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JUNE 1979

Alternative Measures of the
Monetary Base
Do Rising U.S. Interest Rates
Imply A Stronger Dollar? .

V ol. 61, N o. 6


Alternative Measures of the Monetary Base

J3 e C A U S E this Bank has long considered the
monetary base an important variable in economic
analysis, it has published monetary base data since Au­
gust 1968 and has published numerous articles explain­
ing the derivation of the monetary base and its uses in
monetary analysis.1 Several months ago, the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System (BOG) be­
gan publishing monetary base data in their H.3 and
H.9 Statistical Releases and in the Federal Reserve Bul­
letin. Beginning on March 16, 1979, they published
two monetary base series: a level series which did not
incorporate the effects of reserve requirement changes
and a growth rate series which incorporated such
effects. Since the St. Louis series is adjusted for these
effects, this Bank designated it the “Adjusted Mone­
tary Base” to facilitate a clearer public differentiation
between the alternative monetary base levels then
being published. On June 15, 1979, the BOG began
publishing the adjusted monetary base from which
their previously published growth rate series had
been derived.
There are several important differences among the
various monetary base series now being published.
'This Bank publishes monetary base data in its weekly publi­
cation, “U.S. Financial Data,” and its monthly publication,
“Monetary Trends.” See also Leonall C. Andersen and Jerry
L. Jordan, “The Monetary Base — Explanation and Analytical
Use,” this Review (August 1968), pp. 7-11; Albert E. Burger,
Lionel Kalish III, and Christopher T. Babb, “Money Stock
Control and Its Implications for Monetary Policy,” this Review
(October 1971), pp. 6-22; Albert E. Burger, “Explanation of
the Growth of the Money Stock: 1974-Early 1975,” this Re­
view (September 1975), pp. 5-10; Albert E. Burger, “The
Relationship Between Monetary Base and Money: How

This article explains the key distinctions between the
series in order to clarify the public’s understanding
of these differences.

Computation of the Unadjusted Monetary
Base: Similarities and Differences
The St. Louis unadjusted base and the unadjusted
monetary base initially published by the BOG have
much in common. The basic components of both are
(1) member bank deposits at Federal Reserve Banks
and (2) currency in circulation, which consists of
currency held by the nonbank public and vault cash
in commercial banks. Also, as shown in Table I, the
largest “source” of the unadjusted monetary base is
Federal Reserve holdings of Government securities,
which accounts for about 80 percent of the total.
Two minor ways in which computation of the St.
Louis and the BOG unadjusted monetary base differ
are in the methods of (1) treatment of member bank
vault cash and (2) seasonal adjustment of data. They
differ primarily in the degree of emphasis placed on
the “sources” relative to the “uses” of the monetary
Close?” this Review (October 1975), pp. 3-8; Leonall C.
Andersen, “Selection of a Monetary Aggregate for Economic
Stabilization,” this Review (October 1975), pp. 9-15; Anatol
B. Balbach and Albert E. Burger, “Derivation of the Mone­
tary Base,” this Review (November 1976), pp. 2-8; Albert E.
Burger and Robert H. Rasche, “Revision of the Monetary
Base,” this Review (July 1977), pp. 13-23; and Leonall C.
Andersen and Denis S. Kamosky, “Some Considerations in the
Use of the Monetary Aggregates for the Implementation of
Monetary Policy,” this Review (September 1977), pp. 2-7.
Page 3




T a b le 1

Sources a n d Uses o f the U nadju sted M o n e t a r y B a s e 1
( M illio n s of D o lla rs)
U se s

S o u rc e s2

M e m b e r B a n k D e p osits at Fed eral Reserve B a n k s

Fed eral Reserve Credit
H o ld in g s o f G o ve rn m e n t Securities

$ 1 1 4 ,9 6 3

D iscou nts a n d A d v a n c e s

1 ,3 9 6


6 ,4 0 7

O th e r Fed e ral Reserve A sse ts

$ 2 9 ,8 4 4

C urren cy in C ircu lation

6 ,2 8 8

C u rre n cy H eld b y the Public
V a u lt C a sh o f B a n k s
U n a d ju ste d M o n e ta r y B a se

1 0 1 ,7 0 0
1 4 ,1 0 0
$ 1 4 5 ,6 4 4

O th e r Sou rces of M o n e ta r y B a se
G o ld Stock

1 1 ,3 2 8

S p e cia l D ra w in g Rights
T re a su ry C u rre n cy O u t s ta n d in g
T re a su ry D e p osits at Fed eral Reserve B a n k s

1 ,8 0 0
1 2 ,3 4 9
— 3 ,2 7 0

T re a su ry C a sh H o ld in g s



Foreign D e p o sits with Federal Reserve B a n k s



O th e r Liabilities & C a p ita l A ccou nts

-4 ,2 9 3

O th e r Fed e ral Reserve D ep osits


U n a d ju ste d M o n e t a r y B ase


$ 1 4 5 ,6 4 4

Monthly averages o f daily figures fo r June 1979, not seasonally adjusted.
2The sign attached to each item indicates its direction o f influence on the monetary base. F or example, the item Treasury deposits at Federal Reserve Banks has a negative sign attached to it because an increase in these deposits reduces bank reserves and currency held by the

base (Table I). In general, these differences result in
only small divergences between the growth rates of
the two unadjusted monetary base series, as shown
in Table II.
Vault Cash — The BOG unadjusted monetary base
series includes the vault cash that member banks can
use to meet their reserve requirements in the current
week. Under the present system of lagged reserve ac­
counting, this consists of vault cash held by member
banks two weeks earlier ( the member bank vault cash
component of member bank reserves as reported in
the Federal Reserve Bulletin). Since the St. Louis un­
adjusted monetary base is computed from a balance
sheet identity (the sources of the base equal its uses),
the current week’s member bank vault cash appears
in this series.
Seasonal Adjustment — The monetary base is “used”
by commercial banks as member bank reserves and
vault cash held by nonmember banks, and is also
“used” by the nonbank public as currency. These items
represent the demand for the base. The Board of
Governors seasonally adjusts each of these three use
components of the base separately, then totals them
to obtain its unadjusted monetary base. In contrast,
the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis focuses on the
“sources” of the monetary base, which reflect the
factors that change the total amount of base supplied

Page 4

to the public and banks. Consequently, the source
components of the base are first totalled (with ap­
propriate sign), then this total is seasonally adjusted.

The Rationale for Adjusting the Monetary
Base for Changes in Reserve Requirements
The monetary base has three main characteristics
that make it useful in monetary analysis. First, it com­
prises the set of assets that constrain the amount of
money supplied to the public. Second, it can be
measured and controlled on a short-term basis by the
Federal Reserve. Finally, it can be used as a sum- ’
mary measure of the net effect of Federal Reserve
actions on the money stock.2
The monetary base incorporates the effects of two
of the three major direct Federal Reserve actions that
influence the money stock: open market operations
(changes in Federal Reserve holdings of Government
2In the Report of the Advisory Committee on Monetary Statis­
tics, “Improving the Monetary Aggregates,” Board of Gov­
ernors of the Federal Reserve System (June 1976), p. 8, the
Advisory Committee on Monetary Statistics acknowledged
the importance of the monetary base, noting that “it is the total
among those considered here that can probably be most ac­
curately measured and most precisely controlled by the Fed
[and] . . . this total does have the great advantage of being
less subject to influence by financial innovations than are
broader totals. Hence, we recommend that the Fed regularly
publish figures on the base . . . ”

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S


T a b le II

G ro w th

T a b le III

Rates o f the St. Louis a n d

Board of

Govern ors Unadjusted M o netary Base Series:

G row th

Rates o f the St. Louis Adjusted an d

U nadjusted M o n e ta ry Base Series.- Selected Periods

Selected Periods of Reserve Requirement

of Reserve Requirem ent C h a n g e s


(C o m p o u n d e d A n n u a l Rates)

(C o m p o u n d e d A n n u a l R ate s)


St. Louis
U n a d ju ste d
M o n e ta r y
B ase Series

B o a rd o f
G o v e rn o rs
U n ad ju ste d
M o n e ta r y
B a se S e rie s 1


1 .7 %

1 .6 %

A m o u n t of
R elea sed b y
C h a n g e s In
L e ga l Reserve
Requirem ent

0 .1 %

11/6 2 -1 / 6 3


St. Louis
A d juste d
M o n e ta r y
B a se Series

St. Louis
U n a d ju ste d
M o n e ta r y
B a se Series


1/6 3 -1 1 / 6 6

5 .4

5 .4

0 .0

11 6 2 -1 / 6 3

4 .3 %

1 .7 %

2 .6 %

I I / 6 6 - IV / 6 6

5 .4

5 .7

-0 .3

1/6 3 -1 1/6 6

5 .8

5 .4

0 .4

IV / 6 6 - II/ 6 7

3 .8


-0 .4

I I / 6 6 - IV / 6 6

3 .5

5 .4


-8 6 5

I I / 6 7 - IV / 6 7

7 .2

7 .0

0 .2

IV / 6 6 - II/ 6 7

5 .9




IV / 6 7 - 1 / 6 8

9 .0

8 .7

0 .3

I I / 6 7 - IV / 6 7

6 .8

7 .2

-0 .4

1 / 6 8 -1 / 6 9


7 .0


IV / 6 7 - 1 / 6 8

7 .3

9 .0

-1 .7

1/6 9 -1 1 / 6 9

6 .0


-0 .2

1 / 6 8 -1 / 6 9



-0 .6





-1 .3

1 / 69-11/69

3 .0

6 .0

-3 .0

-6 6 0

I I I / 6 9 - IV / 6 9

7 .6

6 .7

0 .9


3 .6




-0 .3

III/ 6 9 - IV / 6 9

5 .4

7 .6

-2 .2

-4 1 5




-5 5 0

IV / 69-111/70

5 .6

5 .9

II I / 7 0 - I / 7 3

6 .4

6 .3


IV / 6 9 - I I I / 7 0

6 .4

5 .6


I/ 7 3 -IV / 7 3

9 .8


-0 .3


8 .0

6 .4


3 ,7 0 0

IV / 7 3 - 1 / 7 7

6 .3



I/ 7 3 - I V / 7 3

7 .6

9 .8

-2 .2

-1 ,3 1 5

I/ 7 7 - I II/ 7 8


8 .9

- 0 .1

IV / 7 3 - 1 / 7 7


6 .3

2 .0

4,1 3 5


1 2 .2

1 2 .0

0 .2

I/ 7 7 - I I I / 7 8

9 .3


0 .5


III/ 7 8 - I/ 7 9

8 .0

1 2 .2

-4 .2

-3 ,0 0 0


'These growth rales are computed from the levels o f m onetary base
initially published by the Board o f Governors in the March 16, 1979
Statistical Release H.3.

securities) and Federal Reserve Bank loans to mem­
ber banks. However, it excludes the effects on the
monetary aggregates of the third major direct policy
action, changes in legal reserve requirement ratios.
If the monetary base is to be used as a measure that
summarizes the effects of all Federal Reserve actions
on the monetary aggregates, the effects of reserve re­
quirement changes must also be included in the com­
putation of the base.
If legal reserve requirement ratios were never
changed and were uniform for all banks and all
sizes of deposits, growth rates of both an adjusted
and an unadjusted monetary base would be virtually
the same. For example, there were no changes in legal
reserve requirement ratios that noticeably affected
required reserves from 1/63 to 11/66 and from 1/77
to 111/78. During these periods, the growth rates of
all of the monetary base series, both adjusted and un­
adjusted, were approximately the same (Tables II
and III).
However, whenever legal reserve requirement ratios
are changed, the growth rates of a monetary base that

incorporates these effects and one that does not in­
corporate these effects usually diverge markedly. This
is what happened, for example, at the end of 1978.
During the first ten months of that year, the growth
rate of the “base” was about 10 percent regardless of
the base measure used. However, from October 1978
to February 1979, an adjusted series indicates a decel­
eration in base growth to a 6.3 percent rate. In sharp
contrast, a growth rate calculated using the levels of
an unadjusted series, shows an acceleration in base
growth to a 12.7 percent rate. This difference occurred
in the November-December period when a change in
reserve requirement ratios on time deposits (Table
IV) increased member bank required reserves by
about $3 billion. A monetary base that incorporates
the effect of higher reserve requirements indicates
that the base grew at a 6.6 percent rate during this
period. A monetary base that does not include such
an adjustment indicates a 21.8 percent rate of growth.
This is not an isolated instance of the importance
of incorporating the impact of changes in reserve
requirements into a monetary base measure. Between
mid-1960 and early 1977, the Board of Governors made
Page 5

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S



T a b le IV

C h a n g e s in Legal Reserve Requirement Ratios


Effective D ate
Se p te m b e r 1, 1 9 6 0

The reserve requirem ent o f central reserve city b a n k s a g a in s t their net d e m a n d d e p o sits w a s reduced
from 18 percent to 1 7 % percent. This action reduced req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 1 2 0 m illion.

Novem ber 24, 1 9 6 0

T he reserve req u ire m e nt o f co un try b a n k s a g a in s t their net d e m a n d d e p o sits w a s in cre a se d from
percent to 12 percent. This action in cre a se d req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 3 8 0 m illion.

Decem ber 1, 1 9 6 0

The reserve requirem ent of central reserve city b a n k s a g a in s t their net d e m a n d d e p o sits w a s reduced
from 1 7 % percent to 1 6 % percent. This action reduced req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 2 5 0 m illion.

O cto b e r 2 5 ,

The reserve requirem ent o f reserve city b a n k s a g a in s t their time d e p o sits w a s reduced from 5 percent
to 4 percent. T his action reduced req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 4 1 0 m illion.



N o v e m b e r 1, 1 9 6 2

T he reserve requirem ent of co un try b a n k s a g a in s t their time d e p o sits w a s reduced from 5 percent to
4 percent. This action reduced req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 3 6 0 m illion.

J u ly 1 4 , 1 9 6 6

The reserve requirem ent o f reserve city b a n k s a g a in s t time d e p o sits (o th e r tha n s a v in g s d e p o sits) in
excess o f $ 5 m illion w a s in cre a se d from 4 percent to 5 percent. This action in cre a se d re q u ire d re ­
serves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 3 5 0 m illion.

J u ly 2 1 ,

The reserve req u ire m e nt o f co un try b a n k s a g a in s t time d e p o sits (oth er tha n s a v in g s d e p o sits) in
excess o f $ 5 m illion w a s in cre a se d from 4 percent to 5 percent. This a ction in cre a se d re q u ire d re ­
serves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 7 0 m illion.


Se p te m b e r 8, 1 9 6 6

The reserve requirem ent of reserve city b a n k s a g a in s t time d e p o sits (oth e r tha n s a v in g s d e p o sits)
in excess o f $ 5 m illion w a s in cre a se d from 5 percent to 6 percent. This a ction in cre a se d req u ire d
reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 3 7 0 m illion.

Se p te m b e r

The reserve requirem ent o f co un try b a n k s a g a in s t time d e p o sits (o th e r tha n s a v in g s d e p o sits) in
excess of $ 5 m illion w a s in cre a se d from 5 percent to 6 percent. This action in cre a se d req u ire d re ­
serve s a p p ro x im a te ly $ 7 5 m illion.

15, 1 9 6 6

M a rc h

2, 1 9 6 7

The reserve requirem ent o f all m em ber b a n k s a g a in s t s a v in g s d e p o sits a n d the first $ 5 m illion of
time d e p o sits w a s reduced from 4 percent to 3 %
percent. This action red u ced re q u ire d reserves
a p p ro x im a te ly $ 4 2 5 m illion.

M a rc h

16, 1 9 6 7

The reserve req u ire m e nt o f all m em ber b a n k s a g a in s t s a v in g s d e p o sits a n d the first $ 5 m illion o f
time d e p o sits w a s reduced from 3 %
percent to 3 percent. T his action reduced re q u ire d reserves
a p p ro x im a te ly $ 4 2 5 m illion.

Jan uary

11, 1 9 6 8

T he reserve requirem ent o f reserve city b a n k s a g a in s t net d e m a n d d e p o sits in excess o f $ 5 m illion
w a s in creased from 1 6 % percent to 1 7 percent. T his action in cre a se d req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly
$ 3 6 0 m illion.

J a n u a r y 1 8, 1 9 6 8

The reserve requirem ent of co u n try b a n k s a g a in s t net d e m a n d d e p o sits in excess o f $ 5 m illion w a s
in creased from 1 2 percent to 12 %
percent. T his action in creased re q u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly
$ 1 9 0 m illion.

A p ril

The reserve requirem ent of a ll m em ber b a n k s a g a in s t net d e m a n d d e p o sits w a s in crea sed
c e n ta ge point. This action in crea sed re q u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 6 6 0 m illion.

17, 1 9 6 9


p e r­

O c to b e r 1 6, 1 9 6 9

A 1 0 percent m a rg in a l reserve requirem ent w a s e sta b lish e d o n certain fo re ig n b o rro w in g s, p rim a rily
E u ro d o lla rs, b y m em ber b a n k s a n d o n the sa le o f a sse ts to their fo re ig n bra nche s. This action in ­
cre ase d req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 4 1 5 m illion.

O c to b e r 1, 1 9 7 0

The reserve requirem ent o f a ll m em ber b a n k s a g a in s t time d e p o sits (oth er than s a v in g s d e p o sits) in
excess o f $ 5 m illion w a s reduced from 6 percent to 5 percent. A t the sa m e time, a 5 p ercent re ­
serve requirem ent w a s im p ose d a g a in s t fu n d s o b ta in e d b y m em ber b a n k s th ro u g h the issu a n c e o f
com m ercial p a p e r b y their affiliates. This action reduced req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 5 0 0
m illion (n e t).

30 adjustments to legal reserve requirement ratios, as
shown in Table IV. Twenty-five of these adjustments
took place in the approximately 10-year period from
mid-1966 to early 1977. Table III shows that these
changes frequently resulted in a divergence of 2 to 3
percentage points between the growth rates of an
adjusted and an unadjusted measure of monetary base.
More important, the direction of change was usually
different — one measure indicating an acceleration in

the base, the other measure indicating a deceleration
or no change in the growth rate.
The data in Table III show a consistent relation­
ship between the difference in the growth rates of
the two base series and changes in legal reserve re­
quirements. For example, during a period when re­
serve requirement ratios were increased (denoted in
Table III by a minus sign preceding the amount of

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

Effective D ate




J a n u a r y 7, 1 9 7 1

The reserve p e rce n tage req u ire d to be m a in ta in e d a g a in s t certain fo re ig n b o rro w in g s, p rim a rily E u ro ­
d o lla rs, b y m em ber b a n k s , a n d the sa le o f a sse ts to their fo re ig n b ra n c h e s w a s ra ise d from 1 0 p e r­
cent to 2 0 percent. This action h a d little effect on req u ire d reserves.

N o v e m b e r 9, 1 9 7 2

R e g u la tio n s D a n d J w ere revised to ( 1 ) a d o p t a system o f reserve req u ire m e nts a g a in s t d e m a n d
d e p o sits o f a ll m em ber b a n k s b a se d on the a m ou n t of such d e p o sits h e ld b y a m em ber b a n k , a n d
( 2 ) to re q u ire b a n k s — m em ber a n d n on m e m b e r — to p a y cash item s p re se n te d b y a Federal
Reserve B a n k c n the d a y o f p re sen ta tion in fu n d s a v a ila b le to the Reserve B a n k o n that d a y . These
c h a n g e s reduced req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 2 . 5 b illion , effective N o v e m b e r 9 ; $ 1 . 0 b illion,
effective N o v e m b e r 1 6 ; a n d in crea sed req u ire d reserves $ 3 0 0 m illion, effective N o v e m b e r 23.

Ju n e 2 1 ,

The B o a rd a m e n d e d its R e g u la tio n D to esta b lish a m a rg in a l reserve requirem ent o f 8 percent a g a in s t
certain time d e p o sits a n d to subject to the 8 percent reserve req u ire m e nt certain d e p o sits exem pt from
the rate lim itation s of the B o a r d 's R e g u la tio n Q . In a d d itio n , reserves a g a in s t certain fo re ig n branch
d e p o sits w ere reduced from 1 0 percent to 8 percent. T he se c h a n g e s h a d little effect on req u ire d


J u ly 1 2 , 1 9 7 3

Reserve requirem ents w ere im p ose d a g a in s t finance bills. T his action in cre a se d req u ire d reserves a p ­
p ro x im a te ly $ 9 0 m illion.

J u ly 1 9 , 1 9 7 3

The reserve requirem ent a g a in s t a ll net d e m a n d d e p o sits, except the first $ 2 m illion, w a s in creased
% p e rce n ta ge point. This action in crea sed req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 7 6 0 m illion.

O cto b e r 4, 1 9 7 3

The m a rg in a l reserve req u ire m e nt a g a in s t certain time d e p o sits w a s in crea sed from
percent. This action in creased req uired reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 4 6 5 m illion.

8 percent to 11

D ecem ber 2 7 ,

The m a rg in a l reserve requirem ent a g a in s t certain time d e p o sits w a s reduced
percent. T his action reduced re q u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 3 6 0 m illion.




percent to 8

Se p te m b e r 1 9, 1 9 7 4

The m a rg in a l reserve req u ire m e nt a g a in s t time d e p o sits in d e n o m in a tio n s gre a te r tha n $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d
m ore than fo u r-m on th m aturity w a s elim ina ted. This action reduced req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly
$ 5 1 0 m illion.

D ecem ber 1 2 , 1 9 7 4

The reserve requirem ent a g a in s t a ll time d e p o sits with a n o r ig in a l m aturity of six m onths o r lo n g e r
w as red u ced from 5 percent to 3 percent; the reserve requirem ent a g a in s t a ll time d e p o sits with a n
o r ig in a l m aturity o f less than six m onths w a s in cre a se d from 5 to 6 percent; a n d the reserve re q u ire ­
m ent a g a in s t net d e m a n d d ep o sits o v e r $ 4 0 0 m illion w a s reduced from 18 percent to 1 7 % percent.
In a d d itio n , the 3 percent m a rg in a l reserve requirem ent o n la rg e certificates o f d e p o sit w ith an
initial m aturity o f less than fo u r m onths w a s rem oved. This action reduced req u ire d reserves a p p r o x i­
m ate ly $ 7 1 0 m illion.

F e b ru a ry

13, 1 9 7 5

The reserve req u ire m e nt a g a in s t a ll ca te g orie s o f net d e m a n d d e p o sits up to $ 4 0 0 m illion w a s re ­
d uced b y % p e rce n tage point, a n d the reserve requirem ent a g a in s t net d e m a n d d e p o sits of m ore than
$ 4 0 0 m illion w a s reduced 1 p erce nta ge point. This action reduced req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly
$ 1 , 0 6 5 m illion.

M ay


The reserve req u ire m e nt a g a in s t fo re ign b o rro w in g s o f m em ber b a n k s, p rim a rily E u ro d o lla rs, w a s
reduced from 8 percent to 4 percent. This action reduced req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 8 0 m illion.


O cto b e r 3 0 ,


The reserve requirem ent a g a in s t m em ber b a n k time d e p o sits with a n o r ig in a l m aturity o f fo u r y e a rs
o r m ore w a s reduced from 3 percent to 1 percent. This action red u ced req u ire d reserves a p p r o x i­
m ately $ 3 6 0 m illion.

J a n u a r y 8, 1 9 7 6

The reserve requirem ent on time d e p o sits m a tu ring in 1 8 0 d a y s to 4 y e a rs w a s reduced from 3 p e r­
cent to 2 % percent. This action reduced req u ire d reserves b y a p p ro x im a te ly $ 5 0 0 m illion.

D ecem ber 3 0 ,

The reserve requirem ent a g a in s t net d e m a n d d e p o sits u p to $ 1 0 m illion w a s reduced b y % p erce nt­
a g e p oint, a n d the reserve requirem ent a g a in s t net d e m a n d d ep o sits o v e r $ 1 0 m illion w a s reduced b y
% p e rce n tage point. This action reduced req u ire d reserves b y a p p ro x im a te ly $ 5 5 0 m illion.


N o v e m b e r 2, 1 9 7 8

A su p p le m e n ta ry reserve req u ire m e nt o f 2 p e rce n ta ge p oin ts w a s im p o se d on time
$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 o r more. This action in cre a se d req u ire d reserves a p p ro x im a te ly $ 3 . 0 billion.

reserves released), an unadjusted monetary base ex­
hibits a faster growth rate than one which has been
adjusted. The opposite is clearly the case when reserve
requirement ratios are lowered.
The growth rates of the two monetary base series
diverge primarily because the Federal Reserve tends
to use open market operations to offset the effects of
changes in reserve requirement ratios. An increase in

d e p o sits


reserve requirement ratios, by itself, leads to a sharp
rise in the Federal funds rate. Since the Federal Re­
serve usually follows a policy of preventing sharp
fluctuations in the Federal funds rate, it engages in
open market operations (increases its rate of purchases
of Government securities) to offset the impact of
the rise in reserve requirement ratios on interest rates.
The effect of open market operations is included in
an unadjusted base series, but the opposite effect of
Page 7

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

the increase in reserve requirement ratios is not. Con­
sequently, an unadjusted series shows an acceleration
in base growth. When reserve requirement ratios are
lowered, the opposite prevails: the unadjusted series
shows a reduction in the growth rate of the mone­
tary base.
Therefore, during periods when legal reserve re­
quirement ratios are changed, an unadjusted series



gives a misleading indication of both the “intent” and
the “effect” of Federal Reserve policy actions. It
would be hard to argue that the intent of raising re­
serve requirement ratios is to “ease” monetary policy,
or the intent of lowering them is to “tighten” policy.
Furthermore, the only way one can actually judge the
effect of such actions on the monetary aggregates is
to balance them against the impact of contemporane­
ous open market operations.

Alternative Adjustments for Reserve Requirement Changes
This Bank uses the reserve adjustment magnitude
( RAM) to incorporate into the monetary base measure
the effects of changes in legal reserve requirement
ratios on the monetary aggregates. In general, the
computation of RAM involves the following steps:3

(1 ) For the week in which reserve requirements
against deposits, net demand or time and sav­
ings, change due to a change in Regulation D,
required reserves are calculated on both the old
and the new reserve requirement basis for the
type of deposits affected.

(1 ) Determine the distribution of member bank de­
mand and time deposits subject to reserve re­
quirements according to reserve requirement
categories two weeks earlier.

( 2 ) The ratio of “new” required reserves to “old”
required reserves for the particular deposit type
is calculated and this ratio is applied to actual
required reserves for that deposit type for all
weeks prior to the change in Regulation D.

(2 ) Compare the current reserve requirement ratio
with the corresponding 1929 equivalent ratio for
each reserve requirement category. Multiply the
difference between the 1929 equivalent ratio and
the current ratio by the amount of deposits in
that category two weeks earlier. If the current
reserve requirement ratio exceeds the 1929 ratio,
RAM is reduced. If the current ratio is less than
the 1929 ratio, RAM is increased.
(3 ) Subtract the amount of required reserves on all
deposits subject to special reserve requirements.
(4 ) Add the amount of waiver privileges.
(5 ) Add the amount of vault cash held by member
banks two weeks earlier.

The BOG uses an alternate approach to comput­
ing RAM for the adjusted monetary base series they
began publishing on June 15, 1979. The BOG com­
putation involves the following steps:4
•"'The derivation and computation of RAM is described in detail
in Burger and Rasche, “Revision of the Monetary Base,” p. 22.
4For a technical description of the method used by the BOG
to adjust their monetary base, contact the Banking Section of
the Division of Research and Statistics at the Board of Gov­
ernors in Washington, D. C.

Page 8

( 3 ) As the ratio is applied back through time, it is
adjusted for earlier breaks in series due to
changes in Regulation D by multiplying the cur­
rent ratio by the ratio calculated at the time of
the previous change in Regulation D. (This pro­
cedure is carried back, weekly, to January 1959;
monthly averages are derived from prorations of
the weekly data.)
(4 ) Adjustments for breaks in series due to changes
in Regulations D and M affecting other reservable liabilities (i.e., commercial paper, finance
bills, Eurodollar borrowings, and marginal re­
serve requirements against large denomination
($100,000 or more) CDs in effect from mid1973 to late 1974) are made additively. That is,
required reserves for earlier periods are raised or
lowered by the estimated difference in reserve
requirements that would have been implied if the
regulation had been in effect in earlier periods.

The major difference between these two alternate
procedures is that the BOG method requires that a
new historically adjusted series which reflects the latest
reserve requirement be constructed each time Regu­
lation D or M changes. In contrast, the St. Louis ap­
proach leaves the past data unaltered.

Do Rising U.S. Interest
Rates Imply A Stronger Dollar?

ECENT U.S. monetary actions have been viewed,
in part, as a reaction to the rapid depreciation of the
U.S. dollar on foreign exchange markets over much
of last year. Typical of this view is the statement:
“The U.S. Federal Reserve . . . confirmed its determi­
nation to push U.S. money market interest rates
higher to support the dollar.”1 This view interprets
rising U.S. interest rates as both an incentive for
investors to purchase U.S. financial assets instead of
foreign securities and a deterrent to U.S. residents’
spending on goods and services, including imports.
Such an interpretation may be consistent with
short-run analysis. Over an extended period of time,
however, rising U.S. interest rates are not necessarily
accompanied by a rising foreign exchange value of
the dollar. Moreover, this short-run view of the rela­
tionship between changes in U.S. interest rates and
movements in the foreign exchange value of the dol­
lar is not supported by a casual examination of recent
data. For example, both long- and short-term U.S. in­
terest rates rose, on average, relative to foreign interest
rates from late 1977 to late 1978. In addition, U.S. in­
terest rates generally were higher than foreign interest
1Stewart Fleming and Peter Riddell, “Fed Confirms Aim to
Raise Interest Rates in Aid of
Financial Times, July 24,
1979. Also see Robert A. Bennett, “Fed Raises Rates to Aid
Dollar,” New York Times, July 21, 1979.

rates during this period. Yet, the weighted-average
foreign exchange value of the dollar declined 17 per­
cent between September 1977 and October 1978 (see
Chart I ) .2
This article examines the relationship between
changes in the U.S.-foreign interest rate differential
and movements in the foreign exchange value of the
dollar. The analysis is consistent with recent events
and emphasizes the role of monetary disturbances
in determining movements in both exchange rates and
interest rates.

Changes in Money Stock Growth
and Interest Rate Movements
The nation’s money stock grows primarily through
Federal Reserve purchases of government securities.
To induce holders of securities to sell, the Federal
Reserve offers them more than the currently prevail­
ing market price for their securities. As a result, the
price of government securities rises and the interest
2The countries included in the weighted-average foreign in­
terest rate and exchange rate series are Belgium, Canada,
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden,
Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The weights and
formula used in constructing these series are from “Index of
the Weighted-Average Exchange Value of the U.S. Dollar:
Revision,’ Federal Reserve Bulletin (August 1978), p. 700.
Page 9

Chart I

Foreign Exchange V a lu e of the
U.S. Dollar a n d Interest Rate Differentials
Ratio Scale

Ratio Scale

Sources: Federal Rese rve Statistical Release H.13; Federal Rese rve Bulletin; Intern ational M o n e t a ry
Fund, Intern ational F in ancial Statistics.
L i S e c o n d a r y market rates for 9 0 - d a y la rg e certificates of d e p o s it in the United S tates less the
weighted a v e r a g e of foreig n three-month m oney market rates.
12 U.S. lo n g -t e rm g o v e r n m e n t b o n d y i e ld s less the w e i g h t e d a v e r a g e of fo re ig n long-term
g o v e r n m e n t b o n d y ie ld s .
Latest da ta plotted: M a y

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

rate declines. Thus, an acceleration in money stock
growth is associated, at least initially, with a decline in
interest rates. Conversely, a deceleration in money
stock growth initially is accompanied by a rise in
interest rates.
An acceleration in money stock growth, however, is
unlikely to produce permanently lower interest rates.
One factor that would produce upward pressure on
interest rates following an acceleration in money stock
growth is an acceleration in the growth of aggregate
spending. The acceleration in spending growth could
be viewed as a direct result of the acceleration in
money stock growth or as a result of the stimulation
of consumption and investment spending by the initial
decline in interest rates. In either case, an acceleration
in spending would be accompanied by an acceleration
in the growth of the quantity of credit demanded (to
finance the accelerated pace of investment and con­
sumption spending). If the rate at which the quantity
of credit demanded grows more rapidly than the rate
at which credit is being supplied, the price of credit
(the interest rate on loans) rises.
The longer-term impact of faster money stock
growth on the rate of inflation is another factor which
would exert upward pressure on interest rates. Over
longer periods of time, a sustained acceleration in the
growth of aggregate spending will increase the rate
of inflation (given that output growth is constrained
in the long run by real factors which are unaffected
by monetary disturbances).
It is generally accepted that movements in interest
rates are, to some extent, influenced by changes in
the expected rate of inflation.3 If, for example, the
interest rate is 6 percent and the price level is con­
stant ( that is, the inflation rate is zero), then the “real
interest rate” would be 6 percent. Now, suppose in­
flation is widely expected to increase from zero to
a 3 percent rate. Lenders would then require a 9
percent return on funds loaned (to prevent the
real value of interest income and principal from fall­
ing) and borrowers would generally be willing to
accept a 9 percent interest rate.4 Thus, factors that
cause an increase in the expected rate of inflation also
3See Irving Fisher, The Theory of Interest (New York: Kelley
& Millman, Inc., 1954), pp. 36-44.
4This example is oversimplified in several respects. However,
the basic point that an increased value of the expected rate
of inflation raises nominal interest rates remains valid. For a
concise theoretical discussion, see Robert Mundell, “Inflation
and Real Interest,” Journal of Political Economy (June 1963),
pp. 280-83.



produce upward pressure on interest rates. One such
factor is a sustained acceleration in monev stock
Within the context of this discussion, an accelera­
tion in money stock growth initially will be associ­
ated with a decline in interest rates. If, in the longrun, however, the real interest rate is unaffected by
monetary disturbances and the acceleration of money
stock growth is sustained, interest rates ultimately
will rise.5 In other words, changes in money stock
growth initially are related inversely to changes in in­
terest rates, but, in the long-run, money stock growth,
the inflation rate, and interest rates all move in the
same direction.

Changes in Money Stock Growth
and Exchange Rate Movements
When a currency is traded in foreign exchange
markets, the exchange rates which evolve are the
prices of that currency in terms of each of the
other currencies traded. Thus, relative changes in
the total amounts of these national moneys supplied
and demanded will determine exchange rate move­
ments. Only if the amounts of all national moneys de­
manded increase at the same rate would relative
changes in money stock growth rates alone determine
exchange rate movements.
For example, suppose that growth in both the U.S.
and German money stocks equal the rates at which
the amounts of these national moneys demanded
increase. Assume that interest rates in both countries
are equal and that neither central government inter­
venes in the foreign exchange market. Now let U.S.
money stock growth accelerate. As previously dis­
cussed, this acceleration, at first, will be accom­
panied by a decline in U.S. interest rates. Initially,
given interest rates in Germany, U.S. capital outflows
will be encouraged (that is, the rate at which U.S.
residents invest in German securities will rise)
and German capital outflows would be discour­
aged (the rate at which German residents invest
in U.S. securities will fall). This results in an
increase in the amount of dollars supplied in the
foreign exchange market (by U.S. residents wishing
5For a more technical theoretical discussion of this relationship,
see Milton Friedman, “Factors Affecting the Level of Interest
Rates,” in John T. Boorman and Thomas M. Havrilesky,
Money Supply, Money Demand, and Macroeconomic Models
(Northbrook, 111.: AHM Publishing Corporation, 1972), pp.
200-18. For empirical support of this view, see William E.
Gibson, “Interest Rates and Monetary Policy,” Journal of
Political Economy (May/June 1970), pp. 431-55.
Page 11

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

to purchase marks to invest in German securities)
relative to the amount of dollars demanded (by Ger­
man residents desiring dollars to spend in the United
States). Therefore, the U.S. dollar price of one Ger­
man mark will be subject to upward pressure —
the dollar will fall in value on the foreign exchange
The stimulative effect of the U.S. monetary expan­
sion on the growth of U.S. income and spending will
also contribute to this downward pressure on the value
of the dollar. In other words, the rate at which U.S.
residents purchase both domestic and German goods
and services will rise. This acceleration in U.S. im­
port growth will also contribute to the acceleration in
the rate at which dollars are supplied on foreign
exchange markets.®
If the faster pace of U.S. money stock growth con­
tinues, the U.S. inflation rate will eventually rise.
Thus, the faster U.S. money stock growth will tend to
increase the expected future rate of U.S. inflation.
This, in turn, will cause U.S. interest rates to rise
relative to German interest rates. The increase in the
U.S.-German interest rate differential, however, will
not necessarily produce capital flows from Germany
into the United States. Instead, the foreign exchange
value of the dollar might depreciate at the same time
that U.S. interest rates are higher than, and rise rela­
tive to, German interest rates.

Interest Hate Differentials and
Exchange Rate Movements
The preceding analysis indicates that U.S. interest
rates could be both higher than, and rise relative
to, foreign interest rates without providing an in­
centive for foreign investors to increase their pur­
chases of U.S. securities (or U.S. investors to de­
crease their purchases of foreign securities). The
reason for this is that the difference between
U.S. and foreign interest rates is, in fact, not the rele­
vant factor in inducing capital flows. Rather, the in­
terest rate differential adjusted for expected future
exchange rates is the relevant factor inducing inter­
national capital flows.
Exchange rate expectations, interest rate differen­
tials, and exchange rates will, in the absence of
6The acceleration in U.S. import growth would accelerate in­
come growth in the German export sector. However, from a
monetarist viewpoint, German aggregate income growth
would remain constant since German money stock growth is
constant. This implies a deceleration in income growth in
other sectors of the German economy.

Page 12



controls on international capital flows, be related ac­
cording to the equilibrium condition,
(1 )

(1 + r„.) —i - . (1 + rf ) x‘,

ru = the U.S. interest rate
it = the foreign interest rate
x=the spot (currently prevailing) U.S. dollar/foreign
currency exchange rate
x' = the expected future value of the U.S. dollar/foreign
currency exchange rate.

Consider the following example. Suppose the spot
U.S. dollar/German mark exchange rate is $.33/DM
and that the value of the dollar in terms of the mark is
expected to decline to $.36/DM during the next
year (an expected depreciation of 9 percent).
Suppose the interest rate on one-year German
Treasury bills was 5 percent, so that $1.00 could
be used to purchase 3.03 marks which would yield
3.18 marks (DM3.03 • (1 + .05)) after one year.
When the marks are converted back to dollars,
U.S. investors expect to receive $1.14 (DM3.18 •
($.36/DM)). If U.S. investors could earn $1.14 on
a $1.00 investment in U.S. Treasury bills, the U.S.
interest rate would be 14 percent and no capital
flows would occur. Thus, in equilibrium, the differen­
tial between U.S. and foreign interest rates equals the
expected dollar-denominated return on investments in
foreign securities.7 This can be expressed

r„» —




- 1) • (1 + r f ),

y e

where (-----1) is the expected change in the foreign
exchange value of the dollar.
If U.S. interest rates rise relative to foreign
interest rates and equation (2) holds, the foreign ex­
change value of the dollar could decline (that
is, x could rise), but the expected future foreign ex­
change value of the dollar could decline even faster
(xe could rise faster). In other words, for given levels
of foreign interest rates, a rising U.S. interest rate
could be offset by progressively larger declines in the
expected foreign exchange value of the dollar.
7Although this relationship does not hold exactly, the differ­
ences between the interest rate differential and the forward
premium or discount (the expected change in the exchange
rate) may reflect the existence of transactions costs and polit­
ical risk (for example, the likelihood that a country will im­
pose exchange controls). See Jacob A. Frenkel and Richard
M. Levich, “Covered Interest Arbitrage: Unexploited Profits?”
Journal of Political Economy (April 1975), pp. 325-38 and
Robert Z. Aliber, “The Interest Rate Parity Theorem: A
Reinterpretation,” Journal o f Political Economy ( November/
December 1973), pp. 1451-59.

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

One explanation for the occurrence of this situa­
tion is that monetary disturbances dominate both
changes in interest rates and exchange rates. As previ­
ously discussed, a sustained acceleration in U.S. money
stock growth will ultimately result in an increase in
the expected rate of inflation. This, in turn, produces
an increase in U.S. interest rates. Given the expected
foreign rate of inflation, the differential between
U.S. and foreign interest rates will be rising. Simul­
taneously, the faster rate of U.S. spending growth
would produce a declining foreign exchange value of
the dollar. In addition, if U.S. money stock growth
and inflation are expected to continue at the faster
pace, the expected future value of the dollar on
foreign exchange markets will tend to decline

The assertion that rising U.S. interest rates (rela­
tive to foreign rates) produce an increase in the
foreign exchange value of the dollar has not been
supported by recent experience. If monetary dis­
turbances are important determinants of changes in
both interest rates and exchange rates, a widen­
ing positive differential between U.S. and foreign
interest rates and a declining foreign exchange value
of the dollar are consistent developments. If the ex­
pected rate of U.S. inflation increases because of a
sustained acceleration in U.S. money stock growth
8These results have been derived by assuming that current
accelerations in U.S. money stock growth and inflation are
important variables in the formulation of increases in the
expected rate of inflation which, in turn, is important in de­
termining changes in the expected foreign exchange value
of the dollar.



( while foreign expected rates of inflation remain rela­
tively stable), U.S. interest rates will rise relative to
foreign interest rates. The faster pace of U.S. money
stock growth also will produce an increase in U.S.
spending growth, which, in turn, will result in a de­
preciating foreign exchange value of the dollar. If the
higher expected rate of U.S. inflation also results in an
offsetting decline in the expected value of the dollar
on foreign exchange markets, no capital inflow will be
induced by the rising differential between U.S. and
foreign interest rates.
Conversely, a sharp deceleration in U.S. money
stock growth (not matched by equally restrictive for­
eign monetary developments) will produce an ap­
preciation of the dollar. In this case, initially U.S.
interest rates will rise relative to foreign rates and
U.S. spending growth will slow. As a result, the
supply of dollars on foreign exchange markets will
fall (as U.S. residents reduce spending for foreign
goods, services, and securities) relative to the demand
for dollars (as foreign investors increase purchases
of U.S. securities in response to the higher U.S. inter­
est rate). However, if the slower U.S. money stock
growth is sustained and the expected rate of U.S.
inflation is revised downward, U.S. interest rates will
decline relative to foreign rates. Further, if the re­
strictive U.S. monetary actions also produce large
upward revisions in the expected future value of the
dollar, no capital outflow will result from the declin­
ing U.S.-foreign interest rate differential. In this case,
an appreciation of the dollar on foreign exchange
markets will initially be associated with a rising
U.S.-foreign interest rate differential. Eventually, how­
ever, the interest rate differential will decline while
the dollar continues to appreciate.

Page 13

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

Publications of This Bank Include:








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Page 14