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Salaries of White-Collar Workers in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska, May-June 1963 Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations • Bulletin No. 1392 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Ewan Clague, Commissioner Salaries of White-Collar Workers in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska, May-June 1963 Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations and Scheduled Weekly Hours Paid Holidays and Paid Vacations Health, Insurance, and Pension Plans Cash Bonuses Bulletin No. 1392 January 1964 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. WiHard Wirtz, Secretary BUREAU O F LABOR STATISTICS Ewon* Clague, Commissioner For sale by the Superintendent o f Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price 40 cents P reface The results of the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys of salaries and supplementary practices relating to white-collar employees in major labor m ar kets of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska are summarized in this bulletin. The data, obtained by personal visits of Bureau field economists, reflect salaries in effect in May 1963 in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and in June 1963 in Alaska, These surveys were conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics upon request of the Bureau of the Budget and the Civil Service Commission in connec tion with their Federal salary responsibilities. In order to provide a basis for comparing rates of pay in each of the locations mentioned with the national level, the surveys were patterned from the Bureau? s annual National Survey of Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Pay (BLS Bulletin 1387). The full list of 77 occupation work levels, as defined for the nationwide survey was used in the study in each area. (See appendix B. ) The specific job functions and responsibilities determining classification, and the number of work levels selected for study, vary from occu pation to occupation. The salary data in this report, therefore, relate to em ployees meeting the criteria as specified in the survey definitions, and not to all employees in each field of work. All data obtained for the occupation work levels studied, unidentified by establishment, were made available to the Bureau of the Budget and the Civil Service Commission for administrative use. Data for some of the work levels which did not meet publication criteria could be used for comparison with Federal salaries by combining data for work levels studied that were equivalent to a specific Classification Act grade, as determined by the Commission. Such com parisons, as well as comparisons with salary levels in other areas of mainland United States or nationwide, are not included in this report. This bulletin was prepared by Boyd B. 0*N eal, J r ., under the super vision of Louis E. Badenhoop, in the Bureau1s Division of Occupational Pay, under the general direction of Leonard R. Linsenmayer, Assistant Commissioner for Wages and Industrial Relations. Field work for the Alaska and Hawaii studies was directed by John L. Dana, and for the Puerto Rico study by Louis B. Woytych, the Bureau* s Assistant Regional Directors for Wages and Industrial Relations, San Francisco and Atlanta regional*officea, respectively. Hi Consents Page The Honolulu, Hawaii, survey, May 1963_____________________________________ 1 Supplementary wages benefits______________________________________________ 5 Charts: 1. 2. Average monthly salaries in 3 office occupations, urban areas in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, May 1963, and Alaska, June 1963 --------Office workers1 paid holiday and vacation time, urban areas in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, May 1963, and Alaska, June 1963 ________ 2 2 Tables: 1. Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in 2. Percent distribution of employees in selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations by average monthly sa la r ie s_____________________________________________ Percent distribution of office workers by scheduled 3. 4. 5. 6. Percent distribution of office workers by number of paid holidays provided annually____________________________________________ Percent distribution of office workers by vacation pay 7 9 Percent of office workers employed in establishments providing health, insurance,or pension benefits_____________________ Percent distribution of office workers by type of supplementary cash bonus payments__________________________________ 10 The Mayaguez, Ponce, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, survey, May 1963 _____ Average s a la r ie s____________________________________________________________ 11 11 Supplementary wage benefits____ ___________________________________________ 14 7. 10 Tables: 8. 9. 10* 11. 12. 13. 14. Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry________________________________________________________ Percent distribution of employees in selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations by average monthly salaries _____________________________________________ Percent distribution of office workers by scheduled weekly Percent distribution of office workers by number of paid holidays provided annually____________________________________________ Percent distribution of office workers by vacation pay Percent of office workers employed in establishments providing health, insurance, orpension benefits _____________________ Percent distribution of office workers by type of supplementary cash bonus payments__________________________________ v 15 16 18 20 20 Contents— Continued Page The Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, Alaska, survey, June 1963_____________________________________________________ Average salaries______________________________________________ Hours of work_________________________________________________________________ Supplementary wage benefits-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 21 22 23 Tables: 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Employment and average salaries for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry____________________________________________________ -___ Percent distribution of employees in selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations by average monthly salaries______________________________________________ Percent distribution of office workers by scheduled weekly hours____ Percent distribution of office workers by number of paid holidays provided annually_____________________________________________ Percent distribution of office workers by vacation pay provisions---------------------------------------Percent of office workers employed in establishments providing health, insurance,or pension benefits______________________ Percent distribution of office workers by type of supplementary cash bonus payments__________________________________ 24 25 27 27 28 29 29 Appendixes: A. B. Scope and method of survey__________________________________________ __ Occupational definitions_________________________________________________ vi 30 33 Salaries o f While-Collar Workers in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska, May—June 1963 This bulletin presents, in separate sections, data on salaries and related supplementary benefits for selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupations in urban areas of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska. Although 77 occupation work levels were studied in each area, the number of levels for which salary data are presented varies among the areas. For some occupations and levels, salaries could not be presented because either (l) employment was too small to provide enough data to permit, publication, or (2) there was a pos sibility of disclosure of individual establishment data. For those occupations that could be compared, salary levels in Hawaii were distinctly below those in Alaska, but well above salary levels in Puerto Rico. This is illustrated by the three representative clerical occupations shown in chart 1. The lower salaries in Puerto Rico were offset, at least in part, by more liberal provisions for paid vacations and paid holidays. (See chart 2.) The Honolulu, Hawaii, Survey, May 1963 The survey of salaries for selected white-collar occupations which was conducted in Hawaii in May 1963 relates to the Honolulu Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (Honolulu County). In the I960 census this area had a popu lation of about 500,500, which included approximately four-fifths of the popu lation of the State. Among the industries studied, establishments with 50 workers or more employed approximately 56, 300 workers in the period surveyed. Almost a fourth of these were employed in manufacturing, chiefly in raw sugar process ing, pineapple canning, printing and publishing, and apparel manufacturing. Within nonmanufacturing, the industries with the highest proportion of the 42, 700 total employment were transportation, communication, and other public utilities as a group, and retail trade, each with more than a fifth of these workers. The r e maining nonmanufacturing employment was about equally represented in contract construction, wholesale trade, finance, and service industries. Employment in white-collar occupations was distributed somewhat differently than total employ ment. Manufacturing and contract construction industries, for example, accounted for smaller proportions of the white-collar employment, whereas the finance industries, with a tenth of the total employment, accounted for approximately a fourth of the white-collar workers. Employment and salary data are presented in this bulletin for 32 of the 77 selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupation work levels as defined for the study. The 32 work levels accounted for 2,718 employees representing about 15 percent of the estimated total white-collar employment in the establishments within scope of the study. 2 Chart 1. A verage Monthly Salaries in 3 O ffice Occupations Urban Areas in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, May 1963, and Alaska June 1963 Average Monthly Salaries 0________ $100_______ $ 2 0 0 _______ $300 for Selected Occupations $400_______ $500_______$ 6 0 0 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU Of LA80R STATISTICS Chart 2. Office W orkers’ Paid Holiday and Vacation Time Urban Areas in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, May 1963, and Alaska June 1963 Average Annual Number of Days Average Number of Weeks (For workers with 1 year’s service) 15 12 9 6 3 0 PAID HOLIDAY TIME UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU Of LABOR STATISTICS PAID VACATION TIME 3 Although women accounted for about two-thirds of the employment in the selected occupations, they were nearly all employed in clerical positions. In ad dition to accounting for almost all of the professional, administrative, and technical positions, men accounted for about nine-tenths of the tabulating-machine operators and also were employed as bookkeeping-machine operators, accounting clerks, and office boys. The salaries presented include special differentials paid to employees in Hawaii by companies with headquarters in mainland States. In four establishments with headquarters in other States, representing approximately a fifth of all such establishments studied, the differentials over the mainland salaries paid to e li gible employees in the occupations studied ranged from about 10 to 25 percent. In most instances, these differentials applied to employees transferred to Hawaii from the mainland, and in 3 of 4 establishments they applied only to employees in professional, administrative, or technical positions. Average Salaries Average (mean) monthly salaries for the 32 occupation work levels pre sented in table 1 ranged from $241 for file clerks I to $1,221 for engineers VI. These levels ranged from clerks performing simple filing to engineers with full technical responsibility for planning and directing engineering projects of major scope. 1 For the five levels of accountants defined for survey, salary data are presented for levels II through V. Average monthly salaries ranged from $515 for accountants H, a level above entry positions for inexperienced accounting graduates, to $921 for accountants V, who are involved with complex technical and managerial problems of accounting systems. Accountants HI, who repre sented more than half the accountants in the levels surveyed, averaged $650 a month. Monthly salaries of engineers ranged from $605 for level I, the pro fessional trainee level usually requiring a B. S. degree, to $1,221 for those in level VI. Engineers at level VI typically direct a small staff of project en gineers and have full technical responsibility for planning and directing a number of large and important projects or a project of major scope and importance. Salaries of engineers and chemists could be compared in levels HI and V; en gineers averaged $681 and $1,0 3 4 , respectively, and chemists in the correspond ing levels averaged $670 and $1,069. Two-thirds of the engineers were employed in public utilities and construction industries combined, with about equal propor tions in each. Senior draftsmen, those fully experienced, were paid $537 a month on the average, whereas for the less experienced or junior draftsmen the average wa s $382. Among the 17 clerical occupation work levels represented in the survey, average monthly salaries ranged from $241 for file clerks I, who performed routine filing, to $513 for tabulating-machine operators HI, who operate a variety of machines and perform the wiring for long and complex tabulating assignments. Monthly average salaries between $300 and $400 were recorded for nine of the work levels. Accounting clerks and stenographers accounted for approximately half the clerical workers in the jobs studied. These occupations were well dis tributed among various industry divisions within scope of the survey, compared Classification o f employees in the occupations and work levels surveyed was based on factors detailed in the definitions in appendix B. 4 to others that were more concentrated in certain industries. About half the keypunch and tabulating-machine operators, for example, were employed in finance industries. Percent distributions of employees by monthly salaries are shown in table 2. Within nearly all occupation work levels, salaries of the highest paid employees were at least one and one-half times the salaries of the lowest paid employees in the same work level. These distributions also show marked over lapping of salaries between work levels of the same occupation and between occu pations with substantially different salary levels. The ranges in salaries paid individuals in the same job category reflect salary differences among establish ments as well as within establishments. Salary differences for the same job category in an establishment may be accounted for by differences in ability, experience, or performance, as determined informally on an individual basis or as provided for under formal plans with established salary ranges for each grade level. Hours of Work The length of the workweek on which the regular straight-time salary was based was obtained for employees in the occupations studied. As shown in the following tabulation, the average weekly hours varied somewhat among occupations and levels. Average weekly hours Occupation and level 3 8 .0 ------------------------------------------------- Accountants V; chemists V; clerks, file III; stenographers, senior. 38. 5------------------------------------------------- Clerks, file I and II; keypunch operators II; stenographers, general. 3 9 .0 ----------------------------------------- Accountants III and IV; chief accountants II; chemists HI; engineers IV; clerks, account ing II; tabulating-machine operators HI; typists I and II. 39. 5------------------------------------------------- Accountants II; engineers II, V, and VI; bookkeeping-machine operators I; clerks, accounting I; keypunch operators I; office boys or girls; switchboard operators; tab ulating-machine operators II. 4 0 ,0 ---------------------------------------------— Engineers I and III; draftsmen, junior and senior; bookkeeping-machine operators II. These differences in average weekly hours reflect variations in the dis tribution of employees among industries in which salaries are based on work weeks of fewer than 40 hours. The number of hours per week which a majority of the full-time nonsupervisory office workers were scheduled to work was obtained (table 3). The scheduled workweek for office workers was 40 hours in establishments employing nearly four-fifths of these workers. A majority of the office workers on shorter workweeks were on 35-hour schedules. More than half the office workers on such schedules were employed in finance industries. 5 Supplementary Wage Benefits Information presented on selected supplementary wage benefits relates to provisions applying to nonsupervisory office workers, although others in higher level positions may receive the same benefits. Each provision was tabulated as applying to all nonsupervisory office workers in an establishment if a majority were eligible or could eventually meet the eligibility requirements. Paid holidays were provided to nearly all office workers. Although the number of paid holidays given annually varied widely, a majority of these workers received 9 days or more (table 4). A fourth of the office workers received 11 or 12 paid holidays, most of whom were employed in banks. Paid vacations after qualifying periods of service were given to office workers in establishments employing 97 percent of these workers. The service requirements were usually 1 year for 2 weeks with pay, and 5 years or less for 3 weeks, in establishments employing a majority of the office workers (table 5). Four weeks with pay were given, usually after 20 years of service, in establish ments employing more than two-fifths of the office workers. With a few exceptions, these workers were in banks, insurance companies, and public utilities. Health, insurance, and pension benefits applying to office workers, pre sented in table 6, are provided under plans to which the employers paid at least part of the cost. Life, hospitalization, surgical and medical insurance coverage was available to more than nine-tenths of the office workers. Nearly the same proportion of these workers were covered by sick benefit plans, most of which provided for sick leave at full pay without a waiting period. Pension plans, providing regular payments for life after retirement (in addition to legally required coverage), applied in establishments employing nearly three-fourths of the office workers. Nonproduction bonus plans providing for cash payments to all or a m a jority of the office workers were in effect in establishments with two-fifths of these workers (table 7). Bonuses paid under profit-sharing plans were more prevalent than Christmas or year end bonuses. 6 Table 1 Employment and Average Salaries for Selected Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations in Private Industry,1 Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1963 Monthly s a la r ie s 1 2 Occupation and cla ss (See definitions in appendix B) Number of em ployees Annual s a la r ie s 2 M iddle range4 Mean Median 3 F irs t quartile Middle ra n ge4 Mean M ed ian3 $ 6 , 180 7,8 0 0 9 ,5 6 4 11,052 9,876 $ 6 ,0 6 0 7,7 4 0 9 ,972 11,256 9,768 8,0 4 0 12,828 8,2 5 6 11,928 708 802 731 904 1,086 1,313 7 ,2 6 0 8, 124 8, 172 9,948 12, 408 14,652 T hird quartile F irs t T hird quartile quartile Accountants Accountants II --------------------------------Accountants HI --------------------------------Accountants IV --------------------------------Accountants V _____________________ Chief accountants II_________________ 24 64 30 7 31 $515 650 797 921 823 $505 645 831 938 814 $489 593 748 $524 709 866 766 839 13 6 670 1,069 688 994 31 34 103 65 80 21 605 677 681 829 1,034 1, 221 617 621 700 831 1,035 1,228 517 603 623 771 948 1, 192 43 65 382 537 378 538 329 472 425 614 132 72 356 237 72 29 4 122 50 102 197 210 130 87 20 194 87 299 360 311 435 241 275 399 305 364 255 330 384 316 426 513 264 348 292 356 310 426 242 263 270 310 274 391 231 246 331 395 356 493 258 284 297 350 247 331 394 309 430 518 267 330 275 330 218 292 348 279 391 485 236 300 334 393 299 367 427 338 469 567 293 400 $ 5 ,8 6 8 7, 116 8,976 $ 6 ,2 8 8 8,5 0 8 10,392 9,192 10,068 7 ,4 0 4 7,4 5 2 8 ,400 9 ,972 12,420 14,736 6 ,2 0 4 7,2 3 6 7,4 7 6 9 ,252 11,376 14, 304 8 ,4 9 6 9 ,6 2 4 8 ,7 7 2 10,848 13,032 15,756 4, 584 6 ,4 4 4 4 ,536 6 ,4 5 6 3,948 5, 664 5, 100 7, 368 3,588 4, 320 3,732 5,2 2 0 2,892 3,300 4,7 8 8 3, 660 4, 368 3,060 3,960 4,6 0 8 3,792 5, 112 6, 156 3, 168 4, 176 3,504 4, 272 3,720 5, 112 2 ,9 0 4 3, 156 3,240 3,720 3, 288 4,6 9 2 2,772 2, 952 3,972 4,740 4, 272 5 ,916 3,096 3*, 408 3,5 6 4 4, 200 2, 964 3, 972 4,728 3,708 5, 160 6,216 3 ,204 3, 960 3, 300 3,960 2,616 3,5 0 4 4, 176 3,348 4,6 9 2 5,820 2 ,832 3,600 4 ,008 4,716 3, 588 4, 404 5, 124 4,056 5,628 6 ,8 0 4 3,516 4, 800 Chem ists and Engineers C hem ists I H _________________________ C hem ists V -----------------------------------------E ngineers E ngineers E ngineers E ngineers E ngineers E ngineers I — -------II ______ —r----------------------_____ _____ H I-. IV — — — — V Tr-,---r—r. — irr— VI _ — ---------------------- • Draftsm en Draftsm en, ju n io r ------------------------------D raftsm en, s e n i o r ___________________ C lerica l B ookkeeping-m achine op era tors I ___ B ookkeeping-m achine op era tors II — C lerk s, accounting I ------------------------ C lerk s, accounting I I ----------------------— C lerk s, file I _________________ _______ C lerk s, file H ________________________ C lerk s, file H I _______________________ Keypunch op era tors I ---------------------— Keypunch op era tors II---------------------— O ffice boys o r g irls — — ------------------Stenographers, general -------------- —— Stenographers, s e n i o r --------- ------------Switchboard o p e r a t o r s ----------------------Tabulating-m achine op era tors I I------Tabulating-m achine op era tors IH ____ Typists I _________________ „-------- . ____ Typists II ------------- — --- ------—— 1 F or scope o f study, see table in appendix A. 2 Salaries rep orted relate to the standard sala ries that w ere paid fo r standard w ork schedules, i . e . , to the straigh t-tim e salary correspon din g to the em ployee* s n orm al w ork schedule excluding overtim e h ou rs. 3 Medians are om itted fo r occupations that had few er than 5 em p loyees. 4 The m iddle range (interquartile) used here is the cen tral part o f the a rra y excluding the upper and low er fourths o f the em ployee distribution. M iddle ranges are om itted fo r occupations that had few er than 15 em p loyees. Table 2. Percent Distribution of Employees in Selected Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations1 by Average Monthly Salaries, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1963 " tHhZet"' account ants Accountants A verage m onthly sala ries H HI IV $425 and under $450 — ^ ----$450 and under $475 $475 and under $ 500 ------------ 4 5 .8 - _ - $ 500 $ 525 $550 $575 and and and and under under under under $ 525 _______ $ 550 _______ $575 ---- ,------$ 6 0 0 ________ 33. 3 4 .2 4 .2 6. 3 3.1 9 .4 9 .4 $ 600 $625 $650 $675 and and and and under under under under $625 ________ $650 r_ _ $675 -----------$700 $700 $725 $ 750 $775 and and and and under under under under $725 $ 750 -----$775 -----------$800 4 .2 _ $ 800 $825 $850 $875 and and and and under under under under $ 825 $850 $875 -----------$900 ________ $900 $025 $050 $975 and and and and under under under under $925 -----------$050 ----$075 $ 1, 0 0 0 _____ $ 1, 000 $ 1, 050 $ 1,100 $ 1,150 $ 1, 200 and and and and and under under under under under $ 1 ,0 5 0 $ 1,100 $ 1,150 $ 1, 200 $ 1, 250 ___ __ __ ^— .... $ 1,250 and under $ 1, 3 0 0 ---$ 1, 300 and under $ 1, 350 . . . . $ 1, 350 and o v e r _____________ Total Number o f e m p lo y e e s _______ A verage m onthly s a l a r i e s ___ III H V E ngineers H I - - _ “ _ - _ _ - _ - _ 15.4 - _ " 2 9 .0 9 .7 - 12.5 12.5 12.5 7 .8 _ 3 .3 3. 3 _ - _ 6 .5 - 7 .7 1 5.4 7 .7 1 5.4 _ - 10. 0 1 0.0 13.3 3 .3 _ 3 .2 - - - 7 .8 1.6 4 .7 1.6 _ 38.5 - - _ . - 1.6 7 .8 1.6 6 .7 6 .7 3 3.3 3. 3 _ 6 .7 _ 4 .2 4 .2 _ - - - - - - - - - _ - 2 5 .8 - 14.3 14. 3 14. 3 2 9 .0 22.6 - _ 2 8.6 3 .2 _ . - _ - - - - - - - - - _ 6 .5 _ 16.7 _ 16.7 33. 3 IV m - - - _ 2 .9 11. 8 8 .8 _ 5 .8 - _ - _ - 9 .7 6 .5 12.9 2 0.6 8 .8 5 .9 2 1 .4 13.6 5 .8 3 .9 4 .6 _ - _ “ 9 .7 16.1 - 8 .8 2 .9 5 .9 2 1 .4 15.5 4 .9 - 7 .7 1.5 13.8 6 .2 _ - _ - 11.8 2 .9 5 .9 - 4 .9 1.0 1 .0 - 15.4 6 .2 15.4 3. 1 _ 3 .8 1. 3 _ - 2 .9 - 1 .0 13.8 10. 0 11. 3 5 .0 - 4 .8 4 .8 - _ - _ - - - - “ 3. 1 6 .2 _ 3. 1 _ _ _ - _ _ - - - _ - - - - 14. 3 6 .5 - - - - _ - _ - - - _ - - . _ _ _ - - - - 3 .2 - - - _ _ _ _ _ 14. 3 _ _ _ - - - - - - - . - - 100.0 24 $515 100.0 64 $650 100.0 30 $797 100.0 7 $921 100.0 31 $823 100. 0 16.7 16.7 - 100. 0 13 6 $670 $1,069 VI - -• _ _ V _ _ See footnotes at end o f table. V C hem ists - - - _ _ _ 2 7 .5 2 3 .8 5 .0 2 .5 6. 3 - - - - 2 .5 1. 3 - - - - - _ 4 .8 _ _ 14. 3 4 2 .9 4 .8 9 .5 1 4.4 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 31 $605 34 $677 103 $681 65 $829 80 $1,034 21 $1,221 8 Table 2. Percent Distribution of Employees in Selected Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations1 by Average Monthly Salaries, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1963— Continued A verage monthly sala ries D rafts D rafts men, men, junior senior $200 $225 $250 $275 and and and and under under under under $225$250— $ 275— $300- $300 $325 $350 $375 and and and and tinder under tinder under $325$350$375— $400— 18.6 14.0 11.6 23. 3 1. 5 1. 5 $400 $425 $450 $475 and and and and under tinder tinder tinder $425$450— $475$500- 4. 7 18.6 2. 3 2 .3 3.1 4. 6 16.9 16.9 $500 $525 $550 $575 and and and and tinder under tinder under $525$550— $575— $600— 4 .6 3. 1 7 .7 3. 1 $600 $625 $650 $675 and and and and tinder tinder tinder tinder $625— $650$675$ 700- 23. 1 T otal— Number of em p loy ees-------A verage monthly sala ries - Bookkeeping machine op erators 11. 14. 5. 1. 4 4 3 5 6.1 .8 4. 2 12. 5 20.8 11. 1 8 .3 23.6 1 .4 8. 3 1 .4 1 .4 III 5. 7. 13. 16. 3 0 5 3 12.5 55.6 2 6 .4 5.6 0.8 6.6 31. 0 4 1 .4 13.8 2. 1 18.0 27.9 2. 0 18.9 9 .8 4. 1 4 .9 12. 0 34. 0 8. 0 28. 0 8. 0 4. 0 4. 0 20. 2 10. 4 10. 1 7 .9 7 .6 9 .3 9 .3 25. 0 6 .7 2. 0 .6 2 1.5 7. 2 10. 5 2 5.0 50. 0 4.1 4 .9 100.0 100.0 4 $399 $305 11.0 7 .6 6 .9 8.0 5.1 .8 12. 3 1. 5 100.0 1 0 0 .0 43 65 $537 $382 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 132 $299 72 $360 356 $311 O ffice boys or girls and and and and under under under under $225$250$275$300- 34. 3 18. 6 7.8 15.7 0. 13.7 15.7 $300 $325 $350 $375 and and and and under under under under $325$350$375$400- 12. 7 8. 8 2 0 .8 $400 $425 $450 $475 and and and and under under under under $425$450$475$500- $500 $525 $550 $575 and and and and under under under under $525$550$575$600- $600 $625 $650 $675 and and and and under under under under $625$650$675$700- 2.0 1 0 0 .0 237 $435 100. 0 100. 0 72 $241 Switch Stenog Stenog board raphers, raphers. o p e ra general senior tors $200 $225 $250 $275 15. 2 13. 7 10. 7 6. 1 .5 1.0 1. 5 5 1 .4 5 .4 16.9 16. 2 29 $275 Tabulating machine op era tors II 33. 8 8 .5 3.8 2. 3 10. 3 5 .7 9 .2 21. 0 21.9 2.9 .5 .8 17. 2 6 .9 21.8 6.2 10. 3 8. 0 1. 0 1. 1 12.6 122 100. 0 50 $364 T ypists HI 15. 21. 20. 26. 1.1 7. 1 17.6 16. 2 10. 5 5 1 1 3 6. 7 6. 7 2. 6 1. 0 5. 7 10. 3 23. 0 17. 2 10. 3 3 .4 16 .1 10. 3 3 .4 20. 0 15.0 2 5.0 5 .0 20. 0 5 .0 10. 0 T otal------------------------- 100.0 100. 0 1 0 0 .0 Number o f em p loy ees-------A verage monthly sala ries - 102 $255 197 $330 210 $384 1 F o r scope of study, see table in appendix A. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums o f individual item s may not equal 100. Keypunch op erators C lerk s, file II 1. 5 8. 3 18.9 31.8 4. 7 C lerks, accounting 130 $316 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 87 $426 20 6513 194 $264 87 $348 9 Table 5. P e rce n t Distribution o f O ffice W orkers by V acation P ay P ro v isio n s , Honolulu, Hawaii, 1 May 1963 Table 3. P ercen t Distribution of O ffice W orkers by Scheduled W eekly H ours, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1 May 1963 P ercen t W eekly hours A ll office w orkers - 100 ----------------------- 13 1 2 5 (1 2) 78 (2) 35 _________________________________________ O ver 35 and under 37V2 ________________ 37Vz ------------------------------------------------------Dv p r 38 and under 40 _ _ _______ O yer 40 n,., 1 F or scop e o f study, see table in appendix A. 2 L ess than 0 .5 percen t. NOTE: B ecause o f rounding, item s m ay not equal 100. sums of individual Table 4. P ercen t Distribution of O ffice W orkers by Number o f Paid Holidays P rov ided Annually, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1 May 1963 Item A ll o ffice w orkers ___________________ W orkers in establishm ents providing paid holidays —------------------------------------W orkers in establishm ents providing no paid h o lid a y s _____________ —---------- P ercen t 100 (2) (2) (2) <2) (?) (2 ) 12 2 (2) 22 2 7 12 3 9 (2) 14 12 Total holiday t im e 3 17 8a y« 11 o r m ore days _______________________ 10 o r m ore d a y s --- --------------------------------9V2 o r m ore d a y s------- ----------------------9 o r m ore days ------------------------------8V2 o r m ore days----------------------------------8 o r m ore d a y s - . ------------- ------------------7V2 o r m ore d a y s --- ----------------------------- -7 o r m ore d a y s . ------------------------------------6V2 o r m ore d a y s . . ---------------- ------6 or m o re d a y s ______________________ 5 o r m o re d a y s . ------------------------------ -----3 or m ore days ----------------------------------- 12 27 36 39 58 61 82 84 97 97 99 99 99 1 F or s cop e of study, see table in appendix A . 2 L ess than 0 .5 p ercen t. 3 A ll com binations o f full and half days that add to the sam e amount a re com bined; fo r exam ple, the p rop ortion o f w orkers receiv in g a total o f 7 days includes those with 7 full days and no half days, 6 full days and 2 half days, 5 full days and 4 half days, and so on. P r o portions w ere then cumulated. A ll o ffice w o r k e r s _____________________ P ercen t 100 Method o f paym ent W orkers in establishm ents providing paid vacations -----------L e n g th -of-tim e paym ent ________ _ W orkers in establishm ents providing no paid vacations _______ _ 97 97 3 Amount o f vacation p a y 2 A fter 6 months o f s e r v ic e : 1 week ______ ______________________ _ 2 weeks ----------------------------------------------- 3 1 A fter 1 year o f s e r v ic e : 1 w e e k ___________ _______ _ _______ 2 w e e k s _________________ __ _________ 3 weeks ----------------------------------------------- 14 67 19 A fte r 2 years o f s e rv ice : 1 week ______________________ _—, . 2 weeks __________ .. __ —_____ ____ _ 3 weeks ----------------------------------------------- 1 79 19 A fter 3 years o f s e rv ice : 1 w eek. . ___ _ ___ _____ „_______________ 2 weeks __,r--^r.— 3 weeks ----------------------------------------------- 1 62 37 A fter 4 years of s e rv ice : 1 week __________________ ______. . . . . —2 weeks ______________________________ 3 weeks ______________________________ 1 62 37 A fter 5 years o f s e rv ice : 1 week ______________________________ 2 weeks - _____________ _______________ _ O ver 2 and under 3 weeks ----------3 weeks ----------------------------------------------- 1 43 (3) 56 A fter 10 years o f s e r v ic e : 1 UfPplf ,, ...... 2 weeks ___________ _________________ 3 weeks ----------------------------------------------- 1 24 75 A fter 12 years o f s e r v ic e : 1 week ______________________________ 2 weeks —________ -__ ___________ — _ 3 weeks ----------------------------------------------- 1 24 75 A fter 15 years o f s e r v ic e : 1 wftftlr ... _ . .. . . __ 2 weeks - ________________ ____________ 3 weeks ------- ------------------------------------4 weeks - ____________________________ O ver 4 weeks ________________________ 1 14 84 1 (3) A fte r 20 years o f s e r v ic e : 1 week - ______________ __ ___________ — 2 weeks _____________________________ 3 weeks _________________ ________ ____ 4 week* .. ... O ver 4 weeks ________________________ 1 13 49 34 3 A fte r 25 years o f s e rv ice : 1 week -------------- --------------------------2 weeks 3 weeks ______________________________ 4 weeks _____________________________ O ver 4 weeks ________________________ 1 13 41 42 3 99 Number o f days 3 h o l i d a y s .______________________________ 5 h o l i d a y s ._____________________________— 6 h o l i d a y s ._____________________________— 6 holidays plus 1 half day ______ 6 holidays plus 2 half d a y s . ----------------7 h o l i d a y s .______________________________ 7 holidays plus 1 half day ------------------__ 7 holidays plus 2 half days ___________ 8 holidays ___________________________ 8 holidays plus 1 half day -----------------8 holidays plus 2 half days -------------- — 9 h o l i d a y s .______________________________ 9 holidays plus 1 half day _ ___________ 10 holidays ---------------------------------10 holidays plus 2 half days ---------------11 holidays ____________________________ _ 12 holidays ------------------- -------- — . Vacation p o licy 1 F o r scop e o f study, see table in appendix A . 2 P eriod s o f s e r v ic e w ere a rb itra rily chosen and do not n e c e ss a r ily re fle ct the individual p ro v isio n s fo r p r o g re ssio n s. F o r exam ple, the changes in p rop ortions in dicated at 10 y e a rs 1 s e rv ice include changes in p rov ision s o ccu rrin g between 5 and 10 yea rs. Estim ates are cum u lative. Thus, the p rop ortion re ceiv in g 3 weeks* pay o r m o re after 5 yea rs includes those who re ce iv e 3 weeks* pay o r m ore a fter few er years o f s e r v ic e . 3 L ess than 0. 5 p ercen t. 10 Table 6. P ercen t of O ffice W orkers Em ployed in Estab lishm ents Providing Health, Insurance, o r Pension B e n e fits ,1 Honolulu, Hawaii, 2 May 1963 Type o f benefit A ll office w orkers ,---- ------- --- P ercen t A ll o ffice w orkers 93 63 90 5 P ercen t ---------------------------- - W orkers in establishm ents paying supplem entary cash bonuses ______ Christm as o r y e a re n d ___________ P ro fit s h a rin g _____________________ _ W orkers in establishm ents paying no supplem entary cash bonuses _____ 100 40 17 23 60 88 2 95 95 95 82 74 (4) 1 Includes those plans fo r which at least part o f the cost is borne by the em ployer, excepting only legal requirem ents such as w orkm en’ s com pensation, s o cia l secu rity, and ra ilroa d retirem ent. 2 F or scop e o f study, see table in appendix A. 3 Unduplicated total o f w orkers receiv in g sick leave o r sickness and accident insurance shown separately below. Sick leave plans are lim ited to those which definitely establish at least the m inimum number o f days* pay that can be expected by each em ployee. Inform al s ick leave allow ances determ ined on an individual basis a re excluded. 4 L ess than 0 .5 p ercen t. Cash bonus plan 100 W orkers in establishm ents providing: Life in s u ra n c e ^ .------------------------ -----A ccid ental death and d ism em b er ment insurance ------------ ------Sickness and accident insurance or sick leave o r b oth 1 3 __________ 2 Sickness and accident insurance -------------- — ------Sick leave (full pay and no waiting period) — ---------------------Sick leave (partial pay or waiting p e r io d ) ________________ H ospitalization in s u ra n c e --- -----------Surgical in s u ra n c e --------------------------M edical insurance --------------------------Catastrophe in s u ra n c e --------------------R etirem ent pension p la n ----------------No health, insurance, o r pension p lan _______________________ Table 7. P e rce n t D istribution o f O ffice W orkers by Type o f Supplem entary Cash Bonus P a y m e n ts,1 Honolulu, Hawaii, 2 May 1963 1 Supplem entary nonproduction bonuses paid in cash to a m a jo rity o f the o ffice w o rk e rs. 2 F o r scop e o f study, see table in appendix A . The Mayaguez, Ponce, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, Survey, May 1963 The survey of salaries for selected white-collar occupations, conducted in Puerto Rico in May 1963, relates to the Mayaguez, Ponce, and San Juan metropolitan areas (municipalities of Mayaguez, Ponce, San Juan, Catano, Bayamdn, and Guaynabo). These areas had a combined population of approximately 818,000 in the I960 census, and included almost 35 percent of the population of the Commonwealth. Among the industries surveyed, approximately 81,700 workers were employed in establishments with 50 workers or more during the period studied. Approximately two-fifths of the total were employed in manufacturing. The principal industries, in terms of employment, were apparel; food and related products; electrical machinery and equipment; furniture and fixtures; and cement, concrete, and glass products. Within nonmanufacturing, the industries with the highest proportions of the 48,900 total employment were contract construction (30 percent) and transportation, communication, and other public utilities (24 per cent). The remaining employment in nonmanufacturing was divided among whole sale trade, retail trade, and finance industries, with approximately 13 percent in each, and service industries with about 8 percent. Manufacturing and contract construction industries accounted for smaller proportions of the employment in white-collar occupations than were indicated for total employment. In contrast, the finance industries, with less than a tenth of the total employment, accounted for a fourth of all white-collar employees. Employment and salary data could be presented for 27 of the 77 selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical occupation work levels as de fined for the study. The 27 work levels include a total of 2,801 employees, or approximately 18 percent of the estimated white-collar employment in establish ments within scope of the study. San Juan, with four-fifths of the total employ ment in the areas surveyed, accounted for almost nine-tenths of the employees in the selected occupations. Women, who represented slightly more than half the employment in the occupations studied, were nearly all employed in clerical positions. Among the 15 clerical levels, women represented more than four-fifths of the employment in 8 levels and a majority in 2 levels. In addition to constituting almost all of the professional, administrative, and technical occupations, men represented a third of the employment in the clerical levels. The five levels in which men rep resented a majority were bookkeeping-machine operators II, accounting clerks II, office boys or girls, and tabulating-machine operators I and II. Although the study provided for inclusion of data on salary differentials paid to employees in Puerto Rico by companies with headquarters in mainland United States, none of the employees in the selected occupations were paid such differentials by companies represented in the study. Average Salaries Average (mean) monthly salaries for the 27 occupation work levels pre sented in table 8 ranged from $211 for office boys or girls and switchboard operators, to $1,208 for engineers VII, a level defined to include engineers re sponsible for an engineering program consisting of many large and important projects. 11 12 Of the five levels of accountants defined for the survey, salary data could be presented for levels II through IV. Average monthly salaries ranged from $361 for accountants II, a level above entry positions for inexperienced college graduates, to $532 for accountants IV who generally work with considerable independence and are fully competent in solving a variety of difficult accounting problems. Salary data for engineers, the largest group of professional employees studied, are presented in six levels, engineers II through VII. Level II rep resents engineers who have completed their initial on-the-job training and are performing engineering tasks requiring application of standard procedures. The highest level presented, engineers VII, typically plans and directs engineering programs consisting of many large and important projects. Average monthly salaries ranged from $469 for engineers II to $1,208 for engineers VII. Almost half of the engineers were classified as engineers IV; their monthly salaries av eraged $705. In the combined six engineering levels studied, the construction indust riels accounted for half the employment. Among the 15 clerical work levels presented, average monthly salaries ranged from $211 for office boys or girls and switchboard operators, to $298 for bookkeeping-machine operators II. Average monthly salaries were below $250 for 11 of the occupation work levels. The remaining four levels, senior stenog raphers, accounting clerks II, tabulating-machine operators II, and bookkeepingmachine operators II, had average monthly salaries between $279 and $298. The large at groups of employees in the selected clerical occupations were ac counting clerks and typists, each representing more than a fifth of the clerical workers„ For most of the clerical occupations, the finance industries accounted for a higher proportion of the employment than any of the other industry divisions represented in the study. For a limited number of clerical occupations, it was possible to make comparisons between average salaries in the San Juan area with those in the Mayaguez and Ponce areas. As indicated earlier, almost nine-tenths of all em ployees in the occupations studied were located in the San Juan area. In the fol lowing tabulation, average monthly salaries are shown for the five clerical levels with at least 15 employees in the Mayaguez and Ponce areas combined. Occupation and level Bookkeeping-machine operators I ------------------ ---------Clerks, accounting I -------------------------------------Clerks, accounting II-------------------------------------Stenographers, general------------------------------------ ............. Typists I --------------------------------------------------------- Mayaguez and Ponce $219 233 San Juan $244 245 285 251 218 Among these clerical levels, average salaries were from 6 to 21 per cent higher in the San Juan area than in the other areas combined. It was not possible, in this comparison, to take into account such factors as differences in the industrial composition and the relative size of establishments in these areas, which may influence salary levels. The percent distribution of employees by monthly salary is presented in table 9 for each of the 27 occupation levels. Within most of the levels, rates of pay for the higher salaried employees were at least one and one-half times the salaries received by the lowest paid employees in the same level. 13 It is readily apparent that a substantial degree of salary overlapping occurs between work levels of the same occupation. Overlapping also occurs between distinct occupations for which average salaries differ substantially. To illustrate, accountants II averaged $3,61 a month with 10.9 percent receiving salaries of less than $325; although senior stenographers averaged $279 ($82 less), 7 .6 percent were paid $325 or more. The ranges in salaries paid in dividuals in the same job category reflect salary differences among establish ments as well as within establishments. Salary differences for the same job category in an establishment may be ♦accounted for by differences in ability, experience, or performance, as determined informally on an individual basis or as provided for under formal salary plans with established salary ranges for each grade level. Hours of Work The length of the workweek, on which the straight-time salary was based, was obtained for each employee in the 27 occupation levels for which data are presented. These levels were distributed by average weekly hours (rounded to the nearest half hour) as follows: Average weekly hours Occupation and level 3 8 .0 ----------------------------------------------- Keypunch operators I. 3 8 .5 .......... - ............................................... Clerks, file I and II. 3 9 .0 ------------------------ ------------------------ Stenographers, general and senior; typists I. 39. 5------------------------------------------------- Accountants II; chief accountants II; clerks, accounting II; office boys or girls; switch board operators; tabulating-machine operators I and II. 4 0 .0 ----------------------------------------------- - Chemists IV; engineers II, IV, V, and VI; draftsmen, senior; bookkeeping-machine operators I and II; clerks, accounting I; typists II. 40. 5----------------------------------------------- - Accountants III and IV; engineers III. 4 1 .0 ------------------------------------------------- Engineers VII. The differences in average workweeks among levels of work reflect variations in the distribution of employees among industries in which salaries are based on workweeks of other than 40 hours. Data on the number of hours per week which a majority of the full-time nonsupervisory office workers were scheduled to work was also obtained. The scheduled workweek was 40 hours in establishments employing 65 percent of these workers, between 40l/z and 50 hours for 8 percent, and between 3Zl/z and 39 hours for 27 percent (table 10). Of the office workers scheduled to work less than 40 hours, most had workweeks of either 35 or 37V2 hours. The majority of these workers were employed in banks and insurance companies. 14 Supplementary Wage Benefits Information presented on selected supplementary wage benefits relates to provisions applying to nonsupervisory office workers, although others in higher level positions may receive the same benefits. Each provision was tabulated as applying to all office workers in an establishment if a majority were eligible or could eventually meet the eligibility requirements. Paid holidays were provided to almost all office workers (table 11). The most common provisions were for either 18 full holidays, or a combination of 18 full and half holidays. For example, 27 percent of the office workers re ceived 18 full days, 17 percent received 8 full plus 10 half days, 13 percent received 7 full plus 11 half days, and 6 percent received 9 full plus 9 half days. Most of the office workers receiving 18 full days with pay were employed in banks and water transportation companies. Paid vacations after qualifying periods of service were given to office employees in almost all establishments (table 12). After 1 year of service, at least 3 weeks with pay were given in establishments employing half of the office workers. After 15 years of service, establishments employing one-fifth of the office workers provided 4 weeks or more with pay; these workers were largely employed in banks and in insurance and transportation companies. Health, insurance, and pension benefits applying to office workers, (table 13), relate to plans in which the employer paid at least part of the cost. Life, hospitalization, surgical, and medical insurance coverage was availa ble to at least four-fifths of the office workers. Approximately seven-tenths of the office workers were eligible to receive sick benefits in the form of either paid sick leave or sickness and accident insurance, with sick leave in the form of full pay without a waiting period being the most common. Pension plans, providing regular payments for the remainder of the worker* s life on retirement (in addition to legally required coverage), were pro vided in establishments employing 35 percent of the office workers. A majority of the workers covered by these plans were employed in banks. Nonproduction bonuses, usually paid at Christmas or year end, were given by establishments in which three-fourths of the office workers were employed (table 14). 15 Table 8. Employment and Average Salaries for Selected Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations in Private Industry,1 Mayaguez, Ponce, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 1963 Monthly s a la r ie s 1 2 Occupation and cla ss (See definitions in appendix B) of em ployees Annual s a la r ie s 2 Middle ra n g e 4 Mean Median 3 F irs t quartile T hird quartile Middle range 4 Mean Median 3 F irs t Third quartile quartile Accountants 55 96 74 19 $361 454 532 728 $349 451 520 736 — 13 667 575 I I _____ ____________________ III----------------------------------------IV — — V . ------V I __________________________ VII ______ — — —------------------ 28 70 141 44 10 4 469 593 705 800 978 1,208 32 284 68 250 283 50 65 116 130 280 66 93 26 43 360 101 Accountants II Accountants III —------------ ---------------------Accountants I V ------------- ----------------------Chief Accountants II — $334 420 486 708 $409 496 612 763 468 595 694 788 988 453 548 623 717 491 659 768 888 349 347 330 239 298 243 287 214 232 221 211 249 279 211 229 289 215 244 237 291 233 291 • 214 231 219 221 248 287 213 233 302 218 242 223 262 211 262 202 215 209 205 224 259 201 209 280 206 220 $ 4 , 332 5 ,448 6, 384 8,7 3 6 $ 4 , 188 5,412 6 ,240 8 ,832 $ 4 ,0 0 8 5,040 5,8 3 2 8,496 $ 4 , 908 5,952 7, 344 9, 156 8 ,0 0 4 6,900 5 ,628 7, 116 8,4 6 0 9,600 11,736 14, 496 5,616 7,140 8,328 9,456 11,856 5,436 6,576 7,476 8 ,6 0 4 5,892 7,908 9,216 10,656 380 4, 188 4, 164 3,960 4,560 250 354 274 315 226 247 234 238 271 307 224 262 315 236 269 2,868 3,576 2, 916 3 ,4 4 4 2,568 2 ,7 8 4 2,652 2, 532 2,988 3, 348 2 ,532 2,748 3, 468 2,580 2 ,928 2,8 4 4 3,492 2,796 3,492 2,568 2,772 2,628 2,652 2,976 3 ,444 2,556 2,796 3,624 2,616 2,904 2,676 3, 144 2,532 3, 144 2,4 2 4 2,580 2,508 2,460 2,688 3, 108 2,412 2,508 3, 360 2,472 2,640 3,000 4, 248 3, 288 3,780 2,712 2 ,9 6 4 2,808 2,856 3, 252 3,684 2 ,688 3, 144 3,780 2,832 3,228 Chem ists and Engineers Chem ists IV E ngineers Engine e r s E ngineers E ngineers E ngineers E ngineers — Draftsm en D raftsm en, senior . . . C lerica l B ookkeeping-m achine op era tors I ____ B ookkeeping-m achine op era tors I I ___ C lerk s, accounting I -------------------------C lerk s, accounting II — C lerk s, file I --------------------------------------C lerk s, file I I _________________________ Keypunch op era tors I ---— O ffice boys o r g i r l s ______ ___________ S tenographers, general S tenographers, s e n i o r -----------------------Switchboard o p e r a t o r s -----------------------T abulating-m achine op era tors I --------T abulating-m achine op era tors II_____ T ypists I ______________________________ T ypists II — - ----------- 1 F o r scop e o f study, see table in appendix A . 2 S alaries rep orted relate to the standard sa la ries that w ere paid fo r standard w ork schedules, i. e . , to the straigh t-tim e sala ry corresp on din g to the employee* s norm al w ork schedule excluding overtim e h ou rs. 3 Medians are om itted fo r occupations that had few er than 5 em p loy ees. 4 The m iddle range (interquartile) used here is the central part o f the a rra y excluding the upper and low er fourths of the em ployee distribution. Middle ranges are om itted fo r occupations that had few er than 15 em p loy ees. 16 Table 9. Percent Distribution of Employees in Selected Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations1 by Average Monthly Salaries, Mayag&ez, Ponce, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 1963 '-T E S T ' a ccou n t. Chem ists ants Accountants A verage monthly sala ries III II IV _ $250 and under $ 275-----------$275 and tinder $300------------ IV II . . . - - - - - $300 $325 $350 $375 and and and and under under under under $325-----------$350-----------$375-----------$400------------ 10.9 41.8 3 .6 14. 5 3.1 2. 1 1 .0 7. 3 _ 1 .4 _ - _ $400 $425 $450 $475 and and and and under under under under $425-----------$ 450-----------$ 475-----------$500------------ 14.5 1.8 10.9 - 14.6 21.9 12.5 15.6 2 .7 6 .8 10.8 8. 1 $500 $525 $550 $575 and and and and under tinder tinder tinder $ 525-----------$550-----------$ 575-----------$600------------ 1.8 _ “ 4. 2 11.5 2. 1 - $600 $625 $650 $675 and and and and tinder under under under $625-----------$ 650-----------$ 675-----------$ 700------------ 3. 1 _ 1. 0 - $700 $725 $750 $775 and and and and under tinder under under $ 725-----------$ 750-----------$775-----------$ 800------------ $800 $825 $850 $875 and and and and tinder under tinder under $ 825-----------$850-----------$ 875-----------$900------------ $900 $925 $950 $975 and and and and tinder under tinder under $ 925-----------$950-----------$975-----------$ 1 ,0 0 0 -------- _ „ _ - - _ - . - - _ 3 .6 17.9 42. 9 2 1 .4 _ _ 2 .9 - 25.7 1 .4 10.8 2.7 5. 3 - _ _ 1 5 .4 7 .7 7 .7 7. 1 3 .6 3 .6 12. 2 14.9 1 .4 - 5. 3 10. 5 - _ 7 .7 1. 4 - 15.8 36.8 10.5 - _ - _ - 5. 3 5. 3 - 7. 7 - - " _ - _ - _ _ .7 _ - _ - _ - _ - 17. 1 5. 7 15.7 1 1 .4 .7 6 .4 5 .0 4 .5 - - _ _ - 12.9 _ 28.6 - 12.8 5. 7 1 6.3 2 .8 4 .5 2 .3 “ . - _ - . 0 .7 _ _ - _ _ _ - 7 .8 2. 1 19.9 3 .5 20. 5 _ 15.9 6 .8 _ 2 0.0 . - 5 .7 - 2.1 1 .4 5 .7 - 1 1.4 2 .3 6 .8 2 .3 10. 0 - _ - _ - - - - - 5. 3 - - _ _ _ . - _ - _ _ - - _ _ . - - - 23. 1 VII _ - - - _ 30. 8 - _ - - - - VI _ - _ V - - - _ - IV m _ - _ $1, 000 and under $ 1 ,0 5 0 ---$1, 050 and under $ 1 ,1 0 0 ---$1, 100 and o v e r ---------------- II _ - _ - Engineers - _ - - _ _ .7 _ .7 2 .3 6 .8 - _ _ io. d - 2.1 2 .8 13. 6 3 0.0 _ _ _ - 1 0.0 _ 5 0.0 _ _ 2 0.0 5 0.0 T otal---------------------------- 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Number of em p loy ees----------A verage monthly sala ries 55 $361 96 $454 74 $532 19 $728 13 $667 28 $469 70 $593 141 $705 44 $800 10 $978 4 $1, 208 See footnotes at end of table. 17 Table 9. Percent Distribution of Employees in Selected Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations 1 by Average Monthly Salaries, Mayaguez, Ponce, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 1963— Continued A verage m onthly sala ries D ra fts men, senior Under $150 ________________ $150 and tinder $ 1 7 5 ______ $175 and under $ 2 0 0 ___— _ Bookkeeping m achine operators I II - Keypunch op erators C lerks, file C lerks, accounting I I II 1. 2 2 .8 6. 0 _ 0. 7 II I 2 .0 2 .0 16.0 3. 1 0 .9 5 6 .0 16.0 6 .0 2 .0 3 6.9 4 1 .5 6. 2 12.3 6 6 .4 2 2 .4 9 .5 .9 - 0 .4 - $225 and under $250 -------$250 and under $ 2 7 5 --------$275 and under $300„______ _ 12.5 3. 1 2 7.5 4 7 .9 11.3 7. 7 4 .4 4 .4 3 5.3 10.3 3 4 .4 19.2 12.4 11.6 2 .5 11. 7 21. 2 22. 6 $300 $325 $350 $375 3. 37. 18. 12. 3 .2 .4 1 .8 - 8. 8 8. 8 2 7.9 - 6 .8 3 .2 1. 6 - 2 7.9 6 .4 4 .9 1. 8 _ - _ - _ - .8 .4 _ _ _ - _ - and and and and under under under under $ 3 2 5 __ $350 __ $375 $ 4 0 0 ______ $400 and under $425_ $425 and under $450 $450 and ov er _ 1 5 8 5 _ _ . _ - _ __ 6 .3 6 .3 T o t a l________________ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 Number o f em ployees _____ A verage monthly sala ries __ 32 $349 284 $239 68 $298 250 $243 283 $287 50 $214 65 $232 116 $221 O ffice boys or girls Stenog raphers, gen eral Stenog raphers, senior Switch board operators ____ Under $150 ___ $150 and under $ 1 7 5 ____ _ $175 and under $200 10. 0 .8 6. 2 2. 1 3. 2 - 5 .4 17. 2 15.4 - - $200 $225 $250 $275 and and and and under under under under $ 2 2 5 ______ $250 $275 $300 40. 0 3 5 .4 4. 6 2 .3 20. 7 25. 7 27.5 1 0.4 6. 1 15. 2 12. 1 3 6 .4 54. 8 15. 1 7. 5 - 3 0 .8 19.2 26. 9 3 .8 4. 4. 11. 25. $300 $325 $350 $375 and and and and under under under under __ $325 $ 3 5 0 ______ $ 3 7 5 ______ $ 4 0 0 ______ .8 - 4 .3 2. 1 3. 6 22. 7 7. 6 - _ _ .4 . _ _ $400 and under $ 4 2 5 ______ $425 and under $ 4 5 0 ______ $450 and over__ _ _ Tabulating m achine op era tors I Typists II _ - 3 .8 - _ _ _ _ II I 7 7 6 6 5 1.2 2 .3 _ _ 3. 6 6. 1 2 .8 1.0 5 1 .4 31.7 3 .9 .6 29. 7 29. 7 19. 8 12.9 _ - 5 .9 1. 0 - _ - _ - T o t a l________________ 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 Num ber o f e m p lo y e e s __ ___ A verage monthly s a la r ie s .. 130 $211 280 $249 66 $279 93 $211 26 $229 43 $289 360 $215 101 $244 1 F or scop e o f study, see table in appendix A. NOTE: B ecause o f rounding, sums o f individual item s m ay not equal 100. 18 Table 10. P ercen t Distribution o f O ffice W orkers by Scheduled Weekly H ours, Mayaguez, P on ce, and San Juan, P uerto R i c o ,1 May 1963 P ercen t W eekly hours A ll o ffice w o r k e r s --------------------------------3 2V z................................................................ 3 5 _______________________________________ O ver 35 and under 3 7 % -------------------------- 100 O ver 40 and under 44 ---------------------------4 4 _______________________________________ (2) 13 (2) 10 (2) 4 65 1 6 O ver 48 -------------------------------------------------- A 38 — ----------------------------------------------------O ver 38 and under 40 ---------------------------- 1 F or scop e o f study, see table in appendix A. 2 L ess than 0 .5 percen t. Table 11. P ercen t Distribution o f O ffice W orkers by Number o f Paid H olidays P rovided Annually, Mayaguez, P on ce, and San Juan, P uerto R i c o ,1 May 1963 Item A ll o ffic e w o r k e r s -------------------------------------------- P ercen t 100 Num ber o f days 2— Continued 99 18 holidays __ ------------------------------------------- _ 18 holidays plus 4 half days _________________ W orkers in establishm ents providing W orkers in establishm ents providing no paid holidays --------------------------------------------- Item (3> Total holiday tim e 4 1 3 3 (3) (3) 1 2 5 3 5 13 2 1 17 3 2 6 (3) 2 3 (3) 20 days -------------------------------------------------18 o r m o re d a y s _________________________ _ 15 o r m o re d a y s ____________________________ 14% o r m o re days --------------------------------------14 o r m o re days ------------ -------------------------13% o r m o re d a y s ____ ;____________________ 13 o r m o re d a y s ------------------------------------12% o r m o re days --------------------------------------12 o r m o re days __________________________ 11 % o r m o re days __________________________ 11 o r m o re days ------------------------------ ------10% o r m o re d a y s __________________________ 10 o r m o re days _ ----------------- ----------------9 o r m o re days ---- --------------------------------------8% o r m o re days -----------------------------------------8 o r m o re days _______ ________ _______ 7% o r m o re d a y s ___________________________ 7 o r m o re days __________________________ 6 o r m o re days _____________________________ 5 o r m o re days ____________________________ _ 4 o r m o re d a y s ____________________________ 3 o r m ore days -------------------------------------------- P ercen t 27 (3) N um ber o f d a y s 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 h olid a ys-------------------------------------------------------holidays plus 6 and 15 half days —----------------h olid a ys______________________________________ holidays plus 14 half days ----------------------------h olid a ys______________________________________ holidays plus 12, 13, and 14 half days ——,---- 6 holidays plus 3 and 12 half days ____________ 7 holidays plus 9, 10, and 13 half d a y s ----------7 holidays plus 11 half days ----------------------------8 h olid a ys______________________________________ 8 holidays plus 1, 4, and 5 half days ----------8 holidays plus 10 half days ___________________ 9 h olid a ys______________________________________ 9 holidays plus 3, 8, 10, and 11 half d a y s --9 holidays plus 9 half d a y s -------------------------------10 h o lid a y s --------------------------------------------------------10 holidays plus 1, 2, 8, and 10 half d a y s -----11 holidays plus 4 and 7 half days ------------------12 holidays plus 5 and 6 half days —----------------- (3) 27 28 32 32 42 59 72 77 78 79 83 84 87 88 90 91 94 96 97 99 99 1 F o r scop e o f study, see table in appendix A. 2 Each line containing m ore them a single com bination o f full and half day holidays is com p osed o f se v e ra l com binations, each o f which apply to few er than 5 p ercen t o f the em ployees. 3 L ess than 0. 5 p ercen t. 4 A ll com binations o f full and half days that add to the sam e amount a re com bined; fo r exam ple, the p rop ortion o f w ork ers receiv in g a total o f 7 days includes those with 7 full days and no half days, 6 full days and 2 half days, 5 full days, and 4 half days, and so on. P rop ortion s w ere then cumulated. 19 Table 12. P ercen t Distribution of O ffice W orkers by Vacation Pay P ro v isio n s , Mayag&ez, P once, and San Juan, Puerto R i c o , 1 May 1963 V acation p olicy A ll o ffic e w o r k e r s ------------------------ --- ---------------------- P ercent Vacation p o licy 100 Amount o f vacation p a y 1 2— Continued Method o f payment W orkers in establishm ents W orkers in establishm ents providing no paid v a c a t io n s --------------------------------- 99 99 A fter 5 ye a rs o f s e rv ice : 1 week ______ __ — ________ . . . _ 2 weeks . . . _. .. ____ _______ _ Over 2 and under 3 weeks ____ _____ P ercen t ._ O ver 3 and under 4 weeks — ________________ ____ 1 -------------------------------------------------------- 1 16 9 61 8 2 4 Amount o f vacation pay 2 After 6 months o f s e r v ic e : 1 week ---------------------— --------------------------------------Over 2 and under 3 w e e k s --------------------------------- A fter 1 yea r o f s e rv ice : 1 w eek.— . . . . ------- — O ver 1 and under 2 w e e k s _____________________ 2 waaIca _ .. Dyer 7. anrl nnrldr ^ wo.Ire .... ............ Over 3 and under 4 w e e k s --------------------------------4 weeks __ ............................................................... Hyai* 4 lyaolra . . A fter 2 yea rs o f s e rv ice : | vyAAfr 2 weeks ,................. . . .......... ...... ....... ..... Over 2 and under 3 w e e k s _______________ —------3 w eeks --------------------------------------------------------------Huar ^ linear 4 tyaalre . . O ver 4 w e e k s -------------------------------------- —------------- (3) 12 16 4 3 2 2 (3) 34 12 41 4 2 3 A fter 4 yea rs o f s e r v ic e : 1 w e e k ___________________________________________ 2 weeks __... ------------------- -----rtyar 7 and imHar ^ maalria ............. . 3 weeks O ver 3 and under 4 w eeks —__. ______ __________ 4 w e e k s --- --------------------------------- ------------- -------- — Over 3 and under 4 w e e k s --------------------------------4 wpplts ....... . Over 4 weeks --------._ __ . ------A fter 12 yea rs o f s e rv ice : 1 week _________________________________________ 2 waaka _ _ _ _ _ _______ Ova t 2 anrl linHar 1 waalrs O ver 3 and under 4 w e e k s --------------------------------4 weeks ---------------------------- ,______________________ Ovar 4 wpplfs ._ . _ __ 1 11 8 54 10 12 4 1 11 8 54 10 12 4 A fter 15 yea rs o f s e rv ice : 1 32 13 44 4 2 3 A fter 3 yea rs o f s e rv ice : 2 w e e k s _________________________________________ O ver 2 and under 3 w e e k s ---- ------------ --------- -----3 w e e k s ____ _______ — -----— -___— ---------------------O ver 3 and under 4 w e e k s __ _______ _______ ___ 4 weeks - . _ _ . O ver 4 w e e k s -------------- — ----------------------------- ------ A fter 10 ye a rs o f s e rv ice : 1 wfiftk 1 28 12 48 4 2 4 1 26 12 50 4 2 4 2 w e e k s --------------------- ----------------------------------------Over 2 and under 3 weeks --------------------------------3 weeks -------------------------------------„-------- -Over 3 and under 4 weeks . . . . . . . . . Over 4 w e e k s -----------------------------------------------------A fter 20 yea rs o f s e rv ice : 1 WPPlf Over 2 and under 3 w e e k s ---------------------— -------3 weeks ______________________________ __________ Over 3 and under 4 w e e k s _____________________ 4 weeks --------------------------------„ ,,— ..- ------------Over 4 w e e k s -----------------------------------------------------A fter 25 yea rs o f s e rv ice : 1 week ------------ ------- -------------- ---------------------------2 w e e k s __ _ __ ________ . . Oupr 2 anrl linrlpr 3 waalca .... . ....... Over 3 and under 4 w e e k s _____________________ 4 weeks ---------- ,------------------------ ^ _„______________ 1 11 8 53 6 10 10 1 11 8 52 4 12 11 1 11 8 43 4 22 11 1 F o r scop e o f study, see table in appendix A . 2 P eriod s o f s e rv ice w ere a rb itra rily chosen and do not n e ce ss a rily re fle ct the individual p rov ision s fo r p r o g re ss io n s . F o r exam ple, the changes in proportions indicated at 10 years* s e rv ice include changes in p rov ision s o cc u rrin g between 5 and 10 y e a r s . E stim ates are cum ulative. Thus, the proportion receivin g 3 weeks* pay o r m o re after 5 yea rs includes those who re c e iv e 3 weeks* pay o r m ore after few er yea rs o f s e r v ic e . 3 L ess than 0 .5 p ercen t. 20 Table 13. P ercen t o f O ffice W orkers Em ployed in Establishm ents Providing Health, Insurance, o r Pension B e n e fits ,1 Mayaguez, P on ce, and San Juan, P uerto R ico, 2 May 1963 Type o f benefit A ll o ffic e w ork ers ---------------------------------- P ercen t A ll o ffice w orkers 80 46 71 11 66 1 87 86 82 25 35 4 1 Includes those plans fo r which at lea st part o f the co s t is borne by the em p loyer, excepting only legal requirem ents such as w orkm en ^ com pensation, s o cia l secu rity, and ra ilroa d retirem ent. 2 F o r s cop e o f study, see table in appendix A. 3 Unduplicated total o f w orkers receiv in g sick leave o r sickness and accident insurance shown separately below. Sick leave plans a re lim ited to those which definitely e s tablish at lea st the minimum number o f days* pay that can be expected by each em ployee. Inform al s ick leave allow ances determ ined on an individual basis a re excluded. Cash bonus plan P ercen t 100 W orkers in establishm ents providing: L ife in su ra n ce________________________ A ccid en ta l death and d ism em b er m ent insurance — -------------------Sickness and accident insurance o r s ick leave o r b oth1 3 ----------------2 S ickness and accident in s u r a n c e Sick leave (full pay and no waiting p eriod ) ------------------- — Sick leave (partial pay or waiting p eriod ) — -----------------------H ospitalization insurance -----------------S urgical insurance ---------------------------M ed ica l in s u r a n c e ----------------------------Catastrophe in s u ra n c e ----------------------R etirem ent pension p la n ------------------No health, insurance, o r pension p l a n -------------------------------------- Table 14. P e rce n t Distribution o f O ffice W orkers by Type o f Supplementary Cash Bonus P a y m e n ts,1 Mayaguez, P on ce, and San Juan, P uerto R ic o ,2 May 1963 _______ __________ W orkers in establishm ents paying supplem entary b o n u s e s _______________ Christm as o r y e a re n d _______ P ro fit s h a rin g _______________________ OtVi*»r .... ... W orkers in establishm ents paying no supplem entary cash bonuses ____ 100 75 70 4 (3) 25 1 Supplementary nonproduction bonuses paid in cash to a m ajority o f the o ffice w ork ers. 2 F o r scop e o f study, see table in appendix A . 2 L ess than 0 .5 percen t. The Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, A laska, Survey, June 1963 The survey of salaries for selected white-collar occupations, conducted in June 1963, relates to the cities and contiguous areas of Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, plus a few relatively large establishments located in other communities. Altogether, there were 97 establishments with 50 workers or more in the privately operated enterprises within scope of the survey; all were included in the study. During the period surveyed, these establishments employed approx imately 9,100 workers, of which one-fifth were engaged in manufacturing. This included pulp and lumber m ills, newspapers, fish canneries, and manufacturers of concrete products. In terms of employment, the principal nonmanufacturing industries were defense communications, retail trade, air transportation, and contract construction. Together, these industries represented approximately 70 percent of the 7,300 total employment in nonmanufacturing industries. The finance industries accounted for less than a tenth of the total nonmanufacturing employment, but accounted for nearly a fourth of the white-collar employees. These employment patterns are subject to substantial change during the year because of the highly seasonal nature of certain industries such as contract con struction and fish canning. Employment and salary data could be presented for 17 of the 77 selected professional, administrative, technical, and clerical work levels as defined for the study. These occupation work levels included a total of 379 employees, or approximately 14 percent of the estimated white-collar employment within scope of the study. Nearly three-fifths of the employees in the occupations presented were located in the Anchorage area. Data for only a few levels could be pre sented, primarily because of the limited number of private companies in Alaska, and their relative size. Seventy-five of the 97 establishments surveyed em ployed fewer than 100 workers, and only 5 establishments had 250 workers or more. Less specialization and various combinations of duties and responsibilities of employees in white-collar positions in smaller establishments frequently pre cluded classification according to the specific occupation work levels as defined for the study. Women accounted for almost nine-tenths of all employees in the occu pations presented, and four-fifths or more of the employees in 11 of the 17 levels. Men represented a majority in six levels (accountants III and IV, chief account ants II, engineers V, tabulating-machine operators II, and office boys or girls). The salaries presented include special differentials paid to employees in Alaska by companies with headquarters in other States. Such differentials were paid to employees in the jobs studied in 17 of approximately 30 establishments whose headquarters were known to be located outside of Alaska. In some cases, the salary differentials were specified flat sums and in others they were a speci fied percentage of salary. Airlines servicing Alaska, for example, typically paid specified amounts ranging from $75 to $195 per month. Companies maintaining defense communications facilities, oil companies, and construction companies usually paid percentage differentials which varied from 25 to 45 percent above salaries paid in other States. Average Salaries Average (mean) monthly salaries could be presented for three professional levels of accounting responsibility (table 15). As defined for the study, account ants III averaged $806 and accountants IV $953 a month. Level III included those 21 22 primarily responsible for the day-to-day accounting operations requiring the stand ardized application of well established accounting principles, whereas level IV included fully experienced professional accountants handling a wider variety of difficult accounting problems with considerable independence. Chief accountants with responsibility for an accounting program of the scope and complexity as de fined for level II were paid $1,120 on the average. Monthly salaries for the 13 clerical levels presented ranged from $355 for file clerks I to $537 for accounting clerks II. These levels ranged from clerks performing routine filing to accounting clerks with responsibility for main taining one or more sections of a complete set of books. Within these levels, monthly salaries ranged from $374 to $387 in four clerical levels and from $405 to $499 in seven levels. Ac counting clerks, bookkeeping-machine operators, and typists accounted for two-thirds of the clerical workers in the jobs studied. Half of the bookkeeping-machine operators were employed in banks, whereas the largest proportion of the accounting clerks and typists were employed in transportation and other public utilities. Limited comparisons that could be made of individual rates in Anchorage with those in Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan did not indicate a consistent pattern of higher or lower rates. Percent distributions of employees by monthly salaries are presented in table 16. For more than half of the occupation work levels, salaries of the highest paid employees were at least one and one-half times the salaries of the lowest paid employees in the same work level. These distributions also show marked overlapping of salaries between work levels of the same occupation and between occupations with substantially different salary levels. The ranges in salaries paid individuals in the same job category in an establishment may be accounted for by differences in ability, experience, or performance as deter mined informally on an individual basis or as provided for under formal salary plans with established salary ranges for each grade level. Hours of Work The length of the workweek on which the regular straight-time salary was based was obtained for employees in the occupations studied. As shown in the following tabulation, the average weekly hours varied somewhat among occupations and levels. Average weekly hours 39. 5------------------------------------------------- Occupation and level Tabulating-machine operators II; typists I. 4 0 .0 ------------------------------------------------- Accountants III and IV; chief accountants II; clerks, accounting I; clerks, file I and II; o ffice boys or girls; stenographers, general and senior; switchboard operators; typists II. 40. 5------------------------------------------------- Bookkeeping-machine operators I. 4 1 .0 ------------------------------------------------- Bookkeeping-machine operators II; clerks, accounting IL 4 6 .0 ------------------------------------------------- Engineers V. 23 These differences in average weekly hours reflect variations in the dis tribution of employees among industries in which salaries were based on work weeks of other than 40 hours. For example, engineers V, who averaged 46 hours a week, were largely employed in construction and communications establishments. The number of hours per week which a majority of the full-time nonsupervisory office workers were scheduled to work during the period studied was also obtained (table 17). The scheduled workweek was 40 hours in establish ments employing nearly nine-tenths of these workers. Most of the office em ployees scheduled to work 48 hours a week or more were employed in construc tion companies and in defense communications outposts. Supplementary Wage Benefits Information presented on selected supplementary wage benefits relates to provisions applying to nonsupervisory office workers, although others in higher level positions may receive the same benefits. Each provision was tabulated as applying to all office workers in an establishment if a majority were eligible or could eventually meet the eligibility requirements. Paid holidays were provided to nearly all office workers. Two-thirds of the office workers received 8 days or more annually, and approximately half of these received as many as 11 days (table 18). All of the workers receiving 11 paid holidays were employed in banks. Paid vacations after qualifying periods of service were given to office employees in almost all establishments. Although service requirements varied considerably, the most common policy was to give 1 week with pay after 6 months of service, 2 weeks after a year, and 3 weeks after 10 years (table 19). Paid vacations of 4 weeks or more were given in establishments employing nearly half the office workers; usually at least 15 years of service were required to qualify. Health, insurance, and pension benefits applying to office workers, pre sented in table 20, relate to plans to which the employer paid at least part of the cost. Hospitalization, surgical, and medical insurance coverage was availa ble to about nine-tenths of the office workers. Nearly the same proportion of these employees were eligible to receive sick leave pay for a specified number of days, which in most instances was full pay without a waiting period. Life insurance was available to approximately three-fourths of the office workers. Pension plans, providing regular payments for the remainder of the worker*s life on retirement (in addition to legally required coverage), applied in establishments employing 45 percent of the office workers. The policy of paying cash bonuses to all or a majority of the office workers applied in establishments employing about two-fifths of these workers. In nearly all instances, these bonuses were Christmas or yearend payments (table 21). 24 Table 15. Employment and Average Salaries for Selected Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations in Private Industry,1 Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, Alaska, June 1963 Annual sala ries 2 Monthly sala ries 1 2 O ccupation and cla ss (See definitions in appendix B) Number of em ployees Middle range 4 Mean Median 3 F irs t quartile T hird quartile Middle range 4 Mean Median 3 $ 9 ,6 7 2 11,436 13,440 $ 9 ,8 2 8 11,700 F irs t T hird quartile quartile Accountants Accountants III ------- . — . Accountants I V --- ------------------ ----- --- ----C hief accountants II -------__ — 8 7 4 $806 953 1, 120 $819 975 16 1, 246 1, 275 $1,0 31 $1,4 63 14,952 15, 300 43 17 66 54 15 8 9 14 31 21 7 22 37 374 499 426 537 355 387 377 449 489 405 492 377 440 378 500 424 551 367 408 406 444 500 428 492 388 440 357 469 400 507 350 413 581 460 577 388 470 348 520 443 354 431 421 449 4, 488 5 ,988 5, 112 6 ,4 4 4 4,260 4 ,6 4 4 4 ,5 2 4 5, 388 5,868 4 ,8 6 0 5 ,9 0 4 4 ,5 2 4 5 ,280 4,536 6,000 5,088 6,6 1 2 4 ,4 0 4 4,896 4,8 7 2 5, 328 6,0 0 0 5, 136 5 ,9 0 4 4 ,6 5 6 5 ,2 8 0 Engineers E n gin eer, V ------------------------------------------ $ 12,372 $17,556 C lerica l B ookkeeping-m achine op era tors I B ookkeeping-m achine op era tors II . — C lerk s, accounting I __ C lerk s, accounting II . — — C le rk s, file I _________________________ C lerk s, file I I -------------------------------------O ffice boys o r g i r l s ----------------------------S tenographers, g e n e ra l---- —---------------Stenographers, sen ior — ------------ -------Switchboard op era tors — — Tabulating-m achine op era tors II_____ T ypists I „ t____ t____________i______-i___ Typists II 4, 284 5,628 4,800 6 ,0 8 4 4, 200 4,956 6 ,9 7 2 5,520 6 ,9 2 4 4, 656 5,640 4,176 6 ,240 5, 316 4, 248 5, *72 5 ,052 5,3 8 8 1 F o r scop e of survey, see table in appendix A . 2 S alaries rep orted relate to the standard sala ries that w ere paid fo r standard w ork schedules, i. e . , to the straigh t-tim e salary corresp on din g to the employee* s norm al w ork schedule excluding overtim e h ou rs. 3 Medians a re om itted fo r occupations that had few er than 5 em p loyees. 4 The m iddle range (interquartile) used here is the cen tral part o f the a rra y excluding the upper and low er fourths of the em ployee distribution. M iddle ranges are om itted fo r occupations that had few er than 15 em p loy ees. 25 Table 16. Percent Distribution of Employees in Selected Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations by Average Monthly Salaries, Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, Alaska, June 1963 Accountants A verage m onthly sala ries III $ 300 $ 325 $ 350 $ 375 and and and and under under under under $ 325 ________ $ 350 $ 375 . $ 4 0 0 ________ $400 $425 $450 $475 and and and and under under under under $425 ________ $450 -----------$475 -----------$500 _ $500 $525 $550 $575 and and and and under under under under $525 __ _____ $550 ________ $575 ________ $600 $600 $625 $650 $675 and and and and under under under under $625 -----------$650 $675 $ 7 0 0 ________ $700 $725 $750 $775 and and and and under under under under $ 800 $ 825 $850 $875 and and and and under under under tinder $ 825 $ 850 $875 $900 $900 $ 925 $950 $ 975 and and and and under under under under $ 1, $ 1, $ 1, $ 1, $ $ $ $ $ . . - IV C hief account Engineers ants V n . - _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ - - 12.5 - _ - - $725 $750 . _ $775 ________ $800 12.5 12.5 - - ________ ________ ________ ________ 2 5 .0 $925 $Q50 $975 _____ __ $ 1, 0 0 0 _____ 2 5 .0 12.5 - 14. 3 14.3 1 4.3 _ 14. 3 - 14. 3 2 5 .0 2 5 .0 _ _ 000 050 100 150 and and and and under under under under $ $ $ $ 1, 0 5 0 ___ 1, 100 _ _ 1 ,1 5 0 ___ 1, 200 ___ 1, 200 1, 250 1, 300 1, 350 1,400 and and and and and under $ 1, 250 under $ 1, 300 _ _ under $ 1, 350 ___ under $ 1 ,400 o v e r ____________ Total . Num ber o f em p loyees A verage m onthly s a la r ie s ___ • • - - - _ - - _ „ - - I II 4 .7 11.6 32.6 18.6 2 8.6 _ - _ _ - _ - - - _ _ 18.6 7 .0 4 .7 11.8 11.8 2 3.5 33. 3 2 1 .2 10.6 9 .1 1.9 3.7 9 .3 3.7 2 .3 - 11.8 11.8 11.8 7 .6 24. 1 7 .4 2 5.9 5 .6 _ - 5 .9 5 .9 - „ - - - - - - _ _ - - 9 .3 1.9 7 .4 - .. _ - _ _ - .. _ - . - _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - - - • - _ . - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ - - - _ _ _ - _ 12.5 _ _ _ 2 5 .0 - - _ - - _ _ _ - 6 .3 - - _ _ _ - _ 6 .3 37.5 . - _ _ 18.8 _ 12.5 - 6 .3 . 12.5 _ 12.5 12.5 - _ - 20. 0 6 .7 4 0 .0 2 6 .7 - _ - - II 6 2 .5 _ - - I 6 .7 - - _ II 4 .5 3. 0 10.6 _ 2 5 .0 I C lerk s, file _ 5 .9 •- _ - C le rk s, accounting _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ «. _ - - - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 8 $806 7 $953 4 $1, 120 16 $ 1 ,2 4 6 43 $374 17 $499 66 $426 54 $537 15 $355 8 $387 See footnotes at end o f table. _ - B ookkeepingmachine operators 26 Table 16. Percent Distribution of Employees in Selected Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Occupations1 by Average Monthly Salaries, Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, Alaska, June 1963— Continued Average monthly sala ries O ffice boys or girls Stenog raphers, general Stenog raphers, senior Switch board o p era tors Tabulatingm achine op era tors II T ypists I $ 300 $ 325 $ 350 $ 375 and and and and under under under under $ 325 $ 350 $ 375 $400 ________ ________ ---- ------________ 11. 1 33. 3 - p» 7. 1 7. 1 _ 3 .2 - _ 28.6 4 .8 $400 $425 $450 $475 and and and and under tuider under under $425 $450 __ ___ $475 ________ $500 ______ _ 4 4 .4 11.1 - 28.6 14. 3 7. 1 3 .2 6. 5 16.1 2 2.6 14. 3 4 2 .9 4 .8 4 .8 28.6 4 2 .9 $ 500 $525 $550 $ 575 and and and and under under under under $ 525 -----------$550 $575 _ $600 ________ 35.7 _ - 32. 3 3 .2 9 .7 - - 14. 3 14.3 - _ - 2 .7 - $600 $625 $650 $ 675 and and and and under under under under $625 $650 $675 $ 700 - $700 $ 725 $750 $ 775 and and and and under under under under $725 $ 750 ________ $775 _______ $ 800 ________ $ 800 $ 825 $ 850 $875 and and and and under under under under $ 825 $ 850 $ 875 $900 ________ ________ ________ _______ - $900 $925 $950 $ 975 and and and and under under under under $ 9 2 5 ________ $950 ________ $975 $ 1,000 _____ _ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1, 1, 1, 1, 000 050 100 150 1,200 1, 250 1, 300 1, 350 1,400 and and and and and and and and and under under under under ________ ________ ________ ________ $ 1, 050 $ 1 ,1 0 0 ___ $ 1, 1 5 0 ___ $ 1, 200 ---- under $ 1,250 ___ under $ 1, 300 _ _ under $ 1, 350 _ _ under $ 1 ,400 ___ o v er ____________ Total__________ Number o f e m p lo y e e s ___ A verage m onthly s a l a r i e s ___ _ - _ _ - - _ _ - - _ 2 2 .7 2 2.7 13.6 2 .7 2 .7 2 2.7 9 .1 9.1 - 5 .4 6 7 .6 16.2 2 .7 _ _ 3 .2 - - - - _ - _ - _ - - - _ - _ - _ “ _ - _ - - _ - _ - _ " _ - - _ “ - - _ - _ - _ - _ - - _ _ - - _ - _ - _ - _ . . - _ _ - - - 100 0 100.0 100.0 100 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 9 $377 14 $449 31 $489 21 $405 7 $492 22 $377 37 $440 1 F or scope o f study see table in appendix A. NOTE: B ecause o f rounding, sums at individual item s m ay not equal 100. _ _ - II 27 Table 17. P ercen t D istribution of O ffice W orkers by Scheduled Weekly H ours, A nchorage, F airbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, A la s k a ,1 June 1963 W eekly hours P ercen t A ll o ffice w orkers ________________ 38 42 m i ” _________ i i - i i i i i _______i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 421 2/3 ------------------------------------------------------43 4 4 _______________________________________ 5 4 _______________________________________ 100 5 88 1 (2 ) 2 1 1 X 2 1 F or scop e o f study, see table in appendix A. 2 L ess than 0 .5 p ercen t. Table 18. P ercen t Distribution o f O ffice W orkers by Number o f Paid H olidays P rovided Annually, A nchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, A la s k a ,1 June 1963 Item A ll o ffice w orkers -----------------------------W orkers in establishm ents providing paid holidays ------------------------------------W orkers in establishm ents providing no paid holidays ------------------------------- P ercen t 100 Num ber o f days— Continued 98 10 holidays ____________________________ 11 h o lid a y s __________________________________ 2 Total holiday tim e 3 (2) 8 22 29 3 1 11 days __________ _________________________ __ 10 o r m ore d a y s ____________________________ 9V2 or m ore d a y s ___________________________ 9 o r m ore days ___________________________ 8 o r m o re days _____________________________ 7 o r m o re days _____________________________ 6 o r m o re days _____________________________ 5 o r m o re days _____________________________ N um ber o f days 5 6 7 8 9 9 h o lid a y s __________________ holidays «._________________ h o lid a y s __________________ h o lid a y s __________________ holidays ---------------------------holidays plus 1 half day , Item 1 F or scop e o f study, see table in appendix A. 2 L ess than 0 .5 percen t. 3 A ll com binations o f full and half days that add to the sam e amount a re com bined; fo r exam ple, the p rop ortion o f w orkers receiv in g a total of 7 days includes those with 7 full days and no half days, 6 full days and 2 half days, 5 full days and 4 half days, and so on. P rop ortion s w ere then cumulated. 28 Table 19. P ercen t Distribution o f O ffice W orkers by Vacation Pay P rov ision s A nchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, A la s k a ,1 June 1963 P ercen t V acation p olicy 100 A ll o ffic e w o r k e r s ----------------- ----------------------------- Method o f payment W orkers in establishm ents providing paid v a c a t io n s ---------------------------------L en g th -of-tim e payment ------—— ------------------F la t-su m p a y m e n t ---- — —------------------------------W orkers in establishm ents providing no paid v a c a t io n s ____ ______________ 99 98 1 1 Amount o f vacation p a y 2 A fter 6 months o f s e r v ic e : Under 1 week . . . . 1 w e e k -----------, --------------------------- --------- ----------O ver 1 and under 2 w e e k s ______________ ____ O ver 2 and under 3 w e e k s ----------------------------- (3) 30 5 2 A fter 1 yea r of s e r v ic e : Under 1 w e e k ------------------------- -------- ---- —— — 1 w e e k -------------------------------------------- —------------2 w e e k s ------- -------------- ------—---- ——------— -------O ver 2 and under 3 w e e k s -------- --------- ------- — O ver 4 weeks . _ — _________ (3) 6 85 6 2 A fter 2 yea rs o f s e r v ic e : 1 w e e k -------------------------------------------------------------O ver 1 and under 2 w e e k s ---- — — ------— ----- 2 weeks ______________________________________ O ver ^ and vmd'®'** ^ uro^irc ._. 3 w e e k s ------------- ------------- ----------------------------— O ver 4 weeks — — -----------------— — ---------------— 4 (3) 81 12 (3) 2 A fter 3 yea rs o f s e r v ic e : 1 w e e k --------- ---- ------— ------------- ----------- — ------7. yyoolr c na ... M l ..... . ... ... O ver 2 and under 3 w e e k s -------------- ;-------------- 3 80 12 1 2 A fter 4 yea rs o f s e r v ic e : 1 w e e k -------------------------------------------- — ------------- 3 78 7 4 5 3 7 sintl und°r ^ -_ O ver 3 and under 4 w eeks ------— — ----------- — Vacation p o licy P ercen t Amount o f vacation p a y 1 2— Continued A fter 5 ye a rs o f s e r v ic e : 1 w eek ------------------------------------------------------- -------— 2 weeks —_________________________ _______________ Over 2 and under 3 w e e k s ____ __ _____________ — 3 weeks ----------------------------------------------------------------O ver 3 and under 4 w e e k s --------- ------- --------- — — Over 4 w e e k s --------------------------------------------------------- 2 72 6 11 6 3 A fter 10 yea rs o f s e r v ic e : 1 week — ---- — 2 w e e k s _____ L,___________________ ,-----------------,-------O ver 2 and under 3 w e e k s -------------------------- -------3 weeks _______________________ ____________________ Over 3 and under 4 w e e k s ---- —---------------------------4 weeks - r,------ ,^wr---- ------------------ .---------------------------Over 4 w e e k s ____________ ___________________ _____ 2 30 3 53 3 4 5 A fter 12 ye a rs o f s e r v ic e : 1 w eek ______ ______ ______ _______________________ 2 weeks — — — ---- ------O ver 2 and under 3 w e e k s _____ ________ ____ ___. 3 weeks ------------------------------ — — — ----------------—----O ver 3 and under 4 w e e k s -------------- ------------ — ----4 w e e k s _______,___________________________________ Over 4 w e e k s ____ ________________________ ______ 2 30 3 53 3 4 5 A fter 15 yea rs o f s e rv ice : 1 w eek ____________ — p_____________________ ,„,-------2 weeks ---------------------------------------- r._.---------------------O ver 2 and under 3 w e e k s ------------- ---- ----------------3 weeks ----------------------------------------------------- -------O ver 3 and under 4 w e e k s ----------------------------------4 w e e k s ____ ___________________________ __ _____ __ A fter 20 y e a rs o f s e rv ice : 1 week -----------— 2 weeks .. . — ___________ O ver 2 and under 3 weeks -----------------------------------O ver 3 and under 4 weeks _ A fter 25 yea rs o f s e rv ice : 1 w eek ------------------- --- - ------------, - ... — ,r------2 weeks — ,------------------------------- - — ,- -- — --------- 4 weeks 2 27 3 43 3 17 5 2 27 3 39 3 21 5 2 27 3 20 3 40 5 1 F o r scop e o f study, see table in appendix A. 2 Includes fla t-su m paym ents con verted to am equivalent tim e b a s is. P e rio d s o f s e r v ic e w ere a rb itra rily ch osen and do not n e c e ss a r ily re fle ct the individual provision s fo r p ro g re ss io n s . F o r exam ple, the changes in p rop ortions indicated at 10 y e a r s ' s e rv ice include changes in provision s o ccu rrin g between 5 and 10 y e a rs . E stim ates are cum ulative. Thus, the p r o portion receiv in g 3 w eeks1 pay o r m o re after 5 y e a rs includes those who re c e iv e 3 weeks* pay o r m o re after few er y e a rs o f s e r v ic e . 3 L ess than 0. 5 p ercen t. 29 Table 20. P ercen t o f O ffice W orkers Em ployed in E stab lishm ents Providing Health, Insurance, o r Pension B e n e fits ,1 A nch orage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, A laska, 2 June 1963 P ercen t Type o f benefit A ll o ffice w orkers -------- -------- _ __ A ll o ffice w orkers _____________________ 76 66 89 28 P ercen t W orkers in establishm ents paying supplem entary cash bonuses _______ C hristm as o r yea r end_______________ P ro fit sharing_______________________ O th er____________________ ____________ W orkers in establishm ents paying no supplem entary cash bonuses -------- 100 41 39 (3 ) 2 59 80 8 90 90 89 83 45 9 1 Includes those plans fo r which at least part o f the cost is borne by the em p loyer, excepting only legal requirem ents such as w orkm en 's com pensation, s o cia l s e cu rity, and ra ilroa d retirem ent. 2 F or s cop e o f study, see table in appendix A. 3 Unduplicated total o f w orkers receiv in g sick leave o r sickness and accident insurance shown separately below . Sick leave plans a re lim ited to those which definitely e s tablish at lea st the m inimum number of d a y s' pay that can be expected by each em ployee. Inform al sick leave a llow ances determ ined on an individual basis a re excluded. Cash bonus plan 100 W orkers in establishm ents providing: L ife insurance ----------------------------------A ccid ental death and d ism em b er ment insurance ----------------------------- -Sickness and accident insurance o r s ick leave o r b oth1 3 ____________ 2 Sickness and accident insurance _ Sick leave (full pay and no waiting p eriod ) ________________ Sick leave (partial pay or waiting period) --------------------------H ospitalization insurance __________ S urgical insurance ________________ M ed ical insurance _________________ Catastrophe insurance -----------------R etirem ent pension p l a n ____________ No health, insurance, o r pension p la n ________________________ Table 21. P e rce n t D istribution o f O ffice W orkers by Type o f Supplem entary Cash Bonus P a y m e n ts,1 A nchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, A la s k a ,2 June 1963 1 Supplementary nonproduction bonuses paid in cash to a m a jo rity o f the o ffice w ork ers. 2 F o r s cop e o f study, see table in appendix A . 3 L ess than 0 .5 p ercen t. Appendix A. Scope and Method of Survey Scope of Survey These surveys in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska relate to establishments within seven broad industry divisions: Manufacturing; contract construction; transportation, com munication, and other public utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade; finance, insurance, and real estate; and selected services. Major industry groups excluded from these studies are government operations and extractive industries. The study in each area includes establishments with 50 workers or more at the time of reference of the data used in compiling the universe lists (first quarter of 1962 for Hawaii and Puerto Rico areas, and highest employment in second or third quarter of 1962 for Alaska areas). The estimated number of establishments and workers within each in dustry division during the period studied and the number actually studied in each area are indicated in the accompanying table. The geographic scope of each study is defined in foot notes to the table. The surveys in Hawaii and Puerto Rico were conducted on a sample basis because of the cost involved in surveying all establishments. To obtain optimum accuracy at min imum cost, a greater proportion of large than of small establishments was studied. In combining the data, however, all establishments were given their appropriate weight. Be cause of the relatively small universe of establishments in Alaska, all establishments within scope as defined for the survey were actually studied. The estimates based on the estab lishments studied in each area are presented, therefore, as relating to all establishments in the industries and areas covered, except for those below the minimum size studied. Method of Collection Data were obtained by personal visits of Bureau field economists to the establish ments selected for study within each area. Employees were classified according to occu pation and level, with the assistance of company officials, on the basis of uniform job definitions. In comparing actual duties and responsibilities of employees with those in the survey definitions, extensive use was made of company occupational descriptions, organization charts, and other personal records, usually available in the larger companies. The occu pational definitions used in classifying employees appear in appendix B. Occupational Earnings Although all occupations and levels defined in appendix Bwere studied in each survey, earnings data for a number of the occupations and work levels are not presented in the tables because either (1) employment is too small to provide enough data to permit presentation, or (2) there is a possibility of disclosure of individual establishment data. The average salaries reported relate to the standard salaries that were paid for the standard work sched ules; i. e . , to the straight-time salary corresponding to the employee^ normal work schedule excluding overtime hours. Salary differentials over mainland rates, paid by some companies with employees in the areas studied, were included. Average salaries were rounded to the nearest dollar. In the occupations surveyed, both men and women were classified and included in the occupational employment estimates. Employment of one sex was sufficiently predominant in each of the occupations to preclude presentation of separate data by sex. Occupational employment estimates in all areas surveyed relate to the total in all establishments within the scope of the study and not the number actually surveyed. Because of differences in occupational structure among establishments, the estimates of occupational employment obtained from the sample of establishments,in the Hawaii and Puerto Rico studies serve only to indicate the relative importance of the jobs as defined for these studies. There are also variations among the professional and administrative occupations in the proportion of all employees represented in these fields of work because of differences (1) in the range of functions and responsibilities encompassed by the definitions for various occupations, as well as differences (2) in the number of work levels selected for study in each occupation. 30 31 Establishments and Workers Within Scope of Survey1 and Number Studied in Selected Labor Markets, Hawaii and Puerto R ico, May 1963, and in Alaska, June 1963 Number of establishments Area and industry division Within scope of study Workers in establishments Within scope of study Studied Studied Total 2 Office Plant T otal1 2 Honolulu, Hawaii 3 A ll divisions------------------------------------- 327 127 56, 300 9,300 37,800 38,460 Manufacturing---------------------------------Nonmanufacturing----------------------------Contract construction-----------------Transportation, communication, and other public utilities4 5 ----------Wholesale trade--------------------------Retail tra d e -------------------------------Finance, insurance, and real estate-------------------------------Services3 ------------------------------------ 57 270 57 27 100 18 13,600 42,700 5,900 900 8,400 400 10,300 27,500 4,900 10,600 27,860 2,400 30 38 74 17 13 17 10,000 5,900 8,800 1,400 1,600 700 6,900 3,400 7,000 8,450 3,470 4,750 32 39 16 19 5,600 6,500 3,600 700 700 4,600 4,010 4,780 A ll divisions------------------------------------- 535 179 81,700 8,600 66,100 47, 910 Manufacturing---------------------------------Nonmanufacturing----------------------------Contract construction-----------------Transportation, communication, and other public utilities 4 -------Wholesale trade--------------------------Retail tra d e -------------------------------Finance, insurance, and real estate-------------------- -----------Services 3 ------------------------------------ 227 308 90 66 113 32 32,800 48,900 14,400 1,900 6,700 400 28,300 37,800 13,400 16,210 31,700 8,870 48 60 47 23 14 15 11,600 6,200 6,300 1, 100 1,300 500 9,000 4,300 5,300 9,010 2,240 4,050 38 25 15 14 6,400 4,000 3, 100 300 2,500 3, 300 4,140 3,390 A ll divisions-------------------------------------- 97 97 9,090 1, 150 6, 320 9,090 Manufacturing — -----------------------------Nonmanufacturing--------------------------Contract construction---- ------------Transportation, communication, and other public utilities 4 -------Wholesale trade--------------------------Retail tra d e -------------------------------Finance, insurance, and real estate-------------------------------Services3 ------------------------------------ 12 85 20 12 85 20 1,780 7,310 1,090 160 990 30 1,200 5,120 920 1,780 7,310 1,090 28 6 14 28 6 14 3,390 290 1,180 380 30 120 2, 340 .210 920 3,390 290 1,180 6 11 6 11 550 810 400 30 40 690 550 810 Mayaguez, Ponce, and San Juan, Puerto R ico 67 Anchorage, Fairbanks, Tuneau, and Ketchikan, Alaska^ 1 The study relates to establishments in the areas and industries listed employing 50 workers or more. 2 Includes executive, professional, and other workers excluded from the separate office and plant categories. 3 Honolulu Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (Honolulu County), as defined by the U. S. Bureau of the Budget. 4 Taxicabs were excluded. 5 Selected services: Hotels; personal services, business services; automobile repair shops; motion pictures; nonprofit organizations; and engineering and architectural services. * Mayaguez, Ponce, and San Juan Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (municipalities of Mayaguez, Ponce, San Juan, Catano, Bayambn, and Guaynabo), as defined by the U. S. Bureau of the Budget. 7 Cities and contiguous areas o f Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan, plus a few relatively large establishments lo cated in other communities in Alaska. 32 Establishment Practices and Supplementary Wage Provisions ♦ Information presented on selected establishment practices and supplementary bene fits relates to office workers. The concept "office workers," as used in these studies, in cludes working supervisors and nonsupervisory workers performing clerical and related functions, and excludes administrative, executive, and professional personnel. Because of rounding, sums of individual items equal totals. in these tabulations may not The scheduled hours (tables 3, 10, and 17) of a majority of the office workers in am establishment are tabulated as applying to all office workers of that establishment. Paid holidays; paid vacations; health, insurance, and pension plans; and nonproduction bonuses are treated statistically on the basis that these are applicable to all office workers if a majority of such workers are eligible or may eventually qualify for the practices listed. The paid holidays tables (4, 11, and 18) present the number of whole and half holi days actually provided, in the first part, and combines whole and half holidays to show total holiday time in the second part. The summary of paid vacation plans (tables 5, 12, and 19) is limited to formal policies, excluding informal arrangements whereby time off with pay was granted at the discretion of the employer. Separate estimates are provided according to employer practice in computing vacation payments, such as time payments, percent of annual earnings, or flatsum amounts. However, in the tabulations of vacation allowances by weeks of pay and years of service, payments not on a time basis were so converted; for example, a payment of 2 per cent of annual earnings was considered as the equivalent of 1 week* s pay. The pay amounts and service period for which data are presented are typical, but do not necessarily reflect the individual provisions for progressions. For example, the changes in proportions indicated at 10 years1 service include changes in provisions occurring between 5 and 10 years. Fur thermore, estimates are cumulative. Thus, the proportion receiving 3 weeks1 pay or more after 10 years of service includes those who receive 3 weeks* pay or more after fewer years of service. Data for intermediate service periods were not tabulated. Data are presented for all health, insurance, and pension plans (tables 6, 13, and 20) for which at least a part of the cost was borne by the employer, excepting only legal re quirements such as workmen’s compensation, railroad retirement, and social security. Such plans included those underwritten by a commercial insurance company and those provided through a union fund or paid directly by the employer out of current operating funds or from a fund set aside for this purpose. Death benefits were included as a form of life insurance. Sickness and accident insurance data are limited to that type of insurance under which predetermined cash payments were made directly to the insured on a weekly or monthly basis during illness or accident disability. Information is presented for all such plans to which the employer contributes. Tabulations of paid sick leave plans are limited to formal plans which provided full pay or a proportion of the worker’s pay during absence from work because of illness. Separate tabulations are presented according to (1) plans which provided full pay and no waiting period, and (2) plans which provided either partial pay or a waiting period. Sick leave plans include only those which definitely established at least the minimum number of days* pay that could be expected by each employee. Informal sick leave allowances determined on an individual basis were excluded. In addition to the presentation of the pro portions of workers who are provided sickness and accident insurance or paid sick leave, an unduplicated total is shown of workers who received either or both types of benefit. Catastrophe insurance, sometimes referred to as extended medical insurance, in cludes those plans which were designed to protect employees in case of sickness and injury involving expenses beyond the normal coverage of hospitalization, medical, and surgical plans. Medical insurance refers to plans providing for complete or partial payment of doctors* fees. Such plans might be underwritten by commercial insurance companies or nonprofit organizations or they might be self-insured. Tabulations of retirement plans are limited to those plans that provided monthly payments for the remainder of the worker’s life. Appendix B. Occupational Definitions The primary purpose of preparing job definitions for the Bureaufs wage surveys is to assist its field staff in classifying into appropriate occupations, or levels within occupations, workers who are employed under a variety of payroll titles and different work arrangements from establishment to establishment and from area to area. This permits the grouping of occupational wage rates rep resenting comparable job content. To secure comparability of job content, some occupations and work levels are defined to include only those workers meeting specific criteria as to training, job functions, and responsibilities. Because of this emphasis on interestablishment and interarea comparability of occupational con tent, the Bureau’s occupational definitions may differ significantly from those in use in individual establishments or those prepared for other purposes. Also see note referring to the definitions for the drafting and clerical occupations on page 56. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS ACCOUNTANT Performs accounting work requiring professional knowledge of the theory and prac tice of recording, classifying, examining, and analyzing the data and records of financial transactions. Personally or by supervising others provides accounting service to management by maintaining the books of account, accumulating cost or other similar data, preparing reports and statements, and maintaining the accounting system by interpreting, supplementing, and revising the system as necessary. The work requires a professional knowledge of ac counting and a bachelor's degree in accounting or equivalent experience and education com bined. (See also chief accountant. ) Accountant I General characteristics. — At this beginning professional level, position is distin guished from nonprofessional positions by the variety of assignments; rate and scope of development expected of the incumbent; and the existence, implicit or explicit, of a planned training program designed to give the beginning accountant practical experience in the opera tions of an established accounting system. Learns to apply the principles, theories, and concepts of accounting to a particular accounting system. Direction received. — Works under close supervision of an experienced accountant. The guidance and supervision received are directed primarily to the development of the accountant's professional ability and to the evaluation of his potential for advancement. Limits of assignments are clearly defined, methods of procedure are specified, kinds of items to be noted and referred to supervisor are detailed. Typical duties and responsibilities. — Many of the assignments will include duties some of which may be nonprofessional in nature such as proving arithmetical accuracy; examining standard accounting documents for completeness, internal accuracy, and con formance with specific accounting requirements; tracing and reconciling records of financial transactions; and preparing detailed statements and schedules for reports. The presence of such nonprofessional tasks, provided they are part of the training and development pro cess, do not prevent the matching of a job if it otherwise meets this definition. Responsibility for direction of others.— Usually none. 33 84 A C C O U N T A N T — C ontin u ed Accountant II General characteristics.— At this continuing developmental level the professional accountant makes practical applications of technical accounting practices and concepts be yond the mere application of detailed rules and instructions. Assignments are designed to expand his practical experience and to develop his professional judgment in the application of basic accounting techniques to simple professional problems. He is expected to be com petent in the application of standard procedures and requirements to routine transactions, and to raise questions about unusual or questionable items and suggest solutions. Direction received. — Work is reviewed closely to verify its general accuracy and coverage of unusual problems, to insure conformance with required procedures and special instructions, and to insure his professional growth. His progress is evaluated in terms of his ability to apply his professional knowledge to basic' accounting problems in the day-to-day operations of an established accounting system. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Prepares routine working papers, schedules, exhibits, and summaries indicating the extent of his examination and developing and sup porting his findings and recommendations. This includes the examination of a variety of accounting documents to verify accuracy of computations and to ascertain that all trans actions are properly supported, are in accordance with pertinent regulations, and are classified and recorded according to acceptable accounting standards. Responsibility for direction of others.— Usually none, although may supervise a few clerks. Accountant III General characteristics. — Performs professional operating or cost accounting work requiring the standardized application of well established accounting principles, theories, concepts, and practices. Receives detailed instructions concerning the overall accounting system and its objectives, the policies and procedures under which it is operated, and the nature of changes in the system or its operation. Direction received. — A professional accountant at higher level normally is available to furnish advice and assistance as needed. Work is examined for technical accuracy, adequacy of professional judgment, and compliance with .instructions 'through spot checks, appraisal of results, subsequent processing, analysis of reports and statements, and other appropriate means. Typical duties and responsibilities. — The primary responsibility of most positions at this level is to insure that the day-to-day operations of the segment or system are carried out in accordance with accounting principles and the policies and objectives of the accounting system. Within limits of delegated responsibility, the accountant makes the day-to-day decisions concerning the accounting treatment of financial transactions. He is expected to recommend solutions to complex problems and propose changes in the accounting system, but he has no authority to effectuate these solutions or changes. His solutions are derived from his own knowledge of the application of well*established prin ciples and practices or by referring the problem to his superior for solution. Responsibility for the direction of others. — In most instances directs the work of a subordinate nonprofessional staff. 35 A C C O U N T A N T — C on tin u ed Accountant IV General characteristics.— Performs professional operating or cost accounting work which requires the application of well established accounting principles, theories, concepts and practices to a wide variety of difficult problems. Receives instructions concerning the objectives and operations of the overall accounting system. At this level, compared with level 1H, the technical accounting problems are more difficult and a greater degree of coordination among more numerous types of accounting records and operations may be essential. Direction received, — An accountant at higher level normally is available to furnish advice and assistance as needed. Work is reviewed for adequacy of professional judgment, compliance with instructions, and overall accuracy and quality by spot checks and appraisal of results. Typical duties and responsibilities.— As at level III, a primary characteristic of most positions at this level is the responsibility of operating an accounting system or seg ment in the intended manner. Makes day-to-day decisions concerning the accounting treat ment of financial transactions. He is expected to recommend solutions to complex problems beyond the scope of his responsibility and to propose changes in the accounting system, but he has no authority to act independently on these problems. Responsibility for direction of others. — Accounting staff supervised, include professional accountants. if any, may Accountant V General characteristics. — Performs professional operating or cost accounting work requiring the application of accounting principles and practices to the solution of very dif ficult problems for which no clear precedents exist, or to the development or extension of theories and practices to problems to which they have not been applied previously. Also at this level are positions having more than average responsibility because of the nature, magnitude, or impact of the assigned work. Is more directly concerned with what the system or segment should be, what operating accounting policies and procedures should be established or revised, and the meaning of the data in the reports and statements for which he is responsible. Direction received. — An accountant at higher level normally is available to furnish advice and Assistance as needed. Work is reviewed for adequacy of professional judgment, compliance with instructions, and overall quality. Typical duties and responsibilities. — In addition to insuring that the system or segment is operated as intended, is deeply involved in the fundamental and complex tech nical and managerial problems. Responsibility for direction of others. — Accounting staff supervised, if any, includes profe s sionai accountants. 36 AUDITOR Audits the financial records of a company or divisions or components of the com pany, to appraise systematically and verify the accounting accuracy of the records and reports. To the extent determined necessary, examines the transactions entering into the balance sheet and the transactions entering into income, expense, and cost accounts. Determines (1) the existence of recorded assets (including the observation of the taking of physical inventories) and the all inclusiveness of recorded liabilities; (2) the accuracy of financial statements or reports and the fairness of presentation of facts therein; (3) the propriety or legality of transactions; and (4) the degree of compliance with established policies and procedures concerning financial transactions. Evaluates the adequacy of the accounting system and internal financial control. Makes appropriate recommendations for improvement as necessary. (Work typically requires a bachelor* s degree in accounting or equivalent experience and education combined.) Excluded from the definition are positions which call for auditing duties which may require detailed knowledge of the operations of a particular company, but do not require full professional accounting training. For example, when the primary responsibility of the position is to check transactions to determine whether or not they conform to prescribed routines or procedures, it is excluded. Auditor I As a trainee auditor at the entering professional level, performs a variety of routine assignments under the close supervision of an experienced auditor. Auditor II This is the continuing developmental level for the professional auditor. As a junior member of an audit team, independently performs assigned portions of the audit examination which are limited in scope and complexity, such as physically counting to verify inventory items, checking assigned subsidiary ledger accounts against supporting bills or vouchers, checking and balancing various subsidiary ledgers against control accounts, or other similar duties designed to help the team leader check, verify, or prove the accounting entries. Responsibility extends only to the verification of accuracy of computations and the deter mination that all transactions are properly supported. Any technical problems not covered by instructions are brought to the attention of a superior. Auditor III1 (1) As auditor in charge of an audit team or in charge of individual audits, inde pendently conducts regular recurring audits in accordance with a prescribed audit policy of the accounts of smaller or less complex companies having gross income up to approxi mately $ 3 million per year, or similar size branch or subsidiary organizations of larger companies. Under minimum supervision, either working alone, or with the assistance of one or two subordinate auditors, examines transactions and verifies accounts; observes and evaluates local accounting procedures and internal controls; prepares audit working papers and submits an audit report in the required pattern containing recommendations for needed changes or improvements, or (2) as a member of an audit team auditing a larger and more complex organization (approximately $4 to $25 million gross income per year), independently performs the audit examination of a major segment of the audit such as the checking, verification, and balancing of all accounts receivable and accounts payable, the analysis and verification of assets and reserves, or the inspection and the evaluation of controls and procedures. 37 AUDITOR— Continued Auditor IV (1) As auditojr in charge of an audit team or of individual audits under minimum supervision with the assistance of approximately five subordinate auditors, independently conducts regular recurring audits of a company having gross income of approximately $4 to $25 million per year or in companies with much larger gross incomes, audits of ac counts of branch or subsidiary organizations of those companies each of which have gross income of $4 to $25 million per year. Plans and conducts the audit and prepares an audit report containing recommendations for changes or improvements in accounting prac tices, procedures, or policies; or (2) as a member of an audit team auditing the accounts of a larger and more complex organization (over $30 million gross income per year), is assigned relatively independent responsibility for a major segment of the audit such as the checking, verification, and balancing of all accounts receivable and accounts payable, the analysis and verification of assets and reserves, or the inspection and evaluation of con trols and procedures. CHIEF ACCOUNTANT1 Responsible for directing the accounting program for a company or for an es tablishment of a company. The minimum accounting program includes: (1) General ac counting (assets, liabilities, income, expense, and capital accounts, including responsibility for profit and loss and balance sheet statements); and (2) with at least one other major accounting activity, typically tax accounting, cost accounting, property accounting, or sales accounting. It may also include such other activities as payroll and timekeeping, .tabulating machine operation, etc. (Responsibility for an internal audit program is typically not included.) The responsibilities of the chief accountant include all of the following: (1) Developing, adapting, or revising an accounting system to meet the needs of the organization. (2) Supervising, either directly or through subordinate supervisors, the operation of the system with full management responsibility for the quality and quantity of work performed, training and development of subordinates, work scheduling and review, coordination with other parts of the organization served, etc. (3) Providing advisory services to the top management officials of the organization served as to: (a) The status of financial resources and the financial trends or results of operations in a manner that is meaningful to management. (b) Methods for improving operations as suggested by his expert knowledge of the financial situation, e .g ., proposals for improving cost control, property management, credit and collection, tax reduction, or similar programs. Definition does not cover positions with responsibility for the accounting program if they also include (as a major part of the job) responsibility for budgeting; work meas urement; organization, methods, or procedures studies, or similar functions. Such work is typical of positions sometimes titled as comptroller, budget and accounting manager, financial manager, etc. Chief accountant jobs which meet the above definition are classified by level of work in accordance with the following: C H IE F A C C O U N T A N T — C ontin ued Clas s Authority and res pons ibility _________ (!)________ Technical complexity (*) Subordinate staff of professional accountants in the system for which he is responsible.2 I AR-1 TC-1 Only one or two professional accountants, who do not exceed the accountant ni job definition. n AR-1 TC-2 About 5 to 10 professional accountants, with at least one or two matching the accountant IV job definition. AR-2 TC-1 About 5 to 10 professional accountants. Most of these match the accountant III job definition, but one or two may match the accountant IV job definition. AR-3 TC-1 Only one or two professional accountants, who do not exceed the accountant IV job definition. AR-1 TC-3 About 15 to 20 professional accountants. At least one or two match the accountant V job definition. AR-2 TC-2 About 15 to 20 professional accountants. Many of these match the accountant IV job definition, but some may match the accountant V job definition. AR-3 TC-1 About 5 to 10 professional accountants. Most of these match the accountant III job definition, but one or two may match as high as ac countant V. AR-2 TC-3 About 25 to 40 professional accountants. Many of these match the accountant V job definition, but several may exceed that level. AR-3 TC-2 About 15 to 20 professional accountants. Most of these match the accountant IV job definition, but several may match accountant V and one or two may exceed that level. AR-3 TC-3 About 25 to 40 professional accountants. Many of these match the accountant V job definition, but several may exceed that level. or or in or or IV or V i AR-1-2 and -3 and T C -l-2 and -3 are explained on the following page. 9 2 The number of professional accountants supervised, as shown above, is recognized to be a relatively crude criterion for distinguishing between the various classes. It is to be considered as less important in the matching process than the other criteria. In addition to the staff of professional accountants in the system for which the chief accountant is re sponsible, there are clerical, machine operation, bookkeeping, and related personnel. 39 C H IE F A C C O U N T A N T — C ontinued AR-1. Directs the accounting program for an establishment of a company. The accounting system has been established in considerable detail at higher organizational levels in the company, i. e. , accounts, procedures, and reports to be used have been prescribed. The chief accountant has authority, within this prescribed system, to adapt and expand it to fit the particular needs of the organization served, e.g. , to provide greater detail; to establish additional accounting controls; to provide special or interim reports and statements needed by the establishment manager for day-to-day operations, etc. AR-2. Directs the accounting program for an establishment of a company when the delegated authority to modify the basic accounting system established at higher organizational levels within the company clearly exceeds that described in AR-1. The basic accounting system is prescribed only in broad outlines rather than in specific detail, e .g ., while certain major financial reports, overall accounts, general policies, etc., are required by the basic system, the chief accountant has broad latitude to decide what specific methods, procedures, accounts, reports, etc., are to be used within the organizational segment he serves. He has authority to evaluate and take final action on recommendations for changes in that portion of the system for which he is responsible, but he must secure prior approval from higher organizational levels for any changes which would affect the basic system prescribed by such higher levels. Accounting reports and statements prepared reflect the events and progress of the entire organizational segment of the company for which he is responsible, and usually these reports represent consolidations of accounting data submitted by subordinate segments of the organization which have accounting responsibilities. (This degree of authority is most characteristically found at an organizational level in the company which is intermediate between the company headquarters level (see AR-3) and the plant level (see AR-1). How ever, if a similar degree of authority has been delegated to the plant level, the chief ac countant at such a place should be matched with this definition.) AR-3. Directs the accounting program for an entire company with or without sub ordinate establishments. Has complete responsibility for establishing and maintaining the framework for the basic accounting system used in the company, subject only to general policy guidance and control usually from a company official responsible for general financial management, frequently an officer of the company. The chief accountant evaluates and takes final action on recommendations for basic changes in the accounting system, originating from subordinate units within the system. Accounting reports and statements prepared reflect the events and progress of the* entire company, and to the extent that subordinate accounting segments exist, they represent consolidations of accounting data submitted by these segments. TC-1. The organization which the accounting program serves has relatively few functions, products, work processes, etc., and these tend to be stable and unchanging. The accounting system operates in accordance with well-established principles and practices or those of equivalent difficulty which are typical of that industry. TC-2. The organization which the accounting program serves has a relatively large number of functions, products, work processes, etc. , requiring substantial adaptations of the basic system to meet management needs. TC-3. The organization which the accounting program serves has functions, prod ucts, work processes, etc., which are very numerous, varied, unique, specialized or which, for similar reasons, puts a heavy demand on the accounting organization for spe cialized and extensive adaptations of the basic system to meet management needs. The ac counting system, to a considerable degree is developed well beyond the established principles and practices in order to provide methods for the solution of problems for which no clear precedents exist or to provide for the development or extension of theories and practices to problems to which they have not been previously applied. 40 ATTORNEYS ATTORNEY Performs work involved in providing consultation and advice to operating officials of the company with respect to its legal rights, privileges, and obligations. Performs such duties as anticipating any legal problems or risks involving the company and advising company officials; preparing and reviewing various legal instruments and documents, such as contracts for leases, licenses, sales, purchases, real estate, etc.; keeping informed of proposed legislation which might affect the company and advising the appropriate company officials; examining and checking for legal implications, public statements or advertising material; advising company whether to prosecute or defend law suits; acting as agent of the company in its transactions; and applying for patents, copyrights, or registration of the company's products, processes, devices, and trademarks. (Patent work which requires training in a technical field, e.g., engineering in addition to legal training, is excluded. Claims ex amining, claims investigating, or similar work are excluded even though the work is per formed by persons with a LL.B. degree, unless there is clear evidence that the job actually requires use of full professional legal training such as that of an attorney who performs investigative duties as a preliminary phase of his total responsibility for preparing a case for trial or actually trying a case in court.) Attorney I As a trainee (EL.B. with membership in bar), performs routine legal work, such as preparing briefs or drawing up contracts for review and evaluation by attorneys of higher grade. Receives immediate supervision in assignments designed to provide training in the application of established methods and techniques of legal research, drafting of legal in struments, etc. Attorney II Performs a variety of legal assignments, e.g., (1) drawing up contracts which require some ingenuity and an ability to evaluate the legal sufficiency of contract terms; (2) preparing draft opinions on legal questions involved in such areas as claims, grievances, labor laws, etc., when the legal question can be resolved relatively easily in the light of well*established facts and clearly applicable precedents. Receives general supervision during assignments, with most work reviewed by an attorney of higher grade. Responsibility for final action is usually limited to matters which are covered by instructions and prior approval of a superior. Attorney III Performs a variety of legal assignments, primarily in the study and analysis of legal questions, problems, or cases. Prepares draft opinions or other kinds of legal work on legal questions involved in such areas as claims, grievances, labor laws, etc., when the questions are complicated by the absence of legal precedents clearly and directly appli cable to the case, or by the different possible constructions which might be placed on either the facts or the laws and precedents involved. Typically Specializes in one legal field, e.g., labor law, real estate, contracts, etc. Receives general supervision during initial and final stages of assignments, but is expected to conduct work with relative independence. Respon sibility for final action is usually limited to matters covered by legal precedents and in which little . deviation from standard forms and practices is involved. Any decisions or actions having a bearing on the company's business are reviewed by a superior. May super vise or review the work of a few assistants, normally not attorneys. Attorney IV Similar to attorney III but the work is performed under considerably less close supervision and direction. The attorney is expected to independently investigate the facts, search out precedents, define the legal and factual issues, draft all necessary documents, opinions, etc., and present conclusions and recommendations for review. Guidance from superiors during this process occurs only if the problem is clearly more difficult than normal for this level. The final product is reviewed carefully, but primarily for overall soundness of legal reasoning and consistency with company policy, rather than for accuracy of tech nical detail. 41 A T T O R N E Y — C ontin ued Attorney V Responsible for a broad legal area in which assignments cover a wide range of difficult and complex legal questions and problems. Primarily serves in an advisory capacity, making studies and developing opinions which may have an important bearing on the conduct of the company's business (e.g., recommending action to protect the company's trademarks and copyrights in foreign countries). Receives a minimum of technical legal supervision. May supervise a small staff of attorneys. Attorney VI Similar to attorney V but the legal questions and problems are of outstanding diffi culty and complexity or of crucial importance to the welfare of the company. For example, (1) complex factual and policy issues which require extensive research, analysis, and ob taining and evaluating expert testimony in controversial areas of science, finance, corporate structure, engineering, etc.; or (2) cases involve very large sums of money (e.g., about $ 1 million) or, for other reasons, are very vigorously contested. Attorney VII Plans, conducts, and supervises legal assignments within one or more broad legal areas. Supervises a staff of attorneys, and has responsibility for evaluating their perform ance and approving recommendations which may have an important bearing on the conduct of the company's business. Receives guidance as to company policy but no technical super vision or assistance except when he might request advice on the most difficult, novel, or important technical legal questions. Usually reports to the general counsel or chief attorney of the company or his immediate deputy. OFFICE SERVICES MANAGER, OFFICE SERVICES Responsible for planning, directing, and controlling of office services, subject only to the most general policy supervision. Plays an active role in anticipating and planning to meet office services needs of the operating organization served. Supervises a group of em ployees engaged in providing office services of a supporting or "housekeeping'1 nature to the primary operation of a company, an establishment, or an organizational unit of a company or establishment. (May personally perform some of the functions.) Office services include: (a) Receipt, distribution, and dispatch of mail. (b) Maintenance of central files. (c) Printing or duplication and distribution of forms, publications, etc. (May be limited to ordering the printing or duplication of items. Does not necessarily have charge of a printshop or duplication facilities, especially in large opera tions, but coordinates the flow to and from the reproduction units.) (d) Purchasing office supplies and equipment. (Makes direct purchases of run-ofthe-mill office supplies. May be responsible for direct purchase of other items from outside suppliers or may requisition through establishment purchasing departments.) (e) Records control and disposal. (f) Communications (telephone switchboard and/or teletype service). (g) Typing or stenographic pool. (h) Office equipment maintenance and repair. (May have direct supervision of main tenance and repair personnel or may coordinate the ordering of such services from outside service suppliers or from a central service unit within the e stablishment.) (i) Space control over office facilities— layout and arrangement of offices. (Typically serves as a staff assistant to management officials in performing this function.) 42 M A N A G E R , . O F F IC E S E R V IC E S— C ontinued Manager, Office Services I Supervises a staff of employees engaged in performing a few (e. g ., four or five) of the above functions as a service to a small organization (e. g. , 300 to 600 employees, excluding nonsupervisory plant workers). Manager, Office Services II A. Supervises a staff of employees engaged in performing a few (e. g ., four or five) of the above functions as a service to a moderately large organization (e. g ., 600 to 1, 500 employees, excluding nonsupervisory plant workers). OR B. Supervises a staff of employees engaged in performing most (e. g. , seven or eight) of the above functions as a service to a small organization (e. g ., 300 to 600 em ployees, excluding nonsupervisory plant workers). Manager, Office Services III A. Supervises a staff of employees engaged in performing a few (e. g ., four or five) of the functions as a service to a large organization (e. g ., 1, 500 to 3, 000 employees, excluding nonsupervisory plant workers). OR B. Supervises a staff of employees engaged in performing most (e. g ., seven or eight) of the above functions as a service to a moderately large organization (e. g ., 600 to 1, 500 employees, excluding nonsupervisory plant workers). Manager, Office Services IV Supervises a staff of employees engaged in performing most (e. g ., seven or eight) of the above functions as a service to a large organization (e. g ., 1, 500 to 3, 000 employees, excluding nonsupervisory plant workers). PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT JOB ANALYST Performs work involved in collecting, analyzing, and developing occupational data relative to jobs, job qualifications, and worker characteristics as a basis for compensating employees in a fair, equitable, and uniform manner. Performs such duties as studying and analyzing jobs and preparing descriptions of duties and responsibilities and of the physical and mental requirements needed by workers; evaluating jobs and determining appropriate wage or salary levels in accordance with their difficulty and responsibility; independently conducting or participating with representatives of other companies in conducting compen sation surveys within a locality or labor market area; assisting in administering merit rating program; reviewing changes in wages and salaries indicated by surveys and recommending changes in pay scales; and auditing individual jobs to check the propriety of evaluations and to apply current job classifications. Job Analyst I As a trainee, performs work in designated areas and of limited occupational scope. Receives immediate supervision in assignments designed to provide training in the application of established methods and techniques of job analysis. Studies the least difficult jobs and prepares reports for review by a job analyst of higher level. Job Analyst II Studies, describes, and evaluates jobs in accordance with established procedures. Is usually assigned to the simpler kinds of both wage and salaried jobs in the establishment. Works independently on such assignments but is limited by instructions of his superior and by defined area of assignment. 43 JO B A N A L Y S T — C ontin ued Job Analyst III Analyzes and evaluates a variety of wage and salaried jobs in accordance with established evaluation systems and procedures. May conduct wage surveys within the locality or participate in conducting surveys of broad compensation areas. May assist in developing survey methods and plans. Receives general supervision but responsibility for final action is limited. Job Analyst IV Analyzes and evaluates a variety of jobs in accordance with established evaluation systems and procedures, and is given assignment which regularly includes responsibility for the more difficult kinds of jobs. ("More difficult" means jobs which consist of hard-tounderstand work processes; e.g., professional, scientific, administrative, or technical; £r jobs in new or emerging occupational fields; or jobs which are being established as part of the creation of new organizations; or where other special considerations of these types apply.) Receives general supervision, but responsibility for final action is limited. May participate in the development and installation of evaluation or compensation systems, which may include those for merit rating programs. May plan survey methods and conduct or direct wage surveys within a broad compensation area. DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL*1 3 2 Directs a personnel management program for a company or for a plant or estab lishment of a company. For a job to be covered by this definition, the personnel manage ment program must include responsibility for all three of the following functions: (1) Administering a formal job evaluation system; i.e., a system in which there are established procedures by which jobs are analyzed and evaluated on the basis of their duties, responsibilities, and qualification requirements in order to provide a foundation for equitable compensation. Typically, such a system includes the use of one or more sets of job evaluation factors and the prepa ration of formal job descriptions. It may also include such related functions as wage and salary surveys or merit rating system administration. The job evaluation system(s) does not necessarily cover all jobs in the organization, but does cover a substantial portion of the organization. (2) Employment and placement functions; i.e., recruiting actively for at least some kinds of workers through a variety of sources (e.g., schools or colleges, em ployment agencies, professional societies, etc.); evaluating applicants against demands of particular jobs by use of such techniques as job analysis to deter mine requirements, interviews, written tests of aptitude, knowledge, or skill, reference checks, experience evaluations, etc.; recommending selections and job placements to management, etc. (3) Employee relations and services functions; i.e., functions designed to maintain employees morale and productivity at a high level (for example, administering a formal or informal grievance procedure; identifying and recommending solu tions for personnel problems such as absenteeism, high turnover, low produc tivity, etc.; administration of beneficial suggestions system, retirement, pension, or insurance plans, merit rating system, etc.; overseeing cafeteria operations, recreational programs, industrial health or safety programs, etc.). Employee training and development functions may or may not be part of the per sonnel management program for purposes of matching this definition. Labor relation activities, if any, are confined mainly to the administration, inter pretation, and application of labor union contracts and are essentially similar to those de scribed under (3) above. If responsibility for actual contract negotiation with labor unions as the principal company representative is considered a significant one in the job, i.e., the one which serves as the primary basis for qualification requirements and compensation, the job is excluded from being matched with this definition. Participation in bargaining of a less significant nature, e.g., to negotiate detailed settlement of such matters as specific rates, job classifications, work rules, hiring or layoff procedures, etc., within the broad terms of a general agreement reached at higher levels, or to supply advice and information on technical points to the company's principal representative, will not have the effect of ex cluding the job from coverage. 44 D IR E C T O R O F P E R S O N N E L — C ontinued The director of personnel not only directs a personnel management program of the intensity and scope outlined previously, but (to be a proper match) he is recognized by the top management officials of the organization he serves as the source of advice and assistance on personnel management matters and problems generally. For example, he is typically consulted on the7 personnel implications of planned changes in management policy or pro gram, the effects on the organization of economic or market trends, product or production method changes, etc. ; he represents management in external contacts with other companies, trade associations, government agencies, etc., when the primary subject matter of the con tact is on personnel management matters. Typically, the director of personnel reports to a company officer or a high manage ment official who has responsibility for the operation of a plant or establishment of a com pany; or, at company headquarters level, he may report to a company officer in charge of industrial relations and personnel management activities or a similar official. Directors of personnel jobs which meet the above definition are classified by level of work in accordance with the following tabulation: Personnel program operations le v e l1 Number o f employees in work force serviced 250-750 ............................................................ -----1,000-5,000 — ............................................... 6,000-12,000 ----------------------------------------- -----15,000-25,000 --------------------------------------- .Organization serviced— type A 3 I Ill Organization serviced— type B 4 II III IV V Personnel program ______ development le v e l2 Organization serviced— type A 3 II III IV V Organization serviced— type B 4 III IV V - * Personnel program operations level— director o f personnel servicing an organizational segment ( e . g . , a plant) o f a company, where the basic personnel program policies, plans, objectives, e t c ., are established at company head quarters or at some other higher level between the plant and the company headquarters level. The personnel di rector's responsibility is to put these into operation at the local level, in such a manner as to most effectively serve the local management needs. Personnel program development level— director of personnel servicing an entire company (with or without sub ordinate establishments) where the personnel director plays an important role in establishment of basic personnel policies, plans, objectives, e t c ., for the company, subject to policy direction and control from company officers. There may be instances in which there is such relatively com plete delegation of personnel program planning and development re sponsibility below the company level to an intermediate organization, e. g . , a subsidiary or a division, that a job of personnel director for such an organization should be matched as though it were a company level job. 3 Organization serviced— type A — jobs serviced are (almost exclusively) types which are common in the labor market generally, and consist o f relatively easy-to-understand work processes, or for similar reasons do not present particularly difficult recruitment, job evaluation, or training problems. Work force, organizational structure, and other organizational characteristics are relatively stable. 4 Organization serviced——type B— jobs serviced include a substantial number of types which are largely peculiar to the organization serviced, consist o f hard-to-understand work processes (e. g . , professional, scientific, administra tive, or technical), are jobs in new or emerging occupational fields, are in extremely short supply, have hard-tomatch skill requirements, or for similar reasons present difficult recruitment, job evaluation, or training problems. Work force, organizational structure, or other organizational characteristics are complicated, unstable, subject to wide seasonal fluctuations, etc. NOTE: There are gaps between different degrees o f all three elements used to determine job level matches. These gaps have been provided purposely to allow room for judgment in getting the best overall job level match for each job. Thus, a job which services a work force o f 850 employees should be matched with level II if it is a personnel program operations level job where the nature o f the organization serviced seems to fall slightly below the definition for the type B degree. However, the same job should be matched with level I if the nature of the organi zation serviced clearly falls well within the definition for the type A degree. 45 CHEMISTS AND ENGINEERS CHEMIST Performs research, development, interpretive, and analytical work to determine the composition, molecular structure, and properties of substances, to develop or investigate new materials and processes, and to investigate the transformation which substances undergo. Work typically requires a B.S. degree in chemistry or equivalent in education and ex perience combined. Chemist I General characteristics.— As the beginning level of professional work in chemistry, a bachelor's degree with major study in chemistry, or equivalent is required. Typically receives formal classroom or on-the-job training. Direction received.— Performs work under close supervision with specific and de tailed instructions as to required tasks and results expected. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Assignments are planned to provide experience in the application of common laboratory techniques and familiarization with methods and practices in the laboratory. Performs a variety of routine analyses, tests, and operations, and assists experienced chemists by carrying out detailed steps of experiments. Responsibility for the direction of others.— None. Chemist II General characteristics.— At this continuing developmental level for professional chemists, work is characterized by selection and application of general and specialized methods, techniques, and instruments commonly used in the laboratory. May receive advanced on-the-job training or formal classroom instruction. Direction received.— Supervisors establish the nature and extent of analysis re quired, specify methods and criteria on new types of assignments, and review work for thor oughness of application of methods and accuracy of results. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Analyzes a wide variety of samples for which there are standard or established methods of analysis or for which the adaptation of standard methods is obvious or determined by others. Conducts specified phases of research projects as an assistant to an experienced chemist. Responsibility for the direction of others.— May supervise a few technicians or aids. Chemist III General characteristics.— Performs work requiring application of knowledge of a specialized field of chemistry and ingenuity in the independent evaluation, selection, and adaptation of standard methods and techniques. Direction received.— On routine work, supervision is very general; unusual problems are resolved with close collaboration of supervisor. Completed work is reviewed for appli cation of sound judgment in choice of methods and adequacy of results. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Develops details of research and development assignments in accordance with a line of approach suggested by the supervisor and adapts methods to the specific requirements of assignments. Analyzes samples that require special ized training because standard methods are ^inapplicable, because of required interpretive judgment of quality of substances, or because of required specialized skill in adapting tech niques such as microanalysis. Responsibility for the direction of others.— May supervise a few technicians or aids. 46 C H E M IST — C ontin ue d Chemist IV General characteristics.— Plans and conducts work in chemistry requiring mastery of specialized techniques or considerable ingenuity in selecting and evaluating approaches to unforeseen or novel problems. Direction received.— Generally works independently of technical supervision but re fers proposed plans and unusually important or complex problems to supervisor for guidance. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Conducts research assignments requiring the evaluation of alternate methods of approach. Undertakes the more complex, and exacting, or esoteric analytical assignments requiring a specialist in technique or product. Prepares interpretive reports of results and may provide technical advice on significance of results. Responsibility for the direction of others.— May supervise a small staff of chemists and technicians. Chemist V General characteristics.— Participates in planning research programs on the basis of specialized knowledge of problems and methods and probable value of results. May serve as an expert in a narrow specialty making recommendations and conclusions which serve as the basis for undertaking or rejecting important projects. Direction received.— Usually discusses important developments -with supervisor. Supervision received relates largely to work objectives and administrative aspects. Typical duties and responsibilities.— From broad program objectives, plans, organ izes, and supervises or conducts research investigations with responsibility for defining projects and scope and independently selecting lines of approach. As individual worker, carries out research project requiring origination of new scientific techniques and mature background of knowledge of related fields of science. Responsibility for the direction of others.— May supervise a small group of chemists engaged in varied research projects or a larger group on routine analytical work. Chemist VI General characteristics.— Performs work requiring leadership and expert knowledge in a specialized field of chemistry. Conceives, plans, and directs projects of a pioneering nature to create new methods and techniques or to resolve problems which have proved unusually refractory. Direction received.— Supervision received is essentially administrative with assign ments broadly indicated in terms of objectives. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Determines the kinds of projects and data needed to meet objectives of programs. Maintains liaison with related organizations and represents the laboratory in important conferences with authority to commit the organiza tion. May serve as a consultant to other chemists in the specialty field. Responsibility for the direction of others.— May plan, organize, direct, and evaluate the work of a group of chemists. Chemist VII General characteristics.— Supervisor— provides leadership and scientific guidance for a broad and diversified program in chemistry and related supporting activities such as to require several subordinate supervisors responsible for programs typically identified with level VI. Recommends the facilities, personnel, and funds required to carry out programs and evaluates accomplishments. 47 C H E M IST— C ontin ued Individual researcher and consultant—is a nonsupervisory chemist of recognized leadership status and authoritativeness in his company* in a broad area of specializa tion. Is consulted extensively by associates and others with a high degree of reliance placed on his scientific interpretations and advice. Direction received.— Under general administrative direction. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Supervisor—is responsible for an important segment of a chemical program of a company with extensive and diversified scientific re quirements or the entire chemical program of a company where the program is limited in scope. Makes authoritative technical recommendations concerning the scientific objectives and levels of work which will be most profitable in the light of company requirements and scientific and industrial trends and developments. Individual researcher and consultant— selects problems for research and conceives and plans investigations in which the phenomena and principles are not adequately under stood, so that outstanding creativity and mature judgment are required to devise hypoth eses and techniques of experimentation and to interpret results. Advises the head of a large laboratory on complex aspects of extremely broad and important programs with responsibility for exploring, justifying, and evaluating proposed and current programs and projects and furnishing advice on unusually complex and novel problems in the spe cialty field. Responsibility for the direction of others.— Supervisor— see "general character istics" above. Chemist VIII General characteristics.— Supervisor—provides leadership and scientific guidance for a very broad and highly diversified program in chemistry and related supporting activ ities requiring several subordinate supervisors responsible for programs typically identified with level VII, or a large number of supervisors of lower levels. Recommends the facil ities, personnel, and funds required for programs and evaluates accomplishments. Individual researcher and consultant— serves as a consultant to top-level management on scientific questions of far-reaching significance. Is sought as a consultant by chem ists who are themselves specialists in the field. Is a nationally recognized research leader and consultant for his company. Direction received.— Receives general administrative direction. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Supervisor—is responsible for an important segment of a chemical program of a company with very extensive and highly diversified scien tific requirements or the entire chemical program of a company where the program is of moderate scope. Is responsible for deciding the kind and extent of chemical and related program needed to accomplish the objectives of the company, for choosing the scientific ap proaches, for planning and organizing facilities and programs, and for interpreting results. Individual researcher and consultant—formulates and guides the attack on exception ally difficult and important problems whose solution would represent a major scien tific or technological advance. Responsibility for the direction of others.— Supervisor— see "general character istics" above. This level does not include the chief chemist of a company with a very extensive and highly diversified program; or the assistant chief chemist of a company with an unusually extensive and novel chemical program. 48 ENGINEER Performs work in research, development, design, testing, analysis, production, con struction, maintenance, operation, planning, survey, estimating, application, or standardiza tion of engineering facilities, systems, structures, processes, equipment devices, or ma terials requiring knowledge of the science and art by which materials, natural resources, and power are made useful. Work typically requires a B.S. degree in engineering or the equivalent in experience and education combined. (Safety engineers, industrial engineers, quality control engineers, and sales engineers are to be excluded.) Engineer I General characteristics.— As the beginning level of engineering work, a bachelor's degree in engineering or equivalent is required. Typically receives formal classroom or on-the-job training. Direction received.— Performs work under close supervision with specific and de tailed instructions as to required tasks and results expected. Work is checked during prog ress, and upon completion is reviewed for accuracy. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Performs simple tasks that are planned to pro vide experience and familiarization with methods and practices of the company in the specialty field and to ascertain the interests and aptitudes of the beginning engineer. Responsibility for the direction of others.— None. Engineer II General characteristics.— At this continuing developmental level, performs routine engineering work requiring application of standard techniques, procedures, and criteria in carrying out a sequence of related engineering tasks. Limited exercise of judgment is re quired on details of work. May receive advanced on-the-job or classroom instructions. Direction received.— Supervisor screens assignments to eliminate difficult problems and selects techniques and procedures to be applied. Receives close supervision on new aspects of assignments. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Using prescribed methods, performs specific and limited portions of a broader assignment of an experienced engineer. Applies standard practices and techniques in specific situations, adjusts and correlates data, recognizes dis crepancies in results, and follows operations through a series of related detailed steps or processes. Responsibility for the direction of others.— May supervise a few aids or technicians. Engineer III General characteristics.— Work requires independent evaluation, selection, and ap plication of standard engineering techniqueis, procedures, and criteria, using judgment and ingenuity in making minor adaptations and modifications. Direction received.— Receives instruction on specific assignment objectives, points of emphasis, reference and information sources, and possible solutions. Unusual problems are solved jointly with supervisor, and work is reviewed for application of sound engineering judgment. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Assignments include equipment design and de velopment, test of materials, preparation of specifications, process study, research investigations, report preparation, and other activities of limited scope requiring knowledge of principles, practices, and techniques commonly employed in the specific narrow area of assignments. Performs work which involves conventional types of plans, investigations, surveys, structures, or equipment with relatively few complex features for which there are precedents. Responsibility for the direction of others.— May supervise the work of draftsmen, inspectors, and other technicians assigned to assist in the work. 49 EN GIN EE R — C on tin u ed Engineer IV General characteristics.— Work requires originality and judgment in the independent evaluation* selection* and substantial adaptation and modification of standard techniques* procedures, and criteria. Is recognized as fully competent in all conventional aspects of the subject-matter or functional area of assignments. Direction received.— Receives direct supervision and guidance primarily on novel or controversial problems or questions. Makes independent technical decisions on details of work covered by precedents. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Plans, schedules, and coordinates detailed phases of the engineering work in a part of a major project or in a total project of moderate scope. Devises new approaches to problems encountered. Performs work which involves conventional engineering practice but includes a variety of complex features such as conflict ing design requirements, unsuitability of standard materials, and difficult coordination re quirements. Work requires a broad knowledge of precedents in the specialty area and a good knowledge of principles and practices of related specialties. Responsibility for the direction of others.— May supervise a few engineers or tech nicians on routine work. Engineer V General characteristics.— Work requires application of intensive and diversified knowledge of engineering principles and practices in broad areas of assignments and re lated fields. Makes decisions independently on engineering problems and methods, and rep resents the organization in conferences to resolve important questions and to plan and co ordinate work. Positions may be supervisory or nonsupervisory. Direction received.— Receives supervision and guidance only in terms of specific work objectives and critical issues. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Supervisor—plans, develops, coordinates, and directs a large and important engineering project or a number of small projects with many complex features. Nonsupervisory researcher— carries out complex or novel research assignments requiring the development of new or improved techniques and procedures. Nonsupervisory staff specialist— develops and evaluates plans and criteria for a variety of projects and activities to be carried out by others. Responsibility for the direction of others.— Supervisor— supervises, coordinates, and reviews the work of a small staff of engineers and technicians. Estimates manpower needs and schedules and assigns work to meet completion date. Engineer VI General characteristics.— Work is characterized by full technical responsibility for interpreting, organizing, executing, and coordinating assignments. Maintains liaison with other organizations or companies. Positions may be supervisory or nonsupervisory. Direction received.— Assignments are received in terms of broad general objectives and limits. Supervision concerns administrative features of the work. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Conceives and plans engineering projects in volving exploration of subject area, definition of scope and selection of problems for inves tigation, and development of novel concepts and approaches. Supervisor—plans, develops, coordinates, and directs a number of large and im portant projects or a project of major scope and importance. Nonsupervisory researcher—plans and conducts research or other work requiring pioneering in areas in which large blocks of data are controversial or unknown. 50 ENGINEE R — C ontin ued Nonsupervisory staff specialist— as an expert in a specific field, performs advisory, consulting, and review work. Responsibility for direction of others.— Supervisor— directs a staff of project engi neers and assistants. Evaluates progress of the staff and results obtained, and recommends major changes to achieve overall objectives. Engineer VII General characteristics.— Work is characterized by decisions and recommendations which are recognized as authoritative and have an important impact on extensive engineering activities. Initiates and maintains extensive contacts with key engineers and officials of other organizations and companies; this requires skill in persuasion and negotiations of critical issues. Positions may be supervisory or nonsupervisory. Direction received.— Receives general administrative direction. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Demonstrates creativity, foresight, and mature engineering judgment in anticipating and solving unprecedented engineering problems, de termining program objectives and requirements, organizing programs and projects, and de veloping standards and guides for diverse engineering activities. Supervisor—plans, develops, coordinates, and directs an engineering program con sisting of many large and important projects. Nonsupervisory— performs advisory, consulting, and review work as authoritative specialist or expert in broad program areas. Responsibility for the direction of others.— Supervisor— directs a large staff of pro ject engineers, and engineers and scientists in supporting functions. Several subordinate supervisors are responsible for projects or activities typically identified with level VI. Engineer VIII General characteristics.— Work is characterized by authoritative decisions and rec ommendations which have a far-reaching impact on extensive engineering and related ac tivities of the company. Negotiates critical and controversial issues with top level en gineers and officers of other organizations and companies. Positions may be supervisory or nonsupervisory. Direction received.— Receives general administrative direction. Typical duties and responsibilities.— Demonstrates a high degree of creativity, fore sight, and mature engineering judgment in planning, organizing, and guiding extensive engi neering programs and activities of outstanding novelty and importance. Supervisor—plans, develops, coordinates, and directs a highly complex and diver sified engineering program consisting of many large and important projects and support ing activities. Nonsupervisory—performs advisory and consulting work for his company as a na tionally recognized authority for broad program areas of considerable novelty and importance. Responsibility for the direction of* others.— Directs a very large staff of project engineers, and engineers and scientists in supporting functions. Several subordinate super visors are responsible for programs, projects, or activities typically identified with level VII. This level does not include positions of chief engineers of companies with large engineering organization; e.g., those engaged in research and development on a variety of complex weapons systems with nu merous novel components, or of chiefs of primary organizational seg ments of companies with very large engineering organizations engaged in unusually extensive and diversified research and development. 51 ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN To be covered by these definitions, employees must meet all of the following criteria: ( 1 ) Provides semiprofessional technical support for engineers working in such areas as research, design, development, testing or manufacturing process improvement. (2) Work pertains to electrical, electronic, or mechanical components or equipment. (3) Required to have some knowledge of science or engineering. (Excludes production or maintenance workers, quality control testers, craftsmen, draftsmen, designers, and engineers.) Engineering Technician I Performs simple routine tasks under close supervision or from detailed procedures. Work is checked in process or on completion. Performs at this level, one or a combi nation of such typical duties as: Assembles or installs equipment or parts requiring simple wiring, soldering, or connecting. Performs simple or routine tasks or tests such as tensile or hardness tests; op erates, and adjusts simple test equipment; records test data. Gathers and maintains specified records of engineering data such as tests, and draw ings; performs computations by substituting numbers in specified formulas; plots data and draws simple curves and graphs. Engineering Technician II Performs standardized or prescribed assignments, involving a sequence of related operations. Follows standard work methods or explicit instructions; technical adequacy of routine work is reviewed on completion; nonroutine work may also be reviewed in process. Performs at this level, one or a combination of such typical duties as: Assembles or constructs simple or standard equipment or parts. repair simple instruments or equipment. May service or Conducts a variety of standardized tests; may prepare test specimens; sets up and operates standard test equipment; records test data. Extracts engineering data from various prescribed sources; processes the data following well defined methods; presents the data in prescribed form. Engineering Technician III Performs assignments that are not completely standardized or prescribed. Selects or adapts standard procedures or equipment. Receives initial instructions, equipment re quirements and advice from supervisor or engineer; technical adequacy of completed work is checked. Performs at this level, one or a combination of such typical duties as: Constructs components, subunits or simple models or adapts standard equipment. May troubleshoot and correct malfunctions. Conducts various tests or experiments which may require minor modifications in test setups or procedures; selects, sets up and operates standard test equipment and records test data. Extracts and compiles a variety of engineering data; processes or computes data using specified formulas and procedures. Performs routine analysis to check ap plicability, accuracy, and reasonableness of data. 52 E N G IN E E R IN G TECH N ICIAN — C on tin u ed Engineering .Technician IV Performs nonroutine assignments of substantial variety and complexity. Receives objectives and technical advice from supervisor or engineer; work is reviewed for technical adequacy. May be assisted by lower level technicians. Performs at this level, one or a combination of such typical duties as: Works on limited segment of development project; constructs experimental or pro totype models to meet engineering requirements; conducts tests or experiments; records and evaluates data and reports findings. Conducts tests or experiments requiring selection and adaptation or modification of test equipment and test procedures; sets up and operates equipment; records data; analyzes data and prepares test reports. Compiles and computes a variety of engineering data; may analyze test and design data; develops or prepares schematics, designs, specifications, parts lists or makes recommendations regarding these items. May review designs or specifications for adequacy. Engineering Technician V Performs nonroutine and complex assignments involving responsibility for planning and conducting a complete project of relatively limited scope or a portion of a larger and more diverse project. Selects and adapts plans, techniques, designs or layouts. May coordinate portions of overall assignment; reviews, analyzes and integrates the technical work of others. Supervisor or professional engineer outlines objectives, requirements and design approaches; completed work is reviewed for technical adequacy and satisfaction of requirements. May be assisted by lower level technicians. Performs at this level, one or a combination of such typical duties as: Designs, develops and constructs major units, devices or equipment; conducts tests or experiments; analyzes results and redesigns or modifies equipment to improve performance; reports results. Plans or assists in planning tests to evaluate equipment performance. Determines test requirements, equipment modification and test procedures; conducts tests, analyzes and evaluates data and prepares reports on findings and recommendations. Reviews and analyzes a variety of engineering data to determine requirements to meet engineering objectives; may calculate design data; prepares layouts, detailed specifications, parts lists, estimates, procedures, etc. May check and analyze drawings or equipment to determine adequacy of drawings and design. DRAFTSMEN DRAFTSMAN, JUNIOR (Assistant Draftsman) Draws to scale units or parts of drawings prepared by draftsman or others for engineering, construction, or manufacturing purposes. Uses various types of drafting tools as required. May prepare drawings from simple plans or sketches, or perform other duties under direction of a draftsman. DRAFTSMAN, SENIOR Prepares working plans and detail drawings from notes, rough or detailed sketches for engineering, construction, or manufacturing purposes. Duties involve a combination of the following: Preparing working plans, detail drawings, maps, cross-sections, etc., to scale by use of drafting instruments; making engineering computations such as those involved in strength of materials, beams and trusses; verifying completed work, checking dimensions, materials to be used, and quantities; writing specifications; and making adjustments or changes in drawings or specifications. May ink in lines and letters on pencil drawings, prepare detail units of complete drawings, or trace drawings. Work is frequently in a specialized field such as architectural, electrical, mechanical, or structural drafting. 53 TRACER Copies plans and drawings prepared by others, by placing tracing cloth or paper over drawing and tracing with pen or pencil. Uses T-square, compass, and other drafting tools. May prepare simple drawings and do simple lettering. CLERICAL BOOKKEEPING-MACHINE OPERATOR Operates a bookkeeping machine (Remington Rand, Elliott Fisher, Sundstrand, Bur roughs, National Cash Register, with or without a typewriter keyboard) to keep a record of business transactions. Bookkeeping-Machine Operator I Keeps a record of one or more phases or sections of a set of records usually re quiring little knowledge of basic bookkeeping. Phases or sections include accounts payable, payroll, customers* accounts (not including a simple type of billing described under biller, machine), cost distribution, expense distribution, inventory control, etc. May check or assist in preparation of trial balances and prepare control sheets for the accounting department. Bookkeeping-Machine Operator II Keeps a set of records requiring a knowledge of and experience in basic bookkeeping principles and familarity with the structure of the particular accounting system used. Deter mines proper records and distribution of debit and credit items to be used in each phase of the work. May prepare consolidated reports, balance sheets, and other records by hand. CLERK, ACCOUNTING Clerk, Accounting I Under supervision, performs one or more routine accounting operations such as posting simple journal vouchers or accounts payable vouchers, entering vouchers in voucher registers; reconciling bank accounts; and posting subsidiary ledgers controlled by general ledgers, or posting simple cost accounting data. This job does not require a knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping principles, but is found in offices in which the more routine ac counting work is subdivided on a functional basis among several workers. Clerk, Accounting II Under general direction of a bookkeeper or accountant, has responsibility for keeping one or more sections of a complete set of books or records relating to one phase of ah establishment^ business transactions. Work involves posting and balancing subsidiary ledger or ledgers such as accounts receivable or accounts payable; examining and coding invoices or vouchers with proper accounting distribution; requires judgment and experience in making proper assignations and allocations. May assist in preparing, adjusting, and closing journal entries; may direct accounting clerks I. CLERK, FILE Clerk, File I Performs routine filing of material that has already been classified or which is easily classified in a simple serial classification system (e. g . , alphabetical, chronological, or numerical). As requested, locates readily available material in files and forwards ma terial; may fill out withdrawal charge. Performs simple clerical and manual tasks required to maintain and service files. 54 CLERK, FILE— Continued Clerk, File II Sorts, codes, and files unclassified material by simple (subject matter) headings or partly classified material by finer subheadings. Prepares simple related index and cross-reference aids. As requested, locates clearly identified material in files and forwards material. May perform related clerical tasks required to maintain and service files. Clerk, File III In an established filing system containing a number of varied subject matter files, classifies and indexes file material such as correspondence, reports, technical documents, etc. May also file this material. May keep records of various types in conjunction with the files. May lead a small group of lower level file clerks. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Keypunch Operator I Under close supervision or following specific procedures or instructions, transcribes data from source documents to punched cards. Operates a numerical and/or alphabetical or combination keypunch machine to keypunch tabulating cards. May verify cards. Working from various standardized source documents, follows specified sequences which have been coded or prescribed in detail and require little or no selecting, coding, or interpreting of data to be punched. Problems arising from erroneous items or codes, missing informa tion, etc. , are referred to supervisor. Keypunch Operator II Operates a numerical and/or alphabetical or combination keypunch machine to tran scribe data from various source documents to keypunch tabulating cards. Performs same tasks as lower level keypunch operator but in addition, work requires application of coding skills and the making of some determinations, for example, locates on the source document the items to be punched; extracts information from several documents; searches for and interprets information on the document to determine information to be punched. May train inexperienced operators. OFFICE BOY OR GIRL Performs various routine duties such as running errands; operating minor office machines, such as sealers or mailers; opening and distributing mail; and other minor clerical work. STENOGRAPHER, GENERAL Primary duty is to take and transcribe dictation from one or more persons either in shorthand or by Stenotype or similar machine, involving a normal routine vocabulary. May also type from written copy. May maintain files, keep simple records or perform other relatively routine clerical tasks. May operate from a stenographic pool. Does not include transcribing-machine work. STENOGRAPHER, SENIOR Primary duty is to take and transcribe dictation from one or more persons, either in shorthand or by Stenotype or similar machine, involving a varied technical or specialized vocabulary such as in legal briefs or reports on scientific research. May also type from written copy. May also set up and maintain files, keep records, etc. OR Performs stenographic duties requiring significantly greater independence and re sponsibility than stenographer, general as evidenced by the following: Work requires high degree of stenographic speed and accuracy; a thorough working knowledge of general 55 S T E N O G R A P H E R , SEN IOR— C ontinued business and office procedure and of the specific business operations, organization, policies, procedures, files, workflow, etc. Uses this knowledge in performing stenographic duties and responsible clerical tasks such as maintaining followup files; assembling material for reports, memorandums, and letters; composing simple letters from general instructions; reading and routing incoming mail; answering routine questions, etc. Does not include transcribing-machine work. NOTE: This job is distinguished from that of a secretary in that the secretary normally works in a confidential relationship to only one manager or executive and performs more responsible and discretionary tasks as described in that job definition. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Operates a single- or multiple-position telephone switchboard. Duties involve han dling incoming, outgoing, intraplant, or office calls. May handle routine long-distance calls and record toll calls. May perform limited information work, for example, giving telephone extension numbers when a specific name is furnished. May occasionally take telephone orders. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR, SPECIAL In addition to the work described above for switchboard operator or as a full-time assignment, serves as a "special" operator who handles the more complex long-distance calls (e.g. , conference, collect, overseas, or similar calls) or performs full telephone in formation service (e. g. , where a knowledge of the work done in different parts of the organ ization is required). TABULATING-MACHINE OPERATOR Tabulating-Machine Operator I Operates simple tabulating or electrical accounting machines, such as the sorter, reproducing punch, collator, etc., with specific instructions. May include the performance of some simple wiring from diagrams and some filing work. The work typically involves portions of a work unit, for example, individual sorting or collating runs, or repetitive operations. Tabulating-Machine Operator II Operates more difficult tabulating or electrical accounting machines, such as the tabulator and calculator, in addition to the sorter, reproducer, and collator. This work is performed under specific instructions and may include the performance of some wiring from diagrams. The work typically involves, for example, tabulations involving a repetitive ac counting exercise, a complete but small tabulating study, or parts of a longer and more complex report. Such reports and studies are usually of a recurring nature where the pro cedures are well established. May also include the training of new employees in the basic operation of the machine. Tabulating-Machine Operator HI Operates a variety of tabulating or electrical accounting machines, typically in cluding such machines as the tabulator, calculator, interpreter, collator, and others. Per forms complete reporting assignments without close supervision, and performs difficult wiring as required. The complete reporting and tabulating assignments typically involve a variety of long and complex reports which often are of irregular or nonrecurring type re quiring some planning and sequencing of steps to be taken. As a more experienced operator, is typically involved in training new operators in machine operations, or partially trained operators in wiring from diagrams and operating sequences of long and complex reports. Does not include working supervisors performing tabulating-machine operations and day-today supervision of the work and production of a group of tabulating-machine operators. 56 TYPIST Uses a typewriter to make copies of various materials or to make out bills after calculations have been made by another person. May include typing of stencils, mats, or similar materials for use in duplicating processes. May do clerical work involving little special training, such as keeping simple records, filing records and reports, or sorting and distributing incoming mail. Typist I Performs one or more of the following; Copy typing from rough or clear drafts; routine typing of forms, insurance policies, etc. ; setting up simple standard tabulations, or copying more complex tables already set up and spaced properly. Typist II Performs one or more of the following; Typing material in final form when it in volves combining material from several sources 0£ responsibility for correct spelling, syl labication, punctuation, etc. , of technical or unusual words or foreign language material; planning layout and typing of complicated statistical tables to maintain uniformity and balance in spacing. May type routine form letters, varying details to suit circumstances. NOTE: The definitions for the drafting and clerical occupations shown in this bul letin are the same as those used in the Bureau*s program of labor market occupational wage surveys. The level designations used in this bulletin, however, differ from those used in the area bulletins. The equivalent level designations for the occupations concerned are as follows: Occupation Bookkeeping-machine operator______ __ Clerk, accounting— Clerk, file__ — ____ — Keypunch operator_______ __ Tabulating -machine operator_________________ National Survey of Professional, Admini strative, Technical, and Clerical Pay I II B A B A I II III C B A I II B A I n C B A B A I II hi Typist____ ______rn r__________ Typist__ Labor Market Occupational Wage Surveys i ii Available On Request---The fourth annual report on salaries for accountants, auditors, attorneys, chemists, engineers, engineering technicians, draftsmen, tracers, job analysts, directors o f personnel, managers of o ffice services, and clerical employees. Order as BLS Bulletin 1387, National Survey o f Professional, Administrative, Tech nical, and C lerical Pay, February—March 1963, 40 cents a copy. * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 19€4 0-719-100 BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS REGIONAL OFFICES