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TREASURY DEPAR1 MENT REPORT of National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee 11 for the VIC1'0RY LOAN CAMPAIGN APRIL 21sT TO MAY !Orn 19 19 WASHINGTON . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 Digitized by Google • Compiled and written by Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank and adopted as the Report of the Victory Liberty Loan of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. (n) Digitized by Google 3 3,. 7a N;. I 3..,- -.... .. fi "·'.\,, >- INDEX. Pa.._ District and county chairmen............................................ 98-164 Extract from "Pictorial Review," November, 1918, Hon. W. G. McAdoo.... VU Extract from Report of the Secretary of the Treasury for the year 1918 . • . • . . VI Federal Reeerve District Chairmen. . . . . • • . • • • • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . • • . . • . • • . . • • . 4 Federal Reeerve Reporte, reeume of activities by districts . • . • •• . • • • . • • • . • . . 4-12 Letter of appreciation to members, Hon. Carter Glass....................... V Members of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Printed matter distributed by the National Committee •.••....•...•......•. 96-97 State Reporte, reeume of activities, Alabama to Wyoming . • • • . . • • . . • • . • .. • . . 13-96 Testimonial to Mr. J. Monroe Hewlett..................................... IV National Committee activities • . . • . . • • . . • • . • • • . . • • . • . • . • • • . . . • . • . • . . . • . . • • 1 (111) Digitized by Google CONNE U-THIERRY T·MIHIEL LLEAU·WOOD ANTIGNY OISSONS LE GES ES NE # ES L:~ The National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee is greatly indebted to Mr. J. Monroe Hewlett, of New York, for the woman's poster 1 above, which he made at ·its request. From all over the United States letters have come testifying to the beauty and inspirational quality of this work, and the members of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee have great pleasure in taking this opportunity to express their gratitude to the artist and their appreciation of his work. 1 The National Committee is indebted to Mrs. Howard T . Willson for the cut of the small reproduction of the poster used above. (IV) Digitized by Google LETTER OF APPRECIATION BY THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TO THE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL WOMAN'S LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE AT THE CLOSE OF ITS WORK. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, Washington, July 9, 1919. As the close of the work of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee approaches I desire to express to you as a member of that committee the Treasury's deep and sincere appreciation of its invaluable service to the Nation and the Government's program of war finance. You assisted in immeasurable degree in mobilizing the womanhood of the United States and in helping the mothers, wives, and sisters of the heroic sons of America who went to France for the sake of the liberty of their country and of mankind to understand the purposes of the war and the needs of the Government to prosecute it to a successful conclusion. The organization which the committee perfected was a splendid tribute to its intelligent leadership, and the Treasury is very proud of the results achieved both in arousing the sentiment of the people and in subscriptions to the securities of the Government. No words of Inine will adequately compensate for tasks so well and unselfishly performed, but in the years to come it will be a comforting satisfaction to you always to realize that you served your country with devotion and patriotism in the greatest crisis of her history and contributed your share in no small measure to the success of the war. It is my privilege and honor to extend to the members of the comInittee and its entire organization the sincere congratulations and grateful thanks of the Treasury. With assurances of my best wishes and high regard, I am, Sincerely, yours, CARTER GLASS. (v) Digitized by Google THE NATIONAL WOMAN'S LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE. By Hon. W. G. McAnoo. [Taken from the report of the Secretlry of the Tnl8111rY for the year 1918.J One of the most notable factors in the success of the Liberty loans has been the work of the women of the United States. · It was with the belief that the women of the Nation would constitute a powerful moral force in war finance that the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee was appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury in May, 1917. That they, working through the organization effected by this agency, have not only accomplished this purpose, but have also become an essential element in the actual labors of promoting the loans, constitutes one of the most interesting chapters in the financing of the war. There is probably no war service in which so many women have taken more active part than in the raising of money to pay our war burden. To their energy, their enthusia~m, their zeal, and their vision is due a great part of the success of the Liberty loans. When the United States went into war with Germany the business of bond selling was a field so new to women that .all work within it has been genuine pioneering. The organization of women for the task has been the work of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, which has served in cooperation with the Treasury's war-loan organization. The members of this committee, serving as volunteers, have performed the work of enlisting more than a half million women as sellers of Liberty bonds. The first labors of the members of the committee, after the closing of the first Liberty loan where their work had been general publicity of war finance among women, were concerned with the adjustment of established organizations of women throughout the country to the established machinery for the raising of the loans. Where organization existed, the women of the Nation were brganized by States, while the Treasury's loan organization was based upon the 12 fiscal divisions of the United States. It was the problem of the committee to correlate the two schemes of organization. They solved it by the appointment of both State and Federal reserve chairmen, the former responsible for actual organization of women in their respective States, the latter serving as the representatives of the women in dealing with the Liberty loan committees of the respective Federal reserve districts. Liberty loan committees elected the women Federal reserve chairmen members of their executive· committees. In this organization during the second Liberty loan 60,000 women became sellers of bonds. Reports of the women State chairmen, and (VI) Digitized by Google VD of the executive committees of the Federal reserve districts, indicate that the woman's organization obtained subscriptions for $1,000,000,000 of the second loan. In the third loan 500,000 women were enrolled as members of the organization, which had a woman chairman in almost every county of the United States, and township officers in almost every township. In the third loan the women were again credited with having been the selling agents of more than a billion dollars in bonds. In the fourth loan between seven and eight hundred thousand women served, but it is not possible at this time to make an estimate of the amount of bond sales attributable to the woman's organization. No mere recital of results achieved can show the extent of the service which women have given to the Nation through their participation in war finance. That hundreds of thousands of women assumed the burden of a new kind of labor, not for themselves but for their country, is one of the most striking and characteristic facts in relation to the women of America that the war has developed. The Liberty loans have afforded a new proving ground where the women of the Nation have accepted the opportunity to demonstrate again their patriotism, their ability, their consciousness of the obligations of citizenship, and their steadfastness of soul in the great and terrible crisis which our country has met. WHAT AMERICAN WOMEN HAVE DONE FOR THE LIBERTY LOANS. The women of America have demonstrated extraordinary power and capacity in connection with the financial operations of the Government. Their work has been of the highest value. The National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee has brought into existence an organization of women throughout the country which is one of the most important factors in the success of Liberty loans. I am deeply grateful for the splendid support American women have given to the Treasury and to all war activities. The increasing demands of the war will make their work more and more important. Their continued enthusiastic and spirited cooperation strengthens my eonfidence in the success of the Treasury's future financial undertakings. (Signed) W. G. McADoo. !The above letter appeare1l In tha Pictorial Review for November, 1918.] Digitized by Google • Digitized by Google REPORT OF THE NATIONAL WOMAN'S LIBERTYLOAN COMMITTEE FOR THE VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN. This last report issued by the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee for the Victory Loan Campaign differs from previous reports where space was given to material which might be valuable for use in a forthcoming campaign. As there is now no longer any value in detail that may be inspirational to future work, the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee has endeavored, in this report, to suggest as briefly as possible the field covered by women in the loan campaigns, and the success which has crowned their efforts. The victory loan had an especial appeal for women, and possibly for that reason the campaign was conducted with a finer spirit and with more enthusiasm than that of any previous loans. Women, necessarily noncombatants in the great struggle for freedom, were animated, even more than men, by thanksgiving that the war and its attendant sacrifices were over. No effort seemed too great in selling the bond issue which was to "finish the job." It is the history of the woman's organization for the Victory loan, in State after State, that practically all the chairmen serving in the fourth loan reenlisted eagerly for service in the fifth, and that the amount of money subscribed through the women's committee was often greater in the fifth than in the fourth, in spite of the decreased quotas. More than a million women were members of the National W oman'Ef Liberty Loan Committee organization in the United States in the fourth and fifth campaigns. When the war began many of these women knew nothing whatever of investments of any kind. To-day they have-not only succeeded in selling over one-fourth of the second, third, fourth, and fifth loans, but they have been an important factor in the education for thrift, which has been a by-product of the bond sales. Owing to educational campaigns conducted by the woman's committee, saving, in order to invest for the future, has become a part of the calculations of the conscientious American housewife. The National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee realizes that the phenomenal success which has crowned the work of women in Treasury service is due in a great measure to those who will never receive the credit due them. In this report an endeavor has been made to point out the personal sacrifices of the local chairman all over I Digitized by Google 2 the country, but it is not possible to do this adequately in so brief a statement. It is, however, not only because of the self-sacrifice and devotion, the patriotism, and the passionate will to serve, on the part _of the members of the complicated and wide-flung women's organization, that we are able to make the statement in this final report that the woman's Liberty loan organization has made a significant contribution to the winning of the war; it is also because they were given a great opportunity that they won a commensurate success. It was through the vision and the faith in the capacity of women of the honorable the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. William Gibbs McAdoo, that the opportunity to do so large a piece of work was given to the women of the United States. In the beginning of the war Secretary McAdoo called the members of his National Woman's Committee to Washington and gave them full powers to act. Rooms in the Treasury Building were put at their disposal; franking privileges in the mails and in the telegraph companies were given to them for the use of their whole organization; they were instructed to make their own budget, on which an appropriation, necessary to the expenses of their work, was granted them. No committee of men or women enlisted in war service could have been invested with greater authority and independence, and the members of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee will always retain a feeling of gratitude and appreciation of the privilege which was theirs in being allowed to work on a committee, which, for the first time in the history of the United States, adequately recognized the ability of women, and entrusted them with great responsibilities. It is interesting to note that practically every report from State chairmen serving in the Liberty Loan Committee organization states the fact that in the fifth campaign the men's committee called upon the women to undertake a larger part of the responsibility of the campaign, and gave them generous cooperation, and sometimes too generou£ an appreciation, for the work that they had done. This was not the situation in the second or third campaigns; at that time the tendency of the men's committee was to underestimate the ability of women, and to protest the fact that they had been authorized to work independently for the sale of Liberty bonds, and, again, had it not been for the constant support of the Secretary of the Treasury, the woman's committee might, in the various Federal reserv,e districts, have .been seriously handicapped by the men's committees. It was only through his powerful protection that the women were enabled to continue their work until they had convinced the men in the loan organizations all over the country that they had not only a right to continue in the field but also that it would have been impossible for the men to have sold the quota alone. Digitized by Google 3 At the end of the last loan the members of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, thoroughly familiar as they were with the local situations between the two committees in every reserve bank -district, feel assured that one result of the association of the past two years is an increased appreciation on the part of both men and women of the other's work, an inclination to join forces rather than to work for the same goal in separate camps, and a readiness together to answer the call for patriotic service in the future, should the occasion arise. The National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, in closing this statement accompanying its final report, wishes to offer its most sincere gratitude and appreciation to the honorable the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Carter H. Glass. He has continued the policy adopted toward the woman's committee since. its inception, and his support of and trust in its policies has been a stimulating and delightful thing to those who have come in touch with it. It has been a great pleasure and privilege to work under his leadership, and it is a keen regret to the members of the national committee that the time has come when their services are no longer required by him. The National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee also takes this opportunity of expressing its deep appreciation of the courteous assistance rendered to th1 women of its organization by the governors of the Federal reserve banks, and by th::i chairmen of the various local men's committees. Finally the members of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee wish to express a deep and affectionate appreciation of the work of the members of the woman's Liberty loan organization, whose struggles they have appreciated, whose self-sacrifice they have admired, and in whose success they have rejoiced. The 12 Woman's Liberty Loan Committee chairmen of the Federal reserve districts, who rendered faithful service ftB liaison officers between the men's and women's committees, the 48 State chairmen and the chairman of the District of Columbia, whose devotion and zeal never faltered even where organization was perfected and when quotas were passed, the county and township chairmen, surmounting rural problems of wide diatances and bad roads, and the city chairmen, driving through tangles of municipal complications, each deserve an especial appreciation. To those members of the national committee who have been most closely in touch with the Liberty loan work, the bond established is too strong a one to be broken by mere dissolving of a committee. Through close association with these loyal women of the United States has come a greater belief in the patriotism of the American people, and an abiding faith in the United States of America.-J. A. F. Digitized by Google • 4 MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL WOMAN'S UBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE. Mrs. WILLIAM G. McADoo, Chairman. Mrs. ANTOINETTE FUNJi:, Vice Chairman. Mrs. GEORGE BASS, Secretary. Miss MARY SYNON, Treaw,rer. Mrs. A. s. BALDWIN. Mrs. GUILFORD DUDLEY. Mrs. KELLOGG FAIRBANK. Mrs. GEORGE THACHER GUERNSEY, Mrs. F. L. HIGGINSON, Mrs. J, 0. MILLER, Mrs. FRANK A. VANDERLIP. Mrs. SOLON JACOBS. FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT CHAIRMEN FOR THE VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN. First district: Mrs. F. L. HIGGINSON, Boston. Second district: Mrs. JOHN PRATT, New York City. Third dittrict: Mrs. HENRY D. JUMP, Philadelphia. Fourtll diltrict: Seventh district: Miss GRACE DIXON, Chicago. Eighth diltrict· Mrs. THEODORE BRNOIST, St. Louis. Ninth district: Mrs. 0. A. SEVERANCE, St. Paul Tenth dlstrid: Mrs. FRANK MuLIIAUSER, Cleveland. Flftll district· Mrs. J. SCOTT p ARRISH, Richmond. Si1th dittrict· Mrs. SAMUEL LUMPKIN, Atlanta. Mrs. GEO, w. FULLER, Kansas City. Eleventll diltrict: Mrs. E. B. REPPERr, Dallas. Twelfth district: Mrs. A, S. BALDWIN, San Francisco. FIRST FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, MB118&chusetts, Connecticut.) Mrs. F. L. HIGGINSON, 95 Milk Street, Boston, Mass., Woman's Liberty Loan Committee Federal Reserve Chairman. Owing to illness in her family, the Federal reserve chairman wasunable to visit each State in her district as she had in other cam• paigns, but the first district is small in territory and the inspirational value of the reserve chairman's office in Boston was great. There were no reserve district conferences; State conferences wereheld in Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. Mrs. Antoinette Funk attended these conferences, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. No State conferences were held in Connecticut or Maine. The New England States reported a larger percentage of the quota. raised in the fifth loan than in any previous loan. Following is a. comparative summary of subscriptions taken through the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee in the five loans. Comparative summary of subscriptions through woman's committee in.five loans. States. Second loan. Third loan. Fourth loan. Fifth loan. ::=i~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ··sa~:::• $1,096,000 16 S2,470,~ Per cent of State quota ................•..........••......•.•. $838,100 Vermont .•...............••...................•.•.•.•............ 12 Per cent of State quota ..................................... . Massachusetts. • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . $2,111,000 S22,9'0,9li0 RhJ:r1=l-~~~~~ .~~~~~: ::: ::: :: :: :: ::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :: :: : S3, 083, 805 c~'::1;t" or"siaie ·<itioiii.: ·.:::::::::::::::::::::::: .!~~·. ~~'. ~. $15,546,~ Per cent of State quota ...•.....•.•.•......................... • Digitized by 14 12 Google $5,626,1~ $3,854,~ $4,098,~ $3,058,3g& $3,534,100 26 $39,047,650 12 $4,726,850 9.45 SZ.S,493,~ S2,714,1~ $30,048,~ $4,373,~ $28,401,000 67 5 SECONl).FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. (New York, 12 counties or New Jersey, 1 county of Connecticut.) Mm. JOHN T. PRATT, 120 Broadway, New York City, Woman's Liberty Loan Com mittee Federal Reserve Chairman. It is interesting to note that the woman's organization in the second district has increased in size steadily and the amounts raised in relation to the district quotas have increased proportionately. The National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee appointed Miss Ida Furman, chairman of the second district, for the first loan, but, as her appointment did not come until after the loan had begun, she had time only to form a committee of women to work in New York City. This work was largely done by the New York Suffrage Association. Before the second loan Mrs. John T. Pratt had taken over the work -of the second district. At the end of the second campaign there were about 5,000 women in her organization, and before the third -campaign a systematic effort was made to form a committee of women in every city, town, and community where bonds were to be sold. In each campaign the efficiency of this organization increased until in the fifth campaign there were 1,790 committees in the second district, with 50,000 women enlisted in them. In this connection it is inter-esting to note that of the chairmen and committee members appointed at the beginning of the second loan, 36 served as county chairmen throughout the third, fourth, and fifth loans, and 46 of the county chairmen appointed for the fifth loan have served ever since that office was created previous to the third campaign. On March 10 a Federal reserve district conference of cou'nty chairmen was held at the residence of Mrs. Pratt, 7 East Sixtieth Street. The meeting, presided over by Mrs. Pratt, was addressed by Dr. George Vincent, head of Rockefeller Foundation, Gov. Benjamin Strong, of the Second Federal Reserve Bank, and Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. Owing to the fact that the second district is almost entirely composed of New York State, Mrs. Pratt combined the offices of Federal reserve and State chairmen. In this capacity she visited many of her counties and was a constant inspiration to the women working under her. Comparative summary of subscriptions through woman's committee in five loans. Amount subscribed Loan. through women. First ................................ . ...................................... . Second..................................................................... . Third ...................................................................... . Fourth..................................................................... . Fifth ................... . ................................................. .. 16,941,995 40,954,845 110,602,240 203,383,850 247,685,450 Digitized by Number of bonds. 166,532 357,323 583,000 529,455 Google 6 TfflRD FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. (Penll8J'l•anla (eastern), 40 coantlea; Delaw11re; New Jer&eJ' (aoathem), 9 coantlea,) Mre. HENRY D. JUMP, Liberty Building, Philadelphia, Pa., Woman's Liberty Loart. Committee Federal Reserve Chairman. The majority of the women who worked in the third and fourth. loans again offered their services to support the Victory loan. TheFederal reserve chairman was a constant inspiration to the workers in her district, particularly those in the city of Philadelphia, whereher office was situated, and with whom she kept in constant touch,. speaking at meetings and sharing in plans of campaign. No Federal reserve district conference of county chairmen was held, but the counties lying in each State had separate conferences,. each of which was attended by the Federal reserve chairman, and Mrs. Jump called together, in Philadelphia, the State chairmen in her district for a conference, which was attended by Mrs. Antoinette Funk, representing the National Woman's Liberty .Loan Committee Summary of subscriptions through woman's committee in.fifth loan. States. Amount subsrribed through Per cent,. women. Quota. t~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: New Jersey .................................................. . Sn 4,913, 9.;o $153,849, 150 13,615,476 31,532,186 7,518,925 8,392,150 74 55. 26 FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. (Ohio; Pennsylvania (western), 19 counties; Kentucky (eastern), &6 counties; Weat Vlrlinla, 6 coantlea.), Mre. FRAN~ MuLHAUSER, 508 Park Building, Cleveland, Ohio, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee Federal Reserve Chairman. The organization for the Victory loan was stronger and more effective than any previous campaign, and better cooperation be~ tween the men's and women's committees was established. Mrs. Mulhauser had in previous camraigns combined the offices of both reserve and State chairmen; she was consequently in intimatetouch with the situation in Ohio, and was therefore in position to be of unusual value to the State chairman there; and as the mountain counties in Kentucky interested her greatly, she was always. ready to assist the chairman of western Kentucky in her efforts to organize them. Summary of subst:riptions through woman's committee in.fifth loan. Quota. States. Ohio......................................................... . i::tYc\;y~:.s:;;;t~?.-.-.-.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: West Virginia (6 counties) ............................•....... Digitized by Amount subscribed through Per cent. women. $249,678,400 176, 940, 150 14,845,600 8,538,850 Google $41,285,150 75,107,800 4,070,850 3,369,450 16 42' zr 31 7 FIFl'H FEDERAL•RESERVE DISTRICT. (Vlqinla, West Vlqinla, Mu,land, North Carolina, South Carolina, District of Columbia.) Mrs. J. ScOTl' PARRIBH1 Woman's Liberty Loan Committee FuleraZ Reserve Chairman. While Mrs. Parrish was appointed so shortly before the opening of the campaign es to make it impossible for her to travel extensively over her district, nevertheless she established a cordial and inspiring relationship with the State chairmen of North and South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. A conference of the six State chairmen was held in Richmond, at which the reserve chairman for women presided, and plans of campaign were discussed, and at which Mrs. Antoinette Funk represented the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. Summary of subscriptions through woman's committee in fifth loan. States. Quota. Amountsubscribed through Per cent. women. $21,519, 950 23,625,000 7,108,575 7,576,475 9,079,890 7,221,450 41.1> 12 27 361 35½ SIXTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. (Alabama; Florida; Georllla; Louisiana, 38 parishes; Mississippi, 43 counties; Tennessee, 76 counties.} Mrs. Chamber of Commerce Building, Atlanta, Ga., Woman'a. Liberty Loan Committee Federal Reserve Chairman. SAMUEL LUMPKIN, The reserve chairman traveled extensively over her territory, accompanying the men's committee on a tour of the six States. She attended one conference in Tennessee, three zone conferences in Florida, three in Alabama, one in Arkansas, one in Mississippi, one in Louisiana, and one in Georgia. Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank represented the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee at conferences in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Mrs. Lumpkin was an important factor in the woman's campaign in the sixth district. She gave unsparingly of her time and strength, and her speeches throughout the campaign proved of great value. Summary of subscriptions through woman's committee in fifth loan. States. Alabama ..•...........•.............•..•........•......••••.. Florida.....••..•......•.........•......•.....•.........••.•.. Georgia .....•....•••.•.•••.•.•.•......•........•.....•...••... Louisiana (38 parishes) ...•.•...••.•.•••••.•.••...••....•..... Mississippi (43 counties) ...........•••.•.•..••................ Tennessee (76 counties) ...................................... . Quota. , ~,~ Amountsubscribed through Per cent, women. $23,482,000 17,288,000 41,154,000 110,451, 750 8,821,a25 19,471,~ 23;854;ooo 6;009;300 . Digitized by ~·~·M& Google 44.5 50 50 27 50 51.& 8 SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. (Illinois, 58 counties; Indiana, 68 counties; Iowa; Mlchi,an, 68 counties; Wisconsin, 45 counties.) Miss GRACE DIXON, 105 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Ill., Woman's Liberty Loar,, Committee Federal Reserve Chairman. The campaign in the seventh district was launched at a conference .,of men and women held in Chicago and attended by 1,500 Liberty loan workers from the five States. At the morning conference .addresses were made by Mrs. George Bass and Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, .of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, Gen. Leonard Wood, Mr. Arthur Vandenberg, and Mr. Lafayette Young, jr. Mr. •Chas. H. Schweppe, director of loans in the seventh district, presided at the meeting.· In the afternoon various State conferences were held where the Federal re~erve chairman for women spoke. In ·the evening a banquet was held where the honorable the secretary of the Treasury, Mr, Carter H. Glass, was the speaker. The Federal reserve chairman for women visited each State in her district and spoke for the loan at innumerable meetings. Special literature for women was sent out in the seventh district by the reserve chairman; a woman's poster was issued, drawn by Mrs. Strohm, .depicting a woman adding a fifth point to the star of victory, and a playlet, "Lest we Forget," written by Miss Helen Bagg, was played :in the greater part of the counties in the seventh district. A new departure of the work for the Federal reserve chairman in the fifth loan was a foreign-language division, under the guidance of Mrs. Edward W. Bemis, which gave suggestions to the State chairmen regarding Americanization work in connection with the Victory loan, and advised them how to handle various problems which arose concerning the foreign-born population. Literature was printed in six languages and distributed through the chairmen; pageants especially planned for group meetings were given throughout the district. The Federa1 reserve chairman conducted a Victory verse contest, in which all of the States in her district, except Iowa, participated. Silk flags awarded to the winners in each State. A district sp.eakers' bureau was maintained by Mrs. E. H. Taylor in Chicago, and women speakers sent to all important meetings in .the seventh district. Notes were sold on the individual allotment or voluntary plan in the majority of counties in the seventh district. In these counties the men agreed that the women should receive credit for 50 per cent .of the money subscribed by the two committees. Digitized by Google 9 Summary of subscriptions through woman's committee in fifth loan. States. Illinois ...................................................... . Indiana .•.••................ , ............................... . Iowa ........................................................ . Michigan .................................................... . Wisconsin ................................................... . Quota. Amountsubscribed through Per cent. women. $274,050,000 81,562,600 110,925,000 149,444,500 94,292,950 $110,312,800 28,344,700 55,893,125 62 766,690 46:052, 977 40 50 50 40 50 EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. (Arkansas; Dllnols. 44 counties; Indiana, 24 counties; Kentncky. 64 counties; Mississippi, 29 counties; Missouri, 95 counties; Tennessee, 21 counties.) Mrs. THEODOUE BENOIST, 210 North Broadway, St. Louis, Mo., Woman's Liberty Loan Committee Federal Reserve Chairman. One hundred and fifty thousand women stood ready on April 10 to begin work for the Victory loan in the eighth district. The reserve chairman, in company with the men's orgl!,llization, made a tour of the field in advance of the loan and reported the organization 100 per cent ready. . Never before were there so many special features in the eighth district. The tanks were sent broadcast, and in the majority of places the women arranged parades and meetings in connection with them. Literature sent out by the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee was delivered in a house-to-house canvass throughout the district, as well as at patriotic meetings, and the woman's poster was in great demand, especially for use in schools. The head of the public schools in St. Louis said that of all the posters, the women's poster was the best to use, as it told a story, the names of the battles having great historic value. In January a meeting of men and women State chairmen in the eighth district was called in St. Louis by Mr. L. B. Franklin, Federal director of war loans, where plans of campaign and forms of security were discussed. On March 31 a meeting was again held in St. Louis of the men and women State chairmen of the eighth district, where free discussion of the completed plans for the campaign took place, all chairmen taking part. In Kentucky the men and women had separate conferences, the Federal reserve chairman addressing the men's conference in regard to the women's work. All other conferences in the eighth district were joint meetings of men and women; the county ~hairmen of Mississippi and Tennessee at Memphis, of Arkansas in Little Rock, of Missouri and southern Illinois in St. Louis, of Indiana in Evansville. The reserve chairman for women attended each of these conferences and fl,ddressed the meeting. Mrs. Solon Jacobs represented the National Woman's Liberty Loan 169383-20--2 Digitized by Google 10 Committee at the Missouri meeting, and Miss Mary Synon at the woman's conference in Kentucky. In addition to the publicity agent working for the reserve chairman, each State chairman had her own publicity chairman; the result was that the woman's committee was featured daily during the campaign. The playlet originating in the seventh district was used all over the eighth district with great success. School children wrote essays on the Victory loan, and German helmets were offered by the reserve chairman as prizes. One of the stunts originated by the reserve chairman for women was as follows: Aeroplanes were used all over the district and created great interest by dropping literature, among which was an order for a German helmet, so that everyone read the literature hoping they might find tucked away in it somewhere the order, and thus gain for themselves the coveted prize. In many counties in the eighth district where the banks took over the entire quota, the women have pledged themselves to resell the notes as soon as crops in. Previous to the fifth campaign, Mrs. Benoist had been State chairman of Missouri. On the retirement of Miss from the Federal reserve chairmanship, Mrs. Benoist took her place. Her familiarity with the local Missouri conditions made her of unusual value to the State chairman there, and she was of great inspiration to the women working for the loan throughout the district. Summary of subscriptions through woman' B committee in fifth loan. States. Amountsub- !scribed through Per oent. Quota. Arkansas .................................................... . IllinO!s ...................................................... . Indiana...................................................... . ~~~~i.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::: Missouri ..................................................... . Tennessee ...............•.................................... women. $20,541,150 30,366,650 14, 092, 950 24,795,150 S6,427,550 13,052,050 7,305,325 6,694,675 10,683,800 87,422,900 14,490,900 4,663,100 30, 052, 050 6,306,600 31 43 51 27 43 34 43 NINTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTIDCT. (Minnesota; South Dakota; Montana; North Dakota; Mlchlpn, 15 counties; Wisconsin, 26 counties.) Mrs. C. A. SEVERANCE, 1512 Merchants Bank Building, St. Paul, Minn., Federal Reserve Chairman for Women. In preparation for the Victory loan in the ninth district~ the women held 123 special meetings. A conference was held in Minneapolis for the men and women county chairmen of Michigan, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, and Montana, who came together to hear the Secretary of the Treasury speak. They were also addressed by Mr. Rogers, Federal director of loans in the ninth district, and the Federal reserve chairman for women. Digitized by Google 11 In preceding loans in the ninth district State meetings were held, but owing to the vast distances to be covered it was decided in preparation for the :fifth loan to hold group and county meetings, and in this way reach more of the town and country workers. These meetings were, for the most part, men's and wpmen's gatherings, with speakers divided between the two committees. The Federal reserve chairman for women covered all of these meetings in spite of the great difficulties in transportation in some of the States in her district. Her presence, enthusiasm, and unflagging support of the State chairmen brought to them an inspiration which carried them through many difficulties. The ninth district was orga~ed entirely on the allotment system. No bonds whatever were sold by solicitation; it was therefore decided that the women should receive a credit of 25 per cent of the money subscribed. The men of the executive committee say that this does not represent the work the women have done in their district, but the women are satisfied that it is about the per cent which they would have raised. We quote from the last paragraph of Mrs. Severance's report: In closing this work we wish to say that we feel we have received much more than we have given. The thrill and value of the large meetings, the warm new acquaintance!! and friendships, the unification of town and country in a common purpose are some of the valuirble products of these activities. We have achieved democracy. We have learned the value of cooperation. We have made ourselves into a. reservoir of force which, intact, can turn the machinery of each county. We have made ourselves into a telegraph system connecting Washington with each remote farmhouse. We have learned to work with men, with manly and businesslike methods. We have learned to expect an adequate return for our labor. We have achieved a. world vision. We see this money gathered in small a.mounts from scattered farms and hamlets growing in God's hands into the determining power of peace and freedom to a war-weary and chaotic world. Summary of subscriptions through women's committee in fli•e loans. States. Second loan. Third loan. Fourth loan. Montana ...................................... . North Dakota................................. . South Dakota. ....•••...•. : ................... . Minnesota.••..................................• $1,379,675 1,020,500 623,660 901,600 3,466,237 lrllclll.gan. ..................................... . 473,600 1,286,760 2,911,037 Wisconsin.................................... .. 900,000 6,280,376 $3,036,525" 1,172,350 2,121,350 7,775,163 $4,972,250 5,101,225 8,660,550 31,019,037 Fifth loan. $3,175,513 4,782,863 6,208,175 ~,::,~: 1;112:663 TWELFI'H FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. (Waahlnl(ton; Oreiion; Cal!Comla; Nevada; Idaho; Utah; Arizona, 9 counties.) Mre. A. S. BALDWIN, 430 California Street, San Francisco, Calif., Federal Reserve Chairman/or Women. The twelfth Federal Reserve district is one of magnificent distances. The Federal reserve chairman for women attended and Digitized by Google 12 spoke at conferences in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Idaho, and during the campaign went- to Washington, Utah, and Oregon to speak at various Victory loan meetings. The States of Oregon and Washington held joint conferences of the men's and women's committees, but as the Federal reserve chairman for women spoke in San Francisco at the California conference, which was held on the 5ame day, she was unable to attend these conferences. In Nevada. .and Arizona the men's committee did not call conferences, but the women did, and the Federal reserve chairman attended these conferences and spoke. Mrs. George Bass attended the conferences in California and Arizona, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. The Federal reserve chairman for ·women was able to contribute greatly to the success of the Victory campaign in California, as the State chairman, Mrs. Brainerd, lived in Los Angeles, in the extreme southern end of the State, and as Mrs. Baldwin, at San Francisco, the extreme northern end, made her office a center for the work in that end of the State. An interesting feature of her work was the courage and initiative she showed in surmounting difficulties of transportation and distance to be covered. She undertook the routing of speakers through States which took days to cross, and saw to it that the entire district was furnished with literature and "publicity stunts" of various kinds. Summary of 8'Ubscriptiom through woman's committee in fifth loan. Quota. States. ~;~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Nevada•••.................................................... Idaho.•....................................................... Utah .••...................................................... Arizona ...................................................... . Digitized by Amountsubscribed through Per cent. women. $44,365,250 26,798,400 191,427,300 3,611,000 11,150,000 13,851,900 4,760,000 Google $29,902,442 14,250,000 76,560,450 2,325,255 3,430,764 7,034,400 1,903,800 67 60 (() 64 37 50 40 REPORTS OF STATE CHAIRMEN. ALABAMA. Mrs. JOHN D. McNEEL, 1490 Milner Crescent, Birmingham, St,at,e chairman. Mrs. ANous TAYLOR, State vice chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................ $23,482,000 Amount subscribed tlirough woman's committee ........... $10, 451, 750 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 44½ Number of counties in State.............................. 67 Numb~r of counties organized under woman's committee.. 67 State conferences of men and women chairmen were held at Montgomery and Birmingham and a woman's conference later at Birmingham. Mrs. McNeel attended these conferences. Mrs. Jacobs and Mrs. Fairbank also attended, representing the national committee. The executive committee of the sixth Federal reserve district. advised that the men and women work on a 50-50 basis, and in some· counties this was done, but the Alabama woman's committee kept the accurate account requested by the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. Committee meetings were held by the woman's committee, and especial attention was given to publicity, the newspapers of the State giving splendid inspiration. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. It is impossible for the city rhairman of Birmingham to give a separate report. No quota was made for Birmingham or any other .Alabama city separate from its county. As well as could be estimated on a percentage basis, between city and county chairmen of Birmingham and Jefferson County, Mrs. Ledbetter, the city chairman, raised $2,208,500, and Mrs. Conrad H. Ohme, county chairman, raised Sl,291,500. In the county of Jefferson, where Birmingham is located, the men and women worked on a 50-50 basis. A house-to-house canvass ,•1ras conducted by the woman's committee. Record of woman's committee for State in all loans. Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $381, 850 Third loan ........................ :..................... $6,238,900 Per cent............................................ 47 Fourth loan .............................................. $10,369,400 . Per cent...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34½ Fifth loan.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10, 451, 750 Per cent......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441(IR) Digitized by Google 14 The!State!quota for Alabama in the Victory loan was 25 per cent less than in the fourth loan. In spite of this the woman's committee raised $82,350 more than in the fourth loan, thus increasing their per cent of the quota. Mrs. Solon Jacobs served as chairman for the first four loans. ARIZONA. Miss ALICE M. BIRDSALL, box 419, 421 Fleming Building, Phoenix, St,ate chairman for twelfth Fe<leral reBerve diatrict. Mrs. WILLLUt: H. SAWTELLE, 345 East Third Street, Tucson, St,ate chairman for ekventh Fe<leral reBerve diatrict. TWELFTH FEDERAL BFSERVE DISTRicr. Miss BIRDSALL, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................ . $4, 760, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee .•....•.... $1,903,800 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee ...... . 40 Number of counties in State ............................. . 9 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. . 9 Estimated number of women working in Victory loan campaign ................................................. . 750 Bonds were sold by general solicitation. The copper mining companies took practically no share of this loan. Many of the mines were closed down and all operating had greatly reduced prices. In previous campaigns these corporations were generous subscribers and thousands of mining employees bought to a man. Realizing this unfavorable condition, the woman's committee directed its energies in every county to strengthening the weakest places, looking after the smaller and out-of-the-way places where often the men's committee effected no organization whatever. Women also paid particular attention to propaganda work with a view to keeping up interest and enthusiasm, and to their painstaking, unceasing work is due, in large amount, the 1uccess of the Victory loans in Arizona. A conference for county chairmen of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee held in Phoenix was attended by Mrs. George Bass, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, and Mrs. A. S. Baldwin, Federal reserve chairman for women. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Goldroa.d, Mohave County, with a population of eight adults and a quota of $2,000, reported $4,350 bonds sold. Grand Canyon, in Coconino County, with less than 300 population, subscribed $14,750. This was one of the places where men worked under the woman's committee. . In Globe, Gila County, a group of young women calling themselves Victory girls got up a unique vaudeville performance which was given Digitized by Google 15 \ in a decorated truck on the street, at which they sold bonds and auctioned off helmets. In Florence, Pinal County, out of a total subscription of $44,400, the women raised $42,700, the quota for the town being $35,626. ELEVENTH FEDERAL RF.SERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. WILLIAM H. SAWTELLE, 345 East Third Street, Tucson, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 093, 900 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $1,025, 100 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 33½ Record of woman's committee in whole State for all loam. Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Third loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fourth loan............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fifth loan............................................... Per cent............................................ $1, 049, 910 12½ $3, 310; 600 60 $5, 422, 200 49 $2,928,900 36 Miss Alice M. Birdsall was State chairman for the whole State in the second, third, and fourth loans. ARKANSAS. Mrs. C. H. BROUGH, 2107 Arch Street, Little Rock, State chairman. State quota, Victory loan .......... ; ...................... $20, 400, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $6,427, 5fi0 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 32 Number of counties in State.............................. 75 Number of counties organized under woman's committee... 75 Thirteen counties were organized under the individual allotment ur volunteer plan. In 4 counties the woman's committee was credited with 50 per cent of the sales and in 9 counties with 33½ per cent of the sales, amounting to $2,787,600. In 62 counties subscriptions were sold by general solicitation to the amount of $3,658,950, representing 4,824 subscriptions. Schools were used for propaganda only. On April 9 a joint meeting was held in Little Rock of the Arkansas county and district men and women chairmen. There was a large attendance of women chairmen, many of them having driven miles across the country to be present. Gen. Traub, commander of the' Thirty-fifth Division, made a splendid patriotic talk. Late in the afternoon the meeting was divided and Mrs. Brough held,, a meeting of the women, and went carefully over the plans of the campaign and all details. Digitized by Google t 16 GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. In the southern half of Arkans88 County the men had no organization, so the Federal reserve bank gave the credit of all the work done to the women's organization. The men were busy with their crops and let the women take the lead. CITIES. LITrLE RocK (Mrs. J. E. WILLIAMS, City chairrrw.n). City quota, Victory loan............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4, 025, 000 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $1, 389, 500 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 33¼ Estimated number of women working in Victory loan ''·campaign...... . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :.!50 The city was divided into six districts, each was alloted to a man Jtnd woman captain, who again divided the work. The woman's committee had a house-to-house canvass, and also had charge of the publicity work done through the schools. Subscriptions secured by woman's committee: Second loan ............................................. . Third loan ............................................. . Fourth loan ............................................. . Fifth loan .............................................. . $204,000 396,700 1,648,300 1,389,500 Record of woman' a committee for State in all loans Second loan.................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Third loan....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fourth loan ............................................. . Per cent ............ : .............................. . Fifth loan •.•...•........................................ Per cent •••......................................... $2, 161, 800 $4, 356, 700 28 $7,852,250 33 $6,427,550 32 Mrs. Brough has been State chairman for the second, thirdt fourth, and fifth loans. CALIFORNIA. Mrs. E. R. BRAINERD, Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles, State chairman. Miss MARY E. FoY, 400 San Rafael Heights, Pasadena, State vice chairman. Mrs. MURRAY WARNER, 2335 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, State vice chairman. State quota, Victory Liberty loan ....................... . $191,427,300 Amount subscribed through woman's committee ••••.•.... $76,560,450 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee ..... . 40 Number of counties in State •....•....................... · 58 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.• 58 Notes were sold by general solicitation. Digitized by Google 17 CITIES. Los ANGELES (Mrs. J. T. ANDERSON, City chairman). City quota, Victory Liberty loan............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31, 848, 900 Amount subscribed through woman's committee ........... $27,148,350 86 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee......... SAN FRANCISCO (Mrs. CAROLINE SAHLEIN, City chairman). City quota, Victory Liberty loan: ........•................. $79, 318, 150 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $6,702,160 8 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee..... .. SACRAMENTO (Mrs. RoBERT HAWLEY, City chairman). City quota, Victory Liberty loan .... . .................... . $6,583, 900 Amount subscribed through woman's committee •.......... $3,425,000 52 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee ........ . OAKLAND (Mrs. E. L. ORMSBY, City chairman_1. City quota, Victory Liberty loan .......................... $11,141, 700 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $5, 570, 850 50 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . • . . . . SAN DIEGO (Mrs. LILLIAN PROY PALMER, City chairman ). City quota, Victory Liberty loan........... .. .. ... ... ... .. $3, 378, 150 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $1,914, 750 56 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee......... Record of woman's committee in State jor all loans. Third loan ...................... ... . . .................. . $15,192,100 11 Per cent ............................ . .............. . Fourth loan ........................ . .................... . $72,933,453 26 Per cent ..................... . ...... . .............. . Fifth loan .................. . ... . . . .. . ...... . ........... . $76, 560,450 40 Per cent ........................ .. .... . ......... -.- .. Mrs. Brainerd has been State chairman for all loans. COLORADO. Mrs. W. H. R. STOTE, Denver, Slate chairman. Mrs. W. S. PARTRIDGE, State vice chairman. State quota, Victory loan .......... . ................... . $28,385,350 Amount subscribed through woman's committee .......... . $6,911,766 21 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee .•..... Num.ber of subscriptions taken through woman's com23,858 mittee .................... - .. - -- . - .. • - • - -·. • • • • - • - • · • 63 Number of counties in State .......... . .................. . 62 Number of counties organized under woman's committee .. Digitized by Google 18 CITIES. DENVER (Mrs. GEO. B. BERGER, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ••..•....•.....•••......••.••••• $13,433,800 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $2,505, 900 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee... . . . . 18 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's com10,819 mittee ............••....... ••••••••••••••••····:····· 10,629 Number of subscriptions under $1,000 ...•.•........•..... Estimated number of women working in Victory loan campaign..... . • . • . . . . • • . . . . • . • . • • • . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . • • • . 2, 000 Notes were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee had a house-to-house canvass and a complete ward and precinct organization, but they sold no notes to corporations or trades. Because of plan of house-to-house canvass there was no canvass of organization memberships, but subscriptions were solicited from organization funds. Speakers were sent to all meetings and members were solicited at their homes through the district workers. Booths were maintained in hotels only. School children secured $59,000. PUEBLO (Miss JANET CA.HPBELL, City chairman). City quota (including county), Victory loan ............•... $1,300,000 Amount credited to woman's committee................... $527,700 33¼ Percentage credited to woman's committee................. Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 3, 298 Estimated number of . women working in Victory loan campaign.......................... . . . . . • . . . . • • . . . . . • . . 50 Notes were sold by general solicitation. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. The chairman of Rio Blanco County aroused her town to fever heat with an unusual stunt. The night before the drive opened 1:1he arose in the dark to scatter footprints, made from cardboard, over the town. These steps were directed toward the bank and were painted bright red. Added to this, she put up signs urging everyone to "hit the trail" and, when morning came, they did as advised and the district was one of the first in the State to report one-half their quota raised. The largest subscription in that county was taken by a woman. Bent County reported her quota raised by "hard work and persuasion." A Logan County woman walked 10 miles to procure one $50 subscription. In Moffat County, a county of vast mileage, the women conducted "ranch-to-ranch soliciting." There were many difficulties to confront, but the Lake County women were not daunted because there was a complete walkout of all of the miners, upon whom they were depending to buy bonds. They started their drive April 21, as planned. Later a compromise Digitized by Google 19 was effected with the miners, but through it. all the women continued their work and, the men now say, broke the ice for them, and, besides breaking the ice, the women took· $77,350 in subscriptions, and sold to 305 out of the 990 subscribers in the county. It was the pleasure of the State chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee to christen the 14,200-pound baby tank, Lit~e Jeb, while en route through the State. Record of woman's committee for State in all loans. Third loan.............................................. $5,288,050 26 Per cent............................................ Fourth loan............................................ $8,044,350 21 Per cent............................................ Fifth loan... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6, 911, 766 Per cent............................................ 21 Mrs. Helen Ring Robinson was State chairman for the third and fourth loans. CONNECTICUT. Mrs. MoROAN G. BULKELEY, Hartford, State chairman. Mrs. RICHARD M. BISSELL, State vice chairman. State quota, Victory loan ...•......•..•.....•.•.....••.. $50,000,000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee......... • . $28,411,000 56 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . • • • • Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee 28,403 9 Number of districts in State.............................. 9 Number of districts organized under woman's committee.. School children organized under the woman's committee sold 10,562 subscriptions, amounting to $1,333,450. Organizations of women secured 1,041 subscriptions, amounting to $1,192,600. Record of woman's committee for State in all loans. Second loan ................•..............•............ Third loan.... • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent••... :..... . . . . . • . • . . . • . • • • • • . • • . • • . . • . . . . . • Fourth loan ............................................ Per cent............................................ Fifth loan......... . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ $16, 184, 350 $15, 954, 350 36 $25,493,650 38 $28, 411, 000 56 The State quota for Connecticut in the Victory loan was 25 per cent less than in the fourth loan. In spite of this the woman's committee raised $2,917,350 more than in the fourth loan, thus increasing their per cent of the quota. Mrs. Morgan Bulkeley has been State chairman for the second, third, fourth, and fifth loans. Digitized by Google 20 DELAWARE. Mrs. HENRY RIDGELY, State Street and The Green, Dover, State chairma.n. State quota, Victory loan ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.• ~ $13,615, 500 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $7,518, 925 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee.. • • • • • 55 Number of counties in State.............................. 4 4 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. Notes were sold by general solicitation. School children sold $193,450. GLEANINGS FROM THE OAMPAIGN. Third loan, subscribed $11,030,300, 41 per cent of amount sub. scribed; fourth loan, subscribed $9,775,550, 43 per cent of amount. subscribed; fifth loan, subscribed $7,518,925, 55 per cent of amount subscribed. '' From the shores of Italy to a little village in Kent County came a youth brimful of healthy patriotism for the land of his adoption. Though an unnaturalized citizen, he enlisted, crossed the seas to fight for "America, the grandest country in the world," and invested all his earnings, a thousand dollars, in Liberty bonds. A kind fate led him safely through the conflict and returned him to his old father, who awaited him here. At the time of the fifth loan, a member of the woman's committee, encountering him tilling his cabbage, asked him to speak for the loan. "I speak? But, yes, I do anything to help my country." He was scheduled to speak at a town 15 miles from his, home. Through some mishap he missed his train, walked the 15 miles, made his simple, direct appeal to the people, finishing the job by announcing he had invested his latest earnings, a sum of $500 in Victory bonds. The town where this meeting was. held oversubscribed its quota by $25,000."-From State chairma.n's report. OITIES. WILMINGTON, Mrs. OTHO NOWL.AND, City chairma.n. City quota, Victory loan................................ $'Z, 905,624 Amount subscribed in fifth Victory loan........... . . • . . . . . $10, 925, 900 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $5, 381, 100 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee.... . . . . 50 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 5,430 Estimated number of women working in Victory loan campaign................................................. 500 Notes were sold by general solicitation, the men's and women's. · committees working on a 50-50 basis. Amount subscribed through woman's committee in former campaigns: Second loan ....................................••.••.•• $1,600,000 Third loan ............................................. . 3,647,850 Fourth loan .............•.....•..................••.... 6,058,100 Fifth loan .............................................. . 5,381,100 Digitized by Google 21 Record of woman's committee for St.ate in all loans. First loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) Second loan............................................ (2) Third loan .............................................. $11, 030, 300 Per cent.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9, 775, 550 Per cent............................................ 61 Fifth loan............................................... $7,518,925 55 Per cent............................................ Mrs. Henry Ridgely was State chairman for the third and fourth ·'loans. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 'Mrs. WEBLEY MARTIN STONER, Washington, Chairman. Mrs. THos. H. CARTER, Washington, Vice Chairman. :Mrs. Woonxow WILBON, Mrs. CHARLES S. HAMLIN, Mrs. HARRIET BLAINE BEALE, Honorary Chairmen. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $20,307,000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $7,221,450 35½ Percentage subscribed through woman's committee......... Notes were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee had charge of organizing the schools, through which $623,600 in ·:subscriptions was obtained. Six hundred and twenty thousand four hundred and fifty dollars was subscribed through organizations of women. This committee had the advantage of being in close touch with Government officials. Wives of members of the Cabinet and other political officials sold notes daily between 4 and 6 o'clock. On .Army day Mrs. Newton D. Baker had charge of sales, and on Navy day Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, presided at sales table. GLEANINGS FROM CAMPAIGN. The War Department placed a tank and an airplane at the disposal of the woman's committee. A demonstration on the Polo Field was arranged on the opening day, when Miss Margaret Stinson flew a scout plane and Mrs. Eldridge and Mrs. M. Brice Clagett flew a big bombing plane. These women were all members of the woman's committee. Speakers' committee furnished women four-minute speakers nightly at Keith's Theater, where the woman's committee raised $584,950, and arranged the most successful street meeting ever given in Washington, at Park Road and Fourteenth Street. The War Department gave a band of 40 pieces, two searchlights, a bombing machine which 1 1 Not organized. Not organized as part of national committee but the women of Wilmington organized and rai S1,500,000. Digitized by Google 22 fired bombs, releasing flags which floated high above the crowd, and a baby tank which fired blank machine bullets; speakers appealed to the crowd, and $50,000 was secured. Mass meetings were held by the woman's committee where the various Government departments contributed most generously, women returned from work in France and members of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee spoke, and Mrs. Newton D. Baker and Mrs. Franklin Townsend sang. A ceremony for the presentation of medals to women who had done distinguished service in the victory loan campaign was a brilliant occasion. Mrs. W. G. McAdoo, national chairman, and Mrs. J. Scott Parish, chairman filth Federal reserve district, and Mrs. Carter Glass and two daughters assisting. Mrs. W. G. McAdoo, Mrs. Antoinette Funk, Miss Mary Synon, Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, and Mrs. George Bass spoke for the national committee at various meetings. Final report of the sale, of Victory loan notes by woman's committee in the variom Government departments. Agriculture.......................... . • .. .. • • .. • • • • . • . • . $152, 300 Alien Property Custodian........................ • . . . • . . . 21, 450 Civil Service .......................................... . 16,300 84,150 Commerce ............................................. . 6,500 Commi.asioners of District of Columbia (employees) ....... . Federal Trade Commission.............................. . 6,900 6,400 Fuel Administration .................................... . 216,000 Geological Survey ...................................... . Govemment Printing Office ............................ . 84,200 17,450 _ Interstate Commerce ................................... . 63,200 Justice .................................... •• .......... . 45,650 Labor ...... ~ .......................................... . 29,800 Library of CongreBB ...................................... . 241,600 Navy .................................................. . 25,350 Navy Yard ..•..••.•.•••.•.•.•.•••...•.•••••..••.•.•.•.• 3,400 Panama Canal ..........................................._ 46,400 Post Office ................................ _•.....•.....••• 200,000 Railroad Administration ..........••..•.•..............•.• 54,100 Shipping Board ........................................ . 203,450 Shipping Board plus, through solicitation•..•.•.•••••.•••. 12,650 Smithsonian Institution ................................. . 8,650 State Department ...••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.•••...•• 2,950 Tariff Commission ...................................... . Treasury ................................................ . 1,359,750 War .................................................... . 1,120,450 18,400 War Trade Board ...................................... .. Total.............................................. Digitized by Google 4,047,450 , 23 FLORIDA. Mrs. W. S. JENNINGS, 1845 Main Street, Jacksonville, State chairman. Mrs. H. H. McCREARY, Gainesville, State vice chairman. State quota, Victory loan ............................... $17, 628, 850 Total amount subscribed ................................. $18, 683, 700 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $8,827,325 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 50 Number of counties in State.............................. 54 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 53 Notes were sold under the voluntary subscription plan, the woman's committee being credited with 50 per cent of the total sales. In a number of counties where the quota was not secured by the volunteer plan the woman's committee conducted a house-to-house canvass, securing in 29 counties $2,209,735 in subscriptions. The woman's committee took no corporation subscriptions. Three conferences of county chairmen were held, the men and women meeting together. At the Pensacola conference Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank represented the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. CITIES. JACKSONVILLE (Lou1sE C. MEIGS, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan.................................. $5,094,850 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $2,471,300 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 50 Number of subEcriptions taken through woman's committee. 874 Number of subscriptions under $1,000.................... 864 Estimated number of women working in Victory loan campaign................................................. 300 Amount actually subscribed through woman's committee in former campaigns before 50 per cent plan was adopted: Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $61, 200 Third loan •................................. ·................ 274, 050 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612, 200 TAMPA (Mrs. T. L. KARN, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan. . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 521, 700 Amount credited to woman's committee (per cent).......... 50 Estimated number of women working in Victory loan campaign.................................................. 250 Amount subscribed through woman's committee in former campaigns: Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • . • . . . . . • $30, 000 Third l9an .................................................. 130, 000 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 285, 000 Digitized by Google 24 Record/or women's committee in State in all loans. 1 •••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • First loan $10,000 Second loan 1 •••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $231, 900 Third loan.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 629, 700 Per cent............................................. 24 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5, 441, 972 Per cent............................................. 22 Fifth loan.. . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8, 827, 325 Per cent............................................. 50 Mrs. Jennings has been State chairman for all loans. GEORGIA. Mrs. Z. I. FITZPATRICK, Madison, State chairman. State quota, Victory loan ............................... $41,154,000 Amount subscribed ...................................... $38,943,600 Amount credited to woman's committee .................. $19,471,800 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 5(' Number of counties in State.............................. 154 152 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. The State chairman reports: "Our women worked very much in this loan than any previous one, and in several counties they sold nearly all the bonds. In one county they sold every bond. "In Wilkinson County, my chairman was asked by the zone chairman of the men's committee to serve as chairman of the men's committee also. This she did after consulting me." CITIES. SAVANNAH (Mrs. RoBERT BILLINGTON, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ................................. $4,000,000 Amount subecribed through woman's committee ............. $1, 338, 350 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . . 33½ Number of subscription~ tjtken through woman's committee. 950 Estimated number of women working in Victory loan campaign .. ,............................................... 150 Although the State was organized on a 50-50 basis, the woman's committee of this city refused to work on that basis, and secured the above amount by actual sales. A house-to-house canvass was conducted and women were free to sell to corporations. . MACON (Mrs. J. M. CUTLER, Jr., Cu.y chairman). City quota, Victory loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 150, 000 Amount credited to woman's committee ................... $1,400,000 Percentage credited to woman's committee .......... :...... 50 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 2,000 Estimated number of women working in Victory loan campaign ....................... : ......................... . 70 1 Not organized. Digitized by Google 25 Amount subscribed through woman's committee in former campaigns: Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $196, 000 Third loan.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460, 000 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 500, 000 Record of woman's committee for State in all loans. Third loan .............................................. $11, 679, 530 Per cent............................................ 43 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18, 543, 000 Per cent............................................ 33½ Fifth loan ............................................... $19, 471, 800 Per cent. ............... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Mrs. Wm. R. Leaken was State chairman for the second loan; Mrs. Z. I. Fitzpatrick for the third, fourth, and fifth loans. IDAHO. Mrs. TERESA M. GRAHAM, Villa Glendalough, Coeur d'Alene, Stale chairman. State quota, Victory loan ............................ : ... $11, 150, 000 Amount credited to woman's committee................. $3,430,764 37 Percentage credited to woman's committee............... Number of subscriptions through woman's committee...... 54,729 A conference of county chairmen of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee was attended by Mrs. A. S. Baldwin, Federal reserve chairman for women. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN, At precampaign State meetings plans and suggestions for county organization were worked out; The publicity was directed to launch a heavy press attack beginning three weeks before the drive and keeping it up throughout the campaign. Suggestions for pageants, fairs, church-school-farm bureau meetings were published through the State papers. In several counties the men were busy getting in crops and turned the entire campajgn over to the woman's committee. American prosperity pageants were conducted by the woman's committee in several counties. Floats were prepared showing the difference between America and the devastated par.ts of France and Belgium. In rural districts the women serving on loan committees took turns serving a day a week, in caring for the other women's babies, which were collected together, thus freeing their mothers. Record of woman's committee/or State in all loans. Third loan............................................. $1,909,500 Per cent ..... ·...................................... 24 Fourth loan............................................. $3, 240, 635 Per cent........................................... 22 Fifth loan.............................................. $3,430, 764 Per cent........................................... 37 169383-20--3 Digitized by Google 26 Mrs. Teresa M. Graham has been State chairman for the third fourth, and fifth loans. ILLINOIS. Mrs. How ARD T. WILLSON, Virden, Stat,e chairman/or seventh Federal reserve district. Mrs. JAc!rn BAUR, Chicago, Vice chairma.n. Miss RENA GEORGE, Springfield, Vice chairman. Mrs. WILLIAM M. HART, Benton, State chairman for eighth Federal reserve district. SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. WILLSON, Ohairma.n. StAte quota, Victory loan ________ .............. _.. __ ._ .. $274, 050, 000 Amount subscribed through and credited to woman's committee __ .. _._ ...... _... _.. _.. ___ .. _____ .... ______ $110,312,800 40 Percentage credited to woman's committee.............. Number of counties in State .... ___ ... __ .. _.... _____ .:_. 58 Number of counties organized under woman's committee. 58 In all counties of the State, except Cook County, which includes Chicago, and three others, the woman's committee was credited with 50 per cent of the total sales. OnMarch 21, the county chairmen, men and women of the seventh Federal reserve district, met in Chicago and were addressed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Mrs. George Bass and Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank spoke at the conference, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. In the afternoon State meetings of the men and women chairmen were held, and attended by Mrs. Bass and Mrs. Fairbank, and Miss Dixon, Federal reserve chairman for women. On March 22, a meeting of the Illinois Woman's Liberty Loan Committee county chairmen was held to discuss the work, followed by a luncheon, at which several distinguished men and women, many of them recently returned from overseas, spoke. Mrs. Antoinette Funk spoke at various meetings dur:iJ:i.g the campaign. 1 GLEANINGS FROM THE OAMPAIGN. Many communities in Illinois were organized down to the block unit by the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee preparatory to an educational house-to-house canvass before the opening of the Victory loan campaign. Thirty thousand dodgers by Helen Bagg were distributed by the women of the State organization, besides the literature sent out from the national committee headquarters in the Treasury. Ten thousand copies of a farmer's bulletin and 8,000 copies of an investment letter prepared in this office; 3,000 copies of the President's Liberty loan message; 2,200 letters to Council of Defense units; 700 letters to Red Cross auxiliaries; 60,000 investment leaflets, using woman's poster cut (10,000 of these were distributed in central Illinois by aeroplanes); 20,000 leaflets announcing school contest for Digitized by Google 27 German helmets; 1,000 leaflets (reprint), "Finish the Bridge"; 1,000 leaflets (reprint), "Finish the Job"; 800 letters to women's clubs; 1,800 copies questionnaire; 1,800 reprints, "Change Your Attitude on the Next Loan." A.n Easter telegram was sent by the State chairman to reach all chairmen early Easter morning. This seemed to have struck a responsive note, and many chairmen reported that copies of it were read from every-pulpit in many cities, the contents being taken as the text of the day's sermon. A.n appeal to the college women of the State was written by Mrs. Howard T. Willson, State chairman, in which Secretary Glass's statement, "It takes a higher type of patriotism to serve the country to-day than it required in the delirium of war," was quoted. Glen Ellyn, a town of 2,500 population, was the first town to go over the top in the seventh district. The quota was $80,000, and voluntary subscriptions amounting to $90,000 were raised on the Sunday before the drive began. The women alone did this work, working in relays from 4.30 a. m. Saturday. "Lest We Forget," a one-act play written by Helen Bagg, of Chicago, was presented in every county in the State in the seventh district. Pageants prepared by the foreign language division of the woman's committee were features of the loan campaign throughout the various counties. Hancock County.-Women handled all publicity and public meetings. Winnebago Oounty.-Women in many country districts did all of loan work. Sangamon County.-Woman's committee gave, very successfully, trench breakfast; secured two splendid speakers-returned soldiers. A. verse and essay contest was conducted through the publicity department to arouse interest in the loan. The prize in the verse contest was awarded to Miss Jane Young, of Yorkville, who submitted the following: The First one took them over, The Second helped them fight, The Third kept home fires burning, The Fourth put Huns to flight. Those Victory boys are homesick, Your Buddy and your Jack; Come, put the Fifth one over And bring them safely back. La Salle Oounty.-Women organized schools. Children sold $395,500. One child alone sold $150,000. Women reported only what they sold or bought. Digitized by Google 28 In ciosing this report I wish to say that the Americanization work in connection with bond selling is a splendid step toward real naturalization and has brought about materialresultsinaidingourNation and in helping these alien-born to understand more fully what it is to be American.-Extractfrom State report. CITIES. Cu1cAoo (Mrs. JACOB BAUR, City chdirman). Vice chairmen.-Mrs. Lambert 0. Wile, Mrs. Irving L. Stern, Miss Ella C. Sullivan, Mrs. Fletcher Dobyns, Mrs. George Higginson, jr., Mrs. Leo Austrian, Mrs. P. J. O'Keeffe, Mrs. Fred D. Counties, and Mrs. George Sevey. City quota, fifth Victory loan ......•..................... $189, 225, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee....... . . . $68. 456, 950 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee...... 36 Number of subscriptiont! .through woman's· committee, approximately. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328, 000 The woman's organization was given three trades committees to canvass, which included State Street department stores (firms, officials, estates, and employees~, wholesale millinery, and women's miscellaneous trades. They were also given a percentage of all other trades. Some of these trades comprised booths in hotels and restaurants, booths in theaters, booths in bank buildings, booths in :railroad stations, street booths (last week of loan), all of which were handled entirely by the woman's committee, and miscellaneous subscriptions which were credited to their respective trade division. The work of the women's clubs, public and private schools-, were also handled entirely by the woman's committee. The ward and district work, including a house-to-house canvass, was handled by the woman's committee in conjunction with the men's committee. Amount of money subscribed through school children. $6,148,300. Report of subscriptions, Victory Liberty loan. Trades No. 33.-State Street department stores (firms, officials, estates, employees), Mrs. Irving L. Stern, chairman ....................... . Trades No. 34.~Wholesale millinery, Mrs. Elizabeth Cobb, chairman .. . Trades No. 35.-Women's miscellaneous trades committee, Mrs. Lambert 0. Wile, chairman ........................................... . Other trades, comprising booths in loop hotels, cafes, restaurants, cafeterias, theaters, women's clubs, and subscriptions taken by women through other trade divisions (except trades Nos. 33, 34, and 35), credited to the woman's organization .................•............ Wards and districts: Loop district, comprising subscriptions taken by women in the Federal Building (post office), city hall, and county building, booths in railroad stations, booths in loop banks, and street booths (street booths only the last week of the loan) ................... . Wards comprising 35 wards, including work of women's clubs and Federal organizations, private and public schools, ward hotels, and booths in ward banks .................................... . .Districts, comprising seven districts; subscriptions taken in 65 towns and villages in Cook County.................................... $6,030,500 605,700 2,872,750 35,772,750 1,618,050 17,165,400 23,175,250 Total..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68, 456, 950 Digitized by Google 29 GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. One of the outstanding features of the Victory Liberty loan in Chicago was the forum and theater on Michigan Avenue. Daily performances were given, the vaudeville and theatrical numbers being in charge of a special service squad, which was made up of young women who gave their entire time to this work. The Chicago campaign opened with a breakfast at the Hotel La Salle at 7 o'clock on the morning of April 21. Two hundred and fifty women working on the trades committee were present, and after a Liberty loan rally marched with a l,)and through the retail district of Chicago, for which the woman's committee had entire responsibility. A Victory cake containing medals made from German cannon was cut by a naval officer. The organizations receiving the medals counted them as mascots. From the beginning of the drive the woman's organization of Chicago and Cook County worked with the men. During the last week all restrictions were removed, and the women workers were permitted to take subscriptions wherever possible. The quota for the Twenty-first Ward of Chicago was $4,500,000, but at the first meeting of the ward organization they volunteered to raise their quota to $5,000,000. It is believed that this makes the ward record of the country, but as it has proved impossible to get complete information from other cities, actual proof is lacking. Easter Sunday afternoon the workers of the Twenty-first Ward marched up the Lake Shore Drive in a parade from the Chicago River to the Lincoln statute in Lincoln Park, where a negro chorus sang, and speeches were made by Mr. Harold F. McCormick, ward chairman of the men's committee, Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, and ex-.Gov. Burnquist of Minnesota. Amount secured by woman's committee: Second loan.............................................. $6, 114, 750 Third loan.............................................. 35,065,400 Fourth loan.............................................. 89,454, 200 Fifth loan............................................... 68,456,950 SPRINGflELD (:\Irs. PHILEMON STOUT, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan.................................. Amount credited to woman's committee:................. Percentage credited to woman's committee................ $3,337,500 $1,668, 750 . 50 Notes were sold by voluntary subscription. The woman'~ committee was credited with 50 per cent of the total sales. PEORIA (Mrs. W. S. MILES, City chainnan). City quota. Vict-0ry loan.................................. Amount credited to woman's committee.................. Percentage credited to woman's committee................ $3, 635, 464 $1,890,000 50 Digitized by Google 30 Notes were sold by solicitation and voluntary subscription, the woman's committee being credited with 50 per cent of the sales. The women opened polling places for three days; also took charge of all booths. ·EIGRTR FBDBRAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. HART, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $30, 366, 650 Amount credited to woman's committee .................. $10,831,000 35 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ Number of counties in State.............................. 44 Number of counties organized •under woman's committee. . . 44 On April 11 a joint conference of men and women county chairmen was held, and attended by the eighth Federal reserve district officials, including Mrs. Theodore Benoist, reserve chairman for women, and Mrs. Solon Jacobs, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. Record of woman' a committee in whole State for all loans. First loan............................................... Second loan............................................. Third loan ............ -................................. Percent........................................... Fourth loan ............................................. Percent........................................... Fifth loan .............................................. Percent........................................... (I\ $18,437,200 $54, 853, 050 28 $154,910,050 38 $121, 143, 800 39 Mrs. Howard T. Willson was State chairman for the whole State in the second, third, and fourth loans. Above figures represent whole State. INDIANA. Mn. FREDERICK H. McCULLOCH, 722 Clinton Street, Fort Wayne, Stat,e chairman for seventh Federal reserve district. Mrs. FREDERICK W. LAUENBTEIN, 716 Adams Street," Evansville, Stat,e chairman for eighth Federal reserve district. SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. MM. McCULLOCH, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ............................... $81,562,600 Amount credited to woman's committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28, 344, 700 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 50 Number of counties in!State.............................. 68 Number of_counties organized under woman's committee.. 64 f: Thirty-three counties were organized under the individual allotment or volunteer plan and were credited with sales of $16,656,050, or 50 per cent of the total. Twenty-three counties were organized 1 Not organized. Digitized by Google 31 for general solicitation, and the woman's committee sold $11,688,650 worth of subscriptions in these counties. A meeting of men and women chairmen for counties in Indiana lying in the seventh Federal reserve district was held in Chicago on March 22. Mrs. George Bass, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee; Miss Grace Dixon, the Federal Reserve Chairmen for Women; and Mrs. McCulloch, State chairman, spoke, as well as State and district men officials. CITIES, FORT WAYNE (Mrs. E. H. KILBOURNE, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . $5, 000, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $207,.750 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 4 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 1, 397 Notes were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee did not sell notes to corporations, nor canvass the trades. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. LAUENBTEIN, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ............................... $14,092,950 Amount credited to and subscribed through woman's committee ..........•........••••........................ $7,304,725 Percentage credited to woman's committee ............... . 52 Number of counties in State ............................. . 24 Number of counties organized under woman's committee .. 24 Ten counties were organized under the individual allotment or volunteer plan, the woman's committee being credited with 25 to 50 per cent of the sales, which amounted to $3,950,000. In the remaining 14 counties notes were sold by general solicitation, and $3,282,400 was subscribed through the woman's committee. The conference of men and women county chairmen in the eighth district was held at Evansville on April 14. It was attended by Mrs. Theodore Benoist, Federal reserve chairman for women. After the business meeting adjourned there was a mass meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce where speeches were made by the heads of the central committee, and also by other prominent Indiana men and women. Mrs. Antoinette Funk spoke in Indiana during the campaign, representing the national committee. The quota for the Victory loan for the counties in Indiana in the eighth district was 25 per cent less than in the fourth loan. In spite of this the woman's organization raised $1,600,000 more than in the fourth loan, thus increasing its per cent of the quota. Digitized by Google 32 GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. An intensive house-to-house canvass was conducted throughout the counties in this district, distributing literature and selling notes. Knox County raised its quota in one day for the last three drives. Scott and Spencer Counties also raised their quota on the first day in the fifth campaign. In several of the Indiana counties, the quotas were taken over by the banks, but the women of their own initiative resold the notes to ·individual subscribers. CITIES. EVANSVILLE (Mrs. A. M. DAWSON, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan .... ·............................ $4,117,250 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $2,058,625 50 Percentage credited to woman's committee.:.............. The individual allotment plan was used and the woman's committee credited with 50 per cent of the total sales. The quota for Evansville was raised in three days. Record of woman's committee in whole State for all loans. Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third loan .............. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fourth loan ............................................ Per cent............................................ Fifth loan ........................ : ...................... $5, 976, 910 $23, 696, 850 37 $56,743,617 47 $35, 649, 425 Mrs. Frederick McCulloch was State chairman for the whole State in the second, third, and fourth campaigns. IOWA. Mrs. WILBUR W. MARSH, 408 South Street, Waterloo, State chairman. GARDNER CowLES, State vice chairman. Mrs. State quota, Victory loan ................................ $110,925,000 Amount credited to wom'an's committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,893, 125 Percentage credited to woman's committee....... . . . . . . . . 50 Number of counties in State............................. 99 Number of counties organized under woman's committee. 99 Owing to the fact that the State of Iowa adopted the allotment and voluntary plan women did not sell bonds, but confined themselves entirely to educational and clerical work. In accordance with the plans made by the executive committee of the Seventh Federal Reserve Liberty Loan Campaign Committee the women were given credit for 50 per cent of all subscriptions where the allotment plan was used. A joint conference of men and women was held in Chicago, March 21, of the entire seventh Federal reserve committee, and also a Digitized by Google 33 joint meeting of the Iowa committee in the ballroom of.the La. Salle Hotel. At the close of this session the State chairman called the women together, and a short, spirited conference was held to formulate plans for the approaching campaign. Between 80 and 90 women were present. Mrs. George Bass represented the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN, * * * On the whole, we are proud of Iowa's record in all the loans and can not praise the women too much, who worked throughout the two years faithfully, intelligently, and untiringly, and only regretted that they could not go out and sell bonds, · as they did in so many of the Statee, and make areal selling record. However, they did put on a splendid educational program, which was necessary in order to keep patriotism alive to counteract what resentment might naturally develop from the coercion incident to the allotment plan. This they did nobly.-State Chairman for Women. A committee of women speakers accompanied the war spepial train as it toured Iowa. The work of the Americanization committee proved so successful, as evidenced by many letters and reports which reached the State office, that it is evident the foundation has been laid for future work and that this is a rich field for women's activities-the making of Americans out of our immigrant women and children. Where the voluntary plan was used women assisted the men at all the selling precincts, usually being in equal numbers. * :I< * The work of women under the volunteer plan was difficult on account of its indefiniteness, since in every case the women were instructed to do every possible sort of educational work but to hold themselves ready after that was done to work on short notice. This drew them in the various counties into the most diverse sorts of undertakings. They did everything, carrying their share of the selling efforts, making the complete card indices, doing clerical. work, furnishing speakers for all gatherings of any sort, finding transportation for men speakers in some cases, int.erviewii).g special cases, and generally making themselves useful. Through all this diversity of activity, sometimes of inactivity, they mostly kept sweet, and they have learned much about organization and putting over community campaigns.-Field Dvector Jor Women. The little play "Lest We Forget" was put on in nearly every county, not once but many times, often in every township, and gave splendid satisfaction. Two helmets were a.warded by the woman's committee in every county for the best four-minute talk or the best essay by a school child on "Why We Should Buy Victory Bonds." In one county alone 1,000 essays were written, and the final award was made to the best two in the county. Digitized by Google 34 CITIES. CEDAR RAPIDB (KATE TERRY Loo:i,ne, City chairman). City quota, Vict.ory loan.................................. $1, 719, 450 Amount subscribed........ . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 207, 500 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $1, 103, 750 Percentage credited t.o woman's committee........ . . • . . . . . 50 The city was organized under the individual allotment plan, the woman's committee being credited with 50 per cent of the total sales. The woman's committee organized the subscription centers and workers; did all clerical work. In many instances it had entire charge, without assistance from men. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Second loan ...•.....••..•............•.••................ $114,000 400,000 Fourth loan .....................•.•...................•.. 1,030,000 Fifth loan .......................... , ..................... . 1,103,750 Third loan ...•...........................................• Srnux CITY (Mrs. L. E. A. SMITH, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan............. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . $2, 430, 800 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $1,437,800 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 50 .All notes were sold under the voluntary subscription plan, the woman's committee being credited with 50 per cent of the sales. The laat two loans were subscribed in one day under the direction of the War Service League, an organization of men and women that has conducted other money-raising war campaigns during the past year. Besides the executive committee, each of the 15 voting precincts in the city has a permanent organization of 15 men and 15 women who are equally active and responsible for the work of their precinct. Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Third loan ...•.......................................... $15,000,000 Per cent............ . ............................... 21 Fourth loan ..............................•............. $79,821, 500 Per cent............................................ 50 Fifth loan ...•.....••.•..•.............•....•............ $55, 893, 125 Per cent............................................ 50 Mrs. Marsh was State chairman for third, foUl"th, and fifth loans. KANSAS. Mrs. HENRY WARE ALLEN, 3420 Country Club Place, Wichita, Stat~ chairman. State quota, Victory loan ...... '. ................. . .... . . $49, 455, 100 Amount credited to woman's committee ............... . . . $16,505, 113 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 33¼ Number of.counties in State.......................... . .. . 105 Number of counties organized under woman's committee... 98 Digitized by Google 35 All notes were sold under the general allotment plan, the woman's committee being credited with varying percentage of the total sales in each county, from 10 per cent to 100 per cent. Mrs. Antoinette Funk spoke in Kansas during the campaign, representing the national committee. GLEANINGS FROM 'fHE CAMPAIGN. Letter to men's State chairman from man chairman, Thomas County, Kansas: * * * The campaign baa been conducted entirely on voluntary subscriptions. We have used no solicitors at all. It was the publicity at the start and throughout the campaign that sold the bonds. The woman's section of the Liberty loan committee had charge of the publicity. No one can take credit for selling all the bonds, but it seems to me that, due to the fact that the women have had charge of the publicity and that it was through this means that the bonds were sold in Thomas County, they should have credit for this coun.ty's quota. I therefore suggest that in the report in this matter that the women of Thomas County be given the entire credit for the sales of bonds in the Victory Liberty loan campaign. CITIES. TOPEKA. City quota, Victory loan... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 963, 100 Amount subscribed through woman's committee............ 187,000 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee........ 9 KANSAS CITY. C,'ity quota, Victory loan ................................. $1, 643, 100 Amount subscribed through woman's committee............ $700,000 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee........ 42 While the closing of the war brought a general reluctance on the part of those who took part in the Liberty loan committee to enter into the work again, at the approach. of the time set for the Victory loan, patriotism, which had been lulled for a while. awoke and the women all over the State threw themselves with renewed zeal into the effort for placing the last of our war loans. Strong educational campaigns were put on throughout the State, which were managed almost entirely by the woman's committee. and in a few of the counties they also did much of the solicitation. A percentage basis of report had been agreed upon between the men's and women's committees before the opening of the loan, which it waa endeavored to have represent the result of the women's work, and varied in the counties from 10 to 100 per cent. One outstanding feature of this loan was the speaking done by returned soldiers. organized into bands by the women. which, in some districts, greatly influenced the result of the campaign, as subscriptions at the banks noticeably increaaed the days following the meetings at which the soldiers spoke. Excepting the fact of the oversubscription in the State, there baa been nothing more gratifying than the harmony with which the men's and women's committees have cooperated. The women lay down this work feeling that it has truly been a privilege to be allowed to do our share in financin~ the great World War.-State, Chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. Digitized by Google 36 Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Third loan .............................................. $11, 988, 120 Per cent............................................ 39 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14, 427, 300 Per cent........................... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21½ Fifth loan.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16, 505, 113 Per cent... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 33½ Mrs J. M. McCown, Emporia, was State chairman in the· second loan; Mrs Henry Ware Allen, for the third, fourth, and fifth loans. The quota for the Victory loan for Kansas was 25 per cent less than in the fourth campaign; in spite of this the woman's committee raised $2,077,813 more than in the fourth loan, thus increasing their percentage. KENTUCKY. Mrs. DONALD McDONALD, 1440 St. James Court, L-Ouisville, State cha-irman for eighth Federal reserve distriet. Mrs. LYMAN CHALKLEY, Brittling Apartments, Lexington, State chairman for fourth Federal reserve district. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. McDo:sALD, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan .............................. . $24,795, ]50 Amount subscribed through woman's c-ommittee .......... . $6,263,460 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee ...... . 25 Number of counties in State ........................... . 64 Number of counties organized under woman's committee .. . 50 About one-third of the counties worked under the voluntary plan or individual allotment plan, generally being credited with one-half the total sales. On April 8 the meeting of the Kentucky county chairmen of the Liberty loan committee ill:_ the eighth Federal reserve district was held in Louisville. Miss Mary Syn on represented the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee at this meeting. Mrs. Antoinette Funk, of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, addressed a. mass meeting in Louisville shortly before the campaign opened. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Three counties in the eighth Federal reserve district of Kentucky subscribed their full quotas on the first day of the Victory Liberty loan through the efforts of the women's local committees. Community singing was utilized by the women of Kentucky for the Victory loan, and several counties sent out song leaders to small towns and county schoolhouses to spur interest in the campaign. Digitized by Google 37 CITIES. LovrsvrLLE (Mrs. MARSHALL BULLITT, City chairman). f'ity quota, Victory loan (including Jefferson County) ..... . $11,263,150 Amount subscribed through woman's committee ......... . $2,614,000 Percentage subscribed through woman's com_mittee ....... . 25 Number of subscriptions sold through woman's committee .. 6,000 Notes were sold by general solicitation in allotted districts. The women in Jefferson County were so successful in the county work outside of the city proper that most of that territory was worked entirely by them in the fifth campaign. The city of Louisville was organized on military lines, the city chairman being called the general, and her assistants colonels, majors, etc. FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. CHALKLEY, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ............................... . $14,845,600 Amount subscribed through woman's committee ........ . $4,070,870 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee ....... . 27 Number of subscriptions through woman's committee ..... . 2,774 Number of counties in State ........................... . 56 Number of counties organized under woman's ·committee .. . 38 In practically all counties the volunteer system was adopted, which resulted satisfactorily, but lessened the number of bonds actually sold by women. They were, in a sense, gleaners in the field, adopting a follow-up system that proved unexpectedly fortunate: There was no uniform plan agreed upon as t_o the percentage offered by the men's committee to the women in recognition of their work. It was a go-as-you-please camp~igh, with individual methods in each county, but with excellent team work and harmony, and in most instances, full credit being given where it was due. Record of woman's committee in whole Swte for all loans. First loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75, 000 Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4, 000, 000 Third loan .............................................. $12, 371, 050 Per cent............................................ 49 Fourth loan ............................................. $19,345,122 Per cent............................................ 34 Fifth loan . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . $10, 334, 330 (Mrs. Donald McDonald was State chairman for the whole State in the first, second, third, and fourth loans, and for the eighth district of Kentucky for the fifth loan.) Digitized by Google 38 LOUISIANA. Mrs. LAWRENCE WILLIA.Ms, 4 Everett Place, New Orleans, State chairman for sixth Federal reserve district. Yrs. E. H. RANDOLPH, Shreveport (deceased), State chairman for eleventh Federal reserve district. Mrs. S. B. HrcKs, Shreveport, State chairman for eleventh Federal reserve district. SIXTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT, Mrs. WILLIAMS, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $29,708,659 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $8,068,350 Percentage credited to woman's committee.............. . . . 27 Number of parishes in State.............................. 38 Number of parishes organized under woman's committee.. 29 In eight parishes notes were sold by general solicitation, and in the remaining parishes they were sold under the individual allotment or voluntary plan, the woman's committee being credited with 50 per cent of the sales. Louisiana was organized by parishes rather than counties. A conference of parish chairmen of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee was held in New Orleans early in April. It was attended by Mrs. Samuel Lumpkin, Federal reserve chairman for women, and Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. There were three·parishes where the work was done by women only; there were no men's committees. These parishes went well over the top. OITIES. NEW ORLEANS (Mrs. PHILIP WERLEIN, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan .................................. $20,235,050 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $5,090,650 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 25 In New Orleans the Liberty loan campaigns were carried out by the War Finance Brigade, a military organization in which one of the battalions was composed of women workers in the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee's organization. ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. HrcKs, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan .................................. $6,106,600 Amount credited to woman's committee ................... $1,337,718 Percentage credited to woman's committee................. 22 Owing to the sad loss sustained by the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee after the campaign opened, in the death of the chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee of Northern Louisiana, Mrs. E. H. Randolph; the reports from this section of the Digitized by Google 39 State lying in the eleventh Federal reserve district are mcomplete. Mrs. S. B. Hicks, who succeeded to the chairmanship, successfully performed the arduous duties so suddenly thrust upon her, but was unable to report on the work of her predecessor. Record of woman's committee in whole State for all loans. Third low ............................................... $2,670,972 Per cent............................................. 9 Fourth low ............................................... $7,067,588 Per cent............................................. 14 Fifth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9, 306, 068 Per cent............................................. 25 Mrs. Lawrence Williams was State chairman for the whole State in the third and fourth loans. MAINE. Mrs. Mrs. JOHN F. HILL, 284 Beacon Street, Auburn, Swte chairman. A. WING, 11 Turner Street, Auburn, Executi·ve chairman. GRACE State quota, Victory loan ................................ . $17,360,000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee .......... . $2,758,600 Percentage subscribed through woman'd committee ...... . 17 Number of counties in State ............................. . 16 Number of counties organized under woman's committee (under 19 chairmen.) ................................. . 16 CITIES. POR'fLAND. No report except that they raised 18 per cent of city's quota. Record of woman's committee jor State in all loans. Second loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $650, 000 Third loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 960, 000 Per cent............................................ 10 Fourth loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6, 850, 000 Per cent............................................ 30 Fifth loan.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 758, 600 Per cent............................................ 17 Mrs. John F. Hill has been State chairman, and Mrs. Grace Wing, executive chairman, for the second, third, fourth, and fifth loans. MARYLAND. Mrs. SYDNEY M. CONE, 2326 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, State chairman. State quota, Victory loan .........•....................... $58, 653, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $7,108,575 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . 12 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee .............................................. . 13,763 23 Number of counties in State ............................ . 23 Number of counties organized under woman's committee .. . Digitized by Google 40 In Baltimore the woman's committee organized the schools to sell bonds, the school children securing $355,350 in subscriptions. Organizations of women in this city subscribed $3,767,100. CITIES. BALTIMORE. City quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42, 403, 400 Amount subscribed t.hrough woman's committee........... $3,767, 100 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . 8 Record of woman's committee for State in all loans. Second loan............................................ Third loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent ............................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fifth loan .............................. ;................ Per cent............................................ Mrs. second Mrs. fourth, $1,374, 705 $5, 930, 250 15 $7,428,050 9 $7, 108, 575 12 Robert Garrett, Baltimore, was State chairman for the loan. Sydney M. Cone has been State chairman for the third, and fifth loans. MASSACHUSETTS. Mrs. BARRE'IT WENDELL, 358 Marlboro Street, Boston, Stat,e chairman. Mrs. BARRETT WENDELL, jr., Boston, State vice chairman. State quota, Victory lollJl •.......................•....... $245,356,600 Amount subscribed through woman's committee......... $26,308,200 10 Percentag~ subscribed through woman's committee..... . . Numb(lr of counties in State............................. 14 Number of counties organized under woman's committee. 13 Notes were sold by general solicitation. CITIES. BOSTON (Mrs. MALCOLM LANG, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $96, 000, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee .......... $14,100,350 14½ Percentage subscribed through woman's committee........ Notes were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee carried on a house-to-house canvass, and had charge of the booths in hotels, department stores, and street booths, and of the theaters for one night. They sold no bonds to corporations, and canvassed no trades. Two hundred and six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars was subscribed through the .schools, which were in charge of the woman's committee. Mrs. Antoinette Funk spoke in Boston during the campaign, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. Di itized by Google 41 LYNN (Mrs. JoaN H. HoLLis, City cliairman}. City quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . $4, 500, 000 Amount eubscribed through woman's committee............ $304,950 0. 06½ Percentage subscribed through woman's committee......... 1,841 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's 1, 826 Number of subscriptions under $1,000....... .. .• . . . . . . . . • . . . In fifth loan women had charge of house-to-house canvass, with the agreement that no subscriptions should be taken from anyone reached in store, factory, or office canvass. Most of the large subscriptions were made through the banks. The great number of subscriptions through the woman's committee represents $50 and SlOO notes. The woman's committee sold no bonds to corporations; the only trades they canvassed were dressmakers, nurses, milliners, and doctors. They had a complete ward organization. The woman's committee was much more restricted in the fifth campaign than in the fourth. LAWRENCE (Mrs. M. E. PEABODY, City cliairrnan). City quota, Vict,ory loan.................................. $4,186,000 $309,500 Amount subscribed th.rough woman's committee........... 0. 07 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee........ 852 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 850 Number of subscriptions under $1,000... . .. . ............... Notes were sold by general solicitation. Booths were particularly featured, as there was no house-to-house canvass, and the woman's committee sold no bonds to corporations. The booths were turned over to different women's organizations, clubs, associations, and church societies. One society got out a printed circular, which they sent through the mail, advertising their booth. They were most · successful. Amonnt. subscribed through woman's committee in former campaigns: Second loan ........ . .......... . .•.. . .. . ..... . .. . ..... .. .• 'l'bird loan ......................•. .. .... .. .... . ......... Fourth loan ...•...•.•.... .. ......... . . . .................. Fifth loan ....................... . . ... .... .. ............ . NEW BEDFORD (FLORENCE B. TABER, $25,000 161, 980 43,100 309,500 City cliairrnan). City quota, Victory loan ..•.......... . ................... $5,700,000 Amount subscribed through woman's ...... ~ ... . $1,444,000 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee ....... . 25 3,578 Number of subscriptions through woman's committee ..... . 3,550 Number of subscriptions under $1,000 ... . . . .............. . Subscriptions were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee _h ad charge of · five booths in department stores. They were free to sell to corporations, but had no trades to canvass. The woman's committee worked through women's organizations and the churches. Particular attention was given to the organizations of the 169383-20--4 Digitized by Google 42 foreign women, which proved one of the biggest features of the campaign. Amount of money subscribed through organizations of women, $613,400. In the fourth Liberty loan $982,000 was subscribed through the woman's committee. LOWELL (HELENA STACY FRENCH, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ................................. $5,000,275 Amount subscribed through woman's committee . . . . . . . . . . $201,100 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee . . . . . . . . 4 1, 510 Nu:mber of subscriptions taken through woman's committee . Number of subscriptions under $1,000 • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1, 410 The chairman took the chairmanship in the second week of the campaign. They asked five women to be responsible for five purchasers, who in turn were each responsible for five more, telling them to go to the banks, most of which kept a separate woman's account, crediting it to the woman's committee. Woman's committee sold no bonds to corporations or trades. FALL RIVER (ANNA H. BORDEN, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan. . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5, 551, 350 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $102, 450 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 0. 02 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee............................................... 123 Number of subscriptions under $1,000.................... 105 Estimated number of women working in · Victory loan campaign..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Bonds were sold by general solicitation. Previous record of subscriptions secured by woman's committee: First loan.............................................. Second loan .......................................... , . Third loan ...................... :....................... Fourth loan............................................ MALDEN (Mrs. E. F. WELLINGTON, $30,350 21, 100 61,250 '(l) City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ............................... . $1,950,000 Amount subscrihed through woman's committee .......... . $252,100 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee ...... . 13 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's com1,209 mittee .............................................. . Estimated number of women workini in Victory loan 150 campaign •............................................ Notes were sold by general solicitation. Amount subscribed through woman's committee in former campaigns: 1 None; influnnza. Digitized by Google 43 $140,650 172,500 Third loan ...•.......................................... Fo,1rth loan ........................................... . SPRINGFIELD (HELEN D. BARTON, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $67,000 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 0. 007 In the fifth loan the work was done by wards, and a man chairman had charge of persons buying $500 and over in previous loans, who were not reached through business. The ward vice chairman was a woman in each ward. SOMERVILLE (GRACE s. HINCKLEY, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,100,000 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $1,050,000 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 50 Notes were sold by general solicitation, and the woman's committee was credited with 50 per cent of the total sales. Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Second loan............................................ Third loan ....................•......... .' .....•......... Per cent............................................ Fourth loan ............................................ Per cent............................................ Fifth loan ............................................... Per cent..... . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,111,000 $21, 531, 700 14 $38,716,700 12 $2_6, 308,200 10 Mrs. Barrett Wendell has been State chairman for second, third, fourth, and fifth loans. MICHIGAN. Mrs. G. EDGAR ALLEN, 110 West Fort Street, Detroit, State chairman/or seventh Federal reserve district. Mrs. CAROLINE C. BRINK, Grand Rapids, State vice chai:rman for seventh Federal reserve duitrict. Mrs. W. E. HAMILTON, 328 East Port.age Street, Sault Ste. Marie, State chairman/or ninth Federal reserve di,strict. SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT, Mrs. ALLEN, Chairman. St.ate quota, Vktory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . $110, 925, 000 Amount subscribed ..........................•.••.•..... $149,444,500 Amount credited to woman's committee................. $62,766,690 Percentage credited to woman's committee............... 40 Number of counties in State............................. 68 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 68 Sixty-four counties worked under the individual allotment or volunteer plan, the woman's committee being credited with $26,808,275, or 50 per cent of the total sales. In four counties subscriptions were Digitized by Google 44 sold by general solicitation, $32,438,933 being subscribed through the woman's committee. Amount subscribed through organizations of women, $51,000. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. AB the men's and women's organizations throughout the State were so completely ,coordinated that they worked entirely as a joint committee, it is not possible to give a detailed account of the separate and special work of the women. It is a joy to report that the women planned their work with the men, doing those things which they were logically or individually best qualified to do in their respective communi· ties. In Detroit the woman's committee had charge of the sales at the Liberty Forum down-town booths, shared in work of the schools and theaters.-Extract from State Report. Mrs. Caroline C. Brink, vice chairman of all previous loans, retained her same position for the Victory loan and took under her supervision twenty-three counties in western Michigan, with an organizer working directly under her. All State conferences were joint conferences of the men's and women's organizations and were presided over jointly by the director of sales for Michigan and the State chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. With very few exceptions this policy prevailed in the counties also. In all counties, whether upon the volunteer or subscription plan, the women were credited with 50 per cent of iihe sales, except in Detroit, where their sales amounted to $27,743,900, about 33½ per cent of the total amount. Twenty-four nationalities were reached by the woman's foreignlanguage division through night schools, public pageantries, and distribution of literature. The woman's publicity department operated from State headquarters, sending out daily to county chairmen inspirational letters and type matter to be used in the county papers. Michigan used the allotment volunteer plan entirely, with the exception of four counties; therefore an educational-campaign with publicity features preceded the opening of the official one. The schools, as usual, did their full share, except where the Easter vacation interfered, by staging contests in essays and speaking. The little playlet, "Lest We Forget," was put on so many times and in so many places that it is not possible to be accurate in this report, but conservatively estimated about 300 times. Special mention should be made of the women who acted as district organizers, for much of the success of the c'ampaign is due to their intelligent and untiring devotion and effort. Toward the end of the campaign these women were sent into the backward counties, and the testimony of the men brings the inspiring confirmation of the fact that the women saved the day. In one county the woman organizer unaided by any man organizer pushed the county over Digitized by Google 45 at the last minute. In another, one who as a speaker is equaled by few so inspired the entire committee that they requested the county chairmen of the woman's organization to try to sell bonds where men had failed, and she did it with almost 100 per cent result. CITIES. DETROIT (Mrs. Mum B. SNOW, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ................. _.. __ .......... $55,000,000 Amount subscribed....... . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $86, 000, 000 ,Amount subscribed through woman's committee ........... $27,743,900 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 331 GLEANINGS FROM THE OAMPAIGN. In Detroit a conspicuous appeal was made through the cooperation of the recreation commission, which presented a symbolic pageant and beautiful tableaux in which the foreign born participated. This was staged at Detroit's Liberty Forum, in the open in Cadillac Square, with the usual city ·crowd of thousands massed back of the ropes as spectators. The city of Detroit subscribed its quota the first day of the Victory loan, but Mrs. G. E. Allen, State chairman, telegraphed the national committee that her organization was working as hard as if the quota had not been reached and would not cease from work until every man and woman had a chance to subscribe for bonds. CITIES, Credited City. Quota. Chairman. Bay Cit_y ••••••••••••••••••• Mrs. A. M. Miller ................. . Battle Creek...... . ........ Mrs. Fred Stillson..... . ......... .. Grand Rapids .............. Mrs. David Warner .............. . l"Unt . ...................... Mrs. A. J. Reed ................. .. Kalamazoo ..... ... ......... Mrs. W. L. Brownell............. . Lansing.................... Miss Mary E. Buck .............. . Saginaw ................... _. Miss Kate Carlisle................ . Amouut subscribed. to woman's comm.1t• tee. Pncffll. 12,414, lliO 1,671,000 6,009,SOO 2,388,916 1,841,(00 1,276,760 2,215,890 13,788,300 1,900,000 7,566,260 2,423,012 1, 841,(00 1,604,700 3,313,300 IIO 60 60 60 60 60 60 NINTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. HAMILTON, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ........... . ......•.............. $6,850, 65Z Amount credited to woman's committee ................. . $1,712,663 Percentage credited to woman's committee ............... . 25 Number of counties in State .............. .. ............. . 15 Number of counties organized under woman's committee .. 15 Notes were sold by individual allotment plan, the woman's committee being credited with 25 per cent of the total sales. Digitized by Google 46 Northern Michigan held a conference of women county chairmen on April 15. It was attended by Mr5. C. A. Severance, Federal reserve chairman for women. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. One township in Michigan was entirely let alone by the men in each campaign, so that the women organized and carried on. In many counties every woman bought a bond. All material was distributed immediately upon its receipt, and an intensive educational campaign carried on. Record of woman's committee in whole State for all loans. Second loan: Lower Peninsula.................................... Upper Peninsula. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third loan: Lower Peninsula.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upper Peninsula.................................... Per cent........................................ Fourth loan: Lower Peninsula...•.......................•........ Upper Peninsula.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent........................................ Fifth loan: Lower Peninsula............................. $7,853,010 $696. 750 $18. i09. 067 $999. 200 23 $54, 314. 674 $2. 258, 236 42 $62. i66. 690 Mrs. Delphine D. Ashbaugh, Detroit, was State chairman for the whole State in the second, third, and fourth loans. MINNESOTA. Mrs. ARCHIBALD MACLAREN, 412 Holly Avenue, St. Paul, State chairman. Miss HESTER PoLLocx. Stat,e vice chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $92, 000. 000 Amount credited to woman's committee., ................ $31, :?49, 562 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 25 Number of counties in State.............................. 86 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 86 Minnesota was organized under the allotment system. In many places the people went to the voting booths and voluntarily gave their subscriptions. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Mrs. Archibald MacLaren, State chairman, zoned the State for the woman's organization and held county conferences that broughther in touch with every county chairman in the State before the loan, making it possible to overcome the great distances in Minnesota. "Keep the Loan Fires Burning" was the slogan adopted for the Victory Liberty loan by the women of the Minneapolis Federal reserve district, of which Mrs. C. A. Severance is chairman. Mrs. Digitized by Google 47 Severance went into every State in the district and, with the State chairman, attended zone conferences of the counties, declaring that while men might appeal to the commercial spirit, women would appeal to the patriotic spirit of the citizens of the district in campaigning for the loan. Two weeks before the loan opened the woman's organization had been perfected, although because of snow and bad roads the difficulties had been great. Some of the women had to travel by ox team to do their campaigning. Several Indian women on the many reservations of the district were interested in the loan, and many of the reservations averaged a $40-per-capita subscription. Throughout the country districts the women have organized speakers and publicity bureaus; h·ave tried in many counties to reach every farmer's home through a house-to-house information campaign, and have had the children taught in the schools the value of the loan to every true American. Many large and enthusiastic meetings have been held, often attended by both men and women. Sometimes speakers were sent from our central speakers' bureau, but more often the local women took entire charge of the program, accomplishing wonderful results and a full attendance in spite of heavy spring rains and muddy roads which rendered motor cars almost useless. Mrs. Antoinette Funk spoke in Minnesota during the campaign, representing the national committee. CITIES, ST. PAUL (Mrs. H. A. S. IVEB, City chairman). City qu9ta, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13, 500, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $1, 208, 450 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 9 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 7,768 The woman's committee sold no notes to corporations or to trades; they carried out a house-to-house canvass, and a report was made upon the amount actually subscribed through the woman's committee, rather than an arbitrary percentage of the total amount subscribed. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: . Second loan.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $828, 250 Third loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 258, 000 Fourth loan... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 702, 000 Fifth loan................................................ 1,208,450 DULUTH (Mrs. A. W. HARTMAN, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6, 000, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee............ $421,500 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . . O. 07 Number of subscriptions through woman's committee...... 922 Number of subscriptions under $1,000..................... 1,429 Digitized by Google 48 The woman's committee was given 8 oections. to canvass, which we subdivided into 15, each with its own captain. The woman's committee hact own chairman and headquarters and organization, working exactly as the men. worked, except that they had a residence section and the men subscribed in downtown districts, leaving all other subscriptions to the woman's committee, also the men who had no downtown offices. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Third loan.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $265, (XI() Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345, 300 Fifth loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421, 500 Reoord of woman's oommittee in State for all loans. Second loan ... -~........................................ $5,562,481 Third loan.............................................. $7,782,713 Per cent............................................ 10 Fourth loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32, 844, 900 Per cent............................................ 25 Fifth loan...............................................•31, 249, 562 Per cent............................................ 25 Mrs. Francis Chamberlain was State chairman for second and third loans; Mrs. Archibald MacLaren for the fourth and fifth loans. MISSISSIPPI. Mrs. R. 1905 Clay Street, Vicksburg, St.ate chairman for sixth Federal L. McLAURIN, reserve district. Mrs. EDMUND TAYLOR, Greenville, St.ate chairman for eighth Federal reserve district. SIXTH PEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. McLAURIN, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9, 160, IXIO Amount credited to woman's committee ................... $4, 580, IXIO Percentage credited to woman's committee................. 50 Number of counties in State............................... 43 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.... 41 The men's committee gave the woman's committee an arbitrary credit of 50 per cent of the total sales. A conference of women county chairmen was held in Jackson, Miss. It was attended by Mrs. Samuel Lumpkin, Federal reserve chairman for women, and Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Miss Martha Enochs, chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee of Jackson, Miss., was chosen to name one of the vessels of the merchant marine for Jackson in recognition of the city's oversu 7s--rir-tion to the fourth Liberty loan. Digitized by Google 49 EIGHTH FEDERAL RF.SERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. TAYLOR, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10, 638, 800 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $4,663,100 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . 43 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 8,666 Number of counties in State.............................. 39 Number of counties organized under woman's committee. 39 In 4 counties notes were sold under individual allotment or volunteer plan, the woman's committee being credited with 25 to 35 per cent of the total sales, which amounted to $506,750. In the remaining 35 counties notes were sold by general solicitation. On April 28 a joint meeting of the women and men of Mississippi and Tennessee was held at Memphis. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. In Washington County, the home of the State chairman, the men turned over the entire campaign to the women, and they alone managed the campaign. This county was one of the first to subscribe its quota. ReOOTd_of woman's committee for wlwle State in all loans. Third loan... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 789, 100 Per cent............................................ 29 Fourth loan............................................ $7,436, 775 Per cent............................................ 28 Fifth loan•.•••.. : .............. :........................ $9,243,100 Per cent............................................ 47 Mrs. R. L. McLaurin was State chairman for the whole State in the third and fourth loans. MISSOURI. Mrs. W. T. DONOVAN, 210 North Broadway, St. Louis, State chairman for eighth Federal ruerve. district. Mrs. ALBERT B. BATES, St. Regis Hotel, Kansas City, State chairman for tenth Federal reserve district. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. DONOVAN, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................ $97,422,900 Amount subscribed through woman's committee ........... $29,781,750 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee......... 34 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 35,602 95 Number of counties in State.............................. Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 95 The woman's committee organized the schools in the State, but no record was kept of the amount of notes sold in this way. In one Digitized by Google 00 county the women sold 80 per cent and in another 75 per cent, but in nearly all the counties the men allowed the women a percentage over their actual sales for the work they did in advertising, publicity, distribution of literature, clerical work, etc., work which all led up to the sale of notes. On April 10 the Missouri meeting of men and women county chairmen was held in St. Louis. This was a large meeting, and most enthusiastic. It was attended by Mrs. Solon Jacobs, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, and Mrs. Theodore Benoist, Federal reserve chairman for women. Mr. Compton, of the eighth Federal reserve district organization announced in his address that if there was any doubt about the men being able to put the eighth district over in the Victory loan, not to be downhearted, as he was quite sure that the women could do it without any assistance from the men. Mrs. Antoinette Funk spoke in Missouri during the campaign, representing the national committee. GLEANINGS FROM: THE CAM:PAIGN. An inspirational telegram from Mrs. VV,:. G. McAdoo, chairman of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, to the women workers of Missouri, was read to a meeting of 1,500 St. Louis women, who unanimously made a pledge to put the loan over the top in that city. There are instances where the women worked ip. the fields in the daytime and sold bonds at night. One Missouri saleswoman doing volunteer work was• over 80 years old. CITIES. ST. Lours (Mrs. JoHN R. HOLLIDAY, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan .............................•..• $51, 342, 650 Amount subscribed through woman's committee ......•.... _ $15,402,795 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee......... 30 GLEANINGS FROM: THE CAM:PAIGN. St. Louis women canvassed 24 of the wards of the city for the Victory loan. A miniature replica of the White House was stationed in front of the post office in St. Louis, and women sold bonds while bands played and patriotic addresses were made to attract the crowd. TENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. BATES, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31, 695, 150 Amount credited to woman's committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9, 691, 250 Percentage credited to woman's committee .. _... __ . ____ ... 50 Number of counties in State ..... ___ .... _... _._. ___ ..... _. 19 Number of countieR organized under woman's committee... 19 Digitized by Google 51 The work in each county was adjusted to local needs. The woman's committee was credited with 50 per cent of the total sales. The farmers were busy preparing their lands for new crops, and, while the early summer crops promised well, they were still subject to the hazard of uncertain weather conditions. The business men and factory workers "'ere harassed by the shortage of labor and the urgent necessity to put the war and all that pertained to it behind them as quickly as possible. The State chairman found it necessary to pursue with unswerving perseverance a policy of reanimation and reeducation to the necessities of the hour. Record of 11·oman's committee in 1chole State for all loans. Second loan ............................................. $17,190,000 Third loan .............................................. $22, 250, 750 Per cent................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Fourth loan ........... _.................................. · $50, 256, 000 Per cent..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. 6 Fifth loan ............................................... $39,473,000 Per cent..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Mrs. Philip N. Moore was State chairman for the second loan Mrs. Theodore Benoist was chairman for the third and fourth loans. MONTANA. Mrs. W. W. McDowELL, l South Ex<'eisior Avenue, Butte, State chairman. Mrs. F. S. LusK, 1011 Gerald Awnue. ~Iissoula, State v·ice chairman. State quota. Victory loan ............................... $12,702,050 Amount credited to woman's committee ....... ·........... $3, 175, 513 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 25 Number of counties in State.............................. 43 Number of counties organized under woman's committee. . . 43 Notes were sold under the allotment plan, the woman's committee being credited with 25 per cent of the sales. The State chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee reports that the women of Montana really raised 33 per cent of the State quota, but gracefully took the 25 per cent allotted them. At a conference of county chairmen of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee held in Helena, Mont., at which Mrs. McDowell presided, Mrs. C. A. Severance, Federal reserve chairman for women, spoke. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. The woman's committee made a wide campaign for publicity, traveling long distances to hold p1eetings in scattered schoolhouses. The chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee for Butte and Silver Bow Counties reports that in an intensive three-day drive, in which the Butte quota of $3,000,000 was oversub~cribed, at one of her booths, $1,152,550 worth of Victory notes were sold. Digitized by Google 52 "Victory is not earned until it is paid for" was the slogan which the woman's bond-selling organization of Montana used in the Victory loan. The great distances and the lack of transportation through various parts of the State made the work of some of the women particularly difficult. Reoord of woman's comm·ittee in State for all loans. Third loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 036, 525 Per cent............................................. 33 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4, 989, 590 Per cent......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Fifth loan ................................................. $3,175,513 Per cent............................................. 25 Mrs. McDowell has been State chairman for the third, fourth, and · fifth loans. NEBRASKA. Mrs. A.G. PETERSON, 1217 Ninth St.reet, Aurora, State chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $52, 265, 760 Amount subscribed through woman's C'ommittee ........... $10, 604, 560 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . 20 Number of counties in State.............................. 93 Number of counties organized under woman's committee. . . 93 In the fifth loan the women of Nebraska were much more thoroughly organized than the men. In some counties the women did practically all of the work in selling the notes. The weather was very inclement, and the roads almost impassable when the campaign was on. In some parts of the State the workers were obliged to use the mail service almost exclusively, as telegraph and telephone wires were down for days at a time. In every county where it was possible e. house-to-house survey was made by women workers, and has been reported to have helped greatly in many cases. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. In Keyapaha County the county chairman of the woman's committee lives at the county seat, which is 25 miles from a railroad. The county has but 3,700 population, and more than 200 of the men of that number were in service during the war. The women at home backed the men at all times, even to going into the fields and taking care of the crops, doing heavy manual labor such as they had never done before. The woman county chairman canvassed the entire county thoroughly, often on foot. The War Camp Community Servfoe furnished to the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee of Omaha a "flying squadron" of singers who traveled on trucks to various meetings in that city for the Victory loan. · Sioux County has but one town, situated in the extreme northwest corner and much nearer to settlements in South Dakota and Wyo- Digitized by Google 53 ming than to settlements in the county itself. The chairman of the woman's committee of that county, residing in the town, had to drive 35 miles through the Bad Lands to reach a point 10 miles distant where she was holding a loan meeting. Mary Ellen Rourke, 2 years old,. of Omaha, sold her father a Victory loan note, establishing a record for juvenility in bond salesmanship that has not yet been challenged. The women of Gage County own $232,000 worth of Liberty bonds, although there is hardly a woman in the county who might have been set down before the war as "economically independent." CITIES. OMAHA (Mrs. FRANK JuosoN, City chainnan). City quota, Victory loan.................................. $9, 500, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $3,892,950 41 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee......... Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 7, 413 Number of subscriptions under $1,000.................... 7,274 The woman's committee had a house-to-house canvass, the men's committee convassing the business districts. The woman's committee also had charge of the booths in hotels and restaurants and department stores. The high-school pupils were asked to help in the final canvass, securing $3,000 worth of subscriptions. School children distributed literature through the homes, teachers acting as captains; 500,000 pieces were distributed. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Two thousand women marched in the Victory parade in Omaha, preceding a theater meeting for the loan and beginning the drive for that city. In Omaha the women canvassers for the Victory loan used the ward, precinct, and block system with military rank for the subcommittee chairmen. A flying squad of "privates" emulated Paul Revere and spread the immediate messages of the loan during the drive from house to house. The National League of Woman's Service, Omaha branch, reopened the Liberty Bank on the courthouse square, where only voluntary subscriptions were received. Mrs. William Archibald Smith and Mrs. Milton Barlow, joint chairmen, together with their corps of workers, sold 451 bonds, totaling $298,950. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Second loan ........................................... . $1,250,000 Third loan ............................................. . 2,945,850 Fourth loan ...•.......................................... 2,050,350 Fifth loan .............................................. . 3,892,950 Digitized by Google 54 The first, second, and third campaigns were conducted through organizations. The fourth and fifth through house-to-house canvass. LINCOLN (Mrs. H. M. BusHNELL, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ................................ .. $1,615,000 Amount credited to woman's committee ................. . $387,600 24 Percentage credited to woman's committee ............... . The woman's committee worked through women's organizations. They sent out literature, had spMkers before the different organizations, talks from every pulpit in the city, and personal canvass in smaller organizations. Notes were sold by voluntary subscription, and the woman's committee was credited with 24 per cent of the sales, for the publicity work they did. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Thirdloan ............................................. . Fourth loan ............................................. . Fifthloan .............................................. . $21!, 000 315,000 387,600 Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Second loan ........................................... . $1,344,700 Third loan ...•.......................................... $5,641,650 Percent ........................................... . 17 Fourth loan ............................................. . $8,859,750 Percent ...... , .................................... . 12 Fifth loan............... .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10, 504, 550 Per cent............................................ 20 Mrs. A. G. Peterson has been State chairman for all loans. The quota for the Victory loan was 25 per cent less than in the fourth loan; in spite of this the woman's committee raised $1,644,800 more than in the fourth loan, thus increasing their per cent. NEVADA. Mrs. S. H. BELFORD (719 Humboldt Street, Reno, State chairman). State quota, Victory loan................................. $3,611,000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $2, 325, 255 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee......... 64 Number of counties in State .. •............................ 16 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 13 Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Second loan. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . $1, 000, 000 Third loan.............................................. $1, 030, 050 Per cent............................................ 41 Fourth loan............... .. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 463, 650 Per cent..... .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48. 9 Fifth loan.. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 2, 325, 255 Per cent............................................ 64 Digitized by Google 55 Mrs. S. H. Belford has been State chairman for all loans. Although the quota for the Victory loan was one-third less than in the fourth loan, the woman's committee raised within $100,000 of the same amount as the fourth loan, thus increasing their quota. Mrs. Baldwin spoke in Nevada during the campaign, representing the national committee. NEW HAMPSIDRE. Mrs. How ARD PARK ER, Berlin, Stau chairman. State quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15, 279, 600 Amount subacribed through woman's committee........... $3, 073, 500 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee.. . . . . . 20 Number of subacriptioris taken through woman's committee. 8, 121 Number of districts in State.............................. 23 Number of districts organized under woman's committee.. 23 On April 15 a conference of women ~ounty chairmen 'was held at Manchester. Mrs. Antoinette Funk attended, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. In the final week of the campaign, in response to an appeal of the Secretary of the Treasury, a special effort was made to secure subscriptions. A poster was issued, reading "Women of New Hampshire, Dare You Break Faith with Those Who Die in Flanders Fields 1" This was displayed in street cars, windows, public buildings, etc., and many bond sales were directly traceable to it. The campaign was marked throughout the State by many public meetings and exhibitions of that specially arranged film, "The Price of Peace." Campaign programs were prepared by each town to meet local conditions. During none of the four previous loans have so many public meetings been held throughout the State. The State chairman attended and spoke at many of these r~llies. Record of woman's cornmitUe in StaUfor all loam. Second loan.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third loan.............................................. Per cent............................................ Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fifth loan....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ $3, 932, 100 $2,470,500 24 $4, 098, 400 20 $3, 073, 500 20 Mrs. Wm. H. Schofield, of Peterborough, was State chairman for the second, third, and fourth loans. Digitized by Google 56 . NEW JERSEY. Mrs. H. 0. WrrrPEN, Wiss Building, 671 Broad Street, Newark, State chairman for second Federal reserve district. Mies ANNE McILLVAINE, 154 West State Street, Trenton, State chairman for third Federal reserve district. Mrs. Tuos. S. CHAMBERS, State vice chairman for third Federal reserve district. SECOND FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. WrrrPEN, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan .............................. $107,887,500 Amount subscribed through woman's committee... . . . . . . . $25, 020, 650 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee...... 23 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's commit73,368 tee. - - - - - - . - - -- -- -- - - --- - -- - -- - -- .. - - -- -- - - ---- - -••• 12 Number of counties in State ............................ . 12 Number of counties organized under woman's committee .. Notes were sold by general solicitation. A conference of women county chairmen was held at Newark. It was attended by Mrs. John T. Pratt, Federal reserve chairman for . women, and Mrs. Antoinette Funk and Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, representing the National Woman's Liberty ;Loan Committee GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. The activities of the women workers did not vary greatly from those of former loans. They consisted largely in general propaganda, house-to-house canvassing, patient revisiting of possible subscribers, and untiring willingness persistently to pursue small subscriptions, care of headquarters, arrangements for meetings, and arousing the interest of children in the schools. The closing down of many shipyards and munition plants and of numerous other war industries in New Jersey, and the restlessness among a large part of our foreignborn population, made it impossible to sell the same number of small bonds as in the fourth loan. The large number reported, therefore, I?ecomes a testimony to the faithfulness and efficiency of the workers. In one town, it was found that on the last day the quota had not been reached, and the women then recanvassed the town, selling many bonds at the post office and the railroad station, and at the end of the day that town had gone over the top. Through the efforts of Miss Frances Helen Kelly, of Jersey City, subscriptions to the Victory loan in the sum of $755,601 were secured. Miss Kelly rode the good horse "Thrift" all over the State, dressed in military uniform, and participated in various drives for war funds during a period of eight months, securing through her efforts $3,105,210 in all. Digitized by Google 57 CITIES, JERSEY CITY (Miss BESSIE POPE, Oity chairman). City quota, Victory loan ................................ $14, 160, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $3,219,700 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee . . . . . . . 22 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 17,027 16,983 Number of subscriptions under $1,000.................... Notes were sold by general solicitation; the woman's committee organized a house-to-house canvass. In the fifth loan the women had more responsibility and more possibility for independence; they did the greater part of the work. THIRD FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Miss McILLVAINE, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ........... ~- .................... $31, 532, 139 Amount subscribed through woman's committee.......... $8,392,150 27 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee......... Numberofsubscriptions through woman's committee....... 67,221 9 Number of counties in State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of counties organized under woman's committee... 9 In many places the women did not take corporation subscriptions. The woman's committee organized the schools, and the school children sold notes, though no record was kept of the amount sold. CITIES, ATLANTIC CITY (Mrs. MORRIS ARON, Gity chairman). City quot.a, Victory loan....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 300, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $1,708,600 51½ Percentage subscribed through woman's committee........ Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 61, 745 Notes were sold by general solicitation, the woman's committee having charge of the booths in hotels, restaurants, theaters, department stores, and street booths; they also organized a house-to-house canvass, and had a complete ward organization. The woman's committee had charge of the schools, notes being sold by the children to the amount of $262,000. Memorial booth on Boardwalk attracted considerable attention. In the fourth campaign $1,826,650 worth of bonds were ·sold by the woman's committee. Record of woman' a committee in whole State for all loans. Second loan .............................................. Third loan .........................................•.... Percent............................................ Fourth loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fifth loan................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percent .........................._.................. 169383-20---5 Digitized by $12,097,000 $22,009,000 24 $38, 340, 325 21 $33, 412, 800 25 Google 58 Mrs. H. 0. Wittpen has been State chairman for the whole State for• the first, second, third, and fourth loans. NEW MEXICO. Mrs. EARL GEORGE, Tucumcari, State chairman/or eleventh Federal reserve district. Mrs. FRANCIS C. WILSON, Santa Fe, State chairman for tenth Federal reserve district. ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. GEORGE, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ....•.•••••.••••••.•...••.••••••• $2,360,700 Amolll"tsubecribed through woman's committee ............ . $1,271,600 Percentage subscribed tbfough woman's committee •.....••• 54 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 6,611 18 Number of counties in St.ate .•••••.....•..••••...••••..••• Number of counties organized under woman's committee ••. 17 In three counties notes were sold under individual allotment or volunteer plan; in one county the woman's committee was credited with 38 per cent of the total raised. In the remaining counties notes were sold by general solicitation. On February 19 a conference of women county chairmen was held at Albuquerque. Mrs. Antoinette Funk attended, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Because the spirit of patriotism had waned to some extent, and the people did not see the nec8!Bity of this loan as they had the others, it it harder to get them to work. Thie after-the-war spirit, coupled with the financial conditions brought on by the hardest winter ever experienced in this State, made the work of raising this last loan vastly harder than ever before. We had suffered a three-year drought, and then this winter the severe and continued snows made every cattle and sheep man lose heavily, and many went broke. All are running on borrowed money. In the previous loans many people had bought, and to do so had sacrificed to the point of actual want, and this time they did not see the nec8!Bity of going that far. In this State a great part of those who buy bonds borrow money at 12 per cent to pay for them, so it is not a question of a good investment, but is an act of pure pa.triotism.-Excerpt from State chairman's report. The State chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee visited every county in New Mexico. In Chaves County the women took over the campaign for one week, and at the close they had been so successful that the men turned the entire campaign over to them, and the women put the county over the top. Two of the county chairmen in counties tha~ are thinly settled reported that they could not secure enough women to make a canvass, so had appointed some men, and the State chairman was very glad to have them, and to send them each a medal. Digitized by Google 59 Two counties deserve mention. In Valencia County the women sold more than enough bonds to cover the quota, and in Quay County they sold almost enough to put the county over. The men in Quay County did not d_o any soliciting, but assisted the women in the campaign. TENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. Wn.soN, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan.........•.. _...... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $700, 000 Amount credited to woman's committee ....................... $324,968 46 Percentage credited to woman's committee................... On February 15 a Liberty loan conference of men and women workers was held in Santa. Fe. The conference profited by an inspirational address given by Mrs. Antoinette Funk, vice chairman of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. GLEANINGS FROM 'l'HE CAMPAIGN. New Mexico had a problem almost peculiarly its own in its number of Spanish-speaking citizens to be interested in the loans, and it was largely due to the work of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee in printing and distributing loan pamphlets in Spanish that these thousands of bond buyers were interested. The "Price of Peace" films were shown in the principal towns in the 10 counties and the tanks stopped at Las Vegas, Clayton, and Santa Fe. Great demonstrations were prepared for their reception. Special recognition should be given for the splendid results accomplished in Mora and San Juan Counties. Mrs. Charles R. K~yes, the new chairman of. West Mora County, sold 214 per cent of the quota assigned to the county. This is the highest percentage of sales reported for any county in the tenth district. Record of woman's committee/or whole State in all loans. Third loan ...• _..•.. _....................... _..• _......... $1, 274, 450 Per cent............................................ 29 Fourth loan................ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . $1, 678, 080 Per cent .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . 31½ Fifth loan......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . $1, 596, 568 Per cent............................................ 68 Mrs. Howard Huey was State chairman for the whole State of N aw Mexico for the third and fourth loans. The State quota for the Victory loan was almost 50 per cent less than in the fourth campaign. In spite of this the woman's committee raised within $100,000 of the same amount raised in the fourth loan, thus increasing their quota. · Digitized by Google 60 NEW YORK. Mrs. JoHN T. Pru:rr, 120 Broadway, New York City, State chairman. Mrs. WILLARD STRAIGHT, SfJlte vice chairman. Mrs. LINZEE BLAODEN, Mrs. MoRRis K. PARKER, Mrs. GEORGE F. BAKER, jr., Miss FLORENCE WARDWELL, Mrs. HARRY W. SAGE, Mrs. HA:aoLD I. PRATT, Mrs. H. OTTo WI'rrl'EN, Mrs. LELAND S. STILLMAN, District chairmen. State quota, Victory loan ............................... . Amount subscribed through woman's committee .......... $216,675,050 17 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee...... Number ofsubscriptions taken through woman's committee 445, 020 Number of counties in State............................. 59 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 59 Number of women's committees in State................. I, 491 State quota by woman's committee, exclusive of New York City, per cent......................................... 26 GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN, More than 200 women responded to the first call from the Woman's Speakers' Bureau in New York State. Nearly all of them had seen service overseas. Under the direction of the bureau they took up a course of study to acquaint them with facts pertaining to the loan, the sentiments to which appeal might be made, and the best methods by which their experiences might be told to sway their audiences. In the group of speakers were five professors of household economics; Corpl. Katherine Baker, lawyer and magazine writer, who had been head night nurse to the Red Cross unit attached to the One hundred and thirty-seventh Regiment of the French Army, and one of the few women in the United States who has the distinction of being permitted to wear the citation cord; Miss Ruth Morgan, head of the Red Cross in Paris; Miss Grace Bissell, who was in the hospital back of the lines at Chateau Thierry; Miss Genevieve Cowles, a camouflage artist; Miss M. Chave Collison, a young Australian recruiting officer; Miss Beatrice Frankfort, operator at the Army telephone exchange at Tours; Miss Katherine Stinson; Miss Fannie Hurst; Mrs. Vincent Astor; and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, jr. During the campaign Mrs. W. G. McAdoo, Mrs. Antoinette Funk, and Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank spoke at various meetings in and near New York. Out of 72 counties of New York, which had 1,861 local committees and over 35,000 women workers, only five women county chairmen resigned in the Victory Liberty loan. CITIES, D. BARNES, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ................................ $992,417,600 Amount subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . . . 153, 143, 700 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 15½ NEW YORK (Mrs. COURTLAND Notes were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee had an almost complete precinct organization and carried on a • Digitized by Google 61 house-to-house canvass. They canvassed no trades, and sold no bonds to corporations. They also had charge of booths in hotels and restaurants, department stores, theaters, and street booths. Private and commercial schools were organized for work under the woman's committee, the children in private sohools obtaining subscriptions for $3,980,400 of bonds; $26,888,700 worth of subscriptions was sold through organizations of women. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. MJS. COURTLAND D. BARNES, chairman. Miss VIRGINIA FURMAN, vice chairman. Mrs. JAMES F. CURTIS, treasurer. Miss M. LOUISE DIXON, chairman booth committee. Misa AUGUSTA P. DIXON, chairman coupon book department. Mrs. PIERRE JAY, chairman supply department. Misa VIRGINIA PoTTER, chairman trades committee. Mrs. OscAR STEVENS, chairman theater committee. Mrs. PERCY H. WILLIAMS, chairman women canvassers, and vice chairman metropolitan canvass committee. Subcommittees. Subscribed. Booth committee, Miss M. Louise Dixon, chairman ................... Department store, railroad terminal, and post-office booths, Miss Margaret Erhart.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Hotel and restaurant booths, Mias Elizabeth Griggs............... Supervisors, Mrs. Katherine K. Skinner. Trades committee, Miss Virginia Potter, chairman; Mrs. John F. RUBB0ll, jr., vice chairman......... . ... .. .......................... Business women's committee, Mrs. Jacob A. Riis, Miss Ella Hartnett. Commercial schools committee, Mrs. Joseph E. Davis, Mrs. David Dows........................... . ............................. Hospitals committee, Mrs. John Purroy Mitchell.................. Hotel and restaurant committee, Miss M. Louise Dixon, Miss Elsa Mehler......................................................... Patriotic Household League, Miss Florence Wardwell, Mr. Henry Physick .................. -~- ...............................•. Private schools committee, Miss Marian Hollins, Mrs. Francis H. Geer. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Women's Clubs Committee, Mrs. Wm. A. Campbell, Mrs. Harry Lilly, Mrs. George McAneny..... ... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metropolitan canvass committee (women canvassers), Mrs. Percy H. Williams .....................................................•. : .. Theater committee, Mrs. Oscar Stevens ...... . ....................... . Foreign language division (women's work) ........................... . $39,749,800 424, 850 11, 298, 150 30,465,400 2,622,500 690,600 1,416,000 8,664,800 354,000 3, 985, 900 12, 731, 600 30,082,650 34,055,900 2, 1180,850 BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Mrs. WALTER SHAw BREWSTER, chairman. Mrs. JOHN RILL MORGAN, vice chairman. Mrs. HENRY BEALE SPELMAN, vice chairrrw,n. Mrs. FRANCIS L. ARCHER, chairman of coupon books. Mrs. CHARLES F. MEDD, chairman, captains at large. Mrs. HENRY BREWSTER MINTON, chairman, supplies. Mrs. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, chairman, theaters. Mrs. PAUL REVERE SMITH, chairman, clubs and organizations. Mies AGNES W. THOMPSON, chairrrw,n, booths. Mrs. WIJ.LU:u H. WHITl'ON, chairman, publicity. Digitized by Google 62 Amount subscribed. Booths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 121, 400 Capt.a.ins at large.......................................... 1,109,850 Metropolitan canVllBS (five district.a)........................ 836,200 Special subscriptions and meetings........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824, 350 Theaters............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 212, 300 BOROUGH OF THE ·BRONX. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. V. chairman. assistant to chairman. PETER H. FRIEDMAN, chairman, committee on organizations. Miss E. PERKINS, chairman, Riverdale committee. GEORGE MULLAN, DOROTHY COREY, Amount subscribed. Booths........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $76, 700 Independent teams....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84, 600 Women's police reserve teams................................ 3, 750 Miscellaneous............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 350 Theaters ........................... , ......................... 590, 150 GLEANINGS FROM THE OAMPAIGN, The New York City publicity department of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee evolved the plan of asking the chairmen to form Victory loan camera clubs to take kodak pictures of human interest for newspaper features. The department also started a communityhouse endowment of the Victory loan notes. One hundred and fifty thousand women of the women's clubs of Greater New York organized a working unit for the Victory loan, establishing headquarters in the Hotal Astor. Three hundred and seventy-nine clubs were represented, 333 of them affiliated with the State Federation of Women's Clubs. It was expected that they would raise 100 per cent of their quota. They raised, in fact, the largest percentage of quota in the New York district, securing over $13,000,000 on a quota of $450,000. Among those who talked to the crowds through the long-distance telephone arrangement from Washington were Mrs. Carter Glass, Mrs. Newton D. Baker, Mrs. Larz Anderson, and Miss Clara D. Noyes, chairman of the nursing-service bureau of the Red Cross. One doughnut, fried on the steps of the New York Sub treasury by Irene and Gladys McIntyre, the famous Salvation Army sisters, sold $25,000 worth of Victory bonds. Summary of five Liberty loan campaigns. Number or Amount subscrip- subscribed. tions. Loan. $5,972,300 19,577,450 57,751,600 94,303,600 153,ll5,850 Digitized by Google 63 ALBANY (Mrs. FREDERIC F. PRUYN, City chai1;00n). City quota, Victory loan .............•.•...•.•.•...•.•.• $11,987,500 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $2,462, 550 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. • • • • . . 20 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee 4, 967 Notes were sold by genera.I solicitation. The woman's committee took no subscriptions from corporations or from the trades. Amount subscribed through woman's committee in former compaigns: First loan •......•........................•..•.......... No record. $364,100 Second loan ..•...•......•........••.•.•.•.............. Third loan ............................................. . 1,140,400 Fourth loan ...................................... : .... . 2,485,200 TROY (Mrs. GEO. N. PATRICK, Oity chairman). City quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . $4, 900, 500 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $3,027, 900 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . • . 61 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee 9, 199 Notes were sold by genera.I solicitation, through organizations, clubs, schools, churches, booths, industries, all of which were worked through the woman's committee. School children, under the direction of the woman's committee, secured subscriptions for $171,550 worth of notes, and $500,000 was subscribed through organizations of women. Nine of the original committee, with the chairman, served through all the loans. The distribution of the Victory loan was given to the Woman'e~ Liberty Loan Committee. The German helmets sent to the city for the campaign were given for a $50,000 subscription; 15 were disposed of. Fifty-five meetings with speakers and singers were arranged for. Amount subscribed through woman's committee in former campaigns: First loan .•...............................•.....•....... Second loan ........................................... . Third loan .....•..................••.....•.......•.....• Fourth loan ........................................... . $85,000 550,500 1,779,450 3,168,650 Oity chairman). City quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • $3, 519, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $500,000 14 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . Number of subscriptions through woman's committee..... 4,519 4, 284 Number of subscriptions under $1,000.................... SCHENECTADY (Miss MARY LANDON, Bonds were sold by genera.I solicitation. The woman's committee earried out a house-to-house canvass, and had charge of booths in Digitized by Google 64 theat,flrs. They took no bonds from corporations or trades. Two thousand dollars was subscribed through women's organizations. All clerical and office work of campaign done by women volunteers. Special feature made of public speaking for loan. Prizes offered Boy Scouts. Literature distributed. Previous record of subscriptions secured by woman's committee:· Second loan ............. : ............................. . Third loan ............................................. . Fourth loan .....................•...................... ROCHESTER $71,000 139,600 500,000 (Mrs. SHERMAN CLARKE, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23, 000, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $1,003,350 0. 05 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . Number of subscriptions through woman's committee..... 3,330 3,223 Number of subscriptions under $1,000 .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . Bonds were sold by general solicitation, the woman's committee carrying out a house-to-house canvass. BUFFALO (Mrs. T. M. POMEROY, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46, 346, 300 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $6, 883, 050 Percsntage subscribed through woman's committee.. . . . . . 15 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee............................................... IO, 080 Number of subscriptions under $1,000.................... 9,090 Notes were sold by general solicitation. The trades committees so completely covered the entire city that the field of work for the woman's committee was unfortunately limited. Record of subscriptions secured by woman's committee in former campaigns: Second loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4, 022, 050 Third loan............................................... 4, 847, 800 Fourth loan............................................. 7,034,050 UTICA (NATALIA GILBERT, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ................................... $8, 111, 200 Amount subscribed through woman's committee . . . . . . . . . . . $247, 900 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee... . . . . . . 0. 03 Two teams worked on the thh-d and fourth Liberty loans and ' called on about 2,000 people; about one-half the number of women worked on Victory loan and secured about one-half the amount. Amount sub13cribed through woman's committee in former campaigns: Third loan ...........................................•....• $441,000 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 645, 250 Digitized by Google 65 Reeord of woman's committee in State for all loans. First ldan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seco'nd loan........................................... Third loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent........................................... Fourth loan ........................................... Per cent........................................... Fifth loan .............................................. Per cent.......................................... $6, 941, 995 $31,317,395 $93, 055, 890 13 $169,938,600 10 $216,675,050 17 Mrs. Courtland Barnes was State chairman in the second loan. • Mrs. John T. Pratt, State chairman for the third, fourth, and fifth loans. NORTH CAROLINA. Mrs. JOHN LONG, Kinston, State chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $31, 101, 000 Amount subscribed ...................................... $27, 164, 250 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $7, 576, 475 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee........ 27 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's com• mittee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 281 Number of counties in State.............................. 102 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 88 Eighty-five thousand dollars was subscribed through the Order of King's Daughters. A State conference of county chairmen of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee was held in April. Mrs. Guilford Dudley attended, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. During the campaign Mrs. Antoinette Funk, National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, spoke in the State. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. A county chairman went into a farmhouse in one of the western counties, with small hopes of selling a bond. She played with the baby, admired the crops, and began to tell them just why they should buy bonds. When she had talked herself breathless, the old grandmother said, "Hold on a minute, Miss. How much did you say I could pay down on a bond of $250?" When she told her, the old woman said, "Pa, go bring the pill box out of the trunk." Pa did so. The old lady paid the initial payment on $250 in dimes out of the pill box, and said she would pay cash as soon as she could "get to town." The money she had was the savings of a lifetime, from her little girlhood to her old womanhood.-Extractfrom report. Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Third loan.............................................. $7,887, 750 Per cent............................................ 42 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14, 130, 600 Per cent ............................·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Fifth loan............................................... $7, 576, 475 Per cent............................................ 27 Mrs. R. H. Latham, Winston-Salem, was State chairman for the third and fourth loans. Digitized by Google 66 NORTH DAKOTA. Miss MINNIE NIELSON, State Capit.ol, Bismarck, State chairman. · State quota, Vict.ory loan............................. . . . . $19, 131, 450 Amount credit.ed t.o woman's committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4, 782, 863 Percentage credited t.o woman's committee................ 25 Number of counties in State.............................. 53 Number of counties organized under woman's committee... 53 Notes were sold under the allotment plan, the woman's committee being credited with 25 per cent of the sales. GLEANINGS FROM THE OAMPAIGN, The women took a prominent part in the Victory parades in most · of the cities. Meetings were held in the rural districts, with good speakers and leaders of community singing furnishing programs. Much interest was aroused by the work the woman's committee did through the schools, as a result of which the children wrote ·essays and poems and made artistic posters to boost the bond sale. Many Indian women have bought bonds liberally. On an Indian reservation the women averaged $40 per capita. Re,eord of woman's committee in State/or all loans. Third loan.............................................. $2,035,600 Per cent............................................ 31 Fourth loan............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5, 000, 000 Per cent............................................ 25 Fifth loan............................................... $4,782,863 Per cent............................................ 25 Miss Nielson has been State chairman for the third, fourth, and filth loans. omo. Mm. M. N. STANLEY, Dayton, State chairman. chairman Cincinnati area. chairman Clevel,and area. MRs. FRANK C. MARTIN, chairman Columbus area. Mrs. CLARENCE EARL, chairman Toledo area. Mm. A. C. SHINKLE, Mrs. MALCOLM McBRIDE, State quota, Vict.ory loan........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $249, 678, 400 Amount subscribed through woman's committee.......... $41, 285, 153 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee . . . . . . 16 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee 61, 493 Number of counties in State............................. 88 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 62 Fifteen counties were organized under the individual allotment or volunteer plan, the woman's committee being credited with $3,659,933 or· 25 per cent of the sales. In 47 counties general solicitation was the method used to sell bonds, and in these counties the woman's committee sold 60,113 subscriptions amounting to $33,109,770. Digitized by Google 67 Four zone conferences of women Liberty loan county chairmen were held. The National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee was represented by Mrs . .Antoinette Funk at Cincinnati and Columbus, and Mrs. Guilford Dudley at Cleveland and Toledo. Mrs. Frank Mulhauser, Federal reserve chairman for women, attended all conferences. Mrs . .Antoinette Funk spoke in the State during the campaign, representing the national committee. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. As you will see * * * in some cases the women sold half the quota. In one township where the women keen competition from the men, the workers throughout the first week reported $35,000 in oii.e day, where the men worked six days in a free field, their average sales being $20,000. Another case w1lere the women were making a fine record, the men requested that they be taken out of the field for a given time, in order that they could make a better showing. I quote these two inetances; there are many others of the same character, which would be too lengthy to relate.-Extract from report. In the Cincinnati area 20 out of 25 districts the woman's committee did house-to-house solicitation. In the remaining five (which include the business district) they did clerical and special work. In this area the result of the fifth campaign has been an increase of 50 per cent for the woman's committee over the fourth campaign. CITIES. CINCINNATI (Mrs. JEROME H. STURM, City chairman). City quota (including Hamilton County), Victory loan ..... $30,342,250 Amount subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . . . . $10, 960, 900 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . 36 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 18, 989 Notes were sold by general solicitation in a house-to-house canvass, · being free also to sell to corporations. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Although the woman's committee of Cincinnati went over the top with the city on the tenth day of the loan, with 81706 subscribers, there was no :£altering on the part o:£ the women workers, as the final record shows 18,989 subscribers to their credit. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Second loan. • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Third loan.............................................. Per cent............................................ Fourth loan .................•............................ Per cent............................................ Fifth loan .................................... , .......... Per cent............................................ Digitized by $1, 685, 400 8 $4,245,900 20 $10, 102, 400 25 $10, 960, 900 36 Google 68 TOLEDO (MARY ~ocxE HARRIS, City chairman) . City quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15, 000, 000 Amount credited to woman's committee................... $3,947,500 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 25 The woman's committee did not have a selling organization. Men's committee covered city and allowed woman's committee 25 per cent of the sales. Forty-five women tabulated and sorted the material for salesmen's kits; another group of women distributed posters. The war mothers spoke in the protestant churches of the city and had their appeal read in the Catholic churches. DAYTON (Mrs. RALPH E. DE WEESE, City chairman). City quota (including Montgomery County), Victory loan .. $6, 404, 200 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $3, 422, 100 Percentage credited to woman's committee............. .. . 50 Number of subscriptions through woman's committee. . • . . 5, 850 Number of subscriptions under $1,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 350 Notes were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee ·worked entirely in connection with the men's organization, and had a share in all affairs planned by them. Women maintained booths in hotels and theaters and on street corners. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN, At the end of each day the woman selling the greatest amount of bonds was given a "flight" in the aeroplane "Honeymoon Express," which created much rivalry during the campaign. Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Third loan ............................................. . $14,468,350 Per cent............................................ 8 Fourth loan ........... . ................................ $35, 501, 975 Per cent............................................ 11 Fifth loan ............................................ .. . $41,285, 153 Per cent...... .... ........ . ... . . . . .. ........... . .... 16 The State quota for the Victory loan was 24 per cent less than the fourth loan. In spite of this the woman's committee sold $5,783,178 more than in the fourth campaign, thus increasing their per cent. Mrs. Frank Mulhauser was State chairman for the third a,nd fourth loans. OKLAHOMA. Mrs. HUGH JOHNSON, Hotel Skervin, Oklahoma City, State chairman for tenth Federal reserve district. Mrs. G. B. HALL, Durant, State chairman for eleventh Federal reserve district. TENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. JoHNSON, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ......................•.......... $28,382,550 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $5,468,662 Percentage subscribed through woman·'s committee. . . . . . . 19 Digitized by Google 69 A large part of the propaganda and educational work was left to the woman's committee in Oklahoma. The counties were organized in a systematic way by their patriotic chairmen, and the work was soon accomplished. In the greater part of the State the campaign was carried on as in the former campaigns, each county being given its quota, and, in turn, each district its quota, and all responded as quickly as during the active war period. No report was made when the quota was taken by the banks; in that case the women worked in every way possible, but actually sold no bonds and no credit was taken for the work done. ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. HALL, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ........................... : .... . $2,311,300 $318,350 Amount subscribed through woman's committee .......... . Percentage subscribed through woman's committee ...... . 13 GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. In Durant, Okla., was a woman whose boy -enlisted in the service. She volunteered to the chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee to aid in raising the town's quota of loans. Later, when the news came of her son's death in action, she worked early and late, for besides selling bonds she picked cotton and raised a hog to buy two Liberty bonds. Record/or woman's committee in whole State/or all loans. Third loan ..... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . $5, 435, 350 Per cent............................................ 18 Fourth loan ..................... : ...•...•......••.•••.. $10, 009, 600 Per cent............................................ 22 Fifth loan............................................... $5,787,012 Dr. Leila E. Andrews, Oklahoma City, was State chairman for the third and four th loans. OREGON. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. SARAH Ev ANS, No. 15 Keeler Apartments, Portland, State chairman. GEO. T. COCHRANE, State vice chairman. W. W. CALKINS, State vice chairman. H. B. CARTLIDGE, State vice chairman. State quota, Victory loan .....•....................•••••.• $26,798,400 Amount subscribed ..............................••.•..•. $28, 500, 000 Amount credited to woman's committee ...•.....•........ $14,250,000 Percentage credited to woman's committee....... . . . . . . . . . 50 Number of counties in State.............................. 36 Number of counties organized under woman's cominittee.. 33 · Notes were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee accepted a percentage of the amount raised. Digitized by Google 70 A conference of men and women county chairmen was held March 28 and 29. Mrs. Baldwin attended it, representing the national committee. In Oregon nothing ha.s so developed the capacity of women as the part they have taken in the Liberty loan drives. This is especially so of a. large group of women who never before had taken part in any organized effort for any cause or any public work. They have been given an insight into the conduct of the financing of the Government, and above all, there has been developed in them a sense of responsibility toward matters which up to this time had been entirely foreign to them.-Extractfrom Stau chairman's report. · GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. The woman's committee began their speaking campaign early in April. It was thoroughly organized and carried out with great success. .An evening meeting was arranged at nearly every school building throughout the city. .An attractive program was arranged, the community was invited through the school children of each district, and a returned soldier and a civilian speaker addressed each group. From 100 to 500 people attended each meeting. · Besides these evening meetings, afternoon meetings were arranged for the parent-teachers' associations. Every woman's organization in the city of any size was addressed by a Liberty loan speaker. .Arrangements were made with the granges throughout the State to give· time on their .April programs for a speaker on bonds. .About 200 meetings were thus arranged, and approximately 50,000 people reached in this way . .At the beginning of the campaign the publicity bureau of the men's organization was put at the disposal of the woman's committee, and throughout the campaign they could not have asked forbetter publicity than was given their work. They had a publicity chairman and each day sent to press headquarters, both city and State, whatever they had to give out for the day. When occasion demanded, the woman's committee was given part of the great display ads which were a feature of the men's publicity work. In summing up I should say that it is the best campaign we have had a part in. There were no handicaps; nothing that we felt made our work less efficient. It increased what has been growing since the women of Oregon began work of this nature;. that is, the respect that the men have come to have for women's work, their realization of the need for cooperation, their willingness to let women share work of this kind, and the feeling they have that a movement of this kind is benefited by the cooperation of the work of men and women. The greatest result, of course, from work of this kind is the effect on the women themselves, their greater sense of responsibility, their greater knowledge of financial affairs, and their broader outlook.-Extractfrom report of State chairman. CITIES, PORTLAND (Mrs. C. E. CURRY, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ................................ $14,786,325 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $7,850,000 53Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... Digitized by Google 71 In Portland every effort was made to have the's organization in such shape that it would be ready for whatever arose. The wisdom .of this was fully proven by later developments. To the 2,000 workers of the Fourth loan publicity matter concerning the new loan, the need of their services, and an appeal for their cooperation were sent out together with a return postal card in the form of a questionnaire. From these return pledges for service were made oard catalogues, arranged both alphabetically and by precincts. Thus was the woman's committee ready either to supply hundreds of women workers for the use of the men's organization or put an organized force into the field themselves if separate districts were assigned to them. In this city where more than half of the State subscriptions are raised, the men's organization had been allowed to lapse after the fourth loan. It was not until 10 days before the opening of the campaign drive that they began to form their plans. Three days before the opening of the drive, the woman's committee were asked to take over the entire management of 260 precincts out of the entire 300 in the city, including many industrial plants and business houses. Even putting into motion so large an organization on such short notice seemed a tremendous task. A house-to-house canvass was made, including such industrial plans and business concerns as were included in our territory. Not only did we cover the entire territory assigned to us, but brought in almost double the amount in subscriptions which we had been asked to secure from the territory given us. To the woman's committee fell 50 per cent of the total subscriptions taken in the city. Record of woman's committee for State in all loans. Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third loan.............................................. Per cent............................................ Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fifth loan ............................................... Per cent............................................ $8, 000, 000 $1,500,000 8 $13, 127, 460 38 $14,250,000 50 Mrs. Sarah Evans has been State chairman for all loans. PENNSYLVANIA. Mrs. J. 0. MILLER, 7109 Jenkins Arcade, Pittsburgh, State chairman. State quota, Victory loan .............................. $497,611,250 Amount subscribed through woman's committee .......... $239,619,905 48 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee...... Number of subscriptions through woman's committee. . . • 606,668 Notes were sold by general solicitation. The men's committee retained the industrial and mercantile divisions entirely, but in the Digitized by Google 72 last three or four days the counties were almost solely dependent upon the women. The men in only one county offered the women a percentage; that was 50 per cent. In one or two other counties a portion of certain industrials was given to the women. Mrs. Miller says in regard to the women workers of her State (there were 100,000 working in the Victory loan): "The women of Pennsylvania have shown a steady development. 'both in organization and in the technique of bond selling through the four loans in which they have been actively engaged in Pennsylvania. Their appreciation, in almost every county, of the value of publicity and of -closely coordinated teamwork has been remarkable. I would feel that it would not be overestimating the condition to say that they have furnished nine-tenths of the publicity for the loans in which they have taken an active part. Practically every county in the State has had a large women's parade during the course of the loan. They have held innumerable meetings, with both men and women speakers, and in many townships and boroughs they have had entire handling of the loan, the men's committee turning over the responsibility and power to them." Mrs. Funk and Mrs. Fairbank spoke in Pennsylvania during the campaign, representing the national committee. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. We have remarkable totals for the Victory loan, better than any previous campaign-in fact the women secured every individual subscriP.tion turned in. Every township was organized with strong teams of 10 or more wome; for an actual house-tohouse and farm-to-farm canvass. No one escaped the women solicitors; as many as eight trips were made to one home before one solicitor "caught" a certain man. Our organization was perfect, all township chairmen sending in perfect report cards and solicitor's papers. We used a house-to-house record report for every township, each solicitor having a definite ·territory. I am inclosing one of the solicitor's reports to show you how perfectly they were kept. We also had a team of bank solicitors for every bank in the county. These women worked in relays-from 9 to 3 every day during the loan-and had a decorated booth in each bank. This committee did splendid work, catching the people who refused to subscribe from the house-to-house solicitor. So many people say "I will subscribe at the bank," not caring to make arrangements or payments to a solicitor. We actually secured every subscription except the Pennsylvania Railroad employees, a few miners, and the men employed at the paper mill and tannery. There was no of getting the Pennsylvania Railroad men-their slips were handled by the company, which was also the case with the paper mill and tannery-the companies buying the bonds for the men and deducting so much from their wages every pay day. You will see by the inclosed table the remarkable totals that were secured by the woman's committee. Mr. Quigley in making a final report to the Federal reserve in Philadelphia wrote them that Clinton County's Victory loan was raised by the woman's committee. Mr. Quigley had to be in Harrisburg three or four days a week, so the burden of the whole campaign actually fell on me. Digitized by Google 73 The county honor flags will be raised with fitting celebrations on July 4 as part of the day's activities in honor of our returning heroes. The German helmets of both committees will be awarded the same day--ilvery subscriber's name has been dropped into a barrel, and on the Fourth drawings for the 28 winners will be held.-Excerpta from letter from Clinton County chairman. CITIES. PHILADELPHIA (Mrs. WALTERS. THOMSON, City chairman). Diatrict chairmen. Mrs. B. F. RICHARDSON, West Philadel- Mrs. WALTER J. FREEMAN, South Philaphia. Mrs. DOBSON ALTEMUS, Falls of Schuylkill. Mrs. CHEESMAN HERRICK, North Phila- delphia Mrs. LINCOLN FERGUSON, Chestnut Hill. Mrs. CHAS. S. WURTS, York Road. delphia. Mrs. W. BARKLIE HENRY, Central City. Mrs. JOHN W. MOYER, Northeast Committee. Mrs. W. B. GURLEY, Germantown. Miss B. FENIMORE, Kensington. City quota, Victory loan ........•..........•............. $187,500,000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee ...•...... $110,103,450 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee..... 58 Number of subscriptions taken thr;mgh woman's committee... . . • . • • . . • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282, 679 The only industry covered by the woman's committee was Hog Island. No notes were sold to corporations. The grand total was derived through the following: Churches. . • . . . . . • • • • • • • • . . . . . • • • • • . . • . • . . . . • • • . . . . • . • • Theaters.. • • . . . • • • . . . . . • • • . . . • • • • • • • . . . • • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . Shops... . • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • Private schools........................................... Public schools........... . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . • . . • . • . . . . . . . • . • Nlll'Bes and hospitals..................................... House to house . . • . • . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . • . . . • . • . . . • • • Booths......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Miscellaneous .....•.....•.........................•.... :. $11, 717, 450 4, 044, 400 13, 991, 800 3,533,200 18, 181, 350 83,600 16, 749, 150 26, 015, 600 15,786,900 Of the total amount subscribed through the churches, $6,695,850 was turned in by the Catholic Alliance. Under miscellaneous was included the subscriptions taken by the artists' committee, amounting to $3,354,000. The specialized activities chairmen came directly under general headquarters, and covered the following branches: Mrs. EDWARD BEECHER FINCK, Alliance of Catholic Women. Mrs. NORMAN MACLEOD, emergency and junior aides. Mrs. GEORGE A. DUNNING, Victory car. Mrs. JOSEPH N. SNELLENBURG, speakers' bureau. Dr. Louxs NusBAUM, public schools. Mrs. HARRY P. BLANK, booth committee. Mrs. THOMAS ELWYN, motor messengers. 169383-20--{l Mrs. HENRY C. EARNSHAW, meetings and features committee. Mrs. ARTHUR L. LEWIS, National League Woman's Service. MrR. JOHN W. GEARY, National League Juniors. Mis~ ROBERTA WEST, nurses and hospitals. Mrs. JoHN C. GROOME, treasurer. Mrs. EDw. BROWNING, assi•tant treasurer. Digitized by Google 74 GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. The city was divided into districts. For several weeks prior to the opening of the campaign joint meetings of the men's and women's committees were held to plan methods of promoting the success of the loan. As a result of these conferenc~s it was decided that the men's and women's committees should occupy joint headquarters throughout the city, that a Liberty statue should be erected in each district, to be used as the main booth of the woman's committee. Meetings were held here with speakers·, singers, and naval and military features. The main booth had a colossal Victory statue, and every day between 12 and 2 the streets before it were roped off and traffic diverted, so that the space could be used for the daily meetings. Opening-day exercise were held in each district, the women chairman being chosen to unveil the statute in each instance. In the central city district, one of the greatest successes was called "Camac Street, the Biggest Little Street in the World," which covered two squares. This was under the direction of the artists, with Mrs. Charles R. Wood representing the central city district. The committee was assisted by well-known poster artists, etchers, and portrait painters, who did posters, portraits, and etchings, which were sold by auction to the highest bidder, the ·proceeds going for bonds. Portrait painters volunteered to paint a portrait of anyonebuying a Victory bond for $10,000 and up. In the evening, dinners were served in the different art clubs, followed by theatrical performances .in the street. Continuous bond selling prevailed. The public schools were very active; the child who sold the largest number of bonds in each school was given a German helmet. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Second loan...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9, 800, 000 Third loan.. . • • • . . • . • • . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . • • . . • . • • • • • . • 53, 200, 850 Fourth loan............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 72, 020, 115 Fifth loan .....•.•.............. ·. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • 110, 103, 450 PrrrsBURGH-(Mrs. CLARENCE RENSHAW, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ....•......•...................•. $117,195,350 Amount eubscribed through woman's $52,249,450 Percentage subscribed through woman's 44½ Number of subscriptions sold through woman's 100,000 Number of subscriptions under $1,000, approximat.ely.... 75,000 The woman's committee sold no notes to corporations. They had charge of booths in hotels, restaurants, theaters, department stores, and also street booths. Bonds were sold by general solicitation, and the woman's committee carried on a house-to-house canvass, also having a complete ward organization. Digitized by Google 75 GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. The woman's committee made a replica of a front-line trench in the downtown section, with dugouts manned by eight war activities. They also sent out a Victory truck every day during the campaign. It held a Victory concert and ball, with Metropolitan opera singers, and local talent for entertainment. Receipts from that night, $4,000,000. Amount subscribed through woman's committee in former campaigns: First loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $138, 150 Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 000, 000 Third loan ................. ·.............................. 38,256,250 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 680, 300 JOHNSTOWN (FLORENCE M. DIBERT, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan................................. Amount subscribed through woman's committee......... Percentage subscribed through woman's committee........ Number of subscriptions sold through woman's committee.. Number of subscriptions under $1,000 ............... '..... $4,200,000 $2,280,350 54 7,489 7,242 Notes were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee had a house-to-house canvass and had a complete ward organization. They also had charge of the booths in the department stores, and the post office, as well as the schools, the school children selling $2,050 worth of bonds, and the high school $4,800 worth. Ten thousand dollars was subscribed through women's organizations. The chairman reports:' 'Woman's educational propaganda-houseto-house canvass-was a dynamic force in reaching quota, and getting the people to understand that they were the Government. We set the people to thinking about community and State and national affairs." Amount subscribed through woman's committee: First loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Second loan............................................. Third loan................................................ Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fifth loan......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ERIE (HATTIE M. SCHWABACKER, $65, 500 750,000 1, 045, 900 2, 431, 100 2, 280, 350 City chairrnan). City quota, Victory loan................................. $5,125,000 .Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $1, 054, 000 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 20½ Number of subscriptions sold through woman's committee.. 3,731 Number of subscriptions under $1,000 .................... · 3,400 Notes were sold by general solicitation, the woman's committee having a complete ward organization, though they took no subscriptions from corporations. Digitized by Google 76 Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $375, 000 Third loan....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716, 950 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985, 750 Fifth loan ................................................. 1,054,000 ALLENTOWN (Miss FLORA M. KRAH, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 830, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $1, 911, 650 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 67 Number of subscriptions secured through woman's committee................................................. 4,462 Estimated number of women working in Victory loan campaign................................................. 500 Bonds were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee sold no bonds to corporations; they had a complete ward and precinct:organization and carried on a house-to-house canvass, also having charge of the booths in hotels, theaters, banks, and the street booths. Forty.:eight thousand four hundred dollars was subscribed through organizations of women. Record of subscriptions secured by woman's committee: Third loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 212, 450 Fourth loan............................................ 1,020, 700 Fifth loan............................................. 1,911,650 Record of woman's co1nmitteefor State in all loans. First loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 000, 000 Second loan. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30, 139, 920 Third loan .............................................. $135, 736, 580 Per cent............................................ 37 Fourth loan ............................................ $226, 141,061 Per cent............................................ 32 Fifth loan ............................................. $23,619,905 Per cent.. ._......................................... 48 The quota for the Victory loan for Pennsylvania was one-third less than in the fourth campaign; in spite of this the woman's committee secured $13,477,844 more than in the fourth loan, thus increasing their per cent of the quota. Mrs. J. 0. Miller has been State chairman for all loans. RHODE ISLAND. Mrs. WALTER A. PEcK, Providence, State chairman. State quota, Victory Liberty loan .......•................. $22, 500, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $4,373,450 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee......... 19 Notes were sold through general solicitation. The woman's committee sold no notes to corporations. They had· a complete ward and Digitized by Google 77 precinct organization, and had charge of street booths, booths in department stores and in hotels. Mrs. Antoinette Funk spoke in Rhode Island dur_ing the campaign, representing the national committee. CITIES. PROVIDENCE (Mrs. WALTER PECK, Chairman). City quota, Victory Liberty loan............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22, 500, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $2,571,150 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 11 Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Third loan.............................................. $3,083,805 Per cent............................................ 12 Fourth loan............................................ $4,726,850 9. 45 Per cent...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fifth loan ................................. ,............. $4,373,450 Per cent............................................ 19 Mrs. Walter Peck has been State chairman for all loans. SOUTH CAROLINA. Mrs. FRED S. MUNSELL, 1824 Green Street, Columbia, State chairman Mrs. GEORGE L. BAKER, State vice chairman, State quota, Victory loan ................................. $24, 948, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $9,079,890 36¼ Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... Number of counties in State.............................. 46 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 46 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 22,059 Each loan showed a marked improvement in organization and in the work of the women. From the first they gave themselves to the work with their whole hearts and souls. In the Victory drive the women were largely responsible for the State going over the top. The men had lost interes"t and there was much apathy among them. In several counties where there was no man chairman the women put on the drive and raised their county's quota without the assistance of the men's committee.-Extractfrom report. A State conference of county chairmen was held in Columbia on March 20. Mrs. Guilford Dudley spoke, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. Gov. Robert A. Cooper, of South -Carolina; Gen. W. E. Coles, commanding officer at Camp Jackson; Mrs. Leroy Springs, president of the South Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs; Mr. Charles H. Barron, State chairman of the men's Liberty loan committee were the other speakers. During the campaign Ml'.s. Antoinette Funk and Mrs Kellogg Fairbank spoke in South Carolina, representing the national committee. Population of State, 1,592,000; percentage of colored people, 55.2. Digitized by Google 78 GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Booths were conducted by women in all towns that were large enough to warrant them. Organization in the Victory loan consisted of the State chairman, an executive committee, 7 congressional district chairmeni 46 county chairmen, township and school district chairmen in each county. In the cities, ward chairmen for every ward, with captains and lieutenant for every block. Each county chairman had a publicity chairman, and in most cases the same women who h,ad done the publicity work in previous campaigns kept this office, and supplied State headquarters ·with clippings and news of the activities in their counties. Many excellent features were put on. The woman's committee distributed posters and literature and in fact did most of the publicity work throughout the State. House-to-house canvassing was done entirely by the women and they made a special effort personally to reach each individual. "The barrage is down-let's drive" was the slogan adopted by the women's Liberty loan for the Victory loan as a result of a children's prize slogan contest. The women held a gold star memorial service on the last day of the Victory loan drive by raising the Stars and Stripes, the State flag, and a gold star flag from the roof of the State capitol dome. Mme. Schumann-Heink led the community chorus, singing the Star-Spangled Banner as the flags were unfurled. In two of the counties no man chairman was appointed, and the women conducted the entire campaign. In several other counties the men's committee turned the campaign over to the women, who most succe.~sfully put the county over the top. Relationship with the men's committee was most cordial and cooperative. The men had learned the value of the woman's committee and were very glad to call upon us for assistance. The conditions in this State at the beginning of the drive were very discouraging. The price of cotton was low and cotton was being held. Many people were still paying for bonds of previous issues. In the rural districts the people were obliged to put all available ·cMh into fertilizer, and they were borrowing from the banks besides. Many of the men of the State were very anxious to get back to normal, as they felt their business had suffered from the many calls upon their time during the war, and there was apathy and lack of interest among some of them. The dirge, "The Fifth Victory Loan Will Never Be Put Over," echoed and reechoed from one end of the State to the other. The women, however, set out with determined hearts, inspired by the spirit of thanksgiving that 100,000 of our brave boys' lives had been saved by the signing of the armistice, and realizing the fact that the money asked for by the Government was to bring the boys home and pay a just and honorable debt, they organized their forces with undaunted courage and pledged themselves gladly, cheerfully, and thankfully to see the Victory loan through. It is impossible to say that any one factor was responsible for the success of the woman's committee. Three elements, however, contributed largely. First, the untiring hard work and devoted patriotism of the women; second, the wonderful Digitized by Google 79 cooperation and harmony in every branch of the organization; and third, the team. work and hearty good-fellowship that existed between the men and the women.Extractfr<Ym State report. CITIES. COLUMBIA (Mrs. ALEX E. KINo, City chairman). City quota, Victary loan.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 494, 800 Amount subscribed through woman's committee....... . • • . $1, 230, 050 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . 35 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 1, 836 Number of subscriptions under $1,000.................... 1,500 The campaign was organized for general solicitation. The woman's committee had a complete war organization; had charge of booths in hotels and restaurants, department stores, theaters, and street booths; and also carried on a house-to-house canvass. The Boy Scouts worked under the woman's organization and were of the greatest assistance. Six hundred dollars was subscribed through organizations of women. CHARLESTON (Mrs. R. G. RHETT, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ...•.............................. $4,890,000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee .•......... $753,000 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee ....... . 15½ Number of subscriptions through woman's committee .... . 2,200 Notes were sold by general solicitation. After a thorough houseto-house canva~s was made entirely by the women, they were given "special prospects" among corporations to canvass. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Third loan ...••........•.................. .-............• Fourth loan .......•.........•.....•.........•.•.......... Fifth loan .............................................. . $684,600 1,227,350 753,000 Record of woman's committee in St,atefor all loans. Second loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 000, 000 Third loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4, 461, 800 Per cent............................................ 30 Fourth loan ...................•.........•.....•.•.......• $10, 286, 450 Per cent............................................ 31 Fifth loan............................................... $9,079,890 Per cent. .......................................•... · 36¼ Mrs. Munsell has been State chairman for all loans. SOUTH DAKOTA. Mrs. EL:t.woon C. PERISHO, State College, Brookings, State chairman. Mrs. CHAS. J. BUELL, St,ate vice chairman. State quota, Victory loan ..........................•.•.• $22, 500, 000 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $6,153,510 Percentage credited to woman's committee.............. . . 25 Number of subscriptions bought by women............... 17, 723 Amount subscribed by women........................... $2, 658, 450 Di itized by Google 80 The State was organized under the individual allotment plan, the woman's committee being credited with 25 per cent ~f the total sales. Fifteen thousand dollars was subscribed through organizations of women. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN, ' In Perkins County, which is in the newer part of the State, men and women drive 70 miles to come to a Liberty loan meeting. The sending of the tanks into this territory was an additional incentive to come to patriotic gatherings. In these newer parts of the country, the readiness with which homesteaders bought bonds was inspiring. Families whose homes had not even the barest comforts of life, invested. The State chairman reports that one family borrowed money at 10 per cent interest to buy bonds in the third campaign. The chairman of the woman's committee tells a story about one of her chairmen which characterizes the spirit of the Liberty loan workers in that State. The chairman of Harding County traveled 75 miles by motor in a rainstorm to go on to a meeting in Deadwood with the chairman of Meade County. There they were snowbound for three days; went back to Meade County and there had to wait three days more before she could go home again. The roads were in a terrible condition when she started, and it took her more than 17 hours to travel this distance, but she thought no hardship too great to carry the message of the Victory loan to the women of her county. A woman worker in Alexandria was so crippled by rheumatism that a personal canvass for the loan was impossible, so she ·devised the scheme of sending out Victory loan literature by placing the leaflets in egg cases. South Dakota is exceedingly prosperous, and the opportunities for safe investment at higher rates of interest than the Victory bonds paid are numerous, but, nevertheless, the people were very glad to subscribe and oversubscribe. In Gregory County every man, woman, and child committed to memory the "Am.erican's Creed." The women on the loan committee are, as a rule, sorry that their work ie over, for we all have enjoyed it. I think you may count on us whenever again in the future the Government may have need for our services. I eha!l he very glad if the opportunity a.rises for me to work again under the same leadership.-Excerptfrom report. The woman chairman of Potter County got out a ca.rd for every person in her county with this inscription: Has your wife helped to save the money you are going to invest in Victory notes? Hasn't she said from time to time, "I will not buy this because we must save for Liberty bond&t" Will you show your appreciation of this helpfulness by ta.king pa.rt · of this allotment in her name? Digitized by Google 81 Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Third loan.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 224, 150 Per cent............................................. 9 Fourth loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9, 202, 962 Per cent.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 25 Fifth loan.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6, 153, 510 Per cent............................................. 25 Mrs. Perisho has been State chairman for the third, fourth, and filth loans. TENNESSEE. Mrs. JOHN R. AUST, Nash ville, State chairman for lfixth Federal reserve district. Mrs. SAMUEL PHILLIPS, 711 Exchange Bank Building, Memphis, State chairman for eighth Federal reserve district. SIXTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. AusT, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $24,437,850 Amoun,t subscribed through woman's committee ........... $12,693,250 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. . . . . . . 51. 9 Number of counties in State.............................. 76 Number of counties organized under woman's committee. . . 76 Mrs. JOHN AusT, chairman, Nashville zone. Mrs. MILTON B. OcHs, chairman, Chattanooga zone. Miss MAY RoGERs, chairman, Knoxville zone. Chattanooga zone used the allotment plan, also some of the counties in the Nashville zone, the others by general solicitation; Knoxville zone sold bonds by general solicitation. At a State conference of county chairmen, Mrs. Guilford Dudley spoke, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. "His picture in the paper" was the incentive which inspired a small newsboy of Nashville, Tenn., to organize the newsboys of . the State and buy bonds of the fourth Liberty loan. He was standing at the State publicity chairman's desk watching her write up the Sunday news and com.pile the photographs of prominent Liberty loan workers of the State. He said to the chairman, "If I buy a bond can I get m.y picture in 1" She assured him. that the purchase of a bond would produce the desired result, and suggested that he buy one on the installment plan. He rushed out of the office immediately, came back with $5 and a friend who also desired a kind word from. the press. When the picture was published the small newsie became one of the most enthusiastic loan workers in Tennessee. He aided the woman's committee in organizing the newsboys of the State, who bought $200,000 worth of bonds, with no individual subscription over $100. Digitized by Google 82 Owing to the impassable condition of the roads in Hawkins County during the campaign, the women made a house-to-house canvass on horseback. Their quota of $163,900 was r.aised. Loudon County subscribed her quota before the campaign started. On being asked by headquarters if they needed a tank or any publicity stunts, the woman's chairman replied "We need nothing but two German helmets as trophies; the countyis over." Their quota, which was $121,750, was oversubscribed by $14,000. The women of a rural district organized "butter and egg day" sale of bqnds. They chose one day of each week during the drive, and pledged the profits of that day's sales to the purchase of bonds. The State publicity chairman passed on the plan to all the counties in the division, and asked each Sunday school in the rural district to propagandize the method. In this way thousands of dollars were invested by the country women in the Victory loan. The women of Greene County, with their slogan, "Every housewife a bondholder," and their all-ladies minstrel show for a publicity feature of the loan, proved of invaluable assistance. The quota of this county was $234,750, and woman's Liberty loan subscriptions were $320,ooo: Afternoon and night performances of this minstrel were given in several districts of Greene County, selling bonds at' each performance. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. PmLLIPs, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $14,490, 900 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $6, 263, 750 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 43 Number of counties in State.............................. 21 Number of counties organized under woman's committee... 16 Eight counties worked under individual allotment or volunteer plan, and were credited with 50 per cent of the sales. Eight counties worked under general solicitation plan. On April 8 a joint meeting of the women and men county chairmen of Mississippi and Tennessee was held at Memphis. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Hardin County had only 12 women working under direction of Miss Gertrude Irwin, and raised 96 per cent of the quota. This county has no bridges and no railroads, and the Tennessee River divides the county. Five counties were carried by banks with no work for men or women, hence no report. Memphis and Shelby County women did all publicity features and turned town into carnival on streets for one week, until quota was reached. To show the spirit of enthusiasm manifested in Tennessee, we repeat the following incident: At a conference of county chairmen, Mrs. Digitized by Google 83 Phillips was telling of one of her best workers, a county chairman, who had just received news that her son had been killed in battle, saying, of course, she could not ask her to take part in the campaign. Unknown to her this chairman was present, and while she was still speaking a little woman in black at the end of the hall stood up and said she would take part as she had always done; that if she did not do so she would not be loyal to the cause for which her son had died. Record of woman's committee in whole St,atefor all loans. First loan ..................• ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fourth loan ...........•....•............................. Per cent............................................ Fifth loan......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ $1, 000, 000 $2, 650, 000 $8, 292, 200 36 $25,273,525 47 $18, 956, 000 48 Mrs. Guilford Dudley, of Nashville, was State chairman for the whole State in the first, second, and third loans. In the fourth loan Mrs. Samuel Phillips was State chairman for the whole State. TEXAS. Mrs. E. B. REPPERT, 405 Slaughter Building, Dallas, St,ate chairman. State quota, Victory loan........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $81, 535, 800 Amount subscribed through woman's committee ........... $25,222,550 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... 30 Number of counties in State.............................. 252 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 230 Record of woman's committee in St,atefor all loans. Second loan •.........•...•............................. Third loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fifth loan......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000,000 $20, 075, 800 23 $30, 178, 800 27 $25, 222, 550 Mrs. D. E. Waggoner, of Dallas, was State chairman in second loan; Mrs. Minnie Fisher Cunningham was State chairman for the third and fourth loans. UTAH. Mrs. WILLIAM MONTAGUE FERRY, Salt Lake City, St,ate chairman. Mrs. EMMALINE B. WELLS, S'alt Lake City, St,ate vice chairman. Mrs. WM. FREDERICK ADAMS, Secretary. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $13, 851, 900 Amount subscribed ...................................... $14,068,800 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $7,034,400 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 50 Digitized by Google 84 A joint conference of men and women county chairmen was held at Salt Lake City on March 14. At a meeting of county chairmen and executive committee members held previous to the campaign, it was unanimously voted to· divide the total returns between the two committees. No hard and fast regulations as to actual campaigning methods were recommended to the county chairmen, it being thought best to leave them, as heretofore, to work out their individual problems, since there seemed so great differences in local conditions to be met. The Federal reserve chairman for women, Mrs. A. S. Baldwin, paid Utah a visit prior to the opening of the campaign. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. The Mormon Church placed its entire subscription to the Victory Liberty loan through the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee in the State of Utah. The president of the church, in making the subscription, stated to Mrs. Ferry that the work of women in the war finance entitled them to the credit of the placing of the subscription. GLEANINGS FROM THE SALT LAKE CITY CAMPAIGN. The campaign opened with an air circus, three days prior to the official opening date. A great feature was made of this; the attention of the public was thus focused upon the drive at the beginning. The women had charge of the street activities, and opened proceedings with a vim. Billy Sunday was one of the attractions of the campaign, and the woman's committee took charge of the soliciting at his lecture. The Woman's Bungalow Bank, which had proved such a successful feature of former drives, was again used, the building being donated as before, and erected during the night previous to the campaign opening, upon a proininent business corner. Another street method was solicitation from trucks loaded with wounded soldiers, accompanied by speakers and musicians, assisted by girls and women, who worked among the crowd. Twenty-two booths were maintained by the woman's cominittee in stores and on streets. Total results of booth cominittee, $483,450. The church cominittee maintained its former fine records, and was successful in having all denoininational churches, large and small, represented·; total, $191,100. The. Latter-Day Saints women's organization suceeded in rolling up a total far in advance of any previous record. This committee alone had about 800 workers in the field; total, $352,250. The women's clubs cominittee, including the Catholic Women's League, also outdistanced ail former records in this campaign, by bringing in a total of $139,150. The educational cominittee was equally successful, turning in $132,850, which Digitized by Google 85 was considered a splendid result, as no effort was made in this campaign to use the school children for selling purposes. Record of woman' a committee in State for all loans. Third loan............... . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . $3, 336, 450 Per cent............................................ 32 Fourth loan.............................................. $6,307,000 Per cent............................................ 31 Fifth loan............................................... $7,034,400 Per cent............................................ 50 Mrs. Ferry has been State chairman for the third, fourth, and :fifth loans. VERMONT. Mrs. E. C. SMITH, 121 Congress Street, St. Albans, State chairman. Mrs. CHAs. A. SIMPSON, State vice chairman. State quota, Victory loan ......................•.•..•.••.• $9,515,000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee .•...•..... $2,714,100 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee .•..•.•.• 28½ Number of counties in State .....................•.....•.. 14 Number of counties organized under woman's committee .• 13 GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. In Clarendon there was no man chairman, and after the drive started the woman chairman was given the entire field. She raised several thousands over the quota. She had two men on her committee; one sold $100 bond, the other about $2,000. The women raised $19,200. The feeling throughout the State has been much better in the fifth loan. I think the men generally admit that we are extremely useful.-Extractfrom report. Record of woman's committee/or State in all loans. Third loan....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 020, 600 Per cent............................................ 12 Fourth loan.............................................. $3,534,100 Per cent............................................ 26 Fifth loan ........................•••...•...... '.... . . . . . . $2, 714, 100 Per cent..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28½ Mrs. Smith has been State chairman for all loans. VIRGINIA. Mrs. JoHN L. HAGAN, 254 Jefferson Street, Danville, State chairman. Miss ANNA L. JONES, Stare vice chairman. Miss Annie M. Braxton, Fredericksburg; Mrs. Walter B. Ryan, Lynchburg; Mrs. Mark Reid, Radford, executive committee. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $51,366, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee ..•......... $21, 519, 950 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee.... . . . . 41. 9 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 35, 750 Number of counties in State.............................. 100 Number of counties organized under woman's committee... 80 Digitized by Google 86 Schools were organized under woman's committee, but no record was kept of the amount of notes sold by school children. A conference of county chairmen Wa.9 held in Richmond on April 1. Miss Mary Synon attended; representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. During the campaign Mrs. AntoinetteFunk, National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, visited the Stateand spoke at a meeting. The men's committee in Virginia have never endeavored to limit the woman's committee in the field of its endeavor. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. The woman's Victory loan committee of Appomattox County guaranteed to the Woman's National Liberty Loan Committee the- . subscription of Appomattox County quota, holding themselves responsible for the whole amount in ca3e it was not otherwise subscribed. Not politics but peanuts w'as an important issue at the Victory Joan conference of the women county chairmen of Virginia. The peanut crop and the price of peanuts was a factor in the Victory loan,. and the women chairmen of those counties where peanut production was the principal industry faced the problem of aiding the farmers. toward a financial adjustment with the banks. I am glad to say that only in a few isolated instances did the women fail to receive hearty and enthusiastic cooperation from the bank committee, and those instances were more than offset by the cases in which the women practically carried on the campaign for both.-Extractfrom the report. · CITIES. NEWPORT NEWS (Mrs. H. E. PARKER, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan.................................. Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... Percentage subscribed through woman's committee........ $1, 677, 400 $525,000 31 Notes were sold under voluntary subscription and general solicitation plans. The woman's committee sold no notes to corporations or trades, but were organized with a complete ward and precinct organization, and carried on a house-to-house canvass, also selling notes at hotel and restaurant booths and street booths. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Second loan ............................................. . Third loan ............................................. . Fourth loan .......................................... -. - . Fifth loan .............................................. . Digitized by $50,000 150,000 275,000 525,000 Google . 87 NORFOLK (Mrs. FRANTZ NAYLOR_, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan.................................. $7, 531, 000 Amount sooscribed...................................... $9,447,500 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $4, 723, 750 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 50 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 5, 250 Number of subscriptions under $1,000. .•• .. ••• •• .• • •. . . . . • • 4,500 Notes were sold under the allotment plan and by general solicitation, the woman's committee being credited with 50 per cent of the \otal sales. The woman's committee carried on a house-to-house canvass, and had charge of street booths and booths in hotels, theaters, and department stores. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Third loan ............................................. . Fourth loan ............................................. . Fifth loan .............................................. . ROANOKE (Mrs. I. W. GodDWIN, $950,000 3,250,000 4,723,750 City chairman). City quota, Victory loan.................................. $2, 101, 000 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $1, 390, 600 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee........ 66 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 2,588 Notes were sold by general solicitation. The woman's committee was active in general canvassing, helping with parades, street days, and booths in department stores, theaters, and on the streets. Men's committee and woman's committee worked together with absolute cooperation. We were as ready to take suggestions as to give. Our aim was one-half, which we more than raised.-Extractjrom report. Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Third loan................................................ $741,000 Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 833, 350 Fifth loan ................ -................................. 1,390,600 Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Second loan............................................ Third loan..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fourth loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ Fifth loan......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,067, 750 $10,408, 500 36 $21, 224, 900 33. 2 $21, 519, 950 41. 9 Mrs. John L. Hagan has been State chairman for all loans. The quota for the Victory loan was 20 per cent less than in the fourth loan; in spite of this, the woman's committee raised $295,050 more than the fourth loan, thus increasing their quota. Digitized by Google 88 WASHINGTON. Mrs. OVERTON G. ELLIS, 811 North G Street, Tacoma, State chairman. Mrs. W. J. PATTERSON, Aberdeen; Mrs. N. S. McCREADY, Snohomish; Mrs. J. S, McKEE, Olympia; Mrs. M. L. WATSON, Hoquiam; Mrs. EDGAR AMES, Seattle, State vice chairmen. State quota, Victory loan........... . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44, 365, 250 Amount subscribed through woman's committee ........... $29,902,442 67 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee. • . . . . . Number of counties in State.............................. 39 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 38 A complete State organization perfected in 38 counties, uniform in all, known as "The Minute Women's Organization," has put through all loan campaigns. The minute woman organization of Washington was begun before the second Liberty loan. It included organized and unorganized women, and in its ranks were Chinese, Japanese, Negroes, and Indians. Through this organization literature in 22 languages was distributed. It consists of a State committee, which includes officers and auxiliary chairmen in charge of six districts. Each county has a county chairman and a minute woman organization. Each incorporated town has a minute woman captain for each ward. This ward captain appoints a precinct lieutenant and the lieutenant appoints sufficient minute women to carry out a house-to-house canvass of the precinct. Eight thousand minute women served in the Victory loan campaign. The woman's committee organized the schools. The children sold bonds. A State conference of comity chairmen of th(3 woman's committee was held in Seattle March 28. On March 29 the men's conference was held, to which the women were invited. Mrs. Baldwin spoke in Washington during the campaign, representing the national committee. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Nearly every county held county conferences, all following very closely the outline of the State conference, and all reporting them of great help. In the farming and agricultural districts the women used many different methods of reaching the settlers; one minute woman walked 8 Iniles in a district she could not reach by horse or car. Children's parades were held in many places and were reported the best ever held, getting more people out than any other one feature. At Snohomish a woman chairman was in charge of the entire county. This was an honor in recognition of excellent work accomplished in previous campaigns. Digitized by Google 89 One of the most inspiring meetings held was in the I. W:. W. country, among the loggers at Twin Rivers. The majority of the men, by their deep interest and enthusiastic applause, showed that they were glad to echo the sentiment of loyalty and triumph in the victory of the great national cause. Among these men I found an American who had served his two years with the King's Royal Rifles under Haig in Flanders. There seemed to be a general feeling of pessimism throughout the State, especially among the business men, before the loan started, many saying the entire amount would have to be taken by the banks. This spirit spured the women to more determined action, and never have they entered a campaign with so much energy and vim, with the result conditions were soon changed and the loan was put over beautifully, county chairmen, with few exceptions, reporting it the easiest and best of all. The reports show a closer cooperation between the men and women; an improved condition in the general attitude of the public toward bond buying, not a single case of coercion being reported and only one or two places experiencing the least difficulty whatever, most places going over in the first week and many the first day. A decided improvement in the attitude of the general public, and men especially, toward the value of woman's work; but even yet I do not believe the men fully acknowledge its value. It is hard to realize what it has meant for our women to go time after time into the homes of our citizens until a feeling of friendship and brotherhood has developed that will be of inestimable value to the community in the future as well as the educational value to these people, many of them having learned that they could really be bondholders and have a vital interest in our Government; only future _ generations can tell the great value of the woman's work during this war.-Extract from State report. CITIES. SEATI'LE (Mrs. FREDERICK BAUSMAN, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan ................................. $18,301,400 Amount subscribed ...................................... $19,619,200 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $9,809,600 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 50 The woman's committee had a complete ward and precinct organi~ zation and carried on a house-to-house canvass; they also had charge of the booths in hotels and restaurants and the street booths. The first week of the campaign the men's committee was given a clear field for solicitation of the business district, the woman's committee did only the publicity and educational work this week; the second week they conducted the house-to-house canvass, and the third week the booths. They had speakers who covered the schools and women's organization, reaching 38,000 students and 10,000 women. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Organized boys' bugle and drum corps to represent woman's committee in parade and other publicity features during the campaign. 169383-20--7 Digitized by Google 90 Supplied a fire truck with speakers, music, and solicitors. Sold bonds at different street corners. TACOMA (Mrs. OVERTON G. ELLIS, City chairman). City quota, Victory loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4, 234, 050 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $2,197,175 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 50 The voluntary subscription plan was adopted, the woman's committee being credited with 50 per cent of the sales. Woman's committee made a house-to-house canvass. There was a complete ward and precinct organization. Amount subscribe.d through woman's committee m former campaigns: Second loan ................................... per cent, . Third loan ........................................ do.... Fourthloan ...................................... do.... 10 20 20 Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Second loan, per cent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Third loan.............................................. $2,474, 300 Per cent............................................ 11 Fourth loan ............................................ $11, 257, 907 Per cent............................................ 19 Filth loan .......•....................................... $29,902,442 Per cent............................................ 67 (Mrs. Ellis has been State chairman for the second, third, fourth, and fifth loans.) The quota for the Victory loan was 25 per cent less than the fourth loan; in spite of this the woman's committee raised $18,644,535 more than in the fourth loan, thus increasing their per cent. WEST vmGINIA. Mrs. GEORGE PoFFENBARGER, State Capitol, Charleston, State chairman for fifth Federal reserve district. Mrs. JOUN J. CORNWELL, St.ate 1,ice chairman /or fifth Federal reserve district. Mrs. S. M. NOYES, Wheeling, State chairman for fourth Federal reserve district. FIPTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. PoFFENBARGER, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ..............................• $23, 625, 000 Amount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . • . . . . . . .. • No report. A State conference of the women of West Virginia was called March 18 and 19 at the Stephenson Auditorium, Y. M. C. A., in the city· of Charleston. When the women convened, 37 of the 49 counties were then organized, the old chairmen generally reenlisting. Gov. W. A. MacCorkle, men's State chairmen, was one of the distinguished speakers. He announced that he had reappointed all of his old Digitized by Google 91 county chairmen and at that time but four had reported their acceptances and that a joint conference was then impossible. He urgl"ld a joint conference of men and women and set the date for .A.pril 4 and 5, which invitation was accepted by Mrs. Poffenbarger for the "Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. The State county chairmen concurred, and the two organizations of men and women Liberty loan workers were then pledged for equal service in putting over the loans in West Virginia. Miss Mary Synon attended this meeting, representing the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN . .A.s a means of honoring the women workers for the loans in West Virginia, the governor of the State, John J. Cornwell, adjourned both houses of the legislature on March 19 to have Miss Mary Synon, treasurer of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, appear before them as representative of the women who have labored for the success of the Liberty loans. In recognition of her services for the Liberty loans, as well as for her interest in educational work in her State, the University of West Virginia has conferred the honorary degree of doctor of laws upon Mrs. George Poffenbarger, chairman of the woman's loan organization. The university, of which the fiftieth anniversary came during the war, celebrated the event by the giving of the honorary degrees to the Secretary of War, who was born in the State, to the governor and five ex-governors, to the ambassador to Great Britain, also a West Virginian, and to Mrs. Poffenbarger. Mrs. William Chilton, wife of the former Senator from West Virginia, took a secretarial course in business college, graduating with a 99.8 per cent record, in order to promote her efficiency in office work to help in the Liberty loans. FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. NOYES, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................ . $8,538,850 Amount subscribed through woman's committee .......... . $3,353,370 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee ........ . 31 Number of counties in district ......................... . 6 4 Number of counties organized under woman's committee .. . The woman's committee made house-to-house canvass in cities, towns, and in rural districts, thus reaching many small subscribers. Street gatherings were held nightly, with music and speeches. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. In Ohio County the "Sacrifice Club," which was organized during the last two days of the campaign, put Ohio County "over the top," Digitized by Google 92 the total amount raised by the women being $3,200,000 in Ohio County. A great number of bonds were sold by the women who had charge of booths which were scattered throughout the business district ,of the city. Record of woman's committee in whole State for all loans. Third loan ................. _.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10, 312, 300 Per cent...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Fourth loan............... . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18, 279, 950 Per cent............................................ 40 Fifth loan............................................... No report. Per cent ............................... :............ No report. Mrs. George Po:ffenbarger was State chairman for third, fourth, and fifth loans for the whole State. WISCONSIN. Mrs. JOHN W. MARINER, 428 Milwaukee Street, Milwaukee, State chairmanfor seventh Federal reserve district. Mrs. EDWARD PORTER, Cornell, State chairman for ninth Federal reserve district. SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. MARINER, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $75,037,500 Amount subscribed........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94, 292, 950 Amount credited to woman's committee .................. $46,052,977 50 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ Number of counties in State.............................. 45 Number of counties organized under woman's committee... 44 , Notes were sold under the individual allotment plan, the woman's committee being credited with 50 per cent of the total, sales in 39 counties, and with 25 _and 35 per cent in the other 2 counties. In 4 counties notes were sold by general solicitation, the woman's committee credited with 50 per cent of the sales. The woman's committee organized the schools throughout· the State. Mrs. George Bass spoke in Wisconsin during the campaign, representing the national committee. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. The woman's committee held meetings of groups of foreign women, calling together -Polish, Italian, Greek, Syrian, Slovine, Serbian, Croatian, Czec:ho-Slovak, Bohemian, and Norwegian women. The result was that $60,450 in Victory bonds was sold by this foreign group in Milwaukee, the Syrians having 100 per cent record, as there · was a bond sold in every Syrian home of the city. A platform was erected on the steps of the Federal building in Milwaukee, with a statue of Liberty in the background and a large American flag in Digitized by Google 93 the foreground, and in front a sign which said "Americans from - - - , " and then each day the name of a different nationality was added. In one village the woman chairman used a curtain in the window of her home for a local bulletin, and whenever any Victory loan news of interest was received it was attached to the curtain, which was lowered, and it thus became a matter of public interest to all the people in the village. The little play, "Lest We Forget," has been given in hundreds of places in Wisconsin. At a Liberty loan meeting in a Wisconsin town about 100 women had gathered. The meeting was half over when a white-haired, rosy-cheeked woman came in breathlessly and said she would like to explain her tardiness. "I have two sons in the service in France, and my youngest son and I run our good-sized farm. To-day I had a company of silo fillers and I had to cook for them. I cooked their dinner, put it on the table, and then came away and left them. I hitched up my horse and I've driven 10 miles to find out how I can sell Liberty bonds." The organization of the Women's Liberty Loan Committee in Wi8consin was not an easy task in the beginning, as there were naturally many difficulties to overcome in a State where the foreign-born population is so large. It is a very great satisfaction, however, to have seen the organization grow from very small beginnings to itB present size and to have witnessed and taken part in the arousing of the women of Wisconsin to their responsibilities toward their country and to know that now there is hardly a village in the State where the women have not done a loyal and valuable service in this Liberty loan work. The cooperation throughout· the seventh Federal reserve district of Wisconsin between the men's and women's organizations for the Victory loan has been very good indeed. With very few exceptions the men's and women's committees have worked as one organization and great harmony and correspondingly good results have obtained .-Extractsfrom State report. CITIES. MILWAUKEE (Mrs . GEORGE LINES , City chairman) . City quota, Victory loan ................. .. .............. $25,151,600 , Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $2,688,200 l0i Percentage subscribed through woman's committee........ 5,382 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. The Milwaukee County plan of organization was 34 groups33 men's industrial and professional groups and 1 group of women. The women took·only those subscriptions not listed in men's groups. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Woman's committee group conducted a house-to-house canvass to reach the woman in her home; there was a chairman for each ward and precinct and .a captain for each block. Fifteen hundred women Digitized by Google 94 in the city of Milwaukee carried on this work in the Victory loan, and with a quota of $1,924,250 they raised $2,244,500. A booth committee, under the direction of the National League for Woman's Service, c(;msisting of 15 groups, comprising 250 women, maintained booths in all the large department stores and other public places and raised in the Victory loan campaign in Milwaukee $443,700. NINTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT, Ml'B. PORTER, Chairman. State quota, Victory loan ................................. $11, 203, 200 Amount credited to woman's committee.................. $3,007,775 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 25 Number of counties in State.............................. 26 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.'. 26 Individual allotment plan was followed, and the woman's committee credited with 25 per cent of the sales. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. In several counties of this territory the woman's committee not only did the educational work which was supposed to be their share but they went out and made actual sales of bonds to more than their allotted 25 per cent. In one county the men's committee abandoned the field and the woman's committee finished what the men were too discouraged to continue. A very active educational campaign has been carried on all over this part of Wisconsin, the work of the speakers' bureau being most efficient. The bureau in Chippewa County reported 75 speakersalmost more than there were numbers in the audience. There has been a meeting in almost every schoolhouse, and the message of the necessity for the loan has been carried to every farmhouse by a personal canvass. CITIES. City chairman). City quota, Victory loan.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 020, 000 Amount subscribed...................................... $2,080,000 mount credited to woman's committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $520, 000 Percentage credited to woman's committee................ 25 Number of subscriptions taken through woman's committee. 2, 626 SUPERIOR (ANNA WILLIAMS ROBERTS, Notes were sold under the allotment plan for men; general solicitation for women. The woman's committee was credited with 25 per cent of the total sales. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN. Women had the unallotted men to canvass. Many men, supposedly too poor to give any allotment, subscribed heavily. Indians invested $3,000. A man, after paying his allotment, gave the women a $250,000 subscription. Digitized by Google 95 Amount subscribed through woman's committee: Second loan ........................................... . Third loan ............................................. . Fourth loan ........................................... . Fifth loan .............................................. . $114,000 190,800 557,950 520,000 Record of the woman's committee/or the whole State in all loans. Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third loan .............................................. Per cent............................................ Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent .................. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fifth loan.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent............................................ $6, 334, 930 $10, 173, 230 18 $44, 645, 258 39 $46, 572, 977 50 Mrs. John Mariner was State chairman for the whole State for the second, third, and fourth loans. WYOMING. Mrs. T. S. TALIAFERRO, 106 Cedar Street, Rock Springs, State chairman. , State quota, Victory loan................................ $6,414,450 Amount subscribed through woman's committee........... $3,392,900 52 Percentage subscribed through woman's committee....... Number of counties in State.............................. 21 Number of counties organized under woman's committee.. 21 Not~s were sold by general solicitation. GLEANINGS FROM THE CAMPAIGN, One woman bond buyer made the money by raising motherless lambs. Worthy of special mention is the work of a young woman, under 24 years of age, who had charge of both the men's and women's committees in Carbon County. She put her county over the top with a lange oversubscription. A bird in the hand was worth two in the bush to the chairman of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee of Mountain View, Wyo. At a gathering for an oyster supper at Lymon, Wyo., the chairman recognized an opportunity and addressed the guests, firing the first gun of the Victory loan campaign before April 21. Another instance of the spirit of the women of the West was related by the woman State chairman. At the beginning of the fourth loan an old lady of 68, a member of the Liberty loan committee, was knocked down and run over by an automobile, breaking a leg and an arm. When other members of the committee went to the hospital to solicit bonds they found that the ambitious patient had already sold bonds to every doctor, every nurse, and to all visitors who approached her while she was convalescent. The chairman of Sweetwater County, Wyo., canvassed the county around the coal mines, where she talked "pidgeon," and was understood by men and women of 42 nationalities. She and the chairman Digitized by Google 96 for Rock Springs, like other Wyoming chairmen, rode miles to get subscriptions, broke down, encountered mud and sand, but the Sweetwater workers are the only ones who report the distinction of sleeping in the poorhouse in their campaign for funds. Record of woman's committee in State for all loans. Second loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third loan ......................................... ,.... Per cent............. . ........................ .. ... . Fourth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fifth loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per cent........................................ .. . . $942, 100 $2,314,000 44 $3, 204, 000 40 $3, 3i:!2, 900 52 Mrs. T. S. Taliaferro has been State chairman for all loans. The quota for the Victory loan was about 20 per cent Jess than in the fourth Joan. In spite of this the woman's committee raised $188,900 more than in the fourth loan, thus increasing their per cent. REPORT ON PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTlON FOR THE VICTORY UBERTY LOAN. There was a marked improvement in the distribution of material .by the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee for the Victory loan campaign. An early start was made in the matter of printing, all orders for stationery being placed with the Government Printing Office during the month of January, and the burden on the Government Printing Office was less, due to the decreased pressure of many war-time activities, which resulted in prompt servi~e in the printing of Victory loan material. A third factor which contributed largely to the prompt receipt of supplies by chairmen throughout the country . was the relieving of the congestion in transportation which had existed . during the preceding campaigns. Shipments were made as follows: The Distribution Bun~au of the Treasury sent out all material on schedules prepared by the committee. Letterheads, envelopes, post cards, and labels were sent to the State chairmen according to the quantity requested in questionnaires and additional orders. The literature was apportioned among the 64 States and divisions of States on the basis ot population, size of territory, and relative degree of organization. The orders for stationery as given on the questionnaires sent out to the State chairmen in January were filled during the months of January and February. Paper patterns for the V armbands adopted by the national committee were printed on large sheets and sent out with instructions to the State chairmen the last week in February. The poster designed especially for the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee was distributed through the Federal reserve chairmen, a suggested schedule being prepared for each district by the distribution agent. Pledge slips were printed and sent to each district except the Digitized by Google 97 sixth and ninth, where the individual allotment system was used. Only one form of report card was printed for the use of county, city, and State chairmen, thus effecting a considerable economy in distribution. Special certificates of appointment for county chairmen were printed for each of the Federal reserve districts, and carried the signature of Carter Glass, Secretary of the Treasury, Mrs. George Bass, secretary of the committee, and the governors of the various districts. The literature issued by the N ationa.l Woman's Liberty Loan Committee for the Victory loan consisted of a series of eight leaflets written by various prominent men and women and printed in uniform size and style. These were printed and distributed during the months of March and April, advance copies being sent. to the State chairmen for use at their State conferences. The report of the fourth loan was printed in Chicago, under the direction of Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank. In addition to its own material, a supply of handbooks for speakers was assigned by the _publicity bureau to the woman's committee for distribution. The total number of pieces of material sent out by the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee for the Victory loan amounted to 14,621,285. A statement of the number of shipments and amount of each item distributed in the Victory loan follows: Distribution for Victory liberty loan. Serial No. Number of shipments. ~ettefheadsNwiirut heading.. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . WLL 200 ~g Franked labels. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . Pledge slips, pads. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . .. Weekly report cards.................................................. V armband patterns, sheets........................................... Certificates of appointment for county chairmen...................... WLL WLL WLL WLL WLL Item. Amount shipped. ST.\.TIONERY. i!ii!~fi;~.1~}~ ~~ w-;;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::~~i:~~: 202 203 201 206 208 4~!m i1 I Total........................................................... . .. .. .. . . .. . ~~, ~ 60 67 i2 63 72 118, tOO 238,675 360,900 41,225 4,260 622 2,944,185 97 97 81 79 1,000,000 151 151 152 81 140} 6,000. 2, (X)(), 000 2,000,000 2,000,000 ------- LITERATURE. Women Wanted ........................................ .. . .......... WLL200 Women and Victory, by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw.................... WLL 210 What is the Answer, bv Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank....................... WLL 211 Taxes and Bonds, by Daniel C. Roper................................ WLL 213 The American Woman and the Victory Liberty Loan, by Hon. Carter Glass............................................................... WLL 214 The American's Part in Victory, by William G. McAdoo............. WLL 215 Between Farmers, bv Mrs. Antoinette Funk.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WLL 216 The Watch on the Rhine, by Allen C. Rankin .................................. .. Report of fourth loan (from Chicago) ............................................ . Sent to libraries of United States by Mrs. K. Fairbank ...................... .. Handbook for Speakers, Treasury Department. ................................. . Woman's poster ............ , ........... ·......................................... . Total. ..................................................................... . Total distribution ......................................................... . Digitized by 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 58 1,025,900 100,250 50,950 300,000 7,076 11,677,100 60 l===I= 7,298 14,621,285 Google DISTRICTS AND COUNTY CHAffiMEN FOR VICTORY LOAN. ALABAMA. [100 per cent organization.] COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Address. County. Chairman. Autauga ............... . Baldwin ........•........ Barbour ................. . Bibb ................... . Blount ..•...••...•...•.. Bullock ................. . Butler ................. . Calhoun ................ . Chambers ............... . Cherokee ................ . Chilton ................. . Choctaw ................ . Clarke ................. . Clay .................•.. Cleburne ............... . Coffee .................. . Conecuh ............... . Colbert ................ . Coosa ................... . Covington .............. . Crenshaw ............... . Cullman ................ . Dale .................... . Mies. Marie Bell .............. . Mrs. L. J. Comings .......... . Mrs. S. J. Wright ............ . Mrs. J . W. Watson .......... . Mrs. M. J. Owen ............ . Mrs. A.H. Strickland ........ . Mrs. S. E. Washburn ........ . Mrs. Stephen Thompson ...... . Miss Addie Wood ............ . Mrs. J. R. Lowe ............. . Mrs. N. S. Johnson ........... . Mrs. R. W. Patrick ........... . Mrs. Ada G. Welch ........... . Mrs. W. H. Warren ........... . Miss Nellie Sox .............. . Mrs. W. C. Braswell .......... . Mrs. John W. McFarland ..... . Mrs. Sid B. Jones ........... . Mrs. W. L. Crew ............. . Mrs. Oscar Du~er .......... . Mrs. G. H. SIIllth ......•..... Mrs. J. E. Daly .............. . Miss Willie Adams .......... . Mrs. L. H. Baker ........... . Mrs. Earl Cochran ............ . Mrs. J. W. Adkisson ......... . Miss Rose Anna Diamond .. .. . Mrs. Geo. B. Smith ... . ..... . Mrs. John S. Paden .......... . Mrs. B. E. Kenney ........... . Mrs. Fannie B. Ramsey ...... . Mrs. R.H. Ferguson ......... . Mrs. N. T. Dimick ........... . Mrs. L. J. Lawson, jr ........ . Mrs. I. T. Carson ............. . Mrs. Minnette Fritts ......... . Miss Will Maples ............ . Mrs. Conrad H. Ohme ....... . Mrs. J.M. Cheely ........... . Mrs. M. I. Hoskins .......... . Miss Eva Chardavoyne ...... . Mrs. F. R. Yarbrough ....... . Mrs. Elna R. Cartwright ..... . Mrs. Geo. B. Mccurdy ....... . Mrs. Albert Danner ........ .. . Mrs. E. C. Dillon ........... . Dallas; ................ . Dekalb ................. . Escambia .............. . Do ................. . Elmore ................ . Etowah ........... . ..... . Fayette ................ . Franklin ............... . Geneva ................ . Greene .................. . Hale ................... . Henry ................. . Houston ................ . Jackson ................ . Jefferson ................ . Lamar ................. . Lauderdale .............. . Lawrence .............. . Lee .................... . Limestone: ............. . Lowndes ............... . Macon ................. . Madison ................ . Prattville. Fairhope. Clayton. Centerville. Oneonta. Union Springs. Bolling. Anniston. Lafayette. Leesburg. Clanton. Lisman. Thomasville. Lineville. Edw&l'Wlville. Elba. Evergreen. Sheffield. Goodwater. Andalusia. Luverne. Cullman. Pinckard. Selma. Fort Payne. Brewton. Atmore. Wetumpka. Gadsden. Fayette. Russellville. Hartford. Eutaw. Greensboro. Headland. Dothan. Scottsboro. Birmingham. Sulligent. Florence. Courtland. Auburn. Athens. Lowndesboro. Tuskegee. Huntsville. (98) · Digitized by Google 99 ALABAMA-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Address. County. Chairman. Marengo ............... . Marion ................. . Marshall ......•.......... . Mobile .................. . Montgomery............. . Morgan ................ . Monroe ................ . Perry .................. . Do ................. . Pickens ................. . Pike .................... . RuBBell ................ . Shelby.................. . St. Clair ............... . Sumter ................ . Talladega .............. . Tallapoosa ............. . Tuscaloosa .............. . Walker ................. . Washington ............. . Wilcox .................. . Winston ................ . Mrs. L. C. Lowe ............ . Mies Daisy Hightower ........ . Mrs. J. R. Thomae .......... .. Mrs. Rhett Goode ........... . Mrs. L. D. Gardner .......... . Mrs. John D. Wyker ......... . Mrs. B. B. Finklea ........... . Mrs. A. F. Armstrong ........ . Mrs. Emma G. De Sear ...... . Mrs. E. D. Stringfellow ...... . Mrs. J. M. Saunders ......... . Miss Mildred Minter ........ _.. Mrs. J. L. Batson .... _...... . Mrs. W. A. Beason ......... _.. Mrs. T. F. Seale ... _........ . Mrs. H. L. McElderry ....... . Mrs. Theodore Langley ...... . Mrs. E. D. Thames .......... . Mrs. Charles Ramsay ........ . Miss Bessie Scott............. . Mrs. E. H. Pritchett ........ . Mrs. Lloyd Pearce .......... . Demopolis. Hamilton. Albertville. Mobile. Montgomery. Decatur. Monroeville. Marion. Uniontown. Reform. Troy. Seale. · Shelby. Asheville. Livingston. Talladega. Camp Hill. Tuscaloosa. Dora. Wagar. Camden. Haleyville. ARIZONA. (100 per cent organization.] TWELFTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Apache..................................... Coconino .................................... Gila ....................................... Maricopa.................................... Mohave..................................... Navajo ..................................... Pinal.. ..................................... Yavapai.................................... Yuma..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. Chairman. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. l\Irs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Lael B. Haws. Jessie A. Sine. Frank J. Coleman. Thos. E. Campbell. C. B. Cravens. C.H. Jordan. W. Y. Price. C. G. Riebeling. Edith D. Rockwood. ------------------~----------- ---- ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. ·Cochise..................................... Graham.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greenlee.................................... Pima ...................................... Santa Cruz .................................. Mrs. l\frs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. 8am Kyle. Inez Lee. L. A. Burtch. Herbert Chambers. F. M. Van Mourick. Digitized by Google :100 ARKANSAS. [100 per cent organization.] Mrs. C. H. Brough, State chairman. Mrs. Charles T. Coleman, publ.:city chairman. DISTRICT CHAIRMEN. AddreBB. District. Chairman. First .................... Second. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . Third .................... Fourth... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Fifth ..................... Sixth .................... Seventh ................. Eighth .................. Ninth.................... Tenth ................... Eleventh ................ Twelfth .................. Thirteenth ............... Fourteenth .............. Mrs. A. G. Flowers .......... .. Mrs. Nellie H. Trevathan .... .. MiBB Annice Castleberry .... .. Mrs. Harry L. Williams ...... . Mrs. Brose Masingill ......... .. Mrs. J. W. House, jr ......... .. Mrs. J. S. Holt ............. .. Mrs. T. C. Drennen ......... .. Mrs. Dougald McMillan ....... . Mrs. W. H. Arnold .......... . Mrs. Annie W. Meek ........ . Mrs. J. R. Wilson ............ .. Mrs. A. W. Troupe ......... .. Mrs. J. N. Ware ............ .. Fayetteville. Batesville. Jonesboro. Do. Heber Springs. Little Rock. Fort Smith. Hot Springs. Ark;l,delphia. Texarkana. Camden. Warren. Pine Bluff. Helena. COUNTY CHAIRYEN, County. Chairman. Arkansas................. Do .................. Ashley .................. Baxter ................... Benton................... Boone ............... : .... Bradley... .. . .. .. . .. .. .. Calhoun ................. Carroll .................. Do .................. Chicot .................... Clark ..................... Clay .................... Do .................. Cleburne ................ Cleveland ................ Do .................. Columbia ................ Conway .................. Craighead... . . . . . . . . . . . . Crawford ................. Crittenden ................ Cross .................... Dallas .................... Desha ................... Drew ..................... Faulkner ................. Franklin... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do .................. Fulton ................... Garland.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mrs. E. B. Gibson............. Mrs. Hal VanDuyn ........... l\frs. W. C. Dunlap ............ Mrs. Z. M. Horton ............ Mrs. Mary Plummer... . . . . . . . Mrs. J. N. Milum .............. Miss Mabel Meek............. Mrs. B. E. Halpin ............ J\frs. C. A. Fuller. ............ Mrs. A. J. Russell.. ........... Mrs. T. K. Lee ............... Mrs. J. S. Cargile ............. Mrs. Lura Drown.............. Mrs. J. R. Rhyne.............. Miss Willie F. Casev ........... Mrs. E. R. Buster.: ........... Mrs. L. C. Ackerman.......... Mrs. C. G. Colquitt ............ Mrs. W. L. Moose .............. Mrs. J. L. Burns ............... MiBB Margaret E. Wood ........ Mrs. ,T. M. Jenkins ............ Mrs. W. T. Graham ............ Mrs. C. D. Kennison .......... Mrs. G. B. Ewing............. Mrs. Walter Carter ............ Mrs. Guy R. Farris ........... Mrs. Daisy Burrow... . . . . . . . . ~frs. Lon Kimball ............ Mrs. J. H. Caldwell ........... Mrs. Jack Manier.. .. .. .. . .. .. Digitized by Address. De Witt. Stuttgart. Hamburg. Mountain Home. Bentonville. Harrison. Warren. Thornton. Eureka Springs. Berryville. Eudora. Arkadelphia. Piggott. Corning. Heber Springs. Kingsland. Rison. Magnolia. Morrillton. Jonesboro. Van Buren. Earle. Wynne. Fordyce. McGehee. Monticello. Conway. Oza.rk. Charleston. Mammoth Springs. Hot Springs. Google 101 ARKANSAS-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Cou,1ty. Chairman. Grant. .................. . Greene .................. . Hempstead .............. . Hot Springs ............. . Howard ................. . Independence ........... . Izard ..... , .............. . Jackson ................ . Jefferson ................ . Johnson ................ . Lafayette ............... . Lawrence ................ . Do ................. . Le~.................... . Lincoln ................ . Little River ............. . Logan .................. . Do ................. . Lonoke ................. . Madison ................ . Marion ................. . Miller ................... . Mississippi. ............ . Do ................. . Monroe ................ . Montgomery ............. . Nevacla ................. . Newton ................ . Ouachita ............... . Perry .................. . Phillips ................. . Pike .................... . Poinsett ................ . Do ................. . Polk .................... . Mrs. Mary C. Teter .......... . Miss Beatrice Wolf ........... . Mrs. W. Y. Foster, jr ......... . Mrs. RY. Phillips ........... . Mrs. W. B. Dorman ......... . Mrs. John Q. Wolf ............ . Mrs. Elbert Godwin ......... : Mrs. C. G. Henry ............ . Mrs. Jack Bernharclt .......... . Mrs. Sam Lasar ............... . Mrs. T. F. Gillespie .......... . Mrs. G. W. Parker ............ . Miss Rtella M. Howe ......... . Miss Frances Derrick ......... . Mrs. R. R. Rice, jr .......... . Mrs. E.G. Campbell ........ . Mrs. R. L. UtleY: ............ . Mrs. C. II. Carnuchael. ....... . Mrs. Ida Thompson .......... . l\Jiss Katherine Boatwright.... . Mrs. L. H. Layton ........... . Mrs. G. A. Hays, ............ . Mrs. J. L. Williams .......... . Mrs. Louis Humphreys ....... . Mrs. J. S. Black ............. . Mrs. J. 13. Stewart ........... . Mrs. Nat Martin ............. . Mrs. E. E. Ammons ......... . Mrs. C. S. Early ............ . Mrs. Ruth Rison ............ . Mrs ..John N. Ware .......... . Mrs. Ellen Murphy ........... . Mrs. J. T. Smith ............ . !1-Irs. M. J. Hazel.. ........... . Mrs. F. E. DeLongy .......... . Mrs. Jesse Martin ........... . Mrs. W. H. Gregory .......... . Mrs. Clio IIarper ............ . Miss Marcella Arthur ......... . Mrs. F. E. Voohers ........... . Miss Stella Wolfe ............ . Mrs. E. J. Bush .............. . Mrs. R. R. Wilson ........... . Mrs. Sherman Treece ........ . Mrs. Atlas Harper ............ . Mrs. H. C. King ............ . Mrs. J. T. Burlingame ........ . Mrs. 8. T. Sherrill ........... . Mrs. Hugh Williamson ....... . Mrs. W. E. Clark ............. . Miss Essie Frazer ........... . Mrs. W. A. Ramsey ......... . Mrs. John E. Miller ......... . Mrs. Laura Conner .......... . Miss Helen Compton ........ . ~~iiri~.-.·.~~:::::::::::::: Pulaski. ............... . Do ................. . Randolph .............. . St. Francis ............. . Saline ................. . Scott .................. ·. Searcv ................. . Sebastian ............... . Do ................. . Sevier .................. . Sharp .................. . Stone .................. . Union ................. . Van Buren.·............ . Washington ............. . '\\'hite .................. . Woodruff ................ . Yell ................... . Address. Sheridan. Paragould. Hope. Malvern. Nashville. Batesville. Melbourne. Newport. Pine Bluff. Clarksville. Stamps. Walnut Ridge. Black Rock. Marianna. Varner. Foreman. Paris. BooneY ille. Lonoke. Huntsville. Yellville. Texarkana. Osceola. Blvtheville. Holly Grove. Womble. Prescott. Jasper. Camden. Perryville. Helena. Glenwood. Harrisburg. Marked Tree. Mena. Russellville. De Valls Bluff. Litt.le Rock. Do. Pocahontas. Forrest City. Benton. Waldron. Leslie. Greenwood. Fort Smith. Horatio. Hardy. l\Iountain View. Strong. Clinton. Fayetteville. Searcy. Augusta. Plainview. Digitized by Google 102 CALIFORNIA. COUNTY Cu.uRMEN. County. Address. Chairman. Alameda.................. Mrs. E. L. Ormsby .•.......... 23 Monte Vista Avenue, Oakland. Do .................. Mrs. R. G. Boone ............. . 2831 Benvenue Avenue, Berkley . .Alpine ................... Mrs. Fred Bruns ............ . Markleville; postoffice, Sheridan, Nev. Amador .................. Mrs. C. P. Vicini ............. . Jackson. Butte .................... Mrs. J. B. Hughes ............ . Oroville. Calve_ras.................. Mrs. Adele Smith ............ . San Andreas. Colusa .................... Mrs. J. H. Balsdon ............ . Colusa. Contra Costa .. : ........... Mrs. A. B. Coleman ........... . Martinez. Do.................. Mrs. J. H. Brooks ............ . Richmond. Del Norte ................. Mrs. E. R. Griffen .......... . Crescent City. Eldorado ................ I Mrs. C. M. Summer .......... . Placerville. Fresno .................... : Mrs. W. A. Fitzgerald ........ . Fresno. Glenn ............. , ..... Mrs. W. H. Walker .......... . Willows. Humboldt ............... 1 Mrs. J.M. Johnson ............ . Eureka. Imperial..... . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Harry I. Kratz ........... . Calexico. Inyo .................... Mrs. Louise Parcher .......... . Bishop. Kern ..................... Mrs. W. 0. Todd .............. . 1924 Cedar Street, Bakersfield. Kings.·····.············ Mrs. R. J. Downing ........... . Hanford. Lake ................... . Mrs. James A. Kesey .......... . Lower Lake. Lassen ................... . Mrs. Jules Alexander ......... . Susanville. Los Angeles ............. . Mrs. J. T. Anderson ........... . Room 12, City Hall, Los Angeles. Do ................. . Miss Hall ................... . Los Angeles. Madera .................. . Dr. Mary Butin .............. . Madera. Marin .................. . Mrs. J.E. Webb .............. . Kentfield. Mariposa ................. . Mrs. Nell Thayer ............ . Usona. Mendocino .............. . Mrs. A. J. Fairbanks ......... . Willits. Merced .............. : ... . Mrs. J. F. Nedeson ........... . Merced. Modoc ................... . Mrs. W. J. Dorris ............ . Alturas. Mono .•................... Miss M. M. Gregory .......... . Bodie. Monterey ................ . Mrs. J.E. Steinback ......... . Salinas. Napa ................... . Mrs. Percy S. King .......... . Napa. Nevada ................. . Mrs. Nelhe Mitchell ......... . Grass Valley. Orange .................. . Mrs. W. L. Grubb ........... . 632 North Main Street, Santa Ana. Placer ................... Mrs. T. W. Wilson ........·.... . Auburn. Plumas... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MiBB Fay Miller ............... . Quincy. Riverside ................. Mrs: J. H. Warren ............ . 275 Bandini A venue, Riverside. Sacramento .........•..... Mrs. H. G. Studarus .......... . Mills Station. Do ................. . Mrs. Robt. Hawley (city chair- 1421 I Street, Sacramento. man). San Benito .............. . Mrs. George H. Moore ..••...... Hollister. West San Bernardino .... . Mrs. W. M. Claypool.. ....... . Needles. Do .................• Mrs. Jennie Davis ........... . 475 Brookside Street, Redlands. Ea9t San Bernardino ...... Mrs. J. W. Barton ............ . 491 F Street, San Bernardino. San Diego. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Lillian Pray Palmer ..... . 549 Ivy Street, San Diego. Do .................. Mrs. Florence Dupee .......... . Coronado Hotel, San Diego. San Francisco ....•.••.•• Mrs. Henry Sahlein .•.....•.... 1718 Jackson Street, San Francisco. 1 Digitized by Google 103 CALIFORNIA-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. AddreBB. Chairman. San Joaquin ............. Mrs. C. L. Six ............... . 1036 North Center Street, Stockton. San Luis Obispo ......... Mrs. J.M. Sims ............... . San Luis Obispo. San Mateo ............... Mrs. John L. McGinn ........ . 72 Poplar Street, San Mateo. Santa Barbara ............. Mrs. Henry P. Moseley ....... . Santa Barbara. Santa Clara .............. Mrs. L. T. Smith ............. . San Jose. North Santa Cruz ......... Mrs. George W. Bias ......... . 370 Laurel Street, Santa Cruz. South Santa Cruz ......... Mrs. F. W. Biebrach ......... . Watsonville. Shasta.................... Mrs. E. A. Hersey ........... . Redding. Sierra ................... Mrs. F. H. Turner ............ . Sattley. Siskiyou.................. Mrs. Ww. B. Hunt ........... . Sisson. Solano ..................... Mrs. F. A. Steiger ........... . Vacaville. Sonoma............... . . . . Mrs. Dorothy Farmer ........ . Santa Rosa .. Stanislaus................ Miss Ada McQuillan .......... . Modesto. Do .................. Miss Esto Broughton (vice Modesto. chairman). S1Jtter ................... Mrs. C. B. Harter ............ . Yuba Cit)". Tehama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. L. L. McCoy ............. . Red Bluff. Trinity........... . . . . . . . . Mrs. A. N. Meckel.. ......... . Weaverville. Tulare ................... Mrs. Frank Lamberson ....... . Visalia. Tuolfimne ............... · Mrs. Catherine Ortega ........ . Sonoro. Yolo ...................... Mrs. E. A. Bullard ........... . Woodland. Yuba .................... Mrs. C. W. Harney ........... . Marysville. Ventura .................. Mrs. M. H. Butcher .......... . Santa Paula. COLORADO. (100 per cent organization.] DISTRICT AND COUNTY CHAIRMEN. District and county. Chairman. Address. District No. 1. ....•....... Mrs. R. S. Gregory .......... . Las Animas ............... do ...................... . District No. 2 •.......•.... Mrs. W. S. Partridge ......... . Bacca................ Mrs. Sam Holt. ............. . Bent ............... Miss Allie V. Richmond ..... . Otero ................ Mrs. V. N. Lagerquist ........ . Prowers....... . . . . . . . Mrs. Geo. B. Merrill. ........ . District No. 3 ........... Mrs. Carrie T. Anthony ....... . Crowley .............. Mrs. Wm. Broadbent ........ . Custer ............... Mrs. J. H. Leary ............ . Fremont .............. Mrs. Carrie T. Anthony ....... . Kiowa .............. Miss. Elsie Chambers ........ . Pueblo ............. MiBB Janet Campbell ......... . District No. 4 .•.......•... Mrs. Myron Collins ........... . Cheyenne ........... Mrs. Alfred Parker ........... . Douglas.............. Mrs. Maude R. Hoskins ......• Elbert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Minerva McCarthy ...... . Kit Carson ............ Mrs. Jessie McGee-Gray ..... . El Paso .............. Mrs. Norman M. Campbell ... . Lincoln ............. Mrs. Ruby Freeman ........ . Park ..............•• Mrs. W. H. PowleBB ...•.•.... Teller ••.•.•••.......• Mrs. W.W. King ......•.•.••. Trinidad. Do. Holly. Springfield. LaB Animas. La Junta. Lamar. Canon City. Ordway. Westcliffe. Canon City. Haswell. Pueblo. Colorado Springs. Kit Carson. Castle Rock. Kiowa. Burlington. Colorado Springs. Hugo. Alma. Cripple Creek Digitized by Google 104 COLORADO-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. District and county. Chairman. Address. District No. 5............. Mrs. Grover Coors ........... . Golden. Jefferson ................ do ...................... . Do. District No. 6 ......••..... Mrs. W. B. McCleary ......... . Englewood. Arapahoe .......•.......... do ...................... . Do. District No. 7 .......••.. Mrs. W. C. Hood, jr ........ . Brighton. Do. Adams ................... do ...................•••• District No. 8 ........... Mrs. E. B. Conklin .......... . Sterling. Logan ....... , ............ do ...................... . Do. Phillips.............. Mrs. R. N. White ........... . Holyoke. Sedgwick ............ Mrs. Ella W. Babcock ....... . Julesburg. District No. 9 ...•..••••. Mrs. E. A. Cross ............ . Greeley. Weld ..................... do ...................... . Do. District No. 10 ....••.•.• Mrs. F. W. Kohler ... -· ...... . Boulder. Do. Boulder ............. Mrs. H.B. Van Valkenburgh .. . Clear Creek ........... Mrs. Geo. Criley ............. . Georgetown. Do.............. Mrs. Lucy Underhill ........ . Idaho Springs. Gilpin .............. MrR. Nellie E. Auger ........ . Central City. District No. 11. ......... Mrs. M. M. St. Clair .......... . Fort Collins. Do. Larimer .. ·................ do ...................... . District No. 12 .......... Mrs. John D. Crawford ...... . Steamboat Springs. Grand ......... _. ...... Mrs. Carrie Schnoor ......... . Hot Sulphur Spnngs. Jackson ............. Mrs. E. A. Osier ............. . Walden. • Moffatt .............. Mrs. H. B. Kobey .......... . Craig. Routt ............... Mrs. John D. Crawford ...... . Steamboat Springs. District No. 14 ............ Mrs. Emma Cooley ........... . Grand Junction. Delta ................ Mrs. Lucy R. Hillman ....... . Delta. Garfield ............. Mrs. Chas. W. King ......... . Glenwood Springs. Mesa ................. Mrs. N. C. Miller ............. . Grand Junction. Pitkin ............... Miss Ethel Higinbotham .... . Aspen. Rio Blanco .......... Mrs. J. D. Amick ............. . Meeker. District No. 15 ............ Mrs. R. M. Henderson ....... . Breckenridge. Chaffee .............. Mrs. Rose W. Ridgeway ...... . Salida. Eagle ............... Mrs. May Dale Thomas ...... . Eagle. Lake ................ Mrs. Francis E. Bouck ....... . Leadville. Summit ............. Mrs. J. A. Theobald ........ . Breckenridge. District No. 16 ••........ Mrs. Joseph Zick ............ . Montrose. Gunnison............ Mrs. Margaret O'Leary ...... . Gunnison. Hinsdale ............. Mra. H. A. Avery ............ . Lake City. Montrose ............. Mra. Joseph Zick ............ . Montrose. Ouray.......... . . . . . . Mrs. Minnie M. Nowlan ..... . Ouray. San Miguel. . . . . . . . . . Miss Blanche McCray ......... . Telluride. District No. 17 .......•.... Mrs. Sara L. Landers ........ . Ignacio. Archuleta ........... Mrs. Jessie Hayden .......... . Pagosa Spring,,_ Dolores .............. Mrs. C. W. Rhode ........... . Rico. La Plata ............ Mrs. Geo. W. Gilmore ....... . Durango. Montezuma........... Mra. M. L. McGalliard ........ . Mancos. San Juan ........... Mrs. Fred Goble .............. . Silverton. District No. 18 ............ Mrs. Millie H. Velhagen ..... . Alamosa. Alamosa .................. do ...................... . Do. Conejos ............. Mrs. Fred C. Jones ...... , .... . La Jara. Costilla .............. Mrs. Edith E. McPherson .... . San Acacio. Mineral..... . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Mary N. Oates .......... . Creede. Rio Grande ........... Mrs. J. G. Bell .............. . Monte Vista. Saguache ............ Mrs. JI. D. Means ........... . Sagauche. District No. 19...... ... . . . Mrs. Charlie Cochran ........ . Fort Morgan. Do. Morgan .................... do ...................... . Washington .......... Mrs. Myrtle Crawford ........ . Otis. Yuma .......... -'- ... Mrs. Edith M. Finch ......... . Idalia. District No. 21. ........... Mrs. Addie V. Hudson ........ . Walsenburg. Digitized by Google 105 CONNECTICUT. TOWNSHIP CHAIRMEN, Township. Address. Chairman. Hartford District. Berlin .................. . Terryville .............. . Canton .................. . East Granhy ............. . East Hartford ............ . East Windsor Township .. ' Unionville ............... . Glastonbury .. .......... . Granby .................. . Hartford ..... . ........... . Hartland ............... . Manchester .............. . Marlboro ............... . Newin~on .............. . Plainvi1le .............. . Rocky Hill .............. . Simsbury ... .. .......... . South Windsor ........... . Southington . . ........... . Mrs. ChaR. M. Jarvis .......... . Mrs. Cha~. I. Allen .......... . Miss Jo,ephine A. Barbour ... . Mrs. W. E. Bates ... . . . . ..... . Miss Anna Olmsted .. . ........ . (Chairmen to be appointed for · subdivisions only.) Mrs. Ada C. T. Woodford ..... . Miss Anne S. Williams ....... . Mrs. Theodore G. Case .. . .... . Mrs. Richard M. Bissell ....•..• Mrs. E. A. Gaylord ... . ....... . Mrs. Austin Cheney ......... . Miss Marion Hall ............. . Miss France~ E. Brinley ..... . Mrs. Emma Hills . ........... . Mrs. Henrv M. Barnard ...... . Mrs. Joeeph Ensi'5ll .......... . Mrs. Frank E. Bidwell ....... . Mrs. C. H. Bissell ........... . Suffield ...... . ........... Mrs. Hugh M. Alcoru ......... . West Hartford ........... Mrs. George Kellogg ......... . Wethersfield ............. Mrs. E. J. Robbins ........... . Windsor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Jennie Loomis .......... . Windsor Locks ............ Mrs. F. G. Pomeroy ......... . Berlin. Terryville. Collinsville. East Granby. East Hartford . Unionville. Glastonbmy. Granby. Farmington. West Hartland. South Manchester. Marlboro. Newington Junction. Plainville. Rocky Hill. Simsbury. South Windsor. 235 North Street Southington. Suffield. 60 North Main Street, West Hartford . 90 Street, W ethers• field. Windsor. 86 Spring Street, Windsor Locks. Middlesex District. Mrs. William P. Hull.. ... , ... . Mrs. Frank K. Hallock ....... . Mrs. Hattie M. Newton ....... . Miss Marcia Gib honey . ...... : . Miss Mav E. Countryman .... . Mi~s Ahbie L . Purple .... _..... . Mrs. George Comer .......... . Mrs. W. M. Sisson, jr. ....... . Mr8. A. \V . Sexton ............ . Mrs. George N. Lawson ....... . Mrs. John C. Rus~ell ......... . Mrs. Philander E. Parmelee .. . Mrs. William L. Morgan ..... . Middletown ..•........... Mr~. Robert II. Fife ....•...... Clinton .................. Cromwell . . ............... Durham ................. Ea~t Haddam. . . . . . . . . . . . . Little Haddam ............ Moodus...... . ..... . ...... Mount Parnas.~us ... ... ... North Plain ............. . East Hampton .. . ......... Middle Haddam .... : ..... Haddam.......... . . . ..... Killingworth •. ............ Middlefield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Old Saybrook ............. Portland ................. Saybrook . ............... Westbrook ......... . ...... Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. T. C. Frenyear ......... . C. K. Hale .......... . ... . C. Rowland Post ......... . Elbert Stevens .. .. ...... . Clinton. Cromwell. Durham. East Haddam . Do. Moodus. East Haddam. Ha.dlyme. Ea!'t Hampton. Middle Haddam. Haddam. Madison R. F. D. Rockfall. 347 Iligh Street, Middle- town. Old Saybrook. Gildersleeve. Deep River. We9tbrook. Tolland Di8trict. Andover .................. Bolton ... ............... Chaplin ....... .... ....... Hebron... . ............... Mansfield ................ Mrs. H . B. Gatchell. ......... Mrs. J. We«Pon Phelps ........ Mm. Frank C. Lummis ....... Mrs. Anne C. Gilbert ......... . Mrs. William F. Kirkpatrick ... Andover. Bolton. Chaplin. Storrs. 169383-20-8 Digitized by Google 106 CONNECTICUT-Continued. TowNsBIP CHAIRMEN-Continued. Township. Addrea~. Chairman. Tolland .District-Contd. Stafford.................. Tolland ................... Vernon ........... . ....... Willington ........ . ...... Windham .......... . .... . Mrs. C. B. Pinney............ Mrs. B. F. Ca~e ........ . ...... Mrs. F. T. Maxwell ............ Miss Rosa 0. Hall .... . ...... . Mrs. H. C. Lathrop ... . ........ Stafford Springs. Tolland. Rockville. South Willington. Windham . Northern Windham District. Ashford ................. Pomfret ................. Putnam ................. Thomp~on ............... Mrs. David MathewRon ........ ManAfield Center R. F. D Mrs. Walter E. Brown ........ Pomfret. Mrs. Ernegt C. Morrn .......... 29 King Street, Putnam. Miss Edith D. Sheldon ........ Thompson. Southern Windham District. Canterbury .............. . Central Village .... . .... . Moosup ........ . ..... - .. Wauregan .............. . Sterling .................• Scotland ................ . Mrs. Hiram Hawes ........... . Stuart Ellsworth ........ .. John C. Gallup . . .. . .... . F. C. Leavens ...... . ... . William N. Sweet ..... . . A. H. Gallup ........... . Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Central Village. Mooeup. Wauregan. Oneco. Scotland. Southwestern district. AllBonia ................. Mrs. John Starkweather ....... 10 William Street, An• sonia. Bethany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Elon E. Beecher ........ . Bethany. Derby ................... Mrs. John U. RuBS ........... . Derby. East Haven. . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Jane Sanford ............ . 82 Edward Street, East Haven. Guilford .................. Mrs. Edward Bishop ......... . . Guilford. Madison ................. Mrs. Arthur W. Marsden ..... . Madison. Meriden. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Chas. L. Rockwell ...... . 307 Colony Street, Meri• den. Milford .... . ............. . Mrs. Cecil H. Trowbridge .... . Milford. New Haven.............. Mrs. Hubert M. Sedg'\\ick .... . 683 Prospect Street, New Haven. North Branford........... Mrs. Wallace S. Ritter .. . _... . Maple Avenue, North Haven. Oxford ....•............. Mrs. R. I. Sanford ............ . Oxford. Seymour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Henry Howard .......... . Seymour. Yalesville ................ Mrs. C. O. Young ........... . Southeastern district. Bozrah .................. . Colchester ............... . Franklin ............... . Griswold ............... . Groton .. . . . . . ... . ..... . . . Lebanon ................ . Ledyard ................ . Lyme .................. . Hadlyme ............... . New London ........... . F. E. Palmer ........... . Elirr.abeth Day ....... . . . Albert C. Stiles ......... . Anne M. Robertson .... . . Mrs. Charles B. Lund ....... . Mrs. Joseph P. Abel. ........ . Mrs. Wilham I . Allyn ........ . Mrs. William Marvin ....... . . . Mrs. Gerhart A. Wilson ..... . . . Mrs. Rosemary Anderson .... . Mrs. MiBS Mrs. .Miss Digitized by Fitchville. Colchester. Yantic. Box 25, Jewett City. 200 Hart Street, Groton. Lebanon. Ledyard. Lyme. Hadly'me. Mohican Hotel, New London. Google . 107 CONNECTICUT-Continued. TOWNSHIP CHAIRMEN-Continued. Township. Chairman. - - - - - - - - - - -~-- Address. --- Southeastern district-Con. Norwich ............... : . Old Lyme ................ Preston ................. Salem ................... Voluntown .............. Mrs. William H. Dawley. . . . . . Mrs. Clark G. Voorhees ....... Mrs. George V. Shedd......... Mrs. Wm. R. Darling......... MiBB Bertha E. Lewis ......... 59 McKinley Avenue. Old Lyme. R. F. D. No. 5, Norwich. Colchester R.F.D. No. 3. Voluntown. Northwestern district. Bridgewater.............. Miss Mabel Healey............ Bridgewater. Goshen........... . . . . . . . . Miss Louise E. Wright.. . . . . . . Goshen. Litchfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. John L. Buel............ East Meadows, Litchfield. Morris.................... Mrs. Ethiel G. Emmons....... West Morris. New Hartford ............ Mrs. H.J. Stanclift ............ New Hartford. North Canaan ............ Mrs. H. E. Lyles ............. North Canaan. Roxbury ................. Miss Gertrude E. Craven ...... West Hill, Roxbury. Salisbury ................. Mrs. W.W. Norton ........... Lakeville. Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Mary L. Carter . . . . . . . . . . Sharon. Warren................... Miss Louise Hopkins. . . . . . . . . New Preston. Washington .............. Mrs. William J. Bader ......... Washington Depot. Winchester.............. Mrs. J. H. Alvord. . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Mam Street, Winsted. Western district. Beacon Falls ........... . Bethlehem ............. . Middlebury ............ . Naugatuck .............. . Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Plymouth ............... . Southbury .............. . Thomaston ............. . Watertown .............. . Woodbury .............. . Mrs. Wilbert N. Austin........ Miss Evangeline Cassidy....... Mrs. Robert Hazen . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Ella M. Lockwood . . . . . . . Miss Lottie E. Hitchcook. . . . . Frank Bronson . . . . . . . . . . James Flynn............. William P. Tyler......... Lewis C. Warner ......... - - - - - - - - · - · - - - - .. -·· Beacon Falls. Bethlehem. Middlebury. 344 Church Street, Naugatuck. Plymouth. South Britain. Thomaston. Watertown. Woodbury. ··----· DELAWARE. [100 per cent organization.] EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Mrs. HENRY RIDGELY, State chairman. Mrs. OTHO NOWLAND. Mrs. PIIILIP BURNET. Miss REBA HOLCOMB. Mrs. LEWIS MUSTARD. Mrs. ALDEN B. RICHARDSON. Mrs. J. R. ESKRIDGE. Mrs. w ALTER MORRIS. Mrs. WILLIAM ORR. Miss LEAH BURTON. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Newca~tle .................................. Mi9s Reha Holcomb. Kent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Philip Burnet. Sussex ..................................... Mrs. Lewis MuFtard. Digitized by Google FLORIDA. [100 per cent organization.] Mrs. H. B. MINIMUM, Jacksonville, literature chairman. Mrs. EDWARD O'DoNALD, Jacksonville, publici,t,y chairman. Mrs. H. A. Woon, Jacksonville, executive se<:retary. Miss ELIZABETH SKINNER, Dunedin, vice chairman, District 1. Mrs. J. W. McCoLLUlll, Gainesville, vice chairman, District 2. Mrs. E. H. WILKERSON, Panama City, vice chairman, District 8. Mrs. M. L. STANLEY, Daytona, vice chairman, District 4. Mr~. A. W. YouNo, Vero, vice chairman, District 5. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Chairman. County. Jaclcsonville zone. Alachua .................................... lfrR. J. W. l'ilcCollum. Baker .................................... · I Mrs. Max Brown. Bradford ....................•.............. , Mrs. R. A. Weeks. Brevard ................................... ! Mrs. Frank Meyer. Broward ................................... Mrs. Frank Stranahan. Clay ....................................... Mrs. E. N. Holt. Columbia ................................... Mrs. Frank Ives. Dade....................................... No chairman. Duval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Carrington BarrR. Flagler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Catherine Cole. Hamilton................................... Mrs. C. L. Adams. Lake....................................... Mrs. Cora Peet Hammond. Lafayette ................................... I Mrs. 0. B. Dees. Levy, East End ............................ i Mrs. Preston King. Levy, West End ............................ ! Mrs. John Willie. Monroe .................................... Mrs. Allen B. Cleare. Nassau ..................................... Mrs. J. L. Turner. Okeechobee ................................ Mrs. Geo. F. Parker. Palm Beach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Beatrice Brooks. Putnam .................................... MisR Rena Brown. Suwanee.................................. Mrs. H. R. Swartz. St. Johns................................. Sister Esther Carlotta. St. Lucie.................................. Mrs. Fred L. IIemmingA. Taylor..................................... Mrs. L. L. Lassiter. Volusia.................................... Mrs. J. D. Maley. 1 Tampa zone. Citrus .................................... . De Soto .................................. . Hernando ................................. . Hillsborough .............................. . Lee ....................................... . Manatee .................................. . Marion .................................... . Orange ................................... . Osceola ................................... . Pasco ..................................... . Pinellas ................................... . Polk ....................................... . Seminole ................................. . Sumter ................................... . Miss Sara Sweat. Mrs. A. P. Jordan. Mrs. Harry C. Mickler. Mrs. T. L. Karn. Mrs. W. F. Gwynne. Mrs. Geo. F. Morgan. Mrs. B. H. Seymour. Mrs. L.B. Fort. Mrs. J. Wesley Brown. Mrs. Christopher Locke. Mrs. R. L. WeRt. Miss Mav Tomlinson. Mrs. E. ?.I. Galloway. Mrs. J. C. Getzen. Pensacola zone. Bav ....................................... Calhoun .................................... E,camhia.................................. Franklin ................................... Mrs. Jennie Brandenburg. Miss Marie Yon. Mrs. Hunter Brown. Mrs. G. F. Wefing. Digitized by Google 109 FLORIDA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIR.MEN-Continued. County. Chairman. Penaacola zone-Continued. Gadsden ................................... Holmes .................................... Jackson.................................... Jefferson.................................... Leon....................................... Liberty ..................................... Madison .................................... Okaloosa ................................... Santa Rosa .................................. Wakulla ................................... Walton ..................................... Washington ................................. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Jacob Weil. S. L. Jeter. C. L. Wilson. D. A. Finlayson. J. Stewart Lewis. T. E. Shuler. A. W. Vann. W. C. Pryor. I. B. Krentzman. A. B. Winn. B. L. Biddle. W. C. Lockey. GEORGIA. [l 00 per cent organization. l Mrs. HuoH M. DORSEY, Atlanta, honorary State chairman. Mrs. T. T. STEVENS, Atlanta, vice chairman. Mrs. W. L. WILSON, Savannah, vice chairman. Mrs. HERBERT FRANKLIN, Tennille, vice chairman. Mrs. HoWARD McCALL, Atlanta, vice chairman. Mrs. ROBERT BILLINGTON, Savannah, vice chairman. Miss MAUDE CREW, secretary. · Miss ls.MA DooLY, Atlanta, chairman of publicity. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Address. Appling .................. Bacon .................... Baker .................... Baldwin................. Banks .................... Barrow .................. Bartow.................. Ben Hill .................. Berrien ................... Bibb .................... Mrs. J. H. Goodman ........... Mrs. A. M. Swift ...... '. ........ Mrs. N. E. Davis.. ............ Mrs. H. D. Allen .............. Mrs. J.M. Eberhart ........... Mrs. Reba Vanderleith ......... Miss Mary Ella Johnson........ Mrs. J.B. Wall ............... Mrs. C. A. Christian........... Mrs. Wm. H. Felton, jr ......... Baxley. Alma. Newton. Milledgeville. Mavsville. Winder. Kingston. Fitzgerald. Nashville. MaC'on. Bleckley ................. Mrs. Joe Tavlor .............. : Cochran. Brooks ................... Bryan .................... Bulloch .................. Burke .................... Butts.................... Calhoun ................. Camden .................. Campbell ................ Candler ................... Carroll .................... Catoosa.................. Charlton .................. Chatham ................. Cha"tahoochee ............ Mrs. Lula Hitch Chapman..... Mrs. J. Perry Dukes ............ Mrs. W. G. Raines ............ Mrs. Inez W. Jones ............ Miss Pauline Mallett.......... Mrs. John Ward ................ Mrs. S. C. Townsend ........... Mrs. W. T. Roberts ........... Mrs. A. J. Bird ................ Mrs. H. M. Tyus............... Mrs. W. J. Green.............. Mrs. A. C. Franks ............. Mrs. Robert Billington .. : ..... Mrs. C. N. Howard ............ Quitman. Pembroke. Statesboro. Waynesboro. Jackson. Arlington. St. Marys. Fairburn. Metter. Carrollton. Ringgold. Folkston. Savannah. Cusseta. Digitized by Google 110 GEORGIA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Chairman. Chattooga ............... . Cherokee ................ . Clarke ................... . Clay ..•.......•........... Clayton .................. . Clinch .................. . Cobb .................... . Coffee .......·........... . Colquitt ................ . Columbia ............... . Cook .................... . Coweta ................. . Crawford ................ . Crisp .................... . Dawson .................. . Decatur .................. . Dekalb ..................• Dodge .................. . Dooly ................... . Dougherty .............. . Douglas ................. . Early .................... . Echols ................... . Effingham ................ . Elbert ................... . Emanuel.. ............... . Evans ................... . Fannin .................. . Fayette .................. . Floyd ................... . Forsyt1?- .................. . Frankhn ................. . Fulton .................... Gilmer ................... . Glascock ................. . Glynn .................. . Grady ................... . Greene .................... . Gwinnett ................ . Hahersham .............. . Hall .................... . Hancock ................. . Haralson ................. . Harris ................... . Hart .................... . Heard ................... . Henry ................... . Houston ................. . Irwin .................... . Jackson .................. . Jasper .. : ................ . Jeff Davis ............... . Jefferson ................ . Jenkins ................. . Johnson ................ . Jones .................... . Laurens ................ . Lee .................... . Liberty ................. . Lincoln .................. . Mrs. George Espy ............ . Miss May Jones ............... . Mrs. Billups Phinizy .......... . Mrs. M. I. Crozier ............ . Mrs. Nannie C. Waldrop ..•..•.. Mrs. Claude Harvey ........... . Mrs. Len Baldwin ............ . Mrs. J. M. Dent ............... . Mrs. W. S. Way ............... . Mrs. Sara Bell Fox ............ . Mrs. R. C. Woodward ......... . Mrs. G. W. St. John .......... . Mrs. H. A. Bond ............. . Mrs. Max E. Land ............ . Mrs. Hoyt Brannon ........... . Mrs. Charles Hodges .......... . Mrs. L. S. Bottenfield ........ . Mrs. A. L. Wilkins ............ . Miss Emily Woodw!!.rd ....... . Mrs. P. N. Booker ........... . Mrs. W. M. Almand ........... . Mrs. Clarence Alexander ..... . Mrs. R. L. Tomlin ........... . Mrs. R. B. Mallory ............ . Mrs. J. Y. Swift .............. . Mrs. H. H. Tb.ompson ......... . Mrs. A. Wolpert ............. . Mrs. Frank Starks ............. . Mrs. W. N. Bailey ............ . Mrs. Wm. Winston ........... . Mrs. C. L. Harris ............. . Mrs. Swift Gilmer ............ . Mrs. Vyrlin Moore ........... . Miss Bernice Teem ............ . Mrs. Charles Gib@on ........... . Mrs. Sallie L. High .......... . Mrs. J. A. Lindsay ........... . Mrs. Thurston Crawford ....•... Miss Minnie A. Peeples ......•. Miss Elizabeth Saunders ..•.... Mrs. B. S .. Barker ............ . Mrs. W.W. Driskell.. ......... . Mrs. Lester Jaillet ............ . Mrs. Ella DeLacy ............. . Mrs. Amanda McMullen ...... . Mrs. E. E. Lewis ............. . Mrs. Whit Turner ............ . Mrs. Alva Davis .............. . Mrs. John A. Henderson ...... . Mrs. C. E. Pittman ..•......... Mrs. G. F. Johnson .......... . Mrs. H. M. Henderson ........ . Mrs. R. H. Hardeman ......... . Mrs. W. R. Turner ........... . Mrs. C. D. Rountree ......... . Mrs. J. D. Zachery ............ . Mrs. E. J. Blackshear ......... . Mrs. S. J. Yeomans .......... . Mrs. Farmer Hendry •.......... Miss Eunice Freeman ........ . Digitized by Address. Summerville. Canton. Athens. Fort Gaines. Jonesboro. Homerville. Marietta. Douglas. Moultrie. Harlem. Adel. Newnan. Roberta. Cordele. Dawsonville. Cyrene. Decatur. Ea~tman. Vienna. Albany. Douglasville. Blakely. Staten ville. Clyo. Elberton. Swainsboro. Claxton. Blue Ridge. Fayetteville. Rome. Cumming. Lavonia. Bolton. Ellijay. Mitchell. Brunswick. Cairo. Greensboro. Lawrenceville. Mount Airy. Gainesville. Sparta. Tallapoosa. Hamilton. Hartwell. Franklin. Locust Grove. Perry. Ocilla. Commerce. Monticello. Hazlehurst. Louisville. Millen. Wrightsville. Bradley. Dublin. Leesburg. Ludowici. Lincolnton. Google 111 GEORGIA-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Chairman. Lowndes ................. . Lumpkin ................ . McDuffie ............... . McIntosh ......•.•........ Macon ................... . Madison ................ . Marion ................. . Meriwether .............. . Mrs. W. H. Griffin ............ . Mrs. R. H. Baker ............. . Mrs. Ira Farmer .............. . Mrs. Richard Grubb .......... . Mrs. C. H. Richardson ....... . Mrs. 0. K. Griffeth .......... . Miss Ruth Carr ............... . Mrs. J. 0. McGehee .......... . Mrs. Felix Bush .............. . Mrs. J. W. Swilling .......... . Mrs. H. H. Merry ..•....•..... Mias Alice V. Newton ..•..... Mrs. M. B. Calhoun ..•....... Mrs. Joseph Vason .......... . Mrs. F. M. Jones ............ . Mrs. Rhodes Brown ......... . Mrs. C. H. White ........... . Mrs. Hugh Abercrombie ..... . Mrs. W. W. Armstead ........ . Mrs. Homer Turner ......... . Mrs. F. C. Tate ............. . Mrs. Nolan Davis ............ . Mrs. Harry Trumbo ......... . Miss Nell Cochran ............ . Mrs. Lee Jordan ............. . Mrs. V. H. Taliaferro ......... . Mrs. J.E. Dozier ............ . Mrs. Lamar Rutherford Lips• comb. Mrs. Annie Kate Walker ...... . Mrs. Ben Reese ............. . Mrs. R. A. Lansdell ......... . Mrs. J. A. Guinn ............ . Mrs. William Tondee ......... . Mrs. A. R. Roberts .......... . Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy, jr ..... . Mrs. Jeff Davis .............. . Mrs. E. J. Tucker ........... . Mrs. W. D. Ivey·............. . Mrs. Linda Brown ........... . Mrs. J. A. Beazley .......... . Mrs. J. L. Lightsey ........... . Mrs. Brown Marshall ........ . Mrs. Ben Harrell ............ . Mrs. E.T. Jordan ........... . Mrs. John Watt ............. . Mrs. Shine L. Fleetwood .... . Mrs. L.B. Godbee .......... . Mrs. V. Benson ............. . Mrs. J.C. Fowler ........... . Mrs. C.H. Nimmons ........ . Mrs. Emma Cliatt ............ . Mrs. W. F. Shannon ....•...... Miss Cora Butt. ............. . Mrs. E.T. Nottingham ....... . Miss Nannie Warthen ....... . Mrs. J. L. McGarity .•........ Mrs. J. L. Walker ........•.... Mrs. G. A. Ray ............. . Mrs. Newman Wood ......... . Mrs. Annie.Bennett ......... . Miller ................... . Milton .................. . Mitchell ............... . Monroe ................ . Montgomery ............. . :~;::::::::::::::::: Muscogee .............. . Newton ................ . Oconee ................ . Oglethorpe ............. . Paulding ............... . Pickens ................. . Pierce .................. . Polk .................... . Do ................. . Pulaski ................ . Putnam ................ . Quitman ............... . Rabun .................. . Randolph .............. . Do ................. . Richmond ............. . Rockdale .............. . Schley .................. . Screven ................ . Spalding .........•..•... Stephens ............... . Stewart ................. . Sumter ................ . Talbot .................. . Taliaferro .............. . Tattnall •.•........ ·...... . Taylor .................. . Telfair ................. . Terrell .................. . Thomas ................ . Tift ..................... . Toombs ................ . Towns ... , ............. . Trenthan ............... . Troup .................. . Turner ................. . Twiggs ................. . Union ................. . Upson •.......•.•.•...... Walker ................. . Walton ...........•.•.... Ware .................. . Warren ................ . Washington ............. . Wayne ............... ·.. . Address. Valdosta. Dahlonega. Thomson. Darien. Montezuma. Danielsville. Buena Vista. Greenville. Colquitt. Alpharetta. Pelham. Forsyth. Mount Vernon. Madison. Eton. Columbus. Covington. Watkinsville. Crawford. Dallas. Jasper. Hoboken. Cedartown. Rockmart. Hawkinsville. Eatonton. Georgetown. Lakemont. Cuthbert. Shellman. Hephzibah. Conyers. Ellaville. Ogeechee. Griffin. Toccoa. Lumpkin. Americus. Talbotton. Crawfordsville. Reidsville. Reynolds. Milan. Dawson. Thomasville. Tifton. Vidalia. Hiawassee. Sopertown. La Grange. Ashburn. Jeffersonville. Blairsville. Thomaston. La Fayette. Monroe. Waycross. Norwood. Sandersville. Jesup. Digitized by Google 112 GEORGIA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. AddreBB. County. Chairman. Webster .................. Wheeler................. White................... Whitfield ............... Wilcox.......... . . . . . . . . . Wilkes ................... Wilkinson ............... Worth .................. Mrs. George E. Thornton ...... Mrs. W. E. Currie............. Miss Aline Clayton............ Mrs. W. C. Marten............ Miss Irene McLa.od. . . . . . . . . . . Miss Mary Irvin .............. Mrs. 0. W. Manson ............ Mrs. R. A. Hinsolui. ........... Preston. Alamo. Helen. Dalton. Abbeville. Washington. Irwinton. Sylvester. I IDAHO. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. AddresB. Ada ..................•. Mrs. B. S. Howe ............. . 1002 Warm Springs Avenue, Boise. Adams ................... Mrs, J. F. Lowe ............. . Council. Bannock ................ Mrs. E. E. Moberly ........•. Fargo Apartments, Pocatello. Bear Lake .............. . Mrs. H.B. Whitman ........ . Montpelier. Benewah •................ Mrs. T. B. Hay ............. . St. Maries. Bin~ham ............... . Mrs. D. H. Biethan .......... . Blackfoot. Blaine •..•.........•...•. Mrs. E. P. Armstrong ........ . Hailey. Bonner ................ . Mrs. T. L. Greer ............ . Sand Point. Boundary .............. . Mrs. F. E. Murray .......... . Bonners Ferry. Bonneville ............. . Mrs. N. A. Packer ........... . Idaho Falls. Butte ................... . Mrs. S. A. Paisley ............ . Arco. Camas .................. . MiBB Pearl Lamson ........... . Fairfield. Canyon ................ . Mrs. E. S. Hamaker .......... . Nampa. Cassia •...•.........•..... Mrs. S. Grover Rich ......... . .Burley. Clearwater .............. . Mrs. R. Noftager ............ . Crofino. Custer .................. . Mrs: E. J. Michale .......... .. Challis. Elmore ................ . Miss Blanch Skipper ........ . Mountain Home. Franklin ............... . Mrs. R. D. Holt .............. . Preston. Fremont ............... . Mrs. H. R. Kirkbride ....... . Ashton. Gem .................... . Mrs. Elizabeth Hawkins ...... . Emmett. Gooding ................ . Mrs. H.J. Leyson ........... . Gooding. Idaho .................. . Mrs. A. F. Parker .......... .. Grangeville. Jefferson ................ . Mrs. F. B. Ellsworth ........ . Rigby. Kootenai ............... . Mrs. H. 0. Shaver ............ . Creur d'Alene. Latah .................. . Mrs. J. H. Forney .......... .. Moscow. Lemhi .................. . Mrs. J. F. Melvin ........... . Salmon. Lewis .................. . Mrs. W.R. Emerson ........ . Nez Perce. Lincoln ................ . Mrs. Fred Gooding .......... .. Shoshone. Madison ...•..•.....•.... Mrs. S. H. Abbott ............ . Rexburg. Minidoka .............. . Mrs. A. F. Beymer ....•....... Rupert. Nez Perce ............... . Mrs. J. H. Nave ............. . Lewiston. Oneida ................. . Miss Elizabeth McDougall .... . Malad. Owyhee ....•............. Mrs. Margaret Duval.. ....... . Silver City. Payette ................ . Mrs. John McGlinchy ....... . Payette. Power ................. . Mrs. R. B. Greenwood ........ . American FallR. Shoshone ...•............ Mrs. Stanley Eaaton .•. ; ...... . Kellogg. Teton .................. . Mrs. Rula Choules .......... .' D~. Twin Falls ..•.. : ........ . Mrs. Burton E. Morris ....... . Twm Falls. Valley ........•.......... Mrs. Frank Kerby ........... . Cascade. Washington ••.••••....... Mrs. L. B. Jenness .••......•. Weiser. Digitized by Google 113 ILLINOIS. SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. [100 per cent organization.] DISTRICT CHAIRMEN. District. First. ................... Second .. _. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . Third .................... Fourth.................. Fifth..................... Sixth.................... Seventh ........ _._ ... _.. Eighth .................. Nirith.................... Tenth ................... Eleventh ........ _....... Twelfth .................. Thirteenth ....... _....... Fourteenth.............. Fifteenth ................. Sixteenth ................ Seventeenth............. Eighteenth.............. Nineteenth ............... Twentieth ......... _. _. . . Twenty-first............. Chairman. Address. Mrs. E. S. Bailey .. _________ .. Mrs. Remy W. Hardy ........ . Mrs. A. W. Augur ............ . Mrs. Frank Jerome .......... . Mrs. Charles E. Greenfield .... . Mrs. Wm. J. B(lnson .......... . Mrs. Ransom E. Kennicott. .. . Miss Clara Danz ............. . Mrs. C. D. Jeffers ............ . Mrs. Martin K. Northam..... .. Mrs. Frank Johnson ..... _._ .. . Mrs. N. W. Walsh ............ . Mrs. Frank J. Bowman ....... _ Mrs. Blanche West .......... . Mrs. Nelle W. Whipple ....... . Mrs. Arthur G. Smith ........ . Mrs. Carrie Bruner ........... . Mrs. E. B. Griffin ............ . Mrs. Guy P. Lewis .......... . Mrs. Geo. Luthringer _. _. __ ... . Miss Rena George_ .......... . Chicago. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Glen Ellyn. Morris. Sterling. Bushnell. Galesburg. Peoria. Pontiac. Grant Park. Decatur. Petersburg. Springfield. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Boone.................... Bureau ................... Carroll .................. Cass ..................... Champaign .............. Clark ..................... Coles ........... _......... Cook ..................... Cumberland ............. Dekalb . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . Dewitt ........... _...... Douglass .......... _...... Dupage.................. Edgar ..... _.......... _. . . Ford.................... Fulton................... Grundy. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Hancock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Remy .................. Henderson .............. Iroquois ................. Jo Daviess ............... Kane ..................... , Chairman. Address. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Harry D. Pierce......... C. W. Boyden............ J. B. Schreiter .......... Frank J. Kuhl.. ......... Mrs. M. E. Busey ............. Miss Ethel Abell.............. Mrs. J.B. Kerr ............... Miss Katharine McIntyre ... Mrs. Jacob Baur .............. _ Miss Cecile Yanaway .......... Mrs. W. A. Kilmer. . . . .. . . . . . Mrs. C. W. Danks. . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Grace Hackett........... Mrs. K E. R. Tratman........ Miss Louise McCulloch. . . . . . . Mrs . .W. A. Hoover............ Mrs. Geo. W. Lane. . . . . . . . . . . Mrs, E. L. Newport. . .. .. .. .. Mrs. Mary E. Aleshire. . . . . . . . Mrs. A. E. Bergland ........... Mrs. Flo Ervin ................ Mrs. A. F. Goodyear ........... Mrs. H. L. Heer ............... Mrs. Frank Watson ........... --1 Belvidere. Sheffield. Savanna. Beardstown. Urbana. Taylorville. Marshall. Mattoon. Chicago. Toledo. Dekalb. Clinton. Tuscola. Wheaton. Paris. Gibson City. Canton. Morris. Plymouth. Galva. Biggsville. Watseka. Galena. Aurora. Digitized by Google 114 Il,LINOIS-Continued. SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Chairman. Kankakee .............. . Kendall ................. . Knox .................. . Lake ................... . La Salle ...............• Lee .................... . Livingston ............. . Logan .................. . Macon ................. . Marshall ................ . Mason ................... . McDonough ............. . McHenry ................ . McLean ................ . Menard ................ . Mercer .................. . Moultrie ................ . Ogle ................... . Peoria .................. . Piatt ................... . Putnam ................ . Rock Island ............ . Sangamon .............. . Schuyler ................ . Shelby .................. . Stark .................. . Stephenson ............. . Tazewell ................ . Vermilion ............... . Warren .................. . Whiteside ............... . Will ................... . Winnebago .............. . Woodford ............... . Mrs. W. R. Hickox ........... . Mrs. R. F. Hoadley ......... . Mrs. F. C. Bearmore ......... . Mrs. James H. Broad ........ . Mrs. W. F. Carr .............•. Mrs. R. W. Ruckman ....... . Miss Ida Woodrow .......... . Mrs. M. L. Drobish ........... . Miss Helen Kimber .......... . Mrs. Laurence D. Gregory .... . Mrs. Stanley McFadden ...... . Mrs. Herman Stocker ......... . Miss Georgia Curtis Eckert ... . Mrs. James Riley ............. . Mrs. Irving Newcomer .....•.. Miss Elizabeth Winders ..... . Miss Bertha Shuman ........ . Mrs. Harriet M. Etnyre ...... . Mrs. W. S. Miles ............. . Mrs. William Dighton ....... . Mrs. A. W. Hopkins ......... . Miss Lou Harris ............. . Mrs. Alvin 0. Merriam ...... . Mrs. John Bates .............. . Mrs. 0. W. Walker .......... . Miss Edith Walters .......... . Mrs. 0. T. Smith ............ . Mrs. R. F. Tanton .......... . Mrs. I. S .• Levin .............. . Mrs. H. R. Moffett ........... . Mrs. John W. Platt .......... . Mrs. Jane Schreeve .......... . Mrs. S. B. Hand ............ . Mrs. Jo Major ............... . Address. Kankakee. Yorkville. Maquon. Waukegan. Ottawa. Amboy. Pontiac. Lincoln. Decatur. Lacon. Havana. Macomb. Woodstock. Bloomington. Petersburg. Aledo. Sullivan. Oregon. Peoria. Monticello. Granville. Rock Island. Auburn. Rushville. Shelbyville. Wyoming. Freeport. Washington. Danville. Monmouth. Sterling. Joliet. Rockford. Eureka. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. DISTRICT CHAIRMEN. District. Chairman. Twentieth ............... Twenty-first ............. Twenty-second..... . . . . . . Twenty-third............. Twenty-fourth............ Twenty-fifth ............ Fifteenth ............... Mrs. J.C. Schwarz ..........•. Mrs. C. J. Lumpkin ........... Mrs. E. E. Schnepp. . • . . . . . • . Miss Bessie Cope.............. Mrs. S. L. Crebs. . . . . . • . . . . . • Mrs. T. S. Browning .......... Mrs.O.G.Mull •............• Digitized by Address. Jerseyville. Carlinville. Greenville. Salem. Carmi. Benton. Quincy. Google 115 ILLINOIS-Continued. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Adams ...•.•............. Alexander .............. . Bond .................. . Brown ...•............... Calhoun ................ . Clay ................... . Clinton ................. . Crawford •..•............• Edwards ................ . Effingham .•.............. Fayette ................ . Franklin ............... . Gallatin .•.....•.......... Green ................... . Hamilton ............... . Hardin ................. . Jackson ................ . J:':Eer ................. . Je erson .•............... Jersey ................. . Johnson ................ . Lawrence .............. . Macoupin ............... . Madison ................ . Marion .........•........ Massac .................. . Monroe ................ . Montgomery .•............ Morgan ................ . :i~:.-.:::::::::: :: ::::: Pope .....•.............. Pulaski ................ . Randolph .............. . Richland ............... . Saline ................. . Scott .................. . St. Clair ............... . Union ................. . Wabash ................ . Washington ............. . Wayne ................. . White ...•.......•....... Williamson ............. . Address. Chairman. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. 0. G. Mull ............. . Walter Wood ........... . Jas. M. Vaughn ........ . W. Y. Baker. .......... . Mrs. E. E. Williams .......... . Mrs. Rufus Beard ............ . Miss Mabel H. Robinson ..... . Mrs. Ellen M. Firebaugh .... . Mrs. Harry Bower ........... . Mrs. Walter E. Rinehart ..... . Mrs. F. C. Humphrey ....... . Mrs. F. G. Pulliam ........... . Mrs. Geo. T. Land ........... . Mrs. Edward F. Ford ......... . Mrs. Ruth Wilson ........... . Mrs. Charlotte J ellett ........ . Mrs. Nellie S. Searing ........ . Mrs. Maud Lathrop .......... . Mrs. J. J. Baker .............. . Mrs. I. D. Snedeker .......... . Mrs. Bertha Martin ........... . Mrs. 0. T. Jones ............ . Mrs. W.R. George .......... . Mrs. John F. McGinnis ....... . Mrs. A. R. Williams ......... . Mrs. Grace S. Trousdale ..... . Miss Mary I. James .......... . Mrs. Jas. P. Brown ........... . Mrs. Madge Barnes ........... . Mrs. Chas. F. Row .......... . Mrs. Cora L. Bright .......... . Mrs. Fannie Baker ........... . Mrs. W. L. Toler ............. . Mrs. T. P. Armstrong ......... . Mrs. G. E. McMahon ...•...... Miss Bess S. Parish .......•.... Mrs. Ed. Kendall ........... . Mrs. J. W. Rentchler ......... . Mrs. Sam Stokes ............ . Mrs. Ellison Wilkins ........ . Mrs. J. Paul Carter .•..•....... Mrs. B. F. Thomas .......... . Mrs. Annie C. Pearce ......... . Mrs. Wayne L. Smith ........ . Quincy. Cairo. Greemille. Mount Sterling-. Hardin. Louisville. Carlrle. Robmson. Albion. Effingham. Vandalia. Benton. Ridgway. Greenfield. McLeansboro. Elizabethtown. Carbondale. Newton. Mount Vernon. Jerseyville. Belknap. Sumner. Staunton. Alton. Salem. Metropolis. Waterloo. Hillsboro. Jacksonville. Duquoin. Barry. Golconda. Mounds. Coulterville. Olney. Harrisburg. Bluffs. Belleville. Anna. Mount Carmel. Nashville. Fairfield. Carmi. Herrin. Digitized by Google 116 INDIANA. SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. [100 per cent organization.] COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Adams................... Allen..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bartholomew............. Benton ................. Blackford ....•........... Boone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown .•................. Carroll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Case ..................... Clay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clinton .................. Dearborn................ Decatur ................. DPkalb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delaware ................ Fayette ................. Fountain ................. Franklin ................ Fulton ...... : ............. Grant.................... Hamilton ................ Hancock ................ Hendricks............... Henry .................. Huntington.............. Jaspar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jay ..................... Jennings ................. Johnson................. Kosciusko ............... Lagrange ................ Lake .................... Laporte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madison................. Marion.................. Marshall ................. Mia:mi.. ................. Monroe ................... Montgomery.............. Morgan . ... _. . . . . . . . . . . . Newton ................. Noble .................... Ohio .................... Owen .................... Parke ................. Porter •................. Pulaski. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Putnam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randolph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rush... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Joseph .............• Shelby. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Starke. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • Steuben ..........•...... Tippecanoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . Tipton................... --J Addnm. Mrs. Faye Knapp............. Decatur. E. H. Kilbourne. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort Wayne. Miss Vida Newsom. . . . . . . . . . . Columbus. Mrs. Samuel Withrow ......... Fowler. Mrs. R. K. Williams .......... Hartford City. Mrs. Samuel S. Heath. . . . . . . . Lebanon. Mrs. H.B. Miller .............. Nashville. Mrs. Edward Blythe. . . . . . . . . Delphi. Miss Laura A. Howe., ........ Logansport. Mrs. Fannie Zeller. . . . . . . . . . . Brazil. Mrs. Arthur McKinsey ....... Frankfort. Mrs. Harry R. McMullen...... Aurora. Mias Mary Rankin ........... Greensburg. Mrs. Monte L. Green..... . . . . . Garrett. Mrs. Harriet M. Johnson ....... Muncie. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Earl. . . . . . . Connersville. Mrs. Rachel Levor ........... Attica. Mrs. Will M. Baker........... Brookville. Mrs. Lucille Leonard .......... Rochester. Mrs. Bernard B. Shively...... Marion. Mrs. Frank Hare ............. Noblesville. Mrs. 0. S. Heller............. Greenfield. Mrs. Alvin Hall.............. Danville. Mrs. Harry B. Jennings ........ Newcastle. Mrs. Wm. Runyan. . . . . . . . . . . Huntington. Mrs. Juds,;m J. Hunt. . . . . . . . . Rensselaer. Mrs. James A. Limle. . . . . . . . . Portland. Mrs. Zelpha Weber ........... North Vernon. Mrs. Wm. Schlosser........... Franklin. Mrs. J. W. Scott ............. Warsaw. Mrs. Herman Morris ........... Lagrange. Mrs. Herbert Erichion.. .. .. . . . Gary. Mrs. David McGill..... . . . . . . . Laporte. Mrs. R. 0. Bright............ Anderson. Mrs. Joseph B. Kealing....... Indianapolis. Mrs. S. C. Loring ............. Plymouth. Miss Carrie Rhein ............. Peru. Mrs. John A. Hunter .......... Bloomington. Mrs. S. C. Rowland........... Crawfordsville. Miss Dorothy Cunningham..... Martinsville. Mrs. J. F. Lawrence .......... Kentland. Miss Clare Gilbert ............ Kendallville. Miss Christine North .......... Rising Sun. Miss Ura Sanders ............. Gosport. Mrs. E. S. Brubeck. . . . . . .. . . Rockville. Mrs. W. E. Harris............. Valparaiso. Mrs. Luther Thompson........ Winamac. Mrs. Alonzo Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . Greencastle. Mrs. Grant C. Markle......... Winchester. Mrs. Cora M. Stewart....... . . . Rushville. Miss Virginia Tutt. . . . . . . . . . . South Bend. Miss Betsey J. Edwards. . . . . . Shelbyville. Mrs. A. Knoxman . . . . . . . . . . . . Knox. Mrs. Sam E. Brooks ...•.•.... Angora. Mrs. Chas. B. Stuart.......... La Fayette. Mrs. Sam Matthews........... Tipton. Digitized by Google 11.7 INDIANA-Continued. SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. COUNTY CHAIR.MEN-Continued. Chairman. County. Union ................. .. Vermilion ............. .. Vigo ................... . WabBBh ................ . Warren ................ . Wayne ................. . Wells .....•.............. White .................. . Whitley ................. . Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. AddreBB. Charles Bond. . . . . . . . . . . Wm. H. Collier.......... Robert B. Lee. . . . . . . . . . Letha Urschel............ Richard Stephenson. . . . . A. W. Roach ............ Abram Simmons ........ Charles Preston ......... M. Mayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liberty. Dana. Terre Haute. Wabash. West Lebanon. Richmond. Bluffton. Monticello._ South Whitley. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Mrs. FREDERICK ERLBACHER, Cluiirman Speakers' Bureau. Mrs. JOHN HALLWOODB, Chairman of Publicity. DISTRICT CHAI:i:tMEN. District. Chairman. Address. First. ................... Second .•..•............. Third •...••.............. Fourth .................... Fifth ..................... Miss Kate Jackson ............. Mrs. B. B. Griffith ............ Miss Julia Penn .............. Mrs. Ed. Torrance ............ Miss Sad Craig ............... Seymour. Vincennes. New Albany. Evansville. Jeffersonville. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Clark .................... . Crawford ................ . Daviess ................. . Dubois .................. . Floyd ................... . Chairman. Address. Mi.Be May Boyle .............. 1 Mrs. Margaret Funk ............ Mrs. M. F. Burke.............. Mrs. Wm. A. Wilson .......... Miss Edith Gwin ............. Do.................. Mrs. Lee Stephens ............ Gibson ................. . Greene .................. . Harrison ................. . Jackson .................. . Jefferson ................ . Knox .................... . MrR. M. P. Hollingsworth ..... . Mrs. Chas. Combs ............ . Mrs. Grace D. Applegate ..... . Miss Lenora Swails ........... . Mrs. John Tevis .............. . Mrs. B. B. Griffith ........... . Lawrence................. Mrs. Dan Tofaute.............. Martin ................. . Orange .................. . Perry .................... . Pike .................... . Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Agnes Hughes ........... . Wm. Schweiters ........ . Wm. C. Conway ...... : .. Sylvester Thompson ..... . Jeffersonville. Marengo. Washington. Jasper. 317 East Third Street, New Albany. 2016 East Spring Street, New Albany. Princeton. Bloomfield. Corydon. Seymour. Madison. Burnet Heights, Vincennes. 1508 Inn · Street, Bedford. Shoals. French Lick. Cannelton. Petersburg. Digitized by Google 118 INDIANA-Continued. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Chairman. AddreSB. Posey ................... Scott .......•............. Spencer ................. Sullivan ..........•...... Mrs. Geo. F. Zimmerman ...... Miss Alice J. Gamble ......... Mrs. Arch Stevenson ........... Mrs. Oscar Hawkins .•......... Switzerland .............. Vanderburg ............. Warrick .•.. a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington .............. Miss Grace H. Griffith ......... Mrs. Marv H. Steel. ........... Mrs. Will Hatfield ............ Mrs. 0. C. Zink ............... Mount Vernon. Scottsburg. Rockport. 435 East Washington Street, Sullivan. Vevay. Evansville. Boonville. Salem. IOWA. (100 per cent organization.] Mrs. MAx MAYER, Iowa City, chairman speakers' committee. Mrs. C. C. LooMIS, Cedar Rapids, chairman woman's foreign language division. Dr. EFFIE McCOLLUM JONES, Webster Citr, fieW director. Miss LuLu D. CusHMAN, Waterloo, executive secremry. Mrs. W. L. HARDING, Dea Moines, honorary chairman. Mrs. FRANCES E. WHITLEY, Webster City, honorary vice chairman. DISTRICT CHAIRMEN. District. Chairman. Address. First .................... Second .................. Third.................... Fourth .................. Fifth ... ~-------- ......... Sixth.................... Seventh ................. Eighth .................. Ninth .................... Tenth ................... Eleventh ................ Mrs. A. E. Glazier............ Mrs. Max Mayer ............... Miaa Anna Il. Lawther........ Mrs. Wm. Larrabee, jr ........ Mrs. R. D. Taylor ............ Mrs. James L. Devitt ......... Mias Flora Dunlap ............ Mrs. E. Moss .................. Mrs. C. R. Hannan ........... Mrs. Sadie H. Paaaig.......... Mrs. E. J. Stason .............. Fort Madison. Iowa City. Dubuque. Clermont. Cedar Rapids. Oskaloosa. Dea Moines. Centerville. Council Bluffs. Humboldt. Sioux City. Com.TY CHAIR.MEN. County. Address. Chairman. ------- - - - - - - · ! - - - - - - - - - - Adair ................... Adams................... Allamakee ............... Appanoose .............. Audubon ................ Benton ................... Black Hawk ............. Boone .................... Bremer.................. Mrs. H. R. Myers ............ Grace Drennan................ Mrs. Ruth Cota .............. Mrs. C.H. Elgin ............. Miss H. M. Bilharz ........... Mrs. W. Goodhue............. Mrs. C. E. Pickett............. Mrs. E. 0. Montgomery ....... Mrs. R.H. Stafford ............ Digitized by Greenfield. Corning. Waukon. Centerville. Audubon. Vinton. Waterloo. Boone. Sumner. Google 119 IOWA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Chairman. Buchanan . ............. . Buena Vista ............ . Butler ................. . Calhoun .... ............ . Carroll ............•..... Cass.•................... Cedar ................... . Cerro Gordo .. ........... . Cherokee . ............... . Chickasaw ............... . Clarke ................. . Clay ................... . Clayton ......... .. ..... . Clinton . .... ............ . Crawford ................ . Dallas ................... . Davis ................... . Decatur .. ...... ........ . Delaware ............... . Des Moines .............. . Dickinson ......... ..... . Dubuque ................ . Emmett .... .......... . . . Fayette ................. . Floyd ............... . ... . Franklin .... ............. . Fremont . . ............... . Greene ... ... ............ . Grundy .............. ·.· ... . Guthrie .................. . Hamilton ............... . Hancock ............... . Hardin ... .............. . Harrison ................. . Henry ................... . Howard ................. . Humboldt ..... . ........ . Ida ...................... . Iowa... ............... .. . Jackson ................ . JllBper ................... . Jefferson .. .. ... .. .... ... . Johnson ................ . Jones .................... . Keokuk ................ . Kossuth ................. . Lee .................... . Linn .... . . ... ........... . Louisa . ..... ..... . ...... . Lucas .. .. .. .... ..... ... . Mrs. George Spangler ........ . Miss Stella Russell ........... . Mrs. C. V. CaYe ............. . Mrs. C. S. Hopkins .. ........ . Mrs. E. C. Bone ............. . Mrs. 0. 0. Conley ............ . Miss Margaret France .... ... .. . Mrs. Earl Smith ............ .. Mrs. W. A. Sanford .......... . Mrs. B . A. Brigadier .......... . 1'1rs. L. E. Crist .............. . Mrs. J. W. Cory .. ............ . Mrs. L. Schulte ............. . Mrs. A. M . Price . .... ..... .. . Mrs. P. W. Harding .......... . Mrs. R. E. Zermock .......... . Mrs. H. C. Taylor ........... . Mrs. H. Van Werden ........ .. Mrs. A. W. Stearns .......... .. Mrs. E. M. Wesner.......... .. Mrs. Stella Macdonald ....... . Miss Mae P eabody ........... . Mrs. J. W. Randolph ........ . Miss Mary Wood .............. . Mrs. M. W. Ellis ............ .. Mrs. L. E . Haecker .......... .. Mrs. N. C. Chappell .......... . Mrs. S. J . Sayers .............. . Miss Bertha K. Sargent. ..... . Mrs. E. Bowers .............. . Mrs. L.A. McMurray ........ .. Mrs. E. P. Healy ............ . Mrs. C. E. Greet.. .......... .. Mrs. Jerry Holland ........... . MiSB Carolyn Campbell ....... . Miss Abbie Converse ........ . Mrs. Jennie F. Lovrien ...... . Mrs. Laura Lynch ........... .. Mrs. R. R. Hibbs ............. . Mrs. D. B. Harlowe ........... . Mrs. A. J. Decker ...... ..... . Mrs. E. Turney .............. .. Dr. Z. W. Stewart. .......... .. Miss Kate Maurice .......... . Mrs. C. C. Henninger ........ .. Mrs. H. C. Adams ........... . Mrs. A. E. Glazier ............ . Mrs. C. C. Loomis ............ . Mrs. Mary E. Dewein ........ .. Mrs. J. H. Hickman ......... . Mrs. Simon Fisher . . .......... . Mrs. W. J. Cornell ..... . ..... . Mrs. C. G. Wallett ........... .. Mrs. S. P. Scholte ............ . Mrs. David Lennox .......... . Mrs. Marshall Williams . ...... . Mrs. Clara B. Martin ......... . Mrs. W. W. Gingles ......... .. Mrs. Norman Turner ......... . Mrs. A. L. Anderson.·......... . :::::::::::::::: ifudt~~: Mahaska ................. . Marion ................. . Marshall ...... .......... . Mills ... ........ ......... . Mitchell ................. . Monona .. . .. . .... ...... . Montgomery ............. . Monroe .. ... ............. . Address. Winthrop. Storm Lake. Greene. Lake City. Carroll. Atlantic. Tipton. Mason City. Cherokee. New Hampton. Osceola. Spencer. Elkader. De Witt. Denison. Perry. Bloomfield. Leon. Manchester. Burlington. Spirit Lake. Dubuqiie. Estherville. Oelwein. Charles City. Hampton. Sidney. Jefferson. Grundy Center. Guthrie Center. Webster City. Britt. Eldora. Dunlap. Mount Pleasant. Cresco. Humboldt. Ida Grove. Marengo. Maquoketa. Newton. Fairfield. Iowa City. Anamosa. Sigourney. Algona. Fort Madison. Cedar Rapids. Wapello. Chariton. Rock Rapids. Winterset. Oskaloosa. P ella. Marshalltown. Glenwood. Osage. Castana. Red Oak. Albia. Digitized by Google 120 IOWA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Chairman. County. Address. ----------1---~---------1----------1 Muscatine ............... Mrs. E. C. Nichols ........... . O'Brien ................ ·/ Mrs. D. C. Peck ............. . Osceola ................... 1 Mrs. S. E. Lister ............ . Page (west half) ........... ! Mrs. Frank Nye .............. . Page (east half) .......... Mrs. J. F. Shambaugh ........ . Palo Alto................. Mrs. J. C. R. Watson ......... . Plymouth................ Miss Mabel Huebsch ......... . Pocahontas .............. Miss Elizabeth Allen ........ . Polk ..................... Mrs. Myer Rosenfield ......... . Pottawattamie ............ Mrs. H. W. Clark ............. . Poweshiek ............... Miss Stella Coons ............ . Ringgold ................ l\Irs. S. Bailey ................ . Sac....................... Mrs. R. R. Wilson ........... . Scott..................... Mrs. D. M. Burrows .......... . Shelby ................... Mrs. Rose M. Parker .......... . Sioux .•.................. Mrs. W. S. Slagle ............. . Story ..................... Mrs. C. F. Curtiss ............ . Tama ..................... Mrs. W. G. McCormack ...... . Taylor ................... Miss Buelah Morey .......... . Union .................... Mrs. Warren Ickis ........... . Van Buren ................ Mrs. Bess B. Manning ........ . Wapello .................. Dr. Margaret B. Mills ........ . Warren ................... Mrs. F. S. Burberry ......... . Washington .............. Miss Anna Dawson .......... . Wayne .................. Mrs. 0. A. Hunter ........... . Webster .................. Mrs. J. I. Rutledge ........... . Winnebago ............... Dr. Helgason ................ . Winneshiek............... Mrs. E. Logsden ............. . Woodbury............... Mrs. L. E. A. Smith .......... . Worth.................... Mrs. A. A. Thompto .......... . Wright .................. Mrs. B. F. Durkee ........... . J Muscatine. Primghar. Sibley. Northborough. Clarinda. Emmetsburg. LeMars. Laurens. Des Moines. Council Bluffs. Brooklyn. Mount Ayr. Sac City. Davenport. Harlan. Alton. Ames. Traer. Bedford. Creston. Keusaaqua. Ottumwa. Indianola. Washington. Corydon. Fort Dodge. Lake Mills. Decorah. Sioux City. Northwood. Eagle Grove. KANSAS. DISTRICT District and county. Di.strict No. 1. ............ Atchison .............. Brown ............... Doniphan ........... Jackson ............... Jefferson.. . .. .. . . . .. . Leavenworth ........ Nemaha ............. Shawnee .............. District No. 2............. , Allen..... . . . . . . . . . . . Anderson ............. Bourbon .............. Dougla.q .............. Franklin.............. Johnson ...... ; ........ Linn................. Miami.. ............. Wyandotte............ AND COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Chairman.. AddreBI!. Mrs. Harry DeCoursey ......... Leavenworth. Mrs. J.M. Bader .............. Atchison. Mrs. Ward Salisbury ........... Hiawatha. Mrs. John Berry ............... Troy. Misg Martha Beck ............. Holton. Not organized ............... . Mrs. Harrison Putney ......... Leavenworth. !llrs. J. A. Dock .............. Centralia. Mrs. C. J. Evans .............. Topeka. Mrs. George VanCleave ........ Kansas City. Miss Lucy Jury...... . .. . . . . . . La Harpe. Mrs. L. J. West. ............... Garnett. Mrs. Bessie Kennedy ........... Fort Scott. Mrs. J. R. Bechtel. ........... Lawrence. Mrs. E. F. Abbott............. Lane. Miss Lucille Ewing ........... Olathe. llrs. T. W. Marshall........... La Cygne. Mrs. F. H. Scheer .............. Paola. Mrs. W. D. Snell ................ Kansas City. Digitiz~d by Google 121 KANSAS-Continued. DISTRICT AND COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. AddreBB. District and county. Chairman. District No. 3 .......... . Chautauqua ........ . Cherokee ............ . Crawford ............ . Elk ................ . Labette ............ . Montgomery ......... . Neosho ............. . Wilson .............. . District No. 4 ••••••.•.•• Chase ..............•. Coffey.............. . Greenwood .......... . Lyon ............... . Marion ............. . Morris ............ ;. Osage .•......•.•..... Pottawatomie ...... . Wabaunsee ......... . Woodson ........... . District No. 5 .......... . Clay ............... . Cloud .............. . Dickson ..•........... Geary ............... . Je"ell .............. . Marshall ............ . Ottawa ............. . Republic ..•......... Riley ..•......•..... Smith .............. . Washington ......... . District No. 6 .......... . Ellis ................ . Ellsworth .......... . Graham ............. . Lincoln ............ . Mitchell ............. . Osborne ............. . Rooks .............. . Russell ............ . Saline ............... . Trego .............. . District No. 7............ . Cheyenne .......... . Decatur ............ . Gove .............. . Logan .............. . Norton ............. . Phillips ............. . Ra"lins ............. . Sheridan ............ . Sherman ........... . Thomas .......... ·.. . Wallace ............. . District No. 8 .......... . Butler ............. . (',owley ............ . Harper .............. . Harvey ............ . 169383-20--9 Mrs. A. H. Skidmore ........ . Mrs. C. W. Spencer ......... . Mrs. A. R. Harris ........... . Mrs. C. A. Rowe ............. . Not organized ............... . Mrs. George White .......... . Mrs. J. 0. Ferguson ......... . Mrs. N. E. Wood ............ . Miss Ella T. Sheedy .......... . Mrs. John H. Wiggam ....... . Mrs. J. W. Coverdill. ......... . Mrs. J. R. Hanna .... , ....... . Mrs. C. C. Cheney ........... . Mrs. J. R. Plumb ........... . Mrs. Charles Bruner .......... . Mrs. George Coffin ........... . Mrs. J. E. Jones ........•...... Mrs. J. W. Dunn ............. . Mrs. W. J. Todd ............. . Mrs. F. M. Patterson ........ . Mrs. Samuel Forter .......... . Mrs. W. L. Jennings .......... . Mrs. 0. M. Atwood .......... . Mrs. T. R. Conklin .......... . Mrs. G. E. Waters ........... . Not organized ............... . Mrs. C. A. Fannen .......... . Mrs. T. E. Hurley ........... . Mrs. John A. Swenson ........ . Mrs. Fay N. Seaton .......... . Mrs. J. B. Flaxbeard ......... . Mrs. George A. Wright ....... . Mrs. W. J. Keys ............ . Mrs. W. A. Lewis ........... . Mrs. R. E. Moore ........... . Mrs. E. E. Mullaney ......... . Miss Clarissa Green ........... . Mrs. T. H. McCall ........... . Mrs. Walter Layton .......... . Mrs. W. E. Andreson ......... . Mrs. J. H. Bruney .......... . Not organized ............... . Mrs. F. M. Munson .......... . l\lrs. Francis W. Boyd ....... . Mrs. Minnie Lawless ........ . Mrs. G.D. Benton .......... . Columbus. Sedan. Columbus. Cherokee. Parsons. Independence. Chanute. Fredonia. Emporia. Cottonwood Falls. Burlington. Eureka. Emporia. Burns. Council Grove. Osage City. Onaga. Maple Hill. Yates Center. Marysville. Clay CE:nter. Concordia. Abilene. Junction City. Marvsville. Minneapolis. Belleville. Manhattan. Smith Center. Washington. Beloit. Hays. Ellsworth. Hill City. Lincoln. Beloit. Osborne. Plainville. Gorham. Waukeeney. Phillipsburg. St. Francis. Oberlin. Miss Bertie P. Hopkins ...... . Grainfield. Miss Dora V. Price .......... . Mrs. Carter W. Ward ........ . Mrs. Jack Charvat ............ . Mrs. Cady Briney ........... . Mrs. W. E. Hillstead ......... . Mrs. Beatrice Horton ......... . Mrs. W. J. Lowis ............ . Mrs. W. L. Scott............. . Mrs. Austin M. Cowan ....... . Mrs. F. H. Cron .............. . Mrs. A. J. Hunt .............. . Mrs. Harry Squires .......... . Mrs. 0. M. Coble ............. . Oakley. Lenora. Phillipsburg. Atwood. Hoxie. Goodland. Colby. Sharon ·Springs. Wichita. El Dorado. Arkansas City. Harper. Sedgwick. Digitized by Google 122 KANSAS-Continued. DISTRICT AND COUNTY OBADUIBN-Contmued. Address. District and county. Chairman. District No. 8-0ontd. Kingman ........•... Sedgwick ..•.•....... Sumner ............ . District No. 9 .......... . Barton •.••••••...•... Edwards .•..••....... Hodgeman ......... . McPherson ......... . Nees ....•........... Pawnee ............ . Reno •••.•.•.•.•..... Rice ...•..•..•....... Rush ............... . Stafford ............. . District No. 10 ......•..... Barber ..•.•......•... Clark ............. .. Comanche ....•.•...•. Kiowa ..•........... Meade ............. . Pratt .............. . Seward ............ . District No. 11. .......... . Finney ............ . Ford ..•.•...••...••. Grant ............... . Greeley ............ . Gray ................ . Hamilton ........... . Haskell ............. . Kearney ..........•. Lane ..•.•...•....... Morton .............. . Scott .............. . Stanton ............ . Stevens ..•.......... Wichita ............. . Mrs. E. A. Palmer . ......... . Mrs. G. A. Wright ....•........ Mrs. I.E. Thompson ..•...... Mrs. Mary L. Bass ..... ...... . Mrs. A.H. Connett .......... . Mrs. J. w. Reed •••••••••.•..• Miss Ida B. Curtis ..•......... Mrs. F. 0. Johnson .•.•....... Mrs. G. N. Raffingt'on ...•..... Mrs. E. G. Wickwire ........ . Mrs. H. H. Tay-Ior ........... . Mrs. D. B. Higley ............ . Mrs. Hettie Morse ............ . Mrs. Harvey Crawford ..•...... Mrs. J. L.B. Ellis ........... . Mrs. A. Shklar............... . Not organized .............. .. Mrs. John J. Overstreet ...... . Mrs. N. G Bennett ...••.....•. Mrs. J. i. Stamper ......•...• Mrs. Lucy Bradley-Scott .... . Mrs. Osa C. Nicholls ......... . Mrs. C. A. Milton ........... . Mrs. E. C. Finnup........... . Mrs. R. W. Hellwrath •.•...... Miss Mary Hickok ........... . Mrs. A. N. Rochester ........ . Mrs. Ethel Luther Avery ..•... Not organized ............... . Mrs. James Patrick .........•. Mrs. D. A. McCristel. ..•.•... Mrs. F. H. Lobdell .•.......•. Mrs. J. C. McIntyre .......... . Mrs. Edna Dickliut ........•. Mrs. Virginia Hicks ........•. Mrs. C. B. Combs ...•........ Mrs. Lafe Henry ............. . Kingman. Valley Center. Mulvane. McPherson. Great Bend. Kinsley. Jetmore. McPherson. Ness City. Larned. Hutchinson. Sterling. La CroBBe. Stafford. Kiowa. Do. Coldwater. Haviland. Meade. Pratt. Liberal. Dodge City. Garden City. Dodge City. New Ulysses. Tribune. Cjmarron. Santa Fe. Lakin. Dighton. Rolla. Scott City. Johnson. Hugoton. Leoti. KENTUCKY. FOURTH FEDERAi, RESERVE DISTRICT. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Boone ••.•..•.••........ Bourbon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boyd ..................... Bracken .................. Campbell ................ Clark................... Clar,. • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estill.................... Greenup ...•. : . . . . . .. . .. Mrs. Pea.rl Johnson ........•... Miss Kate Alexander. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Joseph Mathewson ........ Mrs. Marion Lauderbach ...... Mrs. Alfred Gowling .. . . . . . . . . Mrs. W. H. Woods ............. MiBB Etta Potter... . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Kenneth Daugherty...... Mrs. J. W. Crawford. . . .. . . . . . . Digitized by Town. Walton. Paris. Ashland. Augusta. Newport. Winchester. Manchester. Irvine. Riverton. Google 123 KENTUCKY-Continued. FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. Cot1NTY C11.wu1BN-Oontinued. Address. County. Chairman. Harrison .•.•.•....•..... Jessamine ............... Kenton ................. Knott .................... Laurel....... . . . . . . . . . . . . Letcher ................. Lewis ................... Lincoln ................. Mccreery... . . . . . . . . . . . . . McGoffin ................. Mason .................... Montgomery.............. Morgan................... Nicholas ................ Pendleton................ Pike .....•........... , ... Pulaski ................. Rowan .................. Scott ..................... Whiteley......... . . . . . . . . Wolfe •....... :........... Woodford ................ Mrs. J. W. Dalzell •..•...•.... Mrs. Morgan Sparks............ Mrs. Orie Ware .............. Mrs. Wiley Craft .............. Mrs. Sue Hackney. . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. L. W. Fields ............ Mrs. Norma Strother ......... Mrs. J. D. Paxton ............ Mrs. K. W. Dyas. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Martha B. Arnett......... Mrs. M. H. French ........... Miss Lizzie P. Coleman ........ Mrs. Martha Womack.......... Mrs. C. U. Bramblett.......... Mrs. C. F. Crecelius............ Mrs. W. P. Call ............•.. Mrs. A. Goldenberg ........... Miss Mary A. Coffey ........... Mrs. BertL. Simms ........... Mrs. M. A. Gray.. . . . . . . . . • . . . MiBB Nancy Maple............. Mrs. Claude Williams ......... Cynthiana. Nicholasville. Covington. Hindman. London. Whitesburg. Vanceburg. Stanford. Stearns. Aalyersville. Maysville. Mount Sterling. West Liberty. Carlisle. Falmouth. Pikeville. Somerset. Morehead. Georgetown. Williamsburg. Hazel Green. Pisgah. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Adair .....•............. Allen ................... . Anderson ..........••..... Barron ....•....•......... Boyle .................. . Breckinridge ........... . Ballard ................. . Bullitt .........•.•....... Butler ....•..•............ Caldwell ....•............ Calloway ............... . Carlisle .................. . Casey ................... . Christian ............... . Crittendon ......••........ Cumberland ............ . Carroll ................. . DavieBB ................. . Franklin ............... . Fulton .................. . Graves .................. . Green ................... . Hancock ............... . Harctin ......•........... Hart ..........•.......... Henderson ............... . Henry ................... . Hickman ............... . Hopkins ..•.............. Jefferson ................ . Larue .................. . Livingston ............... . Logan .................. . MiBB Jennie Garnett ..••...... Mrs. G. R. Keen ............. Mrs. Ernest Marra. . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. John H. Harlin ......••.. MiBS Kate Tunis.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. R. B. McGlothlan........ Mrs. J. F. Cocke. . . . . . . . • . . . . Miss Mary Ray............... Mrs. A. L. Haynes............. Mrs. Frank Wood............. Mrs. 0. J. Jennings ........... Mrs. Ora Bodkin ............. Mrs. E. C. Moore ............. Mrs. Frank Yost.... . . . . . . . . . . MiBS Margaret Moore. . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Fayette Owsley. . . . • . • . . Mrs. G. T. Cook ............... Mrs. J. Gibson Taylor ......... Mrs. Joseph Ruport ... ·........ Mrs. T. T. Swayne ............ Miss Eugenia Parham......... Miss Luella Buckner. . . . . . . . . MiBS Margaret Maston......... MiBB Maggie C. Hart ...•.••... MiBB Madge Compton ..•..•.... MiBB Alice Dorsey....... . . . . . . Mrs. T. P. Middleton ......... Mrs. Da :id Johnson. . . . . . . . . . Miss Mary ROBS............. . . . Mrs. Marshall Bullitt. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Clifton R. Funk....... . . . Mrs. L. C. Hibbs ............. Mrs. R. Perry Gillum.......... Columbia. Scottsville. Lawrenceburg. Glasgow. Danville. Irvington. Wickliffe. Lebanon Junction. Morgantown. Princeton. Murray. Bardwell Liberty. Hopkinsville. ·Marion. Burkesville. Ghent. Owensboro. Frankfort. Hickman. Mayfield. Greensburg. Hawesville. Elizabethtown. Munfordsville. Henderson. Eminence. Clinton. Madisonville. Louisville. Hodgensville. Smithland. RUBBellville. Digitized by Google 124 KENTUCKY-Continued. EIGHTH FEDEBAL BF.SERVE DJSTBJCT-Contlnued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. AddreBB. County. Chairman. McCracken ..••........... McLean ................. Marshall ................. Marion .................. Meade.................... Mercer ................... Monroe........... . . . . . . . . Muhlenburg .............. Ohio .................... Oldham ................. Russell ................... Shelby ................... Simpson ................. Spencer'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taylor ................... Todd .................... Trigg.................... Warren ................... Wayne .................. ;\{rs. David D. Koger .......... Mrs. E. F. Thomasson ........ Mrs. J. D. Peterson ........... Mrs. T. F. Cleaver ............ Mrs. W. R. Gray. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Lee Smock .............. Mrs. Ree Hagan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . MiBB May Long ............... Mrs. W. O. Reed ............. Mrs. Stuart Clark.............. Miss Emma H. Luttrell ........ Mrs. Luther C. Willis .......... Mrs. J. H. Covington ......... MiBB Katie B. Beauchamp..... Mrs. W. E. Wood .............. Mrs. George Street ............ Mrs. John Lawrence.......... Mrs. J. A. Mitchell ............ Mrs. Hattie Denney ........... Paducah. Livermore. Benton. Lebanon. Braden burg. Harrodsburg. Tompkinsville. Central City. Beaver Dam. La Grange. Jamestown. Shelbyville, Franklin. 'faylorville. Campbellsville. Elkton. Cadiz. Bowling Green. Monticello. LOUISIANA. SIXTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. COUNTY. CHAIRMEN, Parish. Chairman. Address. Ascension ............... Acadia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assumption ............. Beauregard ............... Clacasieu.................. Baton Rouge ............. East Feliciana ........... Iberville ................ Iberia ................... Jefferson Davis ........... Livingston .............. Lafayette ................ Orleans ................. Mrs. A. W. Martin .......... . Mrs. M. A. Kennedy ........ . Mrs. C. T.'Wortham .......... . Mrs. T. C. Moody ........... . Mrs. D. A. Kelley ............ . Mrs. A. M. Herget ........... . Mrs. Clarence Pierson ........ . Mrs. A. K. Grace ............ . Mrs. C. W. Outhwaite ........ . Mrs. D. B. Daggett .......... . Mrs. E.T. Cullom ........... . Mrs. J. J. Davidson ......... . ~- Philip Werlein ......... . Pointe Coupee ............ Plaquemine............. Rapides .................. St. James ................ St. Mary ................. St. Landry. . . . . . . . . . . . • . St. Tammany ........... Terrebonne .............. Tangipahoa ............. Vernon ................. Vermilion . . . . .. . . . . . . . . West Feliciana ........... Washington .............. Cameron .....•........... Mrs. Cortrad Lecoq .......... . Mrs. Simon Leopold ......... . Mrs. J. W. Bolton ........... . Mrs. L. D. Prescott .......... . Mrs. E. D. Pharr ............. . Mrs. W. T. Stewart ........... . Mrs. A. L. Bear .............. . Mrs. Allen Ellender ......... . Mrs. J. M. Scarles ........... . Miss Daisy McCallum ....... . Mrs. C. J. Edwards .......... . Miss E. Leake .............. :. Mrs. Edwin Frith ............ . Miss Irene Doxey ............ . Donaldson ville. Crowley. Napoleon ville. De Ridder. Lake Charles. Baton Rouge. Jackson. Plaquemine. New Iberia. Jennings. Livingston. Lafayette. 2228 St. Charles Av,,ntte, New Orleans. New Roads. Phoenix. Alexandria. Lutcher. Morgan City. Opelousas. Covington. Houma. Amite. Leesville. Abbeville. St. Francisville. Bogalousa. Grand Chenier. Digitized by Google 125 LOUISIANA-()ontinued. ELEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Address. Parieh. Chairman. Bienville ................ . Bossier .................. . Caddo ................. . West Carroll ............ . East Carroll ............ . Claiborne ............... . Caldwell ................ . Concordia .............. . De Soto ................ . Grant ................... . Lincoln ................ . Madison ................ . Morehouse ............. . Natchitoches ............ . Ouachita ............... . Red River .............. . Richland ............... . Sabine •.................. Tensas ................. . Union ................. . Webster ................. . Winn ................... . La Salle ................ . Mrs. D. E. Brown ............ . Miss Mary Hodges ............ . Mrs. Julian Wright .......... . Mrs. A. C. Monroe ........... . Mre. W. S. Maguire .......... . Mrs. M. L. Kerlins ........... . Mrs .•r. N. Bennett .......... . Mrs. Philip Hough, jr ........ . Mrs. H. M. Petrie ........... . Miss Eudie Cavanaugh ....... . Miss Mamie Graham .......... . Miss Florence Pierson ....... . Mre. J. T. Howell ............ . Mrs. S. J. Henry ............ . Mrs. M. S. McGuire ......... . Mrs. T. W. Nettles ........... . Mrs. C. C. Jones ............. . Mre. Joe Williams ........... . Mrs. Henry May ............ . Mrs. Ed. Everette .......... . Mrs. Robert A. Baker ........ . Mrs. Matt Milam ............ . Mrs . .T. A. Coleman ........... . Arcadia. Elm Grove. Shreveport. Oak Grove. Lake Providence. Homer. Riverton. Vidalia. Mansfield. Colfax. Ruston. Tallulah. Collinston. Natchitoches. West Monroe. Coushatta. Rayville. Manv. Water Proof. Farmersville. Minden. Winnfield. .Tena. MAINE. [100 per cent organization.] COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Address. Androscoggin ............ Mrs. Grace A. Wing .......... . 11 Turner Street, Auburn. North Aroostook ......... Mre. M. L. T. White ......... . Presque Isle. South Aroostook ......... Mrs. Stella K. White ......... . Houlton. Cumberland ............. Mrs. James T. Jack ........... . Eastern Promenade, Portland. Franklin ................ Mrs. F. C. Jordan ........... . Farmington. Hancock ................ Mrs. Luther A. Leach ....... . High Street, Ellsworth. Kennebec .............•. Mre. Guy P. Gannett ....... ·.·. Augusta. Knox ................... Mrs. W. 0. Fuller ............ . 45 Beech Street, Rockland. Lincoln ................... Mrs. H. V. B. Nash .......... . Wiscasset. North Oxford ............. Mre. Ada R. Griffin ........... . Rumford. South Oxford ............. Mies Agnes J. Beal.. ......... . Norway. East Penobscot .......... Mrs. Alva Scott ............. . 231 French Street Bangor. West Penobscot .......... Mrs. Wallace Rackliffe ....... . Newport. Piscataquis ............... Mrs. Blanche Brown ........ . Dover. Sagadahoc............... Mrs. Arthur Baum ........... . Bath. Somerset ................. Mrs. Nellie M. Hunnewell .... . Pittsfield. Waldo................... Mrs. Lillian Pattee ........... . Belfast. Washington .............. Mrs. George M. Hanson ...... . Calais. York .................... Mrs. Alvin Gove ............. . 41 Granite Street, Biddeford. Digitized by Google 126 MARYLAND. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Anne Arundel.......... . . Baltimore •...•.•••.••.•... Calvert ................... Caroline •. , ...•......•.•. Carroll ...•.............. Cecil. ................... Charles ...............•... Dorchester............... . Frederick................ Garrett.................. Harford. . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Howard .................. Kent ..................... Montgomery .............. Prince Georges ........... Queen Annes ......•..... St. Marys................ Somerset ................. Talbot ................... W!1-9~gton .......•...... W1conuco................ Worcester .........•..•.•. Address. Chairman. Mrs. Robert Moes ...........•.. Annapolis. Mrs. Wm. P. E. Wyse ..•...... Pikeeville. Miss Sadie L. _Gray •••.••••... Mra. J. Kemp Stevens •.••••... Mra. John H. Cunningham .... Mrs. C. I. Benson •............ Mrs.~ C. MacPherson ..... Miss Lillie Willis ..•...•....... Mrs. F. H. Markell ...•........ Mrs. E. Z. Tower ..•.••.•.•... Mrs. Herman Stump ....••..... Mrs. W. Bladen Lowndes ..•... Mrs. W.W. Hubbard ........ . Mrs. Wm. H. Talbott ........ . Mrs. Agnes C. Klinger ........ . Mrs. James Scott Muir ....... . Mrs. Leonard B. Johnson .••.. Mrs. J. DouglBBB Wallop ..... . Miss Mary Jenkins ........... . Mrs. John J. Porter ........... . Miss Elizabeth Collier ....•... Miss Mollie E. Coulbourn ..... . Prince Frederick. Denton. Westminster. Port Deposit. Waldorf. Cambridge. Frederick. Oakland. Bel Air. Ellicott City. Chestertown. Rockville. Riverdale. Centerville. Morganza. Princess Anne. Easton. H~erstown. Sahsburr,. Snow Hill. MASSACHUSETTS. [100 per cent organization.] COUNTY CII.AmMEN. County. Chairman. Address. Barnstable .............. Miss Lucia S. Howard .•...... Barnstable. Berkshire ............... Mrs. Louis T. Stevenson ...... . 28 Reed Street, Pittsfield. Dukes ................... Mrs. Stephen C. Luce ....... . Vineyard Haven. Essex .................... Mrs. Rooert T. Babson ...... . 10 Hovey Street, Gloucester. Franklin ................ Mrs. Charles N. Stoddard .... . 87 Prospect Street, Greenfield. Hampdeli ............... Mrs. William G. Dwight ..... . 166 Elm Street, Holyoke. Hampshire .............. Mrs. T. J. Hammond ........ . 222 Elm Street, Northampton. Metropolitan Boston ...... Mrs. Charles D. Voorhis ..... . 95 Milk Street, Boston. Middlesex (North) ........ Mrs. C. E. French ............ . 62 Holrood Avenue, Lowe!. Middlesex.(South) ...•.... Mrs. J. Sidney Stone ..•....... Wayland. Norfolk •...........•.... Mrs. C. B. Perlrins .......... . Perkins Street, Jamaica Plain. Plymouth ................ Mrs. W. L. Boyden .......... . 66 Allerton Street, Plymouth. Worcester (north) ......... Mrs. F. Irving Seara ......... . School Street, Webster. Worcester (south) ......... Mrs. Homer Gage ............ . 8 Chestnut Street, Worcester. Digitized by Google 127 MICIDGAN. [100 per cent organization.] SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Addrees. County. Chairman. Alcona •................. Allegan ................. . Alpena ...•.•••.•.•.•.•.. Antrim .•••..•••...•.... Arenac .......•........... Mrs. H. S. Johnson .. ; ....... . Mrs. Cora Wilkes ............ . Miss Marie Comstock ......... . Mrs. Geo. Frink .............. . Mrs. Nelson Ireland ......... . Mrs. Edward Blake ......... . Mrs. A. M. Miller ............ . Mrs. Ada M. Lewis ........... . Mrs. E. A. Blakeslee ....•.... Mrs. E. E. Palmer .......... . Mrs. Craig Miller ............•. Miss Alma Kinsey ........... . Mrs. Eugenie Fleming ......... . Mrs. A. E. Sangster .......... . Mrs. A. L. Wellman .......... . Mrs. Lydia B. Pennell .•...... Mrs. Helen Behlke ........... . Mrs. Mary Youngblood ........ . Mrs. Charles Andrus .......... . Mrs. L. J. Locy .............. . Mrs. Emma Doane ............ . Mrs. E. E. Bartak ............. . Mrs. V. H. Shepard ........... . Mrs. W. J. Moore ....•......... Mrs. P. M. Sawyer .....•....... Miss Mary Buck .............. . Mrs. Foss Eldred .............. . Mrs. Lida Stickney .......... . Mrs. J. F. McNutt ........... . Mrs. Frank Ford ............. . Mrs. Herbert Johnson ......... . Miss Irene Louise Getty ...... . Mrs. G. A. Hendricks ......... . Mrs. David Warner ........... . Mrs. Lena Gleason ........... . Mrs. Maude Paton ........... . Miss Alvinia Walter .........•.. Miss Alice B. Angell ......... . Mrs. William P. VanWinkle .. . Miss Alice L. Tucker ......... . Miss Marion Larsen .......... . Miss Jane Burns .............. . Mrs. E. J. Marsh ............. . Mrs. B. B. Ball. ........•...... Mrs. J.M. Decker ............. . Mrs. Charles Cook ............ . Mrs. Neva Wright ............ . Mrs. H. F. Elliott ............ . Mrs. Mary E. Thompson ...... . Mrs. Mabel Barnum ........... . Mrs. A. L. Craft .............. . Mrs. Minnie E. Cornell ....... . Mrs. E. V. Morrison .......... . Mrs. Theo. Schmidt ........... . Mrs. Louis Comins ........... . Mrs. F. A. Kramer ........... . ~ef.·:·::::::::::::::::: Benzie ...•.............. Berrien ........•.•...•.. Branch ................ . Calhoun .•............... CMS •••••••••••••••.•.•.• Charlevoix ...•........... Cheboygan ...•.....•...... Clare ..•.•................ Clinton ...••.••....•.•••. Crawford .•.•...•......... Eaton .........•.......... Emmet .............•.... Genesee ................. . Gladwin ................ . Grand Traverse ........... . Gratiot ..........•........ Hillsdale ..•...••.•........ Huron .....•.•.•.•........ Ingham .................. . Ionia .......•............ Iosco .................... . Isabella ................. . Jackson ...........•....... · Kalamazoo ............... . Kalkaska ............... . Kent .....•............... Do ................. . Lake ..... : ............. . Lapeer ................... . Leelanau .•.•...•......•.. Lenawee .•.....•.......... Livingston ............... . Macomb ................. . Manistee ................. . Mason ..•................. .Mecosta .....•............ Midland ..•.•............. Missaukee ....•.••.•.•..... Monroe .................. . Montcalm ................ . Montmorency .......•..... Muskegon ................ . Newaygo ....•....•........ Oakland ................ . Oceana .........•......... Ogemaw ................ . Osceola ........•.......... Oscoda .................. . Otsego .................. . Harrisville. Allegan. Alpena. Bellaire. Standish. Middleville. Bay City. Frankfort. St. Joseph. Coldwater. Marshall. Dowagiac. Boyne City. Cheboygan. Clare. St.Johns. Grayling. Charlotte. Petoskey. Davison. Gladwin. Traverse City. Alma. Hillsdale. Bad Axe. Lansing. Ionia. Tawas. Beulah. Jackson. Kalamazoo. Kalkaska. Grand Rapids. Do. Baldwin. Almont. Suttons Bay. Adrian. Howell Mount Clemens. Manistee. Ludington . Big Rapids. Midland. Lake City. Monroe. Carson City. Atlanta. Muskegon. Fremont. Pontiac. Hart. West Branch. Reed City. Mio. Gaylord. Digitized by Google 128 MICHIGAN-Continued. SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Addreas. Chairman. Grand Haven. Zeeland. Rogers City. Roscommon. Saginaw. Port Huron. White Pigeon. Sandusky. Owosso. Caro. South Haven. Ypsilanti. Care of Mrs. Orr, 498 Burlingame Street, Detroit. Do ••.•.•.•.......... Mrs. Muir B. Snow ........... . Board of Commerce Building, Detroit. Wexford ...•............. Mrs. W. H. Gage ............. . Cadillac. Ottawa... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do .................. Presque Isle .............. Roscommon............... Saginaw. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. St. Clair .................. St. Joseph ................ Sanilac ................... Shiawassee ................ Tuscola .................. Van Buren ................ Washtenaw ............... Wayne .................... Mrs. William Loutitt ......... . Mrs. Angus DeKrief ......... .. Mrs. Charles Willard ..•....••.. Mrs. Cora M. Coon ............ . Miss Kate Carlisle ............ .. Mrs. Carrie E. Torrey ....... .. Mrs. Lila A. Rachor ......... .. Miss Maude Felker ........... . Mrs. George E. Thompson .... . Mrs. Arthur Calbeck .......... . Mrs. Samuel H. Wilson ....... . Mrs. Daniel Quirk, jr .......... . Mrs. Henry Ford .............. . NINTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Alger ................... Baraga................... Chippewa ............... Delta.... . • . . .. .. . .. . . . . . Dickinson ............... Gogebic .................. Iron •.••................ Keweenaw............... Luce .•......•.......•... Mackinaw •.............. Ontonagon .••........... Schoolcraft............... Mrs. F. G. Farrell ............. Mrs. E. 0. Alter .............. Miss Emma Metzger .......... Mrs. W. H. Reade. .. . . . .. . . .. Mrs. Gustave Gensch .......... Mrs. W. H. Boehme ............ Mrs. Beulah Robinson •..•.•.. Miss Belle Rohrig .•••.....••• Mrs. Margaret Nackerman...... Mrs. J. E. Quinlan ............ Mrs. Mary Corgan ......•...... Mrs. A. S. Putnam ........... Munising. L'Anse. Sault Ste. Marie. Escanaba. Iron Mountain. Ironwood. Iron River. Ahmeek. Newberry. St. Ignace. Ontonagon. Manistique. MINNESOTA. [100 per cent organization.] COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Address. Chairman. Aitkin ................... Mrs. S. H. Hodgeden ....... .. Anoka .................. Mrs. F. E. Coleman ......... . Becker................... Mrs. W. D. Dix ............. . Beltraini .................. Mrs. A. P. White ............ . Benton .................. Mrs. Emory Swenson ......... . Big Stone ................ Mrs. M. S. Stevens .......... . Blue Earth. . . • .. . . . . . .. . Mrs. H. C. Hotaling ......... . Brown..... . . . • . • .. .. . . .. Mrs. W. W. Sinith ...•.....•.. Carlton....... .. .. . . .. . . . . Mrs. C. R. Hart.............. . Carver................... Mrs. E. A. Baxter .•.......... Cass...................... Mrs. 0. Naustvold ............ . Digitized by Aitkin. Anoka. Detroit. Bemidji. Foley. Graceville. Mapleton. Sleepy Eye. Moose Lake. Chaska. Walker. Google • 129 MINNESOTA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Chairman. Chippewa.'. ............ . Chisago ................ . Clay ......•............. Clearwater .............. . Cook.................... . Cottonwood ............. . Dakota ................. . Crow Wing ....•......... Douglas ................. . Dodge .................. . Faribault ........•...... Fillmore ............... . Freeborn ............... . Goodhue ............... . Grant ................... . Hennepin ............... . Houston ............... . Hubbard .... , .......... . Isanti. ................. . Itasca ................... . Jackson ................ . Kanabec ............... . Kandiyohi ••.•.......... Kitton •................. Koochiching ........... . Lac. Qui Parle ........... . Lake ................... . Le Sueur ................ . Lincoln ......•.......... Lyon ................... . McLeod ................ . Mahnomen ............. . Marshall ................ . Meeker·................ . Mille Lacs .............. . Morrison ............... . Mower ......•............ Murray ................ . Nicollet ................ . Nobles .................. . Norman ................ . Olmstead .............. . Ottertail. .............. . Pennington ............ . Pine .................... . Pipestone ............... . Polk .................... . Pope ................... . Ramsey ................ . Red Lake .............. . Redwood ............... . Renville ................ . Rice .................... . Rock ................... . Roseau ................. . Scott .•..•.............. Sherburne ........•...... Sibley .•••...........•.. C. M. Budd ............. . C. M. Ericson ........... . A. Erickson ............ . J. A. Co~well......... , .. Mrs. Fred Pame ............•.. Mrs. A. Cowan ............... . Mrs. T. A. Brown ............ . Mrs. W. C. Cobb ............. . Mrs. A. D. Haskell ........... . Mrs. C. J. Gerretson ......... . Mrs. D. L. Morse ............ . Mrs. H. M. Smith ........... . Mrs. Burt May ............... . Mrs. R. Putnam ............ . Mrs. W. R. Hand ............ . Mrs. J.E. Spencer .......... . Mrs. C. W. Belding .......... . Mrs. L. L. Hamlett .......... . Miss M. Thornquist ......... . Mrs. H. W. Stark ........... . Mrs. H.J. Leigh .. , .......... . Mrs. R. G. Streetly .......... . Miss Lille Noren ............. . Mrs. A. Nbyes ............... . Mrs. M. R. Adams .......... . Mrs. T. Christianson ....... ·... . Mrs. H. C. Hanson ........... . Mrs. W. F. Markham ........ . Mrs. R. F. Schultz .......... . Mrs. B. B. Gislason ......... . Miss Gretchen Kohler ....... . Mrs. H. V. Phillips .......... . Mrs. H. I. Yetter ........... . MiBB Florence Perry .......... . Mrs. H. C. Cooney ........... . Mrs. L. D. Brown ........... . Mrs. P.A. Riley ............ . Miss Jennie Hohn ............ . Mrs. Peter Schuveiler ....... . Mrs. Robt. Moreland ........ . Mrs. Jason Weatherhead ..... . Mrs. C. Predmore ........... . MiBB Antoinette Henderson .. . Mrs. H. H. Froehlich ......... . Mrs. J. Slaven .............. . Miss Grace P. Hanson ........ . Mrs. C. I. Roemer ............ . Mrs. J. R. Serrin ............. . Mrs. J. T. Hale .............. . Mrs. W. B. Torgerson ......... . Mrs. C. V. Everett., ........ . Mrs. A. M. Ericson ........... . Mrs. A. B. Dean ............ . Mrs. J. Connell ............. . Mrs. A. E. Holverson .•........ Mrs. W. F. Duffy ............ . Mrs. A. Robinson ........... . Mrs. P. Norton ............... . Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Address. Montevideo. Rush City. Moorehead. Bagley. Grand Manas, Windom. Hastings. Brainerd, Alexandria. Kasson. Blue Earth. Rushford. Albert Lea. Red Wing. Elbow Lake. Wayzata. Caledonia.· Park Rapids. Cambridge. Grand Rapids. Lakefield. Mora. Willmar. St. Vincent. Big Falls. Dawson. Two Harbors. Le Sueur Center. Ivanhoe. Minneota. Hutchinson. Mahnomen. Stephen. Litchfield. Princeton. Little Falls. Austin. Slayton. Nicollet. Worthington. Ada. Rochester. Fergus Falls. Thief River Falls. S~dstone. Pipestone. Crookston. Glenwood. St. Paul. Oklee. Redwood Falls. Hector. Northfield. Luverne. Roseau. Shakopee. Elk River. Winthrop. Digitized by Google 130 MINNESOTA-Continued. COUNTY Clu.mKBN--Continued. Addrel!B. County. Chairman. St. Louis .......•.•........ Stearns ...•......••..•.. Steele •••.•..•..••••..••. Ste.P.hena ••.....•.••..... SWift .•..••....•...••.•.. Todd • . • . • . . • • . • . • . .. • . . Traverse................ Wabasha ••••••.••••••••• Wadena • • •• • • ... • • • • • • • Waseca ••.••.••••••••••. Washington ••••••.••••.. Watowan • . . • • . . . . • . . . . . Wilkin ..•.....••...•... Wright ...•..•.....•.•.. Winona • . •• • • • • . . . . . • . . Yellow Medicine . . • • . • . • Mrs. L. S. Newcombe......... Mrs. H. S. H. Halvorsen ....... Mrs. M. S. Alexander •........ Mrs. F. A. Hancock •••••••••• Mrs. P. W. Hunter ........... Mrs. C. Anderson . .. • . • . • • . . . Mrs. A. Olin................. Mrs. W. J. O'Laughlin ••••••. Mrs. L. A. Mathews.......... Miss M. Bucknam ••••....•... Mrs. J.P. Masterman......... Miss Dorothy Murphy........ Mrs. C. Thulen .•........•... Mrs. M. F. Lowe............. Mrs. C. H. Robbins . . . . • . •• . . Mrs. T. A. Veldy. • • . . . . • • • • . . Hibbing. Sauk Center. Owatonna. Morris. Appleton. Long Prairie. Wheaton. Lake City. Wadena. Waseca. Stillwater. Madelia. Breckenridge. Buffalo. St. Charles·. Hanley Falls. Citiea. St. Paul . • . • • • • • . . • . . . . . Mrs. H. A. 8. Ives.. . . . . . . . . . . 685 Da~n Avenue. Minneapolis ••••.•.•..... Mrs. A. W. Strong •....... -~·· 2324 Pillsbury Avenue, Duluth .••••••.••••••••. Mrs. A. W. Hartman ....•••••. 815 E. Supenor Avenue. MISSISSIPPI. [100 per cent organization.] PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. Mrs. W. P. KRETBCHMAR, Press. Mrs. ARTHUR LYELL, Supplies. Mrs. S. R. GEISE, Fiscal agent. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. DISTRICT CHAIRMEN. District. First ..................... . Second ................. . Third .•.................. Fourth .•................ Fifth .................... . Sixth •.•••..•..••.•...... Seventh •••..•.•.....•.... Eighth ................. . Ninth ......•............. Chairman. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Address. J. 0. Lamkin ....•.•.•... B. F. Saunders ......... . Phil Pointer ............ . Virginia R. Price .•...... D. E. Slaughter ........•. John E. Anderson .•.•.... M. S. Bozeman .•......... Guy H. Bumpas •........ Edgar Stephens .......... . lit· Clarksdale. Swan Lake. Como. Carrollton. Starkville. Holly Springs. Iuka. Aberdeen. New Albany. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Address. Chairman. Alcorn.................... Mrs. H. C. Bell................ Corinth. Attalla ....•.•............. Mrs. Lena Dodd Sanders ...... Kosciusko. Benton ................... Miss Julia McKenzie .......•... Michigan City. Digitized by Google 131 MISSISSIPPI-Continued. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Address. County. Chairman. Bolivar.•.•.......•...... Calhoun •.•.............. Carroll ••••••••••••.•...... Clay ..................... . Coahoma ................ . De Soto ................. . Grenada ................. . Holmes .................. . Humphreys .............. . Itawamba ...........•.... Lafayette .....•••.•.••••. Lee .....•............... Le Flore ................. . Lowndes ................. . Marshall ................ . Momoe .................. . Montgomery ............. . Noxubee ........... : .... . Oktibbeha .•............. Panola .................. . Pontotoc ................. . Prentiss·................ . Quitman ............... . Sunflower .............. . Tallahatchie ............ . Do ................. . Tate ................... . ~ a h ................. . Mrs. Ed. B. Hill ............. . Mrs. Thoe. L. Haman, jr ••••.. Mrs. Virginia R. Price •..••••. Mrs. ILL. Quinn ............ . Mrs. J. 0. Lamkin ........... . Mrs. R. E. L. Morgan ........ .. Mrs. C. H. Calhoun .......... .. Mrs. Geo. S. Beall, jr ....... .. Mrs. D. C. McKelvery ....... . Miss Mazie Moore ............. . Mrs. H. M. Faaer ............. . Mrs. C. W. Troy .............. . Mrs. J. L. Gillespie ......... .. Mrs. E. T. Baird .............. . Mrs. H. K. Mahon ........... .. Mrs. Guy H. Bumpas ........ . Miss Louise Dunstan ......... . Mrs. Robt. E. Holmes ....... . Mrs. D. E. Slaughter ......... . Mrs. M. E. Jarratt ........... . Mrs. Lee Wilson .............. . Mrs. W.W. Lacy ............ . Mrs. N. L. Dickson .......... . Mrs. G. E. Hart .........•.... Mrs. S. L. Polk ............. . Mrs. T. B. Abbey ........... . Miss Louise Allen ........... . Miss Mary Etta Finger ....... . Mrs. M. S. Bozeman .......... . Mrs. J. D. Magruder ......... . Mrs. Edgar Stephens ........ . Mrs. S. R. Geise ............. . Mrs. W. E. Fendley .......... . Mrs. J. R. Gully ............ . Mrs. Geo. Armstrong ......... . ~ni~i:~~~~~~·.·.·.·:::::::: Union ................... . Waahington ............. . Webster ................. . Winston ................ . Yalabusha ............... . Cleveland. Pittsboro. Carrollton. WestPoint. Clarksdale. Hernando. Grenada. Lexington. Belzoni. Fulton. University. Tupelo. Greenwood. Columbus. Holly Springs. Aberdeen. Winona. Brooksville. Starkville. Batesville. Pontotoc. Booneville. Marks. Iverness. Charleston. Webbs. Senatobia. Ripley. Iuka. Tunica. New Albany. Greenville. Eupora. Louisville. Coffeeville. SIXTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Post office. County. Chairman. Adams .................. . Amite ................... . Claiborne ............... . Clarke ................. . Cop~ .................. . Covmgton .............. . Franklin ............... . Forest ................... . George ......•............ Green ................... . Hancock ............... . Hinds .................. . Harrison ...•............ Mrs. J. J. Friedler ............ . Mrs. Robert Jackson ......... . Mrs. Charles Gordon .......... . Mrs. J. W. Flynn ........... . Mrs. H.J. Wilson ............ . Mrs. Birdiesue Bird ......... .. Mrs. Dan McGehee .......... . Mrs. H. L. McCloskey .•...... Miss Nettie Ditsworth ........ . Mrs. J. H. Bearry ............ . Mrs. A. F. Fournier .......... . Mrs. S. Gordon Green ........ . Mrs. F. V. Osborne ........... . Natchez. Liberty. Port Gibson. Quitman. Hazlehurst. Mount Olive. Meadville. Hattiesburg. Lucedale. Leakesville. Bay St. Louis. Jackson. Gulfport. Digitized by Google 132 MISSISSIPPI-Continued. SIXTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. COUNTY CHAm'.HEN-Continued. AddreBS. County. Chairman. Issaquena .............. . Jackson ..•.............. Jasper ................... . Jeff Davis .....•.......... Jefferson ........•....... . Jone8 ..... . . . .......... . Kemper ............. . ... . Mrs. Charles Elliott... . . . . . . . . Mrs. J. I. Ford ............... Mrs. C. W. Thigpen ........... Mrs. H. G. ........... Mrs. J . H. Carradine ......••... Mrs . R. B. Tatham ...... . .... Mrs. C. H. King......... . ..... Mrs. L. M. Richardson....... Mm. Mary G. Dabney . . . . . . . . Mm . F . C. McCullough ..... . .. Mrs. Magda.line Davis......... Mrs. J. F . Vernon............ Mrs. Alfred Muckle........... . Mm. A. E. Weatherby ......... Mm. J. F. McCauley .. ·........ Mrs. W. H. Hardy ........... Mrs. Leopold Locke. . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Pearl S. Ruffin ........... Mrs. A. H. Jones .......... . ... Mrs. Daisy M. Stevens........ Mrs. W. C. Eastland.... . .... .. Mm. Walter Jolly .. .. . ......... Mrs. H. 0 . Middleton .. . ...... Mrs. J . T . Wille . ............ . Mrs. G. A. McHenry .......... Mrs. B. Anderson .... . ....... Mrs. N . Vick Robbins ........ Mrs. Madge D. Burney ....... Mm. Joseph Redhead.......... Mrs. Annie K. Dent .......... Lamar ... ········· · ···· · Lauderdale ...•........... Lawrence •.............. Leake •..•.•..•...•...•.. Lincoln ................ . Madison .............·... . Marion ................. . Neshoba ................ . Newton ................ . Pearl River ........... . . . ~7~.·.::::::::::::::::: Rankin ............ .. . . . Scott... . ........... . .. . . . Sharkey ............. . .. . Simpeon ..•.............. Smith .................. . Stone . . ................ . Walthall ............ . .. . Warren ................. . . Wayne ................. . Wilkinson •.............. Yazoo ••••....•..•••••... Mayersville. Pascagoula.. Bay Springs. Prentise. Fayette. Laurel. De Kalb. Purvis. Meridian. Monticello. Carthage. Brookhaven. Canton. Columbia. Philadelphia. Newton. Poplarville. New Augusta. McComb. Brandon. Forest. Rolling Fork. Mendenhall. Raleigh. McHenry. Tylertown. Vicksburg. Waynesboro. Centerville. Yazoo City. MISSOURI. [100 per cent organization.] TENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. DISTRICT AND District and county. District No. 1. ............ Andrew .............. Atchison ........ ~ ..... Buchanan ..••.... . ... Clinton •............. Dekalb .•............ Gentry ............ . .. Holt .............. .. .. Nodaway........... . Worth ................ District No. 2 . ............ Clay . ............... Jackson........ . .... Platte...... . .. . . . ... COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Addreai. Chairman. Mrs. C. A. Battreall ........... St. Joseph. Mrs. J. L. Bennett ............. Mm. H. W. Hurst ............. Mrs. R. A. Brown ............. Mrs. J. 0. Johnston ............ Mrs. J. W. Taylor ............. MiSB Lucy K."Peery . . ......... Mrs. Albert Markt ..... . ....... Mrs. D. J. Thomas............ Mrs. Cora. Early ...... . .. . ..... Mrs. Brown Harrie ...... . ..... Mrs. J. C. Wright ..... . ........ Mrs. G. H. Moffett.. . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Matthew H. Wilson. . . . . . Digitized by Savannah. Tarkio. ~t. Joseph. Lathrop. Maysville. Albany. Oregon . Maysville. Grant City. Independence. Smithville. Sugar Creek. Parkville. Google 133 MISSOURI-Continued. TENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. DISTRICT AND CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. District and county. District No. 4 ............. Bates ................ Case ................. Vernon........... . . . . District No. 5 .•.•.•.••••.. Barton............... Jasper ................ McDonald............ Newton ............. Chairman. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. J. R. Hales .............. Edward G. Zey ........... Vercie E. Davia .......... Alice Newton...... . . . . . . Claude W. Martin ....... C. A. Lockwood.......... Frank E. Walker ........ H. H. Sherman........... George Swindle .......... Address. Rich Hill. Butler. Harrisonville. Nevada. Joplin. Lamar. Webb City. Anderson. Fairview. METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. Mrs. JOHN H. HOLLIDAY, 20 North Kingshighway, chairman. Mrs. J. P. HIGGINS, 5330 Pershing Avenue, vice chairman. Mrs. R. L. SANFORD, Webster Groves, chairman of St. Loui& County. DISTRICT CHAIRMEN. District. Chairman. First ................... . Second ................. . Third ................... . Fourth ................. . Fifth .•...•............... Sixth ................... . Seventh ................ . Eighth ................. . Ninth ................... . Tenth .................. . Eleventh ............... . Twelfth ................. . Thirteenth .............. . Fourteenth ............. . Fifteenth ................ . Sixteenth ............... . Seventeenth ............ . Eighteenth ............. . Nineteenth ..•............ Twentieth .............. . Twenty-first ............ . Twenty-second .......... . Twenty-third ............ . Twenty-fourth ........... . Mrs. H. B. Robinson ......... . Mrs. Clarence J. Baxter ...... . Mrs. E. W. Prentiss ......... . Mrs. Warren F. Drescher .... . Miss Louise Knapp ........... . Mrs. W. S. Bowers ........... . Mrs. F. F. Stephens .......... . Mrs. Robt. L. Motley ......... . Mrs. J. H. Reppy ............ . Mrs. S. T. Peter ............. . Mrs. C. B. Faris .............. . Mrs. J. H. Wilson ............ . Mrs. R. B. Summers .......... . Mrs. Chas. Petts .............. . Mrs. E. M. Shepard ......... . Mrs. J.M. Southgate ........ . Mrs. Horace Paul. ........... . Mrs. Jas. H. Buford ......... . Mrs. M. P. Cayce ............. . Mrs. W. T. Chanks .......... . Mrs. T. E. Tribble .......... . Mrs. Scott Cook .............. . Mrs.. Lee M. Catron .......... . Mrs. D. M. Fenton ........... . Address. Canton. Kirksville. Bethany. Hannibal. Chillicothe. Moberly. Columbia. Bowling Green. Hillsboro. St. Clair. Jefferson City. Warrensburg. Clinton. Warsaw. Springfield. Rolla. Mansfield. Ellington. Farmmgton. Sikeston. Bloomfield. Qulin. West Plains. Mount Vernon. Digitized by Google 134 MISSOURI-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN, County. Chairman. Adair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audrain ................. Barry .................... Benton............ . . . .. .. Bollinger................. Boone .................... Butler ....... : . .. .. .. . . . Caldwell ................. Callaway. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. Camden .................. Cape Girardeau. .. . .. .. . . Carroll .................. Carter..... .. .. .. . . .. . . .. Cedar .................... Chariton .................. Christian ................ Clark ..................... Cole. . . .. . . . . • .. .. .. .. . . Cooper ................... Crawford ................. Dade .................... Dallas.................... Daviess.............. . • . . Dent .................... Douglas.......... .. . • . .. . Dunklin................. Franklin .................. Greene ................... Gasconade................ Grundy. . • . . . . . . . . . • . . • . Harrison .................. Henry............. . . . . . . . Hickory •.•...•.......... Howard .................. Howell .................. Iron ...................... Jefferson ................. Johnson................. Knox. . • . • . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Laclede.................. Lafayette ................ Lawrence ................. Lewis........... . . . • . • . . Lincoln. . .. . . . . • . .. . .. .. Linn ..................... Livingston ................ Macon............. . . . . . . . Madison ................. Maries .................... Marion...... .. .. . . .. .. . . Mercer................... Miller.................... MiBBissippi... .. . . .. . . . . . . . Moniteau ................ Monroe................... Montgomery......... .. . . • Morgan ................... Mrs. Mae De Witt Hamilton .. . Mrs. C. F. Clark .............. . MiBB Ethel Mitchell ••••..•... Mrs. R. B. Petts ............. .. Mrs. Sanford K. Ruffin ....... . Mrs. E. E. Funk ............ . Mrs. Fay Bacon ............. . Mrs. Mary Keefe ........... .. Mrs. J as. Lamar ............. . Mrs. Sid C. Roach .......... .. Mrs. H. L. Roberts .......... . Mre. E.W. Pierce ............ . Mre. T. W. Cotton ............ . Mrs. S. M. Snod~-- ....... . Mrs. C. W. Aldridge ........ .. Mrs. J. C. Roi?ere ... .......... . Mrs. W. E. Matlock ........ .. Mrs. Ernest Simonsen ....... . Mrs. W.W. Kingsbury ....... . Mrs. W. C. De Vol. .......... . -Mrs. Nellie B. Kimber ........ . Mrs. J. S. Haymes ............ . Mrs. A. H. Pettijohn ........ .. Mrs. W.W. Young ........... . Mrs. Ju. M. Adams .......... . Mrs. W. F. Shelton .......... .. Mrs. Margie B. Duckworth ... . Mrs. Harry Durst ............. . Mrs. E. F. Rippstein ........ .. Miss Elizabeth Brainerd ...... . Mrs. Wm. Miner ............. . Miss Kathryn Spangler ....... . Mrs. Minnie Jackson .......... . Mrs. Rosalie N. Miller........ . Mrs. W.R. Haight ........... . Mrs. F. P. Ake .............. . Miss Theresa Burgess ......... . Miss Laura L. Runyon ........ . Mrs. A. X. Brown .. : ........ . Mrs. M. A. Hoover.......... .. Mrs. J. W. Bills .............. . Mrs. S. J. Douthitt .......... .. Mrs. W. F. Hodges .......... . Mrs. Robt. Fisher ........... . Mrs. Ruth Hayes ............ . Mrs. Harry W. Minteer ....... . Mrs. Otho MattheWs ......... . MiBB Corinne DeGuire ........ . Mrs. Neppie Eads ............ . Mrs. S. J. Harrison .......... . Mrs. J.E. Powell............ . Mrs. H. L. Killgore ........... . Mrs. C. E. Graham ......... .. Miss Nellie Rice .............. . Miss Anna E. Nolen ......... . Mrs. Chas. Gamer ............ . Mrs. A. F. Zimmerscheid ... .. Digitized by Address. Kirksville. Mexico. Caesville. Warsaw. Hornersville. Columbia. Poplar Bluff. Braymer. Fulton. Linn Creek. Cape Girardeau. Carrollton. Van Buren. Eldorado Springe. Salisbury. Ozark. Kahoka. Jefferson City. Boonville. Steelville. Greenfield. Buffalo. Gallatin. Salem. Ava. Kennett. St. Clair. Springfield. Hermann. Trenton. Ridgway. Clinton. Wheatland. Fayette. Brandsville. Ironton. Pevely. Warrensburg. Edina. Lebanon. Lexington. Pierce City. Canton. Foley. Linneus. Chillicothe. Macon. Fredericktown. Vienna, Hannibal. Princeton. Eldon. Charleston. California. Monroe City. Montgomery City. Versailles. Google 135 MISSOURI-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Addre1111. Chairman. New Madrid .•.........•.. Mrs. A. 0. Cook.............. Oregon .••.••.••.......••. Miss Myra McLelland.......... Mrs. H. S. Gove............... Mrs. A. W. Morris ........•.... Pemiscott ••.•........... Mrs. E.G. Rosenberger.......• Perry •.•.........•...... Mrs. G. C. Mercier .....•...•.• Phelps .•••..•...•.•...... Mrs. H. L. Wheeler ..•...•.•.. Pike .•.••••.....•........ Mrs. Robt. L. Motley.......... Polk .............••...... Mrs. Anna Allendorph......... Pulaski .................. . Miss Ada Baker....... . . . . . . . . Putnam ................ . Mrs. D. T. Riggs ............. Ralls .................... . Mrs. W. B. Curd.............. Randolph ..•............ Mrs. J. T. Croea .•..•.......•.. Ray .................... . Mrs. W.R. Hackett .......... Reynolds ................ . Mrs. J. H. Buford . . . . . . . . . . . . Ripley .•..•.•.•....•.•.. Mrs. J. P. Campbell........... Saline ................... . Mrs. Robt. Reynolds..... . . . . . Schuyler ..............•.. Miss Minnie Potter ............ St. Charles .............. . Mrs. A. A. GoBBOw........... . . St. Clair ...•••.....•.•.... Mrs. Sophia Terwilliger. . . . . . . . St. Francois •.•...•••.... Mrs. Frank S. Weber ......... St. Genevieve .......... . Mrs. Jules R. Rozier, jr........ Scotland ....•.•.....•.... Mrs. Lee R. Briggs. . . . . . . . . . . Scott .................... . Mrs. Milton Haas ............. Pettis ....•.•.........•.. Miss Harriet P. Guild ......... Shannon ..•.............. Mrs. Chas. Axtell............. Shelby .•..•.............. Mrs. Myrtle Threlkeld . . . . . . . . Stoddard ••.•.•.•........ Mrs. C. C. O'Neal ............ Stone .................. . Mrs. J. F. Whinrey ............ Sullivan ..•.............. Mrs. A. R. Poole.............. Taney •.•...•............ Mrs. D. F. McConkey ......... Texas .................. . Mrs. Robt. Lamar ............. Wayne_ ••.•••.•.•........ Mrs. 0. L. Mun~er •...•....•••. Warren ....•••...•.•...... Mrs. Pearl S. Hill. . . . . . . . . . . . Washington ............. . Mrs. W. J. Dent .............. Webster ................. . Mrs. A. L. Todd .............. Wright •....•............ Miss Maude Reynolds.......... 8::::::::::::::::::::: New Madrid. Thayer. Linn. Bakersfield. Caruthersville. Perryville. Rolla. Bowling Green. Bolivar. Waynesville. Unionville. Savorton. Moberly. Richmond. Ellington. Doniphan. Marshall. Lancaster. St. Charles. Osceola. Farmington. St. Marys. Memphis. Sikeston. Sedalia. West Eminence. Shelbyville. Advance. Hurley. Milan. Forsythe. Houston. Piedmont. Warrenton. Caledonia. Seymour. Mansfield. MONTANA. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. ,- County. Chairman. Beaverhead............. . . Blaine ................... Big Horn ................ Broadwater. . . . • • . . . . . • . . Cascade.................. Carbon............. . . . . . . Carter ...••.............. Chouteau ................. Custer ................... Miss Carolyn White... . . . . . . . . Mrs. L. N. Beaulieu .......... Mrs. G. F. Burla ............... Mrs. C. B. Fairchild......... . . Mrs. W. K. Floweree. . . . . . . . . Mrs. S. Mott Souders..... . . . . . Mrs. Jolin Oliver .............. Mrs. David G. Browne......... Mrs. Minnie M. Serruys ....... Address. I Dillon. Chinook. Hardin. ToWnSend. Great Falls. Red Lodge. Ekalaka. Fort Benton. Miles City. Digitized by Google 136 MONTANA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRHEN-Continued. County. Chairman. Addreea. DaWB0n................... Deer Lodge ............... FeJlon .................... Fergus .................... Granite ................... Hill. ..................... Jefferson ................. Lewis and Clark .......... Mrs. C. A. Rasmusson ........ . Mrs. Frederick Laist .......... . Mrs. C. J. Dousman ........... . Mrs. Nobel M. Walker ........ . Mrs. M. E. H. Gannon ....... . Mrs. W. B. Rhoades ......... . Mrs. Ike E. 0. Pace ......... . Mrs. J. S. M. Neill ............ . Lincoln................... Madison................. Meagher .................. Mineral..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missoula ................. Musselshell............... Park .................... Powell ................... Ravalli.................. Richland ................ Rosebud................. Sanders ................... Stillwater..... . . . . . . . . . . . Silver Bow ............... Mrs. J. M. Kennedy ......... . Mrs. M. M. Duncan .......... . Mrs. E. J. Anderson .......... . Mrs. Charles A. Searles ....... . Mrs. F. S. Lusk .............. . Mrs. C. Fairchild ............ . Mrs. Anna M. Sax ............ . Mrs. A. D. Hoas .............. . Mrs. C. L. Hoffman .......... . Mrs. J. P: Meadors ............ . Mrs. E. A. Richardson ....... . Mrs. F. M. Lewellen .......... . Mrs. J. D. Ray ............... . Mrs. J. K. Heslet ............. . Glendive. Anaconda. Baker. Lewistown. Philipsburg. Havre. Whiteha:11. The Placer Hotel, Helena. Libby. V~niaCity. White Sulphur Springs. Alberton. Missoula. Roundup. Livingston. Deer Lodge. Hamilton. Riverview. Forsyth. Plains. Columbus. 601 West Galena Street, Butte. Cµoteau. Sweet GraBB. 523 Fifth Avenue south, Glasgow. Harlowton. Wibaux . Billings. Plentywood. Teton ................... Mrs, Thomas 0. Larson ....... . Toole .................... Mrs. T. L. Clark ............. . Valley ................... Mrs. Thomas Dignan .......... . Wheatland............... . Wibaux .................. · Yellowstone .............. •,Sheridan ................. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Harriet W. Tooley ...... . Ed. F. Fisher ........... . H. R. Smith ............ . F. G. Fishbeck .......... . NEBRASKA. [100 per cent organization.J DISTRICT AND COUNTY CHAIRHEN. --I Addreea. j>istrict and county. Chairman. Dis~ct No. 1.. .......... . Banner.. ·............ . B.ox Butte ......... . cpeyenne .......... . D_ewes ............. . JUDlball. .......... . Morrill. ............. . Scotts Bluff ........ . Sioux ............... . District No. 2 .......... . Arthur .............. . Deuel. ....•.......... Garden ...•......... Keith .............. . Lincoln ............ . McPherson .•........ Mrs. E.G. Shamp ...•...•..... Mrs. J. M. Creamer .......... . Miss Mary O'Keefe .......... . Mrs. Frank Wooldridge ...... . Mrs. Frank Deihl. ........... . Mrs. C. L. Alden ............ . Mrs. W. H. Willis ........... . Mrs. H. C. Karpf.. ........... . Mrs. F. H. Wallace ........... . Mrs. R. F. Cotterell .......... . Mrs. Linna Paacoe .......... . Mrs. John Wertz •............ Mrs. Carrie M. Foster ........ . Mrs. A. R. Thompson •........ Mrs. Frank Buchanan •........ Mrs. M. B. Snyder .......... . Digitized by Chadron. Harrison. Alliance. Sidney. Crawford. Kimball. Bridgeport. Morrill. Harrison. North Platte. Arthur. Chappell. Oskosh. 0galalla. · · North Platte. Tryon. Google 137 NEBRASKA-Continued. DISTRICT AND COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Address. District and county. Chairman. District No. 8 •••........ Chaae •••••••••••••••• Dundy .••..•.•..•.... Hayes .•............ Hitchcock .......•... Red Willow ......... . District No. 4 •••••.•.••. Frontier ..•.......... Mrs. J. H. Corrick ............ . Mrs. Frank Raker .••..••...••• Mrs. Frank D. Tecker ........ . Mrs. J. J. Snee .............. . Mrs. A. E. Fowler ............ . Mrs. J. W. BurtleBB ........... . Mrs. H. R. Stanley .......•.... Mrs. L. 0. Taylor ..........•.. Mrs. J. J. Felzein .........•.. Miss Leila Reynolds .......... . Mrs. R. L. Keester .......... . Mrs. Geo. B. Hastings ........ . Mrs. Geo. Titus .............. . Mrs. Y. B. Huffman ......•.... Miss Etta Caton ............. . Mrs. Chas. M. Brown ........ . Mrs. Martin Hanson ......... . Mrs. P. J. Refshauge ........ . Mrs. H. M. Clearman ......... . Mrs. F. A. Scherzinger ....... . Mrs. Frank Smith ............ . Mrs. A. J. Bauman ........... . Mrs. P. C. Riggs ............. . Mrs. Geo. Burgert ............ . Mrs. J. G. Leonard .......... . Mrs. J. H. Kelly ............. . Miss Florence Alderman ....•.. Mrs. J. C. Kaschube .......... . Mrs. M. R. Conlan ........... . Mrs. R. D. Kingsbury ....... . Mrs. A.G. Humphrey ........ . Mrs. J. P. Johnson ........... . Mrs. W. H. McLeay ......... . Mrs. F. E. Replogle ......... . Mrs. Geo. Freebern .......... . Mrs. E. L. Oltjenbruns ....... . Mrs. Roy Heilman .......... . Mrs. C. C. Shepherd .......... . Mrs. W. H. Williams ........ . Miss Alma Seymore ..•....... Mrs. W. C. Weitzel. ......... . Mrs. B. F. Shrimpton ........ . Mrs. A. F. Webb ............ . Mrs. J. A. Naylor ............ . Mrs. K. E. Deitrick .......... . Mrs. 0. E. Green ............ . Mrs. W. E. Preble ........... . Mrs. F. D. Campbell ........ . Mrs. Cha.a. H. Erwin ......... . Mrs. Rollie Ley .............. . Mrs. G. W. Short ............. . MiBB Theresia Machenbreck .. . MiBB L. B. White ............ . Mrs. William Ryan ...•........ Mrs. John McQuillen ....•.... Miss Rose Banks ............ . Mrs. M. B. Foster ............ . Mrs. R. L. Thomas ........... . Mrs. L. D. Ohman ........... . Mrs. A. T. Chapin ........... . Furnas ............. . Gosper •.............. Harlan ............. . Perkins ............. . Phelps .............. . District No. 5 ••••••.••.• Adams .•.••.......... Clay ............... . Franklin ........... . Hamilton ........... . Kearney ........... . Nuckolls ........... . Webster ...•.•........ District No. 6 ••••••••••. Blaine .............. . Buffalo ............ . Custer .............. . Dawson ............ . Garfield ............ . Grant ..••............ Greeley ............ . Hall. ............... , Hooker ............ . Howard ............. . Logan .............. . Loup ............... . Merrick ............ . Sherman ........... . Thomas ............ . Valley .............. . District No. 7 ••...•••.•• Antelope ........... . Boone ..•........... Brown .•....•........ Cherry .............. . Holt •............... Keya Paha .......... . Nance .............. . Rock ............... . Sheridan ..•.......... Wheeler ........•.... District No. 8.•••••••••. Boyd .............. . Cedar ............... . Cuming ............ . Dakota ............. . Dixon ............. . Knox .............. . Madison ............ . Pierce .............. . Sta:nton ............ . Wayne ............. . Culbertson. Imperial. Parks. Hayes Center. Culbertson. McCook. Holdridge. Stockville. Oxford. Elwood. Alma. Grant. Holdrege. Aurora. Hastings. Sutton. Upland. Aurora. Minden. Nelson. , Red Cloud. Grand Island. Dunning. , Kearney. Broken Bow. Gothenburg. Burwell. Hyannis. Greeley. Grand Island. Mullen. St. Paul. Stapleton. Taylor. Central City. Loup City. Thedford. Ord. Ainsworth. Elgin. Albion. Ainsworth. Valentine. O'Neill. Springview. Genoa. Bassett. Antioch. Ericson. Wayne. Butte. Hartington. Wisner. Homer. Ponca. Wausau. Madison. Pierce. Pilger. Winside. 169383-20--10 Digitized by Google 138 NEBRASKA-Continued. DISTRICT AND COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. District and County. Chairman. Address. District No. 9 ........... Mrs. T. L. Mathews ......... ~ Burt ................. Mrs. Roy Wetherell ......... . Colfax............... Mrs. B. F. Farrell ............ . Dodge ............... Mrs. J. Howard Heine ........ . Platte ............... Mrs. U. S. Mace ............. . Saunders ............ Mrs. J. F. Berggren ......... . Thurston ............ Miss Ellen M. Brown ......... . Washington .......... Mrs. J. P. Jensen ............ . District No. 10 •..••....• Mrs. J. G. Alden ............ . Butler .............. Mrs. Roy Coe ............... . Fillmore. . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Margaret Haughawout ... . Polk ................. Mrs. Raymond Cox .......... . Seward ............. Mrs. L. H. McKillip ......... . Thayer.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Roy Hensel.. •.•......... York ................ Mrs. R.R. Co_psey .•.......... District No. 11. ......... Miss Julia Fuller ............. . Gage ..•.............. Mrs. J. Pugsley ............. . Jefferson ............. Mrs. Ka~ Mendenhall ........ . Johnson ............. Mrs. J. F. Croft ............. . Pawnee ............. Mrs. Elmer Wood ........... . Saline .............. Mrs. J. N. Bennett .......... . District No. 12 .......... Mrs. Chas. Hwnphrey ....... . Cass... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. L. J. S_pre<;her .......... . Nemaha.: ........... Mrs. H. E. Damels ........... . Otoe ................. Mrs. S. S. Wilson ........... . Richardson ........... Mrs. Lillis R. Abbey ......... . District No. 13 •••••••••• Mrs. F. W. Judson ........... . City of Omaha ............. do ...................... . Douglas ................. , .do ...................... . Sarpy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Geo. Cordes ............. . District No. 14 .......... Mrs. H. M. Bushnell ......... . Lancaster ................ do ...................... . Fremont. Tekamah. Schuyler. Fremont. Columbus. Wahoo. Pender. Blair. York. David City. Geneva. Polk. Seward. Hebron. York. Beatrice. Do. Fairbury. Tecumseh. Table Rock. Crete. Falls City. Plattsmouth. South Auburn. Nebraska City. Falls City. Omaha. Do. Do. Fort Crook. Lincoln. Do. NEVADA. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Clark ..................... Churchill................. Elko. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Esmeralda ........... : . . . . Eureka................... Lander .................. Lincoln ................... Mineral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nye ..................... Ormsby....... . . . . . . . . . . . Stasorhey e.._·.·.·_ .......... -.·....· ....._._ .. .. W 0 White Pine .............. Mrs. J. P. Sq_uires ............ . Mrs. C. W. Kinney .......... . Miss Bertha Knemeyer ....... . Mrs. Helen Rosenthal. ....... . Mrs. Edna C. Plummer ....... . Mrs. H. W. Dyer ............ . Mrs. J.P. Bowman ........... . ·Mrs. Rita Millar ............. . Mrs. Aleen Case .............. . Mrs. Emmet Boyle ........... . Mrs. R. N. Sexsmith ........ . Mrs. E. E. Wardin ............ . Mrs. J. F. Bennett ............ . ' Digitized by Address. Las Vegas. Fallon. Elko.· Goldfield. Eureka. Austin. Pioche. Hawthorne. Tonopah. Carson City. Virginia City. Reno. Ely. Google 139 NEW HAMPSIDRE. DISTRICT CHAIRMEN. District. Address. Chairman. Conway .................. Mrs. George Shedd ........... North Conway. Dover ................... Dr. Inez Nason ................ 9 Hamilton Street, Dover. Rochester ................. Mrs. J. J. Abbott .............. Rochester. Berlin................... Mrs. George Lovett............ Berlin. Exeter ................... Miss Ellen L. Wentworth ..... Exeter. Portsmouth............... Miss Martha S. Kimball....... Portsmouth. Lancaster ................. Mrs. H.B. Smith .............. Groveton. Lebanon ................. Mrs. Harrison................. South Park Street, Lebanon. Lisbon ................... Mrs. Vida S. Webb ........... Lisbon. Woodsville ................ Mrs. Norman Page ............ Woodsville. Claremont ................ Mrs. Florence Bailey. . . . . . . . . 174 Broad Street, Claremont. Nashua .................. Mrs. George A. Underhill. ..... -Nashua. Milford ................... Mrs. Park Woodman .......... Milford. Peterboro ................. Mrs. George D. Cummings..... Peterboro. Franklin.................. Mrs. Frederick H. Daniell..... Franklin. Laconia .................. Miss Claribel Clark ............ 106UnionAvenue, Lakeport. Derry ..................... Mrs. Frederick J. Shepard ..... East Derry. Plymouth ................ Mrs. E. D. Burtt.............. Lincoln. NEW JERSEY. [100 per cent organization.] SECOND FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. AddreBB. Bergen ................... Mrs. Benjamin C. Wooster .... . Essex.................... Mrs. Ma.nton B. Metcalf....... . Do .................. Mrs. Philip McK. Garrison, vice chairman. Hudson ..•.............. Mrs. Robert Carey ............ . Hunterdon................ Miss Mary E. Dunham ......... . Middlesex................ Mrs. ,Tames A. O'Connell.. .... . Monmouth................ Mrs. Jesse Minot .............. . Morris.................... Mrs. J. Rirhmond Iloxie ...... . Passaic.................. Mrs. William S. Benson ....... . Do .................. Mrs. Garrett A. Hobart, jr., vice chairman. Somerset ................. Mrs. Chas. IL Bateman ...... . Do .................. Miss Laura Yan Derbeck, vice chairman. Sussex .................. Mrs. Geo. A. Smith ........... . Union .................... Mrs. Morton S. Lewis ......... . Do ................. · I Mrs. Oswald Cammann, vice _chaiyman. Warren ................... : ~hss\eni.M.Telfer ........... . Do .................. 1 Miss Margaret E. Taylor, vice I chairman. 1 hackensack. Orange. V-1 est Orange. Jersey City. Flemington. New Brunswick. Red Bank. Morristown. Passaic. Paterson. Somerville. Do. Newton. Elizabeth. Do. Belvidere. Do. Digitized by Google 140 NEW JERSEY-Continued. THIRD FEDD.AL Rl!'BBRVB DISTRICT. CouNTY CHADUIBN-Continued. Atlantic ..•............•. Burlington ..•.... ; ...... . Camden .•••.............. Cape May .............. . Cumberland ............ . Gloucester .••............. Mercer .•.•••.......•..•.. Ocean ................... . Salem .................. . Mrs. Robert H. Ingersoll ..... . Mrs. Clarence H. Rolf •••••.... Mra. Frederick S. Fox ..•...•.. Mrs. Abe Konowitch .......... . Mrs. Frank Esibell .......... . Mrs. Benjamin F. Buzby ..... . Mrs. Wm. N. Mumper ....... . Mrs. Tunis G. Bergen ......... . Mrs. J. Dale Dilworth .•........ NEW MEXICO. (100 per cent organization.] T~NTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Address. County. Chairman. Colfax .................... McKinley ............... . East Mora ............... . West Mora ............... . Rio Arriba ............... . Sandoval. ............... . North San Juan ......... . South San Juan ......... . Santa Fe ................ . San Miguel. ............ . Taos ................... . Union ................... . Miss Carolyn Tobey..... . . . . . . Mrs. C. C. Manning............ Mrs. C. L. Wendell............ Mrs. Chas. R. Koys ............ Mrs. Samuel Eldodt...... . . . . . Mrs. C. C. Meacham .......... Mrs. Geo. Bruington. . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Frank Burdick ........... Mrs. Reed Holloman. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Morris Danziger... . . . . . . . Mrs. J. Montaner. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. R. Q. Palmer ........... •i Raton. Gallup. Roy. Wagon Mound. Chamita. Bernalillo. Aztec. Farmington. Sant.a Fe. Las Vegas. Taos. Clayton. EL~VENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Bernalillo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Isaac Barth.............. Chaves................... Mrs. W. W. Phillips........... Curry .................... Mrs. G. S. Woodward .......... De Baca... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Mary Bennett....... . . . . . Dona Anna ............... Mrs. Vincent B. May .......... Eddy ..................... Mrs. H. A. Stroup ............. Grant. ............ ·....... Mrs. J. R. Kinyon............. Guadalupe............... :\Ire. J. W. MelaYen........... Lea ..................... Miss Eliza Graham ............ Lincoln ................. Miss Edmiston ................ Luna ................................................. . Otero .................... Mrs. Charles F. Prince ........ Quay ..................... Mrs. A. F. Codington ......... Roosevelt................ Mrs. M. H. Campbell.......... Sierra ................... Miss Mae Latham .............. Socorro ................... Mrs. R.H. Reece ............. Torrence ................ Mrs. F. L. Garvin ............. Valencia ................. Mrs. J. H. Becker ............. Digitized by Albuquerque. Roswell. Clovis. Fort Sumner. Las Cruces. Artesia. Silver Citv. Guadalupe. Lovington. Carrizozo. Alamogordo. Tucumcari. Portales. Lake Valley. Socorro. Estancia. Belen. Google 141 NEW YORK. ' [HJO per cent organization.) DISTRICT AND COUNTY CHAIRMEN. District and county. Chairman. District No. 1. ____ ............... . Allegany •.................... Cattaraugus .••..•.....•........ Chautauqua •.....•............ Do .....••...•............. Erie ....•..................... Genesee ........ __ .. _... ___ . __ Niagara . .. - .. - .. - - - - - - . -.... . Orleans ...................... . Wyoming ..................... . District No. 2 ••.••••...•....•••. Livingston ................. . Monroe ....... _. _.......... . Ontario ..... _.. _...... _.... . Do ..................... . Seneca ..................... . Do ... . ................. . Steuben .................... . Do.···· ···- ··--········· Wayne ....................... . Yates ... . ............ . ..... . District No. 3 • ••••.•............ Cayuga ..•.................. Cortland ................... . Do.·······- · ···-··--···· Herkimer ..... _..... _...... . Mrs. Linzee Blagden. Mrs. Harry Bradley. Miss Lilla C. Wheeler. Mrs. Henry P . Robertson. Miss Eva M. Kiley, vice chairman. Mrs. Theodore M. Pomeroy. Mra. Mabel Richmond. Mrs. I. R. Edmands. Mrs. Claude B. Howell. Mrs. A. B. Harding. Mrs. Morris K. Parker. Mr. William L. S. Olmsted. Miss Emily Joyce. Mrs. Henry 0. Palmer. Mrs. Joel Page, vice chairman. Mrs. Wm. H. Lisk. Mrs. Raymond C. Shanks, vice chairman. Mrs. Frank 0 . Plummer. Mrs. Charles E. Hurd, vice chairman. Mrs. Donald McPherson. Miss Cornelia B. Otis. Mrs. Geo. F. Baker, jr . .Mrs. Allen M. Dulles. Mrs. Clayton R. Lusk. Mrs. Theodore Phelps, vice chairman. Mrs. Charles Sullivan. Mrs. Anson R. Flower. Mrs. Brayton J. Johnson. Madison .................... . Mrs. Frank W. Farnam. Do ..................... . Miss Esther Huntley, vice chairman. Oneida ..................... . Mrs. Samuel Bens. Onondaga .. . ... _........... . Mrs. Wm . H. Blauvelt. Do ..................... . Miss Harriet May Mills, vice chairman. 0Hwego ... . ................. . Mrs. John C. Churchill. St. Lawrence . ....... ... . .... . Miss Jennie Dean. District No. 4 •••••••..• •• ..•..•• Mfos Florence Wardwell. Broome .. . .................. . Miss Ada Welden. Chemung ............ ·...... . Mrs. George M. Diven. Chenango . . . _.............. . Mrs. A. D. Sturges. Delaware . .................. . Mrs. F. H . McKinnon. Oteego ... ... .... . ........... . Mrs. Ahraham L. Kellogg. Schuyler .. . ................. . Mrs. John M. Quirk. Sullivan .................... . Mrs. L. C. Payne. Tioga ..... . .... ·-············ Mrs. James ForAyth. Tompkins ................... . Mrs. F. E . Bates. District No. 5 .................. . Mrs. Harry W. Sage. Albany ........ . ............ . Mrs. Henry M. Sage. Clinton . . ................... . Mrs. Nonnan L. Burdick. Columbia ........ .. ......... . Mrs. Charles S. Williams. Dutchess ............. ·...... . Mrs. A. Gordon Norrie. Essex ....•.. ..... ............ Mrs. Stephen G. Pell. Do ... . ................. . Miss Velma Hitchcock, vice chairman. Franklin .. ..... ............ . Mra. Lewis M. Irving. Fulton ... · · · ·· ·-·· .......... . Mrs. F . P . Rightmyer. Do ... ... ...... ·-······ · · Mra. Anson D. King, vice chairman. Greene .. .. .................. . Mrs. William P. Bell. Hamilton . .................. . Mrs. H. S. Liddle. i~~s~~::::::::::::::::::::: Digitized by Google 142 NEW YORK-Continued. DISTRICT AND COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. District and county. Chairman. District No. 5--Continued. Montgomery ................. . Orange ...................... . Putnam .................... . Rensselaer .................. . Saratoga ................... . Schenectady ................ . Schoharie ..................•. Ulster ...................... . Warren .................... . Washington ................. . District No. 6 ................•.. Nassau ..................... . Queens .................... . Richmond ................. . Do ..................... . Suffolk ..................... . District No. 8 •••..•••.••••••••.• Rockland .................. . Westchester ................. . Mrs. Walter H. Lipe. Mrs. W. W. Davis. Mrs. Stephen Ryder. Mrs. George N. '.Patrick. Mrs. Sidney Coleman. Miss Mary Landon. Mrs. Leland C. Jones. Mrs. Thomas J. Hickey. Mrs. Louis Hyde. Mrs. Preston Paris. Mrs. Harold I. Pratt. Mrs. Albert Francke. Mrs. Maurice E. Connolly. Mrs. Charles E. Simonson. Mrs. William Bryan, vice chairman. Mrs. Alonzo Potter. Mrs. Leland S. Stillman. Mrs. Martin Vogel. Do. NORTH CAROLINA. [100 per cent organization.] COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Alamance ............... .Alleghany................ Anson .................. Ashe ..................... A very. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaufort ................ Bertie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bladen .................. Burke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brunswick .............. Camden .................. Carteret ................. Catawba.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ca.swell............. . . . . . . Chatham ................. Cherokee ................. Chowan .. ~............... Clay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Craven ................... Cumberland ............. Currituck................. Dare .................... Davidson................. Davie .................... Dublin .................. Durham ................. Edgecomb ................ Franklin ................ Address. Chairman. Miss Vera. Lee Cates .......... . Burlington. Miss Pearl Fields ............ . Sparta . Mrs. W. E. Brock .....•....... Mrs. A. R. Vail.. ............ . Dr. Mary Martin Sloop ....... . Mrs. N. L. Simmons ......... .. Miss Belle Brett ............ . Mrs. 0. L. Clark ............ . Mrs. H. W. Tate ............ . Miss Alice Adkins ............ . Miss Mary L. Stevens ....... . Mrs. Charles Bushall ......... . Mrs. A. A. Shuford, jr ....... . Miss Virginia. Badgette ....... . Mrs. W. 0. Johnson ......... . Mrs. G. W. Cover ............ . Mrs. C. L. Hollowell .....•..... Mrs. R. E. Crawford .......... . Mrs. J. T. Hollister ........... . Mrs. J. Stein ................. . Mrs. L. C. Baum ............. . Mrs. Holmes ................. . Mrs. R. L. Lambeth .......... . Mrs. R. P. Anderson ......... . Mrs. H.F. Peirce ............ . Mrs. E. S. Brooks ............ . Miss Rena Clark ............. . Mrs. W. E. White ........... . Digitized by Wadesboro. Crumpler. Crossmore. Washington. Windsor. Clarkton. Morganton. Southport. Camden. Beaufort. Hickory. Pelham. Siler City. Andrews. Edenton. Hayesville. New Bern. Fayetteville. Poplar Branch. Manteo. Thomasville. Mocksville. Warsaw. Durham. Tarboro. Louisburg. Google 143 NORTH CAROLINA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIBMEN~ontinued. County. Chairman. Forsythe ............... . Gaston ...... : ........... . Gates ................... . Graham ................. . Granville . ............... . Green ................... . Guilford . .. . ..... ........ . Do ................. . Halifax .................. . Hartnett ................ . Haywood ................ . Henderson ... ... ......... . Hertford . . ............... . Hoke .... . ............... . Hyde .................. . Jackson ................ . Johnson ................ . Jones .................... ·. Lee ..... . .............. . Lenoir .................. . Lincoln ................ . Macon ................... . Madison . ............. .. . Mrs. C. M. Taylor ........... . Mrs. F. L. Smyre ............ . Mrs. S. P. Cross .............. . Mrs. R. B. Slaughter ......... . Woman's Club .. .. .......... . Miss Minnie Best Dail. ....... . Mrs. J. W. Cone, jr ........... . Mrs. J. F . Hayden ........... . Mrs. J. W. Sledge ............ . Mrs. Joel G. Layton ......... . Mrs. J. R. McCracken ....... . Mrs. E. W; Ewbanks ......... . Miss Gertrude Lawrence ...... . Mrs. L. B. McBrayer ......... . Mrs. John L. Mann .......... . Mrs. E. L. McKee ............ . Miss Mattie Poindexter ....... . Mrs. F. M. Jenkins ........... . Miss Eoline Monroe .......... . Mrs. R. E. Copeland ......... . Mrs. T. C. Abernathy ....... . Mrs. G. H. Bidwell .......... . Miss Rolterta Rogers ......... . Mrs. J. G. Staton ............. . Mrs. A. Blanton . . .......... .. Mrs. C. E. Platt .............. . Mrs. D. H. S. Tappan ....... .. Mrs. W. S. Griffin ........... . Mrs. J. R. Page ............. .. Mrs. L. T. Vaughan .......... . Mrs. J.M. Solky ............. . Mrs. J. A. Lockamy ......... . Miss Hattie Berry ............ . Miss Rosa Spruill ............ . Miss Margaret Hollowell ...... . Miss Eva Logan ............. . Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood ......... . Mrs. J. A. Long ............. . Miss Maude Lee ............. . Miss M. I. Flentye ........... . Mrs. T. E. Lassiter .......... . Mrs. W. C. Leak .............. . Mrs. L. T. Townsend ......... . Mrs. C. F . Gold .............. .. Mrs. J. Abner Barker ........ . Mrs. T. J. Adams ............ .. Mrs. J. Spot Taylor .......... . Mrs. A. M. Frye ............. . Miss Eliza Wallis .......... : .. Mrs. W. T. Carstarphen ....... . Mrs. A. C. Bizzell ........... . Mrs. W. B. Hampton .... : .... . Mrs. E. S. Coffey ............ . Mrs. Ralph Faison ........... . Mrs. Kate F. Absher ......... . Mrs. Walter Woodard ........ . Miss Della Woodhouse .....•.. Mrs. Ward F. Brown ........ .. Martin ................. . McDowell ............... . Mecklenburg ............ . Mitchel. . ............... . Montgomery ............. . Moore ................... . Nash ................... . New Hanover .......... .. Onslow .................. . Orange .................. . Pamlico ................. . Pasquotank ............. . Pender .. . .............. . Perquimans ............. . Person ................. . Pitt . ......... .. ........ . Polk .................... . Randolph .............. . Richmond ............... . Robeson ................ . Rutherford .............. . Sampson ............... . Scotland .............. ~ .. Stokes ................... . Swain .................. . Transylvania .......... .. Wake .................. . Warren .................. . Washington ............. . Watauga ................. . Wayne ........ .. ....... . Wilkes ... . .... . ......... . Wilson ......... ... ...... . Yadkin .................. . Yancy .. . .. . ............ . AddreBB. Winston-Salem. Gastonia. Gatesville. Robbinsville. Oxford. Snow Hill. Greensboro. High Point. Weldon. Dunn. Waynesville. Hendersonville. Murfreesboro. Sanatorium. Lake Landing. Sylva. Smithfield. Maysville. Sanford. Kinston. Lincolnton. Franklin. Marshall. Williamston. Marion. Charlotte. Spruce Pine. Biscoe. Aberdeen. Nashville. Wilmington. Jacksonville. Chapel Hill. Oriental. Elizabeth City. Burgaw. Hertford. · Roxboro. Greenville. Tryon. Asheboro. Rockingham. Lumberton. Ellenboro. Roseboro. Gibson. Danbury. Bryson City. Brevard. Wake Forest. Norlina. Plymouth. Boone. Goldsboro. North Wilkesboro. Wilson. Booneville. Eskota. Digitized by Google 144 NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY CJH.uRM:EN. County. Adams •••••••••.•.....•.. Barnes ••.•••.•..•.•...... Benson. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . Billings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Bottineau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bowman .•.•.....••...... Burke. . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Burleigh................. Casa ....•.•.....•........ Cavalier ..•.......•..•... Dickey ................. Divide .........•........ Dunn .•••••.•...•...•.•.. Eddy ......•............ Emmons........ . . . . . . . . . Foster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golden Valley ........... Grand Forks ............. Grant .•...•.............. Griggs .................. Hettinger . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . Kidder..... . . . . . . • . . . . . . La Moure... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Logan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mercer ...•.•............. Morton......... . . . . . . . . . . Mountrail .•.............. McHenry ............... McIntosh ............... McKenzie ............... Nelson .•.•............... Oliver .•......•.......... Pierce ....•....•......... Pembina................. Ramsey................. Ransom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Renville....... . . . . . . . . . . Richland ................ Rolette .•.•.............. Sargent •.•.•............ Sheridan .•...•........... Sioux.................... Slope.................... Stark ................... Steele ................. ,. Stutsman ............... Traill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Towner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsh ................... Ward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wells .•..•....••......... Williams •.••••••...•.•.. Chairman. Address. Mrs. 0. T. Peterson ........•. Hettinger. Mrs. W. J. Westergaard •...•••. Valley City. Mrs. C. L. Richmond.......... Miss Mabel I. Rapp...... . • . . . Mrs. C. R. Gleason. . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. 0. M. Young ............ Mrs. George Keup.......... . . . Mrs. C. L. Young............. Mrs. Helen Porter .......•.... Mrs. Geo. H. Johnstone ....•. ,. Mrs. Jennie Canfield ......... Mrs. Arthur Katelv .......... Miss Cora Christerson ......... Mrs. Ellen M. Roach ...•...... Mrs. Scott Cameron... . . . . . . . . Mrs. 0. W. McClusky. . . . . . . . Mrs. J.P. Reeve .......•...... Miss Susan I. Maloney........ Mrs. J.'H. Emch .•...•........ Miss Tena Regner ............. Miss Shirley Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. W. F. Foye. . . . . . • . . . . . . . Mrs. C. A. Finch ....• ·... . . . . . Mrs. Rudolph Hochhalter .... , Mrs. Paul Small .............. Mrs. L. N. Cary ............·. . Mrs. Walter Stenshoel.. ••..... Mrs. J. L. Lee ................ Mrs. Lewis Rubin ............ Mrs. Robert Norheim .......... Mrs. H.B. Foster ............. Mrs. F. P. Rasmussen......... Mrs. Richard Wen:r.el......... Miss Clara O'Sullivan......... Mrs. B. E. Baldwin. . . . . . . . . . Miss Reeta Cooch. . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Mabel Laing. . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. D.R. Jones .............. Mrs. C. I. F. Wagner .•........ Mrs. Flora E. Baker .....•..... Mrs. Anna C. Schroeder ....... Mrs. N. E. Shobe............. Mrs. Henry Wyman. . . . . . . . . . Mrs. H.J. Gmschus ..•........ Miss Aagot Raaen ............ Mrs. Andrew Blewett ....•.... Miss Anna Nestos. . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Mamie Sorenson.. . . . . . . . Mrs. Jessie Walstrom ......... Mrs. C. H. Coar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Sennev Nertrost ...•..... Mrs. W. H. Denny .•.......... Digitized by Minnewaukan. Medora. Bottineau. Bowman. Columbus. Bismarck. Fargo. Wales. Fullerton. Crosby. Manning. New Rockford. Linton. Carrington. Beach. Grand Forks. Leith. Cooperstown. Mott. Steele. La Moure. Napoleon. Golden Valley. Mandan. Van Hook. Velva. Ashley. Alexander. Lakota. Center. Rugby. Crystal. Devils Lake. Lisbon. Glenburn. Wahpeton. Rolla. Forman. McClusky. Solon. Marmarth. Dickinson. Finley. Jamestown. Hillsboro. Cando. Park River. Minot. Fessenden. Williston. Google 145 OHIO. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Adams ..••..•.......•.... Allen .........•..•....... Athens ••.••••••...•••.•.. Auglaize .•••••..•..•.••.. Belmont .•...•.•••..•..... Brown ••••..•............ Butler .•.•.•.•............ Carrol. ....•.•..•......... Champaign •............. Clermont .•....•••........ Columbiana ••••.......... Coshocton ..•..•.......... Crawford .••.............. Cuyahoga ................ . Delaware ..•............. Erie ..............•....... Fairfield ......•.••.....•.. Franklin .•.•............ Gallia ••.••..•............ Geauga .................. . Greene .................. . Guernsey .....••......... ~ Hamilton ......•......... Hancock .•.............. Henry ••.•..•••........... Highland ....•............ Huron ................... . Lake ................... . Lawrence .......•..••..... Licking ........•........ Mrs. S. R. Edgington.......... Mrs. Wallace H. King......... Mrs. L. V. Brown..... . . . . . . . . Mrs. Harry G. Fisher .....•.•.. Mrs. W. H. Breidenstein ...... Mrs. Anthony Mueller....... . . Mrs. L. N. Forbes....... . . . . . . Mrs. Wallace Beamer. . . . . . . . . Miss Laura MacCracken .....•.. Mrs. 0. L. Page.............. Mrs. John A. Morrow ......... Mrs. C. B. Smith.............. Miss Louise John .............. Mrs. A. B. Pyke ............... Mrs. J. K. Campbell.......... Mrs. Geo. Boehmer ............ Dr. Frances Trout ............. Mrs. C. W. Foulk............. Dr. Ella Lupton.............. Mrs. Emory Ensign............ Mrs. Eber Reynolds....... . • . . Mrs. M. L. Hartley. . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Jerome Sturm............ Mrs. Geo. P. Jones ............. Mrs. F. A. Lutz .............. Mrs. Ja.s. E. McDermott....... Mrs. R. P. Frogley ........... Mrs. I. L. Baker ••......•...... Mrs. F. A. Bixbr, ........•.... Mrs. W. J. Fitzgibbon ........ Mrs. J. 0. Armstrong......... Mrs. Louis Burgner. . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. SilBB E. Hurin........... Mrs. C. L. Gresinger.•......... Mrs. Elmer Davis............. Mrs. J. D. Johnson ............ 'Mrs. Ralph De Weese......... Mrs. Evelyn Button.. . . . . . . . . Mrs. F. S. Baron ..•.......... Mrs. Geo. Seely .•............. Mrs. Felix B. Boying ..••••.... Mrs. D. V. Courtwright ........ Mrs. Harry Risinger ........... Mrs. A. A. Slaybaugh......... Miss Ida L. Hodges............ Mrs. L.A. Dickinson ......... ~a.hi·.·.::::::::::::::::: Lucas .................. . Medina .•................ Meigs .................. . Mercer ..................,. Montgomery ••............ Morgan .•......•.......... Muskingum ............. . Ottawa ................. . Paulding •............... Pickaway ............... . Preble ..••..•............ Putnam ................ . Ross ................... . Sandusky ............... . Scioto •.................. Seneca .....•............ ·shelby .................. . Trumbull ••••••.••...•.. TuscarawBB .....•......... Van Wert ...•............. Vinton ................. . · Warren .................. . Washington ............. . Williams ••.............. Wood .................. . Wyandot ............... . Address. West Union. Lima. Athens. Wapakoneta. Briageport. Georgetown. Ha.nulton. Carrollton. Urbana. Bethel. Lisbon. Coshocton. Galion. Lakewood. Delaware. Sandusky. Lancaster. Columbus. Gallipolis. Burton. Xenia. Cambridge. Cincinnati. Findlay. Hamler. Hillsboro. Norwalk. Perry. Ironton. Newark. Bellefontaine. Elyria. Toledo. Medina. Middleport. Celina. Dayton. McConnellsville. Zanesville. Oak Harbor. Paulding. Circleville. Eaton. Leipsic. Chillicothe. Fremont. Mrs. W. H. Schwartz ..•....... Portsmouth. Mrs. D. M. Hendershott........ Tiffin. Mrs. J. D. Barnes .............. , Sidney. Mrs. Fred Adams ...•......•. , Warren. Miss Minnie Porter ............ New Philadelphia. Mrs. H. G. Newman ........... Van Wert. Mrs. H. W. Coultrap ........... McArthur. Miss M. E. Ross............... Lebanon. Mrs. E. S. Merriam............ Marietta. Miss Dora Ettol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bryan. Mrs. Frank Sholes.......... . . . Bowling Green. Mrs. Elza Carter .............. Upper Sandusky. Digitized by Google 146 OKLAHOMA. DISTRICT AND COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Address. District and county. Chairman. District No. l. ......... . Craig .............. . Creek ........•....... Delaware ........... . Mayes ............. . Nowata ............ . Osage ............... . Ottawa ............. . Pawnee ............ . Rogers ............. . Tulsa ............... . Washington ......... . District No. 2 .......... . Adair .............. . Cherokee ............ . Haskell .•............ Hughes ............ . Latimer ............ . LeFlore ............. . McIntosh .......... . Muskogee .......... . Okfuskee ........... . Okmulgee .......... . Pittsburg ...........• Sequoyah .•.......... Wagoner ........... . District No. 3 •••••••••.. Blaine ...•........... Canadian ........... . Cleveland ........... . Lincoln ............ . Logan .............. . McClain ............ . Oklahoma .......... . Payne .............. . Pontotoc ........... . Pottawatomie ...... . Seminole .....•....... District No. 4 .•..•.••... Alfalfa ............. . Garfield ............ . Grant ......... : ..... . Kay .......•.•...... Kingfisher .......... . Major .............. . Noble ............... . District No. 5 ..•.••.••.. Caddo ............. . Comanche ........... . Cotton .............. . Grady ............. . Greer ............... . Harmon .....•.•...... Jackson ............ . Jefferson ............ . Kiowa ............. . Stephens ........... . Tillman ............ . Mrs. W. N. Sill .............. . Mrs. E. B. Frayser ........... . Mrs. C. M. Noble ............ . Mrs. W. H. Morrison ........ . Mrs. John Harrison .......... . Mrs. J. Wood Glass .•.......... Mrs. John Leahy ............. . Mrs. R. F. Cannon ........... . Mrs. G. W. Goodwin ........ . Mrs. Gazelle Lane ............ . Mrs. Minette Hedges ........ . Mrs. F. E. Thurman .......•.. Mrs. W. W. Gilbert .......... . Mrs. P. S. Rainey ........... . Mrs. R. L. Fite ............. . Mrs. J.B. Holleman ......... . Not organized ............... . Mrs. J. R. Frazier ...•......... Mrs. R. P. White ........... . Mrs. C. E. Foley ............ . Mrs. Gabe Parker ........... . Not organized ............... . Mrs. Geo. A. Nicholson ....... . Mrs. F. C. Chilson ........... . Not organized ...•.•.......... Miss Virginia Sergeant ........ . Mrs. T. G. Chambers ......... . Mrs. Theo. Graalman ......... . Mrs. F. S. Rhodes ............ . Mrs. E. A. Foster ............ . Mrs. Louise J. Rittenhouse .. . Mrs. E. S. Rexrode .......... . Mrs. W. G. Blanchard ....... . Mrs. J.B. A. Robertson ...... . Mrs. W. B. Swinford ......... . Mrs. Ralph Cain ............ . Mrs. R. C. Wallace .....•...... Mrs. Claude Bunyard ........ . Mrs. M. C. Garber ........... . Mrs. Webster Wilder ......... . Mrs. Wm. F. Black .......... . Mrs. C. A. Dow .............. . Not organized ............... . Mrs. John T. Bradley, jr ..... . Mrs. Nellie Perkins ......... . Miss Lillian Johnson ........ . Mrs. R. J. Ray ............... . Mrs. J. W. Roland .......... . Mrs. R. J. Ray .......•........ Mrs. E. J. Blair ............. . Mrs. John E. White ......... . Mrs. W. W. Merritt ........... . Mrs. V. A. Grissom .......... . Mrs. T. M. Robinson .......•. Mrs. E. A. Heacock .......... . Not, organized ............... . Mrs. G. R. Smith ............ . Mrs. J. L. Newland ......... . Digitized by Tulsa. Vinita. Sapulpa. Cleora. Pryor. Nowata. Pawhuska. Miami. Cleveland. Claremore. Tulsa. Bartlesville. Muskogee. Stillwell. Tahlequah. Stigler. Wilburton. Poteau. Eufaula. Muskogee. Okmulgee. McAlester. Wagoner. Oklahoma City. Watonga. El Reno. Norman. Chandler. Guthrie. Purcell. Oklahoma City. Stillwater. Ada. Shawnee. Wewoka. Enid. Cherokee. Enid. Pond Creek. Kingfisher. Fairview. Perry. Lawton. Cement. Lawton. Walter. Chickasha. Man~um. Holhs. Altus. Waurika. Duncan. Frederick. Google 147 OKLAHOMA-Continued. DISTRICT A.ND CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. District and County. District No. 6 .......... . Beaver .............. . Cimarron ............ . Dewey ............. . Ellis ................ . Harper .............. . Texas .............. . Woods ............. . Woodward ......... . District No. 7 ......•.•.• :Beckham .......... . Custer .............. . Roger Mills ......... . Washita ............ . District No. 8 ••••••••••• Carter .....•..•...... Garvin ............. . Love ....•........... . Murray ............ . Counties: Atoka ............... . Bryan ............. . Choctaw ............ . Coal. .............. . Johnston ........... . McCurtain ......... . Marshall .•.....•..... Pushmataha ........• Addreea. . Chairman. Mrs. Earnest Rankin ......... . Mrs. 0. H. Cafky ........... . Miss Ethel Johnson .......... . Mrs. W. P. Hickok ........... . Mrs. Oscar Robinson ......... . Mrs. Omar Moore ............ . Miss Thelma Bunch .......... . Miss Minnie Shockley ........ . Mrs. H. H. Stallings ...•.•..... Mrs. J. R. Campbell .......... . Mrs. Chas. H. Harris ......... . Mrs. J. W. Bremer ........... . Mrs. Mary Fisher Jones ....... . Mrs. Minnie Thornton ....... . Miss Ellen Dickson .......... . Mrs. Max Whittington .•...•... Mrs. H. M. Carr ............. . Mrs. H. M. Choat ............ . Mrs. T. P. Giacomini ........ . Gage. Forgan. Boise City. Taloga. Gage. Buffalo. Guymon. Alva. Woodward. Weatherford. Elk City. Weatherford. Cheyenne. Cordell. Ardmore. Ardmore. Pauls Valley. Marietta. Sulphur. Mrs. Norman Ward .......... . Mrs. Frank Dyer .•....•....... Mrs. A. T. Wight ............ . Mrs. Elizabeth Merchant ••.... Mrs. W. T. Ward ......•.•.... Mrs. W. A. Loftin ............ . Mrs. T. T. Montgomery ...... . Miss Gladice.Severance ...•.... Atoka. Durant. Hugo. Coalgate. Tishomingo. Idabel. Madil. Antler. OREGON. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Address. County. Chairman. Baker ................... . Benton .................. . Clackamas •............... Coos .................... . Crook ................... . Deschutes .............. . Gilliam .................. . Grant ..•................. Harney ....•.............. Jackson .................. . Jefferson ................ . Josephine ............... . Klamath ................. . Lake ................... . Mrs. F. H. Ryder ............ . Mrs. Ida Callahan •............ Mrs. H. B. Cartlidge .......... . Mrs. C. R. Wade ..........•.... Miss Hazel Sullivan .......... . Mrs. H. K. Brooks ........... . Mrs. J. D. Weed ............. . Mrs. Ida Niven ............... . Mrs. Grace B. Lampshire ..... . Mrs. Delroy Getchell .......... . Mrs. W. A. Ellis ............. . Mrs. Laura T. Gunnell ......•.. Mrs. G. A. Krause ........... . Mrs. L. F. Conn ............. . Mrs. Eric Allen .•............. Mrs. Rosemary Schenck ...... . Mrs. J. K. Weatherford .•....... Mrs. B. F. Farmer ............ . Miss Mattie Beatty ........... . Mrs. C. E. Curry ............•.. Mrs. Wynn Johnson .......... . Mrs. Otto Peetz .............. . Lane •••••••••••••••••••• Lincoln .................. . Linn •.................... Malheur ................ . Marion ................. . Multnomah ............. . Polk .................... . Sherman ................. . Baker. Corvallis. Oregon City. Bandon. Prineville. Bend. Condon. Canyon City. Burns. Medford. Madras. Grants Pass. Klamath Falls. Lakeview. Eugene. Toledo. Albany. Vale. Salem. Portland. Dallas. Moro. Digitized by Google 148 OREGON-Continued. COUNTY CBAIBllEN-Continued. County. Chairman. . Tillamook ............... Umatilla •.••..••••..•..... Union •••...•......•...... Wallowa................. Waeco ........•........... Yamhill ................. Mrs. C. J. Edwards ........... Mrs. W. B. McNary ..•......... Mrs. G. T. Cochrane........... Mrs. W. C. Hinterman......... Mrs. Nettie Smith ............. Mrs. F. A. Buchanan ......... Addrel!B. Tillamook. Pendleton. La Grande. Enterprise. The Dalles. McMinnville. PENNSYLVANIA. [100 per cent organization.] THIRD FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Chairman. County. Adams .. ·.................................. . Bedford .................................... . Blair ....•................................... Bradford ................................... . Bucks ....•................................. Cambria ..•..•.............................. Cameron .................................. . Carbon .................................... . Center .................................... . Chester •................................... Clearfield ................................. . Clinton .••................................. Columbia ................................. . Cumberland ................................ . Delaware •...........•....................... Franklin •................................... Fulton .................................... . Juniata ................................... . Lackawanna ................................ . Lancaster .................................. . t~~~t~--·.:·.::: _. _. _._·_::::: :::::::::::::::::::: flcK:~-~::::::::: :: ::::::::: ::::::: ::::::: Mifflin .................................... . ·Monroe .................................... . Montgomery ............................... . Montour ................................... . Northampton (Bethlehem division) .......... . Northampton (Eastern division) ............ . Northumberland ........................... . Perry ...................................... . Philadelphia ............................... . Pike ...................................... . Potter ..................................... . Schuylkill. ................................ . Susquehanna .............................. . Tioga ........ - - .. -. - - - - - · ·· · - ·· -· · · · · · · · · · · Union ..................................... . ;;~t;g::·.·_-_-.-::::::::::::::::::: :: :::::: : York ....................................... . Mrs. Walter H. O'Neal. Mrs. S. C. Hulse. Mrs. J. Hewitt Christy. Mrs. C. M. Woodburn. Mrs. Henry A. James. Miss Florence M. Dibert. Miss Eve Yates. Mrs. Michael S. Jordan. Mrs. Robert Mills Beach. Mrs. Norman D. Gray. Mrs. Herbert A. Moore. Mrs. Richard S. Quigley. Mrs. John G. Harman. Mrs. J. Irvin Steele. Mrs. Williams Ward, jr. Miss Mary Stewart. Mrs. B. Frank Henrv. Mrs. Abram G. Haldeman. Mrs. W. H. Storrs. Mrs. H. M. North, jr. Miss Anna M. Grim. Mrs. C. P. Elliott. Miss Henriette Baldy Lyon. Mrs. Nathaniel E. Harris. Mrs. Nellie Kinsloe. Mrs. C. B. Staples. Mrs. Robert J. Rolston. Mrs. William Kase West. Mrs. John E. Stocker. Miss Claire L. Dreisbach. Miss Effie G. Llewllyn. Mrs. A. R. Johnston. Mrs. Walter S. Thomson. Mrs. A. M. Adams. Mrs. J. Walter Wells. Mrs. Louise P. Carter. Mrs. F. W. Trump. Mrs. F. B. Smith. Mrs. H. Grant Dreisbach. Mrs. Ernest T. Brown. Mrs. J. E. Wiggins. Mrs. E. C. Steacy. Digitized by Google • 149 PENNSYLVANIA-Continued. FOURTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT, CouNTY CnAmllBN-Continued. County. Chairman. Addrese. Allegheny................ Armstrong ............... Beaver ................... Butler .•...........•.•..•. Clarion ...........•...... Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Miss Clarence Renshaw. . . . . . . D. M. Campbell .......... E. S. McCauley. . . .. .. . . Gertrude McKinney •.••. Emma 0laughsey ......... Pittsburgh. Leechburg. Beaver. Butler. East Brady. Eastern .............. Meadville ........... Erie............. . . . . . .. . . Fayette ................... Forest .................... Greene ................... Jefferson ................. Lawrence................. Mercer: Western .............. Eastern .............. Somerset ................. Venango .................. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. C. A. Black, ........... •.: R. B. Thompson ......... Hattie Schabacher.. .. . .. A. C. Hagan ............. June Herman ............. Geo. Jenkins ............. W. J. Dickson ............ H. M. Good.............. Titusville. Meadville. Erie. Uniontown. Tionesta. Waynesburg. Punxsutawney. New Castle. Crawford: Miss Mary McDowell .......... Miss Kate G. Barnes ......... Miss Anna 0. Scull ........... 'Mrs. E. V. D. Selden ......... Warren ................... Mrs. Jas. P. Rogers ........... Washington .............. Mrs. L. S. Vowell ............. Westmoreland ........... Mrs. Lloyd B. Huff .......... Sharon. Mercer. Somerset. Oil City. Warren. Washington. Greensburg. RHODE ISLAND. OuT-oF-TowN CHAIRMEN. Locality. Chairman. Burrillville................................ Foster ...................................... Gloucester .................................. Scituate..................................... Smithfield.................................. Coventry..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East Greenwich ............................. West Greenwich ............................. West Warwick ............................... Jamestown ................................. Little Compton ............................. MiddleWwn ............ ·.................... Newport.................................... New Shoreham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . Portsmouth ................................. Tiverton ................................... Exeter ..................................... North Kingston ............................. Pawtucket .................................. Mrs. Arthur Ingraham. Mrs. John B. Spear. Mrs. Howard Farnum. Mrs. E. B. Dexter. Mrs. A. E. Bosworth. Miss Mittie Arnold. Mrs. Louis Lincoln. Mrs. Willis Carr. Miss Alma St. Onge. Miss Amy Nason. Mrs. W. T. Peckham. Mrs. Charles Weaver. Miss Charlotte Burleigh. Miss Louise Gillespie. Mrs. Bradford Norman. Mrs. Richard J. Barker. Mrs. Martha Gardner. Mrs. Robert Downs. Mrs. Charles E. Longley. Mrs. Nathan W. Littlefield, vice chairman. Miss Frances Freeman. Mrs. Elisha C. Mowry. Mrs. Louis Olney. Mrs. Walter A. Peck. Central Falls ..................... , .......... Cumberland................................. Lincoln..................................... Providence................................. Digitized by Google 150 RHODE ISLAND-Continued. OuT-oF-TowN CHAIRMEN-Continued. Locality. Chairman. East Providence ........................... . North Providence ........................... . Cranston .................................. . Johnston ................................... . South Kingston ............................ . Narragansett ....•........................... Barrington ................................. . Mrs. William E. Smyth. Mrs. William H. Dumican. Mrs. Charles Fletcher. Mrs. J. B. Wilder. Mrs. Nathaniel T. Bacon. Mrs. W. A. Nye. Mrs. William H. Hoffman. Mrs. Henry S. Robinson, vice chairman. Mrs. Edward R. Cutler. Miss Katherine Foster. Mrs. Charles Schle~inger. Dr. Frances Kenyon. Mrs. Latimer W. Ballou. Mrs. Edward Atchison. Warren ....•................................ Westerly ........•........................... Charlestown ............................... . Richmond ................................. . Woonsocket ................................ . North Smithfield ............................ . SOUTH CAROLINA. (100 per cent organization.] CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CHAIRMEN. (Members State Executive Committee.) ,Mrs. H. P. LYNCH, Cheraw, S. C. Mrs. R. GOODWYN RHETT, Charleston, S. C. Mrs. JULIAN B. SA~LEY, Aiken, S. C. Mrs. D. M. McEAcmN. Mrs. FosTER McK1ss1c!z Greenwood, S. C. Mrs. T. I. WESTON . .Mrs. ERNEST LucAs, Spartanburg, S. C. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Abbeville .................................. . Aiken ...................................... . Allendale .................................. . Anderson .................................. . :::~:n:::::::::.::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: B.eaufort ...••••..•.•.•.....•..•............. Berkeley................................... . Calhoun .................................... . Charleston ................................. . Cherokee ....•.............................. Chester ................................. : ... . Chesterfield ............•.....•.............. Clarendon .................................. . Colleton .................................... . Em!:~~._.. . . . . . .:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Dorchester.•................................ Summerville ........................... . Edgefield .•••.•.............................. Fairfield ................................... . Florence .•.....•................•............ Georgetown ................................. . Mrs. W. A. Harris. Mrs. W. I. Duncan. Mrs. W. I. Johns. Mias Martha Bonham. Mrs. John H. Cope. Mias Clifford Barratt. Mias Mary Waterhouse. Mrs. Loka Rigby. Mias Rebecca Wimberly. Mrs. R. GoodWy'n Rhett. Mrs. G. G. Byers. Mrs. I. C. Cross. Mrs. H. P. Lynch. Mrs. Joseph Sprott. Mrs. E. r;. Fishburne. Mrs. L. E. Sligh. Mrs. Charles Rhett Taber. Mrs. Otey Reed. Mrs. William Rivers. Mrs. Lovick Mims. Mrs. A. T. Moore. Mias Madge Harris. Mrs. LeGrande Walker. Digitized by Google 151 SOUTH CAROLINA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Chairman. County. Greenville ................................. . Mrs. John C. Cary. Greenwood ................................ . Mrs. Foster McKieeick. Mrs. N. E. Aull. Mrs. W. A. Freeman. Mrs. W. H. Taylor Miss Selma Parrish. Lancaster .......•........................... Mrs. W. M. Millen. Laurens .................................... . Mrs. Rufus T. Dunlap. Lee ........................................ . Mrs. W. M. Reid. Mrs. E. F. Rucker. Mrs. Albert Gibert. Marion .....•................................ Mrs. J. R. Williams. Marlboro ..•......•.............. •••••·•••··· Mrs. H. L. McColl. Mrs. W. G. Houseal. ·.·.·.Mrs. W. G. Pitchford. Mrs. E. 0. Seignious. Mrs. James P. Cary, jr. Richla.nd ................................... . Mrs. Alex. E. King. Saluda .•..•.....•.•.......•................ Mrs. J. J. Watson. Spartanburg ................................ . Mrs. R. B. Cleveland. Sumter .................................... . Mrs. Nina Solomon. Union ............•....•.......•.•.......... Mrs. J. W. Mixon. York: Western .•••...•••...................... Miss LeBBie Witherspoon. Eaetem ............................... . Mrs. A. E. Hutchinson. Williamsburg ..••...•..••.•.•.............•.. Mrs. W. G. Gamble. i~~~~·.·_-_-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: k~h~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~k::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~::: ~~~~~~::: _.::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i~i:.~·.-.-.-.-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SOUTH DAKOTA. [100 per cent organization.] COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Aurora .................. . Beadle ............•..... Bennett •.........•....... Bon Homme ........... . Brookings .............. . Brown •.................. Brule .................. . Buffalo ................ . Butte .....•.. , .......... . Charles Mix............. . Clay •....•..•........... Codington .............. . Corson .................. . Custer.................. . Davison ................. . Day ...........•......... Deuel. ....•............. Dewey ....... : ......... . Douglas ................. . Edmunds .............. . Fall River ..•........... Mrs. R. C. Bakewell ......... . Mrs. John Longstaff ......•... Miss Clara Plaasca ........... . Mrs. S. G. Berry............. . Mrs. J. A. Bonell ............ . Mrs. J. L. Browne ............ . Mrs. J. Q. Anderson .......... . Mrs. C. C. Swartout ......... . Mrs. C. S. Small ............. . Mrs. Geo. F. Siddons ......... . Mrs. C. J. Gunderson ......... . Miss Leah Hopkins.........,.. . Mrs. S. G. Senty ............ . Mrs. Frank Stewart ......... . Mrs. W. S. Hill ............. . Mrs. 0. S. Williams ......... . Mrs. H. H. Wilcox .•.......... Mrs. S. M. Smith ............ . Mrs. Caroline B. Smith ...... . Mrs. Bertha Bartholomew .... . Mrs. B. J. Glattly ......'..... . AddreBB. Plankinton. Huron, Martin. Tyndall. Brookings. Aberdeen. Chamberlain. Gann Valley. Belle Fourche. Platte. Vermillion. Watertown. McIntosh. Custer. Mitchell. Webster. Clear Lake. Timber Lake. Armour. Ipswich. Hot Springs. Digitized by Google 152 SOUTH DAKOTA-Continued. CouNTY C:e:A.DU1BN-Continued. County. Address. Chairman. Grant..••.•...•..•••.•..• Faulk ••••••.•..•••.••...• Gregory••••.••..••.••.•.. Hantlin..••••...........• Hand .................. . Hanson ................ . Harding ...........•..... Hughes ................• Hutchinson.•••.••...•... Jackson ••..••.•••.•...•. Jerauld ................ .'. Kingsbury .. : ........... . Lake .................. . Lawrence ....•......•... Lincoln .•............... Lyman •..•...•......•... McCook .•....•..•........ McPherson ............. . Marshall ................ . . Meade .......•.......... Mellette .•..•.........•.. Miner .....•............. Minnehaha....•.......... Moody- ................•. Pennington ............ . Perkins................. . Potter ................. . Roberts •................ Spink..................•. Sanborn ................ . Stanley................. . Mrs. W. B. Saundem ........ . Milbank. Mrs. Emma .•......•... Faulkton. Mrs. F. W. Rathman•.....•..• Dallas. Mias Lillian Fike ..••..••..... Miss Jessie Moncur .......•... Mrs. Alvin Heller ........... . Mrs. E. Whitcomb ........... . Mrs. Ruth Hipple ........... . Mm. W. H. Shaw .....•....•. Mrs. J. F. Snyder.•..•.•....•. Mrs. W. H. Buck •....•..•... Mrs. L. F. Altfillisch...•...... Mrs. C. McKibbin............ . Mrs. F. E. Clough ........... . Mrs. C. M. Schroeder......... . Mrs. Mary L. Leggett......... . Mrs. J. J. Miller.•...••........ Mrs.· L. F. Parkhurst......... . Mrs. R. J. Stokes ............ . Mrs. Mat Flavin ............ . Mrs. Chas. S. Hight ......... . Mrs. C. E. Davison .......... . Mrs. E. E. Maynard ......•.... Mrs. G. A. Perley ....... , ... . Mrs. Levi McGee ............ . Mm. Harry James ............ . Mrs. William Weidensee...... . Mrs. E. J. Turner ........... . Mrs. May Stevens ..•......... Mrs. L. L. Lawson ......•..... Mrs. Fannie Millett .....•..... Mrs. Kathryn Evans ........ . Mm. J. S. Thompson......... . Walworth .............. . Mrs. H.B. Gutz ............ . Yankton ..•....•......... Mrs. G. H. Durand .......... . ~=:;:::::::::::::::::: Castlewood. Miller. Alexandria. Harding. Pierre. Parkston. Kadoka. WeBBington Springs. De Smet. Madison. Lead. Canton. Cocoma. Salem. Leola. Britton . Sturgis. White River. Howard. Sioux Falls. Flandreau. Rapid City. Lemmon. Gettysburg. Sisseton. Redfield. Woonsocket. Fort Pierre. Winner. Centerville. Selby. Yankton. TENNESSEE. flOO per cent organization.] SIXTH FEDERA.L RESERVE DISTRICT. . County. Address. Chairman. Nashville zone. Bedford ................. Cannon ....•.•.•....•... Clay. . • . . • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . Cheatham .....•..•.••.... Davidson ................. DeKalb .................. Dickson .................. Giles ..•.......•......... Hickman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Mm. E. B. Maupin ........... MiBB Ada Coleman .. ·........... Miss Maud Fitzgerald........ . . Mrs. J.C. Wilson ..•.......... Mrs. James Frazier .......•... Mrs. T. J. Potter •.•.......... MiBB Edith Badge ..........••.. Mrs. C. J. Elledge ............ Mrs. T. K. Cooley. . . . . . . . . . . . Digitized by Shelbyville. Woodbury. Celina. Ashland City. Nashville. Smithville. Dickson., Pulaski. Centerville. Google 153 TENNESSEE-Continued. SIXTH FEDERAL RESERVE D18TRICf-Contlnued. Address. Chairman. County. Naahville zone-Con. HoUBton .•..•.•........•.. Humphreys ..•......•... Jackson ................. Lawrence................. Lewis ................... Lincoln • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Macon. . . . • • . • . . .. . . . . . . Marshall ....•...•........ Maury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montgomery .............. Moore...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overton .................. Perry........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pickett.................... Putnam ................. Robertson ............... Rutherford ............... Smith ..•................ Stewart .................. Sumner. . • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . Trousdale ................ Wayne .................. Williamson .............. Wilson .................. ·I Chattanooga zone. Bledsoe ................ . Bradley ................ . Coffee .................. . Do ••••...•...•....•• Cumberland •••.•.•....•. Hentrees ................. . ·Franklin ••••...•........ Grundy ................ . Hamilton .••..•......•... James .....•.•............ Marion .•...•.....•...... McMinn ................ . Meigs ........ ; ......... . Monroe ••..•.•.•.......... Morgan .................. . Polk .......•............. Rhea ................... . Roane ..•••...•.•..•..••. Scott .••••••••.•..•.•..... Sequatchie •.•.........•.. Van Buren •............... Warren ..•...•............ White ...•.•............. Dade County, Ga ......•. Miss Annie Nichol. .......... . Miss Lucille Moore .......... . Mrs. Mack Draper ........... . Mrs. A. M. White ........... . Mrs. W. J. Edwards .......... . Mrs. Geo. Goodrich .......... . Miss Vangie Cothron .......... . MiBB Natalie Ogilvie .......... . Mrs. A. H. Moore ............ . Mrs. J.M. Dixon ............. . Mrs. R. B. Setliff ............ . Mrs. Clara. Qualls •............ Mrs. A. H. Wiggs ............. . Mrs. Laura Robbins ......... . Mrs. 0. D. MaBBa ••••.••••••••. Mrs. Ed. Sprouse ............ . Mrs. John Williams ..........• Mrs. Sam Pickering ......... . Mrs. Nixon Pickard .....•..... Mrs. Prudence Dr888er ....... . Mrs. I. T. Allen ........ , ..... . Miss Mariette Russ .......... . Mrs. J. T. Whitfield ......... . Mrs. J.E. Edgerton .......... . Erin. Waverly. Gainsboro. Lawrenceburg. Mrs. T. A. Pope ............. . Mrs. Carl Grigsby ........... . Mrs. J. L. Ewell .....•........ Mrs. Hilda Thoma ............ . Mrs. Chas. Comstock ......... . Mrs. W. M. Johnson ........•. Mrs. Harvey Templeton ...... . Mrs. E. P. Stone ............ . Mrs. Theodore King .......... : Mrs. Mae Sherrard ......••..... Mrs. A. L. Roberson ........•. Mrs. R. J. McKeldin ........ . Mrs. John Scott ............•. Mrs. Chas. 0. Browder ........ . Mrs. J. D. Burton ........••.. Mrs. Bessie Huntzinger .•..... Mrs. Harriet Hoyal. ......... . Mrs, E, W. St. John .......... . Mrs. Willard Keen .......... . Mrs. W. B. Stewart ........•.. Mrs. Ella Worthington ........ . Miss Nettie Drake ............ . Mrs. Lucretia Crowder ..•....• Mrs. S. J. Hale ............•.. Pikeville. Cleveland. Manchester. Do. Crossville. Jamestown. Winchester. Tracy City. Chattanooga. Ooeltewah. Jasper. Athens. Decatur. Sweetwater. Oakdale. Cop_perhill. Sprll!-g City. Harnman. Huntsville. Dunlap. Creek. McMinnville. Sparta. Trenton, Ga. Kimmins. Fayetteville. Lafayette. LeW1Bburg. Columbia. Clarksville. L~chburg. Livingston. Linden. Byrdstown. Cookville. Springfield. Murfreesboro. Carthage. Cumberland:City. Gallatin. Hartsville. Clinton. Franklin, Lebanon. I K norviUe zone. Anderson ••..•.••......... Mrs. C. M. Lamar ............. Clinton. Blount .•••••............ Miss Mary Goddard .......•.•.. Maryville. 169383-20-11 Digitized by Google 154 TENNESSEE-Continued. SIXTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. Chairman. County. Address. Kno:c11ille zone-Con. Carter .................. . Claiborne ............... . Cocke ................... . Grainger ............... . Greene .................. . Hamblin ................ . Hancock ............... . Hawkins ............... . Jefferson ................ . Johnson ................ . Knox .................. . Loudon ................. . Sevier .................. . Sullivan ......•.•.......• Unicoi. ................• Washington ............•. Mrs. H. L. Dixon ........... . Mrs. Rachel Fugate ......... . Miss Elizabeth Stokely ...... . Mrs. John Jarnigan ........... . Mrs. Ruth B. Overton ........ . Mrs. Rufus Hickey .......... . Mrs. Minnie Beckler .......... . Mrs. James Rogan ........... . Mrs. Carl Lyle ............... . Mrs. Rose Fumer ............ . Mrs. J. H. Anderson .......... . Mrs. Nicholas Carmichael .... . Mrs. Dixie Bowers ........... . Mrs. Hattie J. Stern .......... . Mrs. Thomas McFall .......... . Mrs. H. L. White ..........•.. Elizabethton. Tazewell. Newport. Rutled$'e· Greenville. Morristown. Sneedsville. Church Hill. Dandridge. Mountain City. Knoxville. Loudon. Sevierville. Bristol. Erwin. Johnson City. EIGHTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. Benton ...........•.•..... Carroll ................. . Chester ................. . Crockett ................ . Dyer ................... . Fayette ................ . Hardeman ............... . Hardin .........•........ Haywood ................ . Henderson ............. . Henry ................. . Lake ................... . Madison •...............• McNairy ....•......•..•.• Shelby ...........•. : .... . Weakley ................ . Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. E. J. Clement ......... . Geo. W. McKenzie ..... . J. A. Johnson .......... . C. H. Conley ............ . E. Rice ................. . Elizabeth R. Hill ....... . Robert Wood Tate ....... . Miss Gertrude Irwin .......... . Mrs. Will Berson ............. . Miss Addie Neely Murray .... . Miss Lula Paschal ........... . Miss Heloise Donaldson ...... . Mrs. I. B. Tigrett ............. . Mrs. W. K. Abernathy ......•.. Mrs. Hugh S. Har.Iey ........ . Miss Mamie Tansil .......... . Camden. McKenzie. Henderson. Bells. Dyersburg. Somerville. Bolivar. Savannah. Brownsville. Lexington. Paris. Tiptonville. Jackson. Selmer. Memphis. Dresden. , TEXAS. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Address. Anderson ...•............. Andrews ••.•......•...... Angelina....... . . . . • . . . • . Arall888 .................. Archer .•.•.•......•...... Armstrong ..........•.... Miss K. Hunter .....•.......... Mrs. A. N. Brown ...•....•.... Mrs. W. C. Trout......... . . . . . Mrs. C. S. Harris ..••••........ Miss E. Power •.•.••••..••....• Mrs. W. A. Warner .........•.• Atascosa................. Mrs. J. A. Moore.............. Austin.................... Mrs. A. Louwien.............. Digitized by Palestine. Andrews. Lufkin. Rockport. Archer City. Claude. Jourdanton. Bellville. Google 155 TEXAS-Continued. CoUNTY CuAIRMEN=-<Jontinued. County. Chairman. Bailey .................. . Bandera ...•.............. B1111trop ................. . BB¥lor ...•...•............ Bee ...................... . Bell .................... . Bexar ................... . Blanco ................... . Bosque .................. . Bowie ................... . Brazoria ................. . Brazos .................. . Brewster ......... : ....... . Brooks .................. . Brown ......•............ Burleson ................. . Burnet .....••............ Caldwell ................ . Calhoun ................ . Callahan .•............... Cameron ................ . Camp ................... . Carson .................. . E. C. Aubanks .......... . M. Cohen ................ . J. N.Jenkin ............. . R. Kellum ............... . J. W. Brown ............ . J.M. Murphy ............ . F. McGown .............. . N. T. Stubbs ............ . E. Rizer ................ . S. A. Collom ............. . M. White ............... . A. Benbow .............. . A. A. Newell ........... . O. Rachal.. ............. . Mrs. M. M. Scott ............. . Mrs. L. Henslee .............. . Mrs. D. Cheatham ........... . Mrs. H. A. Rader ............. . Mrs. G. R. Thayer ........... . Mrs. L. M. Hadley ........... . Mrs. A. Smith ............... . Mrs. F. Berry ................. . Mrs. A. Callaghan ............ . Mrs. Ellington ............... . Mrs. W. L. Fuller ............. . Mrs. J.M. Crews .............. . Mrs. Tom Dale ............... . Miss Lena Simpson ...•........ Mrs. J. T. Padgitt ............ . Mrs. J. P. Harding .•.......... Mrs. T. E. Benge ............. . Mrs. A. Gregory .............. . Mrs. H. Scoll ................. . Mrs. H. S. Clarke ...........•.. Mrs. C. M. Hartgrove .......... . Mrs. C. R. Johnson ............ . Mrs. J.M. Prewitt ...•......... Mrs. J. L. Heim ............. . Mrs. H. B. Cox .•............. Mrs. A. Spence .............. . Mrs. R. Durrill .........•...... Mrs. G. Walker .............. . Mrs. A. G. McAdams .......... . Ml'!!. I. Smith ................ . Mrs. H. Wilkins ............. . Mrs. J. Patteson ............. . Mrs. H.F. Schweer ...••....... Mrs. F. P. Sames ............ . Mrs. B. F. Hale ............... . Mrs. J. W. Askew .•........... Mrs. J.B. McClelland .•.•..... Mias M. Ball ................. . Mrs. Wm. Reagan ............ . Mrs. T. B. Harris ...•.......... Mrs. L. Dismukes ............. . Mrs. H. N. Peters ...•.•.•.•.•.• MrB. T. W. Lanier ............ . Mrs. M. Ferguson .•........... Mrs. E. P. Hutching .•........ Cass ....•................ Cherokee ................ . Childress ................. . 8~le·:::::::::.-:::: ::::::: Coleman ..•..•............ Collin ................... . Collingsworth ........... . Colorado .......•.......... Comal. ..•...•............ Comanche ..•............. Concho .................. . Cooke ................... . doryell .•................ Cottle ................... . Crocket.t ................ . Crosby ...••.............. Culberson ................ . Dallam .................. . Dallllll ................... . Dawson ...•............... Deaf Smith ............. . Delta .....•.......•...•.. Denton .•................ DeWitt ..............•.... Dickens .•................ Dimmit ................. . Donley .•.......•......... Duval. ..•...•.•...•...... E1111tland .•...•.•.•.•...... Ector .•.................. Edwards ................ . Ellis ••................... El Paso .•................ Erath ...•................ Falls .................... . Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mrs. Miss Address. Muleshoe. Bandera. B1111trop. Seymour. Beeville. Temple. San Antonio. Johnson City. Meridian. Texarkana. Angleton. Bryan. Alpine. Falfurrias. Brownwood. Caldwell. Burnet. Lockhart. Port Lavaca. Baird. Brownsville. Pittsburgh. Panhandle. Queen City. Jacksonville. Childress. Henrietta. Robert Lee. Coleman. McKinney. Wellington. Columbus .• New Braunfels. Comanche. Millersview. Gainesville. Gatesville. Paducah. Ozona. Crosbyton. Van Hom. Dalhart. Dallas. Lamesa. Hereford. Cooper. Denton. Cuero. Dickens. Carrizo Springs. Clarendon. San Diego. Cisco. Odessa. Rock Springs. Waxahachie. El Paso. . Stephenville. Marlin. Digitized by Google 156 TEXAS-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Fannin .....•.•........... Fayette .................. . Fisher .•................. Floyd .•.•................ Foard~ •••.•.........•...•. Fort Bend ..•.............. Franklin .....•............ Freestone ...•...•......... Frio .•................... ' Gaines .•••.•.............. Galveston .•...........•..• Garza .•.................. Gillespie ................. . Hays .......•............. Hemphill.. .............. . Henderson ............... . Hidalgo ................. . Hill ............... ·...... . Hood .................... . Howard ................. . Hunt .•................... Irion .•.•.•.............. Jack .•...•...•............ Jackson .•..••.......•.•... Jasper .•.•...•............ Jeff Davis .....•.......... Jefferson .•••............. Jim Hogg .•............•• Jim Wells .•.•...•......... Johnson .•.••••..•......... Jones .•...•.•............. Karnes ...•••............. Kaufman ... ·•.•.......... Kendall .....•.•.......... Kent .••..•••.••.•........ Kerr .•.•................. Kleberg .•.•...•...•.•.•..• Knox ••.•.•.•.•.......•••. Lamb .....••...•..•.•..... Lampasas .•.......•.•...•. La Salle ................. . Lavaca ................. . Lee .................... . Leon ................... . Liberty................. . Limestone .............. . Lipscomb ..........•..... Live Oak, ............. , .. Llano ................... . Lubbock •.•••. ·.••.•..•••• Lynn ................... . McCulloch .............. . McLennan ............. . McMullen ............... . Madi.eon ................ . Martin ................... . Mason ................... . Address. Chairman. Mrs. H. G. Evans............. Bonham. Mrs. L. D. Brown .....•........ La Grange. Mrs. J. S. Connell............. Roby. Mrs. H. Steen ................ Floydada. Mrs. C. R. Ferguson .•...._...... Crowell. Mrs. J. C. Johnson .•.......•... Richmond. Mrs. H. C. Lyon ......•........ Mount Vernon. Mrs. E. B. St. Clair_........... Teague. Mrs. E. A. Lilly ...........•. ,. Pearsall. Mrs. C. E. Slaton .......... .',;.. Seminole. Mrs. Alleshouse............... . Arcadia. Mrs. J. T. Herd .....•.......•.. · Post. Miss A. Peden ................ Fredericksburg. Mrs. Yeh Harle............... San Marcos. Mrs. D. Thornbury............. Canadian. Mrs. Ora Hart.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Athens. Mrs. D. W. Glasscock ......... McAllen. Mrs. A. M. Frazier .........•.•. Hillsboro. Mrs. D. Glenn................. Granbury. Mrs. G. Lees................... Big Springs. Mrs. B. F. Boydstun .......•... Greenville. Mrs. Ella Funk............. . . . Arden. Mrs. E. M. Davidson.......... Jacksboro. Miss S. Simpson........... . . . . Edna. Mrs. Blackshear ............... Jasper. Mrs. A. Stegall ................ Valentine. Mrs. L. W. Houk............. Beaumont. Mrs. C. W. Hellen............ Hebbronville. Mrs. B. Kempe................ Alice. Mrs. W. Smith....... . . . . . . . . . Cleburne. Mrs. W. R. Chapman........... ADBOn. Mrs. J. T. Cope................ Karnes City. Mrs. W. M. Covey ..•....•..... Mabank. Mrs. G. Belsey ...•............. Boerne. Mrs. G. Gilkerson............. Jayton. Mrs. G. Doyle .......•.•....... Kerrville. Mrs. R. Kleberg .•••.•.••...•.. Ki~ville. Mrs. J. B. Rhea................ BenJamin. Mrs. R. S. Beard ••.••..•.....•. Littlefield. Mrs. W. F. Mace............... Lampasas. Mrs. C. C. Thomas ......•.•••. Cotulla. Mrs. S. A, Houchins.......... Hallettsville. Mrs. W. E. York ••.•.•..•••.• Giddings. Mrs. McLarty... . . . • . . . . . • • • • • Buffalo. Mrs. Bristley... . . . . . . . • . • • • . • • Liberty. Mrs. C. Bradley. . . . • . • . . . . . • • Groesbeck. Mrs. J. Winsett .....•.•....... Higgins. Mrs; F. Tullis................. George West. Mrs. I. E. Daniel.............. Llano. Mrs. F. V. Brown............. Lubbock. Mrs. J.B. Walker .....••..•.••• Tahoka. Mrs. W. N. White .•....•.••... Brady. Mrs. A. Newman •••••••..•... Waco. Mrs. W. B. Wheeler ...........• Tilden. Mrs. J.E. M.'orris •••••••••••••• Madisonville. Mrs. C. M. Houston .••.•.••••. Stanton. Mrs. F. W. Lemburg. •• • • • • • • • Mason. :Btlatagc>rd.a. ....•.•••••.•••• Mrs. J. Barber................. Markham. Maverick ............... . Mrs. R. Vaughan ........•.•.•. Eagle Pass. Digitized by Google .; 157 TEXAS-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Addrel!B. Chairman. County. Medina .••.•............. Mrs. G. Noonan ........•...... Menard ................... Mrs. T. Russell .............. . Midland ..............•... Mrs. 0. B. Holt .............. . Milam .........•....•.... Mrs. T. Henderson ........... . Mills ..................... Mrs. W. Fairman ............. . Mitchell .................. Mrs. J. G. Merritt ............ . Montague •••..•......... Mrs. W. Potter .............. . Montgomery .............. Mrs. H. Bholssen ............ . Moore .................... Mrs. J. W. Walker ........... . Morris.................... Mrs. Chas. Bolin ............. . Motley .................. Mrs. C. B. Whitten ........... . Nacogdoches ............. , Mrs. A. H. Smith .•.......... Navarro ................ Mrs. W. F. Dunn ........... . Newton ................. Mrs. J. H. Burnaman ......... . Nolan .................... 1 Mrs. Chapman ............... . Nueces.................. Mrs. G. R. Scott .............. . Ochiltree ................ Miss J. Smith ........•........ Oldham •..••••........•. Mrs. F. T. Mitchell .......... . Orana:e ...••..••........•. Mrs. L. F. Benckenstein ...... . Palo l>into ............... Mrs. C. F. Yeager .•.......... Panola ......•••.•........ Mrs. W. P. Owens ............ . Parker .•................ Mrs. 0. Barthold ............ . Parmer........... . . . . . . . . Mrs. F. W. J ersig ............ . Pecos... • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. G. A. Sachse ............ . Polk .....•••.•..•......•. Mrs. J. Miller ............•... Potter ...•......•..•...... Mrs. G. Vineyard ............ . Presidio.................. Mrs. H. Fennell ............. . Rains .................... Mrs. R. T. Pearson .......... . Randall ................... Mrs. B. A. Stafford .......... . Reagan.................. Mrs. L. Cuthbert ............• Real..................... Mrs. John Burdett ..........•.. Red River.......... . . . . . Mrs. M, Stephens ...•......... Reeves ••.••••••......... Mrs. T. Y. Casey ............ . Refugio .••.•............ Mrs. M. Lambert ............ . Roberts .•............... Mrs. Jim Wells ............... . Robertson •.............. Mrs. Ben Love .............. . Rockwall................. Mrs. F. Clark ................ . Runnels.................. Mrs. F. C. Miller ............. . Rusk •.•.••••••..•..•.•.. Mrs. W. P. White ............ . Sabine ••....•............ Mrs. H. Knox ............... . San Au~e .........•.. Mrs. J. Clark ................ . San Jacmto............... Mrs. R. H. Lovett ........... . San Saba ................. Mrs. M. Johnson ............. . Schleicher ....•......... Mrs. D. DeLong ............. . Scurry .................... Mrs. W. S. Adamson ........ . Shackelford. • ... . . . . . • . . . Mrs. W. McLemore ............ . Shelby •........•...•..... Mrs. Hugh Jones ............ . Sherman. . • • • . • . • . . . . . . . Mrs. John Houser ........... . Smith... . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . Mrs. A. Crutcher ............. . Somerwell............... Mrs. 0. Cox ..........•.•....•. Starr... . . • . . • • • • • . . • • . . . . Miss A. Kelsey ..•...•...•.•.. Stephens ••••••.••••.•••. Mrs. G. 0. Bateman ••.•...•.. Sterling .................. Mrs. R. P. Brown ...•........ Stonewall................ Mrs. Fred Senter ............ . Sutton .................... Mrs. W. Aldwell ............ . Tarrant. . • • • . . . • • . . . • . • . Mrs. D. C. Webb, jr ......... . Taylor ................... Mrs. D. Scarborough •........ Terrell................... Mrs. D. Anderson ..........••. Terry ................... Mrs. D. Daugherty .....•.••.. Throckmorton •••..•••... Mrs. H. L. Hardy ..•.•.•..... Titus .................... Mrs. R. F. Lindsay .......•.•. ·I Hondo. Menard. Midland. Cameron. Goldthwaite. Colorado. Bowie. New Caney. Dumas. Daingerfield. Matador. Nacogdoches. Corsicana. Newton. Sweetwater. Corpus Christi. Ochiltree. Wildorado. Orange. Mineral Wells. Carthage. Weatherford. Bovina. Fort Stockton. Livin~ton. Amanllo. Marfa. Emory. Canyon. Big Lake. Leakey. Clarksville. Pecos. · Refugio. Miami. Franklin. Rockwall. Ballinger. Henderson. Hemphill. San Augustine. Cold Springs. San Saba. El Dorado. Snyder. Albany. Center. Stratford. Tyler. Glen Rose. Rio Grande City. Breckenridge. Sterling City. Aspermont. Sonora. Fort Worth. Abilene. Sanderson. Brownfield. Throckmorton. Mount Pleasant. Digitized by Google 158 TEXAS-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Chairman. Tom Green ..•........... Travis .................. . Trinity .................. . Tyler ................... . Upton .................. . Uvalde ..•.............. Val Verde .............. . Van Zandt ............. . Victoria ........... .,_._. Walker ..... _.... _...... . Waller .................. . Ward ....•.............. Washington ............. . Webb .................. . Wharton ..... _______ ... . Wheeler ................ . Wichita ................. . Wilbarger ............... . Williamson ............. . Wilson .................. . Winkler ................. . Wise ................... . Wood .................... . Young .................. . Zapata .................. . Zavalla ................. . Mrs. George Webb .......... . Mrs. J. Williamson ........... . Mrs. C. N. Robb ............. . Mrs. D. P. Rock ............ . Mrs. Mary Bell .............. . Mrs. J. C. Turman ............ . Mrs. B. G. Stafford ........... . Mrs. E. Persons ............. . Mrs. J.B. Hudson ............ . Mrs. J. R. Martin ............ . Mrs. J. Hawkins ............. . Mrs. W. N. Ya.tee ............ . Mrs. M. D. ROBB ............. . Mrs. R. L. Bobbitt ........... . Mrs. C. M. Hughs ............ . Mrs. A. L. Nowlin ............ . Mrs. J. W. Lee .............. . Mrs. Rena M. Watts .......... . Miss Edith Easley ........... . Mrs. H. T. Graham ........... . Mrs. G. C. Dawson ........... . Mrs. M. W. Burch ............ . Mrs. J.C. Wright ............. . Mrs. S. B. Street ............. . Mrs. M. S. Haynes .......... . Mrs. R. A. Taylor ... . Address. San Angelo. Austin. Groveton. Woodville. Rankin. Uvalde. Del Rio. Grand Saline. Victoria. Huntsville. Hempstead. Barstow. Brenham. Laredo. Wharton. Wheeler. Wichita Falls. Vernon. Georgetown. Floresville. Kermit. Decatur. Quitman. Graham. Zapata. Crystal City. UTAH. [JOO per <·ent organization.] RTATE EXECUTIYE COMMITTEE. ~Irs. WILLB.M MONTAGUE FERRY. chairman. ~!rs. EMMALINE B. WELLS. 1!ice chairman. Mrs. "'M. FREDERICK ADAMS, secretary. ~!I'll. ~Irs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. JANETTE HYDE. ANDREW J. GORHAM. ERNEST BAMB•:ROER, E, 0. LEE. FRANK M. GRAY. ~frs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. }Jrs. JOHN Z. BROWN. O. P. CHERDRON. RICHARD R. LYMAN. CATHERINE BELCHER. EDWARD ROSENBAUM. CouNT"l. CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Beaver ................... Box Elder ............... Cache .................... Carbon......... . . . . . . . . . . Daggett ................. North Davis ............. South Davis ...... _...... Duchesne................ Emery.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Garfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand .................... Mrs. Julia A. Smithson ........ Mrs. Nels Jensen .............. Mrs. Geo. H. Hill ............. Mrs. ~fargaret Horsley....... . • Mrs. F. W. Tinker ............. Mrs. J. W. Thornley ........... Mrs. James Smedley .......... Mrs. Flora E. Collett........... Mrs. Lars Overson. . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Veda Prince... . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Knox Patterson ........... Digitized by Address. Milford. Brigham City. Logan. Price. Manila. Kavsville. Bo-imtifnl. Roosevelt. Castle Dale. Covote. Moab. Google 159 UTAH-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Address. County. Chairman. Iron ..................... . East Juab .............. . West Juab .............. . Kane .................... . Morgan ................. . Millard ................. . Piute ................... . Rich .................... . Salt Lake ............... . San Juan ............... . San Pete ............... . Sevier ................. . Summit ............... . Tooele ................. . Uinta ................... . Utah .................. . Wasatch ................. . Washington ............. . Weber ................... . Mrs. Alice C. Knell .......... . Mrs. Amy Grover ............ . Mrs. Emma Murphy .......... . Mrs. Rose H. Hamblin ....... . Mrs. Maytie S. Turner ....... . Mrs. Millie Callister .......... . Mrs. 0. A. Fullmer .......... . Mrs. C. W. Walton ............ . Mrs. T. W. Dimond ........... . Miss Beatrice Neilson ......... . Mrs. George W. Martin ....... . Mrs. Olive Anderson ......... . Miss Margaret Slamon ......... . Mrs. L. A. McBride ........... . Mrs . .John N. Davis ........... . Mrs. Inez Knight Allen ...... . Mrs. W. R. Wherrett. ......... . Miss Florence Faremaster .... . Mrs. II. H. Spencer ........... . Cedar City. Nephi. Eureka. Kanab. Morgan. Fillmore. Circleville. Randolph. Murray. Bluff. Manti. Richfield. Coalville. Tooele. Vernal. Provo. Heber. St. George. Ogden. · VERMONT. CouN'rY CHAIRMEN. Chairman. County. Address. Addison ................. Bennington .............. Caledonia................ Chittenden.............. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. W. f:\. Bmrage ............ E. R. Huling ............ A. W. Flint.............. Clarence R. White....... EBBex .................... Franklin ................ Grand Isle ............... Lamoille .................. Orange ................... Orleans................... Windham ................ Windsor ................. Rutland .................. Washington .............. Mrs. A. J. Newman ............ Mrs. E. H. Royce ............ Mrs. C.H. Reade .............. Mrs. II. A. f\Jaytou ........... Mrs. Belle Dubois ............ Miss Esther Butterfield........ Mrs. W. B. Smith ............ Mrs. Guy Wilson .............. Mrs. Charles A. Simpson....... No chairman ................ . Middlebury. Bennington. St. Johnsbury. 323 Pearl Stred, Burlington. Lunenburg. St. Albans. South Hero. Morrisville. Randolph. Derby Line. Brattleboro. Bethel. Rutland. VIRGINIA. [100 per cent organization.] COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Chairman. Accomac .................................. . Albemarle .................................. . Alexandria ................................ . Alexandria City ............................ . Mrs. R. J. White. Miss Betty Page Cocke. Mrs. C. M. Rodgers. Mrs. Percy Evans and Miss Nellie Uhler. Digitized by Google 160 VIRGINIA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Chairman. County. Alleghany ................................. . Appomattox ............ : .................. . Augusta ................................... . Bedford .................................... . Bland ...................................... . Botetourt ................................. . Brunswick ................................. . Buchanan .................................. . Buckingham ................................ . Campbell, Lynchburg ...................... . Carroll ..................................... . Charles City ................................ . Charlotte .................................. . Chesterfield ................................ . Clarke ..................................... . i1t~k:~:~~:::::::·.·.·.·.·::::: :: :::::::::::::::: Dinwiddie .................................. . Dinwiddie, Petersburg ...................... . Elizabeth City ............................. . Essex ..................................... . ;:~~i~~:::::::::::: :: :::::::::: ::::::::::: Floyd ..................................... . Fluvanna •.................................. Franklin .........................•.......... Frederick ................................. . Giles ....................................... . Gloucester ................................. . Goochland .................................. . Grayson ................................... . Greenesville ............................... . Halifax .................................... . Hanover ................................... . Henrico, Richmond ........................ . Highland .................................. . Isle of Wight .............................. . James City ................................. . King William ..••........................... Lancaster Lee ............................. . Lee ........................................ . Loudoun .................................. . t1!.1:h~!s~:::::::::: :: :::: ::: :::::::: :::::: Mecklenburg .............................. . Middlesex ................................. . Montgomery ................................ . Nansemond ................................. . New Kent .................................. . Nelson .................................... . Norfolk .................................... . Portsmouth ........................... . Northampton ............................... . ~r~;?~::·:·:·:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Pitti!ylva,nia, Danville ..................... . Powhatan .•.....•........................... Prince Edward •............................ Prince George ............................. . Mrs. C. B. Jones, jr. Miss Eula May Burke. Mrs. H. S. Greene. Mrs. George P. Parker. Mrs. R. C. Repass. Mrs. Lucius P. Dillon. Mrs. D. S. Hicks. Mrs. E. E. Smith. Mrs. Julia S. Kyle. Mrs. Robert 0. Horton. Miss Alma Wilkinson. Miss Catherine Douthat. Mrs. H. D. Peters. Mrs. Haskins Hobson. Mrs. E. J. Smith. Miss Adella Yowell. Mrs. J. K. Damron. Mrs. M. G. Goode. Mrs. Harvey Seward. Mrs. Bayard Lee. Mrs. C. A. Warner. Mrs. J. W. Echols. Mrs. W. C. Marshall. Mrs. M. L. Dalton. Miss Vera Pettitt. Miss Annie S. Jopling. Mrs. E. L. Harris. Mrs. W. P. Miller. Mrs. H. 0. Sanders. Mrs. L. R. Barras. Mrs. Grace L. Rhudy. Mrs. W. B. Goodwin. Mrs. E. C. James. Mrs. J.C. Blasingame. Mrs. Robert G. Cabell. Miss Evelyn Jones. Mrs. L. C. Brock. Mrs. L. P. Trice. Mrs. Jos. E. Kelly. Mrs. George S. Gresham. Mrs. Ben Sewell. Miss Blanche Rodgers. Mrs. W. B. Clark. Mrs. Geo. Y. Hunley. Mrs. W. A. Roberts. Miss May Gayle. Mrs. Mark Reid. Mrs. James L. McLemore. Miss M. Meade Richardson. Mrs. M. K. Estes, jr; Mrs. Frantz Naylor. Miss Fannie M. Capps. Mrs. G. W. Holland. Mrs. C. 0. Burton. Miss v· . ia Kite. Mrs. Dyche. Mrs. T. A. Weller. Mrs. Jno. M. Petty. Mrs. Roberta H. Large. Mrs. Helen Love Boisseaux. cT Digitized by Google ·, 161 VIRGINIA-Continued. CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. County. Chairman. Prince William... ........................... Princess Anne........................ .. .. .. Pulaski......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rappahannock.. .... .............. .. . .. . .... Roanoke .. . ........ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roanoke City ............................... Rockbridge.. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Westwood Hutchinson. Mrs. Cha.B. T. Ingram. Mrs. H. C. Gilmer. Mrs. Frank Cary. Mrs. T. H . Cooper. Mrs. T. W. Goodwin. Miss Maggie Shanks. ~~!~·::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: :: t~!~a~terly. Shenandoah ............................. . .. Mrs. H. 0 . Nichodemus. ~~:;p-~~:::::_-_-_-_·_::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::; r:izieS~~~l~s. Spotsylvania. ...... . .. ........... . .. .. .. . ... Mrs. C. S. Rutter. Fredericksburg ............................. MiBB Annie M. Braxton. Stafford ..... .... ... . ............... . .. ..... Mi.el! M. Pickett Waller. !:~i1:_:_:_:.::::::: ::::::: :::·::::::: ::: ::::: HE: I:::J~i1~~Lr. Warren. ... ... . . .... . . ............ ....... . .. Warwick. .... .. ...... .... . . ... . .. ..... . . . . . . Washington..................... . .......... Washington, Bristol.. .............. . ...... . . . Wise ............. . . ....... . . . . ..... ... . ..... Wythe ...•......... .. ......... . ....... .... . . , MiBB B. B. Beaty. Mrs. Henry E. P1'l"ker. Mrs. C. C. Weaver. Mrs. H . F. Lewis. Mrs. N. F. Hix. Mrs. Robert L . Pierce. 1 WASHINGTON. [100 per cent organization.] EXECUT.!YE COMMITTEE. Mrs. OVERTON G. ELLIS (811 North G Street, Tacoma), 602 National Bank of Tacoma Building, Tacoma, State chairman. Mrs. ERNEST LISTER, Executive Mansion, Olympia, honorary State chairman. Mrs. W. J. PATTERSON , Aberdeen, State vice chairman. Mrs. N. S. McCUADY (president State Federation Women's Clubs) , Snohomish, State vi.ce chairman. Mrs. J. S. McKEE, Olympia, State vi.ce chairman. Mrs. M. L. WATSON , Hoquiam, State vice chairman. Mrs. EDGAR AMES, Seattle, State vice chairman. Mrs. JOHN W. McFADON, 602 National Bank of Tacoma Building, Tacoma, chairman finance committee. Mrs. JosEPIDNE C. PRESTON, State Superintendent of Education, Olympia, chairman school activities. Mrs. FRANCES STONE BunNs, 602 National Bank of Tacoma Building, Tacoma, chair- man of publwity. · Miee CLAIRE BYRD , 602 National Bank of Tacoma Building, Tacoma, State executive secretary. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. County. Adams............. . .......... . .. . ... .. .... Asotin... ..... ....... . ... . .. . . .. . . ..... . . . . . Benton. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chelan .. • .. •. .......... .. ...... .. . .... .... Chairman. Mrs. H. G. Davenny. Mrs. George A. Day. Mrs. 0. K. Williainson. Mrs. Guy C. Browne. Digitized by Goog [e 162 WASHINGTON-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Chairman. County. Clarke ............•.•.•........•............ Clallam .....•....•.......•............•...• Columbia. •.......•....................•..•. Cowlitz .................................... . ~~~~~·--:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Franklin ..........•....................... Garfield ......••••..•...................•.• Grant .......•...•......•.•............•.••. Grays Harbor.........•..............•.•...• Island ................................• .. .. Jefferson .................................. . =:.-.-.·.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: City of Seattle .....•................•.•.••. Kittitas ..•................................ Klickitat .•................................. Lewis .................................... . Lincoln .................................. . MB.l!On ................•..................... Okanogan ...•............................. Pacific .................•.....•.......•..... Pen d'Oreille .............•...........•..... Pierce .................................... . City of Tacoma ............ .. ............. . San Juan .................................. . ~t~~a:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Snohomish ..................•..•.........•. Spokane .................................. . Spokane City.............................. . Stevens .................................. . Thurston .....................•............ Wahkiakum ............................... . Wa.lla. Walla............................... . Whatcom ...•......•........................ Whitman ..................... . ........... . Yakima. ................................... . Mrs. A. L. Miller. Mrs. W. J. Ware. Mrs. R. R. Ca.hill. Mrs. J. Wesley Smith. Mrs. W. F. Schhtenz. Mrs. W. T. Beck. Mrs. Mary I. Wehe. Mrs. E. V. Kuykendall. Mrs. J. B. Griffith. Mrs. L. E. Foster. Mrs. F. J. Pratt. Miss Edith Delanty. Mrs. F. A. Harlow. Mrs. Edgar Ames. Mrs. Frederick Bausman. Mrs. J. C. Davidson. No chairman; women assiBted. Mrs. W. E. Brown. Mrs. F. H. McDermont. Mrs. C. S. Norton. Mrs. J. R. Everett. Mrs. John T. Welsh. Mrs. Mamie P. Johnson. Mrs. C. P. Balabanoff. Mrs. Overton G. Ellis. Mrs. T. R. Ramsden. Miss Mabel Graham. Miss Eunice Parker. Mrs W. H. L. Ford. Mrs. Lida. M. Goode. Mrs. A. E. Stuht. Mrs. L. C. Jesseph. Mrs. J. W. Mowell. Mrs. Henry Vinson. Miss Grace Isaacs. Mrs. Carson Griffith. Mrs. Geo~e Ewing. Mrs. A. E. Larson . • WISCONSIN. [100 per cent organization.] SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. Address. County. Chairman. .................. . Brown ................. . . Calumet ................. . Clark .................... . Columbia ............... . Crawford ................ . Dane ................... . Dodge .................. . Door ..................... . Fond du Lac .....•....... Grant ................... . Miss Agnes Bredesen ......... . Mrs. W. P. Wagner ............ . Mrs. W. S. Lloyd .............. . Mrs. Louis Buddenhagen .... . Mrs. A. H . Whitney ......... . Mrs. C. B. Lunsford ......... . Mrs. E. S. Steensland .... . .. . Mrs. Silas McClure ........... . Mrs. L. D. Burns .............. . Mrs. J.P. Connell ............ . Mrs. David Crichton ........ . Digitized by Arkdale. Green Bay. Chilton . Neillsville. Columbus. Gays Mills. Madison. Beaver Da.m. Sturgeon Bay. Fond du Lac. Lancaster. Google 163 WISCONSIN-Continued. SEVENTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued, CouNTY CHAIRMEN-Continued. Addrel!S. County. Chairman. Green ................... . Green Lake ............. . Iowa .................... . Jackson .................. . Jefferson ................ . Juneau ................. . Kenosha .................. . Kewaunee ............... . Langlade ................ . Manitowoc ............. . Marathon ................ . Marinette .............. . Marquette ............... . Milwaukee .............. . Monroe (east) ............ . Monroe (west) ........... . Oconto .................. . Outagamie ............. . Ozaukee ............... . Portage .................. . Racine .................. . Richland ............... . Rock ................... . Sauk .................. .. Shawano ................. . Sheboygan .............. . Vernon .................. . Walworth .............. . Washington ............. . Waukesha .............. . Waupaca ................. . Waushara ................ . Winnebago .............. . Wood .................. . Do ................. . Mrs. E. M. Churchill.......... Miss Jean Harrington .. · ► ••••• Mrs. John Williams........... Mrs. E. S. Jedney .............. Mm. Edward Punzel... . . . . . . . Mrs. John E. Hart............ Mm. L. M. Thiers............. Mrs. J. L. Johns .............. Mrs. F. V. Watson ............. Mrs. Calla Endress............. Mr8. C. H. Ingraham.......... MIB. Joshua Hodgins .......... Mrs. Lottie Woodford .......... Mrs. George LineR ............ Mrs. W. W. Warren............ Monroe. Berlin. Edmund. Black River Falls. Jefferson. Elroy. Kenosha. Algoma. Antij!-o. Manitowoc. Wausau. Marinette. Westfield. Milwaukee. Tomah. Mrs. H. H. Williams........... Sparta. Dr. M. M. Hopkins............ Mrs. James A. Wood.......... Mrs. Julien Zillier............. Mrs. Moritz Krambs ........... Mrs. John Owen............... Mrs. Fred Thompson.......... Mrs. A. C. AnderHon .......... Mrs. Frank Averv. . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. H. M. Sanderson.......... Mrs. Harrv R. Thomas. . . . . . . Miss Maud E. Neprud ........ Mrs. Frank Williams .......... Mrs. Frank Day............... Mrs. J. B. Noble .............. Mrs. A. B. Roberts............ Mrs. Fay Patterson. . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Edward R. Smith. . . . . . . Mrs. R. J. Strauss ............ Mrs. Wm. Kellogg ......... '. .. ·I Oconto. Appleton. Port Washington. Stevens Point. Racine. Richland Center. Edgerton. Baraboo. Shawano. Sheboygan. Viroqua. Whitewater. West Bend. Waukesha. Embarrass. Wild Rose. Oshkosh. Marshfield. Grand Rapids. ----------~-------NINTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT, Ashland ................ . Barron .................. . Bayfield ................ . Buffalo ................... . Burnett ................. . Chippewa ............. .. Douglas ................. . Dunn ................... . Eau Claire ............. .. Florence ................ . Forest ................... . Iron ................... . La Crosse .............. . Lincoln ................ . Oneida ............ ·..... . Mrs. P. S. Everest ........... .. Ashland. Mrs. R. B. Hart .............. . Cumberland. Ml'R. P. T. Trowbridge ........ . Washburn. Mrs. M. C. Fisher ........... . Mondovi. Mrs. Alice Anderson ......... . Miss Bessie Ainsworth ........ . Mrs. D. E. Roberts .......... . Mrs. R. E. Bundy .......... .. Mrs. A.H. Shoemaker ....... .. Mrs. Jennie W. Youngs ....... . Miss Edmire Quinlan ......... . Mrs. Eugene Williams ....... . Mrs. F. A. Morley ........... . Mrs. L. J. Belott ............ . Mrs. R. F. Tompkins ........ . Mrs. Harry M. Orlady ........ . Mrs. Anna D. Little .......... . Polk .................... . Miss Gail Chadwick •.•.....•• Price ................... . Mrs. William Milne ........... . ~::·.-.-.-.-.-.-::::: :::::::: Grantsburg. Chippewa Falls. Superior. Menomonie. Eau Claire. Florence. Soperton. Hurley. La Crosse. Merrill. Rhinelander. Durand. Maiden Rock. Balsam Lake. Phillips. Digitized by Google 164 WISCONSIN-Continued. NINTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT-Continued. COUNTY CHAIRHEN-Continued. County. Chairman. Address. Rusk .................... St. Croix ................. Sa~er ................... Tay or ................... Trempealeau ............. Vilas .................... Wa~hburn ............... Mrs. Charle9 Eisenach .•...... Mrs. Spencer Haven .......... Mrs.' J. J. SileRky .............. Mrs. Chester Perkins ......... Mrs. Henry Ruseling .•...•••. Mrs. Della D. Austin ......... Miss Julia M. Donnelly •.•••••• La~mith. Hu n. Hayward. Medford. Eleva. Eagle River. ShelJ Lake. WYOMING. [100 per ceiit organization.] Dr. GRACE R. HEBARD, Laramie, chairman apeaker'a bureau. Mrs. DONALD MACQUEEN, Lander, publicity chairman. COUNTY CHAIRMEN. - - - - - ------ County. Chairman. Addrees. Natrona ................ . Mrs. Oliver G. Johnson ...... . Casper. Albany•................. Mm. E. H. Knight ......... .. Sweetwater ......... _... . Mrs. Cora B. Wanamaker .... . Mrs. C. Weachter ........... . Laramie ................ . Mrs. Charles D. Carey ........ . Mrs. W. C. Mentzer.......... . Converse ................ . Mrs. J. P. Keller ............. . Mrs. S. F. Smith ............. . PIU'k •........... : ...... . Mrs. R. I. Volckmer ......... . Mrs.Hurley ................ . Sheridan ................ . Mrs. Horatio Burns ......... . Mre. W. S. Metz ........... .. BigHorn ............... . Mrs. L. V. Stryker ......... .. Mrs. W.R. Neeley ......... .. Carbon •••••............ Miss Mazie Doty............. . Miss Marguerite Wallace ...... . Uinta................... . Mrs. F. A. Gray ........... .. Mrs. I. W. Reese ............ . Fremont .............. .. Mrs. Mary D. Jackson ....... . Mrs. James Graham .......... . Platte .•................. Mrs. C. W. Orcmter .......... . Hot Springs ............. . Mrs. T. B. Hood ............ . Lincoln ................ . Mrs. P. J. Quealy ........... .. Goshen ................ . Mrs. Katherine Gannon ...... . Crook................... . Mrs. C. S. Smith ........... .. Washakie ............... . Mrs. C. F. Robertson ........ . Mrs. Belle RUBBell ........... . Campbell •..........•.... Mrs. George Gibson ........ .- .. Miss Mabel Nichols ........•.. Niobrara ................ . Mrs. James E. Mayes ........ . Mrs. Amy Larson ........... . Johnson ................ . Mre. J. C. Van Dyke ......... . Weston ................ . Mrs. E. C. Raymond ........ . Mrs. Laura Bowker ....•..... Laramie. Rock Springs. Green River. Cheyenne. Do. Douglas. Do. Cody. Do. Sheridan. Do. Lovell. Do. Rawlins. Do. Evanston. Mountain View. Wind River. Lander. Wheatland. Thermopolis. Kemmerer. Torrington. Moorcroft. Worland. Do. Gillette. Do. Lusk. Do. Buffalo. New.castle. Do. 0 Digitized by Google