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Vol. 57, No.

Inflation: Its Cause and Cure



Operations of the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis— 1974 ....................


Financing Government Through
Monetary Expansion and Inflation



Inflation: Its Cause and Cure
W. Philip Gramm is a professor of econom ics at Texas A&M University in
C ollege Station, Texas. Professor Gramm has pu blished articles in various ec o ­
nomic journals on topics ranging from environment to monetary and banking
theory. He is a consultant to the U.S. and Canadian Governments on matters of
energy and econom ics. Professor Gramm presented this paper at the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis on February 7, 1975.


TT E ARE today experiencing the most prolonged
period of rapid inflation in the history of the United
States. While we have had short periods where infla­
tion rates have been more intense, a decade of high
inflation rates is without precedent in the history of
the Republic. As an index of how severe price in­
creases have been for the last decade, the consumer
price index, which measures the price of a market
basket of goods and services purchased by the Ameri­
can consumer, is up 66 percent; the wholesale price
index, which measures the price of raw materials used
in the production process, is up 75 percent from a
decade ago. Not only have we experienced a decade
of high inflation rates, but in the last year the rate of
price increase has quickened. The consumer price in­
dex is up 12 percent from a year ago and the whole­
sale price index is up 20 percent. These harsh eco­
nomic facts suggest two questions: (1 ) how did we
get in such a mess, and (2 ) how do we get out?

inflation. All five of these inflations have had the
same cause — a rapid increase in the money supply.
Under the Articles of Confederation, the Continental
Congress did not have the power to tax. It was there­
fore forced to issue paper currency to fight the Revo­
lutionary War. The paper currency units were called
Continental Dollars. You have all heard the saying
“not worth a Continental,” a statement derived from
the fact that when Continental Dollars were redeemed
at the end of the Revolutionary War, they were re­
deemed at 2 cents on the dollar in gold and silver.
The paper currency depreciated very rapidly because
of the tremendous quantity which was issued. In es­
sence, the Continental Congress was entering the
American market and competing against private citi­
zens for goods and services with newly issued Con­
tinental currency, buying goods at a more rapid rate
than the economy was producing them. Prices, there­
fore, were driven up.

The first question is easy to answer. There are data
on inflation which go back to the 15th century, when
gold was discovered in America, transported to Spain,
and permeated the European market. Since that time
there has never been a prolonged general price infla­
tion that was not preceded by and directly related to
a growth in the money supply. In our economy, growth
in the money supply occurs principally when the Gov­
ernment spends more than it taxes and prints money
to make up part of the deficit.

In reviewing our first inflationary experience as a
nation, it is important to note that at the end of the
Revolutionary War the Congress established the First
Bank of the United States, which systematically with­
drew Continental Notes from circulation. Prices then
leveled off and fell back toward their original level.

The History of U.S. Inflation
We have incurred five major inflations in the his­
tory of the United States: the Revolutionary War in­
flation, the War of 1812 inflation, the Civil War infla­
tion, the World War II inflation, and the Vietnam War
Note: An earlier version of this paper was presented at Hills­
dale College, Hillsdale, Michigan, in connection with a semi­
nar sponsored by the Center for Constructive Alternatives
entitled “Energy or Exhaustion: The Planet as Provider.” See
imprimis (November 1974), pp. 1-6.
Pa ge 2

The next major inflation in American history fol­
lowed the War of 1812, which was basically a carbon
copy of the Revolutionary War inflation. The princi­
pal method of deriving Federal revenue was imposing
import taxes or tariffs. But we were at war with our
major trading partner, England, and tariffs had fallen
off drastically. In order to fight the war we therefore
issued large quantities of paper currency which pro­
duced a rise in the general price level. Again, how­
ever, to the credit of our forebearers, when the war
was over the Congress established a Second Bank of
the United States that redeemed paper currency at
par. Prices leveled off and declined back toward their
original level as the paper currency was withdrawn
from circulation.

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

The next major inflation in American history oc­
curred during the American Civil War. The Federal
Government ran a $1 billion deficit, which was with­
out precedence in history. It financed a large part of
this deficit by issuing Greenback Notes. These Green­
back Notes expanded the money supply by over 150
percent, and prices roughly doubled from 1860 to
1865. At the end of the war taxes were left at their
war-time level and Government spending was cut
back drastically. The Government surplus drew Green­
backs out of circulation and the Treasurer of the
United States burned them. As the money supply
declined prices fell off, and by 1879 we went back on
the gold standard at exactly the same par value that
existed in 1860 because prices had been driven back
down to their previous level.
The next major inflation in American history oc­
curred in World War II. The Federal Government ran
a large deficit and the money stock more than doubled
as the Federal Reserve monetized a part of the debt.
As the Government entered the market armed with
newly printed money, it drove up prices, increasing
overall prices by over 60 percent during the Second
World War. By the end of 1946, we were approaching
a balanced budget, and by 1947 price increases had
ceased. We established a period from 1947 to 1962
(except 1950) which proved to be one of the most
prolonged periods of stable prices and stable economic
growth in the Twentieth Century.

The Current Inflation
The next major inflation in American history oc­
curred with the initiation of massive Government ex­
penditures on the Vietnam War. W e are today in the
fifth major inflation in American history — and its
source is identical to the four inflations that p reced ed
it. The current inflation differs only by the fact that it
has been carried over into a peacetim e period; this
is the only peace-tim e inflation of any real significance
in the entire history of our country. Our present infla­
tion has b een caused by the fact that since 1965 the
F ederal Government has run a $100 billion deficit and
has financed 40 percent of that deficit by printing
It is fundamentally important to note the difference
in the impact on the economy caused by Federal
financing through taxation and borrowing, as opposed
to printing money. When the Government taxes and
spends the receipts of those taxes, the ability of the
private consumer to purchase goods and services is
diminished by the amount of the tax. Therefore, the

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

increase in total spending as a result of the increase in
Government spending is quite small. If the Govern­
ment goes onto the bond market and sells bonds, com­
peting with private firms and private individuals for
loanable funds, the competition simply drives up in­
terest rates as Government diverts funds away from
private investment projects. In this case, private
spending falls by the amount that public spending
increases. In the case of selling Government bonds to
the Federal Reserve, which in turn gives the Treasury
the capacity to write checks drawn on the Federal
Reserve, there is no corresponding decrease in private
spending. So the increase in Government spending
represents a net increase in total demand for goods
and services.
There is a simple rule of thumb to follow in gauging
the relation between the growth in the money stock,
the growth in the economy, and changes in prices.
Remember what money is used for — it is used to buy
and sell goods and services and consummate exchange.
We have found in economics that as the level of
economic activity grows with the growth in income
and commerce, the demand for money grows by a
corresponding amount. So if the economy grows at
about 3 percent a year, which has been the average
growth rate throughout the entire history of the
United States, then the economy will absorb a 3 per­
cent growth in the money supply with no change in
prices. For example, from 1947 to 1962 the Federal
Government ran small deficits and the money stock
grew at about 3 percent per year as the Federal Re­
serve purchased Government securities in the open
market to keep interest rates low. The economy grew
at about 3 percent a year so that the increase in
money supply was simply absorbed in the consumma­
tion of exchange, and prices remained virtually stable
for the entire period. One exception was the year 1950,
when the economic impact of the Korean conflict was
felt; the money supply grew by 10 percent and prices
increased 10 percent.
Beginning in 1964 we had large increases in Fed­
eral spending to finance unprecedented domestic ex­
penditures on the War on Poverty and on Great So­
ciety programs. With the escalation of the war in
Vietnam we saw the Government deficit rise from a
fairly low level in 1964 to $25 billion a year in 1968.
The so-called anti-inflationary surcharge imposed in
1968 had no real impact on inflation rates because
Government expenditures grew more rapidly than tax
receipts. As a result, in 1968 we ran a record peace­
time deficit and the money supply grew by almost
8 percent.
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F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

In 1969, when President Nixon took office, we
made the only real attempt in the whole inflationary
period to stop the inflation. Beginning in January,
President Nixon brought the budget into balance, and
the rate of growth in the money stock from January
to June was zero percent. This policy worked because
the rate of price increase, which was almost 6 percent
on an annual basis in December and January, had
fallen to a 2.7 percent rate by June. But in April, May,
and June the unemployment rate jumped significantly.
Unemployment rose principally because in the wage
negotiations which occurred in the fall of 1968, wage
contracts were based on the assumption of a continua­
tion of 5-7 percent inflation rates. This expectation
was realistic, given our previous five-year experience.
So an employer who expected the productivity of his
workers to rise by 2 percent was willing to negotiate
a 7-9 percent wage increase if he expected the price
of his product to rise by 5-7 percent. Workers, being
aware of the same set of circumstances, were unwilling
to accept any smaller pay increase. If the Federal Gov­
ernment had continued its expansionary monetary and
fiscal policy, such wage negotiations would have
caused no changes in the unemployment rate. But
when the Federal Government reversed its monetary
policy in an attempt to stabilize prices, and the rate
of price increase fell below 3 percent by June, the
wages that had been negotiated in the fall of 196S
were too high for full employment and workers were
laid off.
The Federal Government at this point faced a cru­
cial decision between two options. (1 ) It could reverse
its monetary policy, reinflate, and therefore seek to
drive up prices, which would produce a fall in real
wages to the point necessary to produce full employ­
ment; or (2 ) it could maintain its monetary policy,
and allow the new contracts written in the fall of
1969 to be based on a 2.7 percent inflation rate and a
higher unemployment rate.
In 1969 and 1970 the Government reversed its pol­
icy and began to inflate at an increasing rate in the
last six months of 1969 and 1970. By January of 1971
the inflation rate was back up to a 6 percent annual
rate and the unemployment rate was beginning to
slide. Since June of 1969, when we abandoned our
only real attempt to stop the inflation, we have made
no significant attempt to bring inflation under control
in this country. We have sought to find easier solu­
tions to our economic dilemma. At first, in the second
half of 1969, we tried a voluntary approach. Then in
1971 we went to the mandatory approach when we
imposed wage and price controls and attempted to
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freeze prices and wages in the United States by Gov­
ernment edict.
While we in economics have a lot of data on infla­
tion, we have even more data on wage and price
controls. In fact, our first history of wage and price
controls occurred 5,000 years ago when price controls
were imposed in the fifth dynasty of ancient Egypt.
Pericles imposed price controls in ancient Athens, and
Diocletian imposed wage and price controls in an­
cient Rome. And from the fifth dynasty of ancient
Egypt to President Nixon’s Phase IV price controls,
all o f these experiences have one thing in com m on —
not one has ever w orked. And they do not work for
a very sim ple reason: they freeze prices at a level
w here the quantity dem an ded exceeds the quantity
supplied. They simply turn price increases into short­
ages and stifle the incentive to produce, therefore
causing output to fall.
We have in fact produced a minor miracle in the
United States in the 1970s, in that at various times we
have produced a grain and a meat shortage through
Government policy — in a country that has the most
fertile land, the highest level of capital equipment
and technology in agriculture, and the best educated
farmer in the world. We have produced shortages of
critical inputs to the production process, sending the
country into a recession.
If one looks at what the Government says it is doing
in its “anti-inflation” policy, and then looks at the
growth in the monetary base to see what it is actually
doing, there is only one conclusion that can be drawn.
That conclusion is that Federal anti-inflation policy
since June of 1969 has been a “fraud.” Over the last
12 months the monetary base has grown at almost an
8 percent annual rate. N ever in history has such a
rate of monetary expansion failed to produce rapid

Pointing the Finger of Guilt
When the Federal Government, in June 1969,
stopped trying to do anything about inflation it turned
its activities toward developing scapegoats in order to
get Americans to blame their neighbor for their prob­
lems. Had the scapegoat strategy not been so effec­
tive, it would be humorous. How does this strategy
work? Well, you have all heard it. It works basically
as follows. A bureaucrat goes to a businessman and
says, “Why are you increasing your prices?” And the
businessman says, “Because our costs are rising.” And
then the bureaucrat says, “What is your major cost?”
And the businessman says, “labor.” And then the

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST . L O U I S

bureaucrat concludes, “Well, labor unions cause infla­
tion.” And then the same bureaucrat goes to union
leaders and says, “Why are you demanding such high
wage increases?” And union leaders note that the
consumer price index is up 12 percent in the past
year, and that wages of hourly workers are 4 percent
lower than they were a year ago in terms of real pur­
chasing power dollars. And the bureaucrat says,
“Well, who sets prices anyway?” And the labor
leaders say, “businessmen.” And the bureaucrat con­
cludes, “Well, through price collusion and admin­
istered prices, businessmen create inflation.”
Then, of course, another popular version of scape­
goatism was employed by former Treasury Secretary
John Connally. lie said, “W7e are all causing inflation
through our greed. We are all so greedy in competing
against each other for goods and services that we are,
through this competition, driving up prices. We have
all just got to stand back and quit being so greedy.”
I guess the low point in scapegoatism was reached
when Herbert Stein pronounced, just before his retire­
ment from the Council of Economic Advisers, that the
American people were responsible for inflation.
Picking up the scapegoat theme, Jack Anderson
wrote an article in which he said high interest rates
are the result of banker collusion in an attempt to
drive up the interest rate to make fat profits at the
public’s expense. This statement, I think, showed that
Jack Anderson knows nothing about banking and
finance and nothing about economic history, because
never in the history of the United States have we had
high inflation rates which have failed to produce high
interest rates, except during periods of capital
Our high interest rates over the last year, which
have disrupted the long-term capital market, have
been caused by irresponsible Government policy. I
think it is important that we not allow bankers and
businessmen to be used as scapegoats for Government
failure. In fact, if one looks at nominal interest rates
and the current inflation rates and attempts to draw
any parallel between current interest rates, in terms of
real resources borrowed, relative to real resources paid
back, interest rates last year were not at historic highs,
as we were told in the newspaper and on the news.
They were at historic lows. We hear from Washington
that Government economists marvel at record demand
in the short-term credit market in the face of record
high interest rates, but if one can borrow at 12.5 per­
cent on prime commercial paper and the inflation rate
is 12 percent, he is paying back in real terms only 0.5
percent interest. It is indeed no marvel that the d e­

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

mand for capital in the short-term credit market has
been at a record high, because real interest rates have
been at a record low. Indeed, if the Federal Reserve
had not been following an easy money policy through
open market purchases of Government securities, in­
terest rates on short-term credit would probably have
reached 15 percent last year.

The Costs of Inflation
While high nominal interest rates have not dis­
rupted the short-term credit market, they have had
a disastrous effect on the long-term credit market, and
the reason is very simple to understand. Historically,
we in the United States have been blessed with fis­
cally responsible Government. Indeed, if you throw
out all the war years in American history, prices on
the average have remained constant or fallen slightly
throughout the entire history of the United States. As
a result, we have had historically low nominal interest
rates. Therefore, borrowers are loathe to commit
themselves over 25 - 39 years to a nominal interest
rate that, although it may be 2 percent or negative ( in
real terms) at current inflation rates, might later turn
out to be an extremely disadvantageous rate if the
current inflation should end. Secondly, at high infla­
tion rates, funds have been diverted from their tradi­
tional channels, whereby savings flowed into commer­
cial banks and savings and loans institutions, and
were in turn loaned out to businesses to build new
factories, to generate jobs, and to build new homes.
As a result of high inflation rates and interest ceilings
on banks and savings and loan associations, funds have
been diverted into land and commodity speculation
and large Government bond issues.
We are all aware of the impact of inflation on in­
come redistribution, particularly on those with fixed
salaries, the old, and the poor. There is no question
that this is a major cost of inflation. But an additional,
more important cost is the impact caused by divert­
ing funds from traditional channels and disrupting the
link between the saver and the investor. In this way,
we are today planting seeds which will yield lower
economic growth rates for a decade.
Today we have a 7.1 percent unemployment rate
which is highly concentrated in two industries — the
construction industry and the automobile industry. As
the effects of the recession in these industries spread,
the unemployment rate will rise further. High interest
rates, uncertainty about future prices, and the avail­
ability of gasoline go a long way in explaining the
plight of these industries. While the $52 billion deficit
in fiscal 1975 will stimulate these industries, most of
Pau't- 5

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST . L O U I S

the stimulation will occur in nondepressed industries.
A deficit of such magnitude will assure that interest
rates will be bid up as Government competes with
private industry for loanable funds. If the Federal
Reserve monetizes 40 percent of this deficit, as it has
done over the last decade, the money supply will ex­
pand by over 20 percent and double-digit inflation
will occur in 1976, even if we experience the most
rapid economic recovery in American history.

Government: The Cause of Inflation
How do ice stop the inflation? Inflation has one
cause and it has but one cure. And that one cure is to
slow the rate of growth in the money supply. This
can be accom plished only by closing the Government
deficit. Our inflation has resulted from the prevalence
of a bankrupt ( and bankrupting) idea within Govern­
ment that money solves problems. If one looks at the
historic growth pattern of Government spending over
the history of the United States, it is very easy to dis­
cern that within the last 15 years there has been a
fundamental change within our Government. From the
birth of the United States it took over 180 years for
the Federal budget to grow from roughly zero to $100
billion. It took only ten years to grow from $100 bil­
lion to $200 billion, and it has taken only four years
for it to grow from $200 billion to $300 billion. Despite
the fact that Federal tax collections have grown by
110 percent over a decade, over three times the rate
of economic growth, the Federal Government has
failed to live within its budget. According to Treasury
Secretary William Simon, the F ederal Government is
deficit financing at such a rate that today it is a b ­
sorbing 60 percent of all the funds raised in U.S.
capital markets.
In January I had the pleasure of working in Wash­
ington for my Congressman, Olin Teague, on the
Energy Emergency Act. While I was there, Congress­
man Teague asked me if I would read some of the
bills that he had to vote on during the period I was
working for him. I noticed that despite the fact that
I make my living reading and writing, I was unable
to read the bills as fast as they came in, so the stack
on my desk kept getting higher and higher. Finally,
I realized that it was physically impossible for any
Congressman to read the bills he had to vote on. I
assert here today that no member of the United States
Congress read the $25 billion education act that has
just become law. The sheer bulk of paperwork is so
great that no effective research is being done in the
Congress by those who are actually engaged in the
process of making decisions in the public interest. We
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are experiencing an attempt by the Congress to sub­
stitute money for ideas.
Probably the best statement of the money-solvesproblems philosophy that I have ever heard was John
Lindsay’s statement shortly after he became mayor of
New York. The gist of John Lindsay’s message was
as follows: people think New York City has a lot of
problems, but New York City has only one problem
— private affluence and public poverty. If my budget
were simply twice what it is today I could solve every
problem in New York City. The day John Lindsay
left office his budget was over 2 times what it was the
day he took office, and by every index from garbage
collection to crime in the streets, New York City was
a worse place to live the day he left than the day he
came. And the reason is that money does not solve
problems, ideas solve problems. And Government has
had few viable ideas in 40 years.
The best personal example that I have witnessed
of the bankruptcy of Government with regard to new
and viable ideas was a call I received back in January.
I was working in my office at Texas A & M and my
secretary, who gets excited with very little provoca­
tion, came into my office and said, “Dr. Gramm,
you’re not going to believe this, but the President of
the United States is on the telephone.” And I said,
“You’re right, I don’t believe it.” Nevertheless, I picked
up the phone and a very stem sounding lady said, “Is
this Dr. W. Philip Gramm of Texas A & M University?”
I said, “Yes, Ma’m.” She said, “Dr. Gramm, this is the
White House calling.”
So I sat on the edge of my chair awaiting some mes­
sage — some mission from my President — and a mem­
ber of the White House staff came on the phone. He
said, “Dr. Gramm, your name has been given to us by
some very, very important people. We think you might
be the kind of person that can help us develop a new
and viable energy program, a system of Government
controls and subsidies, a system of Government and
industry mutual research and project participation.
And as an index of our commitment to this project we
are willing to commit $20 billion.”
He went on and used every 25-cent word in the
English language. When he got through, being an
Aggie, I said simply, “It is a happy coincidence that
out of 211 million Americans you have called the right
man, because I know exactly what to do.” I told him
that I envisioned a system which was not going to
cost a penny, but in fact would make money. It would
be so productive that we could tax its output and
finance Government programs on the basis of its pro­

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

ductivity. I told him that I envisioned a system
whereby we would allow people to own property, and
we would allow them to combine this property with
their God-given talents to produce output. We would
allow them to sell output in a free market so that each
individual, in attempting to maximize his own welfare,
would operate at maximum efficiency. And each con­
sumer, in attempting to maximize his own individual
welfare, would economize on the things that were
scarce and therefore expensive, and substitute for
them things that were abundant and therefore cheap.
In such a system, by rewarding production and inno­
vation, we could assure a maximum level of economic
growth. I told him that I was basically a modest per­
son and that I wanted him to know this was not totally
my idea; that in fact if he would like a written refer­
ence, he might look at Adam Smith’s W ealth of Na­
tions, written in 1776. And I hung up.
Well, I assumed that I would never hear from the
White House again, but indeed they went to a great
deal of trouble to get in touch with me. And that’s
how, as I expressed it, for about a two-month period,
while I didn’t invent free enterprise, I had the sole
Washington distributorship on it.

If we are to ever put an end to spiralling prices,
shortages, high interest rates and, economic stagnation,
we must stop the growth of Government and put our
monetary and fiscal house in order. To reverse the
trend of fiscal irresponsibility we need strong leader­
ship, which is a scarce commodity in Washington
today. We must resist the siren song of more and
more Government spending and more and more Gov­
ernment controls, and stand up for the free enterprise
system which has made us prosperous and free.
The hour is late. It has become quite fashionable
to proclaim the inevitability of the demise of our sys­
tem. Such a philosophy is a convenient escape. For
if there is not hope, we are not obligated to do any­
thing. In fact, there is no real reason for pessimism.
We have human talents on our side. We have money

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

and economic power on our side, and most important,
we have history on our side. We have, in the American
free enterprise system, the most successful economic
system in the world. It has elevated us from a power­
less nation, 90 percent of whose citizens were in pov­
erty — by any measure — at the time of the Revolu­
tion, into the greatest agricultural and industrial power
on earth. So successful is our system and so high are
the aspirations of the American people that we define
poverty at an income level that is higher than the
average income level of the world’s second most
powerful nation. Yet, paradoxically, this great system
is under attack at all levels of Government, and is
being replaced by a system which has never worked
in history and which is working effectively no where
in the world today. The greatest product in history is
not selling for the simple reason that it has no sales­
man. Those within our Government who supposedly
represent our views are defending our system with an
ineptitude unparalled in the history of the Republic.
To reverse this trend we need but a unit of will.
wish to tell you today that I am optimistic about
the future of America, and I am optimistic about the
future of the American free enterprise system. If we
have learned anything in the 1970s, it is that big
Government cannot solve problems, and that spending
more of the taxpayers’ money cannot turn a bad
idea into a good one. Everywhere I go in Texas and
in our nation I find the American people feel a sense
of helplessness. They know big Government is not
working, they know something is out of kilter, but they
don’t know what to do about it. What we need today,
more than at any time in the liistory of the United
States, is a new wave of leadership to turn this coun­
try around. We need this leadership to fulfill the ideals
and aspirations of a revolution which occurred almost
two hundred years ago. In the coming struggle for
the survival and the success of the American experi­
ment, I call upon you as our business and civic lead­
ers not to be merely passive observers, but to be
active participants. While I cannot speak for the ac­
tions of others, in my own case I mean not only to
participate, I mean in that participation to lead.

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Operations of the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis —1974
J_ HE Federal Reserve System consists of the Board
of Governors, located in Washington, D. C., and
twelve Federal Reserve Banks located in districts
across the United States. The Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis serves the Eighth Federal Reserve Dis­
trict which includes all of Arkansas and parts of Illi­
nois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and
Tennessee. To assist in servicing the area, branches
of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank are located in
Little Rock, Louisville, and Memphis.
The St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank and its
branches perform a variety of services for the public,
commercial banks, and the United States Govern­
ment. These services include collecting and clearing
checks, transferring funds, distributing coin and cur­
rency to commercial banks, and conducting fiscal
agency operations for the Federal Government. The
Bank also extends credit to member banks and super­
vises certain commercial banks to promote sound
banking practices. This report reviews most of the
operations and functions of the St. Louis Federal Re­
serve Bank and its branches during 1974. The actions
of the Bank, along with the other eleven Federal
Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors, in formu­
lating and implementing monetary policy are dis­
cussed in other issues of the Review.

Bank Supervision and Regulation
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, along with
the state banking authorities, supervises state char­
tered member banks in the Eighth Federal Reserve
District. Bank supervision encompasses a wide variety
of technical functions relating to the operations of
member banks. The Bank Supervision and Regulation
Department oversees the admission of state banks into
the Federal Reserve System, conducts annual bank
examinations, and analyzes periodic reports of condi­
tion. It reviews proposed mergers resulting in state
member banks and applications to open new branches
by these banks.
The most familiar form of supervisory activity is
bank examination, through which information is col­
lected on the current financial condition of individual
banks. The examiners ascertain whether state member
banks are complying with the applicable laws and
regulations and evaluate each bank’s assets, liabilities,
capital, liquidity, operations, and management.
Page 8

The 88 state member banks in the Eighth District
were examined by St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank
examiners in 1974. These banks are also subject to
examination by state banking authorities. The 343 na­
tional banks in the Eighth District, which are re­
quired by law to be members of the Federal Reserve
System, are examined by the staff of the Comptroller
of the Currency. State nonmember banks that are in­
sured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(F D IC ) are examined by the FDIC along with the
respective state banking authorities. The noninsured
banks in the District are examined by state examiners
Federal Reserve Banks also supervise bank holding
companies. At the end of 1974, the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis had jurisdiction over 17 multibank
holding companies and 73 one-bank holding com­
panies. The Bank Supervision and Regulation Depart­
ment, with the assistance of the Legal and Research
Departments, analyzes applications for bank holding
company formations and holding company acquisi­
tions of additional banks and firms in industries closely
related to banking. In reviewing an application, these
departments consider the financial history, conditions,
and prospects of the institutions involved, and evalu­
ate the quality of management. The legal aspects of
the proposal and its likely effects on banking com­
petition are assessed. During 1974, this Bank processed
11 applications to form one-bank or multibank holding
companies and 39 applications by holding companies
to acquire additional subsidiaries.
Bank holding companies are required to file annual
reports with the Reserve Banks. These annual re­
ports are analyzed by the staff of the Bank Super­
vision and Regulation Department to verify accuracy
and completeness, to ascertain the financial condi­
tions of the holding company and its subsidiaries, and
to determine compliance with applicable laws and
regulations. Examination reports submitted to the pri­
mary supervisory agency of the respective bank sub­
sidiaries are also analyzed by the Federal Reserve
Bank to determine the overall conditions of such sub­
sidiaries. In addition, the Bank conducts discretionary
on-site inspections of bank holding companies. The
purpose of these inspections is similar to that of ex­
aminations of subsidiary banks.

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST . L O U I S

T a b le 1

Num ber
(th o usand s)



C hecks h a n d le d 2 .............................................

6 1 4 ,1 0 4

5 8 5 ,7 1 3

T ransfers o f f u n d s ........................................



4 .9 %
2 4 .3

D olla r A m o un t
(m illio n s)


$ 2 1 0 ,4 1 3 .3

$ 1 9 1 ,4 6 0 .3

6 9 1 ,2 0 2 .7

4 9 1 ,2 4 4 .9

9 .9 %
4 0 .7

C urrency received a n d c o u n t e d .........................

2 5 7 ,8 7 3

2 7 3 ,3 0 4

-5 .7

2 ,4 0 0 .1

2 ,1 4 7 .0


C o in received a n d c o u n t e d ..............................

1 ,2 9 2 ,6 6 9

1 , 2 9 1 ,3 1 5


1 2 7 .8

1 3 1 .3

-2 .7

1 1 ,4 2 2

1 1,021


6 6 8 .2

6 4 2 .6

4 .0



3 6 .7

2 8 ,3 2 6 .2

2 3 ,8 3 2 .0

1 8 .9

U.S. S a v in g s B on d s a n d S a v in g s N o te s 3 .
O th e r G o ve rn m e n t Securities3 .........................
U.S. G o ve rn m e n t co u p o n s p a i d .........................



— 5 .4

2 5 7 .9

2 4 2 .6


Food stam p s received a n d c o u n t e d ....................

1 8 0 ,3 6 5

1 4 2 ,6 3 5

2 6 .5

4 2 7 .7

3 1 5 .6

3 5 .5

1Total for the St. Louis, Little Rock, Louisville, and Memphis offices.
2Excludes Government checks and money orders.
3Issued, serviced, and redeemed.

Check Collection
Checks drawn on commercial banks are the major
means of settling daily financial transactions, since in
most cases payment by check is more convenient than
payment by currency. The use of checks is facilitated
by the collection and clearing operations of the Fed­
eral Reserve Banks, which provide a mechanism for
settlement of checks collected by commercial banks.
Settlement is made by entries to the reserve accounts
of member banks.

The four Eighth District Federal Reserve offices
cleared 614 million checks with a dollar volume of
$210 billion in 1974. This represents a 4.9 percent
increase in number and a 9.9 percent increase in dol­
lar volume over 1973 (See Table I).

Electronic Transfer of Funds

Since the number of checks cleared has increased
rapidly in recent years, the Federal Reserve System
has instituted a method to improve the handling,
clearing, and settling of checks and to increase the
speed of the payments mechanism. Regional Check
Processing Centers (RCPCs) have been established
in key cities across the country for these purposes.
RCPCs are facilities which serve a geographic area
wherein checks drawn on participating banks are
processed overnight.

In order to further increase the efficiency and speed
at which funds are transferred, the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis is expanding its part of the Federal
Reserve Communications System. A computer at the
Bank serves as the communication and switching cen­
ter for the entire Eighth District. Member banks may
use the System’s network to transfer to other member
banks funds of $1,000 or more for their own accounts,
or for their customers, anywhere in the country with­
out charge. These transfers are most often used for
large transactions and for those requiring immediate
payment. Nonmember banks have access to this serv­
ice indirectly through member banks.

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and its
branches each have been defined as an RCPC. A zone
has been established for each center which corre­
sponds to that portion of the Eighth District served
by the respective offices. Overnight check clearing
within the zones has been expanded since 1972 to
include additional counties, thus providing more banks
with this faster service. The RCPC zones of the Mem­
phis and Louisville branches have already been ex­
panded to cover the entire areas served by these of­
fices. Approximately 90 percent of the dollar volume
of checks in the Little Rock zone and 80 percent of
the dollar volume in the St. Louis zone are on an im­
mediate payment basis.

Significant changes in the structure of the com­
munication network in the Eighth District were im­
plemented in 1974. Recently, on-line terminals were
installed at the three St. Louis commercial banks hav­
ing the largest volume of funds transferred through
the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank. These terminals
are linked directly to the Bank’s computer and enable
the banks to initiate fund transfers directly from their
offices. Previously, banks usually telephoned or tele­
typed the necessary information to the St. Louis Fed­
eral Reserve Bank for transmission. Now a transfer
initiated by means of an on-line terminal is switched
automatically by computer through the Federal Re­
serve Bank of St. Louis to the Federal Reserve office

Page 9

As of February 1, 1975

Chairman of the Board and Federal Reserve Agent
E dward J . S


C h a i r m a n o f th e B o a r d ,

Schnuck Markets, Inc., Bridgeton, Missouri
Deputy Chairman of the Board
S a m C o o p e r , President,
HumKo Products, Division of Kraftco Corporation,
Memphis, Tennessee
R a l p h C. B a i n , Vice President and General Manager.
R a y m o n d C. B u r r o u g h s , President. The City National
Arkla Industries Inc., Evansville, Indiana
Bank of Murphysboro, Murphysboro, Illinois
D o n a l d N. B r a n d i n , Chairman of the Board and PresT o m K. S m i t h , J r ., Group Vice President, Monsanto
ident, The Boatmen’s National Bank of St. Louis,
Company, St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri
m . E. W e i g e l , Executive Vice President and Chief
F r e d I. B r o w n , J r ., President, Arkansas Foundry ComExecutive Officer, First National Bank and Trust
pany, Little Rock, Arkansas
Company, Centralia. Illinois
H a r r y M. Y o u n g , J r ., Farmer,
Herndon, Kentucky

Chairman of the Board

W. M.

President, Arkansas Business Development
Corporation, Little Rock, Arkansas
R o n a l d W. B a i l e y , Executive Vice President and GenR o l a n d R . R e m m e l , Chairman of the Board, Southland
eral Manager, Producers Rice Mill, Inc., Stuttgart,
Building Products Co., Little Rock, Arkansas
T h o m/Aa/Y
s E. H a y s , J r ., President a n d Chief Executive
T1 * G
Executive Vice
President The
fh i
v7 •
V I l i uv/l i • IjACL- U11VC
V XL»C 1 1 Col U v l 11*
V-<1 l lu C l I o
lhe first National Bank of Hope, Hope,
r> ■ r> .
. ,
i ’
B a n k , B atesvnle. A rk a n sa s
P ier c e,


A rkansas
H e r b e r t H. M cA d a m s ,

II, Chairman of the Board, Pres­
ident and Chief Executive Officer, Union National
Bank of Little Rock, Little Rock. Arkansas


iel d



President, First National Bank, Siloam
Springs, Arkansas

Chairman of the Board

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Porter Paint Co., Louisville, Kentucky
J . D a v i d G r i s s o m , President and Chief Operating Officer.
H e r b e r t J . S m i t h , President, The American National
Citizens Fidelity Corporation, Louisville, Kentucky
Bank and Trust Company of Bowling Green, Bowl­
ing Green, Kentucky
J a m e s C. H e r n d e r s h o t , President. Reliance Universal.
W i l l i a m H. S t r o u b e , Associate Dean, College of Science
Inc., Louisville, Kentucky
and Technology, Western Kentucky University,
Bowling Green, Kentucky
H a r o l d E. J a c k s o n , President, The Scott County State
T o m G. V o s s , President, The Seymour National Bank,
Bank, Scottsburg, Indiana
Seymour, Indiana
J ames


D avis,

Chairman of the Board

L. H o l l e y , Associate Professor of Business
Education and Office Administration, University
of Mississippi, University, Mississippi
R i d l e y A l e x a n d e r , Chairman, The Second National Bank
R o b e r t E. H e a l y , Partner-In-Charge. Price Waterhouse
of Jackson, Jackson, Tennessee
& Co., Memphis. Tennessee
W. M. C a m p b e l l , Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer, First National Bank of Eastern
i l l i a m W o o t e n M i t c h e l l , Chairman, The First NaArkansas, Forrest C i t y , Arkansas
tional Bank of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee
C h a r l e s S. Y o u n g b l o o d , President and Chief Executive Officer,
First Columbus National Bank, Columbus, Mississippi

Page 10



Member, Federal Advisory Council
D onald


Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer,
Mercantile Trust Company National Association,
St. Louis, Missouri

L asater,

D a r r y l R. F r a n cis. President
E u g e n e A. L e o n a r d . ]virst Vice President
F. G a r l a n d R u s s e l l , J r . , S enior Vice President.

J e r r y L. J o r d a n , Senior Vice President
D o n a l d W . M o r i a r t y . J r . . Senior V ice President
& Controller

G eneral Counsel, and S ecretary o f the B oard

C h a r l e s E. S i l v a , Senior V ice P resident

A n a t o l B. B a l b a c h . V ice President

W o o d r o w W . G i l m o r e , Vice President
J a m e s R . K e n n e d y , V ice President

R u t h A . B r y a n t , V ice President

J o h n F . O t t i n g , Vice President

J o s e p h P . G a r b a r i n i , Vice President

B e r n h a r d t J. S a r t o r i u s . G eneral Auditor

L e o n a l l (1. A n d e r s e n . E conom ic A dviser

H a r o l d E . U t h o f i . I ice President
N o r m a n N . B o w s h e r . Assistant Vice President

C l i f t o n B. L u t t r e l l . Assistant J ice President

E d w a r d J. B u r d a , R egulations Officer

A r t h u r L. O e r t e l , Assistant Vice President

A l b e r t E . B u r g e r , Assistant Vice President

E u g e n e F . O r f , Assistant Vice P resident

K e i t h M. C a r l s o n , Assistant Vice President

A l e x a n d e r P . O r r , Assistant V ice President

C a r o l B. C l a y p o o l . Assistant Vice President

P a u l S a l z m a N , Assistant V ice President

E d g a r H. C r i s t , Assistant Vice President

E d w a r d R. S c h o t t . Assistant Vice P resident

J o h n W . D r u e l t n G e r . Assistant Vice President

R o b e r t W . T h o m a s , Assistant Vice President

R. Q u i n n F o x , Assistant Vice President

K a r l E . V i v i a n , Assistant V ice President

J. M. G e i g e r , Assistant Vice President

D e l m e r D. W e i s z , Assistant V ice President

R i c h a r d 0 . K a l e y , Assistant V ice President
W i l l i a m M. L i n d h o r s t , Assistant G eneral Auditor

A l a n C. \ \ h e e l e r , Assistant J ice President
C h a r l e s D . Z e t t l e r , C h ief E xam iner

J o h n F. B r e e n , Vice P resident and M anager
M i c h a e l T . M o r i a r t y , Assistant V ice P resident and Assistant M anager
T h o m a s R . C a l l a w a y , Assistant V ice President

D a v i d T. R e n n i e , Assistant V ice President

D o n a l d L. H e n r y , Senior V ice P resident and M anager
J a m e s E. C o n r a d , Assistant Vice P resident and Assistant M anager
R o b e r t E. H a r l o w , Assistant V ice P resident

G e o r g e E. R e i t e r , J r . . Assistant V ice President


T e r r y B r i t t , V ice P resident and M anager

P a u l I. B l a c k , J r . , Assistant V ice P resident and Assistant M anager
A n t h o n y C. C r e m e r i u s ,

J r ., Assistant V ice President

C h a r l i e L. E p p e r s o n ,

J r ., Assistant V ice President

Page 11

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

of the receiving commercial bank with no direct in­
volvement by personnel at the St. Louis Federal Re­
serve Bank. If the receiving bank is also on-line, the
transfer is again automatically switched by computer
to that bank through its Federal Reserve office with­
out being handled by the personnel at that office.
As the fund transfers are processed, the computer
generates the accounting data and other information
needed to complete the transaction. This information
is then used to update member banks’ reserve ac­
counts. Banks with on-line terminals receive an im­
mediate record of each transaction.
Three commercial banks in St. Louis and two com­
mercial banks in Memphis plus the St. Louis, Louis­
ville, and Memphis Federal Reserve offices are now
on-line to the Bank’s computer. A funds transaction
may require as long as 2-3 hours for completion when
information is telephoned or teletyped to the Federal
Reserve Bank. Automated switching Has reduced that
time to 2-3 minutes, and has reduced the number of
transfers handled by the Bank’s personnel by 70 per­
cent. An average of 937 transactions per day sent and
received are no longer handled by the personnel of
the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis since the in­
stallation of on-line terminals at the three St. Louis
commercial banks.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis facilitated
the transfer of more than $290 billion of funds in
1974. This represents a 26 percent increase from the
$231 billion transferred in 1973. During 1975, the
Little Rock branch and nine additional large volume
banks in the Eighth District are expected to be di­
rectly linked to the computer facilities at the St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank through on-line terminals.

Coin and Currency
Although checks and wire transfers are the major
means of payment in this country in terms of dollar
volume, coin and paper currency are indispensible
and are used in the greatest number of transactions.
Currency is more widely acceptable than checks and
is a more convenient means of settling relatively
small transactions. To meet the public’s demand for
cash, a member bank orders currency from its Federal
Reserve Bank, which charges the order to the mem­
ber’s reserve account. On the other hand, if a member
bank has excess currency, it may deposit currency at
the Federal Reserve Bank and receive credit in its
reserve account. Nonmember banks generally receive
or deposit coin and currency through member banks.
Currency is sorted at the Reserve Banks and that
Page 12

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

which is no longer usable is removed from circulation
and destroyed. During 1974, currency totalling $809
million was verified and destroyed.
Combined sorting, counting, and wrapping of coin
and currency at all four Reserve Bank offices in the
Eighth District amounted to slightly less than 7.6 mil­
lion pieces per working day during 1974. This vol­
ume represents a decrease of 13 percent compared
to 1973.

Federal Reserve credit is extended on a short term
basis to member banks which intend to use this
source of credit to meet their reserve requirements.
There are three types of credit available to members
from their Federal Reserve Banks: short-term adjust­
ment credit, seasonal credit, and emergency credit.
The interest rate at which these banks may borrow
is called the discount rate. During periods when
short-term market interest rates are lower than the
discount rate, member banks may be reluctant to
borrow from the Federal Reserve to cover temporary
adjustment needs. Instead, they may obtain funds
through the Federal funds market (where one com­
mercial bank lends to another) or through the mar­
kets for other short-term instruments. On the other
hand, if the discount rate is low relative to rates in
these markets, Federal Reserve lending is likely to
An amendment to Regulation A of the Federal Re­
serve Act was approved in 1974. This amendment
authorizes the application of a special discount rate
to certain types of lending to member banks. The
special rate applies to Federal Reserve credit to
member banks requesting large assistance over a pro­
longed period where there are exceptional circum­
stances involving only a particular member bank. The
special rate would ordinarily be higher than the dis­
count rate.
The discount rate at the beginning of 1974 was 7.5
percent. It was raised one time to a record 8 percent
on April 26, and then lowered once to 7.75 percent
on December 13. Short-term market interest rates re­
mained above the discount rate throughout 1974.
The St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank made 2,164
advances totalling $11.1 billion to 111 Eighth District
member banks in 1974. During the previous year,
1,759 advances totalling $11.1 billion were made to
95 member banks. The daily average of outstanding
loans was roughly the same in 1974 and 1973, $54.9

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST . L O U I S

The Federal Reserve Banks extend credit to
smaller banks to tide these banks over peak seasonal
demands for funds. Nine banks in the Eighth District
made use of this seasonal borrowing privilege during
1974. All of the banks which used this privilege were
located in predominantly agricultural areas. No emer­
gency loans were granted.

Fiscal Agency
The Federal Reserve Bank provides a number of
services as a fiscal agent of the Federal Government.
As banker for the Government, the Reserve Banks
carry the principal checking accounts of the United
States Treasury through which the Government re­
ceives and spends its funds. Government receipts
come mainly from taxpayers and purchasers of Fed­
eral Government securities, and are deposited initially
in Treasury tax and loan accounts at designated com­
mercial banks. Periodically, these funds are transferred
to Treasury accounts at the Federal Reserve Banks
and spent.
The Reserve Banks also act as an agent for the
Government in issuing and retiring Federal Govern­
ment securities. When the Treasury offers new securi­
ties, the Reserve Banks publicize the sale and receive
bids from banks, dealers, and others who wish to buy.
In accordance with instructions from the Treasury,
allotments of securities are made by the Reserve Banks
which collect payment on the Government’s behalf.
After the securities have been issued and delivered,
the Reserve Banks pay the interest on the securities
and redeem them at maturity with funds from the
Government’s account.
In 1974, 11.4 million savings bonds and notes and
674,000 other Treasury issues with a combined dollar
value of roughly $29 billion were issued, serviced
or redeemed by the four Eighth District Federal Re­
serve offices. During the year, 646,000 Government
bond coupons valued at $257.9 million were paid by
these offices.
Another fiscal activity is the redemption of U.S Gov­
ernment food stamps. A total of 180 million food
stamps with a value of $428 million were received
and counted by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
and its branches in 1974.

The Research Department contributes to national
monetary policy through its collection and analyses
of a wide range of regional, national, and interna­

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

tional economic data. The information is used by the
President of the Bank in making monetary policy rec­
ommendations at meetings of the Federal Open Mar­
ket Committee. This Committee, which consists of the
Board of Governors and five of the twelve Reserve
Bank Presidents, directs the purchase and sale of
Treasury and Government Agency securities on the
open market by the Federal Reserve System. The
economic analyses of the Research Department are
also useful to the Bank’s Board of Directors in estab­
lishing, subject to approval by the Board of Governors,
the Bank’s discount rate.
The public also has access to data and information
relating to economic developments through the Re­
search Department’s 10 regular publications. The R e­
view, with a monthly circulation of 35,000, incorpo­
rates much of the analytical research done by the
Research staff. Research staff members are encouraged
to publish studies in professional journals as well.
In addition to these functions, the Research De­
partment engages in studies of bank market structure.
These studies include review and analysis of pro­
posed bank holding company acquisitions and bank
mergers. In this analysis, consideration is given to the
expected effects of the proposed acquisitions and
mergers on competition and on the convenience and
needs of the area to be served.

Bank Relations and Public Information
The St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank endeavors to
maintain personal contact with all banks in the Eighth
District and aids member banks in their actions deal­
ing with the Federal Reserve. The Bank Relations
and Public Information Department makes available
to all Eighth District member banks the Federal Re­
serve Functional Cost Analysis Program which pro­
vides a cost-income profile of the participating bank’s
major functions. The individual bank can compare
its current operating costs and revenue for individual
services not only with its past performance but also
with average figures for member banks of similar size.
There were 46 banks participating in the program
last year in the Eighth District.
Through this department, the Bank also maintains
contact with the public. Officers and staff members
of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank and its branches
presented 227 addresses before groups of bankers,
businessmen, and educators in 1974. The Bank was
represented at 314 banker, 151 professional, and 225
miscellaneous meetings. During the year, 235 groups
Page 13

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5


T a b le II

(T h o u s a n d s )
Decem ber
31, 1 9 7 4

Decem ber
31, 1 973

B o n d s ..............................................

$ 1 ,4 3 7 ,1 6 7
1 ,5 6 4 ,0 0 2
1 2 8 ,3 5 1

$ 1 ,3 8 0 ,3 1 9
1 , 4 3 7 ,0 0 2
1 1 7 ,8 0 1

T O T A L U.S. G O V E R N M E N T
S E C U R I T I E S .........................

$3,1 2 9 , 5 2 0

$ 2 ,9 3 5 ,1 22



U.S. G o ve rn m e n t Securities:
B i l l s ..............................................
C e r t i f i c a t e s ...................................

D iscou nts a n d A d v a n c e s ....................
A c c e p t a n c e s .........................................
Federal A g e n c y O b lig a t io n s . . . .

2 ,1 0 0
1 8 3 ,81 2

T O T A L L O A N S A N D S E C U R IT IE S . $ 3 , 3 1 5 , 4 3 2
G o ld Certificate A c c o u n t .................... $
S p e cia l D ra w in g Rights Certificate
A c c o u n t ........................................
Federal Reserve N o te s o f O th e r B a n k s .
O th e r C a s h .........................................
C a sh Item s in Process of C ollection .
B a n k Prem ises ( N e t ) .........................
O th e r A s s e t s ...................................
T O T A L A S S E T S .........................



5 1 7 ,9 7 9

$ 3 ,0 2 8 ,4 8 4

3 5 9 ,1 5 9
1 5 ,0 0 0
4 8 ,8 8 0
1 8 ,6 1 0
4 6 3 ,2 0 5
1 3 ,8 2 2
3 1 ,7 1 1

1 5 ,0 0 0
47 ,9 9 3
2 1 ,1 9 7
4 2 0 ,9 9 8
1 3 ,5 6 0
3 6 ,9 6 1

$ 4 ,3 8 9 ,1 2 0

2 0 ,8 8 0
72 ,4 8 2

$ 3 ,9 7 8 , 8 7 1


year (see Table II). A $111 million increase in Fed­
eral Agency obligations and a $159 million increase
in the Gold Certificate Account were the major sources
of the increase in total assets. Approximately 71 per­
cent of the Bank’s assets were held in U.S. Govern­
ment securities. The remaining assets, including the
gold certificate account, the special drawing rights
certificate account, notes on other Reserve Banks, and
cash items in process of collection, totalled $1.3
Liabilities of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank
and its branches increased 10.4 percent over the 1973
level, to $4.3 billion. This increase primarily resulted
from a 14.1 percent increase in Federal Reserve Notes,
the principle type of currency in circulation. These
notes amounted to $3.0 billion, approximately 69 per­
cent of the Bank’s total liabilities at year end 1974.
Deposits, consisting mainly of member bank reserve
accounts, amounted to $1.0 billion, an increase of 4.0
T a b le III

Decem ber
31, 1 974
. . $ 2 ,9 6 9 ,6 1 0
D ep osits:
M e m b e r B a n k — Reserve Accounts
$ 8 2 8 ,8 0 4
U.S. T re asu rer — G e n e ra l A ccou nt .
1 5 4 ,6 9 6
F o r e i g n ........................................
9 ,8 6 0
O th e r D e p o s i t s ..............................
1 8 ,7 3 7
T O T A L D E P O S I T S .........................
D eferred A v a ila b ilit y C a sh Item s .
O th e r L iab ilities a n d Accrued D iv id e n d s
T O T A L L I A B I L I T I E S ....................

Decem ber
31, 1 973




C hange

$ 2 2 9 ,8 9 0

$1 8 0 , 6 7 3

2 7 .2 %

3 2 ,7 3 2

2 7 ,7 9 1

1 9 7 ,1 5 8

1 5 2 ,8 8 2

2 9 .0 %


-2 ,4 1 4

-2 ,8 6 2

1 5 .7


$ 1 9 4 ,7 4 4

$ 1 5 0 ,0 2 0

7 7 1 ,2 6 4
1 7 8 ,1 9 6
8 ,8 4 0
1 5 ,3 4 4

Total e a r n i n g s ......................... .

N et a d d itio n s
ded u ction s ( — )


9 7 3 ,6 4 4



3 1 0 ,9 9 6
3 4 ,7 6 8

$ 4 ,3 2 9 ,0 5 6

( D o lla r A m o u n ts in T h o u s a n d s )

$ 2 ,6 0 2 ,4 9 3

$ 1 ,0 1 2 ,0 9 7
3 0 5 ,9 6 5
4 1 ,3 4 8


$ 3 ,9 2 1 ,9 0 1

N et e x p e n s e s .........................
C urrent net e a rn in g s .
. . .

N et e a r n in g s before p a y ­
m ents to U.S. T re a su ry


2 9 .8 %

D istrib ution o f N et E a rn in g s:
C a p ita l P aid I n ................................... $
S u r p l u s ..............................................
O th e r C a p ita l A c c o u n t s ....................
C A P IT A L A C C O U N T S .



. $

D i v i d e n d s ......................... . $
3 0 ,0 3 2
3 0 ,0 3 2


6 0 ,0 6 4


$ 4 ,3 8 9 ,1 2 0

2 8 ,4 8 5
2 8 ,4 8 5
5 6 ,9 7 0

1 ,7 6 4


1 ,6 6 7

1 9 1 ,4 3 3

1 4 6 ,8 2 3

1 ,5 4 7

1 ,5 3 0

T O T A L .................... . $ 1 9 4 , 7 4 4

$ 1 5 0 ,0 2 0

T ra n sferred to S u rp lu s

5 .8 %
3 0 .4


2 9 .8 %

$ 3 ,9 7 8 , 8 7 1

M E M O R A N D A : C o n tin g e n t liabilities on accep tan ces p u rchased for
foreign co rresp o n d en ts in creased fro m $19,757,000 on D ecem ber 31.
1973 to $33,415,000 on D ecem ber 31, 1974.

requested films, and 3,802 visitors toured the Bank
and its branches. The Bank’s traveling currency ex­
hibits were displayed at ten banks during 1974.

Financial Statements
Total assets of the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis and its branches at the end of 1974 were $4.4
billion, an increase of 10.3 percent from the previous

Page 14

Interest on Fed eral Reserve
N o t e s ....................

Federal Reserve Banks’ earnings result from inter­
est on Government securities, interest on loans to
member banks, and reimbursements of certain fiscal
agency functions. In 1974, the portion of the Federal
Reserve System’s earnings allocated to the St. Louis
Bank and its branches totalled $230 million, an in­
crease of 27.2 percent from the previous year (see
Table III). After statutory dividends of $1.7 million
were paid to member banks and operating expenses
of $32.7 million were covered, $1.5 million was trans­
ferred to surplus and $191 million was paid to the
Treasury as interest on Federal Reserve notes.

Financing Government Through
Monetary Expansion and Inflation
VER THE last ten fiscal years Federal Govern­
ment expenditures have exceeded Government re­
ceipts, primarily taxes, by more than $70 billion. Over
half of this cumulated deficit has been financed
through monetary expansion. Faster growth of the
money stock over this period, in turn, has led to an
increased rate of inflation.
Monetary expansion and inflation engender some of
the same effects as increases in taxes; they reduce the
wealth of some members of the private sector and
increase the Government’s command over real re­
sources. Unlike tax rates, however, rates of monetary
expansion have not been legislated explicitly. Instead,
they have resulted from the implementation of mone­
tary policy in a framework where monetary policy
actions are not independent of legislated budget de­
cisions. This article discusses the mechanisms through
which monetary expansion and inflation act similarly
to taxes in that they finance Government and redis­
tribute wealth.
The section entitled “Monetary Expansion” de­
scribes institutional arrangements which determine
who, in the first instance, receives the spending power
generated by monetary expansion. Banking laws, such
as those pertaining to reserve requirements and inter­
est payments, influence the proportions of an increase
in the money stock that accrue to the Government and
to the stockholders, deposit holders, and loan cus­
tomers of banks. Under the institutional arrangements
prevailing in the United States and most other coun­
tries today, at least a portion of an increase in the
money stock is a source of finance for the Govern­
ment, which in turn benefits those who gain from
Government spending and those who would other­
wise be taxed as an alternative means of finance.
The section entitled “Inflation as a Tax” describes
how unanticipated inflation transfers real wealth from
net monetary creditors to net monetary debtors and
how inflation, even though anticipated, is a tax on
holding money. Because the Federal Government is
a net monetary debtor and can create money, these
transfers help to finance Government expenditures.
Rampant inflation can diminish the willingness of
the private sector to accept money in exchange for

goods and services. To the extent that anticipation of
inflation has this effect, monetary expansion and infla­
tion become less effective means for the Government
to acquire and transfer resources. Limits to the effec­
tiveness of inflationary finance are discussed in the
last major section of the paper.

The gains which accrue to issuers of money are
derived from the difference between the costs of issu­
ing money and the initial purchasing power of
new money in circulation. Such gains are called
“seigniorage.”1 If the goods and services for which
the issuer exchanges money have a market value
greater than that of resources used to produce the
money, then the issuer receives a net gain. Banks,
for example, gain if the stream of income purchased
from a given amount of created deposit money ex­
ceeds the stream of costs of producing that money,
including interest payments on deposits. In general,
the costs of issuing money vary according to what
serves as money and the conditions under which it
is produced and supplied to the economy, while the
initial purchasing power of new money depends on
the demand for money in the economy and the
quantity already in circulation.
'For a discussion of seigniorage, see Hubert C. Grubel, “The
Distribution of Seigniorage from International Liquidity
Creation,” Monetary Problems of the International Econ­
omy, ed. Robert A. Mundell and Alexander K. Swoboda
(Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969), pp.
269-82; and Harry G. Johnson, “Appendix: A Note on
Seigniorage and the Social Saving from Substituting Credit
for Commodity Money,” Monetary Problems, pp. 323-29.
Johnson shows two formulas for seigniorage.

where “v” is circulating value, “c” is the cost, and “i” is the
interest rate prevailing in the period between recoinages.
He notes: “This expression differs from the usual formula
for capitalized value of an income flow because the first
yield accrues immediately.” [Johnson, “Appendix,” p. 323.]
(2 )

[ ( 1 —c) + - ^ - g]M = ( i - c )

M =

(i+ g )M

where “c” is the real cost stream associated with a unit of
the money stock, “i” is the interest rate on assets, “g” is the
growth rate of demand for money at a stable price level, and
“M” is the existing money supply. [Johnson, “Appendix,”
pp. 325-26.]
Page 15

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST . L O U I S

Costs of Issuing Money
The costs of issuing money vary with the type of
money. For commodity money, such as gold, the costs
are reflected in the value of the commodity itself and
in the expense of minting coins. The costs of issuing
paper money are paper and engraving, and the costs
of producing deposit money are bookkeeping and
servicing the accounts.
The costs of producing a given amount and type of
money also differ according to whether they are
viewed as the outlays of the issuer or as the costs to
society. From the point of view of society as a whole,
the costs of producing money are the real resources
absorbed and not available for use elsewhere. To
society, then, interest payments on deposits are not
a cost; they do not represent resources absorbed in
the use of money, but rather a transfer of command
over resources among members of the society.2 The
issuer of deposits, on the other hand, would view
these interest payments as a cost.
The total real wealth of society is enhanced when
fewer real resources are absorbed in the use of
money.3 Under most circumstances the market value
of resources required for a given amount of paper or
deposit money is less than the market value of re­
sources required for the same amount of commodity
money. Hence, from the point of view of society, real
costs are lower for paper and deposit money than for
commodity money.4

The Demand for Money
Money is that asset which minimizes the costs of
exchanging assets; in other words, it serves as a
medium of exchange. Money also serves as a reliable
form in which to hold purchasing power as long as
the value of money in exchange is stable. Even if the
general price level is not stable, money serves as a
hedge against relative price shifts — for example,
large declines in the current price of common stocks
relative to the prices of some other assets. Because
of these services, people are willing to give up other
'-“c” in formula (2 ) in footnote 1 of this article would be a
transfer of seigniorage from the issuers of money to the
holders of money. See Johnson, “Appendix,” p. 326.
3Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, “The Uses of Money:
Money in the Theory of an Exchange Economy,” The A m er­
ican Econom ic Review (December 1971), pp. 801-2.
4Confidence in paper money is an important characteristic
whose costs to society may vary from time to time. See Ben­
jamin Klein, “The Competitive Supply of Money,” Journal
o f Money, Credit and Banking (November 1974), pp.
Page 16

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

goods and services in exchange for money. We would
expect that the amount of money demanded at any
given time depends on the importance of the services
performed by money compared to other goods and
services and on the reliability with which the par­
ticular form of money serves as a medium of exchange
and a store of value. For example, as an economy
increases in population, output, and complexity, the
demand for the services of money would tend to rise.
If, in addition, money holdings were expected to
yield a return in terms of rising purchasing power
over time, we would expect the amount of money
demanded to rise further. On the other hand, an
expected decline in the purchasing power of money
would tend to depress the demand to hold wealth
in the form of money.

Who Issues Money and Who Gains from Ex­
pansion of the Money Stock?
The assets which most consistently serve as money
in our economy are currency, coin, and demand de­
posits.5 Currency and coin, which account for about
one-fourth of these assets, are issued by the Treasury
or Federal Beserve Banks. Demand deposits, which
account for the remaining three-fourths of the money
stock, are issued by commercial banks.
Even though private institutions issue the largest
part of the money stock, the total amount of money
in the economy is dominated by Federal Beserve and
Treasury actions. Bank deposits are backed by re­
serves, and the Federal Reserve System and Treasury
carry primary responsibility for the total amount of
reserves and currency in our economy. In other words,
the Federal Reserve and Treasury dominate the issue
of “high-powered” money or “base” money, which con­
sists of currency held by the public and bank reserves,
as shown in Table I.6
The main sources of high-powered money are, or
are closely related to, Treasury or Federal Reserve
actions. A rise in the magnitude of the base resulting
from a rise in the dollar value of the gold stock, for
example, can occur through transactions involving the
Treasury and Federal Reserve System following a
’’Demand deposits and currency in the hands of the public
comprise the money stock as it is “narrowly defined” ( M l).
M2 is a broader measure, adding time deposits other than
large certificates of deposit at commercial banks to M l. M3
adds savings and loan and mutual savings bank deposits to
6There are several refinements of this magnitude — for exam­
ple, source base and monetary base. See Leonall C. Andersen
and Jerry L. Jordan, “The Monetary Base — Explanation and
Analytical Use,” this Review (August 1968), pp. 7-11.

F E D E R A L . R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST . L O U I S

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

T a b le 1

M o n t h ly A v e r a g e s o f D a ily


( M illio n s of D o lla rs)
S o u rc e s o f B ase

U se s of B ase

Federal Reserve Credit:
U.S. G o ve rn m e n t Securities2

+ $ 87,401


G o ld Stock Plus S p e cia l D ra w in g Rights
Certificate Account



T re a su ry C urren cy O u t s ta n d in g



T re a su ry D ep osit at Federal Reserve B a n k s



F oreign D ep osits with Federal Reserve



T re a su ry C a sh H o ld in g s, O th e r Liabilities a n d
C a p ita l A ccou nts a n d O th e r Federal Reserve
D ep osits



Float Plus O th e r


Sou rce B a se 3

Reserve A sse ts

M e m b e r B a n k D e p o sits at Federal


$ 29,819

C urren cy in C ircu lation





*Data are not adjusted for seasonal variation.
2Includes Federal agency issues.
3The sums of sources and uses differ due to rounding.
Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bulletin.

devaluation of the dollar.7 The largest source of the
base and the one associated with most changes in the
base is the expansion of Federal Reserve holdings of
Government securities.
Money creation need not be a printing press opera­
tion in order for it to provide the Government with
funds. Expansion of central bank holdings of Govern­
ment debt provides the Treasury with funds just as
certainly as increased output of its engraving and
printing facilities. Over the last ten years Federal
Reserve holdings of Government securities have risen
by over $40 billion. This increase, in turn, has served
as a basis for growth of the money stock.
As mentioned above, commercial banks issue de­
mand deposits, which comprise the major portion of
our money stock. Demand deposits are issued on the
basis of high-powered money that is not being used
as currency in the hands of the public or as required
reserves against deposits. When high-powered money
enters the banking system, it becomes both a bank
deposit and bank reserves. Since the proportion of
deposits that banks are required to hold as reserves
is less than 100 percent, high-powered money in the
form of reserves enables the banking system to fur­
ther expand the money stock by issuing additional
deposits when they make loans.8
7See Albert E. Burger, “The Monetary Economics of Gold,”
this Review (January 1974), pp. 2-7.
8Reserve requirements on demand deposits at member banks
currently range between 7.5 percent and 16.5 percent, de­
pending on the dollar amount of deposits at the bank.

Commercial banks gain from issuing money if the
stream of income from loans and investments, under­
taken with reserves in excess of requirements, exceeds
the costs of issuing money. Banks make no explicit
interest payments to holders of demand deposits,
but do nevertheless incur costs in the servicing of
Commercial banks receive no interest payments on
the portion of their assets held as reserves either at
Federal Reserve Banks or as vault cash. Hence, higher
reserve requirements inhibit commercial banks’ oppor­
tunities to gain from issuing deposits. If banks were
required to hold reserves equal to 100 percent of de­
posits, the money stock would equal high-powered
money and all proceeds from monetary expansion
would accrue to the Government alone.
A number of writers have noted that if there were
competition in the issuance of money and no prohibi­
tion of interest payments on demand deposits, com­
peting banks would try to attract deposits by offering
to pay interest on them. The outcome of the competi­
tion would be the transfer of gains from the issuers of
money to the holders of money, that is, from bank
stockholders to bank deposit holders. Some have ar­
gued that such competition would lead to excessive
’•Since 1933, commercial banks in the United States have been
prohibited by law from making explicit interest payments on
demand deposits. See James M. O’Brien, “Interest Ban on
Demand Deposits: Victim of the Profit Motive?” Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Business R eview ( August
1972), pp. 13-19.
Page 17

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5


monetary growth.10 However, if competition in the
payment of interest were accompanied by some mini­
mum reserve requirements, then the Government
would hold a constraint on monetary expansion.
In this case the public would no doubt b e tempted
to hold no currency at all, since it pays no interest,
and to hold cash only in the form of bank deposits;
. . . T h e fact that banks may have legal or traditional
reserve requirements, however, sets a lower limit on
the ratio of currency (including bank reserves) to
deposits: the most extreme possibility is that all
newly issued currency (along with all old currency)
flows immediately into the reserves of the banking
system, which then issues new bank money in what­
ever ratio is permitted by its reserve ratio.11

Bank loan customers gain from monetary expansion
when loans are made at interest rates below the
market-clearing rate. Then part of the seigniorage
that would otherwise accrue to a bank’s stockholders
goes to borrowers. This occurs to the extent that the
yield on real resources acquired by the borrower is
greater than the cost of acquiring them because the
interest on the loan was below the appropriate market

Who Loses from the Extraction of Seigniorage
by the Issuers of Money?
Those who experience lower wealth due to the abil­
ity of money issuers to obtain seigniorage essentially
pay a tax to the issuer. The tax payment is the differ­
ence between actual wealth and what wealth would
have been in the absence of seigniorage or if seignior­
age were distributed as interest on holding money.
Such losses may represent a social loss, that is, lower
aggregate real wealth in the economy than under an
alternative monetary arrangement.
. . . social welfare will be higher in a paper-money
system with a fixed money supply than in one in
w hich the money supply is expanded to keep the
price level constant, because in the former system
the falling trend of prices provides a yield to the
holders of real balances and encourages a greater
use of money, which greater use increases welfare at
no social cost. (T his proposition is subject to the
qualification that if prices fall at a percentage rate
10Johnson, “Appendix,” p. 327. For criticism and additional
comment regarding this proposition, see Klein, “The Com­
petitive Supply of Money.”
11Martin J. Bailey, “The Welfare Cost of Inflationary Fi­
nance,” The Journal o f Political Econom y (April 1956),
p. 103.
12Ibid., p. 104. Phillip Cagan, “The Monetary Dynamics of
Hyperinflation,” Studies in the Quantity Theory o f Money,
ed. Milton Friedman (Chicago: The University of Chicago
Press, 1956), p. 79.

Page 18

greater than the rate of return on real assets, the pub­
lic will want to hold money rather than real assets
and the system is likely to break dow n.)
T h e issue of additional paper money at a rate
sufficient to keep the price level constant yields
seigniorage to the monetary authority equal to the
real value of the quantity of money multiplied by
its rate of growth . . . by comparison with a papermoney system in w hich the quantity of money is
fixed (and subject to the qualification mentioned at
the end of the previous paragraph), the levying of
seigniorage by a monetary policy of maintaining sta­
ble prices involves a social loss, resulting from the
restriction of the use of money as a consequence of
its zero yield. In other words, the m aintenance of a
stable price level imposes an ‘inflation tax’ on hold­
ers of money, by comparison with a policy of keep­
ing the money supply constant and allowing prices
to fall over time (su bject again to the aforem en­
tioned qualification).13

Who gains and who loses from the expansion of
paper and deposit money while the price level re­
mains unchanged depends on institutional arrange­
ments for the expansion of the money stock.
(1 ) If the Government were the sole issuer of
money, all of the seigniorage would go to the Govern­
ment. Members of the private sector who acquired
additional money balances would give up real goods
and services in exchange for the services of money.
To them, the cost for the services of money would
equal the value of the goods and services exchanged,
while to the Government, the cost would be only the
outlay for paper, printing and bookkeeping.
(2 ) In a system where the Government issued bank
reserves and currency yielding no interest to holders,
and banks issued demand deposits which required a
100 percent reserve backing, the result would be the
same as for case (1 ) above.14
(3 ) If the conditions of (2 ) above held except that
reserve requirements were less than 100 percent,
commercial banks would have the opportunity to gain
seigniorage on deposits issued in excess of the amount
of required reserves. This opportunity would induce
banks to offer interest on deposits; competition for
deposit holders, in turn, would result in gains being
distributed to deposit holders through interest pay13Johnson, “Appendix,” p. 325.
14It makes little difference if reserves and currency are is­
sued primarily by the nation’s central bank, as opposed to
the Treasury, if net earnings of the central bank are re­
turned to the Government Treasury, as is the practice in
the United States.

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST . L O U I S

ments. There would still be a gain to the Government,
but it would be less than in cases (1) and (2 ) because
people would tend to hold money in the form which
yielded interest — deposits rather than currency. Gov­
ernment seigniorage would be earned only on the pro­
portion of deposits required as reserves.
(4 )
If the conditions of case (3 ) above held except
that banks were prohibited from paying interest on
deposits, seigniorage would be earned by both the
Government and banks. To the extent that banks
charged an interest rate on loans less than an appro­
priate market rate, some of the banks’ seigniorage
would be distributed to loan customers.

Some portion of monetary expansion which
maintains a stable price level serves to finance
Government spending, as discussed in the previous
section. Rises in the price level, whether or not they
are the result of monetary expansion, also serve to
finance Government because of its status as a net
monetary debtor and because of the progressive in­
come tax.15 It will be shown that unanticipated
inflation reduces the wealth of net monetary creditors
to the benefit of net monetary debtors and that in­
flation, even if correctly anticipated, reduces the
wealth of money holders in proportion to their hold­
ings of money.

Monetary assets are claims to a fixed amount of
dollars. Money, bonds, and pensions without escalator
clauses, and contracts to provide labor services for a
fixed salary or wage are examples of monetary as­
sets.16 R eal assets, on the other hand, are claims to
things whose dollar-value can vary. Houses, automo­
biles, and contracts to receive labor services are ex­
amples of real assets. Monetary liabilities are obliga­
tions to deliver a fixed amount of dollars. Loans
typically are obligations to pay a given amount of
dollars — principal plus interest — and are therefore
monetary liabilities to the borrower. R eal liabilities are
15With a progressive tax structure, as incomes and prices rise
with inflation, income tax payments rise at a faster rate than
prices have risen over the tax period. If income doubles, for
example, as the result of inflation, with an unchanged
progressive tax structure, income tax payments would more
than double for individuals in many tax brackets. The Gov­
ernment’s income tax revenues would therefore also be more
than double their pre-inflation level.
16For a discussion of escalator clauses or “indexation”, see
Jai-Hoon Yang, “The Case For and Against Indexation: An
Attempt at Perspective,” this Review (October 1974), pp.
2 - 11 .

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

obligations to deliver goods or services whose price
may change between the time the obligation was
negotiated and the time the goods and services are
delivered. A contract to provide labor services is a
real liability to the worker.
The net w ealth of an economic unit is equal to the
sum of its monetary assets and real assets less the sum
of its monetary liabilities and real liabilities. On a
balance sheet, net wealth and its components take the
following positions:

Monetary Assets
Real Assets

Liabilities and Net Wealth

Monetary Liabilities
Real Liabilities
Net Wealth

The sums of the two columns are equal. Net monetary
creditors are those whose monetary assets exceed
their monetary liabilities. Net monetary debtors are
those whose monetary liabilities exceed their mone­
tary assets.
Inflation is a persistent decline in the purchasing
power of money, or conversely, a persistent rise in the
average price level of goods and services. Unantici­
pated inflation implies that market behavior is based
on the expectation that the price level will rise at a
slower rate than it actually does.17 Inflation may be
partially unanticipated if market participants expect
the price level to rise, but underestimate the extent of
the rise. Anticipated inflation is where market parti­
cipants correctly foresee changes in the price level and
make economic decisions accordingly.

Unanticipated Inflation and the Transfer
from Net Monetary Creditors to
Net Monetary Debtors
With inflation, the amount of dollars embodied in
real assets and real liabilities tends to rise, while the
amount of dollars claimed through monetary assets
and committed through monetary liabilities remains
fixed. Hence a change in the price level affects net
wealth differently, according to the composition of net
17Reuben A. Kessel and Armen A. Alchian, “Effects of Infla­
tion,” The Journal o f Political Economy (December 1962),
p. 524.
18For additional discussions of this topic, see Armen A. Alchian
and William R. Allen, University Econom ics: Elem ents o f
Inquiry, 3rd ed. (Belmont, California: Wadsworth Pub­
lishing Company, Inc., 1972), pp. 674-81; G. L. Bach,
T he N ew Inflation: Causes, Effects, Cures (Providence:
Brown University Press, 1972), p. 25; G. L. Bach and
James B. Stephenson, “Inflation and the Redistribution of
Page 19

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST . L O U I S

Exh ib it 1

Wealth Effects of Inflation
Net Monetary Debtor
B efore In flation

A fte r Inflation
In Real Terms

In M o n e y Terms
A sse ts
M A $100

lia b ilitie s

A sse ts

Liab ilities

A sse ts


M l $200

M A $100

M l $200
N W 300

M A $ 50

ML $100

Net Monetary Creditor
A fter Inflation

Before Inflation

In Rea

In M o n e y Terms
A sse ts


M A $100

ML $

A ssets

L iab ilities

A sse ts


monetary assets and liabilities remain
unchanged. They are also shown in
real terms, where monetary assets and
liabilities have been deflated by the
new price index ( P , ) while real assets
and liabilities remain at their pre-infla­
tion amounts.
The before- and after-inflation bal­
ance sheets show a decrease in real net
wealth for the net monetary creditor,
an increase for the net monetary debtor
and no change for the one whose mon­
etary assets equal monetary liabilities.19


It is important to regard the inflation
in this illustration as unanticipated. A
decline in the real net wealth of net
monetary creditors means that the real
Neither Net Monetary Debtor Nor Creditor
yield on monetary assets after inflation
A fter Inflation
Before nflation
turns out to be less than anticipated at
In Real Terms
In M o n e y Terms
the time of purchase. Expectations of
A ssets
L iab ilities
A sse ts
A sse ts
prices rising at an accelerated rate in
M l $100
M A $100
ML $200
M A $200
ML $200
M A $200
the future would motivate actions to
offset the effect of inflation on net
For example, such expecta­
M A=M onetary Asset
tions would lead a lender to request a
RA = Real Asset
M L=M onetary Liability
higher interest payment to compensate
R L = R e a l Liability
him for the reduced purchasing power
N W = N et Wealth
of the dollar expected by the time of
repayment. By the same token, expected increases in
Exhibit I shows the effect of inflation on three
inflation would make a borrower more willing to pay
wealth holders. Before inflation the net wealth of
a higher interest rate because the purchasing power of
each is $100, as shown in the balance sheets to the
funds obtained at the time the loan is made is ex­
left. The composition of wealth, however, differs
among them. The first is a net monetary debtor;
pected to be greater than the purchasing power of
monetary liabilities exceed monetary assets. The
funds at the time the loan is repaid. In a market where
second is a net monetary creditor; monetary assets
interest rates are free to vary, a lower interest rate
exceed monetary liabilities. The third has equal
than that which would compensate the lender for
amounts of monetary assets and monetary liabilities.
inflation results from underanticipation of inflation.
M A $100

Ml $

M A $ 50

To the right of the exhibit are the after-inflation
balance sheets of the three wealth holders. For pur­
poses of illustration, inflation at a rate of 100 per­
cent is viewed as a discrete event with the price
level doubling in the period from P0 to Pi (that is,
P0=1.00, P1 = 2.00). The after-inflation balance sheets
are shown first in money terms, where real assets and
real liabilities double when prices double while
Wealth,” The Review o f Econom ics and Statistics (F eb ­
ruary 1974); Albert E. Burger, “The Effects of Inflation
(1960-68),” this Review (November 1969), pp. 25-36;
W. Lee Hoskins, “Inflation: Gainers and Losers,” Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Business Review (February
1970), pp. 23-30; Kessel and Alchian, “Effects of Infla­
tion,” pp. 521-37.

Page 20

MA $

This reasoning suggests that expectations about
changes in the price level will affect market rates of
1!lIt should be noted that in actuality not all real assets will
rise in price at the same rate as the price level. Some real
asset prices will rise faster, some slower. It also should be
noted that debt incurred to increase current consumption
does not lead to a rise in real net wealth with inflation.
In the case that debt is incurred for the purchase of non­
durable goods, the rise in monetary liabilities is offset by a
decline in net wealth on the same side of the balance sheet.
Current consumption might be viewed as increasing real
net wealth to the extent that it increases the value of the
consumer’s human capital, but such an effect would be
difficult to measure.
- 'Ceilings on interest payments by financial institutions and
other interest rate controls limit the range of inflation-off­
setting alternatives that monetary creditors can choose.

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST . L O U I S

interest.21 Expectations of a rise in the rate of inflation
will lead to increased market interest rates. This is
equivalent to a decline in the current exchange prices
of outstanding monetary assets and liabilities.-’2 Hence,
expectations of increased inflation, as well as the
occurrence of inflation, cause reductions in the pur­
chasing power of existing monetary assets.

Inflation and the U.S. Government Debt
The outstanding debt of the Federal Government
is over $480 billion. In addition, Federal agencies and
trust funds, as of the third quarter of 1974, had an
outstanding debt of $137 billion. Most of the $480
billion public debt has been incurred since 1941.
About $135 billion of this is held by U.S. Government
agencies and trust funds; about $80 billion is held by
the Federal Reserve System; and about $266 billion
is held by private investors.
Inflation, to the extent it is underanticipated at the
time securities are issued, reduces the amount of pur­
chasing power which the Government must repay to
holders of maturing securities. For example, the re­
payment in 1972 of $1,000 on a maturing five-year
note issued in 1967 would buy roughly what only
$805 would have bought in 1967.23
The Government’s debt consists of securities issued
at various times, for various maturities, and at various
interest rates. We cannot tell precisely the degree to
which the inflation we have had has been anticipated
or the degree to which interest payments have com­
pensated purchasers for losses in the purchasing power
of their monetary asset due to subsequent inflation.
Probably, however, much of the inflation has been
unanticipated. We can observe, for example, that if
a $1,000 five-year note was purchased at par in 1967
to yield 5 percent per year24 and held to maturity,
interest receipts would have equalled $50 per year
or $250 for the five years. Since, however, prices rose
each year, each $50 interest receipt would buy less
than the previous one.
21A discussion of the effect of inflationary expectations on
interest rates and numerous references are contained in
William P. Yohe and Denis S. Karnosky, “Interest Rates and
Price Level Changes, 1952-69,” this Review ( December
1969), pp. 18-38.
22The exchange price of a monetary asset is the price which
it can command in the market currently. This can vary,
whereas the dollar amount to be obtained at maturity
remains fixed.
-3Deflating by the GNP implicit price deflator.
24The average yield on three to five-year Government securi­
ties ranged between 4.5 and 5.5 percent during 1967.

Table II shows the continual decline in the purchas­
ing power of the interest receipts compared to 1967.
T a b le


Interest Receipts
P u rc h a sin g Pow er in
1 9 6 7 D o lla r s '


Interest Receipt


$ 50

$ 4 8 .0 8



4 5 .8 6



4 3 .4 8



4 1 .6 0



4 0 .2 4


$ 2 1 9 .2 6

d eflated by the GNP im plicit price deflator.

Ignoring possible reinvestment of interest receipts, to­
tal interest payments in terms of 1967 purchasing
power come to only $219. With the $195 loss in the
purchasing power of the principal, offset by only a
$219 payment in real purchasing power for interest,
the security holder received essentially nothing for
allowing the Government to use his funds for five
The Government’s commitment to redeem its se­
curities and pay interest on them is a commitment
to pay a fixed number of dollars. Unanticipated infla­
tion reduces the amount of real resources embodied
in this commitment. Hence, inflation captures, from
those who purchased bonds, resources which other­
wise either would not be available for Governmental
use or distribution or would have to be financed with
other taxes. These resources, thus captured, constitute
an arbitrary transfer from, or “tax” on, the wealth of
the bondholders.

The Inflation Tax on Money
As mentioned earlier, inflation is the continuous
erosion of the purchasing power of money. Those who
continue to hold money as it decreases in purchasing
power incur a loss. The loss is often described as a
“tax” on money. The real value of money holdings
is the tax base; the rate of inflation is the rate of
tax; the product of the base and rate is the negative
impact of inflation on the real wealth of the money
“Bailey, “Welfare Cost,” p. 93; Phillip Cagan, T he Channels
o f Monetary E ffects on Interest Rates (New York: National
Bureau of Economic Research, 1972), pp. 9-39, and “Mone­
tary Dynamics,” p. 78; Milton Friedman, “Government
Revenue from Inflation,” The Journal of Political Economy
(July/August 1971), p. 846.
Page 21

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

Consider an example of someone holding $100 in
the form of money. Assume that at the end of a year
the $100 will purchase a market basket of goods equal
to only 9/10 of what it would have bought at the be­
ginning of the year. This is the same as saying that
the original basket costs $111.11 at the end of the
year, or that prices have risen by 11.1 percent, or that
the original money holdings are worth only $90 in
purchasing power at the end of the year. The person
holding the $100 has paid a tax equal to 11.1 percent
of that $90. The rate of the tax is the rate of inflation
(11.1 percent). The tax base is the real value of
money balances ($90). The tax payment, in real
terms, is the product of the rate and base ($10).
A general formula describing the tax payment from
an inflation tax is:



P 1 Pn

where M is the amount of money held, P,, is the in­
itial price level, and Pi is the price level after the
inflation. In terms of the example in the previous
paragraph where P ,,= l and P, = l . l l :



1.11 — 1.00
= $90


.111 = $10.

The decrease in purchasing power incurred by
holders of money due to inflation imparts gains to the
issuers of money if the rises in the price level are due
to increases in the quantity of money. The increases
in the price level reveal to some extent the real re­
sources acquired by the issuers of money through the
expansion of money.-6 In this case the inflation tax on
money is an extension of the concept of seigniorage
discussed earlier in the context of monetary expan­
sion just sufficient to keep the price level stable.
Declines in the purchasing power of money due to
declines in the real wealth of the community do not
impart absolute gains to the issuers of money.27 Nev­
ertheless, to the extent that declines in real wealth
are reflected in a rise in the price level, the de­
clines are distributed in the community according to
holdings of money.
26“Inflation can be deliberately utilized as a tax. A govern­
ment can acquire resources by creating and spending new
flat money. This policy can cause prices to rise and it is this
rise in prices that reveals the transfer of wealth to the gov­
ernment from money holders and reduces the wealth posi­
tion of all (including government) creditors.” [Kessel and
Alchian, “Effects of Inflation,” p. 525.]
^Ibid., p. 527.
Page 22

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

Anticipation of Inflation
Once the public anticipates inflation, the gains in
purchasing power the Government can derive from
its ability to expand the money stock and issue debt
become more limited. Anticipation of inflation leads
to attempts by the public to economize on cash bal­
ances, and in the process they bid up prices of goods
and services. The rise in prices reduces the real
money stock which is the base of the inflation tax.28
A study of historical hyperinflations has shown that
Government revenue from the inflationary finance was
high at the beginning. However, as the experience of
inflation was built into the expectations of the public
and the public made adjustments on the basis of
those expectations, real inflation tax revenues could
-sThe effect of anticipated inflation on the inflation tax base
and revenues is described more completely elsewhere. For
A higher rate of anticipated inflation will produce
larger tax proceeds per unit of real value of money
balances held by a community, but it also reduces
stocks of money balances in real terms. [Ibid., p. 531.]
The base of the tax is the level of real cash balances;
the rate of the tax is the rate of depreciation in the
real value of money, which is equal to the rate of rise
in prices. Revenue (in real terms) from the tax is the
product of the base and the rate,
M /dP l\
P I d t P/


The note-issuing authorities ‘collect’ all the revenue;
however, when prices rise in greater proportion than
the quantity of money, that is, when real cash bal­
ances decline, part of the revenue goes to reduce the
real value of the outstanding money supply. Thus total
revenue per period of time is the sum of two parts:
first, the real value of new money issued per period
of time,
and, second, the reduction in outstanding monetary
liabilities, equal to the decline per period of time in
the real value of cash balances,




This is demonstrated by the following identity:

a (f)

M / d P 1\
P \ dt P /

[Cagan, “Monetary Dynamics,” p. 78.]

F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F ST. L O U I S

be increased only by even more rapid rates of money
Rates were quickly reached, however, that com ­
pletely disrupted the economy, and they could not
be long continued. T h e attempt to enlarge the rev­
enue in the closing months thus produced the char­
acteristic pattern of the hyperinflations: price in­
creases did not peter out; they exploded.-9

Correct anticipation of inflation would also limit the
opportunity of the Government to gain command
over resources from inflationary policies through its
status as a net monetary debtor. With anticipations
of inflation, the public would buy securities only at
a discount or at a yield which incorporated an
inflation premium.

Tax Structure
As noted in footnote 15 of this article, our tax struc­
ture tends to yield increases in income tax revenues
at a rate faster than inflation. Offsetting this influence,
but only slightly, is the effect of capital losses due to
inflation. Capital losses reduce taxable income and
are realized when securities are sold at a discount,
compared to the purchase price, due to an increase in
the actual or anticipated rate of inflation.

Competition in the Issue of Money
Competition in the issue of money transfers gains
from money creation to the holders of money, while
issuers continue to earn a return sufficient to remain
in business.
In the United States, institutional constraints limit
the ability of private institutions to compete with the
Government in the issue of money, but they do not
eliminate it entirely. Commercial banks issue demand
deposits on the basis of reserves which essentially are
issued by the Government. Hence the gains to the
-''Cagan, “Monetary Dynamics,” p. 80. See also: Milton
Friedman, “Monetary Policy in Developing Countries,” Na­
tions and H ouseholds in Econom ic Growth: Essays in Honor
o f Moses Abramovitz, ed. Paul A. David and Melvin W.
Reder (New York: Academic Press, 1974), pp. 272-76;
Friedman, “Government Revenue;” and Bailey, “Welfare
Cost,” p. 101.

FEBRUARY 1 9 7 5

Government from the issue of money are in relation
to the total of bank reserves30 and currency in the
hands of the public, that is high-powered money,
while the money stock consists of the larger total —
currency plus demand deposits in the hands of the

Increases in the money stock, under institutional
arrangements for monetary expansion in the United
States and elsewhere, provide, in the first instance,
purchasing power for the issuer of money — primarily
the Government. Monetary expansion, whether ac­
companied by actual rises in the price level or not,
taxes the wealth of money holders by making the pur­
chasing power of their money holdings less than it
would be in the absence of the expansion or under
an arrangement where money holdeis reaped all the
gains from a larger stock of money services.
In addition, unanticipated price rises reduce the
real value of monetary assets and liabilities and thus
transfer wealth from net monetary creditors to net
monetary debtors. The decrease in the real value of
the Government debt due to inflation is a transfer
of wealth from bondholders and money holders to
taxpayers and to beneficiaries of Government spend­
ing programs. Correct anticipation of inflation would
tend to reduce these transfers. In addition, changes
in institutional arrangements, such as removal of the
prohibition of interest payments on demand deposits,
and indexation of income taxes and security prices
would reduce the contributions of monetary expansion
and inflation to Government finance.
Monetary expansion and inflation, like income and
other taxes, redistribute purchasing power from the
private sector to the public sector and among mem­
bers of the private sector. Unlike other taxes, however,
they are not legislated specifically, but come about
primarily as the result of actions of the monetary
30Reserves of commercial banks that are members of the
Federal Reserve.

Page 23