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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ETHELBERT STEWART, Commissioner BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES'! BUREAU OF LABO R S T A T I S T I C S /.................... SAFETY CODE liO . *¥ ilA 41U SERIES SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL, SPONSOR TENTATIVE AMERICAN STANDARD Approved December 8, 1925 American Engineering Standards Committee APRIL, 1926 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1926 A DDITION AL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 15 CENTS PEK COPY CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page Section 1. Scope and purpose_____________________________ __________ Rule 10. Scope_________________________________________ _______ 11. Interpretations and exceptions__________________________ 12. New and old installations_______________________________ 13. Reference to other codes________________________________ 14. Mandatory and advisory____ ____________ ________ ______ 2, 3 2 2 3 3 3 PART I.— THE YARD Section 10. Unloading and storage of pulp wood........................................ Rule 100. Unloading pulp wood in the yard______________________ 101. Unloading pulp wood from ships_______________________ 102. Locomotive cranes____________________________________ 103. Flat cars--------------------------------------------------------------------104. Yard illumination.____________________________________ 105. Warning signals_______________________________________ 106. Gang plank construction__________________ ____________ 107. Yard housekeeping____________________________________ 108. Pike poles____________________________________________ 109. Operating rules_______________________________________ Section 11. Woodpile------------------------------------------------------------------------Rule 110. Arrangement of woodpiles____________________________ 111. Removal of pulp wood________________________________ 112. Conveyors___________________________________________ 113. Signs________________________________________________ 114. Sprayers----------------------------- '_________________________ Section 12. Unloading and storage of raw materials___________________ Rule 120. Clothing_____________________________________________ 121. Trucks_______________________________________________ 122. Clearance____________________________________________ 129. Operating rules____________________ - _________________ 3-5 3, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4, 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6-10 6, 9 9 9 9,10 PART II.— PREPARING PULP WOOD Section 20. Saws___________________________________________________ 10 Rule 200. Screens for gang and slasher saws______________________ 10 201. Slasher tables________________________________________ 10 202. Slasher drive belts, pulleys, and shafts_________________ 10 203. The runway to the jack ladder_________________________ 10 204. Guards below table___________________________________ 10 205. Conveyors___________________________________________ 10 10 206. Single circular saws___________________________________ 209. Operating rules_______________________________________ 10 Section 21. Hand barkers____________________________________________ 11 Rule 210. Guards_______________________________________________ 11 211. Screens______________________________________________ 11 212. Stops________________________________________________ 11 213. Governor____________________________________________ 11 219. Operating rules_______________________________________ 11 Section 22. Barking drums__________________________________________ 11 Rule 220. Continuous barking drums_____________________________ 11 221. Intermittent barking drums___________________________ 11 229. Operating rule________________________________________ 11 Section 23. Splinters________________________________________________ 11,12 Rule 230. Splinter block________________________________________ 11,12 231. Power control________________________________________ 12 Section 24. Chippers--------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------12 Rule 240. Chipper spout________________________________________ 12 249. Operating rules.............. - ........................ ............................. 12 hi IV CONTENTS PART III.— RAG AND OLD PAPER PREPARATION Page Section 30. Sorting room................. .............................................................. 12, 13 Rule 300. Disinfection__________________________________________ 12 301. Ripping knives_______________________________________ 13 302. Steels for sharpening ripping knives____________________ 13 303. Containers of compressed paper or metal________________ 13 Section 31. Dusting, shredding, and rag-cutting machinery_____________ 13, 14 13 Rule 310. Shredders____________________________________________ 311. A smooth idle roll____________________________________ 13 312. Blowers______________________________________________ 13 313. Ventilation and removal of dust________________________ 13 13 314. Bleach boiler_________________________________________ 319. Operating rules----------------------------------- -----------------------14 PART IV.— ACID MAKING Section 40. Sulphur burning_________________________________________ 14 Rule 400. Sulphur burners______________________________________ 14 Section 41. Acid plants_____________________________________ ________ 14, 15 Rule 410. Protection for employees_____ __________________ *_____ 14 411. Clothing______________________ _______________________ 14 412. Masks___________________ ,____________________________ 14 413. Acid tower structure__________________________________ 14 414. Signal system________________________________________ 14 415. First aid_____________________________________________ 15 419. Operating rule------------------------------------------------------------15 Section 42. Distributing lines, valves, storage tanks, etc_______________ ___ 15 Rule 420. Repairing tanks_____________________________________ ____ 15 421. Lead burning-------------------------------------------------------------- ------15 422. Hoops for acid storage tanks______________________________ 15 429. Operating rule------------------------------------------------------------ ------15 PART V.— CHEMICAL PROCESSES OF MAKING PULP Section 50. Sulphite process_________________________________________ 15-17 Rule 500. Chip bins____________________________________________ 15 501. Exits________________________________________________ 15, 16 502. Gasmasks------------------------------------------- ------- -------------16 16 503. Blow-off valves and piping____________________________ 504. Blow pits____________________________________________ 16, 17 509. Operating rules.______________________________________ 17 Section 51. Sulphate and soda processes______________________________ 18 Rule 510. Hazards_____________________________________________ 18 511. Blow lines____________________________________________ 18 18 512. Furnace room__________________________ ______ _______ 513. Causticizing tanks------------------------------------------------------18 Section 52. Bleaching_______________________________________________ 18,19 Rule 520. Bleaching engines-------------------------------------------------------18 521. Bleach-mixing rooms__________________________________ 18 522. Liquid chlorine-----------------------------------------------------------19 PART VI.— PREPARING PULP FOR PAPER MACHINE Section 60. Ground-wood process____________________________________ 19 Rule 600. Governors___________________________________________ 19 601. Pulp grinders_________________________________________ 19 602. Butting saw__________________________________________ 19 609. Operating rules----------------------------------------------------------19 Section 61. Pulp shredders and presses----------------------------------------------- 19-21 Rule 610. Floor drains__________________________________________ 19 611. Feed for shredder_____________________________________ 19 612. Wooden paddles---------------------------------------------------------20 613. Wet presses__________________________________________ 20, 21 614. Pulp conveyors------------- ------- — ...................... ................ 21 CONTENTS V Page Section 62. Beaters and washers_____________________________________ Rule 620. Floors_______________________________________________ 621. Beater dumping devices_______________________________ 629. Operating rules_______________________________________ 21 21 21 21 PART VII.— MACHINE ROOM Section 70. General_________________________________________________21, 22 Rule 700. Floor drains__________________________________________ 22 701. Emergency stops_____________________________________ 22 702. Clothing_____________________________________________ 22 709. Operating rules_______________________________________ 22 Section 71. Presses and dryers_______________________________________ 22, 23 Rule 710. Steps________________________________________________ 22 711. Plank walkways______________________________________ 22 712. Dryer lubrication_____________________________________ 22 713. Automatic feed_______________________________________ 22 22 714. Stretch roll_________________________________ _________ 715. Levers_______________________________________________ 22 716. First dryer___________________________________________ 23 717. Steam and hot-water pipes____________________________ 23 719. Operating rules_______________________________________ 23 Section 72. Calender stack_______________ _________ 2 ________________ 23 Rule 720. Feeder belt___________________________________________ 23 721. Steps________________________________________________ 23 729. Operating rules_______________________________________ 23 Section 73. Winding reels___________________________________________ 23, 24 Rule 730. Rotation_____________________________________________ 23, 24 731. Space between reels___________________________________ 24 739. Operating rule________________________________________ 24 Section 74. Rewinders______________________________________________ 24, 26 Rule 740. Inrunning nip________________________________________ 24 741. Reel straps___________________________________________ 25 742. Core collars__________________________________________ 25 743. Slitter knives_________________________________________ 25 744. Winder shaft_________________________________________ 25 749. Operating rules______________________________________ 26 PART VIII.— FINISHING ROOM Section 80. Supercalenders__________________________________________ Rule 800. Supercalender guards_________________________________ 801. Supercalender rolls____________________________________ 802. Scrubbing blocks___________ __________________________ 803. Emergency stops_____________________________________ 809. Operating rule________________________________________ Section 81. Sheet calenders__________________________________________ Rule 810. Tape feed____________________________________________ 811. Inrunning nip________________________________________ 812. Emergency stops____________ _________________________ Section 82. Cutting and trimming machinery_________________________ Rule 820. Guillotine cutters______________ _______________________ 821. Rotary cutters_______________________________________ Section 83. Platers___________________________ ______________________ Rule 830. Machine guards______________________________________ 839. Operating rules_______________________________________ Section 84. Packing, storing, loading, and shipping____________________ Rule 849. Operating rules----------------------------------------------------------- 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 31 31 APPENDIX Overhead structures and equipment_________________ ________________ 32 Bulletin boards_____________________________________________________ 32 Loose clothing______________________________________________________ 32 Belts______________________________________________________________ 32,33 Use and care of tools________________________________________________ 33 Safety organization____ _____________________________________________ 33 BULLETIN OF THE U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS WASHINGTON NO. 410 APRIL, 1926 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS INTRODUCTION The National Safety Council was invited to act as sponsor for a safety code for paper and pulp mills during the year 1920. The sponsorship was accepted by the council, and under the rules of procedure of the American Engineering Standards Committee a sectional committee was organized, consisting of the following members: Name and address Chairman, Robt. M. Altman, safety director Marathon Paper Mills Co., Rothschild, Wis. A. P. Costigane, secretary and safety engineer Ontario Pulp and Paper Makers’ Safety Asso ciation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. G. E. Williamson, executive engineer Strath more Paper Co., Mittineague, Mass. Interest represented Sectional commit tee group American Paper and Pulp Asso Manufacturers of ciation and National Safety paper and pulp. Council. Ontario Pulp and Paper Makers7 Do. Safety Association. American Paper and Pulp Asso Do. ciation and National Safety Council. Cyril Ainsworth, director bureau of inspection, International Association of In State regulatory dustrial Accident Boards and Pennsylvania Department of Labor and In bodies. Commissions. dustry, Harrisburg, Pa. John P. Meade, director division of industrial ___ do........ .................................... Do. safety, Department of Labor and Industries, Boston, Mass. Henry Schreiber, deputy, Industrial Commis ----- do.............................................. Do. sion of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Wis. W. A. Dearborn, chief engineer Federal Mutual National Association of Mutual Insurance interests. Casualty Companies. Liability Insurance Co., 142 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. John L. Thompson, superintendent engineer National Workmen’s Compensa Do. tion Service Bureau. ing and inspection division, Travelers Insur ance Co., Hartford, Conn. John A. Dickinson, mechanical engineer, Bureau U. S. Bureau of Standards......... . Federal Govern of Standards, Washington, D. C. ment. L. R. Thompson, in charge Industrial Hygiene U. S. Public Health Service........ . Do. and Sanitation, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. W. C. Winn, International Brotherhood of U. S. Department of Labor......... . Do. Sulphite Mill Workers of the United States and Canada, Lisbon Falls* Me. Holger Jensen, manager engineering and rating American Society of Safety Engi Engineering soci division, Maryland Casualty Co., Baltimore, neers and engineering section of eties. Md. the National Safety Council. Charles W. Pusey, Pusey & Jones Co., Wilming American Society of Mechanical Do. ton, Del. Engineers. A1 Kroes, director of safety education Employ American Pulp and Paper Mill Do. ers’ Mutual Liability Insurance Co. of Wau Superintendents’ Association. sau, Wis., Fond du Lac, Wis. Charles Ludwig, assistant superintendent Society of Ohio Safety Engineers General interests. Meade Pulp & Paper Co., Chillicothe, Ohio. and Ohio Manufacturing Associ ation. Secretary, J. M . Sandel, safety engineer National National Safety Council................. Do. Safety Council, Chicago, 111. 1 2 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS The sectional committee gratefully acknowledges the helpful cooperation of the following persons and organizations who have sat with the committee at its invitation: John Lundrigan, industrial superintendent, and superintendents and safety engineers of the International Paper Co. Walter A. Gleason, safety director Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, Pa. Henry Obermanns, general superintendent Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, Pa. R. P. Higginbotham, safety engineer, and superintendents of the CrockerMcElwain Co., and the Chemical Paper Mfg. Co., Holyoke, Mass. W. R. Wilson, safety engineer, and superintendents of the American Writing Paper Co., Holyoke, Mass. Members of the American Pulp and Paper Mill Superintendents’ Association, Kalamazoo, Mich. Charles R. Blodgett, secretary safety committee, Eastern Manufacturing Co., Bangor, Me. The initial code was prepared by J. M . Sandel, safety engineer National Safety Council, and was revised five times by the sectional committee ana members of the above-named organizations and the paper and pulp section of the National Safety Council, who co operated. The code was discussed at meetings of the paper and pulp section at the National Safety Congresses of 1923 and 1924, at a meeting of the Kalamazoo section of the American Pulp and Paper Mill Superintendents' Association, with the operating men of the International Paper Co. at Glens Falls, N. Y ., and with the operating men of the paper mills at Holyoke, Mass. The code in its present form was approved by the sectional committee by letter ballot by September 26, 1925, and immediately submitted to the American Engineering Standards Committee following approval by the executive committee of the National Safety Council. The code was approved by the American Engineering Standards Committee, December 8, 1925. SECTION 1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE Rule 10. Scope. This code applies to establishments where paper and/or pulp are manufactured. For logging and transportation of logs to the mill, see American Logging and Sawmill Safety Code. This code does not include requirements for guards for belts, pulleys, gears, etc., nor any other subjects covered in other codes, either completed or under way. Rule 11. Interpretations and exceptions. The purpose of this code is to provide reasonable safety for life, limb, and health. In cases of practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship, the enforcing authority may grant exceptions from the literal requirements of this code or permit the use of other devices or methods, but only when it is clearly evident that reasonable safety is thereby secured. N ote.— It is suggested that in cases where exceptions are asked the enforcing authority consult with the Committee on Safety Code for Paper and Pulp Mills, in care of American Engineering Standards Committee, 29 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City, or National Safety Council, 108 East Ohio Street, Chicago. Such consultation will tend to bring about uniform application of the code and will keep the committee informed of criticisms which should be considered if and when the code is revised. SAFETY CODE FOE PAPER AND PULP MILLS 3 Rule 12. New and old installations. After the date at which this code becomes effective all new con struction and installations shall conform to its provisions unless exception is allowed in accordance with Rule 11. Rule 13. Reference to other codes. The present code is supplemented by the following codes, complete copies of which may be obtained through the office of the American Engineering Standards Committee, 29 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City: Boilers. (Write American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 29 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City.) Building Exits. Conveyors.1 Compressed Air Machinery and Equipment.1 Electrical (Fire) Code, National. Electrical (Safety) Code, National. Electric Power Control. Elevators. Floor Openings, Railings, Toe Boards.1 Grinding Wheels. Head and Eye Protection (Goggles, etc.). Ladders. Lighting. Lightning Protection.1 Logging and Sawmill Machinery. Pipe Lines, Identification of.1 Power Transmission (including belts, gears, shafting, etc.). Sanitation.1 Ventilation.1 Woodworking Machinery. Rule 14. Mandatory and advisory. The word “ shall” is to be understood as mandatory, and the word “ should” as advisory. PART I.— THE YARD SECTION 10. UNLOADING AND STORAGE OF PULP WOOD Rule 100. Unloading pulp wood in the yard. (a) Where locomotive cranes are used for loading or unloading 8-foot logs or with stackers, the pulp wood should be piled so as to allow a clearance of 18 inches between the pile and the end of the cab of the largest locomotive crane in use, when the cab is turned in any working position. N ote.— Such distance should be maintained when unloading from box cars, care being taken to pile at a sufficient distance from the center of the track to have the safe clearance when a locomotive crane is used. (b) If no locomotive cranes are used, the minimum distance of pile from center line of track shall be 8 ^ feet. (c) For wood of short lengths (4 feet or less) and where tracks will be moved, piles of wood should be located so that there will always be a clearance of at least 8}4 feet from the center line of the tracK which is in actual use. i Codes being prepared and are not yet available, 78246°—26 f------ 2 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS 4 {d) Piles of pulp wood shall not contain logs protruding irregularly over a walkway. Piling of logs shall be arranged so that no piling behind can cause pile face to be forced into walkway b y pile pressure, thus reducing the clearance specified in rule 100 (a). Rule 101. Unloading* pulp wood from ships. (a) Railroad cars shall not be spotted on tracks adjacent to the locom otive crane unless clearance mentioned in rule 100 (a) can be maintained. (b) Ladders to boat docks shall be securely fastened in place. Rule 102. locomotive cranes. (а) If locom otive cranes are used, the cranes shall be securely anchored to tracks, or outriggers shall be used. (б) A heavy chain or cable shall be securely fastened to the boom and to the frame of a locom otive crane at the base to prevent the boom from falling should it break at the base. Rule 103. Flat cars. (a) Flat cars for the conveyance of pulp wood should be equipped with safety stake pockets unless they are to be unloaded by crane and grab buckets or by hand. (See fig. 1.) F ig . 1.—Safety stake pocket for use on flat cars used to convey pulp wood. (&) For wood of short lengths (4 feet or less) sufficient hardwood stakes of size not smaller than 4 by 4 inches shall be used to prevent the load from shifting. Rule 104. Yard illumination. Lighting shall be provided in the yard. Rule 105. Warning signals. Except where the locom otive engineer can obtain a clear view of at least 200 feet of track, a warning signal should be provided on every curve; this shall be an automatically operated electric gong or a standard whistling post. Rule 106. Gangplank construction. Gangplanks for use in unloading pulp wood from box cars shall be of sound construction, at least 5 feet wide, and of adequate strength for the loads to be handled. The edges should be raised to prevent trucks and other conveying equipment on wheels from rolling off. Where car doors are wider than the above specified minimum width, SAFETY CODE FOE PAPEE AND PULP MILLS 5 the doors shall be closed so as to leave an opening or exit from the car directly on and no wider than the gangplank width. Buie 107. Yard housekeeping. Materials other than mentioned above should be stored in such a way as to minimize the possibility of injury to employees. N ote 1.— Rules and recommendations for railroad operation in yards may be found in the published recommendations of the American Railway Association. N ote 2.— Rules and recommendations for the operations in connection with river driving and the hot pond may be found in section 17 and rule 211 of the American Logging and Sawmill Safety Code. Buie 108. Pike poles. Handles of pike poles should be made of split wood, preferably hickory or ash, or of saplings of the same woods. Buie 109. Operating rules. (a) Chains and ropes for locomotive cranes and jammers.— Chains used on locomotive cranes and jammers shall be inspected at least once a week, and cables and ropes in use shall be inspected daily. Inspection tags showing date of last inspection and allowable loads should be attached to all tackle when it is placed in the storeroom. Frozen rope shall not be used. N ote.— Ropes (manila or hemp) used in cold (freezing) weather or in climates where there is long continuous cold should be kept away from water and wet material. If moisture freezes in the fiber, the rope becomes unsafe. (b) Anchorage for jammers.— The anchorage of jammers shall be frequently inspected, whether the jammers be located on cars or on the ground. (c) Unloading cars.— Where safety stake pockets have not been provided on cars, the cutting of wires and chopping of stakes should be done only by experienced and agile employees. The stakes should be first partially cut through and then wires should be cut on the side of tne car opposite to where the stakes have been cut. The employees should be cautioned not to work directly in front of the load. Wire cutters equipped with long handles are recommended. (d) Care shall be taken so that hand-brake wheels and brake shafts are not damaged. (e) Hand tools.— Pickaroons, peavies, and hand tools shall be kept sharp so as to prevent wood from slipping. If handles are once broken, they shall be renewed, not repaired. (/) Safety instruction.— All men shall be instructed by their foremen of the dangers and hazards of all yard equipment used. This shall include railroad, conveyor, and sling-load hazards. Inex perienced men shall be carefully instructed by their foremen in the use of hand tools. (g) Walkways.— Walkways shall be kept in safe condition and clear of any material, which shall always be removed immediately after unloading. Holes near the tracks shall be filled in. (h) One hatch tender shall be responsible for the safety of the men working in the holds of boats. He shall signal hoisting engineer to lift the load only after the men are clear of the load and falling sticks. 6 SAFETY CODE FOE PAPER AND PULP MILLS SECTION 11. WOODPILE Rule 110. Arrangement of woodpiles. Woodpiles should be safeguarded by orderly piling of the wood at the bottom to control the pile and maintain the clearance required in Rule 100. (See fig. 2.) Rule 111. Removal of pulp wood. (a) To remove pulp wood from the woodpile when frozen, the use of an endless wire rope and ship’s anchor in connection with a drum is recommended. (See fig. 3.) N ote.— The use of a wire rope and anchor enables employees to keep in the clear and the pile can be very quickly loosened. It also eliminates the use of dynamite and prevents breakage of wood. (b) If dynamite is used, it shall be done only by experienced employees. If a fuse is used for exploding the dynamite, the mini mum length of fuse shall be 16 inches. N ote.— A battery and electric detonator is much less hazardous and preferable to the use of fuses. Rule 112. Conveyors. (а) The sides of the conveyor shall be constructed so that the wood will not fall off. For small sizes of wood, the minimum height of the sides shall be 2 inches; for larger sizes of wood, the height of the sides shall be increased as much as is necessary to prevent wood from falling, but not less than one-half the diameter of the largest stick handled. (б) Where conveyors cross passageways and roads, a horizontal platform should be provided under the conveyor extending out from the sides of the conveyor a distance equal to one and one-half times the length of the wood handled. The platform should extend the width of the road and 2 feet on each side of it. The edges of the platform should be provided with rails, or other protection to prevent wood from falling. Rule 113. Signs. Where conveyors cross walkways and roads in the yards, signs reading u Danger, falling wood,” or equivalent warning shall be erected. Rule 114. Sprayers. Sprayers should be installed in woodpiles. N ote.— This is recommended (1) to prevent decay, (2) to reduce the fire hazard in the summer. SECTION 12. UNLOADING AND STORAGE OF RAW MATERIALS Rule 120. Clothing. Respirators, goggles, or protective masks shall be provided for workmen unloading alum, clay, soda ash, lime, bleach powder, sulphur, caustic soda, and similar hazardous material. When un loading acid workmen shall be provided with goggles, rubber gloves, and rubber aprons. Respirators, goggles, protective masks, and rubber gloves that have been used shall be cleaned and disinfected before being used by another employee. SAFETY CODE FOE PAPEE AND PULP M ILLS Fig . 2 —Proper storage of pulp wood SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP M IL L S 00 F ig . 3.—Use of an anchor in loosening frozen pulp wood SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS 9 N o te 1.— Electrically driven portable fans relieve poor ventilation in con gested places, such as box cars and bins. A slight movement of air will reduce the discomfort of the protective equipment, which should never be removed. Conductors to fans shall be free from defects, so as to reduce hazard of electric shock. N o t e 2.— When unloading raw materials onto platforms, steel plates have been found efficient when equipped with accessories to prevent plates from slip ping. Perforated plates provide drainage, but the surface should be treated or roughened so that men will not slip. Rule 121. Trucks. {a) Trucks with rollways should be used in handling paper in rolls or full reels, except when loaded from platform same height as truck body. W ith this equipment lifting is unnecessary. (See fig. 4.) F ig . 4.—Truck with rollways for handling paper (6) Trucks having four wheels should be equipped with spring clips for holding the handles in an upright position when not used, or the handles should be counterweighted so that they will stand upright. N o t e .— A wooden block permanently attached to the truck with a chain, and intended to be used as a chock to keep the truck from rolling when not in use has been found very effective. (c) When two-wheel trucks are used, they should be equipped with brakes. Rule 122. Clearance. When piling materials inside buildings and upon platforms, sufficient clearance shall be provided for the safe operation of all trucks. Rule 129. Operating rules. (а) Trucks.— Trucks shall be frequently inspected and maintained in a safe condition. Wheels with broken rims shall be repaired. Nails shall not be used in lieu of cotter pins for holding wheels on axles. (б) Handling empty carboys.— Before being loaded for return, carboys shall be entirely drained and washed out by inverting over a stream of water. N o t e .— M any men have been badly burned by handling a carboy which they had every reason to suppose was empty and yet had a little acid remaining in it. It is well to take the same precautions with empty carboys as with full ones. 10 SAFETY CODE FOB PAPER AND PtJLP m il l s (c) Piling pulp.— Piles of pulp shall be u stepped back” toward the top. Sheets of pulp shall be interlapped to make the pile secure; vertical or inclined wooden braces between piles shall not be used. Employees should be instructed not to pile pulp— (1) Over pipe lines to jeopardize pipes, or (2) So as to cause overloading of floors, or (3) So as to obstruct sprinkler heads. (d) Unpiling pulp.— Employees shall be instructed not to under mine piles of pulp when unpilmg, or to change the general shape of the pile when piled as specified in rule 129 (c). (e) Wall marks.— Walls of buildings should be marked to show the safe height for storage of various materials. PART H.— PREPARING PULP WOOD SECTION 20. SAWS Rule 200. Screens for gang and slasher saws. Screens shall be provided in front of all gang and slasher saws and shall consist of heavy wire mesh or planking 2 inches or more in thickness bolted to 4 by 4 inch posts. This barricade may be either suspended from the roof by chains or cables or may be bolted to the machine frame. The guard should be placed over tail sprockets. Rule 201. Slasher tables. Slasher tables shall be not less than 42 inches above the floor or platform or, if such elevation is not practicable, shall be guarded on exposed side or sides with a standard handrail. N ote 1.— Unless the table is 42 inches or more above the floor a standard guard rail is required to protect operators in case of slipping or falling. N ote 2.— In addition to protecting the operator and oiler the complete in closure of the drive as required will protect against damage due to bolts thrown by the saw. This is an important economic consideration as the damage done by such accident would probably exceed the cost of the guard. Rule 202. Slasher drive belts, pulleys, and shafts— Shall be completely inclosed in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Code for Power-Transmission Apparatus. Rule 203. The runway to the jack ladder— From, pond or unloading dock to table shall be protected with stand ard handrail and toe boards. Rule 204. Guards below table. Where not protected by the frame of the machine the under side of the slasher saws should be inclosed with expanded metal, attached so as to provide liberal clearance for the escape of sawdust. Rule 205. Conveyors. There shall be devices provided for quick stopping of conveyors. Rule 206. Single circular saws— Shall be provided with guards specified in the Code for the Safe guarding of Woodworking Plants. Rule 209. Operating rules. All oiling should be done at stated periods, at a time when all machinery is stopped. SAFETY CODE FOB PAPER AND PULP MILLS 11 SECTION 21. HAND BARKERS Rule 210. Guards. The machine shall be guarded so that the wood can be securely held in place and revolved for barking and the operator protected. N ote.— Each machine can be provided with a lever attached to the top of the barker and extending down so as to hold the wood block against the revolving disc. A gear wheel can be provided to facilitate the revolution of the wood block. (See fig. 5.) Rule 211. Screens. Persons passing by the barkers shall be safeguarded from, flying particles. N ote.—A sheet-metal or fine-wire mesh guard on the side toward the direc tion of revolution of the disc will secure the above. Rule 212. Stops. There shall be a positive stopping device for all hand barkers which can be arranged to be locked disconnected from, the power. N ote.— This is necessary when sharpening knives on the machine. Rule 213. Governor. Where a barker disc is directly connected to a water wheel, a gover nor should be placed on the wheel to control the speed of the disc within safe limits. Rule 219. Operating rules. (а) Barker Tcnives.— Hand barker knives shall be sharp and free from nicks. (б) Knives, when renewed, should be of the same weight as those remaining in the disc. (c) Barker disc.— The revolving disc shall be kept in such con dition that it will be uniformly revolving in true. The disc shall be periodically inspected and removed from service if cracks develop. SECTION 22. BARKING DRUMS Rule 220. Continuous barking drums. (а) A standard railing shall be constructed around the drum. (б) Sprockets and chains, gears, and trunnions shall be guarded as specified in the Safety Code for Power-Transmission Apparatus. Rule 221. Intermittent barking drums. In addition to motor switch, clutch, belt shifter, or other powerdisconnecting device, intermittent barking drums should be equipped with a device that will prevent the drum from moving while it is being emptied or filled. Rule 229. Operating rule. When barking drums are driven by chains, the chains shall be frequently inspected for any defects. SECTION 23. SPLITTERS Rule 230. Splitter block. The block which the wood is rested upon, whether on the vertical or horizontal splitter, should have a corrugated surface or other means 78246°—26f------ 3 12 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS should be provided so that the wood will not slip. A hook or bar should also be provided to clean the block of snow, ice, or chips. Rule 231. Power control. Power for the operation of the splitter shall be controlled b y a clutch or equivalent device. SE C TIO N 24. CH IPPERS Rule 240. Chipper spout. The chipper spout should be at least 36 inches long and the end of it should be protected b y either a circular piece of heavy belting fastened over the mouth of the spout, or a swinging baffle (similar to a swing check valve) installed in the spout, to prevent particles flying back from the knives. F ig. 5 —Guards on the “ barker” Rule 249. Operating rules. (a) The revolving disc shall be kept in such condition that it will be uniformly revolving in true. The disc shall be periodically inspected and removed from service if cracks develop. (b) Chipper knives should be kept sharp at all times to prevent “ spitting of chips. PART IIL—RAG AND OLD-PAPER PREPARATION SE C TIO N 30. S O R T IN G R O O M N o te .— It is recommended that this department be located in a building of fire-resistive construction, as spontaneous combustion is liable to occur in rags. Premises should be kept clean. Rule 300. Disinfection. Whenever possible, all rags and old paper should be disinfected before hand sorting b y employees. N o t e .— The most practical and effective method of disinfecting rags is the use of steam for a period of 20 to 30 minutes. SAFETY CODE FOE PAPER AND PULP MILLS 13 Rule 301. Ripping knives. Knives for ripping pockets and removing buttons shall be located at a place convenient to the operator. They should be provided with a blunt top end and securely fastened to the table. (See fig. 6.) Rule 302. Steels for sharpening ripping knives— Shall be guarded by leather discs set at the junction of the wooden handle and the steel. Rule 303. Containers of compressed paper or metal— Should be used in preference to wooden barrels, etc., to eliminate the hazard of projecting nails. SECTION 31. DUSTING, SHREDDING, AND RAG-CUTTING MACHINERY Rule 310. Shredders. The shredding and cutting tools shall be guarded by a hood of metal completely inclosed to prevent human contact Rule 311. A smooth idle roll— Resting on the feed table, shall be set in front of the cutting tools, unless the cutters are 36 inches or more from the edge of the feed table. Rule 312. Blowers. Where blowers are used to transport rags, a large-sized hopper should be attached to the blower for feeding the rags. The outer edge should be set at a distance greater than the length of a man's arm away from the blower. N ote.— Sometimes the opening to the hopper can be set flush with the floor and to one side of the blower so that rags can be pushed along the floor into the hopper. This opening should be covered when not in use. Rule 313. Ventilation and removal of dust. There shall be adequate provision to properly ventilate the dusting department and to remove dirt. Where tables are used there shall be a grated opening with exhaust in front of each worker. N ote.— Sometimes a blower system used for transporting rags can be used to ventilate the room also. If room is large, general ventilation should also be provided. Rule 314. Bleach boiler. The power control for the bleach boiler shall be arranged to be locked while the boiler is being filled. 14 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS Rule 319. Operating rules. (a) Dusters.— If employees use pitchforks for feeding the dusters, they should be cautioned in working with them so that they will not stick one another. For that reason it is better not to haye two men feeding the same machine. N ote.— It is possible to protect the prongs of forks by covering the end of each prong with a cylindrical or conical cap of wood, fiber, or similar substance one-half inch in diameter and one-half inch long with a hole bored half way through, fitting tightly on the prong. (b) Shredders.— When operating shredders workmen should be cau tioned never to get their hands so close as to haye them drawn into the feed roll. (c) Sajety instruction.— In feeding blowers employees should be in structed to use some kind of hand tool and to remove all heavy foreign objects which, when discharged from the other end of the duct, may injure other persons. In addition, the discharge outlet should be arranged so that material will not fall upon workmen. PART IV.— ACID MAKING SECTION 40. SULPHUR BURNING Rule 400. Sulphur burners. Sulphur-burner houses should be ventilated. The method will be determined by the individual location. Where burners are located below the ground level it is necessary to provide proper circulation by means of ventilating fans. SECTION 41. ACID PLANTS Rule 410. Protection for employees. Suitable gas masks shall be provided for employees of the acid department. Rule 411. Clothing. Where lime slacking takes place employees should be provided with rubber boots and gloves, iree from holes, and sufficient diluted acetic acid or other suitable reagent shall be provided to counteract any lime burns. Rule 412. Masks— Should be available for emergency cleaning, and a man should be stationed outside if sulphur gas is coming through. Rule 413. Acid tower structure. Elevators, runways, stairs, etc., for acid towers should be inspected monthly for defects that may occur because of exposure to fumes. Rule 414. Signal system. A signal system should be provided between the acid towers and the acid plant, for use in case men are suddenly overcome with gas while at work. This signal should preferably be arranged so that a bell will ring in the acid plant and will call a properly equipped rescue party. N ote.— It is advisable to have two entirely separate systems. One should be entirely mechanical, on account of the presence of acid fumes tending to cripple the electrical systems. They should be frequently tested by use in regular work. SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS 15 Rule 415. First aid. Water and a saturated solution of bicarbonate of soda shall be provided as first aid for acid burns at all locations where acid is handled. N ote.— A drinking fountain can be used to wash acid out of eyes, while a tub or shower bath is needed for body burns. Rule 419. Operating rule. Stone should be loaded in trucks when hoisting to the top of the acid tower, or mechanically handled in other ways. When trucks are used they should be blocked in place on the elevator. SECTION 42. DISTRIBUTING LINES, VALVES, STORAGE TANKS, ETC. Rule 420. Repairing tanks. Men repairing acid tanks should be provided with suitable masks, life belts, and life lines, and a man should be stationed outside to render assistance if necessary. There should be no acid in the tank and the tank should be wasned out with water. If portable exten sion cords are used, they shall be acid proof. Rule 421. Lead burning. Fresh air shall be forced into the tanks, if necessarv, when this work is done, so there will be no accumulation of lead fumes. N ote.— It may sometimes be necessary for lead burners to take the same precautions as recommended in rule 420. Rule 422. Hoops for acid storage tanks. Hoops of tanks shall be made of rods rather than flat scrips. Rule 429. Operating rule. Hoops of tanks shall be frequently inspected to ascertain the ex tent o f corrosion. The hoops snail be renewed when necessary, when inspection reveals corrosion or other weakening factors. N ote.— Spare hoops should be kept on hand, so as to be available for use when leakage and spilling occur due to poor hoops that have unexpectedly weakened. PART V.— CHEMICAL PROCESSES OF MAKING PULP SECTION 50. SULPHITE PROCESS Rule 500. Chip bins. {a) A ladder or other means permanently attached to the struc ture shall be provided as means of access and escape from the bins. (b) Steam, compressed air, a knotted rope, or other facilities should be used for breaking up or preventing arching of chips. N ote.— Superheated steam should not be used for this purpose because of the fire hazard. (c) A grating with mesh of not larger size than 8 by 8 inches, too small to allow a man to fall through, should be installed at the outlet of the chip bin. Rule 501. Exits. At least two unobstructed exits at opposite ends of the room shall be provided on each floor of digester buildings. In case there is 16 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS but one entrance or exit a fire escape shall be installed at the end farthest from the inside stairway or other exit. N o te .— Gas will often accumulate near the exits, especially if there is a draft. Rule 502. Gas masks. Individual gas masks should be available within 200 feet of the locations where gas may be encountered. These masks shall be such as to furnish adequate protection against sulphurous-acid gas. Rule 503. Blow-off valves and piping. (a) The blow-off valve of the digester shall be arranged so as to be operated from the test-valve floor, the top floor of the building, F ig. 7.—Arrangement for blow-off valve or other location outside the digester room, or at protected points remote from valves. N o t e 1.— This can be arranged by a system of shafting and gears as shown in Fig. 7. The safest arrangement is to have gears unmeshed when the digester is steaming. N o t e 2.— The valve stem of the blow-off valve should be extended through a solid wall or to the floor above the digester room. (b) Through bolts instead of cap bolts shall be used on all di gester piping. (c) Cast-iron (2 inches or more in thickness) or bronze pipe of equivalent resistance should be used between the valve and blow pit, and the pipe should be inspected monthly. Rule 504. Blow pits. (a) B low pits should be safeguarded in one of the following ways: 1. The pit openings shall be as small as possible with raised sides, so that a man can sit outside of the openings; or SAFETY CODE FOE PAPEE AHD PULP MILLS 17 2. A high railing shall be provided, so located that the operator may sit on the side of the opening with feet inside of the pit, railing to be the height of 4 feet; or 3. A railing should be provided with a swinging arm which has a locking device. (b) Openings should preferably be on the side of the pit instead of the top. (c) A specially constructed ladder should be used for access to blow pits, to be constructed so that the door of the blow pit can not be closed when the ladder is in place, or other means should be pro vided to prevent the closing of the pit door when anyone is in the pit. N ote.— A hasp and padlock may be provided so that the door can be locked open while the man is in the pit. Buie 509. Operating rules. (a) When blowing off digesters (this applies equally well to the sulphate and soda process) the following should be observed: (1) Man operating digester valves snould personally see that no one is present on the blow-valve floor and that no one is in the blow pit. He should close and lock the blow-pit doors and then open his valve, after warning by word of mouth or ringing a gong. (2) After removing the digester head, the workmen operating the valve should unlock and open the blow-pit door. A light should be used to see if the digester nas been blown clean. This can be accom plished by opening the steam end slightly. The hand plate should not be opened unless this has been done. (3) Blow-off valves should be opened slowly. (b) Openings from chip bins to digesters shall be locked in a closed position or tagged while men are working in chip bins, the cooks notified, and the key to such locks should be in the possession of the men in the bins. Lock or tag shall be removed only by man who placed it. (ic) Men in chip bins shall be provided with life belts and life lines for aid in case of settling of chips. (d) Digester finings shall be periodically examined by a competent inspector, and the following detailed procedure is recommended: (1) Fresh air shall be blown into the digester constantly while workmen are inside. (2) Chain ladders made of long finks of steel should be used in preference to rope ladders. (3) Valves controlling fines leading into the digester shall be locked in the closed position and the keys to the locks shall be in the posses sion of the person inspecting the digester. (4) The inspector should never enter the digester unless a life line is securely fastened to his body and at least one other experienced employee standing outside of the digester to give him assistance. (e) Lead 'poisoning.— The repair of digesters should be conducted so that there will be plenty of ventilation, so as to prevent an accumu lation of lead fumes. Note.— Canvas tubes or other means to get air at least to or below level on which men are working should be used. 18 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS SECTION 51. SULPHATE AND SODA PROCESSES Rule 510. Hazards. Since the hazards of these processes are similar to those of the sul phite process, the exception being that caustic soda is used instead of acid, the same rules shall govern. A copious supply of running water, boric acid, or vinegar should be maintained as a reagent for caustic soda burns. Rule 511. Blow lines. (а) Each digester should have two independent “ gas-off” lines and a reducing valve in the hiffh-pressure steam line with safety valve between the digester and tne reducing valve. N ote 1.— Two gas-off lines are recommended, so that if one of them plugs up with pulp the other may be used and the hazard of unplugging the lines with the digester under pressure overcome. N ote 2.— With the installation of a reducing valve and a safety valve, it will be improbable that boiler pressure will be raised above the maximum allowable working pressure of the digester. (б) Where the blow-off lines from several digesters lead into one pipe, the handles of all cocks should be set uniformly, or some equiva lent arrangement should be provided so that a man can see at a glance whether all cocks are set right or not. If valves instead of cocks are provided, a type with a rising spindle shall be used. Rule 512. Furnace room. An exhaust system should be used where niter cakes are fed into the rotary furnaces if hydrogen sulphide escapes into the room. Rule 513. Causticizing tanks. Niter cake should never be added to the smelt dissolving in the tanks. N ote.— There have been several instances where men have lost their lives presumably, from hydrogen-sulphide gas. SECTION 52. BLEACHING Rule 520. Bleaching engines. Bleaching engines, except the Belmer type, should be completely covered on the top, with the exception of one small opening large enough to allow filling but too small to admit a man. This opening should be either covered by a sliding door or guarded with standard railing and toe boards. Platforms leading from one engine to another shall be guarded to conform with the Code on Floor Openings, Rail ings, and Toe Boards. Rule 521. Bleach-mixing rooms. (a) The room in which the bleach powder is mixed shall be well ventilated, by an exhaust system located at the floor level if necessary, to remove the chlorine gas. (b) An approved type of gas mask and face protector should be provided for employees working in this room. (c) The exhaust for removing the chlorine fumes shall be carried away from the work place and breathing area of the workers and shall be rendered neutral or harmless before being discharged. SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS 19 Rule 522. liquid chlorine. (a) Storage tanks.— Tanks of liquid chlorine shall be stored in an unoccupied room, well ventilated, where its possible leakage can not affect the workers. (b) Neutralization.— The preparation of the bleaching mixture with liquid chlorine shall be carried out in a room entirely apart from the general workroom. The container for chlorine and its pipe connections should be inclosed in a separate chamber (gjlass paneled) supplied with a ventilating flue and a fan. Where this is impossible, an exhaust should be installed at the floor level to extract any leaking chlorine. N ote.—A stream of water directed on the leak will “ freeze” the chlorine and stop the leak. (c) Face protection.— Suitable masks, capable of absorbing or neu tralizing chlorine, shall be supplied in sufficient numbers, conveniently placed, and regularly inspected, and the workers who may possibly be exposed to chlorine fumes should be instructed in their use. id) First aid.— There should be proper facilities for emergency treatments and first aid for men gassed in this work. Note.— Employees should be trained in the prone-pressure method of resus citation. PART VI.— PREPARING PULP FOR PAPER MACHINE SECTION 60. GROUND-WOOD PROCESS Rule 600. Governors. Grinding machines should be equipped with governors which will limit the speed of the machines to that recommended by the manu facturer. Rule 601. Pulp grinders. In the case of a three-pocket grinder the door of the center pocket should be provided with a pin or counterweight which will prevent the door from falling on the hands of employees when filling this pocket. Rule 602. Butting saw. If this saw is used to cut long blocks, it should be set up perma nently and guarded as required ior circular saws in the Woodworking Code. Rule 609. Operating rules. Blocks should be delivered to the grinding machines in such a way that the blocks can not fall or strike the feet of operators. SECTION 61. PULP SHREDDERS AND PRESSES Rule 610. Floor drains. Adequate drains to remove all excess water shall be provided. Rule 611. Feed for shredder. A slanting table or spout at least 36 inches long should be attached to shredders for protection of employees. A sign should also be displayed, warning the employees to keep their hands out of the shredder. 78246°—26f------ 4 20 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS Rule 612. Wooden paddles. A wooden paddle should be provided to clear a blockade of pulp in the shredder. Rule 613. Wet presses. (a) The cleaning of stock from the felts of the machine when run ning shall be prohibited. An inclosure shall be provided in front of Fm. 8.—Inclosure to prevent contact with rolls the roll, having an opening so that a stream of water can be directed on the roll, but not large enough to permit the entrance of the oper ator’s hand. (See fig. 8.) SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS 21 (b) Shafts which extend outside of journal boxes shall be fully inclosed. Rule 614. Pulp conveyors. Belt conveyors shall have the point of contact of the belts and pulleys guarded at inrunning bites. The guard should be arranged so that all stock on the conveyors will be automatically removed and not require manual handling at the point of contact. (See fig. 9.) F ig . 9.—Guards for belt conveyors SECTION 62. BEATERS AND WASHERS Rule 620. Floors. Floors around beaters and washers should be provided with inserts of antislip material to safeguard employees when tending congestion in beaters. Sufficient drains should be provided to take care of all surplus and waste water. Rule 621. Beater dumping devices. The so-called “ automatic” dumping devices should be installed. N ote.— This will reduce back strains, etc. Rule 629. Operating rules. (a) Floors.— Floors should be cleaned daily to remove water, oil, and stock. (b) Wooden paddles.— Wooden paddles shall be provided to remove congestions in front of the beater rolls rather than valve hooks or pieces of wire and iron. Paddles which are damaged shall be re sandpapered or planed, so that slivers will not be a hazard. (c) Employees shall not stand on edge or curbs of the beaters. N ote.— If the floor is too low to perform necessary work, platforms to hang on the edges of the beater should be provided. PART VII.— MACHINE ROOM SECTION 70. GENERAL Note 1.— In connection with this and following parts it is necessary to refer frequently to the Power-Transmission Code for details on guard construction for machinery and parts. Note 2.— Condensation on ceilings and moisture on hoods can be relieved by a good system of ventilation, which will insure plenty of fresh air from the outside and consequent removal of moist air from within. 22 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS Rule 700. Floor drains— Should be provided of sufficient number and size to carry off excess water. Rule 701. Emergency stops. Both the operating and the back sides of the paper machines shall be equipped with devices that will stop the machines quickly in an emergency. The device shall consist of push buttons for electric motive power or electrically operated engine stops, pull cords con nected direct to the prime mover, control clutches, etc. The devices shall be tested frequently by making use of them when stopping the machine. Rule 702. Clothing. Employees in this department should wear shoes at all times. Rule 709. Operating rules. (a) Floors of machine room should be subject to periodical in spection and should be cleaned daily. N ote.— In new construction or alterations, sloping of floors to drains or scuppers located at the machine foundation is recommended. (b) Hose.— Water hose shall be kept out of the center of passage ways as much as possible. (c) Extra parts should be stored in cabinets from which they can be quickly and easily removed and should not be stored in a haphazard manner in the machine room. SECTION 71. PRESSES AND DRYERS Rule 710. Steps. Suitable steps with nonslip surfaces shall be provided at each press, upon which the operator may stand to pull out wet broke. Rule 711. Plank walkways. A removable plank of sufficient width shall be provided along each press, with standard handrails installed wherever possible. (See Code on Floor Openings, Railings, and Toe Boards.) N ote.— This is to eliminate the necessity of workmen standing on the press ductors. Rule 712. Dryer lubrication. If gear bearings must be oiled while machine is in operation, a piping system or equivalent shall be installed. Rule 713. Automatic feed. To protect against serious burns when feeding the sheet through the dryers of high-speed machines a rope or air feed or equivalent should be used. Where a rope feed is not used, guards should be placed in front of the rotating dryer if possible. Rule 714. Stretch roll. A ductor should be provided at the stretch roll. Rule 715. Levers. All levers carrying weights shall be constructed so that weights can not slip or fall off. SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS 23 Rule 716. First dryer. Either a permanent railing or apron guard or both shall be in stalled in front of this dryer. Rule 717. Steam and hot-water pipes. All steam and hot-water pipes within 7 feet of the floor or platform in this department shall be covered. Rule 719. Operating rules. (а) Changing and washing felts.— When changing or washing felts employees should be cautioned of the dangers attendant to the opera tion, and the foreman should see that employees follow instructions closely. They should stay on the outgoing side to be away from the nip. (б) Employees should be cautioned against putting hands between stretch rolls and felts to clean roll of stock. SE C TIO N 72. CALENDER STACK Rule 720. Feeder belt. A feeder belt should be provided when starting paper through a calender stack where the sheet of paper goes over the top calender roll. HAVE YOU BEEN PINCHED? You probably have if you break it this way The right way is palms up under the doctor, then tear _ F ig. 10.—Proper position of worker in starting web through calender rolls Rule 721. Steps. Suitable steps with nonslip surfaces shall be provided at each press. Rule 729. Operating rules. (а) Workmen should use extreme care when throwing paper through the calenders after a break. They should not force a wad of paper through, but hold hands under ductor, palms up rather than palms down. (See fig. 10.) (б) W eights shall be removed from the lever before throwing the lever. SE CTION 73. W IN D IN G REELS Rule 730. Rotation. Wherever possible, the direction of rotation of two reels should be the same so as to avoid the formation of a nip into which the operator m ay be drawn if the space between the reels is small. (See fig 11.) 24 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS On machines operated at 500 feet per minute and over, drum reels shall be employed with separate rereeling stands. Rule 731. Space between reels. If it is necessary to run rolls to a large diameter, a space of at least 8 inches should be left between the reels. To do this a safety F ig. 11.—Proper direction of rotation of reels stop can be provided b y which the paper coming from the stack is broken off when the reel reaches a certain diameter. N ote .— It is also possible to take care of the same hazard by making a frame to which is attached a lever with an 8-inch-diameter wheel at its end. This wheel is placed between the reels and is forced to revolve by contact of either reel surfaces. Rule 739. Operating rule. Operators of the revolving type of reel should be prohibited from getting between the frames and the winding part of the reel. F ig. 12.—Metal plate to guard inrun on rewinders SE CTION 74. R E W IN D E R S Rule 740. Inrunning nip. The inrunning nip on the side toward the operator should be guarded by a semicircular metal plate or equivalent protection which incloses the winding drum and is automatically released as the size of the roll increases. (See fig. 12.) SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS 25 Rule 741. Reel straps. Where belt straps are used for hoisting loaded reels the steel loops on the ends of the strap should be interlocked before placing on load hook, so that no loop will snap out of the hook when hoisted. Rule 742. Core collars. Core collars with projecting set screws shall not be used. F ig. 13.—Winder-collar guide Rule 743. Slitter knives. Slitter knives should be protected underneath by the use of a sheet-metal guard and above b y individual metal guards. Rule 744. Winder shaft. In order to avoid the use of ropes all shafts shall be equipped with a winder-collar guide. (See fig. 13.) 26 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS Rule 749. Operating rules. (a) Setting slitters.— In setting slitters it is advised that the smaller and most-worn slitters be placed nearest the winder man, so that in case of paper catching at second or third slitter he will not be cut by the larger slitter nearest him. A stick should be used for letting down the slitter knives. (b) Removing rolls.— The hooks of cranes used for removing the roll from the winder shall not be hooked to the shaft until the winder shaft has stopped. (c) Reversing winder drive.— Wherever possible the winder drive should be reversed so that the nip is outrunning. PART VHL— FINISHING ROOM SECTION 80. SUPERCALENDERS Rule 800. Supercalender guards. Ductors shall be provided for supercalenders at all inrunning nips. (See fig. 14.) F ig . 14.—Ductors at inrunning nips Rule 801. Supercalender rolls. The necks of supercalender rolls shall be inclosed by a solid in closure extending from the frame of the machine to the production surface of the roll. Rule 802. Scrubbing blocks. Wooden blocks faced with sandpaper shall be used for scrubbing supercalender rolls. Rule 803. Emergency stops*. Push buttons (for electric power) or manually operated quick power-disconnecting devices shall be provided on all sides of the machine within easy reach of all employees. Rule 809. Operating rule. Machine operators should be instructed never to try to remedy a blockade while the mactane is in motion. The machine should be stopped, and the paper should be removed before starting. SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS 27 SECTION 81. SHEET CALENDERS Rule 810. Tape feed. Each sheet calender shall be provided with a tape feed. Rule 811. Inrunning nip The inrunning nip should be guarded. Note.— This is to prevent injury to fingers when operators incorrectly feed paper. Rule 812. Emergency stops. Push buttons (for electric power) or manually operated quick power-disconnecting devices shall be provided on all sides of the machine within easy reach of all employees. SECTION 82. CUTTING AND TRIMMING MACHINERY Rule 820. Guillotine cutters. (а) All guillotine cutters should be equipped with a two-handed throw which requires the operator to use both hands to engage the clutch and which will stop the knife at any point of the stroke. (See fig. 15.) (б) All guillotine cutters should be equipped with a nonrepeat device. N ote.—This is to prevent a second stroke of the cutter without throwing the clutch a second time. (c) Carriers shall be provided for knives of guillotine cutters for safe transportation of the knife. Rule 821. Rotary cutters. (a) On single-knife machines a guard shall be provided at the bearing of the knife mandrel to prevent employees reaching for paper at a point close to the knife where knife rotates toward the front of the. machine. (See fig. 16.) (b) On duplex cutters the above protection shall be provided for the first knife if the same hazard exists, and a hood shall be provided for the second knife where the machine has a walkway. (See fig. 17.) (c) Emergency stops.—-Push buttons (for electric power) or manu ally operated quick power-disconnecting devices shall be provided on all sides of the machine within easy reach of all employees. SECTION 83. PLATERS Rule 830. Machine guards. (a) A fixed guard should be arranged across the face of the rolls so that the operator’s hand can not be crushed when feeding the machine. (b) A quick power-disconnecting device should be installed on each machine within easy reach of either hand of the operator. N ote.— This device should also permit quick reversing of rolls in case operator's hand is caught. Rule 839. Operating rules. (а) Burrs on the edges of the plate zincs shall be removed. (б) When cleaning and oiling, machines shall be stopped, rolls raised and run so that the nip is outrunning. SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP M ILLS F ig . 15.—Two-handed throw on guillotine cutters SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP M ILLS F ig . 16.—Guard to prevent contact with knife to CD SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP M ILLS F ig. 17—Hood over knife on duplex cutter SAFETY CODE FOB PAPER AND PULP MILLS 31 SECTION 84. PACKING, STORING, LOADING, AND SHIPPING Rule 849. Operating rules. (а) Truck loads.— Paper should not be loaded on truck to a greater height than the shoulder of the truck operator or helper. (б) Box making.— Box makers shall be provided with scored or corrugated head hammers. Nails shall be removed daily from floors. (c) Tongs.— Jaws of grapple tongs for piling cranes should be kept sharp to prevent dropping cases. (d) Trucks.— Operators of lift trucks should stand on either side of truck handle when relieving truck of load, so that they will not be struck by handle. (e) Preparing cars.— Before loading cars of finished paper for shipment, they shall be thoroughly inspected and holes in the floor boarded up and all protruding nails removed. Inspection is par ticularly necessary if the car is already lined with paper. Workmen who line the cars shall remove such hazards. (/) Portable bulkheads.— Portable bulkheads should be constructed and ready for use when partly loaded car is about to be switched. The load should be arranged so that the bulkhead will protect the loaded paper, making it unnecessary for any workman to remain in the car. (a) Warning flag or sign.— A flag or sign should be placed at the end of the car toward the approach to the main-line tracks so that switchmen will know that the workmen are in the car. APPENDIX OVERHEAD STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT Periodical inspections shall be made not less than once a month to determine the safe condition of all overhead structures, machinery, and equipment, including shafting, supports, cranes, joists, chain falls, conveyors, etc. Inspections shall be made by a person competent to do the work, who shall report in writing to the person in charge of the plant any defects, flaws, or other unsafe conditions discovered by such in spection. Whenever any item in the inspection report indicates the need of repairs, such repairs shall be made forthwith. Whenever any item in the report indicates further operation to be unsafe, the person in charge of the plant shall satisfy himself of the actual condition, and where he finds safe operation requires it, shall cause notice to be posted in such manner as will discontinue the use or operation of the unit referred to until safe conditions have been restored. Scaffolding, staging, overhead planking, and other supports used as temporary work places shall be inspected both as to material and construction before Ibeing put into use and thereafter as often as is needed to see that the materials are not defective, and the construc tion and use of same are safe. BULLETIN BOARDS Shall be of strong construction, with hinged glass doors, properly illuminated and so located as to be available to the greatest number of employees. Sufficient number should be provided in each plant to adequately care for bulletin needs. LOOSE CLOTHING The wearing of loose, unbuttoned, or torn clothing shall be pro hibited. Frequent inspections shall be made in this connection, and habitual violations shall be reported to person in charge of plant for disciplinary action. BELTS When necessary to put on or take off power belts the driving machinery or power should be stopped, and when it is necessary to slow down or start up to do the required operation the power should be controlled or regulated by a competent man separated from the party actually handling the belt. Sticks, pipes, etc., shall not be used to throw off belts while machin ery is in motion. Men not familiar with or competent to take off or put on belts should not be permitted to perform such work except under the personal direction of the department foreman or man in charge. 32 SAFETY CODE FOR PAPER AND PULP MILLS 33 Frequent inspections of belts, belt fasteners, pulleys, bearings, and shafting shall be made to determine the efficiency in operation and the factor of safety. Written reports of such inspections shall be made to person in charge of plant, who shall see that reported defects are corrected with the least practicable delay. USE AND CARE OF TOOLS All tools of every description ordinarily used by more than one person shall have a permanently fixed location, consisting of shelves, nooks, racks, or other suitable storage place, and shall always be kept in such permanent storage place when not actually in use. The person in charge of the department where tools are being used shall be responsible for seeing that they are returned after their use is completed. ✓ All tools used by employees, whether owned by the company or the employee, shall be kept in repair or permanently taken out of service. The person in charge of each and every department and the super visor 01 safety (at plants where one is located) shall be responsible for seeing that worn-out tools and tools in need of repair are either repaired or replaced. This applies particularly to dull-edged tools, tools the striking surface of which are mushroomed or broken, wrenches with worn jaws or defective in other parts— in brief, all defects in tools that are observed. SAFETY ORGANIZATION There should be created and effectively maintained at each plant an efficiently functioning safety organization whose duties shall be along the lines of generally accepted methods of accident prevention, plant and premises sanitation, and housekeeping in all their rami fications. INDEX Rule Part Section Atfd TTlJVk'lTlg Acid tower structure.......... Advisory and mandatory words_________ - _______ A nchorage for j 32, 33 Arrangement of woodpiles_. Automatic feed, dryers-----Barker disk, carfi of Barker knives, care of------Ba-rirers, Barking drums___________ Beater dumping devices— BRaters and washers __ Belts, power___page 32, 33 Bleach boiler_____________ Bleach-miYing rooms __ _ Bleaching________________ Blow pits________________ Blow-off lines, digesters, sulphate and soda process. B low-off valves and piping, digesters, sulphite pro cess___________________ Blowers for feeding_______ Blowing-off digesters, sul phite process___________ Box making_____________ Bulkheads, portable, in loading paper__________ Bulletin boards___ page 32 Burners, sulphur_________ Butting saws, guards......... Calendar stack.................... Calendars, operating rules.. Carboys, handling of.......... Care of tools---------page 33 Cars, inspection before loading with finished paper__________________ Cars, unloading__________ Causticizing tanks________ Chains and ropes, loco-, motive cranes and jam mers_____ _____________ Chains, barking drums, inspection of____ : ______ Chemical processes of mak ing pulp_______________ Chip bins......................... . Chip bins, safety provi sions................. ................ Chipper disk, care of______ Chipper knives, care of___ Chipper spout...... .............. Chippers________________ Chlorine, liquid..... ........... C ircular saws, single______ Cleaning and oiling platers. Clearance, storing materials. Clothing: Acid plants__________ Machine room________ Recommended, unload ing raw materials___ Codes, reference to_______ Containers, compressed paper or metal.................. Continuous barking drums 4 4 4 41 41 413 1 1 10 14 109 1 7 11 71 110 713 2 2 2 2 6 6 21 21 21 22 62 62 219 219 3 5 5 5 31 52 52 50 314 521 5 51 511 5 3 50 31 503 312 5 8 50 84 509 849 8 84 849 4 6 40 60 400 602 7 7 1 72 72 12 729 129 8 1 5 84 10 51 849 109 513 621 504 I 10 109 2 22 229 5 5 50 500 5 2 2 2 2 5 2 8 1 50 24 24 24 24 52 20 83 12 509 249 249 240 4 7 41 70 411 702 1 12 1 120 13 3 2 30 22 522 206 839 122 1 303 220 Part Section Conveyors: Construction of_______ Devices for stopping.. . Pulp.............................. Core collars, rewinders___ Cutting and trimming ma chinery. _________ Cutters: Guillotine, finishing room........................... Rotary, finishing room. Disinfection, sorting room.. Distributing lines, valves, storage tanks, etc............. Drains: Beaters and washers__ Floor............................ Drum reels............... ........... Drum, winding, guard Drums, barking Dryer, first, guards_______ Dryers and presses, ma chine room....... ............ . Dumping devices, beater.. Dust, removal of, by venti lation........................ Dusters, pitchforks for feeding____________ Emergency stops: Machine room___ Rotary cutters___ ____ Sheet calendars__ ____ Supercalendars_______ Engines, bleaching.............. Equipment and overhead structures, inspection of ___ __ ____ page 32 Exits, digester buildings, sulphite process................ Face protection from chlo rine ______________ Feed for shredder_________ Feeder belt, calendar stack. Felts, changing and wash ing of__ _______________ Finishing room___________ First aid: Acid plants.................... Workers gassed from chlorine____________ Flat cars, equipped with safety stakes ____ __ Floor drains: Machine room.............. Pulp shredders and presses Floors: Around beaters and washers..................... Machine room, inspec tion of_____________ Furnace room, sulphate and soda processes.......... Gangplank construction___ Gas masks: Acid plants............ ...... Bleach-mixing rooms. __ Sulphite process........... Rule 1 2 6 7 11 20 61 74 8 82 8 8 82 82 820 821 3 30 300 4 42 6 6 7 7 2 7 620 62 610 61 730 73 740 74 22 71 ....... 716 7 6 71 62 112 205 614 742 710-719 621 3 31 313 3 31 319 7 8 8 8 5 70 82 81 80 52 701 821 812 803 520 5 50 501 5 6 7 52 61 72 522 611 720 7 8 71 719 4 41 415 5 52 522 1 10 103 7 70 700 6 61 610 6 62 620,629 7 70 709 5 51 512 1 10 106 4 5 5 41 52 50 410 521 502 35 36 INDEX Part Section Governors: Barkers, hand.............. Grinding machines___ Grinders, pulp.................... Grinding machines....... Ground-wood process......... Guard construction, ma chine room , gen eral____________ page 21 Guards: Barkers, hand............... Butting saws_________ Dryer, first, machine room........................... Inrunning nip, rewind ers............................... Inrunning nip, sheet calendars.................... Platers........................... Pulp conveyors............ Rotary cutters.............. Rotating dryer.............. Saws, below table......... Shredders...................... Single circular saw....... Slitter knives, rewind ers.............................. Steels for sharpening ripping knives........... Supercalendars............. Wet presses................... Guillotine cutters............... Hand barkers............... 1__ Hand tools, care of.............. Hazards, sulphite and soda processes........................... H oods: Acid storage tanks____ Tanks, inspection of. - . Hose, care of, machine room................................. Hot-water pipes, machine room................................. Idle roll, smooth, rag-cut ting machinery................ Illumination, yard.............. Inrunning nip: Guard for...................... Sheet calendars, guard_ Inspection: Belts, pulleys, etc....... ....... _*........... page 33 Overhead structures and equipment....... ...................... page 32 Installations, new and old Intermittent b a r k i n g drums............................... Interpretations.................... Introduction......... page 1,2 2 6 6 6 6 21 213 60 600 60 601 60 600,609 60 2 6 21 60 210 602 71 716 7 7 74 740 81 83 61 82 71 20 31 20 811 830 614 821 713 204 310 206 7 74 743 3 8 6 8 30 80 61 82 302 800,801 613 820 2 1 21 10 109 5 51 510 4 4 42 42 422 429 7 70 709 7 71 717 3 1 31 10 311 104 7 8 74 81 740 811 1 12 22 1 221 U Jammers, inspection of 1 10 109 Knives, ripping....... ......... . Knives, slitter, guards for, rewinders......................... 3 30 301,302 7 74 743 Lead burning...................... Lead poisoning.................. . Levers, presses and dryers. . Liquid chlorine, bleaching. Locomotive cranes_______ Loose clothing prohibited ............................ page 32 Lubrication, dryer.............. 4 5 7 5 1 42 50 71 52 10 421 509 715 522 102,109 7 71 712 Machine guards.................. Machine operators, safety instructions...................... Machine room.............. ...... Machinery: Cutting and trimming. Dusting, shredding, and rag-cutting.......... 8 83 830 8 7 80 801 8 82 3 31 Mandatory and advisory words............................... Masks: Acid plants__________ Chlorine_______ _____ Storage tanks....... ....... Materials, raw, unloading and storage....................... Rule 410,412 522 420 Neutralization, liquid chlo- 8 8 6 8 7 2 3 2 2 Part Section Rule 522 Oiling and cleaning platers. Oiling, saws......................... Old paper and rag prepara tion.................................. Operating rules: Acid plants................. Barkers, hand............... Barking drums_______ Beaters and washers. _. Calendar stack_______ Changing and washing felts, presses and dryers....................... . Chippers____________ Dusting, shredding, and rag-cutting ma chinery____________ Ground-wood process.. Loading, finishingroom. Machine room_______ Packing, finishingroom. Platers_______ ______ _ Rag-cutting machinery. Rewinders__............... Shippin g, finishing room______________ Storage tanks....... ....... Storing, finishing room Sulphite process______ Supercalendars............. Unloading pulp wood. Unloading raw mate rials.______________ Winding reels________ Overhead structures and equipment, inspection o f- ................. 32 Pike poles...... ......... ........... Piling and unpiling pulp, safety measures......... ...... Pipes, steam and hot-water, machine room.................. Plank walkways................. Plate zincs, care of________ Platers, finishing room— Power control, splitter____ Preparing pulp for paper machine_______________ Preparing pulp wood_____ Presses and dryers, ma chine room.____________ Protection for employees, acid plants............ ........... Pulp conveyors__________ Pulp for paper machine, preparing................. ........ Pulp grinders____________ Pulp shredders and presses. Pulp wood: Removal of__________ Unloading and storage. Unloading from ships... Unloading in yard____ Rag and old*paper prepara tion............... .......... ....... Reel straps, rewinders____ Removal of dust, and ven tilation............................ . Removal of pulp wood........ 83 20 837 209 41 22 62 72 419 219 229 629 729 71 24 719 249 31 60 84 70 84 83 31 74 20 319 609 849 709 849 839 319 749 209 84 42 84 50 80 849 429 849 509 809 109 73 12 129 739 10 108 12 129 71 71 83 83 23 717 711 231 71 710-719 41 61 410 614 21 10 601 61 11 10 10 10 111 100-109 101 100 74 741 31 313 11 111 37 INDEX Part Section Removing rolls from wind ers____________________ Repairing tanks.............. Reversing winder drive___ Rewinders_______________ Ripping knives -------------Ropes and chains, locomo tive cranes and jammers.. Rotary cutters___________ Rotation, winding reels___ Runway to jack ladder... Safety devices: Guillotine cutters....... . Platers....... —................ Safety instruction: Feeding blowers, dust ing and shredding___ Machine operators, su percalendars-----------Yard equipment, use of. Safety measures: Digesters, sulphite process_____ _______ Dusters, use of pitch forks. _______ _______ Hatch tenders___ ____ Piling and unpiling pulp........................... Wall marks, height for storage....................... Safety organization .page 33 Safety rule, loading stone, acid plant______________ Safety stop, winding reels. „ Saws____________________ Saws, butting, guards for. _ Saws, gang and slasher, screens for..................... . Saws, single circular........ Scope................. ................. Sc ope and pur po s e ......................... page 2,3 Screens: Barkers, hand________ Saws, gang and slasher. Scrubbing block, super calendars........ .................. Shafts, winder-collar guide. Sheet calendars__________ Shredders: Guards......................... Pulp, and presses_____ Safety instruction_____ Shredding and rag-cutting machinery___ ____ _____ Signal system, acid plants.. Signals, warning_________ Signs___ ________________ Slasher drive belts, pulleys, and shafts. ______ _______ Slasher tables____ ________ Slitter knives, rewinders__ Slitters, operating rule for setting____ ____________ Soda and sulphate processes Sorting room_____________ Space between reels______ Splitter block____________ Splitters, power control___ Splitters_______ ______ ___ Sprayers, woodpile_______ Steam and hot-water pipes. Steel plates, additional for unloading_______ page 9 Steels for sharpening rip ping knives, guards_____ Steps: Calendar stack, ma chine room................. Presses, machine room. Rule 7 4 7 7 3 74 42 74 74 30 301,302 1 8 7 2 10 82 73 20 109 821 730 203 8 8 82 83 820 830 3 31 319 8 1 80 10 809 109 749 420 749 5 50 509 3 1 31 10 319 109 1 12 129 1 12 129 4 7 2 6 41 73 20 60 419 731 2 2 20 20 1 200 206 10 2 2 21 20 211 200 8 7 8 80 74 81 802 744 3 6 3 31 61 31 310 610-613 319 3 4 1 1 31 41 10 11 414 105 113 2 2 7 20 20 74 202 201 743 7 5 3 7 2 2 2 1 7 74 51 30 73 23 23 23 11 71 749 602 Part Section Stops, hand barkers........... Storage and unloading: Pulp wood.................... Raw materials.............. Storage tanks: Di s t r i but i ng lines, valves, etc__............. Inspection and care of hoops....... ............. Liquid chlorine______ Stretch roll____ ____ _____ Sulphate and soda processes Sulphite process.......... ........ Sulphur burning_________ Supercalendar rolls guarded Supercalendars. _................. Yard___________________ Yard housekeeping............ Yard illumination.............. 30 302 7 7 72 71 721 710 513 810 849 109 849 129 849 121 100-109 Valves and piping, blowoff: Sulphate and soda proc- 114 717 3 429 522 714 Unloading and storage: Pulp wood....... ............ Raw materials_______ Use and care of tools 33 Walkways: Plank, machine room.. Yard__________ ____ _ Wall marks, height for stor age-----------------------------Warning flag or sign on cars................................... Warning signals_____ ____ Washers and beaters.......... Wet presses....... ...... ........... Winder shaft_______ _____ Winding reels: Rotation_____________ Safety measures______ Space between.............. Wooden paddles: Beaters and washers.... Shredder....................... Woodpile....................... . Woodpiles, arrangement of. Woodpiles, sprayers for___ 731 230 231 212 100-109 Tanks, causticizing............. Tape feed, sheet calendars. . Tongs, grapple, care of____ Tools, hand, care of............ Tools, use and care of _______ _______ I>age33 Trimming and cutting ma chinery-----------------------Truck loads, rule limiting.. Trucks: Inspection and mainte nance..____________ Safety rule for oper ators______________ Unloading................... Sulphite process...... Ventilation: Bleach-mixing rooms.._ Chlorine containers___ Fans for______ page 9 Machine room, general .................... page 21 Removal of dust.......... Rule 511 503 521 522 31 313 711 109 129 849 105 613 744 730 739 731 629 612 110-114 110 114 107 104 SERIES OF BULLETINS PUBLISHED BY THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS The publication of the annual and special reports and of the bimonthly bulletin wa& discontinued in July, 1912, and since that time a bulletin has been published at irregular intervals• Each number contains matter devoted to one o f a series of general subjects. These bulletins are numbered consecutively, beginning with No. 101, and up to No. 236 they also carry consecutive numbers under each series. Beginning with No. 237 the serial num bering has been discontinued. A list of the series is given below. Under each is grouped all the bulletins which contain material relating to the subject matter of that series. A list o f the reports and bulletins of the Bureau issued prior to July 1, 1912, will be furnished on application. The bulletins marked thus * are out of print. Wholesale Prices. •Bui. 114. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1912. Bui. 149. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1913. *Bul. 173. Index numbers of wholesale prices in the United States and foreign countries. •Bui. 181. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1914. *Bul. 200. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1915. •Bui. 226. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1916. Bui. 269. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1919. Bui. 284. Index numbers of wholesale prices in the United States and foreign countries. [Revision of Bulletin No. 173.] Bui. 296. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1920. Bui. 320. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1921. Bui. 335. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1922. Bui. 367. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1923. Bui. 390. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1924. Retail Prices and Cost of Living. •Bui. 105. Retail prices, 1890 to 1911: Part I. Retail prices, 1890 to 1911: Part II—General tables. •Bui. 106. Retail prices, 1890 to June, 1912: Part I. Retail prices, 1890 to June, 1912: Part II—General tables. Bui. 108. Retail prices, 1890 to August, 1912. Bui. 110. Retail prices, 1890 to October, 1912. Bui. 113. Retail prices, 1890 to December, 1912. Bui. 115. Retail prices, 1890 to February, 1913. ♦Bui. 121. Sugar prices, from refiner to consumers Bui. 125. Retail prices, 1890 to April, 1913. •Bui. 130. Wheat and flour prices, from farmer to consumer. Bui. 132. Retail prices, 1890 to June, 1913. Bui. 136. Retail prices, 1890 to August, 1913. ♦Bui. 138. Retail prices, 1890 to October, 1913. *Bul. 140. Retail prices, 1890 to December, 1913. Bulj 156. Retail prices, 1907 to December, 1914. Bui. 164. Butter prices, from producer to consumer. Bui. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war. •Bui. 184. Retail prices, 1907 to June, 1915. Bui. 197. Retail prices, 1907 to December, 1915. Bui. 228. Retail prices, 1907 to December, 1916. Bui. 270. Retail prices, 1913 to December, 1919. Bui. 300. Retail prices, 1913 to December, 1920. Bui. 315. Retail prices, 1913 to December, 1921. Bui. 334. Retail prices, 1913 to December, 1922. Bui. 357. Cost of living in the United States. Bui. 366. Retail prices, 1913 to December, 1923. Bui. 369. The use of cost-of-living figures in wage adjustments. Bui. 396. Retail prices, 1890 to 1924. Wages and Hours of Labor. Bui. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning womeu in selected industries in the District of Columbia. •Bui. 118. Ten-hour maximum working-day for women and young persons. Bui. 119. Working hours of women in the pea canneries of Wisconsin. •Bui. 128. Wages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1890 to 1912. •Bui. 129. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, 1890 to 1912 •Bui. 131. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, 1907 to 1912. (i) Wages and Hours of Labor—Continued. *Bul. 134. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe and hosiery and knit goods industries, 1890 to 1912. *Bul. 135. Wages and hours of labor in the cigar and clothing industries, 1911 and 1912. Bui. 137. Wages and hours of labor in the building and repairing of steam railroad cars, 1890 to 1912. Bui. 143. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15, 1913. *Bul. 146. Wages and regularity of employment and standardization of piece rates in the dress and waist industry of New York City. *Bul. 147. Wages and regularity of employment in the cloak, suit, and skirt industry. *Bul. 150. Wages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1907 to 1913. •Bui. 151. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry in the United States, 1907 to 1912. Bui. 153. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, 1907 to 1913. *Bul. 154. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe and hosiery and underwear industries, 1907 to 1913. Bui. 160. Hours, earnings, and conditions of labor of women in Indiana mercantile establishments and garment factories. Bui. 161. Wages and hours of labor in the clothing and cigar industries, 1911 to 1913. Bui. 163. Wages and hours of labor in the building and repairing of steam railroad cars, 1907 to 1913. Bui. 168. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1913. *Bul. 171. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, M ay 1,1914. Bui. 177. Wages and hours of labor in the hosiery and underwear industry, 1907 to 1914. Bui. 178. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1914 *Bul. 187. Wages and hours of labor in the men’s clothing industry, 1911 to 1914. *Bul. 190. Wages and hours oflabor in the cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1907 to 1914. *Bul. 194. Union scale of wages and hours oflabor, M ay 1,1915. Bui. 204. Street railway employment in the United States. Bui. 214. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1916. Bui. 218. Wages and hours oflabor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1915. Bui. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munitions factories. Bui. 225. Wages and hours oflabor in the lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, 1915. Bui. 232. Wages and hours oflabor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1916. Bui. 238. Wages and hours oflabor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1916. Bui. 239. Wages and hours oflabor in cotton goods manufacturing and finishing, 1916. Bui. 245. Union scale of wages and hours oflabor, May 15,1917. Bui. 252. Wages and hours oflabor in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry, 1917. Bui. 259. Union scale of wages and hours oflabor, May 15,1918. Bui. 260. Wages and hours oflabor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1918. Bui. 261. Wages and hours oflabor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1918. Bui. 262. Wages and hours oflabor in cotton goods manufacturing and finishing, 1918. Bui. 265. Industrial survey in selected industries in the United States, 1919. Preliminary report. ♦Bui. 274. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15, 1919. Bui. 278. Wages and hours oflabor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1920. Bui. 279. Hours and earnings in anthracite and bituminous coal mining: Anthracite, 1919 and 1920; bituminous, 1920. Bui..286. Union scale of wages and hours oflabor, May 15,1920 Bui. 288. Wages and hours oflabor in cotton goods manufacturing, 1920. BuL 289. Wages and hours oflabor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1920. Bui. 294. Wages and hours oflabor in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry in 1921. Bui. 297. Wages and hours oflabor in the petroleum industry, 1920. Bui. 302. Union scale of wages and hours oflabor, May 15,1921 Bui. 305. Wages and hours oflabor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1920. Bui. 316. Hours and earnings in anthracite and bituminous coal mining: Anthracite, January, 1922; bituminous, winter of 1921-22. Bui. 317. Wages and hours oflabor in lumber manufacturing, 1921. Bui. 324. Wages and hours oflabor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1922. Bui. 325. Union scale of wages and hours oflabor, May 15,1922. Bui. 327. Wages and hours oflabor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1922. Bui. 328. Wages and hours oflabor in hosiery and underwear industry, 1922. Bui. 329. Wages and^ours oflabor in the men’s clothing industry, 1922. Bui. 345. Wages and hours oflabor in cotton goods manufacturing, 1922. Bui. 348. Wages and hours of labor in the automobile industry, 1922. Bui. 353. Wages and hours oflabor in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1922. Bui. 354. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15, 1923. Bui. 356. Productivity cost in the common-brick industry. Bui. 358. Wages and hours oflabor in the automobile tire industry, 1923. Bui. 360. Time and labor costs in manufacturing 100 pairs of shoes. Bui. 362. Wages and hours oflabor in foundries and machine shops, 1923. Bui. 363. Wages and hours oflabor in lumber manufacturing, 1923. Bui. 365. Wages and hours oflabor in the paper and pulp industry. (n) Wages and Hours of Labor—Continued. Bui. 371. Wages and hours of labor in cotton goods manufacturing, 1924. Bui. 373. Wages and hours of labor in slaughtering and meat-packing industry, 1923. Bui. 374. Wages and hours of labor in the boot and shoe industry, 1907 to 1924. Bui. 376. Wages and hours of labor in the hosiery and underwear industry, 1907 to 1921 Bui. 377. Wages and hours of labor in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1924. Bui. 381. Wages and hours of labor in the iron and steel industry. 1907 to 1924. Bui. 387. Wages and hours of labor in the men's clothing industry. Bui. 388. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, M ay 15, 1924. Bui. 394. Wages and hours of labor in metalliferous mines, 1924. Bui. 404. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 15,1925. [In press.] Bui. 407. Wages and hours, and labor cost of production in the paper box-board industry, 1925, Employment and Unemployment. *Bul. 109. Statistics of unemployment and the work of employment offices in the United States. Bui. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in selected industries in the District of Columbia. Bui. 172. Unemployment in New York City, N. Y. *Bul. 182. Unemployment among women in department and other retail stores of Boston, Mass. •Bui. 183. Regularity of employment in the women’s ready-to-wear garment industries. Bui. 192. Proceedings of the American Association of Public Employment Offices. *Bul. 195. Unemployment in the United States. Bui. 196. Proceedings of the Employment Managers’ Conference held at Minneapolis, Minn., Janu ary, 1916. •Bui. 202. Proceedings of the conference of Employment Managers’ Association of Boston, Mass., held May 10,1916. Bui. 206. The British system of labor exchanges. Bui. 220. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Public Employ ment Offices, Buffalo, N. Y ., July 20 and 21,1916. Bui. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war. *Bul. 227. Proceedings of the Employment Managers’ Conference, Philadelphia, Pa., April 2 and 3, 1917. Bui. 235. Employment system of the Lake Carriers’ Association. *Bul. 241. Public employment offices in the United States. Bui. 247. Proceedings of Employment Managers’ Conference, Rochester, N. Y., May 9-11,1918. Bui. 310. Industrial unemployment: A statistical study of its extent and causes. Bui. 311. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Public Em ployment Services, held at Buffalo, N. Y., September 7-9,1921. Bui. 337. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Public Em ployment Services, held at Washington, D. C ., September 11-13, 1922. Bui. 355. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Public Employment Services, held at Toronto, Canada, September 4-7, 1923. Bui. 400. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Public Em ployment Service, held at Chicago, 111., May 19-23,1924. Bui. 409. Unemployment in Columbus, Ohio, 1921 to 1925. [In press.] Women in Industry. Bui. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in selected industries in the District of Columbia. •Bui. 117. Prohibition of night work of young persons. ♦Bill. 118. Ten-hour maximum working-day for women and young persons. Bui. 119. Working hours of women in the pea canneries of Wisconsin. •Bui. 122. Employment of women in power laundries in Milwaukee. Bui. 160. Hours, earnings, and conditions of labor of women in Indiana mercantile establishments and garment factories. •Bui. 167. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries. •Bui. 175. Summary of the report on condition of woman and child wage earners in the United States. •Bui. 176. Effect of minimum-wage determinations in Oregon. •Bui. 180. The boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts as a vocation for women. •Bui. 182. Unemployment among women in department and other retail stores of Boston, Mass. Bui. 193. Dressmaking as a trade for women in Massachusetts. Bui. 215. Industrial experience of trade-school girls in Massachusetts. •Bui. 217. Effect of workmen’s compensation laws in diminishing the necessity of industrial employ ment of women and children. Bui. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war. Bui. 253. Women in the lead industries. Workmen's Insurance and Compensation (Including laws relating thereto)* •Bui. 101. Care of tuberculous wage earners in Germany. •Bui. 102. British National Insurance Act, 1911. Bui. 103. Sickness and accident insurance law of Switzerland. (in) Workmen’s Insurance and Compensation— Continued. Bui. 107. Law relating to insurance of salaried employees in Germany. *Bul. 126. Workmen’s compensation laws of the United States and foreign countries. *Bul. 155. Compensation for accidents to employees of the United States. *Bul. 185. Compensation legislation of 1914 and 1915. *Bul. 203. Workmen’s compensation laws of the United States and foreign countries. 1916. Bui. 210. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Coiumbus, Ohio, April 25-28,1916. Bui. 212. Proceedings of the conference on social insurance called by the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, Washington, D. C., December 5-9,1916. *Bul. 217. Effect of workmen’s compensation laws in diminishing the necessity of industrial employ ment of women and children. *Bul. 240. Comparison of workmen’s compensation laws of the United States, up to December 31,1917. Bui. 243. Workmen’s compensation legislation in the United States and foreign countries, 1917 and 1918. Bui. 248. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Boston, Mass., August 21-25,1917. Bui. 264. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Madison, Wis., September 24-27,1918. Bui. 272. Workmen’s compensation legislation of the United States and Canada, 1919. *Bul. 273. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Toronto, Canada, September 23-26, 1919. Bui. 275. Comparison of workmen’s compensation laws of the United States and Canada, up to Jan uary, 1920. Bui. 281. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, held at San Francisco, Calif., September 20-24,1920. Bui. 301. Comparison of workmen’s compensation insurance and administration. Bui. 304. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Chicago, 111., September 19-23,1921. Bui. 312. National Health Insurance in Great Britain, 1911 to 1920. Bui. 332. Workmen’s compensation legislation of the United States and Canada, 1920 to 1922. Bui. 333. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Baltimore, M d., October 9-13, 1922. Bui. 359. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, held at St. Paul, Minn., September 24-26, 1923. Bui. 379. Comparison of workmen’s compensation laws in the United States as of January 1, 1925. Bui. 385. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 26-28,1924. Bui. 395. Index to proceedings of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, 1914-1924. Bui. 406. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the International Association of Industrial Accidents Boards and Commissions, held at Salt Lake City, Utah, August 17-20, 1925. [In press.] Industrial Accidents and Hygiene. *Bul. 104. Lead poisoning in potteries, tile works, and porcelain enameled sanitary ware factories. Bui. 120. Hygiene of the painters’ trade. •Bui. 127. Dangers to workers from dust and fumes, and methods of protection. *Bul. 141. Lead poisoning in the smelting and refining of lead. ♦Bill. 157. Industrial accident statistics. *Bul. 165. Lead poisoning in the manufacture of storage batteries. *Bul. 179. Industrial poisons used in the rubber industry. Bui. 188. Report of British departmental committee on the danger in the use of lead in the paint ing of buildings. *Bul. 201. Report of committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. [Limited edition.] Bui. 205. Anthrax as an occupational disease. *Bul. 207. Causes of death by occupation. *Bul. 209. Hygiene of the printing trades. *Bul. 216. Accidents and accident prevention in machine building. Bui. 219. Industrial poisons used or produced in the manufacture of explosives. Bui. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munition factories. Bui. 230. Industrial efficiency and fatigue in British munition factories. *Bul. 231. Mortality from respiratory diseases in dusty trades (inorganic dusts). *Bul. 234. Safety movement in the iron and steel industry, 1907 to 1917. Bui. 236. Effect of the air hammer on the hands of stonecutters. Bui. 251. Preventable deaths in the cotton manufacturing industry. Bui. 253. Women in the lead industries. Bui. 256. Accidents and accident prevention in machine building. (Revision of Bui. No. 216.) Bui. 267. Anthrax as an occupational disease. [Revised.] Bui. 276. Standardization of industrial accident statistics. (IV) Industrial Accidents and Hygiene—Continued. Bui. 280. Industrial poisoning in making coal-tar dyes and dye intermediates. Bui. 291. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Bui. 293. The problem of dust phthisis in the granite-stone industry. Bui. 298. Causes and prevention of accidents in the iron and steel industry, 1910 to 1919. Bui. 306. Occupation hazards and diagnostic signs: A guide to impairments to be looked for in haz ardous occupations. Bui. 339. Statistics of industrial accidents in the United States. Bui. 392. Survey of hygienic conditions in the printing trades. Bui. 405. Phosphbrus necrosis in the manufacture of fireworks and in the preparation of phosphorus. Conciliation and Arbitration (including strikes and lockouts). *Bul. 124. Conciliation and arbitration in the building trades of Greater New York. *Bul. 133. Report of the industrial council of the British Board of Trade on its inquiry into industrial agreements. *Bul. 139. Michigan copper district strike. Bui. 144. Industrial court of the cloak, suit, and skirt industry of New York City. Bui. 145. Conciliation, arbitration, and sanitation in the dress and waist industry of New York City. Bui. 191. Collective bargaining in the anthracite coal industry. *Bul. 198. Collective agreements in the men’s clothing industry. Bui. 233. Operation of the Industrial Disputes Investigation Act of Canada. Bui. 303. Use of Federal power in settlement of railway labor disputes. Bui. 341. Trade agreement in the silk-ribbon industry of New York City. tabor Laws of the United States (including decisions of courts relating to labor). *Bul. 111. Labor legislation of 1912. *Bul. 112. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1912. *Bul. 148. Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. *Bul. 152. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1913. *Bul. 166. Labor legislation of 1914. *Bul. 169. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1914. *Bul. 186. Labor legislation of 1915. *Bul. 189. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1915. Bui. 211. Labor laws and their administration in the Pacific States. *Bul. 213. Labor legislation of 1916. Bui. 224. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1916. Bui. 229. Wage-payment legislation in the United States. *Bul. 244. Labor legislation of 1917. Bui. 246. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1917. *Bul. 257. Labor legislation of 1918. Bui. 258. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1918. •Bui. 277. Labor legislation of 1919. Bui. 285. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States. Bui. 290. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1919-1920. Bui. 292. Labor legislation of 1920. Bui. 308. Labor legislation of 1921. Bui. 309. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1921. Bui. 321. Labor laws that have been declared unconstitutional. Bui. 322. Kansas Court of Industrial Relations. Bui. 330. Labor legislation of 1922. Bui. 343. Laws providing for bureaus of labor statistics, etc. Bui. 344. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1922. Bui. 370. Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. Bui. 391. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1923-1924. Bui. 403. Labor legislation of 1925. Bui. 408. Laws relating to payment of wages. Foreign Labor Laws. *Bul. 142. Administration of labor laws and factory inspection in certain European countries. Vocational Education. Bui. 145. Conciliation, arbitration, and sanitation in the dress and waist industry of New York City. *Bul. 147. Wages and regularity of employment in the cloak, suit, and skirt industry, with plana for apprenticeship for cutters and the education of workers in the industry. *Bul. 159. Short-unit courses for wage earners, and a factory school experiment. *Bul. 162. Vocational education survey of Richmond, Va. Bui. 199. Vocational education survey of Minneapolis, Minn. Bui. 271. Adult working-class education in Great Britain and the United States, Labor as Affected by the War. Bui. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war. Bui. 219. Industrial poisons used or produced in the manufacture of explosives. (y) Labor as Affected by the W ar—Continued. Bui. 221. Hours, fatigue, and health in British munition factories. Bui. 222. Welfare work in British munition factories. Bui. 223. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war. Bui. 230. Industrial efficiency and fatigue in British munition factories. Bui. 237. Industrial unrest in Great Britain. Bui. 249. Industrial health and efficiency. Final report of British Health of Munition Workers Committee. Bui. 255. Joint industrial councils in Great Britain. Bui. 283. History of the Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, 1917 to 1919. Bui. 287. National War Labor Board: History of its formation, activities, etc. Safety Codes. Bui. 331. Code of lighting factories, mills, and other work places. Bui. 336. Safety code for the protection of industrial workers in foundries. Bui. 338. Safety code for the use, care, and protection of abrasive wheels. Bui. 350. Specifications of laboratory tests for approval of electric headlighting devices for motor vehicles. Bui. 351. Safety code for the construction, care, and use of ladders. Bui. 364. Safety code for mechanical power-transmission apparatus. Bui. 375. Safety code for laundry machinery and operations. Bui. 378. Safety code for woodworking plants. Bui. 382. Code of lighting school buildings. Industrial Relations and Labor Conditions. Bui. 340. Chinese migrations, with special reference to labor conditions. Bui. 349. Industrial relations in the West Coast lumber industry. Bui. 361. Labor relations in the Fairmont (W . Va.) bituminous coal field. Bui. 380. Post-war labor conditions in Germany. Bui. 383. Works council movement in Germany. Bui. 384. Labor conditions in the shoe industry in Massachusetts, 1920-1924. Bui. 399. Labor Relations in the Lace and Lace-curtain Industries in the United States. Miscellaneous Series. *Bul. 117. Prohibition of night work of young persons. *Bul. 118. Ten-hour maximum working day for women and young persons. *Bul. 123. Employers" welfare work. *Bul. 158. Government aid to home owning and housing of working people in foreign countries. •Bill. 159. Short-unit courses for wage earners and a factory school experiment. *Bul. 167. Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries Bui. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war. *Bul. 174. Subject index of the publications of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics up to May 1,1915. Bui. 208. Profit sharing in the United States. Bui. 222. Welfare work in British munition factories. Bui. 242. Food situation in central Europe, 1917. ♦Bill. 250. Welfare work for employees in industrial establishments in the United States. Bui. 254. International labor legislation and the society of nations. Bui. 263. Housing by employers in the United States. Bui. 266. Proceedings of Seventh Annual Convention of the Association of Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada, held at Seattle, Wash., July 12-15, 1920. Bui. 268. Historical survey ofjnternational action affecting labor. Bui. 271. Adult working-class education in Great Britain and the United States. Bui. 282. Mutual relief associations among Government employees in Washington, D. C. Bui. 295. Building operations in representative cities in 1920. Bui. 299. Personnel research agencies: A guide to organized research in employment management, industrial relations, training, and working conditions. Bui. 307. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Convention of the Association of Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada, held at New Orleans, La., May 2-6,1921. Bui. 313. Consumers* cooperative societies in the United States in 1920. Bui. 314. Cooperative credit societies in America and foreign countries. Bui. 318. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States in 1921. Bui. 319. The Bureau of Labor Statistics: Its history, activities, and organization. Bui. 323. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Convention of the Association of Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada, held at Harrisburg, Pa., May 22-26,1922. Bui. 326. Methods of procuring and computing statistical information of the Bureau of Labor Sta tistics. Bui. 342. International Seamen’s Union of America: A study of its history and problems. Bui. 346. Humanity in government. Bui. 347. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States in 1922. (VI) Miscellaneous Series—Continued. Bui. 352. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Convention of the Association of Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada, held at Richmond, Va., May 1-4, 1923. Bui. 368. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States in 1923. Bui. 372. Convict labor in 1923. Bui. 386. The cost of American almshouses. Bui. 389. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Convention of the Association of Governmental Labor Officials of the United States and Canada, held at Chicago, 111., May 19-23,1924. Bui. 393. Trade agreements, 1923 and 1924. Bui. 397. Building permits in the principal cities of the United States in 1924. Bui. 398. Growth of legal aid work in the United States. Bui. 401. Family allowances: A development of the living-wage problem. [In press.] Bui. 402. Collective bargaining by actors. (vn ) SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Description of occupations, prepared for the United States Employment Service, 1918-19. ♦Boots and shoes, harness and saddlery, and tanning ♦Cane-sugar refining and flour milling. Coal and water gas, paint and varnish, paper, printing trades, and rubber goods. ♦Electrical manufacturing, distribution, and maintenance. Glass. Hotels and restaurants. ♦Logging camps and sawmills. ^Medicinal manufacturing. Metal working, building and general construction, railroad transportation, and shipbuilding. ♦Mines and mining. ♦Office employees. ♦Slaughtering and meat packing. Street railways. ♦Textiles and clothing. Water transportation. ♦Out of print. (vm)