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The New Budget Outlook:
Pohcymakers Respond 0 the Surplus
Alall D \'lard

on Prices and u.s. Aggregate Economic
Activity: AQuestion of Neutrality
lepb(!/I P A.

BrowJI CI1ul i'.1ine K. n,cel

Industry Mix and Lending
Environment Variability:
What Does the Average Bank Face?
Je/rel)! W Cumber and Kenneth I Rohinson

Between a Rock and a Hard Place:
The CRA- Safety and Soundness Pinch
Jeffery W Gunther

This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (

[eonomie ~nd
rin~nei~1 Review
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Robert D. McTeer, Jr.
President and ChiefExecutive Officer

Helen E. Holcomb
Fi,st Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer

Robert D. Hankins
Senior Vice President, Banking Superoision

Harvey Rosenblum
Senior Vice President and Director of Research

W. Michael Cox
Senior Vice President and Chief Economist

Stephen P. A. Brown
Senior Economist and Assistant Vice President

Evan F. Koenig
Senior Economist and Assistm,t Vice President

Jeffery W. Gunther
Senior Economist and Policy Advisor

Director of Publications
Kay Champagne
Associate Editors
Jennifer Afflerbach
Monica Reeves
Design and Production
Gene Autry
Laura J. Bell
Economic and Financial Review, published quarterly by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, presents
in-depth information and analysis on monetary, financial, banking, and other economic policy topics.
Articles are developed by economists in the Bank's
Economic Research and Financial Industry Studies
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[eonomie dn~ tindneidl Review
Beginning with this issue) two
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
publications- Economic
Review and Financial Industry
Studies- are being merged
into a ingle pub/icali n, Like
it· predece. I
con mi and
Finan iaJ R vi W L ill tak a
polic.. -on'ented approach 10
th u ht-pro oking e anomie.
banking and financial' SIt
Contributors II ill continue to
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The new Bud~et Outloo~:
Policym~~en Re~pond
to the ~urplu~
Alan D. Viard

Page 2

Oil Price~ ~nd UJ ~~~re~~te
[conomic ~ctivity:
~ QueHion of neutr~lity
Stephen P. A. Brown and Mine K. YOcel

Page 16

InduHry mix ~nd
lendin~ [nvironment Vari~bility:
Wh~t Doe~ the ~ver~~e B~n~ race?
Jeffery W. Gunther and Kenneth J. Robinson

Page 24

Between ~ Roc~ ~nd ~ Hard Place:
The (R~ - ~~fety ~nd
~oundneH Pinch
Jeffery W. Gunther

Page 32

Economic events and policy changes have unexpectedly
moved the federal budget into surplus. If current policies are maintained, surpluses are expected to continue for twenty years,
although deficits are expected to return after 2020. Congress and
President Clinton are considering proposals to reduce the projected
surpluses through tax cuts or spending increases. In this article,
Alan Viard describes the recent budget events and the new budget
outlook. He analyzes the effects of the proposed tax cuts and
spending increases, finding that they are likely to reduce national
saving and lower future output. He concludes that the desirability
of this outcome depends on value judgments about the needs and
rights of current and future generations.

Considerable research finds oil price shocks have had major
effects on u.s. output and inflation. Several recent studies argue that
the response of monetary policy-rather than the oil price shocks
themselves-caused the fluctuations in economic activity. Stephen
Brown and Mine Yiicel show that an oil price increase will lead to
a decline in real GDP and an increase in the price level that are of
a similar magnitude if the federal funds rate is unconstrained-a
finding consistent with the definition of monetary neutrality in
which nominal GDP is constant. Brown and Yiicel also find that
holding the federal funds rate constant in the face of an oil price
increase is an accommodative policy that boosts real GDP, the price
level, and nominal GDP. In short, the monetary authority can use
accommodative policy to cushion the negative effects of higher oil
prices on real GDP, but at the expense of higher inflation.

Diversification opportunities for banks may be greater today
because of the lessening of geographic restrictions. In addition,
regional economies have undergone vast transformations, with relatively volatile industries often assuming a diminished role. To assess
whether these changes have resulted in a more stable lending environment, Jeff Gunther and Ken Robinson form industry portfolios
for banks based on their presence in different states and the mix of
economic activity found in those states. The authors find that the
risk underlying banks' lending environments declined from 1985 to
1996 because of both a geographic restructuring of the banking system and increasing industrial diversification of state economies.

A statistical model of regulatory exam ratings provides evidence of conflict between Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
objectives, on one side, and safety and soundness standards, on the
other. In his analysis of supervisory goals, Jeff Gunther finds that
concentrating bank assets in loans and managing capital at relatively low levels tend to help CRA ratings while hurting CAMEL ratings. Also, banks with financial problems are more likely to receive
substandard CRA ratings, even though a shift in resources away
from CRA objectives may be necessary to facilitate financial recovery. These findings point to a supervisory process in pursuit of
conflicting goals and highlight underappreciated costs of the CRA.

The federal budget landscape has changed
dramatically during the last six years. After a
steady decline in the deficit from 1993 to 1996,
a budget “surprise” unexpectedly brought the
budget close to balance in 1997 and moved it
into surplus in 1998 for the first time in twentynine years. The deficit decline and the move
into surplus resulted from a combination of
factors, including a surge in individual income
tax receipts, slower growth of medical costs,
lower interest rates, economic growth, and the
1990 and 1993 deficit-reduction laws.
These events, combined with legislation
adopted in 1997, have produced a new budget
outlook. If current policies are maintained, surpluses are expected to continue for twenty
years, completely retiring the outstanding federal debt. However, deficits are expected to
reappear after 2020 due to rising Social Security
and medical spending. Of course, the magnitudes of the surpluses and subsequent deficits
are subject to substantial uncertainty.
After decades of struggling to reduce
deficits, policymakers now face the unfamiliar
issue of how to respond to surpluses. A variety
of proposals would reduce the projected surpluses by cutting taxes or increasing federal
spending. President Clinton has proposed reducing the projected surpluses by 32 percent
through spending increases for defense, education, and other programs, and tax cuts to
fund individual savings accounts. Congress has
adopted a budget resolution that envisions
reducing the projected surpluses by a similar
amount, primarily through tax cuts.
Reducing the surpluses would lower government saving and would require tax increases
or spending cuts in the future. Under plausible
assumptions, most of the proposed tax cuts and
spending increases would reduce national saving because private saving would not rise to
fully offset the decline in government saving. As
a result, the proposals would increase current
consumption but would reduce future output
and consumption. In particular, the proposals
are likely to increase consumption by current
generations and reduce consumption by future
generations. An evaluation of the desirability of
this shift depends on value judgments about the
needs, rights, and obligations of the different
Different considerations are relevant for
some proposed tax cuts and spending increases.
Proposals to reduce the tax burden on saving or
to create tax-funded individual savings accounts
might stimulate private saving, although the
increase would probably still not be sufficient to

The New Budget Outlook:
Policymakers Respond
to the Surplus
Alan D. Viard


variety of proposals would

reduce the projected surpluses by
cutting taxes or increasing
federal spending.

Alan D. Viard is a senior economist
in the Research Department at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.



Figure 1

Figure 2

Federal Debt Burden Peaks in 1993

Receipts Exceed Outlays in 1998

(Federal debt held by public/GDP)









Federal outlays/GDP
Federal receipts/GDP





















Fiscal year


Fiscal year

SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget (1999, pp. 21– 22).

SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget (1999, pp.
110 –111).

The debt-to-GDP ratio declined after 1993,
falling to 44 percent in 1998. Figure 2 reveals
that this decline was achieved by both increasing receipts and reducing outlays, as shares of
GDP. In 1998, the ratio of receipts to GDP was
at its highest level since 1944, and the ratio of
outlays to GDP was at its lowest level since
The composition of outlays has also
changed dramatically. The budget laws divide
noninterest spending into two categories: discretionary and entitlement programs. Discretionary programs may continue to operate only if
Congress and the president approve their funding through annual appropriation bills. Half of
all discretionary spending currently goes to
national defense, with the rest funding a wide
range of programs such as highways, law enforcement, and national parks. Entitlement programs do not require annual appropriations
because Congress and the president have permanently authorized them to pay benefits to eligible individuals based on formulas set by law.
These programs may operate indefinitely,
unless Congress and the president change the
underlying laws. Three-quarters of entitlement
spending goes to Social Security, Medicare, and
the federal share of Medicaid. The other quarter
is devoted to a range of smaller programs, including veterans’ benefits, unemployment compensation, farm subsidies, and welfare.
As shown in Figure 3, defense spending,
nondefense discretionary spending, and entitlement spending have followed sharply different
patterns (as shares of GDP) over the 1962–98
period. Defense spending followed a strong downward trend, from 9.3 percent to 3.2 percent of

offset the decline in government saving.
Compared with preserving the projected surpluses, individual accounts would have distinctive implications for personal freedom, risk
allocation, administrative costs, and political viability. Increases in government investments, such
as education and infrastructure, would be desirable if they corrected market failures in ways
that offered higher returns than private investment.
Although this article does not offer a
detailed description of historical budget policy,
it is useful to review a few major trends. Figure
1 indicates that the ratio of publicly held federal
debt to gross domestic product (GDP) declined
from fiscal 1962 to 1974,1 except during recessions, because deficits were sufficiently small
that the debt grew more slowly than GDP. As
shown in Figure 2, outlays rose sharply as a
share of GDP in 1966–68, but receipts also
increased due to the income surtax. The decline
of the debt-to-GDP ratio was halted in 1974, and
the ratio remained relatively stable until 1981.
Outlays rose during this period, but receipts
also increased as high inflation pushed taxpayers into higher individual income tax brackets.
The ratio of debt to GDP nearly doubled from
1981 to 1993, an unprecedented rise during a
peacetime expansion. By 1993 the debt equaled
50 percent of annual GDP, the highest level
since 1956. Receipts declined as a share of GDP,
as a result of the 1981 across-the-board incometax-rate reduction, while outlays grew.



Figure 3

Figure 4

Entitlement Spending Crowds Out
Discretionary Spending

Social Security and Medical Programs
Dominate Entitlement Spending

Percent of GDP

Percent of GDP



Nondefense discretionary

Social Security
Other entitlements

National defense



















Fiscal year







Fiscal year

SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget (1999, p. 120).

SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget (1999, pp. 121– 25,
169 –70).

GDP, interrupted in 1966 –68 during the Vietnam conflict and during the 1980–86 defense
buildup; its 1998 share of GDP was the lowest
since 1940. Representing 3.4 percent of GDP,
nondefense discretionary spending generally
rose before 1981 and fell thereafter, with little
net change. As discussed below, recent deficit
reduction efforts have focused on cutting defense and nondefense discretionary spending.
In contrast, entitlement spending has followed a
strong upward trend, from 4.9 percent to 10.2
percent of GDP.2 As indicated in Figure 4, most
of this growth has been in Social Security,
Medicare, and the federal share of Medicaid.

ments to health care providers, increased
income and excise taxes, and locked in fiscal
discipline through the Budget Enforcement Act
The BEA, adopted for fiscal years 1991–95
by the 1990 law and extended to 1998 by the
1993 law, imposed two important restrictions on
budget policy. First, it capped nominal discretionary spending at approximately $550 billion
throughout this period, reducing defense and
nondefense discretionary spending as shares of
GDP, as shown in Figure 3. Second, the BEA
imposed a pay-as-you-go rule that prohibited
changing the laws to reduce taxes without
reducing entitlement spending or to increase
entitlement spending without increasing taxes,
although it did not require any action to offset

Steady Deficit Decline, 1993–96
The unexpected move into surplus was
preceded by a steady reduction in the deficit
from 1993 to 1996. After peaking at $290 billion
in fiscal 1992, the deficit declined to $107 billion
in fiscal 1996.
A combination of economic events and
policy changes precipitated this deficit decline.
The continued economic expansion boosted
receipts, and lower nominal interest rates reduced the government’s interest expense. The
conclusion of the costly savings and loan bailout also reduced outlays. One important trend,
shown in Figure 5, was the slower growth of
medical costs, which restrained Medicare and
Medicaid spending. However, a major portion
of the decline was the result of policy changes
made by the 1990 and 1993 deficit-reduction
laws. These laws tightened Medicare reimburse-

Figure 5

Slower Growth of Medical Costs
(Annual change, relative CPI for medical care)










SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics.



Adjusting the Deficit For Inflation
The deficits and
Figure B.1
surpluses reported in
Budget Trends Largely Unchanged
this article are measured in nominal terms.
by Inflation Correction
Although simple, these
Percent of GDP
nominal figures are in3
accurate during periods
of inflation. While the
Real deficit or surplus
nominal deficit meas1
ures the change in the
dollar value of government debt during the
year, it is more mean–2
ingful to measure the
change in the real value
of government debt. For
example, suppose the
government has $100
Nominal deficit or surplus
debt outstanding at the
beginning of the year,
with a 4-percent annual
interest rate. If the govFiscal
ernment collects $30
of revenue and spends
SOURCES: Office of Management and Budget (1999, pp. 20,
$33 ($29 for programs
110 –11); Bureau of Economic Analysis, National
and $4 for interest), the
Income and Product Accounts; author’s calculations.
nominal deficit during
the year is $3 and the
debt is $103 at the end of the year. However, if the inflation rate during the year is 2
percent, the debt at the end of the year has about the same real value as $101 of
debt at the beginning of the year. The real deficit is the increase in the real value of
the debt, which is about $1.
This real deficit can be obtained by correctly measuring the government’s real
interest expense. Although holders of the government debt receive 4-percent interest
payments, the real value of their principal (the government’s obligation) declines by 2
percent. The real return paid by the government to the bondholders is only 2 percent
and the real interest payment is only $2. Recalculating spending and the deficit with
this $2 interest expense yields the real deficit of $1.
Figure B.1 compares nominal deficits to real deficits for the 1962 – 98 period.
(The inflation rate is measured by the change in the personal consumption expenditures implicit price deflator during the fiscal year, taking the deflator at the end of
each fiscal year to be the geometric mean of the values for the last quarter of the
fiscal year and the following quarter.) Although the levels were different, the nominal
and real deficits generally followed similar patterns. The budget moved into real surplus in fiscal 1997, one year before it moved into nominal surplus. Since the trends
are similar, I use the nominal figures, which are emphasized by policymakers,
throughout this article.

the entitlement growth built into current law.
The discretionary cap and the pay-as-you-go
rule could be waived if Congress and the president designated a measure as an emergency.3


Budget Surplus Surprise, 1997–98
The steady deficit decline from 1993 to
1996 was followed by a surprise that moved the
budget close to balance in 1997 and into surplus
in 1998. To appreciate the magnitude of this
budget surplus surprise, it is necessary to understand what forecasters expected in 1996.
Although the deficit had declined for four
consecutive years, forecasters expected it to begin rising again. Figure 6 charts budget projections for fiscal years 1997–99 made at various
dates by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
(The projections assumed there would be no
changes in tax and entitlement laws and that
discretionary spending would equal the BEA
cap until it expired.) In May 1996, CBO projected deficits of about $200 billion for 1997–99.
Although there were no major relevant policy
changes, persistent good news repeatedly forced
CBO to alter its forecasts. Fiscal 1997 ended
with a deficit of only $22 billion and 1998 with
a surplus of $69 billion; CBO now projects a
$107 billion surplus in 1999. The magnitude of
these forecast deviations is unprecedented.
Analysts are still trying to fully explain the
budget surplus surprise, but several factors
emerge from a comparison of the actual fiscal
1998 budget outcome with the May 1996 CBO
projection (Table 1 ). One-third of the forecast
deviation was caused by an overestimate of
outlays. Almost half of the outlay overestimate
was in Medicare and Medicaid, reflecting the

continued slower growth of medical costs.
Interest outlays also were lower than predicted,
reflecting both lower debt and lower nominal
interest rates.
Two-thirds of the deviation was caused by
an underestimate of receipts, primarily reflecting an unexpected surge in individual income
tax receipts. Income tax receipts were boosted
by strong economic growth and by several other
factors, as discussed by CBO (1999b). Income
from partnerships and S corporations rose
sharply, and wages and salaries grew most
rapidly in the highest tax brackets. One important factor was the rapid rise of net capital gains
realizations, as shown in Figure 7, which largely
reflected the recent stock market boom.4 The
stock market’s continued strength suggests that
realizations remained high in 1998, boosting fiscal 1999 receipts.

Figure 6

CBO Revises Its Budget Projections Upward
Billions of dollars





Fiscal 1997
Fiscal 1998
Fiscal 1999

May 1996

Jan. 1997

Sept. 1997

Jan. 1998

Aug. 1998

Jan. 1999

Date of CBO projection
SOURCE: CBO (1996, 1997a, 1997b, 1998b, 1998c, 1999b).



Table 1

Fiscal 1998 Receipts, Outlays, and Surplus
(Comparison of May 1996 CBO projection and actual outcome)

The budget surplus surprise, combined
with new legislation adopted on August 5, 1997,
has profoundly altered the budget outlook. In
1996, CBO’s ten-year forecast projected large
and growing deficits. Now, the ten-year forecast
predicts large and growing surpluses, if current
policies are maintained. CBO’s longer term projections predict that surpluses will continue for
an additional decade after 2009 but that deficits
will reemerge after 2020.
As shown in Figure 8, CBO steadily altered
its forecasts for fiscal 2002 and 2006, as it did for

1997–99. (The projections assumed discretionary spending would grow with inflation after
the BEA cap expired.) CBO now projects a $306
billion surplus for 2006 if current policies are
maintained, a stunning $709 billion change from
the $403 billion deficit projected in May 1996.
The predicted surplus grows to $381 billion in
2009, with the publicly held federal debt (which
is reduced by each year’s surplus5 ) declining
from $3.77 trillion on September 30, 1997, to
$1.21 trillion on September 30, 2009.
Most of the revision in the 2006 forecast
reflects the continued effects of the budget
surprise, but part of it reflects the August 1997
legislation. Unlike the 1998 forecast deviation,
most of the change takes the form of lower outlays rather than increased receipts (Table 2 ).
One-third of the improvement is attributable to lower interest expense, primarily reflecting the dramatically lower path of federal debt
(the September 30, 2006, debt is now projected
to be $2.53 trillion rather than the $6.75 trillion
projected in 1996). One-sixth of the improvement is due to the 1997 legislation. This legislation extended the BEA (both the $550 billion
discretionary cap and the pay-as-you-go rule)
through 2002, tightened Medicare reimbursements and increased beneficiary premiums, and
increased tobacco and airline taxes, although it
reduced income taxes for parents, investors, and
students. CBO (1997b) credits the legislation
with reducing the 2006 deficit by $118 billion:
$60 billion in savings from the discretionary cap
extension, $72 billion in Medicare savings, and
$20 billion in interest savings, offset by a $34
billion net revenue loss. Medicare and Medicaid

Figure 7

Figure 8

Capital Gains Realizations Surge
During Stock Market Boom

CBO Dramatically Revises
Future Budget Projections

Billions of dollars

Billions of dollars

May 1996



Total receipts
Individual income tax
Social insurance taxes
Corporate income tax
Other receipts




– Total outlays
Social Security
Medicare and Medicaid
Other outlays




= Budget balance




* Forecast deviations that increase the surplus are listed as positive numbers.
NOTES: All numbers are billions of dollars. Details may not add to totals because of rounding.
Medicare spending is gross of beneficiary premiums.
SOURCE: CBO (1996, 1999b).




Capital gains
realizations (left axis)



S&P 500 (right axis)











Fiscal 2002
Fiscal 2006













May 1996

Jan. 1997

Sept. 1997

Jan. 1998

Aug. 1998

Jan. 1999

Date of CBO projection

SOURCES: Internal Revenue Service, Statistics of Income;
author’s calculations.

SOURCE: CBO (1996, 1997a, 1997b, 1998b, 1998c, 1999b).



Table 2

Projected Fiscal 2006 Receipts, Outlays, and Surplus
(Comparison of May 1996 and January 1999 CBO projections)

spending has been revised downward and income tax receipts have been revised upward
because CBO (1999b) assumes that part, but not
all, of the slower growth of medical costs and
the surge in individual income tax receipts will
As with any ten-year forecast, the projection of a $381 billion surplus in 2009 is subject
to substantial uncertainty. CBO (1999b) estimates that a reduction of 0.1 percent in each
year’s real GDP growth throughout the next
decade would reduce the 2009 surplus by $40
billion, whereas a permanent increase of one
percentage point (100 basis points) in nominal
interest rates would reduce it by $20 billion.
Other sources of uncertainty include the growth
of medical costs and the level of individual
income tax receipts.
Although its detailed forecast extends only
through fiscal 2009, CBO (1999b) presents a
summary projection through 2060. (The projection assumes entitlement laws do not change
and discretionary spending and revenues rise
with GDP after 2009). According to this forecast,
surpluses will continue through 2020, and the
entire publicly held federal debt will be retired
around 2012.
However, entitlement spending is expected to rise sharply after 2010, first reducing
the surpluses and then moving the budget back
into deficit after 2020. The anticipated increase
in spending results from two long-term trends.
First, the dependency ratio (the ratio of the population aged 65 and over to those aged 20 to 64)
will rise as the baby boomers begin turning 65
in 2011 and as life spans are extended. Figure 9

May 1996

January 1999


Total receipts
Individual income tax
Social insurance taxes
Corporate income tax
Other receipts




– Total outlays
Social Security
Medicare and Medicaid
Other outlays




= Budget balance

– 403



* Forecast revisions that increase the surplus are listed as positive numbers.
NOTES: All numbers are billions of dollars. Details may not add to totals because of rounding.
Medicare spending is gross of beneficiary premiums.
SOURCE: CBO (1996, 1999b).

plots the future dependency ratio from the
Social Security trustees’ intermediate projections.
Second, despite recent slow growth, medical costs
are expected to resume their rapid increase.
Figure 10 graphs predicted Social Security and
Medicare spending (gross of beneficiary premiums) from the intermediate projections of the
Social Security and Medicare trustees. Federal
Medicaid spending (not shown) is also expected
to rise sharply.
Because of the rise in entitlement costs,
tax increases or spending cuts will be needed
to restore long-term fiscal balance. CBO (1999b)
estimates that a permanent tax increase or

Figure 9

Dependency Ratio Projected to Rise
Sharply After 2010

Figure 10

Social Security and Medicare Costs
Expected to Soar

(Population aged 65 and over / population aged 20–64)

Percent of GDP








Social Security
















1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070


SOURCE: Board of Trustees (1999a, p. 187; 1999b, p. 57).

SOURCE: Board of Trustees (1999a, p. 145).



Social Security and the Budget
Throughout this article, I use the unified-budget numbers that appear in CBO
and Office of Management and Budget reports rather than the “on-budget” numbers
that also appear in the reports. The on-budget numbers exclude the Social Security
trust fund, which was placed “off-budget” in 1985.
The payroll and self-employment taxes earmarked for Social Security (and
some income taxes paid on Social Security benefits) are credited to a separate trust
fund in the budget accounts. Social Security benefits and administrative costs are
charged against the fund. When Social Security taxes exceed Social Security spending (as in each of the last fourteen years), this excess reduces the amount the U.S.
Treasury borrows from the public and its future interest payments to the public. To
ensure that the budget accounts attribute these effects to the Social Security program, the bonds the Treasury avoids selling to the public are “bought” by the trust
fund with its excess revenues. Each year, the Treasury “pays” interest on these
bonds to the trust fund, thereby crediting the trust fund with the interest that it avoids
paying to the public. In any year in which Social Security spending exceeds taxes
and the trust fund’s interest income, the trust fund finances its deficit by “selling”
bonds back to the Treasury.
In fiscal 1998, the trust fund was credited with $478 billion of income, consisting
of $416 billion in payroll and self-employment taxes, $9 billion in income tax on
benefits, $7 billion in employer payroll tax “paid” by the federal government for its
own employees, and $46 billion in interest “paid” by the Treasury. Since Social
Security benefits and administrative costs were only $379 billion, the trust fund
posted a $99 billion surplus. On September 30, 1998, the trust fund held $730 billion
of bonds, indicating that if the past Social Security surpluses had not occurred the
Treasury would owe the public $4.45 trillion rather than $3.72 trillion.
The on-budget numbers for fiscal 1998 differed significantly from the unifiedbudget numbers. The on-budget accounts recorded only $1,306 billion in receipts,
rather than $1,722 billion, because they ignored the $416 billion payroll and selfemployment taxes. They recorded only $1,046 billion of noninterest outlays, rather
than $1,409 billion, because they ignored $370 billion of Social Security spending1
but included the $7 billion of employer payroll taxes “paid” to the trust fund. Finally,
they recorded $290 billion of interest expense rather than $244 billion because they
included the $46 billion in interest “paid” to the trust fund. With total outlays of $1,336
billion and receipts of $1,306 billion, the on-budget accounts recorded a $30 billion
deficit. This number differed from the $69 billion unified-budget surplus by $99 billion,
the amount of the trust fund surplus.
If current policies are maintained, the difference will rise over the next two
decades as the trust fund runs larger surpluses. For fiscal 2009, for example, CBO
(1999b, p. 33) projects an on-budget surplus of $164 billion, a trust fund surplus of
$217 billion, and a unified-budget surplus of $381 billion. However, the trust fund will
run deficits after 2020, causing the on-budget deficit to be smaller than the unifiedbudget deficit.
Economists rarely use the on-budget numbers, which distort federal activity by
ignoring important components of receipts and outlays and treating an internal payment as an interest expense. For example, the 1998 on-budget numbers would not
have changed if Social Security payroll and self-employment taxes had been abolished, even though the $416 billion revenue loss would have greatly weakened the
federal government’s financial position. Economists usually use the unified-budget
numbers, which include Social Security outlays and revenues and correctly measure
the government’s interest payment to the public.2


expectancy are difficult to predict over an extended horizon. Some analysts are particularly
skeptical of the projection by the Social Security
trustees and CBO that life expectancy at birth
will rise by only five years from now to 2075. As
discussed by Lee and Skinner (1999), time series
analysis of the mortality rate suggests that the
increase might be twice as great, which would
further increase Social Security and Medicare costs
and the size of the long-term fiscal imbalance.
As described by Stein (1998), the arrival of
the surpluses has left policymakers adrift. For the
last two decades, there was widespread agreement in principle that the appropriate goal was
to balance the budget. After 1981, proposals for
large tax cuts or spending increases were consistently rejected because they would impede
this goal. Some economists and policymakers
continue to oppose tax cuts and spending
increases, arguing that the projected surpluses
should be preserved. But others support tax
cuts or spending increases, which are now consistent with budget balance, although these
measures would reduce the projected surpluses.
Because the BEA remains in effect through fiscal 2002, tax cuts or spending increases would
require altering the discretionary cap or pay-asyou-go rule or invoking their emergency exceptions.
The projected surpluses are already lower
than they could have been, because of tax
reductions and spending increases adopted during the last two years. The August 1997 legislation provided tax credits for children and higher
education costs, expanded the capital gains
preference and tax-deferred savings opportunities, and created a new Children’s Health Insurance Program. June 1998 legislation modified
the BEA to permit $20 billion to $30 billion of
annual transportation spending outside the discretionary cap, and October 1998 legislation
invoked the BEA’s emergency exception to increase defense and nondefense discretionary
spending by $17 billion in fiscal 1999 and $5 billion in fiscal 2000.
Many tax cuts and spending increases that
would reduce the projected surpluses have
been proposed. In his fiscal 2000 budget proposal, President Clinton proposes spending
increases and tax cuts that would reduce by
about 32 percent the cumulative surpluses projected during the next ten years. His proposal
would reduce the surpluses by 24 percent

The other $9 billion of Social Security spending was included in on-budget outlays to balance
the inclusion of the $9 billion income tax on benefits in on-budget receipts.
Although private firms’ accounting methods do not ignore pension operations in the way the
on-budget accounts ignore Social Security, they also do not include pension obligations on a
cash basis in the way the unified accounts do. Instead, they record pension obligations as they
accrue. Analysis of this issue lies outside the scope of this article.

spending cut equal to 0.6 percent of GDP
would restore long-term balance, if it were
adopted immediately. The necessary tax increase or spending cut will be larger if it is
Of course, these long-term projections are
subject to even greater uncertainty than the tenyear forecasts because economic growth, the
relative price of medical care, fertility, and life



Figure 11

through spending increases for education,
national defense, and other programs and by
another 13 percent through tax cuts to fund
individual savings accounts, as described below.
However, it would increase the surpluses by 5
percent by raising tobacco and other taxes.
President Clinton proposes that most of the
spending increases and tax cuts be adopted only
after a Social Security reform plan is enacted.6
On April 15, Congress adopted a fiscal
2000 budget resolution that envisions reducing
the projected surpluses by 27 percent, with a 35
percent reduction from unspecified tax cuts offset by an 8 percent increase from spending cuts.
Some members of Congress suggest reducing
individual income tax rates, while others call for
tax cuts for two-income married couples, reform
or abolition of the alternative minimum individual income tax, and further expansion of the
capital gains preference.
In view of the variation in these proposals,
no single analysis can accurately describe their
effects. To draw out the major implications, I
classify the proposals into three categories. First,
I consider transfer payments or tax cuts in
which the amount received by each individual
does not depend upon the amount he or she
saves. Second, I consider tax cuts that increase
the reward to saving, including tax cuts to fund
individual savings accounts. Third, I consider increases in the government’s purchases of goods
or services.

National Saving Rate Is Below
Historical Levels
Percent of net national product






SOURCE: Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and
Products Accounts.

change. However, if private saving rose by an
offsetting amount, national saving would be
Figure 11 displays the past behavior of net
private saving and net government (federal,
state, and local) saving, measured as percentages of net national product. As government
saving declined during the 1962–92 period, private saving also declined, causing a sharp drop
in national saving. As government saving
increased after 1992, private saving continued to
decline, leaving national saving essentially
One leading view of the relationship between private and government saving is the
Ricardian equivalence theory, which is the subject of an extensive literature survey by Elmendorf and Mankiw (1998). According to this
theory, taxpayers realize the transfer payments
or tax cuts they receive today will require tax
increases or spending cuts in the future. To prepare for this burden, they increase their private
saving by the full amount of the tax cut or
transfer payment, leaving national saving unchanged. The key assumption is that individuals
rationally plan their consumption based on their
expected lifetime income.
Under the Ricardian theory, the initial tax
cuts or transfer payments do not increase consumption, because individuals save the money
they receive. Conversely, the future tax increases
or spending cuts do not reduce consumption
when they occur, because individuals draw
upon their additional savings. Reduction of the
surpluses through tax cuts or increased transfer
payments, therefore, has no profound economic

Tax Cuts and Transfer Payments
With No Reward for Saving
Surplus reductions through higher transfer
payments or lower taxes would place the federal debt on a higher path. The government
budget constraint would then require that taxes
be increased or spending be reduced in the
future to service the additional debt.
While it might seem that the tax cuts or
transfer payments would increase living standards today and that the necessary future tax
increases or spending cuts would reduce living
standards when they are implemented, the
effects actually depend upon how these policies
affect national saving. National saving, which
measures the portion of national income withheld from current consumption and invested to
increase future consumption, equals the private
saving by individuals and businesses plus government saving. Surpluses constitute government
saving, and deficits constitute negative government saving. Since reducing the surpluses
would reduce government saving, national saving would decline if private saving did not


Net federal, state, and local
government saving
Net private saving
Net national saving



ments could reduce national saving in either
Tax cuts and transfer payments could
cause people to consume earlier in their lifetimes if they are subject to incomplete information or myopia. Individuals might not know
whether their tax cut or transfer payment was
financed by a reduction in the surplus that will
trigger future tax increases or spending cuts or
by an increase in someone else’s taxes. The
benefit of having this information might not
justify the substantial costs of learning the relevant economic concepts and reviewing published budget materials. Surveys by Allers, de
Haan, and de Kam (1998) and Gruen (1991)
find widespread unawareness and misinformation about the level of and changes in government debt. Alternatively, as Elmendorf and
Mankiw (1998) discuss, even if individuals
understood the future tax implications, they
might not fully use this information in formulating a rational lifetime consumption plan. The
complexity of intertemporal decision making
may lead them to rely on rules of thumb to plan
their consumption.
The assumption that individuals do not
allocate consumption over their lifetimes in a
perfectly rational, far-sighted manner is supported by empirical evidence. Campbell and
Mankiw (1991) find that consumption rises
when income rises, even when the income
increase was predictable in advance, which
contradicts the assumption that individuals prepare for predictable income changes by adjusting their consumption when they learn about
the increases. Campbell and Mankiw’s results
are consistent with approximately half of aggregate consumption being done by individuals
who consume a constant fraction of their current disposable income, without regard to their
future income. If these individuals receive tax
cuts and transfer payments in the present,
financed by tax increases and spending cuts in
the future, they will increase their current consumption and reduce their future consumption.
Would this change in consumption patterns be desirable? Since neither the original
consumption decisions nor the new ones are
optimal, no definitive general conclusion is possible.9 Many individuals are likely to experience
significant tax increases or benefit reductions
when the federal government confronts the
post-2020 budget challenge. Individuals who
are unaware of this prospect or have not incorporated it into their saving behavior may be
consuming too much now and will be forced to
consume too little later in life because of their

However, as Elmendorf and Mankiw (1998)
note, a majority of economists reject the
Ricardian equivalence theory. Although direct
empirical tests have been inconclusive, these
economists reject the theory because they doubt
the plausibility of its assumptions. If these economists are correct, private saving would not rise
to fully offset the reduction of the surpluses,
and national saving would decline.
This reduction in national saving would
increase current consumption but would reduce
future national income and consumption.
National saving is invested in various forms of
capital in the United States, including corporate
and noncorporate business investment, owneroccupied housing, consumer durables, and
human capital such as education or training,
and is also used to purchase foreign assets. A
reduced supply of saving would increase interest rates and reduce these investments. With less
capital, future income and consumption would
be lower. Workers would suffer part of the loss,
because the reduction in the capital stock
would lower labor productivity and real wages.
The amount of future consumption that
would be lost depends on the real pretax rate of
return to investment. This return is uncertain
because it is affected by a variety of shocks to
the economy. Its expected value can be estimated from the historical average of the ratio of
pretax real net-of-depreciation capital income to
the value of the capital stock.7 The expected real
return is 6 percent to 7 percent per year, according to estimates by Elmendorf and Mankiw
(1998), Bosworth (1997), Cooley and Prescott
(1995), Fullerton and Rogers (1993), and Summers (1990).8 The relatively high return implies
that a reduction in national saving significantly
decreases future consumption. For example,
consuming one dollar more (saving one dollar
less) today would reduce consumption by four
dollars (adjusted for inflation) twenty-five years
in the future.
However, a reduction in national saving
might be desirable even if the amount of consumption lost in the future was greater than the
amount gained in the present. The relevant
issue is how the changes in consumption at
each date affect human well-being. To examine
this issue, it is important to distinguish two ways
in which national saving might decline. First,
members of each generation might consume
more when they are young and less when they
are elderly. Second, current generations might
consume more throughout their lifetimes, and
future generations might consume less. Under
certain circumstances, tax cuts or transfer pay-



rights and obligations cannot be determined in
any conclusive manner.12
Greenspan (1999), Passell (1998), Stein
(1998), and Steurle (1997) oppose reducing the
projected surpluses to any significant extent,
arguing that additional saving is desirable to
ease the burden current and future generations
will face from the post-2020 budget challenge.
Greenspan and Steurle emphasize the possibility that these burdens will be greater than expected if part of the projected surpluses does
not materialize because of slow economic
growth or other deviations from forecast

inadequate saving. Tax cuts and transfer payments could further lower their well-being.
Conversely, individuals who overestimate the
stringency of future tax increases or spending
cuts10 may be saving too much, needlessly sacrificing current consumption to acquire excessive
future consumption. Tax cuts and transfer payments could increase their well-being.
One complication is that saving is taxed
by individual and corporate income taxes and
property taxes, which prevents savers from
earning the full 6 percent to 7 percent expected
annual real return that their saving generates.
The tax penalty on saving induces people to
consume earlier in their lives than they would
under a neutral tax system. If, for some reason,
the taxation of saving cannot be changed, then
tricking people into saving more would help
offset the distortion caused by the tax system.
This is an imperfect solution, however; it would
be preferable to directly eliminate the distortion
by reforming the tax system.
In any case, many economists believe that
the most important effects of tax cuts and transfer payments are not changes in when each
generation consumes, but changes in how much
consumption is enjoyed by each generation.
They believe that tax cuts and transfer payments
would increase the consumption of earlier generations at the expense of later generations
because later generations would bear part of the
necessary future tax increases and spending
cuts.11 Gokhale, Kotlikoff, and Sabelhaus (1996)
argue that the recent decline in national saving
was largely the result of fiscal policies that transferred resources from later generations to earlier
Under this assumption, the desirability of
tax cuts and transfer payments depends on value
judgments about the needs, rights, and obligations of different generations. Eisner (1998)
argues that there is little reason to increase
national saving because future generations will
be wealthier than current generations. However, Feldstein (1998) and Romer (1988) present
mathematical calculations suggesting the utility
gained by future generations would be greater
than the utility sacrificed by current generations,
because of the high rate of return from saving.
But Elmendorf and Mankiw (1998) point out
that such analyses are inconclusive because
they depend on the weights given to utility at
different levels of wealth. Furthermore, many
philosophers object to the utilitarian approach
underlying these analyses, stressing instead the
rights and obligations of different individuals
and generations. Some analysts contend these


Tax Cuts That Reward Private Saving
Although a majority of economists believe
tax cuts and transfer payments generally reduce
national saving, this conclusion may not hold
for tax cuts that increase the reward for private
saving (or reduce the penalty the current tax
system imposes on saving). These proposals
would probably boost private saving, which
could offset the decline in government saving.
Many tax-cut proposals, such as reducing
income tax rates, would slightly increase the
after-tax return to saving. Other proposals
would do this to a greater extent. Some proposals would reduce the surplus by replacing
the income tax with a consumption tax, setting
the consumption tax rate below the level that
would replace current revenues. Although a
revenue-losing switch to a consumption tax
could increase private saving by enough to
keep national saving unaffected, such an outcome is unlikely. Engen and Gale (1996) survey
the potential effects on saving of switching to a
consumption tax and suggest caution in estimating the magnitude of any increase. An
increase in national saving would be more
likely if such reforms were implemented on a
revenue-neutral basis.
A different approach is to give individuals
a tax cut, with the condition that they place the
funds in an individual retirement saving
account. In his fiscal 2000 budget, President
Clinton proposes that tax cuts of this type be
used to fund a system of Universal Savings
Accounts. Workers with incomes below $40,000
would be given $300 for their accounts and
would receive dollar-for-dollar government
matching for up to $700 of additional contributions, with smaller benefits for those with higher
incomes. An alternative proposal by Feldstein
and Samwick (1998) would give each worker an
amount equal to 2 percent of earnings subject
to Social Security tax for his or her account.


President Clinton’s proposed accounts would
not be integrated with the Social Security system, but the Feldstein-Samwick proposal would
reduce Social Security benefits by seventy-five
cents for each dollar withdrawn from the
accounts during retirement.
Reducing the surpluses through tax cuts
that fund individual savings accounts would
probably reduce national saving to some extent.
Current workers would receive the tax cuts,
while future generations might bear part of the
future tax increases and spending cuts necessitated by the reduction in the surpluses. Also,
acting on incomplete information, workers who
might not have reduced their saving to offset
government budget surpluses might reduce
their other saving to offset the highly visible
wealth in their accounts. However, the saving
reduction would be smaller under the FeldsteinSamwick plan because lower future Social
Security benefits would offset up to 75 percent
of the wealth.
CBO (1998a) analyzes the relative merits
of private saving in individual accounts and
government saving through budget surpluses.
Individual accounts would offer greater personal freedom because individuals could make
their own portfolio choices. But not all individuals will necessarily be prepared to make these
choices. In surveys cited by Levitt (1998) and
Diamond (1997), many Americans express unfamiliarity with the benefits of diversification,
the relationship of bond prices to interest rates,
and the differences between stocks and bonds.
To reduce the problems posed by limited
knowledge, individual portfolio choice would
probably be restricted to some extent, although
neither the president nor Feldstein and Samwick
specify the restrictions they would impose.
Supporters also argue that the introduction of
individual accounts would spur individuals to
learn more about portfolio choice.
Although the aggregate return on additional investment and its total uncertainty would
be the same whether the investment was
financed from savings in individual accounts or
from budget surpluses, the allocation of risk
would be different. With surpluses, the government could diversify risk, particularly across
generations. With individual accounts, the extent of diversification would depend on workers’ portfolio decisions. Budget surpluses might
pose greater political risk because the allocation
of the future tax reductions or spending increases permitted by the surpluses would depend on political decisions that could not be
predicted. Since individual accounts would be

private property, workers would have some
assurance they could retain the wealth in their
accounts regardless of political developments.
Unlike budget surpluses, individual accounts
would have significant administrative costs.
Mitchell (1998) and Diamond (1997) observe that
administrative costs consume 10 percent of
returns for many private saving vehicles. Costs
might be reduced to some extent if individuals
were limited to a few standardized portfolio
Feldstein and Samwick (1998) also argue
that Congress and the president will inevitably
yield to temptation and reduce the surpluses by
adopting some form of tax cuts or spending
increases. They warn that rejecting individual
accounts and attempting to preserve the surpluses would actually result in lower national
saving because Congress and the president
would eventually backslide and reduce the surpluses through spending increases or tax cuts
that did not reward saving. However, it might be
possible to prevent this outcome by imposing
constitutional or other institutional restrictions
that preclude future backsliding.
Increases in Government Purchases
Another way to reduce the surpluses
would be to increase the government’s purchases of goods and services. Many forms of
government purchases, such as Medicare spending, are essentially current consumption. Increases in government consumption raise issues
similar to those posed by transfer payments or
tax cuts that increase private consumption. The
choice between private and government consumption should depend upon how effectively
each type of consumption satisfies the preferences of individuals.
Other forms of government purchases,
such as education, public infrastructure, and
health care for workers, can increase future output. Public investment of this type is desirable if
it corrects market failure in a way that provides
a higher return than private investment. Of
course, these returns are often difficult to measure and may vary greatly across different types
of government purchases.
A combination of economic events and
policy changes reduced the federal budget
deficit for five years in a row and unexpectedly
moved the budget into surplus last year. If current policies are maintained, surpluses are
expected to continue for twenty years, com-



pletely retiring the outstanding federal debt,
although deficits are expected to return after
2020. Congress and President Clinton are considering proposals to reduce the projected surpluses through tax cuts or spending increases.
Under plausible assumptions, many of the
proposed tax cuts and spending increases
would reduce national saving and lower future
output because they are likely to increase the
consumption of current generations and reduce
the consumption of future generations. Evaluation of the desirability of this outcome requires
a value judgment about the needs, rights, and
obligations of the different generations. Different considerations are relevant for some proposed tax cuts and spending increases. Tax cuts
that reward saving or fund individual savings
accounts might increase private saving but
probably not enough to offset the reduction in
government saving. Increases in government
investments, such as education and infrastructure, would be desirable if they corrected market failures in ways that offered higher returns
than private investment.
The decision on whether and how to
reduce the projected surpluses will have important effects on the well-being of current and
future Americans.

terminology is somewhat misleading. Unless the government increases its cash balances or holdings of
financial assets, surpluses necessarily reduce the
debt. By the same token, deficits necessarily increase
the debt, unless the government reduces its cash balances or its holdings of financial assets.










I am grateful to Justin Marion for research assistance
and to John V. Duca, Evan F. Koenig, Jason Saving,
Fiona Sigalla, Lori L. Taylor, and V. Brian Viard for many
helpful comments. I am solely responsible for any errors.
Fiscal years 1976 and earlier began on July 1 of the
preceding year, while fiscal years 1977 and later begin
on October 1 of the preceding year. The period July 1
to September 30, 1976, which was a transitional quarter not included in any fiscal year, is not shown in the
The entitlement spending plotted in the figure is mandatory spending (other than interest) minus offsetting
receipts. Collender (1999) provides more detail on
these budget categories.
Collender (1999) provides a thorough description of
the BEA.
The reduction in the top tax rate on long-term capital
gains from 28 percent to 20 percent, which took effect
on May 7, 1997, also probably increased 1997 realizations. Moreover, mutual funds, which generally realize
gains to a greater extent than do individual investors,
now own a larger portion of stocks. Barclay, Pearson,
and Weisbach (1998) document and analyze mutual
funds’ willingness to realize capital gains.
Although policymakers and journalists sometimes
discuss “using” the surpluses to reduce the debt, this





The reductions in the surplus are calculated from CBO
(1999a, pp. xiii, 2, 3, 22). I treat the proposed stock
purchases and associated interest costs as not reducing the surplus.
As discussed by Summers (1990), this method is subject to several potential problems. Both capital income
and the capital stock may be mismeasured, particularly because consumer durables, human capital, and
government capital are excluded. The average return
obtained by this method may differ from the marginal
return if the production function does not exhibit constant returns to scale. Moreover, the private return
earned by capital may differ from the social return
because of monopoly power, externalities, and the
marginal cost of public services (such as police and
fire protection) provided to capital.
Some authors, such as Feldstein (1998), use values of
9 percent or more, based on the pretax return to corporate capital. But, as CBO (1998a), Elmendorf and
Mankiw (1998, p. 23 n.9), Bosworth (1997, p. 163),
Diamond (1997, p. 21 n.24), and Summers (1990,
p. 117) observe, corporate capital has higher pretax
returns than other investments because it is taxed
more heavily and because after-tax (risk-adjusted)
returns on different investments should be equal.
As Elmendorf and Mankiw (1998, pp. 50 – 52) discuss,
some individuals who wish to borrow to consume earlier in their lifetimes may be unable to do so because
bankruptcy risk causes private lenders to restrict the
amount they will lend to these consumers. If it can, the
government should help individuals sidestep these
restrictions by borrowing on their behalf (giving them a
tax cut or transfer payment, financed by a future tax
increase). However, if the government’s ability to
collect taxes is the same as private lenders’ ability to
collect loan repayments, then it cannot accomplish this
objective. For each dollar of additional government
borrowing, private lenders would reduce their loans by
one dollar.
In surveys cited by Burtless (1997, p. 400), 70 percent
of voters under age 50 state that they expect to
receive no Social Security benefits at all, suggesting
that many people have unfounded beliefs about the
magnitude of the necessary adjustments.
Even if future generations bear the tax increases or
spending cuts, Ricardian equivalence could still be
valid and national saving still might not decline. Current generations might increase their private saving to
leave larger gifts and bequests to their heirs, compensating them for the burden they will face. Elmendorf
and Mankiw (1998, pp. 45 – 50) survey the literature on


this issue. However, empirical evidence suggests that
households do not systematically alter their gifts and
bequests to offset changes in their heirs’ circumstances (Hayashi, Altonji, and Kotlikoff 1996).
Legal scholar Richard Epstein (1992, p. 85) comments, “I confess that my moral intuitions are not as
well developed…on this grand scale. Hard as I try I
cannot determine precisely what it is that my parents
owed me, or what their generation owed my generation or those yet to come. I am also somewhat overwhelmed by a similar inability to speak about what I
owe my children, as distinguished from what I hope to
provide for them.” Kinsley (1994) expresses similar

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Considerable research finds that oil price
shocks have affected U.S. output and inflation
(Hamilton 1983, 1988, 1996; Tatom 1988; Mork
1989, 1994; Kahn and Hampton 1990; Huntington 1998). Research also supports the view that
these shocks have been an important source
of economic fluctuation in the United States
over the past three decades (Miller, Supel, and
Turner 1980; Finn 1991; Kim and Loungani
1992). This research suggests rising oil prices
reduced output and increased inflation in the
1970s and early 1980s and falling oil prices
boosted output and lowered inflation in the
mid- to late 1980s. Nevertheless, other studies
argue it was not the oil price shocks themselves
but monetary policy’s response to them that
caused the fluctuations in aggregate economic
activity (Bohi 1989; Bernanke, Gertler, and
Watson 1997).
Bernanke, Gertler, and Watson (BGW) show
that the U.S. economy responds differently to an
oil price shock when the federal funds rate is
held constant than it does when the rate is unconstrained. In the unconstrained case, a positive oil price shock leads to a rise in the federal
funds rate and a decline in real gross domestic
product. With the federal funds rate held constant, BGW find a positive oil price shock leads
to an increase in real GDP. Defining neutral
monetary policy as one in which the federal
funds rate is constant, BGW argue that monetary policy has not been neutral in response to
oil price shocks. They contend the difference in
real GDP’s behavior shows it is monetary policy’s response to oil price shocks that causes
aggregate economic activity to fluctuate.
A constant federal funds rate is not necessarily the only definition of monetary neutrality
in the face of a supply shock. Friedman (1959)
suggests a constant monetary aggregate; Gordon (1998) suggests that neutrality occurs when
the monetary authority adjusts policy to hold
nominal GDP constant.1
For this article, we construct a vector autoregressive (VAR) model of the U.S. economy
similar to the BGW model to examine whether
the definition of monetary neutrality affects the
conclusion that monetary policy’s response to
oil price shocks accounts for the fluctuations
in aggregate economic activity. We find that
with the BGW definition of neutral monetary
policy—a constant federal funds rate—oil price
shocks have prompted a tightening of monetary
policy. However, under a different definition of
neutrality—constant nominal GDP—it could be
argued that the Federal Reserve has taken a
neutral course.

Oil Prices and U.S. Aggregate
Economic Activity:
A Question of Neutrality
Stephen P. A. Brown and Mine K. Yücel


esearch suggests rising

oil prices reduced output and
increased inflation in the 1970s
and early 1980s and falling
oil prices boosted output
and lowered inflation in the
mid- to late 1980s.

Stephen P. A. Brown is a senior economist and
assistant vice president and Mine K. Yücel
is a senior economist and research officer in the
Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.



constant in the face of a supply shock regardless of the consequences for the price level and
nominal GDP. Because a supply shock might
boost short-term interest rates, however, holding the federal funds rate constant could be
interpreted as accommodative if it results in
gains in nominal GDP.

Our model is a variant of BGW’s VAR model.
Both consist of seven variables and equations
representing real GDP, the GDP deflator, a commodity price index, the price of oil, the federal
funds rate, and short- and long-term interest
rates. Both versions of the model can be used
to represent money demand, as well as the relationships between oil prices, aggregate economic activity, financial variables, and inflation.
For oil prices, the BGW model uses the
“net oil price” proposed by Hamilton (1996),
constructed by calculating the difference between the current price and the maximum price
seen in the past twelve months (in logs).
Hamilton’s net oil price is equal to the difference or zero, whichever is greater. In addition,
the federal funds rate does not enter the BGW
model directly but, rather, works through the
term structure of interest rates. The short- and
long-term market rates are decomposed into
two parts—an expectations of future funds rate
component and a term premium component.
Our version of the model has two oil price
variables: the Hamilton net oil price and the
price of oil. Following Balke, Brown, and Yücel
(1999), we include an additional oil price variable to allow for the differential effects of rising
and falling oil prices. The net oil price captures
only rising oil prices. Unlike BGW, we do not
impose a structure on the model and include
the federal funds rate directly in the VAR.
Simple theory can help predict how an oil
price shock will affect the variables in either
model. Higher energy prices resulting from an
oil price shock cause a temporary shift in the
production function, leading to lower output.
The reduction in output, ceteris paribus, results
in an excess demand for goods and an increase
in the interest rate. The fall in output and increase in the interest rate, in turn, reduce the
demand for real cash balances, and given a
nominal quantity of money, the price level rises.
Therefore, we would expect an oil price shock
to lower GDP and increase both interest rates
and the price level.2
According to Gordon (1998), the Federal
Reserve maintains neutrality in the face of a
supply shock by acting to hold nominal spending constant. Hence, under this circumstance a
decline in GDP, an increase in interest rates, and
an increase in the price level can be consistent
with a neutral monetary policy—as long as
nominal GDP remains constant. In contrast, BGW
define a neutral monetary policy as one in which
the Federal Reserve holds the federal funds rate


To examine the neutrality issues, we use
data similar to BGW’s. We use monthly data for
January 1965 through December 1997.3 The real
oil price variable is the producers price index of
crude oil, with the Hamilton net oil price calculated from the same series. GDP is in constant
1987 dollars. We use the Chow–Lin procedure
to obtain a monthly GDP series from the quarterly data, with personal consumption expenditures, industrial production, and total nonagricultural employment as reference series. We
also use the Chow–Lin procedure to obtain a
monthly GDP deflator series from the quarterly
data, with the producer price indexes for capital equipment, finished goods, intermediate
materials, and crude materials as the reference
series. The commodity price index is the spot
market index for all commodities from the
Commodity Research Bureau. The short-term
interest rate is the three-month Treasury bill.
The long-term interest rate is the ten-year
Treasury bond. All three interest rate variables
are from Citibase.
Following BGW, we use log levels of real
GDP, the price deflator, and the commodity
price. The federal funds rate and the long-term
interest rate are kept in levels. We use log first
differences of the real oil price to make it comparable to the Hamilton oil price variable. Because it can be generated by an identity from
the oil price series, the net oil price is included
as a regressor in each equation, along with the
real oil price, but is not a left-hand variable itself.
Variance Decomposition and Impulse Responses
We use both a variance decomposition
and impulse responses to assess the relationship
between oil price shocks and aggregate economic activity. A variance decomposition apportions the variance of forecast errors in a given
variable to its own shocks and those of the
other variables in the VAR. It allows us to assess
the relative importance of oil price shocks to the
volatility of the other variables.
Impulse response functions allow us to
examine the dynamic effects of oil price shocks
on U.S. economic activity and inflation. The impulse response function traces over time the


Table 1

Variance Decomposition
Short rate
Long rate






Short rate

Long rate








can arise contemporaneously from innovations
in real GDP but can arise from other variables
only with a lag. Similarly, as we move down
the equations, unexpected changes in one of
the left-hand-side variables can arise contemporaneously from innovations in variables on
the left-hand side of the equations preceding
it, but can arise from the variables on the lefthand side of the equations succeeding it only
with a lag.5
In addition to the standard impulse
responses, we also calculate impulse responses
under a counterfactual case in which the federal
funds rate is held constant, which is akin to the
Sims–Zha case in BGW.6 In the Sims–Zha case,
the federal funds rate response is shut down by
setting the rate at its baseline level—that is, its
value in the absence of an oil price shock.

NOTE: The variable on the left is being decomposed by the right-hand-side variables shown at the top.

effects on a variable of an exogenous shock to
another variable. The persistence of a shock
tells us how fast the system adjusts back to equilibrium. The faster a shock dampens, the faster
the adjustment. We analyze the effects of a onetime oil price shock and trace its effect on each
of the variables.
We use a Choleski decomposition to construct the variance decompositions and impulse
responses. This technique decomposes the
residual (µi ) from each equation in the VAR system into a linear combination of the residuals
from the other equations (µj ) and an orthogonal element (νi ). The structure is as follows:4

Using the model and procedures described above, we examine the sources of variation in each variable and the estimated responses of aggregate economic activity to an oil
price shock with the federal funds rate free to
respond and with the rate constant. We find that
innovations in the oil price itself—except possibly through a manifestation in commodity
prices—have little effect on monetary policy
during the estimation period.7 We also find that
holding the federal funds rate constant prevents
a decline in real GDP, but at the cost of higher

(1) µgdp = νgdp
(2) µdefl = c21µgdp + νdefl
(3) µpcom = c31µgdp + c32µdefl + νpcom
(4) µpoil = c41µgdp + c42µdefl + c43µpcom + νpoil
(5) µff = c51µgdp + c52µdefl + c53µpcom
+ c54µpoil + νff

Variance Decomposition
The variance decomposition suggests that
oil price shocks are not a major source of
volatility for most of the variables in the model.
As Table 1 shows, for many of the variables the
largest source of shock other than the variable
itself is the commodity price; changes in oil
prices are a minimal source of disturbance to
these variables.8 The commodity price is the
source of 65 percent of the volatility in the price
deflator, about 40 percent of the volatility in the
federal funds rate and short-term interest rates,
and 50 percent of the volatility in long-term
interest rates.
For real GDP, the largest source of shocks
is changes in the federal funds rate, which contributes nearly 44 percent of the volatility. The GDP
variable itself accounts for about 30 percent of
its own volatility, and the commodity price accounts for 6.5 percent of the volatility. Oil prices
contribute only 1.4 percent of GDP volatility.

(6) µrs = c61µgdp + c62µdefl + c63µpcom
+ c64µpoil + c65µff + νrs
(7) µrl = c71µgdp + c72µdefl + c73µpcom
+ c74µpoil + c75µff + c76µrs + νrl ,
where µgdp is the residual from the real GDP
equation, µdefl is the residual from the GDP
deflator equation, µpcom is the residual from the
commodity price equation, µpoil is the residual
from the oil price equation, µff is the residual
from the federal funds rate equation, µrs is the
residual from the short-term interest rate equation, and µrl is the residual from the long-term
interest rate equation.
The decomposition structure implies that
unexpected changes in real GDP (µgdp ) arise
from any of the specified variables only with a
lag. Unexpected changes in the deflator (µdefl )



the economy since the 1980s and that inclusion
of data for more recent periods could result in a
smaller elasticity estimate.
A shock to oil prices leads to a response
in the price level similar in magnitude to the
response in real GDP. The one-standard-deviation increase in oil prices leads to a 0.006 percent increase in the price level that is 90 percent
complete in the first year. The maximum
response is reached in eighteen months.
Estimated at the peak of the response, the elasticity of the price level with respect to the real
price of oil is 0.011 percent.
The impulse responses of real GDP and
the deflator show that the responses for both
GDP and the deflator are similar in magnitude.
This similarity can be seen in the impulse
response of nominal GDP, which is calculated
from real GDP and the price level. After the initial period, the impulse is relatively constant
throughout the time horizon and the magnitude
is very small.11 Such a finding is roughly consistent with Gordon’s definition of neutral monetary policy. It also suggests the response of real
GDP and the price level are consistent with a
supply-side response to an oil price shock in
which the shift in aggregate supply lowers output and raises prices.
Interest Rates and Monetary Responses. On
the financial side, the oil price shock leads to
increases in all the variables. An increase in oil
prices leads to a rise in the federal funds rate, a
smaller rise in the short-term rate, and an even
smaller rise in the long-term rate. The spread
between long- and short-term interest rates narrows because the long rate rises less than the
short rate.
The federal funds rate rises 0.16 percent
above its preshock value by the fourth month
and then declines until the end of the time horizon. The oil price shock leads the short-term
interest rate to increase 0.1 percent, also by the
fourth month. The maximum increase in the
long rate is 0.07 percent, which occurs at seven
BGW interpret a rising federal funds rate
as tightening by the Federal Reserve, but other
interpretations are possible. If interest rates rise
in response to an oil price shock, a higher federal funds rate may be needed to hold nominal
GDP constant.
Constant Federal Funds Rate Case. BGW
interpret a constant federal funds rate as a
neutral monetary response. However, if an oil
price shock pushes nominal interest rates upward, holding the federal funds rate constant
could mean an easing of monetary policy. To

Although the federal funds rate is the
largest source of volatility for real GDP, the
rate’s movements do not arise from changes in
oil prices. The oil price contributes only about 1
percent of the volatility in the federal funds rate.
Commodity prices are the largest source of
volatility for the rate, while GDP accounts for
almost 23 percent of the volatility. The funds
rate itself is the third-largest source of its own
volatility, contributing nearly 21 percent. Table
1 shows that the variance decomposition for all
three interest rates is very similar, particularly
for the federal funds and short-term rates.
These findings suggest it is not the oil
price itself but perhaps its manifestation in commodity prices that affects the volatility of economic activity. The commodity price is the
largest source of fluctuation for all variables
except GDP and oil prices. The main sources of
GDP volatility are GDP itself and changes in the
federal funds rate. A change in commodity
prices is the source of nearly half the volatility
for all interest rates in the model. The fed funds
rate seems to be responding to changes in general commodity prices, not necessarily just the
oil price, because changes in oil prices are the
smallest source of volatility for the fed funds rate.
Impulse Responses
Figure 1 shows the impulse responses to
an oil price shock in the base case (solid line).
As is shown, a positive oil price shock leads to
a decline in real GDP, a rise in the price level,
and increases in short- and long-term interest
GDP and Inflation Response. We find that a
one-standard-deviation shock to the real oil
price leads to a transitory decline in real GDP.
The maximum decline in real GDP is about
0.005 percent and is realized in the thirteenth
Our findings are similar to those of
Hamilton (1983), Tatom (1988), Mork (1989,
1994), and Huntington (1998), who find decreases in real gross domestic product (or gross
national product) follow an oil price shock. If
the maximum decline in real GDP is normalized
by the maximum increase in the price of oil, we
estimate the resulting oil price elasticity of GDP
is –0.008.10 Our estimate shows a smaller effect
than the –0.02 to –0.076 range reported in a
1987 Energy Modeling Forum study (Hickman,
Huntington, and Sweeney 1987), perhaps because the model contains commodity prices.
Brown and Yücel (1995) also suggest that the
elasticity of real GDP to changes in oil prices
may have declined with the energy intensity of



Figure 1

Response to One-Standard-Deviation Oil Price Shock
Real GDP

GDP Deflator

Percent change

Percent change






















Number of months




Number of months

Commodity Price

Oil Price

Percent change

Percent change























Number of months

Federal Funds Rate























Number of months

Long-Term Interest Rate



Nominal GDP
Percent change




















Number of months

Percent change



Percent change




Short-Term Interest Rate

Percent change



Number of months








Number of months




Number of months
Base case


Sims–Zha case


the federal funds rate, and short- and long-term
interest rates.
The impulse responses to an oil price
shock show that the model responds to a temporary oil price shock with a decline in real
GDP, increases in the federal funds rate and
other interest rates, and an increase in the price
level. The decline in real GDP and the rise in
the deflator are similar in magnitude, and, consequently, nominal GDP remains relatively constant. Under Gordon’s definition of monetary
neutrality—holding nominal GDP constant—a
rise in the federal funds rate can represent a
neutral monetary policy response to an oil price
When the federal funds rate is held constant under the Sims–Zha counterfactual case,
we obtain impulse responses that could be seen
as contrary to BGW’s assertion that a constant
federal funds rate represents a neutral monetary
policy. When the rate is held constant in the
face of an oil price shock, nominal GDP is
higher, as are real GDP, commodity prices, and
the price level—all of which are consistent with
accommodative monetary policy. In addition,
we find the response to oil price shocks appears
more quickly in real GDP and commodity prices
than it does in the overall price level.
The magnitude of the responses may provide a glimpse of how monetary policy responded to past oil price shocks. In particular, a
constant nominal GDP suggests that the Federal
Reserve maintained a generally neutral monetary policy. As Koenig (1995) remarks, “That a
large fraction of the business cycle can be attributed to supply shocks may mean not that monetary policy is ineffective, but that the Federal
Reserve has been doing its job.”

examine this issue, we consider the impulse
responses of aggregate economic activity to
oil price shocks under a counterfactual case in
which the federal funds rate is held constant.
This approach follows the Sims–Zha experiment in the BGW study.
The dotted line in Figure 1 shows the
Sims–Zha case in which the federal funds rate
is held constant. As is shown, the GDP responses
under the Sims–Zha and base cases are identical for the first three months and very similar for
the next several months. At the ninth month,
real GDP is higher under Sims–Zha than in the
base case and continues to increase throughout
the time horizon.
Similarly, the commodity price responses
in the Sims–Zha and base cases are nearly identical for the first seven months. Commodity
prices in the Sims–Zha case then rise above the
base case response and remain higher until the
end of the time horizon.
The Sims–Zha case also leads to a higher
price level, but it takes some time for the price
level to rise above the base case values. As with
real GDP and commodity prices, the price level
responds very similarly in the first seven months
under both cases. The price level for the
Sims–Zha case remains lower than the base
case level until the twenty-third month, after
which it surpasses the base level. Hence, the
effect of holding the federal funds rate constant
shows up quickly in real activity and commodity prices but is slower to appear in the general
price level.
The responses of nominal GDP in the
Sims–Zha and base cases are similar for the first
nine months. After that, nominal GDP increases
and remains at least twice its base-case value
until the end of the estimated time horizon.
Using Gordon’s classifications of monetary policy, the gains in nominal GDP that arise under
the Sims–Zha case suggest that holding the federal funds rate constant in the face of an oil
price shock represents an accommodative monetary policy.12 Monetary policymakers can offset
the real losses arising from an oil price shock,
but only at the cost of higher inflation.



We use impulse responses from a VAR
model economy to assess how oil price shocks
move through major channels of the U.S. economy to affect aggregate economic activity and
the price level. The model represents the interactions between seven variables: real GDP,
commodity prices, the GDP deflator, oil prices,



The authors wish to thank Nathan Balke, Mark French,
Joe Haslag, and Evan Koenig for helpful comments
and discussions; Mark Watson for supplying some
data and computer programs; and Dong Fu for able
research assistance. The authors retain responsibility
for all errors and omissions.
The different definitions of neutrality need not be mutually exclusive. Koenig (1995) shows that when utility is
logarithmic in consumption, the optimal policy would
be for the monetary authority to target a geometric
weighted average of output and the price level. Such
a policy encompasses rules proposed by Hall (1984)
and Taylor (1985). In the realistic special case where
the market-clearing level of employment is independent of productivity, it is optimal for the monetary
authority to target nominal spending.










See Barro (1984) and Gordon (1998).
Some have argued that Federal Reserve policy has
changed over this estimation period. See Balke and
Emery (1994). We follow BGW and allow for no structural changes in policy. Estimates using post-1982
data yield substantially similar results.
Our ordering follows BGW. We also experimented with
an ordering where oil prices were placed first in the
model. The results were almost identical.
Because we couldn’t calculate variance decompositions with both oil price variables in the model, we calculated two sets of variance decompositions, one with
the Hamilton net oil price and one with first differences
of the log of oil prices. The two sets were almost identical. Table 1 presents the results with the Hamilton net
oil price in the model.
To estimate the impulse responses to a change in oil
prices, we need to simultaneously generate impulses
in both the oil price and the Hamilton net oil price. To
accomplish this task, we use an identity equation that
creates impulses in the Hamilton net oil price from
impulses in oil prices.
Oil prices are included in the commodity price index.
This result led us to run a model without commodity
prices to see if oil prices became a larger source of
shock. We do not report any results here because the
model was very unstable.
Use of an identity equation to generate impulses in the
Hamilton oil price from impulses in oil prices prevents
the estimation of confidence bands.
The reported value is calculated on a constant-elasticity
In a test of sensitivity, we ran an unrestricted version of
the BGW model and calculated significance bands
around the impulses in the base case. The results
were substantially similar to those shown here, and the
impulse response of nominal GDP to an oil price shock
was insignificant in the base case.

Bernanke, Ben S., Mark Gertler, and Mark Watson (1997),
“Systematic Monetary Policy and the Effects of Oil Price
Shocks,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, no. 1:

We found substantially similar results with an unrestricted version of the BGW model.

——— (1996), “This Is What Happened to the Oil Price –
Macroeconomy Relationship,” Journal of Monetary
Economics 38 (October): 215 – 20.

Bohi, Douglas R. (1989), Energy Price Shocks and
Macroeconomic Performance (Washington, D.C.:
Resources for the Future).
Brown, Stephen P. A., and Mine K. Yücel (1995),
“Energy Prices and State Economic Performance,”
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Review,
Second Quarter, 13 – 23.
Finn, Mary G. (1991), “Energy Price Shocks, Capacity
Utilization, and Business Cycle Fluctuations,” Federal
Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Institute for Empirical
Macroeconomics, Discussion Paper 50.
Friedman, Milton (1959), A Program for Monetary Stability
(New York: Fordham University Press).
Gordon, Robert J. (1998), Macroeconomics, 7th ed.
(New York: Addison-Wesley).
Hall, Robert E. (1984), “Monetary Strategy with an Elastic
Price Standard,” in Price Stability and Public Policy
(Kansas City: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City),
137– 59.
Hamilton, James D. (1983), “Oil and the Macroeconomy
Since World War II,” Journal of Political Economy 91
(April): 228 – 48.
——— (1988), “A Neoclassical Model of Unemployment
and the Business Cycle,” Journal of Political Economy
96 (June): 593 – 617.


Hickman, Bert G., Hillard G. Huntington, and James L.
Sweeney, eds. (1987), The Macroeconomic Impacts of
Energy Shocks (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers,
B.V., North-Holland).

Balke, Nathan S., Stephen P. A. Brown, and Mine K. Yücel
(1999), “Oil Price Shocks and the U.S. Economy: Where
Does the Asymmetry Originate?” (Paper presented at the
Allied Social Science Association meeting, New York,
January 3 – 5).

Huntington, Hillard G. (1998), “Crude Oil Prices and U.S.
Economic Performance: Where Does the Asymmetry
Reside?” Energy Journal 19 (4): 107– 32.

Balke, Nathan S., and Kenneth M. Emery (1994),
“Understanding the Price Puzzle,” Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas Economic Review, Fourth Quarter, 15 – 26.

Kahn, George A., and Robert Hampton, Jr. (1990),
“Possible Monetary Policy Responses to the Iraqi Oil
Shock,” Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic
Review, November/December, 19 – 32.

Barro, Robert J. (1984), Macroeconomics (New York:
John Wiley & Sons).



Kim, In-Moo, and Prakash Loungani (1992), “The Role
of Energy in Real Business Cycle Models,” Journal of
Monetary Economics 29 (April): 173 – 89.

——— (1994), “Business Cycles and the Oil Market,”
Energy Journal 15 (Special Issue): 15 – 38.
Tatom, John A. (1988), “Are the Macroeconomic Effects
of Oil Price Changes Symmetric?” Carnegie – Rochester
Conference Series on Public Policy 28 (Spring): 325 – 68.

Koenig, Evan F. (1995), “Optimal Monetary Policy in an
Economy with Sticky Nominal Wages,” Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas Economic Review, Second Quarter, 24 – 31.

Taylor, John B. (1985), “What Would Nominal GDP
Targeting Do to the Business Cycle?” Carnegie –
Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 22
(Spring): 61– 84.

Miller, P. J., T. M. Supel, and T. H. Turner (1980), “Estimating the Effects of the Oil Price Shock,” Federal Reserve
Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, Winter, 10 –17.
Mork, Knut Anton (1989), “Oil and the Macroeconomy
When Prices Go Up and Down: An Extension of
Hamilton’s Results,” Journal of Political Economy 97
(June): 740 – 44.



Behind that old proverb “don’t put all your
eggs in one basket” lie the potential benefits of
diversification. However, the idea that diversification is always enhanced by using more baskets can be misleading. In the world of equity
investing, for example, the introduction of an
additional stock to a portfolio can either increase or reduce the variability, or risk, of the
portfolio’s return. The new stock is more likely
to reduce portfolio variability if changes in its
return over time are not closely associated with
changes in the return of the original portfolio.
In the same way individuals can hold portfolios of stocks, banks can be said to own a
portfolio of earning assets. The most important
collection of assets for most banks is their loan
portfolio. And diversification in banks’ loan
portfolios is just as important as diversification
in individuals’ portfolios. A well-diversified loan
portfolio does not eliminate all the risks banks
face. But diversification can substantially limit
banks’ exposure to economic shocks and help
reduce the variability of bank earnings.
Many banks in Texas experienced financial difficulties in the last half of the 1980s because their loan portfolios were concentrated in
oil and real estate, industries that suffered severe
shocks at that time. If the Texas banks had also
been lending heavily in states with a significantly different industry mix, lending profits in
those states may have helped offset the severe
losses on loans extended in Texas. On the other
hand, having additional lending operations in
another heavily oil-dependent state, such as
Oklahoma, would not have done much to help
reduce the earnings variability of Texas banks.
If the benefits of diversification are well
known, why might banks not have pursued a
more diversified loan portfolio? One explanation might lie in legal restrictions the U.S. banking industry faced that limited diversification
opportunities. Chief among these are the longstanding restrictions on interstate banking and
branching that U.S. banks operated under until
fairly recently. Individual states controlled the
degree of branching allowed within their own
borders, as well as the degree of interstate
banking allowed across their borders. Although
several methods were used to partially overcome these obstacles, geographic restrictions
nevertheless made it difficult for banks to
spread their operations across several regions.
In the late 1970s, restrictions on banks’
geographic expansion began to ease. States increasingly allowed out-of-state banking organizations to acquire in-state banks, and intrastate
branching restrictions were eliminated. This pro-

Industry Mix and
Lending Environment Variability:
What Does the Average
Bank Face?
Jeffery W. Gunther and Kenneth J. Robinson


he industrial restructuring
of regional economies has
resulted in a widespread
and substantial reduction
in the environmental risk
faced by banks.

Jeffery W. Gunther and Kenneth J. Robinson
are senior economists and policy advisors
in the Financial Industry Studies Department
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.



Strahan (1997) find a negative relationship
between banking organization size and measures of firm-specific risk, indicating that diversification and bank size are linked. However,
these authors also find that larger banking organizations tend to operate with higher amounts
of leverage and greater commercial loans and
that these riskier portfolio components can offset the risk-reducing benefits of diversification.
Economic researchers have studied bank
diversification mostly from a geographic perspective.2 Geographic diversification would allow
losses incurred in one region of the country to
be offset with profits made in another. In this
regard, Benston, Hunter, and Wall (1995) find
that a desire for greater earnings diversification
played a significant role in motivating bank
mergers and acquisitions in the early to mid1980s.
Neely and Wheelock (1997) find evidence
that U.S. banks are not very geographically
diversified. In their analysis, state-level bank
earnings are affected by state-level per capita
income growth. As these authors point out, “If
the investment and deposit bases of banks were
extensively diversified across states, we would
not expect to find this systematic relationship
between a bank’s earnings and the per capita
income of the state in which it is headquartered” (Neely and Wheelock, 1997, p. 31).
Liang and Rhoades (1988) find a negative
relationship between geographic expansion and
different measures of risk. However, these
authors also find lower levels of earnings and
capital for banks with more geographic coverage. Rose (1995) finds some evidence that at
sufficiently high levels of geographic expansion,
earnings are more stable and risks reduced.
Fraser et al. (1997) use stock price data to estimate the effects of the Office of Thrift Supervision’s decision to allow interstate branching
for federally chartered savings and loan associations. These authors find significant positive
wealth effects associated with this decision for
both large banks and thrifts.
Finally, for some evidence that removal of
intrastate branching restrictions improves bank
efficiency and contributes to economic growth,
see Jayaratne and Strahan (1997).

cess culminated with the passage of the Riegle–
Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency
Act of 1994, which authorized interstate banking
and branching.
Given the breakdown of geographic banking restrictions, banks’ diversification opportunities may have improved. In addition, recent
structural changes within regional economies in
many cases have left relatively volatile industries with a diminished role. These changes
also may have improved diversification opportunities for banks by making the regional
economies themselves more diversified.
We look for evidence on the potential riskreducing effects of these changes by concentrating on the implications of a bank’s location
for the nature of its lending landscape. Our representation of a bank’s lending environment is
obtained by forming industry portfolios for U.S.
banking organizations based on the extent of
their presence in different states and the mix
of economic activity found in those states. We
generate these “environmental portfolios” using
data from 1985, just prior to the oil-priceinduced regional recessions that occurred in
the latter 1980s, and 1996, the latest year for
which data on state gross domestic product are
If the stability of the bank lending environment has improved, we would expect that
the variability underlying banks’ environmental
portfolios declined over this period, which is
indeed what we find. We then investigate
whether this reduction in risk stems from a geographic restructuring of the banking system, or
whether the states now have a more diverse mix
of economic activity, or both. Our evidence indicates both of these effects are at work, with
the industrial diversification of state economies
providing the most benefits.
Diversification benefits are often possible
when the cash flows or earnings potentials from
different stocks, loans, or any type of economic
activity or asset do not move in tandem. By
choosing new markets or new products whose
earnings move differently from those generated
by existing lines of business, the variability of
overall firm earnings often can be reduced. On
the other hand, if the returns generated by individual markets tend to move together while the
new markets are significantly riskier than existing markets, geographic expansion might actually increase risk.1
Using stock market data, Demsetz and


Previous studies have used different variables to measure the extent of a bank’s geographic coverage. Some examples are the percentage of consolidated assets booked by affiliate out-of-state banks and the number of states


ganizations face in a given state.
We also need a measure of the relative
importance of a banking organization’s presence in each state. For this measure, we use the
share of the organization’s total deposits in
every state in which it operates. A bank with 80
percent of its deposits in Texas is assumed to be
highly exposed to the ups and downs of the
state’s prominent industries. These state deposit
shares are calculated for 1985 and 1996 using
branch-level deposit data from the FDIC’s
Summary of Deposits.
For our environmental portfolios, the industries listed in Table 1 represent the counterparts to portfolio assets, and annual industry
growth rates represent the counterparts to asset
returns. To arrive at the overall return for a
bank’s environmental portfolio, each industry
growth rate, or return, must be weighted by
both the relative importance of the industry in
each state and the share of the banking organization’s total deposits in each state (see the box
titled “Constructing Environmental Portfolios”).

Table 1

Components of State
Gross Domestic Product

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
Mining (less oil and gas extraction)
Oil and gas extraction
Durable goods manufacturing
Nondurable goods manufacturing
Transportation and public utilities
Wholesale trade
Retail trade
Finance, insurance, and real estate

in which an interstate banking organization has
a full-service office.3
Our starting point is that a bank’s lending
activity can be expected to be heavily influenced by economic activity within the bank’s
operating environment.4 As a result, in the context of diversification, the most relevant aspect
of a bank’s geographic location may be the
industry mix of the region or regions in which
the bank operates.
With these considerations in mind, we
take a novel approach by constructing environmental portfolios of industries for banking organizations based on the extent of the banks’
presence in individual states and the mix of
economic activity found in those states. For
example, a bank operating only in Texas will
likely find its earnings sensitive to the mix of
economic activity in that state. But a banking
organization with operations in both Texas and
California would be affected by the economic
structure of both these states, most likely in proportion to the magnitude of its presence in each
To measure the mix of economic activity
within individual states, we use data from the
Bureau of Economic Analysis on state gross
domestic product and its major components
(Table 1 ). For each state, we calculate the relative importance of each major component in
1985 and 1996. For example, in Texas the oil
industry accounted for almost 14 percent of
state gross domestic product in the mid-1980s,
whereas by the mid-1990s oil’s share had slipped
to about 7 percent. These economic components are used as weights or measures of the
relative importance of different industries in determining the lending environment banking or-

Improvements in diversification are measured by how much risk is reduced. For our purposes, we want to estimate whether the overall
risk of banks’ operating environments has declined from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s.
One component of our measure of the
overall risk underlying environmental portfolios
is known as portfolio variance, which represents the variability of the portfolio’s return. If
the industry growth rates were all independent
of each other, calculation of the overall variance
of each bank’s environmental portfolio would
be simple. In this case, the variance of an environmental portfolio would simply be the sum of
the industry growth variances, with each industry variance weighted by a measure of the importance of that industry in the portfolio.
However, because the growth rates of the
various industries are correlated, or move
together, the variance of a given bank’s portfolio also must take account of the covariance
of the industries that make up the portfolio. The
covariance is a measure of how the industries move together (or covary). If the industry
growth rates move in the same direction, their
covariance is positive; if they move in opposite
directions, their covariance is negative. If the
growth rates are totally unrelated, their covariance is zero.
The underlying variability, or variance, of
each bank’s environmental portfolio turns out



Constructing Environmental Portfolios
A portfolio typically is a collection of earning assets such as stocks, bonds, or,
in the case of banks, loans and securities, among other assets. For the purposes of
our analysis, we define a bank’s environmental portfolio as the mix of industries to
which the bank is directly exposed by virtue of the geographic location of its offices.
To construct a given bank’s environmental portfolio, we use the composition of
economic activity or gross domestic product (GDP ) in the state or states in which
the bank has operations. The industries we use to describe a state’s economy are
identified in Table 1.
We measure the returns for each industry by calculating the growth rate at the
national level of each of the individual components of GDP :

to be a weighted sum of both the underlying
industry growth variances and the covariances
of the different industries that make up the portfolio. Lower values of this portfolio variance
measure indicate more stable lending environments.
In the analysis that follows, we gauge the
risk of environmental portfolios in terms of a
related measure known as the coefficient of
variation. This measure is equal to the square
root of the variance of an environmental portfolio, or its standard deviation, divided by—or
scaled by — the portfolio’s average growth
rate.5 For more on the calculation of portfolio
variance and the coefficient of variation, see
the box titled “Constructing Environmental


GDPi ,t
− 1.
GDPi ,t −1

From Equation 1, we have, for each period, the returns g 1, g 2,…gn for the n = 12 different components of GDP identified in Table 1.
Each bank’s environmental portfolio consists of shares (αi ) in each of these
industries. The industry shares account for two important factors that potentially
affect a bank’s returns. The first is how important a bank’s presence is in each state,
and the second is how important a particular component of GDP is in each state:



 DEPOSITSb,s,t   GDPi ,s,t 
αb,i ,t = ∑ 
  GDP  .
s ∑ DEPOSITSb ,s,t
i ,s,t 
  ∑
 s

In Equation 2, DEPOSITSb,s,t measures the level of banking organization b’s deposits
in state s at time t, and GDPi,s,t is component i of GDP for state s in time t. The first
part of Equation 2 represents the proportion of a bank’s total deposits in each state.
The second part represents the proportion of each state’s GDP accounted for by
industry i.
Since we are ultimately concerned with identifying whether banks’ environmental portfolios have become more diversified, we need to calculate the variance of the
returns on these environmental portfolios. Assuming normality, the variance formula
is given as:

Before examining trends in the risk of
bank lending environments, we provide some
evidence on our methodology’s appropriateness. To support our use of environmental portfolios’ coefficients of variation as an indicator of
risk in bank lending environments, we estimate
a bank failure model for the latter 1980s, when
many states experienced severe economic and
banking difficulties. If our risk measure is accurate, bank failures should have been more likely
in regions with the potential for high variability,
as indicated by the coefficient of variation.
While the reverse may have sometimes occurred, the general tendency should have been
for regions with a relatively volatile industry mix
to be more susceptible to episodes of economic
and banking difficulties.
In the other parts of this paper, we analyze
diversification issues at the organization level
rather than the bank level because important
connections exist among subsidiary banks operated by the same holding company. We do not
want to ignore these connections totally by
treating affiliated banks as separate organizations. However, because our only purpose at
this point is to provide evidence on the relevance of our measure of environmental variability in identifying risk, we maintain direct
comparability with the existing literature on
bank failure by examining failure at the bank
rather than the organization level. Hence, only
the state in which the bank is located needs to
be considered in constructing its environmental
We use five financial indicators, each measured as a percentage of gross assets, to characterize the financial posture of individual banks


gi ,t =


Vb,t = ∑ ∑ αb,i ,t αb, j ,t σi , j .
i =1 j =1

In Equation 3, σi,j is the covariance of industry i with industry j. When i equals j,
this term is the variance of growth in industry i. There are n variance terms and
n(n –1) covariance terms.1
The variability statistics reported in the paper are based on the coefficient of
variation, which is equal to the square root of the variance of an environmental portfolio, or its standard deviation, divided by — or scaled by — the portfolio’s average
growth rate. The average growth rate of a portfolio characterized by the industry
shares αi is calculated as:

Gb,t = ∑ αb,i ,t gi .
i =1

In Equation 4, g–i represents the average rate of growth for industry i. Hence, our
measure of risk is given as:

Rb,t =



We construct environmental portfolios for each banking organization in both
1985 and 1996. The variances and covariances of the gi , which are needed to calculate the portfolio variances, are calculated using national data from 1947 through
1996. These data were obtained from the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

For more on the calculation of portfolio variances, see Fama and Miller (1972, pp. 234 – 35).

as of year-end 1985, just before the wave of U.S.
bank failures in the late 1980s. Equity capital,
which serves as a buffer protecting a bank’s solvency against financial losses, is our measure of
capital adequacy; more capital is expected to
reduce the chance of failure. Troubled assets—


to fail at a higher rate during 1986–89 would
support our use of the coefficient of variation as
an indicator of environmental risk.
The estimation results for the bank failure
model are shown in Table 2. Each of the financial indicators is statistically significant and has
the expected effect on the likelihood of failure.
In addition, a high coefficient of variation for a
bank’s environmental portfolio raises the bank’s
probability of failure. This finding indicates our
methodology is useful in identifying risk in bank
lending environments.

Table 2

Estimated Influences on the
Probability of Bank Failure,



– 2.705

Equity capital

– 5.149

Troubled assets


Net income

– 5.846

Investment securities

– 2.554

Large certificates of deposit


Coefficient of variation


What, then, has happened to the risk of
bank lending environments in recent years? We
calculated the average variability of banks’ environmental portfolios for both 1985 and 1996. In
calculating these averages, we weighted each
bank’s coefficient of variation by the bank’s
share of total industry deposits. Weighting by
deposit size allows large banks to have a greater
influence on the results of our analysis, reflecting their greater presence in the industry as
measured by their market share. For 1985, we
were able to collect data on 11,331 U.S. banking organizations. Reflecting the consolidation
trends in the U.S. banking industry, only 6,700
banking organizations reported the branch
deposit data necessary to construct the 1996
portfolios. In 1985, the average coefficient of
variation for banks’ environmental portfolios
was 0.416. By contrast, in 1996, average environmental variability was 0.369, a reduction of
11 percent.
In an effort to look behind these aggregate
results, we ranked the banks by their environmental variability and divided them into ten
groups, both for 1985 and 1996. Each of the ten
groups represents approximately 10 percent of
total industry deposits. We then calculated the
deposit-weighted average coefficient of variation for each group. The result is shown in
Figure 1. The average coefficient of variation for
each group of banks is markedly lower in 1996
than in 1985. The average coefficient of variation for the low-variability group (group 1) was
0.337 in 1985 versus 0.313 in 1996, a reduction
of 7 percent. The average coefficient of variation for the high-variability group (group 10)
was 0.593 in 1985 versus 0.447 in 1996, a reduction of 25 percent.
From these results, U.S. banks have experienced a substantial reduction in the underlying
variability of their operating environment. What
remains unanswered, though, is whether this

NOTES: Standard errors are in parentheses. Each
variable is significant at the 1-percent
level. The estimates were obtained using
the probit model. For more on this statistical procedure, see Maddala (1983, pp.
22 – 27). Of the 13,988 banks used in the
analysis, 684 failed during 1986 – 89.

including loans past due ninety days or more
and still accruing interest, nonaccrual loans, and
other real estate owned (which, for the most
part, consists of foreclosed real estate)—serve
as our measure of asset quality. More troubled
assets should increase the probability of failure.
We use net income to measure the strength of
earnings. Higher income would be expected to
reduce the likelihood of failure. Liquid assets,
such as investment securities, enable a bank to
respond quickly to unexpected demands for
cash and typically reflect relatively conservative
financial strategies. As such, large holdings of
investment securities might reduce the chance
of failure. On the other hand, volatile liabilities,
such as large certificates of deposit, often reflect
relatively aggressive financial strategies, impose
high interest expenses, and are subject to quick
withdrawal. As a result, a high funding dependence on large certificates of deposit might
increase the probability of failure.
In addition to these financial indicators,
we include in the failure model the coefficient
of variation for each bank’s environmental portfolio in 1985. A finding that banks in states with
a relatively high coefficient of variation tended



Figure 1

simulated 1996 environment to underlying economic variability in 1985. The difference between the two provides an estimate of the effect
of structural changes in state economies on the
underlying risk of bank operating environments.
These experiments can provide only a
qualitative assessment of the relative importance
of the types of effects—bank structure changes
and economic structure changes. The assessments are only qualitative because they do not
succeed in decomposing the total effect into
two parts; that is, the sum of the two simulated
effects is not necessarily equal to the observed
overall change in environmental variability.

Banking System Diversification
Coefficient of variation, deposit-weighted average












Effect of Bank Structure Changes
Figure 2 shows the results from simulating
portfolio variances in 1996 using actual banking
structure in that year combined with the industrial structure from 1985. The banks were again
ranked based on their coefficient of variation
and segmented into ten groups. While the
industrywide reduction in variability from 1985
to the simulated 1996 environment is only about
3 percent, portfolio variance fell appreciably for
the high-variance groups of banks. For the
group with the highest variability (group 10),
the results indicate a 10-percent reduction in
environmental portfolio variance, from 0.593 in
1985 to 0.534 in 1996.
This finding indicates geographic restructuring has played an important role in reducing


NOTES: Rank based on coefficient of variation, defined as the
standard deviation of the portfolio divided by the average
return on the portfolio. Each of the ten groups represents
approximately 10 percent of total banking industry deposits.
SOURCES: FDIC Summary of Deposits; Bureau of Economic

result is due to a geographic restructuring of the
banking system, an industrial restructuring of
regional economies, or some combination of
these two possibilities.
To discover the possible sources of the
observed reduction in environmental variability,
we conducted some simulations by changing
the nature of the weights used in forming the
banks’ environmental portfolios for 1996. In the
first experiment, we calculated the banks’ portfolios using the deposit shares as they existed in
1996 but represented the industry mix of state
economies using the industry shares that had
prevailed in 1985. This simulation represented
the combination of 1996 banking structure and
1985 economic structure. We then compared the
environmental variability associated with this
simulated 1996 environment to underlying economic variability in 1985. The difference between the two provides an estimate of the effect
of bank structure changes on the underlying
risk of bank operating environments.
Similarly, in the second experiment, we
calculated the banks’ portfolios using the state
industry shares as they existed in 1996 but represented the geographic location of banking
offices using the deposit shares that had prevailed in 1985. This simulation represented the
combination of 1996 economic structure and
1985 banking structure. We then compared the
environmental variability associated with this


Figure 2

Effect of Bank Structure
Changes on Diversification
Coefficient of variation, deposit-weighted average
1985 Economic structure
1996 Banking structure













NOTES: Rank based on coefficient of variation, defined as the
standard deviation of the portfolio divided by the average
return on the portfolio. Each of the ten groups represents
approximately 10 percent of total banking industry deposits.
SOURCES: FDIC Summary of Deposits; Bureau of Economic


Figure 3

structure in that year combined with the banking structure from 1985. Overall, average variability fell 10 percent from 1985 to the simulated
environment in 1996. The group with the highest variability (group 10) shows a 21-percent
reduction in environmental variability, from
0.593 in 1985 to 0.467 in 1996. Hence, we can
conclude that industry diversification at the state
level has led to a much more stable lending
environment for banking organizations.

Effect of Economic Structure
Changes on Diversification
Coefficient of variation, deposit-weighted average
1985 Banking structure
1996 Economic structure




Diversification opportunities have increased
for the U.S. banking system. Our results indicate geographic restructuring of the banking
industry has helped reduce the variability
underlying bank loan markets, and the riskreducing effects have been concentrated in the
high-variance components of the banking industry. In addition, the industrial restructuring
of regional economies has resulted in a widespread and substantial reduction in the environmental risk faced by banks.
And these results actually understate the
potential for diversification that has emerged in
recent years. In our analysis, a bank’s lending
environment is defined according to the geographic location of its deposit base. Such a
regional definition is rapidly losing its relevance
as new information technologies enable banks
to lend increasingly to individuals and businesses outside the scope of traditional, geographically defined loan markets.











NOTES: Rank based on coefficient of variation, defined as the
standard deviation of the portfolio divided by the average
return on the portfolio. Each of the ten groups represents
approximately 10 percent of total banking industry deposits.
SOURCES: FDIC Summary of Deposits; Bureau of Economic

the environmental variability banks face. Figure
2 shows a tendency for risk-reducing structural
change to affect mostly the high-variance components of the banking industry, as the observed declines in variance did not occur across
the board. This trend is consistent with the view
that consolidation through bank failures, mergers, and acquisitions has whittled down the segments of the industry exposed to the greatest
environmental variability.
Effect of Economic Structure Changes
In response to economic shocks experienced during 1985–96, the industrial mix of
some states has undergone significant change. A
good example is the oil bust of the mid-1980s.
Regional economies with a high dependence on
oil and gas production initially suffered severe
recessions in response to the fall in energy
prices. However, many of these economies have
since transformed themselves by boosting the
importance of other sectors—so much so that
when oil prices plummeted more recently, the
ill effects were much more limited. As this
example shows, painful shocks often result in
readjustments that diversify regional economies
away from a heavy dependence on relatively
volatile industries.
Our purpose in this section is to gauge the
importance of these changes in reducing the
environmental variability faced by banks. Figure
3 shows the results from simulating portfolio
variances in 1996 using the actual economic







As Rose (1995) points out, geographic expansion also
might raise operating costs and risks for a banking
organization, potentially offsetting any gains from a
more diversified portfolio.
For some evidence of diversification opportunities
associated with banks’ products, see Boyd and
Graham (1988); Rosen, Lloyd-Davies, and Humphrey
(1989); Templeton and Severiens (1992); and Wall,
Reichert, and Mohanty (1993).
See Rose (1995, pp. 304 – 5) for a number of possible
measures of geographic coverage.
Unless otherwise mentioned, we use the term “bank”
as a synonym for “banking organization.” That is, in
most cases, our analysis is conducted using data at the
organization level rather than the individual bank level.
The coefficient of variation is a commonly used measure of risk in diversification studies. While we report
results in terms of the coefficient of variation, our findings are qualitatively identical when the standard deviation of portfolio growth is used to measure risk.



Scaling the standard deviation by average growth
provides a measure of the magnitude of economic
variability relative to trend performance.
This was true in 1985 but is not today, given the prevalence of interstate branching.

Liang, Nellie, and Stephen A. Rhoades (1988), “Geographic Diversification and Risk in Banking,” Journal of
Economics and Business 40 (November): 271– 84.
Maddala, G. S. (1983), Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics (New York: Cambridge
University Press).

Benston, George J., William C. Hunter, and Larry D. Wall
(1995), “Motivations for Bank Mergers and Acquisitions:
Enhancing the Deposit Insurance Put Option versus
Earnings Diversification,” Journal of Money, Credit, and
Banking 27 (August): 777– 88.

Neely, Michelle Clark, and David C. Wheelock (1997),
“Why Does Bank Performance Vary Across States?”
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, March/April,
27– 40.
Rose, Peter S. (1995), “Diversification and Interstate
Banking,” in The New Tool Set: Assessing Innovations in
Banking, Proceedings, the 31st Annual Conference on
Bank Structure and Competition, Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago, May, 296 – 313.

Boyd, John H., and Stanley L. Graham (1988), “The
Profitability and Risk Effects of Allowing Bank Holding
Companies to Merge with Other Financial Firms: A Simulation Study,” Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Quarterly Review, Spring, 3 – 20.

Rosen, Richard J., Peter Lloyd-Davies, and David B.
Humphrey (1989), “New Banking Powers: A Portfolio
Analysis of Bank Investment in Real Estate,” Journal of
Banking and Finance 13 (July): 355 – 66.

Demsetz, Rebecca S., and Philip E. Strahan (1997), “Diversification, Size, and Risk at Bank Holding Companies,”
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 29 (August): 300–13.
Fama, Eugene F., and Merton H. Miller (1972), The Theory
of Finance (Hinsdale, Ill.: Dryden Press).

Templeton, William K., and Jacobus T. Severiens (1992),
“The Effect of Nonbank Diversification on Bank Holding
Company Risk,” Quarterly Journal of Business and
Economics 31 (Autumn): 3 –17.

Fraser, Donald R., Jerry L. Hooton, James W. Kolari, and
Joseph J. Reising (1997), “The Wealth Effects of Interstate Branching,” Journal of Banking and Finance 21
(May): 589 – 611.

Wall, Larry D., Alan K. Reichert, and Sunil Mohanty (1993),
“Deregulation and the Opportunities for Commercial
Bank Diversification,” Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Economic Review , September/October, 1– 25.

Jayaratne, Jith, and Philip E. Strahan (1997), “The
Benefits of Branching Deregulation,” Federal Reserve
Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, December,
13 – 29.



The rising costs of complying with supervisory demands have brought the issue of regulatory burden to the attention of both lawmakers and bank regulators. But one relatively
underappreciated aspect of regulatory burden is
the potential for the supervisory process to
impose conflicting demands on banks.
In October 1977, Congress passed the
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) as Title VIII
of the Housing and Community Development
Act. The legislation was designed to encourage
commercial banks and thrifts to help meet the
credit needs of their communities, including lowand moderate-income neighborhoods, in a manner
consistent with safe and sound banking practices. In 1989, the Financial Institutions Reform,
Recovery, and Enforcement Act established four
possible composite CRA ratings: 1—outstanding;
2—satisfactory; 3—needs to improve; and 4—
substantial noncompliance. Federal agencies
historically considered twelve factors in deciding how well financial institutions were meeting
the goals of the CRA (see Garwood and Smith
1993). Revised regulations announced in April
1995 replaced these factors with three tests—of
lending, investment, and service —with the
lending test receiving the most weight.1
Examiners have always focused on lending activity in determining a bank’s CRA rating.
The revised CRA rules reflect this focus, as it is
difficult for a bank to receive an overall satisfactory rating unless its lending performance is
satisfactory. In rating CRA compliance, regulators assess such factors as a bank’s overall lending activity in its market area and the degree to
which the bank provides credit throughout its
market, with particular emphasis on low- and
moderate-income neighborhoods and individuals as well as small businesses and farms.
But regulators use very different criteria in
assigning safety and soundness ratings to banks.
In 1979, federal agencies adopted the Uniform
Financial Institutions Rating System. Under this
system, ratings originally were derived from
on-site evaluations of five factors—capital adequacy (C ), asset quality (A), management (M ),
earnings (E ), and liquidity (L ). This CAMEL rating system was revised on January 1, 1997, to
include a sixth component.2 The new S component focuses on sensitivity to market risk, such
as the risk arising from changes in interest rates.
Like the earlier CAMEL ratings, the CAMELS
ratings have five levels: 1—basically sound in
every respect; 2—fundamentally sound but with
modest weaknesses; 3—financial, operational,
or compliance weaknesses that cause supervisory concern; 4—serious financial weaknesses

Between a Rock
and a Hard Place:
The CRA—Safety and
Soundness Pinch
Jeffery W. Gunther


anking entails risk,
but can regulators
decide how much
risk is appropriate?

Jeffery W. Gunther is a senior economist and policy advisor
in the Financial Industry Studies Department
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.



that could impair future viability; and 5—critical
financial weaknesses that render the probability
of near-term failure extremely high. (For simplicity, this article applies the term CAMEL to
both CAMEL and CAMELS ratings.)
Even this brief description of CRA and
safety and soundness ratings reveals the potential for conflict. Although safety and soundness
is a factor in CRA ratings, banks are encouraged
to boost the availability of credit throughout the
communities they serve. In contrast, the primary
focus of the safety and soundness exam process
is the containment of risk in general and credit
risk in particular. Lacker (1994) points out some
of the potential implications of requiring banks
to lend in certain areas or to certain borrowers,
including the possibility that regulators might be
culpable in the event of large-scale losses on
CRA-related loans.
This article formulates and tests hypotheses about the way the potential conflict between
CRA objectives and safety and soundness considerations may actually play out in the day-today operations of the supervisory process. The
next section discusses two types of events
involving potential conflict. A framework is then
developed for empirically identifying the determinants of CAMEL and CRA ratings, with the
goal of testing for conflict between the demands
placed on banks by CRA exams, on one side,
and safety and soundness exams, on the other.
For smaller sized banks in particular, the findings of this exploratory study point to a supervisory process in pursuit of conflicting goals and
suggest more thought may be needed regarding
the appropriateness of CRA regulations. The
article concludes with ideas for further research
in this area.

by triggering asset quality problems. Similarly, if
CRA examiners credit banks for pursuing generally aggressive strategies that support high
levels of lending but might detract from safety
and soundness, the implementation of such
strategies could push CAMEL and CRA ratings in
opposite directions.
A good example involves the tendency for
growth- and lending-oriented banks to manage
their equity positions at lower levels than do
more conservative banks. As a result, relatively
low capitalization may be a common feature of
the strategies that closely conform to the creditenhancing objectives of the CRA. However,
banks that manage their capital in this manner
leave themselves with a comparatively small
cushion between financial loss and insolvency
and so may be viewed less favorably from a
safety and soundness perspective. This type of
conflict and its various implications can be referred to as the aggressive strategies hypothesis.
Necessary Retrenchment Hypothesis
The second hypothesis involves the possibility that financial losses might necessitate a
redirection of resources, away from CRA objectives and to the process of financial recovery.
When a bank encounters financial problems,
current legislation and regulations governing
the safety and soundness exam process dictate
financial retrenchment and corrective action to
avoid possible speculative or fraudulent endgames by bank owners and managers, while, at
the same time, facilitating either the bank’s financial recovery or, if necessary, its prompt closure.
The possibility then arises that the CRA exam
process may not take into full account the slowdown in CRA-related activities that the situation
requires. If this occurs, the CRA exam process may
tend to assign inferior ratings to banks struggling with financial difficulties. In this case, the
CRA exam process would conflict with safety
and soundness considerations. This type of conflict and its various implications can be referred
to as the necessary retrenchment hypothesis.

One type of potential conflict between
CRA objectives and safety and soundness concerns revolves around risks associated with the
act’s attempt to boost the supply of credit. The
second potential conflict discussed in this article
involves the resource constraints that arise
when a bank has financial problems and is
struggling to cope with them.

A Clarification
It is important to note that both the
aggressive strategies and necessary retrenchment hypotheses can operate on two levels. The
first concerns whether examiners rate banks in
a manner consistent with the hypotheses. The
empirical work that follows addresses this issue.
A second question then arises regarding
the extent to which bank behavior can be attributed to the rating schemes examiners use. Even
if the CRA exam process does reward aggressive

Aggressive Strategies Hypothesis
To the extent that the CRA exam process
rewards aggressive banking strategies, a potential conflict arises with the primary goal of the
safety and soundness exam process, which is to
contain risk. Increases in lending could tend to
help CRA ratings but could hurt CAMEL ratings



growth and lending strategies, it cannot be inferred from this alone that aggressively managed banks adopt such strategies in order to
attain superior CRA ratings. Other motivations
may be at work. Similar reasoning applies to
safety and soundness exams.
As a result, the scope of this article is
limited to the goals of the supervisory process,
leaving the task of assessing the success of
supervision in motivating bank behavior to
other studies.

and CAMEL ratings based on the hypotheses developed above. Sample design is also considered.
To estimate the model, it is necessary to
identify sets of variables upon which the results
of safety and soundness and CRA exams may
depend. Numerous factors are undoubtedly
considered in assigning both types of ratings.
However, data availability issues, coupled with
the need for a parsimonious specification, suggest the best approach is to focus on key variables capable of neatly summarizing a bank’s
strategy and condition.3
Examiners looking at CRA compliance
have always maintained a strong focus on lending activity. If in valuing lending activity CRA
examiners knowingly or unknowingly reward
aggressive banking strategies, financial characteristics typically associated with such strategies
might help predict how well a bank does on its
CRA exam.
The model has three proxies for aggressive banking strategies to help explain CRA ratings. The first is the ratio of equity capital to
total assets (CAR ). As discussed earlier, it is natural for growth- and lending-oriented banks to
manage their equity positions at lower levels
than relatively conservative banks. As a result,
relatively low capitalization may be a common
feature of the strategies that closely conform to
the credit-enhancing objectives of the CRA.
High CAR values are expected to enhance the
chances of receiving a substandard CRA rating.
On the other hand, because capital is a buffer
protecting a bank’s solvency from financial loss,
a low capital-to-asset ratio may detract from
safety and soundness, so that high values of
CAR should reduce the likelihood of a substandard CAMEL rating. The hypothesized opposing
effects of this variable are implied by the
aggressive strategies hypothesis.
The model’s second proxy for aggressive
banking strategies is the ratio of investment securities to total assets (SEC ). As with low capital,
relatively low holdings of securities, which provide a bank with liquidity, may be a common
feature of the strategies that closely conform to
the credit-enhancing objectives of the CRA.
However, as a measure of liquidity, investment
securities should reduce the chances of receiving a substandard CAMEL rating. The hypothesized opposing effects of this variable are
implied by the aggressive strategies hypothesis.
The model’s final proxy for aggressive
banking strategies is the loan-to-asset ratio
(LAR ), which provides a direct measure of the

The statistical model used to test the
hypotheses under consideration accommodates
a distinguishing feature of CRA and CAMEL ratings. The ratings themselves are not continuous
variables. In addition, an unsatisfactory safety
and soundness rating corresponds to a CAMEL
rating of 3, 4, or 5. The unsatisfactory CRA ratings are 3 and 4. Hence, if the purpose is to
identify factors that contribute to unsatisfactory
ratings, the variables to be explained are of the
either–or type; that is, banks are either satisfactory or unsatisfactory from safety and soundness
and CRA perspectives.
Because the ratings are in this way limited
to certain categories or levels, as opposed to
varying continuously over an unlimited range,
the statistical estimation uses so-called limited
dependent-variable techniques. More specifically, the probit model is used to assess various
factors’ influences on CRA and CAMEL ratings.
For a description of the probit model, see
Greene (1993).
As discussed in the next section, another
key element in the approach involves the choice
of appropriate variables for inclusion in the model
as potential determinants of CRA and CAMEL
ratings. To include banks of all sizes and locations in the analysis, data availability considerations necessitate a focus on key financial variables that characterize a bank’s overall strategy
and condition. Variables that address more specific aspects of bank behavior in relation to CRA
objectives are not universally reported. The general or summary nature of the variables used
here may make the model most relevant for
smaller sized banks, where the types of information available to CRA examiners tend to be
relatively limited.
This section describes the variables the
analysis uses and their predicted effects on CRA



Table 1

Expected Effects of Explanatory Variables
Effect on likelihood of a substandard



CAMEL rating

CRA rating


Ratio of equity capital to assets

Aggressive strategies




Ratio of investment securities to assets

Aggressive strategies




Ratio of total loans to assets

Aggressive strategies




Ratio of past-due loans, nonaccrual
loans, and other real estate owned to
total loans and other real estate owned

Necessary retrenchment




Ratio of net income to average assets

Necessary retrenchment




Log of total assets

Market resources




Equal to 1 if the head office is located
in a metropolitan statistical area

Urban location



Prior year’s logarithmic growth in nominal
state gross domestic product

Economic conditions




financial conditions might also necessitate a retrenchment from CRA objectives and result in a
substandard CRA rating.
In addition to the variables serving as
proxies for financial condition and aggressive
banking strategies, the model has three other
types of indicators. Bank size is measured by
the natural logarithm of total assets (SIZE ).
Large banks may have more financial flexibility
than small banks because of greater diversification potential and closer access to financial
markets. These types of considerations, which
can be called the market resources hypothesis,
suggest relatively large banks may have less
difficulty maintaining satisfactory CAMEL and
CRA ratings.
An urban location may subject banks to
especially strong competitive pressures, thereby
increasing the difficulty of maintaining good ratings. In addition, because such banks may be
closer to low-income neighborhoods given priority by the CRA, an urban location may result
in greater challenges with respect to CRA compliance, thereby further increasing the difficulty
of maintaining a satisfactory rating. The model
has an indicator variable (MSA) for location in a
metropolitan statistical area to control for these
potential effects, which can be called the urban
location hypothesis.
And finally, the prior year’s logarithmic
growth in nominal state gross domestic product
(ECON ) is included in both equations to control
for potential economic effects. By contributing
to a favorable operating environment, a strong
economy might, under the economic conditions

scale of lending activity. High values for this
ratio should reduce the chances of receiving a
substandard CRA rating. The aggressive strategies hypothesis would predict that while helping a bank’s CRA rating, a high loan-to-asset
ratio also might trigger asset quality problems
and thereby detract from safety and soundness.
The credit risk associated with bank lending has
been the primary contributor to financial problems in recent banking downturns.
Measures of bank performance are obvious candidates for inclusion in the model as
explanatory variables for CAMEL ratings. As a
bank’s financial condition deteriorates, its
chances of receiving an unsatisfactory CAMEL
rating should increase. The model includes two
measures of financial condition. The troubledasset ratio (TAR ) measures bad outcomes on
lending decisions and is expected to increase
the likelihood of a substandard CAMEL rating.
Troubled assets are defined as loans past due
ninety days or more that are still accruing interest, nonaccrual loans, and other real estate
owned, which consists primarily of foreclosed
real estate. The troubled-asset ratio is troubled
assets divided by the sum of total loans and
other real estate owned. As such, the ratio primarily reflects the quality of the loan portfolio,
but not the scale of bad loan outcomes relative
to assets.4 In addition, the return on assets
(ROA) indicates the strength of current earnings
and so should reduce the chances of a substandard safety and soundness rating. The necessary
retrenchment hypothesis would predict that, in
hurting a bank’s CAMEL rating, deteriorating



hypothesis, help reduce the chances of receiving
a substandard CAMEL or CRA rating. Table 1
summarizes the model’s variables and their expected effects on the likelihood of a substandard
CAMEL or CRA rating.

limited to banks; savings and loan institutions
examined by the Office of Thrift Supervision are
not considered. Finally, the limited availability
of CRA ratings prevents the analysis from extending prior to 1990, while a paucity of problem CRA ratings precludes meaningful estimation subsequent to 1996. The resulting sample
contains 25,424 pairs of CAMEL and CRA ratings.5 Banks are included in the sample more
than once if they received a pair of ratings in
more than one year. The 25,424 pairs of CAMEL
and CRA ratings used in the analysis represent
observations on 10,910 individual banks.
Figure 1 shows the number of problem
CAMEL and CRA banks in the sample. The relatively large number of problem banks in the
early years of the sample reflects the energy and
real estate downturns that adversely affected the
banking industry in several regions during that
period. There is a noticeable tendency for
CAMEL and CRA problems to grow and decline
in tandem, suggesting the existence of a direct
relationship or common cause. On the other
hand, a sizable number of banks with safety and
soundness problems avoided substandard CRA
ratings. Similarly, many banks with CRA shortcomings nevertheless received favorable CAMEL
ratings. The substantial degree of independence
in the ratings is consistent with the view that
factors exist that either affect only one of the
ratings or actually drive the ratings in opposite
Before turning to the estimation results, it
is instructive to examine the means of the
explanatory variables. Based on the variable
means, banks with safety and soundness problems tend to have lower capital and liquidity,
more loans, worse asset quality, and lower
income than banks with favorable CAMEL and
CRA ratings, as shown in the first and second
columns of Table 2. Many of these relationships
are reversed, though, for banks with CRA problems (column 3). These banks tend to have
more capital, more liquidity, and fewer loans
than banks with no problem ratings. This is
especially true for the banks with substandard
CRA ratings but favorable CAMEL ratings, as
shown in the fourth column. The banks with
both CAMEL and CRA problems (column 5)
appear similar in many respects to all banks
with CAMEL problems. Finally, banks with substandard CAMEL or CRA ratings tend to be
smaller and less rural than problem-free banks,
and the problem banks tend to be located in
relatively slow-growing states.
This characterization of the relationships
between the explanatory variables and problem

Sample Design
Several considerations help shape the
sample of regulatory ratings the analysis uses.
First, an effort is made to ensure the CAMEL and
CRA ratings used were assigned at times as
close as possible to the date of the financial
variables. Cole and Gunther (1998) show
CAMEL ratings can become stale quickly, and
the same may be true for CRA ratings. To match
up the two types of ratings, the analysis considers only the first safety and soundness or CRA
exam opened in a given year. Moreover, if a
safety and soundness exam was conducted in a
given year but a CRA exam was not, the corresponding CAMEL rating is discarded. Similarly,
CRA ratings without companion CAMEL ratings
are excluded from the analysis. Financial data
are from regulatory reports as of the end of the
previous year. Matching up the two types of ratings in this manner provides an opportunity to
examine the extent to which CRA and safety
and soundness problems coincide.
In addition, each bank included in the
analysis is required to have been active for at
least four years. This restriction is necessary to
avoid the atypical financial characteristics of
young banks. Also, banks reporting no loans at
all are excluded. For consistency, the analysis is

Figure 1

Sample of Problem Banks
Number of banks














NOTES: Banks with a CAMEL rating of 3, 4, or 5 are considered
safety and soundness problems. Banks with a CRA rating of 3 or 4 are considered CRA problems. The sample
is based on data restrictions described in the text.
SOURCES: Board of Governors; Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council.



Table 2

Means of Explanatory Variables
ratings does not take into account the substantial degree of correlation that exists between
the various explanatory variables. The statistical analysis that follows overcomes this shortcoming.

Type of problem


Table 3 shows the estimation results for
the probit model of CAMEL and CRA ratings.
The model is run separately for each of the
seven years considered and for all seven years
combined. The CAMEL rating equation is in the
upper panel, and the CRA rating equation is in
the lower panel.
The bank capital results strongly support
the aggressive strategies hypothesis. Higher capital reduces the likelihood of a substandard safety
and soundness rating in each of the seven years
and in the combined sample, reflecting capital’s
role as a buffer against financial loss. In contrast, high capital ratios also raise the probability of a substandard CRA rating in five of the
seven years and in the combined sample, consistent with the view that relatively low capitalization is common in aggressive strategies that
closely conform to the credit-enhancing objectives of the CRA. The opposing signs for CAR
in the CAMEL and CRA equations highlight the
conflict between CRA objectives and safety and
soundness standards.
Investment securities, however, do not
support the aggressive strategies hypothesis.
Securities holdings reduce the likelihood of a
substandard CAMEL rating in four of the seven
years and in the combined sample, consistent
with their liquidity role. However, the variable
SEC significantly affects CRA ratings in only one
of the seven years and with a negative sign. In
the combined sample, SEC is significant at the 1percent level, but again with the wrong sign.
The insignificance of SEC in six of the seven
years suggests its effect on CRA ratings is relatively weak.
The loan-to-asset ratio results support the
aggressive strategies hypothesis. For six of the
seven years and in the combined sample, the
ratio of loans to total assets, LAR, has the expected negative influence on the chances of a
substandard CRA rating. This result supports the
view that favorable CRA ratings are associated
with high loan concentrations. In addition, LAR
is significant in the CAMEL rating equation in
five separate years and in the combined sample.
Its sign is positive for each of the seven years
and the combined sample, consistent with the
aggressive strategies hypothesis, which implies




Safety and














NOTE: All the variables except SIZE are multiplied by 100. See notes to Figure 1.
SOURCES: Board of Governors; Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council.

that high lending activity, and therefore a strong
CRA rating, can lead to substandard financial
The empirical results also strongly support
the necessary retrenchment hypothesis. The
troubled-asset ratio, TAR, and the return on
assets, ROA, have the expected effects in the
CAMEL rating equation in each of the seven
periods and in the combined sample. High levels of TAR and low levels of ROA are associated
with substandard CAMEL ratings. Moreover, TAR
has the expected effect in the CRA rating equation in five of the seven years and in the combined sample. ROA significantly affects CRA
ratings in four separate years and in the combined sample. The positive effect of financial
problems on both the likelihood of receiving a
substandard CAMEL rating and the chances of a
substandard CRA rating is consistent with the
necessary retrenchment hypothesis.
An alternative explanation for the positive
association between financial problems and
substandard CRA ratings is bad management.
According to this view, if its management is
bad, a bank is likely to perform poorly in all
dimensions, including CRA compliance. If this
view is correct, financial problems do not lead
to substandard CRA performance; rather, financial and CRA problems reflect a common factor—bad management.
One way to test the role of management is
to analyze the timing of CRA and safety and
soundness problems. If both types of problems
simply reflect bad management, then they
would tend to occur at the same time. On the
other hand, if the necessary retrenchment
hypothesis is correct, then safety and soundness
problems might occur first, followed by problems with CRA compliance.


Table 3

Estimation Results for a Probit Model of CAMEL and CRA Ratings
Index for Probability of Safety and Soundness Problems (CAMEL rating of 3, 4, or 5)







































– 52.388*








– 61.753*





– 9.609*




– 61.747*






– 6.750*




– 44.975*






– 4.700*




– 80.652*




All years,
all banks






– 61.524*




All years,
small banks






– 62.765*




All years,
large banks


– 24.797*




– 47.265*




Index for Probability of CRA Shortcomings (CRA rating of 3 or 4)















– 9.997*













– 2.002










– 4.613










– 5.086*





– 2.193*


– 5.630



– 3.017





– 3.724*










– 4.427*






All years,
all banks









– 3.733*

All years,
small banks









– 3.519*

All years,
large banks (.826)








– 5.900*

NOTES: Standard errors are in parentheses. Small banks have total assets of less than $250 million. Significance levels: † 5 percent, * 1 percent.



For the banks in the sample that experienced both CAMEL and CRA problems simultaneously, which type of problem occurred first,
or did they begin at the same time? There are
421 observations, representing 355 individual
banks, in the combined sample for which both
the CAMEL rating and the CRA rating are substandard. Taking the first year in which these
banks experienced both types of problems as
the base year, 104 of these 355 banks are represented in the combined sample at some earlier
point in time. For each of these 104 banks, then,
it is possible to examine a pair of ratings
received prior to the development of joint
CAMEL –CRA problems.
Looking at the first preceding pair of ratings available, 66 of the 104 banks, or 63 percent, had CAMEL problems prior to developing
both CAMEL and CRA problems. In contrast,
only 13 of the 104 banks, or about 12 percent,
had CRA problems prior to developing both
types of problems. Based on these data, safety
and soundness problems, but not CRA compliance problems, tend to precede the development of simultaneous CAMEL–CRA problems.
This finding gives further support to the necessary retrenchment hypothesis.
Two other variables included in the
model— SIZE and MSA —also generate some
interesting findings. In each of the seven years
and in the combined sample, SIZE reduces the
chances of receiving a substandard CAMEL rating, as the market resources hypothesis predicts. SIZE also significantly reduces the chances
of receiving a substandard CRA rating in three
of the years and in the combined sample.
Moreover, while SIZE is significant in only three
periods, its sign is negative for each of the
seven years. MSA is significant and positive
in the CAMEL rating equation for only one
period. However, an urban location consistently
raises the likelihood of receiving a substandard
CRA rating, as the urban location hypothesis
The variable measuring economic conditions, ECON, is significant in the CAMEL rating
equation for only one period, and contrary to
expectations, its sign is positive. In the CRA rating equation, ECON is significant for two of the
seven years and for the combined sample, with
a negative sign, consistent with the economic
conditions hypothesis.
The last two rows in the upper and lower
panels of Table 3 show the results of estimating
the CAMEL and CRA rating equations for small
banks and large banks separately. Small banks
are defined as having total assets under $250


million.6 For both the CAMEL and CRA rating
equations, the small bank results are qualitatively identical to the results for all banks. There
are disparities, however, in the results for the
large banks. While the estimated CAMEL rating
equation for the large banks is very similar to
the estimated CAMEL rating equation for all
banks, the CRA rating equation does not appear
well specified for the large banks. In particular,
only TAR, MSA, and ECON are significant in the
CRA rating equation for large banks. LAR, which
is a key variable in the CRA rating equation for
small banks, is insignificant in the CRA rating
equation for large banks. These disparities suggest the results of the analysis for all banks are
driven primarily by smaller banks. Because
detailed data on lending to particular neighborhoods and borrowers tend to be more readily
available at large banks, CRA examiners may
place less weight on a large bank’s overall level
of lending and focus more on the distribution of
lending across neighborhoods and borrowers of
different income levels.
To help understand the implications of the
estimation results reported in Table 3, it is useful to examine the predicted probabilities of
substandard CAMEL and CRA ratings for different groups of banks. Figure 2 uses the estimation results for the entire combined sample to
show these probabilities for ten equally sized
groups of banks sorted by the capital-to-asset
ratio. The first group contains the most thinly
capitalized banks; that is, it contains the first 10
percent of the observations based on the banks’

Figure 2

Average Probability of Problem Status,
by Capital-to-Asset Ratio
CRA, percent

CAMEL, percent




















Rank by capital-to-asset ratio, low to high
NOTES: See notes to Figure 1.
SOURCES: Board of Governors; Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council.



to Figure 2, except the observations are now
ranked according to the loan-to-asset ratio rather
than the capital-to-asset ratio. The average probability of a substandard CRA rating declines as
the loan-to-asset ratio increases, whereas the
probability of a substandard CAMEL rating rises
along with the loan-to-asset ratio. The opposing
paths of the two probabilities again show the
aggressive strategies hypothesis at work.

Figure 3

Average Probability of Problem Status,
by Loan-to-Asset Ratio
CRA, percent

CAMEL, percent



















The empirical analysis presented here
provides evidence of conflict for small banks
between the enforcement of safety and soundness standards and CRA compliance. High loan
concentrations tend to help CRA ratings while
hurting CAMEL ratings. Bank capital, the centerpiece of safety and soundness supervision and
regulation, is associated with favorable CAMEL
ratings but increases the likelihood of a substandard CRA rating. Finally, banks with financial problems are more likely to be downgraded
by the CRA exam process, even though a shift
away from CRA objectives may be necessary to
facilitate financial recovery.
Several important areas of research remain. The revised CRA regulations announced
in April 1995 were not fully implemented for
small banks until the beginning of 1996 and for
large banks until July 1997. Relationships under
the earlier regulations may not fully carry over
to the new regulatory regime. A full assessment
of this issue would, unfortunately, require a
new round of financial problems, with the revised regulations in place. In addition, it would
be useful to introduce where possible more detailed data on lending to various income classes
of neighborhoods and borrowers. This effort may
yield additional insights on the determinants of
CRA ratings, particularly for large banks.
Nevertheless, the findings of this study,
which provide a first look at CAMEL–CRA rating
pairs, point to a supervisory process in pursuit
of conflicting goals, particularly at smaller sized
banks. Banking entails risk, but can regulators
decide how much risk is appropriate? From the
safety and soundness perspective, regulators are
concerned with the potential for excessive risk.
From the CRA perspective, it appears that
the exam process rewards aggressive banking
strategies. These opposing supervisory forces
represent a pinch for banks seeking to establish
relatively conservative risk postures, in that the
chances of receiving a substandard CRA rating
increase as risk is reduced. Similarly, it also
appears that the CRA exam process does not


Rank by loan-to-asset ratio, low to high
NOTES: See notes to Figure 1.
SOURCES: Board of Governors; Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council.

capital-to-asset ratios. The tenth group contains
the top 10 percent of the observations based on
the capital-to-asset ratio. Capitalization is chosen
as the measure by which to sort the observations in appreciation of the fundamental role of
capital, both in the characterization of bank risk
and in the structuring of supervisory actions. As
discussed earlier, low capital typically reflects
relatively high risk, while high capital usually is
part of an overall conservative banking strategy.
As shown in Figure 2, banks with very low
capital tend to have relatively high probabilities
of receiving substandard CAMEL and CRA ratings. Many of these banks have severe financial
problems, which, as predicted by the necessary
retrenchment hypothesis, tend to spill over into
the area of CRA compliance. The chances of
receiving substandard ratings subsequently fall
with increases in capital, but only up through
the fifth group of banks. After that point, further
increases in capitalization actually increase the
likelihood of a substandard CRA rating, even
while the chances of a substandard CAMEL rating continue to fall. The divergence in the paths
of the two probabilities as capital moves from
its median to higher values portrays the aggressive strategies hypothesis at work. The results
in Figure 2 indicate that banks with the best
CRA ratings tend to fall in the middle of the risk
spectrum. While the majority of banks in each
of the ten capital groups are likely to avoid
problem status, the probability of CRA problems
is nevertheless distributed away from the sample median.
Figure 3 is constructed in a manner similar



take into full account the resource constraints
associated with financial problems. This tension
between CRA objectives and safety and soundness standards has been an underappreciated
cost of the CRA and suggests further thought is
necessary regarding the appropriateness of CRA








The author would like to thank, without implicating,
Bob Avery, Raphael Bostic, Glenn Canner, Tom
Saving, and Nancy Vickrey for helpful discussions
and comments.
For an overview of the revised regulations, see Federal
Reserve Board (1995).
For an overview of the revised rating system, see
Federal Register (1996).
With respect to CRA ratings, a detailed approach to
specification, as opposed to the summary approach
used here, requires knowledge of the geographic
areas constituting the CRA assessment communities
for individual banks, as well as data on community
development loans, lending to low- and moderateincome neighborhoods and individuals, and lending to
small businesses and farms. Such data are not generally available for the banks and periods this analysis
uses. See Bostic and Canner (1998) for a description
of the detailed CRA data large banks began reporting
in 1996.
The safety and soundness effect of loan quality, as
measured by TAR, generally depends on the scale
of lending activity. The loan-to-asset ratio, LAR, is
included in the model to capture this scale effect.
The nonlinearity inherent in the probit model allows
for an influence of LAR on the safety and soundness
effect of TAR.


The data for 1990 include 2,796 observations, with 785
CAMEL problem banks and 212 CRA problem banks.
The corresponding data for 1991 are 3,267, 918, and
245; 1992 — 3,804, 848, and 203; 1993 — 4,656, 667,
and 217; 1994 — 4,299, 432, and 184; 1995 — 3,624,
232, and 40; and 1996 — 2,978, 158, and 43.
The combined sample includes 22,733 small-bank observations, with 3,642 CAMEL problems and 1,036 CRA
problems. There are 2,691 large-bank observations,
with 398 CAMEL problems and 108 CRA problems.

Bostic, Raphael W., and Glenn B. Canner (1998), “New
Information on Lending to Small Businesses and Small
Farms: The 1996 CRA Data,” Federal Reserve Bulletin
84, January, 1– 21.
Cole, Rebel A., and Jeffery W. Gunther (1998), “Predicting Bank Failures: A Comparison of On- and Off-Site
Monitoring Systems,” Journal of Financial Services
Research 13 (April): 103 –17.
Federal Register (1996), December 19, 67,021– 29.
Federal Reserve Board (1995), Press Release, April 24.
Garwood, Griffith L., and Dolores S. Smith (1993), “The
Community Reinvestment Act: Evolution and Current
Issues,” Federal Reserve Bulletin 79, April, 251– 67.
Greene, William H. (1993), Econometric Analysis, 2nd ed.
(New York: Macmillan), chapter 20.
Lacker, Jeffrey M. (1994), “Neighborhoods and Banking,”
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Annual Report.