Full text of Report No. 3 : Doc. No. 8
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r Doc. No. 8. ] 3 No. k REPORT. PHILADELPHIA, 4th December, 1832. Taking the general monthly statement of the 1st November, 1832, as the basis of all my inquiries, I proceeded to examine it by comparing the original statements on which it is based. It may be remarked that it is a mere compendium of the monthly statement of the bank and its branches, and as they are regularly transmitted, by law, to the Treasury Department, it is at all times in your power to direct its verification under your own immediate eye. As, however, the statement is, in its nature, very complicated, and embraces a variety of matter of account not easily comprehended, I have presented two nnalysises of it, marked A and B. That marked B. shows, in a manner which cannot be misunderstood, the liabilities of the bank to the public, and the assets of the bank to satisfy them. The former amount to $37,296,950 20, and the fund to meet them $79,593,870 97, showing an excess of 842,296,920 77 to meet any demands on the institution, as all its liabilities must be first paid, in case of its insolvency or dissolution, before the stockholders can receive any part of their subscription. Thus far I consider my report as complying with that part of your letter directing the investigation "so as to ascertain the security of the public money, and the solvency of the bank," neither of which can, in my opinion, admit of a doubt. Document marked C exhibits, in a distinct manner, all the bills of exchange purchased and on hand at the offices of Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Lexington, Louisville, Nashville, St. Louis, Natchez, New Orleans, and Mobile, and the places at whirh they are payable. Document marked D shows the state of the discounts on personal security and bills of exchange, at the ba»k and its branches, during the last tvelve months. Documents marked E, F, and G, contain the reports of the Committee on the Offices, under date of April 24th and 27th, July 27lh, September 21st, and 20th November, and illustrate the views of the board of directors as to the general business of the bank and its offices. Documents marked U, I, K, L, and M, contain extracts of letters to and from the cashier of the bank, and the cashiers of the western offices, elucidating the course of trade with reference to the bills of exchange, &c. &c. of the western country, and will be useful to a right understanding of the great and increasing importance of that portion of the Union. No opinion, to be relied on with any certainty, as to the security of the debt due the bank in the western country, could be given by me, or any other person here; but, placing reliance on the cashiers of the different offices, and the respectable gentlemen composing their different directions, and comparing the amounts of suspended debt for years past with the vast amount of business and profit, and adding thereto my own knowledge of the general business of the western country, I do not hesitate to say, that I consider the debt in a safe and wholesome state, and that a greater amount of loss need not be apprehended from it than from a similar mass distributed in the cities of the Atlantic frontier. All of which is respectfully submitted. HENRY T0LAND. Louis M'LANE, Esq. Secretary of the Treasury, City of Washington. GENERAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the United States, and its Offices of Discount and Deposite, at the dates mentioned. Hills discounted Hi!].* discount- Hills discounted Domestic bills Foreign bills on personal se- ed on Hank on other stock. of exchange. ofexchange. stuck. curity. November 1 October 29 22 35 25 22 31 29 37 23 20 15 S3 23 19 15 11 15 Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence !Iartf,,rd New York Haltimorc Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston Savannah Mobile New Orleans Natchez. 3,709,251 17 •30,797 52 190,854 18 1,015,954 40 591,768 83 469,387 38 4,967.313 40 1,704,761 1,83ft,345 55 38 1.149, -216 11 745,506 74 St. LOOM Nashville Louisville Lexington 18 Cincinnati 85 Pittsburgh S3 Buffalo Utica 23 Burlington 24 31 \gency, Cincinnati 30 ChitUcothe http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ ; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17 18 S3 - • • 731,546 3,025,966 502,784 1,263,566 5.552,473 1.507.104 580,000 2.086,406 t,295,939 1,123,835 3,925,249 1,171,735 436,766 544,058 410 .V.I 1.665,5.17 147,853 10 05 92 67 71 76 n 90 32 17 16 93 37 68,760 00 1,891,237 09 _ 19,066 40 213,285 94 _ _ 7,900 291,350 105,954 17,811 13,000 00 00 24 15 00 52,173 48 11,900 00 831,091 00 12,700 00 334,143 . 32,205 00 _ _ 36,552 00 48,670 00 _ _ _ a 13,000 00 m 27,500 00 a • 1,000 _ — •o 8,700 00 96 00 205,000 a _ 67 40 49,079,966 19 46 1,469,145 95 128,607 03 62 ,025 51 947,302 28 420,971 83 55 ,9.V> 84 947,309 34 195,873 57 177,284 33 204 3H.) 66 265,651 93 189,066 17 348,631 36 198,866 7^ 377,826 40 2,894,435 06 3,316,341 43 88,936 68 895,22H 30 1,676.525 72 752,743 38 511,509 93 569.934 18 301.6'U 22 162,51.1 55 273, SiVT81 83,392 10 m _ 845,705 35 - - 3.801.963 48 16,304,498 48 78,744 54 6,381 52 _ m 29,915 25 m m . m m 177,614 64,854 48,725 21,016 _ — m — m m _ m m „ 73 85 80 20 m m _ 47,613 50 73,183 33 209,693 80 _ 81,217 16 m a - Real estate. - 83,393 10 906,18s 67 77,575 ('7 1,823,721 51 Due from Hank United States and offices. 20,580,389 61,293 211,499 967,699 97,704 91,641 3,807,981 369,127 449,768 699,697 219,968 620,701 186,866 729 774 630,953 8,081,734 49,846 1,093.403 63,551 159,476 165,365 1,015,207 41,108 379,628 91 ,025 10.70J 63,576 37 76 B9 .34 56 61 51 34 77 00 10 18 K6 oo 72 II H 7t\ 1$ to 21 '.'6 81 so N 87 a 54.941,694 M 00 GENERAL STATEMENT—Cuntinue<l. Due from State I.oue« charge- Deficiencies. Banks. able to contingent fund. Nor. 1 Oct. 29 23 25 25 •31 29 27 23 20 15 23 23 19 II II 15 17 18 22 18 S5 25 23 34 21 20 Bank United States • Office, Portland Portsmouth Huston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Faycttevillc Charleston Savannah Mobile Ni'w Orleans Natchez St. Lotii« Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Utica Burlington Agency, Cincinnati Chillicothe 654,990 15,679 332 49,240 6,317 40,833 364,300 69,040 73,246 35,943 10,404 08 45 30 65 51 34 30 9.1 91 50 6.8 119,8.12 74 187,256 29 i,7.i7 n 328,501 7,020 8-1,481 12,146 925 14,245 50 8.1 10 38 65 72 1,662,502 210,448 39,148 229,253 57,953 137,8-10 146,219 06 72 46 40 67 17 57 - - 1,149,904 35 26,133 25 33,453 61 43,476 16 4,170 12 405 28 157,875 22 195,383 53 - Ranking houses. 413,081 19 _ - 17,237 78 976 00 116,777 02 - 34,075 65 87,000 00 11 1,637 34 - 34,61.1 10 69.376 83 • • 456 52 - . 194 07 35,109 65 1:U«5 02 67,727 78 4H.H85 00 24,096 <>2 48,000 00 1K..597 74 - 64,948 41 - 82,991 82 26,885 28 55,606 63 24,827 77 - 206 00 15,000 00 31,970 92 395 40 23,519 84 21,272 48 17,127 08 - 300 00 _ • 11.5J4 87 _ 4,188 M 18,653 7^ 3,029,497 52 .1,419,-HI 42 Treasurer Expenses. Notes of Hank Notes of United States State Banks. U. States. and offices. - - 52,125 1,673 1.164 4,583 2,820 _ 15,396 _ 7,448 29,205 65 13,946 19,104 3,690 2,312 7,480 5,044 _ •I.6S0 . 35 4,940 9,999 _ .5,565 I) a . 2,718 170,000 00 5,519 2,194 36 4,272 2,642 2,381 _ 1,534 17,2a? 2,131 - 77 3,909,695 28 a?, 245 00 14 16(i,315 00 95 406,150 00 17 39S,*90 00 32 90, MO 00 55 14*1.370 54 36 t 11,378 00 220,405 00 58 508,995 00 500,995 00 61 368,720 00 42 5O9,6J0 00 38 73 1,258,505 00 . I3J 00 18 HI 2/152,984 00 ,665 00 17 616,9.10 00 92 77 2,596^910 00 59 1,173.915 00 01 ],368,695 00 797,275 00 26 539,6U5 00 99 404,8H0 00 74 357,280 00 94 62 168,010 00 4f> 92 720,997 16,940 27,019 146,182 '.',058 15,944 366,8d8 70,368 20,868 157,067 75,350 37,536 087 197,710 '.'. >yj 151.100 11,523 SI 00 00 00 12 00 02 55 47 76 00 00 00 00 50 00 89 — 66,974 76 11,155 00 . 101,0 56 309,493 114,508 49,044 16,242 00 00 00 46 00 113,034 18 1,174,380 02 201,400 01 307,997 60 22,363,430 82 2,707,937 84 00 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Specie. Capital stock. Notes ksm-d. Discount, exnhMsy, and iivtorest. November 1 October 29 22 23 25 22 SI 39 27 23 90 15 23 Hank United State* Office, Portland Portsmouth 1,865,320 68 40,673 94 49,669 03 Huston 509,310 89 117,561 11 Pro* idenofl 26,968 00 Hartford f>lM,;559 70 New York 401,000 00 Baltimore 43,881 50 Washington 217,3:50 36 Richmond 119,263 18 Norfolk 26,853 83 Payitt.ville . 246,t;j.) 71 Charleston 386,742 92 Savannah H 163,680 42 19 Mobile 13 New Orleans . I.68S.5I7 60 31,517 82 11 Natchez 16.5,411 2» 13 St. I^xiia .1 1.5 17 Nashville • 18 LouUville 209.410 88 22 Lexington 15 93 18 CincmaiM 58,988 02 25 Pittsburgh S3 132,050 86 Buffalo 132,626 36 23 Utica 157.S97 21 24 Burlington 21 Vgcncy. < inciimatj 20 • hillicothe 8.C36.0S3 45 16,450,000 00 4,369,793 18 161,'545 S1J.22O (Ki 10,944 5,418 300,000 00 273,720 00 1,500,000 00 857,780 00 53,833 800,000 00 464,360 00 25,079 13,557 300,000 (Hi 331,392 50 J, 500,000 00 1,695,087 50 177,109 1,500,000 00 1,050,147 50 46,784 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 <*' 1,024,8-27 50 33,265 1,000,000 00 1,1 ; 2,305 00 37,089 500,000 0C 1,255,01, t«i 23,346 19,074 500,000 00 1,365,470 00 1,500,000 00 1,753,671' 00 77,886 1,000,000 00 2,47.5,34» 00 21,676 _ 48,556 2,057,741 (X) 1,000,000 00 8,601,080 00 221,379 l',952,5M) 00 108,073 18,391 a!4,410 DO 1.00),000 W J.761,940 00 80,450 1,250,000 OC 1.4.;i,33O 00 95..S.53 1,000,000 00 2,532,05.5 0») 48,727 1,700,000 JO : -.llo 00 87,787 roo.ouo ov 1,; 10.645 00 44,739 26,041 1 747.. 17.123 13,215 5)4, 1.V.0 00 8,74.1 191 (Hi 918 iJ.OOO.OOO 0 0 Foreipn Dividend Profit and loss exchange unclaimed. account. 70 30,273 22 62 70 m _ 50 65 31 m 32 _ 89 82 45 91 45 60 42 65 12 90 89 60 41 04 a 77 56 52 S4 76 37 50 44.fi93.574 IB 1,518,295 97 3O,t71 « Contin £ent fund. 23,227 50 2,382,948 01 5,614,349 96 35 00 728 00 934 50 1,295 00 84.1 50 18,904 fil 7,52 i 7o 4,831 43 9.CI3 00 10 00 1 §0 20.092 30 196 25 N M 201 30 MM 94,937 84 5,614,349 96 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. V •- Fund for cxtin- j Due to Bank £u»shingcost of 1 I'nited States banking houses, and offices. November 1 October 29 22 25 95 29 31 29 27 23 20 15 S3 23 Bank United States • Office, Portland Portsmouth Huston Provide ncc Hartford New York lUltimorc Washing on- • Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Charleston H:»v:innah 19 •• MoMk New Orleans 25 11 Natchez St. Louis 15 17 Nashville 18 I.oni.iville J.rxington 22 18 CkwiMati Pittsburgh 35 25 BuH-.l.) 23 Uticm U Benninf^ton 21 Agencr, Cincinnati Chillicothc 20 611,292 05 a _ a a , a _ a _ a . a m m _ - 611,992 05 3,576,021 21 353,400 21 li 1,906 14 731,754 &3 237,586 H9 144,509 94 1,914,4.56 73 2,139,277 92 932,779 00 497,802 22 29,448 r.5 102,177 48 742,471 08 73,94.1 17 583,393 77 5,474,641 Hi 1,543,556 11 1,121,257 86 898 616 47 2,645,900 10 451,659 88 I.646.85U 60 222,751 66 811,150 74 544,99 ) 60 490,115 12 2,644,009 96 249,273 48 31,418,983 6J Due to State Hanks. Redemption of public (Illlt. '.'(",,175 28,646 2,025 74,06o 19,699 608 410,771 1(10,855 105,220 105,033 77,830 11,773 97,450 ;fi,776 11,665 10,312 90,847 16,710 23,958 f»9,802 19 2,576,628 38 91 _ 14 a 47 a 36 «. 53 47 2,171,068 07 27 61 44 25 94 a 60 16 m 66 _ 09 30 m 8? a _ 52 a 82 • 54,085 131,043 34,858 5,14.1 5,888 - 07 54 34 77 M a . a , m a - 2,224,252 12 4,747,696 45 Drpo-iiUs on Deposited of on account of Tn .isiirrr Unitid Stales. public officers. 647,611 -T.S1S 1,809 7^1,567 27,974 3,41 2,527,822 9.-..204 60,081 2,5,064 98,112 21,605 8H.237 18,52* 78,0-M 25J.573 42,715 121,691 45,150 29,877 797 259,156 39,990 2,532 41 1,240 99 70 79 49 46 26 80 85 29 15 IS 87 02 » 35 49 98 09 98 51 96 61 57 51 73 180,610 22 18, .'95 19 79,831 71 248,457 30,745 31,191 131,981 69,459 456,79 ' 40,484 71,939 27,426 47,090 13,009 60,917 58,181 4,081 39,328 23,410 3,952 44 03 65 59 74 H 23 72 84 15 05 51 89 97 02 12 7.\ n so 94 39,944 io,4.>.) 23,6.'.3 14,893 2:,370 53 14 7o 57 - - 5,309,133 98 1,849,887 5R —~ — I>i-positcs on account of individuals. 1,473,558 34,004 15,019 163,541 34,05a 29,650 1,274,611 •t.1J,935 311,841 371,750 287,993 32.4J9 548,487 6S.3H8 76,561 667,624 26 09 20 80 93 52 27 62 88 21 06 54 25 89 18 75 I93/B0 57 2 :1,426 182,761 300,665 189*958 336,071 993,979 78,980 r>5,122 26,762 21 19 13 55 54 73 74 68 77 67 28 7,622,898 84 00 [ Doc. No. 8. ] 8 GENERAL STATEMENT—Continued. Notes of Bank United States and Offices, in transitu. Bank United States Office, Portland Portsmouth Boston Providence Hartford New York Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Fayetteville Savannah 6,230 11,430 156,505 5,920 11,675 56,295 35,105 20,625 232,525 43,260 308.B75 125 750 94,090 Office, Mobile New Orleans Natchez St IXKJU Nashville Louisville Lexington Cincinnati Pittaburjrh BtifUo run Burlington 305,200 l,39x,i>50 673^40 73,540 90,845 il.575 26,015 169,845 64,005 258.S3* 51.615 144,860 4,363,410 - • ?•• Bank Vmiieil States. Baring1, Brothers & C o . , H o p e & C o . , E . fiottinfrucr St C o . Bonds and mortgages . . . . . D u e by the United States . . . . 2.S85.016 X 57,919 36 3,267 32 At Office, Norfolk. Nary Agent 40,144 17 Statement of the actual ciraUation of the Notes of the Bank U. S. Notes issued Notes on hand Notes in transitu - 44,695,574 13 22,363,430 8? 4,363,410 Actual circulation 26.726,840 83 17,968,733 36 RECAPITULATION. Bills discounted on personal security 42,079,966 19 Bank stock 845,705 27 Other stocks 2,801,263 49 45,726,934 95 l<>r]04,498 48 Foreign bills of exchange Due from Bank United States and offices • Do State Banks . . . . Do United States Baring, Brothers !t Co., Hope & Co., and Hottinguer & Co. . . . . . . Real estate Deficiencies . . . . . . . Expenses . . . . . . . Hanking houses . . . . . . Cash, viz. notes of Bank United States ami offices 22,.V>3,430 8 : State Banks 2,707,907 84 . . . . . 2,885,016 1,822,721 123,034 207,997 1,174,380 25,071,138 8,026,055 57,yi'.» 40,144 35,000,000 44,695,57-t t,518,295 30,273 94,937 2,382,948 . . Dividends: oneaaMd 62,031,4.13 43 Profit and l<*s 83,.»92 10 Contingent fund 614,349 I., — 1,.., 1, hargeablc to i ontig'i fund .4,941,699 94 419,441 1,099,297 5~: 37,970,992 46 D M U) Bank In.ted States and offices 31 ,418,983 5,967 32 Due to HUte Hanks ,224,252 Domestic bills of exchange Specie Mortgages Navy Agent, Norfolk Capital stock . . . Notes issued . . . Discount, exchange, and interest Foreign e x c h a n g e a c c o u n t 00 18 97 22 84 01 96 42 2,194,908 54 6 12 33,643,235 77 4,747,696 45 26 Redemption of public debt 51 Fund for extinguiaUag cost ofhanking 18jl houses . . . . 6 Dcpmitct on account of Treasurer U. S. 02 Less overdrafts and spr, ,;d 6U,89S 05 5,309,133 9t201,400 01 5,107,733 97 66 Drpoiites >" account of public officers 1,849,8H7 57 45 Deposites on account of individuals - | 7,622,898 84 14,580,520 39 M 17 f ! 139,499,682 42 139,499,682 42 HANK OF THE UNITED STATKH, November 2d, 1832. S. JAUDON, Cashier. $ f 00 GENERAL STATEMENT, dated November 2, 1832. RECAPITULATION. Cuplt.ll stuck, Notis iwnsdi Hills discounted on personal security, • #42,079,966 19 bank stock, 845,705 27 o t h e r stocks, 3,801,263 49 Domestic bills of e x c h a n g e , - . . . . . . 34,941.694 94 3,029,297 52 D u e from the United States, . . . . Baring-, Brothers, k Co., H o p e k Co., and llottinguer k C o . , . . . . Real estate, . . . . . . Deficiencies . . . . . . Expenses, . . . . . . Banking houses, . . . . . C a s h , r u . — N o t e s o f B a n k U . S. a m i Offices, 2J,.»<i',,«0 8 2 State Banks, Specie, Mortgages, N»vy Agent at Norfolk, • . . . . . . . . BlKOunt, j-xchanpr, and interest, #43,726,914 95 16,304,498 48 Foreign e x r h t n m account, Dividenda unclaimed, I'roliI : F o r e i g n bilN, . . . D u e from the Bank l \ S. and Offices, State Banks, - . . m , l U I H H , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,031,4.13 4? »;,.i92 10 Coatmftnl fund, • • #5,614,349 96 ! i (-hnrg'blc to contingrnt fund, :$,-119,441 42 37,970,993 46 Due to lUnk I'nitetl States ami Offices, - 31.418.9H.1 65 HUte Banks, . . . . 2,224,252 19 5,:< I 2,885,016 26 1,822,7Jl 51 IS3.0M M Heil-mptinn of public <li-lit, . . Fun ! tor ilie eititipiiilnnenl of cost of banking I I .-s^ix.—Treasurer U. State*. - 5,309,133 98 Less overdrafts, kc., • 201,400 01 207,997 60 1,174,.'.HO 02 Fublir offirers, 2,707,907 84 #35,000,000 00 44,695,574 18 1,518,295 97 30,273 22 94,937 84 2,382,948 01 2,194,908 54 33,643,0.15 77 4,747,696 45 611,292 OS 5.107,733 97 l,849,8Hr 96 7,622,8«JH 84 35,071. "38 66 8,026.055 45 57,919 26 40,144 17 11,580,520 39 « i .<j,499,an k.' 42 00 [Doc. No. 8 . ] 11 ANALYSIS A. The capital paid in, . . . . . . . Circulation, v i z . — N o t e s tn transitu b e t w e e n the B a n k and Office*, . . . . $4,363,410 Actual circulation, . . 17,968,733 36 $35,000,000 22,332,143 36 Depositcs— Public, Private, . . . . . . Unclainicl dividends, . . Fund for redemption o f public debt, Contingent fund to m e e t losses, . Profit and loss, . . . . Discount, e x c h a n g e , and interest, . Fund for extinguishing cost o f b a n k i n g . . . . . 6,957,621 55 7,622,898 8 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,194,908 54 . . 2,382.94801 . . . 1,548,569 19 houses, 611,292 05 14,580,520 39 94,937 84 4 ,747,696 45 6.737,717 79 $83,4^3,015 81 Bills discounted o n personal security, bank mortgages, . . . . Bills of e x c h a n g e , domestic and foreign, . Balance due by Offices, I)o. State Ranks, . . Debts due by U n i t e d States, and N a v y A g r n t Real estate, . . . Banking houses, . . . . Expense* and deficiencies, Cuh in Kurope, . . Notes of State B a n k s , . S P . . . . . . . stock, sundry s t o c k s , a n d . . . . $ 4 5 , 7 8 1 , 8 5 4 21 . . . . 16,r.S7,890 5 8 3,522,71129 . . . . 805,04540 at Norfolk, 45,411 49 . . 1,822,721 51 . . i ( 174,380 0 2 2 , 9 9 7 , 1 0 1 63 . . . . 330,021 78 . . 2,885,01626 . . 2,707,907 8 4 8,026,055 4 5 13,618,979 55 * 8 3 , 4 9 3 . 0 W 83 B. Pursuing the Analysis still further, it appears that the total responsibilities of the bank the public, are, ' to TJe notes in circulation, . . . . . . . ]T>f lepo»ites, public and private, . . . . . debts to the holders ofthc principal aad interest of the public funds, $17,968,73336 14,580,52039 4 , 7 4 7 . 6 9 6 45 $ 3 7 , 2 9 6 , 9 5 0 20 To meet which, the bank has, IT > specie, . . . . . *»h in Europe at par, unking houses and other real estate, « b t s from State B a n k s debts from individuals, . . . T. 1 o meet a demand of . . excess of . . . . . . . . . $ 8 , 0 2 6 , 0 5 5 *S 2 , 8 8 5 , 0 1 6 36 2,997,10153 3 , 5 1 2 , 9 5 2 94 62,172,74479 . . . . 7 9 , 5 9 3 , 8 7 0 97 37,296,95020 $ 4 2 , 2 9 6 , 9 2 0 77 c. DOMESTIC BILLS OF EXCHANGE purchased and on hand at the Western Offices, showing the places at which the bills are payable. On hand, and payN. Orleans, Mobile, Oct. 19,1832 Oct. 15. able at Natchez, Oct. 11. St. Louis, Oct. 15. Nashville, Oct. 17. Louisville, Oct. 18. _ Bank United States, - 6,559 38 .269,661 58 12,750 5,301 38 35,667 13 a _ 8,173 71 Office, Portland, m a _ . 951 49 Portsmouth, • 14,264 52 21,200 23,550 61,609 75 10,500 Boston, _ _ 3,500 8,141 99 Providence, a _ 7,165 61 Hartford, m 105,639 71 63,288 74 34,500 14,125 New York, - 263,293 45 348,027 49 a _ 778 62 29,990 85 6,041 78 108,917 36 Baltimore, 900 5,623 53 724 28 9,592 63 2,500 958 83 Washington,_ 1,500 26,658 45 3,967 1,250 Richmond, a 5,994 28 Norfolk, m — _ . _ Fayetteville, . a 20,957 60 Charleston, . a 900 685 64 Savannah, _ a 73,662 79 241,670 58 3,500 Mobile, . 2,119,875 21 22,143 85 707,487 92 764,346 90 N. Orleans, - 30,867 28 2,800 55,031 10 56,845 85 St. Louis, . _ 99,864 20 828,144 95 Nashville, • Louisville, „ 23,311 71 11,603 27 25,443 91 27,836 12 396,819 OS a Lexington, • _ 90,029 21 3,649 84 _ 450 3,365 53 17,17(1 3l 163,807 89 Cincinnati, - 20,852 24 182,053 02 600 31,067 57 5,399 03 17,757 80 104,558 39 2,024 Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Utica, Burlington, • 3,000 66,455 46 5,000 Natchez, 3,593 93 264,596 34 78,876 56 44,610 10 68,210 50 Sundry places, 5,300 377,826 40 2,894,435 06 2,286,541 4:1 88,936 68 895,899 30 1,676,525 72 Lexington, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Oct. 18. Oct. 25. Oct. 22. 2,466 15 _ m _ 36,734 64 60,817 90 _ _ 9,825 1,000 _ _ 7,540 02 27,000 _ 52,485 4,452 69 2,721 61 155,192 43 145,102 99 225 9,859 29 .10,118 18 3,430 21 170,159 09 56,618 35 . 8,050 . 107,434 36 14,045 94 47,198 64 2,000 114,339 65 15,263 m 1,500 m 775 754 10 101,534 58 37,420 5,360 6,725 12,279 03 40,668 76 _ 500 m 13,342 98 21,631 61 8,550 17,992 79 a m _ Tritila 1 (>l .US. 429,958 8,173 951 142,449 12,641 7,940 939,713 206,501 39,302 74,044 5,994 16 71 49 27 99 61 07 40 69 21 28 500 _ _ 3,847 50 29,502 84 43,856 95 52,958 43 133,364 10 1,332 15 151,768 6.3 _ 2,680 5,534 51 56,228 38 55,497 54,070 329,855 3,974,519 168,618 1,014,515 845,155 103,061 646,902 222,651 4,680 62 64 17 42 19 97 58 20 01 37 475,862 87 290,120 15 752,743 38 511,509 92 569,934 18 10,053,681 07 00 [ Doc. No. 8. ] 13 D. D—Continued. BANK OF THE UNITED STATES. PORTLAND. DATS. 1931. Nov. 17 24 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 ACTITB DEBT. 1 DOMESTIC BILLS. DATE. ' ACTIVE DEBT. DOMESTIC BILLS. 1831 7,233,034 7,357,201 7,4:7,512 7,408,583 f,362,225 7,572,574 7,668,053 62 59 05 74 -7 41 63 1R32 Ian. 5 2,008,791 2,035,716 2,059,682 2,102,207 2,123,106 2,175,657 2,274,212 20 77 15 77 54 93 7,647.636 16 2,364,9a! 4S 2,374,667 M 7,660,6J7 86 2,339,096 47 7,030,051 34 . 36,483 17 7,609,970 27 Feb. 2 2,287,229 63 7,472,603 14 2,241,588 42 9 7. 79,143 00 2,197,836 32 16 6,909.121 17 2,162,516 98 23 6,K06,970 06 Mar. 1 2,119,044 V 6,724,310 78 2,127,140 93 8 6.682,322 10 2,083,224 30 15 6,511,213 63 1,972,059 34 22 6,326,984 01 1,976,429 26 29 6,225,782 (-1 April 5 | 6,104,827 1,975,787 05 2,118,943 S", 12 6,037,623 99 2,114,185 36 19 5,874,055 33 2,105,682 83 26 5,747,958 54 >lay 3 2,060,582 M 5,514,581 18 10 5,486,219 65 2,037,963 44 1,967,511 19 17 5,461,043 17 1,965,308 89 24 5,378,809 04 1,978,311 43 3l 5,417,112 39 1,999,316 32 June 7 5,399,607 95 1,988,933 45 14 5,287,674 93 1,980,894 84 21 5,391,452 77 1,975,145 91 28 5,289,104 05 1,902,818 93 July 5 5,336,493 46 1,934,272 41 12 5,387,724 73 1,889,461 15 19 5,427,946 86 26 5,408,902 10 1,814,14! 55 1,736,777 31 Aug. 2 5,374,016 23 1,701,204 48 9 5,353,635 62 1,687,539 85 16 5,381,553 50 1,649,688 13 23 5,392,325 73 1,618,458 64 30 5,428,007 91 1,595,055 38 Sept 6 5,421,953 70 1,581,604 06 13 5,411,647 54 1,525,668 78 20 5,468,677 07 1,483,739 93 27 5,365,669 58 1,497,045 64 Oct 4 5,065,006 46 1,380,293 55 11 5,084,826 55 1,340,651 29 18 5,053,335 13 1,335,205 73 25 5,059,067 07 1,351,395 43 Nov. 1 5,228,517 96 1,351,214 09 8 5,289,723 26 15 5,255,977 50 1,388,217 54 Nov. Dec. 12! 19 25 JfB> 12 19 26 n li 21 28 2 9 16 n Feb. so6 13 20 27 March 5 li 19 April May 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 165,274 165 352 166,840 166,491 168,009 177,412 179,998 24 12 95 •it 72 68 46 178,672 48 178,499 37 187,073 90 187,157 44 186,208 22 188,644 27 192,008 01 192.360 75 191,764 72 189,802 14 204,294 77 208,398 61 214,550 M 220,874 52 227 ,694 '"•.745 62 246,984 43 249,310 22 264.022 69 276,249 72 287,72.1 28 294,866 52 295,361 13 295,23S 46 303,715 97 311,132 12 319.266 79 317,677 22 312.236 53 313,465 40 314.510 74 310,268 57 306,229 04 306,867 34 296.160 02 303 221 46 300,969 41 299,880 81 302.270 80 300,109 28 ?99,845 73 305,114 84 316,799 36 330,597 39 1 343,458 36 28 4 11 18 25 July 2 9 16 23 30 Aug. 6 13 20 27 Sept. 3 10 17 24 Oct 1 8 15 22 29 Nov. 5 12 [ 359,642 43 June 48.651 4Q,053 49.6-5-2 49.219 45,882 47,180 43,304 81 96 14 59 95 81 90 45.S73 81 4^,610 01 48.042 72 49,655 39 45.02) 40 43,481 76 38,874 78 41,303 87 44,243 25 43,943 03 48,085 64 51,452 64 55.227 64 56,856 59 60 ; 606 21 65,256 59 65.292 59 SS.318 07 66,440 70 7«,744 3* SI ,603 81 89,512 29 90,170 47 M.fTS 51 93,413 85 92.250 23 99,761 13 103,583 66 100,005 09 9*. 723 61 98.928 59 106,336 37 105,607 51 108,170 60 107.191 62 112,820 67 119,391 12 100,111 85 102,497 03 101 108 70 106,278 86 112,187 19 121.673 31 122,176 06 125,468 79 129,944 28 [ Doc. No. 8. ] 14 D—Continued. PORTSMOUTH. DATI. 1831. Nov. 14 Dec. 21 23 5 12 19 26 31 1832. 9 Jan. ACTIVE DEBT. 94,673 66 95,974 66 95,194 66 95,509 66 96,102 95 97,312 95 96,917 95 95,489 66 96,733 60 16 96,287 60 23 96,258 60 30 93,741 89 6 Feb. 94,354 54 13 96,699 61 20 97,993 83 27 99,260 65 March1 5 113,292 97 12 112,020 66 19 111,628 19 26 118,079 61 31 120,325 99 9 April 122,398 96 16 123,449 31 23 126,089 47 30 139,500 94 May 7 149,726 72 14 154,549 62 21 165,216 80 28 163,430 15 4 June 163,737 81 11 165,500 18 18 173,035 52 i 25 176,634 43 I 30 175,856 78 9 July 172,917 73 \ 16 172 246 69 23 179;657 53 30 177,342 29 6 Aug. 180,675 21 | 180,316 41 ; 20 179,934 42 27 134,700 45 3 Sept. 177,748 56 10 172,731 45 17 173,877 70 24 173,450 55 30 182,356 86 8 Oct. 191,633 75 15 136,697 11 22 184,913 47 29 184,972 94 5 Kov. 192,093 89 12 196,611 81 £ BOSTON. DOMESTIC BILLS 36,833 73,175 78,075 80 763 79,425 77,892 77,613 81,094 28 84 84 86 42 92 64 43 81,829 62 SO,549 33 71,348 05 71 317 12 7,597 12 82,253 81 104,066 11 93,944 28 93,850 03 101,737 31 93,311 96 95,136 83 96.819 59 106,919 03 100,240 37 97,081 46 96,141 91 93.784 61 90,049 61 83,727 57 74,751 60 67,016 49 65,430 44 63,179 68 53,097 72 43 134 94 37,677 51 i 46,245 98 47,793 86 53,957 95 52,957 00 62,169 24 63,405 99 61.905 99 60,605 99 53,496 77 55,546 77 56,609 36 63,264 50 53,214 50 45,522 50 i 41,722 50 53,736 00 59,736 00 83,496 11 HATE. 1931. Nov. 10 17 24 I Dec 2 3 15 22 29 1332. j Jan. 5 12 19 26 '• Feb. 2 9 16 22 ' March 8 15 22 29 April 4 12 19 26 May 3 10 17 24 June 1 7 14 21 28 July 5 12 19 26 Aug. 2 9 16 93 30 Sept. 6 13 Oct. 20 28 4 11 18 25 Nov. 1 S ACTIVE DEBT. 758.217 736,268 757,137 766,995 791,495 821,371 823.801 824,060 80 12 46 96 00 78 15 64 878,634 85 920,275 65 909,393 78 871,500 46 841,909 27 904,208 76 774,939 01 753,227 77 815,390 39 896,877 34 919,267 46 938,551 72 9.12,936 45 878,197 30 862,173 72 8.17,020 34 812,910 84 811,518 87 815,355 68 827,082 21 824.448 79 830,027 47 815,051 33 828,683 52 852,704 77 961,733 22 983,482 74 1 ,010,718 97 998,152 04 ,018,015 21 ,104,560 4 ,141,760 92 ,240.199 86 ,244,672 02 ,217,307 18 ,226 694 83 ,•383,6:16 80 ,338,464 01 478,166 23 ,210,501 29 ,256,996 09 .242.365 54 1 ,221,739 93 1 ,35o,974 79 1 ,497,957 42 DOMESTIC BILLS. 1,792,970 1,783,164 1,764,676 1 ,697,4*1 1,742,479 1,791,506 1,755,390 1,723,523 30 18 82 22 13 55 08 «7 1.673,776 94 1,718,004 54 1,736,752 95 1.785,886 46 1,764,386 05 1,795,222 01 1,745,491 56 1,687,887 37 1.C87.662 71 1.671,065 47 1,574,094 49 1,520,308 78 1,451,611 49 1,422.705 71 1,325,338 43 1,249,326 42 1,261,081 97 1,247,489 27 1,205,669 82 1,192,887 20 l]169,820 29 1,140,450 80 1,125,752 88 1,064,113 42 1,01'* 498 15 1,044,698 69 1,025,922 26 1.059.999 53 1,062.633 54 1,054,176 53 1,039,564 18 1,034,041 18 1 064,499 57 1,031.290 15 1,002,279 13 958 153 11 927,106 65 9.50,058 98 936,743 75 1,021,142 33 975,784 20 920,799 54 947.302 ' 28 996,519 16 1,059 '337 67 [ Doc. No. 8. ] 15 D—Continued. PROVIDENCE DATS. 1831. Nor. 10 { Dec. 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 1832. 5 Jan. 12 I ACTIVE DEBT. 655,699 656,262 657.C82 646,612 639,901 624,137 621,495 620,503 80 66 68 82 27 37 98 18 HARTFORD. JOJIMTIC BILL*. HATE. ACTIVE DEBT. I (OMISTIC BILLS 366.939 80 1831. Nov. 14 376,713 -"> 21 386,081 403,5% 403,939 409,245 402,935 400,767 94 76 75 03 80 87 621,659 92 393,726 11 622,537 30 389,574 47 624,860 23 386,691 06 19 398,806 59 26 | 602,986 58 Feb. 390.520 41 2 j 601,761 25 611,781 62 390.204 90 9 1 6 I 621,674 38 376.924 44 23 632,682 10 381,070 21 March 1 642,618 13 369,512 54 8 637,440 14 381,218 72 15 657,719 5,0 382,970 40 22 654,993 43 390,194 72 29 657,532 62 380.093 54 April 5 667,876 04 371,584 31 12 j 674,494 77 369,092 54 672,265 91 354,849 27 19 691,951 80 354.671 80 26 May 3 698,784 SO 365,165 84 701,533 81 367,177 47 10 697,090 25 382,035 80 17 707,182 75 374,598 48 24 31 699,971 28 3*8,134 5* June 694,640 93 389,892 54 7 691,261 47 404.319 50 14 685,585 93 413,282 06 21 28 678,478 12 422,724 11 July 670,810 65 420.Q74 35 5 673,103 46 416,366 a7 12 664.199 71 I 420,28 5 71 19 26 658,521 18 ' 425,904 93 ting. 649,596 66 ! 433,659 30 2 9 651.142 84 453,071 62 lfi 659,920 59 459,047 76 641,369 66 455,320 56 23 635,750 00 472,538 76 30 Sept. 625,451 93 475,202 02 6 613.959 30 ' 455,667 04 13 602,788 73 454,896 43 20 27 594,420 49 451,549 96 4 ' 590,773 67 I 431,997 30 Oct. 11 592,845 93 1 409,240 76 18 597,655 68 • 414,040 60 25 590,843 29 419,780 10 1 Nov. 583,239 87 407,217 72 Digitized for 8 FRASER 581,676 44 409,793 06 28 Dec * 5 12 19 26 459.248 457,978 469,860 4-65,792 453.433 459,719 469,897 19 93 99 18 13 25 58 1832. Jan. 470.384 37 2 460,950 17 9 429,307 32 16 434,825 70 23 432,229 69 30 Feb. 6 426,341 71 414,271 48 13 420,819 63 20 422,476 66 27 March 5 422,794 97 420,846 10 12 422,011 62 19 426,297 05 26 April 2 437,223 62 442,607 18 9 443*386 64 16 448,018 87 23 446,834 67 30 May 7 431,256 97 436,615 84 14 418,799 77 21 414,426 43 28 June 4 413,853 03 409,525 26 11 408,969 86 18 410,447 17 25 July 2 410,327 94 413,818 48 9 411,998 69 16 23 • 405,967 88 30 ' 399,310 59 395 574 35 A up 6 396,865 89 13 389,256 79 20 403,616 44 27 404,272 54 Sept. 3 416,906 85 10 17 ; 421,041 29 443,42;) 35 24 Oct. 1 ; 450,068 67 453,760 63 8 15 450,229 04 1 22 472,367 50 29 • 478,154 95 Nov. 5 ! 485,256 67 12 \ 480,947 24 45,393 53,348 52,094 41,834 44,559 42,692 40,859 64 57 24 24 02 67 67 41,732 73 45,695 55 45,941 63 43,831 40 47,813 21 51,525 69 53,008 60 49,846 59 55,079 59 50,936 54 53,260 72 53,096 44 50,445 99 55,145 95 62,535 85 57,150 26 56,570 26 58,172 61 55,195 42 62,583 00 71,9:7 98 72,427 98 71,408 76 72,188 40 74,591 81 72,711 42 67,753 56 72,375 80 73,926 28 75,702 11 71,416 12 65,149 27 54,791 25 53,633 46 54,768 62 56,495 62 63,950 94 65,896 36 60,283 01 55,927 54 55,507 54 55,857 09 55,932 84 54,708 93 52,612 04 53,173 71 d Ia GO 1 o o p -< 3 00 NT | t9i>oncic<«e>Ai>.|o?<t4|<oe09WV(?|0|OSr4 b . 00 VCTNT 1 * VO — "> ~> <O •>»<£> 30 3 • * < » (JiiC K -f K U) 10 o ) D S ••! S "O K ^ N O * ' f l ' 1 ^ ^ A i 0 S n i o / N o o 7 a 0 ' v t o t i " ) Doc No. 8. 17 D—Continued. RICHMOND. WASHINGTON. ACTITl DBBT. D1T1 1831 Nov. 12 1,083,851 1,093,271 1,004,371 I,107,701 1,098,658 ,093,179 79 67 83 87 Jin. 1,085,791 1,091,427 1,071.946 1,078.108 1,091,143 1,079,386 ,076,529 1,083,799 1,089,023 1,082,124 1,080,231 1,107.301 1,106,281 ,123,513 1,116,655 1,096,082 1,090,065 1,090,680 1,092,583 ,060,092 .053,880 L,057,937 ,058,330 I,063,5u9 1,064,809 11,059,568 60 68 14 Feb. 7 18 25 March 3 10 17 34 31 April 7 May 14 21 38 5 12 19 26 31 June 9 1G 33 30 July 7 14 21 38 Aug. 4 11 18 25 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 Oct Nov. 6 13 20 27 3 10 MTI ACTIVJ DKBT. DOMESTIC BILLS 769,296 761,942 751,520 764,415 776,621 767,885 766,403 63 424,470 480,351 530,814 583,782 625,'.>66 665,455 702,363 792,733 814,977 820,851 821,845 823,691 816,401 815,752 808,084 787,317 807,136 819,188 829,313 853,845 858,706 863,188 848,615 16 14 1831 I . 1 1 7 , 4 8 7 00 19 30 Dec. 10 17 24 ol 1832. 14 21 28 4 11 DOXKHTIC BILL*. 66 35 23 62 20 39 77 79 54 16 24 88 52 61 54 33 04 15 52 20 97 43 18 62 54 ,039,313 96 1,064,290 15 ;L ,050,517 98 1,060,180 83 L,035,512 11 1,034,365 08 1,016,014 02 1,019,640 19 1,033,650 90 i1,021,815 12 1,020,072 84 1,030,442 89 1,034,299 85 1,033,287 32 1,033,130 59 1,064,435 07 1, (-67, .171 61 1 144,247 123,329 142,536 151,115 152,040 150,046 153,604 15 51 14 52 08 "4 08 158,311 146,272 146,591 137.842 140,140 154,5.12 176,697 31 173,732 r^ 91 175,762 178,898 183,757 19*.528 178,484 158,955 14 301 190.092 173,478 164.HH9 172,780 148,101 120,397 115,340 147 804 155,191 167,589 186,491 195. nil 189,739 19: 15' 177 1 • Dec 47 13 52 08 50 00 20 27 1832 Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 Feb. 27 April 3 May 64 04 91 58 89 June M 89 31 July OS u 66 77 91 4<? 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 36 3 10 17 24 31 : • • 03 " 96 84 7 14 21 28 March 6 13 20 09 20 51 29 6 13 '.'••' 41 47 15 22 02 172,733 13 183.242 171.793 154.907 169,884 178,790 182,698 182,346 300,002 180,470 185,578 189,004 NOT. Aug. 7 14 21 28 Sept. 4 11 18 Oct. 25 2 9 35 16 53 23 30 6 14 72 80 38 as 53 72 63 70 06 06 62 40 29 87 68 72 96 83 53 847,94 70 842,799 24 799,999 69 792,435 7R2.577 771,823 765,865 748,606 741,391 742,472 745,026 729,162 747,545 771,616 805,741 812,527 809,011 818,006 803,508 833,416 836,950 857,208 853,355 840,906 &13,843 826,645 837,6(13 820,006 833.973 23 76 63 44 30 77 88 56 70 92 88 70 12 17 75 45 18 16 52 10 96 96 73 19 74 7$ C6 C2 74 M 86 42 28 711.9.U 14 749,946 770,459 75 778,104 70 785,565 31 754,580 ok ; 736,160 4 799,830 13 . - 76 780,341 4f 769,028 M 728,307 41 70-2,651 99 675,942 '1 658,8 52 16 621,122 j n 622,106 40 579,244 20 596,490 91 559,851 94 544,11: • •4 499,567 48 462,745 11 433,127 92 400,393 26 368,900 70 346,069 69 319,236 78 313,165 44 296,229 IS 30(1,616 L3 399,370 66 386,995 16 285,4 29 2.. 271,777 50 277,704 3.1 272,10.; 279,537 50 260,121 47 343,4(12 82 214,624 01 107,156 71 204, . 1J 66 201.697 M n n 1 M [ Doc. No. 8. ] D—Continued. 1 NORFOLK. FAYETTEY1LLE. 1 i ! DATE ACTIT3 DEBT. -I OMESTIC BILLS.' ACTIVE DKBT. ,1 uXESTIC BILLS. EATS 1 1 1S31 12 Nov. 19 26 3 Dec 10 17 24 31 1831 • 582.149 532,094 581,487 594,590 593,488 592,769 596,495 €20,995 82 40 09 70 68 30 18 87 195,925 24 195,957 23 203,226 53 219,578 73 225,732 32 226,064 81 225.247 26 217,370 11 | ; ! i I 1 618,626 70 G20.640 93 636,556 48 045,131 65 4 657,167 98 Feb. 11 663,474 77 643,053 47 1 3 • 25 , 655,170 91 March 3 :! 662,432 76 10 665,542 82 676,519 32 17 681,41:» 66 24 31 1 6.37,809 91 697,529 39 7 April 14 705,701 34 21 697,606 86 28 700,567 97 5 May 695,808 66 U 695,157 81 19 702.502 29 26 703,992 39 2 707,519 71 June 9 737.284 C4 16 743,323 77 2> 741,117 35 30 726,059 85 July 7 713.560 70 14 700,769 28 •n 696,904 90 23 696,569 65 Augui t 4 682,941 63 679,240 70 n: 677,396 49 : :.; 670,244 86 Sept. 670,947 32 I G58,5:36 H 3 15 C52,3;: 79 22 668,01,2 83 29 672,935 01 Oct. 675,350 48 6 13 664,694 32 20 C66,?37 65 671,617 91 27 Nov. 3 675,908 21 10 6b2,047 20 Jan. 7 14 , 21 28 NOT. 7 14 21 23 Deo. 5 12 19 26 1832 Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 Feb. 6 13 214,600 34 ! 21S.688 90 | 234,125 80 ! 239,673 54 135,616 23 ! 225,153 45 231,754 42 j 254,392 15 282.821 43 291,411 95 i March 301,710 42 '• 296,1U 74 • 292,6.1.: 03 April 288.905 45 288,545 93 290,840 G; 283,7i-2 03 274,724 81 May 270,248 89 275,043 75 270,306 52 586,17u '.1 Juno 277,367 30 566,601 04 255,222 38 252,610 96 July 275,618 92 276.323 265,216 09 262,764 86 263.869 71 Aug. 268,096 99 278,239 39 270,249 £8 370,351 .i4 2^8,458 60 Sept. 238,812 b8 230,255 01 231,406 27 245,443 5.3 Oct. 256,383 62 265,651 93 254,258 45 248,329 78 255,971 26 . NOT. 20 27 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 10 n 24 1 8 15 22 29 1 5S5.36S S8 558,737 26 565,555 61 565,5:6 84 577,310 27 577.898 59 576,10-1 52 596,527 31 113,454 80 125,537 23 130,444 09 133,688 "7 138,387 49 136,658 77 141,923 U 144,064 Oi 593,227 90 590,953 66 589,682 63 589,386 09 558,165 56 553,307 65 568,333 39 524,202 72 531,945 13 525,026 68 545,181 47 539,715 98 564,573 42 568,494 57 575,514 43 581,234 39 580,204 75 593,467 06 583,539 57 589,55?) 48 555/-S5 03 551,527 25 550,551 79 561,347 49 561,094 42 548,167 C4 556,051 57 551,148 75 557,417 71 572.290 66 572,873 24 597.230 86 571,505 05 579,566 07 592.421 45 528,201 CS 591,048 59 596 953 86 592,3 627,218 25 633,978 C9 639.K 1 69 635,56C 02 638,217 11 650,764 59 145,573 3 137,543 0J 153,404 7t 149,704 64 147,810 8. 154,176 ' 155,370 8 168,341 4 174,519 3 171,061 8 183,730 7 183,569 7 194,541 i 184,021 8 185,477 3 18.3,267 9 172,466 2 181,601 4 166,255 6 179,479 9 172,972 : 181,845 S 177,115 I 176,780 4 178,523 i 168,402 7 167,525 t 167,022 2 156,547 i 162,914 S 159,273 . 144,409 155,906 < 135,507 ( 1.11,488 152,884 150,347 141,587 159,764 163,169 151,517 184,566 188,775 196,195 211,779 Doc* No. 8. ] D—Continued. SAVANNAH CHARLESTON. • ACTIVK UEDT. DATS. Jan. 1,943 3,u23/05 »,5!0 29 j 3,069,343 f, 2,42? 13 3.097,959 20 3,103,794 37 3,037,216 3 10 Feb. 17 24 31 7 14 51 28 March 6 13 20 52 87 52 29 It 52 87 24 3,073,015 12 3.051.490 "Jl 3,009,862 02 8J977.745 $4 2 59 2,940,819 4ft . i 58 . ",,887 07 2,85-4,887 14 2,9r.J,n36 40 2,873,982 2i 2,888,77 1 22 17 April 3 10 1 7 15 2° 29 Juaa 5 12 19 26 July 3 10 17 24 31 Aug. 7 2,8 ' . l 26 17 4<» 1 77 2,810,319 77 -i 7.506 94 12,183 27 2,841,993 12 2,8 2,9 8,4*1 6-1 8,942,963 92 2,938,526 10 1 L140 \6 3,07!?,67" s «,•; 3,10.5,77; 70 S,079,356 -JJ ' "».68 •3 48 u "1 Sept. Oct. ri 14 3a 2.5 2 9 16 2.; 30 6 , • • J 27'. 1.818 393,656 359,349 961,426 383, • 22 4" M Dec. 4", 10 01 04 61 Jan. 52 7i' Feb. 11 \1 9*5,954 993,526 963,554 916.691 9V 5,636 7 S43 17 <l 93 16 12 " 29 96 March 830.957 764.464 782*409 705,409 6 IS 2n April • 7' May •49 603.715 551,7! ) 15 28 87 91 27 •1 Ort 3 ) '. 38 H2 !97 53 10 17 936,960 91 99 91 63 72«-.419 86 721,ft91 73 ,913 80 21 39 2" 55 06 37 779,095 48 - »1 84 103 17 24 31 14 94 768,080 68 1 8 15 22 1 J .<;: H5 29 Juno 5 50 72 18 594,934 80 5JRO11 53 47 u7 19 36 3 U 17 21 51 51 August 7 413,725 '29 . ' 14 .fy',2 •28 4 11 18 25 11 38 94 3,171,53J 51 314,499 22 Dei 51 Nor. S3 N 03 241 ,519 41 5.^ i.S85 94 376,221 12 419,1S4 45 454 509,363 49 5(4,141 64 515..374 89 5t; 610.082 85 695,891 27 71-2 3-15 98 757,814 34 762,053 81 789,&*S 73 •74,936 77 837,914 7i> i <--.} o r oi 5-2C},337 74 55*.4 ; 1 • ,558 36 523, ^t 14 i.l 30 17 16 »73,949 75 KM 34 1,102 ,i/79 86 ,428 .^5 : 997 • y:2.151 30 958.018 15 916^ 836,5>)5 7J?,499 654,574 5i7,3 7J NOT. S4Q,OI1 51 ,711 .52 " 577 53 .793 50 1 .3 5 31 541.615 44 5 20,317 66 2 6 94 1" 23 (»l 414,182 33 398,519 34 K 9 16 '23 30 • 91 8(i.7iH 6^ 103,972 ' 8 13.". ,767 58 If." 844 48 152,461 55 194,163 39 231,564 85 49J.J : 3,1 82,004 19 z:\ ,117 4J 813,1 til ,355 36 55 161,550 11 J . ' 585,449 ' JuW 588,193 93 ? 27 • 09 1,480 91 .117 52 3,27O,2S9 So 29 6 13 547,635 879,661 c::?.543 652.37.') 662,959 645,943 7«i2.'.716.785 7*6,993 804,744 8 NOT. r, 115 - A9 89 2 *?, . 4 11 18 &698 9K 17 May ACTIVE CUT. {nOlIJTIC BILL*. DAT! 1831 1SJ 1 8 Nor. 15 22 Deo. BOMXSTIC BILL1. " 79 481,944 90 434, J40 40 930,807 30 GO6.376 45 190,267 39 21.5. 198,866 78 [ Doc. No. 8. ] D—Continued. NEW ORLEANS. MOBILE. ACTIVE DEBT. DATE • OXESTIC BILLS. 4 11 18 25 Dec. 1 7 16 23 30 1833 Jan. 6 13 20 27 Feb. 3 10 17 24 March 2 9 16 S3 30 April 6 13 20 27 4 May 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 Angusi 3 10 Sept Oct. BILL*. 1831 1831 July ACTIT« DIDT. |1 mjiivrii: j NOT. Juna DATE 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 1,353,667 1,344,930 1,453,160 1,451,021 1,452,462 1,484,935 1,502,610 1,521,157 1,502,423 09 01 03 90 92 94 22 48 48 1,401,532 22 1,378,584 75 1,363,950 92 1,363,696 17 1,381,625 69 1,334,881 27 1,312,113 41 1,448,010 74 1,400,188 14 1,293,546 56 1,296,701 52 1,252,183 31 1,201,561 80 1,099,225 05 1,088,008 38 1,078,689 69 1,066,162 58 1,031,805 25 1,039,676 85 1,070,318 52 1,097,792 47 1,119,877 74 1,076,265 19 1,122,991 02 1,159,108 59 1,143,822 27 1,165,413 14 1,221,117 31 1,254,734 19 1,276,151 82 1,292,066 71 1,295,562 90 1,324,297 27 1,338,352 97 1,337,226 84 1,322,908 66 1,313,298 98 1,298,623 78 1,287,787 61 1,275,051 51 1,270,577 06 1,262.098 40 1.259,629 34 Nov. 42,865 125,686 62,956 88,132 92,343 124,468 153,107 220,231 285,049 19 05 M 66 75 75 93 88 78 7 14 21 28 Dec 5 12 19 26 1832 Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 Feb. 6 13 20 27 March 5 12 19 26 April 2 9 16 S3 30 May 7 NOT. 435.775 96 529,184 98 620,516 92 773,831 41 793,007 87 885,65-2 64 1,047,489 33 1,062,702 89 1,008,667 20 1,293,959 50 1,351,735 66 1,416,573 67 1,450,631 87 1,643,867 98 1,592,844 86 1,532,075 77 1,501,811 21 1,534,377 40 1,614,224 08 1,656,110 02 1,543,302 89 1,470,216 57 . Juno 1,372,657 61 1,170,022 02 1,131,680 03 1,089,860 13 July 1,108,105 36 1,123,281 14 1,062,609 16 1,042,426 01 1,031,737 79 Aug. 896,801 24 784,424 03 774,250 23 654,133 37 Sept. 606,763 63 530,881 93 594,289 04 457,863 65 Oct. 420,350 48 443,527 27 377,826 40 369,981 99 Oo 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 7 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 6,161,352 6,171,012 6,199,095 6,199,516 6,298,754 6,376,504 6,417,876 6,412,990 29 40 45 76 95 87 79 6^,506,436 80 6,504,279 37 6,512,553 25 6,459,108 09 6,511,362 04 6,651,682 15 6,698,400 53 6,763,758 80 6,781,866 37 6,741,259 44 6,753,926 30 6,838,981 06 7,010,669 83 7,: 87,373 33 6,932,824 66 6,823,976 37 6,733,564 53 6,699,735 39 6,559,990 42 6,506,487 17 6,374,747 73 6,315,351 36 6,316,041 92 6,273,331 33 6,194,935 38 6,127,161 92 6,127,210 06 6,086,503 21 6,007,086 51 5,950,049 53 5,8"73,.»80 82 5,778,499 62 5,427,875 08 5,674,689 09 5,653,237 59 5,636,496 98 5,635,410 46 5,622,120 11 5,630,959 14 5,555,198 70 5,531,714 66 5,472,70S 5,446,453 06 5.446,545 56 1,766,828 63 1,796,996 16 1,800,480 89 1,804,166 49 1,863,515 14 1,915,003 80 1,997,251 60 2,035,258 83 2,088,491 14 8,185,677 34 2,237,795 24 2,419,864 2,509,517 09 2,655,682 13 2,840,489 60 2,975,056 09 3,065,849 36 3,288,008 33 3,!i64,141 87 3,582,011 82 4,012,173 45 4,649,912 58 4,949,574 86 5,104,749 48 5,334,487 92 5f4o9,H56 82 5,487,966 79 5,600,137 19 •,815,456 71 6,136,647 47 6,494,735 87 6,689,119 11 6,817,766 10 7,031,968 07 6,966,623 68 6,942,164 17 6,785,827 16 6 M7,3Si 30 6,527,142 95 6,261,636 21 5,969,633 70 5,636,389 07 5,1.36,273 4,484,109 32 4,076,739 93 3,858,104 53 3,592,671 41 3,249,715 42 3,009," 13 53 2 849,824 96 2,7iH,084 03 2, >01,840 58 [ Doc. No. 8. ] D—Continued. NATCHEZ. •ATI. 1831. Oct. 20 NOT. Deo. 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 1832. 5 ft* 12 19 26 ACT1TB DBBT. 948,792 9o2,665 867,853 857,046 874,016 K79.O7lJ 863.421 843,105 856,279 b52,645 895,410 46 19 85 81 81 56 12 27 73 93 47 ST. LOUIS DOMESTIC BILLS. 679,695 698,202 758,915 757,596 804,328 850,447 873,936 16 97 94 DAT*. 1831 Oct. 31 1 Nor. 7 I 14 21 83 37 (17 13 92 925,101 77 948,755 34 985,042 56 876,790 13 1,042,697 95 M>30,811 901,997 45 1,063,854 90 955,483 57 1,103,863 91 1.068,939 01 a 1,178,416 78 1,162,816 85 1,232,887 09 9 1,273,197 58 1,236,066 07 16 1,"36,609 SO 23 1,433,017 58 1.256,101 77 Kirch 1 1.426,661 33 1,257,358 07 1,329,777 84 8 1,436,414 24 1,299,982 43 15 1,438,070 40 1,"< 14,792 65 22 1,445,364 18 1,281,512 72 29 1,450.965 36 1,266,612 52 5 1,459,988 54 April 1,219,779 84 12 1,484.500 01 1,174,972 15 19 1,508,584 48 1,232,400 64 26 1,526,312 96 1,242,291 20 3 1,532,427 50 *»7 10 1.530,430 01 1,271,3« 17 70 17 1,251.397 03 1.532.675 03 24 1,296,205 55 1,532.005 42 1,270,616 32 31 1,564.079 56 1,307,606 76 7 1,629.005 01 un« 14 1,547.713 99 1,308,704 15 21 1,133,084 62 1,546,970 05 28 1,376,429 60 1.555.470 66 5 1,559.381 20 1,452.646 44 12 1,559,764 84 1,540,032 II 19 1,563,855 11 1,555,677 06 26 1,55:,502 49 1,618,225 12 t 2 1,540,009 38 1,758,695 83 9 1,565,838 90 1,842,895 39 16 1,575,3yo 1,960,114 13 23 1.532,092 23 2,079,050 28 30 1.612,559 89 2,067,607 74 P** 6 1,588,812 97 2,158,821 58 2,177,325 54 13 1,594,665 07 2,180,313 46 20 1,571,092 63 27 1.561,041 23 2,225,659 33 4 1,526,991 45 2,310,838 43 11 1,493.8:9 46 2,286,541 43 1,511,627 47 2,307,186 10 Digitized 18 for FRASER ACTITB BBBT. Dea 88 5 12 19 36 1832 3 Jan. Teh. 9 16 83 30 6 1 1J 30 37 March 5 12 19 26 April 2 9 16 23 M..v 30 7 Junt 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 July 2 9 16 23 50 August 6 13 ' 20 27 Sept. 3 10 17 24 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 444,679 492,565 498,885 520,261 529,367 539.483 563,702 576,713 599,305 25 87 16 26 58 70 19 55 628,419 51 6t7,600 19 639,329 35 652.706 16 654,922 S3 676,650 10 673,579 87 676,449 80 677,594 80 682,892 66 691,998 50 698.215 62 697,897 87 694,680 01 699,577 70 704,537 02 694,268 87 710,500 91 722,622 97 752,852 22 756,184 67 731,369 40 723,951 10 721,843 41 737,763 09 716,856 40 709,573 85 717,776 10 714,656 85 703,806 19 661,476 16 645,322 08 650,686 09 645,275 37 650,914 43 648,072 06 637,057 45 630,726 92 627,692 74 623,093 16 631,865 71 608,335 21 607,767 59 600,043 73 DOXBITIC II1U. 96,836 99,567 Id 1,172 107,681 89,460 92,570 86,495 84,415 76,915 49 m 34 02 a64 1,5 II 4S 75,445 05 74,495 ui 72,400 70,624 V) 71,924 72,471 i i 7i,994 75 72,824 73 77,078 36 69,994 95 71,283 93 73,949 76,717 8-i 81,937 M 96,621 2 J 97,10; M 98,853 52 98,204 11 115,204 11 119,783 124,628 128,653 132,328 137,519 79 137,636 u l 138,481 41 139,195 88 138,140 92 158,423 W 159,821 H 159,438 147,831 •19 152,770 75 146,653 77 131,578 22 125,853 22 123/S3 22 117,925 59 113,663 64 104,406 102,268 &3 88,936 63 94,456 63 97,292 m m m m m n m r* [ Doc. No. 8. ] 22 D—Continued. LOUISVILLE. NASHVILLE. DATE. 1831. 2 Nor. 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 1832. 4 Jan. ACTITB DEBT. DOMESTIC BILLS DATB. !>OME»TIC DILLS. 2.145,128 83 2,347,514 94 2,358,961 71 2,378,6S4 58 •2,31-2,534 10 2,419,039 66 2,451,070 05 i.,477,274 25 2,532*40J 15 998,582 1. .-9,16s 1,UG9,94S 1,117,005 1.122.277 1,183,416 1,197,&>4 1,236,176 2,543,915 27 2,58G,647 53 2,650,222 93 2,658,208 28 2,632,629 50 2,644,84'.) 93 £,627,126 92 2,6'J7,126 '.<-' 2,467,900 96 2,528,423 97 2,499/544 0.! 2,503,89-; 1.1 2,472,1 J4 81 2,J<>3,972 10 2,4o5,2o4 C 3 2,433,640 51 2,461..T.5S fej 2,411,317 62 2,404,755 21 2*393,940 84 2,->74,'097 10 8,549,4 „'-• 19 2,368,247 62 2,402,497 02 2,592,660 15 2,51)3,955 69 2,576,358 so 2,578,025 72 2,4JG,o68 63 2,4lo|"S4 51 2,4»i7,35O .17 9,427 i58 70 2,4-1 372 12 8,4Uf,896 85 2,538 *'2.S 70 2,36(i'79G 9^29,437 97 2,312,050 15 2;284,511 45 2,265,507 69 2,243,645 70 2,217,203 05 2,2f'5,332 23 2,191,516 77 1,281,173 l,Sf 8,533 l,-29l,o57 1,282,931 1,^67,2'-1 1.-275.-293 I,°»0o,l2; L309,yll 1,555,45 J <0 1, 68 1831. 2,971,175 2,847,962 2,840,676 2,761,874 2.686,967 2,573,793 2,473,680 2,327,865 2,321,238 98 45 36 90 77 49 28 52 43 910,836 1 1,062,09-Jr 84 1,187,62*: 76 ],355,2SC 60 :,492,93.1 57 1,677,927 13 1,854,677 82 2,063,841 61 2,139,024 62 NOT. 3 10 17 24 50 Dec 8 15 22 29 1832. Jao. 5 2,284,630 06 • 2,225,911 11 12 2,358,201 35 2,239,523 09 19 13 2,208,927 38 2,457,614 93 25 2,203,947 31 2,502,751 88 26 1 2 2,200,197 14 2,547,619 81 Feb. Feb. 8 9 2,537,298 50 2,204,482 23 15 25 16 2,184,165 61) 2,627,856 '22 23 2,170,240 16 P,677,9©2 51 64 29 2,167,441 24 2,707,034 j March 1 2,737,938 99 March 7 2,144,410 76 3 9.3 14 2,759,754 2,146,428 42 15 2 j 1 16 2,153,107 47 2,738,052 28 29 2,766,CG3 81 2,143,634 24 4 2,754,447 6.. April 2,157,9y5 9'J April 5 11 2.744,867 52 2,144,941 91 13 18 £,713,268 5« 2,132,482 17 19 25 So 2,683,695 55 2,116,494 33 2 May 2fs23.<4\5 41 May 2,113,960 51 5 9 10 2,072,974 59 2,572,978 96 16 2,003,559 43 2,449.679 79 17 23 24 2,264,367 91 2,060,821 37 31 30 2,047,119 67 2,141.096 26 7 1,982.911 59 6 2,041,004 31 June June 14 1,853,47J 5H 13 2,017,306 74 21 1,703,353 79 20 2,001,309 84 23 1,989,426 19 1,557,169 32 27 5 1,281,389 84 July 1,883,163 68 4 July 1,162,363 66 1,985,640 69 11 12 19 1,973,693 16 1,031,271 82 18 888.581 70 1,985,902 69 25 26 748,555 34 Augu*1 2 2,014,986 14 August ] 9 670,316 14 8 ! 2,019,423 94 16 573,957 69 1,986,032 60 15 519,690 11 22 | 2,000,190 46 S3 2,014,558 65 489,829 49 29 30 5 500,462 22 2,049,244 35 Sept 6 Sept. 13 503,234 9 ; 2,064,190 87 12 20 2,072.491 49 571,098 19 632,200 13 26 2,079^261 68 27 4 703,433 82 Oct. Oct. 3 2,069,278 88 11 805,769 94 10 2,061,254 41 13 895,228 30 17 2,039,639 36 2,023,900 91 1,023,348 36 24 25 1,996,783 41 1,098,423 77 Ifor. 1 11 ACT1VK DEBT. si or cr. 42 78 13 f:5 \,i2G,\56 M .--. (9 98 •~ .'•2 •'.9 (*/. 18 i% 1, >ji,'j7.> IJ 1, 1 UXJS5M 1^39^*9 ;•.' !. - • • . 9 7 5 M :, t It3S 1^60,189 I, ..5 11 •-• ],> •:7 1,4. •..'J 1 ,.'.'.< J,295 08 1, Sl,521 5k 1 57rt v:.)> '•I I«3u8,i(67 .1 1,1 ;,JTi4 Ifl I,'2tl,56lJ -,». I , % •»-.,81.> 1 211 S71 ro 1*2 1oV.il M l]2«o[j85 M 1,2«»,694 th 1,514,45a 1 3->3 HUH l]4u]954 1,438,981 1,531,188 1,567,034 1,607,659 1,634,291 n 71 OS ") 4f 13 1,G7IS 525 71 I,746',0M 1.763J87 j5 [ Doc. No. 8. ] 23 D—Continued. li LEXINGTON. ACT1VS D l .IT. DAT*. 1831 Jfor. 7 14 n 23 Dec 5 12 19 26 1832 Jta. 2 9 16 23 30 Feb. 6 13 20 27 Mar. 5 12 19 26 April 2 9 16 23 30 *>7 7 14 21 28 JuiM 4 11 18 25 JU!T o b fc» 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 944,235 45 1 924,OS?'. 50 904.98' 28 889,270 80 878,15 J 04 866, .47 21 658,228 79 i.yj.Oii 76 847. K! 46 839,G2>i 95 829,618 12 865,>7'J 22 f-92,838 22 918,177 42 970,444 75 1,045,424 55 1,079,490 83 1,150,121 03 1,171,476 76 1,191,920 47 1,217,5*1 50 1,2C9,537 :,QU 50 1,254,308 67 1,258,901 13 1,265.74 r 34 1,*7U,160 5 ; 0,-411 17 1/27*, 849 J5 7,844 12 1,2*6,2 .i 51 l,270,»T4 l> 01 1,27! 91 1,2S 31 1,29 1,124,6 ^6 58 l,35"s>J> 66 l,».7,953 51 1,399,828 47 1,28^,91 i 56 1,27 CINCINNATI. UOXlfTIC Bl ACT1YK H U T . 2.AT*. 1831 1.089,3*7 08 1 Nor. 3 10 ,119,953 67 j l,15-".,2ll ,165,070 ,176,856 1.180,025 ,178,366 1,168,251 ,134,547 .1CS.812 I, 1 905,041 5(- 472,239 436.113 416,656 1 8 15 32 29 1832 24 ' J u . 5 (J 63 I 12 19 1 26 Feb. 34 • 49 ! 17 05 7. 5J Ap:U •;i •',•: 48 74 49 45 94 p2 10 •7 75 62 38 2 9 16 23 I 6 15 •22 39 5 18 19 u 482,549 512,1(^5 497,756 526,701 19 556,873 572,087 1,2J2,8 .7 26 565,8 K6 7u 1,2., 576,858 83 1,33 Sept 593.82J l,jQ*JUl 24 616,547 1,191,16J 87 24 634,849 '.,162,805 IJ 1 648, d20 1,1:19,333 c7 Oct 6 1,015 C92,y48 l.C9d,64Q o3 737,480 1,058,443 55 26 760,210 29 1.V21,698 £4 SOT. Digitized for 774,049 990, ¥49 92 S FRASER Doc 21 81 31 58 38 97 93 08 334,249 536,101 555,144 353.173 341,755 378,223 414,553 449,217 5-Y.6i5 -•H 565,154 579,551 611,910 639,658 0 •:' S2 ..) IT 96 S3 03 '6 77 :4 71 75 4.17.U70 .5 455,129 424,ri2 4J 4,744 M 447,107 42 . i C3 :4 8i 789*873 724,166 658,982 63 S 595 58H,ff)2 575,840 519,075 17 n '. 57 35 29 (6 3,049,118 5,044,412 5,0Cl,240 3,126,807 3,148,900 r.:it7,8i5 3,253,792 - 6,507 3,253,340 bOXBSTIC BILLS. 26 June July Aug. Sept, Oct. Nov. 5 10 17 23 51 7 14 Cl 28 5 12 19 26 a 9 16 23 50 6 12 19 27 4 11 18 23 1 3,278,445 97 3 v.:>«9 S3 3,366,068 5,572.200 3,555,935 5,341,867 3,558,652 3,529,023 5,520.506 ",: 02,370 5,269,118 .-,249,107 15,921 3,198,662 J.966 "-, 145,655 3,137.864 89 13 34 44 21 94 82 36 6^ 76 74 08 59 64 61 9,345 5,076,536 5,052,511 5.057,652 5,031,896 5,016.970 . 17,663 2,994,092 2.985,458 2,982,211 1,973,501 2,953,846 2,936,975 2,925,6:1 i, 922,432 2,926,012 2,906,924 -',908,086 2,8i>0,641 2,87^.442 2,863,093 2,856,609 2,859,963 2,865,166 8,g56,165 53 65 91 51 1 S3 oy 78 96 58 54 10 53 30 09 57 99 66 46 23 03 74 57 86 02 64 53 I 17 «| 06 98 652,361 692.459 . 9 716.454 ^2 74?,376 "6 754,135 55 75\c\5 D 7" 791,743 • : : E 1, B17.H5) :. . . - 4 3 5 .'•. 73 V ; 7J 715,559 714 7 • : 1 3 5 7 5 O -6 CS4.622 .9 700.632 7 : ,45<J 715,-99 u a4 HI 65 J, 173 93 638.004 MP *> 5*3,451 13 5^y T i i 525 coy 9 • 519.591 495^00 85 517.253 •1 530,166 *7 m :> [ Doe. No. 8. ] D—Continued. PITTSBURGH. DATS. 1831. y Mor. Dec. 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 1852. 2 Jan. ACTITB DEBT. 1,128,780 1,141,435 1,148,102 1,144,698 1,153,152 1,160,607 1,174,919 1,194,366 24 30 54 02 10 75 30 57 1,231,617 01 1,218,361 91 1,216,018 85 1,206,446 S3 1,203,825 98 1,200,746 98 Feh. 1,197,215 13 13 20 1,191,521 30 1,183,431 85 27 March 5 1,167.217 68 12 l,14«,570 43 19 1,140,227 99 26 1,145.088 40 April 2 1,139,789 11 9 1,136,910 67 16 1,127,319 34 23 1,119,273 72 1,117,593 40 30 7 1,112,644 32 May 14 1,106,459 12 21 1,095,214 80 28 1,094,564 56 4 1,088,574 93 i une 11 1,086,744 39 18 1,074,683 73 25 1,070,530 11 1,063,569 65 2 July 9 1,059,411 56 1,060,262 08 12 19 1,058,246 84 1,068,725 07 26 1,064,604 88 2 Aug. 1,060,574 27 9 1,064,206 83 26 1,059,574 99 23 1,058,898 85 30 1,036,698 86 6 Sept. 1,054,638 42 13 1,054,796 45 20 1,051,667 27 1,037,719 57 4 Oct. 1,047,390 49 11 18 1,047,327 38 1,048,244 68 25 1 1,047,070 87 Nor. 1,039,721 45 8 9 16 23 30 6 BUFFALO DOMESTIC BILLS. DATl. 1831. 10 54 War. 17 22 ! r 24 71 30 52 8* 10 Dec. 15 91 22 66 29 37 1332. 5 523,625 55 Jan. 531,601 20 12 534,704 95 19 567,894 49 26 2 577,547 04 •Feb. 9 569,363 59 16 571,120 40 23 571,609 86 29 584,219 79 598,070 64 March 8 15 617,341 31 22 614,275 11 29 620,7i9 46 5 621,914 20 April 12 627,863 68 19 637,543 05 637.658 93 26 625,842 18 May 3 626,572 55 10 613,214 14 17 24 626,349 07 610,199 81 31 7 614,276 08 June 14 628,633:37 615,146 27 21 609,415 12 28 5 610,930 94 July 600,043 68 12 604,760 70 19 599,376 97 26 568,032 52 Aug. 2 577,651 30 9 16 55f ,698 02 547,111 07 23 540,450 34 30 539,086 33 Sept 6 534,640 48 13 30 534,061 20 519,544 64 27 507,915 62 Oct. 4 508,656 62 11 538,923 17 18 25 558,759 62 569,934 18 Nor. 1 564,002 96 8 £74,74* 49 465,158 486,830 491,761 505,457 503,437 509,440 508,232 521,870 ACTIVE DBBT. DOMESTIC BILLS, 825,720 835,205 796,834 794,690 749,474 760,430 742,402 717,827 86 07 65 55 02 40 57 90 281.067 280,069 278,170 275,650 287.323 279,707 279,137 282,209 691,137 660,639 650.7U1 614,062 603,182 601,635 607,731 604,359 597,310 600,698 613,536 650,059 646,711 672,417 693,876 713,955 730,982 749,969 746,639 737,018 723,874 710,024 708,705 706,142 733,498 72C.915 702,011 703,686 683,606 666,816 641,687 632,004 612,643 587,800 602,622 60t,291 603,651 629,664 632,463 640,670 646,627 651,906 65«,466 660,128 662,236 19 30 30 11 83 13 81 96 98 89 23 19 08 68 52 69 30 63 69 40 76 24 92 23 66 53 70 23 09 286,119 33 292,809 52 282,03^ 73 286,808 47 288,306 41 293,242 73 301,469 324.558 43 351.786 77 360,842 41 347,630 80 364,520 3» 370,083 66 387,709 45 368,257 *5 380,095 69 381,913 11 391,780 24 387,0"»3 70 390 791 80 388.564 40 397,913 2* 401,341 76 386,6-14 89 383,292 43 345,867 38 302,864 93 294,313 34 286,87d 61 285,656 19 286,578 52 286.738 53 287,567 7« 287,263 38 301,937 82 305,*04 54 997,305 U 311,«l6 319,065 2J 324,983 59 304,190 13 301, i75 66 301.69S '21 298,158 32 291,801 03 55 11 75 08 74 77 87 16 80 79 19 58 37 16 73 99 17 15 62 65 14 37 74 Doc. No. 8. 3 D—Continued. BURLINGTOX. ACTITB DBBT. BATS. 1831. STOT. Doc 9 16 83 30 7 14 SI 88 1838. Jax 4 374,358 30 379,740 04 3-5.094 67 404,704 38 405,702 89 422.132 57 451,364 61 455,534 44 UTICA. DnlfllTJC BBBT. BATB. 1831. 8 114.991 53 Nov. 15 132,435 97 83 133,.-.73 18 89 147,567 73 6 149,425 M Dea 13 157,770 81 20 164,670 81 87 163,043 43 M 455,655 63 3 167,543 83 Jan. 10 167 43 149,843 83 454,506 61 161,224 62 If 84 446,169 13 162,116 35 31 447,955 01 159,039 fcfc 1 8 7 451,16« 87 167,206 95 Feb. 15 14 446,253 37 177,983 95 83 81 449,109 809,348 58 89 87 448,539 53 813,364 55 tfarth 7 442,091 53 319,015 84 March 6 14 438,584 51 241,419 61 13 80 SI 424,651 87 249,573 91 27 88 422,557 71 242,248 31 Vpril 4 3 432,419 13 346,468 68 April 10 11 417,255 95 848,033 53 17 18 416,203 48 330,939 51 ' 24 85 42J-.956 46 337,681 76 M,T 1 faj s 456,977 93 343,192 9 8 447,318 07 348,094 64 16 15 443,453 71 356,046 33 22 438,602 33 881,631 99 30 39 434,944 11 860.417 88 • 5 uao 6 425,923 36 854,414 42 June 13 12 424,896 81 252,522 75 80 19 435,960 42 347,440 74 87 36 415,681 15 341,430 47 3 ulj j 409,930 72 337,070 33 July 11 10 404,604 64 326,907 33 18 17 404,407 73 334,831 17 85 394,7o6 53 243,798 09 84 Logwt 1 31 3*8,48* 09 321,105 30 7 6 300..-4S 57 833,685 47 Aug. 14 15 834,718 43 350,643 39 82 21 381,836 9» 881,505 59 89 88 V>4,3»3 Cl 250,353 39 4 tfi. 5 353,234 93 86Q.716 88 SopL 18 11 148,708 14 263,314 67 19 17 355,067 08 276,359 91 36 85 353,263 75 365,106 50 8 kt. 3 356,215 34 277,794 70 Oci. 10 301,048 19 877,684 09 9 17 16 373,091 44 875,213 34 34 83 391,413 84 875,327 81 SI 30 408,269 56 366,719 43 6 r«t. for7 FRASER 411,925 48 K3.16J 65 *ifov. Digitized 11 18 85 m n ACTITB M I T . DOXKTIC BILLS. 620,183 37 635,419 22 632,389 01 630,064 09 612,989 48 594.337 02 586,020 32 606,622 20 103.453 54 99,733- 90 110,476 50 117,532 69 119,150 53 130.t - M 139,446 37 143,443 24 604.914 29 5S7.779 29 582,214 88 670,353 08 566,192 76 561,021 18 547,740 37 531,639 70 503,273 55 504,823 18 521,239 75 515.290 67 536,358 29 559,042 16 5S0.23O 62 607,313 77 633,394 30 626,636 44 625,738 13 615,224 20 615,203 84 615,405 41 603,640 20 582.339 27 566,748 72 554,814 31 544,021 10 636.666 81 518,865 39 613,148 15 512,511 09 502,891 62 497,582 62 492,527 51 484,803 97 493,181 60 496,976 03 5(i.->,339 51 506,399 99 506,935 99 514,680 *6 513,833 81 530,111 32 530,837 57 639,660 76 145,543 03 153,695 99 171.927 8* 171,511 88 178,754 53 1G4.7S9 7t 169,353 10 168,908 0» 177,001 07 !94r*43 18 188,510 45 194,413 53 204,504 5* 215,459 84 326,--! 55 233,592 85 240,978 90 841,876 35 843,888 43 83*,448 60 326,196 38 826,855 68 830,929 67 828,174 10 807,644 43 204,756 69 196,534 33 188,977 77 138,524 59 188,144 179,463 45 165,396 77 165,958 58 163,200 6« 163,«?9 67 161,633 69 158,727 23 158.121 8ft 163,586 8* 164,195 39 163,344 43 163,516 10 162,543 55 162,546 69 166,430 40 26 [ Doc. No. 8. ] E. BASK UNITED STATES, Jlpri124, 1832. The President invited the attention of the board to the subject of the early preparation for the payments of the large amount of public debt payable at the close of the year, and the expediency of adopting any measure*, in addition to the instructions already given to the several offices, in regard to the payment of the balances due to the bank by them. Whereupon, it was, on motion, Resolved. That the Committee on the Offices be instructed to inquire and report. Avh^1.her any further measures are expedient, in addition to those already-taken, for accomplishing the objects mentioned by the President. April 21 > 1833. The Committee on the Offices, in pursuance of the directions of the board, at its last meeting, to inquire and report whether any further measure* arc expedient, in addition to those already taken, on the subject of the early preparation for the payment of the large amounts of public debt payable at the close of the year, respectfully report: ^Hite'to/st t/r uAs year,' risspeciiuny "rtporv: ' That the instructions already given in regard to the payment of the balances dire to the bank from the several offices, have been examined by the committee, und aro, in their opinion, well calculated to accomplish the important object to which they were directed. It apj>ears therefore only ne•cessary to recommend to the board the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That, in addition to the instructions heretofore given to the M-V«ral offices relative to the payment of the balances owing by them, respectively, to the bank, further directions be given to use their best e:u!<-avorMo bring their business within such limi'.s, so far as it may be done without injurious consequences, as to enable them to assist in placing the p-m nt bank in a state of preparation to meet the views of the Government, as to the intended reduction of the public debt, continuing, at the same lime, its usual salutary support to the business of tiie country. July 27, Mr. Eyre, from the Committee on the Offices, submitttcd the fallowing report r.nt! resolution, which, on being read, were, on motion, sdop'e.l. The Committee on the Offices, who were instructed on the 24th of Ar>r:l tait» to inquire what measures were necessary in order to prepare f->r the payments on account of the public, debt, and who reported thereon at the meeting of the board, on the 27th April, having ngain examined the m\>ject, beg leave to make a further repot t: The Government having now announced, that, between this time »nH the first o( January next, there will be reimbursed upwards of fifteen million* of dollars of the funded debt of the Uni'cd Statrn. An the provision fur these payments must be made by the bank out of its means now employed in loans to the community, it is an object of ^reat anxiety to withdrawtheff mean? •in such a manner as may press with the leayt possible inronvenienots upon the debtors of the bank, and the country at large. In doinz this, the •committee think it desirable not to call for any further redaction* ot tho lo*a» [ Doc. No. 8. ] 27 of the bank in the western and southwestern offices, but simply to avoid the creation of any new debt. The purchase, for instance, of domestic bills at the distant offices, tends to throw their issues on the bank and Atlantic offices, which thus become in advance to the offices purchasing these bills, until the maturity of the bills furnishes the means of repaying the debt to the bank and Atlantic offices. Under ordinary circumstances, this advance is not iu convenient, but the contemplated payment of the public debt at the batik and Atlantic offices requires so large a portion of the means of the bank at those points, as to render, at the present moment, any considerable advance to the interior offices inexpedient and hazardous. The committee, therefore, trusts that the bank will be able to accomplish (he ebject of paying the debt without making any further reduction of its loans in the interior than has been already ordered; hut they deem it cf essential importance, that, for the present, and until the heavy engagements of the bank have passed, the distant offices should not increase their business and their issues. For this purpose, they submit fur consideration the following resolution: Resolved, That the western and southwestern offices bo instructed to decline the purchase or discounting of any domestic bills of exchange, except when it may bo necessary to secure a debt already due to the bank or the •SSBtJl F. September 2\, 1832. The President laid before the board a statement of the amount of the three percent. Stock of the United States, to be paid off on the 1st October, and explained the attaation of the bank and offices in relal m thereto, showing the ample resources which have boon accumulate*! to meet the payments at various pointy by means of the policy which ha*, been pursued for some time past- He tuggssted also lothe board the propriety of .considering* now that the bank occupiCJ -o favorable a position, whcllu.T bOme relaxation in that policy mishl not l>c advantageously n;ade. Whereupon, it was, on motion, Resolved, That ihe Committee on the Offices be authorized to modify the instructions under which the offices of the bank have been acting, at gueh points, and in such manner, as they may deem most couducivc to ihe inter* «*t» of the bank. October 4, 1833. The President stated to the board, that the Committee on the Ofiiccs, under the authority given them on the 21st ult., in consequence of the strong position which the bank now occupies, had deemed it advisable so to modify the instructions lo the offices at Lexington, Louisville, St. Louis, Cincinnati, •!»l Pittsburgh, as to allow them to check freely upon the bank as heretofore, and to extend their purchases in domestic bills, based upon real business transactions, and having not more than lour months to ruu to maturity j and «»at instructions had been given accordingly. Extract from the minutes. 8S [ Doc. No. S. ] 6. Report of th* Commit It on the general state of the Sank and OJUa November 23, 1332. BANK UNITED STATIS, November 30, 1832. It being the order of the day, under the resolution adopted on the 9thinst., to take into consideration the situation of the bank and its future policy, the President explained in detail the course of its operations during the past year, and the instructions under which the offices are now acting, accompanied by various statements from the books of the bank, showing the amount of its investments at each point, and their gradual diminution; the amount of its circulation and specie; the progress made in the payment of the public debt, &c. Whereupon, it was, on motion, Resolved, That the subject of the state of the bank, with the papers submitted by the President to the board, be referred to a committee consisting of the non-resident members now present, viz. Messrs. Carow, Campbell, McEJderry, Gilmor, and McKim, in conjunction with the Committee on the Office*. November 33. Mr. Eyre, from the committee appointed on the 2Cfh insL, to take into consideration the situation of the bank and its future polipy, presented the following report, with the remark, that it had been unanimously adopted by the committee. The committee to whom was referred the subject of the state of the bank, presented this day by the President, together with the papers submitted by him to the board, respectfully report: That, after hearing the explanations made of the situation and prospects of fhe bank, they do not think it expedient to propose any change in the general system of its operations. The tendency of its measures henceforward, should, in the opinion of the committee, be to place its business in such a position, as while it is perfectly safe in itself, might be readily changed, so as to enable the institution either to continue and increase its operations, or else to close them without inconvenience to the community. For this purpose, the discounts of the bank should not be increased, but, ns far as practicable, they should gradually and gently be converted from local discounts into the form of bills of exchange; an investment generally more secure, as well as more easily reduced, if required. The concerns of the bank have been (or some time passing into that channel under the instructions of the board; and, upon revising these instructions, the committee think that nothing more is necessary than to persevere in the course prescribed by them, with such modifications as experience may suggest to the board. This opinion, the result of the examination confided to them, is contained in the following resolution, which they respectfully present to the board: Resolved, That it is inexpedient to make any change in the present system of the operations of the bank. Extract from the minutes. & JAUDON, Caihitr. [ Doc. No. 8. j 29 H. Bxtract of a letter from P. Benson, Canhier of the Office Cincinnati, to S. Jutuion, dated November 21, 1632. Our discount line does not go down as fast, I am afraid, as the parent board wish. The truth is, we have had a most disastrous fall. The cholera raged here so violently from the beginning of October until within a few days, that the business* of the place has been thrown into a confusion that it will not recover from for some time. Our board are struggling to get it down, nnd we hope to be able to do so soon; but, at present, it appears to be impossible. As fast 35 good bills of exchange are offered to be applied to discounted notes, they are purchased. Further than that we do not feel authorized to go under oar instruction*; and until we can get iunds trorn our income, we are refusing first rate bills, as we do not feel authorized to increase the total amount of our discounts. The Commercial Bank is not interfering with us. I believe we could control the whole exchange business, but the bills offered now are for new operations principally, and we cannot at present get them applied as we wish. The demand for money for the winter operations in produce, as well as for eastern acceptances, is enormous; and we shall have a severe struggle for some time to resist it. In the mean time, you may rest assured we will do all we can. Our board are anxious to comply with the wishes of the pareut board, and I think determined to do fo. If we can gradually, as I think we can, transfer a large amount from our discount line to domestic bills, we can easily keep it there. By the close of the winter, I hope we shall exhibit a statement much improved in this respect I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. BENSON, Cashier. S. JATTDOW, Esq., Cashier Bank U. S. Philadelphia. I. OFFICE BANK UNITED STATES, Louisville, 18M November, 1S32. DEAR SIR: Your letter of 10th instant contain* views and suggestions in relation to our business, which do not surprise me. In truth, the increase of our domestic bills induced me to expect such a letter as you have written. We have been, and still are, in a situation of peculiar delicacy, and believing it to be not only the desire, but the interest of the bank to sustain all houses which are supposed to be solvent, we have found it difficult to attain that object without, for a time, exceeding the point where it would seem prudent otherwise to stop. A large proportion of our bills were purchased to enable the parties to »neet their obligations sent here for collection. The amount of such collections has been at least four millions of dollars in the past year, of which •bout one half came from the Bank United States, and the office at New OrIeau8 The greater part of linl deb! \\ I by the purchase of mcrchan so C ^oc* ^0# 8# 3 dise, groceries, &c, which had to be resold here on time for negotiable noles, which could not, under existing rules, be discounted; and a part, groceries particularly, have been shipped to Cincinnati, Lexington, Wheeling, and Pittsburgh; thus forming the foundation of many of the bills on those places. By a hasty estimate, the bills collected for the office at New Orleans, amounts, for the past 12 month?, to upwards of $51,300,000, and a large amount is still on hand coming to maturity; these, I presume, were principally for groceries, and will give you some idea of the amount annually sold nere. The consumption of this place and neighborhood is, of course, not very large: the residue must, therefore, be sold to the towns in the western country. Add to this, lead, tobacco, and cotton, in large quantities, rent up the river; pork, whiskey, and flour, shipped to St. Louis; dry goods, groceries, bagging, and bale rope, to Nashville, and West Alabama; castings, bagging, bale rcpe, flour, and pork, shipped to Mississippi—the bills on those poiati will be in a great measure accounted for. Louisville has become the great mart for the western States: some gentlemen undertook, about a year since, an estimate of imports and export*, derived from the books of our merchants and dealers. The aggregate was upwards of 13 millions during the preceding year; and since that time it has been greatly increased. This, you will sec, forms a large field for exchange operations, particularly as we have no competition. I do not mean to s*»jr all our bills have a real business origin: we are doubtless often imposed upon by fictitious transactions, but I beiieve not to a greater extent lhau such institutions are always liable to. The first order to curtail our operations was received on the 1st February. Since that time our " bills discounted" have been reduced more than half a million: more than three millions of collection paper has been provided for; and a considerable sum has been recently advanced in the flour transactions of the country; but the aggregate of our business now stands nearly where it did in February. In prospective, our situation is this—our bills arerapidlj maturing, but the large pork business now commencing, and the tobacco and hemp exports after that, will, if sustained, require nearly all those funds. There is still upwards of a million of paper now in the office for collection, principally on account of the bank-and its branches, which, with our gradual, but regular curtailment of discounts, will, for some time to come, absorb all the means the country can command. We do not hope, therefore, to make any material diminution of our business for several months: it may probably, for a time, be a little increased. We have looked with great solicitude on the situation of this country, and the deep stake the bank has in its welfare. Encouraged by the excessive importations at the east, our merchants have been induced to purchase more largely than their own means, or the necessity of the country required. Henco the embarrassment which now exist", and from which nothing but the indulgence of the bank, and the aid of one full year's products of the country? can relieve them. It seems to me all important that every solvent person should be sustained. Their purchases have lately been, and will continue to be. much more limited. The produce business promises well, and, if encourr.ged, will afford infinite relief, and a few months of prudent operations will piace us beyond danger, and leave the people in moderate but easy circumstances. These are the views which have governed our movements, and eight months' experience convince us that it is the only means of extrication. We, [Doc.No. S.] 31 of course, look only to a very limited sphere, forming but a speck in the great commercial atmosphere to which your attention is directed. We do not ask to be made an cxception»to any general rule, but only that you will give us as much latitude as circumstances will justify. The chief capital of tfie west is the products of tr"»«oil. To that source we must look for payment, and a proper encouragement of its exports not only tends to itfl being fully and speedily realized, but places the proceeds in the hands of the bank, io proportion os its facilities arc given. I assure you we will do all that circumstances will justify, and if we do not meet your wishes promptly, the heavy load of collection paper, with which we are hunhened, will, I hope, be viewed as some extenuation. JACDOS, Esq., Cashier. K. Extract of a Idler from J. Carrey, Cashier of the Office at Pittsburgh, to iS'. Jnudan, dated November 17, 1«32. "In reply to your letter of the 10th instant, I remark, that the bills purchased in the west, are founded on transactions, and that the amount could not be lessened, at this ti:ne, wiihoul inconvenience to our customers; but, ui a few months, I have no doubt, the operations here, in exchange, will b» as limitrd as may be desired. Our manufacturers arc diminishing their products, because the office is more cautious in its loans, declining all new notes which arc not payable at maturity, and of a business character, and calling in, by regular reductions, those on time heretofore discounted. This course will, in a measure, arrest the operations of our producers, and as they will not have the articles, we shall not sec the bills which, under other circumstances, would represent them. Withholding cnpital to aid in production, is better, in my opinion, than to decline collecting the value. For this renson, I would prefer lesscniugour local loans, in the first instance, rather than the purchase of bills. Should it, however, be found that our line of hills of exchange does not diminish, as expected, it would be well to fix a shorter limit, as to time, say ninety days. The west is oar principal market: hills to ho genuine must bo drawn on her. We cash all good eastern drafts which are offered. I enclose a list of hanks whose notes arc received at our counter; and remark that those cast of us arc sent to Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, for our credit: those in our neighborhood and in Ohio, are all redeemed by agreement at this office, without any charge. Of the amount on hand, by the List statement, (5255,335.) £51,010 are notes of eastern banks, and $201,325 of western. The latter have, at their credit, to provide for their issues, $186,ISO 29, leaving about 815,000 unprovided for. I do not think it desirable to make any change, at present, in the receipt of western notes, and request your instructions as to t!iose in the cast. Keeping in view the necessity of lessening the amount of the liabilities of our customers, and refusing aid to new establishments and operations, I think we shall be able to meet any reasonable contingency, without much loss or embarrassment Our community, in a commercial point of view, is tound. We estimate all our transactions, for twelve years past, as perfectly good. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. C0RREY, Cashier. 8AM'L JAUDOIT, Eaq., Cashier Bank U. S." 32 [ Doc. No. S. ] Extract of a Utter from the Cashier of the Office at Lexington, dated November 20, 1832. "Under the present state of affairs, I cannot but deem it a matter of much gratification, in viewing the statement of the situation of this office, both as to its debt and circulation. Our aggregate debt, active and inactive, is now #33O,COO less than it was this day twelve month, and our circulation is considerably reduced. Our board of directors have consulted the interests and safety of the institution, and have only extended facilities for small loans, and at short dates, to sustain business men, and have kept a steady eye to the great point of reducing all large accounts, and requiring additional security; a policy which I have no doubt will meet with entire approbation." JZztract of a letter from the Cashier of the Office at Nashville, dated 2lst October, 1832. " For the two last seasons, my attention has been steadily applied to the lessening our note business, by a substitution of bills to the amount of such reduction; but in this, I have not been so successful as I could wish, because h is the interest of the merchants to counteract this policy; and therefore,it is, that we neither get as large an amount in bills, or payment in money, at we had a right to expect, at the originating of each operation. I am decidedly in favor o( our bill operations, as being the most profitable, and by far the safest operation. Of the truth of which, our operations in Alabama, for the three last seasons, is positive proof. The whole of our business within that State, for the two last seasons, have been wound up within the season, without any other difficulty than such re-drafts as the loss of crop necessarily produced, but all such operations are solvent The unexampled scarcity of money in both Alabama and this State, and our refraining from duing business wherein money is to be advanced on either note or bill, has compelledus to discount safe bills at six months, to enable debtors to the Orleans and other offices to meet the paper deposited with us for collection. In this wayhave all the bills been paid, which were remitted to us for collection from the Orleans and other western offices, since the month of June last. This course of business lias, of course, deprived us of 5 to 600,000 of our funds at Orleans, which was intended for the parent bank, but which we had to reserve in that office to meet the bills thus remitted for collection, However, we will have that amount ready for the parent in the spring. This operation has swelled our domestic bill account very much, without lessening the debts due to this office very sensibly as yet; but, in the course of the monthi of November and December next, we will get, as I hope and confidently expect, a pretty large amount towards the payment of notes now under discount. It is reported here, with much confidence, that the Louisville office has received instructions to discount bills for money. If this be true, then allow me, with becoming and due respect, to solicit similar instructions to this office; for I assure you that no portion of the Union contains a more suffering population, for lack of circulating medium, than docs lhat portion of which this ofT.c-; is the focus; and one of thn eviis produced by that, distress, is the chartering of a local bank ia this State, by the Legislature now in session; [ Doc. No. 8. ] 33 which charter you will find in the Banner of yesterday, which I have addressed to you. The friends of that measure calculate on raising, with great ease, from thi c:»j>i»ali>ts to ea-tward, p;u tirulirly in Hoston, the whole amount of the bonus l o b e issued by the State under that law. The law pasted contrary to my expectation*: and, from the proent scare : ty of moni y, is likely to become so great a favorite w ih ihe p<- >;J1L- at targe, as to fill the subscription for the pnrpo.se of getting it organised; ami then, if subscribers cannol pay the second and other inialweoW, the board of directors wi.l. as I believe, follow op the former customs of this State, on similar occasions, by discounting the stockholders* paper in >ome way or oiher, s-o as to get the bank in operation, when discounts will be grained with such a lavish hand as to fill ever\ debtor's pocke s with thtir notes The st-quel of the five years' operation of that bank, should it go into operation, will prodncr a si;de of things, and of distress, that none of its friends now dream of My experience in the former local banks of this State, enables me to foresee the consequences that will inevitably result from the operations of such a bank." M. Extract of a letter from S. Janr/on, Cashier, to E. Shippen, Esq.'Cashier of Office of the Bank United Stales at Louisville, dated November 10, 1832. " With a view to our future instructions, I should be glad to receive from you an explanation of the business upon which bills drawn upon St. Louis, Natchez, Nashville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and Wheeling, are founded, and how far the purchase of such bills could be restricted, without producing injurious consequences. The last instructions given to your office, respecting the purchase of domestic bills, authorized the course which you have pursued, but the amount has exceeded our expectations." Extract of a letter from S Jaudon, Cashier, to J. Correy, Esq. Cashier of Office of the Bank United States at Pittsburgh, dated November 10, 1832. " In examining the returns from your office, our attention has been drawn to the large amount of bills purchased on Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Nashville, and Wheeling. Are ihese bill founded on real business transactions, and could not the amount be greatly reduced without inconvenience to your customers?" " We have now arrived at a point from which it may be prudent to take afresh departure, after a careful review of our situation. This we purpose to make very soon, and are therefore desirous of understanding, fully, the concerns of your office, not only upon the matters now inquired into, but a 'l others that you may deem it useful to present." 5