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November 1982
Vol. 64, No. 9







3 The Puzzling Behavior of Business Loans
in the Current Recession
11 Good Intentions, Cheap Food and
Counterpart Funds
19 A Perspective on the Economics of
Natural Gas Decontrol

The Review is published 10 times per year by the Research and Public Information Department o f
the Federal Reserve Bank o f St. Louis. Single-copy subscriptions are available to the public fr e e o f
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Articles herein may be reprinted provided the source is credited. Please provide the Bank’s
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The Puzzling Behavior of Business Loans
in the Current Recession


URING the current recession, the drop in U.S.
economic activity has exceeded the average decline in
prior postwar recessions (charts 1 and 2). Despite this
sizable drop in real output, large commercial banks
have increased substantially their loans to domestic
business firms. Business loans at large commercial
banks rose at an 18.6 percent annual rate from July
1981 through June 1982. There has been little net
change in those loans since June 1982.1 In contrast,
business loans rose no more than about 3 percent
above the peak month level during the other reces­
sions shown in chart 3 .2

Some analysts claim that the rapid growth of busi­
ness loans during this recession reflects an increase in
the total funds raised by businesses to alleviate their
financial distress and, therefore, provides further evi­
dence of the severity of the current recession. Other
explanations for the rapid growth of business loans by
commercial banks also suggest a rapid expansion of
total funds raised by firms in the nonfinancial business
sector, prompted by various other causes. This article
investigates whether these explanations are accurate;

C h a rt 1

Real G N P B efore a n d D uring P o stw ar Recessions d
'Authorization for U.S. banks to begin operation of international
banking facilities (IBFs) in December 1981 complicates analysis of
growth in business loans at commercial banks in recent months.
Some of the loans to non-U. S. addressees that had been reported as
assets of U.S. domestic offices of commercial banks have been
shifted to their IBFs, thus reducing the amount of loans included in
the series on business loans by U.S. offices of commercial banks.
Such a bias is eliminated from the business loan data used in this
article by subtracting from total business loans by large, weekly
reporting banks their loans to non-U.S. addressees. The break­
down in the data between loans to U.S. addressees and non-U.S.
addressees of weekly reporting banks begins in 1979. Data on
business loans before 1979 used in this article are total business
loans of weekly reporting banks.
2With one exception, recession periods are those specified by the
National Bureau of Economic Beseareh. The National Bureau indi­
cates that one recession began after November 1973 and ended in
March 1975. The decline in economic activity from late 1973
through early 1975 had two distinct phases. In the first phase from
late 1973 through about September 1974, the decline in economic
activity reflected primarily the effects of a reduction in the supply
of oil. Beginning in the fall of 1974, economic indicators reflected
the more usual symptoms of a decline in economic activity due to a
slowing in growth of aggregate demand. Since the objective of
comparisons across recession periods is to determine the usual
patterns of various series when there is a slowing in growth of
aggregate demand, September 1974 is considered the peak month
of that recession, with March 1975 the trough month. For an
analysis of this recession, see Norman N. Bowsher, “Two Stages to
the Current Secession,” this Review (June 1975), pp. 2-8.

P esk=100
---------- 101









Quar t er s t o and fro m Cycle Peaks
□_ R e a l G N P in e a c h o f th e q u a r te r s b e fo r e a n d a f te r a c y c le p e a k is c a lc u la te d a s a
p e r c e n ta g e o f r e a l G N P in th e p e a k q u a r te r . T h e a v e r a g e lin e is th e a v e r a g e o f th o s e
p e r c e n ta g e s a r o u n d th e f o ll o w in g p e a k q u a r te r s : IV /1 9 4 8 , 111/1953, 111/1957, 11/1960,
IV /1 9 6 9 , a n d 1 /1 9 8 0 . T he s h a d e d a r e a is th e r a n g e o f th o s e p e r c e n ta g e s .




C h a rt 2

C h a rt 3

Industrial Production Before and During
Postw ar Recessions 11

Business Loans a t Large Comm ercial Banks d
P eak=100


M o n th s to and fro m Cycle Peaks
LL In d u s tr ia l p r o d u c tio n in e a c h o f th e m on ths b e fo re a n d a f te r a c y c le p e a k is c a lc u la te d
a s a p e rc e n ta g e o f in d u s tr ia l p r o d u c tio n in th e p e a k m o n th . T he a v e r a g e lin e is the
a v e ra g e o f th o s e p e rc e n ta g e s a r o u n d th e fo llo w in g p e a k m on ths: N o v e m b e r 19 48 , Ju ly
19 53 , A u g u s t 19 57 , A p r il 1960, D e c e m b e r 19 69 a n d J a n u a ry 1980. The s h a d e d a r e a is
th e ra n g e o f th o s e p e rc e n ta g e s .

that is, whether the total funds raised by nonfinancial
business firms, in fact, have increased at an unusually
rapid rate during this recession. The evidence pre­
sented here does not support these explanations for the
growth in bank loans to business firms. The aspect of
business finance that is unusual in the current reces­
sion is not the amount of total funds raised, but the
relatively large share of funds raised from short-term
sources, including bank loans, and the small share from
long-term sources.

Distressed Borrow ing
Several analysts have attributed the unusually rapid
growth of business loans at commercial banks to the
financial distress of business firms. They claim that
nonfinancial firms have been borrowing heavily to
offset the effects of declining profits.3 Evidence of
financial distress does exist in that before-tax profits of
firms in the nonfinancial corporate sector have fallen
more rapidly during the current recession period than
during comparable periods in most other postwar re­
cessions (table 1).
3“What Has Fired Up the Paper Market,” Business W eek (June 21,
1982), p . 112.


M o n th s to and fro m Cycle Peaks
L I D a ta on bu s in e s s lo a n s a t la r g e , w e e k ly r e p o r tin g c o m m e r c ia l b a n k s e x c lu d e s lo a n s to
non-U .S. a d d re s s e e s b e g in n in g in J a n u a r y 1979. D a te o n e a c h lin e in d ic a te s p e a k m o n th .

There is a problem with such evidence, however.
Increases in depreciation charges against taxable in­
come allowed under the Economic Recovery Act of
1981 have reduced pre-tax profits, but have increased
the firms’ cash flow. A more relevant measure of funds
generated by businesses from their operations is U.S.
internal funds, which equal profits after taxes, less
dividends, plus depreciation charges. The percentage
decline in internally generated funds during the cur­
rent recession is about average for postwar recession
periods (table 2). Therefore, the data do not support
the contention that firms have increased their borrow­
ing to offset declines in internally generated funds.

Reductions in Unpaid Business
Incom e Taxes
Another explanation that has been offered for the
rapid growth of business loans involves the response of
businesses to an increase in the penalty interest rate on
unpaid tax liabilities. Effective in early 1982, the
penalty interest rate on delinquent income taxes of
business firms was increased from 12 percent to 20
percent per year. Businesses with tax liabilities subject
to the 20 percent penalty rate could reduce their costs
by borrowing at any interest rate below 20 percent to
reduce their delinquent income taxes.4
4John D. Paulus, “Role of Corporate Tax Payments in Recent ShortTerm Business Borrowing,” Goldman Sachs’ Economic Research
(June 7, 1982).



Table 1

Table 3

Rate of Change in Profits Before Taxes
During Recession Periods—
Nonfinancial Corporate Sector________

Profit Tax Payments Less Profit Tax
Accruals— Nonfinancial Corporate
Sector (billions of dollars)1

Rate of change from peak quarter to:1





As of
May 1982



As of
September 1982






-6 9 .5 %

-3 5 .5 %

-2 1 .6 %


- 4 .6

- 5 .4


-3 4 .3

-4 4 .9

-3 0 .7


- 1 .2

- 1 .0


-1 8 .1

-2 0 .7

-1 8 .0


-3 7 .1

-2 2 .1

-1 4 .2





-3 2 .4

-4 4 .2

-2 1 .5


- 2 .3

-3 .1


-6 2 .9

-1 9 .2

- 6 .6


- 3 .0

-4 .1


-7 .1

-6 .3



-2 .4





- 0 .8





Average of

-4 2 .4

-3 1 .1

-1 8 .8

-3 7 .3

-5 0 .4

-3 9 .5

Compounded annual rates, seasonally adjusted.

Table 2

Rate of Change in U.S. Internal Funds
During Recession Periods—
Nonfinancial Corporate Sector_______
Rate of change from peak quarter to:1





-5 2 .9 %

-1 4 .2 %


-1 7 .5

-2 7 .6

-1 8 .6


- 9 .5

- 9 .3

-6 .9

- 8 .8

-4 .2

-0 .5


-1 1 .6

-23 .1

-8 .3


-3 3 .6

- 5 .2


Average of

-2 2 .3

-1 3 .9

- 5 .5

- 7 .7

-1 4 .0

- 7 .6

'Compounded annual rates, seasonally adjusted.

- 4 .5












- 0 .4

-4 .5















1Seasonally adjusted annual rates.

-0 .7 %




According to the flow of funds data released in May
1982, the difference between income tax payments by
firms in the nonfinancial corporate sector and their
accrued tax liabilities (at seasonally adjusted annual
rates) was unusually large in 1/1982 (table 3). This
measure indicates the amount by which current tax
payments exceed (or fall below) the tax liabilities in­
curred on current income. Revised data indicate that
the difference between income tax payments and tax
accruals was substantially smaller in 1/1982 than indi­
cated earlier, and that the amount by which tax pay­
ments exceeded accruals was relatively small in II/
1982. Tax payments exceeded accrued income taxes by



C h a rt 4

N o n re s id e n tia l Fixed Investm en t as a Percent of
N o m in a l G N P a

Table 4

Rate of Change in Fixed Investment
plus Inventory Investment—
Nonfinancial Corporate Sector1
Rate of change from peak quarter to:2






-6 5 .4 %

-3 5 .6 %


- 5 2 .6

- 5 4 .4

- 4 3 .9


- 1 5 .6

- 3 5 .1

- 1 3 .0


- 2 4 .0

- 3 .2




- 3 6 .0

- 2 7 .8


- 2 4 .5

- 1 7 .6

- 3 .5


- 2 4 .3

- 2 7 .8

- 1 6 .5

-2 2 .0 %

’ Also includes the purchase of mineral rights from the U.S. gov­
Compounded annual rates, seasonally adjusted.
Q u a r te r s to a n d fr o m
LL D a te o n e a c h lin e in d ic a te s p e a k q u a r te r .

C ycle P e a k s

$5.8 billion in III/1982, a difference that is not large
relative to other quarters. Business income tax pay­
ments, therefore, do not appear to be an important
factor in explaining business demand for credit.

Growth o f Business Fixed Investment
D u rin g the C u rren t Recession
Business fixed investment as a proportion of total
spending generally falls sharply throughout recession
periods. This cyclical pattern was delayed in the cur­
rent recession until the second and third quarters of
this year (chart 4). Nonresidential fixed investment as a
percentage of nominal GNP was higher during the first
two quarters of the current recession than at the cycle
peak, whereas that ratio was below that of the peak
quarter by the second quarters of other postwar reces­
sion periods.
The relatively large proportion of business fixed
investm ent to total spending through the first
quarter of this year appears to reflect a response to new
incentives for investment in the Economic Recovery
Act of 1981.° Besides increasing tax incentives for in­

s a n e G. Gravelle, “Effects of the 1981 Depreciation Revisions on
the Taxation of Income from Business Capital,” N ational Tax J o u r ­
nal (March 1982), pp. 1-20.

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vestment, that act also provides investment incentives
for firms with no taxable income through leasing
arrangements with other firms that earn taxable in­
come. Under such an arrangement, a profitable firm
purchases the plant or equipment, charges the tax
credits against its federal income tax, and leases the
plant or equipment to a firm that currently has no
taxable income. This tax-leasing provision may have
altered the cyclical response of business investment to
tax incentives.
Several studies have found positive effects of tax
incentives on business investment. The response is
especially large if the tax incentives are considered
temporary.6 The debate in Congress concerning op­
tions to reduce the federal budget deficit may have
made the tax incentives for business investment
appear to be only temporary.
The unusual strength of business fixed investment
during the current recession does not explain the rapid
growth of borrowing by business firms from commer­
cial banks. Business fixed investment plus inventory
investment actually declined during the current reces-

eMartin Feldstein, “Inflation, Tax Rules and Investment: Some
Econometric Evidence,” E con om etrica (July 1982), pp. 825-62;
and Lawrence H. Summers, “Tax Policy and Corporate Invest­
ment,” in Laurence H. Meyer, ed., T he Supply-Side E ffects o f
E con om ic Policy, conference cosponsored by the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis and the Center for the Study of American
Business, Washington University, October 24-25, 1980, pp. 11548.



C h a rt 5

Funds R a is e d in F in a n c ia l M a r k e t s b y N o n f i n a n c i a l Firms
a s a P erce ntage of Funds R a ise d b y the Private Sector


a r e a s r e p r e s e n t p e r io d s o f b u s in e s s r e c e s s io n s

L a t e s t d a t a p lo t te d : 3 r d q u a r t e r

sion at rates comparable to the declines in prior reces­
sions (table 4). Thus, the sharp decline in business
inventory investment more than offset the growth of
fixed investment.

Share o f F u nds Raised by Business Firm s
The issue of whether business firms have been rais­
ing funds at rates that are typical for a recession period
can be investigated directly by examining the total
funds raised by the nonfinancial corporate sector rela­
tive to the funds raised by the entire private sector.
The share of funds raised by nonfinancial firms tends to
rise during recession periods (chart 5). Thus, the in­
crease in the share of funds raised by business firms
during the current recession is typical of the pattern in
previous recession periods.

The rapid growth of business loans at commercial
banks during the current recession is unusual. The

possible explanations cited above all suggest that the
growth of total funds raised by business firms should be
rapid, yet this is not the case. The share of funds
business firms raised by borrowing from commercial
banks, therefore, must have been unusually large dur­
ing the current recession, with relatively small shares
of funds raised from other sources.
The growth of business loans at commercial banks
has not been accompanied by a decline in commercial
paper outstanding. Business loans at large commercial
banks plus commercial paper outstanding issued by
nonfinancial firms have risen more rapidly during the
current recession than in the two previous recessions
(chart 6).
The share of funds raised by nonfinancial firms from,
long-term sources has been unusually low during the
current recession. Businesses raised funds during pre­
vious recessions primarily by issuing equities, bonds
and mortgages, and actually reduced short-term debt
in some periods (indicated by the ratio in chart 7 above
unity). The share of funds raised from these long-term
sources has increased in each quarter of the current



C hart 6

Bu siness Loans a t Large C o m m e rc ia l B a n k s
plus N o n f i n a n c i a l C o m m e rc ia l P a p e r 11


M o n t h s to and from Cycle P e a k s
|_1_ D a t a on bu sin ess lo a n s a t l a r g e , w e e k l y r e p o r t i n g c o m m e r c i a l b a n k s e x c l u d e s lo a n s to
non-U.S. a d d r e s s e e s b e g i n n i n g in J a n u a r y 1 9 7 9 . D a t e on e a c h lin e i n d i c a t e s p e a k m o n th .

recession from just above zero in III/1981. As of II/
1982, that share was only about 35 percent, substan­
tially below the proportion of funds businesses raised
from long-term sources during comparable periods af­
ter prior cycle peaks.7 In III/1982, however, the share
of funds raised from long-term sources increased to
7The dollar magnitude of funds raised from short-term sources by
nonfinancial corporate business during the three quarters ending

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II/1982 is comparable to the dollar magnitude of the rise in business
loans by large commercial banks plus nonfinancial commercial
paper over the same period. Nonfinancial corporate business
raised about $75.2 billion in the financial markets during those
three quarters, with $18.8 billion from long-term sources, leaving a
difference of $56.4 billion. Business loans at large commercial
banks plus nonfinancial commercial paper (nonseasonally adjusted)
rose by $36 billion from III/1981 to 11/1982. The difference be­
tween the $56.4 billion and $36 billion is accounted for by business
loans from other banks and other sources of short-term credit for
nonfinancial business firms.



C h a rt 7

R a t i o o f F u n d s R a i s e d from L o n g - T e r m S o u r c e s to T otal N e t F u n d s
R a i s e d in F i n a n c i a l M a r k e t s 11
N onfinancial Corporate Sector

















L i L o n g -t e r m s o u r c e s o f f u n d s a r e e q u it y is s u e s , b o n d s a n d m o r t g a g e s .
S h a d e d a r e a s re p re se n t p e r io d s of b u s in e ss re c e ss io n s.
L a t e s t d a t a p lo t te d : 3 r d q u a rte r

about 60 percent, and the growth of business loans by
large commercial banks slowed sharply. Thus, the
maturity distribution of funds raised by firms in the
nonfinancial corporate sector in III/1982 was more
typical of prior recessions than of the current reces­

recession. During prior recessions, the yield on corpo­
rate Aaa rated bonds was stable relative to the wider
movements in the yield on four-to-six-month prime
commercial paper, and this short-term rate declined
relative to the long-term rate during the recession
periods (chart 8).

This article does not provide an explanation for the
relatively limited amount of long-term financing by
nonfinancial firms during most of the current reces­
sion. None of the reasons cited at the start of this article
is adequate for this purpose. Similarly, a comparison
of the patterns of long-term and short-term interest
rates over the current and past recession periods does
not indicate why the share of funds raised from long­
term sources should be different during the current

Thus, businesses increased the share of funds they
raised from long-term sources during the past reces­
sions, despite the decline in short-term interest rates
relative to long-term rates. The pattern of short-term
and long-term interest rates during the current reces­
sion has been similar to that of previous recessions, but
during the cu rren t recession prior to III/1982,
businesses did not shift to long-term sources of finance
as they did during earlier recession periods.




Pattern of Long-Term and Short-Term Interest Rates
During Recession Periods



Aaa bond r it e LL

1 4 .0 0


" —

C om m ercial paper r a t e l l X ^
9 .0 0

M o n ti i:

J u ly 1981





9 .0 0



15 .0 0




V *


Aaa bond rate LL


7 .50


P e a k M o n th : J a n u a r y


1 9 8 0 ^ \_ _

- Commercial paper rate ^



1 3 .0 0

1 3 .0 0



Aaa bond rate U

9 .0 0

9 .0 0

7 .0 0

7 .0 0

P e a k M o n t h : S s p t e m b e r 1 9 7 4 ^ " Commercial paper rate
1 i
------ L ....i
5 .0 0 ----- 1



5 .0 0

9 .5 0

9 .5 0

Aaa bond rate LL

8 .50

7 .5 0




6 .50



P e a k M o n th : C ec im b e r 1 9 6 9
Commercial paper rale I?
.............................................. _ _.........................

5 .50

4 .75




. . .

4 .0 0

-------------------------------------------------- j—
x . ______ - __ B


rale LL

Commercia 1 paper rale

3 .25

M o n th





5 .0 0


Aaa b o ld rate





4 .0 0


3 .0 0

~^^C om m ercial paper rale


P e a k M o n th : A u g u s t 1 9 5 7












P e a k M o n th : J u ly 1 9 5 3
J ____1____I____I____I____I___ I___ 1____1___ 1__
[_ ^ M o n fh /y a v e r a g e A a a c o r p o r a te b o n d ra te .
|2 _ M o n fh /y a v e r a g e 4 - 6 m o n th c o m m e r c ia l p a p e r ra te .
S h a d e d a re a s re p re s e n t p e r io d s o f b u s ine ss rece ssio ns

Digitized for10


Loans to domestic business firms by large commer­
cial banks have risen rapidly during the current reces­
sion. Some analysts have claimed that business credit
demand has been unusually strong as a consequence of
the unusually weak economy. Total funds raised by
business firms, however, have not increased at an un­
usually rapid rate during the current recession. The
unusual aspect of business finance during the current
recession has been a relatively low proportion of funds
raised from long-term sources, including bonds,
equities and mortgages. This relatively low share of
funds raised from long-term sources has been accom­
panied by rapid growth of short-term business credit,
including loans from large commercial banks.

Good Intentions, Cheap Food and
Counterpart Funds

I n the not-so-distant past, the United States’ agri­
cultural price-support programs provided an incentive
for the production of bountiful harvests and huge
amounts of surplus foods. In response, the U.S. gov­
ernment developed a variety of programs to reduce
these surpluses by selling them abroad at sharply re­
duced prices to less developed countries. The sales of
“cheap” food for nonconvertible currencies and the
ways in which the receipts were used in the various
countries have generated considerable discussion and
controversy among economists.
Although the sales of food for these currencies were
initiated in the early 1950s and had been phased out by
the early 1970s, a brief review of the impact of this
program is timely for at least two reasons: (1) payments
generated by it, called counterpart funds, still exist and
have had important consequences long after the pro­
gram itself has been phased out; and (2) it appears that
the United States, once again, is facing ever-increasing
farm surpluses. Before decisions are made to “reduce”
these surpluses, it would be useful to assess the impact
of the prior programs on both the United States and the
beneficiaries. This article does not attempt an exhaus­
tive survey of the prior programs. Instead, it focuses on
the arguments used to establish the counterpart funds
program and its impacts.

Surplus Food and C ounterpart Funds
The Agricultural Trade Development and Assis­
tance Act of 1954 (P.L. 480), designed to increase
exports of U.S. “surplus” farm products to less de­
veloped countries (LDCs), led to the creation of coun­
terpart funds. These funds are nonconvertible curren­
cies of foreign nations credited to the United States in
payment for shipments of the surplus agricultural com­
modities. The uses that can be made of the accounts are
highly restricted — largely limited to U.S. embassy
expenses, market development, common defense and
economic development in the respective LDCs.

Source o f the Accounts
Under P. L. 480, the United States sells surplus farm
commodities to friendly LDCs in exchange for foreign
currencies. In these negotiations authorized under the
act, the President is required to ensure, insofar as
practicable, that such sales do not replace the normal
sales of the same products by the United States or
other friendly nations.1 This requirement, in effect,
limited P.L. 480 shipments to nations that had rel­
atively small amounts of foreign exchange (gold or
convertible currency).
With minor exceptions, foreign currencies obtained
from the export of these farm commodity surpluses
initially were deposited in U.S. accounts in the central
banks of the importing countries and could, with few
exceptions, be spent only in these countries. As the
currencies were used, they were withdrawn from the
central bank accounts. The Commodity Credit Cor­
poration (CCC), an agency of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, is responsible for financing the sale and
export of the commodities. Any U.S. agency that funds
its foreign activities by drawing on this account must
reimburse the CCC.
The Food for Peace Act of 1966 altered the arrange­
ments under P.L. 480 by requiring that most food
shipments would be sold for dollars, instead of foreign
currencies, with the transition to be completed by the
end of 1971.2 As a result of this policy change, sales of
farm products for foreign currencies, which reached a
peak of $1.7 billion in 1963, were phased out in the
early 1970s.3 Because a sizable portion of the $18 bil­
The authorw ishes to acknow ledge the helpful comments received on
this paper fro m T. W. Schultz, o f the University o f Chicago.
'“Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954,'
U.S. Code Congressional and Administrative News, Vol. 1, (West
Publishing Co., and Edward Thompson Co., 1954) pp. 506-12.
2“Food for Peace Act of 1966,” U.S. C ode Congressional and Ad­
ministrative News, Vol. I (West Publishing Co., 1966) pp. 1761-76.
’U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food fo r Peace: 1980 Annual
Report on Public Law 480, (U.S. Government Printing Office,
1981) table 6.




Table 1

Uses of Foreign Currency Provided in Title I, P.L. 480
Shipments, July 1, 1954, through September 30, 1980
(amounts in millions of dollars)______________________
All Countries
Common defense
Loans to private enterprise

$ 2,187










Grants for economic development





Loans to foreign governments













Loans and grants



U.S. uses




Population growth programs
Control of rodents, insects, etc.




11954 to 1973 only.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food for Peace: 1980 Annual Report on Public Law 480,
table 14; and 1973 Annual Report on Public Law 480, table 13.

lion in counterpart funds obtained during the 1955-74
period was not spent directly, but loaned to both gov­
ernment and private enterprises in the food-importing
nations, it continued to be made available through
principal and interest payments on these loans. The
counterpart fund balances held by the U.S. Treasury
and other executive agencies of the government
totaled $1.1 billion on September 30, 1980.4

Uses o f the Funds
The uses of the foreign currencies provided by the
P.L. 480 agreements since 1954 are shown in table 1.
Grants for economic development and loans to foreign
governments, also largely for economic development,
accounted for 44 percent of the total. Common defense
and loans and grants to others accounted for 14 percent
each, and U.S. uses accounted for 26 percent.
Authorized U.S. uses for the funds included de­
veloping new markets for U.S. farm commodities, sci­
entific, cultural and educational programs, sales of
such currencies to U. S. organizations and citizens, and
paying U.S. obligations abroad (table 2). The National
Park Service has used the currencies to develop and
manage programs for the conservation of endangered
4Annual Report o f the Secretary o f the Treasury on the State o f the
Finances, Statistical Appendix, (GPO, 1981), Fiscal Year 1980, p.

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or threatened species. The Environmental Protection
Agency uses the funds to support research in a number
of countries ostensibly for developing standards and
regulations applicable to the United States.5
U.S. officials concede that many of these overseas
programs exist solely because the foreign currencies
are available. For example, the U.S. Department of
Labor uses some of the Indian currency for yearly
meetings of government officials and labor attaches
from various embassies. Robert Greenberger of the
Wall Street Journal quoted one official who attended
the 1982 meeting in New Delhi as saying, “The annual
gatherings are important because things are moving
fast in the international labor world.” Despite this
hectic pace, the U.S. Department of Labor issued no
w ritten report “because we didn t think it was
needed . . . besides if we had [written one] it would
have been classified. ” Furthermore, because inflation
in the various countries reduces the value of the funds
each succeeding year, there is additional incentive to
accelerate the rate of spending of these funds, regard­
less of the use derived.6

’ U.S. Department of Agriculture, F ood f o r Peace: 1980 Annual
Report on Public Law 480.
6Robert S. Greenberger, “It May Surprise You But Uncle Sam Has
Too Much Money, The Wall Street Journal, July 21, 1982.



Table 2

U.S. Uses of Title I, P.L. 480 Foreign Currencies Through
September 30, 1979 (amounts in millions of dollars)
Agency and Purpose


Agency for International Development:
Acquisitions of sites, buildings and grounds
Emergency relief
Purchases of goods and services for other friendly countries



Trade fairs, market development and scientific activities



Trade fairs, market development and scientific activities



Military family housing
Other programs
Environmental protection











Library of Congress:
Evaluating foreign publications



National Science Foundation:
Scientific activities



Smithsonian Institution:
Scientific activities









Health, Education and Welfare:
International educational, cultural exchange and scientific activities
Scientific activities
International Communication Agency:
Translation of books, periodicals, American sponsored schools, trade
fairs, audiovisual materials, educational and exchange activities,
preservation of Nubian monuments and emergency relief grants
International labor meetings

Acquisition and maintenance of buildings for U.S.
government purposes
Payments of U.S. obligations
Sales for dollars to U.S. citizens, etc.
Scientific activities





SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food for Peace: 1979 Report on Public Law 480, table 14.

Some Evaluations o f the F u n d Uses
The real value of the payments (goods or services
received) to the United States for the food exports and
the real cost of food (goods or services paid) to the
importing nations has been the subject of an intense

debate among economists for over two decades. The
discussions largely have been centered around the
balance-of-payments effects of the transactions, the
value of the funds for economic development, and the
value of the food to the recipient nations.


Theodore Schultz, in a classic critique of the pro­
gram in 1960, estimated that actual payments to the
United States for shipments under this program would
be between 10-15 cents per dollar of CCC costs.7 A
more optimistic view was presented by McGehee
Spears and Dale Vining of the USDA Foreign Agri­
cultural Service, who found the program a net gener­
ator of foreign exchange, noting: “Programs which
generate needed foreign exchange without dollar
purchase of such exchange, take on added, and posi­
tive, importance;” this implies that the currencies are
valuable assets to the United States.8 Without making
specific judgments about the value of the funds to the
United States, Spears later concluded: (1) “ . . . for­
eign currencies acquired through the sale of surplus
agricultural commodities are utilized advantageously
in financing part of U.S. government military and eco­
nomic assistance operations abroad;” and (2) the sub­
stitution by the United States of foreign currencies for
dollar expenditures abroad prevented the overall
balance-of-payments deficit from rising higher — that
is, constituted real payments to the United States.9
A number of writers have pointed to the opportuni­
ties for using counterpart funds to finance economic
development programs in the food importing nations.
S. R. Sen, in reply to Schultz’s criticism of the pro­
gram, found that in India “the use that has been made
of the counterpart funds in building up the infrastruc­
ture of the economy, in constructing irrigation and
power facilities, improving transport and communica­
tions and promoting research and extension is certainly
noteworthy.”10 R. O. Olson reported “ . . . the ben­
efit (from use of the funds) depends on the extent to
which the recipient country takes advantage of the
presence of these goods [food shipments] to step up the
pace of development. It can do this with created
money. . .
In support of the program, Deena
Khatkhate reported that the food shipments provided


an important source of funds for investment in the
public sector of India.12
Earl Heady and John Timmons in 1967, after point­
ing out the long-run impact of food aid on the popula­
tion/food production ratio of P.L. 480 importing na­
tions, reported individual elements of the program —
for example, some uses of counterpart funds — to be
positive. They pointed to the program’s impact in
Israel as an example of the gains that can be achieved
from the investment of such funds. Two methods were
enumerated by which these funds assist capital invest­
ment: “First, funds which would go into food pur­
chases abroad at unfavorable rates of exchange become
available for investment within the country. Second,
under Title I of Public Law 480, local currencies be­
com e available for in tern al d evelop m ental in­
The debate on the value of the funds to the United
States subsided somewhat with the phase-out of farm
product exports for such currencies in the early 1970s.
Their use, however, continues to attract the attention
of the daily press.14 Furthermore, in its annual report,
Food f o r Peace, the USDA lists the uses made of the
funds under a number of headings: export market de­
velopment; market and utilization research; scientific,
medical, cultural and educational activities; and build­
ings for the U.S. government.15

Value o f the F u nds to the United States
Some of the confusion about the value of the pay­
ments to the United States for the food can be elimi­
nated by comparing the real value of the funds to the
United States to the resources given up by foodimporting nations that receive the food. The value of
the funds to the United States is approximately the real
saving to the U.S. government resulting from their
expenditure. The actual expenditure of the funds for
U.S. uses is shown in table 2. The real saving to the

7TheodoreW. Schultz, “Value of U.S. Farm Surpluses to Underde­
veloped Countries,” Jou rn a l o f Farm Econom ics (December
1960), pp. 1019-30.
8McGehee H. Spears and Dale K. Vining, Im portance o f U.S. Farm
Exports to Balance o f Payments, United States Department of
Agriculture, Economic Reporting Service and Foreign Agricultur­
al Service, Foreign Agriculture Economic Report No. 7, October
9McGehee H. Spears, “RecordingP.L. 4 8 0 Transactions in the U.S.
Balance of Payments,” Southern Economic Jou rn al (April 1963),
pp. 340-45.
10S. R. Sen, “Impact and Implications of Foreign Surplus Disposal
on Underdeveloped Economies-The Indian Perspective,” Jo u r­
nal o f Farm Economics (December 1960), pp. 1031-42.
11R. O. Olson, “Discussion: Impact and Implications of Foreign

Digitized for

Surplus Disposal on Underdeveloped Economies,” Jou rn al o f
Farm Economics (December 1960), pp. 1042-45.
12Deena R. Khatkhate, “Some Notes on the Real Effects of Foreign
Surplus Disposal in Underdeveloped Economies,” Quarterly
Journal o f Economics (May 1962), pp. 186-96.
13Earl O. Heady and John F. Timmons, “Objectives, Achieve­
ments, and Hazards of the U.S. Food Aid and Agricultural De­
velopment Programs in Relation to Domestic Policy,” Alterna­
tives f o r Balancing W orld F ood Production and Needs (Iowa State
University Press, 1967) pp. 186-214.
14Greenberger, “It May Surprise You.”
15U.S. Department of Agriculture, F ood f o r Peace, 1979.


United States resulting from their usage, however, is
well below the indicated dollar expenditure figure.
U.S. expenditures in the P.L. 480 food importing
countries would have been much less had there been
no foreign currency holdings; indeed, many of the
expenditures would have never been made had outlays
of dollars been necessary.16
A number of programs, such as trade fairs; agricul­
tural market developments; health, education and
welfare; cultural exchange activities; and Americansponsored schools, studies and conferences are associ­
ated closely with the P.L. 480 Act. As indicated in table
2, about one-third of the U.S. counterpart fund ex­
penditures in all the participating nations through
September 1979 was of this type. Without the funds,
these programs would have been carried out on a
greatly reduced scale, if indeed at all. Consequently,
the real value to the United States of using foreign
currency was well below the 26 percent of the total
disbursed for U.S. uses. Since the counterpart funds
credited to the United States covered only about 90
percent of the CCC outlays for the farm products ex­
ported, the actual recovery of CCC investment in the
food was probably on the low side of the Schultz 10-15
percent estimate.

Food Shipments Largely a Gift
Since the food-importing nations reimbursed the
United States for only about 10 percent of the original
CCC investment in food, about 90 percent of the ship­
ments were essentially a gift by the United States to
the recipient nations. A gift of goods from one nation to
another, however, is not neutral with respect to eco­
nomic activity in either country. In this case, the poli­
cies that led to the gift caused increases in taxes, in the
price of grain to producers, and in the price of food in
the donor nation. The higher price of grain, in turn,
provided incentive for farmers to purchase more re­
sources and increase production, further increasing
supplies in future years.
Moreover, the gift exacerbates the long-run food
production problem in the recipient nations.17 While
consumers may pay less for food as the supply in­

I6Greenberger, “It May Surprise You;” and Jimmye S. Hillman and
Murray R. Benedict, “A Further Look at P .L . 480 and the Balance
of Payments,” Journal o f Farm Economics (August 1966), pp.
17The analysis here is intended to describe the effects of programs
designed to reduce farm “surpluses.” It does not necessarily de­
scribe the effects of humanitarian distributions of food and other
aid intended to alleviate the short-run impacts of crop failures and
other natural disasters.


creases, domestic farmers are subjected to further food
price declines. The lower price reduces food produc­
tion, thereby leading to less domestic food output in
future years. Hence, these gifts contribute to further
rural poverty in the recipient nations.18
The cost of the grain to the importing nations,
although relatively small, has some impact on their
balance-of-payments. It reduces their foreign ex­
change earnings to the extent that they would have
received dollar exchange for the U.S. embassy ex­
pense, thereby reducing their ability to purchase other
goods and services from abroad. Moreover, U.S. ex­
penditures of funds that would not have been made in
the absence of the accounts also are real costs to the
importing countries. Resources used in these coun­
tries by the United States for trade fairs, agricultural
market developments, education, etc., are costs in
terms of scarce goods and services. The use of these
goods and services, while often looked upon as costless
from the viewpoint of the U.S. users, are a real expense
to the food importing nations. Hence, they will consid­
er such expenses an important factor in negotiating
P.L. 480 agreements and currency use projects.
Funds not used directly by the United States but
credited to its account were disbursed for projects
designed to benefit these less-developed nations.
Funds, grants and loans were released for these pur­
poses through agreements with their governments.
Such grants and loans through 1980 totaled about $13
billion or 75 percent of all foreign currencies credited
to the United States in payment for Title I food ship­
ments (table 1). This amount, plus the excess of CCC
outlays for the shipments not credited to the United
States, plus a portion of the U.S. uses of the funds
represents the cost of this program to U.S. taxpayers
that is not reimbursed by foreign governments.
The approximate real values exchanged in the P.L.
480, Title I, transactions may be summarized as fol­

United States

Recipient nations

Market value of grain
Value of payment

Market value of grain
Cost of grain
Net gain to

Net loss to
United States


The value of the grain to the United States and the
receiving nations is assumed to be 100 percent of the
lsFor further discussion, see Dale W. Adams and Donald W. Lar­
son, “What Cheap Food Does to Poor Countries, ” The W all Street
Journal, November 19, 1982.




world market value for grain. Because the real value of
the payment received by the United States is about 10
percent of the value of the grain shipments, the net loss
to the United States totaled approximately 90 percent
of the market value of the exports. The real cost of the
grain to the recipient nations, however, totaled about
26 percent of the value of the shipments, and the net
gain (value of the gift) to the recipients totaled 74
percent of the market value of the grain. The transac­
tions resulted in a “welfare loss” of about 16 percent of
the combined value of the shipments; in other words,
real payments to the United States were about 16
percent of the market value of the grain below the real
costs to the recipients. A case study of the portion of
the P. L. 480 program that generated the funds in India
indicates the real economic impacts of the transactions.

For two reasons, India is used to demonstrate the
real impact of the P. L. 480 transactions that generated
the counterpart funds. First, India has signed more
agreements for Title I, P.L. 480 shipments than any
other nation — $6.1 billion, or about 40 percent of the
total at the close of 1980. Second, although there is a
paucity of data for all the recipient nations, more data
are available for India that for other nations.

Creation o f C ounterpart F u nds
In Part
a Governm ent D ebt Monetization Process

As indicated in figure 1, the government of India
obtained funds for P.L. 480 shipments by selling secur­
ities to the Reserve Bank of India.19 Proceeds from the
security sales were then credited by the bank to the
Indian government (stage A, figure 1). Upon arrival of
the food shipments, the funds were credited to the
U.S. Treasury (stage B). These accounts were left on
deposit with the reserve bank until disbursements
were made in the form of loans and grants to India or
for other uses as previously outlined. As the funds were
disbursed, ownership was transferred to the private
sector, and they eventually were credited to member
bank accounts at the reserve bank, thereby increasing
commercial bank reserves and the stock of money
(stage C). If the process stopped at this point, all coun­
terpart funds would be monetized following disburse­
ment. The Indian government, however, recovered
part of the funds from the public through grain sales at

19Deena R. Khatkhate, “Money Supply Impact of National Curren­
cy Counterpart of Foreign Aid: An Indian Case, The Review o f
Economics and Statistics (February 1963), pp. 78-83.


less than cost, partially offsetting the rise in bank re­
serves. Consequently, only the subsidized portion of
the sales remained on the central bank’s books.
Reserves for monetary expansion, thus, were in­
creased only to the extent of the subsidy. Because the
entire cost of P.L. 480 food imports was financed in­
itially by government borrowings from the reserve
bank, the excess of costs over proceeds from food sales
remained in the banking system as an addition to re­
serves at the central bank after the counterpart funds
has been disbursed (stage E , last entry). With an esti­
mated 50 percent of counterpart funds resulting from
the central bank’s financing of government deficits, the
impact of such expenditures on bank reserves (highpowered money) was quite large. For example, by
1980, agreements had been made for the use of more
than $4 billion in counterpart funds in India.20 On the
basis of the estimated rate of subsidy on the food sales,
this added more than $2 billion (rupee equivalent) to
bank reserves.
India has a relatively high ratio of currency to de­
posit money and the impact of increased reserves on
the stock of money (currency plus demand deposits) in
recent years has been relatively low — about one to
one. Nevertheless, the addition of an estimated $200
million in reserves in 1967 as a result of P.L. 480
operations caused a rise of about 3 percent in the
money stock, which was about one-third the average
rate of annual money growth from 1965 to 1970. On
this basis, the expenditure of counterpart funds
accounted for about one-third of the 6.4 percent rate of
inflation during the half decade. The addition of $2
billion over a 25-year period, thus, was a sizable factor
contributing to the rise in the money stock and the
relatively high inflation rate.21

Creation o f C ounterpart F u nd s
a Fiscal Operation


In Part,

Partial recovery of the funds occurred when the
government sold the imported food to the public and

20U.S. Department of Agriculture, F ood f o r Peace, 1980, table 13.
21During the three years from 1964-65 to 1966-67, inclusive, the
net Reserve Bank of India credit to the government and private
sectors rose Rs. 1,401 crores, while the stock of money rose Rs.
1,201 crores.
Typical of less-developed nations, currency in India is a more
desirable form of money than demand deposits. When currency is
withdrawn from the banking system, it reduces bank reserves at a
one-to-one ratio. In contrast, in the absence of large currency
withdrawals, demand deposits can be expanded at some multiple
of new reserv es, depending on legal reserve requirements.



Figure 1

How Counterpart Funds Increase the Stock of Money in India
(amounts in millions of dollars)
Stage A

Stage D

Government sells bonds to central bank to obtain $500 million to
pay United States for grain:

Government sells grain to public at 50 percent of cost and reduces
debt to central bank with proceeds:


Central Bank Balance Sheet

Government bonds + $500

| Government deposits + $500


Central Bank Balance Sheet

No change

Commercial bank deposits - $250
Government deposits + $250

Stage B
Government pays United States for grain:
Central Bank Balance Sheet
No change

Commercial Bank Balance Sheet
Legal reserves -$ 2 5 0

Demand deposits - $250

Government deposits - $500
U.S. deposits +$500

Stage C

Stage E

United States spends depossits in India for development purposes:

Government reduces bonded debt to central bank:


Central Bank Balance Sheet

No change

U.S. deposits -$ 5 0 0
Commercial bank deposits +$500

Commerc ial Bank Balance Sheet
Legal reserves + $500

Demand deposits + $500 (money)

paid off a portion of its debt to the reserve bank (stages
D and E, figure 1). If the deposits were made simul­
taneously with the disbursements and if the deposits
were equal to the disbursements, the funds would
have had no impact on the stock of money. The pro­
ceeds from sales of P.L. 480 food to the Indian public,
however, did not equal the rupee credits to the United
States. The extent of the shortage is not available, but
rough estimates indicate that no more than 50 percent
of P. L. 480 wheat cost was recovered in some years
(stage E ).22 For example, the Reserve Bank of India
reported that the issue price of imported wheat was
raised from 50 to 55 rupees per quintal on November
15, 1966, . . . in accordance with the decision taken

22This estimate is based on the issue price of 40 Rs. per quintal
(about $1.80 per bushel) and $1.73 per bushel average cost at
American ports. Ocean freight is estimated at $0.45 per bushel
and shipping and distribution cost in India at $0.40 per bushel.
The prevailing exchange rate of 13.3 cents per rupee was used in
the calculations.


Central Bank Balance Sheet

Government bonds - $250

Government deposits - $250

Central Bank (FINAL) Balance Sheet
Government bonds + $250

Commercial bank deposits + $250

by the Government to reduce gradually the element of
subsidy. . . .”2'3
The portion of counterpart funds that was offset by
sales of food to the public (funds available for reduction
of government debt to the Reserve Bank of India) had
no impact on the level of bank reserves or the stock of
money. This portion was essentially a fiscal operation.
Food, largely donated by the United States to the
Indian government, was used as a means of transfer­
ring resources from the private to the public sector. As
indicated by Gary Seevers, proceeds from these sales
may be viewed as an indirect tax on Indian farmers and
a subsidy to consumers, because the producing sector
suffered from lower prices and the consumer sector
benefited from lower cost food.24
“ Reserve Bank of India, R eport on C u rren cy a n d Fin an ce f o r the
Y ear 1966-67, Bombay, 1967.
2lCary L. Seevers, “An Evaluation of the Disincentive Effect
Caused by P.L. 480 Shipments,” A m erican Jo u rn a l o f A gricultur­
al E con om ics (August 1968), pp. 630-42.



C ounterpart F u n d s: Detrim ental to Food
Im porting NationsP
Whether counterpart funds contribute to economic
development in the food recipient nations as alleged is
not a crucial question concerning the creation and use
of the funds. Similar investments readily can be made
without the creation of counterpart funds. The fund
expenditures did not add to the nation’s stock of re­
sources. For example, if all counterpart fund accounts
were erased from the books of the Reserve Bank of
India and the U.S. Treasury, the purchases for which
the funds are used could be made by the Indian gov­
ernment through either the monetization of govern­
ment debt, the levying of taxes or both. These actions
could achieve the same results at no additional social
Since rupee expenditures for development purposes
or U.S. Department of Labor conferences could as
readily be made without the cou nterpart fund
accounts, the fund-creating feature of the program is
not a requisite. Consequently, the creation and spend­
ing of counterpart funds does not appear to be a pro­
ductive function. Such funds (new money or taxes)
could have been raised as readily without the currency
credits to the United States. Benefits from U.S. partic­
ipation in the programs would occur only if U.S. parti­
cipants possess superior knowledge about develop­
ment techniques and of the special conditions in­
volved, neither of which is likely. Moreover, as indi­
cated earlier, many expenditures would not have been
made in the absence of counterpart funds, another
indication of their wasteful use.
Counterpart fund accounts appear to represent idle
resources abroad which, if not spent, would be wasted.
Yet, their expenditure represents the utilization of real
resources in the issuing nations. Further, it appears
that the value obtained from their use to the United
States frequently is less than the value of their use
foregone by the other countries involved.

This article examines the results of crediting foreign
currencies to the United States in payment for P.L.
480 food shipments abroad. The greater portion of the
food shipments that led to the creation of these
accounts was a gift of consumer goods by the United
States to these nations.

Digitized for18


The shipments provided additional net food re­
sources to the recipient countries and made some con­
tribution to their welfare in the short run. In the longer
run, however, such gifts have an unfavorable impact on
food production in the recipient nations. They affect
producers in the United States and in the food recip­
ient nations in opposite directions. Here, the govern­
ment purchases cause an increase in the price of grain
to producers and the price of food to consumers. U.S.
farmers are provided incentive to further increase pro­
duction. In contrast, the gift leads to lower prices for
farmers in the recipient nations and reduces their in­
centive to produce. As a result, the recipient nations
become even more dependent on the donor nations.
The use of counterpart funds in the program was
predicated in part, on the belief that foreign currency
credits are a vital factor in economic development in
the food-importing nations; this belief is an illusion.
The counterpart fund accounts currently on the central
bank books represent one way of initiating money
creation; however, governments always can create or
destroy money at their convenience. The use of coun­
terpart funds leads to an increase in the stock of money
in these nations, not to an increase in resources or
production. Because the quantity and use of real re­
sources are important for development, resource use is
likely to be more efficiently achieved under a simpler
accounting system.
One solution would be simply to write off counter­
part funds entirely and charge the expenditure instead
to foreign aid. With the exception of the small amount
of expenditure for embassy expense, e tc., the funds are
not payments to the United States and have no impact
on the balance of payments. Both U.S. expenses and
money creation in the LDCs would be under better
control by writing off such accounts and negotiating the
proportion of U.S. expenses offset by food shipments.
The importance of assessing the impact of counter­
part funds in the context of the current problem of
rising food surpluses is that it provides a reminder that
even ostensibly charitable actions have hidden and
unexpected impacts. Moreover, these unforeseen con­
sequences often are detrimental to the presumed pur­
poses of the program. The use of counterpart funds in
the context of reducing the U.S. food surplus by ship­
ping food to LDCs is such an example.

A Perspective on the Economics of
Natural Gas Decontrol

FUNDAMENTAL lesson that economic policy­
makers learned over the past decade is that microeco­
nomic energy policies can have a significant effect on
the nation’s macroeconomic performance. Early in the
decade, price regulation in domestic energy markets
led to growing imports of energy and rendered the
United States— the world s largest energy producer—
impotent to the challenge of the OPEC cartel in deter­
mining the prices of the world’s energy resources.
Subsequent policy efforts to smooth the difficult transi­
tion to a world of higher-cost energy by preventing any
abrupt rise in domestic energy prices reduced the
incentive to conserve energy, discouraged domestic
energy production, subsidized petroleum imports and
increased inefficiencies in the use of domestic energy

increased shortages of gas and a consequent increased
reliance on imported oil led to the passage of the
Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (NGPA). Akin to the
earlier efforts to prevent abrupt energy price increases
in the transition to a free market for oil, NGPA pro­
vided for phased decontrol of the nation’s natural gas
market. Changing world energy market conditions,
however, rendered this plan obsolete as the pace of
allowable price increases and decontrol became in­
adequate to accomplish a smooth transition. In addi­
tion, there emerged a growing recognition that phased
policy changes create perverse economic incentives
that thwart the achievement of the policy objectives.2
As a result, pressure has been growing to decontrol
natural gas markets more rapidly than scheduled
under NGPA.

These policies increased the demand for OPEC pe­
troleum so that the ability of the OPEC cartel to raise
its prices (and thereby reduce world output and raise
the dollar prices of goods and services) was substan­
tially enhanced.1 Moreover, attempts to smooth the
disruptive effects of OPEC actions could not keep pace
with the changing realities in world energy markets.
The energy prices assumed to prevail at the end of each
transition continually fell short of the market price,
contrary to federal energy policy intentions.

A major obstacle to the decontrol of the U.S. natural
gas market has been the potential effect on the price of
natural gas paid by residential users (voters). Analysts
also have argued that natural gas decontrol will have
adverse macroeconomic effects similar to those experi­
enced following OPEC energy price increases.

The elaborate regulatory scheme for oil was finally
abandoned in February 1981. In the case of natural
gas, the recognition that regulations were leading to

‘See John A. Tatom, “Energy and Its Impact on Economic Growth:
A Supply-Side Miracle for the Eighties,” Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis, Working Paper 82-005, 1982. Also Claudio Loderer,
“Theory and Evidence about the Structure of the International Oil
Market: 1974-1979,” Graduate School of Management, University
of Rochester, Working Paper GPB 82-5, 1982, provides evidence
that O PEC has operated successfully as a cartel but that this alone
has not accounted for higher energy prices. He emphasizes that
energy policies worldwide have contributed to higher prices in the
manner detailed below.

This article provides an alternative perspective,
which indicates that the adverse economic effects of
decontrol are substantially overstated. These negative
impacts are largely reversed when the effect of natural
gas decontrol on the world oil market is taken into

2Knowing that future prices will be higher than current prices, gas
producers are induced to postpone production of some known or
suspected deposits until after decontrol. This reduces the pre­
decontrol supply of gas and increases scarcity. Thus, the phased
decontrol of prices, instead of smoothing the transition, actually
worsens the domestic gas shortage.
3This article draws heavily upon the more detailed analysis in Mack
Ott and John A. Tatom, “Are There Adverse Inflation Effects
Associated with Natural Gas Decontrol?” Contem porary Policy
Issues, a supplement to Economic Inquiry (October 1982), pp.




Table 1

U.S. Consumption of All Forms of Energy and of Natural Gas
Total energy
Natural gas
Natural gas as
a percent of
total energy




















































Electric utility
























1A quad is one quadrillion British thermal units.
2Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.
SOURCE: Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, 1980 Annual Report to
Congress, volume 2, and Monthly Energy Review.

From 1950 to 1970, the domestic consumption of all
types of energy grew at an average annual rate of 3.5
percent, with natural gas consumption growing at a 6.7
percent rate. The growth of both total energy and
natural gas consumption was particularly rapid during
the 1960s, before slowing dramatically in the past de­
cade. As table 1 shows, consumption of natural gas as a
fraction of total energy rose from about one-sixth in
1950 to about one-third in 1970, then declined to
slightly over one-fourth in 1980.
In large part, the decline in the growth of natural gas
consumption was the result of governmental control of
the pricing and distribution of natural gas.4 Control of
wellhead natural gas prices from the early 1960s led to
declining reserves of natural gas relative to its produc­
tion and, since 1968, absolutely declining reserves. In
addition, the number of new gas wells drilled declined

JSee Jai-Hoon Yang, “The Nature and Origins of the U.S. Energy
Crisis,” this Review (July 1977), pp. 2-12; and Paul W. MacAvoy
and Robert S. Pindvck, The Economics o f the Natural Gas Short­
age (1960-1980) (North-Holland Publishing Company, 1975),
especially chapter 1, pp. 1-28.

Digitized for 20

from 1962 to 1968. Production growth actually did not
begin to decline until after 1973 when the excess in­
ventories (reserves) caused by regulatory changes in
the early 1960s had been eliminated. In the early
1970s, natural gas prices began to respond to the grow­
ing shortage. Nevertheless, production continued to
decline until the passage of NGPA and the related
Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 (FUA).
These laws lessened restrictions on the pricing of
natural gas, decontrolled the price of new gas from
deep wells and other high-cost gas, but extended re­
strictions on the industrial and utility use of natural gas
and on the construction of new gas-fired boilers. The
phase-out of wellhead price controls, to be completed
by the end of 1984, presumed that gas would then sell
at the equivalent of a relatively low 1984 price of crude
oil. The limitations on industrial and utility gas de­
mand, in practice, allow such uses residually; that is,
they allow exceptions to the restrictions only to the
extent that other uses of gas do not exhaust total natural
gas production.
Table 1 shows that the total use of natural gas was
lower in 1975 than in 1970. Natural gas use rose follow­
ing the enactment of NGPA, although the share of gas



Table 2

The Real Price of Natural Gas1— Delivered to Final Users and
at the Wellhead $/1000 (cubic ft)


























0 .5 1 4 ]





Electric utilities2

[ 0.355



















1The ratio of the indicated price to the implicit price deflator for GNP, 1972 prices,
industrial and electric utility prices are not available separately prior to 1967; the prices for 1950-65 are
average prices for industrial and utility customers.
3Pipeline fuel price is not available prior to 1967.
SOURCES: Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, Annual Report to Con­
gress, 1977 and 1980; Monthly Energy Review (August 1982).

in total energy still declined slightly. The tilt toward
residential use of natural gas and away from industrial
use (especially electric utility use) before NGPA also
can be seen by comparing the pattern of use in 1975
with that in earlier years. Despite the rise in the resi­
dential share from 1970 to 1975, total residential use
was virtually unchanged. Residential use declined only
after NGPA, while electric utility use recovered sharp­
ly. Since utility use is restricted to the residual after
residential demands, increased use by utilities would
not have been possible without the combined effects of
increased total gas production and reduced demand by
other, primarily residential, users.
The decline in the growth of natural gas consump­
tion also is due to a rise in the delivered price of gas,
primarily since the OPEC embargo of 1973-74. As
table 2 reveals, the real price of natural gas rose signifi­
cantly from 1950 to 1960 for all users, then declined to a
level in 1970 roughly equal to its 1950 value. From
1970 to 1980, however, the real price of delivered
natural gas rose dramatically, almost doubling for resi­
dential users and rising by even larger multiples for the
commercial, industrial, utility and pipeline sectors.
During the 1950-70 period, the real wellhead price
of gas rose at only a 2.2 percent rate, but then surged at
a 15.8 percent rate from 1970 to 1980, or, even more
revealing, an 18.8 percent rate from 1975 to 1980. The
percentage movements in the industrial and electric
utility prices conformed closely to the growth rate of

the wellhead price during the 1950-70, 1970-80 and
1975-80 subperiods. In contrast, residential prices
grew much more slowly than the wellhead or delivered
industrial prices.
The diversity of delivered natural gas prices reflects
different delivery and administrative costs. Decontrol
of the wellhead price of natural gas will not raise the
price for each of the various users of natural gas to the
same extent because of these differences. In the in­
dustrial and utility sectors, the share of the wellhead
cost of gas in the delivered price is very high, so that
percentage changes in the wellhead price result in
similar percentage changes in delivered price. The
share of the wellhead cost of gas in the delivered price
to residential customers is much smaller, as can be
seen from the difference in relative prices; a given
percentage change in the wellhead price leads to a
much smaller percentage change in the residential
The effect of controls on natural gas prices appears to
have been quite extensive, especially since 1973, yet
gas fuel prices have risen more rapidly than crude oil
over the last 12 years. Chart 1 shows an index of the
real price of gas, found by deflating the producer price
index (PPI) of gas fuels by the implicit price deflator for
private business sector output, and an index of the real
price of crude petroluem, the PPI for crude petro­
leum, adjusted for the crude oil control program, de­



C h a rt 1

Index of the Relative Prices of G as and O il

flated by the same price index.’ In 1981, the index for
the price of gas was somewhat above that of crude oil.
The delayed response of gas prices to the 1973-74
run-up in the real price of crude in the United States
can be observed in chart 1. In 1977-78, however, when
real oil prices flattened out, the price of gas changed
little, despite the considerable leeway exhibited ear­
lier for regulated real gas prices to rise. From mid-1981
to mid-1982, when real crude prices fell, the rise in
natural gas prices slowed sharply. Such casual evi­
dence raises doubts about the usefulness of extrapolat-

In some essential respects (i. e ., at the margin), natu­
ral gas was decontrolled in November 1979 when the
wellhead prices of new (discovered since February 19,
1977), deep (15,000 feet or more), and other high-cost
gas were totally decontrolled by NGPA.b On the other

°The crude oil price is adjusted to reflect the actual cost of oil to
refiners rather than domestic selling prices. The difference arises
from the entitlement system. The entitlement adjustment simply
adds the differential between the logarithm of the composite re­
finer acquistion cost of crude oil and the domestic refiner acquisi­
tion cost to the logarithm of the PPI for crude oil.

'’See Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of
Energy, Annual R eport to Congress (1981b), pp. 2-3 , for a sched­
ule of ceiling prices under NGPA. Of course, imports of natural
gas, especially from Canada and Mexico, are free of U.S. wellhead
price controls and tend to be priced according to the world price of
oil. Such imports generally have been less than 5 percent of con­

Digitized for 22

ing “controlled” natural gas prices upward based upon
regulatory allowances.

T he E ffect o f Price D econtrol on the U.S.
Natural Gas Market


hand, some categories of natural gas remain subject to
wellhead price ceilings that will likely be effective well
beyond this decade.' For the purposes of the analysis
in this article, decontrol refers to the complete aban­
donment of wellhead price regulation and the repeal of
FUA. The hypotheses developed below already apply
to post-1977 developments under phased decontrol.
There are two shortage-creating effects of any price
control program that holds a price below its marketclearing level. The first effect is that less of that good
will be produced than would be at the higher price.
Removing the controls increases the quantities sup­
plied. In the case of natural gas, this potential incre­
ment to supply comes from three sources: (1) known
gas deposits recoverable at higher cost but not profit­
able to produce at the current controlled price— or
more profitable to produce later when prices are ex­
pected to be higher; (2) suspected gas deposits whose
anticipated development and production cost could
not be covered at current prices; (3) a shift in produc­
tion techniques so that currently producing oil wells
would produce, at a higher price of gas relative to that
of crude oil, less oil and more gas.
The second effect of a price control program is that a
larger quantity of that good will be demanded than at
the higher market-clearing price so that, to be effec­
tive, the price control program must involve an alloca­
tion or rationing scheme. Evidence of this rationing is
apparent in the different prices in the infrastate and
the interstate markets.
During the 1960-78 period, the intrastate natural
gas markets were free of controls so that purchasers
could avoid rationing by paying a market clearing
price— limited only by the cost of competing fuels—
and suppliers could respond to these higher prices.8 Of
course, the diversion of supplies to this market inten­
sified the shortage in the regulated interstate market.
The intrastate market, primarily in Texas, Oklahoma

'See Paul Bennett and Debra Kuenstner, “Natural Gas Controls
and Decontrol,” Federal Reserve Bank of New York Q uarterly
Review (Winter 1981-82), pp. 50-60. They cite studies indicating
that by 1990, 28 to 38 percent of natural gas would remain con­
trolled under NGPA.
fu rth erm ore, the availability of gas at a market clearing price in
these intrastate markets probably induced some firms to relocate.
The lower likelihood of interrupted natural gas simplifies produc­
tion decisions and long-range planning by reducing energy uncer­
tainty. This is part of the favorable impact of natural gas deregula­
tion on the Northeast region predicted by Joseph Kalt, Henry Lee
and Robert A. Leone, N atural G as D econtrol: A N ortheast Indu s­
trial P ersp ectiv e (Energy and Environmental Policy Center,
Harvard University, July 1982).


Table 3

Natural Gas Price Paid by Electric
Utilities in Interstate and Intrastate
Markets (dollars per 1000 cubic feet)
and Residual Fuel Oil Price



Interstate gas2





Intrastate gas2





Residual fuel oil3






1NGPA was enacted in 1978 bringing the intrastate natural gas
price under federal control.
2Taken from Richard P. O'Neil, “The Interstate and Intrastate
Natural Gas Markets,” Monthly Energy Review (January 1982),
table 3, p. vii. Prices given there (per million BTU) were converted
by estimated BTU per 1000 cubic feet.
3The price of residual fuel oil to steam electric utility plants (cents
per million BTU) converted to dollars per 1000 cubic feet. The
1970-72 data are estimated using the producer price index for
residual fuel oil.
SOURCE: Monthly Energy Review.

and Louisiana, had gas prices during this period sub­
stantially in excess of the interstate market.
As shown in table 3, electric utilities willingly paid a
much higher price for natural gas in the intrastate
market than they paid in the interstate market. Note
that the average price of gas in the intrastate market
was close to the BTU-equi valent cost of fuel oil. When
NGPA brought the intrastate market under federal
price control, the difference between the intra- and
interstate prices effectively was nullified. The implica­
tion of the earlier, sharply higher, uncontrolled intra­
state gas prices and the recent discrepancy between
the price of fuel oil and the prices of gas is that gas has
been inefficiently allocated to lower-valued uses.9

T h e Conventional Analysis o f D econtrol
Most analyses of natural gas deregulation have
assumed that, measured on a BTU basis, the price of
natural gas and fuel oil at the burner-tip would be
equated and that the price of natural gas would rise to
equality with an unchanged fuel oil price. The under­
lying presumption has been that natural gas and petro­
leum fuels are highly substitutable for gas; thus, it is
argued that deregulation would cause natural gas well­
head prices to rise until delivered gas prices, especially
9See Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of
Energy, Analysis o f E con om ic E ffects o f A ccelera ted D eregulation
o f N atural G as P rices (August 1981), p. 28.




Table 4

A Conventional Analysis of Natural Gas Decontrol—Constant
Oil Prices (IV/1981)




Price of residual fuel oil delivered
to steam electric utility plants




Price of natural gas, steam
electric utility plants




Wellhead price of natural gas





Price of natural gas, average
residential heating






’ Conversion factors:
Residual fuel oil, 6.244 thousand BTU/barrel
Natural gas-electric utilities, 1,034 BTU/cubic foot
Natural gas-production, 1,026 BTU/cubic foot
Natural gas-residential, 1,026 BTU/cubic foot
SOURCE: Monthly Energy Review (September 1982).

for utilities and industrial users, are equivalent to the
price of fuel oil.
As shown in table 1, electric utilities use a significant
share of U.S. natural gas. In addition, natural gas is an
important source of fuel for the generation of electric­
ity. Natural gas, which constituted 18.7 percent of the
energy input used by electric utilities in 1973, declined
to 14.0 percent in 1978 before NGPA loosened quan­
titative restraints on gas use and allowed this pro­
portion to rise back to 15 percent by 1981. In 1973,
petroleum was slightly less important in electric utility
production, remained so until 1975, briefly became
relatively larger than gas use in 1976-78, then declined
sharply to 1981 as a share of electric utility energy
consumption. Thus, utilities will have a strong impact
on natural gas pricing with decontrol.
In table 4, an analysis of natural gas decontrol is
constructed using the set of energy prices prevailing at
the end of 1981; this can be referred to as the conven­
tional analysis because it assumes that oil prices will be
unaffected by decontrol. In the table, the price of
natural gas for electric utilities is assumed to rise to that
of residual fuel oil on a BTU-equivalent basis. The
resulting rise in the price of natural gas limits the
increase in wellhead prices under decontrol to $2.22
per thousand cubic feet (mcf), a doubling of such
prices. At the residential level, such a wellhead price
increase would raise the delivered price from $4.85/
mcf to $7.07/mcf, about a 46 percent increase.


A recent estimate of the price effects of continued
phased decontrol (NGPA continuing after 1984) indi­
cates an addition to overall nominal and relative energy
prices of 1.2 percent per year, adding less than 0.1
percent to the rate of increase in the GNP deflator from
1982 through 1986. With complete decontrol in early
1983, but with energy prices the same as at the end of
1981, the price level would rise 0.4 percent within
about one year, so that the inflation rate temporarily
would be 0.4 percentage points higher.10
This price level effect arises because higher real
energy costs reduce productivity or potential output
through reduced energy usage and increased obsoles­
cence of domestic capital and labor resources. The
extent of these effects is trivial in comparison to the
effects of the two OPEC energy shocks in 1973-74 and
More important, however, this analytic approach is
itself woefully incomplete, because it ignores the
efficiency gains in the use of existing natural gas and
the effects of decontrol on the world energy market. In
particular, potential users of natural gas value it far
more highly than indicated by the controlled price,
and decontrol provides incentives to make it available.

10Immediate decontrol also removes the relatively trivial upward
adjustment in the prices of goods and services that otherwise
would have continued under the control solution of phased decon­
trol. See Ott and Tatom, “Are There Adverse Inflation Effects?”


As a result, total energy is more abundant and should
become cheaper relative to all other goods and ser­
vices. Yet, in the conventional analysis, the reverse

Industrial users and electric utilities currently are
restricted in their purchases of natural gas. As a result,
they are forced to use fuels like oil or coal that are more
costly. In many industrial processes and in electric
generation, fuel substitution possibilities are tech­
nically unlim ited, but additional gas cannot be
obtained due to direct legal restrictions. The contribu­
tion of energy to the value of output is correctly mea­
sured by the price of oil that firms pay, and this is the
relevant measure of fuel cost that enters into the deter­
mination of prices of output including electricity. Such
firms could profitably pay up to the current price of fuel
oil for the energy equivalent in natural gas; for each
unit of gas substituted, oil use and oil imports would
decline by the amount of oil that is not purchased.
Currently, some residential users are not allowed
access to natural gas. As a result, they too are forced to
rely on higher-cost fuel alternatives. Like industrial or
utility users, they would be willing and able to pay
much more for gas than the current price, and, if such a
switch were allowed, they would reduce their pur­
chases of higher-cost alternative fuels such as electric­
ity, fuel oil or coal.11
With no change in natural gas production, decontrol
would lead to gains in efficiency and aggregate output,
and lower prices of final goods and services. Higher
prices of natural gas would tend to reduce gas use by
those who currently are able to obtain all the gas they
wish to use. This gas would be diverted to users who
value natural gas more highly, but can only buy gas if
residential and commercial customers do not. Overall
energy prices clearly will fall for purchasers who cur­
rently cannot buy gas or are limited in their ability to
purchase it, and they will reduce their reliance on
higher-cost alternative fuels.
u Bennett and Kuenstner, “Natural Gas Controls” show that the
number of annual new residential gas customers declined sharply
after 1970, from about 800,000 per year from 1960-69 to under
400.000 per year from 1975-77. Following phased decontrol and
its attendant supply increases, hook-ups rose by more than
200.000 per year from 1978-80. Conversions to residential gas
heating also were rationed under controls, declining from about
400.000 per year from 1960-69 to under 100,000 in 1977. Subse­
quently, these conversions surged to almost 600,000 per year bv
1980. '


These substitutions reduce the demand for OPEC
oil. Given the pattern of use of natural gas, differences
in the responsiveness of demand by residential and
other users of natural gas, and prices that prevailed at
the end of 1981, for each 1 percent rise in the delivered
price of natural gas for industrial and electric utility
purchasers, the demand for OPEC oil would decline
by 0.4 percent.12
Decontrol allows gas prices to rise, providing an
incentive to boost domestic gas production and dis­
place some of the U.S. and world oil demand with U.S.
gas, further reducing the demand for OPEC oil. D e­
control also increases the responsiveness of U.S. gas
and energy supplies to changes in the world price of
oil. A domestic price ceiling on domestic natural gas
results in a completely unresponsive or inelastic sup­
ply of gas. Producers market only the amount that is
profitable to produce at the fixed price. Increases or
decreases in the world price of oil or energy result in no
direct changes in the incentive to produce domestic
gas. When the price ceiling is lifted, the responsive­
ness of demand facing other producers of energy, espe­
cially OPEC, rises, putting downward pressure on
their prices.
A price leader, dominant firm in an industry, or a
cartel is limited in its incentive to raise prices by the
supply response of other producers and by the demand
response of purchasers, since higher prices reduce the
quantities demanded and increase the quantities sup­
plied by competitors.13 The OPEC cartel has benefited
12This estimate is derived in Ott and Tatom, “Are There Adverse
Inflation Effects?” based on econometric evidence in Robert S.
Pindyck, The Structure o f W orld Energy Demand (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Press, 1979).
13The relevant theory of pricing applied here for the O PEC cartel is
often referred to as the theory of the dominant firm. This is the
theoretical basis for the results in Ott and Tatom, “Are There
Adverse Inflation Effects?”. For a more detailed discussion, see
George J. Stigler, The Organization o f Industry (Richard D.
Irwin, Inc., 1968) or his The Theory o f Price, 3rd ed. (Macmillan,
1966), especially chapter 13, appendix B and mathematical note 7.
This theory has been used for OPEC in the studies cited in
footnote 1 above, and in John A. Tatom, “Energy Prices and
Capital Formation, 1972-1977,” this Review (May 1979), pp. 8-9;
Steven E . Plaut, “O PEC Is Not a Cartel, ” Challenge (NovemberDecember 1981), pp. 18-24; and Rodney T. Smith, “In Search of
the ‘Just’ U. S. Oil Policy: A Review of Arrow and Kalt and More,
J ournal o f Business (January 1981), pp. 87-116. Other discussions
of OPEC pricing behavior include those in William D. Nordhaus,
“Oil and Economic Performance in Industrial Countries,” B rook­
ings Papers on Economic Activity (2: 1980), pp. 341-99; Robert S.
Pindyck, “Some Long-Term Problems in O PEC Oil Pricing,”
Journal o f Energy and Development (Spring 1979), pp. 259-72; E.
Hnyilicza and R. S. Pindyck, “Pricing Policies for a two-part
exhaustible resource cartel: The case of O P E C ,” European E co­
nomic Review (August 1976), pp. 139-54; and Philip K. Verleger,
“The Determinants of Official O PEC Crude Prices, ” The Review
o f Economics and Statistics (May 1982), pp. 177-83.




other producers will produce and sell as much of their
products as they desire given the economic environ­
ment, including the OPEC oil price. Thus, OPEC
faces a derived demand that, at each price of oil, is the
difference between world demand for oil and the ener­
gy supply of other producers.

Figure 1

The Demand for OPEC Oil

Given factors other than price that influence the
demand for OPEC oil, a demand curve such as that
shown in figure 1 can be derived. At higher prices,
OPEC demand is smaller, because some competing
producers of oil produce more and purchasers of world
oil buy less. The latter reaction arises for two reasons:
some users restrict activities in which they use oil, and
other users switch to a more abundant supply from
competing non-oil energy producers. OPEC, a domi­
nant firm, sets its price for oil, taking these interactions
into account as well as its cost of producing oil so as to
maximize wealth (essentially the present value of its oil
reserves). At such an optimal price, Pj in figure 1,
OPEC producers sell all the oil demanded of them.
(b arrels/ye ar)

from U.S. natural gas price controls because its price
increases are not automatically matched by increased
U.S. natural gas prices that would evoke larger gas
supplies, and because the demand for OPEC oil is
larger under U.S. natural gas price controls. As a re­
sult, OPEC has found it attractive to raise prices more
than they would have if U.S. energy producers could
compete with O P E C .14
Three factors, then, lower the world price of oil
under U.S. natural gas decontrol: interfuel substitu­
tion, increased domestic energy production, and an
increased responsiveness of U. S . energy production to
changes in the world price of oil. These factors reduce
the demand for OPEC oil and raise the responsiveness
of the demand for OPEC oil to OPEC price changes.
The effects on the demand for OPEC oil and its price
arise from some simple considerations of economic
theory. World energy prices have been determined
largely by OPEC oil prices since 1973; OPEC faces
competition, however, from competing producers of
oil, as well as from producers of close substitutes such
as natural gas, coal and nuclear power. In this environ­
ment, a cartel acts as a “dominant firm,” realizing that
1'The analysis here assumes that O PEC acts as a dominant firm, but
is unaffected if only some members of O PEC are the residual
suppliers and price-setters while others are “priee-takers, that is,
producing all they desire at the OPEC price, like non-OPEC
producers of oil.


As a result of an effective ceiling price of natural gas,
the supply of U.S. natural gas is smaller, and the U.S.
and world demand for oil is larger than it otherwise
would be. In addition, the responsiveness of world oil
demand to changes in the OPEC price is reduced. The
OPEC demand is larger (the curve is further to the
right) and steeper under price controls. When the
OPEC price rises above Pi, world oil demand and the
residual portion facing OPEC cannot fall as much be­
cause there can be no increase in U.S. natural gas to
compete with OPEC oil at higher energy prices.
Decontrol would reduce the component of U .S.,
world and OPEC oil demand created by controlled
natural gas prices. The demand would shift from D to
D' in figure 2. Moreover, the responsiveness of OPEC
demand would be increased so that the demand at
price P : would become more responsive to OPEC
price changes than under price controls. At any price,
OPEC would find that their total receipts were more
responsive to price changes. If the OPEC price is
raised from Pj along D ', U.S. natural gas prices would
respond to individuals’ attempts to use more gas and
less oil, and U.S. natural gas producers would respond
by producing more. If the OPEC price were lowered,
sales of OPEC oil would expand more because some
energy users would switch from U.S. natural gas to oil,
natural gas prices would fall in line with oil, and U.S.
natural gas producers would cut back production.
Both types of changes in the demand for OPEC oil
would induce a lower price. Reductions in the market
share of a dominant firm cause a bigger wealth loss if



Fi gure 2

U.S. Natural Gas Decontrol and Demand for OPEC Oil
OPEC oil

crude to some purchasers. At a price above the con­
trolled price received by sellers of domestic crude but
below the import price, any purchaser could buy as
much or as little crude oil as desired.
In other respects, however, the analysis is virtually
the same: decontrol allowed domestic production and
prices to be responsive to world prices. As a result, the
demand for OPEC oil fell, given the OPEC price, as
U.S. oil purchasers reduced quantities demanded and
U.S. producers expanded the quantities supplied.
More important, the effective responsiveness of U.S.
oil producers to changes in OPEC prices was in­
creased. Thus, the demand for OPEC oil shifted as
described in figure 2, leftward and flatter. Both
changes reduced the OPEC price.

( $ / ba rr el)




OPEC oil
(b a r r e l s / y e a r )

prices are kept the same than if some of its market
share is recouped by lowering the oil price somewhat
and passing the revenue loss on to competing produc­
ers of oil and energy. In effect, OPEC would replace
the output of their competitors as well as filling any
increase in energy demand due to the lower energy
prices with enlarged OPEC production. In addition,
the revenue increase from any OPEC price cut would
be enhanced, because OPEC could displace high-cost
U.S. natural gas through their pricing actions.

An E a rlier Exam ple: U.S. C ru d e Oil
The decontrol of the U.S. market for crude oil in
February 1981 provides a useful test of these hypoth­
eses.15 In that instance, the analysis is simpler and the
effects are smaller than would be the case with natural
gas decontrol. Prior to decontrol, domestic crude oil
prices were determined through an entitlement sys­
tem so that oil sold for the same weighted average price
for almost all purchasers, regardless of the source.
Thus, the allocation of controlled oil was more efficient
than is currently the case with natural gas; each pur­
chaser paid the same price for crude oil. This meant
there was no artificially induced demand for crude oil
created by restricting the availability of the controlled
loSee also Tatom, “Energy and Its Impact on Economic Growth.”

The sequence of oil price movements in the United
States following decontrol was dramatic. In February
1981, the cost of imported crude oil to refineries was
$39.00 per barrel, while the cost of domestic oil in
January, the month prior to decontrol, was $32.71 per
barrel. At the time of decontrol, there was concern that
domestic prices of oil would rise to eliminate the dis­
crepancy between domestic and imported oil. The
domestic oil cost did rise, but peaked at $36.97 per
barrel in March. The world price, however, fell steadi­
ly, as did the domestic price after March. Within five
months, the average cost of crude oil had fallen below
its level in the month before decontrol. In June 1982,
the average refiner acquisition cost was below the con­
trolled domestic price in January 1981; that is, the
free-market U.S. price and the world price were lower
than the controlled U.S. price had been in the month
before decontrol. From the first quarter of 1981, when
decontrol occurred, to the third quarter of 1982, the
refiner acquisition cost of imported oil fell 14.4 per­
cent, despite a rise in the U.S. price level of 9.7
percent; that is, the real price of imported or world oil
has fallen 22 percent since decontrol.
Some observers attribute the recent decline in real
oil and energy costs to the worldwide recession rather
than the decontrol of the U.S. crude oil market. Such a
view is inconsistent with the historical evidence. Be­
fore 1974, the producer price index for crude oil and for
fuels, related products and power (deflated by the
implicit price deflator for business sector output) ex­
hibited no cyclical tendencies, at least in terms of a
significant statistical relationship to measures of slack
such as the Federal Reserve Board index of capacity
utilization or the unemployment rate.
Chart 2 shows the U.S. refiner acquisition cost of
imported oil deflated by the business sector deflator



Chart 2

R e a l O i l Prices 11
(1972 d o llars)







|J_ R e fin e r a c q u is itio n c o st o f im p o r te d c r u d e o il d e f l a t e d




b y th e im p lic it p r ic e d e f l a t o r fo r

p r iv a te b u s in e s s .

from 1974 to the second quarter of 1982. The real price
of oil during the period of OPEC control has not been
cyclical, contrary to the recent cyclical explanation of
falling OPEC prices. For example, a cyclical view
would have required a falling price in the 1974—75
recession and rising prices during the cyclical expan­
sion from 1976 to 1980. Contrary to this view, chart 2
shows a slight downtrend in prices from 1974 to the
end of 1978, a sharp rise in 1979 and early 1980 and
again in early 1981. Until the first quarter of 1981, the
pattern is easily explained by a moderate erosion of the


dominant firm’s market share in the oil and energy
markets due to competition and then, when the output
of Iran and Iraq declined sharply after 1978, by a major
rise in demand faced by other OPEC members.16
leCyclical movements in world oil prices, however, are not inconsis­
tent with the underlying economic theory. Given prices, a cyclical
decline in world oil demand falls principally on the O PEC market
share. Because the responsiveness of demand for OPEC oil is
raised by such a change, a cyclically lower world price would be
optimal. The point above, however, is that the possibility for such
cyclical movements has been dominated by other developments.



Table 5

Energy Price Effects of Natural Gas Decontrol
Alternative Assumptions of the Own-Price
Elasticity of Natural Gas Supply, eG
U.S. price of natural gas
Electric utilities
Residential heating
World price of crude oil
U.S. price of energy
(fuel, related products and power)






-1 2 .7 %
- 7 .8

-2 2 .5

-2 5 .5

-3 7 .9

-4 9 .4

- 9 .2

-1 1 .8

-2 2 .4

-4 1 .6

The extent of the decline in the world price of oil due
to decontrol depends on the responsiveness of OPEC
oil demand to changes in the OPEC price, the respon­
siveness of U.S. natural gas supply to changes in the
U. S. price of natural gas, and the effect of decontrol on
the former. The OPEC oil demand is more responsive
(elastic) to changes in the OPEC price, the larger the
responses of world demand for oil or competitors’
energy supplies to changes in the OPEC price, or the
smaller the market share of the price-setter in the
world oil market.
Many behavioral parameters are required to esti­
mate the pattern of oil and gas price changes that occur
when decontrol closes the gap between oil and gas
prices. Depending on the magnitude of these param­
eters, the gap will be closed by relatively more down­
ward pressure on oil prices, and less upward pressure
on gas prices. Indeed, if the responsiveness of U.S.
natural gas supply is large enough, the gap will be
closed, with oil prices declining to equal a lower price
of U.S. natural gas.
For a broad range of parameter estimates, the price
of natural gas rises substantially less than a convention­
al estimate like that in table 4. More important, under
no plausible conditions does the overall index of ener­
gy prices rise due to decontrol; the depressing effect of
decontrol on the world oil price and, hence, on the
prices of all petroleum products and other competing
energy sources outweighs any upward effect of decon­
trol on the price of U.S. natural gas.1'
‘ 'The downward pressure on oil prices dominates any upward
pressure on gas prices because, while U.S. production of oil and


For example, table 5 reports the percentage changes
in the U.S. relative price of natural gas, the world
relative price of crude oil, the U.S. relative price of
energy, and the price of gas for residential heating with
some standard assumptions about the relevant
responses.18 The effect of the size of responses of U.S.
natural gas supply to changes in its price, the ownprice elasticity of U.S. natural gas supply ( ) , is shown
by considering four values ranging from no response
whatsoever (
is 0), to a fairly sizable response (
2).19 The first column of table 5 shows that, for a
completely unresponsive natural gas supply, the gap
between gas and oil prices is closed by fairly similar
e g

e g

e g

gas are similar on a BTU basis, oil consumption is much larger,
especially in production of marketed output. The hypothesized
decline in overall energy prices due to decontrol is quite robust
and virtually independent of parameter assumptions. In the
appendix to Ott and Tatom, “Are There Adverse Inflation
Effects?” equation 1.6, sufficient (not necessary) conditions for a
fall in energy prices are that the U.S. elasticity of supply of natural
gas exceed that for oil and that the elasticity of demand for OPEC
oil is less than 2. Of the many unresolved debates on the size of
energy market parameters, these two are perhaps the most readily
agreed upon.
18These assumptions include an elasticity of world oil demand of
0.5, an elasticity of supply for competitors of 0.2, and a market
share for OPEC set at the relatively low level in IV/1981 of 39
percent. The latter assumption reduces the magnitude of the oil
price response substantially. Alternative parameter values are
discussed in the appendix to Ott and Tatom, “Are There Adverse
Inflation Effects?”.
19The percentage change in the supply of U.S. natural gas is a
function of the percentage point rise in its price, so that a 10
percent rise in the U.S. natural gas price is assumed to increase
supply by 0 percent, 2 percent, 10 percent or 20 percent, if eGis 0,
0.2, 1.0 or 2.0, respectively. Paul A. MacAvoy and Robert S.
Pindyck, “Alternative Regulatory Policies for Dealing with the
Natural Gas Shortage,” The Bell Jou rn al o f Economics and Man­
agement Science (Autumn 1973), pp. 454-98, and MacAvoy and
Pindyck, The Economics o f the Natural Gas Shortage, present
evidence that shows this elasticity is unity under a phased decon­
trol experiment. Under immediate decontrol, it would be larger
for reasons given in footnote 2.



increases in the price of natural gas for electric utilities
and decreases in world oil prices. Even without a
response by U.S. natural gas producers to decontrol,
energy prices decline.
At the other extreme in which natural gas supply is
quite responsive, all prices are shown to decline sub­
stantially; the decline in energy prices is about the
same magnitude as the increases associated with each
of the two OPEC price shocks since 1973. There exists
an intermediate supply elasticity, an Eg of 1.6, at which
the natural gas price would be the same after decontrol
as its controlled level.20 Focusing on the middle elas­
ticities, most of the effect of decontrol is to lower oil
prices rather than raise gas prices, with energy prices
declining by between one-eighth and one-quarter.
The macroeconomic effects of decontrol are con­
siderably smaller and less sensitive to the parameter
assumptions. Natural gas decontrol, based on prices
prevailing at the end of 1981, would lower the relative
price of energy. The principal macroeconomic effects
would be to lower the general level of prices and to
raise potential output. For the middle two cases in
table 5, the price level quickly declines 1.1 to 2.2
percent, so that a like reduction temporarily occurs in
the inflation rate in the year following decontrol.
Capacity output and productivity are raised by similar
amounts equally quickly. Due to a rise in the profitabil­
ity of plant and equipment associated with lower ener­
gy prices, investment also would be raised temporari­
ly, further increasing capacity output and productivity.
The long-run effect of natural gas decontrol is to raise
capacity output and productivity by 1.5 to 3 percent.

Natural gas decontrol cannot raise the price level. To
raise prices of goods and services, decontrol would
have to raise the relative price of energy resources and,
thereby, reduce real output. The relative price of ener­
gy is determined in world markets and is based on the
scarcity of energy resources. Since decontrol cannot
reduce the energy supply, it cannot raise energy prices
or the price level.
We have examined the conventional analysis of de­
control that assumes real oil prices are unaffected by
2<)Intriguinglv, an estimated elasticity of supply of new gas of 1.6 for
the Oklahoma intrastate market was obtained by Chong Liew and
Donald Murry, “An Econometric Model of The Intrastate Gas
Market in Oklahoma,” in Paul R. Lowry and Shirley Stanphill,

Regional Supply and Demand o f Coal and Petroleum f o r Energy
Production (Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Mem­
phis State University, 1979).



U.S. energy policy. Under this worst-case scenario,
wellhead prices would double, and delivered prices of
natural gas would rise under immediate decontrol by
up to 50 percent, raising the general level of prices by
about 0.4 percent within one year, temporarily adding
a like amount to measured inflation. When the effect of
increased competition in world energy markets is
taken into account, however, such a conclusion is re­
versed. Decontrol reduces the demand for OPEC oil,
lowering the world price of oil and energy prices in the
United States, even if natural gas prices are higher.
Increases in natural gas prices are not even inevitable.
Plausible values of the elasticity of U.S. natural gas
supply could lead to a substantial increase in competi­
tion in the world energy market and lower the optimal
price for world oil by more than the existing discrepan­
cy between gas and oil prices.
The confusion over the price effects of natural gas
decontrol arises from an incorrect analogy to the two
surges in the real price of OPEC oil over the past
decade. Decontrol of gas reduces the scarcity of energy
resources rather than increasing it, so the correct anal­
ogy is the experience with decontrol of the U.S. crude
petroleum market in 1981, which lowered world ener­
gy prices.
Relative gas prices may fall under decontrol but the
more likely scenario is that they will rise 9.3 percent to
27.5 percent in relation to the prices of goods and ser­
vices generally, while overall relative energy prices, as
a result, will decline by about 12 percent to 25 percent.
The analysis of energy effects on the macroeconomy
leads to the conclusion that potential output will be
raised as a result of decontrol by 1.5 percent to 3
percent, and the general level of prices would tend to
be 1.1 percent to 2.2 percent lower than otherwise
within about one year of full decontrol.
We have not been concerned here with the distribu­
tional implications of natural gas decontrol, but the
general pattern of adjustments includes switching from
gas to other forms of energy in many areas of produc­
tion (and in residential uses), while users of gas that
currently are constrained, especially industrial users
and electric utilities, will tend to switch toward gas.
The distributional effects of decontrol that arise from
this broader analysis indicate that the issue is not con­
sumers versus energy producers.21
21For a discussion of distribution effects of natural gas decontrol
under the conventional assumption that oil prices are unaffected,
see J. A. Stockfisch, “The Income Distribution Effects ofa Natural
Gas Price Increase,” Contem porary Policy Issues, a supplement
to Economic Inquiry (October 1982), pp. 9-25. For interregional
distribution effects, see Kalt, Lee and Leone, “Natural Gas De­
control: A Northeast Industrial Perspective.”


Some consumers (those who use relatively more gas
and relatively less electricity, coal, oil and oil products
both directly and in the goods and services they pur­
chase) are likely to be affected adversely by natural gas
decontrol. Other consumers (for example, users of rel­
atively more gasoline and electricity both directly and
in the goods and services they purchase) will benefit
from decontrol.
Among energy producers, it is important to distin­
guish owners of wells from processors. Processors,


such as gas pipeline companies and gas distribution
companies, will likely face reduced profit margins
temporarily and smaller markets, while gas well own­
ers could gain by decontrol. In the oil sector, the
refiners’ market would tend to expand, improving
profit margins temporarily, while owners of oil wells
(including O PEC wells) will tend to be affected
adversely by the removal of the component of their
demand created by the regulatory constraint on com­