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Measuring the Policy
Polley Effects
Of Changes in
In Reserve
Requirement Ratios
jo.wph H.
J/. Hastag
Ilaslag and
anti Scott
SroII E.E. Hein

AlIew Quarterly Output
Measure for Texas
Fr(ll/illitl D.
D. Berger and
grid Keith
IfJ!ilb R. Phillips

Alternative Methods
Of Corporate Control
Commercial Banks
In Commerclaillattks
Stephen D.
D. ProtI'St!

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

Economic Review
Federal Reserve Bank 01 Dallas

Robert D. MeTllr, Jr.
Pr!ll(lenl ¥III CfrieI toe:uMl ()jig

Toay J. IImlDIo
FI!'II Vb PrmldenI n1 CNII ~ IlIIta'

Hlmy Rosenilam
SonIer VQPr8!lll!nlIIIII~ It ~

Ykz PrIsDrt RI Ean:mcAlt/1501

SllpMo P. A. Bnrn
AssiIIIIII: YIaa PmicIi!o'.I ¥Id Senior E~

RnlltCfl Oft'lcen
John Ouca
Robert W. GitmeJ

William C. Gruben
Evan F. Koenig

Kenneth M. EIII81Y
Bevertv J. FOK
David M. Gould
Joseph H. Haslag
O'Aoo M. Pelefsen
Keith R. Phillips
Stephen O. Prowse
Fiona D. Sigalla
Lori L Taylo!
lucinda Vargas
Mafk A. Wynne
Mine K V!k:el
carfos E. Zaralllgil


Raurdl Aasaclma
Pr~ NaItw1 S. I!aIke

..... .....

PrDlessor Thomas B. Fomby


Prolessor Gr800IY W. Hultman

Professor Fioo E KVdland
~o! T_ilAuslin

Prolessor Roy J. Rullin

Stephen P.A. Brown

Evan f . Koonig
Monaglng Edllor
Rhonda Harris

Copy Edhor

Monica Reeves
Grapldc OnIgJl


laJra J. Bell

The Ecoooo!ic ~ is plOiiftd by !he FodtraI
Resero'8 &nk 01 Dalla$. The I'iews ~ are !hose
01 the authors af'I:I do 00I1leIZS5¥'1y rdIed Ite posi.
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Measuring the
Policy Effects of
Changes in Reserve
Requirement Ratios
Joseph H. Haslag and ScOIl E. Hein
Page 2

A New Quarterly Output
Measure for Texas
Franklin D. Berger and Keith R. Phillips
Page 16

Alternative Methods of
Corporate Control in
Commercial Banks
Stephen O. Prowse

Page 24

The monetary hase is (he sum of high-powered money and an

adjustllll:n! factor that measure.s changes in reSt:lve requirement
ratios. This adjustment factor is calculated .so lhm it responds 10
changes in deposit k:vcls in addition 10 changes in reserve requirements. Cons(;!quently, researchers and policym;tkcrs using the monel:l ry base are seeing;t mixture of changes impkmentcd through open
market operations, uiSCoLlnt window borrowings, and reserve fequiremcntli, together with nonpolicy actions acting on deposit flows.

Joseph Hasbg and Scott J-1cin calcul<ue the reserve step index
(RSD to s<:par:He changes in one of the availahlc adjustment factor::; the 5t Louis Federal Heserve Hank's Reserve Adjustment Me:lsurc
O~AM )-int o pure rescrve-requirt!ment effects and deposit-now
effects. HSI would give analysts ;1 measure (hat responds only to
chang!.!.. in reserve requiremem ratios. Haslag and Hein also provide
statistical evidence s Ll ~esling Ihal combining RSI and the depositnow effecl , :IS RAM docs, is not justifiablt! in simple reduced-form
mooeb of nominal GNP growth, otl1put growth , or innation.

Heal gross ciOlllt:slic product is one of the most watched
indiC;Hor.; of the U. S. husineS$ cycle Yet at the stale level. output
mea$U~S are rardy USt-d to track husiness conditions. Although the
Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates real gros.<; sta tt! product
(RGSP), the long n:lease lag (usually about two and one-h;llf years
:Ifler the reporting ye:lr) and the annual periodicity of the data
severely limil its u$efulness.
In this ,Iltide, Frank Berger and Keith Phillips find that movements in quarterly personal income and various price me:lsures ca n
accurately explain movements in total Texas RGSP and in eleven
broad industry groupings. Based on these findings, Berger and
Phillips create quarterly measures oftoral and industry-specific Texas
RGSP that will be ,lv,libble about four months ,Ifter rbe report ing
quarter The new series represents :, comprehensive me:lSUfC of
economic activity in the .<;tate that can be used along with olherlimely
indicators, such :IS nonfarm employmcflI and (he unemployment
rate, to gauge current business conditions.

In Ihis article, Stephen Prowse investigates how owners of commercial hanks enCOllf<lge management to follow value-maximizing
policies While the "corporate control mechanism" in nonfinancial
Finns is well documented , fo r the banking industry much less
evidence is available. Moreover, unique faclOrs in the operating e nvironment ofcormnen:ial ba nks may mean that their corporate control
mechanism oper.Hes differently from that of no nfin:mcial fi rms.
Prowse analyzes a sa mple of hank holding companies (BHCs)
from 19H7 to 1992 to detennine how many underwent a change in
corporate conlrol by hostile takeover, friendly merger. action by the
board of dire<.tors. Of interyention by regulators. Prowse finds that the
prim:lry market-based corpor.lfe control mt."Chanism among BJ-ICs is
action by the board, although hank boarels appear to be much less
assertive than hoards of nonfinancial firms. Over-Ill, the market-based
corporate control mechanism.~ in banks do not appear as effident at
disciplining manager... as they are in other firms . By default, Ihis has
given a primary role to regulators to provide a "1:tst resort" control
mechOlnism. Prowse analyzes ~asons for this and ev:t!ua tes bmv
proposed hanking leJ.iislation mighl affect corpomte governlmce.

Karl Brunner (1961) argues that movements
in a monetary policy measure should solely reflect
those actions undertaken through all three of the
Federal Reserve’s policy tools: open market operations, discount window loans, and changes in
reserve requirements. In Brunner’s view, highpowered money—the sum of bank reserves and
currency held by the nonbank public (also known
as source base)—is too narrow a measure for
policy analysis. His main criticism is that changes
in reserve requirement ratios would not cause
movements in high-powered money. As a result,
he suggests constructing an adjustment factor—
which he terms liberated reserves —to measure
policy actions undertaken via changes in reserve
requirements. Brunner defines the monetary base
as the sum of high-powered money and the
adjustment factor. This combination provides a
monetary policy measure that possesses Brunner’s
desired property of representing all Federal Reserve tools.1
Following Brunner’s lead, both the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis (hereafter “St. Louis”)
and the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System (hereafter “Board”) currently calculate monetary base series that add an adjustment factor to high-powered money. The purpose
of the adjustment factor ostensibly is to measure,
in dollar terms, monetary policy actions implemented through changes in reserve requirements. In both the St. Louis and Board measures,
the adjustment factor is an index value constructed as the difference between what required
reserves would have been under the base-period
reserve requirement structure and actual required reserves. Movements in the index value,
therefore, are interpreted as changes in the
amount of required reserves freed (absorbed)
relative to the base period.
Peter Frost (1977) and Manfred Neumann
(1983), however, have argued that the St. Louis
index value is a poor proxy for measuring changes
in reserve requirements.2 In essence, these critics
argue that movements in the adjustment factor,
over time, can occur for nonpolicy reasons. Critics
claim, as such, that the adjustment factor is not a
pure measure of policy changes conducted through
the Federal Reserve’s tools but includes other
This measurement issue is potentially important for students of monetary policy. If movements in the adjustment factor are an amalgam of
policy and nonpolicy actions, it is a mistake to
interpret movements in the St. Louis adjustment
factor as a direct measure of reserve requirement
ratio changes. To illustrate this point, suppose
that a nonpolicy action causes a movement in the

Measuring the
Policy Effects of
Changes in Reserve
Requirement Ratios
Joseph H. Haslag
Senior Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Scott E. Hein
Norwest Bank Distinguished Scholar
Texas Tech University


his measurement issue is

potentially important for students of monetary policy. If
movements in the adjustment
factor are an amalgam of policy
and nonpolicy actions, it is a
mistake to interpret movements
in the St. Louis adjustment factor
as a direct measure of reserve
requirement ratio changes.


adjustment factor. A researcher looking at such an
episode in monetary policy history would, using
the adjustment factor, erroneously identify this
movement as reflective of a policy action. This
identification problem also arises when researchers estimate correlations between the adjustment
factor and economic variables, claiming the adjustment factor measures reserve requirement
ratio changes. If the adjustment factor does not
properly distinguish between policy and nonpolicy
actions, it is not clear whether either episodic
differences or the estimated correlations are due
to movements in policy actions, nonpolicy actions, or both. Examples of potential inference
problems arise in several articles examining the
relationship between reserve requirements and
economic activity, including Prakesh Lougani
and Mark Rush (forthcoming), Joseph Haslag
and Scott Hein (1992), Charles Plosser (1990),
and Mark Toma (1988).
We have two main objectives in this article.
First, we describe and construct a measure of
changes in required reserves caused by changes
in reserve requirement ratios for the United States
from 1929 through 1993. Unlike the current reserve adjustment measures, this alternative measure distinguishes between movements resulting
from changes in reserve requirement ratios and
those resulting from changes in deposits. Our
alternative measure is constructed by modifying
Brunner’s liberated reserves notion. More specifically, we constrain changes in the reserve index
measure to equal zero during periods in which no
changes in reserve requirement structures were
implemented. Our objective is to generate a
cleaner measure of changes in reserve requirements, especially for analysts explicitly interested
in monetary policy research.
The second, and more important, objective
is to empirically assess the importance of this
measurement issue. While the criticism of the
existing procedure has been around since the late
1970s, the significance of the distortion has been
generally ignored. After providing a descriptive
(episodic) overview of the measurement differences, we use formal statistical techniques to
quantify the differences between the existing
adjustment factor and our measure.

Brunner (1961) first suggested the idea of
a comprehensive measure of monetary policy
actions. He proposed the notion of liberated
reserves, defined as reserves freed or impounded
by changes in reserve requirements. Leonall
Anderson and Jerry Jordan (1968, 8) describe the
process of constructing the reserve adjustment
measure for a particular month as follows:

First, the weighted average reserve
requirement on demand deposits for the
month (using for weights the distribution of
these deposits by class of member bank) is
computed. Then, the difference in average
reserve requirements from the previous
month is multiplied by net demand deposits
for the previous month.

The reserve adjustment measure is then the
algebraic sum of the monthly estimations. Thus,
the change in the reserve adjustment measure is

where L denotes liberated reserves, Dt is the
period-t level of deposits against which reserves
are required to be held, and ∆wr = wrt – wrt –1 is
the change in the weighted average of reserve
requirement ratios. 3 (The ∆ is the first-difference
operator.) The weighted average takes into account that reserve requirements are different for
different-sized banks. For example, in 1994 the
first $51.9 million of checkable deposits at a
particular bank are subject to a 3-percent reserve
requirement. (This $51.9 million level is called the
low-reserve tranche.) For deposit levels above the
low-reserve tranche, the reserve requirement
ratio is 10 percent. The weighted average is then
the sum of the following products: the fraction of
period-t deposits that are subject to the lowtranche reserve requirement times 0.03 (the 3percent reserve requirement) and the fraction of
period-t deposit levels that are above the lowreserve tranche level times 0.10 (the 10-percent
reserve requirement). Note that if there were only
one reserve requirement ratio, this approach
would yield changes in liberated reserves only
when reserve requirements were changed.
A problem with constructing liberated reserves in this way is that nonpolicy actions can
affect the change in liberated reserves over time.
For example, suppose that depositors shift their
accounts from banks with deposit levels below
the low-reserve tranche to large banks. Because
the reserve requirement ratio is higher at the large

The history of adjustment factors
Before we describe the alternative method
used to construct the reserve requirement change,
it is useful to provide a brief overview of the
adjustment factor. With such an overview, one
can better understand how the definition of
adjustment factor has evolved over time and the
criticisms of this measure.


∆L = Dt ∆wr,



bank than at the small bank, the weighted average
reserve requirement ratio will change. Consequently, there is a change in the reserve adjustment measure. Frost (1977) identifies this problem,
as well as another concern, in measuring monetary policy using the monetary base measure.
(See the box entitled “Frost’s Logarithmic Adjustment Factor” for details on his methodology.)
At about the same time as Frost’s work, two
researchers at the St. Louis Fed, Albert Burger and
Robert Rasche (1977), were calculating the Reserve Adjustment Magnitude, or RAM. St. Louis’
RAM was designed to measure the impact of
changes in reserve requirement ratios. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ adjustment measure is calculated as

In the remainder of this article, we turn our
attention to measuring changes in required reserve ratios. We construct our measurement by
constraining the change in measure of required
reserves to equal zero for those periods in which
no change is made in reserve requirements.

Constructing the reserve step index
We offer an alternative measure of effective
reserve requirement ratios that is not affected by
such deposit flows. To create our measure, which
we term the reserve step index (RSI), we use data
on weekly levels of required reserves. We modify
the St. Louis base-period selection process; that is,
our RSI measure is constructed using the reserve
requirement ratio structure for August 1978. St.
Louis, however, uses the average reserve requirement structure for 1976 –80 as its base period.6
We choose August 1978 for our RSI base period
for two reasons. First, August 1978 is the month in
which RAM is closest to zero (there are no
monthly values of RAM in which it is identically
zero). Second, our base-period selection permits
a fairly direct comparison with the St. Louis RAM
measure insofar as the average reserve requirement ratio in 1976 –80 is evidently close to the
August 1978 reserve requirement structure.
The various dates for changes in reserve
requirement ratios are obtained from the annual
report of the Board of Governors for every year
from 1929 to the present.7 With the dates of the
changes in reserve requirement ratios, the difference between required reserves in the week(s) in
which the change in structure took place and the
week prior to change is used as our estimate of the
value of reserves freed (absorbed) by the policy
action.8 This measure is added to the previous
level of RSI, resulting in a cumulative measure of
dollar changes in required reserves resulting from
changes in reserve requirement ratios.
We consider separately the dates after
August 1978 and the dates before August 1978.
For dates after August 1978, we look for the first
period that reserve requirement ratios were
altered. For each date after August 1978, we
calculate the change in RSI as

RAMt = (rb – rt )Dt ,

where rt is the vector of the reserve requirement
ratios that apply in period t, rb is the vector of the
reserve requirement ratios in a selected base
period, and Dt is the vector of period-t quantity
of deposits against which reserves must be held.
The St. Louis monetary base adds RAM to highpowered money. RAM can be interpreted as the
level of required reserves in period t less what
required reserves would have been were the
base-period reserve requirement still in effect. A
positive value of RAM indicates that reserves have
been freed relative to the base-period reserve
requirements. Conversely, a negative value indicates that reserves have been impounded relative
to the base-period reserve requirements.
Consider how RAM changes over time. The
changes in RAM from one period to the next
(discrete time) can be represented as

∆RAMt = –∆rt Dt + (rb – rt )∆Dt .

Equation 3 indicates that RAM changes over time
in response to two factors. The first term on the
right-hand side of equation 3 captures changes in
reserve requirement ratios. The second term,
which we refer to as the deposit-flow effect,
indicates that RAM can change over time even if
reserve requirements are constant.4 Specifically,
changes in deposits indirectly reflect both the
households’ and banks’ behavior. Because these
changes affect both RAM and the monetary base,
the adjustment factor presents a basic identification problem: movements in RAM can be due to
changes in reserve requirements, due to changes
in deposits against which reserves must be held,
or some combination of both. The implication is
that RAM is a potentially poor proxy of changes
in reserve requirement ratios.5


RSIt – RSIt –1 =

RRt –1 – RRt if reserve
requirement changes,
0, otherwise.

Similarly, from the August 1978 benchmark, we
move backward in time, looking sequentially for
dates on which changes in the reserve requirement ratio structure were implemented. Again,
equation 4 is used to determine the path of RSI.


Frost’s Logarithmic Adjustment Factor
Peter Frost (1977) identifies a problem with
a monetary base measure. Specifically, Frost
argues that the measure “distorts the effect of
Federal Reserve policy actions on the growth in the
money supply” (1977, 168). Frost’s point is that
the growth rate of the monetary base should be
equal to the growth rate of high-powered money
in periods in which reserve requirements are constant. Yet, Frost shows that differentiating the log
of liberated reserves with respect to time yields

money. Formally,

Differentiate equation A.3 with respect to time and
solve for the growth rate of the logarithmic adjustment factor (L*) to yield

Γt =


∑ Gjr ∆rt ,

j =1

where Gr is the arithmetic mean of 1/(r + k ) for
period t and period t –1, r is the reserve-to-deposit
ratio, k is the currency-to-deposit ratio, and ∆r is
the change in reserve requirements. Obviously,
with ∆r = 0 (a case in which reserve requirements
are constant over time), Γ is constant. The logarithmic reserve adjustment measure uses Γ so that
the percentage change in the logarithmic reserve
adjustment is equal to the change in high-powered

In periods in which there is no change in reserve
requirements, equation 4 dictates that the step
index be held constant.
When the change in RSI is not zero, equation 4 indicates the change in the dollar amount
of reserves freed (absorbed) by changes in reserve requirements in the particular week in
which the reserve requirement change was enacted. While the input data we use is weekly, our
aim is to construct a monthly series. We simply
sum across all the weekly changes in RSI that take
place within a month to get a monthly value. With
the estimates of monthly changes, we start with
RSI = 0 in August 1978, adding the monthly value
of the change in RSI to the previous month’s
level, both forward and backward in time, to
create our time series. The result is an index time
series documenting the cumulative measure of


dL* L *dB
+ (B + L*)

From equation A.2, the term d Γ/dt = 0 during
periods in which reserve requirements do not
change. Thus, the percentage change in L* is equal
to the percentage change in B, implying that B and
B + L* grow at the same rate.
For our purposes, equation A.4 indicates
that the value of L* does change over time, even
when reserve requirements do not. So, Frost’s
approach satisfies the criterion that growth rates for
high-powered money and monetary base are
identical in those periods in which reserve requirements do not change. However, L* is not a good
indicator of changes in reserve requirements, in our
sense, because it moves over time even though
reserve requirements do not change.
It is important to note that Frost’s Γ term is
quite similar to our notion of what makes a good
measure. Both RSI and Γ do not change during
periods in which reserve requirement ratios are
constant. In constructing RSI, we use the level of
required reserves as the basis for calculating
changes in required reserves caused by changes
in reserve requirement ratios. Implicitly, we are
multiplying changes in reserve requirement ratios
by deposits. However, Frost calculates Γ as the
product of the change in reserve requirement ratios
and 1/(r + k ).

for L ≠ 0.

Frost proposes a solution to this problem: a
logarithmic adjustment factor. The bottom line is
that Frost’s series ensures that the monetary base
and high-powered money grow at identical rates in
those periods in which reserve requirement ratios
do not change. However, in levels, the logarithmic
adjustment factor moves over time, even in those
periods in which reserve requirements do not
change. As such, Frost’s measure is suspect as a
measure of monetary policy actions implemented
through changes in reserve requirement ratios.
Frost’s adjustment factor is defined as

ln(B + L*)t = lnBt + Γt .

changes in required reserves, relative to August
1978, that are due to changes in reserve requirement ratios.
The relationship between changes in RSI
and changes in RAM is straightforward. First, note
that RRt = rt Dt (where RR is required reserves).
For periods in which changes in reserve requirement ratios occur, substituting this expression
into equation 3, one can write

∆RAMt = rb’∆Dt + ∆RSIt

for rt ≠ rt –1,

where ∆ is the difference operator. In periods in
which no changes in reserve requirements take
place, rt = rt –1,
(6) ∆RAMt = rb’∆Dt – rt’∆Dt = (rb – rt )∆Dt , and
∆RSIt = 0.



Taken together, equations 5 and 6 describe the
movements in RAM, differentiating between periods in which changes in reserve requirement
ratios occur and periods in which only changes
in deposit levels occur. Equations 5 and 6 share
a common term, rb’∆Dt . This term represents
the change in required reserves due to deposit
flows (∆Dt ).
The deposit-flow effect, (rb – rt )’∆Dt , makes
it difficult to use the St. Louis measure as proxy for
measuring changes in reserve requirement ratios.
Using the RAM methodology, required reserves
are treated as freed (or absorbed) as deposits
change over time, even when reserve requirement ratios are fixed and rb ≠ rt . In contrast, for
periods in which no changes to reserve requirements occur, ∆RSI = 0 by construction.9 Our next
objective is to empirically assess the costs, if any,
of including the deposit-flow variable in a measure of changes in reserve requirement ratios.

Because both series are index numbers, a
comparison of the two series is implicitly a
comparison relative to the base period. Because
we use essentially the same base period to
construct RSI as RAM, however, absolute comparisons of the two series, and the implied reserve
requirement ratio structures, are a justifiable approximation.
The two reserve index series (RAM and RSI)
exhibit qualitatively similar time series behavior.
Some important differences, however, emerge
during particular episodes. For example, consider the period 1929–36. This period represents an interval in which there is a sizable
difference between the levels of the two measures. RSI hovers around –$4 billion for most of
this period, indicating that reserve requirements
were higher during this interval than those in
place during the 1978 base period. In contrast, in
the 1929–36 period, RAM is near zero for the
entire period. A researcher using RAM (and interpreting it as changes in reserve requirement
ratios) would infer that reserve requirements in
the 1929 through 1936 period were really not that
different from those of the 1976 –80 period. The
interpretation provided by RAM is that reserve
requirements were not very restrictive during
the first half of the 1930s relative to the August
1978 base period. RSI, however, suggests a much
more restrictive policy stance was in place in
the 1929–36 period relative to the August 1978
base period. Specifically, the 1929–36 reserve
requirement structure absorbed about $4 billion

Comparing RSI and RAM over time
Figure 1 plots the original RAM series and
RSI, the step index, from January 1929 through
December 1993. (The actual monthly series for
RSI is included in the appendix.) By construction,
RSI does not move in periods between changes in
reserve requirement structures. As such, the reserve step index is constructed as a sequence of
infrequent, permanent shocks. This time series
behavior is quite different from that of RAM,
which shows much more drift; that is, RAM experiences more frequent changes in its level.

Figure 1

RAM and RSI Series, January 1929 – December 1993
Billions of dollars


’29 ’31 ’33 ’35 ’37 ’39 ’41 ’43 ’45 ’47 ’49 ’51 ’53 ’55 ’57 ’59 ’61 ’63 ’65 ’67 ’69 ’71 ’73 ’75 ’77 ’79 ’81 ’83 ’85 ’87 ’89 ’91 ’93

SOURCES: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and authors’ calculations.


in reserves relative to the August 1978 reserve
requirement structure. After 1936, both RSI and
RAM decline, and by 1945, the two series obtain
about the same level. In highlighting the 1929–36
period, it is easy to see inference problems
created by the presence of the deposit-flow effect
during the Great Depression. The fact that RAM
is close to zero during the 1929–36 period has
more to do with the outflow of deposits from
banks during this period than with monetary
policy actions. As such, one could wrongly infer
that reserve requirements were about the same
in the 1929–36 period as they were during the
1976 –80 period.10
Another discrepancy between the time
series behavior of RAM and RSI occurs beginning
in 1973 and ending about 1975. In early 1973, RSI
falls slightly, while RAM begins a steady decline
that ends in early 1975. Both RAM and RSI are
below zero, indicating that the reserve requirement structure during the 1973–75 period was
high relative to the appropriate base periods.
Deposit inflows, with basically high reserve requirements relative to the base period, drive RAM
down sharply from 1973 through 1975. RSI,
however, indicates that very few required reserves were absorbed by reserve requirement
ratio changes during this period. As measured
by RAM, the rapid deposit growth in this period
would have exaggerated the policy constraining effects of reserve requirements. As the public
moved deposits into reservable deposit accounts
in 1973, RAM suggests that the level of required
reserves was becoming more and more restrictive during the 1973–75 period. RSI suggests,
however, that the average level of required
reserves was raised only slightly between 1973
and 1975.11
Similarly, again in 1987–90, deposit outflows drive RAM sharply lower than RSI. Between
1987 and 1990, RAM increases only slightly. One
could infer that reserve requirement ratios had
been lowered slightly, freeing a small amount of
reserves. In contrast, RSI rises rather sharply
during the 1987–90 period, indicating that monetary policy was actually freeing a larger amount of
reserves.12 Based on RAM, the late 1980s looks
like a period in which reserve requirements were
lowered slightly, then held fairly steady. In contrast, RSI indicates that a series of policy actions
was implemented in which reserve requirements were lowered. The data in Figure 1 can be
reconciled by treating the small increase in
RAM as resulting from deposit outflows. Reserves
freed by lower reserve requirements were being
offset by smaller quantities of deposits. Consequently, RAM—the product of these two sepa-


rate effects —shows only slight increases, while
RSI accurately captures the falling reserve requirements.

A time series analysis of the differences
between RSI and RAM
By displaying the levels of the RAM and the
RSI series, Figure 1 depicts episodic differences
between the two measures. However, the evidence does little to shed light on the importance
of such differences. It may be the case that the
two series only randomly deviate from (a linear
combination of ) one another. One way to shed
light on this issue is to examine the statistical
long-run relationships between RSI and RAM. In
particular, we ask whether RAM and RSI are
similar time series. Our belief is that there is no
permanent long-run association between these
two measures in the sense that if one wanted
to forecast movements in RSI using RAM over
an infinite horizon, the variance around that
forecast would be infinity. Based on the time
series behavior presented in Figure 1, we suspect that deposit-flow effects can, and do, cause
the two variables to permanently diverge from
one another.
Robert Engle and Clive Granger (1987) have
suggested the use of cointegration techniques
to explore long-run relationships in time series.
If deposit-flow effects are a short-run phenomenon that results only in temporary deviations
between the two measures, then deviations between the two series should disappear in the long
run. Hence, such deviations can be characterized as simply “noise.” On the other hand, if
deposit flows are significant and not self-reversing, there is likely to be no long-run relationship
in the two series.
Evidence indicates that both RAM and RSI
are integrated of order one—I(1).13 As such, the
two series may be cointegrated. The following
is the output from an ordinary least squares
regression using levels of RAM and RSI (standard
errors in parentheses):

RAMt = –.323 + .862 RSIt + et .
(.125) (.17)
D –W = .03; R 2 = .82.

As the two measures, RSI and RAM, each has
unit roots, a test for cointegration seeks to determine whether there is a unit root in the residual,
et , from equation 7. Under the null hypothesis
that there is a unit root in et , the test statistic is
–2.25, which is larger than the 5-percent critical
value of –3.17. Hence, one fails to reject the null
hypothesis that there is a unit root in the error



term. Thus, one cannot reject the null hypothesis
that RAM and RSI are not cointegrated.14 Similarly, the small value of the Durbin–Watson
statistic also suggests that RAM and RSI are not
cointegrated. The evidence, therefore, suggests
there is no long-run relationship between RAM
and RSI. As such, there is no evidence to support
the notion that RSI and RAM are driven by a
common factor. Nor should one conclude that
deviations in the two measures simply reflect selfreversing noise.
Our interpretation of these tests is that RAM
gives weight to a deposit-flow effect that may
permanently bias the estimate of changes in
required reserves resulting from true changes in
reserve requirement ratios over an infinite horizon. Moreover, the evidence suggests that the
deposit-flow effect is itself integrated of order
one; that is, the deposits against which reserves
must be held have a unit root, resulting in RAM
and RSI not being cointegrated. Indeed, an
auxiliary test is to look for unit roots in the
differences in the time series —RAMt – RSIt —
which, by construction, is the deposit-flow effect,
measured as the vector product of deposits against
which reserves must be held times the difference
in reserve requirements in the current period and
in the base period. Unit root tests on this variable
indicate that this deposit-flow measure is indeed
integrated of order one —I(1). In light of these
findings, the discrepancy in the two alternative
measures of changes in required reserves is not a
trivial issue. The differences between the two
series do not gravitate toward zero in the long
run. The evidence presented formalizes what
“ocular econometrics” suggests —the two series
are different. This evidence further suggests that
the two measures would provide very different
signals about changes in reserve requirement
ratios over time.

cal. The question, however, is whether this constraint is empirically supported.
To examine the first question, we begin by
separating the deposit-flow effect and the reserverequirement effect. We define ∆DEPFLOWt =
∆RAMt – ∆RSIt . ∆DEPFLOW generally will not
equal zero for periods in which changes in
reserve requirement ratios occur.16
The strategy here is to estimate reducedform macroeconomic models in which the explanatory variable, the percentage change in
RAM, is decomposed into the percentage change
in the deposit-flow variable and the percentage
change in RSI (each as a proportion of the
adjusted monetary base).17 The reduced-form
setting is useful for purposes of identifying differences in predictive content. In these simple
regressions, we are focusing on the indicator
properties of the separate components of the
monetary base. (Of course, this question does not
answer whether the monetary base is a better or
worse indicator compared with other variables.)
We estimate separately reduced-form
models of the inflation rate (using the implicit
price deflator), the percentage change in real
GNP, and the percentage change in nominal GNP.
The right-hand-side variables in these regressions
are lagged values of the percentage change in
high-powered money (∆SB), ∆RSI, and the deposit-flow variable (∆DEPFLOW ). In the inflation and output growth equations, we include
both lagged values of the inflation rate and real
GNP growth. In the nominal GNP growth equation, lagged values of nominal GNP growth are
also included. We use the Akaike Information Criterion to select the appropriate lag length for all
explanatory variables in the regressions. The
general representation of the reduced-form regressions is as follows:



j =1

j =1

j =1

(8) ∆Yt = a0 + ∑ ∆Yt − j + ∑ ∆SBt − j + ∑ ∆RSI t − j

Relationships to economic activity
In this section, we examine two specific
questions in a reduced-form macroeconomic setting. First, does the deposit-flow measure help to
predict movements in macroeconomic variables
differently from the current reserve requirement
measure?15 Since RSI ignores the deposit-flow
effect, testing for marginal predictive power of
deposit-flow effects is an indirect test of what
measure is contributing to the predictive power of
RAM. Second, are the coefficients on depositflow measure equal to the coefficients on RSI?
Because RAM essentially constrains these two
effects to be equal, empirical work using RAM
supposes that the effects of changes in reserve
requirements and changes in deposits are identi-



j =1







j =1

j =1

j =1

∆Pt = a0 + ∑ ∆Pt − j + ∑ ∆y t − j + ∑ ∆SBt − j



∑ ∆RSI
j =1


+ ∑ ∆DEPFLOWt − j ,
j =1




j =1

j =1

j =1

(10) ∆y t = a0 + ∑ ∆Pt − j + ∑ ∆y t − j + ∑ ∆SBt − j

∑ ∆RSI
j =1





+ ∑ ∆DEPFLOWt − j ,
j =1

Table 1

Regression Results for Inflation, Output Growth,
And Nominal GNP Growth Equations, 1929–83

where ∆Y is nominal GNP growth, ∆P is the
inflation rate, and ∆y is output growth. The n i ’s
denote the appropriate lag length for each variable in the model.
Unfortunately, national income and product accounts data are not constructed in a consistent manner back to 1929. Hence, we use two
different data sources. For the period 1929–83,
we use quarterly data from Nathan Balke and
Robert Gordon (1986) on real GNP and the fixedweight deflator. Since these data end in 1983,
we also consider a postwar period that includes
more recent history, namely, 1951–93. For this
period, we use real GNP, the implicit price
deflator, and nominal GNP data from the Bureau
of Economic Analysis. In all, we estimate the
three reduced-form regressions over two periods:
1929–83 and 1951–93.
The key reason for separating the reserverequirement effect and the deposit-flow effect in
a reduced-form specification is that the depositflow effect signals changes affecting both the
demand for deposits by households and businesses and the supply of deposits by banks. As
such, the deposit-flow effect in this reduced-form
equation is not a pure policy measure but is an
amalgam of these different shocks.18
The reduced-form setting used in this analysis does little to shed light on the transmission
mechanism differentiating the reserve-requirement effect from the deposit-flow effect because
we do not have structural equations. However,
the reserve-requirement effect represents a tax on
the banking system and, hence, is a particular
type of shock. Thus, while these tests do not
provide direct evidence on the structural effects,
they do provide evidence on whether separating
reserve-requirement effects from other effects
helps to predict economic activity. Moreover, the
∆RAM measure implicitly assumes that the
effects of changes in ∆DEPFLOW and ∆RSI are
equal. By separately including the deposit-flow
measure and ∆RSI in the regression, we can test
whether this restriction is supported by the data.
This test is important in analyzing the response
of macroeconomic variables to policy changes,
as given in impulse response functions. Specifically, if the coefficients on lagged values of ∆RSI
are different from the coefficients on lagged
values of the deposit-flow measure, one cost
of using ∆RAM is that impulse response functions — or, for that matter, any parameter estimate—will be biased.
Table 1 reports the sum of the estimated
coefficients for each of the three regression
equations, using data for the period 1929–83.19
The table also summarizes evidence on the null


Sum of the Estimated Coefficients
Dependent Variable
Independent Variable



Real GNP















Output growth

Nominal GNP growth


Nominal GNP





Table 2

Regression Results for Inflation, Output Growth,
And Nominal GNP Growth Equations, 1951–93
Sum of the Estimated Coefficients
Dependent Variable
Independent Variable


Real GNP

Nominal GNP



Output growth
















Nominal GNP growth




* Significant at the 10-percent level.
** Significant at the 5-percent level.
NA denotes not applicable.
NOTE: Numbers in parentheses represent the number of lagged values included in the regression.

hypothesis that the sum of the coefficients equals
zero. Insofar as the sum of the coefficients indicates some long-run relationship present in
the reduced-form equation, the test determines
whether there are significant long-run predictive effects.20 Table 1 documents that ∆RSI is
significantly related to changes in inflation, output growth, and nominal GNP growth in the
sense that the sum of coefficients is different
from zero. Increases in ∆RSI, occurring because
of a lowering of reserve requirements, predict subsequent increases in inflation, output
growth, and nominal GNP growth. In contrast,
∆DEPFLOW is not related to the inflation rate
or nominal GNP growth. Moreover, while
∆DEPFLOW is weakly related (at the 10-percent
significance level) to output growth, as indicated
by the tests on the sum of the coefficients,
increases in deposit flows predict subsequent
decreases in output growth.21
Table 2 reports the sum of the coefficients
and test statistics, estimating the same relationships with data after World War II: 1951–93.22



Table 3

Tests of Exclusion Restrictions
Panel A: Sample Period 1929– 83
Dependent Variable


Real GNP

Nominal GNP















Independent Variable
Panel B: Sample Period 1951– 93

* Significant at the 10-percent level.
** Significant at the 5-percent level.
NOTE: F-statistics calculated under the null hypothesis that coefficients on lagged values of independent variable equal zero.
Tests are conducted on the same regressions that are reported in Table 1 and Table 2.

The results differ from the 1929–83 period in two
particular ways. First, the sum of the coefficients
on ∆RSI and ∆DEPFLOW is uniformly smaller in
the 1951–93 sample than in the 1929–83 sample.
Second, neither ∆RSI nor ∆DEPFLOW exhibits a
statistically significant long-run relationship to
economic activity in the 1951–93 sample.
Another way to distinguish between reserve-requirement effects and deposit-flow
effects is to determine whether they differ in terms
of their short-run predictive content. Specifically,
the question is whether movements in one or
both of the components of RAM help to predict
changes in economic activity. The test statistic,
sometimes referred to as a Granger causality test,
is calculated under the null hypothesis that the
coefficients on lagged values of the variable are
jointly equal to zero. The test indicates whether
reserve requirements or deposit flow, or both, can
help predict short-run changes in economic
activity. Table 3 reports the test statistics for both
our samples. In Panel A, the tests are reported
using the 1929–83 sample, whereas Panel B
reports the tests calculated using the 1951–93
sample. In both sample periods, the results indicate that ∆RSI always helps to predict changes in
inflation, output growth, and nominal GNP growth.
The ability of changes in ∆DEPFLOW to predict
changes in economic activity is uneven across the
two samples. Changes in ∆DEPFLOW help to
predict nominal GNP growth and are marginally
related to output growth in the 1929–83 sample,
but they are not significantly related to inflation.
In the 1951–93 sample, changes in ∆DEPFLOW
are significantly related to changes in inflation but

are statistically unrelated to movements in output
growth and nominal GNP growth. Thus, the
evidence suggests that either both reserverequirement effects and deposit-flow effects contribute to a relationship between RAM and economic activity, or only reserve-requirement effects
contribute to RAM’s predictive content. These
results suggest differences between reserverequirement effects and deposit-flow effects, but
the evidence relates to predictive content and
does not bear on whether the two effects should
be separated. Presumably, one would want to
distinguish between the two effects if combining
the two into one measure throws out useful
The next step is to directly test the hypothesis that changes in required reserves resulting
from changes in reserve requirement ratios (as
measured by ∆RSI ) have the same regression
coefficients as those of the changes resulting from
deposit flows. These results bear on the issue of
whether there is a need to separate the reserverequirement and deposit-flow effects. One interpretation is that these coefficients describe the
short-run dynamics when shocks hit the system.
In vector autoregressions (VARs), these parameter estimates are used to generate impulse response functions. Thus, coefficient equality tests
examine whether the short-run dynamic effects of
changes in reserve requirement ratios should be
constrained to equal the effects of changes in the
deposit-flow variable.
Table 4 reports F-statistics from two different tests. In the joint hypothesis tests, the test
statistic is calculated under the null hypothesis


Table 4

Test Statistics on the Equality of RAM and DEPFLOW Coefficients
that all individual coefficients on ∆RSI and
∆DEPFLOW are equal to one another. On the
other hand, the sum of the coefficients test
determines whether the sum of the coefficients on
lagged values of ∆RSI is equal to the sum of the
coefficients on lagged values of ∆DEPFLOW. As
such, the first test examines whether significant
differences in the short-run dynamics are present,
while the second test examines whether the longrun impacts are statistically different for the two
effects. Because the reduced-form models use
stationary time series, it is unlikely that movements in ∆RSI and ∆DEPFLOW will result
in long-run changes in inflation, real GNP growth,
and nominal GNP growth, as stationarity implies that each series would return to its timeindependent mean values.
In Table 4, the top half reports the tests for
the 1929–83 sample, while the bottom half reports the findings obtained using the 1951–93
sample. In all six cases, the statistic for the joint
hypothesis rejects the null hypothesis, suggesting
that the coefficients on lagged values of ∆RSI
are not equal to coefficients on lagged values of
∆DEPFLOW. The short-run predictive content of
the two variables is very different. Only in the case
of output growth in the 1929–83 sample would
one reject the null hypothesis that the sum of the
coefficients is equal. Thus, the evidence for output growth in these two samples rather strongly
rejects the notion the short-run dynamic path
following a shock in RSI is identical to the path
following a shock to ∆DEPFLOW. On the other
hand, the general evidence suggests that the longrun effects generally are not significantly different
from one another.
We interpret the significant differences between the coefficients on ∆RSI and ∆DEPFLOW
as evidence against combining the reserverequirement effect and deposit-flow effect, as is
done in RAM. Thus, a measure of reserve-requirement effects is useful for looking at pure policy

Estimating period: 1929– 83

Sum of the




Output growth



Nominal GNP growth






Output growth



Nominal GNP growth



Estimating period: 1951– 93

** Significant at the 5-percent level.

Reported is an F-statistic calculated with degrees of freedom (n, 213 – n) for the 1929– 83 sample
and (n, 138 – n) for the 1951– 93 sample, respectively. Here, n is the number of restrictions placed
on the regression.

reserve requirements are not changing. The basic
problem is that present approaches to quantifying
these policy effects are influenced by depositflow shifts. In particular, decisions under the
purview of the public or the banking community
result in shifts among deposits with different
reserve requirements that will result in changes in
the current Federal Reserve System measures.
Over time, the accumulation or decumulation of
deposits changes the measures even though reserve requirements are unchanged.
Why has this problem with the current
measures been ignored? One can surmise that the
economics profession either does not believe the
criticism is valid or, alternatively, believes the
measurement error is trivial.
The purpose of this article is to challenge
this conventional wisdom. To develop our case,
we first construct our own reserve requirement
step index (RSI), thus providing an alternative to
the measures constructed by the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis and the Board of Governors. Our
reserve requirement step index excludes, by
construction, the most significant movements that
result from deposit-flow occurrences. For purposes of comparison, we construct our index for
the period 1929–93.
We compare our measure with the conventional measure used by the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis. There are several distinct historical
episodes in which significant differences between
RSI and the St. Louis measure exist. The evidence
suggests that significant deposit flows have had
rather large impacts on the conventional measures over time. Moreover, we document that such
measurement distortions are not temporary but
are, indeed, quite long lasting.

Summary and conclusions
For many years now, monetary economists
have recognized the value of quantifying the
effects of reserve requirement ratio changes in
measuring the monetary base. In fact, the Federal
Reserve System currently provides such a measure to the public. Yet, the methodology used to
quantify the effects of reserve requirement ratio
changes has been criticized, dating back to at least
1977. Researchers have pointed out that current
approaches to quantifying the effects of reserve
requirement ratio changes are flawed to the
extent that these measures can change even when





The differences in the two measures further
result in different statistical associations between
macroeconomic variables. We find that the purer
measure of reserve-requirement effects generally
has strong statistical associations with both inflation and real GNP growth. The deposit-flow
effects, which cloud the measures of reserve
requirement changes under the current methodologies, do not have a similar strong relationship
to these macroeconomic variables. In fact, the
evidence suggests that the statistical relationships
are quite different for the reserve-requirement
effects and the deposit-flow effects. As such, our
findings raise serious concerns about using conventional measures of the monetary base, which
presume the effects of reserve requirements and
deposit flows are the same.
The secondary aim of this article is to
provide a better measure of reserve requirement
ratio changes. Our efforts in this vein should be
viewed as an approximation. One would need
individual bank data to accurately measure the
reserve-requirement effect. Based on our approximation, however, the conventional wisdom is
challenged; that is, the measurement of reserve
requirement ratio changes does not represent a
mere second-order concern. Current approaches
are not sufficient statistics for reserve requirement
ratio changes. In contrast to the general view, we
believe that it is useful to provide an accurate time
series of reserve requirement ratio changes and
that this measurement is potentially an important
issue for economists in many macroeconomic,
monetary, and financial applications.








The authors thank John Duca, Milton Friedman, Bill
Gavin, Rik Hafer, Evan Koenig, Allan Meltzer, Manfred
Neumann, Stephen Prowse, Dan Thornton, and Mark
Wynne for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this
article. Any remaining errors are our own.
George Tolley (1957, 466) also discusses a measure of
changes in the average reserve requirement ratio. His
construction of average reserve requirements is “jointly
determined by government, banks, and the non-bank
public.” However, Tolley’s concept of an average reserve requirement ratio is quite different from Brunner’s.
Tolley includes currency in his definition of reserve
base. Thus, currency has a reserve requirement ratio of
1, and Tolley’s notion is more like a money multiplier,
though he refers to it as a reserve requirement ratio.
Brunner focuses on liberated reserves exclusively
through changes in reserves that are required against
deposits, rather than both currency and deposits.
This criticism applies equally to the Board adjustment
factor. Because essentially the same criticisms apply,
we focus on the St. Louis measure. Moreover, Haslag




and Hein (1992, forthcoming) provide evidence
suggesting that the St. Louis measure is more closely
related to macroeconomic activity, in a statistical
sense, than the Board measure.
Here, we take the liberty of treating the adjustment
factor equations as if there is one kind of deposits
against which reserves must be held. In reality, there
are different types of deposits (for example, savings
and demand deposits) and bank characteristics (for
example, reserve city, nonreserve city, small) that
determine the level of a particular bank’s required
reserves. Anderson and Jordan are careful to specify
that the construction procedure for demand deposits
also applies to savings accounts. The appropriate
vector representation of D and r are omitted without
loss of insight into the problems we are identifying.
Neumann (1983) shows that RAM suffers from the
same problem that Frost identifies with liberated reserves; that is, the growth rate of the monetary base is
not equal to the growth rate of high-powered money
during those periods in which there are no changes to
reserve requirement ratios.
In addition, Neumann cites the dependence of measuring current monetary policy on the cumulated sum of
past changes in reserve requirements. This also is an
interesting measurement problem, but our current
focus is solely on the deposit-flow issue.
The Board of Governors uses the current reserve
requirement ratio structure as the base period. In an
earlier article (Haslag and Hein 1990), we provide
evidence suggesting that the St. Louis approach is
more closely related to nominal GNP growth than the
Board measure. Our belief is that the St. Louis base
has a closer statistical relationship to nominal GNP
growth than the Board base because the 1976–80
base period is more representative of the average
reserve requirement ratio structure than today’s
structure. We gratefully acknowledge the help of
Dennis Mehegen at the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis for providing us with weekly data for the period
January 1968 to June 1991.
In going through the Board of Governors’ annual
reports, we have selected all changes in reserve
requirement structure, including definitional changes
and size changes. See Joshua Feinman (1993) for a
partial list in which the major reserve requirement
changes are identified.
As such, our reserve step index is still subject to
deposit-flow effects, but only to the extent that deposit
flows occur between the weeks in which reserve
requirement ratios are changed. Note that in equation
2, the RSI can be rewritten as rt –1Dt –1 – rt Dt . Changes in
deposits from t– 1 to t will be picked up in the RSI. To
correct for this deficiency, one would need the use of
detailed deposit data that are not generally available.
Specifically, one would need data on deposit levels by
type for each bank. This is necessary because differ-







ent reserve requirements have applied to different
deposit levels. We believe that this deposit-flow effect
is small, especially relative to the deposit-flow effects
present in current reserve adjustment indexes that
permit change in months in which no reserve requirement ratio changes occur.
It should be noted that RSI represents essentially an
average, as opposed to a marginal, concept. If one
were to divide RSI by the quantity of deposits against
which reserves must be held, the term would represent
the average reserve requirement ratio. To construct a
marginal reserve requirement series, detailed data are
necessary on the quantity of deposits held at individual
banks by each reserve requirement distinction. Such
data, however, are not available. Thus, our efforts yield
a first approximation of changes in average marginal
reserve requirement ratios.
Interestingly, Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz
(1963, 526) characterize the 1936 reserve requirement
hikes as significant factors in the slowdown in economic activity that began in 1937, an interpretation that
is more consistent with the behavior of RSI than RAM.
Several changes in reserve requirement structure were
enacted during the 1973–75 period. In short, reserve
requirements on demand deposits were raised slightly
in 1973, lowered in 1974, and lowered in 1975. On
balance, reserve requirements were lowered for the
smallest deposit levels ($0 to $2 million) and for the
largest banks (over $400 million), with the intermediatesized deposit levels experiencing no change in
reserve requirements.
Haslag and Hein (1989) suggest that the Monetary
Control Act of 1980 (MCA) effectively lowered the
average reserve requirement for all depository institutions. Our RSI measure supports the inference that
MCA effectively freed reserves for the system.
In other words, each series is differenced once and is
stationary—I(1). The Phillips–Perron test is applied to
RAM and to RSI in both level and percent-change
forms to examine the order of integration of each
series. RSI is designed as a series in which there are
infrequent, permanent shocks. Asymptotically, the
distribution theory behind the unit root tests applies to
series such as RSI. However, Nathan Balke and
Thomas Fomby (1991) argue that standard Dickey–
Fuller critical values result in too many rejections of the
unit root null hypothesis in finite samples.
Under the null hypothesis that there is a unit root in
RAM, the test statistics are 0.80 in level form and
–25.67 in percent-change form, whereas the test
statistics are 1.88 in level form and – 46.38 in percentchange form for RSI. The 5-percent critical value is
–3.17. The evidence suggests that RAM and RSI are
nonstationary in levels but stationary in percent change.
When RSI was regressed on RAM, the evidence
similarly failed to reject the null hypothesis that the
series were not cointegrated.



The issue is intertwined with differences between
outside and inside money. The deposits against which
reserves must be held are liabilities of banks and thus
reflect changes in the demand for and supply of
intermediated deposits. Changes in reserve requirement ratios, other things held constant, affect the
demand for high-powered money. Robert King and
Charles Plosser (1984) distinguish between real and
monetary effects, arguing that changes in outside
money (the monetary base) are nominal changes,
whereas movements in inside money (the money
multiplier) represent real changes in the financial
intermediation process. King and Plosser find that the
monetary base is correlated with prices but not with
real economic variables. However, the money multiplier is closely correlated with real economic variables.
Scott Freeman and Greg Huffman (1991) provide a
theoretical model that yields the same qualitative
correlations as King and Plosser find. In this case, both
changes in reserve requirements and changes in
deposits against which reserves must be held are real
changes. However, one is a policy variable, and the
other may only reflect behavioral changes due to
policy changes.


The changes in required reserves during the week in
which reserve requirements are changed will generally
not equal the difference between RAM measured
during the month in which reserve requirements
changed and the month before the change occurred.
The calculation of percentage change relative to
the quantity of monetary base is as follows: ∆SBt =
(SBt – SBt –1)/[(MBt + MBt –1)/2], where SB denotes
high-powered money and MB denotes the monetary
base. Thus, ∆MBt = ∆SBt + ∆RSIt + ∆DEPFLOWt .
Note that the variables are stationary in percentchange form.
In a structural setting, Eugene Fama (1982) argues
that a bank’s decisions to supply deposits is likely to
be related to changes in reserve requirements. By
having both deposits and reserve requirements in
the regression, we are implicitly examining the effects
of changes in reserve requirements on economic
activity separately from the effects of changes in
Table 1 attempts to provide some idea of the regression results without going into too much detail. Reporting the sum of the coefficient saves space compared
with reporting each individual coefficient. The full set of
parameter estimates and the data series are available
from the authors upon request.
The regressions are run with variables that are stationary. With stationary series, the thought experiment
seems a bit odd. The tests on the sum of the coefficients determine whether a once-and-for-all movement
in the policy would be related to a permanent change
in the measure of macroeconomic activity. Yet, the
policy variables have not exhibited movements that are









consistent with the sort of permanence suggested by
the thought experiment. Indeed, both the policy measures and macroeconomic variables have reverted to
their constant mean value.
An important issue is the stability of the regression
coefficients over the sample period. We follow the
approach taken by Martin Feldstein and James Stock
(1993). We use a battery of six different tests for
parameter stability. Further, we treat the exact date(s)
at which the parameters changed as unknown. In each
of the three models estimated (inflation, output growth,
and nominal GNP growth), the test statistics fail to
reject the null hypothesis that the parameters are constant over the sample. The test statistics are available
from the authors upon request.

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Fama, Eugene F. (1982), “Inflation, Output, and Money,”
Journal of Business 55 (April): 201– 31.

Tolley, George S. (1957), “Providing for Growth of the
Money Supply,” Journal of Political Economy 65 (December): 465–85.

Feinman, Joshua (1993), “Reserve Requirements: History,
Current Practices, and Potential Reform,” Federal Reserve Bulletin 79 (June): 569 –89.

Toma, Mark (1988), “The Role of the Federal Reserve in
Reserve Requirement Regulation,” The Cato Journal 7
(Winter): 701–18.

Feldstein, Martin, and James H. Stock (1993), “The Use


Monthly RSI Series, January 1929 – December 1993





























A New Quarterly
Output Measure
For Texas

Texas’ transition from boom to bust during
the 1970s and 1980s illustrates how the Texas
economy often performs differently from the
nation’s. The uniqueness of the state’s economy
makes it important to gather timely state-specific
data to measure regional economic performance. Two frequently used measures of regional
economic activity are state nonfarm payroll employment and the unemployment rate. While
these measures are timely and useful, labor is
only one input into the production process.
Productivity, through its effect on wages and
earnings, directly impacts workers’ standard of
living. Output embodies the utilization and
productivity of labor and capital. Therefore, it
is a more comprehensive measure of economic
well-being than employment measures.
Analysis of output and employment data
can sometimes lead to different conclusions
about economic performance. For example, after
peaking in 1981, Texas manufacturing employment generally declined during the rest of the
decade. Manufacturing output, however, increased throughout the period. As Figure 1
shows, employment data alone could lead one
to conclude that manufacturing activity was on
a long-term decline, yet the output data show
that this was not the case.
The measurement of regional output generally has been restricted to the industrial sector,
which has attracted special attention because of
its strong cyclical nature and its availability of
information relative to the nonindustrial sector.
While timely monthly manufacturing indexes
are available for several states, manufacturing
represents only about 19 percent of total output,

Franklin D. Berger
Manager of Research Support
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Keith R. Phillips
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas


nalysis of output and

employment data can sometimes
lead to different conclusions
about economic performance.
For example, after peaking in
1981, Texas manufacturing
employment generally declined
during the rest of the decade.
Manufacturing output, however,

Figure 1

Texas Manufacturing Output and Employment

increased throughout the period.

Index, January 1970 = 100








’80 ’82







SOURCES OF PRIMARY DATA: Bureau of Economic Analysis,
U.S. Department of Commerce;
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S.
Department of Labor; Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas.


polate the census value-added data.2 Because
census value-added data are not available for
the service-producing sectors, BEA uses another
method of estimation for these sectors.
An alternative way to measure valueadded is to calculate the sum of payments made
to the factors of production. In other words, the
value added by a firm or industry can be measured by the value of labor and capital combined
with intermediate inputs to produce output.3
In estimating RGDP and RGSP for the serviceproducing industries, BEA measures payments
to labor and capital. Specifically, gross state
product (GSP) in service-producing industries is
calculated by adding: (1) employee compensation and proprietors’ income and (2) indirect
business tax and nontax liability and capital
charges.4 The industry totals are then deflated by
the national industry implicit price deflators.

on average. Fortunately, a more comprehensive
measure of regional output has become available in recent years. The Bureau of Economic
Analysis (BEA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce estimates nominal gross state product
(NGSP) and real gross state product (RGSP).
Although these data are available for sixty-one
industry classifications for all fifty states and the
District of Columbia, they are rarely used for
current analysis or mentioned in the media because they lack timeliness and are annual. As
of April 1995, the latest RGSP data available were
for 1991.
In this article, we estimate quarterly measures of Texas RGSP that lag the reporting quarter
by about four months. For the period in which
BEA’s RGSP data are available, our quarterly
estimates sum to BEA’s annual figures. For the
period after the BEA data, our results represent
preliminary RGSP estimates that will be revised
later to sum to the BEA data. Statistical measures of fit show that simple models based on
changes in personal income and price indexes
do well in estimating changes in RGSP at the
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) division
level.1 Based on our results, Texas’ real output
has grown strongly during the 1990s, although
in 1993 and 1994 it grew somewhat more slowly
than the nation’s. Also, Texas RGSP growth has
been stronger than employment growth in the
1990s, indicating overall productivity growth of
about 2 percent.

A practical approach to expanding
the RGSP data
The long reporting lag and the data’s annual
frequency severely limit the usefulness of RGSP
as a timely measure of regional trends or business cycles. To increase the periodicity and timeliness of the RGSP data, we first look for timely
monthly or quarterly
series that might move
in a fashion similar to
BEA Releases 1992 GSP Data
RGSP. Using standard
statistical techniques,
BEA released 1992 GSP data shortly before
we examine the relapress time for this article. While unable to incorporate
the new data fully into our analysis, we are able to
tionship between the
check the accuracy of our 1992 forecasts. On the
annualized candidate
whole, the magnitude of the errors is consistent with
series and RGSP and
the errors estimated for 1990 and 1991. The out-ofuse these results to insample forecasting results for RGSP for 1992:
terpolate RGSP at a
Percent error
higher frequency and
to extrapolate RGSP
Goods-producing sectors
forward in time.
– 5.5
Knowledge of
RGSP’s construction
Durable manufacturing
– 2.3
provides insight into
Nondurable manufacturing
– 4.0
possible data series
Service-producing sectors
and techniques to conTransportation, communication,
struct timely monthly
and public utilities
or quarterly RGSP
Wholesale trade
measures.5 As previRetail trade
Finance, insurance,
ously described, inand real estate
dustry-level RGSP is
constructed differently
for service-producing
Total RGSP
industries than for
goods-producing (manWeighted sum of absolute errors
ufacturing, mining,
and construction) in-

What is RGSP?
RGSP is the regional equivalent of real gross
domestic product (RGDP) as reported in the
national income and product accounts. To avoid
double-counting, industry-specific RGSP is measured so that the sum of RGSP across all industries
equals total real output. That is, each industry’s
RGSP is a measure of value-added and is different
from the total number of units produced or the
total sales of an industry.
One way to measure value-added is to
calculate the gross market value of the goods and
services produced by an industry and subtract
the value of intermediate products and services
purchased. BEA uses this method to calculate
NGSP for the goods-producing sectors. To estimate NGSP in the goods-producing industries,
BEA subtracts an estimate of purchased services
from the estimates of value-added reported by
the Census Bureau. To construct RGSP, BEA
deflates these series by national industry-specific
implicit price deflators. For noncensus years,
BEA uses the Annual Survey of Manufactures
(ASM) and other data to interpolate and extra-




Table 1

Composition of Texas Gross State Product, 1991
Goods-producing sectors
Durable manufacturing
Nondurable manufacturing
Service-producing sectors
Transportation, communication,
and public utilities
Wholesale trade
Retail trade
Finance, insurance,
and real estate

Labor costs/GSP

Industry RGSP/
Total RGSP







the data are interpolated and extrapolated
using wages and salaries from the personal income data.7
Although information on capital utilization
generally is not available or is costly to obtain on
a timely basis, the lack of it may not be a
significant impediment to estimating RGSP in the
service-producing sectors. One reason is that
personal income is the basis for much of the
year-to-year movement in capital charges.
Another reason is that the service-producing
sectors are generally labor intensive. As Table 1
shows, the share of value-added represented by
the labor component is above 60 percent in the
service-producing sectors, with the exceptions of
the finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE),
and transportation, communication, and public
utility (TCPU) industries. In services and government —which together represent slightly
more than 25 percent of RGSP—labor’s share is
90 percent or more.
For changes in the labor component of
RGSP to be a good representation of changes in
total RGSP, the variance of the labor component
should be high relative to the variance of the
capital component, or the movements in the
labor and capital components should be highly
correlated, or both.8 The variance decomposition
of RGSP in Table 2 shows that, for most industries, the variance of RGSP is due mainly to the
variance of the labor component and the covariance between labor and capital. This is particularly true for the government and for service
sectors in which the capital component has varied
little over time. The main exception is the FIRE
sector. Overall, the variance decomposition of
RGSP suggests that, for most service-producing
industries in Texas, extrapolating RGSP solely
on the basis of changes in the labor component
is worthwhile.
As mentioned earlier, BEA estimates RGSP
in the goods-producing industries using a different approach. For farming, mining, construction,
and manufacturing, BEA estimates RGSP directly,
using census data on value-added in production.
For farming, mining, and construction in the
noncensus years, BEA estimates RGSP mainly
using changes in earnings from the personal
income data. This method suggests that, for most
years, changes in labor income should be a
good representation of changes in RGSP in these
industries. The results in Tables 1 and 2 also suggest that changes in the labor component could
be useful in approximating changes in total RGSP
for the agriculture and construction industries.
The variance of capital is relatively high for
mining, and the absolute value of the covariance

SOURCE OF PRIMARY DATA: Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce.

dustries. The difference in construction and the
general availability of more monthly and quarterly series relating to the goods-producing sectors warranted a separate investigation into
the estimation of RGSP in these two sectors. We
start with a discussion of the service-producing
RGSP in the service-producing industries is
calculated by summing the factor payments to
labor and capital and dividing this total by the
national implicit price deflator for the industry.
BEA’s estimates of payments to labor (primarily
employees’ compensation and proprietors’ income) come mostly from state personal income
data also produced by BEA. For example, in 1987
personal income data represented 93 percent of
the employees’ compensation and proprietors’
income components of GSP.6 Because state personal income data are available quarterly at the
SIC division level and represent most of the
labor component of GSP, these data are a likely
candidate for estimating nonindustrial output
on a more timely basis.
RGSP’s nonlabor component comprises
primarily sales and property taxes levied by state
and local governments, corporate profits with
inventory valuation adjustment, corporate capital
consumption allowances, business transfer payments, net interest, rental income of individuals,
and subsidies less the current surplus of government enterprises. For the census years 1977, 1982,
and 1987, much of the information for estimating nonlabor charges for the service-producing
industries comes from various censuses and
company-specific data reported by various regulatory agencies. For noncensus years, much of


Table 2

Variance Decomposition of Texas Real Gross Product
Variance of RGSP = variance of labor component + variance of capital component + 2 ⫻ covariance





2 ⫻ covariance

Goods-producing sectors
Durable manufacturing
Nondurable manufacturing




– 852.5









Service-producing sectors
Transportation, communication,
and public utilities
Wholesale trade
Retail trade
Finance, insurance,
and real estate

SOURCE OF PRIMARY DATA: Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce.

several industry-specific and general price deflators to determine which—when combined with
the personal income data—have the greatest
ability to explain changes in RGSP.

suggests that only a small portion of the changes
in the capital component can be accurately predicted by changes in the labor component.
BEA uses state-level value-added data from
the ASM to estimate manufacturing RGSP in the
nonbenchmark years. Thus, from a pragmatic
approach, it is unclear if the personal income data
would be a good representation of RGSP in the
manufacturing sector. Labor’s low factor share
and its relatively low contribution to the variance
of nondurable manufacturing RGSP, as Tables 1
and 2 show, also indicate that the labor component may be a poor predictor of nondurable
manufacturing RGSP. Fortunately, for durable
and nondurable manufacturing, electric power
usage data are available to proxy capital usage.9
Finally, determining how to account for
price changes is an important issue in using
personal income data to estimate RGSP. As explained earlier, BEA deflates nominal GSP by
national industry-specific implicit price deflators
to calculate RGSP. Implicit price deflators are
simply the ratio of nominal to real gross product
originating. Real gross product originating is
derived by separately deflating the value of
production and the cost of materials. It is not
apparent whether changes in the implicit price
deflators would be more closely tied to changes
in industry-specific price deflators or to changes
in more general price deflators such as the consumer price index (CPI). Therefore, we examine


The model
The procedure we use to distribute RGSP
across quarters within-sample and to extrapolate
RGSP out-of-sample is the method of best linear
unbiased interpolation and extrapolation, introduced by Chow and Lin (1971).10 A key feature
of the Chow–Lin procedure is the restriction that
the quarterly in-sample values sum to the annual
data. Prior to running the procedure, we run OLS
regressions to test the appropriate dynamics of
the equations. OLS regressions of the following form have been run for each SIC division:
ln(RGSPit ) = β0 + β1ln(Eit ) – β2ln(Pit ) + et ,
where E is earnings (wages and salaries, other
labor income such as employer contributions
to privately administered pension and welfare
funds, employer contributions for social insurance, and proprietors’ income with inventory
valuation) from the personal income data; P is
the price deflator used for the industry; i and t
are industry and time subscripts; the betas are
estimated coefficients; and ln refers to the natural
log of the series. We run the equation on annual
data from 1969 to 1989 and test the errors, et ,



Table 3

Summary Measures of Volatility and Model Fit
to the annual RGSP data. This procedure allows the model’s dynamics to
Personal income
Variance of
be correctly specified while restricting
growth rates
the quarterly in-sample series levels to
Goods-producing sectors
sum to the annual data.
We perform this procedure on
each of the eleven SIC divisions. For
Durable manufacturing
the durable and nondurable manufacNondurable manufacturing
turing equations, electric power usage
data are included as a measure of capiService-producing sectors
Transportation, communication,
tal usage. The Durbin–Watson statisand public utilities
tics from the differenced regressions
Wholesale trade
show little evidence of autocorrelation
Retail trade
so no adjustment to the errors was
Finance, insurance,
performed. The F-statistics from the
and real estate
regressions are all significant, and the
adjusted R 2 s show strong predictive
power. Although the information in
N.A. = not applicable.
Tables 1 and 2 suggests that the per* The equation is not statistically significant at the 5-percent level.
sonal income data would be a good
SOURCES OF PRIMARY DATA: Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce; Bureau of Labor
predictor of changes in RGSP, we exStatistics, U.S. Department of Labor.
amine another model that avoids the
necessity of using price deflators in
estimating RGSP.
for stationarity with the Augmented Dickey–
Payroll employment is available for the
Fuller (ADF) test.11 In the levels form of the
nonagricultural industries we have studied;
equation, we find the errors to be nonstationary
therefore, an alternative method of estimating
across all industries, suggesting that the models
RGSP is to estimate labor productivity by industry
be run in first differences. Because the small
and multiply these estimates by the employnumber of observations reduces the reliability of
ment data.12 The model we estimate is
the ADF tests, we make out-of-sample com⎛ RGSPit ⎞
parisons using the Chow–Lin procedure on both
∆ ln⎜
⎟ = β0 + β1∆ ln EMPit + eit ,
the levels and differenced forms of the equation.
⎝ EMPit ⎠
The mean weighted out-of-sample errors for
1990 and 1991 are smaller for the differenced
where ∆ indicates first differences and EMP is
equations than for the levels equations —further
nonagricultural employment. β0 represents the
evidence that the differenced form of the model
long-run productivity growth rate, and β1 repis appropriate.
resents the relationship between employment
Series differences have been calculated as
and productivity. This equation is run for each
the natural log of the series minus the natural log
SIC division, except agriculture, using the Chow–
of the series four quarters earlier. The Chow–Lin
Lin procedure. By first adding the natural log of
procedure performed on the differenced data
employment to both sides of the equation, this
creates a quarterly estimate of the percentage
model’s fit can be compared with the fit of the
change in RGSP by industry. To transform these
personal income model. As previously stated,
changes into levels, the Chow–Lin procedure
for the durable and nondurable manufacturing
initially is performed on the levels of the
equations, electric power usage is included as a
data, and the quarterly level estimates for 1969
measure of capital usage.
are used with the series of estimated changes
As Table 3 shows, the adjusted R 2 s from
to estimate industry output during the entire
the employment model are generally much
period. These RGSP estimates do not exactly
lower than the adjusted R 2 s from the personalsum to the actual annual RGSP estimates. To
income model. The main exception is the
ensure that the quarterly estimates sum to
TCPU industry, which has a slightly better fit
the annual RGSP data, we treat these estimates
using the employment model.
as independent variables and use them in the
Chow–Lin procedure with the annual RGSP data.
This treatment ensures that the final quarterly
To evaluate the out-of-sample performin-sample RGSP estimates are restricted to sum
ance of our estimates, only data through 1989
Adjusted R 2


errors and the errors for total RGSP are generally low for the two years. The mean weighted
absolute error is 2.2 percent for 1990 and 3.9
percent for 1991. The error for total RGSP is
0.6 percent for 1990 and –1.6 percent for 1991.
When one considers that the nation was in
recession in parts of 1990 and 1991, the model
seems to perform well, at least in the aggregate.
To calculate our final RGSP estimates, we
rerun the Chow–Lin procedure and include the
data through 1991 and calculate out-of-sample
estimates for the period from first-quarter 1992
through fourth-quarter 1994. Figure 2 shows that
while Texas employment declined only slightly
during the national recession from July 1990 to
March 1991, Texas RGSP declined for two consecutive quarters. Thus, the RGSP data suggest
that the Texas economy was weaker during
this period than the employment data indicate.
Figure 2 also shows that during the 1990s real
output growth has outpaced employment
growth, indicating an overall increase in labor
productivity of about 2 percent.13
During the 1990s, real output growth has
been stronger in Texas than in the nation, al-

Figure 2

Texas Employment and Real Gross Product
Index, 1990:1 = 100





SOURCES OF PRIMARY DATA: Bureau of Economic Analysis,
U.S. Department of Commerce;
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S.
Department of Labor.

are included in the regressions. The out-ofsample errors give additional information on the
model’s performance by simulating how the
model would have performed had we used it
prior to the availability of the 1990 and 1991
RGSP data. As Table 3 shows, the out-of-sample
errors vary across industries, with goodsproducing industries generally experiencing the
largest errors. These out-of-sample errors are
consistent with the in-sample measures of fit
(Table 4 ). Although the adjusted R 2 s for the
agriculture and construction industries show
that the model explains a fairly large percentage of the fluctuations in growth in these
industries, variance measures show that these
industries are particularly volatile.
Because of the large out-of-sample errors
in the agriculture, mining, and construction industries, we experiment with adding real production measures to the regressions for these
industries. For example, when we add the number of residential permits and the square feet of
nonresidential permits to the construction equation, we find the coefficients of these measures
to be jointly statistically insignificant. Similarly,
the addition of a measure of agricultural production to the equation for this industry, and oil
and gas production was added to the mining
equation yields no significant increases in fit
for either industry.
The main source for the large error for nondurable manufacturing in 1991 is a very large
drop in reported RGSP for the chemicals industry.
This large drop is inconsistent with personal
income and employment data for that industry.
Although several industries experience
large out-of-sample errors, the average absolute


Table 4

Out-of-Sample Forecasting Results for RGSP, 1990 and 1991*
Percent error
Goods-producing sectors
Durable manufacturing
Nondurable manufacturing
Service-producing sectors
Transportation, communication,
and public utilities
Wholesale trade
Retail trade
Finance, insurance,
and real estate
Total RGSP
Weighted sum of absolute errors



Deflator used



Agriculture PPI
Mining PPIs
Total CPI
Total CPI
Total CPI



Total CPI
Total CPI



Total CPI
Services CPI
Total CPI





* The model used is equation 2 in the text, in which the variables are in first differences of natural logs.
We use the models’ estimates of quarterly changes to estimate quarterly log levels by the method
described in the text. The quarterly log levels are exponentiated and summed to produce an
estimate of annual RGSP. The percentage difference between the annualized estimate and actual
RGSP is shown in the table. A negative number indicates an overestimate of RGSP, while a positive number indicates an underestimate.



though over the past two years this has not
been the case, as shown in Figure 3. The relative strength of national output growth in recent
years has come from large gains in labor productivity; employment growth was faster in
Texas during both years.
Manufacturing and construction output in
Texas accelerated in 1994 after weakness in
the early 1990s (Figure 4 ). Output growth
in most of the service-producing industries has
been strong throughout much of the 1990s
(Figure 5 ). The trade and TCPU industries have
performed the strongest, while the government
and FIRE industries have been weak.

Figure 3

Texas and U.S. Real Gross Product
Index, 1990:1 = 100


United States





Summary and conclusion


Giese (1989) states that “the important contribution of BEA’s GSP data is that they provide a
more accurate and comprehensive measure of
regional output than other regional data.” Although RGSP can be very useful to the regional
analyst, its main drawbacks are its annual periodicity and lack of timeliness. In this article, we set
out to improve the RGSP data for Texas by
increasing its periodicity and timeliness. The
method we use is best linear unbiased distribution
and extrapolation, developed by Chow and Lin
(1971). We find that the Chow–Lin procedure in
first-difference form using personal income and
various price measures does quite well in out-ofsample forecasts for 1990 and 1991.
We use the procedure to produce RGSP
data for each SIC division through the fourth
quarter of 1994 and show that real output in
the state has not grown as fast as in the United
States over the past two years. The data developed in this article are available by accessing
Dallas Fed’s free electronic bulletin board—Fed
Flash— at (214) 922-5199 or (800) 333-1953. The
new quarterly output measures should enhance
analysts’ ability to understand current economic
conditions in Texas.

SOURCE OF PRIMARY DATA: Bureau of Economic Analysis,
U.S. Department of Commerce.

Figure 4

Texas Construction and Manufacturing Output
Index, 1990:1 = 100











SOURCE OF PRIMARY DATA: Bureau of Economic Analysis,
U.S. Department of Commerce.

Figure 5

Texas Service-Producing Industries’ Output
Index, 1990:1 = 100

Wholesale trade



Retail trade













* Transportation, communication, and public utilities.
** Finance, insurance, and real estate.

SOURCE OF PRIMARY DATA: Bureau of Economic Analysis,
U.S. Department of Commerce.


The authors thank Steve Brown, Bill Gilmer, Lori Taylor,
and D’Ann Petersen for helpful comments.
The SIC-division-level industries are agriculture;
construction; mining; durable goods manufacturing;
nondurable goods manufacturing; finance, insurance,
and real estate; services; retail trade; wholesale trade;
transportation, communication, and public utilities;
and government.
For more information about the calculation of GSP,
see Beemiller and Dunbar (1993); Trott, Dunbar, and
Friedenberg (1991); and Giese (1989).
Strictly speaking, the exhaustion of nominal valueadded by payments to the factors of production











requires the assumption of linear homogeneous production functions and perfectly competitive labor
markets. While recognizing that the usage may not
be precise, for the purposes of this article all nonlabor
payments will be referred to as capital payments.
Although BEA also calculates these categories for the
goods-producing sectors, total gross product for the
goods-producing sectors is not calculated as the sum
of these four categories but is based on census valueadded data. In the goods-producing industries, the
capital component is estimated as the residual of total
gross product minus the other components, which are
measured directly.


Before BEA began producing the GSP data in 1988,
many regional analysts used the Kendrick–Jaycox
(K–J) methodology to estimate GSP. Essentially, K–J
methodology allocates GDP (by industry) to the states
by using each state’s earnings’ share of total U.S.
earnings. The availability of the BEA data essentially
makes the K–J method obsolete. For a comparison of
the BEA data to estimates calculated with the K–J
methodology, see Giese (1989).
Most of the difference is employers’ contributions to
social insurance, which come from another source.
For more information on the sources of the capital
estimates, see the table on page 36 of Beemiller and
Dunbar (1993).
The higher the absolute value of the covariance between the labor and capital components (for given
variances in the labor and capital components), the
less information is lost by estimating RGSP with just the
labor component. For example, if labor and capital were
perfectly correlated, then one could calculate RGSP
using some constant multiple of the labor component.
Previous research validates the use of electric power
consumption as a proxy for capital usage (Moody
The authors wish to thank Jeffery W. Gunther for
transforming Chow and Lin’s exposition into working
computer code.
For more information on testing for stationarity in the
residuals using the Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF)
test, see Engle and Yoo (1987).
A variant of this method would be to use estimates of
U.S. productivity by industry to proxy Texas productivity. Although it would be interesting to test the ability
of this method, U.S. productivity estimates are not
available with the necessary industry detail, timeliness,
and periodicity.
In calculating productivity growth, it was assumed
average weekly hours worked remained constant over
this period. Also, the employment data do not include
the agricultural sector. A comparison of growth in
nonfarm RGSP with growth in the nonfarm employment
data gives approximately the same productivity growth
as indicated in Figure 1.

Chow, Gregory C., and An-loh Lin (1971), “Best Linear
Unbiased Interpolation, Distribution, and Extrapolation of
Time Series by Related Series,” Review of Economics
and Statistics 53 (4): 372 – 75.


Beemiller, Richard M., and Ann E. Dunbar (1993), “Gross
State Product, 1977– 90,” Survey of Current Business 73
(December): 28 – 49.
Berger, Franklin D., and William T. Long III (1989), “The
Texas Industrial Production Index,” Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas Economic Review, November, 21– 38.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
(1986), Industrial Production, 1986 Edition, Washington,
D.C., vii.

Engle, Robert F., and Byung Sam Yoo (1987), “Forecasting and Testing in Co-Integrated Systems,” Journal of
Econometrics 35 (May): 143 – 59.
Giese, Alenka S. (1989), “A Window of Opportunity
Opens for Regional Economic Analysts: BEA Releases
Gross State Product Data,” Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago Working Paper Series Regional Economic
Issues, 3.
Israilevich, Philip R., Robert H. Schnorbus, and Peter R.
Schneider (1989), “Reconsidering the Regional Manufacturing Indexes,” Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Economic Perspectives, July/August, 13 – 21.
Kenessey, Zoltan (1994), “Regional Monthly Production
Indexes in the United States,” in Forecasting Financial
and Economic Cycles, by Michael P. Niemira and Philip
A. Klein (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.) 329 – 46.
Moody, Carlisle E. (1974), “The Measurement of Capital
Services by Electrical Energy,” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 36 (February): 45 – 52.
Trott, Edward A., Ann E. Dunbar, and Howard L. Friedenberg (1991), “Gross State Product by Industry, 1977– 89,”
Survey of Current Business 71 (December): 43 – 59.



Alternative Methods
Of Corporate
Control in
Commercial Banks

This article investigates the corporate control mechanism that operates in commercial
banks. The term corporate control mechanism
refers to the various methods by which bank
owners attempt to force bank management to
follow value-maximizing policies. Various devices can motivate such managerial discipline.
External devices—the market for takeovers, external capital, and the final output of the firm—
can all in theory discipline managers by threatening them with replacement or bankruptcy of their
firm. Internal devices consist of direct monitoring performed by boards of directors and large
shareholders and the management compensation contract, which can provide incentives to
maximize value by giving managers equity-like
shares in the firm. This article analyzes the use of
some of these corporate control devices in banks.
Although the research on the corporate
control mechanism in nonfinancial firms is vast,
there is surprisingly little research on the corporate control mechanism operating in banks. Yet
analysis of the corporate control mechanism in
banks is important for a number of reasons. First,
despite its supposed decline in recent years,
banking remains an extremely important industry that acts as the main interface between savers
and investors.
Second, such analysis contributes to our
understanding of the different ways in which
corporate control mechanisms operate in firms
under different legal and regulatory environments. The considerable differences between
the legal and regulatory environment of banks
and nonfinancial firms may imply substantial
differences in the nature and effectiveness of
their respective corporate control mechanisms.
In particular, federal and state restrictions on
the market for corporate control for banks and
the oligopolistic advantages that commercial
banks have in issuing insured debt may mean
that important external market mechanisms for
disciplining managers—the takeover and product market—are significantly weaker for banks.
The regulatory environment of the commercial
banking industry may substitute to some degree
for the weaker market mechanisms of corporate
control. However, intervention by the regulatory
authorities is widely regarded as a poor, more
costly substitute for market control mechanisms,
both because of bureaucratic and political problems that interfere with the efficient functioning
of regulatory agencies and because maximizing shareholder value (the objective of market
mechanisms) is not the same as minimizing the
probability of failure (the regulator’s objective).
This article addresses the question of whether

Stephen D. Prowse
Senior Economist and Policy Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas


lthough the research on the

corporate control mechanism in
nonfinancial firms is vast, there
is surprisingly little research on
the corporate control mechanism operating in banks. Yet
analysis of the corporate control
mechanism in banks is important for a number of reasons.


these differences in the regulatory environment
of banks relative to nonfinancial firms have produced greater reliance on internal devices for
corporate control—active boards and large,
active shareholders—or, if not, whether the corporate control problem is simply more severe
in commercial banking.
Third, such analysis may provide information on whether commercial banks suffered
from a corporate control problem in the 1980s,
as some researchers have recently proposed
(Gorton and Rosen 1992). Many analysts claim
that over the past ten to fifteen years, the U.S.
commercial banking industry has suffered a significant decline in performance, including a loss
in market share to nonbank competitors (such
as securities markets, mutual funds, insurance
companies, finance companies, and foreign
banks), substantial falls in bank profitability, and
a skyrocketing bank failure rate.1 All this has
occurred despite intense merger and acquisition
activity among banks that was supposed to improve productivity and cost efficiency. Many
researchers believe that the reasons for this decline are secular in nature and that the recent
recovery in bank profitability will prove to be
only a temporary phenomenon, with commercial
banking continuing to decline relative to other
financial institutions over the long term.
Researchers have proposed numerous
reasons for the commercial banking industry’s
woes in the 1980s. Greater competition from
nonbanks and a heavier federal regulatory burden are often put forward as reasons for this
apparent decline.2 Others point to the moral
hazard problems that appear particularly severe
in the banking industry.3 This article addresses
another possible reason for the relative underperformance of banks: that the corporate control
mechanism in commercial banks is less effective
than in nonbank firms.
Finally, from a public policy viewpoint,
examination of the corporate control mechanism in banks may be useful in evaluating the
industry’s current legal and regulatory environment and also some of the recently proposed
banking legislation that may amend or eliminate
provisions in the Glass–Steagall Act. While much
of the current and proposed legislation has
been evaluated in terms of the desirability of
allowing commercial banks to engage in securities underwriting or in selling insurance, there
has been little analysis in terms of the effects on
the corporate control mechanism that operates
in banks, even though some of the proposed
changes in banking law would loosen the restrictions on bank ownership, with potential effects


both on the structure of bank ownership and the
bank takeover market. In this article, I attempt
to provide such analysis.
I analyze the corporate control mechanism
in U.S. commercial bank holding companies
(BHCs) over the period 1987–92 using data on
the number of managers versus outsiders on
a BHC’s board of directors; the ownership
structure of the BHC, including directors’ shareholdings and the stakes of the BHC’s largest
shareholders; and various measures of bank
performance. I relate these variables to five
types of corporate control change a BHC could
undergo over the sample period: hostile takeover, friendly acquisition, removal of top management by the board of directors, intervention
by regulators, and no control change. I use these
data to examine the relative importance and
effectiveness of the different methods of disciplining managers in BHCs and how they differ
from those employed in nonfinancial firms.
Some questions this article addresses are,
What are the primary means by which managers
are disciplined in commercial banks? What is
the frequency and effectiveness with which
these means are used? For example, what is the
frequency of top management turnover in commercial banks? Is turnover related to measures of
bank performance? How important are boards of
directors in disciplining top management relative
to alternative control devices such as hostile
takeovers, friendly acquisitions, and intervention
by regulators? What is the structure of ownership
in commercial banks, and is it related to bank
performance? As mentioned above, many of these
questions have been addressed for U.S. nonfinancial firms (see, for example, Morck, Shleifer,
and Vishny 1989 and Jensen and Murphy 1990),
so some standards are available with which
results for the banking sector can be compared.
This study borrows in particular the method
employed in Morck, Shleifer, and Vishny (1989)
for their sample of manufacturing firms.
In the next section of this article, I outline
the factors that are unique to the commercial
banking sector that may affect the nature and the
effectiveness of its corporate governance mechanism, and I survey the academic research on
corporate governance problems in commercial
banks. The subsequent section describes the
data and discusses the empirical results. The
final section concludes.

The corporate control mechanism
in commercial banks
Does the legal and regulatory environment of U.S. commercial banks today imply a



system of corporate governance different from
that observed in other sectors of the economy?
Many unique factors in the commercial bank
operating environment may influence the nature
and effectiveness of the corporate control mechanism in commercial banks.
The first unique factor is federal regulation
of the takeover market. The threat of a takeover
of a firm, in which management usually is replaced, can discipline managers to act in the
interests of shareholders. Restrictions on the
type or number of potential acquirers of the
firm make takeovers less likely and thus limit
the credibility of the takeover threat. In the
banking sector, there traditionally have been
significant restrictions on the takeover market.
For example, the Bank Holding Company Act
(as amended in 1970) and the National Banking
Act generally require that the acquirer of a commercial bank also be a commercial bank or
bank holding company—mergers between
nonbank corporations and commercial banks
are prohibited—and there are more general restrictions on the ownership of banks by nonfinancial corporations.
In addition, federal regulation may make
permitted hostile takeovers within the commercial banking sector much more expensive and
time consuming than in nonbank sectors of the
economy. Interstate banking regulations may,
for example, prohibit many possible bank mergers. In addition, bank takeovers typically face
extensive delays. This tendency may lower the
frequency of hostile takeovers, which typically
depend for their success on the ability to close
the transaction quickly. Bank takeovers require
prior approval from one of the three federal
bank regulators —the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), or the Federal Reserve Board—and
state authorities (Baradwaj, Fraser, and Furtado
1990). After approval is granted, there is a thirtyday waiting period so the Justice Department
can scrutinize the takeover attempt. In all, the
takeover process can last four months or longer.
In many cases, these restrictions may make the
threat of a takeover in commercial banking insufficient to discipline managers.
Such restrictions may also influence the
ownership structure of commercial banks. Currently, nonfinancial corporations and firms in
important financial sectors such as the insurance
industry are prohibited from owning commercial banks. To a large extent, the law restricts ownership of commercial banks to individuals and
other commercial banks. To the degree that this
restriction reduces the likelihood that banks will

have equity holders with large stakes at risk, it
also may reduce the effectiveness of one mechanism of corporate control: the monitoring and
oversight performed by shareholders motivated
by their large holdings.
Another unique factor is the effect of deposit insurance on the moral hazard problem in
banking. As is the case with any limited liability
firm with debt outstanding, bank stockholders
have incentives to take on inefficient risk. However, the problem is more acute in commercial
banks, where stockholders are in addition subject to the distorting incentives arising from
the existence of fixed-price deposit insurance
premiums. These premiums result in a subsidy
to bank shareholders that increases in value with
the riskiness of the bank. Thus, bank shareholders have even stronger incentives to take on
inefficiently risky investments that benefit themselves at the expense of the deposit insurance
fund and the taxpayers who back the fund.4
Competition in the product market can
play a role in reducing the extent to which
managers shirk from value maximization goals.
Together with thrifts, credit unions, and government-sponsored enterprises, commercial banks
have traditionally had strong oligopolistic advantages on the liabilities side of their business—
the issuance of insured debt. This oligopolistic
position may have given banks the scope to be
more inefficient in some aspects of their business—for example, in the degree to which
managers follow value-maximizing policies—
yet still be competitive with other financial institutions that have not had the benefit of issuing
liabilities backed by a federal guarantee. However, the advantages from issuing insured debt
for banks likely have declined over recent years
with the emergence of numerous good substitutes, such as money market mutual funds.
Federal regulation and moral hazard
clearly play a role in shaping the corporate control mechanism that operates in banks and in
particular are likely to make it operate significantly differently from the corporate control
mechanism at work in other firms. Nevertheless,
there is only a relatively small amount of literature, particularly of recent vintage, that attempts
to document empirically the existence of corporate control problems between bank shareholders and managers. Much of this work uses data
from the 1970s and earlier and thus has an
uncertain relevance to the banking industry as it
now is configured.5 Gorton and Rosen (1992) and
Allen and Cebenoyan (1991) both present evidence on the behavior of commercial banks in
the 1980s that is consistent with a corporate


control problem. Allen and Cebenoyan find that
banks with entrenched management tend to engage in the most active acquisition programs,
consistent with the view that such programs are
designed to increase the perquisites available to
management (which vary directly with the size
of the firm) rather than to increase profitability.
Gorton and Rosen present evidence that entrenched managers may be a more important problem in banking than the moral hazard
associated with deposit insurance. The authors
find that banks that are characterized as having
managements that are relatively free from outside shareholder control make the riskiest and
most unprofitable investments.
While both Allen and Cebenoyan and Gorton and Rosen find evidence of a corporate
control problem in banks in the 1980s, neither
study identifies the aspects of commercial banks’
corporate control mechanism that may be deficient or why these deficiencies may occur. This
article attempts to provide an initial pass at such
an analysis by examining the frequency of different types of corporate control change among
BHCs in the late 1980s and their relationship
with the ownership, board structure, and performance of the BHC.

Data Corp.’s Mergers and Acquisitions Database.
Four appear to have started as hostile takeovers
and twenty-five as friendly mergers. Following
MSV, I record an acquisition as hostile if the
initial bid for the target was unsolicited and not
accepted by the board in its initial form. Targets
that were not classified as hostile were recorded
as friendly. Hostile takeovers almost by definition involve changes in current management
and therefore can be viewed as a change in
corporate control. The degree to which friendly
mergers can be so regarded is somewhat more
doubtful. The fact that a friendly merger offer is
not contested by current management may
mean managers believe their jobs are secure.
However, this belief may not prove true. In any
case, the acquiring firm may keep current management but force it to make policy changes
that it otherwise would not have made. For
these reasons, I consider friendly mergers as
potential mechanisms of corporate control
change, although of a different nature than
hostile takeovers.
I attempt to classify those BHCs in my
sample that have experienced a top management turnover. Again, following MSV, I define
management turnover as a complete change
between 1987–92 in the list of officers signing
the letter to shareholders in the annual report. A
BHC experiences a management turnover if
none of the officers who signed the annual
report in 1992 also signed five years earlier. I
consider such turnover to be the result of disciplinary management changes forced by the
board of directors.6 A BHC that has experienced
a management turnover prior to being acquired
is classified as an acquisition, not a turnover.
This happens in four cases, in each of which the
subsequent merger is friendly. As MSV note, while
the board is arguably trying to deal with management problems, the BHC’s subsequent acquisition is evidence that the board’s action is not
providing an adequate solution. This definition
of top management turnover yields twenty-four
cases of management turnover.7
The final category of corporate control
change I consider is intervention by regulators.
Intervention may be viewed as a “last resort”
mechanism for those BHCs that may or may not
have undergone previous corporate control
changes yet have continued to perform poorly.
Each federal banking agency, as well as each
state banking authority, can impose a broad
range of enforcement actions on management.
Both formal and informal regulatory enforcement actions are a response to poor performance by the BHC in some aspect of its opera-

Data and empirical results
Frequency of corporate control changes.
I analyze the frequency with which corporate
control changes occur in a sample of BHCs over
the period 1987–92 and the relative importance
of those corporate control mechanisms that precipitate such action, such as hostile takeovers,
other mergers, internally driven board turnover
of the management team, and intervention by
regulators. To analyze the frequency of alternative control changes, I follow the Morck, Shleifer,
and Vishny (1989) (MSV) method in their study
of Fortune 500 manufacturing firms.
I collected data on the following characteristics of BHCs that existed in 1987: accounting data from COMPUSTAT (from 1987–92) and
stock return data from the CRSP tapes (from
1983–86). In addition, I collected data on the
composition of the BHC’s board of directors
between insiders and outsiders and their
shareholdings in 1987 and on the shareholdings
of greater than 5-percent owners of the BHC in
1987 from the 10–K, annual report, or other
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
filings. I was left with 234 BHCs in the sample,
including all the largest ones.
Of the 234 BHCs in the sample, twentynine were acquired by third parties during 1987–
92, based upon an examination of Securities




tions. These actions involve directing current
management to attain specific capital ratios, suspend dividends, rectify loan quality problems,
address liquidity and concentration problems,
and the like. They can therefore be seen as a
last-resort, nonmarket-based external mechanism of management discipline.
Since some informal enforcement actions
are never made public, there is a problem in
identifying those BHCs that are subject to regulatory intervention.8 One solution would be to
use the BOPEC rating—the rating assigned to
the BHC by regulators —and to assume that
those BHCs rated unfavorably were subject to
some form of regulatory intervention.9 An
alternative is to use data on the bad loans outstanding at BHCs. In this article, I construct the
regulatory intervention group by ranking my
sample of BHCs according to the percentage of
total assets that are in the form of nonperforming or greater than ninety days past due loans.10
If a BHC was in the bottom decile of my sample
in any one year of the sample period, I assume
that BHC comes under regulatory intervention
starting in that year.11 This definition yields thirtythree cases of regulatory intervention. BHCs that
underwent a management turnover before being
observed in the bottom decile of the bad loan
ratio are classified as being in the regulatory
intervention category, not the turnover category.
Again, the argument is that while the board may
be trying to deal with management problems,
subsequent intervention by regulators is evidence that the board’s action is not an adequate
solution. This happens in six cases.
Table 1 lists the frequency of these various
corporate control events, with those of the MSV
study of manufacturing firms as a standard of

comparison. First note that, in terms of percentages of the sample size, total corporate control
changes (defined to include intervention by
regulators for the BHC sample) appear to be
about as frequent among BHCs as they are
among manufacturing firms.12 However, the
composition of total control changes between
the various alternatives differs dramatically between the two groups. Market-based corporate
control changes (excluding control changes
owing to regulatory intervention) are about
two-thirds as frequent among the sample of
BHCs as they are for nonfinancial firms.13 If my
measure of the regulatory intervention group
does not overstate the number of BHCs subject
to regulatory intervention in this period, it
appears that the primary mechanism of corporate control change among BHCs in this
period was in fact intervention by regulators.14
Looking at the relative frequency of the
market-based control mechanisms —which is
invariant to the size of the regulatory intervention group —while friendly mergers are slightly
more frequent among the BHC sample, hostile
takeovers and management turnover are markedly less frequent. For example, MSV record forty
hostile takeovers representing 8.8 percent of
their sample of nonfinancial firms. Similarly, 20.5
percent (ninety-three cases) of their sample undergo an internally precipitated management
turnover. In my sample of BHCs, only 1.7 percent (four cases) undergo a hostile takeover,
while 10.2 percent (twenty-four cases) of the
sample undergo a management turnover.15
Thus, hostile takeovers are over five times more
frequent among manufacturing firms than
among BHCs, confirming the conventional wisdom. In addition, however, management turnover by the board appears twice as frequent in
nonfinancial firms as in BHCs. Thus, the lower
frequency of hostile takeovers among BHCs
does not appear to be reflected in a greater
tendency by boards to remove management at
BHCs than at manufacturing firms.16 Indeed,
boards at BHCs appear to be less active in removing management for disciplinary reasons.
The following sections attempt to shed
some light on these observations by examining
the characteristics of BHCs employing different
corporate control mechanisms.
Characteristics of firms subject to different
control changes. I focus on a number of performance, ownership, and board characteristics of
BHCs, on the assumption that these variables
may determine which (if any) control devices are
used. Definitions and sources for these variables
are given in Table 2.

Table 1

Frequency of Alternative Corporate Control Changes
(Percent of total sample)
In MSV’s sample of 454
manufacturing firms
Hostile takeover

In 234 bank
holding companies









Regulatory intervention



Total control changes



Management turnover
Friendly merger
Market-based control changes


Table 2

Data Definitions and Sources
I use two different measures of performance of the BHC under existing management:
stock market abnormal returns and a return on
equity accounting measure. The stock market
measure of performance (RETURN) is the
cumulative abnormal return over the period
1985 – 86, calculated using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) parameterized over the fouryear period 1983 – 86.17 The data for returns are
the standard monthly series from the CRSP tapes.
This performance measure is calculated over a
period prior to 1987 to avoid capturing any
effects of the market’s anticipations of future
corporate control changes. Doing so means it is
more likely that my measure is capturing the
market’s expectations of future profitability of
the BHC under current management, not the
expected premium from a control change. The
accounting performance measure (ROE) is the
average return on equity from COMPUSTAT
over the period 1987 to the date of any control
change, or 1992 if there were no control change.18
Since this is an accounting measure of performance, there is no contamination from the market’s expectations about future control changes
and thus no need to calculate the measure over
a period prior to 1987.
Ownership characteristics include the
equity holdings of insiders (INSIDE ) and outsiders (OUTSIDE ) on the board of directors in
1987 as a percentage of total outstanding shares.
Equity holdings of insiders may proxy for the
entrenchment of current management and their
financial incentive to accept a friendly offer.
Outsider equity holdings proxy for the incentive
that outside board members have to perform
monitoring duties on current management. Insiders are defined as those members of the board
who are also members of current management.
Outsiders are defined as those board members
who are not insiders and also not employees of
firms that may have business dealings with the
bank. Outsiders include primarily academics,
retirees who are not previous employees of the
bank, individuals, and those listed as chairmen
of investment groups with their own name.19 In
addition, the cumulative shareholdings—as a
percentage of outstanding shares—of those
shareholders holding greater than 5-percent
stakes in the BHC in 1987 are reported as large
shareholders’ holdings (LARGE ). The greater a
large shareholder’s stakes in the company, the
greater his or her incentive to ensure that management is maximizing profits. These data are
obtained from 10–Ks, proxies, and other SEC
Management characteristics include a





Cumulative abnormal return, 1985–86, from the monthly CAPM,
estimated over 1983–86 (SOURCE: CRSP).


Annual average return on equity, 1987 to year of control change or,
if no control change, to 1992 (SOURCE: COMPUSTAT).


Equity stakes of insiders (current management team) on the board
of directors in 1987 as a percentage of total outstanding shares
(SOURCE: SEC filings).


Equity stakes of outsiders on the board in 1987 as a percentage of
total outstanding shares (SOURCE: SEC filings).


Combined equity stake of greater than 5-percent shareholders in
1987 as a percentage of total outstanding shares (SOURCE: SEC


Dummy = 1 if any signer of the annual report is a member of the
founding family or of the family of a previous signer of the annual
report (SOURCE: annual reports, Who’s Who in American Banking).


Dummy = 1 if only one executive signs the annual report and no
other executive holds the title of chairman, CEO, or president
(SOURCE: annual reports).


Market value of equity in 1987 in millions of dollars (SOURCE:

dummy (FF ) indicating whether any signer of
the annual report is from the founding family.
Top officer members of the founding family
were identified from old annual reports and
various editions of Who’s Who in American
Banking. Members of the founding family that
are part of the top management team may have
a special ability to resist challenges to their control even without a substantial ownership stake
by virtue of having handpicked the board over a
long period of time.20 In addition, following
MSV, I record a dummy variable (BOSS ) indicating if only one executive signs the annual
report and no other executive holds the title of
chairman, chief executive officer, or president of
the BHC. The BOSS variable tries to identify top
executives who either completely dominate the
management of the BHC or have no clear replacement and who therefore may be particularly protected from disciplinary action by
the board. This variable is constructed from data
from the annual report.
Table 3 presents the means of performance
measures and ownership and board structure
characteristics for five categories of firms in my
sample. The first four categories include BHCs
that experienced one of the four types of corporate control change: management turnover, hostile takeover, friendly acquisition, and regulatory
intervention. The fifth category includes the remaining (“no control change”) BHCs that did not
experience any control change. Asterisks indicate
the statistical significance of differences in the
means of the control change groups relative to



Table 3

Performance, Management, and Ownership Characteristic Means
By Control Outcome in 234 Bank Holding Companies

Number of BHCs





No control
















Firm size (in millions of dollars)







Ownership structure
























Management characteristics (zero-one dummies)
Family founder on
management team (FF )


One-person management
team (BOSS )



*, **, and *** indicate means are significantly different from the no-control-change category at the 10-percent, 5-percent, and
1-percent levels, respectively.
NOTE: For definitions of variables, see Table 2.

tervention. While the motivation for regulatory
action makes this result for the regulatory group
almost a truism, it is also clear that boards of
banks do respond, however weakly, to poor
The finding that both the stock market and
accounting measures of performance are significantly better at BHCs that undergo a friendly
merger than at those undergoing no control
change suggests that the motivation for such
mergers may not be the expectation of better
performance resulting from a change in poor
managerial policy. Mergers may, for example, be
more motivated by the acquirer’s desire to diversify operations across state lines or capitalize
upon another bank’s customer base. In these
cases, BHCs may look for potential targets that fit
their desire to diversify but that are already
performing well and do not require the bidder to
engage in the costly process of restructuring the
bank’s operations and turning the bank around.
Table 3 also suggests that size matters
in determining the type of corporate control
change. For obvious reasons, it appears easier
to acquire smaller BHCs, either through friendly
merger or hostile takeover.

the no-control-change group.
Table 3 indicates that firms experiencing
management turnover or regulatory intervention
have abnormal stock market returns of –11.5
percent and –14.3 percent, respectively, in the
period 1985 – 86, compared with –1.9 percent for
firms experiencing no control change. Targets of
friendly bids have abnormal returns of +9.5 percent, while targets of hostile bids have abnormal
returns of +5.3 percent. Each group’s performance is statistically different from that of the
no-control-change group, except for the hostile
group.21 The same pattern of performance between corporate control groups is exhibited
when the measure of performance is ROE: BHCs
in the regulatory and management turnover
group show significantly poorer performance
than the no-control-change group, whereas
BHCs subject to a friendly merger show significantly better performance than the no-change
group. Performance in the hostile takeover group
is not statistically significantly different from
that of the no-control-change group.
As expected, performance is relatively
poor among those BHCs that ultimately undergo
either management turnover or regulatory in-


The equity stakes of large shareholders,
board insiders, and board outsiders are all lower
in those BHCs that undergo regulatory intervention than those that do not experience a
control change, consistent with the notion that
smaller equity stakes lead to lower incentives to
ensure the success of the firm or react to poor
performance by changing management or management policies.
Equity stakes held by board outsiders are
higher and stakes held by board insiders are
lower in BHCs that undergo management turnover relative to the no-control-change BHCs. This
is consistent with the notion that board insiders
in these firms are less entrenched and board
outsiders more determined to enact change in
response to signs of poor performance. In addition, the finding of higher equity stakes held by
insiders in BHCs that were the target of friendly
offers relative to no-control-change BHCs is
consistent with the notion that insiders with large
equity stakes may have financial incentives to
acquiesce to merger offers that do not involve
their immediate removal.
The zero-one dummy variable FF has a
mean value of 0.09 for a BHC experiencing a
management turnover, versus 0.15 for a BHC
experiencing no control change. In other words,
a BHC that undergoes a management turnover
is about 60 percent as likely to have a member
of the founding family in a top management
position than a no-control-change BHC. Similarly, no BHC that experienced a hostile takeover had a member of the founding family as a
member of top management. Family founders
may be more entrenched managers because
they typically have higher equity stakes and also
have had influence over the selection of the
board over a long period of time.
Similarly, BHCs that experience a management turnover are about 60 percent as likely
to be run by a one-person management team (a
BOSS ) as a no-control-change BHC. In contrast,
targets of hostile takeovers and friendly mergers
are about 1.5 times more likely to be run by
one-person management teams than no-change
BHCs. BHCs that undergo regulatory intervention are also more likely (about 1.35 times) to be
run by a BOSS.22
This evidence suggests that ownership and
board structure are important in determining the
form of corporate control change. Although the
scarcity of hostile takeovers in the sample makes
it difficult to identify specific characteristics of
BHCs more likely to be subject to a hostile
takeover, it is easier to identify distinguishing
characteristics of BHCs in the three other corpo-


rate control change groups. For example, Table 3
suggests that management teams of those BHCs
that own large equity stakes, consist of family
founders and/or one-person management
teams, and whose outside directors hold relatively small equity stakes may be entrenched
enough to avoid internal discipline by their board
of directors.23 In addition, those BHCs for which
market-based corporate control mechanisms fail
to operate and that thus become subject to
intervention by regulators clearly exhibit lower
ownership concentration by large equity holders
and by inside and outside board members.
Market-based measures of corporate control may
fail in these cases because there is no agent in
management, on the board, or among shareholders that has a large enough equity stake to
provide adequate incentives to monitor the performance of the BHC and take appropriate action when performance begins to deteriorate.
The following section investigates whether
these conclusions are robust to multivariate
Multivariate analysis of corporate control
changes. I present four-choice logit estimates of
the determinants of the form of control change.
The four choices are complete management
turnover, friendly merger, regulatory intervention, and no control change. I delete the hostile
takeover choice from my universe since there
are so few of these observations (four) in the
sample. Table 4 presents the multinomial logit
models for two different specifications using
two different measures of performance (RETURN
and ROE ), along with measures of inside board
ownership (INSIDE ), large shareholder ownership (LARGE ), the natural log of BHC size (LN
SIZE ), and whether there was a one-person
management team in place (BOSS ).24 In each
case, the coefficients on the variables for the nocontrol-change group are normalized to zero.
Table 5 presents the implied probabilities from
the logits for the specification using ROE as a
measure of performance.25
Columns 1 and 2 of Table 4 show that
using either return on equity (ROE ) or abnormal
stock return (RETURN ) as a measure of performance, relative to the probability of being a
no-control-change BHC, the probability of top
management turnover is higher when the BHC
is not run by a one-person management team,
when board insiders hold smaller equity stakes,
and when the return on equity is lower. The log
odds of a management turnover versus no outcome is not significantly affected by the size of
the firm or by the combined equity stakes of
all greater than 5-percent shareholders. In terms



Table 4

Multinomial Logit Models of Control Outcomes
Management turnover

Friendly merger












– 6.2*

Regulatory intervention




































*, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10-percent, 5-percent, and 1-percent levels, respectively.
NOTE: Coefficients on the regression on no-control-change BHCs are normalized to zero.
Absolute values of t-statistics are in parentheses.

the size of the firm and decrease with the equity
stakes of insiders and large shareholders. As one
might expect, the odds of regulatory intervention
also increase with poorer performance as measured by ROE or RETURN. Column 3 of Table 5
implies that, of these factors, the strongest effects
lie in the extent to which large shareholders
and insiders own big stakes in the BHC. Starting
at the base case, the probability of regulatory
intervention increases from 15.6 percent to 22.5
percent as the equity stake held by large shareholders falls from its median value to the top of
its lowest quartile value. The probability of regulatory intervention increases from 15.6 percent
to 23.4 percent as the equity stake held by insiders falls from its median to the top of its lowest

of probabilities, column 1 of Table 5 indicates
that —starting from a “base case” in which LN
SIZE and BOSS are set equal to their mean and
INSIDE, LARGE, and ROE are set equal to their
medians —when ROE falls to the top of its
lowest quartile, the estimated probability of a
management turnover rises from 11.7 percent to
16.1 percent.26 The estimated probability drops
from 11.7 percent to 7.4 percent in the presence
of a BOSS, whereas it rises to 14.5 percent in
the absence of a BOSS. Similarly, the estimated
probability of a management turnover rises
from 11.7 percent to 14.6 percent as the insider
equity stake falls from its median to the top of
its lowest quartile.
Columns 3 and 4 of Table 4 show that the
log odds of a friendly acquisition relative to no
outcome are significantly negatively related to
the size of the BHC but to nothing else. In particular, the existence of a one-person management team, board insider, and large shareholder
equity stake, and both measures of bank performance (ROE or RETURN ) have no statistically
significant influence on the log odds of a friendly
acquisition relative to no control change.
Consistent with the earlier evidence from
the univariate analysis, columns 5 and 6 of
Table 4 show that the log odds of regulatory
intervention versus no outcome increase with

In this article, I explore the effectiveness of
various corporate control mechanisms in the
banking industry. My analysis suggests that
while the market-based mechanisms of corporate control in BHCs appear to operate in the
same broad fashion as in manufacturing firms,
there may be weaknesses in the effectiveness of
two aspects of the corporate control mechanism in BHCs: hostile takeovers and intervention by the board of directors. These weaknesses


Table 5

Estimated Probabilities from Multinomial Logit Model*
may make the corporate control problem in
banking more severe than in nonbank sectors.
My analysis confirms the conventional
wisdom that hostile takeovers do not play an
important role in disciplining management in
BHCs. I found little evidence of the disciplinary
role of friendly mergers, which appeared to take
place primarily among BHCs that were performing well. This result suggests that the main
motivation for friendly acquisitions may be for
reasons other than disciplining current management to increase shareholder value. If so, the
primary responsibility for disciplining managers
at BHCs rests with boards of directors.
Boards of BHCs (like those of manufacturing firms) do appear to respond to poor performance. Both the univariate and multivariate
analysis imply that poor performance increases
the probability the board will discipline current
management. Overall, however, boards appear
to be less assertive in their corporate governance responsibilities than in manufacturing
firms. Board-induced turnover of current management in my sample of BHCs is half as frequent
as in MSV’s sample of manufacturing firms.27
Why might this be the case? Recall that,
like boards of manufacturing firms, bank boards
appear weaker in disciplining management
when managers are entrenched because of relatively high levels of insider ownership or low
levels of board outsider ownership, or when
one-person management teams are in place.
Thus, management may be more insulated from
board action in banks if bank managers hold
more equity than do managers at nonbanks, if
one-person management teams are more frequent among BHCs than they are among nonbanks, or if outside board member ownership is
lower at banks. The evidence suggests that at least
the first two factors cannot explain the weakness
of bank boards. One-person management teams
appear no more frequent among BHCs than
among manufacturing firms. In MSV’s sample of
manufacturing firms, one-person management
teams occur with a frequency of 23.3 percent, while they occur with a frequency of 19.7
percent in my sample of BHCs. Similarly, insider
equity stakes do not appear larger in banks than
in nonfinancial firms. Byrd and Hickman (1992)
report that the mean and median insider equity
stakes for their sample of nonfinancial firms are
10.9 percent and 2 percent, respectively, compared with 4.1 percent and 1.3 percent for my
sample of BHCs.
Outside directors, however, do appear to
take larger stakes in nonfinancial firms than in
banks, judging by a comparison with the Byrd


Probability of



Base case*




BOSS present




No BOSS present




ROE at top of
lowest quartile




LARGE at top of
lowest quartile




INSIDE at top of
lowest quartile




* Base case is from the first specification in Table 4 where LN SIZE and BOSS are estimated at their
means for the entire sample, and LARGE, INSIDE, and ROE are at their medians. The rows following the base case are estimated probabilities evaluated at various points, differing from the base
case only in the value of the indicated independent variable.

and Hickman study. They found the mean and
median equity stake held by board outsiders in
their sample of firms was 2 percent and 0.08
percent, respectively, compared with 1 percent
and 0.05 percent for my sample of BHCs. Thus,
boards conceivably may be weaker in banks
because outside directors hold less equity and are
presumably less motivated to impose disciplinary measures on management.
Whatever the reason for weaker boards
among BHCs, when combined with the regulatory impediments to hostile takeovers, weaker
boards may contribute to a corporate governance mechanism in banks that is not as efficient
at disciplining managers as those mechanisms in
other sectors. For example, MSV found that corporate boards were particularly weak in removing unresponsive managers in manufacturing
firms that were in declining sectors and that
required radical downsizing and restructuring.
In these sectors, the restructuring function was
primarily performed by hostile takeovers. MSV
term this situation a third-best solution, on the
grounds that internal control devices are inherently cheaper to operate and more conducive to
long-term planning than are hostile takeovers.
In the banking industry, however, while boards
are even weaker than in manufacturing sectors,
the use of hostile takeovers as an important
method of restructuring is also ruled out. By
default, this void has given regulators a primary
role in providing a last-resort control mechanism—what might be termed a fourth-best
solution since takeover by regulators is almost
certainly far more costly than any market-based



These results suggest that policymakers
should take corporate control issues seriously
when considering legislative alternatives to the
current system of bank regulation and organization. In particular, the finding that banks that
have undergone regulatory intervention have
markedly lower ownership concentration than
other banks suggests that higher ownership concentration among banks might improve performance by motivating greater oversight and
monitoring by large stakeholders and their representatives on the board of directors. If so,
current restrictions on potential owners of commercial banks may have costs. Some of the proposed banking legislation in Congress could also
be evaluated in this light, since different proposals vary quite substantially in the degree to
which they relax the current restrictions on permissible bank owners.
In addition, the absence of a credible takeover threat among banks appears to have a
marked influence on the effectiveness of the
corporate control mechanism operating in
banks. While regulators have been careful not
to discriminate actively against bank mergers on
the basis of whether they are hostile or not,
the long regulatory process that all bank mergers have to go through tends to make hostile
takeovers much more difficult to achieve than
friendly mergers. This suggests that there may
be beneficial effects on the corporate control
mechanism in banks from removing some of the
more obvious obstacles to hostile takeovers in
banking by, for example, relaxing interstate banking regulations and increasing the speed with
which regulators process merger applications.








I thank Allen Berger, Mark Carey, Sally Davies, Harvey
Rosenblum, Myron Kwast, Tom Siems, and Jim Thomson
for comments and useful conversations, and Ed Ettin
for suggesting this line of research. I also thank
Rebecca Menes for extraordinary diligence in collecting the data and Jim Yeatts for research assistance.
For some documentation of these trends, see Gorton
and Rosen (1992). Note that the claim that the banking
industry is in decline is by no means universally
accepted. On this issue, see Boyd and Gertler (1994),
Levonian (1995), Kaufman and Mote (1994), and
articles in the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1994).
See, for example, Ely (1992).
See Keeley (1990) and McManus and Rosen (1991).
Risk-based deposit insurance premiums were introduced by a provision of the FDIC Improvement Act in
1993. This change does not affect my empirical results
since my sample period ends in 1992.
See, for example, Edwards (1977), Glassman and



Rhoades (1980), Hannan and Mavinga (1980),
Smirlock and Marshall (1983), James (1984), and
Brickley and James (1987).
Following MSV, I focus on complete rather than partial
turnover of the signers of the annual report over a fiveyear period because I am interested in disciplinary
management changes forced by the board. Most of
the changes in which one cosigner of the annual report
replaces another (partial turnover) likely represent
ordinary succession rather than disciplinary action by
the board. Of course, counting as disciplinary turnover
all cases where the list of signers in 1987 was completely different from the list in 1992 may include some
cases where there were two or more ordinary successions (partial turnovers) within the five-year period that
resulted in none of the 1987 signers being signers in
1992. This multiple partial turnover phenomenon, in
fact, occurs in only two cases in my sample. When
making comparisons with the frequencies reported by
MSV, I count these two cases as management turnover
in order to maintain consistency with MSV’s definition.
I do not count these cases as management turnover in
the remainder of this article.
There are twenty-two when the two multiple partial
turnover cases are excluded.
Enforcement actions can be formal or informal. Formal
actions range from cease and desist orders to civil
money penalties on managers and directors. Formal
actions are regulators’ most severe forms of action and
are always made public by regulators. Informal actions
range from commitment letters —which set forth the
reforms the BHC needs and the time frame within
which those reforms are to be achieved—to memorandums of understanding, a document drafted by
regulators and signed by every member of the BHC
board. Informal actions are not made public by the
regulatory authorities. In some but not every case,
informal actions will be disclosed by the BHC itself if it
is making a security offering and the enforcement
action is deemed to be material information to potential
investors. See Rockett (1994).
The composite BOPEC rating reflects evaluations on a
scale from 1 (strongest) to 5 (weakest) and is arrived
at by combining the individual ratings assigned to the
BHC in five different component areas (each of which
contributes a letter to the acronym BOPEC); namely,
the Bank subsidiaries, Other nonbank subsidiaries, the
Parent company, the level of consolidated Earnings,
and the level of Capital adequacy. As such, the
BOPEC rating system for BHCs is structured very
much like the CAMEL rating system for individual
banks. The decision to impose specific enforcement
actions generally depends on the composite BOPEC
rating the institution receives in its periodic examination by regulators. If an examination results in a composite BOPEC rating of 3 or below, then the BHC is
likely to require “more than normal” supervision by the











regulatory authorities (see Federal Reserve Regulatory
Service, vol. 2, paragraph 4-865).
Except where noted, the results using the BOPEC
ratings to construct the regulatory intervention group
are qualitatively similar to those presented here.
Such were the problems of banks during 1989 –91 that
falling in the bottom quintile of the sample may have
been sufficient to trigger some regulatory intervention.
Again, except where noted, the results using the
bottom quintile of the sample as the regulatory intervention group are qualitatively similar to those presented here.



Of course, this is in part an artifact of my definition of
the regulatory intervention category for BHCs as constituting those BHCs that appear in the bottom decile
of the sample ranked by the bad loan ratio. Defining
the regulatory intervention group as the bottom quintile
of firms ranked by this measure, or alternatively, by
those BHCs with a BOPEC rating of 3 or below during
the sample period, increases the number of BHCs in
the regulatory intervention group substantially.
Of course, comparing frequencies of total corporate
changes assumes that firms in the two samples are
subject to the same degree of corporate control
problems ex ante the use of corporate control mechanisms considered in the article. In other words, that
management is being disciplined to the same extent
by other corporate control mechanisms not considered
here, such as pay-for-performance compensation
packages and competition in product markets. On this
point, Houston and James (1993) present evidence
that the sensitivity of CEO pay to firm performance is
significantly lower in banks than among nonbanks.
This finding, combined with the traditional partial
insulation from competition in product markets that
banks enjoy owing to their ability to issue insured
liabilities, suggests that the need for the corporate
control mechanisms considered in this article may be
greater in banking than in other industries.
In fact, as mentioned earlier, alternative plausible
definitions of the regulatory intervention group yield a
much larger number of BHCs in this group.
My measure of turnover here includes the two previously noted cases of multiple partial turnover in order
to maintain consistency with the definition used by MSV.
Houston and James (1993) use a different measure of
management turnover and find that management
turnover in banks is somewhat less than in a sample of
nonbanks but that the differences are not statistically
I restrict myself to the period 1983–86 to parameterize
the CAPM because Kane and Unal (1988) identify a
break in the return-generating process for banks in
1982 related to changes in the regulatory and financial
environment of banks during that year.
ROE is defined as income before extraordinary items
divided by common equity.








This follows Hermalin and Weisbach (1988) and Byrd
and Hickman (1992), who define an outsider more
narrowly than just those who are not insiders.
For this reason, I set FF = 1 for those BHCs for which
a signer of the annual report was related to an immediate previous signer of the annual report, regardless of
whether the signer was a member of the founding family.
Since the hostile takeover group consists of only four
BHCs, it is hard to get statistically significant differences between it and the no-control-change group in
all but a few variables. Nevertheless, the higher
abnormal return posted for this group may reflect
some contamination from investors’ expectations of a
future control change.
Note, however, that these last two differences are not
statistically significant.
These are essentially the conclusions of MSV from their
analysis of a sample of manufacturing firms.
A number of other specifications were tried. The family
founder dummy (FF ) showed the same sign and significance pattern as the INSIDE variable when used in the
specification in place of INSIDE. When included together
with the INSIDE variable, FF became insignificant.
The implied probabilities for the alternative measure
of performance — abnormal returns — were little
different from those presented here.
I must start from a set of initial conditions — a “base”
case — since the marginal effects of the regressors
upon the implied probabilities in a multinomial logit
model depend upon the initial values of all the independent variables. See Maddala (1983).
One manifestation of this weakness may be in the fact
that boards of BHCs are about 50 percent larger than
boards of nonfinancial firms. The mean number of
directors in my sample of BHCs is 18, compared with
12.1 for Byrd and Hickman’s (1992) sample of nonfinancial firms. Large boards are likely more unwieldy
and less capable of responding quickly to management problems. If members of management realize
this, then they may seek to entrench themselves by
increasing the size of the board.

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