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JULY 1979

Vol. 61, No. 7

The R e v i e w is published monthly by the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of
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Rising Farm Exports and
International Trade Policies

HEXPORTS of farm commodities in 1978 totaled
$29.4 billion, almost 27 percent of the value of all
cash farm receipts, and a further increase in farm
exports is expected this year. Farm exports have in­
creased rapidly and consistently during the past
decade both in nominal value and as a percent of
cash farm receipts. The nominal value of such ex­
ports last year was more than five times that of
1969 and such exports, as a percent of cash farm
receipts, more than doubled over the period. Despite
this sharp increase, however, farm exports as a per­
cent of cash farm receipts have only recently regained
the levels that existed in the early 1920s.

those of the 1920s and early 1930s, many farm groups
have supported such restrictive policies in the past
and continue to support them today.

Farm exports tend to move in the same direction
as total exports, and both tend to move in the same
direction as total imports. Chart 1 shows that, aside
from World War II and the immediate post-war years
when foreign aid was a major portion of total ex­
ports, exports and imports as a percent of GNP gen­
erally have moved in the same direction. Chart 2
shows the same general movements for exports of

This article suggests that much of the increase in
the proportion of farm
The im pact of rising demand for
products exported in re­
U .S. farm exports on the price
cent years is a result of
and production of U.S. farm
major changes in U.S. and
products is demonstrated in the
other nations’ foreign trade
following diagram : S = su p p ly
policies. The restrictive
curve for U .S. farm products,
D ; = dem and curve of domestic
trade legislation of the
consumers for such products,
1920s and 1930s sharply re­
D 2= domestic plus export
duced imports which, cou­
dem and for U .S. farm products,
pled with retaliatory re­
and D 2 - D x= export demand.
strictions imposed by other
The price and production of
farm products without exports
nations, also reduced U.S.
is P, and Q „ respectively. With
exports. This reduction
exports and higher overall
hurt the farm sector se­
demand ( D 2), price and
verely (see box). This arti­
production of farm products is
cle further demonstrates
P2 and Q2, respectively, and any
increase in foreign demand will
that despite the damage to
increase total dem and (D 2),
farmers caused by restric­
and price and production.
tive trade policies such as

Page 3




Chari I

Exp o rts a n d Im p o rts of G o o d s a n d S e rv ice s
(A s a P ercent o l G ro ss National P ro d uct)

farm products as a percent of cash farm receipts. Sta­
tistical analysis confirms these relationships; the
changes in imports and exports are highly positively
correlated as are the changes in farm exports and
total imports.1
Given constant levels of real income in the trad­
ing nations, two factors tend to produce similar
movements in exports and imports of goods and serv­
ices. First, tariff changes by one nation usually are
reciprocated by other nations. For example, following
the enactment of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930,
higher U.S. duties on imports were quickly followed
by higher import duties in Canada, Cuba, Mexico,
France, Italy, Spain, Australia, and New Zealand.
The following year India, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, and
China also levied higher duties.2
Second, under a flexible exchange rate system,
movements in the exchange rate tend to balance
xThe annual change in exports of goods and services over the
period 1901-78, excluding the years of 1939-50, is positively
correlated with the change in imports; the correlation coeffi­
cient is .88. Over periods longer than a year, the correlation
of changes in imports and exports is even higher. Using twoyear averages, the correlation coefficient is .93 and with fiveyear averages, the correlation is .99. Similarly, the annual
change in farm exports is positively correlated with the change
in total imports; the correlation coefficient is .69. Using twoyear and five-year averages, the correlation coefficients are .77
and .93, respectively.
2P. T. Ellsworth, The International Economy (New York: The
Macmillan Company, 1950), p. 501, and Allan H. Meltzer,
“Monetary and Other Explanations of the Start of the Great
Depression,” Journal of Monetary Economics (November
1976), p. 460.

Page 4

trade over an extended period of time even without
reciprocity of tariff rate changes. The exchange rate
— the value of the dollar in terms of other currencies
— like the price of any other good, is determined by
the supply and demand for dollars. Over a period
of time, changes in the supply of dollars in foreign
exchange markets reflect the value of U.S. imports
plus U.S. investments abroad. When such imports
and investments rise relative to U.S. exports plus
foreign investments in the United States, the supply
of dollars in foreign exchange markets increases rela­
tive to the demand for dollars and the exchange value
of the dollar falls. Conversely, when exports of U.S.
commodities and foreign investments in the United
States rise, the quantity of dollars supplied to foreign
exchange markets decreases and the exchange value
of the dollar in these markets rises.
These fluctuations in the value of the dollar tend
to equate the dollar value of U.S. exports and imports
through the domestic currency prices of internationally
traded goods.3 For example, if the value of the dollar
3In contrast to the current method in which trade plus net
investment flows are balanced between nations, under the gold
and gold exchange standards, the flows were balanced through
gold specie or gold bullion transfers. During those periods in
which the stock of money in a nation was influenced by the
quantity of gold held, the flow of specie or bullion out of a
nation in payment for excess imports led to a reduction in
domestic prices relative to world prices and thereby to a
reversal in trade and the balance o f payments. During much
of the gold exchange standard period following 1933, revi­
sions in the exchange rates were made by governments in
response to unequal rates of inflation in the various nations.
Such revisions often served to reverse imbalances in trade.




Char* II

latest data plotted: 1978

Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Commerce and Council of Economic Advitert

falls relative to the value of the Japanese yen, prices of
Japanese television sets to U.S. consumers will rise;
consequently, fewer Japanese television sets will be
purchased. But the Japanese, finding that U.S. wheat
and soybeans can be purchased for fewer yen, will
import more of these products. Similarly, if the value
of the U.S. dollar falls relative to all foreign curren­
cies, foreign residents will find U.S. goods cheaper
than before, and U.S. exports will increase. Con­
versely, if the value of the dollar rises relative to
other currencies, U.S. citizens will find that the dollar
prices of foreign goods have fallen relative to U.S.
goods, and imports will increase.4 Given the tendency
for the exchange rate mechanism to equate the dollar
value of exports and imports, attempts to reduce im­
ports will have a similar effect on the demand for
exports including exports of farm products.

As shown in Chart 2, exports as a percent of cash
farm receipts declined throughout most of the twenties
4While Kravis and Lipsey found sizable differences in the dol­
lar prices of foreign traded goods in various countries for an
extended period of time, exports rose at the highest rate in
those nations where prices were lowest. I. B. Kravis and R. E.
Lipsey, “Price Behavior in the Light of Balance of Payment

and thirties from an average of 25.2 percent in 192022, to 13.4 percent in 1930-32, to 8.4 percent in 193840. This decline in exports followed the adoption of
more restrictive trade policies by the United States
and other countries. The sharp decline in farm com­
modity prices in 1921, which followed the domestic
business recession and the European agricultural re­
covery from World War I, prompted Congress to
attempt to “protect” farmers with an emergency tariff
on farm products. The duties on wheat, com, meat,
wool and sugar were raised. In 1922 the FordneyMcCumber Tariff Bill was enacted, raising the aver­
age ad valorem (percent of value) rates on dutiable
imports to about 40 percent — back to the levels of
1913. Duties were increased on numerous farm prod­
ucts including wheat, corn, beef, eggs, reindeer meat,
peanuts, beet and cane sugar, wool, and acorns. Ad­
ditional “concessions” to farmers were the removal of
duties on agricultural implements such as plows, har­
rows, reapers, cotton gins, etc. The Smoot-Hawley Tar­
iff Act of 1930, initiated as another measure for “pro­
tecting” agriculture from foreign competition, raised
import duties to the highest levels in the nation’s hisTheories,” Journal of International Economics (May 1978),
p. 230. Henry Goldstein found that relative domestic price
levels have a substantial and significant impact on the ex­
change rate. See “Floating Exchange Rates and Modified Pur­
chasing Power Parity: Evidence from Recent Experience Us­
ing an Index of Effective Exchange Rates” published in West
Coast Academic/Federal Reserve Economic Research, Fed­
eral Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 1978, p. 174.

Page 5



C h a rt lit

Decline in Imports Follow ing Tariff Acts of 1922 an d 1930
(Dutiable is a Percent of Duty-Free Imports) ll


demanded and generally received greater
protection than the nonfarm sector. Farm
exports declined from 22 percent of cash
farm receipts in 1922 to 8.4 percent in

One statistical study of U.S. demand
for imports found evidence that the tar­
iffs were a major factor in the decline of
imports during the 1920s and early 1930s.
The study demonstrated that the tariffs
caused a greater reduction in dutiable
imports (imports on which tariffs were
levied) than in duty-free imports. After
eliminating the effects of shifts in im­
ports from duty-free to dutiable, and
vice versa, the study found that dutiable
imports as a percent of duty-free imports
declined sharply following the higher
duties in both 1922 and 1930 (Chart 3).
During the three years following the
1922 Act, the index of the quantity of
dutiable imports declined to 77 percent
of the index of duty-free imports, and
in the three years following the 1930
Act, the index of dutiable imports declined further
to 53 percent of the duty-free imports.6 Since exports
are closely associated with imports, the tariffs were
indirectly a major factor in the decline of farm

Sou rce: J. H o n * A d le r, "U n ite d S ta te s Im port D e m a n d D u rin g the Interw or P e rio d ," A m e ric a n E con o m ic R eview (June 1945).
U. D u tia b le im p o rts ore c om m od ities on w hich a tariff is levied. A ll other im ports a re c la ssifie d duty-free.

tory. Although already high by historical standards,
rates were further increased on more than 800 items.5
The initial 1921 emergency tariff had little effect on
the volume of foreign trade or on farm commodity
exports. The United States was a net exporter of most
of the commodities being protected and remained so.
Hence, the protective features of the act were largely
illusory. The Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act in 1922
and the Smoot-Hawley Act in 1930, however, signifi­
cantly reduced import growth, thereby setting in mo­
tion forces that reduced exports of farm products.
Imports as a percent of GNP declined from 7.3 per­
cent in 1920 to about 5.4 percent in 1922. They re­
mained near that level until 1930 when they declined
even further as a result of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff
and the Great Depression. They dropped to 3.6 percent
of GNP in 1932 and remained near this level through­
out the remainder of the decade (Chart 1). Total
exports followed the same general pattern. Exports
of farm products, however, declined faster than ex­
ports of nonfarm products as farmers in other nations
5F. W. Taussig, The Tariff History of the United States
(New York: Augustus M. Kelley, 1967), pp. 452, 455, 504-11.
Rates were increased on numerous farm products including
sugar, cotton, cattle, beef, sheep, mutton, swine, com, milk,
cream, eggs, live poultry, hides, leather, onions, tomatoes,
cabbages, turnips, and blueberries.


Since exports accounted for such a large portion of
U.S. farm commodity sales (15 percent in 1929), the
decline in farm exports had a greater impact on farm
income than the decline in nonfarm exports had on
income in the nonfarm sector. Hence, farm incomes
declined more dramatically than did nonfarm income.
For example, farm income declined at an average an­
nual rate of 31 percent during the 1929-32 period,
compared with a 17 percent rate for total personal
If the tariff accounted for the difference between
the percentage decline in total personal income and
farm income during the period, about 40 percent of
the decline in farm income during 1929-32 can be
attributed to it. If farm income had declined only at
the rate of the national aggregates, net farm income
in 1932 would have totaled about $3.6 billion instead
of $2.0 billion.
6J. Hans Adler, “United States Import Demand During the
Interwar Period,” American Economic Review (June 1945),
pp. 418-30.


Much of the increase in farm exports since the
mid-1950s can be attributed to a gradual reduction
in foreign trade restrictions.7 Beginning with the
Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934, a series of
tariff-reducing acts and negotiations have led to major
reductions in international trade barriers. Initially,
these bilateral reductions achieved only limited suc­
cess since duties on most dutiable imports were well
above the minimum levels that provided incentives
for trade.
Since the war and the General Agreement on Tar­
iffs and Trade (GATT) in 1947, a number of major
reductions in average ad valorem rates have been
negotiated. The permissible reductions and average
duties on dutiable imports are listed in Tables I
and II.
Studies indicate that these reductions have had a
major impact on U.S. imports. Kreinin analyzed the
effect of the tariff reductions granted in the 1955
negotiations (which resulted in a 23 percent reduc­
tion in the 1954 rates on the covered group of com­
modities) and found that the volume of imports of
commodities on which tariffs were reduced rose 59
percent, whereas imports of the nonreduced group
rose only 17 percent. Similarly, following the 1956
negotiations ( which resulted in a 15 percent reduction
in rates for the affected group), imports of the re­
duced group increased 12 percentage points more
than the nonreduced group.8
A study by Stem, based on the import demand for
226 commodity groups, concluded that total imports
in 1960 would have been $4.1 billion (about 25 per­
cent) more than the actual level had no tariffs or
quotas existed.® A study in 1965 by Balassa found
7Domestic price support programs and crop production con­
trols, which caused the prices of some products to rise above
free market levels, were factors that tended to reduce exports
of some crops, especially wheat, cotton, and tobacco. These
supports ana controls, however, had little impact on the prices
of such major export crops as feed grain and soybeans,
indicating that the removal of trade restrictions was a major
factor in the rise in exports of these products. U.S. Govern­
ment holdings of feed grain and soybeans through price
support operations did not exceed 15 percent and 30 percent
of production, respectively, at the close of any year follow­
ing 1963. Furthermore, the holdings of both were almost as
large in the recent years of rising exports as in the early
8Mordechai E. Kreinin, “Effect of Tariff Changes on the
Value and Volume of Imports,” American Economic Review
( June 1961), pp. 314-16.
8Robert M. Stern, “The U.S. Tariff and the Efficiency of the
U.S. Economy,” American Economic Review (May 1964),
p. 464.



Table 1

Tariff Cuts A u thorized by the V ario u s T rade Acts
T ra d e A g re e m e n ts Acts

M a x im u m P erm issible Reduction

Act o f 1 9 3 4

5 0 percent o f J u ly 1, 1 9 3 4 rate

A ct o f 1 9 4 5

5 0 percent o f J a n u a r y 1, 1 9 4 5 rate

A ct o f 1 9 5 5

15 percent o f J a n u a r y 1, 1 9 5 5 rate

A ct o f 1 9 5 8

2 0 percent o f J u ly 1, 1 9 5 8 rate

A ct o f 1 9 6 2

5 0 percent o f J u ly 1, 1 9 6 2 rate

A ct o f 1 9 7 4

6 0 percent of e x istin g rate

SOURCE: U nited States T ariff Commission.

T a b le II

A v e ra g e Level o f Tariffs on Imports
R atio o f D uties C ollected to:
D u tia b le Im ports

A ll Im ports

1 9 1 9 -2 8

3 3 .2 %

12 .3 %

1 9 2 9 -3 8

4 1 .9

1 6 .9

1 9 4 4 -5 3

1 8 .7

7 .2

1 9 5 0 -5 3

1 2 .6

5 .6

1 9 5 5 -5 9

1 1 .7



1 2 .2

7 .3


1 2 .3

7 .6


1 1 .9

7 .4


1 0 .7

6 .8


1 1 .3



1 0 .0

6 .5


9 .2



9 .0 *


P eriod

♦excludes petroleum.
SO U RC E: U nited S tates T ariff Commission.

that effective duties (the degree of protection for the
manufacturing process) in the United States were
generally higher than nominal rates, and with poten­
tially higher supply elasticities in the United States
than in other industrial countries, imports would rise
faster here with the elimination of tariff duties. He
concluded that, if such elasticities are 50 percent
higher here than elsewhere, imports would rise by 54
percent with the elimination of duties.10
Reductions in tariff duties do not effectively in­
crease trade immediately. The effect of such actions
lag, and in some cases the reductions do not result
in any change in trade. Many of the rates in the mid10Bela Balassa, “Tariff Protection in Industrial Countries,”
Journal of Political Economy (December 1965), p. 593.

Page 7




T a b le III

C o n g re ssio n a l Vote on the Sm oot-H aw ley Tariff Act o f 1930

Section of N a tio n

Percent o f W o rk e rs
A gricu ltu re
M a n u fa c t u r in g


R ep resen tatives
A g a in s t


S e n a to rs
A g a in s t

N e w E n g la n d

6 .2 %

4 3 .1 %





M id d le A tla n tic

5 .3

3 6 .3





East N o rth C en tral

1 4 .4

3 5 .7





W e st N o rth C en tral

3 3 .6

1 9 .8





So u th A tla n tic

3 2 .5

2 4 .2





East S o u th C en tral

4 7 .8

1 6 .9





W e st So u th Central

4 0 .5

1 6 .9





M o u n ta in

3 0 .8

1 8 .3






1 4 .5






U nite d States

2 1 .4

2 8 .9





SOURCE: U.S., Congress, Congressional Record, and U.S. D epartm ent of Commerce.

1950s were well above the minimum prohibitive trade
level (the tariff level at which no trade will occur) and
the reductions only reduced the excess protection.
Furthermore, as lower rates provided incentives for
trade, foreign producers still needed time to arrange
for merchandising and distributing facilities in the
United States. Exporters of goods to the United States
had been effectively shut out of the U.S. market for
about 25 years — in the 1930s because of the SmootHawley Tariff, in the 1940s because of the war, and
in the early 1950s because of the time required to pre­
pare for increased exports.11
By the mid-1950s, U.S. tariff rates on a large num­
ber of commodities had been reduced to a level
which provided incentives for trade, and several
international organizations were established to in­
crease exports to the United States. Imports of goods
and services as a percent of GNP increased moder­
ately in the early 1960s from 4.5 percent to 6 per­
cent in 1970 and to 10 percent in 1978 (Chart 1).
By 1978, imports as a percent of GNP were the
largest for any year since the turn of the century.
Total exports and farm commodity exports followed
the pattern of total imports. As a percent of GNP
and of farm cash receipts, respectively, they started
up in the 1950s, continued moderately up through
the 1960s, and rose at a sharply higher rate in the
1970s. Exports of farm products rose from about 10
percent of cash receipts in the early 1950s, to about
n Kreinin, “Effect of Tariff Changes,” p. 319; also William P.
Travis in “Production, Trade and Protection When There
Are Many Commodities and Two Factors,” American Eco­
nomic Review (March 1972), pp. 100-02.

Page 8

15 percent in the 1960s, to about 25 percent since the
The sharp increase in farm exports had a favorable
effect on farm income. Gross farm income rose at an
8.4 percent rate from 1969 to 1978, about the same
rate as GNP growth. In contrast, during the previous
10 years when farm exports were rising more slowly,
gross farm income rose only 4.0 percent per year com­
pared with a 6.8 percent rate of GNP growth.

Despite the fact that protective tariffs have gen­
erally harmed the well-being of farmers, elected rep­
resentatives from major farming states have in some
cases supported highly protective tariff legislation.
Such support apparently was obtained by imposing
duties on imports of farm products that would not
have been imported even without tariffs and exempt­
ing farm implement imports from tariffs even though
none were imported anyway. The Secretary of Agri­
culture’s report to the President in late 1930 pointed
out these “favorable” aspects of the Smoot-Hawley
Tariff Act. He showed that the schedule for farm
products was increased an average of 69 percent,
whereas all schedules were increased an average of
only 20 percent. He argued that a protective tariff
must become a more integral part of our national
agricultural policy.12 Such arguments apparently
gained support for the Act.
12U.S. Department of Agriculture, Yearbook of Agriculture
1931 (Government Printing Office, 1931), p. 42-44.


The voting record in Congress indicates that sizable
support for this highly protectionist measure came
from some of the leading farm states. The House of
Representatives opposed the act in only three of the
nine major sections of the nation, and the Senate
opposed it in only four. The vote in the Senate, how­
ever, was close (Table III). Support for the act was
strongest in New England and the Middle Atlantic
states, where the percentage of workers in agricul­
ture was relatively small and the percentage in man­
ufacturing relatively large. The proportion of workers
in agriculture averaged 6.2 and 5.3 percent, respec­
tively, in the two regions. On the other hand, a
majority of representatives supported the act in such
agricultural areas as the West North Central and
Mountain states, and large majorities supported it in
both the House and Senate in the Pacific states.

Despite the major shrinkage both in the market for
U.S. farm products and in farm income resulting from
the ill-advised tariff of 1930, and despite the expansion
of exports following the reduced tariffs in the 1950s
and 1960s, recent actions of farm groups are not un­
equivocally opposed to protectionist policies. Evidence
indicates that farmers still are sensitive to possible in­
creases in agricultural imports. Organized and highly
articulate groups of fanners, while largely interested
in the protection of specific farm products, still sup­
port foreign trade policies which would result in high
tariffs for farm products in general.
Sugar cane and sugar beet producers, for example,
still insist on legislation to maintain domestic prices
above world prices and to protect growers from “lowprice” foreign sugar.13 The National Livestock Feeders
Association has gone on record against the “ivory
tower” free trade philosophy that has characterized
U.S. trade policy for the past several years. The ex­
ecutive vice president of the association, in hearings
before the Senate Committee on Finance in 1974,
argued that our free trade policy has brought irre­
parable harm to U.S. agriculture and industry and
opposed proposed legislation to “wipe out” any duty
of not more than 5 percent ad valorem, since this
would permit the free entry of a number of meat
products.14 Despite his contention that the U.S. dairy
13See John Valentine, “President’s Sugar Price-Support Plan
Welcomed as End to a Key Uncertainty,” The Wall Street
Journal, February 21, 1979.
14U.S., Congress, Senate, Committee on Finance, The Trade
Reform Act of 1973, 93rd Cong., 2nd sess., March 25, 1974,
pp. 947-64.



industry is, as a whole, among the most efficient in­
dustries in the world, the secretary of the National
Milk Producers Federation argued strongly against
free trade. He stated in the above hearings: “Despite
all the fine sounds of free trade and expanded inter­
national cooperation we must first take stock of our
own national interests.”15 While reaffirming the Na­
tional Farmers Union’s traditional position in support
of expanding foreign trade, its national secretary in
the same hearings opposed any further reduction of
tariff and nontariff barriers. He contended that fur­
ther reductions in trade restrictions would undermine
farm prices in both the United States and the Euro­
pean Economic Community.16 The American Farm
Bureau Federation, although making a strong state­
ment for free trade in general, recommended at the
hearings that Title II of the act be amended so that
farmers could more readily obtain relief from injury
caused by import competition.17
The Agricultural Adjustment Act is indicative of the
strong support for protection for specific farm prod­
ucts, delegating sufficient authority to limit the im­
ports of almost any product that is competitive with
U.S. farm products. The act directs the Secretary of
Agriculture to advise the President when he believes
that any farm commodity or product is being im­
ported in quantities that will interfere with farm price
support or other USDA programs. The President may
then direct the International Trade Commission to
conduct an investigation, after which he may pro­
claim new duties or quantitative restrictions on the
The maintenance of such a pattern of protection
for farm commodities places this nation in an unfav­
orable bargaining position for free trade in farm
commodities. The United States has just concluded
the Tokyo Round of negotiations which will take ef­
fect starting in January 1980. In these negotiations,
the United States obtained a broad range of tariff
and nontariff concessions that are expected to sig­
nificantly increase agricultural exports over the next
decade. Among those products on which trade bar­
riers were reduced are beef, pork, poultry, tobacco,
fruit, vegetables, oilseeds, and nuts.19 Nevertheless,
agricultural trade barriers are perhaps the most diffi­
15Ibid., pp. 964-89.
16Ibid., pp. 1030-31.
iTIbid., p. 1011.
18United States International Trade Commission, “Operation
of the Trade Agreements Program,” 26th Report, 1974,
p. 32.
1UU.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook (May
1979), p. 10.

Page 9


cult of all restrictions to remove. For this reason, a
positive view toward free trade in farm products by
this nation is highly desirable.
The argument often given in support of farm com­
modity protection is that this country has lower duties
on farm products than most other nations. This argu­
ment, however, is meaningless in view of our com­
parative advantage in production. A more appro­
priate way of measuring relative duties is to compare
this nation’s duties on farm products with other na­
tions’ duties on products in which they have a com­
parative advantage. In only a few farm commodities,
such as sugar and wool where we do not have a com­
parative advantage, is such a comparison with other
nations meaningful. Significantly, our policies with re­
spect to sugar cannot be considered liberal by either
foreign producers or domestic consumers. Apparently
the farm sector is willing to accept free trade policies
only if “reasonable” restraints are established on im­
ports of competitive products. Such a posture, if all
nations maintained it at the bargaining table, would
not permit the resource adjustments necessary for
trade or for the attainment of the potential gains to
U.S. agriculture from exports.
Given the U.S.’s comparative advantage in the pro­
duction of farm products, most farmers have little to
fear from imports. The alleged protection for crops
such as wheat, rice, com, cotton, soybeans, tobacco,
and livestock products, where net exports are realized,
is actually little protection. Such products are gener­
ally more valuable when exported and when the pro­
ceeds are exchanged for foreign goods than when sold
on the domestic market; hence, these products will
not be imported except possibly along the Canadian
or Mexican borders which have special transportation
Protection for other major products that may ex­
perience minor competition from imports (such as
beef, other processed and frozen meats, and dairy
products) could be self-defeating, especially if such
regulations trigger retaliatory protective measures
abroad. Any loss of foreign markets for the major ex­
ported crops, such as cotton, tobacco, wheat, feed
grain, soybeans, and rice, will lead to lower domestic
prices for such products and eventually will result
in a shift of farm resources from these products into
the production of tariff-protected products such as
beef, other meats, and dairy products. In other words,
those sectors which experience minor competition from
imports under free trade practices would realize more
competition from domestic farmers whose products
can no longer be sold in the export market.
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Another argument often made for protection is
that, given a protected market for industrial goods,
we will have more workers employed by nonfarm
industries and an expanded domestic market for farm
products.20 With such policies, however, gains from
international specialization of labor and resource use
would be lost. In other words, each nation without
trade must depend upon its own resources for the
production of each good even though it may be rela­
tively inefficient in producing some goods. The total
quantity of goods available for consumption will thus
be less for both farm and nonfarm sectors without
trade than with trade. Consequently, it is inconsis­
tent with the general well-being of the farm sector,
as well as the nation at large, for farm groups to pur­
sue protectionist policies.

The U.S. farm sector potentially has more to gain
from free international trade than virtually any other
sector of the economy. Exports of farm products con­
stitute about 30 percent of the market for U.S. farm
products. In contrast, exports account for less than
10 percent of the value of manufactured goods. Never­
theless, many farm groups have left a record of con­
fusion with respect to their position on foreign trade
They have failed to recognize the link between
imports and exports. Changes in imports are closely
associated with changes in total U.S. exports. Conse­
quently, they are closely associated with the level of
farm exports given the comparative advantage of the
United States in farm production. U.S. imports pro­
vide foreigners with income to purchase U.S. farm
products. Free trade policies, therefore, tend to di­
rectly increase imports and thereby enhance farm
commodity exports. In addition, they induce other
nations to adopt similar policies which further en­
hance trade.
20If domestic price supports and production controls were a
major factor in the current levels of farm incomes, it could
be argued that fanners are making rational decisions in
trading some of their foreign market exports for the
short-run gains from domestic price supports. Such supports,
however, nave been much smaller in recent years relative
to farm income, and losses in the export market from pro­
tectionist policies would not likely be offset. Only relatively
small sectors of the agricultural industry (largely sugar and
tobacco producers) have received major benefits from the
price supports and production controls in recent years. Fur­
thermore, prior to 1933, when farm support for protective
tariffs was perhaps as great or greater than today, the na­
tion had no farm production controls and no price supports
for most farm products.

Government Debt Financing —
Its Effects in View of Tax Discounting

T H E virtues of a balanced government budget have
long been a subject of controversy among economists,
politicians, and the general public. Debate on this sub­
ject again has heated up in view of the persistence
of inflation and what some consider the inadequate
growth of private investment and the excessive growth
of government. Recently, a widespread movement has
developed to institutionalize the balanced budget
doctrine via a constitutional amendment.1
The current debate provides an opportunity to
examine the issue of debt- versus tax-financed govern­
ment expenditures. The discussion centers on the dif­
ferential economic effects of debt versus tax financ­
ing of a given level of government expenditures.2
In particular, this article will show that the difference
between public debt financing and current taxes de­
pends upon whether taxpayers correctly anticipate the
future taxes that debt issuance implies. This dis­
'Many supporters of the constitutional amendment to require
a balanced Federal budget are interested in reducing the level
of government expenditures rather than simply eliminating
the possible adverse effects of debt financing.
2The assumption of a given level of government expenditures
allows the discussion to center solely on the differential im­
pacts of taxes and debt, and thus, to avoid the possible effects
of changes in the composition or level of government expendi­
tures on the economy.

cussion has important implications for the pre­
sumed evils of debt issuance including reduced
investment and economic growth, debt burden on
future generations, increased inflation, and greater
growth of the government sector, as well as the
efficacy of fiscal policy actions. In addition, to the
extent that movements in interest rates are related to
changes in government borrowing, the issue of debt
financing versus current taxation has important im­
plications for the conduct of monetary policy due to
the use of interest rate targeting by the Federal

The Rise in Federal Debt
The amount of government debt outstanding is
the total of past expenditures financed by the
issuance of government debt instead of current taxes.
Outstanding gross Federal debt at the end of 1978
stood at about $750 billion.
Until World War II, there was a marked tendency
to incur deficits during wartime and to run surpluses
following wars to reduce the size of the outstanding
debt. Following World War II, little attempt was made
to reduce the debt; in fact, debt issuance became a
standard means for the Federal government to finance
Page 11



part of its budget outlays.3 For example, the Federal
budget on a unified basis has been in surplus only
twice in the past 20 years and, since 1970, the amount
of Federal debt has more than doubled.4


Figure I

Government can finance a given amount of outlays
by either levying taxes in the current period or by
issuing interest-bearing debt.5 Virtually all economists
consider the choice of debt versus taxes to have differ­
ent economic effects, although differing views have
developed about the specific economic consequences.

Investment and Economic Growth
Some economists have emphasized the negative
effects of deficit financing on private investment.6 In
their view, debt issued by the public sector adds to
and competes with the private sector (investment)
demands for saving. As a consequence, interest rates
are bid up and some crowding out of productive
private investment occurs.
This scenario is demonstrated by the saving and
investment diagram in Figure I. Investment is assumed
to be negatively related to interest rates, whereas sav­
ing is assumed to be positively related to both the
interest rate and the level of disposable income. The
initial saving and investment schedules (S 0 and I0)
are drawn under the assumption that government
expenditures are tax-financed and that the economy is
at full employment.
When debt is substituted for taxes to finance a
given level of government expenditures, the increased
government demand for funds is added to that of the
private sector, as shown by the shift in the investment
schedule from I0 to Ia. In addition, as a result of the
3Some analysts blame the views of Keynes and his followers on
deficit financing as the key ingredient in changing the tradi­
tional approach of reducing government debt outstanding
following periods of wars. See J. M. Buchanan and R. Wag­
ner, Democracy in Deficit: The Political Legacy of Lord
Keynes (Academic Press, New York, 1977).
4Although the Federal debt has grown rapidly in recent
years, Federal debt when measured relative to Gross National
Product (GNP) has not grown. In fact, the Federal debt
outstanding as a percent of GNP has generally fallen since
World War II. In 1978 Federal debt was about 36 percent
of GNP, down slightly from 1970, and down substantially
from 62 percent in 1958 and 98 percent in 1948.

substitution of debt for currently levied taxes, current
disposable income in the private sector is increased.
If the private sector perceives this change to represent
solely an increase in current disposable income, saving
will increase by only a small percentage of the in­
crease in disposable income. As a result, the shift in
the saving schedule, shown by the movement from
S0 to Si, will not be as large as the shift in the
investm ent schedule.

The effects of a substitution of debt for taxes
are an increase in interest rates (from r0 to rx)
and a reduction in private investment (from X0 to
X2). With a given level of total income, as assumed
in this example, private consumption will be increased
(by the amount X2X0). Thus, private capital forma­
tion is lower in the debt-financed government expendi­
ture case than in the tax-financed one and the
growth rate of the economy is reduced.7
Unlike the classical views described above, Keyne­
sian economists have argued that the economy does
not automatically self-adjust to full employment. These
economists stress the short-run impact of govern­
ment budgetary policies and deemphasize the poten­
tially adverse longer-run effects of debt financing
on investment and economic growth.

5A third alternative, money creation, is not discussed here.
®For a presentation of the classical theory of public debt, see
Richard A. Musgrave, The Theory of Public Finance (New
York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1959), Chapter 23.

Page 12

7If saving is responsive to interest rate changes, but invest­
ment completely unresponsive, debt financing results in a
reduction in consumption and no change in investment.


F i g u r e II



prices from rising, the money stock must be reduced,
which results in a shift of the LM curve to the left.
If a reduction in the money stock shifts the LM curve
precisely to LM X, income is reduced to a level con­
sistent with full employment, Y f. However, interest
rates would be raised from r0 to n and the mix
between private consumption and investment is altered
in a fashion similar to that described by classical

Classical economists viewed the choice between
debt and taxes as unimportant in determining infla­
tion. Since debt financing, in their view, results in the
crowding out of private investment, no additional
demands are created with debt-financed over taxfinanced expenditures. Inflation, in their analysis, is
directly related to the growth rate of the money stock.
So long as this growth in money is not altered, inflation
is not affected by the debt/tax choice.9

In the context of an underemployed economy with
rigidity in wage rates, for example, Keynesians view
debt-financed government expenditures as an im­
portant tool for achieving a level of aggregate de­
mand consistent with full employment and price
stability. When debt is substituted for taxes, they
argue, consumer incomes will be increased by the
amount of the tax cut and, since resources are not fully
employed, crowding out of private expenditures by
higher interest rates would not occur.
In the case of full employment, of course, the effects
of substituting debt for taxes are similar to those of
classical analysis, except that Keynesians view this
substitution as inflationary unless accompanied by a
reduction in the money stock. This can be shown
by the standard IS-LM analysis used in most
economic textbooks.8 Assuming a given level of gov­
ernment expenditures, a tax decrease results in an
increase in disposable income and, in terms of the
IS-LM model, the IS curve shifts to the right (to ISi
in Figure II). If, by assumption, Yf represents full
employment, then income has been increased beyond
a level consistent with stable prices. In order to keep
8For a standard treatment of the IS-LM model, see Colin
Campbell and Rosemary Campbell, An Introduction to
Money and Banking ( Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 3rd
Edition, 1978) Chapters 18 and 19. For a more sophisticated
presentation of the IS-LM model, see Thomas M. Havrilesky
and John T. Boorman, Monetary Macroeconomics ( AHM Pub­
lishing Corporation, 1978), Chapters 11-13.

Both modern-day Keynesians and modern-day
followers of the classical school (sometimes known
as monetarists) often connect deficit spending
with inflation — for entirely different reasons, how­
ever. Keynesian analysis, as noted earlier, implies an
increase in aggregate demand when substituting debtfinancing for current tax-financing of government ex­
penditures. If resources are fully employed, this in­
crease in demand tends to raise nominal income
and prices.
Some monetarists, on the other hand, have noted
an indirect mechanism relating an increase in deficit
financing to inflation.10 To the extent that deficit
spending leads to an increase in credit demands, up­
ward pressure on interest rates results. If the central
bank operates with an interest rate target and is re­
luctant to raise this target when credit demands in­
crease, the increased deficit will become financed in
9An assumption often made in the classical framework is that
the velocity of money (or the demand for money) is con­
stant and, in particular, is not responsive to changes in
interest rates. In terms of the IS-LM model shown above,
the classical assumption can be shown by a vertical LM
10“Federal deficits tend to produce pressure for monetary ex­
pansion. Increased Federal borrowing when added to the
credit demands of the private sector, places upward pres­
sure on interest rates. The monetary authority, however,
can resist these pressures for a short period of time by
buying government securities. Thus, to the extent that ‘low’
interest rates assume a role as an objective of the monetary
authorities, deficit financing tends to accelerate the rate of
monetary expansion.” Keith Carlson, “Large Federal Budget
Deficits: Perspective and Prosperity,” this Review (October
1976), pp. 2-7.

Page 13


F i g u r e III



This view of debt burden prevailed until 1958
when James Buchanan’s book, Public Principles of
Public Debt, was published. In the series of articles
that followed the publication of this book, the view
emerged that a burden on future generations could
result from debt financing.12 The “burden of the debt”
literature revealed that, although the withdrawal of
resources by government must occur in the period in
which the expenditures are made, the method of fi­
nancing government expenditures affects the level
of income that future generations inherit. Thus, to the
extent that deficit financing reduces private investment
and, consequently, inherited capital, a burden is placed
on future generations in the form of a lower capital
stock (and a smaller income stream).


part by monetary creation. As shown in Figure III
when debt rather than current taxes is used to fi­
nance government expenditures, the IS curve shifts to
ISi and, as a result, the interest rate will rise. If the
central bank attempts to maintain interest rates at r0,
it will expand bank reserves and, hence, the nation’s
money supply. The LM curve, which represents equi­
librium points in the monetary sector, will shift to
LMi. This results in upward pressure on prices as
aggregate demand expands above the level consistent
with full employment at stable prices, Yf.

Burden of the Debt
Deficit financing, it has often been suggested, im­
poses a burden upon future generations. Other
economists, primarily Keynesian, have argued that
domestically-held debt imposes no such burden. These
economists argued that government expenditures,
whether debt- or tax-financed, result in a withdrawal
of real resources in the period in which expenditures
are made and that interest payments on domesticallyheld debt simply result in income transfers between
taxpayers and debt holders rather than transfers from
one generation to another.11
n E. J. Mishan, “The National Debt is a Burden,” Twenty-one
Popular Economic Fallacies, 2nd ed. (New York: Praeger
Publishers, 1973), pp. 61-73.

Page 14

Recent economic literature has focused on the
critical assumptions which give rise to the differential
economic effects of debt versus tax financing. In the
preceding discussion, it was assumed that disposable
income rises by the amount of the reduction in taxes
whenever debt is substituted for taxes. This occurs
only if consumers treat this increase in income like
any other increase in income. Recent discussion, how­
ever, centers upon whether and under what circum­
stances taxpayers would fully anticipate the future
taxes implicit when the government issues interestbearing debt. This issue, sometimes referred to as tax
discounting, is critically important for the differential
effects of debt versus taxes. As Bailey pointed
out, “If indeed households forsee their own and their
heirs future taxes, then given government expendi­
tures have the same effect on private consumption
whether they are financed by taxes or borrowing.”18

Private Versus Government Debt
The essence of the tax discounting issue can be
demonstrated by contrasting private and public debt.
Debt instruments are a mechanism for transferring
saving (current income not spent on consumption
goods) from one individual or organization to another.
In the case of privately issued debt, the borrower
12A number of these articles are contained in J. M. Ferguson’s
book Public Debt and Future Generations (Chapel Hill,
North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press, 1964).
13Martin J. Bailey, “The Optimal Full-Employment Surplus,”
Journal of Political Economy (July/August 1972), p. 652.


gains purchasing power over currently produced
goods and services, but at the same time incurs an
obligation to pay back the loan to the lender in the
future. Thus, on net, private debt creation does not
result in the perception of increased wealth in the
The partial t-accounts in Exhibit I demonstrate
these statements. Suppose a large corporation decides
to borrow $1 million by issuing short-term notes,
such as commercial paper, which promise to pay $1
million plus interest to the lender. The lender, for
instance, may exchange demand deposits for another
asset, the commercial paper certificate. The borrower,
on the other hand, receives $1 million in bank deposits,
but at the same time incurs a liability to pay back
the borrowed funds. Thus, on balance, the owners of
the corporation feel no wealthier than before.
The bottom of Exhibit I illustrates the case where
government issues debt whose proceeds are redistrib­
uted in some manner back to the private sector. As
in the case of private debt creation, the private
lenders feel as wealthy as they did initially since the
government promises to pay interest and principal to
the private debt holders. Whether taxpayers foresee
the future taxes that must be levied in order to
service the debt, however, is unclear. In the case of
private debt, the borrower feels no wealthier since an
obligation to pay interest and principal of the loan is
recognized. However, if taxpayers do not anticipate
any of (part of) the future tax liability associated with
the issuance of government debt, then all (part of)
government debt is perceived as an addition to wealth.

Are Government Bonds Perceived
As Net Wealth?
Since David Ricardo, economists have recognized
that, if taxpayers perfectly anticipate the future taxes
associated with government debt issuance, tax financ­
ing and debt financing are essentially equivalent;
that is, taxpayers would consider a tax levy of $1
million today equivalent to the issuance of $1 million
in perpetual bonds. Taxpayers would recognize that,
with the issuance of the $1 million in bonds ( at an as­
sumed interest rate of 10 percent), they have incurred
an obligation to pay $100,000 per year in taxes — the
present value of which is $100,000/.10, or $1 million
— the equivalent of the present value of $1 million of
taxes levied currently.
While economists have recognized the possible
equivalence between debt and taxes, many economists



Exhibit I

Private Debt Creation
- $ 1 m illion
B a n k D ep osits

B orrow e r
* f $ l m illion
B a n k D ep osits

4 - $ l m illion
Com m ercial
Pap er
O u t s ta n d in g

+ $1 m illion
C om m ercial
N et W o rth —


N e t W o rth —


G overnm ent D ebt Creation
P rivate Sector (L e n d e r)

G o ve rn m e n t Sector (B o rro w e r)

- $ 1 m illion
B a n k D ep osits

+ $1 m illion
B a n k D ep osits

+ $1 m illion
T re a su ry b o n d s

—$1 m illion
B a n k D e p o sits

+ $1 m illion
G o ve rn m en t
T ra n sfe r
P aym ents
N e t W o rth —

Liabilities —

+ $1 m illion
T re a su ry
B on d s
u p $1 m illion

u p $1 m illion

have assumed that the conditions under which com­
plete discounting of the tax liability would take place
are not likely to hold. For example, even if taxpayers
correctly anticipate their share of the tax, complete
discounting requires that they not be able to escape
this liability either by dying or moving from the
government’s jurisdiction.14
In the case of a tax on property income, the tax
most often used by local governments, this possibility
is less of a problem since the levy of a tax on property
income is likely to result in a decline in property
values equal to the issuance of government bonds.
Since the value of an asset is the discounted value
of its future income stream, a tax upon that stream
11In the case of taxes on human income, the possibility exists
that current taxpayers can avoid their share of future gov­
ernment taxes by moving from a government’s jurisdiction.
This option is extremely limited for citizens of a nation but
less so for local government jurisdictions. The clearest case
is that where currently produced government services are
debt-financed. Current taxpayers will benefit from the cur­
rently provided government services but will bear little of
the cost in terms of future taxes if they move from the area.
In the case of deficit-financed capital expenditures, current
taxpayers cannot necessarily shift the cost to other taxpayers,
since the future taxes associated with debt finance will likely
be incorporated into property values. The possibility that the
cost of debt-financed government expenditures for current
• services can be shifted to others by moving out of the taxing
jurisdiction of the government helps to explain why local
governments often avoid deficit financing of current budget
expenses. Local governments, instead, often use deficit fi­
nancing for capital expenditures and rely on taxes from
property income, both of which reduce the possibility that
tax burden will be shifted disproportionately to others.

Page 15


reduces its market value. For example, a perpetual
asset that is expected to yield $100 a year and for
which the going interest rate is 10 percent has
a market value of $1,000 ($100/.10). A tax of 5
percent on the expected yearly income would reduce
that income stream to $95 a year, and the market value
would fall to $950 ($95/. 10). For the economy as a
whole, increasing government debt by $1 million ac­
companied by an increase in property taxes of
$100,000 per year to pay the 10 percent interest rate
on the increased debt would immediately reduce the
value of this property by approximately $1 million
($100,000/.10). In this case, the increase in govern­
ment debt does not result in a perception of increased
wealth; taxation and debt are equivalent.
It is less clear that full discounting of future tax
liability of debt issuance occurs in the case of taxes
levied on labor income, even when a taxpayer cor­
rectly anticipates his share of the tax liability. The in­
dividual taxpayer will not fully discount his tax liabil­
ity to the extent that future tax payments He beyond
his life expectancy. He also will not fully take into ac­
count the welfare of his descendants. In this case, an
individual taxpayer will perceive that his lifetime in­
come has risen more (i.e. that he is wealthier) with
debt financing than tax financing of government
Suppose, for instance, that an individual’s share of
the government expenditure is $1,000. The taxpayer is
faced with the choice of a once-and-for-all tax of
$1,000 in the current period or $100 a year to service
interest on a $1,000 government debt ( at the assumed
current interest rate of 10 percent). Under the taxfinanced case, the individual meets the tax burden of
$1,000 by reducing his assets by $1,000 (which are
also assumed to yield 10 percent, the going interest
rate). The taxpayer must forego an income of $100
a year, as in the debt-financing option. But suppose
that the individual expects to pay taxes for only 10
years. Under the debt-financed case, the present value
of the tax claim for 10 years is only $614; thus, the
individual taxpayer perceives his wealth to be $386
greater than in the tax-financed case. As a matter of
arithmetic, the greater the life expectancy, the smaller
the perceived wealth effect. For example, with a life
expectancy of 20 years, the debt financing option re­
sults in a $149 increase in wealth while a 30-year life
expectancy yields a $57 increase in wealth. In effect,
wealth is created with debt issuance because some of
the tax liabilities needed to pay future interest pay­
ments are shifted to members of later generations.
To the extent that this increases the taxpayer’s per­
Page 16



ceived wealth or lifetime income stream, greater cur­
rent expenditures result from debt financing than from
tax financing.
This wealth effect from debt financing will dis­
appear, however, if the tax liabilities shifted to future
generations are taken into account when current tax­
payers plan their bequests and other wealth transfers.
Barro has demonstrated that “finite lives will
not be relevant to the capitalization of future tax
liabilities so long as current generations are con­
nected to future generations by a chain of operative
intergenerational transfers ( either in the direction
from old to young or in the direction from young to
old).”15 This is a complicated way of saying that
parents and children can make wealth transfers at
times other than death. For example, parents make
transfers to their children in the form of education,
living expenses, and bequests, and children some­
times provide support for their aged parents. In
effect, these transfers between generations allow cur­
rent taxpayers to act as if they are immortal. Barro
argues that these intergenerational wealth shifts are
sufficient to restore the balance of wealth across gener­
ations that would have been deemed optimal if all
government expenditures had been financed by cur­
rent taxes.16

The issue of tax discounting cannot be settled solely
by theoretical arguments. Recently, several empirical
studies have attempted to discover the extent to which
tax discounting actually occurs. Existing evidence is
immense since each economic model that contains
fiscal variables also generates implications for tax dis­
counting. Several large models of the economy have
found, for example, that tax reductions financed by
debt issue have significant effects on income. This pro­
vides indirect evidence that less than complete tax
discounting occurs. Evidence from some reduced-form
models, such as the St. Louis model, shows that fiscal
policy actions, as measured by the high-employment
15Robert J. Barro, “Are Government Bonds Net Wealth?” Jour­
nal of Political Economy, November/December 1974, pp.
16Other complications can result in the nonequivalence of debt
and taxes including uncertainty about future taxes and
imperfect capital markets. Barro analyzes these possibilities
and concludes that “there is no pervasive theoretical case
for treating government debt, at the margin, as a net com­
ponent of perceived household wealth. The argument for a
negative wealth effect seems, a priori, to be as convincing
as the argument for a positive effect.” Ibid., p. 1116.


budget deficit, have no lasting effect on aggregate de­
mand and income. This tends to provide indirect
evidence in favor of full tax discounting.17 This evi­
dence, however, is inconclusive since fiscal effects can
be washed out through such other mechanisms as the
crowding out of private expenditures by higher in­
terest rates.18
Recently, several studies have directly tested the
extent of tax discounting by specifying consump­
tion functions where such variables as the government
deficit and outstanding government debt are tested for
their effects upon consumption. One of the first of
these was by Kochin.19 His study was motivated by
the casual observation that the saving rate as meas­
ured by National Income Accounts (NIA) data and
the level of the deficit are positively correlated —
an observation consistent with the notion of tax dis­
counting. For example, when a deficit results from a
tax cut, measured disposable income rises. In the
case of full tax discounting, consumers realize that
the debt issued to finance the deficit implies future
taxes for themselves or their heirs and, accordingly,
that their lifetime income or wealth is unaltered.
Thus, consumption expenditures are unchanged and
measured NIA personal saving, defined as disposable
income minus consumption expenditures, rises.
Kochin specified consumption of nondurables
and services as a function of disposable income, the
Federal deficit, and lagged consumption. Using an
equation estimated in first differences over the period,
1952-71, he found that a $100 increase in the
Federal deficit results in approximately an $11 de­
cline in consumption. Kochin interpreted this as an
indication that consumers have at least partially
taken into account the future taxes associated with
government deficits.
Kochin’s study generated several criticisms. Yawitz
and Meyer criticized Kochin’s study for misspecification because it did not directly include a government
wealth variable.20 Using a life-cycle model in which
consumption is specified as a function of disposable
17See Leonall C. Andersen and Keith M. Carlson, “A Mone­
tarist Model for Economic Stabilization,” this Review (April
1970), pp. 7-25, and Keith M. Carlson, “Does the St. Louis
Equation Now Believe in Fiscal Policy?” this Review (Feb­
ruary 1978), pp. 13-19.
18Keith M. Carlson and Roger W. Spencer, “Crowding Out and
Its Critics,” this Review (December 1975), pp. 2-17.
19Lewis A. Kochin, “Are Future Taxes Anticipated by Con­
sumers?” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (August
1974), pp. 385-94.
20Jess B. Yawitz and Laurence H. Meyer, “An Empirical In­
vestigation of Tax Discounting,” Journal of Money, Credit
and Banking (May 1976), pp. 247-54.



income, the market value of private sector holdings
of government securities, and household net worth
(other than government securities), Yawitz and Meyer
observed small positive coefficients on the private
wealth and U.S. Government debt variables which
were not significantly different from each other. They
interpreted these results to indicate that no discount­
ing occurred since government debt outstanding ap­
peared to have an effect on consumption similar to
that of other private wealth. They pointed out that
their results were “inconclusive,” however, “because of
the extremely narrow variability of the Government
debt series.”21
A review of the existing evidence on tax discount­
ing ( or, as they call it, debt neutrality) by Buiter and
Tobin also criticized the Kochin study.22 First, the
authors noted that the negative coefficient on the
deficit variable was not as large as the value on the
disposable income variable, and thus the equation
did not support complete discounting. They also ob­
jected to Kochin’s equation because of the simultane­
ity problems with some of the variables used and the
inclusion of the Federal deficit rather than the
total government deficit. When they reran Kochin’s
equation, adding data for 1972-76, they found the
results substantially changed; the coefficient on the
deficit variable, although negative, was not signifi­
cantly different from zero. When Buiter and Tobin
made several refinements to Kochin’s equation, trans­
forming the variables into per capita terms and intro­
ducing the deficit of the public sector in addition to
that of the Federal government, they found again that
the deficit variable had the correct sign ( —) but was
insignificantly different from zero.
In another recent study, Tanner utilized a consump­
tion function of the life-cycle type which also included
a number of variables not specified in the Yawitz and
Meyer study.23 The unemployment rate was included
to adjust disposable income for cyclical variation; the
stock of consumer durable goods was added because
it was expected to have a negative relationship with
current consumption expenditures. Additional vari­
ables included were corporate retained earnings, pri21With only small changes in the real value of Government
debt held by the private sector and given the low propen­
sity to consume out of wealth, only minor effects on aggre­
gate consumption could have been expected. Ibid., p. 253.
22William Buiter and James Tobin, “Debt Neutrality: A Brief
Review of Doctrine and Evidence” (Cowles Foundation
Discussion Paper No. 497, Cowles Foundation for Research
in Economics, September 15, 1978).
23J. Ernest Tanner, “An Empirical Investigation of Tax Dis­
counting,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (May
1979), pp. 214-18.

Page 17


vate wealth as measured by the net stock of fixed nonresidential business capital and residential housing,
the total government surplus ( or deficit), and the mar­
ket value of government debt.
Again, the reasoning behind this equation, similar
to that of Kochin’s, is that “current Government defi­
cits may depress current expenditures because these
deficits imply higher future taxes. This hypothesis
implies that current taxpayers will not consume at the
expense of their heirs but rather will increase their
personal savings so that their bequests, inclusive of
the Government debt, would be the same as if the
Government deficit had not occurred.”24 The hypoth­
esis that full tax discounting occurs, or alternatively,
that government debt is not perceived as net wealth
implies a zero coefficient on outstanding government
debt and a positive (negative) coefficient on the cur­
rent government surplus (deficit). The coefficients
for Tanner’s equation estimated for U.S. data over
the period 1947-74 are consistent with the complete
discounting hypothesis. The coefficient on the gov­
ernment surplus variable was positive and significant;
the coefficient on the Government debt variable was
quite small and not significantly different from zero.
Tanner’s study is subject to criticism, however,
since the private wealth variable also does not have
a coefficient significantly different from zero. This out­
come is doubtful given the large amount of evidence
that has found private wealth to influence current
consumption expenditures. Tanner’s result, however,
may have resulted from the inclusion of retained earn­
ings in his equation. Since retained earnings are a
major source of change to the capital stock, this vari­
able could well reduce the significance of the private
wealth variable. Similarly, the inclusion of both the
government surplus (or deficit) and the outstanding
stock of government debt is a doubtful specification
since the surplus or deficit largely represents the
change in the government debt series.

The implications of full tax discounting as sug­
gested in Tanner’s equation are quite important to
the way economists have traditionally viewed a num­
ber of macroeconomic issues. Most basic is the effect
of government debt upon the consumption/saving
mix. As discussed earlier, with a given level of govern­
ment expenditures, both classical and Keynesian econ­
omists thought that government debt financing dis­
24Ibid., p. 215.



couraged private investment relative to the alternative
of current taxation. But, if taxpayers view government
debt and taxes as equivalent, consumption is not al­
tered from the tax-financed case, and private invest­
ment and economic growth is not hindered.
With full discounting, the effects of fiscal actions
also disappear. In terms of the IS-LM model shown
in Figure III, fiscal actions, such as a tax cut with
government outlays unchanged, do not shift the IS
curve to IS, as standard analysis shows. Rather, with
full discounting, the subsequent increase in disposable
income is not viewed by the public as an increase in
net wealth, and therefore, demand for current con­
sumption is not stimulated. On the other hand, less
than full discounting of future taxes leaves open the
possibility that fiscal actions have economic effects.
Even in this case, fiscal policies do not necessarily
have effects on aggregate demand. Various arguments
other than tax discounting have shown how fiscal
policies may be impotent in stimulating aggregate
The connection between government deficits and
inflation is also questionable if the issuance of govern­
ment debt is neutral. One connection between deficits
and inflation relies on the premise that governmentissued debt places upward pressure on market inter­
est rates. When the Federal Reserve conducts mone­
tary policy by targeting an interest rate, any upward
pressure on interest rates will induce the Federal
Reserve to make open-market purchases of govern­
ment securities in order to maintain its target. As a
result, undesirable increases in the money stock can
result and eventually inflation will be exacerbated. If
the tax liability associated with deficit spending is
fully anticipated, however, the public will “save” commensurately with the increase in the demand for credit
resulting from the issuance of government debt. In this
case, interest rates are not bid higher than they would
be in the case of tax-financed government expendi­
tures, and therefore the connection between deficits
and inflation via the reaction of the Federal Reserve
to interest rate movements breaks down.
In addition, it has been argued that deficit spend­
ing encourages a larger government sector than would
result from a balanced budget policy. In fact, this
belief underlies the reasoning of many of the current
supporters of the balanced budget constitutional
amendment. Buchanan and Wagner, recent propo­
nents of this view, argue that deficit financing reduces
the perceived cost of government services to current
25See Carlson and Spencer, “Crowding Out,” pp. 2-17.


taxpayers.26 As a result, government services increase
at a faster rate than actually desired by citizens. This
explanation of the growing size of government de­
pends crucially upon the assumption that less than
full tax discounting occurs.27

Traditionally, economic analysts have found that
the choice between debt and taxes has a significant
effect on the economy. To the extent that taxpayers
do not take into account the tax liability associated
with government debt, they will perceive increased
income and wealth when government debt is substi­
tuted for current taxation. As a result, current con­
sumption is encouraged and investment discouraged
in comparison with tax-financed government expendi­
ture. Under this scenario, private capital formation
and the long-term growth of the economy are reduced.
Some recent theoretical and empirical studies have
questioned the analysis underlying these results. These
studies point out that taxes versus debt is really a
choice between taxation today versus taxation tomor­
row. If the future taxes required to service the debt
26J. M. Buchanan and R. Wagner, Democracy in Deficit: The
Political Legacy of Lord Keynes (Academic Press, New
York, 1977).
27For a study that finds evidence opposing these views, see
William A. Niskanen, “Deficit, Government Spending, and
Inflation — What is the Evidence?” Journal of Monetary
Economics (August 1978), pp. 591-602.



are widely perceived by the public, no increase in
private wealth occurs with deficit financing. In this
case, the choice between debt and taxes is essentially
neutral and the presumed benefits of a balanced bud­
get disappear.
Also, the argument for a link between inflation and
deficits is not as strong if tax discounting is assumed.
If the issuance of government debt does not result in
the perception of increased wealth, a given level of
government expenditures financed by debt is no more
expansionary than the same outlays financed by taxes.
Furthermore, since interest rates do not rise in this
case, the mechanism by which deficits raise overall
credit demands and encourage the Federal Reserve
to expand the money supply at a greater rate is also
In essence, complete discounting of tax liabilities
implies that the arguments over the relative merits of
balanced and unbalanced budgets are irrelevant. With
complete discounting, neither the potential of un­
balanced budgets (changing taxes with a given level
of government expenditures) to influence aggregate
demand nor the adverse effects of unbalanced bud­
gets on investment, inflation, or the size of govern­
ment exist. Although recent theoretical and empirical
studies lend support to the incorporation of tax dis­
counting into the analysis of debt financing, the evi­
dence does not appear strong enough for one to
completely disregard the possibility of less than full

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