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JAMES J. DAVIS, S*cr>tary







Apptoved July 2,1926, by
American Engineering Standards Committee







Introduction______________________________________ ___________
National Fire Protection Association--------------------------------------United States Bureau of Chemistry----------------------------------------Importance of dust explosions-----------------------------------------------


Safety code for the prevention of dust explosions in starch factories-----Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------10. Construction and arrangement of buildings-------------------------20. Kilns_________________________________________________
30. Dry starch grinding and grading--------------------------------------40. Pearl and powdered starch bulk packing----------------------------60. Lump starch cooking, pressing, grading, and packing-------------60. The control and removal of suspended dust--------------------- -----70. Removal of static dust----------------------------------------------------80. Prevention of ignition----------------------------------------------------90. Mechanical precautions------------------ --------------------------------100. Housekeeping--------------------------------------------------------------


Safety code for the prevention of dust explosions in flour and feed mills- 9-11
Construction of buildings-----------------------------------------------------9
Control and removal of suspended dust------------------------------------- 9,10
Removal of static dust_____________________________________
Prevention of ignition---------------------------------------------------------- 10,11
Safety code for the prevention of dust explosions in terminal grain ele­
vators_____________________________________________________ 12-16
Construction of buildings------------------------------------------------------ 12-14
Equipment________________________________________________ 14,15
Driers__________________________________ :-------------------------15
Removal of suspended dust__________________________________
Removal of static dust---------------------------------------------------------15,16
Electrical equipment----------------------------------------------------------16
Safety code for pulverizing systems of sugar---------------------------------- 17-20
Introduction__________________________ _____________________
1. Location_______________________________________________
2. Construction____________________________________________ 17,18
3. Communications_________________________________________
4. Power_________________________________________________
5. Lighting----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18,19
6. Wiring--------------------------------------- ;______________________
7. Preventive measures---------------------------------------------------------19,20
Safety code for pulverizing systems for cocoa______________________ 21-24
1. Location-----------------------------------------------------------------------21
2. Construction------------------------------------------------------------------ 21,22
3. Communications_________________________________________
4. Power_________________________________________________
5. Lighting_______________________________________________
6. Wiring_________________________________________________
7. Preventive measures..------------------------------------------------------ 23,24
8. Housekeeping _________________________________________
9. Fire protection___________________________ ______________



Safety code for th<
Introduction-Class A sy
Class B sy
Unit syst
Class A and cl;
Class A systen
Class B systen
Unit systems-.
Instruction ci

istallation of pulverized-fuel systems____________ 25-36
s------------------------------------------------------------ B systems—general regulations-------------------------25-31
-specific regulations--------------------------------------- 31,32
-specific regulations--------------------------------------- 32,33
---------------------------------------------------------------- 33-35
s__________________________________________ 35,36


no. 433


January, i«w


Dust explosions have been responsible for a series of disasters in­
volving large losses of life and property extending over a long period
of years. It is only recently, however, that the seriousness of this
hazard has been generally recognized and measures for its control
undertaken. Following extensive research into the phenomena of
dust explosions by the Bureau of Chemistry of the united States
Department of Agriculture, the National Fire Protection Associa­
tion organized, in January, 1922, a committee on dust explosion
hazards charged with the preparation of recommended regulations
for the prevention of fires and dust explosions in occupancies sub­
ject to this hazard. This committee was formed with the coopera­
tion of the United States Department of Agriculture, the present
'joint sponsors thus having been closely associated- in this work
since the inception of the project. The committee of the National
Fire Protection Association on dust explosion hazards proceeded
with the preparation of the regulations which form the basis of this
pamphlet, the reports of the committee being adopted by the asso­
ciation and published as the recommended regulations of the Na­
tional Fire Protection Association. These standards as prepared
were also adopted by the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
Early in 1926 the dust explosion hazards committee of the National
Fire Protection Association was reorganized to qualify as a sectional
committee of the American Engineering Standards Committee.
This reorganization consisted merely in adding the representatives
of a few organizations which had not previously participated in
the work. Following this the present codes, adopted by the commit­
tee and by the National Fire Protection Association and the United
States Department of Agriculture, were officially approved as
“ Tentative American Standards” by the American Engineering
Standards Committee.



The committee is constituted as follows:
Name and business affiliation

Organization represented

A. E. S. O.

J. M. Sandel, Department of Labor and Industry,
Harrisburg, Pa.
John Roach, Deputy Commissioner of Labor, Tren­
ton, N. J.
F. C. Allen, jr., Allen & Billmyre, New York City..
S. B. Phillips, Spencer Turbine Co., Hartford, Conn.
O. F. Butt, John F. Metcalf Co.. Chicago, HI........
Waiter D. Archibald, Archibald &Lewis, New York
C. J. Alger, Com Products Refining Co., Chicago,
E. B. Ricketts, New York Edison Co., Irving Place
and Fifteenth Street, New York, N. Y.
B. S. Mace, Baltimore & Ohio R. R., Baltimore, Md.
Q. F. Ewe, Van Dusen-Harrington Co., Minneap­
olis, Minn.
P. J. Conlon, International Association of Machin­
ists, 706 Machinists Building, Washington, D. C.
Robert Palm, Consulting Engineer, 59 Fairview
Avenue, Verona, N. J.
A. H. Nuckolls, Underwriters* Laboratories, 207
East Ohio Street, Chicago, 111.
David J. Price, Chairman, u. S. Bureau of Chem­
istry, Washington, D. C.
H. A. Burnham, Associated Factory Mutual Fire
Insurance Companies, Boston, Mass.
Eugene Arms, Mutual Fire Prevention Bureau,
230 East Ohio Street, Chicago, 111.
H. E. Newell, National Board of Fire Underwriters,
85 John Street, New York, N. Y.
L. A. De Blois, National Bureau of Casualty and
Surety Underwriters, 120 West Forty-second
Street, New York City.
Joseph G. Hubbell, National Inspection Co., 223
West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111.

Association of Governmental La­
bor Officials of the United States
and Canada.
International Association of In­
dustrial Accident Boards and
Dust Collection Equipment Man­
ufacturing Group.
Grain Elevator Construction___
American Spice Trade Associa­
Associated Com Products Manu­
National Electric Light Associa­
Railway Fire Protection Associa­
Terminal Grain Elevator Mer­
chants’ Association.
U. S. Department of Labor.........
Sugar industry____________

Qualified spe­

Underwriters’ Laboratories.__
U. S. Department of AgricultureDo.
Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance rep­
Insurance Companies.
Mutual Fire Prevention Bureau..
National Board of Fire Under­
National Bureau of Casualty and
Surety Underwriters.
Underwriters’ Grain Association..


The National Fire Protection Association, with offices at 40 Central
Street, Boston, Mass., was organized in 1895 “ to promote the science
and improve the methods of fire protection and prevention; to obtain
and circulate information on these subjects and to secure the coopera­
tion of its members in establishing proper safeguards against loss of
life and property by fire.” The association has two classes of mem­
bership. There are some 140 organization members including “ Na­
tional institutes, societies, and associations interested in the protection
of life and property against loss by fire.” The associate membership,
which is open to anyone interested, includes over 4,000 architects,
builders, merchants, manufacturers, warehousemen, engineers, fire
marshals, fire wardens, fire chiefs, electricians, credit men, bankers,
insurance agents, and inspectors, chambers of commerce, public
libraries, and many other organizations, individuals, firms, and
The National Fire Protection Association is the internationally
recognized standard-making body for regulations for the prevention
of fire and for its control and extinguishment. The association
operates through some 30 technical committees each having jurisdic­
tion over one section of its standard-making activities. 'Hie regula­
tions of the association are purely advisory in character, but after



adoption by the association are largely promulgated by State and
municipal authorities as the basis of regulatory measures and are
used by the fire insurance organizations as the basis o f their

The United States Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agricul­
ture, conducts special engineering and chemical research investiga­
tions relating to the determination of causes of dust explosions in
manufacturing establishments and in the development of methods
of control and prevention. The work is conducted in cooperation
with other Government departments, State industrial commissions,
fire prevention and insurance associations, and other national and.
State bodies interested in dust explosion and fire prevention.
The Bureau of Chemistry cooperates with the National Fire Pro­
tection Association in the work of the dust explosion hazards com­
mittee, of which David J. Price, engineer in charge of development
work in the Bureau of Chemistry, is chairman. The regulations
prepared by this committee, and published in the bulletin, embody
the control measures developed in the Bureau of Chemistry as a
result of research relating to dust explosion prevention in industrial

The research work of the United States Bureau of Chemistry,
Department of Agriculture, indicates that practically all types of
combustible dusts when mixed with air in proper proportions can be
readily ignited by external sources of heat or flame. We can more
nearly appreciate the importance of this industrial problem when it
is realized that a recent Census of Manufactures shows that at least
28,000 industrial plants, employing over 1,324,000 persons and manu­
facturing products of an annual value in excess of §10,000,000,000, are
subject to the hazard of dust explosions. It has been only in recent
years that direct attention has been given to the determination of the
causes of industrial plant dust explosions and the development of
control measures. Large losses of life, property, and foodstuffs are
occurring annually from explosions of this character. Many of the
explosions are occurring in fines of industry in which dust explosions
have not previously taken place. The extension to larger operating
scale and the utilization ox by-products and waste materials, result­
ing in the accumulation of large quantities of explosive dusts, have
greatly increased the hazard. The introduction of new manufactur­
ing processes, as well as new types of mechanical equipment, have
added to the importance of dust explosion prevention.
The regulations of the dust explosion hazards committee have been
prepared to assist in the adoption of proper control measures for the
prevention of these explosions and the reduction of losses resulting


1. Many factories make wet starch only for subsequent conversion
to sugar or syrup; others produce starch only; others produce sugar,
starcn, and dextrine.
2. The explosion hazard appears in three places: First in the
corn receiving and storage departments in the form of grain ele­
vator dust; second, in the dust arising from the milling and stor­
age of the so-called gluten feed; third, from the presence of starch
3. As to grain storage departments, arrangements shall conform
to the Regulations for the Prevention of Dust Explosions in Termi­
nal Grain Elevators, issued by the National Fire Protection Associa­
tion. (See p. 12.)
4. As to gluten and feed departments, arrangements shall conform
to the Regulations of the National Fire Protection Association for
the Prevention of Dust Explosions in Flour and Feed Mills. (See
p. 9.)
5. These regulations relate specifically to the hazard involved in
the handling of dried starch.
6. This hazard is characteristically present first at the kilns, and
follows all processes involving the handling of the starch from the
kilns up to and including the packing operation.
7. It is now generally accepted that any kind of starch dry enough
to float in air is dry enough to contribute to an explosion, even
though the department may be one in which the air is quite humid.
This code applies only to buildings erected subsequent to the
adoption of these regulations.
The word “ shall ” where used shall be understood as mandatory.
The world “ should ” shall be understood as advisory.
The word “ may” shall be understood as permissive.
10. Construction and arrangement of buildings.
11. The four operations of (a) starch drying, (b) dry starp’i
grinding and grading, (c) pearl and powdered starch bulk packmg,
and (d) lump starch cooking, pressing, grading, and packmg shall
be in four separate buildings, which shall be removed at least 50 feet
from any other, and not be a part of or standing within 50 feet of
buildings containing operations of manufacturing. I f there is a
dextrine department, it shall be separate and conform to the regula­
tions hereinafter applying to lump starch pressing, gracing, and
packing. Edible corn starch and package goods, other than bulk
packages, may be packed in the lump starch department 1).
12. The buildings housing the last three operations, (’
(c), and
(d), shall be of daylight type construction, with largp
'dows of



thin glass with at least 50 per cent of the wall area of windows, or
other light construction that shall not offer greater resistance to
explosions than glass area. Door openings along loading platforms
shall be accepted as equivalent to glass or other light construction.
Building should not be more than three stories above the basement
in height.
13. Construction shall be fire resistive.
14. Transfer of starch between buildings shall be only by cart
over a tramway; or by inclosed spiral conveyors, equipped with a
positive seal or choke, under wide shed roofs; or by inclosing galeries having sides at least 50 per cent open.
15. All walls shall be finished smooth and irregularities of contour
brought flush with the surface, or filled so as to reduce lodgment of
dust to a minimum. It is recommended that these surfaces then be
finished with white enamel paint. The surfaces of all posts shall be
brought to conform to this regulation. All ceilings ana beams shall
be smooth finished, without crevices or ledges or roughness, such as
would provide attachment for dust. All floors shall be surfaced
smooth with cement or composition, or shall be of wood finish with­
out crevices or pockets offering lodgment for starch dust.
16. There shall be no floor openings other than those necessary
for the spouts and bin openings. Crevices between floors and spout­
ing shall be tightly closed with either hard or plastic cement to pre­
vent drafts through the floor. Stairs and elevators shall be outside
of the walls of the buildings with fire doors on communications at
floor levels, or may be within the building, if inclosed by fire walls
with fire doors on any stair or elevator opening into the Duilding.
17. There shall be no locker or change rooms within these depart­


20. Kilns.

21. Except where kilns extend solid from floor to roof, the top of
kilns shall be finished smooth with cement, and the roof of the build­
ing shall be not less than 6 feet above the surface of the top of the
kilns, so that this surface may be easily accessible for cleaning. It
is recommended that this space above the kilns and below the roof be
entirely walled off from the rest of the kiln house by a fire-resistive
partition extending from the kiln structure to the roof about the
perimeter of the kiln structure, this space to be lighted and ventilated
by skylight, and if possible by doorways and windows in one or more
exterior walls of tne kiln house.
12. Operations in the kiln building shall be limited to charging,
discharging, dumping, and preliminary reeling of starch.
23. The starch dumps shall be under hoods of fire-resistive con­
struction, ventilated by fans of sufficient power to prevent escape o f
dust when dumping, exhausting to water-spray type collector, or
cyclone, or cloth dust collector, housed in fire-resistive shelters above
the roof of the kiln house or in other locations safely isolated from
the building. (See [Regulations of the National Fire Protection As­
sociation ff r the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems.1)
24. In h >air drying systems the inlet and outlet to and from the
drying tu. >ls shall be entirely above the level of the tunnel floors.

National Fire Protection Association, 40 Central Street. Boston, Mass.

39757°—w------ 2



30. Dry starch grinding and grading.
31. Dust-collecting systems for apparatus ahead of the mills shall
be separate from the collecting systems for apparatus after the mills.
The apparatus immediately after the mills should preferably have
its own collecting system, which should be independent for each
_ 32. All hoppers for bulk starch shall be provided with an explosion-relief panel in one wall, or in the top, with area equal to at
least one-third the horizontal cross section of the hopper. This panel
shall be built so as to give way to outside of the building. The sepa­
ration between hoppers shall be by partitions of at least twice the
strength of the explosion-relief panels. All hoppers shall be so con­
structed as to minimize arching of the stock. The slope of the walls
of the bottom of the hopper shall not be less than 60° from the
horizontal. The interior of hoppers shall be finished smooth, prefer­
ably with shellacked hardwood; if of steel, the seams shall be lap
joints and shall have the projection edge faced downward.
33. A ll starch before milling shall pass a one-half inch or smaller
Inesh screen, and electromagnetized pulley-and-belt separator, or
shall be raised by air lift.
34. The grinding chambers and all parts within the grinding
chambers o f the mills should be o f brass, bronze, or other nonspark­
ing metals.
35. Each mill shall be effectively isolated from the trunk line o f
transfer of stock, such as by individual rotary valves, or by effective
choke conveyors, before and after the grinding device with the space
between the valves or chokes fitted with adequate pressure relief
vent to outside air.
40. Pearl and powdered starch bulk packing.
41. Hoppers in this department shall conform to section 32.
42. I f there axe five or more barreling or bagging stands in one
assembly, the floor surrounding the stand shall be of grating so
arranged over a spiral conveyor as to receive and remove the fall of
starch to prevent its being trodden under foot.
50. Lump starch cooking, pressing, grading, and packing (including per­
missible packing of edible starch and other so-called package
51. The cooking room, the pressing and opening room, the cylinder
seasoning room, tne grading room, and the packing room shall each
be separated from the additional space on the floor on which it is
located, by draft stopping partition of fire-resistive construction.
The cooking room and the pressing and opening room shall be ven­
tilated by draft fans exhausting outdoors, or i f desirable, to waterspray type collector or cyclone or doth dust collectors in- fire-resis­
tive inclosures on the roof, or in other locations safely isolated from
the building. There shall be a separate system of fans, ducts, and
collectors for each department, and the collector housings shall be
placed as relnote from each other as the arrangements of the
premises will permit. The doorways in these partitions shall be pro­
vided with self-closing doors, so as to prevent the dust in the depart­
ment from escaping into other departments.



52. The floors about the presses shall be provided for as about
barreling and bagging stands, section 42.
63. All hoppers for ground or powdered starch shall conform to
regulations under section 32.
60. The control and removal of suspended dust.
61. All elevator legSj spouting, screw conveyors, stock hoppers,
bins, and grading machines shall be dust tight and shall be equipped
with mechanical exhaust to dust collectors so that dust will not
escape from the apparatus under conditions of use and inspection.
Each department shall have its own complete dust-collecting system.
62. 'When a water spray type collector is used, it may be within
building. Collectors of cyclone type shall be vented^ directly out­
doors or to a secondary system of similar collectors, which are vented
to the outside air. I f doth collectors are used, they shall be located
in fire-resistive housings on the roof of the building or at other loca­
tions safely isolated from the building. All wind trunking of such'
systems shall be of metal.
63. Dust escaping from filling machines or in hand-filling opera­
tions shall be controlled by properly arranged collecting hoods con­
nected with mechanical exhaust.
70. Semoval of static dust.
71. All surfaces on which dust settles shall be cleaned off suffi­
ciently often to prevent the accumulation of a coating of dust.
72. The cleaning of surfaces shall be by vacuum sweeping appa...........
md if not, shall be by soft brushes
)tors, building should be equipped
with a stationary compressed-air system, operating at from 80 pounds
to 100 pounds pressure. Fixed compressor piping systems shall be
o f extra heavy type, and the com pressors and receivers shall be
stationary ana shall not be located in dusty departments. This
apparatus shall not be used while department is operating.
74. Kiln-tray repairing department shall be separated from adja­
cent occupancy by dust-tight fire-resistive partitions and shall be
daily cleared of starch dust accumulations.
75. Starch bags shall not be cleaned in the open, but may be
cleaned by drawing over the nose of a draft spout, or by shaking
them within an open-top inclosure under mechanical draft sufficient
to prevent the escape of the dust into the room, or by other completely
inclosed bag-cleaning device.
80. Prevention of ignition.
81. Open flames or igniting surfaces shall not be permitted.
82. Smoking and the carrying of matches shall not be permitted.
83. Electrical equipment shall be installed according to the regu­
lations of the National Electrical Code1 for electrical devices in
dusty locations. All electrical devices, whether switches, fuses,
cut-outs, or motors, which flash or spark when operating, shall be
located outside or cut off from dusty departments, or be o f such type
and construction, that the flash or sparks may not come in contact
with the air of the room..
1 Obtainable from National Fire Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Maas.



When extension cord portable lamps are used, drop cord shall be
properly inclosed in flexible steel conduit, or armored cord with
standard terminal fittings. Lamps shall be inclosed in portable dustproof fixtures equipped with proper guards.
84. Light for bins, hoppers, and other inclosed spaces shall be
providea by fixed ceiling lights, protected by double globes, or
preferably by inclosing them behind large heavy glass ceiling domes.
85. Static electricity shall be removed from such machines as
accumulate a charge by permanent ground wires, and from belts
by grounded metal combs or other equally efficient systems.
86. Fans and blowers shall be so constructed that fan blades can
not come in contact with fan housing. Bearings shall set well
away from fan housing to prevent the forcing of grease to the inside
of the fan housing or air chamber. (See Regulations of the National
Fire Protection Association for the Installation of Blower and Ex­
haust Systems.1)
87. Ball or roller bearings should be used whenever practical,
otherwise ring, chain, or roller oiler bearings should be used.
90. Mechanical precautions.
91. The speed of revolution of spiral conveyors shall not exceed
100 revolutions per minute and graphite buttons or other suitable
material shall be inserted in the bearing surfaces of all inner bear­
ings. When feasible the upper half of the bearing may be removed
to permit the stock to move freely over the bearing surfaces.
92. All elevator legs should be equipped with an automatic over­
load release or a signal system, wnich will register when the leg
begins to slow down, thus indicating to the operator the possibility
of choke at the boot.
Note.—Attention is directed to the fact that warning of the overheating of
bearings, in dosty and inaccessible locations and where the heating of the
bearing may cause explosions, may be obtained by the use of approved journal

100. Housekeeping.

101. All the departments devoted to the handling and packing o f
dry starch shall be kept free of stored material or every sort other
than starch which has just been packed and is about to be removed
to the warehouse. This requirement embraces new and discarded
machinery and parts not in use and pieces of apparatus.
102. Efficient help and methods shall be employed to prevent
miscellaneous dust clouds and to keep the departments clean at all
times, and no accumulations of starch dust shall be permitted on
any surfaces other than those immediately about places where
starch is being handled in the open. The word “ accumulation ” as
used here is to be interpreted as that amount of dust which is suffi­
cient to obscure the view of the surface. All spills of starch from
apparatus and accumulations gathered in cleaning of surfaces shall
be shoveled up and sacked as made and removed from building or
to a recovery department, or else returned to the stream o f starch in
process where trade practice permits.
1Obtainable from National Fire Protection Association* 40 Central Street; Boston, Mass.


In this cod© the following words are used as defined below:
“ Shall ” is intended to indicate requirements.
“ Should ” is intended to indicate recommendations, or that which
is advised but not required.
“ Approved” refers to approval by the authority having jurisdic­
tion in the enforcement of tne regulations.
Construction of buildings.
1. Mill.—The “ daylight ” type of mill building (with large win­
dow area) is recommended. Wired glass should not be used unless
necessary as protection against exposure.
2. Fire-resistive construction or mill construction is recommended.
3. Cleaning department shall be cut off from other departments
by standard fire walls, or cut off in other standard maimer.
4. Elevator and storage bins.—All storage bins shall be covered,
the side walls extending solidly to the roof of the bins, there being
no connection between bins.
5. Tunnels and basements shall extend as much above natural
ground level and shall be as large and roomy as is practicable. All
tunnels and basements shall be dry and shall have all the natural
light possible to obtain, either by means of windows, areaways, or
sidewalk glass.
6. Basements of all buildings shall be of such construction as to
permit the free circulation of air to all parts and shall be vented by
air shafts exhausting above the roof or by other approved method.
7. Mill, elevator, and storage bins.—Construction shall generally
be such that all interior walls, including bin walls, shall be smooth
and free from pockets or ledges that will permit the accumulation
of dust. In special cases where it is not practicable entirely to elim­
inate ledges, men such ledges shall be finished with smooth surface
and be made as steep as possible. All pipes, conduits, etc., that of
necessity are exposed shall be fastened to walls or ceilings in such
manner as to present a minimum surface for the collection of dust.
8. Roofs and side walls of belt-conveyor galleries and the side
walls of all cupolas above bins shall be constructed of light material
offering little or no resistance to explosive energy.
Note.—The term “ light material ” contemplates corrugated galvanized iron,
corrugated zinc, corrugated asbestos, brick, tile, or gunite, and for cupola con­
struction is intended to apply only to curtain or panel walls between columns.
Concrete may also be used similarly, provided the window area is greater than
40 per cent of the free wall area.

Control and removal of suspended dust.

9. All elevator legs, spouting, roll housings, screw conveyors, and
stock hoppers and bins shall be dust tight.



10. All roll housings, elevator heads, and elevator boots on large
stands of elevators snail be vented by mechanical exhaust to dust
11. Dust collectors shall be of the metal cyclone type and each
shall be vented directly out of doors or to a secondary system of
similar collectors which are vented to outside air.
12. Wind trunking shall be of tight metal.
13. Belt conveyors shall be provided with hooded air suctions at
either or both ends when practical.
14. A ll grain bins (except tempering bins) shall be vented to the
outside air with a 12-inch or larger metal pipe properly hooded to
prevent the entrance of excessive moisture.
Removal of static dust.
15. Good housekeeping is a requirement of the utmost importance.
Dust, either in large or small quantities, must not be permitted to
accumulate on floors, walls, ledges, or other interior surfaces, as the
presence of such dust represents a very positive dust-explosion
hazard. All surfaces on which dust tends to settle shall be cleaned
sufficiently often to prevent the accumulation of a coating of dust.
16. For removal of dust from motors, drier coils, ana other such
surfaces mills shall generally be equipped with a compressed-air sys­
tem, operating at from 80 pounds to 100 pounds pressure. Either a
fixed compressor with suitable piping and hose or a portable com­
pressed-air tank may be used. When the latter is used it shall be
provided with a tank of sufficient capacity to maintain pressure for
a considerable length of time, making it unnecessary to bring the
tank to pressure while in the mill.
17. The use of vacuum sweeping systems is recommended for the
removal of static dust in grain storage and elsewhere when practical.
Prevention of ignition.
18. Open-flame heating or lighting arrangements and other devices
where dusty atmospheres may come in contact with direct fire or
flame are prohibited.
19. Open-flame heaters or electric heaters shall not be used except
in such locations as in a laboratory where not exposed to dust.
20. Smoking and the carrying of matches shall not be permitted.
21. Electrical equipment shall be installed according to the regu­
lations of the National Electrical Code1 for electrical devices in
dusty locations.
22. Static electricity shall be removed from such machines as
would otherwise accumulate a charge by permanent ground wires
and from belts by grounded metal comb or by other equally efficient
23. Fans and blowers shall be so constructed that fan blades can
not come in contact with fan housing. Bearings shall set well away
from fan housing to prevent the forcing of grease to the inside of the
fan housing or air chamber. (See Regulations of the National Fire
Protection Association for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust
1Obtainable from National Fire Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.



24. Ball or roller bearings should be used wherever practical,
otherwise ring, chain, or collar oiler bearings shall be used.
Note.—Attention is directed to the fact that warning of the overheating of
bearings, in dusty and inaccessible locations and where the heating of the bear­
ing may cause explosions, may be obtained by the use of approved journal

25. Pneumatic or magnetic separators (preferably pneumatic)
shall be placed ahead of all grinding or pulverizing machines of the
roller, attrition, or beater type (except those grinders which further
reduce the ground stock in the same system and those machines
grinding bulky stock on which separators can not be operated). In
addition to the above such separators shall be placed ahead of
scourers where used.
26. Stock from each attrition mill or beater type of grinder should
be lifted by air through a metal wind trunk to a cyclone dust collector
properly vented or be discharged into a metal screw conveyor. The
flights on the conveyor shall terminate 18 inches or further from the
discharge and in such a way as to form a solid mass of stock at that
point. The cover of conveyor at the discharge end shall be held
in place by springs to give relief if the spout receiving stock from
the conveyor should choke.

This code provides such regulations as are particularly applicable
only to elevators erected subsequent to the adoption of this report.
In this code the following words are used as defined below:
“ Shall ” is intended to indicate requirements.
“ Should ” is intended to indicate recommendations, or that which
is advised but not required.
“ Approved ” refers to approval by the authority having jurisdic­
tion in the enforcement of the regulations.
Good housekeeping and dean premises are the first essential to
the elimination o f the explosion hazard. Consequently the adoption
of the following regulations is not intended to lessen in any way
the responsibility o f the owner or operator in this respect.
Construction of buildings.
1. All buildings shall be constructed entirely of fire-resistive
2. Construction shall be such that all interior walls, including bin
walls, shall be smooth and free from pockets or ledges that will
permit the accumulation of dust. In special cases where it is not
practicable entirely to eliminate ledges then such ledges shall be
finished with smooth surface and shall be made as steep as possible.
All pipes, conduits, etc., that of necessity are exposed shall be
fastened to walls or ceilings in such a manner as to present a mini­
mum surface for the collection of dust.
3. Roofs and side walls of belt-conveyor galleries, the side walls
of all cupolas above bins, and all curtain walls below bins shall be
so constructed as to offer minimum resistance to explosive energy.
Note.—Such construction should preferably be of light material such as
galvanized iron, corrugated zinc, or corrugated asbestos, or may be of brick,
tUe, or gunite of light construction. Concrete may be used if window area is
provided in accordance with section 7. For cupola construction this require­
ment applies only to the curtain or panel walls between columns.

4. (a) The track shed or building in which the operations of
loading and unloading cars are carried on may be built immediately
adjacent to the working house, but in such case shall be separated
from the working house by a solid dust-proof partition of light
material. Fixed windows may form a part of the partition. Doors
in the partition are not desirable; when necessary, they shall be o f
the self-closing tvpe.
(6) All other ouildings forming a part of, or an adjunct to, the
elevator proper shall be separated from each other by as great a
distance as is practicable. Connections between buildings shall be



only bv belt galleries, tunnels, or spouts. Tunnels between build­
ings when not wholly underground shall be provided with natural
light and in all cases shall have adequate ventilation. A t points
where galleries or tunnels are connected to main buildings partitions
or fire doors shall be provided. These partitions shall be solid
except for the entrance doors and apertures for conveyor belts. The
entrance doors shall be hinged to sw ing into the tunnels and shall
be so arranged as to be self-closing. Small doors or slides equipped
with fusible links, or automatic closing devices, as best adapted to
particular conditions, shall be provided to close the apertures for
conveyor belts in case of fire or explosion.
5. All working house bins shall oe covered, and it is recommended
that bins in the storage annex be covered. The side walls of all
covered bins shall extend solidly to the roof of the bins, there being
no connection between bins. All covered bins shall be vented to the
outside atmosphere except that interior working house bins may be
vented into the story over bins when on account of mechanical dif­
ficulties it is impossible to vent such bins to the outside atmosphere.
Vent pipes shall be of sufficient size for the purpose intended.
6. Tunnels and basements shall extend as much above natural
ground level and shall be as large and roomy as is practicable. All
tunnels and basements shall be dry and shall have all the natural
light possible to obtain, either by means of windows, areaways, or
sidewalk glass.
7. All buildings and operating rooms shall be provided with a
large area of windows, of a combination of windows and louvers;
minimum allowance to be as follows:
For cupolas and for drier building, 40 per cent of the free-wall
area (space between columns).
For track shed and first story of other buildings, 50 per cent of
free wall area (space between columns).
All windows snail be glazed with plain glass, and shall be easily
operated at all times. Windows shall be arranged to provide the
maximum ventilation when open, and shall be preferably of the
hinged or tilting type.
8. Ends of working house first story, and the track shed, shall be
equipped with rolling steel or incombustible sliding or swinging
doors. Exterior side walls of working house and trad: shed may be
equipped with similar doors, if found more practicable than windows,
except that when the working house and track shed adjoin the com­
mon partition wall shall be permanent, as specified in section 4.
9. Basements of all buildings shall be of such construction as to
permit the free circulation of air to all parts. Basements of all
storage annexes more than 100 feet in width shall be vented by air
shafts exhausting above the roof, or by other approved method.
When the natural ventilating capacity is not sufficient to provide one
complete change of air per hour, fans or blowers shall be provided.
To provide adequate air inlet in basements at all times, permanent
openings shall be provided in addition to the doors and windows.
Roofs of track sheds, drier buildings, galleries, and all cupolas shall
be provided with sufficient monitors or ventilators to insure, in con-

0—27----- 3




junction with the windows, one complete change of air per hour in
the area thus ventilated.
10. All stairways and passenger elevators shall be inclosed in fireresistive partitions with self-closing doors.
11. Fire escapes shall be provided for all main buildings of the
elevator in accordance with State or city regulations.
12. All elevator leg casings shall be of steel or concrete and all
spouts and screw conveyors shall be constructed of steel. Leg
casings, spouts, and screw conveyors shall be so designed and so
constructed as to be dust proof.
13. Where it is necessary, for convenience of operators, to provide
doors or openings in the leg casings, spouts, or screw conveyors, such
openings shall be provided with dust-proof covers.
14. In so far as possible all spouts snail be fixed, with the exception
that portable spouts may be used in the first story of the working
house, and Mayo or telescope spouts may be used on the bin or dis­
tributing floor in the cupola. Open ends of all spouts that are liable
to emit any volume of aust through back pressure shall be provided
with hinged dampers or valves. All spouts passing through build­
ing walls shall be equipped with dampers or valves with suitable
15. All conveyor belts delivering grain to an elevator leg shall be
equipped with some type of mechanical or electrical governor or
control that will automatically stop the conveyor-belt motor when
the leg chokes or slows down.
16. All elevator legs should be provided with nonchokable boots.
17. Elevator legs should be provided with automatic back stops.
18. All motors driving elevator legs shall be of such capacity as to
enable the leg to elevate the maximum amount of grain that can be
delivered by the largest single tributary spout or conveyor. All leg
motors shall be equipped with an overload relay attachment whicn
will automatically stop the motor in case of choke at the boot; leg
motors shall also be equipped with no-voltage release. When ele­
vator legs are driven by a line shaft they snail be equipped with
an automatic signal, either visual or audible, or both, mat will
register when the leg begins to slow down, thus indicating to the
operator the possibility or a choke at the boot.
19. Ball or roller bearings shall be used on all fans and cleaning
machines and whenever practicable on belt conveyors, trippers, ana
elevator boots. On all equipment not readily adaptable to the use
o f ball or roller bearings the standard type bearing best suited to
local climatic conditions may be used.
Nom—Attention is directed to the fact that warning of the overheating of
bearings, in dusty and inaccessible locations and where the heating of the
bearing may cause explosions, may be obtained by the use of approved journal

20. All cleaning machines shall be set a sufficient distance above
the floor to permit of easy cleaning around and under them. In no
case shall machines be set less than 8 inches above the floor.
21. All belt conveyors shall be raised a sufficient distance from the
floor to permit of easy sweeping under them.



22. A ll machinery shall be constructed of fire-resistive materials.

23. All drier units shall be placed in a separate building.
24. Each drier unit shall be separated from others by means of
light dust-proof partitions.
25. Gamers over driers shall be constructed of either steel 6r
concrete, preferably closed on top, and when so closed vented to the
outside atmosphere.
26. Grain may be transferred to or from the driers by means of
spouts or conveyors. Spouts to drier gamers shall be carefully con­
nected to prevent dust escape.
27. The coils in driers snail be so constructed or installed as to
prevent any accumulation of dust on same.
28. Where air is exhausted from drier or cooler to a containing
room, fans and motors shall be segregated from the balance of the
equipment by means of partitions. These partitions may be con­
structed of light material.
29. Motors for fan drives shall preferably be direct connected.
30. Hoppers under cooling section of driers shall be of steel or
concrete and dust proof.
31. Where air is exhausted from a drier or cooler, or both, to a
containing room, the floor of this room shall be of gratings.
32. Dust hoppers connected to live-dust pipes shall be provided
under such gratings.
Removal of suspended dust.
33. All elevator heads, elevator boots, gamers and scale hoppers,
scale discharge spouts, fixed belt loaders, and belt discharge spouts
shall be provided with adequate positive air aspiration, so arranged
as to collect only the floating dust that might otherwise escape into
the building. This installation shall conform with the findings of
the Underwriters’ Laboratories as embodied in their report Miscel­
laneous Hazards 1148, entitled “An Investigation of the Suction
Method of Control of Floating Dust in Terminal Grain Elevators.” *
34. All drier units shall be provided with an adequate system for
the removal of dust created through the operation of driers.
35. A ll cleaning machines shall be equipped with dust-collecting
36. All dust collectors shall be of cyclone type, at least 90 per cent
efficient, and shall be located outside the elevator buildings.
37. All dust collectors shall exhaust 10 feet or more above the roof
of the plant, or be so arranged that there will be no opportunity for
the dust from the exhaust to get back into the elevator.
Removal of static dust.
38. All elevators shall be equipped throughout with some type of
pneumatic or other effective system for the removal of static dust.
The use of a pneumatic system is recommended, except in basements
or first floors.
8Obtainable from Underwriters’ Laboratories (Inc.), 207 Bast Ohio Street, Chicago,
P1-£ NatioxiaJ
^oteetion Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.; or National
Safety Council, 108 East Ohio Street, Chicago, 111.



39. So tar as practicable the use of brooms Mid brushes for dust
removal shall be discontinued and more m odern apparatus installed.
Proper construction will help minimize the need for the brush.
40. For removal of dust from motors, drier coils, and other in­
accessible surfaces, all elevators shall be equipped with a compressedair system operating at from 80 pounds to 100 pounds pressure.
Either a fixed compressor, with suitable piping and hose, or a
portable compressor set, may be used. When the latter is used, it
shall be provided with a tank of sufficient capacity to maintain pres­
sure for a considerable length of time, making it unnecessary to bring
the tank to pressure while in the elevator.
Electrical equipment.
41. All electrical wiring and equipment shall be installed in
accordance with the National Electrical Code.


This code eliminates or reduces the hazards inherent in the manu­
facture of pulverized sugar, particularly the hazard of its ignition
and the propagation of a resulting fire. It is essential that there
shall be no escape of dust into the atmosphere of the room, a con­
dition favorable to a dust explosion and to the rapid propagation
of fire.
For this reason it is important that the apparatus be provided
with effective appliances to prevent and confine the ignition; proper
venting of the apparatus and ventilation of the pulverizing depart­
ment are important.
In this code the following words are used as defined below:
“ Shall ” is intended to indicate requirements.
“ Should ” is intended to indicate recommendations, or that which
is advised but not required.
“ Approved” refers to approval by the authority having juris­
diction in the enforcement of the regulations.
The term “ pulverizing department ” as used in these regulations
comprises the portion of the plant in which the pulverizing processes
are carried on. The equipment usually consists of the mills or
pulverizers, scalpers, bolters or screens, separators or dust collectors,
spouts, and conveying apparatus.
1. Location.
(a) The processes of pulverizing sugar should preferably be car­
ried on in a detached building used for no other purpose and located
at a safe distance from other property or, if close by, have exposing
walls blank and parapeted; such structure, except the exposing
walls, to be of light incombustible materials.
(b) I f the processes, owing to the layout of the plant, can not be
carried on in a location as recommended in section 1(a), the por­
tion of the plant devoted to them shall be segregated and be located,
if possible, m the upper stories, under the roof.
2. Construction.
(a) When the processes are carried on in locations as designated
in section 1(6), the walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings of such
section of the plant shall be'not less than 4-inch reinforced concrete
or the equivalent in strength and fire resistance.
(b) A portion of the exterior walls equal to not less than 10 per
cent of the combined areas of the inclosing walls shall be of light,
noncombustible material, preferably thin glass.
The arrangement shall be such that the maximum distance from
any point of the room to the nearest glass or equivalent area is not
greater than 1.02 times the least horizontal dimension of the room.




Thin glass skylights may be accepted in part or entirely in lieu
of the pass area or its equivalent, provided the relations of areas
and distances given in this rule are observed.
When structural conditions prevent the close observance of this
rule, a deviation of not over 10 per cent in the dimensions may be
permitted by the inspection department having jurisdiction, pro­
vided the minimum glass or equivalent area under this rule is
3. Communications.
Access to the pulverizing department should be from the
outside; this can be accomplished by means of balconies. Where
this is not feasible and direct communications are required, these
should be protected by standard self-closing, hinged class B fire
doors, swinging outward from the rooms in which the processes are
conducted, unless safe egress is provided to the outer air, in which
case standard automatic sliding fire doors may be used to protect
the openings.
(&) Where power is transmitted to apparatus within the rooms
from any driving mechanism or unit outside of same, the transmis­
sion medium—belt or chain—shall be encased both inside and out­
side of the pulverizing department in dust-tight inclosure, con­
structed of substantial noncombustible material. Where power is
transmitted by means of shafts, these shall pass through close-fitting
shaft hole in wall or partition.
(e) All pipe openings through walls or partitions shall be tight.
(d) No conveyors, spouts or chutes shall pass through any of the
inner or separating walls of the portions of the plant containing the
pulverizing department.
In no case shall the materials be conveyed through such walls by
means of air currents. I f screw conveyors are used for this purpose
they shall be fully inclosed in tight, substantial, metal housings, and
a portion of the blade, equivalent to at least one diameter of the
screw, shall be omitted at a point immediately inside of the wall of
the pulverizing department and pins substituted therefor.
(e) Spouts through floors, walls, or partitions of the pulverizing
department shall be of substantial metal construction and tight.
(See Regulations of the National Fire Protection Association for
Blower and Exhaust Systems,1 sec. 11.)
4. Power.
(а) I f electric motors are used, these should preferably be located
outside of the pulverizing department and the power transmitted
as noted under section 3 (6). I f inside of this department, they shall
be in accordance with the standards of the National Electrical Code1
for dusty locations.
(б) All controlling and circuit-breaking devices, if within the
pulverizing department, shall be of the inclosed approved safety type;
cabinets or inclosure shall be dust tight and kept fully closed when
apparatus is in operation. (See National Electrical Code.1)
5. Lighting.
Electric incandescent lights only shall be permitted in the
pulverizing department. Lamps shall be inclosed in dust-proof
1Obtainable from National Fire Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.



lobes provided with approved wire guards, in accordance with the
Electrical Code.1
Switches and cut-outs shall be approved and dust tight. These
should preferably be located outside of the rooms containing the
pulverizing department.
6. Wiring.
All wiring shall be in conduit, in accordance with the National
Electrical Code.1
7. Preventive measures.
A ll apparatus must be properly and securely installed to insure
constant true alignment and to avoid hot bearings or friction, and
no moving parts shall be fitted close to or come in contact with any
part of the mclosures or the structure. On all pulverizing apparatus,
one-piece cast-iron driven pulleys shall be used. A ll apparatus
should be equipped with such devices as will prevent ignition, or
confine the results of ignition, and devices whicn will minimize the
amount of dust in the atmosphere. The apparatus should be in­
stalled and arranged in unit systems so that pulverizers will deliver
to but one set of scalpers and bolters; interconnections between sets
of apparatus should not be permitted. Screw conveyors shall be
fully inclosed in tight, substantial, metal housings; if the tops of
these housings are removable they shall be well secured. (This
should not be understood to prohibit the use of pressure relief vents
at the discharge end of the conveyor.)
Note.—Attention is directed to the fact that warning of the overheating of

bearings, in dusty or inaccessible locations and where the heating of the bear­
ing may cause explosions, may be obtained by the use of approved journal

A ll mills and other apparatus, including dust collectors, in
connection with the pulverizing system, together with their pulleys,
shafting, and belts shall be electrically grounded in an effective
(e) All sugar delivered to the mills or pulverizers shall be through
%-inch wire-mesh screens and over self-cleaning magnetic separators.
I f sugar is dumped into delivery hoppers from a floor above the
mills, these hoppers should have a curbing at least 7 inches above
the floors and be provided with screens of %-inch mesh.
(d) All inspection openings in the pulverizing apparatus shall be
provided with wire-mesh screens of not less than four meshes to the
(e) The mills shall either discharge the pulverized product directly
through spouts or scroll conveyors into the screens, bins, or bulk con­
tainers, or the product shall be discharged from the mills by air
currents set up by the centrifugal force of the blades or beaters and
an inclosed fan, or the pulverized sugar shall be removed by means
of an exhaust fan.
(f) Mills delivering directly through spouts should bo provided
with devices in or underneath the discharges which retard the flow
of sugar in such a manner as to keep a small space immediately un­
derneath or near the discharge filled up with pulverized sugar, thus
smothering any spark that may originate in the mill. This can be
1Obtainable from, National Fir© Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.



effected either by means of a revolving choke valve or, if sugar is
delivered directly into the scroll or screw conveyor, by the omission
of a small portion of the blade and substituting therefor pins.
(g) Blowers or exhaust fans shall be installed on proper founda­
tions and secured in a substantial manner and shall not be used for
any other purpose.
Where practicable the exhaust fan shall be located beyond the col­
lector. When located between the collector and the pulverizing ap­
paratus or any portion thereof from which the dust is to be removed,
the blades and spider should be of bronze or similar composition,
or the casing consist of or be lined with similar material. Ample
clearance shall be provided between the blades and the casing. The
fan bearing shall not extend into the casings. (See Regulations of
the National Fire Protection Association for the Installation o f
Blower and Exhaust Systems.1)
(h) Screens (scalpers, bolters, etc.) shall have their reels or sieves
in dust-proof inclosures. When connected to dust collectors, the flues
shall be of metal, and the collectors shall be properly vented to the
outside of the building.
(*) All dust collectors (except those of cloth type) shall be con­
structed throughout of noncombustible materials; cloth-type collec­
tors shall be provided with dust-tight metal inclosures or their
equivalent. The fabric of cloth-type collectors should be electrically
grounded in an effective manner.
All dust collectors if used in connection with the pulverizing sys­
tem, if not located outside of the building, shall be located within
the pulverizing department and shall be properly vented to a safe
point outside of the building. (See also Regulations of the National
Fire Protection Association for the Installation of Blower and Ex­
haust Systems,1 Class C.)
(j) Pressure relief vents shall be of ample size. These are espe­
cially required at certain types of mills, screens, dust collectors, and
elevator heads. The vent flues must be substantially constructed of
metal and be carried out of doors as directly as possible, avoiding
especially short turns—never through an adjoining building or
room—and be properly proportioned.
Vent outlets should be provided with cowls or hoods and, where
the nonescape of dust is essential, with counterbalanced relief valves
or covers provided with a soft felt gasket, at least three-fourths inch
(&) Open flames of any kind, or any operations or repairs result­
ing in sparks or utilizing direct heat, should not be permitted in the
pulverizing department while in operation or when the air is charged
with floating particles of dust.
1Obtainable from National Fire Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass,


This code eliminates or reduces the hazards inherent in the manu­
facture of pulverized cocoa, particularly by avoidance of ignition
and the propagation of a resulting fire. It is essential that there
shall be no escape of dust into the atmosphere of the room, a condi­
tion favorable to a dust explosion.
For this reason it is important that the apparatus be provided with
effective appliances to prevent ignition and confine fire; proper vent­
ing of the apparatus and ventilation of the pulverizing department
are important.
In this code the following words are used as defined below:
“ Shall ” is intended to indicate requirements.
“ Should ” is intended to indicate recommendations, or that which
is advised but not required.
“Approved” refers to approval by the authority having juris­
diction in the enforcement of the regulations.
The term “ pulverizing department,” as used in these regulations,
comprises the portion of the plant in which the pulverizing proc­
esses are carried on. The equipment may consist of the mills or
pulverizers, scalpers, bolters or screens, dust collectors, and con­
veying apparatus.
1. Location.
(a) The processes of pulverizing cocoa should preferably be
carried on in a detached building used for no other purpose and
located at a safe distance from other property or, if close by, have
exposing walls blank and parapeted; such structure, except the walls
exposing other buildings, to be of light incombustible materials.
(b) I f the processes must be carried on in the main plant, the
portion of the plant devoted to them shall be segregated and be
located, if possible, in the upper stories under the roof.
2. Construction.
When the processes are carried on within the main building
or buildings of the plant, the walls, partitions, floors, and ceilings
of such section of the plant shall be not less than 4-inch reinforced
concrete or the equivalent in strength and fire resistance if the build­
ing is of fire-resistive construction; in buildings of nonfire-resistive
construction, partitions, floors, and ceilings snail be of equivalent
strength as required for buildings of fire-resistive construction and
shall be able to withstand a standard one-hour fire test.
A portion of the exterior walls equal to not less than 10 per
cent of the combined areas of the inclosing walls shall be of light,
noncombustible material, preferably thin glass. The arrangement
shall be such that the maximum distance from any point o f the room
39757°—27----- i



to the nearest glass or equivalent area is not greater than 1.02 times
the least horizontal dimension of the room.
Thin glass skylights may be accepted in part or entirely in lieu
of the glass area or its equivalent, provided the relations of areas
and distances given in this rule are observed.
When structural conditions prevent the close observance of this
rule, a deviation of not over 10 per cent in the dimensions may be
permitted by the inspection department having jurisdiction, pro­
vided the minimum glass or equivalent area under this rule is
(c) Window ledges, girders, beams, and other projections shall
have the tops beveled or other provision made to minimize the
deposit of dust thereon.
3. Communications.
(a) Access to the pulverizing department should be preferably
from the outside; this can be accomplished by means of balconies.
When this is not feasible and direct communications are required,
these should be protected by standard self-closing hinged class B
fire doors, swinging outward from the room in which the processes
are conducted, unless safe egress is provided to the outer air, in
which case standard automatic sliding fire doors may be used to
protect the openings.
(b) Where power is transmitted to apparatus within the pulver­
izing room from any driving mechanism or unit outside, the trans­
mission medium shall pass through a close-fitting passage in wall or
(e) A ll pipe openings through walls or partitions shall be tight.
(d) Conveyors, spouts, and chutes must be of substantial metal
construction and tight; with the exception of conveyors ft>r raw or
finished product in bulk, they shall not pass through any of the
walls or floors separating the pulverizing department from other
portions o f the building.
4. Power.
I f electric motors are used, these should preferably be located
outside of the pulverizing department and the power transmitted as
noted under communications. I f inside of this department, they
must be in accordance with the standards of the National Electrical
Code1 for dusty locations.
(Z>) All controlling and circuit-breaking devices, if within the
pulverizing department, must be of the inclosed approved safety
type; cabinets or inclosure shall be dust tight and kept fully closed
when apparatus is in operation. (See National Electrical Code.1)
5. lighting.
(a) Electric incandescen' ”
pulverizing department.
globes provided with appr<
National Electrical Code.1
Switches and cut-outs shall be approved and dust tight.
These should preferably be located outside of the rooms containing
the pulverizing department.
* Obtainable from National Fire Frotection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.



6. Wiring.

All wiring shall be in conduit, in accordance with the National
Electrical Code.1
7. Preventive measures.
(a) All apparatus must be properly and securely installed to
insure constant true alignment and avoid hot bearings or friction,
and no moving part shall be fitted close to or come in contact with
any part of the inclosure or the structure. On all pulverizing ap­
paratus one-piece cast-iron driven pulleys shall be used. Bearings
shall be self-lubricating, if possible, and all bearings shall be so
designed as to be dust tight. The apparatus should be equipped
with such devices as will prevent ignition, or confine the results of
ignition, and devices which will minimize the apaount of dust in the
atmosphere. The apparatus should be installed and arranged in
unit systems, so that pulverizers will deliver to but one set of
scalpers and bolters; interconnections between sets of apparatus
should not be permitted.
Note.— Attention is directed to the fact that warning of the overheating of
bearings, in dusty and inaccessible locations and where the overheating of the
bearing may cause explosions, may be obtained by the use of approved
journal alarms.

(b) All mills and other apparatus, including dust collectors, in
connection with the pulverizing systems, together with their pulleys,
shafting, and belts shall be electrically grounded in an effective
(c) All cocoa delivered to the mills or pulverizers shall pass over
self-cleaning magnetic separators.
(d) Delivery spouts or receiving hoppers immediately above the
mills, which require openings for inspection of the cocoa, shall be
provided with wire-mesh screens of not less than four meshes to
the inch.
(e) The mills shall either discharge the pulverized product di­
rectly through spouts or scroll conveyors into the screens, bins, or
bulk containers, or the product shall be discharged from the mills
by air currents set up Dy the centrifugal force of the blades or
beaters and an inclosed fan, or the pulverized product shall be
removed by means of an exhaust fan.
(f) Mills delivering directly through spouts should be provided
witn devices in or underneath the discharges which retard the flow
of the pulverized product in such a manner as to keep a small space
immediately underneath or near the discharge filled up with pul
verized product, thus smothering any spark that may originate in
the mill. This can be effected either by means of a revolving choke
valve or, if the product is delivered directly into the scroll or screw
conveyor, by the omission of a small portion of the blade and sub­
stituting therefor pins.
(g) Blowers or exhaust fans shall be installed on proper founda­
tions and secured in a substantial manner and shall not be used for
any other purpose. The exhaust fan should be located beyond the
collector. Ample clearance shall be provided between the blades and
1Obtainable from National Fire Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.



the casing. The fan bearings must not extend into the casings.
(See Regulation of the National Fire Protection Association for the
installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems.1)
(A) All dust collectors (except those of cloth type) shall be con­
structed throughout of noncombustible materials; cloth-type col­
lectors shall be provided with tight metal inclosures or their equiva­
lent. The fabric of cloth-type collectors shall be electrically
grounded in an effective manner.
All dust collectors used in connection with the pulverizing system,
if not located outside of the building, shall be located within the
pulverizing department and shall be properly vented to a safe point
outside of the building. (See also Regulations o f the National Fire
Protection Association for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust
Systems,1 Class C.)
Pressure relief vents must be of ample size. These are especi­
ally required at certain types o f mills, screens, dust collectors, and
elevator heads. The vent flues must be substantially constructed of
metal and be carried out of doors as directly as possible, avoiding
especially short turns—never through an adjoining building or
room—and be properly proportioned.
Yent outlets should be provided with cowls or hoods and, where
the nonescape of dust is essential, with counterbalanced reliet valves
or covers provided with a soft felt gasket, at least three-fourths-inch
(?) Open flames of any kind, or any operations or repairs result­
ing in sparks or utilizing direct fire heat, shall not be permitted in
the pulverizing department while in operation or when the air is
charged with floating particles of dust.
8. Housekeeping.
Good housekeeping is one of the most important factors; appara­
tus which will not leak and permit the escape of dust or sifting out
of the cocoa is essential. Accumulations of escaping cocoa dust must
not be tolerated in the building. It is recommended that the interior
of the pulverizing department be painted a color which is in contrast
with that of the aust.
9. Fixe protection.
The building or rooms in which the processes of pulverizing are
carried on should be protected by a system of approved automatic
sprinklers and approved first-aid fire appliances, together with small
hose. (See Regulations of the National Fire Protection Association
for First Aid Fire Appliances.1)
1Obtainable from National Fire Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.


This code is designed for application to new installations and when
making alterations or extensions to existing equipment. They are
not retroactive.
Pulverized fuel systems are of various types; all involve the hazard
incident to the creation and possible liberation of combustible dusts
unless properly designed, constructed, and operated. In general
they may be arranged in three classes as follows:
Class A systems.
Indirect or those in which the fuel is intimately mixed with air at
the point or points where used and involving storage bins at points of
Class B systems.
Direct or those in which the pulverized fuel is fed to a fan by
which it is blown as a combustible mixture through large pipes to
furnaces or other points of combustion. In the case of circulating
systems of this class, the unused fuel is returned to the initial point
to again be blown through the line.
Unit systems.
Those in which the fuel is pulverized at or near the point, or points
of use, and delivered directly from the pulverizer into the ruraace by
means of fan or blower, which may be an integral part of the appa­
ratus, the air being admitted in the apparatus or in conjunction with
the fuel. Systems of this type do not employ bins.
Installation of pulverized fuel systems should be under the super­
vision of engineers qualified by experience in the design, construc­
tion, and operation of such equipment.
In this code the following words are used as defined below:
“ Shall ” is intended to indicate requirements.
“ Should ” is intended to indicate recommendations, or that which
is advised but not required.
“ Approved” refers to approval by the authority having jurisdic­
tion in the enforcement of the regulations.
The terms “ adequately,” “ effective,” and “ securely ” shall be in­
terpreted as conditions subject to the approval of such authority.

1. Location.

(at) The process of pulverizing fuel shall preferably be accom­
plished in a separate detached building used for no other purpose.
Where this is not feasible, this process shall be carried on in a
separate room or separate floor used for no other purpose. This sec­




tion shall be separated from the rest of the building by masonry
walls and floors.
(e) Except for the passage of shafts, pipes, and closed conveyors,
these walls and floors shall, where practicable, be unpierced. Where
feasible all communication between the pulverizing plant and the
rest of the building shall be from the outside or by means of fireresistive stairways inclosed by masonry walls. In cases where this
method of access to pulverizing plant is not feasible, indirect com­
munication through separating walls by means of vestibules may be
permitted, provided the wall opening is protected by a class A auto­
matic sliding fire door and the vestibule opening by a self-closing
hinged standard class B fire door at right angles to the sliding door
or other suitably protected indirect communication approved by the
authority having jurisdiction.
Note.—See Regulations of the National Fire Protection Association for the
Protection of Openings in Walls and Partitions Against Fire.*

2. Construction.

(a) The building containing pulverizing equipment shall be con­
structed of incombustible materials and specially designed (1) to
secure minimum lodgment of dust; (2) so that all interior parts of
the building on which dust may lodge may be cleaned readily; and
(3) to relieve the force of an explosion through skylight, window,
or explosion doors.
(b) Depending on local conditions, either light or heavy type of
building construction may be used for housing pulverizing equip­
(c) A portion of the exterior walls and roofs (considered in lieu
of an exterior wall) equal to not less than 10 per cent of the combined
area of the inclosing walls shall be of light incombustible material,
preferably thin glass. The arrangement shall be such that the
maximum distance from any part of the room to the glass is not
greater than the least horizontal dimensions of the room.
(d) Wired glass, if used, shall be in sash so hung that they will
readily swing out. in case of an explosion. Such sash shall not be
secured; where thin glass is used this form of hanging is not neces­
sary. Glass areas in walls shall be so located as to vent the force of
any explosion in the direction or directions of least exposure.
Note.—Wired glass should not be used unless necessary as protection against

(e) In buildings of light construction the frame should be prefer­
ably of steel with light nonbearing walls (except fire walls), con­
structed of such materials as stucco on metal lath, tile, metal or
equivalent incombustible materials, and with roof of monitor or
gable type, and all secured in such a manner as to give way readily
under pressure of explosion.
(f) In order to prevent accumulations of dust the design of the
buildings shall be such and the structural members so shaped and
assembled or protected as to present the least possible extent of
1 Obtainable from National Fire Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass,



surface on which dost can lodge. Access must be provided for clean­
ing all parts of building on which dust may accumulate.
3. Ventilation and dust collection.
(а) All buildings or parts of buildings in which the processes of
pulverizing are carried on shall be well ventilated to the outer air.
(б) Thg atmosphere of the room shall be kept as free as possible
from suspended or floating dust by maintaining all apparatus in a
dust-tight condition.
(c) Static dust.—Good housekeeping is a factor of the utmost im­
portance. To this end every coal drying and pulverizing plant shall
be kept free from even small accumulations of coal dust. All in­
terior surfaces shall be smooth and of a color, preferably white,
which contrasts with the dust. They shall be cleaned at sufficiently
frequent intervals to prevent accumulations of dust.
Interior surfaces shall be cleaned in such manner that no dust will
be scattered or distributed. To this end it is recommended that dust
removal be accomplished by an adequate pneumatic or vacuum
sweeping system. The use of compressed air for blowing dust from
motors or other equally inaccessible places is recommended, but the
general use of compressed air (except in connection with water
spray) for blowing dust from walls and other interior surfaces is
(d) Because of the hazard attending the operation of motors and
the use of flexible electric cable in coal pulverizing plants, the use of
portable vacuum cleaners or air compressors is not recommended.
Portable tanks containing compressed air may be used, providing
no electrical equipment is operated inside of the pulverizing room in
connection therewith.
(e) Pneumatic sweeping systems, if installed, shall comply with
the following general requirements:
(1) Systems shall be of sufficient power and capacity to accom­
plish effective results.
(2) Nozzles and handles shall be constructed of nonferrous metal,
fiber, or other nonsparking material.
(3) Hose, nozzles, handles, and other metal parts shall be electri­
cally grounded to the piping system and the piping system effectively
grounded to the earth.
(4) Dust separation shall take place before the dust reaches the
exhauster. The separator or separators shall accomplish practically
complete separation as there should be no perceptible discharge of
dust from the exhauster unless discharge is carried outside of the
building. The dust entering the separator shall not directly strike a
metallic surface.
(5) The motor and separator should preferably be located outside
of the pulverizing room.
4 Pulverizer.
All pulverizer mills shall be safeguarded against the hazard of fire
or explosion and be operated under competent supervision. Power
for operation of pulverizing plant shall be controlled remotely at a
readily accessible location and at the mill. Pulverizers, shafting, and



other metal parts of equipment and belts shall be electrically
grounded in an effective manner.
5. Magnetic separator.
(a) A magnetic separator shall be provided for each system em­
ploying pulverizing mills and shall be installed ahead of the pulver­
izer. Coal that has passed the magnetic separator shall be protected
in such a manner as to prevent the entry of foreign materials.
(b) The magnetic separator shall be of such size as to expose and
insure the removal of tramp iron or other magnetic substances.
6. Electricity for light and power.
All electrical equipment for light and power in pulverizer house
shall conform with the National Electrical Code.1 Provision shall be
made for remote control in order that current for light and power
may be cut off in an emergency without entering pulverizer house.
7. Dost collectors.
All dust collectors (except those of cloth type) shall be constructed
throughout of noncombustible materials; cloth-type collectors shall
be provided with tight metal inclosures or their equivalent. The
fabric of cloth-type collectors shall be electrically grounded in an
effective manner. All dust collectors used in connection with the
pulverizing system, unless located within the pulverizing department,
shall be located in separate rooms, properly vented to a safe point
outside of the building.
8. Vents.8
Safety relief vents shall be liberally provided on all pulverizing
equipments, particularly at the mill in the discharge therefrom, or,
in the case o f air-separating systems, at the toj> of the return duct to
the mill; at elevator heads, at every storage bin for pulverized fuel
and at dust collectors. Storage bin vents snail have a cross-sectional
area sufficiently large to permit the separation of air from fuel with­
out building up an abnormal pressure within the bin. Safety relief
vents taken off pipes and flues shall be of at least the same area as the
pipes or flues vented; they shall lead by the most direct practicable
route to the outside air, and shall not deviate more than 22^° from
the direction of the pipe or flue from which they lead.
Note.—This rule does not apply to operating vents, meaning thereby such
vents as may be required for efficient means of operation. Such vents may be
connected into natural draft boiler stacks or breechings to same, provided they
are equipped, where practicable, with automatic, balanced, noncorrodible
dampers opening in the direction of the normal draft, or with safety relief vents
where such dampers cannot be instaUed.
Such operating vents shall not be taken off safety relief vents nor beyond
them (considered in the direction of the normal flow).
In no case shaU operating vents be permitted to deliver into the open room.

9. Blowers handling fuel in suspension.

Blowers shall be installed on proper foundations and secured
in a substantial manner. They shall not be used for any other pur­
pose, but this shall not be construed as prohibiting the use of a blower
as a means of supplying secondary air also.
1 Obtainable from National Fine Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.
8 See sketch illustrating suggested form of safety relief vent.



(ft) Bearings of blowers handling fuel in suspension shall not
extend inside of blower casings or ducts.
All connections between discharge end . of blower and main
duct shall be made so as to prevent leakage of fine dust. (See Begulations of the National Fire Protection Association for the Installa­
tion of Blower and Exhaust Systems.1)
10. Driers.
Driers may consist of three types, the direct and semi-indirect
types which are fired by special furnaces, and the indirect type in





a*Weafher Hood,
fc- Cover Plate.

C-3A* FeltGasket.
d- Non-Corrosiye Hinge,
'«• Counter-Weight.
/• Angle Iron Rim.
ft* From Apparatus.



which the coal is dried by means of inert gases from the boiler
breechings, or bv means of steam.
(as) Driers 01 the direct and semi-indirect types shall be so de­
signed and constructed that the products of combustion of the heat­
ing unit shall not come in contact with the fuel being dried, except
at a distance of at least one-half of the length of the drier, and in
no case within 12 feet of the fuel bed.
* Obtainable from National Fire Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.



Such driers shall be designed to prevent gases of combustion from
entering its shell when not in operation.
Driers may be installed in boiler rooms of fire-resistive con­
struction, cut off in a standard manner from the rest of the plant.
Direct and semi-indirect driers if not located in boiler room
as noted in 10 (b) or in a separate building shall be separated from
the pulverizing department or any other section of the plant (except
as noted under 10- (5) or in similar occupancies) by means of non­
combustible partitions or walls constructed of materials having a
fire resistance of not less than one hour in accordance with standard
specifications for fire tests of materials for construction.
Indirect driers, unless in a separate building or in boiler room,
shall be similarly segregated, or be provided with a protective cov­
ering or insulation which will afford protection equivalent to mate­
rials capable of withstanding a one-hour fire test as noted in the
Cooils (other than anthracite and coke) .—Drying coals (other
than anthracite and coke) increases their tendency to spontaneous
ignition. The quantity of dried coal, either unground or pulverized,
stored in any plant, should be kept as small as possible without in­
terfering with the continuity of plant operations. In all cases
operating schedules shall be so arranged as to leave no dried un­
ground coal in the plant when the mills are shut down for a period
of four hours or more. In case all dried coal can not be ground due
to the mill being out of service for over four hours, all coal in the
dried coal bins and driers shall be drawn out on the floor and, if
necessary, cooled before being fed to the mill.
The following table gives the maximum amounts, in hours’ supply,
of dried coal which may be stored in connection with class A systems
in any plant when reaching the mills at various temperatures. This
recognizes the fact that the higher the temperature and the longer
the time coal is in storage the greater is its tendency to spontaneous
Temperatures of coal entering mills and maximum quantity of pulverized coat
(other than anthracite and coke) which may be stored
Hours’ supply




Pulverized coal exceeding a temperature of 150° F. shall not be
stored in any bin in connection with a class B system.
In order to prevent excessive rise in temperature of the coal in the
driers of the direct or indirect type a temperature-indicating and an
alarm device shall be installed in the discharge end of the drier with
its sensitive member as close to the coal within the drier as prac­
Nom—See also 43 (o).

11. Dried-coal elevator shall be of noncombustible construction,
dust tight, and provided with a safety relief vent to the outer air.
12. All pulverizing mills and driers shall be constructed as dust
tight as practicable and so operated as to avoid leakage of dust.



13. Pipe lines.

(a) All pipes connecting air mills, cyclones, and mill bins should
preferably be constructed of lap-welded steel pipe, seamless steel
tubing, butt-welded sheet steel, or their equivalent. Where buttwelded sheet steel is used it should be No. 10 gauge or thicker.
(b) Fittings shall be constructed either of cast-iron or butt-welded
sheet steel not less than No. 10 gauge.
(c) Where cast-iron flanged fittings are used the flanges shall
conform to the 125-pound American Standard in diameter, bolt
circle, and number of bolts.
(d) Where welded sheet-steel fittings are used they shall be pro­
vided with removable wearing plates at all points subject to abrasion.
When such plates are used the size of the fittings should be increased
accordingly so as not to decrease their effective diameter.
(e) All joints shall be made either by means of standard pipe
fittings or by flanges welded to pipes. Such flanges shall be not less
than one-fourth inch thick and shall conform as to diameter, bolt
circle, and number of bolts with the 125-pound American Standard.
14. Eire protection.
Every building or room containing the foregoing processes shall be
provided with approved fire extinguishers in such quantity and of
such type as outlined in the Regulations of the National Fire Pro­
tection Association for the Installation, Maintenance, and Use of
First Aid Fire Appliances.1 Wherever the introduction of combus­
tible material into the pulverizing room makes automatic sprinklers
necessary for fire protection their arrangement and control shall
be approved by the inspection department having jurisdiction.
Indirect driers shall be provided with means of introducing live
steam or inert gases controlled byreadily accessible,quick-acting valves.
Means should be provided to divert the contents of these driers to
the outside of the building in case of emergency.
N ote.— Attention Is directed to the fact that warning of the overheating of
bearings, in dusty and inaccessible locations and where the heating of the
bearing may cause explosions, may be obtained by the use of approved journal


15. Transportation pipe lines.

All pipe lines for transporting pulverized coal between mill bins
and pomts of consumption or storage shall be of standard full-weight
steel pipe, and fittings equal to the 125-pound American Standard.
16. Joints and valves.
All pipe joints shall be securely made so as to insure a dust-tight
installation. All control, switching, and shut-off valves shall be of
dust-tight construction.
17. Every coal-conveying line shall be located away from all open
flames or open lights of any kind and at safe distance from sources
of radiated heat, such as furnaces, ovens, boilers, boiler settings, etc.
18. Storage and furnace bins.
Storage and furnace bins for pulverized fuel shall be located
as far as consistent with operating requirements from furnaces, and
1Obtainable from National Fire Protection Association, 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.



away from open flames or open lights of any kind. Location shall
be such that no radiation from furnaces, boilers, steam pipes or flues,
or other heating appliances, can materially raise the temperature
of the contents of the bin.
All bins shall be of noncombustible material so constructed as
to present a smooth surface on the interior and so shaped that no
material will be left in the corners under normal emptying operation
of the bin. Material used in construction of metal bins shall be steel
of sufficient thickness to secure ample mechanical strength. Joints
shall be riveted and calked or welded; size and spacing of rivets
shall be such as to secure a dust-tight joint. Dust tightness shall also
be secured in cases where metal bins are lined with concrete, or where
bins are constructed of concrete.
Except for vent openings, all storage and furnace bins shall be
normally tightly closed. "When bins are filled by transferring pul­
verized coal by means of air, either under pressure or by a fan, the
arrangement should be such as to assure a minimum dust cloud
within the bin. The vent openings shall be equipped with tightfitting dampers or checks to prevent the entrance of air from the
All bins shall be equipped with a reliable indicating device
to warn the operator before the bin is in danger of overflowing
without exposing the contents. At no time shall there be any pres­
sure other than that caused by the weight of the fuel in any pul­
verized fuel storage bin.
19. Screw conveyors.
Systems using screw conveyors for handling pulverized fuel shall
be arranged with the driving power applied at the end toward which
the fuel is being conveyed. Where the length of transfer is too great
for a single screw so driven, any additional units shall be similarly
driven and so interconnected that the stopping of the last screw
in the series will automatically stop the others, or as an alternative
for such interlocking the junction point between the two screw con­
veyors shall be placed outside of the building, and be provided with
a normally closed spillway or relief valve. Where fuel must be
transported in different directions, and this is to be accomplished
by the reversal of motors, the motors operating the screw conveyors
snail be provided with overload releases and screw conveyor drives
should be provided with shearing pins.
20. (a) In no plant shall coal-storage bins conveying machinery
or fuel-pipe lines be used as supports tor electric lighting or power
lines other than those installed in conduit.
Machinery and all other parts comprising the crushing, dry­
ing, pulverizing, and conveying systems shall be electrically grounded
in an effective manner.

21. Piping’.
Distributing piping shall be of suitable metal pipe; flanged
joints may be used. Piping and fittings shall be designed to safely
withstand the maximum working pressure that may be exerted and



so installed as to be adequately safeguarded against mechanical
In each switch or branch line to burner there shall be installed
a suitable check which will be positive in operation.
22. Joints aad valves.
All pipe joints, control, switching, and shut-off valves shall be of
dust-tight construction.
23. Every coal conveying line shall be located away from all open
flames or open lights of any kind and at safe distance from sources o f
radiated heat, such as furnaces, ovens, boiler settings, etc.
24. Blowers.
(a) Primary blower shall be operated and maintained at a rate
producing a primary air pressure nigher than that of the secondary
or booster.
(b) Motor circuits for primary blower and booster fan shall be
protected by the same circuit breaker, switch, or other protective de­
vice, so that the stopping of either will cause the simultaneous stop­
ping of the other.
25. All main circulating lines shall be free from baffles, valves,
or any obstruction which might cause an accumulation of pulverized
fuel in the line.
26. Storage bins.
(a) Storage and furnace bins for pulverized fuel shall be located
as far away from furnaces as is consistent with operating require­
ments and away from open flames or open lights of any kind. Loca­
tion shall be such that no radiation from furnaces, boiler, steam pipes
or flues, or other heating appliances, can materially raise the tem­
perature of the contents of the bin.
(b) All bins shall be of noncombustible material so constructed
as to present a smooth surface on the interior and so shaped that
no material will be left in the corners under normal emptying opera­
tion of the bin. Material used in construction of metal bins shall
be steel of sufficient thickness to secure ample mechanical strength.
Joints shall be riveted and calked or welded; size and spacing of
rivets shall be such as to secure a dust-tight joint. Dust tightness
shall also be secured in cases where metal bins are lined with concrete
or where bins are constructed of concrete.
Cyclone separators shall not be placed directly over pulverized
fuel storage bins, but shall discharge returned coal to the storage bin
by means of gravity ducts, screw conveyor, or other equally safe
(a) In no plant shall coal-storage bins, conveying machinery,
or fuel pipe lines De used as a support for electric lighting or power
lines other than those installed in conduits.
Machinery and all other parts comprising the crushing, dry­
ing, pulverizing, and conveying systems shall be electrically grounded
in an effective manner.

28. Pulverizer.
The pulverizer shall be safeguarded against the hazard of fire or
explosion and be operated under competent supervision. Power for



operation of pulverizer shall be controlled remotely at a readily
accessible location and at the mill. The pulverizer, blow er, and all
other metal parts of the equipment, and belts, shall be electrically
grounded in an effective manner.
29. I f heated air is admitted to the pulverizer, the heating shall be
accomplished by an indirect method.
30. Magnetic separator.
(a) A magnetic separator shall be provided for each system. In
cases where the coal is crushed before being conveyed to the pulver­
izer the magnetic separator shall be installed between the crusher and
the pulverizer.
(5) The magnetic separator shall be of such size as to expose and
insure the removal of all tramp iron or other magnetic substances.
31. Electricity as power for operating.
A ll motors, switches, and other electrical devices in connection
with equipment shall conform with the National Electrical Code.1
32. Blower.
(a) The blower shall be installed on proper foundation and secured
in a substantial manner.
(6) Bearings of blower shall not extend inside the blower casing or
All connections between discharge end of blower and main
duct shall be so made as to prevent the leakage of fine dust.
33. AJ1 pulverizers shall be constructed as dust tight as practicable
and so operated as to avoid emission of dust.
34. No single apparatus shall supply more than two furnaces.
35. The volumetric capacity of the system, including the housing
o f mill, mixing chamber (if any), fan, and all o f the piping, shall
not exceed 100 cubic feet unless vented in accordance with the pro­
visions of section 8 of these regulations.
In cases where methods of venting required by this section and
sections 40 and 41 are found impracticable, the intent of these require­
ments will be met if the pipe and fittings connecting the mill and
burner or burners is designed for working pressure of 125 pounds.
Note.—This construction will require compliance with the Tentative Ameri­
can Standard for Cast-Iron Pipe and Fittings; 4 or, if steel is employed, compli­
ance with the American Society for Testing Materials’ Standard Specifications
for standard weight welded and seamless steel pipe' (serial designation
A53-24). Steel pipe larger than 12 inches in diameter shall be of a thickness
not less than that required to withstand a test pressure of 450 pounds per
square inch as indicated by the formula included in the aforesaid A.S.T.M.

36. All portions of the system shall be confined within the room or
section of building where the fuel is prepared or consumed.
37. Piping and fittings shall conform to the requirements of section
13—Pipe lines.
38. Each discharge pipe shall be provided with positive shut-off
gate or control.
1 Obtainable from National Fine Protection Association* 40 Central Street, Boston, Mass.
* Obtainable from American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 29 West Thirty-ninth
Street, New York, N. Y.
8Obtainable from American Society for Testing Materials, 1315 Spruce Street, Phila­
delphia, Pa.



39. When two discharge pipes from separate pulverizers deliver
to the same furnace through the same nozzle, a valve shall be pro­
vided at the junction of the discharge pipes which will automatically
shut off the discharging pipe which is not in use.
40. Every vertical or nearly vertical pipe which delivers the fuel
to the furnace through a down turn shall be provided with a safety
relief vent, as provided for in section 8 of these regulations.
41. No turn at an angle greater than 45° shall be permitted in any
pipe unless the pipe is vented as required in these regulations.
42. I f a crusher, drier, or other equipment is also used, installation
shall be in accordance with the general regulations for class A and
class B systems.

43. An instruction card including the following precautions relat­
ing to safe operation shall be conspicuously posted m the pulverizing
plant, boiler plant, and in buildings where pulverized fuel is used.
(a) The crushing, drying, and pulverizing plant should be under
the supervision of a thoroughly competent and reliable foreman, and
only competent and reliable workmen should be employed in con­
nection with those operations.
(&) The use of shavings or other similar light combustible materials
for starting fire in drier furnace is prohibited.
The rotation of the drier shall not be stopped while it contains
a charge of fuel.
Indirect driers delivering directly to the mills shall be run empty
before cutting out the mills, and coal gates, gas gates, or steamheating valves shall be shut tightly. I f it becomes necessary to shut
down the mills for any reason for more than 24 hours, tne driers
should be emptied.
In case of indirect drier fires, shut off coal inlet and outlet gates,
gas inlet and outlet gates, and steam-heating valves, if steam heated,
and turn on steam or gas extinguishing lines.
Nom—When opening up a drier, transport line or other apparatus which has
been sealed to extinguish a fire in the coal, or any place where live steam has
been injected for the same purpose, precautions must be taken to prevent
ignition of any gas which may have been generated during the period of the fire.
After the fire has been extinguished and the coal has been cooled below
ignition temperature, the drier should be ventilated with a vigorous current
of fresh air for 10 minutes or more to remove poisonous gases before persons
are allowed to enter.

(d) Whenever a plant has been idle for a period of two days or
more, all storage bins shall be thoroughly inspected before resuming
(e) Manhole or inspection openings of furnace bins shall not be
open while fuel is being discharged into the bins.
(f) Operators are cautioned against causing leaks in pipe lines
or bins by hammering.
(g) Damper in drier chimney uptake shall be wide open when
fire is started.
(A) In class B systems, if fuel supply line becomes clogged, the
furnace shall be immediately cut off and the secondary air stopped.
When obstruction has been cleared and before starting fan, a tnor-



ough examination shall be made to ensure the removal of smoldering
particles of fuel.
(*) All fuel supply lines (of class B and unit systems types) shall
be blown clear or fuel when shutting down at close of day.
(j) All conveyors and elevators shall be tightly and securely in­
closed and never opened while running. Previous to opening, ma­
chinery shall be stopped and dust allowed to settle for a period of
20 minutes.
(k) All stationery lights shall be protected with dust-proof globes
and wire guards. Only daylight or hand flashlights shall be used
when inspecting the interior of coal storage bins and pulverizing
and coal conveying apparatus when in operation. When apparatus
is not in operation guarded drop lights with dust-proof globes utiliz­
ing superservice portable cord may be used. Special dust-proof out­
lets and an adequate number of such cords shall be provided in every
pulverizing plant. A conveying and distributing piping shall be
inspected daily and any leaks promptly repaired.
Smoking and the use of open lights or torches shall be pro­
hibited in the crushing, drying, and pulverizing plant.

Pulverizing systems, cocoa, installation arid care of---------------------------------23
Pulverizing systems, sugar, installation and care of----------------------------- ---- 19-20
Arrangement of buildings, starch factories----------------------------------------------------4-5
Bag cleaning, starch---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Barreling stands, starch factories, floor construction---------------------------------------6
Basements, construction o f:
Flour and feed mills__________________________________________________
Grain elevators, terminal---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-14
Note warning against overheating----------------------------------------- 8,11,14,19,23,31
Type used, terminal grain elevators------------------------------------------------------14
Belt-conveyor galleries, flour and feed mills, construction— ----------------------------9
Storage, flour and feed mills, construction of------------------------------------------9
Storage, pulverized-fuel systems, class B------------------------------------------------33
Storage and furnace, pulverized-fuel systems----------------------- -------------------- 31-32
Handling fuel in suspension----------------------------------------------------------------- 28-29
Pulverized-fuel systems, class B-----------------------------------------------------------33
Pulverized-fuel systems, unit---------------------------------------------------------------34
(See also Fans and blowers.)
Blowers or exhaust fans, pulverizing systems, cocoa, preventive measures_______ 23-24
Buildings, construction of. (See Construction of buildings.)
Buildings, location o f:
Pulverizing systems, cocoa------------------------------------------------------------------21
Pulverizing systems, sugar-------- ---------------------------------------------------------Chambers, grinding, dry starch------------------------------------------------------------------6
Chutes, construction of, pulverizing systems, cocoa----------------------------------------22
Coals (other than anthracite and coke) drying, regulations___________________
Cocoa, pulverizing systems, safety code for---------------------------------------------------- 21-24
Collectors, dust. (See Dust collectors.)
Pulverized-fuel systems, classes A and B------------------------------------------------26
Pulverizing systems, cocoa--------------------------- ---------------------------------------22
Pulverizing systems, sugar------------------------------------------------------ ------------18
Compressed-air system, starch factories-------------------------------------------- ------------7
Construction of buildings:
Flour and feed mills— ----------------------------------------------------------- _-----------9
Grain elevators, terminal----------------------------------------------------------------------12-14
Pulverized-fuel systems, classes A and B--------------------------------------- :_____ 26-27
Pulverizing systems, cocoa------------------------------------------------------------------- 21-22
Pulverizing systems, sugar----------------------------------------------------------------- 17-18
Starch factories-------------,------------------------------------------------------------------4-5
Construction of kilns, starch factories---------------------------------------------------------5
Construction of storage bins:
Pulverized-fuel systems, class A------------------------------------------------------------Pulverized-fuel systems, class B________________ ,_______________________
Control and removal of suspended dust:
Flour and feed mills------------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------9
Starch factories---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Pulverizing systems, cocoa, construction------------------------------------------------22
Pulverizing systems, sugar------------------------------------------------------------------18
Conveyors, screw, (See Screw conveyors.)
Conveyors, spiral. (See Spiral conveyors.)
Cooking, lump starch-------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
Cyclone separators, placements, pulverized-fuel systems----------------------------------33




Flour and feed mills_________________________________________________
Grain elevators, terminal-------------------------------------------------------------------12
Pulverized-fuel systems----- ----------------------------------------------------------------25
Pulverizing systems, cocoa____________________________________________
Pulverizing systems, sugar-------------------------------------------------------------------17
Starch factories______________________________________________________
Dried-coal elevator. (See Elevator.)
Driers, construction o f:
Grain elevators, terminal______________________________________________
Pulverized-fuel systems, classes A and B________________________________ 20-30
Driers, installation of, pulverized-fuel systems, classes A and B__________ :_____
Dry starch, grinding and grading-------------------------------------------------------------Drying tunnels, starch factories___________________________________________
Dumps, starch___________________________________________________________
Dust collection, pulverized-fuel systems, regulations___________________________
Dust collectors:
Flour and feed mills______________________________________________ ;___
Grain elevators, terminal---------------------------------------------------------------------15
Pulverized-fuel systems, classes A and B, construction of_________________
Pulverizing systems, cocoa____________________________ ________________
Pulverizing systems, sugar____________________________________________
Dust separator. (See Separator.)
Electric lights, pulverizing department, sugar_______________________________
Electric motors:
Pulverizing systems, cocoa-------------------------------------- -----------------------------22
Pulverizing systems, sugar, location------------------------------------------------------18
Electrical equipment:
Flour and feed mills__________________________________________________
Grain elevators, terminal-------------------------------------------------- ----------------16
Starch factories, installation of__________ - ____________________________
Electricity for light and power, pulverized-fuel systems_______________________
Elevator and storage bins, flour and feed mills----------------------------------------------9
Elevator, dried-coal, pulverized-fuel systems_________________________________
Elevator legs, terminal grain elevators---------------------------------------------------------14
Elevators, starch factories-------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Elevators, terminal grain. (See Grain elevators.)
Equipment, electrical. (See Electrical equipment.)
Equipment, grain elevators, terminal------------------------------------------------------------- 14-15
Exhaust fans. (See Fans and blowers.)
Fans and blowers:
Flour and feed mills__________________________________________________
Pulverizing systems, sugar, installation of______________________________
Starch factories, construction of----------------------------------------------------------Feed mills. (See Flour and feed mills.)
Fire doors, pulverizing department, cocoa— -------------------------------------------------22
Fire protection:
Pulverized-fuel systems, classes A and B_______________________________ 26,31
Pulverizing systems, cocoa-----------------------------------.-------------------------------24
Floor openings, starch factories------------------------------------------------------------------5
Floors, starch packing, surrounding barreling stand---------------------------------------6
Flour and feed mills, safety code for----------------------------------------------------------- 9-11
Fuel systems, pulverized. (See Pulverized-fuel systems.)
Furnace bins. (See Bins.)
Girders, beams, etc., pulverizing plants, cocoa------------------------------------------------22
Grading, dry starch______________________________________________________
Grain elevators, terminal, safety code______________________________________ 12-16
Grinding and grading, dry starch---------------------------------------------------------------6
Grinding chambers, dry starch-------------------------------------------------------------------6
Heating, open-flame, prohibited, flour and feed mills__________________________
Hopper for bulk starch_____________________________________ _______________
Hoppers, receiving, pulverizing systems, cocoa-------------------------:_______________
Grain elevators, terminal-------------------------------------------------------------------Pulverizing systems, cocoa--------------------------------------------------------------------Starch factories______________________________________________________


Ignition, prevention o f:
Flour and feed mills__________________________________________________
Starch factories-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------Incandescent lights. (See Electric lights.)
Instruction cards, safety operation, pulverized-fuel systems___________________
Joints and valves:
Pulverized-fuel systems, class A________________________________________
Pulverized-fuel systems, class B________ ;-----------------------------------------------


Kilns, starch factories------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Bins, hoppers, etc., starch factories___________________________________ _
Open-flame, prohibited, flour and feed mills______________________________
Pulverizing systems, cocoa____________________________________________
Pulverizing systems, sugar-------------------------------------------------------------------18-19
Lights, protection, pulverized-fuel systems___________________________________
Location, classes A and B, pulverized-fuel systems___________________________ 26-6
Location of cocoa pulverizing department____________________________________
Location of plant, sugar-pulverizing systems_________________________________
Magnetic separator. (See Separator.)
Mechanical precautions, starch factories____________________________________
Mill building, flour and feed, construction of_________________________________
Pulverizing systems, cocoa_____________________________________________
Pulverizing systems, sugar, preventive measures__________________________ 19-20
Bulk, pearl and powdered starch-------- Jt------------------------------------------------6
Lump starch________________________________________________________
Pearl and powdered starch bulk packing_____________________________________
Pipe lines:
Pulverized-fuel systems, classes A and B___ ____________________________
Transportation, pulverized-fuel systems, class A---------------------------------------31
Piping, pulverized-fuel systems, class B-------------------------------------------------------- 32-33
Pneumatic sweeping systems, pulverized-fuel systems, general requirements______
Pulverizing systems, cocoa-------------------------------------------------------- _--------22
Pulverizing systems* sugar------------------------------------------------------------------18
Precautions for safe operation* pulverized-fuel systems_______________________ 85-36
Pressing, lump starch--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
Pressure relief vents, pulverizing systems, cocoa-------------------------------------------Prevention of ignition. (See Ignition.)
Preventive measures:
Pulverizing systems, cocoa-------------------------------------------------------------------23-24
Pulverizing systems, sugar------------------------------------------------------------------- 19-20
Pulverized-fuel systems, safety code— X____________________________________ 25-36
Pulverizer, fuel, regulations_____________________________________________ 27-28
Pulverizer, unit systems, fuel----------------------------------------------------------------------33-34
Pulverizing systems:
Cocoa, safety code----------------------------------------------------------------------------21-4
Sugar, safety code___________________________________________________ 17-20
Removal of suspended dust. (See Control and removal of suspended dust.)
Safety relief vent, diagram suggesting form of_______________________________
Screens, pulverizing systems, sugar________________________________________
Screw conveyers, pulverized-fuel systems____________________________________
Separator, magnetic:
Pulverized-fuel systems, general regulations_____________________________
Pulverized-fuel unit systems----------------------------------------------------------------Separators, pneumatic or magnetic, flour and feed mills_______________________
Spiral conveyers, starch factories, mechanical precautions_____________________
Construction of, pulverizing systems, sugar---------------------------------------------Delivery, pulverizing systems, cocoa____________________________________
Grain elevators, terminal______________________________________________




Dry, grinding and grading-------------------------------------------------------------------6
Factories, safety code-------------------------------------------------------------------------4-8
Lump, cooking, pressing, grading, and packing----------------------------------------6
Pearl and powdered, bulk packing______________________________________
Static dust:
Collection of, and ventilation, pulverized-fuel systems____________________
Removal of, floor and feed mills__ _____________________________________
Removal of, grain elevators, terminal----------------------------------------------------- 15-16
Removal of, starch factories----------------------------------------------------------------7
Storage bins. (See Bins.)
Sugar, pulverizing systems, safety code for-------------------------------------------------- 17-20
Suspended dust, removal o f:
Grain elevators, terminal-------------------------------------------------------------------15
(See also Control and removal of suspended dust.)
Sweeping systems, pneumatic. (See Pneumatic sweeping systems.)
Terminal grain elevators. (See Grain elevators.)
Transportation pipe lines. (See Pipe lines.)
Tunnels, construction of, terminal grain elevators___________________________
Tunnels, drying, starch factories------------------------------------------------------------------


Unit systems, pulverized-fuel---------------------------------------------------------------------


Vent flues, construction of, pulverizing systems, sugar________________________
Vent outlets, hoods for, pulverizing systems, cocoa----------------------------------------Ventilation:
Lump starch, cooking, pressing, grading, and packing____________________
Pulverized-fuel systems, classes A and B_______________________ ________
Regulations, pulverized-fuel systems, classes A and B_____________________
Safety relief. (See Safety relief vent.)


Walls, construction o f:
Pulverized-fuel systems, classes A and B____ „ __________________________
Pulverizing systems, cocoa_________________________ ___ _______________
Pulverizing systems, sugar___________________________ / ________________
Walls, finish, starch factories_____ ________________________________________
Walls, interior, construction of, terminal grain elevators______________________
Window ledges, girders, etc., pulverizing plants, cocoa------------------------------------Windows, terminal grain elevators, minimum allowances______________________
Pulverizing systems, cocoa____________________________________________
Pulverizing systems, sugar______________ _____________________________



The following is a list of all bulletins of the Bureau of Labor Statistics published since
M y, 1912, except dud in the case of bulletins giving the results of routine surveys of the
bureau, only the latest bulletin on any one subject is here listed.
A complete list of the reports and bulletins issued prior to July, 1912, as well as the bul­
letins published since that date, wUl be furnished on application. Bulletins marhed thus (* )
are out of print.
W holesale Prices.

No. 284. Index numbers of wholesale prices in the United States and foreign coun­
tries. [1921.1
No. 415. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1925.
R etail Prices and Cost o f LiTiag*

♦No. 121.
♦No. 130.
♦No. 164.
No. 170.
No. 357.
No. 369.
No. 418.

Sugar prices, from refiner to consumer. [1913.]
Wheat and flour prices, from farmer to consumer. [1913.]
Butter prices, from producer to consumer. [1914.]
Foreign food prices as affected by the war. [1915.]
Cost of living in the United States. [1924.]
The use of cost-of-living figures in wage adjustments. [1925.]
Retail prices, 1890 to 1925.

W ages and Hoars of Labor.

♦No. 146. Wages and regularity of employment and standardization of piece rates in
the dress and waist industry of New York City. [1914.]
♦No. 147. Wages and regularity of employment in the cloak, suit, and skirt industry.
No. 161. Wages and hours of labor in the clothing and cigar industries, 1911 to
No. 163. Wages and hours of labor in the building and repairing of steam railroad
cars, 1907 to 1913.
♦No. 190. Wages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1907
to 1914.
No. 204. Street railway employment in the United States. [1917.]
No. 225. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture indus­
tries, 1915.
No. 265. Industrial survey in selected industries in the United States, 1919.
No. 297. Wages and hours of labor in the petroleum industry, 1920.
No. 348. Wages and hours of labor in the automobile industry, 1922.
No. 356. Productivity costs in the common-brick industry. [1924.]
No. 358. Wages and hours of labor in the automobile-tire industry, 1923.
No. 360. Time and labor costs in manufacturing 100 pairs of shoes. [1924.]
No. 365. Wages and hours of labor in the paper and pulp industry, 1923.
No. 371. Wages and hours of labor in cotton-goods manufacturing, 1924.
No. 374. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1924.
No. 376. Wages and hours of labor in the hosiery and underwear industry, 1907 to
No. 377. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing,
No. 381. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1924.
No. 387. Wages and hours of labor in the men’s clothing industry, 1911 to 1924.
No. 394. Wages and hours of labor in metalliferous mines, 1924.
No. 407. Labor cost of production and wages and hours in the paper box-board
industry, 1925.
No. 412. Wages, hours, and productivity in the pottery industry, 1925.
No. 413. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber industry in the United States,
No. 416. Hours and earnings in anthracite and bituminous coal mining, 1922 and
No. 421. Wages and hours of labor in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry,
No. 422. Wages and hours of labor in foundries and machine shops, 1925.
No. 431. Union scale of wages and hours o* labor, May 15, 1926. [In press.]


Em ploym ent and Unemployment.

♦No. 109. Statistics of unemployment and the work of employment offices in the
United States. [1913.]
No. 172. Unemployment in New York City, N. Y. [1915.]
♦No. 183. Regularity of employment in the women’s ready-to-wear garment industries.
♦No. 195. Unemployment in the United States. [1916.]
No. 196. Proceedings of the Employment Managers’ Conference held at Minneapolis,
Minn., January, 1916.
♦No. 202. Proceedings of the conference of Employment Managers’ Association of
Boston, Mass., held May 10, 1916.
No. 206. The British system of labor exchanges. [1916.]
♦No. 227. Proceedings of the Employment Managers’ Conference, Philadelphia, Pa.,
April 2 and 3, 1917.
No. 235. Employment system of the Lake Carriers* Association. [1918.]
♦No. 241. Public employment offices in the United States. [1918.]
No. 247. Proceedings of Employment Managers’ Conference, Rochester, N. Y., May
9-11, 1918.
No.310. Industrial unemployment: A statistical study of its extent and causes.
No. 409. Unemployment in Columbus, Ohio, 1921 to 1925.
Proceedings o f Annnal M eetings o f International Association of Public
Em ploym ent Services.

No. 192. First, Chicago, December 19 and 20, 1913; Second, Indianapolis, Septem­
ber 24 and 25, 1914; Third, Detroit, July 1 and 2, 1915.
No. 220. Fourth, Buffalo, N. Y., July 20 and 21, 1916.
No. 311. Ninth, Buffalo, N. Y., September 7-9, 1921.
No. 337. Tenth, Washington, D. C., September 11-13, 1922.
No. 355. Eleventh, Toronto, Canada, September 4-7, 1923.
No. 400. Twelfth, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1924.
No. 414. Thirteenth, Rochester, N. Y., September 15-17, 1925.
W om en and Children in Industry.

No. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in
selected industries in the District of Columbia. [1913.]
♦No. 117. Prohibition of night work of young persons. [1913.]
♦No. 118. Ten-hour maximum working-day for women and young persons. [1913.]
♦No. 119. Working hours of women in the pea canneries of Wisconsin. [1913.]
♦No. 122. Employment of women in power laundries in Milwaukee. [1913.]
No. 160. Hours, earnings, and conditions of labor of women in Indiana mercantile
establishments and garment factories. [1914.]
♦No. 167. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries.
♦No. 175. Summary of the report on conditions of women and child wage earners in
the United States. [1915.]
♦No. 176. Effect of minimum-wtigc determinations in Oregon. [1915.]
♦No. 180. The boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts as a vocation for women.
♦No. 182. Unemployment among women in department and other retail stores of
Boston, Mass. [1916.]
No. 193. Dressmaking as a trade for women in Massachusetts. [1916.]
No. 215. Industrial experience of trade-school girls in Massachusetts. [1917.]
♦No. 217. Effect of workmen’s compensation laws in diminishing the necessity of
industrial employment of women and children. [1918.]
No. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war.
No. 253. Women in lead industries. [1919.]
Workmen’s Insurance and Compensation (including laws relating thereto)*



Care of tuberculous wage earners in Germany. [1912.]
British national insurance act. 1911.
Sickness and accidcnt insurance law of Switzerland. [1912.]
Law relating to insurance of salaried employees in Germany. [1913.]
Compensation for accidents to employees of the United States. [1914.]
Proceedings of the conference on social insurance called by the Inter­
national Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions,
Washington, D. C., December 5-9, 1916.


Workmen’s Insurance and Compensation—Continued.
No. 243. Workmen’s compensation legislation in the United States and foreign coun­
tries, 1917 and 1918.
No. 301. Comparison of workmen’s compensation insurance and administration.
No. 312. National health insurance in Great Britain, 1911 to 1920.
No. 379. Comparison of workmen’s compensation laws of the United States as of
January 1, 1925.
No. 423. Workmen’s compensation legislation of the United States and Canada, as
of July 1, 1926.
Proceedings o f Annnal Meeting:* of the International Association o f Indus­
tria l Accident Boards and Commissions.

♦No. 210.
No. 248.
No. 264.
♦No. 273.
No. 281.
No. 304.
No. 333.
No. 359.
No. 385.
No. 395.
No. 406.
No. 432.

Third, Columbus, Ohio, April 25-28, 1910.
Fourth, Boston, Mass., August 21-25, 1917.
Fifth, Madison, Wis., September 24-27, 1918.
Sixth, Toronto, Canada, September 23-26, 1919.
Seventh, San Francisco, Calif., September 20^24, 1920.
Eighth, Chicago, 111., September 19-23, 1921.
Ninth, Baltimore, Md., October 9-13, 1922.
Tenth, St Paul, Minn., September, 24-26, 1923.
Eleventh, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 26-28, 1924.
Index to proceedings, 1914-1924.
Twelfth, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 17-20, 1925.
Thirteenth, Hartford, Conn., September 14-17, 1926.

Industrial Accidents and dV giene.

♦No. 104. Lead poisoning in potteries, tile works, and porcelain enameled sanitary
ware factories. [1912.]
No. 120. Hygiene in the painters’ trade. [1913.]
♦No. 127. Dangers to workers from dust and fumes, and methods of protection.
♦No. 141. Lead poisoning in the smelting and refining of lead. [1914.]
♦No. 157. Industrial accident statistics. [1915.]
♦No. 165. Lead poisoning in the manufacture of storage batteries. [1914.]
♦No. 179. Industrial poisons used in the rubber industry. [1915.]
No. 188. Report of British departmental committee on the danger in the use of lead
in the painting of buildings. [1916.]
♦No. 201. Report of committee on statistics and compensation-tnsurance cost of the
International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commis­
sions. [1916.]
♦No. 207. Causes of death by occupation. [1917.]
♦No. 209. Hygiene of the printing trades. [1917.]
No. 219. Industrial poisons used or produced in the manufacture of explosives.
No. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munitions factories. [1917.]
No. 230. Industrial efficiency and fatigue in British munitions factories. [1917.]
♦No. 231. Mortality from respiratory diseases in dusty trades (inorganic dusts).
No. 234. Safety movement in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1917.
♦No. 236. Effect of the air hammer on the hands of stonecutters. [1918.]
No. 249. Industrial health and efficiency. Final report of British Health of Muni­
tion Workers Committee. [1919.]
♦No. 251. Preventable death in the cotton-manufacturing industry. [1919.]
No. 256. Accidents and accident prevention in machine building. [1919.]
No. 267. Anthrax as an occupational disease. [1920.]
No. 276. Standardization of industrial accident statistics. [1920.]
No. 280. Industrial poisoning in making coal-tar dyes and dye intermediates.
No. 291. Carbon monoxide poisoning. [1921.]
No. 293. The problem of dust phthisis in the granite-stone industry. [1922.]
No. 298. Causes and prevention of accidents in the iron and steel industry, 1910 to
No. 306. Occupational hazards and diagnostic signs: A guide to impairments to be
looked for in hazardous occupations. [1922.]
No. 339. Statistics of industrial accidents in the United States. [1925.]
No. 392. Survey of hygienic conditions in the printing trades. [1925.]

(m )

Industrial Accidents and Hysiene—Continued.

No. 405. Phosphorus necrosis in the manufacture of fireworks and the preparation
of phosphorus. [1926.]
No. 425. Record of industrial accidents in the United States to 1925.
No. 426. Deaths from lead poisoning. [In press.]
No. 427. Health survey in the printing trades, 1922 to 1925. [In press.]
No. 428. Proceedings of the Industrial Accident Prevention Conference, held at
Washington, D. C., July 14-16, 1926.
Conciliation and Arbitration (including?' strikes and lockouts).

♦No. 124. Conciliation and arbitration in the building trades of Greater New York.
♦No. 133. Report of the industrial council of the British Board of Trade in its
inquiry into industrial agreements. [1913.]
•No. 139. Michigan copper district strike. [1914.]
No. 144. Industrial court of the cloak, suit, and skirt industry of New York City.
No. 145. Conciliation, arbitration, and sanitation in the dress and waist industry of
New York City. [1914.]
♦No. 191. Collective bargaining in the anthracite coal industry. [1916.]
♦No. 198. Collective agreements in the men’s clothing industry. [1916.]
No. 233. Operation of the industrial disputes investigation act of Canada. [1918.]
No. 255. Joint industrial councils of Great Britain. [1917.]
No. 283. History of the Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, 1917 to 1919.
No.287. National War Labor Board: History
its formation, activities, etc.
No. 303. Use of Federal power in settlement of railway labor disputes. [1922.]
No. 341. Trade agreement in the silk-ribbon industry of New York City. [1923.]
No. 402. Collective bargaining by actors. [1926.]
No. 419. Trade agreements, 1925.
Labor Laws o f the United States (including? decisions o f courts relating?
to labor).

No. 211.
No. 229.
No. 285.
No. 321.
No. 322.
No. 343.
No. 370.

Labor laws and their administration in the Pacific States. [1917.]
Wage-payment legislation in the United States. [1917.]
Minimum-wage legislation in the United States. [1921.]
Labor laws that have been declared unconstitutional. [1922.]
Kansas Court of Industrial Relations. [1923.]
Laws providing for bureaus of labor statistics, etc. [1923.]
Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto.
No. 403. Labor legislation of 1925.
No. 408. Labor laws relating to payment of wages. [1926.]
No. 417. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1925.

Foreigrn Labor Law s.

♦No. 142. Administration of labor laws and factory inspection in certain European
countries. [1914.]
Vocational and W orkers’ Education.

♦No. 159.
♦No. 162.
No. 271.

Short-unit courses for wage earners, and a factory school experiment.
Vocational education survey of Richmond, Va. [1915.]
Vocational education survey of Minneapolis, Minn. [1916.]
Adult working-class education in Great Britain and the United States.

Safety Codes.

No. 331.
No. 336.
No. 338.
No. 350.
No. 351.
No. 364.
No. 375.
No. 378.
No. 382.
No. 410.
No. 430.

Code of lighting factories, mills, and other work places.
Safety code for the protection of industrial workers in foundries.
Safety code for the use, care, and protection of abrasive wheels.
Specifications of laboratory tests for approval of electric headlighting
devices for motor vehicles.
Safety code for the construction, care, and use of ladders.
Safety code for mechanical power-transmission apparatus.
Safety code for laundry machinery and operation.
Safety code for woodworking plants.
Code of lighting school buildings.
Safety code for paper and pulp mills.
Safety code for power presses and foot and hand presses.


Industrial Relations and Labor Conditions*

No. 237.
No. 340.
No. 349.
No. 361.
No. 380.
No. 383.
No. 384.
No. 399.

Industrial unrest in Great Britain. [1917.]
Chinese migrations, with special reference to labor conditions. [1923.]
Industrial relations in the West Coast lumber industry. [1923.]
Labor relations in the Fairmont (W. Va.) bituminous coal field. [1924.]
Postwar labor conditions in Germany. [1925.]
Works council movement in Germany. [1925.]
Labor conditions in the shoe industry in Massachusetts, 1920 to 1924.
Labor relations in the lace and lace-curtain industries in the United States.

W elfare W ork.

*No. 123. Employers’ welfare work. [1913.]
No. 222. Welfare work in British munitions factories. [1917.]
♦No. 250. Welfare work for employees in industrial establishments in the United
States. [1919.]

No. 313. Consumers’ cooperative societies in the United States in 1920.
No. 314. Cooperative credit societies in America and in foreign countries.



♦No. 158. Government aid to home owning and housing of working people in foreign
countries. [1914.]
No. 263. Housing by employers in the United States. [1920.]
No. 295. Building operations in representative cities in 1920.
No. 424. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States, 1925.
o f Annual Conventions of the -Association o f Governm ental
Labor Officials o f the United States and Canada.

P r o c e e d in g s

No. 266.
No. 307.
♦No. 323.
No. 352.
No. 389.
No. 411.
No. 429.

Seventh, Seattle, Wash., July 12-15, 1920.
Eighth, New Orleans, La., May 2-6, 1921.
Ninth, Harrisburg, Pa., May 22-26, 1922.
Tenth, Richmond, Va., May 1-4, 1923.
Eleventh, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1924.
Twelfth, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 13-15, 1925.
Thirteenth, Columbus;, Ohio, June 7-10, 1926.

M iscellaneous Series.

♦Nt>. 174. Subject index of the publications of the United States Bureau of Labor
Statistics up to May 1, 1915.
No. 208. Profit sharing in the United States. [1916.]
No. 242. Food situation in central Europe, 1917.
No. 254. International labor legislation and the society of nations. [1919.]
No. 268. Historical survey of international action affecting labor. [1920.]
No. 282. Mutual relief associations among Government employees in Washington,
D. C. [1921.]
No. 299. Personnel research agencies. A guide to organized research in employ­
ment, management, industrial relations, training, and working condi­
tions. [1921.]
No.319. The Bureau of Labor Statistics: Its history, activities, and organization.
No. 326. Methods of procuring and computing statistical information of the Bureau
of Labor Statistics. [1923.]
No.342. International Seamen’s Union of America: A study of its history and
problems. [1923.]
No. 346. Humanity in government. [1923.]
No. 372. Convict labor in 1923.
No. 386. The cost of American almshouses. [1925.]
No. 398. Growth of legal-aid work in the United States. [1926.]
No. 401. Family allowances in foreign countries. [1926.]
No. 420. Handbook of American trade-unions. [1926.]
