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What Credit Market Indicators Tell Us
John V Duca

Measuring the Benefits of
Unilateral Trade Liberalization
Part 1: Static Models
Carlos E. ]. M. Zarazaga

Monetary Policy Arithmetic:
Some Recent Contributions
Joydeep Bhattacharya andJoseph H. Has/ag

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

[eonomie ~na
rin~nei~1 Review
Federal Reserv e Bank of Dalla s

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Economic and Finan cial Review, publi s h ed quarte rl y by th e Federal Re se rve Bank of Dall as , presents
in -d e pth info rm a ti o n and analysis o n mo n e ta ry , financ ial , banking, and other eco nomi c p o li cy top ics .
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W~~t Credit mM~et
Indic~ton Tell U~
John V. Duca
Page 2

me~wrin~ t~e Benefit~ of
Unil~ter~1 Tr~de liber~liz~tion
PMt 1: hatic model~
Carlos E. J. M. Zarazaga
Page 14

monetMY Policy Hrit~metic:
~ome Recent Contribution~
Joydeep Bhattacharya and Joseph H. Haslag
Page 26

John Duca shows that interest rate spreads and loan surveys
should be interpreted carefully when assessing the availability of
credit and its impact on the economy. This is especially true of
interest rate spread indicators, some of which reflect prepayment,
liquidity, or default risk premiums that have different economic
implications. It can be helpful to decompose spreads before drawing economic inferences from the structure of interest rates . Spreads
between yields on non-top-grade private-sector bonds and Treasury
bonds, in particular, have a large prepayment premium in addition
to a time-varying default risk premium. It is also important to recognize that even some decomposed spreads include more than one type
of risk premium. In this regard, a widening of some yield spreads
that contain a small default risk component, such as the AaaTreasury spread, could reflect a rise in prepayment or liquidity risk
premiums, whose magnitudes may be hard to identify separately.

Multilateral trade agreements generally require protracted and
complicated negotiations. An obvious alternative is unilateral trade
liberalization. However, would this simpler route toward free trade
improve a country's welfare? This article, the first in a series of two,
addresses this question using applied static models of international
trade. The second article will examine the issue from the perspective of dynamic models.
In the current article , Carlos Zarazaga discusses why static
models fail to produce a clear-cut case in favor of unilateral trade
liberalization. He points out, however, that static models that find
unilateral free trade is harmful owe this negative conclusion to a
common assumption- the national product differentiation assumption-whose empirical and theoretical foundations have not yet
been convincingly substantiated.

Sargent and Wallace (1981) study the feasibility of a bondfinanced increase in government spending. In their "unpleasant
monetarist arithmetic," Sargent and Wallace show how using bonds
to finance a permanent deficit today may necessitate faster money
growth in the future, yielding higher inflation today. The logic
behind this spectacular result is predicated on the satisfaction of
one crucia l condition: the real interest rate offered on bonds has to
exceed the real growth rate of the economy. Joydeep Bhattacharya
and Joseph Haslag review some recent contributions to the literature on the subject in light of the contentious nature of this stricture. The authors derive the unpleasant monetarist arithmetic result
by employing a weaker set of necessary conditions than those
Sargent-Wallace use. In addition, the authors consider the possibility of financing the deficit by changing reserve requirements instead
of raising money growth rates. Interestingly, a pleasant version of
the financing arithmetic emerges.

Although the behavior of credit markets
has long been recognized as revealing much
about the U.S. business cycle, the economic
meaning of credit market indicators has changed.
In particular, the differences—or spreads—between interest rates on various private- and
public-sector debt contain much valuable information, but the economic inferences we can
draw from them have not always remained the
same. Thus, it is important to interpret different
credit market indicators carefully.
Such indicators drew much attention in
fall 1998, when financial markets were affected
by the global economic crisis and concerns that
the United States could face a credit crunch, in
which borrowers have trouble obtaining loans
or must pay interest rates far above U.S.
Treasury rates. At that time, world equity prices
plunged, and many U.S. firms found it difficult
to issue new credit instruments. And while
Treasury rates fell as investors fled to these safe
instruments, interest rates on private debt barely
declined and in some cases rose. As a result, the
spread between interest rates on ten-year Baarated corporate and Treasury bonds widened to
levels typically seen in recessions (Figure 1 ). In
the past, however, movements in this spread
have not always been a reliable indicator of
business cycle downturns. One reason is that
interpreting credit market indicators can be
complicated in periods of market turmoil.
This article provides an overview of several credit market indicators, showing that it is
important to carefully interpret what they can
tell us. The article reviews the economic ideas
behind certain domestic interest rate spreads
and Federal Reserve surveys of bank loan officers. The historical relationships of these indicators to the U.S. business cycle are briefly
assessed and illustrated.1 This article then interprets what these varied indicators have been
telling us about credit market conditions since
late summer 1998, when securities markets were
very turbulent.

What Credit Market
Indicators Tell Us
John V. Duca


his article reviews the

economic ideas behind certain
domestic interest rate spreads
and Federal Reserve surveys
of bank loan officers.

Why It Is Important to Decompose
Simple Interest Rate Spreads
The Baa–Treasury spread has risen sharply
during or before recessions and even when recessions have not occurred. This mixed record
may result from this spread’s combination of
three different types of risk, for which investors
demand compensation and which have had different economic implications.2
One component of the Baa –Treasury

John V. Duca is a senior economist and
assistant vice president in the Research Department
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.



Figure 1

Corporate –Treasury Bond Spreads Have Falsely Signaled Recession
Percentage points




Baa–Treasury yield

























NOTE: Bars indicate recessions.
SOURCES: Moody’s Investors Service; Federal Reserve Board.

As shown below, the former component (which
rose much less) is more reflective of default risk
that is correlated with downturns, whereas the
latter type of spread (which widened much) is
more indicative of prepayment and liquidity risk
that is not closely associated with recessions.
For these reasons, it is important to interpret different types of interest rate spreads carefully.

spread is the prepayment premium to investors
for the risk that if interest rates fall in the future,
borrowers might retire old debt with new debt
at lower rates. Because investors can lose in
such cases, investors demand an extra return on
a bond if the issuer can pay it before maturity.
This extra return equals the perceived prepayment risk multiplied by the market price of that
risk, both of which can vary.
Another component of the Baa–Treasury
spread is a liquidity premium that compensates
investors for the fact that private instruments are
less desirable to hold relative to U.S. Treasurys
when financial markets are turbulent and investors are very risk averse. The Baa–Treasury
spread also contains a default risk premium to
compensate lenders for the risk that borrowers
may not repay, reflecting the amount of default
risk posed and the price of risk.
These components of the Baa–Treasury
spread have behaved differently and have different implications. For example, at first glance,
the widening of the spread between yields on
ten-year Baa-rated corporate and Treasury bonds
in late 1998 might suggest the risk of an impending recession. However, a less alarming
picture emerges from decomposing this spread
into the yield spread between Aaa- and Baa-rated
bonds, and the yield spread between the highest-grade corporate bond (Aaa) and Treasurys:

Prepayment/Liquidity Premiums in
Spreads Between High-Grade Corporate
and Treasury Bonds
Investors demand a prepayment risk premium for the possibility that borrowers will refinance their debt if interest rates fall. Under
normal conditions, this premium is often
tracked by the gap between the average interest
rate on callable bonds of the highest grade—
Aaa-rated corporate bonds, which pose little
default risk—and that on a Treasury bond. With
little difference in default risk between such
bonds, the primary distinction between Aaacorporate and Treasury bonds is that when
interest rates fall, private-sector bonds often are
called and refinanced with new debt, whereas
Treasurys are not. For this reason, the Aaa–
Treasury spread contains a prepayment risk premium that reflects interest rate risk and the risk
of refinancing. However, as noted below, this
spread also contains a liquidity premium associated with a more stable demand for Treasury

(Baa–Treasury) = (Baa–Aaa) + (Aaa–Treasury).



Figure 2

Higher Prepayment–Liquidity Premiums Often Not Linked to Recessions
Percentage points





Aaa–Treasury yield






















NOTE: Bars indicate recessions.
SOURCES: Moody’s Investors Service; Federal Reserve Board.

of 1990–91 (Figure 3 ). Nevertheless, it should
be noted that changes in the costs and ease of
refinancing have affected prepayment premiums over time, as have changes in the liquidity
of these securities. This is true of the mortgagebacked securities market, which became deep
and well-developed only in the mid- to late
1980s, well after the investment-grade corporate
bond market did so.

Another complication with yield spreads
between corporate and Treasury bonds is that
the call provisions on corporate bonds vary
within each grade of bond and also change over
time. As a result, the prepayment risk premiums
in corporate–Treasury yield spreads can vary
across time not only due to changes in the risk
that market interest rates will vary (henceforth,
interest rate risk) but also due to changes in the
practices regarding call provisions in bond
issues, as emphasized by Duffee’s (1998) research. This source of measurement error makes
it difficult to separate the time-varying prepayment risk premium in corporate–Treasury yield
spreads from other, more economically meaningful components.3
One interesting aspect of prepayment
spreads is that they are not closely associated
with recessions, as shown by the spread between Aaa-rated corporate and Treasury bond
yields in Figure 2. This is also true for another
measure of prepayment premiums, the interest
rate spread between residential mortgagebacked securities and Treasurys. Since mortgage-backed securities are enhanced by collateral and are viewed as having an implicit
guarantee from the federal government, these
securities are seen as posing little default risk.
But, if interest rates fall, many of the securities
are retired as the mortgages backing them are
refinanced by homeowners. Indeed, the
Aaa–Treasury spread and mortgage refinancing
activity have swung together since the recession

Figure 3

AAA–Treasury Spread and Mortgage
Refinancing Activity Have Swung Together
Since the Last Recession
(Four-week moving average)
Percentage points

Index, January 1990 = 100











Mortgage refinancing













NOTE: Bar indicates recession.
SOURCES: Moody’s Investors Service; Mortgage Bankers



Figure 4

As mentioned above, the Aaa–Treasury
spread normally includes not only a prepayment premium but also a liquidity premium
that is usually small and less important.
However, under unusual circumstances, this
liquidity premium can become substantial, compensating investors for the fact that private
instruments are less desirable to hold than
Treasurys when financial markets are turbulent
and investors are extremely risk averse.
For example, some analysts argued that
the big rises in common prepayment premium
measures in fall 1998 reflected not so much an
increase in prepayment risk as a flight to quality
in which investors fled falling stock prices by
shifting into the most liquid bond instruments,
Treasurys. The flight to quality bid down
Treasury yields more than private bond yields,
thereby widening the gap between the two.
From this point of view, last fall’s run-up in the
Aaa–Treasury spread is best interpreted as
an increase in the so-called liquidity premium
associated with a rise in nervousness among

Paper–Bill Spread a Less Reliable
Indicator After the Mid-1980s
Percentage points
Average 1972–98
’72 ’74 ’76 ’78 ’80 ’82 ’84 ’86 ’88 ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98

NOTE: Bars indicate recessions.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board.

Because of its unusual character, the jump in
both inflation and unemployment confounded
many analysts and created uncertainty that led
investors to demand large risk premiums. On
these grounds, some critics of the paper–bill
spread believe that the spike of 1973 reflected
the impact of a big supply shock and this coincidence makes the paper–bill spread appear to
be a better leading indicator than it really is.
Explanations for the more recent decline
in the information content of the paper–bill
spread relate to asset substitutability, as stressed
in the recent work of Friedman and Kuttner
(1998). In practice, commercial paper is highly
substitutable for uninsured large time deposits
(often called certificates of deposit, or CDs)
issued by banks or thrifts. During the thrift crisis of the late 1980s, investors demanded higher
yields on many CDs, which because of market
practices also drove up commercial paper rates.
As a result, the paper–bill spread rose to high
levels in 1987 and falsely signaled an impending
recession in 1988–89.

Commercial Paper–Treasury Bill Spreads as
Indicators of Liquidity Risk
A clearer gauge of the liquidity premium is
the paper–bill spread, the gap between interest
rates on top-grade commercial paper and Treasury bills. Since commercial paper is short-lived,
it poses virtually no prepayment risk. In addition, because only the most creditworthy companies have enough market credibility to issue
these short-term instruments, top-grade commercial paper normally poses little default risk.
At one time, the paper–bill spread was
correlated with recessions, as emphasized by
Friedman and Kuttner (1992) and Bernanke
(1990). However, since the mid-1980s, this spread,
like the prepayment spread, has not been
closely related to recessions (Figure 4 ). The
reasons for the earlier correlation are not completely clear, despite some attempts to explain
them (most notably, Bernanke and Blinder
1992). One possibility is that the paper–bill
spread spikes during periods of uncertainty,
when even the strongest companies posed
some default risk. Indeed, Hafer and Kutan
(1992) and Emery (1996) found that most of the
statistical significance of the paper–bill spread
in samples from the 1960s–1980s was the result
of an unusual spike in late 1973. This event
coincided with the first OPEC crisis of 1973,
when an oil embargo hurt the U.S. economy.
The OPEC crisis of 1973–74 was the first major
supply shock or stagflationary period in decades.


paper–T Bill

Liquidity Premiums and
On-the-Run/Off-the-Run Treasury Spreads
Other indicators of liquidity premiums are
on-the-run/off-the-run Treasury yield spreads.
These spreads are based on the implied holding-period yields of Treasury securities whose
remaining maturities do not precisely match up
with those on more recently issued Treasurys.
For example, an on-the-run Treasury at a threeyear maturity could be the most recently issued
three-year Treasury note, while a comparable offthe-run security could be a three-year Treasury


Figure 5

conditions, such strategies would help stabilize
these spreads. However, if investors become
averse to liquidity risk and wide spreads persist,
these strategies can lead to big losses, as happened to a prominent hedge fund in fall 1998.

Treasury Liquidity Spreads Are Noisy
Basis points,
on-the-run/off-the-run premiums

Default Risk Premiums in Yield Spreads
Across Corporate Bond Categories
Looking at spreads across different corporate bond categories is advantageous. These
corporate spreads are subject to fewer complications posed by prepayment risk than are corporate –Treasury spreads because corporate
bonds have similar callability provisions.4 This
implies that such spreads largely reflect default
risk premiums. Such premiums, which compensate lenders for the risk that borrowers may not
pay back their debt, reflect the market’s assessment of the magnitude of default risk posed and
the market price of a given amount of risk. The
latter depends on the supply of funds to that
sector, which in turn depends on how riskaverse and liquid investors are.
Since the amount of default risk and its
price reflect cyclical conditions, the spread
between Baa and Aaa corporate yields has risen
during recessions (Figure 6 ) and—relative to
corporate–Treasury spreads—has a much lower
tendency to falsely signal recessions. As Jaffee
(1975) notes, corporate spreads are significantly
related to macroeconomic conditions, both in a
statistical and economically meaningful sense.
In practice, increases in such premiums also
have been associated with a tightening of credit
standards, which makes it more likely that credit
applicants get turned down by banks or get shut
out of the bond market.
There are, however, two drawbacks to
using these spreads. First, rather than giving
advance warning of recessions, they tend to rise
during recessions. This suggests they are better
coincident indicators than leading indicators of
economic activity. Second, the spreads have
tended to decline since 1983, making it difficult
to detect recession risk from the level of this
spread. For example, the Baa–Aaa spread rose
in the 1990–91 recession to a level near the
average for the nonrecession months of the
1970s and 1980s. Another recent example is the
run-up in this spread during the fourth quarter
of 1998, when securities markets were turbulent. By itself, the increase in the spread suggests a rise in the default risk premium.
However, because the level rose to the average
of the post-1982 period, it is difficult to tell
whether the recent run-up reflects a serious risk
of recession or a return to more normal risk-















NOTE: Bar indicates recession.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board.

note issued just a few months earlier. Normally
the implied yields on both securities over the
next two and three-quarters years would be
within a few basis points, with the on-the-run
issue having a lower yield. The most recent
issue is more liquid, partly because its maturity
more closely tracks time in rounded units. In
addition, new issues are more liquid with better
known trading prices because they have recently been purchased by investors from primary dealers who bid on the bulk of government debt at Treasury auctions.
In turbulent markets, investors could prefer the more liquid on-the-run issue, causing a
widening of the on-the-run/off-the-run spread.
As shown in Figure 5, such spreads have sometimes surged in times of market uncertainty,
such as in late 1989 and late 1998, when stock
prices fell. These spreads are indicative of the
liquidity of securities markets.
However, it is unclear what relationship
these spreads have to the overall U.S. economy.
One reason is the data needed to measure such
spreads have been consistently saved only since
1987. Because the data span only one business
cycle, there is not enough time series evidence
to confidently estimate the economic significance of movements in this spread. Another
drawback is that on-the-run/off-the-run spreads
have been very noisy, sometimes widening during periods of strong GDP growth. Finally, the
development of computer-driven trading may
have altered the behavior of these spreads and
their economic implications over time. For example, some risky investors, including some
hedge funds, would bet these spreads would
return to normal after widening. Under normal



Figure 6

Default Premiums Tend to Rise During Recessions but
Their Levels May Have Different Implications Across Time
Percentage points




1983–88 Average



Baa–Aaa corporate yields





















NOTE: Bars indicate recessions.
SOURCE: Moody’s Investors Service.

taking by investors after unusually low spreads
during the mid-1990s.
The downtrend of investment-grade spreads
since the early 1980s can be largely attributed to
a more stable environment stemming from a
shift to low inflation and a perception that the
U.S. economy is less susceptible to large downturns (for example, see Dudley and McKelvey
1998). Also contributing to the downtrend in
these spreads are several factors that deepened
the corporate bond market, making it less subject to price volatility associated with thin trading or periods of rumor-driven trading. One
factor is the improvement in information technology that has made it easier and cheaper for
investors to monitor firms, thereby making
investments less uncertain. Other factors have
boosted the retirement demand for corporate
bond investments, including the aging of the
baby boom generation,5 the post–World War II
rise in the overall share of workers having some
form of pension benefits, and legal changes fostering the growth of IRAs and 401K definedcontribution pension accounts.6 Together these
factors have made investors more willing to
purchase lower rated investment-grade bonds,
thereby pushing down spreads such as the
Baa –Aaa yield spread.
It is important to note that the Baa–Aaa
spread reflects credit market conditions for wellestablished, highly rated firms, whereas spreads


between investment-grade and below-investmentgrade bonds (so-called junk spreads) are indicative of credit market conditions for mid-sized,
less well established firms. The advantage to
using investment-grade spreads is that their data
extend far back in time, giving us a record spanning several business cycles. By contrast, junk
bond indexes only extend to the mid-1980s,
when the junk bond market developed. In addition, the greater liquidity of the investmentgrade market implies that these spreads are more
indicative of fundamental factors affecting default risk premiums and less indicative of temporary fluctuations due to market turbulence.7
Indeed, as shown in Figure 7, junk bond
spreads jumped much more during the 1990–91
recession than did the investment-grade spreads
shown in Figure 6. The rise in junk spreads during the most recent recession strongly suggests
that default risk affects junk spreads. However,
variation in liquidity risk plausibly affects junk
spreads more than it affects investment-grade
spreads. For example, during the early 1990s,
junk spreads were boosted by new regulations
and the resolution of the thrift crisis, which
forced the thrift institutions to sell their junk
bond holdings.8 Given that many important institutional investors could not readily purchase
these securities, these sales greatly depressed
the prices of junk bonds, thereby pushing up
junk bond yields and spreads.


Figure 8

What Are Brady Bond Spreads and
What Do They Tell Us?
Brady bond interest rate spreads are
helpful gauges of credit market conditions in
emerging market economies. For reasons specified below, Brady bond spreads largely reflect
default risk and are associated with the availability of international funds to emerging
economies. What are Brady bonds? In exchange
for forgiving many nonperforming loans in
the 1980s, lenders were repaid by some emerging market countries with Brady bonds that
the lenders could hold in portfolio or sell in
credit markets. There are many types of Brady
bonds, but all offer some guarantee on the interest payments or principal that removes
much, but not all, of their risk. Many guarantees
use Treasury bonds as collateral that investors
can claim to cover missed interest or principal
To allow better comparisons of Brady
bonds with the bonds issued by other governments, the investment industry has created
claims on these bonds that take into account
these various kinds of partial guarantees. The
spreads between the yields on these “stripped
Brady bonds” and the yields on Treasury bonds
reflect the extra default and liquidity risk that
stripped Brady bonds pose relative to the debt
of very creditworthy nations such as the United
States. While in principle Latin American issuers
of Brady bonds can call their debt, in contrast to
the typical practice of the U.S. government,
Brady bonds are viewed as posing little, if any,
prepayment risk.9

Latin Brady Bond Default Risk Erupts Again
(Stripped Brady Bond spreads relative to Treasury yields)
Percentage points















SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board.

The first example of how stripped Brady
bond yield spreads behaved in a debt crisis
occurred during the 1995 peso crisis, when
Mexico devalued the peso after it could no
longer defend its fixed exchange rate. The
peso’s fall made it more uncertain whether
Mexican firms and the Mexican government
could repay debt for two reasons. First, it
implied that Mexican debtors would have to pay
more pesos to repay their foreign-denominated
debt. Second, the associated decline in the
Mexican economy decreased the likelihood that
Mexican debtors would have the revenue to repay debt.
As a result, the default risk on Mexican
Brady bonds rose, and because the market for
them was thin, their liquidity risk premiums also
jumped. Compounding these problems was the
maturing of short-term debt issued before the
crisis. Investors either refused to buy any new
debt issued by Mexican firms and the Mexican
government to refinance the maturing debt or
demanded high interest rates to do so.
Several other Brady bond issuers had followed policies similar to Mexico’s, such as fixing
exchange rates and borrowing much short-term
debt denominated in foreign currencies. Given
these similar risks, investors demanded higher
yields on Brady bonds or any debt issued in
such nations. As a result, stripped Brady bond
yields surged as Latin America experienced an
international credit crunch—credit inflows that
had funded economic growth suddenly dried
up while principal payments on old debt flowed
out to foreign investors (Figure 8 ). This credit
crunch created an economic slowdown in these
countries following the peso crisis.

Figure 7

Junk Bond Spreads Jump to
Slightly Above Normal in 1998
Percentage points


Junk–AAA corporate yields



Average 1985–99


’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99

NOTE: Bar indicates recession.
SOURCES: Moody’s Investors Service; Merrill Lynch.



to be denied credit, spending on demand for
goods financed with credit would be restrained.
Schreft and Owens (1991) show that banks
tightened their credit standards on business
loans shortly before the recessions of 1970–71
and 1980 but tightened their standards during
the recessions of 1974–75, 1981–1982, and
1990–91. These simple patterns suggest that
tight credit conditions or credit crunches for
businesses may have induced or propagated
recessions, respectively. Unfortunately, changes
in survey questions in the late 1970s and the
absence of such credit-rationing questions during much of the 1980s make it nearly impossible to use this survey evidence to consistently
estimate the economic effects of business credit
availability over the last few decades.
However, since the late 1960s banks have
been asked how their willingness to make consumer installment loans has changed from three
months earlier. Using a diffusion index based
on this question in econometric models, Duca
(1987) and Duca and Garrett (1995) have found
that banks’ decreased willingness to lend to
consumers has a statistically significant negative
effect on consumer durable purchases. In addition, this index turned down before most recessions in the United States since the late 1960s,
with the notable exception of the last recession,
which was arguably prompted by an unexpected disruption of oil markets from the Iraqi
occupation of Kuwait (Figure 9 ). The studies
mentioned above find that bank willingness to
make consumer loans falls as inflation-adjusted
interest rates rise or as the economic outlook
weakens. Both results support theoretical explanations for the nonprice rationing of credit (see
the box titled “Why Loans Are Rationed With
Price and Nonprice Terms of Credit”). A decreased willingness to lend to consumers is likely
correlated with a tightening of bank credit standards on consumer loans, as implied by Schreft
and Owens (1991), who find that movements in
diffusion indexes of bank unwillingness to
make business loans and tighter credit standards
on business loans had a very high correlation
(0.80). For these reasons, the index of bank willingness to make consumer installment loans
provides an historically long and useful gauge
of consumer credit markets.

Drawing economic inferences from interest rate spreads is complicated by noise in interest rates and the fact that many such spreads
contain different risk premiums that have different economic implications. Therefore, it can be
helpful to consider information from surveys of
lenders to corroborate evidence on the availability of credit from interest rate spreads. Fortunately, the Federal Reserve has collected such
information for three decades.
Specifically, the Federal Reserve has surveyed large U.S. banks quarterly since the late
1960s about their lending practices, conducting
up to two extra surveys a year if conditions warrant. The questions have varied over the years,
but two types of questions have focused on the
degree to which loan applicants have been
denied credit. Up until the early 1980s and since
the early 1990s, banks have been asked if they
have tightened credit standards on business
loans and, since the early 1990s, on commercial
real estate loans. The quarterly surveys have
always asked banks whether they were more or
less willing to make consumer installment loans
than they were three months earlier. Responses
to these two kinds of credit-rationing questions
have been particularly informative during credit
From both types of questions, analysts have
created diffusion indexes of the percentage of
respondents tightening minus those easing credit
standards to see whether large banks had, on
net, tightened or eased credit standards. Intuitively, if firms and households are more likely
Figure 9

Banks Still Slightly More Willing to
Lend to Consumers in 1998–99






Domestic Interest Rate Spreads
In early fall 1998, financial markets were
wracked by turmoil as investors feared that an

’69 ’71 ’73 ’75 ’77 ’79 ’81 ’83 ’85 ’87 ’89 ’91 ’93 ’95 ’97 ’99

NOTE: Bars indicate recessions.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board.



Why Loans Are Rationed with
Price and Nonprice Terms of Credit
bill spread (Figure 5 ) and in on-the-run/off-therun Treasury spreads.
When carefully interpreted, these spreads
did not collectively point to recession but, rather,
to a scenario of slow growth. Earlier in 1998,
fears of slowing export growth from weakening
foreign economies led to a decline in both
Treasury and private bond rates. This, in turn,
stimulated U.S. domestic demand and cushioned U.S. economic growth from a fall in exports (see Duca, Gould, and Taylor 1998). While
fears of further global slowing in fall 1998 also
sparked declines in U.S. Treasury rates, many
private bond rates barely budged. In this sense,
the widening of prepayment/liquidity premiums
suggested that falling bond yields would not
stimulate domestic demand enough to prevent
falling net exports from slowing the U.S. economy too much. Against this backdrop and to
help stabilize shaky international financial markets, the Federal Reserve cut the federal funds
rate three times.
These actions helped restore financial
market confidence, as did a natural bounceback
in spending that followed a pause in consumption associated with the stock market correction
in fall 1998. Since then, the run-up in the
paper–bill spread has unwound, while most of
the jumps in prepayment/liquidity risk measures
have reversed. One interesting development
was a further increase and then flattening of the
Aaa–Baa spread. Together with other spreads,
the rise in this default risk premium to its average level over 1983–98 suggests that while markets are more composed now than last fall,
investors are returning to more normal levels of
risk-taking in the bond market following the
exceptionally easy period of 1996–97.

Loans are made using more than just the price of credit (the interest rate)
because borrowers may not repay. Typically, lenders offer credit at different interest
rates to borrowers posing different levels of default risk, with some applicants denied
credit altogether. Assessments are often based on the borrower’s credit history,
wealth, income, proposed debt payments-to-income ratios, and, for mortgages, down
payment ratios (see Duca and Rosenthal 1991; Rosenthal, Duca, and Gabriel 1991).
Thus, credit is allocated or rationed using price (loan interest rates and fees) and
nonprice terms of credit, both of which can vary.
What could cause such a tightening of nonprice terms of credit? One theoretical
approach, typified by Jaffee and Russell (1976) and Stiglitz and Weiss (1981),
stresses that lenders bear the downside risks of a loan and face asymmetric information because potential borrowers know more about whether they will repay a loan
than do lenders. As interest rates rise, less risky and lower return projects drop out
of the pool of loan applications, while riskier ones remain. In addition to this adverse
selection effect, there is a moral-hazard problem in that borrowers have more incentive to take bigger risks once they have a loan if they believe they cannot otherwise
repay. For some observably risky loan applicants, charging higher loan rates actually
worsens loan quality so much that it is not profitable to lend to them. Thus, higher
market interest rates or a deteriorating economic outlook makes it unprofitable to
lend to what had been marginally creditworthy loan applicants and induces lenders
to tighten credit standards used to approve loan applications.
Another approach to explaining the nonprice rationing of credit, typified by
Williamson (1986), stresses that lenders bear deadweight costs of default that borrowers do not. These so-called agency costs of default include factors such as legal
actions and the interest costs of delays in collection, as well as the time and expense
incurred by lending staffs in monitoring delinquent loans and verifying defaults. As
stressed by the theoretical work of Townsend (1979), Lacker and Weinberg (1989),
and Lacker (1991), debt contracts may be superior to equity contracts for many types
of financing. The intuition is that if good economic conditions prevail, borrowers
usually meet preset debt payments, and lenders avoid agency costs of verifying how
well a firm or household is doing. But, as argued by Bernanke and Gertler (1989),
although collateral can reduce this type of agency-cost-induced credit-rationing,
declines in asset values brought about by a deteriorating economic outlook or higher
interest rates can destroy collateral and cause a tightening of credit standards.
Higher interest rates also make it more likely that borrowers will not repay, boosting
expected agency costs and prompting tighter credit standards.

economic slowdown would spread from some
emerging market economies to the rest of the
world. U.S. financial markets appeared to seize
up and stop normal functioning. Stock prices
were falling sharply and many firms could not
issue bonds, commercial paper, or stock. This
financial market distress was evident in spreads
between corporate and U.S. Treasury bond
yields, which jumped sharply. Close examination of the components of such spreads suggests the rises primarily reflected jumps in
liquidity and prepayment premiums, as indicated by bigger increases in the Aaa–Treasury
spread (Figure 2 ) than in the Aaa–Baa spread
(Figure 6 ). Junk spreads widened much more
than the Aaa–Baa spread did, but this may have
reflected more liquidity than default risk, given
the thinness of the junk bond market. Increased
prepayment risk was manifested in record levels
of mortgage refinancing and a fall in Treasury
interest rates. But a flight to quality may have
played a bigger role, as evidenced by investors’
flight from equities and by a rise in the paper–

Foreign Rate Spreads
Brady Bond spreads jumped in fall 1998
to levels not seen since the 1995 peso crisis
(Figure 8 ), illustrating investor concerns that
emerging market nations would have greater
difficulty paying their debts because their
economies would slow and currency declines
would make it harder for them to pay back in
dollars. Since then, spreads have subsided and
by May 1999 had indicated that the severe credit
crunch gripping Latin America may be lifting.
Similar spreads between Asian issues of dollardenominated bonds and U.S. Treasurys suggest
the Asian credit crunch is subsiding.
Loan Surveys
The Federal Reserve conducted an extra
loan survey in September 1998 that focused on



credit standards. One key finding was that after
years of easing credit standards, banks slightly
tightened them for loans to large and mediumsized firms, as shown in Figure 10. By contrast,
standards were little changed for small firms.
Banks that tightened standards did so mainly
based on a changing economic outlook. In
addition, the larger banks in this sample tended
to tighten more than the smaller ones. However,
banks reported that they continued, on net, to
be more willing to make consumer loans
(Figure 9 ). Although the index was less positive,
it remained above the negative levels of previous
recessions and credit crunches. Other questions
revealed slower loan demand by firms and
households in September 1998.
The loan surveys have several implications. First, they suggest that credit standards
had initially been tightened more for firms with
higher global exposure in fall 1998, as such
firms usually are bigger and also borrow from
larger and more internationally oriented banks.
Subsequently, credit standards for large and
medium-sized firms have been tightened somewhat further. Second, the surveys imply that
small firms experienced a mild tightening of
credit standards, but by no means a credit
crunch, as confirmed by survey evidence from
the National Federation of Small Businesses
showing that credit was widely available to the
small firms surveyed. Third, while bank willingness to make consumer installment loans has
not been increasing as rapidly, households have
not been experiencing a credit crunch (Figure
9 ), consistent with strong growth in consumption and consumer credit in late 1998 and early
1999. Together, these three findings suggest that

after years of easing standards, lending practices
may be returning toward more normal levels of
risk-taking. Finally, businesses and household
borrowers initially became more cautious, consistent with evidence of little hiring and little
firing in early fall 1998. Since then, lending, confidence, spending, and hiring have rebounded,
as the caution associated with financial market
turmoil has subsided.
This article shows that interest rate spreads
and loan surveys should be interpreted carefully
when assessing the availability of credit and its
impact on the economy. This is especially true
of interest rate spread indicators, some of which
reflect prepayment, liquidity, or default risk premiums that have different relationships with economic activity. It can be helpful to decompose
spreads before drawing economic inferences
from the structure of interest rates. Spreads between yields on non-top-grade private-sector
bonds and Treasury bonds, in particular, contain
a large prepayment premium in addition to a
time-varying default risk premium. With respect
to recent developments, this distinction especially
applies to the Baa–Treasury spread, which could
be easily misread as pointing to a severe credit
crunch in late 1998. In fact, a simple decomposition of this spread, consistent with other indicators, suggests the United States experienced
more of a credit pinch than a credit crunch in
late 1998 and early 1999.
It is also important to recognize that even
some decomposed spreads contain more than
one type of risk premium. In this regard, a
widening of some yield spreads that contain a
small default risk component, such as the
Aaa –Treasury spread, could arise from an
increase in prepayment and/or liquidity risk
premiums, whose magnitudes may be hard to
identify separately. Such was the case in late
1998, when mortgage prepayment activity set
records and the commercial paper–Treasury bill
rate spread pointed to a jump in liquidity risk

Figure 10

Net Percent of Banks Tightening
Standards for Business Loans
Large and medium-sized firms





Small firms













SOURCE: Federal Reserve Board.



I thank William Gruben and Robert Moore for helpful
suggestions and Ricardo Llaudes for excellent
research assistance. Any errors are my own.
This article does not review yield curve interest rate
spreads, a subject that requires too much space and
that has been covered in a host of articles, such as
Bernanke (1990). In recent years, the yield curve has






severely underestimated economic growth and has
given false signals.
Another component is tax treatment. In contrast to corporate bond interest payments, interest earned on U.S.
Treasurys is not subject to state and local taxes. This
effect is not likely to shift the spreads significantly
because state income tax rates have not varied much
over time and because residents in states with high
state income taxes tend to buy municipal securities,
whereas Treasurys are more likely to be owned by
residents in low-state-income-tax states, retirees in low
brackets, and institutional investors, who avoid most
income taxation. An additional complication is that
even if state income tax rates did not vary, the taxinduced spread between corporates and Treasurys
could vary because the value of the tax exemption is
proportional to the level of interest rates.
There are other complications as well. For example,
the Aaa –Treasury spread has even turned negative on
rare occasions when the yield curve was inverted after
steep rises in interest rates. During these episodes,
markets may have anticipated such little prepayment
risk that the expected lifetime of corporate bonds
exceeded that of the noncallable ten-year Treasury
note. (Many corporate bonds have stated maturities
greater than ten years.) The implied negative term premium apparently outweighed the liquidity and default
risk advantages of the ten-year Treasury note. This
was so much the case that the ten-year Treasury yield
exceeded the average yield on Aaa-rated corporate
bonds, but the latter still exceeded the thirty-year
Treasury bond yield in such yield-curve twists when
the thirty-year Treasury bond was available.
Nevertheless, yield spreads across corporate bond
categories may reflect some differences in callability
provisions across corporate bonds, as suggested by
Duffee’s (1998) study.
Recent cross-section data on households indicate a
general shift in household portfolios toward bond and
equity mutual funds, for both IRA/401K assets and
non-IRA/401K assets (see Kennickell and StarrMcCluer 1994).




changes that made 401K plans more attractive than
pre-1980 defined-contribution plans.
The investment-grade market is more liquid because
many institutional investors (such as pension funds
and life insurance companies) are explicitly or implicitly prohibited from investing in below-investmentgrade bonds.
I am indebted to Harvey Rosenblum for pointing this
out to me.
There are two primary reasons. First, most Brady bond
issuers are unlikely to be in a position to run budget
surpluses to pay down debt earlier than scheduled.
Second, these nations are unlikely to refinance Brady
bonds with new debt having lower interest rates
because the original Brady bonds were issued at
low rates with collateral backing from major industrialized nations.

Bernanke, Ben S. (1990), “On the Predictive Power of
Interest Rates and Interest Rate Spreads,” New England
Economic Review (November/December): 51– 68.
Bernanke, Ben S., and Alan S. Blinder (1992), “The Federal Funds Rate and the Channels of Monetary Transmission,” American Economic Review 82 (September):
901– 21.
Bernanke, Ben S., and Mark Gertler (1989), “Agency
Costs, Net Worth, and Business Fluctuations,” American
Economic Review 79 (March): 14 – 31.
Duca, John V. (1987), “The Effects of Credit Availability
on Consumer Durable Expenditures,” Federal Reserve
Board Economic Activity Section Working Paper no. 80,
(Washington, D.C., November).
Duca, John V., and Bonnie Garrett (1995), “Credit Availability, Bank Consumer Lending, and Consumer Durables,”
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Research Paper no. 9514
(Dallas, October).

In general, pensions include traditional defined-benefit
plans and IRA and 401K plans. Since the 1970s there
has been a shift away from defined-benefit pension
plans and toward defined-contribution pension plans.
One advantage of the latter is that a greater share of
the expected benefits is portable if employment at a
particular firm ends.
Gustman and Steinmeier (1992) and Ippolito (1995)
estimate that half the rise in the share of defined-contribution plans (401K and traditional defined-contribution plans as a share of primary pension plans) results
from employment shifts away from firms that historically have favored defined-benefit plans — particularly
unionized and larger firms. Ippolito (1995) concludes
that the other half of this rise stems from tax law

Duca, John V., David M. Gould, and Lori L. Taylor
(1998), “What Does the Asian Crisis Mean for the U.S.
Economy?” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Southwest
Economy, Issue 2, March/April, 1– 6.
Duca, John V., and Stuart S. Rosenthal (1991), “An
Empirical Test of Credit Rationing in the Mortgage
Market,” Journal of Urban Economics 29 (March):
218 – 34.
Dudley, William C., and Edward F. McKelvey (1998),
“The Brave New Business Cycle: Seven Years Old and
Still Counting,” U.S. Economic Research, (March 17),
Goldman Sachs Global Economic Research.



Duffee, Gregory R. (1998), “The Relation Between
Treasury Yields and Corporate Bond Yield Spreads,”
Journal of Finance 53 (December): 2,225 – 41.

Kennickell, Arthur B., and Martha Starr-McCluer (1994),
“Changes in Family Finances from 1989 to 1992:
Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances,”
Federal Reserve Bulletin 80 (October): 861– 82.

Emery, Kenneth M. (1996), “The Information Content of
the Paper – Bill Spread,” Journal of Economics and
Business 48 (February): 1–10.

Lacker, Jeffrey M. (1991), “Why Is There Debt?” Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Review,
July/August, 3 –19.

Friedman, Benjamin, and Kenneth Kuttner (1992),
“Money, Income, Prices, and Interest Rates,” American
Economic Review 82 (June): 472 – 92.

Lacker, Jeffrey M., and John A. Weinberg (1989),
“Optimal Contracts Under Costly State Verification,”
Journal of Political Economy 97 (December): 1,345 – 63.

——— (1998), “Indicator Properties of the Paper – Bill
Spread: Lessons from Recent Experience,” Review of
Economics and Statistics 80 (February): 34 – 44.

Rosenthal, Stuart S., John V. Duca, and Stuart A. Gabriel
(1991), “Credit Rationing and the Demand for OwnerOccupied Housing,” Journal of Urban Economics 30
(July): 48 – 63.

Gustman, Alan L., and Thomas L. Steinmeier (1992),
“The Stampede Toward Defined Contribution Pension
Plans: Fact or Fiction?” Industrial Relations 31 (Spring):
361– 69.

Schreft, Stacey L., and Raymond E. Owens (1991),
“Survey Evidence of Tighter Credit Conditions: What
Does It Mean?” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Economic Review, March/April, 29 – 34.

Hafer, R. W., and Kutan, A. M. (1992), “On the MoneyIncome Results of Friedman and Kuttner,” Southern
Illinois University at Edwardsville Working Paper no.
92 – 03 (Edwardsville, Ill.).

Stiglitz, Joseph E., and Andrew Weiss (1981), “Credit
Rationing in Markets with Imperfect Information,”
American Economic Review 71 (June): 393 – 410.

Ippolito, Richard A. (1995), “Toward Explaining the Growth
of Defined Contribution Plans,” Industrial Relations 34
(January): 1– 20.

Townsend, Robert M. (1979), “Optimal Contracts and
Competitive Markets with Costly State Verification,”
Journal of Economic Theory 21 (October): 265 – 93.

Jaffee, Dwight M. (1975), “Cyclical Variations in the Risk
Structure of Interest Rates,” Journal of Monetary Economics 1 (July): 309 – 25.

Williamson, Stephen D. (1986), “Costly Monitoring, Financial Intermediation, and Equilibrium Credit Rationing,”
Journal of Monetary Economics 18 (September): 159 – 79.

Jaffee, Dwight M., and Thomas Russell (1976), “Imperfect
Information, Uncertainty, and Credit Rationing,” Quarterly
Journal of Economics 90 (November): 651– 66.



Advocates of free trade in the Americas
may have been disappointed last year when the
U.S. Congress denied the president fast-track
authority to pursue trade agreements with other
nations. The main concern of free trade advocates is that this decision will halt, and even reverse, the trend toward free trade initiated in the
Americas in the 1980s. This frustration would be
particularly justified if countries in the region
would benefit from mutual trade concessions
but not from a unilateral move to free trade.
Should countries pursue free trade policies
even when their trading partners do not?
Readers familiar with Ricardo’s celebrated comparative advantage theory of international trade
would probably say yes.1 However, contemporary models of international trade do not warrant such a clear-cut conclusion. This is the first
of two articles that examine the reasons behind
this ambiguity.
This first article examines the welfare
gains from unilateral trade liberalization suggested by static models of international trade.
The second article will study the welfare gains
from unilateral trade liberalization predicted by
the more realistic (but also more complicated)
dynamic models.2
A survey of the literature reveals that models
predicting that unilateral free trade will be
harmful to societies rely on a common assumption whose empirical and theoretical foundations have not been convincingly substantiated. Thus, I conclude that, on balance, the
arguments in favor of a unilateral move to free
trade are stronger than those against it.

Measuring the Benefits of
Unilateral Trade Liberalization
Part 1: Static Models
Carlos E. J. M. Zarazaga


he ultimate object of interest
is not the outcomes the
model produces but how
those outcomes affect
society’s welfare.

Researchers trying to quantify the effect of
tariff changes on international trade do so in what
seems a logical way: they choose a state-of-theart theoretical model deemed appropriate for the
case under study, assign values to the model’s
parameters and variables, and measure its quantitative performance under various trade policies.
This was essentially the strategy used to
evaluate the benefits of the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for all countries
involved. The so-called general equilibrium
models of trade were the state of the art at that
time. The qualifier “general” differentiates these
models from a previous vintage of “partial”
equilibrium models, which assume prices in
some markets are given and somehow determined outside the model.
For example, in analyzing the effects of
tariffs, many partial equilibrium models assume

Carlos E. J. M. Zarazaga is a senior economist and
executive director of the Center for Latin American
Economics of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.



real wages are fixed. This is highly unrealistic
because tariffs usually alter the demand for factors of production by the industry or sector
being protected, which in turn is likely to affect
the relative prices of labor and/or capital.
General equilibrium models, instead, allow for
these effects because prices and quantities are
determined endogenously, that is, within the

benefits in terms of the additional well-being
the reform brings about. Such a task requires
the construction of an index of well-being, or
welfare, with some ideal properties. Unfortunately, construction of such an ideal index is
impossible, as Nobel Prize recipient Kenneth J.
Arrow (1951) demonstrates in his celebrated impossibility theorem. Yet economists are asked to
evaluate the costs and benefits of a reform and,
therefore, must provide a connection between
observable outcomes (such as investment,
growth, or consumption) and some measure of
well-being, however imperfect or debatable.
General equilibrium models assume the
welfare of a typical household provides a good
approximation to social welfare. Such an
approach implicitly assumes all households and
consumers have well-defined preferences over
different economic outcomes and that such
preferences have a mathematical representation;
that is, they can be measured by some utility
function. Usually, this utility function is assumed
to depend on the quantity of goods and services
households consume. The functional form
assumed for the utility functions is not completely arbitrary. It is in part dictated by restrictions imposed by basic axioms of consumer
theory. One such restriction is that consumers
always prefer to have something of every good
rather than a lot of some goods and nothing of
others.3 In addition, a standard assumption is
that preferences and the utility function that represents them are identical across households.
This assumption guarantees that the utility function of any household adequately summarizes
the welfare of all households.
A general equilibrium model exploits
these assumptions by proposing that the representative household of a given country derives
welfare from consuming, for example, the only
good produced and exported by the country
(c1 ) as well as from consuming the only good
imported by the country (c 2 ) and that the welfare this representative consumer obtains from
different bundles of these goods can be measured by a welfare or utility function such as

Theoretical General Equilibrium Models
The first element necessary in evaluating
the benefits from unilateral trade liberalization
is an appropriate general equilibrium model.
General equilibrium models attempt to mimic as
closely as possible actual economies by constructing an artificial (or model) economy the
researcher can experiment with on the computer. This artificial economy is an abstract
mathematical representation of the environment
in which relevant economic agents are thought
to operate and of the decision process by which
those agents are thought to make their choices
of consumption of different goods, of accumulation of capital, and so on. Methodologically,
this implies that any general equilibrium model
must start by specifying endowments, preferences, and technology.
The specification of preferences is an important step in formulating a general equilibrium model because the ultimate object of
interest is not the outcomes the model produces
but how those outcomes affect society’s welfare.
For example, a reduction of tariffs on
capital goods from x percent to y percent may
double the rate of investment. The resulting
increase in the capital stock will bring about
higher growth, making it tempting to conclude
that this higher growth will benefit society.
However, accumulation of capital requires saving, which necessarily takes place at the expense of current consumption. If it were true
that societies are always better off with faster
growth, governments throughout the world
could readily gather the necessary political support to adopt draconian measures reducing consumption by up to 50 percent. As history has
proved, such a Stalinist approach to growth is
doomed because it will be resisted by current
generations, the ones who have to pay for that
future growth with a drastic reduction in their
It is not a given, therefore, that the benefits of a reform (be it a trade reform or a tax
reform) should be measured by the additional
growth eventually made possible by the reform.
Clearly, it would be preferable to measure those



Welfare of representative consumer
= α 1 log c1 + α 2 log c2 ,

where α 1 and α 2 are parameters that measure
the relative importance the representative consumer attaches to each good in his preferences.
Given the focus of this article, it is worthwhile to note that the level of tariffs does not
appear explicitly in Equation 1. Changes in tariffs, such as those during trade liberalizations,


appear only indirectly in the welfare function, to
the extent that they induce changes in the outcomes (such as the consumption level) over
which consumers define their preferences.4
Another important element in the abstract
construct of general equilibrium models is the
postulate that economic agents act purposefully
to achieve the ends they seek. Consistent with
this methodological approach, households are
assumed to maximize their level of welfare, or
utility (as measured by the utility function), subject to the limitation imposed by their income or
budget constraint. The budget constraint is a
mathematical representation of the commonsense principle that households cannot spend
more than their revenues from all sources (capital and labor income, savings carried over from
the past, credit).
The consumer’s maximization problem
described above is not trivial because consumers can purchase different consumption
bundles with their available income, but not all
those bundles deliver the same level of utility.
The solution to the problem requires finding the
consumption bundle that allows the consumer
to achieve the maximum possible welfare at
given prices. Solving the problem repeatedly for
different prices usually delivers well-defined
demand functions — the standard, textbook,
downward-sloping demand curve for each
good. (For a more formal presentation, see the
box titled “The Decision Problem of Consumers
and Firms in General Equilibrium Models.”)
Notice that changes in tariffs will generally
change the prices of the goods from which consumers obtain utility. The price changes will
alter the budget constraint, which may in turn
change not only the consumption bundle that
maximizes welfare but the level of welfare itself. That eventual shift in welfare induced by
changes in tariffs is what general equilibrium
models seek to measure.
A partial equilibrium model would stop the
analysis here, in what could be referred to as the
consumers’, or demand, side of the economy.
However, the endogenous determination of equilibrium prices, which result from the interaction
of supply and demand, is in the very nature of
general equilibrium models. Therefore, general
equilibrium models must specify the suppliers’,
or production, side of the economy as well.
To that end, firms are assumed to combine
primary factors of production (labor and capital)
to maximize their profits. The transformation of
these factors into output takes place according to some technology, mathematically represented by a production function.

Unfortunately, an issue of controversy
among economists is whether production functions are characterized by constant returns to
scale or increasing returns to scale. A 20 percent
increase of all inputs results in a 20 percent
increase in output under constant returns to
scale but in a, say, 30 percent expansion of output under increasing returns to scale. The controversy is relevant to welfare gains from free
trade because such gains tend to be larger
under increasing returns to scale (see the box
titled “The Decision Problem of Consumers and
Firms in General Equilibrium Models”).
General equilibrium models connect the
household and firm sectors of the economy by
exploiting the fact that households are the ultimate owners of the factors of production—
labor and capital—and, therefore, the ultimate
recipients of the factor payments and profits the
firms make.
Finally, the international link in general
equilibrium models of international trade is provided by assuming each country exports those
goods for which domestic output exceeds domestic consumption. The model is one of general equilibrium in the sense explained earlier,
that prices are set endogenously at the level
necessary to ensure the quantities supplied and
demanded of all goods, services, and factors are
Applied General Equilibrium Models
Applied general equilibrium models
attempt to exploit the theoretical framework
offered by general equilibrium models to
answer specific quantitative questions such as
what the welfare gains are from a particular
trade agreement (such as NAFTA) or from unilateral trade liberalizations. A theoretical general
equilibrium model is brought down to earth by
assigning concrete values, for example, to the
parameters α 1 and α 2 in Equation 1.
Another difference between theoretical
general equilibrium models and applied ones is
in the number of economic sectors they can
handle. Theoretical models are concerned with
analytical and general results, which are almost
impossible to derive in a large model. By contrast, applied models are more interested in
quantitative answers to specific problems and
situations. Free from the obligation to deliver
general results and theorems, applied general
equilibrium models can specify a large number
of economic sectors, as many as necessary to
accomplish the desired level of realism, the only
limitation being the computational ability to
solve the model numerically.5



The Decision Problem of Consumers and Firms
in General Equilibrium Models
Any general equilibrium model that attempts
to measure the impact of trade policies on welfare
must start by postulating the utility, or welfare, function of the representative household populating the
artificial, or model, economy.
For example, Harris (1984) proposed to
evaluate the welfare effects of trade liberalization
according to the following utility, or social welfare,

selling a quantity yi of good i at real price pi ) and
the second and third terms are the costs of producing output yi , where wli represents the labor
costs associated with hiring li hours of labor at the
hourly real wage w and rki the cost of renting ki
units of capital at the rental price r.2
The technological constraint, in turn, is represented as
Output of firm i = yi = F (li, ki),

Welfare = ∑i αi log ci ,

where F is some function of li and ki . As explained
in the text, the nature of that function is a controversial issue. In particular, there is disagreement as
to whether the production function F of the typical
firm is characterized by constant returns to scale or
increasing returns to scale.
For example, a possible mathematical representation of the production function F is

where ci is the real consumption of good i and
the summation is over all goods i, and α i is a parameter that measures the importance of good i in
households’ preferences.
General equilibrium models postulate that economic agents act purposefully to achieve the ends
they seek. Hence, households are assumed to maximize their level of welfare, or utility (as measured by
the utility function), subject to a budget constraint.
In Harris’ study, the representative household
is endowed with an exogenous real income I. The
consumer’s problem can be represented, in the
abstraction of a general equilibrium model, as the
problem of maximizing Equation B.1 subject to the
budget constraint

Output of firm i = F(li , ki ) = A*l iγ1* k iγ 2,
where A > 0, ki is the level of capital, li is the
amount of labor input and γ1 > 0 and γ 2 > 0 are
parameters. When γ1 + γ 2 = 1, the above production function is constant returns to scale, as the
reader can verify by multiplying capital and labor
by the same percentage increase x. In that case:

∑i pi ci ≤ I,


x  
x 
A ∗ 1+
 ∗ ki
 ∗ li  ∗ 1+
 100

which says that the sum of the price (in real terms)
times the quantity purchased of each good (total
expenditures) over all goods should not exceed
total real income I.1
Several consumption bundles will satisfy the
budget constraint above, but only one will maximize the preferences, or welfare, given by Equation
B.1. The consumer’s decision problem consists of
finding such a bundle. In this example, a standard
first-order-conditions approach delivers the answer
Notice that removal of international trade tariffs
will generally change prices and thus the budget
constraint and optimal consumption bundle. Through
this channel the imposition or removal of tariffs
affects welfare in general equilibrium models.
Recall that, in this type of model, prices are
not taken as coming from outside the model but
rather determined inside the model from the interaction of supply and demand. The demand side of
the economy is characterized by the consumer’s
maximization problem just described, while the
supply, or production, side is characterized by the
firm’s maximization problem described below.
General equilibrium models assume that firms
combine primary factors of production (labor and
capital) to maximize their profits. The transformation of capital and labor into output takes place
according to some technology, mathematically
represented by a production function.
To this end, the profits of a typical firm (or industry) i are represented mathematically as


x  1 
x 
= 1+
 ∗ 1+
 100
 100
x 
= 1+
 100

∗ A ∗ liγ 1 ∗ kiγ 2

x 
∗ A ∗ liγ 1 ∗ kiγ 2 = 1+
 ∗A ∗ li 1 ∗ ki 2 ,
 100

which says increasing each input by x percent
results in an increased output of also x percent.
Note, however, that with γ 1 + γ 2 > 1, this
same production function becomes increasing
returns to scale: an increase of x percent in each
input results in a larger proportional increase of
output — specifically, in an increase of
x 
 100 

( γ 1+ γ 2 )

> 1+


Unfortunately, theoretical considerations do
not permit exclusion of either case, and the empirical evidence is mixed. This is somewhat problematic because, as stated in the text, gains from free
trade tend to be larger under increasing than under
constant returns to scale.
Finally, note that in general equilibrium models the household and firm sectors are connected
because households’ real income I (the right-hand
side of their budget constraint) is nothing but the
sum of the firms’ profits and their payments to
labor and capital inputs.

Profits = pi yi – wli – rki ,


where pi yi represents the firm’s revenues (from


γ 1+ γ 2




Implicitly, all nominal quantities (prices and income) are
being deflated by a common price index P.
The rental price of capital, r, is generally given by the
sum of the real interest rate and the depreciation rate.

Figure 1

Models of International Trade
Partial equilibrium
(some prices determined
outside the model)

General equilibrium
(all prices determined
within the model)



(to be discussed
in Part 2)


First generation

National product

Second generation

Constant returns
to scale


Increasing returns
to scale

mies of these models have no past or present
and, therefore, no incentive to save or lend. As
a consequence, countries cannot run a current
account balance or trade deficit.
For purposes of exposition, and following
the classification Brown (1992) proposed, the
static applied general equilibrium models of
unilateral trade liberalization can be grouped
into two categories: first- and second-generation
(Figure 1 ). First-generation models have in
common two assumptions: the national product
differentiation assumption and the constantreturns-to-scale assumption. The second-generation models replace the national product differentiation assumption with the monopolistic
competition assumption, and the constantreturns-to-scale assumption with the increasingreturns-to-scale assumption. The remainder of this
section analyzes how those assumptions affect
the different welfare results from unilateral trade
liberalization delivered by those models.

Once the researcher has defined the utility
function, the production functions, the number
of sectors to be considered, and concrete values
for the relevant parameters, it is possible to
quantify the impact of a policy change by computing the model for different trade policies.
The different policies’ impact on welfare is then
analyzed by reporting, for example, that in the
artificial economy the welfare gains after the
policy change are such that GDP should be x
percent higher to achieve that same welfare
without a reform. This measure is often referred
to as the equivalent variation in income.
Different applied general equilibrium
models give different qualitative answers to the
question of whether unilateral free trade is a
wise policy. These differences extend to the
quantitative importance of the welfare gains or
losses from such a move. The remainder of this
article examines the details of the models responsible for those discrepancies.

The Role of the National Product Differentiation
and Constant-Returns-to-Scale Assumptions
Because their focus is empirical rather
than analytical, applied general equilibrium
models must be able to interpret actual data as

Static applied general equilibrium models
ignore the time dimension. The artificial econo-



reported in official or private statistics. Unfortunately, available data are often not the exact
empirical counterpart of a concept or definition
used in the theoretical model. This discrepancy
may force a compromise between theory and
reality that can weaken confidence in the empirical results of a model.
In the case of international trade, researchers formulating theoretical models would
like to make the sensible assumption that consumers don’t discriminate goods by their origin.
In other words, consumers value a good supplied by one country as much as the same good
produced by another country. The assumption
that a good is a perfect substitute in demand
across origins seems natural in any model dealing with international trade. One empirical implication of this perfect-substitution assumption
is that countries will import goods different
from those they export, because countries typically export their production surplus after satisfying domestic demand for the good.
Under this perfect-substitution assumption
we shouldn’t see, as we do, trade statistics
reporting that Germany and Japan import and
export cars. Actually, the cars Germany imports
differ from those it exports. Germany may
export BMWs to Japan and import Hondas or
Toyotas from Japan. Less obvious distinctions
can be made as well. For example, a country
may export two-door cars and import four-door
cars; it may import cars with sunroofs and
export cars without them, and so on. However,
because such details are lost in trade statistics, it
may appear as if countries import and export
the same kind of goods. This seemingly puzzling situation, known among international
trade scholars as the cross-hauling problem,
occurs not because the perfect-substitution
assumption is unrealistic but because of the way
trade data are recorded. There are hundreds,
perhaps thousands, of varieties of cars, and
trade statistics should report, strictly speaking,
exports and imports for each of them. But processing the information in such detail would
be costly; in practice, many kinds of cars are
grouped under broad categories. This renders
impractical theoretical models based on the
perfect-substitution assumption.
On the other hand, the nature of the problem suggests the way around it. If trade statistics
fail to recognize that a good being imported is
not actually the same as the good being exported, the solution is to assume that goods
reported as both exported and imported are
really different. In other words, the solution is to
assume goods differ not only by type but also


by origin. This means, following our example,
that cars produced abroad are not the same as
cars produced domestically, which is a rather ingenious way to distinguish the BMWs Germany
exports from the Toyotas Germany imports.
This is the national product differentiation
assumption adopted by the first generation of
applied general equilibrium models.6
The national product differentiation
assumption implies that the goods produced by
each country are unique and, therefore, cannot
be perfectly substituted by any of the goods
produced by any other country. Although this
assumption solves the problem of the lack of
correspondence between data and theory otherwise present with the assumption of perfect
substitution of goods across origins, it introduces a new problem: now countries have
monopoly power over the goods they produce.
The reason, of course, is that no other country
can produce the same good. In the logic of this
assumption, in a world where there are n products and m countries, there will be n *m goods.
Most first-generation applied general equilibrium models of international trade combine
the national product differentiation assumption
with a constant-returns-to-scale technology. The
combination of these two assumptions has
serious theoretical and quantitative implications
for the analysis of trade liberalization because,
in the presence of market power, only imposing
tariffs—not reducing them—improves a country’s welfare.
The assumption of constant returns to
scale is important because it keeps the market
power at the country rather than at the firm
level. Under constant returns to scale, the marginal cost is constant, independent of the level
of production. Therefore, all firms will supply
their outputs at a price equal to the constant
marginal cost. Any attempt by an individual firm
to set a higher price will divert its customers to
competitors. Of course, no firm will set prices
below marginal cost because it would be producing at a loss. None of the firms can, individually, exploit the market power implicit in the
fact that no other country can produce the same
products they do. Thus, the government can
intervene by coordinating the firms’ actions to
enable them to exploit their market power. For
instance, the imposition of a tax (tariff) on foreign goods will increase the domestic price of
imports relative to the domestically produced—
and eventually also exported—good. The lower
relative price of the domestic good will induce
more consumption of it and less of the imported
good, producing two effects. On the one hand,


tion of second-generation static applied general
equilibrium models, which replace the assumption of national product differentiation with the
monopolistic competition assumption. The next
section explains why second-generation models
deliver somewhat higher welfare gains from
unilateral trade liberalization.

it will reduce the demand for the foreign good
by the tariff-imposing country and, therefore,
generate downward pressure on the world price
of that good. On the other hand, it will reduce
the surplus of the domestic good available for
export to world markets, which will increase the
international price of the good. This implies that
the terms of trade—that is, the international
price of exports relative to that of imports—
shift in favor of the tariff-imposing country. (For
a more detailed explanation of this result, see
the box titled “Optimal Tariff Under the National
Product Differentiation Assumption.”)
Reversing the argument, the unilateral
removal of a tariff can worsen the terms of trade
and be welfare-reducing, especially if the tariff
had been at the level at which a country exploits its market power the most.

The Role of Monopolistic Competition and
Increasing Returns to Scale
To correct the country-monopoly-power
side effect introduced by the national product
differentiation assumption, many authors have
replaced it with the assumption that each firm,
rather than each country, produces a different
product, transferring the monopoly power from
the country to the firm level. This monopoly
power is limited, however, by the fact that consumers can easily substitute the products of one
firm with close varieties of the same good produced by another firm. Technically, each firm
produces an imperfect-substitute good under
monopolistic competition conditions.
Because each firm specializes in the production of a good no other firm can produce,
the firm is able to exploit its market power on
its own, without the help of an import tariff
levied by the government. That is, firms exploit
their market power as much as they can before
any tariff is imposed. Consequently, the imposition of a tariff under monopolistic competition
will be not only redundant but also, in general,
detrimental to society. Not surprisingly, applied
general equilibrium models relying on monopolistic competition will tend to find that unilateral
removal of tariffs is welfare-improving.
The introduction of monopolistic competition in applied general equilibrium models
solves the same problem the national product
differentiation assumption does and at the same
time avoids this assumption bias against unilateral trade liberalization. In particular, monopolistic competition can still account for the considerable cross-hauling observed in trade statistics. The puzzling observation that a country
appears to export the same product it imports
can be interpreted as a domestic firm producing
(and exporting) a variety of the product different from the one being imported.
Unfortunately, the monopolistic competition assumption has a drawback the national
product differentiation assumption does not
have: it implies that each product variety will be
produced by one and just one firm. This implication is problematic because it conflicts with
the standard assumption of constant-returns-toscale production technology.

Welfare Gains from Unilateral Trade
Liberalization in First-Generation Applied
General Equilibrium Models
The few static applied general equilibrium
models that have attempted to measure the
gains of unilateral trade liberalization for a small
country have indeed found negligible, or even
negative, welfare gains from a unilateral move
to free trade. Boadway and Treddenick (1978)
found that removal of tariffs in Canada would
cause welfare to decline by about 1 percent or
increase by only 0.06 percent. The terms-of-trade
deterioration resulting from an import tariff
reduction, as implied by the national product
differentiation assumption, has led Brown (1987)
to conclude rather categorically that unilateral
trade liberalization is rarely welfare-improving,
even for a small country, in this first generation
of static applied general equilibrium models.
It is important to remember, in evaluating
those disappointing welfare results for the cause
of free trade, that the motivation for the national
product differentiation in first-generation applied
general equilibrium models was mainly pragmatic, an apparently innocuous way to bridge
the gap between theory and available data.7
However, this compromise may not appear as
appealing when it becomes apparent that the
assumption, in combination with constant returns to scale, implies that a country (not its
industries) has complete monopoly power in
the market for its exports and that this market
power introduces a bias against trade liberalization. This bias would not be problematic if the
market power implication of the national product differentiation assumption could be empirically validated, but this may not always be the
case. These considerations led to the formula-



Recall that a constant-returns-to-scale technology can deliver a given percentage change
in the output of a good by simply changing all
the inputs by that same percentage. This means
any level of output QN of a certain good can be
produced either by a single firm or by any number N of identical firms, each of them using 1/N
fewer inputs than a single firm would to produce QN . In other words, under constant returns to scale the output of any firm can be
replicated by N smaller and alike firms, yet this
technologically natural possibility would be
ruled out by the monopolistic competition
assumption that each product can be produced
by only one firm.
To save the contradiction of simultaneously assuming product differentiation and a
constant-returns-to-scale technology at the firm
level, most trade models appealing to monopolistic competition also assume the technology is
increasing returns to scale. Equivalently, secondgeneration applied general equilibrium models
of international trade assume the total production cost is composed of two parts: a fixed cost
independent of the level of production and a
variable cost proportional to the level of output.
In its simplest form, this assumption takes
the mathematical representation

tion: only one firm will produce each good.
To see why, suppose the hypothetical firm
of Figure 2 produces all output of a given good.
The market equilibrium for that good will occur
at the price Pe , where the firm will be able to
satisfy the quantity demanded Qe and at the
same time cover the costs of doing so, since the
price Pe equals the average cost at that level of
Now suppose N firms were going to supply the market. As in the case of constant
returns to scale, each of them will operate at a
lower scale than a single firm. But unlike in the
constant-returns-to-scale case, the average cost
for each of the firms will be higher than it
would be for a single firm. This implies they
would have to charge a higher price than the
single firm would, that is, a price higher than
Pe . Realizing this, at least one of these firms
sooner or later will try to capture competitors’ customers by cutting the price to Pe . Such
a firm will be able to sustain this lower price
without losing money because it will now supply the whole market, and under increasing
returns to scale it will be able to produce that
larger quantity at the lower average cost Pe .8
The prediction that just one firm will produce each good under increasing returns to
scale is logically consistent with the monopolistic competition assumption that each good will
be produced by only one firm. For this reason,
second-generation applied general equilibrium
models adopted the increasing-returns-to-scale
assumption along with the monopolistic competition approach.

Total cost = F + bQ,
where F is the fixed cost and b the cost of an
additional unit of output Q —that is, the marginal cost. Krugman (1979) uses this formulation
to show how increasing returns to scale can
account for international trade. What is important about this technological specification is that
the average cost declines with the level of output. This can be seen easily by dividing the
above equation by the level of output

Figure 2

Increasing Returns to Scale and the
Number of Firms

Average cost = TC/Q = F/Q + b.
Since F is a fixed number, the ratio F/Q declines
as Q, the level of output, increases, thus reducing overall average cost. This is exactly what
one would expect from a technology under
which a given percentage increase in inputs
(and, therefore, in costs) delivers an even
higher proportional increase in output.
The shape of the average cost curve of a
hypothetical firm with an increasing-returns-toscale technology is depicted in Figure 2, which
also displays the hypothetical demand curve for
the good produced by the hypothetical firm.
The figure suggests one of the main implications of the increasing-returns-to-scale assump-


Q = D(p)

Cost curve


c + F/Q




Optimal Tariff Under the National Product Differentiation Assumption
This box explains in more detail why the optimal tariff
tends to be strictly positive in models of international trade
that use the national production differentiation assumption
when the production function at the firm level is assumed
to be constant returns to scale.
To keep the discussion as nontechnical as possible,
it will be presented in terms of standard graphical representations of the welfare function and budget constraint,
although a more rigorous mathematical representation is
possible and available in many advanced international
trade textbooks.1
Figure B.1 presents the standard two-dimensional
representation of a welfare function such as that in
Equation 1 in the text. Each of the curves in the figure
traces the combinations of the quantities consumed of
good 1 (c 1 ) and of good 2 (c 2 ) that allow the typical consumer of a given country (let’s say the home country) to
attain the same level of utility or welfare. For example, the
curve labeled U = 4.61 represents the different pairs (c 1,
c 2 ) from which the consumer can derive a utility level of
4.61 when preferences are represented mathematically
by Equation 1, with parameter values α 1 = α 2 = 0.5.
The reader can verify, using Equation 1, that the same
level of welfare can be attained with the consumption
pairs c1 = 50 and c 2 = 200, c1 = 100 and c 2 = 100, or
c 1 = 200 and c 2 = 50.
The straight line running from A to B in Figure B.1 is
a geometric representation of the typical consumer’s static budget constraint of the home country for the case of
two goods. This line represents the different quantities c 1
and c 2 of each good the home country consumer can
afford to buy when his income (in terms of good 1) equals
A and the relative price of good 1 in terms of good 2 is
0.5. In what follows, and in line with the national product
differentiation assumption, it will be assumed that the
home country is the only world producer of good 1 and
the foreign country is the only producer of good 2.
Now suppose the typical consumer of the home
country is endowed with A units of good 1 and none of
good 2. Because preferences are concave, meaning consumers have a taste for variety, the typical home country
consumer would like some quantity of good 2 as well.
However, according to the national product differentiation
assumption, the home country is unable to produce good
2, so it is willing to trade part of its endowment of good 1
in exchange for some amount of good 2 produced by the

Figure B.1

Utility Maximization




U = 4.95

U = 4.61
U = 4.26





Budget constraint



Figure B.2

Changes in Terms of Trade and Welfare




U = 4.95




foreign country. When the relative price, or terms of trade,
of the home good (export) in terms of the foreign good
(import) is 0.5 as assumed, trade between the home and
foreign country will take place at the ratio of one unit of
good 1 for half a unit of good 2.2 These particular terms of
trade are represented in Figure B.1 by the slope of the
budget constraint. This can be verified in the figure: when
the typical home country consumer gives up consumption
of 100 units of good 1, represented by the movement
from A to C, the home country can export those 100 units
to get in exchange 50 units of good 2, represented by the
vertical distance D – C.
The home country consumers will keep trading good
1 for good 2 until they maximize their satisfaction or welfare, which will occur at point E1 in the figure. Of all the
combinations of c 1 and c 2 the consumer can afford with
the budget AB, the one at point E1 yields the highest level
of welfare. This implies that the home country will consume the quantity F of good 1, export the quantity A – F
of that good — the excess of endowment of good 1 over
the domestic consumption of good 1— and import the
quantity G of good 2.
In the above example, the terms of trade were arbitrarily set at 0.5. But of course an entirely analogous
analysis applies to any terms of trade. Figure B.2 represents a set of indifference curves along with several budget
lines, each with a different slope and corresponding to
different terms of trade. The dotted line represents the
baseline case of the previous example in which the terms
of trade were assumed to be 0.5. Budget lines above the
dotted line represent improvements in the terms of trade
for the home country with respect to the baseline case.
For example, the budget line running from A to H has a
slope of 1, which is greater than 0.5. At that budget line,
the home country can trade each unit of the good it produces for one unit of the good it does not. This means the
home country good (good 1) is now more valuable than
before: it is worth as much as the imported good instead
of only half, as it was when the terms of trade were 0.5. Of
course, the home country consumers will benefit from the
fact that the home good is more valuable relative to the
foreign good. This improvement is reflected in that, with
the new budget constraint AH, the optimal consumption
of the typical home country household occurs at point E 2,



Optimal Tariff Under the National Product Differentiation Assumption (continued)
with a higher level of welfare than at E1, the point representing the welfare-maximizing consumption pair when
the terms of trade were 0.5.
The above analysis suggests that a country can improve its situation if it can influence the terms of trade in its
favor. The imposition of a tariff under the national product
differentiation assumption can do just that. Under this
assumption each country has market power over the goods
it produces because no other country produces those goods.
To see how a tariff can improve a country’s situation,
let’s consider the baseline example when the terms of
trade were 0.5. Now suppose the home country imposes
a tariff of 50 percent on the imported good (good 2). For
practical purposes, the imposition of a tariff implies that a
certain amount of the imported good will have to be surrendered to customs officials. In this case, a tariff of 50 percent means that now each consumer will get 0.25 units of
good 2 for each exported unit of good 1. The government
will get to keep the remaining 0.25 unit. However, this
analysis is valid only if the terms of trade remain the same
after the imposition of the tariff, which is unlikely because
the tariff makes the imported good more expensive relative
to the home good for the home country consumers. They
will consume less of the imported good and more of the
exported good. The lower home country consumption of the
imported good will put downward pressure on the world
price of imports. Meanwhile, the higher domestic consumption of the home good will reduce the surplus of it
available for export and put upward pressure on its international price. A fall in import prices and a rise in export
prices will improve the terms of trade for the tariff-imposing country.
Suppose then that the imposition of a 50 percent tariff
on good 2 by the country producing good 1 results in a
100 percent improvement in its terms of trade. In other
words, suppose the terms of trade move from 0.5 to 1 as
a result of the tariff. The new budget constraint implied by
these new terms of trade for the home country consumers
is represented in Figure B.3 by an outward movement of
the budget line from AB to AH. At these new prices, the
typical household of the home country will export A – F
units of good 1, receive in exchange D units of good 2,
surrender half this amount, D – G, to customs, and keep
the remaining half, G, for its own use. From the home
country consumer’s perspective, nothing has changed.
He still receives half a unit of good 2 for each unit of good
1 he exports (or, equivalently, for each unit of good 1 he
does not consume). The optimal consumption combination will still be represented by point E1, where the typical
household attains the same level of welfare as before the
imposition of the tariff.
It would appear, then, that imposing the tariff was a
futile policy move. However, the country as a whole is
richer because now the government has extra revenues,
represented by import duties D – G collected by customs.
The government can use the additional income to upgrade
public services. Or it can return the revenues to households in the form of higher pensions, social security benefits, or income tax reductions. The households, in turn,
can use this tax rebate to increase purchases of both
goods 1 and 2 and, therefore, to attain higher levels of
utility than represented by point E1. The home country’s
welfare is improved after the tariff because the government successfully transfers the burden of the tariff to foreigners by altering the terms of trade against them.3
Of course, this example was designed to deliver welfare gains from a tariff. It is also possible that the termsof-trade gain from a 50 percent tariff is too small to



Figure B.3

Welfare-improving Tariff












compensate the home country for the distortionary costs
from a tariff. The ultimate benefit of a tariff depends on,
among other things, the elasticities of demand for the
home and foreign products both at home and abroad. The
details are beyond the scope of this article; however, the
interested reader is referred to Brown (1987), in which it
is also argued that, empirically, most models using the
national product differentiation assumption produce
terms-of-trade gains strong enough to improve the welfare
of the tariff-imposing country.
It may seem odd that a society can gain from imposing
a tariff. After all, a tax on imports — like any other tax — is,
in principle, welfare-decreasing. However, this outcome
ignores the presence of an externality under the national
product differentiation assumption: the country has a market power that its firms cannot exploit at an individual level
when their production technology is constant returns to
scale. This sort of externality justifies the government intervention. Under those circumstances, a tariff turns out to
be corrective rather than distortive. By imposing a tariff, the
government implicitly forces the home country firms and
households to coordinate their actions to produce and consume, in the aggregate, the quantity of good 1 at which
the home country exploits its market power the most.
The result that the optimal tariff is eventually positive
will tend to disappear, therefore, in models that assume
increasing returns to scale at the firm level or that abandon the national product differentiation assumption and its
implicit market power. In the first case, as explained in the
text, each firm will be able to exploit its market power on
the differentiated good it produces, without the need for
the government to step in. In the second case, many different countries will be producing each good; therefore,
no individual country will have control over the market of
any particular good. However, in face of the considerable
amount of cross-hauling of goods across borders reported
in international trade data, abandoning the national product
differentiation assumption may be problematic for addressing some quantitative questions in international trade.


See, for example, Grubel (1977), especially chap. 8, p. 155.
These terms of trade imply that the good produced by the home
country is worth, in dollar terms, half the price of good 2.
Notice that now the foreign country receives less for its exports
and pays more for its imports.

cisely the conjecture that will be more fully
explored in the second article on this topic.

Welfare Gains from Unilateral Trade
Liberalization in Second-Generation Applied
General Equilibrium Models
As previously explained, compared with
national product differentiation, monopolistic
competition is more favorable in principle to the
case of free trade because in such an environment firms incorporate their market power in
their price decisions, so no corrective government tariff is needed.
This intuition is rigorously confirmed by
Harris (1984), who finds that welfare gains from
unilateral trade liberalization are nil in the
models with just national product differentiation
and constant returns to scale, whereas they are
in the range of 2.7 percent to 4.1 percent of
GDP when some of the goods are produced
under conditions of monopolistic competition
and increasing returns to scale.
Although the gains from unilateral trade
liberalization delivered by second-generation
applied general equilibrium models are positive,
they are far from staggering. After all, a gain in
GDP of 3 percent to 4 percent is in the same
order of magnitude as the normal annual GDP
growth for many developed countries.





Static applied general equilibrium models
fail to deliver the eye-popping gains from unilateral trade liberalization that free trade advocates often promise. As this conclusion applies
to both first- and second-generation models, it
appears to be rather robust to the significantly
different assumptions about market structure or
technology made by the two generations of
static models.
However, static models are single-period
models unable to incorporate the important
dimension of time, ruling out savings and investment. Why should economic agents save and
invest if there is no tomorrow? This is unfortunate in the context of trade liberalization because reductions of tariffs on, for example, capital
goods, may induce more investment, which will
increase capital stock and, hence, a society’s
ability to produce and consume more in the
future. But static models—having neither past
nor future—will leave out of the equation those
welfare gains from larger future consumption,
which can be far more important than any gains
from larger present consumption. In fact, the
omission of the time dimension may ultimately
explain the negligible welfare gains from unilateral tariff reductions delivered by the static
models examined in this first article. This is pre-





David Ricardo (1817) was the first economist to argue
that free international trade would be beneficial to two
countries even if one of them produced all traded
goods more efficiently than the other. His key insight
was that what makes international trade desirable is
not this absolute advantage but the comparative or relative advantage — that is, the efficiency of each country at producing one good relative to its efficiency at
producing other goods.
Static models are those in which the dimension of time
is missing. In such models there is no past or future:
all analysis is conducted as if everything happened at
one time. In contrast, dynamic models do incorporate
the dimension of time in the analysis.
In economists’ technical jargon, preferences are concave.
Notice also that the utility function given in Equation 1
satisfies the taste for variety mentioned in the text, in
the sense that the consumer is always better off consuming a little of every good than a lot of one good
and nothing of others. Demonstrated mathematically,
the consumer would get an infinitely negative utility by
consuming nothing of some good because in that
case log 0 = – ∞.
This is why applied general equilibrium models are
also referred to in the literature as computable general
equilibrium models.
Because Armington (1969) was the first to propose
this assumption, it is often referred to in the literature
as the Armington assumption.
Another reason for the introduction of the national
product differentiation assumption is that slight
changes in tariffs tend to produce unrealistically large
moves toward specialization in models making the
opposite assumption that products are homogeneous
across countries (see Shoven and Whalley, 1984,
p. 1035).
Readers familiar with the literature will recognize this
argument as basically the contestable markets hypothesis often posed to question the effective market
power of potential monopolies and their ability to
depart too much from competitive outcomes.

Armington, Paul S. (1969), “A Theory of Demand for
Products Distinguished by Place of Production,” International Monetary Fund Staff Papers 16 (March): 159 – 78.
Arrow, Kenneth J. (1951), “Social Choice and Individual
Values,” Cowles Commission Monograph No. 12 (New
York: Wiley).



Boadway, Robin, and John Treddenick (1978), “A
General Equilibrium Computation of the Effects of the
Canadian Tariff Structure,” Canadian Journal of
Economics 11 (August): 424 – 46.

Harris, Richard (1984), “Applied General Equilibrium
Analysis of Small Open Economies with Scale Economies
and Imperfect Competition,” American Economic Review
74 (December): 1016 – 32.

Brown, Drusilla K. (1987), “Tariffs, the Terms of Trade,
and National Product Differentiation,” Journal of Policy
Modeling 9 (Fall): 503 – 26.

Krugman, Paul R. (1979), “Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition, and International Trade,” Journal of
International Economics 9 (November): 469 – 79.

——— (1992), “The Impact of a North American Free
Trade Area: Applied General Equilibrium Models,” in
North American Free Trade: Assessing the Impact, ed.
Nora Lustig, Barry P. Bosworth, and Robert Z. Lawrence
(Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution), 26 – 68.

Ricardo, David (1817), The Principles of Political
Economy and Taxation, Reprint, London: Dent, 1962.
Shoven, John B., and John Whalley (1984), “Applied
General Equilibrium Models of Taxation and International
Trade: An Introduction and Survey,” Journal of Economic
Literature 22 (September): 1007– 51.

Grubel, Herbert G. (1977), International Economics
(Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin).



Standard undergraduate textbooks often cast
monetary policy and fiscal policy as separable
undertakings. Such a split does seems natural;
after all, the players involved are different entities. In the United States, for instance, monetary
policy decisions are made by the Federal Reserve, while fiscal policies come under the
purview of the federal government. A direct
consequence of this “split personality” view of
policy action is that it gives monetary policy
sole authority over short-term nominal interest
rates and/or money growth rates, while fiscal
policy gets the final say on tax rates and transfer payment schedules. Indeed, in the monetarist–Keynesian debate, this separatist tradition
asks which class of policies is more effective at
managing economic activity.1
Almost two decades ago, Sargent and
Wallace (SW) burst the bubble on this dichotomy in a pathbreaking 1981 article, arguing
that neither policy is conducted in a vacuum.2
Although it may be appropriate to think of monetary and fiscal policy actions as separate ventures, it is important to understand that the
two interact. According to SW, monetary–fiscal
policy distinctions are at best arbitrary; monetary policy actions have repercussions for fiscal
policy settings and vice versa. Because governments, like private citizens, face budget constraints, SW show that both monetary and fiscal
actions interact in a single, unified government
budget constraint. Actions taken by the government while wearing the fiscal policy hat, for
instance, eventually affect the actions it takes
while sporting the monetary policy cap.
A convenient way to understand these
monetary–fiscal policy interactions is to think of
the central bank and the treasury as engaged in
a game of chicken, from which, at most, one
winner can emerge.3 SW consider a setting in
which the fiscal wing of the government dominates4 and focus on a policy in which the treasury finances an increase in government spending by selling interest-bearing debt to the public.5 Suppose that current money growth, at least
initially, is unaffected by this fiscal policy action.
In time, the real interest obligations of the treasury would rise. It is even possible that the revenue from new bond sales would be insufficient
to pay the outstanding interest on past bond
sales. When this rollover option fails, the government can potentially avoid bankruptcy by
printing money to pay off the deficit.6 SW show
that this increased interest expense forces the
government to print money at a faster rate than
would have been necessary had it chosen at the
outset to finance the deficit by printing money.

Monetary Policy Arithmetic:
Some Recent C0ntributions
Joydeep Bhattacharya and Joseph H. Haslag


his article explores some

of the recent contributions
to the literature on deficit
financing and the unpleasant
monetarist arithmetic.

Joydeep Bhattacharya is an assistant professor
at Iowa State University. Joseph Haslag is a
senior economist and policy advisor in the Research
Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.



As a consequence, financing the deficit with
bonds could ultimately be more inflationary than
financing it by printing money. Throughout
this article, we refer to unpleasant monetarist
arithmetic (UMA)—a term SW coined—as an
outcome in which money growth must rise to
finance a permanent increase in government
Three conditions are needed to obtain this
spectacular result in the SW setup: (1) the central bank is subservient to the fiscal authority,
(2) the real interest rate on government debt is
higher than the economy’s real rate of growth,
and (3) the central bank is in a position to raise
revenue by printing money. For the SW result
(which is contrary to conventional wisdom) to
have empirical bite, it is important that some
real-world economies share the three features of
the SW model economy. If the original Sargent–
Wallace UMA result is to serve as a cautionary
note for policymakers, all three conditions must
hold in the real world.
This article explores some of the recent
contributions to the literature on deficit financing and the unpleasant monetarist arithmetic.
Although government surpluses—not deficits—
are currently making headlines, we believe it is
premature to pronounce deficit financing dead,
just as it is premature to declare the business
cycle dead. After all, government surpluses are
neither permanent nor universal. Where this
discussion of the UMA may be most illuminating is in expanding our understanding of the
deficit financing issues some developing countries face. Government bond sales (to finance
deficits) in Russia, and more recently in Brazil,
have coincided with a faster rise in inflation
than money growth could explain. For countries
with surpluses, the UMA’s predictions may say
something about disinflation.
This article begins with a brief statement
and derivation of the UMA result, then reviews
the evidence used to refute the UMA predictions. In particular, we present evidence on the
real interest rate for the United States and
Canada to check whether condition 2 is satisfied. We examine whether, in fact, condition 2 is
necessary for the UMA result by considering a
case in which we increase the number of assets
people can use to transfer income across time.
Could it be that with an asset structure less
restricted than SW’s, condition 2 is no longer
necessary? Finally, we extend the SW analysis to
consider the deficit-financing consequences of
other monetary policy tools. Since central banks
have more than one way to raise revenue, does
it matter for the UMA which way is chosen?


The starting point for our analysis is a
stripped-down description of the economy in
which a government is operating. Time is broken
into discrete periods and indexed by t = 1,2,….
At each date t = 1, Nt young people are born.
Population grows according to the rule Nt + 1 =
nNt , where n > 1 is the gross rate of population
growth. Each person lives two periods and lifetimes of agents overlap, so that a young person
lives at the same time as an old person. The
latter dies at the end of the period; the former
moves into old age, and a new generation of
young people is born. One group (the “initial old”)
enters date t = 1 with only one period of life left.
This economy has a single perishable
commodity. Each person receives an endowment of y units of this consumption good when
young (the period in which they are born) and
nothing when old (the second, and last, period
of their life). In this setup, population and
aggregate income grow at the same rate.8
People in this economy wish to consume
something when they are young and something
when they are old. Because young people
receive some of the consumption good only
when young, each forges a plan that will maximize well-being from consumption over the
course of a lifetime. These plans will require
that each person consume a part of the endowment in the first period of life. What happens to
the remainder of the endowment? Since the
good itself is nonstorable, each person needs to
purchase stores of value, which can be used to
finance old-age consumption.9 Let c 1 (c 2 ) denote
the quantity of goods consumed when the
person is young (old). Note that the young pay
the government a lump-sum tax of τ goods.
Therefore, the division of the endowment by
the young person can be represented as
y – τ = c1 + s,
where s is the remainder that is used to buy
stores of value. Let r denote the gross real return
on the stores of value, so that the product, rs,
represents the total goods a young person can
consume when old. This means
rs = c 2 .
A typical young person has access to two
stores of value, money and bonds. The real purchasing power of the money held, vm, will, of
course, change as monetary policy settings
change. In the product, vm, m represents the
pieces of paper money each young person
holds and v is the quantity of the endowment


that can be acquired with one unit of paper
money.10 Hence, vm is the value of paper
money (per young person) measured in terms of
the consumption good. The young person may
also buy treasury bonds, giving the treasury b
endowment units in return for R /n units of the
consumption good when the bonds mature (when
the person is old). For simplicity, we assume the
person consumes a fixed fraction of y when
young and chooses a portfolio of both money
and treasury bonds.11 Put differently, the combined savings, s = b + vm, is independent of R/n.
Assume that the government taxes people
only when they are young, collecting τ units of
the consumption good. The government costlessly transforms the tax collected into units of a
government good, denoted by g t , that are useless to people. If the government wishes to
acquire more units of the consumption good, it
can borrow, issuing riskless interest-bearing
bonds, B, that are repaid one period later.
Alternatively, the government could print fiat
money, M.12 For each good borrowed from
young people at date t – 1, the government pays
Rt goods at date t. Thus, at any date t the government’s budget constraint is

budget constraint by rewriting it in terms of
quantities per young person. This involves
dividing the expression in Equation 1 by the
number of young people each period. Dividing
by Nt and using the population growth rule

gt +

b = τt + bt + v t mt  1 −  ,
nt t − 1
λt 

where bt = Bt /Nt and m t = M t /Nt .
Three conditions need to be satisfied for
this economy to be in equilibrium at any point t :
(1) people consume and acquire money and
bonds so as to maximize their lifetime well-being;
(2) they take the prices for the consumption
good, government bonds, and the value of money
as given; and (3) markets clear, in that the
supply and demand for consumption goods are
equal (likewise for the money and bonds), and
the government budget constraint is satisfied.
We now describe the simple arithmetic of
government budget deficits in the spirit of SW.
For convenience, our discussion focuses on the
long run, or on steady states, which are equilibrium situations in which government purchases,
taxes, bonds, real money balances, and so on
(per young person) are invariant with respect to
time.13 In steady states, violation of the government budget constraint at any arbitrary date t
results in the present value of government
spending, including interest obligations, differing from the present value of government revenues. In a steady state, bt = bt –1 = b, and g, τ, R,
vm , n, and λ are likewise time-invariant. Equation 2 may be rewritten as

Nt g t + Rt Bt –1 = Nt τt + Bt + vt (M t – Mt –1).

Equation 1 captures the required balance between what the government spends and what it
collects. The total number of goods the government purchases is Nt gt . If the government sells
Bt –1 bonds at t – 1, at t it has to pay bondholders Rt Bt –1 in the form of principal and interest
payments. The right-hand side of Equation 1
lists the various sources of revenue. The government collects taxes worth Nt τt and borrows
B goods. The last term on the right-hand side of
Equation 1 is seigniorage. Mt represents the total
stock of fiat money in the economy at date t.
Seigniorage, therefore, is the quantity of goods
the government purchases by printing money—
that is, M t – M t –1.
The monetary policy in this model economy is identifiable. The central bank controls
the money growth rate, at least ostensibly. The
nominal money stock evolves over time according to the rule Mt = λt M t –1, where λ is the gross
rate of money growth. Using this, seigniorage
can be rewritten as
vt M t  1 −  .
λt 

(3 )

g = τ + 1 −  b + v m 1 − 

to form the basis for the SW result.
This article focuses on the case in which
the central bank is subservient to the treasury.14
The government’s budget constraint in this
steady state is satisfied—that is, Equation 3
holds. A steady-state representation of the unpleasant monetarist arithmetic is as follows: with
taxes unchanged, a permanent increase in outstanding government bonds requires a permanent increase in the inflation rate to ensure the
government budget constraint is satisfied.
Consider an increase in government purchases of the consumption good, g (holding taxes, τ, and money growth, λ, constant),

Thus, unless noted otherwise, we define monetary policy as actions taken by the central bank
to change the rate of money growth.
It is helpful to simplify the government’s



historical evidence on R versus n, since such a
comparison is the primary means used to cast
doubt on the relevance of the UMA. We then
examine the merits of the criticisms.
The researcher confronts a number of
thorny issues in trying to measure the real interest rate. The principal difficulty is that the rates
are generally unobservable. With more countries issuing indexed government debt, some of
these measurement issues are mitigated, but the
time series on these securities are generally
quite short. Hence, real interest rates have to be
computed using an observable measure, such as
the nominal interest rate, combined with the
inflation rate. The question that then arises is
whether the GDP deflator or the Consumer
Price Index (CPI) is the more appropriate measure of inflation —a question that cannot be conclusively answered. Despite the nettlesome measurement issues, our approach yields the real
interest rate on a treasury security held for a
specific length of time. In other words, we opt
for a measure of the ex post real return paid on
a treasury security.
Along the same lines as Champ and
Freeman (1994), we plot the ratio R/n for the
United States and Canada (Figure 1).19 The ex
post real interest rate is measured using the
short-term (three month) nominal interest rate
and the GDP deflator. We compute the inflation
rate for the period in which the short-term government security is outstanding. Figure 1 shows
that the real GDP growth rate is usually greater
than the real interest rate (the ratio R/n is less
than 1). The most notable exceptions occur in
Canada from 1988 through 1992, when the real
interest rate exceeds the economy’s growth rate.
Espinosa-Vega and Russell (1998) argue that the
appropriate real return is an after-tax real interest rate. According to them, since World War II
the after-tax real rate of return on U.S. government debt has been about –0.4 percent, while
the average real growth rate of GDP has been
about 3.2 percent.
Based on the average gross real return on
government debt and the economy’s growth
rate, one might conclude the unpleasant monetarist arithmetic would have little predictive bite.
It is debatable whether the historical evidence
from the United States and Canada bears
directly on the question Sargent and Wallace
raise, which is whether the government can
finance a government purchase with a permanent increase in government debt. The United
States has never conducted the SW experiment,
so drawing inferences about the UMA from the
real interest rate and the economy’s growth rate

funded by an increase in bonds, b, sold to the
public. However, the bonds also have interest
costs, which in steady state equal (R/n)b. The
consequences of a bond-financed increase in
government spending depend crucially on R/n,
the ratio of the real interest rate to the economy’s growth rate.15 The question is whether the
costs are less than, equal to, or greater than the
revenue the bond sale generates.
First, consider a situation where R/n > 1—
that is, the real interest rate on government debt
exceeds the economy’s growth rate. (R/n)b > b,
or, in plain English, the interest on existing debt
exceeds the revenue from the sale of fresh debt,
resulting in a revenue shortfall. In equilibrium,
the budget balance holds (Equation 3). With τ
fixed, the central bank must raise the revenue
needed to make up this shortfall. The central bank
responds by increasing λ, which raises both
seigniorage, vm (1 – 1/λ), and the inflation rate.
What is the intuition behind this result?
With a permanent increase in b, the steady-state
comparison indicates that a revenue shortfall
will occur. The government must pay for its initial purchases and cover the additional interest
expense. Because the economy grows slower
than the gross real return on government debt,
steady-state interest expenses exceed revenue
from the debt issue. Hence, some other revenue
source is needed. SW establish that if the necessary condition R/n > 1 is satisfied, either
higher taxes or more seigniorage is required to
cover the increase in government purchases. In
the absence of the tax option, unpleasant arithmetic necessarily follows.16
To further understand the role played by
the R/n > 1 stricture, consider the opposite case,
in which the government’s revenue from the
bond sale is large enough to cover the (steadystate) interest expense.17 Because net interest
payments are growing slower than the economy, the government can glean revenue from
this bond issue to pay for the government purchases.18 The excess revenue from the bond
sale, defined as b – (R/n)b, allows seigniorage
requirements and/or taxes to be lowered.
Having established the importance of R/n,
we now review the evidence on the relationship
between the real interest rate and the growth rate.
Some argue that the SW result is a theoretical curiosity, that the unpleasant monetarist
arithmetic’s key prediction is irrelevant because
the gross real return on treasury debt is lower
than the economy’s growth rate. We review the



Figure 1

than government bonds and currency. This
extension to the basic model economy permits
the assessment of the role a restricted asset
structure plays in obtaining SW’s results. We
establish that R/n > 1 is a sufficient but not a
necessary condition to obtaining the UMA
result; unpleasant monetarist arithmetic may
result even if R/n < 1 holds. Bhattacharya,
Guzman, and Smith (1998) develop this analysis
more thoroughly.
Consider an economy with a store of value
that yields known, fixed units of the consumption good. For concreteness, we refer to this
store of value as an investment project. One unit
of the consumption good invested in this project yields a units of the consumption good the
following period; thereafter, its scrap value is
zero.20 Further assume that investment projects
are large, with a minimum size at which they
can operate. This minimum is large enough that
no individual can finance an investment project.
It seems natural to assume that in such an
environment banks would be created to pool
people’s savings into amounts large enough to
fund the investment projects, thereby giving
each person an additional store of value. We
assume that a bank collects deposits and transforms the goods into an investment project costlessly and that banks operate in a perfectly
competitive environment. The bank promises to
pay depositors a return one period after the
goods are deposited. This return is the same as
could be earned by a person with enough
resources to invest directly in the project. Since
no single person is rich enough to invest
directly, we can assume the bank intermediates
all investments.
Because banks in this economy are legally
required to hold a fraction (0 < θ < 1) of all
deposits to meet reserve requirements, the bank’s
portfolio of assets is divided between money
and the investment project. We assume the investment project offers a real return that exceeds the real return of money, that is, a > n/λ.
It is clear the bank will hold an exact fraction θ
(never more) of its deposit base in the form of
Knowing the returns to these assets (and
because providing these banking services costs
nothing), it is straightforward to calculate the
return to deposits by the bank. The gross real
return to currency held by the bank is n/λ,
which receives a weight θ in the bank’s portfolio. The return to the investment project is a,
with corresponding weight (1 – θ). Hence, the
return to deposits is a weighted sum of the
returns to each of the bank’s asset holdings:

Real Interest Rate and Real GDP Growth

United States, 1954–98














Canada, 1957–98












SOURCE: International Financial Statistics, various issues.

could be invalid. Suppose, for example, that a
permanent increase in government debt were to
result in a higher real (after tax) interest rate. In
that case, SW’s conditions for infeasibility may
become likely.
Thus, the historical record on R and n may
not be the most damning evidence against the
SW result. By this reckoning, the unpleasant
monetarist arithmetic is an intellectual curiosity
because the experiment is never part of policy,
not because its predictive content is invalid.
Insofar as the empirical evidence sheds light on
the SW predictions, it does so for a setting in
which R > n is a necessary condition for obtaining their result. In the next section, we examine
whether R > n is in the set of necessary conditions. While the R > n condition may be necessary in the SW setup to generate the UMA, it
may not be necessary under slightly more general model specifications.
This section examines an economy in
which people can hold stores of value other



(4 )


(denoted ∆b) to increase b, and if these bonds
are held by the public, d must fall for given s.
Since a fraction θ of d constitutes real money demand, we know vm (the seigniorage tax base)
must fall by ∆vm. So an increase in b raises revenue by the amount (1 – R/n)∆b (recall that we
are assuming R/n < 1). However, for fixed λ, the
revenue from money creation, ∆vm (1 – 1/λ),
falls. Bhattacharya, Guzman, and Smith (BGS)
prove that when (1 – R/n) < (1 – 1/λ), the loss in
seigniorage exceeds the revenue from bonds.23
This revenue shortfall has to be made up somehow. One possibility is to raise the money growth,
λ, which would, of course, raise the inflation
rate. Here is what is happening: the government
is raising revenue from the sale of bonds but is
losing seigniorage (because the bond sale
crowds out money holdings and reduces the
inflation tax base). With money growth constant, it is possible the net effect is that the bond
sale reduces overall steady-state revenues.
Thus, the two steps establish that a permanent increase in government debt cannot be
financed by a permanent increase in government bonds. The first step establishes that the
real return on government bonds exceeds the
real return on fiat money. With R > n/λ and
a > n, BGS show these two results are sufficient
for the UMA. In plain English, the unpleasant
monetarist arithmetic could hold even if the real
return to government bonds is lower than the
economy’s growth rate. The key proviso is that
there exists a store of value with a real return
higher than the economy’s growth rate. The
open market sale means the government must
cover the net interest expenses of the larger
stock of debt while reducing the quantity of real
money balances. Higher inflation is necessary to
pay for these expenses, potentially even when
the real return on the debt is lower than the
economy’s growth rate.
The BGS finding is important because it
means the UMA result can be obtained with a
set of necessary conditions that does not
include R/n > 1 (condition 2). Indeed, in the
BGS framework, the UMA is a possibility as long
as there is an intermediated asset with a real
return exceeding the economy’s growth rate.
Since this last condition does not require that
R/n be greater than 1, BGS may have eliminated
its need. This undercuts the criticisms leveled by
Darby (1984) and others against the “unrealistic”
R/n > 1 condition.
In the BGS economy, the gross real return
to the investment project, a, is constant.
Bhattacharya and Kudoh (1998) consider a neoclassical production economy in which the in-

+ (1 − θ)a.

We assume that people can continue to purchase riskless government debt directly and that
there are no reserve requirements on debt holdings. A person’s savings will be divided in two:
part will be used to buy government bonds (b),
and the remainder will be deposited with the
bank (d )— that is, s = b + d. For people to hold
government debt willingly, its return must be at
least as great as the return to deposits. Likewise,
people will hold deposits if their return is at
least as great as the return to government debt.
If both government debt and bank deposits are
to be held,
+ (1 − θ)a
must result. Equation 5 is what is often called a
no-arbitrage condition. More generally, multiple
riskless assets will be held only if they bear
identical rates of return.21
We proceed in two steps. The first step
requires that the returns to government bonds,
the investment project, and money be ranked. If
a > n > n/λ holds, R > n/λ must also hold.22 To
verify this, suppose a > n > n/λ, but R < n/λ. It
follows from Equation 5 that θ(n/λ) + (1 – θ)a
< n/λ must also hold. This expression reduces
to a < n/λ, which contradicts our original
assumption that a > n/λ. Hence, a > n/λ implies R > n/λ. If the investment project pays a
higher real return than money, the real return to
government debt must exceed the return to fiat
money. Thus, government debt is more expensive (to the government) than money as a means
of deficit financing. Treasury debt requires an explicit (nominal) interest payment while money
balances do not. (Note that a > n > n/λ does
not imply R > n.)
Our second step examines the case in
which the government permanently increases
the ratio of government bonds to cash balances.
In this instance, the government is selling government debt and buying money —an open
market sale. To determine what this means for
the government’s unified budget constraint, we
return to Equation 3, setting τ = 0 to get

R =θ

g = 1 −  b + v m 1 −  .
With a > n > n/λ, we know R/n > n/λ or (1 –
R/n) > (1 – 1/λ). We have completed our task if
we can show that the UMA holds even if R/n <
1 holds. Suppose R/n < 1, and recall that s = d +
b. If the government uses an open market sale



A Seigniorage Laffer Curve
The Laffer curve was originally developed to show that income tax rates can
get so high people start to choose nonmarket activities over working. If the rate at
which people drop out of work is fast enough relative to the rate at which income
taxes are raised, income tax revenue — the product of people’s income (the tax base)
and the tax rate on it — could decline.
Monetary economists have used similar reasoning to explore the effect increasing the inflation tax has on seigniorage. Recall, the revenue earned from money
creation is
 1
vm 1 −  ;
 λ

ter for the central bank to change the reserve
ratio or change the money growth rate? For the
purpose of the UMA, does it matter how monetary policy is implemented? Is it possible that
the UMA may not result if the central bank
changes the reserve ratio (instead of the money
growth rate) to raise the required seigniorage?
Freeman (1987) identifies the optimal way
for the central bank to raise seigniorage. Abstracting from government debt, he shows that
monetary policy could mimic a lump-sum tax.
Set the reserve requirement equal to the ratio of
government purchases to output. By confiscating this amount of real money balances, the
government could fund its purchases. Confiscation would be achieved by making these
money balances worthless—that is, by letting
money grow at an infinite rate.25 Thus, Freeman
shows that a combination policy using both
money growth rates and the reserve requirement ratio would be best.
Bhattacharya and Haslag (1999) study a
production economy, similar to the Bhattacharya and Kudoh (1998) economy, in which
the central bank controls two monetary policy
tools. The central bank applies either the
reserve requirement or the money growth rate,
holding the other constant, to affect the level of
seigniorage. By changing the reserve requirement, the central bank alters the seigniorage tax
base, while keeping the seigniorage tax rate
constant. Bhattacharya–Haslag quantify the
change in the steady-state level of real seigniorage following a change of central bank tool.
People store for future consumption by
holding money, government bonds, and investment projects. The central bank could raise the
seigniorage needed to cover a permanent increase in government bonds by raising the
money growth rate or by lowering the reserve
requirement ratio. Because a person’s lifetime
consumption increases as reserve requirements
are lowered, the reserve requirement policy is a
pleasant monetarist arithmetic.
In addition to addressing the possibility
that monetary policy may be implemented in
multiple ways, the Bhattacharya–Haslag exercise
underscores the importance of the seigniorage
Laffer curve in this discussion. SW’s unpleasant
monetarist arithmetic occurs because the economy is on the “good”’ side of the Laffer curve
with respect to the money growth rate: an increase in the money growth rate generates an
increase in seigniorage. (The box entitled “A
Seigniorage Laffer Curve” discusses the Laffer curve
as it applies to monetary policy.) In contrast, the
Bhattacharya–Haslag results indicate the econ-

vm is the seigniorage tax base, and 1 – 1/ λ is the tax rate.
First, consider the relationship between changes in the money growth rate and
the level of real seigniorage. The idea is that faster money growth is associated with
higher inflation rates. Holding everything else (especially the seigniorage tax base)
constant, higher inflation would produce higher real seigniorage. However, the inflation rate is inversely related to the gross real return to holding money. If people hold
less money in response to the higher inflation, it is clear the tax base is declining in
the face of a higher tax rate. Inflation rates can get so high that people start to
eschew money. In short, vm declines.
The Laffer curve description fits the following scenario. When the inflation tax
rate is low, the decline in the seigniorage tax base is small and the product (real
seigniorage) rises with increases in the inflation rate. However, it is possible that at
high money growth rates (and hence at sufficiently high inflation rates), people will
reduce their money holdings so much that real seigniorage may fall with further
increases in the inflation rate. When money growth rates and real seigniorage are
positively related, they are on the good side of the Laffer curve. Conversely, when a
decrease in real seigniorage accompanies an increase in the money growth rate,
they are on the bad side of the Laffer curve.
Second, consider the relationship between reserve requirements and real
seigniorage. Again, holding everything else constant, an increase in the reserve
requirement will raise the seigniorage tax base, resulting in greater seigniorage.
However, if the rate of return to other stores of value exceeds that of money, an
increase in the reserve requirement drives a greater wedge between the return to
money relative to other stores of value. If reserve requirements rise enough, people
have an incentive to move their savings from banks to stores of value that do not
face reserve requirements. This action could result in a smaller seigniorage tax base.
As with the money growth rate, therefore, the relationship between the reserve
requirement ratio and real seigniorage may be inverse-U shaped.

vestment project exhibits diminishing marginal
returns.24 As the government increases its reliance on bonds, investment in the project gets
crowded out, raising the return on the project
and thereby raising the return to bonds, R.
Because of the no-arbitrage condition, government bond financing becomes costlier as interest expenses rise with R. Bhattacharya and
Kudoh find that even when the real return to
capital (analogous to a) is lower than the economy’s growth rate, the UMA is still a possibility.
As such, they show that the SW/BGS results
extend to a more general economic model.
Sargent and Wallace restrict the central
bank to a single policy tool, the money growth
rate. However, real-world central banks have
other means of raising seigniorage. For example,
many directly control the reserve requirement
ratio. This gives rise to a broader question:
faced with an increase in treasury debt, is it bet-



omy is on the “bad” side of the Laffer curve with
respect to the reserve requirement: a decrease
in the reserve requirement raises seigniorage.
For the Bhattacharya–Haslag result, the
intuition is straightforward. With higher reserve
requirements, fewer of the deposited goods are
put into the investment project.26 As such,
investment projects are crowded out of the
bank’s portfolio. Diminishing marginal returns
play a crucial role here. The gross real return on
the investment project would rise. If government bonds are held, their return would rise,
too. It follows that the government’s interest
expense would rise: there are more government
bonds, and the interest rate on each bond is
higher. The increase in the reserve requirements
drives up interest expenses, which will require
more seigniorage, which will, in turn, require a
further increase in the reserve requirement, and
so on. Bhattacharya–Haslag find that lowering
reserve requirements increases investment in
the project enough that the gross real return on
government debt declines, permitting the
smaller tax base to finance the increase in government expenses. Thus, their findings suggest
that how monetary policy is implemented does
impact the unpleasant monetarist arithmetic, in
the sense that people prefer lower reserve
requirements to faster money growth when the
central bank must pay for a permanent increase
in government bonds. Put differently, a more
“pleasant” monetarist arithmetic may be observed if the central bank reduces the reserve
ratio to raise the required revenue.

a real return that exceeds the economy’s growth
rate, and if government debt offers a positive
nominal interest rate, the SW result is possible
even if the real return on government debt is
less than the economy’s growth rate. Both these
sufficient conditions seem empirically plausible;
for many countries, the average real return on
equities is, on average, above the economy’s
growth rate. Thus, a subservient central bank
could still be required to support the treasury’s
financing needs, even if the real return on government debt is quite low.
Second, we examine a case in which the
central bank controls more than one policy tool,
to determine whether the unpleasant monetarist
arithmetic depends on which tool is used.
Numerical analyses indicate that a permanent
increase in government debt requires faster
money growth, at least for low to medium
money growth rates, but lower reserve requirements. The findings are consistent with the
notion that reserve requirements are a blunt
instrument. Movements in the reserve requirement ratio directly crowd out capital from a
bank’s portfolio. Movements in the money
growth rate do not have such a direct impact on
the distribution of the bank’s assets. Because the
rates of return on these assets are affected, our
analysis suggests that people would prefer
lower reserve requirements, and thus lower
real rates of return, to faster money growth to
finance the government’s bond issue.
A caveat is necessary. In this article, we
provide a status report on the unpleasant monetarist arithmetic, under the explicit assumption
the central bank is completely subservient to the
treasury. This leaves unanswered the question
of to what degree (if any) the central bank
should be subservient to the treasury. Answering such a question would require delving into
the myriad strategic considerations that determine the degree to which the central bank is
independent of the treasury. Doubtless, this is
interesting material for future work.27

This article reviews some recent developments in the unpleasant monetarist arithmetic
literature, with a focus on the studies that adopt
the Sargent–Wallace approach of making the
central bank subservient to the treasury. We
ignore the literature that explores the game of
chicken between these two entities.
This survey highlights two main developments in the literature. The SW result seems to
rest squarely on the proviso that the real interest rate on government debt is greater than the
economy’s growth rate. However, the data appear
to relegate this result to that of a theoretical
curiosity; for most of the postwar period, the
real interest rate has been below the growth rate
in both the United States and Canada. One
recent development in the literature shows that
for the SW result to hold, it is not necessary that
the real return on government debt exceed the
economy’s growth rate. If there is an asset with






The authors wish to thank Helle Bunzel, Tim Fuerst,
Noritaka Kudoh, and, especially, Evan Koenig, Mark
Wynne, and Carlos Zarazaga for helpful comments on
an earlier version of this article.
Of course, well-defined normative criteria (objective
functions) are needed for judging efficacy. The appropriateness of government objective function(s) is outside the scope of this article.
The basic ideas had already been presented by Metzler
(1951), Patinkin (1965), and especially Christ (1968).







A standard game of chicken involves the following.
Two players, each in a car, face each other, separated
by a distance of, say, 100 yards. Someone blows a
whistle and the cars start rushing toward each other.
If neither player moves out of the other’s way, both
would die. So one player has to give. The one that
gives way to the other is the “chicken”; the other
player wins. Sargent (1987, 176) attributes the idea
of viewing monetary–fiscal policy interactions as a
game of chicken to Wallace.
Thinking about these issues as a game of chicken is
enlightening in regard to Europe’s recent move toward
a single currency. The issue of deficit financing arises
because the treasuries in the eleven countries would
appear to lose the game of chicken against the
European central bank.
This policy experiment was popular among researchers
embroiled in the monetarists vs. Keynesians debate.
There is no reason, a priori, to believe that an independent central bank would raise seigniorage to meet the
treasury’s interest obligations. An alternative is for the
treasury to raise taxes. A good analogy is the example
of the Federal Reserve and the state of Texas. There is
no evidence the Fed creates money to meet the state’s
obligations, although the state is clearly a passive
beneficiary of unexpected increases in money growth
rates brought about by the Fed.
In this article, we stick to the version of unpleasant
monetarist arithmetic Sargent (1987) presents. In particular, we restrict our focus to a comparison of steady
states (see the section titled “The Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic Result”), which differs slightly from SW
(1981). SW compare the inflation rate for two cases:
one in which the government finances its deficit with
money creation today and one in which the government
issues bonds to finance the deficit and is eventually
forced to monetize the deficit. The inflation rates differ
in the two cases; indeed, SW derive conditions in which
the inflation rate is higher in the bond-finance case.
We follow the approach adopted in Sargent (1987).
There, the comparisons are conducted on stationary
equilibria. Sargent writes: “The higher the stationary
value of interest-bearing government debt b, the lower
the rate of return on currency, that is, the higher the
inflation rate. This is the foundation of Sargent and
Wallace’s result” (147). As such, we derive conditions
in which higher inflation is part of the policy package
accompanying an increase in government bonds.








To see this, let population growth in this economy be
represented by Nt = nNt –1, so that the gross population growth rate is n. That is, if n were equal to 1 at
date t – 1, it would mean the adult population replaced
itself one for one with children that period or the population did not grow between dates t – 1 and t. Aggregate income (GDP) is the product of the number of
young people and their endowments; that is, Nt y.
Thus, the aggregate income growth rate is given by





Nt y/Nt –1y. With a constant endowment per young person, y, the income growth rate reduces to n, the same
as the population growth rate.
We have eliminated the possibility of intergenerational
loans. The old would never loan anything to the young
because repayment would occur after the old have
died. (There are no dynasties that could enforce
repayment.) The young would never loan anything to
the old because there is no way to enforce contracts
with a dead person. See Samuelson (1958) for details.
Put differently, vt is the inverse of the price level at
date t in this economy.
If the choice is between holding interest-bearing
bonds or holding non-interest-bearing money, no person will hold money unless its real rate of return is the
same as the real return on bonds. In other words, we
need to specify the reason people hold money even
when better stores of value are available. We return to
these issues in the section “Adding Stores of Value.”
Fiat money is nothing but intrinsically worthless pieces
of paper money that are inconvertible — that is, the
government does not promise to convert the money
into the consumption good. See Wallace (1980).
Since everything in the economy (except the price
level) in a steady state is time-invariant, the subscript t
loses any meaning and is therefore dropped.
Central bank independence can be defined in terms of
the game of chicken between the treasury and the
central bank described above. Suppose the fiscal
authority chooses it policies first (τ and b), independent of the central bank. The central bank, having lost
the game of chicken, sets λ to ensure that current and
future money creation pays for all the treasury’s future
interest obligations and the government’s expenditures.
This is our definition of a subservient central bank.
Aiyagari and Gertler (1985) label this a non-Ricardian
regime. See also Canzoneri, Cumby, and Diba (1998)
for alternative classifications in terms of fiscal-dominant
and money-dominant regimes. By their definition, the
postwar United States has a money-dominant regime.
It is important to note that a fiscal-dominant regime in
the sense of Canzoneri, Cumby, and Diba (1998) is not
the same as a fiscal leadership regime (a term SW
use), which in turn differs from a non-Ricardian regime.
Abel (1992) also discusses the consequences of government financing when the real return on government
debt exceeds the economy’s growth rate. Abel focuses
on deficit financing’s impact on the capital stock.
Sargent and Wallace go one step further, to show that if
people are forward-looking, they will know future money
creation is necessary to fund the increase in the government’s debt; as a result, current inflation will rise.
Sargent and Wallace (1981), Darby (1984), and Miller
and Sargent (1984) also recognize this case and discuss both sides of the debt-financing issue.
Describing the transition from one steady state to the
other can be thought of as a case in which the ratio of











public debt to GDP is declining over time. With a
declining ratio of debt to aggregate income, principal
and interest payments associated with the bond issue
become a smaller fraction of the economy. It follows
that the growing economy can absorb the debt obligations without having to rely on additional taxes or
seigniorage to pay for the initial purchase.
We focus on the United States and Canada because it
is the data for these countries that have been used to
argue against the SW result. We also have data for
Russia and Brazil, although there are only four years
of data from Russia and there is a five-year gap in
Brazil’s R /n ratio. The data are available from the
authors upon request.
A real-world analog of this would be a time deposit or
certificate of deposit.
It is important to note that the reserve requirement on
money holdings is singularly responsible for creating a
wedge between the return to government debt and the
return to the investment project.
This combines two previously discussed stipulations:
investment projects must yield returns that are higher
than both the economy’s growth rate and the return on
The important point here is that this is true even
though in this regime R /n < 1 (condition 3) is not satisfied. This is also the sense in which printing money is
the cheaper option.
Taking this to its natural limit, if the economy could put
an infinite quantity of goods into the investment project, the return on the last unit would be zero. Conversely, if the quantity of goods in the investment
project is close to its minimum-size requirement, an
additional unit of the good put into the project will offer
returns that greatly exceed the economy’s growth rate.
A technical consideration arises when the money
growth rate is set equal to infinity. The Freeman policy
prescription works if the money growth rate is some
very large, finite number so that the value of money is
close to zero.

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