3 6 2 25. 18. 17. 17. 26. 39. 22. 31. 26. 29. 2 6 6 4 8 5 0 9 3 8 14. 6. 4. 8. 15. 15. 9. 18. 8. 15. 1 3 8 2 2 3 5 4 5 3 5. 3 2. 8 3. 6 4. 8 9. 0 8. 2 4.4 9. 5 3. 3 6. 2 1. 1. 1. 2. 6. 3. 2. 5. 2. 2. 7 2 1 7 0 3 2 0 6 7 .6 .6 1. 0 1. 1 2. 0 1. 6 .8 1. 8 .7 .9 100. 0 100. 0 96. 9 89. 7 90. 3 75. 0 6. 6 14. 7 1. 6 5. 9 .7 2. 4 .4 1. 3 .3 .7 100. 0 100. 0 87. 2 88. 6 72. 6 74. 4 14. 6 14. 2 5. 5 6. 6 3. 8 2. 7 2. 5 1. 3 1. 2 .8 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 91. 5 92. 6 92. 9 74. 9 85. 0 76. 7 16. 6 7. 6 16. 2 4. 8 3. 6 4. 2 1. 9 2. 3 1. 7 1. 0 1. 0 .8 .8 .6 .5 100. 0 100. 0 58. 9 68. 9 33. 2 48. 2 25. 7 20. 7 17. 7 15. 4 11. 7 8. 1 8. 5 5. 0 3. 3 2. 5 s u m s of individual i t e m s m a y not equal totals. of the C e n s u s . U. S. Census of Population: I960. Subject Reports. O c cupational Characteristics. Final R e 51 T a b l e 53. E x p e r i e n c e d u n e m p l o y e d private w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in construction, m o n t h l y a n d a nnual a ve r a g e s , 1948— 6 8 (In thousands) Year 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 January ______________ -------------______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ -------------______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ .............. ______________ ______________ ______________ SOURCE: T a b l e 54. 29 2 385 625 359 308 308 447 5 49 492 510 670 742 655 826 702 752 643 599 439 411 443 304 485 523 266 292 256 494 494 443 426 724 735 725 723 695 641 506 540 386 341 382 April 239 344 418 162 238 212 502 400 286 388 600 465 498 650 534 512 396 394 320 304 220 June May 158 318 264 118 168 150 361 274 266 280 447 396 384 5 48 424 365 314 305 224 213 185 July 146 295 255 156 162 160 328 276 256 270 480 335 332 465 370 332 326 305 208 233 229 137 366 2 32 165 162 168 344 239 246 258 467 338 353 490 366 335 283 320 195 200 189 b y the B u r e a u of the August 164 304 207 148 140 136 275 248 210 262 4 33 296 346 365 259 376 288 237 187 161 163 September 173 267 236 140 124 161 322 190 192 239 369 327 283 353 255 257 262 237 190 122 127 October November December 158 276 147 134 104 116 296 220 176 219 345 309 316 303 283 286 292 221 206 170 148 177 301 200 148 116 146 305 292 295 34 7 420 390 451 407 396 400 270 270 278 236 220 January ......... ............... _______________________ ------------------------___ ____________________ _________________________ ------------------------- NOTE: SOURCE: Dashes 0 153. 0 155. 0 154. 6 154. 3 153. 6 152. 7 151. 3 150. 2 148. 8 149. 2 149. 1 150. 1 150. 9 151. 5 152. 6 152. 3 153.4 153. 9 154. 3 154. 2 February 0 157.7 158. 0 158. 6 156. 9 156. 6 155. 6 154.4 154.4 153.4 153. 1 154. 6 155. 9 156. 9 158. 0 157.5 • 158.4 158. 1 158. 2 157. 2 156. 8 indicate that data w e r e March 0 142. 5 142. 0 140. 7 140. 9 139. 4 138. 3 140. 0 140. 4 140. 7 140. 3 140. 1 139. 1 138. 5 137.4 135. 5 134. 5 135. 5 134. 3 134. 6 135. 4 April 118.4 118. 1 117. 7 118. 8 119. 0 120. 6 120. 6 119. 6 118.4 118. 0 115.4 113. 3 112. 7 110. 6 109.0 109. 5 108. 9 108. 6 108.4 108. 4 109. 6 1958 -------------1959 -------------I960 ______________ 1 9 6 1 ........... . 1962 -------------1963 ______________ 1964 ______________ 1965 ______________ 1966 -------------1967 ______________ 1968 ------------ SOURCE: 36. 38. 39. 36. 39. 37. 39. 34. 27. 33. 33. 8 3 6 2 2 5 0 2 3 2 1 February March June July August September October 83. 1 83. 2 83. 0 83. 7 84. 1 84. 0 84. 8 84.4 84. 8 85. 7 86. 3 87. 0 86. 6 86. 2 85. 6 84. 2 82. 7 80. 2 78. 9 78. 3 77. 2 77. 6 78. 5 79. 6 79. 6 81. 0 81. 8 81. 9 82.4 81. 9 80. 8 80. 7 79. 5 78. 4 78. 6 78. 2 78. 0 79. 7 81. 0 81. 9 83. 3 83. 4 83.4 83. 3 83. 9 82. 9 81. 6 80. 7 80. 0 79.4 78. 7 78. 0 78. 9 79. 6 79.4 79. 6 80. 0 79. 1 78. 7 77. 6 77. 2 76. 9 77. 3 74. 8 74. 8 73. 7 72. 7 72. 0 71. 3 71. 2 71. 1 70. 4 71. 5 71. 4 70. 9 70. 1 69. 1 67. 7 67. 3 65. 9 66. 3 66. 3 66.4 66. 0 72. 7 71. 9 72. 3 72. 3 71. 7 71. 1 69. 7 68.4 67. 6 65. 0 63. 8 63. 1 62. 6 62. 1 62.4 62. 9 63. 7 62. 6 63. 1 63.4 63. 3 65. 3 64. 2 62. 9 62. 7 61. 6 60. 3 60. 0 59- 4 60. 2 61. 3 61. 2 61. 6 63. 0 64. 6 65. 7 66.4 67. 5 68. 4 69. 2 69. 6 b y the B u r e a u November December 74. 3 73.4 73. 0 72. 9 73. 8 75. 5 77.4 79. 0 81. 7 83. 1 84. 8 85. 3 85. 8 86. 1 87. 8 89. 2 90. 7 91. 8 93. 1 93. 1 97. 1 99. 4 99. 0 100.4 103. 2 105. 0 107. 9 110. 6 111.2 113. 8 114. 9 116. 2 116. 3 116. 7 116. 6 117. 8 116. 9 116. 6 115. 3 114. 4 " - " of the C e n s u s . 38. 8 37. 1 38. 5 31. 3 34. 7 34.4 32. 8 34. 9 30. 8 31. 7 31. 0 36. 5 38. 2 38. 8 33. 1 35. 6 36. 0 37. 4 38. 0 32.9 34.4 35. 6 April May Jun e July 36. 36. 35. 36. 37. 40. 35. 36. 27. 31. 30. 39. 39. 40. 37. 35. 45. 40. 34. 37. 33. 36. 38. 6 43. 6 43. 7 40. 7 45. 6 47. 9 42. 2 39.4 40. 0 43. 2 43. 9 44. 56. 46. 36. 42. 45. 43. 34. 33. 38, 47. 5 2 3 9 7 7 3 0 7 0 1 C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y c o n d u c t e d for the B L S 52 1948— 68 May U n e m p l o y e d construction l a borers as a per c e n t of all u n e m p l o y e d w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in construction, January 1 207 352 329 196 194 195 387 338 313 350 524 469 464 545 467 457 391 365 287 257 247 not available. C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y c o n d u c t e d for the B L S Year 216 456 240 196 187 244 426 386 396 498 588 462 611 549 578 503 482 317 364 268 232 Annual average Census. S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors for e x p e r i e n c e d u n e m p l o y e d private w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in construction, b y m o n t h , _________________________ ------------------------_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ — _____________________ _ _______________________ ____________ _____________ ------------------------_________________________ _________________________ T a b l e 55. 320 425 597 361 326 282 546 590 500 508 748 827 613 861 738 828 625 638 445 419 421 March C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y c o n d u c t e d for the B L S Year 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1PA?. 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 F ebruary 7 1 5 8 5 0 9 0 9 8 3 2 0 7 6 6 2 9 8 3 7 0 August 44. 2 52. 5 42. 6 44. 0 38. 8 39.5 40. 9 35. 6 38.4 40. 6 39. 5 b y the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . September 44. 36. 43. 41. 43. 45. 43. 41. 40. 43. 46. 5 2 5 4 2 6 8 0 9 7 8 1958— 68 October 39. 8 36. 0 37. 8 37.4 46. 3 42. 2 39. 3 37. 3 35. 8 39. 2 40. 2 November December 46. 43. 33. 37. 41. 42. 41. 34. 32. 35. 39. 3 5 1 0 3 7 0 2 8 4 6 41. 40. 39. 36. 43. 34. 35. 35. 29. 36. 34. 7 1 3 9 8 2 8 6 8 3 3 Annual average 40. 40. 39. 36. 39. 39. 38. 35. 32. 35. 36. 1 9 4 7 5 5 5 9 9 8 7 T a b l e 56. P e r c e n t distribution of m a l e s b y r e a s o n for leaving jobs, b y industry group, 1955 a n d 1961 Nonagricultural w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s R e a s o n for leaving job Total N u m b e r of jobs left (in t h o u s a n d s ) ------------P e r c e n t ----- --------------------- ---------J o b l o s s -----------------------------------------I m p r o v e m e n t in status-------------------------T e r m i n a t i o n of t e m p o r a r y job ----------------Illness or disability----------------------------H o u s e h o l d responsibilities--------------------S c h o o l responsibilities------------------------O t h e r r e a s o n s ------------------------------N o t r e p o r t e d --------------------------------- — SOURCE: B u r e a u of the C e n s u s , 35, J o b Mobility in 1 9 6 1 . T a b l e 57. C o nstruction Manufacturing 1961 1955 1961 1955 1961 1955 7,846 100. 0 7, 9 8 0 100. 0 1,909 100.0 1 ,746 100.0 1,897 100.0 2, 382 100.0 39. 3 34. 8 7. 5 2.4 .5 4.9 9. 2 1.5 27. 9 41.0 13. 6 3. 2 .1 4. 2 7. 9 2. 1 66.0 17 . 4 4. 6 2. 2 .3 2. 3 5. 6 1.6 37. 0 23. 5 25.4 2. 5 3.0 5. 2 3.4 41 . 9 36. 8 3. 7 2. 6 .3 5. 3 8. 3 1. 1 32. 3 42. 9 5. 7 4.0 .1 4. 1 9. 5 1.4 C u r r e n t Population R e p o r t s — L a b o r F o r c e , J o b Mobility of W o r k e r s in 1955 a n d B L S Special L a b o r F o r c e R e p o r t P e r c e n t distribution of nonagricultural w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s , b y full- or p a r t - t i m e status, b y industry, 1968 P a r t - t i m e schedules Industry T o t a l 1 -----------------------------Con s t r u c t i o n -----------------------------M a n u f a c t u r i n g ---------------------------D u r a b l e g o o d s -----------------------N o n d u r a b l e g o o d s --------------------T r a n s p o r t a t i on an d public utilities ----W h o l e s a l e a n d retail t r a d e -------------F i n a n c e , insurance, a n d real e s t a t e --S e r v i c e i n d u s t r i e s ------------------------ 1 Total at Fulltime E c o n o m i c reasons schedules Usually w o r k full t i m e Other reasons Usually w o r k part t i m e Usually w o r k part t i m e 100.0 85.4 1. 3 1. 2 12. 1 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 92.0 95. 1 97. 0 92. 2 93. 3 75. 1 90. 2 73. 7 3.0 1.8 1. 1 2. 7 1. 1 1. 1 .5 .9 1. 3 .4 .2 .7 .6 1.8 .3 2. 3 3. 8 2. 8 1.7 4. 3 5.0 22. 1 9.0 23. 1 Includes m i n i n g a n d public administration, not s h o w n separately. SOURCE: T a b l e 58. C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y c ond u c t e d for the B L S b y the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . P e r c e n t distribution of m a l e w a g e and salary w o r k e r s , b y race, full- or p a r t - t i m e status, 1968 P a r t - t i m e schedules Industry Total at work Fulltime schedules E c o n o m i c reasons Other reasons Usually w o r k full t i m e U sually w o r k part t i m e U s u ally w o r k part t i m e White All nonagricultural industries----------C o n s truction -----------------------------M a n u f a c t u r i n g ---------------------------- 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 92. 0 93. 2 97. 0 1.0 2. 8 .9 0. 6 1.0 .2 6.4 3. 0 1.9 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 90. 2 88. 9 95.5 2. 3 4.9 2. 6 2. 0 3.9 .7 5. 5 2. 3 1. 2 All other All nonagricultural industries----------C o n s t r u c t i o n -----------------------------M a n u f a c t u r i n g ---------------------------- SOURCE: C u r r e n t Population S u r v e y con d u c t e d for the B L S b y the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . 53 CHAPTER V I. EA R N IN G S Wage comparisons Hourly wage rates for construction workers are high in comparison with those of workers in other indus tries. The average hourly earnings of construction workers in the contract construction industry in 1968 were 38 percent higher than for production workers in manufacturing durable goods industries. (See table 60.) In spite of the high hourly wages for construction workers, however, production workers in several industries had higher levels of average weekly earnings, because they averaged more hours of work each week. (See table 61.) Several factors in addition to seasonality contribute to the high average hourly wages for construction workers. The skill level of construction workers is high compared with that of many production workers in other industries. In 1968, about two-thirds of the blue-collar workers in construction were craftsmen, fore men, and kindred workers comparing with about one-fourth in manufacturing. The industry usually has rel atively low fringe benefits and hazardous working conditions. Also, the wage differential may be necessarily higher to attract a sufficient supply of workers. Construction workers increased their wage differential over production workers in durable goods manu facturing industries between 1947 and 1968; the differential rose from 21 percent to 38 percent. (See table 60.) In comparison with average hourly earnings in basic steel, workers in contract construction lost ground in terms of wage differentials between 1947 and 1959, but by 1964 they had regained the 1947 relative posi tion and, in 1968, construction workers in contract construction had average hourly earnings 17 percent above those for production workers in basic steel. Hourly earnings in 1968 were 13 percent higher for construction workers than for production workers in the motor vehicles industry. Examination of hourly union wage scales by craft in contract construction and manufacturing indicate substantial differentials in favor of crafts in the construction industry. A comparison of basic union hourly wage rates for seven crafts in contract construction (national average) and basic steel between 1947 and 1968 indicates that the construction union scale for carpenters was 50 percent above the average rate for carpenters in basic steel, on July 1, 1968. (See table 62.) In general, these differentials did not widen significantly over the 1947—68 period. A recently published study 44 that compares union wage scales for carpenters, electricians, and painters in construction and the straight-time average hourly earnings for these workers in maintenance jobs in manu facturing in late 1965 or early 1966, indicates that differentials in 50 metropolitan areas reported invariably favored those in construction. However, the differentials varied widely by area. The differential for carpen ters ranged from 73 percent in New York City to 11 percent in Richmond, Va.; electricians, from 63 percent in Little Rock—North Little Rock to 18 percent in Houston; and painters from 54 percent in Washington, D.C. to 3 percent in Charleston, W. Va. (See table 63.) In general, differentials were highest in the Northeast, somewhat lower in the West, and lowest in the South. In most localities, the wage differential in favor of construction appears to have widened in recent years. (See table 64.) Wage differentials in favor of construction workers reflect a basic difference in working conditions be tween construction and other industries. Factors such as the frequency of seasonal and intermittent unem- 44 Lily Mary David and T. P. Kanninen, “Workers’ Wages in Construction and Maintenance,” M onthly Labor Review, January 1968. 54 ployment, relatively low fringe benefits, and more hazardous working conditions in construction contribute to the earnings differential in favor of construction workers. Although workers in the building trades are covered by old age and survivors insurance, unemployment compensation, and workmen’s compensation, as are workers in manufacturing, they are at a disadvantage with respect to private benefits financed wholly or in part by em ployers. Paid vacations and holidays for many building trades workers are uncommon; in manufacturing 8 or 9 paid holidays each year is the usual practice. Estimates are that the value of fringe benefits in the basic steel industry was $0.71 an hour in 1965, and in the unionized sector of construction only $0.54 an hour in 1968. 45 The high injury-frequency rate in construction— more than twice as high as in manufacturing— makes construction work a generally less desirable activity, as does the relatively high proportion of outdoor work in unfinished buildings during inclement weather. The requirement that construction workers must move frequently to new work sites also contributes to the relatively less desirable work conditions in the industry. The collective bargaining relationships between contractors and unions is another factor which helps main tain the wage differential for construction workers. Unlike a manufacturer, contractors cannot threaten to or actually relocate because of wage demands. The products of the construction industry do not compete with products produced in other parts of the country or overseas, as do the product of manufacturers. Moreover, all unionized competitors in a region are bound by the outcome of a major collective bargaining agreement so that there is little inducement to maintain a rigid stance in wage negotiations. Contractors are generally small companies, and even when they are represented by an association of contractors, pressure to remain firm on wages is generally much less than in the case of manufacturing firms. A n n u a l i n c o m e 46 Despite the relatively high hourly earnings received by wage and salary workers in construction, they have reported earnings over a 12-month period that are somewhat less than workers in several manufacturing indus tries. The following tabulation shows the annual earnings of wage and salary workers who were employed in contract construction and selected manufacturing industries at least part of the time in each of the four quar ters in 1964. Average annual reported earnings from specified industry Average annual reported earnings from all covered employment Industry Contract construction: $6,250 General building.................. $6,579 Heavy construction ........... 7,116 7,377 6,677 Special trades..................... 6,879 Chemical and allied products. . 7,717 7,638 8,325 Petroleum refining.................. 8,447 Primary metals........................ 7,272 7,352 7,167 Machinery, except electrical . . 7,253 7,725 7,814 Motor vehicles and equipment . SOURCE: BLS Social Security Administration’s 1-percent continuous work history sample. The tabulation indicates that workers who were strongly attached to the contract construction industry (i.e., those who had some earnings in each of four quarters) derived practically all of their income from the indus try (about 96 percent), as did workers in manufacturing industries (about 99 percent). ^5 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Em ployees Compensation and Payroll Hours, Basic Steel, 1965, Wages and Hours: Building Trades, July 1, 1968, Bulletin 1621. Report 335-4; Union 46 The wage data on annual earnings, some of which are from the forthcoming bulletin, Compensation in the struction Industry, were developed by the Office of Wages and Industrial Relations of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Con 55 Average annual earnings, however, tend to obscure the relative position of the typical worker in con tract construction. The distribution of annual earnings of construction workers is skewed. While some work ers make high annual incomes, others earn much less. High earnings tend to be associated with year-round work. Of the workers who earned most of their income from general construction contractors in 1964, 45 percent earned less than $3,000 from all industries in which they worked, whereas about 9 percent made $9,000 or more. Of workers who were employed in all four quarters of the year, only 19 percent earned less than $3,000 from all industries in which they worked, while about 15 percent made $9,000 or more. (See table 65.) Generally, the skewness of the distribution of income is toward the low side for workers who were employed by masonry, plastering, stone and tile contractors, and roofing and sheet metal contractors— work that tends to be more seasonal. For workers employed by plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning, and electrical con tractors, the skewness of the distribution of total annual earnings is toward the high side. For highway con tractors and general contractors, the skewness tends only slightly to the low side. The conclusion to be drawn from these data is that the relatively high hourly wage rates for construc tion workers generally are not translated into high annual earnings. Moreover, an assessment of the fringe benefits available to contract construction workers indicates an even less desirable employment situation for these workers. Unemployment benefit payments to construction workers, however, are not included in these average annual earnings figures. An estimated 425 million dollars were paid out in benefits in 1964. This would tend to increase slightly the amount of money received by construction workers during the year. The annual earnings figures also may be slightly understated to the extent that workers drawing social security benefits can readily find employment and work until they reached the maximum earnings limit permitted. H o u r l y rates a n d annual earnings b y area Wage rates for construction crafts vary considerably by area. In 1965—1966 union hourly wage scales in building construction for carpenters in 50 areas ranged from $5.80 in New York City to $3.45 in Rich mond, Va. (See table 68.) For electricians, the range was from $5.50 an hour in San Diego, Calif., to $4.05 in Richmond, Va.; for painters, from $4.82 an hour in San Diego, to $2.50 an hour in Portland, Maine. In general, union wage scales were highest in the Northeast and West, slightly lower in the North Central States, and considerably lower in the South. Construction workers in areas with the highest union hourly wage scales generally had the highest an nual income. In 1964, workers in the Northeast and West who had most of their annual reported earnings from contract construction tended to have higher annual incomes than those in other areas. (See table 66.) The range of annual income was quite broad. For example, workers in heavy construction had average an nual incomes ranging from $6,485 in the Pacific States to $3,313 in the Southeast States. 56 T a b l e 59. A v e r a g e w e e k l y earnings a n d w a g e relatives 1 of construction a n d production w o r k e r s in contract construction a n d selected industries, 1947— 68 W e e k l y w a g e relatives A v e r a g e w e e k l y earnings Year 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 195 4 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I96 0 196 1 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1QA7 1968 ------------------------------------------------------------------------_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ ------------------------___,_____________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ .. _________________________ 1 The C o n tract construction Blast furnaces a n d basic steel products M o t o r vehicle and equipment Manufacturing, durable g o ods $ 58.87 65. 27 67. 56 69. 68 76. 96 82. 86 86.41 88. 91 90. 90 96. 38 100. 27 103. 78 108. 41 113. 04 118.08 122.47 127. 19 132. 06 138.38 146.26 154.95 164.56 $56. 51 62. 84 63. 34 67. 95 77. 71 80. 00 88. 29 83. 92 96. 80 102.87 105.57 108. 00 122.71 116. 13 122.92 127.40 133.06 138. 43 140. 90 144.73 143. 51 154. 16 $58. 63 63. 15 67. 33 74. 85 77. 16 84. 87 89. 88 91. 30 99. 84 96. 82 100. 61 101. 24 11 1. 38 115.21 114.69 127.67 132. 68 138. 03 147. 63 147. 23 144.84 167.66 $51. 76 56. 36 57. 25 62. 43 68. 48 72. 63 76. 63 76. 19 82. 19 85. 28 88. 26 89. 27 96. 05 97. 44 100. 35 104. 70 108. 09 112. 19 117. 18 122.09 123. 60 132.07 rate for contract construction divided b y the S O U R C E : BLS, Blast furnaces a n d basic steel products M o t o r vehicle and equipment 1. 04 1. 04 1. 07 1. 03 . 99 1. 04 . 98 1. 06 . 94 . 94 .95 .96 . 88 . 97 . 96 .96 . 96 . 95 . 98 1. 01 1. 08 1. 07 Manufacturing, durable g o ods 1. 00 1. 03 1. 00 . 93 1. 00 . 98 . 96 . 97 .91 1. 00 1. 00 1. 03 . 97 .98 1. 03 . 96 .96 . 96 . 94 . 99 1. 07 . 98 1. 14 1. 16 1. 18 1. 12 1. 12 1. 14 1. 13 1. 17 1. 11 1. 13 1. 14 1. 16 1. 13 1. 16 1. 18 1. 17 1. 18 1. 18 1. 18 1. 20 1. 25 1. 25 rate for the other industries. c u rrent e m p l o y m e n t statistics b a s e d o n es t a b l ishment reports. T a b l e 60. A v e r a g e h o u r ly earnings a n d w a g e relatives 1 of construction and production w o r k e r s in contract construction a n d selected industries, 1947— 68 H o u r l y w a g e relatives A v e r a g e hourly e arnings Year Contr a c t construction 1 9 4 7 __________________________ 1948 _________________________ 1949 _________________________ 1 950 _________________________ 1951 _________________________ 1952 _________________________ 1953 _________________________ 1954 _________________________ 1955 _________________________ 1956 ------------------------1957 _________________________ 1958 _________________________ 1959 ------------------------I960 _________________________ 1961 _________________________ 1962 _________________________ 1963 _________________________ 1964 _________________________ 1965 _________________________ 1966 _________________________ 1967 _________________________ 1968 ------------------------- 1 The $ 1. 541 1. 713 1. 792 1. 863 2. 02 2. 13 2. 28 2. 39 2.45 2. 57 2. 71 2. 82 2. 93 3. 08 3. 20 3. 31 3.41 3. 55 3. 70 3. 89 4. 11 4. 40 Blast furnaces a n d basic steel p r oducts $ 1. 4 49 1. 591 1. 6 5 8 1. 703 1. 90 2. 00 2. 18 2. 22 2. 39 2. 54 2. 70 2. 88 3. 06 3. 04 3. 16 3. 25 3. 31 3. 36 3. 42 3. 53 3. 57 3. 76 rate for contract construction divided b y the S O U R C E : BLS, c u rrent e m p l o y m e n t statistics, M o t o r vehicle and equipment Manufacturing, durable go o d s $ 1. 4 73 1.611 1. 696 1. 778 1. 91 2. 05 2. 14 2. 20 2. 29 2. 35 2. 46 2. 55 2. 71 2. 81 2. 86 2. 99 3. 10 3. 21 3. 34 3. 44 3. 55 3. 89 $ 1. 278 1. 395 1.453 1. 519 1. 65 1. 75 1. 86 1. 90 1. 99 2. 08 2. 19 2. 26 2. 36 2. 43 2. 49 2. 56 2. 63 2. 71 2. 79 2. 90 3. 00 3. 19 Blast furnaces a n d basic steel p r o ducts 1. 06 1. 08 1. 08 1. 09 1. 06 1. 07 1. 05 1. 08 1. 03 1. 01 1. 00 . 98 . 96 1. 01 1. 01 1. 02 1. 03 1. 06 1. 08 1. 10 1. 15 1. 17 M o t o r vehicle and equipment 1. 05 1. 06 1. 06 1. 05 1. 06 1. 04 1. 07 1. 09 1. 07 1. 09 1. 10 1. 11 1. 08 1. 10 1. 12 1. 11 1. 10 1. 11 1. 11 1. 13 1. 16 1. 13 Manufacturing, durable go o d s 1. 21 1. 23 1. 23 1. 23 1. 22 1. 22 1. 23 1. 26 1. 23 1. 24 1. 24 1. 25 1. 24 1. 27 1.29 1.29 1. 30 1. 31 1. 33 1. 34 1. 37 1. 38 rate for the other industries. b a s e d o n es t a b l i s h m e n t reports. 57 T a b l e 61. G r o s s earnings a n d h o u r s of production w o r k e r s , 1 b y selected industry, Average weekly earnings Industry 1968 A v e r a g e h ourly earnings Average weekly hours M a j o r industry M i n i n g __________________________________________________ C o n t r a c t c o n s t r u c t i o n --------------------------------M a n u f a c t u r i n g ----------------------------------------D u r a b l e g o o d s ______________________________________ N o n d u r a b l e g o o d s ------ --------------— — Tran s p o r t a t i o n a n d public utilities: R a i l r o a d transportation 2 -------------------------L o c a l a n d s u b u r b a n --------------------------------Intercity a n d rural b u s lines ---------------------M o t o r freight transportation a n d s t o r a g e --- ---C o m m u n i c a t i o n ------------------------------------Electric, gas, a n d sanitary s e r v i c e s _____________ W h o l e s a l e t r a d e ---------------------------------------Retail trade--------------------------------------------Finance, i n s u r a n c e , a n d real es t a t e ----------------- $ 143. 05 164.56 122.51 132. 07 109.05 $3. 35 4.40 3. 01 3. 19 2. 74 42. 7 37. 4 40. 7 41.4 39. 8 151. 02 123. 77 152.21 142.96 123. 16 150. 28 122.31 74. 95 108. 54 3.44 2. 94 3. 65 3.42 3. 11 3. 63 3. 05 3. 16 2. 91 43. 9 42. 1 41. 7 41. 8 39. 6 41.4 40. 1 34. 7 37. 3 Industry wi t h highest earnings Special dies, tools, jigs, a n d fixtures--- ---------M o t o r vehicles a n d e q u i p m e n t -----------------------M o t o r vehicles ------------------------------------P a s s e n g e r c ar bodies -----------------------------M o t o r vehicle parts a n d a c c e s s o r i e s ------------M a l t liq u o r s --------- --------------------------------P e t r o l e u m refining ----------------------------------T ires a n d inner tubes---------------------------------Pipeline t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ------------------------------C o m m u n i c a t i o n , line construction e m p l o y e e s ------Security, c o m m o d i t y b r o k e r s , a n d s e r v i c e s -------- $3. 93 3. 89 3. 99 4. 18 3. 89 4. 16 3. 94 4. 02 4. 04 3. 76 4.40 $ 178. 42 167. 66 172.77 178. 90 1 68.44 170.56 166.27 179.69 167. 26 168. 45 168. 52 45. 43. 43. 42. 43. 41. 42. 44. 41. 44. 38. 4 1 3 8 3 0 2 7 4 8 3 1 F o r m i n i n g a n d m a n u f a c t u r i n g , data refer to production a n d related w o r k e r s ; for contract c o n struction, to construction w o r k e r s ; a n d for all other industries, to n o n s u p e r v i s o r y w o r k e r s . 2 C l a s s I railroads. S O U R C E : B L S , c u r rent e m p l o y m e n t statistics b a s e d o n e s t a b l i s h m e n t reports. T a b l e 62. W a g e relatives 1 for selected building crafts in contract c onstruction a n d basic steel (basic union h o u r l y w a g e rates), July 1 of e a c h year, 1947— 6 8 Year 1947 __________________________ 1 9 4 8 . _______________________ ........................ 1949 1950 _________________________ 1951 _______ ________________ 1952 ____ ____________________ 1953 ____________ _____________ 1 954 ......................... 1955 ........................ 1956 _ _ 1957 ......................... 1958 ____________________ 1959 ------------------------1960 _ 1 9 6 1 _________________________ 1962 __________ ______________ _ 1963 _________ _______________ 1964 _________________________ 1965 ........................ 1966 ......................... 1967 ........................ 19682 ..................... 1 2 Boilermakers 1. 23 1. 38 1. 32 1. 38 1. 31 1. 27 1. 31 1. 33 1. 27 1. 33 1. 28 1.25 1. 30 1. 36 1. 37 1. 37 1.42 1.48 1. 53 1. 39 1.44 " Bricklayers 1. 37 1. 56 1. 49 1. 54 1. 45 1. 4 4 1. 43 1. 44 1. 37 1. 43 1. 36 1. 30 1. 35 1. 39 1. 40 1.40 1. 44 1. 48 1. 52 1. 38 1.44 1. 52 Carpenters 1. 26 1. 39 1. 30 1. 36 1. 31 1. 27 1. 28 1. 30 1. 25 1. 30 1. 23 1. 20 1. 26 1. 31 1. 32 1. 33 1. 32 1.42 1.49 1. 35 1.42 1. 50 Electricians 1. 23 1. 34 1. 33 1. 37 1. 33 1. 28 1. 28 1. 29 1. 22 1. 29 1. 22 1. 20 1. 24 1. 31 1. 32 1. 34 1. 38 1. 43 1. 47 1. 33 1. 40 1.49 Painters 1. 30 1.41 1. 35 1. 39 1. 34 1. 30 1. 31 1. 32 1. 27 1. 33 1. 25 1. 22 1. 26 1. 31 1. 32 1. 32 1. 37 1. 41 1. 47 1. 32 1. 40 1.48 Pipefitters Sheet-metal workers 1. 34 1. 47 1.40 1.46 1. 40 1. 35 1. 36 1.40 1. 33 1. 39 1. 47 1. 30 1. 35 1. 40 1.41 1. 41 1.46 1. 52 1. 58 1. 4 4 1. 52 1. 61 1. 18 1. 33 1. 24 1. 30 1. 24 1. 22 1. 23 1. 26 1. 21 1. 26 1. 19 1. 18 1. 23 1.29 1.29 1. 30 1. 36 1. 41 1. 46 1. 33 1. 41 " T h e construction rate divided b y the steel rate. 196 8 contract construction w a g e levels are p r e liminary. SOURCE: 1947— 66: F a c t o r s D e t e r m i n i n g P atterns of E m p l o y m e n t an d U n e m p l o y m e n t in the Cons t r u c t i o n Industry of the United States. thesis b y D a n i e l Q u i n n Mills of H a r v a r d University, S e p t e m b e r , 1967, pp. 175-6; 1967— 68: U p d a t e d f r o m data p r o v i d e d b y D r. Mills. 58 A doctoral T a b l e 63. Straight-time a v e r a g e h o u r l y e a rnings in m a i n t e n a n c e w o r k a n d union scales in building construction, C a r p e n t e rs Average h o urly earnings in m a i n t e nance Reg i o n , m e t r o p o l i t a n area, a n d date of s u r v e y Northeast: B o s ton, Oct. 1 9 6 5 -------Buffalo, D e c . 1 9 6 5 _______ N e w H a v e n , Jan. 1 9 6 6---N e w York, A p r . 1 9 6 6 ____ Philadelphia, N o v . 1965 — Pittsburgh, Jan. 1 9 6 6 ____ Portland, N o v . 1 9 6 5 ____ P r o v i d e n c e — Pawtucket, M a y 1966 ............... Tre n t o n , D e c . 1 9 6 5 ______ Y o r k , F e b . 1 9 6 6 ......... South: Atlanta, M a y 1 9 6 6 — - — B a l t i m o r e , N o v . 1965 — Birmingham, A p r . 1 966— Charle s t o n , A p r . 1966 ___ Cha t t a n o o g a , Sept. 1965 — Dallas, N o v . 1 9 6 5 ________ H o u s t o n , J u n e 1966 -----Jacksonville, Jan. 1966__ Little R o c k — N. Little R o c k , A u g . 1 9 6 5 ________ Louisville, Feb . 1 9 6 6 ____ M e m p h i s , Jan. 1 9 6 6 ----M i a m i , D e c . 1 9 6 5 -------N e w Orle a n s , F e b . 1966 — R i c h m o n d , N o v . 1 9 6 5 ---S a v a n n a h , M a y 1966 _____ W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . — M d — Va. , Oct. 1 9 6 5 _________ N o r t h Central: C h i c a g o , A p r . 1 9 6 6 ______ Cincinnati, M a r . 1965 — Cleveland, Sept. 1 9 6 5 ____ C o l u m b u s , Oct. 1 9 6 5 ____ D a v e n p o r t — R o c k Island— Mol i n e , Oct. 1 9 6 5 ______ Dayton, Jan. 1 9 6 6 -------D e s M o i n e s , F e b . 1966___ Detroit, Jan. 196 6 ________ Indianapolis, D e c . 1 9 65 __ K a n s a s City, N o v . 1 9 65__ Milwaukee, A p r . 1966--O m a h a , Oct. 1965-------St. Louis, Oct. 1 9 6 5 ----So u t h B e n d , M a r . 1 9 6 6 ______________ T oledo, F eb. 1 9 6 6 ________ Wichita, Oct. 1 9 6 5 _______ Youngstown— Warren, N o v . 1 9 6 5 _______________ West: D e n v e r , D e c . 1 9 6 5 ------Los Angeles— Long Beach, M a r . 1966 ---Phoenix, M a r . 1 9 6 6 ---Portland, M a y 1966_______ Salt L a k e City, D e c . 1 9 6 5 - .............. S a n Diego, N o v . 1965 ---S p o k a n e , J u n e 1966 _____ SOURCE: Lily M a r y Union scales in building construc tion Electricians C o n s t ruction rate higher b y — Dollars Per per cent hour Average h o urly earnings in m a i n t e nance $4. 50 4. 315 4. 50 5. 80 4.45 5. 075 3. 70 $ 1. 37 1. 145 1. 71 2. 45 1. 07 1. 7 35 1. 18 44 36 61 73 32 52 47 $ 3. 24 3. 49 3. 04 3. 46 3. 33 3.45 2. 75 2.66 3. 08 2. 62 3.95 4. 80 3. 55 1. 29 1. 72 . 93 48 56 35 2.97 3. 11 3. 31 3. 58 2. 45 2. 95 3. 61 2. 82 4. 4. 3. 4. 3. 4. 4. 3. 00 09 90 475 85 15 32 75 1. 03 . 98 . 59 . 895 1. 40 1. 20 .71 . 93 2. 3. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 65 4. 125 4. 00 3. 90 3. 90 3.45 3. 80 $3. 13 3. 17 2.79 3. 35 3. 38 3. 34 2. 52 47 40 62 85 09 11 14 3. 19 4. 10 3. 66 3. 26 3. 36 3.22 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 33 3. 53 3. 46 3. 51 3. 39 3.49 3. 4 0 3. 11 3. 34 3 trades in 50 areas, Union scales in building construc tion Painte r s C o n struction rate higher b y — Dollars Per per cent hour Average hou r l y earnings in m a i n t e nance Union scales in building construc tion Construction rate higher b y — Dollars p er hour Per cent 20 125 25 80 975 425 50 $ 1. 32 . 935 1. 37 1. 64 . 945 1. 285 . 17 46 29 48 52 31 41 7 25 11 75 20 25 25 95 $2. 01 1. 62 1.71 1. 74 1.92 1. 80 1. 20 62 46 56 50 58 52 44 2. 97 3. 30 2. 94 4. 55 5. 30 4. 40 1. 58 2. 00 1. 46 53 61 50 2. 68 3. 09 2. 59 3. 60 4. 375 3. 05 .92 1. 285 .46 34 42 18 35 32 18 25 57 41 20 33 3.46 3. 23 3. 67 3. 58 2. 91 3. 18 3. 69 3. 18 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 30 70 35 45 25 275 355 40 . 84 1. 47 . 68 . 87 1. 34 1. 095 . 665 1. 22 24 46 19 24 46 34 18 38 2. 2. 3. 3. 2. 2. 3. 2. 82 98 06 53 78 81 51 67 4. 25 4. 05 4. 00 3. 65 3. 75 3. 913 4. 035 3. 50 1. 43 1. 07 . 94 . 12 . 97 1. 103 . 525 . 83 51 36 31 3 35 39 15 31 1. 18 . 725 1. 38 1. 05 . 81 . 34 .66 48 21 53 37 26 11 21 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 35 545 525 55 40 05 35 1. 68 .975 1. 305 1. 50 1. 10 . 75 1. 00 63 27 41 49 33 23 30 3. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 25 71 52 99 09 07 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 3. 67 57 22 05 30 30 35 $5. 5. 4. 5. 5. 5. 3. 1965— 66 $2. 3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 2. 88 19 88 16 03 14 33 $4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 4. 2. _ _ 82 80 57 375 75 375 _ . 57 1. 09 1. 05 . 385 -. 34 . 305 _ 18 40 45 13 - 11 10 .91 29 3. 30 4. 90 1. 60 48 2. 84 4. 37 1. 53 54 1. 19 1. 14 1. 39 .92 33 35 41 29 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 95 4. 75 4. 89 4. 60 1. 28 1. 40 1.43 1. 23 35 42 41 36 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 60 4. 00 4. 56 3.65 . 74 . 80 1. 34 . 52 19 25 42 17 4. 12 4. 38 4. 20 4.43 4. 40 4. 15 4. 26 4. 10 4. 675 . 79 . 85 . 74 . 92 1. 01 . 66 . 86 . 99 1. 335 24 24 21 26 30 19 25 32 40 3. 67 3. 52 3. 54 3. 73 3. 53 3. 63 3. 70 3.42 3. 63 4. 56 4.64 4. 60 5. 00 4. 6 25 4. 85 4. 60 4. 60 5. 15 . 89 1. 12 1. 06 1. 27 1. 095 1. 22 . 90 1. 18 1. 52 24 32 30 34 31 34 24 35 42 3. 21 3. 34 3. 37 3. 40 3. 34 3. 49 3.45 3. 29 3. 35 3. 4. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 4. 77 00 90 00 10 075 01 825 34 . 56 .66 . 53 . 60 . 76 . 585 . 56 . 535 . 99 17 20 16 18 23 17 16 16 30 3. 39 3. 49 2. 95 4. 15 4.495 3. 825 . 76 1. 005 . 875 22 29 30 3. 41 3. 44 3. 14 4. 50 4. 75 4. 65 1. 09 1. 31 1. 51 32 38 48 3. 51 3. 28 2. 93 3. 80 4. 165 3. 50 . 29 . 885 . 57 8 27 19 3. 38 4. 50 1. 12 33 3. 61 4. 6 25 1. 015 28 3. 20 4. 14 . 94 29 3. 22 4. 415- 1. 195 37 3.41 4. 62 1. 21 35 3. 35 3. 85 . 50 15 3. 39 3. 35 3. 39 4. 64 4. 505 4. 68 1. 25 1. 155 1.29 37 34 38 3.68 3. 56 3. 61 5. 46 5. 00 5. 00 1. 78 1. 44 1. 39 48 40 39 3. 37 3. 05 3. 49 4. 76 4. 05 4. 05 1. 39 1. 00 . 56 41 33 16 3. 25 3. 32 3. 53 4. 10 4. 75 4. 45 . 85 1.43 . 92 26 43 26 3. 30 3. 83 3. 60 4. 60 5. 50 4. 538 1. 30 1. 67 . 938 39 44 26 3. 24 3. 24 3. 43 3. 85 4. 82 4. 38 .61 1. 58 . 95 19 49 28 David and T. P. 85 40 75 14 K a nninen, 67 35 46 37 ' W orkers' W a g e s in C o nstruction a n d M a i n t e n a n c e , 86 20 22 13 Monthly Labor Review, January 1968. 59 T a b l e 64. D i fferences b e t w e e n union construction scales a n d straight-time a v e r a g e h o u r l y earnings of m a i n t e n a n c e w o r k e r s , selected m e t r o p o l i t a n areas, 1955 a n d 1966 3 t rades in E x c e s s of construction rates o v e r m a i n t e n a n c e straight-time a v e r a g e hourly e a rnings for— Electricians Carpenters Painters Region and metropolitan area Percent excess Percent excess 1955 1955 1966 1955 N o rtheast: B o s t o n ---------------------------B u f f a l o ---------------------------N e w Y o r k C i t y ------------------P h i l a d e l p h i a ---------------------South: A t l a n t a --------------- ---- ----B a l t i m o r e ------------------------D a l l a s ----------------------------M e m p h i s -------------------------Middle West: C h i c a g o --------------------------_______________________ Cleveland St. L o u i s ____ __________ ______ F a r West: D e n v e r ---------------------------____________________ Los Angeles P o r t l a n d - ________________________ SOURCE: Lily M a r y David and T. 62 46 50 58 . 84 1. 47 1. 095 1. 305 35 36 43 39 24 46 34 41 . 84 . 955 . 90 1. 28 1. 43 1. 52 34 41 38 . 86 . 78 . 57 1. 21 1. 78 1. 39 40 32 24 44 36 73 32 1. 03 . 98 1. 20 1. 38 35 33 39 29 35 32 41 53 . 77 . 795 . 90 . 83 .69 1. 055 . 78 1. 19 1. 39 1. 335 27 48 34 33 41 40 .69 .475 . 27 1. 195 1. 25 1.29 32 21 11 37 37 38 .68 . 69 . 77 . 535 P. Kanni n e n , "Workers' Wages 1966 42 38 47 56 41 36 55 40 $0. 88 . 87 1. 05 1. 25 $2. 01 1.62 1. 75 1. 92 1966 1955 1955 $ 1. 37 1. 145 2. 45 1. 07 $0. 83 . 795 1.21 .91 Percent excess 1966 1966 1955 $0. 70 . 73 . 97 . 55 1966 $ 1. 32 . 935 1. 64 . 945 39 36 47 27 46 29 52 31 . 67 . 43 . 735 .513 1.43 1. 07 1. 103 1. 09 35 22 39 29 51 36 39 40 35 41 42 . 575 . 82 . 66 . 74 1. 34 . 99 23 38 29 19 42 30 35 48 39 . 57 .51 . 23 . 50 1. 39 . 56 28 23 10 15 41 16 in C o n s t ruction a n d M a i n t e n a n c e , " M o n t h l y Labor R e v i e w , Ja n u a r y , 1968. T a b l e 65. C u m u l a t i v e p e r c e n t distributions of total re p o r t e d earnings of e m p l o y e e s reporting m o s t of their i n c o m e in 1964 f r o m selected construction industries, b y selected earnings intervals P e r c e n t earnings less than— ± ype ui cuniraciur $ 1,200 $2,400 15.4 .5 .9 24. 7 2. 1 3. 6 38. 3 8. 1 12. 5 44. 5 13. 2 18. 7 64. 0 36. 3 43. 3 79. 6 62. 1 67. 5 90. 8 82. 4 85. 3 11. 3 .3 .6 19.4 1. 2 2.6 32. 3 5. 0 9. 6 38. 6 9. 4 15. 3 59. 3 30. 3 38. 9 75. 3 53. 7 61.6 87. 3 74. 6 79. 8 11. 7 .2 .6 20. 9 1. 2 3. 2 34. 9 5. 1 11. 1 41. 5 9. 6 17. 4 63. 0 31. 9 42. 3 78. 9 56. 8 65. 6 91. 0 80. 1 84. 6 10. 9 .3 .6 18. 2 1. 2 2. 1 30. 3 4. 6 8. 5 36. 3 8. 7 13. 9 56. 4 28. 2 36. 6 7 2. 5 50. 1 58. 8 84. 4 69. 6 76. 4 12. 9 .5 .7 21 . 4 2.3 3. 4 33. 4 7. 4 11. 0 38. 9 11. 4 16. 1 58. 0 32. 6 38. 7 73. 3 55. 4 60.4 86. 8 77. 3 80. 3 10. 5 .5 .6 17. 6 2. 2 3. 0 27. 4 5. 6 8. 9 31. 7 8. 5 12. 6 49. 8 27. 6 32. 9 65. 8 49. 0 53. 6 81. 5 71. 6 74. 9 8. 4 .5 .6 14. 4 1. 6 2. 1 22. 7 4. 2 6.4 26. 2 6. 3 9. 6 43. 9 23. 5 28. 2 58. 5 41. 5 46. 2 74. 6 63. 6 66. 9 14. 4 .3 .6 24. 4 1. 9 3. 8 38. 0 8. 7 13. 8 44. 2 14. 1 20. 2 63. 7 36. 5 43. 5 79. 1 61.4 67. 2 91. 8 84. 5 87. 0 16. 4 .8 1. 1 26. 2 3. 0 5. 8 39. 9 8. 6 15. 8 46. 2 14. 9 22. 7 64. 0 38. 6 46. 1 80. 1 65. 9 70. 1 91.7 84. 8 87. 5 $600 $3, 000 $5, 000 $7, 000 $9, 000 G e n e r a l _____________________________________________ A n y q u a r t e r ---------------------------------4 q u a r t e r s (this industry)------------------4 q uar t e r s (any i n d u stry)------------------Heavy: A n y qu a rter __________________________________ 4 q ua r t e r s (this industry)------------------4 q u a r t e r s (any i ndustry)--------------- — Highway: A n y q u a r t e r ---------------------------------4 qu a r t e r s (this i n d u s t r y ) ___________________ 4 qu a r t e r s (any industry) ------------------O t h e r heavy: A n y q u a r t e r ---------------------------------4 q u a r t e r s (this i n d u s t r y ) ------------------4 q u a r t e r s (any i ndustry)___________________ Special trades: A n y q u a r t e r __________________________________ 4 q ua r t e r s (this i n d u s t r y ) ------------------4 q u a r t e r s (any industry) ___________________ P l u m b i n g , heating, a n d air-conditioning: A n y q u a r t e r ___________________________________ 4 q u a r t e r s (this i n d u s t r y ) -----------------4 q u a r t e r s (any industry)------------------Electrical: A n y qu a rter ---------------------------4 q u a r t e r s (this i n d u s t r y ) ------------------4 q u a r t e r s (any industry)------------------M a s o n r y , plastering, stone, a n d tile: A n y q u a r t e r ---------------------------------4 q ua r t e r s (this i n d u s t r y ) ___________________ 4 q u a r t e r s (any i ndustry)___________________ Roo f i n g a n d s h e e t -metal: A n y qua r t e r ---------------------------------4 q ua r t e r s (this i n d u s t r y ) ___________________ 4 q u a r t e r s (any industry)-------------------- SOURCE: Social Security Administration's 1- p e rcent continuous w o r k history s a m p l e . 6 0 T a b l e 66. E s t i m a t e d 1 total a v e r a g e ( m e a n ) annual earnings of w o r k e r s with an y earnings r e p o r t e d an d of those w o r k e r s with m o s t of their e a r n i n g s r e p o r t e d f r o m selected construction industries, b y region, 1964 E m p l o y e e s w ith m a j o r proportion of earnings f r o m in d u s t r y 3 E m p l o y e e s with s o m e e a r nings f r o m i n d u s t r y 2 Region General building H e avy Highway Other he a v y Special trades General building Heavy Highway Other heavy Special trades All r e g i o n s ------------------- $4,285 $4, 842 $4,425 $5, 170 $4, 790 $4, 008 $4, 366 $4, 032 $4, 718 $4, 389 N o r t h e a s t __________________________ M i d d l e Atlantic-------------------B o r d e r S t a t e s ---------------------S o u t h e a s t ----------------- ---- — G r e a t L a k e s ------ --------------M i d d l e W e s t -----------------------S o u t h w e s t -------------------------Mountain ------------------------Pacific ____________________________ 4, 985 5, 324 3 , 642 2, 895 4, 950 3, 908 3, 386 4, 273 5, 373 5, 152 6, 066 4, 180 3, 313 5, 311 4, 267 3, 786 4, 987 6,485 5, 075 5, 150 3, 921 3, 196 4, 693 4, 263 3 , 412 ’4 , 7 9 7 6, 305 5, 313 6, 689 4, 397 3,411 5, 771 4, 275 4, 073 5, 149 6 , 602 4, 746 5, 520 3, 975 3, 2 84 5 , 416 4, 379 3, 537 4, 966 6, 014 4, 6 58 5, 150 3, 4 2 8 2,711 4, 766 3, 741 3, 159 3 , 939 4, 999 4, 958 5, 637 3, 688 2, 900 5, 057 3, 817 3, 358 4, 594 5, 886 4, 6 70 5, 180 3, 4 48 2, 730 4, 516 3, 776 2, 918 4, 4 5 1 5, 751 5, 322 6, 240 3, 928 3, 108 5,473 3, 918 3, 705 4, 814 5, 985 4, 547 5, 235 3, 591 2, 995 5, 147 4, 020 3, 146 4, 376 5, 4 4 9 1 E a r n i n g s of w o r k e r s a b ove the m a x i m u m taxable w a g e w e r e e s t i m a t e d b y a s s u m i n g that their earnings during the quarter in w h i c h they r e a c h the social security tax cut off ( $ 4 , 8 0 0 in 1964) a n d in s u b s e q u e n t quarters continued at the s a m e level as during the p r e c e d i n g quarters. 2 W o r k e r s e m p l o y e d in m o r e than 1 industry during the yea r w e r e c o u nted in e a c h industry a n d their industry earnings w e r e r e p o r t e d in the industry in w h i c h they w e r e earned. 3 W o r k e r s e m p l o y e d in m o r e than 1 industry during the yea r have all of their earnings s h o w n as total earnings in the industry f r o m w h i c h they r e c e i v e d the m a j o r portion of their earnings. SOURCE: Social Security Administration's 1-percent continuous w o r k history sa m p l e . 61 CHAPTER V II. A TT A C H M E N T OF W ORKERS TO TH E C O N TR A C T C O N STR U C TIO N IN D U S T R Y A N D IN T E R IN D U S T R Y M O B IL IT Y 47 The seasonal nature of the construction industry, together with the inherently intermittent nature of con struction activity, has helped to produce a labor force a large portion of which shifts frequently between con struction and other industries. Workers who are employed in the contract construction industry group tend to work in more industries in a given period than workers in other industry groups. Males employed in contract construction at some time during 1962 averaged employment in 1.204 industry divisions. During the same period, males in manu facturing averaged employment in only 1.090 industry divisions. The attachment of male workers to the contract construction industry is considerably weaker than that of workers in all industries combined. 48 (See table 68.) The attachment of contract construction workers was much weaker than that of workers in manufacturing, transportation, communications, and public utilities, but slightly stronger than that of workers in agriculture, mining, and wholesale and retail trade. Strong attach ment of workers to an industry could indicate relatively favorable wages and working conditions, or a lack of alternative job opportunities. Other factors that influence the attachment of workers to an industry include levels of unemployment among industries, as well as the age and race composition of workers in an industry. Data on the industry origin of wage and salary workers employed in contract construction in 1960 but not in 1957 indicate a net inflow into construction of about 3 percent, or 82,000 workers.49 More than one-third of this inflow came from manufacturing— with about three-quarters of these workers coming from the durable goods sector. The next largest proportion of workers came from the trade sector. Just as most of the contract construction workers came from manufacturing, most of the “movers” from contract construction tended to find employment in manufacturing (29.6 percent). Other industries with strong attraction for construction workers were trade (23.7 percent) and services (13.8 percent). (See table 71.) Contract construction workers tend to work for more employers in the course of a year than workers in other industries. In 1962, more than half the workers in contract construction were employed by more than one employer compared with about a quarter of workers in manufacturing. (See table 70.) Similarly, data for 1964 indicate that a larger proportion of workers in contract construction were employed by more than one employer in the same industry than workers in any other industry, except water transportation. (See table 75.) Approximately one of every four contract construction workers worked for more than one em ployer in the same industry in 1964. 50 In most other industries, the ratio was less than 1 to 10. Between 1957 and 1960, the attachment of young workers (under 24 years old) to contract construc tion was about half that for older workers. (See table 72.) Generally, young workers in construction had 47 See also appendix F. 48 These tentative conclusions are drawn from Social Security data for 1957 and 1960. The strength of worker at tachment to an industry was measured by comparing the percent of workers who had the major proportion of their earnings reported in the same industry both in 1957 and 1960. 49 Further information on the flow of workers into the contract construction industry over a 1-year period is cur rently being developed by the BLS from the Social Security Administration’s 1-percent sample. 50 The effect on this ratio of the propensity of contractors to form a new corporation for each project is not known. 62 about the same relative attachment to the industry during this period as young workers in other industries. In other words, young workers did not shift disproportionately out of construction to other industries. The attachment of white workers to all industries, except agriculture, was greater than for Negroes. The contract construction labor force is basically a floating work force in terms of employer relation ship. The job tenure of a contract construction worker is tenuous. The employer-employee relationship usu ally is terminated when a project is completed and may be terminated when the need for a particular type of labor has ended. However, a contract construction worker who changes employers is somewhat less likely to have made an industry change than workers in other industries. (See table 74.) More than 80 percent of all male workers who changed employers also changed industries. For construction workers, a somewhat smaller proportion changed industries when changing employers. Workers with a strong attachment to the contract construction industry work for more employers during the year than other workers. In 1964, at least 3 out of 10 four-quarter workers in each of the contract con struction industries were employed by more than one employer during the year, compared with about 1 out of 4 in the all worker category. (See table 75.) About 10 percent of the general building and special trades and 5 percent of the heavy construction four-quarter employees worked for four or more employers. In non construction industries, however, there were only minor differences between all and four-quarter workers. A smaller proportion of contract construction workers work in all four-quarters of a year than workers in most other industries.51 Equally important, only about 7 of every 10 workers reporting earnings in con struction in 1957 (the latest year for which these data are available) reported the major share of their earn ings from that industry. (See table 76.) Only the services industry had a lower proportion of such workers. 51 Based on data from the Handbook o f Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Statistics, Em ploym ent, Earnings and Insurance Status o f Workers In Covered Em ploym ent, Social Security Administration, 1957. 63 T a b l e 67. A v e r a g e n u m b e r 1 of 2-digit industry g r o u p s in w h i c h m a l e w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s w e r e e m p l o y e d in specific industry division, 1962 N u m b e r of industries Industry Agriculture, forestry, a n d f i s h e r i e s -------M i n i n g ----------------------------------------C o n t r a c t c o n s t r u c t i o n ------------------------M a n u f a c t u r i n g --------------------------------T r a n sportation, c o m m u n i c a t i o n , a n d public utilities------------------------------W h o l e s a l e a n d retail t r a d e ------------------F i n a n c e , in s u r a n c e , a n d real estate--------S e r v i c e s ---------------------------------------- 1. 1. 1. 1. 002 008 204 090 1. 1. 1. 1. 027 114 029 082 T a b l e 68. P e r c e n t of m a l e w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s w h o h a d a different industry of m a j o r job in I960 than in 1957, b y industry, of m a j o r job in 1957 Industry T o t a l -------------------------------------- 1 T h e s u m of the n u m b e r of w o r k e r s e m p l o y e d in e a c h of the 2 - digit industry g r o u p s in the industry division divided b y the n u m b e r of w o r k e r s e m p l o y e d in the division during the year. Agriculture, forestry, a n d f i s h e r i e s --------M i n i n g ------------------------------------------Cont r a c t c o n s t r u c t i o n -------------------------M a n u f a c t u r i n g ----------------------------------Transportation, c o m m u n i c a t i o n , a n d public utilities--------------------------------W h o l e s a l e a n d retail t r a d e --------------------F i nance, insurance, a n d real estate ---------Services, except d o m e s t i c --------------------D o m e s t i c s e r v i c e ------------------------------G o v e r n m e n t ------------------------------------- Different industry in I960 24. 1 38. 32. 30. 16. 1 1 2 9 20. 30. 21. 31. 28. 24. 4 9 7 2 0 3 S O U R C E : M e a s u r e s of L a b o r Mobility a n d O A S D H I data, Social Security Bulletin, Ap r i l 1966, p. 42; a n d Social Security A d m i n i s t r a tion's 1 - p e r c e n t continuous w o r k history s a m p l e . S O U R C E : M e a s u r e s of L a b o r Mobility a n d O A S D H I data, Social Security Bulletin, April 1966, p. 40; a n d Social Security A d m i n i s t r a tion's 1-percent continuous w o r k history s a m p l e . T a b l e 69. P e r c e n t distribution of m a l e w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in contract c onstruction in I960 w h o w e r e e m p l o y e d in other industries in 1957, b y industry of m a j o r job in 1957 T a b l e 70. P e r c e n t of m a l e w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s w h o w o r k e d for m o r e than 1 e m p l o y e r in 1962, b y industry of m a j o r job Industry T o t a l ----------------------A g r i c u l t u r e ----------------------M i n i n g ---------------------------M a n u f a c t u r i n g ------------------D u r a b l e g o o d s ---------------N o n d u r a b l e g o o d s ------------Transpor t a t i o n , c o m m u n i c a t i o n , a n d public utilities ------------W h o l e s a l e a n d retail t r a d e -----F i n a n c e , insurance, a n d real estate --------------------------S e r v i c e s -------------------------G o v e r n m e n t ---------------------U n k n o w n -------------------------- Total White Negro 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 6. 4. 33. 23. 10. 5. 5. 33. 23. 10. 8. 1. 31. 20. 11. 0 9 6 1 5 6. 2 27. 0 3. 9 9.6 3. 5 5. 2 5 6 9 6 3 7 2 6 1 5 5. 9 26. 8 7. 9 28. 1 3. 9. 3. 5. 4. 3 11. 0 1. 8 5.4 9 3 8 2 S O U R C E : C o m p u t e d f r o m data contained in M e a s u r e s of L a b o r M obility in the U n ited States, 1957 to I960, R e s e a r c h Report, N o. 18 Social Security Adm i n i s tration, 1967; a n d Social Security A d m i n i s tration's 1- p e r c e n t continuous w o r k history s a m p l e . 64 Industry T o t a l ------------------------------------Agriculture, forestry, a n d f i s h e r i e s --------M i n i n g -----------------------------------------C o n t r a c t c o n s t r u c t i o n ------------------------M a n u f a c t u r i n g ---------------------------------Transportation, c o m m u n i c a t i o n , and public utilities-------------------------------W h o l e s a l e a n d retail t r a d e -------------------F i n ance, insurance, a n d real estate ----------------------------------------S e r v i c e s ----------------------------------------- Multiemploye r workers 32. 0 38. 33. 55. 26. 6 4 2 7 31. 2 34. 0 31. 2 34. 7 S O U R C E : M e a s u r e s of L a b o r Mobility a n d O A S D H I data, Social Security Bulletin, April 1966, p. 39; a n d Social Security A d m i n i s t r a tion's 1- p e rcent continuous w o r k history s a m p l e . T ab le 71. P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of m a le w age and s a la r y w o rk e rs w ith m a jo r jo b in a d iffe re n t in d u s try in I960 and 1957, by in d u s try In d u stry of m a jo r job in 1957 T o t a l -------------------------------------A g ric u ltu re , f o r e s tr y , and f i s h e r i e s --------------------------------------M in in g ---------------------------------------------C o n tra c t c o n s tr u c tio n -------------------M a n u f a c tu r in g --------------------------------T r a n s p o rta tio n , c o m m u n ic a tio n , and p u b lic u t i l i t i e s ---------------------W h o le sale and re ta il t r a d e -----------F in a n c e , in s u ra n c e , and re a l e s ta te -------------------------------------------S e rv ic e s , e x c ep t d o m e s tic -----------D o m e stic s e rv ic e s ------------------------G o v e rn m e n t1----------------------------------U n know n------------------------------------------- T o ta l 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 In d u stry of m a jo r jo b in I960 T ra n s p o rta tio n , W hole F in a n c e , r v ic e s , D o m e s G o v e rn c o m m u n i sa le in s u ra n c e , Sexeclu tic in g Unknown and r e a l d o m edstic c a tio n , re ta il s e rv ic e s m e n t and p u b lic tra d e e s ta te u tilitie s A g ric u l C o n tra c t tu re u fac f o r e s tr y , M ining c o n s tru c M tua nrin g and tion fis h e rie s 2. 1 11. 8 24. 0 6. 8 23. 1 4. 9 14. 3 0. 4 6 .4 2. 0 4. 0 5. 4 4. 3 1. 9 3. 7 2. 2 5. 3 10. 6 1. 2 1. 6 3. 0 2. 2 1. 1 1. 3 1. 5 1. 6 4. 2 14. 8 9 .4 8. 7 10. 7 15. 9 20. 2 28. 4 12. 8 22. 0 35. 3 0. 7 .1 .3 .3 .2 .3 .4 .6 .3 .3 6. 6 5. 7 6. 8 6. 9 6. 4 6 .4 1. 9 3. 2 5. 6 5. 1 3. 1 25. 6 18. 3 23. 7 39. 5 27. 9 ~ 27. 9 33. 5 20. 9 22. 3 22. 3 2. 0 2. 1 6. 3 3. 1 1. 6 29. 9 33. 6 29. 6 " 25. 1 41. 2 6. 6 7. 1 8. 0 3. 7 3. 8 16. 1 19. 1 14. 7 12. 3 12. 1 3. 8 - 7. 8 4. 3 7. 2 4. 1 6 .9 4. 1 9. 0 13. 8 17. 2 14. 9 19. 3 20. 2 29. 1 24. 2 9. 2 4. 7 3. 5 5. 5 - 6. 3 9. 7 5. 7 3. 3 7. 1 5. 1 2. 4 8. 7 2. 9 1. 8 2. 0 1. 4 2. 6 1. 2 1 R e g u la r g o v e rn m e n t fu n c tio n s— e x ecu tiv e. le g is la tiv e , and ju d ic ia l— on th e S ta te and lo c a l g o v e rn m e n t le v e l. 41; and S o cia l S e c u rity A d m in is tra tio n 's SO U R C E: M e a s u re s of L a b o r M o b ility and OASDHI d a ta , S o cia l S e c u rity B u lle tin , A p ril 1966, 1- p e rc e n t c o n tin u o u s w o rk h is to r y sa m p le . T a b le 72. P e r c e n t of m a le w age and s a la ry w o rk e rs who w e re em p lo y e d in th e sa m e in d u s try in 1957 and I9 6 0 , by ag e in I9 6 0 , ra c e , and in d u s try of m a jo r job 5 0 -5 4 55 -5 9 30-34 6 0 -6 4 65o v and In d u stry T o ta l U n20d er 2 0 -2 4 25-29 35-39 4 0 -4 4 4 5 -4 9 er T o ta l A g r ic u ltu r e -------------------------------------------------------M in in g ---------------------------------------------------------------C o n tra c t c o n s tr u c tio n -------------------------------------M a n u f a c tu r in g --------------------------------------------------T r a n s p o rta tio n , c o m m u n ic a tio n , and p u b lic u til iti e s -----------------------------------------------W h o le sale and re ta il t r a d e -----------------------------F in a n c e , in s u ra n c e , and r e a l e s ta t e ------------S e r v ic e s ------------------------------------------------------------G o v e rn m e n t------------------------------------------------------U n know n------------------------------------------------------------- 61. 9 67. 9 69. 8 83. 1 35. 5 2 9 .4 3 8 .4 52. 2 34. 7 42. 6 43. 6 64. 7 79. 6 69. 1 78. 3 69. 2 75. 7 2. 4 23. 6 49. 8 22. 5 26. 4 28. 2 1. 1 43. 7 46. 2 4 1 .9 37. 4 33. 2 2. 3 61. 0 70. 4 83. 6 34. 0 29. 4 38. 9 53. 9 25. 0 49. 4 23. 9 25. 2 28. 0 - 32. 8 43. 7 44. 7 65. 2 45. 2 45. 6 42. 8 36. 2 32. 9 2. 8 5 1 .6 49. 9 59. 2 73. 4 67. 6 59. 2 6 1 .6 55. 9 5 2 .7 2. 2 6 1 .7 61. 1 69. 4 80. 8 78. 0 68. 5 75. 6 67. 7 68. 8 .9 63. 2 68. 8 72. 7 83. 7 81. 2 72. 7 77. 1 7 1 .4 76. 8 2. 3 51. 9 4 9 .9 59. 7 73. 8 60. 7 61. 2 69. 9 8 1 .4 63. 9 69. 1 73. 5 84. 0 68.6 78. 9 69. 4 77. 4 68. 2 69. 9 1. 0 82. 4 73. 4 78. 1 7 1 .6 77. 8 2. 4 69. 0 72. 8 75. 1 86. 5 82. 7 74. 7 80. 0 72. 3 80. 4 1 .9 72. 3 75. 6 75. 1 87. 8 85. 1 77. 5 82. 9 76. 1 83. 0 3. 1 7 6 .4 72. 3 76. 2 88. 7 67. 9 73. 3 75. 9 86. 9 83. 6 7 5 .4 81. 6 72. 4 81. 5 1. 2 71. 3 75. 8 75. 7 88. 3 86. 1 78. 2 84. 6 76. 3 83. 6 3. 2 73. 8 60. 5 70. 2 8 2 .4 77. 2 70. 0 71. 5 82. 3 75. 0 71. 6 63. 2 74. 5 75. 0 76. 2 77. 1 76. 7 89. 7 88. 1 79. 3 86. 5 82. 1 88. 3 3. 3 78, 1 79. 9 77. 3 90. 6 88. 5 80. 8 87. 2 84. 4 90. 4 4. 0 81. 1 7 5 .4 79. 3 86. 3 80. 2 83. 1 89. 2 85. 9 89. 8 4. 5 76. 5 72. 4 76. 3 89. 0 87. 6 78. 6 87. 7 79. 3 87. 1 2. 5 7 5 .4 76. 8 77. 2 90. 0 78. 0 79. 9 7 7 .4 90. 6 79. 8 75. 5 78. 7 86. 2 88. 7 79. 6 87. 2 8 1 .2 88. 5 2. 3 89. 2 81. 3 87. 4 83. 9 90. 8 4. 2 79. 6 83. 3 89. 9 39. 5 90. 0 4. 8 75. 9 71. 9 75. 3 86. 3 79. 4 69. 0 74. 0 82. 3 84. 2 79. 8 85. 7 73. 5 86. 5 80. 5 75. 9 77. 8 85. 2 84. 8 14. 3 78. 8 80. 0 76. 9 90. 6 78. 2 75. 0 84. 9 8 8 .4 8 2 .4 89. 2 7 1 .4 86. 9 88. 6 86. 3 81. 2 81. 0 86. 8 86. 1 86. 9 77. 8 86. 6 79. 7 86. 9 2. 3 W hite A g r ic u ltu r e -------------------------------------------------------M in in g ---------------------------------------------------------------C o n tra c t c o n s tr u c tio n -------------------------------------M a n u f a c tu r in g --------------------------------------------------T r a n s p o rta tio n , c o m m u n ic a tio n , and p u b lic u til iti e s -----------------------------------------------W h o le sale an d re ta il t r a d e -----------------------------F in a n c e , in s u ra n c e , and r e a l e s ta t e ------------S e r v ic e s ------------------------------------------------------------G o v e rn m e n t------------------------------------------------------U nknow n------------------------------------------------------------- 68. 1 80. 5 69. 7 79. 3 69. 3 76. 5 2. 3 59. 4 62. 7 56. 6 53. 8 2. 2 N e g ro A g r ic u ltu r e -------------------------------------------------------M in in g ------------------------------ --------------------------------C o n tra c t c o n s tr u c tio n -------------------------------------M a n u f a c tu r in g --------------------------------------------------T r a n s p o rta tio n , c o m m u n ic a tio n , and p u b lic u t il iti e s -----------------------------------------------W h o le sale and re ta il t r a d e -----------------------------F in a n c e , in s u ra n c e , and r e a l e s ta t e -------------S e r v ic e s ------------------------------------------------------------G o v e rn m e n t------------------------------------------------------U nknow n------------------------------------------------------------- 66. 3 63. 3 66. 2 78. 7 69. 1 63. 9 63. 8 68. 7 66. 0 2. 9 48. 0 31. 3 30. 8 12. 5 53. 6 38. 5 33. 3 16. 7 44. 9 16. 7 34. 9 59. 6 29. 7 50. 7 28. 1 43. 4 36. 3 - 50. 0 50. 0 55. 2 69. 7 55. 1 58. 1 43. 3 52. 5 43. 2 2. 6 66. 5 59. 0 65. 6 75. 2 66. 5 61. 5 42. 1 64. 4 59. 3 - 60. 0 60. 6 67. 0 80. 2 68. 7 66. 3 56. 3 69. 7 6 6 .4 1. 8 73. 6 67. 3 61. 1 71. 9 69. 3 6. 1 2.6 SO U R C E : In te rin d u s try L a b o r M o b ility in th e U n ited S ta te s 1957 to I9 6 0 . F e b r u a ry 1967, R e s e a rc h R e p o rt No. 18, S o cia l S e c u rity A d m in is tra tio n ; and S o cia l S e c u rity A d m in is tra tio n 's 1-p e rc e n t co n tin u o u s w o rk h is to r y sa m p le . 65 T a b le 73. P e rc e n t of m a le w age an d s a la ry w o rk e rs em p lo y e d in c o n tra c t c o n s tru c tio n in I9 6 0 , by in d u s try of m a jo r jo b in 1957, ag e in I960 and ra c e In d u stry of m a jo r jo b in 1957 T o ta l A g ric u ltu re ______________________________________ M in in g ____________________________________________ C o n tra c t c o n s tr u c tio n ___________________________ M a n u f a c tu r in g ____________________________________ T r a n s p o rta tio n , c o m m u n ic a tio n , and p u b lic u tilitie s _________________________________ W h o le sale an d r e ta i l t r a d e ______________________ F in a n c e , in s u ra n c e , and r e a l e s ta t e ___________ S e rv ic e s __________________________________________ G o v e rn m e n t______________________________________ U nknow n __________________________________________ 6. 1 6. 1 6 9 .8 2. 5 2. 5 3. 7 3. 2 2 .9 2. 6 15. 6 U n d er 20 10. 9 17. 6 3 8 .4 7. 1 1 .4 6. 6 4. 2 7. 1 7. 1 5 .4 A ge 2 0 -2 4 8. 7 9. 7 43. 6 5. 6 5. 6 6. 1 5. 5 4 .9 5. 5 13. 2 25-29 7. 8 8. 7 59. 2 3 .9 4. 2 4 .6 3. 4 4. 0 4. 3 10. 3 30-34 7. 5 7. 6 6 9 .4 2 .9 2. 7 4. 0 3. 3 2 .9 3. 5 18. 7 35-39 4 0 -4 4 T o ta l 4 5 -4 9 50-54 5 5 -59 6 0 -6 4 65 and over 1. 7 3 .0 79. 3 1. o 1. 8 1. 4 1. 5 .9 .6 11. 6 5. 5 5. 5 75. 1 2. 2 2. 3 3. 2 3. 7 3. 5 3. 5 1 9 .4 4. 8 5. 3 75. 1 1. 9 2. 0 2. 8 3. 8 2. 6 2. 0 1 6 .9 4. 6 6. 2 76. 2 1. 5 2. 1 3. 0 76. 7 1 .4 3. 0 4. 6 77. 3 1. 0 1 .9 3. 0 3. 3 1. 8 1 .4 1 5 .9 1. 7 2. 5 2. 3 1. 8 1. 1 13. 8 .6 2. 0 3. 1 2. 1 1. 3 17. 2 7. 4 5. 8 73. 5 2 .4 4. 1 5 .4 75. 9 2. 1 4. 2 5 .4 75. 7 1. 7 1. 8 2 .9 3. 0 3. 3 3 .4 18. 0 1. 6 2. 6 2. 2 3. 1 77. 2 1. 2 1. 5 2. 4 2. 2 1 .9 1. 0 15. 1 2. 8 4. 9 7 7 .4 1. 0 .5 2. 0 3. 0 1 .9 1. 0 16. 1 1. 8 3. 1 78. 7 .9 2. 4 3. 2 3. 1 2. 7 3. 1 1 7 .4 4 .4 6 .4 76. 3 1. 3 1. 8 2. 8 2. 8 4. 5 1. 2 86. 9 7. 8 5 .9 72. 7 2. 7 2. 6 3. 6 3. 3 2. 6 3. 0 18. 1 W hite A g ric u ltu re ______________________________________ M in in g ____________________________________________ C o n tra c t c o n stru c tio n __________________________ M a n u f a c tu r in g ____________________________________ T r a n s p o rta tio n , c o m m u n ic a tio n , and p u b lic u tilitie s _________________________________ W h o le sale and r e ta i l tra d e _____________________ F in a n c e , in s u ra n c e , an d r e a l e s ta t e ___________ S e rv ic e s __________________________________________ G o v e rn m e n t______________________________________ U nknow n __________________________________________ 5. 8 6. 1 70. 4 2. 3 2. 2 3. 5 2. 9 2. 8 2. 6 14. 9 11. 3 17. 6 38. 9 7. 0 8. 7 9. 7 44. 7 5. 4 8. 4 59. 7 3. 8 1.6 5 .4 6. 2 5. 2 4. 8 5. 8 11. 8 3. 8 4. 3 3. 2 3. 6 4. 4 9. 1 6. 7 4. 5 7. 3 7. 3 5. 8 6.6 7. 4 7. 8 69. 9 2. 7 2. 4 3. 6 2 .9 2. 6 3. 7 18. 6 3. 3 2. 3 2. 1 1 5 .9 1.8 1. 4 15. 4 1.8 1. 4 1 .4 1. o .6 11. 7 N e g ro A g ric u ltu re ______________________________________ M in in g ____________________________________________ C o n tra c t c o n s tr u c tio n ___________________________ M a n u f a c tu r in g ____________________________________ T r a n s p o rta tio n , c o m m u n ic a tio n , and p u b lic u tilitie s _________________________________ W h o lesale and r e ta i l tra d e _____________________ F in a n c e , in s u ra n c e , and r e a l e s ta t e ___________ S e rv ic e s ....... .. __ G o v e rn m e n t ... ............... Unknow n ........................ ...................... ......... 7. 8 5. 8 66. 2 3 .9 5 .6 5. 7 7 .4 3. 7 2. 6 21. 1 8. 0 31. 3 7. 7 _ 5. 7 _ 5. 2 _ 8. 3 11. 1 34. 9 7. 1 6 .9 5. 6 9 .4 5 .6 2. 5 20. 8 13. 3 55. 2 4. 7 8. 6 6. 5 6. 7 6. 3 3. 6 1 8 .4 20. 0 8 .4 2. 6 65. 6 5. 0 5 .8 7. 1 10. 5 5. 1 2. 2 20. 0 9 .4 9. 1 67. 0 3. 9 3. 6 7. 0 7. 0 1. 7 2 .4 22. 8 11. 3 9. 3 70. 2 3. 6 7 .7 5. 6 4 .4 4. 7 28. 6 12. 6 7. 4 2. 5 71. 5 3. 2 6. 3 5. 1 9. 5 4. 0 1. 1 25. 6 5. 5 3. 1 75. 3 3. 1 3. 5 5. 3 8. 3 2. 1 1. 0 20. 7 1. 6 73. 5 2. 8 4. 7 3. 2 3. 7 1.0 1. 5 - 7 6 .9 .6 2. 6 1. 7 4. 1 2 .9 5 .9 37. 5 - i. 2 2. 0 2. 2 2 .4 .5 _ 10. 0 SO U R C E : In te rin d u s try L a b o r M o b ility in th e U n ited S ta te s 1957 to I9 6 0 , F e b r u a ry 1967, R e s e a rc h R e p o rt No, 18, S o cia l S e c u rity A d m in istra tio n ; and S o cia l S e c u rity A d m in is tra tio n 's 1-p e rc e n t co n tin u o u s w o rk h is to r y sa m p le . T a b le 74. P ro p o r tio n of m u ltie m p lo y e r m a le w age an d s a la ry w o rk e rs w ho w e re m u lti-in d u s try w o rk e rs , by in d u stry of m a jo r jo b in 1962 P ro p o r tio n w ho w e re In d u stry m u lti-in d u s try w o rk e rs T o ta l . _ 8 1 .6 A g ric u ltu re , f o r e s tr y , an d f i s h e r i e s __________ 6 9 .5 M ining . __ _ _ _ _ _. 69. 1 C o n tra c t c o n s tr u c tio n ___________________________ 76. 6 M a n u fac tu rin g _ _ . .............................. 86. 6 T r a n s p o rta tio n , c o m m u n ic a tio n , and p u b lic u tilitie s _________________________________ 80. 3 W h o lesale an d r e ta il tra d e . _ __ _ _ 7 9 .4 F in a n c e , in s u ra n c e , and r e a l e s ta te 82. 3 S e rv ic e s . ............... 80. 9 SO U R C E : M e a s u re s of L a b o r M o b ility and OASDHI d a ta , S o c ia l S e c u rity B u lle tin , A p ril 1966, p. 40; and S o cia l S e c u rity A d m in is tr a tio n 's 1 -p e rc e n t co n tin u o u s w o rk h is to r y sa m p le . 66 T a b le 75. P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n of a ll and 4 - q u a r te r w o rk e rs , 1 by n u m b e r of e m p lo y e rs , s e le c te d in d u s trie s , 1964 4 - q u a r te r w o rk e rs A ll w o rk e rs N u m b e r of e m p lo y e rs In d u stry Contract construction: G eneral building c o n tra c to rs__ Heavy construction ___________ Special trad es contractors Mining: Bituminous coal ______________ M anufacturing: Printing and publishing P etroleum refining ___________ P rim a ry m etals ______________ T ransportation equipm ent_____ T ransportation and public utilities: W ater tra n sp o rta tio n _________ U tilities, electric and g a s ____ W holesale and re ta il trad e: G eneral m erchandise s to r e s __ Any 1 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 76 78 74 87 93 92 99 98 96 15 15 15 9 100 100 100 67 99 95 13 6 6 1 2 4 1 5 3 4 Any 1 Em ployees with some earnings from the industry 2 (3) (3) (?) (3) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6 14 (3) (3) 100 100 100 5 5 6 3 5 3 6 1 1 1 (3) - - (3) (3) 1 67 70 65 60 99 95 86 93 90 99 98 96 2 4 3 17 18 16 9 8 7 8 6 7 1 2 1 2 2 (3) _ (3) (?) (3) 7 (3) (3) 21 8 4 10 2 4 12 1 5 3 9 5 11 2 2 - (3) (3) Em ployees with a m ajor proportion of earnings from the in d u stry 4 C ontract construction: G eneral building c o n tra c to rs... Heavy construction ___________ Special trad es c o n tra c to rs____ Mining: Bituminous coal ______________ M anufacturing: Textile m ill products P rinting and publishing P etroleum refining P rim ary m etals ..... _ ... T ransportation equipm ent_____ T ransportation and public utilities: Watfir transportation U tilities, electric and gas W holesale and re ta il trad e: G eneral m erchandise sto re s__ 1 2 3 4 q u a r te r . 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 73 74 70 100 100 100 65 99 94 86 93 91 99 98 96 (3) (3) <?> (3) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 7 (3) (3) 15 (3) (3) 100 100 100 16 18 16 9 6 6 6 5 3 7 3 2 6 6 1 2 1 2 4 13 1 5 - (3) 1 - 68 71 66 86 17 18 16 9 8 7 8 93 90 99 98 96 6 7 1 2 1 2 62 99 95 3 - (3) 2 - 4 (?) (3) (?) (3) 12 1 7 (3) (3) 19 (3) (3) 5 A ll w o rk e rs a r e th o se w ith so m e e m p lo y m e n t in any c a le n d a r q u a rte r; 4 - q u a r te r w o rk e rs a r e th o se w ith so m e e m p lo y m e n t in e a c h c a le n d a r W o rk e rs em p lo y e d in m o re th a n 1 in d u s try d u rin g th e y e a r w e re c o u n ted in e a c h in d u s try in w h ich th e y w e re em p lo y e d . L e s s th an 1 p e rc e n t. W o rk e rs em p lo y e d in m o re th a n 1 in d u s try d u rin g th e y e a r w e re re p o rte d in th e in d u s try frc m w hich th e y re c e iv e d th e m a jo r p o rtio n of th e ir e a rn in g s . N O T E : D ash (-) in d ic a te s th e re w e re no e m p lo y e e s re p o rte d . B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y not e q u al to ta l. SO U R C E : S o cia l S e c u rity A d m in is tra tio n 's 1- p e rc e n t c o n tin u o u s w o rk h is to r y s a m p le . T a b le 76. P ro p o rtio n of a ll w o rk e rs re p o rtin g e a rn in g s in s e le c te d in d u s trie s w ho re p o rte d th e m a jo r s h a re of th e ir e a rn in g s in th e se le c te d in d u s trie s , 1957 In d u stry M in in g _________________________________ C o n tra c t c o n s tr u c tio n ________________ G e n e ra l c o n tr a c to r s , b u ild in g ___ G e n e ra l c o n tr a c to r s , o th e r _____ S p e c ia l t r a d e s _____________________ M a n u f a c tu r in g _________________________ P u b lic u t i l i t i e s ________________________ W h o le sale an d r e ta i l tra d e __________ F in a n c e , in s u ra n c e , and r e a l e s ta te S e rv ic e s _______________________________ P e rc e n t 80. 3 72. 3 57. 5 57. 9 60. 7 89. 0 76. 3 74. 3 73. 3 66. 5 SO U R C E : H andbook of Old A g e , S u rv iv o rs an d D isa b ility I n s u r a n c e S ta tis tic s , E m p lo y m e n t, E a rn in g s an d In s u ra n c e S ta tu s of W o rk e r s In C o v e re d E m p lo y m e n t, S o c ia l S e c u rity A d m in is tra tio n , 1957, pp. 34-5 and 4 2 -3 . 67 CHAPTER V III. W ORK EXPERIENCE OF IN D IV ID U A L CO NSTR U C TIO N W ORKERS O V ER A 12-M ONTH PERIO D This chapter presents the results of an analysis of manpower utilization in construction occupations (craftsmen and laborers), based on special tabulations of hours-worked data from pension fund records. To get new and deeper insights into work patterns of construction workers, data on hours of work of individual workers reported over a 12-month period were obtained for 13 occupations in four areas: Omaha, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Southern California. 52 The time periods covered for each area are as follows: Detroit....................................... Milwaukee.................................. Omaha....................................... Southern California— Carpenters, cement finishers, and teamsters..................... Operating engineers, and iron workers..................... November 1966 - October 1967 December 1965 - November 1966 July 1966 - June 1967 January - December 1966 June 1966 - May 1967 The data were obtained from the records of health and welfare funds established under provisions of collective bargaining agreements. These provisions generally require contractors to make a cents-per-hour pay ment to the fund for each hour worked within the jurisdiction of the local agreement. Administrators keep current records of reported hourly contributions by contractors to the fund. The advantage of these data is that they relate specifically to the occupation and locality of work and show the work experience of individual workers in terms of hours worked in each month. They are there fore more precise than Social Security data, which give only quarters of coverage in the industry and no in formation by occupation. This feature provides an insight into the intensity of utilization of a construction worker. An additional advantage is that the data are based on records and are more precise than work exper ience data from the Current Population Survey, which is a survey that relies on the memory of the respondent. Unfortunately, the pension fund data include cross-classifications of employees only by age. Excluded are many characteristics which would be of interest in analyzing work experience, e.g., nature of training, specific skills (within the occupation), length of experience,53 permanent residence, etc. Lacking such detailed information, certain suppositions must go untested— for example, that journeymen trained through apprentice ship obtain more steady work than others. In addition, a description of the total work experience of the con struction craftsmen surveyed cannot be made from this information because the data refer only to work done in the jurisdiction of the collective bargaining agreement. Thus, work within the occupation but outside the jurisdiction is not measured; neither is work in other industries or occupations or in the same occupation but not under the authority of the pension fund (e.g., self-employed or construction work not covered by union contract). No attempt to link the data directly to other sources of information (such as Social Security data) 52 In no case were the data on hours worked affected by substantial work stoppages. In Omaha, however, the month of June 1967 contained 22 days of rain—introducing a distortion into the seasonal pattern of the data. Also the data for two occupations—laborers and teamsters—in Omaha covers only those hours of work reported in commerial building and ex cludes those on heavy and highway construction. 53 The data from these funds do not show length of experience. The Bureau of Labor Statistics was able to obtain such data in a 1965 Study of Operating Engineers in New Jersey. For these workers, no significant relationship appeared to exist between the length of experience and the amount of work received. 68 has yet been made.54 Also, the data are subject to irregularities that may exist in the system of employer compliance with the provisions of the agreements that established these funds. An effort was made, however, to obtain data from well-established funds with rather complete contractor compliance. In addition to the substantive finding, this information provides an insight into the type of data available from pension fund records and perhaps will serve to initiate additional scholarly research in this area. Hours of work The average number of hours worked during the 12-month period differed by occupation, but was low for all occupations. Workers in most occupations in all areas for which data were obtained worked less than 1,200 hours in the periods covered; the exceptions were operating engineers in both Detroit and California. (See table 77.) Generally, the less skilled occupations reported a higher proportion of workers with 1,400 hours or less. Approximately 80 percent of the laborers in Omaha, Detroit, and Milwaukee reported fewer than 1,400 hours of work. (See table 80.) The proportion of workers in occupations reporting fewer than 700 hours (about 18 full weeks of work) also differed greatly by occupation and area. Only 26 percent of the operating engineers but about 47 percent of the carpenters in Southern California reported fewer than 700 hours. On the other hand, in Omaha, about 43 percent of the operating engineers and only 30 percent of the carpenters reported fewer than 700 hours of work. Wide differences in hours of work were reported for work ers in the same occupation in the four areas. About 37 percent of the cement masons in Omaha and 55 per cent in Detroit worked fewer than 700 hours during the 12-month period. (See table 80.) A large number of factors contribute to these differences in employment experience by occupation and area. The level and com position of construction activity, weather conditions, customary seasonal patterns of employment, and labor market conditions all influence the hours reported by occupation over a particular period. In order to determine whether “ short-hours” workers and those workers not firmly attached to the in dustry were responsible for the low average number of hours of work reported, two techniques were used to exclude these workers from consideration. In this section, and for discussion purposes only, short-hours work ers are considered to be those workers who worked fewer than 700 hours in the 12-month period. A worker was not considered to be firmly attached to the industry if he did not have hours of work reported to the fund in January— the assumption being that if a worker was employed in January, a seasonally low month, his attachment to the industry was strong. When short-hours workers were excluded from consideration, the average annual hours reported for the remaining workers was considerably higher but was still substantially below that o f a 2,000-hour full work year. (See table 78.) Not counting workers with fewer than 700 hours of work, the median number of hours of work reported for all crafts in all areas covered was 1,535.55 All operating engineers in Southern Califor nia reported an average of 1,284 hours of work; for those operating engineers with 700 or more hours of work reported the average was 1,633 hours. All laborers had an average of 626 hours of work in Omaha, but those laborers with 700 or more hours reported had an average of 1,467 hours of work. When those workers not firmly attached to the industry were excluded from consideration, the average annual hours reported for the remaining workers was considerably higher than that for all workers, but still substantially below a full work year. (See tables 77 and 78.) Construction teamsters in Omaha with hours reported in January had an average of about 1,530 hours in the 12-month period, whereas, construction team sters without hours in January had only about 415; the average for all teamsters in Omaha was 730 hours of work. A similar pattern existed for each of the crafts in each of the areas surveyed. 54 in the study of operating engineers in 1965, fund data and Social Security data were cross-classified. This study revealed that those persons with between 700 and 1,299 hours reported to the fund drew less than one-fourth of their earn ings from industries where operating engineers would not usually be employed. 55 The median number of hours for all workers was less than 1,000 (998.5). 69 Several conclusions may be drawn from these data. A considerable number of short-hours workers are in all the trades. Moreover, the industry’s work force appears to be underutilized in all the crafts in all areas for which data were obtained. More importantly, these data give a quantitative measure of the degree of uti lization of the work force in specific areas in the construction industry by occupation. Undoubtedly, many of the workers reporting relatively few hours of work in construction have additional income from work in other occupations or as construction workers either outside the authority of the pension fnnd or on their own (self-employed). For individual construction workers, the hours of work situation can be considerably less favorable than the averages for occupations suggest. For the four areas and 13 occupations for which data were collected, the proportion of workers with fewer than 400 hours of work reported was on the average two and one-half times greater than those with 1,800 hours or more. (See table 79.) Work in the industry appears to be un certain for the individual worker. Although the average hours worked is not high, he cannot be confident of achieving even the average, for most workers receive far less than the average. Only a small proportion report a fairly large number of hours of work. A g e a n d hours reported For those workers for which age data were available from the pension funds, workers between the ages of 30 and 44 generally received more hours of work than older or younger workers. In Detroit, 27 percent of the bricklayers between the ages of 30 and 44 reported more than 1,800 hours of work during the 12month period reported. (See table 81.) On the other hand, only 11 percent of the bricklayers less than 30 years old and 18 percent of those over 44 years old reported 1,800 hours of work. The tables presented in this chapter summarize the data contained in appendix A. 70 T a b l e 77. A v e r a g e n u m b e r of h o u r s w o r k e d in 1 2 - m o n t h per i o d for w o r k e r s w h o w o r k e d in J a n u a r y an d for those w h o did not w o r k in Ja n u a r y , b y selected construction occupation in 3 cities Detroit Occupation Omaha D i d not w o r k in January Worked January Worked in January Milwaukee D i d not w o r k in January Worked in January _ A sp h a l t p a v e r s ____________________ B r i c k l a y e r s a n d m a s o n s _________ C a r p e n t e r s ....... . C e m e n t finishers a n d c e m e n t m a s o n s ___________________________ I r o w w o r k e r s a n d / o r reinforced steel w o r k e r s ___________________ L a b o r e r s __________________________ L a t h e r s ____________________________ O pe r a t i n g e n g i n e e r s ______________ P l a s t e r e r s ---- ------ ------------P laster laborers __________________ T e a m s t e r s _________ _______________ Terrazzo mechanics T e r r a z z o skilled hel p e r s . _ _ 1, 245 1,342 7 34 768 1, 356 1,455 8 34 983 1,203 567 1,291 1,316 1,255 613 527 _ 1,003 1,442 1,067 1,029 1,315 1,566 1,067 1,529 _ - 1,626 - - _ _ _ D i d not w o r k in January 4 82 858 889 1,346 " " 805 1,236 704 753 447 1, 158 776 851 447 416 _ _ 1,015 1,461 1, 186 1,526 1,477 _ 479 978 8 62 8 32 761 _ 1,827 1,444 1,007 1,014 " _ T a b l e 78. A v e r a g e n u m b e r of h o u r s w o r k e d in a 1 2 - m o n t h p eriod for all w o r k e r s a n d those with 700 h o u r s or m o r e of w o r k , occupation in 4 a r e a s Detroit Occupation A s p h a l t p a v e r s ____________________ B r i c k l a y e r s a n d m a s o n s _________ C a r p e n t e r s ________________________ C e m e n t finishers a n d c e m e n t m a s o n s ___________________________ I r o n w o r k e r s a n d / o r reinforced steel w o r k e r s _ Laborers L a t h e r s ____________________________ Operating engineers P l a s t e r e r s .... ... _ . Pla s t e r l a b o r e r s ___________________ Teamsters _ . Terrazzo mechanics T e r r a z z o skilled h e l p e r s _________ T a b l e 79. 4 areas All workers Omaha W o r k e r s with 700 h o u r s or m o r e _ All workers _ Milwaukee W o r k e r s with 700 h o u r s or m o r e _ _ All workers 626 1,031 S o u t h e r n California W o r k e r s with 700 h o u r s or m o r e - - - 1,430 1,450 932 1,503 _ 1,044 _ _ 1,572 _ _ 1,284 _ _ 1,633 961 1,647 1,471 1,530 777 1,510 1,024 1,474 880 888 7 65 _ 1,260 1,524 1,540 _ 1,754 1,010 626 1, 130 987 1,032 _ 1,590 1,467 1 , 772 1,525 1,756 _ _ 1,416 1,637 1,474 1,611 1, 6 6 2 728 1,778 590 1044 932 1,055 919 _ _ _ 1, 105 1 , 063 1,780 1,550 _ _ _ _ - _ _ 1,042 1, 162 - W o r k e r s with 700 h o u r s or m o r e 8 64 1,470 1,542 _ _ All workers 1,040 1,486 9 34 1,015 - b y selected construction _ _ _ " P e r c e n t of e m p l o y e e s reporting f e w e r than 400 a n d m o r e than 1,800 h o u r s in a 1 2 - m o n t h period b y selected construction occupation in Detroit Occupation A s p h a l t p a v e r s ___________________ B r i c k l a y e r s a n d m a s o n s _________ C a r p e n t e r s ________________________ C e m e n t finishers a n d c e m e n t m a s o n s ___________________________ I r o n w o r k e r s a n d / o r r e inforced steel w o r k e r s ___________________ L a b o r e r s __________________________ Lathers .. . ___ _ _ O p e r a t i n g e n g i n e e r s ______________ P l a s t e r e r s _______ _________ ________ P l aster lab o r e r s ----------------Teamsters Terrazzo mechanics T e r r a z z o skilled h e l p e r s Fewer than 400 _ Milwaukee Omaha More than 1,800 _ Fewer than 400 . More than 1,800 . More than 1,800 38. 3 26. 1 0. 7 8.6 34. 2 31.9 11.7 16. 0 24. 6 19. 7 46. 7 14. 4 29. 0 17. 1 35. 1 39. 0 47. 6 24. 6 14. 3 14.4 _ 35. 4 34. 54. 31. 31. 9 5 3 6 21. 0 10. 0 45.4 16. 6 - 39. 7 57. 3 30. 1 18. 2 - _ _ - 15. 6 24. 7 - _ _ " " S o u t h e r n California Fewer than 400 - 55. 5 31. 5 33. 0 26. 4 41. 0 _ 32. 0 27. 4 15.8 _ 8. 9 27.9 17.9 23. 1 22. 0 _ 36. 0 19. 3 Fewer than 400 More than 1, 800 . - 36. 5 - 12. 5 34. 8 16. 3 31. 1 _ _ 20. 9 _ _ 17. 4 _ _ 31. 0 _ 36. 0 23. 2 _ _ _ - - 71 T a b l e 80. P e r c e n t a g e of construction w o r k e r s with h o u r s of w o r k re p o r t e d for a 1 2 - m o n t h period, b y selected construction occupation a n d h o u r s intervals in 4 areas. Occupation Detroit Omaha Milwaukee Southern California Detroit A s p h a l t p a v e r s ____ _______________ B r i c k l a y e r s a n d m a s o n s _________ C a r p e n t e r s _________________________ C e m e n t finishers a n d c e m e n t m a s o n s ___________________________ I r o n w o r k e r s a n d / o r reinforced steel w o r k e r s __________________ L a b o r e r s __________________________ L a t h e r s ____________________________ O p e r a t i n g e n g i n n e r s ______________ P l a s t e r e r s ________________________ Pl a s t e r l a b o r e r s __________________ T e a m s t e r s ________________________ T e r r a z z o m e c h a n i c s ______________ T e r r a z z o skilled h e l p e r s _________ . _ Southern California _ _ _ 47. 4 54. 7 36. 7 45. 9 43. 8 57.0 40. 8 49.4 46. 7 47. 7 58. 3 _ 42. 0 67. 8 42. 2 42. 9 47. 6 64.6 69. 1 41. 7 44. 3 41. 1 51. 5 44. 0 37. 1 38. 3 _ _ 26. 0 49. 3 49. 6 61. 0 35. 3 - 44. 7 70. 0 46. 9 45. 5 49. 2 67. 0 70. 7 43.4 47. 5 41. 7 52. 1 44. 0 38. 7 40. 4 _ _ 33. 0 - - " - - 45. 9 41. 7 - - - “ . _ _ _ 57.7 52. 4 54.6 48. 6 69. 4 56.9 64.4 59.4 61. 0 70. 6 _ 53. 2 78. 8 50. 0 58. 3 55. 5 _ _ 80. 0 51. 8 61.8 50. 6 59. 5 50.8 42. 2 - _ _ - " 65. 0 " _ _ 76. 9 71. 7 72. 3 65. 2 80. 1 72 . 2 74.8 80. 0 67. 0 86.6 54. 7 75. 8 58. 7 _ 57.8 - _ _ - 64. 2 71. 8 65. 8 59. 0 83. 6 53. 1 65.9 57. 1 8 3.4 56. 0 69. 3 55.9 62. 0 57. 4 - - T a b l e 81. P e r c e n t of e m p l o y e e s reporting m o r e than 1,000, a n d Detroit, b y selected o ccupation an d a g e intervals _ _ 71.9 _ _ 65. 9 _ 48. 0 54.8 " 49. 4 - ~ F e w e r than 1, 800 h o u r s _ _ 88. 3 84. 0 84. 6 75. 3 74. 3 85. 6 82. 7 66 . 4 85. 7 85.6 79. 0 90. 1 54. 7 83. 4 69.8 _ 64.6 - - 70. 7 - 56.0 70. 9 . 75. 5 - 57.9 - 74. 3 “ 67.4 75. 0 56. 2 - - _ _ 86 . 9 63. 7 75. 3 65.9 66. 3 - 72. 4 _ 79.9 77. 1 _ _ _ - - 29. 0 51.9 95 . 8 57. 2 - _ 99. 3 73. 1 50. 9 61. 8 56. 3 61. 2 44. 0 48. 3 - - 66. 3 60. 5 _ - 71.9 39. 5 33. 6 F e w e r than 1, 400 h o u r s 88. 9 48. 9 - 46.8 _ 56. 3 38. 7 _ 50. 7 36. 6 - F e w e r than 1,600 h o u r s A s p h a l t p a v e r s ____________________ B r i c k l a y e r s a n d m a s o n s __________ C a r p e n t e r s _________________________ C e m e n t finishers a n d c e m e n t m a s o n s ___________________________ I r o n w o r k e r s a n d / o r r e inforced steel w o r k e r s _ _ Laborers L a t h e r s ____________________________ O p e r a t i n g e n g i n e e r s ______________ P l a s t e r e r s _________________________ Pla s t e r l a b o r e r s __________________ T e a m s t e r s ________________________ T e r r a z z o m e c h a n i c s ______________ T e r r a z z o skilled hel p e r s Milwaukee 35. 8 30. 0 43. 0 39. 5 F e w e r than 1,200 h o u r s A s p h a l t p a v e r s ___________________ B r i c k l a y e r s a n d m a s o n s __________ C a r p e n t e r s _________________________ C e m e n t finishers a n d c e m e n t m a s o n s ___________________________ I r o n w o r k e r s a n d / o r r e i nforced steel w o r k e r s ___________________ L a b o r e r s __________________________ L a t h e r s _____________________________ O p e r a t i n g e n g i n e e r s ______________ P l a s t e r e r s ________________________ Plaster l a b o r e r s __________________ T e a m s t e r s ________________________ T e r r a z z o m e c h a n i c s ______________ T e r r a z z o skilled h e l p e r s _________ Omaha F e w e r than 800 h o u r s F e w e r than 7 00 h o u r s 99. 3 91.4 87. 6 84. 1 83. 6 91. 72. 82. 77. 78. 79. 0 1 0 1 0 0 _ 81. 6 - - - _ - _ _ _ 69. 1 _ 76. 8 _ 64. 0 80. 6 1,400, a n d 1,800 h o u r s of w o r k in a 1 2 - m o n t h p e r i o d in s o u thern California, Age 30-44 2 0 -29 45-64 A r e a a n d o ccupation P e r c e n t a g e reporting m o r e than— 17000 S o u t h e r n California: Ironworkers Cement masons Carpenters Operating engineers _ . ........ . Detroit: B r i c k l a y e r s _________________________________ Carpenters Cement masons __ I r o n w o r k e r s ________________________________ L a b o r e r s ___________________________________ O p e r a t i n g e n g i n e e r s ________________________ 72 hours 17400 hours J7800 hour s 71.0 60. 5 48. 6 68. 5 53. 4 44. 6 29. 4 51. 6 23. 0 19.4 11. 7 29.2 78. 67. 57. 76. 57. 1 65. 8 33. 3 55. 3 48. 9 68.4 34. 3 45. 1 22. 2 36. 2 37. 9 57. 9 11.4 18. 5 11. 1 12. 8 21. 6 31. 6 lTOOO hours 17400 hours 17800 hours 17000 hours 1,400 hours 8 6 2 5 64. 3 52.7 39. 1 62. 5 34. 1 28. 3 18.4 39. 6 73 . 4 64. 2 58. 5 71. 3 55.9 44. 5 38. 7 54. 3 27. 21. 17. 33. 79. 1 78. 3 57. 5 77. 8 68 . 4 73. 7 63. 6 62. 9 45. 2 45. 7 56. 5 62.4 27. 0 30.4 31. 5 19.8 35. 1 48.8 78. 82. 73. 61. 72. 75. 57.9 65. 0 54.4 44.4 59. 2 64. 3 18. 2 27.9 30. 1 16. 7 36. 8 47. 0 6 1 8 1 3 3 1,800 hours 2 1 3 1 A P P E N D IX A. SPECIAL S U R V E Y OF MANPOW ER U T IL IZ A T IO N This appendix includes the detailed tables developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics from data supplied by the various private health, welfare, and pension funds covering construction workers in four geographic areas (See p. for a more detailed discussion of these data.) 73 A P PEN D IX A TABLES Average number of hours of work reported for workers in construction occupations in Omaha by month................................................................................................................................. Average number of hours of work reported for workers in selected construction occupations in Detroit by month.............................................................................................................................. Average number of hours of work reported for workers in selected construction occupations in Milwaukee by month......................................................................................................................... Average number of hours of work reported for workers in selected construction occupations in southern California by m onth........................................................................................................ Average number of hours of work reported per worker in construction occupations in Omaha by month as a percent of annual average monthly hours of worker per worker........... Average number of hours of work reported per worker in selected construction occupations in Detroit by month as a percent of annual average monthly hours of work per worker . . . . Average number of hours of work reported per worker in selected construction occupations in Milwaukee by month as a percent of annual average monthly hours of work per worker . . Average number of hours of work reported per worker in selected construction occupations in southern California by month as a percent of annual average monthly hours of work per worker............................................................................................................................................... Aggregate monthly hours of work reported for workers in construction occupations in Omaha as a percent of the annual monthly average of aggregate hours of work reported. . . ............... Aggregate monthly hours of work reported for workers in selected construction occupations in Detroit as a percent of the annual monthly average of aggregate hours of work reported . . Aggregate monthly hours of work reported for workers in selected construction occupations in Milwaukee as a percent of the annual monthly average of aggregate hours of work reported.................................................................................................................................................. Aggregate monthly hours of work reported for workers in selected construction occupations in southern California as a percent of the annual monthly average of aggregate hour of work reported....................................................................................................................................... Number of workers in construction occupations in Omaha by month as a percent of annual monthly employment........................................................................................................................... Number of workers in selected construction occupations in Detroit by month as a percent of annual average monthly employment.................................................................................................. Number of workers in selected construction occupations in Milwaukee by month as a percent of annual average monthly employment............................................................................................. Number of workers in selected construction occupations in southern California by month as a percent of annual average monthly employment............................................................................... Average number of hours of work for workers in selected construction occupations in Omaha by selected hours interval for the 12-month period, July 1966—June 1967 ............................... Average number of hours of work for workers in selected construction occupations in Detroit by selected hours interval for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967 ................. Average number of hours of work for workers in selected construction occupations in Milwaukee by selected hours interval for the 12-month period, December 1965— November 1966 .................................................................................................................................... Average number of hours of work of workers in selected construction occupations in southern California for 12-month period............................................................................................. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in Omaha by selected hours interval for the 12-month period, July 1966—July 1967 ..................................................... Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in Detroit by selected hours interval for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967....................................... 76 76 77 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 80 80 81 81 82 82 APPENDIX A TABLES— Continued Page A-23. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in Milwaukee by selected hours interval for the 12-month period, December 1965—November 1966.................................. 82 A-24. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in southern California by selected hours interval for a 12-month period................................................................................. 83 A-25. Percent distribution of total hours of work reported by workers in selected construction occupations in Omaha for the 12-month period, July 1966—1967 ................................................ 83 A-26. Percent distribution of total hours of work reported by workers in selected construction occupations in Detroit for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967 ....................... 83 A-27. Percent distribution of total hours of work reported by workers in selected construction occupations in Milwaukee for the 12-month period, December 1965—November 1966 .............. 84 A-28. Percent distribution of total hours of work reported by workers in selected construction occupations in southern California for a 12-month period.............................................................. 84 A-29. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in Omaha by number of hours of work reported for the 12-month period, July 1966—June 1967.................................... 84 A-30. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in Detroit by number of hours of work reported for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967..................... 85 A-31. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in Milwaukee by number of hours of work reported for the 12-month period, December 1965—November 1966 ........... 85 A-32. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in southern California by number of hours of work reported for a 12-month period..................................................... 85 A-33. Percent distribution of bricklayers in Detroit by age and hours of work for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967................................................................................................ 86 A-34. Percent distribution of carpenters in Detroit by age and hours of work for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967............................................................................................... 86 A-35. Percent distribution of laborers in Detroit by age and hours of work for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967............................................................................................... 87 A-36. Percent distribution of reinforced steel workers in Detroit by age and hours of work for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967 ........................................................................... 87 A-37. Percent distribution of cement masons in Detroit by age and hours of work for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967............................................................................................... 88 A-38. Percent distribution of operating engineers in Detroit by age and hours of work for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967 ........................................................................... 88 A-39. Percent distribution of carpenters in southern California by age and hours of work, calendar year 1966 ............................................................................................................................................... 89 A-40. Percent distribution of cement masons in southern California by age and hours of work, calendar year 1966 .............................................................................................................................. 89 A-41. Percent distribution of ironworkers in southern California by age and hours of work, for the 12-month period, June 1966—May 1967 .................................................................................... 90 A-42. Percent distribution of operating engineers in southern California by age and hours of work, for the 12-month period, June 1966—May 1967................................................................... 90 A-43. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in Omaha by month and by hours of work reported for the 12-month period, July 1966—June 1967 ....................... 91 A-44. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in Detroit by month and by hours of work reported for the 12-month period, November 1966—October 1967. . . . ^ A-45. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in Milwaukee by month and by hours of work reported for the 12-month period, December 1965—November 1966. . . 94 A-46. Percent distribution of workers in selected construction occupations in southern California by month and by hours of work reported for a 12-month period................................................ 96 75 T ab le A - l . A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d fo r w o rk e rs in c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in O m ah a by m o n th M onth Y ear A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs J a n u a r y — ------- ------ --------------------------F e b r u a r y ---------------------------------------------------M a rc h - ____________________________________ A p r i l ----------------------------------------------------------M ay -----------------------------------------------------------Ju n e ----------------------------------------------- ----------J u ly _________________________________________ A u g u s t-------------------------------------------------------S e p te m b e r -------------------------------------------------O c to b e r_____________________________________ N o v e m b e r--------------------------------------------------D e c e m b e r--------------------------------------------------A nnual a v e ra g e _____ ____________ W eig h ted a v e r a g e _________________________ 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 _ 105. 0 110. 2 117. 5 112. 6 127. 5 112. 0 119. 5 117. 7 125. 4 114. 8 125. 8 120. 9 117. 4 116. 9 T ab le A -2, A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d fo r w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in D e tro it b y m o n th M onth Y ear C a rp e n te rs J a n u a r y _____________________________________ F e b r u a ry __________________________________ M a r c h ______________ ______________________ A p ril ------------------------------ ----------------------M ay ________________________________ ______ Ju n e ------------------------------------------------------------J u ly ------------------------------------------------------------A u g u s t----------- ---------- ----- __ _____ ____ S e p te m b e r _______________ __________________ O c to b e r_____________________________________ N o v e m b e r--------------------------------------------------D e c e m b e r--------------------------------------------------A n n u al a v e r a g e ____________________________ W eig h ted a v e r a g e -------------------------------------- 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1966 1966 117. 3 132. 1 150. 6 1 5 1.4 126. 8 124. 8 120. 9 111. 3 122. 5 114. 0 120. 1 104. 6 124. 7 123. 9 _ B r ic k la y e rs 88. 9 86. 3 103. 2 1 0 8.4 105. 5 105. 7 103. 9 1 0 3.4 103. 2 102. 4 100. 6 91. 1 100. 2 101. 1 O p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs 137. 2 1 3 1.8 142. 3 142. 6 148. 2 151. 2 140. 1 165. 5 150. 1 143. 3 1 4 2.4 140. 9 144. 6 144. 9 L a b o re rs C em ent m a so n s 77. 2 87. 6 79. 2 71. 5 54. 8 59. 9 83. 1 55. 7 97. 7 68. 9 109. 2 102. 6 79. 0 78. 1 60. 5 65. 7 62. 2 65. 3 81. 9 58. 9 65. 8 6 7 .4 59. 0 63. 7 66. 3 57. 7 64. 5 64. 3 R e in fo rc e d s te e l w o rk e rs 85. 5 85. 1 87. 1 84. 6 80. 4 82. 0 84. 8 86. 3 83. 6 75. 3 72. 5 79. 3 82. 2 81. 9 T a b le A -3 . A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d fo r w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in M ilw au kee b y m o n th s ra z z o A sp h a lt L a b o re rs tPe la C e m e n t P l a s O p e ra tin g T e r ra z z o T sekrille M onth Y ear r e r s ' B r ic k L a th e rs fin p a v e rs is h e r s t e r e r s e n g in e e rs m e c h a n ic s h e lp e drs la b o r e r s la y e rs J a n u a r y _____________________________________ 74. 7 1966 47. 8 110. 6 8 9 .8 110. 0 90. 5 83. 2 92. 1 137. 9 143. 9 F e b r u a r y ________ _________________________ 1966 51. 3 82. 9 90. 2 103. 6 107. 9 85. 2 95. 6 104. 8 97. 1 99. 2 M a rc h ____________________________________ _ 1966 118. 4 100. 2 1 1 6.3 91. 2 9 7 .7 121. 1 114. 3 162. 3 7 3 .9 10 9.9 A p r i l _______________________________________ 1966 81. 5 95. 5 121. 9 116. 0 119. 6 98. 7 122. 0 141. 2 120. 7 130. 1 M ay -_______________________________________ _ 1966 58. 5 8 5 .4 1 0 3.4 105. 7 104. 2 97. 2 80. 7 116. 3 85. 5 110. 3 114. 5 57. 6 122. 6 102. 2 Ju n e - ______________________________________ 1966 81. 8 110. 2 123. 2 142. 6 89. 5 145. 7 7 6 .4 J u ly ---------------------------------- -----------------------1966 85. 7 97. 8 93. 3 101. 8 107. 0 1 35.4 1 3 4 .4 99. 7 143. 7 116. 1 A u g u st______________________________________ 1966 68. 0 98. 3 101. 2 110. 6 97. 1 125. 0 96. 8 109. 4 107. 9 S e p te m b e r________________________________ 122. 5 116. 0 118. 2 1966 67. 1 83. 8 100. 7 1 0 1.4 99. 5 1 5 5.6 121. 9 O c to b e r- ________ _____________ ________ 137. 4 1966 94. 3 80. 2 104. 5 84. 3 141. 8 119. 8 111. 3 89. 5 133. 5 N ovem be r _________ _____________________ 72. 1 64. 5 1966 82. 4 98. 1 104. 3 79. 0 99. 7 90. 2 96. 2 59. 7 D e c e m b e r------------------------ -----------------------124. 2 114. 1 117. 2 1965 54. 5 82. 3 94. 7 10 6.2 92. 3 148. 2 166. 2 _ A nnual a v e r a g e __________________ _______ 68. 5 88. 7 110. 6 97. 4 111. 0 93. 2 98. 3 115. 2 133. 3 118. 9 W eig h ted a v e r a g e _________________________ 72. 6 no. i 9 8 .4 111. 0 96. 0 89. 2 91. 4 115. 0 131. 9 115. 9 T a b le A -4 . A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d fo r w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in so u th e rn C a lifo rn ia by m o n th Month January ------------- ------------- ------------ _ February _______ _______ _ ____ _ M arch ____________ ________________ ____ A p ril_______-___________ ________ _____ __ May - _ ___ ________ _________ ___ June______________________________________ Ju ly ............................................................................. A u g u st___ ____________ __ ___________ Septembe r—___________ __________________ October — — ____________________________ Novem ber __ ___ _____ ____________ D ecem b er------------------------ ------------Annual average---------------------------------------W eighted average________________________ C arpenters 1 108. 3 107. 8 103. 1 112. 3 113. 1 102. 6 112. 7 108. 0 114. 8 110. 5 113. 3 109. 3 109. 7 109. 6 1 C a le n d a r y e a r 1966. 2 F is c a l y e a r ru n n in g fro m Ju n e 1966 to M ay 1967. 76 Operating engineers 2 131. 7 130. 7 132. 1 146. 4 121. 4 143. 3 138. 2 133. 8 147. 7 141. 7 147. 3 131. 5 137. 2 137.4 Ironworkers 2 102. 9 104. 1 100. 9 110. 5 100. 3 109. 5 106. 8 106.4 106. 3 102. 9 109. 6 103. 3 105. 3 105.4 Cement m asons 1 77.6 78. 0 79. 0 86. 0 82. 0 72. 6 79.2 80. 3 79. 8 68. 9 80. 7 76. 3 7 8 .4 78. 3 T eam sters 1 127. 8 135.4 124. 4 149.5 145. 5 130. 0 148. 7 142. 3 151.7 141. 6 142.6 129. 2 139. 0 139. 0 T ab le A -5 . A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk r e p o rte d p e r w o rk e r in c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in O m ah a by m o n th as a p e rc e n t of an n u a l a v e ra g e m o n th ly h o u rs of w o rk p e r w o rk e r M onth Y ear J a n u a r y ------------------------------------------------------F e b r u a r y ---------------------------------------------------M a rc h ---------------------------------------------------------A p r i l ----------------------------------------------------------M a y ---------------------------------------------------- -----Ju n e -----------------------------------------------------------J u ly _______________________________________A u g u s t-------------------------------------------------------S e p te m b e r--------------------------------------------------O c to b e r_____________________________________ N o v e m b e r--------------------------------------------------D e c e m b e r--------------------------------------------------- 1967 1967 1967 1967 1969 1967 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs 89. 4 93. 9 100. 1 95. 9 108. 6 9 5 .4 101. 8 100. 3 106. 8 97. 8 107. 2 103. 0 T a b le A -6 . A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk r e p o rte d p e r w o rk e r in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in D e tro it b y m o n th a s a p e rc e n t of an n u a l a v e ra g e m o n th ly h o u rs of w o rk p e r w o rk e r M onth Ta„ „ „ v F e b r u a r y ______________________________ M a rc h --------------------------------------------------------A p r i l _______________________________________ M ay -___________________________ ___ J u n e ________ ____________ ____ ______________ J uly -________________________ ___________ _ A u g u s t-------------------------------------------------------S e p te m b e r--------------------------------------------------O c to b e r------------------------------------------------------N o v e m b e r--------------------------------------------------D e c e m b e r --------------------------------------------------- Y ear C a rp e n te rs 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1966 1966 B ric k la y e rs 94. 1 105. 9 120. 8 121. 4 101. 7 100. 1 97. 0 89. 3 98. 2 91. 4 96. 3 83. 9 88. 7 86. 1 103. 0 108. 2 105. 3 105. 5 103. 7 103. 2 103. 0 102. 2 100. 4 90. 9 O p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs 94. 9 91. 1 98. 4 98. 6 102. 5 104. 6 96. 9 114. 5 103. 8 99. 1 98. 5 97. 4 L a b o re rs 97. 7 110. 9 100. 3 90. 5 69. 4 75. 8 105. 2 70. 5 123. 7 87. 2 138. 2 129. 9 C em ent m a so n s 93. 8 101. 9 96. 4 101. 2 127. 0 91. 3 102. 0 104. 5 91. 5 98. 8 102. 8 89. 5 R e in fo rc e d s te e l w o rk e rs 104. 0 103. 5 106. 0 102. 9 97. 8 99. 8 103. 2 105. 0 101. 7 9 1 .6 88. 2 9 6 .5 T ab le A -7 . A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk r e p o rte d p e r w o rk e r in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in M ilw au kee by m o n th as a p e rc e n t of a n n u a l a v e ra g e m o n th ly h o u rs of w o rk p e r w o rk e r e r ra z z o s C e m e n t P l a s O p e ra tin g T e r ra z z o Tsk A sp h a lt L a b o re rs tPe la Y ear ille d M onth r e r s ' B r ic k L a th e rs fin is h e r s t e r e r s e n g in e e rs m e c h a n ic s h e lp p a v e rs e rs la b o re rs la y e rs 84. 2 84. 6 1966 92. 2 97. 1 116. 0 108. 0 Jan u ary 100. 0 69. 8 79. 9 99. 1 97. 3 1966 81. 2 F e b r u a r y ---------------------------------------------------74. 9 93. 5 9 7 .6 9 2 .6 93. 3 78. 6 85. 9 91. 4 121. 8 102. 8 104. 8 104. 8 9 9 .2 92. 4 107. 1 123. 2 M a rc h --------------------------------------------------------1966 107. 9 102. 9 Ap r i 1 j, ........_. , „ - i, .......... ............. i ,-r 124. 1 104. 8 118. 8 97. 6 1966 107. 7 110. 2 107. 7 105. 9 119. 0 119. 1 M ay ____ _ __ _ 82. 1 82. 7 85. 4 104. 3 101. 0 1966 96. 3 93. 5 108. 5 71. 9 93. 9 112. 1 J une _________________ 1966 106. 9 100. 9 103. 5 119. 4 109. 7 119. 9 109. 3 59. 1 110. 5 110. 3 117. 5 113. 0 107. 8 1966 8 4 .4 77. 4 J u ly _________________________________________ 108. 9 89. 8 109. 2 125. 1 104. 2 8 1 .4 111. 3 108. 5 80. 9 A u g u s t-------------------------------------------------------1966 110. 8 105. 0 9 9 .6 99. 3 103. 9 94. 5 106. 8 102. 4 105. 8 116. 7 S e p te m b e r__________________________________ 1966 98. 0 110. 8 106. 5 85. 3 119. 1 O c to b e r_____________________________________ 1966 117. 1 117. 8 100. 3 96. 0 85. 8 100. 2 85. 3 123. 0 119. 3 119. 3 90. 5 72. 2 105. 3 84. 6 88. 4 60. 7 N o v e m b e r-------------------------- ----------------- -----1966 90. 1 69. 2 7 5 .9 89. 1 124. 6 124. 6 92. 8 112. 3 80. 1 D e c e m b e r-------------------------------------------------1965 105. 6 101. 6 108. 0 117. 1 79. 6 T ab le A -8 . A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk r e p o rte d p e r w o rk e r in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in so u th e rn C a lifo rn ia b y m o n th as a p e rc e n t of an n u a l a v e ra g e m o n th ly h o u rs of w o rk p e r w o rk e r Month Carpenters 1 Operating engineers 2 Ironworkers 2 J anuary__________ ________________________ 98. 7 98. 3 94. 0 102.4 103. 1 93. 5 102. 7 98. 5 104. 6 100. 7 103. 3 99. 6 96. 0 95. 3 96. 3 106. 7 88. 5 104.4 100. 7 97.5 107. 7 103. 3 107. 4 95. 8 97. 7 95. 8 104. 9 95. 3 104. 0 101. 4 101. 0 100. 9 97. 7 104. 1 98. 1 F eb ruary__________ ____ _____ _____ M arch_______ __________ _________________ April ____________________________________ May -------------- ------------- _ _ --------------J une _______ ____________ ______ ____ _ July .......................................................................... August___ _______ ____ __ ___ _____ Septem ber— _— ________________________ October ___________________ _________ _____ N ovem ber---- _ _________________________ D ecem b er------------------------------------------------ 98. 9 Cement m asons 1 99. 0 99. 5 109. 7 104. 6 92. 6 101. 0 102.4 101. 8 87. 9 102. 9 97. 3 100. 8 T eam sters 1 91. 9 97. 4 89. 5 107. 3 104. 7 93. 5 107. 0 102. 4 109. 1 101. 9 102. 6 92. 9 1 C a le n d a r y e a r 1966. 2 F is c a l y e a r ru n n in g fro m Ju n e 1966 to M ay 1967. 77 T ab le A -9 . A g g re g a te m o n th ly h o u rs of w o rk r e p o rte d fo r w o rk e rs in c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in O m ah a as a p e rc e n t of the an n u a l m o n th ly a v e ra g e of a g g re g a te h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d M onth Y ear P e rc e n t J a n u a r y ------------------------------------------------------F e b r u a r y ---------------------------------------------------M a rc h __________________________________ A p r i l _______________________________________ M a y ------------------------------------- --------------------J u n e ------------------------------------------------------------J u ly ................................................................................... A u g u st_______________________________________ S e p te m b e r -------------------------------------------------O c to b e r_____________________________________ N ovem be r _____________________ ___________ _ D e c e m b e r__________________ ______________ 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 70. 6 73. 2 66. 7 88. 2 99. 9 112. 9 103. 2 131. 6 128. 2 105. 3 111. 3 108. 8 T a b le A - 10. A g g re g a te m o n th ly h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d fo r w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in D e tro it as a p e rc e n t of th e an n u a l m o n th ly a v e ra g e of a g g re g a te h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d M onth Y ear C a rp e n te rs B r ic k la y e rs O p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs L a b o re rs C em ent m a so n s J a n u a r y _____________________________________ F e b r u a r y ___________________________________ M a rc h ____________________________________ A p ril-----------------------------------------------------------hdciy _____ _____________ __________________ J u n e ------------------------------------- --------------------J u ly ------------------------------------------------------------A u g u s t-------------------------------------------------------S e p te m b e r--------------------------------------------------O c to b e r------------------------- --------------------------N o v e m b e r-------------------------------------------------D e c e m b e r--------------------------------------------------- 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1966 1966 95. 8 104. 1 101. 8 113. 6 9 9 .6 99. 9 105. 4 99. 3 9 9 .6 107. 9 92. 1 80. 9 75. 1 61. 2 88. 8 105. 2 113. 5 114. 1 105. 5 129. 2 118. 8 120. 1 89. 1 69. 4 90. 3 82. 3 8 8 .4 96. 2 101. 2 103. 3 112. 6 119. 8 108. 2 119. 2 90. 9 87. 7 90. 0 95. 7 88. 3 88. 6 68. 7 80. 9 121. 4 84. 3 139. 6 103. 0 126. 5 113. 0 68. 9 63. 1 62. 3 86. 7 108. 7 119. 9 138. 7 119. 7 122. 8 130. 2 104. 3 74. 6 R e in fo rc e d s te e l w o rk e rs 83. 7 67. 8 8 5 .6 91. 8 107. 9 111. 9 112. 8 132. 2 105. 2 123. 1 91. 3 86. 7 T a b le A - 11. A g g re g a te m o n th ly h o u rs of w o rk r e p o rte d fo r w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in M ilw au kee a s a p e rc e n t of th e an n u a l m o n th ly a v e ra g e of a g g re g a te h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d . s zzo C e m e n t P la s O p e ra tin g T e r ra z z o T se kr ra A sp h a lt L a b o re rs tPe la Y ear r e r s ' Blaryice krs L a th e rs fin M onth is h e r s te r e r s e n g in e e rs m e c h a n ic s h e lpillee rsd p a v e rs la b o r e r s 65. 0 80. 2 86. 3 1966 12. 2 9 7 .7 100. 7 73. 0 9 1 .6 J a n u a r y --------------- ---------------------------- — _ 93. 3 59. 2 1 0 .4 93. 5 92. 5 66. 9 90. 2 63. 7 86. 3 64. 9 F e b r u a r y _______________ ______ ______— 1966 105. 9 91. 2 126. 1 M a r c h ________ ________________________________ 1966 14. 9 80. 2 75. 0 106. 3 74. 0 114. 3 115. 4 100. 5 119. 8 106. 6 1966 56. 0 109.6 111. 7 110. 2 90. 8 A p ril -------------------- ------------------- ----87. 1 106. 1 99. 2 91. 8 1966 86. 0 100. 1 1 16.6 9 6 .6 97. 5 93. 7 96. 8 85. 2 100. 1 M ay _ __ _ ----- _ - _ ----- ------ 9 3 .9 9 9 .2 40 . 3 105. 8 106. 9 1966 14 2.2 105. 5 108. 2 107. 9 99. 5 J u n e ________________________________________ 110. 9 86. 8 109. 3 1966 96. 3 65. 8 100. 0 130. 7 9 5 .6 95. 8 117. 9 121. 0 J u ly ..................................................... ............... 1 1 6.4 112. 8 116. 0 1966 1 0 4 .4 118. 0 187. 0 129. 8 117. 8 9 1 .7 A u g u st ____________ __________________ 9 5 .9 124. 5 100. 3 128. 7 96. 0 1 1 3 .4 1966 167. 4 1 1 6 .4 1 1 5 .4 S e p te m b e r-------------------- __ --------------9 8 .9 109. 5 124. 5 96. 1 141. 7 9 8 .4 134. 0 8 7 .4 1966 2 1 7 .4 95. 9 123. 5 O c to b e r _______ __ ________ ____ 79. 1 90. 3 123. 7 108. 1 1966 90. 4 97. 7 85. 5 114. 3 85. 5 71. 3 83. 9 N o v e m b e r--------------------------------------------------102. 0 8 6 .4 93. 8 85. 5 1 3 5 .4 1965 38. 2 107. 2 126. 5 D e c e m b e r--------------------------------------------------109. 7 113. 7 T a b le A - 12. A g g re g a te m o n th ly h o u rs o f w o rk re p o rte d fo r w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in so u th e rn C a lifo rn ia a s a p e rc e n t of th e a n n u a l m o n th ly a v e ra g e of a g g re g a te h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d Month Carpenters 1 Operating engineers 2 Ironworkers 2 Cement m asons 1 T eam sters 1 January __ ____ _____ _____ __ _ February __ __ ____ ____ ___ _ ___ M arch ____ ___ ___ _________ __ ____ April — _ _____________ __ ___ ____ __ May ---------------------------------------------------.Timfi Ju ly ............................................................................. August __ _ ___ __ ____ ________ __ _ Septem ber ___ ___ _______ October __ __ __ _____ _ __ N ovem ber____ _ ____ __ _ _ ________ D ecem b er------------------------------------------------ 99.6 97. 1 98. 6 120. 1 106. 2 103. 9 106. 1 102. 2 106. 5 93. 0 85. 8 80. 7 91.7 86. 7 89. 3 9 7.4 79. 0 114. 8 106. 2 111.7 116.4 108.4 106. 2 92. 2 94. 2 90. 2 85. 7 100. 6 82. 3 106. 7 106. 8 108.6 110.4 108. 7 105.7 100. 0 95. 1 96. 5 119. 2 107. 9 103. 8 107. 2 101. 5 106. 5 95.2 94. 2 84. 2 88.6 93. 3 9 9.4 97. 5 125. 4 101. 0 96.6 106. 2 96.9 103. 5 98. 6 97. 3 8 4.4 C a le n d a r y e a r 1966. F is c a l y e a r ru n n in g fro m Ju n e 1966 to M ay 1967, 78 T a b le A - 13. N u m b e r of w o rk e rs in c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in O m ah a bym o n th as a p e rc e n t of an n u a l m o n th ly e m p lo y m e n t M onth Y ear P e rc e n t J a n u a r y ___ _ F e b r u a r y ___ ___ M a rc h ---------------------------A p r i l --------------------------------------------- __ ____ M a y ------------------------------------------------------------J u n e -------------------------------- ------- ---------------J u ly ------------------------------------------------------------A u g u st __ ____ S eptem b e r _ O c to b e r______ N o v e m b e r_____ D e c e m b e r_____ 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 78. 7 77. 7 66. 3 91. 6 100. 3 117. 9 101. 0 130. 7 119. 6 107. 3 103. 5 105. 2 T a b le A - 14. N u m b e r of w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in D e tro it by m o n th a s a p e rc e n t of an n u a l a v e ra g e m o n th ly e m p lo y m e n t M onth Y ear J a n u a r y ____________________________________ F e b r u a r y ----- — ---------------------------------- M a rc h _______ _____________________________ A p ril________________________________________ M a y ------------------------- --------------------------------J u n e -----------------------------------------------------------J u ly _________________________________________ A u g u st ________ _____ ___________________ S e p te m b e r__________________________________ O c to b e r------------------------------------------------------N o v e m b e r__________________________________ D e c e m b e r- _ _ ______ ___ _________ 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1966 1966 C a rp e n te rs B ric k la y e rs 10 1.2 97. 7 83. 8 93. 0 9 7 .4 99. 2 108. 0 110. 6 100. 8 117. 4 95. 0 95. 9 85. 4 71. 7 87. 0 98. 1 108. 7 109. 1 102. 7 136. 0 116. 3 118. 5 90. 0 76. 9 O p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs 95. 4 90. 5 89. 6 97. 7 98. 9 99. 0 116. 4 104. 9 104. 4 120. 6 92. 5 90. 2 L a b o re rs 91. 0 85. 3 87. 1 96. 8 98. 0 105. 4 114. 0 118. 0 111. 5 116. 7 90. 4 86. 0 C em ent m a so n s Re info re e d s te e l w o rk e rs 73. 2 61. 7 64. 4 85. 3 85. 3 131. 0 1 3 5 .4 114. 2 133. 7 131. 4 101. 1 83. 2 80. 1 65. 2 8 0 .4 88. 9 110. 0 111. 7 109. 0 125. 5 103. 0 133. 9 103. 1 89. 5 T a b le A - 15. N u m b e r of w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in M ilw au kee by m o n th a s a p e rc e n t of a n n u a l a v e ra g e m o n th ly e m p lo y m e n t s ra z z o A sp h a lt L a b o re rs teP la C e m e n t P la s O p e ra tin g T e r ra z z o Tsekrille M onth Y ear r e r s ' B r ic k L a th e rs fin p a v e rs is h e r s te r e r s e n g in e e rs m e c h a n ic s h e lp e rsd la b o re rs la y e rs 1966 9 7 .2 J a n u a r y ------------------------------------------------------1 6.6 77. 6 87. 3 87. 3 5 9 .7 116. 3 77. 8 8 5 .4 91. 9 F e b r u a r y ___________________________________ 1966 14. 7 72. 0 9 5 .4 100. 9 96. 8 68. 4 86. 7 114. 6 75. 9 127. 8 1966 14. 7 7 8 .4 M a rc h ______________________________________ 107. 3 98. 7 120. 6 70. 2 84. 3 75. 0 127. 8 9 2 .7 Ap r i 1-____________________________ _______ 1966 94. 8 87. 2 50. 0 92. 6 86. 7 85. 1 72. 2 107. 3 99. 1 99. 2 M ay _____________________ _________________ 1966 104. 5 106. 9 100. 0 108. 5 103. 2 9 1 .8 1 1 1.4 96. 5 116. 7 119. 5 J u n e ________________________________________ 1966 126. 5 105. 1 95. 4 96. 0 104. 3 68. 9 95. 7 86. 7 97. 6 88. 9 1966 1 51.0 110. 3 113. 8 85. 8 96. 8 J u ly _________________________________________ 98. 2 83. 3 87. 8 89. 8 1 11.9 1966 200. 0 117. 7 A u g u s t______________ _____________________ 113. 1 113. 1 111. 1 117. 1 99. 1 109. 3 103. 6 109. 2 S e p te m b e r--------------------------------------------------1966 1 81.4 123. 3 105. 7 94. 4 9 1 .6 118. 3 107. 8 133. 3 92. 7 89. 0 1966 197. 1 106. 3 101. 4 96. 0 O c to b e r ------------ --------------------- -----------144. 8 112. 0 111. 9 113. 0 72. 2 78. 0 1966 N o v e m b e r--------------------------------------------------9 1 .2 110. 2 94. 5 136. 4 102. 4 175. 3 134. 9 120. 0 9 7 .6 111. 1 1965 9 7 .2 D e c e m b e r- ---------------------------- ------- -----51. 0 101. 6 98. 0 96. 8 97. 0 1 0 7.4 83. 5 100. 0 107. 3 T ab le A - 16. N u m b e r of w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in so u th e rn C a lifo rn ia by m o n th a s a p e rc e n t of an n u a l a v e ra g e m o n th ly e m p lo y m e n t M onth C a rp e n te rs 1 O p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs 2 F e b r u a ry ____________________ ___________ M a rc h - -----------------------------------------------------A p ril------------ --------------------------------------------M ay ------------------------------------ --------------------J une __________ _______ — ____________ Ju ly ----------------------------------------------------------A u g u st - _______ ___ _ _ _______________ S e p te m b e r__________________________________ O c to b e r ------- ------ ---------------- ------N o v e m b e r ----------- ----- --------------------------D e c e m b e r __ _____ __ __________________ 100. 8 98. 7 104. 8 117. 2 102. 9 111. 0 103. 2 103. 6 10 1.6 92. 2 82. 9 81. 0 95. 7 91. 9 92. 9 9 1 .4 89. 4 110. 2 105.7 114. 7 108. 3 105. 1 99. 1 96. 3 Iro n w o rk e rs 2 96. 5 91. 4 89. 6 9 5 .9 86. 5 102. 7 1 0 5.4 107. 6 109. 5 111. 3 101. 6 102. 0 C em ent m a so n s 1 T e a m s te rs 1 89. 4 95. 5 9 5 .7 108. 6 103. 0 112. 0 106. 0 99. 0 104. 5 108. 3 91. 4 86. 5 1 0 1.4 102. 1 108. 9 116. 9 96. 5 103. 3 99. 3 94. 6 94. 8 96. 8 94. 8 90. 8 1 C a le n d a r y e a r 1966. 2 F is c a l y e a r ru n n in g fro m Ju n e 1966 to M ay 1967. 79 T ab le A - 17. A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk fo r w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in O m ah a by s e le c te d h o u rs in te r v a l fo r the 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , J u ly 1966—Ju n e 1967 S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs A ll w o rk e rs B r ic k la y e rs C a rp e n te r s C em ent fin is h e r s A ll e m p lo y e e s---------------------------------E m p lo y e e s w ho did no t have h o u rs r e p o rte d in J a n u a r y ------------------------------E m p lo y e e s who h ad h o u rs re p o rte d in J a n u a r y _______________________________ 951 1,0 4 2 1, 162 1 ,0 2 4 743 1, 323 834 805 1, 356 983 1, 455 1, 525 1 ,4 8 0 1, 426 1, 362 1 ,2 8 8 1, 199 1, 080 1,471 1 ,432 1 ,3 9 6 1,332 1 ,288 1, 262 1, 130 251 223 193 161 127 91 48 646 546 449 349 248 145 E m p lo y e e s e x clu d ed w ith le s s th an — 700 h o u rs ______________________________ 600 h o u rs ______________________________ 5 0 0 h o u rs ______________________________ 400 h o u rs ______________________________ 300 h o u rs ______________________________ 200 h o u rs ______________________________ 100 h o u rs ______________________________ E m p lo y e e s w ith le s s th a n — 700 h o u rs ______________________________ 600 h o u rs — -------------------------------------500 h o u rs ______________________________ 400 h o u rs ______________________________ 300 h o u rs 200 h o u rs ______________________________ 100 h o u rs ______________________________ E m p lo y e e s w ith b e tw e e n — 6 00 and 700 h o u r s _____________________ 500 an d 600 h o u r s -------------------------------400 and 500 h o u r s _____________________ 300 and 400 h o u rs -----------------------------200 and 300 h o u rs -----------------------------100 and 200 h o u rs _____________________ Iro n w o rk e rs L a b o re rs L a th e rs 1, 010 626 1, 130 447 1,291 753 1 ,442 1 ,067 1, 530 1 ,4 8 8 1 ,4 4 8 1 ,4 0 4 1 ,3 6 2 1, 308 1 ,2 4 0 1 ,4 7 4 1 ,4 4 4 1 ,4 0 3 1, 375 1, 317 1 ,2 3 0 1, 122 1 ,5 9 0 1 ,5 7 2 1 ,536 1,471 1, 379 1, 308 1, 186 275 236 208 159 126 99 53 301 257 216 172 136 96 54 248 219 186 166 138 96 46 663 538 444 355 247 140 642 551 453 353 249 146 655 551 451 332 253 147 O p e ra tin g P l a s t e r e r s T e a m s te rs e n g in e e rs 987 1 ,0 3 2 728 1, 158 776 1, 029 1, 315 851 1 ,5 6 6 1, 529 1,467 1, 390 1 ,289 1, 193 1, 065 946 796 1 ,7 7 2 1 ,7 1 5 1 ,7 1 5 1 ,5 7 3 1 ,5 2 0 1 ,416 1, 304 1 ,525 1 ,482 1 ,4 2 0 1, 362 1, 297 1, 370 1,0 6 9 1 ,7 5 6 1,661 1,631 1, 599 1, 481 1, 370 1, 155 1 ,7 7 8 1,7 7 8 1 ,7 3 8 1 ,5 5 0 1,3 9 9 1 ,2 4 8 1, 049 209 198 181 150 111 84 46 227 205 178 152 117 84 46 249 216 216 156 133 107 67 271 244 213 179 151 106 53 237 194 181 171 143 104 50 155 155 146 117 90 64 39 633 531 443 349 247 151 646 549 446 350 250 144 663 646 541 451 341 247 147 626 534 431 361 264 141 578 422 345 243 131 _ 459 357 226 18 416 - T ab le A - 18. A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk fo r w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in D e tro it b y s e le c te d h o u rs in te r v a l fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , N o v e m b e r 1966—O c to b e r 1967 S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs A ll e m p lo y e e s______________________ E m p lo y e e s w ho d id n o t h av e h o u rs r e p o rte d in J a n u a r y -----------------------------E m p lo y e e s w ho h ad h o u rs re p o rte d in J a n u a r y ------ ------------------------------------E m p lo y e e s ex clu d ed w ith le s s th an — 700 h o u rs ___ __________________ ____ 600 h o u r s ______ ________________ ____ 500 h o u rs __________________________ — 400 h o u r s _______ _________ __________ 300 h o u r s ________ _ ______ ________ _ 200 h o u rs ______________________________ 100 h o u rs ------- ----------------------- -----E m p lo y e e s w ith le s s th a n — 700 h o u rs _ ___ _______________ -__ 600 h o u r s ______ ____________________ 500 h o u rs - ________________ ______ 400 h o u rs ____________________________ 300 h o u r s ______ _____________ _ _ 200 h o u rs ______________ _____________ 100 h o u r s _________________________ ___ E m p lo y e e s 600 and 500 an d 400 an d 300 and 200 and 100 and w ith b e tw e e n — 700 h o u r s _____________________ 600 h o u rs _____________________ 500 h o u rs _____________________ 400 h o u r s _____________________ 300 h o u rs _____________________ 200 h o u r s _____________________ 80 C a rp e n te rs B r ic k la y e rs O p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs L a b o re rs 1, 015 934 1 ,2 6 0 765 777 888 768 1, 342 734 1, 245 1 ,0 0 3 1,6 2 6 527 1, 255 567 1 ,2 0 3 613 1, 316 1, 542 1 ,5 1 0 1 ,4 7 2 1 ,429 1, 376 1, 309 1, 183 1 ,4 7 0 1,4 3 6 1 ,3 9 5 1, 347 1 ,2 9 2 1 ,2 1 6 1, 083 1 ,7 5 4 1, 707 1 ,6 6 7 1 ,6 2 0 1, 558 1 ,4 8 6 1 ,3 8 3 1, 540 1, 479 1 ,4 1 3 1, 335 1 ,236 1, 126 973 1 ,5 1 0 1 ,4 6 9 1 ,4 1 3 1 ,3 6 3 1 ,2 8 3 1, 205 1, 063 1 ,5 2 4 1 ,4 7 8 1 ,4 3 5 1, 385 1, 324 1 ,2 3 7 1, 144 210 184 157 131 104 78 36 223 196 169 142 116 89 43 256 218 188 158 121 86 36 210 186 162 137 108 78 41 171 150 126 107 80 60 30 190 160 135 111 85 65 36 647 550 448 348 244 144 651 552 451 342 244 150 646 549 449 351 246 151 649 547 448 348 245 147 648 550 441 351 243 144 653 545 448 346 248 146 C em ent m a so n s R e in fo rc e d s te e l w o rk e rs T ab le A - 19. A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk fo r w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in M ilw au kee by s e le c te d h o u rs in te r v a l fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , D e c e m b e r 1965—N o v e m b e r 1966 T e r ra z z o O p e ra tin g P la s C em ent A sp h a lt P la s s k ille d L a th e rs mTeecrhraa nz zicos S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs e n g in e e rs L a b o re rs p a v e rs te r e r s lat eb roerer srs M aso n s fin is h e r s h e lp e rs A ll e m p lo y e e s --------------------------------E m p lo y e e s who d id n o t h ave h o u rs re p o rte d —________________________________ E m p lo y e e s who h ad h o u rs re p o rte d in J a n u a r y ________________________________ E m p lo y e e s ex clu d ed w ith le s s th an — 700 h o u rs -_________________________-_____ 600 h o u rs -_____________________________ 500 h o u rs -_-_________ ______________ 400 h o u r s ___ _______________________ 300 h o u r s ________________ ___ 200 h o u rs _________________________________ 100 h o u rs _____________________________ E m p lo y e e s w ith le s s th an — 700 h o u rs __________________-_____________ 600 h o u rs ________ — __-_______ 500 h o u rs _______________________________ 400 h o u rs _______________________________ 300 h o u rs _______________________________ 200 h o u rs _____________________________ 100 h o u rs _______________________________ E m p lo y e e s w ith b e tw een — 600 and 700 h o u rs ______________________ 500 and 600 h o u rs ______________________ 400 and 500 h o u r s --------------------------------300 and 400 h o u rs ______________________ 200 and 300 h o u rs ______________________ 100 and 200 h o u rs ______________________ 626 1 ,0 5 5 919 1, 031 880 1 ,0 4 4 1, 105 1 ,0 6 3 932 590 482 889 832 1,5 2 6 761 1 ,477 858 1,346 704 1,2 3 6 978 1,461 1 ,0 0 7 1, 827 1, 014 1 ,4 4 4 862 1, 186 479 1, 015 1, 040 1, 005 961 944 914 874 778 1,611 1, 594 1,5 6 7 1, 382 1, 353 1 ,274 1, 187 1 ,6 6 2 1 ,6 2 4 1 ,5 6 2 1 ,457 . 1,371 1,273 1, 064 1, 486 1,4 6 2 1,427 1, 346 1, 311 1,266 1, 154 1 ,4 5 0 1 ,4 1 4 1, 387 1 ,2 9 5 1 ,2 6 8 1,206 1,057 1,6 3 7 1, 599 1 ,5 7 8 1 ,469 1,431 1, 356 1 ,228 1, 780 1 ,7 8 0 1 ,7 8 0 1, 543 1 ,4 7 8 1, 350 1, 148 1 ,5 5 0 1 ,506 1 ,4 6 2 1 ,417 1, 370 1,370 1, 149 1 ,4 7 4 1 ,4 3 0 1, 377 1, 317 1 ,2 4 7 1, 175 1, 064 1 ,416 1,3 4 6 1 ,279 1, 165 1, 068 957 799 224 180 130 112 86 63 26 256 246 233 137 119 83 40 220 205 183 148 122 95 39 242 221 195 136 112 89 44 208 181 165 114 100 78 31 213 186 175 121 103 76 39 62 62 62 44 37 32 20 237 197 160 127 99 99 30 249 218 185 150 144 81 32 202 180 161 129 103 76 40 647 539 456 371 254 136 644 562 441 345 233 156 628 543 439 344 252 145 633 546 445 348 244 146 656 553 445 366 246 148 658 546 436 339 243 139 440 360 200 139 648 556 440 332 _ 160 650 554 447 343 245 147 650 545 447 349 245 146 - T a b le A -2 0 . A v e ra g e n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk of w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in s o u th e rn C a lifo rn ia fo r 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs A ll e m p lo y e e s --------------------------------E m p lo y e e s e x clu d ed w ith le s s th an — 700 h o u rs _______________________________ 600 h o u rs _______________________________ 500 h o u rs _______________________________ 400 h o u rs _______________________________ 300 h o u rs _________________________ ____ 200 h o u rs _ _____ -_____________________ 100 h o u rs _______________________________ E m p lo y e e s w ith le s s th a n — 700 h o u rs ----------------------------------- --------600 h o u rs ____________ ____——_______ ___ 500 h o u rs _______________________________ 400 h o u rs _____________________________ — 300 h o u rs 200 h o u rs __ _________________________ 100 h o u rs ---------------------------------------------E m p lo y e e s w ith b e tw e e n — 600 and 700 h o u rs -------------------------------500 and 600 h o u rs --------------------------------400 and 500 h o u rs _____________________ 300 and 400 h o u r s _____ _______________ 200 and 300 h o u rs _____________________ 100 and 200 h o u r s ----------------------- ------ C a rp e n te rs 1 O p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs 2 C em ent m a so n s 1 Iro n w o rk e rs 2 T e a m s te rs 1 864 1 ,284 932 1 ,0 4 4 961 1 ,4 3 0 1, 382 1, 332 1, 278 1 ,209 1, 333 1, 021 1 ,633 1,596 1, 558 1 ,520 1 ,4 8 1 1,436 1, 367 1, 503 1 ,458 1, 416 1, 371 1, 316 1,256 1, 174 1, 572 1, 539 1,507 1 ,4 6 4 1 ,4 2 0 1, 362 1 ,262 1 ,647 1, 598 1 ,5 0 8 1 ,4 1 4 1 ,3 3 0 1 ,249 1, 103 237 204 174 145 112 81 42 291 246 203 161 125 91 44 200 166 136 109 80 56 30 194 165 141 113 90 67 37 255 233 196 155 120 92 41 649 549 450 345 247 147 650 548 451 346 246 149 648 548 450 351 246 146 650 549 447 349 244 145 648 543 452 349 244 153 1 C a le n d a r y e a r 1966. 2 F is c a l y e a r ru n n in g fro m Ju n e 1966 to M ay 1967. 81 T a b le A -2 1 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in O m ah a by s e le c te d h o u rs in te r v a l fo r the 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , J u ly 1966—J u ly 1967 A ll B r ic k C a rp e n C em ent g Iro n P la s S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs L a th e rs Oe npgeinraetin T e a m s te rs w o rk e rs la y e rs te r s fin is h e r s w o rk e rs L a b o re rs e rs te re rs A ll g ro u p s ----------------------------100. 0 1 0 0 .0 100. 0 1 0 0 .0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1 0 0.0 1 0 0 .0 100. 0 M o re th a n 700 h o u r s ----------------------- 5 5 .0 L ess L ess L ess L ess L ess L ess L ess ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 .0 42. 1 38. 5 34. 2 2 9 .0 2 2 .4 12. 5 64. 2 35. 8 32. 6 29. 8 24. 7 2 1 .2 17. 2 8. 1 B e tw een 600 and 700 h o u r s -----------B etw een 500 and 600 h o u r s -----------B etw een 400 and 500 h o u r s -----------B e tw een 300 and 400 h o u r s -----------B etw een 200 and 300 h o u r s -----------B etw een 100 and 200 h o u r s -----------W ith h o u rs in J a n u a r y ------------------- 3 .0 3. 5 4. 3 5. 2 6. 6 9. 8 3 5 .9 3. 3 2. 8 5. 1 3. 5 4 .0 9. 1 4 0 .0 th a n th an th an th a n th an th a n th a n 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs 7 0 .0 63. 3 5 8 .0 32. 2 57. 8 57. 1 5 2 .4 3 5 .4 3 0 .0 26. 5 23. 2 1 9 .7 16. 3 12. 1 6. 6 3 6 .7 34. 3 31. 1 2 9 .0 24. 8 18. 2 9. 1 2. 4 3. 1 2. 1 4. 2 6 .6 9. 1 45. 1 42. 0 40. 9 3 8 .9 34. 9 29. 1 2 4 .4 15. 5 6 7 .8 64. 5 5 9 .7 54. 5 46. 3 37. 2 22. 7 42. 2 39. 1 39. 1 3 1 .3 28. 1 2 1 .9 14. 1 4 2 .9 40. 0 36. 1 3 1 .7 2 7 .0 18. 4 8 .0 64. 6 64. 6 6 3 .4 57. 3 5 1 .2 43. 9 3 1 .7 1. 1 2 .0 4 .0 4 .8 4. 7 8 .9 37. 3 3. 3 4 .8 5. 2 8 .2 9. 1 1 4 .4 3. 1 7 .8 3. 1 6. 3 7. 8 2 .9 3. 8 4. 5 4 .7 8. 6 10. 4 2 8 .9 2 1 .9 39. 2 47. 6 4 2 .9 41. 3 39. 7 33. 3 2 7 .0 11. 1 4 .8 1 .6 1 .6 6. 3 6. 3 1 5 .9 2 5 .4 3 .5 3. 3 3. 6 3. 3 4. 3 5. 5 3 7 .9 - _ 1. 2 6. 1 6. 1 7. 3 12. 2 2 8 .0 N O TE: B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u al to ta ls . T a b le A -2 2 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of w o rk e rs in se le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in D e tr o it by s e le c te d h o u rs in te r v a l fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , N o v e m b e r 1966—O c to b e r 1967 C a rp e n te rs B r ic k la y e rs A ll g ro u p s -------------------------------------------------- 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 O p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs 1 0 0 .0 M o re th a n 700 h o u r s ------------------------------------------- 60. 5 3 9 .5 37. 3 34. 8 3 1 .9 2 8 .4 2 3 .9 14. 6 5 7 .0 4 3 .0 40. 5 37. 6 34. 2 30. 4 2 5 .0 14. 3 67. 0 3 3 .0 3 0 .0 27. 5 24. 6 20. 7 16. 1 9 .2 4 1 .7 58. 3 55. 3 5 1 .8 47. 6 4 1 .8 34. 5 2 2 .4 2. 2 2. 6 2. 8 3. 5 4. 5 9. 3 4 3 .0 2. 5 2 .9 3. 4 3. 8 5 .4 10. 7 2 .9 2. 5 2 .9 3 .9 4. 6 7. 0 58. 7 3 .0 3 .4 4. 2 5. 8 7. 3 12. 1 45. 3 54. 7 52. 5 49. 4 46. 7 42. 1 37. 4 27. 7 2. 2 3. 1 2. 8 4. 6 4. 7 9 .7 67. 3 67. 1 S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs L ess L ess L ess L ess L ess L ess L ess th a n th a n th a n th a n th a n th a n th a n B e tw een B e tw een B etw een B etw een B etw een B etw een 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 600 500 400 300 200 100 h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs and and and and and and 700 600 500 400 300 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------h o u r s --------------------------------h o u r s --------------------------------h o u r s --------------------------------h o u r s --------------------------------h o u r s --------------------------------h o u r s --------------------------------- W ith h o u rs in J a n u a r y ----------------------------------------- 39. 1 L a b o re rs 1 0 0 .0 C em ent m a so n s 100. 0 R e in fo rc e d s te e l w o rk e rs 1 0 0 .0 52. 3 47. 7 44. 8 42. 1 39. 0 35. 2 3 1 .3 23. 1 2 .9 2. 7 3 .0 3. 8 3. 8 8. 2 6 0 .9 N O TE: B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u a l to ta ls . T a b le A -2 3 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in M ilw au kee by s e le c te d h o u rs in te r v a l fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , D e c e m b e r 1965—N o v e m b e r 1966 P la s T e r ra z z o O p e ra tin g P la s C em ent A sp h a lt M aso n s L a th e r s mT ee cr hraaznzico s sk ille d te r e r s 1 L a b o re rs S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs te r e r s fin is h e r s p av ers la b o re rs h e lp e rs e n g in e e rs 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 100. 0 100. 0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0 A ll g ro u p s ------------------------------M o re th a n 700 h o u r s ----------------------- 49. 3 6 3 .4 54. 1 58. 3 5 6 .0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50. 7 45. 8 40 . 3 38. 2 34. 7 30. 6 20. 1 5 8 .9 4 1 .1 4 0 .0 3 8 .4 26. 3 24. 2 1 8 .4 11. 6 48. 5 L ess L ess L ess L ess L ess L ess L ess 5 1 .5 49. 7 4 6 .6 4 1 .1 36. 2 30. 1 14. 1 4 4 .0 4 4 .0 4 4 .0 3 2 .0 2 8 .0 2 0 .0 4. 0 4 .9 5. 6 2. 1 3. 5 4. 2 1 0 .4 3 5 .4 1 .1 1 .6 12. 1 2. 1 5. 8 6 .8 32. 1 1 .8 3. 1 5 .5 4 .9 6 .1 1 6 .0 22. 1 4 5 .9 43. 3 4 1 .5 35. 1 33. 2 2 8 .9 17. 3 2. 6 1 .8 6 .4 1 .9 4. 3 1 1 .7 33. 1 4 1 .7 39. 3 38. 1 3 1 .5 2 9 .2 2 4 .4 15. 5 B e tw een 600 an d 700 h o u r s -----------B e tw een 500 and 600 h o u r s -----------B e tw een 400 and 500 h o u r s -----------B e tw een 300 an d 400 h o u r s -----------B e tw een 200 and 300 h o u r s -----------B e tw een 100 and 200 h o u r s -----------W ith h o u rs in J a n u a r y -------------------- 3 6 .6 3 4 .8 32. 2 2 6 .0 2 3 .4 2 0 .0 1 1 .1 1 .8 2. 6 6. 1 2 .7 3 .4 8 .9 3 5 .4 th a n th a n th a n th a n th a n th a n th a n 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs h o u rs N O T E : B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u a l to ta ls . 82 2 .4 1. 2 6. 5 2. 4 4 .8 8 .9 13. 7 _ - 1 2 .0 4 .0 8 .0 1 6 .0 1 2 .0 6 2 .9 37. 1 3 3 .9 30. 6 2 7 .4 24. 2 24. 2 11. 3 3. 2 3. 2 3. 2 3. 2 - 1 2 .9 1 1 .3 5 5 .7 44. 3 41. 1 3 7 .4 33. 0 27. 8 22. 2 12. 8 3. 2 3. 7 4 .4 5. 2 5. 6 9 .4 2 1 .5 3 1 .9 68. 1 64. 8 6 1 .6 5 5 .5 49. 5 4 1 .6 27. 6 3. 2 3. 2 6. 1 6 .0 7 .9 14. 1 20. 7 T a b le A -2 4 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s fo r a 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d O p e ra tin g C a rp e n te rs 1 S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs e n g in e e rs 2 1 0 0 .0 100. 0 A ll g ro u p s ---------------:-----------------------52. 6 M o re th an 700 h o u r s --------------------------------L e s s th a n 700 h o u rs --------------------------------L e ss th a n 600 h o u rs --------------------------------L e s s th a n 500 h o u rs --------------------------------L e s s th an 400 h o u rs --------------------------------L e s s th a n 300 h o u rs --------------------------------L e s s th a n 200 h o u rs --------------------------------L e s s th a n 100 h o u rs --------------------------------B etw een 600 and 700 h o u r s ----------------------B etw een 500 and 600 h o u r s ----------------------B etw een 400 and 500 h o u r s ----------------------B etw een 300 and 400 h o u r s ----------------------B etw een 200 and 300 h o u r s ----------------------B etw een 100 and 200 h o u r s ----------------------- in so u th e rn C a lifo rn ia by s e le c te d h o u rs in te r v a l C em ent m a so n s 1 100. 0 Iro n w o rk e rs 2 1 0 0 .0 56. 2 43. 8 40. 7 37. 8 34. 8 31. 1 27. 0 21. 1 3. 1 2 .9 3. 0 3. 7 4. 1 5 .9 6 1 .7 38. 3 36. 1 33. 9 31. 1 28. 3 24. 6 17. 8 2. 3 2. 2 2. 8 2. 8 3. 7 6. 8 74. 0 26. 0 23. 1 20. 2 17. 4 14. 5 11. 3 6. 3 47. 4 44. 0 40. 4 36. 5 3 1 .5 25. 5 16. 0 3 .4 3. 6 3 .9 5 .0 5 .9 9 .5 2 .9 2. 9 2 .9 2 .9 3. 2 5. 0 T e a m s te rs 1 100. 0 50. 7 49. 3 46. 7 4 1 .7 36. 0 30. 5 24. 9 13. 4 2. 6 5. 0 5. 7 5. 5 5. 6 1 1 .5 1 C a le n d a r y e a r 1966. 2 F is c a l y e a r ru n n in g fro m Ju n e 1966 to M ay 1967. N O TE: B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u a l to ta ls . T a b le A -2 5 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of to ta l h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d by w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in O m ah a fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , J u ly 1966—1967 C o n s tr u c B r ic k P la s g C a rp e n I ro n C em ent T e a m s te rs L a th e rs Oe npgeinraetin S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs tio n te r e r s te r s w o rk e rs L a b o re rs e rs la y e rs fin is h e r s w o rk e rs 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1 0 0.0 1 0 0 .0 100. 0 100. 0 A ll e m p lo y e e s ----------------------E m p lo y e e s w ith h o u rs in J a n u a r y -----------------------------------------E m p lo y e e s w ith o u t h o u rs in J a n u a r y -----------------------------------------E m p lo y e e s w ith — M o re th a n 700 h o u r s ----------------L e s s th an 700 h o u rs ----------------M o re th a n 600 h o u r s ----------------L e s s th a n 600 h o u rs ----------------M o re th an 500 h o u r s ----------------L e s s th a n 500 h o u rs ----------------M o re th a n 400 h o u r s ----------------L e s s th a n 400 h o u rs ----------------M o re th a n 300 h o u r s ----------------L e s s th a n 300 h o u rs — -------------M o re th a n 200 h o u r s ----------------L e s s th a n 200 h o u rs ----------------M o re th a n 100 h o u r s ----------------L e s s th a n 100 h o u rs ----------------- 4 9 .9 50. 1 88. 1 1 1 .9 90. 2 9 .8 9 2 .2 7. 8 94. 2 5. 8 96. 1 3 .9 9 7 .9 2. 1 99. 4 .6 52. 0 47. 5 52. 5 92. 2 7. 8 94. 1 5 .9 95. 7 4. 3 97. 1 2 .9 98. 1 1 .9 9 9 .0 1 .0 9 9 .7 .3 4 8 .0 90. 6 9 .4 92. 6 7. 4 94. 1 5 .9 96. 2 3. 8 97. 4 2. 6 98. 4 1. 6 99. 6 .4 57. 0 43. 0 53. 2 46. 8 91. 1 8 .9 9 2 .7 7. 3 94. 4 6. 5 95. 3 4. 7 96. 6 3. 4 98. 3 1 .7 99. 6 .4 91. 3 8. 7 9 2 .0 8 .0 93. 0 7 .0 94. 8 5. 2 96. 8 3. 2 98. 0 2 .0 99. 3 .7 49. 2 50. 8 75. 4 24. 6 78. 8 21. 2 83. 1 1 6 .9 86. 8 13. 2 9 1 .4 8. 6 95. 0 5 .0 98. 3 1 .7 1 9 .9 80. 1 90. 7 9. 3 92. 5 7. 5 92. 5 7. 5 9 5 .7 4. 3 96. 7 3. 3 9 7 .9 2. 1 99. 2 .8 52. 2 47. 8 88. 2 1 1 .8 90. 1 9 .9 92. 2 7. 8 94. 3 5. 7 9 5 .9 4. 1 9 8 .0 2 .0 9 9 .6 .4 38. 5 61. 5 58. 9 41. 1 89. 1 10. 9 9 2 .0 8 .0 92. 8 7. 2 93. 4 6. 6 9 5 .7 4. 3 97. 3 2. 7 9 9 .5 .5 86. 3 13. 7 86. 3 13. 7 87. 3 1 2 .7 90. 8 9. 2 9 3 .7 6. 3 96. 1 3 .9 98. 3 1 .7 N O TE: B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u al to ta ls . T a b le A -2 6 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of to ta l h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d by w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in D e tr o it fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , N o v e m b e r 1966—O c to b e r 1967 O p e ra tin g L a b o re rs C e m e n t m a so n s s teR ee linwfoorcrkeedrs C a rp e n te rs B r ic k la y e rs S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs e n g in e e rs 100. 0 1 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 A ll e m p lo y e e s --------------------------- -------------1 0 0 .0 100. 0 100. 0 E m p lo y e e s w ith h o u rs in J a n u a r y -------------------E m p lo y e e s w ith o u t h o u rs in J a n u a r y ---------------E m p lo y e e s w ith — M o re th a n 700 h o u r s -------------------------------------L e s s th a n 700 h o u rs -------------------------------------M o re th a n 600 h o u r s -------------------------------------L e s s th a n 600 h o u rs -------------------------------------M o re th a n 500 h o u r s -------------------------------------L e s s th a n 500 h o u r s -------------------------------------M o re th a n 400 h o u r s -------------------------------------L e s s th a n 400 h o u rs -------------------------------------M o re th a n 300 h o u r s -------------------------------------L e s s th a n 300 h o u rs -------------------------------------M o re th a n 200 h o u r s -------------------------------------L e s s th a n 200 h o u rs -------------------------------------M o re th a n 100 h o u rs - — - ------ — --------L e s s th a n 100 h o u rs ------------------------------------ 56. 8 43. 2 9 1 .8 8. 2 93. 2 6. 8 94. 6 5 .4 9 5 .9 4. 1 97. 1 2 .9 98. 2 1 .8 9 9 .5 .5 52. 2 47. 8 89. 7 10. 3 9 1 .5 8. 5 93. 2 6. 8 94. 8 5. 2 96. 2 3. 8 9 7 .6 2 .4 99. 3 .7 53. 3 46. 7 93. 3 6. 7 94. 8 5. 2 9 5 .9 4. 1 9 6 .9 3. 1 98. 0 2 .0 9 8 .9 1. 1 9 9 .7 .3 53. 6 46. 4 8 4 .0 16. 0 86. 5 13. 5 8 9 .0 1 1 .0 91. 5 8. 5 94. 1 5 .9 9 6 .5 3. 5 98. 8 1. 2 4 9 .0 5 1 .0 5 8 .0 4 2 .0 8 8 .0 12. 0 89. 8 10. 2 92.0 8. 0 9 3 .6 6 .4 95. 7 4. 3 97. 1 2 .9 9 8 .9 1. 1 89. 8 10. 2 9 1 .9 8. 1 93. 6 6 .4 95. 1 4 .9 96. 6 3 .4 97. 7 2. 3 99. 1 .9 N O TE: B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u al to ta ls . 83 T ab le A -2 7 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of to ta l h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d by w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in M ilw au kee fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , D e c e m b e r 1965—N o v e m b e r 1966 P la s T e r ra z z o O p e ra tin g C em ent P la s A sp h a lt M aso n s L a th e rs mT eecr hraa znzicos te re rs ' S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs s k ille d p a v e rs te r e r s fin is h e r s e n g in e e rs L a b o re rs la b o re rs h e lp e rs 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 A ll e m p lo y e e s -----------------------100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 E m p lo y e e s w ith h o u rs in J a n u a r y -----------------------------------------E m p lo y e e s w ith o u t h o u rs in J a n u a r y -----------------------------------------E m p lo y e e s w ith — M o re th an 700 h o u r s ----------------L e s s th an 700 h o u rs -----------------M o re th a n 600 h o u r s -----------------Less* th a n 600 h o u rs ----------------M o re th a n 500 h o u r s ----------------L e s s th a n 500 h o u rs ----------------M o re th a n 400 h o u r s -----------------L e s s th a n 400 h o u rs ----------------M o re th an 300 h o u r s -----------------L e s s th a n 300 h o u rs ----------------M o re th an 200 h o u r s -----------------L e s s th an 200 h o u rs -----------------M o re th a n 100 h o u r s ----------------L e s s th an 100 h o u rs ----------------- 50. 3 46. 4 35. 5 46. 2 46. 5 49. 7 8 1 .8 18. 2 86. 9 13. 1 91. 6 8. 4 93. 2 6. 8 95. 2 4. 8 9 6 .9 3. 1 99. 2 .8 53. 6 64. 5 53. 8 53. 5 90. 0 10. 0 90. 7 9. 3 91. 5 8. 5 96. 6 3. 4 97. 3 2. 7 98. 5 1. 5 99. 6 .4 87. 7 12. 3 88. 9 11. 1 90. 7 9. 3 93. 4 6. 6 95. 2 4. 8 9 6 .9 3. 1 9 9 .4 .6 9 1 .4 8. 5 92. 5 7. 5 93. 9 6. 1 96. 6 3. 4 97. 5 2. 5 98. 3 1 .7 99. 5 .5 89. 1 10. 9 91. 2 8. 9 92. 2 7. 8 95. 4 4. 6 96. 2 3. 8 97. 4 2. 6 99. 4 .6 19. 2 80. 8 9 1 .5 8. 5 93. 0 7. 0 93. 6 6. 4 96. 3 3. 7 97. 1 2. 9 98. 2 1 .8 9 9 .4 .6 19. 8 80. 2 90. 2 9. 8 90. 2 9. 8 90. 2 9. 8 95. 0 5. 0 96. 3 3. 7 97. 7 2. 3 99. 7 .3 15. 3 27. 4 35. 6 84. 7 9 1 .7 8. 3 93. 7 6. 3 95. 4 4. 6 96. 7 3. 3 9 7 .7 2. 3 97. 7 2. 3 99. 7 .3 72. 6 64. 4 88. 2 1 1 .8 90. 4 9. 6 92. 6 7. 4 94. 7 5. 3 96. 6 3. 4 98. 1 1 .9 9 9 .6 .4 76. 7 23. 3 80. 2 19. 8 83. 2 16. 8 87. 8 12. 2 90. 5 8. 6 94. 6 5. 4 98. 1 1 .9 N O TE: B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u al to ta ls . T ab le A -2 8 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of to ta l h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d by w o rk e rs in s e le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in so u th e rn C a lifo rn ia fo r a 12 -m o n th p e rio d C a rp e n te rs 1 S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs O p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs 2 C em ent m a so n s 1 A ll e m p lo y e e s ---------------------------------- 1 0 0 .0 100. 0 100. 0 E m p lo y e e s w ith — M o re th a n 700 h o u r s ---------------------------L e s s th an 700 h o u rs ---------------------------M o re th a n 600 h o u r s ---------------------------L e s s th an 600 h o u rs ---------------------------M o re th a n 500 h o u r s ---------------------------L e s s th an 500 h o u rs ---------------------------M o re th a n 400 h o u r s ---------------------------L e s s th an 400 h o u rs ---------------------------M o re th a n 300 h o u r s ---------------------------L e s s th an 300 h o u rs ---------------------------M o re th a n 200 h o u r s ---------------------------L e s s th a n 200 h o u rs ---------------------------M o re th a n 100 h o u r s ---------------------------L e s s th a n 100 h o u rs ---------------------------- 87. 0 13. 0 89. 6 10. 4 9 1 .9 8. 1 93. 9 6. 1 9 5 .9 4. 2 97. 6 2. 4 99. 2 .8 94. 1 5 .9 95. 6 4. 4 96. 8 3. 2 97. 8 2. 2 98. 6 1 .4 99. 2 0. 8 99. 8 .2 90. 6. 9 .4 92. 8 7. 2 94. 5 5. 5 9 5 .9 4. 1 97. 3 2. 7 98. 4 1. 6 99. 3 .7 I ro n w o rk e rs 2 100. 0 T e a m s te rs 1 9 2 .9 7. 1 94. 3 5. 7 95. 4 4. 6 96. 6 3. 4 97. 6 2. 4 98. 4 1. 6 9 9 .4 .6 86. 9 13. 1 88. 7 11. 3 91. 5 8. 5 94. 2 5. 8 96. 2 3. 8 97. 6 2. 4 9 9 .4 .6 100. 0 1 C a le n d a r y e a r 1966. 2 F is c a l y e a r ru n n in g fro m Ju n e 1966 to M ay 1967. N O TE: D ue to ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u al to ta ls . T a b le A -2 9 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of w o rk e rs in se le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in O m ah a by n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , Ju ly 1966—Ju n e 1967 C ons tru e - B r ic k C a rp e n C em ent I ro n O p e ra tin g P la s tio n S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs L a th e rs T e a m s te rs fin is h e r s w o rk e rs L a b o re rs la y e rs te r s e n g in e e rs te re rs w o rk e rs 100 0 T o t a l ---100 0 100 0 100 0 100.0 100 0 100 0 100.0 1-199 h o u r s ---------------20 0-39 9 h o u r s -----------4 0 0-59 9 h o u r s -----------60 0-79 9 h o u r s -----------8 0 0-99 9 h o u r s -----------1 .0 0 0 - 1 ,1 9 9 h o u rs — 1 ,2 0 0 -1 ,3 9 9 h o u rs — 1 ,4 0 0 -1 ,5 9 9 h o u rs — 1 ,6 0 0 -1 ,7 9 9 h o u rs — 1 ,8 0 0 -1 ,9 9 9 h o u rs — 2 .0 0 0 2 ,1 9 9 h o u rs — 2 ,2 0 0 -2 ,3 9 9 h o u rs — 2 ,4 0 0 h o u rs o r m o re . . 2 2 .3 1 1 .9 7 .8 5 .9 5 .9 6.1 6. 5 7 .4 8 .1 9 .7 6 .5 1 .3 .5 1 7 .2 7 .4 7 .9 7 .0 5 .1 7. 2 1 0 .5 1 2 .3 1 3 .0 2 .1 .5 10.0 . 12. 1 7. 6 6. 8 7. 1 8. 2 6. 8 7. 7 8 .9 10. 1 14. 4 9 .0 !2 . 18. 2 10. 8 5. 2 6. 6 6. 3 9 .8 7. 3 80 10. 5 9. 1 7. 0 .7 .3 . N O TE: B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u al to ta ls . 84 24. 4 10. 5 6.0 3. 8 3. 8 4. 7 5. 8 8. 0 12.0 12. 2 7. 5 1. 3 , . 37. 2 17. 3 10 0 5. 5 5. 0 3. 8 4. 8 3. 0 3. 5 4. 2 5 .0 .6 .2 2 1 .9 9 .4 7. 8 7. 8 3. 1 3. 1 . 1. 6 26. 6 18. 8 18. 3 13. 3 8. 3 5. 6 6. 0 6. 8 7. 6 9 .9 7. 6 7. 1 5. 3 2. 7 1. 5 27. 0 12. 7 3. 2 6. 3 _ 6. 3 1 .6 1. 6 11. 1 1 9 .0 9 .5 - 1. 6 43. 9 13. 4 7. 3 2. 4 4 .9 _ - 2. 4 7. 3 2. 6 6. 1 7. 3 2. 4 T a b le A - 30. P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of w o rk e rs in se le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in D e tr o it by n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , N o v e m b e r 1966—O c to b e r 1967 R e in fo rc e d O p e ra tin g L a b o re rs C e m e n t m a so n s B ric k la y e rs S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs C a rp e n te rs e n g in e e rs s te e l w o rk e rs T o ta l 100. 0 100.0 23. 5 2 5 .0 9. 2 6. 2 5. 4 5 .9 1-199 h o u rs -------------200-399 h o u rs ---------400-599 h o u rs ---------600-799 h o u rs ---------800-999 h o u rs ---------1 .0 0 0 1 ,1 9 9 h o u rs — 1.2001,399 h o u rs — 1,400-1,599 h o u rs — 1,600-1,799 h o u rs — 1,800-1,999 h o u rs — 2 .0 0 0 2 ,1 9 9 h o u rs — 2.200- 2,399 h o u rs — 2,400 h o u rs o r m o re 8. 1 5 .4 4. 4 4. 7 6. 0 8. 6 10. 6 6. 0 8. 1 11. 2 1 1 .4 6. 7 4. 1 .7 .3 12. 4 8 .9 4. 4 1.8 .9 100. 0 16.0 8. 5 5 .4 5. 2 5. 8 5. 8 5. 3 5. 7 6. 8 9 .4 1 2 .4 6 .9 6. 7 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 34. 5 13. 1 7. 7 5. 8 4 .9 4. 7 4. 4 5 .0 5. 6 6 .4 5. 2 31. 3 7. 7 5 .8 4. 8 4 .9 6. 5 6 .4 7. 4 10. 9 7. 8 5. 4 .9 .3 37. 4 9. 3 5. 8 4. 5 4. 6 7 .9 6. 1 4. 7 5 .4 5. 8 5. 5 1.6 1. 3 2. 2 .9 N O TE: B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u al to ta ls . T a b le A -3 1 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of w o rk e rs in se le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in M ilw au kee by n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , D e c e m b e r 1965—N o v e m b e r 1966 zzo M aso n s P la s P la s O p e ra tin g T e r ra z z o T se kr ra C em ent A sp h a lt L a th e rs ille d L a b o re rs b r ic k te r e r s 1 S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs te r e r s e n g in e e rs m a c h a n ic s fin is h e r s p a v e rs h e lp e rs la y e rs la b o re rs 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1 0 0.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 10 0.0 T o ta l -------------------------------------1-199 h o u r s -------------------------------------2 0 0-399 h o u r s ---------------------------------4 0 0-59 9 h o u r s ---------------------------------6 0 0-799 h o u r s ---------------------------------80 0-99 9 h o u r s ---------------------------------1 ,0 0 0 -1 ,1 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------1 ,2 0 0 -1 ,3 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------1 ,4 0 0 -1 ,5 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------1 ,6 0 0 -1 ,7 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------1 ,8 0 0 -1 ,9 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------2 ,0 0 0 -2 ,1 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------2 ,2 0 0 -2 ,3 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------2 ,4 0 0 h o u rs o r m o re --------------------- 30. 0 7. 6 7. 6 10. 4 2 1 .5 11. 1 6 .9 3. 5 - .7 - 40. 2 13. 9 9. 3 5 .9 4. 9 4. 4 3. 4 3. 5 4. 2 6 .9 2. 0 28. 8 1 1 .0 8. 6 2. 5 3. 1 4. 3 2. 5 4. 3 1 1 .7 15. 3 6. 7 ' " - " 19 .0 6. 1 8. 7 3. 9 5. 0 5. 2 8. 3 15. 9 18. 3 6. 2 2. 3 .1 ■ - 22. 6 7. 1 7. 7 4. 2 3. 6 4. 8 4. 2 7. 7 8. 3 2 1 .4 6. 5 28. 4 6. 2 8. 2 6. 1 7. 1 7. 9 7. 4 5. 3 7. 0 9. 2 6. 2 .4 ' - 1 7 .4 7 .9 13. 7 1 .6 4. 2 4. 7 5. 3 10. 0 1 1.1 1 8 .4 4. 7 20. 6 10. 7 8. 1 6. 4 6. 9 7. 4 7. 5 6. 0 6. 8 1 1 .3 6. 5 2 0 .0 12. 0 12. 0 " " “ - - 17. 7 3. 2 6. 5 4. 8 4. 8 4. 8 6. 5 16. 1 9. 7 17. 7 1 .6 - 4. 0 8. 0 8. 0 32. 0 4. 0 - - N O TE: B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y no t e q u al to ta ls . T ab le A -3 2 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of w o rk e rs in se le c te d c o n s tru c tio n o c c u p a tio n s in so u th e rn C a lifo rn ia by n u m b e r of h o u rs of w o rk re p o rte d fo r a 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d S e le c te d g ro u p of h o u rs C a rp e n te rs 1 O p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs 2 C e m e n t m a so n s 1 Iro n w o rk e rs 2 T e a m s te rs 1 T o ta l -------------------------------------- 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1-199 h o u r s -------------------------------------2 0 0-399 h o u r s ---------------------------------40 0-59 9 h o u r s ---------------------------------6 0 0-799 h o u r s ---------------------------------80 0-99 9 h o u r s ---------------------------------1 ,0 0 0 -1 ,1 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------1 ,2 0 0 -1 ,3 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------1 ,4 0 0 -1 ,5 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------1 ,6 0 0 -1 ,7 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------1 ,8 0 0 -1 ,9 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------2 ,0 0 0 -2 ,1 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------2 ,2 0 0 -2 ,3 9 9 h o u rs ------------------------2 ,4 0 0 h o u rs o r m o re --------------------- 25. 5 1 1 .0 7. 5 6 .9 7. 0 7. 1 7. 4 7. 5 7. 7 7. 8 4. 2 .4 .1 11. 3 6. 1 5. 8 5. 8 5 .9 7. 3 7. 2 8. 5 11. 2 13. 3 1 1 .7 3. 7 2. 3 27. 0 7. 8 5 .9 6. 0 5. 8 6. 9 6 .4 8. 5 9. 3 9. 4 5. 7 .9 .3 24. 6 6. 5 4. 9 4. 4 4. 7 5. 7 6. 6 9 .0 12. 6 14. 0 5. 8 .9 .2 24. 9 11. 1 10. 7 5. 2 4. 6 4. 7 4. 7 4. 8 6. 1 8. 2 9 .0 4. 3 1 .7 1 C a le n d a r y e a r 1966. 2 F is c a l y e a r ru n n in g fro m Ju n e 1966 to M ay 1967. N O TE: B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u al to ta ls . 85 Table A -33. P ercent distribution of brick layers in D etroit by age and hours of work for the 12-month period, Novem ber 1966—October 1967 200 to 399 400 to 599 600 to 799 800 to 999 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 4. 4 8.7 13. 0 23. 2 15. 9 8. 7 1 1 .6 4. 4 10. 2 5 .8 2. 2 5. 0 5. 0 7. 5 7. 5 20. 0 25. 0 10. 0 10. 0 2. 5 7. 5 7. 5 - 2 .9 2. 9 5 .9 17. 7 20. 6 26. 5 8.8 2. 9 2. 9 8.8 8. 8 - 1.9 7. 7 5. 8 11. 5 25. 0 13. 5 9. 6 13. 5 3. 8 18. 2 8. 3 3. 6 1.7 2 .9 5. 8 4 .7 4 .9 1. 0 8. 3 8. 3 3. 3 9. 1 4. 2 2 .4 3. 5 2. 6 5. 2 3. 5 1. 2 1. 0 8. 3 8. 3 5. 0 9. 1 16. 7 3 .6 3. 5 4 .8 4. 0 5 .8 8. 5 4. 1 5. 6 5. 6 1 Age interval Total to 199 T o t a l __________________ L e s s than 2 0 y e a r s _________ 14-17 y e a r s ______________ 18-19 y e a r s ______________ 20 -2 4 y e a r s __________________ 25 -2 9 y e a r s _____________ ____ 30-34 y e a r s __________________ 35-39 y e a r s __________________ 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s __________________ 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s __________________ 50 -5 4 y e a r s __________ _____ 55-59 y e a r s __________________ 60-64 y e a r s __________________ 65 y e a r s and o v e r ___________ 65 -6 9 y e a r s ______________ 70 y e a r s and o v e r _______ 100. 0 0. 1 T o t a l ___________________ L e s s than 20 y e a r s _________ 14-17 y e a r s ______________ 18-19 y e a r s ______________ 20-24 y e a r s __________________ 25-29 y e a r s __________________ 3 0-34 y e a r s __________________ 35-39 y e a r s __________________ 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s __________________ 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s ______ ___________ 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s __________________ 5 5-59 y e a r s __________________ 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s __________________ 65 y e a r s and o v e r ___________ 65 -6 9 y e a r s ______________ 70 y e a r s and o v e r _______ 100. 0 6 .6 100. 0 12. 5 7. 1 5. 2 5. 9 6. 3 7 .0 9 .8 3. 1 61. 1 11. 1 50. 0 .1 1. 1 2. 3 8.0 16. 6 26. 0 16. 6 8.2 7. 8 9. 3 4. 0 3 .4 .6 - 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.4 2. 2 17. 8 28. 9 17. 8 8 .9 4. 4 2. 2 6. 7 8. 9 8. 9 2. 2 4. 3 100. 0 4. 2 9. 5 7. 5 2. 9 2. 3 2. 3 1. 2 3. 1 11. 1 11. 1 100. 0 “ “ “ 7. 7 3 .9 3 .9 - Hours in terval 1 1 ,2 0 0 1 ,400 to i to to 1,199 ! 1, 399 1 ,599 By hours 1 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 2 .4 1.7 1. 5 2 .4 1. 5 .6 3. 0 8.4 7. 1 13. 6 15. 0 12. 4 2 6 .4 19.7 23. 6 12. 1 12. 6 18. 5 13. 6 7. 3 7. 1 13. 6 7. 1 7. 9 16. 7 15. 8 14. 6 4. 6 7. 1 2. 3 4. 6 2. 3 6. 3 .8 " By age 6. 3 12. 1 17. 0 | 27. 3 27. 3 9. 1 12. 5 4. 2 4. 2 2 .4 10. 7 17.9 5. 2 12. 6 10. 9 4. 8 17. 3 11. 0 4 .6 9 .2 19. 0 10. 5 10. 5 15. 1 11. 0 11. 0 17. 1 20. 6 11. 3 26. 8 8. 3 11. 1 3 8 .9 22. 2 11. 1 8. 3 16. 7 ■ “ 1 ,0 0 0 1 ,600 to 1,799 1,8 0 0 1I 1 2 ,0 0 0 ! 2 , 200 to :[ 2 , 0 0 0 + 1 to j to 1 ,999 i! 1 2 ,1 9 9 1 2 , 399 1 0 0 .0 100. 0 2. 0 8. 3 17. 1 28. 3 20. 0 8. 3 6. 8 7. 8 14. 7 .5 1. 0 1. 5 6. 5 19. 6 29. 0 1 9 .6 9 .4 7. 3 6. 5 .7 .7 - 19. 6 16. 7 20. 2 20. 1 21. 3 23. 6 19.8 17. 1 16. 5 36. 1 2. 8 13. 2 8. 3 10. 7 15. 5 14. 7 15. 5 15. 1 12. 2 9. 3 2. 8 2. 8 33. 3 “ 1 0 0 .0 - i ! 100. 0 _ - ; 1; 2. 2 : i . 4 1 0 . 8 ! 12. 3 2 6 . 9 j 24. 7 34. 4 37. 0 8. 6 ! 6 .9 5 .4 2. 7 5 .4 ! 6 .9 3. 2 4. 1 3 .2 | 3. 2 4. 1 i 8. 9 8. 3 11 .9 14 .4 11. 8 4.6 5. 8 6. 1 3. 1 7. 1 8. 3 7. 1 2, 400 + 100. 0 100. 0 _ 7. 7 46. 2 23. 1 7. 7 1 5 .4 - _ 14. 3 14. 3 28. 6 28. 6 14. 3 _ _ _ - 1. 2 0. 7 _ 1. 2 .6 .7 1. 2 1. 2 4. 1 7. 0 4. 2 10. 7 10. 3 9 .9 2 .9 2. 3 6. 1 3. 1 8. 3 8. 3 4. 2 3. 5 1. 1 .6 2 .3 _ _ - ■ - N O T E : B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y no t eq u al to ta ls . Table A -34. P ercent distribution of carpenters in D etroit by age and hours of work for the 12-month period, Novem ber 1966—October 1967 A ge in te r v a l T o ta l 1 to 199 200 to 399 400 | 600 to ! to 599 1 799 800 to 999 T o t a l __________________ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 2 .4 3. 5 6. 7 L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s __________ 1. 3 1. 2 0 .9 .1 14-17 y e a r s ______________ .3 .3 2 .4 .6 3. 2 6. 7 1. 1 1. 3 18-19 y e a r s ______________ 7 .0 11. 6 10. 7 13. 5 9 .4 8. 3 2 0 -2 4 y e a r s .......................... ........ 9 .4 15. 4 11. 8 8. 1 7. 5 11. 3 2 5 -2 9 y e a r s __________________ 8. 7 9 .0 10. 7 7. 7 11. 0 8. 3 3 0 -3 4 y e a r s __________________ 9 .8 12. 0 1 1 .6 3 5 -3 9 y e a r s __________________ 12. 6 12. 5 9. 9 4 0 -4 4 y e a rs 16. 8 17. 9 16. 5 11. 5 14. 1 11. 6 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s __________________ 16. 1 13. 1 12. 5 11. 5 10. 0 11. 6 8 .4 8 .4 6 .4 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s __________________ 11. 6 6. 0 11. 3 3. 5 5. 7 7. 5 8. 1 3. 0 7. 0 5 5 -5 9 y e a r s __________________ 6 .4 3. 8 7 .4 7. 8 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s __________________ 6. 3 7. 0 3 .4 7. 8 7. 1 65 y e a r s an d o v e r ___________ 9. 3 10. 5 9 .9 4. 4 6. 5 2. 6 7. 2 7. 0 8. 1 6 5 -6 9 y e a r s ______________ 2. 3 2 .4 2. 7 2. 7 1. 3 70 y e a r s an d o v e r ________ .8 T o t a l ______________ ____ L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s _________ 14-17 y e a r s ______________ 18-19 y e a r s ______________ 2 0 -2 4 y e a r s __________________ 2 5 -2 9 y e a r s __________________ 3 0 -3 4 y e a r s __________________ 3 5 -3 9 y e a r s __________________ 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s ____ __________ 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s __________________ 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s __________________ 5 5 -5 9 y e a r s __________________ 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s _______ •__________ 65 y e a r s an d o v e r ___________ 6 5 -6 9 y e a r s ______________ 70 y e a r s an d o v e r _______ 100. 0 _ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1 0 0.0 100. 0 100. 0 10 0.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 4 .8 22. 7 20. 0 2. 7 8 .0 4 .4 4 .9 4 .8 5. 1 3 .9 3. 5 1 .8 4. 7 2 9 .2 1 3 .4 1 5 .8 5. 0 34. 7 20. 0 14. 7 7. 6 6 .9 6. 1 3 .9 4 .9 3. 8 3 .6 2. 1 2. 9 2 7 .4 1 3 .4 14. 0 4. 3 26. 7 26. 7 8. 3 5. 0 3. 8 3. 3 2 .9 3 .0 2 .4 3. 0 4 .9 25. 7 1 3 .4 12. 3 4. 3 5 .3 5. 3 5. 8 8. 2 5 .4 4. 1 3. 6 2 .7 2. 2 3. 5 4. 7 21. 3 7. 3 14. 0 5. 3 12. 0 12. 0 6 .4 7. 8 5. 1 4 .9 3. 7 3. 8 5. 2 5. 0 6 .4 22. 2 1 3 .4 8 .8 H o u rs in te r v a l 1 ,0 0 0 ! 1 ,2 0 0 1 ,4 0 0 1 ,6 0 0 to ! to to to 1,1 9 9 i 1,3 9 9 1,5 9 9 1 ,7 9 9 By h o u rs 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1 .4 0 .4 0. 3 1. 1 .2 1 .4 .4 .3 .9 8 .7 6 .4 9. 1 4 .9 10. 1 6 .4 6. 9 9. 1 9 .0 6. 5 8. 6 9. 3 10. 1 13. 0 11. 6 13. 9 13. 0 15. 4 15. 8 18. 4 15. 0 1 9 .4 17. 2 12. 7 1 2 .4 13. 3 12. 5 11. 5 7. 8 9 .8 11. 3 9. 3 8. 1 8 .4 6. 3 6 .6 4. 0 2. 1 1 .4 1. 5 2 .4 1. 3 1. 7 1. 1 .4 1. 6 .2 .3 1 ,8 0 0 to 1,9 9 9 2,0 0 0 + 2, 000 to 2, 199 2, 200 to 2, 399 100. 0 0. 5 .1 .4 3. 5 5. 3 8. 7 13. 6 22. 0 19. 2 13. 8 6. 9 5. 3 1. 2 1. 1 .1 100. 0 0. 2 .2 4 .9 7. 4 10. 1 15. 1 17. 8 17. 8 12. 0 8. 2 5. 5 .9 .8 .1 100. 0 0. 2 .2 5. 6 6. 0 7. 9 15. 2 17. 5 19. 0 11. 7 9 .6 6 .4 1. 0 .8 .2 100. 0 0 .4 .4 3 .8 8 .4 13. 9 15. 1 18. 1 1 6 .4 12. 2 6. 3 4. 2 1. 2 .8 100. 0 _ 4. 3 12. 0 12. 0 14. 5 18. 8 1 5 .4 12. 8 6. 0 4. 3 - B y ag e 15. 1 9. 7 4. 0 52. 0 40 . 0 1 2 .0 4. 0 13. 8 12. 2 12. 1 1 2 .9 15. 7 9 .6 10. 0 1 3 .9 14. 2 8 .9 16. 2 7. 7 11. 2 16. 1 9 .4 21. 0 14. 7 12. 7 6 .8 17. 1 10. 1 5. 0 7. 0 1 .8 14. 0 25. 3 20. 0 5. 3 7. 0 9 .2 14. 0 15. 0 18. 3 16. 7 16. 6 11. 8 11. 6 8. 0 6. 2 1. 8 12. 6 _ 2. 5 8 .9 11. 5 14. 5 15. 0 13. 3 1 3 .9 13. 0 12. 7 10. 7 3 .4 3. 3 3. 6 7. 5 1. 3 1. 3 6. 0 5. 5 6 .8 9 .0 7. 8 8 .9 7. 6 8. 8 7. 3 4. 0 3 .4 1. 3 _ 1. 3 1 .9 3. 6 5 .4 4. 1 3. 7 3. 5 3. 6 2. 7 1. 7 _ _ _ 1. 0 2. 5 2. 3 1. 9 1. 9 1. 6 1 .9 1. 2 1. 1 - 7. 1 9. 3 9. 3 9. 3 8. 0 7. 6 5 .7 5. 5 6. 6 7. 1 8. 1 8 .9 20. 7 6. 7 14. 0 NOTE: B ecause of rounding, sum s of individual item s m ay not equal totals. 86 17. 8 5. 3 5. 3 1 2 .4 14. 0 13. 2 1 9 .6 19. 5 21. 5 19. 1 2 1 .4 18. 0 1 4 .8 7. 8 7. 0 2. 2 1. 8 .4 2. 2 2 .9 1. 1 1. 8 2, 400 + " T a b le A -3 5 . P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n of la b o r e r s in D e tro it by ag e and h o u rs of w o rk fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , N o v e m b e r 1966—O c to b e r 1967 A ge in te r v a l T o ta l ... . . . . . . L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s __________ 14-17 y e a r s .............. ............. 18-19 y e a rs ______________ 2 0 -2 4 y e a rs _________________ 2 5 -2 9 y e a rs _________________ 3 0 -3 4 y e a r s __________________ 35 -3 9 y e a rs 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s _________________ 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s ... 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s __________________ 5 5 -5 9 y e a r s __________________ 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s __________________ 65 y e a r s and o v e r ___________ 6 5 -6 9 y e a rs ______________ 70 y e a rs and o v e r _______ T o ta l 200 1 to to 199 , 399 100. 0 1 0 0.0 0. 1 .1 .1 4 .9 7. 6 8. 9 12 .9 1 5 .4 16. 1 13. 7 10. 2 7. 0 3. 2 2. 7 .5 11. 7 6. 6 13. 3 13. 8 14. 3 11. 7 10. 7 8. 2 5. 6 4. 1 3. 1 1. 0 400 to 599 600 to 799 100. 0 1 0 0.0 100. 0 100. 0 12. 0 16. 5 10. 5 9. 0 15. 0 13. 5 12. 0 3. 8 5. 3 2. 3 2. 3 - 16. 5 10. 1 7. 3 10. 1 1 1 .9 12. 8 9. 2 9. 2 7. 3 5. 5 5. 5 - - 6. 6 8. 2 7 .4 10. 7 1 6 .4 13 .9 9 .8 11. 5 10. 7 4. 9 4. 1 .8 H o u rs in te r v a l 1 ,4 0 0 1 1 ,6 0 0 I 1 ,8 0 0 | 1 ,2 0 0 I 2 ,0 0 0 to to to to j 2, 000+ 1 to 1 ,5 9 9 i 1,7 9 9 1 ,9 9 9 j 2 ,1 9 9 1 ,3 9 9 By h o u rs 800 1 1 ,000 to to 999 : 1, 199 1 0 0.0 i 1 0 0 .0 | 1 0 0.0 ! 1 0 0 .0 _ j 0. 7 0. 3 . .3 | . 7 - l 5. 0 3. 5 3 .2 2. 2 3. 2 7. 4 6. 3 7 .3 j1 6. 5 5. 7 5. 7 11. 1 9. 9 5 .9 9. 1 10. 7 1 0 .4 13. 0 15. 5 12. 0 14. 6 15. 5 13. 2 15. 7 17. 0 13. 2 16. 0 16. 1 18. 0 1 6 .9 15. 7 16. 0 12. 8 1 4 .4 16. 1 10. 7 6. 3 12. 2 13. 9 1 1 .9 6 .4 7. 8 11. 1 6. 9 9. 1 4. 2 3. 1 5. 0 4. 6 1. 3 3. 3 3. 5 4. 6 2. 2 1. 3 . 7 1. 7 .9 - j ! - 1 1 io o . o ! 1. 6 9 .6 12. 8 16. 0 8. 8 15. 2 1 4 .4 1 0 .4 7. 2 4. 0 3. 2 .8 | 1 0 0.0 , 1 00.0 : 0. 3 - .8 6. 6 9 .0 15. 1 18. 2 20. 2 14. 6 9. 2 4. 6 i 1. 5 1 1. 9 .4 j 0. 4 .4 1. 1 4. 5 8. 7 13. 5 1 9 .2 18 .8 1 5 .0 10. 9 5 .6 2. 3 1 .9 .4 18. 6 12. 6 3. 3 2 .9 16. 2 18. 6 21. 7 21. 9 23. 2 19. 8 16. 8 12. 2 10. 0 8. 8 10. 0 50. 0 50. 0 2 .9 7. 5 12. 2 13. 2 15. 7 14. 7 13. 9 13. 6 1 0 .2 18. 8 8 .8 10. 0 2 ,2 0 0 I 2 ,4 0 0 + to 2, 399 1 100. 0 . 10 0.0 j1 1 11. 0 9. 6 2 1 .9 1 1 6 .4 24. 7 9 .6 ; 2- 7 4. 1 ! ; - ! i 11. 5 : 9 .6 ! 13. 5 1 5 .4 21. 2 19. 2 9 .6 - By age T o t a l __________________ L e s s th a n 2 0 _________________ 14-17 y e a rs ______________ 18- 19 y e a r s --------------------2 0 -2 4 y e a rs __________________ 2 5 -2 9 y e a rs 3 0 -3 4 y e a r s _________________ 35-39 y e a r s _________________ 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s ............... ... 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s __________________ 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s __________________ 55 -5 9 y e a rs 6 0 -6 4 y e a rs 65 y e a r s and o v e r 6 5 -6 9 y e a rs 70 y e a r s an d o v e r _______ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 9. 3 _ 22. 3 8. 1 13. 8 9 .9 8. 6 6. 8 7. 3 7. 5 7. 5 30. 5 10. 5 20. 0 6. 3 _ 15. 5 13. 7 7. 5 4. 4 6. 2 5. 3 5. 6 2. 3 4. 8 5. 3 5. 3 - 5. 2 _ 17. 5 6 .8 4. 3 4. 0 4. 0 4. 1 3. 5 4. 7 5 .4 10. 5 10. 5 5 .8 i 5 .9 7. 8 6. 2 4. 8 4. 8 6. 2 5. 0 4. 2 6. 5 ! ! : ! I 1 ! | t 1.9 7. 5 8. 5 7 .4 3 .4 5 .6 6. 3 j 6. 1 8. 8 6. 1 18. 8 17. 0 8. 8 7. 0 10. 0 10. 0 i 5. 7 5. 8 5. 6 6. 4 4. 8 4 .9 4. 7 6. 6 6. 1 7. 5 9 .0 7. 0 20. 0 6 .8 100. 0 4 .9 5. 6 8. 5 5. 5 6. 5 6. 8 8. 0 4. 2 10. 9 18. 8 8. 8 10. 0 10. 4 6 .8 9. 9 6. 9 12. 5 10. 5 10. 9 9 .7 12. 2 9. 5 17. 5 17. 5 - 10. 9 ! 15. 1 _ 4 .9 9. 3 11. 2 11. 0 11. 1 10. 9 11. 5 13. 1 12. 2 28. 8 8. 8 2 0 .0 50. 0 50. 0 9 .7 11. 2 9. 6 14. 0 16. 7 16. 8 17. 7 20. 6 15. 0 7. 0 7. 0 • i ! i I 3. 5 1..-........... i ! J ji 5. 0 1 3‘ 7 5 .9 < 3. 7 ! 5 .3 2 .4 .9 2. 0 _ _ i 2. 5 ! 1 ‘ j ! j , I :I 3. 7 2. 7 2. 8 2. 5 3. 2 3. 5 2. 3 i —........... N O T E : B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y not e q u al to ta ls . T a b le A -3 6 . P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n of re in fo rc e d s te e l w o rk e rs in D e tro it by ag e an d h o u rs of w o rk fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , N o v e m b e r 1966—O c to b e r 1967 A g e in t e r v a l T o ta l 1 to 199 200 to 399 4 00 to 599 T o ta l . .............. L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s _________ 1 4 -1 7 y e a r s . _ 1 8 -1 9 y e a r s _______________ 2 0 -2 4 y e a r s _ 2 5 -2 9 y e a r s ___________________ 3 0 -3 4 y e a r s ___________________ 3 5 -3 9 y e a r s ___________________ 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s ___________________ 5 5 -5 9 y e a r s ___________________ 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s _ 65 y e a r s a n d o v e r __________ 6 5 -6 9 y e a r s 70 y e a r s a n d o v e r ________ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 _ _ _ _ 2 9 .9 7 6. 2 54. 6 5 0. 0 _ 18. 6 6. 3 9. 5 1 4 .4 27. 3 6. 3 15. 0 4. 8 9. 1 2 5. 0 12. 4 4. 8 6. 3 4. 1 4. 8 2. 6 6. 3 9. 1 1. 0 1. 6 .5 .5 " ~ " “ T o t a l ____________________ L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s __________ 1 4 -1 7 y e a r s _______________ 1 8 -1 9 y e a r s _______________ 2 0 -2 4 y e a r s . .... 2 5 -2 9 y e a r s ___ ______ _________ 3 0 -3 4 y e a r s . ___ 3 5 -3 9 y e a r s . _ . . ... 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s _____________ _____ 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s ...................................... 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s ___________________ 5 5 -5 9 y e a r s ___________________ 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s ___________________ 65 y e a r s a n d o v e r 6 5 -6 9 y e a r s __ 70 y e a r s a n d o v e r ________ 100. 0 _ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 10. 8 _ 2 7. 6 5. 6 3. 5 4. 2 12. 5 _ _ _ " 5. 7 _ 10. 3 10. 7 3. 5 2 0. 0 _ _ _ " 8. 3 _ 13. 8 2. 8 3. 6 13. 8 4. 2 20. 0 _ _ " H o u rs i n t e r v a l 600 : 800 ! 1,000 : 1 ,2 0 0 ! 1 ,4 0 0 | to j to to | to j to 799 | 999 i 1 ,1 9 9 1 1 ,3 9 9 1 1 ,5 9 9 B y h o u rs 1 0 0 .0 | 1 0 0 .0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 _ _ _ _ _ 4 1 .7 4. 8 2 5. 9 2 1. 1 2 8. 6 16. 7 2 2. 2 2 6. 3 19. 1 _ 14. 3 7 .4 15. 8 19. 1 14. 3 8. 3 18. 5 2 1. 1 19. 1 14. 3 16. 7 2 3. 8 2 2. 2 5. 3 _ 14. 3 8. 3 3. 7 10. 5 _ _ _ _ _ 9. 5 14. 3 8. 3 _ _ 4. 8 4. 8 “ " " “ ~ 3. 6 _ 5. 6 3. 6 3. 5 4. 2 12. 5 3 3. 3 _ _ ■ 6. 2 _ 8. 6 5. 6 3. 5 8. 3 12. 5 _ 33. 3 _ _ " 10. 8 _ 1. 7 11. 1 14. 3 13. 8 2 0 .8 _ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1 0 0 .0 N O T E : B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u a l to ta ls . By age 13. 9 9 .8 _ _ 12. 1 16. 7 7. 1 1 7 .2 2 5. 0 12. 5 _ _ _ 6 .9 13. 9 10. 7 1 3 .8 4. 2 2 5. 0 _ _ - " - _ _ _ 1, 600 to 1 ,7 9 9 1, 800 to 1 ,9 9 9 100. 0 _ 13. 8 31. 0 2 0. 7 13. 8 10. 3 6. 9 _ _ 3. 5 _ ~ 1 0 0 .0 ’ 1 0 0 .0 _ _ 10. 5 41. 7 2 1. 1 8. 3 31. 6 16. 7 10. 5 16. 7 15. 8 8. 3 _ _ 10. 5 8. 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ - 15. 0 _ 6 .9 25. 0 2 1 .4 13. 8 12. 5 2 5. 0 _ _ 33. 3 _ _ 9 .8 _ 3 .5 1 1 .0 2 1 .4 6 .9 12. 5 _ 40. 0 _ _ _ _ “ 2, 000 + 1 6. 2 8. 6 2. 8 7. 1 6 .9 4. 2 _ 20. 0 _ _ _ _ " 2, 000 to 2, 199 2 ,2 0 0 I to 2, 400 + 2 , 399 100. 0 1 0 0 .0 j 100. 0 _ - I1 _ 40. 0 _ 2 0. 0 _ 2 0. 0 _ 2 0. 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ 1 : i 1 | j ! ! 1 4 .3 j _ j _ _ - 42. 9 14. 3 1 4 .3 1 4 .3 I 3. 6 2. 6 _ 5. 2 _ 3. 6 3. 5 4. 2 _ 20.4) _ 3. 5 2. 8 3. 6 3. 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - 87 T a b le A -3 7 . P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n of c e m e n t m a s o n s in D e tro it by a g e an d h o u rs of w o rk fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , N o v e m b e r 1966—O c to b e r 1967 A ge in te r v a l T o ta l i to 199 200 to 399 400 to 599 600 to 799 T o t a l ................................... 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 _ _ L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s _________ 14- 17 y e a r s ______________ 18-19 y e a r s ______________ 3. 3 12. 5 7. 1 2 0 -2 4 y e a r s __________________ 1. 5 3. 3 10. 0 7. 1 2 5 -2 9 y e a r s __________________ 2 .9 7. 1 10. 0 3 0 -34 y e a r s __________________ 7. 4 16. 7 20. 0 14. 3 10. 0 12. 5 11. 3 35-39 y e a r s __________________ _ 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s _ . 17. 2 13. 3 37. 5 2 1 .4 _ 7. 1 10. 0 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s __________________ 1 9 .6 16. 7 _ 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s .... . ...... _ 10. 8 10. 0 14. 3 10. 0 _ 2 1 .4 40. 0 6. 7 5 5 -59 y e a r s __________________ 14. 2 _ _ 10. 0 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s __________________ 5. 9 12. 5 _ _ 10. 0 25. 0 65 y e a r s and o v e r ___________ 9. 3 _ _ 6 .4 3. 3 12. 5 6 5 -69 y e a r s ______________ 70 y e a rs and o v e r _______ 6. 7 12. 5 2. 9 “ T o t a l __________________ 100. 0 L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s _________ 14-17 y e a r s _ ___ 18-19 y e a r s ______________ 2 0 -2 4 y e a r s __________________ 100. 0 2 5 -2 9 y e a r s __________________ 100. 0 3 0 -34 y e a r s ..... . 100. 0 35-39 y e a r s __________________ 100. 0 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s .............. 100. 0 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s __________________ 100. 0 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s __________________ 100. 0 5 5 -5 9 y e a r s __________________ 100. 0 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s __________________ 100. 0 65 y e a r s an d o v e r 100. 0 6 5 -6 9 y e a r s ______________ 100. 0 70 y e a rs an d o v e r _______ 100. 0 14. 7 _ 33. 3 16. 7 33. 3 3. 9 _ 33. 3 _ 4 .4 8. 6 _ _ 26. 1 1 1 .4 12. 5 13. 6 6 .9 41. 0 8. 3 24. 4 33. 3 16. 7 7. 7 _ 7. 7 6. 9 _ 33. 3 16. 7 6. 7 8. 7 8. 6 2. 5 9. 1 10. 3 _ _ _ ■ 4. 9 _ 16. 7 6. 7 4 .4 _ 2. 5 4. 6 13. 8 8. 3 _ _ " H o u rs in te r v a l 1,2 0 0 1 ,4 0 0 800 | 1 ,0 0 0 to to to 1 to 1 ,599 | 999 1 1 ,199 1 1 ,399 By h o u rs 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 _ _ _ 4. 6 6. 7 20. 0 5. 3 6. 7 10. 5 6. 7 10. 0 9. 1 10. 5 13. 3 10. 0 18. 2 31. 6 6. 7 10. 0 27. 3 _ 21. 1 6. 7 9. 1 10. 0 10. 5 20. 0 22. 7 10. 0 5. 3 13. 3 4. 6 30. 0 5. 3 20. 0 4. 6 20. 0 5. 3 13. 3 4. 6 10. 0 6. 7 4. 9 _ - 13. 3 4 .4 2 .9 2. 5 _ 3. 5 8. 3 32. 1 1 5 .4 16. 7 By ag e 7. 4 10. 8 _ . 16. 7 16. 7 6. 7 4. 4 8. 7 5. 7 11. 4 2. 5 15. 0 4. 6 9. 1 10. 3 17. 2 16. 7 8. 3 32. 1 7. 7 1 5 .4 7. 7 16. 7 9. 3 . 6. 7 8. 7 5. 7 15. 0 18. 2 6. 9 8. 3 7. 7 7. 7 ■ 1 ,6 0 0 to 1,7 9 9 1 ,8 0 0 to 1 ,999 1 2 ,0 0 0 I 2 ,2 0 0 2, 000+ I to 1 to 1! 2 ,1 9 9 1| 2 ,3 9 9 100. 0 5 .9 5 .9 11. 8 23. 5 17. 7 17. 7 5. 9 11. 8 11. 8 100. 0 _ 3 .9 3 .9 7. 7 26. 9 1 5 .4 11. 5 11. 5 11. 5 7. 7 7. 7 " 1 0 0.0 8. 3 12. 8 _ 6. 7 4. 4 5. 7 10. 0 13. 6 10. 3 8. 3 1 5 .4 1 5 .4 “ _ 16. 7 6. 7 8. 7 20. 0 10. 0 _ 10. 3 25. 0 1 5 .4 1 5 .4 - 2, 400 + 6. 1 12. 1 21. 2 33. 3 9. 1 9. 1 3. 0 6. 1 3. 0 3. 0 1 0 0.0 _ 5. 3 5. 3 10. 5 42. 1 10. 5 10. 5 5. 3 10. 6 5. 3 5. 3 100. 0 _ 30. 0 50. 0 10. 0 _ 10. 0 _ _ - 100. 0 _ 25. 0 _ 50. 0 25. 0 _ “ 16. 2 _ 13. 3 1 7 .4 20. 0 27. 5 10. 3 8. 3 10. 5 9. 3 _ 6. 7 4 .4 5. 7 20. 0 9. 1 6 .9 8. 3 24. 4 4. 9 16. 7 16. 7 2. 0 . 6. 7 _ _ 5. 0 4. 6 _ ■ 7. 7 7. 7 _ 13. 0 14. 3 2. 5 3. 5 _ _ “ N O T E : B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y n o t e q u al to ta ls . T a b le A -3 8 . P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n of o p e ra tin g e n g in e e rs in D e tro it by ag e an d h o u rs of w o rk fo r th e 1 2 -m o n th p e rio d , N o v e m b e r 1966—O c to b e r 1967 A ge in te r v a l T o ta l 1 to 199 200 to 399 400 to 599 600 to 799 800 j 1,0 0 0 to I to 999 1, 199 T o t a l ________ __________ L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s _________ 14-17 y e a r s __ _ _ _____ 18-19 y e a rs 2 0 -2 4 y e a r s __________________ 2 5 -2 9 y e a r s __________________ 3 0 -34 y e a r s 35-39 y e a r s _ ______________ 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s . . . . . . 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s __________________ 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s __________________ 5 5 -5 9 y e a rs 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s __________________ 65 y e a r s and o v e r ............. 6 5 -6 9 y e a rs 70 y e a r s and o v e r 100. 0 100. 0 1 0 0.0 |l0 0 . 0 100. 0 100. 0 _ _ _ _ _ 0. 1 .1 1. 5 .9 4. 2 4 .4 3. 3 6. 1 9 .7 6. 9 10. 1 14. 5 10. 0 6. 1 20. 7 12. 9 14. 2 23. 2 6. 7 15. 2 10. 3 6. 5 22. 2 14. 5 30. 0 21. 2 13. 8 25. 8 16. 0 10. 1 16. 7 12. 1 20. 7 12. 9 12. 0 11. 6 6. 7 6. 1 6. 9 12 .9 10. 2 13. 0 20. 0 24. 2 3. 5 3. 2 5. 8 7. 0 6. 7 3. 0 10. 3 12 .9 _ 3. 2 6. 1 7. 0 1. 5 3. 2 2. 7 3. 5 6. 1 1. 5 3. 2 .5 3. 5 " " - T o t a l __________________ L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s 14-17 y e a r s 18-19 y e a r s ______________ 2 0 -2 4 y e a r s . _ . __ 2 5 -2 9 y e a r s . ........... 30 -3 4 y e a r s __________________ 35-39 y e a r s _ ______________ 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s __________________ 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s __________________ 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s __________________ 5 5 -5 9 y e a rs __________________ 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s _ _ 65 y e a r s an d o v e r ................. 6 5 -6 9 y e a r s ... _ 70 y e a r s an d o v e r _______ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 9. 3 _ 14. 3 9. 7 13. 3 15. 1 6. 1 5 .9 9 .0 11. 8 7. 7 5. 0 5. 0 " 4. 0 _ 3. 2 4. 0 1. 9 5. 5 4. 2 2. 3 7 .9 3 .9 3. 9 _ 4 .4 _ 6. 5 2. 7 4. 7 4. 2 3 .4 2. 3 10. 5 1 .9 10. 0 10. 0 _ 3 .9 _ 6. 5 8. 0 2. 8 2. 4 5. 0 2. 3 1. 3 5. 8 30. 0 5. 0 25. 0 4. 2 _ 9. 7 5. 3 1. 9 4 .9 3 .4 4. 5 1. 3 7. 7 5. 0 5. 0 100. 0 _ 2. 1 2. 1 4. 2 16. 7 25. 0 10. 4 12. 5 1 0 .4 4. 2 12. 6 6. 3 6. 3 6 .4 _ 14. 3 3. 2 2. 7 7. 6 7. 3 4. 2 6. 7 6. 6 3. 9 90. 0 15. 0 75. 0 H o u rs in te r v a l 1,2 0 0 1 ,4 0 0 to to 1, 399 1 ,5 9 9 By h o u rs 100. 0 100. 0 _ _ 2. 5 2. 5 6. 8 2. 5 5. 1 17. 5 10. 2 22. 5 18. 6 12. 5 22. 0 15. 3 12. 5 12. 5 10. 2 10. 0 10. 2 5. 0 1. 7 5. 0 1. 7 By age 5 .4 7. 9 _ _ 14. 3 3. 2 12. 9 4. 0 1. 3 6. 6 5. 7 5. 5 6. 7 4. 2 10. 9 5. 6 10. 1 6. 6 7. 9 7. 7 11. 5 10. 0 5. 0 10. 0 5. 0 “ N O T E : B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y not e q u al to ta ls . 88 1 ,6 0 0 j 1 ,8 0 0 to j to 1 ,7 9 9 | 1 ,9 9 9 2, 000 + 2, 000 to 2, 199 2, 200 to 2, 399 2,4 0 0 + 100. 0 _ 10. 3 17. 2 8. 6 20. 7 15. 5 10. 3 10. 3 5. 2 1. 7 1. 7 - 100. 0 _ 1. 2 4. 7 11. 6 12. 8 19. 8 17. 4 10. 5 7. 0 11. 6 3. 5 3. 5 - 100. 0 0 .4 .4 1. 1 1. 5 9. 2 15. 6 25. 2 17. 6 13. 7 8. 8 5. 0 1. 9 1 .9 - 100. 0 _ 0. 9 9. 7 15. 0 24. 8 21. 2 15. 0 6. 2 4. 4 2. 7 2. 7 100. 0 1. 3 1. 3 1. 3 2. 6 4. 0 11. 8 34. 2 13. 2 13. 2 9. 2 6. 6 2. 6 2. 6 " 100. 0 _ 1. 4 2. 7 13. 7 20. 6 1 6 .4 1 6 .4 12. 3 4. 1 4. 1 _ - 7. 8 _ 1 9 .4 13. 3 4. 7 7. 3 7. 6 6. 7 7. 9 5. 8 5. 0 5. 0 11. 5 _ 14. 3 12. 9 13. 3 10. 4 10. 3 12. 6 10. 1 7 .9 19. 2 15. 0 15. 0 _ 35. 2 _ 100. 0 42. 9 1 2 .9 32. 0 38. 7 40. 0 38. 7 40. 4 30. 3 25. 0 " 15. 2 100. 0 14. 3 _ 14. 7 16. 0 17. 0 20. 2 19. 1 9. 2 9 .6 15. 0 15. 0 _ 10. 2 _ 100. 0 14. 3 6. 5 4. 0 8. 5 15. 8 8 .4 11. 2 9. 2 9 .6 10. 0 10. 0 “ 9 .8 _ 14. 3 6. 5 13. 3 14. 2 7. 3 10. 1 10. 1 11. 8 5. 8 25. 0 25. 0 T a b le A -3 9 . P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n of c a r p e n te r s in so u th e rn C a lifo rn ia by age and h o u rs of w o rk , c a le n d a r y e a r 1966 A ge in te r v a l T o ta l 1 to 199 200 to 399 400 to 599 600 to 799 T o t a l __________________ 100. 0 1 00.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 L e s s th a n 20 y e a rs _________ 1. 0 0. 7 1. 5 1. 8 1. 5 .1 .1 .1 14-17 y e a rs ______________ H 1. 0 18-19 y e a r s ______________ .6 1. 3 1. 6 1. 4 2 0 -2 4 y e a rs _________________ 8. 5 7. 7 6. 8 8. 7 9. 8 13. 1 15. 2 12. 9 14. 2 14. 7 2 5 -2 9 y e a r s __________ _____ 3 0 -34 y e a r s _________________ 12. 8 14. 7 1 3 .4 13. 0 12. 9 3 5 -39 y e a r s __________________ 12. 3 12. 6 11. 3 11. 1 12. 1 4 0 -4 4 y e a rs . . .................. 1 3 .9 1 1 .4 12. 6 12. 2 11.9 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s __________________ 13. 7 10. 6 11. 5 11. 7 12. 3 5 0 -5 4 y e a rs _________________ 11. 0 8. 7 8. 9 10. 0 10. 7 5 5 -59 y e a r s _____________ ___ 8. 5 7. 1 7. 8 9 .4 8. 7 6 0 -6 4 y e a rs __________________ 5. 7 5. 8 5. 4 6. 1 5. 9 65 y e a r s and o v e r __ _______ 4. 0 2. 6 2. 2 3 .9 1. 9 3. 1 3. 3 2. 0 6 5 -6 9 y e a r s ______________ 1. 7 1. 5 70 y e a rs and o v e r . .3 .8 .5 .6 .6 T o t a l __________________ L e s s th a n 20 y e a rs _________ 14-17 y e a r s ______________ 18-19 y e a r s ______________ 2 0 -2 4 y e a r s __________________ 2 5 -29 y e a rs __________________ 3 0 -3 4 y e a rs . ...... 35-39 y e a r s _________________ 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s _________________ 4 5 -4 9 y e a r s __________________ 5 0 -5 4 y e a rs _________________ 5 5 -59 y e a rs __________________ 6 0 -6 4 y e a rs 65 y e a rs and o v e r ___________ 65 -6 9 y e a r s _____________ 70 y e a r s and o v e r _______ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 10. 0 21. 6 38. 5 20. 5 12. 7 11. 5 1 1 .4 10. 2 8. 2 7. 7 7 .9 8. 3 10. 6 20. 7 20. 0 24. 1 8 .9 22. 8 30. 8 22. 4 12. 8 8. 7 9. 3 8. 1 8. 1 7. 5 7. 3 8. 2 10. 1 18. 8 19. 2 17. 0 8. 5 19. 0 1 5 .4 1 9 .2 10. 7 9 .2 8. 7 7. 7 7. 5 7. 3 7. 8 9. 5 9 .5 11. 8 11 .2 14. 3 8. 5 12. 9 _ 13. 7 9. 5 9 .5 8. 5 8. 3 7. 2 7. 6 8. 3 8. 6 9. 2 10. 0 9. 3 1 3 .4 H o u rs 1 ,2 0 0 800 j 1,0 0 0 to ! to ; to 999 I 1, 199 ! 1 ,399 By i 100. 0 100. 0 j1-----10 -0.0 0. 4 1 0 .3 0. 7 .1 - I .6 .4 J .3 6. 8 | 6. 2 7. 9 14. 3 14. 9 13. 4 13. 3 12. 1 11 .9 12. 0 11. 0 12. 2 13. 0 13. 8 12. 8 14. 0 12. 2 13. 7 10. 3 11. 3 ! 11. 7 8 .8 10. 0 ! 9 .0 6. 5 5. 8 5. 3 1.8 1. 4 .9 1 .4 1. 2 .9 .2 .4 .1 9 .0 9. 1 1 5 .4 8. 7 10. 3 10. 2 8. 3 8. 8 8. 4 8. 0 8. 4 9. 3 10. 9 8. 5 8. 0 10. 7 9. 2 6. 0 _ 6 .4 9. 2 9 .4 9. 5 8. 2 8. 5 9. 2 9. 5 10. 8 9 .9 7. 1 7 .4 5. 4 in te r v a l !| 1,4 0 0 j 1 ,600 1 ,8 0 0 to ! to ! 1 ,599 I 1 ,799 II 1 ,9to9 9 h o u rs ! 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 .1 .1 .1 5. 8 5. 6 4. 7 1 1 .4 12. 0 11. 7 12. 5 1 2 .4 1 2 .4 12. 3 13. 6 12. 5 14. 3 15. 4 16. 0 15. 7 15. 1 16. 8 11. 8 13. 1 12. 1 8. 8 8. 0 9. 1 5. 2 4. 4 4. 0 1. 0 .7 1. 1 1. 0 .6 .9 .1 .1 .1 By ag e r 9 .6 9. 9 4. 3 2. 2 _ _ 4. 6 2. 3 8. 8 8. 5 10. 5 9. 1 9. 1 9. 6 9 .6 9. 9 10. 2 9. 6 11. 3 9 .9 10. 3 10. 7 10. 2 10. 5 9 .6 9. 6 4. 7 5. 2 5. 3 5. 7 2. 7 1. 8 10. 1 0. 9 _ .9 8 .4 9 .0 9 .8 11. 2 11. 3 11. 2 11. 2 10. 5 8. 3 3. 8 3. 8 3. 6 {!--------------- 2 ,0 0 0 j! 2 ,2 0 0 to ! to 2 ,0 0 0 + |! 2 ,1 9 9 |I 2 ,3 9 9 1I | 1 0 0.0 1 J i 2 .4 9. 0 12. 5 15. 1 21. 0 17. 0 11. 7 6. 3 4. 0 1. 1 .9 .1 10. 2 1. 3 _ 1 .4 7. 0 8 .8 9 .9 1 0 .4 11. 8 12. 5 12. 2 9. 6 7. 7 6. 0 6 .3 4. 5 1 0 0.0 j 1 0 0.0 _ _ 2. 4 2. 4 8. 8 11. 4 12. 4 12. 0 14. 7 18. 0 21. 0 21. 0 15. 0 17. 2 10. 2 11 .9 6 .4 6. 0 4. 1 3. 0 1. 2 1. 1 1. 2 .9 .2 - 2, 400 + 100.0 _ 2. 1 6 .4 19. 1 19. 1 19. 1 19. 1 8. 5 2. 1 4. 3 _ - 6. 1 _ _ _ 2. 2 4. 2 6. 0 7. 5 9. 3 7. 7 6. 6 4. 5 4. 6 3. 5 3. 6 2. 7 5. 5 _ _ _ 1.9 3. 7 5. 3 6. 6 8. 3 6. 9 6. 0 4. 2 4. 2 3. 1 3. 2 2. 7 0. 5 _ _ _ 0. 2 .4 .5 .7 .7 .5 .5 .3 .3 .3 .4 0. 1 _ _ _ (M .i .2 .2 .2 .2 .1 (*) .1 _ _ - 1 L e s s th a n 0. 05 p e rc e n t. N O T E : B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y not eq u al to ta ls . T a b le A -4 0 . P e rc e n t d is trib u tio n of c e m e n t m a s o n s in s o u th e rn C a lifo rn ia by ag e and h o u rs of w o rk , c a le n d a r y e a r 1966 A ge in te r v a l 1 T o ta l i to ! 199 ________i 200 ! 400 | 600 to !1 to j to 399 :j 599 ! 799 T o t a l _________________ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s __________ 0. 5 1. 3 0. 5 1. 6 1. 8 .4 14-17 y e a rs ______________ (M .4 .5 18-19 y e a rs ______________ .8 1. 6 1. 8 2 0 -2 4 y e a rs 4. 8 3. 5 4. 6 4. 2 5. 9 2 5 -29 y e a r s ....................... 10. 4 13. 5 9. 1 10. 1 9. 5 3 0 -34 y e a rs . . 13. 0 1 1 .4 16. 1 11. 8 11. 1 3 5 -39 y e a rs __________________ 16. 3 12. 2 9. 1 14. 8 20. 5 4 0 -4 4 y e a rs 16. 2 13 .9 16. 1 10. 7 14. 7 13. 2 12. 2 10. 8 11. 8 10. 0 4 5 -4 9 y e a rs ____ 5 0 -5 4 y e a rs __________________ 6. 3 8. 1 14. 2 8. 9 9. 9 55-59 y e a rs 8. 0 .8 .4 7. 5 11. 8 8. 9 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s __________________ 5. 7 4. 7 7. 0 7. 9 9. 3 65 y e a r s and o v e r ___________ 6. 8 3. 2 2. 4 3. 7 9. 7 2. 6 5. 1 7. 0 2 .4 3. 2 6 5 -6 9 y e a r s _____________ 70 y e a rs and o v e r _______ 2. 7 .7 1. 7 .5 " T o t a l __________________ L e s s th a n 20 y e a r s __________ 14-17 y e a r s ______________ 18-19 y e a rs ______________ 2 0 -2 4 y e a r s __________________ 2 5 -2 9 y e a r s __________________ 3 0 -34 y e a rs 35-39 y e a r s _ .......... 4 0 -4 4 y e a r s __________________ 4 5 -4 9 y e a rs 5 0 -5 4 y e a r s __________________ 55-59 y e a r s __________________ 6 0 -6 4 y e a r s _________________ 65 y e a r s and o v e r 6 5 -6 9 y e a r s ______________ 70 y e a r s and o v e r _______ 100. 0 8. 8 100. 0 23. 1 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 16. 7 100. 0 11. 7 100. 0 11. 5 100. 0 7. 8 100. 0 6. 6 100. 0 7. 6 100. 0 8. 2 100. 0 5 .7 100. 0 9. 3 100. 0 14. 4 100. 0 1 8 .4 100. 0 1 7 .4 100. 0 22. 2 6. 9 23. 1 _ 25. 0 9. 6 6. 1 8. 6 3. 9 6. 9 5. 7 5. 7 6. 5 8. 5 20. 7 18. 8 27. 8 6. 3 23. 1 _ 25. 0 10. 6 6. 1 5. 7 5. 7 4. 1 5 .7 9. 1 9. 3 5. 2 4. 6 5. 8 " 7. 1 7. 7 _ 8. 3 8. 5 6. 5 6. 0 8 .9 6 .4 5. 4 6 .4 7. 9 9 .8 8 .0 8. 7 5. 6 H o u rs in te r v a l 800 1 1 ,0 0 0 | 1 ,2 0 0 1 ,4 0 0 to ! to | to to 999 1 1,199 1 1 ,3 9 9 1 ,5 9 9 By h o u rs 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 _ 0. 8 0. 3 .3 .8 4. 5 2. 5 2. 3 3. 0 10. 6 12. 8 9. 7 10. 6 11. 0 12. 8 9. 1 11 .9 17. 6 14. 0 17. 0 12. 1 14. 2 18. 2 12. 3 17. 7 13. 6 11. 0 15. 1 12. 5 8. 0 11. 0 1 1 .4 11 .8 6. 2 11 .9 1 1 .9 8 .9 4. 1 5. 6 9. 1 8 .9 4. 0 4. 7 2. 8 2. 6 3. 4 3. 8 2. 3 2. 3 .6 .5 .3 .8 6. 6 _ _ _ 8. 5 6. 1 4. 6 7. 1 7 .4 6. 8 5. 3 5. 1 10. 5 8. 0 8. 7 5. 6 8. 8 15. 4 _ 16. 7 6 .4 9 .0 8. 0 7. 5 6. 7 7. 4 10. 2 13. 0 13. 7 12. 6 13. 0 11. 1 By age 8. 1 1 1 .4 _ 7. 7 _ _ _ 8. 3 5. 3 9. 6 8. 3 14. 0 11. 2 6 .9 8 .4 8 .4 7. 1 12. 4 10. 8 9. 3 13. 6 9. 1 12. 6 12. 1 5 .9 11. 1 6 .9 9. 2 7. 2 10. 1 5. 6 5. 6 1,6 0 0 to 1,7 9 9 1,8 0 0 to 1,9 9 9 2 ,000+ 2, 000 to 2, 199 2, 200 to 2, 399 2, 400 + 100. 0 _ 4. 2 9 .7 16. 6 16. 9 17. 2 14. 8 9 .0 5. 7 4. 5 1. 5 1. 2 .3 100. 0 _ 2. 5 11. 2 12. 5 21. 3 19. 9 12. 8 10. 4 6. 3 2. 2 1. 1 .8 .3 100. 0 _ 1 .9 6. 5 16. 0 21. 3 19. 0 18. 3 9. 5 3. 8 3. 4 .4 _ .4 100. 0 _ 2. 3 6. 8 1 5 .9 21. 8 16. 8 18. 6 10. 0 4. 1 3. 2 .5 _ .5 100. 0 _ 6. 1 15. 2 18. 2 27. 3 18. 2 9. 1 3. 0 3. 0 _ _ - 100. 0 _ _ _ 20. 0 20. 0 40. 0 10. 0 _ _ 10. 0 _ _ " 12. 4 13. 7 _ _ _ 9. 6 14. 7 13. 2 17. 8 1 6 .8 13. 3 14. 3 10. 7 5. 2 4. 6 4. 3 5. 6 9 .8 8. 2 1. 2 0. 4 _ _ 5. 3 6. 1 12. 1 12. 8 11. 5 13. 6 9 .4 4. 7 5 .9 1. 1 _ 5. 6 _ 5. 3 5. 4 10. 1 11. 0 8. 5 11. 6 8. 3 4. 2 4. 6 1. 1 _ 5. 6 _ _ _ 14. 9 11. 5 1 5 .8 12. 8 13. 1 13 .9 11. 3 8. 8 9 .8 5. 7 5. 8 5. 6 _ _ _ _ 0. 7 1 .4 1. 4 2. 1 1. 7 1. 1 .5 .7 _ _ " _ _ _ _ 0. 6 .5 .9 .3 _ _ .7 _ _ “ L e s s th a n 0 .0 5 p e rc e n t. N O T E : B e c a u se of ro u n d in g , su m s of in d iv id u a l ite m s m a y no t eq u al to ta ls, 89 Table A-41. P e r c e n t distribution of i r o n w o r k e r s in so u t h e r n California by age a n d h o u r s of w o r k , for the 1 2 - m o n t h period, J u n e 1966— M a y 1967 H o u r s interval A g e interval Total 1 to 199 200 to 399 400 to 599 600 to 799 800 to 999 ; 1,000 j to 1 I 1,199 1,200 to 1,399 | 1,400 j to | ! 1,599 1,600 to 1,799 1,800 to 1,999 1 | 2, 000 + | 2,000 to 2, 199 2, 200 to 2,399 2, 4 0 0 + 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 B y hours T o t a l ------------------ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 L e s s tha n 20 y e a r s _________ 1 4 -17 y e a r s ______________ 1 8 - 1 9 y e a r s ______________ 2 0 - 2 4 y e a r s _________________ 2 5 - 2 9 y e a r s _________________ 3 0 - 3 4 y e a r s _________________ 3 5 - 3 9 y e a r s _________________ 4 0 - 4 4 y e a r s _________________ 4 5 - 4 9 y e a r s _________________ 5 0 - 5 4 y e a r s _________________ 5 5 - 5 9 y e a r s _________________ 60-64 years 65 y e a r s a n d ov e r 6 5 - 6 9 y e a r s ______________ 70 y e a r s a n d o v e r _______ 1. 7 .1 1. 6 9.6 13. 7 13. 3 12.9 13.5 11. 2 10. 9 7. 9 4. 2 1. 1 .9 .2 5. 1 1. 0 4. 1 10. 6 14. 0 11. 8 9.4 12. 0 10. 0 11.8 6. 3 5.9 3. 0 2. 2 .8 8. 1 1. 5 6. 6 15.4 12.4 10. 1 10. 5 11. 1 10. 9 8. 8 5. 1 5. 1 2.4 1.9 .4 4. 6 4. 6 15. 3 12.6 9.6 9.0 12. 2 9.2 11. 3 8. 8 5. 5 1.9 1.7 .2 4. 2 4. 2 10.4 14. 7 10.4 9 .6 13. 1 9.6 12.4 9. 2 4. 2 2.4 2. 2 .2 2. 3 2. 3 12. 2 12.2 9. 1 12. 1 11. 5 11.9 10. 8 9. 3 7. 0 1. 6 1. 2 .3 2. 5 2. 5 12.9 12. 2 12. 1 12. 2 9.9 10. 1 11. 1 10. 7 4.9 1. 5 1. 1 .4 100.0 1. 1 1. 1 10. 9 14. 3 13. 3 10. 3 12. 7 10. 8 11. 2 9.4 5. 3 .7 .6 .1 100.0 0.8 .8 10. 2 13. 1 14. 6 11. 0 13. 7 11. 2 11.4 8. 5 4. 8 .8 .6 .2 100. 0 100. 0 0.4 .4 8.9 16. 1 14. 9 14. 7 12. 7 10. 0 11. 3 7. 1 3. 4 .4 .4 .1 0. 2 .2 7. 2 14. 0 16. 0 15. 5 15. 8 11. 8 9. 1 7. 2 2. 5 .7 .6 .1 _ _ _ _ 2. 8 11.4 13. 1 17. 6 17.9 15. 7 12. 0 6. 6 2. 5 .3 .3 3. 0 11.9 12.9 18.4 17.4 15. 5 11.8 6. 3 2.4 .4 .4 1. 7 8. 5 15.4 12. 8 22. 2 13. 7 15.4 6. 8 3.4 _ _ 9.7 9.7 16. 1 12.9 29. 0 6. 5 12.9 3. 2 _ - - - 9. 3 7. 8 _ _ _ _ _ 2. 7 7. 8 9. 2 12. 7 12.4 13. 1 10.4 7.9 5. 7 2. 5 6.8 7. 6 11. 1 10. 1 10. 8 8. 5 6. 3 4.4 2.9 3. 5 _ 0.2 .8 1.4 1. 2 2. 0 1. 5 1. 7 1. 0 1. 0 _ _ 0. 2 .2 .4 .3 .8 .2 .5 .2 _ _ " - - B y a ge T o t a l __________________ L e s s tha n 20 y e a r s _________ 1 4 -17 y e a r s ______________ 1 8 -19 y e a r s 20-24 years 2 5 - 2 9 y e a r s ________ _________ 30-34 years _ . _ _ ... . _ 3 5 - 3 9 y e a r s ____ ____________ 4 0 - 4 4 y e a r s ........... .... 45-49 years 50-54 years 5 5 - 5 9 y e a r s _________________ 6 0 - 6 4 y e a r s _________________ 65 y e a r s a n d o v e r __________ 6 5 - 6 9 y e a r s ______________ 70 y e a r s a n d o v e r NOTE: Table A-42. 100. 0 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B e c a u s e of rounding, 5.2 4. 8 4.9 15. 7 41. 7 13. 6 5. 8 5.4 4 .6 3.8 4. 7 4. 7 5. 7 4.2 7.4 14.4 12.8 22. 2 22.9 58. 3 20. 1 7. 7 4.4 3. 6 3.9 4. 0 4. 7 3.9 3. 1 5.9 10. 6 10. 5 11. 1 13. 3 14. 3 7. 8 4. 5 3. 6 3.4 4.4 4. 1 5. 1 5. 5 6.4 8.7 9. 3 5.6 | 5.2 5.9 7.5 8.8 12. 1 17. 1 19. 1 12.7 13. 6 5. 6 5. 6 4. 0 3.8 5. 0 4.4 5.9 6.0 5. 2 11. 5 12. 8 5. 6 7. 8 8.4 7. 5 5. 3 4. 0 5. 5 5. 0 6. 3 5.9 6.9 9.9 8. 7 8. 1 11. 1 10.8 11. 7 10. 1 6. 7 6.8 7. 1 5. 5 6. 8 7.7 10. 2 8.9 10. 6 9. 3 16. 7 5.4 5.8 10. 0 9.2 8. 8 7. 0 8. 3 8. 5 9.0 10. 5 11. 1 5.8 5.8 5.6 5. 4 5. 8 12. 8 11. 5 13. 2 10. 3 12. 2 12. 1 12. 6 13. 0 13. 8 8. 7 8. 1 11. 1 4. 2 4. 5 15. 8 20. 1 19. 1 19.5 16. 1 15. 3 17. 9 15. 3 14. 1 6. 7 7. 0 5. 6 1. 8 1.9 14. 2 19.5 22.9 22. 8 22. 3 20. 1 16. 0 17.4 11. 6 11. 5 12. 8 5. 6 2.9 3. 5 - 1. 2 0.3 s u m s of individual i t e m s ' m a y not equal totals. P e r c e n t distribution of operating e n g i n e e r s in so u t h e r n California b y a g e a n d h o u r s of w o r k for the 1 2 - m o n t h period, J u n e 1966— M a y 1967 H o u r s interval Total 1 to 199 T o t a l __________________ 100. 0 100.0 L e s s than 20 y e a r s 14 - 1 7 y e a r s ______________ 1 8 - 1 9 y e a r s ______________ 20-24 years 2 5 - 2 9 y e a r s ________________ 30-34 years _ . .. ...... 3 5 - 3 9 y e a r s _________________ 4 0 - 4 4 y e a r s _________________ 45-49 years 5 0 - 5 4 y e a r s _________________ 5 5 - 5 9 y e a r s ...... ...... .... 6 0 - 6 4 y e a r s _________________ 65 y e a r s a n d o v e r _ _ _ ... 6 5 - 6 9 y e a r s ______________ 70 y e a r s a n d o v e r 0. 2 A g e interval 200 to 399 4 00 to 599 600 to 799 800 to 999 1,000 to 1, 199 1,200 to 1,399 100.0 100. 0 100.0 0. 1 .1 3. 1 9. 5 10. 2 14. 2 13.9 13.8 15.4 10. 6 7. 2 2.0 1.9 .2 0. 3 .3 4. 0 8. 3 10. 5 12. 7 15. 6 14. 3 15. 3 11.4 5.9 1. 7 1. 5 .2 1,400 to 1,599 1,600 to 1,799 1,800 to 1,999 2, 0 0 0 + 2, 000 to 2, 199 2,200 to 2 , 399 2, 4 0 0 + 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 0. 2 .2 2. 0 8. 0 13. 8 17. 4 17. 0 14. 6 13. 1 8. 5 4. 4 .9 .8 .1 0. 1 .1 1. 6 7. 7 12. 5 16. 9 19. 5 16.4 13. 0 7. 9 3. 7 .7 .6 .1 (M 1. 6 7. 1 12. 2 17. 0 19.2 16. 1 13.4 8. 3 4. 1 .8 .6 .1 0. 1 .1 1. 0 8. 8 14. 3 15. 3 20. 9 15.9 11. 6 8.4 3.4 .3 .3 _ 2. 3 8. 8 10. 9 19. 3 18. 6 18. 8 13. 2 5. 1 2. 1 .9 .9 12. 5 15. 1 20. 1 3. 7 _ 14. 8 _ 7.4 _ 4. 0 11. 1 13. 0 15. 2 13. 0 13. 3 12. 3 11. 6 11. 0 10. 5 7. 3 8. 4 2. 0 16. 0 10. 6 13.9 17. 6 17.4 15. 8 15. 1 14. 5 13. 5 11.8 8. 0 8 .8 4. 1 B y hours (M .2 2.9 8. 7 11. 8 15. 1 16. 2 14. 6 13. 7 9. 5 5. 6 1. 7 1.4 .3 _ 4. 7 9.8 10. 3 11. 2 14. 1 13.8 12.4 10. 6 8. 0 5. 0 4. 2 .8 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 0.9 .3 .6 3.9 7. 4 10. 7 12.4 13. 6 15. 6 14.4 9.9 7. 5 3. 8 3. 0 .8 0.4 .4 4. 0 10. 8 10. 1 14.4 14. 1 12. 3 11. 0 11.9 7. 7 3. 3 2. 1 1. 2 0. 4 .4 3. 8 9. 7 10. 1 13.4 14.4 12.4 14. 4 11. 0 7. 5 2. 9 2. 3 .6 _ 3. 6 9. 2 8. 8 13.9 14. 4 13. 7 16.9 10. 3 7.4 1. 8 1.4 .4 100.0 _ 3. 2 9. 0 11. 7 15.2 15. 2 15. 4 13.6 9. 6 5. 7 1. 5 1. 3 .3 (M (r) 2. 6 9. 0 14.4 15. 7 17. 3 14. 3 12. 6 8. 3 4. 7 1. 0 1. 0 (M (M _ - - 13. 2 4. 2 2. 6 3. 7 _ 3. 7 _ 4. 0 7. 5 10.8 13. 7 14. 9 15. 6 14. 6 13. 0 11. 6 9.7 5.9 5.9 6. 1 4. 0 1. 5 4. 3 5. 1 4. 3 5. 5 4. 6 3. 6 3. 7 2. 6 .7 .8 2. 1 2. 6 2. 4 3. 3 3. 0 3. 3 2.5 1.4 1. 0 1.4 1. 7 " - B y a ge T o t a l _________________ L e s s than 20 y e a r s _________ 1 4 - 1 7 y e a r s ______________ 1 8 - 1 9 y e a r s ______________ 2 0 - 2 4 y e a r s _________________ 2 5 - 2 9 y e a r s _________________ 3 0 - 3 4 y e a r s ................. 35-39 y e a r s 40-44 years 45-49 years 5 0 - 5 4 y e a r s ......... ........ 5 5 - 5 9 y e a r s _________________ 60-64 years 65 y e a r s a n d o v e r 6 5 - 6 9 y e a r s ______________ 70 y e a r s a n d o v e r _______ 1 Less NOTE: than 100. 0 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5. 0 _ 8. 1 5. 7 4.4 3. 7 4.4 4. 7 4 .6 5. 7 7. 2 14. 6 14. 6 14. 3 4. 8 5. 5 5.8 25.9 100. 0 20. 0 6. 5 4. 1 4. 3 3.9 4. 0 5. 1 5. 1 5. 0 6 .4 10.4 10. 0 12. 2 14. 8 _ 16. 0 7. 5 6.8 4. 7 5. 2 4. 7 4.6 4.4 6.9 7. 5 10.4 7.9 22.4 14. 8 _ 16. 0 7. 7 6. 5 4.9 5. 1 5. 2 4 .9 6. 1 6. 7 7. 7 9. 7 9. 2 12. 2 6. 1 _ _ _ 7. 5 6. 5 4. 5 5. 6 5.4 5. 7 7. 5 6. 6 8. 0 6. 2 5. 9 8. 2 7. 8 7.9 3.7 _ 4. 0 8.4 8. 5 6. 7 7. 3 6. 6 7. 3 8. 7 8. 7 9.9 9.0 10. 0 4. 1 14. 8 _ 0 . 0 5 percent. Because 90 of rounding, sums of individual i t e m s m a y not equal totals. 16. 0 11. 1 7. 6 7. 0 6. 7 7.6 7. 8 8.9 9.6 8. 3 8.0 8.4 6. 1 9.5 _ _ _ 10.4 9.8 9. 3 9 .5 8.9 9.9 9 .4 9.5 9 .5 8. 3 8.4 8. 2 8. 11. 17. 21. 22. 24. 22. 19. 16. 13. 8. 8. 6. 0 1 8 2 5 0 5 1 8 2 0 4 1 _ _ Table A -43. P ercent distribution of w orkers in selected construction occupations in Omaha by month and by hours of work reported for the 12-month period, July 1966—June 1967 January Hours February March April May June July August S e p tember October November December Teamsters ______ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 0 h n n r H ______________________ 56. 1 4 .9 2. 4 2 .4 3. 7 2.4 1. 2 1. 2 13.4 8. 5 3. 7 53. 7 _ 6. 1 2 .4 1. 2 2.4 7. 3 14. 6 12. 2 50. 0 6. 1 7. 3 1. 2 1. 2 4. 9 1. 2 9. 8 18. 3 62. 2 1.2 2. 4 1. 2 2.4 1. 2 3. 7 4. 9 12. 2 8. 5 61. 0 1. 2 2. 4 4. 9 1. 2 3. 7 2. 4 12. 2 11. 0 58. 5 4 .9 6. 1 2 .4 3. 7 1. 2 1. 2 2.4 9.8 9. 8 59. 8 2 .4 2. 4 1. 2 4. 9 2. 4 4. 9 _ 22. 0 67. 1 1 2 1.2 1. 2 1. 2 2 .4 18. 3 7. 3 58. 5 1. 2 _ 2.4 2.4 3. 7 1. 2 11. 0 7. 3 12. 2 62. 2 1. 2 1. 2 1. 2 1. 2 2.4 3. 7 12. 2 14. 6 40. 2 9 .8 6. 1 _ 3. 7 3. 7 2.4 1. 2 6. 1 9. 8 17. 1 40. 2 11. 0 4. 9 3. 7 1. 2 8. 5 2.4 4. 9 7. 3 15.9 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 28. 6 _ 3. 2 1. 6 1. 6 3. 2 4. 8 7. 9 4. 8 44.4 34. 9 _ _ 3. 2 11. 1 6. 3 7.9 20. 6 14. 3 1.6 42. 9 _ 1.6 3. 2 1. 6 3. 2 3.2 6. 3 20. 6 4. 8 12. 7 46. 0 _ 4. 8 _ _ 4. 8 3. 2 11. 1 3. 2 12. 7 14. 3 42. 9 _ 4. 8 1. 6 1.6 4. 8 4. 8 9. 5 19.0 6. 3 4. 8 42. 9 3. 2 1.6 1.6 1. 6 3. 2 1.6 9. 5 6. 3 28. 6 Total - - 1-19 h o u r s ------------------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s - __ ___________ 4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s _ — ----------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s ----------------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s ---- ----------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s --------------1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ... ............ 1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s ----- ------1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s -------------180 h o u r s or m o r e --------- P lasterers 1 -_ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 _______________________ 44. 4 _ - 47. 6 4. 8 4. 8 3. 2 _ 42. 9 1. 6 4. 8 _ 4. 8 6. 3 4. 8 4. 8 19. 0 11. 1 41. 3 1. 6 3. 2 _ _ 3. 2 3. 2 3. 2 27. 0 17. 5 39. 7 _ - 33. 3 1. 6 _ 3. 2 _ 3. 2 4. 8 4. 8 20. 6 6. 3 22. 2 Total— o ------------ 1_ 19 h o u r s _— — — — 2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s __________________ 4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s __ __________ — 6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s _________________ 8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s _________________ 1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s ______________ 180 h o u r s or m o r e --------- 1. 6 3. 2 3. 2 7. 9 4. 8 23. 8 7. 9 3. 2 3. 2 1.6 3. 2 9. 5 19. 0 3. 2 1. 6 _ 1. 6 4. 8 17. 5 31. 7 3. 2 Ope r a t i n g e n g i neers i Totals-------------- — 0 h o u r s ______________________ 1-19 h o u r s ___________________ 2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s __________ ____ 4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s - ____ __ ____ 6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s ____ ___ __ — 8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s _________________ 1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s _______________ 1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s - ______ ____ 1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s _ ____________ 1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s ______________ 180 h o u r s or m o r e --------- 100. 0 100. 0 65. 8 2. 3 1. 6 2. 7 2. 0 3. 6 3. 2 4. 2 4. 9 5. 3 4. 5 1 0 0.0 i ------:---- 1 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1 0 0.0 | 100.0 100. 0 48. 3 2. 3 2 .4 3. 5 4 .9 5. 7 4.9 5. 3 5. 2 6. 9 10. 9 33. 4 .9 1. 5 1. 3 1. 9 2. 5 2. 8 6. 2 10. 0 13. 1 26. 3 32. 7 1. 1 1.6 2. 1 1. 5 1.9 2. 8 5. 6 6.6 13. 1 31. 0 33. 8 1. 1 1.6 1. 8 1. 8 1. 9 3. 3 5. 8 8. 8 13. 2 26. 9 34. 5 1.4 1. 5 1.9 1. 9 2. 5 2. 8 4. 5 3. 8 9.9 35. 3 ! 40.4 1. 1 2. 2 2. 1 2. 6 3. 2 3. 2 5.6 8. 7 11. 3 19. 6 50. 4 1. 7 3. 5 2. 5 2.4 3. 3 3. 0 5. 8 5. 2 8. 3 14. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 46. 9 _ _ _ 3. 1 1. 6 4. 7 1.6 42. 2 45. 3 3. 1 1.6 _ 1.6 7. 8 10. 9 15. 6 14. 1 45. 3 _ _ _ 39. 1 4. 7 4. 7 _ _ 35. 9 _ _ _ 1. 6 1.6 1.6 4. 7 15. 6 3. 1 26. 6 39. 1 1.6 1.6 6. 3 1. 6 _ 3. 1 20. 3 9.4 17. 2 1. 6 1. 6 15. 6 25. 0 6. 3 1. 6 1. 6 _ 1.6 9.4 4. 7 9.4 37. 5 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 58. 1 1. 9 1. 5 1. 9 2. 0 1. 8 2. 7 2. 7 59. 5 2. 4 2. 2 1. 9 2. 3 2. 3 2. 5 3. 7 8. 8 5. 7 8. 6 62.4 1. 6 2. 8 2. 6 1. 5 1. 7 2. 9 3. 5 6. 7 6. 9 7.4 67. 7 1. 3 1.9 1. 9 1. 8 2. 1 3. 2 4. 9 4.6 7. 8 2.9 54. 4 2. 8 3. 0 4. 5 3. 1 3. 5 2. 8 3. 2 2. 8 6. 1 13.9 41. 2 1. 7 2. 4 2. 8 1. 8 3. 2 5. 7 7. 1 11. 1 9.6 13. 5 38. 7 1. 5 1. 9 2. 4 2. 4 3. 7 2. 2 3. 6 10. 4 15. 1 18. 2 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 28. 1 1.6 3. 1 3. 1 3. 1 3. 1 9.4 26. 6 21. 9 34. 4 1. 6 _ 4. 7 1. 6 1.6 3. 1 20. 3 32. 8 Lathers i ----------- 100. 0 o h o u r s ______________________ 34. 4 1. 6 1. 6 4. 7 1. 6 4. 7 7. 8 40. 6 3. 1 T o t a l ---- 1-19 h o u r s - ____ -__________ — 2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s __________________ _______ 4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s _______ 6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s _________________ 8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s _____ ____ ____ 1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s ______________ 120-139 hours _____________ 1 4 0 - 1 5 9 ho u r s _ ___ ____ 160-179 hours ........... 180 h o u r s or m o r e __________ ! 1 i ! 39. 1 _ _ 3. 1 1. 6 3. 1 3. 1 20. 3 29. 7 - " 29. 7 3. 1 _ 4. 7 1. 6 3. 1 3. 1 9.4 14. 1. 31. 3 - | 100.0 1-----------! | j 37. 5 1.6 1.6 _ 3. 1 4. 7 4. 7 14. 1 12. 5 20. 3 - Laborers l Total----- -_ - ----- 0 h o u r s --------- ----------1-10 h o u r s __ __ ____ ___ _ 2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s __________________ 4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s -----------------60-79 hours ____ ____ 8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s __________________ 1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s _______________ 1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s __ — -------1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s — ----- — 180 h o u r s or m o r e _ _____ _ 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 67. 4 1. 7 2. 5 2. 7 1. 6 2. 3 3. 5 5. 1 8. 0 3. 2 2. 0 69. 5 1. 8 1. 8 2. 1 1. 5 2. 0 3. 5 4. 1 4.6 6. 1 3. 0 60. 5 2. 8 2. 8 2. 8 2. 4 2. 1 1. 8 2. 8 4. 5 6. 8 10. 6 ! i ! : 100.0 60. 2. 4. 3. 7 6 3 0 1. 7 2. 8 2. 4 5. 7 8. 0 5. 9 3. 0 100. 0 55. 6 3. 9 3. 8 2. 6 1. 9 2. 6 3. 0 4.4 7. 7 7. 3 7. 2 100. 0 58. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 3. 3. 7. 5. 7. 8 2 7 7 2 6 0 2 3 2 0 100. 0 100. 0 52. 3 1. 5 1.9 1. 5 2. 5 3. 0 3. 1 4. 1 7. 5 4. 8 17. 7 51. 0 2. 4 2. 0 1. 9 2. 8 3. 2 3. 2 3. 9 6. 8 11. 0 11. 7 54. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 12. 6. 6. 9 3 3 0 2 0 0 7 1 1 3 7. 7 9.2 10.6 91 Table A-43. P e r c e n t distribution of w o r k e r s in selected construction occupations in O m a h a b y m o n t h a n d b y h o u r s of w o r k repo r t e d for the 1 2 - m o n t h period, Jul y 1966— J u n e 1967— C o n t i n u e d January Hours February March April May June | July August Septe m b e r October Novemberj D e c e m b e r Ironworkers Total _ --------------0 h o u r s _______________________ i - 19 h o u r s ___________________ 2 9-39 h o u r s _________________ 4* -59 h o u r s -__ ________ _____ 6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s __________________ 8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s _________________ 1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s _______________ 1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s --------------180 h o u r s or m o r e __________ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 46. 4 1. 6 2. 0 4. 5 4. 0 5.6 9. 3 10. 9 8. 7 4. 2 2. 7 49. 3 2. 4 1.8 2.9 1. 5 6. 7 6. 9 10. 0 8. 9 7. 8 1. 8 44. 7 1. 5 .9 2. 2 2. 7 3.6 3.5 4. 5 6. 7 6. 5 23. 1 43. 3 1. 6 2. 7 1.6 1. 5 5. 6 3. 1 15. 1 10. 4 8. 7 6. 4 36. 2 2. 7 3. 1 3. 6 1. 5 4. 0 4. 0 7. 6 20. 4 9. 3 7. 6 100. 0 36. 3. 3. 2. 2. 7. 5. 6. 10. 8. 12. 5 5 8 0 9 3 3 9 9 9 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 32. 2 1. 3 1. 8 2. 7 3. 6 2.9 3. 8 5. 3 17. 6 10. 9 17. 8 32. 5 1. 1 1. 5 1. 5 2. 0 3. 5 3. 6 6.4 15. 1 16. 9 16. 0 34. 2 3. 1 .7 2. 0 1. 6 4. 0 3. 5 6. 5 17. 1 8. 2 19. 1 100. 0 37. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 14. 13. 20. 100. 0 100. 0 3 5 5 1 8 2 7 8 0 5 7 38. 5 .9 .9 1. 5 2. 4 3. 5 4. 9 8. 2 17. 8 12. 2 9. 3 41. 1 .9 2. 2 2. 7 2. 0 2. 9 7. 8 5. 6 11. 8 12. 9 10. 0 100. 0 C e m e n t finishers T o t a l ------------------ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 o h o u r s ______________________ 63. 3 4. 2 3. 5 5. 2 2. 4 2. 8 2. 8 3. 8 5.9 3. 1 2. 8 62 . 6 4. 2 3. 8 3. 5 3. 5 3. 1 4. 5 4. 2 4.9 4. 2 1.4 53. 8 1. 7 3. 8 3. 5 2. 8 1.4 3. 1 4. 2 4. 2 5. 6 15. 7 37. 1 3. 8 2. 4 2. 1 4. 5 3. 5 7. 3 9.4 11. 9 11. 2 6.6 33. 2 3. 1 1. 0 2.4 1. 0 3. 8 5. 9 7. 3 9. 8 14. 7 17. 5 46. 2 3. 8 4. 5 3. 8 5. 9 4. 5 4. 9 4. 5 6. 3 6.6 8. 7 30. 1 2. 4 2. 1 2. 1 1. 7 2. 8 3. 8 6. 3 15. 7 13. 6 19. 2 23. 4 2. 8 3. 8 .7 1. 4 3. 1 4. 9 4. 5 11. 2 13. 6 30. 4 27. 6 1. 4 1.4 1. 0 2. 8 .7 3. 1 7. 7 9. 8 12. 6 31. 8 26. 2 .7 2. 4 .7 .3 2. 1 4. 2 3. 1 11. 5 15.4 33. 2 28. 3 2. 1 2. 1 3. 1 2. 4 3. 8 3. 8 7. 7 13. 3 11. 5 21.7 1-19 h o u r s ___________________ 2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s .................. 4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s _________________ 6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s -----------------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s ----------------100- 119 ______________________ 1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s _______________ 1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s ______________ 180 h o u r s or m o r e __________ 37. 6. 5. 3. 6. 4. 7. 6. 7. 5. 10. 4 3 2 1 3 9 7 6 0 2 1 Carpenters 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100, 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 5 7 3 5 3 7 0 1 0 1 7 36. 7 2. 4 3. 3 2. 1 1.4 3. 4 4.4 9. 8 13. 4 17. 7 5. 3 37. 1 1. 3 1. 8 2. 3 1. 6 2. 8 2. 9 4.6 16. 0 16. 0 13. 6 42. 3 1. 1 1. 7 2.7 2. 3 3. 8 3. 7 6. 1 9.6 13. 8 12. 9 24. 9 1. 0 1. 4 2. 0 2. 8 3. 7 4. 1 7. 3 20. 0 14. 8 18. 0 23. 0 .8 1. 3 2. 1 3. 0 3. 4 3. 4 5. 7 12. 1 23. 0 22. 2 22. 1 1. 6 2. 0 2.9 2. 3 3. 5 4. 3 7. 3 22. 4 12. 9 18. 7 25. 1 1. 6 1.4 3. 3 2. 4 1. 8 3. 5 7. 3 15. 6 22. 4 15. 6 28. 9 1. 3 1. 9 3. 3 2. 2 2. 4 3. 7 5. 3 19. 9 13. 6 17. 4 32. 0 2. 1 2. 6 2. 5 3. 4 2. 7 3. 2 6. 5 16. 5 12. 4 16. 1 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 0 8 7 0 3 4 0 9 7 3 1 44. 0 1.4 2. 1 7. 0 5. 6 8. 1 5. 8 8. 8 6. 7 6. 5 4. 0 41. 2 1. 9 1. 6 3. 0 4. 2 2. 8 4. 7 6. 7 14. 2 7. 0 12. 8 38. 4 1. 6 2. 3 3. 0 1.4 3. 0 7. 9 16. 3 10. 7 9. 5 5. 8 35. 3 1. 9 2. 8 2. 8 1. 6 2. 6 6. 0 8. 4 18. 6 11. 9 8. 1 49. 3 1. 4 1.9 1. 6 3. 5 3. 7 6. 0 4. 7 8. 8 6. 3 12. 8 22. 1 .5 21. 4 .9 2. 1 1.4 3. 7 2. 8 4. 4 7. 2 22. 8 15. 3 17. 9 25. 6 .7 2.6 2. 3 3. 5 4. 7 3. 0 9. 3 24. 7 9. 3 14. 4 28. 6 1. 2 1.4 .7 2. 1 2. 6 6. 5 6. 3 21.4 16. 0 13. 3 30. 0 1. 2 2. 1 1. 9 3. 7 4. 9 6. 0 12. 6 18. 6 9. 8 9. 3 35. 1 1. 2 2. 3 2. 6 3. 7 9. 8 10. 2 9. 5 10. 7 5. 8 9. 1 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 55. 9 1.9 2. 2 2. 8 2. 3 3. 5 4. 2 6. 2 7. 4 10. 1 3. 6 48. 8 2. 5 2. 5 3. 0 2. 7 2. 7 2. 9 3. 8 5. 7 8. 6 16.6 44. 8 2. 2 3. 1 2 .4 1. 7 3. 4 4. 3 8. 9 10. 7 11.4 7. 1 42. 1 2. 2 2. 5 2. 6 1. 8 3. 0 3. 2 5. 0 12. 8 12. 9 11. 9 40. 5 1. 7 2. 1 2. 3 2. 4 2. 9 3. 6 6. 0 13. 9 10. 4 14. 2 45. 3 2. 0 2. 9 2. 6 £. 7 3. 3 4. 2 5. 6 9. 9 9. 2 12. 4 T o t a l __________________ 100. 0 0 h o u r s ---------------------1-19 h o u r s ___________________ 2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s __________________ 4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s -----------------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s __________________ 8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s ________________ 1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s --------------1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s -------------180 h o u r s or m o r e __________ 38. 1 1. 8 1. 9 2. 6 2. 7 4. 0 6.4 10.4 20. 1 7. 3 4. 7 100. 0 100. 0 40. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 4. 7. 11. 16. 5. 37. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 4. 7. 13. 22. 0 1 7 6 8 9 6 5 9 7 2 B r i c k layers T o t a l __________________ 0 h o u r s ______________________ 1 -19 h o u r s ____________ >______ 2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s ----------------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s _________________ 6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s _________________ 8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s _________________ 1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s -------------1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s _______________ 1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s _______________ 1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s _______________ 180 h o u r s or m o r e __________ 100. 0 43. 2. 4. 4. 6. 4. 7. 11. 10. 3. 2. 1.9 2. 1 3. 7 4. 7 7. 9 10. 7 21.4 10. 9 14. 2 Total of all selected construction crafts r 1 T o t a l ------------ _ — 0 h o u r s _______________________ 1-19 h o u r s ___________________ 2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s _________________ 4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s __________________ 6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s _________________ 8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s _________________ 1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s ______________ 1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s _______________ 180 h o u r s or m o r e __________ NOTE: 54. 2. 2. 3. 2. 3. 5. 7. 11. 5. 3. B e c a u s e of rounding, 92 1 1 3 0 7 6 0 3 5 1 4 s u m s of individual i t e m s m a y not equal totals. 100. 0 48. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 8. 8. 10. 0 3 7 0 1 2 2 0 0 7 8 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 35. 2 1. 2 1. 7 1. 8 2. 6 3. 1 3. 8 6. 1 13. 8 10. 8 20. 1 34. 0 1.4 1. 7 1. 8 2. 4 3. 0 3. 4 5. 4 10. 6 16. 0 20. 2 35. 6 1. 7 1. 8 2 .4 2. 5 3. 0 3. 4 6. 1 15. 6 10. 3 17. 6 37. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 4. 10. 14. 19. 8 5 5 0 0 1 2 8 9 3 7 Table A-44. P e r c e n t distribution of w o r k e r s in selected construction occupations in Detroit b y m o n t h an d b y h o u r s of w o r k r e ported for the 1 2 - m o n t h period, N o v e m b e r 1 9 6 6 — O c t o b e r 1967 Hours J anuary February March April July ! May ! June i ___________; 1 ___________ Carpenters August September October November December Total ------------------ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 0 h o u r s ----------------------1-19 h o u r s — ----------------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s -----------------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s -----------------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s -----------------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s -----------------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s --------------1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s --------------1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s --------------1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s --------------180 h o u r s or m o r e ---------- 37. 4 1. 3 1.7 2. 1 2. 8 4. 3 8. 1 12. 2 11.8 9. 8 8. 5 39. 3 2. 3 2. 7 2.9 3. 7 5. 7 8. 7 9. 6 13. 8 7. 4 3.9 39. 7 1-4 !-9 2. 0 2. 3 3. 5 5. 7 9.0 12, 0 9. 1 13. 4 37. 6 1.4 1.9 1.9 2. 4 4. 2 5. 8 11.7 16. 5 8. 3 8. 2 36. 4 1.0 1.7 1. 5 2. 0 3.7 5.5 9. 6 13. 7 14. 2 10. 7 34. 8 1.9 2. 1 2. 2 2. 0 4. 3 5. 6 13. 6 13. 7 11. 1 8. 7 34.2 1.5 1.9 2. 1 3. 5 6. 6 12. 2 17. 0 8. 5 6. 4 6. 0 33. 3 1. 1 1.8 1.6 2. 2 3. 5 4. 6 7. 8 12. 1 16. 5 15. 5 33. 4 1.6 2. 5 2. 4 2. 8 4. 5 7. 0 16.9 11.7 8.9 8. 5 40. 3 1.2 2.0 1.7 2. 3 3. 8 6. 5 9.0 13. 4 10. 6 9. 3 37. 3 1. 5 2. 6 3. 2 5. 3 8. 6 10. 1 8. 3 7. 5 6.9 8. 8 36. 1 1.6 2. 1 2. 1 2. 7 5. 3 9. 8 12. 8 10. 3 8. 7 8.4 Total ------------------ 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 0 h o u r s - -------------------1-1 9 h o u r s ------------------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s -----------------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s -----------------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s -----------------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s -----------------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s --------------1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s --------------1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s --------------1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s --------------180 h o u r s or m o r e --------- 37. 4 1.7 2. 1 1.9 2. 0 2. 7 4. 8 5. 8 10. 0 12. 8 18. 8 39. 0 1.6 2. 3 2. 1 2.0 3. 5 4. 2 5. 6 8. 3 17. 1 14. 4 37. 9 1.6 1.4 1.7 2.0 3.0 2. 5 3.9 6. 4 14. 5 25. 0 35. 2 1.9 1.7 2. 1 2.0 3.0 2. 3 3. 2 6. 1 14. 3 28. 2 32. 4 1. 2 1.4 1.8 1.4 3. 1 1.8 3. 6 5. 7 14. 5 33. 2 32. 8 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.5 2. 8 2. 5 3. 5 7.9 16. 8 27. 8 31. 2 1. 3 1.4 1.7 2. 0 3. 2 3. 2 4. 8 9. 8 13. 2 28. 2 31.0 1.2 1. 3 1. 1 1. 1 2.0 2. 1 2.9 5. 4 13. 1 38. 9 35. 8 1. 6 1.5 1.6 1.6 2. 3 2. 0 3.0 7. 7 13.9 29. 3 41.5 1.4 1. 3 1.5 1.6 2. 3 2.0 4. 4 7. 4 13. 6 23. 1 36. 1 1. 1 2. 0 2. 4 2.0 3. 4 5. 2 7. 4 8. 7 12. 6 19. 1 36. 8 1.6 1.9 2. 0 2.0 3.0 4. 3 5.9 9.0 13. 3 20. 4 Total ------------------ 100.0 ! 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 0 h o u r s ----------------------1-1 9 h o u r s ------------------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s -----------------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s -----------------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s -----------------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s -----------------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s --------------1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s --------------1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s --------------1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s --------------180 h o u r s or m o r e ---------- 48. 1 1.8 3. 2 4. 3 5. 5 7. 6 8. 1 5.9 5. 5 6.0 4. 0 49. 0 2. 6 4.9 6. 2 6. 1 8. 1 6. 7 5. 0 3. 8 6. 2 1. 2 42. 2 2. 0 2. 5 2. 3 3. 0 5. 4 6.9 9. 2 8. 5 8. 5 9. 5 38. 2 1.6 2. 1 1.9 2. 3 4. 3 4 .8 9. 1 16. 5 13. 1 6. 2 33. 8 1.9 1.9 2. 7 2. 2 3. 2 3. 3 7. 3 12. 0 14. 8 16. 8 31.5 1.4 1.9 2. 6 3. 0 4. 4 4. 5 8. 0 18. 7 13. 7 10. 1 34. 0 1.6 1. 8 2. 2 2.9 5. 0 9. 6 16. 4 13. 7 8. 6 4. 1 33. 6 1.6 1.9 1.5 2. 2 2. 7 3. 2 4.9 9.0 11.2 28. 1 35. 2 1.8 1.5 2. 3 2. 5 4. 4 4. 5 11. 3 15. 3 11. 1 10. 0 43. 2 1. 3 1.4 2. 0 2. 6 3. 7 6. 4 11. 3 11.5 9. 2 7. 3 41.4 1.8 2. 4 2. 7 4. 2 6. 3 8. 7 11.0 6. 5 7. 1 8. 0 44. 9 3. 0 4.4 4. 2 6.0 9.4 8. 1 6. 1 5. 5 5. 1 3. 3 Total ------------------ 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 J 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 0 h o u r s ----------------------1 -19 h o u r s ------------------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s -----------------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s -----------------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s -----------------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s -----------------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s --------------1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s --------------1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s --------------1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s --------------180 h o u r s or m o r e ---------- 58. 0 2. 2 2. 3 2. 1 2. 4 3. 0 3.9 5. 1 6. 6 6. 1 8. 3 59. 7 2. 2 2. 6 2.9 2. 6 3. 6 4. 4 5. 3 5.9 7. 1 3. 7 57. 0 2. 0 2. 2 2. 1 1.7 3. 0 3. 1 4. 6 6. 8 7. 4 10. 1 53. 2 2. 3 2.5 2. 4 2. 1 2.9 2. 6 4. 5 8. 5 9. 9 9. 1 46. 6 2. 1 2.0 2. 2 1.8 2. 6 2. 3 3. 4 5. 1 9.0 23.0 49. 3 2. 3 2. 6 2. 6 2. 3 2.9 3. 2 4. 9 9.9 8.4 11.7 57. 3 1. 8 1.7 1. 8 1.8 2. 5 3. 0 5. 5 7. 3 7. 8 9 .5 54. 9 1.8 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 3. 4 5. 3 6. 5 6. 1 6. 5 8. 4 Total ------------------ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 0 h o u r s ----------------------1-19 h o u r s ------------------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s -----------------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s -----------------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s -----------------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s -----------------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s --------------1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s --------------1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s --------------1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s --------------180 h o u r s or m o r e --------- 57. 7 5. 1 4. 3 2. 7 3.0 2. 2 4. 0 4. 9 4. 7 4. 6 6. 9 56. 7 5. 7 3. 9 3. 8 4. 1 3. 3 3. 4 5.0 5. 1 5. 8 3. 0 44. 3 2. 6 1.5 2. 2 2. 0 3.9 3. 4 2.9 4. 1 8. 8 24. 2 45. 1 3.9 2. 6 1.8 2. 2 3. 1 3.9 4. 8 9-9 9.4 13. 4 50. 0 2. 9 2. 6 1.6 1.5 3. 1 3. 5 6.4 7. 7 9. 2 11.6 T o t a l ------------------- 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 0 h o u r s ----------------------1 -19 h o u r s ------------------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s -----------------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s -----------------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s ------- ----------80 - 9 9 h o u r s -----------------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s --------------1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s --------------1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s --------------1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s --------------180 h o u r s or m o r e --------- 50. 1 1.7 1.5 2. 7 3. 6 4. 1 6.0 8. 7 7. 0 6. 2 8. 4 31.7 2 .4 1.4 2. 2 3. 3 3. 5 3. 7 6. 4 10. 4 10. 5 24. 6 35. 7 3. 3 2. 7 2. 7 3. 2 4. 4 5.0 8. 1 13.4 12. 6 8.9 i 1 ! I j O p e r a t i n g engineers Bricklayers 1 i Laborers ! J 50. 5 2. 1 2. 1 2. 1 1.8 2. 5 2. 6 3. 8 6. 7 8. 8 17. 2 48. 3 2. 2 2. 2 2. 3 2. 3 3. 1 3. 2 5.0 10. 2 10. 5 10. 7 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 56. 3 4. 1 4.9 4. 0 2. 3 4. 4 2. 4 4. 4 5. 1 5. 2 6. 8 47. 2 3. 8 3. 5 3. 7 2. 8 5. 1 2.9 5. 6 6. 2 9. 7 9. 6 43. 3 4. 1 3. 4 1. 6 1.7 2. 9 3. 3 4. 4 5. 2 9.4 20. 8 38. 4 5.0 2. 6 3. 3 3. 8 2. 6 3. 8 6. 0 9. 6 13. 1 12. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 53. 2 2.0 1.9 2. 6 4. 8 6. 6 7. 8 6. 2 5.0 6. 6 3. 3 50. 9 2. 3 2. 3 2. 8 2. 6 3. 2 4. 4 6. 7 9. 7 8.9 6. 2 45. 9 2. 5 2.0 3. 2 1.6 3. 8 3. 6 7. 0 11.9 11. 3 7. 3 100. 0 47. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 5. 9. 9. 6. 8. 3 2 1 4 5 7 1 5 8 8 6 55. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 5. 6. 5 4 5 7 7 7 8 4 8 4 2 Cement masons 100.0 39. 5. 3. 2. 3. 5. 5. 11. 8. 9. 6. 9 6 6 0 3 0 0 1 3 8 5 100. 0 2 6 1 5 4 7 8 4 4 5 2 53. 3 5.0 3.9 3. 3 4. 8 3. 4 5.0 4. 8 6. 8 4. 7 5. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 45. 8 2. 6 2.9 2. 3 2. 1 3. 6 3. 8 9. 1 10. 9 8. 5 8. 3 45. 4 3. 0 3. 8 2. 8 3.9 6. 2 6. 1 7. 4 7. 5 6. 1 7. 7 46. 3 2.7 2. 6 4.4 3. 8 6. 7 7.9 8. 8 7. 2 5. 3 4. 2 48. 5. 3. 3. 2. 4. 5. 4. 7. 7. 7. R e i n f o r c e d steel w o r k e r s NOTE: B e c a u s e of rounding, 39. 2. 2. 3. 2. 3. 3. 6. 8. 10. 18. 3 5 5 2 3 5 4 4 4 2 2 s u m s of individual it e m s m a y not equal totals. 100.0 32. 3 3. 6 3. 2 4.4 3.4 4.0 5. 3 7.0 16. 8 12. 5 7. 5 100. 0 33. 3. 2. 2. 3. 4. 8. 12. 13. 7. 7. 7 2 5 1 6 8 5 5 6 5 8 Table A-45. P e r c e n t distribution of w o r k e r s in selected construction occupations in M i l w a u k e e b y m o n t h a n d b y h o u r s of w o r k r epo r t e d for the 1 2 - m o n t h period, D e c e m b e r 1 9 6 5 — N o v e m b e r 1966 Hours J anuary February March April 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 1 0 0.0 May I j June 1 j July ; 1 i ; A u g u s t ' S e p t e m b e r I O c t o b e r ’N o v e m b e r p D e c e m b e r Asp h a l t p a v e r s Total ------- ! i 1 100. 0 i 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 =— 0 h o u r s -----------1-1 9 h o u r s --------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s ------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s ------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s ------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s ------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s ---1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ----1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s ---1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s ----180 h o u r s or m o r e 82. 6 2. 1 1.4 1.4 - 88. 9 .7 1.4 7. 6 1.4 9.0 .7 1.4 1.4 " 90. 3 .7 .7 6. 2 .7 1.4 - 76.4 1.4 4.9 4. 2 4. 2 4. 2 1.4 .7 1.4 1.4 1 41 . 7 7. 6 2. 8 4. 2 6. 2 6.9 5. 6 5. 6 12. 5 6. 2 .7 39. 2 2. 1 2. 1 | i ! | 2. 1 2. 8 i2.6 8 .3 17.4 11.8 2. 8 ! 31.9 2. 8 4. 2 2. 8 2. 8 2. 1 5. 6 8. 3 9.7 13. 2 16. 7 ; j ! | ; ; | ! ! I 100.0 — 1 I I 1 0 0.0 : 100.0 48. 6 3. 5 2. 8 2. 1 8. 3 9. 7 15. 3 3. 5 1.4 4.9 63. 2 9.0 7. 6 2. 1 6.9 4.9 1.4 .7 2. 8 1.4 31.2 2. 8 2. 1 2. 8 1.4 5. 6 8. 3 28. 5 12. 5 4.9 31. 2 2. 1 2. 8 2. 8 5. 6 2. 8 2. 1 9.0 31.9 3. 5 6. 2 100.0 1 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 100. 0 100.0 29.0 38. 7 _ 8. 1 _ _ 41.9 1.6 1.6 8. 1 _ 46. 8 _ 30. 6 _ _ 3. 2 1.6 4. 8 9.7 27. 4 3. 2 1.6 6. 5 30. 6 3. 2 29.9 5. 6 .7 4. 2 1.4 3. 5 3. 5 9.7 10. 4 13.9 17. 8 - i T e r r a z z o skilled helpers T o t a l ------- 1 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 0 h o u r s -----------1-19 h o u r s -------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s ------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s ------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s ------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s ------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s ----1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ---1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s ----1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s ----180 h o u r s or m o r e 37. 1 _ 41. 9 1.6 4.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 3. 2 17. 7 25. 8 33.9 1.6 3. 2 3. 2 _ 37. 1 1. 6 1.6 1.6 14. 5 9.7 29. 0 1.6 1.6 8. 1 16. 1 21.0 11. 3 4. 8 1.6 6. 5 _ 6. 5 19 . 4 22. 6 1.6 " 3.2 _ 100.0 100. 0 |=----- -----! 35. 5 ! 40. 3 1 “ ! 1.6 1.6 4. 8 _ 1. 6 3. 2 1. 6 _ 1.6 4. 8 1.6 24. 2 30. 6 4. 8 17. 7 24. 2 " 100. 0 37. 1 1 _ 1.6 6. 5 _ 3. 4. 6. 27. 11. 1. 11. 3 _ 8. 1 4. 8 14. 5 14. 5 17. 7 2 8 5 4 3 6 - 3. 3. 3. 6. 37. 2 2 2 5 1 - 1. 6 6. 5 _ - 4. 8 1.6 3. 2 3. 2 . 6. 5 11.3 38. 7 Masons Total ------- 100. 0 0 h o u r s -----------1-1 9 h o u r s -------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s ------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s ------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s ------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s ------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s ----1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ----1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s ----1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s ----180 h o u r s or m o r e 33 . 8 1. 2 3. 7 9. 6 6 .3 8.6 8.0 6. 1 9. 1 6. 8 6. 7 100.0 100. 0 100.0 j 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 34. 5 1.0 33.0 .6 1. 1 6. 0 2.0 3. 6 4. 1 10. 6 16. 0 10. 8 12. 2 30. 3 .7 1.2 5. 3 1.6 2.6 2.8 5. 6 14. 2 14. 5 21. 1 ! | | i j ! 35. 5 .8 .9 1. 2 1.0 2.9 2.7 13.3 24.9 13. 6 3. 2 37. 3 20.0 3.4 11.0 3.4 5. 2 3.7 4.0 4. 2 4. 3 3. 5 35. 3 .9 5. 8 9. 6 13. 2 8. 3 3. 8 4. 7 6. 8 5. 2 6. 2 30.4 .6 31. 2 .7 1. 1 5. 7 1.0 2.9 2. 5 5. 0 16.6 12. 3 20. 9 33. 0 .9 1. 3 5. 3 1.4 3<1 2. 7 4. 4 16. 4 20. 7 14. 3 30. 2 .2 1. 1 5. 6 1. 2 2. 7 2. 7 5 .4 28.9 7.9 14. 0 2.9 5.9 13. 5 19.7 8.9 7. 2 31.9 .4 .6 5. 1 1. 2 3.0 3. 6 6.4 17.0 14. 4 16.4 f l i j | I j ! j ! j 1 : j | | j !• 7 6.4 4.7 7.9 10.7 12.0 12. 5 8.3 .2 1 i | i | 1 j I 1 i i : i •6 5. 7 1. 1 1 i ___________ Lathers T o t a l ------- 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 0 h o u r s -----------1-1 9 h o u r s -------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s ------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s ------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s ------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s ------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s ----1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ----1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s ----1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s ----180 h o u r s or m o r e 37. 5 _ 34. 5 .6 1.2 8.9 1.8 6.0 6.0 4. 8 16. 7 14. 3 5 .4 28. 0 1. 2 1.8 8. 9 1. 2 4. 2 4. 8 1.8 6. 5 11.9 29. 8 30. 4 1.2 8. 3 3.0 4. 2 4. 2 13. 1 25. 6 10. 1 39.9 .6 .6 1.8 1.8 6. 0 3. 0 3. 0 10. 1 26. 8 6. 5 31.0 .6 .6 8. 3 1.8 5. 4 3. 6 1.8 19. 6 7. 7 19. 6 32. 7 .6 2. 4 8. 9 4. 2 8. 3 6. 5 5. 4 15. 5 4. 8 10. 7 32. 1 .6 .6 8. 9 .6 6. 0 4. 2 6.0 10. 1 16. 1 14. 9 36.9 _ 38. 7 _ .6 8.9 1.8 4. 8 3. 6 6. 5 17. 3 3. 0 16. 7 38. 1 .6 1.2 9. 5 1.8 8.9 1. 2 3. 6 8.9 19. 0 7. 1 1. 2 9. 5 .6 3. 6 2. 4 4. 2 25. 0 8. 3 6. 5 32. 1 1.2 1.8 10. 7 4 .8 4. 8 3.0 7. 1 8. 3 5 .4 20. 8 1.2 8. 3 4. 8 4. 8 5. 4 7. 7 13.7 13. 7 3. 0 C e m e n t finishers Total ------- 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 1 0 0.0 100.0 0 h o u r s -----------1-1 9 h o u r s -------2 0 - 3 9 h o u r s ------4 0 - 5 9 h o u r s ------6 0 - 7 9 h o u r s ------8 0 - 9 9 h o u r s ------1 0 0 - 1 1 9 h o u r s ----1 2 0 - 1 3 9 h o u r s ----1 4 0 - 1 5 9 h o u r s ----1 6 0 - 1 7 9 h o u r s ----180 h o u r s or m o r e 59.4 1. 6 1.9 6. 6 2. 5 6. 1 2. 1 3.8 6. 2 5. 3 4. 5 60. 3 1.9 1. 6 5. 6 2. 2 5. 3 3.4 5. 6 8.0 6. 1 53. 6 1. 3 .6 5. 3 2. 3 3. 6 2. 7 4. 2 10. 9 10. 9 4. 5 46. 6 2. 2 3.0 5. 8 2. 6 2.9 1.6 4 .8 6. 6 9.1 14.9 43. 5 2. 1 1.0 1.4 1. 6 3. 2 6. 7 8. 6 15. 7 12. 5 3. 8 37. 7 1.9 2. 2 5. 8 1. 2 3.5 2.5 7.7 17. 3 9.9 10.4 37. 7 2. 5 1.7 5. 7 1.6 2. 5 2. 5 5. 7 8. 6 11. 5 20. 1 37. 6 1.9 1.4 4. 5 1. 3 2. 2 1.9 4. 8 11. 5 18.0 14. 7 37. 7 1.6 .8 4. 8 1. 7 1. 3 2. 7 5. 2 16. 5 13 . 4 14. 4 38. 5 1.7 1. 3 5. 4 .8 1.4 1.4 4. 2 9. 2 12. 7 23. 3 41. 2 1.9 2. 1 6. 6 2. 7 3.0 4. 4 6. 6 8.9 10. 5 11.9 52. 5 1. 3 2. 2 5. 7 2. 2 3.4 1.8 3. 8 10. 4 7.4 9. 3 94 - Table A-45. P ercen t distribution of w orkers in selected construction occupations in M ilwaukee by month and by hours of work reported for the 12-m onth period, D ecem ber 1965—N ovem ber 1966— Continued Hours T o ta l-------------------- — 0 h o u rs-------------------------------1-19 h o u r s ---- - -----------20-39 h o u rs------------------------40-59 h o u rs------------------------60-79 h o u rs------------------------80-99 h o u rs------------------------100-119 h o u rs--------------------120-139 h o u rs--------------------140-159 h o u rs--------------------160-179 h o u rs--------------------180 hours or m o re -------------- January jFebruary M arch A pril May 100.0 24. 0 4. 0 20. 0 4.0 8. 0 12. 0 28. 0 - 100.0 24. 0 20.0 100. 0 24. 0 20.0 8.0 48.0 “ 4. 0 12.0 40. 0 100.0 28.0 16. 0 4.0 4. 0 16.0 24.0 8.0 —100.0 44. 0 4. 0 4. 0 4. 0 8. 0 20. 0 16. 0 - - - June July Augustj Septem ber j Octoberj Novem ber D ecem ber T errazzo m echanics i ! 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 i 100.0 1! 100.0 1 100.0 h....................| 1 28.0 32.0 32.0 32. 0 28.0 28.0 24.0 4. 0 | 4. 0 20. 0 16.0 16. 0 16. 0 16.0 24.0 16. 0 4.0 i 4. 0 i 4. 0 8.0 Ii 4. 0 j 12.0 '| 4. 0 8. 0 8.0 32. 0 4. 0 4.0 8.0 28. 0 j 8.0 4. 0 12.0 16. 0 24. 0 8. 0 36.0 36. 0 8. 0 40. 0 36.0 4. 0 P la ste re rs 0 h o u rs-------------------------------1-19 hours -------------------------20-39 h o u rs------------------------40-59 h o u rs------------------------60-79 h o u rs------------------------80-99 h o u rs------------------------100-119 h o u rs--------------------120-139 h o u rs--------------------140-159 h o u rs--------------------160-179 h o u rs--------------------180 hours or m ore ------------- 100.0 29.5 4. 2 1. 1 11.6 1.6 7.9 8. 4 8.4 10.0 11.6 5. 8 100. 0 31. 1 2. 1 .5 12. 1 3. 7 5. 8 5. 3 8.9 14. 7 15. 8 " 100. 0 31.6 .5 1. 1 10. 0 3. 7 3. 7 6. 3 15. 3 10. 0 17. 0 100.0 30.0 .5 1. 1 10. 5 1. 1 3. 7 1.6 1.6 12. 6 17. 4 20.0 100. 0 37. 8 1. 1 .5 .5 1. 6 3. 2 2. 1 5. 3 18. 9 26. 3 2. 6 100. 0 100.0 59. 1 .8 .9 2.9 1. 3 5. 7 1.9 4.0 8. 7 14. 4 .2 100. 0 100.0 48. 6 1.7 2. 4 2.9 1.5 4. 4 1.9 2. 8 5. 1 11.2 17. 5 100.0 42. 2 1. 2 1. 1 2. 1 1.8 2.9 4. 1 7. 7 15. 8 17. 8 3. 4 100.0 27.4 3. 7 12. 6 2. 1 3. 7 4. 2 2. 6 18.9 12. 6 12. 1 100. 0 28.9 1. 1 .5 12. 1 2. 1 4. 7 3. 2 3. 7 18. 9 6. 3 18.4 100.0 28.4 •5 .5 12. i 2.1 4.7 1.6 8.4 16.8 14. 7 io. o : 1 1 ; | j | ! | | ; 100. 0 33. 7 .5 .5 16. 3 2.-6 7. 4 2. 1 4. 2 8.4 16. 3 7.9 100. 0 100.0 33. 9 1.6 1.2 3. 5 1. 3 1.9 2.0 4. 7 10. 1 13. 1 5.0 100. 0 100.0 48. 5 .6 6.1 1.2 .6 1.2 3.7 16.0 5. 5 16. 6 100. 0 47. 2 2. 5 1.2 7.4 .6 3. 1 .6 4. 3 9.8 17. 2 6. 1 100.0 47. 9 1.8 .6 6. 7 1. 2 4. 3 1. 2 4. 3 20. 2 9. 2 2. 5 100. 0 100.0 51.0 2. 7 3. 2 4. 6 3.0 3. 0 3. 6 4. 7 17. 1 2. 1 5.0 100.0 55. 2 2. 1 2. 2 3. 4 1.7 2. 1 2. 1 3. 4 7. 5 7. 7 12. 5 100. 0 59.7 2. 1 2. 1 3. 3 1.9 2. 6 4. 0 7. 6 10. 8 3. 1 2. 8 100.0 64.4 1.5 1.6 2.9 1.6 2. 3 1.9 3. 1 8. 2 5. 2 7. 3 100.0 31.6 .5 .5 11.6 1. 1 5. 3 1.6 7.9 19.5 7.9 12. 6 O perating engineers 0 h o u rs--------------------1-19 hours ---------------20-39 h o u rs-------------40-59 h o u rs-------------60-79 h o u rs-------------80-99 h o u rs-------------- — 100-119 h o u rs----------- — 120-139 h o u rs----------- — 140-159 h o u rs----------160-179 h o u rs----------180 hours or m ore — — 56. 2 1. 2 1.9 4. 5 1.5 5. 3 2. 8 4. 6 5. 5 9. 3 7. 1 55. 7 .7 1. 1 3. 5 1. 1 4. 7 1.9 3. 5 6.9 14. 3 6. 7 100.0 39.9 1.5 1. 1 3. 1 1. 1 2. 1 2. 4 6.1 20. 5 12.0 10. 1 100. 0 36. 3 1.7 1.0 2. 6 1.4 1.6 2. 3 3. 6 8. 3 13. 8 27.4 P la ste re r labo rers T o ta l-----------------------0 h o u rs------------------------------1-19 hours ------------------------20-39 h o u rs-----------------------40-59 h o u rs-----------------------60-79 h o u rs-----------------------80-99 h o u rs-----------------------100-119 h o u rs-------------------120-139 h o u rs-------------------140-159 h o u rs-------------------160-179 h o u rs-------------------180 hours or m o re ------------- 100. 0 39. 3 3. 1 .6 7. 4 .6 6. 7 6. 1 8. 0 11.0 12.9 4. 3 100. 0 38. 7 1. 2 2. 5 6. 7 3. 1 5. 5 5. 5 7.4 10.4 19.0 “ 100. 0 36. 8 .6 .6 6. 1 .6 4. 3 9. 2 1.8 8. 0 12.9 19. 0 100. 0 42. 3 1.8 1.2 6. 1 1.2 2. 5 .6 3. 1 4.9 21.5 14. 7 100. 0 46. 0 1. 2 .6 1. 8 .6 4. 3 5. 5 3. 1 11.0 23. 9 1. 8 100.0 71.7 1. 2 1.2 2. 2 1. 3 3. 2 3. 2 4 .4 6. 6 5.0 " 100.0 68. 8 1. 1 1. 6 2. 7 1.4 2. 3 1.7 3. 2 6. 2 6. 3 4. 6 100.0 61.5 2. 1 2.4 3. 3 2. 1 2. 6 2.0 2. 3 5.8 5.9 9.9 100. 0 57. 2 2. 5 2. 4 2. 4 2. 4 2.9 3. 4 7. 0 11.8 6. 4 1.6 100.0 41.7 .6 3. 1 8. 0 1. 2 3. 1 1.8 1.8 15. 3 11.7 11.7 100. 0 41. 7 .6 1. 2 7.4 1. 2 3. 1 4.9 3. 1 14. 1 8. 6 14. 1 100.0 ; 100. 0 36. 1 j 35. 7 1.2 ! 1.6 1. 1 i 1. 3 3.6 | 3.0 1. 2 .9 i 2. 5 ! 2. 6 1.6 ! 2. 5 4. 3 | 3. 7 24. 5 13.0 28. 4 16. 7 7. 2 | 26. 9 ________ L 100.0 45.4 1.2 6. 7 1. 2 3. 7 4. 3 9.8 19. 0 8. 6 L aborers 0 h o u rs-------------------------------1-19 hours -------------------------20-39 h o u rs------------------------40-59 h o u rs------------------------60-79 h o u rs------------------------80-99 h o u rs------------------------100-119 h o u rs--------------------120-139 h o u rs--------------------140-159 h o u rs--------------------160-179 h o u rs--------------------180 hours or m o r e ------------- 100.0 70. 9 1.2 1.5 3. 2 2. 2 3.9 2. 7 3. 0 4. 7 3. 6 3. 1 100. 0 53. 7 2. 8 2.9 4. 3 2. 5 2.9 3. 7 6.9 12.8 2. 7 4. 7 100. 0 52. 8 2. 3 2. 7 4. 0 3. 0 2. 7 3. 3 3. 8 8. 8 6.9 9.9 100.0 51.2 1.9 2. 2 3. 3 1.9 2.4 3. 2 5.4 12. 2 11.6 4. 7 1 | ! I ! I! 1 37.9 1. 1 .5 12. 1 2. 1 3. 7 4. 7 7 .4 22. 1 7.9 .5 41.9 1. 1 1.8 3. 8 1. 6 2.9 5.0 11.8 13. 7 11. 6 5.0 100.0 30. 5 .5 2. 6 10.0 4. 2 1.6 5. 8 14. 2 12. 6 17.9 100.0 49. 4 .9 1.4 3. 6 1.7 3. 3 3. 6 5. 5 10. 5 9. 5 10. 7 42.9 1. 2 .6 4.9 1.8 1. 2 4. 3 14. 1 8. 0 20. 9 NOTE: Because of rounding, sum s of individual item s m ay not equal totals. 95 Table A-46. P ercent distribution of w orkers in selected construction occupations in southern C alifornia by month and by hours of w ork reported for a 12-m onth period ------------- 1 1-------------- 1 Hours January F ebruary M arch A pril 1;-------------May June July ; AugUSt | Septem ber October i Novembe rj Decembe r Ironw orkers 1 ---------------- 1---------------T o ta l________________ 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 ' 100.0 100. 0 !|----100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 ..... ^ 100. 0 -------- ------o hours ____________________ 38. 8 38. 0 37. 8 40. 5 48. 0 31. 3 31. 3 i 29.4 30. 4 32. 0 33. 5 36. 2 2. 0 2. 1 1-19 h o u rs_________________ 1. 8 2. 2 | 2. 1 2. 6 2. 3 ; 2 .8 2. 3 2. 3 2. 4 1. 9 2. 6 2. 5 2. 3 2. 7 2. 5 2.4 2. 6 i 2.6 20-39 ho urs________________ 2.6 2.4 2. 2 2.6 2. 6 2. 7 3. 1 40-59 hours ________________ 3. 1 2. 6 2. 8 2. 6 2. 9 | 2. 8 2. 9 2. 9 2. 9 2. 8 60-79 hours ________________ 3. 0 3. 1 3. 5 ! 2. 4 2. 8 2. 8 2. 8 2.7 2. 3 3. 1 2. 9 4. 2 4. 2 80-99 hours _______________ 3. 0 5. 2 l 3. 2 3. 6 3. 8 | 3.7 3. 5 3. 5 4. 3 4.6 6 4 4. 9 3. 8 3. 1 4. 7 i 3. 9 4. 3 4. 7 5. 8 4. 1 5. 7 10. 8 8. 2 6. 0 4. 1 120-139 hours _____________ 11. 5 6.* 9 | 6 ° . 4 8. 8 6. 8 11. 8 6! 9 10. 8 140-159 ho urs______________ 15. 3 16. 5 10. 1 10. 0 7. 5 15. 7 17. 2 ! 9. 8 18. 8 13. 1 13. 6 13. 7 8.4 13.8 11.2 160-479 hours _____________ 8. 8 8. 6 ; 17. 2 18. 5 11. 2 10. 0 9. 1 11. 9 I 11.2 180 hours or m o re_________ 2.6 18.4 4. 6 : 12.5 | 16. 2 17. 0 | 18. 6 14. 1 12. 7 8. 1 6.9 9. 3 ! 1 O perating engineers 1 i Total_________________ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 21.4 0 hours____ __ __ ________ 31.3 30. 8 31. 0 33.1 43. 7 22. 2 23. 0 24. 9 27. 4 19. 9 29. 3 2.3 1-19 h o u rs________________ 1. 8 1. 6 1. 6 1. 5 1. 4 1. 7 1. 6 1. 5 1. 6 1. 6 1. 8 2. 2 2.4 2. 1 3.4 j; 1.6 2. 0 2. 1 20-39 h o u r s __ ___ ______ 2. 3 2. 3 1. 8 1. 9 1. 9 2. 7 2. 4 4. 0 i 2. 1 2. 2 2. 6 2. 5 3. 0 2. 5 2. 8 2. 8 40-59 hours ______ 2. 9 2. 5 2.4 4. 5 2. 7 3. 3 2. 3 2. 2 3. 4 60-79 hours _________ ____ 1. 8 2.7 2. 9 3. 1 4. 1 3. 6 3. 2 6. 2 1 2. 1 3. 1 3. 7 3. 6 3. 2 3. 3 4. 3 4. 1 80-99 hours________________ 4. 6 6.4 100-119 hours_______________ 3. 4 7.4 i 2. 3 4. 0 4. 5 3. 7 3. 5 3. 4 6.6 6. 5 9.2 | 3. 1 10.4 6. 4 5. 1 5. 5 7. 0 5.4 5. 7 4. 8 10. 7 10. 1 120-139 hours_______________ 8.4 | 5. 6 8. 6 13. 2 11. 1 11. 7 15. 0 13.4 11. 2 7. 1 140-159 hours_______________ 8. 9 11.9 22. 3 12. 3 13. 7 10. 6 ; 15. 8 14. 7 16. 7 20. 1 16. 6 20. 5 13. 0 160-179 ho urs_______________ 13.9 12. 8 26. 5 20. 5 23. 5 180 hours or m o re__________ 10. 9 33. 5 25. 7 26. 2 13. 6 11. 1 15. 4 29. 9 1 T eam sters 2 Total - --- --- ------ _ 0 hours ___________________ 1-19 hours - _______________ 20-39 hours_____ _________ 40-59 hours----------- ------ — 60-79 h o u r s ----- --- ---------80-99 hours ____________ __ 100-119 hours _____________ 120-139 hours _____________ 140-159 hours -------------------160- 179 ho urs_________ ___ 180 hours or m ore _________ 100.0 40. 9 1.9 2. 1 2.8 1. 8 2. 8 3. 3 5. 9 9. 0 15. 8 13. 8 100.0 i 41.6 i 2. 3 ; 2. l i | 2.7 | ! 3.2 j i 4.5 : 5. 0 | 6.9 j 9. 9 ! 15. 1 j 6.8 j __________ 1 1 100.0 i 100. 0 T o ta l________________ ----------------s ! 40.6 41.3 0 hours ____________________ 2.4 1 2. 5 1-19 h o u rs_________________ 3. 2 : 3. 3 20-39 ho urs------------------------3. 7 ! 4. 0 40-59 hours________________ 3. 7 | 3. 5 60-79 hours-------- -------------4. 6 4. 5 80-99 hours________________ 4. 6 5. 0 100-119 ho urs______________ 8. 2 7. 3 120-139 ho urs______________ 11. 8 11. 2 140-159 ho urs--------------------14. 7 13. 2 160-179 hours _____________ 4. 9 !1 1. 8 180 hours or m o re--------------1 T o ta l________________ 0 hours ________________ — 1-19 h o u rs_________________ 20-39 ho urs________________ 40-59 ho urs________________ 60-79 ho urs------------------------80-99 hours________________ 100-119 hours _____________ 120-139 hours______________ 140-159 hours _____________ 160-179 ho urs--------------------180 hours or m o re_________ 100. 0 35. 0 5. 7 3.4 4. 1 4. 4 4. 7 6. 2 8. 5 10. 7 11. 4 5. 9 i i! | 100.0 100.0 37. 6 !1 47. 0 2. 1 ! l. 6 2. 1 1.5 1. 7 1.9 1.8 1. 9 1.8 2. 3 2.4 1.9 3. 7 3. 0 6. 0 5.7 13.3 11. 0 20. 8 29. 0 | 100.0 j 100. 0 100. 0 j 46.6 | 46. 9 48. 3 ; 1. 7 1. 5 1. 7 | 1. 4 1. 4 1. 8 2. 0 1 1. 8 1. 6 i 2. 0 2. 0 1.6 | 2. 2 2. 4 1. 9 2. 3 3. 1 < 2. 7 4. 0 ' 4. 1 3. 1 6.6 10. 2 ! 7. 6 ! 16.4 10. 5 9. 0 15. 0 i 13. 5 23. 2 i C arpenters 2 ! 100.0 i 100. 0 ' 100. 0 I .“ i! j 38.4 39. 5 j 40.6 2. 2 I 2. 0 ! 2. 3 3. 0 ! 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.3 | 3.4 3.4 3. 2 3. 9 3. 7 3. 7 3. 9 4. 2 3. 6 3. 9 5. 2 5. 3 6.6 11.8 7. 3 8. 2 11. 0 15. 8 15.5 11. 8 | 5.7 19. 4 i1 ! 100.0 i 100.' 0 !1-----100.0 ' 34. 0 34. 1 33. 1 4 .4 4. 5 4* 3. 1 4. 71 3. 5 4. 8 3. 3 3. 5 4. 6 3. 1 3. 2 3. 3 3. 7 5.9 4. 3 4. 7 7. 8 8. 7 5. 3 5. 3 10. 5 7. 8 8. 5 13.4 10. 2 10. 9 21. 8 15. 9 3. 9 !. 100. 0 35. 2 3. 7 3.4 3. 5 3.4 4. 5 5. 2 7. 8 11.4 17. 2 ! 1| ! i j | 1 j j 1 | !i 100. 0 39. 5 2. 2 3. 0 3. 5 3. 4 3. 8 4. 3 5.4 11. 2 11. 1 12. 7 Cement m asons 2 1 100.0 | 100.0 35. 1 36. 7 4. 1 4. 1 3. 3 3. 2 4. 0 3.6 2. 7 3. 7 4. 7 4. 5 5. 3 5. 1 6.6 7. 2 9.6 13. 8 10.4 8. 9 14. 2 9. 1 1 F iscal year running from June 1966 to May 1967. 2 Calendar year 1966. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual item s m ay not equal totals. 96 100. 0 41. 3 2. 2 2. 9 3. 6 3. 5 4. 3 4. 8 6. 3 16. 5 6. 7 7. 9 100. 0 47. 7 1. 3 1. 2 1. 8 1. 3 2. 1 2. 2 3.4 4. 9 10. 7 23. 3 100. 0 48. 2 1. 2 1. 6 1. 5 1. 5 2. 4 2. 3 4. 1 11. 0 11. 4 14. 7 100. 0 48. 6 1. 2 1. 6 1. 6 1. 6 2. 0 2. 3 4. 0 7. 3 13. 8 15. 8 100. 0 50. 9 1. 5 1. 6 2. 5 2. 7 3. 1 3. 8 7. 1 8. 1 8. 3 10. 3 100. 0 53.9 1. 7 1.9 2. 2 2. 0 3. 1 4. 3 5.9 8. 8 7. 3 9. 0 100. 0 42. 2 2. 1 2.7 3. 6 3. 2 4. 1 3. 7 5. 3 6. 1 11. 7 15. 4 100. 0 45. 8 2. 2 3. 2 3. 6 3. 0 3. 8 3. 8 5. 8 14. 3 6. 3 8. 1 100. 0 49. 5 2. 0 2. 8 3. 3 2. 9 3. 8 3. 4 4. 7 8. 8 13. 2 5. 7 100. 0 52. 7 2. 0 2. 7 3. 3 2. 9 3.4 4. 0 7. 8 7. 1 8. 2 5.9 100. 0 55.4 1. 8 2.6 3. 0 2. 6 3. 4 4. 3 7. 4 6. 9 7. 2 5. 2 100. 0 35. 5 3. 8 3.4 3. 7 3. 8 4.4 4. 6 6. 3 7. 4 11. 3 15. 8 100. 0 37. 7 4. 3 3. 3 3. 8 3. 3 4. 8 5. 7 7. 5 13. 3 7. 5 8. 7 100. 0 39. 5 4. 4 3. 0 4. 1 3. 1 4. 2 4. 6 6.4 9.6 12. 7 8. 5 100. 0 42. 7 5. 0 3. 7 4. 7 4. 4 5. 2 5. 8 8. 8 7. 3 6. 8 5. 5 100. 0 44. 7 5. 0 4. 1 4. 8 4. 2 5. 1 5. 6 8. 3 7. 5 5. 8 5. 1 A P PEN D IX B. TH E M E A SU R E M EN T OF SEASONAL U N E M PLO YM EN T IN 1968 In this bulletin the procedure for estimating the proportion of seasonal to total unemployment in con tract construction was as follows: 1 1. The difference between the original and seasonally adjusted unemployment series was computed for each month of 1968 for each of these groups: Private wage and salary workers last employed in— Mining Construction Durable goods manufacturing Nondurable goods manufacturing Transportation and public utilities Wholesale and retail trade Finance, insurance, and real estate Service industries (including domestic services) Agricultural wage and salary workers All other classes of workers (workers in government and self-employed and unpaid family workers) Persons with no previous work experience The result gives a measure of seasonal unemployment (in absolute numbers) in relation to the annual average unemployment. 2. The month of minimum seasonal unemployment according to the seasonal adjustment factors was identified (August for the construction industry). 3. The deviation of the seasonal unemployment in other months from that of the lowest month (defined equal to zero) is considered the amount of seasonal unemployment in that month. (See table B-l.) 4. The sum of the seasonal unemployment in each month over a 12-month period as a proportion of total unemployment over the same period provides a measure of the percentage of total employment accounted for by seasonality. These computations show that 36.1 percent of all construction unemployment in 1968 could be termed seasonal. 2 Table B-2 presents these calculations for the construction industry for 1948—68. 1 Method is that described and utilized in Unemployment: Terminology, Measurement, and Analysis (prepared for the Joint Economic Committee by BLS, Nov. 28, 1961), pp. 81-84. An earlier description may be found in “The Extent and Nature of Frictional Unemployment” Study Paper No. 6, prepared for the Joint Economic Committee, Study o f E m ploym ent Growth, and Price Levels (BLS, Nov. 19, 1959). 2 The extent of seasonal unemployment in construction also was measured by using a 6-month (May to October) aver age difference in lieu of the single month concept as outlined in step 3. This technique resulted in a somewhat lower propor tion of unemployment (27.7 percent) that could be considered seasonal. (See table B-l.) 97 To obtain the estimated amount of seasonal unemployment for the entire labor force, the separate esti mates for each group listed in step 1 were cumulated. This figure is divided by the cumulation of the num ber of unemployed in each of the 12 months. Table B-4 shows that 20.4 percent of the Nation’s total un employment in 1968 could be considered seasonal; private wage and salary workers in construction were re sponsible for 15.5 percent, of this. 3 (See table B-2.) 3 Because of definitional changes, the addition of later data, and revisions in the basic seasonal adjustment procedures, these figures are not directly comparable with those of earlier studies. Seasonal unemployment as a percent of the Nation’s total unemployment was estimated in 1960 and 1957 at 21 and 16 percent, respectively. Of this, the portion attributed to construction was 23 percent in 1960 and 19 percent in 1957. 96 A P PEN D IX B TABLES Page B-l. Measurement of seasonal unemployment in construction, 1968 ............................................................ B-2. Seasonal unemployment as a percentage of total reported experienced unemployment: Private wage and salary workers in construction, 1948—68............................................................... B-3. Distribution of seasonal and nonseasonal unemployment by industry of last full-time job, 1968 .................................................................................................................................................... B-4. Seasonal unemployment as a percent of total unemployment, by industry of last full-time job, 1968..................................................................................................................................... 100 100 101 101 99 Table B -l. M easurem ent of seasonal unem ploym ent in construction, 1968 1 (Thousands of w orkers) j !----------January F ebruary M arch A pril May June July August Septem ber October Novem ber D ecem ber P rocedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 443 421 O riginal series ____________________ Seasonal adjusted se ries ---------------287 268 153 156 D ifference (1 -2 )----------------------------Deviations: a. F rom month of m inim um 240 237 difference ----------------------------b. F rom 6-m onth (May to October) 216 average difference -----------------219 5. Total seasonal unemployment: Sums of row 4 a ------------------------------- 1,069 Sums of row 4 b ------------------------------819 6. Seasonal unem ploym ent as a percent of total unemploym ent: a. Based on single m onth:_________ 1 ,069 t 2,, 959 2* 36. ]L 819f 2,, 959 -27. 7 b. Based on 6-m onth a v e ra g e :-------- 382 282 100 220 201 19 185 240 -55 229 275 -46 189 245 -56 163 24 7 -84 127 201 -74 148 213 -65 220 236 -16 232 203 29 184 163 103 82 29 0 38 0 28 0 0 0 10 0 19 0 68 47 113 92 1 Experienced private wage and salary w orkers. 2 Sum of line 1. SOURCE: C urrent Population Survey conducted for the BLS by the Bureau of C ensus. Table B-2. Seasonal unemploym ent as a percentage of total rep orted experienced unemployment: Private wage and salary w orkers in construction, 1948—68 100 Table B-3. D istribution of seasonal and nonseasonal unem ploym ent byindustry of la st full-tim e job, 1968 Non Seasonal seasonal Industry All w orkers 100. 0 100. 0 T o ta l--------------------------------------------------------62. 6 75. 4 Experienced private wage and salary w o rk e rs---15. 5 7. 0 C o nstruction___________________________ ____ M anufacturing: 14. 4 7. 8 Durable g o o d s__ ________________________ 12. 8 6. 2 N ondurable goods_________________________ T ransportation and public u tilitie s ----------------3. 9 2. 9 14. 8 W holesale and reta il tr a d e ----------------------------19. 1 2. 1 2. 8 Finance, insurance, and rea l e s ta te — --------12.4 16. 4 Other industries 1 -----------------------------------------5. 6 2. 4 A gricultural wage and salary w orkers — ----------10. 2 All other classes of w o rk e rs------------------------------9. 5 21. 7 12. 6 No previous w ork experience ----------------------------E xperienced private wage and salary w orkers Total 100. 0 100. 0 24. 7 C o nstruction------------------------------------------------------9. 3 M anufacturing: 12. 5 Durable goods -----------------------------------------------19. 1 17. 0 N ondurable goods_____________________ ______ 9. 8 3. 8 6. 2 T ransportation and public u tilities ______________ 23. 7 25. 3 W holesale and reta il tr a d e ____________ _________ 3. 7 3.4 Finance, insurance and rea l e s ta te ------ ----------21. 8 Other industries 1 _______________________________ 19. 7 Table B-4. Seasonal unemploym ent as a percent of total unem ploym ent, by industry of la st full-tim e job, 1968 Industry P ercent T o ta l_ Experienced private wage and salary w o rk e rs___________ C o n stru ctio n --------------------------------------------------------------M anufacturing: D urable____________________________________________ Nondurable ------------------------------------------------------------T ransportation and public utilities ___________________ W holesale and retail tra d e ____________________________ Finance, insurance, and rea l e sta te __________________ Other ind ustries 1 -----------------------------------------------------A gricultural wage and salary w orkers ___________________ All other c lasse s of w o rk e rs_____________________________ No previous work e x p erie n c e ____________________________ 20.4 17. 6 36. 1 12. 02 11. 25. 6 16. 7 16. 3 16. 2 37. 3 21. 5 30. 6 1 Includes mining, service in d ustries, forestry , fish e rie s, and dom estics. SOURCE: C urrent Population Survey conducted for the BLS by the Bureau of the Census. 1 Includes m ining, service in d ustries, fo restry , fish e rie s, and dom estics. SOURCE: C urrent Population Survey conducted for the BLS by the Bureau of the Census. 101 APPENDIX C. MEASURING THE EFFECT OF WEATHER ON EMPLOYMENT IN CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION Problem In an effort to determine the effects of weather conditions on employment, weather data for Chicago were correlated with employment data for the same city in the same time period. Data regarding temperature, rainfall, snowfall, snow accumulation, and peak wind gusts for the city of Chicago, daily, 1958—64, were obtained from the Weather Bureau, Environmental Science Administration. Contract construction employment and unemployment data were from the Current Population Survey and Establishment Survey of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data reflecting construction demand in Chicago were obtained from the Bell Savings and Loan Institution, Chicago, 111. Various multiple regression equations using these data were then tested and evaluated. 1 Procedure Testing began with the simple correlation of several independent variables and contract construction em ployment. (See table C-l.) Next, several hypotheses concerning the relationship of weather conditions and employment in Chicago were tested using multiple regression analysis, and the coefficients were examined for significance in terms of Student’s t-distribution. 2 Following are a few of the hypotheses that were tested: A. Does the level of employment depend on and vary with each type of weather condition? Repeated tests indicated that temperature was a significant variable in explaining changes in employment levels. When dummy variables specific to the seasons were included in the regressions, no weather variable, excluding tem perature was significant. Thus, it did not appear that the level of employment was strongly associated with specific weather conditions other than temperature. (See table C-2, equation 1 and 2.) B. Do specific weather conditions help to explain that variance of employment which is not explained by demand factors? (See table C-2, equation 3.) A linear time trend was fitted to the data and deviations from the trend obtained. These deviations were regressed on variables representing weather conditions. (See table C-2, equation 4.) Temperature, peak gusts, and the chill factor (the product of peak gusts and temper ature) showed significant coefficients. In this test, the variation of employment around the trend was affected by specific weather conditions. C. If specific weather conditions explicitly are accounted for, as well as changes in secular demand, and national employment conditions, are there indications that employment in construction is related to institu1 The ideal weather test would have been to correlate hours of work recorded each day with daily weather data. Pay roll data, however, relate only to the week including the 12th of each month. For purposes of comparability, this necessitated constructing weekly weather series that measured conditions in the week of the employment survey. Additional insight might have been gained using the same technique for several cities to determine the variations among them. 2 Some interest also is attached to the general explanatory value of the equations estimated, as represented in the multiple correlation coefficient. The employment data are strongly autocorrelated, as may be expected in monthly series, and the problem of serial correlation is pervasive in these studies. (See the Durbin-Watson statistics, table C-2.) Briefly, equations in which the error terms are serially correlated may be expected to contain unbiased estimates of regression co efficients, but to overestimate the precision of the standard errors of the coefficients. Hence, significant tests are open to some error. In essence, there is danger of accepting the significance of a coefficient that is actually insignificant. Essentially the study has made no attempt to utilize estimation procedures designed to improve the efficiency of the t-test in the serial correlation situation. 102 tional practices regarding winter building as well as weather conditions? The deviation of contractors’ em ployment from a linear time trend was fitted to an equation involving the following variables: Precipitation, snow accumulation, temperature, chill factor, value of building permits issued in Chicago, the national unem ployment rate for experienced construction wage and salary workers, and seasonal dummies representing December—January—February, March—April—May, and June—July—August. In this equation temperature, the unemployment rate, and the winter and spring dummy variables showed significant coefficients. (See table C-2, equation 5.) Thus, quite independently of actual weather and demand conditions a seasonal pattern emerged. The expectations of contractors and owners regarding winter construction seem to result in a re duction in employment in winter below that which would have been anticipated as a result of actual weather and demand conditions. D. Is there a threshold range in the response of employment to temperature? Apparently employment responds to temperature increases within a favorable range but is nonresponsive below that range. Deviations in employment from a time trend were fitted to an equation including truncated temperature variables. One variable included all temperatures above 40 degrees. The other variables represented temperatures below 40 degrees, with zeros in observations for which the temperature exceeds 40 degrees. In a multiple regression framework involving other weather conditions and demand variables, and seasonal dummy variables, four variables were significant: Temperature above 40 degrees, the construction unemployment rate nationally, and seasonal dummy variables for the winter and spring. Thus, the hypothesis of a threshold in temperature that affects contractors’ reactions to weather conditions was not rejected. (See table C-2, equation 6.) 103 APPENDIX C TABLES Page C-l. Simple correlation coefficients— dependent (employment) and independent (weather and other) variables................................................................................................................................... 105 C-2. Equations used in correlation analysis for Chicago, 1958—6 4 ............................................................ 106 104 T a b l e C-l. S i m p l e correlation coefficients— d e p e n d e n t ( e m p l o y m e n t ) and i n d e p endent ( weather a n d other) variables S i m p l e correlation coefficient with E m p l o y m e n t in contract c o n struction Chicago, mont h l y , 1 9 5 8 - 6 4 V a riables Deviation of e m ployment f r o m a linear t i m e trend, m o n thly, 1958— 64 T e m p e r a t u r e __________________________________ 0. 7 9 3 5 8 T e m p e r a t u r e a b o v e 4 0 ° _____________________ .80604 .89293 T e m p e r a t u r e b e l o w 40 0 --------------------- 6 9 200 -. 7 8 503 0. 8 6 6 2 6 Pr e c i pitation__________________________________ . 15476 . 19436 S n o w a c c u m u l a t i o n --------------------------- 52150 -. 6 0 9 3 2 P e a k g u s t s ____________________________________ -.29598 -. 3 2 1 7 8 P e a k gusts X t e m p e r a t u r e ___________________ .66 4 9 1 T i m e __________________________________________ 3 7 251 . 72611 0 C h i c a g o --------- .52380 .55364 Con s t ruction u n e m p l o y m e n t rate, U . S . A --- 72838 - 88407 D u m m y : D e c e m b e r - J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y ----- 65142 -. 71 6 2 7 Dummy: M a r c h - A p r i l - M a y __________________ 16865 -. 2 0563 Dummy: J u n e - J u l y - A u g u s t ___________________ .50475 .54868 V a l u e of building perm i t s , SOURCE: Bureau of L a b o r Statistics. 105 T a b le C -2 . E q u a tio n s u se d in c o rre la tio n a n a ly s is fo r C h icag o , 1958—64 E q u a tio n E q u a tio n 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------D e p e n d e n t v a ria b le E m p lo y m en t in c o n tra c t c o n s tru c tio n In d e p e n d e n t v a ria b le s M ean te m p e ra tu re 2 - -------- ----------------- ----------------P re c ip ita tio n 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------S n o w fall 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------T im e (lin e a r tre n d ) ---------------------------------- __ ________ C o n sta n t ( in te r c e p t) ------------------------------------------------------E q u a tio n 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------D e p en d en t v a r ia b le -------------------E m p lo y m e n t in c o n tra c t c o n stru c tio n In d e p e n d e n t v a ria b le s M ean te m p e r a tu r e ------------------------------------------ -----------P r e c ip ita t io n -----------------------------------------------------------------Snow a c c u m u la tio n ---------------------------------------------- ------C h ill fa c to r (p eak g u s ts X te m p e ra tu re ) _____________ V alu e o f p e rm its is s u e d in C h ic a g o __________________ U n e m p lo y m e n t r a te in c o n s tru c tio n , USA ____________ D u m m y : D e c e m b e r - J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y ___;___________ D u m m y : M a rc h -A p ril-M a y ___________________________ D u m m y : J u n e - J u ly - A u g u s t___________________________ C o n sta n t (in te rc e p t) ___ _________________ ________ — E q u a tio n 3 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- 0. 7824 0. 9704 . 6742 . 8012 . 7692 E q u a tio n 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .8 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 D u rb in W atso n D e p en d en t v a ria b le E m p lo y m e n t in c o n tra c t c o n s tru c tio n In d e p e n d e n t v a ria b le s T e m p e ra tu r e ------------------------------------------- — ______ P re c ip ita tio n __ _________________ __________ __ ------Snow a c c u m u la tio n ------------ ------------------------------------P e a k g u s t s ------------------------------------------------------- — ------C h ill fa c to r --------------------------------------------- --------------- — T im e ____________________________________ ________ — — P r e c ip ita tio n X t e m p e r a t u r e -------- --------------------------C o n sta n t (in te rc e p t) ------- — — _______________ __ __ E q u a tio n 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------D e p e n d e n t v a ria b le D e v ia tio n of e m p lo y m e n t fro m a L in e a r tim e tre n d In d e p e n d e n t v a ria b le s T e m p e ra tu r e — -------------------- ---------- ---- ------- ------P re c ip ita tio n -------------------- ---------------------Snow a c c u m u la tio n -------------------- -------------- — P e a k g u s t s ----- --------------------------- ---------------------------- — C h ill f a c t o r ______________________________________________ T i m e _____ — ---------- ------------------------------------------ _ P re c ip ita tio n X t e m p e r a t u r e ------ ------- „ __________ C o n s ta n t______ __________ — ________ __ — ------D e p e n d e n t v a ria b le D e v ia tio n of e m p lo y m e n t fro m a L in e a r tim e tre n d In d e p e n d e n t v a ria b le s T e m p e ra tu r e ___ ___ ___ __ _________________ __ P re c ip ita tio n __ — ---- ------- __ — — _ Snow a c c u m u la tio n ______ __ __ „ __ __ __ C h ill f a c t o r ----------------- ------- ----- ---- — ______ P e r m it v alu e _ _____ __ __ __ __ ______ ___ __ __ C o n stru c tio n u n e m p lo y m en t r a te , USA _ D u m m y : D e c e m b e r-J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y --------------------D u m m y : M a r c h - A p r il- M a y _____________ — D u m m y : J u n e -J u ly -A u g u s t-----------------------------------------C o n s ta n t__________________ — ___ ________ E q u a tio n 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------D ep en d en t v a ria b le D e v ia tio n o f e m p lo y m e n t fro m a L in e a r tim e tre n d In d e p e n d e n t v a ria b le s T e m p e ra tu r e g r e a te r th a n 4 0 ° ------ __ ------------ __ T e m p e ra tu r e le s s th a n 40° _ __ ___ P r e c ip ita tio n --------------------__ __ ------- _ __ __ Snow a c c u m u la tio n ______________________________________ P e r m it v alu e --------------------- „ __ _ ------- __ __ U n e m p lo y m e n t r a te in c o n s tru c tio n , U S A ____________ D u m m y : D e c e m b e r - J a n u a r y - F e b r u a r y --------------------D u m m y : M a r c h - A p r il- M a y ----------------------------------------D u m m y : J u n e -J u ly -A u g u s t------------------------------------------ 106 R2 ’ R e g re s s io n c o e ffic ie n t P a r tia l c o rre la tio n c o e ffic ie n t 0. 4504 -1 . 3134 - 1. 3958 -.1 8 5 0 92. 2978 311. 4184 -. 6663 -1 . 1764 3-7 .6 3 9 0 0 . 7891 - . 0748 - . 1312 - .6 5 1 8 . 2980 -2 . 7853 . 0400 . 0011 . 0001 1. 0007 -9 . 1737 -9 . 0462 -2 . 2559 85. 2388 32. 7790 -1 . 1191 . 0513 . 2822 1. 5029 1. 0916 3-2 . 8783 3-3 . 7994 - . 9038 . 3074 - . 1290 . 0060 . 0328 . 1721 . 1259 - .3 1 7 3 - .4 0 4 0 - . 1045 . 9344 5. 5056 8962 1. 0065 0217 -• 1877 0915 69. 0573 35. 2792 . 5109 4 -1 . 4491 2. 6122 3-2 . 9073 3-7 . 9869 . 9341 5 .4 9 5 2 8960 1. 0058. -. 0217 -. 0133 -. 0913 4 4. 9621 35. 2775 . 5099 -1 .4 4 8 8 4 2. 6105 3-2 . 9056 -.5 6 5 9 -.5 7 7 6 .5 1 7 9 . 0584 - . 1639 . 2869 - .3 1 6 2 - .0 6 4 8 - .0 6 6 1 . 2642 9153 5429 33. 8497 -• 5746 -1 . 0879 0395 1. 6598 4 -2 . 3616 3-3 . 8550 4 -4 .9 7 0 1 . 1453 .4 0 8 5 - .0 6 6 6 - . 1255 - . 0046 . 1895 - .2 6 4 7 - .4 0 9 0 - .5 0 0 3 .0 1 6 9 . 6985 . 9647 -.5 7 8 6 - .5 1 8 0 . 0585 . 1640 . 2870 .3 1 6 4 .6 7 5 5 .0 6 6 2 . 9648 1. 082 0 0001 -1 . 3855 -7 . 8640 -7 . 5741 . 2321 4 3. 2822 . 8657 t-v a lu e . 9841 . 1884 .0 1 8 3 -. 4555 -. 9230 .0 3 0 0 -1 . 2830 -5 . 8213 -6 .0 7 5 7 1. 1161 33. 6215 . 2110 -. 3098 -1 . 9545 1 .4 1 5 3 4 -2 . 2844 3-2 . 9184 3- 4 . 4131 . 7463 - . 3880 . 0245 .0 3 6 0 .2 2 1 6 . 1623 . 25-67 .3 2 1 3 .4 5 6 5 . 0864 C o rr e c te d fo r d e g re e s of fre e d o m . A ll w e a th e r v a ria b le s a r e m e a s u re d fo r the w eek of the m o n th in w h ich th e e m p lo y m e n t s u rv e y w e re c o n d u c te d . S ig n ific a n t a t 1 p e rc e n t le v e l. S ig n ific a n t a t 5 p e rc e n t le v e l. SO U R CE: B L S , w e a th e r e m p lo y m e n t te s t s . A P P E N D IX D. TH E EFFECT OF W EATHER ON CO N STR U C TIO N O PER A TIO N S 1 In order to get a greater understanding of the relationship of the seasons and the weather to construc tion activity, examination of the specific effects of weather on each of the various types of construction work is necessary. This appendix describes what construction operations are technologically feasible given specific types of bad weather. Workers perform the work or cause the work to be performed. A construction operation that may be technologically feasible given certain weather conditions may not be performed because workers are unable or unwilling to work under the required circumstances. Additionally, combinations of weather factors can affect construction workers much more seriously than any single factor. Wind and temperature together can have a much greater effect on building activities than wind or temperature alone. If the temperature were zero with no wind, a worker may not be as uncomfort able as if the temperature were 40 degrees and the wind 10 miles an hour. Called the wind-chill factor, com binations of temperature and wind influence the rate at which the body will lose heat under given conditions. (See chart 2.) Chart 4 indicates how the factor varies through the year at selected places in the United States. Wind chill usually is greatest in January, although in Washington, D.C., it is greatest in February. In most places it is least in July, but in San Francisco it is least in October. Washington, D.C., has a moderate wind-chill factor throughout the year, comparable to the factor at Salt Lake City. Caribou, Maine has the most severe shown— it has a higher wind-chill in midsummer than Miami in midwinter. Chart 3 shows that the wind-chill factor through the course of a usual summer and winter day. The rhythmic warming during the daylight hours and cooling at night is apparent. The discussion that follows refers mostly to the relationship between weather and the technological fea sibility of various construction operations. Some general comments about the various weather conditions are in order: Rain The effect of rain is a function of the amount and is not equally significant for all operations. Rain so light that it is only a mist will stop structural steel work while a moderate rain will not stop forming (outside carpentry) in some cases. S n o w a n d sleet Snow usually is accompanied by other elements that are adverse to construction operations. With snow the worker efficiency usually is not affected unless snowfall is moderate to heavy. However, in some cases, such as concrete work, all the forms have to be cleaned before work can commence. Freezing rain Where the intensity of freezing rain is great, outdoor construction is nearly impossible and even indoor work may be difficult to schedule because of delivery problems. 107 Chart 2. Chill Factor for Selected Wind Speeds Chill factor Chart 3, Wind Chill-Diurnal Variation Chill factor 1400 • 1200 • 0° at 5 mph 1000 • 800 • 32° at 5 mph Chart 4. Annual March of Wind Chili Chill factor Selected Cities Chill factor L o w temperature Where protection is not provided, extreme cold may adversely affect almost every element of construc tion. This extreme “ cold” varies from below freezing (32 degrees F.) to 50 degrees F. Exterior painting re quires temperature no lower than 45 degrees F. Concrete cannot be poured without protection (such as shelter) or some other protection measure (such as additives) if the temperature during setting and initial curing will drop below freezing (32 degrees F.). Hig h temperature High temperatures adversely affect only a few operations such as surveying, in which the equipment is sensitive to heat and concrete work where the cure will be too fast. Wind All outdoor construction is affected by strong winds; the most sensitive is structural steel and roofing. In addition, wind accentuates the action of the cold. F o g Fog has an impact on delivery of materials and on excavation work as well as work on dredging and cofferdams. G r o u n d freeze Ground freeze is a major factor of concern in concrete work in most areas of the United States. In some sections of Alaska frozen ground is a requirement for some projects in order to get equipment into place. Effects of climate o n construction operations 1. Surveying. Although sometimes performed in light rain or drizzle, normally such a situation is avoided. The efficiency of the surveyor is reduced and damage to the equipment is possible even in light rain. The same situation would occur with any other form of precipitation and even fog would hinder this operation. 2. Demolition and clearing (also see 6 and 7). Depending on the site involved and on the construction to be undertaken, demolition and clearing may range from a minor operation such as the removal of fencing and bushes to the complicated and dangerous demolition of a tall building in a congested urban area. While the minor activities would be almost independent of weather, building demolition involving the use of cranes and special equipment and the presence of hazardous conditions of work would be highly sensi tive to any form of precipitation, particularly freezing rain, high winds, low temperatures, and fog. 3. Temporary work on site. Temporary work on site may range from the erection of a workers’ shack to the construction of a whole prototype building section. Usually it will involve the construction of shacks, offices, drafting accommodations, material stores, security facilities, and the erection of fencing. Some im portant temporary work may be required to ensure adequate facility for the delivery of material. Most of these operations will be affected by precipitation in all forms and low temperatures. 4. Delivery transport. o f materials. Most materials delivered at a construction site arrive by some form of road 109 Any form of road transport is subject to limitation by weather elements, particularly frozen or freezing precipitation, fog, and drying conditions. If drying is such that muddy conditions develop at a construction site, delivery may be seriously hampered, even though these conditions may exist over a relatively small area. In some areas of Alaska the roads are useable only when they are frozen. Many materials must arrive on site at a fairly closely scheduled time, either to avoid difficult or hazard ous storage or to fit in with some critical condition for progress. Thus, trafficability of the area and its ap proaches are most important. 5. Material stockpiling. While to some extent material is stockpiled in each of the four major categories of construction, it is only considered a major operation in industrial building construction. In residential build ing, for example, most of the materials are delivered on the day they are to be used and are not left exposed to the weather for long durations. In the building of industrial establishments, on the other hand, material is stockpiled for long periods, often requiring temporary protection. The major considerations in the stockpiling operation are whether or not the product is perishable and worker efficiency during the actual operation. 6. and 7. Site grading and excavation— including earth clearing (part o f 2), and backfilling (19). Earth work within the construction industry is extremely weather sensitive. Precipitation and low temperature are the elements most likely to interfere with earthwork. 8. Piledriving. Piledriving may be required in any category of construction but it is unlikely in the build ing of residential homes. Piledriving requires the use of heavy crane-like equipment which is likely to be affected by high winds, freezing precipitation and wet ground. Ground conditions are important both for positioning equipment and for the quality of the work produced. Any severe storm will make this operation hazardous. 9. Dredging. Although an important operation, dredging is likely to be required only in the category of heavy and specialized construction. The main influence of weather on this operation is likely to be the effect on worker efficiency. In addition to the chill factor, workers are subject to very wet conditions as the dredger carries out excavation under water. Severe storms, flooding, and abnormal tides will interfere with this opera tion. Fog is most likely in this environment and may prevent work. 10. Erection o f cofferdams. Usually associated with heavy and specialized construction or with highways and bridging, the erection of cofferdams is necessary to retain water away from an area in which construction is taking place. The construction and utility of a cofferdam will depend on a knowledge of local tides, which may overflow the dam if unusually high. Severe storms and heavy precipitation may damage the dam and the work it is protecting. The predictable low water levels that occur in the winter months in the northern re gions of the United States may facilitate these operations. 11. Forming. Forming is relatively rough carpentry which frequently is performed outdoors and is not affected seriously by light rain. Weather effects on this operation are limited mostly to direct influence on worker efficiency. Where possible, and when construction is somewhat standardized, forms may be prefabri cated so that exposed outdoor work may be kept to a minimum. 12. Emplacing reinforcing steel. Before pouring of concrete the steel must be completely free of any fro zen precipitation so that protection is necessary and drainage must be assured. Weather effects are likely to be confined mostly to worker efficiency. 13. Quarrying. Quarrying consists of extraction of stone from the soil, either by excavation, hand dig ging, or blasting. 110 Heavy machinery is used to crush the stone, after which it is washed and machine-grated into the desired size ranges. Heavy precipitation or freezing rain will affect the quarrying operation. Temperatures below freezing may cause trouble in the washing processes. If blasting is carried out under conditions of inversion at low level, serious damange may be caused to surrounding property. Weather influence on worker efficiency and the ef fects of low temperatures are likely to be the most significant factors in quarrying. 14. Delivery o f premixed concrete. Delivery of concrete is extremely weather-sensitive in that the sched uling of drivers is a highly complex decision process which must be related both to future weather and to the requirement for concrete. Fog may so delay a delivery as to create problems on the amount of mixing which is normally timed to completion on arrival at site. In addition, drying conditions and precipitation may cause considerable difficulty at sites which have difficult access even under dry conditions. 15. Pouring concrete foundation and walls. Concrete pouring is among the most sensitive construction op erations. Low temperature is the major factor of concern as pouring cannot take place on frozen ground or at temperatures below freezing without protection and the application of heat. Protection also is needed against any precipitation, particularly snow or freezing rain. Since most con crete pouring can be satisfactorily performed during periods of light rain or drizzle, scheduling is not throught to be significantly affected until rainfall reaches the moderate to heavy ranges. However, in some instances con tractors cancel their orders when any rain is falling to avoid the consequences of a possible heavier fall. Sched uling is highly dependent on the current weather conditions. Concrete is most susceptible to rain damage in the first 4 hours after pouring. One heavy shower has more damaging power than a full day of continuous light rain. Walls and thin sections of concrete are least vulnerable and usually are readily protected, but it is possible, at increased cost, to protect slabs and decks from moderate to heavy rain by covering them with portable panels. 16. Stripping and curing concrete. When concrete has set and hardened somewhat, the wooden forms which serve to confine and shape the structure may be removed. This process may involve partial destruc tion of the forms; however, arrangements usually are made so that whole sections will be removeable as required. Two weather factors which may interfere with stripping are a chill factor which seriously reduces worker efficiency or freezing conditions which make it extremely difficult to detach the wood from the concrete. During the curing process concrete must be maintained in a relatively moist atmosphere while hydra tion is completed within the structure. Too rapid drying will lead to an inferior product but may be avoided by covering the structure to restrict evaporation. Under freezing conditions concrete also must be protected and possibly heated during curing. 17. and 29. Installing underground plumbing and trenching and installing pipe. Outdoor plumbing ac tivities involve work which is weather sensitive from the point of view of worker efficiency. In addition the movement of equipment and materials may be hindered by wet ground conditions. 18. Waterproofing. Waterproofing involves the positioning of an impervious layer so as to prevent the ingress of moisture into a structure. It may take the form of a plastic sheet or of bitumen mastic which is painted, spread, or troweled into position. Low temperatures will adversely affect both worker efficiency and the working characteristics of the material which hardens and tends to lose its adhesive properties while becoming difficult to apply. 111 19. Backfilling (see 6 and 7). 20. Erecting structural steel Worker safety is the primary factor for consideration in the erection of steelwork so that high winds, low temperatures, or any precipitation causing slippery conditions will affect the operation. Protection is usually difficult or impossible to provide. Although the low temperature limit is related entirely to worker efficiency it must be higher than that associated with operations of a less hazardous nature. 21. Exterior carpentry; exterior cladding (23); installing metal siding; (24), and installing windows and doors and glazing (31). In each of these operations worker efficiency is the important factor and any condi tion which affects this is significant. Any rain can have an effect on finished outdoor carpentry. During even light precipitation, tools and lumber become wet, work becomes difficult and efficiency is low. Thus, although carpenters will work dur ing light rain, it is concluded that there is an effect during all rain intensities. The temperature limitations which can interfere are those indicated by a chill factor of more than 1000 or a temperature/humidity index of more than 77. 22. Exterior masonry. The operation of exterior masonry work is very sensitive to weather, both from the standpoint of worker efficiency and the quality of product. Precipitation and low temperatures are the weather elements most significant. In general, masonry work cannot be continued if it is exposed to any precipitation. Either shelter must be provided or work must cease. Brick must be covered to avoid the danger of freezing after being wetted by freezing or frozen precipitation. The construction of masonry structures is even more sensitive to low temperatures than is the construction of concrete structures, largely because it is laid in thinner structures. 23. and 24. Exterior cladding and installing metal siding (see 21). 25. Fireproofing. Fireproofing consists of the application to building structures of material which both is noninflammable and will not support burning. Fireproofing may be applied in the form of sheet material in interior partitioning, asbestos/cement or asbestos/gypsum plasterboard, or as a plastic cement applied directly onto structural steel or lumber, in which case the material may be troweled or sprayed on. Both precipitation and low temperature will interfere if the work is exposed, but only worker efficiency considerations will apply when the work is carried out under protection (building at least partially closed in). 26. Flooring and other indoor work including interior carpentry (32), interior masonry (33), plastering (34), tile work (35), interior plumbing, electrical work, etc., (36), and interior painting and decorating (37). Generally, indoor construction operations are not significantly affected by weather. However, the gen eral reduction in outdoor work due to winter weather does have an indirect effect on ail indoor work. In general, insufficient indoor work is maintained to last the entire winter season, especially when cold condi tions persist for 3 months or more. Indoor masonry, painting, and decorating require temperatures above freezing, but the overall require ment is that conditions shall not reduce worker efficiency. Only temperature and humidity are of signifi cance and it is possible to maintain these at satisfactory conditions by heating or cooling the building. 27. Roofing. Roofing is very sensitive to weather conditions because of the use of perishable asphalt material and constant exposure of the workers. The operation is highly sensitive to precipitation of any type or intensity. For builtup roofing, dry weather for 2 to 3 days is necessary. Freezing or frozen precipitation 112 necessitates additional operations and increased cost in order to complete the operation satisfactorily. Strong winds and icy conditions are also major deterimental factors. 28. Cutting concrete pavement. The operation of cutting concrete pavement is usually outdoor work and involves not only the cutting but the removal of the concrete, so it is similar to demolition (2), site grad ing (6), and excavation (7). Precipitation and extreme cold are the weather factors that will interfere with this operation. 29. Trenching and installing pipe (see 17). 30. Bituminous concrete pouring (see 42). 31. Installing windows and doors, glazing (see 21). 32. 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37. Interior carpentry, masonry, plastering, tile work, plumbing, heating, elec trical and painting (see 26). 38. Exterior painting. The main factors affected by weather in exterior painting are the perishable product, the quality of the work, and worker efficiency. Any precipitation or dense fog will halt an exterior painting operation. Shelter or protection must be provided during both the painting and drying periods. Painting is generally not attempted at temperatures below 45 degrees to 50 degrees F. because the quality of the work is significantly reduced below this temperature. Generally, outdoor painting is not attempted dur ing questionable weather conditions. The painter usually has enough indoor work to keep him busy some of the time when inclement weather occurs. 39. Installation o f culverts and incidental drainage. The installation of culverts and drainage is in most instances performed out of doors and is seriously hindered by rain, cold, and flooding. 40. Landscaping. Landscaping includes site grading and shaping, as well as seeding and planting trees and bushes. This operation generally can be performed during periods of light rain or drizzle as long as accu mulations do not create muddy conditions. However, moderate to heavy rain is considered the limit for prac tical landscaping performance; workers become inefficient and seeds are washed away under these conditions. Any snow creates a hindrance to the landscaping operation. Ground visibility is restricted by any snow cover and the usually accompanying frozen ground makes landscaping operations inefficient. Excessive drying may give rise to dusty conditions which will interfere with work. 42. Paving including bituminous concrete pouring (30). Paving may consist of concrete or asphalt as is usual with residential homes, or of bituminous concrete which is usual in the construction industry. Bituminous concrete is sensitive to precipitation in any form or intensity. Any precipitation can cause cracking and permanent damage to the pavement. The material usually sets faster than portland cement con crete but is still sensitive to precipitation for generally 1 to 3 hours after pouring, according to drying condi tions. The quality of the pavement is reduced greatly by pouring at temperatures below about 45 degrees F. Work usually is not carried out when the temperature is likely to approach this limit. 43. Fencing, installing lights signs, etc., and traffic protection (41). The operations of fencing, install ing light signs, and traffic protection are very similar and are common to all categories of construction, but they are relatively unimportant to home building. Moderate precipitation of either rain or snow will interfere and even light freezing rain may halt work. Dense fog becomes a factor of concern when the operation is taking place in connection with highway con struction. Effects of temperature and humidity are limited to the maintenance of worker efficiency. 113 A PPEN D IX D TABLES Page D-l. Composite list of operations which are important in the industry..................................................... D-2. Critical limits of weather elements having significant influence on construction operations............... D-3. Critical limits of weather elements having significant influence on construction of residential h om es............................................................................................................................................... D-4. Critical limits of weather elements having significant influence on construction of highways . . . . D-5. Critical limits of weather elements having significant influence on heavy and specialized construction....................................................................................................................................... D-6. Critical limits of weather elements having significant influence on construction of general buildings............................................................................................................................................ 114 115 116 117 117 118 118 Table D-l. C o m p o s i t e list of operations w h i c h are i m p o r t a n t in the i n d u s t r y 1 C o nstruction c a t e g o r y Operation Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Heavy and specialized X X S u r v e y i n g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D e m o l i t i o n a n d clearing ---------------------------- ------------------------T e m p o r a r y w o r k o n site______________________________ D e l i v e r y of m a t e r i a ls _________________________________ M a t e r i a l stockp i l i ng___________________________________ Site g r a d i n g ____________________________________________ E x c a v a t i o n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pile d r i ving___ _______________ -_______________________ D r e d g i n g --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E r e c t i o n of coffer d a m s --------------------------------------------------------F o r m i n g --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E m p l a c i n g reinforcing steel -----------------------------------------------Q u a r r y i n g -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------D e l i v e r y of p r e m i x e d concrete --------------------------------------P q u r i n g c on c r e t e foundations a n d walls.. -------------------Stripping a n d curing c oncrete ------------------------------------------Installing u n d e r g r o u n d p l u m b i n g , etc --------------W a t e r p r o o f i n g ---- ------------------- -------------Backfilling_________________ _______ - --------E r e c t i n g structural steel-----------------------------E x t e r i o r c a r p e n t r y _____________________________ ____ E x t e r i o r m a s o n r y _____________________________________ E x t e r i o r c l a d d i n g ___________ _________________________ Installing m e t a l s i d i n g ________________________________ F i r e p r o o f i n g --------------- — — -------------F l o o r i n g ________________________________________________ R o o f i n g _________________________________________________ Cutting c o n c r e t e p a v e m e n t --------------------------T r e n c h i n g a n d installing p i p e ----- ----------------B i t u m i n o u s c o n c r e te p o u r i n g --------- - ----------Installing w i n d o w s a n d d o o r s a n d glazing ---- --- Interior c a r p e n t r y _____________________________________ Interior m a s o n r y ___________________ _________________ Interior plastering ____________________________________ Interior tile w o r k (ceramic, vinyl, asbestos, a n d acoustic) ________________________________________ Interior p l u m b i n g , ventilating, heating, a n d electrical w o r k _____________ __ -------------- ------------------Interior painting a n d decorating _____________________ E x t e r i o r p a i n t i n g _________________________ __________ Installing culverts a n d incidental d r a i n a g e __________ L a n d s c a p i n g ------------- ---------- -------- — ------------------------------Traffic protection _ ________ _ __ — — ______ __ P a v i n g ________________________________________________ Fen c i n g , installing lights, signs, e t c _______________ 1 T h e operations are given in the a p p r o x i m a t e b y the n u m b e r s the y h a v e here. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - X X X X X X X X X X X - - - - - X X - - X X X X - X X X X X X X - X X X X - - X X - - X X X X X X - - - - X X X - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X In all s u b s e q u e n t tables, the operations a re identified SOURCE: T h e Ope rational a n d E c o n o m i c I m p a c t of W e a t h e r o n the Cons t r u c t i o n Industry of the United States, U. S. C W b - 1 0 9 4 8 , the T r a v e l e r s R e s e a r c h Center, Inc., 250 Constitutional Plaza, Hartford, Connecticut, M a r c h 1965. X - X X X X - X - in w h i c h they w o u l d be c a r r i e d out. X X - X X - - Residential homes General buildings X X X X X X X X - - X X X order Highways Weather Bureau Cont r a c t 115 Table D-2. Critical limits of w e a t h e r e l e m e n t s having significant influence o n construction operations Operation Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 S u r v e y i n g ------------------------------------D e m o l i t i o n a n d c l e a r i n g ____________________ T e m p o r a r y w o r k o n site____________________ D e l i v e r y of m a t e r i a l s ________________________ M a t e r i a l stockpiling_________________________ Site g r a d i n g ---------------------------------E x c a v a t i o n ___________________________________ Pile driving___________________________________ D r e d g i n g _____________________________________ E r e c t i o n of coffer d a m s -------------------F o r m i n g -------------------------------------E m p l a c i n g reinforcing steel---------------Q u a r r y i n g ----------------------------------D e l i v e r y of p r e m i x e d concrete _____________ P o u r i n g c o n c r e t e foundation a n d w a l l s ____ Stripping a n d c uring c o n c r e t e ______________ Installing u n d e r g r o u n d plu m b i n g , e t c ______ W a t e r p r o o f i n g ------------------------------Backfilling----------------------------------E r e c t i n g structural steel___________________ E x t e r i o r c a r p e n t r y __________________________ E x t e r i o r m a s o n r y ___________________________ E x t e r n a l c l a d d i n g ____________________________ Installing m e t a l s i d i n g ______________________ F i r e p r o o f i n g _________________________ _______ F l o o r i n g ______________________________________ R o o f i n g ____________ _______________ _______ Cutting c o n c r e t e p a v e m e n t -----------------T r e n c h i n g , installing pipe___________________ B i t u m i n o u s c o n c r e te p o u r i n g --------------Installing w i n d o w s a n d doors, g l a z i n g _____ Interior c a r p e n t r y ___________________________ Interior m a s o n r y _____________________________ P l a s t e r i n g -----------------------------------Interior tile w o r k (ceramic, vinyl, asbestos, a n d a c o u stics)___________________ Interior p l u m b i n g , ventilating, heating, a n d electrical w o r k _________________________ Interior painting a n d d e c o r a t i n g _________ _ E x t e r i o r painting_____________________________ Installing culverts a n d incidental d r a i n a g e -----------------------------------L a n d s c a p i n g ------------------------- ---- _ Traffic protections ------------------------P a v i n g ---------------------------------------Fen c i n g , installing lights, signs, etc______ Low tem High wind perat u r e s (m. p. h. ) (F.°) Floodi n g Te m Drying and p e rature conditions abnormal inversion tides S n o w and sleet Freezing rain !L M M M L M M M M M M M M M M M M M M L L L L L L L M M M L M M M M L M M M L L M M M M L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 0— -10 0— -10 0— -10 0— -10 0---- 10 20— 32 20— 32 0— -10 0— -10 32 0---- 10 0---- 10 32 32 32 32 32 32 20— 32 10 0---- 10 32 0---- 10 0---- 10 0---- 10 25 15-35 20 25 15 15-25 35 20 20 25 25 20 25-35 35 35 25 25 25 35 10-15 15 20 15 15 35 2x L M M L L L M M L L L L L L L 45 0---- 10 20— 32 45 0— - 10 10-20 35 25 35 20-20 - X X X X - X - X - L L L 45— X _ X _ _ M M M L M L L M L M L L L L L 32 20— 32 0— -10 32-- 45 0---- 10 - X X X X X X X - _ _ _ X _ _ X X X _ _ X X Rain 50 15 25 15 15-20 35 20 Dense fog Ground freeze X X _ _ _ x X X X - X X X X X X X X - 3x _ _ X X X X - X X X X X X - _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ - X X X - - - X X _ _ _ - X X X - - X X X X X X X _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - X - _ - - X - X _ - _ _ - _ - X - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 L indicates light; M indicates m o d e r a t e . 2 Indicates o peration is affected b y this condition. 3 W a t e r freeze, x x x x T h e s e operations are car r i e d out in the interior of the building a n d are not directly e x p o s e d to external w e a t h e r S O U R C E : T h e Operational a n d E c o n o m i c I m p a c t of W e a t h e r o n the Const r u c t i o n Industry of the U nited States, U. S. C W b - 1 0 9 4 8 , the T r a v e l e r s R e s e a r c h Center, Inc., 2 5 0 Constitutional Plaza, Hartford, Connecticut, M a r c h 1965. 1 1 6 _ _ _ _ _ X Weather _ conditions. Bureau Contract Table D-3. Critical limits of w e a t h e r e l e m e n t s having significant influence o n construction of residential h o m e s Operation Rain S n o w and sleet S u r v e y i n g _____________________ ______________ D e m o l i t i o n a n d c l e a r i n g ----------- ------D e l i v e r y of m a t e r i a l s -----------------------Site g r a d i n g __________________________________ -------------E x c a v a t i o n ------------------F o r m i n g ---------------------------- -------D e l i v e r y of p r e m i x e d co n c r e t e ______________ P o u r i n g c on c r e t e foundation an d w a l l s ----Stripping a n d curing c o n c r e t e -------------------------W a t e r p r o o f i n g ---------------------------------------- ------------Backfilling --------------------------------------------------------------E x t e r i o r c a r p e n t r y ---------------------------------------------E x t e r i o r m a s o n r y ------------------------------------------------E x t e r n a l c l a d d i n g --------------------------------------------------Installing m e t a l si ding ---------------------------------------R o o f i n g -----------------------------------------------------------------------Installing w i n d o w s a n d doors, gla z i n g _____ E x t e r i o r painting ---------------------------------------------------L a n d s c a p i n g ___ _________________ ___ ________ _ 1L M M M M M M M M M M L L L L L L L M L L M M M M M L L M M M L L L L L L L L L Item 1 2 4 6 7 11 14 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 27 31 38 40 42 Paving - .................... Low tem High wind F reezing per a t u r e s (m. p. h. ) rain (F.°) L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 0---- 10 0---- 10 0---- 10 20— 32 20— 32 0---- 10 32 32 32 32 20— 32 0--------10 32 0— -10 0--------10 45 0--------10 45 — 50 20 — 32 32 ----- 45 25 15-35 25 15-25 35 25 35 35 25 25 35 15 20 15 15 10-20 10-20 15 15 35 Dense fog Ground freeze Floodi n g T e m and Drying perature conditions abnormal inversion tides 2x X - X - - X X X - - X X X X X X X X X - X - X X X - X X X X X - - - - - X X - - - X X - - X X X X X X - - - - 1 L indicates light; M indicates m o d e r a t e . 2 Indicates o peration is affected b y this condition. SOURCE: T h e Ope rational a n d E c o n o m i c I m p a c t of W e a t h e r o n the Constr u c t i o n Industry of the United States, C W b - 1 0 9 4 8 , the T r a v e l e r s R e s e a r c h Center, Inc., 250 Constitutional Plaza, Hartford, Connecticut, M a r c h 1965. T a b l e D-4. 40 41 42 43 Operation S u r v e y i n g ------------------------------------D e m o l i t i o n a n d c l e a r i n g -------------------T e m p o r a r y w o r k o n site---- -------------D e l i v e r y of m a t e r i a l s ----------------------M a t e r i a l stockpiling_________________________ Site g r a d i n g __________________________________ E x c a v a t i o n ----------------------------------Pile driving _ _______________________________ F o r m i n g ------------------------------------------------------------------E m p l a c i n g reinforcing steel________________ Q u a r r y i n g -----------------------------------------------------------------D e l i v e r y of p r e m i x e d concrete ____________ P o u r i n g c o n c r e t e foundation a n d w a l l s ___ Stripping a n d c u ring c o n c r e t e ______________ Installing u n d e r g r o u n d p l u m b i n g , e t c ______ Backf i l l i n g --------------------------------------------------------------B i t u m i n o u s c o n c r e t e p o u r i n g _________ __ _ Installing culverts a n d incidental d r a i n a g e -----------------------------------------------------------------L a n d s c a p i n g ________________________________ Traffic protection ---------------------------------------------- _ P a v i n g _________________________________ ___ F e n cing, installing lights, signs, e t c _____ 1 2 Weather Bureau C o n tr a c t Critical limits of w e a t h e r e l e m e n t s having significant influence o n construction of h i g h w a y s Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 30 39 U. S. Rain S n o w and sleet Low tem Freezing High wind pera t u r e s rain (m. p. h. ) (F.°) Dense fog 1L M M M L M M M M M M M M M M M L L M M M L M M M M M M L L M M M L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 0---- 10 0---- 10 0---- 10 0---- 10 0---- 10 20— 32 20— 32 0--------10 0--------10 0-------- 10 32 32 32 32 32 20 — 32 45 25 15-35 20 25 15 15-25 35 20 25 20 25-35 35 35 25 25 35 35 2x M M M L M L L M L M L L L L L 32 20 — 32 0— 10 32 ----- 45 0— 10 25 15 15-20 35 20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Ground freeze Floodi n g T e m and Drying perature conditions abnormal inversion tides X X - _ X X X X X X X X _ X - X X X X X X X X X - X X X X X X X X X X X _ _ X X - _ _ X X - L indicates light; M indicates m o d e r a t e . Indicates oper a tion is affected b y this condition. SOURCE: T h e O p erational a n d E c o n o m i c I m p a c t of W e a t h e r o n the Constr u c t i o n Industry of the United States, C W b - 1 0 9 4 8 , the T r a v e l e r s R e s e a r c h Center, Inc., 2 5 0 Constitutional Plaza, Hartford, Connecticut, M a r c h 1965. U. S. Weather Bureau Cont r a c t 117 T a b l e D -5. Critical limits of w e a t h e r e l e m e n t s having significant influence o n h e a v y a n d specialized construction Operation Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 19 28 29 30 39 40 41 42 43 S u r v e y i n g -----------------------------------D e m o l i t i o n a n d clearning ------------------T e m p o r a r y w o r k o n site___________ _______ D e l i v e r y of m a t e r i a l s ________________________ M a t e r i a l s stockpiling--------------------- _ Site g r a d i n g __________________________________ E x c a v a t i o n ______________________________ ____ Pile driving-__________________________________ D r e d g i n g _____________________ ______________ E r e c t i o n of coffer d a m s -------------------F o r m ing — _-____________ __ ________ _____ ____ E m p l a c i n g reinforcing steel_______ _____ _ D e l i v e r y of p r e m i x e d concrete __________ _ P o u r i n g c o n c r e t e foundation a n d w a l l s ---Stripping a n d curi ng c o n c r e t e -------------Backfilling -------------------------- ---- _ Cutting c o n c r e t e p a v e m e n t ----------------T r e n c h i n g , installing pipe — ---- ---- B i t u m i n o u s c o n c r e t e p o u r i n g _______________ Installing culverts a n d incidental drainage— L a n d s c a p i n g _________________ ________ ____ Traffic p r o t e c t i o n ___________________________ P a v i n g ----------------------------- ------ _ Fenci n g , installing lights, signs, etc------ Rain 1L M M M L M M M M M M M M M M M M M L M M M L M S n o w and sleet L M M M L M M M M L M M L L M M M M L L L M L M Low tem Freezing High wind p e r a tures rain (m.p. h. ) (F.°) L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 0— -10 0— -10 0---- 10 0---- 10 0— -10 20— 32 20— 32 0— -10 0---- 10 32 0— -10 0— -10 32 32 32 20— 32 0— -10 20— 32 45 32 20— 32 0— - 10 32-- 45 0---- 10 25 15— 35 20 25 15 15-35 35 20 20 25 25 20 35 35 25 35 35 25 35 25 15 15-20 35 20 Dense fog 2x X X X X X X X X X _ X - Ground freeze F l o od i n g T e m Drying and pera t u r e conditions abnormal inversion tides X X - - _ X X X 3x X X X X _ X X - X X X - X X X X X X X X - X - _ - X X X X X X X X X X X X X - X _ _ x _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 L indicates light; M indicates m o d e r a t e . 2 Indicates oper a tion is affected b y this condition. 3 W a t e r freeze. S O U R C E : T h e O p er a t i o n a l a n d E c o n o m i c I m p a c t of W e a t h e r o n the Constr u c t i o n Industry of the U n i t e d Stat e s , U. S. C W b _ 1 0 9 4 8 , the T r a v e l e r s R e s e a r c h Center, Inc. , 2 5 0 Constitutional Plaza, Hartford, Connecticut, M a r c h 1965. Table D-6. 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 27 31 38 40 41 42 43 te m Snow and F re e z in g pLow e r a tu r e s H(migh.p w. h.ind) s le e t ra in ( F .° ) O p e ra tio n R a in S u rv e y in g ____________________ ______ _______ D e m o litio n an d c l e a r i n g ________________ ___ T e m p o ra ry w o rk on s i t e ----------------------- -----D e liv e ry of m a te r i a ls — ___________________ _ M a te ria l s to c k p ilin g __________________________ S ite g ra d in g ----------------------------- ------- -_ -----E x c a v a tio n ------ ----------------------------- — -----P ile d riv in g __________________________ _____ F o rm in g ______________ __________ __ __ _ _ E m p la c in g re in fo rc in g s t e e l ------------------------D e liv e ry of p re m ix e d c o n c re te __________ _ P o u rin g c o n c re te fo u n d atio n and w a ll s -----S trip p in g and c u rin g c o n c r e te ______ __ ____ In sta llin g u n d e rg ro u n d p lu m b in g , e tc - _____ W ate r p r o o f in g __ ______________ ___ _ ____ B a c k fillin g _____________________________________ E re c tin g s tr u c tu r a l s te e l E x te rio r m a s o n r y ____________________________ In sta llin g m e ta l s id i n g _______________________ F ir e p r o o f in g __________________________________ R o o fin g ________________________________________ In sta llin g w indow s an d d o o rs , g la z in g E x te rio r p a in tin g _____________________________ L a n d sc a p in g ___________________________________ T ra ffic p r o te c ti o n ____________________________ P a v in g _________________________________________ F e n c in g , in s ta llin g lig h ts , s ig n s , e tc JL M M M L M M M M M M M M M M M L M M M L M M M M M L L M M M M L L L L L L L L L L L L 1 2 Bureau Contract Critical limits of w e a t h e r e l e m e n t s h aving significant influence o n construction of g e n eral buildings Ite m 1 2 Weather L M M L M L L M L M L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 0— -1 0 0— -1 0 0-------10 0------ 10 0------ 10 20— 32 20— 32 0------ 10 0------ 10 0------ 10 32 32 32 32 32 20— 32 10 32 0-------10 0------ 10 45 0-------10 45— 50 20— 32 0------ 10 32— 45 0------ 10 25 15-35 20 15 15 15—25 35 20 25 20 35 35 25 25 25 35 10-15 20 15 35 10-20 10-20 15 15 15-20 35 20 D en se fog G ro u n d fre e z e o d in g T e m F loand D ry ing c o n d itio n s inp evrae rstuioren a b n o rm a l tid e s 2x X X X X X X X X - X X _ _ _ _ X X _ X X X X X X X X X X X _ - X X X - X X X X X X X X X X X X X _ - X X X - _ X - X X _ _ _ X _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ - L indicates light, M indicates m o d e r a t e . Indicates op e r a tion is affected b y this condition. S O U R C E : T h e O p e rational a n d E c o n o m i c I m p a c t of W e a t h e r o n the C o n s t ruction Industry of the Unit e d States, C W b - 10948, the T r a v e l e r s R e s e a r c h Center, Inc., 2 5 0 Constitutional Plaza, Hartford, Connecticut, M a r c h 1965. 1 1 8 U. S. Weather B u r e a u Contract A P P E N D IX E. W EA THER RECORDS How much does weather affect construction? The answer varies according to climate, whether the sea son is extreme or not, and the type of construction being undertaken, as well as the particular operation. Ad ditional insight into the problem of seasonality in the construction industry can be gained through a study of his torical weather data. The records maintained by the United States Weather Bureau are well adapted for comparisons between cities and between different years. The tables in this appendix were developed for one city (Chicago, 111.) for 1 year (1960) to present what could be done with these records. An attempt was made to determine the number of days over a 12-month period that construction oper ations could, under current practice, be carried out in a particular area (Chicago). First, a number of contrac tors were asked what types of weather conditions would terminate construction operations. The weather data was then used to compute the actual number of days, by month, that construction operations could have taken place, given the opinions of the contractors. The following tabulation summarizes the actual number of days available for work in Chicago in 1960, based on the parameters given in table E-7. Total................ Number of working days available and unavailable for construction work in Chicago, 1960 Total days, Available days, Unavailable days, Percent number number number distribution 255 222 33 100.0 January ........................ 20 14 6 18.1 February..................... 21 14 7 21.2 23 March.......................... 21 2 6.1 April.......................... 21 19 2 6.1 May............................. 4 21 17 12.1 June .......................... 22 20 2 6.1 July............................. 20 20 August........................ 23 22 1 3.0 September.................. 21 21 October........................ 21 20 1 3.0 November.................. 21 18 3 9.1 December.................. 21 16 5 15.2 NOTE: For a description of the parameters see the footnotes on table E-7, p. SOURCE: Tabulations made by the BLS from the Weather Records of the U.S. Weather Bureau. - - These data indicate that almost two-thirds of all the days that fall into the unavailable category are in 4 months. Even though March has fewer unavailable days than May, the conditions are probably not so favorable due to the effects of frost leaving the ground. Interestingly, weather records for Chicago for 1968 provided a similar pattern of unavailable days even when different parameters were used. The following tabulation shows that there were 38.5 days in 1968 unavailable for construction work compared with 33 days in 1960. 119 Months TotaL.................. Number of working days available and unavailable for _______ construction work in Chicago, 1968_______ Nonworking days Available - Net working days Temperature Precipitation days 221.5 12.5 260 26 1 22 11 10 January .......................... February........................ 21 0 12 9 0 21 21 March............................. 0 2 April............................. 22 0 20 1 22 21 0 May................................ June ............................. 2.5 19.5 22 0 1.5 22 0 July............................... 20.5 .5 22.5 23 August.......................... 0 1 September..................... 21 20 0 23 0 23 0 October.......................... 2 November..................... 18 20 0 14 1 December..................... 21 6 SOURCE: Robert G. Beebe, Special Assistant, Industrial Meteorology, Environmental Sci ence Services Administration, Weather Bureau U.S. Department of Commerce. The parameters used in the above tabulation are: 1. Temperature below 32 degrees F. all day 2. 3 inches of snow the previous day 3. 1 inch of rain the previous day 4. 1 inch of snow during working hours, beginning by 7:00 a.m. 5. 0.50 inch of rain during working hours, beginning by 7:00 a.m. These guides used above in defining a nonworking day were developed by Mr. Beebe in his work with general contractors over a number of years. As has been stated previously in this report, it is possible to carry out most construction operations un der the most adverse conditions. However, the usual practice of the industry today is to reduce the amount of work done in the winter months. This may be the practice because of the tremendous amount of detail that must go into planning, scheduling, and protection of the existing work. Whatever the reason, employment is most seasonal in those months that have the greatest number of days unavailable for outdoor construction work. Measures of seasonality for contract construction for Chicago, 1960 Deviation of Seasonal monthly employ ment from adjustment Month factors annual average 87.5 January ..................... -13.0 February.................. -15.8 85.6 March........................ 88.4 -17.0 April........................ 97.5 -4.6 103.4 3.1 May.......................... June ........................ 106.8 6.3 July ........................ 11.9 109.0 110.4 August..................... 13.7 September................ 108.5 10.7 October..................... 106.4 8.8 November................ 102.5 3.3 December................ 7.4 94.0 SOURCE: BLS, Current Employment Statistics based on estab lishment reports. 120 The preceeding tabulation indicates that in only 1 month—May— do we find a situation that is difficult to explain by the distribution of unavailable days. However, a combination of factors result in seasonality. The days lost in May were all a result of rainfall and the other climatic conditions were more favorable for construction activities. The contractors had time in the month of April to get substantial amounts of work started and establish their organization by May for the construction year. Thus, if the contractor, knows that the climatic conditions very shortly will be more con ducive to construction operations, he will find keeping these men on the payroll less expensive than releasing them. Included on the following pages are a number of tables taken from the historical data maintained by the U.S. Weather Bureau. These tables were prepared to show the prevalence of days by month on which certain weather conditions occurred. Precipitation occurred on 94 working days in Chicago; however, 51 of these had less than a .10 of an inch and only 2 days has an inch or more. Not all the precipitation occurred during work ing time; on only 53 working days precipitation occurred during working hours, and 35 of these days had less than a .10 of an inch. (See tables E-2 and E-3.) Temperature is another important factor that influenced construction in Chicago. The temperature fell be low 18 degrees F. 34 days. On 14 of these days the temperature did not rise above 24 degrees F. (See table E-6.) As has been shown previously in the report, low temperatures alone are not too uncomfortable, but if this variable is combined with wind, the discomfort increases substantially. It is not necessary to discuss windchill measure for Chicago since it has received the nickname “Windy City” honestly. Other climatic conditions such as snow accumulation influence the number of days that would be available for construction. In Chicago, in 1960, 1 inch of snow or more fell on 46 working days— 16 of these had less than 3 inches and 11 had 6 inches or more. (See table E-5.) On the basis of the weather data obtained for Chicago, it would appear that if weather records were devel oped for several different cities, 1 dispersed throughout the United States with respect to both their geographic location and importance as a construction center, the contractor, the union, and the researcher would be better able to anticipate the pattern of weather conditions in a given area. * Weather records are available from the Weather Bureau for most major cities. 121 A P PEN D IX E TABLES Page E-l. Number of working days, holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays in contract construction by month, Chicago, 1960............................................................................................................................................. E-2. Number of days on which various amounts of precipitation occurred in Chicago, by month and category of day, 1960..................................................................................................................... E-3. Number of days on which various amounts of precipitation occurred during working hours in Chicago, by month and category of day, 1960............................................................................... E-4. Number of afternoons on which various amount of precipitation occurred in Chicago, by month and category of day, 1960..................................................................................................................... E-5. Number of days on which the snow depth was 1 inch or more in Chicago, by selected depths, 1960 ............................................................................................................................................. E-6. Number of working days in Chicago, by selected temperature ranges, 1960 ..................................... E-7. Number of available and unavailable working days in Chicago, by type of climatic conditions, 1960 ....................................................................................................................................... 122 123 123 123 124 124 124 125 Table E - l. Number of working days, holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays in contract construction by month, Chicago, I960 J anuary February M arch C lass of day T o ta l---------------------------------- 31 H olidays (H O L)--------------------------Saturdays (SA T )-------------------------Sundays (S U N )------------ ---Working days (W D)--------------------- 1 5 5 20 A pril 29 31 30 . . _ 4 4 23 4 4 21 May June July 30 31 31 ! 4 5 21 5 4 21 August Septem ber October Novem ber D ecem ber Total 31 1 5 5 20 _ 4 4 22 31 30 1 4 4 21 _ 4 4 23 30 ! 4 4 21 _ 5 5 21 31 366 1 5 4 21 6 53 52 255 NOTE: Included in th ese tabulations are 6 holidays and they are: (1) New Y ear’s Day; (2) M em orial Day; (3) Independence Day; (4) Labor Day; (5) Thanksgiving Day; and (6) C hristm as Day. If the holiday fe ll on Saturday, F riday was a holiday and if on Sunday;- then Monday was a holiday. Table E -2. * Number of days on which various amounts of precipitation occurred in Chicago, by month and category of day, I960 1 T hese are the total number of days on which there was a m easurable amount of precipitation, defined as being any amount equal to 0.01 of an inch or m ore. SOURCE: Computation m ade by the Bureau of Labor Statistics from weather records of the U. S. Weather Bureau, Environm ental S cien ces S ervices Adm inistration. Table E -3. Number of days on which various amounts of precipitation occurred during working hours 1 in Chicago, by month and category of day, I960 Amount in inches T otal2 - - 0 0 1 0 00 ...... 0 10 0 25- 49 ___ ________ o ! 50- !99 ------------------1* 00 or m ore — — — February M arch A pril May June July J anuary SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD . . . _ _ _ 5 . 2 . 4 - 1 1 _ 6 _ . . 6 3 - _ _ 5 1 l August T otal2 ------------------------------------------0 .0 1 -0 .0 9 -----------------------------------------------0 10- 24 - ___ - 0. 25- .4 9 -----------------------------------------------(-) 50- QQ - 1.00 or m o r e ------------------------------------------ 1 1 ! _ 1 - - - 2 2 Septem ber 3 2 - _ ! _ - 1 - - ! _ 4 1 1 - 2 2 1 - _ - 1 1 - _ - _ 7 2 1 _ 6 _ 1 - 3 2 2 1 _ 4 2 _ 1November Octolber 3 3 1 3 3 - _ - D ecem ber 1 _ 7 _ _ _ - - 4 2 i - - - - 2 _ ! 2 - 1 Total 2 1 1 6 3 1 2 ll - - - 9 1 _ 53 - 35 11 5 - 1 1 Working hours are between 7:01 a. m . and 4:59 p .m . 2 T hese are the total number of days on which there was a m easurable amount of precipitation, during working hours, defined as being any amount equal to 0 .0 1 of an inch or m ore. SOURCE: •Com putation made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics from w eather records of the U .S. W eather Bureau, Environm ental Scien ces Services A dm inistration. 123 Table E -4. Number of aftern oon s1 on which various amounts of precipitation occurred in Chicago, by month and category of day, I960 Amount in inches February M arch A pril May June J anuary July SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD SAT SUN HOL WD Total ----------------0 .0 1 -0 .0 9 ------------------i 10 °4 ■ " l .25 or m o re -------------- - . . 3 _ _ _ - - 3 - - - 4 1 2 2 1 August 1 A Ul-U, A1 A UAO7 U. 02*# faO or ^m o__re ------------ ........ —— - ——————— _ 1 - _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ - - 1 - 1 - _ 1 _ - 1 _ Septem ber i _ i - _ _ 1 1 ! _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 1 1 1 October _ _ _ 3 1 _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ - 3 1 - - 3 - - - - _ 6 _ _ _ 6 - - Novem ber l D ecem ber Total _ _ i 4 3 _ 26 i 3 3 - 23 3 1 The number of afternoons on which there was a m easurable amount of precipitation, defined as being any amount equal to 0.01 of an inch or m ore, between the hours of 12:01 p. m . and 4:59 p .m . NOTE: T hese are days which would not be included in the working day concept used in other tab les. SOURCE: Computation made by the Bureau of Labor S tatistics from weather records of the U .S. W eather Bureau, Environm ental Scien ces Services A dm inistration. Table E -5 . Number of days on which the snow depth was 1 inch or m ore in Chicago, by selected depths, I960 February J anuary March April Amount in inches SUN HOL 1 1 1 _ 2 . 9 ----------------------- 1.0- 3. 0- 6. 0 SAT SAT SUN HOL 7 3 3 _ 7 : 5. 9 ----------------------or m o r e ------------------------- WD 3 - 3 October _ Total --------------------------- 3. 0-5.9------------------------------ : 6.0 or m o r e -------------------------- : SAT 14 - 8 SUN HOL 4 3 _ 1 2 3 6 1 November _ _ WD _ _ _ 2 _ - 1 1 1 : - 16 4 9 3 - SAT SUN HOL WD _ . . . : - - - December _ - : WD 1 Total 1 1 - 9 10 5 3 2 2 8 1 1 4 4 7 46 16 19 11 SOURCE: Computation made by the Bureau of Labor S tatistics from w eather records of the U .S. W eather Bureau, Environm ental S cien ces S ervices A dm inistration. Table E -6. Num ber of working days in Chicago, by selected tem perature ranges, I960 February J anuary Class of day Total --------Class Class Class Class Class 1 2 3 4 5 I -----------II ___________ III ---------I V __________ V ----------- March April May June 5 5 1 1 11 1 2 3 1 20 5 3 2 j g 4 - 4 3 j 4 _ 4 Total ---------- 4 _ _ 23 5 g - 2 l 3 4 September 23 4 4 _ 4 21 4 5 1 21 4 4 _ 4 17 4 5 1 21 4 4 - 1 3 - October 1 21 5 5 _ November 21 4 4 1 21 1 Class I ------------- ____ m a c e IT 2 ____________ -aoo TTT 3 ___________ ______ Pin'’ TV 4 V ^XeLSa XV Class V ------------ __ 4 “ 23 4 4 5 5 1 20 22 5 5 1 20 December 5 4 ! 1 4 22 1 l - 4 4 21 1 g 1 2 7 1 - 1 4 1 2 1 - 21 Aug[USt 5 July SAT SUN H O L W D SAT SUN H O L W D SAT S UN H O L W D SAT SUN H O L W D SAT S U N H O L W D SAT SU N H O L W D SAT SUN H O L W D 1 21 5 5 ■ 17 3 4 2 1 9 _ 10 21 53 4 1 " Total 1 3 52 2 ~ 1 1 33 6 255 14 20 28 5 5 36 3 160 1 Days on which the tem perature fe ll below 18° F and did not r ise above 24° F. 2 D ays on which the tem perature fe ll below 18° F and reached or exceeded 25° F . 3 D ays on which the m inim um tem perature was not below 18°F , nor above 24° F , and the m axim um tem perature was 19°F or above. 4 D ays on which the m inim um tem perature was between 25° F and 32° F. 5 D ays on which the m inim um tem perature was not below 33° F . SOURCE: Computation m ade by the Bureau of Labor S tatistics from weather records of the U'.'S. W eather Bureau, Environm ental Scien ces Services A dm inistration. 124 Table E -7. Number of available and unavailable working days in Chicago, by type of clim atic conditions, I960 Days Total number of d a y s -----------------------------Total available d a ys--------------------------Total unavailable d a ys-----------------------C lass I: 1 Total number of d a y s ------------------------Number of days with p re cipitation2 — Number of days without p r e cipitation -------------------■-----------------C lass II: i Total number of d a y s ------------------------Number of days with p r e cipitation2 — Number of days without p r e cipitation — C lass III: 4 Total number of d a y s ------------------------Number of days with p r e cipitation5 — Number of days without p r e cipitation — C lass IV: 6 Total number of d a y s ------------------------Number of days with p re cipitation5 — Number of days without p r e cipitation — C lass V: i Total number of d a y s ------------------------Number of days with p r e cipitation8 — Number of days without p r e cipitation — F ebruary M arch A pril J anuary Un Un Un Un Total A vailable available Total Available available Total A vailable available Total A vailable available 20 14 6 21 14 7 23 21 2 21 2 19 _ 14 14 14 14 21 21 19 19 6 6 7 2 2 2 7 2 " 5 5 3 - 5 4 - 5 3 - 4 1 1 1 8 1 7 7 1 7 7 6 6 1 1 - 6 - 3 2 2 6 3 2 2 6 6 4 1 3 6 3 3 - - 1 1 - May Total number of days ----------------------------Total available d a ys--------------------------Total unavailable days ----------------------C lass 1:1 Total number of d a y s ------------------------Number of days with p re cipitation 2 ----------------------------------Number of days without p r e cipitation — C lass II: 5 Total number of d a y s------------------------Number of days with p re cipitation 2 ----------------------------------Number of days without p r e cipitation — C lass III: 4 Total number of d a y s ------------------------Number of days with p r e cipitation5 — Number of days without p r e cipitation — C lass IV: 6 Total number of days -----------------------Number of days with p r e cipitation5 — Number of days without p r e cipitation — C lass V: i Total number of d a y s ------------------------Number of days with p re cipitation8 — Number of days without p r e cipitation — 21 17 4 17 17 - 4 - 4 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 9 9 8 1 22 20 2 20 20 1 - - - - 1 - - - 9 - - - - - - - - 1 1 - 4 4 - 4 17 2 15 4 15 15 2 9 7 7 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 r June 4 4 - - - July 2 2 20 20 20 20 _ 2 2 - August _ 23 22 1 22 22 1 _ 1 " - - - - 21 4 17 17 17 4 4 - 22 2 20 20 20 2 2 - 20 20 20 20 - 23 1 22 22 22 1 1 - See footnotes at end of table. 125 Table E -7. Number of available and unavailable working days in Chicago, by type of clim atic conditions, I960— Continued Septem ber O ctober Novem ber D ecem ber Total vail Un Total A vail Un Total A vail Un Total A vail Un Total A vail Un Total Aable able available available able available able available able available . 3 21 20 21 5 21 18 21 16 1 255 222 T otal num ber of d a y s ----------------- 21 33 21 20 20 18 18 16 16 222 222 Total available d ay s-------------- 21 5 3 3 5 Total unavailable d ay s----------1 33 33 " 1 C lass 1:1 4 4 14 14 Total num ber of d a y s -----------Num ber of days with p re cipitation 2 --------------------Num ber of days without 4 4 14 14 precipitation -----------------C lass II: 3 6 7 1 20 1 Total num ber of d a y s -----------19 Number of days with p re 1 1 1 1 cipitation 2 --------------------Num ber of days without 6 6 precipitation -----------------19 19 C lass III: 4 2 2 8 8 28 26 2 Total num ber of d a y s -----------Num ber of days with p r e 2 2 cipitation3 — Num ber of days without 2 2 8 26 26 8 precipitation -----------------Class IV: 6 1 1 4 4 8 31 33 2 1 Total num ber of d a y s -----------9 N um ber of days with p re 2 1 1 2 cipitation5 --------------------Num ber of days without 4 4 8 8 31 precipitation -----------------1 1 31 C lass V :7 1 16 2 21 17 1 10 8 1 146 14 Total num ber of d a y s ------------ 21 160 Num ber of days with p r e 2 2 1 1 14 14 cipitation8 — N um ber of days without 16 21 16 8 8 1 146 146 p re c ip ita tio n ------------------ 21 " ■ " " ■ 1 Days 1 Days on which the tem perature fe ll below 18°F and did not r ise above 24° F. 2 These are class I and c la ss II days on which any amount of precipitation occurred during norm al working hours. 3 Days on which the tem perature fe ll below 18° F and reached or exceeded 25° F. 4 Days on which the m inim um tem perature was not below 18°F , nor above 24° F , and the m axim um tem perature was 19°F or above. 5 T hese are c la ss III and class IV days on which precipitation of one-tenth of an inch or m ore occurred during working hours. 6 Days on which the m inim um tem perature was between 25° F and 32° F . 7 Days on which the m inim um tem perature was not below 35°F. 8 These are cla ss V days on which precipitation occurred between 5 a. m . and 7 a. m . and continued throughout the day (4 hours out of the norm al working day which is from 7:01 a. m . to 4:59 p .m .) and accum ulates to one-tenth of an inch or m ore. NOTE: All cla ss I days are c la ssified as being unavailable. C lass II through cla ss V are cla ssifie d as being unavailable if they m eet the criteria assigned for the precipitation test. SOURCE: Computation made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics from w eather records of the U. S. W eather Bureau, Environm ental Scien ces Services Adm inistration. 126 APPENDIX F. DESCRIPTION OF SOCIAL SECURITY DATA AND METHOD OF ESTIMATING WAGES Data used in chapter VI and parts of VII and VIII of this report were developed from information con tained in the Social Security Administrations’ 1-percent continuous work history sample. The sample, which includes 1-percent of all social security account numbers, was selected by the Social Security Administration on the basis of a multistaged systematic cluster sampling procedure. Once an individual is selected for the sample he remains in it permanently. 1 Information about each individual included in the continuous work history sample is provided by the individual and by each covered employer from whom he receives wages and salaries: The individual provides demographic information (race, sex, and year of birth) when he applies for a social security account number. Each covered employer from whom the individual received any wages or salaries during a calendar quarter reports the amount of the wage payment in the quarter and the industry and geographic area in which the wages or salaries were earned. 2 The employer, however, ceases to report wage and salary earnings for an individual after the workers’ annual taxable earnings limit ($4,800 in 1964) is reached in that employment situation. Method of estimation The following section of this appendix presents a discussion on the methods of estimation for annual earnings, quarters of work, major earner, any earnings, and four quarter workers. Annual earnings Each covered employer is required to provide information about the earnings of each employee up to the maximum amount ($4,800 in 1964) subject to the social security tax. Hence, reported earnings may be sub stantially below the workers’ total earnings. The Social Security Administration, however, has devised a pro cedure to estimate total wages of individuals. In this estimation procedure, the quarter in which the taxable limit is reached (“limit quarter”) is first determined. Then the wages in the prior quarter that are equal to or greater than the limit quarter wages are substituted for the limit quarter and all subsequent quarters. Limit quarter earnings, however, are used in estimating earnings in the limit and subsequent quarters if limit quarter earnings were higher than earnings in previous quarters. The summation of the quarterly wages after substitu tion then becomes the estimated annual total. An exception to this is made when the taxable limit is reached in the first quarter; then $32,000 for men and $25,000 for women was used as the estimated total for 1964. Tables F-l, 2, and 3 show the exact reported earnings of 27 individuals as well as the estimate of their annual earnings which were made by using the social security estimating technique. * For a detailed explanation of the sampling procedure, reporting criteria, and social security coverage, see U.S. Social Security Administration, Workers Under Social Security I960 (Washington, D.C., 1968 and their Social Security Handbook (3rd edition) Washington, D.C., 1966). 7 If the worker is employed by a contractor in New York State but is working at a job in New Jersey he will be counted as employed in New York State unless the contractor creates a new “firm” and files the social security reports from New Jersey. 127 Examples 1, 6, 10, and 11 in table F-l, illustrate records where earnings probably would be overestimated. In table F-2, attention is called to examples 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Table F-3, contains the records of individuals who worked for more than one employer in 1964 and earned more than $4,800 from at least one of them. There are several examples here where the income would be overestimated. The estimates of annual earnings, developed using the social security technique are believed to be entirely acceptable for the purposes of this report. They may be slightly overstated, one reason being that fourth quar ter earnings may be less than third quarter earnings due to seasonal problems. However, since a much larger proportion of workers are employed by more than one employer in construction than in other industries, con struction is perhaps one of the best industries to work with when using these data. Comparing the estimates developed for this report with other sources of data on annual income indicates that the estimates are rea sonable. Quarters o f work. A quarter of work, for purposes of this study, is defined as any quarter in which the worker received any wages in covered employment. Workers whose maximum taxable earnings limits in a single employment situation are reached before the fourth quarter of the year (and thus, the employer does not fur ther report information about their earnings) are considered to have worked in each quarter. Workers with a major proportion o f earnings in an industry. Workers who earned more of their annual wages or salaries in the specified industry than from any other industry. For example, an individual who earned 40 percent of his total wages and salaries in industry A and 30 percent of his annual wages and sal aries in each of the other industries is considered to be a major earner in industry A. Workers with some earnings in an industry. This classification counts each individual who had any earn ings in an industry during the course of the year as having had some attachment to the industry. A worker who earned 40 percent of his annual earnings in industry A, 30 percent in industry B, and 30 percent in in dustry C is counted in each of the industries. (Because a worker is counted in each industry in which he had any earnings, the aggregate count of workers with some earnings in each industry is greater than the total number in covered employment.) Earnings in the industry o f greatest earnings. A worker’s earnings in the industry of greatest earnings are limited to the amount of wage and salary remuneration received from employers in the specified indus try. Earnings in all employment are the sum of the worker earnings in the industry of greatest earnings and earnings in all other industries. Thus, a worker who received 40 percent of his annual earnings from employ ment in industry A, 30 percent from industry B, 30 percent from industry C, would have 40 percent of his total annual earnings counted as earnings in the industry of greatest earnings and 100 percent of the earnings (from industries A, B, and C) in the earnings statistics for all wage and salary employment. These concepts, including the quarters of major industry employment concept used in this study, are presented in the following illustration of a single worker’s employment and earnings experience. Industry Total........................ A ....................................... B ....................................... C ....................................... __________________ Earnings by quarter__________________ Total January April July October (any quarter) March June September December $425 $110 $110 $120 $85 150 60 90 130 10 50 70 145 100 30 15 This worker had greater earnings in industry A than in any other industry. Therefore, industry A is his industry of greatest earnings. He worked in industry A during each of two quarters*. Therefore, even though he was also employed in other industries in each of the other two quarters, he is categorized in this report as a worker with two quar ters of major industry employment. 128 APPENDIX F TABLES Page F-l. Examples of 1964 estimated annual income of construction workers made by the Social Security Administration for persons who achieved maximum earnings before the fourth quarter.......................................................................................................................................... 130 F-2. Examples of 1964 estimated annual income of construction workers made by the Social Security Administration for persons who achieved maximum earnings in the fourth quarter....................................................................................................................................................... 130 F-3. Example of 1964 estimated annual income of construciton workers made by the Social Security Administration for persons who achieved maximum earnings and had more than one employer................................................................................................................................. 131 129 Table F-l. E x a m p l e s of 1964 e s t i m a t e d ann u a l i n c o m e of construction w o r k e r s m a d e b y the Social Security A d m i n i s t r a t i o n for p e r s o n s w h o a c h i e v e d m a x i m u m earnings b efore the fourth q u a rter (1) Reported wages (3) (2) Estimated wages Estimated wage s Reported wages Reported wages Estimated wages T o t a l ___________________________ $4, 800. 00 $9, 587. 30 $4, 800. 00 $8, 429. 00 $4, 800. 00 F i r s t .................................. S e c o n d ---------------------------T h i r d __________________________________ $2, 273. 00 2,438. 10 88. 80 $2, 273. 2.438. 2.438. 2, 438. 00 10 10 10 $2, 515. 4 0 1, 971. 20 313. 30 $2, 1, 1, 1, 515.40 971. 20 971. 20 971. 20 $3,499. 90 1, 300. 00 T o t a l ___________________________ $4, 800. 00 $9, 015. 6 0 $4, 800. 00 $6, 777. 00 $4. 800. 00 $9. 143. 50 F i r s t ---------------------------------- $2, 215. 20 2, 266. 80 318. 00 $2, 2, 2, 2, 20 80 80 80 $1, 724. 10 1, 684. 30 1, 391. 50 $1, 1, 1, 1, 10 30 30 30 $1, 823. 50 2,440. 00 536. 50 $1, 823. 2.440. 2, 550. 2.440. $4, 800. 00 $9. 100. 00. $4, 800. 00 $8, 828. 70 $14, 800. 00 $2, 275. 00 2, 275. 00 250. 00 $2, 2, 2, 2, $2, 675. 70 2, 051. 00 73. 20 $2, 2, 2, 2, (5) (4) F o u r t h --------------------- ---- - 215. 266. 266. 266. ___ _____ F i r s t -------- ---- ----------------S e c o n d -------------------------- — F o u r t h -------------- -------- — - 275. 275. 275. 275. 00 00 00 00 724. 684. 684. 684. First SprrmH TV.4 rrf Fourth ._ .. ......... . _ _____ ,, r . . . . . . . . 90 90 90 90 50 00 00 00 (9) 675. 051. 051. 051. $32, 000. 00 70 00 00 00 $ 4, 800. 00 $5. 106. 00 $7, 044. 30 $4, 800. 00 $1, 551. 6 0 1, 830. 90 1, 723. 4 0 $ 1, 1, 1, 1, (10) T o t a l ..... — ..................... - $3,499. 3.499. 3.499. 3.499. (6) (8) (7) T o t a l ______________ $ 13, 999. 60 - - (11) 551. 830. 830. 830. 60 90 90 90 $8. 070. 10 $691. 2,459. 2, 459. 2,459. $691. 60 2,459. 50 1, 648. 80 60 50 50 50 Table F-2. E x a m p l e s of 1964 e s t i m a t e d a n n u a l i n c o m e of construction w o r k e r s m a d e b y the Social Security A d m i n i s t r a t i o n for p e r s o n s w h o a c h i e v e d m a x i m u m earnings in the fourth q u a rter (2) (1) Quarter Reported wages T o t a l ____________________________ F i r s t __________________________ ______ S e c o n d ---- ---------- ---T h i r d .................................. Estimated wages $4, 800. 00 $964. 1, 561. 952. 1, 320. 70 70 70 70 $5, 040. 80 $964.70 1, 561. 70 95 2. 70 1, 561. 70 F i r s t ________ S e c o n d ______ — F o u r t h ----------- ________________ ~ __ --------------------- — --- $5. 694. 30 $1, 329. 1, 751. 1, 306. 412. $1, 1, 1, 1, 30 70 50 20 329. 751. 306. 306. 30 70 50 50 $5. 003. 30 $4. 800. 00 $5. 261. 00 $1, 1, 1, 1, $1, 209. 1, 338. 1, 357. 896. $1, 1, 1, 1, 90 60 90 60 $5. 526. 00 $860. 1,481. 1, 717. 1,467. 20 20 40 20 (7) T o t a l ___________________________ First .................................. S e c o n d - ---- — ----------- — 130 $ 4 , 800. 00 $743. 1, 660. 1, 599. 796. 30 10 90 50 311. 175. 257. 257. 90 60 90 90 $743. 1, 660. 1, 599. 1, 599. 30 10 90 90 $ 4 , 800. 00 $845. 1, 989. 1,584. 381. 00 30 30 20 00 00 00 00 209. 338. 357. 357. 00 00 00 00 (6) $5. 776. 20 $4. 800. 00 $7. 624. 9 0 $860. 20 1,481. 20 1, 717.40 1, 717. 40 1, 583. 70 3, 020. 60 195. 60 1, 583. 7 0 3, 020. 60 3, 020. 60 $6, 003. 00 $4, 800. 00 $7, 050. 20 $59. 20 2, 229. 80 2, 380. 50 130.30 $59. 20 2, 229. 80 2, 380. 50 2, 380. 50 (9) (8) $5, 603. 30 Estimated wages $1, 311. 1, 175. 1, 257. 1, 054, (5) $4,800.00 Reported wages $4. 800. 00 (4) T o t a l ............................ 0) Estimated wages Reported wages $84 5. 1, 989. 1, 584, 1, 584. 00 30 30 30 Table F-3. E x a m p l e s of 1964 e s t i m a t e d annu a l i n c o m e of construction w o r k e r s m a d e b y the Social Security A d m i n i s t r a t i o n for p e r s o n s w h o a c h i e v e d m a x i m u m earnings a n d h a d m o r e than one e m p l o y e r (1) uuarrer Reported wages, employer numb e r 2 3 $4, 823. 40 $ 2 2 2 . 00 $ 1, 836. 50 $6, 772.40 $23. 40 1, 500. 40 2, 6 2 4.20 675. 20 $184.20 37. 80 $1, 067. 30 769. 20 $23. 40 1, 500. 40 2, 624. 20 2, 624. 20 1 T o t a l __________________ $609. 90 First -----------------------S e c o n d _______________________ T h i r d ________________________ F o u r t h ----------------------- Estimated wages, employer nu m b e r _ 4 2 _ _ - (3) (2) Estimated wages, employer n u m b e r Reported wages, employer n u m b e r 1 First _____ S e c o n d --T h i r d _____ 1 2 $4, 800. 00 $4, 800. 00 $3, 900. 00 900.00 $4, 800. 00 2 $ 15, 600. 00 $3, 3, 3, 3, Reported wages, employer n u m b e r 900. 900. 900. 900. 1 $ 14, 400. 00 00 00 00 00 Estimated wages, employer n u m b e r 1 2 $4, 900. 00 $ 3 76.00' $300. 1, 816. 1, 861. 922. $312. 00 $4,800.00 4, 800. 00 4, 800. 00 10 40 20 10 $5, 839. 10 $300. 1, 816. 1, 861. 1, 861. 64. 00 10 60 20 20 ___ i (4) Reported wages, employer num b e r 1 T o t a l _________ S e c o n d ----T h i r d _______ F o u r t h _____ (5) Estimated wages, employer num b e r 2 $2,534.40 $593. 60 1, 940. 80 1 2 F i r s t ________ S e c o n d -----T h i r d ________ F o u r t h ------ $1, 001. 30 1, 841. 30 2 $8, 783. 20 $4, 800. 00 $4, 878. 00 $ 7, 000. 00 $9, 100. 00 $2, 193. 30 2, 196. 60 409. 90 $2, 2, 2, 2, $1,000. 00 3, 000. 00 $2, 350. 00 2, 250. 00 278. 00 $1,000. 00 3, 000. 00 $2, 2, 2, 2, 193. 196. 196. 196. 30 60 60 60 3, 000. 00 800. 00 (6) 1 1 2 $4, 800. 00 Reported wages, employer n u m b e r $2, 842. 00 Estimated wages, employer n u m b e r Reportec 1 w a g e s , employe]* n u m b e r 2 350. 00 250.00 250. 00 250. 00 (7) Estimated wages, employer n u m b e r 2 Reported wages, employer n u m b e r 1 $4, 800. 00 $9, 129. 80 $1, 730. 60 2,466. 40 602. 90 $1, 730. 2.466. 2.466. 2.466. 60 60 60 60 Estimated wages, employer n u m b e r 2 2 $ 121.40 $4, 800. 00 $5, 285. 10 $121.40 $1,041.40 1, 230. 90 1, 506. 40 1, 021. 10 $1, 1, 1, 1, 041. 4 0 230. 90 506 . 4 0 506. 40 131 A P PEN D IX G. Tables showing greater detail than those covering comparable data in the text of this study. 132 A P PEN D IX G TABLES Page Value of construction put in place in the United States, by type, 1947—68 ............................ Value of construction put in place in the United States in constant 1957—59 dollars by type, 1947—68 ........................................................................................................................... Employment in contract construction, by major divisions, 1939—68 .......................................... Employment in contract construction by type of heavy and special trades contractors, 1958-68............................................................................................................................................ Percent distribution of employment in contract construction by type of heavy and special trades contractor, 1958—68 ............................................................................................... Seasonal adjustment factors for employees in nonagricultural payrolls by industry division and groups......................................................................................................................................... Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in contract construction (SIC 15-17) by month, 1940—68........................................................................................................................ Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in general building construction (SIC 15) by month, 1945-68 ........................................................................................................ Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in heavy construction (SIC 16) by month, 1945—68........................................................................................................................ Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in highway and street construction (SIC 161) by month, 1958-68 ..................................................................................................... Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in heavy construction, except highway (SIC 162) by month, 1958—68....................................................................................... Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in special trades construction (SIC 17) by month, 1945-68 ........................................................................................................ Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in plumbing, heating, and air conditioning work (SIC 171), by month, 1958—68 ............................................................. Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in painting, paperhanging, and decorating (SIC 172), by month, 1958—68 ................................................................................. Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in electrical work (SIC 173), by month, 1958—68........................................................................................................................ Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in masonry, plastering, stonework, and tile work (SIC 174), by month, 1958—68 ........................................................................... Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers in roofing and sheetmetal work (SIC 176), by month, 1958-68..................................................................................................... Seasonal adjustment factors of wage and salary workers employed by operative builders (SIC 656), by month, 1958-68..................................................................................................... Seasonal adjustment factors for contract construction employment by type and size of contractor, and by region, selected months, 1960—68 .............................................................. Unemployed male wage and salary workers by duration of unemployment and selected industry group, annual averages, 1960—68 ................................................................................. Unemploymed male wage and salary workers in construction and manufacturing, by duration of unemployment, annual average and by months, 1960—68.................................... Proportion of wage and salary workers experiencing unemployment during the year by industry group of longest job, 1959—68....................................................................................... 134 135 136 136 137 137 138 138 139 139 139 140 140 140 141 141 141 141 142 146 147 148 133 Table G -l. Value of construction put in place in the United States, 1 by type, 1947—68 (M illions of dollars) Type of construction j 1947 1948 1949 T otal construction activity Total new con stru ction -----------------------------------P rivate con stru ction ____ _________ __ R esidential b u ild in g s___________________ N onresidential bu ild in gs________________ F arm construction — ------------------------Public u t ilit ie s __ _____________________ A ll other p r iv a te------------- — __________ Public co n stru ctio n ________________________ By type of ownership: F ed erally ow n ed ------------------------------State and locally o w n ed _____________ R esidential buildings _ ______ ____ — _ N onresidential b u ild in gs_____________ _ Educational bu ild in gs________________ Highways and s tr e e ts ___________________ M ilitary fa c ilitie s ________ ____________ C onservation and developm ent- ____ Sewer system s ________ _______________ W ater supply fa c ilitie s -------------------------A ll other public _______________ _______ M aintenance and r e p a ir ____ ________ ____ _ Total construction activity _ -------Total new con stru ction ________________________ P rivate con stru ction _______________________ R esidential buildings ----------------------------N onresidential bu ild in gs-----------------------F arm c o n stru ctio n ____________ _______ Public u tilities _________________________ A ll other p riv a te-------- ------------------------Public c o n stru ctio n ________________________ By type of ownership: F ed erally owned_____________________ State and locally ow n ed _____________ R esidential buildings ----------------------------N onresidential bu ild in gs________________ Educational bu ild in gs-----------------------Highways and s tr e e ts ___________________ M ilitary fa c ilitie s ______________________ C onservation and developm ent_________ Sewer system s ________ ___ __________ W ater supply fa c ilitie s _________________ A ll other public _________ _____________ M aintenance and r e p a ir ________________ _____ 1-950 1951 1952 1953 $30,415 $20, 041 16, 722 9, 850 3, 243 1,434 2, 126 69 3, 319 $37, 879 $26, 078 21,374 13, 128 3, 765 1, 640 2, 776 65 4, 704 $38, 688 $26, 722 20,453 12,428 3, 383 1, 570 2,994 78 6, 269 $45, 630 $33, 575 26, 709 18, 126 3, 904 1, 522 3,045 112 6, 866 $48, 751 $35,435 26, 180 15,881 5, 279 1,599 3, 357 64 9, 255 $50, 968 $36, 828 26, 049 15,803 5, 014 1, 614 3,533 85 10,779 $53,549 $39, 136 27, 894 16, 594 5, 680 1, 527 3, 973 120 11, 242 840 2,479 200 591 287 1, 344 204 424 188 163 205 10,374 1, 177 3, 527 156 1, 291 618 1, 661 158 670 300 235 233 11, 801 1,488 4, 781 359 2, 049 934 2,015 137 852 354 265 238 11, 966 1, 624 5, 242 345 2, 387 1, 133 2, 134 177 94 2 383 276 222 12, 055 2, 981 6, 274 595 3,496 1, 513 2, 355 887 912 425 350 235 13, 316 4, 185 6, 594 654 4, 158 1, 619 2, 677 1, 387 900 435 355 213 14, 140 4, 139 7, 103 556 4, 350 1, 714 3,021 1, 290 892 520 363 250 14,413 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 $56. 088 $41, 380 29, 668 18, 187 6, 250 1, 425 3, 685 121 11, 712 $62. 377 $46, 519 34,804 21, 877 7, 611 1, 385 3, 770 161 11, 715 $64, 579 $47, 601 34,869 20, 178 8, 818 1, 392 4, 361 120 12, 732 $67, 059 $49, 139 35,080 19, 006 9, 556 1,411 4, 908 199 14, 059 $67, 738 $50, 153 34,696 19, 789 8, 675 1, 355 4, 688 189 15,457 $74, 289 $55, 305 39,235 24,251 8, 859 1, 397 4, 521 207 16, 070 $73, 178 $53, 941 38, 078 21, 706 10, 149 1, 321 4, 621 281 15, 863 3, 428 8, 284 336 4, 609 1, 506 3, 714 1, 003 773 568 414 295 14, 708 2, 769 8, 946 266 4, 196 2,442 3, 852 1, 287 701 615 470 328 15,858 2, 726 10, 006 292 4,076 2,556 4,415 1, 360 826 701 574 488 16, 978 2, 974 11, 085 506 4, 507 2, 825 4, 934 1, 287 971 781 563 510 17, 920 3, 387 12, 070 846 4, 653 2, 875 5, 545 1,402 1,019 836 551 605 17,585 3, 724 12, 346 962 4, 514 2, 656 5, 761 1,465 1, 121 906 561 780 18,984 3, 622 12,241 716 4, 795 2, 818 5,437 1, 366 1, 175 882 605 887 19, 237 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 $75, 224 $79, 9 72 $83, 963 ------------------ $55,447 $59, 667 $63,423 P r i v a t e c o n s t r u c t i o n -----------------------Residential buildings ______________ ____ N o n r e s i d e ntial build i n g s --- -------- __ F a r m c o n s t r u c t i o n _______________________ Public utilities --------------------------All other p r i v a t e _________________________ 38, 299 21, 680 10, 734 1,300 4,335 250 41, 798 24,292 11, 617 1, 282 4, 330 277 44, 26, 11, 1, 4, 057 187 646 247 667 310 45, 810 26, 258 12,955 1, 228 5, 031 3 38 50, 26, 16, 1, 5, Pub l i c c o n s t r u c t i o n _________________________ 17, 148 17, 869 19, 3 66 20, 390 3, 879 13, 2 69 842 5, 169 3, 0 5 2 5, 854 1, 371 1, 384 914 667 947 3, 913 13, 956 9 38 5, 154 2, 984 6, 3 65 1, 266 1, 524 1, 072 682 868 4, 010 15, 356 531 6, 003 3 , 477 7, 084 1, 189 1, 690 947 882 1, 040 3, 905 1 6,485 567 6, 609 3, 790 7, 133 938 1, 729 1,325 9 56 1, 133 19, 777 20, 305 20, 540 Total construction activity_____________ Total n e w c o n s t r u c t i o n ----- B y type of o w n e rship: F e d e r a l l y o w n e d _________ _________ State a n d locally o w n e d ______________ Residential b u i l d i n g s __ _____________ N o n r e s i d e ntial buildings_________________ E d u c a t i o n a l buildings_________________ H i g h w a y s a n d s t r eets -------- ------Military facilities ________________________ C o n s e r v a t i o n a n d d e v e l o p m e n t __________ S e w e r s y s t e m s ___________ -__ __ _________ W a t e r s u pply facilities------------------All other public -------------------------M a i n t e n a n c e a n d r e p a i r --- ---------------- __ 1 Beginning with data for 1959, estim ates include A laska and Hawaii. 2 Not available. SOURCE: Bureau of the C ensus, U .S . Departm ent of C om m erce. 134 (2) $66, 200 (2) 1966 (2) $72, 319 (2) (2) 1968 (2) $76,160 $84,692 120 971 595 245 825 4 84 50, 587 23,736 18, 106 1, 324 6, 967 454 56, 996 28, 823 18, 800 22, 066 24,000 25, 573 27, 696 4, 0 1 8 18,048 601 7, 274 4, 284 7, 550 852 2, 0 19 1, 195 1, 266 1, 309 3, 9 5 7 20, 043 655 8, 265 5, 333 8, 355 769 2, 195 1, 300 1,066 1, 395 3, 512 22, 061 706 9, 268 5, 987 8, 538 721 2, 196 1, 058 1, 270 1, 816 3,458 24,238 706 9, 701 6, 061 9, 295 824 2, 0 46 1, 551 1, 514 2, 0 19 253 268 592 189 788 416 (2) $75,120 1967 51, 23, 18, 1, 6, (2 ) (2) (2) (2) 5 73 (2) Table G -2. Value of construction put in place in the United States 1 in constant 1957—59 dollars by type, 1947—68 Type of construction 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 Total construction a ctiv ity -------------------Total new con stru ction-------------- -----------------P rivate con stru ction---------------------------------R esidential buildings ---------------------------N onresidential buildings------- ------------F arm construction -------------------------------Public u tilities _________________________ All other p riv a te ----------------------------------Public c o n stru ctio n ----------------------------------R esidential buildings --------------------- !---N onresidential buildings-----------------------Educational buildings_______________ Highways and s tr e e ts ---------------------------M ilitary facilities ______________________ Conservation and developm ent_________ Sewer system s _________________________ W ater supply fa c ilitie s----- -----------------All other public ________________________ M aintenance and r e p a ir ---------------------------------- $44, 881 $29,573 24,682 14,044 4, 994 1,939 3, 584 121 4, 891 300 923 449 1, 652 293 737 329 284 373 15,308 $50, 375 $34,681 28, 385 16, 758 5, 210 2, 046 4, 267 104 6, 296 199 1, 787 859 1, 831 207 1, 048 470 368 386 15, 694 $52, 996 $36,605 27,779 16,382 4, 718 2, 003 4, 556 120 8, 826 474 2, 861 1, 302 2, 684 182 1, 298 54 2 403 382 15, 391 $59, 222 $43, 576 34,309 22,447 5, 321 1, 909 4,470 162 9, 267 4 30 3, 252 1, 543 2, 722 234 1, 351 550 397 331 15, 646 $58, 603 $42, 596 31, 387 18, 346 6, 64 1 1, 808 4, 505 87 11, 209 687 4,421 1, 943 2, 430 1, 060 1, 238 578 476 139 16, 007 $59, 347 $42, 882 30,334 17, 776 6, 071 1, 799 4, 577 111 12, 548 737 5, 034 1,997 2, 681 1,612 1, 175 567 463 279 16,465 $61, 227 $44,747 31, 818 18,350 6, 694 1, 679 4, 948 14 7 12,929 614 5, 107 2, 029 3, 209 1,483 1, 109 645 450 312 16,480 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 Total construction a ctiv ity _____________ Total new con stru ction----------------------------------P rivate c o n stru ction------------- -----------------R esidential buildings ---------------------------N onresidential buildings-----------------------F arm c o n stru ctio n -------------------------------Public utilities _________________________ All other p riv a te ----------------------------------Public construction — -------------------- -----Residential b u ild in g s------- -----------------N onresidential buildings_______________ Educational buildings-----------------------Highways and s tr e e ts ---------------------------M ilitary facilities ______________________ Conservation and developm ent_________ Sewer system s _________________________ W ater supply fa c ilitie s----- -----------------All other public ________________________ M aintenance and r e p a ir ---------------------- --------- $63, 928 $4 7, 164 33,721 20, 256 7, 287 1, 587 4,449 142 13,443 3 74 5, 366 2,466 4, 109 1, 158 917 673 491 355 16, 764 $69, 346 $51, 717 38, 394 23,649 8,668 1,511 4, 384 182 13,323 288 4, 751 2, 742 4, 396 1,467 799 702 436 384 17, 629 $67, 880 $50, 034 36, 651 20, 888 9, 501 1, 457 4, 673 132 13,383 304 4, 381 2, 748 4, 443 1,44 2 896 762 625 530 17, 846 $68, 067 $49, 878 35, 753 19, 319 9, 774 1,434 5, 020 206 14,125 515 4, 631 2, 908 4, 753 1, 297 1, 007 813 586 523 18, 189 $67, 895 $50, 270 34,868 19,930 8, 679 1, 384 4, 686 189 15,402 852 4, 656 2, 879 5, 489 1, 398 1, 017 835 550 605 17, 625 $72, 834 $54,222 38, 218 23, 641 8, 614 1, 359 4,407 197 16,004 941 4, 387 2, 579 5, 993 1,449 1,073 867 536 758 18, 612 $70, 777 $52, 171 36, 518 20,824 9, 690 1, 270 4, 474 260 15,653 686 4, 551 2, 664 5, 758 1, 336 1, 089 817 563 853 18, 606 Total construction a ctiv ity -------------------Total new con stru ction-------------- -----------------P rivate construction -------------------------------R esidential con stru ction-----------------------N onresidential c o n stru ctio n -----------------F arm c o n stru ctio n -------------------------------Public u tilitie s ------------------------------------All other p riv a te _______________________ Public c o n stru ctio n ----------------------------------R esidential con stru ction-----------------------N onresidential bu ildings------------ --------Educational buildings-----------------------Highways and s tr e e ts ___________________ M ilitary facilities ___________ ______ __ C onservation and developm ent---------- __ Sewer system s _________________________ W ater supply fa c ilitie s- ----------------------All other public ________________________ M aintenance and r e p a ir __________ _________ 1961 1962 $ 72, 021 $53, 087 36,428 20,725 10,004 1, 248 4, 226 225 16, 659 803 4, 790 2, 813 6, 152 1, 320 1, 255 827 604 908 18, 934 $ 74,988 $55, 948 39, 056 22, 823 10, 558 1, 239 4, 190 246 16, 892 882 4, 670 2, 688 6,447 1, 182 1, 345 948 601 817 19, 040 1963 1964 1965 $76, 917 L....... (_2), (2) $58, 102 $59, 172 $62, 896 40, 861 43, 780 40, 309 23, 082 23,510 24, 099 10, 292 11, 185 13,959 1, 116 1, 194 1, 169 5, 294 4, 719 4,459 265 278 329 17, 793 18, 311 19, 116 527 486 507 5, 267 6, 054 5, 648 3, 554 3, 224 3, 035 7, 108 6, 998 7, 003 733 1, 084 835 1,445 1, 605 1,429 810 951 1, 092 1, 005 755 786 1,011 1, 133 94 8 18, 815 (2) (2) 1966 1967 1968 (2) $62, 941 43, 208 20, 561 15, 131 1, 121 6, 024 371 19, 733 560 6, 54 2 4, 199 7, 365 636 1, 676 993 814 1, 147 (2) (2) $61, 144 40, 967 19,413 14,197 1, 144 5, 882 331 20, 177 581 7, 007 4, 504 7, 269 573 1, 611 778 931 1,427 (2) (2)_ $64,432 43, 775 22, 369 13,837 (2) (2) 393 20,657 581 6, 881 4, 272 7, 565 623 1,406 1, 065 1, 043 1,493 (2) 1 Beginning with data for 1959, estim ates include A laska and Hawaii. 2 Not available. SOURCE: U. S. D epartm ent of Com m erce. 135 Table G-3. Em ploym ent in contract construction, by m ajor divisions, 1939—68 (In thousands) Co n t r a c t construction Year All employees 1939 ------------------1940 ___________________ 1941 ___________________ 1942 ___________________ 1943 ___________________ 1944 ___________________ 1945 ___________________ 1946 ___________________ 194 7 ................... 1948 ___________________ 1949 ------------------1950 .............. ..... 1951 ___________________ 1952 ___________________ 1953 ___________________ 1 9 5 4 ___________________ 1955 ___________________ 1956 ___________________ 1957 ___________________ 1958 _________________ 1959 ................... I960 ___________________ 1 9 6 1 ___________________ 1962 ___________________ 1963 ___________________ 1964 ................... 1965 ................... 1966 ___________________ 1967 ___________________ 1968 ................... 1, 150 1, 294 1, 790 2, 170 1, 567 1, 094 1, 132 1, 661 1, 982 2, 169 2, 165 2, 333 2, 603 2, 634 2, 623 2, 612 2, 802 2, 999 2, 923 2, 778 2, 960 2, 885 2, 8 16 2,902 2, 963 3, 050 3, 186 3, 275 3, 208 3, 267 Construction workers 1, 759 1, 924 1, 919 2, 0 6 9 2, 3 0 8 2, 324 2, 305 2, 281 2,440 2, 613 2, 5 3 7 2, 384 2, 5 3 8 2,459 2, 390 2,462 2, 523 2, 5 97 2, 710 2, 784 2, 708 2, 754 G e n e r a l building contractors All employees 397.0 663.0 762. 0 837. 0 809- 0 875. 0 991.4 983. 2 969. 2 937. 1 997. 2 1, 0 7 4 . 6 986. 8 893. 6 959. 0 908. 4 874. 9 882. 1 914. 1 949. 1 994. 0 1,031. 5 984. 5 986. 4 Construction workers 689. 0 756. 0 731. 0 791. 0 895. 8 882. 3 863. 3 832. 0 880. 1 950. 4 866. 2 775. 2 834. 4 785.4 752. 6 755. 8 787. 0 817. 3 852. 7 888. 0 840. 5 836. 7 H e a v y construction All employees Construction workers 223. 0 284. 0 363. 0 389. 0 401. 0 419. 0 461. 6 481. 4 480. 1 471. 0 483. 8 556. 7 576. 0 564. 6 586. 5 585. 7 583. 3 593. 1 599. 2 613. 9 64 8. 5 673. 5 663. 7 680. 2 _ _ 321. 0 34 3. 0 354. 0 370. 0 407. 0 423. 6 426. 7 418. 7 429. 7 493. 4 512. 9 498. 1 516. 8 511. 5 505. 7 514. 8 522. 5 529. 6 560. 1 580. 4 570. 0 584. 4 Special trades contractors All employees _ _ _ _ 513. 0 714. 0 857. 0 944. 0 955. 0 1,039. 0 1, 149. 6 1, 168. 8 1, 174.0 1,203. 5 1,320. 8 1,367. 6 1,360. 6 1,320. 2 1,414. 1 1, 390. 7 1, 357. 9 1,426. 6 1,449. 3 1,487. 0 1,543. 4 1,570. 6 1, 560. 3 1,600. 6 Construction w o rke r s _ _ _ _ _ _ 749. 0 825. 0 834. 0 908. 0 1, 005. 2 1,018. 2 1,015. 2 1,030.5 1, 130. 1 1, 168. 8 1, 158. 2 1, 110. 3 1, 186. 9 1, 162. 3 • 1, 131. 3 1, 191. 8 1, 213. 9 1, 250. 2 1, 297. 2 1, 315. 2 1, 297. 6 1, 333. 3 SOURCE: BLS, current employm ent sta tistic s based on establishm ent rep o rts. Table G -4. Employm ent in contract construction by type of heavy and special trad es con tractor, 1958—68 Y ear 1958 ________________ 1959 ------------------------1960 ______________ 1961 ________________ 1962 ________________ 1963 ________________ 1964 ________________ 1965 - ______________ 1966 .................................. 1967 ________________ 1968 ------------------------- 1958 ...................................... 1959 ---------------------------1960 _________ ________ 1961_____________ _____ 1962 ...................................... 1963 __________________ 1964 __________________ 1965 __________________ 1966 ...................................... 1967 __________________ 1968 __________________ Highway and stre et construction Construction All employees w orkers 253. 2 282. 5 310. 4 279. 7 262. 7 293. 6 261. 2 291. 5 269. 0 299. 5 282. 0 314. 1 313. 7 279. 5 324. 4 289. 2 322.4 286. 1 271. 4 307. 2 315. 9 279. 7 Heavy construction All Construction w orkers em ployees 282. 1 245. 0 276. 1 237. 1 292. 1 248. 8 244. 5 291. 8 293. 6 245. 7 240. 5 285. 1 300. 3 250. 1 324. 1 270. 9 351. 1 294. 3 356.4 298. 6 364. 3 304. 7 Plum bing, heating, and a ir conditioning All Construction em ployees wo rke r s 312. 1 251. 9 264. 3 327. 9 323. 2 259. 8 321. 5 258. 7 333. 0 267. 8 277. 0 343. 1 354. 3 286. 1 366. 2 298. 0 302. 5 373. 0 303. 0 375. 3 313. 0 387. 9 Painting, paper hanging and decorating Construction All w orkers em ployees 138. 1 125. 5 152. 9 139. 3 133. 7 146. 3 124. 5 136. 5 140. 7 127. 5 140. 6 127. 0 140.4 126. 5 143. 1 128.4 141. 8 126. 2 134. 6 119. 5 131. 0 115. 1 All em ployees 188. 9 194. 7 200. 1 195. 9 205. 8 211. 6 218. 7 233. 7 248. 8 258. 0 265. 8 M asonry, stonework, and plastering All Construction em ployees w orkers 226. 6 205. 9 225. 8 247. 4 212. 8 233. 9 200. 3 221. 1 213. 5 234. 8 241. 8 219. 6 220. 2 241. 1 217. 6 238. 8 213. 1 234. 4 220. 2 198. 0 227. 3 205. 2 Roofing and sheet m etal work All C onstruction em ployees w orkers 98. 5 81. 4 108. 2 88. 5 107. 7 87. 3 102. 0 82. 9 102. 6 83. 6 106. 2 86. 3 107. 5 87. 0 110. 2 89. 6 112. 0 90. 8 112. 7 91. 3 111. 5 90. 9 Construction w orkers 148. 3 151. 9 156. 2 151. 8 160. 7 166. 0 174. 0 187. 6 199. 9 206. 7 212. 5 SOURCE: BLS, cu rren t em ploym ent sta tistic s based on establishm ent rep o rts. 136 Table G -5. P ercent distribution of em ploym ent in contract construction by type of heavy and special trad es contractor, 1958—68 Heavy construction contractors Highway and Heavy con stru c Total e t con stru c tion, n. e. c. (SIC 16) stre (SIC 162) tion (SIC 16 1) Year 1958.......... .......................... 1959 _________________ I960 _________________ 1961__________________ 1962.................................... 1963__________________ 1964 _________________ 1965 _________________ 1966 _________________ 1967 _________________ 1968 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 50. 0 52.9 50. 1 50. 0 50. 5 52.4 51. 1 50. 0 47. 9 46. 3 46.4 Special Plumbing, P aperhe ating, hanging, Total and air decorating (SIC 17) conditioning (SIC 171) (SIC 172) 50. 0 47. 1 49. 9 50. 0 49. 5 47. 6 48. 9 50. 0 52. 1 53. 7 53. 6 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 23. 6 23. 6 23. 2 23. 7 23. 3 23. 7 23. 8 23. 7 23. 8 24. 1 24. 2 trade contractors M asonry, and Other E lectrical stonew ork, Roofing sheet m etal special and trades work work (SIC 173) plastering (SIC 176) (SIC 175 (SIC 174) 8, 9) 14. 3 13. 8 14.4 14. 4 14. 4 14. 6 14. 7 15. 1 15. 8 16. 5 16.6 10. 5 10. 8 10. 5 10. 1 9. 9 9. 7 9.4 9. 3 9. 0 8. 6 8. 2 17. 2 17. 5 16. 8 16. 3 16. 5 16. 7 16. 2 15. 5 14. 9 14. 1 14. 2 7. 5 7. 7 7. 7 7. 5 7. 2 7. 3 7. 2 7. 1 7. 1 7. 2 7. 0 26. 9 27. 0 27.4 28. 0 28. 7 28. 0 28. 7 29. 3 29. 4 29. 5 20. 8 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual item s m ay not equal totals. SOURCE: 3 L S , current employm ent statistics based on establishm ent rep orts. Table G -6. Seasonal adjustm ent factors for em ployees in nonagricultural payrolls by industry division and groups Industry Mining C ontract co n stru ctio n _____________ M anufacturing: 1 Durable goods: 1 Ordnance and a c c e s s o rie s ---Lum ber and wood products__ Furniture and fix tu re s ______ Stone, clay, and glass products ________-_________ P rim a ry m etal in d u strie s----F abricated m etal p ro d u c ts---M achinery, except E lec trica l equipm ent and supplies__________________ T ransportation equipm ent___ Instrum ents and related M iscellaneous m anufacturing industries — _______ ___ N ondurable goods: 1 Food and kindred products _____ Tobacco m anufactures__________ Textile m ill products _ _________ A pparel, and other textile p ro d u c ts______________________ P aper and allied pro d u cts___ __ P rinting and pu blish ing------------Chem icals and allied products — P etroleum and coal p ro d u cts___ Rubber and plastics products, n e c ____________________________ L eather and leath er products___ T ransportation and public u tilities__ W holesale and re ta il trad e: 1 W holesale trade _ ---- ---- ----R etail tr a d e ____ ____ ____ __ Finance, insurance, and real estate_____________________________ Se rvice-______ _____________ _______ Hotels and other lodging places.. P ersonal services -------------------M edical and other health s e r vice s ______________________ Educational services ___________ G overm ent: 1 F ederal 3________________________ State and lo c a l__________________ January F ebruary M arch A pril August Septem ber October November D ecem ber May June July 102. 6 103. 9 102. 6 107. 2 102. 6 108. 7 101. 2 107. 1 100. 2 106. 0 99. 9 102. 0 99. 6 102. 9 99. 8 102. 8 98. 7 102. 7 101.4 99. 0 100. 1 98. 9 98. 0 100. 0 97. 9 102. 3 89. 0 99. 3 96.7 100. 6 100. 1 101. 0 102. 9 98. 4 99. 6 101. 0 101. 2 99. 5 101. 7 101. 8 117. 4 100. 6 101. 0 88. 0 102. 3 95. 0 99. 4 103.3 100. 9 103. 1 100. 5 99. 8 99. 7 99. 9 92. 7 100. 5 103. 0 107. 5 108. 0 100. 9 101. 4 101. 2 100. 2 101. 2 103. 0 100. 1 101. 6 101. 1 101. 2 99. 2 101. 7 101. 2 117. 3 99. 7 100. 6 86. 9 101. 9 94. 1 100. 4 101. 7 100. 8 102. 2 99. 1 100. 3 99. 5 100.4 100. 5 100. 1 104. 3 107. 2 117. 3 100. 6 101. 1 100. 6 99. 9 100. 1 102. 0 100. 5 100. 0 101. 1 100. 5 99. 7 100. 3 100. 3 103. 1 99.6 99. 9 96. 5 99.4 98. 8 100. 4 100. 9 101. 1 101. 1 98. 2 100. 8 99. 1 100. 9 101. 2 100. 1 105. 8 104. 7 117.4 100. 5 101. 3 100. 1 100. 1 99. 6 100. 7 100. 8 99. 9 100. 5 100. 7 100. 1 99. 9 100. 1 97. 1 100. 3 99. 9 103. 8 99. 5 101. 1 100. 8 99. 8 101. 3 100. 5 98. 5 101. 0 99.6 101. 2 101. 6 100. 3 105. 1 101.4 108. 5 100. 6 101. 0 100.4 100. 3 99. 5 99. 7 101. 2 100. 9 100.5 100. 9 102. 0 09. 6 99. 7 93. 8 100.4 100. 0 105. 1 99.4 101. 8 97.6 90. 6 97. 1 89. 1 97. 4 91. 2 99.2 96. 8 100. 3 99. 9 100. 5 97. 0 99. 7 96. 3 99. 3 99.7 100. 1 100. 3 100. 8 99.8 94. 3 96. 0 98. 8 98. 8 98. 1 99.2 99. 5 99. 1 97. 5 99. 9 99. 6 98. 5 99. 2 98. 2 98. 8 98. 1 91. 4 99. 0 99. 5 103.4 99. 1 100. 9 100. 3 97. 2 99.4 96. 0 99.7 99.4 100. 3 100. 0 100. 9 99. 8 95. 8 95. 0 96. 5 99.2 100.4 99. 0 99.7 99. 3 97. 7 99. 7 100. 5 98. 4 98. 7 97. 0 99. 0 98. 4 92. 9 98. 6 99. 8 104. 1 99. 0 101.6 99. 8 97. 8 99.4 97.4 100. 1 99. 3 100. 6 99. 5 100. 8 99. 8 96. 8 95.2 91. 6 99.7 100. 7 99. 1 99.9 99. 8 98. 2 99.4 99. 7 98. 8 98. 7 2 98. 2 99. 3 98. 9 92. 9 99. 1 99. 8 104. 3 99. 2 101. 8 99.4 98. 3 98. 9 99. 5 100. 8 99.4 100. 4 99. 1 100.4 99. 5 97. 9 95. 3 88.4 99.7 99. 0 99. 1 99. 9 100. 3 98. 7 99.4 98. 3 99.2 98. 7 2 98. 6 99. 6 100. 0 96. 4 100. 1 99. 7 103. 6 99.6 101. 5 99. 1 99. 1 98. 8 100. 2 101. 0 99. 5 100. 1 98.9 100. 5 99. 3 99. 0 96. 2 87. 3 99. 8 99. 5 99. 1 99.6 99. 9 99.4 100. 3 98. 8 99. 7 98. 7 99. 6 99. 8 100. 6 99. 6 100. 6 99. 5 103.4 99. 5 101. 2 100. 1 102. 2 102. 1 100. 9 100. 8 99. 8 100. 9 100. 3 100. 6 99. 8 88. 5 101. 1 100. 8 101. 1 100. 2 100. 6 101. 6 100. 3 100. 6 101. 0 100. 5 100. 3 100. 8 101. 6 105. 4 101. 6 100. 6 96.4 101. 5 100. 5 99.4 97. 5 100. 4 99. 2 101. 1 98. 8 99. 2 100. 8 99. 7 101. 2 101. 9 100. 5 99. 3 99. 3 108. 8 100. 0 99. 9 100. 4 100. 6 99. 5 98. 6 101. 0 100. 6 100. 2 101. 0 107. 6 99. 6 99.4 92. 6 100. 5 99.7 104.4 99. 5 101. 6 1 Seasonally adjusted data derived by sum m ation of com ponents. 2 F actors shown are for 1970. The factors used for M arch and A pril 1969 w ere 97.6 and 99.2 respectively. 3 Based on data which exclude tem p orary C hristm as em ployees of the P ost Office during D ecem ber. SOURCE: BLS, current employm ent sta tistic s based on establishm ent rep o rts. 137 Table G-7. Seasonal adjustm ent factors of wage and sa la ry w orkers in contract construction (SIC 15-17) by m onth, 1940—68 Year 1940 1 1941 ............................................. 1942 _______________________ 1943 ... — ............................... 1944 ................................................ 1945 ................................................ 1946................................................. 1947 ............................................. 1948................................................. 1949 ----------------------------------1950 ................................................ 1951 ............................................. 1952 _______________________ 1953 ________ _____________ 19R4 1955 _______________________ 1956 ___________________________ 1957 _______________________ 1958 _______________________ 1ono I960 _______________________ 1961_______________________ 1962 _______________________ 1963 _______________________ 1964 _______________________ 1965 ............................................. 1966 ................................................ 1967 ................................................ 1968 J anuary F ebruary M arch 88. 5 88. 5 88. 9 89. 5 89. 7 90. 0 90. 5 90. 7 90. 6 90. 7 90.4 90.4 90. 1 89. 8 89. 6 89. 3 89. 0 88. 6 88. 4 88. 3 88. 2 88. 1 88. 1 88. 3 88. 8 89. 1 89. 2 89.6 89. 6 92. 4 92. 4 91.7 91.2 90. 7 89.9 89. 5 88. 9 88. 3 87. 9 87. 5 87. 2 87. 1 87. 0 86.8 86. 7 86.4 86. 2 85. 5 85. 1 84. 6 84. 5 84. 7 84. 8 85. 1 85.6 86. 2 86. 7 87. 1 . 92. 0 92.2 92.4 92. 1 91. 8 91. 5 90. 7 90. 1 89. 7 89. 6 89. 6 89. 7 89. 7 89. 7 89. 3 89. 0 88. 7 88.4 88. 0 87. 7 87. 5 87. 8 88. 3 88. 6 89. 1 89.6 89. 8 90. 1 92 0 A pril 96.9 96. 7 96. 8 96. 8 96. 5 96.2 95. 8 95. 1 95. 0 94. 7 94. 8 94. 9 95. 0 95. 2 95.2 95. 1 95. 1 94. 8 94. 7 94. 7 94. 8 94. 8 94. 8 94. 9 95. 1 95. 4 95.4 95. 5 95. 8 May June July 101. 3 101. 2 101. 1 101. 0 100.6 100.6 100. 3 100. 1 100. 0 99. 8 99.6 99.7 99. 8 100. 0 100.2 100.4 100. 6 100. 8 100. 9 101. 0 101. 1 101. 2 101. 1 101. 0 100.7 100. 7 100.4 100. 2 100. 0 104. 8 105. 1 105. 1 105. 0 105. 1 105.4 105. 0 104. 8 104.6 104. 5 104. 5 104.4 104.4 104. 5 104. 8 105. 0 105. 3 105. 7 106. 2 106. 3 106.4 106.5 106. 6 106. 6 106. 5 106. 2 106. 2 106. 0 105. 8 107. 5 107. 7 107.6 107.4 107. 5 107. 3 106. 9 107. 0 107. 0 107. 0 107. 1 102.2 107. 3 107. 5 107.6 107. 8 108. 0 108.4 108. 7 109. 1 109.4 109. 7 109. 7 109. 8 109.6 109.4 109. 2 109. 0 108. 8 August Septem ber October Novem ber D ecem ber 109. 8 109. 7 109. 5 109. 3 109. 3 109. 1 108. 9 109. 2 109. 3 109.4 109. 5 109. 5 109. 6 109. 8 109. 8 109. 9 110. 2 110. 5 110. 8 111. 2 111.4 111. 6 111.7 111. 5 111. 3 111. 0 110. 7 110. 5 110. 3 108. 2 108. 1 107. 9 107. 8 108. 1 107. 8 107. 8 108. 0 108. 2 108. 5 108. 6 108. 6 108. 8 108. 8 108. 9 109. 2 109. 3 109.4 109. 6 109. 7 109. 8 109. 6 109.4 1 0 9 .0 108. 7 108. 3 108. 0 107. 6 107. 6 105. 1 105. 0 104. 9 104. 9 104. 9 105. 0 105. 5 105. 0 106. 5 106. 8 107. 2 107. 2 107. 3 107. 2 107. 2 107. 2 107. 3 107. 5 107. 8 108. 0 108. 3 108. 2 107. 9 107. 6 107. 1 106. 7 106.4 106. 1 105. 9 101. 5 101. 4 101. 5 101.6 101.4 101. 9 102. 3 102. 7 103. 0 103. 1 103. 3 103. 5 103.4 103. 3 103. 2 103.2 103. 2 103. 2 103. 2 103. 3 103.4 103.4 103. 3 103. 1 102. 9 102. 7 102.4 102.4 102. 2 91. 1 91. 2 92.7 93.2 94. 0 95. 0 96. 1 96. 8 97. 5 98. 0 97. 9 97.7 97. 4 97.2 97. 1 96. 7 96. 6 96. 1 95.7 95. 4 94.9 94. 8 95. 1 95.2 95.6 96. 0 96. 3 96.6 96. 8 Seasnoal factors for first 3 months are 1941 factors. SOURCE: BLS, c u rren t employm ent sta tistic s based on establishm ent rep orts. Table G-8. Seasonal adjustm ent factors of wage and sa la ry w orkers in general building construction (SIC 15) by m onth, 1945—68 Year 1945 1 ........................................... 1946 _______________________ 1 9 4 7 _______________________ 1948 _______________________ 1949 ----------------------------------1950 _______ ______________ 1951................................................ 1952 ___ __________________ 1953 _______________________ 1954 _______________________ 1955 ................................................ 1956 ............................................. 1957 ............................................. 1958 ................................................ 1959 __________________i____ I960 _______________________ 196 1 _______________________ 1962 ___ ________________ 1963 _____ ________________ 1964 _______________________ 1965 ______ _______________ 1966 _____ ____________________ 1967 _______________________ 1968 _______________________ January F ebruary M arch 92.4 92. 4 92 . 0 91. 8 91. 5 91. 0 90. 8 90. 5 90. 0 89. 7 89. 4 89. 3 89 . 0 89 . 0 89. 1 89. 2 89. 3 89. 4 89. 8 90. 6 91. 1 91. 4 91. 8 91. 9 .7 .7 .3 . 87. 87. 5 87. 1 87. 0 86 . 9 86 . 8 86 . 8 86 . 3 86 . 0 85.6 85.4 85. 0 85. 1 85. 3 85. 7 86. 1 86.6 87. 3 87. 8 88. 3 88 88 88 88 0 8 89. . 89. 89. 9 90. 1 9 0 .2 90 . 2 90. 3 90. 3 90. 1 89. 8 89.4 89. 1 88 . 9 88. 4 88. 1 88. 0 88. 1 88. 8 89. 2 89. 6 90.4 90. 8 91. 2 8 89 8 8 A pril 94. 5 94. 3 94. 1 94. 2 94. 2 94. 4 94. 7 94. 8 95. 1 95.4 95. 3 95.4 95. 3 95. 1 95. 1 95.2 95. 2 95.2 95. 3 95. 4 95. 8 95. 7 95. 7 96. 0 May June 104. 5 99. 8 99.6 104. 3 99.4 104. 3 104. 3 99.4 104. 3 99. 1 104. 4 99. 0 104. 4 99. 2 104. 4 99. 3 99. 5 , 104.6 104. 7 99. 7 104. 8 99. 9 100 . 2 105. 1 100. 5 105. 5 105. 8 100. 5 100. 6 105. 9 100. 7 106. 0 100. 5 106. 1 100. 3 106. 2 106. 0 99. 8 99.4 105. 7 105. 2 99. 1 98. 8 105. 2 98. 5 104. 9 104. 5 98. 3 1 Seasonal factors for first 3 m onths are 1946 factors. SOURCE: BLS, c u rre n t em ploym ent sta tistic s based on establishm ent rep o rts. 138 July . 106. 3 106. 6 106. 6 106. 8 107. 1 107. 3 107. 6 107. 8 108. 2 108.4 108. 5 108. 9 1 0 9 .0 109. 2 109. 5 109.4 109.4 109. 3 108. 9 108. 5 108. 1 107. 7 107.4 1 06 2 August Septem ber October •November D ecem ber 108. 1 108. 3 108. 6 108. 8 109. 1 109. 3 109. 5 109. 7 110. 0 110. 1 110. 2 110. 4 110. 6 no. 8 111. 0 111. 1 111. 3 111.4 111. 1 no. 8 no. 4 no. 0 109. 6 109.4 107, 6 107. 7 107. 9 107.9 108. 1 108. 2 108. 2 108.4 108. 5 108. 5 108. 6 108. 6 108. 6 108. 7 108. 7 108. 8 108. 6 108. 3 107. 9 107. 5 107. 1 106. 7 106.4 106.4 105. 5 105. 8 106. 1 106. 3 106. 5 106. 7 106. 8 106. 8 106. 6 106. 5 106. 5 106. 6 106. 7 106. 9 107. 1 107. 2 107. 2 106. 8 106. 5 106. 0 105. 7 105.4 105. 2 105. 1 . 103. 1 103.4 103. 3 103. 5 103. 5 103. 5 103. 4 103. 2 103. 0 103. 1 103. 0 103. 1 103. 1 103. 2 103.4 103. 6 103.4 103. 3 103. 1 103. 0 102. 8 102. 8 102. 5 102 9 99. 9 99. 8 99. 6 99.4 99. 0 98.7 98. 2 97. 7 97. 5 97. 4 97. 2 97.2 96.7 96. 5 96. 2 95. 8 95. 9 96. 3 96. 5 97. 3 97. 9 98. 3 98. 8 99.0 Table G -9. Seasonal adjustm ent factors of wage and salary w orkers in heavy construction (SIC 16) by month, 1945—68 Y ear January 1945 1 ....................... 1946 ____________ 1947 ____________ 1948 ............. 1949 .......................... 1950 ____________ 1951 . .. 1952 .......................... 1953 ____________ 1 9 5 4 ____________ 1955 .......................... 1956 ____________ 1957 .......................... 1958 .......................... 1959 ------------------1960 ____________ 1961____________ 1962 ....................... 1963 .......................... 1964 .......................... 1965 ____________ 1966 | ,,,, , , . , 1967 ____________ 1 9 6 8 ____________ 78. 9 78. 9 79 . 0 78. 9 79.0 79. 1 79. 1 79. 1 78. 9 78. 7 78. 6 77. 9 77. 2 76. 9 76.4 76. 1 75. 7 75. 8 76. 0 76. 5 76. 7 77. 2 77. 7 77. 8 F ebruary 75. 9 75. 9 75. 8 75. 7 75. 7 75. 5 75. 6 76. 0 76. 3 76. 5 76. 7 76. 7 76. 2 75. 3 74. 5 73. 8 73. 2 73. 1 73. 1 73. 5 74. 2 75. 2 75. 7 76. 2 M arch 79.4 79.4 79. 2 79. 3 79. 6 79. 8 80. 2 80. 5 80. 7 80. 7 80.4 79. 8 79. 5 79. 0 78.4 78. 0 77. 6 77. 7 78. 0 78.4 78. 9 79.5 79. 7 80. 1 A pril May June July 91. 9 91. 8 91. 6 91. 8 91. 8 9 2 .0 92.4 92. 5 92. 5 92. 4 92 . 0 91. 9 91.4 91. 1 91.0 91. 1 91. 1 91.0 91. 1 91.4 91. 9 91. 9 92. 0 92. 3 101. 6 101. 9 101. 9 102. 1 102. 3 102. 5 102. 9 103. 0 103. 3 103. 7 103. 9 104. 2 104. 5 104. 5 104. 8 104. 8 104. 9 105. 1 104. 9 104. 7 104. 8 104. 5 104. 3 104. 2 110. 5 110.4 110. 5 110. 6 110. 7 110. 6 110. 5 110.4 110. 5 110. 6 110. 9 111.4 112. 2 112. 9 113.4 113. 7 114. 1 114.4 114. 6 114. 3 113. 8 113. 6 113.4 113. 0 114. 7 114. 7 114. 8 114. 8 114. 7 114. 5 114. 3 114. 3 114. 5 114. 6 114. 7 115. 3 115. 9 116. 5 117. 0 117. 5 117. 9 118. 0 118. 1 118. 0 117. 8 117. 5 117. 3 117. 1 August .0 . . 118. 9 118. 8 118. 6 118. 3 118. 2 118. 0 117. 8 117. 8 118. 1 118. 5 118. 9 119. 5 120. 0 120. 3 120. 5 120. 2 120. 0 119. 7 119. 3 119. 1 118. 8 119 119 0 119 0 Septem ber O ctober 117. 4 117. 5 117. 3 117. 1 116. 9 116. 7 116.4 116.4 116. 2 116. 3 116. 7 116. 7 117. 0 117.4 117. 7 118. 0 118. 0 117. 6 117. 3 116. 9 116. 4 115. 9 115. 5 115. 4 112. 8 113. 0 113. 1 113. 1 113. 2 113. 5 113.4 113.4 113. 2 113. 2 113.4 113. 3 113. 6 114. 1 114. 5 115. 1 115. 2 114. 9 114. 9 114. 2 113. 6 113. 1 112. 7 112. 4 Novem ber D ecem ber 104. 9 105. 0 105. 1 105. 0 104. 7 104. 8 105. 0 104. 9 104. 6 104. 2 104.4 104. 3 104. 4 104. 3 104. 3 104.4 104. 5 104. 3 104. 2 104. 1 103. 8 103. 6 103. 6 103. 4 92. 9 92. 7 92. 7 92. 7 92.5 92.3 9 2 .0 91. 5 91.4 91. 2 90. 5 90. 2 89. 7 89. 0 88.4 87. 8 87.4 87. 5 87.4 87. 8 88.4 88. 7 89. 1 89. 3 1 Seasonal factors for firs t 3 m onths a re 1946 factors. SOURCE: BLS, cu rren t em ploym ent sta tistic s based on establishm ent rep orts. Table G-10. Seasonal adjustm ent factors of wage and salary w orkers in highway and stre e t construction (SIC 161) by month, 1958—68 Y ear January 1958 1 ----------------1959 ------------------I960 ____________ 1961______ 1962 ____________ 1963 ____________ 1964 ____________ 1965 ____________ 1966 ____________ 1967 ____________ 1968 .......................... 65. 0 65. 0 65. 0 64. 9 65. 0 65. 1 65.4 65. 5 65. 8 66. 1 66. 1 F ebruary 61. 2 61. 2 61. 3 61. 7 61. 8 62. 2 62. 8 63.4 64. 0 64. 1 64. 5 M arch A pril May June July 68. 7 68. 7 68.4 68.4 68. 5 68. 5 68. 7 68. 8 69. 3 69. 5 69. 7 87. 2 87.4 87. 5 87.4 87.4 87. 6 88. 0 88. 5 88. 6 88. 8 89. 1 108. 7 108. 7 108. 8 108. 6 108. 6 108. 3 107. 8 107. 8 107. 7 107.4 107. 3 121. 2 121. 1 121. 2 121. 2 121. 3 121. 6 121. 1 120. 6 120. 5 120. 3 120. 0 125. 8 125. 9 125. 8 126. 0 126. 0 126. 1 126. 1 125. 8 125. 7 125. 8 125. 5 August 129. 5 129. 6 129. 5 129.4 129. 4 1 29 . 0 128. 9 128. 6 128. 3 128. 2 128. 0 Septem ber Octobe r 126.4 126. 4 126.4 126. 1 125. 6 125. 2 125. 0 124. 6 124. 2 123. 9 123. 8 121. 2 121. 4 121. 6 121. 5 121. 4 121.4 120. 7 120. 1 119. 7 119. 2 119. 0 N ovem ber D ecem ber 105. 9 105. 7 105. 4 105. 3 105. 1 105. 1 104. 9 104. 8 104. 6 104. 8 104. 7 79. 1 78. 9 79. 1 79.4 79. 7 80. 0 80.5 81. 2 81. 6 82. 0 82. 2 1 Seasonal factors for firs t 3 months a re 1959 factors. SOURCE: BLS, cu rren t employm ent sta tistic s based on establishm ent rep orts. Table G- 11. Seasonal adjustm ent factors of wage and salary w orkers in heavy construction, except highway (SIC 162) by month, 1958—68 Year January 1958 1 ....................... 1959 .......................... 1960 ___ _______ 1961 ____________ 1962 ......................... 1963 ____________ 1964 .......................... 1965 ____________ 1966 ____________ 1967 ____________ 1968 ......................... 86. 7 86. 7 86. 8 86. 7 86. 8 87. 0 86. 9 87. 0 87. 2 87.4 87. 7 F ebruary M arch A pril May June 82. 9 82. 9 83. 0 83. 3 83. 4 83. 7 84. 2 84. 8 85. 8 86. 5 86. 8 86.4 86.4 86. 3 86.4 86. 6 86. 9 87. 5 88. 1 88. 6 89. 1 89. 5 95. 1 95. 0 95. 0 94. 9 94. 8 94. 9 95. 0 95. 3 95. 3 95. 3 95. 4 101.4 101. 6 101. 6 101. 6 101. 8 101. 7 101. 6 101. 6 101. 4 101. 3 101. 2 106. 9 106. 9 107. 1 107. 2 107. 6 107. 7 107. 6 107. 2 107. 1 106. 9 106. 6 July 109. 9 110. 1 no. 3 no. 3 no. 3 110. 4 110. 2 110. 1 109 . 8 109 . 6 109 . 6 August 111. 6 111. 6 111. 8 111. 7 111.8 111. 7 111. 5 111. 3 111.0 110. 6 no. 5 Septem ber O ctober 110. 7 no. 6 no. 5 no. 3 109 . 9 109 . 7 109. 3 108. 8 108. 4 108. 1 107. 9 109. 5 109. 4 109. 2 109. 1 108. 5 108. 3 107. 9 107. 5 107. 1 106. 9 106. 6 N ovem ber D ecem ber 104. 5 104. 3 104. 0 104. 0 103. 7 103. 5 103. 3 103. 0 102. 7 102. 7 102. 4 94. 7 94. 5 94. 5 94. 5 94. 6 94. 6 95. 0 95. 3 9S. 5 95. 6 95. 7 1 Seasonal factors for firs t 3 months are 1959 factors. SOURCE: BLS, cu rren t em ploym ent sta tistic s based on establishm ent rep orts. 1 39 T a b l e G - 12. S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors of w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in special trades construction (SIC 17) b y m o n t h , January Year 94. 8 94. 8 94. 8 94. 7 94. 6 94. 4 94. 4 94. 0 93. 7 93. 5 93. 1 92. 8 92. 6 92. 5 92. 4 92. 3 92. 3 92. 3 92. 4 92. 7 92. 9 92. 9 93. 1 93. 1 1945 1 ____________ 1946 ______________ 1947 .... ......... 1948 ______________ 1949 -------------1950 ______________ 1 9 5 1 ..... ........ 1952 ______________ 1953 ______________ 1954 ______________ 1955 ______________ 1 9 5 6 . ___________ 1957 ______________ 1958 ______________ 1959 -------------1960 ______________ 1 9 6 1 ______________ 1962 ______________ 1963 ______________ 1964 ______________ 1965 ______________ 1966 ______________ 1967 ______________ 1968 ______________ February March 92. 92. 92. 92. 92. 92. 92. 92. 92. 8 92. 8 92. 7 92. 8 92. 8 92. 8 92. 8 92. 8 92. 8 92. 8 92. 5 92. 3 92. 0 91. 8 91. 6 91.4 91.4 91. 8 92. D 92. 2 92. 7 93. 0 93. 2 93. 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 0 9L 9 91. 6 91. 4 90. 9 90. 3 89. 7 89. 3 89. 0 89. 0 89. 2 89.4 89. 7 90. 0 90.4 90. 7 90. 9 April 96. 96. 96. 96. 95. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 95. 95. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 97. 4 2 1 1 9 0 0 1 2 2 1 1 0 9 9 1 1 1 2 4 6 7 8 0 May 99.4 99. 3 99. 2 99. 1 98. 9 98. 7 98. 7 98. 8 98. 9 99. 0 99. 1 99. 3 99. 5 99. 6 99. 7 99. 8 99. 9 100. 0 99. 9 99. 8 99. 8 99. 7 99. 5 99. 5 June July 102. 4 102. 3 102. 3 102. 1 102. 1 102. 1 102. 0 102. 0 102. 3 102. 5 102. 8 103. 0 103. 3 103. 6 103. 6 103. 6 103. 6 103. 7 103. 8 103. 8 103. 6 103. 6 103. 5 103.4 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 105. 105. 105. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. September August 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 8 0 4 6 0 3 3 5 5 4 4 3 2 105. 5 105. 6 105. 7 105. 8 105. 8 105. 9 106. 0 106. 1 106.-2 106. 3 106. 5 106. 9 107. 2 107. 5 107. 8 108. 0 108. 2 108. 1 108. 0 107. 9 107. 7 107. 5 107. 3 107. 2 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 107. 107. 107. 106. 106. 106. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 1 3 4 4 6 7 8 0 1 3 6 7 9 0 0 0 8 6 3 9 6 4 1 0 1945— 68 October November 104. 1 104. 4 104. 6 104. 7 104. 8 105. 0 105. 0 105. 1 105. 1 105. 2 105. 3 105. 4 105. 6 105. 9 106. 0 106. 0 105. 9 105. 6 105.4 104. 9 104. 5 104. 2 104. 0 103. 8 102. 102. 102. 102. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 101. 101. 101. 6 8 8 9 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 9 7 5 3 1 9 8 7 December 100. 3 100. 1 100. 1 100. 1 100. 0 99. 9 99. 8 99. 6 99. 4 99. 3 99. 0 98. 8 98. 5 98. 2 98. 0 97. 7 97. 6 97. 7 97. 7 98. 0 98. 2 98. 3 98. 6 98. 7 1 S e a s o n a l factors for first 3 m o n t h s a r e 1946 factors. SOURCE: T a b l e G - 13. BLS, c u r rent e m p l o y m e n t statistics b a s e d on e stabli s h m e n t reports. S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors of w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in plu m b i n g , heating, a n d air conditioning w o r k (SIC 171), b y m o n t h , Year January 97. 3 97. 3 97.4 97. 3 97. 5 97. 5 97. 7 97. 7 97. 7 97. 7 97. 6 1958 1 ____________ 1959 -------------I960 ______________ 1 9 6 1 .............. 1962 ...... . ..... 1963 -------------1964 -------------1965 ____ ________ 1966 ______________ 1967 ______________ 1968 -------------- February March 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 95. 95. 95. 95. 93. 3 93. 3 93.4 93. 9 94. 2 95. 0 95.4 95. 7 96. 0 96. 0 96. 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 7 0 3 5 8 April 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 96. 96. 96. 96. 97. 6 7 7 7 8 9 2 4 6 9 0 May June July 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 100. 2 100. 2 100. 3 100. 3 100. 5 100. 6 100. 6 100. 6 100. 6 100. 5 100.4 102. 102. 102. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 4 5 6 6 7 7 6 7 6 6 6 August 9 9 9 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 2 104. 104. 104. 105. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 103. September 8 9 9 0 9 7 7 5 3 1 9 105. 105. 105. 105. 104. 104. 103. 103. 104. 103. 103. 3 3 2 0 6 1 7 5 3 1 1 October 105. 104. 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 102. 1958— 68 November 0 9 7 5 2 9 5 5 1 1 9 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 101. 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 1 0 0 9 December 101. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 1 9 9 8 6 5 5 3 3 3 3 1 S e a s o n a l factors for first 3 m o n t h s a r e 1959 factors. ,'SOURCE: T a b l e G - 14. BLS, S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors of w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in painting, p a p e r h anging, a n d decorating (SIC 172), b y m o n t h , Year 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 c u r rent e m p l o y m e n t statistics b a s e d on e stabli s h m e n t reports. January 1 ------------------------______________ -------------.......... __ ______________ .............. ______________ ______________ ______________ .............. 79. 5 79. 5 79. 6 79. 6 79. 8 80. 1 80.4 80. 9 81.4 81. 8 81. 9 February 78. 5 78. 5 78. 6 78. 8 79. 2 79. 7 80. 1 80. 8 81.4 81. 8 82. 3 March 83. 7 83. 7 83. 7 84. 1 84.4 84. 8 85. 2 85. 6 86. 0 86.4 85. 6 April 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 93. 94. 94. 93. 93. 94. 0 2 3 2 1 9 1 1 9 7 0 May June July 102. 7 102. 9 103. 1 103. 3 103.4 103. 4 103.4 103. 4 103. 2 102. 9 102. 6 108. 7 108. 7 108. 6 108. 7 108. 7 108.4 108. 3 107. 9 107. 7 107. 7 107.4 115. 4 115. 3 115. 0 115.0 114. 9 114. 6 114. 5 114. 2 114. 1 114. 2 114. 0 1 S e a s o n | l factors for first 3 m o n t h s a r e 1959 factors. SOURCE: BLS, 140 cu r r e n t e m p l o y m e n t statistics b a s e d on establi s h m e n t reports. August 118. 1 117. 9 117. 7 117. 4 117. 0 116. 8 116. 5 116. 5 116.4 116. 4 116. 6 September 114. 114. 114. 114. 114. 114. 113. 112. 112. 111. 111. 1 4 5 4 3 1 5 8 3 8 8 October 110. 1 no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 2 no. l 109 . 8 109. 5 109. 2 108. 9 108. 6 1958— 68 November 103.4 103. 3 103. 1 103. 0 102. 7 102. 5 102. 2 101. 9 101. 7 101. 6 101. 5 December 91. 9 91. 6 91.4 91.4 91. 5 91. 6 92. 0 92.4 92. 7 92. 9 93. 0 T a b l e G - 15. S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors of w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in electrical w o r k (SIC 173), b y m o n t h , Year January February March 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 96. 93.3 93.3 93.4 93. 7 94. 0 94. 5 94. 9 95. 3 95. 7 96. 0 96. 2 1958 1 ____________ 1959 .............. 1960 ... ......... 1 9 6 1 .............. 1962 ______________ 1963 ______________ 1964 ______________ 1965 ______________ 1966 ______________ 1967 ______________ 1968 ______________ 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 3 5 7 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 6 8 9 0 1 S e a s o n a l factors for first 3 m o n t h s are SOURCE: Table G-16. BLS, 0 2 2 3 5 9 2 6 8 0 2 June July 97.4 97. 5 97. 5 97. 6 97. 6 97. 5 97. 6 97. 6 97. 5 97. 5 97. 5 100. 3 100. 3 100.4 100. 5 100. 6 100. 6 100. 8 100. 8 100. 8 100. 8 100. 8 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. January 89. 2 89. 2 89.4 89. 5 89.4 89. 5 89. 6 89. 5 89. 6 89. 6 89. 7 February 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 4 4 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. September 2 4 5 5 7 7 5 5 3 2 1 105. 105. 105. 105. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. October 104. 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. 102. 101. 3 3 2 0 7 4 9 5 1 8 7 BLS, 87. 0 87. 0 87. 1 87.4 87. 7 88. 0 88. 2 88. 7 89. 3 89. 5 89. 7 92. 7 92. 7 92.4 92. 7 93. 0 93. 1 93. 3 93. 8 94. 1 94.4 94. 6 April 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 5 6 5 4 1 0 2 4 2 3 5 May 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 101. 101. 6 7 9 9 9 7 7 4 0 7 3 plastering, June July 106. 6 106. 5 106.4 106. 3 106. 2 106. 0 105. 7 105. 3 105. 2 105. 0 105. 0 107. 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 107. s tonework, 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 101. 101. 101. 101. 101. 101. 5 3 2 1 0 8 6 5 4 4 3 December 100. 8 100. 7 100. 5 100. 5 100. 4 100. 3 100. 2 100. 2 100/ 2 100. 3 100. 3 August 9 1 3 5 4 7 6 4 2 0 6 109. 109. 109. 109. 109. 109. 109. 109. 109. 109. 108. a n d tile w o r k (SIC 174), b y m o n t h , 1958— 68 September 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 1 2 1 8 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. October 9 7 7 4 3 0 8 7 5 4 5 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 9 8 6 3 1 7 4 4 3 3 5 November 101. 101. 101. 101. 100. 100. 100. 100. 99. 99. 99. 7 7 4 2 8 5 2 0 7 7 6 December 92. 6 92. 7 92. 8 93. 2 93. 9 94. 3 94. 9 95.4 95. 5 96. 0 96. 3 1959 factors. c urrent e m p l o y m e n t statistics b a s e d on e s tablishment reports. S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors of w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in roofing a n d s h e e t m e t a l w o r k (SIC 176), b y m o n t h , Y ear 33 2 0 6 4 0 6 2 0 7 November 1959 factors. March 1 S e a s o n a l factors for first 3 m o n t h s a r e SOURCE: August c urrent e m p l o y m e n t statistics b a s e d o n e s t a blishment reports. 1 ____________ -------------______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Table G -17. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 96. 96. 96. 97. 97. May S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors of w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s in m a s o n r y , Y ear 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 April 1958— 68 January February March 92. 92. 92. 92. 92. 92. 92. 92. 92. 93. 92. 87. 87. 87. 87. 87. 87. 87. 87. 87. 87. 87. 89- 1 89. 1 89- 3 89. 3 89. 6 90. 0 90. 2 90. 8 91. 3 91. 7 92.4 1958 1 ____________ 1959 -------------1960 ______________ 1 9 6 1 .............. 1962 ______________ 1963 ______________ 1964 ______________ 1965 ______________ 1966 _______ ______ 1967 ______________ 1968 ______________ 5 5 3 2 3 3 6 8 7 0 9 7 7 4 3 4 1 0 1 2 5 5 A p ril 94. 94. 95. 95. 95. 95. 96. 96. 96. 97. 97. 7 8 0 2 3 7 1 5 9 0 2 May June 97. 2 97. 2 97. 5 97. 8 98. 1 98. 3 98.4 98.4 98. 5 98.4 98. 2 101. 101. 101. 102. 102. 102. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. July 5 6 9 1 5 9 0 0 1 1 1 August 105. 2 105. 3 105. 6 105. 6 105. 7 105. 8 105. 9 105. 7 105. 6 105. 4 105.4 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. September 9 9 9 8 7 5 6 6 4 4 4 108. 107. 107. 107. 106. 106. 106. 105. 105. 105. 105. 1958— 68 October 110. 109. 109. 109. 108. 108. 107. 106. 106. 105. 105. 0 6 3 2 8 4 2 8 6 5 2 1 9 7 4 8 3 5 8 3 9 6 November 107. 107. 107. 107. 106. 106. 105. 105. 104. 104. 104. 3 3 3 0 5 2 6 2 9 4 2 December 98. 7 98. 9 98. 9 98. 9 99.4 99. 5 99. 9 100. 3 100.4 100. 8 101. 2 1 S e a s o n a l factors for first 3 m o n t h s a r e 1959 factors. SOURCE: Table G-18. BLS, c ur r e n t e m p l o y m e n t statistics b a s e d on establi s h m e n t reports. S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors of w a g e a n d salary w o r k e r s e m p l o y e d b y operative builders (SIC 656), by m o n t h , Y ear January 1958 1 ____________ 1959 ---------I960 _______ „ 1 9 6 1 .............. 1962 ..... ........ 1963 ______________ 1964 ........... 1965 _ ___________ 1966 .............. 1967 ______________ 1968 -------------- 89. 6 89. 6 90. 0 90.4 90. 5 91. 0 91.5 91. 7 9L 8 9L 9 92. 0 February 88. 3 88. 3 88. 6 89. 1 89. 7 90.4 91. 2 92. 1 92. 4 93. 0 93. 1 March A p ril May 93. 0 93. 0 93. 3 93. 9 94. 3 95. 0 95.4 95. 9 96. 3 96. 6 96. 7 99. 3 99. 5 99. 5 99.4 99.4 99. 4 99. 5 99. 7 99. 7 99. 7 99. 9 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 101. 102. June 1 3 4 3 3 5 3 2 0 8 0 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. July 2 2 2 1 2 1 8 7 7 5 5 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 106. 106. 106. 106. August 7 7 6 7 6 3 2 9 8 7 3 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. September 8 6 6 3 1 9 7 6 6 5 6 106. 106. 105. 105. 104. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 5 1 6 2 6 9 5 1 0 1 0 1958— 68 October 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. 101. 101. 101. 1 2 0 9 6 1 8 4 9 6 1 November December 99. 99. 99. 99. 99. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 96. 96. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 2 3 2 2 1 9 8 5 3 2 0 2 1 9 7 5 5 3 2 3 5 7 1 S e a s o n a l factors for first 3 m o n t h s a r e 1959 factors. SOURCE: BLS, c urrent e m p l o y m e n t statistics b a s e d on e s t a b lishment reports. 141 Table G-19. S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors for contract construction e m p l o y m e n t b y type a n d size of c o n t r actor,1 a n d b y region, selected m o n t h s , 196 0 — 68 Small Large Year January February March July So uth— (0-99) I960 ...................... 1 9 6 1 _________________________ 1962 __________________________ 196 3 ________________________ 1964 _________________________ 1965 _______________________ __ 1966 _________________________ 1967 _________________________ 1968 ------------------------- 91. 1 91.2 92. 0 92.4 93 . 2 93. 8 93. 9 94. 1 94. 1 90. 1 90. 2 90. 2 90. 1 90. 1 90.4 90. 3 90. 5 90. 6 92. 4 92. 4 92.4 92. 7 93. 1 93. 3 93. 8 94. 1 94. 6 1961 1962 1963 1964 196 5 1966 1967 1968 -------------------------__________________________ ________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ________________________ __________________________ 35. 9 35. 8 35. 9 36. 0 36. 3 36. 1 36.4 36. 6 36. 6 33. 33. 34. 33. 34. 34. 34. 34. 34. 8 7 0 9 1 3 2 5 8 38. 0 38. 1 38. 3 38. 6 38. 9 39. 5 39. 9 40.4 40. 9 1963 __________________________ 1 964 __________________________ 1965 __________________________ 1 9 6 6 __________________________ 1967 __________________________ 1968 ------------------------- 76. 5 76. 0 75. 0 74. 2 73. 8 72. 5 71. 8 71. 0 70.4 I 960 _________________________ 1 9 6 1 __________________________ 1962 __________________________ 1963 __________________________ 1 964 __________________________ 1965 __________ _____________ 1966 __________________________ 1967 __________________________ 1968 __________________________ 98.9 99. 0 99. 1 99. 3 99.4 99. 5 99. 7 99.6 99.6 1Q k 1 1 q 6 2 __________________________ 68. 69. 69. 70. 70. 71. 71. 71. 71. 1 1 8 1 9 1 1 6 1 77. 77. 77. 77. 77. 77. 77. 76. 76. 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 7 8 92. 8 93. 0 93. 3 93. 7 94. 3 94. 7 95. 2 95.7 96. 1 _________________________ _________________________ __________________________ _________________________ __________________________ _________________________ ------------------------_________________________ _________________________ 96. 7 96.7 96. 7 96. 8 97. 1 97. 5 97. 8 98. 1 98. 2 93. 93. 93. 93. 93. 93. 93. 93. 94. 3 2 3 3 4 6 7 9 2 91. 2 91.6 91. 9 92. 4 93. 0 93. 6 94. 1 94. 2 94. 5 _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 1 9 6 6 __________________________ 1QA7 1968 ------------------------- S e e footnote at e n d of table. 142 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 95. 95. 7 5 6 5 1 1 0 7 7 94. 94. 94. 94. 94. 93. 93. 93. 93. 6 4 5 3 2 7 7 6 6 March July August 109. 8 109. 6 109. 5 109. 3 109 . 0 108. 5 108. 2 108. 0 107. 9 160. 159. 159. 159. 159. 157. 156. 156. 157. 106. 105. 105. 105. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 1 9 5 1 6 1 9 5 4 94. 0 93. 8 105. 5 94. 3 94. 6 94. 7 94. 7 95.2 95.6 93. 93. 94. 93. 93. 94. 93. 94. 93. 3 5 1 8 9 0 9 0 9 94.4 94. 8 95. 3 95. 9 95. 9 96. 5 97. 1 97. 5 97. 8 105.4 105. 5 105. 2 105. 0 104. 3 104. 2 103. 8 103. 2 102. 5 106. 9 106.6 106. 6 106. 2 105. 8 105. 1 104. 9 104.4 104. 2 142. 142. 141. 141. 141. 140. 139. 139. 139. 145. 6 145.4 145. 1 144. 9 144. 6 143. 6 143.4 143. 1 143. 0 H i g h w a y a n d street construction (SIC 16 1) 7 8 8 3 8 4 9 9 1 151. 151. 150. 151. 151. 151. 151. 150. 150. 6 7 9 2 3 1 0 6 6 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. 49. 6 6 6 8 6 5 6 7 7 47. 47. 47. 46. 46. 46. 46. 47. 47. 5 2 0 7 8 9 9 1 5 4 9 0 4 5 5 4 3 7 102. 8 103. 0 103. 1 103.2 103. 3 103.0 102. 9 102. 9 102. 6 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 1 2 1 2 1 0 8 9 7 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 124. 4 7 6 2 7 9 8 6 4 120. 120. 120. 121. 121. 122. 122. 122. 123. 2 2 5 1 5 0 7 7 2 87. 86. 85. 84. 84. 83. 82. 82. 81. 3 2 2 5 4 4 7 0 8 75. 2 76. 9 78. 2 79*. 0 80. 7 80. 9 81. 0 81. 6 81. 4 49. 50. 51. 51. 52. 52. 52. 53. 53. 7 6 1 6 1 3 9 2 6 2 0 8 5 3 1 1 0 0 105. 104. 104. 103. 103. 102. 102. 101. 101. Plumbing, 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 105. 105. 105. 0 0 1 1 1 0 8 9 7 1 7 3 9 2 6 2 8 7 98. 98. 98. 98. 99. 99. 99. 99. 99. 6 7 8 9 2 3 5 8 8 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 5 6 6 5 5 6 5 5 3 9 5 2 8 5 9 6 2 2 95.9 96. 0 96. 2 96. 4 96. 7 97. 0 97. 2 97. 3 97. 1 93. 93. 93. 94. 94. 95. 95. 95. 95. 1 5 8 0 6 0 1 5 5 94. 1 93. 9 94. 0 94. 1 94. 1 94. 3 94.4 94.2 94. 5 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 0 1 9 7 8 7 7 6 5 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 106. 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 106. 105. 106. 106. 5 6 5 6 6 0 9 0 0 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 4 4 3 2 5 5 5 8 9 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 4 8 9 8 9 7 8 7 4 140. 139. 139. 138. 138. 137. 137. 137. 137. 3 8 0 9 3 7 1 0 0 ( 100+) 86. 0 86.4 87. 3 87. 9 88. 2 88. 3 88. 4 87. 8 87. 7 109. 7 110. 1 110. 2 no. 9 111.6 112. 2 112. 5 112. 9 113. 3 114. 8 114. 7 1 1 5.4 115. 3 115. 5 115. 9 115. 6 115. 7 115. 9 94. 1 94.4 94. 7 94. 9 95.4 95. 5 95. 8 96. 0 96. 1 102. 102. 101. 101. 101. 100. 100. 100. 100. 102. 8 102. 9 103. 1 103. 0 103. 2 103. 4 103. 4 103.4 103. 3 93. 2 93.7 94. 1 94. 7 95. 1 95. 9 96. 3 96. 9 97. 3 96. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 96. 96. 9 0 2 3 1 0 1 9 6 114. 0 113. 8 113.4 113. 3 113. 1 113. 6 113. 6 113. 5 113. 9 (10+) 4 1 8 4 2 8 7 6 5 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 3 1 9 7 6 5 2 0 0 4 3 0 8 3 7 4 2 7 106. 106. 105. 105. 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 1 0 6 1 7 4 2 8 5 6 6 5 5 5 2 2 8 7 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 104. 8 7 7 8 6 7 7 8 0 (20+) heatin]g, a n d air conditioning (SIC 171) 106. 106. 106. 105. 105. 104. 104. 104. 104. 102. 9 102. 7 102. 7 102. 5 102. 4 102. 2 102. 1 102. 0 101. 9 (50+) 4 ] 9 8 2 2 8 7 5 P l u m b i n g , heating , a n d air 1c onditioning (SIC 171 ) 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. September (100+) 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. 102. 101. 101. 102. 8 3 0 7 3 0 8 9 1 106. 106. 106. 105. 105. 104. i04. 104. 103. (20+) W e s t — - P l u m b i n g , heating, a n d air conditioning (SIC 171) (0-19) 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 120. 120. 121. 121. 121. 121. 121. 121. 120. N o r t h Central— (0-19) I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 9 5 3 6 4 2 4 6 6 Northeast— (0-9) 95. 7 95.7 95. 9 96. 0 96. 2 96. 5 96 . 7 96 . 9 96. 9 154. 152. 155. 154. 154. 153. 153. 153. 152. February W e s t — H i g h w a y a n d street construction (SIC 161) (0-99) l p A n _________________________ 0 9 8 6 5 5 2 1 1 J anuary G e n e r a l building c ontractors (SIC 15) N o r t h C e n tral— (0-49) lpft0__________________________ 108. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. September August 101. 5 101. 6 101. 6 102. 0 102. 1 102.4 102. 5 102. 3 102. 5 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. Table G-19. S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors for contract construction e m p l o y m e n t b y type a n d size of c o n tractor,1 a n d b y region, selected m o n t h s , 1 9 6 0 — 68— Continued Small Large Year January February March July Northeast— (0-9) 1 960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 ...................... _ __________________ .... ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... _________________________ ........................ ____________ _____________ 68. 68. 68. 68. 68. 68. 69. 70. 70. 2 1 2 3 6 9 7 4 5 67. 8 67.4 67. 5 68. 0 68. 0 68. 8 69 . 6 69. 8 70. 3 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 77. 77. 2 0 0 2 3 6 9 3 7 (0-19) I960 ......................... 1 9 6 1 _________________________ 1962 _________________________ 1963 _____________ ____________ 196 4 _________________________ ___________ __________ 1965 1966 ........................ 1967 ........................ 1968 _________________________ 76. 76. 76. 76. 77. 77. 77. 77. 77. 6 5 5 9 0 2 5 5 7 77. 77. 77. 77. 78. 78. 79. 79. 79. 3 5 8 8 0 6 1 5 7 85. 9 86. 4 86. 8 87.4 87. 3 87. 3 87. 5 87 . 4 87. 2 83. 5 83. 8 84. 6 85. 2 85.6 86. 5 86. 7 87. 2 87. 5 82. 83. 83. 83. 84. 85. 86. 86. 86. 8 3 3 9 6 2 0 5 6 1968 _____________________ 78. 79. 78. 79. 79. 79. 79. 80. 80. 9 2 9 2 3 6 6 1 0 80. 8 80.4 80. 8 81. 7 82. 2 83. 6 84. 8 85. 5 86. 6 116. 0 116. 1 116. 2 116. 6 116. 7 116. 7 117. 1 117. 3 117. 1 88. 1 88. 5 89. 0 89. 4 89. 8 89. 9 89. 9 89. 9 89. 9 111. 5 110. 8 110. 7 110. 2 no. 1 109 . 9 109.9 no. 3 no. 9 ......................... ........................ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ „ ...................... _______ _______________ ......................... ......................... 98. 1 98. 1 98. 2 98. 1 98. 5 98. 8 99. 0 99.2 99. 5 94. 1 94. 2 94. 3 94.4 94. 3 94. 5 94. 8 95. 1 95. 3 83. 83. 83. 84. 84. 85. 85. 86. 87. 4 1 9 2 3 5 9 5 2 118. 9 117. 8 116. 5 114. 6 113. 7 111.9 110. 8 109. 3 109. 4 97.6 97. 6 97. 3 97. 0 96. 8 96. 9 96. 7 96. 7 96. 8 93. 1 93. 3 93. 5 93.7 94. 0 94. 4 94. 9 95. 2 95.4 July August 122. 0 122. 0 121. 6 121.4 121. 5 120. 6 120. 5 120. 5 120. 0 118. 118. 118. 118. 118. 118. 117. 117. 118. 5 2 6 3 8 5 8 7 1 82. 8 82.6 82. 4 82. 2 82. 3 81. 8 82. 3 82. 4 82. 6 80. 80. 80. 80. 80. 81. 81. 81. 81. 2 1 3 7 6 2 6 6 9 83. 84. 85. 85. 86. 86. 86. 87. 86. 5 3 0 6 5 8 8 0 8 115. 0 114.4 113. 8 112. 9 112. 1 111. 8 111. 3 111.1 111.0 116. 1 16. 115. 114. 113. 113. 112. 112. 112. 8 0 2 4 7 0 6 2 6 82. 82. 82. 82. 82. 82. 82. 82. 83. 2 0 2 2 5 8 9 8 1 78.4 79. 3 79. 8 80. 4 81. 2 82. 2 83. 2 83. 8 84. 0 112. 112. 112. 113. 112. 113. 113. 114. 114. 8 2 6 2 6 2 8 0 8 108. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 108. 108. 108. 3 9 8 5 7 9 1 1 6 85. 6 85. 6 86.6 87. 8 89. 4 90. 4 92 . 0 92. 9 93. 1 83. 1 84. 0 84. 1 84. 6 85 . 4 86. 0 86. 5 87. 1 87. 4 79.2 80. 3 81. 4 82. 5 84. 4 85. 3 86. 7 87. 8 88. 6 115. 115. 115. 115. 115. 114. 114. 113. 113. 3 5 5 4 2 7 0 6 0 124. 7 124. 3 123. 1 122. 0 120. 9 119.7 119. 5 118. 5 117. 9 119. 119. 119. 120. 119. 118. 117. 118. 117. 3 7 5 1 7 6 9 1 5 91. 5 90. 8 90. 4 90. 3 90. 2 90. 0 90. 0 90. 1 90 . 4 87. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 88. 89. 89. 9 1 2 3 5 7 9 0 1 93. 4 93. 7 94. 0 94. 4 94. 9 95. 5 95. 8 96. 0 96. 1 103. 0 103. 2 103. 3 103.4 103. 8 104. 1 104. 4 104.4 104. 4 105. 7 105. 5 105.4 105. 1 104. 6 104. 1 103. 9 103. 6 103. 4 104.4 103. 9 103. 5 103. 0 102. 5 102. 0 101. 8 101. 6 101. 6 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 97. 4 4 4 5 5 8 9 9 0 96. 95. 95. 95. 96. 95. 95. 96. 96. 7 3 0 5 7 2 9 3 6 112. 3 111. 8 111. 1 111. 1 109. 9 109. 0 108. 0 107. 5 107.4 105. 0 105. 2 105.4 105. 6 105. 9 105. 9 105. 9 106. 0 105. 9 108. 108. 108. 108. 107. 107. 106. 106. 105. 3 3 2 1 8 3 8 4 9 106. 7 106.4 106. 1 105. 7 105. 2 104. 8 104. 5 104. 1 104. 1 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 97. 5 3 4 3 3 5 4 4 7 95. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 97. 97. 120. 120. 119. 119. 118. 117. 117. 117. 116. 8 2 9 3 5 5 1 1 9 116. 116. 115. 114. 113. 112. 111. 111. 110. 9 1 2 3 5 4 7 1 9 118. 5 117. 7 117. 0 116. 1 114.4 112. 9 111. 9 111.3 no. 9 106. 106. 107. 108. 108. 109. 109. 110. 109. 1 9 5 0 6 5 5 0 6 (10+) 92 . 0 92. 1 91.9 91.8 91.2 91. 2 91. 1 90. 7 90. 5 107. 5 107. 9 108. 1 108. 7 109 . 0 108. 9 108. 9 108. 3 107.9 ' 109. 1 109. 4 109. 7 109. 9 110. 8 111.2 111. 5 111. 9 1 12. 0 108. 3 108.4 108. 7 109. 2 109. 4 109. 2 109. 3 109. 6 109. 5 (20+) 0 8 8 9 0 9 9 1 3 94. 8 95 . 2 95. 6 95. 8 96. 3 96. 7 97. 1 97. 4 97. 6 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. 102. 9 7 6 6 3 1 9 8 8 7 0 1 1 3 5 8 0 0 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 2 2 1 9 8 7 7 8 6 102. 102. 102. 102. 102. 101. 101. 101. 101. 1 1 1 0 0 8 7 5 3 (50+) N o r t h Ceiatral— Electrical w o r k (SIC 173) 90. 9 91. 3 91. 9 92. 4 93. 3 93. 9 94. 7 95. 1 95.4 114. 3 114. 4 114.4 114. 5 114. 1 114. 2 113. 9 113. 6 113.4 (20+) 172) 84. 85. 86. 86. 87. 88. 88. 89. 89. 117. 7 117.6 117. 5 117.4 117. 1 116. 9 116. 8 116. 5 116. 2 (20+) Painti ng, p a p e r hanging a n d decorating (SIC 172) 120. 7 120. 1 119. 5 119. 1 118.4 117. 9 117. 6 117. 2 117. 6 September (10 +) Northeast-— Electrical w o r k (SIC 173) (0 -49) I 9 6 0 ......................... 1 9 6 1 ......................... 1962 ......................... 1963 ......................... 1964 ........................ 1965 ______ _________________ 1966 ........................ 1 9 6 7 -------------------------1968 ------------------------- March W e s t — -Painting, p a p e r h a n g i n g a n d decorating (SIC 172) (10-19) 196 0 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 February South— Painting, p a p e r h a n g i n g a n d decorating (SIlC (0-9) I960 ......................... 1961 _ _____________________ .......... ............. 1962 1963 ________________________ 1964 ......................... 1965 ......................... I 966 , -,„ , ■■ 1QA7 121.4 121. 6 121. 6 121. 6 121. 6 121. 4 121. 2 121. 6 121.4 S e p tember J anuary Painting, p a p e r h a n g i n g a n d decorating (SIC 172) N o r t h Central— (0-19) I960 ......................... 1961 ___________ ____________ 1962 ___________ ____________ 1963 _________ _______________ 1 964 ......................... 1965 ......................... 1966 _________________________ 1967' ........................ 1968 ------------------------- August 95. 95. 95. 96. 96. 97. 98. 98. 98. 1 5 9 3 9 5 1 4 4 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. 102. 102. 0 2 2 3 2 9 7 4 0 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. 102. 3 2 0 9 4 3 9 5 3 103. 6 103.4 103. 2 102. 8 102. 3 102. 0 101. 7 101. 5 101. 3 S e e footnote at e n d of table. 143 Table G-19. S e a s o n a l a d j u s t m e n t factors for contract construction e m p l o y m e n t b y type a n d size of contra c t o r , 1 a n d b y region, selected m o n t h s , 1 9 6 0 — 68— C o n t inued Small Large Year January February March July August 1QA 3 196 4 __________________________ 1Q6 5 . _ ___ 1966 __________________________ 1967 __________________________ 1Q6 8 ..... . 95. 9 95. 9 96. 2 96. 2 96. 8 96. 8 97. 2 97. 2 97. 6 94. 94. 95. 95. 95. 95. 96. 96. 96. 6 8 0 3 4 7 2 5 7 94. 95. 95. 95. 95. 96. 96. 96. 95. 6 0 0 4 7 0 0 1 9 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 104. 105. 105. 0 2 3 3 5 8 9 2 0 106. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 106. (0 -49) 1 9 6 o __________________________ 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 __________________________ __________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ ________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 97. 7 95. 7 97. 3 97. 2 97. 2 97. 3 97.4 97. 5 97. 7 94. 94. 94. 94. 0 1 0 0 9 4. 1 9 4. 1 9 4. 1 94.1 94 . 0 1961 1962 1Q 6 3 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 _________________________ ------------------------_________________________ ____ __________ ________ ___________ _________ ___ _ _________________________ _________________________ 83.4 83. 2 83. 7 83. 8 84. 2 84. 6 85. 1 85. 0 85. 6 80. 81. 82. 83. 83. 84. 84. 84. 84. 6 6 2 0 7 0 5 9 9 93. 7 93. 5 93. 6 93.6 93. 7 93. 8 93. 9 94. 0 94. 3 ,QA0 89. 7 89. 5 88. 0 86. 9 85. 9 84 . 4 84. 2 83. 6 83. 5 85. 85. 85. 84. 84. 84. 83. 83. 83. 6 2 0 7 3 0 7 8 7 84. 4 85. 7 86. 9 88. 0 88. 5 89. 7 90. 3 91. 0 91. 1 ________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ ... _ _________________________ _________________________ __________________________ 90. 7 90. 6 90. 9 91. 2 91. 7 92 . 0 92. 6 93.2 93.4 89. 9 90. 0 90. 2 90. 3 90. 5 90. 7 91.0 91. 0 91. 1 6 6 2 6 2 4 2 6 1 no. 110. 110. no. no. no. no. 109. 109. ____________ ______________ 91. 8 92 . 0 __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _________________________ S e e footnote at e n d of table. 144 91. 7 91.4 91. 1 91. 3 91. 6 91. 7 91. 7 94. 4 94. 9 95. 2 95. 3 95. 5 95. 2 95. 2 95. 0 94. 6 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 9 1 0 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 106. 105. 105. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 103. 4 4 0 7 5 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 106. 106. 106. 106. Masonry, 113. 7 113. 6 113. 5 113. 0 112. 6 111. 5 111. 1 110. 7 109.7 9 5 6 88. 9 90. 1 91. 1 92.4 93.6 95. 1 96. 5 96. 7 97.4 111. 111. 111. 112. 111. 111. 111. 111. 110. 4 7 8 0 9 6 9 5 9 ' 113. 1 112. 6 112. 1 112. 0 111.4 111. 0 111. 0 111. 1 111. 2 South— M a s o n r y , 95. 1 95. 1 95.2 95. 4 95. 3 95. 3 95. 4 95.5 95. 5 109. 109. 108. 108. 107. 107. 107. 106. 106. 3 1 7 4 8 3 1 8 6 106. 106. 106. 107. 107. 108. 108. 108. 107. West— (0-19) I960 1 96 1 1962 1963 1 964 1965 1966 1967 1 968 7 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 7 4 9 5 9 4 9 3 0 0 96. 9 96. 5 96.6 96. 8 96. 9 96. 9 ,96. 7 96. 5 96. 7 105. 106. 106. 107. 108. 108. 108. 107. 107. 6 3 9 7 3 3 1 8 3 2 6 8 4 7 0 2 0 7 March July August 99. 99. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 98. 0 0 8 9 6 5 2 0 0 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 97. 97. 97. 97. 0 0 0 6 2 2 4 5 8 92. 0 93. 0 93.6 94. 4 95. 7 96. 4 97. 2 97. 8 98. 1 90. 5 89. 7 89. 3 88. 7 87. 7 87 . 4 87. 5 87. 1 87. 6 1 2 5 6 8 0 1 1 2 95. 95. 95. 95. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 1 4 7 8 1 3 5 7 7 101. 101. 101. 101. 101. 101. 101. 101. 101. 104. 104. 104. 105. 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 4 5 4 4 2 3 3 4 1 94. 1 94. 6 94. 6 94. 9 95. 3 95. 7 96. 2 96. 7 96 . 7 91. 5 91. 4 91. 2 90. 8 90. 3 90.4 89. 2 88. 4 87. 2 89. 89. 89. 89. 89. 90. 90. 91. 91. 92. 8 93. 3 93.4 93. 9 94.4 94. 6 95. 0 95. 0 94. 9 102. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. 7 1 2 5 2 4 2 8 5 106. 106. 105. 105. 104. 104. 103. 103. 102. 93. 93. 92. 91. 91. 90. 90. 89. 90. 8 1 3 9 1 4 4 9 3 89. 89. 89. 89. 89. 89. 90. 90. 91. 95. 95. 96. 96. 96. 96. 96. 95. 94. 1 9 3 5 7 3 1 7 8 106. 107. 107. 106. 107. 107. 108. 108. 108. 104. 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 9 0 2 8 0 9 0 2 5 7 2 9 3 1 2 8 6 2 93. 5 94. 0 93. 8 93. 7 93. 9 93. 8 94. 5 94.4 94. 3 2 2 0 9 8 3 0 5 1 3 4 4 7 6 1 8 3 7 90. 90. 91. 91. 92. 92. 93. 94. 94. 4 9 1 7 0 8 5 1 5 6 5 7 5 3 7 2 9 3 94. 1 94. 1 94.4 94. 6 95. 0 95. 0 94. 7 94. 9 95. 0 108. 107. 106. 106. 105. 104. 104. 103. 104. 4 4 7 0 2 7 1 4 5 4 5 2 3 6 8 5 2 1 101. 101. 102. 103. 103. 104. 105. 106. 106. 2 8 3 4 4 0 2 2 6 107. 107. 107. 107. 106. 106. 105. 106. 105. 3 2 1 2 8 3 9 0 2 111. 2 111. 3 111. 5 111.2 111. 0 111. 0 111.1 111.2 no. 6 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 9 7 5 3 1 1 2 1 1 106. 106. 107. 106. 106. 105. 105. 104. 103. 5 8 1 9 8 6 0 7 7 104. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 104. 104. 104. 1 6 8 3 5 7 0 1 8 (50+) 93. 4 93. 6 94. 0 94. 6 95. 1 95. 8 96. 0 96. 5 96. 5 97. 97. 97. 97. 96. 96. 95. 95. 94. 8 3 8 3 7 0 6 1 9 (20+) 104. 104. 104. 105. 105. 105. 106. 105. 105. 3 7 7 3 6 6 0 5 3 0 1 0 1 8 4 8 0 5 ; 111.8 111.4 no. 6 111.0 no. 5 109 . 7 109. 7 109 . 6 109. 7 (20+) s t o n e w o r k a n d plastering (SIC 174) 105. 105. 104. 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 104. 104. 104. 104. 103. 103. 103. 103. 102. 102. (50+) s t o n e w o r k a n d plastering (SIC 174) 103.4 103. 2 103. 5 103. 6 103. 8 103. 7 103. 8 103. 4 103. 7 8 6 7 0 7 2 0 8 8 (50+) s t o n e w o r k a n d plastering (SIC 174) 90 . 4 90. 5 90. 7 90.6 91 . 0 90.6 90. 5 90. 2 90. 2 [September (20+) s t o n e w o r k a n d plastering (SIC 174) 109. 4 109. 1 109. 0 108. 5 108.4 108.4 108. 1 108. 2 108. 3 Masonry, 106. 106. 106. 106. 107. 107. 107. 107. 107. 1 0 1 5 7 1 1 0 4 110. 3 109. 7 109. 0 108. 2 107. 7 107. 1 106. 7 106.4 106. 7 N o r t h C e n tral— M a s o n r y , (0-49) I96 0 196 1 1962 1963 1964 19b 5 1966 1967 1968 105. 105. 105. 104. 104. 103. 103. 102. 102. Northeast— (0-19) 1 9 6 1 ........... .............. 1962 _________________________ 1963 _________________________ 196 4 _________________________ 1965 1966 ____ ______ _____ __ ___ ___ 1967 _________________________ 1968 ........... .............. jFebruary W e s t — Electrical w o r k (SIC 173) (0-49) 1 9 6 o _________________________ J anuary South— Electrical w o r k (SIC 173) (0-19) I960 _________________________ September 104. 104. 104. 106. 107. 107. 108. 108. 109. 0 6 9 0 0 9 3 9 2 104. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 106. 105. 9 1 5 8 9 8 9 1 8 T a b le G -1 9 . S e a s o n a l a d ju s tm e n t f a c to r s fo r c o n t r a c t c o n s tr u c tio n e m p lo y m e n t by type and s iz e of c o n t r a c t o r , 1 and by reg io n , s e le c te d m o n th s , 1960—68— Continued January F ebruary — M arch (0-9) I960___________________________ 1961 __________________________ 1962 __________________________ 1963 __________________________ 1964 __________________________ 1965 --------------------------------------1966 1967 __________________________ 1968 __________________________ 7 3 .2 73. 7 74. 4 75. 0 75. 2 75. 6 76. 1 76. 0 76. 1 83. 9 83. 9 83. 1 82. 9 82. 4 82. 1 81. 6 8 1 .4 8 1 .4 | ; | ! I j ” "" 81. 5 81. 1 8 1 .2 81. 1 80. 9 80. 9 80. 8 80. 8 81. 1 (0-19) 1960 19 fa ] 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 87. 7 87. 0 86. 6 86. 1 85. 6 85. 3 84. 9 84. 9 84. 7 79. 1 79. 2 79. 9 80. 1 81. 1 82. 4 82. 9 83. 5 83. 6 : : 1 I ! ; 82. 3 82. 7 83. 1 83. 9 84. 6 85. 4 86. 6 87. 5 88. 2 (0-19) I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 __________________________ _________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________ _ ._____ ,___ __________________________ __________________________ 94. 3 ! 94. 3 94. 7 94. 8 95. 2 95. 3 95. 9 96. 0 96. 0 90. 5 : 90. 7 91.0 ! 90. 9 i 91. 2 1 9 1 .7 j 92. 1 92. 7 ; 93. 3 ' 94. 3 94. 0 94. 2 94. 3 10. 2 94. 3 94. 1 93. 9 94. 0 0-19) I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 __________________________ __________________________ _______ __ _ _ _ ______ _ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ........... __________________________ 9 1 .4 91. 4 91. 9 92. 1 92. 4 93. 3 93. 7 94. 3 95. 1 92. 1 | 9 2 .7 1 92. 1 92. 1 92. 5 92. 0 91. 9 92. 1 91. 5 (0-19) 196 o __________________________ 1961___________________________ 1962 ..................................................... 1963 __________________________ 1Q64 1965 __________________________ 1966 1967 _____________________ 1968 __________________________ 9 1 .2 9 0 .4 90. 6 90. 9 90. 5 90. 8 90. 9 91. 0 91. 7 August S e p t e m b e r J a n u a r y F e b r u a r y M a r c h I N o r t h e a s t— Roofing and s h e e t m e t a l w o r k (SIC 176) J 94. 8 1 10. 5 111. 5 88. 1 88. 1 109. 7 112. 0 88. 5 , 110. 7 87. 9 1 09.9 ; 94. 5 111. 1 112. 2 1 10. 1 ! 94. 2 | 8 7 .8 89. 2 11 1. 4 112. 2 109.7 ! 94. 4 : 87. 3 89. 9 j 1 12. 2 112.5 ! 109.9 1 94. 5 ! 8 6 .6 i 9 0 .6 1 112. 7 112.8 j 1 10.3 | 94. 6 1 8 6 .6 ! 9 1 .3 112. 9 112. 8 ! 1 10.6 j 94. 9 86. 8 ! 9 1 .7 , 94. 9 87. 2 | 9 2 . 0 1 113. 3 113. 1 no. 6 113. 7 112. 6 1 10. 5 95. 4 87. 3 1 92. 2 1 i__________ 1 N o rth C e n tr a l—-Roofing and s h e e t m e t a l w o r k (SIC 176) Ju ly 112. 6 112. 5 1 12. 5 1 12. 7 112. 3 111. 7 111.6 111. 5 111. 3 106.0 ; 106. 1 106. 0 105. 7 105. 5 105. 0 104. 7 104. 2 103. 8 J u ly 1 1 i ! ! i ! ! ! , 1 1 1 * , 1 1 04. 3 104.6 104.6 1 04.8 105.2 104.7 104.3 1 03.8 103.5 88. 2 88. 9 89. 6 90. 4 91. 3 92. 5 93. 8 94. 3 ! 95. 0 __________ South— Roofing and s h e e t m e t a l w o r k (SIC 176) 115. 5 115. 0 114. 6 114. 1 114. 1 114. 0 113.8 114.1 114.5 ; 110.7 ! 110.6 110. 0 j 109.6 1 108.9 ' 108.5 108, 1 1 • 107.9 107. 7 92. 4 92. 2 92. 5 92. 7 93. 0 93. 3 92. 8 92. 6 92. 8 88. 6 68. 7 88. 9 88. 7 88. 9 89. 1 89. 6 90. 1 90. 3 95. 2 108. 1 1 104.9 95. 1 107. 4 i 104.9 ! 105.4 106.6 ! 95. 4 1 105.2 ! 95. 5 j 1 105.3 96. 0 ! i 105.5 104.3 96. 2 i | 105.6 ! 103.3 i 105. 1 ; 1 0 3.0 ! 96. 7 ! 102. 5 i 96. 9 ! ! 104.7 1 04. 7 ; 102. 1 1 97. 3 i j _l____ W e st— Roofing and s h e e t m e t a l w o r k 1 01.4 100. 6 99. 9 99. 6 9 9 .6 98. 8 99. 1 9 8 .4 99. 0 ....... 106.8 107. 0 106.9 106.9 107.5 107.5 107. 4 107.8 107.5 97. 0 111.2 111.6 1 97. 0 1 11.4 97. 7 111.2 98. 5 110. 4 99. 6 110.2 100. 6 110.5 100. 8 1 11.0 100. 8 110.3 1 100.7 92. 3 92. 4 92. 3 92. 1 92. 3 i 9 3 .8 1 94. 4 94. 7 95. 3 95. 6 92.4 96. 0 i 96. 2 92.7 93. 3 ! 96. 3 93. 3 j 96. 2 1________ (SIC 176) 95. 1 95. 4 96. 0 96. 0 : 97. 1 1 98. 2 ! 9 8 .4 99. 0 i 99. 5 ; ! 1 1 ! | ! 1 1 1 N o r t h e a s t— S p ec ia l t r a d e s c o n t r a c t o r s , o th e r | 1 J 1 1 i ; I ; | | ! j 1 A u g u st 1 S e p te m b e r (10+) 104. 3 104. 4 104. 1 104. 2 104. 6 104. 6 104. 8 105. 1 105. 2 105. 1 1 05.4 10 5.4 105. 3 10 5.8 105. 7 105. 8 105. 9 105.7 1 j j j ! 1 : j 106. 3 105. 9 105. 9 105.-4 105. 0 104. 7 104. 2 104. 2 104. 0 (20+) 108. 6 108. 1 107.6 107. 0 106.9 106. 8 106. 5 10 6.4 106. 6 \ j ! j | j 107. 107. 106. 106. 105. 105. 104. 104. 104. 3 0 5 3 9 3 9 8 7 (20+) 1 1 104.3 j 104. 0 : 103. 8 103. 6 103. 2 103. 3 103. 1 102. 7 102. 8 » . * 1! 9 8 .6 95. 3 j 98. 6 95. 3 | 99. 0 9 5 .4 99. 1 9 9 .4 95. 5 9 5 .3 99. 8 9 5 .3 100. 4 ! 95. 3 100. 8 ; 95. 3 100. 8 | 105.7 105. 6 105.6 105. 2 105. 1 104. 8 104.8 10 4.4 104.4 ; ! i j j ; j i 103. 9 103. 4 103. 1 102. 8 102. 4 102. 0 101. 9 101. 8 101. 9 102. 8 103. 0 102. 7 102. 5 102. 1 101. 4 100.9 100. 7 100. 0 [ 105. 4 105. 2 104. 8 104. 0 103. 8 102. 9 102. 8 103.0 102.6 (20+) (20+) 109.2 ! 91. 9 i 90. 6 94. 1 83. 5 10 9.8 1 111. 0 104. 4 103. 3 103. 3 83. 3 l 1 10.0 1 11. 0 1 08.8 j 9 1 .8 | 90. 0 94. 5 104. 0 104. 0 104. 1 108.8 94. 5 104. 6 104. 5 103. 7 83. 3 ! 109. 8 ; 111. 2 9 1 .6 | 89. 8 j 83. 6 108.7 i 91. 6 | 89. 9 94. 7 105. 4 104. 9 104. 0 1 09.9 ! 1 11. 4 1 08.4 1 9 1 .6 1 89. 9 110.1 : 111.5 94. 3 106. 4 105. 4 103. 3 ; 83. 9 84. 2 1 1 10.3 1 111.4 1 108.6 j 91. 5 1 89. 9 94. 8 106. 5 f 105.3 103. 4 84. 5 110.2 i 1 11. 4 108.7 1 91. 9 95. 1 107. 2 105. 3 103. 0 89. 8 84. 8 110.2 j 111. 2 ! 108.5 ! 92. 5 ! 90. 3 94. 9 108.0 105. 3 102. 5 i 85. 2 | 110.1 ! 111.4 I 108.8 92. 6 i 90. 9 i 94. 6 107.6 104. 6 102. 9 i i 1 1____ - ____ L 1 The defin itio n of " s m a l l " and " l a r g e " is in c lu d e d in the p a r e n t h e s e s fo r e a c h in d u s tr y and a r e a and v a r i e s by in d u s tr y and a r e a . The siz e of e m p lo y e r is b a s e d on the n u m b e r of e m p lo y e e s on the e m p lo y e r s ' p a y ro l l fo r the p a y r o l l p e r io d n e a r e s t M a r c h 15 of e a c h y e a r . SO U R CE : BLS, c u r r e n t e m p lo y m e n t s t a t i s t i c s b a s e d on e s t a b li s h m e n t r e p o r t s . 97. 1 87. 0 87. 1 87. 1 87. 0 8 6 .6 86. 5 86. 7 8 6 .7 , | | 1 ! 1 ! 79. 7 80. 0 80. 4 8 0 .4 80. 7 81. 3 81. 6 82. 0 82. 1 1 145 Table G-20. Unemployed m ale wage and sa la ry w orkers by duration of unemploym ent and selected industry group, annual averages, 1960-68 Unemployed by duration of unem ploym ent Total A verage duration (percent distrubution) unemployed Total Year of unem ploym ent 1-4 weeks (thousands) 15-26 weeks 5- 14 weeks Over 26 weeks (weeks) All nonagricultural industries 1960 .......................................... 1961_______________________ 1962 ................................................ 1963 ........................................... 1964 ............................................. 1965 ................................................ 1966 ............................................ 1967 ........................................ 1968 ----------------------------------- 2, 061 2,486 2, 010 1,992 1,752 1, 506 1,239 1, 222 1, 160 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 42. 5 34. 8 38. 9 40. 9 42. 0 46. 5 52. 2 52. 3 52.4 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 44. 6 40. 2 42. 3 43. 9 45. 9 45. 5 53. 6 50. 6 51. 2 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 40. 8 32. 1 37.4 39.0 39. 3 46.4 53. 1 51. 7 51. 9 30. 4 28. 6 29. 5 29. 6 29. 9 29. 5 26.4 30.4 31. 0 13. 7 16. 7 14. 3 13. 6 13. 7 12. 2 10. 8 10. 0 9.6 13.4 19. 9 17. 4 15. 9 14. 4 11. 8 10. 6 7. 3 7. 0 14. 3 17. 8 17. 0 16. 1 15. 1 13. 3 12. 1 9. 9 9.6 14. 1 17. 1 15.2 13.9 12. 9 14. 4 11.4 10. 6 9.9 10. 3 13. 4 10.4 10. 7 9. 1 6. 5 6.6 7. 2 6. 0 12. 3 14. 0 12. 8 12. 6 11.4 10. 8 9.7 10. 1 9. 1 15. 0 17. 6 14. 3 15.4 13. 7 11. 1 10. 0 9. 9 10. 5 14. 0 23. 2 19. 8 17. 2 17. 0 13. 8 11. 1 7. 7 7. 7 14. 9 19. 3 19. 1 17. 4 17. 1 13. 8 12.4 10. 2 9.9 Construction 1960 _______________________ 1961_______________________ 1962 _ 1963 ............................................. 1964 .......................................... 1965 ..................... ...................... 1966 ................................................ 1967 ..................... ... 1968 ................................................ 475 555 473 466 394 366 289 263 252 1960 . ________________ 1961................................................ 1962 ................................................ 1963 ............................................. 1964 _______________________ 1965 _______________________ 1966 ........................................... 1967 _______________________ 1968 694 888 645 623 542 414 360 404 363 1 ! 30. 9 29. 2 32. 1 31. 5 32. 0 33. 5 28.4 31. 6 32.9 M anfacturing 30. 3 27. 1 28. 5 28.4 30. 1 28. 7 25. 8 30. 7 30. 1 SOURCE: C urrent Population Survey conducted for the BLS, by the B ureau of the C ensus. 146 Table G-21. Unemployed m ale wage and sa la ry w orkers in construction and m anufacturing, by duration of unemploym ent, annual average and by m onths, 1960-68 _____________________________ _______________________ (P ercent distribution)________________________________________________________ _ M anufacturing Construction Average Month Total 1-4 5-14 5-14 | 15-26 Over 26 11Average 15-26 duration (thou P ercen t weeks weeks weeks Over 26 duration Total P ercent weeks 1 weeks weeks sand) (w eeks) 1 (weeks) I960 I960 1 | ! January ___________________ 100. 0 44. 9 43. 7 6.6 4. 7 717 100. 0 34. 8 10. 8 14. 0 40. 4 8. 9 15. 3 679 632 34. 1 41. 5 F e b ru a ry __________________ 100. 0 16. 8 7. 6 596 11. 8 100.0 1 37. 7 34. 7 16. 5 11. 0 14. 3 M arch ---- _ — ----------733 100. 0 40. 2 12. 8 7. 0 100. 0 32. 1 18.4 12. 6 29. 0 36. 9 15. 9 23.9 729 A pril __ _ ___ __ _____ 501 100. 0 32. 9 24. 7 31. 5 696 11. 0 15. 3 100. 0 37. 5 27. 3 17. 7 17. 5 17. 1 M ay________ _____________ __ 392 100. 0 38. 2 20. 5 24. 9 16. 4 16. 1 42. 1 32. 4 12.4 14. 0 100. 0 13. 0 599 J u n e ______ _____ __________ 340 100. 0 55. 7 14. 6 17. 5 12. 2 13. 1 655 100. 0 48. 5 24. 9 13. 0 14. 1 13. 6 362 Ju ly ................................................. 100. 0 50. 8 28. 2 8. 0 12. 6 702 13. 0 100. 0 41. 0 30. 5 15.4 13. 1 14. 8 A ug ust___________________ _ 365 100. 0 22. 5 11. 8 11. 8 710 100. 0 42. 4 30. 5 14. 1 14. 8 13. 0 55.9 9. 9 Septembe r ________________ _ 292 100. 0 25. 3 5. 5 15. 7 672 100. 0 46. 3 26. 7 15. 2 14. 8 49. 3 11. 4 19. 9 O ctober__ _ ___ _____ 318 100. 0 10. 1 14. 8 17. 0 667 100. 0 37. 0 16. 0 17. 1 15. 7 49. 8 23. 0 29. 9 Novem ber „ _______________ 24. 5 457 100. 0 57. 2 11.4 32.4 14. 5 7. 2 723 100. 0 38. 5 15. 8 13. 3 11. 1 D ecem ber___________ __ __ 100. 0 56. 3 4. 5 13.4 627 865 7. 3 100. 0 41. 8 27. 7 17. 6 13. 0 31.9 9. 0 1961 Ja n u a ry ____________________ F e b ru a ry — -------------------M a r c h ----- -----------------------A pril_______________________ May -______ —_____________ J u n e ______________________ _ Ju ly .............................................. August— __ _ ____________ Septem ber__________________ O ctober__ _ _____________ Novem ber _________________ D ecem ber--------------------------- 834 869 742 677 569 485 493 363 360 302 410 555 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 43. 1 34. 3 24. 8 26. 0 29. 5 46. 0 44. 1 45. 0 49.4 53. 5 58. 5 54. 9 January ___________________ F e b ru a ry ------------------ -------M arch ______________________ A p ril______________________ M ay______ _________________ J u n e __ _ J u ly ________________________ A ug ust-------------------------------Septem ber------ -----------------O ctober____________________ N ovem ber--------------------------D ecem ber--------------------------- 712 739 710 527 433 384 373 268 258 288 405 585 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 39. 5 29. 4 25. 8 28. 3 33. 0 48.6 52. 1 54. 3 61. 9 59.2 61. 0 54. 5 Ja n u a ry ____________________ F ebruary __________________ M arch _____________________ A p ril______________________ May --------- -----------------------June -______________________ July _______________________ A ug ust_____________________ Septem ber__________________ O ctober__________ ________ N ovem ber________ ________ D ecem ber--------------------------- 752 828 653 522 370 352 356 290 268 292 405 509 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 43. 2 33. 1 26. 7 29. 3 39. 7 52. 8 54. 5 53. 3 52. 8 54. 5 65. 7 52. 8 1 39. 7 44. 9 37. 8 20.4 19. 9 19. 8 24. 2 25. 4 22. 5 19. 1 24. 4 26. 8 1961 7. 9 13. 7 30. 9 39. 8 31. 8 9. 9 10. 4 11. 9 8. 3 9.6 5. 1 10. 4 9.2 7. 1 6. 5 13. 8 18. 8 24. 3 21. 3 17. 7 19. 7 17. 8 12. 0 7. 9 7. 2 16. 4 27. 5 33. 5 27. 5 11. 7 7. 2 6. 7 7.4 6.9 5. 4 9.2 6.6 8. 8 9.4 13. 1 15. 7 15. 6 15. 2 9. 7 8. 2 11. 4 6. 9 8. 4 11. 4 1,045 11. 4 1,213 13. 3 1, 153 962 17. 2 18. 1 905 16. 7 866 14. 8 881 14. 6 889 16.4 694 14. 5 672 12. 0 656 10. 2 706 100. 0 33.6 100. 0 35. 5 100. 0 28. 0 100. 0 22.6 100. 0 26. 1 100.0 29. 9 100.0 31. 2 100.0 36. 3 100.0 37. 0 100.0 ! 37. 1 100. 0 35. 4 100.0 37.4 i 1962 | I 100. 0 i 36.4 1 100. 0 j 25. 5 100.0 ! 28. 6 100.0 33. 1 100.0 37. 4 100. 0 40. 1 100. 0 38. 3 100. 0 50. 1 100. 0 40. 1 100. 0 40. 7 100. 0 44. 6 100. 0 34. 3 1962 46. 8 45.4 37. 2 25. 1 23. 8 24. 2 25. 4 29.2 22. 6 22. 5 26. 7 27. 9 1963 J anuary --------------------------F ebruary ____ _________ M a r c h __— ———— _______ Ap r il_______ —_____________ M ay----------------- — -----------J u n e ___ ___ ________ ___ J uly.—— ————— —_______ A ug ust--------------------- -------Septembe r__________________ O ctober------------------------------N ovem ber--------------------------D ecem ber------------------------- ! ! I 655 100.0 1! 43. 7 100,. 0 24. 9 639 100. 0 25. 9 509 100. 0 30. 0 405 314 100. 0 46. 7 100. 0 321 55. 8 284 100. 0 57. 7 61.2 100. 0 289 260 ! ioo. o 55. 8 100. 0 62. 6 289 274 100. 0 56. 6 100. 0 66. 1 489 1I 40. 3 46.6 37. 9 24. 1 19.7 18. 2 21. 9 26. 5 24. 7 19.5 22. 0 38. 2 10. 0 13. 2 14. 5 17. 0 16. 9 13. 9 12. 3 10. 5 9.2 12. 2 9.7 11.2 1_________ 795 746 653 580 620 651 584 747 568 553 628 624 1963 10. 8 ! 5. 7 14. 5 i 5.9 21. 6 13. 8 31. 0 15. 5 23. 5 17. 0 11. 1 17. 9 17. 7 5.9 7.6 12. 7 11. 2 11.2 12. 3 8. 6 4. 0 8.4 5. 7 3. 3 9.7 11. 2 15. 3 18. 5 16. 9 14. 5 13. 0 14. 1 12. 5 10. 8 9.4 8.4 684 762 718 612 546 639 594 614 516 581 603 610 5. 6 6. 7 14. 1 4. 9 28. 5 6. 5 32.4 11.6 19.4 ji 12. 7 10. 0 14. 0 5.6 16. 2 17. 0 5. 9 5.4 15. 8 7.6 5,9 6. 6 8. 8 5. 1 3. 7 10. 1 11. 8 13. 4 15. 5 13. 6 12. 1 11.8 12. 7 11. 6 8. 4 10. 8 6. 7 733 659 647 566 478 512 516 529 473 446 488 467 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 j 100.0 I 100.0 100.0 | 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1964 44. 0 56. 1 39. 1 26. 0 21. 3 20. 2 20.4 15. 9 23. 1 23. 9 28. 1 25. 2 ; | l I 1 \ ! i ! ! ' 1 !I 12.5 | 16. 1 1: i4 . 7 18.1 ! 15.4 i 15. 3 21.4 1 17.7 16. 9 22. 6 27. 5 25. 3 25. 1 27. 7 21. 7 18. 4 27. 4 20. 8 16. 0 21. 7 28. 9 21. 5 13. 2 29. 5 13.4 26. 9 20. 7 14. 3 24. 9 20. 6 11. 6 23. 6 19.6 14. 2 21. 0 18. 7 37. 8 31. 0 33. 0 24. 6 21. 1 24.4 23. 8 21. 1 22. 7 23. 8 29.4 27. 5 33. 0 9. 7 1 21. 0 i 17. 3 37. 8 19. 4 24. 8 17. 3 29. 2 26. 0 25. 0 15. 9 24. 5 16. 0 22. 1 26.4 12. 6 20. 9 26. 3 13. 2 22. 2 24. 6 8. 4 16. 8 14. 1 18. 8 26. 9 25. 7 j 15. 9 17. 7 25. 8 16. 2 1 13.4 31.9 1 16.9 i 16. 9 1________ 18. 2 20. 1 22. 4 21. 8 20. 7 19.6 20. 4 16. 0 18.4 18. 9 15. 3 17. 5 1 14. 9 18. 4 15. 9 ; 17. 2 | 13. 8 19. o I 22. 2 1 17. 2 22. 2 18. 9 21. 1 13. 6 11.4 17. 3 13. 2 17. 3 12. 2 ! 17. 8 12. 0 18. 9 15. 1 11. 9 16. 0 13. 7 17. 5 17. 1 19. 1 18. 3 19.9 16. 1 16.4 18. 1 17. 8 17. 3 15. 0 16. 5 r 14. 5 ; 12. 1 ! 15. 3 | 18.4 ; 18.8 1 21.7 | 21.6 | 20. 0 I : 18.2 t ; 17.7 ! 17. 0 j | 11.3 ------------ L 16. 3 15. 9 17. 1 17. 6 20. 1 18. 1 18. 4 17. 4 16. 5 17. 1 *17.4 13. 8 36. 3 30. 4 34.4 1 32.5 29. 3 37.9 31. 7 28. 9 25. 1 33.9 44. 9 20. 5 41.4 29. 8 43. 5 26. 1 47. 1 22. 9 44. 6 24.4 46. 3 26. 7 38. 5 31.8 1964 ■ ! i : ! ioo . o ioo. o 100. 0 100.0 ioo. o ioo. o 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 40. 0 : 33.7 ! 33. 4 ; 30. 9 ! i 31. 8 i i 39.3 j 41. 7 i 44. 3 ! 46. 5 i 45. 3 ! 44. 9 44. 5 ________ L 32. 2 37. 5 36.4 32.9 27. 0 27. 0 26. 8 25. 1 25. 6 24. 2 26.6 32. 3 , I ! 1 13. 3 16. 7 14. 9 17. 8 22.4 12. 1 9.9 10. 6 9.7 12. 8 11. 5 11.8 ! | i j 147 T ab le G -2 1 . U n e m p lo y e d m a l e w a g e and s a l a r y w o r k e r s in c o n s tr u c tio n and m a n u f a c tu r in g , by d u ra tio n of u n e m p lo y m e n t, an n u a l a v e r a g e and b y m o n th , 196 0—6 8— Continued ______________________________________________________________________________( P e r c e n t d is trib u tio n ) _________________________________________________________________ _____ C o n s tr u c t io n M a n u fa c tu rin g 1 T 1-4 1 5 -14 | 15-26 1--------------- [Average M onth T o ta l i verage 5-14 15-26 O v e r 26 [A [d u ratio n (thou 1 P e r c e n t w 1-4 T o ta l ! P e r c e n t j n eeks weeks weeks w e e k s ! w e e k s ■ w e e k s , O v e r 26 !d( uwrae etio . (w e e k s ) sand) ks) 1965 1965 1 100. 0 43. 2 45. 8 J a n u a r y _______________________ 608 7. 2 3. 8 8. 5 1 0 0.0 ! 45. 9 ! 32. 0 1 1.4 10. 6 11. 8 519 100. 0 34. 3 46. 2 4. 0 j1 10. 2 F e b r u a r y _____________________ 645 15. 5 548 1 100. 0 34. 2 i 13. 5 ; 13. 3 39. 0 ! 13. 9 100. 0 30. 4 42. 0 20. 9 6. 7 1 12. 6 M a r c h _________________________ 540 437 100.0 ; 38. 7 1 30. 0 ! 16. 7 i 14.6 15. 0 A p r i l __________________________ 405 100. 0 32. 6 25. 7 32. 3 9 .4 502 100.0 ; 46. 7 ! 23. 7 j 16 .4 ' 13. 2 i 13.1 15. 5 27. 7 22. 3 4. 1 i 10. 4 M a y ___________________________ 315 ; 1 0 0.0 45. 9 408 1 0 0 .0 ; 41. 7 j 3 0 .4 | 10. 8 j 17. 2 14. 8 14. 6 57. 0 21. 7 6. 8 j 10. 0 J u n e ----------------------------------------405 1 0 0.0 43. 2 j 3 0 .6 8. 4 1 17. 8 309 | 1 0 0.0 15. 5 306 100. 0 26. 1 8. 5 J u l y ___________________________ 370 1 0 0.0 50. 0 i 28. 1 8. 4 | 13.5 ! 1 2 . 6 9. 5 j 10. 9 5 5 .9 100. 0 27. 5 8. 7 A u g u st_________________________ 228 12. 7 12. 3 1 0 0 .0 , 56. 8 ! 26. 7 ! 7 . 2 j 9. 3 i 1 1 . 1 419 51. 1 S e p t e m b e r ____________________ 100. 0 11. 0 300 245 100.0 : 53. 0 ! 20. 0 1 5 . 7 ■ 2 1 .3 ' 16.6 53. 9 25. 3 1 1. 4 9. 8 O c t o b e r _______________________ 100. 0 59. 4 26. 3 5. 8 8. 5 314 i! 100. 0 , 45. 4 j 27. 6 223 10. 9 18. 1 ; 17. 2 8.9 ; 100. 0 56. 2 5 .4 , 9. 3 N o v e m b e r ____________________ 258 358 100. 0 9. 3 29. 1 5 2 .9 j 26. 1 ! 9. 2 ! 11 .8 ' 13.9 D e c e m b e r ____________________ 316 100. 0 23. 1 383 ' 100. 0 50. 0 ! 30. 7 ! 12. 0 63. 9 7. 8 8. 9 1 4. 1 11 .8 i 7' 3 L .. _ 1966 1966 l--------------1 | 4. 4 8 .6 416 100. 0 43. 3 J a n u a r y _______________________ 435 100. 0 53. 3 i 3 7 .2 5. 1 31. 0 1 13. 0 12. 7 14. 1 100. 0 12. 0 41. 5 F e b r u a r y ______________________ ! 448 3 9 .6 - 4 3 .4 432 100. 0 32. 3 14. 2 12. 1 1 14. 9 4. 9 9. 0 100. 0 36. 1 1 38. 6 ! 2 1 .0 4. 3 405 M a r c h ------------------------------------ : 3 9 2 10. 6 10 0.0 44. 9 25. 2 14. 3 15.6 15. 6 100. 0 6. 3 A p r i l -------------------------------------- j 319 43. 8 12. 4 100. 0 45. 7 2 3 .2 : 17. 6 13. 5 15. 5 16 .9 ' 33. 1 289 100. 0 5 4 .6 j 19 .2 ; 17. 9 8. 3 11. 1 293 100. 0 51. 2 , 28. 0 M a y ----------------------------------------- 1 228 7. 2 13. 7 14. 9 J une __________________________ i 206 100. 0 6 6 .3 j 1 9 . 0 : 4 .9 10. 0 408 100. 0 6 .6 8. 2 9. 8 69. 9 ! 16 .4 ' 7. 1 10 0.0 6 8 .4 j 13. 3 7. 1 394 196 1 1. 2 10. 1 100. 0 Ju ly __________________________ 8. 1 9 .4 59. 0 i 2 3 .9 J 8 .9 405 I 100. 0 j 5 9 .4 j 22. 0 ! 5 . 7 i 12.9 1 12. 5 A u g u st------------------------------------- 1 189 i 1 0 0.0 1 64. 0 1 2 0 .6 I 6. 3 j 9. 0 ! 9 .4 10 0.0 60. 8 | 25. 1 ! 3. 0 100. 0 60. 8 ! 18.2 I 9 . 7 S e p t e m b e r ____________________ 1 1. 1 11. 4 1 1. 2 12. 0 329 199 1 0 0 .0 1 57. 1 O c t o b e r _______________________ 1 203 28. 1 278 100. 0 43. 0 ■ 35. 0 | 7. 6 6. 9 14. 4 7. 9 9. 5 13. 2 6. 8 1 0 0.0 ' 66. 3 5. 8 8. 2 100. 0 56. 3 N o v e m b e r ____________________ 1 279 32. 2 1 5. 9 21. 5 5. 6 ! 8. 8 319 100. 0 60. 5 30. 4 4 .6 D e c e m b e r ____________________ 1! 370 4 .6 7. 4 353 i 100. 0 60. 5 23. 0 11 7. 7 8. 8 1 9 .7 i_____ J 1967 1967 .j r 100. 0 50. 1 7. 1 3 .6 3 9 .2 8. 5 422 1 0 0.0 51. 8 J a n u a r y ---------------------------------- ; 412 8. 6 ; 10. 0 29. 7 11. 3 100.0 , 41. 3 ! 44. 8 9 .6 4. 2 F e b r u a r y -------------------------------- ! 426 422 100. 0 47. 2 35. 1 9. 5 9. 7 i 8. 1 . 11. 5 100. 0 4. 5 424 100. 0 35. 5 : 41. 8 j 18. 2 11. 3 43. 2 37. 3 11. 3 i 8. 3 1 1 2 .0 M a r c h ---------------------------------- ; 351 12. 1 375 , 100. 0 43. 2 34. 1 ! 15. 7 I 6 .9 ' 1 1. 3 A p r i l ------------------------------------- | 307 i 1 0 0 . 0 1 4 1 .6 ; 28. 9 ! 21. 1 1 8. 4 16 .4 | 14. 2 227 ; 1 0 0 . 0 : 44. 7 ! 24. 8 13. 5 363 ! 100. 0 53. 0 30. 5 1 11. 8 ! 4. 7 i 9 . 2 M a y ----------------------------------------415 237 ! 100. 0 : 64. 0 | 14. 8 ; 12. 3 1 00. 0 8. 9 57. 9 25. 7 I 11.1 i 5. 3 ; 8 .5 9 .4 100. 0 468 ; 1 0 0 .0 , 63. 0 57. 3 ! 23. 8 i 4. 8 1 14. 3 10. 0 24. 6 J u l y ___________________________ 7. 7 ; 4 . 8 7. 8 189 1 11. 2 1 0 0.0 61. 8 j 27. 1 A u g u s t -----------------------------------172 8. 5 455 100. 0 57. 3 1 2 7 .5 : 8. 1 7.0 9. 0 26. 5 5. 3 7. 6 374 S e p t e m b e r ____________________ 131 ; 1 0 0 .0 ! 6 0 .6 100. 0 55. 2 • 28. 0 , 10. 4 j 6 . 4 9. 3 9. 1 10 0.0 ! 58. 9 O c t o b e r _______________________ 185 23. 2 12. 1 368 100. 0 4 7 .4 34. 3 5. 9 10. 4 ■ 7 . 9 10. 6 11. 9 100. 0 6. 3 364 N o v e m b e r ____________________ ]! 239 5. 0 100. 0 59. 8 ! 28. 9 49. 6 ; 3 0 .6 7. 7 ; 12. 1 12. 4 9. 1 4. 4 100. 0 5 9 .4 ! 28. 4 7. 7 50. 1 100. 0 D e c e m b e r ------------------------------ ! 270 7. 9 3 2 .6 , 7. 2 | 10. 0 10. 8 389 1968 1968 100. 0 46. 4 J a n u a r y ______________________ 445 36. 5 , F e b r u a r y -----------------------------433 ■ 1 0 0.0 37 .6 M a r c h ________________________ 387 ! 10 0.0 A p r i l __________________________ 222 : 1 0 0.0 3 6 .2 ; 184 i 1 0 0.0 48. 1 ; M a y __________________________ 1 0 0.0 63. 5 , 230 J une -------------------------------------57. 8 1 J u l y ___________________________ 191 | 10 0.0 64. 0 : A u g u s t ________________________ | 164 - 10 0.0 74. 1 S e p t e m b e r ____________________ 138 i 10 0.0 O c t o b e r _______________________ 67. 3 167 ! 1 0 0.0 N o v e m b e r ____________________ i 224 100. 0 73. 7 100. 0 54. 1 D e c e m b e r -----------------------------242 i S O U R CE : C u r r e n t P o p u la tio n S u rv e y co n d u c te d for 42. 8 50. 1 37. 8 32. 1 24. 9 2 1 .6 27. 2 20. 1 17. 3 21. 7 17. 4 37. 6 7 .4 10. 9 19. 7 23. 1 21. 6 6. 9 5. 2 4. 3 j 3. 6 3. 6 3. 6 2. 1 3 .4 2. 5 4 .9 8. 6 5 .4 8. 1 9. 8 11. 6 5. 0 7. 4 5. 4 6. 2 7. 9 8. 6 11.2 14. 1 9 .9 7. 8 9. 6 8. 3 6. 5 9- 1 7. 2 8 .5 j ! 1 | 391 465 429 338 324 367 381 382 312 336 344 285 100. 0 42. 5 1 0 0 .0 « 52. 3 1 0 0 .0 ! 44. 4 41. 1 1 0 0.0 100.0 ; 50. 0 100.0 ! 59. 8 1 0 0.0 j 54. 6 1 0 0 .0 ] 5 9 .9 1 0 0.0 58. 8 : 100. 0 5 2 .4 100. 0 55. 5 100. 0 5 2 .6 , ' , ! j 38. 9 30. 8 34. 7 3 3 .4 2 4 .4 16.9 26. 5 25. 1 24. 0 37. 2 34. 0 35.1 9 .5 8. 2 13. 3 16. 3 1 6 .0 13. 1 9. 3 ! 7. 1 ; 11 .8 i 6. 3 i 6. 7 8. 1 1 : , i ! : i \ ; : j ! 1 j 9. 1 8. 8 7. 7 9 .2 9 .6 10. 1 9. 3 7. 9 5. 4 4. 3 3. 8 4. 2 the BLS, by the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . T ab le G -2 2 . P r o p o r t i o n of w ag e and s a l a r y w o r k e r s e x p e r ie n c in g u n e m p lo y m e n t d u rin g the y e a r by in d u s tr y g ro u p of lo n g e st jo b , 1959—68 N o n a g r ic u ltu r a l Year C o n s tr u c t io n M a n u f a c tu r in g in d u s tr i e s 1959__________________________________ 15. 8 38. 0 19. 5 43. 4 I960 _________________________________ 17. 7 2 1 .7 18. 7 1961 _________________________________ 43. 9 22. 0 1962 _________________________________ 17. 9 43. 0 20. 5 16. 5 38. 1 1963 _________________________________ 19. 4 16. 1 1964 _________________________________ 36. 1 18.4 1965 _________________________________ 31. 8 15. 6 13.9 12. 5 27. 3 1966 13. 9 12. 4 26. 4 14. 6 1967 ................................................................... 12. 0 24. 2 1968 -------------------------------------------------13. 1 SOUR CE : C u r r e n t P o p u la tio n S u rv e y c o n du c te d fo r the BLS, by the B u r e a u of the C e n s u s . 148 ☆ U. S. G O V E R N M E N T PRIN TIN G O F F I C E : 1970 O - 397-346 1 1. 3 10. 6 1 1. 1 12. 6 1 1.4 10. 6 9 .6 9. 0 8. 0 7. 9 7. 8 8. 1 / U.S. D E P A R T M E N T O F L A B O R BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS W A S H IN G T O N , D .C . 20212 OFFICIAL BUSINESS THIRD CLASS MAIL