Full text of Rural Families on Relief, Research Monograph XVII
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WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION F. C. Hanlnston, A.d•lnldrotor Conlnston GIii, A.,,idont A.d•lnldrofor DIVISION OF SOCIAL RESEARCH Howard 8. My•, Dllffftw RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF By Carle C. Zimmerman and Nathan L. Whetten RESEARCH MONOGRAPH XVII 1938 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON Digitized by Google GIANNINI FUUNDATIOK Digitized by Google Letter of Transmittal WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION, Washington, D. 0., December 27, 1938. SIR: I have the honor to transmit an analysis of the social characteristics of rural families receiving assistance under the general relief program. The report evaluates the various characteristics of rural families on relief in terms of their effect on the families' need for aid. The findings of this analysis will be of distinct value to relief administrators in rural areas. At the same time it is a contribution to the general study of rural families in the lower income groups. Not only are rural relief families found to differ in their characteristics according to their position in the local rural community, but, in addition, even wider differences exist among the various geographical areas of the country. The predominant industries determine the extent to which the head of a family will be able to care for his dependents continuously, and the cultural traditions largely determine the composition and solidarity of the family unit. Four factors are of particular importance in determining the incidence and amount of relief for rural families: (1) The number of employable members in the family and their capabilities; (2) unemployment because of the business cycle; (3) unemployment and underemployment because of the weather cycle; and (4) social action for improving the standard of living. The study was made in the Division of Social Research under the direction of Howard B. Myers, Director of the Division. The data were collected under the supervision of A. R. Mangus and T. C. McCormick. Acknowledgment is made of the cooperation of the State Supervisors and Assistant State Supervisors of Rural Research who were in direct charge of the field work. The analysis of the data was made under the supervision of T. J. Woofter, Jr., Coordinator of Rural Research. The report was prepared by Carle C. Zimmerman of Harvard University and Nathan L. Whetten of Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, with the assistance of Wendell H. Bash of Harvard University. It was edited by Ellen Winston of the Division of Social Research. Respectfully submitted. CORRINGTON GILL, Assistant Administrator. CoL. F. C. HARRINGTON, Works Progress Administrator. Ill Diglized by Google 019 •1 d by Google Contents Page lntrocludlon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ - - _ XI Summary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XIII Chapter I. Typa of farm families and the incidence of relief_ _ - _ 1 Types of farm families _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 The incidence of relief _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 Chapter II. Occupational origin of the heads of rural relief families- 13 Occupational origin by area _ _ _ Occupational origin by residence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Occupational origin by color _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 20 Chapter Ill. Peno11al charac:teriltlcs of the heads of rural relief families- _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - - - - - 23 Age of family heads _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sex of family heads _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23 26 Marital condition of family heads _ _ _ 29 15 35 Chapter IV. Size and composition of rural relief families- Size of rural relief families _ _ _ Age composition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sex composition _____ _ 36 Chapter V. Dependent age group, - - 45 40 42 Dependents by area _ _ _ _ _ Dependents by color_ _ _ _ _ _ 45 Aged and juvenile dependents in the same household_ Dependent children _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aged dependents_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47 47 49 50 General significance of dependent age groups _ 51 Chapter VI. Family strudural types - - - - - _ - - - 53 Family structural types by area and residence _ Family structural types by occupation_ Family structural types by color One-person households_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54 55 57 58 V o,gtizedb; Google VI • CONTENTS Page Chapter VII. Fertility of rural relief families _ _ 59 Fertility of general rural population 59 _____ _ Fertility of rural relief families _ _ _ _ 61 Strong and weak family systems _ _ 67 Chapter VIII. Employability, employment, and amount of relief 69 Employability composition ______ _ 69 Occupational displacement and shifting 72 Unemployment prior to relief 75 Reason for accession to relief Relief history _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Amount of relief ______ _ 77 78 79 Chapter IX. Mobility of rural relief families 83 Mobility by area _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 84 Mobility by occupation _ _ _ _ _ _ 89 92 Relation between mobility and family type Chapter X. Education of rural relief families _ Education of heads by area 95 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Education of heads by occupation 95 98 _ _ _ Education of members other than heads __ 100 Significance of educational attainment 103 Appendix A. Meaning of terms - - - - - - - - 107 Appendix B. Supplementary tables 113 Appendix C. List of tables 151 Index - - - - - _ _ _ - 155 ILLUSTRATIONS Figura Figure 1. Agricultural regions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Farm population, January 1, 1935 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Value of products sold from farm and used by family classified into groups, by values, United States, 1929 _ _ 4. Officially designated drought counties. 1934 and 1936 _ _ 01g111zedbyGoogle 2 3 4 6 CONTENTS • VII Page 5. Intensity of general relief in the United States, by residence (estimated), July 1933 through December 1935 _ _ _ _ 6. Federal aid per capita, 1933-1936 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. Usual occupation of heads of open country and village families receiving general relief, by area, June 1935 _ _ _ 8. Median age of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by area. and residence, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. Median age of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. Percent of females among heads of rural families receiving general relief, by area, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. Age of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by sex,June1935 ________ - - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ 12. Marital condition of beads of rural families receiving general relief, by sex and age, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13. Size of rural relief and nonrelief households, October 1933 _ 14. Rural families receiving general relief with persons in dependent age groups, by residence, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ 15. Structural type of rural families receiving general relief, by area, June 1935 ________ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16. Structural type of rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation of head, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17. Children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women 20 through 44 yea.rs of age, white rural-farm population, 1930 _ _ _ 18. Children under 5 yea.rs of age per 1,000 women 20 through 44 yea.rs of age, colored rural-farm population, 1930 _ _ 19. Rural families receiving general relief with no worker or with female workers only, by area, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ 20. Employment status of workers in rural femilies receiving general relief, by usual occupation, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ 21. Occupational change of workers in rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ 22. Occupational change of white and Negro workers in rural families receiving general relief in the Ee.stem and Western Cotton Areas, by usual occupation, June 1935 _ 23. Average a.mount of general relief received by rural families, by area, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24. Length of le.st continuous residence in county of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation, June 1935 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25. Median school grade completed by heads of rural families receiving general relief, by area, October 1935 _ 26. Areas represented and counties sampled _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oig,•ized by 10 11 17 24 26 27 28 32 37 46 54 56 64 65 71 73 74 75 81 91 98 112 G oog Ie VIII • CONTENTS Photosraphs On relief _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Farm owner family in the drought area Tenant family in the Midwest _ _ Sharecropper's family at home _ _ _ Lunch time for cotton pickers _ _ Pe.rents and children _ _ _ _ _ _ After the children have left home _ A motherless home _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sharecropper's widow and child _ _ Old age _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Homeless _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Penniless and alone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No breadwinner in this home _ _ _ _ Drought victims _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Moving time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Migratory laborer family _ _ _ _ _ _ Teaching Aunt Nancy to read _ _ _ _ Relief children go to school _ _ _ _ _ PQJJI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Facing xn _ Facing 8 _ Facing 16 _ Facing 20 _ Facing 21 _ Facing 30 _ Facing 38 _ Facing 42 _ Facing 48 _ Facing 49 _ Facing 58 _ Facing 59 _ Facing 70 _ Facing 78 _ Facing 84 _ Facing 92 _ Facing 96 _ Facingl02 D1gt1zedbyGoogle Rural Families on RelieF IX Diglized by Google 01gl•1zeo by G oo g I('. INTRODUCTION IN 1930 there were approximately 30 million families in the United States.1 Of these, 17,372,500 were classified as urban; 6,604,600, as rural-farm; and 5,927,500, as rural-nonfarm. Thus, about 42 percent of America's families were classified as rural, 22 percent being farm and 20 percent being nonfarm. Since 1930 more than one out of four of these rural families have been forced to seek public or private assistance. In January 1935, for instance, almost 2 million of them received general relief grants. The purpose of this study is to give a general description of rural relief families and to point out some of their characteristic features. It summarizes information concerning their occupational origin, their size and composition, the age and sex characteristics of the heads, the marital condition of the heads, the number and types of dependents, the composition of the families from the standpoint of relationship, their fertility rates, their employability, employment, and amount of relief, and the mobility and education of their members. These various factors are analyzed on the basis of geographical distribution. Information is given about the racial backgrounds of the families, their former agricultural experience, and their forms of land tenure if they have been engaged in agriculture. The data for this monograph are from the records of the Rural Section, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration. The materials consist of information gathered by means of a survey 1 "The termfamily, as it is used in the tabulation of the results of the 1930 Census, is limited in the main to what might be called private families, excluding the institutions and hotel or boarding-house groups which have been counted as families in prior censuses. A family may therefore be defined in general as a group of persons related either by blood or by marriage or adoption, who live together as one household, usually sharing the same table. Single persons living alone are counted as families, however, as are a few small groups of unrelated persons sharing the same living accommodations as 'partners.' Households reporting more than 10 lodgers are classified as boarding or lodging houses rather than as families. Two or more related persons occupying permanent quarters in a hotel are counted as a private family rather than as a part of the hotel group.'' Bureau of the Census, Abstract of the Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1990, U. 8. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1933, p. 401. XI Dig trzed by Goog Ie XII • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF covering 138 counties, representative of 9 major agricultural areaa,1 and 116 New England townships (fig. 26, p. 112). The data were taken as of June 1935 with the exceptions of those for education and marital condition. These were taken as of October 1935 since items to secure such information were not included on the June schedules.• 1 Eastern Cotton, Western Cotton, Appalachian-Ozark, Lake States Cut-Over, Bay and Dairy, Com Belt, Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat, and Ranching. • For a detailed diacuBBion of the methodology of the survey, see Mangus, A. R., Cha,afling Aspect, of Rural Relief, Research Monograph XIV, Division of Social Research, Works ProgreBB Administration, Washington, D. C., 1938, appendix B. For the meaning of terms used in this monograph, see appendix A. Digitized by Google On Relief. Digitized by Google Digitized by Google SUMMARY RuRAL FAMILIES in the United States were subjected to a number of unusual forces during the period 1930-1935 which resulted in severe economic distress in all sections. Some regions suffered directly from only one force or received the diffuse effects of several. In other regions the full brunt of various forces focused on the area and resulted in the almost complete collapse of normal economic and social activities. While rural distress was caused in considerable part by long-range factors, the effects of the business depression were nevertheless of great importance in the rural relief situation. The drop in the price of farm commodities, because of cyclical fluctuations in the money market, was only one factor in this situation as it affected the farmer and the village dweller. Included also were price movements resulting from the weather and from crop conditions in foreign countries and the long-time trend in agricultural production and exportation. Thus, all of the agricultural price movements resulted in a decline in prices and sales. This included both the drop in value and quantity of exported goods and the change in the urban market with the depression. Another force bearing on the rural population and helping to determine relief needs, which can also be identified with the business depression, was the change in nonagricultural work opportunities which accompanied the decline in industry and commerce. This affected primarily the large numbers of part-time farmers who live in densely settled and relatively urbanized areas. These families were forced to a more complete dependence on the soil and to a more self-sufficient type of farm economy. Partly connected with the business depression and partly dependent upon a long-time trend has been the decline in the utilization of natural resources. Activity in isolated coal and iron mining areas has decreased or stopped entirely, and the lumber industry has been sharply curtailed. These are typical examples of industries which give employment to rural families either on a part-time or full-time basis. In some areas the depression coincided approximately with the exhaustion of natural resources so that the shutdown has been permanent rather than temporary. For the most part rural families suffering under the pressure of these forces are located in mountain and wooded areas. XIII Diglized by Google XIV• RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF A factor which was not connected with the business ciepression was the drought. Short-time cyclical movements of rainfall and dry weather have not been unusual on the plains of the great West, but in 1934 and 1936 there were droughts which have been unequalled for both extensity and severity during this generation. The most extreme effects of the drought were found in a belt running north and south through the two Wheat Areas and bordering both the Com Belt and Westem Cotton Areas, but minor effects of the drought were found in almost every section of the country. TYPES OF FARM FAMILIES Aside from their regional incidence, the forces leading to the need for assistance were found to affect rural families in different ways and different degrees according to the type of farming in which they were engaged. Commercial farmers may be accurately described as small-scale entrepreneurs. All of their efforts are concentrated on the production of cash crops, generally only one, and usually they grow comparatively little for home use. They live under relatively the same type of money economy as city people, and their prosperity is determined by the price of these goods in the market. It is also significant that for most of the products included under this type of production the price is largely determined by the surplus which is exported. Since they are goods of relatively inelastic demand and subject to wide fluctuations in supply, such products at times undergo violent fluctuations in price in accordance with weather and economic conditions. Consequently, the business depression and the decline in the exportation of foreign products have been the most important factors in every area in the need for relief of commercial farmers. One governmental action which has ameliorated conditions for these farmers has been the agricultural adjustment program. As a result relief needs have not been as extensive for these farmers as they otherwise would have been. A second category of farm families may be called noncommercial. It consists largely of those families which combine part-time farming for home consumption with part-time industrial or commercial work and those which lead a relatively self-sufficing life in the more isolated areas. For these families the most important influence has been the decline in industry in the isolated areas together with the depletion of natural resources. This includes also the decline in employment in and around cities. These families are influenced to a certain extent, however, by the decline in the agricultural market since they sell their surplus for cash. These families are helped relatively little by agricultural price-raising. Cutting across both the commercial and noncommercial groups, a third category of the agricultural population may be called the chron- Diglized by Google SUMMARY• XV ically poverty-stricken. This includes chiefly the farm laborers in all areas and the sharecroppers and tenants of the Cotton Areas. These agricultural groups work for commercial farmers and seldom produce much food for home consumption. They are directly affected by the prosperity of the farmers who hire them so that their prosperity and depression are concurrent with those of commercial producers. Moreover, it is safe to say that in the current situation the troubles of commercial farmers have been passed on to these groups and accentuated in the process. ANALYSIS OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES BY AREA Although the diversity of occupations and the different types of families within occupations have been repeatedly pointed out, there is still a tendency to think of the rural population as a homogeneous unit. Since rural was defined for purposes of this study as including the open country and villages of less than 2,500 inhabitants, it is easy to see that nearly all classes and all occupations were included in one way or another. The rural relief families not only differed in their characteristics according to their position in the local rural community but also even wider differences existed among the various geographical areas of the country. Major differences in the average family on relief in June 1935 were found, for example, between the Eastern Cotton and Spring Wheat Areas. In addition it was found that, when classified on the basis of type-of-farming area, relatively homogeneous groups in the rural population were set up, even if all the occupations were included. Consequently, the average family in different sections of the country was studied on the basis of a regional analysis, resulting in a better understanding of the peculiar problems in each section. In the Eastern Cotton Area more of the relief families were engaged in agriculture than the average for the country as a whole, but the proportion was still less than 50 percent. However, because of its comparatively slight urbanization, agriculture and family solidarity still set the prevailing tone. The relative multiplicity of social classes within agriculture, including owners, tenants, croppers, and laborers, determines a social stratification which is more pronounced than in other agricultural areas. The relatively small size of the average relief family (3.7 persons) was due partly to the splitting of plantation families and partly to the fact that the median age (43.7 years) of the head of the family was less than for many other areas. Dependent family members were found in about the same proportions as in the country as a whole, but there were more broken families. The excessively high mobility within short distances and the low level of formal education are two of the factors leading to an unusually low material standard of living. Considering all factors, however, this area has 019 tized by Goos le XVI • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF preeerved its social vitality to a greater extent than have many of the more wealthy sections. In the Western Cotton Area more of the relief families (54.3 percent) were customarily engaged in agriculture. The average family was a little larger than in the Eastern Cotton Area (3.8 persons) but was still smaller than the average for the country. The splitting of plantation families was probably more widely practiced here than in the older and more traditional East, and here also the heads of families were relatively young (41.7 yea.rs of age). Slightly more of these families were normal families consisting of husband and wife or husband, wife, and children than in the Eastern Cotton Area. Although they had more dependents, this did not result from an unduly higher birth rate. In many ways material standards are slightly higher in the Westem Cotton Area, but the improvement in material levels has meant a regression or at least no advance in the stability and vitality of social relations. In the Appalachian-Ozarks is found the best example of self-sufficing farm family living. Four out of ten of the heads of rural relief families were customarily employed in agriculture. Here the average family was the largest (4.3 persons) of any area with the exception of the Spring Wheat Area. The fertility of the rural relief population was the highest of any of the areas surveyed. Although families in this area frequently have a meager existence, a minimum living is assured to them as long as they remain on the land. The chief function of this area continues to be the production of new workers for the cities. The Corn Belt is a relatively prosperous and highly commercialized area. Here com is produced either for sale directly or for the feeding of livestock. Commercial production is dominant, and agriculture is on. a relatively large scale. The average head of a rural relief family was 43.5 years of age, and 4 out of 10 heads were engaged in agriculture. The tendency toward a small family system is evident; and, although there was a high proportion of normal families, the fertility rate was below the average. In this area farm families as a whole have achieved a level of living seldom paralleled in agricultural history, but the social system does not give great evidence of stability, and the farm family is not maintaining its strength and vitality. The Hay and Dairy Area cuts through some of the most highly urbanized sections of the country. It forms a belt from the Atlantic seaboard to the fertile lands of Wisconsin which supplies dairy and other products demanded by the highly industrialized and commercialized culture of that section of the country. Only a small proportion of agriculturalists (28.9 percent) was found among the relief families in this area. The median family was about the same size as the average for the country, but the head was about 2 yea.rs 019 tized by Goos le SUMMARY • XVII older on the average. Although 76.0 percent ol the rural relief families were normal families, the birth rate was lower than for all areas surveyed. Since most workers gain their living in nonagricultural occupations and since most of the farmers are directly dependent upon the prosperity of the urban market for the sale of their products, the problems of this area are essentially the same as, or are ultimately tied up with, those of the contiguous cities. The Lake States Cut-Over Area is ma.de up of isolated farming sections and mining communities. Only 26.0 percent of the heads of rural relief families were agriculturalists, and the problems are in many ways different from those in the neighboring Hay and Dairy Area. Its recent settlement, its relative cultural heterogeneity, its isolation, and the depletion of its natural resources are all factors which help to determine its extremely high relief rate, its meager standard of living, and its as yet unstable culture. Although there are differences between the two Wheat Areas, in contrast with other agricultural areas they present many similarities. A higher proportion of the families is engaged in agriculture than in other areas, with the exception of the Western Cotton Area, and most of this agriculture is of the extensive, commercial _type. Like the Corn Belt, the Wheat Areas have had periods of great material prosperity; educational standards are advanced; and material comforts are highly valued. However, the comparatively recent settlement and development of the Wheat Areas, the ethnic heterogeneity, the high rates of social mobility, and the wide fluctuations in climatic conditions are all factors leading to a social instability which markedly affected relief rates. In the extensiveness of its agricultural production, the Ranching Area is but a step removed from the Wheat Areas. However, mining and lumbering occupations raise the proportion of nonagricultural workers and help account for the large proportion of nonfamily groups in the rural relief population. In many respects this area presents problems which are different from those in other areas, but the probability is that these differences in family statistics are influenced particularly by factors associated with an area of new settlement. The New England Area represents a further intensification of the factors found in the Hay and Dairy Area. Urbanization has proceeded farther, and the rural culture is even more highly commercialized and industrialized. Only one out of eight of the rural relief families in this area in June 1935 was engaged in agriculture, and the proportion of nonagricultural families in the reliAf population was higher than in any other area surveyed. This is due both to the large number of local rural industries and to the presence of large numbers of city workers living in the surrounding countryside. Diglized by Google XVIII • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF OCCUPATIONAL ORIGIN OF THE HEADS OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES Agricultural occupations accounted for about the same proportion of the heads of rural relief families in June 1935 as did the nonagricultural occupations, 40.6 percent as compared with 41.2 percent. Considering that relief represented only one of four public measures to assist agriculture, it is disheartening that so many farm families had to have this form of assistance. The proportion of agriculturalists among the heads of rural relief families varied from more than two out of three in the Spring Wheat Area to one out of eight in New England. Among the agriculturalists there were two and one-half times as many farm operator as farm laborer families on relief. This is not surprising since there are considerably more than twice as many farm operators as hired farm laborers in the United States. Within the farm operator group, however, tenant families constituted a greater proportion of the relief cases than did farm owner families although the country as a whole contains about three farm owners for every two tenants. Unskilled laborers accounted for by far the largest proportion of heads of nonagricultural families. In New England there were also a large number of relief families whose heads were skilled and semiskilled workers. Families whose heads were nonworkers accounted for 15.6 percent of all relief cases, reflecting the tendency for relief rolls to include a large number of families that for various reasons contain no breltdwinner. In 2.5 percent of the cases the head of the family had no usual occupation. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HEADS OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES The average head of a rural relief family was in the prime of life, the early forties. Village heads, on the whole, were about 2 years older than those in the open country. The heads of families in New England had the highest average age (46.6 years), while the lowest average age was found in the Winter Wheat Area (39.0 years). The median age of heads of agricultural families on relief was about the same as that of heads of nonagricultural families. Farm owners, however, had the highest average age of any occupational group on relief (46.5 years). On the other hand, farm laborers were the youngest group, averaging only 36.4 years. Among the nonagriculturalists the skilled laborers with an average age of 43.7 years had the highest average of any subgroup. Negro family heads on relief were much older than white heads on the average. In the Eastern Cotton Area the difference was 4.9 years and in the Western Cotton Area 7.5 years. o,gtizedb; Google SUMMARY • XIX The western areas of extensive, commercialized agriculture had the smallest proportions of rural relief families with female heads while the southern areas, including the Ea.stem and Western Cotton and the Appalachian-Ozark Areas, had the highest proportions of such families. An exception to this rule was found in the Ranching Area which ranked with the South in the proportion of families with female heads. Significant differences also existed between village and open country residents in that almost half again as many village heads of rural relief families were women as was the case among open country heads. Most of the male heads of relief families were married, while most of the female heads were either unmarried or had had their homes broken by divorce, separation, or death. For all areas the highest proportion of female heads married was 15.7 percent for the age group 45-64 years, while the lowest proportion was 0.6 percent for those aged 65 years and over. In contrast, the highest proportion married among the male heads was 90.9 percent in the age group 25-34 years, and the lowest was 61.5 percent in the age group 65 years and over. The proportion of family heads that was married was greater in the open country than in the villages, while the proportion of widowed, divorced, or separated heads tended to be greater in the villages. Differences in marital condition among the areas were con.;. sistent with differences in social and economic backgrounds. The greater industrialization of New England and the North has led to a greater participation in industry by women, and consequently the emancipation of women has reached its most advanced stages in these regions. Accompanying this emancipation is a rapidly rising divorce rate and a general disintegration of former social rules which have regulated the distribution of rights and duties of the sexes. SIZE AND COMPOSmON OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES The problem of the size and composition of relief families is important to relief programs from a number of points of view, but principally because large families, or those with numerous dependents and few gainfully employed or employable, may need relief more frequently and in larger amounts than smaller families or those with relatively more productive units. The median size of the rural relief family in June 1935 was 3.9 members. The open country families were larger than those in the villages. Averages, however, do not give an adequate picture of the situation with respect to size of family. Of all the rural households receiving relief in June 1935, 9.9 percent were one-person households. This was a 2 percent greater proportion of one-person households than was found for the whole rural United States in the 1930 Census (7.7 percent). Since severe economic depressions usually tend to Drgmed by G oog lC XX• RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF increase social solida.rity, at least for a time, it would seem from these data that the proportion of one-person households receiving relief was very much greater than could be expected from a normal sample of the rural population. Further compa.risons with census data suggest that a larger proportion of rural relief families consisted of six persons or more, whereas a larger proportion of families in the general population consisted of two or three members. Families with four or five members were found in about equal proportions among both relief families and families in the general population. Rural relief families had relatively more young members (children under 16 years of age) than are found in the general rural population, and they contained a smaller proportion of adults of working age. DEPENDENT AGE GROUPS Four out of five of the rural relief families contained persons in the dependent age groups, i.e., persons under 16 years of age or 65 years of age and over. Three out of five relief families had children under 16 years of age but no one over 64 years; one-eighth of the families had aged individuals 65 years of age and over but no children under 16; while one out of twenty families contained both children and aged persons. These proportions va.ried somewhat among the agricultural areas of the country and were related to the type of economy and the "age" of the area. In general a large number of dependents in a family may be an indication of a prolific population, where a high birth rate results in large families, or it may indicate a high degree of family solida.rity. Ago.in there is the possibility, as shown in the Cotton Areas, that there may be a splitting of families so as to place aged persons on relief and to leave the younger employables to fend for themselves without the responsibility for other individuals. All of these factors may operate to increase the number of old or young dependents on relief. The question of dependency and relief is, however, related principally to the basic economic and cultural factors in any particular region. The predominant industries and occupations determine the extent to which the head of a family will be able to care for his dependents continuously, and the cultural traditions to a large extent determine the internal solida.rity and cohesiveness of the family unit. Background factors of an economic, sociological, or even medical nature, when viewed in their full complexity, are agents which determine the number of dependents on relief. Families in the South, including the Appalachian-Ozark Area, for example, are likely to be large as a result of high birth rates; they tend to cling together in a large cohesive aggregate. Loss of economic support, or the injury or death of the chief provider, quickly forces the whole aggregation on relief. Therefore, it is easy to understand why the proportion of o,gmzedbyGooglc, SUMMARY • XXI families with no persons in the dependent age groups should be sma.llest in the South, where rural cultural traditions are strong, and greatest in the North, where the strong Yankee traditions are now nearly submerged by the newer mores of an industrialized and urbanized society. FAMILY STRUCTURAL TYPES For purposes of analysis family units were divided into three main types-normal families, broken families, and nonfamily types. In the normal group were found 72.5 percent of a.11 rural relief families, while 10.9 percent were broken families and 16.6 percent were nonfamily types. The great majority of the normal families consisted of husband and wife or of parents and children alone, while about one out of nine also had relatives or friends present. Normal families were relatively more frequent in the open country than in the villages, and a larger proportion in the open country consisted of husband, wife, and children, as compared with husband and wife only in the villages. Likewise there were more broken families in the villages than in the open country, and broken families with female heads especia.lly tended to congregate in the villages. Normal families were relatively more prevalent among the agricultural (82.2 percent) than among the nonagricultural (77.4 percent) families. Broken families occurred most frequently in the southern areas. Nonfamily types were most evident among the Negroes of the South and in the industrial and urban areas of the North and East. FERTILITY OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES The relationship between fertility and relief is difficult to measure. A comparison of the relief data with the 1930 Census data was ma.de for identical counties, and certain relationships were noted concerning the number of children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women 20 to 44 years of age in the population. The comparison is subject to qualification on several scoreti, however. One difficulty is the fact that there was a difference of 5 yea.rs between the census figures and the relief figures, and the depression of the early thirties had far-reaching effects on marriage and birth rates. Another was that relief practices in certain areas, particularly in the Western Cotton Area, resulted in the splitting of tenant and cropper families and resulted in the placing on relief ot aged or unemployable members while the younger and more able members were kept under the care of the landlord. This natura.lly would tend to affect the size of the relief family. From such data as were available, however, it appears that for the country as a whole the fertility ratio for the relief families was considerably higher than that for the general population. This is to be expected since relief families, for the most part, come from the lower 1c1ocial and economic strata where the birth rates are higher than those in the Drgmed by G oog lC XXII • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF higher strata.. Furthermore, since population traits a.re well grounded in the mores, relief families with more children may continue, at least for a time, to have children while still on relief. The relationship between fertility and relief, however, was by no means uniform. In some areas fertility was much higher among relief families than among census families, particularly in the AppalachianOzark and Ranching Areas. In other areas the differences were smaller, while in the Ee.stem Cotton Area the number of children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women aged 20 to 44 years was actually slightly smaller for the relief families than for all families in 1930. EMPLOYABILITY, EMPLOYMENT, AND AMOUNT OF RELIEF Employability and employment are directly related to relief and are vital factors in family status in either prosperity or depression. The employability composition of a family i;,ets the outside limits for its employment success, and many families are greatly handicapped by the lack of any capable member between the ages of 16 and 64 years. The plight of many rural relief families can be shown by the fact that one-eighth of them had no employable worker and an additional 7.8 percent of these families had female workers only. These two type!" of unemployability taken together were relatively most important in the two Cotton Areas. Unemployability was especially high among the Negroes of the South and relatively lower among the whites. During times of depression work in agriculture is relatively more stable than in nonagriculture, although the pa.st unusual period in agricultural production forced a large number of normally self-supporting agricultural families on relief. However, only 29.2 percent of the gainful workers who had usually been employed in agriculture were unemployed at the time of the survey in contrast with 72.1 percent of the nonagricultural workers. The small proportion of unemployed in agriculture, however, was partly due to the fact that farm operators were arbitrarily defined as employed if they were still on their farms, even if they had no cash income. For the groups that were actually employed within these broad classes, much more occupational shifting had taken place among the nonagricultural occupations. Only 1 percent of the former workers in agriculture had shifted into nonagricultural jobs, but almost 11 percent of the nonagricultural workers were employed in agriculture at the time of survey. This difference was also shown by the fact that 95.8 percent of all the workers in agriculture who were employed were engaged in their usual occupations as contrasted with 55.7 percent of the workers in nonagriculture. In part this reflects a widespread movement back to the farm during the depression, and in part it also represents a reversed current of occupational mobility, which caused a general shifting down the scale for workers at all levels. 1Jig1•ized by G oog Ie SUMMARY • XXIII When rural relief families were analyzed according to continuity of their relief histories, certain trends were observable. Of all cases on relief in June 1935, 74.3 percent had received assistance continuously since February. Another 14.2 percent of the cases had been reopened between March and June, and only 11.5 percent were new cases. Slightly more new cases appeared in the villages than in the open country. Continuous relief histories were found most frequently among groups of a. generally low economic level or among groups especially affected during the depression period by unusual circumstances. The Negroes in the South are an example of the first type, and the farmers in the drought area are an example of the second type. The average amount of relief per family was influenced ma.inly by these same factors, low economic levels or unusual conditions of stress. Also of importance in the determination of a.mount of relief were comparative price levels and costs of living. Lowest amounts of relief were found in the three southern areas, particularly among the Negroes, and the highest amounts were spent in the industrialized areas of the North and East. Indeed, the cost of relief per family in the Eastern and Wes tern Cotton Areas was not more than one-third the cost in New England. Four factors were most important in determining the incidence and a.mount of relief for rural families: (1) The number of employables in the family and their capabilities; (2) unemployment because of the business cycle; (3) unemployment and underemployment because of the weather cycle; and (4) social action for improving the standard of living. MOBILITY OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES Only crude measures of the mobility of rural relief families were available. For the most part the families. were divided into three groups as follows: lifelong residents, referring to those families whose head was born in the county in which he was living at the time of the survey; predepression migrants, referring to those families whose head moved to the county at any time prior to 1930; and depression migrants, including those families whose head moved to the county some time during the period 1930 to June 1935. Of the heads of rural families on relief in June 1935, 40.5 percent were lifelong residents of the county; 45.6 percent had moved to the county before the depression; and the remaining 13.9 percent were depression migrants. As might be expected, smaller proportions of the heads of rural relief families were lifelong residents in the more recently settled areas than in the areas of older settlement. The proportion of lifelong residents was 14.4 percent in the Winter Wheat Area, 17 .8 percent in the Lake States Cut-Over Area, 22.4 percent in the Ranching Area, and 28.0 percent in the Spring Wheat Area. All of these are areas of comparatively recent settlement. Portions of the two Wheat Areas and of the LA.ke States Cut-Over Area were settled as recently as the 019 tized by Goos le XXIV • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF World War. Proportionately more lifelong residents were found in the South and in other sections of older settlement. Migration during the depression was characterized by two main types. The first was migration because of the drought. This was most noticeable in the Wheat Areas and the Westem Cotton Area, resulting in a shifting of population within those areas and also a movement to the villages and to the States in the far West. The second form of depression migration was the back-to-the-farm movement from the depression-stricken cities. This was important in the self-sufficing areas of the Northeast. It was also of great importance in the mountain areas of the South. Agriculture is an occupation which encourages stability as contrasted with nonagriculture. Within agriculture farm operators were more stable than farm laborers, but among the nonagricultural occupations unskilled laborers were the most stable group. More nonagricultural than agricultural workers had moved during the depression. The depression meant a move to the village for farm operators and a move to the country for nonagricultural workers while many farm laborers simply moved to another location in the open country. EDUCATION OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES Heads of rural relief families were found to be on a comparatively low educational level since less than 4 percent were high school graduates and only about 35 percent had completed as much as a grammar school education. Wide differences appeared among the various areas, however, as well as between village and open country residents, between agricultural and nonagricultural workers, and between whites and Negroes. In general, the educational level was higher in the more industrialized and urbanized areas than it was in the more agricultural areas. Similarly, within each area the agricultural workers had a lower educational level than the nonagricultural workers. In every area a larger proportion of the heads of village families had completed a grammar school education than had the heads of families living in the open country; for all areas combined the difference reached approximately 11 percent. In the South Negroes were on a lower educational level than whites. The median school grade completed by heads of white relief families in the Eastern Cotton Area was 5.9 years, while for heads of Negro relief families it was only 2.9 years. The median school grade completed for all heads of rural relief families in all areas was 6.4 years. The contrast between the education of heads and of other family members, particularly of youth and children, reflects the fact that educational levels have been rising during the past generation. This was most noticeable in areas of low standards where the requirements have been raised rather rapidly and are beginning to approximate the standards of the country as a whole. o,gtizedb; Google • Chapter I ... _... . ... . .. . .... 0 , V ¥ . ' ,., ' ..... -: .·• :' . ., .. ~ , ., ' TYPES OF FARM FAMILIES AND THE INCIDENCE OF RELIEF THE RURAL population of the United States is not homogeneous according to residence. It is not only distributed among farm, open country nonfarm, and village residences, but it is also broken up into major agricultural regions (fig. 1 ). The farm population of the United States is unevenly distributed over these regions (fig. 2), being more concentrated in the hilly regions, on poor soils, and in the South than it is in the richer regions of the Com Belt of the North, in the wheat regions, and in the arid plains of the West. This leads to a differentiation of the farm population into broad categories. TYPES OF FARM FAMILIES The first category in the farm population is that of the commercial farmers, including both owners and tenants, who produce most of the products sold from American farms. The importance of this group can be seen from a study of figure 3 which gives the value of the products sold from the farm and used by farm families classified into groups, by values, for the United States in 1929. Farm families having products valued at more,than $1,000 comprised 51.2 percent of such families and produced 89.2 percent of the products sold. These families under ordinary circumstances are relatively well-to-do. They comprise a. good part of the farm population in the Corn Belt, the Spring and Winter Wheat Areas, and the Hay and Dairy Area. They also comprise a. large proportion of the upper economic classes in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas and some of the families in the Lake States Cut-Over and Ranching Areas and in certain areas of New England. They comprise only a very few of the families in the Appalachian-Ozark Area (see fig. 1 and fig. 26, p. 112). These families are commercial producers and consumers and to a large extent are under the direct influence of the export markets of the United States, because of the fact that the prices of their products are determined largely by the commercial surplus which is exported. Relief for these families, and for the regions where they predominate, is determined to a great extent by the fluctuations in quantities and prices D1g111zedbyGoogle . .... ,.a.. FIG. I -AGRICULTURAL .•. ,.c: -~·... REGIONS ,0 i'"'• ·i·.E, . u; 0 z ,,, ,0 ,,,C 'Tl Source: Adapted f rom u. s. Dep artmen t or Agriculture, Bureau or Agricultural Economics. AF-279~, W'4 F18. 2 - FARM POPULATION ·r· :•···· •·:• ·~·/itflt .. 0 ca· ;i" (1) a. . 0 & n" ~ ····i; . ;:J .· -.. . ~-p~.: . ,: . !l 0 . 0 ..., > "' > ~ ··x::-.v;-:. •. • ~- :_.~~~~ """' • •.-..,••,, Source: A0apteo from u.s.Department of Bureau of Agricultural Economics. en ~ _ e resents I•• 2.500 peop Eaoh aot ' p r- iji AF-2797, .,,. I• w 4 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF of farm products. One of the major factors in their relation to the li'ederal Government is the matter of agricultural adjustment. Consequently, in discussing relief among such farm families, one must think in terms of agricultural prices and of programs for the limitation of production. A second category of the farm population, likewise including both owners and tenants, may be called noncommercial. This includes the Farms (thousands) 1500 1000 500 Cumwlative O percenfa91 Fcrrns havino totol value of products Cumulatiw percentaae Sold \lied Under S 251 0.1 42 IS.3 251- 400 1.0 97 28.0 401- 600 3.4 21.7 48.8 601- 1,000 10.8 41.7 6.6 0 Dollen (millions) 500 1500 2500 Products sold 64.4 1,001- 1,500 20.6 S8.4 80.8 1,501 - 91.2 2,501- 4,000 S7.7 87.2 Ill Products used ~ 2,500 38.S 7S.3 96.1 4,001 - 6,000 71.7 93.4 98.S 6,001 -10,000 82.3 97.1 99.6 10,001-20,000 91.0 99.1 100.0 Over 20,000 l00.0 1000 FIG. 3-VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLO FROM FARM AM> USED BY FAMILY CLASSIFIED INTO GROUPS, BY VALUES, UNITED STATES 1929 Source; Adopted from U.S. Deportment of Aoriculture, Bureau of Aoriculturol Economic1. 1#•2101,WPA ·other 48.8 percent of the farmers who in 1929 produced only 10.8 percent of the value of farm products sold. This noncommercial group consists largely of the farm operators classified by the census as selfsufficing or part-time. The noncommercial farm family or subsistence unit comprises much of the population to be found in the AppalachianOzark Area and in the Piedmont Regions, a number of settlers in the Lake States Cut-Over Area, a large proportion of the poorer families in the Ranching Area, and a good many part-time farmers around the cities in the Hay and Dairy Area and in New England. The most representative region for this group is the Appalachian-Ozark Area. These families, as a rule, do not have much good land but what they have is generally capable of producing some of the food, fuel, building materials, and other essentials of life for a fairly dependable but meager living. They generally supplement their income in direct consump- 1Jig1•ized by G oog Ie TYPES OF FARM FAMILIES • 5 tion goods from these poor land resources by labor in other occupations, such as those connected with timber and mineral resources and decentralized factories. These families are helped relatively little by agricultural price-raising in the United States since their products are consumed rather than sold and since to some extent they must purchase the products whose prices have been increased by the program. On the other hand, restricted production in the coal, copper, and iron mines and in the factories located in the rural districts has a direct influence upon their living. The depletion of timber resources is also very important. This explains why these families form a category of their own and why they are, to a large extent, to be found in the Appalachian-Ozark Area (with formerly abundant timber and coal resources) more frequently than in the richer agricultural areas. This also explains why they are found in the Lake States Cut-Over Area with its former timber resources and its copper and iron mines and in New England with its decentralized industries. The presence of these families, to a limited extent, in the grazing area is determined by the fact that this is a mountainous region with some timber and mineral resources. Cutting across both the commercial and noncommercial groups, a third category of the agricultural population may be called the chronically poverty-stricken. Some rural families of this type, both owner and tenant, are to be found in all areas. It includes chiefly, however, the farm laborers in all areas and the sharecroppers and tenants of the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas. In the South relief among them is complicated by the problem of race because a high proportion of the poverty-stricken families are Negro families. A great many of them, however, are white families living under the same economic conditions. As laborers, croppers, and tenants upon farms chiefly in the South, they produce goods primarily for commercial sale. In spite of the fact that they are chronically poverty-stricken, they seldom produce much food for ·home consumption. This is due partly to the system of agriculture and partly to ignorance, disease, and the fact that they either have lost or have never developed sufficiently the type of culture which emphasizes production of goods for home consumption. These poverty-stricken rural families include also the migratory laborers to be found in the West, particularly in California. During the depression, and especially since the droughts of 1934 and 1936, they have been joined by a number of the former farmers of the drought region 1 (fig. 4). Many of these lost everything they had and migrated westward to join the group of relatively poverty-stricken laborers. Whereas in the South the problem of l See Taeuber, Conrad and Taylor, Carl C., The People of the Drought State,, Research Bulletin Series V, No. 2, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1937, pp. 45-47. Dig !tzed by Goog Ie f'tG . 4 -OF'F'ICIALLY DESIGNATED DROUGHT COUNTIES °'• Al 1934 AND C 1936 Al )> ...,r)> I: ;= rn 0 z Al m r;;; ..., 0 ~~· ro a. !;{ 0 ~ -~ iJ. r? ~ ~~ , \J ~ c- ~ z rg [8 ~ 1934 19 36 Both years 0 0 00 ,.._ n Sources: Drouqht Area Designation Committee ( 1934 ); U. S. Deportment of Agriculture Drought Committee ( 1936). AF-2400,W PA TYPES OF FARM FAMILIES • 7 poverty-stricken laborers is complicated by the fact that a great many of them are Negroes, in the West there are many persons of Mexican, oriental, or South European origin. A large proportion of the poverty-stricken, whether laborers, sharetenants, or sharecroppers, work for commercial farmers. In many cases they live on the farms the year round, but the migratory workers live on them only during the crop season. During the other parts of the year they tend to become attached to the rural-nonfarm population, chiefly in the villages. As a general rule they work solely for wages or for a part of the crop. Supplies are furnished by the landlord or employer, and they do little subsistence farming for home supplies on their own account. As a result they share the sufferings caused by fluctuations in the business cycle along with the commercial farmer. If agricultural adjustment keeps them on the farms or furnishes them employment during a period of production restriction and higher prices, they gain in higher wages and more return for their crop from the change. If, under any process, they are not kept on or rehired in their former seasonal employment during such a period, they are forced upon relief providing they cannot find alternative opportunities for work. From the point of view of these categories of farm families, three important types of influences came to bear upon rural life in America during the depression of the early thirties. These were, respectively, the decline in prices and sales for the commercial farmers, either the decline in utilization or the disappearance of other natural resources for the noncommercial farmers, and the change in work opportunities for the poverty-stricken laborers, croppers, and tenants. In analyzing the problem of relief and of the depression in any rural area one should consider it in terms of how far the area is influenced by the predominance of one of these broad rural classes on relief. Another problem in American rural life which has had an influence upon the relief needs of farm families is that of production for domestic consumption or for export. Some farmers specialize in export crops or crops with an export surplus, such as wheat or cotton, and others in producing goods consumed almost entirely by the American wage earner, such as milk and dairy products. The Hay and Dairy Area is representative of the farmer who produces almost entirely for American consumption, whereas the Spring and Winter Wheat Areas and the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas all have high export surpluses. The farmers who produce crops with an export surplus depend, to a considerable extent, upon a foreign market which, at the same time, may or may not be as prosperous or restricted as the Amer- D1g111zedbyGoogle 8 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF ican urban market. The people in these regions are generally located at some distance from the large cities and on level agricultural lands more or less devoid of timber and mineral resources. Consequently their opportunities for a part-time farming and industrial combination are more or less restricted. On the other hand, the producers for the domestic urban market are located almost entirely near the large cities in industrial regions where their opportunities for subsidiary income from-sources other than agriculture are considerably enhanced. Thus, they have come to depend on these subsidiary sources of income and may suffer considerably from unemployment even though the general prices of agricultural products are fairly stable. Such farmers are in direct contact with the city. As a result, whatever influences urbanization, industrialization, a high rate of mobility, and communication have upon rural family life will be felt most quickly in a region where production for the domestic market predominates. All of these statements apply with particular force to the Hay and Dairy Area and to New England. Finally, there are the special problems of the farmers in those regions of the United States with restricted rainfall-averaging less than 20 inches per year. These regions are to be found in the Spring and Winter Wheat Areas and in the Great Plains grazing area. Rainfall in these regions fluctuates not only according to the seasons of the year and year by year but also through longer cycles. Many of these regions were densely settled, at least from the standpoint of acreage farmed, during the period of high prices for agricultural products which set in about 1910 and carried on through the World War. This also happened to be a period of relatively good rainfall. Since that time, and particularly during the depression of the early thirties, a period of drought set in. The extensive droughts of 1934 and 1936 are related to this cycle, and any analysis should consider the relief families in those regions from this standpoint. THE INODENCE OF RELIEF Rural families receiving general relief gradually increased in number from the inauguration of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration early in 1933 to January 1935 when they reached an estimated total of 1,949,000 cases. By the time final FERA grants were determined in December of that year the rural relief load had declined to 401,000 cases (table 1). Part of the decline in the relief load was due to the transfer of thousands of cases to the rural rehabilitation program in the early months of 1935.2 In the latter part of the year the decline was largely due to the transfer of employable cases to the t See Asch, Berta and Mangus, A. R., Farmer11 on Relief and Rehabilitation, Research Monograph VIII, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1937, p. 18. Digitized by Google Farm Own er Family in th e Drought Area. D191t1zedbyGoogle Digitized by Google TYPES OF FARM FAMILIES • 9 Tobie 7.-Rural Families in the United States Receiving General Relief, July 1933 Through December 1935 (Estimated) Year and month 1933 Nnmberof families Inly ...••••••••••••....•••••••••••••••. August ....••••••••••••••••••••••••..••• Sept,imber.••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• October...••...•...•••••••••••••••••••. No,·en,ber ..••••••••••••••••••••••••••• December •.••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1,270,000 1. 282,000 1,010,000 I, 113,000 1,33.1, 000 1,007,000 1934 J1U1uary •.•••••.•.••••••...••••••••••••• February..••••••.•••.•••••••••••••••... March .••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••..•. I, 165,000 l,:.?27,000 u:~1.::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: June ...•..•••••.••••.••••••• • •••••.•.• . July ..••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AU!'U!t .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. September •• .••••.•.••••••• •• •••••••.• . I, 414,000 ), 321,000 I, 453,000 I, 523,000 1,610,000 I. 76.~. 000 I, 725,000 Nnmberof families Year and month 111:W October ...•••••••••.••••••••••••••••• November .......................•... December........................... . 1936 Jannary ...••..•....•••••.••••.•. .• ... February •••••••••••••••.••••••••••.. March ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• ~:t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: June ....•..•••••••••••••••••••••••••• July ••..•..••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Au7ust ....••••••••••••••••••••••••••. September .•••••••••••••••••••••••••. October ....••••••••..•••••••••••••••• November •••...•••..•••••••••••••••• December ...•..•.•...•••••••••••••••• 1,667,000 I, 753,000 I, 853,000 1,949,000 1,007,000 I, 858,000 1,764,000 1,649,000 1,427,000 I, 289,000 I, 149,000 I, 039, 000 991,000 859,000 401,000 Sourre: Smith. Mapheus Rn<! M11ngns. A. R ., Ca,ea Rtuirlng Gtncal RtllLf in Urban and Rural Artcu, Julr /93.~Dt-·,mbtr J,9!16 ( Ealimal<dl, Research Bulletin Series Ill, No. 1, Dl\·ision of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., Au!Ollt 22, 1036. Works Program. 8 Increased employment in private industry and administrative closings further reduced the relief load. Comparison of the estimated proportion of the rural and urban population receiving general relief between July 1933 and December 1935 reveals two important aspects with respect to rural relief. The first of these is the relative position of the rura.l population in regard to the incidence of relief (fig. 5 and appendix table 1). For each month of the period covered the proportion of the rura.l population on relief was less than that of the urban population. The national average was always nearer the urban than the rural ratio because there are about 5 million more urban than rural families in the United States. A second factor was the fluctuations in relief loads in rura.l and urban areas. The proportion of the urban population on relief was 15.2 percent in July 1933 and tended on the whole to remain large but with a number of fluctuations throughout the whole period studied. Rura.l relief was relatively high in some of the early months of 1933. Fundamentally, however, rural relief reached a peak of a little above 15 percent in January and February 1935 and declined slowly after that time. The urban percentages also declined systematically during 1935 from the peak of February. The important point is that the rural and urban relief curves had some elements in common but others which differentiated them. Differences were most significant in the early period while in the later period similarities were outstanding. The dividing point was the late spring of 1934. Relief rates also varied considerably among the agricultural areas surveyed (appendix table 2). By far the most outstanding relief area 1 Mangus, A. R., Changing Aspects of Rural Relief, Research Monograph XIV, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1938, appendix table 9. Digitized by Google 10 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF was the Lake States Cut-Over with the Appalachian-Ozark Area competing with the Spring Wheat Area for second place. The Appalachian-Ozark Area had a generally high incidence of relief, whereas the 25~---,..--..--......----,----,--,---.....-------,---.25 WP CWA 20-------------------------20 o .................................................................................................................................._._......._....._,o ~ ~ 1933 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1934 ~ ~ 1935 FIG. 5-INTENSITY OF GENERAL RELIEF IN THE UNITED STATES* BY RESIDENCE (Estimated) July 1933 through December 1935 *Percentage ratio of total estimated number of coses to all families of the some residence class. Source: Mangus, A.R., Changing Aspects of Rural Relief, Research Monograph XIV. Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washinc;iton, D.C., 1938 Spring Wheat Area had particularly high relief loads following the drought of 1934. The areas with the lowest relief loads were the Com Belt and the Hay and Dairy Area.' These two regions represented the commercial farmers who received particular aid through the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (Com Belt) and who produced food crops for domestic consumption (Hay and Dairy Area). Hence, low relief rates for the farmers in these areas are understandable because, if they produced export crops, they were aided by the AAA and, if they produced goods primarily for American wage earners, their markets did not decline as much as did the foreign ones. The maintenance of • Comparable data for New England are not available. 01g111zedbyGoogle TYPES OF FARM FAMILIES • 11 domestic markets was due in part to the fact that Federal relief in the cities enabled the urban families, who consumed much of these farm products, to continue to purchase the food produced for such markets. FIG.6-FEDERAL AID PER CAPITA 1933-1936 Dollars than I~ El 15 - 19 !!ll 20-2 4 l'I 25-34 ■ 35- 4 4 ■ 45 or mart- D Less Sources: F E R A . CW A • R A , W PA, and F,lfeenlh Census of !he United Stoles: 1930 . Popu lat,on. 1 INCLUDING A A A PAYME NTS) 1. Sources: F E R A . CW A. AAA , RA . WPA.ond F ,tteenlh Census of /he Un!led Stoles: 1930 . Populot,on Dollars Less than 25 0 25-34 GI 35-44 ~ 45-54 ■ 55-84 ■ 85 or more [] It should be pointed out that the figures on relief intensity do not represent the same families every month. Rural families came on and went off relief at a rapid rate as their fortunes temporarily improved or declined. 6 As a result of the high rate of turnover, it is probable that the actual number of families which received relief for at least 1 month during the period of the FERA was at least 50 percent 1 Mangus, A. R., op. cit., ch. III. Dig ,,zed by Google 12 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF greater than the number on relief at the peak month. More than one out of every four rural families received public or private assistance at some time during the early thirties. 5 Not only relief loads but also expenditures for relief varied widely from one rural area to another (fig. 6). The areas of the highest per capita relief costs from 1933 through 1936, including all Federal expenditures of an emergency nature, were practically coextensive with the Spring and Wmter Wheat Areas. This region has an economy geared to the international industrial-commercial complex. It is of comparatively recent settlement with but slight accumulations of material goods; and, as yet, it has not developed a strong indigenous culture. Thus, when the combination of drought and a low market struck at the economic organization, the population had no recourse except emigration or dependency. From this brief summary of the incidence of rural relief a number of factors stand out clearly. First, the general economic depression increased the difficulty that families had in making a living in all rural areas. However, different types of areas presented problems which made for differences in relief rates. For instance, a prominent factor in many of these areas was the drought which set in during the depression and which caused high relief rates in the areas in which it had an influence. Certain special circumstances, such as Agricultural Adjustment Administration benefits and the accessibility and stability offood markets in the cities, tended to lower relief rates for some areas. Fundamentally, however, with the exception of the Spring Wheat Area, sections with the highest relief rates were not influenced directly by any of these factors. In the Appalachian-Ozark and the Lake States Cut-Over Areas rural relief rates were the highest of all and :fluctuated the least. Further in this study the analysis will attempt repeatedly to throw light on the particular problems of the families on relief in those two areas. • Woofter, T. J., Jr. and Winston, Ellen, Seven Lean Year,, manuacript in preparation. Oig,•ized by G oog Ie Chapter II OCCUPATIONAL ORIGIN OF THE HEADS OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES THE USUAL occupations 1 of the heads of rural relief families give both a picture of the background of the relief problem and some indication of the kind of breakdown responsible for the relief situation. For purposes of analysis heads of families are classified as agricultural or nonagricultural, as having no usual occupation,~ or as nonworkers • (table 2). A high proportion of agricultural families was receiving general relief in June 1935 although this was only one of four important public measures for the improvement of agriculture and rural life in operation at that time. The other three were the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, which sought to raise prices and give bonuses to the farmer; the Farm Credit Administration, which sought to lower interest rates and take over mortgagefl to keep farmers from losing their farms; and the rural rehabilitation program, which sought to remove farm families from relief rolls by advancing credit for subsistence and farming operations so that they could once more become self-supporting. The agricultura1 occupations accounted for about the same proportion of the rural relief cases as the nonagricultural occupations (40.6 percent as compared with 41.2 percent). Considering that relief represented only one of four public measures to assist agriculture, it is dishP.artening that so many farmers had to have this form of assistance. 1 A person was considered to have had a usual occupation if at any time during the past 10 years he had worked at any job, other than work relief, for a period of at least 4 consecutive weeks. If a person had worked at two or more occupations, the one at which he had worked the greatest length of time was considered the usual occupation. If he had worked for an equal length of time at two or more occupations, the one at which he had worked last was considered the usual occupation. 1 Capable of working and seeking work but not qualifying for a usual occupation under footnote 1 above. 1 Neither seeking gainful employment nor qualifying under footnote 1 above. 13 Drgmed by G oog lC ....,,.,. Tat.le !.-Usual Occupation of Heads of Rural Families Receivin9 General Relief, by Area, June 1935 • [138 counties and 116 New EnJland townships] ;g U SU81 occupation Number • •. . •• . . .. ... . ..... . . Percent •.•••• •... .. . ..... .. .. Agriculture .• .. .. . •• •••. .. . . __ _.... Farm operator . •. . .. ... . ..... __ Owner . •••• . .•.. . ...... . ... Tenant .••••••. . . . .... •. .... Cropper•. .• . . . . ... .. ... .... Farm lnhorer .. •. ....... . ....... Non~~~\~~~\t!;.::: :::::::: ::: : ::::: Skilled ... .•••••••.••....... . ... Semiskilled .••..•.. . ........... Unskilled .. . ..• •... . ........... No usual occupation •..• . ....... __ . ~onworker ____ _____ __ ___ _. _______ . _ Unknown .... . . ... ..... . . . . .. . .. 0 0 ~ "'a. !;[ CJ 0 ~ - (v All areas 62,831 100.0 1,836 100. 0 17,016 100. 0 3,814 100.0 46. 7 41. 3 38. 3 15. 3 23. 0 26. 0 22. 2 17. 4 4. 8 3. 0 43. 8 2.1 3. 2 3. 6 34. 9 3. 3 II. 5 0.1 3.8 62. 8 2. 8 7. 8 5. 8 36.4 I. 7 19. 2 0.3 Hay and Dairy C Corn Belt ;g Bl'rlng Wheat Winter Wheat Ranch• New England 3,374 1,288 1.886 4,315 0 ~ iii VI > r White Negro Total White Negro Total .., --- --- --- --- --- --- --- - - - --- --- --- --- --- --- > 7,732 100. 0 5,084 100. 0 2. 648 JOO. 0 7,268 100. 0 6. 432 47. 5 28. 1 5. 9 8. 4 13. 8 19. 4 31. 2 4. 1 4. 0 7. 9 15. 2 3. 5 47. 5 31.6 7. 6 15. 9 8. I 15. 9 34. 4 6. 0 5. 3 11.1 12.0 4. 8 13. 2 0.1 47. 4 21.3 2. 7 8. 9 9. 7 26.1 25. 3 o. 5 I. 5 1.8 21. 5 0.8 26.5 64. 3 34.3 4. 1 17. 0 13. 2 20. 0 24. 7 2. 9 2. 9 2.9 16. 0 1.5 19. 6 56. 8 36. 0 4. 0 18. 9 13. 1 20. 8 26.1 3. 6 3. 8 3.6 16. I 1.9 15. 2 100. 0 - - - - - - --- - - - --- t - - - - 40. 6 29. 3 10. 7 15. 4 3. 2 II. 3 41. 2 3. 7 6.0 6.8 24. 7 2. 5 15. 6 0.1 1:Ccr:~Ozark Lllke States CutOver Western Cotton Eastern Cotton Ii. 7 0.1 - - - 29. 4 4. 6 13. 5 11.4 17. 3 20. 7 0. 9 0. 4 0. 7 18. 7 o. 4 32. 2 - - - 8. 626 100. 0 --28. 9 17.3 8. 4 8. 9 11. 6 51.1 4. 2 11. 4 9. 7 25.8 I. 0 19. 0 - 7,512 0 Ing 100. 100. 100. 0 100. 0 JOO. 0 --- - -42.-9 ------40. 2 12. 7 68. 7 19. 4 25. 2 15. 6 9.6 6. 9 35. 9 64. 3 38. 6 8. 6 30. 0 44.1 6.8 8.1 8.6 21. 7 1.6 H.l 19.1 a. 6 4.8 2. 4 8.6 3. 9 8. 2 0. 1 15. 8 33.0 5.0 6. 1 4.0 17. D 2.3 9. 9 0. 5 34.8 2.3 4.0 6. 6 23.0 2. 2 19. 8 0.3 63. 7 6. 8 12. 11 21.11 22. g 3. 0 20. 2 20. 8 5. 2 15. 6 - 61. 5 25. 6 7. 2 - 17. 7 j= 6. 4 0.6 0 - ;gz 6.8 0.4 m r- m .., OCCUPATIONAL ORIGIN OF HEADS • 15 Among the agriculturalists ' farm operators were two and one-half times as numerous on relief as farm laborers. This might be expected because there are considerably more than twice as many farm operators as hired farm laborers in the United States. Within the farm operator group, however, tenants furnished a greater proportion ot the relief cases than did farm owners 6 although in the entire United States there are about three farm owners for every two farm tenants. Unskilled laborers accounted for most of the heads of relief cases among the nonagricultural group. This is partly because they are the most numerous class among rural nonagriculturalists and partly because the incidence of relief is greater at the bottom of the economic pyramid. Nonworkers constituted 15.6 percent of the heads of relief cases, reflecting the tendency for relief rolls at any particular time to include a large number of families which for various reasons contain no breadwinner at all. OCCUPATIONAL ORIGIN BY AREA The occupational origins of heads of relief families varied widely by areas (table 2). Agriculture was more important than nonagriculture in the Cotton, Wheat, and Ranching Areas. In the other areas the opposite was true. The greatest proportionate difference existed between New England with only 12.7 percent of its rural relief families engaged in agriculture and the Spring Wheat Area where 68.7 percent were of farm origin. The important factor in New England was probably the extent of urbanization along with decentralized industrial villages. Drought was chiefly responsible for the high proportion of farm families on relief in the Spring Wheat Area. The proportion of farm laborers on relief in the two Cotton Areas and in the other commercial agricultural regions is one indication of the net results of agricultural restrictions. Under the system of reducing farm production these workers were no longer needed in agriculture, and finding no other alternative they went on relief. Also, • Agriculturalists include farm owners, tenants, and croppers, and farm laborers. A farm owner is a farmer who owns all or part of the land which he operates. A renter or tenant is a farm operator who operates hired land only, furnishing all or part of the working equipment and stock whether he pays cash or a share of the crop or both as rent. A farm cropper is a farmer who operates only rented land and to whom the landlord furnishes all of the work animals; i.e., a farm operator who contributes only his labor and receives in return a share of the crop. A farm laborer is a person who works on a farm with or without wages under the supervision of the farm operator. Children over 16 years of age and wives who work regularly and most of the time on the household farm are included in this definition, whether they receive money wages, a share of the crop, or board and room. Persons who do only incidental farm chores are not included. • Asch, Berta and Mangus, A. R., Farmers on Relief and Rehabilitation, Research Monograph VIII, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington. D. C., 1937, p. 51. Oig1 ,zed by Google 16 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF part of the excess destitute population in the Cotton Belt migrated and showed up among the laborers on relief in the far West. For the nonagricultural families on relief the most important additional observation was the proportions of skilled and semiskilled workers on relief in rural New England. With the closing of factories in industrial villages they were forced on relief along with the unskilled. Moreover, the number of white-collar workers receiving relief in the rural districts of New England was almost twice as great as the national average. On the other hand, New England furnished slightly lees than the national average of unskilled laborers on relief. This is to be explained by the fact that the industrial population in New England is a highly skilled one as contrasted with the general rural-industrial population in the United States. The proportion of heads with no usual occupation receiving rural relief was not significant in any area. Nonworkers were important, however, constituting from 10 to 20 percent of the relief load in all areas except the Spring Wheat. In the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas tenants, croppers, and farm laborers were the important groups to receive relief among the agriculturalists. Among the nonagriculturalists unskilled laborers formed the important group. Thus, occupations at the bottom of the economic pyramid accounted for larger proportions of the relief load than the other occupations. These same conclusions apply also to the Winter and Spring Wheat Areas-other regions which had high proportions of agriculturalists receiving relief. In the Ranching Area more owners than tenants were found on the relief rolls while unskilled laborers from the small mining towns dominated the nonagricultural load. In the areas where agriculture played a lesser role in relief, the predominant emphasis was upon the unskilled laborer. These areas, with the exception of the Com Belt, formerly had many persons engaged in exploiting timber or mineral resources. Such persons naturally would have had either to tum to subsistence farming for a living or to apply for aid during the depression. OCCUPATIONAL ORIGIN BY RESIDENCE About two-fifths of the rural relief load was located in villages and the remainder in the open country. The relief families were most heavily concentrated in villages in the Ranching Area and the Corn Belt and least so in the Appalachian-Ozark Area 6 (tables 3 and 4). Naturally agriculture played a predominant role in the open country (57.2 percent) as contrasted with the villages (19.7 percent). N onagriculture almost reversed the proportions with 58.6 percent in the villages and 27.5 percent in the open country (fig. 7). The areas 8 New England is excluded because of the difficulty of distinguishing between the open country and villages. Dig"ized by Google Te11a11l Family in /hr· Miduw st. Digitized by Google Digitized by Google OCCUPATIONAL ORIGIN OF HEADS• 17 ALL AREAS EASTERN • Avriculture ~ ~ No usuol occupotion ~ Non09riculture ~ Nonworker Open country Villooe Open country COTTON Villo9e WESTERN Open country COTTON Villo9e APPALACHIANOZARK Open country LAKE STATES CUT-OVER Open country HAY AND OAIRY Open country CORN BELT Vill09e Vill09e Villo9e Open country Villo9e SPRING WHEAT Open country WINTER WHEAT Open country RANCHING Villove Villo9e Open country Villo9e 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9 0 100 Percent FIG. 7- USUAL OCCUPATION OF HEADS OF OPEN COUNTRY ANO VILLAGE FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY AREA June 1935 o,gl'!Zed by Goog Ic ... Tol,le 3.-Usual Occupation of Heads of Open Country Families Receiving General Relief, by Area, June 1935 01) • (138 counties) ,0 Western Cotton Ea.stem Cotton All Usual occupation areas 1 White Total Negro Total White Negro 1:c~Y:~. Ozark C Lake States Cut• Over Hay and Dairy Com Belt Soring Wheat Winter Wheat Ranch• Ing --- - - - - - - --- --- - - - --- --2,386 6,028 670 2,512 2,802 12,066 l, 176 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 - -40.-7 - -71.- --- -58.-7 82. 2 80. 87. 6 63. 5 36. 63. 4 58. 1 68. I 62. 6 --- --- --- --- --- --Number .•• •••• •... ... ... Percent . •••••••......••. . Agriculture . ... .. ••••. •.. . ..• •. •·arm operator ••• .......... Owner . •.•.••.......... Tenant . .••• •.......... Cn,pper . •••...... . .... Farm laborer .••..... ...... Nona~riculture .••••........•.. White collar .. _ •. •......... Skilled . . ...••••............ Semiskilled •••••••......... Unskilled . . •. .. ............ No usual occupation .•.••...... Non worker __ ___ ___ _______ __ ___ Unknown .•..••.•••••.......... • Less than 0.05 percent. • Exclusive or New England. Cl ~ N ~ .Sf 0 0 an 35,802 100.0 5,002 100. 0 57. 2 61. 4 37. 5 8. 0 11. 6 17. 9 23. 9 17. 0 I. 2 2. I 4. 7 9.0 2. 6 19.0 4-t. 9 16. 2 23. 9 4. 8 12. 3 Z7. 5 I. 7 3. 6 4. I 18.1 I. 9 13. 3 0.1 . 3,366 100. 0 1,636 100.0 4,686 100. 0 3,610 100.0 41.9 9. 9 10. 9 21.1 20. 7 20.1 1. 7 2. 9 6. 6 8.9 3. 5 13. 7 0. 1 28. 4 4.0 13.0 II. 4 30. 3 10. 6 0.4 0. 5 0.6 9. 1 0.6 30. 1 48. 5 -~- 6 23. 5 17. 4 21.6 12. 8 I.I J.6 1. 3 8. 8 0.9 18. 2 4 48. 4 5.3 26. 1 17. 0 23. 0 13.9 1.4 2. 1 l. 7 8. 7 l. 1 13. 6 - - - 1151) 6 40.8 6. 5 16. 0 18. 3 17. 3 9. 7 0.2 0.2 9.3 o. 2 32. 0 - 50. 2 20.0 30. 2 32.1 25. 3 6. 8 26.6 12.9 13.6 41.3 10. 3 31. 0 81.6 35.0 46. 6 3.2 34. 6 1. 6 2.4 3.6 27. l 2. 5 9.4 0. 1 4. 5 44.0 1.6 6. 1 5.6 31. 7 1.4 17. 6 0.4 14. 2 41.9 2.9 9.6 7. 9 21. 6 I.I 16. 3 22. 2 24. 5 2.4 6. 1 6. 0 11.0 l. 2 10.8 6. 0 4. 4 0.8 1. 1 0.8 I. 7 3. 2 4.8 - - - - - - - - 9 6.'1. 0 15. 2 47. 8 33. 0 17. 9 13. 1 2. 7 3.0 l. 2 6. 2 Q.9 4. 8 0.3 13. 5 18. 8 I. 2 1.8 3. 1 12. 7 o. 6 17. 8 0.6 - 48. 7 15. 7 - ,0 ► r..., ► I: ;= i;i 2 ,0 m r- m ..., Tat.le ...-Usual Occupation of Heads of Village Families Receiving General Relief, by Area, June 1935 I138 counties] WMtern Cotton Ea.stern Cotton All Usual occupation area.st Total Numher _________________ Percent _____________ ___ __ White Negro Total White Negro Appal~hianOtark Lake States CutOver Bay and Dairy Corn Belt Spring Wheat Wint«Wheat Ranrh• Ing - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - --- - - - --- Agrtculture __ . __________ .• • ___ _ Farm operator _____________ Owner _________________ Tenant. __ -----·-· -····----··· -· · --_ Cropper laborer.._____________ Farm Nonagriculture_ ..•• __ , .. __ ___ _ White collar ________ __ -·--· Skilled _____ ___________ _____ Semisk illed __________ ._ •. __ t i n.skilled .. ___ . ______ --· ___ No usual occupation ___________ -- · -·-·-------- ______ Nooworker __ __ __________ Unk.nown __ ____ 22, 714 100.0 2, 7JO 100. 0 ], 718 100.0 1,012 100. 0 2,582 100.0 1, 922 100.0 19. 7 8. 9 2. i 4. 8 I. 4 10. 8 58. 6 6. 2 8. 7 8. 3 35. 4 3. 2 18. 4 o_ 1 2'l.l 10. 8 2.1 2. 5 6. 2 II. 3 67. 3 9. 5 7. 5 13. 8 26. 5 5. 1 15. 4 0.1 17.9 11. 4 3. 0 2.6 5. 8 6. 5 62. 2 14. 6 10.0 19. 8 17. 8 7.6 12.3 0.1 29. 2 9. 9 0. 6 2. 4 6. 9 19. 3 49.0 0. 8 3. 2 3. 8 4L 2 1. 2 lkl. 6 29. 2 12. 2 I. 5 5. 2 5. 5 17.0 46.4 6. 3 5. 3 5. 7 29. 1 2.6 21. 8 30. 2 13. 3 I. 7 6. 8 5.8 16.9 48. 4 7. 7 6. 8 7. 2 26. 7 3. 2 18. 2 - - - 611() 100. 0 26. 4 9. I 0.9 3. 3 4. 9 17. 3 40. 3 2.1 I. 2 1.5 35. 5 0.9 32. 4 - 4,950 100. 0 1,302 100.0 3,598 100. 0 4,710 100.0 988 100.0 618 100. 0 1, %Ml 100.0 9. 2 2. 9 2.0 0.9 4. 3 8. 7 2. 2 6. 5 23. 0 12. 7 3. 0 g_7 25. 6 12.0 1.3 10. 7 32. 8 12.9 2.1 2. 2 2. 5 69.9 5. 2 13. I 6. I 45. 6 2. 3 22. 4 8. 2 64. I 6.1 14. 0 12. 2 31.8 0. 9 22. 5 17.6 55. 7 7. 9 9. g 10. 0 27. 9 1. 9 16.1 --- -11.-7 - -6.-4 --26.3 12. 5 4. 1 5. I - 2. 5 66.4 3. 2 6. I 3. 6 54. 5 5. 3 16. 5 0. 1 - - - - - - - 10. 3 54. 7 IO. I 13. 0 6. 3 25. 3 5. 5 16. 6 0. 2 13. 6 54. 4 7.4 9. 4 7. 1 30. 5 3. 9 15_5 0.6 6. 4 6. 5 - 19.9 43. 2 2_9 5_ 2 6.8 28. 3 3.1 lll. 7 0. 2 ~C -0 ~ z 0 1 Exclusive oC New England- )> ' 0 ::ID CJ "3' -'N a. "'O' '< 0 0 ~ - ('I;; 0 z 0 ..., J: m )>. ~ ....• ,0 20 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF in which the relief rate was high among agriculturalists residing in villages were those devoted to cotton, corn, wheat, and ranching. In the areas where commercial farming was not so important agriculturalists accounted for sma.ller proportions of the village relief loads. Likewise, the open country families connected with agriculture and receiving relief were fewest proportionately in the AppalachianOzark, Hay and Dairy, and Lake States Cut-Over Areas. The general prevalence of large numbers of nonagriculturalists in these regions is responsible for the difference. Further differences begin to appear upon examination of the economic stratification within the agricultural and nonagricultural groups residing in the open country and in the villages, respectively. In the open country the agricultural group on relief had over three and one-half times as many farm operators as farm laborers, whereas among the village families farm laborers were more important than farm operators. The predominance of farm laborers over farm operators among families on relief in villages was chiefly due to the residence of farm laborers in villages in the Ranching, Corn Belt, Hay and Dairy, and Western Cotton Areas. The economic pyramid among the nonagricultural families receiving relief was about the same in the villages as in the open country. About the same relative proportions of relief families were found to be in the unskilled labor classes as contrasted with the other nonagriculturalists. Heads of families on relief in villages who were nonworkers, however, were more numerous proportionately than in the open country. Together with this group the data. for heads with no usual occupation show the extent to which the villages in the rural districts are collecting places for broken families and the nongainfully occupied population. It also indicates in part the extent to which these families are separated from plots of land where it would be possible for them to add to their income by keeping cows, chickens, and pigs and by gardening for home consumption. OCCUPATIONAL ORIGIN BY COLOR The remaining major problem as to the incidence of relief according to occupational origin applies to color. Since most of the rural Negroes are concentrated in the South, separate tabulations for the whites and Negroes are presented only for the Eastern and Western Cotton Arens (tables 2, 3, and 4). In general a. larger proportion of Negro than of white families on relief had nonworker heads. This category accounted for more than one-fourth (26.5 percent) of the total Negro group in the Eastern Cotton Area and for almost one-third (32.2 percent) in the Western Cotton Area as compared with about one-seventh for the whites in each area. This is related to the fact that a higher proportion of 1Jig1•ized by G oog Ie Sharccrupp<• r's Family c1l ll um c . Digitized by Google L1111 ch 'J'i111 e f U/' l.'ullun JJicl,c·rs . Digi1ized by Google OCCUPATIONAL ORIGIN OF HEADS• 21 Negro than of white households on relief consisted of broken families.' The difference is explained by the fact that relief was not given to Negroes as freely as to whites either in amounts or in proportions related to needs. Many landlords gave subsistence only to working members of Negro families, and the nonworking aged members, not able to secure help from their relatives, turned to relief. 8 On the other hand, a larger proportion of the whites than of the Negroes on relief were represented in most of the other occupational groupings in each of the two areas with the exception of unskilled nonagricultural laborers. In both areas Negroes predominated in this group, chiefly because of the concentration of Negro laborers in the villages (tables 3 and 4). In the Eastern Cotton Area Negro farm laborers were also more numerous proportionately than white farm laborers. One out of every four Negroes (26.1 percent) on relief was a farm laborer as compared with about one out of every six whites (15.9 percent). In the Western Cotton Area the proportions were somewhat reversed with 17.3 percent of the Negroes reported as farm laborers as compared with 20.8 percent of the whites. 7 Bee ch. VI. • Bee Mangus, A. R., The Rural Negro on Relief, February 19S5, Research Bulletin H-3, Division of Research, Statistics, and Finance, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Washington, D. C., October 17, 1935, p. 6 and pa,aim, for an analysis of the relative proportions of Negroes and whites on relief in these areas; see also Woofter, T. J., Jr., Landlord and Tenant on the Collon Plantation, Research Monograph V, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1936, ch. X. 01g111zedbyGoogle Dig11.edbyGoogle Chapter Ill PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HEADS OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES THE DEFINITION of heads of families used in this study 1 takes into consideration a number of variables, including age, sex, parental status, economic rights, and social position. Actually, most persons under 21 or over 64 years of age have been excluded, and the person economically responsible for the support of the family has usually been designated as the head. AGE OF FAMILY HEADS The average head of a rural relief family in June 1935 was in the prime of life-the early forties (table 5 and fig. 8). Village family heads were about 2 years older on the average than were heads in the open country. When the families were analyzed by agricultural areas, however, certain exceptions were noted in that village heads in the Eastern Cotton, Lake States Cut-Over, and Ranching Areas were found to be slightly younger than those in the open country. The greatest differences were to be found in the Winter Wheat, Table 5.-Average 1 Age of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Area and Residence, June 1935 (138 counties and ll6 New England townships] Average age Area Average age Area Total Open rural • country Village Total Open •. rural I country Village ---11-------- - - - - - All areas .......... . Ea.stern Cotton ..•....... White •••............ Negro ............... . Western Cotton ........ . White .............. . Negro ......•......... 42. 9 41. 9 43. 9 43. 7 42.1 47. 0 41. 7 40. I 47. 6 43. 8 41. g 48. 8 40. 9 311. I 47. 0 43. 4 42. 6 44. 8 43. I 41. 8 ----= 48. 6 .-\ppalachian•Omrk...... Lake State, Cut•Over... llay and Dairy.......... Corn Belt................ Spring Wheat............ Winter Wheat........... Ranching_............... New England............ 41. 6 44. 8 44. 5 43. 5 39. 9 39. O 44. o 46. 6 40. 6 45. o 43. 7 42. 6 39. I 37. I 45. 5 44. 1 H.5 45. 7 44. I 41. 7 41.5 43. 2 tMedlan. • Exclusive ol heads ol lamilies whose age was unknown. 1 See appendix A. 23 Diglized by Google 24 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Appalachian-Ozark, and Ranching Areas. In the Winter Wheat and Appalachian-Ozark Areas the open country heads were younger than village heads by about 4 years, and in the Ranching Area village heads were younger than open country heads by more than 2 years. These differences reflect not only variations in the populations by area but also variations in the factors responsible for relief. In the Ranching Area there is a young working population in the mining villages. In the Winter Wheat Area the drought apparently affected the tenants and the younger families in the open country to a greater extent than the older and retired families in the villages. ■ Open ~Village country 40 40 10 10 o ~ .._..........,Wl&<.<"A11 oreos Eostem Western AppoLoke Co11on Collon lach,an- States Hoy and Com Bel t Spring Whea t W,n ter Ranching New Wheat ~n9land Ozork Cut-Over Dairy FIG.8-MEOIAN AGE OF HEADS OF RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY AREA ANO RESIDENCE June 1935 * New En9land sampled by townships. The smallest proportions of heads of rural relief families in the youngest age group (16-24 years) were found in New England, the Com Belt, and the Hay and Dairy Area while the largest proportions were found in the Winter Wheat, Western Cotton, and AppalachianOzark Areas (appendix table 3). At the opposite extreme the Cotton, Lake States Cut-Over, New England, and Ranching Areas had the highest proportions of heads 65 years of age and over. The Western Cotton Area had both young and old family heads on relief in undue proportions. New England had few young heads and many old heads, reflecting the migration of young people to urban centers. In the W estem Cotton, Appalachian-Ozark, and Winter Wheat Areas the high proportions in the younger age groups seemed to be due in OtglltzedbyGooglc PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HEADS • 25 part to the lower age at marriage. In New England a higher age at marriage may possibly help to account for the high proportion of older heads. In societies where marriage is usually accompanied by considerable economic foresight, it does not take place as early as in other societies where this is less frequently the case. Societies with a smaller proportion of young family heads of course have fewer chances for the young heads of families to be on relief. The age distribution of heads of relief families in the open country and in villages varied somewhat inversely. The younger heads tended to be found more often in the open country and the older heads in the villages (appendix table 3). Among the open country families, 56.1 percent were under 45 years of age as contrasted with 51.2 percent in villages. This variation in age between village and open country family heads is exp!ained in part by the degree of industrialization of the population. The median age of heads of agricultural families on relief was about the same as that of nonagricultural families (table 6 and fig. 9). The TafJle 6.-Average 1 Age of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Usual Occupation and Area, June 1935 [138 counties and 116 New England townships] Average age t: sual occupation All areas East- West• Appa- LBke Hay em ern Jach- States and Corn Cot- Cotian• CutBelt ton ton Ozark Over Dairy ~Q~:.':.t Winter Wheat New Ranch• Enging land - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -40. 4 37. 9 41.0 38. 5 37.3 40.0 43. 6 39. 7 41.1 41. 3 ---------= =38.2 =36. I -40.40.0 38.1 Agriculture ....•...•.. 41. 5 39. 4 42. 8 41. 3 40. 9 7 47. 5 All occupations'. 40. 2 Farm operator •••. 41. 2 Owner ...•••.. 46. 5 Tenant .•.•.•. 38.0 Far!;~~~~r::::: Non~lculture .••••.• \\ hite collar .•.••• Skilled ...•.•••••• Semiskilled .••.•.. Unskilled ......... No usual occupation. 37. 9 36. 4 40.5 40.3 43. i 38.1 40.4 37.1 43. 2 49.9 44. 3 39. 5 39.0 38.9 40.1 43. 0 36.9 38. 6 39. 2 39.1 47. 5 30. 2 35. 6 36. 3 37. 0 35. 1 41. 4 35. 6 3i. 9 35. 6 40.0 46. 1 3!1. 1 - 31. 5 40. 2 35. 5 44. 7 35.3 40.3 36.3 44. 4 46.3 39. 4 44.0 47. 3 40.4 50.0 40. 7 39. 3 46. 3 34.2 38. 7 45. 9 37. 5 43. 1 46. 2 38.5 49. 5 49. 8 42.6 30. 2 36.1 41. 5 42. 9 43. 8 38. 9 41.0 33.5 38. 2 41. 2 40. 5 44. 0 38. 6 41. 6 36. 2 30.4 39.6 38. 6 43.8 32. 8 39. 8 38. I 31. 2 39.0 42. 8 42.0 37. 8 37. 5 30.5 36.9 39. 3 44. 5 37. 8 33. 7 40.1 40.8 44. 2 42.8 41. 0 45. 7 41.8 42. 8 43. 5 - '°· 40. 7I 42. 4 33. ~ 41. 8 24. 9 - 43. 0 - - - - - • Median. • Exclusive ol beads ol lamilies who were non workers or whose age was unknown. heads of farm owner families on relief averaged 46.5 years, the highest average age of any occupational group. On the other hand, farm laborers were the youngest group, averaging only 36.4 years. Skilled laborers, who averaged 43.7 years, had the highest average age of any subgroup of nonagriculturalists. By areas heads of agricultural families had the highest median age (47.5 years) in New England and the lowest (36.1 years) in the Winter Wheat Area. The three occupational groups with the highest proportion of young heads, 16-24 years of age, were those with no usual occupation (22.1 Oig1 ,zed by Google 26 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF percent), farm laborers (14.2 percent), and farm croppers (9.8 percent) (appendix table 4). On the other hand, only 4 percent of the farm owner heads of rural families on relief were 16-24 yea.rs of age. The fa.rm owners, however, had by far the highest percentage in the age group 55-64 years (25.9 percent). Negro family heads on relief were much older, on the average, than white heads. In the Eastern Cotton Area the difference was 4.9 years and in the Western Cotton Area it was 7.5 yea.rs (table 5). Negroes had a larger percentage than whites in the age group 55-64 years in a.11 occupational classifications except that of farm owner (appendix table 5). The whites had more young family heads and the Negroes more older heads. 50,-------------------------,50 !! 0 30 ~ .E g. 0 C 20 .., .2 ::e• 10 Total --"'Fa""rma..a,F"ar""ma.z.:Fa""'rm"'-IF-'a~rm:£--"'Wh"'1~,eus"ki""11e~d-"Se""m"'1.L.k:iuC.::n;,Q,•_,tNo""u"sul.ol-.Jo owner tenant cropper loborer collar skilled skilled occupation FIG. 9- MEDIAN AGE OF HEADS*OF RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY USUAL OCCUPATION June 1935 * 16-64 years of age, working or seeking work. AF-2808,WPA SEX OF FAMILY HEADS In actual social situations it is usually assumed that the father and husband is the head of the house. This priority is frequently challenged, but there is sufficient basis in fact for the usage followed in this study. Consequently, by definition, a man will nearly always be the head of the family if he is living in the home and active. Thus, the presence of a woman as the head of a household generally indicates an incomplete family unit. The western areas of extensive and commercialized agriculture had the smallest proportions of rural relief families with female heads while the southern areas, which include the Eastern and Western Cotton 01g111zedbyGoogle PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HEADS • 27 and Appalachian-Ozark Areas, had the highest proportions of such families (fig. 10 and appendix table 6). An exception to this rule was the families in the Ranching Area which ranked with families in the South in the proportion with female heads. The differences were 35,-------------------------.35 30t-----=.....,_------------------i30 25---- -----------------125 -----------------120 _ ---15 10 J 10 5 0 FIG. 10 - PERCENT Of: FEMALES AMONG HEADS OF RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY AREA June 1935 great from area to area. The proportion of female heads varied from 7.2 percent in the Spring Wheat Area to 29.3 percent in the Eastern Cotton Area. Significant differences also existed between villages and the open country (appendix table 6) inasmuch as village heads were likely to be females almost half again as frequently as were those in the open country. The differences between villages and the open country were least marked in the Eastern Cotton Area and most marked in the Wheat Areas where female heads appeared about three or four times as frequently in the villages as in the open country. In spite of the fluctuations between the open country and villages and among areas, it should be noted that the average proportion of families with female heads was only 14.4 percent. Since a higher percentage of females than of males in the general rural population is married in each age group up to 45 years, the proportion of females who were heads of rural relief households was really very small/.1 2 See Stouffer, Samuel A. and Spencer, Lyle M., "Marriage and Divorce in Recent Years," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 188, November 1936, table III, p. 60. Drgmed by G oog lC 28 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Male heads of families in each area, whether in the open country or in villages, were fairly evenly distributed between the ages of 25 and 54 years (appendix table 7). Usually less than 10 percent were under 25 or over 64 years of age. The peak was at the age group 25-34 years. The age distribution for female heads of families was concentrated at a point about 10 or 15 years later than for male heads (appendix table 8). About two-thirds of the female heads were between the ages of 35 and 64 years, inclusive; about 15 percent were within the groups 25-34 years and 65 years and over; and less than 6 percent were under 25 years of age. These conditions were found to prevail in general among both village and open country families, 30 . - - -- - -- 25 t--- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- ~ 30 - - - - -- - -- - -- - - 25 I i - -!20 20 I ~-115J l 5 0 2S·J4 35·44 4 ~-~ "·64 65 ond 00te' 16·24 2~ · ~ 35· 44 4 ~-~ ~S-64 6SonCJc,.,• t A qe In ,-0,-1 Male heads Q Female heads F10. 11- AGE OF HEADS OF RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY SEX June 1935 AF• 2107, WPA but the age distribution was more regular for females than for males (fig. 11). There were certain significant differences among the age distributions for male heads of families by areas. Male heads were youngest in the Wheat Areas with the Southern and Ranching Areas next in rank (appendix table 7). The oldest male heads, on the average, were found in New England. Male heads in the open country were slightly younger than those in villages. The age distribution for female heads of rural families revealed the same general differences by area and residence as the distribution for male heads. However, the clear uniformities found among male heads were not so ou·tstanding for the females and slightly different Dig11zed by Google PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HEADS • 29 conditions were apparent. For example, open country and village age distributions showed a greater similarity for female than for male heads. MARITAL CONDITION OF FAMILY HEADS The marital condition of the head of the family is, for many purposes, a convenient index of various social and cultural conditions. Conditions which lead to marriage or to the breaking up of marriage through divorce, separation, or widowhood are related intimately to fundamental social conditions. Among these social conditions may be listed (1) the type of industry, which might lead to the employment of large numbers of women outside the home and their "emancipation"; (2) economic conditions, which, because of either poverty or prosperity, might result in delayed marriage or else the complete removal of women from outside occupations; and (3) the social customs which regulate the activities of the sexes and which at times disapprove of households "managed" by women. Most male heads of rural relief families are married while most female heads either have never married or have had their o.omes broken by divorce, separation, or the death of a husband 8 (table 7). Tol,le 7.-Marital Condition of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Sex and Age, October 1935 (138 llOIUltlee and 83 New England townahlps 1] Apln:,ean Total I Bes and marital condition Ul-24 26-34 Mand ~ over ------------1·-- ------ --- --- --BOTBDXU Number............................ Plll'llllllt....... •• •• • • •• • • • • • • . • • • • • • . 46, 722 100. 0 8,818 100.0 11,174 100.0 10,874 100.0 Ul,000 100.0 4, 1168 100. 0 1-----ll---t---f·------1--- Sln&Je.. ••••••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••• Dlvoroed.. . . . • .• . . . •. . . . . • . • . •• . . • . . . . . . . Separated................................. L2 3. II 8.8 80.5 "-11 1.1 "-7 77. 1 10.3 1. 5 "-8 80,302 100. 0 8,384 100.0 11,7M 100.0 II, 178 100.0 IU.U Number............................ Plll'Cllllt....... •• • • •• •• • • • • • • •• • • • . • • a. a :M. 5 nu. 3 1.11 0.8 3. 5 II. 4 72. 2 13. 3 Married.................................. Widowed................................. 7. 7 70.8 17.4 Ll 3. 2 11.11 411.1 34. s 1. 7 2. 7 18, 1118 100.0 l-----ll---t---1----1--- '4Widowed................................. l~c:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Dlvoroed.. • • • • •• • • • • • •• ••• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • Separated... . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . n11.u.s Number............................ Percent............................. 81.ng)e.................................... Married.................................. Widowed ................. _.............. Divorced................................. Separated................................. J:: 6. 4 21.4 78. 2 0.2 1. 3 0.2 7.8 90.11 0. 6 0.2 0. 7 _, 482 100.0 48.11 7.1 13. 3 6.6 26.1 _____ 0. 6 7,420 100. 0 12. 7 10. 4 M. 7 4. 6 17. 7 6. 7 7.5 811. 8 82. 4 1,418 100. 0 1,698 100.0 2,832 16. 5 11.4 84.8 7.1 32. 4 52. 4 2. 5 0.8 1.4 11.2 8.8 6. 4 23. 2 7. 5 o.8 1. 8 100.0 8. 7 16. 7 SB.3 2. 5 11.8 11112 100.0 7.11 o.s 83. 5 2.2 6.8 • Townships In Connecticut and Massachusetts only. • Exclusive or heada or ramllles whose marital condition or ace was unknown. 1 Data on marital condition were available for October rather than June 1936. See Introduction, p. xn. 01g111zedbyGoogle 30 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF For all areas the highest proportion of fem ale heads married was found among those aged 45-64 years (15.7 percent), while the lowest proportion was found among those aged 65 years and over (0.6 percent). Probably in many of these cases the woman became head of the household because of illness or injury of the male head. In comparison, the highest proportion of married male heads was found in the age group 25-34 years (90.9 percent) and the lowest proportion was found in the oldest age group, 65 years and over (61.5 percent). The peak percentage appeared from 20 to 30 years earlier for males than for females. A note of warning should be given as to the interpretation of the figures for the marital condition of the head of the family; that is, a high proportion of family heads who were single did notnecessarily mean a high proportion of nonfamily types. In many cases where a normal family of parents and children was living at home, an unmarried son or daughter may have been designated as the head. The number of such cases could not be determined with accuracy, but it is certain that this was a factor which tended to increase the proportion of single heads of families. In the various age groups there were important differences by sex in the marital condition of heads of rural families among areas and between open country and village. Over two-thirds of the male heads 16-24 years of age were married in each area except New England (appendix table 9). Practically none of these youthful heads of families were widowed, divorced, or separated. Only 1 in 14 of the female heads of families aged 16-24 years was married. Practically all of the married heads were in the Eastern Cotton and Appalachian-Ozark Areas. About one-half of the female heads of this age were single while a large percent were already widowed or separated. Over 90 percent of all male heads of families who were 25-34 years of age were married. The only area in which the proportion fell below 87 percent was New England with 79.9 percent married (appendix table 10). Very few homes headed by males of this age were broken by widowhood, divorce, or separation so that most of the heads who were not married were single. A higher proportion of married heads was found in the open country than in the villages with the exception of the Wheat and Ranching Areas. In the Winter Wheat Area there was a particularly large proportion of single heads in the open country. Less than 10 percent of the female heads aged 25-34 years were married. Generally the female head of a relief family in this age group was widowed or deserted; in a relatively small proportion of the cases she was single or divorced. Higher proportions of married and widowed heads were found in the open country than in the villages while village Oig1 ,zed by Google Par<'nls and Childrl'11. : ~ ~·. ~ " • J - , • ~ . • J Drg1:1zed by .t : .-.. . G oog lC •,. • Digitized by Google PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HEADS • 31 heads were more often single, divorced, or separated. The old saying that separation is the poor man's divorce still seems to be true. About nine-tenths of the male heads of rural families 35-44 years of age were married (appendix table 11). At this age the proportion of widowed, divorced, and separated male heads first became large enough to be significant, but for all areas it was still only 4.5 percent. Male heads of families in the villages were widowed, divorced, or separated slightly more often than those in the open country where a higher percentage of married heads appeared. Widowed female heads increased from 34.6 percent in the 25-34 year age group to 52.4 percent in the 35-44 year age group. The change was due to a decline in the proportions separated or si.l".gle. The fact that women outlive men is the important consideration as the groups grow older since a woman has a much greater chance than a man to become widowed. Over 80 percent of the male heads of rural families 45-64 years of age were married, and most of the nonmarried heads were widowed or single (appendix table 12). There continued to be a somewhat higher proportion of broken homes in the villages than in the open country. Although the proportion of male heads who were married was still much higher than that of female heads, tho proportion of female heads married in this age group had increased for practically all areas. It varied from 1.3 percent in New England to 33.3 percent in the Spring Wheat Area. In each area except the Hay and Dairy Area widowhood was the marital condition of the majority of all female heads. Among male heads 65 years of age and over, the proportion married had dropped to 61.5 percent (appendix table 13), the smallest proportion for any age group. At the same time, the proportion widowed had increased markedly to 22.1 percent while the proportion that was single (12.9 percent) was higher than for any age group except that 16-24 years. Practically none of the aged female heads were married while five out of every six were widowed. In summary, male heads were generally married and female heads were widowed (fig. 12). The proportion of male heads married increased until about the age of 40 and then decreased as the wife died or as older male children took over the responsibility for the household. The proportion of heads that was single decreased until about the age of 40 and then increased again. The percent of female heads that was separated increased until 35 years of age and then decreased. As the female heads became older, the proportion of single women decreased and that of widows increased. The high proportions of married heads of families among females came 10 to 20 years later, on the average, than among mules. This can possibly be attributed to the increased probability of injury or illness for the older mule heads of families. In such cases the wife Drgmed by G oog lC 32 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF I Si~le Cl Married I Widowed (] Divorced mSeparated 100.-------------------------,100 901--- -- - - ---160 60 c ~ 50 c ---•"'----N---~50 ~ ct ~ 40 30 20 10 0 Age in years MALE HEADS IOO ,------------------------,100 90 ------------------------190 80 1------------------------180 70 60 ------------------------160 c 1 ~ 50 ~ 40 30 --------------130 20 10 0 Age in years FEMALE MEADS flG.12-MARITAL CONDITION OF HEADS OF RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY SEX AND AGE J1,me 1935 AF-HOl,WM Diglized by Google PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HEADS • 33 was almost forced to become the head of the family. Very often she had no usual gainful occupation, resulting in a significant correspondence between high proportions of female heads of families and high proportions of heads of families who had no usual occupation. Aside from families where the male head was old or incapacitated, the only cases where a female would ordinarily be designated as the head of the household were those in which the home was broken by the death of a husband and father or by separation or divorce. An unmarried female might also be designated as the head of the household in many cases. Thus, it is not surprising that the proportion of broken homes among the families with male heads, although it increased at each age group, was very small. The proportion of widowed male heads increased gradually at each age to 7.5 percent at 45-64 years but was three times as great at the age 65 yea.rs and over. For both sexes there was a well-established uniformity that the proportion married was greater in the open country than in the villages, while the proportion of widowed, divorced, or separated tended to be greater in the villages. In general the same contrasts appeared among the different ages for each area as well as in the total group. Marital condition also varied for the two races in the South (appendix table 14). The proportion married among white males exceeded the average for Negroes at every age group, while among Negro males larger numbers were widowed or separated than among whites. Divorce was almost completely absent among both groups. In general these differences were found in both the open country and villages. The proportions of white female heads that were married were small for all age groups in the Cotton Areas, and more Negro than white women were married. None of either race who were 65 years of age and over were married. Even in the youngest age group 1 out of 5 of the white female heads was widowed, and this proportion gradually increased to 9 out of 10 for the group 65 years of age and over. Similarly, large proportions of Negro women were widowed. There was also a high proportion of female heads of families who were separated among both whites and Negroes. Several factors which are important influences bee.ring upon the individual and which may affect his marital condition are reflected in the rural relief data. Since these causal influences a.re interrelated and interdependent, an analysis cannot hope to separate them to show the particular effects of each one. Yet several of the more important can be outlined. One factor which is important in the analysis of marital condition is its interrelation with the necessity for relief. This, however, is evident only in the background and obviously cannot be separated Dig 11zed by Google 34 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF without more materials than are at hand. From the significant differences between male and female heads in the proportions which were divorced or separated, it is probable that women heads of broken homes found it necessary to seek relief more often than men. Homes broken by divorce or separation were almost completely absent among the families with male heads; yet in every area. and at every age the proportion of such homes with a female head of the family was significant. In all cases it was at least two or three times as high as for families with male heads. The explanation seems to be that after divorce or separation the children are more likely to accompany the mother than the father, and that he, as a single individual, is less subject to economic stress, or less likely to receive relief at any rate, than the remainder of the family with the mother as its head. Approximately the same can be said with regard to widowed heads of families except that the shorter life span of the male obviously increases the number of women who are widowed. Yet, even here, the differences between male and female heads were much too large to be accounted for by the comparatively slight difference in the average length of life. Differences in marital condition among the areas studied were illustrative of certain background characteristics of a socio-economic nature. The greater industrialization of New England and the North has led to a greater participation in industry by women, and consequently the emancipation of women has reached its most advanced stages in these regions. Accompanying this emancipation is a rapidly rising divorce rate and a general disintegration of the former social rules which have regulated the distribution of rights and duties of the sexes. The differences between open country and village families are partly a reflection of this same phenomenon, but in purely agricultural areas additional influences are present. Since farming is for the most part a family occupation, families which have been broken in nny way tend to congregate in the villages, leaving the larger and more normal families in the open country. One other related variable may be associated with particular areas of the country. According to certain customs and traditions the husband or father is always the head of the house, and a woman is not expected to be forced to assume such responsibilities. In extreme cases where the home is broken for some reason, remarriage is often the normal course. In areas where the sexes are found to be more equal~ ized in their responsibilities, there is a greater tendency for the woman to take over the place of the male head and to continue the family without remarriage. This tradition of the male head of the family is strongest in the South and West and weakest in New Englnnd and has helped to keep down the proportion of broken homes in the former areas. o,gmzedbyGooglc Chapter IV SIZE AND COMPOSITION OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES THE SIZE and composition of the rural relief family are important from a number of points of view. Large families, or those with numerous dependents and few members gainfully employed or capable of work, may need relief more frequently and in larger amounts than smaller families or those with relatively more workers. Offsetting this is the tact that larger families, other conditions being constant, have more chances than smaller units of having someone who can bring in an income. Also, there is the more general problem of the importance of family solidarity in making for or preventing the need for relief. This applies particularly in a society, such as the contemporary United States, which has gone through a long period of decline in size and of change in composition of its family units. That the American family has become smaller and smaller since the founding of the country is a well-established fact. 1 Furthermore, the American family varies in size according to a number of characteristics, one of which is its relation to agriculture and another of which is the amount of commercialization in the various areas. In 1930 the average size of all families in the United States was 3.40; whereas that for the urban population was 3.26, for the rural-nonfarm population 3.28, and for the rural-farm population 4.02 (table 8). Rural-farm families are larger than rural-nonfarm and urban families in all sections of the country. However, the average size is more than four persons for the farm families in the southern divisions as contrasted with less than four persons in the northern and western divisions. The urban and rurnl-nonfarm families divide the country in to two regions on the basis of family size. In the Sou th and West the urban family is the smallest while in the North and Northeast the ruralnonfarm family is the smallest. These differences are due to a number of reasons, but among them commercialization, industrialization, and 1 See Bureau of the Census, Abstract of the Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1933, p. 415. 35 Dig 11zed by Google 36 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Tol,/e &.-Average 1 Size of Families in the United States, by Division and Residence, 1930 Average size Division Rora!• Total (arm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --United States ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• _.!..!Q._ ~ ~ ~ New England-------------·-------·------·-·----··---·······--- ---r.aif ~ ~ - W Middle Atlantlc _____ ······-······-···························-- East North Central--·--·---·------------·--------·--·-·------· West North Central-----------····-·-·························South Atlantic _____ --··-·········----·-······-··---·-·-···----_ East South CentrBI_.·--------·-·---·---··-·-·-·-·-··-········West South Central--------··------·-·-·······················Mountaln-·--------··-·-----··--···------·-··--·········-··---Pacific_····-···--·---·-·--·····-·····························-I 3. 43 3. 32 3. 42 8- 27 8. 38 3.11 3. 34 3. 76 3.611 3.14 3. 28 8.02 3. 57 3. 33 2. 83 8.2'l a 23 8.13 2. 76 3. 66 3.52 8. 38 3. 23 2- 87 3. 71 3. 76 3. 111 4. 611 4.15 4.14 3. IMI 8. 31 Median. Bonrce: Bureau of the Census, FlfluntA Ctmw of Ult UnlUd Stou,: 19/10, Population Vol. VI, U. 8. Department of Commeroe, Washin&ton, D. C., 11133. regional patterns play very important roles. In addition, the percent of foreign-born in the northeastern cities probably has increased the urban family size at least temporarily. SIZE OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES The function of relief is to take care of needy families. When relief facilities are limited, it seems likely that the policy of most relief administrators would be to give the money where there are the most mouths to feed. As a result, one would expect to find relief families of a larger average size than nonrelief households 1 (fig. 13). Such differences between relief and nonrelief families have not been very great, however, indicating that the problem of relief is not so much one of large families versus small families as of the difficulties which different types ot relatively small families have had during the depression. Of all rural cases receiving relief in June 1935, 9.9 percent were oneperson households (appendix table 15). This was a 2 percent greater proportion of one-person households than was found for the whole rural United States in the 1930 Census (7.7 percent).• Since the period 1930-1935 tended by its economic pressure to force a decrease in the number of persons living alone,' these data lead to the con2 See McCormick, T. C., Comparative Study of Rural Relief and Non-Relief H oU8eholcu, Research Monograph II, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1935, pp. 22-25. 1 Since a small number of so-called partnership families were classified as oneperson families by the 1930 Census, the difference in the proportion of one-person families would be slightly greater than the data indicate. • A severe economic depression tends at first to increase social solidarity. Persons who live alone, if they continue to be gainfully employed or to have an income, tend to share it with others to a much greater extent than formerly. Furthermore, it is a frequent practice of business firms to lay off last of all, among those of equal merit, the individuals who have families to support. o,gmzedbyGooglc SIZE AND COMPOSITION • 37 clusion that the proportion of one-person households receiving relief in rural districts in 1935 was very much greater than could be expected from a normal sample of the population. The importance of this fact should not be neglected. It is commonly believed that a great deal of relief has been necessitated by rather large families. Such a popular conception is to be expected in a society which is changing from an increasing to a stable or declining population and has not yet become generally aware of the new conditions which exist. It is generally forgotten that family membership is not only a matter of obligation but also a privilege. In a clear-cut case in which a depreBBion would take place in a country with little or no public relief facilities, 6 this would come out more II Relief rzl Nonrellef 25.------------------------ 25 20 15 i 10 l_ u 5 5 6 Persons 7 8 9 IOond over 0 FIG.13-SIZE OF RURAL RELIEF AND NONRELIEF HOUSEHOLDS October 1933 Source: MCCormick, T. C., Comparative Study af Rural Relief and Nan-Relief Households, Research Monograph n, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washinoton, 1935, p. 24 o. c., Af-n<>e,WPA clearly than it has in the United States. During a depression isolated individuals who are largely bereft of family membership come under an unusual strain. If they are fortunate and have a source of income, unemployed relativeB and other indigent persons of no legal claim upon them generally try to share their livelihood. If the isolated individuals have neither money nor positions, they must either beg, 1 See ch. IV by Zimmerman, Carle C., in Problema of the New Cuba, New York: Foreign Policy Asaociation, 1935, for a description of family behavior in such a case. D,g 1,zed by Google 38 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF starve, or accept relief. 5 Thus, there are other implications to a. study of the family on relief than the sole matter of the pressure of the number of mouths to feed upon the formerly employed wage earner. These generalizations concerning one-person households apply to all areas in the United States. In the Lake States Cut-Over Area more than one-fifth (21.8 percent) of all households on relief in June 1935 consisted of persons living alone (appendix table 15 ). These were cases of former woodsmen or of isolated individuals who had settled on a piece of land or in a village in the Cut-Over Area when the timber had been cut. On the other hand, an unusually high proportion of the relief load consisted of large families. According to the 1930 Census 23.3 percent of the total rural population had six or more members. However, 27.9 percent of all rural relief families contained six persons or more. The respective percentage for the open country was 32.2 and for villages, 22.3. Thus, the relief fo.milies had a considerably higher proportion of households with six or more persons than the total rural families in the country. This conclusion probably applies to all of the agricultural areas. The 1930 Census showed that 39.9 percent of all rural fo.milies had from two to three members as compared with 33.3 percent for the relief families, and that 29.1 percent had from four to five members as compared with 28.9 percent for the relief families. Thus, it would seem that nonrelief families had higher proportions of families with two to three members, whereas those on relief had higher proportions with only one person or with six persons or more. Families with four to five members were found in about equal proportions among both relief and nonrelief groups. Open country families on relief were larger than those in the villages (table 9). The largest open country relief families were in the Appalachian-Ozark and Spring Wheat Areas. In the villages only the Spring Wheat Area had disproportionately large families. The differences in size between the open country and the village families were very important as indicated by the fact that the mediane A further study of family solidarity during the depression by Carle C. Zimmerman, J. H. Useem, and Wendell Bash in cooperation with tfie National Research Project which dealt with industrial towns in New England showed that employment differentiated families so that those which had members with positions would tend to have fewer employables unemployed than those which did not have members with positions. These were cases of industrial wage earners in rubber, woolens, automobile bodies, and other types of manufacturing. The chief wage earner was eliminated from the computation. It was clear in the 4 towns of less than 10,000 population studied that the depression differentiated the common masses of the people, much more sharply than before, into those who did and those who did not have a livelihood. Family solidarity was a factor in this, and in that respect oftentimes counteracted efforts to share the work so that all would have some sort of a livelihood. Diglized by Google Ru errlc111c 111 A d111 i 11i~t rutio 11 1Lu11oe ). A ft er th e Children Hew e Left Hom e. Digitized by Google Digitized by Google SIZE AND COMPOSITION • 39 sized family was 4.2 persons for the open country and 3.5 persons for the villages. The proportion of relief households which consisted of one-person families was much greater in the villages than in the open country, 12.5 and 7.5 percent, respectively (appendix table 15). Such a conclusion as this hardly applies, however, to the Lake States Cut-Over Area where one-person households comprised 21.2 percent of the open country relief load as contrasted with 22.9 percent of the village load. Neither does it apply to the Ranching Area where one-person households on relief in the open country accounted for 19.4 percent of the total as contrasted with 16.7 percent in the villages. In all other areas, however, the conclusion does apply. Ta&le 9.-Average Size of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Area and Residence, June 1935 (138 counties and 116 New England townships) Open country Total rural Village Area Median Mean Median Mean Median Mean --- --- --- --- --3. 9 4. 3 4. 2 4.6 3.5 3. 9 All areas---------·--------------·-----= - -3.-4 = 3. 8 = 3. 9 - -4.4.1 3. 7 3 Eastem Cotton ___ ····----··--·---·---·--4. 2 4. 7 3. 9 4. 3 4.1 4. 9 4. 2 3. 0 3. 9 3. 8 4. 3 3. 4 3. 8 3. 8 4. 4 3. 9 3. 5 3.5 Western Cotton. __ -·------··---·-·------Appalachian-Ozark __ ---··------ _________ _ Lake States Cut-Ove'---···--··------·--Hay DairY---------·-·-----------·--Corn and Belt__ ___________ ---···---- _________ _ Wr~~!r \\.ie:i~ ~::: :: ::::::::::: ::::::: :: : Ranching _____________ ·-·-··----·-·······New England.---------··-··-········-·--- 4.1 4. 7 3. 4 4. I 4. 1 4. 7 4. 2 3. 5 3. 4 3.5 3.3 3. 6 3. 5 3.8 3. 5 3.5 4. 4 5.0 4. 0 4. 5 4. 4 5. 2 4. 5 3. 9 3. 8 3. U 3. 7 4. 0 4.0 4. 3 3. 8 3.Q The median size of the agricultural family receiving relief was 4.6 persons as contrasted with 4.0 persons for the nonagricultural family (table IO). This was not due to age differences because the average nonagricultural family had a head 41.0 years of age as contrasted with the median age for agricultural families of 40.5 years (table 6, p. 25). Ta&le 10.-Average 1 Size of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Usual Occupation of Head and Area, June 1935 [138 counties] East- West- All Usual oecupatlon or head areas 2 Total ....•.•.• ___ . Agricu)tul't' .. ____ -·--·- __ Farm operator_ •.••• Owner __ .·-·--·-Tenant_ •• -··---Cropper_·----·-Farm lahorer __ • _____ Nonagri<mlture ____ . __ ... No usual occupation or nonwwker _··-·---. __ . _ ern Cotton Lske Hay App&• States ern and Cot- lachian- Cut- Dairy Ozark Over ton Com Belt Spring Winter Ranch• Wheat Wheat lng -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- ---4. 0 3. 7 3. 8 4. 3 3. 4 ~.R 3. 8 4. 4 3. 9 3. 5 4. 6 4. 4 4. 5 4. 4 4. 6 4. 5 4. g 5.8 4.8 5.0 5.6 4.8 4. 6 4.4 4.0 4.0 4.9 4. 3 4. 3 3.8 4. 3 4. 5 4.4 4.5 4.2 4.6 4.5 5.1 4. 4 4.1 3.9 4.8 5.4 5.1 5. 5 4. 2 4. 6 4. 4 5.0 5.1 5. 4 4.3 2.8 3. 7 4.0 4.1 3.9 4.3 3.5 3.8 3.9 ~-8 2. 1 2.1 2.0 2. 4 1.0 2.0 2.1 2.3 2. 2 1.7 ---- -- - --- ----- -- - = 4. 9 5.0 5.0 4. 5 4.0 5. 3 4. 5 - - 4.1 3.1 - 4.4 4. 4 - • Median. 1 Exclusive of Xew England. 01g111zedbyGoogle 40 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF However, within the agricultural group farm owners' and tenants' families had a median size of 5.0 as contrasted with 4.5 for croppers and 4.0 for farm laborers. These differences were due, in part at least, to the fact that the heads of the owner families had a median age of 47.0 years as contrasted with 38.4 years and 38.5 years for croppers and tenants, respectively, and 36.9 years for farm laborers. If it be assumed that the average woman is 2 years younger than her husband, the average wife of a farm owner had practically reached the end of the childbearing period while the wife of a cropper, tenant, or laborer had 8 years or more of possible fertility ahead of her. One-person households constituted a small proportion of the total in each occupational group with the exception of the group in which the head had no usual occupation or was a nonworker. There it reached 30.6 percent (appendix table 16). In the two Cotton Areas more than one-fifth of the white households in this group were oneperson families as contrasted with more than two-fifths of the Negro families. Large families of six persons or more were found more often among the agriculturalists than among the nonagriculturalists (37.1 percent as compared with 27.4 percent). Large families were more frequent among owners than among tenants or croppers, due at least in part to the age factor discussed above. AGE COMPOSITION Children under 16 years of age were overrepresented in relief families as compared with all rural families in the United States (table 11). This conclusion applied with varying degrees of intensity to all nine agricultural areas surveyed. Youth 16-24 years of age formed about the same proportion of the relief group as of the total rural population although there were considerable variations from area to area. The general population tended to have a higher proportion of adults than did the relief families. This is evidence that a greater proportion of wage earners in families is one factor in weathering a depression. It is in the age group from 35 to 44 years that the general rural population exceeded the relief families most of all. A slightly higher proportion of aged persons was to be found in the general rural population than among the relief families. The really important differences may be summarized by the statement that relief families have a higher proportion of children and a smaller proportion of adults of working age than does the total rural population. Children under 10 years of age were proportionately most numerous in the relief families in the Spring Wheat Area, reflecting the larger average size of family in that area (appendix table 17). New England was characterized by a small proportion of children under 10 years of age and a high proportion of aged persons 65 years and over. This reflects the tendency toward limitation of family size which has been Dig ttzed by Goog Ie SIZE AND COMPOSITION• 41 Toltle U.-Age of Penons in Rural Families Receiving General Relief, June 1935, and Age of All Rural Penons, 1930,1 by Area [138 counties) Age In yesrs Total Area and 1mmp Number Per'cent I Under l&-M 16 25-34 311-44 46--M 65-M 66'1nd over 5.5 5. 2 ---.ALL .ABE.1.8 1 Persons ren,lvtng relief .•... All p.,rsons _________________ 11:.ABHRN COTTON Pffllons receiving relief....• _____ .. All persons_-·------------------·· 253, ~36 2,413,676 100. 0 100.0 43. 3 37. 4 16. 3 16. 5 12.0 12. 7 9. 7 11. 7 8.0 9.6 31, ft70 629,365 100.0 100.0 42. 5 41. 8 15.6 18. 3 11. 9 12. 2 9. 4 10. 6 7. 9 8. 7 5.9 4.9 6.8 3.5 30,556 296,280 100.0 100.0 42.8 37.2 16. 7 17. 4 12. 5 12. 7 9.3 10.5 7.4 13. 2 5.1 6.1 11.2 79,508 412,2:!2 100.0 100.0 44. 7 41. 7 17. 2 16.8 11. 8 12.2 9. 2 10. 7 7. 6 8.6 6.1 6. 6 4. 4 4.6 14,686 M,807 100.0 100.0 40.0 36. 6 17. 3 15.3 1?.2 12.0 9.6 12. 6 8.9 10. 8 6. 1 7.2 5.9 5. 6 37,004 465. 034 100.0 100.0 44. 0 32.2 14.9 14.0 10.6 12. 5 10. 7 13.0 8. 9 11.2 5.6 8. 7 6.3 8.4 31,130 378,512 100.0 100.0 40. 5 15. 6 15.1 12. 5 13. 3 12. 8 ma 9.2 10.8 6.5 8.2 5.4 8.0 lff.472 68.~ 100. 0 100.0 46. 9 39. 7 1".3 17. 3 13. 5 13.0 9.3 11.6 6.9 9.3 4. 2 6. 3 3.8 6. 388 50,478 100.0 100.0 40. 3 34.3 18. 3 li.O 14.1 14.4 11.0 12. 8 7. 5 9.9 4.9 6.3 3.9 6. 3 7,322 59,034 100. 0 100.0 43.6 33.1 15. 1 15. 7 12. 0 13. 5 9.6 13. 7 7.3 11.0 6.4 7.2 6.0 6.8 ----- -- 6.5 5.6 --- Wll:STJ:BN CO'l"rON Persons receiving relief __________ •• All persons __________ ------------· 3.9 .A.PP.A.l..lCBUN-OUBI[ Person.• recelvln(l relief. . _______ .. All person.s _______________________ L.AKJ: STUl:8 CUT-OVl:B Per~>n• re,,elv\ng relief ____________ All per.,ons_ ----------··· _________ B.AY .AND D.AIBT Persons receiving relleL __________ All pen,ons _______________________ CORN BELT Persons receiving relief... _________ All i>enoDB----------------------- 31. 8 IIJ'BINOWBJ:.AT Persons receiving rellrf. ________ . All persons _____________ ---------· 2.9 WINTl:B WBJ:.AT Penions recelvlnit relief... _________ All persons __ ---------·-----·····R.ANCBINO PeT!IOns recelvln, relief. __ . _______ All persons _____________________ ._ 1 Bureau of the Census, Fifteenth Crmui of the UnUed Slatu: 1930, Population Vol. II, U. 8. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1933. • Exclusive of New Engh.rid. carried farther in New England than in the other regions of the United States, even in the lowest economic groups. As the number of children becomes less, the proportion of old persons increases relatively. For a long time these results in New England have been masked by tbe coming in of new waves of immigrant families, but their birth rates in tum have followed the traditional downward course until the results are now readily apparent. 7 'For proof, see Baker, 0. E., "Rural-l:rhan Migration and the National Welfare," Annals of the Association of American Geographc,.1, Vol. XXIII, 1933, pp. 59-126; and Spengler, Joseph J., The Fecundity of Native and Foreign-Born Women in New England, The Brookings Institution Pamphlet Series, Vol. II, No. 1, Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1930. Dig 11zed by Google 42 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Open country families on relief had a significantly higher proportion of children under 10 years of age than village families (appendix table 17). This was true of all areas surveyed. In contrast the villages had a larger proportion of aged in all areas except the Eastern Cotton. Negro families receiving relief had many more persons 65 years of age and over than did white families in the two Cotton Areas (appendix table 17). Concerning this difference Mangus has said: The practice of "splitting" families may account in part for the smaller relief benefits received by Negro cases in rural areas. In many instances landlords are willing to "take care of" the productive members of their tenant families but shift the care of aged dependent members to the relief agency. Hence, one or two members of the tenant or cropper family may receive small relief benefits while the other members of the household receive support from the landowner. It is probable that white tenants offer more resistance than do Negroes to such shifting of responsibility on the part of the landlord.• Thus, much of the argument over whether agricultural restrictions cause a reduction or not in the number of tenant families on the cotton plantation becomes somewhat clearer when it is recognized that a landlord who furnishes supplies to his tenants can split off the nonproductive members and put them on relief. A family of three crop hands can be broken up into a unit of two crop hands with few dependents and another unit with one crop hand and a majority of the dependents. Legally the plantation has as many tenants as before, but economically the landlord avoids the burden of furnishing supplies to a large fe.mily and has a smaller number of crop hands for his reduced acreage. 9 SEX COMPOSITION Ordinarily, slightly more males than females are born. However, males die more rapidly than females. As a result males tend to predominate in the younger age groups, but the proportion of females increases in the older ages. The sex distribution of the population is also affected by the fact that females tend to concentrate in urban areas to a greater extent than males. The situation is influenced by the fact that long-distance migration, such as immigration into a country, is more of a male phenomenon, whereas short-distance migration, particularly to cities and to an urban environment, is more of a fem ale phenomenon. 8 Mangus, A. R., The Rural Negro on Relief, February 198,lj, Research Bulletin H-3, Division of Research, Statistics, and Finance, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Wa.-;hington, D. C., October 17, 1935, p. 6. • See Richards, Henry I., Cotton and the AAA, Wa.shington: The Brookings Institution, 1936, p. 150 ff., for this argument on the influence of cotton restriction on displacement of tenants. For data from the relief standpoint, see Woofter, T. J., Jr., Landlord and Tenant on the Cotton Plantation, Research Monograph V, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1936, pp. 153-161. Diglized by Google A Mothe rless Hum e. Digitized by Google Digitized by Google SIZE AND COMPOSITION • 43 In 1930 there were 102.5 males per 100 females in the United States, and this was the lowest count of males relative to females in any census year since 1830 with the exception of 1870 when the ratio of males per 100 females was 102.2. In 1930 there were 98.1 males per 100 females in American urban districts and 108.3 males per 100 females in the rural population. The rural-farm population had 111.0 males for every 100 females as contrasted with 105.0 males per 100 females in the rural-nonfarm population. In the rural relief population of June 1935, 50.9 percent of all persons were males as contrasted with 49.1 percent who were females (appendix table 18). This was a sex ratio of 104 males per 100 females. When the rural relief population was analyzed by sex according to agricultural areas, it was found that there were more males than females in all areas except the Eastern and Western Cotton. In the open country population males predominated in all except the Eastern Cotton Area while in the village population males predominated in all except the Cotton and Wheat Areas. In comparing the sex ratio by age groups for the rural relief population in June 1935 with the general rural population in 1930, the most conspicuous differences were the overrepresentation of females in the relief population for the age groups lo-44 years and the overrepresentation of males in the age group 65 years and over (table 12). Males under 10 years of age and males 55-64 years of age were found on relief in about equal proportions to their numbers in the general population, and males 45-54 years of age were only slightly underrepresented on relief. Tal,le f.2.-Sex Ratio of the Rural Relief Population,1 June 1935, and of the General Rural Population,1 1930, by Age and Residence Sex ratio Ap Rural relief population Total rural Open country General rural population VII lage Total rural Farm Nonfann -----------·!--- --- --- --- --- --Under 10 yean .••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 104 98 25--34 years ..•.•..••.••..•••••••••••••••••. 97 96 100 10--24 yean ..•••.•••••••••••.•••••••••••••• M--44 years •.••••.•••••••••••.•.•.••••••••. 46---54 years .•••••••••••••••••.•.•••.••••••• 65-M ye11rs ...•..•.•••.••••••••••••••••••.. 65 years nnd over .•.•.•.•.••••••••••••••.. 1 1 125 136 105 JOI 98 99 111 136 H6 103 103 114 114 107 92 102 114 121 103 118 117 124 120 103 112 102 103 118 137 139 103 99 104 142 115 Ill 104 138 counties. Buroou of the Census, Fifltmlh Ct11wa of the UnUtd Statt1: 1930, Population Vol. II, U. S. Depart• ment of Commerce, Washington, D. c., 1933. D1g111zedbyGoogle Dg 1zedb~ Google Chapter V DEPENDENT AGE GROUPS THE TERM d~pendent as used in relief surveys included all persons who were under 16 or over 64 years of age. Detailed information was not recorded concerning dependent persons between the ages of 16 and 64 years nor was any distinction made between those persons 65 years of age and over who were self-supporting and those who were not. Hence, the present chapter deals only with the two arbitrarily defined dependent age groups and excludes dependents within the productive ages, 16-64 years. DEPENDENTS BY AREA From the standpoint of dependents relief families were of all types. Some had children or aged dependents and others did not. One out of five of the relief families studied in June 1935 was composed of persons 16-64 years of age only; three out of five had children under 16 years of age but no one over 64 years; one out of eight had aged individuals 65 years of age and over but no children under 16; while one out of twenty had both children and aged persons (fig. 14 and appendix table 19). The proportions of families having no persons in the dependent ages varied somewhat among the agricultural areas of the country and were related to the type of economy and the "age" of the area. They ranged from 17.6 percent in the Appalachian-Ozark Area to 27.4 percent in New England and 28.9 percent in the Lake States Cut-Over Area. The South was low and the West and North, except for the Spring Wheat Area which was affected by its high birth rate, were high in this respect. The areas reversed their order in the proportions having children under 16 years of age with the lowest percent (55.4) in New England and the Lake States Cut-Over Area and the highest percent (72.3) in the Appalachian-Ozark Area. The Spring Wheat Area was also outstanding with 71.5 percent of its relief families containing children. Similarly, the highest proportions of families having persons 65 years of age and over were found 45 Dig11zed by Google 46 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF 100 100 TOTAL 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 100 100 OPEN COUNTRY 80 80 60 60 _ ! 40 40 ! i C •f ~ 20 20 0 0 100 100 VILLAGE 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 FIG.14- RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF WITH PERSONS IN DEPENDENT AGE GROUPS, BY RESIDENCE June 1935 Diglized by Google DEPENDENT AGE GROUPS• 47 in New England and in the two Cotton Areas. The lowest proportions were in the newly settled Wheat Areas. In general the differences between the open country and villages were consistent with those discussed in previous chapters. In every area there was a higher proportion of families which had children under 16 years of age in the open country than in the villages. Likewise, in the villages there were more families with aged persons and more families having no members within the dependent age groups. In general the areas were ranked in regard to young dependents according to their comparative birth rates, and the areas with the highest birth rates had the smallest proportions of families with adults only. DEPENDENTS BY COLOR White and Negro rural relief families in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas differed significantly with respect to dependents. About 15 percent more of the white families had only dependent children while about 10 percent more of the Negro families had only aged dependents. Also, about 5 percent more of the Negro than of the white families had both children and aged as dependents. This difference may be largely due to the practice of many plantations in the South, previously referred to, of splitting the Negro families so as to keep the able-bodied members on the plantation and to place most of the disabled or aged members on relief.I This is not a complete explanation, however, since the relative differences in the proportions of relief families which had dependent children existed both in the open country and in the villages. Among both whites and Negroes consistently more families with dependent children lived in the open country than in the villages. The tendency to split the Negro plantation family was most evident in the fact that in the open country twice as many Negro families as white families contained both dependent children and aged persons while the proportions were more nearly equal in the villages. AGED AND JUVENILE DEPENDENTS IN THE SAME HOUSEHOLD The rural family has remained most united in the Cotton and Appalachian-Ozark Areas as measured by the proportion of relief households having dependents both under 16 and over 64 years of age (appendix table 19). Moreover, 37.5 percent of such families in the Appalachian-Ozark Area had four or more dependents as contrasted with 33.9 percent in all areas (table 13). In the open country of the Eastern Cotton and Appalachian-Ozark Areas 40 percent of these families had four or more dependents. The proportion among the village families of the Corn Belt was almost equally high. 1 Seep. 42. Drgmed by G oog lC 48 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF To6le 73.-Rural Families Receiving General Relief With Persons Both Under 16 and Over 64 Years of Age, 1 by Number of Such Persons, Residence, and Area, June 1935 (138 counties and lUI New England townships) Total I Residence nod area Number Percent Persons under JR nod over 64 years of age 4 or more 3 2 --- -- -TOTAL RURAL All areas _______ ----············-·--···--·-···-----·-Eastern Ootton_··-·····- ········--·····- -·-- ____ ·-·- __ --·Wblte_ ••••• -···· -- --- -- --·-····----·----·- -- -- - -· --- - Negro _______ ·----·-·--------------·-----------··-----Western Cotton_ ••.• -· .• _••••• _._. __ ••••.. ___ • __ •.• _•.• __ _ Whlte--·····------------------------------··--------·Negro __ --· __ ---·-- -·-----·-- -·-- -·-- _________________ _ Appalachian-Ozark ... --·---··-···--·-··· __ -·- •• -······-.·Lake States Cut•Over .•••.•.•.•.•.•...................•••. Bay and Dairy ...••••••••••.•.•.•.•..••...•.•...•.....••.. Com Delt._ ..•.•.•••••••••••••••••••••..•.•.•.•.•......... Spring WhPat. ..••••••••.••.•••.•.•••.••.................. Winter Wheat ...••••••••••••..•.•••...•.....•.......•..... Ranching .....••••••••••••••.•.•••••••.•.................•. New England •••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•...•.•.......••.•. 3,339 100.0 628 322 306 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 -----454 2114 170 l,OM 138 344 332 94 38 t 185 100. 0 100.0 2. 202 100.0 476 236 240 31R 194 124 100. 0 100. 0 JOO. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 fO 37. 3 28.8 -41.-7 -23.9 39.8 43. 8 43. 6 44. 3 42. 4 30. 2 36. 3 39.6 36. 7 34.0 24.8 22.9 27. 3 29.6 23. 5 32. 3 33.3 211. 7 27.1 29.8 63. 3 30.0 33.0 t 38.9 -- - t 33.11 34. 4 35.4 33.3 29.1 26.1 34.1 37.6 30.4 33. 7 M. 2 M.2 t 16. 7 28. l OPEN COUNTRY All areas• ..................................... ·- ... . Eastern Cotton •••..•••.•••••••••••••••••..•••••.•••••••••• White •••••••••.•••.•••.•.•.•.•.•.•.......•••..•.•••.•. Negro ....................... ··- ..... ··-· ............. . Western Cotton ••••..•.•.•.•.•.••••••••••••.•.•••.•.•..•.. Wblte ••••••••••...••.•. ·-···············-············· Negro ...•...•............•.•.•.•.•.• - .•...•.•..•••.•.. Appalnchlan•Omrk ..•.•••••.•.•.•..•.•.•..... - ...•.•••.... Lake Rta!Ps Cut•Over ..••.•.•...•......................... Hay and Dairy...•••.•.•.••••••.•.....................•... Corn Belt. •.••.••••••.•••••...•.•.•......•.•........•.•... Rnrlng Wheat .. ························-·· ............•.•. Winter Wheat ...•••••.•••.•.••......•••••.••••.•....•.•••. Ranching .•••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.. - ...•.•...•..... ------ 844 !l/1 210 148 62 2fl t 22 t M2 100. 0 1~2 100. 0 1()(1 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 34. 7 28.1 37. 2 32. 2 40.0 39. 6 39. 2 40. 3 29. 9 39. 6 37. 2 39. 2 32. 3 24.6 21. 7 28.3 30.9 24. 2 30.1 27.1 29.5 27.0 32. 3 43.2 38.3 32.1 211.11 -36.-1 -23.1- -4 0.8 t t t t 35.5 40.0 33.3 33.3 33.8 36.4 l VILLAOll All areas 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -··· •• ···-·· •••••••• E~stern Cotton._ ..•.••..•••.•.•...•.•.•••.•••••••.•.•..... White ••••••••.•...••....•...•••.•.••....•...•......... Ne~ro ..•......•.•••..•.....•....................••.... Western Cotton •••.........•.••.......••••.•....•.•.•••••• White .•••.••...•.•.••..•.•............. - ........ - .... . NP~ro •. -· ........................ ··- .. ______ ·-- ... ___ . A ppalnchlan•Ornrk ..•.•• _.••••• _. _. _.. _. -· _.•• ·- •.•••••••• Lnke Rtates Cut•Over. ··--··--·· .. ·-·-·· .. --·- ··---·-· ... Tlay nnd Dnlry_··-·-·····-·-· ·--···-·-·-·-·· ·-------····-. Com Belt..··········-·--··-·-·-·-·-·--··-·· .. -·-·····-·•· ~nrlng Wheat •• ·········--··--·_ .... _. __ ·- __ -·--·-··-· ••. _ Winter Wheat..····-·.··-.-· ____ .. ____ -··--.--·-···· •.•.•. Ranching •••••••••••••.•••••••••.••..•.••...•••.••...•.•.•. 42. 9 29. 6 27.6 60.4 57. ~ 52. 9 66. 5 2,~. 6 27.3 2.~. 0 26. 7 14. 0 15. 2 22. l 17.8 100.0 31.5 40.6 27.11 100.0 JOO. 0 43. 3 34. R t 22.4 27. 2 34.3 38.0 -t t t --- --86 66 n6 00 46 222 42 rn4 1~4 32 12 38 t t t t t -59.-2 - -26.-3 - 14.-6 t t t t t t t t t t t Percent not computed on a base of fewer than 50 cases. ~ee appendix tnhle 19. • Exclusive of New England. 1 The contrast between white and Negro families on relief in regard to juvenile or aged dependents was again brought out by the number of such dependents (table 13). In the open country the proportion of Negro families with two dependents was larger than the proportion of white families while in the villages the reverse was true. A larger proportion of Negro than of white families in the Western Cot.ton Area had four or more dependents while in the Eastern Cotton Area more of the white families had this many dependents. D1g111zedbyGoogle • Shttf'1•n ·11JJJJ1' /'·s \\ 'idu11• Wit / ( ,' !, i /d. Dig t1zed by Goog Ie Ole/ . \ye. Digitized by Google DEPENDENT AGE GROUPS • 49 DEPENDENT CHILDREN Among relief families whose only dependents were children under 16 years of age, the proportion of families which had three children or more increased from 43.8 percent in New England to 52.2 percent in the Appalachian-Ozark Area and to 55.9 percent in the Spring Wheat Area (table 14). With the exception of the Appalachian-Ozark Area the southern areas ranked low and fell below the average for all areas. TolJle 14.-Rural Families Receiving General Relief With Children Under 16 Years of Age, 1 by Number of Children, Residence, and Area, June 1935 (138 counties and 116 New England townships) Total Nun:.ber or children Re,ldence and area Number Percent --- --- 2 -- -- 3 or more -- TOTAL RUBAL All areas ............................................ . 37,975 100.0 26. 5 Eastern Cotton ...••.•.•.•••.••••••..•••.•••••.•.•.•.•.•... White .•..•••..•.•.•.•.•••.•.•.•••••••••.•.••••..•.•.•. Negro ........••••••.•.•.•.•.•.•.•••.•.•.•••...••..•.•. Western Cotton .•••••..•.•..•....•...••.•.•.•.•...•.•...•. White .•••...•••...•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•...••....•.•.•. Negro ...........•..•....•.•.•.•...•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•..... Appalachian-Ozark ......•••.•.•.....•.•.•.•.•.•••.•.•.•.•. Lake States Cut•Over ....... _.............•.••..•.....•... Bay and Dairy ....................•.....•...•...•.•.•••.•. Com Belt ..........•..•...............•...•••.•.•.•..••... 4,414 3,182 1,232 4,362 3, 4CO 902 11, 232 5,r.4 4,354 2,318 802 1,098 2, ~05 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 JOO. 0 100.0 100. 0 IUIJ.0 JOO. 0 l00. 0 ](X). 0 100. 0 l00. 0 100.0 26. 9 26. I 29.0 26.9 27. 7 23. 7 24. 8 28. 6 26. 4 28. 2 24. 3 26. 7 27.1 30.8 23,138 100.0 2,176 754 2,952 2,340 612 8,470 I, 300 3,212 I, 738 I, 712 440 384 12,632 ~~~!r W'i:'e~i.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ranching ......•.•...•.••.•..•.........•••.•.•.•.•.••.•..•. New England .•••••••.•.•.....•.•••...•...•.•.•••••••••.•. ], 9(6 24.1 -25.4 - - 49.4 47. 7 27. 5 20.0 25. 0 25. 7 22. 4 23.0 24.0 23.6 26.4 19. 8 29. 2 24. 6 25.4 46. 4 51.0 48.1 46.11 53.9 62. 2 47. 4 60.1 45.4 24.6 23.2 52. 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 JOO. 0 100.0 IOO. 0 ](XI. 0 100.0 100.0 24. 7 26. 8 25. 5 26. 4 22. 2 22.9 28. 0 25.6 25. 9 23. 3 21. 8 28.6 26. I 19. 9 24. 7 25. 6 21.6 22. I 23.1 22. 9 27.0 18.9 31.8 22. 4 49. 2 53.3 49.8 48.1 100.0 29.6 25. 6 46.0 100.0 100.0 29. 2 32. 6 29. 6 30. 3 26. 9 30. 8 29. 7 27. 8 30. 4 20. l 25. 7 26.1 24. l 25. 6 25. 8 24. 4 25. g 22. l 26.0 25. 8 40. 4 55.11 44.1 48.3 43.8 OPEN COVNTBY All areas'· ......................................... . Eastern Cotton .......••...•.........•...•...•.•.•.•....... White .•••.•...•.•..•....•...................••..•..... Negro ...•.....•...•..........•....•.........•.•...•... Western Cotton .....••....................•.......•...... . White .•.....•.•.•..•.................................. Negro ........•..•.............................•....... Appalachlan•Ozark ..•.•..••.........•..••.•.•...•...•.•... Lake States Cut•Over ....•..............•.......•.•.•.•••. Bay and Dairy ....•.•.....••....•.•.•...•.•.••••..•.•.•.•. Corn Belt. ...••.•.•....•••...•....•.....•...•.•••••.•.•.•. ~[~':r i'/i~~t·.:::: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ranching ••••••••••••.•.•.•.•.••..•..••.•••••••••.•••••••. - -25.-- --24.-6 - 60. -2 100.0 2,930 3 66.2 55.0 48.11 51.6 47. 1 67.8 46.4 49.0 'VJLLA011£ All areas'··················-························ Eastern Cotton ........•.....•.•...........•.....•...••.... White .......•.....•...•...................•.•...••.••. Negro ..............•........................•..•..•.•. Western Cotton .•.....•.....................•...•..••.•.•. White .•.••..••......•...................•...•.•.•.•.•. Negro .......•.....•.........................•.••..•... -- ---30.-3 -27.1 - - 42.6 I, 484 100.0 t~:r:t':snC~t~Okvei::: :: : : :: : : :: : : : : : : :: : : : : :: : ::: ::: : : : Bay and Dairy ................................••...••..... Com Belt .....•..•.•.....•...•......•...•...•.•.•.•.•...•. 1,0C6 478 I, 4IO I, 120 290 2,762 666 2,012 2,616 ti[::1Jr ~hhea:c.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ranching .••••.•.•.••.••..••.......•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•••...•... 362 il4 6()6 lCXl. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 ](JO. 0 100.0 29. 8 27. 4 32. 6 26. 3 47. 3 44. 7 43.6 49.0 43. 7 44. 5 47. 8 44.3 50. 5 41. 4 47. 9 Exclusive or coses with both children and aged persons. See appendix table 19. • Exclusive or New England. 1 White families on relief had fewer dependent children than Negro families in both the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas. In these Digitized by Google 50 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF areas over one-half of the Negro families and about 46 percent of the white families had three dependent children or more. This reveals again the separation of many Negro households resulting in the placing of disproportionately large numbers of children on relief, but it suggests also that the relief problem for the white family in the South i~ not one "caused" primarily by large numbers of children or by a high birth rate but by other factors. AGED DEPENDENTS Of the rural families on relief which had only aged dependents three out of four had one such person and one out of four had two persons (table 15). Practically none had three persons or more. Tal,le 15.-Rural Families Receiving General Relief With Aged Penons,1 by Number of Aged,• Residence, and Area, June 1935 [J.38 counties and 116 New England townships] Number or aged persons Total Residence and lllM Number Percent 2 Sor more TOTAL BtTJliL All &reas.----·------------------------·-----········· 8,226 E8Stern Cotton.......... ·-··-··-·-··---··········-··-··•··~ White .. ·-·--···········-······························ MS Negro .......... ·-····································· Western Cotton ... ·-······································ Whit~·····----··...................................... Negro................................................. Appalachian•Ozark.... ............ .. ..... ....... ........ .. Lake States C'ut•Over... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hay and Dairy............................................ Corn Belt. ................. ·-····························· ~[~~:r'ihhee~i.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~c~~:1aii;c::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 100. 0 MS 1,074 654 t20 1, 728 594 1, Zl4 l,03R m ;~ 73. 5 26. o 0. 5 31. 4 21.9 28. I 30. 3 o.O. 32 ---ioo.o ~ ~ --1.-1 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. O 100. 0 JOO. 0 100. 0 100.0 67. 5 77.0 71. 7 69. 4 75. 2 72. 0 82. 2 72. 0 73.4 1.1 1.1 24. 8 27. 4 17. 8 27. 7 25.8 ~~:8 ~g iN ~:: 8 ~U ~ ~ 0. II 0. 3 0.8 3. 4 o. a OPEN COUNTRY All are88 •·--··········-·----·---··················•· 4,082 100. o 71. 4 27. 9 0. 7 Eastern Cotton ................................. _•......... ~ ~ ~ ~ - - 1 - .3 Whit~................................................. 378 100. o 64. 5 34. 4 1. 1 Negro................................................. 384 JOO. 0 72. 9 25. 5 UI Western Cotton........................................... MO JOO. 0 67. 2 32. 5 0. 3 White................................................. 300 JOO. 0 66. 7 32. 8 0. 5 Negro................................................. 244 JOO. 0 68. o 32. o Appalachian•Ozark........................................ l,ll88 100.0_ 70.6 28.7 0.7 Lake States Cut•Over..................................... 374 100.0 81. 3 18. 7 Hay and Dairy............................................ 626 100.0 72.5 27.2 0.3 Corn Belt................................................. 302 100.0 72.9 25.8 1.3 U'1~~!rihh:.!i.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ranching···-·······································•···••· ':,Z :~: g :: g :: g 100 100.0 88.0 12.0 100. 0 75. 5 24. 2 8. 0 TILLAGE 3,402 All areas a••. ········-····-·-·················· .••.•. Eastern Cotton .................. ·············-·-·-··· .... ~ White................................................. 170 Negro................................................. 164 Western Cotton ................ -.......................... 434 Whit~................................................. 2,'>8 Ne~ro ... ···············•···••······-················•· 176 Appalarhian•Ozark ...... - ................... -............. 640 Lake States Cut•Over.. _.................................. 220 ggf/R~lairy............................................ ~ Spring Whe-11t. ···-········································ Winter Wheat ..•........•..... ·-·························· Ranching.................................................. 152 68 210 0.3 ---ioo.o ~ ~ ~ JOO. 0 JOO. 0 100.0 JOO. o 100. o JOO. 0 100.0 86. 6 78.3 T.l. 6 !Iii. 2 74. 4 83.6 JOO. 0 JOO. 0 JOO. 0 76. 3 87. ff 78. I 74. I 24. 7 13. 4 21.7 26. 4 14. 8 25. 3 JR.4 l~:8 ~U :J 23. 7 32. 4 21. 9 65 years of age and O\"er. • F.,clusive or c•a.ses with hoth children and aged persons. See appendix table 19. • Exclusive of New England. 1 019111zedbyGoogle 1. 2 0. 3 gJ DEPENDENT AGE GROUPS • 51 In the Ea.stern Cotton Area 29.9 percent of the families in the open country had two aged dependents as contrasted with 19.2 percent of the village families, and in the Western Cotton Area 32.5 percent of the open country families had two aged dependents as compared with 21.7 percent in villages. In the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas about 5 to 10 percent more of the white families than of the Negro families had two aged dependents. The difference between races in the open country of the Western Cotton Area was negligible, however. The proportion of families with one aged dependent varied from four out of five in the Lake States Cut-Over and Ranching Areas to three out of five in the Winter Wheat Area. These differences were accentuated in the open country, where as high as 88.0 percent of the families in the Ranching Area had one aged dependent. At the opposite extreme was the Winter Wheat Area with only 56.0 percent. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE OF DEPENDENT AGE GROUPS In general a large number of dependents in a family may be an indi• cation of a prolific population, where a high birth rate results in large families, or it may indicate a high degree of family solidarity. In other words, the family clings together to a great extent; and when it is fine.Uy forced upon relief, a large number of persons are found in a single unit. Again, there is the possibility, as shown by the families in the Cotton Areas, that there may be a splitting of families with a tendency to push aged persons upon relief and to leave the younger employables to fend for themselves without the responsibility for other individuals. All of these factors operate to increase the number of old or young dependents on relief. The question of dependency and relief is related principally, however, to the basic economic and cultural factors in any particular region. The predominant industries and occupations determine the extent to which the head of a family will be able to care for his dependents continuously, and the cultural traditions to a large extent determine the internal solidarity and cohesiveness of the family unit. This does not even consider such fundamental problems as sanitation, health, and disease which may through debilitating conditions bring about the need for relief. Background factors of an economic, sociological, or even medical nature, when viewed in their full complexity, are agents which predetermine increased numbers of dependents on relief. Families in the South, including the Appalachian-Ozark Area, are more likely to be large as a result of high birth rates; they are more likely to cling together in a large cohesive aggregate; and finally, because of the loss of economic support or even the injury or death of the male provider, the whole aggregation is forced on relief. Conse- Oig1 ,zed by Google 52 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF quently, it is more easily understood why the proportion of families with no persons in the dependent age groups should be smallest in the South, where rural cultural traditions are strong, and greatest in New England, where the strong Yankee traditions are now all but submerged by the newer mores of an industrialized and urbanized society. These are the extreme cases, and the other areas fall in between. D,g,t,zed by Google Chapter YI FAMILY STRUCTURAL TYPES TYPE OF family has many meanings since the type depends upon the perspective of the approach. In this chapter families are viewed from the standpoint of constituency. The elements are husband, wife, children, and others. The family units are divided into three categories as follows: 1 Normal families _________________________________ 72. 5 percent Broken families_ _ _ ____________ __________________ 10. 9 percent Nonfamily types ________________________________ 16. 6 percent Normal families are divided into four categories: Husband and wife alone __________________________ 11. 6 percent Husband and wife with others not their children_____ 2. 2 percent Parents and children alone ________________________ 53. 2 percent Parents, children, and others______________________ 5. 5 percent Total normal families ______________________ 72. 5 percent Broken families consist of one parent and children. divided into four categories: Father and children alone_______ __ _______________ Father, children, and others_______________________ Mother and children alone________________________ Mother, children, and others. ______ ._.____________ These are also 1. 0. 6. 1. 9 percent 8 percent 6 percent 6 percent Total broken families ______________________ 10. 9 percent The nonfamily types are similarly divided: Male alone _____ • _________________ • __________ . __ 6. 6 percent Male head and others _____ . ___________________ ... 5. 0 percent Female alone ________________ .... _.•••. ______·_ .. _ a. 2 percent Female head and others __ . c _. ____ • ______________ _ 1. 8 percent Total nonfamily type&--------------~------- 16. 6 percent 1 This classification is patterned somewhat after that developed in connection with the Unemployment Relief Census, October 1933, taken by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. 53 Digitized by Google 54 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF The present analysis gives a picture of the incidence of relief among different structural types of families by area, residence, occupation, and color. FAMILY STRUCTURAL TYPES BY AREA AND RESIDENCE From three-filths to four-fif the of the families on relief m the various agricultural areas in June 1935 were normal families composed of husband and wife or of parents and children, with or without others (fig. 15). The Eastern Cotton and Lake States Cut-Over Areas Normol IBIIBll 1111111 Husband, wife, and children m Husband ~ and wife Broken Nonfamlly mi 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 40 50 ~ &?. 40 30 30 20 20 J c 10 0 All area s "-'Cca<a.....J O While Negro Wh ile NtQro Appo- Lake Hay Corn Spr ing Winier Ranc hing New Ea s lern We slern lac hian - Slales a nd Bell Whea l Wheal Eng land Colton Oza rk Cul-Over Dairy Callon F1G.15-STRUCTURAL TYPE OF RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY AREA June 1935 had the smallest proportions of normal families while the Wheat Areas had the highest proportions. These latter were largely drought f a.milies. The great majority of the normal families consisted of hu~band and wife or of husband, wife, and children alone while about one out of nine also had relatives or friends present. Broken families were found most frequently in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas and in the Appalachian-Ozark Area. The percentage of broken families composed of fathers and children varied only slightly among areas, but the percentage of families composed of mothers and children was much greater in the South than in other sections. 2 1 See also ch. III, where the analysis reveals the high proportion of female heads in the South who were widowed or separated and the small proportion who were divorced. D191izedb; Google FAMILY STRUCTURAL TYPES• 55 Nonfamily types were rarest in the Winter Wheat and AppalachianOzark Areas (12.4 and 12.8 percent, respectively) and most frequent in the Lake States Cut-Over Area. (27 .6 percent). Nonfamily types with male heads appeared most frequently in the Lake States CutOver Area. while female heads were most numerous in the Eastern Cotton Area.. Open country families stood out in contrast to village families since 8 percent more of the open country than of the village units were normal families (table 16). Families consisting of husband, v.ife, and children were found more often in the open country while families of husband and wife only tended to congregate in the villages, but in neither case were the differences particularly great. There tended to be more broken families in the villages than in the open country as broken families with female heads concentrated in the villages. Nonfamily types with both male and female heads were found in the villages more often than in the open country. The composition of the family was undoubtedly an important factor in relief, but careful analysis of the data indicates that its influence may easily be overestimated. Ta6/e 16.-Strudural Type of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence, June 1935 [138 counties and 116 New England townships] Btructural type Total rural I Open country • Village 1 ---------------------·I--- --- --22, 71:1 Number............................................................ Percent............................................................. 62. R09 35,782 100. O 100. O 100.0 Norma.! families .•.......••.•••.•••..•.•••.•.••..•••••••.••.•••••.••.••••.. llusband and wire .•.••...••.•.•.•.•..••.•••••••.•••••.••••..•••••••.. Without others ....••.••••.•.••..••.•.•.•..••...•..•..••....••••.. With others ..............••.................•••...•..•••.•.••.•.. Hwihand, wife, and children .••...•.•.•...•..•...•....••.•............ Without others ...................•......................•.....•.. With others •••••.•..............•.........•.•....•...•.......••.. Broken families .•.......••••..••............•••...•.•.•.......•....•..•••• Father and children •••.••........••.............•...•....•.•...•.•..• Without others ...•.....•.•.•...••....•••••.••.••...•••....••..... With others ...•............•.••..•.........•.....••.•..••....•••. Moth~r and children .•.•••.•....•.......................•••...•....... Without others .••.•••••..•................•••......•.......•.•... With others •••.•.•••••.••............•.......................••.. Nonii:!J~fi;:,fes •..•.•••••.••..•................ ···•··········•···••······ Without others ...••....•.....•......•.....••••••....•••..•...••.. With others .•..............................••...•.•....••....•..• Female bead ..•••.•...•.•...•...•..••••...•.•.••....•.••..••••.•..•••• Without others ......•..•...•.••........•........••..•..•..•...•.. With others ....•.....••.....•...••.•.•..•.............•......•... 72. 6 76. 2 67. II 15. :I 13. :I 2.0 62. 7 48. 5 4.2 12. :I 2.5 2.0 13.8 11.6 2.2 68. 7 63. 2 6. 5 JO. 9 2. 7 l. 9 0.8 8.2 6.6 1.6 16. 6 11. 6 6.6 5.0 5.0 3. 2 1.8 12. 7 10. 5 2.2 83.5 57.0 6.5 10.1 2. 6 1.9 0. 7 7. 5 6.8 I. 7 13. 7 11.9 6. 3 4. 6 3. 8 2. 2 1.6 0. 6 9. 7 8.1 1.6 19. g 13. :I 8.1 5.1 6. 7 4. 5 2. 2 F.xcluslve or families whose type wa.s unknown. • Exclusive of New Englan<l. 1 FAMILY STRUCTURAL TYPES BY OCCUPATION Classification of rural family types according to the usual occupation of the head reveals significant differences between agricultural and nonagricultural families. Among agricultural families 82.2 per- D1g111zedbyGoogle 56 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF cent were normal as contrasted with only 77.4 percent among nonagricultural families (fig. 16 and appendix table 20). Although there was considerable overlapping among the occupational levels within these two major groups, similarities existed in the ranking of the different occupational levels within each group. The smallest proportions of normal families were found in the highest strata but the other strata were ranked in descending order. Proceeding from the bottom to the top, for both the agricultural and nonagricultural groups, the proportions of normal families increased, if the upper groups (farm owners and white-collar workers) were excluded. Thus, Normal l!!!l!I llilllll Husbond,wife, and children Broken Nonfamily ~ Husband ~ and wife Ra 100 c •;;u Q. 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 . c u 50 .f 40 30 20 10 0 10 Total Form Fo r m Fo rm Fo r m owner tenant cropper laborer While Skill ed Semi • color Un• No usual Non• 0 skilled skilled occupation worlter F1G. l6-STRUCTURAL TYPE OF RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY USUAL OCCUPATION OF HEAD June 1935 within agriculture the smallest proportion of normal families was found among owners (75.0 percent) with increasing proportions for laborers (77 .8 percent), croppers (83.4 percent), and tenants (89.9 percent). For the nonagricultural group the proportions were white collar, 71.5 percent; unskilled, 74.5 percent; semiskilled, 82.8 percent; and skilled, 88.0 percent. Among the families whose heads were not workers, there was a surprisingly large proportion of normal families (43.6 percent). Broken families appeared equally as of ten in agriculture as in nonagriculture. While full proof is lacking, there is some indication that broken homes among agricultural families are caused more often by the death of one parent, whereas among nonagricultural families divorce or separation is a more influential factor. Similarly, divorce Dig11zed by Google FAMILY STRUCTURAL TYPES • 57 or separation is probably more important for the upper than for the lower occupational levels in both agricultural and nonagricultural families. Slightly over one-half of the families whose heads had no usual occupation were broken family types, and most of these consisted of mothers and children. A little less than 17 percent of the families whose heads were not workers were broken with the great majority again composed of mothers and children. N onfamily types were found much more frequently in nonagriculture (13.9 percent) than in agriculture (9.1 percent). Nonfamily types with female heads appeared very rarely in agriculture but more often in nonagriculture, particularly in white-collar occupations. Almost 40 percent of the families whose heads were not workers were nonfamily types as compared with 28.2 percent for families whose heads had no usual occupation. The largest proportion of the heads who were not workers consisted of men living alone while the largest proportion of the heads with no usual occupation consisted of unattached women. FAMILY STRUCTURAL TYPES BY COLOR The relatively small proportion of normal families in the rural relief population in the Cotton Areas may be largely attributed to conditions among Negroes. Only slightly over one-half of the Negro families in both areas were normal as contrasted with two-thirds to three-fourths of the whites (appendix table 21). Four percent more of the Negro families in the Eastern Cotton Area and six percent more in the Western Cotton Area were broken than was the case among the whites. These differences were most marked in the open country. In general there were more broken homes in the villages for both races. Significantly, for both races, most of the broken families con~ sisted of mothers and children. The greatest difference between white and Negro households, however, appeared in those groups called nonfamily types. In both areas Negro groups of the nonfamily type appeared on relief at least twice as often as white groups of this type. The differences were especially marked in the Western Cotton Area, both in the villages and in the open country. One-third of the Negro families in the western villages consisted of nonfamily types. These Negro nonfamily groups in the Western Cotton Area were about evenly divided between those with male and those with fem ale heads. Although for the white relief population in the South the proportion of normal families was greater among the farm laborers and the unskilled nonagricultural laborers than among farm owners and whitecollar workers, respectively, such was not the case among Negroes. The unskilled occupational groups among Negro families had the smallest proportions of normal families, the farm laborers having only 49.0 percent and the nonagricultural laborers only 51.0 percent (appendix table 22). 01g111zedbyGoogle 58 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF An important exception to the rule that Negro families were more likely to be broken than white families was the farm owner group with 20.9 percent of the white families in the two Cotton Areas broken as contrasted with 10.4 percent of the Negro families. However, onehalf of these broken Negro families were composed of fathers and children, while only one-eight of the broken white families consisted of fathers and children. In contrast, the proportions of broken homes among croppers and farm laborers were much greater among Negroes than whites. Of the Negro and white families whose heads were not workers, 56.7 percent and 31.1 percent, respectively, were nonfamily types. A fairly high proportion of broken Negro families had female heads who were not workers. ONE-PERSON HOUSEHOLDS One-person households present special problems to relief administrators. Such households may originate as a result of the breaking up of a family, leaving aged persons living alone; or they may be the result of special social and economic conditions which prevent marriage and which keep individuals living as isolated units. Oneperson households most often consist of men, and cases of men living alone are found most frequently in isolated mining or heavy industrial areas. Although the ratio of males to females is very high in some agricultural areas, one-person households are not found as frequently in such areas because of combinations into family groups. One-person families constituted less than 10 percent of all rural families on relief in June 1935 except in the Eastern Cotton, Hay and Dairy, New England, Ranching, and Lake States Cut-Over Areas (appendix table 20). The latter areas include a high proportion of one-person families because of economic conditions. In addition to the self-sufficing agriculture in the Lake States Cut-Over Area there has been employment for large numbers of men both in the forests and in the iron mines of Minnesota. The Hay and Dairy and New England Areas include many centers of industry, and the Ranching Area uses many unattached men in its type of agricultural production. As a result, the highest proportions of one-person families that were males were found in the Lake States Cut-Over, Ranching, and New England Areas. Three times as many one-person families were found among Negroes as whites in the two Cotton Areas, and the difference was especially striking in the Western Cotton Area (appendix table 23). The majority of the white one-person families in these two areas consisted of males, whereas the majority of the Negro one-person families consisted of females. These differences were accentuated in the open country. An additional difference between Negroes and whites was the greater proportion of Negroes who were 65 years of age and over. Diglized by Google l'ar,H St,·11rit11 .-l1l miui11trutiou lR,, 11,,,,.,,.;,, J. llomeles.~. 01g1tzedb; Google ., Penniless and A lone . Dig, ,zed by Google Chapter VII FERTILITY OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES THE RELATIONSHIP which exists between fertility and the relief problem is important. Other conditions being equal, there is greater priori probability for families with a high birth rate to be on relief than there is for families with a low birth rate. With few exceptions this relationship holds true throughout the country. In addition to the fact that relief authorities may select for their grants those families with the greatest number of dependents, the expectation of a higher than average birth rate for relief families coincides with their general position in the social structure; that is, with fairly constant uniformity the birth rate increases with progressive steps down the social ladder. 1 Since relief families for the most part come from the lower strata, they will tend to have a higher birth rate than the general population. Furthermore, since population traits are well grounded in the mores, relief families with more children will continue, at least for some time, to have children while still on relief. Such relationships, however, are shadowy and difficult to measure accurately because of the fact that during the depression of the early thirties all levels of society were affected to such a great extent. However, the higher birth rate of relief families as contrasted with nonrelief families has been noted by experts.* ti FERTILITY OF GENERAL RURAL POPULATION According to available data 444 children under 5 years of age per 1,000 white women 20-44 years of age are now necessary in order to maintain a stationary population. Because of the higher death rates the 1 See Gini, Corrado, "Real and Apparent Exceptions to the Uniformity of a Lower Natural Increase of the Upper Classes," Rural Sociology, Vol. I, 1936, pp. 257-280. See also Notestein, Frank W., "Class Differences in Fertility," Annala of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 188, November 1936, pp. 26-36; and Mc Kain, W. C., Jr. and Whetten, N. L., "Size of Family in Relation to Homogeneity of Parental Traits," Rural Sociology, Vol. I, 1936, pp. 20-27. I See, for example, Stouffer, Samuel A., "Fertility of Families on Relief," Journal of the American Stati&tical Association, Vol, XXIX, 1934, pp. 295-300. 59 Digitized by Google 60 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF number rises to 499 among Negroes in the country as a whole. 8 As shown by the 1930 Census, the fertility rates• of the general rural population were highest in the Appalachian-Ozark (838), Spring Wheat (804), Eastern Cotton (752), and Lake States Cut-Over (737) Areas. The rates were lowest in the Corn Belt (565), Hay and Dairy (605), Winter Wheat (613), and Ranching (644) Areas (table 17). It is clear that the rural population has a birth rate considerably higher than necessary for replacement needs. It is a general phenomenon in civilizations, such as ours, that the rural districts produce a surplus of population which moves constantly to the cities to make up for the deficit caused by low birth rates in urban areas. Tol,le 17.--Children Under 5 Years of Age per 1,000 Women 20 Through 44 Years of Age in the General Rural Population, by Area and Residence, 1930 (138 counties) Total rural Rural•farm Rural•nonfarm : Ara Nwn• NumNum• Num- berof Num- Num- berol her of ber or children ber or her of children chU• under 5 chll- women under 6 per 1,000 per 1,000 dren dren women 20--44 20--44 women under years women under years 5 years of age 5 years o!age 20--44 20-44 years of o!age years of of age age Num• Num- Nnm- berof bErof her of rhlldren chilunder II dren women 1,000 20--44 per under years women 6 years of age 20--44 of age years or age age - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - --ffll7. 1 178,474 236,694 754.0 91,636 150,787 All area.•• ......... Z70, llO 387,481 fm.7 - -8 - - - - -/;87.11 - -- ----- - - - 814. 17,158 29,206 Eastern Cotton •.•.••.•.. 79,003 105, llO 751.6 61,845 75,904 White •••••••••••••.. 49,141 Negro .....••...•••••• 29,862 62,318 42, 792 Wes tern Cotton •••.••... 33,980 48,830 White ..••.•...•.•••• Negro ..••......•••.•• Appalachinn•O<Brk .•..•. Lake States Cut•Over ••. Hay and Dairy .•••.•••.. Com Belt. ...•••••••••... 24. 487 9,493 53,172 5.638 43, 3!lll 36,221 8,501 5,223 Ranching .•••.•.•••...•.. 5,976 U'[~~r i\U:c:::::::: 36,218 12,612 63,458 7,648 71,714 62,339 10,570 8,526 9,286 788.6 697.8 695.9 67~. l 752. 7 837.9 i37. 2 605. 1 565.0 804.3 612.6 643.5 36,253 25. 592 26,286 18,241 11,045 28,654 2, 737 22. 4;'8 23,805 6,255 3. 479 2,936 41,911 33,093 34,n2 24. 826 9,946 33. 689 3,583 33, 176 39,045 6,941 ~.288 4,296 865.0 752. 9 756.0 734. 8 808.9 850. 5 763.9 6n.5 609. 7 901. 2 657.9 683.2 12,888 4,270 7,694 6,246 1.448 24. 518 2,901 20,918 11,416 2,246 ], 744 3,041 20,407 8,799 14,058 11,392 2,666 29,769 4,065 38. 538 23. 294 3,629 3,238 4,090 631.11 48&.3 547.3 548.3 543.1 823. 11 713. 7 542. 8 490.1 618.g 538. e 6011.4 Exclusive of New England. Source: Special tahulatton hy U. S. Bureau of the Census for Identical counties used In the Survey of Current Changll8 in lhe Rural Relief Population. 1 a Data for fertility of white women from National Resources Committee, Population Statistica, 1. National Data, Washington, D. C., October 1937, table 14; data for fertility of Negro women computed by Harold Dorn, based on life tables prepared by the U. R. Bureau of the Census. • The fertility index used here is the ratio of children under 5 per 1,000 women 20--44 years of age. This index is most valuable for a study of this kind since it minimizes differentials in infant mortality among areas. Thus, it more closely approximates a measure of effective fertility than a crude or specific birth rate taken from registration figures. One weakness of this index is the possible under-enumeration of younger children. For example, tests made by the U.S. Bureau of the Census show a short count of considerable size. The size of this omission may be much larger in rural and isolated districts than in cities. There is also the possibility of underenumeration on the schedules used in the sample study, but assurances from field workers indicate that the relief enumeration was more complete than the census enumeration. Oig,•ized by G oog Ie FERTILITY • 6.1 The fertility rate for all rural areas sampled was 697 for the 1930 Census population. Since the rate among the rural-nonfarm {608) population was lower than that among the rural-farm (754) population, a closer approximation to the birth rate necessary for a stationary population was found in the nonfarm group. This was particularly true in the Com Belt, Winter Wheat, Hay and Dairy, and Western Cotton Areas where the rates for the rural-nonfarm population were very low. Differentials in the rates for the total rural-farm and rural-nonfarm populations were greatest in the Spring Wheat (282), Eastern Cotton (227), and Western Cotton (209) Areas. They were least in the Appalachian-Ozark (27) and Lake States Cut-Over (50) Areas. The largest number of children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women 20-44 years of age in any of the areas studied was found in the ruralfarm population of the Spring Wheat Area, where the fertility rate was 901 per 1,000. This high rate may be largely attributed to the families of immigrant stock which have rather recently migrated into the area. The comparatively high rate in the rural-farm population of the Appalachian-Ozark Area (851) may be attributed largely to the isolated and, to a certain extent, self-sufficient economy. The next highest rural-farm rates were found in the two Cotton Areas and the Lake States Cut-Over Area. In these districts a familistic culture is dominant. In contrast, the lowest fertility rates for rural-farm families were found in the Corn Belt, Winter Wheat, Hay and Dairy, and Ranching Areas. In these areas a highly commercialized, mechanized, and extensive agriculture, including some urban influences, is the rule. FERTILITY OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES ;,, The ratio of children to women among rural relief families, as revealed by the enumeration of October 1935,6 is not the same as that of the general rural population, and the differences between the two enumerations show wide contrasts in the various type-of-fanning areas. In the relief population fertility was highest in the Appa.:. lachian-Ozark (1,277), Spring Wheat (1,092), and Ranching (1,000) Areas (table 18). The rates were lowest in New England {664), in the Eastern Cotton Area (748), and in the Corn Belt (867). In comparison with the rates for the total rural population the Ranching Area had moved up from a very low rank to near the top and the two Cotton Areas had both dropped down the scale. It is interesting to note that according to fertility rates in the villages the three southern areas ranked at the bottom. Only in the Ranching .Ar.ea was the rate higher in villages than in the open country. • Data on fertility were available from the October rather than the June 193,5 tabulations. ._.,.•.: Diglized by Google 62 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF To&le 78.-Children Under 5 Years of Age per 1,000 Women 20 Through 44 Years of Age in Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Area and Residence, Oc:tober 1935 (138 counties and 83 New England townships t] Total rural Area Number Num• Num• of chllberof berof dren under 5 chi!• per 1,000 dren women 20-« women under years 6 years of :IJJ--44 age years of of age age All areas ••......• __ 31,434 Eastern Cotton.•.•.... __ 2,434 White Negro.••..•••.••..... _______________ 1,830 604 Western Cotton ••. ------ 8.256 White •••..•••.•••.•. 2, 1184 Negro __________ ._ •. _. 5i2 Api:\ach!an-Ozark. _____ 15,3R2 ta e States Cut•Over. __ 1,516 Hay and Dairy •••••••••• 3,314 Com Belt ..•••••••.•••••• 1,624 iring Wheat •••••.••• _•• 1,694 Inter Wheat ••••.•••••• 444 Ranching•.••••.•••..•.•• 638 New England .••.•••.•••. 1,132 Village• Open country • Number Number Num- Num• ofchil• Num• Num• of chi!• dren berof berof berof berof dren under 5 chi!• under 5 chi!• perl,000 dren women perl,000 dren women 2IH4 women under :IJJ--44 women under years 5 years of 5 years years :IJl--44 20-« age years of of age of age years of of age age age - - --- - - - - --- - - - - --30,332 1,036.3 22,262 18,lM 1,225.6 8,040 10,404 768. 3 3,254 2,454 800 3,512 2,894 618 12,044 1,568 3,628 1,874 1,552 748.0 746. 7 7M.O 927.1 1,932 1,474 4118 2,330 1,788 542 2, !i04 2,054 460 7,912 1,070 2,066 706 1,046 342 188 829. 2 824.4 845.0 1,020.8 1,027.3 991.1 1,559. 7 1,035.5 953.6 971. 7 1,128.1 789.6 l, 170. 2 602 356 146 700 574 126 8,042 924 666 2118 643.3 634. 5 565. 9 694. 4 683.3 760. 0 MS 638 l, 704 927.4 925.6 1,277.2 966.8 913.6 866.6 l, 091. 6 795. 7 1,000.0 664.3 2,556 2, 110 446 12,340 1,108 1,970 686 l, 180 270 220 - - - 408 1,344 938 614 174 418 - 1,008 840 168 4,132 498 l, 562 l, 168 606 216 460 736. 2 819.3 860. 4 803. 1 1,015.8 - 8'J5. 6 928.ll - t Townships In Connecticut and Mll8SIIChusetts only. • Exclusive of New England. NoTB.-The fertility rate ofthe rural relief population for all areas Is importantly weighted by the APPII· lachian•Ozark sample. In the areas not sampled fertility rates were lower than In those represented by the 10 sample areas. Bee Mangus, A. R., Cllanoino Aaptda of Rural Rtlitf, Research Monograph XIV, Div!· alon of Social Research, Work& Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1938, table 24. The comparison of relief families with the general rural population in the same areas according to nlllnber of children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women 20 through 44 years of age was affected by various factors}' One difficulty in the comparison was the fact that there is a difference of 5 years between the census figures and the relief figures, and the depression of the early thirties had far-reaching effects on marriage and birth rates. For instance, Stouffer and Spencer 7 estimated a depression deficit of 748,000 marriages and possibly over a million births. Following a drop in 1930, 1931, and 1932, marriage and birth rates have risen somewhat again. The fertility rates used here would be affected by factors in the periods 1926-1930 and 1931-1935 so that to measure the depression drop in the birth rate actual births were compared for these two periods. • Some of the rates in the Southern States may have been affected by the marked population changes in the period between 1930 and 1935. See Smith, T. Lynn, "Recent Changes in the Farm Population of the Southern States," Social Forcu, Vol. 15, 1937, pp. 391-401. In this article the relocation of the southern popul&tion is brought out and the increase in population in areas adjacent to cities and in the poor-land areas is sho\\--n. 7 Stouffer, Samuel A. and Spencer, Lyle M., "Marriage and Divorce in Recent Years," Annala of the American Academy of Political and Social Scienu, Vol. 188, November 1936, pp. 56-69. Dig !tzed by Goog Ie FERTILITY • 63 It was found that the chief loss in number of births during 1931-1935 was in regions other than the South. The expectation that relief families would have a higher birth rate than the census population has been suggested earlier in this report. This was due to the natural expectation that relief would be distributed where need was greatest in terms of mouths to feed. This situation was realized in most areas, but actually in the Eastern Cotton Area the relief fertility rate was 748 as contrasted with 752 for the rural population as a whole. In the other agricultural areas the ratio of children to women for relief families was higher than that for the census population. The difference between relief families and census families was greatest in the Appalachian-Ozark and Ranching Areas. Differences from area to area in the ratio of children to women in the rural relief population are related to cultural backgrounds. One of the oldest and most firmly rooted rural cultures is found in the South. There tradition and custom play an exceedingly important role, and the habit of mutual assistance is well established. In the depression of the early thirties these traditions and customs were unifying forces which assisted the families and groups in caring for themselves without outside governmental aid. Many tenants and croppers on the southern plantations were cared for by landlords who advanced them food and clothing throughout much of the crisis period. This was especially true in the older sections of the Eastern Cotton Area and to a lesser extent in the Western Cotton Area. Although the same type of landlord and tenant relationship did not exist in the Appalachian-Ozark or the Lake States Cut-Over Areas, informal mutual aid may also have been a vital factor. In each of these latter areas the tendency was toward a small-scale, noncommercial, and self-sufficient agriculture. The single crop system in the Cotton Areas was concentrated on a cash crop, but the smallscale operations, together with other social and cultural background features, created an affinity with the small farmer in the other two areas. In contrast to this situation was that found in the more highly commercialized areas where extensive agriculture is the rule. Scattered widely over the landscape, of diverse cultural backgrounds, psychologically absorbed in a money-market economy, these farmers have not built up the body of traditions and customs that determine e.n integrated culture. True there are scattered communities which are highly homogeneous, and there are nationalities which are extremely clannish. But in general the families in those sections of the United States exist as individualized units, each of which acts independently. Their unity lies in the common concentration on a cash crop and on the commercial exchange markets rather than in a 1Jig1•ized by G oog Ie i FIG. 17-CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE PER 1,000 WOMEN • 20 THROUGH 44 YEARS OF AGE :u C WHITE RURAL-FARM POPULATION ::ID > r.., 1930 > ~ ;= m 0 z ~ m C: m .., 0 co· "" ;::;- Children per 1,000 women CD Q. l:::J DB rr '< 0 440 - 549 ~ 550-659 l!lffl 0 a ,..._ (v Less thon 440 660-769 • 770-879 • 880ormore Note: Counties having fewer than 100 women (20 through 44 years ol age) are le! t blank. Source . Fifteenth Census of the United States: l9JQ P.f- Z5SZ, WPA FIG. IS-CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE PER 1,000 WOMEN 20 THROUGH 44 YEARS OF AGE COLORED RUR AL-FARM POPULATION 1930 Ch,ldren per 1.000 women Less than 600 C'Il 600- 699 b:Ji'J 100 -199 ffl 800 - 899 • 900 - 999 • 1,000 or more ~-0 ~- "' Q. ,'l 0 0 ~ ro ~ r ~ Note· Counlies having fewer l hcn 10 0 wo men (20 through 44 year s ol age ) ore left blank Source: F,lleenth Census of the Un, ted Stoles 1930. 1~ AF-2 637.WPA • I 0VI 66 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF collllilon background of cultural ideals and values. In such a situation the relationship between family size and dependency may be close. That is, given widespread economic distress because of a break in the market or to the loss of a crop, the families which have the highest birth rate and the largest munber of dependents will be the first to use up their small reserves. In a falllilistic society, however, family size as such is not the most important variable in the recourse to public relief. Crises in these areas are met first by adjustments within the social structure, and relatives, friends, landlords, or supervisors may extend the economic help that is needed. The very fact that landlords provide assistance for certain of their tenants is also of significance. The splitting of tenant and cropper families 8 tended to place on relief aged or unemployable members and to keep the younger and more able members under the care of the landlord. Thus, the normal families composed of young parents in their prime would probably not be listed as relief cases as frequently as other types of families. However, this practice has been more prevalent in the Western than in the Eastern Cotton Area, and it is in the Eastern Cotton Area that the fertility rate of relief families has actually dropped below that for the total rural population. In order to check further the explanations given for the ratio of children to women in the relief population, data for the two Cotton Areas were analyzed by color. According to the 1930 Census enumeration white families had a higher fertility rate than Negro families in the Eastern Cotton Area, but the Negroes exceeded the whites in the Western Cotton Area (table 17 and figs. 17 and 18). The rate for white and Negro families combined was considerably higher in the Eastern than in the Western Cotton Area. This difference was due principally to the white fertility rate since the Negro rate did not differ so widely in the ~wo areas; the Negro rate was 55 per 1,000 higher in the Western than in the Eastern Cotton Area, but the white rate was 113 per 1,000 lower in the Western than in the Eastern Cotton Area. In the relief population there was practically no difference between the white and Negro fertility rates in either Cotton Area. However, rates were about 175 per 1,000 higher in the Western than in the Eastern Cotton Area for each race. The contrast between village and open country rates showed differences between the races. The Negro rate in the villages was from 240 to 280 per 1,000 lower than it was in the open country and the white rates showed even greater differences. A further illustration of the importance of the general social system was afforded by the contrast between relief and census families in 1 See Mangus, A. R., The Rural Negro on Relief, February 1935, Research Bulletin B-3, Division of Research, Statistics, and Finance, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Washington, D. C., October 17, 1935, ·p. ii. Digitized by Google FERTILITY • 67 Tobie 19.-Children Under 5 Years of Age per 1,000 Women 20 Through 44 Years of Age in the General Rural Population, 1930,1 and in the Rural Relief Population, October 1935, of 2 New England States (83 townships) General rural population Rural relier population Number or Number or Number or Number or children Number or Number or children women under 5 children women under.~ children under 6 per 1,000 per 1,000 ~ under 6 20--44 years or years or women 20- years or years or women 20age age 44 years age age 44 years or age of age State Total ••••••••••.••••••.. 71,538 154,942 461. 7 1,132 1,704 664.8 Massachusetts ..........•...•. Connecticut •..••......•..... 33,237 70, 2tl4 473. 0 800 1,228 84,678 332 476 651.11 38,301 452.3 6V7.6 • Bureau or the Census, Fiftunth Cenw• of the Vnikd &alu: /930, Population Vol. III, U. B. De))811• mentof Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1933. two New England States (table 19). Here the ratios of children to women were considerably lower than they were in the South (tables 17 and 18} and ca1ne much nearer approxilnating merely reproductive needs. In Connecticut the rate for the general rural population was 452 per 1,000, and in Massachusetts, 473 per 1,000. Fertility rates were strikingly higher for relief than for census families. In Connecticut the difference was allnost 250 per 1,000, and in Massachusetts it was about 180 per 1,000. STRONG AND WEAK FAMILY SYSTEMS As a consequence of these differences in the fertility rates of census and relief families, two major types of families, designated as weak and strong families,v stand out clearly. In a familistic social system the families have a larger number of children on the average than those in the weaker counterpart. This does not mean that sterility or small families will be absent in a familistic complex, or that there will not be large families in an individualistic system. Rather it means that the combination of all of the factors which tend to concentrate the attention of the individual on his own wants and desires and to lift from him the burden of support for others results in a steadily decreasing birth rate; and out of this variable mass in which each item differs from the others in almost imperceptible degree, two contradictory typological cases can be segregated analytically. These cases are designated as strong and weak family types. In the contemporary United States these family types are associated concretely in varying degrees with the different sections of the country; and the analysis can be made in terms of either social or geo• See Zimmerman, Carle C. and Frampton, M. E., Family and Society, New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1935, ch. XVIII. Dig11zed by Google 68 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF graphical space. This means that there is a. pronounced tendency for the weak family system to be correlated with the extensity and intensity of the diffusion of urbanism. The opposite relation of strong family systems and rural mores is also true. Geographically, the Old South, including the two Cotton Areas and the AppalachianOzark Area, approaches most closely a familistic social system. A familistic system was also once present in other sections of the United States, particularly in New Englo.nd, but there only its traces are left amidst the dense urban and industrial population. A compensating factor in New England has been the strong family mores of recent immigrants, but the process of assimilation tends to wipe out these traditions in a generation or two. 10 In the early period of settlement by New England and southern families the Midwest also corresponded to this type of famiµsm, but the disruption of systems of social relationships through migration, together with rapid urbanization and sudden prosperity, has meant an equally sudden transformation of the family system in that region. Thus, the tendency today in all regions but the South is toward the weak family system, and, if the movement continues, all that is required for its realization is the necessary time for the process to work itself out. Evidence indicates that the South is headed in the same direction, but it has farther to go. In this manner the two family types can be related to the birth rates in specific areas. Thus, within the strong or the weak family systems the influence of the birth rate, as one of the factors causing relief, may have opposite effects. The weaker the family structure, and correspondingly the weaker the cultural background, the closer becomes the correlation between birth rates and relief. But within a strong family system the factors leading to relief do not appear to be directly related to the birth rate, and the problems of families in these areas cannot be explained merely in terms of a large number of dependent children. 10 In this connection it is interesting to note that in a recent study of relief in rural Connecticut it was found that foreign-born families were not overrepresented on relief and were probably slightly underrepresented as compared with the native-born. See Whetten, N. L., Darling, H. D., McKain, W. C., Jr., and Field, R. F., Rural Familiu on Relief in Connecticut, Bulletin 215, Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs, Conn., 1937, pp. 24-25. That the mores of the immigrant groups are rapidly breaking down in certain areas, however, is illustrated by the fact that in a recent study of Montville, Conn., where there are a large number of Polish immigrants, it was found that the foreign-born Polish families had the highest relief rate in town. See Whetten, N. L. and McKain, W. C., Jr., A Sociological Analysis of Relief and Non-Relief Familiu in a Rural Connecticut Town, Bulletin 219, Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs, Conn., 1937. Dig t,zed by Goog Ie Chapter VIII EMPLOYABILITY, EMPLOYMENT, AND AMOUNT OF RELIEF THE DIRECT cause and effect relationship between cyclical unemployment and relief is so obvious that during depression periods it tends to be overemphasized to the detriment of more continuous, long-time factors. Even in the most prosperous times many families are on relief because of the lack of wage earners or because of their illness or injury. These families may be styled economicaJly disorganized since their economic organization is completely broken or badly crippled. Families of this type include those with no worker 16-64 years of age and those with female workers only. In addition to these extreme types there are the families which have varying numbers of male workers or both male and female workers. The employability composition thus sets the outside limits for family employment, and within these limits there may be wide variations. Therefore, under the general heading of employment and relief the analysis consists of a study of (1) employability composition, (2) occupational displacement and shifting, (3) unemployment prior to relief, (4) reason for accession to relief, (5) relief history, and (6) amount of relief. EMPLOYABILITY COMPOSITION The serious plight of many relief families is shown by the fact that 12.9 percent of all rural relief families in June 1935 had no worker (table 20 and fig. 19), and an additional 7.8 percent of the families had female workers only. Considerable differences appeared among areas in regard to employability composition. About one family out of six in most areas had no employable member and hence no means of wage income. The Cotton Areas had the highest proportions of families with female workers only, and in those two areas the total of the two categories, female workers only and no worker, accounted for one-fourth to one-third of all rural relief families. All of these families may be called unemployable or potentially unem69 01g111zedbyGoogle 70 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Tatile .2O.-Employability Composition of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, June 1935 (138 counties and 1111 New England townshlllS) Female workers only Total• Residence and area Num• her No worker PerTotal cant 1 Male workers only 2or more Total 1 Male and female workers 2or more Total 3or 2 more - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - TOTAL RUll.U All areas ..••••.•• 112,809 100.0 12. 9 u 6. 6 1. 2 (\(, 3 63. 5 10. 8 15. 0 8. 2 H. 0 18. 5 8. 9 6.9 15.0 5.4 2.4 3.6 5.2 3.0 3.8 6.8 6.3 3. 7 3.0 5. l 1.3 1. 0 2. 2 1. 2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 L3 1.1 41. l 47. 7 28.4 01. 6 68. 5 41.0 65.8 73.0 71. 5 72. 6 73. 0 79. 3 611.5 511. 0 35. 4 40. 5 25. 5 50. 7 56.3 33. 9 53. 5 60.9 69.8 61.0 62.0 70.0 59. 8 46. 5 5. 7 7. 2 2. 9 10. 9 12. 2 7. 1 12. 3 12. 1 11. 7 11. 6 11.0 9. 3 6. 7 11. 5 25. 7 24 7 25. 6 11. 6 10.6 14.3 18. 5 7.8 8. 7 10. 3 17.0 7. 5 8.3 17. 9 16. 1 16. 1 16.2 6. l 6. 6 7.3 10. 2 3.3 4.8 6. 2 5.2 4. 7 3.8 --- - - - -- - 100.0 13. 9 19. 3 15. 6 East.im Cotton ••••••.. 7,732 White .••.•••.••.•• 5,(Si Nel(?O .•..•••..•... 2,1)48 Western Cotton ••..... 7,268 White .••••.•••.•.. 5,432 Negro ••••........ . 1,836 AppsJl\chian-Oznrk ••.. 17,016 Lake States Cut•Over .. 3, 7ll2 Bay and Dairy ••••...• 8,626 Coro Belt ..•••.•••••.. 7,512 3,374 1,288 Ranching.•.•••..•.•••• 1,886 New England ••••••••• 4,315 17. 0 23. 6 10. 2 7.9 17. 2 6.6 2. 7 3.9 5.6 3.5 4.3 8.1 7.4 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 9.6 22. 4 16. 6 13.0 27. 5 9.1 16. 5 15. 9 11. 5 6. 5 8. 9 17. I 16. 7 All areas 1 ••••••. 35, 782 100. 0 11.0 6. 7 5. 5 1. 2 66. 7 M.5 12. 2 15.11 8.1 Eastern Cotton ........ 11. 002 White .••••••••••.. :I, 366 Negro ............. 1, 636 Westt1rn Cotton •••. . • . 4,686 White ..•.•......•. 3,510 Negro ............. 1,176 Appalachian•O~ark .•.. 12.066 Lake btatcs Cut.over . 2.492 Bay and Dairy •••..... 11. 028 Com Belt ...••••••..•. 2,802 Spring Wheat ••..•••. . 2, 386 670 Winter Wbent ..••••••. Ranching •••••••••••••• 650 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 JOO.O 100.0 100.0 15. 7 10. 8 16. 4 11. 7 26. 5 7. 4 14.8 13. 8 9. 1 3. 9 4. 2 16. 5 18.5 16. 5 24. 7 7.8 5. 7 13. 9 6.2 2. 3 3. 1 2.0 ]. 4 2.4 6. 2 14. 4 12.6 18.0 6.6 4.9 11. 7 5.0 2.1 2.9 2.0 1. I 1.8 6.2 4. 1 2.9 6. 7 1. 2 0.8 2.2 1. 2 0.2 0.2 - 40. 7 48. 9 23. 8 65.1 72.1 44. 5 66.1 75. 1 75.6 79. 4 - 85.9 71. 7 35.0 41. 8 20.9 53. 2 59. 2 35. 8 52. 7 61.4 61 . 7 64. 0 64. 7 76.6 63. 7 5. 7 7. 1 2. 9 11. 9 12. 9 8. 7 13. 4 13. 7 13. 9 15. 4 12. 5 U. 3 8.0 25.1 24.8 25. 7 11. 7 10. 6 15.1 20.3 7. 8 7.5 9.6 17. 5 7. 5 5.6 15. 4 15. 2 16.8 11.6 11.2 6.8 10.9 3.4 4. 0 4. 6 4.1 3.3 2.8 100.0 15.0 9.4 8.3 1. 1 62. 2 53. 6 8.6 13.4 8. 2 45. 5 35.8 55. 2 62.0 35. 2 64.8 68.6 65.8 6'J. 6 62. 9 72. 2 63.9 36. 1 38.0 32.8 46. 1 61. 2 31. 0 55. l 50. 7 57. 2 59.2 M.4 62. 8 57. 9 5.8 7.6 3. 0 9. l 10.8 4.2 9. 7 8. 9 8. 6 9. 4 7. 6 D.4 6.0 ~f~~r iie::c::::::: 11.8 -9. 11 11. 6 11. 4 5. 5 6. 0 T. O 8.3 4. 6 3.11 4.1 11.8 2.8 4. 6 8. 0 II.II OPEN COUNTR'I 25. 8 0.3 0.6 77.2 -7.6 9. 7 11. 8 9.9 6.1 5. 3 8. 3 9. 4 4.4 3.5 4.9 13.4 4. 2 2. 8 VILLAGE All areas• •..••.• 22, 712 Eastern Cotton .••.•... White .••••••...... Negro ..•.• •.•••. . . Western Cotton ••... .. White .........••.. Negro .. ...... ..... Appnlachian-Ozark .... LBke St,,tes Cut-Over .. Hay and Dairy ..••••.. Corn Belt ....•..••.••. Spring Whcnt. ..•••... Wlntrr Wheat •••••••.. Ranching .•..••.••.•.•. - - -- -- - - - - - --2. 730 100. 0 10. 7 20. 7 17. 8 2.9 41. 9 1,718 1,012 2. /i82 1,P22 600 ◄, 950 1,300 3, 598 4,710 9~8 618 1,236 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 7. 1 16. 8 18. 8 15. 3 2\l. I 13. 4 19. 7 18.8 12. 9 13. 0 13. 9 17. 3 20.0 16. 9 21.9 19. 3 14. 7 13. 2 11. D 10. 7 23.0 20. 9 6.6 7.6 3.2 3. 7 4.3 4.9 7.0 7.6 7. 7 8.5 6.2 6. 6 7.2 11.1 3. 1 2.6 1.5 1. 2 2. 1 1.0 o. 5 0. 6 0.6 0.8 0.3 1. 9 26. 7 17. 4 27.4 17. 7 25. 5 16. 8 6.9 11.3 6.4 10.8 8. 2 12. 7 8. 6 14. 2 3.2 8.0 6. 1 10. 5 10. D 7.2 7. 7 16. 6 6. 1 7.4 4. 4 9. 7 --u. 5. 2 U.3 7 8. 7 4. 4 4.4 4. 5 11.6 4. 8 4. 4 3. 7 7.11 1.3 11.3 1 Exclusive or families whose employability composition was unknown. • Exclusive of New England. ployable 1 since they had no male worker and only in very few cases had more than one female worker. The high proportion of these two types of families in the Cotton Areas was the net result of the 1 See Hulett, J. E ., Jr., Some Types of Unemployability in Rural Relief Casu, February 1935, Research Bulletin H-2, Division of Research, Statistics, and Finance, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Washington, D. C., October 4, 1935, table II, p. 17. D1gt1zedbyGooglc l'arn► Sccu1it11 .ll.<l111i11istl'atio11 ( o lwh 11) . No 1/rf'adwinnf'r in Thi:, /l ome. Digitized by Google Digitized by Google EMPLOYMENT AND AMOUNT OF RELIEF • 71 social environment, the depression, and agricultural restriction measures. The proportion of all rural relief families having only male workers was 4.5 percent higher in the open country than it was in the villages, while the proportion of unemployable and potentially unemployable families was 6.7 percent higher in the villages. Again it is seen that open country families comprised a more homogeneous group, most of whom were normal families with an employable male head, a wife, and children. The economically disorganized families tended to concentrate in the villages. Ill No worker ~ Female workers only 301----251----- I 20 20 - 15 15 a. ! 10 5 All areos Eastern Western Appo• Lake Hoy Cotton Cotton loch1on• States and Ozark Cut-Over Ocnry Corn Spring Winter Ranching New Belt Wheat Wheat England 0 FIG. 19-RURAL FAMILIES RECEl"JING GENERAL RELIEF WITH NO WORKER OR WITH FEMALE WORKERS ONLY, BY AREA June 1935 AF-2810 1 WPA The areas did not fall into any clear-cut groups on the basis of families without workers. The highest proportion of families with no worker was found in the Ranching Area, followed by New England, the Western Cotton Area, the Lake States Cut-Over Area, and the Hay and Dairy Area. The smallest proportions were found in the two Wheat Areas and in the Appalachian-Ozark Area. The explanation for the large number of potentially unemployable families in the Southern Areas was found to be largely attributable to Negro rather than white families (table 20). From two to three times as many Negro as white families had no workers. As high as 29.1 percent of the Negro families in the villages of the Western Cotton Area. and 16.8 percent of those in the villages of the Eastern Cotton Area. had no workers. White families with no worker varied from 7.1 per- Dig 11zed by Google 72 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF cent in the eastern villages to 15.3 percent in the western villages. Similarly, more of the Negro than white families had female workers only although the differences did not appear to be as great. However, the summation of these two categories shows that almost onehalf of the Negro families on relief in June 1935 had no employable male (46.0 percent in the Eastern Cotton Area and 44.7 percent in the Western Cotton Area). Fewer of the white families were in this situation with the proportions 26.6 percent in the Eastern and 20.9 percent in the Western Cotton Area. It seems that through a number of circumstances rural Negro families had become much more disorganized economically than white families. It is also probable that administrative factors affect the figures. Principally, however, the data reveal that relatively more of the families in the South, especially the Negroes, were on relief because of unemployability and that more of the families in other areas were on relief because of special circumstances associated with the depression. OCCUPATIONAL DISPLACEMENT AND SHlmNG Considered according to employment status and occupation, only 29.2 percent of the workers in agriculture were totally unemployed in comparison with 72.1 percentoftheworkersinnonagriculture (table21 and figs. 20 and 21). The high proportion in agriculture, however, was partly due to the fact that farm operators were arbitrarily defined as employed if they were still on their farms, even if they had no cash income. Within the agricultural group the proportion unemployed ' was smallest among farm owners (6.5 percent) and increased steadily at each of the lower occupational levels. Among the nonagricultural occupations the greatest unemployment was in the skilled and semiskilled occupations while for both the unskilled and the white-collar occupations unemployment was slightly less severe. Only 1 percent of the former workers in agriculture had shifted into current nonagricultural employment, but almost 11 percent of the former nonagricultural workers were currently employed in agriculture at the time of the survey. In part this reflects a widespread movement back to the farm during the depression, and in part it also reflects the reversed direction of occupational mobility during the depression, which caused a general shifting down the occupational scale for workers at all levels.3 These occupational shifts are shown 1 The term unemployment is used here to describe the situation of both nonagricultural and agricultural workers. A worker was considered employed if he bad employment of at least 1 week's duration during the month. Of course employment for a farm operator who may or may not have a cs.sh income is different from that of the urban employed, but the two are combined for terminological consistency. 1 See, for example, Hogg, Margaret H., The Incidence of Work Slwrtage, New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1932, diagrams 3 and 4. 01g111zedbyGoogle EMPLOYMENT AND AMOUNT OF RELIEF • 73 Tat.le 21.-Employment Status of Workers 1 in Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Usual Occupation, June 1935 [138 rountles and 116 New En11land townships] Total workers • Total employed workers Employed r ma! occupation Nnmber Percent Agrl- Non&grlculture culture Unemployed Number Percent At At other than usual occu- usualoopatlon cupatlon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --7.6 65.4 38,013 100.0 100.0 37.1 85.6 14. 6 ------------ - -4.2 -100.0 - -95.8 611. 7 I. I 29.2 26, 754 100.0 --- Total _____________ 80,684 Agriculture. ____________ 37,792 Farm operator ______ 18,686 Owner. _________ 6, iSQ Ten~nt _________ II, 827 Far!;~~\':,'_-_~::::: Nonamculture•.•••• __ ._ White collar •••••.•• Skilled.·••····--···· Semuildlled •••• ---·· Unskilled ..••••••... No usual occupation .••. 2,070 19,106 33,125 3,253 4,0fi8 5,729 20,075 9,767 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.3 92.9 86. s 53.6 61. 4 10. 8 6.8 II.I 8.11 12.1 0. 1 1.0 0.6 1.5 2.S 1.2 Ii. I 28.1 12. 4 16.1 16.6 . 13. 7 6.6 II. 7 43.6 44.4 72.1 66.1 1R. 5 75. 0 71.3 119. II 16,136 6,346 8,604 I, 168 10,618 9,251 I, IOI 1157 1,431 6,762 8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 3. 7 116. 3 117. II 116. 6 85.1 95. I 65. 7 71.0 36.8 114.0 66.4 2.1 3.4 14.11 4.11 44.3 29.0 63.2 48. 0 '3.11 - t t • Less than 0.05 percent. t Percent not computed on a base of !ewer thnn 60 cases. • Persons 111 throuRh 114 years of age working or -king work. • Exclusive of workers wh"6e employment status was unknown. • In the 2 Cotton Areas. even better when workers reporting employment are considered according to whether they were employed at their usual occupation or at other than their usual occupation. Thus, 95.8 percent of the workers in agriculture who were employed at the time of the survey were engaged in their usual occupation as contrasted with 55.7 percent of r.7-3 Employed in 111111111 Employed in ~ Unemployed . t.:;:;:J nona9riculture lllllla9riculture 100 90 ~ 80 70 c •~ • 0.. ~ -~ 60 50 40 80 70 ~~ w ~ 60 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 Totol fo rm owner Fo , m Farm Form ten ant croppe r labore r Whi le collar SI.oiled Semi - Un · ~1-:il le d ~kd led c . 50 ~ 0.. 0 FIG. 20 - EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF WORKERS IN RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY USUAL OCCUPATION June 1935 019 tized by Goos le 74 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF IBBBIIII ~ Employed ot Employed ot other ~ than 1111111111 usual occupation usual accupalian 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 Total f orm owner Form tenant Form Form c ropper laborer While collar Skilled Semi• sk illed Un• sk illed FIG. 21- OCCUPATIONAL CHANGE OF WORKERS IN RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY USUAL OCCUPATION June 1935 AF-2812, WPA the workers in nonagriculture. The remainder who had some employment had shifted to something other than their usual occupation. Part of this difference between agriculture and nonagriculture may be explained by the fact that in many regions agriculture represents a direct shift down the scnle for all occupations. Thus, when workers in general are moving down the occupational scale, workers in the lower levels are displaced, but those who are able to retain their positions do not move any farther down the scale. Therefore, 56.4 percent of the unskilled laborers who were employed were recorded as working at their usual occupation. This is a higher proportion than in either of the two occupational levels just above, particularly among skilled laborers, but not equal to that for white-collar workers. The employment data according to occupation for white and Negro families in the Cotton Areas showed that about the same proportions of agricultural workers were totally unemployed but that more of the white workers in nonagricultural pursuits were totally unemployed (fig. 22 and appendix table 24). This was true in spite of the fact that more of the white nonagricultural workers had shifted into farming, 25.8 percent of the employed white nonagricultural workers being engaged in agriculture as contrasted with only 4.7 percent of the employed Negro workers. D191izedb; Google EMPLOYMENT AND AMOUNT OF RELIEF• 75 881 1111 ~ Employed ot usual occupation 1:21 Employed at other than usual occupation 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 'E •t! 50 ~ 'E 50 ~ ~ 40 4ol 30 30 s 20 20 10 0 f orm For m lenont cropper loborer Form Total owner Whil e collar ..... .. ·,•,· W N While N 19 ro w w N w N Semi· skilled Un• N Skil led 0 skilled FIG. 22-0CCUPATIONAL CHANG.E OF WHITE AND NEGRO WORKERS IN RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL R_ELIEF IN THE EASTERN ANO WESTERN GOTTON AREAS, BY USUAL OCCUPATION June 1935 *Percent not computed on a base of fewer than 50 cases. UNEMPLOYMENT PRIOR TO RELIEF The next question to be considered is the lapse of time between the last job of the head of the family at his usual occupation and the acceptance of relief by rural families in their first relief period in June 1935. The analysis shows in part the effect of reserve accumulations which ward off the necessity of going on relief and in part the group mores in regard to receipt of relief. In the case of both agricultural and nonagricultural heads of families, without current employment at the usual occupation, the period between the last usual job and the opening of the relief case became progressively shorter in the lower social strata (table 22). This was particularly noticeable in the proportion of families whose head had a job at the opening of the case or who had been out of work only 1 or 2 months. Of the workers in agriculture on relief for the first time, 11.4 percent had a job at the time of going on relief, and of the workers in. nonagriculture, 5.5 percent were employed. Within agriculture the smallest proportion of these cases was among owners (5.0 percent) and the greatest proportion among tenants (14.3 percent). Farm laborers less frequently (12.1 percent) had a job at the opening of the case, but an unusually large proportion (28.7 percent) had been unemployed 1 month or less. Among the nonagricultural heads of D,g,t,zed by Google 76 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Tobie H.-Length of Time Between End of Last Job of the Head at Usual Occupation and Accession to Relief of Rural Families in Their First Relief Period, by Residence and Usual Occupation of Head, June 1935 (138 counties and 116 New England townships] Tot&)I Hesldenre and usual occu• pation of head Num• her Per• cent Months between end or Job and BCCeSSion to relief None (Joh ended after open• Ing) I or Jess 2 3-8 7-12 13-24 37or 2.5-36 more - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -TOT.lL RUR.lL Total ....•••••••.•••••. 15,982 100.0 7.2 22.8 9.3 18.5 11. 1 10. 3 6. 2 4,681 1,500 318 704 478 8,181 11,301 l, 119 1. 675 2. 056 6,451 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11.4 10.0 5.0 14. 3 7. 1 12. I 5. 5 3.6 4.8 5.6 6.0 23.5 12. 3 II.I 12.9 13. 8 28. 7 22. 6 14. 8 15.11 71. 9 25.8 II. 7 7.0 6.0 5.1 10. 5 11.0 9. l 8.0 II. 3 12. 7 II. 3 14.0 11.3 10. 6 11. 1 12. 9 II. 6 11.0 10. 6 9.8 15. 7 16.4 14.0 18. 0 7.0 10. 5 13. 1 II. 2 9.6 10. 2 4. I 6. 5 11.4 7. I 9.8 21.6 22.1 13. 5 20.8 29. 7 21.4 17. I 15.8 15. 5 16. 4 18.0 6.3 5.0 3.0 7.1 10.0 9.0 7.1 6.1 17.0 21.8 22. 4 21.3 13. 5 6,302 100.0 7.5 23.3 lO.0 18.8 9.9 10. 4 6.0 14. 1 788 112 332 344 1,786 3,728 258 )()().0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 10. 7 7.1 15. 7 7.0 8.6 7. 1 6.0 11. 6 11.8 9.4 8. 5 7. 7 8. 6 10. 2 26.9 19. 7 26. 4 29. 6 22. 5 15. 3 8. 5 12. 3 14. 7 17.0 12. 7 10. 7 13. 9 12. 2 7. 6 10. 4 18. 6 9. 2 to. 7 9. 7 13. 5 12. 5 13. 3 14. 0 5. 5 12. 1 12. 4 14.6 11.0 11.8 6.3 16. l 3. 6 5.8 1.8 7.9 17.9 7.2 4. 7 3. 7 20.4 1.6 4.6 2. 5 3. 7 13. 7 8.9 13. 9 15. 1 32. 5 21. 1 11. 6 11. 9 :b:1. 2 24. 2 12. 7 8. 3 6. 4 27.11 27.0 24.0 17.0 Agrirulture ........••••••••.. Farm operator ••••••.••.. Owner •...••••••••... Tenant ...••.•••.•••. F~l~~r:~:.·.::::::::::: N onagrlculture ..••••••••.•... White collar ..••.••.••... Skllled .••••••••••••.•.... Bern is killed . ............. Unskilled •••••••••••.••.. 14.6 --- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11.6 8.6 13. 7 29.3 12. 6 4.6 6.2 OPJ:N COUNTBT I Total ..••••••••••••••.. Agriculture ....•••.•••••••••. Farm operator .•.•••.•••. Owner ..••••••••••... Tenant. ...•.•.•...•. F~l~~i:~:.·.::::::::::: Nonagrlculture ...••..•.....•. White collar ...•.•.•.•.•. Skilled ......••..••..•..•. Semiskllled ..........•••. Unskilled ..•••.•.•...•••. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - ---2. 574 100.0 13. 4 26. 7 10.8 23.9 9. 2 7. 9 3. 2 4.11 520 6.12 2,298 14.6 3. 4 to. g 7.6 \"JLL.lGE I Total •.•••••••••••••••. 7,812 100.0 6.6 23. 7 8.8 18. 9 Agriculture ...•........•.•.•. Farm operator ...•.•••.•• Owner. _____________ 1,848 632 130 368 134 I, 216 5,964 684 840 S!i2 3,588 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 10.0 10.1 4. 6 13. 0 7. 5 9.9 5.6 4.1 19.8 10.8 7. 7 12.0 10. 4 24. 5 24. 9 16. 7 17. 4 27. 1 27.6 8.3 5. 7 7. 7 19. 6 18.0 12. 3 15.8 29.8 20. 4 18. 7 17. 5 18.0 18. 3 19.1 Tenant. .....••.••.•. F~l~~~~:::::::::::::: Nonw~\1~~it:ar·_-_-_-_-::::::::: Skilled ......•••.••••..•.. Semiskilled •...•••••...•. Unskilled .•••••••••••.... 4.8 4.9 6.2 4.3 7. 5 9. 7 9.0 8.8 11.0 5. 6 9. 4 12. 5 -14. 2 13. 3 15.4 14. 1 9.0 14. 6 12. 0 12.3 13. 3 12. 7 11. 5 10. 8 6. 7 12.0 -5.-9.-7 -13. l 3 19. 7 24.6 14.7 28.3 9. 7 10.0 14.0 10. 7 9.9 9.1 6.6 4. 6 8. 7 3.0 4. 6 7.1 9. 6 7. 9 7. 7 6.4 15. 8 23.1 17. 4 4.5 6.6 12. 7 17.0 16.Q 13. 8 10. 7 t Exclusive or head~ who were currently employed at the usual occupation, who were non workers, who had no usual occupation, and for whom montbs betwren end of Job and accession to relief were unl<Jlown. 1 In the 2 Cotton Areas. 1 Exclusive of New England. families the proportion became larger in the lower occupational levels for each interval up to 6 months. Thus, 3.6 percent of the whitecollar workers were working at the time of first going on relief as contrasted with 6.0 percent of the unskilled workers. There were almost twice as many unskilled workers as white-collar workers who were unemployed 1 month or less before going on relief. In the case of families whose head had been unemployed more than 3 years before going on relief, the proportions usually became greater 01g111zedbyGoogle EMPLOYMENT AND AMOUNT OF RELIEF • 77 with successive steps up the occupational ladder for both agricultural and nonagricultural workers. While in general there was a greater lapse in time for nonagricultural workers than for agricultural workers before applying for assistance, the most outstanding group was the farm owners, 29.3 percent of whom were unemployed more than 3 years before going on relief. Thus, if the lapse of time between first unemployment and relief is correlated with the accumulations of the successful years, agricultural families have smaller reserve funds than nonagricultural families. But the group which holds out longest against relief is the farm owners. REASON FOR ACCESSION TO RELIEF When rural families on relief in June 1935 were classified according to the reason for opening or reopening the relief case, loss of employment was found to account for 24.6 percent of all cases, loss or depletion of assets for 33.6 percent, and crop failure or loss of livestock for 13.6 percent (appendix table 25). The other groups were more clearly those which are usually designated as dependent or defective classes in contrast with normal classes which were forced on relief by special circumstances of the depression period. Hence, insuffident income accounted for 12.4 percent of the total group, disability for 5.2 percent, and all other reasons for 10.6 percent. The differences between open country families and village families in the reasons for going on relief were primarily associated with the differences between agriculture and nonagriculture. Loss of crops or livestock or the depletion of assets was most important in the open country, and the loss of a. job or the depletion of assets Wad most important in villages. Loss of employment accounted for 35.5 percent of the cases in the Hay and Dairy Area, 34.8 percent in the Ranching Area., and 30.2 percent in the Corn Belt. In contrast it accounted for but 18.0 percent of the cases in the Winter Wheat Area, 14.1 percent in the Appalachian-Ozark Area, and 13.6 percent in the Spring Wheat Area. When analyzed on the basis of residence, these differences were accentuated. As a factor in the relief situation loss or depletion of assets was not consistently related to any particular type of farming. It accounted for 48.6 percent of the cases in the Appalachian-Ozark Area, 48.9 percent in New England, and 34.2 percent in the Lake States CutOver Area as contrasted with 21.2 percent in the Western Cotton Area and 14.8 percent in the Spring Wheat Area. Insufficient income accounted for IO to 15 percent of the cases except in the Spring Wheat and Ranching Areas where it was considerably less important as a direct cause of the need for rolief. Disability was most important in the areas which tend toward self-sufficient Digitized by Google 78 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF agriculture-Eastern Cotton, Hay and Dairy, Lake States Cut-Over, Appalachian-Ozark, and New England. Some of the chief effects of the drought period were readily noticeable in that crop failure or loss of livestock was most important in the drought areas. This reason accounted for 81.4 percent of the open country cases in the Spring Wheat Area, 39.7 percent in the Winter Wheat Area, 33.2 percent in the Ranching Area, 31.9 percent in the Com Belt, and 28.3 percent in the Western Cotton Area. In all of the other areas it accounted for less than 14 percent of the open country relief cases, and it was not a significant dire.ct cause of relief among the village cases of any area. The two races in the Cotton Areas reported different "causes" of relief (appendix table 25). Negroes were on relief more often because of insufficient income or disability, while whites were on relief more often because of loss or depletion of assets or crop failure. The two races were about equal with regard to loss of job in ordinary employment. These differences no doubt reflect the fact that Negroes occupy a lower economic status than whites. Under ordinary conditions they have but very slight accumulations of wealth or property and thus have little to tide them over periods of depression. It is true that whites suffer relatively more from unemployment than Negroes (appendix table 24), but more Negroes who are working are not receiving sufficient pay to provide a livelihood. Negro cases tend more often to conform to the predepression definition of a charity case, while whites are more of ten of the type defined during the depression as the "new poor"-relief recipients who have for most of their lives been self-supporting. RELIEF HISTORY When rural relief families were analyzed according t-0 continuity of their relief histories, certain trends were observe ble. Of all cases on relief in June 1935, 74.3 percent of the families had received assistance continuously since February (appendix table 26). Another 14.2 percent of the cases had been reopened' between March and June, aud only 11.5 percent were new cases, coming on relief for the first time. The greatest proportion of new cases in this period was in New England (19.1 percent) and the smallest in the Spring Wheat Area (4.9 percent). Slightly more new cases proportionately appeared in the villages than in the open country. While 74.3 percent of all relief cases were continuous from February through June, the proportion varied from 66.6 percent in the Eastern Cotton Area to 81.4 percent in the Spring Wheat Area. New cases ranged from 4.9 percent to 19.1 percent, and the fewest new cases were to be found in the drought areas: namely, the Spring Wheat, • For definition of reopened case, see appendix A, pp. 110-111. Dig11zed by Google Druuyhl \' iclims. ... ...... .... . ........ ::..·.::.. :. :······ . : .: ::·-·-: ::-·.:: ::•:.. D1gnzed by G oog lC Digitized by Google EMPLOYMENT AND AMOUNT OF RELIEF • 79 Winter Wheat, and Western Cotton Areas. In these same areas there tended to be high proportions of cases which had been continuously on relief since February, which probably indicates that sufficient time had not yet elapsed for farmers to recover from the drought of 1934. Also illustrative of the lower economic status of the Negroes in the South was the fact that they more often had continuous relief histories than the whites in spite of differences between the two Cotton Areas (appendix table 26). The difference between Negroes and whites in this respect was greater in the Eastern than in the Western Cotton Area. A study of the relief history of rural families according to occupation shows that agricultural families were on relief more continuously than nonagricultural families from February through June 1935. There were also fewer new cases in agriculture (table 23). The specific occupational levels within these two major groups were apparently uncorrelated with the continuity of relief history except that there was a slight tendency toward more new cases among the croppers and farm le.borers in the agricultural group. Tobie 23.-Relief History of Rural Families Receiving Relief, by Usual Occupation of 1-iead, June 1935 (138 counties llDd 116 New England townships] Total 1 Continuously Opened Reopened March- MarchPercent ruar)~~~ough June June 1 - - ~ - - - ou relief Feb- Usual occupation of head Number Total ______________________ .•. __ • __ ._. ____ _ 62, 771 100.0 74. 3 11.5 14.2 Agriculture _____________________________________ _ Farm operator ______ . _______________________ _ Owner __________________________________ _ Tenant. .. ___ .. _._. --- . __ . ___ -- __ -- -----. Cropper•----- __________________________ _ Farm luhorer ________ ·----------------------Nonarriculture_. _. _____ .. _. _. ______ . ___________ _ White roll ar. __ . ________ --------- --- ------- --_ Skilled _____________________________________ Semiskilled _________________________________ . Unskilkd .. ___ . ___ . __ . ______ . ___________ . ___ _ 25,524 18,423 6,694 9,705 2,024 7,101 25,884 2,315 3,801 4,287 ~~n~~:l~';'.'-~~~~'.~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I, 545 V,818 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 75. 4 74 .• 72. 7 75. 7 73. 6 77. 9 71. 4 71.1 75. 6 66. 6 71. 8 77. 2 78.8 V. 5 V.2 9.6 8. 7 10.1 10. 3 14.1 17. 2 12. 4 18. I 12. 9 12. 2 9. 5 15.1 16. 4 17. 7 15.6 16. 3 II. 8 14. 5 II. 7 12.0 15. 3 15. 3 10. 6 II. 7 15,481 1 Exclusive of families for which relief history was unknown. • In the 2 Cotton Areas. AMOUNT OF RELIEF Among the various factors which may affect the amount of relief needed in individual cases is the severity of economic distress. Here regional variations and rural-urban differences are of great importance since the business depression is primarily a difficulty of a highly industrialized and commercialized economy. Thus, rural sections, and especially those which tend toward self-sufficiency, are less susceptible to the fluctuations of the business cycle, and their need will not be as directly correlated with it. Diglized by Google 80 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Another variable is the standard of living in the respective areas. This includes the minimum standard of physical need as defined by the customs and conditions of the community; it includes also the cost of purchasing these items in the open market. In general the higher the material standard of living in an area the higher the relief outlays which are necessary in time of depression. Hence, on this basis also there are variations among areas in the type and quantity of relief that will be granted and in the amount of money that will be necessary for such provisions. It is not surprising to note that the lowest average monthly amount granted to relief families during June 1935 was found in the Western Cotton Area ($10) (appendix table 27). It was but little higher in the Eastern Cotton and Appalachian-Ozark Areas ($12). The highest average amount of relief was found in the Lake States CutOver and Hay and Dairy Areas ($23) and in New England ($37). These areas are either districts of high relief intensity 6 or they are rural areas contiguous to highly urbanized regions where the cost of living is high. It is consistent also that in every area, with the exception of the Western Cotton and Ranching Areas, the average cost of relief was higher in the villages than in the open country. This is probably due in part to the higher cost of living, less subsistence production, and the higher standards of relief in such places, and in part to the probability that more cases were on full relief in the villages than on the farms, where family resources may be greater. The importance of minimum standards of relief was most noticeable in the South in the contrast between the races. In the Eastern Cotton Area the average white relief family received $14 in June 1935, as contrasted with $8 for the average Negro family. In the Western Cotton Area these amounts were $11 and $8, respectively. The explanation for the racial differences lies mainly in the comparative standards of living. Negro families, on the average, have poorer physical equipment for each occupational level than white families. The average value of the Negro's farm dwelling in the Southeast is usually only about half that of his white neighbor; and Negro dwellings have fewer of the benefits of sanitation, screening, and other household improvements. 6 Thus there are smaller demands on relief officials to supply these meager wants. Further, the caste system makes equal relief grants psychologically impossible in many parts of the South. That southern families received relatively smaller amounts of relief was shown even more clearly when relief families were classified ac1 See ch. I. e See Woofter, T. J., Jr., Landlord and Tenant on the Cotton Plantation, Research Monograph V, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1936, ch. VII. D191izedb; Google EMPLOYMENT AND AMOUNT OF RELIEF • 81 cording to the total amount of relief (appendix table 28). In the Cotton and Appalachian-Ozark Areas only small percentages of both open country and village relief families received $30 or more in June 1935. The fact that Negro families received smaller amounts of relief than white families, inasmuch as 19 percent more Negro than white families in the Eastern Cotton Area and 9 percent more in the Western Cotton Area received less than $15 for relief, especially needs emphasis. 40...------------------------,40 301--------------------t! ~ 8 201----------- All ar- White ~ Wh!!!J':!!slro Eattern Collon Western Cotton Appo• 1...cN Hay Com Spring Winter lb,ching N1w loc:hicn- Slates ond Belt wi.ot wi.ot En,;ilclnd • Ozorl< Cut-Over Dory O FIG. 23-AVERAGE AMOUNT OF GENERAL RELIEF RECEIVED BY RURAL FAMILIES. BY AREA June 1935 *Townships in Connecticut and Mossoctusetts only, AF-Pl14, WPA In terms of the average amount of relief per family, the families receiving direct relief were the least expensive and those receiving work relief were next with the average amount almost 50 percent greater for the latter type (appendix table 27). Families receiving a combination of both work and direct relief were most expensive of all. In June 1935 direct relief cost an average of $13; work relief, $18; and the combination of both, $25 per rural family. In the case of all types of relief the cost of relief in New England was on the average over three times that in the South. Similarly, in almost every case the cost of each type of relief was greater in the villages than in the open country. The average amount granted per family for each type of relief was smallest in the South (fig. 23 and appendix table 27). The difference between the southern and other areas was occasionally as much as 100 percent or more. This was particularly true in direct relief cases 019 1ized by Goos le 82 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF where the cost in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas was only about one-third the cost in the Hay and Dairy, Lake States Cut-Over, and New England Areas. One important point here is the fact that the effect of the drought was not easily noticeable. That is, the two Wheat Areas, the Ranching Area, and to a certain extent the Western Cotton Area experienced the most severe drought. Yet none of these areas ranked consistently high in its average expenditure for each type of relief in June 1935. IJ1gi11zed by Google Chapter IX MOBILITY OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES IN MANY respects mobility is an intangible variable, the effects of which are difficult to evaluate. This is due to its many possible intercorrelations with other fundamental sociological factors. However, it is possible to generalize in extreme cases. For one thing, extreme instability, particularly in an agricultural society, is generally considered in the long run to be disadvantageous to economic and social conditions. The frequent shifting from place to place has a tendency to make the individual neglect to develop or preserve his immediate surroundings since he has no interest in their permanent value. A population which is continually on the move has a tendency to neglect the repair of housing, to let landscaping go, and, of even more importance, to be careless about the utilization of land resources. If the continued existence of the family is dependent upon careful hoarding of its resources and frugal habits, reasonable stability is an asset and facilitates the process of accumulating reserves. When the family moves around at frequent intervals, these slow and careful accumulations gradually are wiped out. In addition to this effect, which is primarily economic, there is the psychological effect of long and continued residence in the same place. The power of the hearth and the home in maintaining the stability both of the individual and of the social order has been noted time and again.' Frequent mobility often exerts a subtle influence in breaking up the established systems of social relationships. These systems grow and develop at an extremely slow rate and are easily broken. Thus, in a very mobile society the power of group habits and customs may be undermined. If too great instability is disadvantageous to a society, the reverse is equally true. A society in which the individual members are completely tied down to one locality may easily degenerate since initiative may be discouraged if not actually penalized. Certainly there are few sections in the United States in which the population might be characterized as exceedingly stable. Many of the 1 See Zimmerman, Carle C., Consumption and Standards of Living, New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1936, ch. VII. 83 Oig1•ized by Google 84 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF newer sections have been settled but a few generations, and in most of the older sections new ethnic groups have been intermingled with the older racial stocks. There is a possibility that some of the isolated sections of New England may have been too stable in the eighteenth century, but that condition has long since been removed by the development of industries and cities and by the immigration of thousands of other Europeans. This situation is also true of the Middle Atlantic States, while in the South the lack of large-scale immigration is more than "balanced by the mobility of the tenant and cropper families. MOBILITY BY AREA Only crude measures of the mobility of the rural relief population were available. For the most part the families were divided into three groups: lifelong residents, referring to those families whose heads were born in the counties in which they were living at the time of the survey; predepression migrants, referring to those families whose heads moved to the counties of survey at any time prior to 1930; and depression migrants, including those families whose heads moved to the counties of survey some time during the period January 1930 to June 1935. Of the heads of rural families on relief in June 1935, 40.5 percent were lifelong residents of the county, 45.6 percent had moved to the county before .the depression, and the remaining 13.9 percent were depression migrants (table 24). Lifelong residence was correlated rather closely with the period of settlement of the various areas and with the extent of urbanization. That the more recently settled areas had fewer lifelong residents among the heads of rural relief families was very evident. The proportion of such residents was 14.4 percent in the Winter Wheat Area, 17.8 percent in the Lake States Cut-Over Area, 22 .4 percent in the Ranching Area, and 28.0 percent in the Spring Wheat Area. These are all areas of comparatively recent settlement, and, indeed, portions of the two Wheat Areas and of the Lake States Cut-Over Area were settled as recently as the World War. Proportionately more lifelong residents were found in the South and the other sections of older settlement. In the New England, Spring Wheat, and Appalachian-Ozark Areas only a few of the heads of rural relief families were depression migrants in comparison with much higher proportions elsewhere. Unusual migration from January 1930 to June 1935 may be attributed primarily to one or the other of two "causes," the drought or industrial depression. The extreme drought in the Spring and Winter Wheat Areas resulted in a large-scale migration out of the territory, and the business depression in the cities was the cause of a considerable backto-the-furm movement. 2 The back-to-the-fann movement was ap2 Baker, 0. E., "Rural and Urban Distribution of the Population in the United States," Annals of the American Academy of Political ar.d Social Science, Vol. 188, November 1936, pp. 264-279. DigtizedbyGooglc , . . ... .. ........... . ... .. ....... . ... : .: .:-..:. .: ·.: . :. : : ... · ..:•·.·.. :: : :· :.::•::... :·-~ ::-~ .L• Oci atca Pr ~. llovi11g Ti me . Dig,tizedbyGoog[e Digitized by Google MOBILITY • 85 TofJle !4.-Mobiliiy of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence . and Area, June 1935 1138 counties and 116 New England towlll!hlp~) Total p~~~~r- DepreS-slon Number Percent Llfelolllf residents of county 62,060 100.0 40.5 45. 6 7,684 1,808 I~. 972 3,712 8,602 7,470 3,184 1, 2f.O l,S5S 4,220 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 JOO. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 JOO. 0 48.1 42. 9 58. 2 30. 0 2S. 5 42. 6 59.6 17. 8 34. 6 36. I 28. 0 16.9 21. 4 8. 2 17.9 21. 6 7. 3 14. 4 22. 4 32. 2 35.0 35. 7 33. 6 52.1 52. 9 50. l 31.3 6!l. 6 48. 9 46.2 6.~. 3 5i. 8 5•- 5 59. 0 35,346 100.0 45.8 39.9 14. 3 4,962 s. 3.10 1,632 4,660 3,404 I, 156 12,034 2. 430 50. 3 44. 2 31. 5 2,274 644 640 100.0 100.0 JOO. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 lrtl. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 13.1 40. 1 6.3.5 51.9 69. 7 18. 2 23. 3 7. 8 JR. 6 22-4 7. 4 8.8 15.0 17_ 7 20.5 6.5 30. 4 1;. 2 22,494 100.0 33.6 52. I 14. 3 44. 3 40. 3 51.0 27. 5 41. 3 14. 4 17. 7 8.9 Residence and area I grant~ to county mivrants to county TOT.t.L RURAL All areas __ -----------------------------F.astem Cotton _______________________________ _ \Vhite ____________________________________ _ Keirro ___________________________ --- ______ _ We,;tNn Cotton ________________ --------------White ____________________________________ _ K=o ____________________________________ _ Appalachian-Ozark ___________________________ _ Lake StatPS Cut-Over ________________________ _ Hay an<! Dairy_ -----------------------------Corn f..,rin,:Belt_-----------------------------------Wheat_ _______________________________ _ Winter Wheat ________________________________ _ Hanching _____________________________________ _ New England ________________________________ _ 13. 0 1----- 5,040 2.644 7, 0!'8 5. 2\0 0.1 13. 6 16_ 5 17.7 6. 7 27. 8 19. 1 8.8 OPEN COUNTRY All areas•------------------------------Eastern Cotton _______________________________ _ White_-------------- - --- --------- ------- -_ Negro ____________________________________ Western Cotton ______________________________ _ White ____________________________________ _ :Kegro __ __________________________________ _ A ppalachian-Orerk __________________________ _ Lake States Cut-Over ________________________ _ Hay an<! Dairy _______________________________ _ Com lleJt_ ___________________________________ _ Spring Wheat _______________________________ _ Winter Wheat ________________________________ _ Ranching _____________________________________ _ 5. OlS 2. i84 62. 7 31. 2 ~- 7 44. 5 611_8 18. 3 35. 9 39. 4 31.0 17. 7 32. 5 29.5 50. 2 50.9 4S. 1 24. 4 6R. 7 46. 4 VILLAGII All areas•------------------------------Eastern Cotton _______________________________ _ White ____________________________________ _ KegroCotton _________ --------· ------------· ---- .._ Western ______________________________ White ____________________________________ _ Negro ________ ----_-----------------------Appalachian-Ozark ___________________________ _ Lake Rtntes Cut-Over ________________________ _ Hay and Dlliry _______________________________ _ Com Belt__----------------------------------. Spring Wheat_ ______________________________ _ Winter Wheat ________________________________ _ Ranching ____________________________________ _ -- ---100.0 2. 722 • E,clll!!lve of heads of families whose mohllity • Exclusive of New Ent.:land. I. 710 I. 012 2.5'.!8 1,880 652 4, 0:18 1. 21,2 3. ,',/,1 4, f,86 910 616 1,218 W!lS 100.0 JOO. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 lllO. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 23. 4 39. 3 41.9 17.0 32. 9 42.0 40. I 55.8 56_6 53.6 48. I 71. 9 62. 3 34. 2 49. 7 20.4 11.0 69.9 64.0 62. 7 27. 3 16. 7 20.0 7. I 10. 0 11. 1 14.8 16. 1 9. 7 25.0 20.0 unknown. parently of greatest importance in the self-sufficing areas of the Northeast. It was also of great importance in the mountain areas of the South. This movement from the cities to the farms was of little importance in the areas of commercialized and extensive agriculture. Migration because of the drought came principally from the Wheat .Areas and the Western Cotton Area and resulted in a shift of population within those areas and also a movement to the villages and to States in the far West. The southern areas stand out as areas of comparative stability. Relatively more of the heads of relief families were lifelong residents, and there were relatively fewer recent migrants. It is a known fact, Drgmed by G oog lC 86 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF however, that many of the occupational classes in the South are extremely mobile within short distances. The average white tenant, cropper, and laborer family _on plantations stays about 5 years on each farm while the average Negro family remains just over 6 years. 3 Most of the mobility of these classes in the South is of such relativ:ely short range that it does not appear in the tabulations on which this report is based. The greater mobility of white than Negro relief families in the South is demonstrated by the large proportion of white heads that had moved into the county of residence since 1929 (table 24). Between two and three times as many white as Negro heads of rural relief families were depression migrants. These relative proportions held true in both the open country and villages. Almost three-fifths of the Negro heads of families in the Eastern Cotton Area and just over two-fifths in the Western Cotton Area were lifelong residents of the county. In contrast the proportions of white families that were lifelong residents were only two-fifths and one-fourth, respectively. The contrast between the open country and village families reveals again the fact that villages as a whole stand between the open country and cities in many social characteristics. In all but the Ranching Area a larger proportion of the heads of relief families in the open country than in villages were lifelong residents of the county. The difference was greatest in the Appalachian-Ozark Area where 66.8 percent of the heads of these families in the open country were lifelong residents of their counties as compared with 41.9 percent in the villages. The Appalachian-Ozark, Spring Wheat, and Ranching Areas had slightly more depression migrants in the villages than in the open country, probably for entirely different reasons. Excluding lifelong residents, rural relief families were considered from the standpoint of the time of migration. Among the migrant families there were more depression migrants proportionately in the Eastern Cotton and Winter Wheat Areas than in the other areas surveyed. The back-to-the-farm movement was evident in the greater proportion of depression migrants to the open country than to villages (table 25). Only in the Spring Wheat and Ranching Areas was there a larger proportion of depression migrants to villages. The distance of migration during the depression was also reflected in the proportions which came from elsewhere within the same State and from other States. Again migration in the South was seen to be primarily for short distances. The depression movement from the cities to farming arens wns probably one of the factors in these migration data. The proportions of relief migrants who came from the a Woofter, T. J., Jr., Landlord and Tenant on the Cotton Plantation, Research Monograph V, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1936, ch. VIII. Dig tized by Google MOBILITY • 87 Table 25.--Mobility of Mi,rant Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, June 1935 (138 counties and JUI New England townahlps] Total I Radd- and area Nu.m- Perber cent -- Depression migrants to county Predepresslon migrants to county Frede- Depreepresslon slon Durml• mlIng Durflf&Dts granta Ing youth to Total to child• or oounty county hood adulthood -- From From Total ·same another State State -- -- -- - - TOTAL K111LlL All areas .......... 38,980 Ealtem Cotton •... ..... White •••••... ...... Necro ..••••..••.•.•. We11tem Cotion ........ White .••••••.•.•.•. Necro ..••••.•.•••••• ~achlan.Ourk .•.•. e States Cut-Over.•. Bay and Dairy ••...•.•. Corn Belt .••.•.••••...•. =Wheat........... ter Wheat .••••.•... 3,9M 2,878 1,108 4,m 3, 114() 1,038 II, 862 3, oc,o 6,622 4,770 2, 2112 1,078 Ranching ....... .... .... 1,442 New England •••. •.••••. 2,861 100.0 76. 6 23.• 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 67. 6 62. 6 80. 3 7-i. 4 71.1 87.3 77.• 83.• 74.8 72. 2 90. 8 87. 6 76. 6 87.0 32. 6 37. 6 Ill. 7 26. 8 28.11 12. 7 22.8 16. 8 25.2 27. 8 9. 2 32. 6 24. 6 13.0 100.0 73.6 :ie.• 20. 6 100.0 '19•• -----100.0 19. 6 80. • 100. 0 ~ 20. 7 17. 8 17. 9 18. 7 29. 3 20. 11 20.0 17.11 81.11 77.11 74.11 72.8 711.11 79.3 82.2 82.1 81.3 70. 7 79. 1 80. 0 82.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 22.1 77.9 100,0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 19. 8 20.0 111.6 28. 4 27.1 24. 1 21. 8 18.6 18. 3 18. 1 31.8 23.4 21.1 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 18.1 22. 6 25. 11 27. 2 :au 72.. 27.6 ---27.6 72.. 71. 6 76. 1 78.6 77. 4 28. 4 78. 7 67. 8 72. 8 76. 6 e,. 8 73. 7 61. 0 •11.a 23.11 21.4 22. 6 10.6 21.3 U7 27.2 :U.6 37. 7 26.3 811. 0 IIO. 7 100.0 73.9 28.1 80.2 80. 0 80. 6 73. 6 72. 11 76.11 78.2 81.• 81. 7 81.9 68. 7 76. 6 78.9 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 71. 6 70. 6 78. 6 76. 2 74.8 88. 4 80. 8 M. 4 73.1 711. 6 61.3 82. 7 28. 6 29•• 23. 4 80.• 100.0 72.8 27.2 !Kl.8 84. 7 73.11 711.0 72. 6 86.3 !Kl. 6 83. 7 82. 6 80. 9 76. 2 81.2 80. 7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 74. 6 74. 2 76. 6 83. 6 82. 6 91.3 76. 3 64.8 72. 2 72.. 63.6 62. 3 63. 1 26. 6 811•• ORM CO'O'MTKY AD areu •·-·--·-·- 19,142 Eutem Cotton._. __ •••. 2,488 White • •• ••.•.••..•. 1,868 1110 Negro . .•....••..•... WestemOoUon ........ 8,138 White ••••..•.•..... 2,41111 642 Negro ............... ~achlan.Ozark ..... 8,992 StaUIII Cut-Over.•• 1,986 Bay and Dairy._ .•...•. 8,218 Com Belt .•• . .• .•.••.... 1,686 - - --100.0 ea.. 1,668 630 6611 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 158. 2 711.0 73.0 69.6 86.6 73.6 81. 7 72. 6 66.2 112. 1 63. 0 80. 2 36. 6 41.8 21. 0 27.0 ao. 6 13. 4 26.• 18. 3 27.6 33.8 7. 11 87.0 19. 8 All areas'····-·--· 14,0:'le 100.0 78. 4 21. 6 100.0 19. 8 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 JOO. 0 100.0 Jf().0 100.0 100.0 74.1 70.4 81.9 77. 0 73. 8 88. 4 82. 8 86. 7 77. 9 75. 6 87. 8 71.9 72.6 25. 9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 JOO. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 19. 2 16. 3 26.1 24. 0 27. 4 13. 7 19. 4 16.3 17.6 19. 1 24. 8 18. 8 19. 3 it:,L:::::::: ~f!»t! Banchlna••••••.•••••.•• M.• 23.8 25.2 11. 6 111. 7 46. 6 26.11 20.4 38. 7 17. 3 43.11 Tn.U.GS Eutem Cotton ......... White .•••.•••...... Negro ••••...••...... Western Cotton •••..... White •••.•••••.•••. Negro .. ....... .. •... ~achlan•O•ark ...•. e Stau-s Cut•Over •. Bay and Dairy •......•. Com Belt . .. .. ..•.....•. uirlng Wheat ••.•••••.•. Inter Wheat .. ____ ···Ranchlnl-••·· ..... ·-·-1 I 1,616 1,020 41111 1,840 1,444 31111 2,870 1,064 2,404 3,084 724 648 886 29. 6 18.1 23. 0 26. 2 11. 6 17. 2 13.3 22. 1 24. • 12. 2 28.1 27. 6 26.8 24.4 16. 6 17. 6 8. 7 24. 7 36.2 27.8 27.6 36.4 37. 7 36.9 E1eluslve or mfflJ'8,llt beam of families whose period of mlflf&tion was unknown. EsclUBIVe of New England. same States were fewest in the Lake States Cut-Over, Ranching, Spring Wheat, and New England Areas. There were more depression migrants among whites than Negroes in the two Cotton Areas, but white families more of ten came from another State (table 25). Mobility of relief families may also be approached from the point of view of the number of years of last continuous residence in the Drg1r1zed by Goog IC 88 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Ta61e 26.-Length of Last Continuous Residence in County of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, June 1935 [138 counties and 116 New England townships) Total I Residence and area Num• ber Per• cent Years of la.st continuoos residence In county 1 or Jess 2-3 4--15 H 10-14 16-111 --- - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL RURAL All areas.•••••••••....•.•••... 62,256 :1101' more -- 100.0 3. 4 5. 7 5.1 10. 2 8.1 8. 2 511.3 6.8 1. 7 6.1 6. 5 1.2 2. 9 1.3 3.4 4.2 1.6 6.3 5.4 1.8 8.8 3.6 7. 6 9. 2 2.9 3. 6 7.3 6. 0 7.4 3. 2 10. 7 8.4 3. 3 6.8 3.0 6.0 6. 7 3.8 2. 8 6.6 7.3 6.3 3.1 12. V 5.9 4.2 10. 4 6.6 12. 7 13. 5 10. 4 6. 3 11. 4 13. 2 12. 9 8.1 17. 4 9.9 11. 2 6.3 5.4 II. 7 9.8 9. 5 6.0 12. 0 6. 7 6. 3 8.8 g_ I 8.0 7.0 13. 0 8. I 6.8 9.0 8. 0 9.4 11. 2 55.2 73.4 45. 2 64. 2 71.4 48. 5 52. 1 M.9 68.8 1,866 4,232 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 All areas 1 ••••••••••••••••••••• 35,474 100. 0 3.6 6.9 6.1 II. I 6.8 6.9 82. 6 Eastern Cotton ••••••••••••••••..••. 4,962 White •••..•••.••••••••••.•.•... 3,328 Negro .•.....••••••••••••••••..•. 1,634 Western Cotton •.•.•••••........... 4,006 White .••••..••••••.••....•...•. 3,440 Negro .........•.•••.•.••....•••• I. 166 AppslRchian•Ozark ..•......••...•.. 12,038 Lake States Cut•Over .•..••.•••••.. 2,456 Hay and Dairy •••••••..•••••••••••. 5,024 Corn Belt ..........••.•••••••.....•. 2, 790 Spring Wheat .••....•••••.•••...•.•• 2,298 Winter Wheat ..•••.•••••..•.....••• 662 Ranching ••••..••••••...•.•.••••.••• 638 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 JOO. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6. I 6. 7 1.8 L. 4 6.9 1.0 2.6 1.4 3. 3 5. 7 ). 7 5. 4 3. I 7.2 9. 2 3. 2 8. 1 9. 7 3. 4 3.3 8.5 6.8 8.0 2.4 13.9 8.2 6.9 7. 4 2. II 6.0 6. 7 3. 8 2.9 5. 9 7.8 7.0 2. 3 13. 3 6.0 8.3 9. 7 5. 5 12. 6 14. 0 8. 7 5.4 10. 7 13. 5 12. 2 6.6 14. 8 10.0 5. I 5. 2 6.0 9. 7 9.8 0.3 4.8 10. 7 9. 7 6. 3 6. 2 7.9 9. 1 6. 3 6. 4 6. 2 7.6 7. 7 7.4 5.1 13. 7 7.4 5. 7 8. 6 6.9 11. II 62. l 55.4 75. 4 50.6 45.2 - - - - -- ---- - - - - - --- -100.0 4. 3 7.0 5.5 O. I 6.0 6. 6 61.5 Eastern Cotton ••.••.••••••.••••.... 7,688 White ••.•.••••.•••.••••••••..•. S,042 Negro ...•.•••••••. __ •••••••••... 2,6-46 Western Cotton ••.••••••••••••.••.. 7,160 White •••..•••.•.••••••.•.•..... 6,340 Negro ......•.•.••••.•...••.•.... 1,820 Appalachian-Ozark ...••••••••••••.. 16,974 Lake Stst,is Cut•Over ••..•••.•.•.•• 3,744 Hsy and Dairy ••.•••••.•.•......... 8,612 Corn Belt. ••....•.•••••••••••••...•. 7,484 Spring Whe&t. •••••••••••••••...•... 3,222 Winter Wheat ..•..••••.•••••••••.•. I, 274 ~:~~~~ian,C.::: :: :: :: :: :::::::::: I 0.9 7.5 6. 2 8.9 7.0 13. 2 60.1 36.8 64.0 55.1 OPICN COUNTRY - - - ------ - - - -- - - - - - - - 66.4 76.1 49.1 51. 7 55. I 73.2 37.8 61.7 VTLU.OIC 100.0 .UI areas'····················· 22,550 --- --Eastern Cotton .••.•.•••••••...••••• 2,726 100.0 White •.•...•••••.......•••••.•• I, 714 100.0 Negro ......••••••••.•.•.•••••••. 1,012 100.0 Western Cotton •.••.......•..•••••. 2,5M 100.0 100.0 White •••••.••••..•.•..••••.•.•. 1,900 Negro ..•..•.........•••••••.•••• 664 100.0 Appslachian•Omrk ...........••.... 4,936 100.0 Lake St.ates Cut•Over ..•.••••.••.•. I, 288 100.0 Hay and Dairy ........•••••••••..•• 3,S88 100.0 Corn BelL ......•......•••.•.•...••• 4,694 100. 0 Snring Wheat. •..•....•.•••.•.....•• 924 HXl.0 Winter Wheat ..••••.••••••••...•••. 612 100.0 Ranching 1,228 100.0 -------------------------- 3. 5 6.9 5.3 7 9.1 9.5 55.0 -6.-7 -4.-10.-5 --7.0 - --8 7.6 3. 1 60.3 11. 4. I 1.4 4. 6 5. 7 1.6 3. 4 I. 2 3. 4 3.3 1.0 6. 2 6. 5 8. 2 4. 3 6. 7 8. 4 1. 8 4. 2 6.0 4.8 7.0 6. 2 7. 2 8. 5 6. 7 3. 2 6.0 6.6 4.0 2.4 5.1 6.9 6.0 5.0 12. 4 5. 9 11.8 8. 3 12. 8 12. 6 13. -~ 8. 5 12. 6 12. 9 13. 3 II. 9 20. 3 9.8 8. 5 6. g 9. 8 9.8 9. 8 9. 2 H.4 10. 3 8. I 8. 7 10. 1 5.9 7.4 6. 5 11.0 11. 6 9. 2 JI. 7 14. 3 9.0 7. 4 10.0 9. 2 8.1 64.3 70.4 49.1 45. 3 60. 2 60.6 47. 4 52. 7 64.11 58. 2 3.~. 6 55.3 • Exclusive or heads or families whose length or la.st continuous residence was unknown. • Exclusive of New England. county. Again the South stands out as being, in general, a region of stable families and of long-time residents in a single co;.inty (table 26). Rural relief families in the Eastern Cotton Area were more stable than those in the Western Cotton Area. More long-time residents were found in the Appalachian-Ozark than any other area. In contrast, the Winter Wheat and Lake States Cut-Over Areas had the fewest residents of 20 years or more. Almost the reverse was true of families which had been resident in the county for less than 6 years. IJ1gi11zed by Google MOBILITY• 89 More of these families were found in the Winter Wheat, Ranching, and Western Cotton Areas and fewer in the Spring Wheat, Appalachian-Ozark, and New England Areas. Again, in the classification according to years of residence, Negroes stood out as a more stable group than whites (table 26). In the Eastern Cotton Area 73.4 percent of ·the Negro relief families and 55.2 percent of the whites had lived in the county for 20 years or more. In the Western Cotton Area the comparable percentages were 64.2 and 45.2, respectively. Considered according to the proportion of families which had lived less than 1 year in the same county, whites were again seen to be more mobile than Negroes. lnd~ed, there were three to five times as many white as Negro families in this category. MOBILITY BY OCCUPATION Agriculture is an occupation which encourages stability as contrasted with nonagriculture. Of all rural relief families whose heads Ta61e !7.-Mobility of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Usual Occupation, June 1935 [138 counties I J Residence and usual occupation Total• Lifelong 1 - - - - - - - 1 residents Number Percent of county ~e~7.'" grants to county Depression migrants to county _____,_____ ,____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ____ , TOTAL RURAL Total_................................... 58,000 100. 0 40. 9 44. 6 14. 8 ---•i----1-----1------l---24,746 100. O 47. 5 38. 3 14. 2 Ji, 974 JOO. O 49. 7 38. 3 12. o 6, ii2 100. 0 41. 4 38. 5 20. I Nona~riculture .....•....................•.... _ 23,014 JOO. 0 3tl. 2 46. 4 17. • White collar............................... 2,008 100. o 33. 9 44. I 22. O Skilled_................................... 3,240 100. 0 28. 6 48. 9 22.6 Semiskillecl................................ 3,346 100. O 36. 4 42. 2 21. 4 Unskilled.................................. 14,420 100. 0 38. 3 47. O 14. 7 1 Agricultnre.................................... Farm operator............................. Farm laborer.............................. tk~ ~~~~~i~.~~~:'.~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::g ~J ::~ g:~ OPEN COt"NTRT Total ••••..•.•••.........•••••.•.•••..... Agriculture ...................•.......•..•.... _ Farm operator ............................ . Fann laborer .•••...................•...... NonR,n-iculture ....•................•........•. White collar.............•.•............... Skilled ...........•.•••••••.•••.•.•........ Serr-iskilled ....•.......•••••.••............ Unskilled ......................•........... 35, 462 20, 300 15,006 4. 340 9, i92 604 ~~:!~~i~.~~~:'.~~: :: :::::::::: :::::: :::::::: 100. 0 45. 7 39. 7 14. 8 ----1-----1----1---100. 0 49. 2 37. 3 13. 6 JOO. 0 51. 0 37. 7 II. 3 100. 0 42. 6 35. V 21. 6 JOO. 0 41. I 39. 3 19. 6 100. 0 32. 6 38. 4 29. I 1,274 IUO.O 28.9 43.2 27.V I, 4i2 6,442 100. 0 100. 0 35. 7 39. 5 26. 0 15. 6 f>i2 ICXl. 0 4, 602 100. O 38. 3 44. V 60. 4 37. 7 29. 8 9. 8 52. 5 V. 8 VILLAOII TotaJ_···-··················-········ ..•. Agrlculture ..... _.............................. Farm Ol)<'rRtor ..• • •• • • . • . •• • . . . . . . . • • • . • . . . Farm laborer.............................. Non~r,\~~I~~;;~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: flkilled. _.. ....• ..••. ..•• •...• .•. •. •.•..... 22,538 100. O 33. 5 61. g 14. 8 ---·1----1-----1-----1---4,440 100. O 39. 3 43. I 17. 6 2, {M)8 100. 0 311. 4 43. I 17. 6 2, 432 100. O 39. 2 43. 2 17. 8 1u~ I, 966 Semiskilled ...••..•.•.••.•.•.• _............ Unskille<l ......•..•••••• ············-·. •... I, S,4 7,978 ~~~~i:.-:~~~.t'.~~--:::::::::::::::::::::::::: I 1 4, l::z :n 100. 0 28. 4 100. 0 34. 9 32. 9 ICXl. 0 mi ::: z ~J !~:61.5 g 47. 3 6.l. I iu 15. 8 rn: g 17. 8 14. O 1 ~:g Data not avai!Rble for New En1lnnd town~hips. Exclusive heads families whose mobility of of was unknown. o,gmzedbyGooglc 90 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF were usually engaged in agriculture, 47.5 percent of those in agriculture were lifelong residents of the county in contrast with 36.2 percent of the heads in nonagriculture (table 27). Farm operators were more stable than farm laborers, but among the nonagricultural occupations unskilled laborers were the most stable group. Some differences appeared among these occupational levels in regard to the number who had been migrants before the depression, but the most important differences appeared in the number of depression migrants. More nonagricultural than agricultural workers had moved during the depression. More than one-fifth of the white-collar, skilled, and semiskilled workers and one-seventh of the unskilled workers had moved since 1929. Within agriculture more farm laborers than farm operators had moved during the depression. Among farm laborers and among nonagricultural workers there were more depression miTa6le 28.-Mobility of Heads of Rural Families Receivin_g General Relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by Color and Usual Occupation, June 1935 (44 counties] Total Color and usual occupation I Percent J,ifelong residents of county 100. 0 39. 2 43. 0 17. 8 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 41. 4 42. 5 39. 5 36. 3 39. 9 28. 6 33. II 38. 1 46. 8 36. 5 40. 2 41. 2 38. 6 42. 2 39. 8 40. 1 42. II 42. 9 36. 2 53. I 18. 4 16. 3 21. 9 21. 5 20. 3 31. 3 23. 2 Ill. 0 17. 0 10. 4 0------1 Number ~l~e~"j::"· Depre..ss!on grants to migrants county to county TOTAL RURAL Total_ •. ----·--·---·--· - . -- ·--. ------ -- -· Agriculture ........ ____ .·- .•. _. __ . ____ ._. __ ._ .. Farm operator ___ .··--·····-····--·-·--···. Farm laborer.·-··-········--··----···-·-·· NonBl!ficulture ..... --···-··-···--------·-----· White collar·---·---···---··--···-·-······· Skilled .. ------······-·---·---·----··--···· Semlskllled ..... _...... ---·····-·-·-·----·· Unskilled ........ ·-·-·· .... -·-·---···---·-· No usual occupation ..... -.--·-··-·-·-----·-·-· Nonworker ...• ·---·---····-·-·······-·-···---· 14,850 7, 514 4. 614 2, 900 4, 186 532 518 820 2,316 3i6 2, 774 ---1-----f----1---- Wlil'fll Total.·-·----------·--·-·-·--··-------··· Agrlculture .. __ ··-----·--· ·-·-·· ... -----·· .•... Farm opcrator-··-·-·-···-·---·-·····-·-••· Farm lahorer ... -··-···-·-·····-·-·--·-·•-· Nonairriculture .. -.. ···-·---·-·-•··-·-··---·--White collsr.. --·-·---·-·---·--···-··-·-··· Skilled ... ---···----·---·--·-··-·-······-·· Semiskilled .• -··-······---·-··-·--··--····· Unskllled .... - .. ···•---··-·-·-·-·-·-·---··· ~~:.!~:i~.~~~:'.~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 10,384 100. O 33. 8 44. 3 21. 9 5. 408 3,516 1,892 3,142 502 470 700 1,410 100. 0 100. O 100.0 100. O 100. 0 100.0 100. O 100. 0 34. 5 37. II 28.1 33. O 42. 2 26.4 32.1 32. 3 43. 4 43. l 44.0 41. 6 37. 11 39.1 4.1. 2 43. 0 22. I ~:; i;J ------·t----11----~--- 1, ~ 1:: g 111. O 27.9 25. 4 Ill. 9 34.5 24. 7 24. 7 ~r= NEGRO Total .. __ .• ______ .. _-·-. ___ .•.. ·- --- . - . - . 4, 466 Agrirulture .................. ··-·-·· ··-- ...... . Farm operator .. ·-·-··-·-···-···--·-······· Farm lahorer ·-·--·----······--··-····-···· Nonngrirulture. ···-. ·--·-··--·-·-·-·--· ·-·-··· 2, 106 1, Oil/! White collsr.-·-·---·--·----· ... ·-· ···--·-· Skilled .. _.··-·---·----·----·-··----·---· .. Semiskilled. _______ ._---· •... _..... __ .. _·-· Unskilled .•.. _··---·--··-····-···--·-·-··. No usual occupation ... -·------··---·--·----·-Nonworker ..... __ . ______ ._. ___ ····--······-··· 100. O 51. 7 40. 2 8. l ---1----,------100. 0 59. l 32. 0 8. II 100. 0 67. 4 00.11 46. 4 906 100. 0 100. 0 1,286 100.0 - 1,oos 1,044 !~ f,0 :m 100. 0 1mo l t 35. I 28.6 43. 8 7. 5 10.5 9. 8 li6. 7 47. 0 40. 0 42. 8 3. 3 10. 2 7 SO.II 6.4 t ,. t l t t Percent not computed on a base or fewer than 50 cases. 1 Exclusive of beads of families whose moblllty was unknown. 01gmzedbyGoogle t t MOBILITY • 91 gra.nts proportionately in the open country, but among farm operatol'B there were more depression migrants in the villages. Thus, the depression meant a move to the village for farm operators and a move to the country for nonagricultural workers, while many farm laborers simply moved to another location in the open country. The greater mobility of white families on relief in the South was principally a racial difference rather than an occupational difference. This is indicated by the fact that there were more lifelong residents ■ :.~~ Residence In yeors ~ 2-3 □ 4-5 ~ s-9 ~ 10-14 ~ 15-19 11 ;~,: 60 J 50 50 J 40 30 20 10 0 ~-~-~F~a,~m~F•a-,m~~-,m~~•,m-~W•hiteLS•k••·11eLdA~• m • l-~ Un•-~Na• u•suL0IA'~ - ---J0 o_, tenon! cropper laborlr collar skilled skilled occupotlon worker F1G. 24-LENGTH OF LAST CONTINUOUS RESIDENCE IN COUNTY OF HEADS OF RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING Gf;NERAL RELIEF, BY USUAL OCCUPATION June 1935 AF•Hlll,WPA and fewer depression migrants among Negroes than whites for both agriculture and nonagriculture (table 28). The difference was greater, however, in agriculture than in nonagriculture. The occupational differences according to length of residence in the county in which they resided at the time of the survey also show that workers in agriculture were in general more stable than those in none.griculture; 63.2 percent of them had lived 20 years or more in the same county in comparison with 52.9 percent in nonagriculture (fig. 24 and appendix table 29). The stability of the specific occupations within agriculture lessened with progressive steps down the scale as indicated by the proportion that had resided in the same county for 20 years or more. In contrast, stability in nonagricultural occupations increased with progression down the occupational scale with the Digitized by Google 92 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF exception of white-collar workers. The explanation for these differences lies in the fact that the increased responsibility for property in the upper occupational levels of agriculture has a tendency to tie the family more firmly to a particular farm and to increase the interest in improving and developing one farmstead. Farm laborers, however, must necessarily move about frequently from one place to another and do not often identify themselves completely with any particular location. The reversed position of nonagricultural workers in rural areas was due to conditions of labor supply and demand in isolated districts. This was most strikingly brought out in the differences between the open country and villages. In the village there was a slight tendency for mobility to increase in the lower occupational levels although unskilled laborers were a relatively stable group. In the open country, however, the most mobile groups were the whitecollar and skilled workers, and mobility decreased successively with the other occupations. This was due to the difficulty encountered by unskilledlaborersinfindingotherworkinruralenvironmentswhentheir original occupation was discontinued. In contrast, white-collar and skilled workers were more in demand in rural areas and had greater bargaining power and greater resources in seeking employment.' In every occupational group Negroes were much more stable than whites (appendix table 30). Since Negroes in nonagricultural occupations were less stable than those in agriculture, however, the comparative differences between whites and Negroes were most marked in agriculture. RELATION BETWEEN MOBILITY AND FAMILY TYPE Mobility varied greatly among the rural relief families in different areas of the country and had different consequences. As pointed out above, families in some areas were much more stable than those in Qther areas. So far as the usual rural migratory movements are concerned, the country may be divided into areas which roughly correspond to the length of time since their original settlement. The rural relief families in the older areas of the East and South, having been settled for generations, were less mobile than those of the North and West where the populations have lived but a comparatively brief time and have not become firmly attached to the soil. Some modifications of this principle were introduced in the Middle Atlantic and New England States where the extensive urbanization and industrialization have increased ' For a more complete discussion of the difficulties encountered by skilled and Unskilled industrial workers in a rural environment, see Zimmerman, Carle C. and Frampton, M. E., Family and Society, New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1935, ch. XVI. Drgmed by G oog lC Rt:a ett lcw f ut A dminisln1tiu11 i Lu 11~/ ( J . .l/iyrulory Luburl'r Fumily, DiglllzedbyGoogle Digitized by Google MOBILITY • 93 the mobility of the population generally. 6 Another factor in the Northeast is the relative importance of foreign immigration in the last 50 years. Thus, mobility is roughly correlated both with geographical regions and with type of agriculture, and one may say that mobility in the rural relief population increases as one moves from the East to the West and from the South to the North. The small-scale and yet rapid migrations in the South were largely excluded by the definitions of migration which were used in this study. A well-known fact was concealed in so far as residence was considered according to county and not according to farmstead. Since it seems probable that the most important effects of migration are to be found in its social results rather than in its economic results, however, this mobility in the South was really less serious for relief families than that in other parts of the country. Thus, families in the South normally move only a few miles at any one time and probably do not often get outside the bounds of their immediate primary group relationships so that the stability of the social structure is maintained. The principal loss involved in the high rate of mobility in the South is the degeneration of property and other capital goods on the farm and, on another level, there is the psychological effect. In contrast, mobility in the commercial and extensive agricultural areas, particularly in the Wheat and Ranching Areas, is of a type which maintains economic stability through property ownership or long-term tenantry. At the same time it allows the complete disruption of intimate social relationships, customs and traditions, and cultural values. Most of the areas west of the Mississippi have been settled in a very recent period, and families and groups have not succeeded in sinking their roots deeply into the soil. Of even more importance is the fact that this population is comparatively heterogeneous, and settlement has been an individual rather than a group affair. Migrations in this part of the country have continued to be comparatively frequent, over long distances, and by individuals and families rather than by groups and communities. Under such conditions of mobility there is a tendency, however, for the social structure to become more homogeneous over wide areas and for group loyalty to become more associated with the larger aggregates and less with the immediate and intimate primary group. Yet, since in the long run a system of stable relationships cannot be firmly built upon secondary groups, it is evident that the type of mobility in this section of the country tends to have more important social effects than that in the Cotton Areas. Thus, in the South, the immediate primary group relationships may 6 See, for example, Whetten, N. L. and Devereux, E. C., Studies of Suburbanization in Connecticut, I. Windsor, Bulletin 212, Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs, Conn., 1936. D1g111zedbyGoogle 94 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF be maintained to a greater extent and the fundamental basis of the social order may be kept relatively intact. Mobility is, then, related to the type of rural relief families.a Individualized family groups are usually associated with high rates of mobility; and the family type at the opposite extreme, in the familistic society, is associated with stability. Such mobility may be either a cause of or an effect of individualization. Yet the understanding of the direction of causation is less important than the appreciation of interdependence and of the fact that the final effects are not absolute but relative. The first effects of migration are possibly an increased family unity, and the group becomes necessarily more self-centered if it is to survive. Later, however, if this process continues and is prevalent among other families, a rapid mobility tends to break down all established social relations, including those of the family. In this manner the individualized family has set the prevailing tone of the social structure in the newly settled as well as the urbanized sections of the country. Familism is most evident in the Appalachian-Ozark Area and other areas of stability; and the Cotton Areas, with their short-distance mobile families, fall into an intermediate position. Here the family has indeed become more self-conscious and more selfeentered, but the dominant familism of the social system has not been destroyed. • For a more detailed study of migration of families during the depression of the early thirties, see Webb, John N., Migrant Families, Research Monograph XVIII, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1938. Diglized by Google Chapter X EDUCATION OF RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES EoucA AS TION measured by the number of years of formal schooling is a valuable index of the socio-economic position of rural relief families. In general it is correct to say that there is a rough correlation between social status and the duration of schooling. This is not meant to imply any one-way relationship between the extent of a person's education and his success in life. On the average, however, persons who have the most ability, according to the standards of the culture, tend to remain in established schools the longest. This is true in comparing large numbers of cases within a particular area, but different localities are hardly comparable. Nevertheless, it is very useful to compare the number of years of education for the aggregate population in these different areas in order to gain some understanding of the comparative educational level. EDUCATION OF HEADS BY AREA Heads of rural relief families were on a comparatively low educational level. 1 Less than 4 percent were high school graduates and only about 35 percent had as much as a grammar school education 1 (appendix table 31). This means that about two out of three of these heads of families had dropped out of school some time before the eighth grade. In addition, great differences were evident between the open country and the village heads. In every area more of the village heads had completed the eighth grade, and for the country as a whole this difference was 11.1 percent. The areas which stand out as apparently providing the best educational facilities are the urbanized and commercial sections (excluding the Cotton Areas), where almost two-thirds of the heads had an eighth grade education or better. In 1 For a comparison of the educational attainments of the heads of relief and nonrelief households, see McCormick, T. C., Comparative Study of Rural Relief and Non-Relief Households, Research Monograph II, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1935, p. 30 ff. I Data on education were available for October rather than June 1935. See Introduction, p. xn. 95 Dig trzed by Goog Ie 96 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF sharp contrast were the cotton and the self-sufficing areas where very small proportions of the heads had the minimum grammar school education. 3 This was true for both races in the South although Negroes were on a much lower educational level even than whites. If the length of schooling for heads of rural relief families is expressed in terms of median school attainment, the areas retain the same relative positions but a generally more favorable impression is received. The median for all heads of rural relief families in the United States was 6.4 grades, but in the Corn Belt, Wheat, Ranching, and New England Areas this median was more than 8 grades (table 29 and fig. 25). Progressive changes in educational standards in the United States as a whole are also evident in that the median number of years of schooling was higher for each younger age period. However, since the educational level in New England has been consistently high for over a century, the change was not great in this area, and the median was more than 8 grades for each age group. In contrast, the rapid change in the Cotton South was evident, inasmuch as this median was from 4.5 to 5. 7 grades for heads 45 years of age and over and from 5.8 to 8.2 grades for heads aged 16-24 years. Thus, promise is given of a future educational level in the South comparable to other sections of the country. A low educational level is not a phenomenon peculiar to the South, but it is also prevalent in all areas of the United States where subsistence or small-scale agriculture is predominant. The median school attainment for rural relief heads of families in the Eastern Cotton and Appalachian-Ozark Areas was slightly more than 5 grades, in the Western Cotton Area 6.4 grades, and in the Hay and Dairy and Lake States Cut-Over Areas between 7 and 8 grades. In all other areas the medians were more than 8 grades. This difference was most important, however, for the older heads, and in all areas except the Eastern Cotton and Appalachian-Ozark relief heads 16-24 years of age averaged more than 8 grades. Differences between whites and Negroes in the South are again evidenced in that the median school attainment for heads of rural relief families in the Eastern Cotton Area was 5.9 grades for the whites and 2.9 grades for the Negroes and in the Western Cotton, 6.7 grades for the whites and 5.3 grades for the Negroes. In the Western Cotton Area the great improvement in education in recent years appeared in the case of the Negro heads whose educational level had been brought up more nearly equal to that of the whites (table 29). • Comparison of education in the South and other area.a according to years of schooling is made difficult by the fact that in many Southern States a high school education is completed in 11 years and a grade school education in 7 years. Yet this practice is not uniform throughout the South so that no standard can be set for the region as a whole. IJigmedbyGoogle - "' ~~ ~1,~~ ::,: ' . u~~ .. ..1. 1 \_. llf. • 'iii ~ .. " J' cud1i11y . \11 11 / .\'c11u·u 'J'u l< cw l. Gig ttzf'd by Goog Ie Digitized by Google EDUCATION • 97 Ta.,. 29.-Average School Grade Completed by Heads of Rural Families Receivln9 General Relief, by Residence, Area, and Age, Odober 1935 1 (138 counties and 83 New England toWDBblps '] A versi!e grade completed, by 111111 Resldenre and area Total• 1~24 years 21>-34 35-4-l years years 45yean1 and over -----------------1--- --- --- --- --TOTAL &URAL All&rl'IIS--···································· Eastern Cotton .......•••••••• ••••• ••••• ••••••••••••• -::~~:::: ,:::: :: ::::: ::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::. 6.4 7. 8 7. 4 6. 4 5.6 - - - - -- - - - - - --6. 3 6. 2 6. 8 5. 9 4. 5 6.9 2. 9 6. 4 6. 7 6.3 6. 3 7. 3 7. 9 8. 2 8. 1 8. 2 8. 4 8.3 Wesu-rn Cotton .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - ••••••. White ..•••••••• •.• .....••••••••••••••••••••••••. Negro .......•.•••••••••••••• ••••• •••• ••• ••• .••.• Appalachian.Ozark .•.• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••.•• Lake States Cut.Over ••••••.• •• •• ••• •••••••••• •••• •• Hay and Dairy •••.••..•••••.••••• •••.• ••••• ••• •• •••. Corn Belt ....•.•......•••••••••••••••. · ······· ··-··· Spring Wheat. •••.•...•.•.•••.•••••••••••••••••••••• Winter Whrat •••.... •.•.••••••.•••.•••••••••••••••.. Ranchtn1r. •• ·•·····••·••· •·••••• ·••• •• •••••••••••• •· New Enaland •••.. •••.• ..•• • ••••••• • ••••••••.•••••• . 6. 7 4. 9 8.2 8. 3 6. 9 6. 6 8. 4 8.6 8. 7 8. 3 ~- 7 9. 4 8. 6 6. 6 3. 6 7. 0 7.1 6. 9 6. 0 8. 4 8. 3 8. 6 8. 3 8.3 8. 7 8. 6 6.1 3. 0 6.3 6.6 6. 2 6. 3 7. 2 8. 0 8. 2 7.9 7. 9 8. 3 8.3 6. 2 l. 9 6. 7 6. 1 4. 8 4. 5 6.4 6.9 7. 1 8. 1 8. 1 8.2 8. 2 OPIIN COUNTRY All areea •. . .........•••...••••.•...•...•••.... Eastern Cotton.•.••...•..• •• •••••••••••••• •••• •••••• White ...••••..••••• ••.. • •••••• ••••.•••••••••• ••. Negro ...••.•.... •••..•••••.•.••••••••••••••••••• Western Cotton •.• ...•. .• • ••••••• ••• ••••••.••• ••••.. White .••••••.•.•••....••••••.•••• .•• •. ••••••••.• Negro ......•.....•••••••.••••.••• •••••• • •••••••• Appalachtan•Ourk .•.•••••..•••••••••••••• - ••••••••• Lake fltates Cut.Over ..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . Hay and natry ......•.•.•.••• . •• ••••• • ••••••••••••• • Com Belt . ..••••.•.••• •• ••••••••••••••••••• _•••••••• Spring WheJ\t. •..•..•.• ••••. .••••• ••••• ••••••••••••• Winter Wbrat •.••.• ..•••••••• ••• •.••• •••• .••••••••• 7. 2 7.0 6. 2 11. l 6. 1 - -6.-7 - -6.-1 - - 4.-4 ----6. 1 6. 8 Ranching . _ •••••....•..••.••••••••••••.•••••••. • ••• • 6. 6 2.8 6.4 6. 7 6. 4 6. 1 7. 2 7. 8 8.0 8. 1 8. 1 8.0 6. 4 4. 8 8. 1 8. 2 6. 8 6. 1 8. 4 8. 4 8.6 8. 3 8.6 8. 0 6. 3 2. 4 7. 0 7. 1 6.6 6.8 8. 2 8.2 8. 6 8.2 8. 3 8.3 6. 8 3. 1 6. 3 6.6 6. 6 6. 2 7.4 8.0 7. 7 7. 3 7. 8 7. 2 4.8 2. 0 6.6 6. 9 4. 4 4. 2 6. 3 6.8 6. 9 8. l 8.0 7.3 6. 9 11. 3 8.1 6. 7 6. 1 7. 2 3. 1 6. 4 6.8 5.1 6. 7 7. 5 8. 0 8. 3 8. 2 8.3 8. 6 7. 0 4. 11 8. 4 8. 4 7. 7 8. 3 8. 9 8.8 8. 4 8. 7 7. 4 6. 2 6. 7 7. 2 6. 3 6. 3 8. 6 8. -~ 8. 6 8. -~ 8. 3 9.0 9. 0 6. 9 2. 6 6. 4 7. 0 4. 6 6. 4 6. 8 8. 0 8. 3 8. 2 8. 0 8. 6 VTLU.011 All areas• ................ . ... . .. ·· · ·-······-·· Eastern Cotton .•••..••.. •• •••••••••••••••.• •• ••••••• White . •.•••• ••.••.••••••• •• •••• • ·-·· •••••••••••• Negro ........••.•. ••••• •• •••••••.••••••••••••••• Western Cotton .••• . ••••••••.•••••••••• •• ••••••••••• White .••••••.••.•••••••••.••••• ••••• · -···· ·· ··· · Ne,ro ..........••••••.••••••••••••• •••••• •.•• .•. Appalachian.Ozark ......•.••••••••••••••••••••• ••••. Lake Btatr.s Cut•Over .•.... •.•• •.. . ••• •.•••••••••• •. Hay and Dairy .•.. •• ....•..•••..••.•••.•••.••••••••• Corn Belt . ........•• ••..•.••• ••..• •••.••••••••• ••••• Spring Wheat. ••..••••..•. . .••••••••••••••••••••••.• Winter Wheat .••..•........••••• •. .•.. . . •••• •• ••.• • . Ranchin~ ..•.... . .•.•......•.••••.•••.•.•.•••••••..• • - - 4.-8 - -6.11 - - -6.- -6.-6 - -6.8 9 t 7. 2 1.8 6. 1 6. 5 4. 8 6.0 15, 6 7. 0 7.9 7. 7 8.3 8.3 t Median not computed on a base of fewer than 60 casea. Median. • Townships in Connecticut Rnd MRSSBchus,,tt.s only. • Erclusive of heads ol ramifies whoso school attainment was unknown. • Exclusive ul New England. 1 Although the education of heads of families 16-24 years of age was on a higher level than that of any older group of family heads, there is still much which should be done. Among the families studied, less than 9 percent of the youthful heads were high school graduates and more than two out of five were not even grammar school graduates (appendix table 32). For the country as a whole 42.1 percent of these heads in the open country and 58.0 percent in the villages had at least Digitized by Google 98 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF 8 grades to their credit. Relatively small as these proportions may seem, it is encouraging to note that these proportions are much higher than in the case of all heads of families (appendix table 31). In every area the proportion of grammar and high school graduates was considerably higher for heads 16-24 years of age than for all heads. 10 10 8 8 -8 6 ~ t C .6.., :I CII .!5! j 4 4 2 2 01-..IIZlllg._....,.,_-..._._:J.mr,Ql._~LJ~~--~L...1~---"l--..w.iiL.JW!l.lL.......JO Al I While N~ro WM• Negro Appa• Lake Hay Corn Spr ing Winter Ra>ehing New oreo s Eastern Cotton Western Cott on lachian - Stctes and Ozark Cut-Over Dairy Belt Whea t Wheal England FIG. 25-MEDIAN SCHOOL .GRADE COMPLETED BY HEADS OF RURAL FAMILIES RECEIVING GENERAL RELIEF, BY AREA October 1935 AF•l!III, WPA EDUCATION OF HEADS BY OCCUPATION The fact that education and social status are roughly correlated can be demonstrated best by the proportion in each occupational group that had completed an eighth grade or a high school education. The proportion of high school graduates among heads of rural relief families was about 2 percent for agricultural workers and almost 7 percent for nonagricultural workers (table 30). In addition, there was a rough stratification within these broad occupational groups. For the country as a whole education was positively correlated with occupational level within agriculture with the exception of farm laborers. For the last group there were almost as many high school graduates proportionately as in the case of owners, and there were in fact more grammar school graduates. Percentages for owners were apparently unduly weighted in a downward direction by a group with but little education. An example of this is the fact that there were more owners. with no formal schooling than was the case among either tenants or farm laborers. The higher school attainment of farm laborers was also due to their lower average age as more of them Diguzed by Google . Ta&le 30.-School Attainment of Heads of Rural Families Receivin9 General Relief, by Usual Occupation,• October 1935 (300 counties and 83 New England townships I I Last grade or year completed Total• Grade and high school Usual occupation Number Percent None 1-3 4-5 8 7 8 College 9 10 11 12 I 3 2 Graduate work 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - 2. p 7.; 1. 7 0.4 o. 5 0.1 12.8 20.1 10. 6 9. 5 26.1 4.1 3. 3 0. 2 100.0 Total .••....•••...•.•.. 78.886 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - 0. 2 0. 2 0.1 40,014 100.0 14. 9 10. 6 9.6 24. 5 3. 2 2 5 1.0 1.6 0.1 Agriculture ........•••••..... s. 7 22. 8 - . Farm operator. ••.••..... Owner _______________ Tenant ........•..•.. Cropper• ............ Farm lahorer .• _......... Nomwrieulture _______________ While collar •...•.••..•.. Skille<l.. .....•..•.....•.. SerniskiJled ....••.....•.. Unskilled ..............•. No usual occupation ......... Non worker .•................ 27,2H 9, 4i2 12.~20 4. 952 12, 7i0 31. 766 2, i72 4,746 4,894 19,3M 2,108 4, 91l8 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 8.8 8.8 7. 4 12.5 8. 4 6.0 1.1 2. 4 3. 7 ~- 2 3.9 11. 6 15. 0 13. 6 12. 9 22.9 14. 8 10. 4 2.8 4. 4 7. 5 13. 7 6.9 13.2 23. 5 2"2.8 21. 8 :Ill.I 21. 2 16. 5 5. 2 12. l 13. 9 19.9 20. 1 21.6 10.9 10. 1 ll.3 11.6 9. 9 10. 6 3. 2 10.2 11. 4 11. 5 8. 6 12, I 9. 6 9.5 10. I 8. 2 ll.6 9.8 5.3 11.3 10.8 9. 7 9.3 8.0 24. 7 25. 9 29. 3 11. 3 24. 5 28.4 2S.3 37. 2 32. 9 25. 2 W.8 22. 6 2. 7 2. 7 2. 9 2. l 4.1 4.9 6. 7 6.4 5. 5 4. l 9. l 3. 6 2.1 2. 9 1.9 I. l 3. 4 4. 3 5. 9 5.6 5.4 3. 4 3.0 3. 3 0. 7 0. 9 0.8 0.4 I. 4 2. 4 8.4 2. 4 2.9 I. 4 4.3 1. 4 I. 3 1. 7 I. 2 0.6 2. 4 4. 6 16. l 6. 2 4. 5 2.5 5. 3 1.9 0. 3 0. 5 0. 2 0.1 0.1 0.6 5.0 0. 2 0. 5 0. 2 I. 2 0.1 0. 2 0.3 0.1 - 0.1 0.8 5.6 1.3 0. 7 0.1 1.0 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 -- 0.2 1. 4 0.3 .. 0. I - . 0. I 0.2 0 l 0.1 0.4 4.1 - 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.2 -- 0.1 0.9 --- . • Less than 0.05 percent. Data by tLsnnl (){'CUpntion and srhool attainment were not av'lilahle for the area 5ample used elsewhere In this analysis. Hence, 8 l•r~er State sample, taken under the SBme conditions, was utilized. For a ,Jescription or the State sample see Mangus, A. R., Changing Aiptcl• of Rural Relit/, Research Monograph XIV, Didsion or Soci~l Research, Works Progrrss Administration, Wnshington, D. C., 1938, appendix B. • Townships in Connecticut and Massachusetts only. • Exclusive or heads or families whose school attainment was unknown • In the 2 Cotton Araas. 1 0 <i'i" ;c. ;::; "'O" Q. '<: C; 0 o2 'Fi" rn C C: " ► ::! 0 z • ~ 100 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF have been affected by the increased educational facilities of recent years. In the case of nonagricultural workers there was a well-marked hierarchy which correlated education and relative socio-economic status. The trend from low education to high education clearly followed the lines from unskilled to semiskilled, to skilled, and to white-collar workers. Here the differences were much more exaggerated than in the case of agricultural workers, and the proportions of high school graduates ranged from 33.1 percent for white-collar workers to 2.9 percent for unskilled workers. White-collar workers as a class were very clearly separated from the rest of the occupations, and all of the nonagricultural occupations were seen to be on a higher educational level than those in agriculture. Unskilled workers, who were on the lowest level among the nonagricultural occupations, were on approximately the same level as the highest group in agriculture. The educational level of the heads who either were nonworkers or had no usual occupations was also fairly high, inasmuch as from onethird to one-half of them had a grammar school education. This compared favorably with agricultural workers and with workers in the lower levels of nonagricultural occupations. EDUCATION OF MEMBERS OTHER THAN HEADS The average school attainment for family members, other than heads, 16 years of age and over was more than eight grades in each area except the Cotton and Appalachian-Ozark Areas (table 31). In contrasting the median number of years of schooling for members falling within the various age groups, it was evident again that educational standards have been raised conside,ably within the last generation. Because of the longer period of school attendance, youth 16-24 years of age had completed nine grades or more on the average in the Corn Belt, Winter Wheat, Ranching, and New England Areas. Most of the rapid recent improvement in education has taken place in the South, as evidenced by the fact that the average school attainment even for those 45 years of age and over was 8 grades in the New England, Spring Wheat, and Ranching Areas. That the Southern States differ among themselves in educational standards is shown by the fact that the median school attainment for other family members was 7.6 grades in the Western Cotton Area but only 5.8 grades in the Eastern Cotton Area. Schools in many areas today have relatively high standards and long periods of continuous attendance. This is particularly true in the villages where the average school attainment was almost nine grades in six of the agricultural areas studied. In contrast, the lowest average for any group among the sample families was found in the open country in the Eastern Cotton Area where the median school attainment for persons 45 years of age and over was but 3.7 grades. Dig ttzed by Goog Ie . ... . .. . :..: .:·-.:. .: ·.: .. TaUe 31.-Average 1 School Grade Completed by Persons 16 Years of Age and Over, Other Than Heads, in Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence, Area, and Age, October 193 5 (138 counties and 83 New England townships •) Averflg<! grade completed, by age Residence and area Total I 25-34 11\-24 yenrs 45 years and over 35--44 years years ------------------•--- --- --- --- --TOTAL RURAL All area., ____ ·--·- - --- -- -- -- -- ---- - -··-· -- -- •••• Eaatern Cotton __ • ___________ --·-·- _________________ _ White___ __ ·····----·---- - --·---- -- ·--·-Negro ----·-···-·---______ .•••-···--____________ ___ -_ 7.6 8.2 7.4 6. 7 5. 8 6. 0 3. 2 7.6 7.8 6. 6 6.3 8.4 8.4 8.6 8.4 8.5 8.8 8.6 7.3 3.6 8. 2 8.4 7. 2 7.3 8. 7 8.8 9.0 8.6 11.2 9.3 9.0 6. 3 3. 9 7. 4 7.6 6. 7 6.2 8. 4 8.4 8.6 8.3 8. -~ 8.8 8. 7 6.3 3.1 i.0 7. 2 5.5 5.4 7.0 8.0 8.4 8.1 8.2 8.6 8. 4 5. 5 1. 0 6.0 6.6 4.6 4. 7 5.6 7. l 7. 5 8.1 7. 7 8.3 8. 2 7.1 8.0 7.0 6.2 5.4 6.3 2. 7 7.6 7.8 6. 7 6.0 6.9 3.0 8. 2 8.3 7. 3 6.9 8.6 8. 7 8.8 8.5 9.1 8.6 6.1 3 4 7.4 7. 5 6. 7 6.0 8.2 8.3 8.6 8.3 8.5 8. 5 5.U I. 4 6.9 7.0 6.0 5.1 6. 7 7. 7 8.3 8.1 8.1 8. 4 4.6 I. 4 0.0 6. 6 4.8 4.4 5.1 6. 7 7. 2 8. 3 7.6 8.1 8.6 8. 1 7.6 6.3 8. 7 4.8 8. 3 8.5 6.9 8.1 9.6 9. 2 0. 5 8. 9 9. 4 9.9 7. 4 4. 7 7. 7 7.9 8.3 5.3 7.3 7. 5 6.9 0.8 5.8 6. 7 4.0 5.2 7. 0 7.8 7. 6 6. 9 7.Q 8.3 - --- -5.-8 - -6.4- - -5.-8 - -5.6 4. 4 Western Cotton __ ·····---_--· ____ ---·- __ ---- --- ____ _ Whlte_·---·-··----··-----·-·----------------·-·Negro __ --·--···-··· ··- -·--·-·--- -·-----·______ __ ApJ)Blachlan•Ozark _____________________ • ___________ Lake State, Cnt•Over_ ·--·--·-·--------------------Hay and Dairy_--··-·-·-·-·-·- ______ --·---···---·- __ Corn Belt__··-··--·-·---·-_-·-- _____ --·---·-- ______ _ Spring Wheat __ ··-·---·-·---·- ___ -·- ___ ---·---·-·-·_ Winter Wheat·-··-·---··-----··-·_--·---·-··--- -- --Ranchlnr .. _.• _. _·- _-. -.• ···- ·- --• -• -·-· -• -. --· - -- -- New England_-·--····-··-·-···-----------··------·OPEN COUNTBT All RreM ·- - ·····---···-········- ·- ·-·-- -·-- -·· Eaatem Cotton ••. ___ ···-·-·--·--·-·-·-·------·--·-·White_··-··········-··- --- ·- ·- -- ·--·- -- -- --- -- -Negro_ -·····---- ·-···-·-·--- --·--- --·-- ________ _ Western Cotton.··-·- ___________________ --·---- ____ _ White .•••••• _····- _________ -·-·-·- __ -- -- --- --··Ne1tro .• -·-·-·--·-·- -· --- -- --·-·-· --· -- ---- -· -- ·Appalachian-Ozark_. __ -·- ________ -·-·- __ .-···· __ -·-_ L!lke States Cut•Over .. ·----·-·---·---·····-----···· Hay and Dairy·············-·······---··-··--·····-Corn Belt_·-·············· ____ ·-·-·- ____ --·- ____ -·-- - -5.-5 - -5.-9 - -5.6- - -5.-3 - - 3.-7 Wf!~:r ~hh~C::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ranching_······-·············---·- _______ -·-- --- ---- !I. 3 8.3 8.5 8.4 8.5 8.5 VILLAGE 8.1 All areaa •. _··-···· --·- ----- -· _- ___ - -·- --·-· - .. --Eaatem Cotton_. __ --·-·---- __ ---·- _________________ . r..8 8.1 White_······---·--·-·-·--··---------·-----·- -- -4.4 Negro __ ········-·-·---·-·----·-----______ ·-·--Western C'otton_._ -··-·- _. ________________ . ________ _ 7. 7 White_·······---·-···-·- ______ .-·- __ ---- - . - ____ _ 7.9 Negro __ ·--···--···-···- _________ --·- ______ -· ___ _ 6. 2 Appalachlan•Ozark __ --··-- ____________________ . ____ _ 6. 9 Lake States Cut-Over _____________________ . ________ _ 8. 7 8. 5 Hay and Dairy_··-·-·-···----·---------------·-----Com Belt.--·-·-·--··-----·-----------·--- _________ _ 8. 6 Spring Wheat_----------·-·-----·-- ________________ _ 8.5 8. 6 Winter Wheat--··-·-·---·-----------------------···_ Ranching....•••• -_ •. __ ··--·-··-·-- __ --··- __________ _ 9.0 - -7.-7 --- -6.-7 - - 5.6 6. 4 t 6. 7 8.8 8.5 8.6 8. 5 8. 7 8.9 t 6.1 8. 2 8.2 8. 4 8.0 8. -~ 8.8 t Median not computed on n base or fewer than 50 cases. Median. • Townships In Connecticut and MnSMchusetts only. • Exchtsive or memhers or families whose school attainment was unknown. • Exclusive of New England. 1 In the South the low standards of education for Negroes dragged down the average for all families (table 31). The greatest difference between Negroes and whites appeared in the Eastern Cotton Area where the median for Negroes was less than four grades at each age up to 45 years and only one grade for family members of that age and over. In the Western Cotton Area the difference between whites and Negroes was only one grade for the two age groups under 3(> years and two grades in the age groups 35 years and over. Thus, the o,gmzedbyGooglc .... ........... ....... . ... . ... •.. .. .. .... . ·.· : :: : ...· • • · .• .-H~2••• RURAL F~ILIES :•·.::::.-· .... .... :.·.·.• ■ ■ • ■ • I ■ • ■ ■ • ON RELIEF improvement in education in recent years in the South was reflected in the school attainments of Negro family members. In addition the education of many youth in rural relief families was not complete since they were still attending school at the time of the survey. Indeed two-fifths of the number aged 16 and 17 years, other than heads, were still in school as were one-tenth of those 18-20 years of age (table 32). Ta'1le 32.-School Attendance of Youth 16 Through 24 Yean of Age, Other Than Heads, in Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, October 1935 (138 counties and 83 New England townships•) 16-17 years Total Residence and area " ~ z"' -- 8.c -g .. ,c <I 1 ... zlil Ill <I 18-20 years 3 I., :i E-< Z"' <I 3 0 E-< 8 -g .. ,c .c lil ... <I OU z"' 21-24 years <I 0 .a OU - - -- -- - - -- -- I.a :1zil <I 3 0 E-< ----- TOTilRUlliL All areas .......... 26,244 100.0 17.0 83.0 100.0 41. 4 58. 6 100.0 Eastern Cotton.••••••.. Western Cotton.•••.••.. Appalachlan•Ozarll: ••••. Lake States Cut•Over••. Hay and Dairy •••...... Com Belt.. ........••••. ~ring Wheat.. •••..•••• Inter Wheat ••.••••.•. Ranching ••....•...••••• New England .....•••••• 9. 7 90.3 100.0 0.9 00.1 - - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- --2,364 100.0 15. I 84. 9 100.0 34.6 65.4 100.0 10.0 90.0 100.0 I.II ll8. 4 2, i58 9,934 1,632 2,858 1,492 l, 470 492 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6118 100.0 1,676 100.0 20.4 12. 8 17. 6 20. 8 22.0 14. 8 33.3 31. 7 19. 6 70. 6 87. 2 82. 4 79.2 78.0 85. 2 66. 7 68.3 80.5 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 46. 3 31. 2 48. 3 55.6 53. 2 32.1 69.8 67.6 61. 7 53. 7 68. ~ 61. 7 «. 4 46. 8 67. 9 30. 2 32. 4 48.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 13. 2 7. I 8.6 9. 7 14.2 12. 3 21.1 15.6 8.0 86.8 92. 9 91. 4 90.3 85.8 87. 7 78.9 84.4 112.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 -100.0 1.1 llS.11 0.4 00.G 0.4 Oil.II 0.8 00.2 I. 7 ll8. 3 '-3 95. 7 -100.0 - 100.0 100.0 0.8 00.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.8 118. 2 -100.0 0.8 99. 2 o. 5 99.6 o. 7 99.3 - 100.0 0.11 1111.4 '-8 95.2 -100.0 OPl:NCOUNTRT All areas'···· ..... 15,208 100.0 13. 8 86.2 100.0 33. 7 66. 3 100.0 Eastern Cotton .•••.•.•. Western Cotton .....•... trre-~i~:~nc~f.~fver::: Hay and Dairy ••...•.•. Com Belt.......•.•.•••. wring Wheat ..••.•••.•• Inter Wheat .••...•... Ranching .•••.••••..•... 7. 7 92.3 - - -- -- - - -- -- - - --7 93.3 -I, 756 100.0 11.6 88. 6 100. 0 26.8 73. 2 100.0 ff. 1,974 G, 514 I, 194 1,650 684 1,024 316 196 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 JOO. 0 100.0 100.0 18. 9 10. 6 17.8 16. 4 16. !! 8.0 33.5 31.6 81.1 100. 0 44. 0 56. 0 89. 4 100.0 25. 4 74. 6 82. 2 100. 0 47.8 62. 2 83.6 100. 0 47. I 52.9 S.1. 2 100. 0 41. 4 58.6 92.0 100.0 19. 3 80. 7 66.6 100. 0 66. 7 33.3 68.4 100.0 62. 3 47. 7 100.0 11. 9 88. I 100. 0 G.O 94.0 100.0 7. I 92.11 100.0 8.9 93. I 100.0 9. 2 90.8 100.0 8.4 93.6 100.0 19.G 80.4 100.0 23.6 76. 6 VILLAGI: All areas• ......... Eastern Cotton •••...••. Wes tern Cot ton ....• _.•• Appalachian•Ozarll:. _••• Lake States Cut•Over••• Hay and Dairy ••••.•••• Com Belt.•.•.•.•••.•••. ~[!~:ri\':i:::::::::: Ranching •.•.•.•.•.••... 8,360 100. 0 22. 4 77.6 -- - -- -008 100.0 26. 7 74. 3 784 3,420 438 1, 20!! 908 446 li6 372 100.0 JOO. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 24. 2 17. 0 17. 4 26.8 26.3 30. 6 33.0 31. 7 75.8 83.0 82. 6 73.2 74. 7 69. 5 67.0 68.3 13. 7 88.3 100.0 1. 3 ll8.7 - -- -- - - ------ -100.0 56. 7 43. 3 100.0 19.5 80.6 100. 0 1.1 118.11 100.0 53. 6 46.4 -100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 61.8 42.6 60.0 65. 7 61.9 66.6 76.9 77.6 48.2 100. 0 16. 3 67. 4 100.0 9.2 60.0 100.0 12.8 34.3 100.0 13. 5 38. I 100.0 18. 7 •a. 4 100.0 24. 7 23. I 100.0 23. 5 22.4 100.0 11. 3 83. 7 90.8 87.2 86. 5 83. 3 76. 3 76.6 88. 7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 -100.0 1. 7 118. a -100.0 -100.0 1.4 98.11 6.2 94.8 3.6 96.4 -100.0 Townships In Connecticut and Massachusetts only. • Exclu.sive of New England. 1 Contrasts among areas again appeared, and youth in relief families remained in school most of ten in the Winter Wheat and Ranching Areas and least often in the Spring Wheat, Appalachian-Ozark, and Eastern Cotton Areas. Opportunities for work in the country, as well as more restricted educational opportunities, were apparent in the fact that youth in the open country were less likely to remain in D,g 1,zed by Google ll'orh l'rovrc•• Ad 111i11io t ra t io11 . Hl'li<'( <:hildrt'n (io lu Sdwul. Oig1 ,zed by .: .: ..: •.: : ·. : :.. ... .. . . . . . ... .:• Google Digitized by Google EDUCATION • 103 school than were village youth. In general, however, there was a. tendency for rural relief youth to drop out of school rapidly after the age of 16 years, and less than 1 percent of those aged 21-24 yea.rs were still in school. The situation of children 7 through 15 years of age was similar to that of youth, and the proportions in school were lowest in the southem areas and highest in the New England, northern, and western areas (appendix table 33). A small number had dropped out of school at each age until 12.7 percent of those 14 and 15 years old were not in school. SIGNIFICANCE OF EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Education among rural relief families was correlated directly with relative social status. This held true for occupational classes within the country as a. whole and within each area, and also in comparing one area with another. The principle seems valid that the higher the proportion of nonagricultural occupations the higher is the number of years of forn1al schooling. In the South the great majority of the population is still in agriculture so the educational level of relief families is low in comparison with the areas which are more industrialized and urbanized. This does not necessarily mean that individuals in the South are less prepared to live successfully within the social order since less formal education is demanded by agriculture and since there is frequently more informal education within the family group among farm families. Nevertheless, as the South becomes increasingly industrialized and as its workers wish to compete with those in other areas, the necessity for higher educational standards will be obvious. In the other areas the average education appears more nearly satisfactory for workers of this level, and the greatest improvement can come in these regions through bringing a. higher proportion of the population up to this standard and through raising the quality of this training. Needless to say, most heads of rural relief families are not illiterate but have had some formal schooling. In general the claim that illiteracy is an all-important factor in relief does not seem to hold. Rural relief families may not have had a. great amount of education but in general formal schooling is only one of the various factors necessary to explain relief needs. Dig11zed by Google 01 II edb Google Appendixes 105 Diguzed by Google Dig11.edbyGoogle Appendix A MEANING OF TERMS SINCE MANY of the terms in this study are used not only as the rigid definitions necessary for schedule enumeration but also in their broader significance, a brief discussion of terminology is necessary. Additional terms have been defined as they occurred in the text. The most important term is naturally the word family. Historically it was a Roman law term which denoted the community of producers and consumers in a household, including slaves and other servants as well as members connected by common descent or marriage. The original use of the term family was developed for households which were largely self-sufficing. Other definitions have emphasized the biological or the social aspects of the family, such as blood relationships or status-determining roles. Family is also used in modem times for a unit which has a legal and economic basis. 1 According to any of these bases the family may be larger than the household, or it may exclude certain persons within the household. This present study is primarily socio-economic, and the household is used as the closest general statistical approximation to the family. 1 By household is meant essentially those persons dependent upon the same family budget. In general the members of the household are biologically related to each other. 3 l See Zimmerman, Carle C. and Frampton, Merle E., Family and Socidy, New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1935, ch. II. • For a more restricted use of the word family with respect to relief data, see Mangus, A. R., Changing Aspects of Rural Relief, Research Monograph XIV, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1938, appendix C. 1 The actual definition used in the study was as follows: "Relief Case: A relief case consists of one or more related or unrelated persons who live together and who receive ll8sistance as one unit and are considered as one case by the agency giving the assistance. If two or more families (or nonfamily persons or a combination of families and nonfamily persons) in a household are handled as separate cases, each is a separate case for the purpose of this survey." Form DRS 110-B, Division of Research, Statistics, and Finance, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Washington, D. C., 1935, p. 4. . 107 019 tized by Goos le 108 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF The concept famuy head is a socio-legal term based upon privileges and obligations within the family. American law does not emphasize the family head since the legal rights of family members are stated in terms of relations and of individual interests (domestic relations, husband and wife, parent and child). But ordinarily, for economic and social purposes, & family head has the responsibility of providing for the family or seeing that such provision is made. In the normal family of husband, wife, and children, the husband is considered the head. In the broken family consisting of mother and children or father and children, either the mother or the father tends automatically to become the head. In the case where a man or a woman lives with his or her child and the child's husband or wife, with or without others, such as grandchildren and outsiders, the tendency is for the son or son-in-law to become head of the family, chiefly on &eeount of the senility of the other persons. In most cases the family head is determined by the informal organization of the family.' • In the statistical study reported here the instructions concerning family head were: "Uthe household consists of only one family, the head of that family is the head of the household. U the household consists of two or more families, consider the oldest family head as head of the household, unless he or she is 65 years old or over. In such a case consider as head of the household the oldest family bead who is less than 65 years old. In determining which member is to be designated as head of a family, proceed as follows: In oases of married couples, with or without children, designate the husband-father as bead, except when he is over 64 years of age and is living with a son or daughter between the ages of 21 and 64 who is working or seeking work and who is not a member of another family group in the household. In such a case enter that son or daughter as bead. In the case of a "'.fdowed, divorced, separated, or single person with children designate the parent as head, except when be or she is over 64 years of age and is living with a son or daughter between the ages of 21 and 64 who is working or seeking work and who is not· a member of another family group in the household. In such a case enter that son or daughter as bead. "In cases of households consisting only of single and/or widowed, divorced, or separated persons, without children, designate the person with the largest earnings or property rights as head. In cases in which a male and female are equally eligible to be considered as head of a family give preference to the male. If two or more persons of the same sex are equally eligible to be considered as bead of & family give preference to the oldest. No schedule should be filled for only one person under 16 years of age. If such a person is living with adults who are not his parents and if he is the only member of the household who is receiving relief, the members of the family with whom he is living should be entered on the schedule also. "All members of the head's immediate family and all non-family persons should be shown in their relationship to the head. When a second or third group in the relief case constitutes a family unit, the head of the relief case must be designated head (1) and the heads of the other families as head (2), head (3), etc., showing also their relationship to head (1). The relationship of the other members of the second family must be shown to head (2), other members of the third family to head (3), etc. * • •." Ibid., pp. lS-20. D,g 1,zed by Google MEANING OF TERMS • 109 The term relief, as used in this study, means grants by public and semipublic agencies. 6 Relief generally means an economic consideration given to a needy person without regard to an economic quid pro quo or return. In the depression of the last few years the Federal Government has given two types of general relief, t1JOrlc relief and direct relief. Work relief has usually been given for services of some public nature similar to those widespread under the Civil Works Administration of 1933 and under the Works Program of 1935 and later years. In this case a quid pro quo or return of some kind or other was secured by the public or community for the relief given. In some cases work relief has included a situation in which men have been hired to work for themselves, as, for example, in the planting of their own gardens or the building of sanitary conveniences on property which they own or on which they live. It generally is assumed that • The exact definition is 88 follows: "Relief: The type of relief received to render a case eligible for inclusion in the study may be one or both of the following: 1. Any form of material relief supported wholly or in part by FERA funds. 2. Unemployment relief in any material form provided it is aupported wholly or in part by public relief funds, i.e., Federal, State, county, or municipal funds designated for the purpose of giving unemployment relief. These may include: (a) 'Direct' relief: Material relief in the form of: cash, orders for food, clothing, fuel, household necessities, rent, medical care given in the client's home or in a doctor's office (but not medical care given in a clinic or hospital), transportation, moving expenses, etc.-for which the client is not required to work for the benefits received. (b) 'Work' relief: Temporary emergency employment through ERA, generally on some specified project undertaken by the municipal, county, State, or Federal Government (or several of these in cooperation). "In some areas a person working on a particular work relief project may be paid according to a stipulated wage scale, but only up to the limit of the relief agency's budgetary allowance for his type of case. In other places, a person receiving so-called 'direct' relief is required to do a certain amount of work, under direction of the relief agency, in order to be entitled to his budgetary allowance, but which work is not (generally) on a definite work relief project, and for which no wage scale is set. This or any other form of relief given under the requirements that some work be done should be considered 'work' relief, unless it is reported 88 direct relief to the State ERA. Do not include: 1. Cases which received only services from the relief agency but which received no material aid. 2. Cases which received only surplus commodities. 3. Cases receiving Mothers' Pension or other forms of regular assistance which are not reported to the State Emergency Relief Administration. 4. Transient case1t-interstate and intrastate transient cases do not fall within the scope of this survey. 5. Cases which received only emergency orders pending investigation of their applications for relief if the application wa., rejected. However, if the case was accepted for relief, the date of the emergency order is to be considered the date of first relief." Ibid., pp. 2-3. Oig ltZCd bv Google 110 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF these private types of work relief have a public purpose or will help to bring about the permanent rehabilitation of the family. Direct relief is made in the form of gifts to dependent families with regard to their needs but without expectation of visible return. The legal basis of such gifts lies in the concept of "status" 6 in which it is held that a member of society, no matter how unfortunate he may be, has inherited the right at least to sustenance and to the necessities of life. The concept rehabilitation is related closely to some forms of work relief. A special rural rehabilitation program 7 was established in April 1934 under the direction of the State emergency relief administrations to assist rural relief families 8 to become self-sustaining. Rehabilitation differs from relief to the extent that many of the rehabilitation grants are made in terms of capital goods. Relief itself is ordinarily made in money or consumers' goods. The assumption back of rehabilitation is that the provision of capital goods, such as a cow, a horse, a plow, a season's rental on a piece of land, or the adjustment of previous debts, will enable a family to produce sufficiently so that it will have not only consumers' goods for the present but can also in time accumulate further capital goods in order to regain complete self-support. Beneficiaries have been expected to make repayments in cash, in kind, or in work on approved work projects for all advances received. 9 The rural rehabilitation program of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration was terminated on June 30, 1935, and rural rehabilitation cases became the responsibility of the Resettlement Administration. 10 Since September 1937 they have been under the care of the Farm Security Administration. For purposes of the schedule enumeration it was necessary to define clearly the relief status of the family at the time of the survey. A family accepted on relief rolls during the month of the survey which had never before received relief from the agency accepting it was designated as a new or opened case. A family which had been given relief at some time previously and which was again accepted for relief by • Status is a concept in law used to define rights which cannot be alienated as can most of the obligations of contract. 'Division of Research, Statistics, and Records, Monthly Report of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, June 1 Through Jum SO, 1938, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Washington, D. C., p. 13. 1 For a statement concerning rehabilitation families, see Asch, Berta and Mangus, A. R., Farmers on Relief and Rehalnlitation, Research Monograph VIII, Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration, Washington, D. C., 1937, ch. II. • Division of Research, Statistics, and Records, Monthly Report of the Federal Emerge'l'lcy Relief Administration, May 1 Through May St, 1934, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Washington, D. C., pp. 6---8. 10 Division of Research, Statistics, and Records, Monthly Report of the Federal Emergem:y Relief Administration, Augu,st 1 Through August SJ, 1935, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Washington, D. C., p. 14. Oig lized bv Google MEANING OF TERMS • 111 the same agency after having received no relief for at least 1 full calendar month or after having lost Works Progress Administration employment or Resettlement status was designated as a reopened case. A case to which an agency had ceased giving relief from Federal Emergency Relief Administration funds, whether or not the family continued to receive aid from some other Government agency, was considered a closed case. The data included in this study are restricted to the rural population receiving relief. The rural population is defined according to the United States Census as persons living on a farm, in the open country but not on a farm, or in a village with less than 2,500 population. A farm is defined as having at least 3 acres of land or a productivity valued at $250 or more if it is less than 3 acres in size. 11 Open country nonfarm is generally taken to mean residence in an unincorporated region. In this study it includes all nonagricultural families living outside of communities with a population of 50 or more. Conversely, a village is defined as a center of population containing 50 to 2,500 persons. Since a community has been defined in terms of house aggregation and density of population on the land, it excludes townships as municipal corporations and other definitions sometimes used for community. In New England townships under the name of "towns" are considered minor public municipal corporations and seldom is there any other type of municipal corporation except a large aggregate known as a city. Since all New England towns are considered incorporated, there is no such thing as a resident who is not in an incorporated region. Consequently, it is difficult, and to a large extent of little value, to attempt to classify New England families as to whether they do or do not reside in villages. u "A 'farm' for census purposes is all the land which is directly farmed by one person, either by his labor alone or with the assistance of members of his household or hired employees. The land operated by a partnership is likewise considered a farm. A 'farm' may consist of a single tract of land or of a number of separate tracts, and these several tracts may be held under different tenures, as when one tract is owned by the farmer and another tract is rented by him. When & landowner has one or more tenants, renters, croppers, or managers, ihe land operated by each is considered a farm. Thus, on a plantation the land operated by each cropper or tenant was reported as a separate farm, and the land operated by the owner or manager by means of wage hands, likewise, was reported as a separate farm. The enumerators were instructed not to report as a farm any tract of land of less than 3 acres, unless its agricultural products in 1929 were valued at $250 or more." Bureau of the Census, Abstract of the Fifteenth Census of Che United States: 1930, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1933, p. 497. Drgmed by G oog lC ......... F1G. 26 - AREAS REPRESENTED AND COUNTIES SAMPLED "°• SITUATION ;II:, C: ;II:, > r- > ~ E ~ 2 ;II:, m C: m .,, 0 <O. "" ;:;- ~ !l C") 0 ~ rv Note· Mossochuselfs, Connechcul, ond New Hompshire sompled by townships. AF · 2153. WPA Appendix B SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES Tol,le 1.-lntensity of General Relief 1 in the United States1 by Residence, July 1933 Through December 1935 (Estimated) Percent of population on relief Percent of population on relief Year and month Year and month Total 11133 loly_ -----·········· Auguat. ············ September•••••.•.•. October ••••••••••••• November •••••••••• n-m1>er.......... 11134 11111aary... ......... February •••••••..•• March •••••.••••.•.. ur11. ·············· ay ••••••..•...•••. lune •••••••••••••.•• loly •••••••••••••••• A1Jg11Bt ••••••••••••. September •.••••••.. October•••••••••••.• 1 Rural Urban 13.1 12. Cl 11:, 11.6 12.8 10.3 10. 1 10. 2 8.1 8.9 10.CI 8. 0 16. 2 14.3 13. 8 1$-4 14.4 11.9 9.8 10.3 12.0 14. 0 14. 6 9.3 9,8 11.3 10.6 11.6 12. 2 12. ll 14.1 13.8 13. 3 10. 2 10. 7 12. 6 17.6 16.0 16. 7 15.8 14. 2 14,CI 16.3 16.4 15. 6 Total --- - - - Rural Urban - - - --1934-Contlnued November •••..••.•• December ••••..•.•. 16. l 17.0 14.0 14.8 17.8 18. 6 17.CI 17.6 17.3 16. 8 16. 2 16. 2 14.0 14.1 16. 0 16. 2 14.8 14.1 13. 2 11.4 Ul.3 II. 1 8.3 7.11 0.8 8.2 19. 1 19.2 19.1 18. 7 18.4 17.11 17. 7 17. 7 16.6 16. 7 15.0 12.., 1936 lanuary ••••••.••••. February ••..•••..•. March •••...•.•...•• tferll •••...••.•••.•• ay•••••••...•••••• lune •.••••.••••••... luly •••••••••••..••. August •••..•••.•••. September.••..••••• October •..•••••••••• November •.•••••••. Deoember•••••••••• UL! 16.CI 17.1 1,i,0 12.4 11.CI 8. 7 Percentai;e ratio of total estimated nwn ber or cuea to all families or the same residence class. Souttes: Bmlth Mapheus and Mangm, A. R., Ca.tu &telrlflg <h'Mral &lkf In Urban and Rural Area, Ju/J 1983--De~ 19~6 (Eltimaltd), Research Bulletin Serles Ill, No. IL. Division of Boclnl Research, Wort■ Protm!SS Administration, W118hlngton, D. C., AultUSt 22, 1113(1; and H111'81Ul of the Census, Flflttn/11 C,mu, of Uu United Stalu: 1~80, Population Vol. Il, U. B. Department of Commerce, Washinlrton, l>. C., 11133. Tol,le !.-Incidence of General Relief in Rural Areas, October 1933 Through October 1935 [1!!8 counties! Rural relief case.s per 100 rural famllles Area October 1933 All areas............................. Eutem Cotton............................ Westem Cotton........................... ApDalacblan•Ozark ....•.••..•.•.. _.. •. . . .. Lue States Cut•Over. ....••.•.. ...• .. .. . . Hay and Dairy............................ Com Belt ••••••••.••••....•.••.•.. ···-.... ~f!i:;~.\e:i.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: RanchJnc ............ ....... _.............. I October 1934 I P.0 13.7 l====:I==== 12. 4 11. 3 6. I 21. 2 16. 5 18. 5 18. 6 32. 1 6. 1 8. I 2. ri 8. 7 1~:Z 6. 8 ill 13. O February 1936 lune 11136 October 1935 1~. 2 10.6 7.11 8.6 6. 7 11.0 19.6 31. 7 7.fl 8.4 19. 7 :U.9 19. 8 38.11 11.6 12.0 33. 6 16. 8 16.6 7. i 22.9 10. Cl 123 a. a 26. 3 6. 7 3. 2 1-l. 2 7.0 7.1 1 Computed from data In Unemplo,m,nt &lief Cen,u,, Odober 1933, Report No. 2, Federal Emergency Relief Admlnlatratlon, Wasbia~ton D. C., 1934, table 9. • Data from Survey of the Ru~ Relief Situatlon,.9rtoher 1004, Division of Research, Statistics, and Finance, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, w ashington, D. C. 113 Diglized by Google 114 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Tol,le 3.-Age of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, June 1935 (138 cmmtles and IHI New England township.•) Total Are In years I Residence and area Number Percent 16-24 25-a4 36--« 46-M 55--M 65 and over - - - - - - --- --- - - - - - - --- --TOTAL BUR41. All areas ................... Eastern Cotton .•..••••.•. _..•.•• Western Cotton._ .....•.•..••.•. Appalachlan-O,:ark ...••.•••...• _ Lake States Cut•Over ••.•••••.•. Hay and Dairy..•.•••.•...•.•.•. Com Belt. __ ....•.•••••...•••••. iie:~i ~::::::::::::::::: ~r~~:r Ranching ... _•••••••••••••••••••• New England •••••.••••••••••••• II.II --2 62,m 100.0 7. 7 23.1 22. 8 21.2 15.3 7,730 7. 266 17,016 3,776 8,626 7,512 3, ~74 I, 288 1,886 4,303 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 7. 4 9.6 9.1 6.6 6. 2 6. 3 6.6 9.8 7. 3 6.9 22. 5 25. I 24. 4 22. 3 20. 4 22. 7 30. 2 29. 7 21. 3 16.0 21.9 21. 2 23.3 20.9 23.5 23.2 24.8 23.3 22. 6 23. 0 20.6 17. 9 21.6 21.5 23. 2 21. 7 19. 7 18.Q 17. 7 24. 3 16.4 12. 4 15. 3 15.8 14.9 16.6 13.3 12.1 17. 2 18.5 ~768 100.0 8.0 2-1.8 23.3 20.5 14.6 5,002 4. 684 12,066 2,480 6. 028 2,802 2,386 670 7. 4 9.6 9.3 5.9 6.4 7.1 II. 0 10. 7 6.5 22.9 27. I 25.9 21. 4 20. 7 23.6 32.3 32.8 19. 4 21.0 20.8 24. 0 22.3 25.0 24.0 25.2 25. I 22. l 18.Q 17. 2 20. 7 22. '/ 23.2 22.9 660 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 17.6 19. I 16.Q 12. I 14.8 15. 8 14. 4 14.3 13.3 9.6 lQ. I 22, 70II 100. 0 7. 4 21.8 22. 0 21. 7 15.9 11.2 21.8 21.0 ll!. 0 19.9 22.1 24. 7 ~-2 22. 3 23.6 21.8 21. 4 18.2 21.6 22. 7 23. 9 21. 4 22.8 23.8 19. 0 23.9 19. I 23.1 21.0 19. 4 20. 4 17.0 15.5 13.0 16.5 15. 7 15.6 17.9 13. 4 14.9 16. 2 8.0 14. g 11.6 16. 0 14.0 10.2 10.5 8. 4 13.Q - - - - - - --- --- --- --- --- 11. 13.8 6.3 12. 9 11.8 9.5 5.4 6. 2 13.Q 12. 3 OPJ:11" COUll"TRY All areas'············-···· Eastern Cotton .••.•••...•••...•. Western Cotton ..•.•••••.••..... A~arhian-O<arlr ......•.....•. L e States Cut-Over ••...•..... Hay and Dairy ...••........••... Com Belt. ....•...•••••••.•.•... ';;\-:!c::::::::::::::::: ~f!~:r Ranching ..••• _••••••••••••••••• _ - - - --- --- - - - --- IQ.Q 8.8 --12. 9 13.2 5.3 11.9 10.3 8.1 a. 3 (.2 13.8 VJLI.4011: All areas 1••.•••••••••••••• EAstern Cotton ...•• _•••••••.•.•. Western Cotton ...•••••••••.••.. Appalaehian•Ozark ..••••••..•... Lake States Cut-Over •..••.•..•. Hay and Dairy .....•..•..•...... Com Belt. •.........•.•......... ~f1~~!r ihhe:~i-~::::::::::::::::: Ranching ..•.••••••••••••••••••. _ -- -------2, 728 100.0 7. 4 21. 7 2,582 4,950 I, 296 3,598 4,710 988 618 1,236 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 9.5 8.6 8. 0 5.8 5.8 8. I 8. 7 7.8 • Exrlusfre of heads of families whose age was unknown. • Exclusive of New England. Tol,le 4.-Age of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Usual Occupation, June 1935 (138 counties and 116 New England townships) Total Age In years I Usual occupation Number Percent 16-24 25-3( 35-44 46-M M-64 - - - - - - --- --- --- - - - --Total •••••.••..••••••.••••...•..... Agriculture .•.•••••••••••••••.•..•...... _ f'arm operator •••••••••••.••••.....•._ o~rner __________________________ Tenant. ...•••••.•.•...•.......... Far~•,~~,~~~:-·.~:::::::::::::::::::::: Nona~rlculture ...• _••.•.•.•...•.•. _... _. _ White collar••.•••••.•.•••••......•... Skllle<L _•.•.•••••••.••••••...•....•.. Semiskilled ..••.•...•..•... __ ..•.••.. Unskille<I. _.. --·············· ••...... No usual occupation •••••.••••••.••...•.• 52,938 100.0 8.8 26. 6 25. 6 23. 4 15.G 25,522 18,421 6,692 9,705 2,024 7, IOI 25,871 2,313 3,799 4,284 15,475 I, 545 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 9.1 7. 2 4.0 8.8 9.8 14. 2 7. 8 8.1 3. 2 8.5 8. 7 22. I 27.2 25.6 14. I 32. 2 32.0 31. 5 26. 3 25. 7 21. 5 30.9 26. 2 21.9 24. 7 25. 5 25. I 26.1 24.0 22. 5 26. 5 27. 8 27. 5 211. I 25.5 23.3 22.9 24.6 30.9 21.4 19. 7 18. 3 2-1.2 23. I 30.0 20.0 24. 1 18.6 lG.1 17.1 25.9 11. 5 14.6 13.5 15. 2 15.3 17.8 11. 5 15.6 14.1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 1 Exclusive or hea<I~ of ramilles who were non workers or whose age was unknown. • In the 2 Cotton Areas. 0,911,.ed by Google SUPPLEMENT ARY TABLES • 11 5 Toflle 5.-Age of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by Color and ,Usual Occupation, June 1935 (44 counties) Tot.al Age In years I Color and usual occupation Number Percent l&--24 25-M 3H4 45-M 65-M ---------------1---- - - - --- --- --- --- --WmTII 11,014 100.0 10.6 29. 3 24. 7 21.4 14.0 Nonagrlculture_ ••••.•..•.....•••.••••••.. White collar._ •.••.•.•...•.••..•.•.••• Skilled .....•.••••••...••..• _•..••..•. Bemiskliled ••• ····-·· ·-·· .••••••••••. Unskilled ......••..••••••••••.••.•.•. No usual occupation.-.. ······-·· ••••••••• 3,562 604 1,438 1,520 1,940 3,164 504 472 762 I, 426 348 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 !<XI. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11.0 3.6 9.0 11. 2 14. 2 9.9 11.5 4. 2 9. 4 II. 4 13. 2 27. 0 11. 9 26. 7 33.0 30.8 31.l 30.6 25.8 35. 5 30. 7 28.2 23. 4 19. 6 24. 8 23. 7 23. 8 26. 5 24. 6 27.5 27. 0 26.6 25.11 23. 9 33.2 25.6 18. 7 18.9 20.8 21. 4 17. I 19. g 15. 5 16. 7 31.8 13.11 13. 4 12. 3 II. 7 II.II 13. 6 11.0 11. 4 17. 2 NEGRO Total·----···-······-·············· 3,192 100.0 8.8 25.1 25. 4 23.3 17.4 1,104 154 446 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4. 3 1. 3 4.0 5.6 12. 3 9.11 25. 4 13.0 25.6 28.11 24. 2 25.6 24.1 20.8 24.2 25.0 26.3 26. 7 25. 7 35.0 26. 5 22.6 20.0 23.5 20.5 29. 9 19. 7 17. 9 17. 2 14. 3 100.0 100.0 6. 7 10.3 29. 7 26.4 23. 3 22. 4 13. 3 13.6 Total __ - -------······ ••••••••...•.• Agriculture ••......••••...••.•.•.•.•...•. Farm operator.•.••..............•.... Owner .•.•...•.....•.•......•.... Tenant ...••.........•.•. - .•...•.. F~~~~i!r::::::::::::::::: :::::: :: - - - - - - - - - - ------ -6,602 100.0 10. 9 28. 2 23. 6 22.1 15. 2 28.11 - --- --- - - - - - - -----2, 114 100.0 8. I 24. 8 25. 2 23. I 18.8 Agriculture •••••. ····---- ....•••.•....... Farm operator·-··············-······· Owner ••••••.•••.•...•.••.••.•••• Tenant .•... - •...•••.•....•.•.•.•. F~)~~::::::::::::::::::::::::: NonagrlcuJture_ .•...•••. _.•...•. _.•.•.••. White collar ••.....•.•••.•.•......•... Skilled_ ••••...•••••••••••.•..•••.••. _ Semiskilled.- ..•.....••.•.•.•.••...• _ Unskilied ••. -·············-·-········ No UBual occupation •.....•...•...•••..•. 504 1,010 1,048 30 48 60 910 30 t t t t t t f t t Percent not computed on a ba.58 or (ewer than 60 cases. 1 Exclusive or heads or Camilles who were nonworkers or whose age was unknown. f 27.0 27. 3 o,gtizedb; t t t t Google f t 116 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Tobie CS.-Sex of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, June 1935 (138 counties and lUI New England toWDSbips] Total Male Residence and area Female Number Percent 62,831 100.0 85.6 14. 4 7,268 17,016 3,814 8,620 7,612 3,374 1,288 1,886 4,315 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 82. 7 86.4 00.9 89.11 89. 7 112. 8 111.6 84.4 86.6 17. 3 13.6 9.1 10. l 10. 3 7.2 8.4 16.6 13. 4 35,802 100.0 87.3 12. 7 4,686 12,066 2,512 5,028 2,802 2,386 670 650 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 86. 7 87. 7 91.4 Ill.II 114.1 96.2 95. 6 88. 6 13.3 1:2.3 8.8 8. I 6.11 3.8 4.6 11-4 100.0 82. 7 17.S 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 75. 6 83.3 89.9 87. 2 87.1 84.6 87.4 82. 2 24.4 16. 7 10. 1 12. 8 12.11 15.4 12. 8 17.8 TOTAL R~'RAL All areas- -- --·· -- ------- --- --- -- -. --- -- -- --------·------Eastem Cotton ___________________ .... ____________________ . ___ . Western Cotton .. _____________________________________________ _ Appale.chlan-Ozark _____________ . _____________________________ _ Lake States Cut-Over __________________ -----------------------Hay and Dairy ______ --------------------·-·------------------Corn Belt _________ ----------_----_ - _________ ------ ------- __ .. - . wr~:..it":i::::::::: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: :::: Ranching _____________________________________________________ . New England ______ ----·-·· ___ -----------------·--------------. ---- - -70.-7 - -29.3 7,732 100.0 OPEN COUNTRY All areas'--------------------- --- -- -------------- ------ -- Eastern Cotton. ______________________________________________ _ Western Cotton. _____________________________________________ .. Appalachian-Ozark ___________________________________________ . Lake States Cut-Over _________________________________________ . Hay and Dairy ____ -------------------------------------------- Corn Belt ______________________________ --------·-·-·-------··-_ Wf~1t!r WhS:i::: :: ::: :::. :______ :::::::• ___________ ::::::: :::::: ::::: :::::::::::: Ranching ____ • __________ ._-···--··· ________ _ ---- - -71.-2 - -28.8 6,002 100.0 VILLAG'I: 22, 714 All areas 1 ___ . ______ ------------------------------------·· Eastern Cotton __ .. _____________ . ________ . _______ . ____________ _ - 2,730 Western Cotton __ .. ______________________ ---------------------2,582 Appalachian-Ozark .. __ . _______ . ____ . _________________________ _ 4,950 Lake States Cut-Over. ________________________________________ _ 1,302 3,598 Hay and Dairy ___ -------·------------------------------------Corn Belt. ___________________________________ ---- __ -----------4,710 Spring Wheat. _______________________________ . ________________ _ 988 Winter Wheat._. _____________ . _________ . _____________________ _ 618 Ranching. ______________________________ ---------·-----·---- __ _ 1,236 1 -- - - -- - - 69.6 ao., 100.0 Exclusive of New England. o,gmzedbyGooglc SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES • 117 Tobie 7.-Male Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence, Area, and Age, June 1935 (138 ooantlee and 11e New England toW1111hl1111) Total I Residence and ares Average• Num• her TOT.A.I. •llUL All------------------ Eutern Cotton ______________ .. Weetern Cotton•. _•• __ ·-_._ .• _. Aplnyean Per- - eent 19-:M ~ 8&-44 411--M and M-94 6li over ace -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - 63,740 100.0 8.0 24.6 22. 9 21.0 14.6 11. l 42. l 6,492 9,014 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 8.2 10.6 11.7 e.a e. 2 e.1 e.e 10.a 7.6 6.9 :H.11 311. l 28.1 23.1 21.6 :H.1 80.9 21. 6 21.2 23.2 21.6 23. 7 23. 3 26.6 22. II 23.4 22. 7 20.3 17. 9 20.7 21. 7 23. 3 21.8 19.0 111. 3 18.2 24.6 16. l 11.9 14.2 16.0 14. 3 UI. 1 13. 0 11.2 16.6 18. 4 10.0 12. 4 e.1 12. 4 11.0 8.6 11.0 6.3 12. 3 11.7 40.6 44. I 43.0 43.0 39. 4 38. i 42.8 46.4 ~lan-Ourk ............ H, 704 e Statee Cut-Over.··---··-· 3,430 Hay and Dairy .•. __ ·-. __ •..... 7,7M Corn Belt .• ·-·····-··-··--····· e, 738 ~111tWbeat ..• - .• ·---·-······ 3,132 lnterWbat •• ----·--···---·· 1,180 Rancblng._ ..... -·-···---·--·-· 1,m 732 New England-··-···-····-···-· a. ao.o 23.1 111. 7 42. 4 40. ~ ORN COUNTBY 100.0 11.4 211.1 23. 4 20.2 13. 7 8.2 41. I 8.3 10.e II.II a. e 11.4 8.8 11.1 11.3 11.8 25.2 27.8 27. 7 22. 3 21.4 :H.1 32. 7 82.8 20.1 :JO. 1 :JO. 9 2, 2IMI MO 678 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 24.0 22. 7 26.1 :If.II 211.0 26. 0 24.4 18.9 17. 4 19.6 22. 7 23. 4 23.0 111.0 18. 1 18. 7 16.8 11.8 13.6 16.4 14.1 14.0 12. II 8.4 17.4 11. 9 11.9 6.3 11.3 11.6 7.6 3. 3 4. 4 12. 8 42. 7 40.1 311. 7 44. 2 43.3 42. 3 38. 8 30.9 44.0 Allareu•---·-·-----·---- 18, 772 100.0 7. 7 23. 4 22.0 21.11 16.1 10. 2 1,800 1, 1162 4,124 1,168 8,138 4,102 836 MO 1,016 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 8. 1 10. 1 11.2 7. 7 6.9 6. 7 7. 9 9.3 8.1 24.6 23.0 22. 0 24.8 21. 6 24.0 26. 2 26. 7 24.8 :H.O 21.9 21.2 19.0 2).9 22.6 24.2 20.4 22.8 22. 8 19. 1 23.8 19. 7 23.2 21.0 18.9 :IO. i 17. 9 14. 3 12. 5 16. 9 14.4 14. 5 17.4 13. 2 14. 4 14. 4 8.3 13. 4 8.1 14.4 12. 9 9.3 9.8 8.5 12. 0 - -41.8 - Allareu•-··-·-··-······· 31,219 Eu tern Cotton .• __ • _________ .. Weetern Cotton·---·---·---·--· ~lan-Ourk ... -·-----·· e States Cut-Over·--. ___ .. _ Hay and Dairy_. ___ •.... ____ •. Corn Belt·---·--·----···-·----· ~Wbellt.·-----·---·-·-··Inter Wheat_ •. __ -· ______ ·-·Ranching. - ---·- --· -. -- -. -. -- ·VII.I.Ao• Eastern Weetern Cotton--·--·---------Cotton ____ .• __________ Appalacblan-Ozark. ·---------Lake Statee Cut-Over. ___ ..... _ Hay and Dalr:v---·----··-----Corn Belt·-·------------·---·-~Wheat-------····-----·Inter Wheat-.--·--·--------Ranching ______ . ___ ---·-------. 3,692 4,062 10,680 2,294 4,620 2, ll39 43.1 42. 2 43. 4 43. 7 44.8 43. 6 41.1 41.4 42.0 :ft;i':i~• of male beads of families whose ace was unknown. • Exclusive of New EIJl)and. D,g 1,zed by Google 118 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Tofil• 8.-Female Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence Area, and Age, June 1935 (138 counties and 118 New England townships) Total Residence and a.re& Agetnyear.i I Averaae• Num• her Per• cent l&-24 ~ 36-ff 4b"-M ~ 65and over age --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTil RVB4L All areas ..••...•••••.•.•. - 9,037 E&11tern C'otton .•••.••.•.•••... 2,268 Western Cotton ....•.••••....•. 1,252 Appalarhlan•Orark •........... 2. 312 Lake States Cut•Over ....•.... _ 346 Hay and Dairy ..•••.•.•.•.•.•. 870 Corn Belt .....•.••.•.•.....•... 774 if~~r ihi::c::::::::::::::: Ranching ....•.•...•.•.••..•... New England .•.••••••••••.•.•. 100.0 --- 242 108 294 671 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4,632 100.0 16. 3 6.8 22. 22. 3 20.1 --------16. 8 6. 6 22. 9 21.3 19.6 1 14.4 47.6 46.8 46. 2 47.0 50. 2 50.0 48. 8 47.4 41.8 63. 8 48. 2 6.3 4.9 9.8 6. 0 7.8 7. 4 3. 7 6. 1 6. a 20.8 14.7 14. 6 10.4 12. 1 17. 4 25.9 11. 6 11.9 20.9 23. 6 14. 6 21.8 21. 4 16. 6 27.8 18. 4 24.8 17. 6 27.3 19. 7 21.8 21.2 211.8 14. 8 16.0 21.9 16.0 22. 2 23.0 20.9 20. 7 JR. 2 22. 2 26. 5 19.3 14. 0 20.4 7. 4 18. 5 19. 3 16. 8 10. 7 6.8 22. 4 16. 8 6. 3 16. 6 21.11 22.5 20.8 13.0 47.3 46. 7 46. 3 47.0 49. 3 47.8 48. 7 49.0 OPJ:N COVNTIIY All areas• ••••••..•••.•••. Ea.stern Cotton .••••.•••••••... Western Cotton ...••.•••.....•. Appalachian•Ozark ........•.•. Lake States Cut•Over...•.•.... Hoy and Dairy ••.............. Corn Belt ........•..••.....••.. if~~. i11:;i::::::::::::::::: Ranching •••••••.•••••••.•••••. --- - -- - - -- - - --1,440 100. 0 6.3 17. 6 23. 0 18.8 20.1 90 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 3. 2 4. 7 9.3 6.9 10. 8 4. 4 14.1 13. 0 12. 3 14. 5 20.0 20. 6 24.0 16. 7 24.0 15. 7 6. 7 16.1 28.5 23.0 20. 6 21.6 42. 3 16. 4 23.4 20.4 18.6 19. 3 24. 4 15. 3 21. 2 6. 3 17.8 17.8 18. I 2.2 30 74 100.0 6.4 13. 5 6. 4 21.6 32. 6 21.6 M.8 47.8 --46.8 622 1,486 216 408 166 t - 23. 5 t t t t - - VILLAGJ: All areas 1•••••••••••••••• Esstern C-0tton •.....•••••••••. Western Cott-00 ......••...••.•• Appalachian•Oznrk ..•..•.•..•• Lake States Cut•Over ..•.•.•••. Hoy and Dairy ••..•••.•••••••. Corn Belt ....•...•.•.....•.•••• Spring Wheat. •••.••..••.•••.•• Winter Wheat •..•••••••••••••• Ranching •••••••••••••••••••••• 3,934 100.0 6. 4 14. 5 21.8 22. I 111.5 15. 7 828 630 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 5.8 7.3 6.3 10.8 5. 2 6.9 II. 2 5. 1 6. 4 15.5 18.1 15. 7 16.9 8. 7 11. 5 15. 8 23.1 10.11 22. 7 21. 3 22. 5 10.8 19. 6 23.0 22. 4 28. 3 22. 7 25.8 !9. 0 25. 2 13.8 22.9 21. 1 22.4 17.9 12. 7 18.4 14. 6 19. 9 27. 7 22.9 21. I 14. 4 17. 9 24.6 11. 8 19. 7 II. 4 20.0 20.8 16.4 15.8 7. 7 22. 7 - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 82fl 130 462 608 152 78 220 46. 2 47. 1 62. 8 51.8 48.6 45. 7 42.2 62. 4 t Percent not computed on a base or fewer than 50 cases. • E,clustve of female heads of families whose 11&e was unknown. • Med inn. • Exclusive of New England. o,g t1zed b;· Goog Ie Ta&le 9.-Marital Condition of Heads of Rural Families 16 Throu.!Jh 24 Years of Age Receiving General Relief, by Residence, Area, and Sex, October 1935 [138 counties and 83 New England townships'} Residence and area Total I Percent Nun1• Iler TOTAL RURAL All areas_.- -·---· 3, 816 Eastern Cotton_ .. _.. _. 450 Western Cotton ..... ·-· 438 Appalachian-Oiark . _.. I, 756 Lake States Cut-Over .. 188 Hay and ---···· 354 Corn BeltDairy_ ______________ 196 Spring Wheat. ____ _____ 138 WinterWheat. ________ 66 92 Ranching .. -------·--·New England __________ 13g Single Mar• ried Female Mola Both sexes Total WidDi- Sepe• owed vorced rated Num· Perher oont -- ---- -- -- Single Marr icd - - Total D i- SepeWid• Di- SepaMar- W idowed vor ced rated Num- P er- Single ried owed voreed rated ber oont -- -- - - 100.0 24. 5 69. 3 1.0 0.8 3. 5 3,334 100. 0 21. 4 78. 2 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 IW.O 100. 0 35. 6 17. 4 22.1 34. 0 20.3 18. 4 29. 0 24. 2 26. 1 44. 9 52.0 2. 2 6. 4 1.6 I. 3 0. 9 0.6 2. 1 8.0 3. 2 2. 2 5. 3 3. 4 1.0 2. 9 9. I 4. 3 4. 3 320 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 28. I 19. 4 19. 3 30. 4 19. 6 15. 9 23. 0 ZI . 4 17. 9 38. 6 71. 3 80. 6 79. 0 69. 6 80. 4 84. I 77. 0 78. 6 82. 1 61. 4 0. 5 - 72. I 73. 5 58. 6 75. 2 75. 5 68. I 66. 7 69. 6 50. 8 - - -- 1.1 1.0 - 4. 1 392 1,592 158 326 176 122 56 78 114 0. 2 -- - -- -- -- ---- -- -0. 2 - 482 130 46 IOt 30 28 20 16 10 14 24 0. 3 0. 8 0.6 - 0.3 7. 7 26. 12. 2 6. 1 20. 7 46. 0 7. 1 13. 3 100. 0 63.8 7. 7 JOO. 0 48. 8 12. 2 t t t t t t t -t --- 252 100.0 45. 2 10. 3 16. 7 4. 8 76 30 98 14 20 2 10 100.0 57. 9 7. 9 6. 3 100.0 49. 0 16. 3 8. 2 4. 1 t -t --- 10. 5 t - t t t t ft -- 6.6 4.. 6 100.0 t - --l - t t t -- 26. 1 ~ t l ! t OPEN COUNTRY 0 ,6" N. "" CD Q. CT" '< 0 0 a ....(v All areas•- - --·- -- 2. 220 316 Eastern Cotton .. · -··- · Western Cotton. ___ __ .. 328 Appalachian-Ozark ____ l.0-12 Lake States Cut-Over_. 148 Hay and Dairy ________ 194 Corn Belt ____________ __ 66 S~ring Wheat ___ ___ ___ _ 78 "\ inter Wheat _. ___ __ __ 32 16 Ranching _.- - -- -- --- --· 100. 0 24. 0 70. 5 2. 1 0. 5 2. 9 ], 968 100. 0 21. 2 78. 3 0. 2 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 35. 4 12. 2 25. 0 32. 4 16. 5 6. 1 30. 8 55. 7 78. 7 70. 9 63. 5 77. 3 90. 0 66. 6 2. 5 6. I I. 2 J. 3 J. 2 0. 4 5. l 1.8 2. 5 4. 1 4. 1 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 JOO. 0 100. 0 100. 0 28. 3 13. 4 22. 5 29. g 16. 1 6. 3 23. 5 70. 9 86. 6 76. 7 70. 1 83. 0 03. 7 76. 5 t t t 240 298 944 134 174 64 68 32 14 t t t 0. 4 - 1,252 100.0 20. 0 79. 7 80 94 648 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 27. 5 38. 3 72.5 14. 8 84..6 100. 0 100. 0 JOO. 0 23. 7 21.. 22. 2 76. 3 78. 6 77.8 18.8 81. 2 t t t - 2.1 3. 0 - -- - 2. 6 -- t t t - - VILLAGE All areas•---· --- - I. 458 Eastern Cotton __ . ____ _ 134 Western Cotton _____ ___ 110 Appalachian-Ozark ____ 714 Lake States Cut-Over __ 40 Hay and Dairy _______ _ 160 Com Belt ________ ______ 130 Spring Wheat ______ ·- -60 Winter Wheat_ ________ 34 Ranching ______________ 76 100.0 23. 6 68. 9 1.8 100. 0 JOO. 0 100.0 35. 8 32. 7 17. g 46. 3 52. 7 77. 4 I. 5 7. 3 2. 2 t 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 t t t 25. 0 72. 5 24. 0 26. 7 67. 7 70. 0 26. 3 68. 4 t t - --- I. 4 J. 5 -t 6. 2 --- 0. 8 4. 3 14. 0 7. 3 I. 7 t 24 2. 5 ]. 5 152 112 t 64 24 M a. a 5.3 t t 100. 0 t t 61. 7 t t o. 3 -0. 6 ---- - ---- - o. 4 - - ---- - - 2 t t t t t t - t t t - t - - t t -- Townships in Connecticut and Massachusett.s only. 22.4 l t - 206 100.0 45. 6 3. 0 10. 7 9. 7 30.1 54 100. 0 48. 2 7. 4 3. 7 3. 7 37.0 16 66 16 8 18 6 10 12 t 100. 0 t t t t t t - 48. 4 lt t t t 6. 1 ---- t 18.2 -- 9. 1 -t t --- t Percent not computed on a base of fewer than 50 cases. 1 23. 0 18.4 t t • Exclusive of beads of families whose marital condition or ago w~ llllknown. • E1clusive of New England. t 18. 2 ; V, C ::g rm ? m z-4 > "'-< -4 > a, r- t m i _.• _. '° Table 70.-Marital Condition of Heads of Rural Families 25 Through 34 Years of Age Receiving General Relief, by Residence, Area, and Sex, Odober 193 5 ..... ~ • (138 COUDtillll and 83 New Ena:)and townahlpe 1) ~ C: Both sexes Residence &.nd area Total Number I P ercent Single Married Male Total WidDI- Sepaowed vorced rated Num- Perbor cent ---- ---- - Single Married - -- - - -- -- - - ~ > r- Female Total WldDi- SepaMar- WldDi- Sepaowed vorced rated Num- Per- Slngle ried owed vorced rated ber cent - - -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- TOT.H RURAL All areas ________ _ 11,174 100.0 8.8 80.5 4. 9 1.1 Western Cotton ________ J.3J8 Appalachian-Ozark ____ 4,538 Lake States Cut-Over __ 598 Hay and Dairy ____ ____ 294 Corn Belt_ ___ ___ _____ __ J, 702 Spring Wheat__ ____ ____ 602 Winter Wheat_ _____ ___ 238 Ranching ______________ 243 New England _______ ___ 488 100. 0 JOO. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 6. 7 7. 2 10. 7 9. 4 10. 5 7. 6 11. 8 70. 2 84. 0 78.6 84. 6 711.8 87. 1 81 . 5 0.9 I.I 0."7 I. 4 I. 4 0. 3 4.1! 21. 7 88.8 68."5 8. 3 4. 4 4."0 1.2 2. 0 2. 7 2. 5 0.8 4. 1 t.; 0. 4 6. 3 2. 3 0.8 2. 4 5.3 100. 0 7. 0 83. 6 4. 0 o. 7 3.8 4. 7 - - - -9.-6 -65.-- - 0.9 - - Eastern Cotton ___ _____ I, 148 100.Q 3 12. 0 0 ,6" N. "" CD Q. CT" '< 0 0 a ....(v ti 3. 3 9,756 100.0 7.6 00. 9 0. 6 o._2 7. 3 7.. 0 5.9 11.3 8.8 7. 7 7. 3 9. 9 00.3 91.5 02.9 87. 1 89.9 89.5 91.3 z. 1 I.I 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.6 0. 3 ~ 100. 0 100.0 100.n 100.ll 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100_0 19. 6 87."4 95. 6 7!>. 9 6,010 100. 0 6.1 ll2. 6 - - - - -- - - -764 I, 136 4,054 6.0 3. 4 l ,~ 624 574 222 a.s O.J - 0.6 - 0. 5 2. 7 0. 9 0. 6 0.2 o. 7 1,418 100.0 16.5 0. 4 34. 6 7.1 32. 4 384 100. 0 100. 0 J()().1) 100. 0 100. 0 100.ll 14. 1 4. 4 18. 2 5. 9 17. 8 15.6 2.1 9. 9 II. 8 13. 3 2. 6 81.8 53. 9 39. 2 29.4 13. 3 12. 8 2.6 6. 6 7. 9 5. 9 20. 0 7. 7 35. 9 33. 0 47. 0 35. 6 43. 6 t l 0.3 o. 4 o. 7 0.8 1. 0 I. 6 o. 7 -- 182 484 68 90 78 28 t t t 33. 3 t t t - t t t ·i 24. 8 t 16 18 70 100. 0 742 100.0 14. 3 10. 8 39. 3 4. 0 30. 7 268 100. 0 100.0 100.0 12. 7 17. 9 18. 7 10. 1 33. 6 56. 2 43. 2 2. 2 10. 5 4. 3 33. 6 33. 3 23. 7 t -tt - 34. 3 - 25. 7 2. 9 37. 1 OPES COUNTRY All areas• ----- --- 6,752 Eastern Cotton _____ ___ 840 Western Cotton ________ 996 Appalachian-Ozark ____ 2,910 Lake States Cut-Over __ 390 Hay and Dalry ____ ____ 756 Corn Delt ____ ____ ______ 238 - ------ ---- -8.-8 - 67.- 7 -12.1 - - - - o.- 7 -10.-7 -572 100. 0 2. 1 100. 0 7. 0 90.9 100.0 4. 6 82. 8 7. 6 1. 2 8~2 100.0 5.2 I. 4 3.8 93. 4 100.0 6. 7 85.8 4. 3 2. 7 2,632 100.0 93. 7 o. 2 o. 5 5. 4 o. 2 8. 7 100. 0 85. 1 2.1 4. 1 370 100. 0 80. 7 8."l 1.) 100.0 89.9 2. l 6.9 I. I 724 100- 0 6.1 93.3 - 5.0 -5.9 100. 0 86.6 1. 7 0.8 22i 100.0 5. 4 0. 9 \11. 9 g1.2 388 100.0 6. 7 90. 2 2. 1 1. 0 100.0 6. 8 1.0 - 1.3 ~Q[~r;,:r \i'ti8~i: ~::::::: 12.-7 16.0 2. 7 150 100. 0 80. 0 100. 0 84. 5 -- 2.2."58 Ranching ___ _______ ____ 4.8 81 100. 0 88. 1 5. 0 80 100.0 92. 6 - 7.1 - n~ 0. 5 -o. :, -------- ---- -114 Z78 1.1 20 o. 6 J.8 1. 0 32 - - 14 4 8 4 t t t t t - t t - t -- t - f - t t t t t t - > ~ r- ~ 2 ~ m r ;;; ..., 'ltl.JJ.GS AD-•-------- 1,934 100.0 10. 2 7&.8 4, Weslern Cotton. _______ 308 822 100. 0 100:0 100.0 100.ll 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11. 7 13.0 8.1 14. 4 13. 0 12. 9 11.3 4. 5 4_g l!II. I 11. 7 10. 11 4. 6 7. 7 1. 5 2. 2 3. 7 11. 8 1. 2 Eastern Cotton ________ Appalaohlan-Orarll: •• •• 1. 112~ 203 Out-Over-States Lall:e ___ _____ Dairy Hay and 638 Corn Belt______________ ~Qrln1 Wheat ____ • ___ __ \ Inter Wheat ___ __ __ .. Ranching ____________ __ 484 214 88 1114 88..3 81.0 88. 4 77. 0 711.,3 81.4 84. 2 811. 0 9 1.1 eos 100.0 17. 2 8. 9 30.7 10.2 84,0 1111 17.2 11.8 l'/.ll 10. 3 1.11 •.7 27.11 411. 11 34.0 41.1 82.4 - 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 8. 4 0.8 1.0 I . II 1.1 12. II 36.2 --- 1.0 1.7 1.15 100. 0 100.0 U.8 87.15 e.11 ~-15 81.0 8.3 14.6 40.8 u &. 2 &.828 100.0 9. o 811.1 0.4 1. 8 111. 2 8.1 4;3 11.11 6. 2 &.11 4-7 192 3M 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 a. 3 81.11 16.0 91.2 81."2 84.8 81.0 91.8 112. 5 117. 3 2._1 - 2.1 u 1.3 1. 7 0. 11 4- 5 I. 2 - 1,422 180 480 400 190 a. 7 80 150 18.4 e. 8 18. 8 12.11 11. 0 8.l 6. 0 2. 7 o.a 0.8 0. 5 0.4 --- 2.5 - -- es ios 48 68 M 34 8 14 t i - 13.1 1.1 -tt --- "t - t i i t -·tt t Percent not computed on a hue of fewer than all-. 1 1 1 Towmhlps In Connecticut and Mas.sachmetta only. E1clusive or heads ol lamllles whose marital condllloD or ap wu anll:nown. Exclusive or New E111land. Cl) C: :g rrn ~ CJ 5 =.· ;:;· "'a. .'{ 0 0 ~ - (v ~ XI -< > ra:, rn Cl) • Ta&le 11.-Marital Condition of Heads of Rural Familia 35 Through « Yean of Age Receiving General Relief, by Residence, Area, and Se11, October 1935 (138 oountles and 83 N- England toW'DShlJlll •) Both sexes ,.,C: Female Male .... "° "°• ,., )> rResidence and art\a T otal 1 ~um- Prr- bc r Cl'Jl t Sin gle !\lar• r ied - -- -- - - Total W ld• S,•pa• Di• owed v o rced rst ~d :-lurnP er· her cent - - -- - - - - - - - - T otal Single ::-.tar• r ied Wld· DISepa• owed vorced rated Nurn• P er· bcr - - - - Sepa• D i· S ingle I\-Iar- W id• r led owed v orce d rated cen t - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - T Oi.\L R l"R AL - - IW.O - -1, I:lO IIK). 0 1. zsr, IOll. 0 3,970 m1.o ll:,/3 lllll. 0 1,428 100. ll 0 6. 3 77. 1 10. 3 1. 5 .I. :l f,4 9 [,. 6 i 3. fi 80 0 78. 0 iS. 5 78. 6 86. 4 20. 0 12. 8 10. 7 4. 9 0.2 I. 2 0. 7 0. 9 1.3 5. ,I I. 1 - - - - - - - --- 5. 2 10. i 9. 0 5_5 5. 5 1.2 3. 3 9.1 6. 2 4. 8 9. 6 6. 8 3. 4 5. 5 5. 0 4. 4 2. 2 3. 5 4. 2 3. 3 P. 178 100. 0 5. 7 8R 8 2. 5 91. 4 00. 6 83. 6 88.6 91. 4 00. 3 !M.7 89. 3 8i. 0 I. 9 2. 8 I. 3 1.0 1.6 3. 1 I. 3 2. 9 3. 9 0. 4 0. 2 1.0 0. 3 I. 6 0. 4 2. i 3. 9 I. 3 0. 8 I. 6 2. 6 I. 9 0. 6 0. 4 6H 5. 5 4. 8 II. 5 8. 2 4. 8 5. 8 1.3 3. g 6. 8 1.0 260 524 48 18t 102 28 22 36 108 0. 4 I. 4 852 )IK). -~ 2 1..i.o 2!0 12'.! 11•J. 0 100.0 All sreos ' -- -- · -- · 6,234 100. 0 5. 4 80. 1 9.0 0.8 4. 7 5,382 100.0 5. I 91.0 2.1 100. 0 100. 0 11)(), 0 3.8 5. 4 4. 4 10 2 t\8. 4 79. 9 81. 0 7fi. I 0. 3 i.~ 8. 2 8:l. 4 82. 9 91. 4 90. 7 Sil. g 19. 7 9.1 10. 4 ,\. 3 3. i 2. 6 I. 7 548 i84 2,136 418 700 276 34t 102 74 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 JOO. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 1.8 5. 4 3. 8 II. o 8. 3 5. 1 92. 7 93. I 91. 8 81. 9 89. 4 91. 4 113. 0 94. 1 89.2 5. 1 0. 5 2. 6 I. 9 0. 6 I. 4 I. 7 .. 1- •) IIKI.O R.1. j 7,1. 8 74. 3 [, , 8 i. 5 2. 2 I. 4 1,696 1()().0 100.0 I()(), 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 1,026 3,-H6 608 1,244 626 514 150 728- 6.0 4. ~ 5. 8 9. 2 11.1 0. 6 100. 0 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - I. g 2. i 00.8 4. 6 746 100.0 384 JOO. 0 - 0 ;;; C1) a. ~ C") 0 0 - 00 ( ,) F. 35tern Cotton .. .. .... ~ 204 - 100. 0 100. 0 t 100. 0 100. 0 t t t z 9. 2 8. 8 52. 6. --4 -a -6 -50.0- - -0. -5 -24.23.-52 ,., JO. 6. 2 7. 6 14. 1 - 9. 8 - 4 4 3. 1 10. 3 55. 3 62.6 4. 2 30. 8 15. 3 10. 9 41. 3 33. 3 7. 6 29. 4 26. 1 27. 5 t - - t t 100. 0 22. 2 I. 9 100. 0 7. 5 10. 8 t t t t 51. 8 4. 6 - t t t 7. 4 l'TI t t t t 16. 7 OPF.N CO UNTRY cg· ~ E 0 All areas . ••••.• • . 10, 874 Eastern Cotto n .•.•.. ·W estern C'otton __ ______ A p1, alachian-Omrk .• .. La ke Sta tes C ut-Over . _ Hay am! Dairy .... .... Co rn BelL .... . . ....... Srring \\'h tKlt. .. . ... .. . \\ lnl er Wheat ...... ... Ran ch ing . . ____ ________ ;,.;ew Engl"nd ____ ...... > - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - --- --- --- 790 \ Veste_rn Cri tt on __ ____ .. \121 A ppalr.chian-Owrk . ___ 2, -ii2 4,l(J Lake States <'11t·O\'er __ Ha y anti D ai r y ...... . . /1.0 Corn ReJ t __ _____ ______ _ 304 ~pring Wheat __________ 3,1() 108 Winter Wheal ........ . Ranching .......... _. •. 76 J()()_Q 1()1), 0 l fXl 0 100.0 1110. 0 100. 0 5. 9 •i.fl I.U 5. 3 - 2. 6 - 1.0 I. 3 - 3. 3 o. 6 3. 7 2.6 5. 6 3. 2 7. 1 4. 7 5. :1 I. 7 3. 7 2.6 4. 7 2. 0 5. 4 --- - 8-3 -13.-2 - -- - 0.-4 -2H 100. 0 5. 7 1.0 140 100. 0 5. 7 0. 3 I. 5 8. 3 12_5 336 100.0 1. 4 3. 8 32 100. 0 100.0 6. 7 13. 3 - I.I. 74 f,028 100. 0. 7 0 t 0.6 6 100.0 -3. 9 6 100. 0 2. 7 2. 7 2 100.0 - -t 53. 0 3. 3 25. 4 52. 9 57. 2 59. 5 0. 8 24. 8 5. 4 31.4 14.3 --- --- - t 40. 0 - - t - -- - t t 40,0 t t t r- m ..., l'lLLAOII All areas 1•••••••• 3, 1118 100. 0 EBStern Cotton .•••••.. 340 Western Cotton ....••• • 362 Appa.lachian•Oz:ark . • .. 1,498 Lake States Cut•Over .. 206 Hay and Dairy . ••..•. • 668 Corn Belt ... .......... . 424 Rprin~ Whoot ...•..••.. 192 Winter Wheat ..••..... 64 Ranching ..••••••••...• 164 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 7. 1 73. 1 12. 0 8. fl. 1 4 11. 7 6. 2 7. 3 67. 1 67. 6 78. 4 82. 6 73.0 76. 4 77. 1 2. 4 70. 7 20. 8 22. 1 2 3. 9 9. 0 8. 6 10. 4 15. 6 12. 2 -- -- --8 ---- 4. 11. a. 9. 9 - n . 11 2. 4 4 0.3 2. 7 7. 1 2. 1 II. 4 11. 8 6. 4 S, 182 100.0 8. 8 88. 2 13. 6 9. 9 7 1. 9 6. 4 8.8 3. 1 8. 1 4. 9 1118 170 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 48 130 6.1 6. 8 fl.4 12. 8 8. 1 4. 8 8. 2 85.8 85. 9 88. 7 87. 4 87.6 91.4 M. 7 100. 0 3.1 89. 2 s. :.142 1,310 190 644 350 t - t 2. 9 0. 7 -- 3. 0 e. 8 3.1 L7 1. 6 7 6. 9 0. 7 2. 3 - 1. 8 - fl. 1 LS Z.2 J. -- &t '- e - L2 736 100. 0 142 120 188 18 124 74 22 18 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 34 t 100.0 100. 0 9. 2 7. 8 14. 1 fl.7 a. 4 )fl. 9 t 17. 7 8. 1 - fl. 4 9. 7 - -t f - -- 61. 7 ~ -1 63. 3 88.l t 41. 9 40. 6 f -- --a t 9. 8 21. 7 23. 9 10. 0 2.1 30. 0 17. 0 11. 211. 7 111. 4 21 . 8 l t i t Percent not computed on a base orrewer than l!O cases. Townships in Connecticut sod MBS1!8Cbusetts only. • Exclusive or heads or families whose marital condition or age was unknown. 1 a Exclusive of New England. VI C ,,,r-~ 0 co· ;ca. N. CD Q. CT' '< 0 0 0 00 ,..._ (v ,,,~ z > -< ~ -t )> m r- u: ....tO• w Taflle 12.-Marital Condition of Heads of Rural Families 45 Through 64 Years of Age Receiving General Relief, by Residence, Area, and S.x, Odober 1935 R esld en("(, and nn•rt. - - - -Kum • lw r -- ~ M al~ Tora!' S!n~lc '.\far r ied W!dDISe paowed v orcc<l r a t ('d Num• her Cf'tlt ~ Female Total P er• Total Single P ercen t l\larrled '\V ielDi• Sepaowed vorcC'd r a te d NumP e r• cent h er - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Di- SepaSingle Mar- W!drled owed vorood rated - - - - --- - - All areas ___ ____ _ 113. 01':0 ---J, {>,O l , f\24 [1, 522 I , IJO ll a y nnd D fl iry . .. . _ 2, l:18 Co rn Bel l . . _____ __ ____ . I, 114 710 !'prin~ Wh ea t. .. . . .... . Wint,·r W hea t._ .. ... 320 Hnnch !n~ __... ... .. .. 3S>l l\"1•w En glaod ___ __ ____ _ 1, 184 ,. , 1()0.0 - - --IIJ/1. 0 5. 2 100. U 6. 9 All arc>cs •-·----- · 8, 714 'g~ 1':fls l ~rn ('(i t t on ___ _._ i .\ JI J>: ~J ad1i>m -01.J1rk ___ ~r ,El C"'J 0 0 -n OCt ,\·1•s h•rn <'o ttou .. ___ La ke Sla lt'S C ut-Owr .. Jl (ly11nfl Dni rY- - --- ~(' o r n B,•lt ·- - -- - · ·· - Sprin~ \ Vh <'3t ___ ____ ___ W inter Wh eat. .... . .. . R o.aching .•• .•• . ... - . .. 70. 6 17. 4 I. I 3. 2 13, fl;>! 100.0 7. 5 82. 4 i.5 0. 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 3. 6 61. 4 5. 4 1. 008 100. 0 85. 1 8. i ~ -0 -fi4. 3 24. 9 3. 9 1, 246 1()(1, 0 5. 1 82. 5 10. 6 I<IO. fl 5. 2 IOU. 0 100_0 100.0 18. i 9.0 7·t. t1 61. 5 7-t 1 9. 3 l (M'L 0 ll)O. 0 100. 0 100. 0 4. 6 4. 4 R. 7 II. i 70. fi 79. 8 84. 9 57. i r,9_ 6 16. 9 14_5 10. 4 14. i 13. 2 6. 9 29. 4 16.0 100. 0 5.8 74. 6 16. 1 l,ll1 -1 1, 0-12 :!, ·IH 100. 0 lflO. 0 4. 7 5. 2 :J. 4 67. 1 2:l. 7 8/l'I 1, 2tJ(J H-i. (I 6\1. 8 77. 2 t),,')_ 4 70. H 21. 7 16. 9 II. 4 9. 4 13. 7 11.3 3. 3 - - - - - - - - -- - - - 3:,1 47S lM 134 HMJ. 0 100. 0 1(0 . ll 1IJ0. 0 100. 0 100. 0 IS. 8 6. 0 6. 9 4. 6 4. 3 4. 5 ~ ;= 0 I.I 1.6 2.0 2. 7 0.8 1. 3 3. I 0.3 2. 2 3. i 4_5 2. i I. 4 2. 5 3. 1 2. 4 4_q94 2,094 92,; 626 2SR 276 1, 024 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 HJ0. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 4. 8 20, 9 8. 9 9. 3 5. 4 4. 2 6.5 11. 3 84. 5 68.8 81.; 82. 9 85. 9 90. 2 80. 5 80.3 5. 2 7. 7 3. 5 10. 2 i.2 2. 5 7, 336 100.0 5.3 85. 1 7.4 4. 5 700 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 2. R 2. 6 2. 6 87. 4 8.~. 0 87. 3 70. g 85. 9 84.5 87. 9 988 8 .1 6.9 5. 4 0. 9 1.0 I. 3 2. 2 - 1.4 1.4 - I. 8 2,832 - 572 -2. 6 1.8 I. 7 2. 4 2. i 0. 4 1.0 7 I. 4 1. 2 o. 378 828 132 344 188 84 34 112 160 100. 0 8. 7 15. 7 63.3 100. 0 100. U 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 8. 0 12. 7 7. 7 3. 0 9. 9 9. 6 19. 6 4. 2 18.4 6.1 27.3 9. 6 33. 3 61.9 72.0 66. 9 71. 2 40. 7 61. 7 54.8 100.6 100. 0 7. 13.8 1J I. 3 - - - - - - - --- - - t z 2. 5 9. 8 -- 10.- 5 X, r '" - 11.5, 31 ;;; 1. 7 6.1 6.4 5. 3 7. 1 13. 6 15. 7 13.8 4. 8 72. 4 7.1 2. 5 10.0 76. i - 7.t OP t: N C'Ot' S T HY 0 > Bi -- TOTAi. R(IR ..\.L E r.s tern , otton __ ___ _ W,;.st.rr n Co tton __ __ ___ ti Pl •-.lach ia n , Ozark . _. L)\k r-. Stat es C ut-Ow•r_ _ tO • 1138 oount11111 and 83 New Enrland toWDSblpa t] Both se1e~ .... .... 7.l. 4 82. 8 90. 2 62. 6 25. 4 1. 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - - -8. 3 I. 1.0 - 0. ~ 3. 3 l. i 3. 2 1. 2 1. 9 3. 4 0. r, 2. 2 4. 5 1. 3 3.0 - 2. 9 sn 2,91 4 ; :is 1, 120 312 412 lfi6 102 au 5. 9 7.1 5. 1 4. 8 5. 9 91. 6 82. 3 10. 3 8. 4 6. 0 4. 5 5.8 6.5 I. 2 9.8 0. 7 - 0. 5 0.8 1.6 2. 6 - 2. 4 7 2. I I. 2 2.2 2.1 - 0.5 2.0 1, 378 100. 0 8. 6 19. 3 62. 3 2.3 7. 5 314 190 530 70 140 38 46 18 32 100.0 100.0 100.0 1(,().0 100.0 9. 6 16. 8 7. 5 5. i 7.1 21. 7 2. 1 21. 9 5. 7 31. 4 57. 9 72. 7 63.8 68.6 48. 6 2. 3 5. 7 4. 3 14. 3 t -- - f - -l -- --- - 10. 8 8, 4 - --t f t 4. 5 8.6 - t t t "Tl TD.LAG• All •-------- &, lO'J Eastern Cotton __ • _____ l5eG Western Cotton_ _____ - . /182 ~ - O a a r l t . ___ 2,078 e States Cut-Over•. 312 Hay and Dairy ______ __ Corn Belt. ____ ___ ___ ___ 1,178 7M ~ring Wheat __ ________ 232 Inter Wheat • •••.•• -_ Ranching ___ ___ _______ _ 1311 26' 100.0 9. ti M.11 111.6 1.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 11.0 10.0 8. 3 18. ti 12. 2 10.6 6.2 61.2 5'.2 86. 7 8(). ti 111.11 -L4 '-' 7.11 70. 1 61. 3 88.0 88. 2 73.3 77. 11 65. I 22., 1L5 16. 2 17. 2 11. 8 31.6 2. ti 2. 0 2.' 2. ti - 2.' '- 5 4,808 100.0 9.11 78.7 7.8 7.1 a.2 3.1 a.1 tl.8 3. 7 1. 7 6.11 8.1 808 3H 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 1010 l'.l'.1.0 lo:J. 0 a.a 10. 7 8. 3 23.2 12. a 80.0 77.1 80.0 II. 7 11.2 7.tl II.ti II.ti 4.11 10.3 11.7 10. 3 1. 780 250 111, 1114 UH 120 174 lo.' II. 2 a. 3 II.II 112., 77.0 82.0 81.4 89. 3 1,u L2 2., l.llllt 100.0 8. 2 U.8 AO 258 188 2118 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 loo. 0 100.0 tl.2 8. 6 8.1 17. 1 e., M.tl 1.tl LIi 0.8 2.0 4.6 1.0 2. 6 3. 2 a.a o. 7 2.1 L7 1.1 12.1 11.6 34.6 12.0 12., -- -- 2. 3 82 21K 150 38 111 80 100.l 11. 8 10. 7 - 10.i - t 2. 6 7L3 2.8 -o. 7 74.1 86.8 57.a 11.6 7.8 '- 0 11.l 2. 6 t - 12.2 10.1 u. 8 11.7 12.11 nt1 111.0 d t Percent not computed on a base of fewer &ban 50 cues Townahlpa In Connecticut and MamacbWIBtts ollly. • Excluaive or beada or famlllea wboee marital condition or age wu UDltDown. • Excluatve or New England. I ~ ::g I'"" D ~: ;;; Q ~ ~ ,-t a. cr ~ C; > '< 0 0 00 ,._ fv -< a, I'"" m ....• I<) VI Tol,le U.-Marital Condition of Heads of Rural Families 65 Years of Age and Over Receiving General Relief, by Residence, Area, and Sex, Odober 1935 Both Male S<' I CS 1- - - - -- - - -- - -· - -· - - He,i de nce- and an'!\ T otal I - ---- Single :Siarr led ~ X, F emale r> --- To t al Xum- Pf!r· bcr C<'Ot -- -- -- - -· - WJ.1 D I- Sepn· owed vor ced r ated N umber Total Single Prr• c,,nt -- -- -- -- -- - - :-Si ar r led -- -- W lcl D i- SepaW it!D i- SepaSingle 1\laro wed vorced ra ted :-.um• r led owed vorced rated Perber cent --- -- -- -- --- -- II. 9 40. 1 3-1 .6 100 llJO. 0 \ Vt•stern Cott on .... . ... 910 A p palachian·Ozark ... . 1, 322 Lnk e Rtatus C u t -Oyer . 594 ll ay an,J Dairy . ... .. . . 932 C orn Brit . . .. . ... . .. .. 390 S pring W heat. .•... . ... 106 Win te r W heat. . . . . . •. . 46 !00.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 8. 8 7. 3 7. 0 Z:l. 2 10. 3 9. 2 26. 4 46. 2 40. 9 2\l. 5 43. 1 3.3. 0 33. 3 17.0 120 278 t 3R 7 49. 1 60. 8 25. 3 46. 7 50.8 50. 9 100.0 100. 0 t 11. 7 12. 2 35. 0 50. 7 2. rro 100.0 II. i 51. 8 70 .562 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 ml. O 8.6 5. 3 .~. 5 24. 7 16. 7 8. 9 35. 7 45. 7 5-3. 8 6/l.6 22. 7 47. 2 68. 0 46. 4 l<anchin2' _. ___ ___ __. __ _ New England ......... - - - - - - - - - -- - - - HKJ. 0 t t 43. 3 24. 5 1. 7 2. 7 3, 866 100. 0 12. 9 - - - - - --- -6.-3 -100 100. 0 9. 4 0. g 0. 6 4.0 1. 9 61. 5 --- - 22.1 -28. 3 21.1 19. 2 37. 6 21. 2 20. 5 11.1 73. 4 20. 5 13. 3 - 3. 3 6. 7 662 1,124 604 728 312 90 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 10. 0 6. 4 25. 8 16. 8 9. 6 31. l t 2.9 100.0 100. 0 t 0. 7 36 78 226 17. 9 10. 6 I. 4 2. 1 2008 100.0 11. 5 62. 8 22. 7 0. 5 I. 5 3. 5 2. 4 688 346 400 80 54 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 3. 5 26. 0 15. 5 5. 0 37. 0 76. 7 26. 0 58. 0 77. 5 48. 2 18.0 41. 6 22. 5 12. 5 H.8 4. 1 1. 9 0. 6 6.~. 5 67. 7 71. 6 29. 8 59. 0 63. 5 57. 8 2. 1 4. 4 2. I 2.6 3. 8 1. 8 1.6 t 51. g t 0. 7 4. 0 1.9 4. 5 1. 0 992 3. 8 0. 6 2. 1 2. 8 I.I 1.9 54 248 198 90 204 100.0 7. 9 -- 0.6 7. 7 2. 7 78 16 10 42 52 I. 5 I. 5 432 100. 0 12 5 - 0. 6 3. 5 2. 0 5. 0 - 1. 2 2. 9 2. 0 106 50 U2 10 2 100. 0 !IIO. 0 100. 0 18 . 9 lfl.O 21.7 - - 83. 5 22 5. 8 - - - - - --- - 100. 0 7. 4 - 81. 5 - 11.1 100. 0 03. 6 1.6 4.8 100. 0 10. 1 2 0 - 87. 9 100.0 8.9 4. 4 73. 4 13. 3 7., . 4 5. g 100. 0 14. 7 2. 0 2.0 100.0 7. 7 2.6 5.1 - 8 1.6 t t t t t t -t t t t 100.0 19.2 73. 2 3. 8 - aJ OP& S COL'N T RY A ll area.s • .•.• . ... a <C :c. N lS. rr '< CJ 0 0 00 n F.ri.st<"rn Cotton __ ___ . .. \\'t~ tern Cotton _______ _ A Pf~1ln<'hian•Ozar k ... . La ke State.s Cut-O ve r. llnya n,J D airy • . .. . . . . ( 'orn n ,,Jt_ ___ __ _____ __ _ s1,r ing W heat •.. ... . .. . \\ In ter Wbeat ...... . .. R anch ing • • • •. •..••. . .. - - --· --- --794 396 4fi2 00 .S(i 18 22 !tlO. 0 100. 0 t t ? E 0 100. 0 En.slPrn C o tton ___ _____ ..., > - - C: - - TOTAL R l' RA L A ll area.s . ........ 4, 8.'.S ~ • (138 counties and 83 New England townahlpe 1) I .... -t t t -- 33. 0 40.0 38. 1 25. 9 46. 1 32 1 17. 8 17. 9 t t 0. g 82. 0 4. 6 --- --- - - - --- -7.- - --- - - - - - - - - -- - -59.-3 - 25.--g - - -i4 5. 7 54 100. 0 .4 16 t t t 1. 4 1.4 414 100. 0 i.2 73.0 18.8 1. 0 ll8 100. 0 9 1.9 2. 7 5. 4 - a. o 1. 6 4. 4 - - I u 18 t t - t t t - t - - t 4 4 t t t t - t 77. 3 ;n. o - 3. ~ - H. 0 t - t t - - 7-t. 0 t - 4. 3 - z X, c...,'" YILL.t.O• E w A L II C ,,s Allareas 1••••••• • 2,080 em Cotton •••••••. 90 100.0 12. 1 44. 4 38. 0 2. \ 3. 4 1,572 States Cut•Over •. and Dairy •••••••. Belt . ....••••••••• ng Wheat .••••••• •. ter Wheat ... .. . . . . ~ 1 Ran,cbing .............. 198 «o 300 50 15.1 68.4 30. 8 67. 7 58. 9 . 25.0 113. 3 21.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 11. 5 14.5 II. 0 25. 3 18. 3 11. 2 28 118 100.0 16. 7 2-tS 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 t 100. 0 ~-2 15.9 9. 3 16.0 t 10. 2 30. 3 45. 9 •-~- 4 56.0 37. 3 34. I 38. 0 16. 0 6. I 32. 7 46. 11 t t t.O II. I 1.8 3. 3 8.0 158 328 2:12 36 4. l 6.1 60 2. 3 4.0 - - 22 22. 6 100. 0 -33.-3 ----- -100.0- -52 100.0 51. I 8.9 -- - II.2. 73 -100. 0 u,m Cotton .. ..••• • 348 HXJ.0 10. 3 42.0 45.4 436 100.0 34.8 62. 3 al!lehf an-Ozark_·_. . 9.1 3. 0 0.8 528 100.0 ; ; 38.0 00.4 58. 6 ~I 29.1 19.5 23.3 6.1 1.8 2.5 40 4.3 2.11 112 118 14 l --23. 3 50! 2. 2 38 - --- -100 I.II 92 3. 7 0. 9 1.8 - -7 6. 6 38 100.0 100J 100. 0 t 100.0 100. 0 ! 2.8 I.~ -- --- 3. 6 -- --t - t 8,9 2.11 86.8 118.! 100.0 a.1 7. 1 -t 4. 0 -- 76.1 3.11 88.3 2. 9 i t -t t -t 7.1 6.11 -tt t Percent not computed on a b888 of fewer than 50 case.,. Townships fn Connectie-ut and Me.ssachusetts only. I E1clusive of heads of families whose marital con<lilion or age was unknown. • Exclusive of New Eogl!lnd. I ~ ::g r ~ 0 <e'. ~ a 0- '< 0 0 0 00 n ~ > -< ,0 ►r a, ~ -"...,•° Tat,le 14.-Marital Condition of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General R•lief In the Emt.rn and Wamn Cotton Areas, by Residsnce, Ag•, S.x, and Color, Octobsr 1935 (44 OOUDtleel _.. "° • CX) ~ C Both aexee Residence and ace Total Male Num•I Per• her cent Female Total I Single Mar• rled Dl• Sepe.Wld• owed vorced rated Nam•I Perber cent ~ > r Total Bln&le Marrled Wld• DI• Sepe.owed voroe<.I. rated Nam•! Per• ber cent Df. Sepe.owed voroed rated Bingle Mar• Wld• rled TOTil. Bt:ll.U. ~ Total •••••• • •••••. 7,614 100.0 7. 7 70. S 16-2.f years . • .••••••••• . 684 25-34 years .••••.••• . •.. 1,984 35-44 years ..• •• •• ••• •.• 1,892 4~years ..• . . •• ••••.. 2,410 65 years and over •••••• • 644 100.0 100.0 JOO. 0 100.0 100.0 22.2 8.2 4.3 6.6 5.3 M. 6 75. I 73.8 67. 8 57. 4 100.0 tl.2 74. 8 -- m 16. 2 0,5 5.3 6,1106 100.0 6. 3 4.4 I. 5 0.6 7 5.3 7.0 II. 7 3.8 1.6 M8 1, 6112 1,452 1,804 510 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 18. 2 7.2 1.3 4.5 6.9 4. C. a.so 100. 0 '311 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 9. I J~.5 21.8 3.S. 1 o. - 0.6 87. 11 4.11 0. 1 ---81.4 - --91.4 1.0 0.8 1,708 o., 136 392 440 11.6 100.0 12.5 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 3g, 1 12.2 7. 7 12. 6 3.0 9.2 9.6 12. 6 1., M.4 1.11 22.1 41. 8 M.0 64.1 91.0 7.4 3.1 2.3 -II0.6 25. 0 33. 7 26. 5 10. 9 6.0 113. 2 86.4 72. 6 2.2 7.6 20.4 0.3 0.8 - 0.4 1.0 1. 5 0.4 4. 8 80.8 4.11 0. I o. 7 1,014 100. 0 114 JO.a M. 2 1. 8 20. 3 ltl. 6 6. 6 :I.fl 2.2 1. 2 83.0 113. I 95. l 88. l 74. 11 1.3 --1.3 0.6 80 250 344 37. 6 II. I 4.8 15. l 18 7.6 9. 7 10.4 13. 4 25.0 43.4 80. 8 61.0 86.1 10. 0 3.0 0.8 20. 0 32. 8 0.6 l. 6 0. 6 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 7 0.3 1. 3 -5.-- 1. 7 - I.-I 11 8.4 6.5 20.6 -- 1.1- Cl84 100.0 12. 7 8.6 M.7 2.0 21.0 611 U6 190 382 82 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 39.8 14. 5 11.tl 9.2 8.2 7.1 8. I 8.4 11.4 17.9 38. 7 47.4 67.9 96.8 3.11 8.2 32.1 85. 5 28. 4 11. 6 606 134 - -- OPICN COUNTBT Total ••• . •• ••••••• 5,364 _ --516 --, 19. 100. 0 8 71.2 CJ 16-24 years .. • ••••••••.. 1ii 35-44 years • • ••• • •••••• • 1, 350 ~ fl C") 0 0 - oa ro 25-34 year.i .. •••• •• •.•.• 1,510 41H!4 year,, .. .• ••••• •.. . 1,600 116 years and over •••.••. 388 100. 0 JOO. 0 100. 0 100.0 6. 6 3. 0 5. 0 3.1 14. 2 ~ 3. 9 8. 7 12. 7 19. 6 4 ---I.ti 3. 5 0. 4 0.5 o. 2 711.4 7V. 4 72.0 60.8 82.6 1.0 5. 8 4. 7 3. 5 16 I. :.142 I, JOO 1,256 3Ul 1.8 8.1 20. 3 - 268 72 - -- 23.2 10. 6 11. 1 VILLAOIC Total .••• •• •• •••• 2,250 16-24 years ..•. ••••••••• 2b-34 years .•••.••• • .•.. 35-44 years .•••• •• ••.•.. •~years •...• •••••••• Myearsandover ••••••• ~ F ffi 0 z WHITE (0 > 168 474 542 810 256 100.0 11. 3 611. 4 21 . 1 0.8 7.4 1,Mfl 100.0 10. 7 82. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 29.8 13. 1 7.8 9.6 8. 6 52.3 65.5 69. 8 69. 5 62. 3 6.0 JO. 1 18. 8 311.4 111.1 1.2 0.8 2.2 10. 7 10. 5 11.4 .. 5 112 350 352 548 194 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 25.0 116 5. 7 9.9 10.8 76.0 85. 7 87.6 816 ell.I -- - - 4.2 -- - r m ~ Nll:OR.O TOTAL BUlliL Total •••••••••••• 2,430 16-24 )'Ml'II ••••••••••••• 26-84 years ••••••••••••• M--4-&years ••••••••••••• 46-M years •••••.••...•• 1115 years and over•••••.. 2)4 482 624 7114 426 100.0 10. 4 49.11 30. 1 0. 7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 41.2 7.6 11.5 4.6 10.8 4.8.0 2.1 0. 8 0. 9 13. 7 13.4 7.3 3. 8 308 32> 47.11 32.9 3.9 14.1 22.1 40.3 61.11 82. II 64. 2 9.2 1,SOO 100.0 12.0 73.11 12.1 II.ti IM <&D.2 7.1 8. 7 4.0 17.8 69.8 89.0 81. 9 72.9 3.9 4~ 258 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 G. II 64.3 18. 2 25.11 9.3 - 2., -- --- :I.Ii <&.II • :a.a 030 100.0 7. 7 11.0 811.2 40 174 2CM M4 1118 t 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 t 8. 0 10.8 111. 1 t 624 100.0 211 114 132 lCIO 92 - aa.1 100. & ll.6 111.8 100.0 12.1 10.11 42.4 100.0 11.2 111. 2 118.8 100.0 - - 116.7 - 36.t 8. 8 -- 34.11 8.8 <&.3 - 408 100.0 G.11 11.9 111.6 LO 14 80 72 184 711 t t 10. 0 30.0 -5. II - 811.8 1.11 6. 2 10.8 15.1 82.3 411.1 811.2 IILII -7 2.0· 2.4 8. 2 11.11 M.2 <&.Ii - - 6. 21.2 t 37.9 30. 8 10. 6 e. 0 ORN COUNTIIT Total ••.••..••••.. 1,518 100. 0 10.2 64.11 26. 7 1.11 7.11 11114 100.0 11.3 77.8 128 311.1 II.I 11.0 {.8 11.8 61. 6 M.4 6G. 6 611.1 <&D.2 G.3 H.1 18. 7 33.8 47.11 3.1 2"4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 1.11 -- 3.1 12. a 13. 7 6. 3 0.8 102 212 232 2911 162 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 36. 3 7.6 10.3 {.0 16.8 11"-7 88. 7 82.8 77. 7 11"-6 6. 2 14.11 18.4 Total •••••••••••• 1112 100.0 10.6 <&o.4 87.3 0.4 11.4 60e 100.0 13.4 11"-8 17.8 1&-2" years •.•.••..•.••• 25-34 years •....•.••..•• 711 11511 160 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 44. 7 10. 3 42. l 14.1 -2. 6 -- 13. 2 111. 7 12. 6 10.1 7. 7 fl2 1111 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 48.4 61.11 811.6 79.11 113.11 39.11 l&-2" JMl'II •• - •••• - ••••• 25-34 years •.•......•... ~years ...........•. 4b--Myears ....•••.••••• 1115 years and over••••••• 3211 3M 4.511 a.-8 - --1.8 1.11 -I. 7 3.4 - t 111.6 VII.LAOS years ..•....•••••. 41H!4 years .....•••••••. 615 years and over•••••.. ~ 338 182 'l.2 {.1 12. 1 158. fl 48.8 311. 7 23.1 30.0 411.1 57.1 88 164 108 • Leas than 0.06 percent. 0 co· "" .;;· f Percent not computed on a bue of fewer than 60 cum. 1 E.J:clmive of beads of famfllell whoee marital condition or ap wu untnown. 8.3 '- 6 3.11 2D. 8 '- 2 11.4 24.7 85.8 ---- 4.0 -"-11 7.8 3.8 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 111. 7 8.3 .. 3 - 11.1 14.1 62.8 IIG. II -- 2D. 7 t 43.8 22.2 12.0 13. 2 VI C ~ m I: ITI z 0 > "'-< > ~ e:: .....• i S! 0 ~ a, r- !8 130 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Tol,le 15.-Si:r:e of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, June 1935 (138 counties and 116 New England townships) Total Number of pel'!IOns In family 1 Residenoo and area ' Number Percent 1 2- 3 4- 5 6-7 8-9 !Oor more - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -----TOT.lL RURAL All a,eas __ ____ ___ -· -. - ·-·- - Eastern Cotton __ _____ ·· · - . ·-· ... White -------·-------- --- --- · NegroCotton_ . - --···-·-···· · ···___ ·· ·Western .. ________ . __· White -·· · ··· · •• · - •- ···· · · ··· Negro . ······ ··- -- - __ __ --- ·- Appalschlan-Otark .. _.. . .. ...•.. Lake States Cut-Over. __ -· ·· -· . _ Hay and Dairy •. . . • ___ -· ---····· Corn Belt _______ . _____ ___ ._. _. __ ~r~r:r i.ie~t·-~ ::::: :::::: ::: : :: Ranching··-·········-··· ..... .• . New England ··- -·- -· ---- · ·-·· -- 62,809 100. 0 9.9 33. 3 28.9 16. 8 7. 8 7,732 5,084 2,648 7,268 5,432 1,836 17,016 3,792 8,626 7,512 3,374 I, 288 1,886 4,315 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 10. 3 6. 6 17. 4 8. 7 5. 5 18.1 6. 1 21. 8 10. 3 8. 8 8.3 6.8 17. 6 15.1 35, 8 34. 6 38.1 35. 3 36. 1 32. 8 30. 4 29. 8 34. 2 36. 6 28. 8 35. 7 32_2 35. 5 29. 0 32. 5 22. 3 30. 0 32. 2 23. 7 30. 4 24. 2 27. 5 30. 4 26. 8 3.1. 5 2fl. 4 26.6 16. 5 18. 3 13. 0 16.0 16. 4 14. 8 19. 5 13. 2 16.6 15. 2 18. 7 15. 7 16. 0 14. 0 6. 1 - - - --------------- --- ~ 6.2 6.0 7. 3 7. 4 7.0 9.9 7.8 7.6 6. 4 10. 2 6.4 6. 7 6. 0 !' OPEN COl-"NTRY All area., I _ - · · · - · · • ••••• - · · Eastern Cotton . . . ........... .. . _ White .... .. .... . . _______ ____ Negro •• . · -···· · · ··· ·· ··· ···· Western Cotton ·-· · · ··-·· · · · -· ·White -- --- -··--·- ·······-- - Nei:ro- -- -· - -· · ············-Appalachlan-Otark •.. • _.. ____ _. _ Lake States Cut-O ver _.. _. . . .. . _ Hay and Dairy •. .... ____ . . ___ __. Corn Belt __ ··-···- -·· · · ·· · ··- - · · Spring Wheat ...• _. _._ . . . _. .. •. . Winter WheaL . .. ... _....•• .... Ranching .... .. . .. .. ..... .. _ - ·· · 2. 3 1.8 I 3.2 : 2. 7 2. 4 3. 6 3. 7 , 3. 2 3.8 , 2. 6 , 7. 2 1. 9 2. 1 , 2.8 35,782 100. 0 7. 5 30. 4 29. 9 18. 8 9. 3 5,002 3,366 1,636 4,686 3,510 I, 176 12, Of,/\ 2. 492 MO 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 l(J(}_ 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 9.5 5.8 17. 1 7. 1 4. 2 15. 8 3. 3 21. 2 9. 1 6. 1 7. 3 4. 8 19. 4 33. 6 33. 0 34. 8 32. 7 3:l. 8 29. 3 27 . 6 29. 8 32. 3 32. 8 26. 2 31. 0 31. 3 29. 3 32. 3 23. 2 31. 5 33. 2 26. 4 3 1. 6 24. 2 27. 6 32. 8 26. 5 35. 8 24. 3 17. 7 19. 6 13. 7 17. 7 18. 0 16. 7 21. 7 12.6 17. 4 18. 0 20.0 17. 9 16.3 7. 1 7. 0 7. 2 8. 0 8.1 7. 7 II. 2 8.6 9.3 7.6 11.0 7.2 6.6 22, 712 100. 0 12_5 37 . 5 27. 8 H.2 5.8 2. 2 2,730 1,718 1.012 2. 582 I, 922 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 11.6 8. 0 17. 8 11.6 8. 0 22. I 12. 9 22. 9 12. 1 10. 4 IO. 7 9.1 rn. 7 40. 0 37. 7 43. 7 40. 0 40. 3 3K 8 37. 0 30. 1 3~. 7 39 0 34 . 8 io. 1 ~2- ~ 28.4 32. 8 20. 8 27. 4 30. 3 19. 1 27. 5 24. 0 Z7. 3 28.9 27. 7 31. 1 27. 5 14. 4 15. 9 II. 9 13.0 13. 5 II. 5 14_1 14. 5 15. 5 13. 6 I~. 7 rn. 3 I.~. 9 4. 4 4. 7 4.0 6.0 6.1 5. 8 6.8 6. 2 5. 2 5. 6 8. 3 5. 5 5. 3 1. 2 0. 9 I. 8 2. 0 1.8 2. 7 I. 7 2. 3 3. 2 2. 6 2. 8 0. 3 2. 1 - - - - - - --- - -- - - - --- --- 5.028 2,802 2.386 670 · 4.1 ~ 2. 3 4. 0 I 3. o 2. 7 4.1 4. 6 3.6 4. 3 2_7 9. 0 3. 3 2. 2 \'ILLA.OE All areas• .. -- -·· ··_ . •... -. Eastern Cotton .. . . · -··· · ··· · · · · · White .. . . .. . ·- -----·------ -Negro _•. .. ...•• ••.. . . ...•. . . Western Cotton _. ·· -··_ ... _____ . White . . - · -··· -- · ·-· · · ··· - ··· Negro __ ... . ___ . . . .. . __ ... ... Appalachian·Ozark . . __ _. _-- ·- · ·. Lake States Cut-Over. . .. _•.•..• Jlay and Dairy .... . .... . . . . _.. _. Corn Belt_ _.. _-·-· · · · ·· ---· · -··· Spring Wheat .. . ... . .. .... •• . . . . Winter Wheat. ....... •. ... .... . . Hanching .. -.. ... . . __.. . . ____ .. . - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - --- --- 660 4, 9.'iO 1,300 3,598 4, 710 988 61 8 I, 236 • Exclusive of families whose size wu unknown. • Exclusive of New EoeJand. Diglizedby Google SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES• 131 Ta61e 16.-Size of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Usual Occupation of Head, Area, and Color, June 1935 (138 ooantlee tJ Total 1 Usual oeeupetlon of tiead, - • and color Num• ber Percent 1 2 3 4 6 II 7 8 9 lOor more -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ALL~ Total ___________ Number of penona In family 9.6 Ul.2 Ul.8 Ul.1 12. 9 10.0 7.1 4.8 3.2 3.4 11. 2 9.6 10.0 8.4 13.6 15. 7 14. 8 16.9 15. 7 14.1 16. 9 19.11 20.3 18. 4 17. 4 17.3 15. 2 18. 3 18. l 17. 8 18. 0 H.7 14.9 13. 9 15. 7 14.3 H. 0 14. 0 12. 2 12. 9 13.4 12.8 11. 7 10. 4 10. 4 9.1 9. 7 9.11 10.0 8. 8 7.6 6.9 6. 6 7.3 8.0 7.2 6.4 4. 7 4.3 4.6 5. 2 6. 7 6. 2 3.9 2. fl 2.7 4. 7 fl,860 23, 136 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 2. 7 2. 0 3.fl 1. 2 1. 2 4.4 7.4 JO, 342 100. 0 ao.e 31.11 13. 6 9.4 6.0 3. II 2. 4 L6 0.8 0. II Total.-····-···· 10,512 100.0 e.o 17. 6 18.0 18. I 14.2 10.8 11.6 4.4 2.4 2.1 3,562 604 1,438 1,520 1,1140 3,164 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 1.3 0.8 2.fl 0.8 0.1 2. 2 4.2 12. 4 10. 9 12.9 8.1 12. 8 15. I 16. 4 17. 1 17.6 14. fl 15.9 20.3 16. 3 21.1 19. 2 20. 2 22.fl 19.8 19. 3 17. 7 20.0 )fl. 5 15.8 18. 3 lfl. 0 14. fl 17. 7 14. 7 12. 8 12. 7 13. 2 13. 9 11.4 13. 0 10.9 8. fl 8.5 7.9 8.1 9.1 8.8 11.4 5.8 11.1 2.3 8.3 5.5 5. 2 3. 7 3.3 3. 8 2.6 4.5 3. 7 2. 4 a.-0 3.0 3. 7 3.0 4.fl 3.2 1.11 LIi 1,846 100.0 23.2 34.4 111.8 11.6 11.4 4.9 2.1 1. 6 0. 4 0.3 4,484 100.0 17. 7 20.8 16.3 13.3 9.5 7.9 5.8 3. 7 2. 7 3.3 1,104 IM 446 504 1,010 1,050 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.8 2. 7 3.9 0.4 4.4 7.1 9.0 14. l 11. 2 11. 7 6.8 15.8 17. 2 21.4 17.0 15. 5 12. 1 17.8 19. 3 17.9 16, 7 15.3 14.3 16. 7 H. 3 18.2 17.1 12.3 13.9 13.0 14.8 13.5 10.6 !LIi 10.6 12.9 14. 3 13.0 12.3 8.1 9.9 8.8 9. 2 7.8 II. 2 7.9 8.3 6.3 5. 7 7.2 6.6 9.9 5. 2 4. 0 2.9 4.0 6.fl fl.6 6. 7 2. 2 3.0 fl.O 6. 7 fl.6 9.4 4.4 5.1 1. 9 1,320 100.0 46.1 30. 7 10. 3 11.0 3.6 2. 0 1.6 I. 1 0.6 0.3 Alricultun •••• _•••••• operator •••• 0,rner .•.••••• Tenant. •.•••. Cro~•····· la rer ..••• Nonagrlcultwe •..•.•. No usual occupation or non worker.·-·· •. Farm Farm 68,4M 100.0 ----100. 0 M,9711 18, 128 6. 418 9,684 2,024 5.6 fl.6 6.3 3.6 2.11 3.1 SUTSRlf .ufD W1Ul'f• a If COTTON ua.-WlllTJI Acrlcaltun •..•.•• --·· Farm operator •••. Owner ..... __ Tenant .•••••• F~'f.~er::::: N onagnculture •••..•. No usual occupation or nonworker _..•••• ----6,502 100. 0 S.f.STllRlf AND W1Ul'fSR N COTTOM • ilS.f.&-NJ:ORO Total_ •••••••••• Alricultun ••••••••••• Farm operator •••• Owner •••••••• Tenant .•••••• Cro"ftJ:r .••••• Farm la rer .•••• Nooagrtculture .. ···-· No usual occupation or nonworker ....... --2, 114 rn. a 4. 4 I Eltclusln of New England town•hlp11. I Eltcluslve of families whose •ize was unknown. • In tbe 2 Cotton Areas. Oig1 ,zed by Google 132 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Tol>le 17.-Age of Penons in Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Rnidence and Area, June 1935 (138 oountlel and 1UI N- Bqland towmhl111) Aplnyears Total I Reaid- and - TOTAL Number Per- cent Under 10 10-111 16-3' ~ 36-44 45-6' - - - - - - -- 5&-e4 eaand over •VJIAL All anu.......... 270, l!OII 100.0 2111.2 Ul.7 us.a 11.11 11.8 8.2 11.11 u But«n Cotton.••••••.. White.. ••.••••••••••• Nepo ............... Watem Cotton•••••••.• 31,870 21, 11811 11,IIM 30,IIM 28,848 7,208 79,508 14,MII 87,004 a1,1ao 111,472 11,388 7,822 UI, 8'/0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 JOO. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 JOO. 0 100.0 211. 8 211.11 2111.11 2111.4 2111.8 •1 21.a 23. 7 27.2 211.1 IO.ll Ul.7 17.1 111.8 18.4 Ui.11 17.11 17.4 111.a 18.8 111.4 18.11 111.4 111. 7 18. 7 Ill.II )11.8 111.4 18. 7 17.11 14.1 17.2 17.8 14.11 Ill.II 111. a 1s. a 111. l 111.a 11.11 12.11 II.II 12.11 13. 2 10.0 11.8 12.2 10. II 12.11 13.11 14.1 12. 0 11.7 11.4 II. 7 8. 7 11.a 11.4 8. 8 11.2 II.II 10. 7 10.8 11.8 11.0 II.II 11.2 7.11 8.1 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.2 7.11 8.11 8.11 11.2 8.11 7.11 7.8 10. 7 11.11 11.8 II.II 11. l 4.8 11.11 11.1 8.1 II.II 8.11 4.2 4.11 8.4 7. 7 8.8 11. l 10. a e. 2 11.0 10.0 4.4 11.11 II. a 11.4 2.11 3.11 8.0 8. 7 White.. ••...•.••..... Nepo ............... Appalachlan•Ozark . .... Lue States Cot-Over.•• = Bay and Dairy •••••••••• Oom Belt............... Wheat. •••••••••• ter Wheat .......... Ranchfn& ••••••••••••••• NewED&land ........... ... 27.11 21.0 --- OPD 00UJlftY ADanu•......... 1114,8114 100.0 28. l 17.0 1a. a 12. 0 11.4 7.11 4.11 4.8 Eutern Cotton ••••••••• White. •••••••••••••• Nepo.. ............. Watem Cotton. •••••••• White••.•••••••••••• Nesro............... Appalachlan•Ourk ••••• Lake States Cut•Over•.. Bay and Dairy ••••••••• Corn Belt••••••••••••••. Wheat .••• ·-••••• Inter Wheat •••••••••• 21,40l 14,874 11, ll30 12,274 8,0'lO 2, ll20 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 27.2 27.2 27.2 27.8 28. l 2111.11 28.8 '4.2 27.11 211.8 81.11 2111.11 17.0 17. l 18. 8 111. a 111.8 17.11 17.11 18.11 17.11 18.0 18.11 111. l 18.0 111.2 111. I 111.a 18. 7 17.11 14. 2 17. I 18. 8 14. 8 111.0 18. 4 18. 7 13.8 11. 7 13.1 8.11 12.11 13. 7 10.2 11.11 11. 7 10.11 12.8 14.0 14.11 11.2 8. 7 8.11 8.1 8. 7 8.8 8. 7 11. l II.II 10.11 10.11 11.0 10.11 II.II 7.1 7.5 e. 4 8.11 e. 8 7.0 8.11 11.2 8. II 11.0 8.8 8.2 8.4 II. 7 II. 7 11.7 4.8 .. 5 II.II 4.11 e.o 11.1 11.4 a. 7 a. 7 8.8 7.4 11.4 11 •.11 II.II 4.8 II.II 4.0 II.II 4.11 4.4 2.0 3.11 II.II AD anu 1••••••••• 88,783 100.0 '4.2 18.0 111.ll 11.1 10.1 0.0 8.11 8.0 Eut«n Cotton ••.•••••• Wlllte••.•••.••.•.••• Negro .•..••.•••••.•• W•tern Cotton ••••.•••. White••••••••.••••.• Negro•.•••.•••••••.. Appalachlan•Ozark •••.. Lake States Cut-Over... Bay and Dairy .•••..•.. Oom Belt•.•••••.•••.... ~ring Wheat ••.•....... Inter Wheat •••....... 10,21111 11,812 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 23. I 21.8 2111.0 23.11 23. 7 23. 7 22. 8 22. 7 211.8 24.11 27.0 22. 7 27.2 18.0 18.11 14. l Ill.II 18. 2 17.11 Ill.II II.II 111. 7 11.1 111.8 11.7 11.11 Ul.7 17.2 Ill. 7 111. 7 17.11 14.0 17.2 18. 4 111.0 111. 4 111.0 17.8 18.1 12. 2 12. 7 11.3 11.7 12. 8 - ll. 7 11.7 ta.a 10.8 12. 8 11.11 13.0 12.11 10.11 11.4 11.8 10.4 10. 7 II. I ll.11 11.0 10.11 10.1 10.1 11.1 II.II 11.4 11.4 11.3 s.a 8.11 7. 7 ll. 7 8.1 ll.4 11.3 7.2 11.1 e. 7 8.2 8.1 11.4 11.8 II.II 8. II e. 7 II.II 4.11 7.4 8.11 LIi n.a II.II a.a II.II 8.1 II.II 4.8 8.2 Wiring Ranchlnl •••............ 2),830 111,., 4,1134 tlO, UIS 11,7711 22, 1112 12, 4aO 211.a TILL.I.OS Ranchfn& •••••••••...... 1 I 3,4114 II, 112G 7,1162 2,274 111,340 4,810 14, 8112 18, (18() 4, 1118 2,3118 4,802 a.a 11.3 7.2 II.II 11.8 e. 2 Exclosive of peniona whoee qe wu unknown. Exclosive ol New Encland. Oig lized bv Google SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES • 133 Tcrtlle 18.-S.x of Persons In Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, June 1935 (138 ooant!M and 1111 New England townships) Total I Bcldmoe and.,. Male ___ ___ TOTAL •UUL Female Percent Number 100. o r,o, 9 49. I Com Belt ... ·-····-····-·-··-······-··-·······----·----·-·--· 31,692 30,566 79,518 14,682 37,030 31, 134 100. O 100. o 100. 0 100. o 100. 0 100. 0 Ranching.········--········-·······-····--···-·····-·--·-··· New England •••.•• ··-·-· ••••..•••. ·-·-···------------------· 16, 1138 100. 0 100. 0 47.6 4Q.8 61.0 M.6 61.4 61.6 61.3 r,o, 7 61. 1 62. 2 52. 6 60.2 40.0 44.6 48.11 48.6 48. 7 49.3 48.Q 47.8 All-------------------------------------------- ,_ 270,762 Eastern Cotton_____________________________________ Western Cotton •... --·--····--·--·--------·---------··--··--· Appalachlan•Ozark ..• ····-··--····-·-··----·----··----·-·-·· Lake States Cut-Over.•.•••••••• -····-··-·---·-·-------·-·--· Hay and Dairy.-······-·--···-···-···-·---------·---·----·-· ~fo~r i11.:t·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: It~ 7,322 ,, i:: g OPSII COIJIITRY All areu •·-···-·--····--·-·-··-··-····-------·-·----·· 164,970 100.0 61.3 48. 7 Eastern Cotton.·--···-····-··--·-··--············--·-·-····· 21,410 Appalachian-Ozark.·-··--·-·-·-·······--····--··--·--·-·-··· 60, 176 9,860 100. o JOO. O 100. 0 100. O 61. e 49. 7 JOO. 0 JOO. 0 48. 4 ro. 3 61. 3 M. 7 62. 0 62. 9 100. 0 62. 2 1-----~----+---•1---- Western Cotton •. ·-····-·····-···-············-·---····-·-·-· Lake States Cut•Over •••• ·--·--·-·-··········-······-·-····-· Bay and Dairy .• _•• ··-·-· ••. ·-·· ••••• ·--· .•••• ··-··-·--..... Com Belt .• ···--···-·--·-·--···----····-····-------·-····-·-· U>~:rwi::t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ranching.-···-·--------··---······-·-·-··-····-------------· 20,636 22, 620 12,452 ~: ~ 2,520 :::g iu 48. 7 44. 3 48. 0 47. I :u 47. 8 VILL.t.OS All areaa •·---·--·--------··--···-·····-·-·-·--·······-· 1------1----1----+---88,844 100.0 49.8 ro.2 Eastern Cotton_.·-···- •••••••••••••••.• ·-·-··-··--·····-·-·. W estem Cotton ....• ·-···.··-· .•.••.•••..•.••••.•.•.... ··-··. Appalachian-Ozark •..••••••••..••.•.•...•.•. ······-········. Lake States Cut•Over•..••••••••.•.••....•••••..••• ·-········ Bay and DBlrY--············-······························· Com Belt.................................................... ~~Ir~11.i:.tt·.·:.·:::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ranching ..... ··-···-·-···................................... 1 10, 282 9, 930 19,342 4,822 14,410 18, f,82 gg: 4, 802 100. 0 100. o 100. O JOO. 0 45. 8 JOO. 0 r,o, 4 ro. 7 100. 0 48. g r,o. 1 M.O ::: g l::g JOO. 0 r,o, 6 M. 2 51. 1 49. g 45. 0 4g_ 11 4Q. 3 iu 49. 6 Exclualve or peraona whose sex was unknown. • Exclusive or New England. Oig,•ized by G oog Ie .. • RURAL 134 , ,. FAMILIES ON RELIEF 79.-Ruial Families Receiving Geneial Relief With Penons in Dependent A,e Groups, by Residence and Area, June 1935 (138 oounilel and lUI New Encland towmhlpe) Total Belldence and Number Children Children AaedM under JG yean under yeenand JG yeara and over apdM only Percent only yeenand onr I No~n 11D JG yean nr :I: TOTAL aUBAL AD----------------------- EutemCotton _____________________ White __________________________ Negro ___________________________ Watern Cotton. ____ ---------- ----- White ________ -----------------Negro_______________ -----------t!i:'lachfan-Ourk __ • _____________ e Btatee Cut-Over. _____________ Bay Coroand BeltDlllrY--------------------___________________________ =Wb(,at_______________________ Inter Wheat______________________ Rancbln!r•• _________________________ New E111Jand _______ ---------------- 02, ROIi 100.0 II0.4 13.1 6.8 21.2 7,782 6, 1114 67.1 82.G 411.6 00.0 03. 7 411.1 00.0 61.8 GO.II 68.0 08. 7 112. 3 68.2 61. 1 14. 2 10.8 20. 7 14.8 12. 0 22.11 10.1 16. 7 14.3 18.8 8. 7 11.2 111.4 17.2 8. 1 7,:JG8 6,432 1,830 17, 0111 3, 7112 8,020 7,612 8.374 1,288 1,880 4,316 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.8 20.G 20.3 21.2 UI.O lll.l 18. 7 17.G 28.11 21.1 23. 8 111.8 211.G 22.1 27.4 86,782 100.0 114. 7 11.4 11.2 17. 7 6,002 870 060 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 68. II 114. 7 40.0 03.0 00.7 62. 0 70. 2 62.2 03.11 112. 0 71.8 86.7 118. 1 16. 2 11. 2 23. 6 13. 7 11.3 20. 7 11.0 lft.0 12. 4 10. 8 6.11 7.4 16.4 II.ff 7.0 14. 7 11.8 6. 6 10. II 7.0 a. 8 4.2 6. 3 2.11 8.11 8.4 111. 7 17.1 15.8 111.6 111.6 Ul.7 18.8 211. 0 111. 6 21.11 111. 7 23.0 22. l 22, 712 100.0 66.G 16.0 4.2 26. 2 2,730 I, 718 1,012 2,682 I, 1122 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 64. 4 68. II 47.3 64.8 68. 3 43.11 65.8 61.3 66.11 65. 8 61.3 68.8 67. 8 12. 2 11.9 JG. 2 Ill. 8 13. 4 211. 7 12. 9 111.9 16.9 16.G 16.4 11. 0 17.0 6.8 6.0 11.6 6. 8 4. 7 7.0 4.6 8.2 8. 7 3. 9 3. 2 1.9 3.1 27.8 211.11 2.048 a.a 11.G II. 2 6. 2 11.3 a.a 3.11 4.0 4.4 :u 2.9 8.2 OPU t'Ol7RTll1' Alliuaa '--------------------Eutern Cotton _________________ ·--· White.----------------------·-· Negro ___________________________ Western Cotton ____________________ White. - ---- ---- -· -------- -- ---· Negro_ - -• ---------------------Appelacblan•Ozark _________________ Lu:e Btatee Cut-Over ___ • __________ Bay and Dairy _____________________ Com Belt___________________________ WhMt_______________________ Inter Wheat-- ___ ---- -- ----- ---- -· Ranchlnc----- ----------- --- -- ---- -~ a.aoo 1,113(1 4,11811 3,610 1, 1711 12, OGG 2,492 6. 0'18 2,802 2,380 VILLAOa All areu •----------·--------- Eutem Cotton. ____________________ White._-----·-----------------Negro_ - - ----------------------Western Cotton _____________________ White __________________________ Negro ___________________________ ~ - O z a r k _________________ e Btatee Cut-Over .. ____________ ~~-::it~-~-~::::::::::::::::::::: ~ngWheat ______________________ Inter Wheat _____ ----------------Ranchfnir ___________________________ Cl60 4,1100 1,300 3, 6118 4,710 988 618 1,238 • E:1c!W1lve or famllles for which ace of members waa unknown. • E:1cluslve of New Enllland. IJ1gi11zed by Google ao.o 23.8 23.G 22. 4 211.8 28.G 23. 6 24.11 20.1 28.6 22.1 Tat.le JO.-Strvctural Type of Rural Familia Receiving General Relief, by Usual Occupation of Head, June 1935 (138 OOUD1111111) Total t Usual occupation Num• Percent Total ber Husband and wife Husband, wtre, and children With• out o\hlks With others With• out othen With others Father and children Total With• out others With othen r., ~ With• out otben With othen With• out others With othen , - --- --- --- 73. 0 11. 6 2. I 53.8 6.6 10. 11 1. 11 0. 7 6. 7 1. 6 16.1 6. 4 4.8 3.1 1. 8 Agriculture •. •• ..•.••• ..........• 24,W6 Fa.rm operator .• ..... ........ 18,126 Owner . •• •• .•.. ... ....... 6,418 T rnant. .. , ...........••. 9,684 100. 0 1to. o 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 82. 2 8. 3 7. I 6.0 7. 2 9.6 11.5 10.4 12.4 10. 3 10. 5 10. 2 5. 8 24. 5 2.1 2.1 2. 1 1.8 3. 5 2.1 1. 9 I. 5 1. 7 2.6 1. 9 0. 7 3.1 64.5 66. 9 69.0 72.8 63. 2 68. 5 59. 7 61. 7 70. 3 64.4 57. 2 12. 6 14. l 7. 3 7. 9 7. 11 8. 1 7.2 6. 7 6. 4 6.9 6. 7 6. 3 6. 2 1.8 1. D 8. 7 7.11 11. 6 6.0 10. 6 10.6 8. 7 10. 2 3. 2 8. 0 9. 9 50. 9 16. 8 2. 0 1.8 2. 0 1. 6 2. 8 2. 3 2.0 1. 6 2. 6 I. 5 2. 1 0. 4 I. 7 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.6 I. 3 0.6 0. 7 o. 3 0.6 0.8 o. 7 0.3 0.5 4.3 3. 11 6.3 2. 1 4.8 6.6 6.0 7.0 0.1 4. 6 6.9 42. 3 12. 0 1.6 1. 4 2. 2 0.8 1. 6 2. 0 1.0 1.3 9. 1 8.1 13. 6 6.1 6.1 11. 7 13. II 18. 3 8.8 9. 2 15. 6 28. 2 39.6 2.3 1. 7 2.11 1. 1 1.0 8. 7 6.0 3.8 4. 2 3. 3 7.4 3.8 19. 4 6. 6 6.3 8. 3 3.6 4.1 6.1 6.0 4.6 4. 6 3.6 6.6 8.9 I. 7 0.4 0. 3 o. 7 0.1 0.2 0. 7 I. 4 4.3 0.9 0.8 1. 6 0. 3 0. 8 1. 2 1. 6 6. 7 0. 1 1.1 1.8 6.4 4. 4 F~~~~~~~--::::::::::::::: a. Total With others Female head 100. 0 2,024 6.850 Nonagriculture .••••............. 23,136 White collat. •..... .......... 2. 0~'2 Skilled . ..•..•.•••.•.....•..•. 3. 2f,() Semiskilled ••••..•.........•• 3, 3f,() Unskilled . .............•..•.. 14,494 No usual occupation ...•..••..••. I, 414 N onworker •• • •.•••••.•. .. ...•... 8,928 " Male bead Total ••••••• ••••.• . •.•. .••• ~454 --- c; Mother and children With• out others --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- <g Nonfamlly types Broten ramllles Normal ramlllea • Exclusive or New En!-'land townships. • Exclusive of families whooe type was unknown. 1 ln the 2 Cotton Areas. 64. 0 75. 0 89.9 83. 4 77.8 77. 4 71. 6 88.0 82. 8 74. 5 3:>. 9 43. 6 - 1.1 I. 2 7. 9 2. 6 - 1.2 I.3 9.1 14.1 ~ :sr ~ m ~ ,cl -< 0 0 > ~ c:: ~ ....w• lllD r UI ....w Ta&le 27.-Strudural Type of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, June 1935 c,. (138 countfm and_ lUI New E111Jand &ownahlpe) • - ,0 T otal H usban d a nd wife Hesidenr u ti.IH I area l\"uru - PcrC'tmt tx•r 1 K t gr, ,... .. . . . .. . _. ___. ____ ..\ p pi1!ru.:.tdan-0 1i\rk . ... . . . . ___ . Lake ~ ta les Cut-Ovn .. . . . . . . . . !Jar nn• I l> airr .. . . . . . . . 0 cii ;::i (1) a. -!l 0 0 & n _icxi_<1__ I .~.7, UM ,n \\"f11 tu. . ... . . .. ... . . . . ___. <' 11rn H1.·lt M other an d children W it h ou t ot hers - - - W it h o th ers Wit hout ot he rs --- --- Female h ead T oto! Witho ut others Wit h ot h ers M ale head ,0 Wi th ot hers Wi t h ou t others W it hou t ot hers Wit h ot h ers W ith others Wi thout others W ith others - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ,--- --- All an·n.., .. . . . . . ..... ... •• _r.~. ~II_ E a.s l<•rn ('01ton .... . · - . .. . . - -W hite . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. . ~·et? ro ____ __ _____ ____ ___ ___ " · e$ t.nn C ott CJ II .. .. ... . . . . . F athe r and childre n T ot a l To ta l --T<JT.\L k t:ll AL Ilu.;band , w ile, a nd children C: Nonlamlly t ypes B roken fam ilies K or mal fam ilies 1 . .. ·· ··· · · - -- · - - · · f.: pr i11 ~ \ \" hi·at .. \ \" inrer \ \'lwnL . . : : : :: : ::~: ~. - H(md1i 11~ NewEuglar~d-.~~-· ::::~::: 100 0 II Ml 0 :l, lt"t'-' 100 0 o 7,Y~~ 100 5, 43~ I, ::,.J(i 100. o 100. 0 IOU. 0 17, Olf, 3, iU'.? IIIO fl 71 .~ II 6 2 2 5.1. 2 5. 5 10 9 I 9 0. 8 6 6 I 6 16. 0 6. 6 5. 0 3. 2 I. 8 11 2 6 II 0 10. 5 12 I 12 9 12. 8 12. 6 JO. I II. I 12. 5 13. 3 8. 7 17. 7 12, 0 12. 3 3 I 2. 2 4 7 41. 4 49. 2 26. 5 49 0 54.9 31. 7 s; . 4 48. 2 57. 3 56. 0 !lli. 4 55. 3 7 I 6. 9 7 4 6. 1 6. 4 5. 4 6. 6 3. 4 4. 5 5. 3 3. 7 4. 0 10. 0 17 7 21. 4 13. 5 I I. g 18. 3 JO. 7 8. 5 i.7 8. 0 6. 6 8. 4 9. 3 9. 6 2 0 2. 2 I 7 I 9 1. 9 1. 9 2. 0 2. 3 1.6 1. 9 1. 8 2. 0 I. 5 2.3 0. 7 0 8 0 5 1.0 0. 8 1.6 0. 8 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 6 0.6 0.1 0. 4 II 8 I I. 3 12. 6 8. 6 7. i II. 4 6. 3 5. 4 5. 0 4. 7 3. 5 4. I 6. 9 5. 9 4 5 3 4 6. 6 2 0 1. 5 3. 4 1. 6 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 0. 7 3 8 3. 9 3.8 5. 1 4. 8 5. 9 5. 1 5. 0 4. 7 5. 2 4. 5 5. 3 4. I 7. 0 5. 7 3. 3 JO. 5 4. 1 2.1 10. 0 I. 7 2. 5 3. 2 3. 0 1. 8 I. 7 5. 4 4. I 4. 3 3. 0 6. 7 2. 3 I. 7 4. 2 1. 6 0. 8 1. 2 I. 3 0. 8 o. 3 I. 8 1.6 --3. g f)Q 8 50 7 70 4 i fi . 1 .'~J. 6 7ti. 5 6:1 9 rn. o N, li:!fi 7, .) 12 11'-l. 0 JO()_I) 7A. 6 3. 3;4 I. 28.~ 11.Ml.O 7!). ij J()() (J 79. 2 1, 8.St.i I()(). 0 tli. 2 4, 315 100. 0 66. 7 2 4 2. 0 3. 0 2. 4 I. 2 J. 7 2. 0 1. 0 2. 2 1. 6 2. 5 50. 8 2. 8 47. 4 4. 5 1.7 18. 4 13 5 Tl 9 16. I 12. 0 28. I 12. 8 Tl. 6 16. 3 15. 4 )3. 6 12. 4 0. 8 1.0 23. 5 23. i 4 6 3. 3 6. 9 4. 6 3. 4 8. 0 4. 4 19. 3 7. 2 5. 9 6. 5 5. I 12. 2 11.0 OP E S CO t." ~ TRY All art>n.s ' ·. __. __ __________ 3.), 782 En..;.fern Cott on . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. S, 01.12 W l,Ho . ... . . ..... • . . •• . • . l\"e~r o .... . . •. .. . . . .•••• W estern Cot t on ... . .... • ... White ... . .. . . . . . . ..... . . .. : . K egro •• ••• • • • • • • •• •••• • • •• • • . ◄ . lj.~f, :i. :i,;1; I. 63G 3, 510 ), 176 100. 0 7ti. 2 llkl O 114. 1 70. 8 50. 2 74. 6 l'.!().5 57. 0 --- --- - I 100. 0 IUI I I) 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 JO. 5 -10. 510. 3 10. 9 12. I 12. 6 JO. 4 2. 2 57. 0 6. 5 JO. I 1. 9 0. 7 5. 8 1.7 13. i 5. 3 4. 6 2. 2 :J. I 2. 0 42. 5 51. I 24. 7 53. 2 8. 0 i.4 9 2 6. 8 7. 0 6. 3 18. 7 17. 2 21. 9 11.8 9. 7 17. 8 1. 8 2. I I. 2 2. I 2. 0 2. 6 0. 7 0. 9 0. 4 I.I 0. 9 I. 7 II. 3 10. 5 12. 8 6. 5 5. 5 4. 9 3. 7 17. 2 12. 0 27. 9 13. 6 9. 8 4. 3 3. 4 6. I 4. 0 3. I 6. 8 3. 7 3. 7 3. 9 4. 9 5.3 2. 4 II.I 3.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -5. 4 2. 5 I. 9 4. 4 !1Y. 0 35. 9 9. 3 7. 5 2. I 1.3 4. 2 25.2 4. 5 I. I 6. 0 8. 8 I. 6 2. 5 6. 8 1. 7 I.I 3. 6 r> ►~ j= ffi 0 z ~ r iii ..., .Appalachian-Ozark •••••••••••• • . 12,0M Lake 8tale3 Cut.-Over ••••••••••.• 2, 4112 Hay and Dairy.............. . . .. 6,028 Corn B~lt •.••••• • ••• •••••• ••. •• •• 2. li02 Spring Wheat ••••••••••••••••••• 2,386 670 Winter Wheat ••••••• • •• ••• •• • . • • Ranching •••••••••••••••••••••••. G50 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 81).6 84.3 78. 3 83. I 83. 6 83. 6 6i. 4 8. 9 11 . 2 2. 4 I. I II. 7 1.9 2. 5 o. 8 3. 3 1 6 81.11 47. 8 69. 3 62. 2 70. 8 68. 2 61. 4 2. 0 48. 6 45. 3 29. 3 41. 3 47. 3 24. 0 46. 7 49. 2 54. 4 62. 3 55. 9 52. I 60. 6 12. 3 8. I 16. 1 11.1 L8 7. 4 I. II 0. II 0. 5 0. 5 0. 8 0. 4 0. 3 0.3 4. 2 12. 2 2. 0 0. 6 5. 4 6. 9 4. 6 6. 0 6. 3 3. 9 4. 6 2. 0 3. 4 4. 8 3. 1 1.9 2. 6 19. 6 18. 8 20. 8 16. 7 15. 9 19. 1 12. 9 8. 6 8. 7 9. 3 11. 3 11.0 10. 4 2. 4 2. 3 2. 4 I. 4 I. 7 0. 6 2. 5 2. 5 I. 4 1. 9 1.8 2. 3 1. 3 0. 7 0. 6 0.8 0. 9 0. 7 1. 6 0.5 0. I 0. 5 0. 5 1.0 1.0 7.3 f. 0 6. 4 G. I 3. 11 8. 0 8. 4 9. 8 8.4 7. 0 6.8 f. 6 6. 0 2. 2 l. 7 1. 9 I. 8 1.8 6. 8 6. 2 4. 3 2. 7 ). g 2. 4 4. 11 1. 6 o. 6 0. 5 0. 6 0.6 I. 5 0. 3 v. 7 27. 3 14. 7 II. I 11. 8 10. 4 25. 2 2. 2 19. 0 6. 8 4. 8 e. 1 4. 6 16. 1 1. 8 19. 9 4. 0 1.1 2. 2 2. 2 I. a 0. I. o. 8 0. 6 o. 3 1. 6. 4 4.8 f. 2 4.0 6. 3 4. 8 1.3 0.6 0.3 8. I 6. I f. 6 2. 6. 1 3. 3 8. 3 6. 6 4. 1 10. 0 9. 7 19. 8 7. 7 G. 6 6. I 5. 8 10. 7 4. 0 4. 3 3. 6 6.' 6. 2 6. 8 6. 6 4. 5 4. 8 6. 8 6. 7 6. 2 3.9 8. 6 4. 9 9.6 6.0 3.11 12.1 3. 2 3. I ,.4 f. 0 4. 6 3. 3 6. 0 6. 4. G. 3. 4.3 V11.LAOa AJl &re&S • •••••• ••••••• ••• • • 22, 712 100. 0 67. V 13. 2 Ea.stern Cotton •••••••••• •• •••• •. White • ••• •••••. • •••• ••• ••• •• Negro .• . •••••••••• ••••••• ••.• Westero Cotton •••••••• •• • •• ••• •. White •••• •• •••• •• •••• •• •••• . Nejtro ..... . .. . . .......... . . . . .Appe.lnchian•Otarlt ..• ••••••.••• . Le.ke States C ut•Over. •••••• ••• •. Hay and Dairy •••.••••••..• • •• • . Corn ll~lt ......... ......... . .... . Spring Wheat •••••••••••••••• • •.. W inter Wheat ••••••••••• •• •••• • . Ranching •••••••••• . •• •. • ••••••. • 2, 730 I, 718 1, 012 2,582 1,922 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 541. 8 &4. 7 51.4 62. 9 68. 2 47. 6 66. 7 63.1 72. 9 72. 8 70. 7 74. 4 67.1 12. 0 10. 8 14. 0 14. 3 13. 5 16. 7 13. I 10. 9 13. 6 14. 0 10. 1 19. 4 12. 4 600 4, llro 1, 300 3,598 4, 710 llc'!8 618 1,235 ----3'9. 4 3. 0 2. 7 3. 6 2. 3 2. 1 3. 0 2. 3 1. 0 I. 5 1. 7 1. 6 I. 0 1.6 8. 1 I - - 12. 7 13. I 12. 3 12.5 11.5 15.2 8. 2 6. 5 G. I 5. 9 7. 3 6.8 7. 9 --7 - 20. - -3. 7 2. 8 5. 3 1.9 2. 0 1. 8 I. 7 0. 6 0. 7 1.0 I. 2 I. 9 I. 2 16. 6 27. 8 20. 4 15. 9 33. 3 20. 4 28. 3 18. 4 17. 9 18. 0 14. 6 22. 6 2. 6. I. 0. ). I. I. 0. ). • Exclusive or ramllle,, whose type wu UDknowu. • Ei:cluslve or New England. ~ :a 0 co· ;cc. ;::;· ~ ~ 0 0 ~...--.. (v iz > -< > ;ii:, m rn ....• w ..... Table 22.-Structural Type of Rural tamilies Receiving General Relief in the Eastem and Westem Cotton Areas, by Color and Usual Occupation of Head, June 1935 00 • "' (44 counties] Normal families C Broken families ~ Nonfamily types r- Total 1 Color and usual occupation or head Total Num• Percent tier WHITII ;::;· <11 a. ~ 0 0 o2,..... rv Husband and w!le Husband, wlle, and children Without others With• out others With others Father and children Total With others With• out others Mother and children With others Without others 0.8 1.1 1. 2 1. 7 1.3 1. 1 o. 7 0.4 9. 6 6.2 4.8 11. 9 2.8 4.1 8.8 9.3 11. 6 Male head Total With others Without others With others Female head Without others With others > ~ C ~ --- --- --- --- --- - - - - - - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- - - - --- 0 Total .•••..•..•••••••.•.... 10,512 Agriculture ............•••..•. _.. 5,502 1,'arm operator_ .............. 3,562 Owner ...••.......•...... 604 Tenant ...........•....•. 1,438 Cropper ..•....•.....•..• 1,520 Farm laborer •.•..........•.. 1,940 Nonagriculture ..••.....••....... 3, 16-1 White collar .•............... 504 Skilled .....•••..........••..• 472 Semiskilled ..... _••......•. _. 762 Unskilled ....•.......••..•.•. 1,420 No usual occupation ......•.....• 348 Nonworker .••••....•.•.••.••.... 1,408 a <c" ;. ..,. w 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 72. 6 83. 5 64. 2 88. 6 86. 4 76. 4 74. 5 68. 3 89.9 77.0 74.0 6.3 62.6 2.1 11. 8 62.0 8.8 ~ ~ 7.8 2.0 64.8 6.6 0. 7 43. 7 7. 1 1.5 70.2 8.9 2.9 67.8 10. 7 1.8 56.4 10. 7 2.2 55.3 11. 5 1.2 38.9 10.6 3.4 67.8 8. 7 3.Y 67.8 11. 5 1.4 55.8 1. 7 4.6 27.1 2. 8 20. 7 6.6 14. 8 2.0 8.5 ~ ~ 9.1 10. 1 2.2 20.9 13.2 1.0 9. 7 6.6 1.6 8.8 9.4 3.4 7.5 14.4 2.8 13.3 6.3 1.6 16.1 6. 7 0.8 1. 2 8.1 0.4 15. 7 2.1 6.6 16.3 6.3 2.1 70. 2 2.0 16.3 2.0 11.6 10.5 13.6 11. 7 20. 7 7.9 7.1 4.4 so.D - - - - 0.8 - 0.6 1.1 0. 7 - 10.5 10. 9 67.6 10.5 2.6 12. 7 2.0 ~ 1.9 8.4 6.3 14. 9 1.1 4. 9 0.8 4.2 9.2 2. 3 2.0 12. 2 2.8 26.8 8.9 3.1 7. 3 1. 7 10. 7 11. 5 23.6 3.1 31. 1 - 3.4 4.3 1.1 ~ 0.8 4.4 1. 3 7.3 0. 7 3.8 0.1 3.8 2.0 6.8 6.1 2.0 11.0 3. 2 3.0 6.6 0.8 4. 2 2.0 6.0 1. 7 1. 7 15.2 1.5 2. 7 2.3 0.3 --1.-1 1.1 0.3 1.3 6.0 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 1.2 2. 3 2. 8 8.3 9. 1 0.4 1.0 1.3 1. 6 2. 2 14.4 6. 7 9.6 4.8 - - NIIGRO Total ••••...•.••......••••. Agriculture ...... _......••....... Farm operator ..•..•.•....... Owner............•..•... Tenant. ••.... _•......... Cropper....••........... Farm laborer .•..•... ____ ... _ Nonagriculture ..•..•..•.•....... White rollar ...•..••••••..... Skilled ........•.•..•••••.•... Semiskilled..•.••••..•.•.••.. Unskilled ....... ··---·--··-·· No usual occupation .•..........• Non worker ..•••...••..••.....•.• 4,484 2,114 1,104 154 446 504 1,0IO 1,050 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 61. 9 63.1 76.2 67. 5 80. 9 74. 5 49.0 64.6 12.3 7. 7 7.6 9.1 2. 7 11. 5 7. 7 12.8 4.4 4. 7 6.2 9.1 6.3 5. 2 3.2 4.2 30 60 f 100.0 912 100.0 f 83.4 f 26. 7 61.0 12. 3 100.0 31.6 19. 4 - 40.0f 6. 7 4.4 30.8 4. 0 6.2 48 30 1,200 t t t - 28.6 4o.2 48.8 37.6 51.2 49.9 31.0 33.2 t Percent not computed on a base or fewer than 60 cases - t 20.1 11. 7 10.4 9.8 13.9 33. 7 25,5 1.3 2. 6 1. 3 0.8 3.4 1.0 t aJo. 13. 3 10.0 3.5 27.4 2.0 11.7 t I. 7 222 ~ t 7 - 1.6 1.0 12. 1 1.1 ~ 1.6 5. 4 2.6 3.9 0.9 4.0 2.0 7.1 0.6 20.4 1.1 17.3 -67 6.3 6.2 3.4 1. 3 3.8 4.0 9.3 II.I -t 0.9 6.4 - 19.4 0.6 a. I 3.3 -t 3.3 28.0 7.4 14. 7 ~ 12.1 2. 0 22. l 1.3 9.3 0.4 11.11 3.6 17.3 3.0 19.9 4.4 f 3.3 21.6 t 66. 7 -t 4.4 18. 0 • Exclusive or families whose type was unknown. 4.6 10.3 6.0 ~ 7.2 0. 7 14.3 2. 6 7.11 4. 8 0.8 4.6 4. 2 4.8 4.6 -2.6 8.3 6.3 --6.3 t ZT.6 6.7 --a:s 2.2 3.9 1.3 2.4 6.6 8.1 t -6.8- - 8. 7 z "'Cm ...,m Ta&/e 23.-Rural 1-Person Families Receiving General Relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by Residence, Color, Age, and Sex, June 1935 (44 counties) I-perso n fnmilit.•s 6..'i yrars .\ II l-pllrsc.,1.1 families ---1--1 ' Ht•~i,;~,·•~;~~;'''"· 1 Ip::rc:i1 T ,,.itaJ 11 t ~·111.n ol nil I bo.•r "r I I1-'l'r<·en ~~~.~ rarn ilws rnrnihcs fturufir=- j r}:;~ "· m nlwr ur - -•----1-__I --- -- I ,I over Female l'sl a le Total Fl'Illale :\lalo or ogr an d ~ I] I" I I I I I 1 1t Percc l'nct>at or a 1n v um o r a ll •N um- Percent or" 11 or all PerC<' or all II PerC<'n l .,u m - Pcn'<'nt I cn·en t Kum - Perct•nt o r oi l Per~• nt ·' bcr. ~ ~ I-person 1:cmalc ber_c!~. I-person -male of all or ~~)I. . bcr (,f l·I)llrson uf :'l.l~. ,ht:r_~~ . 1-r>t'rson n pe.~s.o families llu:s am C pcrS;(Hl 1 fnmth t:.s r.un1lh.s fan ilil"'.s fstul, h:!S ramilit.•'" rantilic·· f" rnilles fanultls famiiic• raru ,ltes ' ramtlres I ~ ' ·, ' ' · · I I' ° T(JT .,L Ht RAL Eo..'--tt'lrn \ o tt nr1- . ___ \\'hitc ___- - - --~- - ?\ C'g rn . • . . • ... \\·e~teru C1 ,tto11 _ White ___ KcE;ro ______ :_ : :: _ or~s \\'es t('rll Cott o lL _ . - ~ Wh ite ___ __ _ __ __ 0 4r,o n:~, 3 fi. ti 17. 4 8 - ll). 5 300 :130 I ~. 0 .a;n IVG ~.,o 17. I 116 7. 0 4. 2 _i;_ J.;4 4-t 1,U lfl4 5u. 6 :i,1 ~ 52. ; l "'fi J4i) 112. (J -t l. 2 114 IH IUO I;lS 3.'>. 7 57. 0 1r,s 7-t. .=-. 4. 0 3. 3 H:? 55. 5 ;~ 7 :1;s 166 411 4 WO 4i. 3 3::1.0 3. 3 10. 5 4. I :?.1 10. 0 110 2f,~ 3-Hl 4:". :-, 3:!. 7 !,.S. :l M. 0 198 4U. 3 f,O. 0 266 78 3V. S fi. u 4. (i '.!76 3 4 11 4 ·' · 0 1,4 ,,;:.._ s ~):! 5.'>. 0 5. 2 82 1,0 142 41. S 64. 3 4:1.0 :?. 4 11.0 1'8 OU 3.1) 178 ti I. 3 3. 4 fl. I 4. n :!. I I.I 70 43..5 Ii S 111-1 53 9 4i. 9 ,'ill. 7 ·Ul. tl ~~,~ 14_, 4 9 •., •J JO. 1 4. 8 2. 7 lll.S ~t'gro . ... . __ _ • .. 3:1() 1,4 H. ri ,\,'; 1,-,. 6 45. O ~" - 2 ,u :~~ :.'fi. n .':'ifi. 5 l!. s Ill<! !\5. 9 5. 3 ~- J II.~ 3. 8 :!. ll H. 2 a. CT C") 0 0 -n OCt 21. 4 48. 0 6f, I IH 176 19. f. 22. 6 27. 9 J:l. 3 23. 0 3R. 8 1(1(1 7fi 5G. 5 53. I) 53. x 52. I 208 H 1114 170 48 122 26. 1 13. 1 35. 7 27. 0 16. 0 37. 0 47. 1 2fl. 5 59. 4 57. 0 42. 1 66.3 lZ~ ;,4 74 94 ,'>4 40 :.?tJ. 9 77. 6 2ft. 4 59. 8 47. 4 13/l i 4. 0 28. 5 50. 0 50. 0 50. 0 114 84 16 68 37. 0 21. 7 2t 29. 0 12. 2 40. 7 25. 4 10. 9 37. 0 52. 7 2'J. 3 63. 3 59. 2 42. I 0.'>. 4 Ea.stern C' otlnn . ---- · \\"liitc• --- _. . . ___ '-'eg ru \V fish •r n C"(1tioi;_~:: ~: \\' hire . . X, •µ ro __ __:-~-:: : :L~I 140 1;;o 140 11. 7 ~- I 17. ~ 11.fi ]4--1 1,14 S. 11 7~ 1-16 Z'2. I 3110 43. S -IO. 0 5(i b4 r.6 I 4fi. i' •IS. ll 50.6 45. 2 ,I . I :i. 3 ~- 3 1~0 [..fi. 2 <4 l',O. 0 -I.I 96 15fi 76 10. 0 60 5:l. :l 52. 0 49. 4 5-1. 8 !1. (i fi. 6 4. 8 9. 5 ,;. o 112 32 80 !GS 3. 9 78 12. I 00 ~ -c, -c, ,.,r- ,.,I: z \ "JIJ.Ar1 £ rt, '< 170 COL'S-THY F.as ti•rn C otton _____ Whit ,•·--·· ··• .. Kei;?nL . .. _______ ~:;::r ;u,, :~w 35. 0 22. 9 H.4 ,Ir.. 0 50. 6 01. 6 42 59. 0 70 20 50 86 32 21. 9 14. 3 Tl. 7 28. 7 20. 7 54. 5 54 36. 9 1.9 12 13. 1 8. R 30.0 21. 4 i.9 16. 7 27. 3 35. 7 6. 5 30 82 56.9 4. 1 13. 6 46 36 29. 9 24. 7 4. I 38. 9 23. 8 52. I 55. 1 42. 1 67. 5 > -< X, .... )> llCI ,.,r ....• w Vl ,0 140 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Tol,le .24.-Employment Status of Worlcen 1 in Rural Families Receiving General Relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by Color and Usual Occupation,June 1935 144 countlell) Total worlcen t Color and U8Ual oocupatlon Num- Per- ber cent Employed ~ - Nolllllriculture Unemployed -- Total employed Atotber workers than Atwmal wmal oocupaoocupatlon NumPertlon ber cent - - - - --- --- wmu: TotaL ____________ Asrfculture_ - - - -------Farm operator _____ Owner _________ Tenant _________ Oro~------Farm la _______ Nonmlculture. ________ lte collar •• ______ 811:Wed_ -----------Bemlakllled _. _. ____ UDSll:Wed __________ No usual occupation ___ 13, IKl2 100.0 30.1 e.8 413.1 5,130 100.0 88.4 11.e 8,118 3,644 822 1,474 1,548 4.474 4, 2llO 738 532 1,100 1, ll20 1, 4114 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 411. 7 87.4 1111.11 75.11 51. 5 35.3 3.8 1.11 8.4 3.1 3.11 1. 7 2.5 0.6 2.0 3. 7 1. 1 18.8 20.11 17.3 15. 5 111.11 48. 8 30.1 12. 5 22.1 44.8 4,178 2,~ 1, 113() 1154 1118 126 204 45G 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 111. 7 811.11 117. 8 112. 2 82.0 114. 4 74.2 78.8 411. 0 8.3 10. 1 2.2 7.8 18.0 5.8 25.8 21.4 54.0 26. 5 111. 3 - naao Total ____________ Asrloulture_ • - - - --__ ---• __ -Farm operator Owner _________ Tenant _________ ~-----Farm ------- No~culture _________ bite collar________ 811:Wed _____________ Bemlakllled ________ Unsll:Wed __________ No U8Ual oocupatlon •.. - mi.e 77.8 77.2 711. 3 81.4 711.2 100.0 544 1,148 854 - - 73.5 80. 7 - - 5,48«1 100.0 34.1 10.4 55.6 2,444 100.0 115. 6 4.6 3,616 1,130 166 452 622 2,48«1 1,542 34 54 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 51.3 74.2 88.4 86.4 IIO. 2 40.11 1.0 0.8 o. 7 2.8 0.11 47.11 25.1 11.0 13. 7 311. 8 68.2 63.11 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 115.8 114.1 4.4 6.11 5.8 6.8 tl.4 3.1 4. 7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3. 7 3.0 0. 7 0.8 1,884 84G 142 3110 314 1,038 668 14 10 18 618 2 66 1,388 328 t t 0.11 35.1 t 14.8 21.2 86.8 - t 81.6 76.8 82. 7 119.4 f 100.0 t 114. 4 114.4 113.8 IHI.II 115.8 117.1 t t Percent not computed on a hue of fewer than 50 CMeS. I Penona 18 throudl M years of age worklog o r ~ work. t Exclualve of workers whose usual oocupatlon or employment atatm was anknown. Oig,•ized by G oog Ie f 2. 7 t SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES • 141 To&le 25.-Reason for Accession of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Resi• dence and Area, June 1935 (138 counties and 116 New England townahipeJ Total Reeldenoe and aree I or Loss or Loss depleemploy- tlon or N11D1ber Percent ment• assets Crop failure or Jou of Jive•tock Insur- B-me Other ftclent unemIncome ployahle reaaona --- --- --- --- --- --- --TOT.A.I. BUB.A.L All ______________ Eutern Cotton.. ___ • ________ White __________ ----- --Nesro------------- -- . Wmtem Cotton ____________ White _____ ----.---- •• -Nesro- ---------_________ -- ---· -~Ian-Ozark e Statee Out-Over ______ Hay and Dairy _____________ Corn Belt_ _________________ ffi1ng Wheat ______________ Inter Wheat______________ Ranching ___________________ New England ______________ 82, 8211 100.0 24.6 33.6 13.6 12.4 6,2 10.6 7,732 6,084 2,648 7,288 6,432 1,836 17,016 3,814 8,626 7,612 3,374 1,288 1,886 4,313 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 27.3 27.3 27.4 28.6 28,9 27.6 14.1 27.2 86.6 80.2 13.& 18. 0 34.8 211.2 22.1 28.1 14.4 21.2 23.2 15.6 48.6 34.2 29.1 80.1 14.8 83.3 28. 7 48. 9 8.4 8.6 8.0 19,3 19.9 17.4 10. 7 8.9 8.4 13.2 69.4 22.4 16.6 0.2 14. 7 11.4 20.9 11.9 11.3 13.6 11.6 10.9 14.2 14.3 6.0 12.0 10.1 8.1 14.0 2.7 2.6 3.3 6.6 6.1 6.6 1.8 4.8 2.6 2. 9 6. 0 17.4 18.6 16.8 111.4 14.2 22.8 35,802 100.0 17. 7 31. 7 22.1 13.1 4.7 10.7 6,002 3,366 1,636 4,686 3,610 1,176 12, 06G 2,612 6,028 2,802 2,386 670 23.6 24.2 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.3 9. 7 20.4 80.6 21.8 9.3 20.3 20.9 24.8 13.1 20.9 22. I 17.2 48.3 37.4 27.8 21.1 8.4 23.6 26.8 12.1 11.9 12.8 28.3 29. I 211.0 13.8 12. 7 13.9 31.9 81.4 39. 7 33.2 16.0 12.2 20.8 10.3 10.1 10.9 13.8 12.9 16. 9 16.8 2.4 12. 6 7.4 10.3 8.1 14. 7 2.0 I. 7 3.2 6.0 3.9 6.9 1.0 1.6 I. 6 2.8 18.1 18.8 16. 7 16.1 6liO 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 12. 7 6.0 7.9 1.9 13.4 10.6 22, 714 100.0 3'1. 0 33.9 10.9 6.8 11.7 2,730 I, 718 1,012 2,682 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 34.2 24.2 33.2 28.9 lft.4 2.1 1.0 14.1 10.0 21.1 9. 7 2.1 3.2 18. 2 8.9 14.6 9.11 13.7 6.2 10., :u 11.8 10.2 4.2 OPIIN COUNTRY All areas•-----------Eastern Cotton.. ____________ White __________________ Nesro_ --- ---------. - . -Western Cotton ____________ White __________ ••• ----Necro- , _____________ --Appalachian-Ozark .• _______ Lell:e States Cut-Over ______ Hay and Dairy _____________ Corn Belt __________________ ffllng Wheat ______________ nter Wheat______________ BanchiDI------------------- 4.4 14.11 20.4 9.4 VJLLAOII AU areas•-----------Eastern Cotton.. ____________ White __________________ Negro ______________ ---Western Cotton ____________ White. _____________ .... Negro_----------------- t=Jacbian-Ozark ......... = e States Cut-Over •. _. _. Hay and Dairy_____________ Corn Belt __________________ Wheat ______________ Inter Wheat ______________ Ranching _____ --- - • - • -- •. -- . 1,922 660 4,960 1,302 3,698 4,710 1188 618 1,2:le 36. 7 39.8 40. 7 37.0 24.9 39.9 42.11 36.6 3'1. 8 27.6 42.2 21. 9 26.2 12.4 49.2 27.6 30.8 86.6 30.2 44.0 27.2 2. 7 --I. 7 2.9 3.2 1.4 0. 7 2. 0 11.6 3.6 7.8 14.6 13.4 6.9 6.9 11.9 12.8 11.1 11.3 9. 7 7.9 12.8 8.8 4.0 3.3 6.8 7.4 7.11 2.3 7.9 3.11 2.9 16.1 17.9 13.0 17.0 13.6 27.0 10.0 16. 9 6.4 11.8 8.6 10.0 10.2 1 Bxclll81ve or caaes for which reason for opening or reopening was unknown. • Within 4 months prior to .-Ion. For cases In which the worker Jost his Joh more than 4 months prior to .-Ion to relief, a more Immediate reason for openlnc the case was elven. • Bxclualve or New Encland. IJigmedbyGoogle 142 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF To&le 26.-Relief History of Rural Families Receiving Relief, by Residence and Area, June 1935 [138 counties and 116 New England townships] Total t Residence and area Number Percent Contlnuously on reliel February through June Opened MarchJune Reopened MarchJune ---------------- - - - - - TOTAL RURAL All areas _________________________ . ______ _ Eastern Cotton ___ . ____________________ . ____ . __ White ____________________________________ _ Negro _______________ ---------------------Western Cotton ______________________________ _ White ____________________________________ _ Negro ____________________________________ _ Appalachian-Ozark .... _______________________ _ Lake States Cut-Over ________________________ _ Hay and Dairy _______________________________ _ Corn Belt. .. _________________________________ _ i[~'t:r ite.::;t-_-_-:::::::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::_ Ranching _____________________________________ New England ________________________________ _ 100.0 74.3 11.5 14.2 5,080 2,648 7,268 6,432 1,836 17,016 3,812 8,626 7,512 3,3i4 1,288 1,886 4,313 100.0 100.0 JOO. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 66.6 62.5 74. 5 80.3 79.1 83.9 71.8 73.3 7\l.3 77. 5 81.4 76. 7 70.0 68.8 14.4 17.4 8.8 8.3 11.2 5.4 11. 2 11.3 10. 9 II.II 4.9 6.2 12. 3 Ill.I 19.0 20.1 16. 7 35,798 100.0 73. 9 10.5 15.6 5,000 3,364 1,636 4,686 3,510 I, 176 12,066 2,510 5,028 2,802 2,386 6°0 650 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 66. 5 62.1 75.3 83.0 81.9 83.0 70.1 74.0 71l. 7 73. 4 80. 4 72. 8 70.6 12.8 15.4 7. 7 6. 1 7.0 6. I 10.9 11.3 11.2 15. 0 5. 7 7.2 11.8 20. 7 22.5 17.0 10.11 11.1 10.11 19.0 14. 7 II.I 11.6 13.11 20.0 17.6 22, 712 100.0 76.0 11. 5 12.5 2, i28 I, 716 I, 012 2,582 I, 922 660 4,950 I, :102 3,598 4, ilO 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.C 100.0 66.9 6-3. 2 73.3 75. 4 74. 0 71l. 7 76. 2 71. 9 78. 8 71l.9 84.0 80.0 69. 7 17.4 21.4 10.5 12.2 13. 2 II.I 12. 0 11.4 10. 4 10.1 2. 8 5. 2 12. 6 15. 7 15. 4 16. 2 12.4 12.8 11.2 11.8 16. 7 10.8 10.0 13. 2 13.11 17. 7 62,823 ---100.0 7,728 11.4 11. 7 10. 7 17.0 15.4 9.8 10.6 13. 7 17.1 17. 7 12.1 OPEN COUNTRY All areas•-------- ___ ---------------- --- Eastern Cotton. ______________ . ____ . ____ . ____ .. White ____________________________________ _ Negro ____________________________________ _ Western Cotton _________________ . ____________ . White ____________________________________ _ Negro ________ . __________ . ________________ _ Appalachian-Ozark ... ________________________ _ Lake States Cut-0\"er ________________________ _ Hay and Dairy _______________________________ _ Corn Belt. ___________________________________ _ Spring Wheat_ _______________________________ _ Winter Wheat ________________________________ _ Ranching _________________ . __________________ .. VILLAGE All areas•------------------------------Eastern Cotton _______________________________ _ White ___________________ .. ______________ ._ N~!U"O------------------· ·· ···--·····-----Western Cotton ____________________ . ________ .. White ____________________________________ _ Nei:,o ____________________________________ _ Appnlnchian-Ozark .. ______________ .. ____ .. ___ _ Lake States Cut-Over _____ ._ .. ___ . __ . ________ _ Hay and Dairy _______________________________ _ Corn Belt_.--------------------------------Spring Whe11t. _________________ . ____________ __ .. Winter Wheat ________________________________ _ Ranching ____________________________ . ________ . 988 618 I, 236 1 Exclusive ol lami1!es whose relier history was unknown. • Exclusive or New England. 1Jig1-ized by G oog Ie SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES • 143 To&le 27.-Average 1 Amount of General Relief Received by Rural Families, by Restdence, Area, and Type of Relief, June 1935 (138 coantlel and 83 New England toWDlhlpe t] Total I Residence and area Work relief Both work and direct relief Direct relief N11Dlber Avel'llll' N11Dlber Avenge N11Dlber Avenge N11D1ber Avenp of amount or a.moant or amount or a.mount famillell or railer famillell or railer famlll• of relief famlllell of relief --- TOTAL II UllAL All areas.......... - 67,871 $17 27,117 $18 22,440 $13 8,270 $26 Kaa&ernOotton.-·-·-··-· White •••• ·-·-···-·-Negro····-········-· Weatem Ootton ••..•• ___ White •••• ·-····-·-·Negro·····----·---·tl:'lacblan•Ozark ___ . __ Btatee Out•Over •. _ Ba:,and Dairy ••• -- .. --. Oorn Belt ••• ·--··-····-Wbeet·-·--·----Inter Wbeet·---·-·-·-Rancblnl--•--··--·····-New EJll]and·--·--·-·-- 7,026 4,6611 2, 4118 6,892 6,162 1,740 16,084 3,638 11,108 6,944 3,180 I, 212 1,888 3, 1611 12 14 8 10 11 8 12 23 23 18 22 18 18 37 3,092 2,224 8G8 3,616 2,1142 874 11,348 664 2,UKl 3,344 1,662 782 388 2,201 14 UI 10 11 11 10 12 24 2U 111 111 16 111 41 2,624 1,288 1, 2311 2,408 1,610 898 4,848 2,118 6,0UO 2,774 840 228 1,084 730 7 8 6 7 7 8 10 18 111 14 14 13 16 21 1,410 1,= 888 UIS 1,8UO 768 868 828 1188 224 214 228 16 15 13 14 Ill 12 111 36 36 ao ao 33,478 16 16, 1160 14 12,838 12 4,888 21 4,630 3,044 1,488 4,480 3,362 I, 128 11,3112 2,318 4,734 2,638 2,264 628 692 10 12 8 10 10 8 12 22 23 17 21 14 18 1,7114 1,372 392 2,340 1,920 420 7,2UO 412 1,288 1,2US 1,028 424 108 12 13 10 1,1118 1,040 878 1,804 1,010 6114 3,004 1,408 2, 1162 11M 848 218 6341 422 114 1,098 498 4114 278 778 118 16 15 13 It 16 13 17 K IS 211 422 7 8 6 7 7 8 II 17 18 16 13 13 16 82 33 All areas•--····--- 21, 1112 18 11, 1188 Ill 8,872 14 3,364 2S Eastern Cotton __________ White••••.. ••••• ·----·---Negro _. _______ 2, 4118 I, 614 982 2,412 1,800 612 4,692 1,220 3,372 4,408 1116 684 1,094 14 18 11 10 11 1,328 862 475 1,276 1,022 2M 2,068 242 872 2,048 624 338 280 17 20 10 11 12 II 13 2S 31 21 23 17 18 808 7 II 6 8 7 6 13 111 111 14 16 13 16 682 414 148 332 278 64 15 17 13 14 16 11 268 302 648 210 128 162 41 87 = 700 M 31 66 OPU COUNTRY All areas•--------- Butern Cotton __________ White •••• ___________ NegroCotton •• ·--··------Western _________ White •••• ___________ Negro ••• ·-------·- -Appalacblan•Ozark_ --· __ Lake Btatee Cut-Over ___ Ha:,and Dairy----·-·--Oorn Belt.--------·----Wbeet-------··-Inter Wheat--··-·-·-·- = Rancblng••••••••• ·--·-·- 11 11 10 12 22 27 18 17 13 21 468 108 er. ao 111 VILL401i Weatem Cotton_-·-----White ••••• ·-----·--Nein>----·------·--t==lan•Ozark ______ e Btatee Cut•Over _-· Ha:, and Dairy ___ •. _____ Oorn Belt •••••••• ---···~ring Wbellt. - ••••• -··· Inter Wat.......... Rancblng••••••••••••• - - - 7 14 26 24 111 24 18 18 :us 368 804 600 31M 1,842 710 2,138 1,810 182 118 682 m •Mean. 23 ao 33 27 211 • Townships In Connecticut and Massachwietts on!:,. Exclusive of cum opened or reopened durt.na: the month and or cues for which type or amount of relief 1 wu unknown. • Exclusive or New EJll]and. Oig,•ized by G oog Ie 144 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Jcr•le n.-Amount of General Relief Received by Rural Families, by Residence and Area, June 1935 (138 countl1111 and 1111 New E1111land townahlps] Total l Numher Per- cent St.... ~ $1(414 $1~111 BllatiernOotton _____________ Wbtte. ___________ ------ w~6oiti,ii:::::::::::: Wblte __ ----------- ----- 7,025 4,658 2,488 6, 8112 6,162 1,740 _____r---- -------~ Negro Ou k _________ 111,0M Out-Over______ 8.688 lOII Hay DallT------------0omand Belt. __________________ 8, 11,1144 =Wheat_______________ 8. 180 1,212 lnWWbeat-------------___________________ 1,11811 Banchlng Ne,rEngland. ______________ 3,888 100.0 100.0 100.0 1()(1.0 100.0 1()().0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 ~ $110or more - - - -- -- - -- TOT.U. Rt7UI. All llrSI-------------- 118,11117 -- Amount of relief Bellldenoe and area 10.4 ll0.2 13. 6 32.8 111.a 14. 2 18.6 11. 7 8.2 8.11 8.8 6.11 10.4 2. 6 LIi :N.2 21.9 12. 8 16. 0 13. g 1.8 29.6 27.4 33.3 4L7 40.8 43.11 31.7 18. 8 13.3 17. 7 14.6 24.11 13.2 6. 4 26. 6 1L6 12.11 11.2 11.4 10.1 7.6 12.1 13.11 14.8 14. 0 16. 2 13.0 111.3 8.0 7.6 10. 1 3.0 6.0 7.6 0.4 2.1 2. 7 0.6 4. 4 0.6 0.8 --24. 6 27.8 21.3 22.4 24. 2 17.2 28.8 16.8 14.11 111.4 18. 8 21.3 211. 7 11.1 4.6 6. 4 2.1 10.11 111.7 ~-0 21.6 23.11 17. 3 23. 8 17.3 23-11 '5.8 16. 7 111. 2 12. 4 10.11 48.6 - 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.4 4.0 2. 3 0.11 3.1 o. 7 1.1 11.8 ORK COUMHY AllllrSI •---·-·--·-··· 83,47e 100.0 U.1 27.11 4, l530 8.044 1,488 4,480 3,362 l, 128 23.2 18.4 6112 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 1()(1.Q 17.11 16.8 24. 1 12. 0 7 4.1 12.2 11.4 10.2 2. 4 31.3 30.3 38.6 43.1 4LII 44.11 33.3 111.0 13.11 19. II 16. 7 211.3 13. 8 AllllrSI •-···-··-····- 21, 1112 100.0 II. 4 22. 1 2,41111 1,614 1182 2,412 1,800 1112 4, llU'J 1,DI 3,372 4, 40II 11111 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1()(1.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 14.8 7.6 25.1 22.1 17.0 311.11 IO.II 2. 3 3. II 24. 3 Butlllrn Cotton ____________ . =:-_:::::::::::::::: Western Cotton_.-------- .• White- - --·--· ------·- - - Necro------ -- -• --- -• --. - ==lan-Ourk _________ 11,3112 Stetl!II Out-Over_ • __ •• Ha., and Dairy _____________ 2,318 Com Belt___________________ 4, 734 =Wheat _______________ Banohlng. Inter Wheat_. ________________ --· --. -----. •. 2,638 2, 2114 628 37.2 a. 24.1 12. 6 28.3 16.8 1L2 12.1 11.2 II.II II.II 2U 24.2 17.0 31.0 18.3 16.8 20.4 111.3 24. 2 26.0 - 13.0 11.6 0.11 ----0.2 2. 8 3.11 0.3 0. 6 2.0 o.a 20.s 4.8 8. 7 2.8 4. 7 6.3 3.0 8. 6 21.11 24.8 18. 8 22. 7 16. 0 24. 7 14. l 17.8 14.6 LIi 12.4 14. 4 11.4 11.0 10.3 6. 2 13. 1 13.0 14. 7 17.2 16. 7 13. 7 18.8 11. l 12. 8 a3 4.3 6. 7 0.3 14.8 17.11 23.4 23.0 35.0 111.11 21.11 11.0 14. 7 0.2 2.4 2.11 1.0 7.3 28. 8 28. 8 Ill.II 20. 7 111.4 10.4 L1 8.11 11. 7 14. 0 14.U 13.11 16.0 12. 4 2.11 0.2 a2 2Ll 96. a 14. 3 18. 8 8.11 10.8 0.3 0.2 o.s as 2.0 0.8 2. 3 0.3 LO TILLAGII Baatern Cotton--···-------- Wblte. ----------·-·· ••. Negrt>________________ W-«em Cotton. _________ -- Wblte. ------ ----------. ~ k _________ Over ______ Bay and Dairy _____________ Oom Belt ___________________ =Wheal..----------·-· Inter Wheat. _____________ Banohlng ___________________ 1184 1,094 II.II 3. 7 10.11 2. 8 21.a 32.11 38.8 38.11 311.0 2!1.2 18. 6 12.11 18.11 1L4 ll0.2 12.8 -ll0.7 27.3 24.11 28.1 22. 6 24.0 17.11 23. 2 14.1 13.8 18. 7 17. 6 18. 2 32.4 1 Excluatve of opened or reopened durlnl ibe month and of unlcnown. • EKolualve of New Enl)and. - LIi 0.11 L2 0.6 6.4 .6.8 LO 6.0 LO Ll for which amount of relief wu Diglized by Google SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES • 145 TalJle .29.-Len~h of Last Continuous Residence in Count'l_ of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Usual Occupation, June 1935 (138 countlell and 110 New England townahlpe) Y•n of Jut continuous residence In coonty Total• Residence and usoa1 oocopatton Nom- Percent lorlea her H H H 1CH4 11>-111 20or more -- '!O!il 8'1711.L Total ••••• -- ---- ------ 02,2M 100.0 8.4 6. 7 6.1 10.2 8.1 8. 2 26,:AIO 18, ffl 6, 1146 II, 1133 1, IIU8 '7,0111 25, 72U 2,29G a, 7'IO 4,272 16, 3111 1,638 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3. 6 8.0 1.0 8.11 6. 6 .. 0 8.11 6. 8 3. 7 4.1 3. 7 2. 2 2. a 6. 0 4.0 2. 8 6. 4 7.2 8.1 G.8 7.(1 8. 6 a. 6 6.0 4.8 3.1 4. '7 G. 8 G. II 0.1 8.1 8.8 G. 2 6.1 3. 0 3. 0 11.2 7.8 6.11 8. 3 1L7 12. II 12.0 11.2 13. 8 12.4 lLII 8. 7 8.4 8.7 8.1 0.0 6.8 8. 2 8. 8 9.4 7.8 11.6 II. II 11.4 11.0 8.1 G. 8 7.0 '7.0 G. 3 7.8 G.4 8. II 8.6 8.4 11. l 11.1 11.11 11.1 Total •••..•.•.•.•.••.. 36,474 100.0 3.0 6. II 6.1 11.1 G.8 G. II 02. 0 Apic:ultnre •••••••••••••...• :io, 312 Farm operator....•..... 16, 1176 Owner .•.•••.••...•. 6,760 Tenant .....•....•.• 8,634 Oro~r •······-···- 1,080 Parm la rer ••.•..••.•. 4,338 No~tnre ..••..•...•.. II, 7118 lte collar •.•.•••..... M4 Skilled .................. 1,270 Bem.lakilled ............. 1,474 Uoali::llled •••••••..••••.. 6,444 8'1'2 8. 3 2. II 0.7 3.8 6. (I 6.1 4. (I 7.3 6.4 4.4 2. II 6.1 7.7 11.0 8.1 11.3 11.(1 12. 8 6. 2 8. (I 7.4 6. II 7.8 10.4 13.0 11.0 12.11 15.4 10.7 10.0 8. 8 7.8 8.3 6. II 6. (I 6. 0 7.11 8.0 8. 0 8. 3 8. 0 7.3 8.1 G. 6 66. 2 68. 0 74.8 67.4 64. 4 62.0 64.1 4L3 40.6 48. 6 4.11 8.11 4. 8 4. 1 8.0 4.3 G.8 7.3 7.0 12. (I 12.1 7.0 6. 3 8. 3 8.1 6. 4 G. 7 7.6 8.0 7.4 6. 0 7.2 8. 3 8.2 7.3 7.0 4, 8112 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6.4 8.3 811.8 67. 7 Total. ••.............. 22,660 100.0 8.11 6.11 6.8 1L7 11.l 11.6 M.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 4. 3 4. 7 4.2 4.8 6.1 4.0 3. 8 5. 3 3. 8 3. 7 3. 6 2. 7 1.8 G.8 6. 6 4.11 8.0 4. 6 7.0 8. 6 7.0 7.8 8.8 6.11 4.1 3. 3 6. 6 6. 4 3. 8 7.8 7.7 6. 7 6. 7 8. 7 7.4 6. II 6.1 4. 1 2. II 1L8 10.4 4.2 11. 6 18. 8 12. 8 12. 8 10. 6 13.1 14.8 12. 0 7.11 11. l 7.(1 6.11 4. 6 8. 7 II.Cl 8. (I II. 7 7.4 10.2 11.8 10. 0 10.11 8. 7 8. 0 8. 8 6. 8 116.2 Acrlcaltnre. ________________ Farm operator ••••..•••. Owner••••.•.•.•..•. Tellant .. ---·-·-···· Oro~•-·-···--··· :hrmla rer ..•..••••.• No~tore ••••••••....• tecollar •••••••••.. Bldlled.. •••••••••• -- --• -8emlstflled ••••••••• ____ Unskilled .•••••••••••••. No osual oecopatlon •••••••. Nonworker ••••••••.•....•.. on• 11,11113 fl.l 6. 6 4.3 1511.3 --83.2 0'7•.2 '13.0 85.0 62.8 62.8 62. II 61. 6 47.3 411.2 M.7 M.8 06.(1 COU111TJIT I ~:r:ot~~~~~~:::::::: 4.2 6.0 4. 3 2.1 2. 8 69.2 11.2 VILIJ.OJ: I Acrlcnltore .•............... Parm operator ........•. 4,440 2,008 Owner.•••...•...... 818 TeD&Dt ...........•. 1,078 812 O~er• ..•........ l'armla m ........... 2,432 No~cultore .•••......... 13,230 lte collar ............ 1,404 BkllJed .••.•••••......... 1,980 Bem.lakllled _••....•..... 1,880 Unskilled .••••.......... 7,980 Noosualoecopatlon ..•.•... 738 Nonworker •••••••...•••••.• 4,144 1 I I E:mtuatve of beads of lam11lel whole In the 2 Cotton Areu. BmJustve of New EJll)and. 1ensth of lut 11.1 io. a 7.11 II. 7 8.8 8.0 8. 4 10. 8 14.11 11.7 66.11 71.8 62. 3 63. 8 61.8 64. 3 411. 7 411. 0 112. 7 116.4 114.6 continuous residence wu unknown. D1gtizedb; 44.2 Google 146 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Ta&le 30.-Length of Last Continuous Residence in County of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by Color and Usual Occupation, June 1935 Total l Color and usual occupation Yean of last continuous residence In county Num- Percent 1 orless ber ,-a H 11H4 &-9 15--111 2lor more --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --WHITE 100.0 6.2 0,0 6.8 12.0 3,516 602 1,418 1, 4116 1,890 3,142 602 470 760 1,410 346 1,488 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6.0 6.6 2.0 5.6 6.8 7.0 8. 0 8. 4 8.11 7.4 7.8 4.0 8.4 0.1 7.3 a. 7 7.8 8.4 12.3 11.8 6.2 13.6 11.8 11.1 7.ll 7. 7 7.1 6.2 4.0 6. I 7.2 8. 7 7.8 11.4 II.II as 12.8 11.8 11.3 13.3 12.6 14. 7 12.3 10.0 10.6 12.11 13.3 11.6 8. 6 4,466 100.0 1.15 aa 1.4 8.2 2,106 1,098 152 444 602 1,008 1,044 30 48 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 1.3 1.1 a3 2. 6 4. 3 3.8 1.3 2. 7 6.6 4.8 3.3 7.2 11.2 3.11 3.11 11.2 8. 3 11. 6 Total _____ ------- --- -- 10,382 ApicultunL---------------Farm operator __________ Owner ______________ Tenant _____________ F~~~~.!r::::::::::: Non{tfl;\:1~"\'i:i-:::::::::::: Skllled __________________ Semiskilled _____________ Unskllled. ______________ No usual occupation ________ Nonworker _________________ --6,406 6. 6 8.1 6. 8 8. 1 7.11 l50. 0 7. 7 7.8 6.0 8. 7 7.8 7.11 7.8 11.2 11.4 7.11 11.8 11.11 7.4 63. 7 74.3 60.0 48.6 311. 8 46.2 63.2 37.6 46.8 46.8 62.11 111.8 7.0 7.0 811. II 11.6 6. ti 6.3 6.3 7.2 6.3 10. 2 II.II -------8.4 7.11 48. 7 a1 8.6 8.6 II.ti 8.1 7.6 8. I 8. 7 8.1 6.11 7.4 NJ:ORO Total ____ ------------Agriculture ________________ . Farm operator __________ Owner ______________ Tenant _____________ Cro~-----------· Farm la rer ___________ Nonagriculture _____________ White co!Jar ____________ Skilled _________________ . Semiskilled _____________ Unskilled _______________ No usual occupation ________ Nonworker _________________ eo 908 30 1,286 l 100.0 100.0 t 100.0 0.11 1. II 1.6 1.11 --t 2.0 I. 4 2. 3 3.11 4.2 4.11 -- 3.3 6.1 t 2. 0 --t 3.1 2.0 l l 7.1 6.3 11.8 8.0 6.2 7.1 l 77.4 64.8 68. II 111.4 l 10.0 11. 7 10.0 11.6 3.3 7.1 73.4 IILII 7.2 6.1 7.11 74. 7 - t t t Percent not computed on a base of lower than 60 cases. 1 70.8 72.11 84.2 Exclusive of heads of families whose lenitb or last continuous residence was unknown. 01g111zedbyGoogle t SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES • 147 Ta&le 31.-School Attainment of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, October 1935 (138 aountles and 83 New EDIWld towmhlpe t] Lest grade or year completed Total• OolJeril Grade and high echool Relldence and area Num• Percent None ber 1-ll 4--7 8 9-11 12 1-ll - - -- -- ---- 4or more 'fOT.U. lltrlU.L All areas ............. '41,234 Eutern Cotton •••••.••••.. White ••••••.•.•••••••.. Negro ••••••••..••..••.. Western Cotton •••••••.•... White ••••••••.••••.•... Negro .................. t==•Ozark ........ e States Cot-Over•.•.•. Hay and Dairy ••••••••••.. Corn Belt •••..•••••••••.•.. ~Wheat .••••••••••••• Inter Wheat ••••••••••..• Ranching •••••••••••••••.•• New ED&land .............. 4,294 3,190 1,104 4,1110 3,728 882 15,736 2,422 6,158 2,724 I, 11&2 790 936 1,582 100.0 8.8 13.8 42.0 24.6 7.4 2. 6 0.8 0.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 14. 4 9. 2 29.4 20.4 18. 3 32. 3 12.1 10. 7 17. 7 19. 7 12. 1 5. 2 5.4 7.4 8. 3 6.8 43.0 46.4 32.8 51.1 60.6 63.8 0. 7 0.9 0.4 0.1 0.1 4.11 9.1 11.7 1.11 10.8 11.6 7. 7 3.2 10.8 9.8 9.8 7.9 10.9 13. 6 12. 8 u 36. 2 43.0 33.8 31.8 32. 7 23.9 29.3 9.2 11.3 3.1 17. 5 19.11 8.4 18.6 27.1 34.1 41.1 42.2 41. 7 41.0 39.8 11.4 5.4 10.9 12. 5 9.8 2. 9 2.4 5.2 2. 8 3.2 3.8 44.9 4.3 1.8 2. 4 0.2 0. 7 0.11 1.0 0.2 0. 7 0.11 1.0 1.2 8. 8 7.3 2.4 2.4 0.4 1.8 0.2 1.3 1.5 0.5 0.8 3.3 3.9 11.2 4.11 - 0.1 -- 0.6 o.a LO - OPD COUJITBT All llNIU • ............ 23,630 Eutern Cotton •••••••••••• White ..•••••••••..••••• Negro ...••••••••••••••• Western Cotton •••••••••••• White ...••••••••••••••• Negro ...•.••••••.•••••• ~lan•OIBlk ........ tes Cot-Over.•..•. Bay and Dairy •••••••••.•• Corn Belt ..•.•••••••••••••. Wheat ...••••••••••. Inter Wheat ••••••••••••. Ranching ......•.•••.•.••.. =g 2,946 2,300 648 3,260 2,1140 1110 9,828 1,684 2,800 958 1,292 472 300 100.0 10. 7 15.1 44. 3 22. 0 6.8 1.6 0.4 0.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 14. 5 10.3 29. 7 6.6 5.6 10.5 14. 9 IO. 3 3. 4 4. 4 4.3 4.2 II. 7 21.2 17.11 34.1 12.4 11.0 18. 3 19.6 13.3 5. 1 11.3 8.4 7.6 11.3 45. 7 49.6 32.2 52.2 51.8 63. 7 45.11 36.6 8.8 10.11 1.9 17.4 19.0 10. 6 17.1 26.2 34. 7 39.11 45.3 38. 7 39.4 7.11 9.3 1.6 9.8 10.8 5.11 2. 3 10.0 8.0 7.1 6.2 11. 4 7.3 0.11 0.8 0.9 1.1 I. 2 0. 7 0.4 2. 9 3.11 4.4 2.11 3.4 3.3 0. 7 0. 7 0.11 0.1 0. 2 100.0 11.6 12.9 39.6 26.11 9.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 14.1 6.6 28.8 6.3 6.0 11.8 8. 4 8. 7 2.4 18. 7 13.0 29. 7 11. 6 10.1 16.9 19.9 9.5 5.3 6.0 6. 6 36.6 38.0 34.2 48.11 47.3 63.6 43.9 35.3 41.4 31. 7 30. 7 30.8 20.4 13.3 4.8 17.11 21.1 3. 7 21. 2 29.0 33.6 41.8 36.3 46.6 41.8 12. 5 18. 0 I. 7 13.2 13.4 12. 6 4.11 12. 7 11. 9 11. 2 11.0 10.1 16. 4 44.4 37.8 32. 4 33.9 31.3 1.1 0.5 0.6 0. 7 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 - -o.-7 3. 7 1.2 0.3 3.0 4.3 0.4 1.8 2. 2 3.9 6.11 0.4 1.0 0. 9 1. 5 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 2. 0 1. 3 3.5 0.9 1.3 - 0.1 TILIJ.011: All llNIIII 1•••••••••••• 16, 122 Eutem Cotton •••••••••.•. White .••••.•••••••••.•• Negro ..•••.•••••••••••• Western Cotton. ••••••••••• White .••••••••••••••••• Negro ..••••....•••••••• ~ • O z a r k •••••••• e States Cot-Over •••••• Hay and Dairy •••••••••••• Corn Belt ..••••••.••••••••• =Wheat •••••••.•••••• terWheat ••••••.•••••. Ranching •••••••••••••••••• 1,348 890 458 1,360 1,088 272 6,008 738 2,358 1,766 690 318 636 1.4 7.0 0.11 1.6 4.4 4. 7 -10.4 - - 1.6 4. 3 4.2 7.2 7.5 11.3 11.3 - --- - 0.1 0.6 0.6 1 Towmhlps In Connecticut and Massachusetts only. • E:rclnslve of heads of families whose school attainment was Wlknowu. • Exclnslve of New EDIWld. D,g,t,zed by -- 0.3 Google 148 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF Tal,le 32.-School Attainment of Heads of Rural Families Receiving General Relief, 16 Through 24 Years of Age, by Residence and Area, October 1935 [138 counties and 83 New England townships •] Lest grade or year completed Total Grade and high school Reeldence and aree Num• Percent None her --- 1-3 4--7 8 College !Hl 12 1-3 ---- -- -- -- ---- 4 or more -- TOTAL lltJBAL All areas _____________ E11&tern Cotton ____________ Western Cotton ____________ Appalachian-Or.ark ________ Lake States Cut-Over ______ Hay and Dalry_____________ Corn Belt __________________ ~ring Wheat ______________ Inter Wheat _____________ Ranching __________________ New England ______________ 4,806 100.0 3.1 448 434 1, 736 184 350 196 138 100.0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11.4 1.8 5.2 114 88 1,168 -- -- --o. 7 7.6 33.0 28. 7 111.1 7. 7 0.11 0.2 12. 5 3. 7 14. 2 4- 3 3.4 1.0 2. 9 6. 3 2.3 L4 48.4 39. 7 44. 7 31. 5 17.1 15.3 34.8 18.8 7.6 26. 7 23.3 38. l 411. 8 49. 1 42.1 37.4 15.11 3"3. 2 16. 1 20. 7 10. 4 18. 6 :al. 6 17. 3 7.2 21.11 a1 0.11 32. 7 4.0 7. 4 2.0 7.11 11. l 16. 3 11.11 12. 6 20.6 14- 2 11. 7 43.1 1.2. 1 3.1 25.0 17.0 36.3 -- 0.2 1.0 1.4 a1 - 0. 6 ---- - 0.3 OPlilf COUNTRY -----10.8 - -47.-7.6 - -18.-5 ----100. 0 314 10.8 8 1.11 1.3 1.3 Western Cotton____________ 100.0 324 2. 6 4.3 39. 5 28. 4 20.4 4. II Appalachian-Ozark ________ 1,022 100.0 13. 1 6.8 62. 7 111.11 ~.8 0.6 0.4 Lake States Cut-Over______ 144 110. 0 5.6 29. 2 37. 5 20.8 6. 9 Hay and Dairy_____________ 100.0 10.3 194 611.7 6.2 Com Belt __________________ 100.0 12. 1 II.I 116 69. 7 II. 1 --- 6.2 - 33.20.6 -- --100.0 6.1 78 3 46. 2 7. 7 5. 1 2.11 ~~:. ~i:.ic::::::::::: 30111 J J J t J -J -All llNlllS '------------ 2,188 100.0 5.1 211. 2 0.5 0.2 Eastern Cotton ____________ - Ranchln&------------------ - VIIUGJ: All llNlllS '------------ 1,460 Eastern Cotton ____________ - -134 Western Cotton____________ llO Appalachian-Ozark ________ 714 Lake States Cut-Over ______ 40 Hay and Dairy_____________ 156 Com Belt __________________ 130 ~ng Wheat ______________ 60 Inter Wheat ____________ . 31 Rancbllli- _____ ----------- _ ;2 ---11.0 - ----10. 4 7.5 21.8 14. 6 3.9 15. 4 11.4 100.0 1. 9 11.5 30.~ 28. 7 100.0 JOO.O 100. 0 6.0 16. 4 1.8 16. 7 43. 2 40.1 33.6 7. 5 21.8 28. 6 I. 6 12.8 16. 9 36. 7 41.1 38.6 38. 7 33. 3 21.6 6. 7 12. 8 :al.0 111.11 22.2 13. 9 44. 5 111.4 --t 100.0 100. 0 100.0 t 100.0 - 2.8 ---- -- -- t t t t 18.11 t t t t 1.0 - -- I. 6 - -t t Pereent not computed on a base or fewer than 50 cases. •Townships In Connecticut and Massachuaetts onl)·. •Exclusive of New England. Oig1 ,zed by Google ---- Ta&le 33.-School Attendance of Children 7 Through 15 Yean of Age in Rural Families Receiving General Relief, by Residence and Area, Odober 1935 (13,11 counties and 83 New England townships 1) l(>-13 years 7- 0 year s T otul R00hlence an cl a rea To tal In sch ool :-S-uml"•r I P ercen t Not in 1---....,..---- sc ht~,l In ::chool N umb r rl Pereeut T ot al ~ ot I n ! - - - - - -school ~ umbe r! Percen t TOTAL ltURAL All area,; __ __ .. . .... .. . E as tern Cotton . ... ... . . .. . . • . .• , vtbte rn Cuttou .. ___. ____ _. _. . . A pp11lr.d1ian-Oiark ...... . .• • . •• Lake States C' ut -lh<'r. . . . • . • g~:;,an~l.'_irr_·:: : : : : : : . :: : : :: ::: Spring \\"boat. . . .. _. . ....... . Winter \\'h,,at . . . . . ... ... H.unchi nz ____ ______ -·- · -- . .••. . N ew E a glanJ ___ _____ . .. • _. -17. o.·,i I ,oo. o VJ.~ ~ -- -- - -- 4. Oc<I !\XI. 0 ,\U l:! 14"" :.!. I i 4 1()0 () tn. t} , :tlH 3, l lfi Jr~ ) 0 HXJ. 0 JOO ll JOO U 2, Al~ I()() 0 0;1,1 1. l 10 2. 8H:.! !IJO,l) H~l 0 100 0 27, 698 ll)il. 0 St). I (l;\. 2 'JI. ~ v,.() ti~. ~ !17. :,! 94 . 0 97. 9 ~l(i_ 0 H9. n fi. 2 13,426 100. 0 94 9 5. l 2:J, 02"2 1:1. :1 t 11. 9 t\ t) 'J., :24:! 2. (',I~ , ,.2 ~. /~ti li . fi D, 15"i 3 0 l :! 2." 6. 0 2. l •I tJ 1.0 ~7~ I.I J. 4 l . ~1 31'2 100.(1 100. 0 100. o IUO 0 Ji)() 0 IW.U JOO. 0 Jl)(J.I) BS. Ii, b l. -;; -.. 2, 102 3'.l l 100 0 2, zan I. OJ-I 1,01 0 oo, 9 1. 4 !IJ l 9,; fj r,s. 6 U. b 2. G I. 9 JOO. 0 ~ l. "2 U7. 4 98. I 93. 4 11)(1. U 100.() 03. 0 2. i7 l l. 404 I. 25~ __1~1 lllO. 0 100 0 100. 0 lfkl. 0 !00. 0 - -l:!11 4~:! 1, 3 14 100. 0 JO() 0 LOI). IJ Jl)(J.O 100. 0 7. 0 14. 385 100.0 12. 7 l.7;l0 lf~L 0 ll~J.O li .fi la school 11 - 15 y e ..r s To t'11 IKo t i n!- - - -- - , ehoo l :,..r umberl Percent In schoo l IN ot in school 9tl. 2_ 3, 8 10, 602 100. 0 rs;. a 12. 7 S9 . 4 9ft -t JO, 6 9:10 I. 172 4, 2lll 600 77. 4 8U. I SJ'. 8 23 4 640 100. 0 100. U 100.0 JOO. o 100.0 JOO. 0 100. 0 100.0 JOO. 0 100. 0 95.6 22. 6 JO. 9 16. 2 JU.0 2. 4 9. I 22. l .~. I 4. 3 4.4 o,4n 100. 0 83. 6 16. 4 67~ JOO. 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 100. Ll 11)(), 0 100. 0 100.0 100. 0 72. 0 87. 3 81. 2 80.3 28. 0 12. 7 18. 8 3. ti !15. 0 5. 9'\. 7 OS. 7 !!9. I O.'i', o. 4 1- 3 I. 3 IJ. 9 1. 7 o. :.! n2 !19.·ij u,. 3 9\). 8 I) I, 31)0 fJ78 5~0 19~ 90.0 V7. 6 00. 9 77.0 94. 9 95. 7 ()l'ES <'Ol"NTH Y A II are:1:, 0 ,6' ~- "'O' Q. •c::; 0 0 0 - 00 ro 1. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . En..<itern Cotton ___ ____ ______ ____ _ W e.stnn Cotton .. ... . . ....• •.• • . A ppahc.hian -Ozark_. __ . _.• . _. _. . L ake .:; rates Cut-0\Tcr _. _. ______ . . Il ayan, t Dairy __ __ ___ ____ ______ , Corn Belt ................ .. . ... . Spri m~ \V hea t_ _______ . ______ . .... . \Vint cr \\" twa t_ ____ ____ ____ _____ __ Houchin~ . .... . ....... . .... . .. . ... Bee footnotes at end of table. --- --- a. so" 4,3 2 1 9, 86'-i llJO.O llJO. 0 I. 0-12 100.0 IIJO. 0 3, 'iO'"i 100 0 I. 2'.JI l. 9-lfi l(Xl. 0 l ()(LO l~N 100. 0 -1()() JOO. 0 7, Ul~ - - - - -- - - -15. :\ l. 4f~I 8 1.7 1 . ,l 112. 5 1. 5i 4 89. ~ 6:l2 HI. i Ht). 6 :u 6H 9!-1. i J. :J 1, 32G a. ; 91\. :l 410 IJ2. 2 7. 8 70'J gq_ 7 2(1.'; J. :l 90. 5 Y. 5 HS 91.~ 8. 2 - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - 10() 0 HX) O 87. 3 91. 0 bl . 0 9~. 0 98. !i 9!J. O 00. \I !l'J, 0 IOU. 0 82. ·I 100. 0 100. 1) 100. 0 100.0 JOO. 0 JOO 0 9. U 13. 0 2. 0 I. 5 LO 3. l LO 17. 6 1. 9(12 6, 3.5f. 91 t1 I , 592 6()(1 862 2f, ! 166 ! <Kl o 100.0 II 1()(). 0 JOO. fl 100. 0 100.0 JI)(). 5.1 -- - - - sr. 5 12. a 9(1. 0 4.0 6. 1 93. 9 9S. Y 1.1 w.~ 0. !l 98. 7 I. 3 U~. I 1. 9 100. 0 96. 4 3. 6 9 1. 9 --- --- --- --818 2, !lSO 4 12 700 2S ! 378 136 86 97. :. 87. :l 69. H 95. 6 93. 0 .IO. 7 2.5 12. 7 30. 2 4. 4 7.0 (I) C =8 r m ~ ....z)> "'-< ....)> CICI r m (I) ....• '° ~ Table 33.-School Attendance of Children 7 Throu9h 15 Yean of A9e in Rural Families Receivin9 General Relief, by Residence and Area, Odober .... 1935-Continued 0 • :0 14-15 years 10-13 years 7--9 years Total V1 C: :0 )> Residence and area In ::--Tumber Percent school Not in school Total Total Total In school Not in school ::--Tumber Percent Not In In school school ::--Tumber Percent In school Not In school Number Percent r > ---, _, _ --- --- --- --- --- --- - - - --- --- ---, _ --- --- F~ VILLAGE 3,470 100.0 92.6 7. 4 202 62 148 100.0 100.0 100.0 93. l 93.5 9_7. 3 6.9 6. 5 2. 7 m 9S. 2 100. 0 7,320 1.8 ---- --- --- --- --- - - - --- 0 ----------3 ---93. ---· ----7. 9 92. I 100.0 252 95. 7 100.0 512 4. 3 100. 0 91 . 0 100.0 378 9. 0 1, U2 6. 7 z E astern Cotton .••.•••••••.•...... 6. 2 100.0 93. 8 97. 4 100.0 766 324 2. 6 92. 8 100.0 52~ 7. 2 95. 2 100.0 I, t\lM 4. 8 W e,stcrn Cotton .. ••.••.•......... :0 10. 5 100.0 811.5 1,330 97. 3 100.0 2,802 2. 7 91. 3 100.0 6,2'1) 2, HS 4. 7 100. 0 5. 1 9t. 9 Appalachinn·Omrk .....•......... m 8. 6 100.0 91.5 188 100.0 100.0 380 100.0 100. 0 261 100. 0 1.9 98. 1 832 Lake States Ct1t•Over .•... . .•.... - 1,182 -- 570 r 2. 1 97.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1. 3 98. 7 100.0 2, 6S6 99.1 0. 9 Hay and Dairy •••••...•.•...•.... ~H m ..., 6 6. 100.0 98.8 93.4 0 100. 804 391 2 1. 100.0 624 0.6 99.4 0 100. 2.2 97.il 1,822 Corn Belt. .. .••••••••...•........ All areas• .................. 16,290 100. 0 96. 4 3. 6 6,600 100. 0 9tl. 4 3. 6 Spring Wheat ••••••.•.•.•.••..•.. Winter Wheat •.•••.•..........•.. Ranching .••.••• ••••• .•....•...•.. 902 328 710 100.9 100.0 100.0 98.0 96. 3 99. 2 2.0 3.J 0.8 301 101 246 100.0 100.0 100.0 98. 7 96. 2 100. 0 1.3 3. 8 In Connectic-ut and :O.lassachusetts only. • Exclusive or New England. 1 Townships c; <g " r., a. ~ 0 0 ~ ~ - 396 162 316 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100. 0 97.5 99.4 - 2. 5 0. 6 Appendix C LIST OF TABLES TEXT TABLES Table Page I. Rural families in the United States receiving general relief, July 1933 through December 1935 (estimated)__________ _____ _______ __ ____ 9 2. Usual occupation of beads of rural families receiving general relief, by area, June 1935 _________________ - _________________________ 14 3. Usual occupation of heads of open country families receiving general relief, by area, June 1935_____________________________________ 18 4. Usual occupation of beads of village families receiving general relief, by area, June 1935___________________________________________ 19 5. Average age of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by area and residence, June 1935_ ____________ ______ ___________________ 23 6. Average age of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation and area, June 1935___________________________ 25 7. Marital condition of beads of rural families receiving general relief, by sex and age, October 1935__ _______________________________ _ 29 8. Average size of families in the United States, by division and residence, 1930________________________________________________________ 36 9. Average size of rural families receiving general relief, by area and resi39 dence, June 1935______ ___ ______________________ _____________ _ 10. Average size of rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation of bead and area, June 1935______________ ___ _______ ______ _ 39 11. Age of persons in rural families receiving general relief, June 1935, and age of all rural persons, 1930, by area__________________________ 41 12. Sex ratio of the rural relief population, June 1935, and of the general rural population, 1930, by age and residence_____________ ________ 43 13. Rural families receiving general relief with persons both under 16 and over 64 years of age, by number of such persons, residence, and area, June 1935___________________________________________________ 48 14. Rural families receiving general relief with children under 16 years of age, by number of children, residence, and area, June 1935________ 49 15. Rural families receiving general relief with aged persons, by number of aged, residence, and area, June 1935_________________________ 50 16. Structural type of rural families receiving general relief, by residence, June 1935___________________________________________________ 55 17. Children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women 20 through 44 years of age in the general rural population, by area and residence, 1930_ _ 60 18. Children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women 20 through 44 years of age in rural families receiving general relief, by area and residence, October 1935________________________________________________ 62 151 D1gtizedb; Google 152 • RURAL FAMILIES ON RELIEF 19. Children under 5 years of age per 1,000 women 20 through 44 years of age in the general rural population, 1930, and in the rural relief population, October 1935, of 2 New England States______________ 20. Employability composition of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, June 1935_ __________ ____________ _______ 21. Employment status of workers in rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation, June 1935 ____ .. _. __________________ 22. Length of time between end of last job of the head at usual occupation and accession to relief of rural families in their first relief period, by residence and usual occupation of head, June 1935_ _____ 23. Relief history of rural families receiving relief, by usual occupation of head, June 1935. ______ . _- - - - - __________ . _. ___ . _____________ . 24. Mobility of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, June 1935 _____ . ___ . _______________ . _____ ___________ 25. Mobility of migrant heads of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, June 1935_________________________________ 26. Length of last continuous residence in county of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, June 1935_ __ _______ 27. Mobility of heads of rural familif"S receiving general relief, by residence and usual occupation, June 1935 _______ . ___ __ _________________ _ 28. Mobility of heads of rural families receiving general relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by color and usual occupation, June 1935___________________________________________________ 29. Average school grade completed by heads of rural families receiving general relief, by residence, area, and age, October 1935.__________ 30. School attainment of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation, October 1935_____________________________ 31. Average school grade completed by persons 16 years of age and over, other than beads, in rural families receiving general relief, by residence, area, and age, October 1935_____________________________ 32. School attendance of youth 16 through 24 years of age, other than heads, in rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, October 1935 ________________________ . ______ ____________ 67 70 73 76 79 85 87 88 89 90 97 99 101 102 SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES 1. Intensity of general relief in the United States, by residence, July 1933 through December 1935 (estimated) ___________________ .________ 2. Incidence of general relief in rural areas, October 1933 through October 1935________________________________________________________ 3. Age of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, June 1935 _________ . ____ __________________ __ ___ ____ __ ___ 4. Age of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation, June 1935 _______ _____________________________________ 5. Age of heads of rural families receiving general relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by color and usual occupation, June 1935________________________________________________________ 6. Sex of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area,June 1935______________________________________________ 7. Male heads of rural families receiving general relief, by residence, area, and age, June 1935 ___________________________ . ___________ ---8. Female heads of rural families receiving general relief, by residence, area, and age, June 1935 __________________________ . ___________ 9. Marital condition of heads of rural families 16 through 24 years of age receiving general relief, by residence, area, and sex, October 1935___ 113 113 114 114 116 116 117 118 119 LIST OF TABLES • 153 Page 10. Marital condition of heads of rural families 25 through 34 years of age receiving general relief, by residence, area, and sex, October 1935__ 11. Marital condition of heads of rural families 35 through 44 years of age receiving general relief, by residence, area, and sex, October 1935_ _ 12. Marital condition of heads of rural families 45 through 64 years of age receiving general relief, by residence, area, and sex, October 1935_ _ 13. Marital condition of heads of rural families 65 years of age and over receiving general relief, by residence, area, and sex, October 1935__ 14. Marital condition of heads of rural families receiving general relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by residence, age, sex, and color, October 1935 ______________ . ___ ___ __ ______ ______ ___ ___ __ 15. Size of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, June 1935______________ __ ___________________________________ 16. Size of rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation of head, area, and color, June 1935_______________________________ 17. Age of persons in rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, June 1935 __ •.• _______________________ . ___ .. __ __ ___ _ 18. Sex of persons in rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, June 1935 ___ • __ . __________ . ________ . ___ . __ . ___ . ____ 19. Rural families receiving general relief with persons in dependent age groups, by residence and area, June 1935________________________ 20. Structural type of rural families receiving general relief, by usual occupation of head, June 1935 _________________ . ________ . ______ 21. Structural type of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, June 1935. __ ____ . __ .. _. _. _. _.. ______ ... ___ . _ _______ 22. Structural type of rural families receiving general relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by color and usual occupation of head, June 1935___________________________________________________ 23. Rural I-person families receiving general relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by residence, color, age, and sex, June 1935__ 24. Employment statue of workers in rural families receiving general relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by color and usual occupation, June 1935. __ • __________________________________ .. __ __ 25. Reason for accession of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, June 1935. _____________________________ . __ 26. Relief history of rural families receiving relief, by residence and area, June 1935_______ __ _______ ___ _________________________ _______ 27. Average amount of general relief received by rural families, by residence, area, and type of relief, June 1935_______________________ 28. Amount of general relief received by rural families, by residence and area, June 1935 ____ .. ______________ . __________ . ____ • ____ . ____ 29. Length of last continuous residence in county of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and usual occupation, June 1935________________________________________________________ 30. Length of last continuous residence in county of heads of rural families receiving general relief in the Eastern and Western Cotton Areas, by color and usual occupation, J ur.e 1935 ___________ . _. . ___ .. ___ 31. School attainment of heads of rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, October 1935. _____ . _____ .• _____ ... ______ 32. School attainment of heads of rural families receiving general relief, 16 through 24 years of age, by residence and area, October 1935_ __ 33. School attendance of children 7 through 15 years of age in rural families receiving general relief, by residence and area, October 1935_______ Dig •1ze-d by 120 122 124 126 128 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 Google DtgTtZedbyGoogle Index 155 Oig1 ,zed by Google DtgTtZedbyGoogle INDEX Age, rural relief heads (see also Sex, rural relief heads): Page By area and residence ______________________________________ 23-26, 114 By area and usual occupation ___________________________ 25-26, 114, 115 White and Negro compared _________________________________ 23, 26, 115 Agricultural Adjustment Administration: Objectives of___________________ -------------__________________ 13 Relief rates affected by ________________________________ 1, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12 Agricultural regions __________ - _______ ---------- ------ ____ ___ ___ ____ 1, 2 Areas surveyed________________________________________________ JCI-XII, 112 Asch, Berta________________________________________________ Sn, 15n, 110n Baker, 0. E _____________________________________________________ 41n, 84n Bash, Wendell_____________________________________________________ 38n Birth rate, factor in relief situation (see also Fertility) _______________ 59, 67-68 Census, Bureau of the: Fifteenth Census of the United States, abstract of _________ xm, 35n, 11 ln Population___________________________________ 36n, 41n, 43n, 67n, 113n Civil Works Administration_________________________________________ 109 Composition, rural relief families (see also Structural types, rural relief families): Age, by area and residence _______________________________ 40, 41-42, 132 Relief and nonrelief compared ________________________ xx-XXI, 40, 41 White and Negro compared ________________________________ 42,132 Agricultural production control affecting__________________________ 42 Sex, by area and residence __________________________________ 42-43, 133 Ratio, by age and residence, relief and nonrelief compared _________ 43 Counties, sample ______________________________________________ XI-XII, 112 Darling, H. D______ __ ____ __ ___ _____ ______ __ __ __ __ _________ __ ____ _ _ 68n Dependents, rural relief families: By age, area, and residence _________________________ xx-xxx, 45-47, 134 Definition_____________________________________________________ 45 Factors affecting number of _____________________________________ 51-52 Types of, by age, area, number, and residence _________________ 47-51, 134 White and Negro compared _______________________________ 47, 48, 49-50 Devereux, E. C _____________ .. __ __ __ ____ __ _____ _ _____ ___ ____ __ ______ 93n Dorn, Harold _____________________________________________ --------60n Drought: Migration caused by ____________________________________ XXIV, 5, 84, 85 5, 6 Regions delimited______________________________________________ Relief: Amount related to____________________________________ ___ __ 82 Needs related to ______________________________ XIV, 8, 10, 12, 15, 24 157 Oig1 ,zed by Google 158 • INDEX Education, rural relief heads: Page By age, area, and residence ________________________ xxIV, 95-98, 147, 148 By usual occupation __________________________________________ 98-100 Index of socio-economic position_________________________________ 95 White and Negro compared ________________________________ xxiv, ~98 ~4ucation, rural relief members (see also School attendance): , , By age, area, and residence _ _____________ __________ _____ xx1v, · 100-102 '· .White and Negro compared ___________________________________ 101-102 103 :E!Juca.tional attainment, significance oL ___________________ ___ ________ E!mployability composition, rural relief families: By area and residence ________________________ ·_____________ xxn, 69-72 . , White and Negro compared __________________________________ 70, 71-72 ·Employment: Current. See Workers, rural relief. Definition---------------------------------------------------~72n Family (see also Family, rural relief; Farm families): · · Definition ___________________________________________________ xm, 107 Number in United States, 1930, by residence______________________ XI . Size: Average, 1930, by division and residence ______________________ 35-36 .,, Limitation of_ _____________________________________________ 40, 41 · . : Solidarity, effects of depression on _______ ~ ____________________ 35, 37-38 : ; ' ' Systems, fertility and relief need related to ________________________ 67-68 Family, rural relief (see also Composition, rural relief families; Dependents, rural relief families; Size, rural relief families; Structural types, rural relief families; Workers, rural relieO: Description of, by area _______________________ ~ _______________ xv-xvn · Number and trend, 1933-1935. _______________________________ x1, 8-10 Fann: Population, number and distribution of, January 1, 1935 ______ ~ ___ _ 1, 3 Production, types of, by region ___________________________ 1, 4-5, 7-8, 10 Products, sold and used, value per farm, 1929_ _____ __________ _____ 1, 4 Farm Credit Administration, objectives of____________________________ 13 Farm, definition __________________________________________ .________ 111 Farm families (see also Farm, population): Factors related to relief needs ________________________ xiv-xv, 1, 4-5, 7-8 ... Part-time _______________________________________________ x,v, 4-5, 7, 8 · Types of __________________________________________ xiv-xv, 1, 4-5, 7-8 Farm Security Administration, establishment of_ __________ --- - - - - - - - - - 110 Federal Emergency Relief Administration: Establishment oL ______________________ - - - - - - _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 ... : Final grants _______________________ - __ - - ___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 1 Monthly reports: August 1 through August 31, 1935 __________________________ _ 110n June 1 through June 30, 1936 ______________________________ _ 110n May 1 through May 31, 1934 _______________________________ _ 110n Rehabilitation program, rural (see also Rehabilitation, rural) _______ _ 110 Fertility: Index, defined ________________________________________________ _ 60n Rural: By area, color, and re!iidcnce __________________________ 59-61, 64, 65 White and Negro compared ______________________________ 59-60, 66 01g111zedbyGoogle INDEX• 159 Fertility-Continued. Rural relief: Page By area and residence _____________________________________ . 61-63 Cultural background and __ . ___ . ___ . ________ . ____ .. _. _.. _.. _ 63, 66 Relief and nonrelief compared ____________ xxr-xxn, 59, 61-63, 66-67 White and Negro compared ________ . ___ .. _... _. _________ ... _ 62, 66 Field, R. F __ _____________________________________________________ 68n Frampton, M. E ___________________________________________ 67n, 92n, 107n Gini, Corrado ____ .. ________ . __ . __ . ___________ . _________________ . __ Governmental programs (see also 8pecific agencies) ____ . _________ ... ____ 59n 13 Head, family, definition ___ . _...... _. _ . __ . ___ . ___ . ___ . _____ .... _ 23, 26, 108 Hogg, Margaret H ___ . _________ . ___ . ____ . ___ . __ .. ______ .. __ __ __ __ _ _ 72n Household, definition _____ . ___ ... _. __ . ____________________ ... _. ___ . 107 Hulett, J. E., Jr ________ . ____ . __ ._. ______ . ______ . ________ .... ___ .__ 70n McCormick, T. C------------------------------------------- 36n, 37n, 95n McKain, W. C., Jr _________________ . ___ . _____ . ____ . _____ .. _.... __ 59n, 68n Mangus, A. R __________________ .. __ . ____ . _________ . ____ . _________ xun, Sn, 9n, 10n, lln, 15n, 21n, 42n, 6211, 66n, 99n, 107n, 110n, 113n Marital condition, rural relief heads: By age, area, residence, and sex_________________________________ xix, 29-34, 119, 120-121, 122-123, 124-125, 126-127, 128-129 White and Negro compared ________________________________ 33, 128-129 Methodology: Areas surveyed. See Areas surveyed. Data, sources of ______________________________________________ xr-xu Sample counties. See Counties, sample. Terminology (see also specific terms) ______ . __ . _______ . _ __ __ __ _ _ 107-111 Townships. See Townships, New England. Migrants, types of ____________________________ .____________ XXIII-XXIV, 84 Migratory laborers, problems of_. __________ .. __ . ________ .___________ 5, 7 Mobility: Causes of_ ___ . ___ . __ ._._._._ .. ___ . ___________________________ . 84, 85 Family, type of, related to __ . __ . ____ .. _______________ . _. ___ . __ . _ 92-94 Frequent, effects of ______________ . ________ . _________________ . __ 83-84 Heads, rural relief: By area and residence _____________________________________ . 84-86 By area, residence, and time and distance of migration _____ . ___ 86-87 By area, residence, and usual occupation _______________ .. _. __ 89-91 White and Negro compared ____________________________ 90, 91 Residence, continuous, length of, by area, residence, and usual occupation ____________ ._ ... ___________________ 88-89, 90-92, 145 White and Negro compared ___________________ 86--89, 91, 92, 146 National Resources Committee______________________________________ Negroes. See specific subjects, white aud Negro compared. Nonworker, definition __________ ._ _____ • _. ____ ___ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ 0 N otestein, Frank W _______________________________________ . __ . __ __ 13n 59n Occupation, usual (see also Age, rural relief heads; Education, rural relief heads; l\lobility, rural relief heads; Relief, rural, history; Size, rural relief families; Structural types, rural relief fa mi lies; Workers, rural relief): Agriculturalists, definition________________________________________ Definition__________ ________________________________ . _. _ ___ __ 1.'in 13n D1gtizedb; 60n Google 160 • INDEX Occupation, usual-Continued. Heads, rural relief: Page By area and residence------------------------------ __ xvxn, 13-20 White and Negro compared ________________________ 14, 18, 19, 20-21 Population: Farm. See Farm, population. Open country nonfann, definition________________________________ Rural: Definition________________________________________________ Residence distribution _____ - - _ _ __ __ ________ _ _ _____ __ _ __ _ _ ___ 111 111 x:r, 1 Rehabilitation, rural: Definition____________________________________________________ Program: Objectives of_____ - - - - -- _- --- _- - ______ - _ _ _ ___ ___ _ ___ ____ ___ Relief cases transferred to__________________________________ 110 13 8 Relief: Case: Definition ________________________________________________ 107n 109 Types of_________________________________________________ Definition __________________________________________________ 109--110 Expenditures, per capita, 1933-1936 _____________________________ 11-12 Grant, types of________________________________________________ 109 Rural: Accession, reasons for, by area and residence______________ 77-78, 141 White and Negro compared ____________________________ 78,141 Amount, average per family: By area, residence, and type _______________ xxm, 79-82, 143, 144 White and Negro compared _____________________ 80-81, 143, 144 Factors in ___________________________________________ xm-xIV, 12 History: By area and residence ________________________ xxm, 78-79, 142 By usual occupation of head_____________________________ 79 White and Negro compared _________ ---------- _________ 79, 142 Incidence 1933-1935 ____________________________________ 8-10, 113 By area ___________________________________________ 9-10, 113 Urban incidence ____________________________________________ 9, 10, 113 Turnover _____________________________________________________ 10-12 Resettlement Administration, rural rehabilitation cases transferred to____ 110 Richards, Henry I_________________________________________________ 42n Rural, definition __________________________________________________ xv, 111 School attendance _______________________________________ 102-103, 149-150 Sex, rural relief heads, by age, area, and residence _________ 26-29, 116, 117, 118 Size, rural relief families: By area and residence ________________________________ 36-37, 38-39, 130 By area and usual occupation of head ________________________ 39-40, 131 Depression, economic, affecting__________________________________ 37n Relief and nonrelief compared ___________________________ xix-xx, 36-38 White and Negro compared ____________________________________ 40, 131 Smith, Mapheus _________________________________________________ 9n, 113n Smith, T. Lynn___________________________________________________ 62n Spencer, Lyle M _________________________________________________ 27n, 62n 01g111zedbyGoogle INDEX• 161 Page Spengler, Joseph J ___ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ __ __ _ 41n Statue, definition__________________________________________ __ _ __ _ __ 110 Stouffer, Samuel A ___________________________________________ 27n, 59n, 62n Structural types, rural relief families: By areaandresidenoe ________ _______ __ ____ ___ ______ xx1, 54-55, 136-137 By usual occupation of head _________ _______________________ 55---57, 13/i 53 Claaaification of_ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ ___ __ _ _ ___ __ _ ___ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ One-person hoUBeholde ____________ ____________________ 58, 136-137, 139 White and Negro compared, by UBual occupation of head__ _ _ _ _ __ __ 57-58, 138,139 Taeuber, Conrad__________________________________________________ 5n Taylor, Carl C ___________________ . _________ ----------- _______ . _ __ _ 5n Townships, New England _____________________ ____________ XI-XII, 111-112 Unemployment (aee auo Workers, rural relief): Definition_ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ ___ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ 72n Length of, of rural relief heads prior to relief, by residence and UBual occupation __________________________________________________ 75---77 Relief Ceneue, October 1933 _________________________________ 53n, 113n Ueeem, J. H_ ________ __ __ ______ _______ ___ __ __ _ ____ ____ _ __ ____ _ ___ _ 38n Village, definition__________________________________________________ 111 Webb, John N____________________________________________________ 94n L-------------------------------------------------- Whetten, N. 68n,93n Winston, Ellen__ __ ________________________________________________ 12n Woofter, T. J ., Jr _______ ________ -------------------- 12n, 21n, 42n, 80n, 86n Workers, rural relief: Employmentetatus, current, by usual occupation _____________ . xxn, 72, 73 Occupational shifts, by usual occupation _______________________ 72, 73, 74 White and Negro compared _________________________________ 74, 75, 140 Works Program: Relief cases transferred to_. ______________________________ . __ .__ Work relief provided by _________________ --------------.________ Zimmerman, Carle c __________________ _________ 8-9 109 37n, 38n, 67n, 83n, 92n, 107n 0 Digitized by Google DtgTtZedbyGoogle Dg edb Google OigmedbyGoog[c