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73D CONGRESS 2d Session O o ^ / \ o r - J U Z 5 IN T H E SENATE OF T H E U N I T E D STATES M a t 28,1934 Ordered to be printed with the amendment of the House of Representatives AN ACT To amend section 12B of the Eederal Reserve Act so as to extend for one year the temporaiy plan for deposit insurance, and for other purposes. 1 2 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 section 4£B of the Eederal IfcsciVc Aet is amended— 4 -{4}- B y striking eat - Jtriy 5 pears in subsections 6 thereof ^ J r i y 7 1934 - wherever it ap- -{i}7 and -(yf? and inserting m -{Sf B y striking etrt - June whe^e it ap- 8 pea^s in the last sentence ef the third paragraph ef Gubscetion 9 -{fh ^ inserting m lieu thereof " December 4034 " j 2 1 2 -(g)- B y striking ewt - Jaae 4 3 3 4 " where it ap- pears hi the hist sentence of the fifth paragraph el subsection 3 and inserting » lieu thereof - Jimc 4 1935 amending the second sentence of the fifth 5 paragraph ef subsection to comprise two sentences 6 reading as follows: - 7 relating te State member banks shall be extended for the 8 purposes ef this subsection te members ef the Fund which 9 ai c not members ef tke Federal Reserve System, Mid tke 10 provisions ef such subsection -(l-)" relating te the appoint 11 mcnt ef the Corporation as receiver shall be applicable te 12 all the members ef the Fund. 13 section shall apply only te deposits ef members ef the 14 Fund which have been made available since March 15 1933, fef withdrawal m the usual course ef the banking 16 business."; and provisions ef sueh subsection -{!)• provisions ef tins sub- 17 B y adding at the end ef the sisth paragraph ef 18 subsection -(y)- the following new sentencesf "3?he G&r- 19 poration shall prescribe by regulations the inanncr ef exer- 20 eise ef the right ef termination ef membership m the Fund 21 en Jtriy 22 g k e thirty days' notice prior te July 23 as ft condition te withdrawal. 24 the Fund en J t r i y ^ 1931, shall be entitled te a refund 25 ef their proportionate share ef any estimated balance in 1931? and may require members ef the Fund te 19347 ef election Banks which withdraw from 3 1 ike Fund en the same basis as if the Fund bad terminated 2 on 1931." g Seer gr The fest paragraph of section 9 of the Federal 4 Reserve A e ^ as amended (U.S.C., title i S j seer 321) y is K amended by adding after fee second sentence thereof ft new q sentence to read as follows: —For the purposes el member 7 ship ef any sueh bank the terms g stock - shall include the amount ef outstanding capital notes 9 and debentures legally issued by the applying bank and p w - £ capital • and - capital 10 eliased by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation." H That section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act is amended— 12 (1) by striking out "July 13 pears in subsections (e), 14 lieu thereof " July 1, 1935 "; 15 (3) (1), 1, 1934" and (y), wherever it apand inserting in by striking out " June 15,1934 " where it appears 16 in the last sentence of the third paragraph of subsection (y), 17 and inserting in lieu thereof " October 1, 1934 "; 18 (3) by striking out " June 30,1934 " where it appears 19 in the first sentence of the fifth paragraph of subsection (y), 20 and inserting in lieu thereof " June SO, 21 (4) 1935"; by adding after the first clause of the second sen- 22 tence of the fifth paragraph of subsection (y) the following: 23 "and 24 appointment of the Corporation as receiver shall be applicable 25 to the members of the temporary Federal deposit insur- the provisions of such subsection (1) relating to the 4 1 -ance fund" 2 in the second clause of the second sentence of the fifth para- 3 graph. of subsection (y) 4 word " The 5 (5) ; and by striking out the initial words " and the " and inserting in lieu thereof the by adding to the sixth paragraph of subsection 6 (y) the following: "The Corporation shall prescribe by 7 regulations the manner of exercise of the right of nonmember 8 banks to withdraw from membership in the fund on July 1, 9 1334, except that no bank shall be permitted to withdraw 10 unless twenty days prior thereto it has given written notice 11 to each of its depositors and to the Corporation of its election 12 so to do. 13 1934, shall be entitled to a refund of their proportionate 14 share of any estimated balance in the fund on the same basis 15 as if the fund had terminated on July Banks which withdraw from the fund on July 1, 1T1934."; (6) by adding to the end of the fourth paragraph of subsection (y) the following two additional IS paragraphs: " On and after July 1, 1934, the amount eligible for 19 insurance under this subsection for the purposes of the Octo- 20 ber 1,1934, certified statement, any entrance assessment, and, 21 if levied, the additional assessment shall be the amounts not in excess of $5,000 of the deposits of each depositor. 23 " Each mutual savings bank, unless it becomes subject 24 to tjie provisions of the preceding paragraph in the manner 25 hereinafter provided, shall be excepted from the operation of 5 1 the preceding paragraph and for each such bank which is 2 so excepted the amount eligible for insurance under this sub- 3 section for the purposes of the October 1, 1934, certified 4 statement, any entrance assessment, and, if levied, the addi- 5 tional assessment shall be the amounts not in excess of $2,500 6 for the deposits of each depositor. 7 savings bank shall be closed on account of inability to meet 8 its deposit liabilities the Corporation shall pay not more than 9 $2,500 on account of the net approved claim of any owner 10 of deposits in such bank: Provided, however, That should any 11 mutual savings bank make manifest to the Corporation its 12 election to be subject to the provisions of the preceding para- 13 graph the Corporation may, in the discretion of the board of In the event any mutual directors, permit such bank to become so subject and the 15 insurance of its deposits to continue on the same basis and 1® to the same extent as that of fund members other than mutual 17 savings banks" 1® (7) by striking out the period at the end of the first sentence of the fifth paragraph of subsection (y) and inserting in lieu thereof a comma and the following: " if the member 2 closed on or before June 30,1934, and nopmore than $5,000 22 if closed on or after July 1, 1 (8) 1934"; by (a) striking out " and until Jxdy 1, 1936 " in the first sentence of subsection (1)> (b) striking out the words " until July 1, 1936," in the seventh paragraph of subsection 6 1 (y) 2 standing any provision of this section to the 3 (c) adding after the seventh paragraph of subsection (y) 4 the following new paragraph: 5 and inserting in lieu thereof the follotving: " notwithcontraryand "Any State bank may obtain the benefits of this section 6 on and after the date the fund is terminated upon the con- 7 ditions with regard to examination, certification, and approval 8 governing the admission of State banks to the fund and upon 9 purchasing such class A stock or making such a deposit as is 10 prescribed in the preceding paragraph for former fund 11 members 12 (9) by (a) striking out the word " three " in subsection 13 (o) and inserting in lieu thereof the word "five", L4 by inserting the word " subscribed 15 ital " in said subsection. 16 17 and (b) before the word " cap- (10) by adding at the end of subsection (o) the following new paragraph: 18 " Such of the obligations authorized to be issued under 19 this subsection as the Corporation, 20 the Secretary of the Treasury, 21 ftdly 22 and principal by the United States and such guaranty shall 23 be expressed on the face thereof. 24 poration shall be unable to pay upon demand, when due, 25 the principal and unconditionally with the approval of may determine, shall be guaranteed both as to interest In the event that the Cor- of qt interest on notes, debentures, bonds, or 7 ^ other such obligations issued by it, and guaranteed by the 2 United States under this paragraph, g Treasury shall pay the amount thereof, which is hereby ^ authorized to be appropriated g Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and thereupon, to the q extent of the amounts so paid, the Secretary of the Treasury 7 shall succeed to all the rights of the holders of such notes, g debentures, bonds, or other obligations. g the Treasury, in his discretion, is authorized to purchase 10 any obligations of the Corporation to be issued under this H subsection which are guaranteed by the United States under 12 this paragraph, and for such purpose the Secretary of the the Secretary of the out of any money in the The Secretary of Treasury is authorized to use as a public-debt transaction 14 the proceeds from the sale of any securities hereafter issued 15 under the Second Liberty Loan Act, as amended, and the 16 purposes for which securities may be issued under the Sec- 17 ond Liberty Loan Act, as amended, are extended to include 18 am 19 paragraph. 20 time sell any of the obligations of the Corporation acquired 21 by him under this paragraph. 22 and sales by the Secretary of the Treasury of the obligations 23 of the Corporation shall be treated as public-debt transac- 24 Hons of the United States• The Secretary of the Treasury, 25 at the request of the Federal Deposit Insurance J purchases of the Corporation s obligations under this The Secretary of the Treasury may at any All redemptions, purchases, Corpora- 8 1 tion, is authorized to market for the Corporation such of its 2 notes, debentures, bonds, and other such obligations as are 3 guaranteed by the United States under this paragraph, using 4 therefor all the facilities of the Treasury Department now 5 authorized by law for the marketing of obligations of the 6 United States. 7 poration so marketed shall be deposited in the same manner 8 as proceeds derived from the sale of obligations of the United 9 States, and the amount thereof shall be credited to the Cor- 10 The proceeds of the obligations of the Cor- poration on the books of the Treasury"; 11 and (11) by inserting after the first sentence of subscction 12 (p) IB which are guaranteed by the United States under the second 14 paragraph of subsection (o) shall be exempt from all such J5 taxation 10 taxes)" 17 the following new sentence: "Any such obligations (except surtaxes, estate, inheritance, and gift SEC. 2. The first paragraph of section 9 of the Fed- 18 eral Reserve Act, as amended (U.S.C., J9 is amended by adding after the second sentence thereof a new 20 sentence to read as follows: " For the purposes of member- 21 ship of any such bank the terms 22 stock9 shall include the amount of outstanding capital notes 23 and debentures legally issued by the applying bank and pur- 24 chased by the Reconstruction Finance 6 title 12, sec. 321), capital9 and ( capital Corporation." 9 1 SEO• (a) The first sentence of the eighth paragraph 3. 2 of section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, is 3 further 4 words "section 13 (a) of this Act" 5 lowing: "or Q Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which are guar an- 7 teed both, as to principal and interest by the United States 8 amended by inserting before the- comma. after the a comma and the fol- by the deposit or pledge of obligations of the (b) Paragraph (b) of section 14 of the Federal Re- 9 serve Act, as amended, is further amended by inserting be- 10 fore the comma after the words " bonds and notes' of the 11 United States " a comma and the following: 12 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which arc 13 guaranteed both as to principal 14 States 15 " obligations and interest by the United (c) Section 31 of the Banking Act of 1933 is amended e< 16 cis follows: so much of section 31 of the Banking Act of 17 1933 as relates to stock ownership by directors of member 18 banks of the Federal Reserve System is hereby repealed " 19 SEC. 4. Section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act is 20 amended (a) by adding after subsection (y) 21 section to read as follows: 22 "(z) a mew sub- The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is 23 hereby authorized and empowered to loan upon or purchase 24 assets of any bank, savings bank, or trust company, which 25 has been closed on or after December 31, 1929, and prior 10 1 to January 1, 1934, and the affairs of ivhich have not been 2 fully liquidated or wound v,p, the assets of any such bank 3 or any part of such assets upon such terms and conditions 4 as the Corporation may by regulations prescribe. 5 nection with the reorganization, stabilization, or liquidation of 6 any such bank, asse/s Aaw 7 for the benefit of depositors or depositors and others, the 8 authority, subject to regulations, as provided in the preceding 9 sentence shall be extended for the purpose of authorizing the 10 Corporation to purchase or make loans on such assets held for 11 the benefit of such depositors or depositors and others. 12 authority 13 reopened without payment of deposits in full. 14 tion is further 15 Reconstruction Finance Corporation 16 any such closed bank, to negotiate with the liquidating agent 17 or receiver of such bank for an appraisal of its assets and 18 the purchase thereof or the making of a loan thereon to 19 take up the loan or any part thereof made by the Becon- 20 struction Finance 21 Insurance 22 interest and the loan anil be reasonably secured. In making 23 any purchase of or loan on assets of any closed bank, the trusteed or are otherwise held shall extend to any such institution Corporation 25 If in con- This that lias The Corpora- authorized and empowered; in case the Corporation, Corporation if has made a loan to the Federal deems it desirable in Deposit the public shall appraise such assets in anticipation of aj\ orderly liquidation over a period of years, rather than 11 1 on the basis of forced selling values in a period of business 2 depression. 3 to sell any dssets acquired under this subsection and shall 4 with respect to such selling and to the liquidation of assets 5 of closed banks pursue and encourage a policy of extending 6 the period of liquidation so as best to conserve the value of 7 such assets and to prevent unreasonable sacrifice thereof. 8 "Not more than one half of the obligations authorized 9 to be issued by the Corporation shall be used for the pur- 10 poses set forth in this subsection. No portion of the capital 11 stock or other funds of the Corporation raised for the pur- 12 pose of insuring deposits in banks shall be used for the 13 purchase of or loans on assets in banks closed prior to 14 January 15 proceeds of which were used under the provisions of this 16 section. Such obligations as are so used shall be paid only 17 out of the funds received from the repayment of loans made 18 and disposition of assets acquired pursuant to this subsection. 19 "(b) The Corporation is authorized and empowered 1, 1934, nor for the repayment of obligations the by striking out the sixth sentence of the first para- 20 graph of subsection (1) 21 following: 22 tiously as possible the net amount due to depositors of the closed 23 bank and shall make available to the new bank tin amount 24 equal to the insured deposit liabilities of such closed bank, 25 whereupon such new bank shall assume the insured deposit "The and substituting in lieu thereof the Corporation shall determine as expedi- 12 1 liability 2 the Corporation shall be sxibrogated as hereinafter stated to 3 the rights against the closed bank of the owners of such 4 deposits* Where the net approved claim of a depositor on 5 account of his deposits does not exceed the insured deposit 6 liability 7 dividends from the proceeds of the assets of such closed bank 8 ivhich would have been payable to such depositor on account 9 of such deposits, and where the net approved deposit claim 10 exceeds the insured deposit liability the Corporation and the 11 depositor shall share ratably in the dividends insofar as the 12 same are based. upon deposit liability 13 cording to the ratio that, the insured liability to such depositor 14 bears to the total amount of the net approved claim of such 15 of such closed bank to each of its depositors, and the Corporation shall be entitled to receive all the to such depositor ac- depositorand 16 u (c) By adding y at the end of the first paragraph of 17 subsection (v) the following additional paragraph: 18 insured bank shall display at each place of business main- 19 tained by it a sign or signs, to the effect that its deposits are 20 insured by the Federal 21 The Corporation shall prescribe by regulation the form of 22 such sign and the manner of its display. 23 may impose a maximum penalty of $100 for each day an 24 insured bank continues to violate any lawful provisions of 25 said regulation/ " Deposit Insurance ' Every Corporation. Such regulation 13 1 SEC. 5. Section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act is 2 amended by inserting within the parentheses and immediately 3 after the words 4 in the first sentence of the second paragraph of subsection (y) 5 the following: " and the Territories of Hawaii and Alaska 11 District of Columbia " where they appear Passed the Senate February 28 (calendar day, March 12), 1934. Attest: E D W I N A. HALSEY, Secretary. Passed the House of Representatives with an amendment May 24, 1934. Attest: SOUTH T R I M B L E , Clerh o a. £ a ° er M 2 ^3 ® ° I k I Hi O w 3 J, * E ?f p i l ^ s g s & 0) n H ° as ^g ST3 ^ S-1 wp ^ ^ tf p" S tn «o g>° W 2 S| 22 1 g- * CD p tv ^ ^ tri ^^ 1 I S * dw I a $ IB 3wo' § f » «ft s?vi •=) NJ p ®® ~ s^s § * w § ,© > r^i 5/3 W O rv*\ 01