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Recovery Forces in the Economy

The Farm Problem . . . W hat Are the Choices?

VOL. 43 • No. 2 • FEBRUARY ’61

Recovery Forces in the Economy
Jl ORCES are coming into play to moderate and
reverse the recent adverse trends in income, produc­
tion, and employment. Some of these forces are
automatic in nature, requiring no discretionary action.
Other forces result from discretionary actions either
by administrative agencies or by Congress. This ar­
ticle focuses upon the first of these general classes of
forces tending to recovery, the automatic ones. In the
first part of the article several features of the current
economic decline are compared with the 1953-1954
and 1957-1958 recessions. In the second part, the
recent behavior of automatic forces for recovery is
compared with their behavior in earlier declines.

Patterns of
the Current and Earlier Recessions
In February of this year the United States was well
into its fourth postwar economic recession. Industrial
production was down substantially from the level at­
tained last spring. Unemployment was high by postwar
standards. Although total output of goods and serv­
ices is currently down only slightly from its high in
the second quarter of 1960, it is substantially below
the level which might reasonably have been projected
on the basis of the growth trend of recent years.
Measured by the rate of economic contraction fol­
lowing the cyclical peak, this recession thus far ap­
pears to be less severe than the two previous ones.
However, there is evidence that business activity was
less vigorous as the recession began than at either the
1953 or 1957 peaks. Hence, the pace of economic
activity may be as far below capacity as it was at a
comparable time in either of the two previous reces­

There has been a 7 per cent decline, as compared wit!
10 and 14 per cent declines in the 1953-1954 and 19571958 recessions. Each of the previous recessions
involved an abrupt initial drop in production. The
current recession, in contrast, seemed to ease into the
decline (see Chart 1).

The proportion of the civilian labor force unem­
ployed rose from less than 5 per cent last May to
about 6/2 per cent in January. Although the increase
in unemployment, either in absolute numbers or as
a proportion of the labor force, has not been as
sharp during this recession as in previous declines, it
should be observed that the change is being measured
from a substantially larger base (compare Chart 2
with Chart 3). As against the roughly 5 per cent level
of unemployment in May 1960, there was an unem­
ployment rate of about 4 per cent at the start of the
1957-1958 economic contraction and one of less than
3 per cent at the beginning of the 1953-1954 recession.

Gross National Product
Total output of goods and services (Gross National
Product) declined about $1.6 billion in seasonally ad­
justed annual rates, or less than 1 per cent, from
the second quarter of 1960 to the fourth quarter of
the year. The decrease was more mild over the first
Chart 1

Industrial Production
S e a s o n a lly A d ju ste d

Industrial Production
The rate of decline in industrial production was
somewhat smaller in the first eight months of the
current recession (through January) than in the
comparable periods of the previous two recessions.1
1 For the purpose of this article May I960 has been taken as the
beginning of the current recession. Other peak months used were
July 1953 and August 1957, the upper turning points of the
Reference Cycles identified by the National Bureau of Economic

Page 2

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

two quarters of the current recession than in the
corresponding periods of the previous postwar reces­
sions (see Table I). The shift from business inventory
expansion to inventory contraction was about the
same as in the two previous recessions, but the effects
of the inventory contraction were largely offset by ex­
pansions in net exports, consumer expenditures, and
government outlays. In addition, some other com­
ponents of private domestic investment did not con­
tract as much as they did in the 1957-1958 recession
(see Table II). In this respect, current experience has
been similar to the 1953-54 recession.

when business activity declines and contract auto­
matically when business activity increases. Some types
Table I

First Two Quarters from Peak
In Billions of Dollars
(Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rates)
Personal Consumption Expenditures... ~b 1.8
Gross Private Domestic InvestmeLf. . . . — 9.5
Government Purchases of Goods
and Services ............................
“T 3.5
Net Exports ................................. -J- 2.6
Total Change in G N P .................

The Automatic Stabilizers
The United States economy is resilient. That is,
there typically are forces at work in the economy to
arrest downturns in business activity. Certain of these
stabilizing forces are the result of the natural opera­
tion of our market system or are built into the econ­
omy by law. Other stabilizing forces may result from
deliberate actions on the part of governmental author­
ities, particularly in the monetary and fiscal areas.
Automatic stabilizers are so called because they do
not require explicit decisions in order to be brought
into play. In addition to requiring no conscious actions
before they begin to operate, the automatic stabilizers
usually begin to take effect early in a recession, in­
crease in force as a recession deepens, and moderate
or reverse during a recovery. Under existing law, cer­
tain categories of government expenditures expand





— 1.0
— 15.2

— 1.0
— 7.7

“b 3.2
— 3.4

"h .2
-J- .7

— 16.3

— 7.8

Figures may not add to totals because of rounding.
S o u r c e : U . S. Department of Commerce.

Table II

First Two Quarters from Peak
In Billions of Dollars
(Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rates)
New Residential Nonfarm Construction.
Other Construction ........................
Producers Durable Equipment .........
Changes in Business Inventories ......


— 1.2
— 4.8
— 9.4

— .3
+ .4
— .1
— 7.7



— 15.2

— 7.7


Total Change ...........................





S o u r c e : U. S. Department of Commerce.

C h a rt 3

Index of Unemployment
a s a Per Cent of Civilian Labor Force
S e a s o n a l ly A d ju s t e d

In dex

Pe o k M o n t ii= 1 0 0




1953 -54

Chart 2

Unemployment Levels







196 ( f 61




M onths
fro m P e a k


M onth s
fro m P e a k




S o u rce: United States Department of Labor





For each period, the pre-recession peak month is used as the base for the index.
S ou rce: United States Department of Labor

Page 3

of government receipts also vary automatically in a
contracyclical manner. In addition to the stabilizers
associated with government there are many business
and consumer practices that tend to cushion economic

Changes in Government Payments
Expansions in certain categories of government
expenditures automatically accompany periods of de­
cline in economic activity. Most changes in unemploy­
ment compensation payments, for example, result from
the effect of changes in business activity on existing
programs. During the period between last May and
this January transfer payments, including unemploy­
ment compensation, Social Security benefits, and vet­
erans’ benefits increased $2.6 billion in annual rates,
after taking account of seasonal influences. This was
an annual rate of increase of 14 per cent. Approx­
imately $1.4 billion of the increase may be accounted
for by an increase in unemployment compensation
payments alone. Table III compares the increases in
transfer payments over the initial eight months of the
present recession with increases in similar periods of
the two previous recessions.
Table III

(Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rates)

Dollar Increase







l Transfer payments include unemployment compensation payments,
Security benefits, and various veteran benefits.


S ou rce: U . S. Department of Commerce.

Aside from the contracyclical changes in certain
government receipts and expenditures, other built-in
stabilizers are the sheer size and relative stability of
most other government expenditures. Government
outlays for goods and services have become an in­
creasingly important demand factor in recent years,
having increased as a percentage of GNP over the
last decade from approximately 22 per cent in 1950
to slightly over 28 per cent by 1959. Most govern­
ment programs are continued at about the planned
rate despite changes in economic conditions that may
cause temporary deficits or surpluses. Hence this large
Page 4

component of GNP is relatively immune from the
short-run contractive forces of most business cycles.

Changes in Government Receipts
Changes in business activity also automatically
affect the volume of government receipts. Under ex­
isting programs, tax receipts tend to fall more rapidly
in a recession than does economic activity and to rise
more sharply than activity in a period of expansion.
This characteristic of revenues results in part from
the progressive structure of the personal income tax
(i.e., additions to income are taxed at increasing rates).
Also, tax receipts from corporate profits tend to
fluctuate more widely than business conditions since
taxable corporate profits are usually less stable than
corporate sales. Because Government outlays in the
short run are to a considerable extent independent of
current receipts and because receipts rise and fall with
the business cycle, the Government automatically
tends to siphon off in receipts a smaller portion of the
income stream during a recession than it contributes
to the stream with its expenditures. Conversely, in a
period of high activity, assuming no major changes in
tax structure or expenditure programs, a cash surplus
may be produced that tends to moderate inflationary

Business Behavior
Business firms also make some positive automatic
contributions to keeping up consumer demand. Con­
cerns usually do not change their work forces or their
wage and salary payments as rapidly or to as great
an extent as the demands for their products change.
The practice of maintaining dividend payments in the
early stages of declining profits helps to support in­
comes and buying power of shareholders. Over the
first two quarters of the 1953-1954 and 1957-1958 re­
cessions corporate profits after taxes, and after adjust­
ments for seasonal influences, declined 29 per cent
and 8 per cent, respectively. Over the same periods
dividend payments remained approximately un­
changed. Between the second and the fourth quar­
ters of 1960 corporate profits declined again. Even
so, dividend payments, at a $14.1 billion annual rate
in the fourth quarter, were up slightly from the rate
prevailing in the second quarter.
Shifts from inventory accumulation to inventory
contraction have accounted for a good deal of the
decrease in economic activity during recent recessions.

Even here, tendencies automatically emerge which
tend to work in the direction of checking the decline.
Inventory liquidation implies that current sales to final
users are exceeding current production. At some point,
there should be a demand for current production to
expand at least to the point at which current sales
can be met. Purchasing for inventory purposes tends
to be stimulative. As production and employment
quicken in response to these orders, personal income
and final demand tend to expand.

Structural Changes in the Economy
The structure of the economy has changed over the
past several decades in such a way that cyclical fluctu­
ations probably tend to be reduced. There has been a
rapid growth in the service areas of the economy,
including the professions, the civil service, finance, in­
surance, real estate, and personal services. In 1930,
workers in services and government constituted 26
per cent of the labor force. In 1960 this proportion
had grown to 33 per cent. In general, these areas of
the economy have not been subject to so great cyclical
fluctuations as have the production and retail areas.
The composition of the work force within manu­
facturing has also been changing in such a way as to
soften the effects of economic declines. In 1940 the
proportion of production workers in total manufactur­
ing employment was approximately 82 per cent; by
1960 this proportion had declined to 75 per cent.
When current production rates are reduced, insofar
as companies tend to keep sales forces, research staffs,
and administrative personnel, the impact of fluctua­
tions in output on total personal income is diminished.
It is true, of course, that the reduction in numbers of
production workers resulting from technological de­
velopment presents a long-run adjustment problem.
Displacement of unskilled and semi-skilled factory
workers has contributed to growth of unemployment
in the past decade in good times as well as in bad.
This problem, however, should be distinguished from
the problem of cyclical unemployment.

Interest Rate Movements
Interest rate movements have equilibrating tenden­
cies. A decline in interest rates during a recession
reduces the cost of credit to new borrowers. Also,
during recessions, when interest rates decline, the
prices of marketable debt instruments increase. Hence,
creditors experience an increase in the value of their
assets. Increases in wealth tend to have a stimulative

effect on spending and lending. During the recovery
phase of the cycle, interest rates tend to increase.
This, in turn, means that the prices of debt instru­
ments decrease. Hence, holders of these debt instru­
ments experience a reduction in their liquidity posi­
tions, which tends to dampen their spending.
During the recessions of 1953-54 and 1957-58, threemonth Treasury bill rates declined about 70 per cent
and the period of decline lasted for approximately
one year (see Chart 4). By contrast, yields on Treas­
ury bills have declined only about 50 per cent from
the December 1959 peak—the entire decline occurring
in the months from December to June. Since May
1960, the beginning of the present recession, short­
term yields have shown little net change.
Interest rates on long-term issues have declined sub­
stantially less during the current contraction than
during the preceding two recessions. Yields on long­
term governments declined from 4.16 per cent in May
1960 to 3.89 in January 1961. Since July of last year,
yields on most long-term bonds have been virtually
unchanged on balance. In absolute levels long-term
rates in February were higher than at the peak
reached before the 1957-58 recession.
There are several forces working simultaneously
during a recession which tend to reduce interest rates.
The demand for credit tends to fall as borrowers scale
down their needs for funds. At the same time the
Continued on page 12
Chart 4

Treasury Bill Rates
3-M onth

M on th .
fro m P e a k










• F e b r u a r y 1961 e st im a te d o n 15 d a y s

Page 5

. . . What Are the Choices •
The Farm Problem. Identified
I n c o m e s in agriculture are low compared to incomes
in nonfarm industries. In the last five years per capita
farm income averaged only 53 per cent of that of nonfarmers.
The lower incomes in agriculture stem from the lag in
adjustment of farm resources to technology changes. About
800 thousand people per year have left the farm in recent
years. The number of farms has declined by about 100
thousand per year. Man-hours worked have declined 2.3
per cent per year since 1940. Cropland harvested is down
from the 1950 level to about the same as in 1910. On the
other hand, capital investment in agriculture measured in
constant dollars has increased about 1.5 per cent per year
since 1940. Despite the reduction in labor and cropland
devoted to farming, output of farm commodities has been
growing faster than population.
The nature of demand for most farm commodities is
such that total farm income declines as production per
capita increases. Consumption per person increases very
little when prices decline and conversely consumption de­
clines little when prices rise. Small gains in output cause
large reductions in price and vice versa. A small increase
in output sold at a greatly reduced price produces a smaller
income. With farmers increasing production at a rate
exceeding the rate of population growth total income from
farming declined between 1950 and 1959. Despite the
major decline in farm population, per capita income of
farm people from all sources rose only about 15 per cent
during the period while per capita income of nonfarmers
rose 39 per cent.
The per capita income of farm people from all sources in
the last five years averaged less than $1,000, only about
half the average for nonfarm people. However, there are
wide variations in income among farmers. A relatively few
farmers have kept pace with new production methods,
widening the income gap between them and other farmers.
Small returns to a large per cent of the nation's farm
families have led to numerous proposals for increasing the
incomes of this group.

Possible Choices for Agriculture
Expansion of Domestic D em and?
Numerous proposals have been made for expanding
domestic demand for farm products. Chief among them
are (1) promotion and advertising, (2) food distribution pro­
1 A summary of a study by the National Committee on Agricul­
tural Policy (see box on page 7).

Page 6

grams, (3) increasing consumption through raising incomes
of low income people, and (4) reducing the price of farm
commodities. However, the implementation of each of
these proposals would probably be ineffective in view of
the stable per capita consumption of food. Total con­
sumption of food closely follows the rate of population
growth. The nation's annual per capita consumption of
food has been about 1,500 pounds throughout the past
half century. Some substitution of high-value foods in
terms of resources used is possible. For example, the
production of livestock products requires five-to-seven
times the basic farm resources per pound of product as
does the production of cereal products. Nevertheless, the
opportunities for greatly increasing domestic demand for
farm commodities do not appear to be promising.
Promotion and advertising by one segment of the agri­
cultural industry may increase the consumption of products
advertised. But, such gains would tend to be at the ex­
pense of other farm products.
Food distribution programs with Federal assistance have
merit primarily in improving diets. For example, the
disposal of 2 per cent of total milk production through milk
distribution programs might initially strengthen demand.
But, any improvement in prices would probably motivate
greater output, pushing prices back down to about their
original levels.
The use of direct cash payments to low income individ­
uals offers only a limited opportunity for expanding food
consumption. Also, the cost would be high in relation to
the consumption increase. It is estimated that if incomes
of such individuals were supplemented by payments total­
ing $3 billion per year, food consumption would increase
only about 2.4 per cent from present levels.
Lower food prices would achieve some consumption
gains. However, it is estimated that it would take a 20
per cent drop in retail prices to increase consumption by
4 per cent.

Expansion of Foreign Dem and?
The possibilities of greatly expanding exports of farm
commodities are also not too promising. Most people in
the more highly developed countries already eat sufficient
quantities of food and expansion of their total imports per
capita can only be achieved by upgrading nutritional qual­
ity, or taste. Some hope exists for increased exports over
the longer run as incomes rise in other countries and the
quality of food is upgraded. However, the desire for selfsufficiency and the protectionist policies for agriculture in
some countries are deterrents to expansion of American

In general, the lower income areas have a shortage of
funds to pay for the food imports they need. Prospects
are relatively good for maintaining a high level of exports
to Latin America. In the Middle East several major crops
are competitive with those of the United States. Most of
the countries in the Far East are attempting to expand
production of food and clothing as rapidly as possible, but
the more populous areas in India and Pakistan appear to
be losing the battle of self-sufficiency. Here, however, in­
comes are so low that needed farm commodities cannot be
It may be possible to expand exports of some commodi­
ties in some countries. But it will not be easy to increase
total exports significantly. Programs that have been in
effect for a number of years have kept prices of some
United States farm products higher to domestic consum­
ers than to export customers. These programs have added
to the taxpayers’ burden. They have also tended to en­
courage domestic production, and to increase the stocks
held by the Commodity Credit Corporation. Sales conces­
sions to other countries may have increased consumption
of some products but the resulting tendencies to stimulate
production through domestic price supports involved in
such programs should not be overlooked.

New Uses for Farm Products?
Expanding demand for farm products could be accom­
plished by (1) finding new uses for currently produced
farm commodities and (2) finding uses for new farm com­


ARTICLE is a summary of thirteen separate
studies under the general heading The Farm Problem
. . . What Are The Choices? by the National Committee
on Agricultural Policy, a committee of agricultural
economists representing the cooperative extension serv­
ices of the state land-grant colleges and universities and
the United States Department of Agriculture.
Opinions expressed in the summary do not neces­
sarily reflect the opinions of the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis or of the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.
The series of studies covers various proposals for
solving the income problem of farmers. They were
designed to provide a background against which society
can make sound decisions in arriving at public policy
for agriculture.
The studies were sponsored by the Farm Foundation,
a nonprofit farm research organization, located at 600
South Michigan Avenue, Chicago 5, Illinois, and The
Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment, Iowa
State University, Ames, Iowa.
The names of the participating agricultural econ­
omists and the titles of their studies are listed below in
the order in which the summaries are presented.

Both the Federal Government and private industries
have been attempting to find new uses for farm products.
Since 1938 four USDA laboratories have carried on farm
commodity utilization research. The present budget for
this purpose is about $16 million per year. In addition, the
government spends funds on farm commodity utilization in
foreign countries. Private organizations have also been
attempting to develop new uses for both farm and non­
farm products.
It is doubtful whether either demand or supply will be
greatly influenced by expanded farm commodity utilization
research. Some people believe that if the Government
supported farm product utilization research on a greatly
expanded basis major new industrial markets for farm
products could be found. The more optimistic scientists
believe that an expanded research program after a period
of 5 years or more could divert an additional $1.5 billion,
or 5 per cent, of annual production of farm commodities
into industrial uses. However, the impact on farm incomes
would probably be very small in the first few years. Even
after five years or more the income gains might be small
unless important findings are made which would require
much more resources in farm production.
Although this program is unlikely to solve the low in­
come problem in agriculture at least in the short run, it
might be justified on the basis of general benefits accruing
to society in the longer run.

Marketing Quotas?
The objective of a marketing quota program is to limit
the marketing of farm products to quantities that will clear

Wallace Barr, Ohio State University, The Farm Prob­
lem Identified.
George S. Abshier, Oklahoma State University, Ex­
pansion of Domestic Demand?
Luther Pickrel, University of Minnesota, Expansion
of Foreign Demand?
Mervin G. Smith, Ohio State University, New Uses
for Farm Products?
Arthur Mauch, Michigan State University, Marketing
W. L. Turner and Fred Mangum, North Carolina
State College, Compulsory Cropland Adjustment?
J. Carroll Bottum, Purdue University, Voluntary Land
Eber Eldridge, Iowa State University, Restricting
Capital and Technology?
Riley S. Dougan, Ohio State University, Fewer
Geoffrey Shepherd, Iowa State University, Price Sup­
ports and Storage?
Kenneth R. Farrell, University of California, Direct
Robert P. Story, Cornell University, Multiple Pricing?
T. E. Atkinson, University of Arkansas, Free Prices?
Page 7

the market at prices which will return an ‘ equitable in­
come” to farmers.
The following steps would be required to make the
marketing quota program effective:
1. Determine fair prices for farm products.
2. Determine a national marketing quota that would
attain the desired prices.
3. Allocate quotas to individual producers.
4. Provide machinery to restrict marketings to the quota
5. Provide a means to transfer quotas from one pro­
ducer to another.
6. Provide programs to maintain adequate exports and
avoid excessive imports.
7. Assure adequate storage programs to allow sufficient
carryover of supplies.
It is assumed that Congress would set a “fair” price
level and that the United States Department of Agriculture
would set sales quotas which would bring the target prices.
Farmers would receive quotas for each commodity initially
on a basis of their historical record of production. Quotas
would be represented by marketing certificates. Certificates
would be transferable from one farmer to another so that
individual farmers could expand or reduce farm business,
and production could move to areas of greatest efficiency.
Steps would be needed to prevent foreign producers from
frustrating the aims of the program by taking advantage
of the higher United States prices. Also, a Government
storage program would be needed to protect consumers
in years of small crops and producers in years of bumper
The program would probably result in an increase in net
income to farmers. Quotas could be set in such a way
that farm commodity prices would rise enough to more
than offset any decline in physical volume of sales.
The program would result in a reduction in real na­
tional income. A smaller farm output without a com­
pensatory increase in output of nonfarm goods would re­
sult in a reduced total output.
Consumers would have to spend more of their incomes
on farm products. The price effect of reduced output
would be relatively less at retail than on the farm, as on
the average, the farmer’s share of the consumer’s food dol­
lar is only about 40 cents. Nevertheless, because a smaller
quantity of farm products would be offered, retail prices
would be higher.

and reduced import quotas. This would be a reversal of
our declared policy of reducing trade barriers and might
bring on international repercussions.
A marketing quota program would probably reduce the
cost to the Government of production adjustments. How­
ever, costs of export subsidies, stabilization, and policing
the program would partially offset some of the savings.
Furthermore, the major part of the program costs would be
borne directly by consumers through higher costs for farm
Once a marketing quota program was undertaken it
probably would be necessary to continue it almost indefi­
nitely in one form or another. Producers would receive a
“windfall” when the certificates were granted. Termination
of the program would, in turn, impose severe capital losses
on certificate holders unless demand for farm products
outran the ability to produce them.

Compulsory Cropland Adjustment?
The proposed cropland adjustment program was de­
signed to limit the supply of farm products to effective
market demand at a price “acceptable” to both producers
and consumers. Such a program would limit the amount
of land which could be used for farm production purposes.
It is assumed that other inputs such as labor, fertilizer,
and capital would be applied without restrictions as new
technology becomes available and relative prices make
such application profitable.
The program would involve the following provisions:
(1) annual conversion of a national marketing quota into
a national acreage allotment for each allotted crop, (2)
allocation of national marketing quotas into individual
farm acreage allotments, (3) establishment of a feed
grain quota and feed grain acreage allotment, and (4)
establishment of acreage allotments for all previously non­
allotted crops.
As envisaged, complete cross compliance of all farm
allotments would be necessary for the plan to work. High
penalties for noncompliance would be required. Produc­
tion rights would become transferable, permitting long-run
interfarm and interregional shifts in production in line
with comparative advantage.
Price supports, if needed at all, would be used only for
minimum protection, as production would be geared to
clear the market at some predetermined price level.

Continued Government subsidization of exports of cotton
and wheat would probably be necessary. Exports of these
crops are vital since domestic consumption for each ac­
counts for only about one-half the nation’s output.

Farm income could be expected to rise above current
levels and the total would be distributed among fewer
producers as producers with small allotments or less pro­
ductive land found more remunerative employment in non­
farm occupations. Some of the added returns could be
expected over a period of time to become a part of the
value of land, resulting in a windfall gain to present land

A quota program would probably further antagonize
our friends and allies who also export farm commodities.
Higher domestic prices would necessitate increased tariffs

Government outlays for agriculture under this program
would be less than under the current program of sliding
scale price supports and acreage restrictions for some

Page 8

crops. Administrative costs would rise, but storage cost
would decline substantially after present stocks are de­
Cost of food to the consumer would increase. Prices of
agricultural products at the farm level would be expected
to increase as production is restricted. The increase would
be passed on to the consumer. Consumer prices, however,
would not rise in the same ratio as farm prices since
marketing and processing costs would not be expected to
change substantially.

designed to raise prices substantially because monetary
gains beyond long-run equilibrium levels tend to be capital­
ized in land values or decrease the outflow of labor from
agriculture. Either of these would tend to offset the ob­
jectives of the program.
This program would permit free prices in the market
place and free transfer of resources. Individuals not par­
ticipating could strive for maximum production on their

The transferability of production rights should provide
some needed flexibility in the organization and operation
of individual farms. Such transferability would encourage
underemployed labor to shift from farm to nonfarm occu­

Once the program is established it would appear to have
a permanent impact on acres used for cropland. Land put
into grass, timber, or recreational uses may stay in these
uses even if payments are eventually withdrawn. In some
areas such land may be purchased by the Government for
public use.

Voluntary Land Retirement?

Restricting Capital and Technology?

The proposed voluntary land retirement program would
involve voluntary agreements between landowners and the
Government whereby approximately 60 million acres of
plowland (13 per cent of all plowland) would be shifted
out of production.2 Any of the following three approaches
could be used in attaining the objective: (1) a uniform
proportion of cultivated land on each farm could be re­
tired, (2) the less productive cultivated land in each
state could be retired, or (3) the less productive cultivated
land in the United States could be retired.

Capital restriction would probably contribute more
toward reducing output of farm commodities than the
restriction of either land or labor. The productivity of cap­
ital is relatively higher than either of the other two
resources. Capital not only has a higher relative return
currently, it is likely to continue to have a higher relative
return in the future.

A program of retiring less productive land in each state
offers some advantages. Under this plan, emphasis can be
given to retiring whole farms. This would reduce the cost
of the program compared to costs under plan one. A given
amount of land can be retired for less on a whole farm
basis than on a partial farm basis. Also, from the stand­
point of the nation, this plan has an advantage in that it
would mean the complete removal of a large number of
farm families from agriculture. Compared to plan number
three it would give funds to each state in the same pro­
portion that the state's agricultural production is to that
of the nation.
It is estimated that a program for voluntarily retiring
60 million acres of the less productive land under plan
number two (land retirement funds apportioned to each
state) would cost the United States Government about
$1.25 billion annually. This assumes payments averaging
$18 per acre would be required to induce farmers to
release the 60 million acres. Funds for establishing cover
crops constitute the remaining costs.
A voluntary land retirement program would eventually
cost less than the present program. Storage cost would be
reduced substantially after a period of years.
In addition to requiring tax dollars the program would
cause an increase in food prices. The program is not
2 O f the 1,904 million acres of land in the United States, about
4 5 0 million acres are in plowland, approximately 965 million
acres are in perm anent hay and pasture, and the remaining
4 8 9 million acres are in forest and other nonfarm uses.

Several means of restricting capital might be used. In­
cluded among those are: (1) taxing physical inputs such
as fertilizer, farm chemicals, and farm implements, (2) re­
stricting credit to farmers, perhaps by increasing interest
rates and abolishing all credit programs designed to give
low equity, low interest rate loans to farmers, and (3) re­
ducing public investment in farm technological research
and education.
What is possible, however, is not always practicable,
and the restriction of capital or the restriction of the use of
capital -'hrough the failure to apply known technology has
its drawbacks in terms of values held by our society. Such
a program takes the form of restricting research and edu­
cation as a means of controlling output. It involves slow­
ing down future increases in output rather than just re­
ducing present output. An increase in net farm income
could be achieved, but at the cost of a decline in general
economic efficiency and growth.

Fewer Farmers?
With the numerous new production techniques there
are more commercial farmers in the nation than are need­
ed to produce the amount of farm commodities that we are
now producing. This larger-than-ample number of farm­
ers is a result of a number of factors, including (1) high
birth rate on farms, (2) increase in optimum size of in­
dividual farms, (3) lack of knowledge of nonfarm oppor­
tunities by many farmers, (4) nonmonetary benefits of
country living, (5) strong community ties in rural areas,
and (6) lack of training for available job openings.
A program designed to reduce the number of farmers
might take one or more of the following -approaches. (1)
Page 9

Provide monetary assistance in grants or loans to farmers
who are willing to change occupation. (2) Provide farmers
with employment agency services and counsel. (3) Provide
comprehensive training and rehabilitation services. (4)
Provide training opportunities for farm youth to prepare
them for nonfarm jobs.
The program would be directed at those farmers who
are not approaching retirement age, yet can show evidence
that they are established farm operators. Greatest em­
phasis should be given to the program during periods of
nearly full employment.
This proposal might not raise prices and aggregate net
income to agriculture. Actually, prices and net income to
agriculture might decline further, but individual farmers
would have opportunities for increasing their income
through increases in farm size. An illustration of how the
program would work assumes that the number of com­
mercial farms would be reduced from the present 2.5 mil­
lion to 1.5 million in the five-year period beginning in
1959. Should total net income to commercial farmers
drop to $8.8 billion it would mean an average of $5,867
net income per commercial farmer in 1964, or substantially
more than the average net income per commercial farmer
in recent years.
The cost of a program designed to reduce the number
of commercial farmers to 1.5 million over a five-year pe­
riod is assumed to be approximately $1.25 billion per year.
It is assumed that 1.25 million commercial farmers must
be moved out of agriculture in order to get a net reduction
of one million. For purposes of the analysis an average
cost of $5,000 is estimated per family assisted. Included
in costs per family are cash payments totaling $3,000 over
a 3-year period and services averaging $2,000 per family.
Some followup might be necessary to prevent excessive
movement back to farming after the contract period had
Consumer costs would probably not be changed greatly
by the program. Prices of farm commodities might even
decline with the more efficient use expected of productive
Society could be expected to gain from increased earn­
ings of those leaving agriculture. Increased taxes would
accrue from their increased earnings. Their labor would
be more fully employed producing nonfarm goods for
society rather than farm commodities which are already in

Price Supports and Storage?
The price support and commodity loan and storage
programs have become more and more expensive and less
and less effective in supporting prices in recent years.
The program costs have risen to a high level in recent
years. The 1958 realized cost of programs designed
primarily for farm price stabilization was $2.66 billion.
Only part of the expenditure went directly to farmers, the
rest went to other groups such as storage agencies and con­
Page 10

struction companies. For example, the realized cost of
the corn program in 1958 was $271 million, of which $110
million went to nonfarmer groups.
Price support and storage programs are inefficient as
price-raising devices in agriculture. They give only tempo­
rary relief and in fact actually tend to impede rather
than to promote adjustments needed in the industry.
Agriculture is beset with two major problems: (1) over­
production, and (2) a continuous over-supply of farmers.
Over-production of farm products relative to demand
has been caused by a rapid increase in output due to
technological advance without the necessary adjustments
in resources. Acreage of crops harvested has remained
practically constant since 1920. Average yields for feed
grains, for example, have risen more than 70 per cent
since 1937-41. This condition has been made worse by
the high price supports. They have induced still greater
production while at the same time reducing consumption.
The over-supply of farmers results from the high birth
rate on farms and the decline in number of farms as farms
get larger. The farming area of the United States has
remained almost constant at 350 million acres since 1910,
and farming practices require less and less labor. Mechan­
ization has substantially increased the optimum size of
Storage and price support programs obviously cannot
handle problems of over-production of farm products, and
over-supply of farmers. They are workable for smoothing
out price variations caused by short-run production varia­
tions. Price supports set at long-run market price levels
would do the smoothing job. Support prices set above
long-run market prices can be maintained only if effective
methods of reducing production, increasing consumption,
or some of both, can be supplied.

Direct Payments?
Growers would sell their products commercially at free
market prices. If the average market price for a product
in an area were less than the target price under the pro­
gram, growers would receive a payment from the govern­
ment equal to the difference between area market price
and target price for each unit sold.
The entire volume of each supported commodity would
be free to move to its highest priced use. Storage would
be left to the private sectors of the economy.
Money costs of the program to the Treasury would de­
pend upon the number of commodities included in the
program, the level of the intended prices, the amount pro­
duced, and the market price. Estimates of such costs
vary from $2 billion to $8 billion or more per year. Most
estimates fall in the range of $2 billion to $3 billion.
Treasury payments to farmers under the direct payment
program would probably exceed expenditures under the
current storage and loan program assuming the same level
of farm production and income. Costs of farm commodi­

ties to consumers, however, would be less. A larger
volume of commodities would be offered at lower prices.
Under the direct payment program, total money costs
to consumers, in their dual role as buyers of farm com­
modities and taxpayers, would be about equal to those of
the storage and loan program. The larger proportion of
grower receipts coming from the Government under the
direct payment plan, however, would make a difference
in how the costs were divided among the various income
Direct payment programs, like most other plans to raise
farm income, would impede the movement of land, labor,
and capital resources to other activities where they can
contribute the most to economic growth, Thus, they would
not solve the problem of chronic over-supply of resources
in agriculture. However, direct payments might impede
efficient resource use less than some other farm program
proposals. Given the level of price supports, resources
would be free to move to their most profitable uses.

Returns to farmers can be effectively stabilized or in­
creased under the multiple pricing plan. However, pos­
sibilities for increasing returns are greater for the short
run than the long run. Over the longer run, higher prices
may encourage consumers to substitute other products
for the farm products being supported.
Consumers pay the cost of increased farm returns from
multiple price programs. Higher prices will be paid for
products sold in the primary market. Some benefits will
accrue to consumers, however, from lower secondary
market prices.
Higher domestic primary market prices will require im­
port quotas or tariffs to restrict imports. These may result
in retaliation by foreign countries. Also, a program using
export outlets as secondary markets will result in lower
prices to farmers in importing countries as well as to
farmers in competing exporting countries. Thus, multiple
pricing tends both to create barriers to international trade
and to aggravate international tensions.

In summary, direct payments which raise farm incomes
received above long-run free market levels do not offer
a real solution to the problem of imbalance between sup­
ply and demand for agricultural resources. Neither will
they offer a solution to the low income problem of inef­
ficiently organized farms. Used in conjunction with ap­
propriate adjustment programs, however, they may be a
feasible method of support while basic resource adjust­
ments are being made.

Multiple price programs would tend to fix patterns of
resource use and thereby retard the growth rate of the
whole economy. The tendency of such programs to lower
output per man and per farm would contribute to a lower
rate of productivity for the nation. However, it would be
possible to reduce the retarding effects of the program to
some extent by making the historical production bases
fully transferable. With transferable bases production
would probably shift to areas better adapted to produce
the particular commodity and some farmers would shift
to nonfarm occupations.

Multiple Pricing?

The cost to the Government for supporting farm in­
comes could be reduced from current levels under the
program but this cost would shift to consumers in the
form of higher food prices.

Multiple pricing means the setting of two or more prices
on the same commodity with the objective of increasing or
stabilizing returns to farmers.
To achieve this objective the market for a product is
divided into segments which are determined on the basis of
sales response to price changes. The market in which
sales respond least to price changes is called the primary
market whereas the market in which sales response is
greatest is called the secondary market. The primary and
secondary fluid milk markets illustrate the market division
A price would be administratively set for a commodity
in the primary market and all supplies that buyers will
take would flow to this market at the established price.
The remaining supplies will move to the secondary market
at whatever price this market will return. Prices in the
secondary market may also be set, but they must be low
enough to insure movement of the remaining supplies.
Prices may be established through the supply allocation
route. Limiting supplies to the primary market auto­
matically results in different prices in the two markets.
The proportion of the individual farmer’s sales going to
the primary market would be determined by either his­
torical bases or a direct proportion of sales.

All multiple price programs would limit the flow of
commercial trade between nations and aggravate inter­
national relations.

Free Prices?
The possibility of returning agriculture to a free price
system continues to receive attention. It is assumed that
such a system would mean the end of production controls
and that all products offered for sale would be purchased.
Major export commodities would be sold on a competitive
basis without the use of subsidies.
Basic objectives of such a program would be to free
agriculture from production and price controls, to reduce
government costs of price support activities and to permit
consumers to express their preferences for goods and
services in the market place more effectively. Free prices
would also lead to a more efficient adjustment of the na­
tion’s productive resources. Such adjustments would in­
crease output efficiency throughout the economy.
A return to free prices would require some government
activity during the transition period. An orderly system
Page 11

of getting loose from present programs and the storage
holdings resulting from them would be desirable to lessen
the impact of the return on world markets and allow time
for international adjustments. Also, domestic programs to
implement full employment and provide wage incentives
to permit younger operators to move into nonfarm occu­
pations would be needed.
The immediate effect of free prices would be to inten­
sify the cost-price squeeze in agriculture. Net farm income
would decline. In the short run the decline would depend
upon the amount of production adjustment that occurred
from the changed prices. It would require several years
after farm prices declined for farm inputs and production
to go down. New technology, however, that is not related
to price, such as improved breeding, would eventually
tend to increase production irrespective of price levels.
It is estimated that free prices in the absence of produc­
tion controls would result in a decline of at least 25 per
cent in realized net farm income over the next few years

from the 1954-58 average. In addition farm income would
be less stable. The gap between low income and high
income producers would widen. Some small producers
would be pushed into the noncommercial fax*m class. This
would create social problems. Eventually, however, the
farm labor force would probably decline enough to bring
per capita farm and nonfarm incomes closer together for
comparable skills and abilities.
Under a free price system, farm products would be
competitively priced in the world market. More United
States commodities would be available for foreign use,
and exports of many, including cotton, wheat, soybeans,
and feed grains, would be expected to increase. Consum­
ers would gain in the short run both from cheaper food
and fiber and from reduced Government expenditures.
Over the longer run, with the adjustment of production to
demand, consumers might pay more for farm products, but
they would more quickly benefit from future discovery and
use of agricultural technology.

R e c o v e r y F o r c e s I n T h e E c o n o m y — Continued from page 5
increased demand for liquidity from both the banking
and nonbank sectors of the economy tends to bid up
the prices (yields fall) of liquidity instruments, such as
Treasury bills and commercial paper.

Residential Construction
In past recessions expenditures on construction, es­
pecially residential construction, have tended to move
in a contracyclical manner. In prosperous periods
long-term interest rates and construction costs tend
to rise. At some point, usually in advance of the gen­
eral downturn, expenditures on residential construc­
tion have begun to fall off. During a recession long­
term interest rates, including mortgage rates, usually
decline and terms on mortgages become substantially
Chart 5

Nonfarm Housing Starts

S e a s o n a lly A dju sted

Source: United States Department o^ Commerce

Page 12

easier, especially those guaranteed or insured by the
Government. Considerably more favorable terms for
purchasing a home can usually be arranged during a
recession. Thus, the behavior of interest rates, and
perhaps building costs, tends to make housing sales
and building fluctuate contracyclically. In the two
previous recessions, for example, housing starts ( non­
farm) expanded before each upturn in general busi­
ness activity. In January there was an increase in
housing starts, but it is too early to say whether the
January change marks the beginning of an upturn (see
Chart 5).

The decline from the recent peak in business activ­
ity has been milder thus far, according to many indi­
cations, than the declines during a like number of
months in the two previous recessions. Nevertheless,
it appears that the current recession may be as severe
as the two preceding ones when compared with full
utilization of the country’s resources, since this reces­
sion started with economic activity at a lower level
relative to capacity.
Numerous forces are operating to bring about a
recovery. Government expenditures, both discretion­
ary and automatic, have expanded somewhat and are
expected by many analysts to increase even more. At
the same time certain government receipts are de­
clining. In addition, the nation’s economy is being
bolstered by many individual actions of businesses
and consumers. How effective the automatic stabilizers
may be is a major consideration in determining mon­
etary and fiscal policy.