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25th 2d CONGRESS, Session. O [ SENATE. 1 T 128 1 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY GIFT OF THE OVERSEERS COMMITTEE TO VISIT THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS & «- * * v J REPORT THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, TRANSMITTING Returns of the Bank of the United States, in compliance with a resolu tion of the Senate of the 9th instant. JANUARY 15, 1838. Laid on the table. J A N U A R Y 24, 1838. Ordered to be printed. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, January 15, 1838. SIR : I have the honor to communicate the accompanying documents, in compliance with the resolution of the Senate of January 9th, calling for " such returns of the Bank of the United States, for the year 1835, as have not been printed by order of either House of Congress; and such returns of the transactions of that ban^ and its trustee, for the years 1836 and 1837, as remain in the Treasury Department: together with a con densed abstract of the returns of said bank and its trustee from 1817." 1 have the honor to be, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, LEVI WOODBURY, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. R. M. JOHNSON, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Sknate. Blair 6 Rives, printers. Digitized by GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank tf the &mted States, and its offices of discount and deposite, at the dates ■herein mentioned. rn {J CD Offices. Dates 1835. FT ^iills discount-; Bills discount' Bills discount- Domestic bills gd on personal ; .ed on bank fid on other of exchange. jsecunty. securities. Stock. 5 Bank United States - £3,602,603 24 i 8155,893 38 $2,447,925 98 $1,515,209 65 December 29 Office, Portland 22 Portsmouth 24 Boston!, 26 Providence 82 Hartford 31 New Tot* Baltimore 29 27 Washington 23 Richmond Norfoljfc 27 82 Fayettevitye 23 Charleston 93 Savannah 17 Mobile""8 New Orleans 4 Natchefc -' 8 St. Louis 10 Nashville 18 Louisville 82 Lexington 18 Cincinnati 84 Pittsburgh 18 Buffalo - -■ 83 Utfca 24 Burlington 31 Agency .Cincinnati November 30 Chillicothe 482,886 73 i 233,984 35 1,000 00 1366,222 42 ■ 36,60000 438,136 96 ••" 976,850 19 | 26,725 00 4,206,081 06 150,457 00 1,471,029 66 ! 107,103 82 827,348 56 6,55500 1,200,115 09 15,250 00 396,443 21 70,853 U 551,554 38 8,17500 1,167,981 97 404,01160 246,520 00 _ 1,051,416 28 . 2,728,803 68 21,000 00 1,128,129 m 9m 385,114 32 960 00 571,994 36 1,796,335 41 ^ 764,104 02 _ 1,892,851 78 2,500 00 738,035 £1 ^ : 886,812*5 ^ 417,650 18 _ 262,025 11 1,000,264 33 ._ 142,625 35 4* 29,933 870 $ 3 ' ; > ^ ^ ^ 4 4,700 00 _ 89,717 13,000 53,868 7,500 4,906 80,875 95,098 329 2,875 1,000 -. 00 63,050 13 67 2,082,950 11 00 179,806 47 | 10 1 50,555 52 40 1 497,807 55 69 ! 184,073 08 i 265,344 07 16 1,651,254 02 00 642,119 52 973,651 92 72 2,340,038 34 1,980,524 79 00 92,484 83 432,894 42 50 378,610 80 567,718 86 96 276,912 14 41 51,830 66 193,844 67 66 86,864 51 00 152,925 92 00 _ - Due from Bank Due from State United States banks. and office?. $153,601 60 $18,371,337 77 377,394 52 ! 41,685 18 _ 9,100 00 1,415,718 79 687,847 35 — 16,500 454,916 50,200 217,711 4,145 131,295 Real estate. 3,640 00 — —, 11,250 00 _ 131,681 60,738 48,990 15,151 10 85 00 13 _ _, _ _ _ 60,336 04 .63,402 67 171,428 27 48,957 16 _, _ _ 942,101 72 49,354 10 118,645 125,873 527,250 117,888 189,267 263,371 i 156,581 37,638 268,457 150,935 635,216 744,507 848 543 247,788 382,228 1,420,996 710,910 1,054,068 604,595 718,634 509,990 136,853 630,374 880,750 112,139 9,216 #898,755 01 16,886 2,988 41,070 8,633 22,787 3,444,830 67,593 35,060 12,817 8,547 32,244 50,690 88,064 588 601,807 81,245 01 07 34 82 32 36 39 82 77 90 68 48 74 76 44 11 76 34 18 39 10 75 06 00 17 79 47 68 13 38 70 97 27 67 20 38 83 98 57 89 37 98 1,710 58 3,727 21 i 6,252 4,535 36,030 72,117 25,078 38,703 7,204 13 42 20 54 99 94 27 3,685,666 25 17,183,117 82 J 1,760,632 64 |29,564,049 32 ! 4,609,973 76 GENERAL ST^TEMENT-Ctoitinued. Offices, Bank United States 29 Office, Portland 22 Portsmouth 24 Boston 26 Providence 22 Hartford 31 New York 29 Baltimore 27 Washington 23 Richmond 27 Norfolk 23 Fayetteville 23 Charleston 23 Savannah 17 Mobile 8 New Orleans 4 Natchez 8 St. Louis 10 Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati 18 Pittsburgh 24 Buffalo 18 Utica 23 Burlington 24 21 |Agency, Cincinnati ChilUcoth.e 30 3 Losses charge Deficiencies. able to con tingent fund. $441,442 23 7,020 83 83,282 32 38,521 54 925 65 26,512 00 72,622 99 1,649 ,'313 46 234,552 54 36,464 46 239,135 28 100,276 72 158,169 24 152,186 28 456 52 49,209 98 1,991 28 172,268 04 202,434 64 68,302 02 Expenses. #113,956 49 $976 00 34,075 65 118 50 69,376 83 200 00 742 00 395 40 300 00 116,777 02 $835 33 42 38 11 80 ~56 06 89,060 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 42,886 24,096 48,000 19,051 69 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 15,000 45,608 32,180 23,519 22,105 17,587 00 42 23 84 00 15 3,337 938 6,622 11,567 12 10 217 63 77 3,443 97 5 429 380 983 663 275 67 01 59 03 68 75 00 43 50 52 55 42 68 73 74 84 23 86 09 31 11,550 00 84,357 39 23,335 90 3,842,781 31 Banking houses. • Treasurer Notes of Bank United States. United States and offices. 8625,690 16 Notes of Slate banks. $362,106 96 48,160 00 165,990 00 467,930 00 215,670 00 103,600 00 592,510 00 543,935 00 162,815 00 $16,445 85 20,655 00 521,595 00 216,620 00 134,160 00 1,277,925 00 182,510 00 2,807,695 00 1,617,415 00 667,515 00 2,252,935 00 484,035 00 1,002,210 00 932,360 00 170,000 00 952,395 00 2,194 36 568,540 00 254,200 00 330,510 00 17,435 00 4,145 00 87,342 00 5,8^7 00 14,231 00 294,190 20 114,427 39 11,982 37 21,934 40 9,510 00 34,075 00 113,343 00 10,325 00 47,356 00 156,825 00 23,609 00 188,640 21 17,349,575 16 1,506,200 60 M w 7,387 00 5,93-2 00 48,930 00 12,960 00 19,982 15 45,527 00 25,456 26 11,311 87 .., 6,810 42 1,884 36 106,184 38 1,218,896 68 38,834 31 S GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. «♦**—Offices-. *»•*»•*-* 1835. Jan. 5 1834. Dec. 29 22 24 26 22 31 29 27 23 27 22 23 23 17 8 4 . . 8 io 18 1 • ■ ■ * 24 18 23 r^84 21 Jfor- 30 Foreign bills Capital stock. ofexchange. Notes issued. 1Discount, ex Dividends un change, and claimed. interest. Bank United States - $4,440,888 72 $132,297 10 $16,450,000 00 $2,020,327 06 Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington* Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New OrleansNatchez St. Louis ' Nashville Louisville ' Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo tTticaBurlingtoh Agency, Cincinnati Chfllicothe - 72,726 21 68,039 40 361,642 83 127,216 21 82,904 25 i 3,289,866 15 i 504,000 00 309,367 23 ; 256,554 14 i 382,376 06 [ 180,«02 77 605,499 88 630,353 20 69,166 56 1,764,703 62 274,241 15 491,413 60 245,248 85 344,448 02 251,73548 225.607 43 173,579 49 267,066 61 175.608 88 113,312 61 15,708,369 35, U32.297 244,810 00 223,955 00 597,240 00 388,730 00 308,732 50 1,595,537 50 824,117 50 849,767 50 897,150 00 1,216,615 00 1,372,615 00 1,940,540 00 2,528,690 00 2,171,175 00 1,000,000 00 6,283,735 00 2,709,870 00 786,295 00 1 1,000,000 00 i 3,354,355 00 , 1 1,250,000 00 | 1,231,045 00 1 1,000,00000 1 2,274,245 00 I 1,700,000 00 1,545,205 00 j | 700,000 00 1,281,360 00 911,280 00 717,090 00 498,410 00 1,830 00 85 00 300,000 1,500,000 800,000 300,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 10 35,000,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 38,774,807 06 Profit and loss. - Foreign ex change ac count. $5,983 64 $1,242,799 50 $3,293,434 38|$657,964 43 4,620 23 749 75 19,442 53 ! 4,655 79 1,069 50 45,885 80 7,507 02 3,522 19 5,227 95 3,380 93 3,822 17 16,060 68 2,882 26 7,152 55 9,404 97 1,314 41 2,037 38 2,677 47 6,487 50 5,152 43 8,194 07 3,573 04 2,441 22 1,606 49 1,025 88 1,584 07 177,461 92 52 50 168 00 1,078 00 3,332 00 343 00 14,083 25 5,539 75 4,387 93 5,744 00 2,233 00 162 00 7,990 50 2,299 50 224 25 14 00 187 30 28 00 1,290,666 48 3,293,434 38 657,964 431 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. : Offices. Deposites on Due to State Redemption of acc'tofTrea- Deposites on public debt. surer United acc'tofpublicr banks. officers. States. for ex Due to Bank Contingent Fund tinguishing ULi States fund. cost of bank and ed offices. ing houses. 1835. Jan. 5 Bank United States - $5,908,237 06 #976,019 59 #1,672,599 34 1834. 810,474 34 Dec. 29 Office, Portland 22 Poi tsmouth 143,127 64 24 Boston 2,035,811 08 26 Providence 350,900 75 22 Hartford 116,626 48 31 New York 6,446,783 47 29 Baltimore 1,682,093 99 27 Washington 230,009 37 23 Richmond 306,235 07 27 Norfolk 341,334 70 22 Fayetteville 41,250 46 23 Charleston 214,870 56 23 Savannah 148,268 17 17 Mobile 238,866 12 8 New Orleans 2,567,502 46 4 Natchez 3,714,214 69 8 St. Louis 1,109,102 36 10 Nashville 190,561 50 18 Louisville 1,238,133 65 22 Lexington 42,137 32 — 18 Cincinnati 306,969 97 24 Pittsburgh 158,738 07 18 Buffalo 1,128,158 65 23 TJtica 618,443 87 24 Burlington 460,723 95 21 Agency, Cincinnati 2,079,040 52 Nov. 30 Chillicothe 224,251 70 5,908,237 06 976,019 59 28,607,230 25 $913,394 92 21,378 65 241,398 12,582 1,380 484,000 145,501 91,150 7,094 12,442 33,957 570,307 115,220 74,356 63,386 19,084 60,787 13,656 6,275 29,975 164,380 6,548 27,882 1,560 2,502 34 62 43 44 91 38 78 92 85 46 68 40 75 62 16 22 42 09 38 61 49 13 25 85 33 $639,302 54 253 38 909 82 1,526 1,496,213 32,471 58,300 56 97 80 43 4,550 13 _ $5,369 91 3"o 00 101 66 324 52 77,177 67 66 73 15,451 84,213 40 24,963 2,006 100 213,550 50 81 15 16 00 06 28 31 00 24,201 74 170,009 10 2,232 74 $95,416 48 $1,524,860 91 44,236 57,852 104,472 26,907 67.694 138,422 72,491 37,127 91.695 1,842 59,159 34,874 26,772 3,015 17,562 10,912 108,536 6,349 704 46,555 65,365 25,155 14,097 14,653 42,300 1 3,119,172 43 2,233,528 63 619,888 84 Deposites on atc't of in dividuals. 20,325 63 11 4,467 69 72 166,792 39 82 16,015 77 02 36,312 82 82 29 1,222,883 03 719,939 00 20 231,623 78 60 198,694 11 73 141,173 25 37 26,437 39 69 813,874 12 00 127,813 43 79 87,780 84 24 29 1,013,802 51 89,813 82 77 275,581 08 54 76,659 05 49 171,465 56 60 337,452 44 09 265,083 67 71 136,925 31 90 62,497 52 79 59,689 91 22 10,766 18 33 67 28 1,214,174 61 7,844,798 49 t »* 1 6 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah - ' $30,300 00 Office, Mobile New Orleans 32,190 00 Natchez 2,930 00 St. Louis 18,490 00 1 Nashville 15,215 00 Louisville ! 12,045 00 Lexington 54,355 00 Cincinnati 8,030 00 Pittsburgh 120,445 00 Buffalo 100,520 00 Utica 38,820 00 178,250 00 \ Burlington 12,405 00 Total 245,075 00 1 $525,130 00 698,670 00 340,215 00 247,200 00 390,405 00 242,255 00 110,795 00 375,695 00 57,475 00 60,635 00 96,510 00 71,460 00 4,085,435 6* At Bank of the United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . . . . . . . Due by the United States . - $1,790,301 70 46,597 12 5,267 32 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu Notes in actual circulation $17,349,575 16 4,065,435 00 . . . . . . . $38,774,^07 OS 21,435,010 16 $17,339,79790 At office, Norfolk. Navy agent $40,144 17 Digitized by Google RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security $29,933,870 63 Bills discounted on bank stock - 1,006,084 34 Bills discounted on other se curities - 3,685,666 25 $34,625,621 22 17,183,117 82 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Banic United States and offices Due from Stale banks Due from the United State* Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies Banking houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of the State banks Specie . Mortgages Nayy agent, Norfolk . . - . - 29,564,049 32 4,609,973 76 $51,808,739 04 132,297 10 1,760,632 64 34,174,023 08 5,267 32 1,790,201 106,184 1,218,896 33,834 17,349,575 16 1,506,200 60 . - 70 38 68 31 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals o BANK OP THE U N I T E D STATES, January 5> 431,248 63 1,213,174 61 7,844,798 49 9,490,221 73 18,855,775 15,708,369 46,597 40,144 76 35 12 17 125,685,962 65 o Capital stock |35,000,000 00 38,774,807 06 Noies issued . . . . 177,461 92 Discounts, exchange, and interest 1,290,666 48 Dividends unclaimed . . . 3,293,434 38 Profit and loss . . . . 657,964 43 Foreign, exchange account ^5^908,237 06 Contingent fund 3,842,781 31 Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 2,085,455 75 Due to Bank United States and offices - 28,607,230 25 Due to State Banks . . . 3,119,172 33 31,726,402 58 2,233,528 73 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses 976,019 59 Deposites on account of the Treasurer of 619,888 84 the United States 188,640 21 Less overdrafts and special deposites 125,685,962 65 1885. ft JAITDON, Cashier. GENERAL Pates. 1835. Feb. 3 Jan. 26 26 29 29 26 28 86 24 27 24 26 20 20 16 12 8 12 14 15 19 15 29 22 27 „■ 21 21 STATEMENT Bills discounted on personal se curity. Offices. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville • Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe - of the Bank of the United States, and its offices of discount and deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. 1 1 I | j ! $3,767,702 05 476,040 02 236,700 08 1,322,435 62 453,399 65 251,070 88 4,897,064 32 1,442,852 27 819,778 66 1,268,599 56 382,705 17 560,213 02 1,005,032 92 292,727 94 1,050,032 72 3,001,327 07 1,152,133 84 392,240 96 512,501 59 1,791,681 74 740,607 27 1,834,707 36 733,884 46 384,465 48 339,172 56 269,777 73 962,128 79 142,625 35 f 30,483,609 OS 1 Bills discount Bills discount Domestic bills of ed on bank ed on other exchange. stock. securities. $145,955 38 #2,600,666 53 4,700 00 _ 1,000 00 _ 32,260 00 6,100 00 _ 26,725 125,600 98,723 7,555 15,250 57,313 8,175 328,271 00 00 82 00 00 54 00 92 _ _ 21,000 00 ~ 960 00 — -* 2,500 00 • » 871,289 66 $1,530,149 378,906 46,496 1,441,229 576,858 — 53,050 11,500 00 , 2,240,851 495,533 42 117,721 50,200 00 64,652 217,711 10 487,302 4,145 40 199,701 124,799 59 249,099 _, 1,586,436 193,388 52 959,981 13,000 00 1,660,553 _ 53,868 72 4,148,872 1,922,971 _. 7,500 00 111,914 635,770 — 4,906 50 514,905 428,644 _ 78,375 96 I 343,704 94,049 01 59,686 212,984 _ 329 66 97,214 225 00 138,226 1,00000 _ - 3,962,019 41 27 83 65 72 89 81 31 96 89 11 76 63 26 44 42 36 39 90 01 25 19 52 26 77 90 43 ' - - 20,207.887 93 Foreign bills of exchange. Real estate/ Due from Bank United States and offices. $130,407 23 $153,601 60 $16,843,252 70,017 118,392 506,226 188,564 260,947 241,068 180,362 151,075 227,521 138,837 709,646 1,2,13,6:3 998,206 146,801 388,043 1,701,789 669,344 1,017,135 625,059 937,663 610,003 186,566 667,628 375,417 137,959 48,549 _ _ — — _ ~ — — _ _ _ "• — — — _„ _ _ . -*. • _ 130,407 23 3,640 00 " " 11,250 00 ~ _ 131,681 60,738 48,990 15,151 I _ _ » _ _ — 60,336 63,402 171,428 5,752 43,957 10 85 00 13 04 67 27 74 16 _ _ 1 940,503 16 49,354 10 1,759,786 82 1 1 1 1 ' ■■ ^ » 87 93 17 48 90 13 07 15 62 84 10 49 83 08 92 41 29 34 70 07 11 25 85 88 13 19 99 % Ji 29,359,754 65 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. Due from State Losses charge Deficiencies. able to contin banks. gent fund. 1835. Feb. 3 Bank United States - $604,202 20 $441,442 23 7,0*) 83 8,743 02 i Jan. 26 Office, Portland _ 83,282 32 2,828 68 Portsmouth 38 — 38,494 56 147,944 07 Boston 29 — $976 00 925 65 9,628 90 Providence 29 26,512 00 1 18,567 13 Hartford 26 _ 72,622 99 1 827,832 24 New York 28 _ 34,075 65 81,475 65 1,649,313 46 Baltimore 26 118 50 234,552 54 56,760 70 Washington 24 69,376 83 36,464 46 71,279 45 Richmond 27 239,135 28 13,261 47 Norfolk 24 — 100,276 72 20,803 59 Fayetteville 26 . 158,169 24 48,441 82 Charleston 20 1 152,186 28 " 42,968 87 Savannah 20 200 00 456 52 I 588 89 Mobile 16 49,209 98 1 462,425 72 New Orleans 12 224,393 95 Natchez 8 St. Louis 12 — _ _ 742 00 1,991 28 27,521 52 Nashville 14 172,268 04 5,256 79 Louisville 15 202,434 64 Lexington 19 — 1,399 82 7,950 65 15 Cincinnati _ 68,302 02 Pittsburgh 29 1 _ 300 00 28,150 84 Buffalo 22 _ : 98,292 62 Utica 27 7,506 19 21 Burlington . — 86,725 95 38,703 94 21 Agency, Cincinnati — 23,335 90 7,204 27 Chillicothe 2,862,723 17 3,845,122 89 107,188 80 Banking houses. Expenses. $413,956 49 $6,247 81 252 95 34 30 _ _ 116,777 02 _ _ 89,060 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 42,886 24,096 48,000 19,051 «. 15,000 45,608 32,180 23,519 22,105 17,587 639 83 69 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 00 42 23 84 00 15 _ 11,550 00 _ _ i _ 6,558 2,306 8,722 12,921 211 206 2,133 1,593 2,094 7,126 1,277 293 656 1,690 1,554 1,795 1,380 908 618 _ Treasurer U. States. * * _ _ _ _ _ 91 40 — 14 $16,409 02 03 — 88 _ 42 _ 53 _ 63 _ 73 _ 10 _ 83 _ „ 51 01 _ 76 _ 03 ^ 27 170,000 00 2,194 36 20 87 .. 61 _ - 8,934 86 1,884 36 1,218,896 68 72,043 97 — Notes of Bank Notes of State United States banks. and offices. $807,619 79,480 159,540 620,920 232,200 68,500 861,395 485,945 198,505 160,635 589,225 109,330 496,955 1,234,590 147,685 1,985,020 1,272,695 953,155 2,280,450 407,215 935,995 980,175 839,115 534,815 281,870 321,030 91 #492,094 78 14,989 00 00 7,739 00 00 92,698 00 00 3,162 00 00 26,220 00 00 302,245 21 00 109,706 58 00 20,757 92 00 17,905 06 00 12,900 00 00 64,424 00 00 50,883 00 00 00 i 11,620 00 27,088 32 00 00 ! 172,069 77 72,448 15 00 00 15,631 16 00 15,357 00 00 75,625 00 00 17,998 00 00 41,034 00 00 49,343 00 00 39,653 68 00 25,117 61 00 188,603 38 17,044,059 91 1,778,710 24 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. • Specie. Dates. Capital stock. Offices. 1835, Feb. 3 Bank United States - 84,396,909 27 $16,450,000 00 Jan. 26 Office, Portland 72,602 57 _ 26 Portsmouth 67,875 91 300,000 00 29 Boston 358,977 29 t 1,500,000 00 29 Providence 79,380 40 800,000 00 26 Hartford 82,904 25 1 300,000 00 28 New York - 4,106,289 76 2,500,000 00 26! Baltimore 495,000 00 1,500,000 00 24 Washington =■ 306,170 78 500,000 00 27 Richmond 259*564 83 1,000,000 00 24 Norfolk 386,707 72 500,000 00 26 Fayetteville 164,935 20 500,000 00 20 Charleston 601,506 84 ; 1,500,000 00 20 Savannah 535,951 63 ! 1,000,000 00 16 Mobile. 276,784 06 _ 12 N^w Orleans- 1,610,845 11 1,000,000 00 Natche? 276,725 83 1 — 9 12 Si. Louis 540,432 17 ~ Nashville 25i,450 10 1 1,000,000 00 Louisville 1,250,000 00 . 328,364 26 19 Lexington 241,388 94 1,000,000 00 15 Cincinnati 233,240 97 | 1,700,000 00 29 Pittsburgh 700,000 00 137,357 89 22 Buffalo 276,784 12 _ 27 Utica 173,466 63 1 _ 21 Burlington 112,908^5 _ 21 Agency, Cincinnati _ — Chillicothe • W -. -. if o o FT Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. $2,122,327 241,640 222,355 584,860 385,995 304,167 1,844,667 769,722 819,367 867,180 1,205,475 1,342,645 2,337,405 2,699,640 2,169,645 6,283,735 2,709,870 786,100 3,630,355 1,218,760 2,260,870 1,535,820 1,263,000 909,290 709,560 497,820 1,830 85 tt,36»l595 18 • 35,400,00000 39*724,187 06 C 1 Profit and loss. . Foreign ex 1 Contingent fund. change ac count. 06 $52,450 14 $64,360 00 $3,293,434 38 $649,043 49 $5,908,337 06 00 8,125 28 1,333 50 00 i 2,376 39 458 50 00 | 40,077 58 9,404 50 00 10,322 44 4,382 00 50 2,877 98 1,830 50 50 92,418 44 35,683 90 50 13,684 00 30,939.25 50 8,133 37 5,759 93 00 13,268 85 13,097 50 00 6,039 00 7,65V 00 00 7,248 50 536 50 00 28,612 22 78,974 00 00 7,570 33 2,194 50 00 29,622 12 00 62,618 01 217 25 00 18,462 28 00 6,338 86 14 00 00 14,645 84 00 16,844 73 187 30 00 12,503 35 28 00 00 18,413 61 00 10,111 04 ^ * 00 7,046 50 00 4,090 16 00 2,730 31 00 6,529 10 00 4 -■ - ■ 603,160 43 iiuwrt 'li'iiiii; > i i j j ' " 967,052 13 3,293,434 38 649,043 49 5,908,237 06 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. 1835. Feb. 3 Bank Uniied States Jan. 26 Office, Portland 26 Portsmouth 29 Boston 29 Providence 26 Hartford 23 New York 2i Baltimore 24 Washington 27 Richmond 24 Norfolk 26 Payetteville 20 Charleston 29 Savannah 16 Mobile J2 New Orleans 8 Natchez 12 St. Louis 14 Nashville 15 Louisville 19 Lexington 15 Cincinnati 29 Pittsburgh 22 Buffalo 27 Utica 21 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe - Fond for extin Due to Bank guishing cost of United States banking houses. and offices. $976,019 59 #2,036,782 36 791,246 59 _ 138,354 27 _ 1,843,170 25 i 293,114 94 _ i 123,765 23 _ 7,078 ,"699 94 ! 1,600,722 25 _„ 97,053 85 464,370 04 _ 358,011 11 _ 28,221 11 _ „ 222,445 81 211,279 95 _ 402,655 87 _ 3,319,382 24 _ 3,710,427 08 _ 1,140,840 83 _ 52,493 90 . „ 1,295,853 88 21,873 32 _ 340,617 16 _ 115,720 01 _ 1,176,164 24 _ 619,675 78 _ 448,248 01 _ 2,078,187 52 _ 224,251 70 976,019 59 30,223,659 14 Due to State banks. $937,166 8,553 68 240,391 12,953 2,795 702,055 152,983 137,084 _ 19,813 41,177 652,227 167,662 558,337 298,082 55,020 43,326 18,997 7,799 33,628 167,855 15,885 37,495 2,784 10,446 Redemption of [ Deposites on ac Deposites on ac [Deposites on acpublic debt. count of Trea count of public [ count of indi surer U, States. officers. viduals. 03 56 82 51 86 88 30 58 93 51 25 18 31 47 31 52 93 1 39 67 69 48 09 83 68 31 4,324,491 98 $311,269 77 $960 12 _ _ ^ m 47,385 29 1,526 307,168 15,471 86,074 56 31 80 63 _ _ — 43,880 96 _ _ _ «• — _ _ m _ ^ _ _ _ 812,777 32 30 00 101 66 ■ 324 52 ^ 317,839 67 66 73 _ 14,593 41,636 40 24,963 2,000 100 333,046 50 704 24,201 170,009 2,232 81 27 16 00 00 28 51 00 60 74 10 74 _ _ .» 932,900 91 $92,364 44,875 57,381 105,092 27,203 67,808 114,734 70,177 36,346 98,199 5,111 54,356 43,738 27,615 3,275 17,210 9,311 99,541 19,947 758 45,525 66,421 24,103 13,907 14,608 42,092 18 $1,710,133 99 97 16,980 25 97 6,534 16 48 313,651 15 02 11,633 30 95 33,474 60 14 1,590,359 87 55 704,639 35 81 261,403 38 96 271,545 41 01 166,941 70 71 26,867 34 43 803,700 79 07 169,709 80 45 147,883 59 87 964,562 56 84 140,294 99 58 266,732 18 06 82,696 32 30 179,807 02 82 368,889 86 83 311,986 20 99 98,579 34 50 29,064 04 22 55,316 95 33 22,963 77 1,201,711 04 67 28 8,755,419 19 [ 128 ] n GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore "Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah - - $28,520 00 16,040 00 2,930 00 240,050 00 15,215 00 16,785 00 64,735 00 23,140 00 50,745 00 188,335 00 31,820 00 196,820 00 23,145 00 28,195 00 Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington - -; $5530,490 00 161,730 00 384,170 00 250,710 00 62,815 00 84,955 00 131,930 00 158,020 00 90,620 00 61,720 00 22,515 00 71,450 00 2,946,600 00 Total - At Bank of the United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hoitinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States - - - $2,210,236 11 44,817 12 5,267 32 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu $39,724,187 06 $17,044,059 91 2,946,600 00 19,990,659 91 $19,733,527 15 Notes in actual circulation At office, Norfolk. Navy agent $40,144 17 Google RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on persona] security - $30,483,600 08 Bills discounted on bank stock 871,289-66 Bills discounted on other se curities - 3,963,019 41 Domestic bills of exchange • Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks Due from the Un imd States Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies . . Banking houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of the State banks Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk - [$35,316,918 15 20,307,887 93 29,359,754 65 2,862,723 17 $55,524,806 08 130,407 23 1,759,786 82 32,222,477 82 5,267 32 2,210,236* 11 107,188 80 1,218,896 68 72,043 97 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals 17,044,059 91 1,778,710 24 . * - 18,822,770 16,369,525 44,817 40,144 15 18 12 17 128,528,367 45 o o o BANK OP THE UNITED STATES, Capital stock $35,000,000 00* Notes issued 39,724,187 06 Discount, exchange, and interest 503,160 43 Dividends unclaimed 257,052 13 Profit and loss 3,293,434 38 Foreign exchange account 649,043 4» Contingent fund $5,908,237 06 Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 3,845,122 89 2,063,114 17 Due to Bank United States and offices - 30,223,659 14 Due to State banks 4,324,491 98 34,548,151 12 Redemption of public debt 818,777 32 Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses 976,019 59 Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the United States 932,900 91 Less overdrafts and special deposites 188,603 38 744,297 53 1,201,711 04 8,755,419 19 10,701,427 76 128,528,367 45 February 2, 1835. S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT ■:-v \ Dates. Bills discounted | Bills discount Bills discount on personal se ed on bank ed on other curity. securities. stock. Offices. 1835. Much 9 Feb, 23 of the BanJc of the United States, and Us offices of discount and deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. $3,651,414 97 496,068 13 234,071 55 1,335,176 26 2* 96 524,809 66 258,688 32 & 1 N£W York 95 5,505,365 05 83 1,376,369 51 Baltimore 91 779,871 40 Washington ' 1,216,329 47 Richmond ! 355,241 30 Norfolk 566,495 43 .Fayetteville 1,118,379 73 Charleston 261,490 11 Savannah It 912,200 64 Mobile 13 3,394,599 71 New Orleans .9 Jttatchez l,166,66i) 72 St. Louis ; 389,333 06 495,130 67 1 Nashville 1,768,877 80 ] Louisville 1 Lexington 793,093 26 Cincinnati 1,746,544 55 j Pittsburgh 760,926 11 I Buffalo 385,637 20 305,245 30 J tJtica 249,594 17 I 8 1 ... . Burlington 969,128 79 [Agency, Cincinnati - T n 1f .1 H - ■ ■ ■ « II - - -p."' ■ ' ■ $163,705 38 #2,748,785 20 4,000 00 _ 1,000 00 .. 6,100 00 21,360 00 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence - & I Chillicothe - 149,695 35 _ 1 i 96,725 134,950 98,073 7,555 15,250 50,036 8,175 312,871 _. 11,500 483,576 50,200 184,152 4.145 120,691 00 00 82 00 00 00 00 92 _ -• — _ _ 53,86872 86400 [ — _ 1 *• [ [ 1 1,000 00 I — 11 — — 1 } — ' - J ^ 6,000 00 — 4,906 — 78,375 94,049 _ 399 3,100 1,000 Foreign bills of exchange. 50 96 01 66 00 00 - . 1 81,159.368 99 1 869,5<C'-|9 \ 13. 1 91,864,100 18 1 #p' ■ Real estate. Due from Bank United States and offices. #1,503,994 24 $138,591 10 $153,601 60 $1G,424,994 14 395,688 16 91,095 15 _ _ 35,779 49 3,640 00 122,171 78 — 1,411,682 49 590,675 41 _ | 540,714 89 112,281 99 _ ' _ 37,799 21 11,250 00 312,469 65 _ 2,328,906 83 203,743 49 _ _ 109,512 47 223,417 69 _ _ 58,778 37 137,244 70 113,366 88 — 655,547 97 60,738 85 201,136 64 _ „ 1 176,189 24 48,990 00 170,208 17 188,893 95 15,151 13 920,952 01 1,370,656 40 1,729,565 18 .. _ 1,078,232 11 1,285,594 11 _ .. 1,879,481 27 124,551 63 "* — 5,769,489 79 331,506 54 — _ 1,695,300 47 1,067,748 62 _ _ 152,011 £0 651,800 82 " _ 688,180 49 60,336 04 980,506 10 _ 538,884 47 63,402 67 i 653,563 16 _ _ 330,205 22 I | 171,428 27 1,146,815 53 347,91101 5,752 74 595,362 50 _ 66,902 45 43,957 16 217,062 89 — _ 257,547 87 1 618,038 24 _ 102,221 00 1 _ 434,467 4 * _w 143,588 82 I [ _ 147,506B* 940,503 16 48,549 9$ [ *73,290 16 7,300 00 21,000 00 1 00 07 00 10 40 35 Domestic bills of exchange. _ - 49,354 10 138.591 10 1 1,765,350 49 1 29,525,151 70 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Pates. o o FT Offices. Due from State banks. Losses charge Deficiencies. able to con tingent fund. Bankinghouses. Expenses. Treasurer U. States. Notes of Bank Notes of State United States banks. and offices. 1835. March 2 Bank United States - $896,408 64 $441,442 23 $413,956 49 $22,370 46 $1,016,060 16 Feb. 23 Office, Portland 9,033 93 7,020 83 j 799 44 86,520 00 23 Portsmouth 2,828 68 83,282 32 38 30 169,655 00 26 Boston 90,652 39 38,494 56 116,777 02 5,415 72 550,230 00 26 Providence 15,318 64 925 65 $976 00 1,258 95 262,850 00 23 Hartford 28,834 25 26,512 00 51,900 00 25 New York 420,633 57 72,622 99 89,060 69 10,807 16 1,297,090 00 Baltimore 23 101,269 41 1,649,313 46 34,075 65 110,657 34 3,337 65 061,950 00 Washington 21 108,695 39 234,552 54 118 50 9,965 94 $16,459 38 355,450 00 34,613 10 Richmond 24 38,924 28 36,464 46 69,376 83 36,024 07 13,985 24 122,400 00 Norfolk 21 27,975 06 239,135 28 235 84 562,980 00 1 35,109 65 Fayettcville 23 2,997 12 100,276 72 328 35 28,480 00 13,385 02 Charleston 17 23,813 31 158,169 24 3,272 53 360,690 00 67,727 78 Savannah 17 19,406 21 1 152,186 28 2,931 &5 1,006,945 00 42,886 25 Mobile 13 588 89 100 00 ; 24,096 92 456 52 4,119 12 101,325 00 9 New Orleans - [ 119,778 36 49,209 98 9.708 51 1,068,665 00 48,000 00 5 Natchez 316,745 67 2,641 13 1.305.484 00 19,051 71 9 St. Louis 877 91 948,250 00 11 Nashville 1,371 59 1,991 28 744 00 15,000 00 1,349 43 2,066,475 00 Louisville 12 [ 172,268 04 45,608 42 2,167 33 471,890 00 Lexington 16 202,434 64 32,180 23 2,131 99 844,320 00 Cincinnati 19 44,068 65 23,519 84 395 40 2,954 13 170,000 00 1.003.485 00 Pittsburgh 17 68,062 02 2-2,105 00 1,995 25 2,194 36 772.045 00 Buffalo 19,961 18 19 17,587 15 300 00 1,331 90 534,950 00 , Utiea 90,651 81 17 1.283 64 262,975 00 j Burlington 35,611 86 18 11,550 00 '705 74 312,690 00 38,703 94 Jan. 21 Agency, Cincinnati 86,725 95 8,934 86 1834. Chillicothe 7,204 27 Nov. 30 ! 23,335 90 1,884 36 2,261,477 10 3,814,882 89 106,086 38 1,218,896 68 116,832 73 188,653 74 16,225,764 16 $483,294 94 29,018 CQ 9,588 00 99,486 00 25,612 00 18,204 00 571,633 65 70,218 64 36,192 41 41.201 40 9;380 00 49,153 00 49,854 00 30,880 00 30,059 00 197,332 09 27,804 43 212,057 3,177 19,355 18,304 26,654 53,fi54 40,522 21,090 GR 00 00 0O 00 00 00 33 52 2,173,925 41 00 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. yr Dates. -.JLiL 0 5 ;-9 *1 ^! w -& »,r M17 y;v: v 18 Jan;* 21 1834. N a i ^ 30 Bank Uniied Slates - $4,438,863 10 $16,450,000 00 $2,162,327 06 Office, PorUand 56,406 69 241,640 00 .» Portsmouth 67,873 82 300,000 00 222,355 00 Boston 447,087 47 1,500,000 00 765,110 00 600,000 00 Providence 121,057 22 382,695 00 Hartford 82,904 25 304,167 50 300,000 00 Hew York - 3,887,098 81 2,500,000 00 2,004,667 50 Baltimore 481,000 00 1,500,000 00 769,722 50 Washington 304,918 69 500,000 00 907,367 50 Richmond 260,695 31 1,000,000 00 867,180 00 Norfolk 390,251 24 500,000 00 1,205,475 00 Fayetteville 162,058 97 500,000 00 1,342,645 00 Charleston 744,119 24 1,500,000 00 2,331,715 00 Savannah 634,097 52 1,000,000 00 2,698,450 00 Mobile 458,021 51 2,135,410 00 -_ New Orleans - 1,455,377 68 1,000,000 00 6,212,585 00 Natchez 276,210 87 2,672,675 00 ^ St. Louis 552,989 67 780,060 00 _ Nashville 248,989 89 1,000,000 00 3,593,130 00 1 Louisville 330,329 08 1,250,000 00 1,215,290 00 Lexington 234,696 25 1,000,000 00 2,259,540 00 Cincinnati 228,134 67 1,700,000 00 1,535,820 00 Pittsburgh 135,918 01 700,000 00 1,255,260 00 Buffalo 283,504 69 902,590 00 _ Utka 173,503 29 709,560 00 _ Burlington 111,785 42 1 , 497,820 00 _ Agency, Cincinnati | 1,83000 Chillicothe - ; . ^ ' ■ * ' * • i ■ — Profit and loss. Foreign ex Contingent fund. change ac count. | 1835. March: 2 Feb. 23 33 26 26 .*B .25 23 21 24 21 - 33 17 .17 13 ■ Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. Capital stock. Offices. — - t6,567,893 36 i 1 '"" " i $91,139 12,724 3,364 53,396 15,914 4,044 135,116 18,234 11,918 22,651 8,831 11,289 42,368 15,228 42,610 112,450 35,490 9,784 19,577 24,334 i 18,620 27,217 ' 13,325 1 10,535 5,771 3,982 6,529 55 $5,908,237 06 , 85 00 35,000,000 00 39,977,172 06 '.' * f u- -?. ..-■ .HI m * T f , r . t ; ■* flto/RKffrsJ 01 $55,967 00 $3,293,434 38|$6 60 108 50 83 94 50 22 3,251 50 69 4,172 00 19 75 50 25 27,140 40 90 10,502 75 34 5,017 43 98 9,863 50 60 3,230 50 55 466 50 39 17,339 00 58 3,241 00 08 66 1,141 25 39 43 70 00 38 93 201 30 35 80 50 60 40 20 43 64 10 776,452 72 1 ■ - y ■•-■' •■'-' 141,963 13 3,293,434 38 654,138 55 £,908,237 06 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. Fund for extin Due to Bank U. guishing cosi States and of of banking fices. houses. 1835. March 2 Feb. 23 3 23 26 26 £976,019 59 Bank United Stales Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford 23 1 New York - ] 25 Baltimore 23 Washington 21 Richmond 24 Norfolk' 21 Fayetteville 23 Charleston 17 Savannah 17 Mobile^ 13 New Orleans 9 Natchez 5 St. Louis 9 Nashville 11 Louisville 12 Lexington 16 Cincinnati 19 Pittsburgh 17 — Buffalo 19 Utica 17 Burlington 18 Jan. 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1834. Chillieothe Nov. 30 If 1 on Deposites on ac* Redemption of Deposites of public debt. account of public Treasurer TJ. count officers. States. Due' to State banks. S3.222,851 5G $1,174,088 75 832,811 87 18,386 99 140,070 99 368 82 1,979,313 07 92,437 85 342,810 73 17,811 38 130,207 98 6,225 54 7,560,876 65 1 903,753 93 1,7>2,625 21 169,308 30 201,478 00 -97,395 35 506,266 78 1,531 96 335,995 94 23,337 42 28,01-4 68 41,627 05 241,044 95 825.115 32 237,565 28 419,605 07 458,615 82 718,187 59 3,842,416 95 208,802 71 2,909,312 73 73,204 10 1,175,900 49 49,656 90 56,577 56 11,916 21 1,366,629 98 13,280 94 21,130 96 37,591 60 381,961 25 56,594 21 101,661 52 10,792 05 1,182,867 47 27,767 21 620,519 09 2,779 00 448,716 68 10,067 99 2,078,187 52 8354,881 98 $960 12 20,435 29 "30 00 101 66 1,526 261,477 14,471 78,823 56 78 80 13 38,912 54 23,970 81 31,340,681 40 5,011,634 24 53,046 31 53,129 76 40 16 28 10 00 60 74 10 36 f - £93,£89 44,544 57,377 104,106 27,005 67,039 111,252 69,886 35,061 95,687 5,446 51,938 27,660 14 $1,759,225 4624 25,434 13 63 6,297 17 07 189,057 32 29 15,294 26 16 52,900 25 32 1,500,878 96 90 704,643 28 50 275,033 48 87 268,971 10 62 150,250 23 80 27,320 81 24 935,124 29 123,848 54 28^629 43 151,547 58 16,626 13 1,124,513 68 11,966 50 174,898 62 125,384 17 256,386 87 18,069 36 72,810 98 458 30 i 184,174 42 43,182 88 372,737 36 65,043 62 329,162 67 22,035 77 106,602 09 13,862 53 35,084 82 14,608 22 57,961 95 42,060 33 34,574 76 : - - 699,999 89 879,358 11 J. 976,019 59 269,839 67 66 73 100 304,984 50 704 23,776 170,009 2,194 i 224,251 70 324 52 Deposites on account of in dividuals. 1,192,723 02 67 28 8,934,807 35 [12S] 18 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of Bank of the United States and offices^ in transitu. $404,385 Office, Mobile New Orleans 2*2,340 Natchez 10,670 1 St. Louis 11,455 1 Nashville 11,770 Louisville 81,660 Lexington 271,535 1 Cincinnati , 30,100 | Pittsburgh 46,835 1 Buffalo 40,270 1 Utica 1 47,215 Burlington. 215,985 1 79,715 Total 61,765 Bank United States * * Office, Portland . Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York JBaUimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Savannah i ; \ $605,875 1,054,855 84,070 292,795 10*,710 90,790 98,500 18$,440 101,840 78,040 104,360 97,665 4,231,60 * r*w- At Bank of the United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer and Co. Bonds and mortgages ' Due by the United States . . , . - . . $2,754,244 65 3° «H5 04 5,9 7 33 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu $16,225,754 16 4,231,640 00 ),977,172 00 20,457,394 16 Notes in actual circulation .$19,519,777 90 At\office, Ncrfolk. ),144 17 Navy eg?nt Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security - #31,152,368 22 Bills discounted on bank slock 862,563 12 Bills discounted on other securities - 3,935,370 13 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks . . . #35,950,304 47 21,8(54,100 18 $57,814,404 65 138,591 10 1,765,350 42 29.525,151 70 2;261,477 10 Due from the United Stales Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co-, and Hotiinguer & Co, . . . Deficiencies Banking-houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices 16,225,754 16 Notes of State banks - ' ''*U 2,173,925 41 Specie • Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk . . 31,786,6-28 80 5,267 32 2,75-2,244 106,086 1,218,896 116,832 65 38 68 73 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals o BANK OF THE U N I T E D STATES, March 2, - <c> 690,704 37 1,192,723 02 8,934,807 35 10,818,234 74 18,399,679 16,567,893 39,0(55 40,144 57 36 04 17 130,753,084 87 o $35,000,000 OCT Capital stock 139,977,172 06 Notes issued 776,452 72 Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed 141,963 13 Profit and loss 3,293,434 38 Foreign exchange account 654,138 55 Contingent fund $5,908,237 06 Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 3,844,882 89 2,063,354 17 Due to Bank United States and offices - 31,340,681 40 Due to Stale banks 5,011,634 24 36,352,315 64 699,999 89 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking976,019 59 houses . . . . . Deposites on account of Treasurer of the 879,358 11 United States 188,653 74 Less overdrafts and special deposites 130,753,084 87 1835. J. COWPERTHWAIT, 2d Cashier. oo GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its offices of discount and deposit^ at the dates »■*» herein mentioned.*■* l,v vx Dates: \y r 'V > ': ■■" "' '■ < '■ Offices; -- — . - rBUls discounted I BiHs .^iscxmntt Bills discount Domestic bills of oh personal seeel on bank ed on other 1 exchange. , curity^ . stock. securities. $3,683,886 53 508,486 59 243,657 65 1,663,669 96 545,096 47 250,228 57 - 1 5,634,363 59 1,219,594 76 749,803 17 1,211,443 06 345,173 34 Norfolk <WJ 83 ] Fayetteville 560,255 27 Charleston - 1 1,029,918 98 17 Savannah 262,158 44 -Mobile 907,290 42 2 [ New Orleans 3,352,551 84 Natchez 1,157,283 38 Pe&" •! m\L -' m: 382,392 00 NMK 9^ f • "■■ ifc Lctois £"' 111 Nashville 541,125 24 £. K - I/ydisville 1,758,915 18 16 Lexington 927,837 22 -.•-TO-r Cfntffhnati 1,696,704 88 86 r Pittsburgh "789,840 69 •■'fdi Buffalo 330,120 84 1 \ Utica -. 277,441 81 24 Burlington 244,636 30 S5 894,773 89 ^ : ' 2 T Agency, Cincinnati Mar. 30 Bank United States 23 1 Office, Portland 23 r ' Portsmouth V 3^ Boston 136 Providence 23 Hartford .■'•■ ' 2 & h 'New York ' S8i | Btftittrtte CM | Washington 84 | Richmond - n . . - . • o o eg. '■ * • r / 7'!!: MB*' N#:! 8^i FT i ' rj Ohillicfdae J J 142,625 35 $138,805 _ 1,000 33,160 1 _ 26,725 90,550 90,343 7,555 12,250 53,236 8,175 304,611 1 1 1 38 #3,634,545 4,000 00 1 00 14,200 1 _ 00 11,500 00 638,184 82 50,200 00 217,711 00 4,145 00 113,061 _ 00 I 92 79,755 7,300 — _ I _ 21,000 00 51,341 _ 1 _ 864 00 6,000 1 I 1 I _ *• — * 1,000 00 _ 1I •*^• \ — 1 1,000 00 1 ■ 00 00 68 00 10 40 95 16 00 40 ■■■., K>;< % . ■■ ■ . Due from Bank United Slates and offices. ► _ [ _ ' ■ ■ _ ^ . <■• 00 — 3,248 90 _ 75,675 97,858 _ 329 3,239 Real estate. SI,434,330 70 $118,753 49 $163,847 47 $16,850,284 98 421,247 37 94,364 19 _ 37,093 87 i 3,610 00 117,146 43 1 1,814,239 39 111,445 83 — — 579,641 12 118,140 85 _ _ 32,821 86 11,250 00 282,214 38 _ 2,212,505 26 368,32398 106,964 61 21)6,834 14 • — 82,403 40 [ 142,538 94 71,720 19 632,999 10 60,738 85 337,097 13 124,740 91 \ 46,436 25 240,641 10 ~ 199,997 18 15,151 13 751,906 32 _ 1 ^ 1,118,273 16 2,281,827 20 ^ 1,244,435 82 1,341,381 57 ^ — [ 1,900,905 41 1 ~ 164,274 71 •" •6,404,244 76 453,112 94 — _ 1,957,671 70 1,141,572 01 __ 1 . _ ' 159,707 22 702,862 04 — 713,975 88 60,336 Q4 1,033,292 37 . 539,079 21 63,327 67 772,320 42 ^ 301,755 50 171,428 27 1,141,500 37 _ 328,133 13 5,752 74 589,173 89 .. ! 68,705 82 37,457 16 59,856 93 _ 1 280,746 65 544,729 38 _ _ 109,815 69 I 434,351 59 _ ^ I 120,004 24 225,733 50 _ W3,966 27 111,604 69 - 96 17 66 13 - - " 790,276 12 31,371,174 42 1 I 70 00 Foreign bills of exchange. 5,012,297 21 22,926,468 96 ' itii • ' r 118,753 49 I 49,354 10 1,775,924 89 , 30,607,713 13 * ■ -i« 'i m - *3 Q GENERAL STATEMENT-Codtinued, . nam Dates. Offices. Due from State Losses charge-! Deficiencies* able to contin banks. gent fund. Banking houses. ExpenseSi ,——..— ■ 1535"; Bank United Slates - "$•117,661 30 ! #442,224 23 ~ 27,261 61 7,020 83 Office, Portland • _ 2,828 03 83,282 32 Portsmouth ^ ■ 36 J: 239,283 00 33,494 56 Boston $976 00 9,815 66 925 65 25 Providence 41,835 41) 25,512 00 23 Hartford _ 296,131 27 72,622 99 25 ! New York — 124,056 31 1,649,313 46 1 34,075 63 23 Baltimore 118 50 52,#68 63 231,552 51 21 Washington 69,376 83 2,647 33 36,464 46 24 Richmond 18,568 72 239,135 28 21 Norfolk — 43,930 33 100,276 72 23 Fayetteville — 23,429 74 158,169 21 17 Charleston — 1,194 03 152,186 28 17 Savannah — 100 00 • 590 28 456 52 6 Mobile .J 256,753 69 49,209 98 2 New Orleans 157,906 44 Feb. 26 Natchez _ii s Mftr. 9 St. Louis _ 744 00 15,912 81 1,991 28 11 Nashville 181 73 172,263 04 12 Louisville — 1 65 202,434 64 16 Lexington _ 335 #0 74,835 45 L 19 Cincinnati 5,076 61 68', 062 02 26 Pittsburgh _ 300 00 46,501 37 Buffalo !• _ 2* 2 TJtica 102,004 21 _ 25 5,026 77 Burlington m _ 21 Agency, Cincinnati 33,703 94 91,109 95 1834. 7,204 27 Chillicothe 23,335 90 N6v. 30 - Mar. 30 23 23 — ■ Treasurer Notes of Bank Notes of State United States banks. U. States. and offices. . $113,956 49 $29,301 85 1,711 93 _ — i 1,062 GO m 116,777 02 5,415 72 _ 2,102 45 ..ii m ^J fc 89,050 69 13,426 52 ^ 110,657 34 5,160 09 _ 31,613 10 11,759 59 $16,491 40 36,024 07 14,996 36 _ 35,109 65 3,182 06 _„ 13,385 02 1,275 27 G7,727 73 6,359 45 w 42,886 25 4,158 05 _ 24,096 92 5,223 30 48,000 00 13,054 01 fc 19,051 71 2,649 ?8 _ Jt 1,459 48 _ „ 15,000 00 2,193 13 _ 45,608 42 2,966 30 i 32,180 23 2,701 11 _ 23,519 84 4,012 18 170,000 00 2,194 36 22,105 00 2,644 18 17,587 15 1,822 26 ^ 1,881 21 _ 11,550 00 705 74 11,973 31 - $603,205 1G $488,493 39 13,863 00 58,820 00 14,203 00 154,595 00 174,879 00 608,420 00 20,887 00 218,390 00 14,261 00 90,200 00 502,695 60 1,020,815 00 112,185 76 '429,830 00 33,916 82 227,375 00 17,059 26 41,880 00 11,475 00 473,040 00 80,164 00 116,055 00 46,041 00 238,675 00 42,735 00 891,125 00 34,670 00 29,578 08 108,692 00 913,975 00 87,363 85 1,030,450 00 991,925 00 39,364 G9 2,125,000 00 6,352 00 398,725 00 3,470 00 773,750 00 33,413 00 1,009,630 00 24,846 00 806,395 00 77,025 00 527,145 00 49,284 81 277,660 00 23,614 30 279,335 00 «t -- 1,884 36 1 • —Afe-^__^—*. 2,036,291 34 3,850,318 89 * ■ ■ ■ — 106,086 38 1,218,896 68 155,088 48 1'88T,B85"76 14,371,085 16 2,055,862 56 ' ■ - GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. Bates. stock. Offices. i - •• r* * ' ' . ' Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. Foreign ex change ac count. Profit and loss. Contingent fund. ; 1835T~ Mar. 30 kriank United States - ,$4,157; 153-26 $16,450,000 00 82,214,327 06 $139,367 81 824,782 00 $3,293,835 62 $674,036 99 #5,908,337 ©e 23 •Office, Portland 55,111 72 241,640 00 18,032 69 108 50 ^ 23 Portsmouth' \ 69,683 05 h 300,000 00> 222,355 00 4,688 98 63 00 26 ! ' Boston 650,£28 91 1,500,000 00 765,110 00 79,776 75 2,737 00 26 Providence 95,380 44 800,000 00 382,190 00 21,643 75 4,15100 23 Hatrtjbrd 80,973 25 300,000 00 298,992 50 5,298 20 i 640 50 25 NewTork - 3,773,957 42 2,500,000 00 2,050,877 50 175,588 81 24,250 75 '23 Baltimore 472,000 00 : 1,500,000 00 754,112 50 22,093 80 9,697 75 21 Washingtdn 294,005 89 500,000 00 892,027 50 18,036 85 4,647 H) 24 Richmond 2)9,580 41 1,000,000 00 867,180 00 30,616 86 7,998 00 21 Norfolk' , 391,889 97 500,000 00 1,197,950 00 11,694 35 2,775 50 23' Payettevillb 159,140 84 500,000 00 1,342,645 00 14,728 09 256 50 17 Charleston 736,520 79 1,500,000 00 2,322,380 0!) 55,292 61 12,9*57 50 17 Savannah ■ <i06,729 27 1,000,000 00 2,698,450 00 21,345 76 2,681 00 6 Mobile 459,534 80 2,135,410 00 53,346 79 ^_ New Orleans - 1,397,249 98 1,000,000 00 6-167,585 00 148,711 90 857 75 Feb. 2K Natchez 278,915 15 2,671,995 00 49,456 79 Mar. 9 St. Louis 575,18187 780,060 00 12,564 38 70 00 _ 11 Nashville 242,491 70 1,000,000 00 3,591,755 00 24,332 50 12 Louisville 328,265 84 1,250,000 00 1,200,940 00 33,199 47 201 30 16 Lexington 251,538 13 1,000,000 00 2,196,54000 26,476 15 45 50 19 Cincinnati ! 227,684 61 1,700,000 00 1,535,820 00 34,445 44 26 Pittsburgh 284.0^8 37 700,000 00 1,255,260 00 18,615 93 19 ' ' Btiffaio 297,6012 5 902,590 00 13,643 40 _ 24 • --!- Utica :. 173,874 00 709,560 00 8,659 80 «. ^-^-25 Burlington .129,713 90 497,820 00 6,234 67 ^ 1,830 00 13,404 53 21 1Agency, Cincinnati » ■ ' ■ 1834. NOV,)Y'30 i Cbillicothe - ■ - ■ _ - 85 00 ■ : - - 16,448,814 86 i'" <>*• : 00 357000,000 00 39,897,487 06 1,061,897 06 i * 98,930 65 3,293,835 62 674,036 99 5,908,237 06 ftf&.fiKYr uidrftfytiti* i LJJU -,: :<"~<r 1 . *3. GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Fund for extin Due to Bank guishing cost of United States banking houses. aad offices. Offices. 1835, Mar. 30 Bank United States 23 Office, Purtland 23 Portsmouth 2t> Boston 2G Providence 23 Hartford 25 New York 23 Baltimore 21 Washington 24 Richmond I 21 Norfolk 23 Fayetteville 17 Charleston 17 Savannah \ J 6 Mobile 2 New Orleans Feb. 2G Natchez ' Mar. 9 St. Louis 11 Nashville 12 Louisville lt> Lexington 19 Cincinnati 26 Pittsburgh 19 Buffalo ■ 24 Utica 25 Burlington 21 Agency,Cincinnati 1834. Nov. 30 | Chillicothe ! Due so State banks. Redemption of Deposiles on ac Deposites on ac Deposites on ac public debt. count of Trea count ofpubiic count of indi surer U. States. officers. viduals. S976,019 50 $1,642,38-2 27 | $1,523,944 84 $237,781 98 817,670 64 22,548 46 _ 148,569 59 1,029 49 — 2,610,808 35 178,725 06 19,335 29 _ 356,192 04 11,453 33 m 160,755 10 555 15 1,526 56 1 ^ 6,516,946 23 1,310,279 07 ' 183,627 78 _ l,4ti3,369 20 145,553 28 12,471 80 _ 334,860 69 127,273 68 68,773 13 _^ 460,522 22 _ _ m __ 25,013 53 263,296 36 _ 26,711 49 51,260 18 _ m 778,175 61 271,471 46 31,581 71 — i 464,713 98 213,991 97 24,735 15 _ 568,326 80 58r«,663 27 m m 641,023 01 3,870,400 01 _ _ 12,117 30 1 2,940,458 75 *, ~ 62,740 93 1,195,516 68 _ _ 10,861 36 69,832 09 _ _ m 18,316 32 1,383,997 10 _ 25,953 16 34,273 30 _ _ 19,141 79 388,202 95 _ : 9,962 75 170,193 01 ^ 1,196,636 50 25,334 00 _ 629,427 11 4,316 74 « _ 8,971 50 "• , 419,672 59 _. 2,078,196 52 I $9G0 12 w 30 00 101 6S ■■ ' 224,251 70 976,019 59 30,461,817 88 6,023,344 63 579,833 40 L 324 52 _^ 77,177 67 66 73 _ 53,046 31 102,661 48 40 16 _ 26,068 16,625 11,611 123,947 14,630 458 41,192 56,257 15,514 12,773 _ _ 100 28 393,342 14 50 00 m 90,374 24 170,009 10 2,194 36 _ •^ 8,951 39 i. — $•82,070 62,271 45,159 99,506 27,823 61,OH 176,573 65,682 33,376 89,501 4,437 40,775 23,644 ^ 899,430 16 * _ 42,108 58 $1,755,637 78 43 29,618 55 43 •6,327 20 11 234,484 83 59 17,828 27 04 38,742 41 32 1,774,167 02 40 697,633 15 37 221,230 28 25 280,817 22 37 130,667 29 29 25.2S9 22 3S 992,834 67 140,331 71 47 154,905 11 34 1,223,982 59 50 147,124 50 02 252,150 46 57 79,965 62 30 204,146 22 58 393,745 -20 45 336,054 38 49 97,309 *<0 39 32,601 62 65,757 94 00 38,752 12 _ 1,173,071 73 67 28 9,372,204 44 {mi #* GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United Stales and offices, in transitu. 1 ' ■ ' ■ iBank United States pffice, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk 'Fayetteville Charleston Savannah $137,300 00 18,1)0 00 -13,530 00 65, 225 00 37,410 00 3,1*25 00 156,730 60 50,910 00 87,700 00 103,060 00 92,840 00 98,060 00 137,870 00 231,485 00 - ' - - Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo -'Uiica Burlington Total - | $067,200 00 1 1,449,595 00 ! 179,0^5 00 309,615 00 221,645 60 169,530 00 943,5!J5 00 218,135 00 158,130 00 2C,175 0O 13,(545 00 93,8$0 00> 4,981 ,€65 00 M Bank of the United States. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & C a Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States . . . . - - S3,302,601 4% 39,065 04 5,2fi7 33 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United Stales and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu Notes in actual circulation - #39,897,487 06 $14,371,085 16 4,981,665 00 19,352,750 IS - - - - - - - $20,544,736 90> At office, Norfolk, Navy agent $40,144 IT Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal secmity -#31,371,174 42 Bills discounted on bank stock 71)0,276 12 Bills discounted on other se curities - 5,012,297 21 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Bank United Stares and offices Due from State banks Du* from the United States Jiarins, Brothers, & Co., Hope & CoM and Hottinguer&Co. Deficiencies Banking houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the BankUnited States *nd offices Notes of the State banks Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk !$37,173,747 75 ^926,468 96 30,007,713 13 2,036,291 34 $C0,100,216 71 118,753 49 1,775,224 89 32,614,004 47 5,267 32 2,302,601 106,086 1,218,896 155,088 41 38 68 48 16,426,947 16,448,814 39,065 40,144 72 86 04 17 14,371,085 16 2,055,862 5S . f 131,381,111 62 o o BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 835,000,000 00 Capital stock Notes issued 39,897,487 06 ~ Discount, exchange, and interest 1,061,897 06 Dividends unclaimed 98,930 65 Profit and loss 3,293,835 62 Foreign exchange account 674,036 99 Con tinge it fund $5,90^237 0G Le^s losses chargeable to contingent fund 3,850,348 89 2,057,888 17 Due to Bank United States and offices 30,461,817 88 Due to State banks 6,023,344 63 36,485,102 51 579,833 40 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses . . . Deposites on account of the Treasurer of theUniied States 899,430 16 Less special deposites 188,685 76 976,019 59 710,744 40 Deposites on account of public officers 1,173,071 73 Deposites on account of individuals 9,372,204 44 ■ 11,256,020 57 131,381,111 62 April 2,1835. S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT ' Dates. Bflls discounted Bills discount Bills discount on personal se ed on bank ed on other securities. curity. stock. Offices. / 1835! April 30 Bank United States . 27 Office,, Portland 27 Portsmouth 23 Boston 23 Providence 27 ;. Hartford 29 Near York 27 Baltimore •.- 25 Washington 21 Richmond 18 Norfolk •J Fayelteville 21 Charleston 21 Savannah 17 Mobile New Orleans 13 2 Natchez 13 St. Lohis 16 Nashville 16 Louisville . 20 ,i; Lexington 16 Cincinnati 24 Pittsbnrgh 23 , , Buffalo TTtica 2l 22 Burlington = Marth 21 Agendy, Cincinnati ,1834. ! Chillicofhe Wov. 30 of the Bank of the United States, and its offices of discount and deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. I , i 1 ' $3,535,724 511,160 256,687 2,013,630 556,454 278,156 5,752,541 1,210,529 721,520 1,165,601 228,0 2 550,70i 898,091 268,860 953,555 3,488,141 1,213,689 374,772 689,681 1,727,207 971,253 1,581,330 745,629 385,815 328,480 286,149 ,894,772 Domestic bills of exchange. Foreign bills of exchange. Real estate. Due from Bank United Slates and oflices. 36 $260,820 90 $3,798,079 84 $1,618,298 87 $73,171 03 $163,847 47 $16,406,817 06 44,921 10 521,767 59 82 4,000 00 _ — _ 3,640 00 121,217 90 30,235 08 70 4,000 00 — _ I _ 164,713 15 2,401,124 97 48 43,200 00 4,500 00 _ 63,598 48 043,378 33 50 «. — *_ __ _ 11,250 00 295,171 03 62,41" 51 1 27,525 00 11,500 00 00 1,007,567 21 2,084,109 92 96,250 00 727,681 61 52 — _ 481,608 60 50,200 00 1 79,193 82 111,828 51 60 — ... _ 141,354 94 71,052 44 85,687 25 1 7,555 00 184,152 10 76 60,738 tt 247,909 88 610,301 99 12,250 00 2,572 70 21 —• 46,436 25 241,742 72 137,244 66 38,318 50 212,172 84 63 — 15,151 13 743,764 41 194,550 93 8,175 00 64 — 1 __ 2,528,321 21 1,157,305 08 279,571 92 77,825 16 10 — 777,352 27 1,364,403 95 7,200 00 30 — "" _ 476, 10 23 1,959,733 31 40 _ _ 1,519,175 75 6,169,734 13 34 21,000 00 51,341 40 _ j 907,628 69 | 2,169,050 01 96 _ _ _ _ 814,116ft! 201.034 00 77 I 864 00 6,000 00 __ — 60,336 04 1,355,292 78 662,727 07 32 — _ __ 63,327 67 873,697 .»6 489,889 13 31 4,906 50 —* _ 171,428 27 283,695 14 1,031,412 09 04 _ __ _ 5,752 74 782,304 49 75,675 96 1 295,156 90 73 1,000*) — 37,457 16 250,986 85 ' 104,574 42 82,278 42 03 *~ .. 533,862 91 308,025 71 09 __ _ t 433,399 60 66 329 66 113,091 59 1 _ _ ! 126,818 24 361 13 129,916 63 60 _ — _ 943,966 27 89 1,000 60 111,604 69 -' 142,625 35 81,738,514 89 880,72|tU - 1 _ i . - 51384,707 8 3 . [ S&flSl ,478 20 1 49,354 10 .**.„.. 73,171 03 1 1,774,010 89 32,413,048 24 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ ■■» 'Stttes. Offices: 1835. April 30 Bank United States 27 Office, Portland Portsmouth 27 Boston 23. Providence 23 Hartford 27 IWxbirk- 29 Ba(i|.more , 2T. f Washington 25" Richmond 21 | Norfolk 18.Fayextevilte 20 Charleston 21 Savannah '' 21 Mobile " 17 New Orleans 13 1 Natchez 2 St. Louis 13 Nashville 16 Louisville 16 Lexington 20 Cincinnati . 16 Pittsburgh 24 ' Buffalo /m 2 3 Utica ' : 2i - . - - Burlington- - J ' 22 March 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1834. Chillieothe No\r. 30 I Due from State banks. Losses charge Deficiencies. Bankingable to con { houses. tingent fund. 38 | $442,224 23 7,020 83 51 68 1 83,282 32 38,494 56 56 : 925 6p 30 26,512 00 82 72,622 99 81 25 1,649,313 46 231,552 54 84 36,464 46 75 239,135 28 27 100,276 72 77 158,169 24 5,382 75 152,186 28 1,147 01 456 52 1,019,488 41 49,209 98 J 16,779 83 $772,007 29,235 3,828 108,b72 14,228 40,448 212,611 94,769 84,750 2,734 20,489 62,076 1,006 76 181 73 129,420 11,631 32.R56 139,297 4,323 38,703 28 21 95 28 14 94 1,991 28 172,268 04 201,909 64 68,002 02 $£413,956 49 $10,557 3,006 1,112 5,415 116,777 02 $976 00 2,654 89,060 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 42,S86 24,096 48,000 19,051 69 34 10 07 65 02 78 25 92 00 71 15,000 45,608 32,180 395 40 23,519 i 22,105 300 00 ! 17,587 00 42 23 84 00 15 34,075 65 118 50 69,376 83 100 00 744 00 11,550 00 91,409 95 Expenses. 01 00 69 72 51 Treasurer U. States. Notes of Bank 1 Notes of Slate Unite 1 States ! banks. and offices. m,582,852 41,605 147,830 565,710 261,970 21,500 16,887 48 1,114,818 6,284 78 477,760 13,576 90 $15,735 86 255,310 16,404 21 167,320 3,161 29 506,905 2,468 57 184,835 7,829 45 415,210 5,147 42 1,212,575 6,490 83 116,335 17,232 95 1,225,475 4,696 02 735,485 2,377 92 ' 1,078,950 3,019 88 1,743,650 4,018 51 j 569,910 3,816 33 616,115 4,926 24 1 170,000 00 947,335 3,204 63 > 2,194 36 837,600 2,518 66 474,065 2,344 85 193,260 1,509 18 330,130 11,973 31 7,204 27 23,335 90 1,884 36 2,983,737 55 3,849,823 89 106,086 38 1,218,896 68 "194,519 70 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $838,671 95 21,441 00 12,803 00 106,056 00 242 00 15,290 00 447,411 85 148,579 21 36,029 14 25,563 78 6,490 00 54,803 00 40,558 00 51,475 00 53,628 00 198,035 00 52.294 .16 187,930 22 15,854,510 33 2,340,702 50 32,017 8,977 42,095 14,698 29.295 55,093 32,229 10,897 20 00 00 00 00 00 13 08 GENERAL STATEMENT-~Continued. f- l * - " , l - * * — " !!■■■• ■"■' *{ Specie. Dafes- | Offices. Capital stock. ; ,.,-;. . T T '::';•,: •: Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. Bank United States Oifice, Portland Portsmouth Boston , . 23 23 Providence Hartford ]STew York Baltimore 27 Washington 2§ 21 - Richmond 18 Norfolk, 20 Fayetteyille Charleston Savannah Mobile Net? Orleans Natchez St. Louis 13 Neville 16 '16 Louisville 1 2Q Lexington -: Cincinnati Pittsburgh ^trflTalb; 23 ;;. ■a 2! ?< 1 1 JV.3. | Burlington Mar>h 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1R34 Htitfv FT 30 Foreign ex Contingent fund. change ac count. 00 :~"1 ~~~f 1835. April 30 27 27 CD o Profit and loss. $3,498,109 32 $16,450,0)0 00 $2,.506,127 06 $194,786 48,166 92 238,290 00 24,6U9 _ 69,495 94 30D.000 00 220,425 00 6,317 278,062 23 1,500,000 00 ! 753,010 00 117,097 124,561 85 800,000 00 380,220 00 27,432 73,959 00 300,000 00 295,452 50 7,039 2,883,355 67 2,500,000 00 1,9*3,087 50 236,595 513,000 00 1,500,000 00 i 751,922 50 32,654 294,05541 500,000 00 863,567*0 22,815 259,904 63 821,640 00 37,012 i,obo;ooo oo $95,046 00 500,000 00 1,179,4*00 00 14,546 152^71 48 500,000 00 1,320,955 00 17,120 720,094 27 1,500,000 00 2,302,170 00 71,415 2,773,990 00 624,059 89 1,006,000 00 30,079 2,^55,410 00 239,255 00 79,314 _ 1,357,215 91 1,000,000 00 6,967,585 00 209,370 282,347 19 2,671,995 00 70,876 _ 619,377 17 ' 820,060 00 18,668 _ 230,714 14 1,000,000 00 3,591,045 00 32,124 311,711 09 1,250,000 00 1,105,290 00 44,632 i 429,650 37 1,000,00000 2,165,640 00 33,229 1 230,370 71 1,700,000 00 1,513,290 00 43,631 i 144,655 98 700,000 00 1,219,090 00 25,939 29,8,180 88 893,880 00 20,115 _ 174,901= 45 706,745 00* 11,135 _ - 1 133,220 92 496,960 00 8,325 — 1,830 00 13,404 - Clullicothe I ■ - ■ -— ^ - • ■ 12 $22,622 50 $3,293,835 6* $610,023. 03 $5,9(fc£3V06 1 30 70 00. 98 63 00 07 1,683 50 47 4,081 00 ~ 35 430 50 16 20,386 75 06 7,237 25 47 4,402 10 74 8,015 50 88 2,194 50 86 172 50 20 10,405 50 94 1,911 00 04 06 840 25 1 00 65 70 00 88 ' 25 194 30 41 35 00 50 25 06 24 55 53 85 00 14~,385,843 42 [3^:010,00000^ 40,859,66206 M50,84902 1 ' L 1 - y-Olly.iiaJr • ■ - . - _ 84,815 15 3,293,835 62 61M23 08T 5,906,^06 lev ZdkjMm:.a,u -^QOtJQiKU 11 Ob GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Bates. Offices. 1835. April 30 Bank United Stales 27 Office, Portland 27 Portsmouth 23 Boston 23 Providence 27 Hartford 29 New York 27 Baltimore 25 Washington 21 Richmond 18 Norfolk 20 Fayett evil le 21 Chaileston 21 Savannah 17 Mobile 13 New Orleans 2 Natchez 13 St. Louis 16 Nashville 16 Louisville 20 Lexington 16 Cincinnati 24 Pittsburgh 23 Buffalo 21 Utica 22 Burlington March 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1834. Nov. 30 Chillicothe - - Fund for ex tinguishing cost of bank ing house's. 8976,019 59 - Due to Bank Unied Slates and offices. $2,390,682 96 868,015 85 162,737 65 2,618,815 44 388,727 51 161,482 75 6,465,619 18 1,481,059 57 312,997 11 515,995 37 299,101 09 127,565 02 310,541 39 193,703 87 964.054 65 5,424,701 47 2,630,942 28 1,329,245 41 76,351 23 1,500,021 94 28,043 34 505,5S0 70 289,545 69 1,195,992 52 1 622,591 09 466,337 17 2,0*8,196 52 Due to State banks. $1,359,130 20.516 1,029 437,010 17.517 661 1,477,559 305,746 136,804 7,961 27,433 10,061 1,066,585 363,878 323,280 544,655 42,023 46,227 19,520 99,708 33,294 28,318 10,987 17,360 2,995 3,777 38 96 49 61 69 72 46 50 91 77 59 58 33 28 12 70 27 03 28 51 67 93 95 52 01 79 Redemption of public debt. Deposites on acc't ofTrea surer United States. $97,874 76 $960 12 253 49,335 562 1,526 160,255 10,131 68,773 38 29 43 56 78 51 13 9,581 71 24,855 41 "30 00 101 6<i 324 52 13,796 85 66 73 33,632,903 47 1 55,040 44 7,074 11 40 16 • 100 28 422,378 61 50 00 60,825 89 170,009 10 2,194 36 Deposites on i acc't of in dividuals. $74,172 73 $-2,026,025 17 43,934 56 36,888 10 40,646 28 8,6(i0 53 90,776 87 308,803 91 26,335 54 21,011 38 57,642 68 38,893 33 HI,709 70 1,519,353 70 814,942 99 64,165 90 33,346 91 224,130 77 67,525 68 256.069 57 122,690 81 4,548 39 25,530 07 26,115 20 1,047,637 01 31,952 9G 123.070 45 27^371 88 181,577 59 15,902 02 1,030,995 37 9,979 15 75,106 64 131,837 55 329,135 41 6,003 00 71,086 08 458 30 211,457 7632,289 38 460,197 42 52,003 46 249,112 60 8.700 30 83,417 13 12;.362 92 28,594 33 7,803 74 66,064 H 39,628 61 19,849 80 [ 224,251 70 976,019 59 Deposites on acc't of public officers. 67 28 6,404,048 05 393,149 96 732,992 83 1,046,688 61 ! 9,383,954 47 [ US ] . 30 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu, Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Favetteville Charleston Savannah - $80,620 00 42,705 00 4,135 00 i 64,450 00 34,570 00 I 64,980 00 | 19,325 00 32,510 00 1 82,3t>0 00 34,750 00 41,530 00 73,360 00 1 80,920 00 ! 56,215 00 - $453,760 1,558,065 392,420 94,945 363,385 199,725 332,995 242,470 164,490 28,580 106,000 7,450 Office, Mohile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo TTtica Burlington - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....... 4,657,215 00 Total • ■ ' ■ ' T At Bank of the United States, Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . w . _ . . Due by the United States * * ~ * - - $2,384,766 40 . 45,265 14 * 5,267 39 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in * actual circulation. Notes issued » Notes on hand Notes in transitu . - * . « - Notes in actual circulation - - . • » * . * . » . $40,859,66206 - $15,854,510 38 - 4,657,215 00 . — 20,511,725 38 . ► * * $20,347,93668 At qffice) Norfolk. Navy agent - » « - >. , <. * . . $40,144 17 i f Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal 4*31,732,514 89 security Bills discounted on bank 880,724 14 slock Bills discounted on other sei 5,384,707 83 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign hills of exchange Real estate Due from Banlc United States and offices Due from State banks Due frojn the United Slates.. Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and HotUnguer&Co.Deficieoeies Ban king houses Expenses Cash, viz: '. . Notes of the Bank United States and offices Noes of the State banks . . . Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk - $37,997,946 86 23,921,478 20 SCI,919,425 06 73,171 03 1,774,040 89 32,413,048 24 2,983,737 55 35,396,785 79 5,267 32 2,384,766 106,086 1,218.896 194^19 40 38 68 70 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals 15,851,510 38 2,340,702 50 18,195,212 14,385,843 45,265 40,144 - eg. FT BANK OP T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S , May 545,062 61 1,016,688 61 9,383,954 47 10,975,705 m 88 42 14 17 135,739,424 86 O o $35,000,000 00 Capital stock 40,859,662 06 Notes issued 1,450,849 02 Discounts, exchange, and interest 84,815 15 Dividends unclaimed - - : . - 3,293,835 62 Profit and loss 610,0.3 08 Foreign exchange account '$5,908,237 06 Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 3,849,8*3 89 2,058,413 17 Due to Bank United States and offices - 33,632,903 47 6,404,048 05 Due to State Banks 40,036,951 52 393,149 96 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking 976,0)9 59 houses Deposites on account of the Treasurer of 732,992 83 the United States 187,930 22 Less special deposites - 135,739,424 86 2,1835. S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its offices tf discount and deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. r Dates. Offices. ©ills discbunted on personal security. Bills discount Bills discount ed on bank ed on other securities. stock. Domestic bills of exchange. Foreign bills of exchange. ~T835. June 1 1Bank United States - S3,549,287 63 $372,770 90 $3,996,280 04 SI,970,503 68 . $116,392 66 548,132 33 4,000 00 488,017 88 q#c.e r Portland v 37,116 34 3,619 64 * % Portsmouth 12*, 500 00 : 2,660,160 41 34,888 89 2.358.992 59 Boston 28 681,873 78 563,906 31 Providence 28 11,500 00 81,281 51 "27,525 00 247,210 79 Hartford 453,700 00 , 917,957 92 j 2,164,828 81 5,562,530 84 New York 144,432 32 134,460 eo 50,200 00 1.322.993 05 Baltimore 67,902 01 7,555 00 Washington 066,296 44 217,711 10 577,945 35 12,250 00 I Richmond 1,129,139 87 2,572 "0 1^9,863 56 34,676 00 Norfolk 298,729 68 J08,984 07 Fayetteville 8,175 00 242,857 44 498,501 75 25 Charleston 67,071 16 293,421 92 1,032,980 79 90$,920 16 Savannah 1,272,420 24 3,200 00 318,282 15 Mobile 1,751,586 62 949,605 48 15 i New Orleans 49,976 35 21,000 00 6,605,734 40 3,599,353 79 I 2,143,130 15 Natch** 1,223,940 82 , • . , J-!7 i ! 6,000 oa 864 00 563.103 70 St. Louis 1 383,561 35 ■..-. M ! 435,961 29 Nashville 914,749 28 1? i 3,248 90 Louisville 454,511 44 1,689,325 62 14 269,372 56 Lexington 926,034 82 18 | 70,075 96 280,.285 51 1,000 C O Cincinnati - 51 1,417,566 54 98,504 42 ■, 83>657 94 Pittsburgh 706,470 55 Buffalo i 402,S63 49 390,394 03 329 66 Uiica 121,283 58 269,420 89 M Burlington 3,239 13 131,83322 341,905 26 ..... 26 1,000 00 Agency,Gincinnajj ;-. • ,#H,772 89 i ■ I; m Manfcgl Ghillicdthe - 1 . r-» Real estate. Due from Bank United Stales and office*. $165,623 23 #17,015,669 17 7-2,702 02 3,640 00 | 266,1)85 63 305,252 51 136,442 13 11,250 00 334,719 81 968,757'9» 779,i-08 5 4 141,274 69 128,620 08 60,738 85 336,£30 67 46,436 25 268,255 85 15,151 13 836,893 71 2,901,573 67 799,272 41 161,636 70 1,370,378 OH 1,144,230 24 917,552 9fc 60,336 p4 1,594,774 32 63,327 <H : .876,988 88 171,42a 27 i 1,014,169 43' 5,752 74 897,782 08 37,457 16 118,65449 510,721 id 411,715 03 142,790 9*4 943,966 27 : 111,604. (jfr 49,354 10 14^,625 35 1,402,286 71 I 5,624,351 41 81,761,155 45 1 ffEUY 24,854,852 47 [ 1^" 116,392 66 L1,775,736 60 34,424,250 44 r-i *T GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. -• Pates. Due from State Losses charge Deficiencies. able to con banks. tingent fund. Offices. Banking houses. Expenses. Treasurer U. States. Notes of Bank Notes of S:ate United States banks. and offices. 00 1835, June 1 May 25 25 28 28 25 •27 25 £3 26 23 25 U 19 15 11 7 M 13 14 18 21 23 21 26 il'O (D o FT March 21 1834, Nor. -JO Bank United States - $826,307 78 $442,224 23 SI,895,702 66 $1,023,116 75 #413,956 49 $50,691 44 _ _ Office, Portland 19,705 41 7,020 83 3,230 8> 31,495 00 23,121 00 _ _ _ Portsmouth • 3,828 68 107,115 57 1,136 63 138,090 00 5,014 00 _ _ _ Boston 124,720 63 38,494 56 116,777 02 10,259 96 480,220 00 177,371 00 _ i , Providence - : 20,145 34 925 65 £976 00 3,204 41 257,860 00 41,700 00 m Hartford 27,014 31 27,587 00 1,589 71 48,920 00 9,152 00 _ ^ _ New York 721,168 68 89,060 69 78,449 08 20,657 82 867,200 00 602,806 16 _ Baltimore 109,388 22 1,619,313 46 34,075 65 110,657 34 7,558 67 489,050 00 104,356 21 Washington 87,180 55 34,613 10 252,740 62 118 50 15,587 34 \$ 24,371 74 217,230 00 33,607 91 Richmond l 40,651 22 36,024 07 36,464 46 69,376 83 17,610 61 34,195 00 24,586 00 _ Norfolk 20,278 86 35,109 65 239,147 75 3,218 67 520,680 00 12,335 00 ; Fayetteville 15,872 80 13,385 02 103,644 10 3,696 23 '" 79,800 00 68,139 00 _. Charleston 67,727 78 172,256 59 1 _ 9,545 35 261,510 00 35,310 00 _ ; Savannah 6,582 12 42,385 00 159,401 61 6,848 10 1,339,680 00 54,695 00 _ _ : Mobile 122,753 82 24,096 92 456 52 100 00 8,437 52 166,470 00 81,712 45 0m New Orleans- ! 1,243,697 22 48,000 00 49,209 98 20,510 62 1,288,525 00 235,446 39 * Natchez 94,210 58 19,051 71 5,874 05 849,015 00 78,390 14 _ ~ _ t St. Louis 3,093 07 3,229 07 968,530 00 _" -* _ Nashville 439 79 1,991 28 744 00 15,000 00 3,588 23 1,544,080 00 28,660 17 _ i* Louisville 2,012 73 | 45,608 42 172,268 04 4,684 93 696,555 00 5,982 00 _ Lexington : 201,909 64 32,180 23 4,329 73 739,715 00 151,160 00 _ _ Cincinnati 143,695 24 395 40 23,519 84 170,000 00 5,696 10 1,069', 180 00 28,763 00 _ Pittsburgh 144 08 22,105 00 67,942 02 5,396 39 2,194 36 807,945 00 17,873 00 -, Buffalo 56,755 Of? 17,587 15 300 00 2,885 83 350,805 00 140,211 00* _ _ Utica 255,688 22 3,516 13 108,555 00 18,498 09 _ _„ _ Burlington 8,915 87 11,550 00 1,509 18 239,185 00 16,060 18 _ Agency, Cincinnati 38,703 94 91,409 95 11,973 31 1 i Chillicothe - 7,204 27 23,335 90 4,000,158 49 3,923,308 84 . ~ - 106,086 38 1,218,395 43 1,881 36 238,351 19 196,566 10 15,490,192 6G 3,018,066 45 GMBML STATEMENT—Cmtinued. Specie. Offices. Capital stock. Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. Profit and loss. Foreign ex change ac count. Contingent fund. Bank United Slates $3,204,909 67 $16,450,000 00 $2,835,627 06 $844,647 98 $19,913 50 |$3,293,€a5 62]$664,100 62 $5,9061,237 OS 29,637 88 Office, ftyftland 44,979 36 238,290 00 70 00 ortsmouth 8,845 96 3007<X)0 00 68,988 43 220,425 00 on 404,234 40 738,810 00 162,638 39 1,500,000 00 1,428 00 evidence 141,776 35 380,2<20 00 34,992 74 800,000 00 4,028 50 10.199 30 laiiford 295,452 50 300,000 00 73,959 25 417 00 * rYork ■ 2,528,367 96 2,500,000 00 2,075,887 50 304,531 02 19,098 75 imore 751,922 50 45,590 93 1 ,.500,000 00 6,372 75 419,000 00 Washington 27,922 32 86J,522 50 500,000 00 4,730 43 258,819 99 iichmond 46,653 23 8*21,640 00 1,000,000 00 6,269 00 262,833 66 Sarfolk 17,138 93 500,000pQ 1,179,900 00 2,194 50 382,553 99 fayetteville 22,454 35 1,320,955 00 5JOO,000 00 149,363 27 172 50 Charleston 81,424 45 2,302,170 00 707,461 97 8,634 50 1,500,000 00 avannah 35,930 48 2,773,990 00 622,278 20 1.876 00 1,000,000 00 tobile 2,359,560 00 88,608 82 438,53a 89 Sew Orleans ■ 1,494,409 84 i,ooo7ooo oo 7,148,395 Op 248,057 93 595 25 Jaichez - ■ 92.200 68 2,651,765 00 270,068 00 JU Louis 32,184 28 809,440 00 28 00 643,471 52 Saghville 1,000,000 00 3,563,355 00 39,718 88 225,678 93 ouisville 53,092 48 1,165,290 Op 1,250,000 00 194 30 302,443 50 e*jngton 39,097 53 #00 416,637 37 1,000,00000 2,165,640 00 Cincinnati 51,132 54 212,576 26 1,700,000 00 1,500,790 00 giijgourgh • 31,328 89 14fi,580 26 700,000 00 1,213,675 00 Buffalo' 25,416 04 890,980 00 306,060 68 Utica 12,692 96 706,745 00 53,511 27 Builington 11,5T5 29 496,960 00 135,079 45 {Agency, Cincinnati 13,404 53 1,830 00 <&lft&othe • ]»,M2f577 474-$5»000^00 4M441,474,323 06 tt,80O,658-814 76,057 9» »,293-,g35-«84 664,100 62 p,90&,23T 0 5 ffF^Birrr v&y,immYJr~o™unt*r GENERAL STATEMENT-ContmtfedL Dates. Offices. 1835, June 1 Bank United States May 25 Office, Portland Portsmouth 25 Boston 28 Providence 28 Hartford 25 New. York 27 Baltimore 25 Washington 23 Richmond 26 Norfolk 23 Fayetteville. 25 Charleston 19 Savannah. 19 Mobile 15 New Orleans 11 Natchez 7 St. Louis 11 Nashville " 13 Louisville 14 Lexington 18 Cincinnati 21 Pittsburgh ■ 28 Buffalo 21 Utica 26 Burlington 20 March 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1834. Chill icothe Nov. 30 CD o Fund for extin Due to Bank U. guishing cost] States and of of banking fices. houses* $976,019 59 - $3,665,396 40 862,862 61 60,094 20 3,814,990 52 562,778 52 209,397 57 6,796,083 41 1,306,852 17 268t470 24 468*021 79 295,142 33 88,562 02 314,377 35 18U300 39 999,-251 88 6,736g192 42 2,971,339-77 1,246r745" 77 94,845 94 1,574,924 62 55,665 37 511.250 70 54,604 43 1,197,749 41 498,177 24 466,440 57 2,078,19652 224.251 70 976,019 59 37; 603,964 86 Due to State banks. 8705,090 56 27,329 03 1,449 86 125,264 35 19,004 03 500 00 1,362,378 56 326,177 47 113,125 20 17,846 74 3,389 27 39,396 23 1,093,819 12 470,917 17 93,689 71 40,879 12 35,718 61 44,881 50 15,679 47 63,161 63 33,769 52 39,926 16 8,012 82 4,588 52 1,405 88 4,427 26 $41,102 17 8960 12 19,335 29 30 00 101,66 1,526 56 132,445 72 10,131 51 68,773 13 9,581 71 324:52 13,796 85 128 51 2,802 81 1,287 90 40 16 I 100 28 455,338 08 50 00 60,400 89 170,009 10 2,194 36 4,691,857 79 . on. Redemptiqn of Deposites account of Deposites on ac Deposites on public debt. count of public account of in Treasurer U. officers. dividuals. States. 282,896 09 707,565 24 $72,352 42,654 39,630 88,447 26,753 56,990 130,612 63,541 50,642 51,686 3,843 30,303 7,529 22,764 30,598 16,782 10,544 113,333 137990 458 25,311 50,084 9,170 12,251 7,506 38,880 02 #2,104,059 88 19 41,560 92 54 5,119 36 23 282,928 19 97 20,930 55 66 27,225 79 59 1,654,124 87 90 1,344,764 50 49 244,646 11 78 228V373 24 32 138,805 15 28 30„833 26 35 J,133,925 01 08 138,226 55 42 133,381 09 81 835,339 14 63 66,347 72 42 787,454 58 66 98.363 38 30 209,835 80 77 547,016 97 69 303,095 48 81 95,939 36 28 47,098 18 61 15,990 16 99 13,645 02 t 67 28 I 1,016,665 89 10,549,197 56 [128J 30 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued Notes of Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu, $208,460 16,165 -5,980 50,150 2,815 13,435 83,815 73,010 SB*,165 178,205 135,925 18r;995 285,360 110,705 nk United Statea Bee, Portland Portsmouth • Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk FayetteviHe Charleston Savannah [. $230,510 00 818,360* 00 466,180-CO ' 98>$8& 00 33&,*40;00 52r3te!00 53,010 00* 244,105jOO 83,305-00 55,340*00 34; 16$ 00 8,i7fr,00 00 Office, Mobile, v «• New Orleans 00 Natche? 00 St. Louis 00 Nashville 00 Louisville 00 II Lexington 00 f Cincinnati 00 Pittsburgh 00 Buffalo' 00 Utica00 Burlington 00 00 Total 00 3,971,655 Ofr At Bank of the United States, 0Juring, Brothers, dt Co., H o p e * Co* and Hottinguer and Co, Bonds and mortgages -• ■-'--• Due by the United State* - _ _yt53|TJf 43,48ft I * 5,$67 3 * Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. * Notesissued Notes on hand Notes in transitu * - . - . - - .-v - #41,47*,322 Otf $15,490,19266 3,971/655 00 — ~ 19,461,847 66■ Notes in actual circulation - , i . — »., t -$22,009,474 40 At office, Norfolk Navy agent M44 tf a.i Digitized by i'.ii-i,.r RECAPlTtJLAT Bills discounted on personal -031,761,156 45 security Bills discounted on bank stock 1,402,286 71 Bills discounted on other securities - 5,624,351 41 Domestic bills of exchange - #38,787,793 57 -. 241854,852 47 Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks Due from the United Stales Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies Banking-houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of State banks - 863,642,646 04 116,392 66 1,775,736 60 34,424,250 44 4,000,158 40 38,424,408 93 5,267 32 1,890,753 79 106,086 38 1,218,395 43 238,351 19 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals 15,490,192 66 3,018,066 45 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk • *1 510,999 14 1,016,665 89 10,549,197 56 6,862 59 18,508,259 II 13,912,577 47 43,485 14 40,144 17 139,922,504 23 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, $35,000,000 00 Capital stock Notes issued 41,471,322 06 Discount, exchange, and interest 1,800,658 81 Dividends unclaimed 76,057 98 Profit and loss 3,293,835 62 Foreign exchange account 664,100 62 Contingent fund kb,908,237 06 Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 3,923,308 84 1,984,928 23 Due to Bank United States and offices - 37,603(964 86 Due to State banks 4,691,857 79 42,295,822 65 282,896 09 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking976,019 59 houses Deposites on account of Treasurer of the United States 707.565 24 Less special deposites 196.566 10 .. 139,922,504 23 June 2, 1835. S.JAUDON, Cashier* ta GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United Statesi and its offices of discount and deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. 0> VK Offices. 1835. June 30 29 15 25 VQft » I I ■ gartr B*» 1 I ! 22 (D o eg. FT 25 25 23 24 March 21 May 30 Bills discounted Bills discount Bills discount Domestic bills of exchange. ed on bank ed on other on personal se securities. stock. curity. Bank United States - $3,632,952 39 479,367 70 Office, Portland 3,619 64 Portsmouth 2,775,901 82 Boston Providence 556.780 83 Hartford 207,702 10 New York 5,589,067 62 Baltimore 1,363,090 98 Washington * 614,336 48 Richmond 1,142,303 68 Norfolk 271,035 95 Fayetteville 458,652 57 Charleston 1,091,74258 Savannah 240,667 30 Mobile 1,011,807 28 New Orleans 3,604,331 26 Natchez 1,191,077 84 Si. Louis 391,057 91 Nashville 1,149,457 05 Louisville 1,567,831 36 Lexington 831,744 40 Cincinnati 1,336,563 14 Pittsburgh 661,764 30 Buffalo -I 386,042 93 Ut.ica -I 216.781 23 Burlington 354,874 93 Agency, Cincinnati 894,772 89 Chillicothe 106,780 34 32,132,111 50 $430,560 90 $4,422,206 17 3,500 00 97,200 00 16,200 00 616,000 00 213,210 00 7,555 00 12,250 00 36,380 00 8,175 00 400,654,19 12,500 00 11,500 00 1,174,542 03 48;879 29 184,152 10 2,572 70 108,656 56 . 45,971 16 3,000 00 21,000 00 28,976 35 777 00 6,000 00 I 4,906 50 1,000 00 70,075 96 96,921 02 329 66 2,875 00 1,000 00 1,860,962 39 6,228,565 10 Real estate. Foreign bills of exchange. $2,002,203 47 624,783 31 36,152 18 3,069,304 47 792,132 26 79.680,61 2,094,545 62 139,971 18 66,523 92 606,148 68 140,989 35 235,428 85 1,210,412 03 1,176,439 14 1,288,579 05 6,395,591 69 2,423,389 79 571,305 00 365,002 29 330,581 12 257,895 16 273,743 90 81,031 22 .463,198 55 107,988 89 143,002 19 $73,171 03 24,976,053 92 73,171 03 #165,623 23 3,640 00 9,250 00 141,129 59,009 :46,436 13,866 28 85 25 29 60,336 63,327 168,128 5,752 29,034 04 67 27 74 03 I 731 57 943,9fi6 27 48,114 10 1,758,345 59 Due from Bank United States and offices. $18,796,099 52 59,909 51 264,591 09 584,191 42 229,381 27 379,300'32 863,299 57 519.421 31 448,021 69 432.422 06 173,595 27 845,185 06 2,878,758 83 947,500 06 351,505 54 2,650,012-95 ' 2,239,328 66 1,044,975 35 1,925,785 39 l,0fil,048 65 1,088,521 06 8ft7,40<M9 218,330 17 533,205 14 413,739 16 180,55501 111,604 69 39,127,688 94 *8 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. j Dates. Offices. 1835. June 30 Bank United States 29 Office, Portland 15 Portsmouth 35 Boston 35 Providence 23 Hartford New York 31 32 Baltimore 37 Washington -, 33 Richmond 20 Norfolk Si Fayeaeville 23 Charleston 23 Savannah 13 Mobile 8 New Orleans 4 Natchez 15 St. Louis 10 Nashville 13 Louisville 22 Lexington 18 Cincinnati 35 Pittsburgh 25 Buffalo 23 Utica 24 Burlington March 21 Agency, Cincinnati May 30 Ohiilicothe - Due from State Losses charge Deficiencies. able to contin banks*. gent fund. $957,369 64 33,280 41 _ 145,438 27 11,349 35 16,083 11 734,923 89 41,048 53 63,262 23 41,170 49 15,697 11 2,802 (J8 L 1,961 302,776 1,065,877 83,208 3,85'J 380 35,369 _ _ 53 76 89 98 48 47 39 98,755 35 80,788 115,104 14,533 38,703 . - $511,470 7,020 107,115 38,494 925 30,125 78,449 1,649,313 254,800 36,464 239,147 103,644 172,256 159,401 456 49,209 19 83 57 56 65 07 08 46 50 46 75 10 59 01 52 98 _ ' 1,991 28 172,268 04 201,909 64 T 74,631 15 78 39 76 94 _ _ _ 91,409 95 61,905 85 3,904,537 73" 4,042,411*83 m ■ « — _ $976 00 _ — 31,075 65 118 50 69,376 83 !£ m ^ ^i 140 00 _ ui ■ Banking houses. $413,956 49 $62,381 35 _ 1,010 _ 46 116,777 02 69 _ 68 95 43 50 36 2,219 886 7,806 11,569 09 17 87 94 — l 89,060 110,657 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 67,727 42,385 24,096 48,000 19,051 69 34 10 07 65 02 78 00 92 00 71 m 15,000 45,608 32,180 23,519 22,105 17,587 00 42 23 84 00 15 ^ 744 00 ^ _ 395 40 1,000 00 300 00 m m m - 107,126 38 ^ _ - 11,550 00 1,218,395 43 Treasurer Notes of Bank Notes of State United States U. States. banks. and offices. Expenses. _ 75 39 988 87 09 80 67 2,314 10 61 31 75 53 00 610 97 48 91 513 60 571 24 407 91 ;&529,665 12,325 103,715 m 609,050 211,045 m | 11,250 851,920 411,835 _ $10,613 08 265,075 112,445 _ 459,070 ^ 56,940 ^ 281,440 _ 1,011,770 53,550 _ 1,169,355 _^ 641,205 m 642,090 _ 1,011,620 _ 656,330 _ 774,640 170,000 00 1,225,860 2,194 36 740,580 287,200 103,985 mm 177,350 m _ 1 ._ 11,973 31 1,884 36 105,610 46 00 $362,915 22 00 40,678 00 00 16,014 00 00 82,225 00 00 1,799 39 00 6,288 00 00 481,236 3d 00 90,930 50 00 31,063 15 00 37,823 57 00 7,610 00 00 53,370 00 00 50,535 00 00 253,475 00 00 34,724 00 00 110,615 50 00 36,403 86 00 00 15,637 00 21,652 00 00 111,730 00 00 28,966 00 00 00 23,678 00 131,556 00 00 00 24,141 07 00 18,760 42 | 182,807 44 12,411,310 00 2,073,826 06 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. 1835. June 30 29 15 25 25 22 24 22 27 23 20 9t o o eg. FT 23 23 12 8 4 15 10 18 22 18 ^M»3 25 25 23 24 March 21 M a y 3) Capiial stock. Specie. Offices. | Bank United Slates ■ $2,389,965 89 $16,450,000 00 42,902 96 Office, Portland 3O07oO0 CO 68,348 37 Portsmouth • 1,500,00) 00 Boston 473,905 65 Providence • 204,979 71 800,00;) co Hartford 73,932 25 300,000 00 New York - 2,404,971 53 2,500,000 00 Baltimore 341.000 00 1,500,000 00 Washington ■ 256,415 08 500,000 00 Richmond 264.001 94 1,000,00!) 00 Norfolk 383,808 45 500,000 00 Fayetteville ■ 148,410 87 500,000 00 Charleston 1,014,069 79 1,500,000 00 Savannah 609,521 28 1,000,000 00 Mobile 437,382 96 New Orleans • 1,658,874 91 i.oooTooo oo Natchez 299,772 41 St. Louis 645,338 68 Nashville 1,000,000 00 219,514 72 Louisville 1,250,000 00 308.017 95 Lexington 1,000,000 00 407,822 56 Cincinnati 1,700,000 00 215,566 48 Pi'tsburgh 700,000 00 142,081 98 Buffalo 332,963 41 Utica 53,103 42 Burlington 32,655 49 Agency, Cincinnati Chillicoihe . 13,429,328 74 Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. $2,647,250 16 #294,209 40 238,290 00 5,890 72 190,425 00 39 78 738,810 CO 35,990 12 372,710 00 5,717 29 295,452 50 57 95 2,100,307 50 35,031 38 736,502 50 5,794 85 861,522 50 2,146 39 821,640 00 6,659 54 1,171,665 00 1,437 26 1,305,500 00 1,758 13 2,358,530 00 19,339 59 2,773,990 00 5,066 85 2,359,560 00 2,988 00 7,268,395 00 14,783 19 2,551,765 00 5,329 81 783,110 00 2,277 72 3,563,355 00 1,691 16 1,165,290 00 1,755 10 2,165,640 00 4,076 04 1,500,790 00 4,294 42 1,212,180 00 3,561 73 890,980 00 4,324 77 706,715 00 631 45 492,160 00 1,613 44 1,830 00 13,404 53 85 00 35,000,000 00 41,374,480 16 479,870 61 Profit and loss. Foreign ex change ac count. #19,469 CO $3,293,835 62 36,50,431 3C B5,908,237 06 70 00 1,242 50 4,018 409 17,989 5,630 4,660 5,173 2,135 32 7,518 1,645 00 50 25 75 43 50 00 50 00 00 1 . j 581 25 28 00 187 30 35 00 70,824 98 : i 3,293,835 62 650,431 30 5,908,237 06 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. 1835.o June 30 29 15 25 25 22 24 22 27 23 20 22 23 23 12 8 4 15 10 18 si 18 O (n ized t ^< CD o 4 rT 25 25 23 24 March 21 May 30 Offices- Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington A.gency,Cincinnati Chillicoihe - Fund for extin Due to Bank guishing cost of United States banking houses. and offices. Due to State banks. Redemption of Deposites on ac Deposites on ac Deposites on ac public debt. count of Trea count of public count of indi surer U. States, - officers. viduals. $976,019 59 '$3,881,471 48 $1,109,248 89 $41,102 909,883 95 39,971 62 _ _ 69,663 30 _ _ 4,944,250 63 397,238 37 13,335 _ 762,566 73 16,716 46 _ _ 210,698 45 4,994 22 1,526 _ 7,385,146 12 1,146,189 54 119,007 _ 1,671,648 80 302,819 11 10,131 _ 359,529 56 296,726 55 ! 68,709 _ i L 703,767 27 _ ^ 110,308 70 7,676 69 _ 65,712 35 20,440 34 _ 90,491 94 1,672,081 70 3,581 _ 89,712 99 433,378 90 21,216 _ 991,697 68 18,961 42 «. m 1 7,553,968 75 39,069 18 _ 3,185,862 92 17,658 16 _„ _ 1,223,933 27 307,812 74 _ 99,291 22 11,104 19 _ _ 1,631,512 35 2,998 29 _, 21,427 48 39,800 22 _ _ 638,852 38 40,206 61 _ _ 57,550 41 15,353 66 _ _ 1 1,241,882 54 21,046 69 _ 308,769 12 3,291 30 _ _ 369,329 09 4,808 59 _ _ \ 2,078,196 52 _ 218,532 37 - $5,591 20 17 m 29 " 30 00 101 66 56 48 51 10 _ 324 52 m _ 128 51 1- r $976,019 59 40,875,679 27 5,969,593 44 659 81 836 64 1 40 16 71 08 278,609 90 | ~100 28 417,747 21 50 00 i 60,400 170,009 2,194 3 _ 89 10 36 33 z 658,217 67 $71,624 41,995 39,270 91,845 27,483 209 132,620 65,333 33,315 45,719 4,406 26,071 7,997 — 25,864 15,981 10,749 145,490 * 11,504 458 17,975 49,492 8,772 12,570 6,639 38,699 42 $1,756,201 53 46 67,701 92 03 4,788 16 61 282,292 19 31 20,125 37 18 28,863 10 69 1,543,619 02 90 666,457 99 33 258,876 12 31 280,494 14 160,051 28 58 19,761 93 07 37 1,554,210 17 121,071 03 93 106,027 67 07 911,381 19 98 62,033 41 58 424,995 65 63 78,525 04 30 215,353 73 35 565,265 25 06 234,468 03 96 94,309 95 51 62,442 03 ' 28 9,096 67 09 30,277 26 £ ~ ■ 932,091 00 67 28 r-i 9,558,757 11 00 U f 128] ; ?t ;:. r 2 GENERAL STATEiMfiNT—CpiUinued. * Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. i. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston ' Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk' [ Fayetteyille Charleston Savannah ' - : 840,820 00 Office, 48,060 00 J 1,875 00 li5,600 00 12,510 00 16,855 00 1 18,440 00 I 97,680 00 1 --,; 53,575 00 | 1S8,785 00' ) : 89,000 00 139,085 00 237,0(15 00 1 113,770 00 1 « • - Mobile New Orleans Natchez" ' Sf. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington - T ! ■ $232,055 00 547,525 00 599,3,65 00 90,980 00 507,3*25 00 95,540 00 198,130 00 86,060 00 90,9^80 00 45,445 00 27,920 00 19,465 00 3,680^50^0 Total - At Bank of the United States. -83,305,498 M 43,485 1.4 5,26733 : Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope &. Co., and ^ottinguer & Co. Bonds an<J mortgages ' V ■ - ' ; Dae by the United States - Stnternesnt ofihe notes of fye Bank of the JMttA States anrf offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued . Noteson hand Notes in transitu . , . Notes in actual circulation . . . . - - . . . . . - $41,374,480 16 $12,411,310 00 3,630,350 00 * 16^041,660 00 - . - $25,332,820 16 Atogicer Norfolk. Nary ageni $40,I<44 17 Digitized by L J O O ^ I C iRECAPmiLATBDN. Bills discounted on personal security -,#32,132,11150 Bills discounted on bank stock - 1,850,962 39 Bills discounted on other se curities - 6,228,565 10 Domestic bills of exchange - $40,221,638 99 24,976,053 93 Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices - 39,127,688 94 Due ff ora, State banks - - - 3,904,537 73 Due from the United States ttaring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies Banking houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the BankUnited States and offices Notes of the State banks - $65,197,692 91 73,171 03 1,758,345 59 43,032,226 67 5,267 32 2,305,498 107,126 1,218,395 105,610 54 38 43 46 Depositee on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals 12,411,310 00 2,073,826 06 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk 14,485,136 13,429,328 43,485 40,144 06 74 14 17 141,801,428 44 BANK OF THE U N I T E D iSavATBs,My.fy 835,000,000 03 Capital stock - I' Notes issued 41,374,480 16 Discount, exchange, «ind interest 479,8*0 61 Dividends unclaimed 70,844 98 Profit and loss 3,293,835 63 Foreign exchange account 650,431 30 fund 1^5,908,237 06 Less losses chargeable to contingent fond' 4,042,411 83 :23 Due to Bank United States and oflices 40,675,679 27 Due to State banks 5,969,593 44 46,845,272' 71 Redemption of public debt 278,609 90 Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses 976,019* 59 Deposites on account of the Treasurer of . the United .States 658,217 67 Less special deposites 182,807 44 475,410 23 932,091 00 .9,558,757 11 10,$66$58 , 34 111,801,428 44 1835. -6. JA\3Bm,-€ashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its offices of discount and deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. 00 ■ Dates. , - . - > , - , Offices. 1835. July 30 Bank United States • Office, Portland Portsmouth 23 Boston , Providence 2a Hartford 20 New York 29 Baltimore 27 Washington Richmond 21 Norfolk 18 20 FajretteviDe 21 Charleston 21 Savannah 1Q-, Mobile T ' rl , . t o New Orleans i • j ■-■ 8 Natchez .St.'l*oqis 15 * Nashville 16 Louisville 20 Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh ^ Buffalo 23 , 21 _ TJtica r fiurlington ,- ft 27 • ; - . ; : ■ * * ■ ■ ts o o eg. iS „ Ji Mftrfelfit f Bills discounted Bills discount Bills discount on personal se ed on bank ed on other curity. stock. securities. $3,471,015 436,979 3,619 2,977,468 546,033 171,297 5,501,317 1,373,885 575,222 1,055,965 255,057 438,714 979,985 227,123 1,023,125 3,710,439 1,101,043 362,408 1,218,445 1,467,562 754,445 1,268,494 643,119 388,436 146,920 306,760 894,772 106,780 64 03 61 32 09 50 69 42 21 12 71 07 32 94 83 75 93 84 49 29 81 25 11 92 00 22 89 34 $428,563 00 $4,502,389 3,500 ^ 3,000 _ 103,700 00 8,100 ^ 16,200 860,300 211,160 7,555 12,250 46,045 8,085 515.38J f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 _ _ 21,000 00 - , ■ , ' ' ■ ■ - 31,406,440 37 _ 11,500 1,325,036 48,879 217,711 2,572 104,341 00 12 29 10 70 16 — 45,716 16 3,000 00 _ 28,976 35 — 77700 4,000 00 «. _ — 4,906 50 900 00 _ — — ^ ~ —. _ 70,075 96 89,981 62 — 329 66 3,239 13 1,003 00 SI,832,703 694,918 33,582 3,344,894 845,455 74,431 2,243,306 255,563 59,196 762,137 149,574 162,397 924,995 669,279 1,089,744 6,363,527 2,207,320 559,327 265,239 308,659 253,934 262,170 79,625 512,059 101,929 141,931 12 43 18 06 68 36 49 41 38 75 00 95 86 58 93 05 68 12 31 20 07 89 12 24 44 65 ._ FT - 45 00 00 00 Domestic bills of exchange. 2,231 t 9l7tfC ■l«it&7,904 95 Foreign bills of exchange. Real estate. $81,825 42 S171.336 23 _ _ _ _ — ^ — _ — — — _ _ — — _ _ _ _, _ _ _ — — ^ „ 81,825 42 640 00 — -_ 9,260 00 _ «, • 141,079 59,009 45,182 13,866 _ «, . _ _ ^ 60,336 63,327 157,549 5,752 16,034 28 85 50 29 04 67 24 74 03 _ _ 731 57 943,966 27 1 48,114 10 1,736,175 81 Due from Bank United States and offices. $19,387,131 187,196 173,904 419,192 155,604 432,270 617,292 390,578 456,362 481,040 110,491 781,507 2,168,607 1,368,470 612,782 1,109,206 957,992 1,128,008 1,813,881 1,132,417 1,176,768 1,057,032 271,896 698,291 15 22 46 19 19 39 69 75 24 00 84 18 66 11 04 98 06 76 84 29 05 50 59 16 469,629 10 223;909 43 111,604 & 37,893,069 09 i* ** GENERAL STATEMENT—Contimied. .1 ' "1 Offices. Dates. 1835, July 30 Bank United States 4 27 Office, Portland Portsmouth 37 Boston 23 Providence 2S ; ; Hartford 20 New York 88 Baltimore 87 Washington £5 ► Richmond &1 Norfolk J8 20 Fayette ville 2t Charleston * SI Savannah 10 Mobile 13 New Orleans 3 Natchez 13 St. Louis 15 Nashville 16 Louisville 20 Lexington Cincinnati 23 Pittsburgh 23 Buffalo 21 Utica 22 Burlington Wareh 21 Agency, Cincinnati May 30 Chillicoihe 1 1 Due from State banks. Losses charge Deficiencies. able to con tingent fund- Expenses. Bankinghouses. I $759,650 22 i $511,470 19 #413,936 40 19,245 82 7,020 83 107,115 57 155,715 61 38,494 56 116,777 02 13,674 37 $976 00 925 65 8,553 57 30,125 07 89,060 69 78,449 08 890,557 15 34,075 65 96,898 36 1,649,313 46 110,657 34 118 50 254,800 50 125,649 84 36,464 46 17,873- 81 69,376 83 34,613 10 36,024 07 11,734 60 , 239,147 75 ! 35,109 65 11,939 22 103,644 10 13,385 02 172,256 59 . 67,727 78 6,281 37 159,401 61 42,385 00 140 00 f 109,925 69 456 52 24,096 92 900,613 67 49,209 98 48,000 00 69,525 03 19,051 71 4,182 48 744 00 1,991 28 15,000 00 59,827 89 172,268 04 45,608 42 228,878 39 203,133 03 32,180 23 395 40 41,612 24 23,519 84 ; 6,115 00 75,012 70 1 1,000 00 22,105 00 300 00 11,587 15 ! 74,485 31 1 85,783 76 11,550 00 ; 2,038 13 91,409 95 > 38,703 94 1 61,905 85 Treasurer U. States. Notes of Bank Notes of State Unite 1 States banks. and offices. $5,232 218 1,011 46 587 34 5,949 1,771 9,480 13,063 22 451 2,769 1,113 1,033 7,238 1,128 506 587 1,550 909 1,295 1,273 786 206 14 ' $956,209 21 50 4,090 00 92 94,795 00 50 : 588,880 00 67 207,685 00 54 7,160 00 54 942,275 00 53 261,670 00 31 $12,308- 08 174,675 00 16 83,540 00 68 480,105 00 83 345,710 00 45 353,090 00 31 1,183,060 00 41 35,785 00 01 865,940 00 21 562,430 00 72 628,180 00 37 1,034,315 00 56 400,958 00 23 746,285 00 61 I 170,000 00 1,251,540 00 21 795,300 00 2,194 36 21 225,790 00 55 16,965 00 178,560 00 — 11,973 31 1,884 36 $434,984 29,376 22,709 117,617 2,260 8,145 322,456 50,783 37,371 12,019 6,940 25,034 48,485 16,505 13,657 119,325 33,708 71 00 0ft 00 21 00 59 43 34 99 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 79,417 12,032 106,010 32,948 27,788 99,102 16,304 35,333 10 0O 00 00 00 0ft 98 81 \" 3,739,454 47 4,044,016 77 — —- —r 107,126 38 1,212,395 43 72,125 83 184,502 44 12,424,992 21 1,710,313 65 aEKERAL STATEMENT—ContumecL [.Specie. Capital stock. Offices. ftr Bank United States Office, Portland ! Portsmouth BoStbttI Providence Hartfor4 NeftVferk Bafciihdre Washington , Riclhnbnd I* i Norfolk f Fajettenlle. Charleston Savannah • Mdfetfc N e # OrleansNaYches^ ' • St.Ttpnirf V • NaSlMlle Lofeisviife'' . LeiTngrpK, „, Citfcinnati . SI,919,029 47 $46,450,000 00 38,877'15 ' 67,813 00 300T000 00 233,967 05 1,500,000 00 " 195yl2725 860,00000 74,91^25 300*000'00 2,118,739 38 2,500,000 00 ' 670,000 00 l,5f0,000.00 284,906 42 500,000'00 263,836 96 1.00Q., 000,00 385,475 04 500;00000: 146,539 64 50o;oooo6 1,509,515 44 1,500^000 00 608,003 74 437,63*^ 12 l.ow.ooooo 1,584,S07 \6 319,882 06 i,ooojoopoo; 407,90862 1,000,00000 268,880=32 278,53196 1,250,00000; 396,360 43 l,000„00i)!0d; 225,024 04 l,700;,000(Kh 144J14&1 7p$,0$j;o^ ' Baffitfo * " • 235v432$4 Utica 54,280 48 . . Bnrlington • 34r447~90 March 51 Agency, Cincinnati . Chillicothe ■ May >«0 July JO FT Mft» Notes issued. Discount, ex-j Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. $2,808,450 16 $30,493 60 #60,709 50 11,219 88 233,815 00 1,190 00 146,210 00 56 31 742 00 728,200 00 72,426 04 19,365 50 369,760 00 12,305 85 6,807 00 217,522 50. 828 17 4,004 00 2,052,177 50 85„827 33 46,391 75 709,627 50 15,024 82 22,353 75 825,072 50 5,601 93 5,501 71 837,030 00 12,541 DO 15,328 18 1,154^00 00 9,471 00 3,182 07 1,417,220 00 592 50 3,805 29 2,438,530 00 44,481 50 25,531 56 2,146,290 00 1,645;00 7,137 84 2,359,560 00 8,862 26 7,268,395 00 469 25 65,291 43 2,651,765 00 27,652 10 783410 00 28.00 4,814 85 10,129 07 3,538,605 00 187 30 8,564 18 1,112,270 00 3500 9 ^ 8 1 33 2,145,040 00 10,042 32 1,485,470 00 6,659 65 1,172,635 00 8,439 67 885,725 00 1,366 50 306,465 00 2,658 23 455,500 00 13,404 53 1,830 00 85 00 %»»gtf»f wtut&tikP. Profit andi loss. Foreign ex-[ Contingent fund. change ac count. $661,06$ 46J $ 5 , 9 1 5 ^ 5 8 ! ^ . GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. 1835. July 30 Bank United Stales ♦ 27 .Office, Portland 27 Portsmouth 23 Boston 23 Providence 20 Hartford 29 New York 27 Baltimore 25 Washington 21 Richmond 18 Norfolk 20 Fayettevjlle 21 Charleston 21 Savannah 10 Mobile 13 New Orleans 2 Natchez 13 St. Louis 15 Nashville 16 Louisville 20 Lexington 16 Cincinnati 23 Pittsburgh 23 Buffalo 21 Utica 22 Burlington March 21 ' Agency, Cincinnati May 30 Chillicothe - Fund for ex tinguishing cost of bank ing houses. Due to Bank. United States and olhces. Due to State banks. Deposites on Deposites on acc'tofTreaof public surer Uniied I acc't officers. States. Redemption of public debt. Deposites on acc't of in-dividuals. $1,218,395 43 , S3,540,562 87 1,072,155 54 m i m 57,192 80 [ f * 5,072,109 80 716,229 17 m 296,833 49 \ — | ^ 7,476,075 00 [ 1,815,174 04 m 436,570 53 — 660,880 52 m m 58,761 80 63,240 26 _ 130,723 72 _ 109,057 32 : 876,955 35 „_ 5,835,154 22 2,534,554 07 m 1,275,328 39 *. 92,658 97 _ 1,546,668 62 _ 25,826 54 700,149 58 : 163,327 17 : 1,252,395 13 570,292 34 405,881 51 _ 2,078,196 53 — 218,532 37 1,218,395 43 39,081,487 64 $963,855 62 11,939 82 _ 349,968 83 12,077 15 1,118 02 1,204,563 02 263,294 41 229,704 69 91,184 46 ( 22,12308 14,408 55 1,539,394 47 321,181 53 2,684 15 31,377 13 5,431 40 271,576 37 84,475 90 2,998 29 42,226 58 \ 15,320 10 19,417 52 24,263 41 1,075 40 7,715 61 841,102 17 1 _ 253 38 13,296 35 _ 1,526 103,977 4,586 68,709 _, f 56 48 51 10 L L 3,581 71 23,370 50 m _ — ^ mm - — _ __ _ — _ i _ i ^m -~ _ : _ [ S3,192 36 875-56 [ : _ 100 28 364,811 21 50 00 — 54,975 89 170,000 00 2,194 36 _ _ — - - - 5,533,375 51 260,403 76 595,599 65 $70,555 41,255 639 89,101 27,046 92 125,462 62,475 33,366 41,700 4,546 3Q.2Q0 13,655 93 U l , 7 7 5 , 6 0 5 57 08 49,846 66 23 3,097 05 15 260,384 64 91 24,603 03 05 21,257 89 51 1.400,265 32 64 '762,699 97 59 266,522 25 08 246,509 46 93 157,086 22 67 18,604 66 23 1,092,358 22 m 75,941 47 24,506 92 75,810 78 15,740 07 591,856 85 8,866 48 43,712 76 41,005 86 354,645 06 11,256 91 81,489 38 375 50 195,636 43 19,760 05 530,129 70 50,628 79 279,150 68 9,176 84 102r748 61 12,594 51 62,853 21 6,388 37 6,761 39 38,349 55; 28,3^6 95 = 778,747 85 67 28 8,508,041 49 [ V*8 ] 48 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. BankUnitedStates Office, Portland Portsmouth ..-, Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk ■ Fayetteville Charleston Savannah #182,190 00 67,455 00 - 132,130 00 10,985 00 11,920 00 11,610 00 46,560 00 61,855 00 56,125 00 35,645 00 55,940 00 98,545 00 125,475 00 Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis ■-"..Nashville Louisville ► Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo TJtica Burlington Total - $331,850 00 1,078,925 00 415,560 00 83,260 00 553,756 CO 74,725 00 201,880 00 96,195 00 55,900 00 112,460 00 -j 101,245 00 '' 144,225 00 • - \ 4,096,345 00 At Bank of the United States. Bariiig, £rothers, &. Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. * Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States . * - > - $2,177,061 50 40,623 14 5„267 32 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and officest in actual circulation. $40,850,560 10 ■ $12,424,992 21 . 4,096,345 00 16,521,337 21 Notes issued Notes on hand * Notes in transitu $24,329,222 95 Notes in actual circulation At officet Norfolk: ft*ty agent a * * • . ■ . / Digitized by - $40,144 1 1 RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security $531,406,440 37 Bills discounted on bank stock - 2,231,917 71) Bills discounted on other se curities - 6,478,255 20 ■^Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks . . . Due from the United States Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Deficiencies Banking houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of the State banks Specie Bpe Mortgages Mo m Navy agent, Norfolk ' $40,116,613 27 2-4,197,904 95 $64,314,518 22 81,825 42 1,736,175 81 37,893,069 09 3,739,454 47 41,632,523 56 5,267 32 2,177,061 107,126 1,212,395 72,125 52 38 43 83 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals 12,424,992 21 1,710,313 65 14,135,305 12,883,968 40,623 40,144 — 411,097 21 778,747 85 8,508,041 49 9,697,886 55 86 43 14 17 138,439,061 09 BANK OF THE U N I T E D STATES, $35,000,000 00 Capital stock 40,850,560 16 Noies issued 466,135 26 Discounts, exchange, and interest 236,115 98 Dividends unclaimed j 3,562,3-22 49 Profit and loss . . . . 661,065 46 Foreign exchange account $5,915,329 62 Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 4,044,016 77 1,871,312 85 Due to Bank United States and offices - ,39,081,487 64 5,533,375 51 Due to State Banks 44,614,863 15 260,403 76 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking 1,218,395 43 houses Deposites on account of the Treasurer of 595,599 65 the United States 184,502 44 Less special deposites ' 138,439,061 09 August 3,1835. S. JAUDON, Cashier, GENERAL STATEMENT Mb JLl' Dates. Offices. 1835. August 31 S7 17 24 22 as 1 18 jf in JO jj May 12 8G 17 20 20 22 25 26 21 30 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez ! St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington ~ Ageney,Cincinnaii Chillicothe - of the Bank of the United States, and its offices ofdisemmt and deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discount ed on personal security. $3,399,675 83 399,345 47 3,050 94 2,762,456 56 500.535 89 135,254 92 6,471,771 91 1,425,618 78 559,375 51 984,118 40 240,665 60 416,312 22 951,034 66 206,432 69 1,047,716 63 3,537,477 73 1,083,063 15 314,823 28 1,261,506 06 1,471,407 89 767,461 94 1,200,409 17 609,676 23 383,396 14 97.029 16 249,428 36 829,651 46 106,780 34 31,415,476 91 | Bills discount Bills discount ed on other ed on bank securities, stock. $734,463 00 #5,016,552 3,000 3,000 13,700 32,100 00 25 00 00 00 11,602 533,186 48,879 184,152 2,572 103,221 42 12 29 10 70 16 13,640 1,041,800 234,160 7,555 12,250 49,662 8,085 527,024 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 39 50,216 16 3,000 00 21,000 00 28,976 35 777 00 4,000 00 - 4,906 50 900 00 : 2,683,416 56 70,075 96 83,836 62 329 66 225 00 1,000 00 6,166,432 29 Domestic bills of exchange. Foreign bills of exchange. Real estate. Due from Bank United Stales and offices. $1,661,888 98 790.104 37 33,582 18 3,362r073 88 827,512 73 68,551 11 2,336,071 76 181,769 80 70,691 52 792,302 09 127,827 37 60,498 43 204,832 57 355,950 92 425,574 52 5,365,459 31 2,086,435 59 580,966 76 367,012 88 451.105 88 323,889 13 269,670 26 73,136 84 471,935 72 82,184 45 150,665 65 $671,950 97 $171,336 23 $17,409,785 154,461 263,691 337,311 227,427 454,112 876,586 455,545 304,870 574,875 14t,783 909,688 2,538,746 1,649,770 657,857 1,255,837 1,215,603 1,153,395 1,766,728 1,211,669 1,096,021 1,304,206 313,140 697,118 631,612 295,661 9,800 21,521,694 70 671,950 97 640 00 141,079 59,009 45,182 13,866 28 85 50 29 - - 60,336 63,449 157,549 5,732 16,034 04 74 24 74 03 731 57 895,334 96 48,114 10 1,678,416 57 40 52 74 68 80 24 45 51 33 99 93 49 90 45 56 50 65 97 49 98 78 02 74 5$ 41 06 90 37,927,313 07 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. 1835. August 31 24 17 27 37 L7 26 34 92 25 22 17 18 18 14 10 6 10 12 20 17 20 20 , 22 o o eg. FT May Offices. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk FayetteviUe Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica 25 1 26 j Burlington • 21 Agency, Cincinnati 30 Chillicothe - Dae from State Losses charge Deficiencies. able to con banks. tingent fund. Banking houses. Expenses. Treasurer Notes of Bank Notes of State banks. U. States. United Slates and offices. i $945,536 43 22,369 83 _ 76,414 6,236 15,308 543,866 93,307 105,273 . _ _ 14,490 $511,470 7,020 107,115 38,494 925 35,775 78,449 1,649,313 254,800 36,464 239,147 103,644 172,256 159,401 456 49,209 L. 71 10 30 75 79 23 20,465 63 237,074 557,957 73,772 2,031 60,896 45,139 136 58,667 2 95,923 48,817 17,875 38,703 43 58 15 43 12 68 81 36 12 76 93 46 90 94 19 83 57 56 65 07 08 46 50 46 75 10 59 61 52 98 _ 1,991 28 172,268 04 203,833 03 _ 75,012 70 fa _ 64,685 49 61,905 85 - 4,023,642 31 3,080,268 44 j _+ — $973 00 j, 34,073 65 118 60 69,376 83 _'V* _ _ __ 160 00 __ ^ _ 744 00 _ ~ 395 40 1,00J 00 m — _ - $413,956 49 822,257 81 769 77 ^ 1,040 27 A 02 4,721 03 116,777 1,099 31 _ 34 54 _ 8,738 86 89,063 69 2,720 53 110,657 34 10,951 37 34,613 10 14,157 12 36,024 07 211 98 35,109 65 526 90 13,385 02 7,318 96 67,727 78 2,072 31 42,385 00 2,297 18 24,096 92 9,879 99 48,000 00 2,155 44 19,051 71 735 96 _ 1,098 93 55,000 00 2,105 93 45,608 42 1,465 03 32,180 23 23,519 84 4,687 95 1,914 14 22,105 00 , 11,587 15 j 2,034 95 618 03 _ 11,550 00 _ J£ 23,ol3 60 1,884 36 • 106,846 48 11,212,395 43 130,512 25 [$2,260,312 50 19,030 00 [ 94,025 00 433,650 00 190,690 Off 1 — 12,400 00 1,195,330 00 129,420 00 j 209,975 00 $13,021 92 49,230 00 479,195 00 346,690 00 i 384,700 00 1,136,245 00 19,490 00 798.200 00 560,000 00 ! 530,650 00 944,360 00 229,875 00 _ 879,785 00 170,000 00 1,024,925 00 2,194 96 775,300 00 j 279,575 00 13,750 00 _ 130,545 00 ■ 2 $881,328 90 26,008 00 2,549 00 172,670 00 8,220 73 7,728 00 370,605 50 158,327 12 24,058 75 15,904 03 6,770 00 24,194 00 59,038 00 48,360 00 28,140 00 154,640 00 25,474 81 6,294 01 68,465 54 54,607 00 58.955 00 16,006 00 30,467 00 9,697 00 12,934 18 18,363 6«i i 185,216 28 13,127,347 50 2,289,806 46 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued, i* It! A m * ■' ■ ■■ ' ■ ■ ■ i Specie. f>atc*i ^ . Offices. !_ 1 Capitalstock. J 1 Notes issued. Discount, ex change, and interest. Dividends unclaimed. Profit and loss. j- 1835. August 31 Bank United States - $2,157,014 69 $16,450,000 00 94 ! Office, Portland 41,646 54 "^ IT Portsmouth 8282 300,000 00 87: Boston 293,361 61 1,500,000 00 9f7 Providence • ! 178,469 44 800,000 00 17 Hartford 74,215 25 300,000 00 96 New York - 2,764,595 97 2,500,000 00 SAP Baltimore • ! 583,000 00 1,500,000 00 30 Washington 264,949 16 500,000 00 Richmond - E 267,009 60 1,000,00000 2ft | Mot-folk 1 387,251 18 500,000 00 2a 17. Fayetteville 143,870 06 500,000 00 1* Charleston - ! 977,805 52 1,500,000 00 18: Savannah 588,529 39 1,000,000 00 14 Mobile - ! 437,453 30 1 — 10 New Orleans - 1,5*3,609 89 1,000,600 00 6 Natchez 319,599 96 ' *' ML St. Louis ; 273,971 74 18 Nashville 252,265 42 1,000,000 00 20. Louisville 337,757 95 1,250,000 00 IT Lexington 383,805 35 1,000,000 00 M'f'--~Mi L . Ciueianafi 831,112 21 i,7oo;ooooo Pittsburgh 145,428 72 700,000 00 83 Buffalo ; 130,431 78 * "' 25 Utica'".' 3,397 28 26 Burlington 30,155 88 . W M Agency, Cincinnati *••" : _ M a / 30 CJhillicothe - ; V u * ; > c 1 *- ' ■i . ■ '" ""' • ' 13,840,78131 ■""■■' ■ i—1 * ii ■ « ' ■ ' ' ' ' ' ■ ' ■ ■ 1 T - ' ' ' ■■ 1 ■ ■ ' 737,895 75 "15,603 48 13,562,436 88 »; . ■ $3,150,450 16 $60/685 45 $54,724 50 $3,568,328 49^756,460 43 273,815 00 16,954 05 266 00 146,210 00 19 53 725,48000 91,247 65 4,973 50 369,760 00 18,778 02 4,851 00 217,522 50 1,871 03 1,197 00 2,036,967 50 122,636 75 23,907 25 694,677 50 81,460 99 113 73 11,846 75 819,072 50 7,422 46 5,349 93 837,030 00 23,460 18 7,644 50 1,147,090 00 7,012 93 3,360 00 - j 1,417,220 00 5,832 10 536 50 2,392,345 00 32,305 79 18,595 50 2,743,210 00 8,977 36 3,986 56 ! " . ' : ■ 8,323,390 00 15,634 23 7,146,785 00 89,994 89 1,893 75 • 2,634,405 00 54,484 64 774,100 00 7,789 05 42 00 3,538,605 00 83,999 42 1,111,105 00 25,868 56 187 30 2,144,180 00 17,234 69 241 50 1,485,470 00 15,869 06 1,171,245 00 11,022 94 1 879,325 00 12,064 04 306,465 00 1,866 45 455,500 00 3,945 77 1,830 00 39,457 72 ■ 85 00 35,000,000 00 40.943.340 16 Contingent fund. Foreign excharge ac count. $5,915,329 <S i 1 , ! \ i 756,460 43 5,915,389 69 GENERAL STATEMENT-Continued. Dates, Offices. Fund for extin Due to Bank U. guishing cost States and of of banking- fices. houses. 1835. August 31 Bank United States • $1,218,395 43 24 Office, Portland 17 Portsmouth 27 Boston 27 Providence 17 Hartford 26 New York 24 Baltimore 23 Washington 25 Richmond 22 Norfolk 17 Fayetteville 18 Charleston • 18 Savannah 14 Mobile 10 New Orleans 6 Natchez 10 St. Louis 12 Nashville 20 Louisville 17 Lexington 20 Cincinnati 20 Pittsburgh 22 Buffalo 25 Utica c 26 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati * 1 Chillieothe May 30 . 1,218,395 43 $3,377,259 1,083,512 58,515 4,881,897 686,887 298,341 9,116,316 1,814,704 292,855 781,439 47,378 62,305 203,167 119,389 436,678 4,647,634 2,641,165 1,325,937 144,097 1,518,966 113,431 731,431 138,410 1,165,768 570,089 371,405 1,820,902 218,533 32 36 67 86 89 82 32 11 61 60 21 80 63 72 31 89 72 99 19 68 17 78 4t [ 05 99 10 63 37 38,657,314 10 Due to State banks. $905,952 49 25,959 08 1327579 9,730 2,833 883,099 307,665 235,441 10,040 33,787 18,634 927,028 253,715 2,684 9,939 9,171 86,223 19,688 3,248 114,053 11,049 12,964 69 53 26 07 47 58 31 09 17 95 51 15 44 07 92 50 29 85 26 69 Redemption of Deposites on Deposites on ac Deposites on of public debt. account count of public | account of in i Treasurer U. officers. dividuals. ! States. $24,102 17 353 38 13,396 35 1,526 99,077 4,586 58,234 56 48 51 90 3,581 71 24,428 87 *— ' - $3,192 36 275 55 Z 310,940 56 1,190 55 24,975 89 170,000 00 2,194 36 C096 14 10,147 57 $79,837 41,136 681 88,665 26,949 92 129,432 62,115 32,412 4*,171 4,213 26,793 12,245 26^847 16,005 9,190 23,421 9,871 375 49,527 51,157 9,365 24 6,378 38,022 12 $1,961,066 87 22,113 01 83 3,097 05 29 205,590 85 15 25,146 94 28 5,247 83 02 1,398,626 76 06 689,624 57 64 234,696 28 U 211,519 13 62 153,330 89 17 26,712 47 74 852,155 90 50 53,029 84 11 75,083 41 53 487,985 40 52 36,739 79 38 339,190 97 16 82,953 50 50 180,150 81 25 441,437 74 01 225,350 56 15 104,046 58 00 24,519 16 37 4,776 68 03 26,181 81 67 28 4,026,714 07 229,087 93 512,769 27 786,929 54 7,870,462 08 I &* J 54 GENERAL ^ATEMENT-^Contintied. Notes of Bank cf 4ke United States and ofices> in transitu,. auk United Stews iffice, Portland Portsmouth Boston _ . Providence Hartford New York ► Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayefteville Charleston - 465,666 00 Office,Mobile New Orleans 2,000 00 Natchez 11,070 00 St. Louis 20,470 00 Nashville 33,500 00 Louisville 42,950 Off! Lexington 140,880 001 Cincinnati 43,710 00 Pittsburgh ;25,155 00 Buffalo 39,930 00 Utica 38,180 00 93,055 00, 59,840 60* 167,455?©: Total $373,286 00 l,m,4& 00 467,266 00 48^200 00 5WjW 00 63/310 00 36tf5D 00 %>>m oo 94^06 00 132 J90 00 136,980 00 152,486 0X> is 4,»ft,87to« At Parik of the fJnitea* $tet$s. Baring, Brothere,4t Co.^ Hope & Co., and Hottingoer a.nd Oou Bonds and mortgages ^pueby the United States . , . - - Slattinttst of tfe notes of the Bank of the United States and * \ '' actual circulation. ftfeesissued Notes oh hand Notes in transitu Notes in actual circulation - - - - «*M43*3*> t* $13,127,847 50 4,170,870 00 r-,— n,288r217 50 -$83,045,122 66. At oi #0,144 17 Navy agenj Digitized by RECAPITULATION. . BVils discounted on personal security - $31,415,476 91 Bills discounted on bank stock - 2,683,416 56 Bills discounted on other securities - 6,166,432 29 $40,265,325 76 21,521,694 70 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real estate . . . . . Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks Due from the United States' Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and HoUinguer & Co. "Deficiencies Banking-houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of State banks Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Nbrfolk 37,927,313 07 3,080,268 44 $61,787,020 46 671,950 97 1,6718,416 57 41,007,581 51 5,267 32 1,213,185 106,846 1,212,395 130,512 92 48 43 25 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals 13,127,347 50 2^89,806 46 - Capital stock $35,000,000 00 Notes issued 40,943,340 16 Discount, exchange, and interest 737,895 75 Dividends unslaimed 143,603 48 Profit and loss 3,562,436 22 Foreign exchange account 756,460 43 Contingent fund S5,9f5,329 62 Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 4,023,642 31 1,891,687 31 Due to Bank United States and offices 38,657,314 10 Due to State banks 4,026,714 07 42,684,028 17 Redemption of public debt 229,087 93 Fund for extinguishing cost of bankinghouses * 1,218,395 43 Deposites on account of Treasurer of the United States 512,769 27 Less special deposites 185,216 28 327,552 99 786,929 54 7,870,462 08 8,984,941 01' 15,417,153 12,840,781 40,623 40,141 96 31 14 17 . , i: 136,151,879 49 o o BANk OF T H E U N I T E D STATER 136,151,879 49 September 2, UJ3&. S.JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL Dates. 1835. Sept. 23 28 21 24 24 23 26 22 19 22 15 »1 May 3 14 9 21 17 24 24 22 23 21 30 STATEMENT Offices. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe - of the Bank of the United States, and its offices of discount and deposite, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted on personal se curity. $3,514,951 346,588 2,526 2,701,013 486,218 107,193 6,444,054 ' 1,539,550 524,028 1,045,636 223,811 388,928 934,781 208,494 1,038,129 3,371,261 1,095,456 247,205 1,078,918 1,467,198 826,714 1,152,777 607,005 726,260 83,917 221,181 842,133 106,780 Bills discount Bills discount Domestic bills of exchange. ed on bank ed on other securities. stock. 82 151,051,563 00 $4,834,744 85 11 3,000 00 50 3,000 00 25 33,300 00 14,700 00 18 13,640 17 88 11,602 42 04 1,057,300 00 495,442 37 290,160 00 82 48,879 29 7,555 00 31 184,152 10 58 16,950 00 2,572 70 05 55,874 00 101,137 90 8,085 00 99 40,915 16 486,175 77 17 3,000 00 03 12 28,976 35 21,000 00 68 73 4,000 00 38 777 00 38 4,906 50 13 92 70,075 96 900 00 78 00 81,111 62 71 24.000 00 78 329 66 23 3,100 00 23 1,000 00 34 31,335,717 14 3,043,279 94 5,960,646 88 Foreign bills of exchange. Real estate. Due from Bank United States and offices. 01 93 18 37 93 59 46 47 62 01 62 93 84 76 97 76 55 69 56 40 69 81 28 17 15 68 $90,936 65 $184,422 90 $19,290,949 110,322 269,576 249,814 156,449 467,634 2,218,364 300,906 267,410 611,049 204,381 891,419 2,212,419 1.705.563 482,327 1,960,550 1,197,437 1,103,520 1.876.564 394,776 1,129,188 1,300,947 264,951 773,720 690,318 346,812 28,096 19,823,605 43 90,936 65 $1,798,202 899,152 26,082 3,010,143 885,478 36,705 2,342,176 187,943 92,762 892,994 132,052 109,515 133,579 199,908 233,039 3,656,958 2,113,345 628,255 730,973 625,965 403,996 240,761 82,048 143,398 64,230 153,932 640 00 140,957 59,009 45,182 13,866 30 85 50 29 60,336 63,449 157,549 5,752 16,034 04 74 24 74 03 731 57 883,258 70 48,114 10 1,679,305 00 06 98 14 65 71 69 63 88 05 21 35 47 74 66 74 75 05 65 06 56 73 19 73 28 49 78 81 40,505,475 04 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. i; CD o FT Dates. Offices. 1835. 8ept. 28 V 29 21 24 24 14 23 21 26 22 19 21 22 15 11 7 3 11 9 17 21 12 24 24 22 23 21 May 30 Bank United Srates Office, Portland 1 Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe - Due from Slate Losses charge Deficiencies able to contin banks. gent fund. $960,955 37 14,080 02 _ 146,040 16,722 28,488 369,765 117,446 100,465 20,498 6,574 10,393 91,687 11,329 137,187 1,016,471 174,930 2,031 63,872 2,125 6,921 73,049 1,392 36 51 67 27 58 13 28 13 55 21 02 32 75 47 12 84 26 36 32 68 _ 29,058 48 16,641 71 38,703 94 3,456,832 35 $511,470 7,020 107,115 38,494 925 35,775 78,449 1,649,313 254,800 36,464 239,147 103,644 172,256 159,401 456 49,209 19 83 57 56 65 07 08 46 50 46 75 10 59 61 52 98 _ _ 1,991 28 171,868 04 203,833 03 m _ _ _ $976 00 _ «. 34,075 65 118 60 69,376 83 — _ «. _ 160 00 m _ _ _ _ 744 00 75,012 70 395 40 1,000 00 54,634 07 61,905 85 _ _ _ •*• _ _ _ _ 4,013,190 89 106,846 48 Banking houses, Expenses. Treasurer U. States. $413,956 49 $27,260 39 _ 1,672 36 _ _ 1,542 86 _ _ 116,777 02 4,712 26 _ 1,951 58 _. _ 34 54 __ — 89,060 m 11,368 64 _ 110,657 34 4,440 10 _ 34,613 10 12,473 87 $13,099 58 36,024 07 15,500 42 _ 35,109 65 3,098 15 m 13,385 02 2,278 27 _ 67,727 78 9,281 96 _ 42,385 00 3,046 69 _ 24,096 92 3,468 39 _ 48,000 00 13,345 59 _ 19,051 71 3,283 82 ^ 1,329 42 _ _ 15,000 00 2,476 81 _ 45,608 42 3,079 9R _ 32,180 23 2,687 64 _ 23,519 84 5,817 45 170,000 00 22,105 00 2,569 36 2,194 36 3,313 52 _ _ 807 19 _ _ 11,550 00 1,367 16 _ 20,381 10 ~ 1,884 36 1,200,808 28 164,479 86 Notes of Bank Notes of State United States banks. and offices. $449,038 135 52,950 695,120 151,780 3,400 1,192,255 320,340 190,310 18,150 381,075 285,955 424,600 1,099,235 253,735 1,641,160 581,045 442,780 734,670 150,878 654,920 1,115,930 922,595 234,465 12,730 87,520 00 $482,635 84 00 23,951 00 00 5,104 00 00 150,528 00 00 6,036 00 00 12,777 00 00 405,116 64 00 129,116 38 00 21,482 05 00 7,071 99 00 5,762 00 00 51,581 00 00 00 25,250 00 00 21,015 00 00 92,101 00 00 2,812 47 00 00 43,894 07 00 7,212 00 00 120,665 00 00 20,907 00 00 49,525 00 00 3,975 00 00 1,253 75 00 17,783 41 " 185,293 94 12,096,771 00 1,707,575 60 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. — Offices. necie. Capital stock. Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. Profit and loss. for ex Contingent Fund tinguishing fund. cost of bank ing bouses. 1 Bank United Slates $3,223,548 29 $16,450,000 00 $3,297,850 16 $100,165 34 $49,275 00 $3,562,322 49 $5,915,329 6281,218,395 43 266,915 00 Office, Portland 51,837 48 25,635 70 26600 104,730 00 Portsmouih 69 41 19 53 300^000 00 Boston 725,480 00 101,401 56 377,024 22 1,500,000 00 3,724 00 Providence ■ 369,760 00 146,008 45 25,992 05 800,000 00 462 00 Hartford 217,522 50 74,245 73 1,946 36 300,000 00 1,011 50 * New York ■ 2,024,777 83 2,026,752 50 171,106 04 2,500,000 00 21,303 25 Baltimore 521,000 00 694,677 50 31,244 86 1,500,000 00 9,046 75 Washington • 263,531 05 818,402 50 12,734 75 500,000 00 5,349 93 Richmond 268,061 25 822,865 00 1,000,000 00 34,064 05 5,845 50 Norfolk 388,864 36 8,715 26 500,000 00 1,144,835 00 2,593 50 Fayettevilte ■ 142,822 86 8,774 26 500,000 00 1,397,720 00 536 50 Charleston • 974,307 11 41,035 44 1,500,000 00 2,392,345 00 13,618 50 Savannah 589,736 99 9,754 12 1,000,000 00 2,743,210 00 3,745 00 Mobile 567,542 14 2,362,555 00 20,756 20 New Orleans ■ 1,896,351 94 i,ooo7ooo oo 7,152,715 00 111,757 92 1,890 25 Natchefc 319,126 89 2,634,405 00 65,178 67 St. Louis 251,515 61 774,100 00 11,618 50 42 00 Nashville 244,956 41 1,000,000 00 3,537,425 00 45,372 22 Louisville 331,984 58 1,250,000 00 1,111,105 00 35,731 20 187 30 • Lexington 350,872 56 1,000,000 00 2,144,180 00 27,756 06 112 00 Cincinnati 229,374 49 1,700,000 00 1,485,470 00 20,914 87 Pittsburgh B« 148,937 47 700,000 00 1,171,245 00 15,615 18 Buffalo 129,093 63 878,885 00 90,513 62 Utica 2,559 12 306,465 00 2,029 98 Burlington 27,522 95 455,500 00 5,206 66 Agency, Cincinnati 46,338 29 Chillicothe . " 85 00 ■ I 12,545,652 82 35,000,000 Od 141,037,200 16 1,071,378 69 119,008 93 3,562,322 49 5,915,329 69 1,218,395 43 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ;-, Dates. o o FT Due to Bank Due to State United States banks. and offices. Offices. 1835. Sept, 28 Bank United States - $3,963,084 51 * 28 Office, Portland 1,080,995 95 59,915 41 Portsmouth 21 4,773,541 46 Boston 24 596,310 30 Providence 24 265,680 63 Haitford 14 9,374,218 93 New York 23 1,953,843 44 Baltimore 21 295,043 23 Washington 26 781,503 64 Richmond 22 40,161 43 Norfolk 19 41,972 55 Fayetteville 21 220,121 00 Charleston 22 125,938 23 Savannah 15 303,390 26 Mobile 11 New Orleans - 5,019,518 03 7 2,752,033 14 3 Natchez 1,306,631 17 St. Louis 14 146,715 87 Nashville 9 684,199 57 Louisville 17 54,752 18 Lexington 21 762,774 96 Cincinnati 17 262,149 77 Pittsburgh 24 1,056,181 12 24 Buffalo 22 570*089 99 Utica 368,415 10 Burlington 23 1,821,872 56 21 Agency, Cincinnati 218,532 37 Chillicoihe May 30 $824,935 24 6,349 60 m 194,727 63 9,068 76 1,093 35 1,202,012 76 341,530 87 167,917 61 178,974 44 23,836 82 12,784 15 578,232 52 92,219 90 2,684 15 65,420 22 9,300 40 91,865 88 19,826 59 28,248 29 217,768 13 8,483 43 25,867 18 2,738 00 _ 2,942 85 - ■ , ' . . - p a i - : ! — "1 " Redemption of Foreign exchangei Deposites on ac Depositeson ac Deposites on ac count of public count of indi count of Trea public debt. account, viduals. surer U, States, officers. $714,171 62 $24,102 17 « _ m 13,296 35 m y 1,526 96,777 253 58,234 _ _ 56 48 18 90 — _ _ — J _ 3,581 71 24,156 87 . ^ _ _ _ ** J J J J m _ m _ _ ^ _ ^ _ _ _ _ 1 m m _ _ — _ __ j _ _ _. _ - - $9 16 ( 275 65) _ — T67.136 14 1,190 55 _ 50,975 89 170,000 00 2,194 36 _ — — - 14 #1,413,865 04 33,451 36 10 a,097 05 67 148,764 19 50 23,974 84 06 2,605 84 02 1,204,467 53 16 666,849 78 59 218,284 23 11 235,896 06 96 138,697 39 23 22,382 30 56 789,520 04 57 48,326 64 _ 44,429 81 27,342 TO 428,080 85 16,005 53 35,956 96 ^9,615 52 307,878 94 22,142 24 92,016 06 11,851 16 150,205 73 375 50 352,123 94 41,861 20 219,243 01 43,322 71 90,420 08 8,990 66 9,908 57 _ 6,611 45 8 20 12,625 07 46,453 81 $66,990 44,147 844 76,732 26,982 92 131,492 56,383 31,792 40,210 3,395 34,696 9,002 " CO 67 28 * 38,902,586 85 4,108,827 77 1 ! 231,939 22 714,171 62 391,781 65 750,730 90 6,708,750 04 00 [ 1"*S ] 60 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah - $12,140 00 Office, 8,345 00 1 61,210 00 [ 44,150 00 39,280 00 89,165 00 116,335 00 45,975 00 21,225 00 1 76,855 00 122,470 00 170,665 00 143,340 00 271,530 00 - - Mobile New Orleans Natchez St Louis Nashville -» Louisville • Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington - ' $231,455 00 969,70 00 661,015 00 91,33>00 275,010 00 160,295 00 221,955 00 38,32040 73,030 00 .232,130 00 193,455 00 167,815 00 4,537^355 00 Total - ■ ■ i. N M Bank of the United States. . Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Bonds and mortgages . ► Pue by the United States - - $1,719,961 44 40,623 14 5,267 38 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu . . . . . $41,037,200 16 $12,096,77100 4,537,355 00 16,634,126 00 Notes in actual circulation $24,403,074 16 At office, Norfolk. $40,144 17 Navy agent Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on persona] security - $31,335,717 14 Bills discounted on bank stock . - 3,043,279 94 Bills discounted on other se curities • - 5,960,646 88 Domestic bills of exchange - " . Foreign bills of exchange • Real estate - . Due from Bank United Stares and offices Due from State banks - $40,339,643 96 19,8-23,605 43 $60,163,24939 90,936 65 1,679,305 00 40,505,475 04 3,456,832 35 43,962,307 39 5,267 32 Due from the United States Baring; Brothers, & Cp., Hope & Co., and Hottraguer&Co.- ' Deficiencies♦ Banking houses Cash, via: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of the State banks - 1,719,961 106,846 1,200,808 164,479 44 48 28 86 Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals 12,096,771 00 1,707,575 60 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk 13,804,346 12,545,652 40,623 40,144 206,487 71 750,730 90 6,708,750 04 7,665,968 65 60 82 14 17 135,523,928 54 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, Capital stock $35,000,000 00 41,037,200 16 Notes issued . . . . 1,071,378 69 Discount, exchange, and interest 119,008 98 Dividends unclaimed 3,562,322 49 Profit and loss 714,171 62 Foreign exchange account $5,915,329 62 Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 4,013,190 89 1,902,138 73 Due to Bank United States and offices - 38,902,586 80 Due to State banks . . . 4,108,827 77 43,011,414 97 221,929 22 Redemption of public debt Fund for extinguishing cost of banking 1,218,395 43 houstes Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the United States 391,781 65 Less special deposites 185,293 94 135,523,928 54 October 3,1835. S. JAUDON, Cashier. Digitized by Google MONTHLY RETURNS or PENNSYLVANIA BANK OF THB UNITED STATES!, FROM MARCH, 1836, TO NOVEMBER, 1837. * Digitized by Google GENERAL MONTHLY Dates. o FT Domestic bills of exchange. Real estate. Foreign bills of exchange. i Due from Bank United States and offices. 17,998,368 73 ■ II ■ s "*$4,947,068 76 $2,833,600 00 fol6,2S3,815 95 $1,455,057 50 383,395 03 32,760 78 v — _ 11,560 00 585,928 75 1,114,065 96 30,100 00 I _ 77,865 63 823 73 _ 1,500 00 38,273 07 11,842 00 — 2,309,367 11 1,425,547 36 4,287,108 31 _ 52,257 90 169,209 38 _ 8,613 19 348,453 01 3,500 79 ■ 195,468 29 • 8,288 78 191,101 73 | 291,750 16 15,879 78 17,311 65 10,652 34 116,081 27 35,389 52 _ 800 00 17,532 18 200 00 1 3,000 00 253,252 19 66,164 00 ^ 685,600 62 1,102,271 72 \" — _ 25,403 34 4,972,914 86 21,000 00 3,528,712 36 1 3,671,340 80 * 3,196 34 — _ 115,844 07 1,912 50 _ _ 2,205,690 48 134,858 20 _ _ 4,906 50 322,372 69 449,301 56 — 82,181 48 317,432 94 —" _ —"' ~ _ — _ 2,133 46 75,78f> 96 87,621 20 _ 943,771 30 ~ - $114,285 41 _ — — — _ _ _ _ —, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ - 1 I — _ _ _ — $51,160 69 135,868 58,938 44,821 13,866 ' _ . « _ _ 60,336 64,914 5,752 16,034 731 743,678 58 85 84 29 14 43 74 03 57 13 817,638,039 61,495 811,790 223,187 45,949 549,768 49 65 23 16 07 17 154,019 910,235 71,390 944,599 543,155 782,258 3,707,411 79,360 1,202,394 230,973 54,687 197,146 537,300 363,248 50 24 22 79 40 87 28 18 57 41 59 60 00 90 -V o eg. Bills discounted Bills discount Bills discount on personal se ed on bank ed on other curity. slock. securities. Offices. 1836. March 31 Bank United States 21 Office, Portland 24 Boston 24 Providence 14 Hartford 30 New York 21 Baltimore 26 Washington 22 Richmond 19 Norfolk 21 Fayetteville 22 Savannah 18 Mobile 14 New Orleans 5 Natchez 14 St. Louis 16 Nashville 19 Louisville -24 Cincinnati 24 Pittsburgh . 23 Burlington 21 Agency, Cincinnati STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its offices of discmint and depth '-» site, at the dates herein mentioned. "7 2,951,512 09 18,914,95> 98 16,524,419 68 114,285 41 1,196,103 19 29,108,111 31 03 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. 1 Dates. . Offiees. ... , °* 1836. March 31 Bank United States 21 Offlce/Pbrtland 24 Boston 24 Providence Hartford 14 New York 30 21 Baltimore Washington S6 22 Richmond Norfolk 19 Pafetteville 21 Savannah S2 Mobile 18 ' $?ew Orleans 14 Uatehei 5 St. Louis 14 Nashville 16 Louisville 19 : Cincinnati 24 .Pittsburgh B4 Burlington 23 21 Agency, Cincinnati - o o eg. Due from Slate banks. Losses charge Deficiencies. able to con tingent fund. Bankinghouses. Expenses. $939,554 17 $2,913,071 73 35b 18 20,087 87 13,630 25 38,494 56 _ 925 65 6,319 87 _ 765,351 97 78,064 12 695 19 _ 49,463 11 257,426 63 70,541 38 34,550 45 13,623 69 239,147 75 4,772 20 112,734 23 28,755 44 159,401 61 243 40 456 52 365,836 75 49,209 98 108,189 69 "" -_ — 3,516 75 1,991 28 9,623 86 203,423 57 61,172 45 ^ 2,061 91 72,900 19 1,212 43 20000 66,116 30 | - $72,075 88 _ 1,842 85 _ $76,212 52 6,953 68 $976 00 3,930 40 "" _ __ __ — _ 16,191 65 34,075 65 ^ 1,743 26 225 60 34,613 10 12,465 86 69,376 83 36,024 07 16,271 41 _' 35,109 65 3,498 32 . 13,385 02 550 10 _ 42,385 00 3,731 17 26,689 52 24,096 92 6,291 11 _ 15,118 47 1 22,242 22 _ 19,733 31 4,657 83 519 10 1 1 2,280 46 •_ 745 00 I 2,962 26 h _ 5,132 88 1 — 1,166 28 1 .2,114 89 •1,000 00 22,105 00 1,697 19 '— 11,550 00 179 54 10,979 30 2,444,923 69 149,913 45 4,248,202 44 1 315,214 59 Treasurer U. States. _ Notes of Bank Notes of S:ate United States banks. and offices. $8,326,470 20,845 1,105,700 i 192,745 5,000 850,595 ] _ «. _ — $12,429 08 _ _ _ ! _ 406,595 21,145 372,130 211,535 1,100,600 00 00 00 00 00 1 1,043,790 72,840 372,670 961,405 732 801,430 379,000 249,485 00 00 00 00 95 00 00 00 30,874 00 38,785 00 17,030 15 184,623 44 16,794,713 71 2,284,082 84 | . _ _ _ — _ * 170,000 00 2,194 36 I 197,792 25 76 #1,827,561 25 00 18,524 00 00 158,498 00 00 4 14 00 9,003 00 00 113,243 50 33,508 23 11,419 73 3,955 00 5,908 31 15,768 53 It * GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. Dates. 1836. March 31 21 24 24 14 30 21 26 22 19 21 32 18 14 5 14 16 19 24 24 23 21 Capital stock. Offices. Notes issued. Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. interest. Bank United States - $2,324,827 35 $35*000,000 00 $8,257,837 66 $187,490 97 $205,529 250,020 00 9,007 17 ; 37,118 39 Office, Portland' 87 662,940 00 43,786 62 Boston 1,081 353,145 28 361,565 00 Providence 16 76 3 113,227 50 Hartford 445 1,095 64 770 57 New York 1,668,937 50 146,301 05 19,532 675,149 06 Baltimore 128 00 Washington 750,647 50 454 228,115 32 8,834*15 Richmond 754,735 00 267,904 42 2,453 91 ' 8,337 Norfolk \ 1,078,920 00 2,31? 188,610 93 2,525 84 Fayetteville 1,275,480 00 1,003 44 94 37 Savannah 2,636,000 00 1,666 464,949 31 10,355 99 Mobile 2,235,750 00 25,770 38 New Orleans 6,159,845 00 1 104,702 26 2,404 90,984 00 Natchez 2,567,290 00 108,778 63 1,552 20 St. Louis 42 721,970 00 44,699 14 507 58 Nashville 3,431,270 00 221,550 44 15,012 36 Louisville 835,875 00 41,245 72, I Cincinnati 40,268 06 1,416,210 00 75 00 Pittsburgh r 57,495 24 1,062,465 00 128 63 1 Burlington 24,782 96 379,435 00 1,410 62 Agency, Cincinnati 56,208 82 23,037 72 Profit and loss. Foreign ex Contingent fund. change ac count. 00 $3,765,520 17$1,003,052 41 $5,943,30802 50 50 50 00 75 43 50 00 00 75 00 i " 35,000,000 00 36,620,420 16 5,079,460 00 ■» J- ' ■ *) i , . . 'i i 1 ■ "i '' i n 732,434 30 241,900 93 f - ■ 3,765,520 17 1,003,052 41 4943,308 02 in ■ ' GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT-CWtiimecL Offices. Dates. Fnnd for ex Contingent Baring, Broth's, Due to Bank Due to State tinguishing interest. & Co., Hope & United States bauks. cost ofbank Co,, and Hot- and offices. ing houses. tinguer & Co. Common wealth of Pennsyl vania. Deposites on acc't of Trea surer United States. Deposites Deposites on on acc't of acc't of in public of- dividuals. cers. 1836. Mar. 31 Bank United Stales - #1,104,223 09 656,323 51 !$1,547,09*0 75 #,311,667 94 $632,694 16 $98,721 43 $26,005 93 #1,177,151 32 21 Office, Portland 317,054 78 625 61 105 69 1 #25 CO 24 Boston 3,523,609 13 26,325 67 40,539 51 7,736 79 24 Providence 979 80 136,737 67 1,143 98 14 Hartford 2,585 00 336 00 1,618 58 30 New York 210,068 61 8,593,549 16 476,195 08 5,128 07 1,841 72 21 Baltimore 172,753 89 26,648 88 58,450 61 26 Washington 37,308 24 899,469 06 626 71 ; 183,425 20 22 Richmond 81,330 54 39,555 74 1,100,277 19 5,318 22 19 Norfolk 42,217 06 2,650 47 68,094 26 2,606 45 21 FayettevIIle 191 40 43,979 08 933 40 Savannah 22 1,683 24 19,643 89 v Mobile 18 8,283 79 358,loi 51 14 New Orleans 13,075 23 7,497,737 14 1 3,64l 12 61,217 76 5 Natchez 4,7-tI 74 25,224 67 1,547,030 56 ! 7,844 74 14 St. Louis 1,435 00 1,021,136 04 739 01 398 52 16 Nashville 46,976 15 338,402 62 8,136 26 19 Louisville 16,752 19 220,574 59 648 50 24 Cincinnati 2,243 83 117,210 37 170,000 00 3,820 24 24 Pittsburgh 38,873 71 7,219 88 19,655 10 6 24 2,194 36 23 Burlington 1,093 82 451,997 23 21 Agency, Cincinnati 1,797,716 13 1 1,104,223 09 656,328 51 1,547,090 75 29,422,189 17 1,333,342 57 98,721 43 204,067 37 46,357 47 2,128,429 70 [128] *8 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Confuraaf, Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu, Bank United States New York Baltimore* Richmond Fayetteville Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis $238,445 00 199,560 00 49,600 60 947,300 00 120,225 00 8,210 00 230,445 00 241,435 00 71,865 00 29,515 00 Office, Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Flica • ■. ~ •ess 23,70$ 00 20,300 00 m , 7 8 5 00> 41,170 00* lOvWOOOii Total • - $1,670,51010* \ nm m m mm m m^ At Bank of the Untied States. Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States ' Bank of the United States chartered by CongressBonus- 5,267 3 * 599,288 12 ^.OOO-W At office/ Norfolk, Navy agent - - ftf0,144VT Statement of the-notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued" Notes on hand Notes in transitu' - $86,620,430 1* -$16,794,713 71 . 1,670,310 00 ~ 18,465,023 7f Notes in actual circulation'- -- $18,155,396* 4fr Digitized by Google D*. Bills discounted on personal . security $17,998,368 73 Bills discounted on bank stock - 2,951,512 09 Bills discounted on other se curities * -18,914,952 98 Domestic bills of exchange ■ RECAPITULATION. $39,864,833 16,524,419 Foreign bills of exchange ♦ Real estate - " - «• Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks 29,108,111 2,444,923 Due from the United Stares Deficiencies Banking houses ; Expenses ■'< > -! Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices 16,794,713 2,284,083 Notes of the State banks ecie . Spec Mori lortgages Navy agent, Norfolk j~; Bank United States, chartered by Congress Bonus . . . . 31,053,035 5,267 149,912 315,214 197,792 00 32 45 59 25 19,078,196 5,079,460 56,037 40,144 599,288 640,000 55 00 67 17 12 00 - i BANS OP THE UNITED STATES, $56,389,253 48 114,285 41 1,196,103 19 115,414,590 20 Ct(. Capital stock * $35,000,000 00 36,620,420 16 Noies issued 732,434 33 Discounts, exchange, aiid interest * V 241,900 93 Dividends unclaimed 3,765,520 17 Profit and loss 1^5,943,308 02 Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 4,248,202 44 1,695,105 68 Due to Bank United States and offices - 29,422,189 17 1,333,372 57 Due to State Banks 30,755,561 74 1,003,052 41 Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co*, Hope & Co., arid 1,547,090 75 Hottinguer & Co. 98,721 43 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Fund for extinguishing cost of banking 1,104,223 09 houses Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the United States . ' ■ - * . 204,067 37 184,623 44 Less special deposites Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals Contingent interest 19,443 93 46,357 47 2,128,429 70 2,194,231 10 656,328 51 115,414,590 20 April 2,1835, i COWPKRTHVVAITE, Acting Cashier. GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its offices of discount and depo sitee at the dates herein mentioned. . / Dates. ' ... Offices. . Bills discounted ] Bills discount Bills discount on personal se ed on bank ed on other securities. curity. stock. 1836. May 2 Bank United Stales - $5,167,556 35 $2,834,606 00 1 _ April 15 Office, Portland _ 88 Boston 438,455 67 33,300 00 22 Providence • 823 73 Mar. 14 Hartford 38,273 07 11,843 00 _ April 26 New York 2,807,966 66 1 16 Baltimore 1 169,209 38 — 83; Washington 3,511 29 331,897 11 12 Richmond 15,879 78 289,070 16 83 Norfolk 30,719 74 129,791 28 11 Fayetteville 30000 17,532 18 19 j Savannah 47,960 29 — [ ^ 15! Mobile 2,271 72 New Orleans 110,432 88 I H **' 9 Natchez 7,203 34 • l 11 St. Louis 1,912 50 1 — ■ 13 Nashville 129,607 20 83 Louisville 398,053 31 — 31 Cincinnati 317,432 94 \ w 81 Pittsburgh _• „ 37 Burlington 21,811 75 Mar. 31 Agency, Cincinnati ? 943,771 30 i- o 1 o eg. FT U,371,031 83 . itlnh . . . !- i n » ■ i .ii■ tmwmi+) m 'n m ii '■ . ■■ II ) i ■ ■ i P _ m . ■ ' ■ ' ' ■ \ ■.■>■ i' $2,377,174 269,176 707,860 1,458 w » " ■ ■ i ■■■ I , ■ ■ 76 $U4,285 41 24 1 — 48 w 16 ^. 1 w 8,379,912 72 3,378 61 7,744 76 59,417 53 _ 800 00 287,292 83 404,489 30 4,595,218 13 3,483,598 48 54,800.00 2,061,636 R7 250,404 43 65,881 48 __ 18,866 89 1 <»• ■ ! 3,930,058 81 33,967,348 74 ■ 00 Due from Bank United States and offices. Real estate. ! $20,288,835 05 1 — 11,000 00 j 1,500 00 I 3,367,270 37 48,879 29 206,732 04 8,288 78 2,789 25 1 — 2,500 00 -* i 34,863 46 ^ ^ _ 4,690 50 _ ^ ^ - . t ■ Foreign bills of exchange. Domestic bills of exchange. . . 1 i ^ m ^ — - . _ • _ j 1 r» - - ■ ■ —— «* $51,160 69 45,949 07 532,708 67 134,393 58 58,938 85 44,936 84 112,285 28 939,171 77 248,781 32 ^ _ ,. ^ _ 60,336 81,544 5,753 16,034 _ 743,678 -<■ I $12,599,701 16 65,635 58 438,101 33 mm 1 ! 04 63 74 03 962,631 93 1,982,040 13 4,152,504 57 86,031 83 1,261,590 85 230,599 46 21,652 53 212,646 60 538,345 35 367,386 30 13 . 17,029,111 67 114,385 41 1,196,775 53 . ■■ ■ ■ * 84,797,763 6* © GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—ContinuecL Dates. Offices. Due from State Losses charge Deficiencies. able to con banks* tingent fund. Banking houses* Expenses. Treasurer U. States. Notes of Bank Nores of Stale United Slates banks; and offices. 1636. $8,655,280 76 $2,016,207 44 $114,313 06 May 2 i Bahk United States - $1,461,372 60 !$3,100,429 58 ~ 18,790 00 8,319 00 2,798 08 April 15 Office, Portland $296 17 30,087 87 _ . _ 281,950 00 40,989 00 6,953 68 28 Boston 65,35* 91 74,707 08 _ _ _ m 189,015 00 22 Providence _ _ _ _ «. _ 5,000 00 9,003 00 Mar. 14 Hartford 6,319 87 i _ _ _ ^ t i 327,425 00 97,582 00 21,181 49 April 26 New York 633,937 55 78,064 12 _ m $34,613 10 ; 34,075 65 16 Baltimore 695 19 — 380,230 00 10,464 86 36,024 07 14,498 49 $12,635 31 225 06 23 Washington 74,959 93 257,301 63 22,145 00 17,033 00 12 Richmond 103,415 38 34,550 45 ■ 69,376 83 35,109 65 «. 6,448 93 227,080 00 13,866 29 3,571 94 23 Norfolk 6,188 35 239,032 75 1 ^ _ ii 211,535 00 42,385 00 550 10 11 Fayetteville 4,772 20 13,385 03 _ 5,635 00 910,310 00 24,096 92 5,172 48 26,689 52 19 Savannah 42,838 58 159,401 61 ^ 6,557 17 J5 Mobile 243 40 456 52 _ 884,475 00 29,235 76 11 New Orleans 267,835 77 13,472 29 49,209 98 _ — 369,595 00 8,887 98 2 Natchez 14,869 51 _^ J m 372,655 00 2,492 56 11 St. Louis 5,280 39 788 54 __ __ A 160,445 00 811,520 00 3,426 81 13 Nashville 12,705 55 760 00 1,991 28 _ 1,393 61 7,749 06 22 Louisville 12,499 15 245,089 96 _ _ _ 21,903 00 798,630 00 2,478 75 170,000 00 1,186 28 21 Cincinnati 113,522 21 _ — 38,785 00 1,850 67 2,194 36 378,000 00 32,105 00 21 Pittsburgh 2,061 91 72,529 19 1,000 00 7,147 38 363 26 249,485 00 27 Burlington J 2,481 57 _ _, _ 10,979 30 Mar. 21 jAgency, Cincinnati 66,116 30 " i. mji o o o 2,818,870 45 4,414,834 91 147,872 88 208,200 03 260,093 64 184,829 67 15,094,514 37 " ■ " - ■ • — ■ 2,422,829 61 — aENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. 1 - Offices. 1 I© Notes issued. Discount, ex change, and interest. Capital stock. Specie. Dividends unclaimed. Profit and loss. cm Contingent fund. Foreign ex change ac count. .1836. May a Sank United States - $4,246,956 59 | $35,000,000 00 $10,825,387 66 $306,051 65 $182,135 00 #3,765,520 17 $981,867 67 $5,943,308 09 April g 33 Mar. 14 April 26 ie n flj Office, Portland Boston Proyidenc* Hartford New York Baltimore Washington 1 Richmond ! Norfolk Fayetteyille -' Savannah - Mobile ,.t New Orleans Natchez i $t. Louis, 1 1$ 11 ^T tj ^^ §I1 ** Jttfc si (D o FT Nashville Louisville Cincinnati Pittsburgh ^ , _ Btirlington AfrtUji Cincinnati i 13 65 1,558 18 4-60 1,095 64 64,559 02 *J5,986 0,765 2,637 1,003 64,234 45 14 58 44 04 ^ - 3,272 15 1,349 89 44,69284 815,571 16 - 2,000 00 57,77*47 24,782 76 56,208 82 - _ ; 5,020,471 42 j „ _ — «. i _ *• » „ «, „ _ _ ._ » _ ^ - ! 250,020 00 639,720 00 49,026 58 87 50 714 00 113,227 50 1,611,292 50 770 57 171,833 11 445 00 16,501 75 735,237 50 754,735 00 940,615 00 11,879 19 2,713 63 3,012 33 2,498,000 2,235,750 6,159,845 2,567,290 721,970 | 3,431,270 ! 835,875 1,416,210 1,062,465 378,985 - _ 11,356 00 00 25,77*0 00 124,114 00 108,778 00 507 00 15,217 00 1 57,912 00 463 00 243 00 1,925 23,037 35,000,000 00 37,177,895 16 02 38 97 63 58 07 15 89 66 55 72 914,614 88 321 7,266 1,249 94 1,491 43 50 50 37 00 I [ * 2,131 75 49 00 . 212,479 80 3,765,590 17 981,867 6} 5,943,308 09 J 1_^, GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. > Dates. Offices. ■ ■ Fund for ex Contingent Baring, Broth's J Due to Bank Due to State J. Lawrence, banks. treasurer, tinguishing interest; & Co., Hope & United States canal comCo., and Hot- and offices. cost of bank [ missioners. tinguer & Co. ing houses. 1836. May 2 Bank United States - $1,104,223 09 782,052 24 $956,213 36 $2,886,263 Ap'l 15 Office, Portland 125,103 1,382,140 Boston 28 _ _ 191,301 Providence 22 _ _ _ 336 Hartford Mar. 14 _» _ _ 6,312,736 New York Ap'l 26 + • _ 83,621 Baltimore 16 _ 884,071 Washington * 23 _ _ 814,789 Richmond 12 _ -. i 37,710 Noriblk _ , _ 262,425 Fayetteville 11 _ _ Savannah 19 _ _ _ <_ 178,388 Mobile 15 ^ _ _ 3,817,029 New Orleans 11 _ _ 1,272,756 Natchez 2 _ _ 1,019,288 St. Louis 11 _ _ _ 195,670 Nashville 13 _ _ — 111,803 Louisville 83 _ _ — 118,742 Cincinnati 21 _ _ I 19,655 21 Pittsburgh _ _ „. 310,347 Burlingion 27 _ m 1,797,716 Mar. 31 Agency, Cincinnati — i _ ?? 1,104,233 09 782,052 24 72 $403,847 37 $141,542 43 37 4,892 80 93 _ 49 _ 00 37 630,388 04 — 4,702 76 79 _ 32,766 88 95 — 36 _ _ 1,726 51 55 _ 06 _£ F 3,945 91 L _ 51 _ 2,758 52 97 90 *• _ . r 1,435 00 1 2 25 i w 99 _ j _ 92 _ r _ 54 L 2,197 33 10 7,249 88 _ 23 _ _ 13 *■ _ 956,213 36 31,821,900 13 1,095,915 00 ■ Deposites on ace* t of Treasurei U. States. D^posites 1 Deposites on on acc't of account of public offi individuals. cers. 1526,005 9b $25 00 . s ^ !■ | _ _ r _ _ 1,618 58 _ 5,128 07 48 92 578 71 I 5,218 76 1 935 55 933 40 P L [ 1,399 7,243 mm 739 01 230 8,136 _ : 1 34 12 84 26 170,000 00 3,820 24 2 97 2,194 36 - - #1,257,032 07 9,882 73 13,634 02 2,585 613,839 167,913 142,623 75,353 31,982 191 15,568 6,935 23,240 15,466 00 53 57 77 49 36 40 83 79 44 38 38,305 05 17,486 11 38,873 71 1,067 13 141,542 43 204,067 3730,191 69 2,471,981 37 9 ' £ 1*8 ] 74 GENERAL MONTHLY $TATEMENT--Continued. Notes of Batik of the United States "and offices, in transitu. $1,311,560 00 29,330,00 667,360 00 51,860 00 2,670 00 153,530 00 5,170 00 251,470 00 159,920 00 15,630 00 70,755 00 1,657,145 00 Bank United States Office, Boston , , New York Baltimore Washington * Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville ' Charleston .Savannah Mobile , New Orleans Office, Natchez St. Louis Nashville . .Louisville, . Lexington' Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica - $83,445 00 31,965 00 107,770 00 66,025 00 27,280 00 22,030 00 65,990 00 •41,370 00 " 10,000 00 - Total 4,833,215 00 V.T-1, ^ V At Bank of the United States. $56,037 67 5,267 32 599,288 12 600,000 00 334,138 51 Bonds and mortgages V ~ - ' , Due by the United State* ^ .. - , . ,Bank United States chartered by Congress Bonus Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania At office, Norfolk. $40,144 17 Navy agent Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu Notes in actual circulation -$37,177,895 16 $15,094,514 37 4,832,215 00 -^— 19,926,729 37 - - - - - Digitized by - .$17,251,165 72 DR. RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security -#11,371,031 82 Bills discounted on bank stock 5,920,058 81 Bills discounted on other securities - 22,967,348 74 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real esiate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks Due from the United States Deficiencies Banking-houses "Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of State banks Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Bank United States chartered by Congress Bonus Commonwealth of Pennsylvania % i [$37,258,439 37 17,029,111 67 $54,287,551 04 114,285 41 1,196,775 53 24,797,763 63 2,818,870 45 27,616,634 5,267 147,872 208,200 260,093 08 32 88 03 64 17,517,343 5,020,471 56,037 40,144 599,288 600,000 334,138 98 42 66 17 12 00 51 15,094,514 37 2,422,829 61 ~ 108,004,103 80 O o B A N K OP T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S , May 2, 1836. ■ CR. Capital stock $35,000,000 00 Notes issued 37,177,895 16 Discount, exchange, and interest 914,614 88 Dividends unclaimed 212,479 80 Profit and loss 3,765,520 17 Contingent fund * - $5,943,508 42 Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 4,414,834 91 1,528,473 11 Due to Bank United States and offices - 21,821,900 13 Due to State banks 1,095,911 00 22,917,811 13 Foreign exchange account 981,867 67 Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope&Co., and 956,213 36 Hottinguer & Co. . . . J. Lawrence, treasurer of the canal com missioners 141,542 43 Fund for extinguishing cost of bankinghouses 1,104,223 09 Deposites on account of Treasurer of the United States 204,067 37 Less special deposites • 184,829 67 19,237 70 Deposites on account of public officers 30,191 69 Deposites on account oi individuals 2,471,981 37 Contingent interest 782,052 24 * : 108,004,103 80 f—\ GENERAL MONTHLY ^ , Dates. Offices. STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its offices of discount and depo sitee at the dates herein mentioned. -- r Bills discounted; Bills discounted on personal se on bank stock. curity. ,U836. May 3 0 . Bank United States L 1« Office, Portland 86 Boston fc... ; Aprfl 82 Providence Birch 14 Hartford May 84 New York • 94 Baltimore ■ 81 i? Washington: 24 Richmond 31 Norfolk Fayettevillc as 17 Savannah" - 1 Mobile .a8 New Orleans April 30 Natchez p St. t o u i s Nashville i Louisville 31 19 Cincinnati 86 Pittsburgh S3 Utica _ _ . Burlington, *,,::■ 8 6 April 18 Agency,. Cincinnati_ - May fi 1 ■M&tii*-'j-":? ' $15,589,588 89 r* 8,688 30 21,811 75 541,706 36 L 1,500 00 3,126,830 17 _ 332,383/ 48 339,873 43 129,367 81 17,533 18 43,460 39 1,933 05 110,432 88 1 181,038 39 t 1,918*4 137,380 36 417,027 25 3,374 30 ' 15,605 58 87,719; 74 800 00 ■ 84,863 46 mm _ 4,690 50 . — ^ - t «» ^ ^•T 5,329 66 *" 4 $268,385 06 8,344 76 , ^ 1 2,537,731 35 3,500 00 — -' " - : 188,466 52 37,069 97 3,789 35 ^ -— ^ —* _ *_ ** .. $1,593,793 89 197,571 08 1,086,987 11 1,458 16 •• > -\ , ' 11,848 00 Real estate. Foreign bills of exchange. F ■ _„ 6 , 3 0 0 00 [ Domestic bills of exchange. $21,125,294 40 $3,837,006 00 — 116,804 18 823 73 38,373 07 1,699,088 10 Bills discounted on other securi ties. , [ 900 00 L 333,599 05 f 323,418 04 1 4,486,39$ 93 2,967,866 76 . 22,000 00 1,661,642 06 214,832 94 23,279 70 ! 16,003 46 - ^ _^ _ $186,893 58 57,903 75 Sffg g * — _. — - f \ i^ 64,3^04 63,59F 19 13,158 74 MS 744,178 13 •'■:' 9,598,034 67 r 2,928,547 52 84,*»,323 93 15,362,543 69 268,385 06 [;^.,.fT:VV:.,,t!t ; ^ GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued, r . Jttes*- . r • . » as March 11 • ' ; a: 9ft r. - u V'-"; « 21 95 « # ->i< ■ 95a:n if 96 991 96 I f n L. - 1836. Uay Offices, Dae from Bank 1 Due from State Losses chargeable i ^ffffi^i. United Slates I ta contingent and offices^ ' ■ fund. iBi&Mrnilad State* Office, ftmlaaa * Boston . ProvidenceHarffbrft flTew¥<Jrk BaKimottr Washington i Bic$&&6fid mttiblk'! Bjffjtgvjlle . » . - L J ! r v f Mobile Ne*r Orleans • 1 Nalcfce* S t IxitUs Jfeslivilfe . fcouisvilte Cinciixnaii - 1 Pittsburgh Ulica * | ' BnrJingtoa ^gpuey^Cmciwiai* - $1,273,305 38 1 "' 1,8Q9 89 ©,996 40 1 ' $3,241,275 58; ' 20,087 87 74,707 08 ! 7£,064 12 ^ 128,085 28 [ 1,000,048 i56 244,663 48 1 41,043 64 72,577 67 1 11,823 61 t 257,30163, 29,989 71 ; 23j8>673 43) 1,048,866 54 | 1,980,768 32 f 3,323,340 JB5 [ 234,300 16 1,101,92706 [ 585,551 82 I 20,145 53 521,656 nfi. 35,477 06 f[ 94340 552,987 23 34,083 30 4,093 37 F _ t 18,640 33 •> S0,502 17 2,06191 89254 159,401 61 456 52: 49,209 98! 99 ■ C """ 2,522,000 28 ■i ■ n "$309 75 719 67 * 23,439,669 23 ! J1 'U-'l-J i 6,31^873 392,142 51 I '"* ' ^ 369,994 f f $11,750,079 61 69,555 86 501,505 12 > 45,949 07 423,230 92 [ | 1 - • - *—— *■ Expenses. Banking-houses* Deficiencies. ■■■■■■I i IIU n p i •' ■ ■-. ■ - • ■ > -*•* _ * !' 516 54 760 00 *• * 1,991 28 945,613 09 ; > — — i • * ■ U5,445 66 4,465,369 77 i ■ »- '?V',',T'"" T' " "" " ■ ' >imm W I I I 23,283 1$ 10 07 65 02 00 92 F [ ^ — ^ ^ 92,105 00 ^ •* ^ '- 57: &,116 30: $61,160 69 if • "« ^^ i 1,000 00 ^ ^ 8,481 $97,328 5(1 2,765 41 15,918 80 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 42,385 24,096 346 74 69,376 83 28,943 84 13,472 29 ~~ ^ ii in 258,879 45 16,855 17,456 3,602 1,907 5,733 6,715 29,954 9,106 3,140 3,463 8,762 2,997 2,182 743 363 19,136 47 30 79 40 71 27 05 6$ 85 41 1* 1$ 36 90 26 7T 264,417 15 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. ~~{Dates. Offices. 1836. . May 30 Bank United States 16 Office, Portland 36 Boston Providence April 32 Hartford March 14 New York May 34 Baltimore 24 Washington - : 31 Richmond 34 Norfolk 31 Payetteville 35 Savannah 17 Mobile 3 New Orleans 3 Natchez April 30 St. Louis May 9 Nashville / 11 Louisville 31 Cincinnati • 19 Pittsburgh 36 Utica 33 Burlington 35 April 18 Agency, Cincinnati - Treasurer of the United States. Notes of Bank Notes of Slate United States banks. and offices. The United Capital stock at States' cap Bank United ital stock. States. Specie. Notes issued. $11,015,920 76 $1,813,664 40 $4,268,601 00 $6,875,200 00 $28,124,800 00 24,820 00 20 46 189,015 00 5,000 00 713,298 00 $16,029 51 170,000 00 2,194 36 384,845 118,670 220,645 213,005 898,640 00 00 00 00 00 2,2537865 367,300 372,655 991,395 2,253 798,130 378,000 10,038 251,930 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 06 00 4 60 1,095 64 19,727 76 9,003 00 154,674 00 11,569 00 6,889 61 2,000 00 16,810 00 74,404 570 2,773 1,004 14,309 96 21 54 73 57 895 00 3,273 31 1,386 35,502 02 22 76 83 21,903 00 41,685 00 19,210,425 22 2,087,059 70 113,227 50 1,547,792 50 | i 1 1 1 i 79,850 33 4,957 69 ! 188,223 87 $11,236,547 «6 245,160 00 2,463,180 2,235,750 6,159,845 2,567,290 711,110 3,386,570 803,665 1,395,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 i 24,782 19 1,542 83 4,528",881 65 730,742 50 719,645 00 940,615 00 378,965 00 6,875,200 00 28,124,800 00 35,635,125 IC GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT-Continued. , , ™ j _ . _ Dates. I : Offices. Discount, ex , Dividends un- Profit and loss. change, and claimed. ' interest. ■ ^ 1 & > . ; y . r v - -.,, , May 30, Bank Ujited'States 16 Office, Portland 96 Boston April 33 Providence Hartford March 14 New York - 1 Baltimore Washington - | | Richmond Norfolk % Fayette ville 85 [ Savannah It Mobile New Orleans Natchez April 3$ St. Louis mr 9" Nashville ;;/ ' . 21 Louisville " ■ ■ ■ " 1 9 i Cincinnati 36 IHttsburgh - j 23 : tJtica' 25 Burlington April 18 Agency, Cincinnati W % $419,000 91 10,570 20 59,404 95 $179,725 50 87 50 458 50 770 57 216,391 27 445 00 13,464 35 15,090 72 13,229 69 3,123 26 22354 11,603 10 23,131 80 132,237 47 109,668 10 507 58 15,576 54 61,441 56 463 89 1,265 21 787 92 1,685 55 34,647 76 i 1,023 05 4,697 50 1,006 00 1,131,061 59 • <LI'M' ' : ' . for extinForeign ex [ Contingent rFund guishing cost 1 Contingent fund. change ac f of banking- J interest. count . houses. $3,765,530 17 $996,889 08 $5,943,308 03 $1,104,283 09 $743,441 40 | 11 . ~ ' 581 00 [ 1,59*25 • [ 303,086 65 3,765,520 17 996,889 08 ! 5,943,308 03 1,104,233 09 742,441 40 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices, • 1836. May 30 Bank United States 16 Office, Portland 26 Boston April 22 Providence March 14 Hartford New York ¥?y 24 Baltimore 24 21 I "Washington 24 Richmond 21 Norfolk 25 [ Fayetteville 17 Savannah 2 Mobile 2 New Orleans April 30 Natchez 9 St. Louis May \ Nashville 21 Louisville 10 Cincinnati 26 Pittsburgh 23 Uiica 25 Burlington - ; April 18 Agency, Cincinnati . A , "■* (D o FT Baring, Brothers, Due to Bank & Co., Hope & United States Co., and Hot- and offices, tinguer & Co, A I L—~—, 1 $4,076,096 61,097 1,811,407 191,301 336 6,505,333 $792,892 65 _ „ — — » _ _ 710,240 890,331 37,634 262,405 _ 102,500 4,542,844 1,085,141 833,774 26,285 115,332 _ 489,529 47,240 310,347 1,341,032 mm ^ „. — _ _ m mm _. _ „. _ "_ 793,892 65 41 63 14 49 00 38 ! $870,315 31 : : _ 15,529 14 $34,804 17 ; _ - $26,005 93 _ _ 6117374 44 ~ _ - 58 01 86 06 10,884 73 _ fc „ _ _ _ 2,758 52 _ 1,435 00 ^ 97 67 18 88 85 16 — J,374 40 7,249 88 1 50 83 67 23 63 m 23,499,213 68 1 , J, Lawrence, Deposites on Deposites on Deposites on treasurer, account of, account of account of canal commis Treasurer public offi individuals. sioners. U. States. cers. Due to Stale banks. 1,520,922 92 i »• _ _ _ t { _, _ _ ^ 34,804 17 ; _ _ _ ; _ _ i _ _ «, 739 01 _ _ I 170,000 00 9,194 36 I .» 4 «. 198,939 3|0 _ $1,353,368 66 $25 00 6,138 63 ~ 1,618 58 2,585 00 . 48 92 325,815 29 578 5,097 334 922 .. 71 76 45 02 1,399 6,832 65 8,136 3,789 34 93 61 26 — 145,696 42,164 26,423 150 14,818 5,191 7,114 14,794 32,349 05 14,117 68 27 38,873 71 4,442 71 1,067 13 820 _ S|8,857 05 ■ 22 11 35 00 73 59 44 21 2,035,110 51 T 81 [138] GENERAL STATEMENT—Oontinued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Boston New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez $27,480 00 262,690 00 507,280 00 49,600 00 3,380 00 147,300 00 8,790 00 5,020 00 , 394,755 00 1 1 844,540 00 515,955 00 Office, St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington - 1 - $29,515 00 60,620 00 47,545 00 1 , 39,140 00 29,940 00 1 75,720 00 1 41,370 00 10,000 00 400 00 Total - 3,101,040 00 ! Jit Bank of the United States. Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States - • Bank of the United States, chartered by Congress Bonus,**.■ - ' - ' . Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania '- ' - • ,- . - - $56,037 67 5,267 33; 599,340 09' 665,583 50^ 342,138 51"^ At office, Norfolk. ),144 17 Navy agent Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued . Notesonhand Notes in transitu . Notes in actual circulation - - - - $35,635,12516 * $3,101,040 00 19,210,425 22 ^ — 22,311,465 23 * - * * * • $13,323,659 94 6 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. DK. Bills discounted on persona* ; :;. security - $9,698,0* 67 Bills discounted on bahfe stock -' 2,928,547 52 Bills discounted on other se curities - 34,509,323 93 Domesticbills of exchangeForeign bills of exchange Real estate Dae from Bank United States and office* • Due from State banks - OR. United States, for capital stock Capital stock - ^37,035,896 12 15,362,543 69 Due from the United States DeficienciesExpenses . . . Banking houses . . . . Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of the State banks Specie Mortgages Navy asrent, Norfolk Bank United States, chartered by Congress Bonus . . . . . Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - $52,398,439 81 268,385 06 1,166,687 23 23,439,669 23 2,522,000 28 19,210,435 22 2,087,050 70 25,961,669 5,267 115,445 258,879 264,417 21,297,475 4,528,881 56,037 40,144 599,349 665,583 342,138 51 32 66 45 15 92 65 67 17 09 50 51 107,968,801 70 BANK OP THE UNITED STATES, 6,875,200 00 3,124,800 00 - Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed . Profit and loss . . . . Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund Due to Bank United States and offices Due to State banks - 23,499,213 68 1,520,992 92 Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope &Co., and Hottinguer & Co. J. Lawrence, treasurer canal commis sioners .Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the United States . . . Less special deposites Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals Contingent interest 5,943,308 02 4,465,369 77 835,000,000 CO 35,635,125 16 1,121,061 59 203,086 55 3,765,520 17 1,477,938 2* 25,020,136 60 996,889 08 792,892 65 34,804 17 1,104,223 09 198,939 30 188,223 87 10,716 43 28,857 05 2,035,110 51 2,074,682 99 742,451 40 107,9^8,801 70 June 6,1836. J. COWPERTHWAITE, Acting- Cashier, <>/ tu Bank of the Vnued States, and its offices and GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT agencies, at the dates herein mentioned. n— — Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills discounted on bank stock. other securities. personal security. Offices, Dates. 4 Bank United States 10 Office, Portland Boston 30 Providence April 22 Hartford March 14 New York June 28 Washington 25 Richmond 28 Norfolk 25 Fayettevilte April 25 Savannah June 21 Mobile 1 New Orleans !! Natchez St. Loois May 31 Nashvijle Jtu* 15 Louisville 2T Cincinnati Pittsburgh 3ft Utica April 26 Burlington June 15 May 31 Agene^Cincitmati July June [ 1 - ijo*' * ' . ■•• ■ - - 86,350,744 39 $2,813,233 00 341,357 15 11,000 00 38,273 1,193,279 304,113 226,472 383 17,532 34,320 1,932 3,491,021 07 63 70 02 23 18 29 05 34 11,842 00 3,274 I5,60f> 27,219 200 20 58 74 00 to - 1,912 50 128,935 26 1,657 60 - 8,688 20 21,811 75 $22,081,685 63 '823 1,500 5,479,215 196,265 25,719 130,878 800 73 00 69 45 97 87 00 Domestic bills of exchange. $3,012,674 162,373 1,625,314 1,458 76 12 57 16 Foreign bills of exchange. $109,049 07 2,658,434 66 8,344 76 271.026 85 73,196 91 238,438 77 4,000 00 3,782,657 63 1,091,766 33 416,174 35 654,990 63 105.027 25 19,279 70 5,329 66 29,469 08 16,003 46 I—_ 2,885,374 52 _ 29,404,921 11 13,438,820 96 $388,000 00 1,640 124,337 57,903 44,936 13,385 4*,385 93 23 75 84 02 00 60,336 62,591 13,158 16,034 04 19 74 03 537,114 07 750,692 08 12,162,434 36 Real estate. 109,049 07 1,361,822 84 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT-*-Continu«d. .| -..-_ Dates. .. Offices. Due from Bank Due from State ■ United States banks. 1 and offices. I... 1836. July 4 Bank United States June. 10 Office, Portland 30 Boston April 22 Providence March 14 1 Hartford Jnne 88 New York 25 Washington 28 Richmond 25 Norfolk April < 25 1 Fayetteville | Savannah June . 21 1 Mobile 13 New Orleans 11 Natchez May 31 St, Louis Jane 15 Nashville 21 Louisville 23 Cincinnati - | 30 Pittsburgh April 26 Utica Jnne .15 i Burlington -. May 31 Agency, Cincinnati - $15,589,612 08 44,537 54 738,733 30 1 28 971,237 43 227,846 50 ^ 1,190,086 2,139,022 3,776,177 1,836,971 1,184,443 1,576,926 25,470 529,000 08 65 57 57 41 00 43 06 160,844 21 369,991 99 30,639,078 17 '.' . - i _ — $3,255,373 61 20,087 87 74,707 08 Deficiencies. ^p $545 75 Banking-houses. 1 I I — 43,710 36 40,672 74 11,094 05 — ^ 243 153,478 25,339 3,566 2,850 25,050 18,628 2,061 728 78,064 259^57 29,989 238,673 12 98 71 43 159,401 61 456 52 49,209 98 40 75 10 27 22 60 02 91 52 1,994 28 245,613 09 38,703 94 57 48,458 14 1,600,261 65 4,464,365 99 •*■ ^ _ — « * 2,481 49 70 346 74 69,376 83 _ ^ _ 26,714 52 16,018 40 ^ 516 54 760 00 •1,000 *^ 00 1»671 37 116,999 85 ' „. $31,613 36,024 35,109 13,866 Expenses. $659 02 ^ 6,319 87 45,949 07 ^ t32,225 $1,227,813 90 Losses chargeable to contingent fund. 10 07 65 29 _ _ ^ ^ 4,550 6,560 12,369 8 1,907 6,397 51 60 76 00 40 46 24,096 92 _ ., - 22,105 00 169,815 03 3,145 54 141 86 5,751 00 3 76 2,603 62 618 92 5,389 04 50,106 49 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT-Coutiniled. ^ m r-i i - ■ -rif- i .-■ i -Dates.-. Offices. 1836. July" 4 Bank United States June 10 Office, Portland * 30 Boston April 33 Providence Majen 14 Hanfqfd Juner ir 38 NewYork > ' - 25 Wash>on 38 i Ric&mbnd 35* :i Norfolk April 25 Fayetteville June 31 Saranoah i'!■>-■ 1 I Mobile * 13 New Orleans Natchez May 31 St.* Louis June ' 15 Nashville ; '"''•'' 31 Louisville V >23 Cincinnati 30 Pittsburgh April 36 1 Utica June 15 Burlington May 31 Agency, Cincinnati - ■■ ■ I"' 1 -< r. f .I - » Notes of Bank Notes of State United Stales bank. 1 and offices. Treasurer of the United States. 1 Specie. CAPITAL 8TOCK. Notes issued. United States. Bank U. States. $10,708,639 40 227,405 00 $10,718,850 50 $1>011,113 20 $3,793,980 18 $6,875,200 00 $28,124,800 00 I 1 ! $170,000 00 3,194 36 172,194 36 t * ■■-■ - l» 189,015 00 5^000 00 403,733 22 373,625 00 116,325 00 211,320 00 213,005 00 759,000 00 9,003 00 136,461 52 21,413 26 5,152 71 2,000 00 14,140 00 ! 73,086 572 2,655 1,004 12,724 29 34 27 73 21 2,250 00 3,266 69 1,386 85,424 52 69 76 05 2,0977070 00 360,000 00 372,655 00 987,025 00 1,989 30 798,130 00 387,000 00 10,00000 251,930 00 44,687 09 38 06 4,770 92 18,237,673 02 1,251,039 46 ■■'■ "1' ■ " n i l - 4 60 1,095 64 1 21,903 00 79,206 98 49 50 50 50 00 00 2,463,180 2,187,810 5,864,545 3,532,730 711,110 3,386,570 803,665 1,395,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 210,825 00 378,985 00 24,782 19 13,293 38 4,064,455 83 191,301 113,227 1,662,793 730,743 719,645 939,475 6,875,200 00 35,217,648 39 28,124,800 00 ■ ■ i a . . J GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMEM'^Contmued. p^^»^J. Dates, ■ 1 1 1. I.,Hi Offices, 1836, July 4 Bank United States June 10 Office, Portland 30 Boston April 22 Providence - | March 14 Hartford June 28 New York 25 Washington 28 Richmond Norfolk 25 Payetteville April 25 Savannah June 21 Mobile 1 New Orleans 13 Natchez 11 St. Louis May 31 Nashville June J5 Louisville 21 Cincinnati 23 Pittsburgh •30 Utica April 26 June 15 Burlington May 31 ! Agency, Cincinnati - ■m ' > ' Discount, ex Dividends un Profit and loss. change, and claimed. interest. $14,304 95 $1,384,354 17 27,481 78 770 57 1187736 1,568 175 40 223 14,228 30 60 1 67 64 54 06 34,326 47 1,897 80 ;-*•■!*>«« *" Contingent fund. $4,291,210 65 $1,051,529 68 $5,943,308 02 Fund for extin guishing cost of banking houses, Contingent interest. $1,070,600 68 $706,773 48 1,070,600 68 706,773 48 458 50 445 12,265 1,023 4,557 861 00 75 05 50 00 490 00 290 75 241 33 1,265 21 725 24 215,986 16 l Foreign ex change ac count, 1,404,745 72 4,291,210 65 1,051,529 68 5,943,308 02 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. . • Dates. Offices. Baring, Brothers, Due to Bank & Co., Hope, & United Slates Co., and Hotand offices. tin guer & Co. 1836. 4 Bank United States - S3,631,950 18 $6;278,508 92 July 10 Office, Portland June ^_ m 2,736*847 61 30 Boston _ Providence April 22 Hartford 336 00 March 14 1 _ New York 7,946,839 11 28 June _ Washington 730,626 31 25 _ Richmond 833,516 77 28 m Norfolk 10,842 60 25 _ „, Fayetteville 26^,405 06 April 25 Savannah _1 21 June _ Mobile 1 — __ New Orleans 7,542,466 31 13 _ Natchez 1,015,800 93 11 _ St. Louis 860,374 28 31 May _ Nashville 26,285 85 J une 15 I — „. Louisville 65,526 40 21 Cincinnati 23 1 — m 30 Pittsburgh 498,309 83 m „_ Ulica 1 _ April 26 Burlington 311,722 75 15 June 1,395,322 02 31 Agency, Cincinnati May * *■ o o eg. 2,631,950 18 30,515,730 75 Due to State banks. J. Lawrence, Deposites on Deposites on treasurer ca acc'i ot Trea ace't of pub nal commis surer United lic officers. sioners. Slates. $1,081,232 51 ©2,913 00 21^391 38 ^ _ 156,706 42 3,235 49 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fc ^ m m — 27758 52 266 69 1,435 00 M — 1,374 40 7,240 88 1 50 _ 1,275,651 79 1 1,618 4 578 5,097 334 922 — _ _ _ _ — ' ' fc _ 739 01 — _ — i — 1. _ » 170,000 00 2,194 36 — — _ _ 2,913 00 $25 00 $1,596,294 34 114 28 25 00 4,932 83 _ $2,442 18 m fc 175,375 55 ■. Deposites on account of individuals. 1 58 02 71 76 45 02 _ — - 6,774 86 65 61 8,148 13 m 2,585 00 58,085 57 113,999 29 39,276 50 23,868 77 150 00 11,583 44 4,656 06 1 855 59 5,257 04 507 58 21,243 17 14,382 41 GO •4 3,728 88 „, 8 20 38,873 71 4,156 71 1,067 13 27,331 22 1,941,889 43 _ ?. t9 -CO [ 128 ] 88 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Batik of the United States and offices, in transitu. $523,260 262,690 294,580 49,600 3,380 147,300 8,790 5,020 394,755 658,170 515,955 29,515 Bank United States Office, Boston New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Office, Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Portland $60,6-20 47,545 39,140 29,940 75,720 41,370 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 10,400 00 17,920 00 Total - 3,215,670 00 At Bank of the United States. $79,861 5,267 103,782 86f>,828 362,357 Bonds and mortgages Due by the United Stales Bank of the United States chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 9* 32 16 66 77 At office, Norfolk. $40,144 17 Navy agent Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States mid offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Note,in transitu Notes in actual circulation $35,217,648 39 $18,237,673 02 Jg^gOOO . ^ ^ ^ » - - - - - - Digitized by $13,764,305 37 DR. RECAPITULATION. Capital stock held by the United States - $6,875,200 00 Capital stock held by individuals « , - 28,124,800 00 Bills discounted on personal security -' * - $12,102,434 86 Bills discounted on bank stock - 2,835,374 52 Bills discounted on other se curities -29,404,921 11 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Dae from Bank United States and offices Dae from State banks Due from the United States. Deficiencies Banking houses Expenses L< .■ • - - - * . t Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of the State banks - CB. $44,452,729 99 13,438,820 96 $57,891,550 95 109,049 07 1,361,822 84 30,539,078 17 1,600,261 65 32,139,339 5,267 116,999 165,815 50,106 18,237,673 02 1,251,029 46 Specie Mortfi ortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Bank ' nited States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - 19,488,702 4,064,455 79,861 40,144 103,782 866,828 352,357 82 32 85 03 49 48 83 91 17 16 66 77 Notes issued Discounts, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund $35,000,000 00 35,217,648 39 215,986 16 1,404,745 72 4,291,210 65 5,943,308 02 4,464,365 99 1,478,942 03 Due to Bank United States and offices Due to State Banks . . - 30,515,730 75 . 1,275,651 79 Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co,, and Hoitinguer & Co. J. Lawrence, treasurer of the canal com missioners Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Contingent interest Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the United States Less special deposites Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals 31,791,382 54 1,051,529 68 2,631,950 18 2,9J3 00 1,070,600 68 706,773 48 175,375 55 172,194 36 3,181 19 27,331 22 1,941,889 43 1,972,401 84 116,836,084 35 BANK OP THE UNITED STATES, 1116,836,084 35 July 7,1836. J. COWPERTHWAITE, Acting Cashier. *3 00 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT Offices. Dates. 1836. August 1 Bank Uniled States June 10 Office, Portland Boston . 21 Providence 19 Hartford March 14 New York July 26 Washington 23 Richmond 19 Norfolk 23 April 25 Fayetteville July 19 Savannah Mobile 1 New Orleans 11 Natchez 2 St. Louis June 27 Nashville July 13 9 Louisville 21 Cincinnati 20 Pittsburgh April 26 Utica July 6 Burlington May 31 Agency, Cincinnati - Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills discounted on personal security. bank stock. other securities. $6,574,426 70 $2,823,685 33 _ 621,007 08 _ 7,700 00 — 38,273 608,248 290,553 226,437 127,204 17,532 34,070 1,932 3,88«.401 225J535 1,912 127,361 445,871 _ 228,524 8,688 21,811 750,692 07 31 79 50 36 18 29 05 69 95 50 63 74 34 20 75 08 14,236,490 21 —'"■■i}.'i''i ■ ' of the Bank of the United States, and its offices, at the dates herein mentioned. 11,842 00 . 3,258 15,535 26,919 200 74 22 74 00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ 2,889,141 03 $21,723,623 17 _ _ _ 1,500 5,870,092 173,766 24,249 2,662 00 78 07 22 34 1 _ fc 73,196 91 _ mm _ 4,690 50 _, _ 5,329 66 _ 27,879,110 65 Domestic bills of exchange. $2,992,661 162,373 1,899,505 476,135 07 12 03 81 2,453,364 49 8,796 01 _ _ 80000 249,645 08 3,056,199 591,450 4,000 413,442 73,574 19,279 85,654 29,469 16,003 25 53 00 73 15 70 89 08 46 12,532,354 40 Real estate. Foreign bills of of exchange. $64,200 00 $109,477 07 — V ., _ _ ! 109,477 07 00 23 75 09 29 60,336 04 37,447 86 13,158 74 16,03403 _ _ _ _ - 151,600 124,137 57,903 43,683 13,866 1 537,115 07 1,119,481 10 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. 1836. August 1 Bank United States June 10 Office, Portland 21 Boston 19 Providence Hartford March 14 26 New York July 23 Washington 19 Richmond 23 Norfolk Fayetleville April 25 19 Savannah July 1 Mobile 11 New Orleans 2 Natchez 27 St. Louis June 13 Nashville July 9 Louisville 21 Cincinnati 20 Pittsburgh Utica April 26 6 Burlington July 31 Agency, Cincinnati May 1 Due from Bank United States and offices. #16,890,031 24 44,537 54 838,363 20 _ 45,949 592,496 135,000 971,237 237,003 _ 1,249,977 2,132,604 1,591,668 2,358,575 1,184,443 1,811,493 46,563 523,788 07 03 2S 43 71 49 51 10 57 41 40 42 46 m 160,844 21 369,994 99 31,189,571 06 - Due from State banks. $922,940 14 _ _ 33,365 6,319 200,024 69,726 260 16,855 — 4,507 243 115,442 20,210 4,053 4,440 65 87 27 17 98 66 12 40 16 55 61 22 _ 17,4(12 50 7 7 41 728 52 Losses chargeable contingent fund. $3,255,357 26 20,087 87 74,707 08 12 98 71 43 _ 159,401 61 456 52 49,209 98 #545 75 Zm 49 70 346 74 69,376 82 _ « _ 26,714 52 16,605 81 _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ «. 1,991 28 234,302 98 38,703 91 2,481 57 48,458 14 1,456,062 17 4,452,914 48 _ _ _ _ 78,064 259,857 29,989 238,548 Deficiencies. 516 54 760 00 1,671 37 116,587 26 Banking-houses. Expenses. _ $20,504 32 _ «_ _ 176 05 3 00 $325,000 00 1,640 34,613 36,024 35,109 13,385 42,3*5 24,096 93 10 07 65 02 00 92 _ _ _ 22,105 00 i. * 534,359 69 6,713 36 7,374 88 12,885 69 1,907 1,097 195 3,843 410 40 23 02 04 50 544 167 201 618 81 38 10 92 5,389 04 62,031 74 / GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. 1836. August 1 June 10 21 19 March 14 July 26 23 19 23 April 25 July 19 June July April July May 11 2 27 13 9 21 20 26 6 31 Offices. Bank United States Office, Portland Boston Providence Hartford New York Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Cincinnati Pittsburgh Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Treasurer of ; Notes of Bank Notes of State the United Uniied States banks. States. and offices. United States capital. Specie. 811,751,087 50 SI,142,426 86 #4,729,635 86 $6,875,200 00 5,000 00 $817 24 170,000 00 2,194 36 173,011 60 3277030 120,610 207,545 213,005 715,000 00 00 00 00 00 1,930^050 360,000 372,655 969,325 00 00 00 00 798^130 324,470 10,000 251,930 00 00 00 00 18,355,837 50 9,003 00 7,940 63 5,046 04 2,000 00 8,210 00 2,760 00 21,903 41,912 38 4,770 Capital slock. $28,124,800 00 1,095 64 72,289 565 2,459 1,004 12,777 19 61 78 73 35 3,266 36 1,386 35,443 1,155 52 22 76 69 27 00 04 06 92 98,308 35 1,246,011 15 4,997,500 54 Notes issued. $10,724,139 40 227,405 00 113,227 1,662,792 730,742 719,645 939,475 50 50 50 00 00 2,463,180 2,183,700 5,864,545 2,522,730 711,110 3,386,570 803,665 1,395,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 210,825 00 378,985 00 1,830 00 24,782 19 13,293 38 6,875,200 00 28,124,800 00 35,039,566 90 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. ♦ L —. Discount^ ex Dividends tmchange, and [ claimed. interest. Profit and Idss. | Foreign exchange ac count. Fund for extin guishing cost of bankinghouses. Contingent fund. Contingent' interest. > '1836. ^ A u g u s t I 'Bank UnitedStates VJune 10 Office, Portland Boston V^;i -<r21 i Providence ^ 19 Hartford MarcE 14 ' New York - ; July 26 Washington ; Richmond y*. b r i 9 * Norfolk 23 April ! 25 Payettevifle July 19 Savannah \~\!■» i Mobile • '■ New Orleans V-,; ii Natchez 2 St.Lotiis June 27 1 Nashville July 13 ; / Louisville *:• 9 Cincinnati Vi--21 Pittsburgh 20 f Utica April 26 : VJuiy < .6 ' Burlington /May 31 Ageacy*,Cineinnati ! $109,613 27 ' -991,464 87 49,695 74 13,170 12,660 67 770 57 i 445 149,358 55 62,133 3,173 74 2,249 225 31 16,193 355 91 9,792 223 54 1,869 73 ! 490 53,643 95 6,490 54 $4,291,210 65 $1,213,618 58 '$5,943,308 02 1 $1,070,600 68 50 50 00 ; • $690,740 58 j 00 25 05 50 00 ■ 00 290 75 562 48 4,090 46 6,495 21 725 24 •■ - : ; ■ > 499,954 91 ' 196,315 55 4,291,210 65 1,213,618 58 5,943,308 02 1,070,600 68 690,470 .58 o o FT IO QO GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. 1835. August 1 Bank United States Jade 10 Office, Portland Boston 81 Providence 19 Hartford March 14 New York luly 26 Washington 23 Richmond 19 Norfolk 23 Fayetteville April 25 Savannah July 19 Mobile 1 11 New Orleans Natchez 2 St. Louis June 27 Nashville July 13 Louisville 9 ' Cincinnati • 21 Pittsburgh 20 Utica April 26 Burlington July 6 May 31 Agency, Cincinnati - Loan in Europe. Due to Bank Uni ed Slates and offices. $6,:88,194 44 ■ Ty*" 8 - 1»■ i'' ■ ' in Jin in. n . .. #1,426,834 35 J. Lawrence, Deposites on account of treasurer Treasurer canal com U. States. missioners. $39,636 84 Depo>it'es on account of individuals. Deposites on account of public offi cers. , £2,467 18 ^2,220,829 26 19,267 3,7ti9 2,585 56,729 93,414 38,289 22,395 150 11,531 2,542 ^25 00 3,3477584 393,073 336 7,942,610 682,803 785,625 10,842 262,405 28 96 00 60 68 09 60 06 4,8027664 1,015,797 855,618 19,285 24,656 25 652,420 65 43 20 85 17 00 65 117740 66 887651 68 2,551 12 37883 52 M 3 5 00 739 01 1,618 17 578 5,097 321 922 58 54 7h 76 37 02 855 6,774 65 8,148 59 86 61 13 "l35 90 75,123 26 1 50 170.000 00 2,194 36 ; 29,838,302 39 1,610,356 99 39,636 84 175,400 55 89 75 76 83 00 87 25 35 09 00 44 94 4,426 29 i 3,728 88 12,787 53 11,738 05 " 8 20 83,948 64 4,156 71 1,067 13 28,162 25 2,589,656 75 3117722 75 1,393,492 02 6,788,194 44 - $7,237,338 40 Due to State banks. 95 [128] GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. $27,480 00 233,360 00 59,500 00 3,380 00 84,525 CO 52,790 00 61,020 00 417,615 00 724,070 00 576,955 00 26,955 00 120,620 00 Bank United States Office, Boston New York Washington Richmond Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Office, Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Burlington Portland Norfolk Fayetteville $57,545 37,440 18,640 35,620 41.370 400 17,920 19,000 40,000 * 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2,656,205 00 Total At Bank of the United States. Bonds and mortgages . . . Due by the United States Bank United States chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Treasurerof the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. « $124,081 91 5,267 32 33,782 16 895,754 29 593,<V75 00 1,872,479 58 At office, Norfolk. ),144 17 Navy agent Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu Notes in actual circulation $18,355,837 50 2,656,205 00 $35,039,566 90 31,012,042 50 $14,027,524 40 Digitized by RECAPITULATION, - DR. Bills discounted on personal security -$14,236,490 21 Bills discounted on bank stock - 2,889,141 03 Bills discounted on other securities - 27,879,110 65 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks CR. United States, for capital stock Capital slock - $45,004,741 89 12,532,354 40 £57,537,096 39 109,477 07 1,119.481 10 31,189,571 00 1,456,062 17 Due from the United Stales Deficiencies Banking-houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices 18,355,837 50 1,246,011 15 Notes of State banks Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Bank United States chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. - BANK OF THE U N I T E D STATES, 32,645,633 5,267 116,587 534,359 63,031 19,601,848 4,997,500 124,081 40,144 33,782 895,754 593,575 23 32 26 69 74 65 54 91 17 16 29 00 1,872,479 58 120,289,100 00 ,875,200 00 128,124,800 00 - Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 835,000,000 00 35,039,566 90 399,954 91 196,315 55 4,291,210 65 5,943,308 02 4,452,914 48 lr490,393 54 Due to Bank United States and offices Due to State banks - 29,838,:?02 39 l,GI0r356 99 Foreign exchange account Loan in Europe J. Lawrence, treasurer of the canal com missioners Fund for extinguishing eost of bankinghouses Contingent interest Deposites on account of Treasurer of the United States Less special deposites Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals Dividends unclaimed - - 31,448,659 38 1,213,618 58 6,788,194 44 39,636 84 1,070,600 68 690,740 58 175,400 55 173,011 60 2,388 95 28,162 25 2,589,656 75 2,617,819 00 196,315 55 120,289,100! Oft August 3, 1836. J. COWPERTHWA1TE, Acting Cashier. ' GENERAL Dates. MONTHLY STATEMENT Offices. 1 1836. Sept. 1 Bank United States Aug. 25 Agency, Boston 24 Providence March 14 Office, Hartford Aug. 23 Agency, New York 20 Office, Washington 23 Richmond 27 Norfolk April 25 Fayetteville Aug. 11 Savannah 15 Agency, Mobile 9 New Orleans July 30 Office, Natchez Aug. 6 St. Louis 10 Nashville 13 Louisville 18 Cincinnati 24 Agency, Pittsburgh 1 Office, Utica July 6 Burlington Aug. 22 ; Agency, Cincinnati - um m ■' 1 \ of the Bank of the UnUed States, and its offices and agencies, at tfu dates mentioned. Bills discounted on personal se curity. Bills discounted on bank stock. Bills discounted on other securi ties, Domestic bills of exchange. Foreign bills of exchange. $6,858,023 91 630,875 48 $2,816,015 33 7,700 00 $21,504,858 06 $2,650,522 35 2,284,843 73 537,084 74 $73,962 74 _ 38,273 119,477 278,599 225,265 129,483 17,532 33,5:30 _ 07 77 60 40 47 18 29 4,090,156 347,309 1,912 141,839 443,717 61 45 50 75 50 m 53 86 75 24 612,249 6,767 21,811 816,558 14,863,374 36 m 11,842 00 _ 3,006 15,504 25,869 200 12 44 74 00 £m — — -_ _ " 2,880,137 63 m 0 1,500 6,174,2U5 172,639 19,400 333 00 87 44 52 23 m _ — 73,660 37 ^ _ 4,690 50 _. _ — 27,951,287 99 2,160,556 82 8,144 76 _ ^ 800 205,518 835,674 2,006,438 430,071 00 26 41 29 98 315,929 35,829 19,279 282,729 4,412 16,003 34 15 70 48 66 46 11,793,838 13 Real estate* $67,700 00 153,840 124,137 58,367 43,683 13,866 m m m mm mm 93 23 14 09 29 : . m — — — " 73,962 74 43,286 32,517 13,158 16,034 62 47 74 03 427,171 49 993,162 93 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. I Dates. i, ■■■■ Due from Bank Due from State Losses chargeable to contingent ,, .banks. • ^ United States t -fund. * and offices. Deficiencies. Banking houses.| " Expenses. r-r- ,4836. Sept. 1 Aug. 85 84 March 14 Aug. S3 20 83 April 85 ** U8 July Aug. 30 8 10 13 18 84 ?--■ 1 July Aug. i I'IH WIII Offices. 6 83 i II Bank United States $18,327,464 59 ' Agency, Boston: . 312,593 16 i »Providence Office, JJawfbrd & 45,949 07 598,908 35 i Agency/JfejwOCork 141,253 00 i Office, fvashmgton . I 971,641 43 "■',. ■' Richmond 4 334,095 01 Norfolk ; \— Payetteville 1,313,607 40 Savannah i - Agency? Mobile 2,565,737 51 p jNew Orleans i Office, Natchez 3,404,368 01 ? re- St. Louis 1,147,358 73 1 * >* Nasnyijie"; 1,887,237 86 . - Louisville 67,718 11 Cincinnati Agency, Pittsburgh Office,; Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati - ; 30,017,981 13 $3,356,860 78 38,494 56 $773,864 60 39,555 56 6,319 87 183,604 93 36,879 50 $325,000 00 78,064 1$ 259,857 98 29,989 71 238,373 43 " 579 53 78 04 25,470 93, 106,851* 89 19H73 22 ^,756 81 9,780 26 11,385 81 16,365 47 15,381 87 $49 70 346 74 69,376 83 $31,081 81 182 05 319 37 8,450 95 9,054 49 13,356 03 379 83 1,907 40 1,473 48 1,781 20 4,22f» 83 643 17 411 00 347613 10 36,0?4 07 35,109 65 13,385 03 42,385 00 159,401 61 13,472 29 49,209 98 " 516 54 7G0 00 1,991 28 233,997 66 1,714 96 427 38 1,206 72 669 6§ 22~105 00 88,703 94 48,383 50 1,671 87 4,394,634 61 1,885,991 23 , M . I I H I » niT 1' nam, I 8,801 49 506,631 84 86,193 47 l1 — " ■ ' II J" | E|l» I III! 1 1 II '"i " ■ "ii ■ 85,987 73 ■ ■'» ■ < l ■'■* GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. 1 ,.., hues. | l«^—*■ 1 Treasurer of Notes of Bank Notes of State banks. t~ the United" ^United States and offices. flW^' . j * ;:-. . ■ v Offices. \ " v^w«i.. Specie. i ..<■». The United Capital stock at 1 Notes issued* States' cap . Bank United ital stock. States. '•S'J** r* . - - - — ■ „ . Bank United States $13,948,467 50 $1,459,973 91 $4,451,606 01 $6,875,200 ©0 $28,124,800 00 *• wVMt* i iF Agency, Boston r.iS ^. '. ^ Providence 130,440 00 « Office, Hartford - 5,000 00 9,003 00 1,095 64 MNNfeH —' ' — m Ageopy^NewtYork 8 , 3177045 00 6,011 21 ' $817 24 71,656 51 Office*. Partington 0 Richmond • V'-f" Qf i 109,490 00 3,166 64 2,505 88 — *. A-".'-' Loflflc i;-^' >/.3»j»dblk 195,620 00 2,572 65 2,047 60 - - 1 ** _ , ^ ; Fayetteville AprU * * ; 213,005 00 2,000 00 1,004 73 -> Savannah - 1 ^ 708,800* 00 2,035 00 12,270 88 - Aug.:'U ^ •* ^ V;"^; 15 Agency, Mobile 68,310 00 6 62 * _ New Orleans 1 V ^ ; ; ,,-, 8 l,9<fc,57O00 3,256 52 * _ ^ — i --» July *:*> Offioe, Natchez .360,000 00 236 16 1 « — ^ , St, Louis - Aug. 8 372,655 00 1,386 76 ** * ' «. -» 968,070 00 2,915 00 35,430 95 —_ . ; ,p Mil J . . ' rKaahviHe „ LftujsviHe 1,544 76 V» > ,.:■ 13-J «"j *.'*,«• * ^ P - <J' I ■: 1 8 i 798,130 00 i; Cincinnati 21,903 00 ~ 91,368 74 Ageney, fcttttrargn 670,495 00 2,194 3 6 ! 55,155 08 Office, Utiea38 06 - < Burlington - f ' J - ' i ■ * • " ' 4,770 92 24,782 19 2517930 00 Agency, Cincinnati 35,315 78 '- i ~ '* fc ' - ■ ' ■ * • ■ ■ *»*m 1 *■ +> , . ■ , • ' ' ■ ■ $14,793,499 40 113,227 1,604,107 701,712 667,905 907,730 50 50 50 00 00 2,463,180 00 5,864,545 2,522,730 710,840 3,386,570 803,665 00 00 00 00 00 <0 ^ ^ ' i T : i 1 ,e 3 > 0 U 6 0 T, 21,023,572 26 1,604,822 19 j 4,696,693 25 1 ' 1 f ■ ■ f i it 6,875,200 00 28,124,800 00 1,830 00 34,541,541 90 ■ *9 00 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. [Dates.; Offices] 1836". Be^t. 1 Bknk UniteJrfiMrtW Aug. 85 cAfe««yrB<Rton? < \" Providence 84 ice, Hartford March 14 icy^Nejw ¥orl« A.,, * :e, Washktgtcn 83 RicJwnoBd <Norfoiks \\ • 87 Faye^eTitte April 85 Aug. 11 Agency, Mpbile 1- 15 * ; New Orleans 8 July 30 Office, Natehesr St. |x>ms Aug. 8 - Jufr Aug. 10 13 18 84 1 Lou^riMe Discount, ex Dividends un Profit and loss. Foreign exchange, *fffr til imed:~ teresf. count. Contingent fund. H $187,015 37 73,555 82 "ass 770 57 182,144 22 4,546 92 43,141 7? 14,473 48 10,687 74 690 27 283 54 2,318 53 86,803 75 68,718 56 13,449 00 Fund fpr extin guishing cost of banking*houses. Contingent interest. $4,391,2**65 $1,301,688 89 $5,943,308 02 $1,070,600 68 $689,360 98 4,891,310 65 1,301,628 39 5,943,308 03 1,070,600 68 689,360 38 &, 175.50 8,066 Op 568 751 731 70 7,931 61 i ency?F^, 19,619 88 1,087 81 6 Agency, Cincinnati 88 4,353 41 613,014 51 13^,775 05 niijli'iii GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued I I I 1 Dates. 1 l i * i gt m- Offides. 1836. Sept. 1 Bank United States Aug. 25 Agency, Boston , Providence SI March 14 Office, Hartford Aug. 33 Agency, New York 30 Office, washingion Richmond S3 Norfolk 37 Payetteville April 85 Savannah Aug. 11 15 Agency, Mobile New Orleans 8 July 30 Office, Natchez St. Louis Aug. 8 Nashville 10 Louisville 13 Cincinnati 18 I Agency, Pittsburgh • 84 Office, Utica Burlington July 6 Aug. 32 Agency, Cincinnati - ■ ■ r Loafc in Europe. Due to Bank ! United Slates and offices. $5,267,568 3,230,338 626,877 336 7,529,659 665,467 822,445 10,842 862,405 $6,788,194 44 ; 6;788,194 44 9047440 4,885,004 l y 015,797 «14,803 235 12,776 865,399 1,529,181 8,122 318,231 1,420,522 40 00 22 00 15 25 59 60 06 41 87 43 52 , 00 26 51 87 67 19 40 30,190,454 40 ' i " i - - ' 1 « SI,443,377 70 50 00 26,493 31 767990 2,448 1,881 1,059 ■ - ■ Dae to State banks. t - _-. ir, ,r. .-■ J. Lawrence, Deposhes on Deposites on Deposites on treasurer ca account of account ot account of public offi individuals. nal commis Treasurer cers* sioners. U. Slates. $91,220 41 $2,442 18 08 96 99 85 $7883 52 783 3 r "565 00 "135 90 99,108 01 1,155,994 32 $25 00 $1,560,782 11 4,011 72 1,618 17 578 5,097 321 922 58 54 71 7S 37 02 855 6,774 65 8,148 59 86 61 13 2,585 00 40,499 10 87,736 03 37,399 00 22,371 80 150 0D 11,531 44 4,349 70 11,556 13 8,683 05 3,728 88 118,816 35 2,677 78 1,067 13 8,194 36 91,220 41 5,359 75 88,154 05 t 1,914,216 34 [128] 102 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu, $27,480 00 Office, St. Louis 10,935 00 Nashville 59,500 00 , Louisville 49,600 00 Lexington 3,380 01) Cincinnati 66,525 00 Pittsburgh 8,790 00 i Buffalo 5,020 00 ! Burlington 94,615 00 ! 866,070 00 214,955 00 Total Bank United States Office, Portland New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez - $17,955 00 106,1*) 00 lfciOQOOfr 20,140 00 -2f,940;00 75,730 00 41,370<fc 400 0> - 1,712,515 Ofr - k i. ^ f JH Bank of the United States. Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States • Bank of the United States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Treasurer of the'Common wealth,of Pennsylvania Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. - - $-132,589 80 5,267 32 3.*, 782 16 8i»7,804 2ft 783,753 54 100,488 73 At office, Norfolk. $40,144 17 Navy agent Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu - - - - - - - - - - ' - $34,541,54190 $21,083,572 26 - 1,712,515 00 22^736,087 2& Notes in actual circulation - $11,805,45464 Digitized by Google ftft. ftfiCAWTOLATtON. - Bills discounted on personal security -$14,863,374 36 Bills discounted on bank stock . - 2,880,137 63 Bills discounted on other se» 1curiiies <• 27,951,287 99 Domestic bills of exchange* 186,875,200 00 [28,124,800 00 United States, for capital stock Capital stock $45,694,799 98 11,793,838 13 Foreign bills of exchange • Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices -" 30,017,921 13 Due from State banks 1,2*5,991 23 Dtte from the United States » • DeficienciesBanking houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of the Slate banks - &». 1557,488,638 11 73,962 74 993,162 93 31,303,912 5,267 86,193 508,621 85,987 36 32 47 84 72 21,023,572 26 1,604,823 19 Specie « - * Mortgages * •: Navy agent, Norfolk Bank United States, chartered by-Congress Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope& Co., and Hottinguer&Co. Bonus and permanent expenses Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - 22,628,394 45 4,696.693 ; 25 132;589 80 40*144 17 33,782 16 100,488 73 897,804 29 783,753 54 Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Cominge .t fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund Due to Bank United States and offices Due to State banks ^47541,541 90 5,943,308 02 4,394,624 61 - 30,J90,454 40 1,655,994 32 Foreign exchange account Loan in Europe J. Lawrence, treasurer canal commis sioners - „ Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses > ' Contingent interest * . Deposites on account of the Treasurer of the United States Less special deposites Deposites dn account of public officers ^Deposites on account of Individuals te,ooo,ooo oo 4,291,210 65 1,548,683 41 31,846,448 72 1 ^01.1868 29 6,*tfGHl94 44 91,220 41 1,070,600 68 689,360 28" 5,359 75 3,011 60 Mi 2,348 15 28,154 05 1,914,216 34 1,944,718 54 119,859,396 88 119,859*396 88 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, September 2, 1836* 00 $. JAUPOfl,Gamier. .uu GENERAL Dates. MONTHLY Offices. , 1836. Sept. 29 Bank United States •22 Agency, Boston Mar. 14 Office, Hartford Sept. 27 Agency, New York 24 Office, Washington - ! 20 Richmond 17 Norfolk April 25 Fayetteville Sept. 20 Savannah 12 Agency, Mobile 12 New Orleans 3 Office, Natchea Aug. 29 Avency.St. Louis 31 Office, Nashville 6ept. 17 Louisville Cincinnati I 21 Pittsburgh Aug. i Utica • July 6 Burlington Sept, 19 Agency, Cincinnati - STATEMENT Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills discounted on personal security. bank stock. other securities. $6,^60,268 708,641 38,273 67,868 265,839 225,265 126,854 17,532 33,520 14 24 07 41 95 40 36 18 29 $3,778,707 33 $21,640,184 79 7,700 00 1,500 00 11,842 00 i 5,986,755 85 3,006 12 171,898 05 18,515 10 15,504 44 2,662 34 24,419 74 200 00 4,208,953 408,345 312 140,101 443,911 59 56 50 17 69 73,660 37 746,889 6,767 21,811 875,736 23 86 75 26 15,096,892 65 i mu' p nim-K of the Bank of the United States, and Us office* and agencies, at the dates mentioned, 3,833 35 1,000 00 2,841,379 63 27,900,C09 85 Domestic bills of exchange. Foreign bills of exchange. £3,200,437 52 2,105,475 7? 874,109 51 9,387,296 97 7,644 76 "800 47,111 946,084 1,311,565 370,312 00 75 54 21 68 300,449 39,454 19,279 370,219 4,412 16,003 69 14 70 22 66 46 11,156,549 07 Real estate. $69,700 00 153,240 120,253 58,367 43,682 13,866 93 90 14 65 29 43,236 25,242 13,158 16,034 52 49 74 03 413,683 02 74,109 51 970,465 71 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. 1836. Stpt. - 29 22 Mar. 14 ficftt. 27 24 Sept. '» 24 20 12 12 3 99 31 17 Aug. July Sept. 21 1 6 19 A*ril Sept. Aug. Offices. Bank United S ates Agency, Bos on Office, dartford Age cy» New York Office, Washington Richmond Norfolk Payeiteville Savannah Agency, Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville Cincinnati Pittsburgh Utica Burlington • Agency, Cincinnati - Due from Bank United States and offices. $32,037,802 63 240,034 31 45,919 07 455,393 74 120,44.7 91 971,641 43 921,549 41 1,414,036 31,522 3,304,244 2,361,492 1,147,358 1,832,80i 28,356 499,385 13,122 192,702 91 93 16 06 73 51 86 49 38 33 44,921,912 86 Due from State banks. $366,604 41,388 6,319 460,619 31,053 33 50 87 71 25 8,869 70 78 04 192,412 20,633 4,588 11,843 5,563 21,170 12,459 96 47 96 24 73 47 20 Losses chargeable to contingent fund. Deficiencies. $3,256,860 78 38,494 56 78,064 259,857 29,989 238,373 12 98 71 87 $325,000 00 $49 70 346 74 69,376 83 159,401.6149,209 98 1,991 28 241 724 42 Banking-houses. 327259 36,024 35,109 13,385 42,385 90 07 65 02 00 17,450 33 "516 54 760 00 227l05 00 38,703 94 52,554 00 1,671 37 1,722,339 37 4,406,522 31 90,171 51 Expenses. $44,189 54 2,071 73 10,844 10,140 13,693 1,451 1,907 1,848 2,406 4,553 842 510 11 29 07 26 40 48 93 27 04 85 2,942 827 1,861 669 24 38 36 68 8,976 21 506,269 64 109,738 84 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. 1836. Sept. 29 22 Mar. 14 Sept. 27 24 20 17 April 25 Sept. 20 12 . 12 3 Aug." 2!) 31 Sept.- 17 Aug. July Sept 21 1 6 19 Offices. Bank United States Agency, Boston Office, Hartford Agency, New York OJice, Washington Richmond Noriblk Fayetteville Savannah Agency, Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville Cincinnati Pit.*burgh Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati - Treasurer of the United States. Notes of Bank Notes of State banks. Unite >' States and offices. CAPITAL STOCK. Specie. United States. $15,177,327 50 $1,598,869 88 #3,216,044 72 #6,875,200 CO $28,124,800 00 5,000 00 $764 74 310,625 109,3*) 187,380 213,005 700,425 4,746 1,866,175 360,000 372,655 966,370 00 00 00 00 00 33 00 00 00 00 7987130 00 589,465 00 764 74 9,003 00 8,283 2,856 1,781 2,000 1,490 2,915 599 16,698 46,675 57 61 46 00 00 00 84 00 91 251^930 00 4,770 92 39,750 00 21,912,453 83 1,735,694 22 Notes issued. Bank U. States. $33,989,246 90 1,095 64 70,789 295 1,820 1,004 4,232 02 44 63 73 63 3,256 381 1,386 35,429 52 03 76 58 i 64,206 12 3806 24,782 19 3,424,763 07 6,875,200 00 28,124,800 00 3 3 $ 9 ^ 8 & "90 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. ■ Dates.; Offices. ri" - • ■ ■ ■ Discount, ex Dividends change, and unclaimed. imerejt. Profit and "\ loss. Foreign ex change ac count. Contingent fund. Fund for extin guishing cost Contingent interest. of banking houses.^ Loan i a Europe. 1 1836. * Sept 29 Bank Un ited States ' - #286,188 L 85,882 r : 22* jiiAxgney, Boston 1 770 *&*. 14 , O&ce, Hartford Sept. 27 P Agency, New York - L220,82i Office, Washington 5,865 Richmond 10.418 .-•■■/ 17^ Norfolk ,762 April 25 Fayetteville 223 Savannah 2,541 Agency,' Mobile 32,681 New Orleans 12 67,595 13.419 3 , Office,.Natchez 397 Aug. 29 Agency, St. Louis 1,056 ! 31 Office, Nashville Louisville 17,021 Sept. 17 Cincinnati Pittsburgh - 26,449 21 UticaAug. 1 1,037 July j 6 Builington Sept. 19 Agency, Cincinnaii 5,995 72 $57,138 00 $4,291,210 65 $1,366,827 00 $5,943,306 02 $1,070,600 68 $657,673 51 S6,78ft,194 44 21 5,375 00 57 445 00 37,442 75 48 1,240 55 60 5,470 00 52 3,244 50 63 54 1,822 00 27 18 518 75 45 12 61 i U> 13 58 81 86 i'-v . 779,181 38 v-^ 112,696 55 4,291,210 65 1,366,827 00 5,943,308 02 1,070,600 68 657,673 51 6,788,194 44 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. D (n zed b, o o ^ o Offices. Baring, Brothers, Dui to Bank &Co., Hope & United Slates Co., and Hotand offices. tinguer & Co. 1836. 29 Bank United States Sept. * 1 22 Agen y, Boston March 14 Office, Hartford Sept. 27 Agency, New York 24 Office, Washington 20 1 Richmond 17 Norfolk April 25 Fayetteville 20 Savannah Sept. 12 Agency, Mobile 12 New Orleans 3 1 Office, Natchez Aug. 29 Agency, Sfc Louis 31 Officej Na>hville Sept 17 Louisville 1 Cincinnati 21 Pittsburgh Aug. 1 Utica July 6 Burlington Sept. 19 Agency, Cincinnati - , $603,888 05 ^ ^ — «. _ _ — „ — — _ — — «. — «» 603,838 05 $6,917 3,051,903 113,563 9,241,554 1,333,168 1,489,823 907,730 262,405 2,388,685 952,079 10,993,754 3,503,957 1,525,643 3,316,810 765,895 1,364,785 1,691,214 200,825 318,231 1,426,078 Due to State banks. 62 68 50 40 58 98 00 06 00 55 08 54 52 00 00 00 29 Of) 19 94 $1,171,445 07 50 00 44,858,085 93 1,347,564 66 63~527 68 2,298 96 5,113 12 .. _ 2,758 52 _ 565 00 — _ 135 90 98,670 41 _ _ J. Lawrence, Deposites on Deposites on treasurer c i acc't ol Trea acc't of pub nal commis surer United lic officers. sioners. Slates. $44,917 03 — — ^ _ _ — ^ ,. _ _ — _ _ — _ . 44,917 03 $2,442 18 _ _ _ — «. — ^ _ _ 723 21 — _ _ _ _ „ 3,165 39 Deposites on account of individuals. $25 00 $1,620,170 598 _ 1,618 58 2,585 17 54 33,796 578 71 68,048 5,097 76 36,856 321 37 22,010 922 02 150 11,531 - ^ _ 8,148 13 91 22 00 69 46 21 74 00 44 855 59 4,630 18 9,854 76 6,712 63 _ 3,728 88 _ «. «. 66,703 17 2,677 78 1,067 13 20,457 99 1,890,278 91 to 00 ■ a I—J o 00 109 [128] GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu, Bank United States Office. ^Boston New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah 61,000 6,000 61,600 2,000 69,525 5,000 13,000 53,000 64,000 206,615 386,155 * * • Mohilp New Orleans - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Office, Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington $267,865 21,955 215,080 24,000 32,700 27,300 75,170 2,000 1,000 1,000 • - Total - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1,595,965 00 At Baidcofihe United States* Bonds and mortgages • Dae by the United States Bank of the United States chartered by Congress Bonus and permanentexpenses ^ Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania $132,599 80 5,267 33 33,780 16 901,454 29 781,033 54 - ■ - , : - ■ At office, Norfolk. Nary agent $40,144 17 Statement of the notes of the Bank,of the United States and offices, in actual circulation* \ Notesistued . Notes on hand . Notes in transitu . . . Notes ia.:actual circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'A . . . -$33,989,24690 * $21,913,453 83 I,69$,96fr00 33,508,418 83 . * - - . $10,480,828 07 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. DB. Bills discounted on personal security $15,096,892 65 Bills discounted on bank stock - 2,841,379 63 Bills discounted on other se curities -27,900,009 85 Domestic bills of exchange- - United States for capital stock Capital stock $45,838,282 13 11,156,549 07 Foreign bills of exchange Real estate -. - ■ ;. -, Due from Bank United States ana offices • 44,921,912 86 1,722,339 37 Due from Stale banks . . . Doe from the United States Deficiencies Banking houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of the State banks - 21,912,453 83 1,735,694 22 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Bank Oniterf States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Commonwealth of Pennsylvania _ _ _ T~^—jr*—s BANK OP THE UNITED STATES, ~ $56,994,831 20 74,109 51 . 970,465 71 46,644,252 5,267 90,171 " 506,26* ■■■: 109,738 23,648,148 3,424,763 132,589 40,144 33,782 901,451 784,023 23 32 51 64 84 05 07 80 17 16 29 54 134,360.010 04 " Notes issued Discounts, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund Due to Bank United States and offices .« Due to State Banks - L . - .„ Foreign exchange account J. Lawrence, treasurer of the canal com missioners I Fund'for extinguishing cost of banking i houses i ? - ; '_'-" Contingent interest ' fDeposites.ori account of the Treasurer of the United States Less special deposites Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals • Loan in Europe Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. :- CR. #6,875,200 00 ^8,124,800 00 5,943,308 02 4,406,522 31 $35,000,000 00 33,989,24t> <)0 779,181 38 11-2,696 55 4,291,210 65 J,536,785 44,658,085 1,347,564 1,366,8-27 71 93 66 00 44,917 03 1,070,600 68 657,673 51 . 3,165 39 764 74 2,400 6&J -20,45ft 99' 1,890,278 91 1,913,137 55 6,788,194 44 603.888 05 134,360.010 04 October 3, ,1836. S. JAUDON, Cashier. r-f GENERAL ~~ "" ^Jfctffc. 1836. October 31 <v:c -i. 87 v-tfi' fl5 MONTHL Y STATEMENT Offices. Bank United States Agency, Boston New York (•^%i'. # Office, Washington 26 Richmond 6 Norfolk April 85 Fayetteville October 18 Agency, Savannah Mobile 10 New Orleans , 8 I Office, Natehe2 Agency, St. Louis *ogMt 39 «ppt «i Office, Nashville 17 Louisville 1 -Cincinnati October 86 Pittsburgh • August 13 UticaOctober 6 Burlington 1/ 15 Agency, Cincinnati - n of the Bank of the United States, and its offices and agencies, at the dates mentioned. Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills discounted on personal security. bank slock. other securities. $6,501,120 668,381 ■31,877 358,065 334,834 135,651 17,532 33,520 ^t 4,312,199 447,349 312 139,227 443,911 _ 813,143 6,767 31,811 872,638 23 38 77 09 86 36 18 39 $2,781,005 33 3,600 00 _ 3,006 14,504 21,419 200 $21,622,636 62 4,905,483 188,298 17,537 2,662 12 44 74 00 59 86 75 34 14,817,638 84 47 95 89 34 67,?K.f —* * 1,198,368 38 1,307,388 25 352,718 37 — 76,425 99 «. — ■ — r - ' ' — 3,833 35 *• — — _ «. — _ _ _ ' f 2,826,735 63 r ^1,000 00 t 26,817,878 61 | "«'■" tv \ ' ^r/..'-' u^ .;r 39 17 64 76 — «. „ «. _ • $3,186,797 1,681,868 2,374,271 7,644 . -*# , ^ «K 09 92 50 94 69 Domestic bills of . exchange. 300,489 69 39,454 14 19,379.70 455,628 15 4,412 66 16,003 46 . 11,012,191 03 Foreign bills of exchange. $74,335 36 Real estate. — .-_ ^ $84,389 17 ■ r 1 , , _ « *' _, ^ ^ 1,640 120,253 58,367 43,682 13,866 93 90 14 65 29 _ — ... ^ _ 39,526 25,242 13,158 16,034 52 49 74 03 74,335 36 413,683 03 829,841 88 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. 1836. October 31 Bank United States 27 Agency, Boston New York 25 22 Office, Washington Richmond 25 Norfolk 6 Fayeiteville April 25 October 18 Agency, Savannah Mobile 17 New Orleans 10 Office, Natchez R August 29 Agency, St. Louis Sept 21 Office, Nashville Louisville 17 Cincinnati October 36 Pittsburgh August 12 Utica Burlington October 6 15 Agency, Cincinnati - Due from Bank United States and offices. Due from Slate banks. Losses chargeable to contingent fund. $3,258,202 38,494 78,061 259,731 29,989 238,373 $31,366,955 702,196 610,783 120,987 971,591 30 23 24 36 43 $4,198,271 18,008 538,604 25,418 4,770 10,350 37 06 04 40 97 18 215,360 3,294 3,247,297 2,328,116 1,147,358 1,832,711 28,356 1,297,515 22,196 192,702 82 89 46 55 73 01 86 49 90 33 84,070 16,737 230,221 15,316 4,588 15,446 5,563 21,170 46,970 32 54 60 01 96 38 73 47 97 44,087,374 57 10 56 12 05 71 87 Deficiencies. $36,590 64 346 74 69,376 83 159,401 61 49,209 98 1,991 28 241,724 42 Banking-houses. Expenses. $325,000 00 90 07 66 02 00 $58,478 2,270 11,555 11,414 14,097 1,463 1,907 2,273 3,009 5,433 3,028 510 82 71 80 16 91 26 40 48 92 39 41 85 22^105 00 2,942 827 3,279 669 332 10,676 24 38 57 68 84 01 327259 36,024 35,109 13,385 42,385 13,472 29 " 516 54 760 00 38,703 94 52,554 00 1,671 37 5,274,212 97 4,407,736 70 122,734 41 506,268 64 134,201 83 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. • Dates. Notes of Bank United States " and offices. Offices. 1836. j October 31 Bank United States »7 , Agenc7,Boston w r^ i>.'rj[ew rYerk [Office, ^Washington « Jodolk , - October g J Agenc]p8ay^ah V v iL i/Se^jSrieans iQffifle. -Ratehez * August » I Agencyj«t.XfoBi«. -1 Sept. wL Office, Nashville - H; Vl^lwviUe Cincinnati gtiea^ October 6 •uriington » Agency,Gia<ilimati - \ $1,698,768 40 $3,246,816 97 •981,604 74 101,67* 00 189,220 00 213,005 00 1,081,935 00 P 65&O30OO 1,668,775 00 -360,000 00 379,655 00 966,370 00 18,526 22 3,021 64 1,678 96 2,000 00 5,210 00 6,632 25 70,734 19 285 06 2,639 28 1,004 73 4,151 44 617,645 00 , 45,637:56 CAPITAL STOCK. Notes issued. Bank United States. United States. $11,195,937 50 17,744,784 80 rr--* « Specie. Notes of State banks. 4,355 00 599 84 16,698 00 53,946 03 "989 61 1,812,445 95 $28,124,800 00 $6,875,200 00 $33,dl7,326 90 28,124,800 00 j 6,875,200 00 33,017,326 90 3,251 52 609 90 1,386 76 35,366 65 ! 43,896 67 3806 3,410,181 23 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Discount, ex- j Dividends un-' Profit and loss. claimed. change, and interest. Offices. 1836. October 31 i Bank United States 87 [Agency, Boston 1 v^ - * ^ y « ^ i 1 i Office, W&stePfiton -.■ ! mi October H* j Agency^Fannah - ; \ rg£^? < j p W R l e a n r i August 30) Sept. 3JU Office, ka^hvjfie ; Louisville^ October 2$ August 1U October ;& I 0nn..v Snrlington Agency, Cincinnati , , - $404,828 60 $52,700 50 95,659 65 ' 4,531^0 260,871,31 , 35,145 25 1,121 55 8,489 62 4,935 50 10,688 81 2,832 50 1,049 43 32394 1,782 00 3,071 42 46,105 98 478 75 73^673 00 " T 1 Contingent fund. Fund for extin guishing cost of bankinghouses. Contingent interest. $4,291,210 65 $1,366,943 33 $5,943,308 02 , $1,070,600 68 $617,481 39 1,070,600 68 617,481 29 1,439 11 17,03113 34,068 36 1,087 81 37;375 43 1^010,741 96 J Foreign ex change ac count. 103,517 55 4,391,216 65 1,366,943 33 5,943,308 03 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued, ,-j- 4nm*mamm*m*m J -U^i $ ** ......... % 1 rt* 3 Dates. OJQtocs. vi/\; ^ ' , ■ ■ • ■ ■ • ■ ' • ' &an in Europe. - ■ ;: 4-'-'^'-] rr-i Baring, Brbthws, ; & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer&Co, -^; .; Wi'n ^ • T T " -" <■-■<-■ ■' - - * ' ■ *■ Due to Bank United States and offices. - ■ m r : - '. '■ 'i - ■ , "i , . . M ■-■;„■ r " . 1 Due to State banks. Deposites on account of public offi cers. ■ - " • * ' " ■ - ■ ■ - ■ Deposites on account of individuals. 1 i ■ f -j_ ' 1 r - ^-^h- j.;; _ ttim . : -.3 "• 1836V October 31 1 Bank United i & e s •6,788-, 194 44 , S7 ** 26 22 Officei- Washington - j •» Hichmond - j *', ^ < ^ -t % Norfolk April * Fayettevitte -! " — ;V October 18 Agency. Savannah - : 17 Mobile - - 10 Ke**Orleans , 8 Office, Natcnez - i; ^ — August 39 Agency, St. Louis - . "* Sept. 21 Office,'Nashville, - - : — 17 j Louisville -; f ^ 1 ! Cincinnati - f October 26 Pittsburgh August 12 Utica-* October 6 Burlington 15 Agency, Cincinnati - i j . ^ TI ■ " t $18,969 90 3,0*3,879 94 8,199,011 23 1,320,119 73 1,492,773 25 683,299 99 262,405 06 1,669,977 09 1,839,957 00 10,735,909 71 3,487,873 45 1,525,643 52 3,316,840 00 765,895 00 1,364,785 00 1,989,691 01 200,825 00 38,148 05 1,399,278 81 $858,704 38 $11,465 06 57,043 01 2,504 67 " 17 54 578 71 5,097 76 321 37 922 02 644,010 03^ i .. 43,305,282 74 965,213 01 $644,016 92 •T'SPfc*.: *} _ - r ■ * ^ ^ -» ^ " ; / ' ■» | ^ 6,788,194 44 **■'■ v - ■ ■ ■ . . ! -a K' ■ «. * * i ' — ^ A j ^ j — -1 ~ ' ■ ■ v ~ : ■ ■ ' ~~ *~ , -* ^ ^ ^ * 2,758 52 _. 855 59 ^723 21 665 00 8,148 13 *. «, ^ .^ — 135 98 43,501 53 3,728 88 _ •A 31,858 27 ■i. i i m ii n i l I I I i H . $1,453,699 92 693 02 36,133 38 65,507 30 32,576 63 20,895 17 150 00 19,918 -72 4,363 49 9,827 23 8,712 63 «* 47,585 61 2,677 78 989 61 1,703,729 89 _. ^ £ [128] 116 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu, Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Payettevilie Charleston Savannah $2,060 18,060 2,045 179,620 48,350 8,865 330,790 153,730 191,340 199,790 139,990 83,475 281,375 232,465 • - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $181,765 00 983,925 00 414,600 00 115,125 00 497,245 00 162,970 00 263,570 00 137,360 00 292,000 00 53,225 00 35,545 00 259,140 00 Office,. Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Total $5,228,445 00 At Bank of the United States, Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States Bank of the United States, Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - - - - - $144,58980 5,267 32 33,782 16 911,224 29 845,852 46 At office, Norfolk, Nary agent $40,144 17 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notesissued . Notes on hand Notes in transitu - Note* in actual circulation - - - - - . - -$33,017,32690 $17,T44,784 80 5,228,445 00 —• ■ 22,973,389 80 - - - - - - - Digitized by - $10,044,097 10 Google d*. RECAPITULATION. DR. Bills discounted on personal security - #14,817,638 84 Bills discounted on bank stock 2*826,735 63 Bills discounted on other securities - 20,817,878 61 Domestic bills of exchange Foreign bills of exchange * Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks United States, for capital stcjck Capital stock Bank United States - #44,462,253 08 11,012,191 03 $55,474,444 11 74,335 36 829,844 88 44,087,374 57 5,274,212 97 Due from the United States DeficienciesBanking-houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices 17,744,784 80 1,812,445 95 Notes of State banks Specie ,,-. . spe< Moi _ Mortgages Navy" agent, Norfolk Bank United Slates chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - 49,361,587 5,267 122,734 506,268 134,201 19,557,230 3,410,181 144,589 40,144 33.782 911,224 845,852 54 32 41 64 83 75 23 80 17 16 29 46 131,451,688 95 BANK OF THE U N I T E D STATES, $6,875,200 00 28,124,800 00 Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund $35,000,000 00 33,017,326 90 1,010,741 96 103,517 55 4,291,210 65 5,943,308 02 4,407,736 70 1,535,571 32 Due to Bank United States and offices Due to State banks . . - 43,305,282 74 . 965,213 01 Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, &Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Fund for extinguishing cost of bankinghouses Contingent interest Deposites on account of public officers Deposites on account of individuals Loan in Europe 44,270,495 75 1,366,943 33 644,016 92 1,070,600 68 617,481 29 31,858 27 1,703,729 89 1,735,588 16 6,788,194 44 - .I 131,451,688 95 November 2, 1836, S. JAUDON, Cashier. to 00 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT Bills discounted Bills discount Bills discounted Bills of exchange. Real estate. on personal se ed on bank on other se curity, stock. curities. Dates. Offices. 1836. Dec. 1 Nov. £lt 30 19 22 19 April 25 Nov. 15 14 14 5 8 9 17 23 Aug. 1 Oct. 6 15 Bank United States i Agency, Boston New York Office, Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Savannah Agency, Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati - $6,892,690 262,525 30,452 236,902 223,334 111,258 17,632 33,520 60 $2,733,455 33 $21,520,969 35 06 600 00 77 3,8777324 04 17 162,653 10 2,723 38 86 20,440 01 14,504 44 78 16,992 61 24,386 65 18 200 00 ! 29 4,06l7318 10 447,249 92 1227042 444,683 781,200 6,767 21,811 872,628 1 , 1 1 i ■■<'.■ 767425 99 44 15 47 86 75 34 14,566,008 74 f J of the Bank of the United States, and its offices and agencies, at the dates mentioned. 37673 35 i7ooooo 2,775,869 80 25,679,478 45 $3,393,065 1,687,570 2,670,865 14,916 "800 157,274 1,411,890 1,467,326 299,852 143,543 94,647 44,454 500,911 4,412 16,003 Due from Bank Due from State United States ■ banks. and offices, 65 $86,389 17 $29,684,475 37 $4,114,255 89 958,882 02 26,767 19 74 216,205 94 292,040 35 1,640 93 52 122,252 10 8,807 07 10 119,253 90 969,548 09 51,855 37 9,302 89 43,^82 65 00 13,866 29 17,985 04 216,860 82 90 78,682 94 81 363,374 15 3,1387929 72 06 21,685 58 31 114 13 27 7,642 11 39,526 52 10 2,368 70 17,096 44 187411 09 14 27,487 28 35,211 59 16,034 03 01 192,702 33 66 46 38,703 94 413,683 02 11,907,433 79 803,028 32 35,553,479 07 5,009,217 26f GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. 1 Dirt*. Losses charge- i Deficiencies. able to contin- ' gent fond. Offices. ' 1836. Dec. 1 Bank United States Nor. ,34 I Agency, Boston New York 30 Oficf, Washington - $3,468,700 '38,494 78,064 259,731 29,724 238,373 Jpl jB| Nor. 65 56 12 05 19 87 Bankinghouses. $325,000 00 $36,166 71 346 74 69,376 83 32,259 36,024 35,109 13,385 42,385 15?7401 61 ^? ^Wew^rleans 497209 98 lT991 28 243,545,47 4^cy,Sm<^ati " ■ ■ ' . ' ■ ' . 90 07 65 02 00 19,701 27 760 00 | Uttcr^ . Expenses. 22,105 00 - 527554 00 1,671 37 4»619,790 78 128,022 92 Notes of Bank United States and offices. $68,189 49 $12,383,063 10 3,773 89 14,847 87 11,985 95 263,810 00 14,796 04 101,395 00 1,463 26 171,835 00 1,907 40 143,005 00 2,652 36 1,047,385 00 3,936 63 565,270 00 6,098 47 1,669,745 00 3,523 37 360,000 00 175 93 69 10 9647035 00 3,218 30 3,703 61 7987575 00 669 68 33284 10,676 01 Notes of State bank. Specie, $2,208,319 63 $3,087,538 45 34,019 3,041 6,823 2,000 325 105 42 64 26 00 00 83 70,734 280 2,414 1,004 4,147 07 81 32 73 56 3,231 52 l7795 87 "335 00 321 34 66,481 16 "989 61 45,637 56 126 37 35,357 73 70,418 74 3806 ; ' i i i 506,268 64 1 122,020 90 18,468,138 10 2,370,195 32 ,3,275,292 36 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. CAPITAL STOCK. Offices. Dates. 1836. Dec. 1 Nov. 24 30 19 22 19 April 25 Nov. 15 14 14 5 8 9 17 23 Aug. 1 Oct. 6 15 Notes issued. United States. Bank U. States Bank United States - §6,875,200 00 $28,124,800 00 $33,232,925 38 Agency, Boston New York Office, "Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayettevilje Savannah Agency, Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville : Pittsburgh Utica Burlington _ Agency, Cincinnati i 6,875,200 00 28,124,800 00 33,232,925 38 Discount, ex change, and interest. Dividends unclaimed h $568,366 117,038 337,900 9,465 10,719 1,307 223 4,460 68,690 81,574 14,946 3,952 3,229 18,515 41,896 1,087 $50,349 3,466 17,710 1,121 3,884 1,728 12 33 54 41 40 50 54 96 70 41 85 44 68 43 38 81 Profit and loss. Foreign ex change ac count, Contingent fund. 00 $4,291,210 65 $1,332,528 81 $5,943,308 02 50 25 55 00 50 1,882 00 358 75 37,275 43 1,320,651 02 80,400 55 4,291,210 65 1,332,528 81 5,943,308 09 ■ ' ■.. ■ i ^ GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. i -.1—'~*~—*" " = "1 Contingent " Fbnd for extininterest. . guishing cost of banking houses. pffioes. Dates. — x Baring, Brothers, Due to Bank & Co., Hope &. United States Co.,andHottinand offices. guer & Co. Due to State banks. Deposites. K/ -■ 1836. Bee. 1 Bank United States Nov. 34 Agency, Bostoa '.-. New Yorfc ^ 30 n ' .19 Office, Washington Richmond 32 Norfolk ,19 FayeUeville April 25 Savannah HOY. 15 ■ r , ; ' .14 Agency, Mobile New Orleans 14 5 Office, Natchez 8 Agency, St. Louis 9 'Office, Nashville Louisville 17 Pittsburgh 33 Utica Aug. 1 Burlington Oct.^ 6 15 Agency, Cincinnati 1 Loan in Europe. < |M,070,600 68 $586,052 55 $6,788,194 44 $622,489 05 i- 1,070,600 68 586,052 55 6,788,194 44 622,489 05 $7,007 93 $1,054,172 74 $1,434,083 60 264 35 2,857,844 28 35,028 42 39,591 98 6,787,377 06 63,276 35 2,192 42 1,264,429 22 36,528 98 7,353 58 1,475,835 39 17,859 86 680,891 25 1,072 02 192,405 06 19,918 72 1,655,775 90 1,991,195 42 855 59 10,769,812 99 2,758 52 3,965 41 1,115,194 79 140,007 26 16,533 49 1,246,543 17 3,301 32 755,955 23 69,125 27 2,170,824 01 40,282 23 2,677 78 200,825 00 989 61 38,148 05 1*399,278 81 34,749,350 82 1,146,351 47 1,695,480 77 [ 128 ] 122 GENERAL MONTHLY STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah - $173,150 00 983,925 00 395,480 00 115,125 00 496,245 00 245,980 00 162,970 00 106,480 00 230,390 00 36,225 tt 27,545 tt 268,140 01 Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Lexington Louisville Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington - $3,060 00 14,935 00 1,070 00 173,730 00 43,110 00 6,070 00 330,790 00 153,730 00 191,340 00 199,790 00 137,105 00 83,475 00 281,375 00 198,530 00 - Total 5,031,755 ft - At Bank United States. Bonds and mortgages . . . . . . Due by the United States Bank United States chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - . . - - -. - $143,85980 5,267 32 33,782 16 916,21601 906,031 00 At office, Norfolk. $40,144 17 Navy agency Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu - Notes in actual circulation - - - - - $33,232,925 38 .$18,468,138 10 5,031,75500 23,499,893 10 - - Digitized by - 9,733,032 28 - RECAPITULATION. DR. Bills discounted on personal security - $14,566,008 74 Bills discounted on bank ~«te*k—- 9,775,869 80 Bills discounted on other se curities - 25,679,478 45 Bills of exchange - United States, for capital stock Capital stock - $43,021,356 99 11,907,433 79 Real estate ~DIM from Bank United States and offices Doe from State banks Due from the United States Deficiencies ■■'*■" Banking houses - Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of th« State banksi Specie , Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Bank United States, chartered by Bonus and permanent expenses Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 35,553,479 07 5,009,217 26 - - Congress - 18,468,138 10 2,370,195 32 $54,928,790 78 803,028 32 40,562,696 5,267 128,022 506,268 152,020 33 32 92 64 20 20,838,333 3,275,292 143,859 40,144 33,782 916,216 906,031- 42 36 80 17 16 01 00 123,239,753 43 o o o BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, CR. - Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund Due to Bank United States and offices Due to State banks Foreign exchange account Haring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Hottmguer & Co. Fund for extinguishing cost of houses Contingent interest Deposites • Loan in Europe - Co., and banking - #6,875,200r00 28,124,800 00 5,943,308 02 4,619,790 78 34,749,350 82 1,146,351 47 $35,000,000 33,232,925 1,320,651 80,400 4,291,210 00 38 02 55 65 1,323,517 24 35,895,702 29 1,332,528 81 622,489 05 1,070,600 586,052 1,695,480 6,788,194 68 55 77 44 123,239,753 43 December 5,1836. S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL ST A TEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its offices of discount and depositee at ifre dates herein mentioned. 1 Dates. Offices. Bills discounted Bills discount Bills discounted Bills of exchange. Real estate. on personal se ed on bank on other secu curity. stock. rities. Due from Bank Due from Slate banks. United States and offices. 1836. Dec. Nov. April Dec. Nov. Dec. Aug. Oct. Dec. Bank United States 22 Agency, Boston New York 28 27 Office, Washington 20 Richmond 30 Norfolk 25 Fayetteville Savannah 1 12 Agency, Mobile 12 New Orleans 5 Office, Natchez 30 Agency, St. Louis 30 Office, Nashville 15 Louisville 21 Pittsburgh 1 Utica 6 Burlington 15 Agency, Cincinnati 21 j Office, New Brighton $7,697,943 183,263 11,852 228,027 208,778 111,258 17,532 33,520 54 $2,765,293 00 $22,953,914 46 94 600 00 77 3,0847965 72 31 2,723 38 157,410 62 39 14,504 44 36,122 51 78 24,386 65 16,124 86 18 200 00 29 37229 08 3,7097422 01 447,249 92 1167811 451,453 760,332 6,767 70 90 91 86 37673 35 i7ooooo 8727628 34 44,347 46 14,901,191 30 2,807,707 47 26,250,440 60 $5,273,714 1,404,842 2,705,287 12,856 800 191,661 1,453,227 984,628 299,852 239,384 52,665 41,674 528,840 4,412 16,003 377026 93 $110,694 31 $31,523,182 13 $1,006,925 10 1,220,703 68 19,867 09 40 319,304 62 1,640 93 167,207 67 68 39,345 52 47,807 48 71 121,807 10 122,175 12 51,855 37 9,404 29 43,682 65 00 13,866 29 7,568 00 08 177,188 91 22,354 18 53 2,892,938 98 695,695 64 18 21,685 58 31 2,771 21 72 39,526 52 12,665 32 43 4,195 00 8,382 05 187911 09 14 63,415 56 16,034 03 82 75,305 02 192,702 33 66 989 61 46 38,703 94 413,683 02 "732 00 30 13,246,878 35 816,985 22 36,423,333 21 2,284,598 90 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. Losses charge able to contin gent fund. Deficiencies. 1836. Dec :>' Hwr. April Pie, Bank United States - $3,517,749 21 38,494 56 33 Agency, Boston 78,064 12 , JJewYork 38 358,097 85 2 f ' Office, Washington 39,724 19 Richmond 30 237,506 38 Norfolk 30 tfayetteville 2$ _ 159,401 61 Savannah Agency, Mobile _ 49,209 98 New, Orleans Office, Natchez _ ^ 3© Agency, St. Louis _ 1,991 2a 3f Office, Nashville 243,846 91 Louisville 15 Pittsburgh 31 _ Utica 1 _ Burlington. - j 6 " 52~554 00 i 15 i Agency, Cincinnati 31] Office, New Brighton - Jr: Wpr. ■ft»; A«r. Oct. Dec ' 4,666,640 09 Expenses. Bankinghouses. $80,556 81 $10,340,792 70 $325,000 00 $35,755 71 ! 346 74 69,376 83 ** • • _ 20,887 08 _ ^ 760 00 ^ — — — " 1,671 37 05 128,797 78 1,328 28 6,942 04 12,724 60 — 32,259 90 _ 35,109 65 13,385 02 42,385 00 _ _ _ « ^ _ 22,105 00 _ _ _ 470,244 57 Notes of Bank United States and offices. _ 1,907 40 _ ! 110 63 3,346 66 3,523 37 760 40 599 43 9 58 178 82 669 68 332 84 10,676 01 751 38 124,417 93 226,675 101,395 171,385 143,005 1,021,585 941,100 00 00 00 00 00 00 _ 360,000 00 445,550 00 962,330 00 _ 669,690 00 —% — Notes of State banks. Specie. | $1,064,631 27 $2,409,417 78 14,168 2,976 161 2,000 260 88 11 64 47 00 00 31 335 1,393 64,296 38 81 39 07 73 15 449 02 —' 1,795 87 _ 72,043 246 2,291 1,004 4,208 00 06 55 06 - 133 90 35,314 02 63,682 86 84,285 00 45,637 56 8,972 94 49,658 31 15,467,792 70 1,206,754 84 2,638,449 04 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. • CAPITAL STOCK. Dates. Offices. Notes issued. Discount, ex change, and interest. United States. Bank U. States. 1836. Dec. Nov. April Dec. Nov. Dec. Aug. Oct. Dec. Bank United States - $6,875,200 00 $28,124,800 00 $32,155,356 69 81,021,425 22 Agency, Boston 6,872 «_ _ _ 28 New York 48,381 _ _ _ 27 Office, Washington 1,502 _ _ _ 20 Richmond 691 _ _ _ 30 Norfolk ! _ _ — 25 Fayetteville 223 _ _ _ 1 Savannah . -* _ 12 Agency, Mobile 13,568 _ _ m 12 New Orleans 338 ^ _ _ 5 Office, Natchez 14,946 _ _ — Agency, St. Louis 30 6,909 _ _ — 30 Office, Nashville 15 Louisville 754 _ _ M 21 Pittsburgh 9,498 — _ — 1 Utica 1,087 — _ _ 6 Burlington 15 Agency, Cincinnati i 37,275 _ — — 21 Office, New Brighton 1,401 6,875,200 00 28,124,800 00 32,155,356 69 Profit and loss. Foreign ex change ac count. Contingent 57 $43,755 50 $4,291,210 66ttj ,309,623 03 $5,943,308 02 64 3,458 50 51 16,997 75 93 1,121 55 31 3,809 00 1,728 50 54 1 1,442 00 50 21 358 75 85 j 04 25 01 81 43 68 1,164,877 28 1 Dividends unclaimed. 72,671 55 4,291,210 65 1,309,623 03 5,943,308 02 GENERAL STATBMENT-tontinued. '■"-the Bites. 1836. Dec ■-...-. Nor. April Dec. ROT, Dec* Aug. Oct Dec J\ 1 Offices. Bank, United States 93 Agency, Boston 98 \~~. ' N e w York 27 Office, Washington Richmond 9 ^ No«6lk 30 1 Paygtteville 95 ' Sav&anah[ 1 12 Agency, Mobile j New Orleans 13 Office, Natgbez 5 Agency, a t Louis 30 Office, Nashville Louisville 15 Pittsburgh 21 Utica 1 Burlington 6 15 Agency, Cincinnati 21 Office, New Brighton 1 i Ti , PluLd/or ejdin- Contingent ■ gu&hing «pst interest. of bankinghoises. $1,056,259 11 Loan in Europe. $528,632 71 $6,788,194 44 Baring, Brothers, Due to Bank Due to State & Co., Hope & United States banks, and offices. Co.,andHottinguer & Co. $138,172 68 I 1,055,259 11 538,632 71 6,788,194 44 138,172 68 $10,960 80 #1,310,600 54 I 2,857,176 18 6,308,898 94 4;343 16 1,172,628 03 2,011 72 607,374 48 14,428 99 672,138 55 192,405 06 1,438,948 41 280 00 2,580,501 06 8,355,495 56 3,758 52 1,115,194 79 680,763 73 I 927 46 1,206,742 93 , 769,483 51 2,126,578 27 29,770 47 200,825 00 16,336 30 1,399,278 81 205,350 60 120 00 31,917,081 01 1,365,240 86 Deposites. \ $1,982,305 69 ! 264 35 f 26,786 14 1 43,246 34 23,575 70 17,587 91 1,072 02 19,918 72 855 59 3,965 41 16,255 77 3,301 32 98,034 83 3,677 78 989 61 18,901 16 3,259,738 33 [ US ] 128 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in tratisitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Norfolk FayettevJlle Charleston Savannah Mobile $7,000 1,000 187,155 44,000 11,000 234,350 197,430 195,075 151,000 109,000 355,000 276,000 325,615 - Office, New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Richmond - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 j , | Total - $844,000 500,800 133,455 575,910 182,655 523,700 113,900 264,770 42,000 25,265 17,000 222,670 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5,239,595 00 At Bank of the United States. Bonds and mortgages . . . Due by the United States Bank of the United States chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses . . . . Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania • - . . . . . $136,081 91 5,267 3 2 28,062 6 5 2,339,57831 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu * Notes in actual circulation . » » • . . $32,155,356 69 - $15,467,792 70 -' 5,239,595 00 : 20,707,387 70 . » . . ' . $11,447,96899 At offiee, Norfolk. Navy agent, Norfolk $40,144 17 Digitized by Google RECAPITULATION. DR. Bills discounted on personal security $14,901,19130 Bills discounted on bonk ^ * o r k ~ ;.■•-3,807,707 47 A HU]S discounted on other se* enrities -26,256,440 60 Bills of exchange . .' . . Capital stock of United States Capital stock - $43,965,339 37 13,246,878 35 Reel estate -?*■--.'"%' "- ^ • ■ - . •» Dn?from Ban* United State* and offices - 36,423533 21 ,2,284,598 90 Due fro* State banks ] » tfee United Staie* - Notes Qitkefiank United, States and offices 15,467,792 70 Notes of the State hanks 1,206,754 84 ■BKiir' "-"' . :.;..''.. : Mortgages. - ■*.■,.Navy agent, Norfolk Bank United Suites, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - $57,212,217 72 816,985 22 38,707,932 11 5,5*67 32 128,797 78 470,244 57 124,417 93 16,674,547 54 2,638,449 04 136,081 91 40,144 17 28,062 65 2,339,578 31 119,322,726 27 CE. - $6,875,200 00 28,124,800 00 Notes issued • . Dkcounis, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed « Profit and Joss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund Due to Bank United States and offices Due to State Banks - Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope &. Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Fund for the extinguishment of the cost of banking houses Contingent interest Deposites Loan in Europe - 5,943,308 02 4,666,640 09 31,917,081 01 1,365,240 86 #35,000,000 00 32,155,356 69 1,164,877 28 72,671 55 4,291,210 65 1,276,667 93 33,282,321 67 1,309,623 03 138,172 68 1,055,259*1 528.632 71 2,259,738 33 6,788,194 44 119,322,726 27 BANK OF TPE UNITED STATES, January 2,1837. S. JAUDON, Cashier. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its offices of discount and depositee at the dates ^ herein mentioned, ** \ ■ ; TT ■- Datoo. Ollices. |837>**H Bank United #*tes [Agency, Boston [.•..,.,.. New York Omoe, WashingtonRichmond Norfolk Fayettevtlle Savannah ; r, Agency, Mobile . New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville ,. -Jkouisville Pittsburgh Utica ".-.;/,.- , Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton "■i:-:- 24 14 1836, Dec. 28 1837, Jan. 9 1836, Jfey. 5 $K Jan. g pr,'££"gf 25 Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills of exchange. other securities. bank stock. ^eiwohalflecurhy. $7,595,811 144,050 47,558 -219,789 208,778 110,438 16,797 33,520 00 92 78 53 39 53 18 29 $2,789,737 21 600 00 2,364,346 67 447,249 92 48,786 50 2,510 14,504 20,219 200 58 44 74 00 124,011 70 437,163 79 801,95102 6,767 86 2,816,594 160,284 35,927 13,927 50 17 88 83 3,229 08 3,673 35 1,000 00 910,963 26 81,007 76 13,550,206 60 $23,242,168 35 2,876,558 37 96,276,805 16 18,483,588 1,249,007 2,484,501 5,085 58 87 67 37 188,513 1,413,261 644,934 299,852 418,464 52,665 53,130 519,676 4,412 16,003 41 62 68 31 34 43 45 71 66 46 51,448 25 15,884,546 81 ' -:••-■•-,•■.■,■- Real estate. $112,694 31 1*640 118,307 51,855 43,682 10,006 93 10 37 65 29 ; ■ GD Due from Bank United Slates and agencies. $58^286,738 1,278,477 339,089 39,345 121,720 56 73 71 52' 12 20,268 00 282,345 9$ 2,053,649^ 1,249,913,11 29,681 52 4,195 00 16,034 03 m'iU 62 779,308 82 7,594 140,282 192,709 21,811 00 5? 33 75 34,033,94$ 70 g C GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued!. Offices. Dates. ■■■• ' 4 gym' s44 Bfl£]fec.98 Bank United States "Agency, Boston *"New York Office, Washington- $702,290 11,090 19,208 48,670 53 12 19 18 liaoa 33 $,220 16 6 737 J37,Tan, ;9 Li* isc u9 l836,Nov^|3 **w Orleans Ic^gatehi?! ttcy,3n Lotus ie, ^laslralle ^LauisviUe ... ^fctteburgh - « . . ! 7,Jan.j Dae from State banks. i Burlington ency^einenanati - ice, r&eirlftrightoh '■:'- - S& ! 20&4&6 68 SH685 58 4,136 18 . 7,860 50 "8,550 60 Losses chargeable to contingent fond. 3,517,724 21 38,494 5fr 78i064 12 258,097-85 29,724 19 Banking-houses. Deficiencies. $325,000 00 $49 70 .... .456 74 69,376 83 237,862 94 159,401 61 49,209 98 13,472 29 1,991 28 243,846 91 "760 00 37ii57 02 1,379,077 73 4,651,574 67 357l09 65 13,385 02 42,385 00 22,105 00 72,810 22 ti989 6l * 3ft, 703 94 "> 610 82 32,259 90. 10 84,115 66 470,244 57 Expenses. $17,654 17 "f>05 85 3,321 85 . : 8,456:57 13,116 16 10 40 1,543 43 402 54 980 84 3,353 16 3,523 37 "642 18 135 42 1,273 57 669 68 332 84 8,056 95 1,750 82 65,829 80 Notes of Bank United States and offices. $12,577,123 90 msjooo 99,395 X)0 164^5 00 143,005 00 1,001,565 00 928,415 00 360,000 00 272,800 00 962,330 00 -^ £J -£ 639/160 60 $$,#7000 17,517,288 90 L- : « GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ ' ■ R I I I U J J. 1 1 HJ.I ,WI HW-". ' ' Offices, Pates, .■'. J . ^ ' Notes of State banks. , " " - " ■ " * Specie. ' ' ' " United States. i ... , _ — _ ^ ■■ y J ■ » ■ CAPITAL STOCK. Notes issued, Bank United States. — !»' \ > " ■ " Discount, ex change, and interest. . 1837, Jan. 30 26 26 30 24 14 1836, Dec. 28 31 1837, Jan, 9 9 1836, Nov. 5 Dec,26 . 31 1837, Jan. 15 25 1836, Aug. 1 Oct, 6 |837, Jan, 2Q 25 i Vw imjK't' | Bank United States [ Agency, Boston New York Office, Washington Richmond - 1 Norfolk Fayetteville- I Savannah - i Agency, Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville •* Pittsburgh Utica Burlington • Ageney, Cincinnati - 1 Office, New Brighton $747,362 59 81,941,822 11 127374 81 2,866 64 i 5,161 91 2,500 00 455 00 96463 . . ■ '■- ' 1 T 567089 86 t 12,837 94 2,948 89 487465. 75 12 2,161,441 . $183,048 18 18,70702 82,353 92 2,381 15 1,236 51 226 33 758 54 285 00 30,012 88 338 11 14,946 85 5,936 35 231 33 634 0619,356 60 1,087 81 I 1 1 "45 63 35,257 20 "385 00 295 20 72,698 43 38 06 [ 27,688 64 2,780 00 ■ $33,199,356 69 "44902 l7795 87 ■« v $28,124,800 00 727057 75 245 89 2,01$ 33 1,004 73 3,988 11 877,366 78 r $6,875,200 00 ■ l ' W L 1 ■ ■ ■ 6,875,200 00 r 1...1.. y . .. m i , . , — 1 i. 28,124,800 00 33,199,356 69 377,327 4? ■ ■ ■■■■-■ ■ U ' . U GENEftAL STATEMENT-Continuecl. fall Dates, Dividends unclaimed. Offices. *837,Jan. 30 Bank United States 96 Agency, Boston New York 30 Office, Washington iy Rrctonond;>/ ; Norfolk FayeUeriJleSavsannah ^ 2 0 ^ ' ' - 81, mrtjvti. 9 Agency*■jdWMir New Orleans &£*&»'. v9 Office, Natchez i&TNorgl Agenry, St: Louis Office, Nashville Louisville %$*&. % Pittsburgh U t i e a , ■'■■ lfcS6,Aug, lr ^■^! r0ct..-v-'6 Agency, Burlington Cincinnati 1837, Jan. $0 Office, New Brighton $96,029 00 9,059 00 58,793 75 1,989 55 9,997 00 13,401 50 rl'U ■.!■<■■ if' ' 1 II 1 IjlllHl' 1 ,1,1 'I 1 $4,755,985 32 Foreign ex change ac count. Contingent fund. £1,841,174 25 $5,943,308 02 Fund for extin guishing cost of banking houses. $1,055,259 11 i . ,.ll». Contingent interest. £513,198 80 1,442 00 398 75 1,403 98 ** • 190,110 55 l\ Profit and loss. 4,755,985 32 1,341,174 25 5,948,308 02 1,055,259 11 • ■ - ■ - ■ • i 1 1 514,602 79 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Loan in Europe. Dates. Offices. 1837,Jan. 30 Bank United Slates • 26 Agency, Boston 26 New York 30 Office, Washington 24 Richmond 14 Norfolk 1836, Dec. 28 Fayetteville 31 Savannah 1837, Jan. 9 Agency, Mobile 9 New Orleans 1836, Nov. 5 Office, Natchez Dec. 26 Agency, St. Louis 31 Office, Nashville 1837, Jan. 15 Louisville 25 Pittsburgh 1836, Aug. 1 Utica Oct. 6 Burlington 1837,Jan. 20 Agency,Cincinnati 25 Office, New Brighton ' $6,788,194 44 m : Baring, Brothers, 1 Due to Bank & Co,, Hope & United States Co., and Hotand offices. tinguer & Co, $300,129 44 m *» ^ _ ^ m _ _ _ m . 6,788,104 44 m ^m _ _ — <> • r- 300,129 44 $10,960 2,694,296 5,601,749 1,238,401 590,742 650,946 191,795 1,429,151 2,721,602 5,385,576 1,115,194 1,938,098 1,199,100 753,245 8,331.093 200,^25 38,148 1,401,943 222,349 Due to State banks. Interest on loan in Europe. Deposites. $2,120,740 264 30,251 42,241 23,591 13,102 108 19,918 79 35 07 68 07 83 21 72 80 68 59 97 27 82 06 96 51 71 79 89 82 42 01 00 05 49 87 Si,521,861 33 394 43 20,239 68 29,605,223 71 1,599,760 79 2,367,556 73 m 16,881 12 2,011 72 21,954 06 — 2,758 52 _ $119,444 44 855 59 3,965 41 9 1,324 02 32,575 59 ^ ^ 16,252 3,301 69,055 2,677 989 66 32 96 78 61 *9 00 ■ 119,444 44 ran £ *«• 3 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu, Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile $5,000 1,000 111,000 43,000 U,000 214,350 185,43J 183,075 209,670 140,000 103,000 3-37,000 250,000 295,615 - - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Office, New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington - $758,000 00 411,850'00 121,955 00 517,910 00 170,656 00 202,700 00 107,900 00 250,770 00 39,OIK) 00 24,265 00 16,000 00 Total - 4,733,145 00 At Bank of the United States. Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States Bank of the United States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses - - - #136,066*1 5,267 32 28,062 66 . 2,339,578 31 - ' Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes at State bank agencies JTotes in transitu , _ Notes in actual circulation . . - . . - - $33,199,356 69 $17,517,288 90 - 1,686,825 00 4,733; 145 00 23,937,258 90 - - - $9,262,097 79 At office^ Norfolk. $40,144 17 Sfavy agent Digitized by RECAPITULATION Bills discounted on personal security $13,550,203 60 Bills discounted on bank stock - 2,876,558 37 Bills discounted on other se curities - 26,276,805 16 Bills of exchange • Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks Due from the United States Deficiencies Banking-houses V Expenses vCash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of the State banks - Capital stock Capital stock of United States $42,703,570 13 15,884,556 81 34,033,048 70 1,279,077 73 17,517,288 90 877,366 78 Specie Mortgages • ' Navy agent, Norfolk Bank Uni ed States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses * $56,588,116 94 779,308 82 35,313,026 5,267 84,115 470,244 65,829 18,394,635 2,161,441 136,066 40,144 28,<fi2 2,339,5:8 43 32 66 57 80 68 75 91 17 65 31 118,405,859 01 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, $28,124,800 00 6,875,200 00 - Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund Due to Bank United States and offices Due to State banks - 5,943,308 02 4,651,574 67 - 129,605,223 71 1,599,760 79 Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer &. Co. Fund for extinguishing the cost of bank ing houses Contingent interest • Depositee? Loan in Europe Interest on loan in Europe |$35,000,000 33,199,356 377,3-27 190,110 4,755,985 00 69 47 55 38 1,291,733 35 31,204,984 50 1,241,174 25 300,129 44 1,055,259 514,602 2,367,*56 6,788,194 119,444 11 72 73 44 44 118,405,859 01 January 31, 1837. S. JAUDON, Cashier. , GENERAL STATEMENT Dates. Offices. of the Bank of the United States, and its agencies, frc, at the dates herein mentioned* Bills discounted on personal security. Bills discounted on bank stock. Bills discounted on other securities. Bills of ex change. Real estate. * 1837, Feb. 27 23 91 27 21 Jan. 31 1836, Dec. 28 1837, Feb. 1 13 13 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 183G, Dec. 31 1837, Feb. 15 22 1836, Aug. 1 Oct. 6 1837, Jan. 20 Feb. 22 Bank United States Agency, Boston New York Office, Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Savannah Agency, Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh Utica Biirlingfton Agency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton $7,105,401 88,01)2 47.038 237,654 306,874 110,414 16,797 32,545 55 9'J 91 32 39 47 18 29 _ 978,656 10 263 124,011 436,759 813,995 6,767 80 70 50 91 86 — 910,963 26 102,460 16 11,218,697 39 $32,672,216 12 $2,681,608 85 60J 00 _ 2,510 14,431 19,669 200 _ 2,672,141 157,107 27,270 13,927 58 97 74 03 61 53 42 83 _ _ _ m . 1 3,229 08 _ _ • _ _ _ _ * _ _ m 1,995 75 ! 2,719,021 14 ! _ _ _ 1,000 00 $9,916,425 1,097,513 2,430,494 5,085 _ «. _ 97,586 1,628,550 112,527 559,238 630,521 52,665 43,728 514,550 4,412 16,003 Due from Bank United States and agencies. 34 11 28 37 SI14,894 31 18 43 47 48 34 43 40 50 66 46 _ _ _. 111,195 23 345,369 43 1,994,906 37 _ 14,937 86 _ . 7,594 00 195,512 08 192,702 33 _ 1,640 118,307 51,855 43,682 10,006 93 10 37 65 29 29,681 52 4,195 00 16,034 03 _ 391,211 6-2 17,163,578 53 781,808 82 $25,717,645 1,513,273 459,991 764 118,932 12 56 82 74 50 54,276 50 25,548,888 34 30,672,825 04 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Due from State banks. Offices. Bank United States - i Agency, Boston .New York Office, Washington Richmond Norfolk Jw. at Fayetievitle UB0, Dee. 2tt Savannah 1837, Feb; I 13 Agency, Mobile New Orleans 13 J*n. 28 Office, Natchea Feb. 4 Agency, St. Louis 1836, Pec. 31 Qffic*, Nashville Louisville 1837, Feb. 15 Pittsburgh 22 Utica 1836, Aug. 1 Burlington Oct. 6 van,**** 20 Agency, Cincinnati Feb. 22 Office, New Brighton W3?,Feb. 27 23 21 27 21 ©650,074 28,226 125,919 4,794 13,358 10,357 4,2c0 27 101,181 1,074,660 *• ' 3,711 7,860 5,209 61,013 _ 989 37,703 1,212 37 $3,51*,724 Zi 38,494 52 1 78,064 67 258,097 04 ii9,724 70 237,862 16 _ 50 159,401 01 • 45 49,209 _ 14 1,991 50 t 51 243,846 29 ^ ^ 61 ^ 94 38,157 79 - 2,132,520 52 'l-»ii.i .. ii ...t I M l 1 i I 1 I ■* i ■ ■ Losses chargeable to eontingent fund. Deficiencies. 21 56 I 12 85 19 94 1 61 1 1 [ 02 4,651,574 67 $49 70 346 74 69,376 83 _ — — 21,636 19 98 28 91 — mm 516 54 760 00 ... •* _ —' _ Banking-houses. Expenses. $325,000 _ _ 32,259 _ 35,109 13,385 44,385 _ ^ _ _ _ _ 22,105 $24,437 611 6,900 8,9>W 13,494 1,946 1,543 799 1,860 3,363 506 506 642 297 1,692 669 332 8,056 1,944 00 90 65 02 00 00 j . — 1 20 92,687 20 _ - 470,244 57 ■ Notes of Bank United States and offices. 64 85 63 46 07 31 43 66 55 16 12 18 18 50 83 68 84 95 90 $15,165,283 90 78,536 14 19,848,778 90 ■ ■« f — — : 292,630 99,060 155,320 U3,U05 1,001,235 922,555 00 00 00 00 00 0ft 64,00000 38-2,840 00 962,330 OQ 021,745100 39,775 00 l««J 13$ 3g O 5 CD <T^ w *L g „.s 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 i i i i i i i i i I 8 a I I I I I I I I I • I I I I • I I I I as 8 iT I I s I I I I I to" I OQ 5 " - SS532 §S*3S 88 r ^ 5 o i ^P w ^'©• ft" I ic* tM^eo I 'S 8 »3 I 2 do '$ « GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. 1837, Feb. 27 •23 21 27 21 Jan. 31 1836, Dec. 28 1837, Feb. 1 13 13 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 1836, Dec. 31 1837, Feb. 15 22 1836, Aug. 1 Oct. 6 1837, Jan. 20 Feb. 22 Offices. Bank United States - 1 Agency, Boston New York Office, Washington Richmond Norfoik Fayetteville Savannah Agency, Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville Pitihburgh UticaBurli-gton A gency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton Dividends un i Profit and loss. i Foreign exchange account. claimed. $81,713 2,767 30,021 1,705 8,4>5 5,053 00 00 75 55 00 50 $4,755,985 32 $1,247,867 59 4,755,985 32 1,247,867 59 Contingent fund. $5,943,308 02 Fund for extin Contingent interest. guishing cost of bankinghouses. $1,055,259 11 $506,198 80 1,055,259 11 506,198 80 2,602 00 764 75 133,052 55 5,943,308 02 | GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 'M ■ ■ j- ^g■ -:£• Etett* Offices. 1f">y ■ .J, h.. Ltfanin Europe. Baring, Brothers, bite to Bank United ■ Due to State & Co., Hope & Stated and offices. banks. ;_■'" i ^ Co., and Hot1 tinguer & Co. i' • Deposites. < ■ ■ ■' Interest on loan in Europe. '- ^> ^ 1637,Feb. 37 23 21 27 * 21 Jan. 31 1830, Dec. 28 1837, Feb. 1 13 IS Jan. 28 Feb. 4 1836, Dec. 31 1837, Feb. 15 22, 1836,Ang. 1 Oct. 6 1837,Jan. 20 Feb. 22 a i Bank United States - $6,788,194 44 i Agency. Boston J — New York 1 _ 1 Office, Washington '. _ Richmond I _ Narftik Faye#eville Savannah I ^ Agency, MoWe _ 11 NewT)rle«ms ! _ Office, Natchez ; Agency, St. £ouis ; • 1 Office, NaskjHle Loui^ille 1 ._ Pittsburgh 1 Utica . 1 Burlington — Agency Cincinnati _ Office, New Brighton 6,788,J94 44 $572,158 31 _ -• ^ «~ — — — —- — ' •• _ — " 572,158 31 $12,160 2,736,182 5,650,888 1,148,978 619,280 653,685 191,795 1.426,467 2)955,080 4,233,920 618,943 1,007,202 1,199,100 738,345 2,269,895 200,825 16,336 1,401,913 236,094 80 21 36 17 82 82 06 96 92 85 46 15 82 42 57 00 30 49 06 SI,752,006 89 1,037 82 11,447 48 27,317,127 21 1,812,837 23 2,401,595 54 _ 2,327 87 2,262 09 .. - . - . "208 78 2,758 52 _ 4,630 60 — - _ _ 47,604 66 $2,177,987 306 30,401 42,283 16,510 11,994 108 19,918 78 73 74 99 85 58 21 72 855 3,965 8,758 16,252 3,301 53,834 2,677 989 59 41 13 66 32 96 78 61 $81,944 44 81,944 44 [ 128 ] 142 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, ^n transitu. Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile $3,00040 | Office, New Orleans Natche* 1,000 00 ] - St.I^onis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington 190,000 00 5,000 00 6,000 00 103,350 00 119,430 00 50,075 00 118,070 00 47,000 00 43,000 00 112,000 00 113,000 00 209,000 00 » - $3441000 00 a77J860 00 $6]955 00 .$63 910 00 - r£2 J655 00 1051700 00 461900 00 - 116^770 00 12:000 00 111865 00 - : 41000 00 Total 2^69^530^0 At Bank of the United States. Bonds and mortgages * Dne by the United States . . . Bank of the United States chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses $136,08191 5 267^3 28,062*5 2,339,578 & Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, it actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes at State bank agencies Notes in transitu - - Notes in actual circulation - - * - » $19,848,778 90 2,047,600 00 2,269,530 00 * . $33,636,080,59 24,165»908 91 . $9,470,171© MoffioeyN^aVc. Navy agent, Norfolk $40,144 17 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security -#11,218,697 Bills discounted on bank stock 2,719,021 Bills discounted on other securities - 25,548,888 Bills of exchange - Capital stock of United States Capital stock - 39 34 S39,486,606 87 - 17,163,578 53 Due from the United States deficiencies * Banking houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of State banks - 30,672,825 04 2,13-2,520 52 $56,050,185 40 781,508 82 32,805,345 5,567 92,687 470,244 78,536 19,848,778 90 1,-236,849 13 Specie Mori gages Navy agent, Norfolk Bank United Slates chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses - 21,085,628 2,653,272 136,081 40,144 28,062 2,339,578 56 32 20 57 14 03 51 91 17 65 31 117,166,542 59 o o eg. FT ©35,000,000 00 33,636,0S0 59 563,508 08 133,052 55 4,755,985 32 Notes issued 14 Real estate Due from Bank United States and offices Due from State banks - ,875,200 00 128,124,800 00 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, March 1, 1837. Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unslaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 5,943,308 02 4,651,574 67 1,291,733 35 Due to Bank United States and offices Due to State banks - 27,317,127 24 1,812,827 23 Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Fund for extinguishing cost of bankinghouses Contingent interest Deposites Loan in Europe Interest on loan in Europe 29,129,964 47 1,247,867 59, 572,158 31 1,055,259 11 506,198 SO 2,401,595 54 6,788,194 44 81,944 44 117,166,543 59 S. JAUDON, Cashier. GO GENERAL Dates. 1837. March 30 93 98 90 91 Jan. 31 Dec. 28 March 1 13 13 Feb. , 96 March 9 Feb. 88 16 March 92 14 Oet. 6 March 90 93 16 ' r[ ' STATEMENT '(jfflces. <"■<" Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills discounted on personal security. bank stock. ' other securities. Bank United States Agency, Boston New York Office, Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Agency, Savannah • Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville ! LouisvHle Pittsburgh Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton Erie 1 !>'" I l l l l 1 — ^ — ■ ■> ■ ii ii i i i i i of the Bank of the United States, its agencies, &c, at the dates herein mentioned. $6,381,201 74,-799 47,038 210,347 206,871 110,414 16,797 18,545 55 52 91 49 39 47 18 1 29 $2,339,396 62 9,520 58 14,431 97 19,669 74 20000 80 67 50 72 86 3,839,513 88 .. . 88 94 88 83 1,995 75 899,099 96 136,845 79 88,909 11 i n ■■ i n » 2,716,205 174,636 26,128 13,927 $11,381,011 1,000,040 2,442,669 5,085 16 98 52 37 1,934,583 93,846 542,249 660,542 21,450 43,728 496,866 00 11 56 24 42 40 64 6,178 00 27,639 49 267,261 67 " 263 131,295 436,759 806,391 6,667 $22,422,919 17 Bills of exchange. 1,000 00 s 25,390,63194 $116,894 31 l7640 118,307 51,855 43,682 10,006 93 10 37 65 29 $34,800,311 70 1,092,839 02 496,460 13 7<J4 74 116,40790 437,283 43 1,864,02126 2 50 65,808 71 177l51 54 4,195 00 16,034 03 7,594 00 206,353 02 197,038 81 16,003 46 3927461 62 72,919 33 18,700 53 2,376,218 81 ' Due from Bank. United States and agencies. Real estate. 18,729,696 72 6,000 00 j 778,228 84 166 66 29,875,051 88 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. 1837. ' March 30 Bank United States Boston 33 Agency, 88 . oiij1"-' ;J«ewYQrk 2ft Qdte#,Wfchi4gtt>tt Richmond 21 Jan. 31 Miwfolk Fflyett*v411e March I Agency; SWatiniah -■ 13 .-'!':-•■ :#Whtti-. N e * Orleans I* Qjfose, 8«uche* 1 March # Agency, St: Lodiis Feb. 9$ ! Office, Ntifcyffie I 15 .Looteirtlte March 20 Pittsburgh V 14 Urfea f Oct. J6 Turlington March 20 A«fiHjy^Ote|8innaU 22 Office, New Brighton 16 "Etfe * h — — ^ ^ i in i i ■>■■!!■ $601,009 70 16,586 90 414,557 36 14,8.1 54 5,457 60 10,357 70 4,8*0 16 842,371 66 24,124 38 1,101,127 15 736 40 10,104 97 1,746 76 5,209 51 1 127,384 09 "989 93,052 1,702 1,924 $3,517,493 38,494 78,064 258,097 29,7-4 237,862 1 1,991 28 243,846 91 4,651,313 89 32,259 99 35,109 65 1 3 ^ 5 02 42,385 00 24,611 19 49,209 98 3,276,485 74 i ~$49 70 346 74 69,376 83 159 401 61 37,157 02 n ' Banking-houses. $325,000 00 43 56 12 8o 19 94 61 71 79 76 i Deficiencies. Losses charge able lo contin gent fund. Due from State banks. Offices. " 516 54 760 00 2», 105 00 92 95,601 92 470,^44 57 Expenses. $33,138 2,0*5 9,342 9,302 13,8*9 l,!'46 1,543 1,331 2.766 3,474 991 7.9 798 390 2,448 616 334 8,664 2,146 1.767 Notes of Bank United Stales and offices. 99 18 32 71 40 3l 43 16 39 73 95 43 91 91 67 14 84 11 57 02 97,657 17 $17,487,964 19 260,435 97,3a) 155,320 143,005 00 00 «0 00 882,400 00 16,000 00 50,«50 00 958,285 d0 445,935 00 13,525 00 159,915 00 20,650,214 19 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dae?. Offices. Notes of State banks. CAPITAL STOCK. Specie. United States. 1837. March 30 Bank United States j 23 1 Agency, Boston 28 New Vork 20 Office, Washington 21 Richmond Jan., 31 Norfolk Fayetteville Dec. 28 March 1 Agency, Savannah 13 Mobile 1 13 New Orleans Feb. 25 Office, Natchez March 9 Asrency, St, Louis Feb. 28 Office, Nashville 15 Louisville March 22 Pittsburgh j 14 Utica Oct. 6 Burlington March 20 Agency, Cincinnati 22 Office/New Brighton 16 Erie - $1,449,332 95 _ SI,658,529 52 1 ^ I 13,949 2,861 987 2,500 •* 38 ^ _ _ 1,420 96 64 91 00 1 91 1 00 134,816 35 3806 1 151 71 1 5,440 00 13,650 00 1,625,187 49 71,387 237 1,741 1,004 — •449 270 49 35,233 295 99,042 — 17 18 05 73 1 1 I 02 93 13 19 20 03 •» 47,340 45 3,514 42 Bank United Slates. ■■ $34,948,080 59 _ $6,875,200 00 j $28,124,800 00 ^ •» •■» — — —, ■ — „. _ „ _ _ _ ^ ** '•• — — — _ ~ ^ •• .. — •• • _ _ — _ ^ — _ — - .. _ 28,124,800 00 34,948,080 59 6,875,200 00 1,919,094 02 Notes issued. ■ i i «. _ — «, ^. — i „ „ — .. •* „ -*■ Discount, ex change, and interest. $478,719 36,644 178,954 5,824 3,186 430 758 521 64,446 338 3,533 16,P25 1,566 2.3K8 32,7?6 1,147 77 70 05 57 34 52 54 96 22 11 89 46 89 44 61 93 29,539 28 4,904 93 1,934 94 864,373 15 GKNEBA1. STATEMENT-Contimied. Dates. Dividends un claimed. Offices. 1837. March 30 23 28 20 21 Jan. 31 Dec. 28 March 1 13 13 Feb. 25 Mar.h 9 Feb, 28 15 March 22 Bank United States Agency, Boston New York Office, Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayettevffle . Agency, Savannah . Mobile New Orleans 1 Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville -Louisville Pittsburgh 14 Utica . Oct 6 Burlington March 20 Agency, Cincinnati 22 Office, New Brighton 16. Erie - $67,563 00 1,471 00 23,509 44 1,505 55 7,961 00 5,053 50 $4,755,S85 32 Ft reign exchange account SI,242,140 80 Contingent fund, i Fund lor extin guishing cost of bankinghouses. 65,943,308 02 107,828 24 #1,055,259 11 Contingent interest. $478,688 80 • 764 75 1 *■ Piofit and loss. 4,755,985 32 1,242,140 80 5,943,308 02 1,055,259 11 478,698 80 QGNERAL STATEMENT^-eotrtiniwd. " ii in IP. *m > • Due to Bank Baring, Brothers, United States &Co., Hope& Co.,andlfottin- 1 and agencies: guer & Co. Loan in Europe. Dates. Offices. |837. March 80 i Bank Ifotted States S3 ■jqj^,m*m ; : 38 SewYork 20 : Office,'Washington 31 'Richmond &m. 31 Norfolk P>c 38 iFayetteville 4 Match 1 Agency, Savannah 13 Mobile 18 K e ^ Orleans Feb. 25 Office, Natchea March 9 Agency. Bt. Louis ftfc 28 Offlee, HtehVMe lEdnisvifte March S3 IHtteborgh 14 :XTtica Oct € Burlington March S 0 | Agency. Cincinnati 22 ©See/NeW Brighton w| $6,788,194 44 | T B r * * •■ 6,788,194 44 WWPWH" ' ■ -P $680,077 29 ■J»»U ' ' ' 1 » 1 ' " 680,077 29 Deposites. Due to State banks. i $2,415,518 251 29,267 4,727 68 54,571 1,36589 30,445 11,994 i 108 07 20 73 13 05 05 21 855 »,969 1,104 12,680 3,301 81,997 3,387 989 59 41 79 06 33 37 94 61 $12,160 80 2,786,439 26 5,969,569 97 1,108,995 95 602,972 96 653,685 82 191,795 06 1,063,512 76 3,222,927 89 3,416,923 63 552,748 04 769,488 07 1,155,885 81 738,345 42 2,208,152 93 200,825 00 16,336 30 1,401,047 as 264,065 81 231,187 68 $1,631,622 08 36,567,067 01 1,678,615 85 8,756 53 ~ 696 50 34,499 64 Interest on loan in Europe. $36,388 88 9,913 29 39,517 16 1,037 83 1,907 72 | 26,3S8 88 8,688,871 51 i II iiiii, , in l i IIIIIII n i i 14& £ M»* GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued* Notes of the Bank of the United States and[offices^ in transitu. Office, Portland PonsmotUh Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmoad Norfolk Pavetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile $3,000 00 1,000 00 18,000 00 5,000 00 6,000 00 102,350 00 139,430 00 95,073 00 118,070 00 77,000 00 43,000 00 112,000 00 273,000 00 209,000 00 Office, New Orleans Natches St. Louis Nashville Louisville • Lexingfon • Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica . Burlington Bank United States Total $344,000 00 432,850 00 jr,asf oo m#io oo 107,655 00 205,706 00 86,900 00 171,770 00 12,006 00 11,265 00 4,0 0 00 116*000 00 - 3,269,530 00 At Bank Untied States. Bonds and mortgages Due by the United Sates Bank United Stales chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses - - - ' - - $19ff,081 91; 5,26? 3 $ 28,08$ 2f> - 2,840,078 31i . Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes at State bank agencies * < > ' « " " Notes in actual circulation - - .- . „ . - $34,948,080 59 -$20,650,214 19 - 1,975,950 0 3 ^ , 5 3 0 00 9 ^ M a - - . . 9,052,386 40 At office, Norfolk. Wavy agent, Norfolk $40,144 17 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bill> discounted on personal security - $9,839,^13 88 United States, for capital stock Capital stock stock - 2,376,318 8i Bills discounted on other se curities - 25,300,631 94 Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed - R i l t a rfio/*rknnt#>H rin Bills of exchange • Real Mtaie . hanlr * - £37 60S 364 63 • 18,729,696 72 • Due from Bank United States and agencies 29,875,051 88 3,376,485 74 Due from State banks . . . Du^ from the United States Deficiencies- — Banking houses . f . — Expenses — Gash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States and offices 20,650,214 19 1 1,625,187 49 Notes of the State banks * Specie - Mortgages - . Navy a^ent, NoTfolk Bank United States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses - „. _ 1 Prnfif nnrl IAQQ r l u u i ciiiu lUM $56,336,061 35 778,228 84 • . « • $6,875,200 00 28,124,800 00 - • _ _ 5,943,308 02 Continge t fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 4,651,343 89 Due to Rank United States and agencies - 26,567,067 01 Due to State banks 1,678,615 85 33,151,537 62 5,267 32 Foreign exchange account 95,661 92 ! l.aring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and 470,244 57 Hottinguer&Co,97,657 17 i Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses * Contingent interest Depositee , . . 22,275,401 68 1 Loan in Europe . . . . 1,919,094 02 Interest on loan in Europe 136,081 91 ' 40,144 17 ! 28,086 24 ; 2,810,078 31 ! 118,173,545 12 BANK OP THE UNITED STATES, • • - ^ mm ^ - 835,000,000 00 34,948,ON) 59 664,373 15 107,828 24 4,755,985 32 1,291,964 13 §8,245,682 86 1,242,140 80 680,077 29 1,055,259 11 478,<,98 80 2,688,871 51 6,788,194 44 26,388 88 118,173,545 18 April 1, 1837. S. JAUDON, Cashier. AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, May 26, 1837. I certify the above to be a true copy of the original statement remaining on file in this department. [L. ■.] Witness my hand and seal of office, the day and year above written. NATH, P. HOBABT, Auditor General GENERAL STATEMENT > Dates. i> •• Bills discounted on personal se curity. Offices. ■ Bank tftfreu States • Agency, Bosfon 25 - Sew York • 22 office, Washington Richmond 25 Jan. 3t ,....- Norfolk 1836) D^Cf ,'$8 \ Fayejieyille $^^aunah, Uu|$ ffl^» ^" ; Agency,'Mobile New Orleans : Office, Natchei Maj. i*. Ajf^Hi-y, Si. Luuis Office, iVa^liville tp'l & ., ", " Lou1 sville Pittsburgh 86 Mar f4 Uriea r Burlington l£36,£ct. 6 Agency, initati IgfrAjfl*) Office, New Brighton Erie &. 88,382,217 9»i 81,110 4, 47,03* 91 200, vt-9 H.i 210,023 39 110,414 47 16,797 In 18,545 29 WiMfcfT Ap'l 27 _ *. 263 **?{! " J < il I&- •$ ■ ' ■ • ' - ■ of the Bank of the United States, its agencies, pa, at the dates herein mentioned. 137,954 83 131,.95 40*, 9,9 805,574 6,6»7 „ 80 67 97 48 86 956,486 31 171,113 20 166,595 28 11,851,928 90 • "1* >. ' ' Bills discount ed on bank stock. ' 1 $2,247,836 7ti 08 14,431 97 19,6t>9 74 200 00 2,283,648 55 Bills of exchange 1 #24,094,395 38 $12,055,834 1,216,160 *_ 5,103,2*29 57 2,547,823 172,103 00 0J87 25,123 21 — 13,927 83 _ ^ _1,510 _ _ _ _ ~ — _ » _ — _ «. • Bills discounted on other se curities. _m ! ! I 6,178 00 27,639 49 _ _ . 3,653 — _ _1,000 _ - 35 ^ _ 2,164,518 93,846 523,h34 660,542 21,450 43,877 492,898 57 7o 23 \ 16 41 11 35 24 42 37 17 _ ^ 99,509 16,003 46 00 29,447,249 83 Real estate. $120,894 31 mm 1,610 118,060 51,855 43,682 10,006 93 61 37 65 29 _ _ — — 17,151 54 4,195 00 16,034 03 .— 364,761 02 Due from Bank United States 1 and agencies, $27,287,896 10 1,753,88? 37. 554,412*9 55,764 74 116,407 90 .'' 812,371 66 4*7,003 93 2,337,219 76 65,808 71 7,594 00 301,478 72 197,038 81 •- 11 27,009 88 7,600 00 3,476 56 19,970,125 18 755,881 75 34,010,391 f5 GENERAL STATEMENT-^ontinued. J " Dates. Offices. 1837, Miy 1 Bank Uni'd States Ap'l 27 Agency, B^t >n 23 New Vorlc 22 Office, Washington 25 Richmond Jan. 31 Norfolk 1836, Dec. 28 Fiyeiteville 1837, Mar. 1 Savannah Ap'l 17 Agency, Vrobile 10 New Orleans 1 Office, Natchez Mar. 9 l&nvy. st Lo'iis Feb 28 Office, Nashville Ap'l 15 Lmi<viHe 26 Piiis'mrgh Mar. 14 j U'ica |R3B, Ocr 0 Burlington 1837, Ar>M 20 Agency, Cincinna'i 26 < >ffice," New Brighton Erie 20 Dae from State banks. $^2,964 39 «P. 42,587 44 6,781 51 41,820 60 10,357 7 J 4,220 16 ^ 225,183 90 286 50 9,508 23 10.104 9* I,: 16 T> 17,134 79 113,938 71 — 9«9 61 33,703 94 94<R» 3,097 48 1,420,303 65 Losses charge able to contin gent fund. S3,519.731 38,182 78,0:>4 258,147 29,724 237,8(12 56 19 12 85 19 94 Deficiencies. » S49 70 346 74 69,376 83 — ^ 159,401 61 _ 49,209 98 _ T,99l 28 244,631 49 _ _ mm m» _ 2J.611 19 516 54 760 00 m ^ _ +> 5,526 GO _ - 4 03 4,632,473 SI 95,655 03 Bankinghouses. $125,000 _ 32,259 ^ 35,109 13,385 42,385 — «. ^ ^ ^ _ 92,105 _ ,. «, ^ - Expenses. 00 90 65 02 00 00 470,244 57 Noies of Bank United States and offices. £46,319 00 j $15,951,028 90 2.798 64 11,4*3 88 9,824 10 240,94*00 14,413 06 93,205 00 1,946 31 155,320 to 1,1>13 43 143,003 00 1,331 16 3,660 48 548,400 QO 3,4+2 74 1,9-4 86 779 43 5e,oeeoo 708 HI 938,285 CO 570 13 3,561 43 479,910 Op 616 14 332 81 9,062 63 2.577 10 73,375 00 3,007 04 54,580 Op 120,083 31 18,748,053 90 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ' Dates. CAPJTAL STOCK. Specie, Jw ***** fi iffi&^'l - T gftVwinah Agency;JNH?|>ile 1S%mi|. Orleans Office, Nftlcbe* tottcy^Lwis - w% 4lar ' Rj feB'2 ! 1 f » - &ulmlle Piuv^prgli r tfijea ♦ B,arlington AgencyJCJ9eiMi«ti Office, New Brighton Notes issued. United States Bank U. States. for - UB?,Mar 1 Bank United States A / l 2 7 Agency, B,>>ton New York 25 122 Office, Washington fife KicbuQoud > Notes of State bank. Offices. «2,505,743 05 &,282,813 32 $6,873,200 00 $28,1J4,800 00 #37,252,403 94 •* 7,393 05 3,sJ01 64 !W7 91 2,500 00 81 05 ^ 1,127 99 1,420 295 128,192 38 • _ 20,939 838 1,741 1,004 06 26 05 73 _ «, 449 02 56 13 0.) 2J 86 06 35,233 19 _ 80,035 43 ^ 6,167 70 11,173 00 21,030 00 46,032 52 23,461 45 2,689,470 21 1,490,938 03 • «. _ _ «. _ — • — _ _ — - ^ . _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ — _ • _ - ,— — _ _ _ r _ ^ _ T ^ 6,875,200 00 » , 124,800 00 | 37,252,403 94 Discount, ex change, and interest. $741,277 45 56,375 63 274,601 6s 8,4b2 89 3,136 34 430 52 758 54 52| 96 89,113 81 338 11 4,200 07 16,825 46 1,566 8!» 3,4-24 73 46,123 -<?5 1,147 93 Dividends unclaimed. $44,783 00 9d8Q0 18,440 44 1,385 55 3,681 00 5,053 50 764 75 34,579 62 7,046 78 3,529 43 1,293,681 09 75,036 24 GENERAL STATEMEM'—Continued. to Profit and loss. o o FT Dates. Offices. 1837, May 1 Ap'J 27 25 22 25 Jan. 31 1836, De . 28 1837, Mar. 1 Ap'l 17 10 I Mar. 9 Feb. 28 Ap'l 15 26 Mar. 14 1836, Oct. 6 1837, Ap'l 20 26 20 Bank United Slates Agency, Boston New York Office, Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayeiteville Savannah Agency, Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St, Louis Office, Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh Uiica Burlington Agency,Ciicinnati Office, New Brighton Erie - Foreign exchange Contingent fund. Fund for extin 1 guishing cost of account. banking-houses. Contingent interest. Loan in Europe. $4,755,985 32 $1,231,645 51 $5,913,308 03 $1,055,259 11 $457,381 80 $6,788,194 44 4,755,985 32 1,231,645 51 5,943,308 02 1,055,259 11 457,381 80 6,788,194 44 00 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. 1837, May 1 Bank United Slates ApV27 Agency, Boston New York 25 22 Office, Wishiugicn Richmond • 25 NorlolK Jab. 31 Fayeueville 1836, Dec. 28 Savannah lb37,Maf. 1 Ai/i 17 Agency, Mobile : ^ New Orleans * 10 1 Office; Natchez Mar. 9 Ag ucy, St. Louis Fd!>. 28 Office, Nashville - Louisville Ap'l 15 Pittsburgh 26 . Utica, Mar. 14 t Burlington 18^6, Oct. 6 1837, Ap'l 20 Agency, Cinciunati 28 Office, New Brighton Erie 20 J- Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & [ Co.,and Hottingaer & Co. Due to Bank United States and agencies. : $361,418 77 ! 361,418 77 $1',160 80 3,017,000 70 7,636,684 17 1,012,465 25 613,0«J5 01 653,685 82 191,795 06 1,063,512 76 3,345,046 6» 2,670,86u 95 52*.276 91 769,488 07 1,155,885 81 724,165 25 2,259,363 74 200,825 <:0 16,336 30 1,347,128 58 37S,010 71 263,002 25 27,888,7>5 85 Deposites. Due to State banks. $1,325,262 18,203 361,739 1,078 87 74 11 61 895 28 2,758 52 " 696 50 34,761 92 $2,430,839 231 94,665 107,743 19,979 11,994 108 75 20 27 36 07 58 21 1 3,967 1,104 12,680 3,301 103,499 2,387 969 29 99 79 06 32 97 94 61 1,013 83 7,583 41 18,676 53 34,-762 60 1,753,993 79 2,846,933 54 Interest on loan in Europe. Bonds in Europe. $26,388 88 $4,318,149 28 26,388 88 4,318,149 28 [1*3] 156, GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and »Jfi es, in transitu. Notes of sundry offices from Nev Vork .$1,470,000 00 Notes of sundry offices to New Orleans 503,000 00 Notes of sundry offices to Natchez 437,050 Bank United Slates 2J,0d.l Office, Portland 2,000 I6,.K)> Boston Providence 4,000 Ha tiord 4,000: New York; 67,oao BaUmoi-e 9J,i>00 Washing;on 18,0J0 Richmond1 83,525 Norfolk 22,O0J Office, Fayejtevilld Charleston Savannah New Orlean Mobile Natchez M. Louis Nashville Louisville L xington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica $6?,(H0 00 61,000 0 0 255,000 00 67df,(KlO 0 0 aa^oJooo 340,915 00 44*955 00 4t>4,0-» 00 92,000 00 140,TOO 00 71,900 00 mtm oo %OiJ0 0O Total - f 5,4W,fl50# At Bank of the United States. Bonds and mortgages . . . . . . Due by the United S:ates . . . . . Bank of the United States chartered; by Congress . Bonus and permanent expenses - . . . . . . - . • - 8*47,751 7> 5,267 3% 28,086 2C 2,850,678 31 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the' United States and ofieest in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes at Staie bank agencies Notes in transitu . . Post notes Notes in actual circulation - - - . - . - . - 837,252,403 94 -$18,748,053 90 1,432,48500 . 5,432,145 00 4,446,309 09 30,059,382 99 . - - - • - $7,193,021 04 At office^ Norfolk. $40,144 17 Navy agent Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security $11,851,928 90 Bills discounted on bank stock - 2,263,648 55 Bills discounted on other se._ Cannes - — - — -W,H7,W837 Bills of exchange LCies Capital slock Capital stock of United States 43,582,827 28 19,910,125 18 1:^11 2 , 6 ^ , 4 ^ 2f $63,552,952 46 755,881 75 - .128,124,800 00 6,875,200 00 Notes issued Discounts, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Coutingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 5,943,308 02 4,622,473 81 Due to Bank United States and agencies Due to State Banks . . . 27,888,725 8f> 1,753,993 19 35,430,784 70 5,267 32 95,665 03 47Q,244 57 120,083 31 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 1,320,834 21 361,418 77 1,055,259 457,381 2.846,933 6,788,194 26,388 4,318,149 11 80 54 44 88 28 ^1 126,426,031 77 May 11,1837. S. JAUDOtf, Cashier. o eg. 00 94 09 24 32 29,642,719 64 1,231,645 51 Foreign exchange account Baring, Brcthers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. - . Fund for the extinguishment of the cost of banking houses Contingent interest Deposites 21,437,524 11 Loan in Europe - . 1,490,96*03 Interest on loan in Europe 147,751 77 ;Bonds in Europe 40,144 17 28,(J86 24 2,850,678 31 [ 126,426,031 77 o $35,000,000 37,252,403 1,293,681 75,036 4,755,985 AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, May 26, 1837. I certify the above to be a true and correct copy of the original statement remaining on file in this department. t- ^ W R B W r t . T » ! ^ . w < ^ * w * „ATH. P. mm. A*** «*** 00 GENERAL STATEMENT Dates. Offices. J837,May29 25 23 22 23 Jan. 31 1836, Dec. 28 1837; Mar. 1 May 22 15 Ap'122 29 Feb. 28 May 15 17 Mar. 14 Oct. 6 Ap'l 20 May 24 18 Bank United States Agency, Boston New York Office, WashingtonRichmond Norfolk Fayetteville Savannah Agency, Mobile Office, New Orleans Natchei Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh Utica Burlington Agency,Cincinnati Office, NewBiighion Erie - Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bilk discounted on Bills of exchange. othei securities. persohal security. bauk stock. $8,199,594 144,605 47,038 194,245 56,990 110,414 16,797 18,545 64,748 130,395 " 263 131,295 403,132 784,533 6,667 i 45 66 91 16 25 1 47 18 i9 30 14 $2,228,886 76 1,510 11,1*31 19,^9 200 08 97 74 00 1 80 67 57 58 86 11,615,864 57 1 $23,905,223 59 $10,777,249 1,447,311 5,067,491 53 1,991,966 170,158 54 7,425 16,381 42 . 13,927 83 82,706 80 3,229 08 1,995 75 1,7637699 93,846 526,670 497,2*6 21,450 41,569 480,68b Real estate. l7640 116,410 51,855 43,082 10,006 44 39 £9 60 90 165,969 79 177l51 54 3,639 30 16,034 03 7,513 47 311,052 45 197,038 61 364,761 02 10<026 18 32,232 53 29,262,114 54 93 61 37 65 29 $S6,247,CS5 1,896,0:7 573,106 55.V00 116,007 842,371 66 627,226 04 2,784,080 49 17 11 82 72 42 37 40 1,000 00 2,262,198 55 1 Due from Rank United SSiaies aud agencies. $122,894 31 31 39 52 39 167003 46 956,486 31 170,549 85 179,560 12 1 mm***+**m of the Bank of the United States, its agencies, $•<;., at the dates mentioned. 7,CC0 00 755,076 05 1 17,R)5,413 79 J 5,244 32 33,829,174 95 GENERAL STATEMEINT—Continued. Dates. Offices. 1837, Mav 29 2b 23 22 23 Jnn. 31 1836, Dec. 28 1837, Mar. 1 May 22 15 Ap'l 22 . 89 Feb. 2S May 15 17 Mar. 14 Oct. 6 Ap'l 20 May 24 18 Bank United States Agency, Boston New York Office, Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Savannah Agency, Mobile Office, New Orleans Naichez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh Utica B utlington Aerency, Cincinnat i Office, New Brighton Erie - Due from State banks. Losses chargeable to contingent fund. $1,520,717 107,699 • 431,739 2,l>44 61,062 10,357 4,220 $3,519,231 38,182 78,064 258,017 200,164 237,862 • _ 63 02 63 50 46 70 16 _ 989 38,7>>3 2,152 56,466 5iJ 19 12 85 48 94 _ _ ^ —, _ _ 61 94 25 90 654,866 58 24,648 85 — 1,991 28 250,114 62 m m m 5,526 60 m - 4,747,797 23 516 54 760 00 ^ _ \ Banking-houses. Expenses. $325,000 00 $52,976 4,167 lf.,0.,4 11,442 14,767 1,946 1,543 1,331 5,093 3,488 1.990 1,610 798 848 4,365 616 332 9,062 2,780 3,217 _. _ 32,259 90 _ 35,109 65 13,38> 02 42,3b5 00 m 49,209 98 84 82 75 87 69 $49 70 346 74 _ _ 159,401 61 270,081 81 12,900 5,123 1.746 12,4:i9 115,483 Deficiencies, m m m 26,321 83 _ _ _ _ _ _ 22,105 00 _ _ _ _ 470,244 57 Notes of Bank Unied Staies and agencies. 31 23 45 24 19 31 43 16 03 50 36 87 91 35 65 14 84 63 25 78 $18,514,536 71 138,413 63 21,290,846 71 185,505 92,750 155,320 143,105 00 00 00 00 543,000 00 53,7£0 fO 958,2fc5 00 552,710 00 76,990 00 14,995 00 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 Date*. Notes of Stata banks. Offices. Specie. ! United States for 1837, May 29 Bank (Jnited States 25 Agency, Boston 23 New York 22 Office, Washington 23 Richfliond Ja*. 31 NotfoTfc 1836, Dec, 28 ilayeitevilte 1837, Mar. I SftYttBtaah May 28 Agency, Mobile . 1 * Office, NeirOrleans Ap I 22 N«tchefc 29 Agency, St. Loots F&.2B Office, Nashrflle May 15 Louisville / : ' 17 t>ittsfeurgh Mar. 14 TJtica C6H, 6 Burlington Agency, Cincinnati May 24 Office, New* Brighton 18 Efie- $1,049,59.3 50 $1,259,695 22 $G,875,200 00 «. _ «. _ — •• _ ^ _ 5,257 2,806 987 2,500 31 64 91 00 9,667 196 1,741 1,004 „ _ 641 37 — 449 02 _ 1,446 96 _ 31 22 35,233 19 _• 1,420 00 1,132 71 123,780 91 _ 62,988 07 38 06 ^ . . «-. _ ■ 6,16770 7,947 00 8,900 00 46,957 45 1 50,828 14 1,212,585 01 -?<**.• •-' - » . i i i ' 1 ■ - 80 : 89 05 73 . r . \ ' ' ■■ Notes issued. CAPITAL STOCK, Bank United States. $28,124,800 00 _ _ — _ _ .. _ _ ^ — 6,875,200 00 1,468,820 81 - *" | 1 l 1 «• _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *• • _ *• ^ 28,124,800 00 Discount, ex change, and interest. $940,305 78,UK) 29v!,073 10,*91 3,721 430 758 521 102,(593 338 14,356 16,877 1,5(»6 3,557 52,988 1,147 34,579 8,126 3,942 637,442,102 75 68,000 00 100,000 00 ^ 37,610,102 75 1 1 - 19 66 x\ 16 44 52 54 96 92 11 01 72 89 44 73 93 63 25 26 1,566,486 56 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Contingent ULoan in Europe. interest. f CD o £ GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ■ 1 '■ 1 T - ' Dates. Baring, Brothers, 1 & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Offices. J $227,483 67 1 New York - " 22 1Office, Washington - i . Richmond 23 J } Ja»«5|] | .^•■,,^NW'plk- ■,;•:-, j ,s ■:. :Fpy*tteyiHe- t ' 1836,D&.#y Safrannah. 1837,^- l j ■ Agency, Mobile Office, New Orleans Nwche? - A^*:4l |^oojB - • : ^ ^ ■ 3 E BnrlmgtoB - [ Agency, Cincinnati , jOffice, New.Brighton 1 : *lj [ • sq *3 - - * ■ * •*<■■-•■ 1 : j ■-.?-., r ~ U w § > v, . w !,.9ff^48i 67 1 1 W'Vf- L W t.' ! -' * ! ! " / ii*JIXCj**.i H*,;f' --^ l <KT' H: J 1 -. *,7§£5h 272 09 _ _ ^ SMMJ09..6B 85,395 13 • ■ ?•■■■■;' : . i ; f J.-] ,/;:..-' • . . .. _'. !— ■ » 28,715,361 87 2,758 52 i w 1 29 3,967 99 723 21 12,680 06 3,301 32 92,992 22 2,387 94 989 61 96 69 21,543 58 11,040 5Q 172 79 _ "" 33,653 43 ~ _ ~ 796 46 7,078 48 1,925,435 45 , > 2,520,730 83 I TM ".' '*' ;.' v ;T^" V-7 ,| ' J * n - * -i ~* ' i v ■ —i [' 5,295 13 5,880,599 68 L ^ M H ^ L M l M i « M t a * ^ « | L^i^Ba^tfctftoJLAdMMMtfM^v* I ■ ^wfT""^rre^^ j M " ~T our** 4 f Interest on loan .Bonds in Europe. in Europe. ] $2,187,952 56 232 20 89,619 9& 59,225M 21,873 72 11,994 58 108 21 $1_, 876,944 17 i j T~" ft*t«r Deposites. ! — f&rffi cos* ,$fy&h£m i LoqiwiUe - r M^lf i Ijj i cws PJM8»rgJ* .■- Mjftfv 14^ |\-^(kfer;Oj Dae to State banks. . $12,160 80 3,658,645 02 •v 7,803,530-97 - - 1 .ft7lir66»-72 i 596,360 41 653,685 82 191,795 06 — 1,063,512 76 3,254,502 60 -• 3,085,768 50 -n 524,690 98 | 706,769 04 — [ 1,155,885 81 "•» ■ j 714,557 25 1 2,226,705 40 200,825 00 _ 16,336 30 _ 1,347,031 89 284,936 69 ;;* ! ." 336,983 55 '.■.\"**J ' : -: 188£Jte29_! Bank United States 25 I"Agency. Boston 23 Due to Bank United States and agencies. i " ' ■ ' ' • . ' v - - [ 128] 163 tJBNERAL^S^jCTBBiENT- -Oontinued, Netesof the Bank of the United States and agencies, in transitu. **. 7* « fiank Uniteo^States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston <ir Providence Hartford New York Baltimore i -Washington ^Richmond Norfolk JPayetteviNe Charleston Savannah - $8,000 00 12,000 00 1,000 00 18,000 00 5,000 00 6,000 00 1 152,000 00 105,600 00 72,000 00 101,525 00 225,000 00 125-000 00 279;000 00 136,4000 00 - - .. „\ _ Office, Mobile rfew-Orleah* tfatcfatar St. Louis , Nashville' Louisrille Lexington 'Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington - ". L_„*„_ 1 I $239,000 414,900 299,745 111,250 300,500 103,000 128,700 54,900 123,770 37,000 16,000 15,000 - Total .i^... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3,088,990 00 ^_,_^^_„ Jt Bank tf the United States. ©ilk-receivable for post notes - ' Bonds and mortgages ~ _? , One iSgrthe United States «Secretary of the Nary » - '' r-'-v V Bairifiof the United Btates; cftartered>y Soma and permanent expenses ~ \ - <• ■- • ^ - ST Congress * - - $2,644,248 41 147,7115? 5,267$ 400,000 01 28,086* - 2,850,678 31 Statement *f the notes of the fiank of the United Stales and offices, in ^ *-* actual circulation. *'V - $37,610,102 75 --681>90Oy846 74. 1,362,875 00 3,088,990 0d 3,2651,^2 00 29,007,j?83 71 No^es-on hand"- •'■— • — — Jfotegat State b>nk agencies Nofess^in transit^ ' - -i Postltotee ^-; %'C ^■ i ' r:' &<*t&n «cmal|i^culatio^ 3 3- »&>602,pi9 04 f 3 i*|§ce, Nmfidb $40,144 17 : :%M 35 i* b ~ = a ^ S.jTJ3»' Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security $11,615,864 57 Bills discounted on bank stock - 2,262,198 55 Bills discounted on other se curities -29,262,114 54 Bills of exchange • Bills receivable for post notes -•.'■* Capital stock Capital stock of United States «M3,140,m 66 17,805,413 79 2,644,242 22 Real estate • Due from Bank United States and agencies 33,829,174 95 2,654,866 58 Due from State banks Due from the United States Deficiencies c v Banking-houses "' : Expenses Cash, via: Notes of the Bank United States and offices Notes of the State hanks - 21,290,846 71 1,21*;586 01 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Bank United States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Secretary of the Navy - (D o eg 863,589,833 67 755,676 05 36,484,041 53 5,267 32 26,321 83 470,244 57 138,413 63 23,503,431 72 1,468,820 84 147,711 77 40,144 17 28,086 24 2,850,678 31 400,000 00 - Notes issued Discount, exchange, and interest • Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 5,943,308 02 4,797,797 23 [$35,000,000 00 37,610,102 75 1,566,486 56/ 67,933 24 4,755,985 32 1,145,510 79 Due to Bank United States and agencies28,715,361 87 Due (o State banks - ■.■•■.- : v i 1,925,435 45 Foreign exchange account Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Fund for extinguishing the cost of bank ing-houses . ■ - . . . Contingent interest Deposites Loan in Europe Interest on loan in Europe Bonds in Europe - .; 128,908,674 65 BANK OP THE UNITED STATES, *3 00 >■ «28,124,800 00 1 6,876,200 00 30,640,797 32 1,221,401 07 227,483 «7 1,055,259 11 422,891 74 2,520,730 83 6,788,194 44 5,295 13 5,880,599 68 128,908,671 65 Jime 3, 1837. S, J4UDON, Cashier. * AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, Barruburg, I certify the above tobe a true copy of the original remaining on file in this department. [L. a,) "Witness my hand and seal of office the day and year aforesaid. "• ": Pennsylvania, October 16, 1837. N A T H . P, H O B A B T , Auditor Generate Ok GENERAL STATEMENT Dates. Offices. 1837, June 30 22 27 24 27 Jan. 31 Jane 5 1 19 19 May 31 31 31 June 15 28 Mar. 14 1836, Oct. 6 1837, May 31 June 28 22 Bank United States Agency, Boston New York Office, Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayette ville Agency, Savannah Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton Erie - of the Bank of the United States, and its offices and agencies, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted on personal security. $8,181,679 170,174 60,562 192,282 56,689 110,414 16,797 18,545 561,990 130,399 _ 263 137,726 403,022 845,565 6,667 Bills discounted on bank stock. 83 08 30 83 79 47 18 29 10 14 SI,541,014 76 ^ ^ 1,010 50 11,931 97 80 17 38 61 86 _ 965,613 40 152,035 20 184,533 19 12,184,962 59 ! ^ 200 00 _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,554,157 23 Bills discounted on other securities. #19,458,205 44 m 5,147,466 199,424 16,381 33,597 33 21 42 57 _ _ 111,706 80 3,229 08 ^ _ _ 1,995 75 m _ Bills of ex change. $9,804,356 1,309,664 1,553,911 11,681 _ _ _ 50,000 1,052,034 93,846 521,684 348,501 18,269 38,605 322,118 Real estate. 64 13 37 63 $122,894 31 _ 1,640 84,771 51,855 43,682 9,326 00 18 1 11 32 66 42 95 00 _ _ Due from Bank United States and agencies. 1 $28,438,656 283,483 518,512 43,194 116,007 93 05 37 65 29 89- ; 38 59 48 90 _ 172,309 41 753,199 04 1,967,663 11 fc 302,757 26 _ 7,518 87 316,945 57 197,038 81 — _ 16,759 54 3,639 30 16,034 03 M 16,003 46 _ - 122,656 21 34,182 00 7,600 00 G,292 19 15,297,515 08 717,188 30 33,123,579 50 1,000 00 24,973,006 60 358,984 83 ■ | *> o o QO GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. i Dates. Due from State banks. Offices, 1837, Jane 30 Bank United States 32 Agency, Boston 37 New York >., 24 Office, Washington «•:< 37 .. v Richmond Jaai 51 - ' v Norfolk . June 5 f Payetteville y-:" • i ' - 1 Ageacy, Savaunah 19 Mobile 19 New Orleans >Iay 31 Office, Natchez < 31 Agency, St. Louis ,.»• -,i 31/ Office, Nashville June 15 Louisville . 38 . Pittsburgh Ma*.l4v Utica 1886-Oct. 6 : Burlington ■> l©T?M*y 81 Agency, Cincinnati Jane 28 Oipce, New Brighton -i 82 '•■ Erie -' $2,038,995 321,915 737,239 8,249 25,633 10,357 92 *• " ' _ Losses chargeable to contingent fund. 31 80 61 06 25 70 84 1 $3,518-,948 39 — -38,188 19 78,064 12 358,520 35 200,164 48 237,862 94 _ 159,401 61 343,964 07 30,902 43,286 3,940 8,874 •293,348 49,209 98 61 20 70 45 18 1,991 28 250,114 62 61 .■ 47,877 38 4,084 36 ! 32,327 54 ' 3,940,070 67 1 _ *- — _ 38,259 90 • 35,109 65 13;385 02 42,385 00 ■ 516 54 760 00 !• ~ — " ■ 84,648 85 *4,7971446 77 $49 70 346 74 ^ ^ _ _ „ ~ 4,991 91 Banking-houses. $325,060 00 ,. _ _ _ ^ _ - ^ 989 Deficiencies. 26,321 83 _ ^ ■ . ^ . •_ ^ ss;i05 oo . _ _ '470,3*4 57 1 22 ' $14,{084,34lJ 50 18 37 1717780 34 92,750 31 155,320 140,505 59 306,410 ~ :. ^ 92 54 k 639^)40 *,676 50 ^$76,481 11 411 7^625 12,642 1V946 1,594 u i - 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 *■* " 2,132 698 1,193 840 616 332 10,320 16 86 90 13 66 60 14 84 46 46 54 1 "119,^668 28 . 54,000 00 •> e> 957,870 00 *' Ot ' 1 -- • !! 506i8W00 -F-: * i I,S»00 l»;63fr00 >l6ite&fa&kA D^^ L 'ir- .'--''-''^J i^ ;' :? *3 — QO Notes of Bank United States and offices. Expenses. *r -^ cv. yr*v^v» **»' GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. .; ^■f 1 1 Ml' 'i - ^ ^ ^ Brothers, Notes of State New United Baring, & Co., Hope & banks. States Bank. Co., and Hottinguer & Co. Offices. f '1 1837, Jane 30 j Bank United States -• 22 Agency, Boston -j 27 New York -!| Office, JKashington.-' AgencjgfiKfannah ..Mar. 11 Speeie. Capital stock. #33,3*5 58« $1,40?>023 99 #3M«»000 00 9,048 11 i 2,856 64 ; 987 91 L \J-r. ;., ,:-',._ 838 26 3;o^ii)d 397 06 *" • 7,795 00 I Notes issued. Late Bank, for issues. , 85;95S,$*4 13 1 2 8 , 4 6 2 ^ ^ 0 9,584 74 182 11 1 1,741 05 1,004 73 5,165 92 449 02 83 25 8,063 91 96,680 00 3806 53,950 00 ■' . 62,627 33 68,000 00 3,438 99 9,580 00 75,850 00 - • 47,154 39 51,291 10 100,000 00 tmm-W' hmim.w J331345 58 .1,594,371 54 ; *3 j Office,^^r : Brighton; 35,000,000 00 6,121^504 13 ['28,462,326 #0 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. for extin Discount, ex Dividends Profit and loss. Foreign ex Contingent fund. Fund Bonds to guishing cost change account. change, and unclaimed. United States. of bankinginterest. houses; Offices. Dales. 1837, June 30 Bank United States 22 Agency, Boston New York 27 24 Office, Washington Richmgna m : ffl. - $7,946*356 16 $1,479*685 66 $37,720 59 ^4,755,985 32 829 00 5,715 59 33,716 14 16,408 44 963 55 648 18 2,727 00 *. 5,053 50 430 52 1,115 03 2,246 00 New Orleans 1 Office, Natchez -, lAgRm&I&ia hpffice, Na&vWe Lovu5viJl« ■ Pittsburgh Utica. Mar. ft' : 1836, Oct. a Bwifcgton Agency.'qincmiiaiti June 28; Office, New/Brighton 22 Erie' - mm SI, 190,669 11 : $5,943,308 02 $1,055,260 11 1,190,669 11 ■ 5,943,306 02 1,05S,2»11 480 75 17,329 08 273 74 3,65543 1,147 93 41,336 84 1,423 68 1,99144 ] > ' " l ' ; ' • ■ ■ ; 7,946,356 16 1,583,664 96 64,183 74 4,755,985 32 * ; 2 GENERAL *FJPfMfiNT—Continue -- - •. - ' * ^ = #ates. j|];'-. | :j]^'? Contingent t interest. Qffic&£ * k L -•*»■" ^ ■ 183T,jrune30 Bank United States • 28 Agency, Boston \ NewYor* 27 34 Office, Washington Richmond 37 Jan. 31 Norfolk Fayetteville June 5 Agency, Sairannah &l Mobile &9 , New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, S t Louis Office, Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh Utica ^AtafcM- I 1836,Oct-6 Burlington 1837, May 31 Agency. Cincinnati . Jane 28 Office, New Brighton Erie 93 tk ^' *.,^ — — Z- njr — . — _ ■ > " V '. • " ^: — ~"" u — — — — _ ;«. ' ■ * " * ** * _ 1 '■'■ ':, «*' .\H r ;' — — 1 _ ■ _ _ _ ^ ';" _ _ _ ^ • _ ... 3^9,676 88 6,788,194 44 mi , I. L $357,859 2,116,654 7,984,796 989,442 568,351 653,685 181,682 756,217 3,363,618 2,268,541 549,016 733,318 1,131,320 707,381 £,341,354 200,825 ; 16,336 1,346,986 284,526 308,790 42 29 93 70 69 82 41 23 99 12 00 53 15 43 87 00 50 14 49 26 26,861,705 77 ■ ■ ■■1'U ■ ■ " „ - . . ' ' ■ $2,703,589 15 $2,456,392 232 .. : 59,354 3,582 M 32;4Q1 292 92 r 16 006 b11,994 I 108 « L. t *** 'k r ~ - 3,097 63 — 172 79 r — —; 20,557 53 -: _ « . ~ 511 79 9,293 12 2,741,097 43 — ■ f--Z* . ~ Deposites. ' -Interest oh Bonds in Europe. loan iii -' Europe, i Due to State banks. -jkx6^U> Bjjnk / U n i t e d Slates and agencies. ttS79»676 88 £,788,194 44 _ ! . t.K ^ t*^ ::Hl Loan in Europe. ' : . : 51 20 11 59. 58 5a 21 -- $5,295 13 F i k ■ . ■, ,;/ 1 29 3,967 99 -72321 12,05400: l;309^f i 103*046 8fc 2,8*7 94 989 6t: \~ 465 00 20,653 65 16,402 74 2,738,991 82 $6,(09,300 76 *:.; -^ K -r _: -: : -- *7 r 5,295 13 i^ 6,(Bte,300 76 ■ '■ ' *& f~;*s . ;K -5 .-; 8 170 £[<*».<] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continuied. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in trani&ttl. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Payetteville Charleston Savannah ■ ■■ • - * • * - - ■ ■ Office, Mobile - " $11,000 00 New Orleans 1,00000 Natchez - V* 18,000.00. St, Louis . 14,000^ L • Nashville „.-- ... 11,000 00 Louisville *-• • Lexiaglfcn - '-• 105,600 0d' Cincinnati - ; : Pittsburgh -- .': 33,000 001 Buffalo 184,525 00 Utica - ..: 174,000 00 38,000 00 Burlington 101,000 00 -Total-' 159,000 00 - V -M99J000 00 <! - • ^?14 000 00 - - ~aa4]745ao 1163250 00 223J500 00 68J0O0 00 m poo oo !;68J900 00 ij48'770 00 )39]000 00 .1,1000 00 4^000 00 - 2,007090 *> m-i* Ti t ■■ At Bank of the United States, Bills receivable for post notes Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States . . . Secretary of the ffavy . "'" . . . Bank of the United States chartered by Congress .:... Bonus and permanent expenses Stock accounts - - .*.... -.; - - $2,550,279 72 - I 147,711 77 5,267 32 - . 400,000 00 - • 28,086 24 2,951,92831 - 13,044,853 55 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes at State bank agencies Notes in transitu Post notes $16,962,752 1,877,675 2,607,990 3,201,504 — ^ * _ Notes of new bank on hand .. - Circulation -$34,583,83100 44 00 00 00 24,649,92144 - ^ 9 3 3 , 9 0 9 56 1,950,300 00 7,983,609 56 At office, Norfolk. Navy agent, Norfolk $40,144 17 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Capital stock Notes issued Late bank, for issues Bonds to United States 4 - Discounts, excha xesL. Dividends unclaimed Prbfii'and loss -\ Foreign exchange account Contingent fund - " '"-" - '; - 15,943,308 02 ^56,559,921 ^2 Less lesses charjgeable to, ©ottfingent' fund 4,797,446 77 717,188 30 ! Fund for, .thftjcitinguishmenT oflne^ cost of baribihg nouses t- ,.,., .^ 37,063,650 17 Contingent interest ' - 5,267 33 Loan in Europe; :.r, t ,-, .3&321.88 Due to Bank United State* and agencies - il9$fo%fc 77 470,244'57 Due to State Batiks 2,741,097 43 V- ...',-, V 419,668 2j8 Deposites • - . } -) Bonds in-Europe .-. W Interest pn^ioan in Europe* .- Bills discounttd on personal security $12,184,962 59 Bills discotuited on bank stock - 1,554,157 23 Bflto diwouBtfd on other eecuiities! .24,973,006 60 •it- ;tei7liMB<$ 15,297,514 Bills of exchange Bills receivable for post notes lfrojt Bijp&I&itgktaet«nd agencies;], -3,340,' jfrom State banJ^wfiD^ou Due frqej fhe Umt^WatesV*?»; i«*esqtoMelatebanJc«n43qffice8 Notes qptlje new bank and offices idfetes ofjthW State baaks.: ,•• -J ^643,^6 B6ttiti gxtente Co. - - *i # 78^9fc44 39,60U«03r20 f ? 2,738,991 82 ~ l f 6,019^300; 76 — g 'I47j7ll;77 T 40,*44 17 28,086 24 vs v..;v [i _. '*;!; •:: ■:.' -:--JL tf! J. 433^,345^58 13,044,853 55 - - [lffi&ffi?!, 91 13&859..071 91 ®*,uBANK bF THE UNITED STATES, Jvfy1; 1,055,259 11 19,556,269 J06 •yMtvy ag^iit, NorfoljjL^ / T -^ Bank ^tjedj!8^s$>cAiulered byCongressJ l^anus a#dp^rmat^wit«q)ew« $ <-> Sejggaary frftbe Navy Baring. Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Stock accounts $35,000,000 00 6,121,504 13 28,462,326 9Q 7,946,356 16 1,583,664-96 64,182 74 , 4,755&8K32 1,190,669x11 i 1837. i . S. JAUDQN, C«iW^. AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, October 16, 1837; T certify the above and foregoing to"he"aTrue co py of the original remaining onfile in this department. -. % /ju.^a,J Witness my hand an.d^seal, of office^ the day an< year aforesaid. ; v v >,« I ; - A « * \ , •. <toATto^. mmtnyAmwMmk* ^ '""P-l 3 — ", ^\9 "XJD --KLJ QENEtf^ " STfiTJQMENT of the Bank of the United States, its agencies, &&,W the dates herein metftomed. ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ - " ■ ' ■ ' ' " • ■ - " ■ ' • ■ • " " - 1 ^ I J I I A j p » *•■«,-■.- — •«■• :'>**,?*<V\; Dales. Offices* ~ r-n >■■ j & .';. t.\ tar. oi-^;i:rr? -. - t : ; ^ M I ^ <-.;■ u : 6 Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills of exchange. other securities. -personal security. bannock; 00 Real estate. \.}on:v.7:i: ^4887* JmJr 31 Banki United States Office, Bostoii .. New York Washington Richmond Fayetteville Savannah i Mfjhile; Ne«r Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville " Pittsburgh Utica Burlington AgefCT/Cimamiati. ■ Office, New Brighton Erie - o eg 7,901,807 15 183,980 87 60,349 65 187,739 44 56,689 79 16^797 1818,545 99 $488M$9 Lii&riioi 11,853 33 20000 13O;408 l i "263 80 127,726 17 400,323 57 906,036 61 $19,273,710 71 4,731,786 50 198,389 40 16,381 42 42,500 00 1,043,61134 3,229 08 1^75 6,667 86-1 96ijj6i$ 40 146,190 6r 187,339 54 11,396,474 Ofr 1,000 00 1,504,018 97 85,»0,«©8 45 $8,057,517 75 1,399,559 95 1,164,804 59 7,681 63 320,000 00 636,512 85 93,846 11 521,684 32 227,517 71 18,269 42 38fc420;9$; 200,715 95 16,003 46 124,377 54 84,828 87 12,751,741 10 $635,611 41 $28,837,165 18 • 158,363 71 l7640 93 532,792 11 84,771 05 46,957 99 51,855 37 116,007 90 9,326 29 162,309 41 788,0e$r,U 1,817,620^3 r 16r759;6i 16,034 03 358,984 83 uM&^ 1,078,622 75 33,427,613 16 ".•}■)•■■■-. : t ^ GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. i r - - Offices. Dates. 1837. July 31 27 Aug. 1 July 31 l*fr June -July June May iJune May I July \a*e Mar. Oct. May July V * ■ Bank United Slates Office, Boston New York Washington Richmond i 25 i Fayetteville 31 6 Savannah 1 24 ^Mobile 26 New Orleans31 Natchez St, Louis 30 Nashville '31 15 Louisville 26 Pittsburgh i Utica 14 Burlington 6 31 Agency, Cincinnati 2i >6 Office, New Brighton !7 •.Erie i I K o eg. FT D**F Losses charge able to contin gent fund. $2,831,798 576,426 1,671,369 4,792 16,697 92 S3,756,405 38,182 78,064 258,520 200,164 _ 14 35 32 43 71 84 83 19 12 35 48 Dfiiciencies. ; $325,000 00 _ m 159,401 61 396,897 200,100 31,299 55,052 3,940 5,856 307,595 39 19 67 46 70 46 39 ~989 38,703 1,598 46,247 61 94 36 71 4,991 91 6,189,458 67 4,795,055 09 Bankinghouses. _ 49,209 98 m m 250,114 62 m - $49 70 346 74 32,259 90 _ _ _ _ 13,385 02 42,385 00 _ 13,472 29 _ _ 511 51 760 00 — I m 22,105 00 I __ _ : _ _ ^ m _ 10,229 02 Expenses. $10,826 1,152 2,288 9,904 13,096 1,594 395 1,176 2,675 248 2,689 45 1,564 616 332 10,320 350 247 Notes of Bank United States and offices. Notes of new bank. 71 $13,821,663 54 $1,941,000 00 02 67 57 157,230 00 61 92,750 00 :Ji dv 59 140,505 00 00 40,645 00 3,000 00 61 538,080 00 50 82 41 11 07 14 84 46 29 73 957,870 00 410,655 00 54,580 00 n'^so oo' 1,445 00 110,835 00 73,090 00 16,271,678 54 2,071,670 00 ; - o Due from State banks. CM ■ — — 15,140 27 445,363 94 59,525 15 — pmjpr 1 t;jbrraj 1 >AOTG2 T23tfv GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Offices. Dates. Notes of State Baring, Brothers,, banks. & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. 1837. July 31 rfank United States - ;tf ,108r,6ft 61 27 Office, Boston 1 ; New York Aug. WtShfogtou 6,257 49 J u l y , 314 » ;; o^ftioltttona; :2,781 6* ; Jtuw i 5 ; ' ^Fayett*vilfe * Satanuah^1' $<-• 24 I'f Mobile 1,480 61 June NeW Orleans Mijjr> 31 Natchez ' June - 30 S t . : i S o * i s •■:'■ SI* May 7,795 W Nashville July? 15 LottfcviHef 74,586 80 Pitteborgh Mar. 14 h! Utte*~T- 6 I1 Buttingtbn 9,173 44 ency, Cfeetfnnati .May- - 31 26 July 2,225 85* ice, NeW Brighton 27 J i 7,410 00? );of'. > p r o ; o r?sr 9,488 25 198 16 1,004 73 7,823 55 FT ryf^2* )V: «' Notes issued. Discount, ex change, and interest. Issues of late bank. l.te ris! $94,4li 09 1 19,552 46 66,176 66 2,661 49 403 19 1,115 03 6,750 00 v r-ri . ' i "■ • • 449 02 : ■: > 62,&5 46 38 06 : 474 23 > r*i ■n > ii'.t 41,336 84 , 2,702 42 ' f f 47,445 89 51,618 00 "! M^" sW,§72 8i 1,773,265 68 7rMv •■ r 4$73 0j0 2 33 i 8,063 91 o eg Capital stock. $270,972 81 $1,584,520 A ] $35,0tJtf,0ft0 00 $28,462,326' 9$ ?!' r-'ni 'l|8HS'«ltf i rf IT Specie. "' 7s-; V.'. 3,430 85 ; to^obb.oob 6$ sl/^&tirW v iMM o3; 2^,63346 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Dividends un Profit and loss. [Foreign exchange] Contingent account fund. claimed. Offices. 4917. July 31 [Bank United States 37 Office, Boston New York Aug. 1 Washington July 31 _' " tend I $5.191,718 83, $1,115,512 87 $6,000,000 Op - Fund for extin guishing cost of Banking-houses. Contingent interest $1,0^5,^9. U LoanIn Europe. •••W9&* 44,212 44 1,691 55 0«!G8'. to : 1° -41 O r'53i ! : - Agency, S Office, ]_ 1»I : <:■■'» i:'v. ^ # 3 191,718 83 ,1,U5,3«>;87 6,000,000 00, l,05&j$59 1t I o 6^65,973 38 v;. " o FT J7W**8 £ : GF>!r; *vr •>, v-*v:.J-MT-:>..r, GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. -Offices. Dates. Dne to Bank Due to State United States banks. and agencies. Depositee Interest on loan in Europe. Bonds in Europe. Bonds to U. Interest on bond* States. to U. States. - 1OT7 July 31 Bank United States 37 Office, Boston New York Ang. 1 Washington Joly 31 &1 Ibr- Il »J f j $13,393 30 §3,895,048 60 $3,794,343 23 ,$)L34,739 57 $6,26&,300,76 $ 7 ^ 3 6 ^ ^ «3B30 «,SS»^S8 43i j j 43,536 97 3,349 56 8,085,879$L 17,434 88 983,304 90 236 85 17,269 98 ! 553,666 34 108 21 181,683 41 31,037 63 1 756,217 23 3,304,469 91 "l3 00 dgew Orleans 1 29 2,307,425 72 3,097 63 3,967 99 549,016 00 723 21 674,792 71 12,554 00 172 79: 1,131,320 15 1 1,309 81 706,130 59 i 77,700 48 2,233,307 52 22,087|73: 1 2,387 94 ! 989 61 E 465 00 1,346)986 14 Agenc$£C&naiBnati Office,ffcw Brighton 301 75 286,886 50 11,772 24 9,454 80 _423,001 00 17,855 17 i'■..'■■.! ■■// ' 4 ■ j i^-"' ^r;——i—!— 36io7».-894 « ■ ■! I B 1 $478,79? «1 3,9^3,761 71 1 3,033,679 94 124,739 57 6,369,300 76 7,946^356,16. 1 i ■ , . . $ & & ■ & [128] 177 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United Stales and offices, in transitu. Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile $11,000 1,000 18,000 14,000 11,000 76,000 126,000 113,000 184,535 204,000 78,000 101,000 182,000 319,000 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | Office, , 1 1 1 1 New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica, Burlington - $620,000 00 368,745 CO 119,350 00 353,500 00 88,000 00 194,700 00 103,900 00 174,770 00 44,000 00 3,000 00 4,000 00 Total 3,411,390 00 • At Bank United States. Bills receivable for post notes Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States Secretary of the Navy Bank United States chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses M. King, late navy agent, at Norfolk Foreign bills of exchange Stock accounts - - " . - . - ' - - « - . . . . - -$2,251,339 34 147,652 40 ' . 5,267 33 500,000 00 28,554 19, • " - 2,951,928 31 40,144 Vt . . 420,87439 * -13,968,13116 - Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes at State bank agencies Notes in transitu . . . Post notes Notes in actual circulation - . . . . $35,507,371 93 -$18,343,348 54 1,608,600 00 . 3,411,39000 3,386,504 00 26,749,842 54 - - - - 8,757,529 39 id Digitized by RECAWTOkATION. Bills discounted on personal [ T security : -011,996,474 07 Bills discounted on b'kstofck 1*504,018 97 Bills discounted on other se* unties - 25,310,608 45 Bills of exchange Bills receivable for post notes Capital stock Late bank, for issues Notes issued $38,111,101 49 12,751,741 10 2,251,839 24 Real estate -Due from Bank United States and agencies 33,427,613 16 6,189,458 67 Due from State banks Due from the United States DeficienciesBanking houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the Bank United States Notes of late bank and offices Notes of the State banks - S«cie ortgages . - , _ -\ - $53,114,181 83 1,078,622 75 39,617,071 83 5,267 32 15,140 27 445,363 94 59,525 15 2,071,670 00 16,271,678 54 - 1,214,530 77 . _ M. King, navy agent, Norfolk Bank United States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Secretary of the Navy Stock accounts Foreign exchange Baring, Brothers. & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottingu«r&Co.- 19,557,879 31 1,773,265 68 147,652 40 40,144 17 28,554 19 2,951,928 31 500,000 00 13,908,131 16 420,874 39 ■028,462,326 90 7,045,045 03 Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss . . . . Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 6,000,000 00 4,795,055 09 Due to Bank United States and agencies - 26,078,894 01 Due to State banks - . 3,933,761 71 Foreign exchange account Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses Contingent interest Deposited Loan in Europe Interest on loan in Europe Bonds in Europe Bonds to the United State? Interest on bonds to the United States - $35,000,000 00 *£ OO 33,307,371 93 252,633 46 164,255 24 5,191,718 83 U 1,204,944 91 30,012,655 79 1,115,512 87 1,055,259 U 371,381 88 3,033,679 84 6,565,972 22 124,739 57 6,269,300 76 7,946,356 16 178,793 01 270,972 81 133,994,575 51 133,ffJ4,5ff>l BANK OF TBE UN§rBD,$rA«r«&, August 1,183?. S. JAUDON, Cashier. AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, Harrisbnrg, Pa., October 16,1837. I certify the above to be a true copy of the original statement remaining on file in this department. \b. a.] Witness my hand afld seal of office, the day and year aforesaid. NATH. P. BOBART, Auditor General. GENERAL ' ' ' n ■ Date*. STATEMENT * I ' "■'>'■ r ' ui^i ■ " " " of the Bank of the Vhited States, its agencies, tyc, at the dates herein ~ i '■<■ ' "• ■ i Bills discounted Bills of exchange. ■ Real estate, on other security. Bills discounted on bank stock. Bills discounted on personal security. Officw, mentioned. Due from Bank United States and agencies, ", _ ;, 31 I Bank United States 31 [ Oflee, Boston New York »9tLJI WtwWl#»1 MM^EEKX^d JnCfk, . JK 1 &9tfW^S^r^ Mratjtffitli; Tfth^u,., *S 1 Ujqt^e A M M SS J Sw(> r Of ^ean^ jMjfrrA| WatfihCR;' * SHC *t 1 &ttl ft I SfchfSii #nf£ - SB £oqis¥iBe 9&L j» I Httpbufgb, . —! Aflj^nst «I 5 ujieaj fikSmr 14 J Barlipgton * wffeber Jtf 1 g^w Brighton fiuxtet 32 1 1 Eaae^^c^ * I Agency^CmaMteti- * August iff s / :x ^ .;/ F ' •' : $■£000,495 159,786 60,349 186,065 56,689 31 88 65 03 7* tt,wia i8,wm $£,44*,8*9: 63 r $19,671,655 12 9,857 33 200 00 « i 1,083,699 24 96,746 33; wSSf^ ! 197,796, 17" 39t,787 04 974,076 67 6y667 86 *•" 169,56a 65 906,600 47 931,666 09 T 1 . - ■ . ■ . . : - . - n ; 5 I t , 5 4 4 3S ^ ^ -1,995 .-- «** 1 1 \ \ -> — !i * * ■ -, ■■ - - —~ 75 _« >»-'j ^-- 1,4^,91? 46 * [ I *> P 333_ f 333 320,603 93,846 521,684 227,517 18,269 38,420 113,519 .. m»" 123,176 69 27,639 49 ^ -•*' 1 «. ' #4,302,833 1,635,220 1,214,235 30 5,181 196,417 50 — 14,381 42 i ^ 4,689,381 « ^ 1,4110 50 24,724,645 27 78 30 60 63 i 33 ! 80 1 11 1 32 71 1 42 [ 95 f 99 — 16,093 46 $31,404,926 268,163 539,996 53,017 116,007 $537,917 41 I — 1,640 84,771 51,855 9,326 93 05 37 29 162,309 41 833,598 94 1,819,921.58 _... ,,_ — „. 16,759 54 8,339 30 ' 16,034 03 ~ 110,429 43 20,328 87 1,000 00 19,353 96 380,017 9& 9 •062,488 70 1,117,01580 — 19 47 69 73 90 ! 392,099 91. 7,518 87 336,593 24 197,038.81 3,335$3 12,139 79, 36,146,58? 45 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ^■MM_—« 1 P"*«"""^"^****«" Dates. . Pne from State ! Losses chargeable banks. to contingent fond. Offices. i i — * — P M W — m1 Banking-houses. Deficiencies. V ' > " ' Expenses. 1 , . .. . . 1837. August 31 Bank United States 31 Office, Boston i New York 29 Washington 26 Richmond 29 Fayetteville 5 June Savannah 31 *Uy Mobile August 28 New Orleans 31 Joiy Natchez 31 May St. Louia 30 3w» Nashville Louisville 31 & Pittsburgh Almost 30 Utica 14 March Burlington 6 October New Brighton August 23 24 Erie 20 Agency, Cincinnati - 91.876,482 92 700,170 85 1,667,845 27 3,516 30 _. 92 84 HI 1 HIM 1 ■ II H — 1,991 28 250,114 62 . «• ^ *. _ _ ^ _ ^ 4,991 91 ■ 13,385 02 42,385 00 «. 1 511 54 760 00 1 '■'—1 I1 1 22,105 00 _ m mm - '■ 435,134 92 > •" $14,523,956 64 248 82 698 13 105 87 2,224 63 616 14 * 332 84 591 54 305 99 14,846 55 ^ — — 28,069 17 4,797,046 37 J ■'«■ HP _ 25,451 19 mm I■ «»' f iif — 32,259 90 _ «. ^ -, 49,209 98 ~989 61 3,817 65 31,957 15 38,703 94 5,212,231 32 >VM ■<■ $999 70 346 74 mm ^ _ Tt 159,401 61 429,404 11 429 00 30,902 61 55,049 96 3,940 70 8,334 49 360,593 92 $22,092 27 1,943 76 3,900 92 10,307 14 13,584 62 1,594 59 11,578 60 2,486 03 2,671 50 $325,000 00 $3,756,405 83 38,182 19 78,064 12 258,520 35 200,164 48 mm n 1 Notes of late Bank of U.S. and offices. 90,129 94 » 152,345 00 90,750 00 140,505 00 2,825 00 537,300 00 957,870 00 425,580 00 108,145 00 16,939,276 64 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dales*. Offices. Notes of new Notes of State bank and banks. offices. 1837. August 31 Bank United States - $2,589,735 52 ' $1,386,876 31 f Office, Boston New York 29 6,772 Washington 36 3,776 Bichmond » Fayetteville Savannah 1,766 Ae** 28 Mobile 3,000 00 New Orleans Sfflp<<4 31 397 Natchez j*jr 31 S t Louis 7,795 Nashville Louisville * 1,132 Pittsburgh 54,870 00 68,959 ▲«gost ao Utica 38 Hwrch 1* Burlington* October 6 2,322 New Brighton 60,160 00 Angtst 23 3,395 Erie 34 11,871 20 Agency, Cincinnati - ST I 2,707,785 53 Specie. 25 $3,447,463 53 38 64 93 1 Baring, Broth Capital stock. e r s ^ Co,, Hope & Co., and Hot linguer & Co. $267,263 09 $35,000,000 00 Late bank for issues. Bank United States for issues. $28,462,326 90 $7,477,045 03 9,359 71 193^44 1,004 73 7,660 69 449 03 06 00 71 66 06 00 00 15 8,063 91 63,971 86 68,000 00 47,388 08 51,548 13 100,000 00 1,495,004 84 I 2,636,103 09 267,303 09 35,000,000 00 28,463,326 90 7,645,045 03 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. 1837. August 31 31 29 26 29 June 5 July 31 August 28 July 31 May 31 June 30 May 31 July 31 Augast 30 March 14 October 6 August 23 24 20 : Offices. Bank United States - ; Office, Boston i New York Washington Richmond FayetteviUe Savannah • Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh Utica Burlington New Brighton Erie Agency, Cincinnati - Discounts, ex Dividends un Profit and loss, Foreign ex change, and change ac claimed. interest. count. £223,535 36,270 101,320 4,674 505 1,115 15,258 7,321 105 88 19 45 00 90 03 33 52 00 $82,095 2,856 31,616 1,635 5,221 Contingent fund. 50 £5,191,718 83 £1,049,175 58 £6,000,000 00 00 44 55 50 Fund for extinguishingcostof bank'g-houses. $1,055,259 11 Contingent interest. £348,513 68 480 75 2 33 1,857 23 338 97 15,076 39 1,147 93 3,992 59 4,261 67 3,967 15 418,893 33 123,905 74 5,191,718 83 1,049,175 58 ■- " ' )' *<m i ■ i - i n ii 6,000,000 00 1,055,259 11 j -'I I'll ■ IIIWI < 350,370 91 GENERAL STATEMENT-Continued, ■■«ii ,;.fcate*-: .i i ■■ ii i. m" Office*. ; IJ.I i ■■"» ■ ' ■■ — -Loan in Europe. 1837. August 31 |B*jrl* UniladStates - $6,145,972 S2 31 Office.! Boston - *! S e w York 99 Washington 86 Richmobd 99 Payetteville June ■.••* 5 Savannah July 31 Mobile Aagurf 96 New Orleans July 31 Natchez * May 31 St. Louis June 30 1 ** Nashville May 31 Louisville JWy 31 Pittsburgh August 30 Utica • March 14 Burlington October 6 New Brighton August 93 Erie '.- . * 94 90 Agency, Cincinnati • km ■ - — « • • r DuetoBankU.) Due to State S. and agen banks. cies. ir f , Depositors. i ,^'.,'i Interest on loan in Europe. Bohds in Europe* Bonds to United States. Interest on bonds to U. States- $12,290 70 $4,355,092 14 $2,289,557 75 $87,239 57116)269,300 76 #7,946,856 16 81-78,793 01 2,764,109 06 232 20 i 8,015,493 59 74,852 46 3,131 24 978,377 00 15,040 19 i 184 22 486,746 02 15,298 97 49,488 60 181,682 41 108 21 ! 720,265 60 2,515 00 3,327,714 22 2,112,679 43 1 29 3,097 63 549,016 00 3,967 99 674,792 71 723 21 172 79 1,131,320 15 12,554 00 708,243 59 1,309 81 2,244,393 21 92,571 62 17,487 78 200,825 00 1 2,387 94 16,336 30 989 61 274,612 14 53 75 18,887 49 422,905 51 3,868 59 13,638 58 1,378,665 41 465 00 6>145,972 22 36,230,468 05 [4,432,576 74 2,545,101 32 ■ '' i 87,239 57 6,969,300 76 7,946,356 J6 'U1 ^ ■■■ 178,793 01 184 C 128 ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in transitu. Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk FayettevJlle Charleston Savannah Mobile $11,000 00 Office, 1,000 00 18,000 00 1 14,000 00 11,000 00 76,000 00 126,000 CO 113,000 00 101,525 00 204,000 00 78,000 00 101,000 00 182,000 00 319,000 00 - 420*000 00 268,745 00 83,250 00 33^500 OO 88,000 00 New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Total 194, :oo oo 102,900 00 132,770 00 17,000 00 3J00O 0O 4,000 00 \ - 1 3,002,390 CO At Bank of the United States. Bills receivable for post notes Bonds and moitgages Due by the United States Secretary of the Navy Bank of the United States chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses M. King, late navy agent, Norfolk Foreign bills of exchange Stock accounts - - - - • - - $1,225,210 31 147,(J52 40 5 ,£67 38 500,0C0 00 28,85543 2,95l,?li8 31 40,114 17 1,101,898 54 14,503,362 95 Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation. Notes of late bank issued , Notes of late bank on hand Notes of late bank at State bank agencies Notes of late bank in transitu - , - $28,462,326 90 -$16,939,276 64 - 1,532,197 00 - 3,002,390 00 —J 21,473,863 64 Notes of late bank in circulation Notes of new bank issued Notes of new bank on hand - - $6,988,463 26 7,645,045 03 2,707,785 52 Post notes - 4,937,259 50 4,091,910 00 845,349 51 Total circulation 7,833,812 77 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security - ' 811,511,544 35 Bills discounted on b'k stock 1,452,917 46 Bilk discounted on other se-24,724,645 27 cnrnies Bilfr of exchange -~ Bills-receivable for post notes - Capital stock Bank United States, notes issued Late bank, for issues $37,689,107 08 9,062,4.8 70 1,225,10 31 Real estate . . . . . Due from Bank United States and agencies 36,146,587 45 5,212,231 32 Due from State banks Due from die United States Deficiencies?: ■.-■- - ■ '- Banking houses • Expenses . . . . Caen, Viz: New notes . . Notes* df the late Bank U. S. and offices Notes^of the State batiks - 2,707,785 52 16,939,276 64 1,495,004 84 Specie Mortgages . . . M. King, navy agent, Norfolk Bank l nited States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Secretary of the Navy Stock accounts * Foreign bills of exchange Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and HottinguerdfCo. - o o eg." $47,976,746 09 1,117,015 SO 41,358,818 77 5,267 32 28,01.9 17 435,134 92 90,129 94 21,142,067 00 2,636,103 09 147,652 40 40,144 17 28,855 33 2,951,928 31 500,000 00 14,508,362 95 1,101,898 54 $7,645,045 03 28,462,326 90 Discounts, exchange, audinterest Dividends unclaimed « Profit and loss - ■ Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 6,000,000 00 4,797,046 37 Due to Bank United States and agenciesDue to State Banks - 26,230,468 05 4,432,576 74 36,107,371 93 418,893 33 123,905 74 5,191,718 83 1,202,953 63 Foreign exchange account Fund for the extinguishment of the cost of banking houses Contingent interest . . . Deposites Loan in Europe . . . . Interest on loan in Europe Bonds in Europe . . . . Bonds to United States . Interest on bonds to United States 30,663,044 79 1,049,175 58 1,055,259 11 350,370 91 2,545,101 32 6,145,972 22 87,239 57 6,269,300 76 7,946,356 16 178,793 01 267,263 09 134,335,456 89 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, September 1,1637. #35,000,000 00 134,335,456 89 * S. JAUDON, Cashier. AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, October 16, 1837. I certify the above and foregoing to be a true copy of the original remaining on file in this department. [L. «J Witness my hand and seal of office, the day and year aforesaid. NATH. P. HOB ART, Auditor General. GBNERAL STATEMENT Offices. Dates. 1837, Oct. 2 Sept. 21 26 23 26 Tune 5 Sept. 1 18 Aug. 31 31 June 30 Sept. 1 Aug. 31 Sept. 20 Mar. 14 1836, Oct. 6 1837, Sept. 20 20 21 of the Bank of the United States, its agencies, #»c, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills discounted on Bills of exchange. personal security. other securities. bank stock. Bank United States - 1 Agency, Boston New York Office, Washingion- ; Richmond Fayetteville - i Agency, Savannah Mobile New Orleans Office, Natchez Agency, St. Louis Office, Nashville Louisville . Pittsburgh Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati - j Office, New Brighton Erie - 87,421,248 140,537 59,349 184,053 56,689 16,797 18,545 79 07 65 52 79 18 29 r— 4,564,327 62 197,925 06 14,381 42 9,857 33 20000 123,176 69 3,229 08 121,156 64 "263 121,276 395,625 1,003,342 6,667 80 94 05 66 86 1,995 75 $3,895,894 1,543,971 1,096,940 5,181 23 00 95 63 3337333 1,385,449 93,846 524,124 227,517 12,631 27,420 60,016 33 54 11 80 71 86 95 80 $550,299 41 l7640 79,865 51,855 9,326 93 69 37 29 ; 1,379,340 96 $29,932,090 328,667 596,265 58,747 115,237 05 38 57 16 90 167759 54 8,339 30 16,034 03 392,099 21 7,518 87 189,522 46 197,038 81 385,869 32 1,000 00 23,258,518 28 Due from Bank United Stales and agencies. 229,364 41 833,598 94 1,819,824 41 167003 46 927,554 71 175,519 67 218,303 87 10,866,932 49 JL'Jfi' ' L' $18,352,512 66 $1,369,283 63 Real estate. 108^408 68 20,828 87 107714.40 7,368 28 9,901 47 9,351,569 92 .1,130,704 28 34,717,244 92 GENERAL STATEMEMT—Continued. IJ x Dales. Iftfy * W I Offices. Due from State Losses charge Deficiencies. 1 banks. able to con tingent fund. Q 1- Rfttilr ITnitpH Qfntrii - $1,652,094 33 *3,756,975 73 Agency, Boston 620,419 05 38,182 19 New York 430,794 38 73,064 12 Office, Washington 1,304 27 258,520 35 Richmond 200,164 48 — Payetteville92 84 _ 159,401 61 583 30 Agency, Savannah 453,970 56 :j ' ' . . ■ - ■ : , . fl* Mobile _ ■'■-'"' AtKg 3 ^ 49,209 98 429 00 New Orleans 54,000 00 Office, Natchez — 55,049 96 _ Jtnte S0V Agency, St. Louis Of|ce, Nashville 1,991 28 12,333 77 c ' Louisville 250,114 62 9,657 24 234,160 48 fttteburgh ^ Sept 30 a Gtica ^ ,~ & fc& •• 989 61 Burlington 1836, ^ c i T ^ 4,991 91 38,703 94 1837, Sept 2d Agency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton ^ 3d 1 4,790 61 _ Erie, 2 1 21,232 27 ^ ^ ^ ^ f| m,* VOT * OP _ $3,499 70 346 74 ^•1 ^ _ 35,553 86 ' ^s* sst.;< M-2i 3,590,494 41 4,797,616 27 ^ 1 »■■!■ ■ — _ 33,259 90 _ 13,385 02 42,385 00 _ ^ _ _ _ _ 22,105 00 _ — — 511 54 760 00 _ — — _ — _ - — _ 435,134 92 29,670 84 1" m » ■ 1 ■ » '■ ■ « Notes oflate Bank Notes of Bank United States United States and offices. and offices. $37,054 39 #14,143,276 06 2,242 76 4,820 40 10,51*9 60 156r305 00 13,960 77 90,750 00 1,594 59 140,505 00 1,085 69 353,060 00 3,311 68 536,485 00 2,671 50 1,387 68 248 82 726 88 955,840 00 272 82 3,689 83 451,165 00 616 14 332 84 10,552 72 40,840 00 825 85 104,355 00 431 94 $325,000 O0 p^DCMI tt W M lliCU~ O l t t t W * ™ Sept. 21 26 33 36 June 6 i j V i i.Miu' Expenses. Bankinghouses. 96,426 50 U in » I.I ii i. i 16,972,581 06 ' U J ■" $3,635,573 03 3,000 00 - . 54,890 00 80,350 00 9,190 00 2,783,003 03 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. Notes of State Cashier Bank U. States, attorney banks. for foreign bankers. 1837, Oct. 2 Bank United States • $1,594,060 01 Sept. 21 Agency, Boston 26 New York 23 Office, Washington- | 8,014 98 26 Richmond 3,541 64 June 5 Fayetteville Sent. 1 Agency, Savannah 1,715 00 -i 18 Mobile 583 64 Aug. 31 New Orleans 31 Office, Natchez 1,045 38 June 30 Agency, St. Louis Sept. 1 Office, Nashville 13,480 00 Aug. 31 Louisville 1,132 71 Sept. 20 Pittsburgh 114,100 04 Mar. 14 Utica 1836, Oct. 6 Burlington 2,813 53 1837, Sept. 20 Agency,Cincinnati 5,933 00 20 Office, New Brighton 21 Erie 1,746,419 93 Capital stock. Late bank issues. Notes issued. Discount, ex change, and interest. Specie. $110 88 $2,800,847 51 $35,000,000 00 $27,561,866 90 $5,931,093 42 35,211 184 1,004 7,466 65 96 73 00 449 02 8,054 87 110 88 $303,950 43,810 133i775 6,570 561 1,115 17,289 8,046 45 67 51 05 81 03 95 36 3,470 2 86-2 3,523 20,029 1,147 09 33 47 91 43 93 62,851 48 38 06 68,000 00 48,355 11 51,767 16 100,000 00 9,513 06 5,659 07 5,982 87 6,099,093 42 565,310 99 3,016,230 55 35,000,000 00 27,561,866 90 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Offices. Dates. 1837, Oct. 2 Bank United States Sept. 21 j Agency, Boston New York 26 23 j Office, Washington 1 Richmond • - June 5 1 .-■.FarettevilleAgency, Savannah Mobile : New Orleans Office, Natchez lone 30 Agency, 0L Louis - j Office, Nashville Aug. 31 Louisville Pittsburgh Utica • 1836,35: 6 Agency, Burlington Cincinnati 1837; Sept. 9Q Office, New Brighton 21 Erie-: for extin Dividends un Profit and loss. Foreign ex Contingent fund. Fund guishing cost change acclaimed. of banking1 count. houses. $59,546 00 $5,191,718 83 2,448 00 26,276 44 1,514 55 4,961 50 $942,368 61 $6,000,000 00 $1,055,259 11 94,746 49 5,191,718 83 942,368 61 6,000,000 00 1,055,259 11 Contingent interest. Loan i n . Europe. $348,513 68 $4,798,611 11 m fc-^-.S 348,513 63 4,798,611 11 GENERAL STATEMEKT~-Continued. 1 1 'yw '•" "" "T Office*, pates. 1 |83~7,6ct. 2 i Bank United States -. Sept. 21 Agency, Boston 26 New York 23 Office, Washington Richmond • 36 June 6 ;:,:..-. FayettevilleAgency, Savannah Sep.-4 Mobile Aug. 31 New Orleans Office, Natchez J u » 3 d Agency, St. Louis Sefrt. 1 Office, Nashville - I Louisville Sept. 90 Pittsburgh Utka Mar. 14 1836, Oct. 6 Burlington 1837,Se*tSg Agency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton Eriesi Ifc>.-.0'*: •: Due to Bank United States and agencies. Due to State banks. $12,165 2.627.528 6,605,482 998,817 488,669 181,682 1,114,594 3.331.529 2,112,683 573,119 674,792 1,132,359 697,243 2,026,947 200,825 16,336 1,361,973 348,086 422,946 70 58 93 44 98 41 58 69 93 78 71 16 59 19 00 30 07 52 69 S4,551,579 82 1,940 08 4,759 98 16,705 53 13,035 44 24,927,785-25 4,627,779 16 2,686,753 93 3^895 37 1,277 55 47,211 29 3,683 38 "172 79 137258 90 Deposites. Interest on loan Baring, Brothers, in Europe. & Co., Hope & Co., & Hottinguer & Co. S3,404,296 232 98,401 20,155 15,219 108 15,055 59 20 30 96 08 21 00 I 3,967 723 10,522 1,309 83,642 . 2,387 989 29 99 21 51 81 26 94 61 S76,097 22 Bonds to United States. S7,946,356 16 $252,414 40 Interest on bonds to United States. 178,793 01 Bonds in Europe. 6,633,745 21 76,097 22 252,414 40 1 14,758,894 38 [128] 191 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. M Bank of the United States. Bills receivable for post notes . . . Bonds and mortgages Due by the United States . . . . Secretary of the Navy Bank of ihe United States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses . . . Miles King, late navy agent at Norfolk Foreign bills of exchange "Bank United Stares stock" account Treasurer of the Commonwealth SI,025,060 07 15(3,078 80 5,2(i7 32 500,000 00 28,855 33 2,951,928 31 40,144 17 1,075,529 48 14,323,823 71 75,359 42 At New York. $33,128 33 Bonds and mortgages Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and offices, in actual circulation.. $6,099,093 42 Issues of Bank United States * Issues of Bank United States on hand Post notes circulating •- $2,727,033 03 2,770,057 00 5,497,690 03 Circulation of Bank United States Issues of late Bank United States . . . - 27,561,86690 Issues of late bank on hand -16,914,988 85 Issues of late bank on hand at State bank agen cies . - 1,468,627 00 Issues of late bank in transitu - 3,002,390 00 21,386,005 85 Circulation of late Bank United States Total circulation - * • $601,403 39 6,175,86105 $6,777,264 44 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security $10,866,932 49 Bills discounted on b'k stock 1,379,340 96 Bills discounted on other se curities - 23,258,548 28 Bills of exchange Bills receivable for post notes Capital stock Late Bank United States for issues Notes issued $35,504,821 73 9.351,569 92 1,025,069 07 Real estate Due from Bank United States and agencies 34,717,244 92 Due from State banks . . . 3,590,494 41 Due from the United States Deficiencies banking-houses Expenses Cash, viz: Notes of the new bank Notes of the late Bank United States Notes of the State banks - 2,783,003 03 16,972,581 06 1,746,419 93 Specie Mortgages Navy agent, Norfolk Bank Uniied States, chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses Secretary of the Navy Stock account, Bank United States stock Foreign bills of exchange Treas'r of the Commonwealth of Pennsylv'a Cashier Bank U. S., att'y for foreign bankers $45,881,460 72 1,130,704 28 Discount, exchange, and interest Dividends unclaimed Profit and loss Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 535,000,000 00 33,660,960 32 563,310 99 94,746 49 5,191,718 83 6,000,000 00 4,797,616 27 1,202,383 73 Due to Bank United States and agencies- 24,927,785 25 Due to State banks 4,627,779 16 38,307,739 5,267 29,670 435,134 96,426 33 32 84 92 80 21,502,004 3,016,230 189,207 40,144 28,855 2,951,928 500,000 14,323,823 1,675,529 75,359 110 02 55 13 17 33 31 00 71 48 42 88 130,189,597 21 BANK OP T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S , $27,561,866 90 0,099,093 42 October 2, 1837. Foreign exchange account Fund for extinguishing the cost of bank ing houses Contingent interest Deposites Loan in Europe Interest on loan in Europe Bonds in Europe Bonds to the United States Interest to United States Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. - 29,555,564 41 912,368 61 1,055,259 11 348,513 68 2,(i86,753 93 4,79H,(511 11 76,097 22 6,633,745 21 7,946,356 16 178,793 01 252,414 40 iro,lF9,59? 21 S. JAUDON, Cashier. AuniToa GENERAL'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, October 16, 1837. I certify the above to be a true copy of the original remaining on file in this office. "Wihr\**cc my m v hand Karirl and nr\A seal cool of rvf olfice ntfi^o the thA day Aatr and <*r>Ayear tf^nfaforesaid. of,^ r t n n ;,l [L. ■.]1 Witness NATH. P. HOBART, Auditor General. GENERAL STATEMENT w Dates. Offices. 1837, Oct 30 26 24 88 24 June 5 Sept. 30 Oct. 16 Aug. 31 31 June 30 Sept. 1 30 25 Mar. 14 1836, Oct. 6 1837, Oct 20 25 19 Bank United States Office, Boston New York Washington Richmond Fayctteville Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh Uiica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton Erie - of the Bank of the United States, its agencies, $*c, at the dates herein mentioned. Bills discounted on personal se curity. $7,177,034 136,545 59,349 181,309 56,689 16,797 J8,545 79 80 65 70 79 18 29 _ 121,156 64 mm 263 80 121,276 94 394,900 G6 1,066,931 39 6,667 86 _ 922,637 57 184,481 05 214,018 50 10,678,606 61 Bills discounted Bills of exchange. Bills discounted on bank stock. SI,362,908 63 _ _ ."' 9,857 33 200 00 _ ■ 1 $17,906,558 16 _ 4,258,320 94 202,151 91 11,458 17 ^ w 161,676 69 3,229 08 — m ^ ^ y fc - 1,372,965 96 Real estate. % — 1,995 75 m 1 _ _ 1,000 00 _ 22,546,390 70 Due from Bank United States and agencies. on other se curities. $3,763,328 1,581,600 957,900 1,538 39 56 05 23 m _, m 1,350,074 93,846 524,124 227,517 12,631 22,943 55,966 54 11 80 71 1 86 36 59 167003 46 $30,023,324 430,201 1,640 93 684,884 78,123 65 38,426 51,655 37 L » 111,279 9,326 29 115,580 _ 833,638 — 1,819,824 _ $553,410 36 _ — 16,759 54 8,339 30 16,034 03 m 97 15 43 16 84 31 97 41 392,099 21 7,518 87 319,417 76 197,038 81 386,359 99 967499 48 19,576 71 15,179 75 16,342 99 9,493 18 8,723,551 85 1,137,029 21 34,999,071 06 _ GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. 1 II ■ «■ Dates. Offices. 1837, Oct. 30 5B Bank United States Oflice,"Boston """ - | New York Washington Richmond Fayeiteville j Savannah j . Mobile New Orleans Natchez St.Xonls Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh TTtica Burlington - I f Agency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton Brie - 98 24 June 5 Sept 30 Aug. 31 ' ■ • > ™ 31 Tune 30. •r-«4 tfar.14 183ft, Oct. 6 188VQ*. *> *> ■ : ' i ■■ ' " * I Due from State banks. Losses chargeable to contingent 1 fund. $2,027,560 242,873 486,836 3,031 65,873 92 53,364 455,511 429 54,000 55,049 12,222 11,567 258,362 96 53 81 43 37 84 48 18 00 00 96 77 60 99 $3,756,927 38,182 78,064 258,364 200,164 ~ 989 38,703 1,245 119,276 61 94 02 22 73 19 12 10 48 Deficiencies. $3,24$ 70 346 74 T,991 28 250,114 62 Expenses. $325,424 47 $49,219 2,896 6,566 10,896 14,371 1,591 1,470 4,238 2,671 1,387 248 726 377 4,228 616 332 11,220 1,141 1,242 32^259 90 13^385 02 42,385 00 159,401 61 49,209 98 Banking-houses. 25,552 86 " 511 54 760 00 227l05 00 4,991 91 Notes of late bank and branches. 69 48 52 49 60 59 64 17 50 68 82 88 07 98 14 84 56 62 10 $14,418,120 50 143,340 97,750 140,505 356,720 535,575 00 00 00 00 00 955,840 00 450,970 CO -33,525 00 104,215 00 * 3,786,991 71 4,797,412 02 30,420 84 435,559 39 115,448 37 17,229,560 50 ■■■' ■ ViiM'im i. GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices. Notes of Bank United States and offices. $2,461,435 77 Office. Boston New York -j I Washington • Rjcbmond ..,..,, jfeyettop^-r 1,000 00 1 55,09000 $,&$,585 77 935,819 68 $5,521,56321 44902 13*480 00 832 51 61,921 23 4,611 48 4,760 75 9,710 00 Issues of late J Notes issued. . bank. 71,746 27 154 56 1,004 73 7,470 27 7,190 00 466 60 sS.EOOO Capital stock. $2,569,821 57 $35,000,000 00 $27,561,866 90 1,045 38 Jane f§ ?M v - iiv, $816,860 87 Specie. 12,329 22 2*611 64 jpr^eansr Agency^CMeinnati Office, Ne^ Brighton Erie - Notes of Slate banks. 8,054 87 ■ - 63,357 51 3806 68,000 00 48.838 06 6i;?62 23 100,000 00 2,822,697 15 til..11 * V.I ■ I I I MrfL i 35,000,000 00 . . M I Mni-nr 5,689,563 21 27,561,866 90 'r- r ■i m»,t mi ■rin uh" r 1 r. ir f flf GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. Offices, Discount, ex Dividends un- Profit and loss. Foreign ex change ac change, and claimed. count interest. 1837, Oct. SO Bank United States - $500,291 75 56,641 23 36 Office, Boston 158,964 16 34 New York 8,253 79 38 Washington 1,910 70 34 Richmond 1.115 03 June 5 FayetteviUe -31,420 84 Sept. 30 Savannah . 13,828 16 Oct. 16 Mobile Aug. 31 New Orleans3,470 09 31 Natchez 3 33 June 30 8t. Louis 863 47 Nashville 457 93 30 Louisville 37,844 94 89 Pittsburgh 1,147 93 tTtica Mar. 14 Burlington 1838, Oct. 6 12,531 73 1837, Oct. 30 Agency,Cincinnati 7.116 34 39 Office, New Brighton. 6,881 93 Erie *. 19 $94,939 00 2,092 00 23,048 44 1,446 55 4,961 51 833,730 95 86,487 49 ■ if" i Contingent fund. $933,090 18 $6,000,000 00 $5,191,718 83 Fund for extin guishing cost of bankinghouses, $1,099,359 11 933,090 18 6,000,000 00 5,191,718 83 ■ ■ i t — ^ $426,433 7& 3,403 86 * ■ Contingent interest, 1,099,399 11 'Will 1 11 » 1 !■ 429,836 61 GENERAL STATEMENT-Continued. ' M — i Dates. . i ■ ■ Offices. [ i i i ■ .ii.n * Loan in Europe. Due to Bank United States and agencies. 1837, Oct. 30 Bank ttnited States - $4,796,611 11; 26 Office, Boston 24 New York 28 Washington 24 Richmond FayetteviUe June'5 Savannah Sept. 30 Mobile Oct. 16 New Orleans Aag.ZV Natcnez 31 St. Louis June 30 Nashville , Louisville 25 Pittsburgh • •Uiica Mar. 14 Burlington 1636, Oct. 6 18*7, Oct. 20 Agency.Cincinnati Office, New Brighton 25 Erie 19 Due to State banks* $12,165 70 $4,979,127 80 2,373,334 28 6,282,966 00 l7l77 86 998,815 03 184 22 584,783 68 6,362 50 181,682 41 740,706 76 3,330,352 99 2,112,683 93 3,683 38 573,119 78 674,792 71 "173 79 1,132,359 16 693,447 09 2,147,199 68 127697 52 200,825 00 16,336 30 1,357,003 72 .2,199 62 345,196 TO" 4,594 16 423,619 54 4,798,611 11 24,181,390 55 i i 11 » . ■■> 5,012,199 85 Deposites. $2,619,535 36 232 20 103,785 02 25,164 21 15,047 77 108 21 ,.i -. mm Interest on loan in Europe. P ■ « *l IMIl l l l Bonds in Europe. 1 1 II 1 ■>!■■ Il|[ || —' Bonds to V4 States. $20,541 66 $6,728,189 65 $5,1*69,76713 1 1 29 3,967 99 723 21 10,522 51 1,281 86 118,583 34 2,387 94 989 61 12,441 22 9,378 46 2,924,150 20 20,541 66 6,728,189 65 5,959,76712 H t» j m GENERAL STATEMENT—Continue it/ i?aw& United States. Due by the United States Bills receivable for post notes Bonds and mortgages . . . . Bank United Stales chartered by Congress ,Bonus and permanent expenses • ' • M. King, late navy agent at Norfolk Foreign bills of exchange Stock accounts Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and HoUinguer & Co. - $5,267 850,227 156,078 28,855 3,013,300 • 40,144 1,495,050 -14,337,080 100,000 185,159 • - - 3? 70 80 33 33 1' 04 39 20 99 At agency. New York. Bonds and mortgages • « . . . - - - $33,128 3* Statement of notes of the Bank of the United States and office*, m eircn? lotion. Notes issued of late bank and branches . Notes of late bank on hand Notes oflatebankat$tatebank agencies Notes oflate bank iu transitu Notes oflate bank in circulation . - . . $27,561,866 90 .$17,239,560 50 - 1,435,587 00 - . 2,373,880 00 _. ^ ^ - 21,039,027 50 - Notes issued of Bank United States and offices Notes of Bank United States on hand Circulation of post notes Notes of Bank United States in circulation Total circulation- • - - ♦ 2,539,585 77 2,559,201 00 -^ ^— • • " • - .#6,522,839 40 5,689,563 21 5,098,786 77 - 590,776 54 . ♦ 7,113,615 94 Digitized by RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security - ' - $10,678,606 61 Billsdiscountedonb'kstock 1,372,965 % Bills discounted on other securities - 22,546,390 70 $34,597,963 27 Bills of exchange 8,723,551 83 " 850,227 70 l*»Us receivable for post notes #44^71,748 82 Real estate • * 1,137,029 21 Due from Bank United States and agencies 34,999,071 06 Due from State banks 3;786,991 71 38,786,062 77 5,267 32 i ^eUnited States * 30,420 84 cies♦ 435,559 39 akitog'boases - . Expenses :.;115,448 37 Cash, viz: NolestrfBank United States and offices - 2,530,585 77 Notes of late bank and brunches 17,229,560 50 Notes of State banks ^ -* 935,819 68 20,704,965 95 2,822,697 15 Specie .... -..'Mortgages 189,207 13 Navy agent, Norfolk • - ~ 40,144 17 Bonus and permanent expenses 3,013,300 33 Bank United States chartered by Congress 28,855 33 Stock account 14,337,0*0 39 Foreign exchange . . . . 1,495,050 04 Treasater Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 100,000 20 Baring, Brothers, & Co., Hope & Co., and Hottwguer & Co. 185,159 99 Capital stock $35,000,000 00 Issues of late bank $27,561,866 90 Issues of late Bank United States and branches 5,689,563 21 33,251,430 11 Discount, exchange, and interest 822,730 95 Dividends unclaimed 86,487 49 Profit and loss 5,191,718 83 6,000,000 00 Contingent fund Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 4,797,412 02 1,202,587 98 Dae to Bank United States and agencies 24,181,390 55 Due to State banks . . . 5,012,199 85 29,193,590 40 Foreign exchange account 933,090 18 Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses «• - - 1,055,259 M Contingent interest 429,836 61 Deposites 2,924,150 20 Loan in Europe 4,798,611 11 Interest on loan in Europe 20,541 66 Bonds in Europe 6,728,189 65 Bonds to the United States 5,959,767 12 127,597,991 40 l| BANK OP THB UNITED STATES, November 1,1837. 127,597,991 40 J. COWPERTH WAITE, Cashier. AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, Earrisburg, Pa., December 22,1837. f certifv the above to be a trueand correct copy of the original remaining onfilein this department. I L. s. 1 Witness my h*nd and seal of office, the day ajjd year aforesaid. * • 4 NATH. P. HOBART, Auditor General. m *■* ** GO UJ GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, its agencies, 4*c, at the dates herein mentioned* - Dates. Offices. 1837, Nov. 30 23 28 18 21 Jan. 5 Nov. 1 20 Oct. 31 Aug. 31 June 30 Sept. 1 Oct. 31 Nov. 22 Mar. 14 1836, Oct. 6 1837, Oct. 20 Nov. 23 23 Bank United States Office, Boston New York Washington Richmond Fayetteville Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton Erie - * Bills discounted on personal security. $7,180,980 32 118,140 53 77,466 52 174,872 35 56,689 79 16,797 18 18,545 29 _, 1 119,773 83 I I ^ 263 80 1 121,276 94 1 393,935 23 1,098,468 82 6,667 86 1 _ 922,637 57 20!), 189 29 219,294 33 ' 10,734,999 65 Bills discounted on bank stock. $1,179,625 05 ^ ^ Bills discouhted on other securities. $17,213,207 — 4,099,438 204,944 9,857 33 3,514 20000 _ ^ _ 165,811 — ^» 3,229 „» _ ^ — _ —.. 1,995 » «" ^ «. ^ *• _ I 1,000 _ *» • * 1,189,682 38 66 57 14 14 38 08 75 00 21.693,140 72 Bills of ex change. $3,990,224 1,442,861 840,373 6,081 «. _ _ 1,332,397 37,334 521,124 227,517 12,631 6,793 102,922 _ 16,003 _ 84,496 19,626 31 61 44 63 37 42 80 71 86 36 91 ■ - Real estate. Due from Bank United States and agencies. $553,705 _ 1,640 71,799 51,855 9,326 _ ^ _ $29,697,229 597,821 1,105,467 38,426 108,214 36 93 35 37 29 — 54 81 20 16 84 65,458 83 833,638 97 1,821,204 73 392,099 21 16,759 54 8,339 30 16,034 03 _ 7,518 87 106,046 78 197,038 81 53 85 386,359 99 _ - 35,654 90 9,497 33 8,643,390 26 1,115,820 16 35,015,317 95 46 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. ""-'-'■■ m> ' Offices. Dftte. rtfTjiwnsr ~Ban"fc TTnited States^23 28 18 21 *m &: JMWt I '-«2-/o^2fc Ifc^Cfct 31' I!*? fl }m,m t 1887,Oct. 2d Office, Boston I New York Washington Richmond ' Fayetterille r r Savannah Mfbtte NewprleansXfaicQe? Sff. IXHiis Ifapyilie LMisyiHe Pfttsbufgh - Due from State banks. Losses chargeable to contingent fund. 81,968,058 10,855 582,439 "*,999 140,190 ,02 31,500 463,879 429 54,000 55,049 12,222 13,400 86,446 $3,756,927 38,182 78,064 258,364 200,161 Btirtlnjglon - ' Agency, Oipcionati Office. New Brighton "989 38,703 2,306 19,108 75 13 45 98- h 12 84 98 41 00 00 96 77 50 71 61 04 33 18 3,462,573 GQ Tir?.V y.i ■"■^ 'it* i htt* iV- .r i r V i ,. ill n i t i r i •• ^ 49,209 — ** Deficiencies. $328^477 47 $60,172 4,330 11,543 12,253 14,871 1,594 1,750 4,984 2,671 1,387 248 726 183 5,768 616 332 11,220 1,586 1,403 ■ mm 62,977 95 346 74 \ 1,991 23 250,114 62 — 13,385 02 42,385 00 — _ — — —, _ — 511 54 760 00 "— — * ' _ • 4,991 91 *■• 22,105 00 — — •m "• ^ ' r 4,797,412 03 ■ ^ 82,064 55 _ — 32,259 90 — ~ 159,40161 " Expenses. .,.*.._. 73 19 12 10 48 98 Banking-houses. 16,748 74 J 86,6G0 78 455,361 13 1 ■ in i . f Notes of late 1 Bank U.S. and r branches. 72 92 53 35 77 59 64 64 50 68 82 88 65 20 14 84 56 06 65 137,618 14 .. $14,834,139*16" - * .* 136V7W00 90,615 00 140,505 00 364,72000 534,860 00 955,840 00 430,290 00 30,855 00 104,970*00 17,023,504 10 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued* Offices. bates. 1837, Nov. 30 Bank United States 23 Office, Boslon 28 New Vork 18 Washington Richmond 21 Payetteville Jan. 5 Savannah Ncv. 1 Mobile 20 New Orleans Oct. 31 Natchei Aug.31 St. Louis June 30 Sept. 1 Nashville Oct. 31 Louisville Pittsburgh Nov. 22 Utica Mar. 14 Burlington 1836, Oct. 6 1837, Oct. 20 Agency, Cincinnati Nov. 23 Office, New Brighton Erie 23 Notes of Bank United States and offices. $2,671,488 01 s'oooco o * > » * ■ ■ < * » :■ i <* Capital stock. Specie. Notes issued. Issues of late bank. i 80,544 145 1,004 7,470 6,395 00 1,013 92 $5,521,563 21 $27,561,866 90 $3,084,077 m $35,006,066 00 $882,980 97 16,001 55 2,606 64 49 79 73 27 449 02 1,045 38 55~100 00 8,054 87 13,480 00 832 51 40,168 75 4,611 48 68,000 00 63,386 55 38(W 28,020 03 52,796 71 51,882 5-1 997,156 20 3,349*650 89 577910 00 2,787,498 01 o o Notes of State banks, i 1 27,561,866 90 35,000,000 00 i ' i ■ ■ ■ ido,<xx> ©0 5,689,563 21 GENERAL STATEMENT--Continu«L *"""^***^»»F*-*-M» ]■■■ * m m ■ Offices. mi ! ■ ». • I I Disconnt, ex 1 Dividends 1 Profit and loss, change, and unclaimed. I interest. ■ 1 Foreign ex change ac count. Contingent fund. -■ Fond for extin guishing cost 1 of bankinghouses. ■UP' K*|PMWV ifniiPd states ~ #607,317 72 ^48,606 00 85,191,718-83 ! $956,723 78 $6,000,000 00 83 Office, Boston , G2,866 04 924 00 88 I New York - ! 189,979 «7 1 22,448 44 18 Washington 10,562 40 1,414 52 21 1 Richmond 2,174 47 3,129 50 Jan. 6 £Viyetteville 1,115 03 War. .vV Sawnnah 22,042 34 my^.m Mobile 14,958 79 New Orleans 438 11 480 7$ pig-M Natefaez 3,470 09 V one 30 St. Louis 2 33 igept 1 Nashville 862 47 Pet; 31 Louisville . 4,584 34 Pitifctwrgh 36,^18 54 'Mar.£4 JWca « 1,147 93 Bwli.:#oii 12,521 73 18S7,Oct.l» Agency, Cincinnati 9.1&1 04 131 fit] 7,756 63 1 • 548 1Office, Ne# Brighton fSri*- • "' - J ' . ./ 1 HlffJ'piM 987,132 37 mi 4 *"" so f \Wlj( hi i» | u ,i i ,1 If 1 PlUJJJfj | I i .1 77,134 91 ■■ * II - 'i u i II II $1,055,259 11 'T1 5,191,718 83 956,723 78 6,000,000 00 r ■ ,. J Contingent interest. ■* I #387,BHT5 ■ 1,055,259 11 387,811 15 ^ ■ - - - GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Dates. W37r»ov.30 23 28 18 21 Jan. 5 Nov. 1 20 Oct. 31 Aug. 31 June 30 Sept. 1 Oct. 31 Nov. 22 Mar. 14 1836, Oct." 6 1837, Oct. 20 Nov. 23 23 Offices. Loan in Europe. Bank United States - $4,798,611 11 Office, Boston New York Washington Richmond Fayetteville Savannah Md&ile New Orleans Natchez St. Louis Nashville Louisville Pittsburgh • Utica Burlington • Agency, Cincinnati Office, New Brighton Erie . 4,798,611 11 *9mm~—mm*~~+ Due to Bank United States and agencies. $122,319 2,148,169 6,550,546 996,802 660,354 181,682 675,585 3,324,626 2,112,687 573,119 674,792 1,132,359 677,297 1,793,641 200,825 16,336 1,357,003 349,563 441,746 Due to State banks. Deposites. 39 $5,066,575 09 $2,546,818 85 232 20 95 68,777 71 1,387 58 44 25,921 36 903 13 30 13,067 24 06 108 21 41 27 50 1 29 2,758 52 43 3,967 99 78 723 21 172 79 71 10,522 51 16 1,281 86 09 110,508 96 51 2,387 94 00 17,768 74 989 61 30 72 15,936 19 95 16,296 97 60 4,751 41 23,988,459 97 5,094,317 26 Baring, Brothers, Bonds in EnBonds to & Co., Hope & United States. rope. Co., and Hottinguer & Co. $507,828 26 $6,728,189 65 $5,959,767 1* * 2,817,542 10 507,828 26 6,728,189 65 t 1 i i i n ' ' '■ i i i i ■ i 5,959,767 19 205 [ 129 ] GENERAL STATEMENT—Continned. At Bank of the United States. Doe by the United States Bills receivable for post notes • * Bonds and mortgages . Bank of the United States chartered by Congress Bonus and permanent expenses . M. King, late navy agent, Norfolk Foreign bills of exchange . . . . . Stock accounts . Treasurer of the Commonwealth Interest on loan in Europe * • - . * - * . • - - - $5,267 32 713,570 46 303,732 58 28,855 33 3,018,385 68 40,14417 2,315,20087 14,683,045 85 150,037 00 552 09 At agency^ New York. Bonds and mortgages - - - - * - - • 3 3 , 1 2 6 33 - Statement of the notes of the Bank of the United States and ojices, in actual circulation. Notes issued of late bank Notes on hand Notes at State bank agencies Notes in transitu • $27,561,866 90 • - - $17,023,504 10 1,430,842 00 2,881,880 00 21,336,226 10 Notes in circulation . . . Noies of Bank United States and offices Notes of Bank United States on hand Circulation of post notes . Total circulation - - - • . . . . 6,225,640 80 . 5,689,563 21 2,787,498 01 2,379,613 00 • 5,167,111 01 522,458 30 - 6,748,093 00 Digitized by Google KECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security -$10,734,991)65 Bills discounted on Vk stock 1,189,682 38 Bills discounted on other se curities 21,693,140 72 o o FT $331,617,822 75 8L643.390 26 Bills of exchange • * 713,570 46 Bills receivable for post notes $42,974,783 47 Real estate - 1,115,820 16 35,015,317 95 Doe from Bank United States and agencies 3,482,573 66 Due from State banks » 38,497,891 61 Due from the United States 5,267 32 Deficiencies86,660 78 Banking houses 455,361 13 Expenses 137,648 14 Cash, viz: 2,787,408 01 Notes of the Bank United States and offices 17,023,501 10 Notes of late bank 997,156 20 Notes of the State banks • 20,808,158 31 Specie 3,349,850 89 Mortgages 336,860 91 Navy agent at Norfolk 40,141 17 Bonus and permanent expenses • 3,018,385 68 Bank United States, chartered by Congress 28,855 33 Stock accounts 14,683,045 85 Foreign exchange • 2,315,200 87 Treasurer of the Common-wealth 150,037 00 Interest on bonds in Europe 55209 m $35,000,0C0 00 Capital stock #27,561,066 90 Issues of late bank 5,689,563 21 Notes issued 33,251,430 11 987,132 37 Discount, exchange, and interest 77,134 91 Dividends unclaimed 5,191,718 83 Profit and loss . . . . Contingent fund - 6,000,000 00 Less losses chargeable to contingent fund 4,797,412 02 1,202,587 98 Due to Bank United States and agencies - 23,988,459 97 Due to State banks 5,094,317 26 Foreign exchange account Fund for extinguishing cost of banking houses . . . . . Contingent interest . . . Depositee Loan in Europe . . . . Interest on loan in Europe Bonds in Europe . . . . Bonds to the Un ited States Barings, Hope & Co. - 128,004,523 71 mrSTATES, December 1,183f» BANK OP THEUNIT»P 29,082,777 23 956,723 78 1,055,259 11 387,811 15 2,817,542 10 4,798,611 11 6,728,189 65 5,959,767 12 501,838 26 128,004,523 71 [ **-*» J. COW0EETHWAFTE, Cashier. ' ■' ' ■ £ :: \ ^ ; •[ ' Aroma'GninuL'a Omc%JBhM*u&h2%.>fi9cmber9&t 1837. r the above to h* a true and carrect eofjgtf the ori^opl^hudnia^iii file in thiaSlepartment. «4 N A f f t P. HOSAM, Auditor GtntraL Stf ABSTRACT Or *HB STATEMENTS OP THE BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, CHARTERED BIT CONGEES*!, FROM IT* COMMENCEMENT IN 1&17, TO MARCHi 1836, AND OP THE PENNSYLVANIA BANK OF* THE UNITED STATES, PROM MARCH, 1836, TO NOVEMBER, 1837. fii»>, HM i l f ,i .tni..!.,.,,, n U n.i. Hi ii' innr.ii'i! ••-«-... ■ >f i n" liiiii ViMiniinrmi^iiniaiii u» mli « n i l — — ^ — t m Digitized by Google [ 128 ] 208 BANK OF THE a; C -S3 si 2■ Date. M 1817, Feb. Mar. July Oct. 1818, Mar. July 1819, Jan. July 1820, Jan. July 1821, Jan. July 1822, Jan. July 1823, Jan. July 1824, Jan. Julv 1825, Jan. July 1826, Jan. July 1827, Jan. July 1828, Jan. July 1829, Jan. July 1830, Jan. July 1831, Jan. July $3,485,194 $4,829,234 9,535,993 11,907,365 [26,235,5361 33,764,035 11,181,750 9,475,93a 41,458,985 7,430,926 35,786,263 7,391,823 30,949,642 7,139,081 131,401,158 7,192,980] 30,207,579 9,158,984 30,903,199 9,155,855 23,380,916 13,360,780 28,061,169 13,318,950 31,795. 70013 ,112,443 3 0 , 7 3 ' J ; 4 3 2 | 11,018,552 34,803,829 10,876,023 33,432,084 10,874,014 32,694,096 13,872,791 31,812,017 18,422,0271 33,531,692 20,738,600) 13,421,621 18,303,501 35,020,4901 17,764,3591 30,937,866 17,764,359 34,191,166 17,764,359 33,682,905 17,624,859 33,506,410 17,352,859] 39,219,602 16,099,099, 43,018,132 14,932,639 40,663,805 11,610,290 43,238,1681 10,674,724 [44,032,057 8,674,681 56,562,044 3,674,681 $429,015 563,480] 535,74t 626,674 736,957 1,302,551 1,418,143; 1,495.150 1,568,125' 1,848,354 1,620,927 2,039,226 2,163,767 2,295,401 2,354,821 2,345,539 2,606,495 2,886,3971 2,802,004 2,629,135 2,493,455 IL GO i °2 S £^ eo $8,848,315 7,647,313 2,424,900 2,518,669 $175,201 $1,033,682 1,203,894 423,332 1,188,291 2,463,0641 433,808] 621,667 2.624' ^97 742,261 57,094! 2; 908,1601 1,296,626 261,548 2,727,080 1,345,815' 1,066,479 727,553 1,886,724| 83,548| l,178,b97j 1,880,674 1,337,509 1,855,946 1,107,637 1,717,725 1,999,441, 781,184 1,055,146] 1,956,764 24,5091 1,407,573 1,893,893 260,05-i1 1,205,2501 1,871,633 1,434,0201 1,287,808 1,880,545 527,538 296,864 1,852,935 24,178 2,130,0951 1,831,464 517,030 241,982' 1,792,8701 421,524 747,375 1,809,530 487,965 1,833,8221 1,678,192 460,686 1,625,189 1,275,093 1,683,510 1,634,260 356,470 1,834,502 1,600,198 335,303 1,557,356 482,420 1,723,297 1,502,024 1,447,196 1,960,391* 1,444,801 1,530,553 1.199,45* 1,384,171 3,756,813 1,335,058 1,344,761 2,383,331 1,298,0981 60,538| 144,439 & $587,281 696,309 1,757,268 1,825,241 1,837,254 2,398,698J I,877,90fl 1,330,490] 1,443,166 1,285,05ft 677,022 1,036,073 917,629 760,0031 766,24S 856,697 705.17S 1,105,461 1,056,224 1,541,568 1,114,831 1,210,645] 1,068,483 1,154,082 1,447,386| 1,418,826| 1,293,57ft 1,311,611 1,465,047 1,489,358 1,494,506 2,043,287 NOTE.—The accounts of the bank for the year 1817, have been taken from the statements published in Gales & Sea ton's reprint of American State Papers, Finance, vol. 3. The rest of the table has been framed from the " general statement" appended to Mr. Tyler's report to the Senate, December 18, 1834. Foreign bills of exchange are included in the column " due to European bankers." In the column headed " deposites by public officers" is included ( from January, 1826, to July, 1831,) " redemption of public debt." Into the "general statement" above referred to, some errors appear to have crept, which, for want of time and materials, cannot now be corrected. For example: In the "general statement," the column "Balances with State banks," for the fear 1831, stands thus: $734,900 January, D « » * « « 863,569 February •. . . 1,370,390 March • • . . « . . . . 316,093 April 274,001 May 40,975 June 60,539 July, C 131,746 August, D 354,315 September, C 1,105,538 October, D 956,tf9 November 1,003,311 DecemberThe tables for the year 1831, appended to Mr. McDuffie's report, of May 11,1832, and to Mr. Adams's report, of May 14,1832, correspond with the "general statement" annexed to Mr. Tyler's wport Digitized by 209 [*«] UNITED STATES. ~ b£ Deposites by Specie. Circula tion. Capital. U. States Treasurer. $1,724,103 $1,911, 200 $10,112,487 1,459,158 4,565,398| 2,129,368 4,759,8dl 24,746,641 2,271,011 5,492,8271 7,743,8991 2,515,949 8,339,448 2,357,137, 9,045,216 3,666,696 6,563,750' 1,329,525 8,951,268' 5,213,040 2,112,147 3,392,7551 3,589,481 2,096,686 5,821,495 4,005,382 1,307,794 7,643,110 4,567,053 1,106,801 5,876,534 5,551,910) 1,330,894] 4,761,299 5,578,782 1,688,577 3,350,443! 5,620,960 1,971,5551 4,424,874 4,361,058 2,746,366, 4,910,434 4,629,349 6,116,933 5,813,694 4,617,077 8,281,718 5,583,OD0| 6,383,647 5,951,933 6,746,952 6,068,394 4,610,180) 4,048,178 9,540,6941 6,460,4551 3,960,158 9,474,9371 3,704,527 6,194,275 10,210,412 4,518,544] 6,457,161 8,549,409 5,619,075) 6,381,225 10,198,760 4,711,45(1 6,I70,045j 9,855,677 5,553,449 6,621,734 110,890,343 7,544,267 6,038,138' [11,901,636 5,941,049 e.641,9581 13,691,783 4,889,940] 7,603,076] 12,924,145 5,579,568 10,252.325!45,346,407 6,266,742 10,808,017 16,251,267 6,940,268' 12,175,476 19,195,817 5,067,653, Public officers. Other depositors. «2 OS. $67,791 #1,052,743 7,369,911 7,967,7751 1,526,867 1,558,234 1,464.026 1,618,008 1,822,020 1,613,309 928,977 1,416,692 1,528,9641 1,616,306 1,900,146 2,207,815 2,092,263 1,532,258 2,065,268 5,264,617 3,363,1671 4,737,531 2,8C 1,774| 4,010,146 4,755,917 6,767,478 4,075,209 4,170,32 r 2,191,3361 2,588,150 $15,879,865 23,155,020 3,023,167 4,535,280 4,909,296 $1,357,776 4,786,923 1,760,668 34,972,568 2,936,477 I,434,02d 2,643,808 60,465 3,008,082 2,053,65u 3,963,820 2,093,65(M 4,996,164 2,053,074 4,362,603 $291,810 2,040,0001 5,457,598 2,040,000 34,992,139 3,839,388 2,040,000] 3,347,0101 1,292,710 3,688,919 1,020,000 3,520,0721 1,020,000 0,043,562 5,330,921 2,407,282 5,966,44-4) 5,444,845 251,494] 5,630,623 314,498] 5,337,944 280,05« 6,257,738 306,037 6,142,107 1,697,401 l,467,80t! 6,402,121 1,737,089] 687,383/ 0,36i,952 7,122,188 6,391,005 7,928,55(W 8,165,437 734,900 9,103,864 In the " monthly statements of the affairs of the Bank of the United Spates, from January, 1S31, to June, 1834, printed by order of the House of Representatives, Jane 28, 1834," there is |riven a statement of the amounts due io the State banks, aixf from rf»e State banks, in each month. The letter C was evidently intended in the commencement oC the " general statement," appended to Mr. Tyler's report, to designate the balances due oy the State banks to the United States Bank. This has been ascertained by comparing the various accounts of the condition trfthe United States Bank, given in Gales & Seatop's reprint of Slate Papers, from 1818 to 1821, with the amounts given in the "general stai*mei*" for these years. A lable prepared according to this form, for the year 1831, from the " monthly statements" published by order <of Congress, would stand as follows; Februarys $863,750 March 1,270,390 April 478,039 May 114,083 June 40,975 July,D ,60,538 August, C 131,746 September, D 354,215 October, C 1,105,528 November 25H79 December . . 1,003,311 At some time, in forming the " general statement," appended to Mr. Tyler's report, the debtor and creditor si?ns appear to have changed places, in the column of "balances with State banks," but when, the' Treasury Department has not the means of ascertaining. There is, also, as will be seen, a discrepancy in the amounts for April and May. 14 Digitized by [»8] 210 BANK OF THE UNITE? Date. 3 1 a9 22 i ' i •? a « c w « 1832, Jan. July ■ 1833, Jan. Ap'l July Oct. 1834, Jan. Ap'l * Oct. Nov. Dec; 1835, Jan. Feb. Mar. Ap'l May June July, Aug. Sept. Nov Dec. 1836, Jan. Feb. Mar. 66,293,707 $2,136,525$! ,159,637 67,410,081 1,829,889 1,174,176 61,695,913 1,855,169 1,181,071 64,323,929 1,832,846 1,181,071 o3,369,891 1,809,289 1,187,2381 60,094,202 1,787,400 1,187,2381 54,911,461 1,741,407 1,189,125 54,806,8171 1,704,322 1,221,306 51,024,972 1,741,878 1,222,443 46,006,791 1,821,525 1,215,943 45,754,201 1,808,845 1,215,943 45,576,0881 1,752,141 1,215,943 51,808,739' 1,760,632] 1,218,696 fe5,524,806 1,759,786 1,218.896J K>7,814,404 1,765,350' 1,218,896 mo,100,216 1,775,224 1,218.896 61,919,425 1,774,040 1,218,896 63,642,646 1,775,736 1,218,395 65,197,692 1,758,345 1,218,395 64;314,518 1,736,175 1,212,395 61,787,020 1,678,416 1,212,395 60,163,249 1,679,305 1,200,808 67,529,053 1,690,329 1,143,628 £7,144,258 1,691,256! 1,076,581 967,404 59,232,445 1,486,561 ~ .191,4781 1,486,158 967,404 881,504 ,345,107i 1,452,492 474,657 »2,5U,081 2,570,318 3 22 o a Specie. in « 1 p Q I &91,666| $3,944,847 *2,171,676 $7,038,823^ 630,144 4,774,187' 2,165,555 7,519,083 3,106,833 3,688,143 2,292,655 8,951,847 3,942,0191 2,8-28,040 2,226,936' 9,001,661' 1,911,044 2,768,324 2,523,857' 10,098,816 2,375,390J 3,619,741, 2,431,399 10,663,441 1,801,669 3,058,870 1,982,640 10,031,237 2,255,0901 2,606,724! 1,608,651 10.180,008 3,827,413 2,565,524 1,564,556| 12,823,997 3,127,982 2,127,438 1,568,247 15,561,374; 2,727,781 2,036,103 1,341,094,|l5,910,045 2,761,222 2,194,475 1,635,970 15,660,387 1,922,498 4,6C9,973l 1,506,200 15,708,369 2,340,643| 2,862,723 1,778,710 16,369,52« 2,892,635 2,261,477 2,173,925 16,567,893 2.421,354 2,036,291 2,055,862 16,448,814 2,457,937 2,983,737' 2,340,702 14,285,843 2,007,145 4,000,158; 3,018,066 13,912,577 2,378,669 3,904,537 2,073,856 13,429,328 2,258,886 3,739,454 1,710,5131 12,883,968 1,885,1351 3,080,268 2,289,806 12,840,781 1,810,8971 3,456,832 1,707,575 12,545,652! 685.753! 3,514,564 2,349,808 10,224,675 212,272 3,767,355 2,842,389 8,749,920 73,171 4,088,005 1,736,491 8,417, 546,299 4,611,046 2,319,871f 7,650,589 115,589 4,376,267 2,350,591 6,224,1971 1,3031 4,908,652 2,207,647 5,595,077 -NOTE.—The amounts of the bank for the years 1832,1833, and from January to October, 1834, have been taken from the "general statement" appended to Mr. Tyler's report, xviththe exception of the amounts "<tue by State banks, due to State banks, dividends unpaid, and capital," which have been taken from the returns published by order of Congress. The accounts from November, 1834, to October, 1835, have been taken from returns made to tins department, but not printed, Bank of the United States," July 25,1886, See Senate Document, 24th Congress, 2d Session, No, 118. In this valuation the suspended debt and the real estate are made one item. Digitized by V ^ i O O Q l C stt* tw»i (i^kl'M-ieitoiiiiM. I DepOsitesby tJirculalion TJ. States Public Treasurer.! officers, Other depositors. If &. Capital, $21,355,72lks, 258,155 $4.1,331,207 $8,107,155 &64,917$1 ,951,103 $1,447,748 $35,000,000 20,520,068 9,568,123 2,303,982 8,115,367 35,000,000 72,399 2,221,406 17,518,217 4,180,813 8,571,730! 7,518,677; 35,000,000 76,529 2,091,891 18,033,205 4,514,670 3,952,150 10,265,605 35,000,000 130,419 3,029,797 10,3 J6,555] 3,312,012 3,199,490 9,868,728 1,290,589 2,282,729 35,000,000 19,128,189 6,691,883 3,176,551 8,008,862 1,331,168 35,000,000 101,691 19,208,379 1,973,452 2,057,056 6,734,866 35,000,000 73,181 1,522,124 17,251,2641 372,599 2,560,266 7,166,028 35,000,000 96,720 2,019,886 16,641,997 35,000,000 67,161 2,156,797 305,226! 2,370,206 6,735,869 15,637,676 35,000,000 118,533 2,946,149 351,654 1,688,699 6,912,591 15,968,731 35,000,000 429,4651 1,572,173 6 j 741,752; 82,791 2,950,095 15,603,446 . 441,988 1,432,783 7,144,716i 35,000,000 70,9821 3,207,874 17,339,797, 431,248 2,190,193 7,844,798 1,290,666 3,119,172 35,000,000 19,733,527 35,000,000 257,052 4,324,491 744,2971 2,014,488 8,755,419 15,519,771 690,704' 1,892,722 8,934,807 5,011,634 35,000,000 141,963 20,544,736 35,000,000 98,930 6,023,344 710,744 1,752,904' 9,372,204 20,347,936 ! 545,062 1,439,837 9,383,954 35,000,000 84,815 6,404,048 22,009,474 ,35,000,000 76,057 4,691,857, 510,999 1,299,561 10,549,197 1 85,33 J, 820 475,410 1,210,700 9,558,757 35,000,000 70,824 5,969,5931 24,329,222! 411,097 1,039,150 8,508,041 35,000,000 236,115 5,533,375 23,645,122 35,000,000 327,552 1,016,016 7,870,462 143,603 4,026,714, 24,403,074J 35,000,000 206,487 119,008 4,10^,827 972,659i 6,708,750 23,031,667, 35,000,000 3,927 728,107 5,406,962 105,277 2,828,993 22,118,902, 35,000,000 10,588 634,331 5,058,449 72,4331 9,073,819 23,075,422 2,660,694 35,000,000 625 627,192 4,369,220 64,419l 21,802,355 35,000,000 19,611 533,3451 3,031,787 572,497 3,936,770: 20,114,227 271,7771 35,000,000 19,5841 326,909 3,484,143: 250,^531 3,412,417, 21,109,352 17,395 306,855! 3,390,418 253,937] 2,255,003' 371,777 39,015,130 In the column headed " due by European bankers" is included a small amount of foreign bills of exchange. In January, 1832, the bank held funded debt of the value of $2,200; which was paid off be fore the 1st of March of that year. Besides the assets included in the table, the bank during the whole or the greater part of tho time which it embraces, held a small amount of mortgages, and had a claim on the United States for $5,267 32, (not allowed by the Government,) and another on the navy agent, at Norfo1k>for $40,144 17. The mortgages held by it on the 4th of March, 1836. amounted to 66,037 67. Digitized by Google n% 5i» J 9 3 «B t 55 a, M °* .aS ^^a o JO is 18 4) ^ m © a •si H o u i6Js h8 * a 1836. March 31 $17,998,368 $2,951,512 $18,914,952 $16,524,419 5,920,058 22,967,348 17,(29,111 May 2 11,371,031 May 30 , 9,598,024 i 2,928,547 24,509,323 15,362,543 2,885,374 29,404,921 13,438,820 July 4 1 12,162,434 2,889,141 27,879,110 12,532,354 August 1 . 14,236,490 2,880,137 1 27,951,287 11,793,938 Sept. 1 14,863,374 2,841,379 ! 27,900,009 11,156,549 Sept. 29 15,096,892 2,826,735 26,817,878 11,012,191 Oct. 31 14,817,638 Dec. 1 14,566,008 2,775,869 25,679,478 11,907,433 1S37. Jan. 2 14,901,191 2,807,707 26,256,440 13,246,878 ; 2,876,558 26,276,805 15,884,556 ! Jan. 30 ' 13,550,206 2,719,021 25,548,888 17,163,578 Feb. 27 ! 11,21^097 9,839,513 2,376,218 25,390,631 18,729,696 Mar. 30 May I 11,851,928 2,283,648 29,447,249 19,970,125 of bills disnted and bills xchiange. So g of 1g bills Date. ounted on security. PENNSYLVANIA BANK OP •SB* o o o H #114,285 $56,503,538 114,285 I 54,401,836 268,385 52,664,824 109,049 58,000,600 109,477 57,646,573 73,962 57,562,600 74,109 57,068,940 74,335 55,548,779 54,928,790 to _ ' - 57,212,217 58,5F8,116 56,650,185 56,336,061 63,552,952 No-re.—In addition to the ibDve, the following amounts were due to the United States Bah* .by European bankers, viz: r August 1,1836 . . $1,873,479 September 1,1836 • • 100,438 Digitized by boogie 213 fHS] State State Due from banks. Notes of banks. Bank United States chartered by Congress. Due from United States and navy agent, Norfolk. Other real estate. Banking-houses. Mortgages. THE UNITED STATES. 0J ■ w8. #56,037 $315,214 $1,196,103 SW,411 ! $599,283 $2,444,923 &2,284,082 $5,079,460 2,818,870 2,422,889 56,037 208,200 1,196,775 45,411 599,288 5,020,471 2,522,000 2,087,050 56,037 264,417 1,166,687 45,411 599,349 4,528,881 1,601,261 1,251,029 79,861 165,815 1,361,822 45,411 103,782 4,064,455 124.0S1 534,359 1,119,481 1,456,063 1,246,011 45,411 33,783 4,997,500 132,589 503,621 45,411 1,285,991 ] 1,604,823 993,162 33,782 4,696,693 133,539 506,268 45,411 1,722,339 1,735,694 970,465 33,782 3,424,763 45,411 144,589 506,268 829,814 33,782 5,274,212 1 1,813,443 ! 3,410,181 143,859 506,268 803,028 | 45,411 33,782 ; 5,009,217 2,370,195 : 3,275,292 136,081 4-20,244 136,066 470,214 136,081 i 470,244 136,081 1 470,344 147,751 470,244 45,411 816,855 779,308 ! 45,411 781,508 ' 45,411 778,228 , 45,41,1 755,881 45,411 : 2,284.598 28,062 28,063 1 1,279,077 2,132,520 28,062 3,276,485 23,086 28,086 1,420,393 1,206,754 877,366 1,236,849 1,625,187 2,689,470 Digitized by 2,633,449 2,161,441 2,653,673 1,919,094 1,490,968 i ra a PENNSYWUIA SANK OF Date. i j iS-a 13 go o £§ C g .fc"3 3' 8.8 QJ ° §§ Q 1836. Mar. 31 May 2 May 30 July 4 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 29 Oct. 31 Dec. 1 1837. Jan. 2 Jan. 30 Feb. 27 Mar. 30 May 1 $18,155,396 $2,194,231 #241,900 $1,333,372 $1,547,090 $98,721 17,251,165 2,521,410 212,479 1,095,911 956,213 141,542 13,323,659 2,074,682 203,086 1,520,992 792,892 34,804 1^,764,305 1,972,401 1,404,745 1,275,671 2,631,950 2,913 IB,027,524 2,617,819 196,315 1,610,356 39,636 $6,788,194 11,805,454 1,944,718 139,775 1,655,994 91,220 6,788,194 603,888 44,917 6,788,194 10,480,828 1,913,137 112,696 1,347,564 965,213 10,044,097 1,735,588 103,517 644,016 6,788,194 9,733,032 1,695,480 80,400 1,146,351 622,489 6,788,194 11,447,968 9,262,097 9,470,171 9,052,386 7,193,021 2,259,738 2,367,556 2,401,495 2,688,871 2,846,933 72,671 190,110 133,052 107,828 75,036 1,365,240 1,599,760 1,812,827 1,678,615 1,753,993 138,172 300,129 572,158 680,077 361,418 6,788,194 6,907,638 6,870,138 6,814,583 * 11,132,732 ► Including bonds due in Europe. Digitized by Google 215 " [ 128 J P ft* 8 1. 1 i ■ > £35,000,000 r35,OOO,OO0 35,OWJ,OO0 : $6,875,300 ! 36,000,000 | 6,875,200 33,WW, 000 6,875,300 ^000,000 , 6,875,300 6,875,300 L d,875,300: j^opo'ooo j 6,875,300] f 35,000,000 ^55,000,000 36,000*000 35,000,000 36,000,000 '1. I $36,620,420 37,177,895 35,635,125 35,217,648 ^35,039,566 34,541,541 33,989,246 33,017,326 33,832,925 6,875,800 .32,155,356 6,875,200 33,199,356 6,875,200 33,636,080 6,875,200 34,948,080 6,875,200 $4,446,399 : 37,35^,403 Notes in transitu. 4 : t t -a* Notes at State bank agencies. 1 Notes issued. Due United States for capital stock. THE UNITED STATES—Continued. $16,794,713 $1,670,310 15,094,514 4,832,215 3,101,040 19,210,434 13,237,673 3,215,670 18,355,837 2,658^3W '21,023,573 1,712,516 21,913,453 l,595,f» 5,228,# t17,744',7845,031|7^ ;1S, 468,13d 15,467,793 '5,239,595' p17,517,388 $1,686,835 '4,733,1* 19,848,778 2,047,600 2,269,530 30,650,314 1,975,950 3,269,530 18,748,053 1,432,485 1.5,433,445 1 1 Digitized by "-* Google [128] 216 PENNSYLVANIA BANK OP THE S3 c3 8. T-2 Date. May -Nov. 1 29 30 31 31 2 30 30 O i> % to in no « « m Dollars. 1837. June July Aug. Oct. I'S |ll ,851,928] 11,615,864 12,184.9621 11,296,474 11,511,544 10,866,932 10,678,606 10,734,999 Dollars. 8 S Dollars. %4 H i Dollars. 2,283,648129,447,249 19,970,125 2,262,198 29,262,114 17,805,413 1,554,157 24,973, 006115,297,515^ 1,504,018125,310, 608112,751,741 (K 1,452,917 24,724,645] 9,062,4261 1,379,340 23,258,548 9,351,569 1,372,965 22,546,3901 8,723,551 l,lb9,682 21,693,140) 8,643,3901 2o a ^ PQ Dollars. 420,874 l.lOljfttf l,675,5i9| l,495,05(rf 2,345,200 Dollars. I Dollars. 63, 552,953 2,644,24363 2,550,279B6 2.251,339S3 i;225,2l0 |49,<^,#j 1,025,069147 8f»0,S ,22745 ,556,9001 713,570] 45 f 2gP,flM NOTE.—In addition to the above, the United States is charged, in each account, with, the sum Of $5,267, and the navy agent, at Norfolk, with $40,144. Digitized by Google C 128 ] 317 UNITED STATES—Continued. ! WW , I Dollar* tt Dollars] Dollars. 147,751 470,244 755,881] ,689,470 1,490,968 1,420, 147,711 1470,244] 755,67( ,212,585 1,468,820 2,654, 13,044,853 147,711 ^70,244 717,1 28,080133,345400,000 3,940,070^ 643,316 1,594,371 13,968,131 147,652|445,363 1,068,1 ,^,554^270,972]500,000| 6,189,458 1,214,530 1,773,265 14;S08,'362l447,' 652(435,' 134|ll i 117i015]2j;855]267^|50olo6o| 5,212,231' 1,495,004 2,636,103 14;323;823 189;207]435,134 |l, 130,70428,85^ 'll( 500,000 3,590,494] 1,746,419 3,016,230 N,337,<)80h89,207H35,559 1,137,029 28,855|185,15! _ 3,786,991 935,Slid sim2,822,697 14,683,045 336,860455,361 1,115,82028,855] 555 B.482,573 997,156 3,349,850 Digitized by imi 218 PENNSYLVANIA BANK OP THE 01 •S I Date. c 1837. %May 1 29 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Oct. 2 30 Nov. 30 . Dollars. 3 111 fc ft 0 Dollars. poUars. Dollars. I Dollars. 7,193,0211'2,846,9331 8,602,119| 12,520,730 7,983,609112,738,991 8,757,529 3,033,679] 7,833,812' 2,545,101 6,777,264 2,686,753 7,113,015 2,924,150) It6,748,093 2,817,542] W 85 J5 Q ft § Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 6,814,583!14,318,149]|*6,875,200] 75,036 1,753,993 4,446,399 0 E c * ™1'-6,793.489 ■ * A 5,880,599 6,875,200 67,933 1,925,435'°3,265,272 64,182 2,741,097 3,201,504 6,793,489 6,019,300 7,946,356 164,255 3,933,761 3,386,504 6,690,711 6,269,300 8,125,149 [A Ala TL^C 4,091,910 6,231,211 6,269,300 8,125,149 123,9054,432,576' 94,746 4,627,779 2,770,057 4,874,708 6,633,745 8,125,149 86,487 5,012,199 2,559,201 4,819,152 6,728,189 5,959,767 77,134|5,094,31712,379,613 4,798,611 6,728,189 5,959,767 * Entered in May as " capital stock of the United States." t Previous to June 30, the bank did not, in its returns, distinguish between the notes issued by the bank chartered by Congress, and the bank chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. The nett circulation on that day, and subsequently, appears to have been as follows: Notes of bank chartered by June 30 July 31 August 31 October 2 October 30 November 30 $7,013,909 7,170,658 6,988,463 6,175,861 6,522,839 6,225,640 43 36 26 05 40 80 Digitized by Notes of bank chartered by State of Penn sylvania. $969,700 1,586,871 845,349 601,403 590,776 522,452 Google 13 03 51 39 54 20 21? t ■*« 1 G ^ E P , STATOHCj^lfoB|$ jNotes issued.; N|)tes on hand. 1 .53 I Dollars, DpUars, M4* 3&,000,OOQ| 35, OOO.OOtt 35,000,o5w fflM Debars. 6,121,504 7,045,045 7,646,045 6,O9$,0T 35,0]W,o6ffl 35^000,000 ^ 7 , ^ 1 , 8 6 6 5,689,51 5,689,56$! 3 5 , - - &mM mm DoU&rs. a s It Dollars, I Dollars. \ DdUars. 1,432,4& 5,432,445 j 18,748,0531 21,290,840 1,362,875 3,088,990 * 16.962,752] 1,950,300 1,877,675 2,607,99$ 16,271,678 2,071j670 1,608,6 3,411,390 16,939,276 2,707,785 1,532,1 3,002,890 16,914.9881 2,727,633 1,468,6 3,002,990 17,229,660] '2,539,585 1,435,5 2,373,880 rc,02>,504' 2,787,4981 1,430,8421 2,881,880 Digitized by r t 128 ] 220 and permanent expenses. 1 ° <* Date. 8f I 1836. _ March 31 $334,138 May ' 2 334,138 30 352,357 July 4 593,575 August 1 783,753 Sept. 1 1 784,023 29 845,852 October 31 Dec. 1 906,031 1837. _ January 2 — 30 ^ February 27 _ March 30 May 1 — .. 29 June ' 30 «. July 31 _ August 31 75,359 October 2 100,000 30 150,037 Nov. 30 1 1 8 CO ° mt, exchange, nd interest. PENNSYLVANIA BANK OF THE 0> $640,000 $149,912 147,872 600,000 115,445 665,583 116,999 866,828 895,754 i 116,587 897,804 86,193 00,171 901,454 122,734 911,924 128,022 916,216 128,797 2,339,578 84,115 2,339,578 92,687 2,339,578 2,840,078 ; 95,661 2,850,678 I 95,665 2,850,678 26,321 2,951,928 26,321 15,140 2,951,928 28,069 2,951,928 2,951,928 29,670 3,013,300 30,420 3,018,385 86,660 1 1 <" **• & i V s $197,792 260,093 258,879 50,106 62,031 85.987 109,738 134,201 152,020 124,417 65.829 78j536 97,657 120,083 138,413 119,668 59,525 90,129 96,426 115,448 | 137,648 ■•"■ s i ■ A ,^ 1 $732,434 $3,765>5# 3,765,880 914,614 1,121,061 3,765,530 2!5,H86 4,291,210 399,954 612,014 779,181 1,010,741 4,291,210 I 1,320,651 j 4,291,2101 [iSM] 1,164,877 | 377,327 566,508 864,373 1,293,681 1,566,4M» 1,583,664 252,633 418,893 I 565,310 822,730 j 987,132 4,291,210 4,755,985.1 4,755,985 J 4,755,985 1 4,755,985 1 4,756,9861 4,755,9851 5,191,71* f 5,191,7181 5,191,718 I 5,191,718 I 5,191,718 1 ■ ■ ■ II^ Digitized by I 1^8 ] 221 UNITED STATES—Continued. «»o3 .5 " la 0 •So a 'a- 2 11 '3 & GQ 3 §>«So •§•2 a» d i! I i SB * * CO a S5,943,3i $4,248,20281,695,1051 $1,003,0521 $1,104,223 $656,326 $29,108,111 #29,422,189 5,943,3081 4,414,834 1,528,4731 981,867 1,101,223 782,052 24,797,76t 21,821,200 5,943,308 4,4(i5,369 1,477,938 996,889 1,104,2231 742,451 23,439,661)1 23,499,213 6,943,30vS 4,464,365 1,478,9421 1,051,529 1,070,600 706,7731 30,539,076 30,515,730 5,943,308 4,452,914 1,490,313[ 1,213,618 1,070,600 690,740 31,189,571 29,838,302 6,943,303 4,394,624 1,548,683 1,301,628 1,070,600 689,360 30,017,921 30,190,454 5,943,308 4,406,523 1,536,785 1,366,827 1,070,600 657,673 44,921,91i 44,858,085 5,943,308 4,407,736 1,535,571 1,366,943 1,070,600 617,481 44.087,374 44,279,495 5,943,308] 4,619,790) l,323,517j 1,333,517] 1,070,600 586,0521 35,553,47^ 34,749,350 5,943,308 6,943,308 6,943,308 5,943,308 6,943,3081 6,943, 4,656,640 4,651,574 4,651,574] 4,651,343 4,622,4731 4,797,7971 &,?«, 4,797,446 6,000,000 4,795,00,> 6,030, 4,797,046 6,000, 4,797,616 6,000, 4,797,412 6,000, 4,797,412 1,276,667 1,201,7331 1,291,733 1,291,964 1,320,834, 1,145,510 1,145,861 1,204,944, 1,202,953 1,202,383 1,202,587 1,202,587 1,309,623 1,055,259 1,2*1,174 1,055,259 1,247,867 1,055,2591 1,242,140 1,055,259 1,231,645) 1,055.2591 1,221,401' l,055,259i 1,190,669 1,055,259 1,115,512 1,055,259 1,049,075 1,055,259 942,368 1,055,259 933,090 1,055,259 956,723 1,055,259 528,632 514,602 506,198 478,698 457,381 422,891 379,676 371,381 350,3701 348,513 429,836 387,811 36,423,33S 34,043,946 30,672,82. 29,875,051 34,103,391 33,829,174 33,123,5791 33,427,613 36,146,587 34,717,244 34,999,071 35,015,317 Digitized by 31,917,081 29,605,223 27,317,127 26,567,067 27,868,725 28,715,361 26,860,705 26,078,694 26,230,468 24,927,785 24,181,390 23,988,459