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Vol. 56, No. 8

The Role of Monetary Policy in Dealing With
Inflation and High Interest Rates
Statement of DARRYL R. FRANCIS, President, Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Before the Committee on
Banking and Currency, House of Representatives, July 18, 1974

M r . C h a ir m a n


M embers of


C o m m it t e e :

I am pleased to have this opportunity to present my
views regarding our country’s inflation and high inter­
est rates and the role of monetary policy in dealing
with these and other economic problems.
My position regarding the cause of inflation and
high market interest rates is that they both stem from
the same source —an excessive trend rate of expan­
sion of the nation’s money stock. Monetary policy,
therefore, can contribute to solving both of these
problems over a period of a few years by fostering a
non-inflationary rate of growth of the money supply.

turn plus a premium based on their expectations re­
garding the future rate of inflation. Also, during infla­
tion borrowers are willing to pay a higher market rate
of interest because they expect the prices of their
products to rise, and they wish to avoid the higher
construction and other costs associated with delaying
new projects. Thus, the interaction of demand and
supply in the market for funds during a period of
inflation results in market interest rates which embody
an inflation premium.

This response of interest rates to inflation is illus­
trated in Chart I. During the period of a slowly rising
general price level in the 1950s and early 1960s, the
believe that the historically rapid rate of money seasoned corporate Aaa bond rate rose slowly until
growth of the past few years has caused an excessive
1959 and subsequently remained little changed
rate of expansion of total spending in the economy.
through 1965. Then, with accelerating inflation, this
Since rapid money growth has stimulated a growth in
average of highest quality long-term market interest
demand for goods and services at rates much faster
rates rose steadily for five years. It was relatively
than our ability to produce, inflation has resulted.
stable in 1971 and 1972, probably reflecting expecta­
tions of less rapid inflation as a result of Phases I and
The relationship between expansion of the money
II of the price and wage control program. During that
stock and the rate of inflation is illustrated in Chart I.
period the reported rate of inflation decreased to less
The money stock, defined as demand deposits and
than 3 percent. However, the renewed acceleration of
currency held by the nonbank public, increased slowly
inflation since early 1973 has been accompanied by a
from early 1952 to late 1962. Since then, the average
gradual, but marked, increase in the corporate Aaa
rate of money growth has persistently accelerated. As
bond rate.
indicated in Chart I, the general price index, meas­
According to my view of the relationships which
ured by the GNP deflator, has risen, with a few quar­
run from an increase in the trend growth of money,
ters lag, at rates similar to growth of the money stock
to a higher rate of inflation, to higher market rates of
( except during Phases I and II of the price and wage
interest, present high interest rates do not indicate
controls when reported prices were artificially held
restrictive monetary actions. On the contrary, they are
the result of excessively expansionary monetary ac­
High and rising market rates of interest go handtions since the early 1960s.
in-hand with a high and accelerating rate of inflation.
A natural question to be asked at this point is,
This is because lenders and borrowers of funds take
“What has caused the observed trend growth of
into consideration their expectations with reference to
money?” My view is that growth of the monetary base
the future rate of inflation. Lenders desire a market
is the prime determinant of growth of the money
rate of interest which provides them a real rate of re­
Page 2

AUGUST 1974


C hart I

M o n e y , Prices, a n d Interest R a t e s







1958 1959







1966 1967








S h a d e d a re a re pre se n ts P h a s e s I a n d II of the p ric e -w a ge control p ro gra m .
L a te st d a t a p lotted : G P I-2 n d q u a rt e r p re lim in a ry ; O t h e r s - 2 n d q u a rte r

stock. The major sources of growth in the base are
changes in the volume of Federal Government debt
purchased by the Federal Reserve System on the
open market, and occasional changes in the quantity

or price of gold held by the Treasury. A change in the
monetary base changes the amount of reserves in the
banking system, which changes the amount of deposits
created by commercial banks.
Page 3


Movements in the narrowly defined money stock
over extended periods of time are closely associated
with movements in the monetary base. Tiers 4 and 5
of Chart II illustrate this very close relationship, while
the top three tiers show the relation between growth
of the outstanding Federal Government debt and that
portion held by the Federal Reserve System.
In my opinion, the actions that led to the accelera­
tion in growth of the monetary base and money sup­
ply since the early 1960s occurred as a result of: (1)
excessive preoccupation with the prevailing level of
market interest rates; (2 ) the occurrence of large de­
ficits in the Federal Government budget; and (3)
shifting emphasis of policy actions because of an ap­
parent short-run trade-off between inflation and
Some people believe that the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem has a high degree of control over market interest
rates. They argue that System open market purchases
and sales of Government securities should be so con­
ducted as to assure that unduly high market interest
rates do not choke-off growth of output and employ­
ment. Throughout most of the 1960s, and to some
extent in the 1970s, the published Record of Policij
Actions of the Federal Open Market Committee indi­
cates that the conduct of open market transactions
was influenced, in considerable measure, by these two
propositions. Once accelerating inflation started in the
mid-1960s, and market interest rates began to rise
reflecting an inflation premium, the System purchased
Government securities in increasing quantities in an
attempt to hold interest rates at the then prevailing
levels. Such purchases resulted in rapid growth in
both the monetary base and the money stock. In spite
of the efforts to maintain a prevailing level, market
interest rates continued to rise.
I accept neither the proposition that the Federal
Reserve can control market interest rates nor that the
high market interest rates have acted to choke-off
economic expansion. Past experience, in my opinion,
indicates quite conclusively that the Federal Reserve
has little ability to control the level of market interest
rates for any extended period of time. Experience also
indicates, for both this and other countries, that
growth of total spending has been retarded very little
by high interest rates. On the other hand, attempts to
resist upward movements in market interest rates have
resulted in faster growth of money.
Another concern which has been expressed about
market interest rates is that they should be controlled
in order to prevent dislocations in the flows of funds
Page 4


to savings institutions, the housing industry, and state
and local governments. In addition, there is a com­
monly-held view that small businesses, farmers, and
the average consumer should not have to pay high
interest rates when they borrow. The published policy
Record indicates that the Federal Reserve responded
to such concerns at various times over the past ten
years, especially following the credit crunches of 1966
and 1969-70.
Good though the intentions may have been, I am
convinced that monetary actions based on these views
have been self-defeating. As explained earlier, such
attempts to maintain nominal interest rates below
their free market level in a period of inflationary up­
ward pressure has resulted in accelerating money
growth, an acceleration in inflation, and still higher
interest rates. Thus, those presumed to be protected
by such a course of monetary actions actually turn out
to be worse off —they end up with both more infla­
tion and higher interest rates.
Another concern regarding market interest rates re­
lates to the Federal Reserve’s role in the orderly mar­
keting of U.S. Government debt. This refers to the
so-called “even-keel” operations, which have had a
long tradition in central banking. When new Govern­
ment securities are issued, there is additional demand
for credit and temporary upward pressure on market
interest rates normally occurs. Since changes in inter­
est rates traditionally have been viewed as interfering
with the orderly process of marketing new issues,
fluctuations of market rates during the financing pe­
riod have been limited by purchases of securities on
the open market which, in turn, add to the monetary
The published Record indicates that during much
of the period of accelerating inflation System open
market operations were constrained by “even-keel”
considerations. Furthermore, System purchases of se­
curities during even-keel periods were not fully offset
by subsequent sales and, as a result, money growth
This process, in effect, has resulted in at least par­
tial financing of Government deficits through the
creation of money rather than borrowing from the
private sector. In many other countries the same re­
sult has occurred by the simple and direct expedient
of the Government printing the money which is then
spent on goods and services.
Since the direct method of printing money to fi­
nance Government expenditures is prohibited in the
U.S., the monetization of Government deficits has oc-



C h a r t II

Influence of Federal G o v e r n m e n t D eb t on M o n e t a r y E x p a n s i o n


1954 1955



1958 1959

I 960



1963 1964 1965 1966

1967 196*


1970 1971


1973 1974


Fe d e ral G o v e r n m e n t D e b t*
'F e d e ra l Governm ent Debt is total g ro s s p ub lic d eb t less d ebt held by
U.S. Governm ent a g e n c ie s a n d trust funds. The o rigin al d ata m ay be found
the table entitled “O w n e rsh ip of Public D e b t" in the F e deral Reserve Bulletin
--------- S e a s o n a lly A d j u s t e d --------------------------- %%—

------- i l i i _ ------1----------*

------------ M i -


Fe d e ra l G o v e r n m e n t D e b t
H e ld b y th e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y s t e m
S e a s o n a lly A d ju ste d

> 1% i i









14 P e r c e n t o f F e d e r a l G o v e r n m e n t D e b t
H e ld b y th e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y s t e m
S e a s o n a lly A d ju ste d


M o n e ta ry B ase
S e a s o n a lly Ad ju ste d


160 M on n e y S to c k
M npv 5
S e a s o n a lly Ad ju ste d

----- iiy
4th at 6 6

1st qtr 7 2

2r d qtr 74

J l _____________


1953 1954

1955 1956

1957 1958

1959 1960





1963 1964 1965

S h a d e d a re a s represent p eriod s of busin e ss recessions a s d efine d b y the N a tio na l Bureau of Econom ic Research.
L atest d a ta p lotted: M o ne ta ry Bose an d M o n e y Stock-2nd quarte r. O thers-lst quarter

Page 5



curred indirectly. Our deficit spending is always fi­
nanced, at least initially, through the sale of new
Government securities to the public. But when the
Federal Reserve System buys outstanding securities
from the public, a part of the Government debt is ul­
timately being financed by the creation of new
money. This is because the Federal Reserve System
pays for the securities purchased on the open market
by creating a credit to member bank reserve accounts,
which increases the monetary base and money held
by the public.
Charts II and III illustrate the results of the process
described above. The increases in Government debt
and the amounts of debt that have been purchased by
the public and the Federal Reserve System are shown
in the first column of Chart III. The proportion of debt
bought by the Federal Reserve has been increasing
except for the 1971-72 period when substantial
amounts were acquired by foreigners. The second
column for each time period indicates that changes in
the monetary base have closely paralleled Federal
Reserve purchases of Government securities. It is this
closeness that illustrates monetization of the Govern­
ment debt. The resulting increases in the monetary
base, of course, lead to the expansion of the money
stock, which is illustrated in the third column.
G ro w th of G o ve rn m e n t D ebt a n d M o n e y
Billions of Dollars


Billions of Dollars
--------------------- 1 55


I/53 -IV /56

I/ 5 7 -IV / 6 0


I/ 6 1 -IV / 6 4


I/ 6 5 -IV / 6 8

I/ 6 9 -IV / 7 2

Note: The d e b t h e ld b y the F e deral Reserve System p lu s d eb t h e ld b y the d om estic public and
foreigners is net go ve rn m e n t debt, w hich is e q u a l to total gro ss public d e b t m in u s d eb t
held b y G o ve rn m e nt a ge n cie s a n d trusts. The m o netary b a se is net monetary liabilities of
the G ove rn m e nt. The m o n e y stock (M]| is defined a s d e m a n d d ep o sits p lu s currency held
by the public. E a ch of the five g ro u p s of b a rs depict level c h a n g e s from the b e g in n in g to
the end of the p eriod indicated. All d a ta a re s e a so n a lly adjusted.

I doubt that monetization of debt has been a con­
scious act on the part of the Government or on the
part of the Federal Reserve System. Rather, I believe
the reason it has occurred lies in the relative visibility
Digitized for Page 6

When these additional services are paid for with
increased taxes, the real resource cost is clearly visible
to all taxpayers since they find their disposable income
reduced. When they are financed by borrowing from
the public, the effect is immediately felt by those
competing for funds in capital markets and is visible
in the form of higher interest rates. But in the case of
debt monetization, the immediate and even the shortrun impact is neither an increase in taxes, nor an in­
crease in interest rates. And yet, real resources still are
being transferred from private to Government use.
The ultimate effect of this method of financing Gov­
ernment expenditures is manifested in an increase in
the price level —inflation — and this occurs only after
a substantial lag. It is the lack of immediate visibility
of the costs associated with this method of financing,
I believe, that has contributed to the process of infla­
tion. Once the inflation has been generated, a substan­
tial period of time is required to reverse it, and un­
fortunately this can be accomplished only by incurring
costs of lost output and higher unemployment.
Thus, over short periods of time it has appeared
that debt monetization gives society something for
nothing. And although this alternative may not have
been chosen consciously and the actions which mone­
tized the debt may not have been taken for that pur­
pose, the excessive concern over market interest rates
and the occurrence of large Government deficits led
to this course of action.



of the three methods of financing Government expen­
ditures —taxes, borrowing from the public, and indi­
rect debt monetization. Elements of our society have
been continually demanding additional services from
the Government, such as more defense, more social
security, more medical security, and so forth. Since
these services absorb resources which are limited,
someone has to give up resources from other produc­
tive uses.

I can find no benefits accruing to the whole of
society from debt monetization, but the risks are very
serious and can be expressed in one word —inflation.
In the way that I have described above, to a consid­
erable extent since the mid-1960s, deficit spending
financed indirectly by Federal Reserve purchases of
securities on the open market has meant an increase
in money which has exceeded the growth in our out­
put potential, and therefore has been inflationary.
Turning to another issue, it is my belief that shifting
emphasis of monetary actions because of a presumed
trade-off between inflation and unemployment has
contributed to the rapid monetary expansion. The



idea of a trade-off between unemployment and infla­
tion typically assumes that high rates of unemploy­
ment are associated with low inflation, and low rates
of unemployment are associated with high rates of
inflation. This view has led some analysts to argue
that policy actions can assist the economy in achieving
an acceptable combination of unemployment and
However, experience indicates that the unemployment-inflation trade-off, if it exists at all, is purely a
short-run phenomenon. Chart IV demonstrates that
there exists no long-run relationship between the un­
employment rate and the level of inflation. The only
striking features I find are that since 1952 the yearly
average unemployment rate has clustered around its
average (4.9 percent) for the whole period, and the
rate of inflation, regardless of the level of the unem­
ployment rate, has moved progressively higher since
the mid - 1960s.
C h a rt IV

P r ic e s a n d U n e m p l o y m e n t
1 9 5 3 -1 9 7 3

C o n s u m e r P ric e s
P ercent

C o n su m e r P ric e s

(A n „ „ o l D oto)
A V E R A G : 4 .9 %


1969 •



1971 *







1967 .

• 1 >58


^ 1965


196 4 »

19 »]



• 195












U n e m p lo y m e n t Rate
S o u rc e : U.S. D e p a rtm e n t o f L a b o r

In the past, emphasis of monetary policy actions
has, at various times, shifted between reducing infla­
tion and reducing the unemployment rate. For ex­
ample, according to the published policy Record,
since the early-1960s (except 1966 and 1969) a pri­
mary goal was lower unemployment, and expansionary
monetary policies were adopted to achieve it. In 1966
and 1969 emphasis was on achieving lower rates of
inflation, and restrictive monetary policies were ac­
cordingly adopted. However, on balance the actions
taken in the past decade resulted in periods of rapid

monetary growth which were longer than those of
slower growth, and the result was a rising average
growth rate of the money stock. More recently the
emphasis of the adopted policies again has been to
reduce inflation, but the actions taken thus far have
not resulted in a reduction in the average growth rate
of the money supply.
It is my view that there will always be some normal
rate of unemployment as new workers enter the labor
market, as relative demands and supplies for labor
services change, and as workers simply leave present
jobs to find more rewarding ones elsewhere. Such a
level is not necessarily desirable, but rather it is a
level determined by the normal functioning of our
product and labor markets, given existing institutional
and social conditions.
Monetary actions cannot influence this normal level
of unemployment; other policies are necessary to at­
tack that problem. As a matter of fact, monetary ac­
tions taken in an effort to reduce unemployment have
contributed to increased inflationary pressures. Sub­
sequent attempts to arrest inflation have temporarily
fostered increased unemployment in addition to the
normal amount consistent with existing labor market
My analysis of the unemployment-inflation trade-off
leads me to conclude that it is non-existent, except
possibly for very short intervals of time. Therefore,
with relatively stable monetary growth over a long
period, I believe it would be possible to have an es­
sentially stable average level of prices, and this could
be accomplished without accepting a permanently
higher unemployment rate. The desire to reduce the
average level of unemployment should be approached
through programs which reduce or eliminate institu­
tional rigidities and barriers to entry in labor markets,
which provide job training, and which improve infor­
mation regarding job availability.
In recent months a new proposal has been advanced
which, if adopted, would most likely lead to further
acceleration in the rate of monetary expansion,
thereby adding to inflationary pressures. It has been
suggested that it is appropriate for monetary and
fiscal authorities to stimulate aggregate demand dur­
ing periods when domestic production is curtailed by
some special event, such as the oil boycott, or when
foreign demand for a specific product, like wheat,
increases suddenly. The argument is that the resulting
price pressure from such non-recurring events is in­
evitable and that an expansionary aggregate demand
program is required to protect employment in the
case of a decrease in domestic production, and to
Page 7


protect consumer buying power in the case of an in­
crease in foreign demand. Unfortunately, the prob­
ability of achieving either of these goals with stimula­
tive monetary actions is very small and the costs in
terms of accelerated inflation are certain.
The main point to keep in mind is that the forces
that cause prices to rise in a specific market are very
different from those which cause inflation — a per­
sistent rise in the average price of all items traded in
the economy. The prices of individual items rise and
fall continuously, and an increase in a particular
price, even if it is the price of an important budget
item like food, is not necessarily an indication of gen­
eral inflationary pressures. In the absence of addi­
tional monetary stimulus to aggregate demand, price
increases in specific markets are a signal that either
the demand or supply conditions, or both, have
changed; not that total demand for all goods and
services has increased. Such price increases serve a
very useful function of allocating scarce resources ac­
cording to consumer preferences.
An increase in foreign demand for American pro­
ducts is not inflationary per se. It represents a shift in
the composition of demand for our output, but not an
inflationary increase in aggregate demand. Inflation
would occur if monetary actions were taken in order
to accommodate the price pressure in individual
commodity markets. In the case of some unforeseen
event, such as a domestic crop failure or an embargo
on imports of raw materials, the productive capacity
of the economy is reduced. Most of the time the effect
is temporary, but, as in the case of the oil embargo,
the effect can be long-lasting. There is little that an
increase in aggregate demand can do to stimulate
more production in such a situation.
In my opinion, a monetary policy which results in
an increased growth of the money stock has no role to
play in accommodating the relative price effects of
autonomous changes in demand or supply in specific
markets. Such monetary actions would only raise the
overall rate of inflation. Temporary gains in output
and employment might be achieved, but the ultimate
effect would be only on the rate of change of prices
in general.
I now turn to my final topic — the contribution that
monetary policy can make to reducing the rate of
inflation and lowering market interest rates. My views
on this topic should by now be very obvious; mone­
tary actions can, and must, make a positive contribu­
tion. The interests of the whole economy would be
best served if the trend growth rate of the money
Page 8


stock were to be gradually, but persistently, reduced
from the high rates experienced in the recent past. I
believe that, once we achieved and maintained a 2 to
3 percent rate of money growth, both the rate of in­
flation and the level of interest rates would ulti­
mately decline to their levels of the early 1960s.
I believe such a policy of gradual, rather than
abrupt, reduction in the rate of monetary expansion
from the high average rate so far in the 1970 s, would
not have severely adverse effects on the growth of out­
put and employment. Such a gradual policy would
probably mean, however, that the period of com­
batting inflation and high interest rates would extend
through the balance of the 1970s.
Some analysts believe that if the Federal Reserve
sought to control the rate of growth of the money
supply within a fairly narrow range, unacceptable
short-run fluctuations in short-term interest rates
would be generated. I do not believe that it is neces­
sary for the Federal Reserve to intervene systemati­
cally in financial markets in order to maintain orderly
It seems to me that there are three basic parts to
this argument regarding the desirability of actions to
smooth short-run interest rate fluctuations. First, the
argument assumes that Federal Reserve actions in the
past have in fact reduced short-run fluctuations in
short-term interest rates compared to what they other­
wise would have been. As far as I am aware, there is
no substantial body of empirical evidence supporting
this claim. There is, however, a large and growing
body of evidence suggesting that highly organized
financial markets by themselves do not generate exces­
sive and unwarranted short-run interest rate fluc­
Second, this argument assumes that by stabilizing
short-term rates the System can, in the short-run, sta­
bilize intermediate and long-term interest rates. Again,
I am not aware of any empirical evidence in support
of this proposition.
Third, this position assumes that short-run fluctua­
tions in interest rates have a significant impact on the
ultimate goals of stabilization policy —namely, price
stability, a high level of employment, and economic
growth. I know of no reason to believe that moderat­
ing short-run fluctuations in short-term interest rates
has any significant stabilizing influence on prices, out­
put, or employment. Even within the context of the
well-known econometric forecasting models, stabiliza­
tion of short-term interest rates has almost no stabiliz­
ing influence on prices, output, or employment.


Some would oppose my recommended course of
monetary policy on the grounds that it would not al­
low the Federal Reserve to perform its responsibility
of a lender of last resort; so I want to make my views
clear on this point. I believe it is possible that the
failure of a major bank or other corporation can, at
times, disrupt the smooth functioning of our financial
markets. In my opinion, the Federal Reserve has an
obligation to prevent the temporary problems of a
major institution from affecting financial markets and
perhaps even affecting the economy.
At the same time, however, I do not think that the
System should subsidize inefficient management by
making funds available at interest rates well below
market rates, or be concerned about the losses that
stockholders of a basically unsound institution might
suffer. In the long-run, such actions can only weaken,
rather than strengthen, the financial system, as well
as the business community at large.
Any temporary assistance to a basically sound in­
stitution should be unwound in a relatively short pe­
riod of time. At the same time, the provision of funds
through the Federal Reserve discount window should
be matched by a sale of securities from the System’s


portfolio in order to prevent an expansion in the
monetary base and the money stock.
Carrying out the monetary policy actions that I
recommend could be greatly facilitated by comple­
mentary actions on the part of others. A balanced
Government budget would eliminate much of the
pressure on interest rates, thereby removing one cause
of accelerating money growth in the past. Legislation
removing impediments to the free functioning of our
product, labor, and financial markets would allow
these markets to adjust to monetary restraint more
rapidly, and without the severe dislocations of the
It would also be helpful if all segments of our
society would realize that rapid monetary growth,
inflation, and high market interest rates go hand-inhand; that, once initiated, inflation cannot be elimi­
nated without some temporary costs in terms of slower
growth of output and employment; and that consid­
erable time will be required to reduce substantially
both the rate of inflation and the level of interest
rates. Such realizations would tend to mitigate the
short-run pressures that in the past have resulted in
postponements of efforts to curb inflation.

Page 9

The Futures Market for Farm Commodities —
What It Can Mean to Farmers

1 HE VALUE of all crops and livestock sold by
farmers in 1973 totaled $88.6 billion. Farm production
expenses totaled $64.7 billion or about 75 percent of
total cash receipts. A considerable part of these out­
lays are committed to the production process six to
eight months prior to marketing. During the period
between the initial expenditures and the marketing of
the product, changing price relationships between
farm products and farm inputs result in considerable
risk to the farm operator. Since production plans are
made on the basis of price relationships during the
planning stages, changes in such relationships can re­
sult in either “windfall returns” or substantial losses.
Farmers may find in the futures market a means of
reducing such risks.
Price risks in agriculture are larger than in most
other industries. Historically, agricultural prices have
fluctuated more widely than nonagricultural prices.
For instance, prices received by farmers changed, on
average, almost 10 percent per year since 1920, more
than double the average yearly fluctuation in whole­
sale industrial prices. In addition, prices paid by farm­
ers and prices received by farmers have on occasion
moved in opposite directions. On a yearly basis this
has occurred ten times since 1920.
One source of price fluctuations in agriculture is the
nature of the demand for farm products. The quantity
of food demanded is generally price inelastic —that is,
the amount that people consume is relatively unre­
sponsive to changes in price. Thus, small changes in
the supply of farm products, resulting from adverse
Page 10

weather conditions for example, can lead to consider­
able price movement. In addition, shifts in demand
stemming from general business fluctuations or chang­
ing export demands can have substantial effects on
price. Traditionally, producers have borne most of the
risk resulting from price fluctuations. However, in re­
cent years such risks have been reduced somewhat by
Government price support and production control

Farm legislation of the past forty years has been
designed to reduce the variation in farm prices and
incomes for producers of major crops such as wheat,
cotton, tobacco, and corn. Among the most important
of the Government agricultural stabilization activities
were the Commodity Credit Corporation operations
which, in effect, set minimum prices for several farm
commodities through the use of non-recourse loans
to farmers on stored crops. Government inventories
of some crops became quite large in years when
production exceeded the amount demanded at the
given loan rate. In these years fanners did not pay
off the loans, but let the Government keep the com­
modity. The Government inventories were subse­
quently reduced through subsidized export sales or
through sales in the domestic market in years when
production was less than average. Government con­
trols on the acreages that could be planted to various
crops and limitations on total crop plantings have


likewise tended to reduce the variation of farm out­
put and prices. Even though Government programs
can at times add to price instability via changes in
farm legislation and changed administrative policies,
the Government has nevertheless been a major price
risk taker for a number of leading farm commodities.
Farm legislation passed in 1973 may result in less
Government intervention in agricultural production
and markets for farm products. Although price sup­
ports were retained, the support levels were set low
enough relative to prevailing prices to allow sizable
price fluctuations to occur. With the new legislation,
farmers are now largely free to decide on the basis
of economic forces the number of acres to plant, and
farm product prices can generally seek the level at
which the entire farm output clears the market. With
the price mechanism free to respond to the various
sources of fluctuations in farm output and changing
demand for farm commodities, fanners are in the
position of bearing greater risks than heretofore un­
less they take risk-reducing actions.

The farmer may find the futures market useful in
reducing risks from changing relationships between
the prices of farm inputs and prices on most major
farm commodities.1 This market provides a means for
making contracts for the delivery of commodities at a
specified price at some future date.2 The use of the
futures market by farmers generally involves selling a
futures contract sometime during the crop or livestock
production period, and purchasing a futures contract
to offset the earlier futures sale when the product is
marketed. For example, if at the time production is
undertaken a certain return or profit is foreseen at
current relative prices, that profit can be protected
from risks of price changes by contracting to sell in
the futures market the expected output at a specified
price. Thus, the expected output may be sold at a
specified price at the same time that resources are
'Futures contracts discussed in this article refer to those traded
on formally organized exchanges. On the other hand, forward
contracts, such as in contract fanning, are made on a nego­
tiated basis with terms agreed upon between producer and
processor. Forward contracts can also be used by farmers to
sell their expected output and reduce risk.
2For further details see Armen A. Alchian and William R.
Allen, University Economics, 3rd ed. (Belmont, California:
Wadworth Publishing Company, Inc., 1972), pp. 163-67 and
Thomas A. Hieronymus, Econom ics o f Futures Trading for
C om m ercial and Personal Profit (N ew York: Commodity Re­
search Bureau, Inc., 1971).


committed to the production process.3 If, for a par­
ticular commodity, a profitable price is not available
at the beginning of the production period, the farmer
can alter his plans. Otherwise, he is speculating on a
change in price relationships or is willing to accept a
lower rate of return for his resources than available
in other lines of activity.
The strategy selected by the farmer for futures mar­
ket operations will likely depend on several factors
including the size of operation, stability of production,
financial backing, and aversion to risks. A prerequisite
for hedging investments in the production of farm
products is an expected level of production large
enough so that trading can be made in quantities
specified in a futures contract. Thus the number of
units in a futures contract reduces the ability of small
farmers to hedge successfully. For example, trading
units for major farm commodities generally consist of
5.000 bushels for com, oats, soybeans, and wheat;
40.000 lbs. for live cattle; 30,000 lbs. for live hogs;
and 50,000 lbs. for cotton.4 The trend toward larger
and more specialized farms, however, has increased
the number of farmers who can take advantage of the
futures market. Also a farmers’ cooperative could be
used by small farmers to assemble futures trading
The farmer’s confidence in his ability to produce
a given output has an impact on his futures trading
strategy. For instance, a farmer who has a high
degree of confidence in his output level may hedge
all of his produce, whereas a producer with less con­
fidence can hedge only a portion of his crop.
The desire for income stability stemming from a
farmer’s financial position may also influence his fu­
tures trading strategy. One who is heavily in debt
may, through futures sales, afford himself some pro­
tection on his equity from disastrous price declines.
At the time that the debt is contracted for agricul­
tural production, the prospective crop or livestock out­

3This procedure is analogous to hedging. In the purest sense,
hedging can be defined as taking an opposite position in the
futures market from an actual position in the cash market,
that is, buy in one and sell in the other. This definition ap­
plies most aptly to the hedging activities of grain dealers and
rain elevator operators. Hedging can be more broadly dened to include futures operations of farmers when taking
a position in the futures market opposite to the expected
position in the cash market. A full hedge implies taking an
equ al but opposite position in the two markets.
4The Mid America Commodity Exchange in Chicago, a rela­
tively small exchange, trades corn, oats, soybean, and wheat
in 1,000 bushel contracts and live hogs in 15,000 lb.

Page 11



put can be sold in the futures market, and the risk
of a price decline can be avoided.

Illu s t r a t io n


C a sh

Attitude toward risk is also a factor determining
futures trading. Two farmers with identical opera­
tions and financial positions may have different risk
preferences. One may be willing to forego a known
price at the time of planting for the possibility of
greater profits later, while the other may be unwilling
to assume the risk.


O c to b e r 1 —

O c to b e r 1 —

H a rvest:

S e lls:

1 0 , 0 0 0 bu.
J u ly futures


$ 4 .5 0 / b u .

1 0 , 0 0 0 bu.

$ 4 .5 0 / b u .
(a t harvest)
J u ly 1 —

J u ly 1 —

Before the futures market developed, the farmer
had little choice but to market his crops at harvest
time or store them for later marketing. Now, however,
assuming a profitable price is available, the farmer
may be assured of a given profit per unit by selling
contracts for the delivery of his expected harvest at
a future date.
Suppose, for example, a wheat producer can prof­
itably produce at least 10,000 bushels of wheat if, at
the time of planting, he is assured of a price of $4.50
per bushel. He expects to harvest his crop in late June,
and notices that the present futures price of July
wheat is $4.50 per bushel. To assure himself of this
price he decides to sell 2 contracts of wheat of 5,000
bushels each (see Illustration I). Assume that in
June when he harvests and markets his crop, the cash
price of wheat has fallen to $4.25 per bushel. Since
futures and cash prices converge near the contract
expiration date, the futures price will also be near
$4.25 per bushel. At the same time the producer sells
his crop in the cash market for $4.25 per bushel, he
executes a buy order in the futures market for the
same price, thus cancelling his earlier July contract
committing him to delivery in July.5 He realizes a net
gain of $0.25 per bushel on his futures transactions
while the cash market value of wheat was $0.25 per
bushel less than the price upon which he based his
planting plans. Excluding the brokerage commissions,6
the net result of the three transactions (the cash sale
and the two futures contracts) is that the farmer re­
ceived the $4.50 per bushel he anticipated (see Il­
lustration I).
5Contracts can be automatically cancelled by an equal and
opposite transaction. All transactions are monitored by a clear­
ing corporation associated with the exchanges which reconciles
all buy and sell orders at the end of each day. Only a very
small percentage of futures contracts are fulfilled by actual
delivery o f the commodity.
6Currently, the prevailing brokerage fee for a trading round
of futures contracts (bu y and sell) is $30 for corn, oats,
soybeans, and wheat; $40 for live cattle; and $35 for live
hogs. This fee is paid at the time the contract is cancelled.

Digitized forPage 12

1 0 ,0 0 0


Sell a Crop While Growing

S e lls:

$ 4 .2 5 / b u .


$ 4 .25/bu.


$ .2 5 / b u .

G a in :

$ .25/b u.

H e d g e d p o sitio n —
$ 4 .5 0 / b u .
U nhedged


B u y s:

1 0 , 0 0 0 bu.
J u ly futures

N o net g a in o r lo ss from expected price of

p o sitio n —

$ .2 5 / b u .

lo ss from a


p osition .

A farmer does not necessarily gain from a hedged
as compared to an unhedged position. If the cash
price increases during the production season, as in
Illustration II, the farmer is worse off than if he
had not hedged. The important point is that the farmer
has, within fairly narrow limits, protected himself from
downside price risk by hedging at the time of plant­
ing his crop.
Il l u s t r a t i o n


C a sh


O cto b e r 1 —
H a rvest:

| O c to b e r 1
S e lls:

1 0 , 0 0 0 bu.
J u ly futures


$ 4 .5 0 / b u .

1 0 , 0 0 0 bu.

$ 4 .5 0 / b u .
(a t h a rvest)
J u ly 1 —
S e lls:


J u ly 1 ---1 0 , 0 0 0 bu.



$ 4 .7 5 / b u .


$ 4 .7 5 / b u .

G a in :

$ .2 5 / b u .


$ .2 5 / b u .

H e d g e d p o sitio n —
$ 4 .5 0 / b u .
U nhedged

1 0 , 0 0 0 bu.
Ju ly futures

N o net g a in o r lo ss from expected price of

p osition —

$ .2 5 / b u .

g a in




p osition .

The producer who is uncertain of his output, but
values highly a given price for at least part of his
crop, may use the proportion of production expenses
to expected receipts in deciding the amount of his
crop to cover from price declines by futures trading.
For example, if current operating expenses are 50 per­
cent of expected receipts, an arbitrary rule of selling
50 percent of the expected crop forward provides
some assurance of, at least, covering such expenses.
This strategy is especially applicable to crops financed
on borrowed money.
Large producers who have considerable uncertainty
about their output and who wish to stabilize income
may execute futures transactions on a regular basis

AUGUST 1974


over the growing season. For instance, if a large wheat
producer expects an output of 40,000 bushels, and has
a growing season of eight months, he can sell forward
one-eighth of his expected crop each month. This strat­
egy avoids locking-in any one price, say at the time of
planting, and enables the farmer to receive an average
price for his commodity. It also allows him to adjust
expectations of crop yields by altering futures trading
in the latter months of the production season, thereby
reducing risk of over or under commitment in the
futures market.
The futures market also can sometimes be used to
gain storage income on existing storage facilities, with­
out bearing price risks, by selling the stored com­
modity forward. A fanner may already have invested
in storage facilities in order to take advantage of sea­
sonal price movements or other speculative possibili­
ties. If, for example, a farmer stores 10,000 bushels of
wheat at harvest time, but anticipates adverse price
changes, he can sell 2 contracts of May futures for say
$4.50 a bushel. For illustration, suppose the cash price
of wheat is $4.30 a bushel, the difference between the
cash and futures prices being the implicit return for
storage of the commodity until May. In May the cash
price may have fallen to $4.00 a bushel, but since the
cash and futures prices tend to converge in the ex­
piration month, the futures prices will also be around
$4.00 a bushel. In May the farmer cancels his futures
contract by buying May futures and selling in the
cash market the stored commodity. Illustration III
summarizes the transactions in the two markets. The
farmer gains $0.50 a bushel from the two futures
transactions, but loses $0.30 a bushel in the cash mar­
ket, achieving a net gain of $0.20 a bushel, the return
for storage. In practice, using the procedure described
above to lock-in a return to storage may be difficult to
carry out, especially when commodity prices are fluc­
tuating widely.

Lock-in Return on Livestock While Feeding
A livestock feeder has opportunities similar to those
of the crop producer for assuring himself a given re­
turn. He commits substantial resources to his operation
when calves are bought to finish for slaughter. The
value of the feeder calves and the early feed pur­
chases may total 50 percent or more of the final sales
of fat cattle. Such operations are often run on a
small equity and the risks of loss over the relatively
long feeding period are quite large. Hence, it is often
desirable to both the feeding operator and his credi­
tors to protect his equity position from the possibility
of substantial downside price risks. This can be done

Il l u s t r a t i o n


C a sh
J u ly —
Sto re d :
Price at
sto ra g e :

| J u ly —

1 0 , 0 0 0 bu.
$ 4 .5 0 / b u .

$ 4 .3 0 / b u .

M ay

S e lls:

$ 1 0 ,0 0 0

M ay —
1 0 ,0 0 0



1 0 , 0 0 0 bu.
M a y futures


$ 4 .0 0 / b u .


$ 4 .0 0 / b u .


$ .30/b u.

G a in :

$ .5 0 / b u .

N et G a in — $ 0 . 2 0 / b u .
(Return to S to ra g e )

at the time cattle are purchased by selling live cattle
futures in the expected month in which newly-pur­
chased cattle will be marketed.
For example, assume that a cattle feeder purchases
200 feeder calves averaging 500 lb. per head for a price
of $40 per hundredweight —an outlay of $40,000.
On the basis of past experience, 500 lbs. of weight can
be put on each animal in six months at a feed cost of
$44 per hundredweight. The outlay for calves and
feed will average $42 per hundredweight for the 1,000
lb. cattle, and will total $84,000 for the 200 animals.
Suppose that at the time of purchase the price of live
cattle futures for delivery six months hence were $45
per hundredweight, or $90,000 for the 200 head of
1,000 lb. cattle. If at the time of purchasing the cattle,
he also sells 5 contracts in the futures markets to
cover the expected production, then reversing his fu­
tures position when the finished cattle ".re sold in the
cash market, the farmer can be assured of a $30 per
head return to labor and capital, or $6,000, profit,
on the 200 head.
As in the case of the crop farmer, numerous other
variations on the use of futures markets are possible.
The feeder may prefer to carry his own price risks at
the time he buys the feeder animals. Subsequently,
however, during the feeding process he may see a
futures price that will assure a profit and decide to
forego further risk. He could then sell live cattle for­
ward and lock-in a given profit or a given loss level,
assuming that his anticipated feeding efficiency level
is realized.
Livestock feeders are not only subject to changing
prices of live cattle, but also to changing prices of
feed inputs during the production period, since
changes in feed costs often do not immediately affect
live beef prices. If storage facilities are limited, the
feeder can still lock-in his feed cost at the beginning
Page 13



of the operation by use of futures contracts for feed


Suppose that in our previous example the cattle
feeder requires 10,000 bushels of corn to finish the
cattle for marketing, but has storage facilities for only
5,000 bushels. He can lock-in the price of corn at the
time of buying the feeder calves by buying com for­
ward. If the cash corn price is $3.50 a bushel, he can
buy a contract of corn (5,000 bushels) for, say, $3.70
a bushel (cash price plus storage cost). Suppose that
as the com is used for feeding purposes, the cash
price has risen to $3.60 a bushel, and the futures
price has risen only to $3.75 a bushel. The spread
between cash and the future price has narrowed
since storage costs are taken into account. The feeder
now buys corn for $3.60 a bushel and sells his futures
for $3.75. The net transaction saved him $0.05 a bushel
for corn, and he in effect paid $0.05 a bushel for
storage during the period. These types of futures
transactions add to the options available to the feeder.
They may be used to assure a certain cash price for
fed animals, to take advantage of current feed prices,
or to avoid investment in storage facilities.

Using the futures market does not eliminate the
necessity of the decision of when to buy or sell. Rather,
it increases one’s marketing options and allows equity
to be more highly leveraged. The grain producer, for
example, can effectively sell his crop at the time of
planting, he can sell anytime during the growing
process if he considers the price attractive, or he can
delay a commitment to a price by speculating past
the harvest date. In any case, he must make the deci­
sion as to when to sell. Futures trading simply gives
him the option of selling at any time he desires, thus
shifting the risk to others who wish to assume the risk
of price decline with the expectation of profits.

Increase Financial Capabilities
The futures market can also aid in increasing finan­
cial capabilities. For example, a cattle feeder whose
operations are hedged through futures sales has the
added insurance that the loan will be repaid. With
this additional safety feature lenders are likely to
provide larger loans and/or easier terms. With the
larger loan, operations can be expanded and the
farmer’s equity can be more highly leveraged with a
minimum of risk to both the lender and the borrower.

Hold a Commodity Past the Sell Date
In order to give the full realm of uses of the futures
market, it should be noted that farmers can also
increase their speculative position through futures
contracts. The futures market is often a more con­
venient way of speculating than holding the commod­
ity itself. A farmer who wishes to speculate on a com­
modity, but who does not want to go to the incon­
venience of storing the commodity or has no storage
facilities available, can always take a “long” position
on the commodity by buying a futures contract. By
selling his crop at the time of harvest in the cash mar­
ket and simultaneously buying back a like amount of
the same commodity in the futures market, he will, in
effect, gain from any price increases that may occur.
In doing this, of course, the farmer is speculating that
the price will rise in the near future.
Digitized for Page 14

Secondly, a risk of not carrying out a successful
hedge — that is, not obtaining the targeted price —is
also present. In theory, the spread between cash and
futures prices is accounted for by the cost of storage,
and as the contract date moves closer to expiration
the spread between the cash and futures price nar­
rows. Sometimes events can interfere with this usual
working of the markets; transportation problems, like
a shortage of box cars, strikes, and Government price
controls, are such examples.
Prices vary, not only over time, but also over geo­
graphical area. Since the farmer usually plans to de­
liver his commodity at his local cash market, he must
also be knowledgeable about the spread between the
price in his local cash market and the futures market.
Sometimes, prices in local markets do not move in
concert with the larger markets, resulting in possible
gains or losses to the hedger.
Third, hedging fixes only the sale price per unit,
not total returns to production. In agriculture, produc­
tion is subject to considerable output variation, and
thus expected production is not always realized. If a
farmer hedges all of an anticipated crop, but the ex­
pected level of production is not realized, he bears
the price risk on the excess amount contracted. In
this case futures contracts can be purchased or sold
to cover the difference if large enough.
Fourth, a farmer who, over a period of several
years, locks-in the available price by hedging during
the production season is not likely to realize major
gains or losses as compared to a farmer who is willing
and able to carry such risks himself. Hedging during
the production process helps to eliminate the big losses
which could cause financial hardship or even bank­
ruptcy. However, as we saw earlier in Illustration II,
hedging may also eliminate big gains in years in


which unexpected price increases occur near the mar­
keting dates.
A farmer who can readily adjust his operations so
as to increase his output and lock-in a given price at
profitable levels of production, could possibly increase
his average return. A hog producer, for example,
may be able to increase his return through futures
trading by expanding his production when a greaterthan-average return is expected. Crop farming may
likewise lend itself to this type of adjustment through
shifts from one crop to another or changes in inputs.
Most of such adjustments, however, may be practical
only on a moderate scale, as typical farming opera­
tions are generally run on a continuous basis.
Fifth, futures trading involves costs. These costs in­
clude the commissions on the futures contracts, the
foregone interest on the margin, or interest charges if
the margin is borrowed.7 These costs, however, can
7The initial margin requirement (amount of cash required of
the buyer or seller at the time a contract is initiated with a
brokerage firm) may vary from 5 to 20 percent of the total
market value of the contract. The maintenance margin (the
minimum amount of equity the buyer or seller is required to
hold with his brokerage firm) is usually 60 to 85 percent of
the initial margin. If sufficient adverse price movements occur,
brokerage firms will require further cash to maintain the mini­
mum or they will automatically reverse the position. For more


often be offset by larger loans or more favorable terms
that lending institutions will give when the commodi­
ties are protected from price risk via the futures

Risk must be borne by all businessmen, but farmers
are especially subject to considerable price risk. Farm­
ers have tried to protect themselves from fluctuations
in prices and income via the political process, and
considerable public resources have been devoted to
the stabilization of agricultural prices. Now, however,
the Government may be less active in the stabilization
of agricultural prices.
Futures trading can be used by fanners to help
insulate themselves from changing relationships be­
tween input and output prices during the production
process. In a free-market environment for agricultural
products it may behoove farmers to investigate the
futures market and see what use it can be in their
overall marketing plans. This is especially true of
farmers who are heavily leveraged and thereby not
in a position to absorb heavy losses.
details, see Hieronymus, Econom ics o f Futures Trading, pp.

Page 15

Usury Laws: Harmful When Effective


OST INTEREST rates have risen to historically
high levels in recent months. This development, in
view of present law, has caused serious problems to
develop in the credit markets because in most juris­
dictions usury restrictions on the payment of interest
have generally remained at previously established
lower levels. The consequence of this has been that
borrowers who are willing to pay the competitive rate
for funds often find that they are legally unable to
obtain financing. As a result, they are faced with the
choice of either circumventing the law to obtain the
desired funds or losing out to other borrowers who
may not be willing to bid as much, but who are
legally able to contract because of the nonuniformity
of usury laws.
Despite the credit market distortions caused by ceil­
ings on interest rates, usury laws have been retained
in most jurisdictions. It is the intent of this article to
provide some insight and perspective on the value of
such restrictions by reviewing briefly the history and
justification of such laws, the role of interest rates,
and some of the effects of interest rate restrictions.1

History of Usury Laws
Usury laws have been traced back to the dawn of
recorded history. Both legal and religious restrictions
on interest charges were imposed in ancient times.2
The early Babylonians permitted credit but limited
the rate of interest. One of the earliest writings of the
1Previous discussions of interest rate controls were given by
Clifton B. Luttrell, “ Interest Rate Controls — Perspective,
Purpose, and Problems,” this R eview (September 1968), pp.
6-14, and Charlotte E. Ruebling, “ The Administration of
Regulation Q,” this Review (February 1970), pp. 29-40.
2See Sidney Homer, A History o f Interest Rates (N ew
Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1963).

Digitized forPage 16

Bible (Deuteronomy 23:19-20) stated, “Thou shalt not
lend upon usury to thy brother, . . . Unto a stranger
thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother
thou shalt not lend upon usury . . .
In the New
Testament (Luke 6:35) the admonition was broadened
“. . . lend freely, hoping nothing thereby.”
In Greece, Aristotle considered money to be sterile,
and that the breeding of money from money was
unnatural and justly hated. During the period of
the Roman Republic, interest charges were forbidden,
but they were permitted during the time of the Ro­
man Empire.
During the early Middle Ages religious leaders
treated the subject more thoroughly, and reached the
same conclusion —that interest on loans was unjust.
The exploitation of the poverty-stricken by rich and
powerful creditors who lent money at interest was
considered sinful to the Christians of that period, who
stressed humility and charity as among the greatest
virtues and played down the value of earthly goods.
Secular legislation responded to the Church’s influence
and, in general, interest charges and usury were re­
garded as synonymous.3
The increase in economic activity and expansion
of personal freedom that came with the Renaissance
forced modifications in the prevailing views concern­
ing interest rates. Recognizing that man was imper­
fect, Martin Luther and other 15th century reformers
began to concede that creditors could not be pre­
vented from charging interest. In the 16th century
John Calvin rejected the scriptural basis for interest
prohibition on grounds of conflicting interpretations
and changed circumstances, but still advocated some
3Eugene von Bohm-Bawerk, Capital and Interest, trans.
George Huncke and Hans Sennholz ( South Holland, Illi­
nois: Libertarian Press, 1959), pp. 13-24.


control. Turgot, an 18th century French economist,
claimed that money was the equivalent of land,
and hence the owner should not be inclined to loan
his money unless he could expect a return as great as
he would obtain through the purchase of land.4
Legal restrictions on the payment of interest were
generally relaxed in the 18th century, but the belief
continued that the people who needed to borrow
funds should be protected against overly high charges.
Consequently, most nations maintained legal maxi­
mum usury rates at “reasonable” levels.
Usury laws in the United States were inherited, in
large part, from the British in colonial days. While
these laws generally remain in force in the United
States, Great Britain, after intense pressure in the
early 19th century, repealed these and other restric­
tions on commerce and trade in 1854.5
One factor complicating attempts to maintain in­
terest rate ceilings arose from the fact that risks and
administrative expenses in making very small loans
were often so great that legitimate dealers could not
handle such advances with prevailing rate ceilings.
This situation fostered illegitimate loan “sharks” with
exorbitant interest charges. As a result, it was even­
tually recognized that higher rates should be per­
mitted on small loans, and the small loan laws emerged.

Arguments for Usury Laws
As noted, ethical and religious arguments have
been relied on to a great extent to justify either the
prohibition or limitation of interest payments. Another
factor which has been instrumental in sustaining sup­
port for usury laws has been public opinion which
generally viewed the small borrower as an underdog
at the mercy of large well-financed institutions. As a
consequence of this public attitude, legislators have
been reluctant to raise or eliminate interest rate
Several economic arguments also have been ad­
vanced to justify usury laws, and these considerations
tend to bolster the moral and political reluctance to
raise rate ceilings. The first of these arguments asserts
that whereas most lenders are knowledgeable about
conditions in the particular credit market in which
they operate, it is readily observable that a sizable
number of borrowers are unsophisticated and naive.
It is contended that these borrowers are concerned
only with obtaining credit and do not even know what
4Ibid, pp. 25-60.
5Homer, A History o f Interest Rates, p. 187.


rate of interest they are paying. Furthermore, rela­
tively few make a serious effort to study conditions
or to shop around for better terms or better timing.
Finally it is argued that contracts made with such
unknowing borrowers at rates above those existing in
the market for similar types of loans represent a dis­
tortion of competitive forces and provide a windfall
to lenders.
A similar argument for the regulation of interest
rates is related to the comparative market power of
borrowers and lenders. Since lenders are usually fewer
in number and larger in resources than borrowers, it
is contended that they have market power which can
be used to command artificially high rates. Hence,
usury laws provide competitive balance between the
two groups.
Another argument for interest rate regulation is
concerned with the impact of lower interest rates on
the economy. It has been contended that low interest
rates are desirable to encourage more investment and
consumption and promote faster economic growth.

Arguments Against Usury Laws
Those who oppose interest rate restrictions view
credit markets as relatively efficient when left alone
to operate freely. According to this position free com­
petitive markets lead to an optimum allocation of
resources and maximum individual satisfaction. Con­
sequently, interferences with normal credit flows, by
use of imposed ceilings on lending or deposit rates,
can only create inefficiencies in financial markets
which hamper production and exert an adverse influ­
ence on the distribution of goods and services.
It has been charged that maximum loan rates are
necessary because credit applicants are gullible and
would enter into oppressive contracts without such
protection. But, are not individuals just as likely to
be gullible in their dealings in other markets? Why
then is the credit market singled out as an area to
promulgate legal restrictions against such oppressive
contracts? More importantly, has this special attention
had its intended effects? That is, can and do these
laws protect the uninformed from exploitation, and
can the benefits of this protection be justified in view
of the attendant social costs? Existing imperfections
in credit markets could probably be reduced to a
greater extent and with less cost by fostering greater
competition among lenders. Also, education and coun­
seling of borrowers may be a more efficient method
to improve their performance than imposing rigid
Page 17


In most credit markets competiton is very keen.
Major lenders include commercial banks, savings and
loan associations, insurance companies, mutual sav­
ings banks, mortgage companies, sales finance com­
panies, personal finance companies, credit unions, real
estate investment trusts, farm credit agencies, retail­
ers, and individuals. It is relatively easy to establish
a business for lending funds, except for restrictions
imposed by the Government. In most cases where
competition is lacking in a given market, it has resulted
from legal limitations on entry or activities. In prac­
tice, competitive forces have kept most market interest
rates below usury ceilings for most of the past forty
For a brief period, artificially holding interest rates
down probably does stimulate investment and con­
tribute to economic expansion. However, maintain­
ing arbitrarily low rates by imposing ceilings discour­
ages saving at the same time that it stimulates invest­
ment demand, placing upward pressure on interest
rates. As a result, rates can only be maintained at the
lower level by some form of nonprice rationing ( which
tends to reduce efficiency and offset, in the longer
run, the sought-after investment increases) or by the
creation of money and credit at progressively faster
rates (which contributes to accelerating inflation).

Functions of Interest Rates
Interest rates play a strategic role in the economy.
Interest rates are prices, and, as is true of all prices,
they serve a rationing function. They are the prices
that allocate available funds, and hence command
over resources, among competing uses. Normally, the
term “interest rate” is used in reference to the return
on marketable securities or a loan of funds. However,
the concept of “interest rate” can be applied to all
goods. The rate of interest reflects the price of the
convenience of earlier availability, the preference for
more certain rather than less certain consumption
rights, and the economy’s ability to use resources to
increase output.
To the borrower, interest rates represent a cost,
and as such, influence investment and consumption
decisions. To the saver, they represent a return and
affect decisions regarding the amount to be saved. To
wealth holders and managers of funds, interest rates
or yields are a common denominator for evaluating
alternative forms of holding wealth and alternative
avenues for placing funds.
At any time, some individuals or businesses find
that with their incomes, tastes, and investment pros­
Page 18


pects it is not desirable to pay the going rate for
funds. They are “priced out of the market,” just as
there are those who find that at current prices it is
not expedient to hire a servant, eat steak, or pur­
chase a luxury automobile. Any movement in interest
rates (as with other prices) will cause a reevaluation
of projects which require the borrowing of funds.

General Impact of Usury Laws
Throughout most of the period since the 1920s,
usury laws have been ineffective because the interest
ceilings were at levels above prevailing market rates.
However, with the rise in inflation, and consequently
interest rates, since the mid-1960s, usury laws have
had a significant impact on many credit markets.
Their effects have been quite arbitrary and have
weighed heaviest on those credit seekers generally
considered most risky.
Professor Roger Miller contends that usury legisla­
tion often adversely affects the ones it is designed to
protect.8 He illustrates this conclusion by citing the
Washington state experience, where consumer loans
from credit card companies were generally at an an­
nual rate of 18 percent. Consumer advocates felt that
this rate was much too high, and that poor people
would be aided by a lower charge. In 1968, the maxi­
mum rate was lowered by referendum to 12 percent.
However, at the lower rate the amount of credit de­
manded exceeded the amount supplied, and the peo­
ple with the weakest credit worthiness were the
ones denied credit at 12 percent. Welfare mothers,
people with records of unstable employment, students,
and the elderly fell into this category. Gainers from
the reduced rates were the ones who had the most
wealth, best jobs, and the highest probability of being
able to repay the loan.
Sometimes those higher risk borrowers, who are re­
fused credit from legitimate lenders because of usury
laws, seek funds from loan sharks who ignore the legis­
lated ceilings. Costs of operating outside the law are
relatively high, and competition among such unscrupu­
lous lenders is severely limited; hence, some interest
rates may be several times the level that would have
existed in the absence of ceilings.7
As market rates approach usury ceilings, venture
or developmental credit, which of course contains a
higher than average degree of risk, becomes limited.
8Roger L. Miller, E conom ics Today (San Francisco: Canfield
Press, 1973), pp. 244-250.
7John M. Seidl, “ Let’s Compete with Loan Sharks,” Harvard
Business Review (May-June 1970), pp. 69-77.


Since such credit can only be extended by lenders
at a higher rate of interest to compensate for the
additional risk involved, these loans are among the
first to be affected as market rates rise relative to
usury ceilings. Without such venture capital, the en­
trepreneur is frustrated, and economic progress and
growth is hampered.8
By contrast, the volume of credit flowing to wealthy
individuals and sound established businesses may be
as great or greater under severe usury restrictions as
under free market conditions.9 Since low usury maximums prevent other individuals and firms from effec­
tively competing for funds, a greater share of the
available funds tends to flow to lower risk applicants.
The anticompetitive effects of these laws are thus
spread from credit to product markets.

Usury Laws in the Eighth District
In general, usury laws tend to be more restrictive
in the central section of the country than in states on
or near either coast. In several Eighth District states
usury laws have been a major obstacle in credit mar­
kets. In Illinois and Missouri the current general
usury ceiling is a very low 8 percent, and in Kentucky
the ceiling is 8.5 percent. In each of these states,
however, exemptions from the ceiling exist, such as
for corporations. Despite the exemptions, many credit
flows have been interrupted because of the ceilings,
particularly away from potential individual borrowers.
Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee have some­
what higher usury ceilings — 10 percent in each case.
However, because of the lack of legal exemptions
from the maximums in Arkansas and Tennessee, the
ceilings have been causing substantial disruptions to
borrowers, lenders, and the general economy of these
states. This has been particularly noticeable since
April when the prime rate on business loans nationally
climbed above 10 percent. During May and June of
this year, commercial and industrial loans declined
9.3 percent at weekly reporting banks in Memphis and
Little Rock, while they were rising 2.8 percent at
all weekly reporting banks in the nation. In the cor­
8Studies show that in those states permitting higher rates,
lenders tend to expand credit opportunities. Lenders appear
more willing to accept higher risk of losses if the rate is
sufficient to compensate for bad debt, investigation, and
collection expenses. Maurice B. Goudzwaard, “ Price Ceilings
and Credit Rationing,” Journal o f Finance (M arch 1968),
pp. 183-184.
9This may not always be the case, because the total volume
of loanable funds is likely to be smaller under severe interest
rate ceilings. Saving is discouraged relative to consumption
and funds tend to flow out of the jurisdiction or directly from
savers into venture capital.


responding period last year, when market rates were
below the ceilings, these loans changed little in Mem­
phis and Little Rock and rose 2.9 percent nationally.
In an effort to alleviate hardship, the ceiling in
Mississippi was raised to 10 percent from the extremely
restrictive 8 percent level, effective July 1, 1974. In
Illinois, the ceiling for residential loans was raised on
July 12, 1974 from 8 percent to 9.5 percent for the
period until July 1,1975. Among Eighth District states,
only Indiana has had credit markets relatively free
from usury restrictions.
Quantitative measures of the volume of potential
loans affected by the rate restrictions are not avail­
able, but comments from market participants indicate
that it is sizable. The following sketchy, indirect evi­
dence also indicates that the impact has been great.
In the first four months of this year, the average
interest rate on FHA 30-year mortgages was 8.78 per­
cent nationally; in the corresponding period last year
the rate was 7.62 percent. Two District states had
usury laws applicable to home mortgages that were
between these rates — Mississippi and Missouri at 8
percent. In these two states residential construction
contracts fell 34 percent from the first four months
last year to the comparable period this year, accord­
ing to F. W. Dodge data. In Arkansas, Indiana, and
Tennessee, which had 10 percent or higher usury ceil­
ings, and Kentucky and Illinois, which exempted cer­
tain residences from the ceilings, residential contracts
declined 16 percent. The average decrease for the
nation was 21 percent over the same period.
By contrast, contracts for nonresidential construc­
tion, which are frequently exempted from usury ceil­
ings, rose 8 percent in Mississippi and Missouri from
the first four months last year to the first four months
this year. This was about the same as the 9 percent
gain in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee and
Kentucky and greater than the 2 percent nationally
in the same period.
Insured savings and loan associations in Missouri
had a 74 percent smaller increase in savings “deposits”
in April and May this year than they did in the cor­
responding months last year. Nevertheless, these asso­
ciations purchased 10 percent more mortgages in
the two months this year when the national market
rate on mortgages was above the state’s usury ceiling
than in the like period last year when the market
rate was below the ceiling. This seemingly contradic­
tory development can be explained by noting that
the bulk of these purchases were from states where the
Page 19



A la b a m a

A la s k a

Basic Rate

S o m e M a j o r Exceptions


For in d iv id u a ls, firms, p a rtn e rsh ip s, a sso c ia tio n s, a n d n on -p rofit o r g a n iz a t io n s the rate is 8 % on lo a n s
to $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d 1 5 % on lo a n s a b o v e that. The se sa m e g r o u p s m a y a g re e to p a y m ore tha n 1 5 %
on lo a n s greater than $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . For c o rp o ra tio n s the m axim um rate is 8 %
on lo a n s to $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ,
1 5 % on lo a n s betw een $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 to $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d n o ce iling on lo a n s a b o v e $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

12% 2

T w e lv e -a n d -o n e -h a lf percent is the rate on real estate contracts.

A r iz o n a


A rk a n sa s


C a lifo r n ia


S a v in g s a n d lo an a sso c ia tio n s, in d u stria l lo a n co m p a n ie s, b a n k s, credit u n io n s, a n d a gric u ltu ra l a s so c i­
atio n s are exem pt from the u su ry law.

C o lo r a d o

12 %

The m axim um c h a rg e on n o n -su p e rv ise d co nsu m e r lo a n s is 1 2 % . O n su p e rv ise d lo a n s, except for re­
v o lv in g lo a n s, the m axim um rate is the gre a te r of 1 8 % on all u n p a id b a la n c e s; o r a total of 3 6 %
on u n p a id b a la n ce s of $ 3 0 0 or less, 2 1 % on u n p a id b a la n ce s o v e r $ 3 0 0 a n d not ove r $ 1 0 0 0 ; a n d
1 5 % on u n p a id b a la n ce s o v e r $ 1 0 0 0 . The m axim um rate on co nsum er related lo a n s is 1 8 % , on
re v o lvin g lo a n s 1 2 % , a n d all oth er lo a n s 4 5 % .

C onnecticut


The ce iling rate on lo a n s to c o rp o ra tio n s in excess of $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 is 1 8 % . The 1 2 % ce iling d oe s not
a p p ly to a n y lo an m ad e b y a n y n a tio n a l o r state b a n k or s a v in g s & lo a n , to a n y m o rtg a g e on real
p ro p e rty in excess of $ 5 , 0 0 0 , o r m ad e p u rsu a n t to a re v o lv in g lo a n agre e m e n t on w hich the total
p rincip al a m ou nt o w in g is m ore than $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .

D e la w a re


There is no limit on collateral lo a n s la rg e r than $ 5 0 0 0 . A ls o the ce ilin g rate m a y be e xcee d ed on
lo a n s secured b y real estate o n ly th ro u gh written agreem ent.

District of C o lu m b ia
F lo rida


Eightee n percent is the c e ilin g for lo a n s ove r $ 5 0 0 0 to co rp o ra tio ns.

L o a n s g u a ra n te e d u n d e r the N a tio n a l H o u s in g Act or b y the V A are exem pt.
The ce ilin g is 1 5 %

fo r co rp o rate lo a n s a n d all oth er lo a n s a b o v e $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

N o ce iling a p p lie s on lo a n s a b o v e $ 2 5 0 0 to c o rp o ra tio n s a n d on lo a n s a b o v e $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 to in d iv id u a ls.
Loan s secured b y realty m a y ca rry a rate of up to 9 % .

G e o r g ia


H a w a ii


Id a h o


The m axim um rate on n o n -su p e rv ise d co nsu m e r lo a n s is 1 8 % a n d on re v o lv in g lo a n s 1 5 % . S u p e rv ise d
lo a n s carry a m axim um rate of 1 8 % on all u n p a id b a la n ce s, or a total of 3 6 % on u n p a id b a la n ce s
of $ 3 9 0 or less, 2 1 % on u n p a id b a la n ce s betw een $ 3 9 0 a n d $ 1 3 0 0 , a n d 1 5 % on u n p a id b a la n ce s
ove r $ 1 3 0 0 . A ce ilin g of 1 2 % a p p lie s to lo a n s of ove r $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 to co rp o ra tio n s. Firms e n g a g e d in
agricultu re m ay be req u ire d to p a y a m axim um o f o n ly 1 0 % on lo ans.

Illin o is


A ll co rp o rate lo a n s a n d b u sin e ss lo a n s to non -profit o r g a n iz a t io n s ; a s well a s m o rtg a g e lo a n s insured
b y the F H A o r g u a ra n te e d b y the V A m a y be contracted fo r at a n y rate. A ls o secured lo a n s greater
than $ 5 0 0 0 m ay be at a n y rate. Effective J u ly 1 2 , 1 9 7 4 the m axim um interest rate that m a y be
c h a rg e d o n lo a n s secured b y resid en tia l real estate a n d entered into before Ju ly 1, 1 9 7 5 w a s ra ise d
to 9 y 2 % .


A m axim um rate o f 1 8 %
a p p lie s to n o n -su p e rv ise d co nsum er lo a n s, co nsu m e r rela ted lo a n s a n d
re v o lvin g lo ans. S u p e rv ise d lo a n s ca rry a m axim um rate of the gre a te r of 1 8 % on all u n p a id b a la n ce s,
o r a total of 3 6 % on u n p a id b a la n c e s of $ 3 0 0 o r less, 2 1 % on u n p a id b a la n ce s ove r $ 3 0 0 but
u nd er $ 1 0 0 0 , a n d 1 5 % on u n p a id b a la n ce s ove r $ 1 0 0 0 . There is n o m axim um ch a rg e on oth er lo ans.

In d ia n a

Io w a


There is n o ce iling rate on either co rp o ra te lo a n s o r real estate investm ent trusts.


C o n su m e r lo a n s oth e r than su p ervised lo a n s ca rry a m axim um rate of 1 2 % . The m axim um c h a rg e on
su p e rv ise d lo a n s is 1 8 % on the first $ 1 0 0 0 a n d 1 4 . 4 5 % on a n y a d d itio n a l. There is n o ce iling on
a n y other type of loan.


8 V2 %

There is no ce iling on lo a n s o v e r $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 w hich a re not on a s in g le unit fa m ily residence. N o special
rate a p p lie s on lo a n s to co rp o ra tio ns.

L o u isia n a


Loan s secured b y real estate ca rry a m axim um rate of 1 0 % . H ow ever, lo a n s g u a ra n te e d b y Federal
a ge n c ie s are exem pt from the u su ry law s. C o rp o ra te lo a n s m a y be a n y rate.


N o m axim um rate a p p lie s if the lo a n is for n o n -p e rso n a l o r b u sin e ss p u rp o se s a n d the contract is in
w ritin g a n d in v o lv e s m ore than $ 2 0 0 0 .


N o ce iling a p p lie s to b u sin e ss lo a n s in excess of $ 5 0 0 0 . R esid en tia l m o rtg a g e lo a n s m a y be at 1 0 % .

K a n sa s

M a in e

M a r y la n d
M a ssa c h u se tts

N one

M ic h ig a n


N o ce ilin g rate a p p lie s to co rp o rate lo a n s, re a lty secured lo a n s, o r fe d e ra lly or state a p p ro v e d lo ans.

M in n e s o ta


N o ce iling rate is a p p lie d to lo a n s in excess o f $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

M is s is s ip p i


M is s o u r i


M o n ta n a


on lo a n s in excess of $ 2 5 0 0 .

C o rp o ra te lo a n s m ay be at a n y rate.


N e b ra sk a

C o rp o ra tio n s o r g a n iz e d for profit m a y p a y to 1 5 %

Page 20

C o rp o ra te lo a n s m ay be at a n y rate. The m axim um rate is w a ive d on certain lo a n s b y b u ild in g a n d
lo an a sso c ia tio n s, in stallm e nt lo a n s, in d u stria l lo a n s, a n d p e rso n a l lo a n s b y b a n k a n d trust co m p a n ie s
o r credit u nions.





L A W S 1 (C o n t.)
So m e M a jo r Excep tions

B asic Rate

N evada




H a m p sh ire


N e w Je rse y



M e x ic o

The b a sic rate a p p lie s to lo a n s u nd er $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . L oa n s secured b y re a lty carry a m axim um o f 8 % % .
The rates are not a p p lic a b le to lo a n contracts m ad e b y s a v in g s a n d lo a n co m p a n ie s, b a n k s, o r a n y
dep artm en t of H o u s in g a n d U rb a n A ffa irs o r F H A a p p ro v e d lo a n s p u rch a se d b y Fed eral governm ent.
A 12%

ce iling a p p lie s to u nsecured lo ans.

N e w Y o rk

8 y2 %

D e m a n d notes of $ 5 0 0 0 o r o v e r with co llate ral security m a y ca rry a rate of up to 2 5 % .

N o rth C a ro lin a


C e ilin g rates on lo a n s are g ra d u a t e d a c c o rd in g to the size a n d p u rp o se of the lo a n s re a c h in g 1 2 %
on lo a n s of $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d unlim ited on lo a n s o f $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d larger. First m o rtg a g e s on sin g le
fa m ily d w e llin g s m ay be contracted fo r in w ritin g at a n y rate a g re e d upon b y the parties. C o rp o ra tio n s
m a y p a y a n y rate.

N o rth D a k o ta

9% 3

B u sin e ss lo a n s in excess of $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 m a y c a rry a n y rate. C o rp o ra te lo a n s re g a rd le ss o f size m a y carry
a n y rate.

O k la h o m a


O re go n


O h io


P e n n sy lv a n ia

L oan s in excess of $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 m a y be at a n y rate.
O k la h o m a 's U niform C o n su m e r C re d it C o d e a llo w s 1 8 % to su p e rv ise d
le n d in g to consum ers. There is n o ce iling rate on other typ es o f loans.

le n d e rs a n d


to others

L oan s in excess o f $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 m a y be m a d e at a n y rate. The m axim um rate on lo a n s sm a ller than
$ 5 0 , 0 0 0 is 1 2 % fo r c o rp o ra tio n s a n d 1 0 % for in d iv id u a ls a n d n on -p rofit o rg a n iz a tio n s.
The m axim um rate d o e s not a p p ly to lo a n s o f m ore than $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 ; lo a n s o f $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 o r less secured
b y a lien u po n real p ro p erty; lo a n s to b u sin e ss c o rp o ra tio n s; unsecured, n o n -co lla te ra liz e d lo a n s in
excess of $ 3 5 , 0 0 0 ; a n d b u sin e ss lo a n s in excess o f $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 . The interest rate on re sid e n tia l m o rtg a g e s
of an o r ig in a l p rin c ip a l o f $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 o r less is a fluctuating a d m in iste re d rate. For J u ly 1 9 7 4 this rate
w a s set at 9 . 5 % .

So u th C a ro lin a


So u th


C o rp o ra te lo a n s m a y carry a n y rate. H ow e ve r, the m axim um rate on a ll lo a n s o n real estate re g a rd le ss
o f b o rro w e r is 1 0 % .

T ennessee


The contract rate d o e s not a p p ly to lo a n s exte n d e d u n d e r the In d u stria l Loan a n d Thrift C o m p a n y
Act o r to installm ent lo a n s o f b a n k s a n d trust co m p a n ie s a n d b u ild in g a n d lo a n a sso c ia tio n s on which
interest is deducted in a d v a n c e a n d a d d e d to the principal.

T exas


C o rp o ra te lo a n s a b o v e $ 5 0 0 0 h a ve a n 1 8 %

R ho d e Isla n d

D a ko ta

U tah

The m axim um rate on lo a n s o f from $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 to $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 is 1 0 % a n d on lo a n s betw een $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
a n d $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 1 2 % . L o a n s la rg e r than $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 m a y be at a n y rate. First m o rtg a g e real estate
lo a n s m ad e b y s a v in g s a n d lo a n co m p a n ie s, the D ep artm en t of H o u s in g & U rb a n A ffa irs or F H A
a p p ro v e d m o rtg a g e s are exem pt.


R e v o lv in g lo a n s a n d n o n -su p e rv ise d co nsu m e r lo a n s ca rry a m axim um rate o f 1 8 % . S u p e rv ise d lo a n s
carry a m axim um rate of 1 8 % on a ll u n p a id b a la n ce s, o r a total o f 3 6 % on u n p a id b a la n ce s of
$ 3 9 0 o r less; 2 1 % on u n p a id b a la n c e s o v e r $ 3 9 0 a n d not o v e r $ 1 3 0 0 . A ll oth er lo a n s m a y be
m ad e at a n y rate.


V irg in ia

N o c e ilin g rate a p p lie s to lo a n s fo r incom e p ro d u c in g b u sin e ss o r activity. L oa n s to finance real
estate w hich is to be used a s a p rim a ry resid en ce o r for a gric u ltu re is subject to the contract rate.
H ow ever, lo a n s to finance real estate im provem ents o r a seco nd resid en ce m a y be at a n y rate.


V erm ont

A n y rate m a y a p p ly to n o n -a g ric u ltu ra l lo a n s secured b y a first m o rtg a g e o r realty.

W e st V irg in ia


W is c o n s in


C o rp o ra te lo a n s m a y be at a n y rate.

W y o m in g


R e v o lv in g lo a n s a n d co nsu m e r
S u p e rv ise d lo a n s m ay be at a
2 1 % on u n p a id b a la n ce s o v e r
A ll oth er lo a n s m ay be at a n y

W a s h in g t o n

lo a n s other than su p e rv ise d lo a n s m a y c a rry a m axim um rate o f 1 0 % .
rate o f the g re a te r of 1 8 % on all u n p a id b a la n c e s of $ 3 0 0 o r less,
$ 3 0 0 a n d not o v e r $ 1 0 0 0 , a n d 1 5 % on u n p a id b a la n ce s o v e r $ 1 0 0 0 .

1This table presents a synopsis o f the maze o f laws concerning usury in effect in the various states and the District of Columbia as o f
mid-July 1974. Due to the complex nature o f this area o f the law, the table may not be completely accurate with respect to certain specific
technical provisions. It should, however, allow the reader at least an opportunity to gain some conception of the wide range of opinion
concerning interest rate regulation by virtue o f the great discrepancy it reveals between the states as to both their basic interest rate
ceilings and the nature o f the exceptions to those rates.
It might also be noted that national banks are permitted to charge 1 percentage point more than their Federal Reserve Bank’s discount
rate. A t present national banks may charge at least 9 percent on loans even in states with lower usury ceilings since the discount rate is
8 percent.
2The basic contract rate for loans in this state not involving real estate is 4 percentage points above the Federal Reserve discount rate at
the 12th district Reserve Bank prevailing on the first day o f the month preceding the commencement of the calendar quarter. The rate
for real estate contracts or commitments is 4%% above the Federal Reserve rate. At the time of this writing that rate stands at 8%, conse­
quently the basic ceiling rates are 12% and 12%% respectively.
3Where the parties agree in writing, interest may be charged and collected at a rate of up to 3% above the maximum bank deposit interest
rate authorized by the state banking board. However, the sum of the 3% add-on charge and bank board established limit can never fall be­
low 7%. The current bank deposit interest rate limit set by the board is 6%, thus the present 9% ceiling rate on written contracts.

Page 21



ceiling was sufficiently high so as not to impinge on
market rates. As a result, the amount of new mortgage
loans made on local properties declined markedly.

mendous advantage in attracting funds over unincor­
porated firms and individuals that are “protected” by
the state.

A number of District commercial banks and savings
and loan associations have found that it has been more
expedient to lend a greater share of their available
funds in the unrestricted Federal funds market than
to lend locally under oppressive ceilings. For exam­
ple, on the April 24, 1974 call report, member banks
in the Eighth District (outside eight large money
market institutions) lent a net of $368 million in
Federal funds, at a time when the effective Federal
funds rate was 10.3 percent. A year earlier, on the
March 28, 1973 call date, when the Federal funds
rate was 7.3 percent, these same banks advanced $283
million in this market.

In addition, many credit market arrangements have
been devised for circumventing usury laws and per­
mitting credit flows which otherwise would be halted.
Some of these activities may be an outright violation
of the law, such as simply ignoring the ceiling, or by
calling the payment something other than interest.
However, violation of usury laws frequently carries
high financial penalties, such as loss of all interest or
even principal; hence, lenders are generally reluctant
to knowingly violate the statutes.

Available data also indicate that those who are not
covered by usury restrictions are able to attract a
larger share of available funds when market interest
rates rise relative to effective rate ceilings for others.
Eight large banks in the District advance credit to a
great extent in national money markets where lending
rates are virtually unregulated. Also, during the second
quarter of this year, total deposits of the eight large
District banks, bolstered by large CD purchases, rose
at a 36 percent annual rate, while deposits at other
member banks in the District increased at a 11.4 per­
cent rate.

Avoidance of Usury Law
The impact of usury laws on credit markets has
been made somewhat more tolerable by legal excep­
tions and other methods devised to soften the impact
of the legislation. Without such exceptions it is con­
ceivable that credit flows could virtually come to a
halt in states like Missouri when the national rate on
business loans with prime credit risk exceeds the 8
percent ceiling which prevails in this state.
In a number of jurisdictions small loan laws have
been enacted which permit higher rates on certain
small extensions of credit where operating costs are
high and risk is frequently large. Many other legal
exceptions have been granted for a variety of reasons.
Retail credit charges, time-sales contracts, and loans
to out-of-town residents are subject to higher ceilings
in some states.
In Missouri, as in a number of other states, cor­
porate businesses that are supposedly capable of pro­
tecting their interests in dealing with lenders are free
to pay any rate that they desire. As might be ex­
pected, these corporations find that they have a tre­
Page 22

Other arrangements, which may or may not be
technically legal, but which certainly conflict with the
spirit of the law, have been adopted in order to effec­
tively adjust a loan made at the legal rate to the
market rate. One method is to lend to those who in
some other way help you. Examples include the prac­
tice by lenders of favoring customers who maintain
compensating deposit balances or whose firm does.
The effective rate on mortgages has traditionally
been adjusted upward through the use of “points”
charged either to the buyer, the seller, or both. At
times, loans have been granted by third parties at
the legal rate, after which the real lender then pur­
chases the loan at a discount. Other loans have
been “closed” in a more liberal location, such as across
a state line. Such techniques, although permitting
credit to flow, run risks of illegality, are inefficient,
and probably cause effective rates to be slightly higher
to the borrower and lower to the saver than they
would be in a free market setting.
Lenders in states with low usury ceilings also have
an option of moving funds into a state with more
liberal laws. Comments from managers of funds indi­
cate that the interstate movement of funds because
of usury laws is sizable. Investment funds leave the
state to finance mortgages in other states and to buy
notes and bonds. Also, banks and savings and loan
associations “sell” net sizable amounts of day-to-day
Federal funds in the national money markets. This
alternative of lending in another state protects large
lenders to some extent and makes funds more readily
available in states with liberal usury ceilings. How­
ever, such movements tend to be inefficient since
credit is extended to less urgent projects and the cost
of administering the loan is increased. Also, in the
low ceiling state borrowers find credit still more dif­
ficult to obtain, lenders with small amounts are forced
to accept lower yields, and economic activity suffers.


Ceilings on interest rates are relics of ancient and
medieval thought, and have survived to the present
largely because of a lack of confidence in market forces
or because of a presumed benefit to higher credit risks.
Actually, supply and demand for funds, rather than
rate controls, have been the chief forces holding in­
terest rates at existing levels.
Ceilings on rates may, at times, be of some benefit
to borrowers easily deceived by unscrupulous lenders.
However, usury laws cause a loss of individual free­
dom, and in modern economies they are disruptive,
especially during periods of inflation when interest
rates, like other prices, rise. Usury laws are based on
false premises, operate perversely, and are economi­
cally inefficient. The cheap money which cannot be
obtained is of little usefulness.


Effective usury ceilings, which alter the flow of
funds, retard economic growth. The low maximums
tend to prevent credit from flowing to higher risk
individuals and businesses. Funds available are chan­
nelled into well-established, low- risk functions. As a
result, innovation is discouraged, economic progress
is slowed, and competition is reduced. The recognition
that usury laws are burdensome, inequitable, and
cause funds to leave the jurisdiction has led some
states to relax the law.
Controls also adversely affect the saver, since they
deny him the right to a competitive return on his
funds. This is especially true of smaller savers. Those
with large amounts of savings can more easily by-pass
the controlled market by investing in uncontrolled
central money and capital markets. Not only is the
saver of moderate means injured, but the economy
also loses as he becomes discouraged and saves less.