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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary CHILDREN'S BUREAU GRACE ABB O TT. Chief RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN By MARTHA TRA VILLA SPEAKMAN Bureau Publication No. 172 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SINGLE COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE OBTAINED FBEE UPON APPLICATION TO THE CHILDBEN ’ S BU REAU. ADDITIONAL COPIES MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D . C. AT 15 CENTS PER COPY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTENTS Page Letter of transmittal_________________ ___________________________________ v Introduction______________________________ ______________________________ - 1 Foreword to teachers______________________________________________ 3 Games and play for little children_______________________________________ 4 Games of imitation_________________________________________________ 4 Rhythm games and folk games and dances________ ____;_____________ 6 Miscellaneous indoor games_____________________ ____________________ 9 Miscellaneous outdoor games________________________________________ 11 Recreation for older boys and girls_____________________________________ 13 Miscellaneous indoor games_____________________________________________ 13 Table games_____________________________________________ 25 Games for parties_______ _________________________ ______t___________ 28 Miscellaneous outdoor games________________________________________ 35 Relay races_________ ;_________________________ y_____________________ 42 Athletic meets______________________________________________ 45 Gymnasium work__________________________________________________ 50 51 Various recreational activities__________________________ Music as recreation for the blind_____________________________ 57 63 Equipment for playground, playroom, and gymnasium___ 1______________ Playground--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _J$ 63 Playroom for little children_________________________________________ 65 Gymnasium____________________________________________ 66 Appendix A.— The physical training of the blind__________________ _____ 67 Appendix B.— Recreation for blind children____________________________ 68 Appendix C.— The diversions of two-score blind people_________ :_______ 71 Appendix D.— List of references________________________________________ 72 Index--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------75 in Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U n it e d S tates D e p a r t m e n t of L abor , C h il d r e n ’ s B u r e a u , Washington, August 15, 1926. S i r : There is transmitted herewith a handbook o f recreational activities for blind children, which was prepared by Martha Tra villa Speakman after a study o f many schools for the blind in the United States and England, as well as the leading ones in Paris and Vienna. The handbook is intended for the use o f teachers o f the blind in institutions and day classes, and o f other persons associated with the blind, such as club leaders and parents. The descriptions o f games and other recreational activities have been written with the assistance o f the heads o f many schools, as well as teachers and other individuals interested in the probleln o f recreation for the blind. Special acknowledgment is due to Mr. Robert Irwin, of the American Foundation for the Blind, and Mr. Edward E. Allen, director, Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind; and to Miss Marion Kappes, department for thp blind, Cleveland public schools, who wrote the chapter on music. Respectfully submitted. G r a ce A bbott , Hon. J a m e s J. D a v is , Secretary o f Labor, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chief. The heaviest burden on the blind is not blindness, but idleness.—H elen K eller. * * * the blind man * * * above all, needs occupation, and * * * the more actiye, the more normal he can make his life, the happier he will be. Thus it is doubly necessary that all the things which he can indulge in should be found for him to do. He must be brought into the life which surrounds him, * * * Nothing helps a blinded man more to forget his blindness than the discovery that he can still enjoy his hours of recreation.— Sir Arthur Pearson. * * * games and all recreation are even more needed by the blind than by the sighted. Too much can not be done to alleviate their lot * * *. The habitual state o f concentration in which the blind are plunged from the want of objects to distract them makes some diversion necessary for them.— Sebastian QuiUie. Recreation is as important as any other part of a teacher’s work. Recrea tion in school should aim to make blind children socially independent and shbuld also prepare them,to more easily make their own recreation after they graduate from school.— R obert Irwin. The blind may have the best educational, musical, or industrial training, but without fearlessness and confidence which result largely from spontaneous recreation they will rarely become independent men and women.— C. F. F. Campbell. VI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN INTRODUCTION The joy that comes from happy hours o f play contributes greatly toward making life worth living, for the blind as well as for others. Games and other forms o f recreation have a special value in the training o f the blind, for they help to overcome self-consciousness and to develop freedom o f motion and social grace that are great assets to a person handicapped by blindness. This is well understood in schools for the blind, where many recreational activities are carried on that add to the health and happiness o f the students. Recreation for blind children should be planned not only to give them pleasure but also to prepare them for ordinary social intercourse. These children should become accustomed to taking part in social activities during their school days, so that when they leave school they will readily join in thé recreation o f the family and the community in which they live. For this reason their games and other activities should be as nearly as possible the same as those o f children that can see. Many games do not depend on sight, and these can be played by blind children among themselves or with other children. But before attempting to play a game with children that can see, a blind child must learn the game well and must practice play ing it. Children in boarding schools for the blind should have the opportunity to play with children that can see, and parties and athletic meets to which outsiders are invited should be held fre quently. Through these meetings blind children realize that they can play many games with other children on equal terms, and the realization o f “ being in things” gives them self-confidence, ease, and freedom o f manner. Children in day classes for the blind have the advantage o f mingling with other children after school hours. I f a blind child is well taught, he will be able to join the others in play, but unless he knows the games well he may be excluded from them through the shyness resulting from his blindness and through the other children’s impatience with him. It is therefore essential to blind children’s happiness that games be taught them. In conducting the games the teacher should study the individual needs o f each child, so that none will be neglected but each will feel that he is an important unit in the group. As a result o f this feeling the child loses the tendency to be solitary that is unfortunately common among the blind, and he is encour aged to associate with others. Many games give an opportunity for the players to develop the spirit o f overcoming difficulties, sometimes even struggling until it hurts. This helps to develop moral stamina. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 IN TR OD U C TIO N As the pupils gain self-confidence they should be encouraged to act on their own initiative and to take responsibility instead o f depending on* their teachers. The older boys and girls should be come accustomed to organizing groups for games and planning athletic meets and parties. The younger children should be trained to accept responsibilities in accordance with their years, such as keeping toys in their proper places. The games and other recreational activities in this handbook have all been undertaken successfully by blind children.1 More material can be found in the sources listed on pages 72-74. 1A number of the games selected were suggested by blind children in the Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind, Staunton, Va. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FOREWORD TO TEACHERS Plan your program o f recreation so that it will include both active and quiet play. The children will enjoy the play period more i f it offers variety and if they are not tired out by too much physical exercise. Choose games suited to the age o f the players. Little children find the greatest pleasure in simple plays—hardly games at all but merely make-believe and singing or saying a rhyme. These plays encourage creative imagination. Somewhat older boys and girls demand games that are more complicated and that show the skill o f the individual; and still older ones take the greatest interest in team games, in which competition between groups is the chief factor. I f a game confuses the players it may be unsuited to their age; discard it and choose another one. A confusing game gives no pleasure. See that all the children are included in the game. I f a game is well chosen and well conducted every child will want to play. Be sure that every player understands the game thoroughly. To enjoy a game the players must understand it. In teaching a new game have the children stand in a circle. It is easy to maintain order in this way. Choose clever children to start the new game, and as the others get to understand it let them take part. Make the game easy at first and add the difficult parts step by step. Let the children find out the point o f the game themselves; they like to discover it. I f circumstances require that a game be adapted do not hesitate to do it, but having decided on rules enforce them. Encourage the spirit o f fair play. See that every child gets a chance to be leader. Help the children to overcome the fear due to blindness by getting them so interested that they forget themselves in play. Encourage timid ones to give dares and to take risks. Develop the children’s judgment in this matter. Try to inculcate through the games alertness, self-control, con centration, and skill. Teach the children to play with all their might and to cultivate a sense o f honor. ^Teach them that any victory not earned strictly by fair play is a disgrace to them and their team. Show them that to be trusted is far better than to be praised, and that defeat, i f it is the result o f an honest trial o f strength, is honorable defeat. Remember that play is the serious business o f childhood, and do not make light o f the problems that come up in a game, but remember also that play is intended to bring happiness. Put yourself into the game, and the children will catch your spirit. Laugh with them. 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GAMES AND PLAY FOR LITTLE CHILDREN GAMES OF IMITATION Play acting and make-believe can be the source o f much fun as well as a stimulus to the imagination and power o f imitation. When the blind child pretends to be Little Red Riding H ood visiting her grandmother or a high-stepping horse prancing down the road or a bird flying he forgets himself and enters into the realm o f play land. The teacher can encourage the children by suggesting new roles and entering into the spirit o f the play. Dramatizing simple short stories is a means o f expression that children enjoy greatly. Acting out the stories that are read or told in the classroom makes them seem more real. Many nursery rhymes and songs are suitable for acting out by little children, such as Five Little Chickadees.2 Games in which the players impersonate workers in different professions and trades such as the doctor, the teacher, the farmer, the merchant, the baker, the carpenter, the blacksmith, and the garage mechanic give the child a much clearer idea o f these occupa tions than he could gain through merely hearing about them. The children should be led to discuss the place o f the various trades in the community. Care should be taken that each child understands well what vocation he is pretending to carry on. In playing store it is well for the children to use real money to give them experience in handling it. Thus they learn to tell by the feel and the sound the difference between the various coins. An example o f the kind o f game that may be developed from acting is “ Pleasantville.” PLEASANTVILLE * “ A ll aboard fo r Pleasantville.” “ Where is Pleasantville?” you may ask. Just a step, and we are out on the large lawn that forms one o f the playgrounds o f the Overbrook girls’ school. . . . * The entire lower« school seems in transit this bright Saturday morning, little children hurrying out with baskets and bottles, larger ones tugging at chairs and dry-goods boxes. The lawn with its surrounding avenues o f trees presents a scene o f lively activity. Here is the village green, and there are the encircling streets o f Pleasantville. W e are halted at the entrance by two bank clerks, very much in evidence and very much in earnest; a Braille check must be cashed 2 See Songs and Games for Little Ones, by Gertrude Walker and Harriet S. Jenks, p. 93 (Oliver Ditson Co., Boston, 1912). Many other songs in this book lend themselves to dramatization. ., . .. ~ * Contributed by the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction o f the Blind, Over brook, Philadelphia. 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GAMES AND PLAY EOR LITTLE CHILDREN 5 into various imitation coins before we can proceed, for we are expected to be purchasers o f the Pleasantville commodities. Then we survey the scene. On the steps o f the cottages are set up a drug store and a grocery store. In the former is found a surprising array o f bottles—every thing from camphor to soda pop— and boxes, especially pill boxes, o f all descriptions. The dispensary has been a heavy contributor to this outfitting. W ith the grocery the household department was a generous cooperator, lending cans, cartons, vegetables, etc., to be returned at the end o f the day. The little storekeeper has swept her store vigorously and covered her shelves with white paper before arranging her wares in orderly fashion. Next we come to the hospital, where doctor and white-capped nurse are in attendance with a large supply of bandages and medi cines— the latter based on aqua tepida. Alecs three-wheeled cart is serving as ambulance and rolls up frequently with fresh recruits— very lively patients they are, considering the contusions and broken bones to be treated. Fingers are bandaged with real skill, and a sling is made in scientific manner. Next door is the school, where lessons in spelling, arithmetic, music, and physical training are going on with excellent discipline. “ The monotonous voice o f the preacher” is heard from the near by church. A library, well furnished with discarded Braille books, is in charge o f a systematic little librarian, who checks up the books taken out and returned. The children’s playground, with swings, seesaws, etc., furnishes an ideal amusement park, the features being available at 5 paper cents each. The “ zoo ” consists o f a couple o f lambs and three members of the Frisky Squirrel family. Mother Frisky is so tame that she scampers up and down the little girls’ dresses and will sit for a minute on one’s shoulder while she cracks a nut. . “ What can Mary and Annie do ? ” I wondered, thinking o f two girls who were woefully lacking in initiative and imagination. “ We certainly need laundresses,” I finally said. “ W ho wants to be a laundress? ” “ Oh, I just love to wash,” chorused Mary and Annie. They were soon established between two trees with buckets, small scrubbing boards, and clothesline and clothespins which delighted their hearts. They rubbed and scrubbed happily all day long, rewashing the dolls’ wardrobe as soon as it had dried, and they were full o f pride when a house mother complimented them upon their work by sending a pair o f stockings to be washed. (As the work grows, a laundry list may have to be added to their outfit.) The children all came to Pleasantville in families—father, mother, and children. The first thing was to rent a house. Then the house had to be furnished with chairs, tables, etc. The children showed considerable ingenuity in this furnishing. One little girl built her house around a tree, decorating the trunk with sketches and pictures in a really artistic manner. She also served lunch on a daintily arranged table. A homelike note was given by the advent o f the little kindergart eners. Hearing the unusual commotion, they strayed over, to be delightedly adopted as the children in the families. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 RECREATION FOR B L IN D CH ILD R E N A bit o f real storekeeping was done, too, in a shop where real candy was sold, the proceeds to go to the support o f a little blind girl m Mrs. Smith’s school in China. A court and a jail were projected, but they and the policeman were idle. THE SANDMAN One child acts as sandman, pretending to carry a bag o f sand and sowing it, while the other children pretend to go to sleep. All sing The Sandman.4 RHYTHM GAMES AND FOLK GAMES AND DANCES Children find great joy in marching, running, and skipping to music, and in playing rhythmic games. The folk games and dances that call for circle formation with hands joined are well suited to the blind. I f any o f the children have some sight, these can guide the others unobtrusively. Circle formation should be substituted for couple formation in such dances as Dance o f Greeting (Clap, clap, bow ).5 The following folk-song games have been suggested by several schools for the blind: Princess Thorn Rosa, How Do You Do My Rosa, The Girl Is Walking in the Ring, The Fox Goes over the Ice, The Christmas-Tree Song;6 Adam’s Sons, Clap and Trap, The Mulberry Bush, The Musician, While Traveling over Sea and L and ; 7 The Clapping Dance, The Handkerchief Dance, On the Meadow Green; 8 Our Shoes Are Made o f Leather, Here We Go round the Mulberry Bush, Isabella, London Bridge, Farmer in the Dell, Here Come Three Dukes A-Riding, Oats and Beans and Barley, Jenny Jones, Round and Round the Village, The Roman Soldiers, Did You Ever See a Lassie?, The Muffin Man, There Was a Jolly Miller, Looby Loo.9 Records o f many folk dances may be obtained from manufacturers o f phonographs. LITTLE MISS MUFFET 10 The children sit in a circle. center. A ll say or sing: One child, the “ spider,” sits in the Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet Eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider, Who sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away. 4 Songs and Games for Little Ones, p. 80. BFolk Dances and Singing Games, by Elizabeth Burchenal, p. 4. G. Schirmer, New York, 1909. 8 Folk Games of Denmark and Sweden, by Dagny Pederson and Neva L. Boyd. Saul Bros., Chicago, 1915. 7 Folk Games and Gymnastic Plays, by Dagny Pederson and Neva L. Boyd. Saul Bros.. Chicago, 1914. 8 Folk Dances o f Bohemia and Moravia, by Anna Spacek and Neva L. Boyd. Saul Bros., Chicago, 1917. 8 Old English and American Games, by Florence Warren Brown and Neva L. Boyd. Saul Bros., Chicago, 1935. 10 See Rhythmic Action Plays and Dances, by Irene Phillips Moses, p. 26 (Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass., 1915). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GAMES AND PLAY FOR LITTLE CHILDREN 7 While the first three lines are being said each child in the circle makes a bowl o f her left hand and uses the right hand as though eating with a spoon. At the words, “ Along came a spider,” the center child tiptoes to some child in the circle, sits down beside her, and tugs at her skirt. The child chosen by the spider jumps up and runs away. She then becomes the spider, and the game is repeated. THE FARMYARD The children stand in a circle with the leader in the center. recite the following : They Lome out into my farmyard And see my pretty barnyard. I ’ve cows and pigs and chickens And sheep and horses, too. You do not need to fear them ; They’ll let you come quite near them. Then choose the one that you like best And take it home with you. The leader tells each child what animal he is to imitate, and each one makes a noise in imitation of that animal. The leader then chooses the best one. The child chosen becomes leader for the repeti tion o f the game. LITTLE BALL, PASS ALONG The children form a large circle; and they sing the song, Little Ball, Pass Along,11 rolling a ball around the circle from one child to the next. When the last word o f the song is sung the child that has the ball knocks on the floor three times. The teacher then taps an other child ; and this one goes over to the one that has the ball, asks him a question, and then tries to guess from his answer who he is. I f the guesser is successful he starts the ball rolling for the repetition o f the game. I f he is unsuccessful the child that held the ball last rolls it. ECHO The children are seated in a circle. Thè teacher taps one child, who is to be the “ echo.” This child tiptoes out o f the room. The other players sing the echo song,12 and the echo repeats the last word o f each line, thus: “ Echo, Echo, are you n ear?” — _____ !_____________ “ Near.” “ Tell us if you can hear ” ___ ______________ ________ “ Hear.” “ Will you with us children sta y ?” _u_________ ______; “ Stay.” “ Join us in merry p la y ” _________ __________________ “ Play.” Meantime the teacher taps another child, who tries to find out who is the echo by the sound o f his voice. I f he guesses correctly he be comes thé echo. ■' This game may be played without the song, the two players merely calling out-“ Hello ! ” to each other. 11 Songs. and Games for Little Ones, p. 105. 12 Songs o f a Little Child’s Day, by Emilie Poulsson and Eleanor Smith, p. 88. Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass., 1910. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Milton 8 RECREATION FOR B LIN D CH ILD REN BAKE YOUR PIES13 The children stand in a circle, except one, the “ dame,” who sits in the center. They sing: Dame, get up and bake your pies, Bake your pies, bake your pies. Dame, get up and bake your pies, So early in the morning. The dame gets up, goes to one child in the circle and says, “ What kind o f pie do you want ? ” That child answers, and the dame tries to guess who answered. I f she is successful, she changes places with the other child. I f not, she is dame again. HICKORY DICKORY DOCK The children stand in a circle with hands on their hips and say: Hickory, dickory dock, tick-tock, The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one. The mouse ran down. Hickory, dickory dock, tick-tock. While saying these lines the children act as follows: “ Hickory, dickory dock ” : Bend right, then left, then stand erect. “ Tick-tock” : Stamp with each foot. “ The mouse ran up the clock ” : Take six running steps into the center o f ring. “ The clock struck one ” : Clap hands once. “ The mouse ran down ” : Take four running steps back to circle. “ Hickory, dickory dock ” : Bend right, then left, then stand erect. “ Tick-tock ” : Stamp with each foot. BOUNCING BALL The players stand in a circle with the leader in the center. The teacher is at the piano. The leader calls the name o f one player, to whom she bounces a basket ball, keeping it in rhythm with the piano. This player catches the ball and bounces it back, and the leader calls the name o f another player and bounces the ball to him ; and the game is continued, the players keeping time with the music. Any player that fails to catch the ball drops out o f the game. CALL BALL The children form a circle. A basket ball is given to one child in the circle, and he calls the name of the one to whom he wishes to bounce the ball. The child whose name is called says, “ Here,” and the one with the ball thus learns where the other one is standing and bounces the ball to him. I f that player fails to catch it the center player calls another one to receive the ball. I f he catches it he takes the place o f the center player. TAPPING GAME The teacher taps the desk a number o f times rhythmically and then calls on a child to tap the same number o f times in the same rhythm. Children enjoy playing this game with a tap bell. 13 Adapted from “ Dame, Get Up and Bake Your Pies,” in Rhythmic Action Plays and Dances, p. 73. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GAMES AND PLAY FOR LITTLE CHILDREN 9 MISCELLANEOUS INDOOR GAMES WHO HAS GONE FROM THE RING? The children stand in a circle or (if in the schoolroom) sit in their seats. One child is “ it.” The teacher taps another child, who leaves the room. This child calls out from the next room. “ I t ” tries to guess who has gone from the ring. I f he fails to guess cor rectly the child outside calls again. I f he is unable in three guesses to tell who the player in the next room is, he is told. The teacher chooses another child to go out o f the room so as to give the child who was unsuccessful another chance. I f he guesses correctly the child who was in the other room returns and becomes “ it,” and the teacher chooses another child to go out. WHO IS KNOCKING AT MY DOOR? One child, “ it,” sits on a chair in the front o f the room, and the teacher chooses another child to go up and knock on the floor behind “ it.” “ It ” says, “ W ho is knocking at my door ? ” The knocker says, “ It is I.” “ It ” tries to guess who answered. I f he can not guess in three tries, he is told, and then another child is chosen to knock. I f he guesses correctly the knocker becomes “ it,” and the teacher chooses another knocker for the next game. DOG AND BONES A ll the children except one are seated in a circle on the floor. The extra player goes into the center o f the circle to be the “ dog.” Miscellaneous articles representing bones are scattered on the floor near him. The other children try to creep up and take the bones without the dog’s hearing them. When a child is caught he changes places with the center player, becoming the dog, and the game continues. WHO AM I? The children form a circle with one player in the center. The teacher taps certain players, who, in turn, speak to the one in the center, saying, “ W ho a m i ! ” The players continue to say, “ W ho am I ? ” disguising their voices, until the player in the center recog nizes the voice o f one and calls him by name. I f the guess is cor rect, the teacher says to the center player, “ Chase Charlie,” or “ John,” or whoever has been recognized, and the center player then tries to catch him. I f he succeeds he changes places with the one he caught. I f he fails he goes into the center again. DROP THE BEAN BAG The players stand in a circle with one o f them outside. This player runs around the circle and drops a bean bag behind one o f the others. That one picks up the bean bag and chases the first player, who runs around the circle to the space left vacant by the chaser. I f he is caught before reaching the vacant space, he takes the bean bag to drop it again. I f he reaches the space safely, the chaser takes the bean bag and the game is repeated. This game is somewhat like Drop the Handkerchief. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN SQUIRREL AND NUT A ll the players but one sit at their desks with heads bowed on the arms as though sleeping, each with a hand outstretched. The odd player, who is the “ squirrel,” carries a “ nut ” (which may be a black board eraser or any other small article). He runs on tiptoe up and down the aisles and drops the nut into one o f the waiting hands. The player that gets the nut at once jumps up from his seat and chases the squirrel, who is safe only when he reaches his seat. Should the squirrel be caught before he reaches his seat, he must be squirrel the second time. Otherwise the player who received the nut becotnes the next squirrel. LOCATION Three or four articles, such as a paper weight, a book, a sheet o f paper, and a piece o f chalk, are put on the teacher’s desk. The teacher names the articles and describes their positions, and then calls out the names o f a corresponding number o f pupils. The first pupil called goes to the desk and touches the first article named; the second touches the first and the second article; the third touches the first, the second, and the third article; and so on, until the last child has touched all the articles. The number o f articles may be increased as the children become used to the game. CLOCK GAME Two or more children leave the room while another child hides with a loud-ticking clock. Those who have gone out come back and try to find the child with the clock. The first one to touch hhn is the next one to hide. ROLL BALL The children sit in a circle on the floor, with one child in the center. A child in the circle says, u Here I am, Harry,” and Harry rolls the ball to that child. Harry then says, “ Here I am, M ary.’ Mary rolls it back to Harry, and so on. (This game helps the chil dren’s sense o f direction.) CIRCLE TENPINS The children are seated on the floor in a circle. The teacher or a child with partial sight sets up toy tenpins in the center o f the circle, tapping the floor with each one as she sets it up to indicate to the other players where they are and how many there are. Then one player in the circle tries to knock down the tenpins by rolling a big rubber ball or basket ball. The teacher calls out how many are left standing, and the children call out how many have been knocked over. The game is continued, the children rolling the ball in turn. STAGE COACH The children sit in a circle or at their desks. Each child is given the name o f one part o f a stage coach, such as “ wheel ” or “ win dow.” The teacher then tells the class a story, using the words that have been given to the various players. Every time that the story- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis GAM ES AN D P L A Y FOR L IT T L E CH ILD REN 11 teller mentions any part o f the stage coach the player representing that part gets up and turns around. Whenever the words “ stage coach ” are said all the children change places with one another. DIRECTION GAME Each child is given a peanut. The sides o f the desks are named North, East, South, and West; and the corners, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest. The teacher calls out “ East,” or “ South west,” or any direction, and each child puts his peanut at the point indicated. The teacher then announces the names o f the children that have placed the peanut correctly. The child who places the peanut correctly the greatest number o f times wins the game. MISCELLANEOUS OUTDOOR GAMES TAP THE RABBIT The children form a circle, with one child, the “ rabbit,” outside. The rabbit runs around outside the circle and taps one o f the other players, who becomes the chaser. The chaser runs after the rabbit and tries to catch him, and the rabbit tries to get into the space (in the circle) left vacant by the chaser. I f the rabbit is caught before reaching that space he must go into the center o f the circle and remain there until another player is caught or until he can free himself by paying a forfeit. The successful chaser then becomes the rabbit; and he taps another player, who becomes the chaser. I f the chaser fails to catch the rabbit, the chaser becomes the new rabbit, and the former rabbit joins the circle. THE BELLED CAT One player, the “ cat,” has a tiny bell suspended from his neck. The other players, who impersonate the mice, try to catch the cat. I f he is caught he becomes one o f the mice, and the player that caught him becomes the new cat. TOMMY TIDDLER'S GROUND A space is marked off as “ Tommy Tiddler’s ground.” One player is counted out to be Tommy Tiddler. Tommy stands in the space marked out as his ground. The other players run into Tommy’s territory and sav, “ I am on Tommy Tiddler’s ground digging gold and silver.” I t any player is tagged while in Tommy’s territory that one becomes Tommy Tiddler. STATUES One child is “ it,” and he calls out, “ I ’ll choose the prettiest,” or “ the ugliest,” or “ the funniest.” He swings each o f the others around in turn, and when he lets go the player swung falls into some position and remains in it, representing a statue. After all have taken positions “ it ” feels each one and chooses one as the best statue. This player is “ it ” for the next game. 10331°—27----- 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN CRAB The players form a circle around an imaginary pond o f water, with one player, the “ crab,” in the center. The circle players pre tend that they are wading in the water and try to keep from being caught by the crab. Any players caught by the crab become crabs, and they go into the center o f the circle and help catch others until all are caught. OLD WITCH One player is the tramp, one is the mother, and the remaining seven or more are the children. The oldest child is named “ Sunday, the second oldest child, “ Monday,” and so on. The mother .goes to the store, and while she is away the tramp comes to ask for some thing to eat. The oldest child, “ Sunday,” tells him she has nothing to give him, so he takes the youngest child, “ Saturday,” away with him. Then the mother returns and scolds “ Sunday” for losing “ Saturday,” and pretends to give her a hard whipping. The mother goes away again and tells “ Monday ” to take care o f the children. Immediately the tramp comes again and asks for something to eat. “ Monday ” says “ No,” so the tramp takes “ Friday ” with him. This continues until every child has been taken. When the mother returns and finds all the children gone, she commences to hunt for them. When she discovers the hiding place o f the tramp and the children she tells the children to run home. I f they can get back to their home before the tramp catches any o f them, they are free. Otherwise they must go back with the tramp. Sometimes it is agreed that in the next game the first child caught is to be the tramp, and the second, the mother. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS14 MISCELLANEOUS INDOOR GAMES ANIMAL NOISES A ll the players form a circle except the leader, who stands in the center o f the circle with a cane in his hand. The circle players walk around him until he taps three times on the floor with his cane, when they must stand still. The leader thereupon places the end o f his cane in the hand o f some player. The leader chooses an animal for the other player to imitate, such as cat, dog, cow, sheep, lion, donkey, duck, or parrot. That player makes a noise like that o f the animal chosen, and the leader then tries to guess who the player is. I f the guess is right the player that made the noise becomes leader. I f it is wrong the game is repeated with the same leader. TES OR NO Two leaders are chosen. They in turn choose sides or teams. The teams go to different rooms or into the opposite corners o f the same room, so that one group can not hear the other group. The leaders meet the teacher in another room to decide upon some object well known to all the players, such as a particular tree in the school yard. The two leaders then go to the groups from which they came. In each o f the groups each member in turn asks his leader a question, trying to discover what object has been chosen. The leader can answer only “ Yes ” or “ No.” The group that first guesses the object wins, and both leaders join the winning side. Then each group chooses another leader, and the game is repeated. The group that gains the greatest number o f players wins. HUCKLE, HUCKLE, BEAN STALK A certain object is agreed upon, and all the players leave the room except one, who stays to put the object in a place where it can be touched. When it is “ hidden ” he calls the others in by saying, “ Huckle, huckle, bean stalk,” and they try to find the object by feeling around the room. Each player that finds the object goes to his seat saying, “ Huckle, huckle, bean stalk ” (which now means “ I have found it ” ), but not telling where it is. A fter all the players have found the object the game is played again. The player who was first to find the object hides it for the next game. u Many of the games described as indoor games can be played on the playground, and many of those described as outdoor games can be played in the gymnasium. A picnic or party is more fun if games different from the accustomed ones are played, and for this reason certain games and stunts have been selected as suitable for special occasions and are listed under the heading “ Parties.” 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 EECBEATION FOE BLIND CHILDREN FORFEITS All but two o f the players sit in a circle. One o f these goes into the center o f the circle, and the other walks around and asks each player for some article. (Each player must remember what article he has given to the collector.) After each player has given some thing the collector stands behind the center player, who is kneeling, and holds one article at a time over his head, saying, “ Heavy, heavy, hangs over thy head.” The one that is kneeling asks, “ Fine or superfine?” The collector says “ F in e” i f the article belongs to a boy and “ Superfine ” if it belongs to a girl and then says, “ What must the owner do to redeem it?” The kneeling player tells what the owner must do to redeem the forfeit— climb a tree, run a certain distance, or do some other stunt. Every player must do something to redeem his article. I f anyone fails to do his stunt, he forfeits his article. t ' TIME The children sit in a circle or in a straight line. Two players go out and select a certain time of the day—half past, quarter of, or on a certain hour, or any number o f minutes before or after the hour. I f they choose 10 minutes after 2, they come in and say, “ I t is 10 minutes after,” and the others guess the hour chosen. When one o f the seated players guesses the hour correctly, the first two players leave the room again and select two objects or the same kind, such as toys, fruits, or articles o f clothing. For example one chooses to be an apple, and the other an orange. They then return to the player who guessed correctly the time and ask, “ Which do you want— an apple or an orange?” The player he chooses goes out with him to select another time o f day, and the other joins the circle. CHARACTER GAME One child leaves the room. The others choose a character in history or literature or a person in the school. The guesser returns and asks questions which must be so put that they can be answered by yes or no. The player whose answer leads the guesser to think o f the right answer is the next to leave the room, and the game is repeated. ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, OR MINERAL One player, who is “ it,” thinks o f an object; for example, a certain telegraph pole. The players in turn ask “ it ” questions which are answered by either yes or no. The first player asks, “ Does it belong to the animal kingdom ? ” and the answer is no. The next player asks, “ Does it belong to the vegetable kingdom ?” and the answer is yes. The third player asks if it all belongs to the vegetable kingdom, and the answer is no. The questions continue until the object that “ it ” has in mind has been guessed. The player who correctly guesses the object is “ i t ” for the next game. This can be played by having the players divide into two groups as in “ Yes or No.” (See p. 13.) KING AND COURTIERS The players form a large circle, with one, who is “ king,” in the center. The players in the circle are lords and ladies o f the court. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 15 The king calls one of them by name. That one tries to tiptoe to the king without being heard by the others. I f he is heard the other lords and ladies cry “ H ush! ” and the one called must return to the circle. The king then calls another player. The one that suc ceeds in reaching the king becomes king, and the former king becomes one o f the circle. DROP AND GUESS Each player holds several articles, such as coins or books, or any thing that will not break when dropped. The first player, “ it,” drops an article on the floor and chooses another player to guess what article was dropped. This player has three guesses. I f he is unsuccessful he must pay a forfeit and name some other player to be guesser. I f he is successful he becomes “ it.” PINNING THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY A large donkey is cut out of paper and put on a screen or sheet hung across the room. A tail is cut out of paper, and a hatpin is put through it. Each player in turn holds the tail by the hatpin and advances to the donkey to pin the tail on it. The player who is most nearly accurate in pinning the tail in place wins. The donkey may be drawn on a blackboard with chalk, and when this is done the players draw the tails. PRINCE OF PARIS A player is chosen as leader; the others, who are seated, are num bered. The leader, standing in front, says: “ The Prince of Paris has lost his hat. Did you find it, No. 4, sir?’* Whereupon No. 4 jumps to his feet and says: “ What, s ir ! I, sir ? ” Leader. “ Yes, sir. You, sir.”—No. 4. “ Not I, sir.” Leader. “ W ho then, sir?”—No. 4. “ No. 7, sir.” No. 7, as soon as his number is called, must jump at once to his i ” ’ ' '* I * “ The Prince o f Leader, “ W ho then, sir?”—No. 7. “ No. 3, sir.” No. 3 immediately jumps to his feet and the same dialogue is repeated. The object o f the game is for the leader to try to repeat the statement, “ The Prince o f Paris has lost his hat,” before the player named can jump to his feet and say, “ What, sir! I, sir?” I f he succeeds in doing this he changes places with the player who failed in promptness, that player becoming leader. Should any player fail to say “ Sir ” in the proper place, this also is a mistake, and the leader may change places with that player. LEG OF MUTTON A number o f players place their hands one on top o f the other on a table. Beginning with the lowest hand each child in turn with draws his hand, placing it on top o f the pile, counting one, two, and so on up to nine. (Each child says one number.) When the number nine is mentioned the whole pile is overturned*and the player Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16 RECREATION FOB BLIND CHILDREN who called out “ Nine ” catches his neighbor’s hand, saying, “ This is my leg o f mutton; you must do one o f three things for me.” The other player then says, “ I will i f I can.” He is then given his choice o f three things to do. ( I f the player who has called uot “ Nine ” fails to catch the hand o f his neighbor he must pay a forfeit.) GRANDFATHER’S TRUNK The first child says, “ I packed my grandfather’s trunk and in it I put— ” (Here the first child names one article—shoes, or coat, or any article he wishes.) The second child continues the game by repeating what the first one said and adding one more article, thus: I packed my grandfather’s trunk and in it I put shoes and coat.” The third child repeats what the second child said and adds another article, thus: “ I packed my grandfather’s trunk and in it I put shoes, coat, and hat.” The fourth player repeats it all and adds another article, and so on. Any player who fails to mention any o f the articles is out o f the game. The player remaining in the game the longest wins. GRANDFATHER’S GARDEN The first player says, “ In my grandfather’s garden grow rad ishes.” Then the game is continued by repeating and adding, as in Grandfather’s Trunk. STEPS The players stand at the back of the room facing the front. The child chosen to be “ i t ” stands at the front o f the room with his back toward the others. A bell is placed on the teacher’s desk. “ It ” counts to 10, and the others move toward the desk during the count ing. When “ i t ” reaches 10, i f he hears a player moving he sends that player to the back of the room to start again. The one Vho reaches the front o f the room first taps the bell, and he becomes ¥ it ” for the next game. SMELL A number o f containers are passed around the class. In each has been placed something with a characteristic smell. The child that guesses correctly the greatest number wins. Flowers, spices, camphor, vanilla extract, etc., may be used. TOUCH The children stand in a row with their hands clasped behind them (or in two rows if the class is divided into sides). The teacher places a nut or other small object in the hand o f each child. The child tries to recognize it by the sense o f touch. As soon as one thinks that he recognizes the object he must hold it up, and the teacher asks him the name o f it. I f he names it correctly it counts one point for him or for his side. I f he is wrong it counts minus one for him or his side. The individual or side with the greatest number o f points wins. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'f ) RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 17 MUSIC Each player is given a number. The teacher strikes a note or a chord on the piano. Then she calls a number, and the player with this number must tell what note or chord has been played. The player with the highest score at the end o f five minutes wins the game. SOUNDS The teacher collects familiar objects which sound when tapped, such as a bell, a piece o f wood, a tin pan, a glass, and a cup. The players sit in a circle, and as each object is tapped by the teacher the players write the name o f the material of which it is made; such as metal, wood, glass, or china. The player whose list is most nearly correct wins. PHONICS GAME The teacher says: “ l a m thinking o f a word beginning with ‘ br ’ ” (giving sound only). The first child says, “ Is it ‘ break’ ? ” I f that guess is wrong the teacher says, “ No, it is not ‘ break,’ ” and the next child guesses another Avord. The game is continued until the correct word is guessed. The player who guesses correctly chooses a word for a repetition o f the game. WORD GAME Each child receives a set o f cards with a word in Braille on each card (all the sets are alike). The teacher calls for a word, and the child who finds it first among his cards brings the card to her. The game continues thus, and the child that hands in all his cards first wins. BUZZ The players are seated in a circle around the room. The first player says “ One,” the second, “ Two,” and so on. But whenever the counting reaches seven, or any multiple o f seven, the player whose turn it is says “ Buzz,” instead. (The other numbers—eight, nine, etc.— are named in their order.) I f any player makes a mistake and says “ Seven” when he should say “ Buzz’* he is out o f the game. The game continues until there are only two players left. They count until one o f them fails to say “ Buzz ” at the right time, The other wins the game. POINTS OF THE COMPASS Certain children are placed at the sides and corners of the school room to represent the points o f the compass. The others remain in their seats. One o f the players in the seats calls for some direction such as “ Where is east ? ” The child at that point should answer, “ Here is east.” I f he fails to answer, he changes places with the one that asked the question. I f a player, instead o f asking for a direction says, “ Cyclone! ” all the children representing points o f the compass change places. GEOGRAPHY CHAIN The players may sit at their school desks. One player gives the name o f a river, mountain, city, or State, or any other geographical Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN name. The next player must give a geographical name beginning with the last letter o f the word previously given. For instance, if London is the first word given, New York may be the next, Kala mazoo the next, and Omaha the next. Any child failing to answer in turn is out o f the game. WEATHERCOCK The four points of the compass are represented by the four sides o f the room. The children stand in a group in the center o f the room, with one player, “ W ind,” in front o f the group. When “ W i n d ” calls “ North,” all the players turn toward the side o f the room representing north. The same is done with east, west, and south. When “ W in d ” calls “ Variable,” the players run back and forth in any direction. When he calls “ Tempest,” they turn around three times. I f any player fails to obey the orders, “ W ind ” goes up to him and blows him out o f the game. The teacher directs this. This game may be played while the children are in their seats by having them change seats at “ Variable” and stand up and turn around three times at “ Tempest.” SCHOOL The players sit in a circle on the floor. Each one is given the name o f some article used in school, such as desk, chalk, or eraser. The leader spins a plate in the center o f the circle. As he does so, he calls out the name o f some article, such as chalk. The player who has been given that name must jump up and catch the plate before it stops spinning. I f he is successful he is the next to spin the plate. I f he is unsuccessful he must resume his seat and pay a forfeit. RAILROAD Each child is given the name of something connected with a rail road. One player relates a story concerning a railroad, in which he uses the names given to the players. A t the mention o f the word “ whistle,” whoever is “ Whistle ” must imitate the whistle o f a loco motive. When “ bell ” is mentioned the player who has been given that name makes a noise like a bell. The game continues until each child has imitated that which he represents. A t the word “ station,” the children all change seats. Anyone failing to change his seat or not answering to his name must pay a forfeit. POSTMAN A ll stand in a circle. The teacher gives each child a number, and she may act as postman to start the game. The postman calls out, “ Number 4 has a letter for number 3.” The players having these numbers change places, and in the meantime the postman tries to get into one o f the vacant places. The player whose place the postman gets is the next to be postman. BEAST. BIRD. OR FISH The players are seated in a circle with the leader in the center. The leader taps a plaver, saying, “ Beast,” or “ Bird,” or “ Fish.” I f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION "F O R 'O L D E R B O Y S .I .A S B Gl&LS A -p ¿9 he says “ Fish,” the player called on must name a fish, such as trout, pike, pickerel, black bass, or shark, before the leader can count to 10* After saying “ Fish ” the leader begins to count 1, 2, 3, etc. I f the player replies before 10 is reached the leader calls on another player in like manner. I f a player fails to answer he changes places with the leader. This game requires quick wit as well as knowledge o f the names o f many beasts, birds, and fish. A beast, bird, or fish once named can not be named again. SPELLING GAME The players are seated in a circle. The first player begins the game by saying a letter o f the alphabet, and each player after him adds a letter. Each letter must be so added as to become part o f an English word. Each player tries to avoid giving the final letter to a word, but sometimes this can not be avoided. When a player com pletes a word he loses one point, and the player at his right starts a new word. The game ends when any player has lost 20 points. The winner is the player with the least number o f lost points. I f the player at the right o f the one who has completed the word does not realize that a word has been completed, but continues to add a letter, that player loses a point and the player who recognizes the fault gains a point. DILLAR, DOLLAR The players form a circle, shoulder to shoulder, with one player in the center. Each player holds the left hand out, keeping the elbow close to the body, and puts the right hand into the left hand as i f about to take something out. A ll say the following: Dillar, dollar, how you wander From the one hand to the other. Is it fair, is it fair to keep Poor Sally standing there? As the verse is said a coin or other small object is passed around the circle. Every player keeps moving his right hand to his neighbor’s left and back to his own left. The child in the center tries to find the object. Blind children become clever in lightly touching the other players’ palms and sensing where the object is. HIDE THE BALL One child goes out o f the room. A ball is placed somewhere in the open where it can be touched. Then the child returns. The teacher plays the piano while the child searches for the ball. Soft music indicates that the searcher is far from the ball and loud music indicates that he is near it. Very loud music indicates that he is very near the ball and that he should stop and search in that place. When the ball is found the game is repeated with another searcher. HOT BALL A ball with a bell inside is used. The children sit in a circle and roll the ball back and forth without picking it up, pretending that it is hot. One player, who is “ it,” tries to catch some player Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20 RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN that has the ball. When a player with the ball is caught he becomes “ it,” and the game continues. MUSICAL BALL The children stand in a circle and a ball is passed around while the teacher plays the piano or claps her hands. When the music or clapping stops the child that has the ball gives it to the child next to him and then leaves the circle and sits down. This is done until all the children are out. WOLF, MAN, OR GUN Two lines, A and B, face each other. Each captain secretly chooses a word for his line to act out>—“ wolf,” or “ man,’’ or “ gun.” A t a signal each captain runs down his line, whispering the word to each player. A t another signal the players in each line act out their w ord: For “ w o l f ” they bark; for “ m an” they say “ A h ! ” ; for “ gun ” they say “ B an g! ” The winner is decided thus: I f A acts “ man,” and B, “ gun,” A wins, because a man can fire a gun. I f A acts “ man,” and B, “ wolf,” B wins, because a w olf can eat a man. I f A acts “ gun,” and B “ wolf,” A wins, because a gun can shoot a wolf. Each time a side wins it scores one point. I f both lines act the same word they are tied. The line that gains 20 points first wins. GUESSING GAME The children form a circle, and one child, “ it,” goes out. The teacher gives each one in the circle the name o f some animal, fruit, pr flower. She calls in “ it ” and tells him the names o f the animals, fruits, and flowers but does not tell him which children have been given the various names. “ I t ” calls out the name o f a fruit, a flower, or an animal, and claps his hands at the same time. The child in the circle who has that name must answer, endeavoring to disguise his voice. “ It ” tries to guess who answered. I f he guesses correctly the child that answered becomes “ it.” I f his guess is wrong he must be “ it ” again. MOVING ALPHABET Two teams, each with 26 players, line up opposite each other. Each player on each team represents one letter o f the alphabet, and he wears this letter pinned on his coat. The teacher stands at one end o f the room between the lines and calls out some word (no letter may occur twice in the same word). The players whose letters make up this word step quickly out in front o f their lines and form the word. The team whose players correctly complete the word first scores one. The team having the highest score at the end o f 10 minutes wins. GRUNT, PIGGY, GRUNT A ll the players except the one who is “ it ” stand in a circle. stands in the middle o f the circle with a long stick. The players walk around until “ i t ” taps on the floor with his They then stand still; and “ it ” touches one player with the saying, “ Grunt, Piggy, grunt.” This player must grunt. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis “ It ” circle stick. stick, “ It ” RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 21 is allowed three guesses to find out who is the piggy. I f he succeeds the piggy becomes “ it.” I f he fails he is “ it ” again. FRUIT BASKET * The players sit in a circle, and each player except “ i t ” is.given the name o f a fruit. “ It ” stands in the center o f the circle and calls out three times the name o f a fruit. The player who has been given the name o f that fruit must respond before it is called the third time. I f he does not respond in time he becomes “ it.” EXCHANGE The players stand in a circle with one player, “ it,” in the center. “ It ” calls the names o f two o f the players in the circle. These must change places with each other while “ it ” tries to catch one o f them. In order to find out the direction in which to run, and also to avoid a collision, those whose names are called clap their hands and call to each other. The one caught becomes “ it.” SLAP TAG Two teams stand facing each other, as far apart as floor space will allow. The hands o f one team are extended, palms up. One player from the opposite team, usually the captain, starts the game by com ing forward and slapping some one’s hands. The player whose hands have been slapped must chase the one who slapped them. I f he is caught before returning to his team he is kept captive by the opposite team. It is then the chaser’s turn to slap the extended hands o f someone on the opposing team and to be chased. The side having the largest number o f players after five minutes o f play wins the game. CIRCLE JUMP THE SHOT The players stand in a circle, facing the center. The teacher stands m the center o f the circle, holding a long rope. Attached to the end o f the rope is a wooden block covered with sandpaper, or some other object that will make a noise when dragged along the floor. She swings this around the circle. As the players hear it approaching they try to jump over it. I f the rope strikes the feet o f any player, he is out o f the game. The game continues until there is only one player left in the circle. That player wins the game. HIDE One child, “ it,” stands in the corner with his face toward the wall. The other children hide themselves somewhere in the room. “ It ” counts to 10. When he has finished counting he tries to guess where any one o f the others is hidden. The children who are hiding help “ it ” by calling from their respective hiding places. The first one whose place he guesses correctly is next to be “ it.” CAT AND DOG A small bell is hung around the neck o f one o f the players. This player is the “ cat.” The other players form a circle with the cat in Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN the center, and another player, the “ dog,” goes into the circle also* When the dog has caught the cat each chooses another player to take his place. * TENPINS OR BOWLING Tenpins or Indian clubs are arranged thus: * * * * * * * * * * A lightweight wooden bowling ball is used. It is best to have a single alley. I f there are two alleys, the ball rack should divide them, so as to give the players a guide to the alleys’ positions. Small circles may be cut in the alley to indicate where to set up the pins, so that a blind player can set them up. The “ setter-up” should call out the number o f pins standing after every ball has been bowled. The players choose sides and take turns bowling. The teacher taps the floor with a stick to indicate where the pins are. Each player rolls two balls at each turn. After a player has rolled two balls the pins knocked down are counted and added to his score, and then the pins are set up again for the next player. After all the players have had the same number o f turns, such as 10, each player’s score is counted. Scoring is done as follow s: Each pin knocked down counts 1 point. I f all the pins are knocked down by the first ball, this is called a “ strike.” This counts 10 plus the number o f points made by the two balls rolled at the player’s next turn. I f all the pins are knocked down by two balls (one turn), this is called a “ spare.” This counts 10 plus the number of pins knocked down by the first ball rolled at the player’s next turn. The highest possible score is 300. TEAM BOWLING Two teams are formed, and they stand at opposite ends o f the room. A bowling pin or an Indian club is placed on the floor at a point equally distant from the two teams. The object o f the game is to knock down the pin by rolling a basket ball at it, and each time a member o f a team succeeds his team scores one point. A certain number o f points, such as 10 or 15, should be set beforehand as the score required to win. The players on the two teams roll the ball alternately. Before each player rolls, the teacher taps the ground three times with the pin, so that the player will know where the pin is. The room should be quiet so that the players can judge the location o f the pin by the tapping. This game helps the blind to develop the sense o f direction. CLUB BALL Two teams, Red and Blue, with an equal number o f players on each team, stand in two lines 20 feet apart. An Indian club is placed Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 23 in front o f each player o f the Red team. The object o f the game is to roll a basket ball so as to knock down all the clubs o f the opposing team. The first player o f the Red team calls out to indicate his posi tion, and the first player o f the Blue team rolls the ball toward him to knock over his club. I f a player’s club is knocked down he is out, and he must take the club and leave the game. When three players are out the side is retired and the other team rolls the ball. At the end o f each inning the number o f pins knocked down by each side is counted. The side scoring 100 first wins. I f a player bounces or throws the ball he is disqualified for that inning. RED AND BLACK Two teams, Red and Black, stand 3 feet apart, back to back. The teacher calls out “ R e d ! ” and the Reds run to the wall that they are facing and the Blacks turn and pursue them. When a player reaches the wall he is safe. A ll the Reds that are caught must join the Blacks. The sides line up again, back to back, 3 feet apart, as before. Next “ B lack ! ” is called. The Blacks run to the wall which they are facing and the Reds turn and pursue them. The game is continued until all the players are on one side. INDOOR SHUFFLEBOARD One or two pairs o f partners can take part in this game. A board is provided, 30 feet long, with raised edges. Five inches from each end o f the board a slight groove is cut— one o f which is the starting line and the other the finishing line. Eight circular pieces o f iron, which are to be slid along the board, are provided. Before the game is begun the board is sprinkled with sand. The players slide the pieces along the board in turn. Scoring is done as follows: Three points are counted for a side i f one o f its pieces comes to rest projecting over the end o f the board. Two points are counted i f it rests between the finishing line and the end, or on the line. I f no piece reaches the line the one nearest to it scores one. The side that first makes 21 points wins. The players change ends after every round. BEAN-BAG BASKET A bell is put in a large wastebasket and the basket placed 10 or more feet from the players. The players take turns throwing the ball into the basket, and before each player throws, the teacher rings the bell to show where the basket is. Each time a throw is successful the thrower gains a point. The game continues until 20 points have been scored by one player. That player wins the game. IMAGINARY HIDING This game may be played in the schoolroom, with the children in their seats. One player says, “ I ’ve hidden myself somewhere in the room.” The otljer children in turn guess hiding places that might have been chosen; and the hidden child answers each incorrect guess by saying, “ Cold,” “ Warm,” “ Hot,” etc., showing whether Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24 RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN the guesser is nearly correct or not. The one that guesses the hiding place correctly wins. SPELLING MATCH The children are divided into two teams, standing in line on oppo site sides o f the room. The teacher dictates words to be spelled, and the teams take turns in spelling. Any child that misspells a word must leave the line and sit down. The child that remains standing when all the others have been “ spelled down ” wins for his team. BEAN-BAG SPELLING The players form a circle with the leader in the center. The leader tosses a bean bag to one o f the other players and calls out a word as he does so. That player must catch the bean bag and spell the word. I f he fails to catch the bean bag or to spell the word correctly he is out o f the game. The player that stays in the game longest wins. WHAT WILL YOU BRING? A set o f alphabet cards in Braille is distributed, one to each child. The leader stands in front o f the other players and says, “ I am going on the train. W ho wants to go with me?” He then touches one player on the shoulder and says, “ I f I take you, what will you bring?” That player questioned must name some object, the name o f which begins with the letter on his card. For instance, if the letter on his card is “ d,” he may say “ Doll ” or “ Donkey.” When he has supplied a word he joins the leader and follows him- to another* child, o f whom the leader asks the question. The game continues, each child that supplies a word joining the leader’s party. BEAN-BAG PASS The players sit in their schoolroom seats. A bean bag is placed on the front desk in each row. At a signal the first player in each row picks up a bag and tosses it back over his head to the next player behind, and so on until the bag reaches the last one in the row. When the one in the back seat receives the bag he runs forward down the left-hand aisle, places the bag on the front desk, and runs back to his seat. The player in the front seat again starts the bag backward. The passing backward is repeated three times. The row that finishes first wins the game. Then the players in the front seats take the back seats, the other players move forward one seat, and the game proceeds as before. The number o f players in the rows must be equal. CLOTHESPIN RACE Two teams form in lines on opposite sides o f the room, each with a leader. The leader o f one side takes hold o f the left, wrist o f the next player with his right hand; this player does the same to the third player, and so on down the line. The same *s done by the other side, except that the left hand is used to grasp the next player’s right wrist. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION" FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 25 A number o f clothespins, 10 or more, are placed on a chair or table beside each leader. A t the word “ Go,” each leader picks up a clothespin and places it in the hand o f his neighbor. That player passes it on to the next in the same way, and thus it goes down the whole line. Each player passes only one pin at a time. The last player in each line puts each pin as it comes to him on a chair or table. When all the clothespins have been passed down, the last player begins to pass them back one by one in the same way as they came down the line. The side completing the passing first wins. I f a player passes more than one clothespin at a time his side loses. Dropping a pin and picking it up and passing it on in the regular way delays the side but does not disqualify it. This game can be played by passing peanuts, as many as can be held at one time. HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? One child leaves the room, and the others choose a pair o f homo phones, such as ate—eight, great—grate, made—maid, tail—tale, beat—beet, hear— here, meat—meet, peace—piece, sea—see. The child that left the room now returns and says to one o f the others, “ How do you like it?” Supposing the words “ tail—tale” have been chosen, the child may answer, “ When it is told to me.” The questioner then says to the next child,“ When do you like it? ” The child may say, “ On a rainy day.” I f “ Where do you like it?” is the next question, the answer may be, “ On a donkey.” The child whose answer leads the questioner to think o f the word is next to leave the room. THE NIMBLE COIN The players divide into two equal lines facing each other. Each holds his right hand out, palm up. Each line has a starter at one end and an umpire at the other. The starter holds a coin on the palm o f his hand. A t the word “ Go,” each starter drops his coin on the palm o f the player next to him, and the players pass it on thus until it gets to the umpire at the other end o f the row. The row get ting its coin to the umpire first wins the game. The coin must never touch a player’s fingers but must be kept on the palm o f the hand, and when passed to the next player must be dropped on the palm o f that player’s hand. TABLE GAMES15 THE ALPHABET GAME The players sit at tables, four or more at each table. Two or more sets o f alphabet cards in Braille are placed on each table. A class o f objects is agreed upon, such as flowers. One' player picks up a card and calls out the letter on it. Each o f the other players at the table tries to give the name of a flower beginning with that letter, and the player that first calls out the name of such a flower scores one point. Then the player at the first player’s left picks up a card 16 For descriptions of a number of table games, with illustrations, see “ Games for the Blind Which May Be Played Anywhere,” by Harold Molter, principal of boys department, Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, in Popular Mechanics, Vol. XXV, No. 1 January, 1916, pp. 11-14. Specially constructed chessmen may be bought from the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26 RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN and calls out the letter on it, and the other players try as before to be first in calling out the name of a flower beginning with that letter. When a player scores 20 points he wins the game. The game may be played with partners. When playing with a partner each individual that gains a point gains one for his partner also. A variety o f classes o f objects may be used, such as trees, vege tables, animals, birds, cities, rivers, countries, and famous mei\. ANAGRAMS Several sets o f alphabet cards in Braille are heaped in the center o f a table. The leader names a word, and the other players try to spell out the word with the cards. The player that first succeeds wins. PEG SOLITAIRE (A PUZZLE)1* The board should be 8y2 inches square, ruled as shown in the draw ing to form 33 smaller squares. Spaces can be cut out in the vacant corners to hold unused pegs. A hole is bored in the center o f each square. A peg is fitted in each hole except the center hole. The galne is played by jumping one peg over another into an empty space, until all are off the board except one, which is in .the center hole. When a peg has been jumped over, it is removed from the board, as in checkers. 1 2 3 o o o 4 5 6 Space for pegs 7 8 Space for pegs o o o o O o 9 10 o 11 o 12 o 13 14 o 15 16 o 17 • 18 o 19 o 20 21 22 23 24 O 25 26 27 28 o 29 o 30 31 32 33 o o o o o o o o o o Space for pegs Space for pegs o o o The solution is as follows: Jump, in the order given, from 29 to 17; 26 to 24; 17 to 29; 33 to 25; 12 to 26; 26 to 24; 28 to 30; 31 to 33; 33 to 25; 10 to 12; 25 to 11; 6 to 18; 13 to 11; 27 to 13; 8 to 10; 10 16Many other puzzles are not dependent on sight. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION" FOR OLDER BOYS AN D GIRLS 27 to 12; 13 to 11; 18 to 6; 1 to 9; 16 to 4; 3 to 1; 1 to 9; 6 to 4; 4 to 16; 16 to 28; 21 to 23; 7 to 21; 24 to 22; 21 to 23; 28 to 16; and 15 to 17. THE BRAH M A PU ZZLE The Brahma puzzle consists o f three pegs. On one peg there are \ seven rings—the largest at the bottom and the others in diminishing > sizes, the smallest on top. The puzzle is solved when all the rings 1 have Jbeen removed from the first peg to the third peg without ever \ having had a larger ring resting on a smaller one. I i T IT -T A T -T O E On a board with nine sunken squares “ tit-tat-toe ” can be played. Small pieces o f wood cut in squares or circles can be used as men. The object o f the game for each player is to get three o f his men in a row and to prevent his opponent from doing the same. The winning row may be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. The players place their men in turn until one player has three in a row or all the squares are filled. CHESS A N D CH EC K E R S Chessboards and checkerboards are made for the blind, with the squares either sunken or perforated and with specially constructed places. For perforated boards the pieces have pegs to fit the holes. To distinguish the men o f opposing players the bases o f the pieces are constructed differently, half o f them being square and half round. Schools for the blind participate in checker and in chess tourna ments, playing against other schools for the blind or against ordinary schools. * Blind people, like other people, often play chess by mail. , D O M IN OES \ Special dominoes for the blind are made with small brass tacks s representing the dots. The dominoes interlock, so as to keep the j game from being disarranged. Ordinary dominoes can be used I when a sighted and a blind player play together. When a domino ( tournament is held there should be a seeing referee at each table to j call out the numbers. ] CARDS < Playing cards are manufactured with the faces printed in Braille. ) Blind players should arrange their cards by suit and in order o f } rank, so that they can be played easily and quickly. When none o f | the players can see, the cards o f the different suits may be held | between the fingers (the easiest way for beginners). Solitaire may (be played by reversing the way seeing people play it—having the ( cards in the piles face upward and those removed from the piles face downward. “ Authors ” and other games can be played with cards marked in Braille. A number o f sets o f alphabet cards marked in Braille should be provided; these may be used in several games. (See p. 25.) 10331°—27---- 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 28 RECREATION FOR B LIN D CH ILD REN OTHER T A B L E GAM ES Backgammon, parchesi, lotto, and other games can be played by the blind with special boards. (See p. 25.) GAMES FOR PARTIES C L A P IN A N D C L A P OU T One player is appointed doorkeeper, and the other players are divided equally into two groups. One group leaves the room, and the players who remain are seated in a circle, a vacant seat being left next to each player. A player in the room chooses one o f the group outside, and the doorkeeper calls in that one. As he enters each player in the room offers him a seat. I f he sits by the one who chose him he is allowed to remain in the room; if not, he is “ clapped out,” the players clapping their hands to show that he must go out. Another player then chooses one from the outside group, and the 1 game continues until all are seated. M A R VE LO U S M EM ORY The children divide into two teams. A table is arranged with many articles upon it. Each child feels each o f these articles and tries to remember them and their positions on the table. Then the teacher disarranges the articles. The first player on one team tries to replace the articles in their original positions. I f he is successful his side gains one point. The teacher then moves the articles around again, and another player on the same team tries to replace them. I f any player can not replace the articles in two tries his team is retired,‘ and the other side tries. When 10 has been scored by one team that team wins. W H Y IS IT L IK E M E ? One child goes out o f the room. The others choose some object fin the room, such as a plant. The child that left the room returns and says, “ W hy is it like me ? ” In turn, the players answer with different reasons, such as: “ Because it is tall,” “ Because it is growing.” The child whose answer made the guessing child think o f the object is “ it ” for the next game. GOING T O J E R U S A L E M A row o f chairs is placed in the center of the room, so that they alternate in direction— one chair facing one way, the next the opposite way. There is a chair for every player but one. The players march around the chairs in a single file, while the teacher plays the piano or claps her hands. When the teacher stops the piano or stops clapping all the players scramble for chairs. One will be left without a chair. This player is out o f the game, and he takes a chair away with him. The game starts again, and when the music stops another player will be left without a chair. It is continued until only one chair and two players are left in the game. The one who succeeds in sitting on this chair when the music stops wins the game. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J L / j ) \ I I j ( f \ % RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AN D GIRLS 29 G R O C E R Y S TO R E I The player who is “ it ” thinks of something sold in a grocery store, such as thyme. He starts the game by saying, “ My grand-: father keeps a grocery store and sells something beginning with “ t.” Each child guesses something sold in a grocery store the first letter o f which is “ t,” such as tea or tomatoes. The one who guesses “ thyme ” is “ it ” for the next game. This game may be varied by choosing sides, each with a captain and a goal. When one side guesses the correct article the other side runs toward the goal. Those caught must join the other side. M A G IC To mystify the other players it is necessary that two players know this game. One of them, “ it,” goes out o f the room. The other stays in the room and with the help o f the other players decides upon some object in the room; for example, a certain picture on the wall. Then “ it ” is called back, and the first player begins to question him about the object chosen, thus: “ Is it that book? ” “ N o; it is not that book.” “ Is it that door? ” “ No.” “ Is it that pink dress? ” “ No.” . “ It ” continues to say “ No ” till the questioner says, “ Is it this ch air?” It has been agreed that the word “ th is” is to be used with the object chosen. Therefore “ it ” says “ Yes.” B L A C K M A GIC This is played in the same way as Magic except that it is arranged that the question about the chosen object is to follow a question about some black object, instead o f depending on the words “ this ” and “ that.” F R U IT S One player says, “ I am thinking o f a fruit.” Each o f the other players then asks a question which can be answered by “ Yes ” or “ No,” such as: “ Is it large?” or “ Has it seeds?” The player that guesses the fruit chooses the next fruit. This game may be played with the names o f flowers instead o f fruits. • • |• 'i GU ESSIN G W E IG H TS A tray, on which are placed several different articles which have been previously weighed and the weights noted, is brought into the room. The persons in the room are provided with paper and pencil and are asked to write down what they think the various things weigh. The competitor who most nearly guesses the weight o f the greatest number o f things wins. The following articles may be used: A stone, a pincushion, a cup and saucer, a shoe, a small box, and a poker. This is a good game for older children. P O O R K IT T Y The players are seated in a circle. One is chosen for “ K itty.” K itty goes round on hands and knees to each player and meows Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30 RECREATION FOR B LIN D C H ILD REN three times. The player in front of whom K itty is meowing must pat Kitty on the head three times and at the same time say, “ Poor Kitty, poor Kitty, poor Kitty,” without laughing. I f the player laughs, he must change places with Kitty, and the game goes on. S TA G E CO A CH A story-teller stands in front of a group o f children who are named after the different parts o f a stage coach or an excursion train. (Not only the names of the parts of a stage coach or train may be used, but also anything connected with either.) For instance: I f a stage coach is used, the players may be named the driver, the horse, the wheels, etc. The story-teller begins a story o f the stage coach or train. When a name that has been given a child is said, that child makes a noise showing his role—neighing, or saying “ Whoa ” or “ Giddap.” Whenever the story-teller uses the words “ stage coach ” or the word “ train,” all the players get up and turn around. As the story is about to conclude the story-teller says, “ And that was the end o f the story o f the stage coach.” Then all change places, the story teller seeks a seat, and the one left without a seat must now tell the story. O U R O LD G R A N N Y D O ESN ’ T L IK E T E A The players stand in a straight line, and the teacher stands in front. The players say, “ Our old Granny doesn’t like tea.” The teacher says, “ What will you give her instead?” The teacher taps one child and i f that child does not answer before the teacher counts to five, he must pay a forfeit. He must pay a forfeit also if he answers before the teacher starts counting or i f he says a word that has the letter “ T ” in it. S TR IN G IN G R A C E Each player is provided with a small box o f beads o f different shapes and sizes—the same number o f beads in each box. Each player is given a thread and needle or a shoe lace (depending on the size o f the beads); and at a signal he begins to separate the beads, putting the small ones, the medium-sized ones, and the large ones in separate groups, and then stringing them, keeping the three sizes separate. The player that correctly completes his string first wins. B E A N -A N D -R IC E R A C E A game similar to Stringing Race can be played with beans o f various sizes and rice, the object being to separate the beans from the rice. The player that finishes first wins. M U S IC A L N O TE S Each player has a paper and a pencil, and he numbers 10 spaces on the paper to be filled in. Someone who can play by memory sits at the piano and plays the first few measures o f a well-known tune. Each player' writes on his paper the name o f the tune, leaving a blank if he does not know it. The same is done with the other 9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ I 31 \ RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AN D GIRLS I j tunes the pianist has selected. The player that names the largest number o f tunes correctly wins. SC E N T •j V j I f any o f the players can see they must be blindfolded. The players sit in a circle. Various spices and other things that have a characteristic odor, such as gasoline, cologne, soap, and different vegetables or fruits, are passed around. (These have been placed in containers, so that the players will have only the smell as a clue.) Each player writes down the names o f the articles that he recognizes, The player that has the most complete and correct list wins. For other sense games see page 16. C A P P IN G V E R S E S 1 Each player is supplied with a paper and a Braille slate, and each writes a line o f poetry, either original or from memory. Each one folds his paper so as to conceal what he wrote, except the last word o f the line, which was written on the fold. Each slip is passed on to the next player. This one is to supply the next line, which must rhyme with the last word o f the previous line. Again the slips are passed on, and a new line is written and passed on with the new rhyming word written on the fold. When the papers have gone the round o f the company the slips are unfolded and the verses read out. SCAN DAL y j | ) \ ) / [ One o f the party goes out o f the room. All the others make re marks about him, which are put down on paper by the “ scandalmonger.” When everyone has said something, complimentary or otherwise, the victim is called back into the room and the “ scandalmonger ” begins to read the remarks from his list. I f he reads, “ Someone says you are very lazy,” the unfortunate one has to guess who said this. I f the guess is wrong the “ scandalmonger ” reads another remark and the player again tries to guess who made it. When he has successfully guessed who made a certain remark the player that made it must leave the room, and the game is repeated. H O W DO Y O U L IK E Y O U R N E IG H B O R S ? The leader stands in the middle o f the room, and the others sit in a circle. The leader asks some player the question, “ How do you like your neighbors?” to which he may reply, “ Very m uch” | or “ Not at all.” I f he answers, “ Not at all ” the leader asks him whom he would prefer as neighbors. He chooses two others, who try to change places / with his two objectionable neighbors while the leader tries to get / into one o f their seats before the others can sit down. S I f he says “ Very much,” everyone in the room must change chairs ] at once, the leader trying to get a seat for himself, j The player who fails to get a seat takes the leader’s place and continues the questioning. ) \ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \ 32 RECREATION FOR BLIN D CH ILD REN HOW M AN Y WORDS A M IN U T E ? Two teams, A and B, are formed, and a timekeeper and a scorer appointed. A player from team A then goes out o f the room, and team B chooses a letter o f the alphabet. He is then called in again, and the timekeeper says “ Go.” The letter is told him ; and he has to say as many English words beginning with that letter as he can, the scorer counting one point for each word. A t the end o f a minute time is called, and then the score is counted and read out. A player o f team B then goes out, and so on alternately till every player has had a turn. The scores are then added up, and the side with the largest score wins. Any letter may be chosen except X and Z. M ISSIN G A D JE C T IV E S This game must be prepared beforehand. The teacher takes a paragraph o f 10 to 15 lines from a book and marks all the adjectives used. She then makes a list o f these adjectives, taking care that they are in a different order from the one in which they appear in the paragraph. She provides all the players with Braille slates, and she reads aloud the selected part, pausing wherever an adjective occurs. When the players have written the paragraph, leaving blank spaces for the adjectives, the teacher reads aloud the list o f adjectives, and the play ers write the adjectives in their proper places. Five minutes are allowed for the players to write the words, and then the results are read out. P L E A S E D O R D IS P L E A S E D The children form a circle with a leader in the center. The leader goes to the first child and says, “Are you pleased or displeased?” I f the answer is, “ I am pleased,” the leader passes to the second child and asks the same question o f him. I f the answer is, “ I am dis pleased,” the leader says, “ What shall I do to please you?” The child then asks the leader to have one o f the other children to do something to please him ; for instance: “ Have John stand on a chair and sing ‘ Yankee Doodle,5” or “ Have Jane play on the piano.” The child designated to do a certain action must do it or pay a for feit. After the action has been done the leader passes to the next child, and the game is continued. M A K IN G W O R D S O U T OF W O R D S Each player is given a Braille slate and a paper. A long word, containing 10 or more letters, is written at the top o f each paper. The object o f the game is to get as many words as possible out o f the letters in this word. Each player must, in a given time, such as five minutes, write as many words as he can make o f the letters in this word, not using any letter more than once in a word unless it occurs more than once in the original word. When time is called the player with the greatest number of words reads his list, and the other players check their words as they are called out. The player with the greatest number unlike anyone else’s wins the game. Good words to choose are such as the follow ing: Experimentally, immeasur- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 33 able, mispronunciation, notwithstanding, conscientiously, Constanti nople, enfranchisement. GEOGRAPHY Each player is provided with a Braille slate. A letter o f the alphabet is chosen, and each player writes as many geographical names beginning with this letter as he can remember. A t the end o f three minutes the player with the greatest number o f names on his list reads his words aloud. Any player who has the same name on his list calls out “ Yes,” and crosses it off. When all the lists have been read in turn each player is allowed one point for every word that no other player has. The player having the greatest number o f points wins the game. This game can be varied by limiting the names to a particular geographic feature, such as names o f towns or o f rivers. CHARADES The players divide into two groups. One group goes out o f the room and chooses a word of several syllables. While outside they make plans for acting out by conversation each syllable o f the word and then the whole word. When they come back into the room they hold the conversation they planned, and the other players try to guess the word. Such words may be used as kingdom ” (kingdumb) and “ infancy” (in-fan-see). M EM ORY A number o f different articles are placed on a table. The children feel these articles for two minutes. Then the articles are covered and each child makes a list o f as many o f them as he can remember. The child that lists the greatest number wins. GRAB BAG Several small familiar objects that will not break are put into a bag. Each player puts his hand into the bag and feels the different objects. 9 After the bag has been passed to every player each one writes out the names o f all the objects he can remember. The player with the most complete list wins. U P , J E N K IN S ! The players are divided into two teams, each with a captain. (Each player is captain in turn during successive rounds o f the game.) The teams stand on opposite sides o f a table. Team A passes a quarter or other coin from hand to hand under the table and endeavors to conceal from team B which individual holds it. The leader o f team B calls “ Up, Jenkins!” Then all o f the hands o f team A are brought from under the table and held up toward team B, with palms closed and fingers closed down tightly over the palms, the quarter being in one of the hands. The leader o f team B then commands, > Down, Jenkins!” and the hands o f team A are simultaneously slammed down flat on the table with palms downward, This is done with enough noise to hide the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 34 RECREATION FOR B LIN D CH ILD REN clink o f the coin striking the table. Team B then tries to guess under which hand the coin is laid, and its leader orders off the table each hand supposed not to have it. The captain o f the guessing team, who alone may give these orders (though his players may assist him with suggestions), calls for the lifting o f one specified hand at a time. The player named by him must lift the hand indi cated and must take that hand from the table. I f team B succeeds in eliminating all the empty hands o f team A so that the last hand hides the coin they win the round. I f the coin is disclosed before the last hand is reached team A adds to its score the number o f hands remaining on the table when the coin is discovered. A t the end o f each round the coin goes to the other side. The side having the highest score at the end o f 20 minutes wins. S P ID E R W E B A ball o f string is provided for each guest (a different color for each), and a favor is fastened to the end o f each ball o f string. The string is twisted in and out among trees and shrubs and with the other strings, and the favor is finally hidden somewhere. The strings all start at one place, and each has the name o f a player attached. Each guest on arrival at the party is given his or her string and is told to follow it so as to find the end, where the favor is attached. T H E S H IP A L P H A B E T The players sit in a circle. The child who is “ it ” says to the first player, “ Name a letter.” “A ,” says the first player. The leader then says to the second player, “ Name the ship,” and immediately begins to count to 10. The second player must mention a name for a ship beginning with “A ,” such as “Arbor ” or “ Arlington,” before the leader has finished counting to 10. I f he fails he must pay a for feit. The leader continues with the next player, thus: Leader. “ Name the captain.”—Third player. “ Alfred.” Leader. “ Name the cargo.”—Fourth player. “Apples.” . Leader. “ The place it is bound for.”—Fifth player. “ Alabama.” The leader may ask as many questions as he wishes. When the letter “ B ” is given by the first player, answers begin with the letter “ B ,” and so on. GU ESS W H A T I A M Before the party small paper tags, each bearing the name o f a city typed in Braille, are prepared. The leader pins one o f these tags on the back o f each player without letting the player know what is on his tag. The players read the tags on one another’s backs, and by conversation each tries to find out what he is representing. H A L L O W E E N GAM ES Snapping the apple. Each player is assigned an apple suspended by a string from the top o f a door or a chandelier. The player that first catches the apple with his teeth wins the game. The player must not touch the apple with his hands while he is trying to bite it. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 35 Pumpkin fortune. The letters o f the alphabet are cut in a pumpkin which is placed on a table. The players take turns trying to stab the pumpkin with a hatpin. Each player has three turns. The first letter touched stands for the name o f the future husband or wife o f the player, the second stands for his or her profession, and the third stands for a word describing him or her. Any players that have sight should be blindfolded. MISCELLANEOUS OUTDOOR GAMES LEAPFROG 17 The rules for simple leapfrog are as follows: Any player who bends over to make a back for others to leap over is called the “ back.” He must rest his hands on his knees or near them to make a firm back. It is against the rules for any player making a back to throw up his back or bend it lower while a player is leap ing over it; but each player, before jumping, may say “ High back! ” or “ Low back! ” and the one who is down must adjust his back accordingly before the jumper starts. He then must do his best to keep the back perfectly level and still unless the game calls for a different kind o f play. In some games the “ back” stands with his back toward the jumpers and in others with his side toward them. I f he is to stand on a certain line, he must “ heel i t ” when with his back toward them and stand with one foot on each side o f the line when his side is toward them. The player who leaps must lav his hands flat on the “ back” at the shoulders and not “ knuckle ” ; that is, double under his fingers. Any player transgressing this rule must change places with the “ back.” The “ back” must be cleared without the jumper’s touch ing him with any part o f the body except the hands. Such a touch is called “ spurring,” and the “ back” that is spurred must stand upright before another player jumps over him. The jumper who spurred must change places with the “ back.” I f the “ back” does not stand upright in time, he remains “ back.” When a,leap is made from a starting line or taw the jumper may not put his foot more than half over the line. Good jumpers will land on the toes with knees bent and back upright, not losing the balance. The first player makes a back, standing either with his back or his side toward the one who is to leap over. The next player runs, leaps over the back, runs a few steps forward so as to allow space for a run between himself and the first player, and in his turn stoops over and makes a back. This makes two backs. The third player leaps over the first back, runs and leaps over the second, runs a short distance and makes a third back, and so on until all the players are making backs, when the first one down takes his turn at leaping, and so on indefinitely. This may be made much more difficult by each player moving only a few feet in advance o f the back over which he has leaped, as this will then leave no room for a run between the backs but requires a continuous succession o f leaps by the succeeding players. 17 Bancroft, Jessie: Games for the Playground, Home, School, and Gymnasium, p. 127 (The Macmilan Co., New York, 1918). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36 RECREATION FOR B LIN D CH ILD REN LEAPFROG RACE The players are lined up in two or more single files, as for the simplest form of leapfrog. The first player in each file takes his place on the starting or taw line and makes a back, with his head away from the file. The next player immediately jumps over him and makes a back one pace ahead o f the first player. The third jumps over the backs o f the two and makes a third back, and so on until all are down. Then the first player jumps over all in succession, but steps to one side when he has vaulted over the last back. The others all follow. The line wins which is first reduced to one player in the position o f 44back ” ; in other words, when every player in the line has jumped over the back o f every other player. C O N TIN U O U S LEAPFROG The players form a circle, all facing toward the center. The circle must be large enough to allow ample jumping space between the players. Every player makes a back, except one, who has been se lected to begin the leaping. This one leaps over the back o f each player in the circle. When he gets nearly around, the second player (the first one over whom he jumped) begins to leap around the circle. The game continues, each player going back into stooping position after he has completed the circle. I f a jumper overtakes another the one overtaken must drop out o f the game. The game proceeds until but three players are left. JA C O B A N D R A C H E L A ll the players except two form a circle. The two odd players, “ Jacob” and “ Rachel, are placed in the center. The object o f the game is for Jacob to catch Rachel. Rachel does all she can to avoid being caught. Jacob begins the game by asking, 4Rachel, where art thou ? ” Rachel replies,44Here I am, Jacob,” and immediately tiptoes to some other point in the ring. She may dash from one side o f the ring to the other or resort to any tactics except leaving the ring. Jacob may repeat his question whenever he wishes, and Rachel must answer each time. When Rachel is caught Jacob returns to the ring and Rachel chooses a new 44Jacob,” this time taking the aggressive part and seek ing him with the question,44Where art thou, Jacob ? ” TU G OF W A R A heavy rope is used, 50 feet or more in length. Two captains are chosen. They in turn choose sides. The captains face each other and stand about 5 feet from the center o f the rope. Each side lines up behind its captain. A ll the players grasp the rope, and at a given signal the tug o f war begins. The team which successfully pulls the other team over wins. C A T C H -A N D -P U L L TU G O F W A R The players are divided into two teams. The game is played on a space divided into two parts, one side grass and the other asphalt or Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AN D GIRLS 37 other material. The boundary between the two parts is the dividing line for the teams. The teams stand on opposite sides o f the line. The game starts at a signal. Each player reaches over the line and tries to catch hold o f an opponent by the hand and pull him across the line. Only one player at a time may try to secure a hold on an opponent. A player is not captured until he has been entirely pulled over the line. He must then join his captors in trying to pull his former team mates across the line. The team wins that has the largest number o f players at the end o f a time limit. This game is one o f the best for a large number o f players. TH E K IN G ’ S R U N (E specially fo r boys) Two sides divided as equally as possible in regard to number and strength stand opposite each other at a distance o f 8 or 10 feet. Each side stands with hands securely joined. Each side has a captain who stands at the left end o f the line. The sides take turns as attackers and defenders. The captain o f the first side to attack chooses one player as runner. This player runs with all his might and tries to break through the defenders’ line. I f he succeeds all the defenders who are cut off from the captain’s end o f the line must cross over and join the attackers’ side. I f the attackers’ runner fails, he must join the defenders’ side. The attackers then become defenders, and the game goes on until one captain has lost all his men. This captain is allowed three trials to break through the enemy’s line and redeem his fallen fortunes; but if in three tries he does not succeed his side loses the game. To make the game shorter a rule may be made that de fenders cut off from their own line and runners who fail to break through the defenders’ line are out o f the game. B A T T E R IN G R A M (E specially f o r boys) A ll the players except two join hands in a circle, the “ ram ” being in the center of the circle and another player outside. The ram tries to get out o f the circle by jumping over or rushing under the arms o f the circle players or by breaking through them. The player on the outside helps him in any way he can. I f the ram gets out o f the circle the two circle players who are to blame for his success must take the places o f the ram and the outside player. FOOTBALL Football with considerable adaptation can be played by the blind. The ball is not passed or carried, but only kicked. No goal posts are used and no distance lines, except a “ half-way ” line to show the starting point. The object o f the game is to kick the ball over the goal line o f the opposing team, thus scoring one point. The members o f the opposing team try to prevent the ball from going over their goal line by stopping it with their bodies. W ith the help o f the teacher or referee two teams are formed, as nearly equal in kicking and stopping ability as possible. I f any players have a little sight, they must be allotted fairly to the two teams. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38 RECREATION FOR B L IN D CH ILD REN The referee tosses a coin to decide which team shall have the choice o f goals. The other team is given the ball first. The captain o f this team stands at the center o f the field (indicated by the referee) and kicks the ball toward the other team’s goal line. The defending team is scattered about the field in front o f its goal, hoping to get in the way o f the ball. I f one o f them succeeds in getting hold o f the ball, he at once kicks it back toward the opposing team’s goal, and that team tries to get in the way o f the ball. Two 15-minute or 20-minute halves are played, and the team that has made the highest score at the end o f the second half wins the game. After the first half the teams exchange goals. The team that kicked off at the beginning o f the first half goes on the defensive at the beginning o f the second half, and the other team kicks off. A bell placed inside the ball helps the players to know where it is. SPORT X 18 This game is played with a basket ball. The playing field is a rectangular grass plot surrounded by a cinder path. Two waste baskets or other baskets large enough to hold the ball are used for goals, and these are placed on opposite sides o f the playing field, on the cinder path, close to the edges o f the grass plot. When Sport X is played by girls the circumference o f the grass plot should not be more than 50 yards. (Blue runners) XXXXXXXXXXX O O O O O O O O O O O (Red runners) The players are divided equally into two teams o f 10 or more, which may have distinguishing names, such as the Reds and the Blues. The captain o f each team designates a certain number o f players, such as four, as fielders and the rest as runners. The fielders, who are equal in number, stand in the grass plot, each fielder opposing a fielder o f the other team. The runners o f both teams line up behind their respective goals, awaiting their turns to run. The teams have their innings alternately, and the runners o f each team run in regular order. The runners o f each team should be numbered. 33 This game was originated at Chorley Wood College, England, a school for blind girls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AN D GIRLS 39 The object o f the game is for the runnels to score runs by tagging the opposing goal while the ball is in play. The first runner o f one team (say, the Reds) begins by standing at his own goal, throwing the ball into the grass plot, and running across the grass for the Blues’ goal. The Blue fielders try to get the ball out o f play by putting it in the Reds’ basket. The Red fielders try to help their runner by keeping the ball in play, punching and kicking it about. As long as the ball continues in play the Red runner may continue to score runs. After every run he returns to his own goal without crossing the grass plot. I f the Red runner throws the ball behind him he forfeits his inning. I f he throws the ball out o f bounds in any other direction the Blue team scores three runs. (“ Out o f bounds ” means outside the grass plot.) I f a Red fielder holds the ball, that is, gets it in both his hands, or i f he sends it out o f bounds the ball is out o f play, and the Red runner can not score. I f a Blue fielder sends the ball out o f bounds it is still in play, and the Red runner may score a run. I f a Blue fielder obstructs the passage o f a Red runner or gets in a position which causes the runner to touch him the Blue team is charged with a score o f minus one. When the ball goes out o f play the Red runners can not score any more runs but must give up the ball, and the Blues get their inning. The first Blue runner then throws the ball from his own goal and runs for the Red goal, the Red fielders try to keep the ball in play and the Blue fielders try to get the ball into the Red goal. When every runner has had his turn the score is counted. B EA R . W O LF, A N D SHEEP Two players with partial vision are chosen, one to be the bear and one the wolf, and each has a den. The other players are sheep. A ll the sheep take partners, the totally blind having as partners those with some vision. A t a given signal the sheep run away from the w olf and the bear, who try to catch the sheep in an allotted time, say two minutes. When a pair o f sheep are caught, they are taken by the captor to his den. If, while being chased, the partners let go each other’s hands, they are penalized by being given up to the chaser. When the time isjup a whistle is blown to stop the game, and all the remaining sheep are called back to the fold. A count is then made o f the sheep that are free and o f those in the den o f the bear and o f the wolf. I f the largest number are free, the sheep win. I f the largest number are in the den o f one o f the chasing animals that animal wins. Another bear and wolf are then chosen, partners are changed, and the game is repeated. PARTN ER TREE TAG Partners are chosen as in Bear, W olf, and Sheep, and a certain number o f trees are designated as goals, there being two goals fewer than the number o f couples. A t a given signal all the couples run for goals, only one couple being allowed to take position at each goal. O f the two remaining couples one becomes “ it ” and chases the other. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40 RECREATION FOR B LIN D CH ILD REN The couple being chased runs to some goal which must be then vacated by the couple already there. This couple then is chased. Should the couple that is “ it ” tag the couple being chased the latter becomes “ it,” and the game continues. M ID N IG H T One player is the fox, and the others are sheep. The fox may catch the sheep only at “ midnight.” The game starts with the fox standing in a den marked in one corner o f the playground and the sheep in a sheepfold marked in the corner diagonally Opposite. The fox leaves his den and wanders about the meadow (playground), whereupon all the sheep come out and scatter around, approaching him as closely as they dare. They keep asking him, “ What time is it ? ” and he names any hour he chooses. Should he say “ 3 o’clock ” or “ 11 o’clock ” they are safe; but when he says “ Midnight ” they run for the sheepfold, the fox chasing them. The first sheep caught changes places with the fox, and the game is repeated. When this game is played in a schoolroom only a few children should be sheep. This is a good group game, and it develops alertness. It teaches the children to take risks and to dare. FE N C E T IN CAN A row o f tin cans with strings attached to them are put on top o f a fence. The players stand on one side o f the fence and throw stones or balls at the tin cans, trying to knock them off. A t the same time one or two players stand on the opposite side o f the fence and below it (so as not to get hit), and they pull the strings o f the cans, so that they will make a noise to indicate their position to the player aiming at them. T IN B A L L Two or more players can have good fun kicking a tin ball about in the grass. The noise it makes in the grass indicates to the players where it is. ID E N T IF IC A T IO N One player is “ it,” and he stands in the center. The other players join hands and circle around him until “ i t ” claps his hands three times, whereupon the circle stops moving and the teacher taps one circle player. This player must at once step toward “ it.” “ It ” tries to catch him, and when he succeeds he tries to guess whom he has caught. I f his guess is correct “ it ” and the other player change places* I f not correct “ it ” continues in the center. The player who is called into the circle will try by noiseless stepping and dodg ing to give “ it ” some difficulty in catching him, but when once caught must submit without struggle to examination for identification. Players may try to deceive “ i t ” by bending their knees to seem shorter or by any other ruse. POM POM PULLAWAY This game should be played on a grass field with a gravel driveway in the Center. This arrangement gives boundaries that guide the blind children. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AN D GIRLS 41 A ll the players except one who is “ it ” stand on one side o f the driveway. “ It ” stands in the center o f the driveway and calls: Pom Pom Pullaway! I f you don’t come, I ’ll pull you aw ay! whereupon all the other players must run across the driveway to the grass on the opposite side, and “ i t ” tries to tag as many as possible before they reach the grass. Those tagged by “ it ” join him in trying to catch other players the next time they dash across the driveway. The one originally “ it ” remains the caller throughout the game. “ It ” again calls “ Pom Pom Pullaway,” and all the players not caught must run for their original goal. The players run from one side to the other in this way until all have been caught. The last one to be caught becomes “ it ” for the next game. G Y PSY One player is the “ gypsy ” and the others are her children. The gypsy tells her children to stay home while she is away. While she is gone the children run away and hide. On her return the gypsy tries to find them. The first one found becomes gypsy fof the next game. T H E B O IL E R B U R S T The players stand in a circle, with one in the center, and choose a goal at some distance from the circle. The center player tells a story in which he must use the words, “ The boiler burst.” When these words are said the players must rush for the goal. The one reaching it first becomes story-teller for the next game. B O B O’ L IN K One player is chosen to be “ it ” and the others hide. “ It ” calls out, “ Bob o’ link,” and one o f the other children answers “ Bob o’ link ” three times. “ It ” is given three trials to guess who has answered. I f “ i t ” fails to guess who has answered, that player gets in free. I f he guesses correctly, the player must run for the goal. I f “ i t ” catches him the player is “ i t ” for the next game. S TO O P T A G One player is “ it,” and he chases the others, trying to tag one o f them. A player may escape being tagged by stooping, but may not escape in this way more than three times. After the third time o f stooping the player may resort only to running to escape being tagged. Any player tagged becomes “ it.” I f a large number play there should be several taggers. H E R E W E COME (T R A D E S ) The players divide into two groups, and each group has a goal. The goals are about 20 feet apart. One group chooses a trade, and these players approach the goal o f the other group. When they come to a point about 3 feet from the opposing goal the leader says, “ Here we come.” The leader o f the opposite side replies, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42 RECREATION FOR BLIN D C H ILD REN “ Where from ?” “ California.” “ What’s your trade?” “ Lemon ade.” “ Show us some.” The players then act and talk as though carrying on the trade they have selected. The other group tries to guess what the trade is and the leader calls out the name o f it, such as “ Tailor ” or “ Carpen ter.” I f the guess is correct the acting players turn and run for their goal and the guessing players pursue them. Anyone caught must join the other side. H ID E A N D SEE K Hide and seek can be played in the regular way, the only change being that the players that are hiding call out. Either they may be found or else their hiding place may be guessed by the player who is “ it.” P O IS O N S TIC K A ll the players except two stand in a circle. These two stand in the center and see which one can pull the other over a line indicated on the floor or ground. The player that is pulled over the line must try to catch the other players. Any that he catches must then help him to catch the others. T H E W O L F A N D T H E SH E E P ‘(F or the partially sighted) The “ w olf ” in his den attracts a drove o f “ sheep ” by his growling. One o f the sheep upon seeing the w olf commences to “ baa.” There upon the wolf chases the sheep, and they run to their fold. I f the w olf succeeds in capturing one o f the sheep, that sheep becomes the w olf and the w olf joins the other sheep. OTHER GAM ES The following games, described in Games for the Playground, Home, School, and Gymnasium, by Jessie H. Bancroft, have been successfully played by the blind: Arch Ball, Beetle Goes Round (W hip T ag), “ B ” Game, Recognition, The Minister’s Cat, Forcing the City Gates, Guess Who, Poison Snake, My Lady’s Lap Dog, Nimble Squirrel, Literary Lore, Cat Party, Bargain Counter, Spoon ing, Bear in the Pit, Snail, Catch o f Fish, Japanese Crab Race, Skin the Goat. RELAY RACES Races o f all kinds, when not overdone, are excellent exercise, and they develop competition in a way that no other form o f play does. Races develop alertness and freedom o f motion. Relay races are good for older children, for they develop team spirit, one o f the highest forms o f play. Any kind o f play that makes a child forget himself and play his best for the team helps to bring out the best in him. Nearly all races can be run as relays. It is best to teach the race as run by individuals and afterwards choose teams for a relay race. Every player should understand the principle o f relay racing. Young children should not run relay races. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AN D GIRLS A U TO M O B ILE RELAY 43 R AC E The players form in two or more files with an equal number o f players in the files. They sit dowh on the floor, cross-legged, facing front. The first player in each line is captain. Each captain holds a basketball. At a signal from the teacher he passes the ball back down the line, over the heads o f the players, each player helping to pass the ball. When the ball reaches the last player in line, that player jumps up and runs to the front o f the line, sits down in front o f the captain, and passes the ball over his head as before. This is repeated until every player has run to the front o f the line. The line finishing first wins. C IR C LE R E L A Y R A C E The players form two circles facing outward, with the same num ber in each circle. The players in each circle are numbered, every number in one circle corresponding to a number in the other. At a signal, each one of the two players who are numbered “ 1 ” runs around the circle toward the right and back to place, tagging No. 2, who runs around the circle and tags No. 3, and so on. The circle that finishes first wins. COUPLE B E L A Y RACE The players form two teams, and the members o f each team stand in couples, one couple behind the other. A goal is indicated for each team at a distance in front o f it. A t a signal the first couple in each team run to the goal and back again, and then touch the next couple, who do the same, and so on. The team that finishes first wins. H E E L -A N D -T O E R E L A Y R A C E Two or more files o f players are formed, with a goal in front o f each. A t a signal the first player in each file starts walking as rapidly as possible, placing the heel o f one foot in front o f the toe o f the other foot and touching it. When he reaches the goal he tags it, turns around and walks back the same way, and tags the next in line. This player goes to the goal in the same way and returns to tag the third player. Each player does the same until the leader is again at the head o f the line. The line that finishes first wins. Tightly drawn strings can be stretched from one end o f the room to the other end as a guide for each line. OVERH EAD PA SS B A L L R E L A Y RACE Two or more lines are formed with an equal number of players in the lines. The first player in each line is captain of the line, and he holds a basketball. A t a signal each captain passes the basketball over his head to the next player, and each player in the line passes it over his head till it reaches the last player. He takes the ball, runs to the front of the line with it, and again passes it down the line over the heads of the players. The line whose captain returns first to his original place wins. In other forms o f the pass-ball relay the ball may be passed between the feet or to one side instead o f overhead. 10331°—27 ----- 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 44 RECREATION FOR B LIN D CH ILD REN J U M P , P IG , O V E R TH E S T IL E Two or more lines with an equal number o f players are formed. A t a signal the first player in oach line runs to the referee, who stands at the front o f the room and gives the player a wand or yardstick. Holding it firmly by the ends, the player must put one foot and then the other over the wand. The wand will then, be behind the player. The player returns the wand to the referee, runs back to his line, and tags the next player. This one runs to the referee, takes the wand, and repeats the stunt. The line that finishes first wins. KANGAROO R ELA Y RACE Two or more lines are formed with an equal number o f players. The first player in each line puts a basketball between his knees and jumps like a kangaroo to a given point and back again and then hands the basketball to the next player, who does the same. This continues until every player has had a turn. The line finishing first wins. DUCK RACE The players stand in two files, each file headed by a leader with some sight. Each player holds the waist o f the player in front o f him. At a signal the lines race to a given point. The line that reaches the point first without breaking wins. O B S TA C LE R E L A Y R A C E An obstacle relay race is one in which the players must overcome certain obstacles. For example: Four lines are formed, each with an equal number of players. The first player in each line is given a suit case containing four Indian clubs. A t a signal he runs to the goal, perhaps 50 feet away, opens the suit case, puts the Indian clubs in a pile on the ground, runs back to the line with the empty suit case, and hands it to the next player. This player runs up to the Indian clubs, puts them in the suit case again, and then runs back to the line and hands the bag to the third player, who repeats the stunt. The team finishing first wins. POTATO RACE Four lines are formed with an equal number o f players. A ll face front, the first four players at the starting line. A wastebasket or other receptacle is placed at the starting point for each line. Beyond each basket, at right angles to the starting line, is placed a row o f six potatoes or similar objects about 2 yards apart. A t a signal each player runs to the first potato in his row, picks it up, runs back to his basket with it, puts it in the basket, runs for the next potato and puts it in the basket, and so on until all potatoes are in the basket. The player who first gets all his potatoes into his basket wins. Four other players then race, and the winners o f the heats race against one another. T A G -T H E -W A L L R E L A Y R A C E The players should all be seated in rows, with the same number o f players in the rows. Each row is numbered or named for a color. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER. BOYS AND GIRLS 45 A t a signal the last player in each line runs forward and tags the front wall. As soon as this player is out o f the aisle the others all move backward one seat. This leaves the front seat vacant; and the runner, having touched the wall, returns immediately and takes this vacant front seat. As he sits down he calls the number or color o f his row, which is a signal for the player that is now last in the line to run forward, the line moving backward one place as soon as he is out o f the aisle. He in turn, having touched the wall, takes the vacant front seat. The race is continued in this way until one o f the players that sat originally in the front seats returns to his seat. That player’s row wins. I f this game is played in the schoolroom, only half the rows should run at a time, alternate rows remaining seated. As in all schoolroom games in which there is running, the seated players should be careful to keep their feet under the desks so that the runner will not trip. To avoid confusion, the runner must go down the left-hand aisle and return by the right-hand aisle. S TR ID E RELAY RACE Two or more lines are formed, equal in number. The players face front, standing with their feet apart. The first player o f each line holds a dumb-bell, and at given signal he bends over and passes the dumb-bell between his knees to the player behind him and so on down the line. As soon as the last player receives the dumb-bell, he runs with it to the front o f the line, and passes the dumb-bell as before. The line that finishes first wins. ATHLETIC MEETS Competitive athletic meets and games between classes or other groups are valuable for blind boys and girls. Not only do such con tests create interest in the games and enthusiasm for them but they develop a feeling o f comradeship and of “ being in the game ” that is of great value to the players. Efforts should be made to arrange competitive athletic meets and games between students in the school for the blind and students in ordinary schools. The sense o f being able to compete with seeing boys or girls is of great value in developing self-confidence in the blind. It is also an excellent experience for the seeing pupil to play with the blind. The following rules for athletic meets are extracts from the consti tution, by-laws, and rules o f the National Athletic Association of Schools for the Blind :19 E V E N T S A N D R U L E S F O R B O Y S ’ C H A M P IO N S H IP C ON TEST I. The classification and events for the boys’ contest shall b e : Class A. 140 pounds or ov er: Trials Standing broad jump_________________________________________:____ »_ 2 Hop, step, and jump^.------- ------- ------------------------------------ ---------- ---------2 16-foot rope climb, free style---------------------------------------------------------------1 75-yard dash_____________________________________________ _______ _____ 1 19 The object o f this association, as described in Article II of its constitution and rules, is as follow s: “ This association is organized for the purpose o f creating and maintaining a school spirit in schools for the blind, bringing them into closer touch with one another, arousing the spirit of true sportsmanship, and encouraging the physical development of the pupils in them.” The constitution and by-laws are printed in the Outlook for the Blind [New York], Vol. I ll, No. 1, April, 1909. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 46 RECREATION FOR BLIN D CH ILD REN Class B. 125 pounds or over, and under 140 pounds: Standing broad jump_____________________________ Three consecutive jumps-________________ 16-foot rope climb, free style___________ _________ _____Z Z Z Z L Z Z Z T 60-yard dash______ |_________ Class C. 110 pounds or over, and under 125 pounds : Standing broad jump—____________ ________ Three consecutive jumps______________________ „ 1 ________ 50-yard dash___________________ ______ ~__~_____ Class D. 90 pounds or over, and under 110 poundsT" Standing broad jump________________________________ Basket-ball throw__ _________________________ 45-yard dash____ _______________________ ' __ _ H I” Class E. Under 90 pounds, and over 10 years old Standing broad jump_________________________ ___ 40-yard dash____________________ __________ Trials _ _ 2 2 _ 1 1 _ _ - 2 2 1 _ 2 - 2 1 . 2 - . 1 (Children under 10 may be entered by permission of superintendent.) II. Standing broad jump.— A joist 5 inches wide shall be sunk flush with the ground. The outer edge of this joist shall be called a “ scratch line ” and the measurement of all jumps shall be made from it, at right angles to the nearest break in the ground made by any part of the person of the competitor The measurements shall be read at the joist. In front of the scratch line the ground shall be removed to a depth of 3 and width o f 12 inches outward, and the toes of the competitor may extend over the scratch line, provided he does not break ground in front of the scratch line in making the jump. Each competitor shall have two trials ; the event shall be decided by the best o f the trial jumps by the competitors. The landing pit shall not be lower than the top of joist, and no weights shall be used in making the jump. The feet of the competitor may be placed in any position, but shall leave the ground only once in making an attempt to jump. When the feet are lifted from the ground twice, or two springs are made in making the attempt, it shall count as a trial jump without result. A competitor may rock forward and back lifting the heels and toes alternately from the ground, but may not lift either foot clear of the ground. A fou l jump shall be one where the competitor, in jumping off the “ scratch line, makes a mark on the ground immediately in front of it, and shall count as a trial without result. III. Three consecutive jumps.— The feet of the competitor shall leave the ground only once in making an attempt for each o f the three jumps and no stoppage between jumps shall be allowed. The jump must be on a level place and landing pit shall not be lower than the top of joist. In landing from thè first two jumps the heels must be together. Each competitor shall have two jumps. In all other respects the rules governing the standing broad jump shall govern the three standing broad jumps. P ? J ' ^ s^e.s ~ The track sha11 be level ana the contestant may or may not be guided by wires as used by some schools.20 Eadb runner at the word “ Ready ” shall assume a position for starting and shall start at the crack of a pistol in the hands o f the starter Starting before the pistol is discharged shall be considered as a false start and no account shall be kept o f a record made from such a start At thè second false start the competitor shall be penalized 1 yard, and at the third tinn 191 l j n a device for assisting blind runners is given in “ Recreathe blind> by H- Burritt, in The Playground, Vol. V, No. 2 fifa y, . three-strand twisted wire cable [or clothesline wire] as light as is consistent with strength is stretched breast high between well-guyed end posts 110 yards apart * * * iriiarlar btdds In °ne_ hand a wooden handle attached by a short flexible" chain Tor a .rin® 011 the wire. As he runs the ring slips along, and both the feel and the sound it gives enablehim to hold his course. So far, so g ood : but how to afford a +h lhO—yard mark was not ascertained until we had stretched across fihe track at this Place a fringe made of hammock twine to strike the runner in the face much as the low-bridge indicator does the men standing on top of moving height trains’ This fringe stop, which is entirely satisfactory, covers the two parallel cables of onr running track. Starting as they always do from the same end, bund boys can practice running as much as^they please; but in all real racing one instructor starts a nhir fo f them®with*5a ¡top°w S ch .’^ hlle another instructor, stanling at the 100-yard mark, W e s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AN D GIRLS 47 false start shall be disqualified. The course shall be measured by the judges before the events are run off. The finish of the course shall be represented by a line between two finishing posts, drawn across at right angles at the sides of the track, and 4 feet above such line shall be placed a tape attached at each end to the finishing posts. A finish shall be counted when any part of the winner’s body, except his hands or arms, shall reach the finish line. The order o f finishing for second and third place shall be decided in the same manner. Y. Basket-ball throw.— Contestant stands in a stride position facing direction the ball is to be thrown. The ball must be thrown with both hands from overhead forw ard; contestant must not leave position before measurement is taken. I f any part of the body touches the ground before measurements are taken it shall not be recorded, but counted as a trial. The contestant shall not jump upward in throwing the ball or raise one leg. Each contestant shall have two trials. The measurement shall be made from the inside o f the circling block and direct ly in front of the thrower to the spot where the ball first touched the ground. YI. S ixteen-foot rope climb.— The rope shall be 16 feet, the distance from the floor to pan or beam, and shall be slack. Contestants may climb the rope from either sitting or standing position, using hands alone or hands and feet. The pan or beam must be touched with the hand with sufficient force to cause a sound. The timing of this event must be done by sound and the timers shall have their backs to the contestants. Should there be any contestants who are unable to reach the top, 20 seconds shall be added to the time of the class before average is taken for each contestant that is unable to do so. VII. Hop, step, and jump.— The competitor shall take off from one foot only and shall first land upon the same foot with which he shall have taken off. The reverse foot shall be used for the second landing, and both feet shall be used for the third landing. In all other respects the rules fo r the three con secutive jumps shall govern. VIII. There shall be not less than three contestants entered in each class from each school. Where there are less than three, they shall compete in the class next above the one for which they are qualified. IX . Three copies of the contest records shall be made, one copy to be sent to the executive committee official in charge o f the contest, and one to each of the other two members of the committee. X. The names of all pupils whose age, weight, and sex makes them eligible and who do not enter contest shall be sent to each member o f the executive committee, together with reasons for not entering. X I. The best of all the trials of each boy shall be added and the average found for the class in that event. The average o f the class shall be the record o f the class for that event. This average shall be compared with the averages of the other schools to decide the winner. X II. Each school shall send in its best record in each event. The boy who makes the best individual record of all the schools in any event, shall be given one point; this point shall be added to the score o f the school. EVENTS AND RULES FOR G IR L S ’ C H A M P IO N S H IP C O N TEST I. The classification and events for the girls’ contest shall be: Class A. 125 pounds or over: 75-yard dash. # Standing broad jump. Basket-ball throw. Class B. 110 pounds and under 125 pounds: 60-yard dash. Standing broad jump. Basket-ball throw. Class C. 90 pounds and under 110 pounds: 50-yard dash. Standing broad jump. Class D. Under 90 pounds. 40-yard dash. Standing broad jump. The rules governing the boys’ championship contest shall also govern the girls’ contest. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 48 RECREATION FOR B L IN D CH ILD REN E X T R A C T S FR O M C O N STITU T IO N A rticle X I. E ligible contestants.— Only bona fide students, who are pursuing a course including literary work, are eligible to participate in a contest sanc tioned by this association. A rticle X II. Ineligible contestants.— No pupil shall be eligible to compete in any contest, sanctioned by this association, who is not an amateur accord ing to the ruling o f the American Amateur Athletic Union. Neither shall a pupil be eligible to compete in any contest sanctioned by this association who has been expelled from any school or who left a school on account of mis demeanor, unless reinstated by the executive committee. Postgraduate students and regular salaried employees are ineligible. Any pupil 25 years of age or over is ineligible to compete in any contest sanctioned by this association. E X T R A C T S FR O M B Y -L A W S A rticle V. Contests.— A girls’ contest shall be held annually upon the second Saturday in May. A boys’ contest shall be held annually upon the third Saturday in May. The contest shall include such events as shall be determined by the executive committee. In case o f bad weather the contest shall be held on the next fa ir school day. A rticle VI. Officials for contests.— The officials fo r the contest shall be the superintendent, president, or principal o f the school, and three wholly disin terested persons who are entirely competent and familiar with the use o f the stop watch. A ll timing and measuring shall be done by the three disinterested officials. The time on any event must be taken by three regulation stop watches. Time taken by one or two watches will not be considered. In case all three watches disagree the time o f the middle watch shall be taken. In case two' agree and one disagrees the time o f the agreeing watches shall be taken. I f for any reason only two o f the three watches record the time and they fail to agree, the slower o f the two times shall be taken. The judges shall see that the events are carried out strictly in accordance with the rules and shall so designate on the bottom o f the record sheet. All judges shall be required to familiarize themselves with the rules governing the contest before the contest. A rticle VII. R ecord sheets.— Only athletic records submitted on official record sheets properly signed will be considered by the committee. The record sheet, as furnished by the executive committee, shall be filled out and mailed immediately after the contest to the member o f the committee who shall have that contest in charge. Failure to mail record sheets within 24 hours after the contest renders the records o f the delinquent school void. Such records shall not be considered by the committee. A rticle VIII. Scoring.— Points are to count five, three, and one for the first,, second, and third places, respectively. A rticle IX . Trophies.— A suitable trophy shall be given for each contest to the school scoring the highest number o f points. Trophies shall also be given for each contest to the school scoring the second and third largest number o f points. A rticle X . Ties.— In case o f two contestants tying for first place in an event in any contest, the tying contestants shall each be» credited with four points; the contestants who would have otherwise been second shall be considered third, scoring one point. In case of two contestants tying for second place the contestants shall each score two points, the next contestant in rank being considered fourth. In case o f the two contestants tying for third place each contestant shall score one-half point. I f three or more contestants tie for first place, the total number o f points for that event shall be divided equally among them. (Total number o f points, nine.) I f three or more contestants tie for second place, the total number o f points for second and third places shall be divided equally between tying contestants; I f three or more contestants tie for third place, the point fo r third place shall be divided equally between the tying contestants. A rticle XIV. Annual dues.— The annual dues for each school shall be $4. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AN D GIRLS' 49 OTHER TRACK EVENTS Besides the track-meet events described on pages 45-47 in the ex tracts from the constitution and by-laws of the National Athletic Association for the Schools for the Blind the following events have been found practicable: , Running high jump.— The running high jump can be done by blind athletes if they are exceptionally clever. It is necessary that two players with some sight stand at each jumping standard and call out “ H ere” to indicate the position of the jumping standard before each contestant jumps. Shot put.— The shot put is used at many track meets. Care must be taken to safeguard the spectators and the other contestants when the shot is being put. Hammer throwing and javelin throwing are dangerous and should not be done at track meets for the blind. STU N TS Pupils not participating in the track meet may take part in some stunts. The following have been suggested as suitable: Sack racing.—Usually four or six boys compete. Each boy puts both feet in a potato sack. They stand ready, and at the word “ G o ,r try to get to the goal by jumping or in any other way. Three-legged race.—The contestants stand in couples, each with one leg tied to his partner’s. In each couple one boy has the right leg free, and the other the left. When they run they appear to have three legs instead o f four. A t a signal all run for the finish line. The pair that reaches it first wins. Bandages or handkerchiefs should be used to tie the legs together, as cord cuts and is uncomfortable. Spider race.— Four or five players get down on all fours and at a signal race on their hands and knees to the finish line. Wheelbarrow relay.— One flayer gets down on his hands and knees. His partner stands behind and grasps him at the knees, thus making a “ wheelbarrow.” They then race another similar “ wheel barrow ” to a finish line, about 20 feet from the starting line. The player “ wheeling the barrow ” must hold the player that is the “ barr o w ” above the knees in order to keep his back from sagging and causing it to be strained or injured. Usually this is done only by boys, but it may be done by girls i f they are suitably dressed. Pole battle.— Two boys stand on small packing boxes about 3 feet apart. Each boy takes a pole and tries to knock his opponent off his box without falling off himself. Nailing race.— Each player has a small board, 10 nails, and a, hammer. A t a signal the players begin to hammer the nails into the board. After three minutes the signal to stop is given and the work examined. The player who has hammered in the greatest number o f nails wins. Racing on blocks.—Any number o f players may enter this race, A goal is set for the finish, a short distance away, usually 25 feet. Two wooden blocks about 2 inches by 4 inches by 12 inches are used by each runner. The runner places his feet on his two blocks,, bends over, and by lifting the blocks alternately with his hands ad vances. I f he falls off the blocks he is out o f the race. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50 RECREATION FOR BLIN D CH ILD REN Circus riders.— Several teams are formed. For each team four or more wrestling mats are laid end to end. The players o f each team stand in line, and at a signal the first player of each side takes a position at the starting line, which is at one end o f the four mats. Immediately the next player on each side jumps on the first one’s back, and the race begins. The “ horses ” and the “ riders ” race up the center o f the mats, the riders doing their best to bal ance themselves on the backs o f their horses, and then go back to the starting point. The horse then becomes the rider o f the next player in his team. I f a horse stumbles or a rider loses his balance he must drop out o f the contest. The game continues until all have served as horse and rider. The team having the most players in line when all have had their turns is the winner. GYMNASIUM WORK Floor drills and exercises should be given in the gymnasium as well as exercises on the apparatus. Parallel bars, exercises with weights, rope climbing, tumbling, pyramid building, relay races o f all kinds, and almost all ordinary gymnasium work are possible with blind children. Pyramid building requires complete silence and close attention. It must be done quickly so that those taking part will not get too tired. The strongest boys should be at the bottom of the pyramid. The boy lightest in weight should be on top. Tumbling is excellent exercise. The following varieties o f tum bling may be used: Forward somersaults (varied by placing hands , in different positions), backward somersaults, head stands, double somersaults, hand stands against wall, handsprings, and stunts in volving two persons. The following gymnastic exercises, which should be accompanied by a description by the teacher, o f each animal imitated, will help the children to visualize certain animals and their movements: A N IM A L IM IT A T IO N S Elephants.— The children march in a straight line with bodies bent forward. The hands are clasped, arms hanging down. The arms are swung from side to side in rhythm. The arms represent elephants’ trunks. Rabbits.— The children form a straight line. They hop on all fours like rabbits, keeping time to music. Birds.— The arms are moved lightly up and down to represent the wings o f birds. One child is leader and “ flies ” all around the room, the others following. Kangaroos.—The hands are held bent up to-the chest. Each child leaps from a squatting position. Turkeys.— The arms are stretched down and away from the sides, with fingers spread apart to represent wing feathers. The heads are carried proudly with chins in. Long steps are taken with the foot lifted high at each step. Ducks.— The children form a straight line and bend their knees till they are almost sitting on their heels. The hands are placed on the knees. As they move forward their bodies sway, and the result ing movement is like the waddling o f ducks. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION' FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 51 In the animal imitations variations may be introduced by letting each child be a different animal. A leader called circus manager stands in the center. The circus manager calls out the names o f the animals that he wishes the children to represent. Any child that fails to obey the commands is sent to the “ cage,” which is formed by chairs. VARIOUS RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES2! Roller skating can be done by blind children; and hockey on roller skates can be played with a tin can for a puck. A rink such as the one described on page 64 should be provided. Swimming is a favorite sport. There is a certain freedom about being in the water, as a blind person is in less danger o f bumping into things in water than on land. Some blind persons learn to dive by using a diving chute. The following events have been included in swimming meets for the blind: Race to end o f pool and back again, best form, farthest distance in “ dead man’s float,” fewest strokes used in swimming length o f pool, diving (plain and fancy), special stunts, swimming farthest distance under water, life-saving drill. Fishing is enjoyed by many who are blind. Special mention o f the pleasure o f fishing has been made by several well-known blind men. Rowing can be done by the blind, and it is a genuine pleasure, especially to blind campers. As a rule it is well to have one seeing person accompany each row boat, but on a small lake competent boys or girls, even though they are entirely blind, can row without the aid o f any seeing person. Wrestling is done successfully by the blind, but not boxing. W inter sports can be participated in by the blind under certain conditions. Coasting and tobogganing can be done safely if a track is made in the snow so that the toboggan sled will follow the same path each time. The blind should not coast on public highways nor on any hill where there are trees or other obstructions. Many schools have constructed special toboggan slides on the playground for coasting. These can be flooded with water and frozen or can be packed with snow. It is a good plan to have at least two slides, a small one for the younger children, and a higher and longer one for the older ones. Ice skating can be learned by the blind. Hockey can be played on the ice with a tin can. Scouting.— In many parts o f the country successful scout troops for the blind have been formed. There is nothing in the “ tenderfoot test ” that a blind scout can not do. Blind scouts are able to do practically all that seeing scouts do except pass some o f the tests tor “ Eagles.” They learn through commands instead of imitation. For example, in learning a knot the scouts are told the uses of the knot; then they feel it and are given rope. Directions for tying it are read aloud. A fter going through these steps several times the blind scouts find no difficulty in mastering the different knots. After all the knots have been learned knot-tying games can be played. For example, a Further information on recreational activities for the blind may be obtained from the American Foundation for the Blind, 125 East Forty-sixth Street, New York City. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 52 RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN the scout leader ties different knots, and then a contest is held. Every scout touches each knot and then writes its name and its uses. Buzzers are used for signaling. Several troops have .made radio sets. Bandaging and other forms o f first aid can be learned. As part o f the scouts’ study of nature lectures about birds are given, and bird specimens are given them to feel. They take field trips and learn the songs o f the birds. Tree study is much easier, as the scouts can gather leaves and feel the bark of the trees. The leader reads aloud descriptions o f trees—their height, color, and ■other characteristics. Flowers are studied in the same way. When blind scouts go hiking through the woods the leader holds one end o f the rope and the other hikers hold on to this rope at different points and follow him. It has been found that scouting can do much to emphasize health and sociability. Blind scouts can mingle with other scouts and have a common interest with them in the scout organization, where they «an do practically the same things. The leader o f a troop of Boy Scouts recommends the following games for blind scouts (these games were selected from the Boy Scouts’ handbook): 22 Let ’er Buck, Push O ’ War, Pyramid Building, Cock Fighting, Tilting, Poison, Crab Race, Hand Wrestling, Leap Frog, Shop Windows (handle articles instead o f looking at them), Scout’s Nose, K im ’s Game, Fire-Lighting Race, Horse and Rider, Mumbley-Peg (care must be taken with the knife, but there are as few accidents with the blind as with seeing children), First-Aid Game (this must be adapted), Take the Hat, Swat the Fly, Greek Writing. The following are taken from the Handbook for Scoutmasters:23 Jump the Stick (put a bell on the stick or rope), Tag Bell, Bull in the Ring, Medicine-Ball Relay, Pass Faster, Pull Up, Elbow Wrestling, Take the Trench (hold hands around the goal while the attackers try to break through), You’re It, Pull Him Over, Swat ’em, The Hunter, Pole Fights, H og Tie, Slip the Noose, Blindman’s Buff, Chase the Tail. Blind Camp Fire Girls win honors in their troops much the same as other Camp Fire Girls do. One group camps every summer, doing the cooking and all the other work of the camp. Some of this group, who have partial sight, take great interest in photography. A n other group has made camp-fire manuals in Braille so that each girl has her own. The leader o f the Girl Scout troop at the “ Lighthouse,” the head quarters o f the New York Association for the Blind, wrote the follow ing: Blind girls are just as individual as seeing girls. We had a play last week which our younger girls put together and gave without any outside assistance. The last scene showed a room full of girls doing scout activities. One girl was making a b ed ; another, peeling apples; one, setting a table for six people; .another, hemming a tow el; and another, bandaging an arm. As far as I could see each girl gave as good a performance as any sighted scout I have ever seen. 22 Boy Scouts o f America, the official handbook for boys. Published by the Boy Scouts o f America, New York, 1925. This handbook is now available in Braille. It can be obtained from the Boy Scouts of America, Payne Avenue and East Twenty-fourth ¡Street Cleveland. 28 Handbook for Scoutmasters, a manual of leadership. Published by the Boy Scouts o f America, New York, 1925. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AN D GIRLS 53 All you have to remember in teaching blind girls is that they do not learn by imitation, they learn by commands, by being shown just what we wish them to do. It may take them a little longer to learn and a little longer to complete a given task, but as far as we have been able to tell they can take their place as scouts without having any privileges given them. As for our meetings we follow pretty closely the rules that are laid down for any scout meeting. Our drilling may not be as complicated, but even then we have learned to do rather good marching. We play the prescribed games, all except throwing and catching games. As scouting means to me a spiritual development as well as a physical one, I feel that our girls get as much out of their meetings as any seeing group. Information on the work o f Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Camp Fire Girls may be obtained from the headquarters of these organiza tions. Their addresses are as follows: Boy Scouts of America, 200 Fifth Avenue, New York City; Girl Scouts (In c.), 670 Lexington Avenue, New York City; Camp Fire Girls (In c.), 31 East Seven teenth Street, New York City. Material on nature study may be obtained from the United States Department o f Agriculture, Washington, and from the National Association o f Audubon Societies, 1974 Broadway, New York City. Reading is the one great source o f happiness for most blind people. It is universally accepted as first among the leisure-time activities for the blind. Gardening on a small scale can be done by blind children. (See p. 70.) In one school an effort is made to plant seeds o f many differ ent kinds o f vegetables and flowers as a: part of the school work, so as to give pupils some idea of them. This is a good way for the future housekeeper to learn about vegetables and fruits—how they are grown and at what seasons and what are the approximate costs o f growing. Several schools have window boxes for vegetables and flowers. Pets give great pleasure, and many blind children take care of them. In one o f the schools visited in the course of the Children’s Bureau study the boys raised rabbits, guinea pigs, and chickens; and the girls had dogs, cats, and canaries. Another school had two sheep, as well as rabbits and chickens. Dramatics are a regular part of the year’s program in “many schools. Blind children enjoy acting just as much as other children and do it just as well as many who see. Children in the kinder garten and primary classes find joy in acting out the stories read to them by their teachers. Older boys and girls get pleasure from attending the theater with a seeing friend who explains whatever needs explanation. Seats should be obtained near the front so that the blind person may hear every word. In New York, where there are about 3,500 blind people, special matinees are given for the blind. These are free o f charge and are given on a day other than the regular matinee day. Plays are chosen in which the interest is centered in the dialogue ‘ rather than the scenery or the acting. Sometimes the players put in a few explanatory words as they go along to give the blind audience a better idea o f what is being acted. Before each act begins a description is read o f the stage setting so that the audience can have a Diental picture o f it. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 54 RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN It is said that, the actors enjoy acting before a blind audience, as it shows greater enthusiasm and appreciation than an ordinary audience does. Dancing is both exercise and fun, and it gives the blind poise and self-confidence. The teacher should place the pupils’ feet in the cor rect positions, as well as explaining the steps. I f dancing is done in the gymnasium the floor should have a cement border. The rough ness o f this border warns the dancers that they are near the wall, and they can thus avoid colliding with it. Folk dancing as well as social dancing can be taught the blind. Folk dancing should be done for the pleasure o f the dancers rather than for the entertainment o f an audience. Dressing in national cos tumes suitable to the dances gives blind children pleasure. Descriptions o f many folk dances are given in the books listed on page 72. (See also p. 6.) A t the beginning o f a party or dance marching to music is a good way to “ break the ice.” I f the marchers wish to sing as they march they should be encouraged to do so. When the guests have assembled they should take partners. This may be done by some plan such as the following: The boys line up on one side o f the room and the girls on the other. A t a signal the two lines march toward each other. When the lines are within two paces o f each other another signal is given, and all face front and march in couples. A seeing person leads the march, countermarching and making figures such as circles and curves. A ll should be encouraged and urged to keep step and to walk erect with ease and grace. When a dance is given to which seeing guests are invited the hostess must remember to tell the guests—if they are girls—that they are expected to ask the blind persons to dance. Museum study should be open to the blind. Special opportunity should be given them to handle the objects in museum collections, and to have them explained by an official o f the museum. The Roosevelt collection in New York City has been made available to the blind, and recently more than 500 blind men and women visited this collection on a special night reserved for them. They were allowed to feel the specimens which ex-President Roosevelt brought from Africa, and many other things. A special lecturer gave explanations and answered questions. Many persons have interesting and instructive collections in their own homes which they would be glad to have the blind enjoy i f they knew how much pleasure it would give. Small collections might be borrowed by schools for the blind from time to time. Every school for the blind should provide models o f many things that the children should be familiar with, such as means o f trans portation—boats, railways, automobiles, carriages, airplanes; ani mals, birds, insects, and fish; and famous buildings ana local ones. A school in Vienna has collected models o f churches and other buildings in the city. The children feel these models, and when they go on trips through the city they try to visualize the buildings. Chibs o f all kinds should be encouraged. The “ belonging ” in stinct is a natural one and should be encouraged. The comradeship and good fellowship that result from having a common purpose are invaluable. Debating clubs not only give the club members an op Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RECREATION FOR OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS 55 portunity to become familiar with the pros and cons o f many sub jects but also develop the self-reliance and independence which is the seed o f a blind man’s prosperity. Seeing persons should be invited to join the clubs whenever pos sible. In after-school life the blind are in constant companionship with those who can see; so that the more friendships that are formed, the easier it will be for the blind to take their places in normal soci ety after they leave school. Handicrafts are a great aid to the happiness o f the blind. The distinction between recreational handicrafts and actual industrial work should be understood. Handicrafts that train the hands to coordinate and that give expression to the desire to create are o f value. Many leisure hours may be happily spent knitting, cro cheting, and doing similar work. Kindergarten work is a foundation for other kinds o f handicraft later on. Weaving, basketry, and hammock making can be done by the blind. Many boys have found joy in sloyd work—making toys o f wood. Sloyd work needs careful supervision. In many schools it has been carried on with success» In some schools the boys make little wagons from boxes, using spools or circular wooden disks for wheels; and they make bridges, boathouses, and train tracks, and set up many things, using mechan ical-construction sets. It is advisable to supply children with plenty o f material and to have it at their disposal (not locked up), so that it can be used in free time. Things should be kept in the same places so that the children can find them. In a girls’ school for the blind in England clay modeling and pottery making are a source o f keen enjoyment. The girls are free to go to their modeling in their leisure time as well as during the instruction period. In this school the girls weave fine wool material to make their school dresses and bright braids for trimming the dresses. The principal o f the school said that the students thor oughly enjoyed this form o f self-expression. The following kinds o f handiwork have been suggested: Kinder garten work, basketry, knitting, crocheting (especially rugs), build ing with blocks (see p. 65), toy making, wagon making, bridge build ing, train-track construction, work with mechanical-construction sets, sloyd work, clay modeling, and work in plasticine, pottery, making radio sets, playing with an old alarm clock—taking it to pieces and studying its works, making flowers, costumes, and decorations o f crepe paper. >Special days are enjoyed by blind children, perhaps even more than by children that can see. Halloween, St. Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, and the other holidays, including special school anniversaries, should be celebrated. Looking forward to them and making special preparation for them is often as great a pleasure as the days themselves. Blind children enjoy having decorations at a party and “ dressing up ” in fancy dress. They feel the atmosphere that special decora tions create. On Easter Monday an Easter-egg hunt may be held, as follows: Each egg has the name o f a player, in Braille, pasted on it. The eggs are put in certain places (on the ground, so that they will not Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56 RECREATION FOR BLIN D CH ILD REN be crushed). A string leads to the place where the first egg is “ hidden.” When this egg is found, directions will be found attached to it indicating the place where the next egg is hidden, and so on until all are found. Every child’s birthday should be celebrated in some way. In some large institutions where it is not possible to celebrate each child’s birth day individually it is the custom to have all the birthdays that come in the same month celebrated together. Outdoor excursions, including trips to places o f historic interest, have been found instructive as well as pleasurable. The zoo is o f interest to blind children. They can hear the animals even though they can not see them. A picnic in the woods or by a stream is en joyed by the blind just as it is by others, and when this is combined with nature study it is a double pleasure. The song o f the birds and the many other outdoor sounds are full o f interest for the blind. One totally blind girl said that she would like to spend at least a week with some one who could tell her about nature. She was curious to know the meaning o f the many sounds she heard and to hear a description* o f the lake and the shore line and o f the pond lilies that grew near its edges. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MUSIC AS RECREATION FOR THE B LIN D 24 Music as a profession for the blind, music as an essential branch o f general education and culture, and music as a recreation for those deprived o f pleasures dependent on sight—these are the three aspects o f music which claim the consideration o f those who are concerned with directing the musical activities in the life and education o f the blind. The training o f professional musicians has been one o f the chief concerns o f schools for the blind since their beginnings. Excellent and highly specialized departments o f music have been developed in most o f the institutes for the blind both in this and in foreign coun tries. The satisfactory result of the training offered is testified to by the fact that according to statistics quoted m regard to occupations o f the blind, the number of musicians and teachers o f music is second only to the number of farmers.25 The mistaken belief which was current in the past that because a person was blind he must study music and that if he were given suffi cient instruction he would become a successful musician has given way before the findings o f modern psychology. The present policy of attempting to locate talent and to make opportunity commensurate with ability is an important advance from several points o f view. It saves the unmusical blind person— and there are many— from the discouragement o f trying to compete with talented musicians, either blind or sighted; it saves the music teacher from the wasted effort o f trying to extract high-grade results from low-grade material. There is also this important consequence: Music itself is saved from being an unsuccessful profession for the untalented and may therefore take its rightful place as a satisfying recreation for the amateur. The study o f music as a part of general education has exactly the same value for children without sight as it has for normal chil dren, and educators o f the blind may well copy so far as they are able the modern methods o f music which are being developed in the best public and private schools throughout the country. There is little need for special study o f problems o f blindness in consider ing this aspect o f music. Music developed distinctly as a recreational activity for the blind has received less attention than it deserves. The correlation o f opportunity with talent is one thing ; the correlation o f oppor tunity with desire is, quite another question, but o f equal importance. It is the purpose o f this chapter to review the various phases o f music education, emphasizing the possibilities o f personal satisfac tion and joy for the students throughout. There are three types o f interest in music for talented and un talented alike. There is a personal, emotional reaction to music, a love o f listening or o f self-expression. There is a mechanical 24 By Marion Kappes, department for the blind, Cleveland Public Schools. 26 The Blind, by Harry Best, p. 67. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1919. 57 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58 RECREATION FOR BLIN D CH ILD REN approach, an interest in instruments, in the production o f sound, or in the technique o f performance. There is finally the intellectual curiosity, the wish to analyze, to understand the theoretical basis o f music, to know who the composers were and how they worked. Any small mixed group, either o f children or o f adults, with or with out musical training or ability, will represent these three types o f interest in music. A ll are legitimate and worthy o f attention and education. Music enters largely into the life o f the child o f preschool age. I f he does not see, he will be the more attracted by sounds. He will discriminate instinctively between pleasant and unpleasant sounds; and if he is helped to listen, is given an opportunity to experiment with sounds himself, and is offered more musical than unmusical sounds to which to attend, he will have established before he reaches school a basis o f musical taste and enjoyment. The development o f a sense o f rhythm and pleasure in rhythmical motion goes far in early childhood. Response to rhythm is primi tive, but as soon as control o f personal rhythm is established ar tistic development has begun. Very little children may learn to step to music o f varying tempo, to run and to skip and to play the simple musical games o f the kindergarten. I f blind children are given an opportunity early in life to express purposeful rhythm, they will not establish those “ blindisms ”— crude habits o f repeated motion—which are so hard to break in later life. An eafly develop ment o f a feeling for beauty o f form and motion is the basis for a later appreciation o f form in music and particularly o f the relation between music and movement. From babyhood all children should hear and learn the music o f childhood, the nursery rhymes and songs that are the inheritance o f all o f us. There are delightful collections o f phonograph rec ords known as the “ Bubble B ooks” containing these children’s ditties; moreover, probably every home, whether it has a phono graph or not, has a repertory o f songs—perhaps some o f them from foreign lands—which should be passed on from one generation to the next. Blind children especially should be encouraged to experiment with sounds and instruments. They may have drums and horns and triangles and should be helped to use these with meaning. Madame Montessori has included in her materials some excellent musical apparatus—tone bars and musical bells— which could be used to advantage with quite young children, but there are simple substitutes which may serve when these expensive sets are not available. Music in school or out is rightfully a joyful experience for a child. When the formal study o f music is begun in school joy must not be lost in a zeal for achievement or in an accumulation o f precise knowl edge. The introduction o f eurhythmies into schools for the blind has proved that musical understanding and appreciation can be gained through an experience so vital and so completely personal that it remains a source o f pleasure throughout life, even for those who do not specialize in music. “ Eurhythmies,” to quote Walter Damrosch, “ would let daylight into many a dark torture chamber of the ordi nary teaching o f music, which consists mainly in the practicing o f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis M U SIC AS RECREATION FOR T H E B LIN D t 59 dreary scales and the exclusion o f anything like feeling.15 In eu rhythmies classes the pupils move about the room interpreting with steps and gestures the music which is played, note for note and beat for beat. Quarter notes are walking steps; eighth notes are running steps; a measure o f four beats is indicated by four successive posi tions of the arms similar to those used in conducting; loud music is represented by strength in the b od y; soft music by relaxed posture. Training is given in steadiness, quick response, control, balance, etc. There are also exercises for form and grouping. After the funda mental vocabulary o f motion is familiar it may be used in the impro visation o f rhythms and later in making “ patterns ” o f pieces played, representing their rhythm, form, and shading. These simple inter pretations, growing out of an understanding o f musical form, become essentially original dances, affording the same pleasure that all true dancing should give. The greatest contribution of eurhythmies to the education of the blind is a freeing o f the personality through music and motion, with a consequent re-creation o f powers deadened by blindness. Singing usually holds first place in any school music course. Chorus work is featured in all schools for the blind and occupies a prominent place on every school program. The numbers performed are often of considerable difficulty, and since the parts are usually learned by rote the chorus meetings must necessarily be given over largely to drill. I f then it sometimes happens that the students con sider the chorus period recreational to an extent not warranted by their interest in the music itself, it is probably because they can not have the intellectual stimulation of reading new music which sighted singers enjoy. The singing o f more or less familiar songs in informal meetings is therefore more pleasurable to blind children. Many hymns and patriotic and folk songs, which are naturally learned by rote, ought to be in the repertory o f everv blind child; he will then be able to take part in community sings with sighted singers and will have a stock o f music to use for his own enjoyment. School children ought to*have plenty o f chance to sing for the pure fun o f singing. Perhaps the boys might even be allowed to use their naturally lusty voices in a naturally lusty way once in a while at least without serious damage. It is well to remember that for many children, especially b$ys, performance upon an instrument is less of a strain upon self-con sciousness than is singing. Many a boy can express his emotion on a drum with greater satisfaction than with his voiee. The instruments which the majority o f blind people are given an opportunity to study are the piano and the organ. Many schools do not approve o f teaching the blind to play portable instruments. Whatever may be the arguments against teaching them to play the smaller instruments, such as the violin, the clarinet, and the* cornet, for professional use, there is not a doubt that from the recreational point o f view all o f the arguments are in its favor. These instru ments are cheaper and more possible to own, they are easier to learn, the music is simpler to read and to memorize—being written on one staff instead o f on two or three—the music is more easily played by ear, and the chance for ensemble work with its valuable social 10331°—27- ---- 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60 RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN contacts is greater. Bands and orchestras o f blind and semisighted players have been organized in many places and are performing with much success and giving real pleasure to both members and list%ers. Trie study o f an instrument may well be considered a profitable pastime. There are, o f course, difficulties to be overcome by sheer hard work which is in no sense recreation, but there is a fascinat ing game element in the acquiring of technique. The pleasure which each pupil finds in his music lesson will depend on whether his natu ral interest is emotional, mechanical, or intellectual. The wise teacher will seek a balanced development through a tactful use o f the domi nant interest. Performance on an instrument is not always a source o f enjoy ment to the blind. There are many players both blind and sighted who do not enjoy playing. The reasons for this are various, but in the case o f the blind the teachers bear a greater responsibility. A blind pupil is limited much more than a sighted pupil by what his teacher gives him to play. Many teachers are afraid to let their pupils play dance music or jazz or popular tunes o f any sort. They do not themselves like jazz, they are scornful o f music with a popular appeal, and they do not know how to handle ,the sort o f taste that does like it. Musicians should be big enough to give all music a place in the music world and frank enough in the case o f the blind to recognize that it is not always “ the best,” as the teacher sees it, that is best for the pupil. Many blind young people are missing joy from their music just because they can not play the music o f the day, while their sighted companions can pick up any thing and play it, no matter how strict and high-brow their teacher may be. The blind will get real joy out o f playing if they can play music that they themselves like and that their associates like to hear. And for the most part they do like high-class music. In a stimulating book called “ Creative Music for Children,” 26 Mrs. Satis Coleman describes a successful experiment in music teach ing which has included the making o f simple instruments. For the blind such music work holds interesting possibilities, combining as it does manual with artistic training and appealing to the mechan ical instinct as well as the musical taste. Mrs. Coleman has suggested a rich use o f leisure time employing only the simplest materials. Every blind person should learn to be an appreciative listener. There are many concert opportunities for the blind which would be even more enjoyed by those who attend if they were trained to listen intelligently. Here the phonograph and the radio come to the rescue o f the music teacher, affording as they do a wealth o f material for discussion and comparison and the gradual building up o f standards of taste. In many large cities symphony concerts for children are given for a nominal admission fee. Sometimes in connection with these concerts illustrated talks on music are offered for the benefit o f school children. Theory and harmony are often considered dull necessities o f a musical life, and those who can play what they hear without any apparent effort are regarded with envy and discouragement by their less gifted neighbors. And yet even those of mediocre talent may 26 Creative Music for Children, by Satis N. Coleman. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lincoln School, New York, 1925. M U SIC AS RECREATION FOR T H E B LIN D 61 learn their harmony at the keyboard in a practical, workable way, and may find it a source of great pleasure for leisure hours as well as a time saver in the studying and memorizing o f music. Playing by ear is no longer frowned upon by music teachers; rather it is en couraged and taught and made a basis o f development for both technique and theory. There is no need for theoretical music to be a bore. Even for a child mind o f ordinary keenness there is some thing quite fascinating in the way chords behave. Especially when children can work in groups, a music class is often as much looked forward to as a play period. The reading and writing o f Braille notation is usually the most difficult task in the study o f music. Yet it is a necessary foundation for later independent enjoyment of musical literature. I f the read ing from the beginning is more musical than mechanical, if it results immediately in music, either heard, sung, or played, rather than in a vocabulary o f signs, the learning will be less boresome. I f the writing expresses something heard or to be performed rather than an exercise in symbols, it, too, will seem worth learning. The standards o f the music department of any school will gain rather than suffer if the recreational values o f all musical activities are duly weighed. Let there be every opportunity for hearing music. Let time be found if possible for glee clubs, bands, orchestras, musicstudy clubs, or any form o f recreational music in which the pupils may be interested. A ll residential schools should provide the bovs’ and girls’ sitting rooms with pianos and phonographs which the pupils are free to use as they like. Anything which tends to create a vital interest in and a sincere love for music is worthy a place in any school. The place o f music in the out-of-school life o? the blind child will be determined to a certain extent by what the schools offer, although undoubtedly there are influences in the home and social life of all children which are the perpetual despair o f the school music teachers. The schools will have positive influence over out-of-school music so far as they consider out-of-school conditions and possibilities. The home teachers, the families, the societies for the blind, and other interested organizations share the responsibility in making music a wholesome recreation for the blind. In his home and when he' is alone the blind student of music should have musical resources. A phonograph and a growing collection o f records is within the means of many and is a source o f pride as well as pleasure. Every instrumental pupil should, if possible, own an instrument and keep it in good tune and repair. Making a collection o f instruments, no matter how crude, is an interesting hobby. For those who like to read books about music or whose musical educa tion has advanced to the point where they enjoy reading new music the public libraries offer interesting material. There is a large and valuable collection o f compositions available for those who read New York Point as well as the different forms of Braille.27 scores may be bought from the American Printing House for the F ^ M o r t Avenue Louisville, K y .; the Illinois School for the Blind, Jack sonville, 111. , the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, Watertown, l&fSki*?1 ?*,N Rtl0n^1TJvnsi ltAUte1 for £he. Bli,nd> 224 Great Portland Street, London, w! England , the Royal Blind Asylum, Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh Scotland. They may be borrowed from the State library, Sacramento, Calif.; the State library, Albany, N. Y ; Library of Congress, Washington; the National Library for the Blind, 1800 D Street 1NW., Washington; the New York Public Library. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62 RECREATION FOR BLIN D CH ILD REN A musical education ought to be a social asset to a blind person. Those who take instrumental lessons should be encouraged to play for social gatherings. The music teacher can help them to learn pieces which they can and will play for their friends. There are often opportunities for the blind to take part in ensemble groups, to sing with others, or to play accompaniments--perhaps to play for dances. Occasionally a blind boy will have enough initiative to organize and direct a dance orchestra— to the detriment of his musicianship, possibly, but the advantage o f his independence and popularity. Broadcasting stations frequently give places on their programs to blind performers, and an opportunity is thereby afforded the blind artist to enjoy the experience o f performing for a large audience without the embarrassment of appearing on a stage. There are countless opportunities for the blind to hear good music. Movements are on foot to place a radio set in the home o f every blind person. The number o f free concert tickets which are put at the disposal o f blind persons indicates the desire of managers and clubs to cooperate in putting music within reach of all who need it. In many cities there are free concerts, museum programs, lectures on musical subjects, and the like, which the blind should be informed of and urged to attend. The music-memory contests which are organized and carried on annually in several States may be entered by blind music students to their great pleasure and profit. Committees in charge o f these contests if approached on the subject are usually glad to cooperate in making it possible for blind contestants to compete on equal terms with others. 3 ^ . ,, , , For the benefit o f those who are interested in further study o f music and its possibilities as a recreation, a reference list is appended which includes books and music of recent publication or of particular interest from a popular point o f view. (See pp. 73-74.) The titles of other valuable books for the student and music lover can be ob tained from any library. . . . Many are the questions which are constantly raised in the minds of those who would present music as a recreation for the blind. It is hoped that the present chapter suggests solutions for some o f them. The blind themselves would perhaps answer all these ques tions simply and sufficiently thus: a Music is an essential in our lives. It is art, education, and recreation for us. It is more to us than to those who see but it is not different. W e want unbounded music. We would ask that all avenues o f learning, hearing, and making music be opened to us as they are to others.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis EQUIPMENT FOR PLAYGROUND, PLAYROOM, AND GYMNASIUM28 PLAYGROUND The playground should have plenty o f grass. It should have shade trees, but they should not interfere with the space for running games. Provision should be made for the boundaries required by many games. A cinder path in the grass provides a line that can be distinguished by blind children. Fragrant shrubs such as lilacs, mock oranges, and wisteria should be planted on the playground. A playground for blind children should contain practically the same equipment as playgrounds for seeing children, but special care must be taken to indicate where the apparatus is, in order to prevent accidents. In hot weather apparatus should be in the shade as much as possible. Although apparatus on the playground is desirable, it is wise not to have too much. It will seem more attractive to the children if they must take turns in using it. Swings.— A circular path of fine gravel should be around each swing. The diameter o f this circle should be at least 4 feet greater than the reach o f the swing when it is in full motion, so that if a child keeps outside the circle he will be safe. Most of the injuries caused by SNvings occur to children on the ground, who are hit by the swing when it is in motion. Swings should always be set parallel to the playground fence or to a near-by building. N ote.—Do not use a fence to encircle swing. It is not as safe as a path, for children occasionally fall from the swing and might fall on the fence. Besides, other children might climb on the fence while the swing is in motion and thus be hurt. Slides.— Both the straight and the wavy slides are popular and give freedom o f motion. Flying rings, like swings, should have a path around them. A child swinging far out on these might hit another child playing near by unless there is something to indicate the position of the rings. Seesaws should be low, so that if a child gets off one end the child on the other end will not bump too hard. Sand boxes.— A corner with afternoon shade is the best place for the sand box. I f there are many children that enjoy playing in the sand it is advisable to have several small boxes— one for every four children— rather than one large one. The sand should be changed frequently. An outdoor pavilion with benches and toys should be provided for rainy weather. 28 A list of manufacturers of play equipment may be obtained from the Playground and Recreation Association of America, 315 Fourth Avenue, New York City. 03 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 64 RECREATION FOR B L IN D CH ILD REN Trolley coaster™—Draw taut a stout cable between two elevations, the lower o f which may be about 5 feet from the ground, and the other (which should be at least 100 feet away—better 120) about 5 feet higher, so that a weighted pulley suspended on this cable will roll by gravity from the higher down to the lower end. Let a child be this weight, holding on by both hands to a crossbar handle attached to the pulley and suspended from it. Let him reach the handle from a platform approached by steps. His feet should strike the ground near the lower end and serve as a stop (a very long stiff spiral spring on the cable is a safer stop). By means o f a cord attached to the pulley the child can readily run the trolley coaster back to the next child on the platform awaiting his turn. As any child on a high platform will need to be cautioned against falling, so a blind child will also against letting himself go before grasping with both hands (we have protected ours with a railing). But there is little danger in the case o f blind children, since they are notori ously careful about falling. O f course if this appliance is set up on a hillside the coasting child will be at no time far above the ground. Building logs.— One corner o f the playground should contain 20 or 30 logs about 12 feet long and some old boards, so that the children can build cabins or forts. Play o f this kind not only is good physical exercise but is also a stimulant to the imagination. With such mate rial as this children make up plays and games and make things that give more happiness than the average manufactured toys or equip ment. Tug-of-war rope.—A long stout tug-of-war rope should be a part of the playground equipment. Stilts.— Children can make stilts and spend happy hours walking and racing on them. Open-air roller-skating rink.— A large space o f concrete (about 40 feet by 60 feet) may be set off in an open field or in one corner o f the playground for roller skating. The edges of this concrete rink should be slightly turned up in order to indicate to the skaters where the edge is. Wading pool.™—To make a wading pool excavate a specified area and construct a cement basin, placing at the lowest point a drain that may be opened and closed at will. At the same point bring in a supply water pipe, letting it extend a little higher than the grade line o f the playground. A sand trap is necessary to prevent the clogging o f drain pipes. Such pools are usually circular in form, about 40 or 50 feet across, with water 5 inches deep at the edge and 18 inches deep in the cen ter. The thickness required for the concrete walls depends some what on the climate. In the South the walls need not be more than 4 inches thick; northern climates demand heavier construction and reinforcement. The top o f the side walls should slope outward so that rain and drippings will drain away from the pool. Although considerably used the circular pool is likely to be more expensive than the pool o f straight-line shape because o f the difficulty in mak20 The directions for building and using the trolley coaster were supplied by Mr. Edward E. Allen, director, Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, Watertown, Mass. a° Adapted from Layout and Equipment of Playgrounds, published by the Playground and Recreation Association of America, New York, 1921. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E Q U IP M E N T 65 ing concrete forms. A hexagonal pool with three south faces de veloped with sand court and pergola is suggested as having all the advantages o f th£ semicircle as to shade, with much lower cost of construction. The water should be let out o f the pool every few days and the empty pool permitted to bake in the sun. These pools should be used only for paddling and wading and not for swimming. A fence with a gate should surround a wading pool used by blind children. PLAYROOM FOR LITTLE CHILDREN There should be one real playroom where playthings are kept on open shelves, so that the children are free to come in and play whenever they want to. The playthings should always be kept in the same places, and the other objects in the room should be kept in their accustomed places, too. Toys should be large enough to .be handled. Many toys made by commercial firms are so small and so intricate that they are not suitable for little children. STAIRWAY FOR PLAYROOM The following equipment has been successfully used in indoor playrooms for very young blind children: A small table, circular in shape, approximately 2 feet high and 3 or 4 feet in diameter, covered with white oilcloth. A blind child may practice walking by holding on to the table and walking around it. Small chairs are also useful. A small stairway with a hand rail. This can be used to teach children to go up and down stairs, and it also serves in playing house. A small slide with a mat on the floor for the children to land on. This is also suitable for the outdoor playground. Building blocks.—Blocks made by a carpenter or some pupil that has a knowledge o f tools are much better than the small and perish able blocks usually found in toy shops. W ith good blocks a child can build a house large enough to stand up in. Bean bags.— Every playroom should have at least half a dozen bean bags, about 6 inches square, made from heavy ticking and filled with small beans. Mechanical toys and toys that make music, or any noise, are favorites with blind children. Noah's Ark.—A small child finds great joy in a Noah’s Ark that has wooden animals sufficiently large to be handled and played with. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66 RECREATION EOR BLIN D CH ILD REN Toy animals o f every kind should be in the playroom o f every school for the blind to help the children to gain an idea o f the animals represented. Spools a7bd heads.— Old spools and wooden beads strung on tape make good playthings. GYMNASIUM The gymnasium should be long rather than square, so that there will be sufficient room for races. The floor should be of hardwood surrounded by a cement border 3 or 4 feet wide as a warning o f the nearness o f the walls. This is better than having the floor sloped at the wall, as the cement border permits all the floor space to be used, whereas a curved floor cuts off much valuable space. The following gymnasium equipment has proved satisfactory: Bar stalls, parallel bars, rope ladders, wall pulleys and weights, flying rings (not traveling ones*), jumping standards, “ horse,” hanging ropes, jumping rope, window ladders, punching bags, bas ket balls and other balls, inclines, mats, stationary bicycle, rowing machine. I f the swimming pool is built under the gymnasium care must be taken to have it built sufficiently high so that it will drain easily. Careful attention should be paid both to the filtering system and the heating system. I f the pool is in a separate building it should have a skylight top, which gives far more light and better ventila tion than an ordinary roof. In warm weather the skylight can be rolled back altogether and the pool exposed to the sun. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIX A.— THE PHYSICAL TRAINING OF THE BLIND31 I f physical training is necessary for the complete development of the seeing, how much more important must it be for the blijnd? Shall they be handi capped with feebleness, awkwardness, and helplessness in addition to blind ness? The surroundings of the blind do not favour the development of activity, self-reliance, and independence. Parents and friends find it easier to attend to the wants and requirements of their blind children than to teach them to be self-helpful in the common acts o f everyday life. Among the poor the mother, busy from morning till night, is thankful if her little blind child will sit still and thus keep out of danger. Among the rich a mistaken kindness leads the friends to guard every movement, and prevent physical exertion. As a rule the vitality of the blind is much below the average vitality of seeing persons, and any system of education which does not recognize and try to overcome that defect will be a failure. It is the lack of energy and determination, not the want of sight, that causes so many failures among the blind. Even if a blind person becomes an accomplished scholar, a good musician, a skilled mechanic, who will employ him if he is timid, awkward, and helpless? He must have faith in his own capabilities and be able to inspire confidence in others. There is a prejudice against the employment of the blind in remunera tive positions; and it can only be overcome by giving the blind person a train ing equal to the seeing, with whom he has to compete, and an activity equal to all requirements. By careful examination it will be found that the blind who are leading lives of usefulness are those who have not allowed their blindness to debar them from physical activity. * * * It [physical training] is a source of enjoyment to the blind, but it is a great deal more than that— it is a condition precedent to all education and all success in the teaching of the blind, because, without confidence, courage, and determination to go about freely in the world there is no chance of success for a blind person, and that confidence and courage are given by the play ground and gymnasium. f rom an address made at a meeting of the London Conference o f Workers for the Blind by the late F. J. Campbell, principal of the Royal Normal College for the Blind. Upper Norwood, London, England. 67 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIX B.— RECREATION FOR BLIND CHILDREN32 * * * Through a mistaken idea of kindness blind children are frequently pitied and petted at home and guarded so carefully against any possibility of mishap that they become absolutely dependent and inactive in both mind and body. Too often the relatives and friends of blind children regard them as outside and separated from the ordinary duties, pleasures, and interests of everyday life and do not realize that they crave responsibility, amusement, and recreation just as every human being does. They have, as Sir Arthur Pearson says, “ too much pity for their blindness and not enough sympathy with their human natures.” It seems to be the general opinion of persons working with blind children that they should be treated exactly as other children excepting in cases where there is need for stimulus to keep their bodies and minds in action. In work ing with blind children their tendency to sit down and dream or to wander about aimlessly must be kept constantly in mind, and an attempt made to counteract it by arousing a desire for active games. To encourage the blind child to take part in the normal activities o f child hood is very vital and should be begun in infancy. As soon as a blind child begins to use its hands toys should be given to it, preferably those which make a noise to attract its attention and arouse its mind. A blind child should never sit long in one place alone and unoccupied. When it has to sit still it should be given various-sized balls—some with bells inside— blocks of different shapes, pebbles, animals with a variety o f coverings, such as wool, fur, or hair. Teddy bears, dolls, wooden beads, toys of sweet-scented wood, a harmonica or some other musical toy, or a rocking horse will keep the child occupied and happy. A sand box, provided with pails, shovels, and molds is excellent for these children. Olay as well as sand is invaluable to blind children because of its use in developing the sense o f touch. All small children like to help with the household duties; and while later on they may not consider this play, still blind children will get a great deal of happiness by being useful. They can easily be taught to. prepare veg etables, to wash dishes, to gather fruit, to feed chickens, to knit, to string beads, to wind wool, and these occupations will keep them active and happy and at the same time be of great educative value. Older children will enjoy basketry, reed work, and cord work. The girls can be taught to sew both by hand and on the machine and if provided with self-threading needles can work quite independently. Boys can be taught to be very successful carpenters. Imitative play is a vital part of the education of all children and is espe cially important for blind children for it gives them an opportunity for devel opment through imitation which they do not get as readily as other children. Girls find satisfaction in playing house, school, or store; but boys will demand something more exciting * * *. Such games should be encouraged, and space and “ properties” provided. Blind children need to hear the voices of the people around them and should be talked to as much as possible and questioned as to what they hear or feel so as to learn to take an interest in what is going on around them and to become sensitive to and to interpret correctly a greater variety o f sounds and sensations. Stories either read or told to them will always interest them, and they will enjoy memorizing stories or poetry. They should become familiar with the stories all children love, nursery rhymes, folk and fairy tales of various literatures, Uncle Remus stories by Joel Chandler Harris, Just So stories by Rudyard Kipling, Nonsense Books by Edward Lear, and also books by Sara Cone Bryant, Beatrix Potter, and Lewis Carroll. As they grow older they will become interested in books of adventure, of travel, and o f biography (especially of successful blind people) and will enjoy description more than other children. 32 The Playground [New York], Vol. XIY, No. 9 (December, 1922), pp. 481-488. 68 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIXES 69 Just as all children, they love dramatic play, such as the spontaneous dramatization, either in pantomime form or with impromptu words, o f the stories they hear. Amateur dramatics takes an important part in most schools for the blind. Charades, minstrels, pageants, and simple plays are very popular forms o f recreation, and even the more ambitious productions such as Shakespeare have been presented with remarkable success. * * * * * ' * * Physical training.— The physical well-being of blind children is freauentlv neglected in their homes. They are forbidden to help about the house for tear of their destroying something and are not allowed to play with other children because of the danger of their being hurt, and the result is that thev are underdeveloped through lack of ordinary activities of childhood by which other children are unconsciously developed. Work in the gymnasium will make up somewhat for these disadvantages if the defects of the children are carefully studied and exercises prepared to correct them. It is well o f course to begin with the more simple exercises and drills, but as soon as courage and confidence are developed the children will be able to take almost the same work as seeing persons can. Simple calisthenics and wand drills can be taken by small children, and later they will learn to use Indian clubs, dumb-bells parallel, horizontal, and stall bars, horses, trapezes, climbing ropes and hori zontal ladders. Marching is splendid training for blind children especially if they are taught to keep distances. Wrestling, volley ball, push ball are also favorite activities. Some blind children become excellent bowlers No special device is necessary to make bowling alleys serviceable for the blind A hand rail above the ball rack about 30 inches from the floor and extending to the foul line is a slight aid to bowlers in getting their direction but is not essential. Swimming is an admirable and popular recreation. Some blind children learn to dive by means of a diving chute by Which they learn the right angle to enter the water in order to make a successful dive. There is little a blind person can not do in any kind of diving and swimming. Folk and aesthetic dancing are also taught in many blind schools but is most successful when there are a few children with partial vision. Dancing gives the sightless child confidence in moving about freely and also cultivates poise. Social dancing is very popular and can be made possible even for the totally blind. J Playgrounds.—The degree o f blindness and age at which sight was lost have a. very direct bearing upon the play of the blind child. Children with partial vision and those who did not lose their sight until after they were old enough to learn some children’s games become the teachers o f those who do not see at all. In every group o f blind children there will always be some more energetic and venturesome ones; but some children are naturally very timid and many are made so by unwise restraint, so as a general rule blind children must be provided with good playground apparatus and a sympathetic and ingenious nlav leader before they will play. A successful way o f laying out a playground is to have it surrounded on all sides by shade trees in regular rows. In order to avoid the danger o f the children running against these trees, the playgrounds may be bounded by walks which the moment a blind child sets foot upon them are a warning o f danger. Thus^ it is possible for children to run freely about the playgrounds. This plan is especially practical in a large institution, where it is best to have several playgrounds m order to separate the children into small groups. Pets. It brings great joy to the blind child who must depend upon others for so much help to be given the responsibility o f the care of some pet. Helen Keller tells of the happiness a canary gave h e r; other blind persons take care o f chickens, pigeons, or rabbits. Dogs are always excellent pets for children Games. Circle games with singing and action, hide-and-seek, Roman soldiers (a version of prisoners’ base) blind man’s buff, Red Rover are a few o f the playground^ games which blind children enjoy. Modifications o f other games come about naturally after the children learn to play spontaneously. The nature o f the playgrounds, the number o f children, the proportion o f children with partial vision and their ages, will all have an influence on the games and the adaptations. & earth was a version o f tag used on one playground in which the child who was “ i t ” remained on the sidewalk and tried to catch the^ther Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 70 RECREATION FOR BLIN D CH ILD REN children as they crossed from the grass on one side o f the walk to the other. Blind children enjoy the ordinary amusements such as hiking, automobiling, swimming, rowing, skating, and playing push ball and tug-of-war. Gardening.— Gardening is a splendid occupation for blind children and has been introduced into many blind schools with success. It teaches delicacy of touch, for the little seeds and young shoots must be handled with the utmost gentleness. Gardening also develops neatness, order, accuracy, measurement, and concentration, and affords the only chance for many children who come from congested districts o f cities to obtain knowledge of nature. The ground should first be plowed and fertilized and then be given over to the children, who with some instruction and direction should be able to care for their gardens themselves. The hoeing, raking, leveling, and dividing up into individual plots can be done by the children by means of cord and graduated sticks. A board about 8 inches wide and as long as the rows are to be will simplify the planting. The child can use the board placed so that the ends are against the end stakes as a guide in digging a trench for his seeds. When the seeds for the first row are planted he simply turns the board and plants along the other sid e; in a similar manner the other rows are finished. The children have little difficulty in telling the plants from the weeds (most weeds are prickly to the touch, have smaller leaves and more slender stems), and they are able to keep their gardens cultivated with very little assistance. Athletics —-Football is the most popular game and most successful that is played by blind boys. Two concessions only need to be made them when they are playing with boys with sight. One is that the ball must be put in play on the word, “ pass,” thus enabling them to start at the right moment. The second concession is that goal kicking is abolished. One -game in which five touchdowns were made by blind boys, one after a 40-yard run, shows pretty clearly that these boys can make the game very interesting. Basket ball may also be adapted for the blind by substituting padded barrels for^ baskets and having small sleigh bells sewed on the outside o f the ball, which is passed on the ground from one player to another. This will interest younger boys, but is too far from being real basket ball to. satisfy the older ones. A game resembling baseball is sometimes played by the blind. The diamond is about one-third the regular size. The pitcher must have partial vision. The pitcher is required to throw the ball underhanded and to keep the same rate of speed at all times and to pitch when a signal is given him by the umpire. The batter strikes at every ball pitched and learns not only to hit the balls with an ordinary bat but to hit them on the ground, for blind fielders would be helpless with the ball in the air. Field sports in which blind boys can compete on an equal footing with the seeing boys without concessions being made to them are o f course more interesting and valuable. Competition in athletic sports is almost imperative in schools for the blind for it helps the pupils to forget the handicap under which they labor and it arouses their ambition and encourages self-reliance. Realizing the value of such activity, those interested in the blind organized the National Athletic Association of Schools for the Blind. [See pp. 45-48.] * Sj! * * * * * Entertainments, parties, etc.— An effort should be made to have blind per sons go out as much as possible. Lectures, concerts, theaters, church, and other public gatherings and entertainments at which there is something inter esting to hear and people to meet will be interesting diversions. Blind chil dren either in schools or in their homes should have opportunities to enter tain their friends and to learn to be model hosts and hostesses. Some schools make a point of having a party once a month. Different groups take turns entertaining the rest of the school, and sometimes the whole school will enter tain friends from outside. Musical or dramatic programs may be given, dances or card parties. Special holidays such as Christmas, Fourth o f July, and Halloween may always be celebrated by some sort o f a feature party. A mas querade Halloween party was given at one blind school, and the fact that the masqueraders could not see the grotesque costumes did not seem to detract a bit from the enjoyment. Where there are a few children with partial vision, Maypole dances and figure marching are very successful. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIX C— THE DIVERSIONS OF TWO-SCORE BLIND PEOPLE“ I have felt for a long time that a tabulation of the different diversions blind people have would be helpful both to teachers o f the young blind and to the older people in the world who no longer see. In order to make such a tabu lation I requested in the April (1923) number o f the Ziegler Magazine that its readers should write me what their diversions are. Out o f the 15 000 com puted readers o f the magazine only 42 sent in replies. These replies, though so few in number, are excellent, full, and valuable. They come from all parts o f the country. Most of their writers were institution-trained, active busy citizens; and while a few are still students, a few describe themselves as now laid on the shelf because o f old age, who would be unhappy indeed were they unable to while away their accumulating hours o f leisure. Twenty-eight of the 42 replies are from men, 16 from wom en; 3 are hand written, 3 dictated, 4 in point or Braille, and 33 typewritten— which means that most of those replying are owners of a typewriter. One o f the best letters however, is in point. Haying tabulated and studied the replies, I find that they mention 102 differ ent diversions, that as a rule the men tell o f having twice as many both in number and variety, as the women d o ; that, while they resort more often to the purely passive pastimes, like listening to radio or phonograph, they also indulge far more in the active outdoor sports, like rowing, fishing, and hiking, than the women do. One even enjoys opossum hunting with dogs at night. But in selfentertainment reading, puzzles, solitaire, story writing, etc.— the women stand in some lespects better than the men. One woman finds her greatest relaxation in swimming, as eight men also do. Eight returns, most of them from men, stress the love of nature— the solitude o f the woods with their occasional bird notes, and the music and murmurs o f the leaves and water courses. Strangely enough no one mentions smoking, even as a pastime. In general the diversions oftenest mentioned are the social ones, like cards, dancing, clubs; second in frequency come out-of-door activities, particularly walking with a friend; third, self-entertainment; fourth, the purely passive: fifth, the home occupations—for even a few of the men enjoy housework; sixth the sought entertainment, like concerts or visiting places of interest; seventh’ the social-service pursuits, such as teaching fellow blind people gainful occupa tions and pastimes or entertaining children. The most popular single diversion is reading. * * * * * * * Finally, frequent correspondence with friends, and hosts of them— nationally in the mother tongue, but internationally in Esperanto3i— is stressed as a most delightful and mutually satisfactory pastime, since it brings “ Light in dark ness, hope in despair, and help in need.” The prevailing thought of these two-score writers is that healthful diversions brighten quite the half o f life, and that those who spend their leisure without them are the really blind. tho S ari director of the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School fo r th e Blind, in The Beacon [London], Vol. VIII, No. 83 (November, 1923) » 10 * J nÎ2.riIîati0? concerning Esperanto can be obtained from the Esperanto Association of North America, Pierce Building, Copley Square, Boston. "O “ 71 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIX D.— LIST OF REFERENCES THEORY OF PLAY Atkinson, Robert K .: Play for Children in Institutions. Russell Sage Founda tion, New York, 1923.' 44 pp. Children's Bureau, IT. S. Department of Labor: Play and Recreation. Publi cation No. 92. Washington, 1923. 56 pp. Garrison, Charlotte G .: Permanent Play Materials for Young Children. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1926. 122 pp. Gulick, Luther H alsey: A Philosophy o f Play. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1920. 291 pp. Lee, Joseph: Play in Education. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1923. 500 pp. DESCRIPTIONS OF GAMES Bancroft, Jessie H .: Games for the Playground, Home, School, and Gymnasium, The Macmillan Co., New York, 1918. 463 pp. |g Children’s Bureau* U. S. Department of L a b or: A Brief Manual o f Games for Organized Play Adapted from Standard Sources. Publication No. 113. Washington, 1923. 39 pp. DESCRIPTIONS OF GAMES ESPECIALLY FOR LITTLE CHILDREN Poulsson, E m ilie: Finger Plays. Lothrop (now Lothrop, Lee & Shepard), Boston, 1905. 80 pp. Walker, Gertrude, and Harriet S. Jenks: Songs and Games for Little Ones. Oliver Ditson Co., Boston, 1912. 136 pp. FOLK DANCES AND FOLK GAMES Brown, Florence W ., and Neva L. Boyd: Old English and American Games. Saul Bros., Chicago, 1915. 55 pp. Burchenal, Elizabeth: Dances of the People. G. Schirmer, New York, 1913. 83 pp. Burchenal, E lizabeth: Folk-Dances and Singing Games. G. Schirmer, New York, 1909. 92 pp. Pedersen, Dagny, and Neva X. Boyd: Folk Games of Denmark and Sweden. Saul Bros., Chicago, 1915. 58 pp. Pedersen, Dagny, and Neva L. B oyd : Folk Games and Gymnastic Play. Saul Bros., Chicago, 1914. 43 pp. Spacek, Anna, and Neva L. B oyd : Folk Dances of Bohemia and Moravia. Saul Bros., Chicago, 1917. 45 pp. PLAYGROUNDS Children’ s Bureau, U. S. Department o f Labor: Backyard Playgrounds. Folder No. 2. Washington, 1923. Education, Bureau of, TJ. S. Department o f the In te rio r: Athletic Badge Tests for Boys and Girls, prepared by the Playground and Recreation Association of America. Physical Education Series No. 2. Washington, 1923. 17 pp. ----------------: Preparation of School Grounds for Play Fields and Athletic Events, by Dorothy Hutchinson. Physical Education Series No. 1. Washing ton, 1923. 17 pp. DRAMATICS Hazeltine, A lice I . : Plays for Children. American Library Association, Chi cago, 1921. 116 pp. P layground and Recreation Association of A m erica: Selected List o f Plays and Operettas for Children and Young People. 72 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIXES 73 STORY-TELLING Bryant, Sara Cone: How to Tell Stories to Children. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1905. 260 pp. Bryant, Sara C .: Best Stories to Tell to Children. Houghton Mifflin Co., Bos ton, 1912. 181 pp. Stories to Tell to Children; a selected list with stories and poems for holiday programs. Third edition. Carnegie library, Pittsburgh, 1921. 76 pp. RECREATION FOR THE BLIND Adams, Charles M agee: “ The World and the Blind Man.” Atlantic Monthly [Boston], vol. 134, No. 5 (November, 1924), pp. 595-602. Best, H a rry : The Blind. The Macmillan Co. New York, 1919. 763 pp. Burritt, O. H., Principal Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, Overbrook, Philadelphia: “ Recreation in a School for the Blind.” The Playground, [New York], Yol. Y, No. 2 (May, 1911), pp. 59-69. Campbell, Charles F. F., Superintendent, Ohio State School for the Blind, and M ary Dranga Cam pbell: “ Suggestions for the Blind and Their Friends.” Outlook, for the Blind [Columbus, Ohio], Vol. VII, Not 3 ('October, 1913), pp. 61—64. Cow gill, A lbert G., Principal Teacher, Boys’ School, Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction o f the Blind, Overbrook, Philadelphia: The Story o f the Overbrook Boy Scouts. Reprinted from the Eighty-fourth Annual Report of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction o f the Blind, 1916. 23 pp. Green, S. M., Superintendent, Missouri School for the Blind, St. Louis: “ Training the Blind Pupil for Citizenship.” Twenty-fourth Biennial Conven tion, American Association of Instructors of the Blind, Colorado Springs, Colo., June, 1918, pp. 65-68. H alfpenny, A m y K ., Instructor, Pennsylvania Institution'for the Instruction of the Blind, Overbrook, Philadelphia: “ Helps for the Mother o f a Blind Child.” Outlook for the Blind [Columbus, Ohio], Yol. I l l, No. 1 (April, 1914), pp. 41—46. Lewis, F. Park, President, Board o f Trustees, N.ew York State School for the Blind, Batavia: “ The Blind Child.” Outlook for the Blind (Columbus, Ohio), Vol. X, No. 1 (April, 1916), pp. 5-9. • M olter, Harold, Principal of Boys’ Department, Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind: “ Games for the blind which may be played anywhere.” Popular Mechanics [Chicago], Vol. XXV, No. 1 (Janu ary, 1916), pp. 11-14. Pearson, Sir A rth u r: Victory over Blindness. Geo. H. Doran Co., New York, 1919. 265 pp. Rutherford, Elizabeth, Principal, Kindergarten, Texas School for the Blind, Austin: “ Recreation and Play for Blind Children.” Twenty-sixth Biennial Convention, American Association of Instructors of the Blind, Austin, Tex., June, 1922, pp. 31-35. W oolston, R obert W ., Superintendent, the Illinois, School for the Blind, Jack sonville: “ The Social Education of Blind Children; How can we train them to take their normal places in their home communities?” Twenty-fifth Biennial Convention, American Association of Instructors of the Blind, Overlea, Md., June, 1920, pp. 69-72. CHILDREN’S SONGS Botsford, Florence H udson : Folk Songs of Many Peoples. The Woman’s Press, New York, 1921. In 2 volumes: Vol. I, 235 p p ; Vol. II, 464 pp. Cheatham, K it t y : A Nursery Garland. G. Schirmer, New York. 1917. 117 pp. Davison, Archibald T., and Thomas W hitney Surette: 140 Folk-Tunes. Con cord Series Not. 7. The Boston Music Co., Boston, 1921. 154 pp. Elliott, J. W .: Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs. McLoughlin Bros. (In c.), New York, 1870. 110 pp. Farnsworth, Charles H., and Cecil J. Sharp: Folk-Songs, Chanteys, and Sing ing Games. H. W. Gray Co., New York, 1916. I l l pp. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 74 RECREATION FOE BLIN D CH ILD REN Mayhew, Ralph, and Burges Johnson: The Bubble Books (14 volumes, 14-15 pages each) with phonograph records by Columbia Graphophone Co. Harper & Bros., New York, 1917-22. Sharp, Cecil J . : Nursery Songs from the Appalachian Mountains. Novello & Co. (Ltd.), London, England, 1921. 34 pp. Shaw, Edna: Songs to Sing. Simcoe Publishing Co., Buffalo, N. Y., 1922. 24 pp. Smith, Eleanor, Charles H. Farnsworth, and C. A. Fullerton: Children’s Hymnal. American Book Co., New York, 1918. 284 pp. Twice 55 Community Songs. C. C. Birchard Co., Boston. No. 1 : The Brown Book (1919). 62 pp. No. 2 : The Green Book (1923). 176 pp. Wier, Albert E.: Songs the Children Love to Sing. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1916. 256 pp. CHILDREN’S BOOKS ON MUSIC Brower, H arriette: Story-Lives of Master Musicians. Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York, 1922.- 371 pp. Cather, Katherine Dunlap: Pan and His Pipes. Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J., 1916. 83 pp. Chapin, Anna A lice: The Heart o f Music. Dodd, Mead & Oo., New York, 1906. 299 pp. Faulkner, Anne Shaw: What W e Hear in Music. Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J., 1913. 398 pp. Lillie, Lucy C.: The Story o f Music and Musicians for Young Readers. Harper & Bros., New York, 1886. 245 pp. Mason, Daniel Gregory: A Guide to Music for Beginners and Others. The Baker & Taylor Co., New York, 1910. 243 pp. Scholes, Percy A .: The Book o f the Great Musicians. Oxford University Press, London and New, York, 1920. 124 pp. Tapper, Thomas: First Studies in Music Biography. Theodore Presser Co., Philadelphia, 1900. 316 pp. W hitcom b, Ida Prentice: Young People’s Story o f Music. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1908. 400 pp. BOOKS FOR MUSIC TEACHERS Coleman, Satis N .: Creative Music for Children. Lincoln School, New York, 1925. 220 pp. Jaques-Dalcroze, E m ile: Rhythm, Music and Education (translated from the French). G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1921. 366 pp. Pennington, J o: The Importance of Being Rhythmic. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1925. 142 pp. Schauffler, Robert Haven : The Musical Amateur. Houghton Mifflin Co., Bos ton, 1911. 261 pp. Scholes, P ercy A .: The Listener’s Guide to Music. Oxford University Press, London and New York, 1919. 106 pp. Seymour, H arriet A .: What Music Can Do for You. Harper & Bros., New York, 1920. 215 pp. Spaeth, Sigm und: -The Common Sense of Music. Boni & Liveright, New York, 1924. 375 pp. Stanford, Charles V illiers, and Cecil F orsyth : History o f Music. The Mac millan Co., New York, 1916. 384 pp. Stone, Kathryn E.: Music Appreciation Taught by Means o f the Phonograph. Scott Foresman & Co., Chicago, 1922. 175 pp. V ictor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J.: Music Appreciation for Little Children. 1920. 175 pp. ----------------: Music Appreciation with the Victrola for Children. 1923. 288 pp. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX Alphabet Game, the______________ Anagrams_____ ________________ H ill Animal Imitations_______1.111111111111111” Animal Noises. Animal Noises_________________ Animal, Vegetable, or MineraLI.IIIIIIIIIII Appendixes____________________________ Athletic meets_______ _________ Automobile Relay Race____ 11.. ” ” 1.1’ *' Bake Your Pies______________ _____ Battering Ram_______________ Bean ana Rice Race__________*111 Bean-Bag Basket____________________ H” Bean-Bag Pass_________________ _____ "I Bean-Bag Spelling______________ ZIZ Bear,WoIfj and Sheep________________ III Beast, Bird, or Fish___________•_______ Belled Cat, the_______________________ Black Magic__ .11111111111111111 Bob o’ Link;__________________________ II Boiler Burst,,the_______________________I Bouncing Ball___________________ IIIIIII Bowling. Tenpins or Bowling Team Bowling. Boy Scouts. Scouting. Brahma Puzzle, the_____________________ Building logs_____________________ IIII” Buzz_____________________ Caii Baii....................................... mum Camp Fire Girls, Scouting. Capping Verses________________________ Cards_______________________________ I Cat and Dog___________ *_______________ Catch-and-PullTugof War.____________ I Character Game_______________________ Charades________________________ _____ Checkers. Chess and Checkers. Chess and Checkers____________________ Circle Jump the Shot__________________ Circle Relay Race_______________________ Circle Tenpins_________________________ Circus Riders__________________________ Clap In and Clap Out___________ ______ Clock Game___________________________ Clothespin Race__________ . Club Ball............................................m i l l l Clubs_________________________________ Couple Relay Race__________________ HI Crab_____________________________ ____ Dancing______________________________ Folk dancing. Dillar, Dollar__________________________ Direction Game_________________ ______ Dog and Bones___________________ _____ Dominoes_____________________________ Dramatics_____________ _____..I ______ I Drop and Guess_______ ......................... . Drop the Bean Bag..... ............................... . Duck Race____________________________ Easter-egg hunt............. .......................... . Echo______ _____________________ _____ Entertainments, parties, etc____ 1111111111 Parties, games for. Equipment for playground, playroom, and gymnasium__________________________ Esperanto, correspondence in____________ Exchange__________________ ________ Farmyard, the__________________ I..I Fence Tin Can___________ ______ ..H U . Fishing_________________________ m i n i Flying ring?___________ ____ ..111.11111 Folk dancing___________________ Football. . . ____________________ m m - Seealso See See See See Seealso Seealso 10331°— 27----- 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Page 25 26 50 13 14 67 45 43 8 37 30 23 24 24 39 18 11 29 41 41 8 27 64 17 8 31 27 21 36 14 33 27 21 43 10 50 28 10 24 22 54 43 12 54 19 11 9 27 53 15 9 44 55 7 70 63 71 21 7 40 51 63 6 37 Page Forfeits......... .....! ___________ 14 Fruit Basket........;___ I____ ""I"..........* ~ 21 Fruits____________________ i m m i m * 29 Gardening________1111111111111111111111111 53,70 Geography____________ 1111111111111111 33 Geography C h a in ..m _ .m m iI I I I I im iI I I 17 Girl Scouts. Scouting. Going to Jerusalem___________ 28 Grab Bag___________________ IHH 33 Grandfather’s Garden_______ II. I 16 Grandfather’s T ru n k ................. HH 16 Grocery Store_________________IIIIIIIH 29 Grunt, Piggy, Grunt________ * "" 20 Guess What I Am _______________ 34 Guessing Game_________________HUH I 20 Guessing Weights____________ 1—111111*11 29 Gymnasium (equipment)________ HIIII ”' 66 Gymnasium work_____________ _ I 50 G ypsy_____________ ________ _______ 41 Halloween games____________________ 34 Handicrafts_____________ ZIIIZIZZ 55 Heel and Toe Relay Race___________111111” 43 Here We Come (Trades)_________I ...I I I I I I 41 Hickory Dickory Dock___________ 8 H ide_____________________________HU 21 Hide and Seek_______________ 42 Hide the Ball____ _______________ HI 19 Hot B all__________________________ IIIIIII 19 How D o You Like I t ? ___________ IIIIIIIII 25 How D o You Like Your Neighbors?HHIim 31 How Many Words a M inute?_________ HH 32 Huckle, Huckle, Bean Stalk_________ 13 Ice skating. Winter sports. Identification____________________________ 40 Imaginary H id in g ____________IIIIIIIIHHI 23 Imitation, games of_______________ IIIIIIIII 4 Animal Imitations. Indoor games, miscellaneous (for little chil dren)________,______________________ 9 Indoor games, miscellaneous (foHoider boys and girls)______________________________ 13 Indoor Shuffleboard______________ IIII 23 Jacob and R achel.____________ III” I 36 Jump, Pig, over the Stile..................... IIIIIII 44 Kangaroo Relay Race___________ HI 44 Keep off the Earth___________________ IIIH 69 Kingand Courtiers______________ IIHH IIII 14 King’s Run, th e____________________ HI 37 Leapfrog_____________________ IIIIIIIIIIIII 35 Leapfrog, continuous_________________ IIII” 36 Leapfrog R ace_______________________ IIIII 36 Leg of Mutton__________________ II.IIIIIII 15 Little Ball, Pass Along________________ IIII 7 Little children, games and play for________ I 4 Little Miss M ullet______________________ I 6 Location____________________________H 10 M agic____________ i_________________ IIIII 29 Making Words out of W ord s.IIIIIIIIIim i' 32 Marvelous Memory______________________ 28 M emory_____________________ I_________ H 33 M idnight 40 Missing Adjectives_________________ HHH 32 Models. Museum study. Moving Alphabet______,__________________ 20 Museum stu d y_________________________II 54 Music (game)__________________________ II 17 Music as recreation for the blind__________ 57 Musical Ball_____________________________ 20 Musical Notes__________________________ I 30 Nailing Race_____________________________ 49 Nature study. Scouting Outdoor excursions. Nimble Coin, th e________________________ 25 See mil See Seealso __________ minim See See and 75 76 Obstacle Belay Bace____________________ Old Witch_____________________________ Older boys and girls, recreation for________ Our Old Granny Doesn’t Like Tea----------Outdoor excursions_______________ ____ . . Ourdoor games, miscellaneous (for little chil- IN D EX Page 44 12 13 30 56 11 Outdoor games, miscellaneous (for older boys and girls)---------------------------------------- — 35 43 Overhead Pass Ball Belay Bace---------------28 Parties, games for----------------------------------39 Partner Tree Tag----------------- ------- --------63 Pavilion, outdoor------------------------26 Peg Solitaire (a puzzle)-------- ------------------P ets________________________ ------ 53.69 17 Phonics Game-------------------------------------15 Pinning the Tail on the Donkey--------------63.69 Playground (equipment)--------------------—65 Playroom for little children (equipment) — 4 Pleasantville----------,--------- .----------- ------- Pleased or Displeased__________________ — 32 17 Points of the Compass__________________ 42 Poison Stick______________ — 49 Pole Battle____________________________ 40 Pom Pom Pullaway__________________— 29 Poor Kitty__________________ t 18 Postman______________________________ 44 Potato Race___________________________ 15 Prince of Paris-------------------------------------35 Pumpkin Fortune-------- -----------------------26 Puzzles................................................ —----49 Racing on Blocks----------------------------------18 Railroad__________________ ___________ 53,68 Reading______________________________ 23 Red and Black_________________________ 72 References, list o i----------------------------------42 Relay races----------------------------- ------------6 Rhythm games and folk games and dances.. 10 Roll Ball--------------------------------------------51 Rollerskating_________________________ 64 Roller-skating rink, open-air-------------------51 Rowing----------------------- -----------................ 49 Sack Race------------- -------------- --------------63 Sand boxes ___________________ — —----6 Sandman, the---------------------------------31 Scandal____________ _____ ____________ 31 Scent____________ ____________________ 18 School_____________________ ___________ 51 Scouting_______________ - .................... ...... 63 Seesaws___________ ____ ___ ______ Sense games------------------------- --------------- 16,31 34 Ship Alphabet, the---- --------------------------21 Slap Tag........................................................ 63 Slides_________________________________ 16 Smell_________________________________ 34 Snapping the Apple------------------------------ Page 17 Sounds_______________________________ 55 Special days----------------- ------ ----------------19 Spelling Game--------------- ------ ---------------24 Spelling Match__________________ :-------49 Spider Bace____________________________ 34 Spider Web_________________ ______ ___ 38 Sport X _______________________________ 10 Squirrel and Nut-------------------------------- — 10,30 Stage Coach___________________________ 65 Stairway for playroom (illustration)---------11 Statues_______________________________ 16 Steps_________________________________ 64 Stilts__________________ - ------ -------------41 Stoop Tag-------- ---------------------------------45 Stride Relay Bace--------------------------------30 Stringing Race----------------------------- ------49 Stunts______________ s----------- ------ --------51 Swimming.— -------------- ---------------- ;-----66 Swimming pool.------------------------ ----------63 Swings__________ — ------------ --------------25 Table games.......................................... ....... 44 Tag-the-Wall Relay Bace..... ..................... ... 11 Tap the Rabbit------- .----------------------------8 Tapping Game________________________ 22 Team Bowling---------------------------- ---------22 Tenpins or Bowling-------- — ............ .......... Team Bowling. 49 Three-Legged Race____________ ________ 14 Time_________________________________ 40 Tin Ball................... - ................................... _____ — i___ 27 Tobogganing” ~See Winter sports. 11 Tommy Tiddler’s Ground------- — ---------16 Touch____________________ ____ —-----— Track athletics. Athletic meets. Trades. Here We Come Imitation, games of. 64 Trolley coaster--------------------------------------Tug of War--------------------- ------ :-------— .36,64 Catch-and-Pull Tug of War 33 Up, Jenkins 1-------- ------- -----------------------51 Various recreational activités-------------------64 Wading pool----------------------------- ----------18 W eathercock------------------------------------}— 24 What Will You Bring?................................. 49 Wheelbarrow Race--------------------------------9 Who Am I?-----------------------------------------9 Who Has Gone from the Ring?.................... 9 Who Is Knocking at My Door?................... 28 Why Is It like Me?----------- ----------- --------51 Winter sports---------------------------------------42 Wolf and the Sheep, the.................. ........... 20 Wolf, Man, or Gun--------------------------------17 Word Game__________________ ________ 51 Wrestling...______________ ____________ 13 Yes or No------------------- ------------------------- Seealso See See Seealso o Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and I