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The Recent U.S. Trade Deficit
—No Cause for Panic

_/\_LARM has been mounting about the size of the
U.S. trade deficit in 1977 and what seems in prospect
for the deficit in 1978. The 1977 deficit has been de­
scribed as the “largest in the Nation’s history.”1 It has
been implied that the trade surpluses of other coun­
tries, which are the counterpart of the U.S. deficits,
are in some way harmful.
There is no reason to believe that this pattern of
accumulating surpluses for the oil exporters and
chronic deficits for the oil importers will be reversed
in the near future. The grim conclusion . . . is that
the OPEC countries will continue to pile up excess
reserves . . . accumulating some $250-$300 billion
in financial assets by 1980.2
It has been claimed that the deficit has “produced a
loss in jobs.”3
Perhaps as a consequence of these fears, policy has
increasingly come to focus on reducing one com­
ponent of the trade deficit as a means of halting the
decline of the dollar.
But the balance of trade is only one aspect of a
country’s international economic relations, and there
are circumstances when a trade deficit is highly de­
sirable. Further, the fear that a trade deficit will ag­
gravate national unemployment is erroneous. In terms
of national economic policy, the recommendation to
reduce one component of the deficit so as to strengthen
the dollar would not be helpful.
!Youssef M. Ibrahim, “$26.7 Billion Trade Deficit, Fed by
Oil Imports, Is Nation’s Biggest,” New York Times, January
31, 1978. The revised figure for the 1977 U.S. merchandise
trade deficit is $31.2 billion.
2U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Sub­
committee on Foreign Economic Policy, “International Debt,
the Banks, and U.S. Foreign Policy,” 95th Congress, 1st ses­
sion, August 1977, p. 33.
3U.S. Congress, Joint Economic Committee, Subcommittee on
International Economics, “Living With the Trade Deficit,”
95th Congress, 1st session, November 18, 1977, p. 5.
Page 2

The Balance of Merchandise Trade,
the Balance of Trade, and the
Balance of Payments
A country’s exchange rate — that is, the value of its
currency in terms of other currencies — will stay
unchanged if the quantity of the currency supplied
just equals the quantity demanded at the prevailing
exchange rate. The exchange rate will rise when the
quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied and
will fall when the quantity supplied exceeds quantity
Broadly speaking, the quantity of U.S. dollars sup­
plied to foreign exchange markets in any year is made
up of the dollars spent on imports, plus the amount
of funds U.S. residents wish to invest outside the
United States.4 The demand for U.S. dollars arises
from the reverse of these transactions. Both exports
by U.S. residents and the demand by foreigners to
invest in the United States require that foreigners
acquire dollars to spend in the United States.
Exports and imports comprise both goods (tangible
items such as automobiles and wheat) and services
(such as banking, insurance, transportation, and in­
vestment income). An export of services generates
demand for dollars by foreigners just as does an ex­
port of goods, and the actual quantities involved in
trade in services are very substantial. Net exports of
these “invisibles” (as internationally traded services
are known) in 1977 were $15.8 billion, having grown
fairly steadily from $0.7 billion in 1966.
As shown in Table I, net exports of services by the
United States have, over the past few years, turned
4U.S. importers supply dollars so as to purchase foreign cur­
rency to pay for imports, while investment abroad by U.S.
residents creates demand for foreign currency because the
foreign capital assets purchased — factories, stocks, govern­
ment bonds, etc. — must be paid for in foreign currency.




tor demand for dollars; the right hand side is the
private sector supply.

Table I

(M illio n s of Dollars)

Trade Balance

Trade Balance

Balance on
G o od s and

Equation (1) can be rearranged in a number of
ways; the most useful for the present purpose is as
Exports — Imports = Capital Outflows — Capital Inflows (2)



3,81 7



4,5 1 4


3,8 0 0

1 96 7






1 969


3 95









34 0



6,4 1 6







5 ,3 6 7






1 97 6


9 ,3 2 0


3,5 9 6

1 97 7

-3 1 ,2 4 1


-1 5 ,4 1 4




Source: U .S. Department of Commerce

several deficits in trade in tangible goods into sur­
pluses on total U.S. trade. Further, discussions of the
1977 trade deficit often are in terms of merchandise
trade; when invisible trade is taken into account, the
total trade deficit is much smaller.
Inflows of foreign funds are required to offset a
trade deficit if the foreign exchange value of the
dollar is to remain unchanged.5 It is useful to write
that out in the form of an equation, where both ex­
ports and imports refer to total trade — that is, vis­
ibles plus invisibles — and private sector refers to the
private sector in both the United States and abroad.

This rearrangement of the equation helps one to see
that a trade deficit must, as a matter of arithmetic,
be accompanied by a net importation of investment
funds, that is, a “capital inflow” in the terminology of
balance of payments accounting. There cannot b e one
without the other; the United States cannot import
funds without running a trade deficit. The balance of
payments must always be in balance.
In the absence of government transactions under­
taken with the aim of changing the exchange rate,
the exchange rate will adjust until the private sector’s
supply of U.S. dollars on the exchange market equals
the quantity of dollars demanded by the private sec­
tor in that market.6
The fact that a trade deficit (with an unchanged
exchange rate) implies a net capital inflow is vital
in seeing the economic significance of the current
trade deficit.

Trade Deficits


the Historical Record

The United States ran a trade deficit for a sub­
stantial part of the 19th century. Table II shows tenyear annual averages of U.S. trade deficits, as per­
centages of Net National Product, for the years 1869
to 1908, and for the years 1967 to 1977 on an annual

Exports + Capital Inflows = Imports + Capital Outflows (1)

The left hand side of equation (1) is the private sec5An inflow of funds into a country for the purpose of invest­
ing there, whether the funds are for investment in bank de­
posits, securities, or even land, is described as an inflow of
capital. An inflow of capital, to the extent that the capital is
invested in financial assets, can be thought of as an export of
securities. The term “capital inflow” does not refer to an in­
flow of capital goods, although the U.S. resident to whom
the funds are lent can of course use them to buy capital
goods abroad.
It may appear surprising that an inflow of funds, which
can be spent on either consumption or capital goods, is de­
scribed as an “inflow of capital.” But an individual’s capital
is what can be spent in excess of current income; even if it
has been lent to him, the capital is available for current
expenditures. An inflow of funds into the United States is
the result of foreigners deciding to lend to the United States,
and their doing so lets the United States spend more than its
current income, just as when an individual is lent funds he
has acquired capital which enables him to spend in excess of
current income.

A noteworthy feature is that, taken as a percentage
of Net National Product, last year’s deficit was not
markedly large by 19th century standards. Another
6For a discussion of official transactions and a distinction be­
tween when they are intended to influence the exchange rate
and when they are not, see Douglas R. Mudd, “International
Reserves and the Role of Special Drawing Rights,” this Review
(January 1978), pp. 10-11.
7NNP is used in this comparison as this figure shows much
better than GNP (which contains replacement investment)
what is happening to national income after maintaining the
nation’s stock of real capital. Comparing the deficits to NNP,
therefore, relates the deficits to what the nation can spend
without depleting its accumulated stock of capital goods. (For
the purpose of comparison, it may be useful to note that the
1977 deficit, 0.9 percent of NNP, is 0.8 percent of GNP.)
Taking deficits as a percentage of NNP both compensates for
inflation and relates the deficit to the income which is avail­
able to service the change in indebtedness which a deficit
implies. Comparisons of deficits as percentages of NNP are
therefore the most appropriate form of comparison over long
time periods.
Page 3



Table II


1 8 6 9 -1 8 7 8

Balance on
G oods & Services*
(M illio n s of


1 8 7 9 -1 8 8 8

Net National
(N N P )
(M illio n s of

7,6 6 7

Balance as
Percent of
-0 .8 %
-0 .1

1 8 8 9 -1 8 9 8



1 8 9 9 -1 9 0 8

35 3

2 0 ,5 4 0




7 2 9 ,3 0 0




7 9 4 ,7 0 0


1 96 9


8 5 3 ,1 0 0



8 9 1 ,6 0 0




3 40

9 6 4 ,7 0 0

-0 .0 4

197 2



1 ,065 ,8 0 0

3 ,5 2 0

1,188 ,9 0 0



1 97 3

-0 .6

1 97 4


1 ,2 75,20 0


197 5


1 ,366,30 0


197 6

3,5 9 6

1,527,40 0



-1 5 ,4 1 4

1,6 93,10 0

-0 .9

•Figures for the years 1869-1908 are ten-year averages.
Sources: National Bureau of Economic Research and U .S. Depart­
ment of Commerce

notable feature of the data in Table II is tbe shift
to a trade surplus that occurred as the century pro­
gressed. This implies that the United States was mov­
ing from being a substantial net importer of invest­
ment funds to being a net exporter.8 A major reason
for this is that in the earlier part of the period, the
United States was expanding westwards at a very
rapid rate. That created a demand for investment
to construct transportation facilities, develop farm­
lands, and so forth. The rate of return that could
be earned on capital in the United States was signi­
ficantly higher than that which could be earned in
the rest of the world. The economy thereby became
more industrialized and agriculture more mechanized.
Only as the United States became relatively abundant
in capital, towards the end of the 19th century, did
the situation change and the United States become
a capital exporter.

T he Deficit and Inflows of Funds
As Table II shows, the United States reverted to
the position of a net importer of investment funds in
8These investment funds were, it should be noted, actually
used in large part to buy capital goods from abroad in the
19th century.
Page 4


1977. The large increase in oil prices of recent years
has provided some oil exporting countries with enor­
mous ability to save out of current incomes. Naturally,
they wish to invest these savings. That same increase
in oil prices reduced spending power in the United
States; people had to spend a larger portion of their
incomes on oil, and had therefore less left for other
This means that it is quite rational for the United
States to import investment funds at the present time;
in other words, to attempt to borrow funds to pay
for the increased imports. These funds allow U.S. con­
sumers to adjust their consumption more smoothly —
they are not forced to make a sharp change, which
is always unpleasant and can be inefficient since it
forces cuts in what is easiest, rather than most desir­
Further, and ultimately more important, the inflow
of funds can make it easier for U.S. firms to invest.
The inflow of funds represents an increase in the de­
mand for U.S. securities. Unless the supply of these
securities rises by at least the same amount as the
increase in demand, the price of U.S. securities is
bolstered by this inflow of investment funds, and U.S.
interest rates are lower than they would otherwise
have been.10 This increased ease in obtaining funds
helps firms to invest, and thus encourages long-run
growth in output, which is the only way the decline
in U.S. living standards caused by the oil price in­
crease can ultimately be reversed. Without the in­
flow of funds from the oil exporting countries, living
standards would be lower and prospects of raising
them bleaker than with the inflow.

The Deficit and Unemployment
Imports do not cause unemployment. Many imports
into the United States are themselves used in U.S.
exports. An example is imported steel. Steel can be
obtained more cheaply abroad than in the United
States, and the prices of U.S. exports which use steel
reflect the lower input price. Restrictions designed to
raise import prices would also raise U.S. export (and
domestic) prices for those goods, as well as directing
9An example is a family which bought a new automobile just
before the oil price increase. The family might want to change
to one which used less gas, but initially would be stuck with
the car and have to cut back on, say, clothing.
10It should be emphasized that there is not necessarily a net
increase in investment as compared to what would have
happened without the oil price increase. There is an increased
incentive to invest, as compared to the hypothetical situation
where oil prices had increased but there had been no inflow
o f funds from abroad.


to the production of steel resources which would more
profitably be used elsewhere. The increase in U.S.
export prices relative to world market prices would
reduce U.S. exports and, hence, U.S. export produc­
tion and U.S. employment in some exporting industries.
Imports into the United States also create income
abroad. If imports were suddenly restricted, U.S. ex­
porters would experience an associated drop in de­
mand. Agriculture, an industry currently eager to
export so as to boost income, is an example of an
industry highly sensitive to foreign demand for its
Hence, imports create some job opportunities as
part of the very process by which they reduce others.
But, even if the United States used more labor in
producing every good than any other country in
the world, it would still be possible for the United
States to participate in foreign trade, to gain from
that trade, and not to suffer unemployment as a
That proposition is by no means new. It was demon­
strated first in 1817 by the economist and stockbroker
David Ricardo. Briefly, the reason why trade cannot
permanently cause unemployment is that when workers
are displaced from one job by competition from else­
where, they can move on to another job. It does not
matter whether the competition is at home or abroad.
If some goods are being produced and sold more
cheaply than before, consumers, and also producers
of these goods, have increased income and thereby
increased demand for other products.11
That is not of course to say that engaging in inter­
national trade cannot cause a temporary fluctuation
in unemployment. There can be temporary unemploy­
ment as workers move around while some industries
expand and others decline.12 But if trade is restricted
to eliminate that type of unemployment, the economy
is frozen in a wasteful pattern of production, just as
if, when the automobile started to displace the horse
n A more detailed demonstration is contained in the screened
insert accompanying this article. The demonstration given
there is essentially Ricardo’s. As his proof considers only
the labor which is involved in production, it is particularly
well-suited to show the effect of trade on employment. See
David Ricardo, The Principles of Political Economy and
Taxation (London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., reprinted
1948), pp. 77-93.
12Workers would also have to move around if a country pegged
its exchange rate despite having a higher rate of inflation
than its trading partners. They would have to do so because
pegging the exchange rate would depress both exporting and
import-competing industries. Pegging the exchange rate
can therefore cause unemployment, but this, too, would be



and carriage, automobile production had been made
illegal to protect the carriage-making industry.13
Accordingly, a trade deficit cannot permanently
cause unemployment, if there are no dom estic restric­
tions on labor mobility. A trade deficit can be accom­
panied by temporary unemployment as workers move
from one job to another, but protecting the old jobs is
both unnecessary and harmful to national prosperity.
(It is most certainly understandable that workers re­
sist having to move from one job to another; such
moving can be expensive and inconvenient. But it is
in no one’s interest for them not to move.)

The Trade Deficit and the Dollar
Eliminating any one part of U.S. imports, even one
equal to the deficit, would not do much to prevent
the fall in the dollar’s foreign exchange value. For
example, if the United States suddenly stopped im­
porting oil, it would lose a nearly equivalent dollar
inflow from the oil-producing countries, and there
would be little net effect on the balance of supply
and demand for dollars on the foreign exchange
As a further example, if the United States suddenly
stopped importing foreign automobiles, there would
be increased demand for domestic automobiles. Thus,
resources would be diverted from the production of
exports, and income would also of course be reduced
abroad, thereby reducing the dem and for U.S. exports.
Again the overall effect on the foreign exchange mar­
ket is unlikely to be large. Nor would the United
13There are very special circumstances when it may be ad­
visable to provide assistance to smooth the decline of an
industry; but that assistance should never take the form of
trade restriction, and should never aim to actually prevent
the decline. The arguments for this can be found in Geoffrey
E. Wood, “Senile Industry Protection: Comment,” Southern
Economic Journal (January 1975), pp. 535-37.
14At the end of 1977, U.S. banks reported liabilities of about
$9 billion to Middle East oil exporting countries. These
countries also made net purchases of U.S. corporate stocks
and bonds and marketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes
totalling about $7.5 billion during 1977. Further, since these
figures omit purchases of land and buildings, they understate
the capital inflow. Another large part of OPEC revenue from
the United States (some 34 percent) is spent on U.S. goods.
(As noted by Clifton B. Luttrell, “Free Trade: A Major
Factor in U.S. Farm Income,” this Review (March 1977),
p. 23, agricultural exports rose considerably as a result of
OPEC price rises.) Total OPEC spending in the United
States is also understated by the amount of U.S. net exports
of services to the oil exporting countries. There is good
reason for thinking this understatement to be substantial in
view of the large jump in U.S. net exports of services after
the first major oil price increase. Thus, the simple arithmetic
does not support the claim that U.S. imports of oil have
produced on foreign exchange markets all the excess supply
of dollars which has caused the decline of the dollar’s foreign
exchange value.
Page 5




Labor Mobility, The Benefits from Trade, and Employment
For the sake of exposition, we can assume that
there are only two countries, the United States and the
“rest of the world,” and, for simplicity, that there are
only two goods, wheat and cloth. In the presence of
competition, the price of wheat relative to the price
of cloth will be equal to their relative production
costs. Suppose that production of a unit of cloth re­
quires the labor of 120 workers for one year in the
United States, and that a unit of cloth can be pro­
duced in the “rest of the world” with the labor of
80 workers for one year. Production of a given quan­
tity of wheat in the United States requires the labor
of 100 workers for a year, while the same quantity
of wheat could be produced in the “rest of the world”
with the labor of 90 workers for a year. Thus, the
production of both cloth and wheat requires a smaller
expenditure of labor in the “rest of the world” than
in the United States.
With labor being the only cost of production and
with competitive markets, in the absence of trade the
relative price ratio of wheat to cloth in the United
States would be equal to the ratio of labor inputs —
that is, it would be 100/120 ( = 5/ 6). The corres­
ponding price ratio in the “rest of the world” would
be 90/80 ( = 9 / 8 ) .
If trade between the United States and the “rest of
the world” opens up, the United States will import
cloth and export wheat. The reason is as follows. At
the “rest of the world’s” price ratio, 9/8, the United
States could exchange one unit of wheat for 9/8 units
of cloth. Hence, the United States could employ 100
workers to produce a unit of wheat and exchange the
wheat for a quantity of cloth which would have re­
quired the labor of 135 workers to produce domes­
tically. Further, the “rest of the world” could employ
80 workers to produce a unit of cloth and exchange it,

States have “gained jobs”. There would be an increase
in the number of jobs in automobile production, but
reduced job opportunities in those industries where
foreign demand had fallen. Further, such trade re­
strictions will divert U.S. resources to activities more
productively carried out abroad. Piecemeal attacks on
the trade deficit will not achieve an improvement in
the balance of payments on any significant scale.

Summary and Conclusions
Present concern about the U.S. trade deficit is much
greater than the facts justify. When all trade, and not
just merchandise trade, is examined, the deficit is, by
historical standards, not outstandingly large. Further­
more, the deficit has a most desirable feature. It allows
the United States to import investment funds. At the
Page 6

at U.S. prices, for 6/5 units of wheat. Thus, the “rest
of the world” could obtain an amount of wheat, which
would have required the labor of 108 workers to pro­
duce domestically, for one unit of cloth which it pro­
duced by the labor of 80 workers.1
As production of wheat in the United States rises
(and production of cloth declines), workers move
out of the U.S. cloth industry and into the wheat in­
dustry. Workers in the “rest of the world” on the other
hand, move out of the wheat industry and into the
cloth industry. As a result of trade both the United
States and the “rest of the world” gain in that both
countries obtain a unit of each good for a smaller
resource expenditure than would be required to pro­
duce the same amount of goods in the absence of
trade, and can therefore consume (or invest) more.
Although the “rest of the world” has been assumed to
use less resources in producing every good than does
the United States, it still benefits from buying goods
produced in the United States.
The example shows that in the absence of restric­
tions on labor moving from one industry to another
within a country, all who want to work will find em­
ployment, even in a country where production costs
are higher than those in the rest of the world. Further,
it also shows that as a consequence of trade they will
be better off than they would be without trade. This
arises because they specialize according to whatever
they can best do. This, of course, is what individuals
who wish to maximize their income do on their own
1For the sake of brevity, the example speaks of numbers
of workers. If wages are higher in one country than in
another, this is dealt with by specifying the example in
terms of “value-equivalent” labor units. The same result

moment this is desirable from the point of view of
both the United States and the countries which are
supplying those funds.
The deficit has at most a transitory effect on the
overall level of employment in the United States. Jobs
will be lost in some industries, but gained in others.
So long as resources, including labor, can move fairly
freely, a trade deficit does not reduce the overall level
of employment. Analysis which points to particular
activities which are eliminated as a result of engaging
in foreign trade, and then concludes that trade has
led to a loss of jobs, implicitly assumes that once re­
sources are in place they can never again move. There
are instances when artificial barriers restrict these
movements, but the problems that arise are due to
these barriers and not to the deficit.



Finally, and perhaps m ost im portant, measures
aim ed at elim inating some particular com ponent of
the trade deficit would produce w asteful uses o f re ­
sources, have little effect on the b alan ce of payments,


and therefore m ake little contribution to arresting the
slide in the d o llars foreign exchange value. Panic
attacks on individual com ponents of the trade deficit
w ill do m uch harm and little good.

Merchandise Trade

Goods and Services

Current Account

Capital Account:

Capital Account:
Exports of goods less imports
of goods. Exported agricultural
products accounted for about 20
percent of total U.S. merchan­
dise exports in 1977. Imported
petroleum accounted for about
30 percent of total U.S. mer­
chandise imports in 1977.
Merchandise trade balance plus net
exports of services. Internation­
ally “traded” services include
banking, insurance, transporta­
tion, tourism, military purchases
and sales, and receipts of earn­
ings on investments abroad.
United States exports of services
have exceeded imports for the
past 16 years.
Goods and services balance less
unilateral transfers. Unilateral
transfers include private gifts
to foreigners and government
foreign assistance grants but ex­
clude military grants. U.S. uni­
lateral transfers to foreigners
have averaged about $4.5 bil­
lion per year since 1970.
Includes changes in U.S. invest­
ment abroad and changes in for-

eign investment in the United
States. Purchases of foreign
(U .S .)
government securities
and corporate bonds and stocks
are examples of U.S. (foreign)
investment abroad
United States). An increase in
U.S. investment abroad repre­
sents a capital outflow (entered
into balance-of-payments ac­
counts as a negative item ). An
increase in foreign investment in
the United States represents a
capital inflow (entered as a pos­
itive item ). Since changes in
U.S. investment abroad, and
foreign investment in the United
States, include changes in offi­
cial reserve assets (such as pur­
chases of U.S. Treasury securi­
ties by foreign central banks),
the capital account and current
account must offset each other
(a balancing category, “statistical
discrepancy,” is required to pro­
duce an exact offset in the re­
ported data). Thus, with a cur­
rent account deficit of $20.2
billion in 1977, the United
States recorded a net capital in­
flow of $23.2 billion (and hence
a “statistical discrepancy” figure
of $—3.0 billion).

Page 7

Have Multibank Holding Companies Affected
Commercial Bank Performance?
^ I N C E the late 1960s there has been a rapid ex­
pansion of multibank holding companies which has
had far-reaching impacts on the structure of banking
in the nation. These multibank holding companies
(MBHCs) were established as alternatives to branch­
ing systems in a number of states where branch bank­
ing was prohibited or severely limited.1 The holding
company device for controlling and managing banks
is not new — having been used since about the turn
of the century — but its importance has increased
dramatically in the last decade. MBHCs’ control of
commercial bank deposits increased from 8 percent
at the end of 1965, to 16 percent at the end of 1970,
and to 34 percent at yearend 1976.
The rapid expansion of MBHCs in recent years and
the changes in banking structures and practices
brought about by this development have generated
much controversy regarding the merits and desirabil­
ity of holding companies. This article reviews evi­
dence on some major issues raised by the emergence
of MBHCs.

There has been a longstanding public concern in
this country over the possibilities for excessive concen­
tration in banking. Many have feared that increased
concentration would place resource allocation in the
hands of a relatively small number of banking or­
ganizations in the financial centers. Reflecting these
attitudes and policies based on them, the structure
of American banking has been unique in the world,
with its numerous independent banking institutions.
At the same time, because of limits on bank entry
and branching, maximum interest rates on deposits,
and other regulations, competition has been limited
and individual banks, particularly in some smaller
communities, have attained some degree of monopoly
iMBHCs have been established in various branch banking
states. Organization as an MBHC can have advantages over
that of a branch banking system. For instance, a holding com­
pany system can often maintain lower aggregate reserves than
the same-sized branch network.
Page 8

A chief issue which has emerged with MBHC de­
velopment has been the effects that these holding
companies have had on concentration and competi­
tion in banking. With entry into banking limited by
prevailing government regulations, acquisitions by
holding companies could increase concentration by
reducing or eliminating competition, and permit the
remaining firms in the market to obtain monopolistic
profits by raising prices and lowering services. Since
there are no widely agreed upon measures of concen­
tration and competition, and since in some ways in­
creased concentration could be consistent with more,
not less, competition, evaluations have not been

Concentration Nationally
From a review of banking developments since the
mid-1960s, it does not appear that national concentra­
tion has been a crucial problem. Although numerous
acquisitions did affect concentration from what it
would likely have been otherwise, given all other fac­
tors, concentration has changed only slightly during
the period of rapid holding company expansion.
Concentration, as measured by total domestic de­
posits held by the 100 largest banking organizations
in the country, changed little in the period 1957 to
1968 when holding company activity was relatively
dormant. From a level of 48.2 percent in 1957, con­
centration rose slightly to 49 percent in 1968. How­
ever, despite an acceleration in holding company
acquisitions after 1968, many of which were made
by the 100 largest banking organizations, nationwide
2Evidence has been advanced which supports both the hypothe­
sis that increased market concentration results from efficiency
of large organizations and the hypothesis that increased con­
centration facilitates collusion among firms. The relationship
between efficiency and concentration, by itself, implies that
customers gain as a result of higher concentration, but the
relationship between collusion and concentration, by itself,
implies that customers lose as a result of higher concentration.
Since fewer restrictions on holding companies are associated
with higher concentration, there are both potential benefits
and costs for bank customers from such lessened restrictions.
Gerald P. Dwyer, Jr. and William C. Niblack, “Branching,
Holding Companies, and Banking Concentration in the Eighth
District,” this Review (July 1974), pp. 11-18.


concentration by these firms decreased from 49 per­
cent of domestic deposits to 47 percent in 1973.3
More recent calculations find that between 1968
and mid-1977 the 10 largest banking organizations’
share of domestic deposits declined from 20.4 to 18.3
percent while the share of the top 25 dropped from
31.9 to 28 percent. The 100 largest organizations’
share declined from 49.7 to 45 percent over this
The apparent reason for this somewhat surprising
result is that growth of domestic deposits (as dis­
tinct from foreign) was slower at the larger banking
offices during the 1968-77 period than deposit growth
at smaller banking offices. Also, there was a con­
straining influence on the larger organizations from
antitrust laws and policies. Although over one-half
of the 100 largest bank holding companies acquired
other banks through the holding company device, a
large portion of those acquired were de novo or small
“foothold” acquisitions.
Nevertheless, acquisitions by the 100 largest bank­
ing organizations between 1968 and 1973 did maintain
nationwide concentration of domestic deposits above
what otherwise would have prevailed. If the quanti­
tative impact of these acquisitions is subtracted from
the 1973 actual ratio of concentration, the resultant
adjusted nationwide concentration ratio for 1973
would have been 44.7 percent. Since the actual ratio
was 47 percent, holding company acquisitions in the
1968-73 period, everything else equal, increased con­
centration by 2.3 percentage points above the level
that would have existed in the absence of such acquisi­
tions. Thus, the pronounced increase in the share of
total deposits of banks in MBHCs, mentioned in the
introduction, reflected primarily the largest banks in
the nation forming MBHCs and not acquisitions by
the large banking organizations.

Concentration Statewide
There is justification for measuring concentration in
an area smaller than the nation since the market for
most banks is considerably less than the entire coun­
try. Since the state is the largest area within which
banks can legally branch and form holding companies,
3Samuel H. Talley, “The Impact of Holding Company Acquisi­
tions on Aggregate Concentration in Banking,” Staff Economic
Studies (80), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem, 1974.
4Statement by Philip E. Coldwell, member of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, before the Com­
mittee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, United States
Senate, March 7, 1978.



and hence attempt to gain monopoly power, some feel
that states are the relevant areas for measuring con­
centration.5 Also, interbank rivalry may be dependent
not only on local market concentration, but also on
the degree to which a few large banking organiza­
tions in a state, each of which has banking offices in
several common local markets, agree not to engage in
competitive behavior in any such local markets.6
Available evidence indicates that trends in statewide
concentration in banking have varied markedly from
state to state, with average changes remaining small.
Between 1960 and 1976, there was no overall trend
toward increased concentration of the three largest
banking organizations in each state. Calculations of
averages of changes indicate that states which al­
lowed statewide branching experienced a very small
increase in the proportion of domestic deposits held
by the three largest banking organizations: 0.2 per­
centage point. Limited branching states and unit
banking states experienced average decreases of 1.7
and 2.9 percentage points, respectively. Among state­
wide branching states, those with the highest concen­
tration in 1960 exhibited the greatest decline in con­
centration, while those with the lowest concentration
exhibited the greatest increase.7
Among the five largest banking institutions in each
state, an increase in concentration occurred in 28
states, a decline in 22 states, with one unchanged in
the 1968-73 period (the District of Columbia was
treated as a state). The median increase for all states
“It might be noted, however, that the Justice Department has
failed to win a banking case on the grounds of statewide con­
centration alohe or the closely related grounds of potential
competition statewide. See Aubrey B. Willacy and Hazel M.
Willacy, “Conglomerate Bank Mergers and Clayton 7: Is
Potential Competition the Answer?” Banking Law Journal
(February 1976), pp. 148-195. Nevertheless, the legal issue
of whether states are appropriate areas for administering anti­
trust policies is not settled since legislatures in a few states
prohibit expansion by merger or acquisition beyond some state­
wide concentration level. See Katharine Gibson and Steven J.
Weiss, “State-Imposed Limitations on Multibank Holding
Company Growth,” Proceedings of a Conference on Bank
Structure and Competition, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
1976, pp. 208-209. Also, Senate Bill S 72, the “Competition in
Banking Act of 1977,” would prohibit bank mergers or hold­
ing company acquisitions if the resulting banking institution
would control more than 20 percent of the banking assets
within the state.
eSee Elinor Harris Solomon, “Bank Merger Policy and Prob­
lems: A Linkage Theory of Oligopoly,” Journal of Money,
Credit and Banking (August 1970), pp. 323-336.
7Statement by Philip E. Coldwell, member of Board of Gov­
ernors of the Federal Reserve System, before the Committee
on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, United States Senate,
March 7, 1978. See also Manferd O. Peterson, “Aggregate
Bank Concentration and the Competition in Banking Act of
1975,” Issues in Bank Regulation (Park Ridge, Illinois: Bank
Administration Institute, 1977), pp. 37-41.
Page 9


was only 0.7 percentage point. In the 38 states permit­
ting MBHCs, concentration tended to increase during
the period, while in the 13 states which prohibited
them, concentration tended to decline. Nevertheless,
the impact of MBHC acquisitions on statewide con­
centration was limited almost entirely to states with
low or moderate concentration.8
It might have been expected that holding company
activity would have its greatest impact on concentra­
tion at the state level, since holding companies are
prohibited from operating in broader regions and
since legal actions designed to prevent monopolistic
formations are usually focused on smaller banking
markets. Yet, what would appear to represent a sig­
nificant increase in aggregate concentration in some
states sometimes does not, in fact, represent any mean­
ingful change in structure. The increases in concen­
tration often involved acquisitions of banks which had
formerly operated as members of a banking group
unified through common owners and directors and
interlocking management.9

Concentration in Local Markets
Concentration in local markets is more crucial from
a competitive point of view than is concentration na­
tionally or statewide.10 In a local market, banks and
their customers are in sufficiently close proximity for
competitive interaction to occur, and both information
and transaction costs tend to rise for many types of
services as the distance between the bank and cus­
tomer increases, reducing the threat of effective out­
side competition.11 Local markets characterized by a
structure with relatively few firms and high barriers
to entry will facilitate pricing conduct that is aimed
at achieving joint profit maximization through collu­
sion, price leadership, or other tacit pricing arrange­
ments.12 Nevertheless, greater publicity is given to
8Samuel H. Talley, “The Impact of Holding Company
9See Nancy M. Goodman, “Holding Company Developments in
Michigan,” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Business Condi­
tions, (October 1975), pp. 10-15.
10This view has been adopted by the U.S. Supreme Court in
evaluating competition. See U.S. v. Philadelphia National Bank
in 1963; and U.S. v. Marine Bancorporation in 1974.
n One study concluded that distance dominates all other factors
in determining the selection of a banking office. Lorman L.
Lundstein and Lewis Mandell, “Consumer Selection of Bank­
ing Office — Effects of Distance, Services and Interest Rate
Differentials,” Proceedings of a Conference on Bank Struc­
ture and Competition, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
April 1977, pp. 260-286.
12See Stephen A. Rhoades, “Structure-Performance Studies in
Banking: A Summary and Evaluation,” Staff Economic
Studies (92), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, 1977.
Page 10



trends in concentration in the nation or at the state
level than at the local level. This probably reflects the
difficulty of defining a local market, but also reflects
a popular misconception that “bigness” alone is a
measure of monopoly power.
It appears that concentration has remained un­
changed or has decreased in most local banking mar­
kets during the period of rapid holding company
acquisitions. A study of 213 metropolitan areas and
233 country banking markets over the 1966-75 period
concluded that most banking markets became less
concentrated in that period. Also, the pro competitive
changes in banking market concentration occurred
with greatest frequencies and in the largest magni­
tudes in those markets which had a relatively high
concentration ratio in 1966.13 In addition, local areas
experiencing MBHC activity generally had lower ini­
tial concentration than areas where no MBHC acqui­
sitions occurred.14 Also, MBHCs tend to acquire banks
in markets characterized by relatively fast growth in
terms of banking offices, and relatively favorable ra­
tios of deposits per banking office.15
One positive influence on local competition may
be stringent standards for approval of holding com­
pany acquisitions by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System. Before approval is given to
a holding company to acquire a bank, the Board ana­
lyzes the effects of the proposal on competition in the
local banking markets. An application is denied if its
effects would be to reduce materially competition in
a local market, unless there are other strong mitigat­
ing factors.16 Managements of relatively large hold­
ing companies generally assume that proposed acqui­
sitions of relatively large independent banks in an
13Samuel H. Talley, “Recent Trends in Local Banking Market
Structure,” Staff Economic Studies (89), Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System, 1977.
14Jack S. Light, “Bank Holding Companies — Concentration
Levels in Three District States,” Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago Business Conditions (June 1975), pp. 10-15. See
also, Stephen A. Rhoades, “Characteristics of Banking Mar­
kets Entered by Foothold Acquisition,” Journal of Monetary
Economics (July 1976), pp. 399-408, which concluded that
the procompetitive effects of holding companies are less than
they might otherwise be.
loGregory E. Boczar, “Market Characteristics and Multibank
Holding Company Acquisitions,” Journal of Finance (March
1977), pp. 131-146.
16In administering the Bank Holding Company Act, the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has been ada­
mant not only in denying applications by holding companies
to acquire existing banks with which they compete, but in
addition, the Board has stood ready to deny applications on
the basis of potential competition and probable future com­
petition. See Harvey Rosenblum, “Bank Holding Companies
—-Part II,” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Business Con­
ditions (April 1975), pp. 13-15.


area where the MBHC has a subsidiary would be
denied, and few such applications are even submitted.
In analyzing the growth of MBHC subsidiaries after
acquisitions, no significant effects in the market share
of affiliated banks vis-a-vis banks remaining inde­
pendent were found in four studies.17 This probably
reflects offsetting effects of MBHC affiliation. On the
one hand, subsidiaries of MBHCs enjoy greater fi­
nancial strength and ability to offer a wider range
of services. On the other hand, the independent banks,
on balance, can probably give more personalized
service and adapt more quickly to changing local
conditions. Indeed, the independent bank’s response to
MBHCs in their area has probably intensified

A related issue raised by the MBHC development
is the effect of holding company affiliation on the
availability and cost of bank services. The evidence
available on bank performance is mostly indirect, such
as changes in bank operating ratios; hence, most con­
clusions are tentative.
It has been argued that holding companies are able
to offer more and better banking services to the cus­
tomers of their affiliates than are independents be­
cause of their larger size and superior management.
This assertion cannot be tested directly, but a reason­
able proxy variable for the general quality of banking
services is the rate of growth of a bank’s deposits.
Presumably, banks providing more and better services
grow faster than other banks. However, as noted in
the previous section, growth of affiliates has not been
significantly different on average than growth of com­
peting independent institutions.
Federal Reserve System application of the Holding
Company Act probably has some influence on foster­
ing better and broadened service by MBHC affiliates.
To promote public interest, the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem evaluates the effects of a bank holding company
acquisition on the basis of convenience and needs of
17Lawrence G. Goldberg, “Bank Holding Company Acquisitions
and Their Impact on Market Shares,” Journal of Money,
Credit and Banking (February 1976), pp. 127-130; Stuart
Hoifman, “The Impact of Holding Company Affiliation on
Bank Performance: A Case Study of Two Florida Multibank
Holding Companies,” Working Paper Series, Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta, January 1976; David D. Whitehead and B.
Frank King, “Multibank Holding Companies and Local Mar­
ket Concentration,” Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Monthly
Review, (April 1976), pp. 34-43; and Jerome C. Darnell and
Howard Keen, Jr., “Small Bank Survival: Is the Wolf at the
Door?” Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Business
Review (November 1974), pp. 16-23.



the community to be served.18 Every MBHC applica­
tion to acquire a bank must include a description of
changes, if any, the holding company plans to initiate
in either availability or prices of services and how
these changes will benefit the public. Proposals fre­
quently include establishment of a trust or foreign
banking service, raising interest rates on time and
savings deposits to Regulation Q maxima, reducing
rates on credit insurance premiums, providing data
processing services, expanding certain types of loans,
and providing more customer facilities, such as park­
ing lots. Convenience and needs factors alone are sel­
dom the decisive factor in ruling on a case but these
pledges can be crucial in determining whether the
proposal is approved when it appears that other fac­
tors are marginal.19 In one study in which stated in­
tentions of MBHC applications were compared with
actual implementation, no instances were found in
which promised actions were not subsequently taken.
In a number of cases, however, intentions were not
fully realized.20
Even though many MBHCs have implemented
promised services and/or reduced prices, the differ­
ences between services offered by MBHC banks and
other banks have been marginal. Statistical analyses
show that bank branching and size are stronger de­
terminants of most bank behavior ratios than MBHC
affiliation.21 Affiliated banks tend to reduce cash and
low-risk securities and increase loans, suggesting
greater credit availability by MBHCs.22 Much of the
gain, however, reflects the acquisition of a number of
formerly ultraconservative banks. The ratio of time
and savings deposit interest to total time and savings
18U.S.C., title 12, section 1843, as amended by Acts of July 1,
1966 (80 Stat. 238) and December 31, 1970 (84 Stat. 1763).
19See Michael A. Jessee and Steven A. Seelig, “An Analysis of
the Public Benefits Test of the Bank Holding Company Act,”
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Monthly Review (June
1974), pp. 157-167.
20Joseph E. Rossman and B. Frank King, “Multibank Holding
Companies: Convenience and Needs,” Federal Reserve Bank
of Atlanta Economic Review (July/August 1977), pp. 83-91.
This study, however, had basic limitations. For example, the
results were based primarily on a survey of MBHCs, taking
the company’s word for what was done.
21William Jackson, “Multibank Holding Companies and Bank
Behavior,” Working Paper 75-1, Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond, July 1975.
-2See Lucille S. Mayne, “A Comparative Study of Bank Hold­
ing Company Affiliates and Independent Banks, 1969-1972,”
Journal of Finance (March 1977), pp. 147-158. Another
study, however, found that within county changes in bank
structure in Ohio by holding company acquisition did not
materially alter the supply of credit. Richard L. Gady, “Per­
formance of Rural Banks and Changes in Bank Structure in
Ohio,” Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Review
( November-December 1971), pp. 3-14.
Page 11


deposits at MBHC affiliates increased relative to those
of independent banks, but the change was not statis­
tically significant.23 The ratio of trust revenue to total
revenue tends to be higher for affiliates than for in­
dependents, from which some analysts conclude that
MBHCs offer more trust services. However, empirical
evidence indicates that trust revenue of banks in
counties in which one or more banks are affiliated with
holding companies was neither higher nor lower than
in other counties, holding other factors constant.24
In short, most MBHC banks resemble non-MBHC
banks.25 The impact of MBHC management upon the
behavior of affiliated banks is best analyzed on an
individual bank basis. MBHC acquisition of a “prob­
lem bank” or an ultraconservative bank could serve
the public interest, whereas an MBHC acquisition of a
well-managed independent bank would apparently
offer few public benefits.
A study of the effects of 43 acquisitions of rural
community banks in Ohio compared with 101 com­
parable independent banks in the same communities
found several interesting impacts of the MBHCs. The
affiliates showed a greater preference for consumer
lending, but some lack of interest in real estate and
farm lending. Affiliate banks charged higher rates of
interest on loans, but they required somewhat lower
downpayments and extended credit over slightly
longer periods. Independent banks generally provided
more auxiliary services with special emphasis on farm
management consulting and general tax and financial
advice. Holding companies introduced a number of
services for the acquired banks, such as data process­
ing, marketing, and loan participation arrangements.
Some independent banks responded by joining con­
sortia and relying heavily on correspondents in order
to obtain comparable services.26
The available evidence suggests that MBHC affili­
ation has produced a slight enlargement in the avail­
ability of banking services. Holding companies have
-^Samuel H. Talley, “The Effect of Holding Company Acquisi­
tions on Bank Performance,” Staff Economic Studies (69),
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1972.
24R. Alton Gilbert, “Trust Revenue of Commercial Banks: The
Influence of Bank Holding Companies,” this Review (June
1974), pp. 8-15.
25See Robert F. Ware, “Characteristics of Banks Acquired by
Multibank Holding Companies in Ohio,” Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland Economic Review (August 1971),
pp. 19-27.
2''Warren F. Lee and Alan K. Reichert, “Effects of Multibank
Holding Company Acquisitions of Rural Community Banks,”
Proceedings of a Conference on Bank Structure and Compe­
tition, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, May 1-2, 1975,
pp. 217-225.

Page 12



had only a slight net effect on prices of affiliated banks
relative to those of the remaining independents. In
short, as one might expect in a competitive environ­
ment, availability and prices of services have been
little different at banks, regardless of corporate form.

Although it has frequently been contended that
one advantage of joining an MBHC is improved op­
erating efficiency for the acquired bank, empirical
evidence does not indicate any such clear improve­
ment of efficiency of affiliates over independents. The
impact of affiliation on operating efficiency and profits
is difficult to assess from financial statements since
MBHCs may attempt to shift reported profits to the
consolidated holding company rather than report them
for each affiliate. This may be particularly true where
the holding company does not completely own the
affiliate. One study found no significant change in
operating costs when an MBHC acquired a unit bank
and an increase in such costs when it acquired a bank
with branches.27
MBHC affiliates, as components of banking organi­
zations larger than most independent banks, probably
experience some economies of scale.28 MBHCs are
able to consolidate risks by generally having a larger
asset base and serving a wider geographical area than
most independent banks, reducing cash and capital re­
quirements. Other operating efficiencies for affiliates
include better access to capital markets,29 advertising,
data processing, specialized lending, and trust and
foreign banking services.
Although ratios of total revenues to total assets have
been higher for affiliates than for independent banks,
total operating expenses to total assets have also been
higher.30 In particular, MBHCs incur larger employee
27Donald J. Mullineaux, “Branch Versus Unit Banking: An Anal­
ysis of Relative Costs,” Changing Pennsylvania’s Branching
Laws: An Economic Analysis, Technical Paper, Federal Re­
serve Bank of Philadelphia, 1973, pp. 175-227.
28See Ernst Baltensperger, "Economies of Scale, Firm Size,
and Concentration in Banking,” Journal of Money, Credit and
Banking (August 1972), pp. 467-88; and Ernst Balten­
sperger, “Costs of Banking Activities — Interactions Between
Risks and Operating Costs,” Journal of Money, Credit and
Banking (August 1972), pp. 595-611.
29Cost of raising capital tends to be lower for large firms than
for smaller enterprise. See Roger D. Blair and Yoram Peles,
“The Advantage of Size in the Capital Market: Emperical
Evidence and Policy Implications,” Working Paper 24, Cen­
ter for the Study of American Business, Washington Univer­
sity, St. Louis, December 1977.
■i°See Rodney D. Johnson and David R. Meinster, “The Per­
formance of Bank Holding Company Acquisitions: A Multi­


benefit costs and greater “other expenses” than inde­
pendent banks.31 Because MBHCs are usually the
larger banking organizations, one would intuitively
expect them to have employee benefit plans which
would tend to be extended to subsidiaries. The “other
expenses” category includes many diverse bank ex­
penses, and the actual reasons for the higher “other
expenses” for holding company banks is not known.
One could speculate that costs relating to the holding
company structure and included in this category, such
as management or legal fees, could conceivably drain
some “profits” from the subsidiary banks.
Nevertheless, holding company acquisitions have
probably had only moderate effects on prices, ex­
penses, profitability, or performance of acquired
banks.32 Since MBHCs have slightly higher operating
costs than independent banks, it has been contended
that affiliation with a holding company entails net
diseconom ies of scale rather than economies.33 Using
a different fine of reasoning, a study of Alabama banks
over the period 1968 to 1973 found that, on balance,
technical and operational efficiency improved for both
independent and affiliate banks. Since this was a
period in which the dominant change in the state’s
banking industry was the emergence of an aggressive
MBHC movement, the findings were tentatively at­
tributed to that activity.34
Since there are significant differences between in­
dividual holding companies, it is probably misleading
to group them in some average. Many of the perform­
ance measures indicate that operations of banks affil­
iated with particular holding companies differed sig­
nificantly from both independent banks and banks
variate Analysis,” Journal of Business (April 1975), pp.
204-212, and Robert J. Lawrence, The Performance of Bank
Holding Companies, Board of Governors of the Federal Re­
serve System, 1967.
31Jack S. Light, “Effects of Holding Company Affiliation on
De Novo Banks,” Proceedings of a Conference on Bank
Structure and Competition, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
1976, pp. 83-106.
32Samuel H. Talley, “The Effect of Holding Company Acquisi­
tion on Bank Performance,” Staff Economic Studies (69),
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1972.
Also, Lucille S. Mayne, “Management Policies of Bank Hold­
ing Companies and Bank Performance,” Journal of Bank Re­
search (Spring 1976), pp. 37-48.



affiliated with other holding companies. It was possi­
ble in a number of instances to reject the hypothesis
that holding-company-affiliated banks can be treated
as elements of a single group as far as performance
is concerned.35
Examining the profitability of MBHC banks com­
pared with independent banks through the use of
performance ratios has not produced uniform results.
In one study, MBHC affiliation was found to have a
negative impact on the ratios of net income to total
assets and on net income to equity.36 Another inquiry
found no significant difference in holding company
performance on net income to equity from that of
independent banks.37
Two studies by John Mingo, taken together, hint at
a third view of the profitability of MBHC affiliates.
The first study found that holding companies tend to
purchase banks with earnings to capital ratios below
those of other banks.38 The second found that holding
company banks, after acquisition, tend to have higher
net earnings to capital ratios than do independent
banks.39 A conclusion that MBHCs improved the prof­
itability of acquired banks, however, may not be war­
ranted in view of the changed samples.
The evidence on the profitability of MBHC affiliates
is mixed, and the issue is not likely to be settled soon.
In a number of cases, subsidiaries have been less prof­
itable than independents of similar size in the same
general area. However, the holding company may be
attempting to maximize profits of the system rather
than for each subsidiary. Also, many acquisitions have
been of banks with below average profitability, and it
may take more time to get a fair evaluation of their
performance within the holding company. To date,
only a few MBHC affiliates have been liquidated,
sold, or spun off, indicating that any drag on the
system’s profitability has not been intolerable.
36Arthur G. Fraas, “The Performance of Individual Bank Hold­
ing Companies,” Staff Economic Study (84), Board of Gov­
ernors of the Federal Reserve System, 1974.
36Jack S. Light, “Effects of Holding Company Affiliation on De
Novb Banks,” Proceedings of a Conference on Bank Structure
and Competition, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, May
1976, pp. 83-106.

33Dale S. Drum, “MBHCs: Evidence After Two Decades of
Regulation,” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Business Con­
ditions, (December 1976), pp. 3-15. See also, George J.
Benston and Gerald A. Hanweck, “A Summary Report on
Bank Holding Company Affiliation and Economies of Scale,”
Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, Federal Re­
serve Bank of Chicago (April 1977) pp. 158-168.

38John J. Mingo, “Capital Management and Profitability of
Prospective Holding Company Banks,” Journal of Financial
and Quantitative Analysis (June 1975), pp. 191-203.

34Terrence F. Martell and Donald L. Hooks, “Holding Com­
pany Affiliation and Economies of Scale,” Journal o f the Mid­
west Finance Association (1975), pp. 59-71.

39John J. Mingo, “Managerial Motives, Market Structure and
the Performance of Holding Company Banks,” Economic
Inquiry (September 1976), pp. 411-424.

7William Jackson, “Multibank Holding Companies and Bank
Behavior,” Working Paper 75-1, Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond, July 1975.

Page 13


Holding companies claim that they strengthen ac­
quired banks in a number of ways. At times, they pro­
vide additional capital, personnel training, or skilled
management. They diversify risks and lower the costs
of providing certain specialized services. Resources of
the entire system can be mobilized to solve a local
bank’s problems. Yet, most analyses have indicated
that the alleged benefits of MBHCs on bank sound­
ness are exaggerated. It is still not clear whether the
holding company movement has, on balance, in­
creased or reduced the soundness of banks.
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System denies applications of proposed holding com­
pany acquisitions if the payments necessary to retire
debt incurred in buying the bank’s stock would be
likely to drain its retained earnings. In addition, cap­
ital has been supplied by the parent holding com­
panies to a number of subsidiaries. Nevertheless, the
capital positions of a number of acquired banks have
been relatively low. The average ratio of capital to
total assets or deposits is generally lower for affili­
ated banks than for independent counterparts.40 How­
ever, it has been found that holding company affilia­
tion caused only a small decline in the capital to
deposits ratio, one which was not statistically
MBHC banks, on average, are leveraged to a greater
extent than independent banks (as measured by lower
capital/asset ratios), and hold greater proportions of
higher-yielding (presumably more risky) assets than
do comparable independents. Also, as market concen­
tration increases, capital to asset ratios rise for inde­
pendent banks as a class but decline for holding
company banks. Such observations suggest that inde­
pendent banks take most benefits of greater market
power in the form of reduced risk, while MBHC
banks are less risk-averse.42 Although affiliation tends
to increase the payout ratio (dividends to net income)
for affiliated banks,43 the funds may still be retained
within the MBHC organization.
40See Arthur G. Fraas, “The Performance of Individual Bank
Holding Companies,” Staff Economic Study (84), Board of
Governors of the Federal Beserve System, 1974, and William
Jackson, “Multibank Holding Companies and Bank Behav­
ior,” Working Paper 75-1, Federal Beserve Bank of Bichmond, July 1975.
41Talley, “The Effect of Holding Company Acquisitions on
Bank Performance.”
42John J. Mingo, “Managerial Motives, Market Structures, and
the Performance of Holding Company Banks.”
43Jackson, “Multibank Holding Companies and Bank Behavior.”

Page 14



Through the use of the holding company, some or­
ganizations have engaged in “double leveraging” —
that is, raising funds through parent debt issues and
“downstreaming” equity capital to bank subsidiaries.
This practice allows the subsidiaries to increase re­
ported capital ratios, while increasing the leverage of
the holding company as a whole.44
A conclusion that affiliated companies hold less cap­
ital to assets or deposits than their independent
counterparts does not necessarily indicate that they
are undercapitalized or less stable.45 The risks of
banking are usually more diversified by having a
larger asset base, by engaging in more activities and
by operating over a wider region in an MBHC ar­
rangement than for an individual bank. Since such
diversification reduces the lead bank’s risk, the MBHC
might assume a somewhat greater risk in each of its
subsidiaries than otherwise without increasing the
exposure of the system.40 Hence, even though an in­
dividual affiliate has less capital cushion, this might
be matched by help it could reasonably expect from
its parent should aversity arise.47

Despite a tremendous expansion of MBHCs during
the last decade, commercial banking has changed only
moderately as a result of these activities.48 Recogniz­
ing that it is too early to appraise adequately all the
ramifications, the weight of the evidence so far seems
to indicate that the net effects of the holding company
44See Federal Beserve Bulletin (February 1976), p. 115.
45See “Bank Holding Company Financial Developments in
1976,” Federal Beserve Bulletin, Board of Governors of the
Federal Beserve System (April 1977), pp. 337-340.
40Leverage was found to be statistically significant in explaining
market risk premium on long-term debt when bank issues
alone were examined, but was statistically insignificant when
issues of bank holding companies alone were analyzed. Anne
S. Weaver and Chayim Herzig-Marx, “A Comparative Study
of the Effect of Leverage on Bisk Premiums for Debt Issues
of Banks and Bank Holding Companies,” Staff Memoranda,
Federal Beserve Bank of Chicago, 1978.
47Nevertheless, the potential benefits from diversification in
MBHC organizations has been found to be limited due to the
relatively homogeneous nature of holding company acquisi­
tions of banks. See Peter S. Bose, “The Pattern of Bank
Holding Company Acquisitions,” Journal of Bank Research
(Autumn 1976), pp. 236-240.
48See Stephen A. Bhoades, “Structure and Performance Studies
in Banking: A Summary and Evaluation,” Staff Economic
Studies (92), Board of Governors of the Federal Beserve Sys­
tem, December 1977, p. 45.Based on a review of 39 studies
of market structure and performance published since 1959,
it was concluded that the changed market structure has had
only a small quantitative effect on price or profit performance
in banking.


movement have been favorable for the general public.
The fear that commercial banking would become less
competitive if holding companies were permitted has
not been substantiated. In many local markets, affili­
ates of MBHCs have increased competition, and the
independent bank’s response to the introduction of a
holding company competitor has frequently also been
to intensify competition.
On balance, MBHCs have offered a slightly wider
range of banking services and have increased credit
extended to consumers and small businesses over what



otherwise would have been likely. As a result, reve­
nues of affiliates have been higher than at independent
banks, but costs have also been greater.
Affiliates of MBHCs are not as well capitalized as
their independent counterparts, but risk is reduced
through greater diversification. Independent banks do
not seem to have been harmed by the introduction of
a holding company operation in their market area,
having grown at roughly the same rate as similar-sized
MBHC affiliates. Evidence on profitability of affiliates
versus independent banks is still mixed.

Page 15

Operations of the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis —1977

_A lS the central bank of the United States, the Fed­
eral Reserve perforins three basic functions. It con­
ducts monetary policy, supervises and regulates
member banks, and provides various services to the
public, the Treasury, and commerical banks.
These functions are performed by the Federal Re­
serve System’s Board of Governors in Washington,
the 12 regional Reserve Banks located in Boston, New
York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta,
Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas
and San Francisco, and the 25 branches of the regional

Although they have authority to examine all mem­
ber banks, Federal Reserve Banks generally do not
examine national banks, all of which are required
to be members of the Federal Reserve System. Pri­
mary responsibility for examination and supervision
of national banks, which number 340 in the Eighth
District, lies with the office of the Comptroller of
the Currency. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo­
ration (F D IC ), along with respective state banking
authorities, examines state nonmember banks that
are insured by the FD IC. Noninsured banks are ex­
amined only by state authorities.

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, together
with the state banking authorities, has responsibility
for the supervision of the 79 state chartered banks
in the Eighth District which have elected to become
members of the Federal Reserve System. An annual
examination is made of state member banks in order
to evaluate their assets, liabilities, capital accounts,
liquidity, operations, and management. Attention is
also focused on compliance with applicable laws and

Federal Reserve Banks also supervise bank holding
companies. At the end of 1977, the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis had jurisdiction over 20 multibank
and 88 one-bank holding companies. Prior approval
must be obtained from the Federal Reserve System
for bank holding company formations and for acqui­
sitions of additional banks and permissible nonbank
subsidiaries. Applications for holding company for­
mations and for acquisitions of additional subsidiaries
are analyzed by the Bank Supervision and Regulation
Department along with the Legal and Research De­
partments. These departments consider the history,
financial condition, and prospects of the institutions,
and evaluate the quality of management. They also
assess the legal aspects of the proposal and its likely
effects on banking and nonbanking competition. Dur­
ing 1977, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis re­
ceived 14 applications to form one-bank or multibank
holding companies and 24 applications from holding
companies to acquire additional subsidiaries, engage
de novo in nonbank activities, or establish new

Information gathered from such examinations is
utilized by banking authorities to direct attention to
potential problems or unsatisfactory conditions of the
banks. Supervision seeks to foster an effective bank­
ing system in which the public interest is safeguarded.

After formation, bank holding companies are re­
quired to register and file annual reports with Federal
Reserve Banks. These annual reports are analyzed by
the staff of the Bank Supervision and Regulation De­
partment to verify accuracy and completeness, to

The Eighth Federal Reserve District is served by
the head office in St. Louis and branches in Little
Rock, Louisville and Memphis. The district encom­
passes Arkansas and parts of Illinois, Indiana, Ken­
tucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee.
This article reviews the operations of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis during 1977.

Bank Supervision and Regulation

Page 16



ascertain the current financial condition of the hold­
ing company and its subsidiaries, and to determine
compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Examination reports prepared by the primary Fed­
eral supervisory agency of the respective bank sub­
sidiaries are also analyzed by the Federal Reserve
Bank to determine the overall condition of such sub­
sidiaries. In addition, discretionary on-site inspections
of bank holding companies and their nonbank sub­
sidiaries are conducted by Supervision and Regula­
tion personnel. The purpose of these inspections is
similar to that of examinations of banks.

C heck Collection
The collection and clearing of checks drawn on
member and nonmember banks is a service provided
by the Federal Reserve System and is a major activ­
ity at this Bank. Payment for the items cleared is ac­
complished on the day of presentment by a charge
to the reserve account of the member bank or to the
reserve account of a member correspondent. Checks
drawn on nonmember banks are also paid for on the
day of presentment by a charge to the account of a
specified member correspondent.
During 1977 the four Federal Reserve offices in the
Eighth District cleared 693 million checks totaling
$289 billion. This reflects increases of almost 4 per­
cent in the number of checks cleared and more than
14 percent in dollar value when compared with 1976
check clearing activity. Although growth in the vol­
ume of items cleared has slowed somewhat over the
past year, the dollar value of these items continued
to increase at about the same rate as in past years.
A major goal of the Federal Reserve System is to
provide a speedy check payments mechanism. To this
end a Regional Check Processing Center (RCPC)
program was implemented during the early 1970s to


increase the speed of the check payment process and
to facilitate the return of dishonored items. The
RCPCs that have been in operation in the Eighth
Federal Reserve District since 1972 continue to enable
the overnight collection of items drawn on banks in
the RCPC area, thereby permitting prompt credit and
payment for these checks.

Electronic Transfer of Funds
Wire transfers have been used for many years to
facilitate transfers of balances between banks. The
Federal Reserve and its member banks utilize a com­
puter network for transferring funds nationwide. Us­
ing this system, many member banks are able to
render more efficient service to their customers and
effect payment for the purchase and sale of Fed funds.
Nonmember banks benefit from this service indirectly
through correspondent member banks.
Settlement for such transfers is made by debits and
credits to reserve accounts. Generally, transfers
through this network are for large amounts, with no
charge levied for transfers of $1,000 or more. Mem­
ber banks also utilize these facilities to transfer mar­
ketable government securities. All four Federal Re­
serve offices and 22 commercial banks in the Eighth
District with a significant volume of transfers are
currently on-line. Several other banks are considering
the installation of terminals. Over 360 member banks
nationwide have installed on-line terminals connected
to their Federal Reserve District computers. Member
banks not having on-line terminals may telephone
their transfers to their local Federal Reserve office
where the transfers are entered into the wire transfer
system over Federal Reserve Bank terminals.
Terminal installations at the banks are connected
to the computer at the St. Louis Federal Reserve
office which is the switching center for the Eighth

Table I




Dollar Amount


- (thousond,)----- Percent
Checks handled2


6 9 2 ,7 2 3

Transfers of f u n d s ................................................


Currency received and counted


3 1 8 ,0 0 0

Government securities issued, serviced, and redeemed



U.S. Government coupons p a i d .............................


Food Stamps received and c o u n te d ........................

1 2 0 ,0 0 0

6 6 7 ,6 7 8
2 8 1 ,0 0 0

3 .8 %



2 8 8 ,9 2 9

$ 2 5 4 ,3 5 7

1,035,00 0

8 7 1 ,0 0 0

13 .6 %


2,9 0 0





6 9 ,0 5 0

-4 7 .3



-3 0 .5




- 9.5

1 3 ,226

1 3 3 ,0 0 0



-3 2 .4

■Total for the St. Louis, Little Rock, Louisville and Memphis offices.
2Excludes U.S. Government checks and postal money orders.

Page 17



District. Operators of the terminals in the commercial
banks can initiate transfers directly from their banks,
at which time the transfers are processed automat­
ically through the computer at the St. Louis office
and directed through a central switching computer at
Culpeper, Virginia, to another Federal Reserve Dis­
trict for the account of the receiving commercial bank.
Transfers of funds may also be made between mem­
ber banks in the same District. If the receiving bank
is on-line, transfers are switched automatically to that
bank’s terminal through its Federal Reserve District
By transferring funds electronically, all necessary
information for completing the transfer is obtained.
Third-party information may be entered to identify
the originator and/or the recipient of the funds.
Member bank reserve accounts are debited and cred­
ited automatically, and banks with on-fine terminals
receive an immediate record of each transaction at
its conclusion. The use of electronic equipment for
transfers of funds has reduced the time required for
completion of a typical transaction from almost an
hour to a matter of only a few minutes.
With the installation of on-line terminals at the
22 District commercial banks, about 3,900 transactions
per day are sent and received by electronic means,
and thus do not require manual processing by Eighth
District personnel. This represents 82 percent of total
transfers processed.
Volume and dollar amounts of transfers processed
by the Eighth District continues to increase. During
1977, more than 1.1 million transfers amounting to
$1,035 billion were completed by the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis and its branches. This is an 18 per­
cent increase in number and a 13 percent increase in
value over the previous year.

Federal Recurring Payments
The Bank has been processing the payroll for Air
Force installations in the Eighth Federal Reserve
District by electronic means since August 1975.
A number of other Federal recurring payments
are also settled through the electronic funds transfer
system (E F T S ). Social Security payments comprise
the largest category with a monthly volume of 280,000
payments. Monthly volumes for other categories are
11,700 Civil Service Annuity payments, 8,500 railroad
retirement payments, 12,000 Veterans Administration
payments, and 5 CIA retirement payments. In addi­
tion, 2,000 revenue sharing payments are processed
Page 18


Automated Clearing Houses
An automated clearing house (ACH) provides for
the exchange of payments on magnetic tape. Tradi­
tional clearing houses, by contrast, provide for the
exchange of payments with batches of paper checks.
The St. Louis Reserve Bank and each of its branches
operate automated clearing houses. The Arkansas
Automated Clearing House, operated by the Little
Rock Branch, began operations in October 1977. The
Kentuckiana Automated Clearing House, operated by
the Louisville Branch, began operating in April 1976.
The Mid-America Payments Exchange, operated by
the Bank’s head office in St. Louis, has been opera­
tional since July 1976. In addition, the Mid-South
Automated Clearing House, operated by the Memphis
Branch, began operations in February 1977. The Dis­
trict’s four ACH’s process about 42,000 commercial
debit and credit items monthly.

Coin and Currency
Coin and currency, comprising approximately 26.1
percent of the money stock, are more widely used
than demand deposits in consummating small transac­
tions, primarily because of convenience. Personal
checks generally are used for transactions of larger
amounts. The Federal Reserve Banks supply, through
the commercial banking system, virtually all of the
coin and currency in circulation, and excess coin and
currency is returned to Federal Reserve Banks through
the commercial banking system.
Approximately 318 million pieces of currency valued
at $2.9 billion were received and verified at the four
Federal Reserve offices in the Eighth District during
1977. This was an increase of about 13 percent in num­
ber of pieces, and a 4 percent increase in dollar vol­
ume from 1976. The number and value of coins re­
ceived and verified showed a decline from 1976 levels.
Combined sorting, counting, and wrapping of coin and
currency at the four offices averaged almost 6.4 mil­
lion pieces per working day in 1977, up slightly from
In sorting currency at the Reserve Banks, that which
is no longer usable is removed from circulation and
destroyed. During 1977, the Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis and its branches verified and destroyed cur­
rency totaling $771 million.

Three types of credit are made available to member
banks in the Eighth Federal Reserve District: short­


term adjustment, seasonal, and emergency credit. Mem­
ber banks may make temporary adjustments in their
reserve positions due to deposit losses, unexpected or
unusual requests for loans, or other changes they en­
counter. Member banks which have highly seasonal
loan demands may apply to this Bank for seasonal
credit. Such loan demands are due primarily to a re­
curring pattern of change in deposits and loans. Un­
der seasonal credit, member banks are permitted to
maintain a portion of their liquid assets in the form
of Federal funds (loans of excess reserves to other
banks), so long as such holdings conform to the bank’s
normal operating experience. Arrangements for this
type of credit should be made in advance. Credit for
longer periods is also available to member banks to
meet emergency conditions which may result from un­
usual local, regional, or national financial situations, or
adverse circumstances where member banks are
The discount rate is the rate of interest charged
by the Federal Reserve Bank on loans to member
banks. The level of the discount rate, in relation to
other short-term market rates, has an influence on the
volume of credit extended by the Federal Reserve
Bank. When the discount rate is higher than other
market interest rates, member banks usually choose
to obtain funds from other sources to make tempo­
rary reserve adjustments. When the discount rate is
low in relation to other market rates, member banks
tend to rely more heavily on the Federal Reserve
for funds.
At the start of 1977, the discount rate was 5.25
percent. The rate was increased twice during the
year, and at yearend it was 6 percent. However,
throughout the last half of 1977, the discount rate
was below other short-term interest rates. As a result
of this difference in rates, member bank borrowings
in the Eighth District were relatively high. The daily
average of loans outstanding amounted to $23.7 mil­
lion in 1977, more than ten times the $2.2 million for
1976. There were 860 loans amounting to $5.0 billion
made to 63 Eighth District member banks by the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis during 1977. This
is an increase from 1976 when 231 loans totaling
$428.9 millon were made to 32 member banks.



in the System. Funds received by the Treasury are
deposited into its account at the Federal Reserve
Banks or into tax and loan accounts at designated
commercial banks. These funds represent mainly re­
ceipts from payment of taxes and collections from the
sale of Government securities to the public. Balances
in the tax and loan accounts are transferred upon call
to the account of the Treasury of the United States at
Federal Reserve Banks in order for the Treasury De­
partment to have use of the funds.
The Federal Reserve Banks also act on behalf of
the Government in marketing Treasury securities.
When the Treasury offers new securities, the Reserve
Banks prepare and distribute applications and official
offering circulars, receive subscriptions from those
who wish to buy, allot the securities among the sub­
scribers according to the terms of the offering, collect
payment, and make delivery to the purchasers. With
funds from the Treasury’s account, Federal Reserve
Banks pay interest on securities and redeem them
at maturity. Reserve Banks also pay interest on and
redeem securities of most Government-sponsored
The Federal Reserve Banks will, as fiscal agents,
hold in safekeeping securities pledged to secure Gov­
ernment deposits in tax and loan accounts at com­
mercial banks. Federal Reserve Banks will also hold
securities of member banks in safekeeping. U.S. Treas­
ury and most government agency securities are held
in book-entry form by the Reserve Banks.
Securities of the U.S. Government and various gov­
ernment agencies are issued, serviced, and redeemed
by Federal Reserve Banks. In 1977, 13.3 million se­
curities totaling $36.4 billion were handled by the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and its branches.
Also during 1977, coupons of U.S. Treasury and
agency securities totaling 400,000 pieces amounting
to $185 million were paid by Eighth District offices.
U.S. Government food stamps are also redeemed
by Federal Reserve Banks. A total of 120 million
food stamps amounting to $504 million were received
and counted by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
and branch offices during 1977.

Fiscal Agency
As a fiscal agent of the Federal Government, the
Federal Reserve Bank performs many services. The
U.S. Treasury makes payments for various types of
Government spending through accounts maintained

The Federal Reserve System, while working closely
with other policymaking agencies in the Government,
has the primary responsibility for the formulation and
implementation of monetary policy. Through repre­
sentation on the Federal Open Market Committee,
Page 19

As of March 2, 1978

St. Louis
Chairman o f the Board and Federal Reserve Agent

A r m a n d C. S t a l n a k e r , Chairman and President
General American Life Insurance Company, St. Louis, Missouri
T o m K. S m i t h , J r ., Senior Vice President, Monsanto
V i r g in ia M. B a i l e y , Owner, Eldo Properties, Little Rock,
Company, St. Louis, Missouri
W i l l i a m H. S t r o u b e , Associate Dean, College of Science
R a l p h C. B a in , Vice President, Wabash Plastics, Inc.,
and Technology, Western Kentucky University, Bowl­
Evansville, Indiana
ing Green, Kentucky
D o n a l d N. B r a n d in , Chairman of the Board and Pres­
ident, The Boatmen’s National Bank of St. Louis,
W i l l i a m B. W a l t o n , Vice Chairman of the Board, Hol­
St. Louis, Missouri
iday Inns, Inc., Memphis, Tennessee
R a y m o n d C. B u r r o u g h s , President and Chief Executive
W m . E. W e i g e l , Executive Vice President and Chief Exec­
Officer, The City National Bank of Murphysboro,
utive Officer. First National Bank and Trust Company,
Murphysboro, Illinois
Centralia, Illinois

Little Rock Branch
Chairman of the Board
G. L a r r y K e l l e y , President
Pickens-Bond Construction Co., Little Rock, Arkansas
R o n a l d W . B a i l e y , Executive Vice President and General
B. F i n l e y V in s o n , Chairman of the Board, The First
Manager, Producers Rice Mill, Inc., Stuttgart,
National Bank in Little Rock, Little Rock, Arkansas
T h o m a s E. H a y s , J r ., President and Chief Executive
T. G. V in s o n , President, The Citizens Bank, Batesville,
Officer, The First National Bank of Hope, Hope,
E. R a y K e m p , J r ., Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief
Administrative Officer, Dillard Department Stores,
F i e l d W a s s o n , President, First National Bank, Siloam
Inc., Little Rock, Arkansas
Springs, Arkansas

Louisville Branch
Chairman o f the Board
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Porter Paint Co., Louisville, Kentucky
H o w a r d B r e n n e r , Vice Chairman of the Board, Tell
F r e d B. O n e y , President, The First National Bank of
City National Bank, Tell City, Indiana
Carrollton, Carrollton, Kentucky
R ic h a r d 0 . D o n e g a n , Vice President and Group Execu­
J a m e s F. T h o m p s o n , Professor of Economics, Murray
tive, General Electric Company, Louisville, Kentucky
State University, Murray, Kentucky
J . D a v id G r i s s o m , Chairman and Chief Executive Offi­
cer, Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust Company,
T o m G . V o s s , President, The Seymour National Bank,
Louisville, Kentucky
Seymour, Indiana
J a m e s H . D a v is ,

Memphis Branch
Chairman o f the Board
J e a n n e L . H o l l e y , Associate Professor of Business Education
and Office Administration, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi
W. M. C a m p b e l l , Chairman of the Board and Chief
S t a l l in g s L i p f o r d , President, First-Citizens National
Executive Officer, First National Bank of Eastern
Bank of Dyersburg, Dyersburg, Tennessee
Arkansas, Forrest City, Arkansas
W i l l i a m W o o t e n M i t c h e l l , Chairman, First Tennessee
R o b e r t E. H e a l y , Partner-In-Charge, Price Waterhouse
Bank N.A., Memphis, Tennessee
& Co., Memphis, Tennessee
C h a r l e s S . Y o u n g b l o o d , President and Chief Executive
F r a n k A. J o n e s , J r ., President, Cook Industries, Inc.,
Officer, First Columbus National Bank, Columbus,
Memphis, Tennessee

Member, Federal Advisory Council
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
First National Bank in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri

Cla ren ce C. B a r k sd a le,

Page 20

St. Louis
L aw ren ce
D on ald


A natol B . B a lba c h ,

Senior Vice President


Senior Vice President

P . G a r b a r in i,

o seph


M o r ia r t y , J

D e n is S . K

a rn o sky,

J am es R . K

en n ed y,

O t t in g ,

Vice President

A . M e l v in C a r r ,

Assistant Vice President


R ic h a r d 0 . K


a ley,

Assistant Vice President

Assistant Vice President

M ic h a e l L in d h o r s t ,

C l if t o n B . L u t t r e l l ,

Assistant Vice President


ea ,

Assistant General Auditor


L e s l ie


Assistant Vice President

Special Adviser


Assistant Vice President

P aul S alzm an ,

Assistant General Counsel & Assistant

W . D r u e l in g e r ,

Vice President

Harry L. R

Assistant Vice President


C h arles D. Zet t le r ,

E ug en e

Assistant Vice President

Vice President
Vice President

e is z ,

A rth ur L. O er tel,

Assistant Vice President

Carol B . Cla ypo o l,

h o m a s,

D elm er D. W

Assistant Vice President

M . Ca r lso n ,

J o a n P . C r o n in ,

R obert W . T

General Auditor

Vice President

W a rren T . S n o v er,

Vice President

A l b e r t E . B urger,
e it h

Senior Vice President

B e r n h a r d t J . S a r t o r iu s ,

Vice President

N orm an N . B o w sh e r ,


Economic Adviser

Vice President

R uth A . B ryan t,


r ., Senior Vice President,
General Counsel, and Secretary

G arlan d R u s s e l l , J

H a rold E . U t h o f f ,

L eo n a ll C. A n d ersen ,



First Vice President

r .,


& Controller


R o o s,

Assistant Vice President

c h m e d in g ,

Assistant Vice President

E dw ard R . S c h o t t ,

Assistant Vice President


Assistant Vice President

J . S n eed,

il l ia m

A la n C . W

h eeler,

Assistant Vice President

Little Rock Branch



B reen ,

M ic h a e l T . M o r ia r t y ,


R . Ca l l a w a y ,

Vice President and Manager

Assistant Vice President and Assistant Manager

Assistant Vice President

D a v id T . R

e n n ie ,

Assistant Vice President

Louisville Branch
D on ald L . H e n r y ,
J a m e s E . C onrad,
G eo r g e E . R e it e r , J



Senior Vice President and Manager

Assistant Vice President and Assistant Manager

Assistant Vice President



J. W

il s o n ,

Assistant Vice President

Memphis Branch
L. T


P a u l I . B l a c k , J r .,
A . C . Cr e m e r iu s , J

r .,

B r it t ,

Vice President and Manager

Assistant Vice President and Assistant Manager

Assistant Vice President

C. L . E

pper so n ,


r .,

Assistant Vice President
Page 21



Table III

Table II


(Dollar Amounts in Thousands)

(in thousands of dollars)

3 1 ,1 9 7 7
U.S. Government Securities:
B i l l s ...........................................$ 1 ,7 6 3 ,6 6 7
C e r t if ic a t e s ................................. ........ —
N o t e s ........................................... 2,148,021
B o n d s ......................................

3 1 ,1 9 7 6

$ 1 ,5 7 2 ,6 4 9
1,955,85 9

3 7 0 ,9 3 0

S E C U R I T I E S ........................$ 4 ,2 8 2 ,618

274 ,19 2
$ 3 ,8 0 2 ,7 0 0

4 6 6 ,3 6 4

1 97 6

Total e a r n i n g s ...................

$ 2 8 4 ,8 8 8

$ 2 5 6 ,7 9 5

Net e x p e n s e s ...................

33 ,619


$2 5 1 ,2 6 9

$ 2 2 1 ,7 5 4

-5 ,8 2 9

+ 460

-1 ,5 6 3

-1 ,4 0 3

1 1 .4 %

$ 2 4 3 ,8 7 7

$220,81 1

1 0 .4 %



2 .5 %

2 4 2 ,3 2 9

2 17 ,58 2

Current net earnings
Net additions ( + ) or
deductions (—) . .



Assessm ents for expenses of
Board of Governors .
Net earnings before payments
to U.S. Treasury .

G old Certificate Reserves................... $

4 6 8 ,9 1 4

Special D raw ing Rights Certificate
A c c o u n t ......................................

5 3 ,0 0 0

5 0 ,0 0 0

D iv i d e n d s ........................

C o i n ...............................................



Interest on Federal
Reserve Notes .

Loans and Securities:
Discounts and Advances Secured by
U.S. Government and Agency
O b l i g a t i o n s ............................ ...... 6 ,6 0 0
Other Discounts and Advances


30 0

Federal Agency O bligations
Bought O u t r i g h t ........................

3 3 9 ,6 5 4

2 7 6 ,9 8 7

Cash Items in Process of Collection .




Bank Premises ( n e t ) ........................



Other A s s e t s .................................

75,2 9 2

6 3 ,4 5 6

Interdistrict Settlement Account . . .


TOTAL A S S E T S ........................$5,824 ,1 71

2 70 ,47 8
$ 5 ,2 9 1 ,0 5 5

M em ber B a n k —

Reserve Accounts

U.S. Treasurer —

General Account .


8 1 7 ,4 4 7



F o r e i g n ............................................ 9,098
Other D e p o s i t s ............................


2 2 ,2 6 0

TOTAL D E P O S I T S ................... $ 1 ,3 2 3 ,1 3 6
Federal Reserve Notes (N ET)

. $ 3 ,9 1 2 ,1 2 6

Deferred A vailability Cash Items

58,1 5 3
$ 1 ,4 0 4 ,8 4 2
$ 3 ,5 3 5 ,9 9 2

3 6 2 ,6 3 2

Interdistrict Settlement Account .

7 6 5 ,3 7 4
5 7 3 ,5 3 7

2 49 ,10 8


11 4 ,54 5


Other L i a b i l i t i e s .............................

4 7 ,4 5 8

3 6 ,0 0 9

TOTAL L IA B IL IT IE S ........................$ 5 ,7 5 9 ,8 9 7

$5,225 ,9 51

Capital Paid I n




3 2 ,1 3 7



. $



. $5,824 ,1 71



3 2 ,1 3 7
64,2 7 4



13 .3 %


-4 1 5

T O T A L ........................ $ 2 4 3 ,8 7 7

1 1.4

1,314 - 1 3 1 . 6
$220,81 1

1 0 .4 %

Reserve Banks contribute to System awareness of
local and regional business conditions through the
collection of business, monetary, and financial data.
Information gathered is used by the President of this
Bank in policy discussions during meetings of the
Federal Open Market Committee.
Economic data and analysis of regional, national,
and international conditions are made available to the
public by the Research Department through its vari­
ous releases. Comprehensive analysis of economic
problems and conditions provide the basis of articles
appearing in this Review . The Review , which is
published monthly, has a circulation of about 43,000
copies and is distributed both nationally and
As mentioned above, the Research Department also
assists in the bank regulatory function by reviewing
the impact of bank mergers and holding company
acquisitions on the communities to be served.

6 5 ,1 0 4

$ 5 ,2 9 1 ,0 5 5

Federal Reserve Banks play an important role in
formulating System policy.1 Also, the 12 Federal
xThe Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) consists of the
seven members of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors
and the President of the Federal Beserve Bank of New York
as permanent members, with four of the remaining eleven
Beserve Bank Presidents serving on a rotating basis. The
FOMC directs the purchase and sale of Treasury and Govern­
ment agency securities on the open market.
Page 22

1 0 .9 %

Distribution of Net Earnings:

Transferred to Surplus


C hange





Bank Relations and Public Information
The Bank Relations and Public Information Depart­
ment endeavors to establish and maintain personal
contact with all banks located in the Eighth Federal
Reserve District through a structured visitation pro­
gram and attendance at various banking functions.
An effort is also made to increase public understand­
ing of the functions, responsibilities, and policies of
the Federal Reserve System by distributing films and
publications, providing in-house tours, delivering


speeches, and conducting seminars. Emphasis is placed
on maintaining contact with schools and colleges in
this District.
The Functional Cost Analysis Program offered to
member banks is administered by this department.
This program provides participating member banks
with bank operating costs by function and permits
comparison with banks of similar size. Technical as­
sistance is furnished during the first year to banks de­
siring to participate in the program. Last year, 50
Eighth District member banks participated in the
In maintaining contact with the banking industry
and the general public during 1977, the officers and
staff members of the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis and its branches delivered 208 addresses before
bankers, business groups, and educators. The Bank



was represented at 223 banker, 491 professional, and
200 miscellaneous meetings. Under the bank visitation
program, 837 banks in the District were visited. Dur­
ing 1977, 355 groups requested films and 5,291 visitors
toured the four Federal Reserve offices in the Eighth

Financial Statements
The Bank’s net expenses for 1977 were 4 percent
lower than net expenses for 1976. While expenses de­
clined, the Bank’s payments to the Treasury increased
by more than 11 percent, from $218 million in 1976
to $242 million in 1977.
The $242 million paid to the Treasury was 85.1
percent of total earnings. In 1976, by comparison, 84.7
percent of total earnings was paid to the Treasury.

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