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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ETHELBERT STEWART, Commissioner BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES} BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS • SAFETY . . . · No. 375 SERIES CODE SAFETY CODE FOR LAUNDRY MACHINERY AND OPERATIONS ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTAL LABOR OFFICIALS, LAUNDRY OWNERS' NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AND NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANIES, SPONSORS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis --TENTATIVE AMERICAN STANDARD Approved June 4, 1924, by American Engineering Standards Committee .~•yG• ~~1,NT"o,.: o" , ~~. o,.,_...,.E9;,.,,ti ' :' OCTOBER, 1924 ' : I WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1924 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis On June 19, 1922, the American Engineering Standards Committee invited the Laundry Owners' National Association, the Association of Governmental Labor Officials, and the National Association of Mutual Casualty Companies to act as joint sponsors for a safety code for laundry machinery and operations. These associations accepted the sponsorship and according to the procedure of the Standards Committee organized a sectional committee to draft such a code. This sectional committee consisted of the following members: Name and business affiliation of representative Organlzatlon represented W. O. O0N0VBB, Chtdrman••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Laundry Owners' National Association. FBANB: E. BtrCB:LBY, &creta,v••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• National Association of Mutual Casualty Companies. O. W. Bender, district engineer American Laundry Ma,. American Laundry MachiDe Oo. chiDery Oo., lU West Thlrty-tlllventh Street, New York Oity. E.1. Carroll, chief engineer American LaUDdry Mach!De Amerlcan Society of Mecbanical Englneera. Oo Norwood Station, OlnciJmati, Ohio. F. F.Beik, care of Union Indemnity Co., 100 Malden Lane, American Society of Balety Engineers. New York Ofty. Dr. Clifford B. Connelley, director of Industrial RelatiODS, Association of Governmental Labor Offlclals. Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. International .Assoolatfon of Indas&rfal Accident Boards and Commladons. Oen. E. Leroy Sweetser..1. oommfssioDer Department of Association of Governmental Labor Oftlalals. Labor and mdustries, JJoston, Mass. Hon. Fred M. Wilcox, obalrman, Industrial Commission Association of Governmental Labor Ofllc!lals, of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. International Association of Industrial .Aocldent Boards and Commlsslons. Col. Chas. F. BJlss, Executive Committee Laundry Own- Laundry OWDerB' National AssoolaUoD. Do. ers' National Association, 4432 South State Street, Ohicago, m. Geo. W. Hooper.,_ Salem Laun~., Salem, Mass•••••••• Do. Chairman w. t.t. Conover, P Laundl')' Oo., 2831 North Broad Street, Phlladelp Pa. Do. A. W. ClllDDllJl&8, 205 Central Avenue, DUDkfrk, N. Y •••• R. C. Barr, manager, safety department=Fintegrlty Mu• National Association of Mutual Casualty Companies. tual Oas Oo., 220 South State Street, C m. Secretary Frank E. Buckley assistan treasurer Do. National Association of Mutiiaf Casualty Companies, 2li West 43d 8treet1 New York City. Do. H. w. Gibson, sarety engineer, Exobllllge Mutual ID• demnity IDBurance Co., 711 East 46th Street, Room 2610, New York Ofty. L. L. Hall. assistant 880l'8tar)' National Bureau of Cas- Bureau or Casualty & Santy ualty & Surety Underwriters, lllO West 42d Street, New Underwriters. York City. Do. M. L. Garwood, ~ Dlllll8g8I' Bureau of Casualty & Surety Underwriters, 306 Boyd Building, Portland, Me. F. C. Whitmore, Dlllll8g8I' Troy Laundry Maohfnery Troy Laundry Maohinery Oo. (Ltd.). Oo., 133 Oenter Street, New York City. Do. H. L. Keller, resident manager Troy Laundry Machinery Oo. (Ltd.), 112 South Sixteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. l.A. Dickson,meohaufcal engineer Bureau of Standards, U.8.BureauofStandards. Wasbington.1..D. O. Dr. Luo!BD w. Ohaney.L. Bureau of Labor Statistics, u. a. Department of Labar. Department of Labor, washington, D. O. Harry Pierce, chief 8Dlml8er Pilgrim Steam Laundry, Do. Prospect Park, SW., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harry MihDJs marking and o1assffylng department, Kings Moiief Laundry Oo., 2216 West Madison Street, Chicago m. Carmine M. Iaoampo, marking and sortlu department, Holland Lu;:adry, 4407 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. ,1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ill Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTENTS Page ------------------------------- ------------··-----1. General statement_ __ -----------------------------------------10 _ and exceptions_________________________ Purpose----------------------·--------·--· 11. Scope 12. New and old installations __________________________ _ 13. References to other codes __________________________ _ Section 2. Definitions -------------------------------------------Rule 20. Use of "shall" and "should"-----------------------------------------------------_ 21. machine _________________________________ Marking ________ 22. Laundry 23. Washing machine ______,___________________________ _ 24. Extractor _________________________________________ _ 2fi Wringer____________________________________________ _ 26. Starch mixer ______________________________________ _ 27. Starching machine ________________________________ _ 28. Drying tumbler___________________________________ _ ---------------------Shaker---------------------29. Drying _ room ______________________________________ 30. 31. Dampening machine_______________________________ _ 32. Ironer ___________________________________________ _ 33. Shaping machine_________________________________ _ 34. Sewing machine __________________________________ _ 35. Guarded _________________________________________ _ 36. Inclosed __________________________________________ _ 37. Approved ________________________________________ _ _______________ ---------------------------Interloc-kparts 38. Moving _____________________________________ 39. 40. Power transmission ________________________________ _ 41. Prime movers_____________________________________ _ 42. Point of operation _________________________________ _ Part 1.-Point of operation guards ___________________________________ _ Section 10. Wash-room machines _________________________________ _ Rule 100. Marking machine _________________________________ _ 101. ________________________________________ _ Extractor machine--------------------------------102. Washing 103. Power wringer ___________________________________ _ Section 11. Starching and drying machines _______________________ _ Rule 110. Starching machine ( cylinder or box type) _________ _ 111. Drying tumbler_________________________________ _ 112. Drying room ______,______________________________ _ 113. Shaker ( clothes tumbler, single-cylinder type) ____ _ 114. Shaker ( clothes tumbler, double-cylinder type) __ _ Section 12. Finishing machines _________________________________ _ Rule 120. Dampening machine·------------------------------121. Ironer (flat-work type) ___________________________ _ 122. Ironer (body type) _______________________________ _ 123. Ironer ( rotary-body type) ________________________ _ 124. Ironer (press type) _________________________ _ Section 13. Miscellaneous machines and equipment_ _______________ _ Rule 130. Sewing machine_..: ____________________ _: ___ _ 131. Exhaust or ventilating fan ________________________ _ 132. Steam pipes ____________________________________ _ 133. Starting and stopping devices--------~- Introduction Section Rule Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V 1,2 1,2 1 1 1 1,2 2,3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 " ,") 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4,5 4 5 5 5 5 5,6 5 5,6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 VI CONTENTS Page Part IL-Operating rules -------------------------------------------Section 20. Mechanical division _________ -------------------------Rule 200. Safety guards__________________________________ 201. Steam pressure apparatus__________________________ 202. Machine adjustments______________________________ 203. Extractors _________________________ -------·-------Section 21. General •Division______________________________________ Rule 210. Floors (wash rooms)______________________________ 211. Floors ( other than wash rooms)_________________ 212. Table tops, shelves, and machine woodwork_________ 213. Markers -----------------------------------------214. Ventilation________________________________________ 215. Instruction of employees__________________________ Part III.-Moving parts______________________________________________ Section 30. Machine guarding ( other than point of operation)______ Rule 300. Machine moving parts__________________________ Section 31. Prime mover guarding________________________________ Rule 310. Prime movers ____________________________ ,____ Explanatory note for interpreting Part Part IV.-Discussion___________________________________ ______________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UL_____________________ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7, 8 7, 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 !l 9 10 BULLETIN OF THE U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS NO. 375. WASHINGTON OCTOBER, 1924 SAFETY CODE FOR LAUNDRY MACHINERY AND OPERATIONS INTRODUCTION 1. This code is intended to serve as a guide to State and municipal authorities and is in form to be adopted by them. 2. It may also be used to advantage by individual industrial concerns. 3. This code iS' one of a series which is being prepared under the procedure of the American Engineering Standards Committee. 4. From time to time revisions of this code will be to adapt it to changing circumstances. SECTION 1. GENERAL STATEMENT Rule 10. Scope.-This code applies to all moving parts of equipment used in laundries and to other conditions peculiar to this industry with special reference to the point of operation o:f laundry machines. · This does not apply to dry-cleaning operations'. Rule 11. Purpose and exceptions.-The purpose of this code is to provide reasonable safety for life and limb. It should be liberally construed and applied by enforcing authorities to secure these results, and in cases of practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship exceptions from the literal requirements may be granted so long as equivalent protection is secured. Where specific devices or methods are mentioned in this code, other devices or methods which will secure equally good results may be used, subject to the approval of the enforcing authority. Rule 12. New and old installations.-NEw INSTALLATioNs.-On and after the date at which this code becomes effectiYe all new installations S'hall conform to its provisions. EXISTING INSTALLATIONs.-These rules may be modified in whole or in :{>a.rt, with respect to existing installations, by the enforcing authorities on the showing of adequate reasons for such action. Rule 13. References to other codes.-The following ~eneral safety codes, whose provisions apply to nearly every industnal plant, supplement thiS' special safety oode for laundry operations: Mechanical Power-Transmission Apparatus (see Part III, Laundry Code). Lighting Factories, Mills, and Other Work Places. Electrical Safety (National Electrical Safety Code). National Electric (Fire). 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 SAFETY CODE FOR LAUNDRY MACHINERY AND OPERATIONS In so far as similar codes on the following subjects are approved by the American Engineering Standards Committee to be American standards or tentative American standards, they shall be incorporated in the list above: Identification of Piping Systems. Building Exits. Walkway Surfaces. Gas. Ventilation. Exhaust Systems. Power Control, Electrical. Industrial Sanitation. Floor and Wall Openings, Ralllngs, and Toe Boards. (NOTD.-In adapting the code to partlcular Sta.tee ineert here the procedure ae laid down by the State law or Industrial commil!ISlon ruling to be followed In making an ap.. from the ruling of an inspector.) peal NOTE.-It ls suggested that in cases where exceptions are requested the enforcing authorities shall consult with the Permanent C.ommlttee on Interpretatiom1 and Exceptions, care American Engineering Standards Committee, 29 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York City, and where exceptions are denied or refused the laundry owner shall notify the Permanent Committee above referred to, fumlshlng in detail a copy of the order and the specific reasons given for exceptions requested. Such consultation will tend to uniform appli<!atlon .of the code and will keep the committee informed of criticisms and practical difficulties which should be considered if and when the code is revised. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS Rule 20. Use of shall and should.-The word "shall" where used is to be understood as mandatory and the word "should" as advisory. Rule 21. Laundry.-The term laundry shall mean an establishment wherein the washing, ironing, or other finishing of clothes or any other textiles is done, but excluding printing, bleaching, dry clean. ing or dyeing of clothes or other textiles. Rule 22. Marking machme.-The term marking machine shall mean a power-driven machine used for marking clothes or other textiles. Rule 23. Washing machine.-The term washing machine shall mean a power-driven machine used for washing clothes or other textiles. It generally consists of a stationary case or shell inside of which is a revolving perforated cylinder. Rule 24. Extractor.-The term extractor shall mean a power-driven centrifugal machine used for removing surplus moisture from clothes or other textiles. Rule 25. Wringer.-The term wringer shall mean one or more powerdriven rolls used for removing surplus moisture from clothes or other textiles. Rule 28. Starch mixer.-The term starch mixer shall mean a power. driven machine used for mixing or processing starch. Rule 27. Starching machine.-The term starchin~ machine shall mean a power-driven machine used for the starchmg of clothes or other textiles. Rule 28. Drying tumbler.-The term drying tumbler shall mean a machine within which clothes or other textiles are dried by air and usually consists of an inclosure inside of which is a revolving cylinder. Rule 29. Shaker.-The term shaker (clothes tumbler) shall mean a revolving cylinder used for shaking out clothes or other textiles. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SAFETY CODE FOR LAUNDRY MACHINERY AND OPERATIONS 8 Rule 30. Drying room.-The term drying room shall mean an in. closure used for drying clothes or other textiles and connected with which there is any power-driven mechanism. Rule 31. Dampening macbine.-The term dampening machine shall mean a machine used for dampening shirts, collars, clothes, or other textiles. Rule 32. Ironer.-The term "ironer shall mean a hand or power operated machine with one or more rolls or heated surfaces in contact, used for ironing or smoothing clothes or other textiles. Rule 33. Shaping machine.-The term shaping machine shall mean a _power-driven machine used to shape, mold, or otherwise finish collars, cuffs, clothes, or other textiles; this shall also include shaping tables, stands, or shelves upon which the machipe may be mounted. Rule 34. Sewing macbine.-The term sewing machine shall mean a machine used for sewing or stitching clothes or other textiles. Rule 35. Guarded.-Means covered, shielded, fenced, inclosed, or c,therwise protected by means of suitable covers or casings, barrier rails, or screens, to remove the liability of dangerous contact or approach by persons or objects. Buie 36. Inclosed.-The term inclosed shall mean that the object or equipment or part thereof is so guarded that accidental contact at the point of danger during the regular operation of the equipment is not possible. Rule 37. Approved.-The term approved shall mean approved by the supervising authority having jurisdiction. · :Buie 38. Interlock.-The term interlock shall mean a device which will( a) Prevent the operation of the machine while the cover or door is open or unlocked. (b) Hold the cover or door closed and locked while the basket or cylinder is in motion. Rule 39. Moving parts.-The term moving .parts shall mean all gears, sprockets, revolving shafts, clutches, belts, and pulleys, or any other revolving or reciprocating parts that are attached to or form an integral part of a machine. Buie 40. Power transmission.-The term power transmission shall mean all equipment such as shafting, gears, belts, pulleys, or any other parts used for transmitting power to the machine and shall include prime movers. Rule 41. Prime movers.-The term prime movers as used in this code is to include steam, gas, oil, and air engines, motors, steam and hydraulic turbines. Rule 42. Point of operation.-The term point of operation shall be understood to mean the point or joints at which clothes or other textiles are inserted or manipulate in the operation of the machine. 2730°-24---2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART 1.-POINT OF OPERATION GUARDS SECTION 10. WASH-ROOM MACHINES . :B.ule 100. Karking machine.-Each ~wer marking machine shall be equipped with a suitable trip or other type of guard that will interpose a barrier in front of the markin~ pfunger that will prevent the operator's fingers coming in contact with the marking plunger. Buie 101. Washing machine.- ( a) Each washing machine shall be equipped with an interlocking- device that will prevent the inside cylinder moving when the outer door on the case or shell is open and also prevent the door being opened while inside cylinder is in motion. NOTE.-This should not prevent the movement of the inner cylinder under the action of a hand-operated mechanism or under the operation of an " inching device." (b) Each washing machine shall be provided with approved means for holding open the doors or covers of inner and outer cylinders or shells while being loaded or unloaded. Buie 102. Extractor.( a) Each extractor shall be equipped with a metal cover. (b) Each extractor shall be ·equipped with an interlocking device ( see definition) that will prevent the cover being opened while basket is in motion and also prevent the power operation of the basket while cover is open. · NOTE.-This should not prevent the movement of the basket by hand to Insure an even loading. (c) Each extractor shall also be effectively secured in posi- tion on the floor or foundation so as to eliminate unnecessary vibrations, and shall not be operated at a speed greater than the manufacturer's rating which shall be stamped on the inside of basket where easily visible, in letters not less than one-quarter (¼) of an inch in height. '.l'1e maximum permissible speed shall be given. in revolutions per minute. (d) Each engine individually driving an extractor shall be provided with an approved engine stop and speed limit governor. ( See Part IV. Discussion.) :B.ule 103. Power wringer.-~ach power wringer shall be equifped with a bar or other approved guard across the entire front o the feed or first pressure rolls, so arranged that the striking of the bar or guard by the hand of the operator or other person will stop the machine. SECTION 11. STARCHING AND DRYING MACHINES Buie 110. Starching machine (cylinder or box type).-Each starching machine, cylinder or box, shall be inclosed or guarded so as to prevent operator or other person comin,g into accidental contact with cylinder or box while the machine ism motion. ( See Part IV. Discussion.) 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SAFETY CODE FOR LAUNDRY MACHINERY AND OPERATIONS 5 ltule 111. Drying tumbler.- ( a} Each drying tumbler shall be equipped with an interlocking device that will prevent the inside cylinder moving when the outer door on the case or shell is open and also prevent the door being opened while inside cylinder is in motion. NOTE.-This should not prevent the movement of the inner cylinder under the action of a hand-operated mechanism or under the operation of an " inching device." ( b) Each drying tumbler shall be provided with approved means for holdmg open the doors or covers of inner and outer cylinders or shells while being loaded or unloaded. Rule 112. Drying room.-Each drying-room fan, any part of which is within seven (7) feet of floor or working platform, shall be guarded with wire mesh or screen of not less than No. 16 gauge, the openings of which will reject a ball one-half (½) inch in diameter. Refer to Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus Code for variation in gauge or mesh depending on distance. Rule 113. Shaker (clothes tumbler, single-cylinder type).-Each shaker or clothes tumbler of the above type shall be equipped with a device that will automatically prevent the tumbler movmg while the door is open. The tumbler shall also be inclosed or guarded so as to prevent accidental contact by the operator or other person while the machine is in motion. Rule 114. Shaker (clothes tumbler, double-cylinder type).- (a) Each shaker or clothes tumbler of the above type shall be equipped with an interlocking device that will prevent the inside cylinder moving when the outer door on the case or shell is open and also prevent the door being opened while inside cylinder is in motion. NOTE.-This should not prevent the movement of the inner cylinder under the action of a hand-operated mechanism or under the operation of an " inching device." ( b) Each shaker or clothes tumbler of the above tJpe shall be provided with approved means for holding open the doors or covers of inner and outer cylinders or shells while being loaded or unloaded. SECTION 12. FINISHING MACHINES Rule 120. Dampening machine.-Each roll-dampening machine shall be so equipped that the rolls will be entirely inclosed and so arranged as to prevent the fingers of the operator or other person being caught between the rolls. ~his may be accomplished by( 1 )" A slot or hopper. (2) A rod or strip located directly in front of the feed and extending the full length of the rolls. (See Part IV. Discussion.) Rule 121. Ironer (fiat-work type)- (a) .Each flat-work or collar ironer shall be equipped with a bar or other approved guard across the entire front of the feed or first pressure rolls, so arranged that the striking of tli.e · bar or guard by the hand of the operator or other person will stop the machine. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 SAFETY CODE FOR LAUNDRY MACHINERY AND OPERATIONS ( b) The pressure rolls shall be covered or guarded so that the operator or other person can not reach into the rolls without removing the guard. This may be either a vertical guard on all sides or a complete cover. I£ a vertical guard is used, the distance from the floor or working platform. to the top of guard shall be not less than six (6) feet. Rule 122. Ironer (body type).( a) Each body ironer, roll or shoe type, including sleeve and band ironers, shall be equipped with a bar or other approved guard across the entire length of the feed roll or shoe, so arranged that the striking of the bar or guard by the hand of the operator or other person will stop the machine. ( b) The hot roll or shoe shall also be covered in such a way that the operator or other person can not come in contact with the, heated surfaces. liule 123. Ironer (rotary-body type).- (a) Each combined rotary bosom and coat ironer shall be equipped with a bar or other approved guard across the entire length of the feed roll or shoe, so arranged that the striking of the bar or guard by the hand of the operator or other person will stop the machine. ( b) The hot roll or shoe shall also be covered in such a way that the operator or other person can not come in contact with the heated surfaces. Rule 124. Ironer (press type) .-Each ironing press (excluding hand or foot power) shall be equipped with an approved guard or means that will prevent the fingers of the operator or other person being caught between the ironing surfaces. SECTION 13. MISCELLANEOUS MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT Rule 130. Sewing machine.-Each sewing machine shall be equipped with an approved guard, permanently attached to the machine, so that the operator's fingers can not pass under the needle. It shall be of such form that the needle can be conveniently threaded without removing the guard. Rule 131. Exhaust or ventilating fan.-Each exhaust or ventilating fan within seven (7) feet of floor or working platform shall be completely covered with wire mesh of not less than No. 16 gau~e and with openings that will reject a ball one-half (½) inch m diameter. Refer to Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus Code for variation in gauge or mesh depending on distance. Rule 132. Steam pipes.-All steam pipes withm seven (7) feet of floor or working platform that are exposed to contact shall be covered with a heat resistive material or otherwise properly guarded. (See Part IV. Discussion.) Rule 133. Starting and stopping devices.-Each power-driven machine shall be provided with approved means of disconnection from source of power. All starting and stopping devices for machines shall be . so located as to be operable from the front of the machine and so constructed as to allow proper guarding of belts and pulleys. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART 11.-0PERATING· RULES SECTION 20. MECHANICAL DIVISION Rule 200. Safety guards.- ( a) No person or persons shall remove or make ineffective wholly or in part any safeguard, safety appliance, or device attached to or forming an integral part of any machinery except for the purpose of immediately making repairs or adjustments, and any person or persons who remove or make ine:ffective any such safeguard, safety appliance, or device for repairs or adjustments shall replace same immediately upon the completion of such repairs or adjustments. (b) No machine shall be operated until such repairs and adjustments have been made and the machine is in good working condition. Rule 201. Steam pressure apparatus.(a) All steam valves to flat-work ironers, collar ironers, boilers, and other steam pressure chambers shall be opened gradually. (b) All cylinder-type machines shall first be placed in motion before steam is admitted. (a) Steam machines shall not be operated above manufacturer-'s pressure rating as shown on name plate. If supplied from steam source higher than the manufacturer's rating, stop valve, reducing valve, pressure gauge, and safety valve shall be used in order named from source. The safety valve shall be located in a nonhazardous place. ( d) Steam machines shall be thoroughly drained before steam _pressure is supplied. ( See Part IV. Discussion.) Rule 202. Machine adjustments.No moving parts of any machine shall be oiled, cleaned, adjusted, or repaired while said machine is in operation or in motion. Exception. In covering machines unequipped with handpower means the rolls shall be operated at slowest available speed with an operator constantly at starting mechanism and employing exceptional care. · Rule 203. Extractors.( a) Special care shall be taken to load the extractor evenly so that the basket will always be in fair balance. ( b) Each extractor shall be inspected by dismantling at least once a year and be repaired if necess9.l'Y. NOTE.-Overdriven extractors if provided with handholes through which basket and rings can be inspected need not be dismantled. SECTION 21. GENERAL DIVISION Rule 210. Floors (wash rooms).-The floors of every room or place in a laundry, or any room in connection therewith used for washing purposes, shall be properly constructed of cement, tile, or similar Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 8 SAFETY CODE FOR LAUNDRY MACHINERY AND OPERATIONS construction. The floors shall be wat~r tight, free from projections, crevices, or dangerous gradients, and shall be maintained in good repair and so drained that there is no measurable depth of water. Rule 211. Floors (other than wash rooms).-The floors of every room or place (except wash rooms) shall be constructed of hardwood or any impervious material, free from protruding nails, splinters, or loose boards, and shall be maintained in a safe condition. Rule 212. Table tops, shelves, and machine woodwork.-Table tops, shelves, and machine woodwork shall be constructed of materials properly surfaced, finished free from splinters and so maintained. Rule 213. Markers.-Markers and others handling soiled clothes shall be warned against touching the eyes, mouth, or anv part of the body on which the skin has been broken by a scratch ·or abrasion; and they shall be cautioned not to touch or eat food until the hands have been thoroughly washed. Rule 214. Ventilation.-Where artificial ventilation is necessary to the maintenance of comfortable working conditions an adequate ventilating system shall be installed. Rule 215. Instruction of employees.-All employees shall be properly instructed as to all hazards of their work and be educated in safo practices by bulletins, printed rules, and oral instructions. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART 111.-MOVING PARTS SECTION 30. MACHINE GUARDING (Other than Point of Operation) Rule 300. Machine moving parts.-All moving parts of machines such as gears, sprockets, belts, pulleys, shafts, and other moving parts shall be guarded in accordance with the Tentative American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus. SECTION 31. PRIME MOVER GUARDING Rule 310. Prime movers.-All moving parts of prime movers such as fly wheels, cranks and connecting rods, tail rods, or extension piston rods, governor balls, and other moving parts shall be guarded in accordance with the Tentative American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus. EXPLANATORY NOTE FOR INTERPRETING PART III In applying Rules 300 and 310 it should be borne in mind that the Tentative American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus may be revised from time to time. In the 1923 edition of that code the following sections and rules are those most frequently required for reference in connection with laundry machinery operation: Shafting, section 20, rule 201 (a) and (c). Pulleys, section 21, rule 210. Belts and ropes, section 22, rule 220 (a) and (11); rules 221, 222, 223, 224, and 225. Gears, sprockets, and chains, section 23, rules 230, 231, and 232. Friction drives, section 24, rule 240. Keys, set screws, bolts, and other projections, section 25, rule 250. Oollars and couplings, section 26, rules 260 and 261. Fly wheels, section 10, rule 100. Cranks and connecting rods, section 10, rule 101. Tail rods or extension piston rods, section 10, rule 102. Governor balls, section 10, rule 103. 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PART IV.-DISCUSSION It is required by rule 102, section 10, that the basket of the extractor shall not be operated at a speed greater than the manufacturer's rating, which shall be stamped on the inside of the basket. This is necessary because of the danger of centrifugal explosion when operating the basket at a higher speed than that for which it was originally built. The note appearing under (b) of this rule enables the operator to move the basket by hand after the basket has been Ettopped. This, of course, is to facilitate the even and easy loading of the basket. The guarding of the roll-type starching machine is not specified in rule 110, a~ this type of machine does not appear to present a point of operation hazard. The hydraulic-plunger type of dampening machine is not mentioned in rule 120, as this type of machine does not appear to present a point of OJ?Elration hazard. The covermg of all steam pipes within seven (7) feet of floor or working platform is required by rule 132, section 13. Contact with hot steam pipes has caused many minor burns that have often resulted in infections. This rule does not specifically include steam pipes directly under machines and which are not easily accessible. The gradual opening of steam valves is required by rule 201. All pressure vessels or chambers should be gradually warmed by allowmg only a small quantity Qf steam to enter the container at first. A sudden rush of steam m a pressure chamber, such as an ironing roll, causes unequal expansion which may result in an explosion. It is advisable to install a separate clutch or other power controlling device on each floor where tra~ission shafting is used. This will enable the machines on any floor to be stopped immediately in case of accident without stopping the machines of any other floor. 10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX Part Sectlon Adjustment of machinery ••••. 2 Exception •.•..•..•..••••.. 2 Advisory requirements .•••.•.• Apparatus, steam pressure, 2 operation or. .•..•.••••••••.. 2 Artificial ventilation•••....••.. 1 :fland Ironer.•.••..•..••.•.•••. Amer• Tentative Belts. (See lean Safety Code for Mehanical Power Transmission Apparatus,) 1 Body Ironer, e3iuipment..••••• Box•type stare ing machine. (See Starching machine, box• ty\:.) Clot es tumbler: Defined ••••••••••••••••••. ----EquipmentDouble•cyllnder type .. 1 Single-cylinder type .•. 1 Coat Ironer, equipment. .••.•• 1 Codes, references to .•....••••• .. T Collar Ironer, equipment...•.. Connecting rods and cranks. (See Tentative American Safety Codef or Mechanical Power Transmission Appa• ratus.) Cyllnder•ty_pe machine: 2 Admission of steam ....•.•. Starching machine .......• 1 Dampening machine: Defined ••.•.••••••.••••••• Equipment •....••..•..•.•• 1 Definitions of terms ••......... Devices: Interlocking.••••••.•.....• ...i. . Stru:ting and stopping ..... 4 DISCUSSIOn. ·•·•··•·••·· ••.•... Double•cylinder clothes tum• bier. (See Clothes tumbler, double•cyllnder type.) Drying machines .••.••........ 1 Drying tumbler ...•.•..... 1 Fan •••.•••••••..••........ 1 Shaker•••.•..•..•••..•.... 1 Drying room: Defined •.....•....•.••..•. Regulations for fan. •..•... 1 Drying tumbler: Defined ..•.•••••••••••••.• Equipment ..•.••••.•..••.• 1 202 20 21 12 201 214 122 (a) 12 122 (a) 2 20 29 1 12 114 113 123 (a) 13 121 (a) 20 11 201 (b) 110 2 12 2 31 120 11 11 12 -------- 2 13 38 133 11 11 11 11 111-114 111 112 113,114 2 11 30 112 2 11 28 -----1 2 10 Inspection..•.••.•••.•..•.. Loading and unloading.•.• Speed, maximum••..•.•••• 2 2 1 20 20 10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 202 20 20 2 ~~~~~~~~~·e·~~~. E Exceptions to rules••••••.....• Adjustment of machinery. Exhaust fan, requirements for covering_____ . __ ............. (See also Tentative American Safety Code for Mechllni cal Power Transmission Apparatus.) Extension piston rods. (See Tentative American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus.) Extractors: Defined .....•..••.•••...•• Equipment ••..••••••.•...• ~~~¥.fn:.~•.. Rule 111 -------11 1 13 1 2 20 202 1 13 131 Sec• Part tion Fans, drying room ...•..•..... 1 11 (See Exhaust fans· also Tentative American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus.) 12 1 Finishing machines ••••••••••• 12 1 Dampening machine .••••• 12 1 Ironer .•••••••••••..•.••••• 12 1 Ironer, equipment •. Floors, construction of: 21 2 Other than wash room •••. 2 21 Wash room.•••..•.••..••.• Flywheels. (See Tentative American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Trans• mission Apparatus.) Gears. (See Tentative Amer• !tan Safety Code for Me· chanical Power Transmission Apparatus.) Governor, speed limit ••••••••• 10 1 Governor balls. (See Tenta• tive American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus.) Guards: Moving parts .•.••••••••.. 30 3 Point of operation •••••••.. 1 Prime mover•.•...••..•..• 3 H!l,Zards, instructions concern• 21 mg •••..•.• ••••·••···•······• 2 Hot roll or shoe, covering for •. 1 12 Instruction of employees .••.•. 2 21 Interlock, defined .•••••••••.•. ...i. 2 12 Ironer •.•••••....•...•.•••..... Body.type ............•... 12 1 Defined ..•.•...•.•••••.••• 2 type ......•••.•• 1 12 Press type .••..•••••.•...• 12 1 Rotary•body type.•••••••. 12 1 Ironing press, equipment. (See Ironer, press type.) Installations, new and existing, general requirements .••..•• 1 Laundry, defined ••..•...•.•.. ----2 Machine adjustments •.•••.•.• --·2· 20 Machine guarding (other than point of operation) •••.••.... _ 3 30 Machine woodwork, construe• tion oL ....••..••.....•..... 2 21 Mandatory requirements ...•.• 2 Manufacturer's rating.•.••••.• 1,2 10,20 Markers, warning given ..•..•• 2 21 Marking machine: Defined •.......•••.•••••.• 2 Equipment •••..••.••..•.• 1 10 Mechanical division•...••..•.• 2 1 Miscellaneous machines .....•• 13 Moving parts .••.••.........•• 3 Defined.••.•..•••••.•••.•. 2 Operating rules .•.•••••.•..... 2 Point of operation, defined •••. .. T 2 Point of operation guards ..... 2 Power transmissio:::i defined .. ···1· 10 Power wrinfe'r• eq pment ••.. 1 Pressure rol ers, guards for .••. 12 Prime movers: 2 Defined....•.•.•.••.•..... 31 Guards for •••••.•••.•....• 3 Rule 112 120-124 120 }21-124 121 (a) 211 210 102 (d) 300 ···so· -------310 ----- 215 {122 (b) 123 (b) 215 38 121-124 122 32 121 124 123 12 21 202 300,310 212 20 {102 (c) 201 (c) 213 ----- ----- 24 102 (a) (b) (<I) 203 (b) 203 102 C ~a/ ----- 11 22 100 20 -------- ·a9····· 42 40 103 121 (b) 41 310 12 INDEX SeoPart tion Pulleys. (&e Tentative American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Tranamission Apparatus.) Pur~ose of code ••••••••••••••• Rat gofmanufacturer. (&e Manufacturer's rating.) References to other codes ..•••• Roll•dampenlng machine. (&e Dampening machine, eqnlpment.) ltotary•body Ironer, eqnlpment.·--···········-·---···· 1 Rules for operation..• ··-··.·-· 2 Safety guards, adjustments 2 of·······-·················· Scope of code•••••••••••.•••••• Sewing machine: Defined ••••••••••••••••..•••••• Equipment ••••••••••••••• 1 Sbaf~. (&e Tentative American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Tranamission Apparatus.) Shaker: Defined ••••••••••••••••••• Eq~mentofonble-c~der type. 1 Single-cy der~·-· 1 Sba~g machine, defln ••••• Sh ves, construction of•••••••• 2 Single-cylinder shaker. (See Shaker, single-cfllnder). Sleeve ironer, eqwpment •••••• 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ----- ----- ----- SeoPart tion Rule 1 11 1 13 Sprockets. (See Tentative American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Trans• mission Apparatus.) Starching n:iachlne: Defined••••••.•••••••••••• Guards for •••••••••••••••• 1 Starch mixer, defined._·-···-· Starting and stopping devices, location of.. .•••••••••••••••• 1 Steam machines: Draining of. •••••..••••.•• 2 2 Operation of.····-········ Steam pipes, covering for •••••• 1 Steam• {ll"e&Sure apparatus, operation of. •••••••••••••••• 2 Steam valves, oef. of.•.••• 2 Table tops, constmct on oL •• 2 Tall rods. (See Tentative American Safety Code for Mechanical Power Trans· mismon Afeparatus.) Ventilating an. (&e Exhaust fantli Ven ation, artificial ••••.•.... 2 Washing machine: Defined •..•••••••••••••••• ·--1· Equipment ••••••••...•••. Wash•room machines .•.•.•••• Extractor.• ······--······· 1 Marking machine ••••.••.. 1 Power wringer .••••.••••.. 1 Washing machine."' .. ···· 1 Wringer, defined •••••••....•.. ---·- ----- 12 , 123 (a) ------ -------20 200 1 10 34 2 13 130 2 29 11 11 2 21 I 114 113 33 212 I 12 : 122 (a) I 0 Rule 'Z1 2 11 2 26 110 13 133 20 20 13 :u~ 20 20 21 201 201 (11) 212 21 214 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 132 23 101 ·102···· 100 103 101 25