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Volume 50

Number 7

Growth In Time Deposits Slows

N RECENT MONTHS time and savings deposits
in commercial banks have grown at relatively slow
rates. The growth of time deposits depends to a great
extent on the interest rates banks are willing and able
to pay, and on the rates available to savers on com­
petitive assets. Since last summer short-term market
interest rates have risen sharply. Yields on three-month
Treasury bills increased from 4.42 per cent in Sep­
tember 1967, to about 5.70 per cent in June 1968.
Over the same period the yields on 4-to-6 month
commercial paper issued by leading business firms
moved upward from 5.00 per cent to 6.35 per cent.
Since late May both short and long-term rates have
eased somewhat, but remain at historically high
levels. The only other occasion when money market
interest rates reached these levels in the past 40 years
was in the summer and fall of 1966.
In conjunction with the rapid rise in market in­
terest rates, the Federal Reserve System on April 19
adjusted Regulation Q, which sets the maximum in­
terest rates commercial banks can pay on savings and
time deposits. This adjustment established higher
ceilings on most maturities of large negotiable certif­
icates of deposit.


C O M M E R C I A L B A N K T I M E D E P O S I TS 1

Savings deposits
O t h e r time deposits:
Multiple maturity:
9 0 days or more
Less than 90 days
( 3 0 - 8 9 da ys )
Single maturity:
Less than $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 or more:
3 0 - 5 9 days
6 0 - 8 9 days
9 0 - 1 7 9 days
1 80 days an d over

Dec. 6,

J u l y 20,

Sept. 26,

April 1 9,

19 65

19 66

19 66












Page 2

4- to 6 -M o n th
Prim e C o m m e rcia l P ap e r u


R e g u la tio n u

19 6 7

196 8

Source: Bo a rd of G o v e rn o rs of the F e de ra l Reserve System a n d Sa lo m o n Brothers & H u tzle r.
t iM o n t h ly a ve ra g e s of d a ily figures.
[2 M o n th ly a ve ra g e s of F rid a y figures.
Latest d a ta p lo tte d : June

However, market interest rates subsequently rose
to such high levels that even with the increase in
maximum rates under Regulation Q, yields on CD’s
became less attractive relative to yields on commercial
paper or Treasury bills. Similarly, yields on CD’s in
the unregulated secondary market have risen at
roughly the same pace as other money market rates,
and have been higher in recent months than the
maximum permitted on newly issued CD’s.

A market interest rate is the price of credit. It is
determined, as are other prices, by the interplay of
demand and supply. Over the last year interest rates
have been rising in response to a growing demand for
credit, and in spite of a growing supply of loanable

5 Vii

S 'h

1For exceptions with respect to foreign time deposits, see the Federal
Reserve B ulletin, October 1962, p. 1279, and August 1965, p. 1084. For
rates for postal savings deposits, see the Annual Reports o f the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.


------------- ,8

8i --------------

Causes of Interest Rate Increases

(Per cent)

T y p e of Deposit

S e le c te d M o n e y M a r k e t R a te s

Per Cent

The demand for credit generally rises with in­
creased spending. Since the third quarter of 1967
total spending on goods and services has risen at an
estimated 9 per cent annual rate. By comparison,

total spending increased at a 7 per cent trend rate
in the 1961-1967 period. Business spending for capital
expansion and government expenditures for goods
and services have been major contributors to the
rapid growth of spending. Business capital expendi­
tures for plant and durable equipment have risen at
an estimated 9 per cent rate since the third quarter of
1967. Heavy borrowing by businesses to finance such
expenditures reflected both the expanding level of
current activity and greater inflationary expectations.
With such expectations, businessmen feel that delays
will be costly, and they will be willing to pay higher
interest rates because funds borrowed now will be
repaid in cheaper dollars.

Money Stock
Ratio Scale
Billions of D o ll a r s

20 0 |-----------------------


June 6 4

A p r . 65

M o n t h ly A v e r a g e s o f D a i l y F ig u re
S e a s o n a l ly A d ju s t e d

A p r .'66

Ja n .6 7

The supply of loanable funds comes from house­
hold and business savings and from the creation of
bank credit. Monetary developments associated with
an increase in the supply of funds probably have a
D e m a n d a n d Production
R a tio S c a le

Quarterly Total* at Annual Rates

R a tio S c a le




Ju n e 6 8

i i I i itl i i I i i

I ■ i -t

Government expenditures on a national income ac­
counts basis have risen at an estimated 13 per cent
annual rate since the third quarter of 1967. Over the
1961 to 1965 period prior to the Vietnam buildup,
these expenditures increased at an average 8.5 per cent
rate. Greater spending by the Government has out­
paced the growth in tax revenues since 1966 and
caused the Treasury to borrow a large volume of
funds from the public. The Government’s high-employment budget, a measure of fiscal stimulation, has
been in deficit at an annual rate of about $11 billion
in the last three quarters, compared with an average
surplus of $8.2 billion in the pre-Vietnam, 1961-1965

Ratio Scale
Billions of Do llars



P e r c e n ta g e s o re a n n u a l rate s o f c h a n g e b e tw e e n p e rio d s in d ic a t e d .T h e y a re
p re s e n te d to a id in c o m p a rin g m o st re c e n td e v e lo p m e n ts w ith p o s t "tre n d s ."
L a t e s t d a t a p lo t te d : J u n e p r e l im in a r y

dual effect on the interest rate structure. Creation of
money has been at unusually rapid rates since early
last year, and this has tended to place a temporary de­
pressing force on interest rates as new funds were
injected. However, as consumers and businesses ob­
tained more funds than they desired to hold, spending
was stimulated. Inflationary pressures resulting from
the stimulus of spending caused increased demands for
credit which tended to drive interest rates up. Also,
because of rising prices, lenders demanded a higher
nominal rate of return in order to maintain the same
real rate of return, creating an additional force driv­
ing interest rates up.
Between 1961 and 1966 the nation’s money stock
grew at an average annual rate of 3.6 per cent. This
rate of monetary growth was accompanied by a real
growth in output of 4.6 per cent per year, and price
rises of about 1.9 per cent per year. In marked con­
trast, since January of 1967 the monetary stock has
risen at a 7 per cent rate, the fastest growth over
any 18-month period since World War II. Paralleling
the rapid monetary growth, output has risen at an
estimated 5 per cent rate since the third quarter of
1967, and price rises have accelerated rapidly. The
broadest measure of prices, the GNP price deflator,
has risen at a 4 per cent rate in the last three quarters.


a G N P in current dollar*.
Source: U S Department of Commerce
12 G N P in 1958 dollar*.
Percentages are annual rates of chonge between periods indicated.They are presented to aid in
comparing most recentdevelopments with pact "trend*."
Latest data plotted: 1st quarter 1968

Market interest rates have risen even after interest
rates on time and savings deposits at commercial
banks reached their legal ceilings. As a result the
flow of savings has shifted away from the banks
and other financial intermediaries, and has gone di­
rectly into financial markets. Since November 1967
Page 3

savings deposits have been growing at a decelerating
rate, and the volume of large certificates of deposit
outstanding has actually declined. Savings deposits
and smaller certificates at commercial banks have
grown at a 4 per cent annual rate, and large CD’s
have declined substantially. By comparison, the rela­
tive yields were more favorable to time deposits in
commercial banks in the first half of 1967; time deposits
other than large CD’s increased 16 per cent, and
large CD’s rose 26 per cent. Some have argued that
since total demands for goods and services have been
rising excessively, it is appropriate to slow the growth
of time deposits and hence, the volume of bank
credit. However, there is little evidence that the
total volume of all credit extended has been slowed.
Since last November commercial paper has con­
tinued to rise at a rapid rate. From November to May
commercial paper grew at a 15 per cent rate, whereas
in 1967, when market rates on commercial paper were
relatively less attractive than the rates banks were
offering, outstanding commercial paper increased 10
per cent.

In the last year, market interest rates have risen
markedly because of a large Federal deficit coupled
with stimulative monetary actions. Higher market in­
terest rates, combined with rigid rate regulation on
financial intermediaries, have caused these institutions

Page 4

to be less competitive in attracting funds. The re­
sulting disintermediation has broad implications for
the allocation of savings and resources as well as for
the relative role played by financial intermediaries
in the saving process.
Small businesses, consumers, and real estate pur­
chasers must generally rely on their local institutions
for credit. Big corporations and the Federal Govern­
ment are the chief borrowers who can successfully
obtain funds in the central money and capital markets
by issuing common stock, commercial paper, corpor­
ate bonds, and Government securities. Therefore, in
essence, the results of Begulation Q and other rate
regulations ( and the disintermediation they bring on)
are to give a competitive advantage to the large
corporation and government over the small business­
man, consumer, and home buyer.
In addition, the saver with a large volume of
funds tends to be favored by the Regulation as com­
pared to the saver with a smaller amount, since
Regulation Q permits higher rates on amounts
over $100,000 than on smaller amounts. Moreover,
the Regulation and similar rules on other financial
intermediaries apply to those institutions where the
bulk of the small liquid savings are held. Holders
of large volumes of funds can lend them more read­
ily in the central money markets where interest rates
are free to fluctuate.

A Dialogue On Special Drawing Rights

T h e i n t e r n a t io n a l m o n e t a r y m e c h ANISM has been subjected to a series of shocks in
the last year; the devaluation of the British pound in
November 1967, the ensuing massive speculative pur­
chases of gold, the suspension of gold sales in the
London market by the Gold Pool Countries,1 and the
establishment of the two-price system for gold.2
The possibility of an international financial crisis
revolves around the fear that the international value
of the dollar and the pound sterling may be changed
in the future. As these currencies, along with gold,
are the present major sources of international reserve
assets, speculation on their devaluation would lead
some foreigners, both governmental and private, to
convert their dollar and sterling assets into gold or
some other commodity.
Such a shift in preferences against reserve curren­
cies could lead to a decline in the overall level of
international reserves. If this happened, it could result
in a decline in international trade and capital move­
ments, as various countries attempt to rebuild their
international reserve positions by taking restrictive
domestic actions or imposing exchange controls.
Given the apparently large private demand for
gold, and the firm intention of the United States
Government not to increase the price of gold, it is
clear that the future growth in international reserves
will not come from increased holdings of monetary
gold stocks. Increased foreign official holdings of
dollars, sterling, and automatic drawing rights on the
lrThe Gold Pool countries were the United States, Switzerland,
the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Belgium, and The
Netherlands. France was a member of the Pool earlier but
has not participated actively since June, 1967.
2The United States will continue to buy and sell gold to
foreign official institutions at a price of $35 an ounce; how­
ever, the private market price has been allowed to float.

International Monetary Fund could fill some of the
world’s need for increased international reserves.
However, the use of sterling as a reserve asset is
expected to decline substantially in the future. In
addition, the process of foreign acquisition of liquid
dollar balances, of necessity, implies continuation of
the United States international payments deficit. These
deficits have reduced foreign confidence in the value
of the dollar.
A mechanism, which in the process of generating
international reserves simultaneously reduces confi­
dence in the value of the reserve asset, is clearly in
need of some modification. It has been apparent for
some time that a supplemental form of reserve asset,
not subject to the limitations implicit in the use of a
national currency, is needed. SDR’s (Special Drawing
Rights of the International Monetary Fund) or paper
gold, as they are sometimes referred to, are the pro­
posed solution. After four years of discussion and
inquiry among interested governments, the general
outline of the SDR plan was approved by the Inter­
national Monetary Fund at its annual meeting at Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, in September 1967. During the sub­
sequent six months the staff of the IMF converted
this proposal into detailed language in the form of an
Amendment to the IMF Articles of Agreement. This
detailed plan was accepted on the weekend of March
30-31, 1968, by monetary officials of the major IMF
member countries, ie, the Group of Ten,3 at a meeting
in Stockholm, Sweden.
This meeting was of critical importance because it
showed that there is strong agreement on the need to
create a supplemental form of international reserve.

3The Group of Ten are: Belgium, Canada, France, Germany,
Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom,
and the United States.
Page 5

Only France reserved its position with respect to
participating in the SDR plan. Ratification of the
SDR Amendments to the Articles of Agreement
requires the approval of 60 per cent of the member
countries with at least 80 per cent of the weighted
voting power. The United States was the first Govern­
ment to approve on June 24, 1968. However, because
of the legislative procedures involved in ratification
by the other member countries, it seems doubtful that
the new reserve facility will be activated before 1969.

Technical Issues
Question: What are Special Drawing Rights?
Answer: Special Drawing Rights (SDR’s) are ac­
count entries on the books of the International Mone­
tary Fund quite separate and distinct from the other
accounts of the IMF, which will be divided among
the Fund’s participating member countries in accord­
ance with their present IMF quotas. The member
countries will receive the initial allotment of SDR’s
without incurring a corresponding debit. A contingent
liability exists in case the SDR arrangement should
ever be terminated, or in case of the withdrawal of
one or more countries.
Question: What are the benefits to those countries
which participate?
Answer : Any country with SDR balances can use them
to meet balance-of-payments deficits with other coun­
tries. A country with a balance-of-payments deficit
usually has financed it by sales from its gold or con­
vertible currency holdings. With SDR’s, a country
can also finance part of its deficit by instructing
the IMF to draw down the balance in its SDR ac­
count in exchange for an equivalent amount of con­
vertible currency. The IMF then designates one or
more member countries to transfer convertible cur­
rency to the deficit country in exchange for an equi­
valent increase in SDR balances.
For example, if Japan had a $100 million deficit, it
could finance all or part of it from its SDR balances.
If the Japanese wish to utilize the equivalent of $50
million of their SDR account, the IMF would debit
Japan’s account for $50 million and credit the SDR
account of, for example, Germany, with a like amount.
Germany would transfer the equivalent of $50 million
in convertible currencies to Japan.
A country without a current balance-of-payments
deficit, or a declining level of international reserves,
may engage in voluntary transfers of SDR’s with an­
other country in order to restore a better balance in
the components of its international reserves. Such
Page 6

action requires the mutual agreement of both par­
ticipating countries, and the approval of the Inter­
national Monetary Fund. This provision is of special
importance to a reserve currency country like the
United States which has a substantial volume of out­
standing dollar liabilities to foreign central banks. A
member country holding more dollars than is con­
sidered appropriate can exchange them for SDR’s
with the United States, or with another country hold­
ing fewer dollars than it desires.
Countries which hold SDR’s will receive interest
on these balances at a rate to be decided by the
Roard of Governors of the IMF, presently anticipated
to be IV2 per cent per year.
Question: What are the obligations of SDR participa­
Answer: There are basically two obligations to par­
ticipation in the SDR arrangement and they are con­
verse to the benefits. Just as countries with a deficit
can finance part of it by drawing down their SDR
holdings, countries with surpluses must be prepared
to accept part of the surplus in the form of SDR’s.
There is, however, a limit to the amount of SDR’s
which any one country must accept, equal to three
times the net cumulative allocation of SDR’s which
that country has received from the IMF inclusive of
these allocations. For example, if Italy’s share of the
net cumulative allocations is the equivalent of $10
million, it must be prepared to accept at least $20
million in additional SDR’s from other countries. A
country may, at its discretion, agree to accept a
larger amount of SDR’s.
Each country must pay a charge to the IMF on
its net cumulative allocations of SDR’s. The charge
will be equal to the interest rate paid on SDR’s. Thus,
those countries which hold only their net cumulative
issuance of SDR’s will have interest income and
charges which are equal to each other. Countries
whose SDR balance exceeds their net cumulative al­
locations (Germany in the example) will have interest
income which exceeds their charges. Countries with
SDR balances which are less than their net accumula­
tive allocations (Japan in the example) will have
charges which exceed their interest income. Conse­
quently, there will be a small incentive for surplus
countries to acquire SDR balances and a small cost
for deficit countries to draw down their SDR balances.
Question: Must SDR balances be reconstituted?
Answer: This was one of the key questions in the
negotiation of the SDR arrangement. Some countries
wanted SDR’s to be fully repayable within a specified

number of years, which would have made them equiv­
alent to intermediate-term financing much like con­
ventional type IMF financing. Other countries wanted
SDR’s to be permanently outstanding, which would
have made them, in effect, a net addition to the
stock of international reserves to the full extent of
the amount allocated. The final result was a com­
promise. Participating countries will be required to
maintain an average daily balance of SDR’s equal
to 30 per cent of their net cumulative allocation dur­
ing each “basic” period, which will be five years in
length. A country may reduce its SDR balance below
30 per cent at any time, but should have it rebuilt
by the end of the “basic” period in such a way that
the average daily balance is 30 per cent for the
“basic” period as a whole.
Question: What will prevent the issuance of SDR’s
from causing an international inflation?
Answer: The proposed amendment to the Articles of
Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, to
determine the amount of SDR’s to be issued, specifies
such restrictive procedures that the major fear is that
too few, and not too many, SDR’s will be issued. An
85 per cent weighted vote of the members of the

IMF is required to initiate any issuance of SDR’s —a
minority group holding a fraction more than 15 per
cent of the votes can block any issuance.
Typically, those countries with balance-of-payments
surpluses are enjoying an increase in their holdings
of international reserves, and will probably require
substantial evidence of international deflation to con­
vince them that there is a world-wide shortage of
reserves. If surplus countries with a weighted voting
power of only 15.1 per cent are not convinced of
the need to increase international reserves, they could
veto any growth in SDR’s.
Question: What is the significance of the SDR plan?
Answer: With gold no longer expected to contribute
to the growth in world monetary reserves, and with
the United States determined to correct its chronic
balance-of-payments problem in the near future, it is
essential that a supplementary reserve asset be de­
veloped. The implementation of the SDR plan will
provide the means for regulating the stock of inter­
national reserves through conscious decision-making,
according to the needs of world trade and capital


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Reserve Bank of St. Louis, P. O. Box 442, St. Louis, Missouri 63166.

Page 7

Editors Note to “The Role of Money and Monetary Policy”
The following is a guest article prepared by Dr. Karl Brunner. Since July 1966, Dr.
Brunner has been the Everett D. Reese Professor of Economics at The Ohio State Univer­
sity. For the previous fifteen years he was Professor of Economics at the University of
California at Los Angeles.
In this article Dr. Brunner examines the current status of the debate regarding the role of
money and monetary policy in economic stabilization actions. It is presented in this Review
with the anticipation that his examination of the issues involved in this debate will bring
forth further discussion by proponents of the various views. Such discussions are essential
for development of the framework required for rational stabilization policy.
Dr. Brunner and several other well-known economists have been leading proponents of
the monetary view of economic stabilization. On the basis of a great amount of theo­
retical and empirical research, they contend that the Federal Reserve can control the
money stock and that the money stock is a good indicator of the thrust of Federal Reserve
actions on output, employment, and prices. These economists have been critical of the role
played by the Federal Reserve System in monetary management because they have found
little evidence that the System has recognized the importance of money in carrying out its
responsibility for economic stabilization.
A countercritique to the criticisms of these monetary economists has been presented in
several publications of the Federal Reserve System. This countercritique derives its eco­
nomic foundations from a so-called “New View” of monetary economics. This “New View”
stresses the role of assets, both real and financial, and the relative price mechanism in mone­
tary analysis. The countercritique contends that the Federal Reserve has little control over the
money stock and that the money stock plays only a minor role in the transmission mechanism
linking Federal Reserve actions to the real sectors of the economy.
Dr. Brunner, in this article, analyzes and evaluates various issues raised by the counter­
critique. He points out that the main economists who stress the role of money and monetary
policy also utilize the asset and relative price approach to monetary analyis; hence, in this
regard there is little difference between them and the “New View.” The main point of conten­
tion between the two groups, according to Dr. Brunner, lies in the extent of the development
of testable hypotheses bearing on the issues raised by each group. He maintains that the
monetary point of view has developed such hypotheses and has subjected them to rigor­
ous empirical examination. On the other hand, the “New View” and the countercritique,
according to Dr. Brunner, have kept their analyses of the monetary mechanism in the realm
of abstract economics. He characterizes their analyses as “an empty form with little empirical
Recent discussions of various points of view on these issues appear in “Standards For
Guiding Monetary Actions,” hearings before the Joint Economic Committee, May 1968.
Positions of academic economists, business economists, and members of the Board of Gov­
ernors of the Federal Reserve System are contained in these hearings. The “Report of the
Committee,” June 1968, recommends to the Federal Reserve System that the yearly growth
of the money stock be held within a range of 2 to 6 per cent.
Numerous works are cited in this article, and the interested reader should refer to them for
elaboration of the many summary arguments advanced by the author. Several statistical tests
are reported in tables; the author should be contacted directly for further information on
these tests and in regard to the data used.

Page 8

The Role of Money and Monetary Policy
The Ohio State University

-l-HE DEVELOPMENT of monetary analysis in
the past decade has intensified the debate concerning
the role of money and monetary policy. Extensive
research fostered critical examinations of the Fed­
eral Reserve’s traditional descriptions of policy and
of the arrangements governing policymaking. Some
academic economists and others attribute the cyclical
fluctuations of monetary growth and the persistent
problem concerning the proper interpretation of
monetary policy to the established procedures of
monetary policy and the conceptions traditionally
guiding policymakers.
The critique of established policy procedures,
which evolved from this research into questions con­
cerning the monetary mechanism, is derived from a
body of monetary theory referred to in this paper as
the Monetarist position. Three major conclusions have
emerged from the hypotheses put forth. First, mone­
tary impulses are a major factor accounting for vari­
ations in output, employment and prices. Second,
movements in the money stock are the most reliable
measure of the thrust of monetary impulses. Third,
the behavior of the monetary authorities dominates
movements in the money stock over business cycles.
A response to the criticisms of existing monetary
‘ This paper owes a heavy debt to my long and stimulating
association with Allan H. Meltzer. I also wish to acknowledge
the editorial assistance of Leonall C. Andersen, Keith M.
Carlson, and Jerry L. Jordan of the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis.

policy methods was naturally to be expected and
is welcomed. Four articles which defend present
policy procedures have appeared during the past
few years in various Federal Reserve publications.1
These articles comprise a countercritique which
argues that monetary impulses are neither properly
measured nor actually transmitted by the money
stock. The authors reject the Monetarist thesis that
monetary impulses are a chief factor determining
variations in economic activity, and they contend
that cyclical fluctuations of monetary growth cannot
be attributed to the behavior of the Federal Reserve
authorities. These fluctuations are claimed to result
primarily from the behavior of commercial banks
and the public.
The ideas and arguments put forth in these articles
deserve close attention. The controversy defined by
the critique of policy in professional studies and the
countercritique appearing in Federal Reserve pub­
lications bears on issues of fundamental importance
to public policy. Underlying all the fashionable words
and phrases is the fundamental question: What is the
'Lyle Gramley and Samuel Chase, “Time Deposits in Mone­
tary Analysis,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, October 1965. John
H. Kareken, “Commercial Banks and the Supply of Money:
A Market Determined Demand Deposit Rate, ’ Federal Re­
serve Bulletin, October 1967. J. A. Cacy, “Alternative Ap­
proaches to the Analysis of the Financial Structure, Monthly
Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, March 1968.
Richard G. Davis, “The Role of the Money Supply in Business
Cycles,” Monthly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
April 1968.
Page 9

role of monetary policy and what are the require­
ments of rational policymaking?
The following sections discuss the major aspects of
the countercritique. These rejoinders may contribute
to a better understanding of the issues, and the
resulting clarification may remove some unnecessary
disputes. Even though the central contentions of the
controversy will remain, the continuous articulation
of opposing points of view plays a vital role in the
search for greater understanding of the monetary

A Summary of the Countercritique
The four articles relied on two radically different
groups of arguments. Gramley-Chase, Kareken and
Cacy exploit the juxtaposition “New View versus
Traditional View” as the central idea guiding their
countercritique. The analytical framework developed
by the critique is naturally subsumed for this purpose
under the “Traditional View” label. On the other
hand, Davis uses the analytical framework developed
by the critique in order to organize his arguments.
Gramley-Chase describe their general argument
in the following words:
“(New) developments have reaffirmed the
bankers’ point of view that deposits are attracted,
not created, as textbooks suggest. In this new
environment, growth rates of deposits have be­
come more suspect than ever as indicators of the
conduct of monetary policy. . . . A framework of
analysis [is required] from which the significance
of time deposits and of changing time deposits
can be deduced. Traditional methods of mone­
tary analysis are not well suited to this task. The
‘New View’ in monetary economics provides a
more useful analytical framework. In the new
view, banks —like other financial institutions —
are considered as suppliers of financial claims for
the public to hold, and the public is given a
significant role in determining the total amount
of bank liabilities. . . . Traditional analysis . . .
fails to recognize that substitution between time
deposits and securities may be an important
source of pro-cyclical variations in the stock of
money even in the face of countercyclical central
bank policy.”2
This general argument guided the construction of
an explicit model designed to emphasize the role of
the public’s and the banks’ behavior in the determina­
tion of the money stock, bank credit and interest rates.

Kareken’s paper supplements the Gramley-Chase
arguments. He finds “the received money supply
theory” quite inadequate. His paper is designed to
improve monetary analysis by constructing a theory
of an individual bank as a firm. This theory is offered
as an explanation of a bank’s desired balance sheet
position. It also appears to form the basis of a model
describing the interaction of the public’s and the
banks’ behavior in the joint determination of the money
stock, bank credit and interest rates. The whole
development emphasizes somewhat suggestively the
importance of the public’s and banks’ behavior in
explanations of monetary growth. It is also designed
to undermine the empirical hypotheses advanced by
the Monetarist position. This is achieved by means
of explicit references to specific and “obviously de­
sirable” features of the model presented.
Cacy’s article develops neither an explicit frame­
work nor a direct critique of the basic propositions
advanced by the Monetarist thesis. However, he
provides a useful summary of the general position of
the countercritique. The Monetarist analysis is con­
veniently subsumed by Cacy under a “Traditional
View” which is juxtaposed to a “New View” of
monetary mechanisms: “The new approach argues
. . . that there is no essential difference between
the manner in which the liabilities of banks and
nonbank financial institutions are determined. Both
types of institutions are subject in the same way to
the portfolio decisions of the public.”3 The new
approach is contrasted with the Traditional View,
which “obscures the important role played by the
public and overstates the role played by the central
bank in the determination of the volume of money
balances.”4 The general comparison developed by
Cacy suggests quite clearly to the reader that the
Traditional View allegedly espoused by the Mone­
tarist position cannot match the “realistic sense” of
the New View advocated by the countercritique.
In the context of the framework developed by the
critique, Davis questions some basic propositions of
the Monetarist position:
“In the past five to ten years, however, there
has come into increasing prominence a group of
economists who would like to go considerably
beyond the simple assertion that the behavior of
money is a significant factor influencing the
behavior of the economy. . . . In order to bring a
few of the issues into sharper focus, this article
3 Cacy, pp. 5 & 7.

2 Gramley-Chase, pp. 1380, 1381, 1393.

Page 10

“Ibid., p. 7.

will take a look at some evidence for the ‘money
supply’ view. . . .
It confines itself to examining the historical
relationship between monetary cycles and cycles
in general business. The article concludes that
the relationship between these two kinds of
cycles does not, in fact, provide any real support
for the view that the behavior of money is the
predominant determinant of fluctuations in busi­
ness activity. Moreover, the historical relationship
between cycles in money and in business cannot
be used to demonstrate that monetary policy is,
in its effects, so long delayed and so uncertain as
to be an unsatisfactory countercyclical weapon.”5

An Examination of the Issues
A careful survey of the countercritique yielded the
following results. The Gramley-Chase, Kareken, and
Cacy papers parade the New View in order to ques­
tion the status of empirical theories used by the
Monetarist critique in its examination of monetary
policy. The Davis paper questions quite directly, on
the other hand, the existence and relevance of the
evidence in support of the Monetarist position, and
constitutes a direct assault on the Monetarist critique.
The others constitute an indirect assault which at­
tempts to devalue the critique’s analysis, and thus to
destroy its central propositions concerning the role
of money and monetary policy.
The indirect assault on the Monetarist position by
Gramley-Chase, Kareken and Cacy requires a clari­
fication concerning the nature of the New View.
A program of analysis must be clearly distinguished
from a research strategy and an array of specific
conjectures.6 All three aspects are usually mixed
together in a general description. It is important to
understand, however, that neither research strategy
nor specific empirical conjectures are logical impli­
cations of the general program. The explicit separa­
tion of the three aspects is crucial for a proper
assessment of the New View.
Section A examines some general characteristics of
the countercritique’s reliance on the New View. It
shows the New View to consist of a program ac­
ceptable to all economists, a research strategy re­
5 Davis, pp. 63-64.

6These three aspects of the New View will subsequently be
elaborated more fully. Their program of analysis refers to
the application of relative price theory to analysis of financial
markets and financial institutions. Their research strategy
refers to a decision to initiate analysis in the context of a
most general framework. Their specific conjectures refer to
propositions concerning the causes of fluctuation of monetary
growth and propositions about proper interpretation of policy.

jected by the Monetarist position, and an array
of specific conjectures advanced without analytical
or empirical substantiation. Also, not a single paper
of the countercritique developed a relevant assess­
ment of the Monetarist’s empirical theories or central
In sections B and C detailed examinations of
specific conjectures centered on rival explanations of
cyclical fluctuations of monetary growth are pre­
sented. The direct assault on the Monetarist position
by Davis is discussed in some detail in Section D.
This section also states the crucial propositions of
the Monetarist thesis in order to clarify some aspects
of this position. This reformulation reveals that the
reservations assembled by Davis are quite innocuous.
They provide no analytical or empirical case against
the Monetarist thesis. Conjectures associated with the
interpretation of monetary policy (the “indicator
problem” ) are presented in Section E.


The New View

The countercritique has apparently been decisively
influenced by programmatic elaborations originally
published by Gurley-Shaw and James Tobin.7 The
program is most faithfully reproduced by Cacy, and
it also shaped the arguments guiding the model
construction by Kareken and Gramley-Chase. The
New View, as a program, is a sensible response to
a highly unsatisfactory state of monetary analysis
inherited in the late 1950’s. A money and banking
syndrome perpetuated by textbooks obstructed the
application of economic analysis to the financial
sector. At most, this inherited literature contained
only suggestive pieces of analysis. It lacked a mean­
ingful theory capable of explaining the responses of
the monetary system to policy actions or to in­
fluences emanating from the real sector. The New
View proposed a systematic application of economic
analysis, in particular an application of relative price
theory, to the array of financial intermediaries, their
assets and liabilities.
This program is most admirable and incontestable,
but it cannot explain the conflict revealed by critique
and countercritique. The Monetarist approach ac­
cepted the general principle of applying relative price
theory to the analysis of monetary processes. In addi­
tion, this approach used the suggestions and analyti7John G. Gurley and Edward F. Shaw, Money in a Theory of
Finance, (Washington: Brookings Institute, 1960). James
Tobin, “Commercial Banks as Creators of Money,” Banking
and Monetary Studies, ed. Deane Carson (R. D. Irwin, 1963).
Page 11

cal pieces inherited from past efforts in order to
develop some specific hypotheses which do explain
portions of our observable environment. The New
Viewers’ obvious failure to recognize the limited con­
tent of their programmatic statements only contrib­
utes to maintenance of the conflict.
A subtle difference appears, however, in the re­
search strategy. The New View was introduced essen­
tially as a generalized approach, including a quite
formal exposition, but with little attempt at specific
structuring and empirical content. The most impres­
sive statements propagated by the New View were
crucially influenced by the sheer formalism of its
exposition. In the context of the New View’s almost
empty form, little remains to differentiate one object
from another. For instance, in case one only admits
the occurrence of marginal costs and marginal yields
associated with the actions of every household, firm,
and financial intermediary, one will necessarily con­
clude that banks and non-bank financial intermedi­
aries are restricted in size by the same economic
forces and circumstances. In such a context there
is truly no essential difference between the deter­
mination of bank and non-bank intermediary liabili­
ties, or between banks and non-bank intermediaries,
or between money and other financial assets.
The strong impressions conveyed by the New View
thus result from the relative emptiness of the formu­
lation which has been used to elaborate their position.
In the context of the formal world of the New
View, “almost everything is almost like everything
else”. This undifferentiated state of affairs is not, how­
ever, a property of our observable world. It is only
a property of the highly formal discussion designed
by the New View to overcome the unsatisfactory
state of monetary analysis still prevailing in the late
1950’s or early 1960’s.8
^Adequate analysis of the medium of exchange function of
money, or of the conditions under which inside money be­
comes a component of wealth, was obstructed by the pro­
grammatic state of the New View. The useful analysis of the
medium-of-exchange function depends on a decisive rejec­
tion of the assertion that “everything is almost like every­
thing else.” This analysis requires proper recognition that the
marginal cost of information concerning qualities and prop­
erties of assets differs substantially between assets, and that
the marginal cost of readjusting asset positions depends on
the assets involved. The analysis of the wealth position of
inside money requires recognition of the marginal produc­
tivity of inside money to the holder. Adequate attention to
the relevant differences between various cost or yield functions
associated with different assets or positions is required by
both problems. The blandness of the New View’s standard
program cannot cope with these issues. The reader may
consult a preliminary approach to the analysis of the medium
of exchange function in the paper by Karl Brunner and Allan
H. Meltzer, in the Journal of Finance, 1964, listed in footnote
9. He should also consult for both issues the important
Page 12

Two sources of the conflict have been recognized
thus far. The Monetarists’ research strategy was con­
cerned quite directly with the construction of em­
pirical theories about the monetary system, whereas
the New View indulged, for a lengthy interval, in
very general programmatic excursions. Moreover, the
New Viewers apparently misconstrued their program
as being a meaningful theory about our observable
environment. This logical error contributed to a
third source of the persistent conflict.
The latter source arises from the criticism ad­
dressed by the New Viewers to the Monetarists’ the­
ories of money supply processes. Three of the papers
exploit the logically dubious but psychologically ef­
fective juxtaposition between a “New View” and a
“Traditional View.” In doing this they fail to dis­
tinguish between the inherited state of monetary
system analysis typically reflected by the money
and banking textbook syndrome and the research
output of economists advocating the Monetarist thesis.
This distinction is quite fundamental. Some formal
analogies misled the New Viewers and they did not
recognize the logical difference between detailed
formulations of empirical theories on the one side
and haphazard pieces of unfinished analysis on the
other side.9
A related failure accompanies this logical error.
There is not the slightest attempt to assess alter­
native hypotheses or theories by systematic exposure
to observations from the real world. It follows, there­
fore, that the countercritique scarcely analyzed the
empirical theories advanced by the Monetarist critique
book by Boris Pesek and Thomas Saving, Money, Wealth and
Economic Theory, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1967,
or the paper by Harry Johnson, “Inside Money, Outside
Money, Income, Wealth and Welfare in Monetary Theory,”
to be published in The Journal of Money, Credit and Bank­
ing, December 1968.
9As examples of the empirical work performed by the Mone­
tarists, the reader should consult the following works: Milton
Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz, A Monetary History
of the United States, 1867-1960, (Princeton: Princeton Uni­
versity Press, 1963). Philip Cagan, Determinants and Effects
of Changes in the Stock of Money, (Columbia: Columbia
University Press, 1965). Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer,
“Some Further Investigations of Demand and Supply Func­
tions for Money,” Journal of Finance, Volume XIX, May
1964. Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, “A Credit-Market
Theory of the Money Supply and an Explanation of Two
Puzzles in U.S. Monetary Policy,” Essays in Honor of Marco
Fanno, 1966, Padova, Italy. Karl Brunner and Robert Crouch,
“Money Supply Theory and British Monetary Experience,
Methods of Operations Research III —Essays in Honor of
Wilhelm Krelle, ed. Rudolf Henn (Published in Meisenheim,
Germany, by Anton Hain, 1966). Karl Brunner, “A Schema
for the Supply Theory of Money,” International Economic
Review, 1961. Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, “An Al­
ternative Approach to the Monetary Mechanism,” Subcom­
mittee on Domestic Finance, Committee on Banking and
Currency, House of Representatives, August 17, 1964.

and consequently failed to understand the major im­
plications of these theories.
For instance, they failed to recognize the role as­
signed by the Monetarist view to banks’ behavior and
the public’s preferences in the monetary process.
The objection raised by the New View that “the
formula [expressing a basic framework used to form­
ulate the hypothesis] obscures the important role
played by the public” has neither analytical basis
nor meaning. In fact, the place of the public’s be­
havior was discussed in the Monetarist hypotheses in
some detail. Moreover, the same analysis discussed
the conditions under which the public’s behavior
dominates movements of the money stock and bank
credit.10 It also yielded information about the re­
sponse of bank credit, money stock and time de­
posits to changes in ceiling rates, or to changes in
the speed with which banks adjust their depositsupply conditions to evolving market situations. Every
single aspect of the banks’ or the public’s behavior
emphasized by the countercritique has been analyzed
by the Monetarist’s hypotheses in terms which render
the results empirically assessable. Little remains,
consequently, of the suggestive countercritique as­
sembled in the papers by Gramley-Chase, Kareken
and Cacy.11
lOThe reader will find this analysis in the following papers:
Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, “Liquidity Traps for
Money, Bank Credit, and Interest Bates,” Journal of Political
Economy, April 1968. Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer,
“A Credit-Market Theory of the Money Supply and an
Explanation of Two Puzzles in U.S. Monetary Policy,”
Essays in Honor of Marco Fanno, Padova, Italy, 1966.
H The reader is, of course, aware that these assertions require
analytic substantiation. Such substantiation cannot be sup­
plied within the confines of this article. But the reader
could check for himself. If he finds, in the context of the
countercritique, an analysis of the Monetarists’ major
hypotheses, an examination of implication, and exposure to
observations, I would have to withdraw my statements. A
detailed analysis of the banks’ and the public’s role in the
money supply, based on two different hypotheses previously
reported in our papers will be developed in our forthcoming
books. This analysis, by its very existence, falsifies some
major objections made by Cacy or Gramley-Chase. Much
of their criticism is either innocuous or fatuous. GramleyChase indulge, for instance, in modality statements, i.e.
statements obtained from other statements by prefixing a
modality qualifier like “maybe” or “possibly.” The result of
qualifying an empirical statement always yields a statement
which is necessarily true, but also quite uninformative. The
modality game thus yields logically pointless but psycho­
logically effective sentences. Cacy manages, on the other
hand, some astonishing assertions. The New View is credited
with the discovery that excess reserves vary over time. He
totally disregards the major contributions to the analysis
of excess reserves emanating from the Monetarists’ research.
A detailed analysis of excess reserves was developed by
Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz in the book men­
tioned in footnote 9. The reader should also note the
work by George Morrison, Liquidity Preferences of Com­
mercial Banks, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1966), and the study by Peter Frost, “Banks’ Demand for
Excess Beserves,” an unpublished dissertation submitted to


A Monetarist Examination of the New
View’s Money Supply Theory

Three sources of the conflict have been discussed
thus far. Two sources were revealed as logical misconstruals, involving inadequate construction and as­
sessment of empirical theories. A third source pertains
to legitimate differences in research strategy. These
three sources do not explain all major aspects of the
conflict. Beyond the differences in research strategy
and logical misconceptions, genuinely substantive
issues remain. Some comments of protagonists advo­
cating the New View should probably be interpreted
as conjectures about hypotheses to be expected from
their research strategy. It should be clearly under­
stood that such conjectures are not logical implications
of the guiding framework. Instead, they are pragmatic
responses to the general emphasis associated with this
A first conjecture suggests that the money stock
and bank credit are dominated by the public’s and the
banks’ behavior. It is suggested, therefore, that cy­
clical fluctuations of monetary growth result primarily
from the responses of banks and the public to chang­
ing business conditions. A second conjecture naturally
supplements the above assertions. It is contended
that the money stock is a thoroughly “untrustworthy
guide to monetary policy”.
Articles by Gramley-Chase and Kareken attempt
to support these conjectures with the aid of more
explicit analytical formulations allegedly expressing
the general program of the New View. The paper
contributed by Gramley-Chase has been critically ex­
amined in detail on another occasion,12 and only some
crucial aspects relevant for our present purposes will
be considered at this point. Various aspects of the
first conjecture are examined in this and the next
section. The second conjecture is examined in sec­
tions D and E.
the University of California at Los Angeles, 1966. The
classic example of an innocuous achievement was supplied
by Cacy with the assertion: “ . . . the actual volume of
money balances determined by competitive market forces
may or may not be equal to the upper limit established by
the central bank.” (p. 8 ). Indeed, we knew this before the
New View or Any View, just as we always knew that “it
may or may not rain tomorrow.” The reader should note
that similar statements were produced by other authors
with all the appearances of meaningful elaborations.
12The reader may consult my chapter “Federal Beserve Policy
and Monetary Analysis” in Indicators and Targets of Mone­
tary Policy, ed., by Karl Brunner, to be published by Chan­
dler House Publishing Co., San Francisco. This book also
contains the original article by Gramley-Chase. Further
contributions by Patric H. Hendershott and Bobert Weintraub
survey critically the issues raised by the Gramley-Chase
Page 13

A detailed analysis of the Gramley-Chase model
demonstrates that it implies the following reduced
form equations explaining the money stock (M) and
bank credit (E) in terms of the extended monetary
M = g(B e, Y, c)
g! > 0 < g2,
E r=h (B e, Y, c)
hj > 0 > h2, and h ^ g !13
base (Be), the level of economic activity expressed
by national income at current prices (Y), and the
ceiling rate on time deposits (c).14
The Gramley-Chase model implies that monetary
policy does affect the money stock and bank credit.
It also implies that the money stock responds posi­
tively and bank credit negatively to economic activity.
This model thus differs from the Monetarist hypothe­
ses which imply that both bank credit and the money
stock respond positively to economic activity. The
Gramley-Chase model also implies that the responses
of both the money stock and bank credit to mone­
tary actions are independent of the general scale of
the public’s and the banks’ interest elasticities. Uni­
formly large or small interest elasticities yield the
same response in the money stock or bank credit to
a change in the monetary base.
A detailed discussion of the implications derivable
from a meaningfully supplemented Gramley-Chase
model is not necessary at this point. We are foremost
interested in the relation between this model and
the propositions mentioned in the previous paragraph.
The first proposition can be interpreted in two differ­
ent ways. According to one interpretation, it could
mean that the marginal multipliers g, and h( (i = 1, 2)
are functions of the banks’ and the public’s response
patterns expressing various types of substitution rela­
tions between different assets. This interpretation is,
however, quite innocuous and yields no differentia­
tion relative to the questioned hypotheses of the
Monetarist position.
A second interpretation suggests that the growth
rate of the money stock is dominated by the second
component (changes in income) of the differential
AM = gt ABe + g2 AY
This result is not actually implied by the GramleyChase model, but it is certainly consistent with the
model. However, in order to derive the desired result,
their model must be supplemented with special as­
sumptions about the relative magnitude of gi and g2,
and also about the comparative cyclical variability of
13In the Gramley-Chase model, g 3 and I13 are indeterminant.
14This implication was demonstrated in my paper listed in foot­
note 12. The monetary base is adjusted for the accumulated
sum of reserves liberated from or impounded into required
reserves by changes in requirement ratios.
Page 14

ABe and AY. This information has not been provided
by the authors.
Most interesting is another aspect of the model
which was not clarified by the authors. Their model
implies that policymakers could easily avoid pro­
cyclical movements in AM. This model exemplifying
the New View thus yields little justification for the
conjectures of its proponents.
A central property of the Gramley-Chase model
must be considered in the light of the programmatic
statements characterizing the New View. GramleyChase do not differentiate between the public’s asset
supply to banks and the public’s demand for money.
This procedure violates the basic program of the
New View, namely, to apply economic analysis to an
array of financial assets and financial institutions.
Economic analysis implies that the public’s asset sup­
ply and money demand are distinct, and not identical
behavior patterns. This difference in behavior pat­
terns is clearly revealed by different responses of
desired money balances and desired asset supply to
specific stimuli in the environment. For instance, an
increase in the expected real yield on real capital
raises the public’s asset supply but lowers the public’s
money demand. It follows thus that a central analy­
tical feature of the Gramley-Chase model violates
the basic and quite relevant program of the New
Kareken’s construction shares this fundamental
analytical flaw with the Gramley-Chase model, but
this is not the only problem faced by his analysis.
The Kareken analysis proceeds on two levels. First,
he derives a representative bank’s desired balance
sheet position. For this purpose he postulates wealth
maximization subject to the bank’s balance sheet
relation between assets and liabilities, and subject to
reserve requirements on deposits. On closer examina­
tion, this analysis is only applicable to a monopoly
bank with no conversion of deposits into currency
or reserve flows to other banks. In order to render
the analysis relevant for a representative bank in
the world of reality, additional constraints would
have to be introduced which modify the results quite
substantially. It is also noteworthy that the structural
properties assigned by Kareken to the system of
market relations are logically inconsistent with the
implications one can derive from the author’s analy­
sis of firm behavior developed on the first level of
his investigation.
This disregard for the construction of an economic
theory relevant for the real world is carried into the
second level of analysis where the author formulates
a system of relations describing the joint determina­

tion of interest rates, bank credit, and money stock.
A remarkable feature of the Kareken model is that
it yields no implications whatsoever about the re­
sponse of the monetary system to actions of the
Federal Reserve. It can say nothing, as it stands,
about either open market operations or about discount
rate and reserve requirement actions. This model
literally implies, for instance, that the money stock
and the banking system’s deposit liabilities do not
change as a result of any change in reserve require­
ment ratios.
None of the conjectures advanced by the counter­
critique concerning the behavior of the money stock
and the role of monetary policy find analytical sup­
port in Kareken’s analysis. To the extent that any­
thing is implied, it would imply that monetary policy
operating directly on bank reserves or a mysterious
rate of return on reserves dominates the volume of
deposits —a practically subversive position for a fol­
lower of the New View.15

C. Alternative Explanations of Cyclical
Fluctuations In Monetary Growth
The examination thus far in this article has shown
that even the most explicit formulation (GramleyChase) of the countercritique, allegedly representing
the New View with respect to monetary system anal­
ysis, does assign a significant role to monetary policy.
This examination also argued that the general em­
phasis given by the New View to the public’s and
the banks’ behavior in determination of the money
stock and bank credit does not differentiate its prod­
uct from analytical developments arising from the
Monetarist approach. It was also shown that the only
explicit formulation advanced by the New Viewers
does not provide a sufficient basis for their central
conjectures. It is impossible to derive the proposition
from the Gramley-Chase model that the behavior of
the public and banks, rather than Federal Reserve
actions, dominated movements in the money supply.
15Two direct objections made to
Brunner-Meltzer analysis
by Kareken should be noted. He finds that the questioned
hypotheses do not contain “a genuine supply function” of
deposits. Accepting Kareken’s terminology, this is true, but
neither does the Gramley-Chase model contain such a sup­
ply function. But the objection has no evidential value any­
way. If a hypothesis were judged unsatisfactory because
some aspects are omitted, all hypotheses are “unsatisfactory.”
Moreover, the cognitive status of an empirical hypothesis
does not improve simply because an “analytical underpin­
ning” has been provided. Kareken also finds fault with our
use of the term “money supply function.” Whether or not
one agrees with his terminological preferences surely does
not affect the relation between observations and statements
supplied by the hypothesis. And it should be clear that the
status of a hypothesis depends only on this relation, and not
on names attached to statements.

But the declaration of innocence by the counter­
critique on behalf of the monetary authorities with
respect to cyclical fluctuations of monetary growth
still requires further assessment.
The detailed arguments advanced to explain the
observed cyclical fluctuations of monetary growth
differ substantially among the contributors to the
countercritique. Gramley-Chase maintain that chang­
ing business conditions modify relative interest rates,
and thus induce countercyclical movements in the
time deposit ratio. These movements in demand and
time deposits generate cyclical fluctuations in mone­
tary growth. On the other hand, Cacy develops an
argument used many years ago by Wicksell and
Keynes, but attributes it to the New View. He recog­
nizes a pronounced sensitivity of the money stock to
variations in the public’s money demand or asset
supply. These variations induce changes in credit
market conditions. Banks, in turn, respond with suit­
able adjustments in the reserve and borrowing ratios.
The money stock and bank credit consequently
change in response to this mechanism.
Davis actually advances two radically different
conjectures about causes of cyclical fluctuations of
monetary growth. The first conjecture attributes
fluctuations of monetary growth to the public’s and
banks’ responses. Changing business conditions modify
the currency ratio, the banks’ borrowing ratio, and
the reserve ratio. The resulting changes generate the
observed movements in money. His other conjecture
attributes fluctuations in monetary growth to Federal
Reserve actions: “the state of business influences
decisions by the monetary authorities to supply
reserves and to take other actions likely to affect the
money supply.”16
The various conjectures advanced by GramleyChase, Cacy, and Davis in regard to causes of move­
ments in money and bank credit can be classified
into two groups. One set of conjectures traces the
mechanism generating cyclical fluctuations of mone­
tary growth to the responses of banks and the public;
16 Davis, p. 66 . One argument about monetary policy in the
same paper requires clarification. Davis asserts on p. 68 that

the money supply need not be the objective of policy, and
“given this fact, the behavior of the rate of growth of the
money supply during the period cannot be assumed to be
simply and directly the result of monetary policy decisions
alone” . This quote asserts that the money supply is “simply
and directly the result of policy alone” whenever policy uses
the money supply as a target. This is in a sense correct.
But the quote could easily be misinterpreted due to the
ambiguity of the term “policy”. This term is frequently
used to designate a strategy guiding the adjustment of policy
variables. It is also frequently used to refer to the behavior
of the policy variables or directly to the variables as such.
The quote is quite acceptable in the first sense of “policy”
but thoroughly unacceptable in the second sense.
Page 15

the behavior of monetary authorities is assigned a
comparatively minor role. The other group of con­
jectures recognizes the predominant role of the be­
havior of monetary authorities.
In the following analysis the framework provided
by the Monetarist view will be used to assess these
conflicting conjectures. The emphasis concerning the
nature of the causal mechanisms may differ between
the various conjectures regarding sources of variations
in money, but the following examination will be ap­
plied to an aspect common to all conjectures empha­
sizing the role of public and bank behavior.
In the context of the Monetarist framework, the
money stock (M) is exhibited as a product of a
multiplier (m) and the monetary base (B ), (such
that M = mB). This framework, without the supple­
mentary set of hypotheses and theories bearing on the
proximate determinants of money summarized by the
multiplier and the base, is completely neutral with
respect to the rival conjectures; it is compatible with
any set of observations. This neutrality assures us
that its use does not prejudge the issue under con­
sideration. The Monetarist framework operates in the
manner of a language system, able to express the
implications of the competing conjectures in a uni­
form manner.
The first group of conjectures advanced by the
countercritique (behavior of the public and banks
dominates movements in money) implies that varia­
tions in monetary growth between upswings and
downswings in business activity are dominated by
the variations in the monetary multiplier. The second
group (behavior of monetary authorities dominates
movements in money) implies that, in periods with
unchanged reserve requirement ratios and ceiling rates
on time deposits, variations in the monetary base
dominate cyclical changes in monetary growth. The
movements of the monetary multiplier which are
strictly attributable to the changing of requirement
ratios can be separated from the total contribution of
the multiplier and combined with the monetary base.
With this adjustment, the second group of conjectures
implies that the monetary base, supplemented by the
contribution of reserve requirement changes to the
multiplier, dominates variations in the money stock.
In this examination of contrasting explanations of
monetary fluctuations, values of the money stock
(M), the multiplier (m), and the monetary base
adjusted for member bank borrowing (B) are meas­
ured at the initial and terminal month of each half
business cycle (i.e., expansions and contractions)
located by the National Bureau of Economic Re­
Page 16

search. We form the ratios of these values and write:

mj Bi
— r r ; or p = a |3
m„ B0

The subscript 1 refers to values of the terminal
month and the subscript 0 to values of the initial
month. These ratios were measured for each half
cycle in the period March 1919 to December 1966.
They were computed for two definitions of the money
stock, inclusive and exclusive of time deposits, with
corresponding monetary multipliers.
Kendall’s rank correlation coefficients between the
money stock ratios ( [a.) and the multiplier ratios ( a ),
and between ( [i) and the monetary base ratio
( |3) were computed. We denote these correlation
coefficients with p (^i, a) and p (p, |3). The implica­
tions of the two rival conjectures can now be restated
in terms of the two coefficients. The first group of
conjectures implies that p (^i, a) > p(^i, (3); while
the second group implies that in periods of unchanged
reserve requirement ratios and ceiling rates on time
deposits, the coefficient p (p, (3) exceeds the coeffi­
cient p (fi, a). The second group implies nothing
about the relation of the two coefficients in periods of
changing reserve requirements and ceiling rates on
time deposits. It follows, therefore, that observations
yielding the inequality p ( p, |3) > p ( p, a ) disconfirm
the first group and confirm the second group.
The correlations obtained are quite unambiguous.
The value of p ( |3) is .537 for the whole sample
period, whereas p ( [i, a ) is only .084. The half-cycle
from 1929 to 1933 was omitted in the computations,
because movements in the money stock and the multi­
plier were dominated by forces which do not discrimi­
nate between the rival conjectures under consideration.
The sample period, including 1929 to 1933, still yields a
substantially larger value for p ( p, (3). The same
pattern also holds for other subperiods. In particular,
computations based on observations for 1949 to 1966
confirm the pattern observed for the whole sample
period. The results thus support the second group of
conjectures but not the first group. These results also
suggest, however, that forces operating through the
multiplier are not quite negligible. The surprisingly
small correlation p ( ^i, a ) does not adequately reveal
the operation of these forces. Their effective opera­
tion is revealed by the correlation p ( [ 3 ) , which is
far from perfect, even in subperiods with constant
reserve requirement ratios. This circumstance sug­
gests that the behavior of the public and banks con­
tributes to the cyclical movements of monetary
growth. The main result at this stage is, however, the
clear discrimination between the two groups of con­

jectures. The results are quite unambiguous on this

particularly in periods when the ceiling rate on time
deposits was increased. These periods exhibit rela­
tively large contributions to the growth rate of bank
credit emanating from the time deposit substitution

Additional information is supplied by Table I. For
each postwar cycle beginning with the downswing
of 1948-49, the average annual growth rate of the
money stock was computed. The expression M =mB
was then used to compute the contribution to the
average growth rate of money from three distinct
sources: (i) the behavior of monetary authorities (i.e.,
the monetary base and reserve requirement ratios),
and the publics currency behavior, (ii) the time de­
posit substitution process, and, (iii) the variations in
the excess reserve and borrowing ratios of commercial
banks (Wicksell-Keynes mechanism).

A regression analysis (Table II) of the reduced
form equations derived from the Gramley-Chase
model confirms the central role of the monetary base
in the money supply process. Estimates of the regres­
sion coefficient relating money to income are highly
unstable among different sample periods, relative to
the coefficient relating money to the monetary base.
Furthermore, estimates of regression coefficients re­
lating money to income occur in some periods with



A Comparison of Alternative Contributions to the Ave ra ge

Regressions of the M o n e y Sup ply

A n n u a l G r o w t h Rate of the M o n e y Stock an d Bank Credit

O n the Mo n et ar y Base an d Gross Na tion al Product*

Rank Correlations
Contribution made b y :
Public's currency and authorities' behavior
Time deposit substitution mechanism
Wicksell-Keynes mechanism

.9 0 5
.04 8
.1 4 3

.33 3
~ .3 33

Remarks: The figures listed state the rank correlation between the a ve ra g e
g ro w th rate of the m oney stock and bank credit w ith three different contributing

The rank correlations between each contribution,
and the average growth rate of the money stock
over all postwar half-cycles clearly support the con­
clusion of the previous analysis that cyclical move­
ments in the money stock are dominated by Federal
Reserve actions.
Table I also presents the results of a similar
examination bearing on causes of movements in bank
credit. The reader should note the radical difference
in the observed patterns of correlation coefficients.
The behavior of monetary authorities, supplemented
by the public’s currency behavior, does not appear to
dominate the behavior of bank credit. The three
sources contributing to the growth rate of money all
exerted influences of similar order on bank credit. It
appears that bank credit is comparatively less exposed
to the push of Federal Reserve actions than was the
money stock. On the other hand, the money stock is
less sensitive than bank credit to the time-deposit
substitution mechanism emphasized by GramleyChase, and the Wicksell-Keynes mechanism suggested
by Cacy. Most astonishing, however, is the negative
association between the average growth rate of bank
credit and the Wicksell-Keynes mechanism em­
phasized by Cacy.
It should also be noted that the average growth
rate of money conforms very clearly to the business
cycle. Such conformity does not hold for bank credit
over the postwar half-cycles. This blurring occurred

Regression Coefficients For:


M on et ar y Base

Gross Na tion al Product

Log First



Log First

IV/4 8

( 9.80)

(1 0.02 )

(3 .12)

(3 .39)




(1 .02)

.0 7
(1 .23)


4. 5 9
(1 1 7 6 )

(1 1.81 )

(5 .10)
.8 6

(5 .34)


2.7 6
t 7.56)



- .0 1
(-3 3 )

-.0 3
(-.2 7 )
-.0 7

1- 8 9 )

*The m onetary base was
deposits. A ll data are
first e ntry in a colum n
are in parentheses, and


adjusted for reserve requirem ent changes and shifts in
q u a rte rly averages of seasonally adjusted figures. The
fo r each cycle is the regression coefficient, t-statistics
p artia l correlation coefficients are b e lo w the t-statistics.

signs which contradict the proposition of GramleyChase and Cacy, or exhibit a very small statistical
significance. These diverse patterns of coefficients do
not occur for the estimates of coefficients relating
money and the monetary base. It is also noteworthy
that the average growth rate of the monetary base
(adjusted for changes in reserve requirement ratios),
over the upswings, exceeds without exception the
average growth rate of adjacent downswings. This
observation is not compatible with the contention
made by Gramley-Chase that policy is countercyclical.
Additional information is supplied by Table III,
which presents some results of a spectral analysis
bearing on the monetary base and its sources. Spectral
analysis is a statistical procedure for decomposing a
time series into seasonal, cyclical, and trend
movements. After such an analysis was conducted on
the monetary base and its sources, a form of correla­
tion analysis was run between movements in the
monetary base and movements in its various sources.
Page 17

The results of this procedure (Table III) indicate that
movements in Federal Reserve credit dominate sea­
sonal and cyclical movements in the monetary base.

a sense, both the New View and the Monetarist
extension of the “traditional view” are represented
in the weak Monetarist position.


The following discussions develop the weak and the
strong Monetarist thesis. The weak thesis is compared
with some aspects of the income-expenditure approach
to the determination of national economic activity.
The strong thesis supplements the weak thesis with
special assumptions about our environment, in order
to establish the role of monetary forces in the business

Spectral Correlation Between the M onetary Base,
Fed eral Reserve C redit a n d O ther Sources of the Base
Special Correlation
Period in
17 .14
13 .33

M on et ar y Base
an d Federal
Reserve Credit

M on et ar y Base
an d O t h e r Sources
of the Base
.0 7

Remarks: The monetary base equals Federal Reserve Credit plus other
sources of the base. The spectral analysis is based on first differences
between adjacent months.
The data used were not seasonally

In summary, preliminary investigations yield no
support for the contention that the behavior of banks
and the public dominates cyclical movements in the
money stock. The conjectures advanced by GramleyChase or Cacy are thus disconfirmed, whereas Davis’
second conjecture that fluctuations in monetary
growth may be attributed to Federal Reserve actions
seems substantially more appropriate. However,
further investigations are certainly useful.

D. Relevance of Money and Monetary Actions
With Respect to Economic Activity
At present, a broad consensus accepts the relevance
of money and monetary policy with respect to eco­
nomic activity. But this consensus concerning the
relevance of money emerges from two substantially
different views about the nature of the transmission
mechanism. One view is the Keynesian conception
(not to be confused with Keynes’ view), enshrined
in standard formulations of the income-expenditure
framework. In this view, the interest rate is the main
link between money and economic activity. The other
view rejects the traditional separation of economic
theory into parts: national income analysis (macro
economics) and price theory (micro economics). Ac­
cording to this other view, output and employment
are explained by a suitable application of relative
price theory. With regard to discussions of the impact
of money and monetary actions on economic activity,
this latter view has been termed the Monetarist posi­
tion. This position may be divided into the weak
Monetarist thesis and the strong Monetarist thesis. In
Page 18

1. The Weak Monetarist Thesis —According to the
weak Monetarist thesis, monetary impulses are trans­
mitted to the economy by a relative price process
which operates on money, financial assets ( and liabili­
ties), real assets, yields on assets and the production
of new assets, liabilities and consumables. The general
nature of this process has been described on numerous
occasions and may be interpreted as evolving from
ideas developed by Knut Wicksell, Irving Fisher,
and John Maynard Keynes.17
The operation of relative prices between money,
financial assets, and real assets may be equivalently
interpreted as the working of an interest rate mech­
anism (prices and yields of assets are inversely re­
lated). Monetary impulses are thus transmitted by
the play of interest rates over a vast array of assets.
Variations in interest rates change relative prices of
existing assets, relative to both yields and the supply
prices of new production. Acceleration or deceleration
of monetary impulses are thus converted by the varia­
tion of relative prices, or interest rates, into increased
or reduced production, and subsequent revisions in
the supply prices of current output.
This general conception of the transmission mech­
anism has important implications which conflict
sharply with the Keynesian interpretation of mone­
tary mechanisms expressed by standard income-ex17The reader may consult the following studies on this aspect:
Milton Friedman and David Meiselman, “The Relative Sta­
bility of Monetary Velocity and the Investment Multiplier in
the United States, 1897-1958,” in Stabilization Policies, pre­
pared by the Commission on Money and Credit, Englewood
Cliffs, 1963. The paper listed in footnote 21 by James Tobin
should also be consulted. Harry Johnson, “Monetary Theory
and Policy,” American Economic Review, June 1962. Karl
Brunner, “The Report of the Commission on Money and
Credit,” The Journal of Political Economy, December 1961.
Karl Brunner, “Some Major Problems of Monetary Theory,”
Proceedings of the American Economic Association, May
1961. Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, “The Role of
Financial Institutions in the Transmission Mechanism,” Pro­
ceedings of the American Economic Association, May 1963.
Karl Brunner, “The Relative Price Theory of Money, Output,
and Employment,” unpublished manuscript based on a paper
presented at the Midwestern Economic Association Meetings,
April 1967.

penditure formulations.18 In the context of standard
income-expenditure analysis, fiscal actions are con­
sidered to have a “direct effect” on economic activity,
whereas monetary actions are considered to have only
an “indirect effect.” Furthermore, a constant budget
deficit has no effect on interest rates in a Keynesian
framework, in spite of substantial accumulation of
outstanding government debt when a budget deficit
continually occurs. And lastly, the operation of in­
terest rates on investment decisions has usually been
rationalized with the aid of considerations based on
the effects of borrowing costs.

supplemented with additional and special hypotheses,
the strong Monetarist thesis is obtained. An outline of
the strong thesis may be formulated in terms of three
sets of forces operating simultaneously on the pace
of economic activity. For convenience, they may be
grouped into monetary forces, fiscal forces, and other
forces. The latter include technological and organiza­
tional innovation, revisions in supply prices induced
by accruing information and expectation adjustments,
capital accumulation, population changes and other
related factors or processes.

All three sets of forces are acknowledged by the
thesis to affect the pace of economic activity
These aspects of the income-expenditure approach
relative price process previously outlined.
may be evaluated within the framework of the weak
the strong Monetarist point of view ad­
Monetarist thesis. The effects of fiscal actions are
crucial thesis that the variability of mone­
also transmitted by the relative price mechanism.
(properly weighted with respect to their
Fiscal impulses, i.e., Government spending, taxing,
activity) exceeds the variabil­
and borrowing, operate just as “indirectly” as mone­
ity of fiscal forces and other forces (properly
tary impulses, and there is no a priori reason for
weighted). It is argued further that major vari­
believing that their speed of transmission is sub­
abilities occurring in a subset of the other forces
stantially greater than that of monetary impulses.
(e.g., expectations and revisions of supply prices in­
The relative price conception of the transmission
duced by information arrival) are conditioned by the
mechanism also implies that a constant budget deficit
observed variability of monetary forces. The conjec­
exerts a continuous influence on economic activity
ture thus involves a comparison of monetary varia­
through persistent modifications in relative prices of
bility with the variability of fiscal forces and indepen­
financial and real assets. Lastly, the transmission of
dent “other forces.” According to the thesis under
monetary impulses is not dominated by the relative
consideration, the variability of monetary impulses is
importance of borrowing costs. In the process, mar­
also large relative to the speed at which the economy
ginal costs of liability extension interact with marginal
absorbs the impact of environmental changes. This
returns from acquisitions of financial and real assets.
predominance of variability in monetary impulses
But interest rates on financial assets not only affect
implies that pronounced accelerations in monetary
the marginal cost of liability extension, but also influ­
are followed subsequently by accelerations in
ence the substitution between financial and real assets.
of economic activity, and that pronounced
This substitution modifies prices of real assets relative
in monetary forces are followed later
to their supply prices and forms a crucial linkage of
in economic activity.
the monetary mechanisms; this linkage is usually
omitted in standard income-expenditure analysis.
The analysis of the monetary dynamics, using the
price process, is accepted by both the weak
The description of monetary mechanisms in Davis’
Monetarist theses. This analysis implies
article approaches quite closely the notion developed
of the observed association be­
by the weak Monetarist thesis. This approximation
and decelerations of monetary
permits a useful clarification of pending issues. How­
activity depends on the relative
ever, the criticisms and objections advanced by Davis
accelerations (or decelera­
do not apply to the weak Monetarist position. They
also reveals the crucial
are addressed to another thesis, which might be
change (second differ­
usefully labeled the strong Monetarist thesis.
ences) of the money stock in explanations of fluctua­
2. The Strong Monetarist Thesis —If the theoreti­ tions in output and employment. It implies that any
cal framework of the weak Monetarist thesis is
pronounced deceleration, occurring at any rate of
monetary growth, retards total spending. It is thus
impossible to state whether any particular monetary
18The paper on “The Effect of Monetary Policy on Expendi­
tures in Specific Sectors of the Economy,” presented by Dr.
growth, say a 10 per cent annual rate, is expansionary
Sherman Maisel at the meetings organized by the American
Bankers Association in September 1967, exemplifies very
with respect to economic activity, until one knows
clearly the inherited Keynesian position. The paper will be
the previous growth rate. The monetary dynamics of
published in a special issue of the Journal of Political
the Monetarist thesis also explains the simultaneous

Page 19

occurrence of permanent price-inflation and fluctua­
tions in output and employment observable in some
The nature and the variability of the “Friedman
lag” may also be analyzed within the framework of
the Monetarist thesis. This lag measures the interval
between a change in sign of the second difference
in the money stock and the subsequent turning point
located by the National Bureau. In general, the lag
at an upper turning point will be shorter, the greater
the absorption speed of the economy, and the sharper
the deceleration of monetary impulses relative to the
movement of fiscal forces and other forces. Variability
in the relative acceleration or deceleration of mone­
tary forces necessarily generates the variability ob­
served in the Friedman lag.
What evidence may be cited on behalf of the
strong Monetarist thesis? Every major inflation pro­
vides support for the thesis, particularly in cases of
substantial variations of monetary growth. The at­
tempt at stabilization in the Confederacy during the
Civil War forms an impressive piece of evidence in
this respect. The association between monetary and
economic accelerations or decelerations has also been
observed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.19
Observations from periods with divergent movements
of monetary and fiscal forces provide further evidence.
For instance, such periods occurred immediately after
termination of World War II, from the end of 1947
to the fall of 1948, and again in the second half of
1966. In all three cases, monetary forces prevailed
over fiscal forces. The evidence adduced here and
on other occasions does not “prove” the strong Mone­
tarist thesis, but does establish its merit for serious
Davis’ examination is therefore welcomed. His ob­
jections are summarized by the following points:
(a) observations of the persistent association between
money and income do not permit an inference of
causal direction from money to income; (b) the
timing relation between money and economic activity
expressed by the Friedman lag yields no evidence
in support of the contention that variations in mone­
tary growth cause fluctuations in economic activity;
(c) the correlation found in cycles of moderate
amplitude between magnitudes of monetary and eco­
nomic changes was quite unimpressive; (d) the
length of the Friedman lag does not measure the
19U.S. Financial Data, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
week ending February 14, 1968. Also see “Money Supply
and Time Deposits, 1914-1964” in the September 1964 issue
of this Review.
Page 20

interval between emission of monetary impulse and
its ultimate impact on economic activity. Furthermore,
the variability of this lag is due to the simultaneous
operation and interaction of monetary and non-monetary forces.
Davis’ first comment (a) is of course quite true
and well known in the logic of science. It is impossible
to derive (logically) causal statements or any general
hypotheses from observations. But we can use such
observations to confirm or disconfirm such statements
and hypotheses. Davis particularly emphasizes that
the persistent association between money and income
could be attributed to a causal influence running
from economic activity to money.
Indeed it could, but our present state of knowledge
rejects the notion that the observed association is
essentially due to a causal influence from income on
money. Evidence refuting such a notion was pre­
sented in Section C. The existence of a mutual in­
teraction over the shorter-run between money and
economic activity, however, must be fully acknowl­
edged. Yet, this interaction results from the con­
ception guiding policymakers which induces them
to accelerate the monetary base whenever pres­
sures on interest rates mount, and to decelerate the
monetary base when these pressures wane. Admission
of a mutual interaction does not dispose of the strong
Monetarist thesis. This interaction, inherent in the
weak thesis, is quite consistent with the strong posi­
tion and has no disconfirming value. To the con­
trary, it offers an explanation for the occurrence of
the predominant variability of monetary forces.
The same logical property applies to Davis’ second
argument (b). The timing relation expressed by the
Friedman lag, in particular the chronological pre­
cedence of turning points in monetary growth over
turning points in economic activity, can probably be
explained by the influence of business conditions on
the money supply. Studies in money supply theory
strongly suggest this thesis and yield evidence on its
behalf. The cyclical pattern of the currency ratio, and
the strategy typically pursued by monetary policy­
makers explain this lead of monetary growth. And
again, such explanation of the timing relation does
not bear negatively on the strong conjecture.
The objection noted under Davis’ point (c) is
similarly irrelevant. His observations actually confirm
the strong thesis. The latter implies that the correla­
tion between amplitudes of monetary and income
changes is itself correlated with the magnitude of
monetary accelerations or decelerations. A poor cor­
relation in cycles of moderate amplitude, therefore,

yields no discriminating evidence on the validity of
the strong thesis. Moreover, observations describing
occurrences are more appropriate relative to the for­
mulated thesis than correlation measures. For in­
stance, observations tending to disconfirm the strong
Monetarist thesis would consist of occurrences of pro­
nounced monetary accelerations or decelerations
which are not followed by accelerated or retarded
movements of economic activity.
Point (d) still remains to be considered. Once
again, his observation does not bear on the strong
Monetarist thesis. Davis properly cautions readers
about the interpretation of the Friedman lag. The
variability of this lag is probably due to the interaction
of monetary and non-monetary forces, or to changes
from cycle to cycle in the relative variability of
monetary growth. But again, this does not affect
the strong thesis. The proper interpretation of the
Friedman lag, as the interval between reversals in
the rate of monetary impulses and their prevalence
over all other factors simultaneously operating on
economic activity, usefully clarifies a concept intro­
duced into our discussions. This clarification provides,
however, no relevant evidence bearing on the ques­
tioned hypotheses.
In summary, the arguments developed by Davis
do not yield any substantive evidence against the
strong Monetarist thesis. Moreover, the discussion
omits major portions of the evidence assembled in
support of this position.20

E. Countercyclical Policy and the
Interpretation of Monetary Policy
The usual assertion of the New View, attributing
fluctuations of monetary growth to the public’s and
the banks’ behavior, assumed a strategic role in the
countercritique. The countercritique denied, further­
more, that monetary actions have a major impact on
economic activity. With the crumbling of these two
20Milton Friedman’s summary of the evidence in the Fortyfourth Annual Report of the National Bureau of Economic
Research is important in this respect. Davis overlooks in
particular the evidence accumulated in studies of the money
supply mechanism which bears on the issue raised by point
( a ) in the text. A persistent and uniform association between
money and economic activity, in spite of large changes in the
structure of money supply processes, yields evidence in sup­
port of the Monetarist theses.
The reader should also consult Chapter 13 of the book by
Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz listed in footnote 9;
Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money, edited by Milton
Friedman, University of Chicago Press, 1956; and a doctoral
dissertation by Michael W. Keran, “Monetary Policy and the
Business Cycle in Postwar Japan,” Ph.D. thesis at the Uni­
versity of Minnesota, March 1966, to be published as a
chapter of a book edited by David Meiselman.

bastions, the monetary policymakers’ interpretation
of their own behavior becomes quite vulnerable. In a
previous section, the substantial contribution of the
monetary base to the fluctuations of monetary growth
has been demonstrated. These facts, combined with
repeated assertions that monetary policy has been
largely countercyclical, suggest the existence of a
pronounced discrepancy between actual behavior of
the monetary authorities and their interpretation of
this behavior.
A crucial question bearing on this issue pertains to
the proper measure summarizing actual behavior of
the monetary authorities. Two major facts should be
clearly recognized. First, the monetary base consists of
“money” directly issued by the authorities, and every
issue of base money involves an action of the monetary
authorities. This holds irrespective of their knowledge
about it, or their motivation and aims. Second, varia­
tions in the base, extended by suitable adjustments
to incorporate changing reserve requirement ratios,
are the single most important factor influencing the
behavior of the money stock. And this second point
applies irrespective of whether Federal Reserve
authorities are aware of it or wish it to be, or
whatever their motivations or aims are. Their actual
behavior, and not their motivations or aims, influences
the monetary system and the pace of economic activ­
ity. Thus, actual changes in the monetary base are
quite meaningful and appropriate measures of actual
behavior of monetary authorities.21
The information presented in Table IV supports the
conjecture that monetary policymakers’ interpretation
of their own behavior has no systematic positive asso­
ciation with their actual behavior. Table IV was con­
structed on the basis of the scores assigned to changes
in policies, according to the interpretation of the
Federal Open Market Committee.22 Positive scores
were associated with each session of the FOMC which
decided to make policy easier, more expansionary,
less restrictive, less tight, etc., and negative scores
indicate decisions to follow a tighter, less expansion­
ary, more restrictive course. The scores varied between
plus and minus one, and expressed some broad
ordering of the revealed magnitude of the changes.
21The reader may also be assured by the following statement:
“. . . monetary policy refers particularly to determination of
the supply of (the government’s) demand debt . . .” This
demand debt coincides with the monetary base. The quote
is by James Tobin, a leading architect of the New View,
on p. 148 of his contribution to the Commission on Mone^
and Credit, “An Essay on Principles of Debt Management, ’
in Fiscal and Debt Management Policies, Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, 1963.
22The scores were published as Appendix II to “An Alternative
Approach to the Monetary Mechanism.” See footnote 9.
Page 21

T A B L E IV :

The Association between Policymakers’ Interpretation of Policy,
Changes in the Monetary Base and Changes in Free Reserves


Cumulative Scores
of Policymakers’
over the Period

Changes in Free
Reserves over
the Period in
$ Million

Changes in the
M on et ar y Base
over the Period
in $ Million


— 4. 7 5

— 10 30


6/53 - 11/54

+ 2 .6 3


28 6

+ 1321

1 2 / 5 4 - 10 / 5 5

— 3.37







+ 1 .1 2


35 2



8/56 -


— 1.00







+ 3 .5 0

+ 10 1 7

7/58 -


+ 12 03


— 2.1 2

— 10 59



7/59 - 12/60

+ 2.62

+ 12 39



1/61 - 1 2 / 6 2






An examination of the sequence of scores easily
shows that the period covered can be naturally par­
titioned into subperiods exhibiting an overwhelming
occurrence of scores with a uniform sign. These
subperiods are listed in the first column of Table IV.
The second column cumulated the scores over the
subperiods listed in order to yield a very rough
ranking of the policymakers’ posture according to
their own interpretation.

tween the policymakers’ descriptions of their posture,
and the movement of free reserves, is impressively
close. This correlation confirms once again that the
Federal Reserve authorities have traditionally used
the volume of free reserves as an indicator to gauge
and interpret prevailing monetary policies. Yet little
evidence has been developed which establishes a
causal chain leading from changes in free reserves
to the pace of economic activity.

Table IV reveals that the FOMC interpreted the
subperiods from August 1957 to July 1958, and from
July 1959 to December 1960 as among the most ex­
pansionary policy periods. The period from Novem­
ber 1949 to May 1953 appears in this account as a
phase of persistently tight or restrictive policy. The
next two columns list the changes of two important
variables during each subperiod. The third column
describes changes in free reserves, and the fourth
column notes changes in the monetary base. A cursory
examination of the columns immediately shows
substantial differences in their broad association. The
rank correlation between the various columns is most
informative for our purposes.

Another observation contained in Table IV bears
on the issue of policymakers’ interpretation of their
own behavior. Changes in the cumulated scores and
free reserves between the periods listed always move
together and are perfect in terms of direction. By
comparison, the co-movement between cumulated
scores and changes in the monetary base is quite
haphazard; only three out of eight changes between
periods move together. This degree of co-movement
between cumulated scores and the monetary base
could have occurred by pure chance with a probability
greater than .2, whereas the probability of the perfect
co-movement between cumulated scores and free
reserves occurring as a matter of pure chance is less
than .004. The traditional selection of free reserves
or money market conditions as an indicator to inter­
pret prevailing monetary policy and to gauge the
relative thrust applied by policy, forms the major
reason for the negative association (or at least ran­
dom association) between stated and actual policy.

These rank correlations are listed in Table V. The
results expose the absence of any positive associa­
tion between the policymakers’ own interpretation or
judgement of their stance and their actual behavior,
as indicated by movements in the monetary base.
The correlation coefficient between the monetary base
and cumulated scores has a negative value, suggesting
that a systematic divergence between stated and
actual policy (as measured by the monetary base)
is probable. On the other hand, the correlation beTABLE V :
Rank Correlation Between Changes in the M on et ar y
Base, Cha nges in Free Reserves an d the
Cumulated Scores of Policymakers' Interpretations
Cumulated scores an d base
Cumulated scores an d free reserves
Free reserves an d base

Page 22

• 09


Attempts at rebuttal to the above analysis often
emphasize that policymakers are neither interested
in the monetary base, nor do they attach any signifi­
cance to it. This argument is advanced to support
the claim that the behavior of the monetary base is
irrelevant for a proper examination of policymakers’
intended behavior. This argument disregards, how­
ever, the facts stated earlier, namely, movements in
the monetary base are under the direct control and
are the sole responsibility of the monetary authorities.

It also disregards the fact that actions may yield con­
sequences which are independent of motivations
shaping the actions.
These considerations are sufficient to acknowledge
the relevance of the monetary base as a measure sum­
marizing the actual behavior of monetary authorities.
However, they alone are not sufficient to determine
whether the base is the most reliable indicator of
monetary policy. Other magnitudes such as interest
rates, bank credit, and free reserves have been ad­
vanced with plausible arguments to serve as indi­
cators. A rational procedure must be designed to
determine which of the possible entities frequently
used for scaling policy yields the most reliable results.
This indicator problem is still very poorly under­
stood, mainly because of ambiguous use of eco­
nomic language in most discussions of monetary pol­
icy. The term- “indicator” occurs with a variety of
meanings in discussions, and so do the terms “target*
and “guide.” The indicator problem, understood in its
technical sense, is the determination of an optimal
scale justifying interpretations of the authorities’ actual
behavior by means of comparative statements. A
typical statement is that policy X is more expansionary
than policy Y, or that current policy has become
more (or less) expansionary. Whenever we use a
comparative concept, we implicitly rely on an ordering
The indicator problem has not been given ade­
quate treatment in the literature, and the recognition
of its logical structure is often obstructed by inade­
quate analysis. It is, for instance, not sufficient to
emphasize the proposition that the money supply can
be a “misleading guide to the proper interpretation
of monetary policy.” This proposition can be easily
demonstrated for a wide variety of models and hy­
potheses. However, it establishes very little. The
same theories usually demonstrate that the rate
of interest, free reserves, or bank credit can also be
very misleading guides to monetary policy. Thus, we
can obtain a series of propositions about a vast array
of entities, asserting that each one can be a very
misleading guide to the interpretation of policy. We
only reach a useless stalemate in this situation.
The usual solution to the indicator problem at the
present time is a decision based on mystical insight
supplemented by some impressionistic arguments. The
most frequently advanced arguments emphasize that
central banks operate directly on credit markets where
interest rates are formed, or that the interest mech­
anism forms the centerpiece of the transmission proc­
ess. Accordingly, in both cases market interest rates

should “obviously” emerge as the relevant indicator
of monetary policy.
These arguments on behalf of market interest rates
are mostly supplied by economists. The monetary
authorities’ choice of money market conditions as an
indicator evolved from a different background. But
in recent years a subtle change has occurred. One
frequently encounters arguments which essentially
deny either the existence of the indicator problem or
its rational solution. A favorite line asserts that “the
world is very complex” and consequently it is im­
possible or inadmissible to use a single scale to
interpret policy. According to this view, one has to
consider and weigh many things in order to obtain a
“realistic” assessment in a complicated world.
This position has little merit. The objection to a
“single scale” misconstrues the very nature of the
problem. Once we decide to discuss monetary policy
in terms of comparative statements, an ordinal scale
is required in order to provide a logical basis for such
statements. A multiplicity of scales effectively elimi­
nates the use of comparative statements. Of course,
a single scale may be a function of multiple argu­
ments, but such multiplicity of arguments should not
be confused with a multiplicity of scales. Policy­
makers and economists should therefore realize that
one either provides a rational procedure which
justifies interpretations of monetary policy by means
of comparative statements, or that one abandons any
pretense of meaningful or intellectually honest discus­
sion of such policy.
Solution of the indicator problem in the technical
sense appears obstructed on occasion by a prevalent
confusion with an entirely different problem confront­
ing the central banker —the target problem. This
problem results from the prevailing uncertainty con­
cerning the nature of the transmission mechanism
and the substantial lags in the dynamics of monetary
In the context of perfect information, the indicator
problem becomes trivial and the target problem van­
ishes. But perfect information is the privilege of
economists’ discourse on policy; central bankers can­
not afford this luxury. The impact of their actions are
both delayed and uncertain. Moreover, the ultimate
goals of monetary policy (targets in the TinbergenTheil sense) appear remote to the manager executing
general policy directives. Policymakers will be in­
clined under these circumstances to insert a more
immediate target between their ultimate goals and
their actions. These targets should be reliably ob­
servable with a minimal lag.
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It is quite understandable that central bankers
traditionally use various measures of money market
conditions, with somewhat shifting weights, as a target
guiding the continuous adjustment of their policy
variables. This response to the uncertainties and lags
in the dynamics of the monetary mechanism is very
rational indeed. However, once we recognize the
rationality of such behavior, we should also consider
the rationality of using a particular target. The choice
of a target still remains a problem, and the very
nature of this problem is inadequately understood at
this state.
This is not the place to examine the indicator and
target problem in detail. A possible solution to both
problems has been developed on another occasion.23
The solutions apply decision theoretic procedures and
concepts from control theory to the determination of
an optimal choice of both indicator and target. Both
problems are in principle solvable, in spite of the
“complexity of the world.” Consequently, there is
little excuse for failing to develop rational monetary
policy procedures.

A program for applying economic analysis to finan­
cial markets and financial institutions is certainly ac­
ceptable and worth pursuing. This program suggests
that the public and banks interact in the determina­
tion of bank credit, interest rates, and the money
stock, in response to the behavior of monetary author­
ities. But the recognition of such interaction implies
nothing with respect to the relative importance of
the causal forces generating cyclical fluctuations of
monetary growth. Neither does it bear on the quality
of alternative empirical hypotheses, or the relative
usefulness of various magnitudes or conditions which
might be proposed as an indicator to judge the
actual thrust applied by monetary policy to the pace
of economic activity.
23The reader may consult the chapter by Karl Brunner and
Allan H. Meltzer on “Targets and Indicators of Monetary
Policy,” in the book of the same title, edited by Karl Brunner.
The book will be published by Chandler House Publishing
Co., Belmont, California.

The Monetarist thesis has been put forth in the form
of well structured hypotheses which are supported by
empirical evidence. This extensive research in the area
of monetary policy has established that: (i) Federal
Reserve actions dominate the movement of the mone­
tary base over time; (ii) movements of the monetary
base dominate movements of the money supply over
the business cycle; and, ( iii) accelerations or decelera­
tions of the money supply are closely followed by
accelerations or decelerations in economic activity.
Therefore, the Monetarist thesis puts forth the
proposition that actions of the Federal Reserve are
transmitted to economic activity via the resulting
movements in the monetary base and money supply,
which initiate the adjustments in relative prices of
assets, liabilities, and the production of new assets.
The New View, as put forth by the counter­
critique, has offered thus far neither analysis nor
evidence pertaining relevantly to an explanation of
variations in monetary growth. Moreover, the counter­
critique has not developed, on acceptable logical
grounds, a systematic justification for the abundant
supply of statements characterizing policy in terms
of its effects on the economy. Nor has it developed
a systematic justification for the choice of money
market conditions as an optimal target guiding the
execution of open market operations.
But rational policy procedures require both a re­
liable interpretation and an adequate determination
of the course of policy. The necessary conditions
for rational policy are certainly not satisfied if policies
actually retarding economic activity are viewed to be
expansionary, as in the case of the 1960-61 recession,
or, if inflationary actions are viewed as being restric­
tive, as in the first half of 1966.
The major questions addressed to our monetary
policymakers, their advisors and consultants remain:
How do you justify your interpretation of policy, and
how do you actually explain the fluctuations of mone­
tary growth? The major contentions of the academic
critics of the past performance of monetary author­
ities could possibly be quite false, but this should be
demonstrated by appropriate analysis and relevant

This article is available as reprint series No. 30

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