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Volume 50





Number 9

Excessive Demand Slowing?

L OTAT, demand for goods and services has con-

tinued to expand at an excessive rate, causing price
increases to accelerate. There is, however, some ex­
pectation of a slowing in the rate of growth in total
demand this fall and winter.
Any assessment of the short-term performance of the
economy must always be influenced by the impact
expected from recent monetary and fiscal measures.
The recent rapid increases in the money stock, Federal
Reserve credit, bank reserves, and the monetary base
may be considered expansive influences on total
spending for several months. On the other hand,
those observers who expect total demand to moderate
focus on interest rates, bank credit, and fiscal devel­
opments. Interest rates, although declining since May,
have been at historically high levels, and growth in
bank credit, although rising sharply in July and
August, grew only moderately in the second quarter.
The recent 10 per cent surtax and moderation of
Federal expenditure growth are also expected by
many to produce an immediate and significant slowing
of total spending.

Total Demand Remains Vigorous
Total spending increased at a 10 per cent annual
rate in the first half of 1968, while real product rose
D e m a n d a n d P ro d u c t io n
R a tio S c a le
B illio n s o f D o lla r s





R a tio S c a le

Q uarterly Totals at A nnual Rates
S e asonally Adjusted

^ 2ndqtr




1 965


19 67



S o u rc e : U .S . D e p a rtm e n t o f Com m erce
LL G N P in current dollars.
12 G N P in 1959 dollar*.
Percentages are annual rates of change between periods indicated.They are presented to aid in
comparing most recent developments with past "trends."
Latest d ata plotted: 2nd quarter

Page 2

at a 6 per cent rate. Most observers agree that such
a rapid rate of increase in total demand is excessive
and that such a high rate of growth in real product is
unsustainable. From 1961 to 1967 total spending rose
at a 7 per cent rate and real output grew at a 5 per
cent rate. In the early years of this period, unemploy­
ment and idle capacity were reduced; in the later
years inflationary pressures intensified as excessive
claims were placed on available resources.
Personal income increased at about a 10 per cent
annual rate in the first seven months of 1968. Retail
sales grew at a rapid rate of about 15 per cent during
this period. Auto sales this year have been exceeding
the sales of the last two years and have approached
the high level of 1965.
Reflecting the build-up o f stocks of steel and
automobiles, the rate of accumulation of business
inventories increased in the second quarter after
having been reduced by unexpectedly high sales in the
first quarter. The inventory-sales ratio was essentially
the same at the end of the second quarter as at the
end of the first. Industrial production has grown at a
5 per cent annual rate during 1968. Housing starts in
May, June, and July were at a 1.4 million annual rate,
compared with 1.3 million in 1967 and 1.2 million
in 1966.
Total civilian employment has risen at more than
a 2 per cent annual rate since the beginning of the
year, while payroll employment has grown at about a
3 per cent rate. By comparison, the population of
working-force age has been rising at a rate o f about
2 per cent a year. Unemployment in the first seven
months of 1968 averaged 3.6 per cent of the labor
force. While unemployment increased slightly during
the summer, it is still low by historical standards.
From 1962 to 1967 the unemployment rate averaged
4.8 per cent. The rate this year has been the lowest
since the inflationary period o f 1953.

Price Increases Accelerate
Prices have continued to reflect the rapid growth of
total demand and the high rate of resource utilization.
More than two-fifths of the increase in total expendi-

P ric e s
R a tio S c a le

R a tio S c a le

+4 3


■ /?












/ 109.1





Wholes ale





+0 .1%


1 tor.'65




19 63



Aug. '66 Apr.6 7



July 68



S o u r c e : U .S. D e p a rt m e n t o f l a b o
’ercentages are annual rates of change between periods indicated.They are presented to a id in
comparing most receitdevelopments with p ast "trends."
.atest data plotted: July preliminary

tures in the first half of 1968 was manifested in higher
Consumer prices increased at a 4.8 per cent annual
rate in the first seven months of 1968 compared with
a 3 per cent average rate from 1965 to 1967, and a 1.3
per cent trend rate from 1961 to 1965. Wholesale
prices increased at about a 3.7 per cent annual rate in
the first seven months of 1968, compared with a 1.7
per cent rate from 1965 to 1967 and less than a 1 per
cent rate from 1961 to 1965.
Unanticipated inflation causes redistribution of
wealth and income and alters the productive process.
A rise in prices reduces the purchasing power of those
who have a claim to a fixed future income or repay­
ment of debt. Inflation affects the country’s com­
petitive position in international trade. Because rising
prices discourage the acquisition of certain financial
assets and increase the relative desirability of real
assets, nominal interest rates are driven up.

The restraining effects of the fiscal package depend
in part on the extent to which the fiscal measures are
implemented. During the first 2 months of fiscal 1969,
July 1 through August 31, tax and other receipts of
the Government amounted to $29.3 billion, or $5.8
billion more than in the corresponding period a year
earlier, according to the Daily Treasury Statement.
Expenditures in the same period amounted to $36.2
billion, or $3.9 billion (12 per cent) above the like
period last year. Spending by the Defense Depart­
ment went up $0.8 billion and all other outlays rose
$3.1 billion. The resulting deficit was $7.0 billion
compared with $8.8 billion in the corresponding
period last year.
The initial impact of the budget on the economy
may be moderated by other developments. In the
first half of 1968 savings amounted to 7.3 per cent of
income after taxes, compared with a 6 per cent average
rate from 1961 through 1967. If the relatively high
saving rate in the first half were in anticipation of the
tax hike, this aspect of the program would have
already exerted much of its influence on the consumer.
In addition, some of the effects of the fiscal actions
may be felt only with a lag, and thus their influence on
spending and prices may be spread over a longer
period with less immediate impact. This impact may
also be diminished to the extent that consumers and
businesses expect the surtax to last only for the stipu­
lated period. The fiscal program will reduce Federal
deficits and borrowing and may lower inflationary
expectations, placing downward pressures on interest
rates. Lower interest rates may, in turn, stimulate
some offsetting consumer and business spending.

Recent Monetary Developments
Monetary expansion has been very rapid in the past
year and a half, and it is possible that this growth,

Impact of the New Fiscal Program
The fiscal program enacted in late June — a 10 per
cent income surtax and cuts in planned Government
outlays — was motivated by a desire to relieve some of
the inflationary pressures on the economy. The highemployment budget is expected to move from a $16
billion annual rate of deficit in the second quarter of
1968 to near balance by the fourth quarter, and fur­
ther to about a $13 billion surplus in the first half of
next year. It is estimated that the high-employment
budget would be in near balance in the third quarter
of 1969 if the surtax were to expire on schedule. Dur­
ing the current fiscal year, however, the program is
expected by many observers to have a dampening
effect on total spending.

Page 3

M o n e y Stock
R a tio S c a le
B illio n s o f D o ll a r s

I9 6 0


R a tio S c a le

M onthly A ve ra ge s of D aily Figui
y A d justed

2001------- -----




1 9 64



B illio n s o f D o lla r s

A p r.'66 Jan.67





Percentagesareannual ra tes o f chan ge between periods indicated. They ore presented to a id in
com paring most recentdevelopments with pa st "trends.”
latest d ata plotted: A u gu st estimated

because of lags, will continue to have effects later this
year. The money stock has increased at about a 7 per
cent annual rate since the beginning of 1967, three
times the 2.4 per cent trend rate from 1957 to 1966.
Whenever money holdings of the public exceed the
amount of money people desire to hold, given in­
comes, wealth, interest rates and other strategic fac­
tors, spending for goods, services, and investments
rises. The monetary base1 has shown a pattern similar
to the money stock. Since January 1967 the base has
risen at a rapid 6 per cent annual rate, compared
with a 3.2 per cent rate from 1957 to 1966.
Money supply plus time deposits in commercial
banks and total commercial bank credit, two broad
monetary measures, have recently shown patterns
somewhat different from the money stock, climbing
very rapidly in July and August after slowing sig­
nificantly in the second quarter. These measures
usually indicate roughly the same degree of mone­
tary action as the money stock. The two broader
measures have been affected by the ability of banks
to attract interest-bearing deposits. In the late spring
and early summer Regulation Q limits on maximum
interest rates banks could offer on time deposits
diverted flows of funds around banks. With the
recent decline in interest rates, banks have again
become more competitive in seeking funds and have
resumed their intermediary role.
Interest rates rose to historically high levels in the
early months of this year. In May highest grade
'See “ The Monetary Base — Explanation and Analytical Use”
in the August issue of this Review for a description of this
series and a discussion of its usefulness.
Page 4

corporate bonds were yielding about 6.25 per cent.
By comparison, these yields averaged 4.35 per cent in
the 1961-65 period. The high rates have reflected
primarily the strong demand for credit, based in part
on large Federal deficits and expectations of inflation.
Since interest cost is a factor in spending decisions,
especially for long-term investment, the high interest
level may be a dampening factor on economic activity.
Most interest rates have drifted down from their
highs of late spring. The sharpest decline has been
in the short-term maturity range. The yield on threemonth Treasury bills has declined from 5.65 per cent
in May to 5.18 per cent in early September. The yield
on highest grade corporate bonds has decreased from
6.27 per cent to 5.95 per cent over the same period.
During the period from August 16 to August 30, all
Federal Reserve Banks lowered their discount rate
charged to member banks from 5Vz to 5Y4 per cent.
Although most short-term interest rates have de­
clined, the rate on Federal funds, one day loans
between commercial banks, has remained high (see
chart). This rate increased from roughly 4 per cent
a year ago to a 6 to 6V4 per cent range in May and
remained near that level through August. The widen­
ing spread between the Federal funds rate and other
short-term rates may reflect market expectations of
further general interest rate declines in the very near
future. With such expectations, banks may be willing
to borrow on a short-term basis at rates higher than
the return on paper of several months maturity.
The decline of interest rates since late last spring
may be, in part, a short-run result of the acceleration
in the rate of growth of the money stock. Declines in

and a deterioration in the nation’s balance of pay­
ments. The Government has now taken several actions
designed to restrain the ebullient spending.
Most observers anticipate a more moderate rise in
spending this fall and winter, but views differ sharply
on whether the slowing will be insufficient, appropriate,
or excessive. A short-run forecast of the course of the
economy is influenced by the weights assigned to the
impact of recent monetary and fiscal actions. The
recent fiscal actions as well as high interest rates have
been cited as a basis for possible sluggishness in the
near future. The recent rapid rate of monetary growth,
on the other hand, is viewed by some as supplying
fuel for continuing excessive growth in total demand.
interest rates can also be explained in part by the
anticipated reduced demand for funds due to the new
fiscal program. To the extent that rates have been
pushed down farther or more quickly than supply
and demand forces in the economy would otherwise
have called for, they tend to be expansive. That
rates are still high by historical standards may be
ascribed in part to the expectations of inflation.

Total spending by the Government, business and
consumers has been excessive for many months,
causing economic imbalances, inflation, inequities,



MAILINGS of this bank’s

The goal of stable economic growth will be diffi­
cult to achieve in the near future because of continuing
inflationary pressures resulting from past excesses,
lags in the effect of policy changes, and uncertainty
concerning the ultimate impacts of policy actions.
Federal budgetary influence on the economy is now
essentially fixed until mid-1969, and the major public
stabilization tool which is currently subject to short­
term control is monetary policy. If it is assumed that
monetary developments have their major effect with
a ldg of 4-to-6 months, then total demand for goods
and services in the second half of 1968 is essentially
determined by monetary and fiscal actions of the
recent past.

R e v ie w

are available to the public without

charge, including subscriptions to banks, business organizations, educational
institutions, and others. For information write: Research Department, Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, P. O. Box 442, St. Louis, Missouri 63166.

Page 5

Interest Rate Controls—Perspective,
Purpose, and Problems

HBOUGHOUT MOST of this nation’s history,
usury laws and other interest rate restrictions have
had little impact on credit flows. In recent years, how­
ever, such restrictions have interfered increasingly
with credit markets. The restrictiveness of legal limits
is being felt over wide areas, as a result of a rapid rise
in market rates of interest to levels that are above ceil­
ings set by usury laws and other government controls.
These restrictions have been ameliorated, however,
as maximum permissible rates payable by banks on
deposits have been increased a number of times dur­
ing the past decade when market rates exceeded their

In 1957 the Federal Reserve Board, for the first
time since being granted the authority in 1933, in­
creased the maximum permissible rates paid by mem­
ber banks on time and savings deposits. Since 1957,
the Board has increased maximum permissible rates
seven times as market rates have risen.
Interest rate restrictions on funds flowing into finan­
cial agencies, which for many years were applied ex­
clusively to banks, have recently been extended to
include maximum rates payable by some nonbank
financial intermediaries. The 1966 Interest Rate Act
directed the Federal Reserve Board, the Secretary of
the Treasury, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board,
and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to take
action to reduce interest rates to the extent feasible,
given the prevailing money market and economic
conditions. The Federal Reserve Board was given
the power to set different ceiling rates for different
classes of bank deposits. Exercising this broadened
authority, the Board reduced the maximum rate on
consumer-type certificates of deposit to 5 per cent.
In 1966 the FDIC for the first time set maximum
interest rates for mutual savings banks, and the Home
Loan Bank Board applied dividend restrictions to
the savings and loan associations.
Despite this broadening of restrictions, a large per­
centage of funds has continued to flow through finan­
cial intermediaries in response to supply and demand
f e d e r a l Reserve Bulletin, July 1968, p. A - l l. Since Feb­
ruary 1936, maximum rates that may be paid by insured
nonmember banks have been the same as those for mem­
ber banks.
Page 6

forces. Many financial agencies, such as the farm
credit banks, sales finance companies, and nonfinancial
corporation lenders, remain outside Federal controls
on rates payable, though subject to state usury laws
on rates charged.
Lending rates of banks, savings and loan associa­
tions, and individuals are also subject to state usury
laws, which impose limits which recently have been
below market rates in many states. Although
some areas of free market rates remain, controls are
creating diversions in credit flows. The 6 per cent
limit imposed on commercial bank loans in several
states tends to reduce the flow of commercial bank
credit to customers. Limits at the national level on
rates paid by banks and savings and loan associations
for funds slow the growth rate of these intermediaries.
This article accepts the basic economic premise that
free markets lead to an optimum allocation of re­
sources. It concludes that interferences with normal
credit flows create inefficiencies in the financial markets
that have an adverse impact on the distribution of
capital and consumer goods.
Such inefficiencies in resource use can be ex­
plained within the framework of a free market. The
market determines the returns to savers and allocates
loanable funds among borrowers. These returns and
allocations are made on the basis of supply and de­
mand conditions. Supplies of loanable funds are de­
termined by savings and the increments of credit
created by monetary action. Many savers have the
alternative of lending to intermediary savings-type
financial agencies such as banks and savings and loan
firms, or investing directly through equities, loans,
bonds, etc. Expected marginal return is the major
factor determining the volume of savings flows into
the various channels. If interest rates payable by
financial agencies are restricted to levels below the
yields of alternative assets, flows of funds through
them tend to decline. On the other hand, if such
rates are determined by market demand, the flows
supplied will expand with the rising demand for
Demand for loan funds is a function of the mar­
ginal returns to capital plus the demand by individ­
uals and government for current consumption in ex­

cess of current income. Each demand sector is willing
to purchase funds as long as marginal returns exceed
costs. Efficiency in the financial market is maxi­
mized when the marginal return on funds is equal
for all sectors. The price of funds (interest rate) is
thus the allocator of funds both among the various
sectors — business, government, and consumer — and
among the various demanding units in each sector.
When this allocator is inhibited, an inefficient alloca­
tion of funds occurs.
This article is a survey of interest rate restrictions
in their historical setting, first outlining their ration­
alization as given by contemporaries of ancient, me­
dieval, and modem times, and concluding with a
statement of current reasons for controls, control prob­
lems, and the impact of controls on various sectors
of the economy.

Historical Perspective
Restrictions on interest charges were begun in an­
cient times. Interest payments were observed to in­
crease the wealth of the rich and were believed to
deprive the poor. Controls consisted of both religious
proscriptions and legislation which limited or forbade
interest.2 Theories explaining why interest payments
should be restricted were not well developed, al­
though such payments were criticized by most
Despite these legal and religious considerations and
the strong antagonism of the philosophers, economic
forces continuously fostered interest charges and pay­
ments. Economic relations had already become too
complicated for gratuitous credit in much of the
ancient world, and legal interest limits generally pre­
vailed in ancient Greece. In the 4th century B.C.,
the Romans condoned and later fully sanctioned in­
terest by the institution of legal rates.3
Following the collapse of the Roman Empire, a
reaction occurred with respect to interest payments.
The Christian Middle Ages treated the subject of
interest charges on borrowed money more thoroughly,
but with the same hostility as the earlier pagans.
The exploitation of poor debtors by rich creditors
appeared particularly hateful to the Christian, whose
religion taught him to look upon gentleness and
charity as among the greatest virtues and to think
little of earthly goods. The Church, step by step,

managed to introduce legislation prohibiting interest
payments. Secular legislation finally fell almost en­
tirely under the Church’s influence, and severe inter­
est rate statutes emerged, thus abrogating the more
liberal Roman law.4
Despite the charitable instincts of the Church,
businessmen were generally able to prevent the en­
actment of laws which carried the interest limitation
principle to its ultimate conclusion. Exceptions in­
cluded the privilege of public pawnbrokers, trans­
actions by other types of banks, the indulgence in
usury practices by the Jews, and the payment of
interest without its being written into the contract.
Lending practices which involve hidden interest and
which circumvent legal restrictions are thus not pe­
culiar to the present generation.
By the early 14th century, economic activity had
quickened and personal freedom was on the up­
swing. Although beliefs about interest had not
changed, practical compromises were beginning to
appear. Luther, Zwingli, and other reformers, while
believing that interest was a parasitic gain, consented
to its payment within limits. This practical com­
promise was justified by the argument that interest
could not be conveniently eradicated because man
was considered so imperfect.5
About the middle of the 16th century, students
began to examine the theoretical foundations of severe
interest restrictions. Calvin rejected the scriptural
basis for interest prohibition on the ground that some
passages of Scripture are interpreted differently,
while others are invalid because of changed circum­
stances. He further pointed out the similarity of in­
terest payments to lenders and the use of money to
purchase land on which a return is anticipated.
Nevertheless, he believed in interest rate controls
and adherence to terms established by law. Molinaeus,
a French jurist, went further, refuting point by point
both the pagan and scholastic doctrines of interest
prohibition.6 He maintained that the use of money
yields a service, that this service is the “fruit” of
money, and that the lender is injured because of
use foregone.
In the 1700’s, theories related to interest developed
rapidly. Turgot, a French economist, made perhaps
the greatest contribution.7 He carried Calvin’s interest
4Bohm-Bawerk, p. 12.
5R. H. Tawney, Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, (N ew
York: The New American Library of W orld Literature,
Inc., 1950), p. 18.

2Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk, Capital and Interest, Volume I,
4th edition, 1921, translated (South Holland, Illinois:
Libertarian Press, 1959), p. 10.

6Ibid., p. 20.

3Sidney Homer, A History of Interest Rates, (N ew Bruns­
wick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1963), p. 52.

7Joseph A. Schumpeter, History of Economic Analysis, (N ew
York: Oxford University Press, 1954), p. 332.

Page 7

analogy a step further, pointing out that money
is the equivalent of a piece of land yielding a certain
percentage of the capital sv$n. The owner will there­
fore not be inclined to invest his capital in other
enterprises unless he can expect a net return as great
as he would obtain through the purchase of land.8
Turgot also noted that an increase in the quantity
of money which raises commodity prices might in­
crease the rate of interest.1' He thereby pointed to
the possibility of a positive real return on money,
and that price inflation might become imbedded in
the nominal rate of interest.
Following the breakdown of the hard tenets of
scholastic doctrine as a result of economic analysis
and the rising commercial demands for credit in the
1700’s, legal restrictions on the payment of interest
were generally relaxed. Most nations, however, estab­
lished legal maximum usury rates. In 1545 England
repealed the prohibition of interest and replaced it
with a legal rate. The prohibition was later reimposed,
but in 1571 it was again repealed and has never
again been reinstated. The Netherlands yielded to
repeal before 1600, and is an example of a sophisti­
cated economy that developed without the shackles
on interest rates required by the scholastic doctrine.
Germany, with a somewhat slower commercial de­
velopment, repealed the interest prohibition about the
mid-1600’s. Repeal came later in Italy and France
where canonistic influence was more persistent in
both theory and practice.
With the exception of England, laws imposing a
maximum on chargeable interest rates have persisted
in most European countries. In England these
laws, along with other restrictions on commerce and
trade, came under intense pressure in the 1800’s.
Usury laws were suspended entirely in 1830 for bills
under three months’ maturity and were repealed for
all forms of credit in 1854.10

Early Practices in the United States
Under the influence of the European powers, the
American colonies adopted the traditions of their
homeland with respect to usury. Reasons were ap­
parently unnecessary for the continuance of this ves­
tige of medieval and ancient views. For those who
failed to recognize the limits possible under competi­
tive conditions, restrictions were a compromise be­
tween the necessities of commerce and industry and
earlier custom and belief. Protection of the “poor” bor­
8Bohm-Bawerk, p. 41.
9Schumpeter, p. 332.
10Homer, p. 187.
Page 8

rower against exploitation by the “wealthy” lender re­
mained a central core of most usury legislation. Legal
maximums were viewed as a means of restraining
the natural appetite of the lender, and the interest
received was considered a gratuity resulting from the
magnanimous nature of the state. The services per­
formed by capital continued to go unrecognized by
the public.
Most of the early colonies followed the English
custom of establishing a legal maximum of 6 per cent,
a rate that still survives in a number of states. In
most states, however, usury rates have been increased,
and in a few states limits on commercial bank loans
have been completely eliminated (Table 1). Four
of the five states which currently have no maximum
limits, namely Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
and New Hampshire, were settled early and estab­
lished the low 6 per cent maximum as colonies.
Furthermore, none of the states which developed
later west of the Mississippi River established maxi­
mum interest rates at the relatively low 6 per cent

Later United States Restrictions
In addition to the usury laws, which were a carry­
over from previous ages, many states in the 20th
century set ceilings on the interest rates that banks
could pay on deposits. These ceilings were usually
imposed in connection with deposit insurance pro­
grams. Maximum interest rates permissible for state
banks were, in some states, set at a lower level than
Num ber of States W ith Specified M axim um Rates

Interest on



N o Maximum



3 'h















JIn some states rates are set by the state banking authority w ithin prescribed limits. This table excludes the state o f Louisiana, which requires
that banks paying 5 per cent or m ore must classify funds as borrow ed.
2Maximum rate that m ay be set by contract. These rates are subject to
legal exceptions in m ost states, such as rates on installment loans, inves­
tigation fees, etc. Since August 1967 some states have raised their
Source: National Association o f Supervisors o f State Banks, “ A Profile
o f State-Chartered B anking,” (W ashington, D. C., A ugust 1967).

those paid by national' banks. To remedy this situa­
tion, the Federal Reserve Act was amended in 1927,
limiting the rates paid by national banks on time,
savings, and other deposits to the maximum permitted
state banks in the same state.11 Following the ensuing
depression of the early 1930’s, the Banking Act of
1933, with little discussion, prohibited member bank
payment of interest on demand deposits and gave
the Federal Reserve Board authority to set max­
imum rates on time and savings deposits for all
member banks. These limitations were extended to
nonmember insured banks by the Banking Act of
Reasons for interest rate restrictions given during
the hearings related to the Banking Acts of 1933 and
1935 fell into three general categories. First, a reduc­
tion of interest rates payable by banks would tend to
reduce the rates charged to bank customers. Second,
interest restrictions, especially the prohibition of in­
terest on demand deposits, would prevent the move­
ment of funds from smaller to larger communities,
and more funds would remain in the small rural
communities to meet local demands. Third, restrictions
on rates payable would prevent the excessive bidding
up of rates which in turn leads to high-return, highrisk assets and bank failures.
Dr. Oliver M. W. Sprague, Professor of Banking
and Finance, Harvard University, presented the first
view. Concerning the “need” for lower interest rates,
he said: " . . . I should look for it to be brought about,
more, through the moderate rate of interest that banks
may pay on deposits . . .”12 Marriner Eccles, Chair­
man of the Federal Reserve Board, testified: “Fixing
the maximum rate of interest on deposits tends to
bring down the rate on loans. That is the effect.”13
Similar views were expressed by Senator Smith W.
Brookhart of Iowa, a member of the Committee on
Banking and Currency, and Harry J. Haas, President
of the American Bankers Association.14
The second view, that the prohibition of interest
on demand deposits prevents the movement of funds
to financial centers, was presented by Senator Carter
Glass of Virginia, Chairman of the Subcommittee
^Amendment to the Federal Reserve Act, section 24, dated
February 25, 1927 (44 Stat. 1224, ch. 191).
12Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on
Banking and, Currency, United States Senate, Seventyfourth Congress, First Session on S-1715, Part I, April 19
to May 13, 1935, p. 217.
13Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency,
House of Representatives, Seventy-fourth Congress, First
Session on H. R. 5357, February 21 to April 8, 1935, p. 330.
,AH carings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency,
Seventy-second Congress, First Session on S-4115, Part I,
March 23-25, 1932.

on Monetary Policy, Banking, and Deposit Insurance.
Speaking on the floor of the Senate in 1933, Senator
Glass said:
. . this payment of interest, particularly
on demand deposits, has resulted in drawing the funds
from country banks to the money centers for spec­
ulative purposes.”1” Similar views were expressed by
Congressman Patman of the Committee on Banking
and Currency,16 and by Ronald Ransom, Vice Chair­
man, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
A third thread extending throughout the hearings
prior to the Banking Acts of 1933 and 1935 was that
interest rate restrictions were essential to prevent the
excessive bidding up of rates. Benjamin M. Andersen,
Jr., economist with the Chase National Bank, said:
“The only place where a definite abuse existed that
needed public regulation was time deposits.” Senator
McAdoo stated: “The bidding by banks against each
other for the deposits of customers who had large
deposits . . . led to unwholesome competition between
banks and an unwholesome condition so far as de­
mand deposits were concerned.” 18 Leo T. Crowley,
Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora­
tion, said: “. . . in years gone by, banks paid as high
as 4, 5, and 6 per cent for what we would term
‘time deposits’. They offered all kinds of premiums,
like blankets and clocks . . ., and the banks which per­
haps should not have paid those high interest rates
were the ones that were the most apt to offer the
depositor an interest rate that was not sound.”19
In 1966 a fourth reason for the control of rates
payable on time and savings deposits was developed
— the elimination of unsound competition between
banks and other financial intermediaries. In hearings
on the Interest Rate Act of 1966, excessive competi­
tion was the principal subject of discussion. Norman
Strunk, Executive Vice President of the United States
Savings and Loan League, reported: “The adverse
effect on the flow of savings into savings and loan
associations and savings banks has been severe and
the situation is worsening monthly. Those commer­
15Quoted in Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and
Currency, House of Representatives, Seventy-eighth Con­
gress, Second Session on H. R. 3956, December 10, 1943
to February 9, 1944, p. 2.
ioIbid., p. 679.
17Ibid., p. 16.
18Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on
Banking and Currency, United States Senate, Seventyfourth Congress, First Session on S-1715, Part II, May 1422, 1935, pp. 490-91.
10Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Cur­
rency, House of Representatives, Seventy-fourth Congress,
First Session on H. R. 5357, February 21 to April 8, 1935,
p. 86.
Page 9

cial banks unable or unwilling to compete at the
new rates are equally affected.
“The commercial banks, as short-term lenders with
their funds invested in short-term business loans and
high-interest-rate consumer loans, are able to charge
more in periods of high interest rates, and commercial
bank loans can be adjusted to higher interest rates
more readily. Bank earnings, thus, can increase very
rapidly in periods of rising short-term interest rates,
and banks can pay higher rates on savings.”20 Similar
views were expressed by John E. Home, Chairman
of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.21
In addition to the need for restraining competition
between banks and other financial agencies, Larry
Blackmon, President of the National Association of
Home Builders, emphasized the merit of giving first
preference for savings to homeowners.22 The need
for at least temporary restraint on competition for
funds was expressed by the Council of Economic
The Interest Rate Regulation Act of 1966, which
was passed following these hearings, directed the
supervisory authorities to take action to bring about
a reduction of interest rates to the maximum extent
feasible in the light of current money market and
economic conditions. It authorized the Board of Gov­
ernors of the Federal Reserve System and the Fed­
eral Deposit Insurance Corporation to prescribe dif­
ferent rate limitations for different classes of bank
deposits, and also provided for regulating rates paid
by mutual savings banks and dividends on savings
and loan association shares.

The Effects of Usury Laws
An analysis of reasons for interest restrictions by
ancient, medieval, and modem societies reveals the
heavy influence of ethical and moral considerations.
These considerations were heavily weighed in favor of
low interest rates which were generally believed
obtainable through legislation. The actual impact of
usury legislation, however, probably has been con­
trary to the intended impact. Instead of providing
lower cost credit, such laws have often retarded
credit flows. The result has been a scarcity of credit
available for many vital activities.

20Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Cur­
rency, Eighty-ninth Congress, Second Session on H. R.
14026, May 9 to June 23, 1966, pp. 7-8.
2iIbid., p. 72.
22Ibid., p. 263.
23Ibid., p. 429.
Page 10

Usury Restrictions Retard Home
Attempts by states to restrict interest payments
have been frustrated by the interconnection of credit
markets. Low ceiling rates, instead of fostering credit
to the poor and for local economic development, have
fostered the export of capital to other areas, despite
the great demand for credit locally. Harry L. Johnson,
in an article on conditions in Tennessee where low
limits are placed on both usury rates and rates pay­
able by banks, reports: “Among the more immediate
and discernible economic ills which have occurred
in the past and which will be aggravated by unreal­
istic limitations on interest rates are: (1) a decline
in residential building, (2) an increase in the level
of unemployment in construction, (3) a decline in
the sales of building supplies, (4) an outflow of sav­
ings, (5) an increase in the rate of interest and
yields on bonds issued by the State of Tennessee and
its political subdivisions, and (6) increased competi­
tion for Tennessee’s financial resources by out-of-state
individuals and businesses.”24 The maintenance of
low legal maximum rates on commercial loans might
be expected to foster industrial development and
economic growth. Most of the 11 states with the
lowest legal limit (6 per cent), however, are not
noted for wealth and vigor, or for the ease of credit
conditions for the poor. About half of them are lo­
cated in the Appalachian Area.25
Credit for home mortgages is affected adversely
in states with low usury ceilings. In a speech before
the Pennsylvania Bankers Association, Andrew F.
Brimmer, Member of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, pointed out the adverse ef­
fects of low ceiling rates on credit flows into the
home mortgage market. He stated that the reduction
in the supply of funds tends to reduce activity in
home building and the transfer of existing dwellings.26
The total volume of funds for lending is curtailed
in states with low usury rate ceilings. Loanable funds
search for areas of highest returns. Funds in low rate
ceiling states tend to move to other states and to
24See Harry L. Johnson, “ An Island Unto Itself,” Tennessee
Survey of Business, the University of Tennessee, Volume
III, No. 7, March 1968.
25States with the 6 per cent limit as of August 1967 were:
Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York,
North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, Vir­
ginia, and West Virginia. Since then some of the above
states have raised their limits.
26Andrew F. Brimmer, “ Statutory Interest Rate Ceilings
and the Availability of Mortgage Funds,” Federal Reserve
Bank o f Philadelphia, Supplement to Business Review,
June 1968.

non-credit demands. Financial intermediaries in such
states cannot effectively compete for savings, as the
limited returns on loans do not transmit the free market
signals to savers. The limited volume of funds flowing
into such agencies results in a reduced level of loans.

look at the credit market indicates that the richcreditor, poor-debtor implications carried over from
the Middle Ages may not hold in modem economies.

Credit to Low Income Groups Reduced

Instead of the rich leaving funds in the banks’
custody to loan out to poor borrowers, the reverse
may be closer to the facts. In 1957 more than half of
all member bank business credit was extended to
firms with net worths of $50,000 and over.27

Credit is more difficult for low income groups to ob ­
tain in states with low usury ceilings. Loanable funds,
when restricted to low interest rates, do not seek
out poor borrowers whose security is less adequate
and whose repayment capacity is limited. Such credit
flows more readily to borrowers with adequate assets
for pledging. These borrowers can demand larger
low-risk loans with handling costs at a minimum.
Consequently, instead of protecting high-risk bor­
rowers from high rates, usury laws actually prevent
those borrowers from acquiring funds, or force them
to seek illegal or less efficient sources.

Venture Credit Impeded
Venture or development credit, which is also
risky, is retarded in states with severe usury laws.
Such credit can only be extended at a higher rate
of interest to offset the higher risk. In states with low
maximum rates, no means to offset high risks are
available. Usury laws are relatively harmless when
market rates are low relative to the legal maximums,
i.e., when the usury rates are not effective. They are
harmful to all concerned when doing the job for
which they were designed — limiting the rates
The volume of credit flowing to low-risk individuals
and well-established businesses may be almost as
great under severe usury restrictions as under free
market conditions. Low usury ceilings prevent other
individuals and firms from effectively bidding for
funds. With the higher risk users in effect excluded
from the market, most funds will probably flow to lowrisk individuals and firms.

Limits on Rates Payable to Savers
Restrict Credit Flows
Like usury laws, many restrictions on rates payable
have their roots imbedded in ancient and medieval
thought. For example, the belief that a reduction in
interest rates payable by banks on deposits tends to
reduce rates charged bank customers (and that this
is a worthy objective) implies that low charges to
debtors are preferable to high returns to savers. A

The Rich-Creditor, Poor-Debtor Fallacy

Investment of savings through banks and savings
and loan associations has not led to the accumulation
of great wealth during the period of national controls
on rates payable. For example, an investment of
$10,000 in 1934 in savings deposits at ceiling rates,
with 75 per cent of earnings reinvested annually,
would have been worth $20,239 in 1967. Similar in­
vestments in Standard and Poor’s composite list of
common stocks and farm land would have been worth
$232,530 and $271,476, respectively. At constant prices
based on the Gross National Product price deflator,
the savings deposit yield was negative, whereas the
investments in common stocks and farm land rose 8
and 9 fold, respectively. These data indicate that
great wealth has not been accumulated from savingstype investments in recent years. On the other hand,
a large proportion of such depositors was in the mid­
dle and lower economic classes and had few alterna­
tive opportunities for investment.

Low Rates to Savers May
Cause Higher Rates to Borrowers
In addition to the rich-poor fallacy, the causation
assumed in the “low rates paid to savers lowers rates
to borrowers” argument is questionable. Legal maxi­
mum rates, which are effective in holding rates below
levels that banks and other financial agencies can af­
ford to pay under competitive conditions, tend to re­
duce the flow of funds through normal channels and
to divert savings into non-credit uses such as bonds,
equities, real estate, etc. The smaller supply of funds
moving into the credit market will meet an equal
amount demanded at higher rates. Borrowers must
pay the higher rates to obtain funds. Attempts to
lower the rates to borrowers by limiting their oppor­
tunity to compete for funds is comparable to efforts
to lower food prices by limiting the amount that
farmers can spend on production. Total costs could

27“ Member Bank Lending to Small Business,” Federal Re­
serve Bulletin, April 1958, p. 396.
Page 11

be lowered, but output and consumption would de­
cline, and prices of farm products and food would be
A reduction in the flow of funds through efficient
financial agencies and the consequent higher prices
retard economic growth. Credit’s contribution to
growth is maximized when scarce credit resources
flow most efficiently to areas where returns are great­
est. Rates offered savers then transmit consumer and
business demands for credit. When market rates ex­
ceed the legal maximum permitted, the appropriate
signal is not transmitted to savers, and flows of funds
are diverted from normal channels. Flows through
the credit market decline and a greater portion of
savings moves into equities, real estate, bonds, and
direct loans. Credit-using activities which comprise a
major part of economic growth are thus retarded.
This diversion of credit flows and the consequent
growth retardation are especially severe in the case of
state restrictions, since funds are not only diverted to
non-credit uses, but to credit uses in surrounding

Market Rates Distribute
Credit to All Areas
The second reason for restricting interest rates pay­
able — that uncontrolled rates paid tend to dry up
loanable funds in rural areas and cause excessive
concentrations of funds in the largest cities — is like­
wise questionable. It was contended that the specula­
tors who borrowed funds in the largest cities
could outbid borrowers in the smaller communities.
Farmers, rural merchants, and other citizens would
thus be without available credit, whereas bountiful
supplies could be found in the large cities available
to the speculators. This conception of the financial
market is not consistent with the facts. The large
financial agencies which gather funds are often lo­
cated in the large centers, but they gather savings
from both rural and urban areas, and under free
market conditions distribute funds to areas where
marginal returns are greatest. Rural areas have dem­
onstrated their ability to compete for funds in na­
tional markets when provided with access to such
markets. The farm credit banks are good examples
of the ability of rural communities to compete for
funds in the money market centers. Commercial banks
likewise gather funds from savers in all areas and
distribute them to areas of greatest marginal returns
insofar as the banking structure permits. In some
instances these distributions are in the form of direct
loans, while in other cases funds are distributed to
ultimate users through other financial agencies such
as the farm credit banks.
Page 12

Danger of Institutions Failing Overstated
The third argument for restricting rates payable —
that high rates paid on savings force financial insti­
tutions into high-risk investments and ultimate failure
— dates back to the early thirties. Its proponents see
nothing that will serve to break the rise in rates paid
on deposits when banks begin to bid against one
another for funds. It is argued that the banks are com­
pelled to take one imprudent investment step after
another until asset risks reach intolerable levels and
depositors’ funds are ultimately lost. However, little
evidence to confirm this view has been forthcoming.
George Benston found no relationship between in­
terest rates paid on deposits and gross rate of return
on investments.28 He also found no relationship be­
tween average rates paid by banks and average risks
of their portfolios, as measured by ultimate write-offs
of investments. Contrary to the expectations of the
high-rate, high-risk thesis, he found that interest rates
paid were substituted at the margin for other operat­
ing expenses such as salaries, facilities, automated
machinery, advertising, etc.
Profit maximization by banks, as in other firms, pro­
vides a more rational explanation of bank behavior.
Banks are likely to use the same criterion in deciding
what rate of interest to offer as they use in making
other decisions relative to expense. In making deci­
sions on hiring additional workers, they base their
decisions on the expected value of services performed.
They are likely to continue to hire additional help
as long as the gain in value of services exceeds all
costs associated with the additional labor. Marginal
costs and returns, with due allowance for risks, also
determine the level of interest rates that a bank de­
cides to pay. Otherwise, the bank is not maximizing.
Haywood and Linke conclude in a recent publica­
tion that “when stripped of the folklore that has
grown up around it, the relevant rationale of deposit
interest regulation in 1933 was price fixing, which was
somewhat in vogue at the time as an anti-depression

A Costly Method of Protecting Financial
A more recent argument given for controlling in­
terest rates payable on deposits at financial inter­
28George J. Benston, “ Interest Payments on Demand Depos­
its and Bank Investment Behavior,” Journal of Political
Economy, October 1964, pp. 431-449.
29Charles F. Haywood and Charles M. Linke, The Regula­
tion of Deposit Interest Rates, a study prepared for the
Trustees of the Banking Research Fund, Association of
Reserve City Bankers, (Chicago, Illinois: June 15, 1968),
p. 3.

mediaries is that sizable increases in rates paid
may cause substantial hardship to savings and loan
associations. In addition to destructive internal com­
petition, destructive external competition has become
a reason for restricting rates payable. It is contended
that hardships would be especially severe on savings
and loan associations because of the long-term nature
of their assets and the short-run contracts on funds
purchased. The average interest rate paid on all de­
posits rises immediately as rates offered increase,
whereas returns increase only on new mortgage ad­
ditions to the portfolio. Average earnings thus rise
much more slowly than expenses.
The need for rate controls for this purpose may
be questioned. The book value of aggregate reserves
and undivided profits of savings and loan institutions
is currently nearly twice the size of their yearly
dividend payments. They also have cash and govern­
ment security holdings from which payments could
be made totaling over double their yearly dividend
payments. These ratios prevailed even at the end of
1966, after the associations had endured their most
adverse year. This means that the average association
could remain solvent in an accounting sense and pay
its dividends for nearly two years, even though it
had no net profits.30
Investing on a long-term basis with short-term
funds apparently calls for a substantial amount of
liquidity. Such liquidity can be either in the form
of short-term loans or other short-term assets, such
as government bonds, etc. If changes in savings and
loan restrictions are necessary to provide greater
liquidity, such changes are preferable to rate rigidities
which deprive the community of the benefits of rate
competition. Furthermore, other opportunities, such
as maximum assistance from the Federal home loan
banks during periods of stress, have apparently not
been fully exploited. With 12 to 15 per cent of the
portfolios of savings and loan associations turning
over each year, assistance from the Home Loan Bank,
coupled with a permissible reduction in reserves,
should take care of most periods of interest rate rises
for the major portion of savings and loan associations.
These associations have considerable ability to with­
stand these periods when terms of trade are adverse.
Furthermore, on the downside of interest rates, rapid
accumulations of reserves can be made, offsetting
losses on the upside of rate movements, and the Home
Loan Bank can be repaid and reserves recouped.

3°See “ Does Slower Monetary Expansion Discriminate
Against Housing” by Norman N. Bowsher and Lionel
Kalish in the June 1968 issue of this Review.

Rate controls may have been the most important
factor contributing to the slowdown in the housing
industry during the recent periods of sharply rising
general interest rates. Rising rates make yields on
saving accounts at controlled levels less attractive
than rates paid in the free market. There have been
several setbacks in the rate of increase of savings
capital of these institutions during periods of rela­
tively high or rising interest rates. In only one quarter,
however, (third quarter, 1966, during which rate
controls were put into effect) was there a moderate
net decline. To the extent that rate controls reduced
credit flows into the savings and loan industry, they
affected housing adversely.
Appropriate monetary and fiscal policies are also
important factors in maintaining the stability of sav­
ings and loan associations. Sharp increases in interest
rates during recent years have been associated with
rising prices. The real rate of return on loans and
investments has been relatively stable. The rising
prices can be .associated with expansive fiscal and
monetary actions. Thus, an important factor in main­
taining relatively stable interest rates is the mainte­
nance of fiscal and monetary policies that are condu­
cive to stable prices.
If, as a final resort, other means are necessary to pre­
vent widespread failures in savings and loan associa­
tions, direct Government loans through the Federal
Home Loan Bank System are preferable to interest
rate controls. Such assistance could be given only to the
weak associations which had not adequately pre­
pared for adverse economic conditions. In contrast
to helping only the weak, rate controls widen the
spread for all associations, and prevent rate competi­
tion within the banking community, and between
savings and loan associations and banks. Thus, the
public loses the benefit of rate competition and at the
same time loses the benefit of the potential growth of
both associations and banks during periods of sharply
rising rates.
A major effect of rate controls is the limitation of
the size of controlled firms, which in turn causes a
more rapid growth in flows of funds which are not
controlled. Rate restrictions thus may not be profitable
to the agencies restricted. With the slower growth
rate, bank earnings are likely to be less over the
longer run, and savings and loan associations will
perform a declining function in the economy. The
rapid growth of farm credit at the farm credit banks
relative to commercial banks in the past two years
may illustrate this situation. Farm credit outstanding
at production credit associations and Federal land
Page 13

banks rose at almost double the rate of farm credit
expansion at commercial banks from 1965 to 1967.

Restrictions on interest rates charged and paid by
competitive financial institutions are vestiges of me­
dieval and ancient thought, and are inapplicable to
modem commercial economies. They are based on
false premises, operate perversely, and are economi­
cally inefficient.
The ancients banned interest for ethical reasons,
the medievals for religious and moral considerations;
modem restrictions are a carry-over of such ideas
plus a lack of confidence in market forces. Supply
and demand for loan funds rather than rate controls
historically have kept interest rates at moderate levels
in the United States.
Ancient and medieval desires to improve the posi­
tion of poor debtors relative to rich creditors may
have had some basis. There is no evidence today,
however, that borrowers from financial institutions are
less wealthy than their saving depositors. A floor un­
der rates paid might be more helpful to the poor than
a ceiling. Usury ceilings eliminate the poor higherrisk borrowers from the credit market and thereby
channel a higher percentage of loanable funds to
lower-risk customers. Consequently, any alteration of
rich-poor relationships made by low usury ceilings is
likely to be in favor of the wealthy.
All ceilings which alter normal flows of funds re­
tard economic growth. Low usury ceilings prohibit
the higher rates necessary to offset the higher risks
of business and individual innovators. Credit tends
to be channeled into well-established, low-risk func­
tions. Low ceilings on rates payable by financial
agencies tend to restrict the flow of funds through
usual credit channels. Loan fund supplies are thereby
reduced, affecting borrowers adversely. Such restric­
tions are especially harmful to long-term credit users,
such as the housing industry, where credit is the
major source of purchase money and interest an im­
portant part of the total costs.
The thesis that high rates paid cause institutions
to invest in high-risk assets has little validity. Instead
of contributing to imprudent banking practices, high
rates may indicate flexibility and competitiveness in
meeting the sound credit demands of the community.
Bank failures result from numerous factors, both in­
ternal and external. External factors such as monetary
and fiscal policies and regional economic conditions
may result in deposit drains and loan losses. These
factors were probably the major cause of the failures
Page 14

in the 1930’s which led to rate ceilings. In any event,
evidence indicates that when low legal limits are set
on rates payable, banks substitute other expenses at
the margin, such as advertising, attractive buildings,
and gifts, where such substitutions are profitable.
The more recent reason for controls — that rate
competition creates excessive hardships for savings
and loan associations — is likewise difficult to uphold.
It implies that a wider profit margin for banks is
necessary to keep funds flowing through the savings
and loan associations into the home building industry.
This wider margin for banks was established despite
the fact that bank failures were almost at the zero
level. This type of assistance protects both the strong
and the weak, inhibits price competition between
the two types of firms and among firms within each
group, and diverts funds to less desirable uses.
Greater liquidity in the form of more short-term
assets is apparently necessary for a number of sav­
ings and loan associations. Some increase in such
assets will permit the associations to weather most
sharp increases in rates without excessive strain.
If some assistance is necessary for savings and loan
associations, a reduction in price competition appears
to be an extremely expensive type of aid. Greater
assistance to the weaker associations through the Fed­
eral Home Loan Bank System would appear more
Monetary and fiscal policies which contribute to
greater price stability should alleviate most requests
for assistance by savings and loan associations. Such
policies will reduce the rate of inflation, which in
turn is incorporated into interest rates, thus moder­
ating rate increases.
Finally, controls on rates payable by financial
agencies ignore the welfare of savers who invest
through these agencies. Such savers perform a vital
function in the economy. Rate controls deny many
low income savers the right to a competitive loanable
funds market. High income savers can bypass the
controlled market by investing in equities, etc., but
if rate controls cause them to divert funds or to lose
interest income, their contribution to economic prod­
uct is reduced.

l if t o n


L uttrell

This article is available as reprint series No. 32.

Farm Income Rises

ABM INCOME resumed its upward trend in the
first half of 1968 after declining from $16.2 billion in
1966 to $14.2 billion in 1967, according to the United
States Department of Agriculture. Realized net in­
come of farmers from farming, at the seasonally ad­
justed annual rate of $14.6 billion, was up 3 per cent
from the rate in the first half of 1967. Cash receipts
from farm commodity sales were 2 per cent higher,
reflecting slightly higher prices and a small increase
in the quantity of products marketed. Nonmoney
income combined with Government payments were
up 6 per cent. Production expenses were also higher,
offsetting about half the income gain.
Based on preliminary estimates, the number of
farms in the nation declined about 3 per cent from
1967 to 1968, the same rate as during the past dec­
ade. Net income per farm, estimated at an annual
rate of $4,781 for 1968, is 5 per cent higher than a
year earlier, reflecting fewer farms and increased total
farm income.
Total net farm income has risen 36 per cent from
its post-World War II low of $10.7 billion in 1957

Realized Net Farm Income 48 States1
Total Income
(M illio n s of dollars)
1 945
1 95 0
1 955
1 96 5
1 96 6

10,7 0 7
14 ,6 0 0 2

N um ber
of Farms

Per Farm

5 ,9 6 6 ,7 5 0
5 ,6 4 7 ,8 0 0
4 ,6 5 3 ,8 0 0
4 ,3 7 1 ,7 0 0
4 ,0 9 7 ,3 0 0
3 ,8 1 4 ,8 0 0
3 ,5 5 5 ,6 0 0
3 ,3 3 4 ,5 0 0
3 ,2 3 3 ,4 0 0
3 ,1 4 1 ,3 0 0
3 ,0 5 3 ,6 0 0

$ 2 ,1 3 7
2,2 7 7
2,4 1 7
2,4 4 9
3,3 1 5
3,5 3 9
4 ,1 9 6

in clu d e s returns fo r op era tor’s and unpaid fam ily labor and op era tor’s
2First h alf o f year at seasonally adjusted annual rate.
Source: U SD A .

(Table I ). Gross income has risen 47 per cent, from
$30 billion to $44 billion, and production expense has
risen 57 per cent, from $23 billion to $36 billion.
With the number of farms decreasing since 1957,
average net income per farm has risen from $2,449
to $4,781, an average gain of 6.3 per cent per year.
These figures are not to be confused with estimates
of income per farm family since they do not include
income received by farm families from nonfarm

Output of Livestock Products

Eggs, mil.
M ilk, mil. lbs.
Beef, mil. lbs.
Pork, mil. lbs.
Poultry, mil. lbs.



Per Cent



C hange

3 5 ,3 3 4
6 2 ,8 6 6

3 5 ,5 5 9
6 1 ,8 2 4
3 ,4 0 7

-1 .7
- 1.0

Source: U SD A.

The gain in receipts from farm commodities from
the first half of 1967 to the first half of 1968 was
the result of an increase in livestock receipts, with little
change in returns from crops. Livestock receipts,
which accounted for two-thirds of all farm receipts,
were up about 4 per cent during this period.
The increase in receipts from livestock reflected
small increases in both production and prices. Pork
output was up almost 4 per cent from a year earlier,
while beef and egg production showed modest in­
creases. Production of milk and poultry, however,
declined slightly (Table II). Output of all livestock
products increased about one per cent. Production
per consumer was about the same as a year earlier,
as the nation’s population also increased about one
per cent. Prices of livestock products in the first half
] For estimates of trends in income of the farm population from
all sources, see the Farm Income Situation, July, 1968.
Page 15

more than offset the impact on prices of a moderate
increase in production.


M ajor Agricultural Commodity Prices




Beef cattle, cwt.
Hogs, cwt.
M ilk, cwt.
Eggs, doz.
Broilers, lb.
All livestock products1
Cotton, lb.
Soybeans, bu.
Corn, bu.
W heat, bu.
Rice, cwt.
Oats, bu.
A ll crops1

$2 2 .0 2
27 6
22 4

$23 .13

A ll farm products1



Per Cent
C h a n ge 2
-3 .7
-6 .9
-5 .9
-1 6 .5
-1 1 .6
-0 .2

'A v era ges o f price indexes (1910-14= 100).
P e rc e n ta g e changes calculated p rior to rounding o f prices.
Source: U SD A.

of the year averaged 1.8 per cent higher than a year
earlier, indicating a slight increase in demand (Table
II I). Prices of beef cattle, broilers, and milk averaged
well above year-earlier levels, while hog prices were
lower as a result of the major gain in output. The
sharp decline in egg prices reflects both the continued
long-run decline in demand and a small increase in
Crop receipts were about unchanged from the
first half of 1967 to the first half of 1968. Prices aver­
aged 3 per cent higher this year than a year earlier,
while the quantity marketed was down. Higher prices
were received for fruit and vegetables, which were
in relatively short supply. These crops constitute a
large share of total crop sales in the first half of the
year and have a major impact on average prices dur­
ing this period. Prices of the major crops — com,
soybeans, and wheat —which are marketed primarily
in the last half of the year, were lower.

Favorable Outlook for Last Half of 1968
Supply and price prospects point to favorable farm
incomes through the remaining months of 1968. The
United States Department of Agriculture has esti­
mated that cash farm receipts for all of 1968 will
exceed year-earlier levels by $1.5 to $2 billion and
that Government payments will be up about $300
million. Production expenses, however, are expected
to offset about half the gain. This would result in a
rise in net income for the year of about 5 per cent.
These farm income estimates are based on expec­
tations of slightly higher prices than a year earlier
and a small increase in production. The rising de­
mand for farm products, coupled with the Govern­
ment price supports for most crops, is expected to
Page 16

Total production of livestock products in the last
half of this year will probably remain about un­
changed from year-earlier levels. Larger beef and
broiler production may offset some reduction in pork,
veal, lamb, mutton, and turkeys. A small increase in
population may result in slightly lower per capita
output of meat. In the first half of the year milk pro­
duction was well below year-earlier levels; however,
at midyear output was increasing, and the second
half may exceed that of a year earlier. The lower
replacement pullet hatch during the ten months end­
ing in April indicates a sharp reduction in egg pro­
duction in the remaining months of 1968 compared
with year-earlier levels.
Crop production in 1968 will be 3 per cent greater
than the record harvest of last year, based on USDA
estimates of August 1. Crops expected in larger quan­
tities this year include food grains, oil seeds, cotton,
sugar, noncitrus fruits, and summer vegetables. Total
feed grain tonnage is expected to be only slightly
below the record of 1967. Forage crops and tobacco
will be down somewhat from 1967.
Cotton production is expected to rise 47 per cent
from the small 1967 crop of 7.5 million bales, as a
result of both increased acreage and larger yields.
Both rice and soybean output are expected to con­
tinue the uptrend of recent years. Rice production is
estimated at 24 per cent higher than a year ago,
while soybean production will probably rise about 9
per cent to 1,064 million bushels. Wheat production
is forecast at 5 per cent above last year, while com
output is expected to be down 4 per cent from a
year ago, but 18 per cent above the 1962-66 average.
Supplies of most crops, reflecting increased produc­
tion and carry-over from past production, will be
somewhat greater in the 1968-69 marketing year
than a year earlier (Table IV ). Total feed grain
supplies will be up about 5 per cent. Oats and barley

Estimated Supply of M ajor Crops
( 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 M arketing Year)

Feed G rains, mil. tons 174
Soybeans, mil. bu.
W heat, mil. bu.
Rice, mil. cwt.
Cotton, mil. bales
Tobacco, mil. lbs.

C arry-O ve r


Per Cent
C hange
1 9 6 7 -6 8

4 ,0 8 7

5 ,9 1 5

-1 2
— 3

Source: U SD A, A ugust 1 crop estimate.

will be more than 10 per cent greater, and somewhat
larger supplies of sorghum grain are in prospect. A
larger wheat crop, coupled with an increase in carry­
over, indicates total supplies are about 10 per cent
larger than a year earlier. Soybean supplies are esti­
mated at about 15 per cent above a year earlier,
as a result of a sharp increase in carry-over and the
9 per cent increase in production. The rice crop and
carry-over supplies may exceed year-earlier levels by
22 per cent. The crop is expected to total 24 per
cent more than a year earlier, and carry-over stocks
are about unchanged.
Cotton supplies will be down again in 1968-69
despite a prospective 50 per cent increase in the
crop compared with a year earlier. Production of 7.5
million bales last year was the lowest in this
century. With use estimated at about 13.4 million
bales, carry-over stocks into the 1968-69 season will
decline to about 6 million bales, the smallest carry­
over in more than a decade. This carry-over added
to the current production estimate of 11 million
bales provides supplies of 17 million bales, a level
adequate to meet demands at current price levels,
but not excessive in light of usual foreign aid
Tobacco supplies, reflecting an expected 7 per cent
decline in the crop and little change in carry-over
stocks, may be down about 3 per cent from the
1967-68 level.
The generally plentiful supply of crops in 1968-69
would indicate somewhat lower prices in the months
ahead compared to year-earlier levels. However,
Government price supports, coupled with rising de­
mand, will tend to hold most crop prices near current
levels. On the other hand, the reduced per capita
supplies point to somewhat higher average prices for
livestock products. This combination of lower crop
prices and higher livestock prices indicates little
change in average prices for all farm products in the
second half of 1968 compared with year-earlier levels.
With little change in average prices and some in­
crease in production and Government payments, farm
incomes are likely to continue above a year earlier
during the remaining months of 1968.

Prospects for Carry-Over at End of 1968-69
Year-end stocks of most crops in the 1968-69 mar­
keting year will probably be well below the average
for the past decade, despite generally larger supplies.
Domestic demand for crops continues to rise with
the increase in population, and exports for cash and
foreign aid have also trended upward.


Rate of C h ange in Total Farm Commodity Use
(both domestic consumption and exports)

Soybeans, mil. bu.
W heat, mil. bu.
Rice, mil. cwt.
Cotton, mil. bales
Tobacco, mil. lbs.
Corn, mil. bu.
O ats, mil. bu.
Barley, mil. bu.
Sorghum G rain, mil. bu.

1 9 6 2 -6 3

1 9 6 7 -6 8

A nnual Rate
of C hange

3,8 9 5

4 ,3 9 6

-0 .2
-5 .1
-1 .8

Source; U S D A .

Feed grain stocks at the close of 1968-69 are ex­
pected to be only slightly above the 1967-68 level
of 47 million tons, but well below the 69.1 million ton
average for 1961-65. Total supplies of feed grains in
1968-69 will rise 4 per cent, while use is expected to
repeat the 2.5 per cent gain of recent years.
Stocks of soybeans and wheat may show sizable
increases at the end of 1968-69. Soybean supplies in
1968-69, up 15 per cent compared with a 5 per cent
increase in rate of use (Table V ), point to an in­
crease in carry-over stocks of about 100 million bush­
els. Carry-over stocks of soybeans have heretofore
been relatively insignificant, averaging less than 10
per cent of the crop during the past decade. They
rose to 90 million bushels on September 1, 1967, and
are estimated at 160 million bushels this year. Wheat
carry-over may increase 175 million bushels to about
600 million unless unexpected markets develop. This
carry-over would still be only about half the average
of the past decade. Rice carry-over may also be up
somewhat a year hence from the nominal levels of
recent years (about 10 per cent of the quantity used
in 1967-68). Such carry-over, however, is not likely
to be great relative to past carry-over stocks of other
major crops.
Carry-over stocks of both cotton and tobacco at
the end of the 1968-69 marketing year are likely to
be well below a year earlier. Cotton inventories are
already down to relatively moderate levels, and when
added to another relatively small crop, they provide
a total supply of only 17.7 million bales, or about
3.4 million more than was used domestically and ex­
ported in 1967. Carry-over stocks at the end of 196869 may be 50 per cent less than a year earlier. Esti­
mated tobacco production is about 200 million pounds
below estimated use in the current marketing year,
pointing to a 5 per cent reduction in carry-over stocks
at the end of 1968-69. This will approach the mini­
mum level of tobacco inventories necessary for
proper aging.
Page 17


(Per Cent Change from 1 9 6 7 )


O ats


G rain

W heat




“ 2.1

-1 6 .8
-1 5 .9
— 4.0
-2 1 .6
-1 0 .7




Soyb eans

-2 1 .7
-2 0 .0
- 8.0
-3 0 .2







-1 7 .0






-2 0 .1
- 6.8




-2 8 .0
-1 7 .0
-2 0 .7












-1 6 .1
-1 8 .8
-1 2 .1
-1 4 .1



United States


- 3.6



-3 4 .4
-1 3 .2
- 6.7

A rkan sas
M ississipp i
M issouri
M ississippi
Valley (5 states)
Seven States



Source: U SD A, 1968 estim ate as o f A ugust 1.

The Central Mississippi Valley
Reflecting smaller-than-average crop production in
1967, cash receipts in the first half of this year
trailed year-earlier levels in much of the Central Mis­
sissippi Valley. By contrast, cash receipts nationally
were somewhat higher than a year earlier. Part of the
cash receipts decline in the Valley states was offset by
larger Government payments. Nevertheless, with ris­
ing farm expenses, net income to area farmers was
probably lower than a year earlier.
Prospects for Central Mississippi Valley fanners

Page 18

are better in the second half of this year. Cash re­
ceipts from livestock product sales are likely to con­
tinue above those of last year in view of the favorable
price prospects. In addition, crops over most of the
area are very good (Table V I). Due to Government
price supports, larger crop production will probably
more than offset any price declines, resulting in higher
receipts. With higher receipts in prospect from crop
and livestock sales and larger Government payments,
net income to Central Mississippi Valley farmers for
the year should be higher than year-earlier levels,
despite higher operating costs.



o f JJu& Sank Qrududa:









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